t- tI111W F t f I V 1 t J J IIsN e ffHH PABUGABi EPENriv4 SUNMONDAY APRIL 9 f 1 w JANES TATEMORTGAGES LOANS + New nice 4room house with hall front send back porches bath and loot and cold water connections shaW trees CO foot lot on North Madison I street between ICth and fountain avenue In Fountain park 1800M t Foijnjroom cottago In drat rate r condition on North Seventh street at 960 n Thlrteentoom house lot 90 by 173 feet doalley 2 bath rooms sewer connections hot and cold water t throughout all modern equipments can bo used as single or double res Idenco location boat residence see ¬ i tion of city Nos 419 and 421 N Seventh street Prlco 5 GOO only 1500 cash and balance on 4 years time 412 South 9th St 6room cottage at 1700 I 418 South 9th St C room cottage at flSOO Excellent rental Investment two houses 5 and 3 rooms corner lot sewer connections houses nearly 2Gmonth 712 Goebel avenue 4 rooms In good fix with stable at 1200 New 2 story 7 room house nice arid well appointed Ft Ave corner lot fronting on Lang park at only 2760 No G03 Fountain avenue N W corner Harrison and Fountain ave- nue ¬ very desirable location slx room cottage In excellent condition Water inside Price 3000 Nice Croom cottage on Fountain avenue fronting direct on Lang park newhouse and a bargain at 1300 Two pieces of laud 10 12 acres each one near Wallace Park best bargain of Its class to be had about the city Price U25 acre One third cash and balance In one and two years Other offer Is about 3 miles out on Cairo road Excel ¬ lent dry land and flrstclas site frontage on road for residence Price U50 Some fine offers In farms near the city which will rise in value rapidly Details gven on Inquiry a Mew more lots unsold In the Ter ¬ roll Fountain Park addition al25l andw balance 5 per month These are the best monthly payment lots now tobo had about the city and will soon be gone More future rise In value In these lots than any you can let for homes o One Madison street Fountain Park comer lot at fCOO Last chance for a corner lot in that addition at such JI a priceNorth Thirteenth street lots nice x houses on both sides of them 80 feet in all at 250 a lot on month ¬ ly payments Nice 9room N Cth houso In four blocks of postoOIce on easy pay ¬ meats at 4000 For SaleSixroom cottage on S E corner 7th and Harrison lot 57 fIg inches by 1C5 feet stable t servants house on long easy pay ¬ n eats Only 500 cash See me for details and get homo In best res- Idence ¬ I part of north side t Havet half dozen houses for sale at prices 500 to 1000 on very easy pay ti meats Small cash and afterwards by the month Now Is the time to get small e places for country homes Can sell nice lots from G acres up In very de- sirable ¬ location near electric cars 9room house 5 blocks from post office north side sewer connected Invest part of city at 3500 of this only 500 cash balance 30 month A Three houses on N E corner Cth and Ohio streets which rent at 33 aninthPrlce2500 Fine Invest ¬ mentNo 141 Clay street new 5 I room brick cottage water Inside Ift oceof nicest cottages to be found- s Price 1800 only GO cash balance payments ofl 2 and 3 enrsj Joining 1141 have 07 feet vacant which will sell alone or with the brick cottage Easy terms Dont forget that I have at all a times plenty of money to loan on farm mortgages at six per cent in- terest ¬ ten years time t New plat of Madison street lots just west of and adjoining Fountain Park nil level and high and street graded and graveled Survey just a made and plat turned over to me Come while you can get first choice Prjcej 1250 of which 25 Is cash I t and Balance i 5 monthly payments Location price and terms consider ¬ edtt it ese are the most desirable lots In Paducah k Flritciass i business property on 1 ioth < 8ecbhd and Third streets near < Broadway Best chance to be had in- s this line of Investment Ask for de talsWMJANES ROOM a a + RUSUEXRT BOTLDIXQ r Qitl phelte w7 Red fir zY J yf a I HUMMEL BROS INSURANCE Phone 279Y Y j- t YOUNG MACHINIST PAINFULLY HURT I Coutlnucd From Pago Ono about her position and whoa one railroader finally found tongue to re- ply call led Inside to companions Come on out you sleepy heads we are In Paducah and with this pushed tho door open wider and Jumped to tho ground- It was a surd enough woman hobo but she was drowsed better than would be expected Four more piled out of the car nnd the five gathered what few bundles they had and started down the track towards BroadwayTho wero too startled to attempt to detain them and they were permitted to go their way Thi matter was reported to Special Pol- iceman Dick Tolbert but site was min able to secure any definite Informa ¬ tlon The women from the description given were young and two were of more than ordinarily attractive They said little not even Inquiring tho way to the principal thbroiishfaro but seemed to enjoy the sensation they had created among the car re pairers Looking After Water Supply Mr Clarence iKnowlea superin ¬ tendent of water supply of the Louis- ville ¬ division of tho I C went up the division this morning on busl ¬ ness Mr Knowles has a great deal of Improvement work In his department to do this spring and some of It Is In Paducah A completo change up of hydrants at the freight depot b being made hero and other repairs of a minor nature will be made also There are sovera water tanks to bo built between Paducah and Louise ville but authority for tho Improve ¬ meats has not come yet Beautifying rounds Tho square adjoining tho N C St L depot has been fenced In and many young trees set out tho irall road company Intending to mako a park out of tho place Fertilizer Is being spread on the ground and the place will be thor- oughly ¬ worked this summer and with In a year or two will be one pf the prettiest spots in the city Piling Out of Plnr < V i The I C transfer steamer DeKo ven Is unable to transfer trains tm account of several clusters of piling being down on the Brookport side Tho pile driver was taken across to- day ¬ and Is driving new piling By tomorrow the beat will be able to land and transfer boats Passen ¬ gers are being transferred from train to beat with baggage express matter and mall at present Carmen Meet Tonight The Brotherhood of Railway Car men will meet tonight In regular ses- sion ¬ and 11 applicants for member- ship will be initiated Hitrt by Falling Rufus Ralney an employe of bhe local I C planing mill fell down this morning while running with a hose reel during the JC fire de- partment ¬ practice and severely wrenched his right ankle He stumb- led ¬ on the rails while crossing the tracks Tho Injury I I1 not serious but will Jay him off duty for several daysS S PILING UI CHARGES Church Officers Preparing to Make It Warm for Bowie Chicago April 9Whlle John Al ¬ exander Dowie Is traveling from Mex- ico ¬ to Zion City measures are being taken by the omcers of the Zion church to render him absolutely pow erless before he can arrive among them It Is asserted that by the time he reaches Zion City the fast vestige of his authority will have disappear- ed ¬ except Insofar as he may restore ll through legal proceedings t Three hundred officers of the church havo signed a statement up ¬ holding General Overseer Vollva In his fight against tho first Apostle Each member of tho Zion City com- munity will tomorrow be asked to swear allegiance to the present offi ¬ cers of the church and at the mass meeting which is to bo held in the afternoon all of the people will be I asked to put their signatures to a document renouncing their former leader Together with this action Overseer Vollva has declared that he will announce In detail the alleged misappropriation by bowie of funds Aggregating 2529000 s t t a JfJ TO ItBTURN TO CITY rs Jinn Who Left Under Fri li l Will Come Back G E Wilson who was Indicted for alleged false swearing will returns t o I Paducah to engage 1n business arr- iving about the 15th of the month The young man was formerly an agent for a Lexington Insurance Co l and while in litigation in a magi- strates ¬ court became confused and swore tp several facts and later con ¬ tradicted himself lie was Indicted but skipped his bond The common ¬ wealth attorney I Investigated the matter and found that Wilson did not wilfully and intentionally swea falsely and recommended that the indictment be filed away It was an will not be reInstated It is said Wilson Is n well known young man and was a victim of court fright which probably made him testify as ho did lie Intends to start up In business in Paducah within a few weeks after arrival NOVEL WAY TO KEEP TIIKM tj Policeman Snips Buttons Front the Trousers of Tramps Cleveland April 901pt Dover of the Erie railroad police captured twentyfour tramps They were sire ralgned In police court and Judge Whelan gave them twentyfour hours In which to leave Cleveland Bever found the twenty four hobos In a box car and with a revolver dined them up About face ordered Bever and the twentyfour turned their backs Im sorry to do It he said as ho pulled out a large pocket knife and snipped off the trousers buttons of every one but I cant take a chance of having you run away Down wont twentyfour pairs of hands Into twentyfour pairs of pockets as tho twentyfour prisoners felt theIr buttons snipped away VI didnt lost a man all the way to the stations Cant Dover told Judge Wtoelan I kept ithpm so busy keeping their trousers on they did npt think of trying to escape Attention Veterans of Forrests Cav airy Corps I Headquarters Forrests Cavalry Corps Hlcfcman Ky Marsh 23 19CI 1 By an article of our organiza- tion every spWIor of any nnd all arms of service1 who atany lima dur Ing the wear served under QonN- B Forrest arid remained true and faithful to tho cause unto the end Is entitled to recognition and mem ¬ bership In the corps II All field and company offices now living are hereby reappointed tho same positions with same rank as held by them at the close of tho war and are hereby directed to at once notify every member of their old commands to meet them In New Orleans April 25th 3Cth and 27th 111 Officer and members of this corps are hereby notified to as¬ semble In the Washington Artillery hail New Orleans aliI a m April 2Cth and attend a business meeting of the corps IV AH officers and members are requested to register at said build Ing on the 2Cth and to those so registering a beautiful souvenir metal badge will bo given suitable to bo worn on all occasion as a badge of honor By order of H A TYLER Maj Gen CommandIng CHAS W ANDERSON CoLAdJt Gen and Chief of Staff Fighting the Mosquito The director of the Breslau hy glenlc Institute has announced the results of his mosquito war experi ¬ meals The first object was to de ¬ stroy the eggbearing females which wore found In large numbers In Bres lau cellars Fumigation was used and the number falling on the papers placed on the floors often ran up to more than 2000 mosQuitoes To de ¬ stroy the larvae In pools of water fifty grains of larvicide was put Into a cubic metre of water and poured Into tho pool This lulls all tho larvae within half an hour but does not harm frogs and fish To destroy time pupao Is another ques- tion which will receive attention from now on Breslau seems to be tho first city In Europe to make a systematic war against this plague and other German cities suffering from mospultoea aro preparing to Im state Its plans Wants n Report Washington April 9Comptrol- IeI of the currency this morning is- sued I ¬ a call for a report of the con- dition of the national banks at the close of business April C I In jho racepf malUs horse sense that heft a man to win out In a walk r nz 1 Y History of Our Cent The cent was first proposed by on- t own Robert Morris the great flnan clcr of the revolution and was name d by Jefferson two years utter It begai to make its appearance from tin mint In 1792 It bore the head 01 Washington on one side and 13 link B on tho other The French revolutloi won created a rage for French idea In America which put on the ccntl Instead of the head of the Goddessi of Liberty a French liberty with Ii neck thrust forward and ilowlnt locks The chain op the rovers side was displaced by the olive branch of peace but the French lib arty was short lived and so was yu J portrait on our cent The next head I or figure that succeeded this4h e fillsr t l around hqr hair camo into fashion I hed r finely chiseled Grecian features have been but slightly altered by tlu lapse of time A Cornfield Lawyer No phrase which Senator Tlllmari has used recently has evoked mor comment than his characterization of himself as a cornfield lawyer This Is a racy way of disparagin- hla own abilities Mariners have their srti lawyers who are usually very disputatious persons called law- yers ¬ because they are glib talkers and given to wordy arguments A tho White House It is stated Mr TIHmana phrase was received witht expressions of delight President Roosevelt thinks it will liveand possibly It will Baltimore Sun An Old Cnlrolto Ikncl Cairo Ill April tWorll was re ¬ calved yesterday by H A Hannon of this city of the death of D F Parker at a sanitarium In Milwau ¬ kee on April 3d Ho had been there some tlmo under treatment for pa- ralysis ¬ He was 71 years old The deceased left Cairo In 1885 for Chi cago after a continuous residence heroslnpe 1857 He was for many years a Ipqcjlng business man of Cairo Peculiar Coincidence Suspicious Very peculiar Coin ¬ cidence sdld the tall poet liB he opened the big envelope What lathat asked the broth ¬ er bard q fWhyi Stfnie iVCfiK8aKoIJtont the editor of that Whoopem Magazine a poem entitled The old Mint Julep Did he accept It- fYe3 but when I sent him another poem the other day he returned It with tho following message Wc Ac ¬ cepted yourwflrrt poems but now we are full Chicago News An ordinance proscribing and rog ulatlng the mumbor of policemen and police officers on tho police force In tho city of Paducah Kentucky De It ordained by the general coun cH of the city of Paducah Kentucky Section 1 That from and oftei the passage approval and publica- tion ¬ of this ordinance the number of policemen on tho Paducah Police Force shall not exceed eighteen 18 men but there shall bo In addition thereto ono Chief of Police one Captain of Police and one Lieutenant of PoliceSection 2 That the action of the Paducah Fire Commissioners power 4o appoint two detectives as members of tho Pa ¬ ducah Police Force passed by mo- tion before thd Board of Councilmen November 21st 1904 and concurred In by the Board of Aldermen No vember 25th 1904 bo and the same reIpealed pealedSection 3 That all ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict herewith in so far as they conflict herewith are hereby repealed Section 4 That this ordinance shall take effect from and after Its passage approval and publication Adopted February 19 190C GEO O MBriOOM President Board of Councilmen Adopted Marc i 22 190G O B STARKS President Board of Aldermen Attest HENRY BAILEY City Clerk Adopted April 2nd 100C by Board of Council the Mayors veto notwith ¬ standingAdopted April flit 190C by Board of Aldermen the Mayors veto not wlthtandlng A Horse of Another Color A well known society woman had among other guests a man whose greatest pride Is in his stables Knowing of this and wishing to pay him some little compliment on his recent track successes tho hostess directed that Ices be molded into the form of horse heads and there was also brought on a group of horses made from the same material That I suppose one of the guests remarked pointing to the group Is the chefs cheval do bat allle Oh nbRanplher lajjgbedr his chevaux dejjjlzej I tlIlflers Week T f < S i f j Andiron r In regard to andirons a writer In the Connoisseur points out tho curious fact 1 that the older specimens rarely come i In pairs but are of different heights and sizes It was the custom In the f middle ages It seems to make them uneven so as to facilitate the moving i and raising of the logo blocks employ s cd for firewood lie continues In the middle ages they were also planned to how a spit and It was not until the late sixteenth century that they were much ornamented Accord lug to Vlollet Iu Due since the most remote ages from Etruscan times down to the Romans such andirons woe rondo of Iron Vasnrl speaks of andirons made with mcrn vlglloso ma glstcro for the captains of time Arto delta Seta but I have not found much ornamentation upon them AS early as ho says I hut a theory of my own which Is contrary to that of Vlollet lo Due In England andirons are called lire dogs iiinl In the BarKvllo there is a splendid speflmvu iamb Iu the form tlieonlllrolls I made In tho shape of animals lyluir at Ite was much later that they were made of Iron when they often ended In aid og dogs Advrrtlilnir n JtoTrl In n New York literary club two nov thet eighties of which oaOOO copies lied been Hold It t was said the older man tho best piece of advertising 1 over heard of for It was advertising not merit that made the book popular Tho author has n millionaire bache- lor friend call him Millions and ho persuaded Millions to let him write for n newspaper n paragraph to the ef ¬ frt that time novels heroine unit made n hit with him end if he could find anywhere n girl resembling her ho would marry her This paragraph duly appeared It was copliil nil over time country Time young women of America ou flro with curiosity nnd hope bought nud rend till nnychmco The younger novelist took out his notebook By Jove ho muttered It wouldnt hurt to resurrect that scheme To Tan Far flklm A formula often used to tan skins with halt or fur on Is this Wash the maybe side with water amt soap and rinse well Take ono pound each of salt and pulverized nlum two ounces of borax dissolved In hot water add enough rye meal cornmeal may answer aa well to make a thick paste and spread nil over fleshy side Then fold lengthwise with the hnlr side out Let remain two weeks In nu airy but shaded place then unfold shako well and wash flesh side with water and scrape with some sort of dull scraper Pull nnd stretch and work till dry The quantity of In grcdlcnts must be In tho proportions given but the size of tbo skin must tie termine the quantity used The qualm ¬ tities named probably would bo eunuch for two or three sheepskins St Louis Republic Currant Currants are really little grapes quite without seeds having thin skive nnd very sweet They have been known from very ancient times for the nnmo Itself Is a corruption of Con lath the Creek city where thoy were originally cultivated Vines produce no fruit for three years after planting but In the fourth year there Is n small crop which Increases up to the twelfth Thoau grown In the island of tfnnto ore most esteemed Currants are situ ply dried III the sun on time ground and tbeu packed for shipment Iu some parts of Grcccu they are also uiudo In ¬ to a sweet wine Norway In SrolUnd Few people are aware of the tact that the Orkney and Shetland Islands strictly speaking belong to time king- dom ¬ of Norway Toward the closo of the fifteenth century King Christian of Norway pledged the Orkneys and the Bhetlands over which his rule was un- disputed ¬ to King James III of Scot ¬ land for tho payment of tbo dowry of his daughter Margaret who became queen of Scotland The pledge has not yet been redeemed OeaalnR A uteri on being accosted by n beggar said Why dont you go to work Why do you waste your time lnggliig Time beggar drow himself up Did you over bogy ho said No of course not said tho man Then said time beggar you dont know what work Is say UuslUh- Ah your lauguuuu Ect ess BO dil ftciilt Whats the matter countr First zls novel cot say zo man was unhorsed Yes Zen It say he was cowed Marked Ills attentions to you have been marked have thp1110U said the young womilnH experienced friend Ob yes Ho tins mover taken tbd price ticket oft any of his presents PrreUcIr- Izzy Innlt Did youeyer bear aaoya r fer bay 111iJaa4 11 J f N f fC T RIDING CRANK SHIFT CULTIVATOR None better and we doubt any being equal References cah R F D i Will Ware Paducah R P D i Roxvell Rogers Co A 13Q North Third St ih 1 b SPEND LESS THAN YOU MAKE And You Will Become Wealthy MlKRBare many who would like to nccumuUte t money hut dont know how to do It This t bank will help you Begin today by opening an ac- count ¬ i with us for one dollar or more W a pay 4 per cent per auuum on dcpositscompounded twice a year ANNOUNCEMENTS ILLINOIS CENTRAL R R Tho Illinois Central maintain Double Dally Service and operates tho best of trains with Dining Cars nuffotLlbrary Cars Chair Cars and Sleeping Cars from Chicago St Lou Is Cincinnati and Louisville south to Now Orleans Tho best road for reaching the Winter Tourist resorts o the South including NKV OUUUNH VICKSIIUHO OUMiTOIlT MISS IIAMMOXI IA Mardi Gras at Now Orleans Fob 27 OG Qulfport la a Mexican Quit Coast resort having the now fine Great Southern Hotel HcRtilai ocean steamship sailings from Now Orleans for Mexico Central America Panama West Indies nnd Europe Send or call for descriptive matter In regard to tho abovo HAVANA VIA NKW OHLKANS Havana Cuba is bent reached vIa tho Illinois Central through service to New Orleans and thb now ocean liner twin acrow ninetcenknot S S PRINCE AHTHUn leaving row Orleans every Wednes- day ¬ at 400 p in and arriving at Ha ¬ vana at sunrise Friday morning HOT SlUIXCJS AUK FIOUIHA Dally Sleeping Car without change Chicago to Hot Springs with con- nections ¬ at Memphis from Cincin ¬ nati and Louisville Through DIxlo Flyer Sleeping Car Llnd St Louis to Jacksonville via Nashville Chattanooga and Atlanta MEXICO CALIFORNIA Special Tours of Moxjcq and Call fornia via tho IlllnofH Central and Now Orleans under tho auspices of Raymond Whltcomb will loavo Chicago Fridays Feb 2nd and Fob 23rd for Mexico and California the last to Include a stopover at Now Or leans for tho Mardi Gras Entire trips made in special private vest bulo trains of finest Pullmans with dining gar service Fascinating trips complete in every detail Illinois Central Weekly Excursions to CalifornlaExcurBlon cars through to Los Angeles nnd San Francisco as follows Via New Orleans and the Southern Route every Friday from Chicago every Tuesday from Cincin ¬ nail end Loulsvlllovla Omaha and the Scenic Route every Wednesday from Chicago F iknUrt concerning all of l lFaU Lq1L4y r Mechanics and i Farmers Savings Bank 227 Brudwaj r r thI Central and connecting linesM or by addressing either of the under h signedr JOS Diana I D P A Cincinnati F W HARLOW D P A Louise F vljlo JNO A SCOTT A O P A Mom Phia A H HANSON p TM Chicago H O HATCH 0 I P A Chicago H- A Thought 114mitifiil I From I Louisville Commercial l Go higher if you do nit t you shall go lowor Tho People crowding nt tho bottom of time ladder anxiously A await their turn If you do note r I awayYour gone and lower you will go JeorgoSanll der which reaches the celestial mists Every rung which ono ascends re j voaU n splendor moro dazzling at v time summit Those who aro at the 1 bottom have only a confused Idea of what others see clearlya Get then oh thyself a movea move up One stop upward will sug ¬ goat another till the summit Is gain ¬ ed nnd happiness becomes lot Insep ¬ arable and reward everlasting r Go up fnyogr work In your home in your civic duties In your thoughts r Upwardflight t fall agonizing I eluded l PoragrnpiiN attractlvrithan its easier for some man to ac ¬ quire motto than mannerj i Every dog Isnt a bird dog but J every cat IAatblrll cat y Fortunate tolling 1 iq always tortu nato for the fortune teller Marriago Is Rover a failure but often tho contracting parties are No time starboard of n steamer Is Q not reserved for star boarders IV Dcallt I Is I r j i1Intoxlc holder A man Is not Jugtiffed in taking blindlyIn The average man displays a lot of enthusiasm when ho gets a chance to t taut almost 111IB troubles I If the wprldJtooh moan nndHoidr ° e to a s ianits because that iaRKla 4 mean and cold fcliuelf e J lJ t 1 0

Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1906-04 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s1r6n1n0s/data/0701.pdfhe reaches Zion City the fast vestige ... ho did lie Intends to start up In business

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Page 1: Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1906-04 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s1r6n1n0s/data/0701.pdfhe reaches Zion City the fast vestige ... ho did lie Intends to start up In business


tI111WF t f I V






New nice 4room house with hallfront send back porches bath andloot and cold water connectionsshaW trees CO foot lot on NorthMadisonI street between ICth andfountain avenue In Fountain park1800Mt Foijnjroom cottago In drat rate

r condition on North Seventh street at960 n

Thlrteentoom house lot 90 by173 feet doalley 2 bath rooms sewerconnections hot and cold water

t throughout all modern equipmentscan bo used as single or double resIdenco location boat residence see ¬

i tion of city Nos 419 and 421 NSeventh street Prlco 5 GOO only

1500 cash and balance on 4 yearstime

412 South 9th St 6room cottageat 1700

I 418 South 9th St C room cottageat flSOO

Excellent rental Investment twohouses 5 and 3 rooms corner lotsewer connections houses nearly

2Gmonth712 Goebel avenue 4 rooms Ingood fix with stable at 1200

New 2 story 7 room house nicearid well appointed Ft Ave cornerlot fronting on Lang park at only

2760No G03 Fountain avenue N W

corner Harrison and Fountain ave-nue


very desirable location slxroom cottage In excellent conditionWater inside Price 3000

Nice Croom cottage on Fountainavenue fronting direct on Lang parknewhouse and a bargain at 1300

Two pieces of laud 10 12 acreseach one near Wallace Park bestbargain of Its class to be had aboutthe city Price U25 acre Onethird cash and balance In one andtwo years Other offer Is about 3

miles out on Cairo road Excel ¬

lent dry land and flrstclas sitefrontage on road for residence PriceU50

Some fine offers In farms near thecity which will rise in value rapidlyDetails gven on Inquiry

a Mew more lots unsold In the Ter¬

roll Fountain Park addition al25landwbalance 5 per month These arethe best monthly payment lots nowtobo had about the city and willsoon be gone More future rise In

value In these lots than any youcan let for homeso One Madison street Fountain Parkcomer lot at fCOO Last chance fora corner lot in that addition at such

JI apriceNorth

Thirteenth street lots nicex houses on both sides of them 80

feet in all at 250 a lot on month ¬

ly paymentsNice 9room N Cth houso In four

blocks of postoOIce on easy pay ¬

meats at 4000For SaleSixroom cottage on

S E corner 7th and Harrison lot57 fIg inches by 1C5 feet stable

t servants house on long easy pay ¬

n eats Only 500 cash See mefor details and get homo In best res-


I part of north side

tHavethalf dozen houses for sale at prices500 to 1000 on very easy pay

ti meats Small cash and afterwardsby the month

Now Is the time to get smalle places for country homes Can sell

nice lots from G acres up In very de-


location near electric cars9room house 5 blocks from post

office north side sewer connectedInvest part of city at 3500 of thisonly 500 cash balance 30 month

A Three houses on N E corner Cthand Ohio streets which rent at 33aninthPrlce2500 Fine Invest ¬

mentNo141 Clay street new 5

I room brick cottage water InsideIft oceof nicest cottages to be found-

s Price 1800 only GO cash balancepayments ofl 2 and 3 enrsj

Joining 1141 have 07 feet vacantwhich will sell alone or with thebrick cottage Easy terms

Dont forget that I have at alla times plenty of money to loan on

farm mortgages at six per cent in-


ten years timet New plat of Madison street lots

just west of and adjoining FountainPark nil level and high and streetgraded and graveled Survey just

a made and plat turned over to meCome while you can get first choicePrjcej 1250 of which 25 Is cash

I t and Balance i5 monthly paymentsLocation price and terms consider ¬

edttitese are the most desirable lotsIn Paducah

k Flritciassi business property on1 ioth

< 8ecbhd and Third streets near< Broadway Best chance to be had in-

s this line of Investment Ask for de




Qitl phelte w7 Red

fir zYJ yf a





I Coutlnucd From Pago Ono

about her position and whoa onerailroader finally found tongue to re-

ply call led Inside to companionsCome on out you sleepy heads

we are In Paducah and with thispushed tho door open wider andJumped to tho ground-

It was a surd enough woman hobobut she was drowsed better thanwould be expected Four more piledout of the car nnd the five gatheredwhat few bundles they had andstarted down the track towards

BroadwayThowero too startled

to attempt to detain them and theywere permitted to go their way Thimatter was reported to Special Pol-

iceman Dick Tolbert but site was min

able to secure any definite Informa ¬

tlonThe women from the description

given were young and two were ofmore than ordinarily attractive Theysaid little not even Inquiring thoway to the principal thbroiishfarobut seemed to enjoy the sensationthey had created among the car repairers

Looking After Water SupplyMr Clarence iKnowlea superin ¬

tendent of water supply of the Louis-ville


division of tho I C went upthe division this morning on busl ¬

nessMr Knowles has a great deal of

Improvement work In his departmentto do this spring and some of It IsIn Paducah A completo change upof hydrants at the freight depot bbeing made hero and other repairsof a minor nature will be made also

There are sovera water tanks tobo built between Paducah and Louiseville but authority for tho Improve ¬

meats has not come yet

Beautifying roundsTho square adjoining tho N C

St L depot has been fenced In andmany young trees set out tho irallroad company Intending to mako apark out of tho place

Fertilizer Is being spread on theground and the place will be thor-oughly


worked this summer and withIn a year or two will be one pf theprettiest spots in the city

Piling Out of Plnr <V i

The I C transfer steamer DeKoven Is unable to transfer trains tmaccount of several clusters of pilingbeing down on the Brookport sideTho pile driver was taken across to-


and Is driving new piling Bytomorrow the beat will be able toland and transfer boats Passen ¬

gers are being transferred fromtrain to beat with baggage expressmatter and mall at present

Carmen Meet TonightThe Brotherhood of Railway Car

men will meet tonight In regular ses-


and 11 applicants for member-ship will be initiated

Hitrt by FallingRufus Ralney an employe of bhe

local I C planing mill fell downthis morning while running with ahose reel during the JC fire de-


practice and severelywrenched his right ankle He stumb-led


on the rails while crossing thetracks Tho Injury II1 not seriousbut will Jay him off duty for severaldaysSS


Church Officers Preparing to MakeIt Warm for Bowie

Chicago April 9Whlle John Al ¬

exander Dowie Is traveling from Mex-


to Zion City measures are beingtaken by the omcers of the Zionchurch to render him absolutely powerless before he can arrive amongthem It Is asserted that by the timehe reaches Zion City the fast vestigeof his authority will have disappear-ed


except Insofar as he may restorell through legal proceedings t

Three hundred officers of thechurch havo signed a statement up ¬

holding General Overseer Vollva Inhis fight against tho first ApostleEach member of tho Zion City com-

munity will tomorrow be asked toswear allegiance to the present offi ¬

cers of the church and at the massmeeting which is to bo held in theafternoon all of the people will be I

asked to put their signatures to adocument renouncing their formerleader Together with this actionOverseer Vollva has declared that hewill announce In detail the allegedmisappropriation by bowie of fundsAggregating 2529000 s

t ta JfJ

TO ItBTURN TO CITYrs Jinn Who Left Under Fri li l

Will Come Back

G E Wilson who was Indicted foralleged false swearing will returnstoI

Paducah to engage 1n business arr-

iving about the 15th of the monthThe young man was formerly an

agent for a Lexington Insurance Co l

and while in litigation in a magi-strates


court became confused andswore tp several facts and later con ¬

tradicted himself lie was Indictedbut skipped his bond The common ¬

wealth attorney IInvestigated thematter and found that Wilson didnot wilfully and intentionally sweafalsely and recommended that theindictment be filed away It was anwill not be reInstated It is said

Wilson Is n well known young manand was a victim of court frightwhich probably made him testify asho did lie Intends to start up In

business in Paducah within a fewweeks after arrival


tjPoliceman Snips Buttons Front the

Trousers of Tramps

Cleveland April 901pt Doverof the Erie railroad police capturedtwentyfour tramps They were sire

ralgned In police court and JudgeWhelan gave them twentyfour hoursIn which to leave Cleveland

Bever found the twenty four hobosIn a box car and with a revolverdined them up

About face ordered Bever andthe twentyfour turned their backs

Im sorry to do It he said as hopulled out a large pocket knife andsnipped off the trousers buttons ofevery one but I cant take a chanceof having you run away

Down wont twentyfour pairs ofhands Into twentyfour pairs ofpockets as tho twentyfour prisonersfelt theIr buttons snipped away

VI didnt lost a man all the wayto the stations Cant Dover toldJudge Wtoelan I kept ithpm so busy

keeping their trousers on they didnpt think of trying to escape

Attention Veterans of Forrests Cavairy Corps I

Headquarters Forrests CavalryCorps Hlcfcman Ky Marsh 2319CI1 By an article of our organiza-tion every spWIor of any nnd allarms of service1 who atany lima durIng the wear served under QonN-B Forrest arid remained true andfaithful to tho cause unto the endIs entitled to recognition and mem ¬

bership In the corpsII All field and company offices

now living are hereby reappointedtho same positions with same rankas held by them at the close of thowar and are hereby directed to atonce notify every member of theirold commands to meet them In NewOrleans April 25th 3Cth and 27th

111 Officer and members of thiscorps are hereby notified to as¬

semble In the Washington Artilleryhail New Orleans aliI a m April2Cth and attend a business meetingof the corps

IV AH officers and members arerequested to register at said buildIng on the 2Cth and to those soregistering a beautiful souvenirmetal badge will bo given suitableto bo worn on all occasion as abadge of honor By order of

H A TYLERMaj Gen CommandIng

CHAS W ANDERSONCoLAdJt Gen and Chief of Staff

Fighting the MosquitoThe director of the Breslau hy

glenlc Institute has announced theresults of his mosquito war experi ¬

meals The first object was to de ¬

stroy the eggbearing females whichwore found In large numbers In Breslau cellars Fumigation was usedand the number falling on the papersplaced on the floors often ran up tomore than 2000 mosQuitoes To de ¬

stroy the larvae In pools of waterfifty grains of larvicide was putInto a cubic metre of water andpoured Into tho pool This lulls alltho larvae within half an hour butdoes not harm frogs and fish Todestroy time pupao Is another ques-tion which will receive attentionfrom now on Breslau seems to betho first city In Europe to make asystematic war against this plagueand other German cities sufferingfrom mospultoea aro preparing to Im

state Its plans

Wants n ReportWashington April 9Comptrol-

IeI of the currency this morning is-


I ¬

a call for a report of the con-

dition of the national banks at theclose of business April C I

In jho racepf malUs horse sensethat heft a man to win out In awalk

r nz1 Y

History of Our CentThe cent was first proposed by on-

t own Robert Morris the great flnanclcr of the revolution and was name dby Jefferson two years utter It begaito make its appearance from tinmint In 1792 It bore the head 01

Washington on one side and 13 linkB

on tho other The French revolutloiwon created a rage for French ideaIn America which put on the ccntlInstead of the head of the Goddessiof Liberty a French liberty with Ii

neck thrust forward and ilowlntlocks The chain op the roversside was displaced by the olivebranch of peace but the French libarty was short lived and so was yuJ

portrait on our cent The next headI

or figure that succeeded this4h efillsr tl

around hqr hair camo into fashion Ihed rfinely chiseled Grecian features havebeen but slightly altered by tlulapse of time

A Cornfield LawyerNo phrase which Senator Tlllmari

has used recently has evoked morcomment than his characterizationof himself as a cornfield lawyerThis Is a racy way of disparagin-hla own abilities Mariners have their

srti lawyers who are usually verydisputatious persons called law-


because they are glib talkersand given to wordy arguments A

tho White House It is stated MrTIHmana phrase was received withtexpressions of delight PresidentRoosevelt thinks it will liveandpossibly It will Baltimore Sun

An Old Cnlrolto IknclCairo Ill April tWorll was re ¬

calved yesterday by H A Hannonof this city of the death of D FParker at a sanitarium In Milwau ¬

kee on April 3d Ho had been theresome tlmo under treatment for pa-


He was 71 years old Thedeceased left Cairo In 1885 for Chicago after a continuous residenceheroslnpe 1857 He was for manyyears a Ipqcjlng business man ofCairo

Peculiar CoincidenceSuspicious Very peculiar Coin ¬

cidence sdld the tall poet liB heopened the big envelope

What lathat asked the broth ¬

er bard qfWhyi Stfnie iVCfiK8aKoIJtont the

editor of tthat Whoopem Magazine apoem entitled The old Mint Julep

Did he accept It-

fYe3 but when I sent him anotherpoem the other day he returned Itwith tho following message Wc Ac ¬

cepted yourwflrrt poems but now weare full Chicago News

An ordinance proscribing and rogulatlng the mumbor of policemen andpolice officers on tho police force Intho city of Paducah Kentucky

De It ordained by the general councH of the city of Paducah Kentucky

Section 1 That from and ofteithe passage approval and publica-


of this ordinance the number ofpolicemen on tho Paducah PoliceForce shall not exceed eighteen 18men but there shall bo In additionthereto ono Chief of Police oneCaptain of Police and one Lieutenantof

PoliceSection2 That the action of the

PaducahFire Commissioners power 4o appointtwo detectives as members of tho Pa¬

ducah Police Force passed by mo-tion before thd Board of CouncilmenNovember 21st 1904 and concurredIn by the Board of Aldermen November 25th 1904 bo and the samereIpealedpealedSection

3 That all ordinancesand parts of ordinances In conflictherewith in so far as they conflictherewith are hereby repealed

Section 4 That this ordinanceshall take effect from and after Itspassage approval and publication

Adopted February 19 190CGEO O MBriOOM

President Board of CouncilmenAdopted Marc i 22 190G

O B STARKSPresident Board of Aldermen

Attest HENRY BAILEYCity Clerk

Adopted April 2nd 100C by Boardof Council the Mayors veto notwith ¬

standingAdoptedApril flit 190C by Board

of Aldermen the Mayors veto notwlthtandlng

A Horse of Another Color

A well known society woman hadamong other guests a man whosegreatest pride Is in his stablesKnowing of this and wishing to payhim some little compliment on hisrecent track successes tho hostessdirected that Ices be molded into theform of horse heads and there wasalso brought on a group of horsesmade from the same material

That I suppose one of theguests remarked pointing to thegroup Is the chefs cheval do batallle

Oh nbRanplher lajjgbedr hischevaux dejjjlzejI tlIlflers WeekT f

< S i f j

Andironr In regard to andirons a writer In the

Connoisseur points out tho curious fact1 that the older specimens rarely comei In pairs but are of different heights

and sizes It was the custom In thef middle ages It seems to make them

uneven so as to facilitate the movingi and raising of the logo blocks employs cd for firewood lie continues

In the middle ages they were alsoplanned to how a spit and It was notuntil the late sixteenth century thatthey were much ornamented Accordlug to Vlollet Iu Due since the mostremote ages from Etruscan timesdown to the Romans such andironswoe rondo of Iron Vasnrl speaks ofandirons made with mcrn vlglloso maglstcro for the captains of time Artodelta Seta but I have not found muchornamentation upon them AS early asho says I hut a theory of my ownwhich Is contrary to that of Vlollet loDue In England andirons are calledlire dogs iiinl In the BarKvllo there isa splendid speflmvu iamb Iu the form


made In tho shape of animals lyluir atItewas much later that they were madeof Iron when they often ended In aidogdogs

Advrrtlilnir n JtoTrlIn n New York literary club two novtheteighties of which oaOOO copies lied

been HoldItt was said the older man tho

best piece of advertising1 over heardof for It was advertising not meritthat made the book popular

Tho author has n millionaire bache-lor friend call him Millions and hopersuaded Millions to let him writefor n newspaper n paragraph to the ef ¬

frt that time novels heroine unit maden hit with him end if he could findanywhere n girl resembling her howould marry her

This paragraph duly appeared Itwas copliil nil over time country Timeyoung women of America ou flro withcuriosity nnd hope bought nud rend tillnnychmco

The younger novelist took out hisnotebook

By Jove ho muttered It wouldnthurt to resurrect that scheme

To Tan Far flklmA formula often used to tan skins

with halt or fur on Is this Wash themaybeside with water amt soap and rinsewell Take ono pound each of salt andpulverized nlum two ounces of boraxdissolved In hot water add enough ryemeal cornmeal may answer aa wellto make a thick paste and spread nilover fleshy side Then fold lengthwisewith the hnlr side out Let remain twoweeks In nu airy but shaded placethen unfold shako well and wash fleshside with water and scrape with somesort of dull scraper Pull nnd stretchand work till dry The quantity of Ingrcdlcnts must be In tho proportionsgiven but the size of tbo skin must tietermine the quantity used The qualm ¬

tities named probably would bo eunuchfor two or three sheepskins St LouisRepublic

CurrantCurrants are really little grapes

quite without seeds having thin skivennd very sweet They have beenknown from very ancient times forthe nnmo Itself Is a corruption of Conlath the Creek city where thoy wereoriginally cultivated Vines produceno fruit for three years after plantingbut In the fourth year there Is n smallcrop which Increases up to the twelfthThoau grown In the island of tfnntoore most esteemed Currants are situply dried III the sun on time ground andtbeu packed for shipment Iu someparts of Grcccu they are also uiudo In ¬

to a sweet wine

Norway In SrolUndFew people are aware of the tact

that the Orkney and Shetland Islandsstrictly speaking belong to time king-dom


of Norway Toward the closo ofthe fifteenth century King Christian ofNorway pledged the Orkneys and theBhetlands over which his rule was un-disputed


to King James III of Scot ¬

land for tho payment of tbo dowry ofhis daughter Margaret who becamequeen of Scotland The pledge has notyet been redeemed

OeaalnRA uteri on being accosted by n beggar

saidWhy dont you go to work Why do

you waste your time lnggliigTime beggar drow himself upDid you over bogy ho saidNo of course not said tho manThen said time beggar you dont

know what work Is

say UuslUh-Ah your lauguuuu Ect ess BO dil

ftciiltWhats the matter countrFirst zls novel cot say zo man was

unhorsedYesZen It say he was cowed

MarkedIlls attentions to you have been

marked have thp1110U said theyoung womilnH experienced friend

Ob yes Ho tins mover taken tbdprice ticket oft any of his presents

PrreUcIr-Izzy Innlt Did youeyer bear aaoyar

fer bay


J fN


RIDING CRANK SHIFT CULTIVATORNone better and we doubt any being equal

Referencescah R F D i Will Ware Paducah R P D i

Roxvell Rogers CoA

13Q North Third Stih1



And You Will Become Wealthy

MlKRBare many who would like tto nccumuUtetmoney hut dont know how to do It This t

bank will help you Begin today by opening an ac-



with us for one dollar or more W a pay 4 percent per auuum on dcpositscompounded twice a year


Double Dally Service and operatestho best of trains with Dining CarsnuffotLlbrary Cars Chair Cars andSleeping Cars from Chicago St LouIs Cincinnati and Louisville south toNow Orleans Tho best road forreaching the Winter Tourist resortso the South includingNKV OUUUNH VICKSIIUHOOUMiTOIlT MISS IIAMMOXI IA

Mardi Gras at Now Orleans Fob27 OG Qulfport la a Mexican QuitCoast resort having the now fine

Great Southern Hotel HcRtilaiocean steamship sailings from Now

Orleans for Mexico Central AmericaPanama West Indies nnd EuropeSend or call for descriptive matter Inregard to tho abovo

HAVANA VIA NKW OHLKANSHavana Cuba is bent reached vIa

tho Illinois Central through serviceto New Orleans and thb now oceanliner twin acrow ninetcenknot

S S PRINCE AHTHUnleaving row Orleans every Wednes-



at 400 p in and arriving at Ha ¬

vana at sunrise Friday morningHOT SlUIXCJS AUK FIOUIHADally Sleeping Car without change

Chicago to Hot Springs with con-



at Memphis from Cincin ¬

nati and LouisvilleThrough DIxlo Flyer Sleeping

Car Llnd St Louis to Jacksonville viaNashville Chattanooga and Atlanta

MEXICO CALIFORNIASpecial Tours of Moxjcq and Call

fornia via tho IlllnofH Central andNow Orleans under tho auspices ofRaymond Whltcomb will loavoChicago Fridays Feb 2nd and Fob23rd for Mexico and California thelast to Include a stopover at Now Orleans for tho Mardi Gras Entiretrips made in special private vestbulo trains of finest Pullmans withdining gar service Fascinatingtrips complete in every detail

Illinois Central Weekly Excursionsto CalifornlaExcurBlon cars throughto Los Angeles nnd San Francisco asfollows Via New Orleans and theSouthern Route every Friday fromChicago every Tuesday from Cincin ¬

nail end Loulsvlllovla Omaha andthe Scenic Route every Wednesdayfrom Chicago

F iknUrt concerning all ofllFaU


rMechanics andi

Farmers Savings Bank

227 Brudwaj

r rthICentral and connecting linesMor by addressing either of the under hsignedrJOS Diana ID P A CincinnatiF W HARLOW D P A Louise F

vljloJNO A SCOTT A O P A Mom

PhiaA H HANSON p TM Chicago

H O HATCH 0 IP A ChicagoH-

A Thought 114mitifiilIFrom ILouisville Commercial lGo higher if you do nitt you

shall go lowor Tho People crowdingnt tho bottom of time ladder anxiously Aawait their turn If you do noter IawayYourgone and lower you will go

JeorgoSanllder which reaches the celestial mistsEvery rung which ono ascends re j

voaU n splendor moro dazzling at v

time summit Those who aro at the 1

bottom have only a confused Idea ofwhat others see clearlyaGet then oh thyself a moveamove up One stop upward will sug¬

goat another till the summit Is gain ¬

ed nnd happiness becomes lot Insep ¬

arable and reward everlasting rGo up fnyogr work In your home

in your civic duties In your thoughts r

Upwardflight t

fall agonizingI

eludedl PoragrnpiiN

attractlvrithanits easier for some man to ac ¬

quire motto than mannerj iEvery dog Isnt a bird dog but J

every cat IAatblrll cat y

Fortunate tolling 1iq always tortunato for the fortune teller

Marriago Is Rover a failure butoften tho contracting parties are

No time starboard of n steamer Is Q

not reserved for star boarders IVDcallt IIs I

r ji1IntoxlcholderA man Is not Jugtiffed in takingblindlyInThe average man displays a lot of

enthusiasm when ho gets a chance to ttaut almost 111IB troubles

IIf the wprldJtooh moan nndHoidr ° e

to a s ianits because that iaRKla 4mean and cold fcliuelf e

JlJ t1