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Partnership Structure

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Partnership Structure. KTP Funding Partners. What is KTP?. “. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime… Lao Tzu. ”. KTP Mission. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Partnership Structure

  • KTP Funding Partners

  • What is KTP?

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime Lao Tzu

  • KTP MissionKnowledge Transfer Partnerships is Europes leading programme helping businesses to improve their competitiveness, productivity and performance through the better use of knowledge, technology and skills that reside within the UK knowledge base.

    Dr Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, presenting the Overall Winning Partnership Award to Cherry Pipes Limited at Innovate 11

  • Some Figures

  • January 201234mGrants committed84mBusiness contributions1176Live partnerships(includes classic and shorter KTPs)1234Live projects(includes 199 shorter KTPs)

    Data from 2010/11 Annual Report

  • Features

  • Innovative project of clear strategic relevance to the business Sound business case Stimulating and challenging for all three partners Demonstrating a step change in innovation Quantifiable impact for all three partners Project Criteria Clear knowledge transferClear benefit from KB involvement

  • The Features of KTPProject length of between 6 months and 3 yearsAssociates recruited by KB and Business partnersThe Associate is employed by the KB partnerProject located at business premises with business supervisorKB Supervisor spends approx. half a day per week at the business premises

  • Project BudgetAnnual budget ~60kIncludes T&S, consumables and trainingEquipment owned by KB Partner on completionSMEs contribute 33%Large businesses contribute 50%

  • Who is eligibleBusinesses, Academics, Graduates

  • Business PartnersStable companies of all sizes from all industrial sectorsCharities and not-for-profit organisationsEducation institutions (LEAs and schools)Health organisations (hospitals and NHS Trusts)Councils and Local Authorities

  • Knowledge Base PartnersHigher Education InstitutionsFurther Education InstitutionsResearch and Technology OrganisationsPublic Sector Research Institutes

  • The AssociateFirst degree ~ 83% hold 1st or 2(i)Higher degree ~ 59%NVQ level 4Average age 29 yearsAll disciplines

  • Business BenefitsBenefits per Associate project

    Increase in annual profit before tax~ 240,000Investment in plant and machinery~ 106,000New jobs created 2Business staff trained 15New research projects initiated 3Commercial benefits from application of IP~ 27%

  • Business Benefits

    Benefits per 1 million

    New jobs created 23Company staff trained 196One-off increase in tax before profit 0.9m

    Anticipated increase in annual profit before tax3.08mafter partnership is completed

    Investment in plant & machinery1.35m

  • Knowledge Base BenefitsKnowledge BaseIncomePublished papersTeaching materials, case studies and projects (84%)New research themes commercial relevance (75%)Staff development commercial awareness (96%)Higher degree registrationsGraduate career opportunitiesExploitation of IP developed during project (27% expect commercial benefits)Strategic relationship with business (74%)

  • Associate Benefits

    AssociateCompetitive salaryPart of one of the countrys largest graduate recruitment schemes Employment within the chosen academic disciplineFast-track career developmentOpportunity to register for higher degree during project73% of Associates are offered employment by the host businessTraining and development to National Management Standards

  • The Application ProcessPrepare EOI* for submission to KTP Adviser Prepare application with guidance from KTP AdviserApplication assessed by Partnership Approval Group (PAG)Proposal funded continued input from KTP Adviser* EOI Expression of Interest

  • Contact usKTP AdvisersGeneral enquiriesBournemouth University

  • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

    Technology Strategy Board _connect

    * KTP is a three-way partnership involving a business, academic institution (such as university, further education college or RTO) and an Associate (a recently qualified graduate). For the Partnership to be a success and rewarding for all involved, the project should benefit all the participants and that the partners must be committed to and take joint ownership of it.

    *Updated Dec 2011* This slide is meant to explain the principle in laymans terms what KTP is. Essentially, KTP is about embedding new capability into an organisation in order to achieve their strategic needs. This is done through tapping into the wealth of knowledge and expertise in the UKs universities, FE colleges and RTOs and applying it to the real world This could be improving efficiencies/optimising business opportunities or bringing new technology to market. The possibilities are endless and not restricted to a particular industry sector. KTP is not consultancy. After the KTP has finished, the business has the knowledge KTP is all about collaboration and knowledge transfer

    * Updated from 2010/11 Annual Report


    ** Updated from 2010/11 Annual ReportKTP is one of the largest graduate recruitment programmes across the UK. KTP works across a wide range of academic disciplines and industry sectors, and any degree subject is considered, from environmental sustainability to new product development.* Updated from 2010/11 Annual Report* Updated from 2010/11 Annual Report*Updated from 2010/11 Annual Report

    * Updated from 2010/11 Annual Report
