for consultation draft Westminster Way a public realm manual for the City Part 2 - Information Directory Consultation Draft. April 2004 second impression Version: Date: Status:

Part 2 - Information Directory - City of Westminster · 2009. 6. 9. · The Directory This Directory should be used to: 1. Illustrate how Part 1 works in the City 2. Guide the best

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Page 1: Part 2 - Information Directory - City of Westminster · 2009. 6. 9. · The Directory This Directory should be used to: 1. Illustrate how Part 1 works in the City 2. Guide the best

for consultationdraft

Westminster Waya public realm manual for the City

Part 2 - Information Directory







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Page 2: Part 2 - Information Directory - City of Westminster · 2009. 6. 9. · The Directory This Directory should be used to: 1. Illustrate how Part 1 works in the City 2. Guide the best

ContentsThe Directory



Design Guidance

The Westminster Palette

Product Specifications

Points of Contact

Detailed specification to assist the appropriate application of the identified materials and street

furniture ranges

Internal directory of contacts for queries or assistance when developing a proposal for the public realm.

A series of helpful quick reference check lists to guide the choice of materials, their implementation

and maintenance

The range of street furniture items and materials appropriate for installation in the City, along with the

steps to be followed to identify appropriate locations and suites

Sets out the structure and purpose of the Westminster Way, and provides a brief overview of the contents

of Part 1

When and how to use the Information Directory

A reminder of the process that needs to be followed to achieve the Westminster Way

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The DirectoryThis Directory should be used to:

1. Illustrate how Part 1 works in the City

2. Guide the best choice of materials and components

3. Advise on the appropriate course of action to confirm the validityof a proposal and appropriateness of works

4. Find additional sources of advice and guidance in the case of special projects or exemptions

5. Identify who to consult and when to consult over questions of design and maintenance of the public realm

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IntroductionThe Westminster Way is a two-part public realm

manual created to provide advice and direction on

the design and maintenance of Westminster’s

public realm.

The manual is presented in two complementary


Part 1 The Westminster Way: a public realm manual for

the City sets out clear principles, design and

procedural guidance for interventions in the public

realm. The information is presented in the format

of a quick reference booklet, consisting of six parts

that provide a sequential route to the delivery of

good practice solutions for the city’s public realm.

Part 2 The Westminster Way: Information Directory

provides detailed specification and background

information to guide the appropriate choice,

application and aftercare of street furniture in the

city. Due to the volume of information and the

likelihood of revisions and additions over time, this

part of the Westminster Way is presented in digital

format. The directory should be viewed as a

collection of documents that offer practical advice

and information on the delivery of solutions that

successfully achieve the Westminster Way.

Part 1

The guidance element of the manual,providing design advice and principlesto inform the development ofproposals for the public realm. Theinformation is presented in the formatof a quick reference booklet,consisting of six parts that provide asequential route to the delivery ofgood design for the public realm.

Supplementary Planning Guidance Design Guidance


for consultationdraft

Westminster Waya public realm manual for the City













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ProcessThe appearance of the street is affected by a

number of issues:

choosing the right component for a scheme;

ensuring it does the job it is intended to do;

putting it in the right place and in the right way;


looking after it once it is there.

These issues can be addressed at a number of

stages in the life of a component or streetscape as

set out in the adjacent table and informed by the

accompanying process diagram.

Project Inception




High quality design and product selection should be an integral part of the

procurement process and never compromised by lack of clear design ethos,

conflicting design solutions, inappropriate signage, neglect of local character or

cost constraints. At the earliest stage of a project, its scope should be

established informed by a thorough review of existing site conditions and

cherished items.

Before a design is proposed there must be a clear and unambiguous decision

that it is a scheme and beyond maintenance and replacement. A schemes

specification of materials and components, should conform to the City

Councils standards unless a brief for an alternative approach has been agreed.

Schemes that are designed, maintained and implemented well have a better

opportunity to fulfil their expected life than poorly conceived and

implemented schemes.

Aftercare should be assessed fully in the design process, with a monitoring and

maintenance regime instigated promptly following completion of construction.

Thought should be given to how the street will be cared for in the future,

which may influence the choice of materials and street furniture.


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Following the Process


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1. A cherished item2. A departure from the guidance3. A special circumstance4. A large proposal5. A requirement for statutory consent(definitions see following page)

The process of ensuring a project respects the City

Council’s aspirations for its public realm can

appear daunting and complex. In order to clarify

the opportunities available, and sources and stages

for assistance and approval, a diagram has been

generated that maps a route from project proposal

through to implementation.

The diagram provides prompts for the key

decision stages, and sets out simple advice on

courses of action to be taken.

Public Realm Advisory Review GroupThe central point to clear briefs, designs and

placement issues is the cross departmental advisory

panel. They may change its name over time but in

this document is called the Public Realm Advisory

Review Group (PRARG).

Approvals Procedures

Consult the Westminster Public Realm AdvisoryReview Group (PRARG)

Complete appropriate application forms, providesupporting information and plans

Does it requirestatutory permission

Does the project /proposal involve:

Satisfy the conditions


Officer Check


Is the proposalendorsed?

If one or more If none

Revise thescheme

Follow the W

estminster W










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1. ‘Cherished Item’ refers to historic, architecturally and / or artistically important items of street furniture and surface treatments which are valued for their

distinctive character and their aesthetic and cultural contribution to the street scene. This will include all items of listed street furniture and various non-

listed items which make a unique contribution to place and which should normally be retained.

2. A departure from the guidance refers to any proposal that departs from the guidance set out in the Westminster Way Part 1, for example, the introduction

of a new range of street furniture, a new or continued use of a livery other than black, the installation of a piece of public art.

3. The term ‘Special Circumstances’ applies to initiatives such as those in geographically defined Special Areas, Business Improvement Districts (BID) or

with Council Member interest.

4. Large proposals are those which contain a number of elements of street furniture and or cover an extensive geographical area.

5. Statutory consent refers to projects requiring Planning Permission, Listed Building Consent and Advertisement Consent. In the case of Listed Building

Consent, involving the removal of a listed item of street furniture, the application should be referred to the Government Office for London before the

decision is confirmed.


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Design Guidance

Projects and items of street furniture must be well

designed, responsive to place and able to perform

the function for which they are intended.

Although this appears obvious there are many

reasons why it may not be achieved:

The proposed scheme does not respond to

context and use

Wrong and unnecessary items of street

furniture were chosen in the first place

The scheme has been poorly installed or


Standards have changed rendering proposals

and products outdated and no longer

appropriate for present use

The quality of a scheme is very much the product

of its design, construction and maintenance. In

order to inform and guide this process a series of

helpful quick reference check lists to guide design,

the choice of materials, their implementation and

maintenance have been generated and are

provided in this document:

The Westminster Code

Design Guidance Principles

Positioning Advice


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Rule 1 - Quality: Westminster’s public realm requires high quality

furniture components, materials, scheme design,

implementation and detailing.

Rule 2 - Durability: The choice of material must reflect the anticipated

demands of the high levels of use and ensure long

term, sustainable solutions can be implemented.

Rule 3 - Character: The City’s distinctive black livery should be

adopted for all street furniture items, unless

specifically identified as an established and

continuing exception to this rule.

Rule 4 - Clutter Free: Minimise the occurrence of street furniture

obstruction, by removing obsolete items, co-

locating elements where appropriate and only

installing new items where considered necessary.

This will ensure ease of pedestrian movement and

the delivery of a truly inclusive public realm.

Rule 5 - Continuity: Where appropriate, the replication of historic

street furniture should be accurate both in terms

of it’s fabrication and setting.

Rule 6 - Containment:The established pattern of geographically distinct

street furniture items should be respected and


Rule 7 - Context:Choice of street furniture items and materials

should be informed by the character and

traditions of its context.

Rule 8 - Co-ordination:Items of furniture should as a rule, be part of a co-

ordinated suite.

Rule 9 - Consistency:Replace like for like unless part of a

regeneration/street improvement strategy, or unless

replacing like for like would be contrary to the

other policies of the code.

Rule 10 - Cherish:Protect, preserve and maintain listed and other

noteworthy items of street furniture in situ.

Follow the Code

The Westminster CodePurpose

The Westminster Code is a set of ten simple rules,

established to guide the nature of ALL

intervention in the City’s public realm.

The Code succinctly defines what Westminster

City Council wants to achieve in it’s streets, and

should be used to inform the selection, design and

placement of street furniture and surfacing

materials within the public realm.


The Westminster Code should be used in the

delivery (inception through to completion) of all

street environments and public realm works

whether a new project, maintenance issue or

simple replacement requirement.

The code consists of ten rules. Collectively the

rules should be applied to all proposals. Each rule

both individually and in combination is crucial to

the effective delivery of the ‘Westminster Way’:


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Step 1: Retention ofCherished / Interesting orCharacterful Items

Identify the location, and assess the condition

Retain, protect and if necessary repair

Provide alternative solutions to functional requirements

Remove any remaining obsolete and redundant items

Step 2: Role Match use to role

Only install essential items of street furniture

Street furniture items should be fit for purpose

Step 3: Context Use context to establish minimum standards

Consider the impact on pedestrian activity

Character (ie local distinctiveness)

Step 4: Clear Zone Maintain consistent and straight ‘Clear Pedestrian Zones’

Consider widening footways

Co-locate street furniture


Follow the Steps

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Clear Zone Application


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Street Seats Generally should be placed at the back of footway. Seats or benches should be located at points of known demand. The problems ofand Benches antisocial behaviour and rough sleeping should be considered in determining location.

Bins Should only be located at points of known demand. Must be located at the front of footway, outside of the clear pedestrian zone.

Bollards Should only be located appropriate to its role i.e. in a location to protect the public, to protect buildings and the entrance to alleyways.Not to be used to prevent footway parking or damage occurring to footways. Position generally at front of footway at intervals of nogreater than 1.5m

CCTV Cameras Should be co-located with traffic lights, traffic regulation signs or street light columns or located on buildings where possible.

Cycle Parking Should be located at points of known / forecast demand. Must be located at the front of footway, outside of the clear pedestrian zone.

Eurobin Should be located, where possible, within the curtilage of a building. If located on the street it must be anchored at the back of footway in a discrete manner. Its location should allow for ease of servicing by refuse collection vehicles.

Pedestrian Directional Refer to the current guidelines for Local Direction Signs 1997Signage(local direction signage)

Guard Rails Consider visibility of vulnerable pedestrians.Not to be used to prevent footway parking or damage occurring to footways. Must be located at the front of footway, outside of the clearpedestrian zone.

Hanging Baskets Only comprehensive treatment of whole streets should be considered to avoid a patchy effect. Hanging baskets are not appropriate for more ornate and listed lamp columns.

Kerbs and Setts Traditional arrangements include the provision of large granite kerbs at the interface between pavements and roads. Granite setts are also found on street surfaces and on pavements where provided for barrel runs to public houses. Where these materials are found they should be retained and / orreplaced like for like.

Positioning Advice

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Kiosks and Market Co-location and not obstruction to free flowing movement of pedestrians. More careful consideration to function and location in urbanBarrows design terms. Kiosks and their merchandise should not extend beyond the defined pitch area and normally must be removed at night.

Lamp Columns These should be located at the front of footway, outside of the clear pedestrian zone.

Parking Meters Must be located at the front of footway, outside of the clear pedestrian zone. Within a street or public space all meters should be aconsistent height.

Paving Flags “Traditional British” street paving sizes and bonding patterns, should be implemented. Limited use of small element paving blocks is acceptable.Where cast iron coal hole covers survive they should be preserved in situ. Paving should be as smooth and even as possible.

Public Art All aspects of the urban environment from street furniture to the overall design of a building, materials used and associated decorativeelements can be enhanced by the creative integration of art. Refer to the Public Art Supplementary Planning Guidance and the PublicArt Advisory Panel.

Recycling Facilities Should be located, where possible, within the building line. Large Eurobin style recycling facilities should be located at the rear of thefootway. Small recycling ‘wheelie’ bins should be located at the front of footway, outside of the clear pedestrian zone.

Street Cabinets Where possible these should be recessed below ground. If this is not possible they should be outside of the clear pedestrian zone andpositioned dependant on function. Co-location of different services within a street cabinet is strongly encouraged.

Street Name Plates These should be located on buildings, railings or boundary walls. Historic nameplates should be retained where possible.

Street Trees Street trees are not appropriate for all areas of Westminster, their use should, in the main, be restricted to residential areas, areas wherethere is historic precedence and some public spaces. The context and purpose of a public space and street will determine whether streettrees are appropriate. Trees should be located at the front of footway, clear of existing services. Consideration should be given to protecting trees against vehicleoverrun either through tree posts or higher kerbs.

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Tactile Paving To be used at crossings to inform users of an up coming crossing facilities or change of level.

Telephone Kiosks Must be sited sensitively in relation to the surrounding area, and not be located in close proximity to one another. Where possible,telephone boxes should be located at the rear of the footway within the building line, otherwise they should be located at the front offootway, outside of the clear pedestrian zone.

Temporary Signs Refer to the current guidelines for Local Direction Signs 1997

Traffic Signs The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 guide location, design and appearance. Care must be taken when using theTraffic Signs Regulations, as over design and rigid application will cause street clutter. Taking a more creative and holistic can avoid the unnecessary proliferation of traffic signs..

Tree Guards They can be supplemented with a tree post to provide support for the tree and protect it from vehicle manoeuvres.

Vehicle Control Gates Consider automation for ease of opening / closing.


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The Westminster Way – Part 2


WestminsterPalettePurposeThe purpose of this section is to act as advice andguidance, as a product selector for consultantsand contractors and as a check for client officersand others overseeing the design andmaintenance of street furniture and works.

In Part 1 of Westminster Way the principles areestablished and are summarised in an earliersection of this part. A commission or job willeither be repair or enhanced maintenance (whichcould include minor change to eradicate oldpractices and replace equipment to conformmore closely with the way things are now done inWestminster) or a more comprehensive project.New or major projects will either conform to thismethodology or will have been subject to a briefand scrutiny by the Public Realm AdvisoryGroup – PRAG if a departure.

In all cases cherished items of street furniture andunique features will have been identified forpotential conservation. Other choices of surfaceor equipment should come from a limited palette.

This is to give identity and consistency as well asminimising stock management and procurementissues. A uniform approach all over the Citywould deny historical correctness and localidentity - equally a different approach in each areaand shopping district would be inconsistent andlead to inefficient use of materials and problemsgetting unusual replacements and be detrimentalto the City's character. It is important to setdown the City Council's approach to brandingand identity. It does not expect to see differentlamp post designs or litter bins in each district orparts of the city influenced by particular owners,estates or developers. The City Council expectsextra cleanliness, surveillance, uniformed staffpresence with some discrete, high quality identitybranding to be the signature of such areas. Forexample, roundels in the pavement, branding onsome columns and additional lettering on litterbins is the maximum expected in the physicalmanifestation of BIDS or other types of supportin the street.

The basic Westminster PaletteSubject to being used in accordance with thenotes on each page, the products and materialson the product sheets with a circular mark (greenwhen printed in colour or viewed on a colourscreen) are the basic palette of materials afterthe conservation check has been undertaken. If aconsiderable number of listed or interestingcomponents or quality materials exist in a projectarea then there is a need for matchingreplacement. Thus some of the basic palette willbe superseded and the limited use of special,replicated equipment will be needed.

The basic palette includes alternatives and thecircumstances of the site and local conditions willassist in the final choice of materials andequipment. Lighting and other street furniture isnot uniform all over the City and the followingsection sets out the principal differences, area-byarea that are described further in the individualproduct sheets.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2


Subsidiary Families of streetfurnitureThe accompanying map shows the principal areaswhere differences in street furniture are eitherexisting or are needed. Designers and managersneed to check to see if their project is in, near orstraddles one of these areas. These areas are nottypified by a wholly different set of equipment,but a few key items or specification will varyfrom the basic palette in the Westminster Palette.Lighting is the most significant variable. In manycases just that difference needs to beacknowledged and the rest of the choices comefrom the basic palette.

The table overleaf sets out the principal issuesthat are different in the mapped areas and streetsin the diagram to which designers and managersshould refer. All other street equipment in theseareas should generally come from the basicpalette. If there is any doubt, refer to a CityCouncil Officer that will interpret any choice thatis not clear .

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The Westminster Way – Part 2


Location Differences and commentsBond Street This high quality shopping street has a special livery to its historic Mackenzie Moncur lighting columns. This may be retained

and the lighting needs to be infilled with either salvaged and relocated original columns (if foundation conditions allow) or if alighter construction is needed because of underground conditions, then a replica bracket on a tapered steel column is anacceptable infill.

Chinatown There are special features here in the form of gateways and a pagoda, but in other street equipment the principal difference isthe use of the Comyn Ching bollard and red livery for painting all street furniture. There is a special variant of the streetnameplate for this very concentrated and well defined area using an additional line of Chinese characters.

Covent Garden This area has a significant amount of gas lighting which the Council's key planning policies seek to retain. It is also a locationwhere there is a concentration of George V "Eddystone" columns dated 1910 with Rochester gas and electric lanterns. Sidestreets contain delicate antique columns with a variety of square "Windsor" lantern and round "Nico / Grosvenor" types. GreyWornum designes have been used as infill lanterns but are less appropriate than further Eddystone columns and Rochesterlamps. There are narrow footways in this area and wall mounted lighting options are desirable in many locations to de-clutterthe streets if wayleaves can be negotiated. Selection of wall mounted lanterns needs sensitive reference to context and fourmain types are possible:� Wall mounted Windsor types in streets with properties of domestic scale, Queen Anne, Georgian or simple Victorian

properties with brick arches and minimal decoration.� Wall mounted Nico types where existing Nico types exist or if no precedent a predominance of buildings with decorated

Victorian styles or Edwardian brick with robust detailing, pediments etc. but in spaces that have an intimate scale� Wall mounted Rochester / Albany lanterns where this lantern is extensively used nearby or if the scale of the street or alley

is sufficient to accommodate this larger type and an alternative to the Nico.� In courts with a utility feeling and lesser historic character or in streets where there are large blank walls and a warehouse

aesthetic, the wall mounted version of the lamp used in the Discus area provides a neat, simple light fitting.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2


Discus Area This area is the northern part of the City and comprises the bulk of the former boroughs of St Marylebone and Paddington.These former authorities had no strong design standard or enduring product and a new standard is therefore needed. Part 1 ofthis manual rejects pseudo historic styles, particularly where their proportions are distorted and there is no clear evidence ofprevious use. Keeping it simple suggests a simple and elegant modern solution. Following on from the selection made in thePaddington Special Policy Area, a neutral, discus-like design on a simple tapered column is preferred for locations such as localshopping areas, high streets and other places requiring a 'sense of place'. This area should therefore have the basic palette andbe enhanced with this lighting in higher profile places.

Grey Wornum Area This is principally the former City of Westminster (pre 1965 - South of Oxford Street) but now also includes the Hyde ParkEstate (south of Sussex Gardens) and Marylebone and East Marylebone (south of the Marylebone Road) where there is asignificant concentration of this design which was created in the 1950's by the architect George Grey Wornum. The lampcomes in two sizes for main roads and side streets. Recent engineering developments give it the ability to have a welldistributed light pattern and white light in a sealed bowl. Earlier examples that have unsealed bowls, exposed bulbs anddiffractors will be upgraded in time. The tall versions are mounted on 8m steel columns dressed to replicate the 'LargeParliament Square' column by the same designer. The short version is used on plain undressed columns or Short ParliamentSquare columns at 5m or 6m and in high profile areas may be dressed to replicate the original cast 'Short Parliament Square'column.

Leicester Square A special project area where a new identity related to film and television is expected to emerge. Together with the side streetsthe present mixed collection of street lighting shuld be rationalised. Subject to separate project brief and once implemented aset of product pages to cover the maintenance of the area will be provided. High level lighting from buildings is an acceptableway of decluttering this very busy area.

London School of EconomicsCampus

A small collection of streets that together are the links between the LSE buildings concentrated in this area that are lightlyvisited by others not connected with the School. There is a separate 'family' of paving details and lighting for use in thesestreets only.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2


Mackenzie & Moncurconcentrations

Two parts of the pre 1965 City of Westminster have concentrations of a streetlamp design that were bought in the early 20th

century from a Scottish foundry. Originally they were carbon arc lamps and were converted to (by current standards)inefficient mercury lamps with shades. Further relamping is giving very acceptable performance using the Albany / Rochester/ Strand type lantern with sealed bowl and white light in an optical reflector. The columns are very heavy cast iron structureswith huge foundation requirements. Generally they are to be left alone and relamped. If the pattern of columns needs to besupplemented, then properly cast replicas or salvaged originals are to be preferred, but where smaller column roots have to beaccommodated, a steel tapered column of similar proportions to the original are acceptable with a cast aluminium replicabracket.

Oxford Street This street in two parts has differing surfaces and lighting equipment, and all needs to be reconsidered. The eastern part waslast repaved in the 1980's and the western part in the early 1990's. Both use concrete materials that have come to the end oftheir lives. Other unusual features are stone benches and kiosks which are causing concern. The lighting differs in each partand the whole street needs to be reconsidered. The Millennium Range is the favoured solution should the tests in VictoriaStreet be successful.

Paddington Special Policy Area Streetlights are from the Woodhouse Geo range with tapered black columns. Paving is a trial of the Charcon reinforcedconcrete slab with granite aggregate. Other elements in the public streets are standard and further variations relevant to thepublic realm of private development sites are set out in an approved guidance document.

Piccadilly Circus The streetlights are a particular design of bronze column and American style lantern known as the Chicago lamps. These arecoupled with a brass railed barrier and brass balls to the barrier posts.

Regent Street This street has a mixture of replica American style lamps and wall mounted lighting fixed to the listed buildings in the street.Other variations relate to signal posts, bus shelters, litter bins and street nameplates. The livery has been changed to blue. Inassociation with the Crown Commissioners this 'family' of equipment will change to a new set that has not, at the time ofwriting been concluded. To conform with Westminster Way principles the street nameplates should revert to the City'sstandard design, the signal posts should be undressed and painted black, bus shelters should be replaced to the World Squaresstandard adopted by TfL and the street lighting re-engineered to give good, even white light. The Millennium Range a potentialcandidate for the solution, should the tests in Victoria Street be successful.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2


Strand / StMartins

Part of the Parish of St Martins in the Fields has an ornate cast lamp column and also a particular bollard design that shouldonly be used in the parish area. Some replicas lamp columns have been cast (all replicas should be dated) and are generallyused in St Martin's Place and the Strand. Other examples exist in isolation and designers / managers must consider theappropriateness of keeping the materials in their original place or whether salvage and re - grouping will have better townscapeeffect. The Strand / St Martins Columns are now fitted with efficient Albany / Strand / Rochester type lanterns. This lanternshape is very common in the adjacent Covent Garden area where cherished listed columns and in particular the EdwardianEddystone type is common. There are numerous narrow courts and alleys where wall mounted solutions are desirable and awall mounted Albany / Strand / Rochester type lanterns are to be considered in this area if the scale is appropriate.

Victoria Street This with the small side streets called Spenser Street and the pedestrianised section of Francis Street near City Hall is an areaof mixed townscape where there is greater freedom to experiment with new equipment. This is the site chosen for trials of thenew Millennium range of barriers, litter bins, streetlights and multi-function columns. If successful the street could be the heartof an area using the same equipment, and this could extend to the non conservation area land affected by the Victoria StationPlanning Brief.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2


Wall mounted lightingA balanced decision needs to be made onlocations where lighting might be appropriatelyfixed on buildings. The street scene can bedenuded by the removal of lighting columns, butin other cases where footways are heavily used, ornarrow or both, the placing of lights on buildingscan reduce street clutter. Regular knockdowns bydelivery vehicles are a further indication that wallmounting of street lamps is needed. Wayleavesneed to be consistently and thoroughly obtainedand the buildings robust enough to take the units.

The principles set out for Covent Garden in thetable above are generally applicable in other partsof the City, with the additional consideration thatin some places a very neutral and self-effacingunit is needed. These need to be appropriate onmodern as well as buildings of character and even'listed' buildings.

PrimesitesA number of locations have enhancedmaintenance specifications due to their highprofile. These are:� Leicester Square� Parliament Square� Piccadilly� Piccadilly Circus� Regent Street� Strand� Trafalgar Square� Victoria Street� Whitehall

Any significant work on these high profile streetsand areas needs to be subject to the scrutiny ofthe Officer Review Group (PRAG).

Bespoke designsGenerally much of the equipment in the streetsof Westminster is available, with minor valiationsfrom a number of manufacturers to ensurecompetitive procurement. Certain elements arespecifically designed for Westminster and are inwidespread use. These particularly relate to thedesigns of George Grey Wornum in two types oflamp and the dressing kits to give larger lightingcolumns the distinctive W + CC brand.

In the 1993 edition predecessor of this Manual,several small wall brackets were noted asacceptable for building mounted lanterns. Themost successful of these was one with asegmental web. This theme has been developedin this Manual to include a larger version.Further development of this theme into a designfor side hung gates and a bracket for main roadlighting will give further consistency and auniquely Westminster approach to items thatoften look flimsy or unconvincing.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2


Dressing of lamp columnsIt is no longer appropriate to install heavy castcolumns as a matter of course, but the characterthey give can be maintained by the addition ofdressing kits on all new steel columns except,Millennium columns, those that have a taper orare on the elevated Westway. This adds toexpense and the need for extra maintenancechecks, but is considered desirable in the interestsof giving character and identity to the commercialheart of Westminster and on key roads leadinginto and out of the City. The commercial heartfor the purposes of defining the column dressingarea in this manual includes the Central ActivitiesZone (CAZ) as defined in the UDP and largelyresidential pockets of East and West Maryleboneoutside the CAZ but enclosed by CAZ Frontageson the Edgware Road and Marylebone Road.

The primesites listed above are all included in thestreets for column dressing. The secondapplication map sets out the area and streets forcolumn dressing and within the central area thePrimesites are also highlighted and Green Park is,of course, not part of this manual.

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Product PagesIntroductionThe palette of street furniture available and the conditions for use in the City is set out inthis last section of Part 2 of the Westminster Way. These are introduced in the pagesheaded ‘Westminster Palette’ which include application maps and schedules that note theprincipal places where a different approach is needed or a variant required.

The street furniture items have been broadly divided into a series of numbered categories,reflecting their purpose and use, and each item of furniture within this category is then setout on a ‘Product Page’ that provides information relating to its fabrication, specificationand future use within the City.

A key is included on each product page, indicating the status of each finish or item offurniture. Combinations of these are possible and the notes need to be read and applied:

A red ring with a diagonal (the prohibition symbol)indicates items that need to be removed or not used infuture.An orange triangle indicates a new furniture item that isbeing tested, or an existing furniture item theappropriateness of which is being challenged and needsto be used with care and individual approval.A green circle indicates a furniture item that is in useand a preferred item for schemes if used in accordancewith notes.The black square indicates a challenge where existingarrangements can be improved or a new item is neededto address needs in the City.

ListingsCategories of Product Pages




Litter, Rubbish & Cleansing



Landscape and Townscape Features

Traffic Control


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Product Pages


In the final implementation of this section, a screen of contacts will be providedgiving details of key officers in each area of service that is relevant to the manual.

Comments on the draft set of "screens" (pages), please contact the NominatedProject Officer: for the Street Manual Review:

Chris MasonCity Planning Group11th Floor (East)Westminster City Hall64 Victoria StreetLondon SW1E 6QP

Tel: 020 7641 2286Fax: 020 7641 8535e-mail: [email protected]

Authors: Michael Lowndes and Cathryn Chatburn of Bennett Urban Plasnning,with additional material by Chris Mason and the Project Steering Group.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Surface Finishes 1.0

1.0 Surface FinishesIntroduction

There are a variety of paving materials, which are in use (or could be used) inWestminster. They fall into two categories:

Natural materials: these include granite, york stone and limestoneArtificial materials: these include concrete, tarmac and clay and concreteblock paving.

Each material has its own specification and different maintenance standards, andtherefore its own relative merit for use in various situations and locations the City.In general street surfaces in Westminster need to be a backdrop and should not bebrightly coloured, patterned and textured. The volume and variety of activity,pedestrian movement and generally high quality of the buildings is best appreciatedagainst a neutral setting. The size of paving elements and pattern of laying is asimportant as the choice of material in establishing character. Narrow streets areimproved by the straightforward use of a light coloured surface material and aplain ‘carpet’ makes a small space feel less confined than a brightly patterned one.The successful installation of a robust paving layer, which provides a firm, evenand slip-resistant surface is equally as important as the consideration of thematerial and paving pattern. For example areas of well-maintained large elementpaving are preferable to small element paving as they provide fewer joints wheretrip hazards can occur. Small elements, particularly when laid in large areas canlook too ‘busy’. Preferred solutions are noted with a roundel (green on a colourscreen or print).Some surfaces have been installed as a trial or for reasons that are nowinappropriate in some places or being questioned. These are marked with the“Cautionary” marking of a triangle (orange on a colour screen or print). Furtheruse needs to be checked with the Public Realm Advisory Group beforeproceeding.

There are product pages on:

1.01 Asphalt1.02 Tegula Paving1.03 Small element concrete paving1.04 Granite setts & kerbs1.05 Granite slab paving1.06 Tactile paving1.07 Natural York stone paving1.08 Natural York stone setts1.09 Large element concrete paving1.10 Paddington slab1.11 LSE paving variants

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Surface Finishes 1.01


In the UK asphalt is the generic nameapplied to all road and pavementmaterials produced by mixing bitumenwith various aggregates. It is generally ablack or coloured material that providesa level, non-slip surface for pedestriansand vehicles. The product offers goodvalue for money, durability andwaterproofing characteristics.

Bituminous macadam is normally laidhot and rolled smooth and is generallyused as a carriageway surface. It is alsoused in Westminster as a footwaysurface in some locations due to itsplasticity, flexibility and ability to beapplied in confined or awkward areas.

It is cheap and easy to lay, but isvulnerable to hot weather deviationssuch as blistering and rutting. It alsoshows evidence of the reinstatementafter a trench had been excavated,leaving unsightly scars. Its replacementwith permeable materials could result invaults that have been dry for decadesgetting wet once more.

Material / finish:Bitumen and aggregates

Options:Choice of surface finishes

Colours:Most commonly black but theopportunity to vary the mix inthe wearing course it is amaterial giving a range ofcolour options.

British Standard:BS 594-1:2003


Use:Most commonly used as acarriageway surface where it isgenerally acceptable, butbecause it is cheap, easy to layand easy to patch it has beenwidely used as a footwaysurface. This particularlyoccurs in areas wherepavements are narrow or thereare awkward pavement lightsmaking cut slabs difficult toaccommodate. Use with carein Conservation Areas where itis to be regarded as a reserveoption.

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Surface Finishes 1.02

Tegula Paving

Tegula has been produced to provide aneconomical alternative, to natural stoneproducts, that compliments thecharacter of older more traditionalpaving schemes.

Tegula is available in 80mm and 60mmthickness and is therefore suitable formedium trafficked areas (withappropriate bedding and jointing) aswell as light duty use in bothconservation and contemporaryschemes.

Tegula is reminiscent of the sandstoneand granite setts still found in manyparts of the country. The agedappearance helps Tegula harmoniseimmediately with traditional architectureor conservation schemes, adding to theimpression that the paving has "beenthere for years".

Available in three gauges (see diagram)all three are available in 80mm thicknessand the 160 gauge is available in 60 mmthickness with 80 mm square cobblesare in this thickness as well.

Material / finish:Concrete and clay sett

Options:Paving unit and cobbles. Kerbsetts are available but kerbs inWestminster streets are alwaysgranite.

Colours:Precise colour and surfacetexture should be judged fromactual materials. Concretecolours fade and clay does not.

British Standard:BS6677 Part 1 SpecificationBS7533: Part 4 1998 Code ofPratice for ConstructionBS7533: Part 6 1998 Code ofPractice for Laying

Use:80mm square 'Tegula Cobbles'are available in 60mmthickness only and can be usedin conjunction with largerblocks to create features anddelineation of specific areas.They are not suitable for heavyvehicular traffic when usedexclusively. Preferable overareas affected by tree rootsthan 100x200 concrete blocks.

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Surface Finishes 1.03

Small ElementConcrete pavingFavoured for a number of years as acheap replacement for larger elementflagstones with the advantage that whenvehicle over-running occurs, the smallerslabs are less prone to breakage.Sometimes used with 100 x 200mmpavers as infill at the kerb edge and atcorners.

The small paving module hasintroduced a more continentalappearance to Westminster’s streets andhas eroded the traditional British feelthat traditional modules established.This change is generally unwelcome inConservation Areas and the moduleshould be questioned in such locationsand replacement considered, whenmaintenance is due, with larger elementslabs with reinforcement or a strongersub-base where over-running is aproblem.

Approximate Dimensions:400 x 400400 x 200

Material / finish:Concrete with naturalaggregate

Options:A variety of surface finishesinclude: pimpled, smoothground, coarse textured. InWestminster the intensecleaning needs and a desire togive good slip resistance meanthat these options are not usedand plain concrete finish is tobe used.

Colours:A wide range of colours isavailable on the market. Strongcolours are not recommended.Where used they should not bemixed with pavers and shouldbe a neutral concrete colour asnear to grey limestone aspossible.

British Standard:BS7263: Part 1 SpecificationBS7533: Part 4 1998 Code ofPractice for ConstructionBS7533: Part 6 1998 Code ofPractice for Laying

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Surface Finishes 1.04

SGranite Setts / KerbsGranite is the hardest, most stainresistant and durable known naturalpaving material and has a long traditionof use in Westminster for carriagewaysand kerbs which should continue.

As with other paving bedded onconcrete, statutory undertakers work orother local disturbance does not affectthe bond of the adjacent paving.Broken-out setts or kerb are difficult todamage and can normally be reused.

Granite setts have excellent slipcharacteristics and, due to surface andjoint variations, slow up vehicles. Levelor dressed granite setts are availablesecond hand: these are as comfortableto walk on as brick or concrete block,but more slip-resistant, due to thequartz crystal composition of thematerial.

Dimensions:100mm x 100mm x 50mm200mm x 75mm x 150mm200mm x 100mm x 100mm200mm x 100mm x 150mm250/300mm x 100mm x 200mm

Material / finish:Granite

Options:A variety of granite types arewidely available on the market.

Colours:Colour variation is possible inboth new and second handsetts, from red/pink toblue/grey

Use:Care is needed in certainlocations with oil drips in thepointing and heavy vehicles“rocking” the granite ribbonscontaining the panel of setts.Setts can also be used incrossovers and barrel dropsand as deterrent paving todiscourage pedestrian use.Fine specification is needed infootways and pedestrianisedareas to give a surface smoothenough for some users. Ifhistoric setts are re-used thenan alternative smooth routeshould be available for peoplewith mobility problems.

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Surface Finishes 1.05

Granite Slab Paving

Generally this is not a commonly usedmaterial in Westminster’s streets. Themost extensive use was in the 1992refurbishment if Leicester Square whenPerrino pink granite was imported fromPortugal from a quarry now closed. Itwas laid on concrete, but subsequentdisturbance and poor reinstatement hascaused extensive cracking , particularlywhere subjected to turning movementby heavy vehicles. This has beentemporarily patched by using panels orred asphalt. The scheme is underconsideration once more and shouldmore modest renovation becontemplated, this may remain as a slabin this area. A challenge is to find asimilar pink granite (Normandy hassimilar geology) and relay the cornerswith heavy setts to resist the problemsexperienced with the slabs.

Historic granite slabs are found onbarrow ways around the Covent GardenMarket building, and have been used onthe tops of speed tables to side roadsoff the Strand.

Dimensions: 600mm x random lengthin Leicester Square.

Material / finish:picked or flame etched

Options:Setts and slabs

Colours:Pink in Leicester SquareVaried colours in CoventGardenGrey in the Strand

British Standard:

Maintenance:Flame etch damaged surfaceand cut and shunt damagedslabs. Fully support slabs onlean mix concrete.

Use: Only Leicester SquareStrand and Covent Garden.

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Surface Finishes 1.06

Tactile PavingBlister Paving

‘The purpose of the blister surface is toprovide a warning to visually impairedpeople who would otherwise, in theabsence of a kerb upstand <25mmhigh, find it difficult to differentiatebetween where the footway ends andthe carriageway begins. The surface istherefore an essential safety feature forthis group of road users at pedestriancrossing points, where the footway isflush with the carriageway to enablewheelchair users to cross unimpeded’(Ref. Dept. for Transport - Guidanceon the use of tactile paving surfaces)

A balance has to be struck between theneeds of the blind and partially sightedand other users and the heritage of theCity. A local variation is recommendeddeleting the pink and yellow colourfrom concrete installations and usingnatural aggregate, and no tails backacross the footway which are confusing.In Conservation Areas the studs shouldbe ground out of the natural material.Dimensions:400 x 400 x 50400 x 400 x 65450 x 450 x 50450 x 450 x 70

Material / finish:Concrete/ naturalstone/granite

Options:Not recommended, but brassor stainless steel studs havebeen used, but they can bevery slippery.

Colours:Concrete: natural only to beused in Westminster.Natural stone: various.

British Standard:Specification and applicationto conform to the Departmentof Transport’s currentguidelines andBS 7263: Part 1BS 7533: Part 4

Use:Choice of material should beinformed by the context of theproposed area of application.Although brass and stainlesssteel stud options are availablethe Council recommend theuse of the tool-finished rangeonly due to concerns relatingthe potential slip hazardsassociated with wet metalstuds.

Blister paving ground out of natural stone

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Surface Finishes 1.07

Natural YorkstoneSlab PavingSome of the most visually attractivepaving work is done in naturalyorkstone. It is a product with astructure, texture and colour determinedby geological and natural processes andas such is strong, hard wearing andprovides a natural randomness, whichbenefits the overall appearance of thepublic realm. It is a low maintenancematerial and with care will last manydecades.Natural flags are the traditional choicefor historic settings within urban areas.They can be used for vehicular andnon-vehicular routes.

Approximate Dimensions

50 – 75mm thick units are best suitedfor non vehicular usage, such asfootways70 – 100mm thick units should bereserved for paving that is likely toexperience some low speed vehiculartraffic such as overrun areas orcrossovers. 300 mm module fornarrow footways in small scale streetsand 600 mm for standard use and incourts and alleys.

Material / finish:Natural Stone

Options:Various slab sizes and bondingpatterns are available. Sawn orriven finish.

Colours:Blue/grey/buff mixed colours

Maintenance:The sandstone composition (inbedding planes) has a self-cleaning action with foottraffic.

Use:Footway paving applications.Natural stone flags should bethe primary flag chosen forWestminster in areas wherethere is a historic precedent forits use or it is appropriate inthe context of an urbananalysis. It should not beapplied dogmatically in allconservation areas where,given the variety ofConservation Areas inWestminster, it can look out ofplace.

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Surface Finishes 1.08

Natural YorkstoneSetts

See previous page on flagstones forgeneral description of material.

Dimensions: Generally 100 x 100mmbut other modules available.

Material / finish:Sedimentary limestone riven orcut.


Colours:As slabs / flagstones

British Standard:



Particularly useful for smallareas and awkward changes oflevel. Can be set in crossoversand particularly useful inaccommodating changes oflevel from footway tocarriageway at junctions instreets where flagstones in thesame material in large slabs arethe predominant surfacetreatment.Also used in kerbside strip toaccommodate railing bases andpoles when they are numerousand slab cutting could beinappropriate.

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Surface Finishes 1.09

Large ElementConcrete PavingThe standard concrete flag is grey,utilitarian, and comes in large elementas well as the small element sizesdescribed elsewhere. It is popularthroughout the country and is acommon British standard pavingmaterial in mixed use and some modernsettings.Its small element cousin (as illustratedin page 1.03) became popular with costconscious specifiers and has been thematerial of choice for this reason. It isable to withstand vehicular loading withless likelihood of cracking on anequivalent sub-base. Traditionallyproportioned larger flags can now bebought with reinforcement allowingthem to be used at the footway edge, orwhen set on a solid sub-base thetraditionally shaped flagstone can giveimproved performance as well.The large slab has the traditional Britishtownscape character of original stoneflag pavements. It is therefore thepreferred paving module where Yorkstone would be inappropriate or notjustified on the grounds of appearance.Dimensions:600mm module x 900, 750 or 600mm.63 mm thick slabs are to be used .

Material / finish:Cast concrete withreinforcement options.

Options:A wide variety of surfacefinishes are available includingexposed aggregate, texturedand smooth finishes.Generally smooth grey finishto most nearly match yorkstone is preferred withstandard texture to give gripbut allow efficient cleaning.

Colours:A wide range of colouralternatives is now available.

British Standard:BS 7533: Part 4 Installation

Use:It can be used in conservationareas and mixed use settingsthroughout Westminsterwhere natural stone flags areconsidered inappropriate. Thetwo most common flag pavingpatterns for the footway, arestack bond and broken bond.In Westminster it is commonpractice to include both. Thethinner 50mm slab is NOT tobe used in Westminster.

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Surface Finishes 1.10

Paddington SlabLarge element reinforcedgranite aggregate slab paving

Used in the Paddington Special PolicyArea (PSPA) as part of the PublicRealm Strategy, produced in June 2003,this material has an affinity to buildingswith stainless steel and granite finishes.

It possibly lends itself to wider use inthe City due to its strength, durabilityand natural stone aggregate.

Dimensions:600 x 600 x 63600 x 750 x 63600 x 450 x 63

Material / finish:OPC & Recycled Cornishgranite aggregate with 4mmbright mild steel meshreinforcement.


British Standard:Manufacture:BS 7263: Part 1:2001Installation:BS7533: Part 4:1998


Use:Proposed for use in thePaddington Special PolicyArea as part of a wider publicrealm co-ordination document.Matches the Charcon“Conservation” kerb utilisingthe same mix (althoughconcrete kerbs are not used inWestminster). In other placesby specific agreement.

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Page reference: # Status: # Category: #Surface Finishes 1.11

LSE Paving VariantsOff Aldwych only

Description.A specific departure from standardstreet detailing has been agreed with theLondon School of Economics for thestreets that link their variouseducational establishments.

This is linked to a distinctive anddifferent lighting scheme that has yet tobe implemented. A separate page torecord this system will be producedwhen the first phase of the equipment isinstalled

These details are not to be usedanywhere else in the City.

Material / finish:Granite sett footways andpaving with unique bond andkerbing details.

Colours: Natural

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Barriers 2.0

2.0 BarriersIntroduction

The intensity of vehicular and pedestrian movement along the City’s streetsgenerates a need to provide safe methods of segregation and ‘traffic’ management.

The fundamental use for barriers should be to protect and separate pedestrians,vulnerable surfaces and items of street furniture, from vehicular traffic.

There is an understandable desire at times to over protect the footway with theresulting clutter of bollards or barriers. This should be resisted unless absolutelynecessary.

Some barriers have been implemented with feeble bollards, concrete types thateasily crack and in the worst cases pipe filled with concrete. These should bequestioned at any review and removed or if still required, replaced from theapproved range.

Other means sometimes provide an appropriate solution (such as double kerbs orhigher paving specification) to prevent, or deal with, vehicle over-running.

There are product pages on:

2.01 Cannon Bollard2.02 Cannon Removable Bollard2.03 City Bollard2.04 Standard guard rail2.05 Marylebone guard rail2.06 Piccadilly guard rail2.07 Side hung gate2.08 Comyn Ching Bollard

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Barriers 2.01

Cannon Bollard

This traditional cannon form iscommon throughout Westminster withmany original examples dating from theearly 19th Century (some are listed asitems of architectural or historicinterest).

Although the cannon form originatedfrom surplus or captured cannonbarrels, many from this period arerecasts bearing the integral graphics ofthe relevant parish for example the St.James’ (1812) and St. Anne’s.

Now commonly available in presentstreet furniture ranges, this is anacceptable design in many parts ofWestminster where the more expensive“City” bollard is not justified.

Any 19th century bollards with parishnames should be retained in theirappropriate parishes.

Approximate Dimensions:1140mm height210mm diameter260mm depth foundation

Material / finish:Cast iron

Options:Removable versions in sockets,see also electrical version.

Colours:Gloss black “Dacrylate”sticker resistant paint.

British Standard:Not Applicable

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear, repaint every 3 years.Remove textured paint onrepainting cycle and replacewith Dacrylate paint

Comments:Heavy duty. Matches a versionlarge enough for powerconnection. A square baseheavy-duty cannon form isanother reproduction historicdesign.


Relates to:Historic decorated forms suchas traditional lamp columns,benches and litterbins.

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Traffic Control 2.02

Cannon, DropableBollard

Heavy-duty cannon style bollard, withhinge-mounted lock fixing and socketto allow temporary removal.

Dimensions:1140mm height210mm diameter260mm depth foundation

Material / finish:Cast Iron, painted

Options:Cast aluminium to reduceweight if manually lifted.

Colours:Gloss black 'Dacrylate' stickerresistant paint.

British Standard:

Maintenance:Wash down and clean everyyear, repaint every 3 years.

Comments:Heavy duty removable barrier

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Barriers 2.03

City Bollard

This City of Westminster design isderived from the early 19th centuryWilliam IV types, recast for the Queen’sCoronation and used in Pall Mall andvarious other state locations.Contemporary with the design of theGrey Wornum lantern.

The modern rectangular version hasbeen used in many Conservation Areasand has been chosen for privateforecourts of major buildings such asthe Queen Elizabeth II ConferenceCentre in Broad Sanctuary.A square base heavy-duty edition wouldbe close to the historic design thatinspired this version.

Approximate Dimensions:1065mm height260mm width440mm depth foundation

Material / finish:Cast iron/aluminium, ductilesteel. Horizontal ribbed,rectangular base cast

Options:Planted or cast crest, eyes,sockets etc. Cast Aluminiumremovable. Inset panel forsmall traffic signs and plates.

Colours:Gloss black “Dacrylate”sticker resistant paint.

British Standard:Not Applicable

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear, repaint every 3 years.Comments:Medium weight. Not largeenough for power connectionversion.

Use:Suitable for modern andhistoric locations throughoutthe City particularly where theycan also carry small trafficplates. Best laid out in straightruns parallel to pavementbond/kerb edge to minimisecuts.

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Barriers 2.04

Standard Guard RailStandard pedestrian guard-rail typesused throughout Westminster are ofgalvanised steel construction. Allstandard panels are two metres wideand are either:� full height; or� include a view rail and with in-line

or offset verticals to give driversbetter visibility of pedestriansbehind them.

Guard railing should be limited in itsuse to major roads and only at thosewhere there is a particular accidenthistory or risk that can only be solvedwith this device and after a fullassessment.

There is an opportunity to develop oridentify more appropriate solutions forthe Westminster context and is achallenge that should be explored. TheMillennium trial design which has yet tobe installed for assessment may answerthis challenge.

Material / finish:Hot dip galvanised mild steel.

Options:Sight gap

Colours:Gloss black “Dacrylate”sticker resistant paint.

British Standard:BS 7818 Specification

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear, repaint every 3 years.

Comments:To be used sparingly,alignment to considerrelationship to other features.

Use:Where public safety is an issuebut careful positioning isnecessary to direct pedestriansto safer crossing points.

Full height

View rail with offset verticals.

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Page reference: # Status: # Category: #Barriers 2.05

Marylebone GuardRail

Description.A simple and elegant design forlocations where more presence isrequired than that provided by thestandard guard rail.

The flat cap and cylindrical post givessome decoration without the excessesof balls and acorns etc. The exampleshown here shows the posts set in amargin of setts.

Dimensions: 2m panels.

Material / finish: Galvanisedsteel

Colours: Black paint withDacrylate sticker resistantpaint

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Page reference: # Status: # Category: #Barriers 2.06

Piccadilly Guard RailFor prestigious locations

Description.A robustly designed railing with squareposts and brass rail and caps. Thesehave only been installed in PiccadillyCircus and Whitehall.

Only to be used with the specificapproval of the Public Realm AdvisoryGroup.

Material / finish: Brass &steel

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Barriers 2.07

B iSide Hung Gates

These City of Westminster designs weredeveloped in house. The top member ofthe photographed design is prone tobeing bent downwards and the additionof signs could be neater. The emergingdesign is yet to become a prototype butif successful will be the preferred gatedesign.

The opportunity to developimprovements includes automaticmechanical operation and remotecontrol.

Road closures need to be handled withcare and with sensitive signing –generally schemes for gating and partialclosure will be scrutinised by the PublicRealm Advisory Group

An expensive but unobtrusivealternative (if underground sewers andservices allow) is the hydraulic retractingbollard.

Material / finish:Fabricated steel

Options:Decorative infill panels

Colours:Gloss black

British Standard:Not Applicable

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear, repaint every 3 years.

Comments:Custom designed and builttraffic gates on side hungswivel column.

Use:For control of pedestrianisedstreets. Limited use for specialcases only.

Relates to: Cannon Bollard

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Barriers 2.08

Comyn Ching Bollard

Named and supplied by the 18th

Century Covent Garden firm of ComynChing, architectural ironmongers.

Approximate Dimensions:750mm height150mm square350mm depth foundation

Material / finish:Cast iron

Options:Sockets etc.

Colours:Vermillion Red/Light Gold

British Standard:Not applicable

Maintenance:Wash down and clean everyyear, repaint every year.


Use:Used only in Chinatown.

Relates to:Relates to the China Towncustomised suite of streetfurniture.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

3.0 LightingIntroduction

The pragmatic function of street lighting is to provide an appropriate level ofillumination to ensure a safe environment for all public realm users.However to achieve good street lighting design both pragmatic and creative designconsiderations should be taken into account. The adoption of a creative approachto lighting design provides opportunities to enhance both the legibility anddistinctive character of the City. The historic value of the original work will bedevalued if pseudo historic designs are introduced or perpetuated. Part 1 ofWestminster Way advocates learned replica work or good design.The City of Westminster has examples of some of London’s finest decorated lampcolumns. From a total of approximately 15 000 columns roughly half are ofdecorative, traditional design.Part 1 of the Westminster Way advocates containment of cherished or historicstreet furniture to places where they originated. One particular design relates to aParish and three designs were commissioned by or used in the pre 1965 City ofWestminster. This leaves the former Boroughs of Paddington and St Marylebone(that is the part of the City north of Oxford Street and outside the Royal Parks)without a distinctive design and nothing unique to contribute to the character ofthe conservation areas in these parts of the City. An exception to this generalstatement is found in the Hyde Park Estate and East & West Marylebone, wherethe use of a 20th century (old) City of Westminster design is well establishedbecause it was allowed in the 1993 edition of this manual. It is thereforeappropriate to regard this design as endemic and make it an area variant.A simple, neutral approach is the next option advocated by the principles in Part 1.Lamps and columns with simple elegance are therefore the default range open forconsideration in all places, but maps and principles set out in this section will guidethe order of choice for lighting installations. There are a number of challenges fordeveloping a neater and more functional set of solutions for electrical equipmentin the City.

There are product pages on:3.01 Westminster default – Main Road3.02 Westminster standard – existing side

road3.03 Small Grey Wornum3.04 Large Grey Wornum3.05 Mackenzie & Moncur3.06 St Martin-in-the-Fields3.07 Windsor lantern with wall bracket3.08 Rochester Lantern with wall bracket3.09 Conservation Areas North West &

West3.10 Oxford Street3.11 PSPA Main Road3.12 PSPA minor road3.13 Discus Range3.14 Millennium Range3.15 Wall mounted floodlight3.16 Nico/Grosvenor with wall bracket3.17 Windsor / Eddystone combination

Lighting 3.0

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.01

Lighting ColumnsMain Road Default

This highway lighting column wasinstalled as part of the former GLCreplacement programme for principalroutes. Underneath is a standard steelcolumn and the base is a dressing kit toemulate the Parliament Square designon 1951. Columns with the kit requireextra corrosion monitoring around thecolumn base and at the neck, but theygive a distinctive appearance to mainroads and the Central area where themain business and cultural activitiestake place. An alternative column in the8 – 12 m range is a tapering design (asrequired in Paddington Special Policyareas and for augmenting Mackenzie &Moncur installations) and a parallelcolumn with no dressing kit and widershaft at the base with equipment door isthe norm off the locations and streetsnoted in the dressing diagram.The lower illustration shows the currentdefault choice. A simple ‘discus’ shapedlight is similar in appearance to thosechosen at Paddington and is preferredin the north part of the City. TheRochester type lamp with a web typearm is a potential solution an areaswhere that type of lamp is prevelant.

Material / finish:Steel tubular

Options:8m, 10m, 12m height

Colours:Gloss black ‘Dacrylate’ stickerresistant paint, and goldhighlights to collars and W andCC motifs on skirts.

British Standard:BS5489

Maintenance:Wash down and clean everyyear, repaint every 3 years.

Comments:Utilitarian column to bedressed with more decoratedskirt in central area or high-profile settings.

Use:Streets where vehicleconsiderations dominate andcherished designs will notdeliver.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.02

WestminsterStandardExisting side road design

This form is common in the north partof the Borough (where the GreyWornum does not predominate).

Whilst not unacceptable, and may bemaintained, it is utilitarian for areas witharchitectural or historic character. This,however, is preferable to pseudohistorical designs with inaccurateproportions.

The Discus Range covers the areawhere this default design predominatesand is now the preferred replacement.Where additional attention to qualitydetailing is required this combinationcan be replaced with the discus typelamp and a tapered column.

Material / finish:Steel tubular

Options:6m, 8m height

Colours:Gloss black ‘Dacrylate’ stickerresistant paint.

British Standard:BS5489

Maintenance:Wash down and clean everyyear, repaint every 3 years.

Comments:Utilitarian column to bedressed or replaced with moreelegant tapered columns orreplicas of cherished designs(accurately dated with year ofreproduction)

Use:Found in side streets in theNorth part of the City.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.03

Small Grey WornumOn Short ParliamentSquare Column

Originally designed in a bigger versionby the famous architect George GreyWornum for Parliament Square in 1951as part of the major road improvementsat that time, this small version wasdesigned for wider application. Thefinial on top has been used toincorporate a photocell.

A most successful example ofsympathetic, practical design of streetfurniture, to suit all settings. The designis the property of the City Council andthree manufacturers make the castingsfrom the designs. Various opticalsystems have evolved over 50 years, butthe latest versions incorporate modernreflectors, white light and sealed bowls.

Under the old street manual it wasacceptable in all locations, butWestminster Way advocatescontainment to a defined area, thereforestocks north of Marylebone Road andSussex Gardens should be refurbishedand redeployed in the south.Approximate Dimensions5m and 6m Column

Material / finish:Painted steel and cast iron.

Options:See Large Parliament Squarecolumn and lantern cap withtassel finial where the shortversion will not deliver therequired lighting. Simplifiedsteel column undecorated.

Colours:Gloss black ‘Dacrylate’ stickerresistant paint – Red inChinatown

British Standard:Not Applicable.

Maintenance:Wash down and clean everyyear, repainting every 3 years.


Use: Suits modern andhistoric locations throughoutthe former City ofWestminster (south of OxfordSt) East & West Maryleboneand Hyde Park Estate.

Relates to:Historic decorative formsCannon, Comyn Ching & Citybollards.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.04

Large Grey WornumOn Tall ParliamentSquare Column

Originally designed by the famousarchitect George Grey Wornum forParliament Square as part of the majorroad improvements in 1951.

The original column demonstrates allthe features of successful streetfurniture design with practical use ofmodest decoration. This is nowreplicated in a dressing kit that isapplied to larger columns in the centralarea and on main roads (see DressingDiagram)

Lamps and optics have been refinedover 50 years and now take modernlamps and reflectors with sealed bowls.Earlier optics and unsealed bowls needto be modernised when heads areoverhauled and refurbished.

Approximate Dimensions8m ColumnCircular lantern cap and frame

Material / finish:Painted steel and cast iron

Options:See also Short column andsmall lantern with plain finial.

Colours:Gloss black ‘Dacrylate’ stickerresistant paint with the ‘W’ andinterlocking ‘CC’ picked out ingold.

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear, repainting every 3 years

Use:Applicable in modern andhistoric locations throughoutthe former (pre 1965) City ofWestminster, East and WestMarylebone and the Hyde ParkEstate with its refined versionof decorative features andmouldings

CCTV cameras should not beadded to Grey WornumLamps or Columns withoutthe specific approval of theOfficer Review Group.

Relates to: City Bollard andCannon Bollard

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.05

Mackenzie & Moncur

Traditional, highly decorated columnwith tracery bracket arm.

The original Carbon Arc lamps of 500Watts were mounted on this form ofcolumn around 1900. They werepurchased by the former City ofWestminster (pre 1965 – south ofOxford Street) and are found insignificant clusters in Pimlico andBelgravia and well dispersed throughMayfair with some examples in Soho.The current lantern form is availablefrom Suggs, who maintain a wide rangeof reproduction castings. Alternativemodern lanterns have replaced theoriginals successfully in variouslocations including St. George’s Square,and include modern lamps, reflectorsand sealed bowls.Where additional units are required toachieve modern lighting requirements,and replica columns are impractical, asimple, black tapering column of similarproportions, interspersed in the patternof originals with accurately reproducedbrackets in line with the originals, is thesuggested solution.

Material / finish:Cast iron and fabricated sheetmetal

Options:Double bracket arm insimplified form and doubleversion with full bracket.

Colours:Gloss black ‘Dacrylate’ stickerresistant paint

British Standard:Not Applicable

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear, repainting every 3 years

Comments:Traditional decorated formfound in Mayfair, Pimlico andBelgravia areas. Rochesterlantern found on a variety ofcolumn types.

Use:Retain and enhance in historiclocations.

Relates to:Cannon Bollard, City Bollard

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.05 continued

Mackenzie & MoncurContinued

This page shows the double bracketversion and a visualisation of how areplica bracket would look on a simpletapered column.

Material / finish:Cast iron and fabricated sheetmetal

Options:Double bracket arm insimplified form and doubleversion with full bracket.

Colours:Gloss black ‘Dacrylate’ stickerresistant paint

British Standard:Not Applicable

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear, repainting every 3 years

Comments:Traditional decorated formfound in Mayfair, Pimlico andBelgravia areas. Rochesterlantern found on a variety ofcolumn types.

Use:Retain and enhance in historiclocations.

Relates to:Cannon Bollard, City Bollard

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.06

St. Martin-in-the-Fields

This design is only found in the Parishof St Martin-in-the-Fields and has beenrefitted with modern and efficientRochester type lanterns. Furthereditions have been produced and thecasting date indicates the provenancefor the benefit of future generations.

This design should NEVER be used inany other part of the City. Because of itsscale it us unsuitable for courts andnarrow streets. Wall mounted versionsdo exist and grouping should beconsidered for maximum impact.Isolated examples could be consideredfor relocation with the agreement of thePublic Realm Advisory Group as thisdesign has more impact in groups.

Material / finish:Cast Iron

Options:Wall mounted precedents.

Colours:Black Gloss ‘Dacrylate’ stickerresistant paint with red andgold highlights.

British Standard:Not Applicable.

Maintenance:Wash down every year andrepaint every three years.

Use:Only in St Martin’s in theFields Parish in streets andspaces with significant scale.

Relates to:Grey Wornum as next lanternof choice, Cannon Bollard,City Bollard and RochesterLanterns on EddystoneColumns. Bracketed Rochesterlanterns.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.07

Windsor Lanternwith Wall Bracket

This wall mounted version of atraditional lantern is a design classic thatrelates well to many traditional narrowstreets and alleys. It sits well on thesimple webbed bracket and has modernoptics and lamps, although theenclosure is not sealed against theingress of dirt.

The design does not necessarilytranslate well to column mounting (as itcan look ill proportioned on taller thantraditional columns). It is therefore bestconfined to wall fittings unlessspecifically approved by the PublicRealm Advisory Group.

The mounting height is important, as itis inappropriate at high level. It shouldgenerally be mounted no higher than5m – approximately the mid rail of firstfloor windows.

The bracket echoes the web on thetraffic control gate and a larger versionis needed to suspend the largerRochester lantern.

Material / finish:


Colours:Black gloss paint

British Standard:

Maintenance: Glassenclosure cleaning every 6months

Use: The default wallmounted lantern in traditionalareas with brick buildings andrubbed brick arches. In areaswhere there is a predominanceof Nico / Grosvenor Lanternsor the buildings are stucco'd orrobust Edwardian designs thesame bracket can take theNico / Grosvenor type as analternative.

Relates to: Canon Bollard,City Bollard

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.08

Rochester Lanternwith Wall Bracket

A wall mounted version of a commonlyused lantern in Westminster. It isappropriate in side streets, alleys andcourts that have sufficient scale to takethis large lantern and relates to the StMartin-in-the-Fields design, theRochesters found in Covent Gardenand the new lamps on refurbishedMackenzie & Moncur designs. There issufficient similarity to the GreyWornum designs for it to be used withthose.

The challenge symbol is present on thispage as it is possible to improve on thephotmontage bracket design bydeveloping the backplate for a widercover plate that will conceal all fixingsand connection gear.

Material / finish:Steel bracket

Colours:Black gloss paint

Maintenance:Wash every year and repaintevery three years.

Use: Side streets with limitedfootways where full lightingstandards are required.

Relates to: St Martinslanterns, Mackenzie MoncurLanterns, Rochester onEddystone columns andCannon and City Bollards.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.09

Conservation AreaDesignNorth and north west parts ofthe City

Two examples of "heritage" designsthat have been trialed in NorthWestminster Conservation areas anddemonstrate that mock heritage designsdevalue the real heritage items and lookungainly because the proportions ofcolumns are mis-matched with theproportions of the lantern.

These items may be maintained throughtheir reasonable life but when theyreach the point of significantrefurbishment or renewal, they shouldnot be perpetuated.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.10

Oxford Street Light

A one-off installation in the Westernpart of Oxford Street which dates fromthe early 1990’s.

There is related street furniture in thesame stepped design with ball finials.

There is a challenge here to find animproved design with a simple elegancethat could extend to nearby shoppingareas of Eastern Oxford street andRegent Street. For consistency and linksto other regenerated areas inWestminster the Paddington Range is acandidate and if street trials areimplemented and complete, theMillennium range may provide analternative.

This range is not to be used in any otherlocation.

Material / finish:

Options:Banner mounting

Colours:Gloss Black ‘Dacrylate’ stickerresistant paint

British Standard:



Relates to:

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.11

PSPA Main RoadGeo Street Lighting Fixture

Recommended for use as part of thePublic Realm Design strategy, producedfor the Paddington Special Policy Areain June 2003, Unless speciallyauthorised, this should only be used instreets within the PSPA.

This light fixture lends itself to possiblewider use in the City, due to its elegantand inconspicuous style, and seamlessintegration of the strong characteristicsof established quality street furniture inthe City.

Comparison is needed with theperformance of the Millennium Rangebefore extension to other potential keystreets such as Oxford Street andRegent Street in the West End andVictoria.

Dimensions:Lamp Column10m Cylindro Conical ColumnBracket1.2mLuminaireRoadway Geo disc 750mm diameterPathway Geo disc 600mm diameter

Material / finish:Mild Steel/ Hot DippedGalvanised / PaintedMild steel outreach Bracketand cast aluminium luminaire.250 watt CDM-t Lamp.

Options:Banner mounting andChristmas DecorationConnection

Colours:Jet Black sticker resistant finish

British Standard:


Use:Proposed for use in thePaddington Special PolicyArea as part of a wider publicrealm initiative

Relates to: other streetfurniture in the PSPA

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.12

PSPA Minor RoadGeo Street Lighting Fixture

Recommended for use as part of thePublic Realm Design strategy, producedfor the Paddington Special Policy Areain June 2003, unless specially authorisedthis should only be used in the PSPA.

This light fixture lends itself to possiblewider use in the city, due to its elegantand inconspicuous style, and seamlessintegration of the strong characteristicsof established quality street furniture inthe City.

Approximate Dimensions:

Lamp Column6m Cylindro Conical Column1m Integral Buried Root168mm Base Diameter


LuminaireGeo disc 600mm diameter

Material / finish:Mild Steel/ Hot DippedGalvanised / PaintedMild steel outreach Bracketand cast aluminium luminaire.150 watt CDM-t Lamp.


Colours:Jet Black sticker resistantfinish.

British Standard:


Use:Proposed for use in thePaddington Special PolicyArea as part of a wider publicrealm initiative.

Relates to: other streetfurniture in the PSPA

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.13

Discus RangeNorth Area new Default

This design has been tested and meetsall the technical requirements forlighting in Westminster and alsoresembles the design selected for thePaddington Special Policy Area. Whilstnot quite as flat or silver as the PSPAdesign, it is simple, unobtrusive andrepresents good value. It is therefore avariant on the PSPA design suitable forwider application. It can be fitted tostandard steel poles, on main roads itcan be on a dressed column and in areaswhere extra elegance is required, can bemounted on the tapered column usedfor Mackenzie & Moncur area infillsolutions and in the PSPA.

It is recommended for use in theformer Boroughs of Paddington & StMarylebone (north of the Hyde ParkEstate i.e. Sussex Gardens and theMarylebone Road).

In the southern part of the City the wallmounted version may be used in narrowstreets and courts and alleys where thereis a modern or utilitarian townscape andthe use of other wall mounted optionswould appear too contrived.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.14

Millennium RangeUnder trial

This design has been the subject of adesign competition and subsequentdevelopment work.

Before widespread use in the City, thesystem is to be installed in VictoriaStreet. The lower part of the column isa triangular shape and is intended tocarry signs and other accessories toreduce street clutter.

It has potential, either with thetriangular column, or another columnused in the City, (the tapered type inparticular) and might be suitable foradoption elsewhere in streets needing adifferent image, such as Oxford Street.

The illustration shows prototypes of thelitter bin and guard railing.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.15

Wall mountedfloodlight

This type of lamp is suitable forflooding streets and open spaces withlight from high on buildings, providedwayleaves can be negotiated consistentlyand completely.

The lamps are relatively innocuous andon modern or robustly detailedcommercial buildings can be lessintrusive to the streetscape than columnmounted equipment.

The challenge symbol is on this page asthe opportunity exists for an even moreself-effacing design yet delivering thefull needs of modern lighting. Withsmaller lamps and reflectors this is nowpossible.

If the Millennium Range provessuccessful a wall mounted version ofthat lamp head may fill this challenge.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.16

Wall mounted Nico /Grosvenor

This wall mounted lantern is based on atraditional design and is shown here onthe small web bracket. Whilst theWindsor is suggested for areaspredominantly brick with brick archesto window heads, this design is suitablefor more decorated buildings of thelater Victorian and Edwardian eras,where there is strong windowdecoration and pediments to thewindows.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Lighting 3.17

Windsor / EddystoneResidential Area alternative

In some areas where there is no strongtradition of lighting design, the Discustype lamp may be a controversial choiceand a more historic solution requested.

As noted elsewhere, small lanterns ontall columns can look ungainly and are apastiche of original styles.

This combination is based on historicalprecedent and the 1910 George Vcolumn coupled with the Windsorlantern (but a Rochester is an acceptablealternative) is suggested for suchinstallations.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Litter, Rubbish & Cleansing 4.0

4.0 Litter, Rubbish & CleansingIntroduction

The problem of managing litter, rubbish & cleansing is a significant considerationin the development of an accessible and attractive public realm, particularly inthose areas of the City that experience intensive use.In addition the requirement to recycle, recognised in the comprehensive adoptionof the Sustainability Agenda within local government legislation, introducesanother layer of sophisticated demands upon the methods of collection and wastemanagement in the City.

The range of furniture items need to respect the high quality materials anddistinctive character of Westminster but at the same time be able to satisfy thepragmatic requirements of waste management in the City.

Key issues:

� Large volumes of pedestrians using streets for eating and drinking as wellas movement.

� A large number of shops and business premises generating throwawaypackaging.

� Casual attitudes towards personal responsibility for litter.� Uncoordinated initiatives by private commercial organisations to manage

litter and the cleansing problem.

There are product pages on:

4.01 Linpac Litter Bin4.02 Cylindrical open bin4.03 Micro recycling units4.04 Waste recycling unit and Big Black Bin4.05 Lavatories & Urinals

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Litter, Rubbish and Cleansing 4.01

Linpac Plastic Bin

Open bins are easy to use, inspect forsecurity and empty efficiently. Howeverthey suffer from the disadvantage ofdisplaying their contents andencouraging misuse for commercialbulk waste disposal. The introductionof a 'lid' helps to address theseconcerns.

Even in black they are dominantmodern forms, which require carefulsiting.

Approximate Dimensions:

1100mm height500mm diameterlitres medium capacity

Material / finish:Ultra-violet light stabilizedpolyethylene

Options:Without lid

Colours:Gloss black, gold banding andgraphics

British Standard:BS 792:1973 (liner).

Maintenance:Wash down and clean everyyear.

Use:Design suitable for modernand some historic locations,and in sensitive security areas,to be periodically removed andstored

Relates to:

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Litter, Rubbish & Cleansing 4.02

Cylindrical Open Bin

Open bins are easy to use, inspect forsecurity and empty efficiently. Howeverthey suffer from the disadvantage ofdisplaying their contents andencouraging misuse for commercialbulk waste disposal.

Security concerns can be met by ease ofremoval and temporary ground fixing todeter theft.

Approximate Dimensions:

1100mm height500 diameter96 litres medium capacity

Material / finish:Ultra-violet light stabilizedpolyethylene

Options:Black bin liner

Colours:Gloss black, gold banding andgraphicsRed in Chinatown.

British Standard:BS 792:1973 (liner).

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear.

Use:Design suitable for modernand some historic locations

Relates to:All modern and some historicforms.

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Litter, Rubbish and Cleansing 4.03

Micro Recycling UnitPaper & Glass

The requirement to recycle our waste isan increasingly important issue,recognised at both Local and CentralGovernment level, in the adoption ofthe Sustainability Agenda withinlegislation.

The incorporation of instructions foruse has proved invaluableOn every bin is a descriptive sign,stating what materials are acceptableand the telephone number of theRecycling Hotline.

This unit is intended for locationswhere newspaper waste is a problemand also in places where there is nolocal recycling facility and whereresidential buildings do not have storagespace for storing recyclable materials.

Generally they are to be regarded asitems to be tolerated rather thanwelcomed and sited where they do leastharm to the appearance of the streetand do not encroach on clear pedestrianzones. Not acceptable in very sensitiveareas and a better way of dealing withwaste is an ongoing challenge.

Material / finish:Black and colouredpolycarbonate.

Options:Waste material variations

Colours:Black polycarbonate body andcoloured flaps according tomaterial received.

British Standard:

Maintenance:Wash down and clean everysix months or as necessary

Comment:Contains a wheelie bin that istaken out of the enclosure andemptied into collection vehicle.


Site in areas that havesufficient footway space toavoid obstruction. Microrecycling centres also need tobe visible and have sufficientadjacent space to enableunloading of materials fromcars and collection of contentsof bins by large vehicles.

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Litter, Rubbish and Cleansing 4.04

Waste Recycling Unitand Big Black Bin

The requirement to recycle our waste isan increasingly important issue,recognised at both Local and CentralGovernment level, in thecomprehensive adoption of theSustainability Agenda within legislation.Eurobin is a proprietary name, whichhas been generally adopted to describelarge movable containers withhinged/sliding lids capable of storingbulk waste and rubbish.

The need for the inclusion of this formof containment on the street isregrettable, as current practices ininstallation generally tend not to complywith the principles of clutter reduction.

Approximate Dimensions:

Capacity (litres) 6601080mm height1250mm length820mm width (lid open)

Capacity (litres) 11001205mm height1370mm length1260mm width (lid open)

Material / finish:High Density Polyethylene orsheet metal.

Options:Various capacities and glass,can, paper and plastic recyclingslots, lockable lid. Anchoringpillar and lid lifting restrictor.

Colours:Gloss black with colourgraphic

British Standard:BS EN 840:1997

Maintenance:Wash down and clean every 6months (average). Repaintevery 3 years.

Use:Wherever possible to begrouped and located out of thepedestrian clear zone, off-street or on street andsensitively screened ispreferable. It is essential toincorporate instructions foruse.

Relates to:Any modern design of streetfurniture in co-ordinated blacklivery with suitable graphics.

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Miscellaneous 4.05

Lavatories andUrinals

Unattended street toilets and publicurinals have a long tradition in the Citydating back to lateVictorian/Edwardian times. Automatictoilets are a relatively recent streetfurniture feature. There are now severalmanufacturers producing this type ofpublic facility.

The two illustrated here are preferreddesigns and they are augmented bytemporary urinals deployed at peakusage times and experimentalretractable toilets that look like circularinspection covers when not in use arebeing trialed.

The smaller and temporary units tend tobe difficult or impossible for femaleusers to negotiate and there remains achallenge to deal with this issue.

Because of potential nuisance thisequipment needs to be deployed withcare and appropriate consultationprocedures are essential.

Material / finish:



British Standard:



Relates to:

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Seating 5.0

5.0 Seating

Seating is an asset to some and a problem to others. Whilst it helps some,particularly the elderly, rest during a journey and others just enjoy a breakoutdoors, they can also provide objects for skateboarders to skate along, roughsleepers to sleep on and young people can congregate round them and cause anuisance.

The siting of seating needs to be carefully considered and measures taken to dealwith some of the issues noted above by design. Where snacks are consumedthought needs to be given to co-location with litter bins. Shade in the day andlighting at night need to be considered with community safety concerns.

There are product pages on:

5.01 Wooden Slatted Bench5.02 Stone Benches5.03 Timber flat top bench

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Seating 5.01

Slatted Wood Bench

An established, familiar bench form.Easy to maintain and repair. The midarms discourage lying down and allowthe elderly to push themselves up out ofa seated position.

Material / finish:Hardwood (to be from asustainable source), Sadolinstained.

Options:Lengths up to 2.4m.Memorial plates.

Colours:Natural finish.

British Standard:Not Applicable

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear, reseal every 3 years

Comments:Traditional form of park andstreet bench. Needs anchoringto the ground with straps tolower end rails.

Use:General use throughoutWestminster unless a particularcast iron style or stone benchdesign predominates.

Relates to:All modern and historic forms.

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Seating 5.02

Stone Benches

Stone benches have been used inseveral locations in Westminster andhave the advantage of being simple,light in colour and neutral. They havedisadvantages of being cold to thetouch, likely to stain and are targets forskateboarders. It is also difficult torepair them and to add armrests to detersleeping and assist the elderly to get up.

Stone benches should be used with careand only with the specific approval ofthe Public Realm Advisory Group.

The addition of wooden slats can makethe seating warmer to the touch butcare is needed to avoid litter traps andstaining of stonework from chemicals insome woods.

In the World Squares project a differentapproach to deal with some of theissues noted above

Christchurch Gardens SW1

Lancaster Gate W2

St Martin's Place WC2

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Seating 5.03

Timber Flat TopBench

Only used in the Covent Garden area,this perch bench is a simple andminimal solution for occasional seatingwhere large seats would be a distraction.

Material / finish:Wooden top and cast iron legs



British Standard:

Maintenance:Wash down legs once a year,revarnish or oil seats annually.

Use: Covent Garden onlyunless specifically agreed byPublic Realm Advisory Group.

Relates to: Covent Gardenmarket structures.

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Signage 6.0

6.0 Signage

Signs are necessary to give information but too many in a cluttered arrangementcan seriously detract form any townscape and are particularly damaging toconservation areas if not kept to the minimum necessary to comply withregulations. In places it may be necessary to question whether the Regulations areover zealous in their requirements for lighting and the size or repetition of signs.

A balance has to be struck between giving adequate information and overcluttering the City. Generally the "Keep it Simple" message in Part 1 of theWestminster Way indicates a cautious and conservative and low-key approach tosigning and giving information.

This manual deals with the signs that are principally the responsibility of the CityCouncil through street schemes and local management and not the directionalsigns for longer distance destinations or traffic direction.

There Are Product Pages On:

6.01 Pedestrian Directional Signage6.02 Street Nameplates6.03 Sponsorship6.04 Public Information – I+ Points6.05 Public information – Drinking control6.06 Public Information – Refuse &

recycling times

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Signage 6.01

PedestrianDirectional SignageColumn Mounted Finger Arms

Column mounted finger arms provideinformation to aid pedestrian navigationof the City. Only destinations withsignificant visitor numbers and otherkey features such as WC's are noted toavoid a proliferation of destinations.

Material / finish:Cast iron base, mild steelcolumn/ galvanisedCast Iron finialCast aluminium finger arms


Colours:White text on gloss blackbackground.

British Standard:BSENISO 1461:1999

Maintenance: Wash downonce a year and repaint onceevery three years with'Dacrylate' sticker resistantblack paint.

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Signage 6.02

Street Nameplates

Developed by Misha Black in 1966 thestyle of this signage has becomesynonymous with the City and is widelyrecognised as a design classic.

The two line rectangular version is themost commonly used configuration,although the one line version isregularly found. The three mainvariations are those in Chinatown withthe name repeated in ChineseCharacters, the Theatreland variant withthe additional black band and thosewith additional directional information.

The information provided by thesesigns is essential for casual visitors toany area as well as normal identificationfor deliveries etc. They must be clear toread, easily visible, beyond the reach ofvandals and easy to clean and maintain.Wherever possible signage should bemounted on buildings or walls /railings. freestanding kerbside plates onposts and flag type nameplates fixed topoles or streetlamps should be avoidedunless there is no other practical way ofnaming the street or alley.

Material / finish:Vitreous enamel

Options:Theatreland, Chinatown andleading to variations

Colours:Black/Red lettering on white

British Standard:Not applicable

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning every3 years, replacement every 20yearsComments:Hard wearing practicalstandard.

The graphic layout andspecification is set out in aseparate design manual held bythe City Council’s HighwaysGroup of the highwaysEnvironmental ProtectionDivision.

Use:Wall-fixed wherever possibleat standard height

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Signage 6.02 continued.

Street NameplatesVariations

The three main variations are those inChinatown with the name repeated inChinese Characters, the Theatrelandvariant with the additional black bandand those with additional information,of which two types are shown here.

Chinatown variant

Theatreland only

Additional information:

Complex street numbering

"Leading to" (also used fornoting former street names)

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Signage 6.03


The use of plaques, in the form ofpaving units like the Jubilee Walkwaymarkers or mounted signage, torecognise sponsorship commitmentsrequires careful control to avoid misuseas a vehicle for overt commercialadvertising.

The graphic style adopted for the maintext to be the traditional Westminstertypefaces. The incorporation ofcorporate identities and logos needs tobe carefully handled.

As Business Improvement Districts(BIDs) emerge, there may be a newdesire to identify the BID area orextent. These same methods, alreadyestablished in the City, are requiredshould this need develop.

Size: No larger than A5 size andpreferred colour of background tomatch the streetlamp, post or otherequipment to which it is fitted.

Material / finish:Aluminium or cast metal

Options:Generally elliptical plates forvertical mounting and circular300mm diameter for floorplaques set into paving moduleColours: White lettering on ablack background, with subtleuse of corporate colours asappropriate. Plates - metal selffinish.

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear, refurbish every 5 years.

Comments:Hard wearingacknowledgement of asponsor’s or BID contributionto the management orenhancement of the publicrealm.

Use:Installed in footways, and onwalls or plinths and only inassociation with major publicrealm improvement schemes

Relates to:Plaques installed in thepavement require an anti-slipfinish.

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Signage 6.04

Public InformationI+ Points

Information points are provided to helpthe public interact with the City Councilon consultation issues and have accessto information about its functions andfacilities and other information

They are not an opportunity forcommercial advertising although theyoffer the opportunity for informationon traffic, weather and jobs etc.

Only to be used outside ConservationAreas and away from listed buildings toavoid non essential street clutter inConservation Areas and in the settingof listed buildings.

Material / finish:stainless steel/aluminium/glass

Options: There is an indoorversion for location in foyers,railway and tube stations etc inareas where they areinappropriate in the street.

Colours:Black and satin metal finish.

British Standard:Not applicable.

Maintenance: Maintained byCitySpace Ltd. and VertexSW1

Comments: Must be locatedin Street furniture zones andnot impede the passage anddesire lines of pedestrians.


Relates to:

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Signage 6.05

Public informationDrinking Control

A printed metal or plastic sign generallyfixed to lamp posts in drinking controlareas.

Similar to sponsorship signs and shouldgenerally be within the size of a sheet ofA5 paper.

Capable of being combined with thesimilar sized CCTV notices andcombined signs should be no taller thana sheet of A4 paper or wider than A5.(297mm x 148mm) Considerationshould be given to having a blackground and white lettering to match thestyle of the sponsorship signs.

Care should be exercised that multiplesigns do not get sited on the column orpost as proliferation is unsightly.

See also refuse collection time platesand consider with waiting and parkingrestriction signs.

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Signage 6.06

Public InformationRefuse & Recycling Times

The operation to keep the City clean iscomplex and intense. It has requiredspecified time slots for collection.

To avoid unsightly waste occupying thestreet for extended periods, it hasbecome necessary to advise of specificcollection times.

These signs are therefore regrettablebut, until a better method is found,unavoidable. There is therefore achallenge to improve on thisarrangement.

The same considerations apply toproliferation and the potential toimprove by using the Council'scorporate street furniture colour (black)as a background with white lettering,like the sponsorship signs, might reducethe apparent clutter and intrusiveness ofsigns as noted on other pages in thissection.

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Landscape and Townscape Features

7.0 Landscape and Townscape Features

Much of Westminster's green space is within the Royal Parks, garden or LondonSquares. Whilst these are part of the wider definition of public realm, they areoutside the remit of this document as a management tool for Westminster's streets.

The main green incidents in the streets are therefore trees and hanging baskets.

Hanging baskets are essentially transient but their disposition affects the streetfurniture and street scene. Although popular, their sustainability is being called intoquestion. Street trees make a significant contribution to urban life although inolder areas with narrow streets, the only place for trees is in squares and gardens.

The London Plane is a species chosen to survive the smogs and pollution ofyesteryear. Many planted in the mid to late 19th Century will soon be approachingthe end of their lives and the management of cherished boulevards will have to becarefully handled over the life of this manual to ensure the long term survival of amature group of trees. This may need selective culling and phased replacement,which could be controversial, unless the need is understood.

In the footway, the practice of introducing tree grilles has provided litter traps, triphazards and difficulties for people with disabilities. This section thereforeintroduces new practice with respect to tree pit edging and finish.

It does not discuss species and management of boulevards, as this is the remit of aseparate tree strategy.

There are product pages on:

7.01 Tree Pits7.02 Hanging baskets7.03 Public Art

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Landscape and Townscape Features 7.01

Tree Pits

The use of tree grills in the City is nolonger considered appropriate, due tothe tendency for litter to becometrapped in the grates and the potentialtrip hazard they pose for people withimpaired mobility.

With this in mind the City Council hasexperimented with the use ofcompacted hoggin, but this washes outand the current preference is for a resinbound aggregate, as the preferredsurface dressing at the base of its streettrees. This may crack when trees growbut can be simply replaced.

Both these products provide anappropriate, tidy and wheelchair friendlysurface dressing for the base of citytrees. The edge of the pit can betrimmed in a variety of ways, but stonekerbs or setts to match or complementthe nearby paving is best.

Approximate Dimension;Ideal 1200mm x 1200mmMinimum 1000mm x 1000mm

Material / finish:Resin bound aggregate (10mm)or compacted hoggin

Options:Natural stone aggregate,recycled glass, compactedhoggin.Edging material: Yorkstone orGranite kerb or sett.

Colours:Granite Grey/ Buff /Various,choice should be informed bycontext

Use:The edge of the pit shouldalways be defined by either asingle or double course ofsetts/block pavers, dependantupon the precedent set in thearea.New trees will need wateringinlet and irrigation tube aroundroots

Relates to:The choice of aggregate andedging material should reflectthe surface material installed inthe wider pedestrian area.

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Landscape and Townscape Features 7.02

Hanging Basket

Hanging baskets should whereverpossible be installed in pairs andarranged parallel to the kerb edge ingroups to give a mass impact. Theyshould be planted with materials andplants that are not unsustainable. Theresource impacts should be kept underreview and if the practice is found to beagainst best practice, then the fixturesand any sponsorship plates must beremoved completely and the paintworkmade good.

Minimum clearance above ground levelof 2.3m.

Lamp column mounting should only beon utility columns and should not befixed to cherished or listed streetfurniture.

Material / finish:Wire and fabricated steel.


Colours:Gloss black.

British Standard:Not Applicable.

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear, repaint every 3 years.

Comments:Developed for Westminster inhouse.

Use:The best effect is achieved bymass planting along streets/byareas e.g. tourist and shoppingstreets, in the West End andother small-scale locations.Careful attention must begiven to the load bearingcapacity of the supportingstructure/column and ifnecessary the column loadtested at the expense of thesponsor.

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Page reference: # Status: # Category: #Landscape and Townscape Features 7.03

Public ArtMaintenance & New Pieces

Description.Public art has enhanced Westminster'spublic places for centuries and there is avaluable legacy to future generations,some of it located in the streets.

New projects are scrutinised for theirartistic merits by the Public ArtAdvisory Panel and most works requireplanning permission.

Once these principles and concepts areestablished the installation, lighting andmaintenance of the works in the streetfalls within the remit of this manual.

New works will generally be endowedwith a maintenance arrangement andlong established works that are caredfor by the City Council are alreadyfunded.

Generally public art works will beregarded as "cherished" items to bemaintained and conserved. Proposals tolight or move them need specificapproval of the Public Realm AdvisoryGroup.


This is specialised work thatneeds careful commissioningas irreparable damage can becaused by inappropriatematerials and techniques.

The Little Dancer in Broad Court.

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Traffic Control 8.0

8.0 Traffic Control

This section deals with the devices and equipment that occur in improvement andmanagement schemes to control traffic, including parked vehicles.

It does not address the detailed design of traffic signs as these are the subject ofregulations. Implicit in Part 1 of Westminster Way is simplicity and a degree ofunderstatement. Where possible equipment, signs and road markings should bethe minimum necessary, lit to the minimum requirements (if at all) and notdoubled up with extra equipment to do the same job a second way. Theseprinciples should be extended to the design and grouping of signs and otherequipment. Co-location on a column is encouraged to avoid the proliferation ofposts, provided the result remains visually elegant.

There are product pages on:

8.01 Cycle Parking – Sheffield rack8.02 Cycle Parking – Cannon variation8.03 Illuminated Guide Posts8.04 Parking Meters8.05 Pay and Display machines

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Traffic Control 8.01

Cycle ParkingThe "Sheffield" rack

With increasing interest andcommitment to the sustainabilityagenda the need to incorporate morenumerous facilities for cycle parkingneeds to be addressed. Cycles chainedto railings and barriers is undesirableand space and facilities need to be setaside for their proper management.

Cycle parking facilities should begrouped and located at appropriatelocations within the public realm, toimprove safety and also reduce streetclutter. The overhang of a cycle whenlocked to the rack needs to beremembered when checking theinstallation will not prejudice the freeflow of pedestrians.

Units consist of a single welded steelbar with submerged fixing.

Approximate Dimensions:860mm height750mm width245mm depth foundations

Material / finish:Welded steel with blackenamelled finish to resistchipping.

Options:Free standing and wallmounted unitsWithout lower informationcross bar when the group hasbeen signed by the end rack.Chevron layout if the furniturezone is limited.

Colours:Gloss black

British Standard:


Use:Signage for the parkingfacilities should beincorporated into only one ofthe units, mounted on anadditional integral crossbar (asillustrated).Separate pole mounted signageshould not be installed andwhere found it should beremoved in favour of thisarrangement.

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Traffic Control 8.02

Cycle ParkingCannon Variation

With increasing interest andcommitment to the sustainabilityagenda the need to incorporate morenumerous facilities for cycle parkingneeds to be addressed.

Cycle parking facilities should begrouped and located at appropriatelocations within the public realm, toimprove safety and also reduce streetclutter.

Unit consists of 2 number cannonbollard cast uprights and tubularcrossbar and semi-circular strut.

Approximate Dimensions:

1140mm height1590mm width260mm depth foundation

Material / finish:Cast iron and steel tube.

Options:Version without sign for themiddle of groups.

Colours:Gloss black 'Dacrylate' stickerresistant paint.

British Standard:

Maintenance:Wash down and clean everyyear, repaint every 3 years.

Use:Signage for the parkingfacilities should beincorporated into only one ofthe units, mounted on thecrossbar or on the top band ofthe bollard.

Separate pole mounted signageshould not be installed.

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Traffic Control 8.03

Illuminated GuidePostsThe illuminated guard post commonlyreferred to as a “Keep Left” sign marksa physical hazard to vehicles oremphasises points of separation orsegregation of vehicle flows. By theirnature these elements are numerous(2,000 city wide) and exposed tofrequent vehicle impact damage.

The City Council has two preferreddesigns to replace those currently in use.These have been chosen with ease ofreplacement and electrical safety inmind. The hoop design is externallyilluminated and is used in very sensitiveareas.

The recoverable plastic bollard survivesover-running and provides a significantcost-in-use advantage over earlier plasticbollards that are sacrificed on impact.They should, wherever possible, belocated in refuges and islands withoutother fixed equipment. Lighting ofpedestrians in any refuge should beachieved from the kerbside lighting andpole top lighting eliminated.

Material / finish:



British Standard:



Relates to:

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Traffic Control 8.04

Parking MetersParking meters were introduced inWestminster in the 1960’s and havebecome an essential item of streetfurniture in the modern City.

The opportunity to arrange forpayment for several bays with a singlepay and display machine should besomething that the City Councilundertakes in any future equipmentupgrade as part of its ‘clutter reduction’initiative. Generally groups of five ormore can benefit from thisrationalisation.

These machines should therefore beremoved at the appropriate opportunityand ultimately alternative ways ofserving isolated bays or small groups ofbays will assist in their completeremoval from the street scene.

Material / finish:Metal, painted.


Colours:Black Gloss 'Dacrylate' stickerresistant paint.

British Standard:

Maintenance:Not applicable

Use:Should be positioned at theedge of the pavement.

Relates to:

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Traffic Control 8.05

Pay and DisplayTicket MachinesAutomatic pay and display machine incolumn form

This new form of street furniture andbus ticket machines of similarappearance is ugly and it has overhangsat the head height of a small child. The"P" symbol on the top looks like anafterthought. This equipment requiresbetter styling and design to be more selfeffacing in sensitive locations

Their flat casings present easyopportunities for fly posting, andtherefore possibly will present a long-term maintenance cost issue.

There is the opportunity for a newdesign to be produced that betterincorporates style, signage and usabilitycompatible to all areas of the city. Amonolith with an eliptical footprint issuggested, but in the meantime thealternative pictured below is a neaterdesign and available now.

Material / finish:Fabricated sheet metal

Options:Colours for graphics

Colours:Gloss black 'Dacrylate' stickerresistant paint.

British Standard:Not Applicable

Maintenance:Wash down and cleaning everyyear and check mechanism.

Comments:A replacement for streetparking meters which iswelcome in reducing physicalclutter and reducingmaintenance costs.Unfortunately needs additionalsigns to direct and informusers. Existing casings andforms are starkly ugly inhistoric settings.

Use:Should be sited to minimiseobstruction and visualintrusion, parallel to kerb edgeand pavement bond.



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Miscellaneous 9.0

9.0 MiscellaneousThis section sets out a miscellany of street equipment that is present inWestminster's streets that fall outside the main sections 1 - 8.

Trading, markets, supervision and cleanliness are dealt with in this section and thisintroduction also deals with the hierarchy of uses to which 'spare' highway area isput. Whilst the principal function of the street is movement along it, it also has thekey urban functions of social interaction, exchange and occasionally relaxation.Tables and chairs on the pavement are dealt with in separate guidance and relatedirectly to premises and their forecourts or where there are sufficiently widefootways. The principle of clear pedestrian zones is common to both sets ofguidance.

After the principal tracks are established for pedestrians and vehicles, there arespaces left for ancillary functions and features. Trees and shelters together withparked vehicles and cycles have the first call on 'spare' space, as these are ancillaryto shading and sheltering road users and the temporary storage of vehicles pendingthe next use. Alongside these come the facilities for making the network safe andclean. These include traffic control equipment, lighting and lavatories to minimisethe fouling of the public realm.

Lastly comes trading in the street. This is best achieved by closure of streets andvibrant markets are already established that need to be properly served by storageand power facilities. Occasional and quick sales of newspapers, sweets somedrinks, flowers and the like are effected from the pavement to passing people fromkiosks and stands and barrows, which should be well designed. Also, self-service"dumb sellers" may be appropriate in places. Small shops are generallyinappropriate on the street and should generally be in shop premises ifcommodities such as clothing, food and souvenirs are being sold. Where suchunits can be placed in roadspace not presently used for movement, they will almostcertainly be over sewers and services that may require instant access, so units thatcan be quickly disconnected and craned away are needed in such places. These will,of course, require planning permission if they remain in place.

There are product pages on:

9.01 CCTV9.02 Pitch and tables & chairs markers9.03 Power Bollards9.04 Dumb Sellers9.05 Trading Kiosks9.06 London Tram9.07 Bus shelters9.08 Telephone kiosks9.09 Feeder pillars

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Miscellaneous 9.01

CCTVGeneral Principles

Building owners, area managers,transportation and police authorities aswell as the City Council operate CCTVsystems for security, communityprotection, management and chargingpurposes. A proliferation of cameras isundesirable and sharing of facilities isdesirable. Common protocols areencouraged so video feeds can be usedby emergency services if circumstanceswarrant.

In placing equipment, the first choice isto place cameras (as small as possible)discretely on buildings, if that is notpossible, they should be co-located ontraffic signs or signals, preferably as aglobe on the top of a simple pole and asa third choice bracketed from modernor utilitarian street lighting columns andusing the same design of bracket as thecantilever arm of the lamp bracket.

The last resort is a separate pole andunder no circumstances should they beadded to cherished street furniture.

Clumsy poles and large bases orseparate cabinets are not to be used.

Material / finish:



British Standard:



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Miscellaneous 9.02

Pitch and table &chairs markers

These brick size markers are inset intogranite sett paving or asphalt withadditional markings in thermoplasticpaint (sometimes on brick inserts) toindicate the number of and boundary ofa market pitch.

Table and chair areas outsiderestaurants are best marked with asimple insert of a metal disk in a routedor drilled hole simply drilled by aportable drill using readily available bitsizes. Thus a disc of metal, resin bondedand set flush into a drilled paving slab ispreferred. 25mm – 32 mm diameterholes are the range suggested. Forcomparison a £2 coin is 29mm indiameter.

Material / finish:Cast Aluminium pitch markersand bronze or stainless steelseating area markers.



British Standard:



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Miscellaneous 9.03

Power Bollards

These are fatter versions of the Cannondesign (and also a Doric bollard designotherwise rarely used in the City). Thesehave an equipment door that allows apower connection (protected by acircuit breaker) to be made by stallholders in a market (or barrows inisolated pitches where footway spaceallows a space for trading.)

Generally the markets have circuitbreakers and meters in cabinetselsewhere and these bollards just havethe outlet.

If the pitch is isolated and there is noother place to have the isolatingequipment, it will either have to beminiaturised to fit or the pitch may notbe able to have a power supply. Largecabinets are not acceptable forsupplying a small pitch with occasionalelecticity.

Material / finish:Cast iron painted

Options:Circuit breakers and meteringcan be in a remote cabinet.

Colours:Black 'Dacrylate' stickerresistant paint.

British Standard:

Maintenance:Wash down every 6 monthsand repaint every three years.Regular inspection of hingesand locks as they can be usedto conceal undesirablematerials and unlocked ordoorless bollards present anelectrical hazard.

Use: Markets and isolatedtrading pitches where barrowsrequire lighting or electric tills

Relates to: Pitch markers andbollards and gates of similardetail.

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Miscellaneous 9.04

Dumb Sellers

These items are a product of thepractice distributing free newspapersand magazines. Other variants areavailable that sell newspapers fromsimilar equipment using cash in the slotmechanisms, although these have notyet appeared in the City. The variety ofcolours and haphazard placement looksunsightly and needs to be bettermanaged.

These need to be fixed to the nearbyrailing and not encroach on anypedestrian clear zone. The pitch needsto be marked and sellers maintained inthe agreed space.

It is suggested they be brought into theCity's livery code by being painted blackand with the legend "licensed by" andthe City of Westminster coat of armsand name.

The product can also be added on theside or face in one panel and carry onlythe name of the publication beingdistributed and no other advertisement.

Material / finish:Steel - painted


Colours:Gloss black 'Dacrylate' stickerresistant paint.

British Standard:



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Miscellaneous 9.05

Trading Kiosks

These items units, known as the"Heritage" kiosk were designed to seeka unified approach to the appearance ofpitches where a variety of barrows andshelters often extended with tarpaulinsand other devices were giving a poorappearance. They were designed to bemoveable and should be removed atnight on a trailer.

Various structural modifications havebeen made and they are increasinglybecoming static, and are not being usedin accordance with their licences andvarious permissions for development.This brave experiment has therefore notworked and the net result is poor whencompared with structures in continentalcities.

In order that existing purchasers get areasonable return on their investments,those that exist will be time limitedthrough licences and permissions. Nomore will be allowed in the City’s streetsand by the summer of 2007 the CityCouncil expects the last examples ofthis kiosk to be decommissioned andremoved.

Material / finish:Steel - painted

Colours:Gloss green paint.

There is a challenge to find anew, good looking andpractical design of barrow orstall that can be packed away atclosing time and brought backand simply re erected eachtrading morning.

A further challenge is to designa kiosk that is quicklyremovable in the event of astreet services intervention, yetgood looking in the round andsuitable for modern andtraditional areas. These newkiosks will be in places wherepedestrian zones can pass allround them and there issufficient pavement area forthem to remain on a semipermanent basis. Because ofthe need to maintain servicesthey will be placed using termsthat allow instant removal inthe event of emergency worksand will not develop rights inperpetuity.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

Miscellaneous 9.06

London TramGeneral Principles

The Cross River Partnership has namedthis project the London Tram but thefull title is the Cross River Transit and ispromoted by TfL.

The route passes from Waterloo Bridgeto Kingsway in the City, a place withsome 19th century but mostly early 20th

century buildings, many of which arelisted. All of the area traversed by thetram is within the boundary of, oraffects, one of three Conservation areas,namely Strand, Savoy or CoventGarden.

The City Council will expect allequipment and vehicles to be designedto the highest standard and be elegantlysimple, accessible and meeting designstandards of the public realm to thestandard set in the Strand / SomersetHouse area.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

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Bus Shelters

Description.Bus shelters have carried advertisementsin many places (except the mostsensitive) since the mid 1980s. Aproportion of the shelters have beenprovided without advertisementsfunded by those with the ability to earnrevenue. Real Time PassengerInformation has been added to someshelters with, what are now, rather old-fashioned dot matrix displays.Simple, elegant, modern designs havebeen evolved for use in the WorldSquares Project and signal the way thesefeatures of the street should evolve.Route and service information is carriedon the bus stop posts or on the backpanels of the shelter. Pre pay ticketmachines are also by most shelters.There would appear to be theopportunity to develop these structuresto have less aggressive advertising butmore information in the form of betterinformation panels using flat screentechnology. As large structures alreadyin the street the co location of facilitieswill hardly make them bigger but canreduce the number of items in thestreet.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

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Telephone Kiosks

Description.The telephone kiosk is an iconic Britishdesign and a characterful addition that ischerished in the London street scene.Later interpretations have been lesssuccessful and generally they aredifficult to access by some users. Somekiosks now contain e-mail and Internetterminals and development can beexpected in these directions. As largeitems of street furniture they present anobstruction in the street. The lessvaluable, later designs could evolve orbe merged into other items like busshelters to reduce overall clutter and asinformation points give extra facilities inthe street (which is preferable to moreisolated pieces of equipment).

Restoring more of the K6 design, evenin other liveries that the traditional red,is welcome but new designs needcareful consideration and should bedeveloped in conjunction with thePublic Realm Advisory Group.

The K2 design outside theMagistrates' Court at BowStreet

The later and slightly simplerK6 design.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

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Telephone Kiosks

Description.These are other designs that have beenlocated in the City's streets and are lesssuccessful than the famous red K2 andK6 designs. The latter has also beenadopted by companies other than theoriginal and appear in black inWestminster streets.

Disability issues indicate that other waysneed to be found to delivercommunications services to all, but thisdoes not imply any wish or desire toreduce the number of K2 or K6 kiosks.Alternative provision is needed and thismay be in association with otherequipment, particularly other large butnecessary items such as bus shelters andpublic lavatories.

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The Westminster Way – Part 2

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Feeder PillarsUnsightly features

Description.When electrical connections have to bemade, it is common practice to effectthese in a short pillar where theequipment can generally remain drybecause it is elevated above footwaylevel.These are unsightly and add to streetclutter. Where associated with other,unavoidable equipment cabinets, thepower intakes and connections shouldbe integrated, even if this makes aslightly larger cabinet. In electrified gascolumns it has been a regular practice tomake the connection in a nearbybollard, although it has been noted thatdoors can be cut in these (often listed)features – which is controversial.Ideally connections should be madeunderground and show a cover no moreintrusive than a valve cover or watermeter compartment. This is thereforemarked as a challenge to the industry toevolve a safe, dry and cost effectivesolution that is neater than the existingarrangement. Rising connection boxesare being sold for power connections inmarkets in a drained enclosure, and asmaller version of these is suggested.