P■ NW 报告编号 (Repσ t ID):Eo4133015819D-l Pony Tcsting Intc‘ national Croup ˇ 锂电池 UN38∶ 3测 试报告 L⒒ hium B’ ttery UN38.3Test R0port 样品名称 (samples) 委托单位 (CⅡ Cnll 生产单位 lNIⅡtlrcl) Liuliuln I。n Batteγ LARGE18650111V2200m`h Dongguan Large E1eotrolal。 s Co,Ltd Dot,踞 n廴 a名 o EleclloⅡ Co,Ltd PON ' =~~X哆 · I--wJ,, Pony

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P■NW 报告编号(Repσt ID):Eo4133015819D-l

Pony Tcsting Intc‘national Croup


∷仑 锂 电池UN38∶ 3测 试报告

L⒒hium B’ttery UN38.3Test R0port




(CⅡ Cnll ∷



Liuliuln I。n Batteγ LARGE18650111V2200m`h

Dongguan Large E1eotrolal。 s Co,Ltd

Dot,踞姆 n廴a名o EleclloⅡ∞ Co,Ltd


' =~~X哆·I--wJ,,


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Repoll ID∶ EO41330158】 9D~l Page1of8

P■NWPony Tcsting Intcrnationa1G1oup


II、 sTA0DARDReCommendalions on廿 ansp°rl of da鸭 erous goods,

III、 TEsT ITEMI Alt⒒ude simtllalion

2 Thcmaltest

3 `1br哎 ion

4 shock


manual oftest and c五 teⅡa, section3831i伍 ium ba“ eries

5 Ex{emal sholl circu⒒

6 Imp捉t(for∞ mponenl ce1】 )

7 0Ve£ harge

8 Forccd docharge(for celll



AlIlt,Jde simulafion

N1 N0




Therlllal te⒍ PAsS

、1br涎 ion PAss

shoGk PAss

ExternaI sholi Circu" PAss

Impavt(tor c° mpone lt Celll N9 N13 PAss

oVerCharge N5¨a`8 C5~C8 PAss

ForOed disGha,ge(for Ce11) N从 ㈧oopdtab怡 )

ThC submi⒒ ed bame,alld qomponellt cCll wCfC° 。mphed witll thC玫 dte∶

:l∶1∶ ∶∶


;评、 l)冫

Edltcd盯 ㈨泌创h从 c lecked bv 】丿 珈~E;⒘

黯 。坠 k岳ξ;r∶r泞 checked by 冫


"iT+ηⅡ‘∫Jl" i忖 r炬 亻广闸Ⅱ刂l秘 iⅡ i似 彳△仟. 蛋|

(∫ Ⅱ"∶

i片 1i勹 亻”I∶ △川Ⅱr1ji辶 |tJ Ⅱ

'"ⅡⅡ JLi|r贝 Ⅱ仕川Ⅱ⒈

廿 △ |刂 Ⅱ tⅡ i △


"杜 "∫


分 Ⅱ △∷∶Ⅱ 杜 Ⅱ 灬 Ⅱ t父 9Ⅱ i`“ 丿 j⊥ Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ△ ∷ ∷ lj iⅡ u△"|∫

r|l,伪 i艾 I⒈ (Ⅱ |‖Ⅱ1刂 ●丨i∷

` i1|‖

∴|i∷ 过

"r |∶

△ I| '‖ ∶IⅡ )i∴ ● Ⅱ ⅡⅡⅡ} || Ⅱ∷|‖∶:‖ ?i∵ ;⋯ 贮 硎⒀ⅡⅡI"ii0艹∴卩I\‖∴


衤∫Ⅱ|∷ }衤iI|!+|∷ |Ii|↑ i÷ }!IⅡ|I|∶丨.

∵ⅡⅡ川ⅡI∷ 亻‖ⅡⅡ伪∴∷iⅡ |☆ JⅡ l|ii "i\|Ⅱ 卜9Ⅱ Ⅱ∶Ⅱ忄I1 jjⅡ ;i∷ i∷ !=l∶ i● ∫!Ⅱ ′∴i!q|`●丿i

wψw p。 ny1es1coi" L Hod灬 c40n81,灬 ‘、8


刂Ⅱ )i。 :'|8‘ id":、●49‘ 、"'i● " B"i刂 ^●=‘ `●


ijF● 皙P●●刂R●“dI;"刂i"n`● ‘|‘‘~i。‘ X"""1’ⅡⅡiˇ |`h●

"●|‘ i

丨官Ⅱ " )`=· l`n● (t∶ ”‘4*=|9,!F。


(n|Cl‘ ∶‘l、‘=9 ("29,‘


|Ι ;

(Ⅱ ●,"Ⅱ p●

"ˇ订v●.,Ⅱ●Ⅱ"" ●茹●p●‘●Ⅱ●Ⅱ


l; |t、 g1″ ‘",●

xi": 刂Ⅱ1`∷C)th●Ⅱ” ‘RⅡ d XⅡ 蚰

""DⅡ0● sjo0¨

(’ i“j△ 1"●",|· ,^^r‘ n‘‘;∶‘

ˇ‘卩●,” ● ·●"

、●2|k● ;"‘●、vⅡ R●●d=(i‘ ●●iP"‘kL●

`h恻Ⅱj`ot,Qi‘, ‘

(● ,;=讠



‘(",,· ,``:Ι ‘、i∶

●J`9·。|1ˇ 灬‘Ⅱ●|

saIηpIe Namc L;th;um Ion Bauery Ba仗cry、pc LARCE I8650111V2200llaAh

C"ent Dollgguall La,ge E1ectr。 nics C。 ,Ltd


DonPguan La:昏 ElectloniCs Co,Ltd


、/o1tage1I1V Rated Capaoi饣 2200mAh

Limited Ch缸 ge





Chalt· e CuⅡent

2200mA End Charge




e825V Maxlmum

Discharge Curent220OmA Use



CcI、 Number 3PCs cen Model 18650 Rated Cap犯 Ity 2200mAh

Manufacturer of Ccn D°ngguan Largc ElectroluCs Co,Ltd

Chemi。aIComp。 ne趾 LiCo02,Craphite,Al etL

Chent date 20;1-04-13 Finished d机e 2011-05-05

I’ ony l、`1i诃

gl∶、tcrnational Gloup

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Rcp。lt ID∶ EO4Ι 33015819D~1 page2of8

P■N扉POny Testing InternationaI Group


Batt品 cs ofN1ˉ N8arc illl1cha呕 cd aner onc oy。 Ιe;

Colrlpon∞ Ι。。。l1sofN9~N13are50%仉a鸡cd aItcr onc cy。 1c;

Battcl△cs ofCl~C8arc Itln chargcd aitcr fIny oyc1es


Autllellticatc伍 c photo on oo直 nal repolt only

WWWP0ny(est com ∝)H° 11int4008195‘ 8XAd讦 甘冒浅丨褓妆l泔↑}刂

Ⅱ 恝‖:芹i)‰∶爸pⅡ R“ d




iI测 内竹观公

`Ⅱ 井刊贡乇忏Ⅱ枸苘W jl氵 W衍 宀Ⅱ件义Ⅱ;委 丸ⅡL刑 祥 lⅡ 内亻t灰 艹驷Ⅱ屮ⅡⅡ艹拄ⅡⅡ 忄l,汕 抖Ⅱ f义 付杆“nⅡ 云扦艹

"付 Ⅱ捡J刂 纬火的Ⅱ川 使iJ听 Ⅱ△㈥订仪或Ⅱ刂接伽久u "让华Ji屮 “‖∶洲Ⅱ"小

ⅡJ“I何 △氵讦Ⅱ;Ι

"Ⅱ阝.Ⅱ (冖 洲拙 |iⅡ 姐|£ p。 NY|川 Ⅱ∮丨批I}人 ≈ /·i

捩攴Ⅱ 川冗效;任 ‘l刊 i彳"剡

●l宀 I本 △棂仪Ⅱm△ 戎个涨⒕杖 Ⅱ改 伪泄戊9炯 i|为 邯△0V,Ⅱ 将汶沿9Ⅱ 1i ∶Ⅱ"个


I|f·J芜叨.△ )f” d刂

"tl;`Ⅱ叔∴响刂tⅢ Ⅱ l‖ ” 个‖


`Ⅱ吼 "I∫ 降恻衤∫Ii‘

ll脊硼淮I|胥廿甘‖苷荃{!l洲 {Ι斧|‖+}嚅lI9‖佟帝I{FI甘 i平{+‖尝l"甘 ;‖Ι丨烹苷器{亻Ii孓{t∶ }

Td| (t0lR=‘ 8"‘

fi、∷ ( σ|X∶ ‘l,h=’

=Ⅱobl p● ”op·



8‘ik i皙 ‘●17‖ Ⅱ9‘

`ii9I||刂 "`ⅡCi、


`讪、、aoD`m tt slo`l‘

"i0、 ,)2‘uso9o9

lt’ 、)=“珀““

``●p●oyK`‘ ●m


仑△K●y"i^V"R● 。“ 1"1v‘ ⅡPⅡ△I戽●、noD、 t|‘tQ,lW●●‘^=)XX9n⒗

&‘‘(仓‘j2)‘‘’C‘ K’ i

q●CJ/,"l官 ●‘。m


(t’ ●“‘j“ⅡⅡ′ jⅡ9K0“帅

p。ny飞s6ng lu犯 mationnl Glolp

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11 )t∷


RepollID∶ EO4Σ 33015819D~1 Page3of8

卩■N丫Pony Tcs【lng IntCrnationa1Group

VI、 msT METHODTcst1t° 5Ⅲu⒌ be ConduCIed in scquence on the same bauelv

In older to qualltif,,ule mass loss.伍 e fo【lowing pfocedurc is plollded

M。lss JJssr彻 =卩刃J¤ /a″ ×`o@%

VMlere Ml is the m孙 s beforc伍e test and M2is the m凼 s aiter tlle test XN,len Iη ass loss d° es not

CXCced the Valuc in tabIc bloll it5hall be considered笛·‘no mass loss’


M峦 s M ofCe11or ba“ ery Mass1oss Iimit

M<lg o5%

1g<M<5g o2%

l`t=5g o 19⒗

In te哎 1 to 4, Cells and ba“ eⅡcs mect this rcquiIelncnt ;f tllere is no mass loss, no leakage, no

ve lttng, no disasseI△ bly n° rupturc and no丘 re and if tJle open circuit voltagc of cach test cell or

batte,a尔 er testing is not1ess than90%of its vo1tage immediately prior to this procedure The

requirement re】 扯ing to vo1tage is not appⅡ Gab1e to test Ce"s and ba“ eries al fu【 1y discharged stales

1 A⒒ iillde simulation

Test ba“ eries or cclls sllall bc sto田 d at a plessure of116kPa or lcss for【nt1cast six houls at ambient

temperattlrcO0± 5℃ )

2 Thenllal test

Test Cells and ba“eHes贺 e to be stored for at lea⒍ six hours at a test tcmpclature equal to75± 2℃,

fo"owed Ⅱ sforage for aflc孙t slx hours al a le⒍ 馆mpe:獭e equal toˉ 40±2℃ The maximu n

time illte,△ al between‘est temperature cxircmes is30minutes This pro。 cdure o to be repe缸 ed10

times, aner 、vhich 钔1 ce"s and bateries are to be stomd for 24 houFs al anlbiellt

tempelanlreOo± 5℃ )Fol la,gc cell and ba“ eⅡ es tllc dulatton of exposllrc t0攵 he tcst temperatlfe

CXtremcs shouId be缸 least12hours

3 Vibralion

Cells and barveⅡes钌e flu!lly sccured to the p1atfollll ofthc viblalion mach血 cw;thollt disto吐 ing thc

。c"s in such a manner as to falIhfl,lly transmit伍 e vib【ation The viblation shall be a sinusoidal

wavefoH△ wllh a1ogarithmio swecp between7Hz a翮 200Hz and back to7 Hz‘ ravcrsed in

15mim"es Tllls cyc1c sha"be repcated12times for a total of3hours for each of lhrce mllluauy

perpendicular moun钅 ing positions of伍 e cell onc of the dlrections of vibration musf be

perpendioular饣 o thc tcl“ linal face

The Iog∝lu,nnic flcqucncy swccp is as follows 丘om7Hz a pcak【nccelerafion。 f1g is maln,atned

ulltiⅠ 18Hz is re⒛ hed The ampli饣 ude is ulen mai△t⒋ned at08mm(16mm total eXOur⒌ oω a澜 the

女eqlcnoy illcreased ullln a pcak acceler甜 on of8go∞ urs(allp门xlmately50Ho Ap弥 k

acce1er前ion of8g is then maintained tu,tⅡ the frcquency is incleased to200Hz

丬←洲ⅡⅡ{汗 冖刈ⅡⅠⅡⅡ |Ⅱ ● i″ 五|[Ⅱ {IⅡ Ⅱ|I"'淡 j△ ●文宀i9f÷!Ⅱ i∷|~{f111{?{|卜 lJl∷ _l屮 |(Hi}{∴ IIi∶ 灬 ∷∶∷:i∶ Ⅱ

"Ⅱ△ VⅡ △吓 Ⅱ‖听ⅡiⅡ


`人 刂IⅡ 1o 本Ⅱ川Ⅱ |

吐 9i÷ 叫 tⅡ | ∫l|Ⅱ 刈 i∶ I:|||‖ ∴Ⅱ i△●〃{1ii"Ⅱ )t— iI Ⅱ iⅡ Ⅱ∫1 ⅡiⅡ9ˇ ∴ j乃 卩∷ij⊥ 丿ii |:{1Ⅱ ∷∷ Ⅱ 彳J女 ui忄∷|Ⅲ iⅡ°f.li圳




HⅡ‖⒒{Ⅱ|Ⅱ叫△””wP0n ytcst△ o灬 r"。 d∶ ll● 4()(J8|95‘ s8人vJ Ij小


l」括I)、 }Il⒈ⅡⅡF"u1‘ ⒈ ∫⒑ln|、 :‘ 1‘ ‘F,、 ∷ Ⅱ


|9h’’εⅡ lpⅡ●ⅡⅡ叮●‘‘●。

!如 ‖0iⅡ



"|Ⅱ皙, ●凵●刂●‘、|!ti‘ ∶

Ct‘ o"● ,官 KⅡ●●、●"、

‖●on、 ⅡⅡ‘1′ i●"‘












`⒈ "●,a`‘ i,.Q 、‘:●●

,;∶ ):‘ ,● ‘`·


=∶)X′′ni× ,·

"ⅡⅡ,●。,i· ⅡⅡ

("9Ⅱ ||j|’ 9,

1"=誉 |‘ 4`^h4",ⅡⅡ|`●●,·●‘1‘●0’

Po)y Itsth1gI犭】1ci31a[ional G∫ 。vp

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PuN晖Repon ID:EO41330158I9D~I page4of8

Pony Tcsting Interna“ onal Gr。up

4 shoOk

Te⒍ t·c‘ and bauenes Rll创I be∞ cured to伍e te⒌ulg maOhine bv mcans of a Ⅱgld m° unt,lVluCh△△·1n

sllpport al】 moullting sllrfaces ofe犯 h+e时 baitcfv EaCll∞ ll or ba仗e,shall bc sllbJcded to a

hal0sine shock of peak acce1elation° f150g and puIse dt ration° f6milliscconds Each cell or

baltew sll钔 I bC sllblected to tlree shoCks in ule pos“

"e di四

don茹 11owed bv锐 ree sllot·ks"tlenegalive dile⒍ i° n °f磁Fee mtltually pcrpCndicular mounting positions of thc ccⅡ °r baαerv for a

total of18shockx

5 Exien,创 snorl cuCuit

Th° Gell and ba“ e9to be tested shal1be tempeIature哎 abⅡized s° that its extemal casc tempelatulc

rc⒛lles55圮 ℃ and tllen汛 cell o】 battcry曲 al1bc sllbJ∞侄d to a曲 olt drcuk condidon w⒒ h a total

eXtenlal rcsistance of1ess than01 olull潋 55⊥2℃ This sh° lt ci姆 ult condidon is o° ntinued for at

kast one llou‘ aileΓ the cel1or bat·e,external case仍 mperatuE has leturned to55± 2℃ The Ccll or

ba仇ery must be obscrvcd for a flllfller six hours for thc testto be oonclude

Cells and ba伽 Ⅱes meet tllis requ△ emellt i£ their tempcrattre does not eXCeed170℃ and tllere is no

disass●mbtⅡ no rllpture alld no Ⅱre wIthul six llours oftllo tcst

6 Ilnp耐 (for compone碰 Celll

The test salnplc cell° r component Gc":s to be pIaGcd on a nat surf犯 e A158mm dialne抬 r bar is to

bC丿 aeed across dle ccnfcr ofthe salnple A9I kg咖 s o to be dropl,cd from a llei吵 t of6I±25cnlonto the sarp1e

A cyhlld“ 。al or poslllatlC Celhs to bc impac饣 ed with"s long⒒ udlnal a疝 s parallel fo mc nat surface

and perpendiculal to thc I° ngitudinal axis of曲e 158mn diameter curvcd surfaCe lying acloss伍 e

Celiter ofthe tcst sample A p止 smatlC CeⅡ is also to bc rot菠 ed90degrces around⒒ s longltudlnal axls

so tll钲 bodl娃£wide aIld naIOw side wⅡ I be stlb ected to讷 c impa∝ E犯h sampk o to be sllbJeetcd

to only a single impaCt;separate samples are to be used for ca山 imp⒛ t

Cells alld coⅢponcllt ccΙ ls meet thls requllemellt if让 ⒑lr cxtema11emperdturC does not exCeed170

℃ atld d⒑ re芯 no disassembly and no flre l丙πllln slx houi1s oftll`te“

7 0verch征 ge

η船 cha咯e cuⅡellt shal1be“ vice tlle皿 硎 I伍山 rσ’s reCommcnded m冰 imum coll+tnuous ch缸 ge

Current The minlnlllm v0ltage ofthe test shalI be as f0I【 【lws∶

(a,Whcn伍e manufaCturer、 reC°mⅢendcd cha呜e Yo1tage ls not more dlm18V lhe minimum

vo1tage ofule test shall be me lesser of6vo times uie maximum ch征 ge ofthe battc,or22V

lb)When tlle manufaC漩虹’s reGommcnded Cla吧 c vokage ls mole than I8Y tlle milumumˇ o⒒age

ofthe test sh蔚l be】 2tiⅢ es镝e max;mum charge vo1tage

Te“ s arc to bc con山 £ted at a△bient tempclatulc;mc durati。n ofdle le哎 shal1be24hours

Rc曲弭吵ab⒗ 惋讹 oes mectt"s rcqtllcmeΠ 钅ft lere内 n【l doassemb9alld r.【 l nrc wi伍 in s钾en daVs

ofthe test

Ⅰ型!Ji£蛐 lli:拙距蛀擞搜筮搜琳 ∷革樊Ⅲ挂擞蛀型益盟垫:苎兰F,tvj改则{{||隹‖脊:}社帘i社|奎扌i|甘】甘{衤丨丨{l苷{丨‖lI钅 !Ⅱ阝廾鞋斋l↑卢{莘艹妍带i‖ lΙ↑甘条11氵i甘{∶ t,

www pooy1es{c。 m o Ho11ine4008195688

甘‖孬紧丨廿莒汛抚vⅡ 拙黼褂Ⅱ贺Ⅱ皙岫吐



Fx| (0l‘ u2‘】,·2’

rⅡ iⅡ fo· yr.9.呼 k‘ 1Ⅱ●●

胛龃唧,揪揣lf1既。桶(【Ii,,),‘ ·s(” V,(‘ ’ss)2‘ ‘‘

`3;‘●,· y” ·Ⅱ9

`● =】K●|y""。 ·(●●d3∫⒈t‘‘h

跗 渫棚 I喊㈨¨

|‘ sj2J88,· ‘8∶ i




Pony△~song In1en1ationaI Group m2”“Ⅱ“o∶

·ⅫⅡ●o··yk9!● Ⅱ●

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Alti0ldc simuIation

P口N铮Pony Tcsting In‘ Crnational Croup


VⅡ I、 MAN TEsTAPR廴△`rUsszsB-121Fu。 bargedble batteγ test sy“cm

szsB●280Vaouum cl△ alltbel⑩r ba“ely tcso

szsBˉ】20Temperattre cirCuladon chalnber

szsB-128、 1bration test insilImcllt

szsB-082shook tes‘ insh lullc11t

szSB981Battcrv anti-explosion cllamber

Reporl lD:EO4133015819D~l Page5of8

szsB-077DC regulated power supp1y

szsBˉ 081Inlpact test in“ rllmcllt

sZsB-125E1ectroniC bala,Ce

szsBˉ090D唿 ital mldti皿 eter

szsB-185Thcl“ loe1eCtHc pair


倘测△位·+1o蛳 .,9,Ⅱ |l怛 I· F●r0"航 ψ秘镪仃怔饣义△,苻宗:甘+祜岁$薪 11∶社~柒 :廿贵∴艹幺兕七1扫苦△:、卉/刂△!对 ∫份沉七垠的他川 但用 9iⅡ 0nⅡ ill或 闷k损 穴△ 冖性征 l∶ 梁 本


攸9制 !J儿 效,∫I何 刘本 i杼 侧批宀l礻 彳投权枸

"廾业饣宀Ⅱ砹 Ⅱ

`t 伪辶战笈订 匚为跏灶lt江 Ⅱ 艹 u碴 冗艮

" 彳i政 Ⅱi"iI仃防99说 Jll{|}常

诽带丨{社l丨 I|£I|‖


,千 ll丨lill,↓】甘!|扌扌。i拒含f刂 I甘甘l丨,|{享丰,Ι}刂iIli{,

wWwP° nytest com r● Ⅰl。 din o400XI9~s‘ 88栩d甘

1营渊 :Ⅱ晋滞 :、l〖

1·“划揞谙:、忄::Fp。:R栅 卩叫搬照1`销七:出↑油 "俪r,∶ (‘ 1v)、 !‘ 1丬 1‘ (‘=)‘

∮^il999t,、 n巛


,, (Ⅱ ”“阝“⑴:"“ lp●。Ⅱ p●|,yⅡ “Ⅱ” ∽●/●p|”●“∞


`● =lX‘y"灬。灬iiR● ●J,l"‘ Ⅱh

p,kL,,`k1.W)、 肓`‘

Q"眢 i9●

巛⒖⒓灬冖 Jt‘ 屺(‘ sj=)X8,V⒗

^i=Ⅱ0泗 ,"· .,Ⅱ

(Vi‘ ,)2‘‘,0’n,


●j9· /· t· si‘




Pony10sung Ii,temational Group

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ll l,C`丫 l

RepollID:EO4133015819D~1 Page6of8

P口N摩POny Testing Intemationa1Group

IX、 D^山`

1 Alti血 de simu1‘1tion

2 Thelnlal test

NoPr⒐test AItcr饣 e“ Mass Ioss

(%)X/ol钅 age loss

(%) statusM签s(ω X/o⒒ age(V) Mass(gl xr。⒒age(V)

N1 145101 125彳 145061 1236 0028 120 :`Ss

N2 145534 1251 亻45400 1236 0030 亻20 p`ss

N3 144560 1252 144505 1238 0031 112 PASS

N4 145354 1252 145316 1236 o026 128 PAss

Cl 亻44569 1251 144521 1236 0033 120 B`ss

C2 145彳 76 彳251 145彳 30 1236 0032 120 PAss

C3 亻46214 1251 145172 1236 0029 120 PAss

C4 146203 1251 亻45153 1236 0034 120 PAss










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NoPre test Aiter lest Mass loss


VoItage Ιoss


Mass ω X oltagc(V) M器s(9 X/o1t鹆e(V)

N1 彳45101 亻251 146101 1251 0000 00o PAss

N2 145535 1251 146534 1251 o00彳 000 PAss

N3 144550 1252 彳44550 1252 0000 000 PAss

N4 彳45355 1252 145354 亻252 0001 000 pAss

C1 144569 1251 144569 1251 0000 000 B`ss

C2 145176 1251 145彳 76 1251 0000 000 PAss

C3 145215 1252 145214 1251 0001 008 PAss

C4 145203 1251 145203 125彳 0000 000 PAss

Pony ltsting In|cnlational Group

Page 8: P NW - large-battery.comlarge-battery.com/wp-content/uploads/report/1960.pdf · mphed witll thC玫dte

Report ID∶ EO4133015819D~】 P钭ge7of8

9■N珲Pony Tcsting Interna“ ona1Group

3 、1bration

4 shook






NoPrc△cs饣 AIteI test Mass1oss

(%)sr。ltage loss

(%) ⒏a缸sM孙s(g, X/o⒒ age(Vl Mass(遭) Vo"age Cˇ )

N1 145060 1234 145060 1234 0000 00o PAss

卜⒓ 145400 彳236 145490 1236 0000 000 P人ss

N3 144505 1236 144504 1235 0001 008 n`ss

N4 亻45316 1236 145316 1236 0000 000 PAss

C1 144620 彳234 彳44520 1234 0000 000 PAss

C2 145130 彳236 145128 1234 0001 0彳 6 PAss

C3 145172 彳236 145172 彳236 0000 000 PAss

C4 145152 1236 彳45152 彳236 0000 000 PAss

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NoPr←tcst A勋r test Mass loss

(%)S/oltage Ioss


M孙s(0 Vo】lage(V) Mass(Φ Vo1lage(V)

N1 145061 1236 145060 1234 o001 016 R⒋ss

N2 亻45490 1236 145490 1236 o000 00o B⒋ss

N3 亻44505 1238 144505 1236 o000 016 PAss

N4 1453亻 6 1236 145316 1236 0000 o00 Π`ss

C1 144621 1236 144520 彳234 0001 016 PAss

C2 145130 1236 145130 1236 0000 000 PAss

C3 145彳 72 彳236 145172 彳236 0000 o00 eKss

C4 145彳 53 1236 彳46152 亻236 0001 00o PAss

Pony n esting】 n[emational GfouPt⒈ ( )※ ∶●

^"‘F,ˇ i0|· ′Ⅱ:9i∶● ∫t· ”‘北·""dⅡ 0“ ·凵‘


Page 9: P NW - large-battery.comlarge-battery.com/wp-content/uploads/report/1960.pdf · mphed witll thC玫dte

5 EXtemal short cllCu⒒

No Pead<telllperature(℃ ) status

N1 55 PAss

N2 66 eXss

N3 59 PAss

N4 55 n`ss

CI 々`

庄口 PAss

C2 58 PAss

C3 56 PAss

C4 55 PASs

Repoll ID∶ EO4133015819D~1 P0ge8of8

9■N鳘p。 ny Tcsting Intern扯 iona1Group

7 0ve四harge

6 Illlpε〖:t(for GOr.lponellt Cel◆

N° Peak temulattlre(℃ ) stattls

N9 07 B⒋ss

Nl0 92 eXss

N11 03 PAss

N12 98 D`ss

N13 95 PAss

No statlls

N5 PAss

N6 PAss

N7 PAss

N8 PAss

C5 PAss

C6 PAss

C7 pAss

C8 pAss

8 FoKed d:sGhalge rfor ce11)

WA㈧ot appltab1el

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劲艹 _







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qj0pⅡ刂砭““mPony Testing!ntci national Group