e- r w I It UDNESDAMARCIfr 14o ffHB PXDJJOAH3 EVENIKC SUIT 0 R ttovnvv or 11 k Our Opening Thursday Diploy cf finely for Jadfta steer Exhibition of the finest dresses ever uliown in tliU put of the couutry < n opportunity for every l tady- to buy her dresie in Paducah thus avllug the additional expense of railroad lire and botel bill in the cities The best is none too good for Pat ducabs charm ¬ ing women Tha opening is from 9 oclock in the morning until 10 oclock at night and everybody within the reach of Paducah it earnestly requested to be present We will how t k lot of French novelties and some I of Americas greatest fashions f Thursday Match 15 1906 SOUVENIRS 317 Broadway I ILOO4L LINES I For Dr Pcndley ring 416 Tits 4ornl I C wrecker htw ro tutted l from 1irincolon where It hntl l guns to trick up two derailed emus Tliin wixjcker brought hitch thirteen batl oritar was fOr rvjiaira Dr J V VorIs dentist 200 Kra tornlty building VlI8 leu company 1 Iii fravng Its IOGB both iron and Jllull1l cul n light grwn which groatly 1m prow the4r appearance lip licks olllcea COD Broadway Phone 432 Hiulilenco 1027 Broad way Ihono 12SO Cell nnd ccc Uptodato mil- liner ¬ 21C Broadway with Eley- Dry I Goods Co lira II Clmptm Dr Gilbert Osteopath 400 Broadway Ihono 19C Th 1raln from SL Louis duo II J 0onluy nttornoon < t 335 oclock WM throe hours lute on account of the onfliiroA brcnkhvg down at Park or City 111 about tort mlta from hero on tho opposite Ado of time river Worlds Fair Prize Mixture lawn grass seed at Brunsons 423 Broadway Frlonds lathe city are pleased to iluarn that Mr Prank Gilbert formerly of Paducah and nuw ono of tfio trnvullnK roparaxmntattvoa of II tho American Tobacco company In TaxaH srtnnda Jlfth Ip the ifcl of tho i COiuiutnys ic traveling roan Mr lastI year over MOOQOU Ho now resides fn Dallas Tox Something now Klrchhoff But ¬ ternut Bread Just look at 150 books for roc Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come Man On tho Box and St El- mo ¬ on sale this week at II D Clem ¬ ants G Co A largo crowd attended the Woodmen ball In Campbell building Ian avaJHng It was glrcn tar the benqflt of tho fund with whist dcCe Hattjw to the hood camp are to bo en torlaUietl next jxur Auk your rocor Tor Butternut bread Tho local commandory Knights Templar conferred degrows on eight postulants yesterday mippor twins wrvod by Uio ladies of > 41io Eastern Star at C p in after which the work was resumed Hev J W D D pro1 Hiding elder of tho Mothodlrit church es In ito Paducah district will load the prnyor service tha evening nt the Brcailway Methodist church In tho absence of Hev T J Newell jroni the city I Taken < o Murray Hurley Foster colored wanted at Murray for a felony was arrested at Mayfield and taken to Murray yes orday for trial Ho toad been work ¬ ing on a farm near Farmington Graves county J 5 12 Foot Show Cases with Counters j Good as new For sale- Cheap For particulars ask or write COI I t DRUGGISTS t INis I wcf 4 Itotl PkMM I 171 ffi J At J Every garment show the mark of dis ¬ tinction display MUSIC Blackard MANY SIGNERS TO A 1KTITION ABKIXfl Volt A HOW SfOS TICKKT OKFIUK onuuetrlal Club Ilea Started UK Jlave nod Is llavlni limit Huccrss I flue Oommorclal club today began rtrciilatJiyg a 1 ixMiUon to tho IHliioIs Central railroad which will ba for wtrrdokl through Gonoml got John T Donovan of the city asking for the establishment of a downtown ticket once hi Paducah Thus far the petition haw been passed around In tho liudnoat ixw tttmiv of the city only but It 1 being extensively signed and no one bait tats when It Js j rosontcd to Mm It is expected to have wiffldon rilg Dlituivs l to tt to Impress the railroad with tire demand that ii fdt by the people for a downtown olllcei J HXtUMIMUXT SUIIMKS Indiiriili Trnnsnrtlons J Uneatigned anti IroiioiinrtMl 111 IIIht The recwnt loglslaUvo ilnvostlpa lIon of state Institutions and degas mcntn Included an inquiry Into tiho oontraictH lot In Paducah chat sum nitircir the mipi ll IO fortliOi stato mlUtnry encampment at Wallace park < That everything Wivs satisfactory Is Indicated by t the following roport on the subject Ah o the matter of purchasing supplies by the adjutant generals department for tho recent encamp- ment of the state troop at Paklu eahh w + aa brought to Itho nttoriUon of tho committee and Unit department was rnucsted to oxhlbH the vouch ¬ ors from the jjarttea wilt fur nb xl tho suppUea for eaJd encampment Thte TCiuest was compUttl with nod said ouchora ehowcd that the prices troll were rcasomablo mod sat iHf I iotory to UiO cosnmlttee CASK KKVKIISKI And the Cityof 1adurnli May lave to Pay 9500 to Contractor Frankfort Ky March HThe appellate court today reversed tho McCrackon circuit court case of Ed C Terrell versus city t of Paducah The action was to enforce payment against tho fclty for street improve- ments made under contract This ISa case In which Contractor Terrell graded and graveled Wash ¬ ington street at First lie obtained a verdict ngalnst tho elevator com- pany ¬ and marine ways for half the cost but the court hero refused 4o give a Judgment against the city for the other half and an appeal was ta ¬ kenThe decision of ithe appellate court today Indicates that he city will have to pay tho other half of tho Improvement amounting lo about 500 Bagby and Martin were for Mr Terrell Levys 011etdnnew Everything Is In readiness for a real old fashlonod opening at Le ¬ vs Broadway store tomorrow and wo are confidently assured that the exhibit of Paris and New Yorks lat ett creations will bo too most lavish ever shown In Paducah The mu ¬ sic will bo excellent the decorations profuro and It Is hoped that every- one ¬ will avail themselves of fits op¬ portunity to Inspect the authoritative Spring fashions Attractive souvenirs will bo given ito those atttendlng Five Dollars Howard For tho return of Porto Rico dog puro white curled tafl and Is 14 4nchcs high 335 North Sixth strodt DIrt 1111 Mr nnd JIiA Jake Uousc of Lt- tiavillasmpartntq lrng1rl baby Mr RB > brook ned troth Ys aeli3fsagalewistg e 1 w PeerlerlIR8L1t Del fd Mitts Ziidle HanIs at lllspluun Recital Miss Zudlo Harris the talented Louisville girl who has recently re- turned ¬ from abroad and has given a successful eorjes of concerts during tike winter In ihta country will be In Paducah with Bkphani on the 21st and will appear Jn piano solo Miss Harris Is a most gifted musl ¬ dan und her compositions have been received with favor by the musical m Hters4n Europe where he studied Sho l loK a staler of Mrs Thruston Bal lance of Louisville who was Miss Sun shine Harris and the family Is prom ¬ inent socially Mntlnre Musical Club Tho Matinee Musical club met this afternoon at 330 oclock In the par- lors of tho Eagle club house on Broadway A very delightful pro ¬ gram illmlted to women composers Is being given by notable talent of tho club Mrs W C Scofield and Miss DtUicl Brooks are time leaders for the afternoon Jlagaxluc Club Portlauned The meeting of the Magazine club announced for tomorrow afternoon with Mrs George C Wallace has been called In It will be held on Thursday afternoon the 22nd Instead Deputy U S Marshall Wade Brown went U> Ballard county this morning on business Messrs F L Turner of Wtckllffe and Charles Mayers and W F Pur dy of Bandana lira at the Palmer house today on business Judge B W Braoourn of flow ling Oren was In the city today en route to Benton to preside as special judge In the W W Holland case Mr Oharlea F Trotter of tho post office department service Washing ¬ ton was In the city today Mr G II Kummcr of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Is at the Pal- mer ¬ house today Mr Thomas Hodge the tobaccont 1st at Henderson Ky Is at the Pal- mer lion Charles Reed and Col E P Noble and wife will return tomor ¬ row from Chicago Mrs O B Powell wife of the well known dentist dins gone to Prince MVyi1ton Mrs James Baker fvlfo of the Jailor Is slowly recovering attar an attack of orywlpdas The little son of Mr Ben Price of tho South Side is ill of throat trou ¬ bleTho Infant son of Mr Herbert Mor ¬ rison Js 111of throat trouble wenI known physician Is Ire Ol1loo no bet ¬ ter She has been Ill for more than a week but her condition Is not se ¬ riousMr William Sbk of 10th and Jackson streets Is slowly recovering after an attack of pneumonia Mrs Henry Welsslngor and chil ¬ dean have retained homo from Pa- ducah ¬ after a two months visit to Mrs Weisslngers father Mr George hartLoilsvllle Post Mrs John 1C Hendrlck has re ¬ turned to her home in Smithland af ¬ ter spending several days hero with Col Hendrlck Mr George Browncll of the Lang staff mill Is quite ill from pneumo ¬ nia alt his homo near Wallace park Capt Robert Owen of the ferry- boat Is Ill at his home on Broadway- Mr William McNamara supervi ¬ sor of tracks of the Loulsvlllo divi ¬ slon of the I C was tn the city to- day on business Mr J B Dulaney went to Daw ten at noon for his health Mrs J II Kenny of Leltchfield Ky has been spending a few days In tho city Mrs Kenny formerly liv ¬ ed In Paducah and has many friends hereRev O M McVeeyy of Russell vllle Is 4n tho city meeting his friends and attending the First flap ¬ list church a o- vlvalRuMo Cures Rheumatism and Neuralgia in from 3 lo7 Days Relieves In from six to ten hours Guaranteed or money back Price one dollar t AT SMITH ft NAGEL DRUG STO- REJtlrtissway i t IN THBCOURtS Token to Reform School Detective Will Batter left this morning for Lexington Ky with Dewy Troutman the eight jear old boy who hits In the past occasioned the police much trouble Ho was ar ¬ rested some months ago for stealing Several horses sod buggies BUll had ciiHo a reputation when he came hero for causing the police of St Loiita annoyance Ho was released upon Ms parents promise to exercise more control over him and was not Prosecuted for stealing the horses They have found that they could do nothing with him however and de cided to rend him tothe reform school Dewey Js the boy saved from being cnuhed to death beneath a horses feet some months ago at FJfth and Broadway by two chorus gfrls who happened to be passing and snatched him up just In time Peed Tho West End Improvement Co deeds to Mrs Jcnnto Ixjvelace for 13GO property in tho West End Edgar W Whlttemoro deeds to Thos J Smith for lGO property in Rowlandtpwn Rachael Johnson deeds to Tohn C Backer for 225 property In the flow an addition titer Saw Them r Little Susie I made ugly faces at your line stuck up sister the other day but I ni > ose she didnt see me Littler Mary Ou yes she dill but she thought they was natural Illua tratedBltsM Tit our mat CabbyIad a beard like yours once but when I found what It mode mu look like I got It cut of- fBossyAu I nd n face like yours once an when I found I couldnt get It cut off I grew n beard Iuuch UKHKl UXVDKU UKIIKADKI Three of Ills Followers Suffer the the Same Fate Hong Kong March 14TJic Chi ¬ nose authorities lava extradited wad beheaded Kiwamg Sail the trebal lead ¬ er and timimee Other neon Implicated In tfio attack oa the homo of Dr An- drew Dealt the American nvjssfon wry at FUtL Durlos the attack on Dr Bcattys station mliKOartairlea were bound end robbed of clothing watches cud silver valued at thou- sands ¬ ot t dollars SUICIDES C3KAVK Will Cover Man to linn Keen Tried for Murder Tomorrow Norfolk Va March 14 = Louts Thorno awaiting trial tomorrow for the murder of Flossie Reese by throwing a lighted lamp at her com ¬ mitted suicide In jail this morning by cutting his throat with a knife smuggled 4o him Brown was form- erly ¬ a prominent citizen butt toll a victim to drugs v t In Wall Street First Broker The bears are go Ing to give It to the corset trust to dayrjr Second Broker Yes but you will nnd that the corset trust will present a straight front to all opposition The most pitiful object In the world Is a brave ambitious young fellow made ensoleM and sour bj unrequited love Too many people are like the cld er they hebowe sour wltk age 4- i SWEET PEAS i I irge quantities of beautiful blooms fragrance greatly increased Garden peas and beans crops greatly increased and flavor double better Red and wbite clover alfalfa cow and black eye peas and many other plants of the same family wonderfully improved in quantity and quality by using t j NITRO CUlTURE THE VEST POCKET FERTILIZER Enough Nitro to fertilize an acre can be carried in the vest pocket By using it you J1nUd up your land and greatly increase your crops Be Mire to investigate x Price from 25c to 150 GAO O HART i SONS CO I Itt8 I MITCHELLS lor nighgrade bicy ¬ cles 326 South Third FOR RENT Rooms furnished or unfurnished 123 N 7th St HEATING and stovewood Frank Levin both phones 437 WANTED Roomers and board- ers ¬ at 730 Clark street COOK WANTED 327 South Fourth street Chris Llebel FOR RENT Store room Cth and Jefferson John Dean FOR RENT A fine piano In good condition Apply 428 Broadway UMBRELLA repairing and cover- Ing neatly done 108 ½ S Third St OVERSTREET the painter Old phone 2305- WANTED Rollertop desk and drain Now Richmond IIote- lWANTEDSituation by nonunion plumber Address E A Rowe C034 lifdge avenue S6 Louis Mo FOR RENTFIveroom residence with all modern improvements Reu ¬ ben Rowland Trueheart building FOR RENTTwo nice furnished rooms with bath and modern con ¬ veniences Apply 918 Broadway lALL KINDS of brick work done cheap N Rouleau 1317 Trimble street Old Phone 19 1C CLEANING and pressing neatly done James Duffey old phone IGlGr FOR RENTtiroom house C2C North Sixth street Apply 319 N Sixth for information FOR RENT 4 rooms with all conveniences 113 12 S Third SU M Solomon WANTED 17000 at C per cent Interest Security good Address D Sun office WANTEDPosition as stenog ¬ rapher or omen girl Address A care this office WANTED Mill and timber men Frank Chesterfield Lumber Co Phone 14CS1 FOR sALEWhite Leghorn eggs for hatching 100 per setting of 15 Also few cockerels 150 each George Runge Phone 140Cm or address Runges shoe store Six per cent money to loan on city and county real estate Apply to E II 1ryear Attorney 523 BroadwayFOR A good grocery stock Located In a good parlor the clly Reason for soiling change of bud nose Address Box 8 2 Paducah Ky rtr w flanl t 6 < r I c WANTEDA good porter who Is willing to work 15 per month and board Apply I C lunch room Union depot FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Roi eggs per setting of 15 Qccntci Apply T J Wood R F D No 2 Paducah Ky Phono S3C ring 5 BOUGENO BROS Contractors and builders repair and cabinet work crating and packing Shop 307 Kyy Ave phone 54 FOR SALEAll my Paducah real estate at bargain I prices Terms to + suit purchaser Phone 231 J D1Y Worten J E MORGAN blacksmith 409 S Third Old phone 457 Superior work guaranteed Exclusive agent for flore stone side wire tires the best rubber tire made I STRAYED OR STOLEN Dark bay or brown horse about 15 hands high 11 years old Scar on right hind leg between knee and hoof about one Inch wide end six Inches long Reward for any information to Rouses grocery Old phone 910 r M F Rice WHY worry about getting car ¬ rlages and baggage wagons wheu you can ring up Palmer Transfer com ¬ pany any hour day or night and get prompt service at a price as low as the lowest They are not only rex sposlble and rellabfe but can make It to your Interest In many ways to do business with them They keep on hand special fine carriages for then ¬ ters balls weddings and funeral ser vices Give them your order The Servant Problemt Easily Solved Every day The Sun se ¬ cures a score or more cooks house boys and all kinds of help Every day it rents rooms and houses for who have them and finds them I Ipeople by looking for The Sun Want Adst t PALMER PERFUMESout Delicate fragrant and lasting ALrVBY LIST DRUGGISTS PHIl 101 1 412414 Irithij TteViTrtorfo lad platotCat The 3 tt1s tafa 1b + + 1 1r MrIS- g1r

Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1906-03 ...€¦ · e-rw IIt UDNESDAMARCIfr 14o ffHB PXDJJOAH3 EVENIKC SUIT 0 R ttovnvv or 11 k Our Opening Thursday Diploy cf finely

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Page 1: Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1906-03 ...€¦ · e-rw IIt UDNESDAMARCIfr 14o ffHB PXDJJOAH3 EVENIKC SUIT 0 R ttovnvv or 11 k Our Opening Thursday Diploy cf finely

e- rw


k Our Opening ThursdayDiploy cf finely for Jadfta steer Exhibition of the finest dresses

ever uliown in tliU put of the couutry < n opportunity for every ltady-to buy her dresie in Paducah thus avllug the additional expense ofrailroad lire and botel bill in the cities

The best is none

too good for Pat

ducabs charm ¬

ing women

Tha opening is from 9 oclock in the morning until 10 oclock atnight and everybody within the reach of Paducah it earnestly requestedto be present We will how tk lot of French novelties and some

I of Americas greatest fashionsf Thursday Match 15 1906

SOUVENIRS317 Broadway


For Dr Pcndley ring 416Tits 4ornl I C wrecker htw ro

tuttedl from 1irincolon where It hntllguns to trick up two derailed emus

Tliin wixjcker brought hitch thirteenbatl oritar was fOr rvjiaira

Dr J V VorIs dentist 200 Kratornlty building

VlI8 leu company 1Iii fravngIts IOGB both iron and Jllull1lcul n light grwn which groatly 1m

prow the4r appearancelip licks olllcea COD Broadway

Phone 432 Hiulilenco 1027 Broadway Ihono 12SO

Cell nnd ccc Uptodato mil-


21C Broadway with Eley-DryI Goods Co lira II Clmptm

Dr Gilbert Osteopath 400Broadway Ihono 19C

Th 1raln from SL Louis duoIIJ 0onluy nttornoon < t 335 oclock

WM throe hours lute on account ofthe onfliiroA brcnkhvg down at Parkor City 111 about tort mlta fromhero on tho opposite Ado of time

riverWorlds Fair Prize Mixture

lawn grass seed at Brunsons 423Broadway

Frlonds lathe city are pleasedto iluarn that Mr Prank Gilbertformerly of Paducah and nuw onoof tfio trnvullnK roparaxmntattvoa of

II tho American Tobacco company In

TaxaH srtnnda Jlfth Ip the ifcl of tho

i COiuiutnys ic traveling roan MrlastIyear over MOOQOU

Ho now resides fn Dallas ToxSomething now Klrchhoff But ¬

ternut BreadJust look at 150 books for

roc Little Shepherd of KingdomCome Man On tho Box and St El-



on sale this week at II D Clem ¬

ants G Co

A largo crowd attended theWoodmen ball In Campbell buildingIan avaJHng It was glrcn tar thebenqflt of tho fund with whist dcCeHattjw to the hood camp are to bo entorlaUietl next jxur

Auk your rocor Tor Butternutbread

Tho local commandory KnightsTemplar conferred degrows on eightpostulants yesterday mippor twinswrvod by Uio ladies of> 41io EasternStar at C p in after which thework was resumed

Hev J W D D pro1

Hiding elder of tho Mothodlrit churches In ito Paducah district will loadthe prnyor service tha evening nt theBrcailway Methodist church In thoabsence of Hev T J Newell jronithe city I

Taken < o MurrayHurley Foster colored wanted at

Murray for a felony was arrested atMayfield and taken to Murray yesorday for trial Ho toad been work ¬

ing on a farm near FarmingtonGraves county

J 512 Foot

Show Caseswith

Countersj Good as new

For sale-

CheapFor particulars ask or write



t INis I wcf4

Itotl PkMM I171

ffi J


Every garment

showthe mark of dis ¬







onuuetrlal Club Ilea Started UK

Jlave nod Is llavlni limitHuccrss


flue Oommorclal club today beganrtrciilatJiyg a 1ixMiUon to tho IHliioIsCentral railroad which will ba forwtrrdokl through Gonoml got JohnT Donovan of the city asking forthe establishment of a downtownticket once hi Paducah

Thus far the petition haw beenpassed around In tho liudnoat ixwtttmiv of the city only but It 1 beingextensively signed and no one baittats when It Js j rosontcd to MmIt is expected to have wiffldon rilg

Dlituivsl to tt to Impress the railroadwith tire demand that ii fdt by thepeople for a downtown olllcei


Indiiriili Trnnsnrtlons JUneatignedanti IroiioiinrtMl 111 IIIht

The recwnt loglslaUvo ilnvostlpalIon of state Institutions and degasmcntn Included an inquiry Into tihooontraictH lot In Paducah chat sumnitircir the mipi llIO fortliOi statomlUtnry encampment at Wallacepark<

That everything Wivs satisfactoryIs Indicated by tthe following roporton the subject

Ah o the matter of purchasingsupplies by the adjutant generalsdepartment for tho recent encamp-

ment of the state troop at Paklueahh w+aa brought to Itho nttoriUon oftho committee and Unit departmentwas rnucsted to oxhlbH the vouch ¬

ors from the jjarttea wilt furnb xltho suppUea for eaJd encampmentThte TCiuest was compUttl withnod said ouchora ehowcd that theprices troll were rcasomablo mod satiHfI iotory to UiO cosnmlttee


And the Cityof 1adurnli May laveto Pay 9500 to Contractor

Frankfort Ky March HTheappellate court today reversed thoMcCrackon circuit court case of EdC Terrell versus cityt of PaducahThe action was to enforce paymentagainst tho fclty for street improve-

ments made under contract

This ISa case In which ContractorTerrell graded and graveled Wash ¬

ington street at First lie obtaineda verdict ngalnst tho elevator com-



and marine ways for half thecost but the court hero refused 4o

give a Judgment against the city forthe other half and an appeal was ta¬

kenThe decision of ithe appellatecourt today Indicates that he city

will have to pay tho other half oftho Improvement amounting loabout 500 Bagby and Martin werefor Mr Terrell

Levys 011etdnnewEverything Is In readiness for a

real old fashlonod opening at Le¬

vs Broadway store tomorrow andwo are confidently assured that theexhibit of Paris and New Yorks latett creations will bo too most lavishever shown In Paducah The mu ¬

sic will bo excellent the decorationsprofuro and It Is hoped that every-



will avail themselves of fits op¬

portunity to Inspect the authoritativeSpring fashions Attractive souvenirswill bo given ito those atttendlng

Five Dollars HowardFor tho return of Porto Rico dog

puro white curled tafl and Is 14

4nchcs high 335 North Sixth strodt

DIrt 1111

Mr nnd JIiA Jake Uousc of Lt-tiavillasmpartntq lrng1rl baby

Mr RB> brookned trothYs aeli3fsagalewistg

e 1 w

PeerlerlIR8L1tDel fd

Mitts Ziidle HanIs at lllspluun RecitalMiss Zudlo Harris the talented

Louisville girl who has recently re-


from abroad and has given asuccessful eorjes of concerts duringtike winter In ihta country will be InPaducah with Bkphani on the 21stand will appear Jn piano solo

Miss Harris Is a most gifted musl ¬

dan und her compositions have beenreceived with favor by the musicalm Hters4n Europe where he studiedSho lloK a staler of Mrs Thruston Ballance of Louisville who was Miss Sunshine Harris and the family Is prom ¬

inent socially

Mntlnre Musical ClubTho Matinee Musical club met this

afternoon at 330 oclock In the par-

lors of tho Eagle club house onBroadway A very delightful pro ¬

gram illmlted to women composers Isbeing given by notable talent of thoclub Mrs W C Scofield and MissDtUicl Brooks are time leaders for theafternoon

Jlagaxluc Club PortlaunedThe meeting of the Magazine club

announced for tomorrow afternoonwith Mrs George C Wallace hasbeen called In It will be held onThursday afternoon the 22nd Instead

Deputy U S Marshall WadeBrown went U> Ballard county thismorning on business

Messrs F L Turner of Wtckllffeand Charles Mayers and W F Purdy of Bandana lira at the Palmerhouse today on business

Judge B W Braoourn of flowling Oren was In the city today enroute to Benton to preside as specialjudge In the W W Holland case

Mr Oharlea F Trotter of tho postoffice department service Washing ¬

ton was In the city todayMr G II Kummcr of the Chicago

and Eastern Illinois Is at the Pal-


house today

Mr Thomas Hodge the tobaccont1st at Henderson Ky Is at the Pal-

merlion Charles Reed and Col E P

Noble and wife will return tomor ¬

row from ChicagoMrs O B Powell wife of the well

known dentist dins gone to PrinceMVyi1tonMrs James Baker fvlfo of the

Jailor Is slowly recovering attar anattack of orywlpdas

The little son of Mr Ben Price oftho South Side is ill of throat trou ¬

bleThoInfant son of Mr Herbert Mor¬

rison Js 111of throat troublewenIknown physician Is IreOl1loo no bet ¬

ter She has been Ill for more than aweek but her condition Is not se¬

riousMrWilliam Sbk of 10th and

Jackson streets Is slowly recoveringafter an attack of pneumonia

Mrs Henry Welsslngor and chil ¬

dean have retained homo from Pa-


after a two months visit toMrs Weisslngers father Mr George

hartLoilsvllle PostMrs John 1C Hendrlck has re ¬

turned to her home in Smithland af ¬

ter spending several days hero withCol Hendrlck

Mr George Browncll of the Langstaff mill Is quite ill from pneumo ¬

nia alt his homo near Wallace parkCapt Robert Owen of the ferry-

boat Is Ill at his home on Broadway-Mr William McNamara supervi ¬

sor of tracks of the Loulsvlllo divi ¬

slon of the I C was tn the city to-

day on businessMr J B Dulaney went to Daw

ten at noon for his healthMrs J II Kenny of Leltchfield

Ky has been spending a few daysIn tho city Mrs Kenny formerly liv¬

ed In Paducah and has many friends

hereRevO M McVeeyy of Russell

vllle Is 4n tho city meeting hisfriends and attending the First flap ¬

list church a o-


Cures Rheumatism andNeuralgia in from 3

lo7 Days

Relieves In from six to tenhours Guaranteed or moneyback Price one dollar







Token to Reform SchoolDetective Will Batter left this

morning for Lexington Ky withDewy Troutman the eight jear oldboy who hits In the past occasionedthe police much trouble Ho was ar¬

rested some months ago for stealingSeveral horses sod buggies BUll hadciiHo a reputation when he camehero for causing the police of StLoiita annoyance Ho was releasedupon Ms parents promise to exercisemore control over him and was notProsecuted for stealing the horsesThey have found that they could donothing with him however and decided to rend him tothe reformschool Dewey Js the boy saved frombeing cnuhed to death beneath ahorses feet some months ago atFJfth and Broadway by two chorusgfrls who happened to be passing andsnatched him up just In time

PeedTho West End Improvement Co

deeds to Mrs Jcnnto Ixjvelace for13GO property in tho West EndEdgar W Whlttemoro deeds to

Thos J Smith for lGO property inRowlandtpwn

Rachael Johnson deeds to TohnC Backer for 225 property In theflow an addition

titer Saw Them

rLittle Susie I made ugly faces atyour line stuck up sister the other daybut I ni >ose she didnt see me

Littler Mary Ou yes she dill butshe thought they was natural IlluatratedBltsM

Tit our mat

CabbyIad a beard like yours oncebut when I found what It mode mulook like I got It cut of-

fBossyAu I nd n face like yoursonce an when I found I couldnt getIt cut off I grew n beard Iuuch


Three of Ills Followers Suffer thethe Same Fate

Hong Kong March 14TJic Chi ¬

nose authorities lava extradited wadbeheaded Kiwamg Sail the trebal lead ¬

er and timimee Other neon ImplicatedIn tfio attack oa the homo of Dr An-

drew Dealt the American nvjssfonwry at FUtL Durlos the attack onDr Bcattys station mliKOartairleawere bound end robbed of clothingwatches cud silver valued at thou-


ott dollars


Will Cover Man to linn Keen Triedfor Murder Tomorrow

Norfolk Va March 14 =LoutsThorno awaiting trial tomorrow forthe murder of Flossie Reese bythrowing a lighted lamp at her com ¬

mitted suicide In jail this morningby cutting his throat with a knifesmuggled 4o him Brown was form-erly


a prominent citizen butt toll avictim to drugs


In Wall StreetFirst Broker The bears are go

Ing to give It to the corset trust todayrjr

Second Broker Yes but you willnnd that the corset trust will presenta straight front to all opposition

The most pitiful object In theworld Is a brave ambitious youngfellow made ensoleM and sour bj

unrequited love

Too many people are like the clder they hebowe sour wltk age



I irge quantities of beautiful blooms fragrancegreatly increased

Garden peas and beans crops greatly increasedand flavor double better

Red and wbite clover alfalfa cow and blackeye peas and many other plants of the samefamily wonderfully improved in quantity andquality by using t j


Enough Nitro to fertilize an acre can becarried in the vest pocket By using it you J1nUdup your land and greatly increase your crops Be

Mire to investigatex

Price from 25c to 150


IItt8 I

MITCHELLS lor nighgrade bicy ¬

cles 326 South Third

FOR RENT Rooms furnishedor unfurnished 123 N 7th St

HEATING and stovewood FrankLevin both phones 437

WANTED Roomers and board-ers


at 730 Clark street

COOK WANTED 327 SouthFourth street Chris Llebel

FOR RENT Store room Cthand Jefferson John Dean

FOR RENT A fine piano Ingood condition Apply 428 Broadway

UMBRELLA repairing and cover-Ing neatly done 108 ½ S Third St

OVERSTREET the painter Oldphone 2305-

WANTED Rollertop desk anddrain Now Richmond IIote-

lWANTEDSituation by nonunionplumber Address E A Rowe C034lifdge avenue S6 Louis Mo

FOR RENTFIveroom residencewith all modern improvements Reu ¬

ben Rowland Trueheart building

FOR RENTTwo nice furnishedrooms with bath and modern con ¬

veniences Apply 918 Broadway

lALL KINDS of brick work donecheap N Rouleau 1317 Trimblestreet Old Phone 19 1C

CLEANING and pressing neatlydone James Duffey old phone


FOR RENTtiroom house C2C

North Sixth street Apply 319 N

Sixth for information

FOR RENT 4 rooms with allconveniences 113 12 S Third SUM Solomon

WANTED 17000 at C per centInterest Security good Address D

Sun office

WANTEDPosition as stenog¬

rapher or omen girl Address A

care this office

WANTED Mill and timber menFrank Chesterfield Lumber Co

Phone 14CS1

FOR sALEWhite Leghorn eggs

for hatching 100 per setting of15 Also few cockerels 150 eachGeorge Runge Phone 140Cm oraddress Runges shoe store

Six per cent money to loan oncity and county real estate Applyto E II 1ryear Attorney 523


A good grocery stockLocated In a good parlor the cllyReason for soiling change of budnose Address Box 8 2 PaducahKy rtr w flanl t 6

<r I c

WANTEDA good porter who Iswilling to work 15 per month andboard Apply I C lunch roomUnion depot

FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Roieggs per setting of 15 QccntciApply T J Wood R F D No 2

Paducah Ky Phono S3C ring 5

BOUGENO BROS Contractorsand builders repair and cabinet workcrating and packing Shop 307 KyyAve phone 54

FOR SALEAll my Paducah realestate at bargainI prices Terms to


suit purchaser Phone 231 J D1YWorten

J E MORGAN blacksmith 409S Third Old phone 457 Superiorwork guaranteed Exclusive agentfor flore stone side wire tires thebest rubber tire made


STRAYED OR STOLEN Darkbay or brown horse about 15 handshigh 11 years old Scar on righthind leg between knee and hoofabout one Inch wide end six Incheslong Reward for any information toRouses grocery Old phone 910 r M

F Rice

WHY worry about getting car ¬

rlages and baggage wagons wheu youcan ring up Palmer Transfer com ¬

pany any hour day or night and getprompt service at a price as low asthe lowest They are not only rexsposlble and rellabfe but can make Itto your Interest In many ways to dobusiness with them They keep onhand special fine carriages for then ¬

ters balls weddings and funeral services Give them your order

The Servant ProblemtEasily Solved

Every day The Sun se ¬

cures a score or morecooks house boys andall kinds of help

Every day it rentsrooms and houses for

who have themand finds them


looking for

The Sun Want Adstt


Delicate fragrant andlasting


PHIl 1011 412414 Irithij

TteViTrtorfo lad platotCatThe 3tt1s tafa1b+

+ 11rMrIS- g1r