Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)

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  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    Dish Antennas

    For applications where very high gain and narrow beamwidth are

    needed, the parabolic dish antenna is used. This antenna

    provides the required gain and beamwidth with a principle that

    is different from that of the yagi or phase array. Instead of

    directing the energy from the antenna using an array of

    passive reflectors and directors to shape the radiated field,

    the dish antenna uses simple reflection. Just as a mirror can

    reflect light and a curved mirror can reflect and focus light

    at a single point, dish antenna reflects and focuses radio

    waves. This is the same principle and shape that is used as a

    reflector in a flashlight behind the bulb.

    Dish antennas are used for systems that transmit and receive

    as well as receive only. Smaller ones are commonly seen with

    satellite T receivers, which pic! up the signal from a

    satellite that is relaying the signal from a central broadcast

    point to many users. "arger dish antennas are used for the

    uplin!#downlin! to satellites in fi$ed orbit locations, used

    for ma%or communications lin!. The most powerful &sensitive'

    dish antennas are used to communicate with space vehicles and

    deep(space probes, as well as receive signals from natural

    galactic sources, where signal distances are very large and

    received signal power is very small.

    The dish antenna system consists of two distinct parts) the

    feed, which is the active element, and the dish itself. The

    dish reflects received energy to its focal point, and the feed

    is usually placed at this point to collect the signal. *hen

    transmitting, the signal goes to the feed element, radiates to

    the dish surface, and then is reflected outward by the dish.

    The dish is in the shape of a parabola. The reason for this is

    basic geometry) + parabola reflects any signals that come inparallel to its main a$is &as from a single point far away'

    toward a single focal point conversely, signals that begin at

    the focal point are reflected by the dish surface as a

    parallel stream &toward a single target point'.

    Microwave Antennas- the parabolic dish antenna


  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    Explain the operation of parabolic dish Antenna when used on ultra high

    frequency (U.H.F) bands and aboe

    The most widely used antenna for microwaves is the

    paraboloidal reflector antenna, which consists of a primary

    antenna such as a dipole or horn situated at the focal point

    of the paraboloidal reflector, as shown in the figure below.

    Figure 1 shows parabolic reflector and feed antenna (The feed antenna can also be

    referred to as the primary radiator/ antenna)

    Figure 2 showing parabolic reflector with vertex (V) and focal point (F)

    The mouth, or physical aperture, of the reflector is circular,

    and the reflector contour, when pro%ected onto any plane

    containing the focal point F and the verte$ , forms a

    parabola as shown in the figure below.

    Figure shows the parabola formed by the rays Microwave Antennas- the parabolic dish antenna


  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    The path length F+- F+/- for this curve, where the line -/-

    is perpendicular to the reflector a$is. The important

    practical implication of this property is that the reflector

    can focus parallel rays onto the focal point, and, conversely,

    it can produce a parallel beam from radiation emanating from

    the focal point, the figure below illustrates this.

    Figure ! showing radiation from paraboloid reflector and primary radiation at point F

    In this figure, an isotropic point source is assumed to besituated at the focal point. In addition to the desired

    parallel beam being shown, it can be seen that some of therays are not captured by the reflector, and these constitutespillover. In the receive mode, spillover increases noisepic!up, which can be particularly troublesome in satelliteground stations. +lso, some radiation from the primaryradiator occurs in the forward direction in addition to thedesired parallel beam. This is termed bac!lobe radiation sinceit is from the bac!lobe of the primary radiator. -ac!loberadiation is undesirable because it can interferedestructively with the reflected beam, and practical radiatorsare designed to eliminate or minimi0e this. The isotropic

    radiator at the focal point will radiate spherical waves, andthe paraboloidal reflector converts these to plane. Thus, overthe aperture of the ideal reflector, the wavefront is ofconstant amplitude and constant phase. +s a result of theseobservations, it follows the distribution of the field on thefocal plane will be in phase and travelling in the samedirection. This gives rise to the parabolic dish antennashighly directional radiation pattern. This is why the shape ofthe dish is parabolic.

    Microwave Antennas- the parabolic dish antenna


  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    The directivity of the paraboloidal reflector is a function of

    the primary antenna directivity and the ratio of focal length

    to reflector diameter, f#D. This ratio, !nown as the aperture

    number, determines the angular aperture of the reflector, 12,

    which in turn determines how much of the primary radiation is

    intercepted by the reflector.

    Figure " showing focal point outside the reflector

    +ssuming that radiation from the primary antenna is circularly

    symmetric about the reflector a$is &F(' and is confined to

    angles 2 in the range 34#1 5 2 5 2#1, it is found that the

    effective area is given by

    Aeff ! A" (#) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$equation %

    where # $ %&'/! is the physical area of the reflector aperture

    (*) is a function termed the aperture efficiency (or illumination efficiency) which

    ta+es into account both the radiation pattern of the primary radiator and the effect of

    the angular aperture,

    Microwave Antennas- the parabolic dish antenna


  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    *ith the focal point outside the reflector, as shown in figure

    6 &which requires f#D 7 8#9', the primary radiation at the

    perimeter of the reflector will not be much reduced from that

    at the centre, and the reflector illumination approaches a

    uniform value. This increases the aperture efficiency, but at

    e$pense of spillover occurring. :a!ing f#D too large increases

    spillover to the e$tent that aperture efficiency then

    decreases. ;educing f#D to less than < places the focal point

    inside the reflector, as shown in figure =.

    Figure - showing focal feed point inside the reflector

    >ere, no spillover occurs, but the illumination of the

    reflector tapers from ma$imum at the centre to 0ero within

    reflector region. This nonumiform illumination tends to reduce

    aperture efficiency. +lso, placing the primary antenna too

    close to the reflector results in the reflector affecting the

    primary antenna impedance and radiation pattern, which is

    difficult to ta!e into account. It can be shown that theaperture efficiency pea!s at about ?@A, with the angular

    aperture ranging from about 9@A to B@A depending on the

    primary radiation pattern. The relationship between aperture

    number and angular aperture is

    F&D!'.cot (*&) $$$$$$$$$$$equation

    Microwave Antennas- the parabolic dish antenna


  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    Typically, for an angular aperture of 66C, the aperture number


    f&D!'. x %.+ !'.,-

    This shows that the focal point should lie outside the mouthof the reflector, since f#D is then greater than

  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    +n antenna with a large aperture has more gain than a smaller

    one %ust as it captures more energy from a passing radio

    wave, it also radiates more energy in that direction.

    The required diameter of the dish is primarily related to the

    signal wavelength and also to the desired gain. For bettergain the dish needs to be at least 8 in diameter.

    Gn substituting 4DH#9for A in equation 8 and using the

    constant of proportionality for all antenna gain, we get

    / ! (

    A!) 0 " (#) 4 (constant of proportionality is 5'/!%)

    ! (

    D) 0 " (#)0000000 e6uation

    The beamwidth also depends on the primary radiator and its

    position. In practice, it is found that for most type of feed

    the (d- beamwidth is given appro$imately by)

    12 ($3db) !D


    and the beamwidth between nulls by

    nulls12(null)!412($3db) 5





    8. The directivity, beamwidth, and effective area for aparaboloidal reflector antenna diameter is = m and the

    illumination efficiency is @.=6. The frequency of

    operation is 8@K>0.

    1. The gain of the paraboloidal reflector


    1, 5 $ c/f $





    x$ 3,3 m $ cm

    Microwave Antennas- the parabolic dish antenna


  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    # $!


    D $!


    x$ 27,2- m'

    #eff $ 3,-"# $ 17,! m'

    &3 $ 2!

    #eff $ 2".333 ("!,1d) (directivity)

    8 (0db)$D




    $3," 3

    8 (null)$ 2x 3," $ 3,.3 3

    2 / ! (,6A&7) 0 " (#)

    ! (6D&7) 0 " (#)

    ! (3.%, x 8&'.'3) 0 x '.8

    ! 8898.8,

    Explain what is meant by free space path loss

    Satellite waves are intended to pass through the earth/s

    ionosphere and into space, or travel from a space(basedtransmitter to a receiver on the ground. "i!e the space wave,

    this is line(of(sight communications, e$cept that the

    curvature of the earth and the hori0on play no direct role.

    Enli!e a space wave, the distances involved are very large.

    Satellite wave systems use frequencies much higher than the

    critical frequency, high enough to penetrate the ionosphere

    without reflecting bac! to the transmitter. These higher

    frequencies also provide the bandwidth that many vehicles

    need. &+ wave of low frequency that is sent vertically toward

    the ionosphere will be reflected bac! to the transmitter. +sthe frequency of the signal is increased, eventually a

    frequency will be reached that does not reflect. This is the

    critical frequency for the layer being studied and is an

    indication of the highest frequency, called ma$imum usable


    The ma%or problem in using satellite waves is the high path

    loss caused by the large distances. The electromagnetic energy

    spreads &disperses' with distance, and relatively little

    reaches the receiver, %ust as the light beam of a flashlight

    spreads out and the light intensity is much less at 1@m than Microwave Antennas- the parabolic dish antenna


  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    it is at 6m. + sharply focused radiation pattern, which aims a

    larger proportion of the energy at the receiver, is a ma%orhelp in increasing the signal strength at the receiving


    :alculate the ;loss< gien the distance in = and the frequency (orwaelength) of operation

    This loss of energy as the signal travels through space

    unimpeded and spreads out is the free space path loss. The

    power Lr at the receiving point will be far less than the

    power Lt at the transmitting point, by the formula

    9t/9r $ (!%fd/c) ' where

    c is the speed of light d is the distance in meters and

    f is the fre6uency in hert:

    -y substituting the numerical values and converting this to a

    d- ratio, we have the path loss in d-

    9ath loss (in d) $23log (!%fd/c)

    $23log (!%/c) ; 23logf ;23log d

    $2,! ;23logf ; 23logd (f in m)

    This equation ma!es clear the e$tremely high path loss over

    the large distances of space communications, as some e$amples



    8hat is the path loss in d at 33 m?


    9ath loss $ 2,! ;23logf ; 23log d

    $ 2,! ;23log33 ; 23log .333

    $ 2,! ; !," ; 1,!

    $ 1.,d

    Microwave Antennas- the parabolic dish antenna


  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    8hat is the d path loss at 133m distance?


    9ath loss $ 2,! ;23logf ; 23log d $ 2,! ; 23log133 ; 23log133

    $ 2,! ; !3 ; !3

    $ 112,!d

    The path loss equation can be used to determine the signal

    levels over the distance and the effect of the antennas being

    used. +ny antenna has gain.

    The gain factor indicates how well the antenna pro%ects energy

    in the desired direction, and shows how an antenna can magnifythe effective transmitter power or increase the effective

    signal level at the receiver. The overall signal loss,

    including transmitting antenna gain Kt and receiving antenna

    gain Kr &both in d-', is

    Total loss $ Bt ; Br 4 path loss

    The antenna increase the apparent strength of the signal sent

    or received, while the path loss reduces the signal. The

    actual signal strength at the receiver is the transmitted

    strength minus the total loss &d-'.


    # 1333 8 transmitter power amplifier for 1"3m away has a smaller gain only ;13d, 8hat is the signal

    strength at the receiver front end?


    Total loss $ .3 ;13 4 (2,! ; 23log f ; 23log d)

    $ .3 ; 13 4 (2,! ; 23log 1"3 ; 23log 1333333)

    $ 11",d

    Ceceiver signal $ 1333 8 reduced by 11",d $ 2," x 13 0 8

    (This is an incredibly small amount of power yet still usable)

    Microwave Antennas- the parabolic dish antenna


  • 7/25/2019 Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna (Autosaved)


    Mote that this is not an unrealistic e$ample. There are many

    applications with even greater loss, which emphasi0es the need

    for high(gain antennas and a low noise, sensitive front(end in

    the receiver. The situation is even more difficult in radar,

    where the transmitter signal is returned to a receiver at the

    transmitter location. In radar, a small fraction of thetransmitted signal is reflected, the overall distance is twice

    the distance to the target, and there is significant loss in

    the reflection itself, in contrast to gain from the antenna.

    Microwave Antennas- the parabolic dish antenna
