Parent Hand Book

Parent Hand Book - Mighty mindsmightyminds.co.nz/Media/Default/Forms/MightyMinds... · At Mighty Minds Educare, we believe children learn and develop in early childhood environments

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Parent Hand Book

Page 2: Parent Hand Book - Mighty mindsmightyminds.co.nz/Media/Default/Forms/MightyMinds... · At Mighty Minds Educare, we believe children learn and develop in early childhood environments


Table of Contents

Our Centre Philosophy 4

Welcome to Mighty Minds 6

Settling 6

Hours of Operation 7

Parent involvement 7

Holiday and Absences 8

Statutory Holidays 8

Our Educators 9

Our Curriculum 10

Aspirations 10

The principles 10

Five strands of Learning 10

Principle of Reggio Emilia Approach 11

Sleep time/ Rest time 12

Emergency Contact 12

Emergency Evacuation 12

Centre Policies 12

Child Health 13

Medication 13

Immunisation 13

20 Hours ECE 14

Childcare Subsidy - WINZ 14

Notice to Withdraw 14

Parents Communication 15

Parents Feedback 15

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Our Centre Philosophy

At Mighty Minds Educare, we believe children learn and develop in early

childhood environments where they feel stimulated, safe and secure. Our

aim is to provide a natural, warm, loving and caring environment where

children are encouraged to explore and discover the world around them.

We believe parents and educators should work together in partnership in

providing a home away from home, and to support each other in the

development of children. We aim to develop respectful relationships with

children, their families and educators through communication and


We want the experiences that the children share with us to reflect what

happens at home and to communicate with parents and caregivers to

enable this to occur naturally.

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We will model, teach and encourage the children to develop healthy attitude

towards eating, toileting and sleeping.

We believe educators facilitate, share, foster and extend knowledge and

relationships among children. We also see our role as a support for families.

We believe children are capable individuals and independent beings who

should be encouraged to be decision makers.

We acknowledge and respect Tino Rangatiratanga (equal partnership between

Maori and Pakeha), and we aim to provide opportunities including Te Reo and

culture within our centre. We acknowledge our community is another

learning resource and is a tapestry of cultures and we will embrace both the

sameness and differences of these cultures within our centre and programme


We believe play is like work for children, and they learn life skills through

play. We believe in fostering children’s creativity and individual

interests, as this enables them to develop more personal experiences

that will shape their future learning and development. We believe in

providing a child initiated programme as this empowers children to take

ownership of their own learning.

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Welcome to Mighty Minds...

Choosing a centre for your child is exciting and nervous at the same time, we

understand; choosing us means your child will be in a loving, caring and

safe environment where their learning is nurtured in an environment that

is encouraging to them in developing to their full potential. We place a strong

focus on LISTENING. We listen to children’s experiences

from home and the world around them and encourage

them to participate and share with others their

knowledge; through this process, a child’s dispositions are

nurtured and this contributes to positive moulding and

defining of the adults they become.


Planning is the most important

part in settling your child in a

new environment, so we ask

you to think ahead. Settling

experience for children should

be positive and memorable, to make this happen, we ask parents to put aside

some time to spend with us. This gives us the opportunity to get to know

you and your child better; your relationship with us is important to your child,

they see the world through your eyes. We will do everything possible to ease the

process of settling your child.

We ask your child to visit our centre three times prior to starting, spending an

hour each time with a guardian will give your child an opportunity to familiarise

with our environment.

“I have learned that there is more power in a good strong

hug than in a thousand meaningful words.”

~Ann Hood

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Parent involvement

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a

child's success is the positive involvement of parents.”

~ Jane D. Hull

Positive, reciprocal communication between us sends strong messages to

your child that you support them and are part of their learning

environment. We have an Open Door Policy, this means that you can visit

your child at any time during the day. We seek parent’s involvement and

contribution in our centre because we believe that three way relationship

between parents, educators and the child is paramount to children’s


Hours of Operation

We are open for your convenience from 7.30am

to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.

We ask for your co-operation in arrival and

departure within our hours of operation.

Late pick up fees applies to any late pick up.

We are closed on all statutory holidays and from

1pm on Christmas Eve.

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We understand that your child may occasionally be absent

for different reasons, please be aware that usual fees will apply as fees are

based on time enrolled and not attendance. We offer a holiday discount of 4

weeks per year at 50% fees. This applies to full weekly bookings. For children

enrolled less than a full week, the discount will be applied pro-rata i.e. a child

enrolled for 3 days a week will receive 12 days discounted rate in a calendar

year. Holiday discount is only applicable if fee payments are kept within the

payment terms and two weeks written notice is required.

You will need to notify us of any prolonged absence as we are required to

keep a record of this communication for Ministry of Education.

Statutory Holidays

Full fees are applicable for any

statutory holiday that falls on the

day when your child would

normally attend.

Holiday and Absences

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Our Educators are selected for their knowledge and love of Early

Childhood. Their compassion and philosophy for care and education of

young children provides us with appropriate programme and strategies

for the holistic development of your child.

We encourage professional development so our educators can keep up-

to-date with new curricular and what is happening in early Childhood

sector. All Qualified/ Registered Educators hold current first aid

certificate and are expected to maintain current Teachers Registration.

All Non-registered Educators will undergo police vetting process before


Our Educators

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is based on three pillars of education: Te Whariki- the

New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum, Pikler Approach and Reggio

Emilia approach.

Te Whāriki - NZ Early Childhood Curriculum

Te Whāriki is name of NZ Early Childhood Curriculum Framework, it

provides guidelines for education and care of children from birth to six

years of age.

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Te Whāriki is based on the aspirations that children grow up:

as competent and confident learners and communicators

healthy in mind, body and spririt

secure in their sense of belonging

secure in the knowledge that they make valued contributions to the society

The principles

Four broad principles are at the centre of Te Whāriki:

Empowerment: children will be empowered to learn and grow

Holistic development: children learn and grow in a holistic way. Children’s

intellectual, social, cultural, physical, emotional and spiritual learning is interwoven

across all experiences.

Family and Community: a child’s family and community are recognised a part of the

learning experience.

Relationships: children learn through positive relationships with people, places and


Five strands of Learning

The principles of Te Whāriki are interwoven with the following area of learning:

Mana Atua – Well-being

Mana Tangata – Contribution

Mana Whenua – Belonging

Mana Reo – Communication

Mana Aoturoa – Exploration

Pikler Approach

The Pikler approach is based on a respectful relationship between an adult and infant,

through choreographed tender care moments, a naturally paced motor development ,

free movement and uninterrupted play. The guiding principles of Pikler Approach are…

Full Attention

Slow Down

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Communicate “with” not “to”

Build trust and relationship during caring activity/ time

Never put into a position which they cannot get into by themselves

Allow babies uninterrupted time for play

Tune in with your child’s cues

Principle of Reggio Emilia Approach

Our teaching and learning is also greatly inspired by Reggio Emilia

philosophy which focuses on these key principles:

The image of the child – a child is seen as strong, capable, resilient, rich

with wonder and knowledge and full of potential in constructing his/

her own knowledge through decision making and interactions with


The role of the environment – through conscious use of the space,

colours, lights, resources and displays of children’s work, environment

serves as a third teacher.

The role of a teacher – teachers and children are seen as partners in


Role of Documentation – Teacher’s role becomes more of an

observer, facilitator and a co-learner. Carefully displaying and

documenting children’s thoughts and progression of thinking makes

children's thought's visible.

Group/ Project work – There is a strong focus on social collaboration,

working in groups, where each child is an equal participant, having

their thoughts and questions valued.

Hundred Language - Probably the most well-known aspect of the

Reggio Emilia Approach. The belief that children use many different

ways to show their understanding and express their thoughts and

creativity. A hundred different ways of thinking, of discovering, of

learning. Through drawing and sculpting, through dance and

movement, through painting and pretend play, through modelling and

music, and that each one of these Hundred Languages must be valued

and nurtured.

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Sleep time/ Rest time

We respect that babies have their unique routine,

hence we follow their own unique pattern from

home. Once they reach two years, they normally sleep

at midday unless parent request otherwise. All

children are provided with their own individual sleep

space and linen, these linens are washed weekly.

Emergency Contact It is important that we have record of at least two emergency contact for

your child, people who are able to pick your child up when you are unable to

do so. We are unable to release your child to anyone unless they have been

nominated by you. These arrangements can be made by filling in Emergency

Contact part of our enrolment form, telephone us or

email [email protected].

Emergency Evacuation Fire and Earthquake drills are practised once every term and supplies in

the event of emergency is on hand. Our educators are trained in first aid

and knows what to do in an emergency situation. In an event of

emergency, children can be collected at our Assembly point which is

located in our car park or you can contact us on 027-5256868.

Centre Policies A full copy of our Centre Policies is located in the

reception area and is available on request.

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Child Health

Almost all children experience some form of illness when they start in a

childcare environment. It will time take for their immune system to keep up with

what they are exposed to. We will notify you immediately if your child

shows any sign of illness. Any child who is present in the centre and is deemed to

be unwell will be sent home, this is to reduce illness from spreading and to ensure

the welfare of children who is still in our care. Guidelines of contagious disease

and recommendation is set by Ministry of Health, we follow these guidelines


No child with contagious disease should attend the centre, we ask that you respect

our Illness and Infectious Diseases Policy.


When a child requires medication, it is essential that Medication Authority Form is

filled in correctly. Parents must fill in this form each day if any medication is

required to be administered.

This information consist of:

Date, names of child, name of medication, date and time of last administration,

dosage required, time required and signature of consent.

For any on-going medication for Chronic Conditions, please fill in Medication

Authorisation Form for Chronic Conditions, this form is on request only and is

located in the office.


Parents are free to choose whether their child is immunised or not, but Health

Regulations state that all parents must provide documented evidence of their

child’s immunisation status.

In the event of a breakout of a vaccine preventable disease in the centre, children

who are not immunised will be required to remain at home for the duration of

the outbreak. Duration will be decided upon Ministry of Health guideline.

No enrolment can be completed until this evidence is given, please keep your

child’s immunisation status up-to-date.

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20 Hours ECE Our centre offers the 20 hours ECE subsidy which is provided by the Ministry

of Education to all 3, 4 and 5 year old children. This is not based on

household income, however, to be eligible you must complete a 20 Hours

ECE Attestation form which confirms your attendance with us and that you

are not attending another early childhood centre at the same time as you

have applied for funding at our centre.

Childcare Subsidy - WINZ WINZ provides a childcare subsidy to help over the cost of fees for eligible

families, you can make contact with WINZ on 0800 774 004 or ask for a copy

of their application form at our reception.

Notice to Withdraw We require 2 weeks written notice should you wish to withdraw your child

from the centre, this can be done via email.

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Parents Communication

Open communication is the key to any successful relationship. Our aim is

to make communication with parents as open, regular and informative as

possible to ensure relevant information is received by those who need it.

However, we do recognise that time is often restricted, hence we have put

in place various channels to keep you well informed.

These channels includes:

Monthly newsletter

Facebook page

Notice board

Child’s journals

Babies Diary (under 12 months)

Daily Diary

Email memo

Nappy/ sleep/ toileting charts are recorded in each room

Child’s online journals

Parents Feedback

Please feel free to talk to your child’s Room Leader or Centre

Manager if you have any concerns or praise. We love to hear when

things are going well but we also need to know if things can be

improved. You may use our feedback box if you wish to remain

anonymise. Your feedback is much appreciated and we look

forward to work alongside your child and your family.

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Level 1, Unit 7

531 Great South Road


Auckland 1061

P: +64 9 525 6868

E: [email protected]
