Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate presented by Bill Marvin The Restaurant DoctorK EFFORTLESS, INC. • PO Box 280 • Gig Harbor, WA 98335 USA (800) 767-1055 • www.restaurantdoctor.com Copyright ©2012, Effortless, Inc., all rights reserved

Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate - RestaurantOWNER.com · 2015. 10. 15. · Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate presented by Bill Marvin The Restaurant DoctorK EFFORTLESS,

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Page 1: Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate - RestaurantOWNER.com · 2015. 10. 15. · Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate presented by Bill Marvin The Restaurant DoctorK EFFORTLESS,

Part 2Creating a Hospitality Climate

presented by

Bill MarvinThe Restaurant DoctorK

EFFORTLESS, INC. • PO Box 280 • Gig Harbor, WA 98335 USA(800) 767-1055 • www.restaurantdoctor.com

Copyright ©2012, Effortless, Inc., all rights reserved

Page 2: Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate - RestaurantOWNER.com · 2015. 10. 15. · Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate presented by Bill Marvin The Restaurant DoctorK EFFORTLESS,

Bill Marvin, The Restaurant DoctorK,is the leading authority on how goodrestaurants can become great. He helps

independent operators create organizationsthat can prosper in tough times and bring outtheir workers' natural ability to consistentlydeliver exceptional service.

Bill is president of Effortless, Inc., the founderof Prototype Restaurants, a consulting andmanagement group, and the managing editorof Hospitality Masters Press.

He began his foodservice career washingdishes (by hand!) when he was 14. He has hadthe keys in his hand, his name on the loansand the payrolls to meet. Bill’s hands-onmanagement experience includes restaurants,hotels, clubs and institutions.

He has earned the designation of CertifiedSpeaking Professional from the NationalSpeakers Association. He is a lifetime memberof CHART and was in the first group certifiedas Foodservice Management Professionals bythe National Restaurant Association.

Bill is a prolific author with a dozen books inprint. He is also a thought-provoking speakerand a personal coach. His weekly e-letter isread by thousands of independent operatorsaround the world.

His current project is A Place of Hospitality™,a certification and support system designed toput hospitality back in the hospitality business.

Understanding the Dynamics of Behavior



Creativity IntuitionEXHILARATION Effortless Magic Self-Management

Hospitality Service/ Guest Delight.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Teamwork ProductivityINSPIRATION Alive Initiative Freshness

Clarity Professional Curiosity.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Flexibility ConfidenceCONTENTMENT Hopeful Cooperation Humorous

Extra Effort Attention to Detail

Gossip Whining & ComplainingTENSION Stressed Tardiness Defensiveness

Distrust Resistance to Change.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Suspicion No-ShowsUNHAPPINESS Upset Accidents Cliques

Turnover Disagreements.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fights TheftCHAOS Frightening Subversion Arguments

Anger Walk-Outs


Bill Marvin, The Restaurant DoctorK Copyright ©2012, all rights reserved

EFFORTLESS, INC. • PO Box 280 • Gig Harbor, WA 98335 USA • (800) [email protected] • www.restaurantdoctor.com

Page 3: Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate - RestaurantOWNER.com · 2015. 10. 15. · Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate presented by Bill Marvin The Restaurant DoctorK EFFORTLESS,

The Care and Feeding Of the Climate



Uncertainty Compliments Disrespect

Training Rules Respect Inconsistency

Standards Exclusion

Consistency NO Inclusion Frowns





Maintain a benefit-of-a-doubt stance

Serve your staff

Value and respect your staff

Value a free and clear mind

Recognize the power of a supportive climate

Set a personal example

The way YOU treat your staff is the way THEYwill treat your guests

THE SECRET: You may already know WHAT works Your real edge comes when you understand WHY it works

Bill Marvin, The Restaurant DoctorK Copyright ©2012, all rights reserved

EFFORTLESS, INC. • PO Box 280 • Gig Harbor, WA 98335 USA • (800) [email protected] • www.restaurantdoctor.com

Page 4: Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate - RestaurantOWNER.com · 2015. 10. 15. · Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate presented by Bill Marvin The Restaurant DoctorK EFFORTLESS,

Growing Your Business Hospitably

TRIAL AND REPEATtwo separate processes to grow a businessyou must excel at both of them

THE LOW ROAD – MARKETING: activities designed to encourage trial by newbies or to give current guests a specific reason to returnmarketing builds sales

THE HIGH ROAD – CONNECTION: the personal relationship that causes guests to identify with your restaurant and prefer doing business with

you over your competitionconnection builds a business


turn over the rocks

watch the eyes

non task-related conversation

learn more about your guests

collect information not just business cards

connect the dots

follow up

THE BAD NEWS: the chains can probably out-perform you

THE GOOD NEWS: performance is no longer the differentiating factor

THE GREAT NEWS: You don’t have to be the best, you just have to be their favorite!“favorite” is about what you do FOR them“FOR” means hospitality is present


Bill Marvin, The Restaurant DoctorK Copyright ©2012, all rights reserved

EFFORTLESS, INC. • PO Box 280 • Gig Harbor, WA 98335 USA • (800) [email protected] • www.restaurantdoctor.com

Page 5: Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate - RestaurantOWNER.com · 2015. 10. 15. · Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate presented by Bill Marvin The Restaurant DoctorK EFFORTLESS,

Re-Thinking RestaurantsWHAT IF we suggested you could actually trigger a contagious resurgence of hospitality in your own community bydelivering the experience of heart-felt caring to every restaurant patron, every time?

WHAT IF we told you we had developed an elegantly simple system that provided the logic, methodology and supportstructure that enabled you to operate with effortless excellence?

WHAT IF we assured you this approach would give you and your staff a fulfilling sense of purpose and the joyful

experience of enriching the lives of the people you serve?

WHAT IF we made this program so irresistible and so easily affordable that hospitality could truly become your

competitive point of difference in the market?

Would you think, "These people must be crazy!"... or would you ask, "How can I become part of this?"

A Place of Hospitality is a certification and support program that helps independent restaurateurs ...

< re-discover their roots – hospitality itself!

< enjoy more balance in their lives

< put the joy back into serving the public

< level the playing field when competing against the national chains

< develop a sustainable, steadily growing business model built not on discounts and hype but on personalconnection and service to the community

< do all this in a way that will be both operationally practical and extremely profitable!

Certification as A Place of Hospitality recognizes those independent restaurants who have not only made a deep commitment toprovide exceptional personal hospitality to every guest ... but who have succeeded at it!

This certification cannot be purchased and you cannot pay to keep it – you either deliver every day or you lose it!

The Missing LinkIt always seems ironic that the competitive element most responsible for success in the hospitality business ... and the piece mostvisibly absent ... is hospitality itself!

You can be adequately fed and reasonably served in most restaurants, but how often do you experience heart-felt caring and personal

connection – that warm fuzzy feeling that tells you the staff is truly delighted you are there and it really matters to them that you havea great time?

We’re out to fix that – to make hospitality the rule rather than the rare exception, to allow independent restaurants to re-kindle their love of serving others and build their businesses (at full price) with the enthusiastic support of their patrons.

Page 6: Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate - RestaurantOWNER.com · 2015. 10. 15. · Part 2 Creating a Hospitality Climate presented by Bill Marvin The Restaurant DoctorK EFFORTLESS,

The Ripple EffectHuman beings tend to treat others the way they are treated and it has to start somewhere. Who better to trigger a resurgence ofhospitality in the world than the hospitality industry itself? Where better to start than your restaurant?

When guests feel well- and personally- served, they leave feeling better about life in general and are naturally more considerate ofothers. Hospitality has a way of paying itself forward. Niceness begets niceness. Courtesy brings more courtesy.

When you are focused on nurturing relationships with your guests rather than simply trying to “sell more stuff,” your patrons trustyou. When you become their favorite place they will return more often, recommend you to their friends and become fiercely loyal

fans. They will stick with you through tough times and rarely quibble about price! The result is higher sales, lower marketing costs,a happier staff and better tips. It is truly a win-win-win situation.

What's the Point?In addition to the task of re-kindling hospitality in the community, the pointof becoming certified as A Place of Hospitality is to grow your business ...

not from endless hype and discounting, but from the voluntary, enthusiasticsupport of the neighborhood ... and it works!

Certified restaurants have consistently generated higher guest satisfactionscores in our online feedback system. Here is the comparative performance

for three months earlier this year. While the scores for all Gold Groupmembers (black line) were exceptional, certified operations (orange line)consistently out-performed them.

Strong Grades Build Strong SalesA study by the Harvard Business Review documented that sales grow exponentially as scores exceed 4.5. Happier guests spend more

money ... because they WANT to!

Certified restaurants all reported 2011 sales 10-15% above their revenue in 2010 – a few reported their best year EVER – so evenin a depressed economy, it appears that hospitality is good business. In fairness, we won't attribute the increase solely to theircertification – these are all exceptional operators. But they did say they felt their increased focus on hospitality was a big factor in

their sales growth. (It certainly didn't hurt!)

Getting StartedThe support resources that make certification as A Place of Hospitality practical are part of membership in the Gold Group. Here'sjust some what you'll have access to as a member:

Weekly Electronic House Call e-LetterThe Restaurant Doctor's weekly e-letter with ideas you can use in your staff and management meetings.

Monthly Interviews with Industry ExpertsAn audio chat with industry leaders on topics ranging from marketing to management and menu design.

Monthly Roundtable TeleConferenceMembers get together on the phone to share ideas and discuss items of mutual interest or concern.

Monthly Home Remedies NewsletterA four-page newsletter with insights, trade secrets and best practices in a short, easy-to-digest format.

FREE Telephone ConsultingPose your questions directly to recognized industry experts without a meter running.

Online Staff Selection SystemA proven system to make the process easier and more effective so you'll get the right people ... the first time!

On-Demand Video Training24/7 access to online training resources typically only available to national chain operators.

Real-Time Online Guest Feedback SystemKnow – almost in real time – what your patrons think about their experience of doing business with you.

Food Cost Control SystemKnow your food cost every day ... without taking an inventory. (You'll sleep better at night!)

... and there are many more resources in development

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Since You’re Wondering ...Gold Group membership is currently about $50 a month. The program is constantly evolving so realistically, that amount may changeas we refine the structure and add additional resources to the program. But unlike most other industry support programs, A Placeof Hospitality has a larger purpose than maximizing the amount of money we can pry from your clutching fingers each month!

To stay true to our mission of being irresistible and easily affordable, we must offer you as MUCH as we can for as LITTLEas possible! How's THAT for a fresh approach?

You can test drive the program risk-free for 90 days and prove to yourself that there is, in fact, a painless process that can help you

accomplish "impossible" results and put the passion back into your work at the same time. Then perhaps you will choose to pursuecertification as A Place of Hospitality and discover the transforming power of hospitality in your own life!

Why not give it a try? You’ve got nothing to lose but your struggle!Get full details and join the Gold Group at www.APlaceOfHospitality.com. Look under “Getting Started.”

Questions?Bill Marvin, The Restaurant DoctorK Chief Instigator

PO Box 280 • Gig Harbor, WA 98335(800) 767-1044 • (253) [email protected]

This is the promise a certified Place of Hospitality makes to the public:

Do you have the courage to be this good?


Restaurant Doctor Website:www.RestaurantDoctor.com

A Place of Hospitality:www.APlaceOfHospitality.com