
REFERENCES:!ot"g/OA!Resolut"os/res#$%&/part''. Field Voting re)ers to the co*uct o) vot"g )or a l"m"te* per"o* o) t"me outs"*e the +ost "places abroa* where ,el* reg"strat"os were co*ucte* or " such areas overseas as ma- beauthor".e* b- the Comm"ss"o./. Application for Registration/Certifcation As OverseasVoter (OVF No. 1 0 re)ers to the)orm prescr"be* b- the Comm"ss"o to be use* b- a overseas voter " appl-"g e"ther )or:'. reg"strat"o as a overseas voter ") he "s ot -et a reg"stere* voter u*er Republ"c ActNo. $'$#1 otherw"se 2ow as 3The Voters Registration Act of 199645 or/. cert",cat"o as overseas voter ") he "s alrea*- reg"stere* u*er the sa"* Act5&. Overseas Voter 0 re)ers to a c"t".e o) the +h"l"pp"es who "s 6ual",e* to reg"ster a* voteu*er the Overseas !ot"g Act o) /77& as ame*e*1 ot otherw"se *"s6ual",e* b- law1 who "sabroa* o the *a- o) the elect"os.%. Overseas Voting re)ers to the process b- wh"ch 6ual",e* c"t".es o) the +h"l"pp"es abroa*e8erc"se the"r r"ght to vote.9. Overseas Voting Certifcate of Canvass 0 re)ers to a *ocumet show"g the *ate o) theelect"o1 the coutr- " wh"ch "t "s hel*1 the umber o) overseas voters 6ual",e* to vote1 theumber o) overseas voters who actuall- vote* a* the total votes obta"e* b- each ca*"*ate" a coutr-.:. Personal Voting a mo*e o) vot"g where the overseas voters persoall- appear to cast the"rvotes at the +osts or such other vot"g areas *es"gate* b- the Comm"ss"o.;. Postal Voting - a mo*e o) vot"g where ma"l"g pac2ets1cota""g the ohereupo1 the voters e"ther ma"l or persoall- *el"ver the"r accompl"she*ballots to the +ost.$. Registered Overseas Voter re)ers to oe whose appl"cat"o )or reg"strat"o or )orcert",cat"o as overseas voter has bee approve* b- the Res"*et Elect"o Reg"strat"o ?oar*u*er the Overseas !ot"g Act o) /77& as ame*e*.#. ART. 3. Requirements to become an overseas voter. 0 All 6ual",e* F"l"p"o c"t".es whoare ot reg"stere* as a voter u*erRepubl"c Act No.$'$#1 otherw"se 2ow as 3The VotersRegistration Act of 1996, shall ,le a appl"cat"o )or reg"strat"o wh"le those who are alrea*-reg"stere* as a voter u*er the sa"* Act shall ,le a appl"cat"o )or cert",cat"o.'7. @both cases1 ol- thosewhoseappl"cat"os )or reg"strat"o or cert",cat"o have beeapprove*1 shall beallowe*tovote )or +res"*et1 !"ce=+res"*et1 Seators a*+art-=L"stRepresetat"ves as well as " all at"oal re)ere*a a* pleb"sc"tes.ART. 4. Publication and posting of notice of registration and election. 0 At least s"8 A:B moths be)ore the start o) the ,l"g o) appl"cat"o )or reg"strat"o1 the Comm"ss"o shall1 through the +h"l"pp"eembass"es1 cosulates a* other )ore"g serv"ce establ"shmets1 publ"sh oce " a ewspaper o) geeral c"rculat"o1 or " local F"l"p"o ewspapers o) w"*e c"rculat"o1 " coutr"es w"th ot less tha Cwet-=,ve thousa* A/91777B F"l"p"os1 the *ate1 place a* t"me o) the hol*"g o) a regular or spec"al at"oal elect"os a* the re6u"remets )or the part"c"pat"o o) 6ual",e* F"l"p"o c"t".es abroa*.a**"t"o1 the Comm"ss"o a* the DFA shall post the sa"* ot"ce o) reg"strat"o a* elect"o " the"r respect"ve webs"tes.ART. 18. Wo ma! register. " All c"t".es o) the +h"l"pp"es1 who are abroa* or w"ll be abroa* *ur"gthe th"rt- A&7B=*a- vot"g per"o*1 at least e"ghtee A'$B -ears o) age o the *a- o) the elect"os a*ot otherw"se *"s6ual",e* b- law1 ma- reg"ster.ART. 1#. Wo ma! not register. " Che )ollow"g shall be *"s6ual",e* )rom reg"ster"g:'. Chose who have lost the"r F"l"p"o c"t".esh"p " accor*ace w"th +h"l"pp"e laws5/. Chose who have e8pressl- reouce* the"r +h"l"pp"e c"t".esh"p or who have ple*ge*alleg"ace to a )ore"g coutr-5 e8cept *ual c"t".es as re)erre* to u*er Republ"c Act No. #//91otherw"se 2ow as the C"t".esh"p Retet"o a* Reac6u"s"t"o Act o) /77&5&. Chose who have comm"tte* a* are cov"cte* " a ,al Eu*gmet b- a court or tr"bual o) aoFese pu"shable b- "mpr"somet o) ot less tha oe A'B -ear1 such *"sab"l"t- ot hav"gbee remove* b- plear- par*o or amest-5 +rov"*e*1 however1 Chat a- perso *"s6ual",e*to reg"ster u*er th"s subsect"o shall automat"call- ac6u"re the r"ght to vote upo e8p"rat"oo) ,ve A9B -ears a)ter serv"ce o) setece5%. A- c"t".e o) the +h"l"pp"es abroa* prev"ousl- *eclare* "sae or "competet b- competetauthor"t- " the +h"l"pp"es or abroa*1 as ver",e* b- the +h"l"pp"e embass"es1 cosulates orFore"gServ"ceestabl"shmets cocere*1 ulesssuchcompetet author"t-subse6uetl-cert",es that such perso "s o loger "sae or "competet.ART. $%. Were to &le application for registration'certi&cation. " O!F No. ' ma- be ,le* at a-+ost abroa* or at *es"gate* reg"strat"o ceters outs"*e the post or " the +h"l"pp"es as approve* b-the Comm"ss"o.ART. $1. Requirements for &ling of applications for registration' certi&cation. " Ever-appl"cat shall accompl"sh ()* +o.1a* subm"t the )ollow"g:'. !al"*+h"l"pp"epassport toestabl"shh"s "*et"t-. @theabseceo) aval"*passport1 acert",cat"oo) theDFAthat "t hasrev"ewe*theappropr"ate*ocumetssubm"tte*b-theappl"cat a* )ou* them su
