p u. Sf) \ ,ARGU VOL. 9. PORT TOWNSEND, W. T., THURSDAY, JULY 31.1879. '" .' ALASKA AND HER INDIANS. I rlllLltiUXII ""C.1' TUlll.IIAT AT. r.rt TI"II*od, 'ftrrllorr· ALLES ,VJ.,-:IJl. IDtTUlt Axn l'l:lJl'UIETOR. , .... ,. lffllo -P.OOp .. In sdnllt'f:; .... RATEI OY AD\'EIlTISIXll : Ont Indl. dr-t In"('rll"I1 ..•••.•.•..• f;I.OO ,00 Trail lent In hlllUU' hy \'11 ..11. W ... u ... il"f'(l" .... !'OeUIf'd ...... W. H. ROBERTS, TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGANPort Town.. nd, W. T. Tunlna: lloD. nn reIUOntlllle totrrnl CiIr '\11'111'\1 for D.drer UI'OI. Itn'l I::tn" ....... n '1..l01l1l'1lt l'llJMlI Orvanl. on NI" or 111., .. 1. lUi,ln1Illi"" Q"''t'd'1Jl'llphle CorrNPODlltnt of lbot t lilt roml. Awor'-utd P'reIe. PROFIIIIONAL CARDS. Q. MORRIS HAI.UR. Good Board and Lodgings call be obtained at M:YElR.S· T I; I - I;: II lltlr,. "11011 1Ju ""ll.l;lto'lorll) Illtl;II' ",,,I I,·. Terms Very Ressonable. t .n .... Il or hili. luttut:dl... boi.. 10 Il"llm l'lIIUl, .. li'-iirr W. T. TO THE PUBLIC Dr. Thos. T Minor Managing Surgeon Port 'To\vn:sond J.'o ..... r.J.'o,\,'lhIUnd. '\\'. '1'. t:an W (OlhQltcd. nl"ht or WI)', lit J!.... jtll> I James M. Gassaway, M.O. In charts U. 8. Marine Hospital servICe. PHYIICIAN .. SURCEON Oftll'e.- "'ater St.t Oppo Itt' 1't.ta1oftl,'f", J'OIlT \1". 1', :'Ilf which many 01 tbem hue t'f'n in lucc.urul op.ration, and Otie which th.y heanily indorse, anri tn b.... e introduced among th('llL 011 the score or eConom\', it ifl toltlinellt- 11 .uperior to anI i),.tflll: ""'t' mll" h"•• rttllartline Judian 11I111!:f!:Oll'lll. Ind, III r'llard. hflll.fitlill'. lilt' Itl dilltllS ill vvery rupe('t, we "'llll\ 1'lIiy to r('(ar to Ih. IlIU... iOI'1 li'I'I\,h' Id. huJed lO for proof uf ill l·"c .. ". But "bm'e all Ihi:IIl'l, chill """I¥'llI is to Le (or itl -ltnt.luIU fr')1II The "illestion il orten .... ,I nlly('r with more pertinence thAn lit the prellent lime, whf!1I thl' litlltj"('l "I' turllilll( o\'er the Indi'll Hun.'llu I .. the \Var Dopanment "ill I", II. It'lul, illJ( topio til the n.n uWhat "ood hilI been douo tu I he Indianl by tht p.. ce polir,",.nJ \\11 •• do we not lee better resultli?" Th .. answer is apparent to tb. IlIl)st Cltl' ual obllner; it ia th. change of alt'enl. and the CC'ItSfllflt oiling. of jlOlioy of uer,. n.w ill- cumbent in the office or Jndi.n (;(lm- mi .. ioner. 'Vbat is •• nted mPIIl than anytbing ia perman.ne. of plllll: .nd to accomplilb thil, a polll'v Ihould b•• dopled o( ha .. Il",,;t Olen like thUle flamed rUlain ill 1-'"- lition durin, .. ood beha.ior. or "n long a. thel are accomplilhin, (lflud and b.nefioi&1 reaulu, Tbi. earUl/lt b. done under uur pr.lent IJ'llll'In, ... ber. eurlagent reell that hi. 11('1' pointmentll onl, (or (our rtar .... ,1 a change of admini'lrat:on il lure til turn him out o( olic.. 1t il tlll04 chAnge, mora than annhin __ tis.. , wbich hal induced 10 DIan\' men Ilf ... eak moral llamina to pa; morh 111- tontion to .nriching th.mif'h· .. s than doing their dut), .nd cllrJyirlg out trutrUipul,tions. Thil Chlll.j:t" h .. more to do ... ith our Indian It''U- blel than malt people im_.. ine. "11" Judian mind il not givfn to cn_nil", least. of .11 Iud den change of polic) j be m,y chan,. hil hahitalion altd roam about, but hi. mind il Itllitlll and iiud; .nd it i. onl! by a IlInl: eeries of reara, and tbe moat. cup· (ul ,.tl discreet. euroi .. f,r jUff)!', ment. by thote placed O'f'.r hi"" ,Illit he can be indnc.d to rl'fe up rlttl ... i1d I'K.nd•• oJ traditionl or IIi, (orefathen, .nd to ,dcp.t lhe nll,u- neN alld oUltoml of OiYlliz8d Iif•. [ooncluded next........ k.) tory, tannery, a boot and sboe fac- t.ory, .nd. "ariet, of otber ultful things impossible ror m. bere to par- ticulari2. fI Th. Britilh gOTernment recO'tnizeI Mr. DunClln'l great. work, and direct. all its t')fficiab in the nuy and Ilrmy, who may be Oil the coast. of Sriti!'.'1 Oolumbia, to render him such aid as he may need. Dut there his COIIOPO tion with his go\-ernment. end.. Hb bu don. th., work with the 'follin- 'ar,aid antl conlributioll' o( the In- diana, and is by tneir help rcnderlld indopendelll' of any outside support ro carr, on the mil:lsion work. There are no paid officillls, 110 110 trt'aties, and no thining Indilll1 'Ieills, but the whole i8 manaliterJ ju.t all any community of white peo- ple man"'1l8 their town atrllirs. After Mr, Dunoan Fnrt Simp· soo, he Will' lucceed.d by Re\-, Mr. Crosby. or lhe Weele,..n Million. 'Vbat 1 hue "rittnn af Mr. Dun· can olln b. "itl 01 Mr, Crosb,. Both these glntl.lllIm are doing a gr.at. and marked lood in their respeetive millionl and the only way in ... hioh tbe Dominioa Go\·.rnm.nt of C.na- da t.kes oare of th.m is throucb itt efficient Indian Commissioner, Dr. Jobn W. Powell, o( Vicrori_, ... ho annuall, visit. those miesioll!l and an the COllt tribe. in the Dominion It.lmer Sir James Douglu, .nd .ho is ready at all tim .. to co,op.rate with Me!!rl6. DUllcan lod Cralby in enrorcing the laws of the Dominiou relAti .. to India" atr .. irs. Th. noalt tribe. o( Britilh Colum- bia are quito al ......il. II thOle of AllISka. They all bUI trade and in- teroounG with eacb otber, and their manoln and customs are identical, and, .1 the Al ..kan Indianl .rt! deairoul of lUl"ing schoola and teaoh, ers a the Dritish Colombia Indiau. bave, it .eeml to me to point. out the true method by which our gov.rn erumellL Cllll manalite tbOl. natiyel. I am averse to all treaties aad res.. ""atious, with their 31p.n.ive ma- ohinary of agenll and .mploy.. paid by tbe Kov.rnment, and of paying annuiti'l to I ndiana to encour.ge them In That. policy baa be.n tbo ruliuJt olle sinc. tb. day. of G.org. W.. bin,toD. \Ve all h.n a.en the great error and the Iittl.,ood oC t.hat policy, but bue been unllobl. to avert or amend it. But Alaska is an exception to our Indian population. s.pllr.tf'ld from tbe Slat.. and Territorill b, Dritilh Oolumbia, her Indian Tribes b.... no a.Biuit.y ",ith or knowledj;tl oC tbe working o( our treat, Iystem, llnt.l they pruent fre'b field of oplra· tion. I respectCully IlIggest that tbe Britisb Columbia plan, wbicb hu pro'fld 10 eminently successful, be .doped. I would racommend tbat tho ... rious r.li«ioul d.nolniD.tiona send out million.. iel_ so t.b., iv.ry tribe mil be luppli"d. In order to do tbis, • oomUlil5ion Ihould be Hnt to AI&3ka to ucert.in jUlt _it.r. and bow many of tbese miaaions abould bo estattlishoo, alld tb.n .acb mil' lionarllOcietl b. inyit.d to .. I.ct and aond men fitt.d for the work, who ... ould KO in the .. me Ipirit, and ...ith tbe I&Ule e:ucutiu, ministerial. and finanei",), that Duncan and CrOiby ba"', and tha "'hole to be under charge IIf one S;fOntiral luperiute.lde"t, "ho. lik" Or. Powell, Ihould "islt every l1lissiYlI Ollce or t ... ice each ,e'· .od report to the go".rlllDene in W illlltuu. Such mil.iolls ShUUld be aided by tbo go .. to enahle th"m to Itart in a proper mMllnl1r, lbero would be 110 necessit, lor auy grellt. appropriation I (or, U at M.t1.katla and Fort Simplon, tbe million Ihould be "If supporting. From my own knowledge and e1 pcrionco IUHi long obser .... tinns. J (eel justiliud ill ugeltiug that the AlllSkllll JIltJian are nl)l" just in tha' 8tAte in whioh they would rcceiu tcach&fi mo!!t co.-di,II)'. allli would do a8 much Ull tho hll"e dOllo ror the milsions at Fort Simi)' 1011 IIIHJ Thi'l plan ill 110 theory of :UillP., lIar if it a new It is a plllll whh;h Imll heC11 in ful npC!rIltion ill Briti .. h Columltia (ur mnny )'lIIlt!l. nnd il6 onu peculil"l,. adll.pcf.1 to th" IIH.JiulJ:i of Alaska, cne Qan JZi ... e us some useful hinta regard· ing tho manner of treatmeot .hiob ",auld not only be atcaptabte to tbem, but wouid, in my judgment, I.ad to the h.ppie!t results. In 1875 I h.d the bonor o( heini( appointed a special commission.r o( the United States ror procuring arti· cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or the National Museum, to be n'-ibited at the Centennial Exposition in Phil· adelphia, and proceeded iQ the United State. revellU. It.eamer \Vol- COlt, to Aalaska, in a crnilO the months or J un, and uly oC tb.t y.ar. During that cruile we stopp.d at many of tbe 'illages or \'lIriOUS tribel, and whenev.r "'. had Illly connr.. · tion "ith t.he Indi .. ns it. wa.. t.be uni· expr"lsed wilh that the go ... · ernmant would send them teaoher. alld .wi5lionaritl, a" the had lellt to Indians of British Columuia, alld they parti\lularly raferred to the million I at Fort Simpllon, and at. Mlttlahcatl8, British Columhia, the former under the chltrJ;c of He .... Mr. Crol6by, of th, 'Vitslt!Jan M.thodi.t Society o( Ontario, Canada, and the litHer und., charge of He ..... "lr. Dun. l'llll. o( the Episcopal Missionary So· cittt, of Lundon, ElIll'land. Fort Simpson being on. of the rllil1cipal trlldinK l)Osta 01 the Hutl- llIlU'S na, Company, and lituated Lut" ft!\'f ll1ilel from thc loutham I"'nttduv of Alaska, is the place ",her" manv of the Alklkian w!,I" resort. to seli tbeir (ur' t and hll"tt th.re snn for themsel"" the "lIl'eriur condition or Ibe T.irn.eau ("IiiI'll., l.oth at Fort Simpson and )tllillthclltla, ene) It WIS undoubtedly II j .... lflu. "pirit, induced L,. the un- fHlIlllhl., comparilon o( th.ir own Itale, in conlrast with tbe improvemeut of tbe TlimlMtans, ¥o hi,'h C'ltuSftd tb.m to be 10 unani. ILlUUl6 in thair .ppliClltianl to us for )CI)l'Vrmnint aid in aendinJt teacbers to them. III a report made b, me to the ClIlnllliasion.r 01 Il1diliD Affairs OR my till urn, "hie'- "a. allO publilhed in tIll! Port To... nlend ARGUS, Sept. 3, IS71, 1 d",,1t. at. le,ng:th on t.his sllhj"cl, IIlld Itron,ll th"t uur ttn .... rnm.nt adopt. tOWArd, tho AI"lIk. Indiana. ,imilar polioy 10 Ihllt dO IlJccellfull, .nforced in Bl'itilih Culumbil, at t.he two minion. n( Mlltlllkllil. lind "art Simpson,. shill't IlCCOUllt. or whioh will ser"e t.o 6xpli,ill tho 111",.1,00 which I would ollr go"ernmflllt adopt in itl rlllllfP Illltuagemellt of tbe Alaskan trill"», In )857, Mr, 'Villiam 1)11111'.11, mi .. ion"r" schoolmaster .111. ..nd K'tMJlultte at Hi,h. E1lilcupill TrMinillit College of Ih" Churcb MillsioUlul Society of 1..011,11111. " .. selected to lillth. post. tlf ItH\clter "ntl mis!lionarv at Fort. Siml'"un, and. with noother .id tbaa till" paid bilr b,the 'Oollt)' :llld dunat ions from chari- 1 ... 1,1. l"1C'rllhllS in 'EI.gland .tld Vio· tllri., ht' IIl10il in makinK Ih" Ittllialu nutler his charire & lelf· illl!'I ... :n:ng 1'''"[1le, and Ifllule- nlrl1t is II m'tilel wbicb OIlinyof our piollrur c,.lulUunitie. emulat. with prlltit. In IStiO, Mr. DUllean, finding the Ic,N,'alit,. uf tho poll' at Fort Siml'- "111 IIlllliUit.d to tbil purpOH. r.- 11lO\'totl 10 Ilil pre.. nt place at Ml!ltla- k,ltl .... "Uloe 20 mil.1 aouth. where ho utaiJliaheu e lown. Here, act inK in turnA allllinillt..r,lCboolmuter, phY5i rillit. huihJer t arbitrator, m'liatrate, tr"der, all') teacher o( varioul 1110. clluuic .rls, 110 hn labored 80 suc, lhar. th.y now own a echOOlh'f trlidilli reKlIlarly to Vic, turill j th., hav. a joint Itook trading hOllIe, oap lIIanuf&"tory, blaok- Imith sh p, "'w mill, an octagon- lihllped IIcllnol house, wit.h CUst near. Iy 84000, Il building 90 b, 30 ft, ulled. as " court hOll", for publio and to acoommodllte IItrallf{er;t, a rni!lsiofl,houln Got- fllot by 32, cuutuilliug Sin en apartmontll 011 tltn flaM, a 1I01'111i. tor'l1hove, anJ olllbuildillJlll. AIIO Il chUrl'h, woolen hctllry, 1'r1\(trO they "'ell¥e l>lankct;t IIIlfI COfllmon naunel on It lIulChinlt sUPI.liou tlt.1I1 by thu pro Irietors of tho Mil illn mills at San Fr.llcilco, a rope fllc, The Tinnet number - __ ._• GtlOO The T'linkets ---- __ 6,650 Totll.l Xo, Alaskan Jadians _ lI,G.jO nut, in o( the nath'e po.,ulalion oC Ala let, it is proper to cMIl to pruent. \:()llfUlllun. Ddl atlds to thilt whole number o( whieh, as u&for. litllU'Ut iii as followl: •. Jt., Hll.!i ilIollS, Wi h.lr lJrc6Js or creoles ) •.jlltlj ('i1i",m innludin!f' militar .. 1 '·0 I 80 .- :." , eqlltt ,J, 0, • total pop ulK.tiou oi the 'l't1rritof\' :11 6001.. The 1l1ilitllry /I,,\'C li;en 'remOfed since Oall'a catillllue WIIS madt, hut al1llition to ttl" popull/ltion since Ihc cllnncries at. Sitkll Ilnd Klawack IUl\'t.' upen t'stlloblish ... tl, IIIllI tllu influ.l. OCCllliiollell lIy the' lIliucml lliscover. if'''. willll1ake tho :O\al ror the Whole POIHlllltion lit tbe prCliellt lime 1I0t fllr from Ihe "mount elltilllltwd, Th" 51:con<.l qUUtiOll, "As to the h'lst uf the Indianll 01 AhlSkll.'· ill Olle oi intercllI; Ollb which rtll"iru much Ktudy allll Cllreful cUlIsitieratioll j "nil no COil' cluaions Iihoulll be l1lutil,. 11111,(1.. In I,cceptiull your killd ill"itation to n, nl1SI'lH 011 Ihis mOlTl.ntoua I Ilhall have to Il,k _,('lIlt pl;'nnissiull to allow me to 8tate hnw I huc MClJuireti the ir,iormlltinll reo 'Iuisit" to me to Itot.lv.nce an "pihioll UllOn 10 j!rue a suhjt'ct al tho mlluagemeut of Indian". Since )$;;:!. at whioh time I first cam. to thi. Territor.• (Ih.n & put or Or81l01l), I h."e dAvotfOd a con- iide ..... ulu portion of Illy time to the litudr uf Ilitlilln h.hitl 1"11.1 customs. to ethnnlo,:y, and .11 l11lltters to histor,. or peo,.It>. e the nllti\-es o( tli ... lIonhwc:4t coast. In )86,'j l "15 "iLh the I.tu Gellerlll lli •• o I. St ..... enll, when, :u Go¥ernnr uf \Vashin/:, ton .nt.! I ndi.n .tT;4,IU, he mad. tr('Atl('a "'Itb th. seunl trihe. we t of the C.,· c.de and lulu4"qu.utly \.. ,.. ith him in V{Il!lhinJ,rlon all hi. prt, "lito 5ecretar... ..t the time he, .. I ),.legllot. in Irolll this ritnry, Illlied in hlL¥illll those treati •• ('OII!irmt'd b. tllt\ St!II11I!t. The sub· jt'ct uf Ihusa trclltil" WIl5 the topio uf our frl'<luent CUII\'llrslltion, and no mlln kIlO\\'1I h.tter thlln myaell what Gn¥ernor Stn.,u' Iruft intention \TltS cnncerniliSC thurn; Kurt I can Ide Iy "lid truly II ate, thut.hl6d the. tr .. tie. he mild" been cllrrlfl,1 out In the spirit Illld intent with which hii made theIR t milch 1l000d woulll 11&\'0 btell effected with Ihe Indilllll.l, alld it il thill Iluu,fl.lllillment of chou treatie:l ... hir.h hu been tho prilllu cau!ie of .11 the Iroubl. \u h .... e had with the indian. ill this Ttlrritory, I WI!! theil, and am now, oppo.ed to all treaty· making with the uatl\'.I, and 1 vublillhcd my \·iell ... in a work 'lll' titl('d IoThe Northwttin CI>&tt,1t ... bich ... as bl if) 1857. Un pa".. 549 and :.lSO, and rrl'm tbe I. It rtllrli"ravh on peKe 3Gi. 'my 'fiew •• re freely upreuell. [If YOll h.... " not a cOIJ)' nf the book•. vuu call oblain olle eitlnu at Mr. 'Vebater'. or.t. Dr. Minor'a] My ubut\'lltion and lIXpt'rienoe lince lh.1I hUll pruvl!d to IOU thllt Illy "iews IS thert1 upreued are correct; th.t it iii folly to thin k of makinJt allY mar. treatieA with Indians, .lId,IO far as Alaska is considered, I al" no Objllctioll to be att.ined by r.pellting a wurn-out f.relit of tr.lltinll with a pe\:ple who are Ii'ling in a territory which we ba". acquired tho reo- limpht of hy the purchas. the United Stlltes marie oC Ilussia, in which pur. chase 1'10 mentioll il made o( an,. reo served rights o( Indians or any other peoplo, The land belollgs !O the United States, Illld no t.reatles oro Doc.saary to extiuguish Indi.n tit!e¥. 'Ve must ther.fore. meet thie Alltsbn question other tuau b, the timo honored oustom of Illllklllj:l a Irultty with It bOrll't 01 Lreech. leiis nVllll'''1 in tl.llllRme forl1lRI mar,· lIor n.nd with mora illlPOsillj;l cern· IlHlI10\' thIn ,,"0 Ilte wont to with I\ltllli IlIttiOllS lilt Grallot Uriltlilt, Francl·. O.rlllltll\', alld HU5!lill. \\'Iun, thel1.!ih til hc th;", method. And hoI\' CIl:I il La lIKrric\1 infu ulft'ot, ill lhl1 sulJjout ... !Iich )'our It:tlor illviw .. Ill' to Ihell !. 1 thiuk that tbe Im.lialls themsclveil ARGUS Kow lhlill tlle luillsiollar.r efT"rll or Dr. Lind.le,. Htl'f. S. hl'l<son Itl'l! olhrt, ill htlu,1r of AIl4skall In· dianl, are 10 milch RU"II- lion, we hK"" thOll).:"ht it Il prllper time to re-prodlleCt the folln w il1l: I,.t- Itt (tOOl Hon. Jalllill G. S"1I1l10 jor Wm, Gou\'erllcur 51'4"('11.1, A,tllt of the U, S, TreMlfur)' pllrtlllellt. luth:r "u \ .. riut-II ill In.'''' to & u'(jue»t frum the loran Ixprueinll of \'iewl' uII"U Ill. IlIllj,cl, alul ''''1I elllhodittd ill til. rw- port ... hiC'h ho offichilly preM·nt·d be' fore Ihe U. S, St>ualP, upon the "Puh, lie Ser'fire and H".uurcc!4 of Allbb:' Tbe repMt iu lluClition Wit trllll'luit- ltd to th'&! Renale un the 41h 11:tJ' nf Ftbruary 1111, ·,.-all refcrred to th. rommitteo on COllllltl'rCp, anll urller, ttl it ij Ihero(ore puhlic pnJpptty. Wl1rril, in inuodull' iog Ihe h!Uer Ltllt,W', l'.y.: "JuJ:,:e Sw.n htl had mll('" upt'rienee the IlUlialll on Ihij couto I hue JTtlt fr the 'fio\t's lie lld\'llll' OH., and rely ,'ery much UPUII hi, jullamellt,n The letter rPHtl.: NU.\l1 Lhy, W. T., Oot. 10, '7'8. My Ol{AIl )tAJOIt: I will 1I0W f'1l' dea\'or to reply to Yllur leu"r of the ill .hieh YOIl requl!l't me to· «,\'.you htb•• "tinlill" uf thll nllll1- h.r of IndilUlI in AlllIk:.. 1111.) \.. hnl't! locatetl," and .llln "tll un'tlr ll.1l", !HIIl' gelliuns nr remark:'! I lllli)' tn Dlako oQncarninlf thUl8 ludill.111 Illll! their futllte I Ihert'- lore rcapuctlully IUblllit thl (ollow- lll,a': Fir.t· A!I to their nllmber. The 0111, illrf,1I'lI1.tioll I hue which t"It:, be cOllioliderel1 all relilt.ult!. bc-CilllSP It is offici:ll. ill in O.. lI'e rh- rart on o,r the Northwnt, which 111 puUh.lll'd In 'o\. 1 of COlltrihutiolll til Nurth American EltHlnlllJZ,v, hy J. W. Powell by initruction15 of lha De· partm.:1t of th .. Jllturinr, 1871. In this iOlfOr.ltin)[ And uluahllt rApnrt ,uu .iIl find all tho inforlllfttioll thlic hu been pnblish.d. 10 Ih. preli.llt time rupectiulllhe Alaska In,lins, hd cl .. ses IS "Orltrian!l,-' Ilr tribt. Ii"iulf 011 'fill ('Hut (:&1· tbotlp:h he do.s not Kin his r"uon for usinJl tha term "Orari Ill ••" " wotd I do not know Ihe ml'''lliu,lZ or application Of), anti Imlillns, ..ml ,ITeI the whole number 11.5- TOlal Alallka InllianK JI.(j,j() Total Ala kll. Orariani )4,054 Total natin popul",ion 2.j,':'04 The Orarians .re, lst. The IUlIuit; 2d, The AI.lIt., Tho Innuit. are the molt weslern tribes. and are c:aued l.Jy n,lll ",ith th. tribes or tho adjac.nt COll5t or A.ia, The whol. nurnlter of III1IUitS he places al 11,000. The AI.utw are \bl eIltorn, or Unalishkan., and tbe -est"rn, or Alkans.,. or thue thor. ',tI 24/,2, making a total o( Ora- naill, 14,05 I. Tb, Indian tribf"1 of AIK)okA AtO di'fided by 0,,11 intn tW(l !lrOUpii, thA Tinnrt IUIII T'liul':etll, The furm" are tIle 1II0r8 norr!lMh' trillllll, from Cook'l! IlIlet nllli Cup/i,lr ri\'ur north, &lultht! Inttar nro t hI from Cook', IlIlut !lithe III'ulh"m hordur of AI""lea, ,,1111 Rre tllt' trilJolt lUoro ptrticulllrly l11f't "illl lIy truoloril to Sitk., ". :ulli lho PriUIlO of Wale' ArchipelalJo. PUGET SOUND '_a

p .' Sf) ,ARGU · 2010-07-28 · cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or the National Museum, to be n'-ibited at the Centennial Exposition in Phil· adelphia, and proceeded iQ the United State.revellU

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Page 1: p .' Sf) ,ARGU · 2010-07-28 · cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or the National Museum, to be n'-ibited at the Centennial Exposition in Phil· adelphia, and proceeded iQ the United State.revellU


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Sf) ~~p\ ~

,ARGU-=~=====:========~~~========-VOL. 9. PORT TOWNSEND, W. T., THURSDAY, JULY 31.1879.




I rlllLltiUXII ""C.1' TUlll.IIAT AT.

r.rt TI"II*od, W8J!hhl~OIl'ftrrllorr·ALLES ,VJ.,-:IJl.

IDtTUlt Axn l'l:lJl'UIETOR.

,....,. lffllo -P.OOp ..

In sdnllt'f:;~lnlllh....I~.


Ont Indl. dr-t In"('rll"I1..•••.•.•..• f;I.OO£lch1U~111"1l[ IU~l1lhll.......... ,00

Trail lent n'I\'('tll~"II\t'lll In hlllUU'IllJertlolllllllst~·Ih"-'Otlll':llIk~1hy \'11 ..11.

W ...u ...il"f'(l".... !'OeUIf'd ......hl)'.~


Port Town..nd, W. T.Tunlna: lloD. nn reIUOntlllle totrrnl

CiIr '\11'111'\1 for D.drer UI'OI. Itn'l I::tn" .......n'1..l01l1l'1lt l'llJMlI Orvanl. on NI" or 111., .. 1.lUi,ln1Illi""

Q"''t'd'1Jl'llphle CorrNPODlltnt of lbot t liltroml. Awor'-utd P'reIe.



Good Board and Lodgings callbe obtained at

l\~R.S. M:YElR.S·TI; l~~:11:;~1~tl~~ ,~I:ll~~~; ~t:~':I~II,I~ t.1,~ I ~ l.~ -I;:II lltlr,. "11011 1Ju ""ll.l;lto'lorll) Illtl;II' ",,,I I,·.

Terms Very Ressonable.t .n ....Il or hili. luttut:dl...t~ly boi.. 10 Il"llm

l'lIIUl, .. li'-iirr TOW~.,I::"D.W. T.


Dr. Thos. T MinorManaging Surgeon

Port 'To\vn:sond llo~pitalJ.'o..... r.J.'o,\,'lhIUnd. '\\'. '1'.

t:an W (OlhQltcd. nl"ht or WI)', lit J!....jtll> I

James M. Gassaway, M.O.In charts U. 8. Marine Hospital


Oftll'e.-"'ater St.t Oppo Itt' 1't.ta1oftl,'f",J'OIlT TOW~iE..""O. \1". 1', :'Ilf

which many 01 tbem hue t'f'n inlucc.urul op.ration, and Otie whichth.y heanily indorse, anri wi~h tnb....e introduced among th('llL 011the score or eConom\', it ifl toltlinellt­11 .uperior to anI i),.tflll: ""'t' mll"h"•• rttllartline Judian 11I111!:f!:Oll'lll.

Ind, III r'llard. hflll.fitlill'. lilt' ItldilltllS ill vvery rupe('t, we "'llll\ t· 1'lIiyto r('(ar to Ih. IlIU...iOI'1 li'I'I\,h' Id.huJed lO for proof uf ill l·"c.. ll~'h ".But "bm'e all Ihi:IIl'l, chill """I¥'llI isto Le reclllllmollt.!~tI (or itl -ltnt.luIUfr')1II chllu~f'.

The "illestion il orten t1~k"lt, .... ,Inlly('r with more pertinence thAn litthe prellent lime, whf!1I thl' litlltj"('l "I'turllilll( o\'er the Indi'll Hun.'llu I ..

the \Var Dopanment "ill I", II. It'lul,illJ( topio til the n.n COII~f1'.'"

uWhat "ood hilI been douo tu I heIndianl by tht p..ce polir,",.nJ \\11 ••

do we not lee better resultli?" Th..answer is apparent to tb. IlIl)st Cltl'

ual obllner; it ia th. crlll~IHllt

change of alt'enl. and the CC'ItSfllfltoiling. of jlOlioy of uer,. n.w ill­cumbent in the office or Jndi.n (;(lm­mi..ioner. 'Vbat is ••nted mPIIlthan anytbing ia perman.ne. of plllll:.nd to accomplilb thil, a polll'vIhould b••dopled o( ha.. in~ Il",,;tOlen like thUle flamed rUlain ill 1-'"­lition durin, ..ood beha.ior. or "nlong a. thel are accomplilhin, (lfludand b.nefioi&1 reaulu, Tbi. earUl/ltb. done under uur pr.lent IJ'llll'In,...ber. eurlagent reell that hi. 11('1'pointmentll onl, (or (our rtar....,1a change of admini'lrat:on il lure til

turn him out o( olic.. 1t il tlll04chAnge, mora than annhin__ tis.. ,wbich hal induced 10 DIan\' men Ilf...eak moral llamina to pa; morh 111­

tontion to .nriching th.mif'h·..sthan doing their dut), .nd cllrJyirlgout trutrUipul,tions. Thil Chlll.j:t"h.. more to do ... ith our Indian It''U­

blel than malt people im_..ine. "11"Judian mind il not givfn to cn_nil",least. of .11 Iudden change of polic) j

be m,y chan,. hil hahitalion altdroam about, but hi. mind il Itllitllland iiud; .nd it i. onl! by a IlInl:eeries of reara, and tbe moat. cup·(ul ,.tl discreet. euroi.. f,r jUff)!',

ment. by thote placed O'f'.r hi"" ,Illithe can be indnc.d to rl'fe up rlttl...i1d I'K.nd••oJ traditionl or IIi,(orefathen, .nd to ,dcp.t lhe nll,u­neN alld oUltoml of OiYlliz8d Iif•.

[ooncluded next........k.)

tory, • tannery, a boot and sboe fac­t.ory, .nd. "ariet, of otber ultfulthings impossible ror m. bere to par­ticulari2. fI •

Th. Britilh gOTernment recO'tnizeIMr. DunClln'l great. work, and direct.all its t')fficiab in the nuy and Ilrmy,who may be Oil the coast. of Sriti!'.'1Oolumbia, to render him such aid ashe may need. Dut there his COIIOPOtion with his go\-ernment. end.. Hbbu don. th., work with the 'follin­'ar,aid antl conlributioll' o( the In­diana, and is by tneir help rcnderlldindopendelll' of any outside supportro carr, on the mil:lsion work. Thereare no paid officillls, 110 IlIl11uitie~, 110

trt'aties, and no thining Indilll1'Ieills, but the whole i8 manaliterJju.t all any community of white peo­ple man"'1l8 their town atrllirs.

After Mr, Dunoan l~ft Fnrt Simp·soo, he Will' lucceed.d by Re\-, Mr.Crosby. or lhe Weele,..n Million.'Vbat 1 hue "rittnn af Mr. Dun·can olln b. "itl 01 Mr, Crosb,. Boththese glntl.lllIm are doing a gr.at.and marked lood in their respeetivemillionl and the only way in ... hiohtbe Dominioa Go\·.rnm.nt of C.na­da t.kes oare of th.m is throucb ittefficient Indian Commissioner, Dr.Jobn W. Powell, o( Vicrori_, ... hoannuall, visit. those miesioll!l andan the COllt tribe. in the DominionIt.lmer Sir James Douglu, .nd .hois ready at all tim.. to co,op.ratewith Me!!rl6. DUllcan lod Cralby inenrorcing the laws of the DominiourelAti.. to India" atr..irs.

Th. noalt tribe. o( Britilh Colum­bia are quito al ......il. II thOle ofAllISka. They all bUI trade and in­teroounG with eacb otber, and theirmanoln and customs are identical,and, .1 the Al..kan Indianl .rt!deairoul of lUl"ing schoola and teaoh,ers a the Dritish Colombia Indiau.bave, it .eeml to me to point. out thetrue method by which our gov.rnerumellL Cllll manalite tbOl. natiyel.

I am averse to all treaties aad res..""atious, with their 31p.n.ive ma­ohinary of agenll and .mploy.. paidby tbe Kov.rnment, and of payingannuiti'l to I ndiana to encour.gethem In idlt:D~sl. That. policy baabe.n tbo ruliuJt olle sinc. tb. day.of G.org. W..bin,toD. \Ve allh.n a.en the great error and theIittl.,ood oC t.hat policy, but buebeen unllobl. to avert or amend it.But Alaska is an exception to ourIndian population. s.pllr.tf'ld fromtbe Slat.. and Territorill b, DritilhOolumbia, her Indian Tribes b.... noa.Biuit.y ",ith or knowledj;tl oC tbeworking o( our treat, Iystem, llnt.lthey pruent • fre'b field of oplra·tion.

I respectCully IlIggest that tbeBritisb Columbia plan, wbicb hupro'fld 10 eminently successful, be.doped. I would racommend tbattho ... rious r.li«ioul d.nolniD.tionasend out million.. iel_ so t.b., iv.rytribe mil be luppli"d. In order todo tbis, • oomUlil5ion Ihould be Hntto AI&3ka to ucert.in jUlt _it.r. andbow many of tbese miaaions abouldbo estattlishoo, alld tb.n .acb mil'lionarllOcietl b. inyit.d to ..I.ctand aond men fitt.d for the work,who ...ould KO in the ..me Ipirit, and... ith tbe I&Ule capaci~!, e:ucutiu,ministerial. and finanei",), that~tessrs. Duncan and CrOiby ba"',and tha "'hole to be under chargeIIf one S;fOntiral luperiute.lde"t, "ho.lik" Or. Powell, Ihould "islt everyl1lissiYlI Ollce or t ... ice each ,e'· .odreport to the go".rlllDene in W ~h.illlltuu. Such mil.iolls ShUUld beaided by tbo go..rnmen~ to enahleth"m to Itart in a proper mMllnl1r,I~nt lbero would be 110 necessit, lorauy grellt. appropriation I (or, U atM.t1.katla and Fort Simplon, tbemillion Ihould be "If supporting.

From my own knowledge and e1

pcrionco IUHi long obser....tinns. J(eel justiliud ill ugeltiug that theAlllSkllll JIltJian are nl)l" just in tha'8tAte in whioh they would rcceiutcach&fi mo!!t co.-di,II)'. allli woulddo a8 much Ull tho 'l'!Iill)setUll~ hll"edOllo ror the milsions at Fort Simi)'1011 IIIHJ ~Iutlllkatlo.. Thi'l plan ill 110theory of :UillP., lIar if it a new thin~,

It is a plllll whh;h Imll heC11 in !IUCCe~4'

ful npC!rIltion ill Briti .. h Columltia (urmnny )'lIIlt!l. nnd il6 onu peculil"l,.adll.pcf.1 to th" IIH.JiulJ:i of Alaska, cne

Qan JZi ...e us some useful hinta regard·ing tho manner of treatmeot .hiob",auld not only be atcaptabte totbem, but wouid, in my judgment,I.ad to the h.ppie!t results.

In 1875 I h.d the bonor o( heini(appointed a special commission.r o(the United States ror procuring arti·cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or theNational Museum, to be n'-ibitedat the Centennial Exposition in Phil·adelphia, and proceeded iQ theUnited State. revellU. It.eamer \Vol­COlt, to Aalaska, in a crnilO durin~

the months or Jun, and ~ uly oC tb.ty.ar.

During that cruile we stopp.d atmany of tbe 'illages or \'lIriOUS tribel,and whenev.r "'. had Illly connr..·tion "ith t.he Indi ..ns it. wa.. t.be uni·~erlally expr"lsed wilh that the go... ·ernmant would send them teaoher.alld .wi5lionaritl, a" the En",li~h hadlellt to Indians of British Columuia,alld they parti\lularly raferred to themillion I at Fort Simpllon, and at.Mlttlahcatl8, British Columhia, theformer under the chltrJ;c of He .... Mr.Crol6by, of th, 'Vitslt!Jan M.thodi.tSociety o( Ontario, Canada, and thelitHer und., charge of He ..... "lr. Dun.l'llll. o( the Episcopal Missionary So·cittt, of Lundon, ElIll'land.

Fort Simpson being on. of therllil1cipal trlldinK l)Osta 01 the Hutl­llIlU'S na, Company, and lituatedLut" ft!\'f ll1ilel from thc louthamI"'nttduv of Alaska, is the place",her" ,,·gre;.~ manv of the Alklkianw!,I" resort. to seli tbeir (ur' t andhll"tt th.re snn for themsel"" the"lIl'eriur condition or Ibe T.irn.eau("IiiI'll., l.oth at Fort Simpson and)tllillthclltla, ene) It WIS undoubtedlyII j .... lflu. "pirit, induced L,. the un­fHlIlllhl., comparilon o( th.ir ownullch'i1i,,~d Itale, in conlrast with tbe~ri"ltl improvemeut of tbe TlimlMtans,¥o hi,'h C'ltuSftd tb.m to be 10 unani.ILlUUl6 in thair .ppliClltianl to us for)CI)l'Vrmnint aid in aendinJt teacbersto them.

III a report made b, me to theClIlnllliasion.r 01 Il1diliD Affairs OR

my till urn, "hie'- "a. allO publilhedin tIll! Port To...nlend ARGUS, Sept.3, IS71, 1 d",,1t. at. le,ng:th on t.hissllhj"cl, IIlld Itron,ll r~commended

th"t uur ttn....rnm.nt adopt. tOWArd,tho AI"lIk. Indiana. ,imilar polioy10 Ihllt dO IlJccellfull, .nforced inBl'itilih Culumbil, at t.he two minion.n( Mlltlllkllil. lind "art Simpson,.shill't IlCCOUllt. or whioh will ser"e t.o6xpli,ill tho 111",.1,00 which I would",u)c,lll.'~t ollr go"ernmflllt adopt in itlrlllllfP Illltuagemellt of tbe Alaskantrill"»,

In O~"lh~r, )857, Mr, 'Villiam1)11111'.11, mi..ion"r" schoolmaster.111. ~'",'I'chi"t, ..nd K'tMJlultte at Hi,h.Illll'~ E1lilcupill TrMinillit College ofIh" Churcb MillsioUlul Society of1..011,11111. " .. selected to lillth. post.tlf ItH\clter "ntl mis!lionarv at Fort.Siml'"un, and. with noother .id tbaatill" ~lil'lIl11.I paid bilr b,the 'Oollt)':llld HI'Cl'~lInlll dun at ions from chari­1...1,1. l"1C'rllhllS in 'EI.gland .tld Vio·tllri., ht' IIl10il SUCQecrd~d in makinKIh" Ittllialu nutler his charire & lelf·illl!'I ... :n:ng 1'''"[1le, and th~ir Ifllule­nlrl1t is II m'tilel wbicb OIlinyof ourpiollrur c,.lulUunitie. mi~ht emulat.with prlltit.

In ~I~,'" IStiO, Mr. DUllean, findingthe Ic,N,'alit,. uf tho poll' at Fort Siml'­"111 IIlllliUit.d to tbil purpOH. r.­11lO\'totl 10 Ilil pre..nt place at Ml!ltla­k,ltl.... "Uloe 20 mil.1 aouth. where houtaiJliaheu e lown. Here, act inK inturnA allllinillt..r,lCboolmuter, phY5irillit. huihJert arbitrator, m'liatrate,tr"der, all') teacher o( varioul 1110.clluuic .rls, 110 hn labored 80 suc,cf'5~fully lhar. th.y now own aechOOlh'f trlidilli reKlIlarly to Vic,turill j th., hav. a joint Itook tradinghOllIe, oap lIIanuf&"tory, blaok-Imith sh p, "'w mill, an octagon-lihllped IIcllnol house, wit.h CUst near.Iy 84000, Il building 90 b, 30 ft,ulled. as " court hOll", for publiomeelillK~, and to acoommodllteIItrallf{er;t, a rni!lsiofl,houln Got- fllot by32, cuutuilliug Sin en apartmontll 011

tltn ~rnulld flaM, a sp:\cioll~ 1I01'111i.tor'l1hove, anJ olllbuildillJlll. AIIOIl chUrl'h, woolen hctllry, 1'r1\(trO they"'ell¥e l>lankct;t IIIlfI COfllmon naunelon It lIulChinlt sUPI.liou tlt.1I1 by thupro Irietors of tho Mil illn mills atSan Fr.llcilco, a rope .ndt\~iue fllc,

The Tinnet number - __ . _ • GtlOOThe T'linkets - - - - __ • 6,650Totll.l Xo, Alaskan Jadians _ lI,G.jO

nut, in sptnkiu~ o( the nath'epo.,ulalion oC Ala let, it is proper tocMIl tll~m.1I ~Jndianslt to pruent.\:()llfUlllun. Ddl atlds to thilt wholenumber o( Ilati",~s, whieh, as u&for.litllU'Ut iii ~5,';'04. as followl: •. Jt.,Hll.!i ilIollS, Wi h.lr lJrc6Js or creoles) •.jlltlj ('i1i",m innludin!f' militar..


'·0 I 80 .­:." , eqlltt ,J, 0, m.~in,ll • total populK.tiou oi the 'l't1rritof\' :11 6001..

The 1l1ilitllry /I,,\'C li;en 'remOfedsince Oall'a catillllue WIIS madt, hutth~ al1llition to ttl" popull/ltion sinceIhc cllnncries at. Sitkll Ilnd KlawackIUl\'t.' upen t'stlloblish... tl, IIIllI tllu influ.l.OCCllliiollell lIy the' lIliucml lliscover.if'''. willll1ake tho :O\al ror the WholePOIHlllltion lit tbe prCliellt lime 1I0tfllr from Ihe "mount elltilllltwd,

Th" 51:con<.l qUUtiOll, "As to theh'lst rn~lh()c1 uf lIlallll.gill~ the Indianll01 AhlSkll.'· ill Olle oi d('~p intercllI;Ollb which rtll"iru much Ktudy allllCllreful cUlIsitieratioll j "nil no COil'cluaions Iihoulll be l1lutil,. 11111,(1.. InI,cceptiull your killd ill"itation to n,I'r~i!l nl1SI'lH 011 Ihis mOlTl.ntoua~ue:'tiotl, I Ilhall have to Il,k _,('lIltpl;'nnissiull to allow me to 8tate hnwI huc MClJuireti the ir,iormlltinll reo'Iuisit" to ~n."le me to Itot.lv.nce an"pihioll UllOn 10 j!rue a suhjt'ct altho mlluagemeut of Indian".

Since )$;;:!. at whioh time I firstcam. to thi. Territor.• (Ih.n & putor Or81l01l), I h."e dAvotfOd a con­iide .....ulu portion of Illy time to thelitudr uf Ilitlilln h.hitl 1"11.1 customs.to ethnnlo,:y, archlCol~J. and .11l11lltters pertllinin~ to th~ histor,. orthi~ peo,.It>. e ~ecilllly the nllti\-es o(tli ... lIonhwc:4t coast. In )86,'j l "15

"iLh the I.tu Gellerlll lli••o I. St.....enll, when, :u Go¥ernnr uf \Vashin/:,ton Territ~ry .nt.! "ur)f'rinll~d~lIt.orI ndi.n .tT;4,IU, he mad. tr('Atl('a "'Itbth. seunl trihe. we t of the C.,·c.de r.lI~e, and lulu4"qu.utly \..~a,.. ith him in V{Il!lhinJ,rlon all hi. prt,"lito 5ecretar... ..t the time he, ..I ),.legllot. in G;'"Kre~s Irolll this T~r·

ritnry, Illlied in hlL¥illll those treati ••('OII!irmt'd b. tllt\ St!II11I!t. The sub·jt'ct uf Ihusa trclltil" WIl5 the topiouf our frl'<luent CUII\'llrslltion, and nomlln kIlO\\'1I h.tter thlln myaell whatGn¥ernor Stn.,u' Iruft intention\TltS cnncerniliSC thurn; Kurt I can IdeIy "lid truly IIate, thut.hl6d the. tr..•tie. he mild" been cllrrlfl,1 out In thespirit Illld intent with which hii madetheIRt milch 1l000d woulll 11&\'0 btelleffected with Ihe Indilllll.l, alld it ilthill Iluu,fl.lllillment of chou treatie:l... hir.h hu been tho prilllu cau!ie of.11 the Iroubl. \u h....e had with theindian. ill this Ttlrritory, I WI!!

theil, and am now, oppo.ed to alltreaty· making with the uatl\'.I, and1 vublillhcd my \·iell... in a work 'lll'titl('d IoThe Northwttin CI>&tt,1t ... bich... as ilBu~d bl J:I.r~('rs if) 1857. Unpa".. 549 and :.lSO, and rrl'm tbe I. Itrtllrli"ravh on peKe 3Gi. 'my 'fiew••refreely upreuell. [If YOll h...." nota cOIJ)' nf the book•.vuu call oblainolle eitlnu at Mr. 'Vebater'. or.t. Dr.Minor'a]

My ubut\'lltion and lIXpt'rienoelince lh.1I hUll pruvl!d to IOU thllt Illy"iews IS thert1 upreued are correct;th.t it iii folly to thin k of makinJt allYmar. treatieA with Indians, .lId,IOfar as Alaska is considered, I al" noObjllctioll to be att.ined by r.pelltinga wurn-out f.relit of tr.lltinll with ape\:ple who are Ii'ling in a territorywhich we ba". acquired tho reo­limpht of hy the purchas. the UnitedStlltes marie oC Ilussia, in which pur.chase 1'10 mentioll il made o( an,. reoserved rights o( Indians or any otherpeoplo, The land belollgs !O theUnited States, Illld no t.reatles oroDoc.saary to extiuguish Indi.n tit!e¥.

'Ve must ther.fore. meet thieAlltsbn question other tuau b, thetimo honored oustom of Illllklllj:l a~ltlcmn Irultty with It bOrll't 01 Lreech.leiis nVllll'''1 in tl.llllRme forl1lRI mar,·lIor n.nd with mora illlPOsillj;l cern·IlHlI10\' thIn ,,"0 Ilte wont to ~Io withI\ltllli ~r(olLt IlIttiOllS lilt Grallot Uriltlilt,Francl·. O.rlllltll\', alld HU5!lill. \\'Iun,thel1.!ih til hc th;", method. And hoI\'CIl:I il La lIKrric\1 infu ulft'ot, ill lhl1sulJjout ...!Iich )'our It:tlor illviw .. Ill'

to Ihell !.

1 thiuk that tbe Im.lialls themsclveil


Kow lhlill tlle luillsiollar.r efT"rll orDr. Lind.le,. Htl'f. S. hl'l<son Itl'l!

olhrt, ill htlu,1r of t~le AIl4skall In·dianl, are .tlrAclih~ 10 milch RU"II­lion, we hK"" thOll).:"ht it Il prllpertime to re-prodlleCt the folln wil1l: I,.t­Itt (tOOl Hon. Jalllill G. S"1I1l10 ~1I1

jor Wm, Gou\'erllcur Morri~, 51'4"('11.1,A,tllt of the U, S, TreMlfur)' J)~,

pllrtlllellt. Th~ luth:r "u \.. riut-II illIn.'''' to & u'(jue»t frum the ~laj\lr.

loran Ixprueinll of \'iewl' uII"U Ill.IlIllj,cl , alul ''''1I elllhodittd ill til. rw­port ...hiC'h ho offichilly preM·nt·d be'fore Ihe U. S, St>ualP, upon the "Puh,lie Ser'fire and H".uurcc!4 of Allbb:'Tbe repMt iu lluClition Wit trllll'luit­

ltd to th'&! Renale un the 41h 11:tJ' nfFtbruary 1111, ·,.-all refcrred to th.rommitteo on COllllltl'rCp, anll urller,ttl ~rinted; it ij Ihero(ore puhlicpnJpptty. ~hj, Wl1rril, in inuodull'iog Ihe h!Uer Ltllt,W', l'.y.: "JuJ:,:eSw.n htl had mll('" upt'rienee ~'ilh

the IlUlialll on Ihij couto I hue

JTtlt nlip~('t f r the 'fio\t's lie lld\'llll'

OH., and rely ,'ery much UPUII hi,

jullamellt,n The letter rPHtl.:

NU.\l1 Lhy, W. T., Oot. 10, '7'8.My Ol{AIl )tAJOIt: I will 1I0W f'1l'

dea\'or to reply to Yllur leu"r of theJ~th, ill .hieh YOIl requl!l't me to·«,\'.you htb••"tinlill" uf thll nllll1­

h.r of IndilUlI in AlllIk:.. 1111.) \..hnl't!locatetl," and .llln "tll un'tlr ll.1l", !HIIl'gelliuns nr remark:'! I lllli)' c1e~lr. tnDlako oQncarninlf thUl8 ludill.111 Illll!

their futllte m'lI11Sl"I1l~lIt." I Ihert'­lore rcapuctlully IUblllit thl (ollow­lll,a':

Fir.t· A!I to their nllmber. The0111, illrf,1I'lI1.tioll I hue which t"It:,

be cOllioliderel1 all relilt.ult!. bc-CilllSP Itis offici:ll. ill COlltliill~t1 in O.. lI'e rh­rart on Ih81'rih~" o,r the ~';:tlr"'lI,l~Northwnt, which 111 puUh.lll'd In

'o\. 1 of COlltrihutiolll til NurthAmerican EltHlnlllJZ,v, hy ~lwj, J. W.Powell by initruction15 of lha De·partm.:1t of th.. Jllturinr, 1871. Inthis iOlfOr.ltin)[ And uluahllt rApnrt,uu .iIl find all tho inforlllfttioll thlichu been pnblish.d. 10 Ih. preli.llttime rupectiulllhe Alaska In,lins,.~ich hd cl..ses IS "Orltrian!l,-' Ilrtribt. Ii"iulf 011 th~ 'fill ('Hut (:&1·tbotlp:h he do.s not Kin his r"uonfor usinJl tha term "Orari Ill ••" "

wotd I do not know Ihe ml'''lliu,lZ orapplication Of), anti Imlillns, ..ml,ITeI the whole number 11.5-

TOlal Alallka InllianK JI.(j,j()

Total Ala kll. Orariani )4,054Total natin popul",ion 2.j,':'04

The Orarians .re, lst. The IUlIuit;2d, The AI.lIt.,

Tho Innuit. are the molt weslerntribes. and are c:aued l.Jy n,lll ",ithth. tribes or tho adjac.nt COll5t orA.ia, The whol. nurnlter of III1IUitShe places al 11,000. The AI.utw are\bl eIltorn, or Unalishkan., and tbe-est"rn, or Alkans.,. or thue thor.',tI 24/,2, making a total o( Ora­naill, 14,05 I.

Tb, Indian tribf"1 of AIK)okA AtOdi'fided by 0,,11 intn tW(l !lrOUpii, thATinnrt IUIII T'liul':etll, The furm"are tIle 1II0r8 norr!lMh' trillllll, fromCook'l! IlIlet nllli Cup/i,lr ri\'ur north,&lultht! Inttar nro t hI trill~M fromCook', IlIlut !lithe III'ulh"m hordurof AI""lea, ,,1111 Rre tllt' trilJolt lUoroptrticulllrly l11f't "illl lIy truoloril toSitk., ".r~u~.1 :ulli lho PriUIlO ofWale' ArchipelalJo.


'_a ~

Page 2: p .' Sf) ,ARGU · 2010-07-28 · cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or the National Museum, to be n'-ibited at the Centennial Exposition in Phil· adelphia, and proceeded iQ the United State.revellU

-Oregon f' \~f'Q!].

Til ... "'::I.~I~: fe.l·cr I'rt:\·, ,~:lt 11 ')',.'n:h:tr'li III Umlll!U:I. .1~.: lo."lclll>it:1 flI:tr\·1 ,t I.. :tl.tll'ch- lAl·lI:,on I _,_

\\"/llla, ...~ :to

I':ort IIi t .r.m, cOUllt}' i", U\ ~rruu w 'bhowe",. I. g

T~lcgrnJ'h I~~il.,. n~J,~ ,'hoel,i... litre Ilt·h)' hghtulUg, It"

TIle poet oUiet: :I: Lcb3UUli i, tn 1ll! 'Atel)' rehullt, lin.'!

'rhc.wiDd nIl I r.uu thre. 11011111 e3l'lue:l~ \ ouealla. Y.II

Frost hu injllte,j tll,' loC3:1 crop in fHOllllu nile,)'. 'I

, The Asb1:U1u TtJin". U)'i !tr3~he;,III thnt \ICUIIt)'. ut

'111tl InJcI)(!uucnt tfU"'~3 ~'lXtl 3' 2:1110111I,1 at HOIlCburs. - cell. UUlt bM .truck gnin ill the (,~hpooi

glon, lJongbl coonty. .L

A .ll~rl)' of Ro.ebllrg ItUIlte'1'lI ki1~1decr 10 ono t1:1y'a hunt

Intli3ll1l on Quioll rh·er I'1!fu.te to go 011M:l.llteur rcaervation.

1J:I)'WIIIW. T.) i. caJl\':ua!n. for (lint!1)II~h~ a tiN cugiue, 10 •

lilly 10111 at &Iem; tG per ton (or wild1111)- lIntl 133 for tilnothy.

Tho furniture, etc., in the Conlltuck lie"'lUI vIlluCtI :ltlJ\'er5S,OOO.

Capt. r-;. Ii, Humphry ililrelitiellt lifAlban)' BIulI Hibooll Club,

Cninook ulnlUlI :UU !LQW rulluibg ullcrcekll of ,JRck,lOIl county,

,Iohn 1':llillOn, Oil the C'lIlillllOil1, IIst!:l rincnlshcil by 1\ ""II!o'01i wheel"

A 10~1i of li,lIOtJ lhf) Will lat.el)' hll.ul~iof 1.o\\'I~tou 011 UIIC wagon,

Steel r:lilllBrC baill,q I:lid (Ill t!.lu Ioc::u r(rulll \\'.lIull) to W/llIo Wulb..

'l'Ihl nlachiucr)' of the .\lonurnentllJ Intnbeing rnllilil)' plaoetl ill IlOIition.

Tllu f/lr '!ICflI wa.rcbpullC 111. In'iug, i. UU(gOlllg rcp:m. lIlld lnl(lro\'CnlClltl:.

Br)'1I11311l1 "l\nucrlloof 01 \\'cst Che~llI.cal'tUn.'tIIl:li Wtl!,.c. ill ono hUllt.

Ucrr)' Wln'ille Ilro\-e 1,000 ,heel1overmountailli :llltlllllly Ion 3S lIea1l.

'nlo lntlllt ahumlllllt hi)' croll ,,'er knOll'tbeing cut III (iflud ltoode nl ey.

.\Ir. King of H.oIebuJ'X, rocei"ClI lete,.juriclI frum lwiug tllm..·u from.1 hOlle,

Tho )'ichl of gr:lin in O.1(;:bnil precillCtone·thinl gre.1wr than O\'.r bofC'te ItoOJrD.

The Met(ury kU. of ..vera! CI\I.II&IIIta ..hawJ IleCn arrutod at Salem for petiL larea

Man)' immipntl are p&aaitli liIr'Ol1Dougl.. rounty 011 their ...-:11 III tM\ern 01°11.

Th, flee track of tht liniOD toullty .At:C'u!tu",1 Society il being put ia fir" r:I~der,

'I'h" Vnion )'ii the debt of WalIA Wlill81:!.4W !..':'J, :I nll1uetlon of S7-19 "!hn b't.!month..

(;nn.illt:mJ.te hllll,lilliJ it &OinS oa ill W,I""-a \'allc,)', lind oi II ll<::::':r cla.u thau rrbt.'fore,

Charld Wella II 1'":1, hOl:.nJ, 0\'« b1 RconJer u.oWet. of. 1.:::,. for atDhn~ J30 froWUI. .\1(ljJl'!lt.

A ,)'OUII8: nl.ln by Ihe lIIllMl of Soot; Iffrom II bUllthog out Watt of t;UgeDe, Illd allLocated hi. ahouldur.

A party of PI'OlI)Cctofi think they b'{ounil rich quartz on the h':wI watm of ~Creek, Dou.laa 1:0Ullty, I

Tho Sbtll JoUru.,IIIl)'iI: ~Ira. Cbtk, frlwhonl II tumor wu remO'lOiI a .bort til.Ineil, I. recoveriog r.1pidly.

The ltoeoburg 1'1a.inlica1er U)'I there ta rcry pro-peet 01a bountiful crop in lJoaBlIcounty, with .am. apllntheulou of ""t.

The frame of the Sherilfllll .1"hOWl U~IIt il 0 IOlill f_nd imputing looking afair, nmllohinery for oll.'lliling .'heat hu nol ret 1rlv~'lI,

MOIIt of tho millcl'>I hll.vc lIu'l'cmdeti opentionl for the uAIlon. 'Mu, lar/tll mioillS 001IpauiOl Arc ,II bu.y yd. however, in J,T,(U::county,

HllrvOIt will be ICvoral "(lOki late Ihi.)'tIIin JaeklOll couut)'. owiUi to the cool weal'"Sollill of tb., graio "'ill not be ready to thmfor two weeke.

0, /'llc(lah:lh. who lIveloo tbe WillAlllLl.wu thrown 'ronl hil hol"8ll lut ..eek aabaIlly hurt. It is furecl that hit injal'llwill prove f.tal

J, R, C.m... rolt thit ...·eek purcbuod Oft14000 pounda of "1'1.101 of O. H..,~aft ..Jo'..den precinct, JacklOlI county. payt"i U18 ceDti uerpollnd,

Thtl Guard uy.: M..terJohn Hell:!ll'D)1011 of Dr. IIllllltDWlY, wbil.ridia. a ~colt. 011 Coyote, Willi tbron from \b~ .....and hil left a.m. dialoated " Ute w1iIS.

The Democnltic Timet ..,..: W. ~1thaL an imOl.ellN ruiDinK enterpn.e u=411'1 in the iut..."ftt of California capdj,afwhich may tAk" :I dllrioi\e I~pe at DI Jdlte,

Maj. Vedder ia kiokioi out a fOIl~thtt't.graph to connect Walla Walla Wl ,.d' Alene, l'eop!lI of CoUu: udS~otr~r to fumiefi tbe pol.. if the ti..~through thDlMl ~, •

Th. H...riJburg r-;udeDl P)'I.1iJI'fh:u _.Irutl)' commenced i~ tbit ledioa.[boue hl!ltl of hc.rley 1:It'Ioo,f1b'l torol~ brfcami N"'f31 t1eltll of OII>tJ haTe tell

thtlilickle of the Nape:. l! 'A )'OUIl~ ma,u n"nled Barker, at lJf

~(,.'(!iv...d tile edge of a foot ad:lt!. by;Laui,...'t:ted reboullLl of thtl i"lpiemenl• I ,eJlIhim jtlat low enough· to mil» t;hen-.1Itl\'erina: till.' tipper lip froiD hill f:ea·

TIliII year the SJlrilljl and .':all w~, or.1Jo more thlUl ."U:lgt) hcrealtoub. t • t1i1l1ll:ourRlIt IIl)'I. Wuhinltoll C?u~ct=will h.! hetter ill phunl'neu IInu~11l\\'o~tlllln heretnfore, and in no t"""-­

till! Statll ""i11 the yi...ld 110 greater,

A plrty conJilltinA' of Ho~ Cr:UM· •\o'er Mianor. J. C. Church and E. J:'te~hall, ",'(jnt 011 tho McKen:De I,ft oOOft

Ililt. ia tl boot Gbout three ml (II to tht ]IlIue and lI.hOO from there do....n bolll '

Kanzie bridge, They c~ugbt atrout. 11I1'

Col. T. II, Comeliul h:l! uken inpartum and one that the farmen. -aeiaLe. It i. hi. intt'ntion to put IIIr..aan eOiitl" Md choppinJ( hu~. heMunder thil metbod ean have hll '!' &Ik'and .tJihed, and an if he dlllirettailinp o,waJ.

Now. by Mall,

~ho"' me the girl who hM tho h:lrdi·hood to wl.istlu ill tht"!t11 dtL)'II, whenj'verything nu.tuntl, Cn'U to tho Illlir o(j ollr head ill tLt 11 t1i'K:OUIl~, anti 1'1111110'11'\'011 tL girl who call 00 depf'lIdcd "POII­,me who ,."i11 not [IIiI .you in tillltl ofnr.et.l, lind will gh'o )'Oll II hearty gl'.lllp,the cordill'! w~lcomc; 110 tiJl of lL kidglovc, and!L cold "holY do you ..10 f'who ron bmve d1lnqer, look toil ill tbefllCo without IIlu'inking, lllll.ugh withthOISO that laugh, Illltl Wet!11 with tho8()that weep." It.lI well liS whistle with tJtOllethat. whiltle; who call, in .110rt, takethe wodd ltS sbe fincLt it, rough lindnlgge<l, nnd not. go through life l:tIl ifahe were walking on cAA8, "nd afmid ofcncking a ahell; who deali in lublttance,not shadow.

Whom Victoria hal OutUvld.


1'1"111 loe F' nl II1't 0 1 :bl~ IIll lllii t!':c ! ,nr ll:-I!!' drcll'),I for Ml:JW thllt', llll1l lllUlit uu.1,h"III'I',nr.. Til. Ill~-·In'" I' r.t~ \,..,~" ~i1'(111 ,I':)IIl>h,lI,. btl '~l1ilC prollt:t101o III thOflC wbo IIhiq IIh"IW''''U lO F lIh! r W"I·I:, \\hn Will rl"_ l1u,;u ,I. Thl' ll!i'r"'~nlt:1I1 t, ~~lll:lftl(''' ,TUll- \ 01 I 1'1 " ,,.,lnllt~h (1IlU" r,lllltr }iauh.w. lh:c huu. Ult)' I b'iv. . lIOlOoIII,ll liCW JllllIlll'~lot t\1'l' 1Il1'ro-,lr, ,1 .11 hli\':1~1 I'll!·' \Ill! i,·· fllrUl~I,(I<1 filii Urtuul Jllry ~U'lt'hlu':'::"II. r,.M of f·rf'··tl"U at .Dcnn·I',~". l.: ,h :L~',' ~ 1\1 1,\' Ih! .l.:.Jn·r,u:aclIt lire The t:. S. grll.IIJ jur.r 110'11.' ill !t' ,'lOll Willi \':III':l.t l·rlll' iu );1'1,rtUtkt\ i.• ,~00t1; C{"ll'Ur, ,·,.11 i. 111,- (11.\· :l1:lb IlU'.' .wllI to·mor· h-.h,.cbr''b1d 10 .lil)' JU ohttlh:u('f' to a rl'Ccl.lt {,1'ufllt('!t~I' lImB Cl't', lH>ir,r(>.rllll '0,,11""1 II 11:' f ..r til,' I' ,llllh.;Umellt of n InQ' of l'(lll"rl's..~, '1l'i.lith rl't'O"uizf'll 1~litiC31 "IlIro;£' ("lW!, I I-. lilou$:lJ: thllt n a1loot ltCW'U IU Ihe waU~r of cltOOliillg g~IItIIUllt uclit I.~·nn Shoellt:lkl'l~ ~ro 111'\'lillll:'.( nlt.>:llllfwilt" .!i"JIlIIl fro:;:! tilt· ,':1:.'. ":1 l\ill l',\,IIlC,IL jUwt"'I itlilto .:s. courtl. • 10 rn"i..t. 11m Fall Hi"'r hlrikcl's.r.ulru:lll. ,,111 1,' !>dClI' t. .\11 the ..ick nre l' I I I I 'IlfO'';'' .. ill! fll\·umllh·,st""lU nola GOli!k'r. wo !um t'C'l ••h\'arutl~i1 nrc OM thu)11 ... J:u rrtlrla tlntl John ,,'IIN-IIIII, Tho Humility ot· a Oromwell W.IY lO I hlh to JOIll tho .,IOI1U0I1&

~101l", G.I" ,J.llt~' :.!1,~Homchlllit;iit:l>bllsbcd lu,lianli :ultl white hcrhf' tliien;<fj nrcIIlt,'ct, qlt:,~m,~II.II" .1~(lln·! llcmphlli and all Th,·llItluilil;- o( ~rcal mell i.. a not l'Olllll1ittill!: i11'llmJat!0I1~ in Ihe BJo.ckIII .'f', Ill. nc,"" " • 1 ' I II f' ~

~h:llr:lh JIII~' :.:1. _ EUllniril'ii /lmoug Ull l"lOfIIll'U"'I' If'1I0mellQn 111 t Ie wor t 0 11111&rlt~'-it'ia.ll~ ront·, rnln:.: th" Ilrogrosi of lhu c!Jarnet!'r, Im,king,likc othfr I'lt~nOlllell:I, Tlll're 'Wen' 11 j ,k'lltill" from )'cllowftll·t'r r,n-t,11 n?lllill"; 11......... :-.lmtll~!'bt that 111;01' to illlilte.'CliolllUl\l :lI1.... I),..ib, alC'giti' fen'r in Hn\0:t.Il:Ltlnriu'" tIlt' l'I'COwl WN"k"\t.' h~v.. Il ....;ldrtl t ...,'O(' of walan~1 ftl1'c["; 1IIt11~ itlll'"""..illll 111'(111 til:' eJ'{-'. l pOll a . J I ~

o~hc:-o 111:11 WI' U.lH:U"'lIIill~ ~'eIlGW fner. n~rer \'i~w, hOwl'\'t!r, it. uj8Clo.~!:'I lIi1ter- III \l y.~1,lt 110: u~ .•d~· 11. .. bll'~ B" in l~'j:J.or IS~S, q,"t.:UCOIIl' ffOalul,\'K, 111111 SltOWIi a i:"(o llllli The Sun think... Shcrman tlIf' litrOllge~l'1_116 to dlfi','r,..:I,t :'tolilf or~anll!:ItIOWl 0111.- f '.1 ........ 'I'h H~publicall Pn.'!fidenlial Ilallllitlllt(' illdOlO DO Ill,.. C.uti 1111" thOM! ullder trt?lll- Iln 1111":1 e Slue. crt' nl'llC:'lnl Penn I 'weut nre doing modtrnt~ly '\filII. The liow- to be in ijOu\C Ininds what. we tony term SJ' VIUUa.ani yilitona reporl ouly thrNt ('aSCii ueeding tim talent ~f humility, lL'l lli!ltinillillhutl The COlUlllon CQullcil of CincilUUL.ti~ii~uee. • from the nrtue. "he talent of humilitv IUlii \"oted SIG,OOO (or plociug lhe cily

to~rteetl nell" cue" w£'re reported. thiS dOL'S much mOl'tl tblUl aiml,ly usc tl};prr.i- in n good aanltar)' condition.morolng. Two C:1f loadil of tcnl>! fUfD1shed •by tile ;o1'ernwent h.,.c ar;;,.ed,oud the l:lions, nlld put. on lin ouLAidc: illUlllumelt Durlllg the fint Ilal( uf tile currentcity butboritie.s ,.,.i11 to-P"?rrow l'ltnblilb II. thf' rt!al (eeling, 110 £:'1' M it. enn be n.H. )'oor the trclLllUrc IihipUlt'ntM from ' U1enmll at tl POlllt IUell mllfl nortb of tbe sumed withotlt being intrinsic; it cn'- YntncilfOO nmountt'tl lO ~ !J!tj 684 53cily on tile l'adueaa rolld, Tbe UO"·lIrd All- otClj ita 8C1\8ILtionlJ, ami throw~ iuelf iuto 0__ • " •locilltion ye ll'fdll)' phll:e(1 II foW' nunell on .otll:!'ctary 8l1m'uulIl IS a~Jllcnt (~'O1lldnty. t:'otlr 111!&thl from yellow fe,.or b.'·e itllll(lil'it. The distinction betwCQI\ the "'W1Llllgton on a. i1u'e()-Il.'l"Ck. nu:ntlOll.o~urred lIiUC01ut night lilll'Crinduccd Bnlltho monllnml ::;:eHlline lie will spenk nl POl'llrllnl Muiu(' on

H"".lH.\, July ~l, - .·iuety·nino lle~tbll frelin!:l i!J, imlecll, mOllt f4llbtlIJ ofll'It, nOli the 2:lrtl. ,.from )'ello~' fe\·o~ durlns tbe week cnd\'ll:: dillienlt. of detection. TIll' OIH: MCClllli to .,Jnlv Illth: II decrense of li) cOlllpllred "ith h•. :1J.!tl to do nil that the odur Cllli. It A dCtltl'llctl\'1' hllt! storm IlltSMt.'t1 O\'trI:lsi t\'eck. Wellll Rivcr, VllrnlOlIt, 011 LllO 1'Ilh,

id felt nt t.1Io liroper timcll, 111111 it COltlOll Mall)' haillltoncli wcrt' nil il1t.,'h in dillln'out. wjlh nntlll:ul CUSC, cxuberlUlt"O u.1l11 ctel.,!,!inney. A gCllel'ttl ClIlilldollliUt!:;!j ill-iHl,bitH tho mimi of tho clll.ims of htllllil. A l:anadn. di~pfl.tch I'CpOI'L" tllll (o':lllity ; tho I;(Illtimol\t is kC\lt ill ,'iew,,, wh'cnt. ill Ontario cOllsillornhl.v nhovo tho\'i('initJ' Lo it. iH lIIainLl\illCI,lIud LllO will, :wJrllse of rccont yellns hotll ill IlufLntityhy nn IIH)' I'rocclll., iN I1lwnYK ready to 1111(1 qultlity,lslide int9 tltl) feclillJ; when lI11ilunlion 'fhe Congl'cl{ij (jf ~uu [)omlllgo IltQ­liuggcsl:;.. .,. .... ... Oromwell exhibitlli 11()l)C1I Lo tho United Sktt..'s II frw f'X·lLis tlllclit ill n l'cllItmmble llml highly Chllllg~ of sugar 11lH.l toLaccllugninst nnyJc\'clcped fOI·llI. He luxurio.te3 in it.; two l'tOOllch of dIe latVil' couIILI'Y,'he "'iel<ht it. with lUI nlm08t. wllntoll fl'Ct... A party of G50 .l\lorlU IUl, hound fOI'dom (l,ll(llbenlioUH boltlne5.'S; he throw, Sal~ Lake, lIrrived nl Council Blufr... 011himself wiL!l warmth into till t.ho flCllsa· Lho 12th, by thl' lticilgo u.ml North·tions' which belong tQ poor, humilio.tf!ll, western road. TIley occupied lL 1I1Jl"Ci:t1persecutoo l dp 5pile<1 101111. f:lishumility t.min of 19 cnrs.rises with his dcterminRtion. At. the By omcr of Go\'el'nor Uishop thetime Le WAg iitcmlly ;iding roUghHbod, State oHicea nt ColnmbtUi .....ere c108C<.1with his TroAAi,lf'll, over the countr" &ntl and tho f1&g on the capitol di)jI)Ia.ycd nLIlushing it, by main forco nnd liimple Iilllf·mnst on the dlly of tho funerul ofsteel, into cxt.remities from which it ex.Governor Allen.Iibrunk, he antI his followen were the Of tho 84 dellths in 8lLU fo'mnci8CO the"poor, detpised. jeered Yints; flOOr fint. week in July, 23 were under 0110weak saints, Y01. gints; i( Ito(, shcc-JI, ,ea.r of ag& The a.ve~ mortality in),et. IAmbs." .. Oil, Rill mercy." 110 sayll, tll"t. oity during lL corr8flOnding period"to the whole IWCiet,. of uintA; let them (or ti\'(" yean hu been 89.mock on T' They were "the poor IlCOl)lllof God," "lM)()r despised things." "poor Our present tmdo wilh BrftZil 1l00WSinstrumenta,1I ,. wcak Jlands." lie Idm. an tlllmmi halnlu:c of 84~,OOO.OOO in~elf wu. in his Rtrongest day&, but a. fBvoro£ that coulIlrJ. 11. iii belien..'tlIt poor looker.on," 0. "!M)()r tlllworth)'" thM n proper elfort will lrullsfl'r thillCr(lltUl'f'," a II ':Cr\'&nt to you." He "did blllt\nec to tim otlll't lIille o( the 11..'llger.not. grasp o.t [lOwer." And he .. would .Act~-een 400 alld 500 French,CIIM­rathe.r "a\'e kCI)t a. flock of Ilheep dum dianll pa.<w!d through PI}'U1outh, N. H,held the Proteetomte." Such wereCrolll' 011 the I'lt of July, on II Jlilgrimao~ toweiland his Ironsides, l\CCOrding to biM the lIh~ine of 51.. Ann. de BeI\I)I'C, nelf,rown necount. Tho proud world \l'/Uj Quebec. TIli!S jj the firlit- pilgrimagetru.mpling, in il'S Sll'Cllgtb, upon tiloac from the Ullit<.'(i Statea.innocent lind helillesll habcll-lllJ grim, About 300 IMlt'80WI recently IIpent.fierce, ILnd delldly meh of Rteel It.lI e\'cr eigbt. tllL)'1I of Mix houl'S ,each in llibleWOll a politicnl ellUIO or nUJICtl IlL victor., stud)O at CHfLan SJlringtl. N. Y. 11li1liOlJ9 general to power,-Morley'M EsaIlY& WII.'I tho liftlt aunutll confe'rence of this

churncter. The sixlh will b~ Ileitl illthu Iitlllll1 1IIIlCll on tim lallt. TJlIIrKl.luy in

r Junt', 1880, colltinuing live dlly",And now, IlIl she looka bac.1.: 011 the Cengrl'8ij htwing adjourned without

two and rOlty yeant f• her reign,! what, action on tho billauthoriling 1111 ollow.ch~ngr.s . 18ft Her ~ ,tlJotlty Ii~en In the IUlce for lellkage 011 oxport pllckagelS of~nol1n,el bf her Privt COllue.Il,. hor Pllr- 01001101 betwecn tile dilltiIJerieM nud theluament. •nud her O~bl!t~t MlIlIS~nt, to port of eXI)olt, immcdiute collection ofRIlY nothlllg of her Judlc.tai and epUlcoplIl all drllwbllClc II.lI.SclllJlllcnhi for thi. CtLUSObench 1 She '.10" outhved by lKl,vcrnl ill ordercll, and dela)'oo relilHllg t.ho 00­

yelLl'lI overy bl8hop and every Judge tion of Congress. TJw lUSIWl8DlentKWllOIU aho fount! ~~ted 011 thOle bellchca amount. to 850000 or $60000in Englllnd, Scotll\nd anti Ireland. Sbo ',' 'ball witneued the (uneral of every Pre· John Tn.ylor anti the OJ:eeutora ofmier who hili KCrved under her except Bligham Young's will, hllving refusal toLord Beaconsfield lind 1\fro GllIdlrtont'o to tunl over certain pl'OlMlrticlj to tho re­Not II. !lingle Oabinet }1inilter of her ceiver, were cited to apllear before theunclo anti PrOOeotUOr'1 dRYII now aur· !bird District Court 01\ Montlay mom­vina' and of tho,,, who held inferior mg, IIInd show cause why they abouldoffi~ under her first and'(a,orite Pre- not be l>llIli'hed (or oontempt.. Themier I find among the li.ing only Lord ~unty recordB bearing on thi. t'lLM haveBaliin (t.hen ChQ.l'les Wood), and Lord been apiri~ away, anti the county om·'Howick (now Lord Grey), cera cannot be fnurid.

Of the membel'l of tho P ..ivy Council Another pint for Il wholCl8alo rclcaacwbich BtLt lit. Kensington Pala.eo on that of prisoners hAll been d18covcred t\ndbrigbt Summer morning in Jane, 1837, frulltrated in the M&MIIChllaetts Stateto admin1Bter tbe oath to the girlish Prison. A letter from one c.nYlct toQueen, I can find in tho land of ihe liv- another wal interctI)t.OO, which di8cloeedillg only four individual.-George S. a plan to CI1ptlll't certMin officenl lind nIBYlig (now Lord Stratfon! de Re<Jclifl'e), nilroad tl11in which mn into the hrison

8 !C' Fu~C~: ~~~III;;~:'-'The ladi ' Lord Robert Ol'O!lvenor (now Lom Ed· Y"Td noorly e\'ery tiny, IInli with t enidwalkiDg walcb cloaod last anniug. A~t bur.r). Iud .the vc~ran,E:~rl of. Wilton. of II ba.tt-ering mill b~u~r tlown tltfJ ~n.8,000 penoA' were prnent. ;\lal)&OI, lfl. Indeed, It may be '!lId LLtLt Her .MQ· tmn~ !rolte to Ul.e IInBon, thUH oJlcnmgChAllpeJl. mode the I:t~t wilu in ll:5i )" jesty h:'9 Ih'ed to I'CC("hoo at. Court in th~ WilY lor the csope of llevel'M.l 111m·Ilmld great IlppIIlUlt'. The walch bll.!t beell yer.f many, Iwrl111lJti in mut. instAnces, drl,l ron"ids,__·ell attended I~rougbolll, but not intu91- the 6l1cccii.'iivc WO:lron of the atuile coro- -".~---ing ~ a ped..trtll.D route I, LaCbappe;lhl hn- I , 1.0-1 T'I__ A Good Girl.Ing re:\iIJ had no cowpethor for Ihe tint po- net, I1nl! SIO hM aeen o~r HII -AA."l\U-sition nud but litUo uue~rtllinty rego.rding chaOlp, fOllr DukeR of Northumt>t;rlandthe Il!COud, tbini and fllUrth pllll.u. The lind th'c l.,ordlJ ROOner. She haa re­leer.1 are 1111 'ollow:I: Lo,Cbllp(l:8l1e. 300 ceil°cd the homtLge of four Arcbhi'ihopsmiles Ill1d ti J:lllf; Edwafllt, 262 miles and 1 of (JBllterhury of (our Arcllbishop" oflup; Donie" :l"S mile,,; Utlyuard, 228 mile. ~ .1 .' B' I f 01 ' 1olld 2 laps; W.lton, 13.& wilu, At Ibe cIOM "~rk, anu lu'e 1.8 lOpS 0 . I1C lesler,of 1blt acntnt the Ilriztll und Uel~ "'frO pre. Llch~eld lind Durhnm IIllccetl!'l~vcl.r- ~heIieDted lI.IlJ tb ... crowu tlillpll ro. A. uumber Ims fillcd CIlch of the three JUllucsllll'lIof nUltche. ore likely to toll V" (ot" tbl,) bl!lt!l., twice lit lelult; she lutS I'ccoivel1 tllU a.d.

t'IIra.... In "'I"'At '!h'f':k.. dreMes of fOllr eucceBSh'c 81~lIkerll ofS4:; FUAlfCI8CO. July. 24,-Tbe great de· tho HOllie of COllllllons' IIhe !IlL' in·

maud tor "'bent lI"gH Will occnr in the neat S I " h K' I00 dnlt. alld ,the market in tbe nleanhmo trusted the Oreo.~ ca, 0 t e. mgt 011Iwill be prlctl~'11I1, tinder control of thOle to no ICM thftn lime dlfforent. Lord Cht1.H­who ~a'tl KUIlIl into 1\ 1>001 on RfAin bugt. Il cellars, nnd aile hlUt \o'OlUmisaioned ei,qh~h dilined tbot tbe ltotk pooled compriul 5Ucce8l1ive PremieMl to (orm 110 ICliil tll,m.1::i,OOO,~ whut .bngl, It I,he 4:ombinollon thirteen dilTercnt ndlllinistratioll8..u«eell In cralltlUg and mallltllining an ltd-nnC8 lJqno,l to four ceotl for the aelllon of London H=o~r=n~ol=-_ .... _wblcb tber••eem. to ba Iittl" doub~ at p;ea- •en~, it meanll 0, proAt of $000,000 to _pe6ulll-o The Mi"ouri (armer! are reported LOtori ond a eOffeaponding lOll! to farmllfl. be driYing posts InlO the ground to tangTbe mO'ement II the mutt giaandc made ill to wben the cfclonci come,

U'h1r'lll'll 'he Znlno•.10olt'oo~, Jnl)' 23.-111 the I1(l1l~C of Corn_

rnoll.lo.dur, tile guvernl1lootlllluOIIOCl!1! thereceipt of Ii telegralllll:ued Cllpe 'town, July8tb, IItatinR luat Lord Choltuslor(l remninedin ClIlllll till tile hfteruoou of Jul~' 3J, await­iug the ,urrentlt:r of rnllQOIl lIml 1.000 rifles,captured 11)" tbe Zult:s at Ialluduln. ThellCoot arri'l'ing, he nd\'Ancetl au(1 wni> atlackedIn Ibe 0lleu eouulry 1.I:r JG,OOO ZulWl, '\fhoOtt! \loder:l bell";)' Ureof the Drillib. LordCbelmaford tben adV/lDCed lind destroyedUlind!' Zull1 1011. 800; Britlsb 10lt 10 killed,53 '\found d, Tbe bt.ttle ...u fOllgMo. Jolyflh. Zlllus, 1'u=ouII; t8timaled at from 10,­000 to ~,OOO, lurrolloded tbe Briti h troop.,who formed :I bollo.. square. Tbe ZuluscbaraM tbe .qullre ou .n four sideij. AUertbey were broken by lbe Briti'b tIre tbe,weN! puraued by c:anlr)' I\nd DtterlJ rooted.Lord Cilelmiford Domed auJ deatroTed aUmilllar)' kraa1l and relurned to Ws caD1p theaam, ~,.cnIDg.

Tile 0 ...1... C:••IIII.

Da Leuepa hal iuoed a plOlIpectnll of lbeDuien Canal Compallr. The capital atookfa dnd at -100,000,000 [rauc•. Only 12.5 fruCiper Abare will be called up ill the tint io­ItUOl, hte.rot at the rate of 6,.e per tentowlU be pald on adtull moue)' ret:el,.ed darioQ:the coww o~ con truttlon. De Lfnepa nli­matH In Income of 90,000,000 franGil fromthe caDa1, and rtekolla clut IhllreboldeN willrtttive llYt per cent ptr annUl.

T ...k ' .•• ONe-III.WU betweeo, tbe turk. aDd Greek, u said

to be lmwlntllt.Till. S .. I.. ""'....

LoHDON, JuJy24.-Si" Gunet Wallie, tel­earapbs frolu Darbln on thll 8th of Jul11U1fallon: 1 hue hlllled "U reinforcemen~

hn.... u I bell",. Ibe .11I'11 o".r.' Do notlend any mora meu or luppllea till TOU h.arfrom me. [esptct to Dleet tbe great ZnJuaiel about the 16th.

A coneapondeut at U1undl; UDder date ofJulJ 4th. Aayi: It i.'J ltAted tbat Cetew.yofiYe dll,' a~o, Mul tOO head of cattle with.place lOeUIl1l811r to tl:lll British, ~ut theywere lfWr,ped by one of the Zalu fefPmeot.,who dec &ted thot no peA~ ebould be madeuntil tber w,r~ lJt!1I1l!u, The prlaenen saJtbat Oetewayo opposod war, TheJ admitthat thtl entire Zulu fora allilrellllnt at tbebittle, The Zulu 10.. I timated at 1,600,The t ....o lunl takcn at liaadulo, ware founc),

SP4leialt from Soutb Africa .ay that wben.tb' trOOpl entered Ulondi they found c"ry­thlnlf of ""lue remo,.ed to a new krllAl, bnlltbl citll8ll1 when tbe war brQke out. 15 mUMnorth of Uluodi aDd appro.cbtd onlJ through• long and narroW' m,.ine, Klpg Cet.wayoballOmll of hia chlof regiments with him 88• bodr guard. lind onrtnpondcoll doubt Ifhi Wl.t Imme41'I.ty com. to brlDI,

Tae a..ord of tbe Princfl ImperiAl haabetln deli"red to tbe Dritiah commander bJ• mGllM08.er frow Cetewayo,

Tit" 8"_U.I••The Dritilh defeatetl the Canadians io tbe

alaUih for the Kalipore cbaUenga cup.Ill. lbe ~mpetition Ilt Witnbledoo fot tb.

ElelM cblleeae shield, tbe leore at the 000.cluioD of fhOOUng In Ihe 900 ,ard raol..... : lrelaull, I,Oltii 3cotla1111, 1,008; Eaa­laud, 999. Tbe lrllb elgbt «InsWa of th.well bOWD abotl of J. Rigby, W. Rigl:iJ,Fanlon, OJ", Coghlan, Youug'.·lIClKeDIlIIaDd JohallO!l.----

SOUND ARGUS.PUGEClt'f'U I \t f' \1'1 It tit .Jl~ll-;~II' I en "I i-.


Our n"nrlllill hit'" "'.Sl':\V \0-':, July 2a.-Tbe Ticu..' Il'..d~r

to.day yl: In ,b~ bu~y rai,rood \l'oflll (fWeireuQl.tau~"are mora remarll:allie than theansiet1 to senfc tbe trlme of tbe ~outraYl"rRtl by tbe Sortb.nn Psd8c ltailroad.wbieb 10 yellt'il n~ ..."s d~mM unwortl.l1 ofIMlrions noticf'. Cbicago railroad eompuitthanlleCured all the IOada in Southern 1110'aNOia. The St. Paul & Duluth railroadhlUl been purebuN. by the abareboldtf!l ofthe lDh,.nkie k St. Paut. nnd both lhe la~

tllr ro!ul1 and the ~o~thll'e.tern have pilloni.fool for ilr"wing olf lbe traffic ('reattt~ bythe Northern JI&Ciric III ",'ell Ili tbe unruewhich IceDlI naturally to belons to tbnt en­tl!rptl88, 'rite reorg(l.niz~·.{ SI. Paul.t: Pa.el6.o ball bt>~n Ill. \de pos!ible by the IIllmeIl:rowtla in tblllle latitudell, l\ntl It will eom·peL8 .ith the Xurtheru l'llciflc for tho grointrame of the Uell Hi\'l'r 1'alle)' nn,l for theQrl&lu trame of the lI~ttlellleut" ad\'/lDciugwith /llmost Incrediblo npldityiu the CaDad·inn pro,.lnco of Manitoba, The Northernl'aell1o !lndll itllClf ~8et "iti! IlOwerfnl eom­pelltorll for thl! tratllu 01 the territory it hRaopened, 'filll coutt.,t ,.>'ill not end at Ihelhllonri, but l,romiHII to extend all alongtile northern ront. nerOl1l the continent.The Union Plelll.e bAli pIAn. mntnred foresunuiug It. l'UlIlitlelillou9 to Montn.nl, Andaecurlug llonlrul or 1II'bich tb, Northern ra­cifte dCmld itaclf lime. The former mUlt.tl'deb ill fee"l'" oottbwefJt and aeC!ure tbeInde of II region iuS .Itel, richer thin tbeother, or Ita power \rill be broken, Sor..iU lbe competition Le ('oo!in,d to }Jon­tI.IlL At fil1~ glaoce It mar Dot be UBy toetItcb cou.idl'ralloni ...'Weh impel the ~n­

trolliua powers of the Colon Pad8c to buythe franchi I and Ilrol)et'lr of tlle Olt'gon8CMm N....igatiOD Cu., ~d lu .etUN themapific'llt pouibUilin of tbe Columbiariter, II JaJ Gould'lI purpc>le b. eJJfC!ttd,the Oalon P.ciftc ...111 gUn two pointl. It,,01 dl,.ert tide from the Nonhern PaeiAcud Nublilb conaodion with the Pael80Jlanltoba, which is deatined to be ~ eompet­UorWllb MiDlleiata &lid Dakot. In the wheatmllketl of the world. If the .ptCuhtionl01 a _riter 10 the :s'ineteeatb CentDry pro'e'''''0 approJimalelJ eorn'ct, an ocean oatletDlSJ be obtliDed "frolD the TefJ beart at theOGDUIlt.Dt," 800 mil.. oearer L11't'rpoo1 thlD,.ia Ne.. YOlk. a.od .,.allable tODr u 6..IIlOlltU in the Jur.

C._lro••1 tbe J)lIIt'1ea UIIIUa!.

A llpllcial MamlollliOD hllo theulation. ofthe Dniltd S\&ces to the projecud DarieneUlal b, A. P. SPfllAU8, leCN!talJ of theAmericall ooQmittee. aha," that the UnitedStatoN if prweluded bJ both national and in­"tolItmull..., aDd polic, from claiming 0­Chl.llVIl c.'Ontrtll of thll enterprise,

Yell." ".t'".Mz¥PB.JJ. JuI123.-TblrtHo newt'18f1 01

fner and olle dKtb were reported tblt moru­in,. Thele,.ereee1l11 to begtadoaUr.pread­log l.n Ibe oonheru portion of the city. andOhel.ca, "hich up to "euerda,. bad been u­empt, The nnlhoritil!lIare .t1l1looldllQ: aboutfor 0 .Ue to latGbliab a romp. '

Nft' rou, July 23.-Dazul.ia MannioQ:,, 4rt.maa on a lteawllr plying betweeD HavanaaDd Ne... York. died ill BrookIYD' to-da, 01,eUoW' fenr, The boArd of bt'lllth haytitabn precaution. to pre"nt the' Ipread oftbo d.iJKoh. •

"abile LAbll ~.n..".W UIUlCDTOlf, Jut, ~'.-Theorgauization of

lb, ppbp~landacomflll..lon wal completedJftlllTda, bJ the "ledioD, suhject to tbe ap­pro,..l of tbe a&cr&tar, of the Intulor, of(llaretlOe D. DnttOQ U lec~ and districtllUrYelUla,y.ns.. Dnlton ill au nrw, omoer,llGI at pr'eaitit uuder ortlerl of the leC1ewr01 the interior. The C!Ommittee adjournodto lDee~.t Omahll. Auguat18tb. Tb., "'111alw 'riait Dennr, s..U Lake CdJ ud otlinPOlDta in dllCharge'of tbeir deli...

Tbe MeretAt)' of the interior to-daJ re­nl'Md the dkWon of the commi..iooer len·en! of.lhe lull Dl!ioe in the cue of lluoniO,.n...a.iDat lbe Sw. of Cllifornia at Lot.A.aa:eIH.

The dktliOD in the New leiria mutngCompuJ'1 application lor tbe Paoocll.OtaDde ploperty baa been IlI.bmitted b, So­Ucllor Kuble to the I«tfW'J of th'interiorwllo azpteta to coDClladlt it to-mornlw.

If "HISe I'fl!lI .F.....oo. Dakota, JIll1 ~"'-Tbe !'ionbern

Padlo Bail,., Compu)' are rapidl, grad­lAg a branch of their road from ea...JtooIl.ortllward. w~k-b 1& to be oompletea thif Fantor • di.tIIoce of SO mil.. at ltut,and ptrbape40. The Iron for 25 Wile. hu bHn nc.t,..d,t DD.lOlh, and w11l be laid doWD io tim, totruspon Ibo cropil of the Inrge farms Iringn.rth of tlat point. _ ,

A••lller 8t..we.. C.r UNI'Qd:P8lL.t.DlLPlU.l, July 21,-A ~ntroct WIlS

alped 00 TuMday by J. C. HeudeflOn "itbthe Delawlll iron ihip building works, vfIJb1ladelpbia, for onotber Iteamer for tbeOrelrOD Steamabip CowpaGJ' It will bethe larQ:Ut of an,. lu ttl" cowpau)··s Beet,352 feet Ion., Sd}~ fett beam, lind 3000ltna 't>gillet, '

"IUlp!: nuu·.. Ollla,.

OTT".a, Jul, 2t,-Witb reference 10 reoporta from AmelicaD aourctl that SlUinglJnU'. hud i, 00 tbe "'r p&tb. Ihe delllrt.m'.nt of tbe iOlerlor do.. not Ctwit aD,Ineb rumou. Retent adYlet8 from thenorthw..t I" tbat Bitting Bull oud bil nhlntire peacaabl, lucliue". 'fbllr relatlonlwith lbe monnled t>olice wetll nuer moreutiffaetory.

Th, F .....,

l!sIillPBlI, July 23.-Sis more clliel are re­ported to tbe board of hullh thil e"ning;tWO additional de'\l.hI. Every Itation &1oogtb.llDe of the Miu1uippi &: Tenn...e rail­lOad betWetD lhmphfa and Grenada b"inaqtw'&Dtined api.olt thi, cit" no more b'oi.ol

Page 3: p .' Sf) ,ARGU · 2010-07-28 · cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or the National Museum, to be n'-ibited at the Centennial Exposition in Phil· adelphia, and proceeded iQ the United State.revellU

w. 'l'~••





-1'('11: Til F.-



Bros. & Co.•••ttle, :

"'-Come Early and Ofte~

E. N. OUIMETTE,I t~tr III rJllclldl ot

DIlY GOODS AND »lL1lNERY,c.n:tr Kib &Cd Fil~ 8ttet1.. Ol,.pI-. W. T.

WIll make allowuee on all c:nsh ..let iathe abo\'e .line of goods.

Spring' Stock ~



Ttlylor'fl Sulky RlIke,

Mi~d\l'lr8 t~:Lrlll WllgoD,

SWQeJltlt:.la· Plowl,

HWJ('~' Hede.r,

AteHne PI01fI,

Etc' l Etc.,



• Pomod...H4ir Ow,

And nil Articlt'li UEtli for the Toilet.





ETO.Qui.k Sol" nnJ Small ProlilL

Os retully Oompounded.


UU,. IJOI't 'l'owlIscnd, W. T.,

--'}'ho!I'&!' and llitnil D,Il...m--

BcuUt nl.ll Sh~






!'ID 110ft


Oil8 rUn!BI'UliJeI.

A Il\rge IU!liOrtmwt.

••• 1 _,

Of ~xtra Quality." .





Pro..ptly nttended to.

:- ...

f~. s. PORTER,A or T () }: X "E Y - .\ 'i' - LAW,

Olylnl.ia, W. T.


I,O,~O, W. Harris,(Sucoeasorto J. F. MorrilL)



.. ,.. H"~~~'~~~ ~;.;,,"n'L Sc hwabacherl'r. CQIlcb 10 .1:\1 trolt, Ib,lIol1M.

ld. )IcS",UIIT. JOI.P.lIc..'iUGIIT.

McNau£ht Brothers.A (('1' 0 RN E Y 5·· AT-LA W I

SenIti" W, T,

Complete StocklJoNIII.Saa~

--D£,\LER8 IN--





c. F. ~ER~ISH " CO.,




{'j rn,ictlb',llnd Truili."J.

Patent ~II •.

'J r

Idle Actors.

Flmmess and Obatl08CY.

nion Squale. san the New York cor­respondem of thc Hanford Times, i. fastfilling up again with idle actors, Whenpaulug tnere )"uterda.,. J bld to edge myWilf through every blgc crowd of them.The)' conR'''egale chiefly on tbf-.c:~·t $deand on the same blOCK with tbe nionSquare Hotel. A considerable numberml)' also be seen on the south I ide. infront f)( the UDion Palace HoteJ, Thebller bouse is largely p.uronized hy Thes·piaN of the middle class- Slock aClors,for instance, who earn fair W~eE. and themore prominent members of tf3'clingcompanies, The l:uger crowd is alwaysseen on tbe Ea·t side, where the I/dra~

malic bure:auli ':Ire, and 6e,eral saloomin \Tbich the actors meet and cbat overtheir lItrairs. All the saloons arc In thebasen~ms of buildings, .....hich once wereprivlue dwellings II few years ago, bu~

which the up""ard march of trade caused10 be altered for business purpoSts.There are 'IYO leasons for so mlllV "~dle

actors sunning themsclves in Union g .uareat tlv: present timo. One is that the pro­vinrhll manllgeu arc be,:;-inniog 10 mp.keup companies for next scason. Theother and chief one is tbat $0 mallY tr:l.ve(.ins companies ha\'e com" to grief in thep::liit couple:! of montlui, and thc membcrshave at Inst mallaged to m~e Lheir waybaek 10 New York. One Ceaulrc of thecrowd at Union sqa:lfe is the almost bo)·.ish appearance 01 nearl,. 3l1l~e men com~

posing h Thcre are "ery few old facu,fay above 40, but:l f:t'lent mam' lhat wouldpus for::o to 15. Not mo e than onein ten looks over 30 The throng'~ al.'Na)'S createst :t.bOQt noon al\d it generallythins Old aboul 3 o·c1ock. The bu~inessof the dramatic people R'em to ~ alldone belllo'een 11 o'clock 2nd 3. TheirprospeCtS (or ne:t:t season are said not t)be vcr)' good. The "job" i)'stem, it av­pun, is}o be the prevailing one in allparts ot the eoumrv outside 01 New Yorkand Basion. The managers find th:1tregular eOmp3.h1C1 don't pay, 50 tbe)' justengage a few people for sleadv work, andWIll pick up olhcrs as they may need Ihem.FrOID p,esent .pptaranc~ the stahe willnot be it good profession ror young mento go into for some time 10 come.

Theile two llunlities are eontinualh'lllistll.ken for each othel'" "lit tiler llre1I0t l~lJ alike iu rcnlity. -~'irllllle5K' is ('8.

Jlicillitli in Sllcce8d, whill! o~tilll\~\' lIlayIllun,!:;') it~ "ictirn hc:uUollg inio tllllnbjsIJ of failure unll 11efl'Qt. Fll"lullc~i..'l UVCl'llil.tcncy of aution,foUlu.leJ upon aclenr nUll conscientiouH convictioll nil tothe light IUlll wrong of a question. TheoLllti~"tc IIlAIi au tho cantrllry, will noteXIUluno tile merits of anything. Hejlllllpll at It. conclusion, and Bticks to hillJt.'(:illioll whb pertinency. The greatbeauty of aU IllW, human or di\'iIlC, ill itainexorable firmne811, but we all knowwhat anilUtll iB dilltinguisLoo UIOKt tor ilJtflat, IItuLoorn obstinacy.

GI.rI Gl'Rd~ates to a Brotl.

Bedstead Superstition In Germany1 -

llaving onlc."Ot1 Il. nc:UJ,.-ooaldructod.lringle bedsteal1, IIIys tl (,'OrreJlpomJent ofLonllon NotCH Ilnd Queries, \fitb IODle­what high Bnd ornamenwl lideit, I Wll3~urprised when it.- WlUl brought homo tofind that the ornamentation of one sldoo! the bcc:Wea.ll WIUI nor. repentetl on the0PI)()lIite side it being, iu fact.,. quiteIlillin_ I exrressed my aurprise aud dis­..~tistllCtioli tv tbe 1U1loker, dayiug tbat.wlleu a. Leclstead WIl1 pl:tct.->tI witb itKbeRd ug:.inst the W:~lI of a room, thesiJcs, then showing, will appear (Iuiteunlikc-one ornalllcnted and the otherpl:l.ill. At. thill tllu lUu.k~r t'Xl1rtlMlIcd hillBurprise that J sb(lulll be iuuornnL or IlGerml\u clIstom nnd pr<'juJicc.i .1 for,"KllJII he, .1 in UOrUlll.ll~', single OOI8te61.IH:'Ire ani)' placed llide..... iI4c llb"t~irll:t n. wallor pllttitioll, allil only ~rllO'"f~1 t'roln thiaposition ami pllu:ed with the hClUI nJoJlliullt.the wall to ri.,'(..ooh·c 11 dCllll bOOv." Andthe werth)' lIIuker i&lIlllll'lkl 1118' that no­Wh('I"O ill. UOl'lllll.ny couhl a nntivfI he in­Iluced to 81eep 0l11~8ingle betI<ltcllll whichItilll not iL'i 8illc plllCud uj;llinHt II wl~1l orpetition. The 1131110 objcotioll dOCK lIoLhold lIguinst- placing two singlo LetlstCluls8ide b.\· aide, wit.b their hetlllH rtgllins~ I~


•The total number of failurel tor the

HeCOnd quafterof the I)relent year in theUnilt'd StatCH were I,634j liabililie..$2:J,OOO,OOO. NOULbly leu tllan duriogtLny quarter for five yean.

A .....riter. in urging til" ne~ity for I AI..:ollol W:UJ in\'CnlN 950 yea.l"fl llJ.;O•Tbe movement in fa~c~ to h~\'c l\~J more nUt-ntioll to ph)'sieu.l culture. Ilot.n Ly the 11011 of n l'ltmngo WOmllTl, Iflt!:nr,

\' 'tal senlences excl:ut In p~l\'ale 15 Mil fll\'omblc .ugn tho facio t.hnL lit be in Al'1lbiu. Ladies use{l it with lL po.w·J,";!-Plj 0 receh'c 3. rem:ukable Impetus I L If .Ike 'f.

h'. horribi. scene wllich occurred 1~le and interestinG" femnle bel\ut~' ill tier to Imint thclllach'cs, t l:lt' ey DUg It

t trolJl' 'T. (h . ',I fait Iosiug its roIJulllriL)', amI tUll,t men &!'PCUi. IlIQrf> beautiful, amI this fIO.wtler'. I1t Ihe t:loiectl'lon 0 I e p:ullCtue ·1 f:1t ..,god", When Deibler, Hoch's suc- of lK)Sition llllli influence 'uoo declaring wu cnlletlulcohol. During t Ie reign 0Lapra . d d ' II tUI" tin: ht.'tlltb... Htnnd:u\1 of womlUlly WiIliARI :lmI )lary:\n o,ct w~ pa!l'.ietl..en-_.or, .nlered thc con emne milln s.c. [ H C STRUVE'"'-h hi~ !lute :lIdcs, LalJro1de spmnK loto heo.UL)·, 611ch ll" WIUI e\'er rtrognir.etl Ly coumging tho manllflICtUn·d·o ·D~T1tft." •• I OLYM PIA1'\1t e':Or :\nd re(uaed 10 sit down on thc GI"OOCe uml Uomr-. TIli~ iil \."tl·tn.\tlly nn 800n 'tfter, intcl11pt:rnncc an lila Igt\t'y A. T TOR X E Y _. .A. T _ L A 'V, B F •~ COlr~!ld'h.l"e his hair CUt and hiS toilct important and haWY ch,wgc in puLlic IWU\·Il.i1c~ to ~uch IUl alo.nlling e~tent roo D1 a 0 tor..,.2~O'! l"'n tRSte tllulalreatk duo ett~tll of iL llr6 to tllnt dlo l'Ct:lilers of iuwxicatillg drmks Olympia, W. T. 18:\_0\0 CHILBERG, ~-p'r,

d. "No' want to gO:1!l am. e. . I . .~roa·' "d be detectcJ ill (1.1\ illlpro\'ell cond)tion of put 111' sib'llll fit. lJublic places, III ormlDe'Iid and ....·hen lhe execullOUll!lr sal I " I I lib' lb' I tl k f -)(anuC'tVtrof--:......·hingh' "C!Jme comej we don't want emmmc hea t Ii fOI" it wi nrtll)' uu tile peop e t ILt they wig It {,f\!t- run or All V'-d of B':>UW' ., a" h u,ed "DUI ou denied that on 1m nl'{:r:l.ge tile WOlllfn of tL ""'Ul)', nml have some lStr'll.W to ge.L OLYMPIA HOTEL, .IUD. • ftIOW.10 make you SUner, so.' }" .- I _d make DIe suffer, llnd 'lRJustl}', tOOj 1 t<HIll.y n.re phYllico.lly BU)Jerior to whll.t soller on" [n theltixU'Cuth centur~' t lJ'· J. O. SPARKS, Proprietor, .Ai SaD Fnllcitco prieea. Br'OomI'wu.o'er hurt arlV one." It took the four tbey were n few yeKr9~ when tight- tillt"t! HpiritJI J:llrend over the ~ntme_nt lUted to gi\'e _ti.afKtiCa. PU.

Ae:eulioners "tarl)' half an hour to let lacing anti simila.r ~e8tro)'ing customs of Europe. About this time It ""M In. Olympia, W. T. roniae BOlDo lDdutzy.bfm down, 60 desperately did he defe~d Ilfevnilcd. You::Ig women tnke Dlore 'trodu~ i.OIoO tbe colonief\ U ~eUnit.ed ~.",_"_~"""",~,:",:",,,::,,_~~~~... ';' _

h'·....lf with hands (eet and teeth- In' excrcise than they formerly did. Thoy States ,,'ere thcli callcd. Tlie first. notice ~ ~EA'~LE ~~~"""8~~"-

h d b ed ritle nnd walk mom IUld more in tbo wo have of ita w;e in f,llblie lite WIU = ... .L 4"'"~ ...... ..&:.o.i.~...... _deed, four. keepers .l to e summontotbeir assistance. fhen, w~en they had open "it. They hnyc Ilot the inll:Lne among the laborers of t Je Hungariantied his legs, he relused to Sit down on un.1Ld of the sun's raya which thqy once rr4-I"PS of the fifteenth century. In liedthe stool, lind. bU!lking lhe cords with hnd. But tbCl-e is much room for im- it wno, tllleO by the English &oldier'S ~ 0.

wbicb be was bound, hegan another fierce provement yet. )ftuly hODlCH a.rc atill cordial. The alcohol in :Europe w~Ilruggle, co'ing all the. time, "You .don't pl'Cllided oyer hy invnlid wives and made of l,'t'llpCS, and sold in ltaly amiIhink it's painrul-[ ~'uh )'OU were In my 1Il0trlCnl, who furnish 0. t:ousti\nt spoo; Spain aa medioine. The Genotso afLer­p1.:lce." At last one of th~ k~epers took tRCle of sadneS8 ll.nd miser, to tboir fam· WRl\1 madc it from Sl'lIin, ami IIOIJ it MIhe prostrate man by ,hc hair and ClUiI ilies aful f!'iemhl, uml lire Po subject qf 1\ lIlt,'dieillc in bottles, under the IlRme oflod pounded his hCi\cl again!l the st?ne llnHmitL'(1 expellHC to their IlllsLIIIlII", Tn the Watero! Lif~. Untill1lC sixteenthfloot until he surrendered and promised sueh homcs,tho grcl\test of nil blcssingH centurr it Ihul not Lcen kept by thetoslruggic no longer, .'\fler feeling the tJlllt. could l,e hoped tor would be the lIpothccRriE's l1S medicine. During thesttel of the scissors as the neck of his Jlt'llltL of the miMtl"ClI!t rCfltored: but too reign of MellI")' VII brolltly Wtll:l un·,bin was being Ctlt otT, Labatde m:lde no often it is Ihe Oll~ Llessing which nover known in Irelll.nd, wlll.&oon itA alll11ning

,J,sistanct but relnamcd in a horriblc cnmes: Americnll !tomes mora tho.u etJect inducell the go~ernlllfl.nt to }11Wl Il

~Im mu;tcring only from lime to time, otbf'rt1 perlulps in tho world, ht\ve boon In... prohibitin~ its manufacture. About-'"'IThi~ is pam(ul-\,trV ,painful," As is l)athlelll.'{1 by Kickly women. If thil 120 yenrs ngo lt WM used WI a. beverage,

l done ...itb parriddcw. a white ,hirl WllS shall ,he so 110 longct', it will be n grent eSJlociMly among the IiOIditlMl in the En.Ibro,,'n upon his I~oulders ¥1d a black blCiSiog'10 the Illl.tioll. And the remedy g1tsb colonies 'in North America, t,mder.'eilltnotted about his head, decending i9 simple. Amoricnn women ate III tbe prepoBter01l8 notion tbat it prevented\0 bis feet. When at lbe 5calfold lhe veil 8tron1:: wul healthy c.f tllOSC of oLher sickneu nlld made men fcarleliH 011 tIle'Ill'a5 remoYfd and his face was to be seen nlltions; tbfrc iR no rcMOIl why Amori" bo.ltle-fiehl. It WtUI looked npon u.s II.

all bruised and bleedinft from the pound~ co.n WOlDen should not. be. All tbnt is IOvcreigllspccific. Sneh is (I brief sketching he had received. Arter his head had needed is proper attention to ~ nnl1 of tho introduction of alcobol into iOCietybeen plactd in the lunette he writhed exer..::iJLo. Let women dreatUl8 men tlo. Btl {I be\·ero.g . 'The history bf it isfoond, endea\'onng to gel a rlimpse or 10 that. their bodies aho,ll not be squeezed written in tlle l1:rctcbedness, tbe tears,the :lSe. but in a monlent it was placffi in nnd presscd together, but have free room tile groans, the povert.y and mnnler of~lion and the axe (ell. for motion, o.nd. let thew get out into tJlousands. Jt has marched. the land

A,imi!;l,r case occurred it) 1849, ""heuj

the jUr nml sunshine, ILK Iilen ~o, nnd ex· ,,'itb the 'rend o! a giant, leaving theaP93eher :ll Nievre, wtJo had nssasstnalCd crti~ thotr bodi\.1J, and the r.\oo of iIDpr~811 of Ilill foot·prints in the bone,.,aIlme~t;.eeper, ...as conde:nned to death. .:\lIlcl·iCUJI women will not lJeoolnP ('}c. sinews, nnd life's blooc.l of the people.He retisted in priaon first and then on tinct 0.4 it once threatenVtl t,o l1o. On I

the scaffold, an.d ~n:llly assi~Ulnc.c: WI!:! sent tho ~lltr:ttJ. iL will 00 impro\"f!d, builtfor :nd tbe ~lctl.m W:l!l htera.lly fOlced up al~d. Ueautitiecl, mill a tiliit will comeaDder the gUillotine. The'crowd he:ud when.l health\' lIlali will nOt hnve tohis ItlCnnj lind muggles until the fatol I\lmt fl. "hole- L'OUutn- o'Yer to Iiml nblade ~ut off his head. Charles ",nd hen.lth~· \\ife. W~ 1\':" on the l-igllt tarkFnnco.s Hu~o. th·~ ~o~s of ~Ie po.et. rc- 1I0Wj all thnt' nr.;dOl:l ~ to gu nhead,wed the temble aft,)tr In the Evenement IUlei the rcsul -will 'lOun be IIll\nifest.at the time, and were condemned to inl' WOlllcn will die to be in the fll8ltioll'~Dment for insuhin. Ihe law and th" thrteforc le~ thc fli.Shiou of fcmn.ln benu~m~I$Uilcr· ty La vigor \lull HtI'Ollb'l.I" fllltl (,11 the

Maida« a Home. Iwli- in !.he.I~\ltl""ilI bcs\fin~n~Ul1mL­bellK, pmctlcul~ archery, rll1mg 011ho~eb,'\ck, IInu walkin:; nK for :t wtlgcr,but thr] wilJ bo ill 8L)·h:.

... ' '-::::::::::::::::::::::::;=:::::::::=,~::=:::=::::::::::::::::::=T~:::::::::::==:"::::::=:==:=:===::=::::::~=:::="::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..-~-~:::~::::~A::::H::'orl:ble SCrne, Healthy Women, H.story of AlcohO]


The hOllle ill hoth til,.. hut! :CUll tilcblOl!llOm of dviJiZOlioll. H)' their hOlllcs

L.J'e judf,'O of the Tcnl chnl'Qctcr of anyprorle. T1erc It the tllillb"'l which llIostl:ll'ely imlicme llispositioll I1ntl taste as It was at Fort Wa)'ne. Ind., and the..ell all nlltiom~t cluarG.ctor ami tClllhmcy. Hir>h Sehool Commencement Wllll underThe homo is alllO Ule llIost 'trcciOHH ::0lull headway. Fort Wa)'ne, be it known,plaet, at 1('IUlt (loIllOns nIl Englill 'Sl>cuk- has :I School Boanl. and lh;u body badmg peol,le. Tho 1Il0!lt hcautiful tbin~'S promulgated IDal¥\IHe tbat no !lowe"art made fOI' tho homu, for the purpolfO should be I prcsented to tbe RrtldulI.tes.of .dorning allIl bc"utif~'ing it, Md if During lhe proceedings, in violation ofthm mlly l>c ltOmo "Coming cxeoptioll in this order, a bouquet was banded to onetlJe lrlielt:s of I'cflIonlll lulornm '1lL, )'ct of the ladleq. 1~be was commanded b)'these are kellt ill tho Ilomu I\nd mOlltly the powers that be to give it up. She~ there. Tlli8 ill ttl Illn~ where we begged Itave to decline. Then a squadkttp all our trrrumr:II, f'xcepltng t!U)Me ~ of policc were callcd in. Thty chargedCOItly IlK to fl..'qll1l"() jllltll?k: l}w~y In lhe slage. Thcy Fapturcd the valiantdark \'I\ul~ for Mr~fe ~eeplllJ: 'Q~f Joan d'Arc llnrl (orccd her to sutreuder~mll.~' Ix> N'llfCll for llUfunellilj hlllJ lhe nord casus, belli. She tltereupon~ingM lUll) fllmi~hillg,\elln bo fou,nd glther~,( the dlapery of her ~kirls aboutIII ~me.~ howlH A.lHIu'Lnh,. nut! otllCr her and with eyes 1lll,hinS ,vith dis­pa~he ofhCf!!{, bitt thel)C aM.! C:.'lthel· poor dain, shit bwept froln lhe liI3G:C. followedIIlllltion8 of th~ hOUle, with rllfely itH byel3ht men-.bers of Ihe clan. who rc­perfect nratllrtr9 and grooc of finish, or fused lo take any furthcr pm in the pro'~ elist for the sake of tho hohlt~. JII cecdings. The audience vented theirJUna aute8 out of ten tho bU&IIC88 Illau feelinRs in shouts,yel!s and hlsses.-Louis­~on through All hi. "'('&ry oompH- ville Courier-Journal.~ that he mAy support. hi~ borne. '------It IS the viil:ioll of tho homo thAt eheentbt \by·laborer nt his tMbj it iB thectIlter lUld jewfll of tho fN'll'IstOlu.~ with­OQt which the latter IJ(lCIIUI Ii ke,. boll,.

ILiIJJOQt .. MOU L}~_,Th. home fun!' Rlso 00 ca~ro the lligh·!It elptallion of art. There IU'C other~Tidual thiob"ll which, like fino IxUnt-I!IgI or piecet fine of sculpture, arc-..e nerally recognized Ili4 tho worksof lit; and callw 10; but e"cn these~. frequently lind their ultilllntoI"'Qtn the homo uJpnrb of its adon}.-... the finilhing ami furni'lhini: of~ homes enliaL a very lart,'C Ill,arf', eel'·taialy. very gTeltt variety of tbo skilledWOrk of civilized countrie.-tllo mnrbleIllIlteb, the rich frcllCOC.'fI, tho cJaoomte~hn.rl1wlLr~. thefpoliJihecl wOOt.I~the::':"~&ngmb~ the veh'ety c:ul'cta, thu'~"I"lt drape-MeN, RIlII tho COAtly cabillet­;o'k_thesc nro cach bill. the headings~g Hsts of Ilrtistie desiglls wbiell

~bl~O. in o\·or.vlIrying forlllK Recordinglol/ldlvillual tmltf'. hto tldM tho fllrnily:Ies ttown, llA tho illllividlll\! docs intobet el?thiog. Ilero tIH!)' bring theirth t1hful thingil, t11l~ir tN'lUllll'C"i hero

ey establillh placeR for what they like: "ell or need 110 much thuL thE'y mUttt

'l'llys h"ve it nellr til 'Ill.

A -- -III Bo.ton clergymall 'pellk8 of Ua,,:;Chetl gentlemlln liohhng 1\ Iliece of

&I': . to hill .boulder Iilul fraJlticnllyr;;,:"'ng poor )lof8&-h&ir over tho dried~ of & dead feline." HilUS up the

e Ind the bOw.

Page 4: p .' Sf) ,ARGU · 2010-07-28 · cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or the National Museum, to be n'-ibited at the Centennial Exposition in Phil· adelphia, and proceeded iQ the United State.revellU

W •• A.I~.")I

thllnb klllll {NItroll' for thu .,.,c.

To PorI Discomy, Cbimacum 01' PorIL"UDLO~.

Dlapatchea carried a, orNight, Horaea on Live.,.'fraVt'II11lil' IIgenlit WIllIlAll! tI)' ):nlll)( \\'Ilb

ll~. all we Int.-lid lu II:\tt "II IIIi'll llllkl·.1'lctl!l&1'ft I)IIrtlea 4lrh'rll Ollt 'Ul)' tlllll".1I1l,v IIml ft.·ed 011 hlllltlalill wnl wflOlllurpItt In 811)' CJUlflHIt)'. oyN. 11. - H..U4Iodt'n.....n 1I1••'a _b',••••au,. pl_, _renall,. ,. er"_r•

1'. )I. IIA)tMQXO ~ SUXs,

1.7"'" Tho S.t1O!lul 00111 }1cdlll 1lo1111IlWIII'tlt.'l1111 "Mulley \to U"lnl§tHI lOr .hebt: t l'hohigl1lphj III tilt! Uuhetl SIIU..,Il. :lUllthe "lulUlt )ll'l-141 (or thu bllllllllhc \Iuml

oI:m lIuulgOW\U)' ~tlttlt,:lIlu F'nwda\:u

"1''1': "'I'r.. UUW"'I''''".

l:lIrMMUCI! 11& nil tllool 10 conVtl)'l'Il'!ltJn"t'''

J. R LEW IS,Atto1·nev-at -Lawlit' O...... lrlC,-Dtlller·. bulldlrrg. """nl, ,I; SJ~tnc' t1n-.lt, 0lllllll'lloUOOltl4l11lal 1101111,

&oa:tUo. ""OV'_11. Torrt'Y

Foreign & Domestic FruitC"~DII:S.



E'I"\.;., ETC.o. :Et. SEOLCC>1td:B,



rort To"nrcalJ. VI', T

Qeoo. Barthrop, [Jou~, !)lgll Paillll"r.

.tc.• (~Iyeara among )'00) ato (rolll cl...

unp"'JulJked .. ,hire o( patron",,; .oc'

$100 REWARD.We wiIIl.lIY

ONE HUNDIIED DOLLAIISHewBnj (or the arrt!:!t IIml 4.."lll\'ll11ull IIrtliell.WY or parUetI ",ho klltc41 011' \."IulliII. s.."Ow lin)', In .1t·ftlJrsnll Gl,. W. 'J" tItthe &Mltl \'IHtle a wnrk f)J: "'It~ klll''l-I "~111t1."0 weck"llKo. UI'O Iteen .url a l'OtV WI'rU!killellill Dt.'celUbtr 111I1. Blld thtt lItl,l'r-1tlilt l'O"'-WI&S klllrd 0111100111 ,I!llv 4, 1:-1j3.


Porl 'l'O\Yllsenll, July 11, 1870. 21


,\1." 1\1:011," ott



Inlurance And IIee. EatateA.. G _ %tiT T

~~tS. ~~J'''~e~I;~ '=~:i?t1~~n" b~'''~::::I,""optl)' .1tl!lIlled 10.

O'lI'lCa-ln 8tOM IJnlltllng. 1'C)rt TOWUI:ml.

Oomr..ai8sion Agent~

And Dealerslu

ParD1 Prod.:u.CO,WUEA'l'. HAY.


BACO~. BUT"n:n.&:('.. ,tC.

Gor...•• wtlarf, Nan.lIl1O, Brlllb CO'LobIL


We hay••Ieo OPened • 'Ir.t-elaa.

NOIC~ to Stumbo. t men Of Com·m8nder. of COvornment V•••ol••

MAHI:H~ Ill' \'F.>;:l1:1.8. HI:QI"IH.

1 luJC the llt!rvilu 01 II 11UOt 10 AItt-kll.ur auy of 1111l In1l411\1 \VllIltl'1l or tho. C\J.'~I.Cltll beHll'\.'OlIlIuOtlueC\! by 11\1\1)'1111: III lhellIltlt:~lgl'el.I. \\'11(tIOC f'X'I't'rlt'llw "" 1,1I0t tillU. So (j;,y..rrllll~llt Allt Oilier v"ilM.I_, ,'x­lcut! ov~rlt 1~r1t.1llnl tw.-lvl!)'l'tu", Al'l'lyby Iclt1(MlI.h or lUAIl. ,I. \\', K.:.:~.

Skallt City, \\'1 IllullOIi Tt'r)'. [i:311)


~ Liberal Adv.l1~ made on Cotl!lgll.!RCIlt",

RESTAURANT,Anti \\'lIIlervtl the public ..'lIb Mtlal.

to order at all hours.nnr.1'.: U A OALL.

"'--V QI'Itn'lhe Cenunl lIull"l, IIl":lll 0Uulull "'hllt(

l#fHt'l' T(\\\'~:n.:~o. w. '1'. [G


1 N, lawhet.

(1. D. ti1ILJ10AF..

80kt apnU (or Lamb4lrt.t Son..~Jebraled.

AIIO lJealen In au ktndl ot

Oregon and CaliforniaFruita and Produce,

Flour. Fcod. Groin Eto._ Eta.No. JIG. Frollt &luS Taylor atnlllta,

a:u I'ORTLA." D. etre.ron.

lale of "eoI latate.

... A.THO.AI!LAloltt"l(IJller &l

Rlr"IIl, Kau....

Gihnore & CO.,629Fat,WAIHINCTON. D.C

Wq..L I'HACTICE "Efo'UIU.': TilEOenenal J..unlt om..oe. olllce of IndlAIi Af­tilll'l, DcJ)llrtmclIt of the (lItcrlor. thtlCourt or Claim!. aliI! Ulllwd SUlllll Su­[\rerne Court. CIllh111 of 1111 klndll Ilrl~lllguntler IIIws KO\'erlll~,I{ the dla)lO'lal of pub:­Ik IlIlId, or the lIijuitnlllllt fI( F'rellloll,::;1)8IlI~h, 1t1H.1 Mexlmn ~rnllfJl. or olherprivate land ell\llIl~. SpecIal atlcntlollKlven to \'I~il hl\'olYhl,ll' Ihle! to K",ntIMlldll IlIld mllllug claim!. Lnml wllr­ran&l and hmd &4.:rlp bollgillo. QI.!h llAld(or aollliera' Itldhloll 1H)IIM!!t tI rll(htll.Send ItAnlp Jor circulAr o( In~lrut:tloll!,

'three 8tJ1mpa to 11IIT' pottllgelf you "o'allll'u1J set of bl.nkll andlultrllctIOll!.


Probelte Cour1. o( Jefferson Couoty. W. 'r.

Green and Dried Fruits

In the matter of the ntlte .(

De:DD.t.e 2EiSb.'tf d.oc'<LXOI'ICfo: 18 IlJo:ln;OY GIVEN 'nat

III IIIlNUI\Il\llt o( III oNer 01 the r-robllteCourt o( ,lillferson counly, W, 'I'.. lIlllrllI..utl 0/1 the lKkh dAy or .lUi,.. A. O. IS1D•the ulItll!NIJtned. ad,ulobtrator o( thf t!I­(Mia tI( Otlllli. lItKht, dec., will 5t:1I Atl'ubUu auction. to the hlglttit bklllror, aulJ.nbJl'tlt to con Ilrm:ulofl by uk) 001.111

Ou .... 81. cia,. of IIkpl., 117., .t tb." ••r of 13 ••

AI the Court !IOth18 door 'n Port Towll­llfnd. In Jrll~f'l&Otl wUllly. W, 'r,. the It)..lowln~ ll6c,lbetJ rul ttllt.llte, to wit:

34J" 'Crell Iu lot No. slJ: (S)IUIel.11011Xo. 11'6 '6). aud 61]. aerei lulot No,N'~II (7)j .11 In lowtlshlp No. twelltY-IIlllo(:to) Ilorth r.lIK" olle etM~ t.:OlulIlnlll.l O:l~a~rfil more or Ibl. Iylll& auu !;elng 11.1 Jel.r~nlOn l'OtllIt)·. w. 'I'.

"lrll1l otAAlo U follow':-Cash III &Old/''0111 of tbu UuhetJ ~tllt4:8i oue-luLI( 01 lhllpnn:hlllltl mouey to be Vald 10 tile Admlll­I.trutor 0/1 thu dly 01 &alt. bH.latlt:rioll 1.'011_IIrmaUnu 01 the &Ill" by ..kll#t'OOil«t l'OlutUectl at tJ:I~IlHo( "un:lwer,

Utlletl.IIlIT :10. 1870,W~l. 11,11. I.J::ARNtD,

Atlllllnillnuur or ~~1I11e 01 !Jelllll!lIIallt, lice.

Url-I1.h:uv II; IIlIJltlll, .nyf (or lO,t. :lJ:.aw

J. F. SHEEHAN,ImllOrll!r IImt Ileal.', In


And House·Hold FurnishingHardwaro. 2:..1



I have, thl3 tiny. luken my KIll, 1)cmlt!111,11I11. IllTO J,llIrlllCrilhlll with m(' In theDrlle, PIIIIII. 011. UIIl~ Itlill Hook 1m-lilt:""III l'nrt TO\\'IIH'ml. W. '1', ::;1)'111 uf tlrllllIc.m~-~. D. 11m t.t Si"ll,

SA'l'I'I, D, IIIU~.

Port Towllsend. July lt11. 18i9.


PORT TOWSSESD. July 15. lSi9.Thereby Ippoint D, \V. Smith Deputy

CoUDt'y superintendent. with fllll po"crto act lu nllY fUIll110u nppullllning to tblltoffice, A. H. IIUFfo'3UX.Co .upt o( school" Jeffersoll Co., w:r.

nt·It'l to Illrormin the ladl~ ot \\'\1 1II1\~·

tOil T-=rritory lulJ I" "idulty. who nllglit1'ftlnlre etI~(ulliurslng,thatshcb prt,"r<>I10 n'\.'elvetl hlmllts Ilt her home. 1'I'1i cb II,ltu:Ued all the hili lilt Port TOWlIielltl.

1.7" Apply pcriOolll1y or b)' lett.,. 23

CHIMACUM TRIBE. NO. I.I. 0. R.. 1\>1:••

)Jail! regllL'tr lllel'llll"" at llleir hall, ner)'Wet.lllesc.!.IY c\'ellillg, 2:J

TAl & CO.

Oou.pov1.1.lo, """". T.,


J, H. Lamb.1t,

Administrator's Notice LAMBERT; LAUBAOH

Wholllltlle and Retail Deale.... In

PLAIN" FANCY JOB WOIIKE.a\:l.:utt:lIl1t tOO Al.ut.:, OrriCK.

To Credltora.

A.d 111_,. ""p .. Chi.." lalell""".-tflI

\\"I(t:r St., • Port 'fo"'"llend. W. 'r.



AlId Go n" rol :3forchondI8e.

In the Prollnte collrt of KIlAAp couotr.In the IlIlltler nllhe estnte ot

Joaeph Bates. deeeaaed.XQTICr. IS IIEHF.DY GIVES' 'By

Iht! tlll(lc",I~1I1!d Illlullll-tnuor o( lhe.-~hltl' uf JOlieph Balf'tl. t1~awd. to thet'rnJllOI'il and all l ...rMlll' 1\...1111( claim.Il"':tlullt 1;1111 dCCt:ued tn Pn'kllt Ihem withtt:e ht'\'eISItrJ' vouchers within oue rur al·It'r tIlt! dala of thl5 notll". to IIthl admln­l-trlltM. lit Ill! plaY!! 01 bn.tlneHl In Port'l'A\\'IlNmd W...... or to hllillorllel••J,A.Kullll. E~.. 1Il~ hi, olllee III l~ort Towu­.-elili. W:I .. or lie (Ol"l!vt"r barm!.

D:1I~tl this 30tb dly or Jnly A, 0, 1879 ,2Mw I). C. H. 1l0TII:lCIIII.D.

A,lm. ot Cilale or JOllelJh 8Itlea. (}PC.

Calli 111{ aneulloll to Ihe ltb()\'e llntll'C.'.we wOllklll~k titr tltU llt:\\' IIrm l\ l'OlItl.IU­/Lnre 01 the pA~roll'KeM lloolly OOootowt!t.1llpon the 011) hOll~, It will bte nur 0011-

• stnut culleJI\'lIr 10 kl'ell Ii lull ilullply 01/tnd "'tlrlnr trnm bl18In6l, I now oller (or AU klntl! O( Unl,lC'l \\1 ~h:diclne! Utaletl.~1I1l! the elltlre bmilletl, IlIltl" l.r,;e ~tock togeth~r with IIIC Shllldanll:t.tClIt 1It<1I.o(G~lIt'ral Men:llIuult",~ tOKethtr wltb Ihe ~lheJ lind j(la$"\\·lln:. lIalllttllntl 011-,- Andbu.I!dlnl~ Iml Jl:rut,,~t1~ at" Krellt lJ;trJl:Rln. i '1lItklller)' alld fllle cut/rrf. whh:1i we

the ltutlnelll h., llftu htablllh~ ft" will kll lIt 1\:KSOlillble rates, 'ft'boleil1cftl"te!;on ,eAri', 1JellOCIJI tk..lrou, 01 pur- Inti ~1l\1I,t'fI".lnl: will plr,,~ .Illtl'"l ..lilY ~1toruey. WIj An: ftl~o agenll (or the new !lCM\lV ~~'rU JJllt~r. E.tq., It I or~ 'lOWUICUrJ I'll ICllool books, Dealers alII be IU(lpllaJ,

• • ORA:S-\'ILI.P. O. HAJ,LEB, 41... N. D. IJILI.. &SOS.o.tedatCoulle"ll1e, W..•'., July 3ht


NOTICEOf Sheriff's sale of Real

Estate.BY, \·lIITUB OF,,~ I:XECUTIO~

tW'I1 "Ill v( Ih.. I)I~trIl1 Court 0'100TllIlIl .1I"lIl'Ial OI-lrl,:1 o( Wa Ii­IU)t11l1l Terrltnrr' h..ldlllK term.t ItI'hrl TIlI\ II,",'UI III 11M! .ult oflJltf'olmU Blhlll .,,"11Ii'1 8. fo', DelllliJon,tlul)' 1l(ef;IHI lht.· i:Jt1 day o( JUly. A, D..1~1u. I hlYtll~,IIltIIII'01l tIlt:' rollowllllCt".~crilirt) Hcrtl Mtlttll III Jen'O:I'IOIl Couuly.hi wit:

'I'ltu ..: hi o( ~.~ qr nt &toe. 5 Tp so S H1 \\' t..'fttllaluln!, i3 "t.·rd.

W hfnl X\\ '1rSf'c4TI):ION n I W:Sl: 'Ir ntM.; Ilr~::JO!TV31 X It I \\'; llltlI.nt ti Sf'c:J3 I' 31 X H 1 \f--oolltllllllll&160 63-100 In-no••

TIIf pNlllt:'rt)' nf n. }'. Dennllor..:Sullce I, ht'l'1'b)' R'IV~11 that 011

Wedneada,. 3d da, ofllept.18';9. lIt the hour or lell o'clock A. M, '"the door 01 UMll'tltlrt hotl!e III Port Tow...Mnll.•lctfcl'iOn \.'0 .. w:r.. I ",III seUat pUlllie aucllon the IIbove d~rlbed relll eft.teto tbe hlgh~t Wddl'r (or cash. to ..tl!fyUltlilolid eXCL'\llloll uf tho alllOU1l1 01 alxtlllllllrt.,llolltl el.:vclI OIl·ltA) :t6II.00j tlol­1,,1"lJ. with illltlrcor at the "lte til tlU<l IltrOOllt, per lIloulh 1&'t11lI lhe 1I1h till)' or .JUIIl"A. I), I i,t ll11h"illlllll1lC' to !hre.. hUllllretl""0 II:lr)'~1x IJ\J·llIl) (f;M.I6,09) dDtlllNl: lindCOII,l o( ~lIlt ltlllUUlltfUg ttl W!ll (flO) !Joltal"»aul! 11I..rt'a..'-' l'UtU.

Il. 8. mU.EIl.Sheriff o( ,ltlfcriOfl 4.'OlIllty. \V. 'r.

Port 'l'OI\'IlJt:ulJ, .Ioly ~S. 1810. ~H

BElYO nn the e'c of C'l~lni Dllt rn)'O'licral lIcrCltlltll~ E!talJltshmellt .t

card of Thanks.J clelilre :0 bereby uprett by.lnoeruod

beart(elt thlllkl to Clpt. TboI. 8tntton.or Pert Angeles,who reodertcl luch timelyrult.l unremitting IMl"UUlCiI! to me Oil tbeOCCftulon o( the VI'reck 01 the shIp WIUJ1..In&IOU I.ibbr, 011 the l1ghlhou!iO Iplt litPart Angelf'!. Night _nlJ dlly, (rom thetime the ihlp went ashore until aU hopeof inlng her Wilt gh'(lll up. Capl.. Strat­Ion WlU 011 Imllt! udslluj; In e,ery paMl­blo way 10 qve hu. lor which lie lie·I5eru, tha gr.ltlllltill ""tl ctlccm 01 Ill,

Re!.pl'cl(ully. etc"FHANKO. RAVEN,

\IMler ship '1\' IIshlllgton Llbb)·.

I llEJtEBV wam evuybotly. Iml p3r.tkularly ball pla,tn, no' to jump onrIlly (ellce and tl'lunple down m, garden,(..lIhol.lt permlulon) at I ~wllI otT)er"I-opl"DSa'llle them (or ttalpu.l-froua th1Idate hellctfortb.

2-1:11D R, DELIO~,Port Townsencl. ". T. t Jul)' 30, 1879.



NOTICE.PHoro AI.S for the m:,llIt Il:tnre ('I

tlle \'Otllll)' poor 01 ,JI'fl'I·rtIOll l'OlllIly, W.'1' .. (.Ir ouc ,'rllr.... 111 be ft.'t.'C.'I"/''t1 b)' IheIkwlnlot COllllly COlllml~ll(\Ilt't'!l n( c,'1kl\.'OUllt,}'. nlltll AIlj;Il3t 11, 1,.;:1, Itt 10o'l'!0'k". N, lit tlll'lr rt':ul:tr AUl:ll,t 1I11~llllg.l"i!1. R'\ld IUOI)O~li to lul.'lUi..Iemetllcllle$2ml TIIetlk.lt ftttelllhull:e. 2w

'tUR IIUTO'UCAL SOC"':TT OF .TfPFI'J:'OSCo.-A mettlllgotthllJOriety " .. hellllu-tc'lthlllg whell a peflUlliellt 0l1l1.lIll:lIluIIW:llltll"t."ttttl, 'file CUllstltmlon 1'1141 11)'_lawllluln,K been reltnrleU. were .lIOltft't.l.n"lular oOlOl!I'I (or the t=nlnlul terlQ \\~n­

('I"cla) as fol1owl': PreJJItJcnl. D, W,Smith; Vlce-PN lw.nt. Jlnll~a ~It\'''r;

~reUirr. E, II, ~Iooll i Tn'lIl"urer, 0,,)(. Jhtl~r; HIHorl"w•.t, A, Knhll. It I.vropoted to holtl mrf'tluKlt of Illu IOClelY011 Ihd JUt '1'lM'lIt.Ill o( each lIlouth, Aaeries o( questlotls lIa" !JI'ell prepat'lld\fhlt:h \VIII btl kilt 10 the oldcr mlllt.'lll,lo( IIl1ll'OUnty. AlklllJ( tor Itellli o( In~M[III nogunl tn 1111 eKrly Il.!ttiemeul. and anylu(orlllAtloll whldl 1UI\1 rel:ltt.' to the pro­CI'\'M 1"1c1 de\'elol>ellll'ut or thl, 1'\'~lnll,

It wilL 110 doubt. Wllt'ell Itl"t If our clll­WUI l'lll !HI broucht to lllk~ '11 IUlerYU lut!leee lIlsttt:" !llld tluu let.'Olld the etfllru,of the llIuorll'&l50d~t),. u nn 1..III'1Ullt "flufQrUllitiOIi "'11 00 wlleclt'tl. ",llldl. tu~IY Ilothlult of Itl P~llt 11l1~l't!ft. will. iI.(uture yearl, be o( Ctelll blnorh:al YIlIIk.

'l'IIOSEllupld (cllo.1 who mllke r~gr'.lphitl wlJluow line 10 corm.'t (Iwlrwork .lId rtpl1lAellt I·ort. TowlIlCuti .. Ik.lue but Ilaty mlka (rom Ihe OOI:'all, 111­'t.-ad ul aboul 100. .. heretofore IUioIpooottl.We are gratldt'f! to ",11 tiM! ll!entlou ofall La Ihll maUer. now Ihllt a 1ol.s1 pIIr.l­

lraphtr, wlKIIMl tleacrlptlYe IblUtf (11 hilli(ltlr to mike hllu (11111011:1.. hu fln:llI,rmlde Ie cka, and It!t all doubtt It rnt b)'• 11OI1t1,e .tatemeut.

A te1rcram trom Sydneylfales that lho.:bark Cuhllllbia from Melbourne to nnr­ran1J Inl.l, twl ptllinto that port on Iht:18th Inst.; with h.r Capl.ln dead. Thebark beJOIl" to Georre Bo....es 4l Co., o(tbll port. Ctpt. JolJtlJOQ was I youngrull. lIid ..... Creatly IftpeclN' by hll,mplo)'cl'll8d b1 all who kUlw hlm,­"S, F. Alta," or 1I.Iy Utb.

Flt'llt OPPOWTUNtRT, - Colonel nilier.hUlng been reltnml La l)()llitioll III UUl'111Sam'. Irm,. wlntl to leU.ut hll meJ\:llIl_tile bU51o_ II. Collpedlle. 'J'hllis a rareopportunity (or In1 wan ....th are"tbou'!lud dollars. wbo tlellm to etIt1tbllihhhnseJf hi • bu.luC!'. o( thllt kind.

ton I l<'XO)l 'I'uu OJ/VICE 1\ Im.1Imoult! (or mlklng rollerlj II braw lubetllnut 14 Inches 101lA" The IIlllJer "lIl bI:lultllbly r,wDnled by rcturulnlC the IJ:Ime.

Qmt Joung IU." ha.,s a .,lgoNlu.J lind'Iloruulhlf ~'1l1tPI)('tII)()KtllI« "lub, Tileye:rerdse lbtlr Illlbcje 0lXlI SIOIl/tll, b)'roWing,

KIL r, \'i, Jallle.l. uJlCt:tcd howe to­lJ'f.


OUR USJVEItSITT. - "·e arepl ..a.ed to 1I01ice b1 rteent ..t1illlri ..1comrnllnlll in the Seattle I'(ntelli­

gencer." the "Post, .ml lhe Olympia

~ landard," thll~ the .uhjfe, of

properly maimailling our Territorial

UDi"enitr i. again eominK IIi> forconaiJ",ration. Th. comillil Iplli,ll­

ture will be p.titionfd to pus a suil­

IIble appropri.tion Lill ror thia mt'ri.torioul illslitulioll-I hill which willinclutlo iteml (0' the purchase o( Ip.plratua lor ilJuttrating 1I0me or tbe

Itndies, (or a librar" (or mucb /leed

ed r.pair8 til the huiltli"~!f, DUl! to

COfer the ..Jary or Illwthor in:uruo,tor, The Uni1'enity ilon the up

grade, it il IhowillK tho effeot. 01

m.nag~lII11nt UIlJM • cOIllJletent rao·ulty, lind Ibe Territor1 ill ,bUlldallt·

1,. able to (urnilb the needed tinln·

cial baokioll, all Ihllt is r.eed~d no",

to make it lecund to nune 01 it. kind

ou tbe ro..t. DIllIblltlllS our lelis,

laton will .ene the eilue.tilln.1 in.tereal. 01 tbl Ttlrritory in the miner•• tbcyahould.

IT ia Nid thlt rand in E..tern

\V..biugton;1 being rapidly .alcen


JlopaY. it iJ Kid, will 10011nten i" wooleD factorie••

D ARGUS I .\ I.,rn., IllT.-Th. \\"111111 Wall.PUGET SOUN ..,:"'I:./l.... lilnll··lI.ll~ wdory v( .rQ~. Gale.-=: - - - t'X.I;O~t'rII"r o(Ort't:foll, t'GIllIII":: lll'ro~HIIt'

OFFICIAL PAPEII OF JE,FERSON CO. Itu..:W\' 3IuII1l1:.&lu. with the IlrSt 1)..,t1of- -+.

(hlrl~·.rOur 11I('11 wllo (..me O\'U II Iter'I'lln~Ui\\I. ,IL"Y 31. Ill;:1 I.l'wl, 1I11l1 Cllirio. 'I'hertl Iii 1lO1IlNh11l,lt

- .... rollg aOOllt the ItllU'lI1cnt. n~ It,lolI"(TH£ POLITICAL IITUATIDI. "111')11I ",'.ter" \\'hl'lll'(lllll~n~1 \Vllll I:lc(a,

--- Lct us~. J.t·\,l~ smll'lnrlt l·fI)..~IIl\·er

I::"t!f inco theclUI'i! oC tbe "'.rour 1111805. retllrlllll~ In l~i. nlill t:lklll)[DlIllllocratic friends all our Ilia with them :L lIoh.'\I chief of clll' AI.udall

country ha.. made r,trenchmtnt tribe of IlldhUl" In the (OlJowlllg pflugal'd "reform" their battle cr1 motto. (l50ij' (.'()DlpallY o( 50ldlefi ~.•~ ONcrel.1Thu bue bowl.d .bout repubJic£o to 1(.\.'OIOI>ln1 tht I:hleJ back to his home.

• TIl4lf ~n t. l.oul!. 1);10.) ill " bsrge. iOoutr....as.oco in I(lminilt.ring the illg lip the HiS§OlIrl river. ~Ir," IIltllmalTair of the go,..roment, and tir.d WeIr. "rlnlllluher o( the ('tUtor ot ehi5 pI­

enr,'>od, out witb t~eir oft repeat· f'l!:r. and, talOOIQ bUllter In the 31iuourled a ertion. about the p,osperity \·.Uey. took .haut thirty other hUlltersthlt "ould lurely com. "hen tbe llWJ :tt'C'DUlI)l1l1k'l1 the IOldlers with tIlflr

cl.aJl{f'. 'fhe bunters hat! IU OllltU lor~eU1ocralio pltl,. beeame dominant trapping, and' :Iulell.boat, Before the

in Cangrell, ('Omp:lolly :lorrh'ttl nt lilt' Mandlu "mlloll:Tbe recent eatra aUllion or Con- tlte)· were "ltllckrd by n lribn ot h~tIIe

grell (colt;n" tbe U. S. Treasury IlIlllanl. 'l'hciOldlert ttt'd rJown the rlnri

onl)' about 113.000 1& day,) il Iruitllli lilt: hlllltcrs. "Iter milking I.plrlted "ght,. I ..'., "."g J· ••t about ,I,. In ~'hlch thCllo8t /iC\'CU o( 111t!1r numberIn ellonl IUul a

Illlllll-:'d M:\'enll InClre woltudlld. 11~0 re.lincerity t)( these urn. democrati,. ttt'nh,"thlO\\'11 Ihe rher, Tho whole IltIrty

leaders "hon they ',,-ri! Illeading fur n:llIrllt'11 \\'lthlltl~ nl'fOlIl(llbhllll: tht:lrde­position and confidence. The 1'01- AlrellobJl't't. The ~lh~llOlIrl Fur GoIlII)AlI,}'

lowing rem.rks matle hy SeCrelar)' wa",horll}' ulter or~llldZl't.I. and. III lilt'

Enrts. few days 'go, in conVerSll' iiprlllg' or lSOS. they clllpto)'ccl "OOut 300• k lIIell {prh1l'lpallr FI'em.h) Rud ~llt the III

1.ioo with a reporter of tho N&w Yor Iout 10 hUllt ILml tr'JI' 011 tile )1I~ltllrl allt"Tribunl," luml up tb, wbole CIISII I~ Iribuillflett. AIr. Wlcr IUl\1 "bout 40&I ftlr .. the succeas 01 Ihe Bohemes othfr AlIlt'ril1Ulll \\'Clit out ''011 thrlr ownwhich they Illl] (or ohtaining politicill hook." and, In 1500. Wel,nOtll1l11C otl1el'flI.gislation, Ind which c05t tbe coun- cr\l~~1 o,er the ltookf }loullt~hJJ. I'truck

1m' heltl ..'''ten of the (;"lulIlblrt fiI,cr,tty luch I precious Ium :• Ilud f.lllo\\,('t1 tllelll clown. hllRllllJ! anti.. \V.. ever anJ,thin'" more redieu'

" tnll'l'llllt 011 ~helr WilT, '1'he)' I!,cut till'lou. '. '·1"1 "'g." b.\' !a.\'inU' tu the I C Iu "IO,luwlllg "Inler jUllt Rbove t Ie Il.!t'l\l vPresident: 'SIC" uur l,tllitll:1l1 melll5'urea or WI .ill wilhbolJ a40,O<!O,OOO or COIUt Hluge IUOtllllM.lll'. TIl4l llItlillJ

,... lulcr ll110tlter IllIall l)I\rty 01 ).t1~-ollrlof the Rpprollrilllinlli (or r.llllllll~ the buute,. relllllllleU nCllr the mouth o( 11Il'~••r"menl.tt 'Thllt dOPA \lut f,..,ht,• - ,. ColumbIa rl,er. The whole plre)' !Inuh,,1tin mil' ,e,died the Prdil)ent; 'IIh.UIl'0 aheatl anti du Illy tlnty ju.t l\lltl Inc,Jped ulltll Cl~ .prlug o( ISIO \\'I~II

the same,' 'VerV' ...~!I.' IIMiJ the tOOT returuoo hollle by the romt'th,')'democrlllll. 'il that't> your illt"nlillll Clllile. 'l'II~. 111('10. "'ltllht .tIrst pllrt,}'lh:lf

•• will keep blck "20.000,000.' lalllt' Il·rof.- anl'r Lewl lind CIMrk. TIlt'Findill,ll' the Pre id~llt still t1nmf)"IIt1~ "~I~lIlln" II)" u-Oo,. Oalu I. III'~'

tht'1 cri.d uul, .J( 1'0U dVII't hack w.uucy""ls YYI"l olllj 10 he' mll'-t ha"c00"11 ", will rduitl jou *10.000,000.' Woeu bonl In I~ .oJ conkJ hne btell•.ta. this thrut ha,1 110 etr-=ce. Ih"l but.l:r yeaN oltl Wllfll tho Ib'l\'l.' lie·

6nall, baltll,ack 1600,000, .ml r.n .erlbed plrly CI'OIIell It may lIot ill! 0111a ..... , It "" I rem.rk.lhl, "e~1 O(pL1l'e 10 IIlld that Illl oW ~IUIollrillll n:­de"eloped ':hl'J 01 tb, ~anlill end of Illarkt'tl: "WI'Ir OUt'li lpoke 01 thu hl~the horn," flr tree, lhe IIlltlIOIL cUmllle. I'8Otlr\'CC,

1I1f1ulI14lllltlenery. 4<:.. at the C:f'ellt IlIU~veloped C\KInll"1 out ""e.al; he Iholla:hl IIw\,IIIM OUf d_r ol1t-rlnllho ft'orkllu btu­I)' tllld vallle,"

Page 5: p .' Sf) ,ARGU · 2010-07-28 · cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or the National Museum, to be n'-ibited at the Centennial Exposition in Phil· adelphia, and proceeded iQ the United State.revellU

8 al t


Genuine straiQht Bourbon~1Ley.

From Kentucky,

D. C. H, ROTHICHILD,Conlul.r .,ent of FRJ.NCR;

II 41" PJ:Rt"j

Vice. COIuul or. .' NIC.AHAC1UA j


Vlr.lnla It,. Whlak.,

From Rlcbmond. VI.. direct from lbe dI..tiller"',

Rock Cove Bourbon Whll.key•• I878and 1876.

Durham Old Vlr.lnla. R,.Wbluey-t&711.

tr For ule by ROTIISCIllLD.t Ce.

PetuvlanEQUAl, In e~ry retptCt tn the br>!1C

l~l.erllool SAlt lor I'll pnrllfW" ror wbkh" ~JlOt1tM whltenCll5 18 not re<llllmt.

t7 Dnyel"tl ,,111 ftnd Ie ~fftlF.,.r An.letWllper ,hall any otlwr br Utll\Ull ro'r

10 "1ll1~1llI. 1 .H()'''·U6CUI[~[).t 1:0.


---0 J.ND DEaLERS 1!f 0--


H. ROt1lschild,



('"ort Townscnd, Wash. Tery

323 Frollt It.• SaIl FrtncllCO,

Exchange Bought and Sold.

Port Townsend• .March 27, 1879.




Britisb bart Lady BoweD,NEITIIER TilE c.:APTAt~ Null, THE UN,l dn1'llgnlld ,gentlorlh., .bon· n.med yuo~~~!Mo.,oe,..":~':~~Ie tor dell.. rontruted by

ROTfI!lCIIILD .t CO. ~nte'CAPT. 1.:. W, nAR~Jo:B, nalter,

Port. TOWll811nd,. June sa. 1m

Vessse~ COll8ilued to Rolllscbild , Co,

Costa Rican sbiD latbilie,

Hawaiian Bart LiliD,N~:i~TI~~tc('P~:~.e~ :7t'~~~~SoRo;~~ ~l::~~~~:I'Ir:':~'::.~Jo ror dob.. oontracted by

J A. O'IlRIES", Vuler.ROTIISCJIIILD .t CO" Agentl.

Port TownlMlnd, .April 10, 1879,____________1Miller It.wart." ..


One 3 1-4- inch FISH waf10n for sale at a bar-f1ai7t by .

CAT,lFl!llNI~ WINES. rOR'\,. SlIlllRY. ANGELICA. AND MUSCATr.,.Rllll \\! IILe \ InC'JRr. tmportetlllll'e\.'t b)' us from the .lneyanJ.. In plll- !llIlI 1M. •

r:e1s. and (or IIilc at ~tl FraaclJco ra ..eI by r




o. F. OLAPP. - Proprlc1or.

Liberal Advances made on Consignments.

The Highest Price Paid for Wool, Hides, Fursand Produce.


Dry Goods, Clothing.Boots &nd shoes,

Shipchandlery, Hardware, Groceries,Tobacco, cigars, Wines, ~ liquors


_ E:fI'AIlI.LSIlEIl 1m.) [D. C. n. IlOTIISCIIILD


C:~ l-~or G.o6tl elgArt, go 10 Holcomb;s


Cosmopolitan Rotel.

cu~w In.cllllc'ln'. 11M! Swoot. Sav, T~IJILooo.

,Am, bart Willard Indiett.

NE1TIIF.R Tlfll: CAf>TAIS SOIt THE UN·1 ,Leutl{lIell A¥enlt I'l( Ille llll(O\'e named\'ell~1 wllllln rllllp(lIllllJletor lIellt.l contnwtedlIy Ihl orDCt!rJ or creW'. .

I, S, 8T.\rLFA lfll.ller,nOTHSCIllLlJ.t CO., ..~K"nU.

I'ott ToW'nllln(I, Jill)' lU 187~.



!It:rvlC4'!I,,,m be held In St. 1'"nl'IH\hnrch [email protected])'n":I[tatli A. K. and 1 I', K, 811n,Iu,,,... ·hooillt ~ P. x. E\'l'nlnll' J'tI'II),l:r on WI!dncP,,11I.\·.1\t. 7 o'clock. LlltUlY 011 friday momlrll,lit 10.

T~j(tIlar eer.lcet I" Un~ l'nll'>hyterlHn Chlln:h~ht~~l~I:~t..IJ~R~:r: D, W, Mucllu,llUItor.

The First-class steamshionrlfi----

CHIMACUM, W. T.,,Vln. JJIl!lhop • - - - Pl'oprlotor.Y· We ....r.n.efJ ollrcbooee 1(1 he ,.'ret.

~~I~t1't~I~~."Il:~_11tilt or 1IIIIllrior (Iall.ltty to IlOy

~"..,..I.ilbetl •• job.I _U ....

B". .AlIdrell' nil ordcrs to Wm. BISHOP."I:he.. PUR'r LllDW...• ......... '1'0,..11.NI:SU, lIt(

\\'N.IJ01ll1, J. £.l·uOQ

CENTRAL HOTEL,'81l111l1ut! at helld or UnIon Wbarr,

"0.' TUWQlMIId w. T."111"1 n("I.....II~ nc .. lind n.,,,,ly hlr'llithed and

1~~"1I1l Ibe I\l'lllOllltruulIISOta'.~r.'C.Ol... ZJI:ot:o1.

II!" lIul" I~ ..1I\llllllltl wll h tile bUt 01' WlnelLl'I"OI'lllllul CllIltr'il. 'l'hllre II. tI "Hoel.II,HlIlI~rlt Tltltle lUlft }loa!llnR' IIQODl In Ihllllntel:-illllllnu will he lUll IItlt'nn~ tn nlakll thl.IItJ1t1llo1!l.'olt,J 11,1 nono I", thQ T~rrltor)'

:11 1I00D.t I;Ucm,

J. J. ~'UNT, Prop.

Water 8t.. PORT TOWNS.ND,Thl'lt.'11Ulltloclioull. elclrllnt 1\"(I,II'illnlhl)'ln­

"Mil,..! IInll'l Iii now Umlllr tllu 1'I1Ilntll ur II ..,JIII·llllle Ilt'UlIl'IClOr, ...·l1n will 1'10111111\'1 It In I he!lttIlIIlIlCtWn'I't)'lc wllk" t'ellt!t·rt.'(( 11 .... 1llt,I'"'InrlLcl'Illllh'I\I, Ib"rllllltrd b)' llw ,111\' nrw"ck. ~:x"'\lllcnllWl..'Olltllwrlulloit,rur rllllill1l'4

1'UtmE I! bound 10 be trouble In thl~

0111 C(lUlItry. 'l'IIPY 1I~ 'l'UIIIIIOll ~[ll:aa­

dlU~tttt9 Rlltt ~fIlL'01l GI'O~lrt N.lIlll.-llll\\'k·cJ!;!," Allu ~lIth CBrollu"', Aiken rorIlllother whIPIJllIg.- ;'l'hihllllllphIR Hull,­lin," Ant! W\s~:ollslll Is ~ll1cllaoll olll heuBud e\"Cli Huh, Rhode bl:uulls lk'glnllll1jtto Bristol up.-"BOIilon 1'000t:' This nUl'OLlll.'iI from LUlllln, Mlchljlllll, but weICllrll tlleJ'O', pcrft!ct Conoort.l In Nc\.JJampehlre. "bere Marry-Mack lelllla such• l1a8bing lIrc.:-"Prool Sheet." Yea, butWashington Territory ""til cortnlnlyTil Ike) loom a nnlCSl sho can Sellome, andsho's Renton a battle &round .Ireally.

TUE go\'Crnment Cog whlstlel and otherwor" at Port Wilson III under the able IU­por"lilon of Mr. Charles W. Holt. And"e be!lpeak at tll'lt point ~ "ell ez~euted

10tJ. '1'lIe (ormerly lonely III1mly .plt 18uow mscene or bU6tllng lndUitry, allll will10011 be, wilh Ita various 8ublStantlILI butld·Inp, & landmlrk to approaching oom·men.1!, pohalug to our benutlrul bILrbor.

'fUJi: "Aslorwu" IUYs tlJILt t\ mnn work­lug 011 Ihe lArn~ or }ft'. 0, A. McGuireturned OYer au ol,j 10K Mlltl (ound l\ll IronboU}ld chest COllIAlnltl& 8001.11 '10,000 IIIlold nllt! ,U\'cr ..loill. Whew! "Alntthat nlttr ," We e:rrlei.'t to hpar or thet.Il'pIRl'\'ment nf aU Ihe old logs In theOOUlltly 'Tcry .soon.

l(R. TILDEN is ,I(11ng 8 great deal of p0­litIcal work. )Jut he 'hllght be ~nla$tOO

In a rar better caUl'e, J1e might, lor In·A~nce, tr1110t to lI\Fl.kel hlmselr pmldellt,audln this be ~lllt.l doubtless recel'fe &

greRt cleal of USlllIRIlOO. . .

COlOSt:I, 1I.\1.T.£II'8 Ih:CKI'TIO~ ONWIlII}I!\' I~LMw,-Wu /tll\'l', \lut ""'ee~,

an lIU'OlInt of Illu pll.lllliallt f\·\.\lptioll g!Vl.llla~ ['ort 'l'owu~llli to CoIOlII'I UIlII~r. 011hlsl'ttllru (rom "aslllll&:tOIl. It 5locl1lei.1:I~ thou).!:11 no )tr('etlug conlll hnTe beenIlUJrC Jo)'on~ lind ~hLtl·()mo ; but \\·u UlU!!t,ay Ihat hi!:! Ilclglloor~ lIwl (1IClld) atIll'! oltl IJOlIIe 011 Whldhy Ie·lnud If I\llY­thing oultlid Port 'l'owll"cmllu thclr tollr­ll\~st nml hellrty deluolllilratlOIl'" nt rt.'Jolc­hlg lit hla COlllllhrte ,.11ll!11111Ioll. lIml roe·lurn ua full Colonel In Illu lIrlllY. 011Well11esday. abull~ elevclI o·dock. ColonelDatl'lr ami his pRrty. III thp good ,loop­rrRlLcls, lelt Port Townsend lor WbMbl'1!Il\llt.l whcre th"y :arrived about one I', 11.Quite a 1I11Luher o('rlclldJ had gathered IltEOc)"s LrtlllllllK to receive him, "nd ea­l'11rt him 10 hlt hOOle i Rull, u he was cz­l.:llIllIglug J.::rcClIIlKI5 with thelll, others ar­rln,tI, so 11ItH It wns not ulItli nearly twoo'clOl:k tlun tilt',pIlirty lelt tllc IUlldln,(C forC('iIlI.ICvIllD, MRl'lhal1t'll Rt· lallt, lind led

b}' the well.kllown JUlIKu CI\IIl~bell, withhis mll~nlt", ..ellt 1.1I1U, Iho proceulon·stllrt­t'll, l'\.'\.'Clvlng :101.11 lOll' 011 the \\'1'1).. "TIllCAIIIC lur,n Cuupct'IIID IImld tho "B\'IIlK of11:I~i alit! Ilrlug o( CallnOll. AIl~lIlbllllA'

III the OOOtl 'l'e;nvhtn' hall, JUlljte n, C.11111 \WICOltled the I:rtlhLllt;Colotlul, III be­lllilf o( hilt 0111 llclJ!hbors anti frlclIIlof ofWhldbl' 1~IRml. who durlllg hi. slxlcellyl!:lrll tlr II(~ 111l10n/t thl·m. hI'll collie tokllOIV him l1'elllllllllc;lrllt,'t1 to respt'ct IUllirCJtlln.J him liS Il true Ill/II good IIlAIl. Anero~llcr "'ONa 01 Wl,!I..."OlIIe, (,01. lhller re­8lKlm1cd. 'l'hOlijith Rlmoft OVC1\.'()lllO withemntlon. he lcelltl¥ly CXI're.~~ hl~ Joy Innl;1I11l llIeetillA' hi" (rlentll!, flntl a:rlltltUtlcat tlll~ ret~ptl(ltl tCIII.If'n'tl him; "nt'r l'OlI­I;r:llnIRtloll~ .1111 tllrotl he:trl)' cht.'t'r.~ (ort ;01, II1111rr, Ihe 4s&eltlblllp Adjonllll'il tol'OIlIC lo~ctller '111 the l:\'culnl" 'I'll ila.\·

Ilml tlte U.IIIIV III the ",YCnhIK WII' II ttlC­

ce..",w, III but rL hltlf truth, and tel tell II ... (11)1

Irllth or I'lghtlullr 111'l'CrllJe tt IJi 110 ~1II1111

Irt-lk. '1'o"lIrl1 81\lI~t people bt'J'1Il Injlllther. I\nd when. at Ill'. )I,. tilt; Ilrit ~H

WIll CAllefl. bttWNtlI nlll! amllwo hllluln'ilo(thti brlgllC't. hE'al!ltIest, 1lI\I>plclit 1:ll~'"

wcr. to 00 feeLl, JIll L'OlIll.' to lu\'u JI l!l1u,1IlIlIu IUIII Jeft:nulillitl to enjoy Ihelll"o:h·\l.·

['roI"8. !tooor[il or Port 'l'OWIIUf'Illt. >tlltlGllte!, of 0 Ik Ullrbot. rtnllet! 11 the 11111·11"the hluerdolng tllU l'lllllng III III~ tilll,.~pl'tllell ~t)'ll', D;llIl't,' ft\UoWt~1 lI:llIl,j III

r''Itld ~t1t.""'l:A-~lnll. I.wl l1l!ure~ Iht' lIl1t-t Ill'triClltuwltl1 t'CUllblllltllnns Ille II108t \'Illlt"lwerc graC'C(ully gOllu throngh ,,1111 IImlt'rthc I'ror.s' skU'rll1 gultll\ll\.'1'. Suppet' 11111'

':001l1'll1l1l'. RIIlI tilt: 1II1111)" ~ooll tllhll!' II.'

bUllwtllutly prOVllltli 011 Imt n Illl)"'ll 110111"""'II'! ;luothcr n( Ihill "aNlr "·,)1I11e,.. With11I1t!IJ)' II J"(>tlj>lte Illlhtt c1ll.lIdllJ!. Inblp ~Ill'

1"'(1h'(l tttble. with lIelY ItttrllOllou· :tlllif~,11 1lll.Illtlt"!l 011 ench, nn'U tlnr~' Hili' "":l~81l11JllIl'd. Ttf() lUudl crec.lltl~oIllnot be flto·illlw"d 011 till' gOOlI IAlllf'oi who proYl,llofl011 ~llcll ~hort Ilnt1~ the ,ulll>er fur lI!.ltmltwO humJMI 1)Ol,'I.tr, RIIlI thoLl~h tl1ll/I"tll'~rve IIlcn!lou ~1nt. cap', Llll)·tI. Mr~

,CoIlllpl.lell, ."r~. GlIll'itple Alld )fri, t..:Otll.Iyure l'OIli'ULlt I'llltilltlllrillg' In their elt'ort.It WUlt ft:11J't1aylight before thl! pIlrt)· tlllnI­IS Ilhptl'lltil, fllltl thf' lIul,el'Sllll'OOUIH:llllht·

llolla llt'iln''''l,.'I.I. ~"'I!t1 by Impartlnl 0111­I:lt!t'n, iollow that, U]tOKI'lIler It Wlisa IINIII'.'lillie. wcll "ol'lhy of thu hLlPllY evellt It1\'''" to COllHnCOlOtille.


Tilt: ~~lliRr t~rm nr the DI~trlct Cnurl,,'Ill COLl\'t'UC Itt Sll'lhH'Olllll nil )ll'llllnfIIt'xt" Mr. Stla"y, clcrk, ",111 go 1111 h'om1,111111'1111'\1.

::IO.\H: 1I:111::h11 (inlll hnp h'we Il('euhrtltklllJ: church \flullolI' "hill". If I).'t1llo:hlIllc)' will rc....c1vl! llitt t~llllllelll 1111'11 IIC­Ilnllll IIlcrit.

KASM!! holl~I' tl !lCllOOl tf'Aehl'r who toa (ull tJl(\Qt1 "'rnutlntl' Itulluu. IrIWlltlll'l104'1' tI\'erl' W)'·rltltloUl,! c\'cr)' I he'll 101le11111 slln:l.llotl liLlM.'.

Tim Ol}'lllliltl "~llIllfl,,"I" llt'\·(lh..'il hili'·l\ l'Ol111ll11 111't wI'I·k lOll 1Il"lc.rll111 Ill·....'rlp..II('In IIf II IlIUI~1I11l11r)' I:ullilh:t lIl'tWt'!:1l tW('lIItlll' "ul~(cr" bt,p,

A !IUln: lOr l'!pR:ltllt rnfltllllll;'C 1Jc'11l1t III·teoll1l) III Ihl! IOIVt'r IlIrt IIr Ihe l'U'!ltIliIU'll"tl IlIIlllllllg. to be Ot:t:Upkofl by (,,;01, I..II. UdJ::~ HtIll !llmllr,

Os :-llllllln)' night the ,chflflncr :'ttt.r lIr·rh·".... (ruillthe F('Illltl~ )trtIIlFIt!~ (,11' CnIM'Fhllll'IT. CUll!. Wllllc, I~ \'I!I'y \\'\'11 Alltls­Ih..'cJ willi thc 1lC11"flll'o1 \\'OI'k.

'1'111-: ~rl'A mer ~Ill ~tlck 1'lIll1C nWIIII,l rtoUl

PurL Hl-ClIl','r)' 111 IhI- p'rtl~' nn .\I"utlll}·en'IlIlI).!:. hrl\'!IlK "l.'ell fUlly rt!llalMI nllilIJlIt IUl'plt'llllld ~\'orkllll: onlcr,

WI': learn Irllm I'rur. Hnl1ertl Ilia·ttcut .r. C. Mltt'lll'l1. lorilltrl)' 01 thl""hll'C. lUll! tkl'll IIl'llel'L~lln lukl' {'OuIIllAnllflt lhe re"enue 5tt'lInLer Ihunlln, nt Bt'l!'lnllMuos.

PAlnu:! who dl'.~lIc t'l lilt I rnt' IlItt Job 01mlllLllnllllltg Illel P:tllltfll",Or.ld'UNItIl L'OIlIl'

1,.\' Wlllltt.l\'l·rli IllclII-('I"... rWI'o"lItlJr to till'

oll1l:illl /lull"", 11I-crleu to.;l;l)\ enlllllg ror~"ponl!lblt.· bh.J.1.

OI'llllh"Cd rrltrllli. Mr. n, r.. l>tlr1e, rt!­

lurut,,,1 (toru tiltt '1'J1tuo.h Ilgltlhlltl!U Fl. (e"' 'I'm: ..:lam tmke 011 8IHII"1"y WIL! ~un\" ngo, In "rr)' l\Ot'\r h':llllh, He I" lYolldl'rfllUy well ,,'Ondllcfed thll~ nil en­Iirn)'lug nttlll' \IOU-II or his '(Ill-Ill-law, ~Ir, JO)'l.'t.1 It vcr)' Illudt. ~o l"tAluS wet!'\V. II. 1.1~1I'cllytl. or lhl cit.\',

~IUI~I to l'ClLtlt!r It 4 l.'OtIIIJh:tu ull':dr,'1'tl~Jtl\'etll1ol)nrt IIr nut' 11(\(lnIRtlC'lu Art' ,\hC>HtsllCt,)' pel'5OUI Iu RII Illleucll"l. III

nlr\!lllh' t'a-tltl" lleftlllll ~'1I!ll'Cli It I'ro(, cltllll'tJ 1\ Jew (rom Whidby t~llllld. 'I'lu~

Kerr. 'tlll' lIewly ClIIllh"'I"l1 prlnclpal 01 Illble \T:U 10ndt.'l1 wllh dellcllcle, (rmll 1111'IIllr public ~t1lufll. '1'IIt·,)' 11I~I~t IhIlt lit· milo)' wlIlI-llII~1 lunch baikcl" lilt! 11mlloes I:'t 5.1",11 hi" Ullin ... right. C11L0I'-\\'01l, It "'ollid tlke more 1))IIl'C

A NY.5T (1111 or ('hh:kp.t1 ('J'l:". III our bac~ Ihull de C111l !pllre In tea 110'" ther 110\.fllnl. CUll be obllllllt'd 1.1.1' Ihl: Ol'lIor llpoll rill'" \\'~rc t1cmoJllihed-but to give It flCltltIlroof of o1\'llcrilhlll RIIlII'llIY (nr thl, llolke, IlleR. we wl1l11tlt! Ilult 0116 pnrty plllll"!I('(1Antllhls Is the nllir tt:;t;·horllltioll we will Rlx .Im',cll. '1'lltlllttlu Illumer ""ll1ltl)·.rl~""l111

nlllkll to hn\'E' th~m llIt!lllilleli. I'ort Discovery; w:u 011 hnud 10 tOIV III('WI: n'CClvl'tll\ plttllllllnt t'AIl IIII~ Wt'Ck bul.u~ to BUll r!'OtII thl! Ill'Cnlt or pltn"l1n·.

mill ,lUll"., HlIffltllUl. of 011111. (rllher ot The only t1rl\",l.Htck~""pre thnt the WCllrllI'l'nur ynung tI'IclIIl~. PI'OI. A. H, 1I1IlTltlnll \I'ILS II trHIll loo w:trm 1Llut the 1ll(K;11l11f~'l

Jl1If1 illAA IInlfulIIlll, 'l'IIel J1lt:ll'e CXllreMell wpre Fl.lrilic tuo IlImlll"r. BIlt eTIlH tlltf~1!

hlllllCl!(llell"hlcd wllh l'UlXnt 6tmlltl, dtnkultlCl were voted 11I.lgllIJl~lLlIt.

'l'lIv. !wit ne"l Itttul~' re<.'tl'rd It Ih(' 'l'uIELT W.An~um.-CApt, deLloll II,"",onl.r which ctlme b)' tt'lcgr"ph a (~W day" llot fl,.~1 'err atllililble ~Ilfle liOl1l~ or OHrIlgo. 1)luclllg Colonel Ihtltlr In coll'1l1l"ud "bhoyll" 11IlYO bet!n thon,htleu CIlOIl~h toa, "'ort 'l'o\VlI~clLd. lie \\'111 be UPIlr mllll)' rlll'4lICk hi" KlInlt!1l III puntllt Or 4 1I1rll)'otu (rlen<b while ttt hit I)()!\' 01 duty. 0011, Ill! thlllkl 111ft: olle or IWO mlJ.!lll

CAUFOlllitlA IlKS betlu bonnlllg or II. l~tIl- cnler'and 00 \.clconl~. by &>f'klllg pellul".on eli':hltlell hlch~ III clrcnlJlrcn.'ILI'Cl. slon lUid b)· bclll~ carellli not to CICl'tffl.\·Why. I1tlIUe.lIlh'ks: that's Ilothlng, 01,.111- 11ll11hhlg, !Jut thllot It I~" IIttle:roo tlllWhIlln haM a (T,l-ICLlIotl Ihat I~ t1\0 llrlll~fLlIIIl to 11!low Il dozell or 10 lu!ty )'onllJt fl!IIUlv....drcnlllfcreuce. lintl\ It'tll ~ourolle ell her. IOJLltllp pull mel! OWlr tlte )tllnlell ICIH'('.

WE tire III n!\.'C!lpt of Ih[' "S.ln ~'rntll'lg- turn Ihillg' ul)Illdc U('lWIl III tllelr !lIlIlIC UlllIco Jourtllli 01 COllllll('rl,.'O." "ud Ihe UIIItl.'t.1 tl!rll lotet !curudoBt JUs-L bl.'('IUI~ they ILn:St:llea "HCCOnl 1It111 Q117,lItte." IlUbIlJlItCl"1 &poken 10 llbunt It. ~otl,,'Cl Ihe canl Ill-

AtrU..Ulll refer1!L1l'C to lhe mRtter.at WMhlngwlI, D: 0.. KIIlO Iho "DulchFillt rorlllll," pnbllshed lit Dutc!l }o'laL. TilE &trflllllClhhlp Washington J.. lbb)'.Cnl. t,'(lltt tnden from .NlIllaltno, was lolt! lit

ZIlI!: 'rAI ..t en, Iii th~ Slllnlllnr nl'lme 1I11cli01l )'~lenII\Y, 'I'he "f'I!f('l \yRIIof th., Chlllc.au lIrlll JtI!~t l!tllrlhljl hi bll~l- LJougllt by C;lpt. n. \V, cle1.lon, or tlll,lle;lJ III thlill'!tl"', Tho grRml o[)CFlll1l£ o( phlt'I!, (or fl.:l50. ami tho Clll'VO 0,600 tOil1It'lr c"frlbll.hnll'nt, tonk Illnw (III ~tlIl1lllr 01 t,'Clllt) "Il~ bnu;.tht lty ~[r. J. J. 1I1l1it.n-t. Their :\11'crtl"{'t1ll'lIr, Illverted thl.4 1I1.4() or 1111.. JJIlIi'C, (Ilr ,:mo.'l'cek, \V(\lIld 111l11C.lIlllhllt 11",.f tncnll'lll,;l- 'I'm: IlIccllilK ot tile l1onnpMll.r. )It\r1r

lie!." on tho "Mullrllll tnnll"III)'le, Thoy rt"l~clltty "dt)I'It'11 Il rtlOllLlllIl1 llel·l.rlngIre Inteiligellt UIlt! ClI!I'rllrl~llIg. Illr br- 1II14thy tllctlt:ath ,..(tho I'rlllw ImlK!rllll.JOIllI 1110 1I\'Crll1£6 nr their l'fllllltrrtnell, Prhu:u Jt'rnlll(l X:lpodeon bcl.:nlllC'l IlleIHII will (11)1I11111"'~ drlvu :I I\nl\rl~h\IIK hcwl or Ihu UOIllllparlll f"ttlllr, It ,,1,0I1ltle. Tht.), CXJll!Cl a fllle lot o( to)'1I by t1I'c1dt.,,1 [0 ;lIlhcre to tIle 11:I'bl~1tl\r)' prill-

lex .teamer I dpleR.



(;ul.. ,I. B. Mour;:olIlCIT In P"rlllllllL

10: CHI·;,UI is llO!mlnl', Go to llo1cOlllb'i­,lUll get sUllie.

DID )'011 C. FrRllk Clapp hut week whcuhe W!U III tOWll ~

Ml~S Dal~)', or Ihlllllll1l'e. Is cnJo)'\ng II,,1~lt to Dtm,cncu.

'I'm: l:X!uuls Illght properly 13 :uJver·tl5Ci.1 for cale agtlill. See notice.

.lo",\Ionms IU'tl 1~lrl)' delighted with thisiiplcllllllJ wcather for hnTVcSlll1g.

~11t. J.n. )))'er, loll 1"OI't l)i$CO~cr~'1 Iiin town-sum.'rlng frollll'r)'~ll»f1ln!l.

'l'1IF: llluulgrRlton Suclcly will 110111theil' Il.!lUlIl mOlllhly lU~t1llK Oil 'l'uI.'Sll11)'e,cllllI~.

IT tlOOllIl't IIlllkc II !"lrnJ;1'llpher lli,11 asRllgT~' 10 "lenll,18 IlUll& lid It JotS to &1l1111l:c1

HUI or Illnlllj[ F-!nl('11 them.

,(: rOI.Vtll'IA:rriS ImY., n.'\-"1lI1y ~I1ILtlo Imporl.ant hllpro,,~melll'( Oil Ihe Turritorhlll:tlrgrtmillb, IOCatl1111ear tll~re.

Mil, 'I'h~, Phillip.. hll,;!u whlll··hl1wllell·poc~t.'t Imllc, ~:ou"hllt to [!OllIe llufol'lu·11IIW 10000'r. Hu b tr)'lug (0 1I1Ilitile 0\\'11­.,.

It IllUi been lI<lllllltely n~rlll.i,I\{,11 tilr\!Cl:WI UllkCA /Ire tII'II'\: L'OIIIIIICh'u to IIUlillellJo:ulIClIl Ih:1Il rlro lUI)' ollll'r clltertillnIllellL!!,

., -===============:;-:=-=========""====7================================================"-.

I 'I'

Page 6: p .' Sf) ,ARGU · 2010-07-28 · cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or the National Museum, to be n'-ibited at the Centennial Exposition in Phil· adelphia, and proceeded iQ the United State.revellU

--_..- ..


1)1l'OnT1'JI 010'-

JP/ut)'jI uytJl'1'l


Arctic Over-Shoes.

Rubber Over-Shoes.

Stoves, Tinware,I'U .\\ P1:'. I .. {1 HON PI PE,PU.M~,'- IH,ON PLPE,PUMP" 1- 1HON PIPE,

House·Fyrnishing Hardware.PRIME QUAT.n'y,

Axn A ..A'. ,.AttKJ:T .....

F"II every Iirlic!e Ull\dc or .w.


AND COllffISSIO\ 11 EllVIL\\Ti!

H, L. TIBBALS & GO,'SSUPE'Jr.lQJ~ :l'1::.0/8.

'11, S. Marino Hospibl !ponT 'l'OWNS]':~D, W. '1'.

Boots and ShoesOf the \'crS latcst qunlitics nud of Lhll

L'\lest PILUcrns,

COOll 111'1' 1l,!Hi Grcl'lI WOOtInlwlI)'s all Imiltl. AJHO, good j'..1.rk,

TUIOTIIY Ji,\\·.,u.w,\l'S n:'t' II.\ND.

Vessels Dill('Jlar:;cd,Frf'ighlt.1 ('ojjl'ctCtI,

Ttlllllin;.: llf Illll;intls done,At rmsonnhll'mti'H t1ml s,1.tiJlflll'flllll


FOrlll.rlll ..~ ",••• '·jlllll.. I.... I,," ltu..fll ..~11IIi'UIl1l,IIJ Ittl"lIll11" IU.

Anti Hcpniritlg e:tccuted nil u!lunl, anllS11tidn.(·tion gllal':l.lltCl.'tl.

"I'alr Shlutl ofllllbnn"lC'C' orlllC' 1' •• 1':10hI N••lldh..l,

TIlift ill the Lnrgc!jt and lkllt. selectedst.eel, of BootH lind Sh()#),<\ on

PlIgt·t Sound, comprising

JlrOIIJ;\lRIIlI Nnlln Urf'!ll!'ltll"•• lUlIan·" ('I,,,lh:ll/lO llllukh,lC.

"·r'""knUlc,,·."'nll'r-l"rl1l1f Illndllnr.

MfU!hhU' ...1Ik. Anti "'1·1·.Il.,S1;1101' .'111111111'''' ..r~"er)'drllerllllion.

1Urgl.""11i1 Jllu'a\l!Ul '."lllller.I:&r.••:IC'.. 1:le,

1\leu's, Do)'s"uulieft', :MiMCli'.

and Chilllrt'n's

To UlD Mcrehl111tll M I'llr~ TUII'lIotllll "'II 1,1Il'1\)' mnt Wt! rCL'C1 vo nll y"ur II'MMl~ null 1'll"IUI('Olbof:oln ror YOllr rf('l~h' 1,111 •• :'1(' -"1.1"11 11'11corlnlllly IlSllflCL )'I,llr llllllll<:'·." 1', 1olOVlII1LtOllllCtllll reCtllvltI\: II'I"lIl:. !>lId 'I" "rllll;yonI' 1l'1l0'11I C"r III~II) )'(»th 1""1.

r"~~':I~.I~~~~ll::~!~I[l~j~~l':...111 I,ll ,"',U'" '~ tit

If. I~ '1"UIt'\ I.~ ,~ ('t, •

I'orl 'rU\\IIM',,,I, \ ... '1'.

W"I hnve iL (:REAT lmVE'~EXCE

for 'ash CustolllfrM,

All bllllneM entruMCd In <'Hlr CIIro will ucel\'8prt)IlIIIL 1I1lCllllllll.

--AGENTS 1'01:­Steilacoom Beer,

Bontlle Beer, and Lc\'y Dro.'HSatta. 'VntenUlu Hoot. Reel',

A cOinpleto ussortmcnt IIf1IQr~IlSCEU,A.NEOUSSTOCI'.m,

ADy lIck lillilur wholllll' Iltllolllo'llllnl dUll! fortwo lOt/nthll precflltlll" hltlUlll,Ill',I\I"n

lOt r.4mlllfllllll, hi enrlLll:.! HIHOollpl1nl rllllel,

Port TOruUSC1ul Hu.'lpit.(I,l,Tbe aOOvo IllltltUUOD bll.l'lnr lteeu pllH>tllt (In

a. peruunflllt roothlll', u the Ullltlldl"'tllINIHOll·pilat for Mar1l1e Patleal. un l'Ul:tllJolmllHl, IhI!!proprletorl.a1l;e. plelllll.e III IIUIIOllllt·jU'.!!!,lItno pMtllOr e.peDlle.1II IJ.G ."aroll In IUIIII.·WInne III \he CODHor~ Qat! oouvculuU..:u ..r prl'

"~t~a~Ct~t:l.rxf!llLGenual tIn,ollltaJ IlOrllllltBan Jo~t.tlClfCO,pntl by rllt tllo muOL ('l'/IlI"U'11IJo e'lulplUent. U 111L1 been \ho"1II1111., ",lltlcllatld rerurnlilled. 1111 Ilelloral Wllf.11I Im\lo IIC'wmmodallonl tOt about 011. huudr.,d l"'tlI'fIUl

i~:rri:r~~~lio"i~t~~:t~:e~[O~:~JI:~~~n::II[~I~~pllryliioll tit lIullled IlZllfIalllllo, Tholll wh" II&­Ilro tlUlftl will tJen-ltnlJlbecJ with prl\ll1l1l ruollI',~~~~ell~~tl?rattlanti dallact, at ••lIlithLllutll·

UTbe plttUllon 01 lllll nWIIU:tl1lt.nli 1I1lIIelalO~ItA!d In IhlllplufL', III Clllled tut II! IIICL Ihll~ae.. llIlln autr"rtul froUl f:tlll\a ..lollllll_elUoel willbe l!'elIte.! OU"IIlO Lbe I10.lIllAl wlUwut n,)leaH !OJ ~lIe '181M I.

'11homU81\ Mlnorl

M. U.,:'Mf Manfll' nil "'I~)l_~

I Port Townsend

IIWilliitSh:: ~~~~!~


. IIATS,Il?l1"CAI'S,


C. C. BARTlETT, Prop'r.

'rhe FineKt StocK of

WholcsoJo on(I Retail-DEALBR IN-

Centml FIotel bnilding,Head of Union \VJlll.rf,


Crol'kt'r,',Crockery, C'I o~b r~',



Ilnnl\\'arf",JInrtl .....nl'1', H[lr(lwnre




POll'r 'l'OIl'NSF.S n, w. T.


The Lowest Prices.


TOBAccollCigarsliToBAccO,Doors autl lJ'lnllows,

Fa1·1n:[.",g I1nplcmcnts,

! lJ'tt'l'nltu:I'e,

Wall Paper,PlOW84,

And R La.rgo assortment of Goods notenumerated, whieh wo

will lell nt








Jewelry Store

Alto I' lintJ lLMOrtUient ofGlocks, Solid nodGlocks, l'lntedSpeclacles, SliverSIIcet.cles, Ware,

£1r, FieM lIml Marino O1&ael1I .L!llAtulicai Inltrument"

£Lc., Et('.

Port TOWDSend.W.T.


Cleaned and ICI)&irrd Ly So first dauworkma.n and warranted

for OJle year.

Goods Warranted as represented.

How Rain and Hail are Formed.

"Db, Uoaor, 00_ J 5Qtrerl" "Come,coni'" ma,damr! 1 don't beline there'.an thing i.f:tioul Ihe matter with rou."" h, how you lurment me I h would'tl\'e ,Oil jllst rilht if I were to die rightunder yonr nOiI:'"

n"mr. .'rodIU'f' Mllrk ....TIlc '"U"",n", '111"1111\"11'1 Nprffilll thl' \lll',lualc

r.lld (rum l·rwll,..r. 'I' llr.~ hall~~:

n,l'I'1: ~1I"tal.!,· III 1,~!llln:: lolilll; !o:UlJdard bn,n,r-..!II ;:~'f:, 00: "u~ ...... \llllry br.uul" II oov,ea ;:"M11~rthl(', ~ {!ol",sa ;:"

\\'(kJI.-\ MIl, ~, lilt, t'~: rnll~llla, Z':';;'~:II; lA'I(nl (1f"1:"". Ititnl.'-:. \'er)' cll"I..... "I \nl!~)', {'mP01UI llml.::t.~tcrll Un'l:fln c'muu:ap.l III .,hllllce Ull thf1iCIfnnl.

Wllt:AT_U ~~I\iitl M tor aw,,"u; IlllUi!1K. ~l OO~",.Ila W.lta lrom tj@~ cU. Ie..

!'OTAT\J&S-l,,!lIulabl. at llIktt(fl 00 ller 100 noll, 111\0I1dcrilitlon and f1udlly,

!oIIDOLl~GS-JoLIJIIIIl' .\ If!>I", ,eo,at'..L; lillI', t'1!o@f'2jt \lIOn.

mtAN-JobblllR IItPfr tOil, 'If,.OATlJ-t'etd. pcr (C!lllal, .t ::U,a,1 ~; cholc" II eha..le

hll:l\cr,liACOS-8tder, 8@9c: hlUNl, IO{!I20:: IlIou],lc1l, &g,c,IIAY··Tlmothy baled, buylul; U 'l~tI2 l'C:f lon;

"'ull,1.AIIO_Illllc",lIfine; 110111' In Iln',O@llI.'.Ilt'TTtm-....." '1",,1.. choi.....f~ir1 at ~:.c; If"OOd huh

roll, 2O.gZ;~lc; onllna.)·, IfJldlSc, ""helher Ii.llle 'lrIIIlhd: e>inJlllon, 1~1l!!1!tt': mlulfct ~1t:utJy; Cillftlmb.fmh roll. t~h!:!tt.

(:Ilt:.:~ .·ltUIThl_AI'I,lu. 110"11 to cholCf', r,(lr~'l't ro'rb"x: Llm~. '14ft! !>O l~f 1101; OrrulloU, t.l~..

1l1U~~ l~inTIi-APl'I'Ii: 11111 drIed. ~~I5c: m::.clllnll

~~~~lll~ ~~·ctl;'~~i~~~~~~:t:~ l~~~: ~·ltl;lh;,,::::nor-de,

~;~8~T;~\"JJ}~II~"~ljr..:;~:iel'lf, $~ _I ,~: ,hk:lltl1l.e :6

CUl~~t~OICI:On,100.ll,:jc: C.liroMll:l, l<ltdt......1100 U~Uf<l, Iie;OTl to/ll, ~e.

~lri~~...lt~.I~·~~~~t:~~~~l'~ror10'00<110 ehol~c.

III U:~~~O::~~nJ:' :~t~ :j:,l:t~llh~::i~~llf~:Ct~iti:TALLOW-Q.lWlabltlllt C>+t64c.

OeDe"., 3Ieren.adIH,

mcr-iJ;['&~J::~'8i~n~~~I@n~.1611,6JdCl; JII~n,cOn't:t:-COIIa IUIS,lllJI!J17~c; JIl~~, ~; RIo, llQ&IC;rEA~~~I~ull~~tlJ~~C'ln ftOl\'tffil boUI :J:,@<fCk;La.

'IUtted bolU••~~5Oc; IlaP:'r.~37'c. ,

:'U°tl~~'tl'i~~g~ c~~~I~1 't<:~:l~~:ll~~ bCb~~1~~~1>U1."trllM bbl8 11(', hi bl,:~ II1Ci U.l\lLul~((>J bblllOco hf bbll I~l',

SYRUI'l:J-l,,!Uo(lIl,!e lit 4;J., In t 1111, f4Ic In hili, alul f,!ot:In k~l{I. _

8,\,ItUISt.:.s-qr bf,~I"l, ~I ~'J, t f hOJ'eII. S!J@:1Y£ASTI'OWOllH.-V.'lII" I•• , Ifl!f:''OIl """': [100111')',

W:l* ~ II'I"OM: I'r.,..l"l' ... ~h,'trlll, '~4e .1,...lJU.Wl~~~hetT)',fO~II,"1 In "I~', '2 6Otlt~: In «, 17~1{),

8h"rry.l!omclt!c III blk, tI "O@J W, I" d,.~ 00fg!i1, .l'"n, 'nrelkll III 11k, !~ 6OtftU: inCl, lUnD.P"rl, d"illl "U.' h, j,lt, S1 W,/,t: In u. " /;OfI1sa,,,,It'''lkll, dV'm,.tl.. In bill, t I ~:! &0; In l•• $1 00I"'tl.:\!Ublcl, .I"mcitlc In Illk, II ,liAt~ roO,llclallnlf, dUlllColle 111 Llk, 'I roOl\.tJ 00,8onnm. White, tllllncllllc In bit, 'I 00II1 2:lj III ClIof4 ~OO.Claret, r"roJIm III l),tk.!fl ~~ 00: In ~, ~I fi(laSll,(,laNI, domfiLlc ill hili. if>!'; In ._, *l\"'~l.

CASOLEli-Emers, I~\C; I'lck " ~hloWt, 15t:; liMit,"ClI, :!Olt: (Irani, 1.<:: ""X, '.lIt.

OII.!J_Urdln..y bnlllllol<Jr 1lOlI1, ~lit: hll{h l,.,.idU( ""•.ner k (:0.. ~~'lle; bol~ Ilno;ecd,llOc: n.w 11IKl'Il,:;1:trn~~~J.,.~IIIG: (lIIlwr.~12' 1 &0; lUI"

il'llf.l'rs "SlI .'IAI.T 1.I(,!.UOlt.i-The 101~I\\'lnl; ..relhe I-'ritU eUlTCliL of L'CTlnl'l bnndJ of "hllkle.a,ld

}:;~rtj·~;·C~l:~~I~:~'Iu.::~::II"~~I\i:ly.n.an~('1'7; )T. 31 )1:'l"IIh ..ll, Kcntucky, 13; olber Luatll,fl ~IJ if,.

SAN .·nASl:l'JtJU 1'llUUllCl£ lIIAnUt:'1'

SAS FnUclflCO, July 24.WHEAT-Steady,:FLOUIt,-·Stron".OATS-EllSY·WOLL-Unimprovoo,POTATOES-Weaker at 25c@35.

Eatrll.1I ....h ... t 3I.rlle...Lo~D(m, Joly 23 - FIOilting Cl\rgoefl,

stead,. with fslr tlllmsnd.OlrgoeS on palllage and for shipment,

enhancetl pretentions OD part of Itellerfl pre­vent blllilllllS,

Mark Lano. firm,lmporta of wheat into U. K, during pnllt

week, 195.000@200,OOO qnl.Impom or fioor Into U. K, daring plUl\

,.-eok, t15,OOO@90,OOO bbhl.Weather in EoSland, sho'll'lI lIignl of im·

proviag.Ltu:n1'OOL, July 23, - Whent, on IIpol,

very lLctive,----

When t.ho ptlrtic1ell of water or icewhich collstitute t\ cloull or fog o.ro all o[tho snUiO Hi:tf, nnd the nir in which theyure I:turslnlllcd iii at..rcl:tt. ur in JUClviJ10 IIlli·fOl'lnly in one direction, then tllClJO part­iclcll can have 110 motion rclo.tively toeaeh other. 'rhe weight of tbe particleswill cauoW tbem to desoeDd through the!\.ir with yeloeities which depend on theirdinmeters, D.ml, sinee they nrc all of theMUlO air,c, they willll1Ovo with tho llD.mevelocity. Under these circumijtnneea,therefore, tlle pa.rticlcl'I will not tmvenethe llpaces which tleparate them l lUlJthere cnn te no llggregation l'IO aa toform raindroptl or hailstollCll. If, how·ever, somo of the partic1ea of the cloudor rog .ttaio n lauger sito than otbeMl,thOllC will de400ml futer than the others,ami will contlequcnlly ovt!rtako thoseimmetlitLtel,. bcne.1.lh them; with thceedley mllY colullin6 to aK to form atillla'1,'Cr l)C,rticles, which will move with8till greater velocity, and moril (Iuieklyovertaking t.he l!"'rticlell in front of them,will Add to tbelr eilt':6 Ilt. 0.11 inerl'fUIingnte. Uruler such CirtUlUlIUtI1L'Cfi, til re,fon; the cloud would Le l.'Ollvertetl intorain or hail, t.CCQnlin~ u tht' pl\rtidfJIwere "ater or ioe. Tlie lIi1A'J of tllo tlrorJ8fro", ,"ch a cloml ....ouftl llf'.lf(lud HillllJlyon the quantity of water 1I111pcnded illit, d 111'1 tha" i. to II\Y, on the t.Ielilityalit.! lIUdUii'IitJ of Ihft eloud brlow tliepoiut from _hi Ii t.he tiro" Ilt.ut~d.

Thl. i.l th~ actuII ..,IY ill wldeh rlUn.tiro,.. Awl h.i1.lonet are forl1lt!tl.­Salure


Marrled a MllUonaJre.

TI. 'frt'lL.llllN'r (if Ui. UnitetJ l'-tatCI

211 nOli lhAl tI Ilrir.cillll1 an.1 laC­

"~'''1lln~mu of rttri.ntud tock of tbel.t Cvtl'Or'ILiuli cJ W .....U1gtOIi .llld0"0 to"1I w.lIlte 1.wJ a\ til Ir r1I' WNbiD Il. un and M'ltr Ihlt 10lh ofJut,.. I thAt lntl'ro"It.iIl a 011

tJiat dl',

"T,at I ,. Ul I calla finl hed .trmon,"u.rt .. hd, 10 her h. band, I' tbey

rnd d t'Irn wl1 hom ChUTCh. "Yes,"-. the r!ph "'llh I ""''''', "but, do fOU

·OW, J t"to-.,u t.: Il never "ould te."

A BOn of (L New York millionniro W!l8

in inmate of the Homeopathic AKylumfor the In&8ne, at Middleton, N. Y., lostwinter. While there ho fOl'mod theacquaintance of ol1e of the o.twndllnts,It. young la(ly of a lligh~ delicate andrre~ty face. The 1U1"Ct.l1ces of tbe in­valid ""ere modestly reeeived by thelervant girl, and were e\'idently IIOt dis­tasteful to her, .. in due time they re·ulLed in an offer of marriago on hispart, which Will duly lIOCC)lted. Uponthe, 'fO~ns ~enUcman'8 notice to hi,mother of hUl proposed matl'iug(>, shc,with a di,pl1l1 of lell&(! and rcgnrd forthe blLJlpillelil of the young L'Ouplo selJOUl"itne88C(1 in her ..tation of life, inter­IX>Ied no objections, after having satilllieclbenelf, by diligent inquiri~ lhat tlleProl>OlOO 1lrille was of rcspcctabl(l Vltenl..~e and irTefl1"Oll.Chahle c1uuacler. Thoparental \,'OIIRlll Vt'ilI then "ti"C'II, anllthe )'oung gentlelllan having recove.redfrom hI. lIlalld)', the wetlding ceremonyWM l)erfonlloo in the villa!.'C, The"....lItlem.n tl'lOk iliA hritlo to the city,"lifO 'le Will conliall,. rt'Cf'ivpt) hy hia,..1ati\ •

=====F:'=.~~==r:~~~~===~===t)The Pope's Garden. I Child-Lite on the AmazoDs. .'ISASCIAIJ AN~k~~:~;~I~·~:~~:,J\lJ

1c: 11\{' l't'lna', &I,"S n l{OIll:U1 .'orre.... "'hiid·lif,' l.el't' j .. all "lo.<.:ut·tlill,;.:J,\" >':ul'i. 1.~)I~1 to t1.kn III 1'''ll1~nol. I,u)h:~. l'aI", .n"I •• I1lno:

ponllf'1l1 n visit. to the Pope·... l'rivut,· ow~ 6111tly: lli~ lit Ih· ,plir'l o.:l"calUn'li unJ Ilt!JI:;'r ,~,ln III 1'''lllantlth''1 allk~ t;Ml.II':<\ I ,,,r ('t'nl,eanl"1l ~'hkh ill lSul'llrnlctl to bo.: ill/\\:· 10:0 difli.'1';1l1 frolll 1)111' I'.:ml!,illj.: _\lIl{'l'kliH ,li..."'I",1 III t-..v .o ... , l',.ln. ~,·h.tt'l:l1 tI:1 :\'11'" Y"Tk. I IOCT t', 1I1. l,rclll!UIll.l'cuiblc to the outsidlil world. It ... p:tf 00\·.....nil :.::irl!". They ,:':Ct few o.'f\n..:HScS ef\rn Illt·h.lII~l:l'Il ~all Fr~lld~l'). '~Ir \" I I...·' ",nt.

t.icular illtCr('SI is in tho fact [hat I'M an;' "jve lIone; llLoth~'r-IU\'f' is. Illechnlli· 11~:ll:'~'~:;I'lIkTr.l'ISf'l~ l,n ~,'" \'''rk, II'U,"ellL l'~'eitl'M veal'S the Popes hn\'c not Iltl'ppt:'ll col; ethf'nl i~ nothing of t1iilt o\'(~How of mlum,

o:t of the r ll.ticnn Pnlarc t'xecpt. I" £,CI tt:H,h'I'llf'~~, tll:ll ~'O!IS(~IIL watchful enl'e,into tid!! gnnlcll. f1.nli lUt.tlll'LII~ it i~ thnt slu-'>!s sUl:h Illtalo llrollncl Ollr hOUles.jealously sCfIUtICl1 from pl'OftllH' IIltru,l- TllC Ln1.Jj,~s \"l';;t:tlltC in their 8ti,~t1y hl'OWII

ers. 1I0wo\'er, we bribcd tlw oflicinls h~hion, Kcl.lo,ll crying 01' ll\\Ighiu£, \;utlin.1 were let into tlw gtmlcll surrel'ti- lying (lll Ihy ill lbcir ,hrmmock crltlll~

tiously with pcrmiii'Sioll to rCUlllin Ull ft.lld wntdliug evcl'~'tlllllg nl'OllUti t~I€~11l1I0ur 'mlll we imllroyed tIl titHe to till' with ket'll eyi.'s. As ij()()11 tU the httloulm~t. Until recently it 11M l'Cen lJO\'S nnJ girlli mn tOthlle a\lOut they (l!'O

(lnl)' a plnro to stroll nbout in on fO:lt, ]('{t prett,)· milch to their own resources,But. now the Pope ill having ~ carriago tumbling UI) tbe back stairs of life 011 eorood mnde through it, llnd has JUSt boo diet of lllandioca. meal lLnd fillb. TheIn elegnnt landau eonstnlctoo in Home, parents ~ldom punish their children, forwith the }Ja1"lLl eacutobeana upon it, es· they Ill'O "cry docile; whell the)' do, thepecially to drive about tho gardcn in. little ones pucker lip th~ir mout.hs lludThe principnllL\"cnues am borderctl by look 8UUCU, bill. tlo not cl'y. PlellBuro isaat be..l~'Cflt 1Lild in po.SSlng r.long )'011 oxpre5Se<1 by (l, 8mile-amollg t~o Iit,tlel;et glimp!!C~ tllrough ween lll'ches, of girls "cry often b)' n broad grIll, WIththe S\\'Ciltcst little sylvnn retreata that nbundllnt show of toe th-bllt nn nrticul·yOIl ('an ililaginc; birds singing, fOllntains ate laugh is IL t;\l'ity,bubbling, light nnd shnde playing It ill intcl't'8tiug to wntth 110\\" tiiOtbrollgh the flickering leavcs, the a.ir mentnl tmitM of til ... m(:es uprlf'ir C\'('!l infull of the scents of orungo blos.'i01ll8Unli the young bal)ics. H n pltlything isgiv.roses, 6ltatly pntlls winJing in, a.nd o.ut, en thcm the)' examine it b'Ta\'ely fot' IL

up nnll down in the most. dlstmctmg lit.tle while, Ilml then let it. {hop. Ob,way, tho ground covered with n thick SCl've how tliflc.'cnt thiK is from il whitullltLtling of deep leaves, t.ho. aceumub.· bllbJ'H actionll. A bright little six·tion of yelln', Here I'll nndent lULrcop' uwuth'ti uld nL home 11M four (lilitinetbagus, with sclliplurcd figures in r lief, methotl11 of iu\'elitigatioll. Fil1lt, b)'there n mCU'blo stlLtue gray with age, looking; seL'Olid l by touching; then hytLnd n something inexprellllively weird in putting the object in its mouth; lind fl·the twilight gloom, the solitude and nil' nally by banging it agninst tJle flOOl·..,f negloct and deca)', AgninJou emerge The brown olenno just loo1.s; he doesopon oJlen: SlUm)' spaces, and the prom· 110t. i1l\'e8tigllte n.t all, As the childrenenade skirta (L fll1adrongular space Slink· grow older. the s,'lmc trait is A,pparent inen fifteen to twenty feet, withperpcndic. almost every Cl\tse. An lndinl\ is eon~

\lIar wallsl originallYI perhaps, the Willis tcnt to hel'lr or lice n thing without ex­01 some ancient construct.ion, This is nlllillbg 01' troubling hilll~lf about th(\laid out in an immtmrs6 flower gff.rJUII, whys (lllli ... hereforctl; even such inCOIll'tuld in the midst the gorgeous papal prell nsibe pUl'8uits l\S fossil·collecting,monognLlu traced in li\'ing verdure, or putterOy-eatcllins, ot' sketching, pro-

A )lfett)" surprise was a small grotto voke hardly any Cltriosit)·, ,']'111' peoplein rockwork, rellrcscnting that of "Notre looU\ In quietl~', sometimcs asking aDamo de Lourdcs," in which Iitood a qnestion or two, bllt MOOn diHDlisaillg thelittle fancy figure of the Virgin, at :he~ Ilubjeci from theil' minds itS Romet.llingfoot. a little grating through wldch offer- they IlI'e incapable of understanding,ings were lh'Opped, nnd three tiny Wi h nil the crowding to seo the lady ofItreams of \Vntcr Rowing from.th worda: OUf pnrt~, hardly \l porsQrt asked why sheIlDrink and be llcaled." Of course tilly romc, .', too, the bnbicR al'o llllllmbit,.streams spour; into 1L little bo.siu, llml iouR j t.hoy do not cry niter pl·ett.y cl'!ors,~bove these we applied our mouths to the 01' 8tl'C,tch out their b&.ndK to ll. canule.little streams Rnd drnnk the con8C(lrntetl And t110 men have no Ilpp:nent dl-'8ire towater, We thought W6 bad explored bellter their Jot. They go on just l\!jevery nook and comer of the gnnlcn, their ia.t.h~rs did j bmit to the imposi­but hdd failed to find the pla.oo we were non of tlll~ whitCII, t\ littlo sullenly, butCtpeililllly in SCfLlwof, the famouR eMino without n. thought of rebellion, unlesswhero Pius IX. used t.O sit on Funnv there is n wbite or n half-breed to lead<10.)'8, (Llld which ia Mid to be a. famou'$ them, The cbildren do IIOt cat'C muchretIOrt of the preunt POl)8 for,s,udy nut! for playthings j we rn.rcly see one withwriting. We met a servant who went a rag doll j the little be,s delight inwith WI to abow the way, and gnve us 11 bows awl arrows, but they take tileln osbouquet of exquisite damask roses. Tho II. part of their training. Sometimescasino is completely enclOled an~ hidden the people hve dall(~l1 in imitution ofby high hedge-J, entered by 1l8ingle arch, the fell~ sporta; and ...e hear them hum·}'ollo"ing a path through shrubbery, ",,:e mins the waltzes auJ qnadrilJeli whichpassed under a deep'&tone lral",'a.}?, lined their quiok ea~ have caught frOID thewith mosaics-throe inches each aide musicians. A.8 an Indian will paddlefillod with aneient statucs-:md came steamly all day, while his wile at homeupon lL small circullLr ellplanade with the hardly CCa.llelJ her monotonous cotton,mosaic pavement, enclosed by two semi. beating, 80 the little ones have an inex­circular 10ggiQ.8 or »ortlOO8 lJUpported by bnuatiblo gift of patience. Where aIDRrble oolumna, tho oelUng and inaid& whito cbild would fret and cry, thewalls covered with beautiful but faded brown one Rits aU day, perfectly still,frellCOC8 an(1 CUriOUS mosil\CS lUld ah«lU but watching cvcryUling around him.work, with nichea occupied by bUlits and To see l\ Iittlo lndillJl hoy in a. ClLnoo,statues. All around WI\8 a wilderneM or you would lilly tha.t ~otlling of bim wasflowers and shrubberj', and close by the alive but biB oyell.-Herbelt H. Smith,gre:Lt dome of St. Peter filled in the viL-w, ;n Scribner's for Jul)'.FiJlaU)', through a distant arcll, we IULW

a. viata of t.reeK, I\nd following it. up caUleout uJXln An elevdoted terrace, wherc,undllr the shade of olJ trees covered",itL I'uq,ltl blouoma, WIllS Il IllI'gO buinof water upon which WI18" man·of·warin brol1%6, eight or ten feet long, therigging complete, rowe of c~nnons pro­jecting from it.ll aidee, the mariners attheir post.

From this tel'r'8te WJl8 a view of lohecity, the castle of St. Angelo prominentin the fOJ"t!ground, and Monte Marie onthe lef~ the VlLlley of the Tiber beneath,and the C&lll~a. Itretchulg OUt to theAlblLn range III the dillanct.

St. Petersburg Wil$ never me3nt lor acityot IUDSbine. Jt is perfect as D place ofWiMer resort, as III tbe booses are (or.nisbed wita Ippliances (or keepini outtbe cold: aed the inhabitlntt, warmed bybig stOves wbicn dill'ase a temperatare in_bicb silk.worml migbt thrive, h:lve noenet idea of what cold means. Tbcvcan nOI even ICC into the bleak streetslhro:ab tbeir .irldow" for the outer ca~

men~ get urlr Coaled .lIb I (rOit wbichadheret to 1be!D all Ihroqh the Winler,and k~cps a dnn ltelll "hhlll the aput_menll, BUI wben tbtK OllIff wiM.o••are rtmond. aDd Ibe innet ones arethro.-n open UQ tbe firac .uttny dJr, onepe'C-tifU bow IUle, bate: and cotDf~t..In R I n tOOnL~ ("1Q be', LadM._boha"e DOt .,blyertd onet ,h, b the WIn­tCf' In to l~l chilly, old lcop'e andIn...1 I die dHrorD ptefD w, elpoe.lf,aDd a ~r me M'tlla I r doctorl. AllH• • an fUM! , ....... tlltb; beu 1C lhe,-.,1 trtlll'r..J t,el"-CC. Wlftter aod 1ua

.'r .b ,. • 1101 to dr Of W*1 lbtm 19" '0 the nriltiOfl. of t~It_":,Ce'1f, IDd .hilt U1U1C to be: 1,11

tf lht liDe Wtl ittr. 1~ .Detlt lloodtIcol.

Page 7: p .' Sf) ,ARGU · 2010-07-28 · cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or the National Museum, to be n'-ibited at the Centennial Exposition in Phil· adelphia, and proceeded iQ the United State.revellU


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G-aN~"GUNSG"ON":Look Here. P~nll..I!'''Il·.. HelZllnklOU"i"'1. 1I"I'Mn,\ l-h"rp'. "01

\\"11"1I......r Wlo"bNller]It,n... --____ Kille-.

.:11.1 " bit I a:Vl"r}IU'~,,,,..,.. : .\nrll',<rlrJ llt!W40rAIlIClnll,,,1 (('(Iueed prleN,

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Sole ARont!) for the

BUCKEYE MOWER ~ REAPERThe I.,eadhli: Harre.'htll' Machine or tbe World. '

So lara. .. portio. ot til. G~ ....Gn.1a Crop. of th. Pactio Cout .._. eat b, n. B1J'CKEYE. tllat ao ......au Ja ua .. Jaaoram,t of ita ....-t_or req.i UW--'Dt to ClOl'riaoe .......ita nperioritJl as it is too .en aJUl fa".....W, kDowla to Deed eo__t, It t-u.. pn'fHtioa of aU ReapctT Uld Mow_lac "'1Wo_,,_._~ _




:IP Z 'l' 'l' •"ew ttl del.U and. pa..

era1 teatttre, D.aTI!IICTI'YaaDd PEClIL-':A.•• and Itaowetaad. tbe •

mlPlD1 IHRfSIli Of liE 10il~ftrMJaera•• who 01'-pi.,... Ods RJ'~ .,n-ur..u lD toodIJ1actUi tJlq tJae .t IIIJ'I:!r..-.. CI 11I1 It ..........4 hIlt.....-I7 o..c-... W .......... .,. ..UaeroaaJal7 aa4entaJ1da tb Ntp1n•••te of t~. anatlT, ... t.. 4Uh.1u.t....... .. A t. ftw

HAI.E.' (8.IIUIM) 8LE 8URED HUDIIIt8peola!1y Imp1"Oved for thl. S••son -T.n Of Twelve feet cnlt.

BOLE AilNr! '(/~ THl tJlLt ItlUA'IE

Schuttl•• F.rm, Freight, ""d Spring Wagon&.lud.b..... W.go••, 1i'udeb4kcr 4 Spring Hacks.R••ul.to., Willd .111., The moo' compl't, windmill ia ....EI••rd H~rv••t....,. V:lstly superior to any other band biDder

Hnrve5ter In m:uket. Will handle lodged or (ll1len grain and elm&1it better than any kno,m m3chine of its eta5!J. I

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.~IIIto.and 1.. ED-£"Ines. 0

- ,... a,MIal __........-- C':_ ..... CIIL

Sent to our Office. vve vvill sendThe San Fr4lnclsco


THE WWLY CHRONICLE IS AN EI8HT PAlE PAPER, 64 COLUMIlI,Containin,!; the entire new. of t.be week.

Send for Clrenlar aud Sample Copy. Sent Free on appUeatlD8.TERMS-WEEKLY CHRONICLE, 52.60 pe' y"'; DAILY CHllONICLE

e6. iO per Y"", POOlA!' po.id. Add....C.b.. De Youn•• <'e•• P.lIllldlen,



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Iloo..., Wlndows,llIlnds ""d (JI" ..WJ::IOIIT8, COllDij A~D PULUYIi.

12M 1'1"01" Nl.,. b.,l. "·"..... ,.ltt.. ,, "" ......, .....let41m I'OIlTLANl\. flKKOO:rro.

'llU:AT Kr.nuUTlus IS l'KIt.:~~'l

SOLE AQt:Snf .-oll TilE V~'UVAI,I.EU

81',l~D,\ItD AND F.STEf .UnDA~S,

D. W. !·KP.:-''''/Cy''' COWu,lll Dtalenr, l'QrtI&ll\I. re~on





I" !illlr.. 4·url' "ound nllJt'l-'o on.. s"..i1""I1"(of.

A ...,...,...,,,f.;r Ihet bUll-I, IlnlC.lllhhe "luiI"t"l':ltcd 1~IClll&ll llecn 0.1111('('\ .rl'Il 1,.1 Ill', \\ 1I11~"1lI(In

~'~::I::~ILl.~I""'I II~O\~.~t"~l,ll"~~:'~l=l~rt.et,I.I·.lh"o arod Ihlrt.y ,.an· 'Q1Mluue :>." "lit· no.,"1~uftcr dn, m!mlU'l afhlr apI,I,·[""r thl~ .,,,,,I(l'lullli'\ll(h.Ill;: 1tI•.'dlcllll'. l.utlllM.lnNrumen14 .",1 cllll:luarka ....JUl)'o lunn th.1I 11'0011. \\ llll:.nlr· l./lllU'lent .... r~lilt IUlIl<II"I, .11.1)' lhe hllnlNl ,ttitllll:' (Io&tlkul;lrl)' .t111"blsfler;''(lUill~''vmIn he.11. Illl III. I.oull.i('f,1li.·ftIl~lt and 1111II1e. ",I...f••nd I, 1'1'C1'1l'lld 0011(Of ('it", it~bb'i' uf lhe 1'Ii'.le 1_111, arJ Illothh'1 ..t..:.'(bQtlAnJ, Qf 1'I1~ r.-tl.llll .Il~ l ilt .irtuw, ....1

~~:'.:a:;;:~.- ~~ t~I~~I= b:lonrorKIll"ll1, ),111 Irl1' Ittt.'n 'ull'enu\:",'lnmbcw ....

.z~r:·:f~~:'~le=,'::, ~~I'3::iu~~;;t'O th .hlcb (l1lH'l1 lUI .J ..1\1I:11 l-tll. 11lhln..:.ndwiMl • 1nn'nM'l1 u:,lil I II 1.lred 0" lit.. ...', 1Ii.-olOllth. I b)' In • C.n~llln l"'-fi~1 u"Ik"""n:: IGOI~bllll_l' bo.t IUIlIkI no) floIooa. 1_1.'".11 I ~....,..10 C!f""''''''' &lid ulld~l'WO:nl • Itmble ."Iltl'll!ol:t b,IJll'HdN:WrI .tlh, CIII'~blld 1..'Il,. 1I000t1taJ, fronl till~Iecw lit' ..kb I U'f'ft' u(l«'ed 10 """'..... Atw I)"III/l_kI OQ my hxlr In lei. I WlllI I~lll In NO betW'ClOtIdlr.lCHI. for In I then lWO WHlnI .fur )eafln, lb.

~IW~~~~:':=~~=:~":Illf;r~"'lIlanl1' lodi&n Oml_IlI, whkll liNd. end t.o.da,.tll'JCJO""lh bM ~=. tbto' n &IICI l!Cbln", Ie

'f::"'~~ u:'~ ~~'t1I1' fA)":::~~~r~:J ~-:t=l~=:I .,UI rl(lt"l!I' ,,,U to re«tIDIMM 110 loIle" Ilh·.. Nil'h·lll/l o~,lt _11II10 _, eollkl bu. "u.Yed Ih, "",,,111I

,.,. ttn1b1. malad1." JOliS MOItUA:-',CIef't1'lIt1.Ohk

"John MOflP" I, nl)' brotlMr and I can fuJI1 boIr Oll~nit NmmmeiidAllotl of Dr. WIUi.llll' Indian Oil,lmhll.

)h' t':::-~':'~r:: ~~1:~~:! bet:~I~"b=~O~:'~aehtlr of PbOnOltr",lbr, 8"Clll-erlUl OUIIln_ Coli...,

CI....l~d. OhIo.

tI a;:~~ C::~I ~~~,.tJ:I;:~\':fn';" ~~I~·~~~';,Jb:nn~lllnllllenl. It hu a lar~r.:i'U1du.h.tr.t'e.\I~ ~iJ'~~:;It~~~';'~h.I::',1 ~,r~"~cn'e "r

Rf'tllqfn" .t N ., ~ltn t'r••rlJl c.~llr 5·00.'·::11I

(' n.'Ulau ..,J I>thtr Ill! ->rtlOI1 ...n '''::ortl.llZ tbto W.ool'2""'.\ fumlMctrJ 1iI·1 .1'IlkM ,·"I.o"'lr 1'uIt1..ltd 11,..1'1).

" ••".10..

:Du.BO%& c" ~G.lieneral Agl'JIII,

t'ommhl·oioll :lnll t'orwlIrdlllj:; Mel't:'illll",118 f'lllnt Itreel, III Wll~hlnltt"n tlleel,

l'urIlIl1ll1.Vl(II, !"Iall "·l"o.ncbcll,L"11Ilf.lpecl"lllu~ntloll 111\·'11 to lhll 1II1i1 01 Wool •"'lour,Or;uu !Illll t'rOlJuet In !'ortlluul'ltlll~D'NlIIIlI.oo. tlllll,,"hll


Periodical Rests,

Whlcb lI,ullI'ncr lit ,;] ottltl'll,


Thc llCCfssity of fllioptill~ 1lO1IIC 1\:"rnngcmcllt for IJCI'iOlli<,'nl l-est. woulll rt'1I·der thc llh,jsioll of time mto short 1)CI·i·ods of um·lll'ying It.'ngth dcsil'llblc. ~\Ull

lL" hcn.lslIll'n luul labol'\lts were earl)' CII­gn~cd by the lunnr month, nml o.£lcr·ward by its iiulH.livisiou, tile Cjunrter­month, it is ,'et'r prolnble that the be­ginning of (tach 1II0nth woulll first hechosen 1\8 n 81lit.nble time for rest, wlLileInterl one dl~Y in <.'I~ch week would b;.lt.'l.kl:R as u re~t d&y. This would not beb)' any lIICt\.ml incOllsistent with tho ho­lief t!ln.t from \'cr,)' corl)' tim M a reli,"'"ioug signific:Ull'C "'a.!l given to the y,·cekl,.alill monthly I'(-'sting JU)'S, Almosten'T')' obscrmncc of timcs llml llC1lSOlUl

ami dnys hlUI its flr.;ll origin. most prob­nbly, in 4gricultuml anal IlMtonll C.UI'

toms.. It Wall oilly after a long penodhad clo.pseJ that lUTllngowents. originallyado))tet.l1lS coll\'enient, bec4mc lW) 8ll.Be­tioneJ by long habit that a religiousmennin,q was attnc:bed to them. A8SU~001)', wh!\te\·e.I· opinion may be formedabout the SnLbuth rest, only ono am beformed about. the new moon rest. 'I'hatccl'tainl)' hud ill! origin in tLfI hlllnr mo­tiolls and 1Ileit, rclllotiOIl to the com'cni­{'lice a.nll haLit" of out-door wOI'kcn. Jtseems altogether l'CtllKlnlloblcl I~pllrt fl"omthe evidenl'C n priori ami 0. postcriori infa'"OI' of tho concluljiOll to ud0l't. n simi­lal" explanation of tho weekly re8t, con­Iitontly 118socintoo,IUi wo Ond it; with tllOrest At the tilllO of uo"' 1ll0011, Thi~ ex­planation illJplieK t1lll.t tho week would1l11ll0l;t (:rrtninly be nl!ol)t(ll,1 l~ a IllC:UlUro

of time hy (\\'cry nBtioll which paiel flnynttcntioll to tho Imhjctt of time-met\8U1'C­mcnt. Now, we 1.:IIOw thnt. no truce ofthe week eXUltH lllllong the reeord~ ofSt>me IIlltion", while ill Otll 111 the weekwos ot luast. ollly G :.ulxll'\liIlIlLc time­tIlC!lSIII'l', Among thc earlier Egfptiauxthe month WUH dh'idcd iuto periods often tIA,)'1l eacll, Bud hithcrto 110 direct o\'i­dence ""(\.8 found to silO'" tllllt a. 8Cven,day period ....l\I usctl l.Iy them, The Chi­nese di\'idetl tho month similllriy. Amongthe &b)'lollillns tho month was dividedinto periodll of 6\'6 da.Y8-8ix Inch peri­ods in each month-and nlso into weeksof seven days. The MillO double urmngc­mcnt WL' nd0lltt.'lI b)' the l:Iebrows.-R.A. Proctor. in ContemllOmry ne\·iew.

8tewut Castle.

it is rDmored herelhat IilewiCeanddallgh·ter or Ex,Senator Stewart a.re to return toWlShing,on and reinhabit lhe great pile oruRdnonc that is known :u S:ew:m C:utleIt is the largelt aDd m05t exptnsiye housein Washington, bu~. os the Yankee ladieswould think, the $}oo.ooo es:pended up­on it was a sinrul waste. It has been ad­vertised rOt rent at the modesl sum or atlirst 'to,ceo per o.nnum,lIInd later at $15,­000 and $10,000. But no one has hadthe money to ply such a rental and holdup lhe house besides, ror it ",ill requireleyeral thousand II \'eM to hell it alone,The moths have dtSHOyed the greaterpan of the lurniturc, Whlctl was ,er)'handsonJt! and cunly, h:tvinlJ been madeto order in PliriS; the bbrics or uDho!ster..ing hlving been pUlcilasert at the ElpO.sit ion of IB73. The house was occupiedonly aile year. !\I iss Stt-Wlut WIl!t marriedthere-, :lnd her tI:lby was born in the house,but arter the Senator's term C'xpired andthe l':mma !\line pulled down his rortune,the ramily moved to the Pllcific Coasl,where they have since been,-Washin,·Ion Letter to St. Paul Pioneer·Press,

i!I.al'l't'd Twtnt" '·fOAl'lI.II I hll\'t'I ImtJi 1'tllI for tlA'tmt.y years

""ith itching nud ulcemtOO pilea, hnviDltlsed c\'ery remOOy t.hat. Cillno to my m>tice without benefit., until 1 used DrWilham'.. Indian Ointment. IIl1d n.'COivedimmooillte relief."

JA.liIrJI C... lUlOLL.(All old miner) 'recom~ Ncvlll.lL

If you al" !.ooing t.o pnlllt. your bouse,M.m, wagon or machinery, the wonderful IlUJleri8hllbie )Lixcd J!awt is lurelythe beat. fol' it i!l wllrmntl'd b)' theirage-uUl in your own towu neL lo chnJ'"crook, IICeI or Mister; to CO\'l:r oottcr lltlllw, ...k e.~l"r Ih ..o1111'/ other p Inl. To.. !m~r. Ihibllb.le l'illnl WlUI .w."l~ Ihe ftr'l pfPmhllll.n"f'r.1I olht'r Ill' nl_,lIt Ih.. CII't'"",I,,, til lit!'"a,... ~"- an,1 Ib.. Uuld )l,...lql .. l 'hI I..".;;,,"t1 ....lI:J •••.11. I~ 0'1 :\ rlrl'ulllt If\lnl III Ir,,~rGl~WlliCh fJlt'" II· lhl .... "n,ltrl'\Udl' y.,..)', "Ir) II'" 1,"ltll a11l,1 ~'''I "~rl.III·~· tr'IlHldII'lYfllltlOlhl':'.

Beer, Ale and Porter

Teaalng Children.

Some Useful Data

That II Oaken Bucket."

Teasing children is nt lJc"t:l. douLtfulamusement; bllt whell IifJl\siti\"c chilll­h~l i. mlllio the otticcL of it, it dr"cn·cratc3 into CMH!1tr. ret. tbclC fire ~~mc"cr\'" good Il(X)ll !(' wllo imlulgc in thisoutrage n~on.ill8t tl ..... iUIlO<.'CIlt. lllltl Jlclp­It's'!. We know pcol)le who ll('H't' milJsnn opportunity to tonnenl n cbilli.It seemK impo58iLle fol' tuelll tu comenellr 011'" wilbollt lD:tkiu'" it misenlblc.:rhey cannot be "t tbeir C~, unless thechild ill 8uffering f,om hC1rtlesslles& Asl\ coni(.'tluclIC(>, chilllrt'll .ilOOn tearu to1.0.1(':lS well M fear them, :intI no won·uer. It i:l true t1mt. th~c pl'Ople wouldslJ.rinl> from inflicting ncet.lICEJ bodilyl~in un nny little one; but they nel"erthink of the keener tortUI"C wwch theirBC1UlClcss teasing illflicts on the ItCnsiti\'ochild. Thoy would tell you t11ilt theydo nothing which IIhouM gh"e ll8.inj tllnttbl.'y nrc only in fun anti the chihl oughtto know it. When tbe,)' threaten toAWlLllow n child, the)' don't mean to doit, of J;:oul'8Cj but. tha child is irritlltCltor frigTltcuoo nil the ,:unc. Do tho)'know how VCI'Y rcal ullljllch thill!!8 nrct.o n. child, pnrticularly to ono tbnt hilSnever bcclI ban.lclICtI to fmch crllell)"They HillY mellU nothing by their Hillyt1m~:lls, hut. the ohild lhat has learnedto rely implicitly on what itH parentsruy-::md nil cbiltlreu SllOtlld IrorH this-will accept liS trtlths what its tOI'­

JIll.'lltorli ml'floll t\!( Iif'li ill\"'lltcd br its nil·

nOj"alU:c. It. ili t1'UO tlmt tho child willill timu ICllrll to Ilouht tho U'lIthfllllle~~

of thOliC who thult tlbUlSC it; but while itlC,:lrllll to l1ifltrn"t tllO falKe, it abo Icarnllto JiHh·uflt. the true. A chilli canllot LecxpectcJ to cxcrcilic dillcl'imino.t.iollj utiliyOll, Kir, who gho it its firl>t lessons infalsehood, lire to blalue for lIudl Bubse·qUl.'llt distrust. of Ihiugs that ought to behclievetl.

ChildhOOlllihould 'I~ n period of joy­ous innocclH:e, lt ill 110 timo for doubtsor misgi\'illb'8. 1110)' collie 800ft ctlouj;hwith tho clltrance of tho youtb upon theItCenes of bUly, praetiCllI, anxious strug,gle for sclf·lIulinwnnncc. 'then. erocxlfril.'ods. you wbo thought.IOiSt,. mur that.innocent enjoyment allll implicit truslwbid, cltt\nlcterize tbe ulloorniptedchild, 8top to thin.k wbtlt JOll are doing_YOIl are committing 11 grave oOense-.You 4TC ruining th" temper of ollewbOfle lUinJ iI yoL 80 plust.ic as to yieldto c\'er')" touch. You ure Jarl.:ening tiledB)'" of 0110 "'hotlt,l life shouhl Jet be all"uIUlhine. You Ill'f' illOicdng the keene.st. of pRins on onc WllQSe innocenceshould shield it from the tortures c,'cno[ l)3rl~ritlnA. You nrc poisoning tIlemomlll of OliO thnt it4 yet too Jot/n.... toresblt ,,'our evil intluellceli Yon arc do­ing wrong for ~""ich you C'-'11 neverntouc, 0. wrong whOle e"il efr..cc.&DUI:" follow dlat child 'to the grave.­Phrollologil:al JOllrna.l.

.1 Thu Old Ouken Buckot" WAil writtl'nfifty or 1lI0re yeurll ugo I~r a ~,rinternamelt Snmul!1 WOOtfwbrth. He WtaS intho habit of dropping illto n notClI drink,iug tlalooll kcpt by OIiC l\htllory. OneJay, a(ter Ilrinking n ,.;11~t4 of bra.ndy­I\lld-~(1ter, )Ie IImackod hill lip~lnlUl .1[1.dOl'eli that. Mnllory'lI Itl'l1l1fly WlIt4 HlIl'e.rior t.o nn)' lil'ink he h!ul u,'el' twIted.

., No." SAid Mullor)'... you nrc mis·tauen. 'J'hero was .. drink ..... hidl in bothour est.irnlltiolill fur 811rpMSClI tllill."

II WIll\~walt 111at11' incrcdliiollsif IlllkeJ

'VoodWlJrtll,"'l'bp fl'\!J1h llprillg wIllfjr wo pSell to

drink from loho old ~ell buckot thathung in th well, nfter ret.urning fromt.hc fiel'l on l\ sultry tlay,"

II Vtry tn16," replial WOOllworth, tear­drops gliawnillg in bit! eyell.

Jtetunling to his prillting office, hefteatN him&elf at. hill desk and began towrite, 11\ half an hour".. old o~"en btltk".lbtl Imo·bouod buek~,Tb. D1t1N·c..v....d buokll ",bleb Uuol III to"

••n.~:la embalmed in an itl8Jliriug Mug t.h:ttbil' becolne u fllmilillr A.!l :L hnu!H'boldWON.

The "Scientific Amcrican" quot~ 1l1C'lINonhwc tern Lumbelffi1n" as :lutnor­ill' lOT the rollowing datA: "One thou «Jp uUlklnl( .n, I",",hltl"'"f' luSind lilli,s 'A'i11 cover sen!nl~' farl!~ of sur.I,.rUhllC til "elIl~lI!W III All)' "IIYer'hl!'"face, :lnd ele\'en poull~1, of nails pUI them mlt.t III '.la"l·ftl...,ryuu "II' I" .......e ,nell'

I·· I 1 1 I ••" I" fif I .."_n"~I~b~._,~••~,~,,~.~.~r~l~h~.~I~'.~I~~~'~' _011. '.1-: It hus Ie 0 j;U\iU lme, teen - __bu~hc'~ ~ ..Uld, :and ,jne bushel hair make»enou'.;h ;nod ll1ort:u to pbsleT one hun­drcol! H\Uar~ )':lTd5. A cord orstone. threebu)llC:1 1ir.1C', lind tl cubic )':ltd of undwm i,l} 0111' hundred cubic (eet of wailOne thou~nl1 s'lingles, laid four inc:hcsto the ""ealher, ... !11 con( olle i1Undredsqu1re (cet of liu,{aCI:, lind rl\·C pounds offlatls bSlen them on. One fifth more'ldi~K :lnll flooring is ncedlod th3n tbenumber of square reet of SUlr,aCe, becauleof the lamp in the .iding and the match·ina oltlte 1I00r. Five counes 01 brick.. ill lay one rOOt in height on a chimne)';six brick, in :I couue will m:lke a fluefour inche3 vdde ud ,,,'elYe long; and I &nJln)1Jllrorle....

eight bricks in a cC'urae make 11 Oue eighinches wide ard .iateen locg. b ~.~I

Page 8: p .' Sf) ,ARGU · 2010-07-28 · cles of hdiau tnanUracture (or the National Museum, to be n'-ibited at the Centennial Exposition in Phil· adelphia, and proceeded iQ the United State.revellU





", .




t:""'r"l~ 1I01WRut:,

\VllIlm'l'll Port Town.ond e\'rrY''1'111lridl1Y mOlulng, at uine o'dock, (,)l"

San Juan and Lopez Islands,Sehome, Semiahmoo alld

Saaml.hRcturlllnK 00 Slltllrtl1\.1 IlVculng. Will

.liD IlIaYe

Port Towneend for .~eahBay. and way ports

On 5ulI<I.)· luornll1g;'. nt ulne, rclllrll!lllo:'illlly. 1

U. S. :Mail SteamerDISPA T C H,


Abo, Corned Deel ant! Por\.:. Smo\.:ed)lcfll~. Pork and BolognA ::sa:n~lIgt';l!.

Held Cbeel!e, Tripe. ltc., ~c.

L. SMI T H • F. T E R RY

Pioneer Bakery,PQR1" TQWNs;r.NO. T. w.



CHAttLfS E18ENBE18.The Lowest Ratee for C.eh

Which IlnJon 8/IIlel"



eonltantl1 on Hand the

Choicest of :Meats

Oppollte Wa.hlnjfton Hotel




Consisting in part o(


Company's Express

Facilities for Purchasingthe Leading Markets are

Superior to any.


Wells, Fargo &


Furniture, Lumber, Doors, and Windows,WAGONS, g' All Kiwla of Building J1Jnle/'ial

Farming Implements, Saddlery, g·o.And will Sell

CHEAPER FOR CASH,Than any House on Puget Sound!






Notice of ADDlication to Purchase Tim·ber Land.


General Merchandise,.Keep tonstCtntlll on Hand


We 'wUl o'lve andtct'~e ExcTtanoe on

SAN .FRANCISCO AND NEW YORKAt the most Libentl Discount.

PATENTS "nll how to 0111I1ln t1lem.Pamphle& 01 60 pngl» fm. Ilpon receiptoj .tAmP5 (or PQ!IUlg'u. AtklrtM

GIL110HE. S.Ml'J'U, &; CO"Solicitors or Patents,. Uo:x. oW.

W.lll1lngtOll, 0 C.

UNI'l'ED STATE5.\nrSTRl<rr I.A~ 0 O}o'}o~ICF..

GU)lJ'IA. W AIIIII}OOTON 'r1a·Y.Notlcu I, ht!reby p:IYcu thAt, In oolll~lI.

Illll'C with tho provision of the Act of eon­1l'1"t'1IiI npprovetl .June 8. 1878, l!lHltJed "AnAct. for r.htl Mlo of Tlmoor Lllndll In theStllte u( C.nrorulft. OI'C~OI1. NUllcla allliWIt#hlngt(ln Terrlcor)',' WIIIIIIIII P"YIl~,

ofCI.llnm OOllllty. WH811111Kwn Telrltorl.hlUl thl. du! flied In thl~ t)mea his Rpplkat.t10n to pun.:ht&.~ the E~ ofNW~ otlCl'"tlOIl No.:l8, III lowlllhlji No. 31 Surtl!,Hanre No. tl \I.'Cllt of tho WllllalUclleMerllJIAn.

Any allli Mil persons clAlmlllg luJverJl6lythe illll tl~rlbt.1.1 1111111. or "u1 \JOrUOIIthereof. II'" henllJy f\'t"!nh"d to file thl'lrclAltns In thl8 olflce w thhulxty (601 1111)'1(rom dlto htJreof.

Glyen umltlr my h"IIJ. Ilt my otllce. IIIOlympIA. W. T., tbl. 18th dlr of JUlieA. D. 1819.

J. 1'. BnOW~.19:10 Regllter o( the Land OllJce.

N. :0. TOBEY,

Ship Wright and CaulkerWA·tt:III''l·K£y.r,

ro.rt. ·~·u,vU8Uud. ,"v.

ApPROVED SOLDIEIJ'S ADDfTlONALHOMUT):AD! enll be 10000lcd IIpon llnyland., ..Ither shlRle or double mlnlmullIlandi, IUlJJec& to 1I0me9tend whether tllll­bered or not. Ami haYing the ollly tintcJlIN pAper In Iho onulltr)·. hAvO mude "r­1'lI1IlEemCIIlJl wllb tbe 'ollowlng gellt1tullellla Weik'l11 WMhlnll:toll:

A. MnekllllOllh, Seattle.Johu n. Wllellt. Ol}'lllpln,G. ~I()rrlil IlKllcr. Port'l'o\\'Ilfl<'nJ.}leury ,I"elo:loll, Bilohollll~h City. \

Who will hlt\'tl 011 IUlIld, nt 1111 tlmt.". myI'CrlII for thtl Ik.'C'Omocliltloli or tlle&e .1...•.lrlllJl to plll'ClmI!C. MC the rRte C'If "1.2.5per lIt'fC (,Ir 80i RnlI12(M. 'Iltl $3.15 I'"Rcre lor j(),<i rnu.:t1onl 'pl'l'IIlI. Auut lerIl'lulllllJent <:111311 of Icrlpt 11ll0WIl /1.1 ·t1O:1t1'ClUI lws KoUcn fit Illllch leP rtItellj bm 110UUo om be gl\'tll. "nell•• nl C{ln~. 110" &0Vjlhmble. .A det.'tl CtllI be J[Olttoll from theorljtluul ApplhlflUI of any l!lud locnted by~rrpt Imn:hlllCll of me. &1 I IUlIo CIIi1! buyIrOlll otlll'r tlU1L1 the orljtlllftlllo!l1tl!ltcllllet.1I11l1 101101' wlltlre to AlldrcAA him lor 1\ l!Lot'!.lII Olle bu n:fllll~. Full IU\'e!lllll\lltm I!A.-k"''tl that the worth 01 my pllper 1I111)' bekuo\\'lI. ellil upon or wrlw lIul' llf tileJ[clltlelllt.'11 IIlIlIIed llbove. who will ~ull )'011the 'I'ltlbot alklhlOlll\l 1101Il~telid 't..,t,."1111'11 WllllllllUI'O yOll II I~lteut to )'()llrl:llld liS well 1\8 it pcrr1.JCt thle. Itml al!O ll$cll\l!lP at yon ~U1lIllY It or 1\10.

D. II. 'I'Al.80T,Gen'l Lttnu-aerlpand \hrnlllt.1Jroker,

t:llous: OIty, Iowa.

---",. <>nU!'.lvU J~~J 10Jnl)' "~:l". • ..'" .. .-\11,\10

""p• .. .. !opt lit.. " ..





-,,"';;;---1·-------July 10 July 18 Jul,. t1Jill)' SJ AUB. • .A'tI1I' It.\111( 'JO .. M ~.. 10!\lIIt 10 Sel't. 1. SOpt 'lO

_.:."-JIO!!--= ==-_t:!lI·rE.~l\-I81·IIP

CI7'l'. OF CHESTER1•.00 tofte, PETER ltACKJE, ca......DIEB

~.V'LI, LEAn ON TIlE 1'0LLOWUiG, Wu.. :

'rttl.~ "teflm~hlll!llellve Victoria at nounon the liIl.)' athertlsed. 'l'lcketA are gootl<1111>' 011 the iteAlllet for which they arepun:hn.....'t'l. 11I1t! Ilre not tranaferable.FIJ'tI from PlN1 TOW_Sln4 to II. Francl.co

Flret Cabin. 8110.Steerage 8 I 0

Rfducllol'l In FrtlgltL - Bert!sner therl'l'l)l;hli whIch. III pet tllrln·. lillve been t6pet lutl .'111 bt: dlllrgt'd IU t6 IlCIr ton.

t:;:jf" I·'rom 'lId lifter thlll dlltt'1I11 BAG­G~\U t: fir r")tI:t Soulld pR';[It.·IIgt!l'I by P.~I. S. S. Cn·. _tcIUnt'N1 vi" Vh.10rh•• willI... 1111,11" l.:utlnlU lJoUllt lI.Cal. and willXol'loc ~uhJI:\.'t to dll.nshlMtion by CUll­tUUl 1I1111>'e lIuthorltiet III &Ill .·rallolloo.

rOlr fNI~ht Ot plm,e K\IPly 011 board,or I... II.L. "IBBAJ.8,

Gelltrlll Agent for Pnget &lUud.l)ort ·townsend.

VlL'~D WIHJr. 01' "'''''UIIS(iTO~ AXDIIHI'rl1j1l 4..'ULlIXUJA.

TrIG aillemlid sillowheel

StemM///ii} DAKOTA2.00 TOfW. II. (~. )IORSE. ColUU,SDEIl,


}ilU, LtA\'Jo: O~ TJlE D....TES IlEUE" IIlttlr nu!ntlone4:

ISflf:I'ESnt:ST I)llIlEIt OF



Pilot Notice.

OUl,,.,,.·.,,:U,)lICIl. o.....lr ..,ij. P.e. ADDRDIl.~. 1.1. IJIlI•• O. w. C. ,\'. I'ort. Towneend W. TF-l~l t. C l·ul\·crl. ...G W \' T..•.Sct\tlle, "W II llnllCl·lol••G W Tn:nl .. l'orl TOWTl!eTld ..~llell Weir... (I W Soot:!·... ron T~""naend ::,,; 31·tll"ler.••••. U A Sttc y .••.•OI)llI11lu,l". Kcnnodr ..GSJuv 'J'om.••. l\lllllllcblfl, ..110\' II J ShUIlI .. G Chnp "bite nll'cr, "WJ Colkelt......0 W Milt (;OUI)OvIIIO, It

~l&t L Mc.\Imond..U D» I)nnlJenC!ol, ..51&tA;\! Jllntt. .. U Uu"nJ .. I"t. T01f1llMln(} ..

Juo It Carr n MCllI6flget ••.. Lapel, ..E Clllvcrt. G 8Ilntlnel SClIttlc. ..W. Jl.uy\)()ull1 ..G.wun ~nnatmo, D C


O.·fleF: 01' I'COJ,;T SoU1'4D PILOT COM"'1I'urt 'f1l'l'fll.'!lmd. W:l'.• JlIll~ 28. lilt.~OTIC}o; 18 hereby glftll to 1Il113ten llr

~'a "OIllJ: Tt~l~ requlrlnll: plloli. lI.lUlllllllllu~", hller"''Ih.1.1. thaC the lIC\:lIFe 01 F;.II.:'Ill·,.\lrulIIlIl t1j one 01 tilt! pilots 01 PU,lft.'t~lllld '\'ll~ I'tVokt."tt by ot'1Jur of tbe butit'lllit Pilot COllltlll'i'lolltl"l on the 9th dtl)· tilXO\'l'lIlhcr. 1:q'2. 'HllI ""i! 1I0t. 111I0Il1"i!"C1il"tllew,'I.I. TI~ unly pilots noW' huklllll(Illlrllvok",1.I1I('\.'1IiH'i1 Me PetAlr Tll('IlIl!)iI'In.Xel~11 '1'. Ollnr. alltl Jamell Dal,nldno.lImlno otJlCr ~ ...on nr peJ'lOns lint leKIII­I)" QnllUfk'd to pilot Veuelll to Aud 'romkll. nn Ihe waleN on Puget Bound.

Br orJrr U. E ..MonOA.N'.I'rt!i't D'c] PlllCC& SoulUl Plio, Com.

AlIClIt: JAM£I O. SWAN.20:1m ::icCl't:lAfy.

NEW STOREGeneral Merchandise

c. w, MORSE.Q,\K IUHHUH, w"

a- Produoel.lOl1Wht, and .nrn,IICI orallktnlltUrlolliblll1 at ttle lowelt~h IIrlce.

Snbordinate LodiC Directory.

~o. Nllme 01 Lodge r0810mOO Lodge DePT9 Forward ..... SCllllllhmoo ........ nnlo t: Cm11l8 )fount. Atlalla..fJoldendlllc. W A Mcf.rlllnilt TIM.'OII"' .•.. " ..OI~'1lI11111 JOI ChUbelll& l·olllllro)· 1omoroy \ I': .O'UeIlII ~llle .••..•..... ,~·nlllll John '\ellttet7 1'IIllIh , ..••... 1·1111\1111..•. ". JRI MeKanae8 i'~ul'llk ,,,.!In Wullll W I' HUlon

t Sun J", Som JUllll .••• Uov. T J WWketl

l~ j~N~~f,~:~.r::.~~~~c¥(:~;~::~::~~k~OHmU LlltlloW', ..... l'orll.llIll\lIlo· ...... I.owlll roohsi* p~'~~~~~::: ~:I.I~~II~~~I::::I~~I~::: ~f~~ ~~ll.n.~~l:17 .·01I11I.In Ttmillo......•.• 8 S Wilke.III 1..11 Cmlllel·..••• 1.1\ t;onncr r W lI.nltOnI~ 8hnklltllll'lln!.. I'orl MRlh m..C MIlDermOlb

:r :!;l[~~~ror::::.~~~~~:~n:::: :::~: :1~~;;;:'8 eu:ode :•. t.,'a!ICailetl 8 D Jont!ll'ltI Uclloon New J)un"eneM T.N' PII('h!lr16 Qrlllnl WhILe Ilh'er )II"JC WllIllIU Wlidemeta•••••• Are&ull .••• Ch/UI T 11111111(1)'til COIClU"........ COlro.x.........Adrltln WlJlUCl"

BRmSH COLU.IIA.I I"erwo"eranoo ..• nOIOMII. ... U 8 )IcDom,lt'

i ~)~~~'?iior;.;.~~~III~gx·.::::~tn~ ~~t~:~~~.) Uc)lllIIlHIn .••.• s_ \\'(,t~lmln"'ter ....J I.on!

IllJedllr IIUI.. Vlclot'1a WlDJrvln~

litis. 0('0. W. ~ll1.:rnry. Rt't'rfC:It)" orWilt. hl:l I'II,.L Hlgllt Worthy Gr:l~ll Sec·notary.

l't:SSS\·L\·ASIA.-Thc l"Olltlty IUlII '1I!Jor·I1lnl\lc 10IIgc8 lhrnllghollt tllc ·tl'lll orl'l'llll.\']\'llllln Il:ll"o held in4t1\1 .."Ielml.lit'll" ill l'flllllllClllOnlt!Cll of tlKl twemy·Ilfth IUIllI,etSl\rr of the Institution or tbeGr1lnll Lodge. 1. O. G. T. III thllt natc·'I' he)' lire rtl\"lvlng llll Illl'rCl.&C\I Intcmt Inthe Order there.

OltE or lite mIn}' tolltlU~ Jrom theEa~t l}"ll thl,! ICIIII)CrlUloo reformntlOIllIloyclllenllg ..tnkllll( t1llj COl\st. I

' GoodTelUll1~lrl'lI\ 19 cetl:ll,lly doll I&: 118 aharll IIIlhe 1101J10 dl:1l1(;u being "1Oulllt.

'1'11 t: illltlAlorr C8remOll)' never gm"'!

oM or w(!ar!,;;ome to those who love theOnler. Tbclr luterest In It gro". 0011­th:uJ1l1l' null the}' lire oRen ftnJlng newlwllutlci In lhe 8ul:llllllC charge,.

Jh:\,. T. J. \\'tt\':t.", flf s"n ,'11:\11. re·t.'ellt1S dcllv«!n..d u hlgh1r lutert'SflllJ[ Itm·pt'rllnl"e serllwn. 'l'hll IIlllln ""llle of thlllItelll III II! thu 0i'I)Orllllllty It I'h'ea t1i [0

.VCllt'lfll tile felll.I·!.: 'hatlr our 1Il11l1fh:r~

\VOHM l)fCllch more lclllllf'rall('f! kltlllOJl~

tILes would serve hUUllIllllS ~tter.

'fllEIlY. are yet mans placet In WMi!h·lujtlOu 'l'ilrrltory ami BrUIIII COllIllIlJhlwlH.'ro !lIL'CI.'!IIflll Good 'l'elllpl"r JOII,le!IIlll;.::ht b.J Imtlttlled with uut Unit! droft.AI ('lIr G. w. C. T. l'llnnOl be upe(tt!lIIO"111""~' the 1\'111'11" flt!hl. w'llllll It not hewt'll (,It IOOItt ullll distrIct tlelluth:. to 110


lIou.l fill nrmly wllh nn t1l1j'h'lll1l1).:'!ellndly to )'our orl[1lnlzntlon. J~t ItI:tt! lite 1I1l1.:1ell~. tho r.lI)·lni[ 1.IOillt IItotlwlwhll'll shill bt' cr.rstAlIlzal the temrl'l'tlll'"~Ilthnl!nt.. of "our l'OUltlllltllty. ltt.,\·ugIllze t1~ Illclt or l)i!rIlIlHltn(<c 01 0tJotlllll.",.tlOll 11_ I\'ell u perpefllltj" ot rk"tl~r. IJ,.·f:lllllrlll. lllllgtuf. IIlll'tlnlllroml.ltlg hi pdlldl,lc. unflrting III prllctkc. lInH:lft~h IIIyonr1It\'otloll 10 the ..."lIII~ of yonr 11111Ip­

11011. To tile lIew yflllllg 100!ges Wto 1"'.\'.

1ft)' ~'our fOlllldntlnu broatl. atrollg :11,11dl'ejl. Emlel&vot:'l dr:ur to )'flur loe!::,'J'O(IUl the belt tlpmeufll or your comnlU­lI!tlt'!l. Oct the \'fl-e ftlltilioble heutt.'{1 nr!xlth lM!XH to llllilp 'Yhh fUll Show tl,llIIhp Good Templ"t J.(ItlJe l'lln ~ Ill/HI,' II

\'IlllIabie Ill'tltmloll III Itlly commulilly.lind II eo~'t tue!wr of public ,"d prl\'lu,'1lI0nll~. lie Pathmtl perNl\·"rinC' t'flll·l·',"'llt. 111\'1)" rt'RJ)" to h.1.:ltthn tilt: latll'll Riul

,a~Olhel'llrom (aIllUK. lwwemlJcr lli'll",dlllll It II ""lIld fO l"lln! the Ill"llJl. I!\'II~

01 Illtt!llll't'l'IIn~ h IJ &flthder Itlll to J)~­


'rIlOS!:: PETITIO~!.- Tho DIll~ RlbbnuJ...."Jtw;·. of Olrllll'hl. ~lItl1 Hliolltlllllwpellllolli prepltl"l'tl by llie Of/llld Srcretlur(If Gool '1'ellll,lllff. autl Its luembers ""\11lit' Illlllli'tI'lon~ly cln:nlAlhlll their. IIlItllllll'"''OIlVl'lIlna: of the 1('f:',lllture The 'fem­IJe1'llllCU AllIllllCl!. otglllliutl In EuterllWuhlllitou thI1l8IU\HlItor. bu lor Ita "pt'\.'­IAI objl't.t the procurhtliC' C'If a 1ocIl1 flptlolllaw. ItA IlUemDeflllllO hue copies 01 thepetition" lind are 1l~11lS: lhem to ,KOOd:1I1­Yllnlll.ICl'. 111"11" .lguMure. bnvlu, beeu all.re:ul)" obtained.

I,UIIU n:)lI'I.AH III1E\'I1'''::;.

"\1111'11"'" hlmll'lll 1C1\('lh hlOi 1It',,,,I.'hilI' 'Irll.... •·

'rhe 11llMWO!1J orlKhlltt"l "'lIh the R. W.G, ·1't'1II111tlr. From Mm It goe.• t(l 1M n.w. G. SaTtUlr,', then to t11f' G. W, 8fl"rdarlea. thelll'e to the LOIIJtI;! J)llUt1f'~. ,nthe W. C. T.·, lind to tilt! Ilwmhl'f'l1hlp.Every hlllp In the Ottler 1-. tlslnil the Illllll:'IIIJ<loWonllllt the dnle ,11110. Tilt rft.t,l­wonJ IA IlrtlCtl\lt\t1y II receipt rllr qllRrttfl.\"fill'" or Oflllld l..odll:e !IX. Ullle"! 1l111IWI'

ber 1""1 hll thlllS the W. C. '1'. 111'" 110

rllCht tooomlllllllitale the p"'I'worcJ ttl 111m:Ir II 1001Jr:e l1~J:ltC~ to 84!nd I~ tax to till'GtlInd J..0l1~. Ihe O. W. S. Iletilllnt ~/Ill

the pIl\f\l.'ol1llO Ihe L. D. The pll~\l/ltll

I. ne""r 10 be communicated from Olle

member of " 100.8 to lllotlttrj If Ollil lor.~l"t he mtu.t gfl to hi. W. O. '1'. for It.It t. nunr to btl written down or .pollcl!lII00'fO" whl'pI.'r. Sollle~ltlle. a melllbt'r I.flO ,Iultltal thllt he CIlllnot~ 1111 pte8ldlll~

udlcer Ami nouelve lile pnjjwortl (rom him;III wiliell CQe 5111 mller w. C. T. lilA)'"I"e It to him llpon belnK thown "re('Clpttlr hi! cnrI'CIII (11181111111 IL requ('u (tOlU bl.cown W. O. 'I'. thAt ho IhILI! do 10. III ad·dltlon to the qUlIrterly P"UWOnJ the~ Is ntruellng pll.i8wonJ Wilt olltun the tiNt ofAUM;t1!t In 611t.'fl yellt. Whell' nltllllbt:re:x~ to be Iway lrom homo be)'ond theCUrrtlntqlllrtAlr, lie mly ply hI. dl1C8 IIIad\·lIut.'e (or 11.1 tonK 11 time A~ lie plelieij.up 10 a ye.r, ret.'el\'c .. trUY('lInK cMrdmnde nut lor lhnt length 01 time. ltlld111"0 'he tnl1'eIlIlK pIIS~"·Otll. nllw 1111011theAe he mny ,I.lt allY lodj[e In the Ortlcr,though not In IIQqcssioll ot tbe (luarlerlypIW\'I'orll.

Mit!. Peckhnm I. 1l...111rlllg III O/egon.

A1.1. hllllcatiOll_ l'Oiut 10 f>1Je(.~lf lIa.

rlolllli II'~hhltlOIL 011 ttlll ubJect of llrolLl.bUlon.

w,,;:IlISr.T('lS. n.t' .. .lilly I;., I,;~l.

Tho result of \hc )'cRr':s work I1t

the Treasury Department is "r~'

gralif,ioK to every Ht'lmlJliClln ~n.d!o\'or of his cuuntry. l\lthough It 15110t po!llible to lIHtke [II) tho c~llclu,Ilion witb strict nccume)". oWing tothe absence of JatlL (rOIll Llist81lt ra,'·el1ue points, yet wo rna,. !Illite t~at

the E'rolis reolipts oC the Yllar emil:!,::JUlie 30th last ",era estillllUCJ. to be$270&,034,910, ag.inlt e257,76~,S78

(or the preceding Jlllr, an incre8uof ~16,2n,038t made up 85 follows:CUltoln" e;,311,795j internal rO\'II'

nue, 82,332,154 j miscellaneous, iu,·6n,OSO. The receipt. exceed ~he

'Kgtel'lle eatim,tel presented toCongrcil in December Jail by theSecretary of the Treuury h, 8~,·

6001000. The urdinMr)' expendilurf'S

{or the fisclli rear were illGl,088,252,againat *134,4C3,-i62 during the flre·telling Jur-an ill..:rellse or e:.!c.·624,800. This illclutleli *5,50(\000paid on account of the fishcriell

a".rll l 851300,0<.10 on Kcenllll! of ptl"

.iOD arrearliea,.nri $1,800,000 p.idCapt. Ellds (or imprO\'emelhS At th~

lDOUth,of thfl Mi.si.,ip~i river. De·ducting those three cxtrll.Ortiinlor)'iteMs, thtl IUcellS of orllinllry 8xlllln·dih&rel fur thtl last fiscal )·ellf. cum·'parf'd "itb the Jellr 8ndiu!t June 30.lSi8, ".1 .bout IllJ,OOO,OvO. ThelIet surplus of rt!\'unue O'fvr expl!lldi.

tUtti ia 17,946.000. Oli'e wortl shouldbe laid "ith re(erenco to the illlNeil

00 the public deLt ""hich amounted

to .bOUI '-100.000,000, lill illl.:reM~H of

about '~,fjOO.OOO ..wer the preceding

..\'e.r. Thi. (emporl"y illcreue "'"tlUt to the luccelllful refunding OJ."

>tralions of Secretllry Sherman, LJ)'

whicb .11 the matured (} J'ldr cent.

bonds "llre rcrunded at 4 per crllt.'l'he value o( '"cretary SberlJllln'.Iw(unding oper.tionl ",ill be 1Il0reapprecillted." tbe OIOH o( till pre.·~nt fiscal TeIr, "h.n it, result. willbe made fully Ilppuren" (or 1h~ lirsttime, and \'fhen the expeudillue. Inthe column nf interest nil tht! publiodebt .. ill drop (rom alOtJ,OOO,UUO 1)l.1rannum 10 IS'I,()l)(\OOO. Tb., R6IlJub·lican plrty lOay go beCoru the CllUII·tr! bOllltiu(l Oil this IpPIHlld Ihtl· ill$:'

...d See'y 5hermIU m"y jU¥ll)' Illkl:'pride in it.

Tbe nu .nntlsl or DemnrrJ.tio t"o·tiel bu beeu ilh."uu,d in the rtf·portl ..nl her. (rom Mllille iml'<lllllh.Inq tbfll chatlct.r IU' a .oldier anJ •man o( Dan!. F. nui., the relJublicJlncandidate for GuurIlor lhetf'. Theal..ul" ....0 bare· eacell " fr.u(lllnd(.:sehood 'hat O.mocrat, and Greenbaek.r••ho len'cd .·ith i.r. Dnidin lhe army hue publici,. ,·iudie.tt'dhim. The detp"rati"n of Ihe D,mo·cratic course i. illllllrll.t.d ill thelethinll., which coulil'm the belief thatthe I)cmncratiu iZ'reenbllck conglom.,frat ion i, hopelnll IIf 'U(·ce8. exceptthrough I)·jlll IIlId ·dt!ctq.ltinn lincetM miNtablo ~ailure o( the exiralel.ion.

III .ceotdillce with the unanimouRdesire eapr...ed by SefJlltoraon hath.idelof tbo Challlillu, Cllpt. hdCnallptt, tbe velerln duorkeeper ofthe U. 8. Sena'., h•• b"oll retlillidju that po5ition. Be .11 flnt "ppoillted palge in 1831 "hen 12 yl ar,ue'lle, through the influence of thediatinguiahMi Senator frum M"..,,·ahUSleUI, Dani.1 Wehsler. and bllllserved coutiuUQUI ill nrioua poai­tion. in the Senate Chamber to theprtlent time-a period of FORTY'XIGUT YEAas. Capt. BallIett ill nuwJlteparing a work "hleh b" desi/ZnatJublishillg two yea" hence, on thecompletion of hia balr o.-lItur! of I6r·viCG, containinll sketches. rem in:!!cellO.S, and incidentl of tbe mambf'1'1or the Sanate during tbatlong period o( timo, .mbrlclag someof the mOlt ...ent(u1 epochs knownin it.8 history. Tbere is probably nomao no" living ." the nation.l oaph.1 "bo bu as distincr. and .ividrecollection or tbe member. or thatiIIustrioul boJy dllring tha fint halfof tbo period mentioned u be-em·bracing among its number \V.bater,Clay, Cllihoun, Uenton, Wtil;rht,Bayne. Grind.v, White, )Jarcy, Ew·ing, Claywn, Kin,i, TUG"ell And 1'1lit of Va., Bell, Piette JLlld Wood­herv of N. H., Holme., SjltIlJtUfl, IndE'fifll of '\[e, 1l11ll01 th.t atlded Ill'tro and (.me tu ttte Jiatin,ll'uilhedbody o( which thll "'lrM memberaand "ill lonlf rill " \'fiJ. 'pace in Ib,pulitical .lIuII, of tbe country.


urn \\'.\~III:\·(n'O~ l.I:Tn:H.