PCHS Herd Status Published - 14/08/2020 06:01:07 Qualifying = The herd has passed the current qualifying test Accredited = Accreditation of freedom from the disease to CHeCS standards VMF = Vaccinated Monitored Free MMF = Milk Monitored Free LMF = Lepto Monitored Free Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status Status Breed Since Since Since Johnes Lepto BVD Since IBR Status Since NEO Acton, LA - Bradley Farm, Bardon Mill, Northumberland 01434344261 Risk level 1 LMF Incomplete Accredited AA 14/01/2008 16/02/2016 Adam, RM - Newhouse of Glamis, Angus 01307840678 Risk level 2 Accredited AA 24/03/2005 Adams, A & J - Eastfield Farm, Aberdeenshire 01339 755395 Accredited AA 10/11/2011 Adams, RC - Laurel Farm, Marsh Lane, Suffolk 01394 448564 Accredited AA 20/03/2017 Addison, R C S - Greystone House, Kings Meaburn, Cumbria 01931714663 Risk level 2 Overdue AA Alford, M - Foxhill Farm, Blackbourgh, Devon 01884 849369 Risk level 1 AA 10/09/2013 Allan, W & D - Leaderfoot Farm, Roxburghshire 01896822298 Accredited AA 12/12/2013 Allen, WD - Humbleheugh, Northumberland 01665579274 Risk level 3 Accredited AA 12/01/2015 Anderson, S - Stouslie Farm, Roxburghshire 01450 371340 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 18/12/2017 14/12/2016 Andrews, DW - Warson Barton Farm, Coryton, Devon 01822 820402 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AA 20/02/2017 28/09/2016 Risk level 2 Anema, JD & NJ - Old Hall Farm, Dereham Road, Westfield, Norfolk 01362695732 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AA 06/03/2012 14/02/2014 06/03/2012 Risk level 2 Angus-Meldrum, C - Home Farm, Pitmedden, Aberdeenshire 01224791383 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 08/11/2017 15/01/2010 Arbuckle, AA&JI - Lower Luthrie Farm, Fife 01337 870265 Risk level 5 Accredited AA 11/01/2013 Armour, AD - Woodvale, 75 Begny Hill Road, County Down 02897533286 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 26/01/2010 26/01/2010 Baker, EJ - Windshiel Farm, Berwickshire 01361883863 Risk level 4 Qual 1st AA Bell, AR - Kirkton Farm, Roxburghshire 01450375320 Risk level 3 AA Bennett, EA - 17 Sheep Street, Shipston, Warwickshire 01608661243 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AA 23/01/2017 23/01/2017 Biggar, J - Grange, Dumfries & Galloway 01556660205 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 04/09/2013 02/12/2019 Black, D - Drochil Castle Farm, Peeblesshire 07767787185 Risk level 3 Control AA Blair, Neil K - Parkhead Cottage, Perthshire 01575 560734 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 24/01/2019 02/03/2012 Blundell, C - Mount St John Estates, Mount St John, North Yorkshire 01845 537205 Risk level 1 BVD VMF AA 18/12/2019 Boomaars, J - Heathdown, The Ridge- Woldingham, Surrey 01883653064 Risk level 2 Accredited Control AA 03/11/2009 Bowhill Farming Ltd - Estate Office, Bowhill, Selkirkshire 01750 20753 Risk level 3 AA Boyle, P - Mallsgate Hall, Roweltown, Cumbria 01228577174 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited AA 20/02/2015 13/02/2019 22/02/2014 13/02/2017 Brewis, T.H. - Eastfield of Lempitlaw, Roxburghshire 01573 430224 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 06/01/2011 19/02/2013 Bridges, S&S - High Cow Helm, Chop Gate, North Yorkshire 01439 798920 Accredited AA 13/04/2016 Brooke, Gordon - Upper Huntlywood Farm, Huntlywood, Berwickshire 01573410226 Risk level 3 AA Buchan, CAM - Cally Estate- Cally House, Bridge of Cally, Perthshire 01250886235 Risk level 3 Accredited AA 11/01/2012 Budge, MB - 5 Lamberton, Northumberland 01289306547 Risk level 1 AA 03/12/2019 Burrell, CHA - Broome Park Farms, Broome Park, Northumberland 01665574344 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 21/09/2011 10/04/2012 Burridge, R, D & J - Manor Farm, Fundenhall, Norfolk 01508 489257 Incomplete AA Cairns, JA - South Riccalton Farm, Oxnam, Roxburghshire 01835 840272 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 04/11/2019 14/12/2018 Callander, R - Saughland Farm, Midlothian Risk level 2 Accredited AA 01/02/2017 Campbell & Sons, JHC - Thrunton Farm, Whittingham, Northumberland 01665574305 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 17/04/2014 12/01/2011 Campbell, C&N - 4 Nether Johnstone, Smallholding, Barrhill Crescent, Renfrewshire 01505702258 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited AA 15/02/2014 14/12/2010 04/02/2013 22/06/2019 Campbell, E - Rosebrough farm, Chathill, Northumberland 01668213396 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 17/04/2014 12/01/2011 Campbell, JRL - Wedderlie, Berwickshire 01578740246 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 05/03/2007 Campbell, N&E - Succoth Farm, Ardeonaig, Perthshire 01567820005 Risk level 2 Overdue AA Carter, A - Standlynch Farm, Downton, Wiltshire 01722710382 Risk level 1 Control Accredited Incomplete AA 29/03/2012 02/03/2011 Risk level 4 Cathpair Estate, MR - Cathpair, Stow, Selkirkshire Risk level 1 Control Accredited Accredited AA 27/01/2017 23/02/2018 30/10/2017 Catten, KWC - Field Farm, Mill Road, Briston, Norfolk 01263 860843 Risk level 5 Qual 1st AA Christie, Bruce - Burghill Farms, Angus 01356 622891 Risk level 5 Incomplete Accredited AA 20/05/2013 Christie, D - Durie Farms, Durie, Fife 01333422141 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 02/12/2016 04/04/2014 Close, PH & RM - Littleton Farm, Turnberry, Ayrshire 01655331646 Risk level 1 Accredited Control AA 24/04/2006 07/04/2010 Connell, H & M - Minsca, Waterbeck, Dumfries & Galloway 01461600250 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited AA 14/12/2016 18/12/2012 12/11/2013 14/12/2016 Cooper, AWP - Sydling Estate, Upper Sydling House, Dorset 01300 342114 Risk level 3 Overdue AA Cormack, AK - 1 Stuartslaw Cottage, Allanton, Berwickshire 07563395819 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Control AA 01/07/2019 Corsar, George - Mains of Loanhead Bothy, Old Rayne, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Qual 1st AA 25/10/2010 03/12/2010 16/10/2009 Cox, AR & HE - Mossie Mire House, Laverton, North Yorkshire 01765658646 Risk level 1 Control Control AA 22/11/2007 Craigie, W L - Whiteley, Daviot, Aberdeenshire 01467671239 Risk level 2 Accredited AA 09/12/2013 Currie, M & HD - Skewbridge, Mouswald, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 Control Accredited Control AA 16/10/2017 Dagg, DA - Craighouse, Roxburghshire 01896 822120 Overdue Accredited AA 06/10/2016 Dawson & Johnson, JS MD - 43 Field Lane (Friars Ing Farm), Appleton, Cheshire Incomplete Accredited AA 16/11/2018 De La Cour, N - Wilby House Farm, Wilby, Norfolk 01953887429 Accredited AA 22/02/2007 Don, E A - Freefield, Old Rayne, Aberdeenshire 01464 841223 Risk level 3 AA Donald, J A - Beechcroft, West Backhill, Aberdeenshire 01651 891865 Risk level 2 Accredited AA 18/12/2018 Douglas, C - Weatheriggs Farm Cottage, Clifton Dykes, Cumbria 07805 036002 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Control AA 31/01/2016 01/04/2019 31/01/2016 Duncan & Peters - Whitehall Farms, Kirkmahoe, Dumfries & Galloway 07720076591 Risk level 4 Incomplete Incomplete AA Dunlop, WR - Hillhead, Auchengray, Carnwarth, Lanarkshire 01501785254 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 16/01/2020 04/05/2010 Earls Court Farm Limited - Earls Court Farm, Lambourn Woodlands, Berkshire 01488 71869 Risk level 3 Overdue AA Elliot (LINKED HERDS), A - Balnakeil Farm (LINKED HERDS), Durness (LINKED HE Risk level 3 Accredited AA 16/12/2007 Elliot (LINKED HERDS), A - Bedshiel (LINKED HERDS), Greenlaw (LINKED HERDS) Risk level 3 Accredited AA 16/12/2007 Elliot (LINKED HERDS), A - Blackhaugh (LINKED HERDS), Clovenfords (LINKED HE 01896 850333 Risk level 4 Accredited AA 16/12/2007 Elliot, J - Roxburgh Mains, Roxburghshire 01573450249 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 26/05/2005 25/07/2001 Fabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited AA 18/03/2016 06/03/2015 06/03/2015 06/03/2015 Fairfax, T P - Mindrum Farm, Mindrum, Northumberland 01890850634 Qual 1st AA Fenwick, S C - Middleheugh Farm, Longhorsley, Northumberland 01665 570495 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 10/11/2017 16/01/2017 Field, AE - Sutton House Farm, Sutton, Worcestershire 01584810424 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 09/01/2018 02/05/2016 Findlay, A - Neuk Farm, Berwickshire 01368830459 Risk level 3 AA Fleming, JA - Grove Farm, West Rudham, Norfolk 01485 528226 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited AA 14/01/2014 10/01/2013 12/06/2020 10/01/2013 Flower, NA & JP - Heathcote Grange, Heathcote, Hartington, Derbyshire 01298 84918 Risk level 2 AA Ford, D H - High Balantyre Farm, Argyll 01499302434 Accredited AA 20/04/2011 Forrest, R - Preston Farm, Berwickshire 01361 882826 Risk level 3 Accredited AA 12/01/2016 Foster, CW - Fordham Farm, Bishop Wilton, Yorkshire 07850 840940 Incomplete Control Control AA Risk level 2 Fotheringham, M - Sauchentree, Methlick, Aberdeenshire 01651806948 Accredited AA 22/03/2013 Fox, M & GM - Crosbythwaite Farm, Ulpha, Cumbria 01229715210 Risk level 1 AA 04/02/2016 Fry, BS - Colhayne Farm, Shute, Devon 01404 831103 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AA 10/05/2015 27/05/2014 27/05/2014 Galloway, JR - Cardona Farm, Perthshire 01786 850275 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 12/06/2012 19/06/2013 Gantlett, RAS - Yatesbury House Farm, Wiltshire 01672 539039 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited AA 14/10/2014 25/10/2017 12/11/2013 14/10/2014 Gaskell & Holliday, L - Kittyfield Farmhouse, Roxburghshire 01896822352 Risk level 3 Accredited AA 08/02/2013 Gillanders, N - Newfield, Hatton, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1 Accredited AA 17/04/2012 23/04/2010 Incomplete Glenbervie Home Farm Ltd - Estate Office, Drumlithie, Kincardineshire 01569740280 Risk level 3 Accredited AA 25/01/2011 Glennie, AJS - Threeburnford, Oxton, Berwickshire 01578 750615 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 27/11/2018 04/03/2001 Glympton Farms (Wilson, Ben) - Glympton Farm Estate Office, Glympton, Oxfordshir 01993811443 Risk level 1 Overdue Accredited Qual 1st AA 16/11/2015 24/11/2014 Risk level 4 Goldie, R W - Dustyhall Farm, Dalrymple, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMF AA 10/01/2018 Goodson, A - Marlefield, Roxburghshire 01573 440506 Risk level 1 Accredited AA 20/11/2018 07/03/2018 Gower-Smith, Graham - Woodlands, Felbrigg Road, Norfolk 01263761564 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Control AA Risk level 2 Graham, D - Birsca Farm, Corrie, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 2 AA Gray, G - Sunnycroft, Lindean, Selkirkshire Risk level 1 Accredited AA 18/03/2013 06/03/2020 Gray, MIH & PM - Nut Tree Cottage, Lower Chicksgrove, Wiltshire 01722 714382 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited AA 22/03/2011 12/03/2014 23/03/2016 22/03/2011 Risk level 1 26/03/2018 Green - Tangent Estate, Easton Grey House, Wiltshire 01666840911 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AA 03/12/2010 17/11/2017 30/10/2014 Grierson, J A C - Newmiln Farm, Tibbermore, Perthshire 01738730201 Risk level 1 Incomplete Accredited AA 19/02/2016 16/05/2013 Risk level 3 Guttery, G - Oakmoor Farm, The Moor, Yorkshire 01904767881 Risk level 1 Overdue Qual 1st AA 25/03/2013 Gwyther, RH - Llan Hall, Hyssington, Powys 01588650245 Risk level 5 AA Hamilton, M - Woolfords Farm, Cobbinshaw, West Lothian 01501785502 Risk level 4 Accredited AA 28/02/2014 Hancock, J - Beam Ends, Tincleton, Dorset Risk level 2 Control Qual 1st Qual 1st AA 14 August 2020 Page 1 of 29

PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

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Page 1: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

PCHS Herd StatusPublished - 14/08/2020 06:01:07

Qualifying = The herd has passed the current qualifying test

Accredited = Accreditation of freedom from the disease to CHeCS standards

VMF = Vaccinated Monitored Free

MMF = Milk Monitored Free

LMF = Lepto Monitored Free

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Acton, LA - Bradley Farm, Bardon Mill, Northumberland 01434344261 Risk level 1 LMF Incomplete AccreditedAA 14/01/2008 16/02/2016Adam, RM - Newhouse of Glamis, Angus 01307840678 Risk level 2 AccreditedAA 24/03/2005Adams, A & J - Eastfield Farm, Aberdeenshire 01339 755395 AccreditedAA 10/11/2011Adams, RC - Laurel Farm, Marsh Lane, Suffolk 01394 448564 AccreditedAA 20/03/2017Addison, R C S - Greystone House, Kings Meaburn, Cumbria 01931714663 Risk level 2 OverdueAAAlford, M - Foxhill Farm, Blackbourgh, Devon 01884 849369 Risk level 1AA 10/09/2013Allan, W & D - Leaderfoot Farm, Roxburghshire 01896822298 AccreditedAA 12/12/2013Allen, WD - Humbleheugh, Northumberland 01665579274 Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 12/01/2015Anderson, S - Stouslie Farm, Roxburghshire 01450 371340 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 18/12/2017 14/12/2016Andrews, DW - Warson Barton Farm, Coryton, Devon 01822 820402 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedAA 20/02/2017 28/09/2016 Risk level 2Anema, JD & NJ - Old Hall Farm, Dereham Road, Westfield, Norfolk 01362695732 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedAA 06/03/2012 14/02/2014 06/03/2012 Risk level 2Angus-Meldrum, C - Home Farm, Pitmedden, Aberdeenshire 01224791383 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 08/11/2017 15/01/2010Arbuckle, AA&JI - Lower Luthrie Farm, Fife 01337 870265 Risk level 5 AccreditedAA 11/01/2013Armour, AD - Woodvale, 75 Begny Hill Road, County Down 02897533286 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 26/01/2010 26/01/2010Baker, EJ - Windshiel Farm, Berwickshire 01361883863 Risk level 4 Qual 1stAABell, AR - Kirkton Farm, Roxburghshire 01450375320 Risk level 3AABennett, EA - 17 Sheep Street, Shipston, Warwickshire 01608661243 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedAA 23/01/2017 23/01/2017Biggar, J - Grange, Dumfries & Galloway 01556660205 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 04/09/2013 02/12/2019Black, D - Drochil Castle Farm, Peeblesshire 07767787185 Risk level 3 ControlAABlair, Neil K - Parkhead Cottage, Perthshire 01575 560734 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 24/01/2019 02/03/2012Blundell, C - Mount St John Estates, Mount St John, North Yorkshire 01845 537205 Risk level 1 BVD VMFAA 18/12/2019Boomaars, J - Heathdown, The Ridge- Woldingham, Surrey 01883653064 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlAA 03/11/2009Bowhill Farming Ltd - Estate Office, Bowhill, Selkirkshire 01750 20753 Risk level 3AABoyle, P - Mallsgate Hall, Roweltown, Cumbria 01228577174 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 20/02/2015 13/02/2019 22/02/2014 13/02/2017Brewis, T.H. - Eastfield of Lempitlaw, Roxburghshire 01573 430224 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 06/01/2011 19/02/2013Bridges, S&S - High Cow Helm, Chop Gate, North Yorkshire 01439 798920 AccreditedAA 13/04/2016Brooke, Gordon - Upper Huntlywood Farm, Huntlywood, Berwickshire 01573410226 Risk level 3AABuchan, CAM - Cally Estate- Cally House, Bridge of Cally, Perthshire 01250886235 Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 11/01/2012Budge, MB - 5 Lamberton, Northumberland 01289306547 Risk level 1AA 03/12/2019Burrell, CHA - Broome Park Farms, Broome Park, Northumberland 01665574344 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 21/09/2011 10/04/2012Burridge, R, D & J - Manor Farm, Fundenhall, Norfolk 01508 489257 IncompleteAACairns, JA - South Riccalton Farm, Oxnam, Roxburghshire 01835 840272 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 04/11/2019 14/12/2018Callander, R - Saughland Farm, Midlothian Risk level 2 AccreditedAA 01/02/2017Campbell & Sons, JHC - Thrunton Farm, Whittingham, Northumberland 01665574305 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 17/04/2014 12/01/2011Campbell, C&N - 4 Nether Johnstone, Smallholding, Barrhill Crescent, Renfrewshire 01505702258 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 15/02/2014 14/12/2010 04/02/2013 22/06/2019Campbell, E - Rosebrough farm, Chathill, Northumberland 01668213396 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 17/04/2014 12/01/2011Campbell, JRL - Wedderlie, Berwickshire 01578740246 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 05/03/2007Campbell, N&E - Succoth Farm, Ardeonaig, Perthshire 01567820005 Risk level 2 OverdueAACarter, A - Standlynch Farm, Downton, Wiltshire 01722710382 Risk level 1 Control Accredited IncompleteAA 29/03/2012 02/03/2011 Risk level 4Cathpair Estate, MR - Cathpair, Stow, Selkirkshire Risk level 1 Control Accredited AccreditedAA 27/01/2017 23/02/2018 30/10/2017Catten, KWC - Field Farm, Mill Road, Briston, Norfolk 01263 860843 Risk level 5 Qual 1stAAChristie, Bruce - Burghill Farms, Angus 01356 622891 Risk level 5 Incomplete AccreditedAA 20/05/2013Christie, D - Durie Farms, Durie, Fife 01333422141 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 02/12/2016 04/04/2014Close, PH & RM - Littleton Farm, Turnberry, Ayrshire 01655331646 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlAA 24/04/2006 07/04/2010Connell, H & M - Minsca, Waterbeck, Dumfries & Galloway 01461600250 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 14/12/2016 18/12/2012 12/11/2013 14/12/2016Cooper, AWP - Sydling Estate, Upper Sydling House, Dorset 01300 342114 Risk level 3 OverdueAACormack, AK - 1 Stuartslaw Cottage, Allanton, Berwickshire 07563395819 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlAA 01/07/2019Corsar, George - Mains of Loanhead Bothy, Old Rayne, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Qual 1stAA 25/10/2010 03/12/2010 16/10/2009Cox, AR & HE - Mossie Mire House, Laverton, North Yorkshire 01765658646 Risk level 1 Control ControlAA 22/11/2007Craigie, W L - Whiteley, Daviot, Aberdeenshire 01467671239 Risk level 2 AccreditedAA 09/12/2013Currie, M & HD - Skewbridge, Mouswald, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlAA 16/10/2017Dagg, DA - Craighouse, Roxburghshire 01896 822120 Overdue AccreditedAA 06/10/2016Dawson & Johnson, JS MD - 43 Field Lane (Friars Ing Farm), Appleton, Cheshire Incomplete AccreditedAA 16/11/2018De La Cour, N - Wilby House Farm, Wilby, Norfolk 01953887429 AccreditedAA 22/02/2007Don, E A - Freefield, Old Rayne, Aberdeenshire 01464 841223 Risk level 3AADonald, J A - Beechcroft, West Backhill, Aberdeenshire 01651 891865 Risk level 2 AccreditedAA 18/12/2018Douglas, C - Weatheriggs Farm Cottage, Clifton Dykes, Cumbria 07805 036002 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlAA 31/01/2016 01/04/2019 31/01/2016Duncan & Peters - Whitehall Farms, Kirkmahoe, Dumfries & Galloway 07720076591 Risk level 4 Incomplete IncompleteAADunlop, WR - Hillhead, Auchengray, Carnwarth, Lanarkshire 01501785254 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 16/01/2020 04/05/2010Earls Court Farm Limited - Earls Court Farm, Lambourn Woodlands, Berkshire 01488 71869 Risk level 3 OverdueAAElliot (LINKED HERDS), A - Balnakeil Farm (LINKED HERDS), Durness (LINKED HE Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 16/12/2007Elliot (LINKED HERDS), A - Bedshiel (LINKED HERDS), Greenlaw (LINKED HERDS) Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 16/12/2007Elliot (LINKED HERDS), A - Blackhaugh (LINKED HERDS), Clovenfords (LINKED HE 01896 850333 Risk level 4 AccreditedAA 16/12/2007Elliot, J - Roxburgh Mains, Roxburghshire 01573450249 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 26/05/2005 25/07/2001Fabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 18/03/2016 06/03/2015 06/03/2015 06/03/2015Fairfax, T P - Mindrum Farm, Mindrum, Northumberland 01890850634 Qual 1stAAFenwick, S C - Middleheugh Farm, Longhorsley, Northumberland 01665 570495 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 10/11/2017 16/01/2017Field, AE - Sutton House Farm, Sutton, Worcestershire 01584810424 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 09/01/2018 02/05/2016Findlay, A - Neuk Farm, Berwickshire 01368830459 Risk level 3AAFleming, JA - Grove Farm, West Rudham, Norfolk 01485 528226 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 14/01/2014 10/01/2013 12/06/2020 10/01/2013Flower, NA & JP - Heathcote Grange, Heathcote, Hartington, Derbyshire 01298 84918 Risk level 2AAFord, D H - High Balantyre Farm, Argyll 01499302434 AccreditedAA 20/04/2011Forrest, R - Preston Farm, Berwickshire 01361 882826 Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 12/01/2016Foster, CW - Fordham Farm, Bishop Wilton, Yorkshire 07850 840940 Incomplete Control ControlAA Risk level 2Fotheringham, M - Sauchentree, Methlick, Aberdeenshire 01651806948 AccreditedAA 22/03/2013Fox, M & GM - Crosbythwaite Farm, Ulpha, Cumbria 01229715210 Risk level 1AA 04/02/2016Fry, BS - Colhayne Farm, Shute, Devon 01404 831103 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedAA 10/05/2015 27/05/2014 27/05/2014Galloway, JR - Cardona Farm, Perthshire 01786 850275 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 12/06/2012 19/06/2013Gantlett, RAS - Yatesbury House Farm, Wiltshire 01672 539039 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 14/10/2014 25/10/2017 12/11/2013 14/10/2014Gaskell & Holliday, L - Kittyfield Farmhouse, Roxburghshire 01896822352 Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 08/02/2013Gillanders, N - Newfield, Hatton, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 17/04/2012 23/04/2010 IncompleteGlenbervie Home Farm Ltd - Estate Office, Drumlithie, Kincardineshire 01569740280 Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 25/01/2011Glennie, AJS - Threeburnford, Oxton, Berwickshire 01578 750615 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 27/11/2018 04/03/2001Glympton Farms (Wilson, Ben) - Glympton Farm Estate Office, Glympton, Oxfordshir 01993811443 Risk level 1 Overdue Accredited Qual 1stAA 16/11/2015 24/11/2014 Risk level 4Goldie, R W - Dustyhall Farm, Dalrymple, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMFAA 10/01/2018Goodson, A - Marlefield, Roxburghshire 01573 440506 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 20/11/2018 07/03/2018Gower-Smith, Graham - Woodlands, Felbrigg Road, Norfolk 01263761564 Risk level 2 Qual 1st ControlAA Risk level 2Graham, D - Birsca Farm, Corrie, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 2AAGray, G - Sunnycroft, Lindean, Selkirkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 18/03/2013 06/03/2020Gray, MIH & PM - Nut Tree Cottage, Lower Chicksgrove, Wiltshire 01722 714382 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 22/03/2011 12/03/2014 23/03/2016 22/03/2011 Risk level 1 26/03/2018Green - Tangent Estate, Easton Grey House, Wiltshire 01666840911 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedAA 03/12/2010 17/11/2017 30/10/2014Grierson, J A C - Newmiln Farm, Tibbermore, Perthshire 01738730201 Risk level 1 Incomplete AccreditedAA 19/02/2016 16/05/2013 Risk level 3Guttery, G - Oakmoor Farm, The Moor, Yorkshire 01904767881 Risk level 1 Overdue Qual 1stAA 25/03/2013Gwyther, RH - Llan Hall, Hyssington, Powys 01588650245 Risk level 5AAHamilton, M - Woolfords Farm, Cobbinshaw, West Lothian 01501785502 Risk level 4 AccreditedAA 28/02/2014Hancock, J - Beam Ends, Tincleton, Dorset Risk level 2 Control Qual 1st Qual 1stAA

14 August 2020 Page 1 of 29

Page 2: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Hardie, James - 47 Gordon Road, Aberdeenshire 01975 563348 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 07/12/2019 12/02/2018Hardwick Game Farm - Hawstead Lodge Farm, Pinford End, Suffolk 01284755905 Incomplete IncompleteAAHarley Farms - Valley Farm, Chitterne, Wiltshire 01985850462 Risk level 5 IncompleteAA IncompleteHart & Ball, TG & EM - St Dial Farm, Monmouthshire 01600 713102 Risk level 2 AccreditedAA 09/12/2015Hector, K J - Cowfords, Strichen, Aberdeenshire 01771637901 Risk level 1 Qual 1st AccreditedAA 18/04/2017 28/04/2016Heerema, Hannah - Balavil Estate Office, Balavil, Inverness-shire 01540 661268 Risk level 2 ControlAAHindmarsh & Son, G R - Linden Hill Head, Longhorsley, Northumberland 01670 788 217 Incomplete IncompleteAAHodge - Rulesmains Farm, Berwickshire 01361883774 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 10/01/2018 18/02/2013Hodgson, HC - Piercebridge Farm, Piercebridge, County Durham 01325 374 251 Risk level 1 Control Incomplete ControlAA 10/12/2019Hope House Farm Estate - C/o Cook and Barker Arms, Newton on the Moor, Northu 01665575234 Risk level 1AA 27/11/2017Hopkin, G - Cefn Coed Farm, Llanharry Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited Qual 1stAA Risk level 2Hopper, HJA - Hall Garth Farm, Harpham, North Humberside 01262490019 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 09/09/2013 11/09/2017 10/09/2012 02/09/2016Houston, A - Gretna House, Gretna, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 2 AccreditedAA 14/10/2010Howatson, L R - Corrie Mains, Corrie, Dumfries & Galloway 01576710282 Risk level 1 BVD VMFAA 21/02/2014Howie, K - Cairnton Farm, Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire 01339883536 Risk level 1 L hardjo MMF Accredited AccreditedAA 13/02/2020 26/03/2008 28/02/2014Hutchinson, H F - Falahill Farm, Midlothian Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 25/03/2020Hutchinson, JP & JM - Spikers Hill Farm, West Ayton, North Yorkshire 01723862537 AccreditedAA 05/12/2014Huxter, F - Chapel Court Farm, Mosterton, Dorset 01308 868213 Overdue Accredited OverdueAA 27/06/2019Hyslop, D - Whitehill Kennels, Crossgates, Fife 01383 860126 Risk level 1 OverdueAA 03/12/2015J & S Farming, J - Furzelease Farm, Tisbury, Wiltshire 01747870509 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Accredited ControlAA 18/06/2012 Risk level 1 29/04/2019Jackson, A - Beningbrough Home Farm, Beningbrough, Yorkshire IncompleteAAJackson, EA & L - Rugley Farm, Northumberland 01665 602528 Risk level 1AA 12/11/2018Jackson, VM - Russett Mead, School Lane- Calbourne, Isle of Wight 01983531347 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 05/11/2007 05/11/2007 05/11/2007 05/11/2007Jacob, AT & WA - Twll y Gwyddil Farm, Craig Cefn Parc, Swansea 01792844303 Qual 1stAAJeary, D - Hawthorn Farm, High Road, Briston, Norfolk 01263862734 Risk level 3AAJennings, S - The Old Farm, Swinbrook, Oxfordshire 01993 824851 Risk level 5 Control Incomplete ControlAAJohnson, TA - Clarence House Farm, Yearsley, North Yorkshire 01347888665 Risk level 1 Control Accredited Qual 1stAA 16/01/2006 20/12/2010Jones, D - Cefn Parc Uchaf, Graig Cefn Parc, West Glamorgan 01792 842680 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 27/09/2016 30/09/2015Jones, RE - Maesllymystyn, Foel, Powys 01938820231 Risk level 1AA 18/12/2012Kay, J - 3 Tower Farm, Gisburn Road, Lancs 01282 447029 Risk level 2 Qual 1stAAKersquarter Aberdeen Angus - Kersquarter, Sprouston, Roxburghshire 01573224199 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 31/08/2009 02/04/2015King - Hillend Farm, Ayrshire 01505850038 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlAA 06/10/2015 11/11/2016 10/04/2017King, A - Langstilly Farm, Renfrewshire 0 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 15/11/2019 15/11/2019 15/11/2019 Risk level 2Kyle, Robert - Bail' Ant Sruth, The Brunton, Glinns Road, Stirling 01786870620 Risk level 2 Qual 1stAALascelles, JF - Balmachie, Angus 01241855511 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 19/04/2006 07/01/2013 20/12/2012 17/02/2014Lawn, G & MA - None-go-bye Farm, Stirton, North Yorkshire 01756793165 Risk level 4 Control ControlAALawson, W A L - Scotsmill, Tullynessle, Aberdeenshire 019755 62014 Overdue AccreditedAA 14/11/2018Leiper, R - Bygate, Black Heddon, Northumberland 01661881617 Risk level 2AALindertis Pedigree Angus Herd - Kinalty Farm House, Angus Risk level 2 AccreditedAALister, J C - Ellenthorpe Lodge, North Yorkshire 01423322428 Risk level 2 AccreditedAA 24/01/2017Lockhead - Glassel Farms Limited, Mains of Glassel, Aberdeenshire 07785301551 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedAA 03/09/2014 17/12/2007Loftus Farms, RJ & D - Preese Hall, Weeton, Lancashire 01253836238 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 26/04/2011 17/07/2015Love, S - Meikle Burntshields, Kilbarchan, Ayrshire 01505705019 AccreditedAA 01/04/2012Lyell, D & V - Auchleish, Glenquiech, Angus 01575540375 Risk level 4 AccreditedAA 06/01/2015MacAngus, Bruce - Little Glencoe, Meikle Kirkhill, Maud, Aberdeenshire 01771 613419 Risk level 2 Qual 1st ControlAAMacAulay, Kenneth - 1 Kirkibost, Bernera, Western Isles 01851 612217 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 11/05/2017 27/03/2015 27/03/2015 27/03/2015Mackay, BS - Skitten Farm, Caithness 01955602012 AccreditedAA 22/10/2014MacNeill, DM - Old Orchard Cottage, Cavers, Roxburghshire 01450 376265 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 05/04/2018 28/04/2017 06/03/2015 06/03/2019Manning, W - Dirnanean Steading, Enochdhu, Perthshire 01250088130 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 14/11/2017 07/01/2008Marsh, TG & JE - Lower Bardrain Farm, Elderslie, Renfrewshire 01505321777 Risk level 4 AccreditedAA 31/08/2004Martin, J - Swinlees, Ayrshire 01294832479 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 10/10/2016 01/10/2012Mathers - Tillyfour FP - Wardes, Kintore, Aberdeenshire 01330 860241 Risk level 3AAMcCarthy, D S - Longoe Farm, Caithness 01847 851249 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 06/02/2017 02/03/2016McGowan, F - Incheoch Farms, Alyth, Perthshire 01575 560236 Risk level 3 Incomplete AccreditedAA 17/01/2006McLaren & Sons, I H - The Warren, Croughton, Northamptonshire 01869810202 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 11/01/2019 07/01/2013McLean, R M - 7 Glentyan Avenue (Mid Auchencloich), Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire 01505706003 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 17/05/2010McMillan, A - Evelick, Perthshire 01821 670218 Qual 1stAAMiller, Graeme - Birkenbower, Lumsden, Aberdeenshire 01464 861307 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedAA 25/11/2019 12/11/2018Milne, GGF - Kinaldy Farm, Fife 01334472403 Risk level 2 AccreditedAA 21/12/2007Milton, JWJ - Partridge Arms Farm, West Anstey, Devon 01398 341217 AccreditedAA 09/05/2013Montgomery, J & S - Lorabar Farm, Glenhead Road, Renfrewshire Risk level 1AA 01/04/2011Montgomery, W - Colmslie Farm, Selkirkshire 01896860320 Risk level 5AAMoore, F - 16 Fairhill Crescent, Carnmoney, County Down 02890833293 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 13/08/2007 30/04/2007 27/02/2013Moores, K - The Moss, North Moss Lane, Formby, Merseyside 01704 875489 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited ControlAA 23/01/2004 25/10/2014 Risk level 3Morrison, D - Meikle Maldron, Torphins, Aberdeenshire Risk level 4AAMoss, DC - Glebe Farm, Nottingham Road, Nottinghamshire 01159830301 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 08/04/2013 06/03/2015 17/12/2007 12/03/2018Muirhead, Robert - Auldtoun, Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire 01555892910 Risk level 5 AccreditedAA 13/05/2016Murray - Wolflaw, Angus 01307860237 Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 10/12/2010Murray, Gordon - Craigmaddie Muir Farm, Craigmaddie, Glasgow 01419565835 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 05/02/2014 01/01/2013 18/02/2015Musk, JCM - 35 High Street (Netherglade Farm), Tuddenham St Mary, Suffolk 01638 724831 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 21/03/2018 21/04/2017National Museums of Scotland - Wester Kittochside Farm, Kittochside Road, Lanarks 01416440962 Risk level 1 OverdueAA 10/03/2016Neale, JWH - Wilkey Down Farm, Werrington, Cornwall 01566772919 Risk level 3AANeill, TJ - Howtel, Northumberland 01668 216285 AccreditedAA 01/05/2018Neish, A W - West Balkelo Steading, Kirkton of Auchterhouse, Angus Risk level 1 Control AccreditedAA 01/05/2020 28/05/2019 Risk level 3Newton Holdings (R Gardiner) - Newton Smiddy, Lyne of Skene, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1 Control AccreditedAA 14/01/2016 13/02/2017Nicol, M J - Ballogie Estate Office, Aberdeenshire 01339886497 Risk level 2AAO'Hara, M - Pinner Park Farm, George V Avenue, Middlesex 07831 326453 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 18/11/2011 11/03/2014 05/12/2012 11/03/2014 Risk level 3Orde - Colt Park Farm Cottage, Netherwitton, Northumberland 01669620268 Risk level 3AAOrr, R - Halbeath Farm, Fife 01383729329 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedAA 27/06/2013 21/12/2010 05/05/2016Page, CS - Oaktree Farm, Carr Lane, East Yorkshire 01430449108 Incomplete OverdueAAParker, R - Drumdow Farms, Ervie, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 3AAParker, R - Mere Side Farm, Sandy Lane, Holmeswood, Lancashire 07770727530 Risk level 2 Control Accredited Qual 1stAA 05/09/2019Pascoe, Nigel - Nancenoy Farm, Constantine, Cornwall 01326 340030 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedAA 29/05/2018 16/06/2017 09/05/2017Peacock, J - Field Farm, Hockwold, Norfolk 01842 827641 Risk level 1AA 24/09/2013Percy, M - Blueburn, Netherwitton, Northumberland Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 04/05/2020 05/02/2019Peters, J&V - Corriewood Farm, 10 Dundrinne Road, County Down 02843770824 Risk level 5 Qual 1stAAPhillips, CG - Macaroni Farm, Eastleach, Gloucestershire 01367850237 Overdue Accredited OverdueAA 27/10/2009Pickard, W - Ormiston Cottage, Fife 01337 842395 Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 05/02/2013Pilch, R - Wood Cottage Farm, Gissing, Norfolk 01379741793 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 11/11/2009 11/11/2009 23/11/2011 04/02/2010Pirie, G - 22 Howe Street 0131 2264800 Risk level 1AA 28/04/2015Pittams, NJ - Cwmbrook, Llanwern, Powys 01874658255 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 10/11/2014 18/12/2006Playfair Farms - Morebattle Tofts, Roxburghshire 01573440364 Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 04/03/2013Price, GH - Hindwell, Walton, Powys Risk level 4 AccreditedAA 25/02/2015Price, RJ - The Old Smythe, Walford, Shropshire 01547 540742 Incomplete Control Accredited ControlAA 23/06/2017Provan, AJ - Parkhall, Lanarkshire 01555 851 315 Risk level 3AAProvan, AJ - Robiesland Farm, Douglas, Lanarkshire 01555851315 Risk level 3AAPudge, C & J - The Frogend, Bishops Frome, Worcestershire 01531 640309 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 14/01/2020 18/12/2016Raeburn (67/107/0140), David S - Bractullomill Farm- Pedigree Only, Angus Risk level 2 Overdue ControlAARalston, D A - Castlehill Farm, Balmore, Torrance, Renfrewshire 01360620488 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlAA 11/01/2017 23/03/2012Rand, C - Hatchpen, Reed, Hertfordshire 01763 243333 Overdue AccreditedAA 01/12/2019Reddaway, RW - Livaton Farm, South Tawton, Devon 01647231586 Risk level 2 Incomplete Accredited ControlAA 03/04/2019Reid, J - Sevenacres Mains, Ayrshire 01294557656 Overdue BVD VMFAARennie, H&H - Westfield of Ardoyne, Oyne, Aberdeenshire 01464820325 Overdue Overdue Accredited OverdueAA 11/07/2008Rennie, KT - Fiddlehall Farm, Falkland, Fife 01337 858520 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 05/12/2012 02/12/2013

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Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Rennie, TMC - Mosston Muir Farm, Guthrie, Angus 01307830238 Risk level 1 BVD VMF AccreditedAA 24/04/2006 10/03/2016Rhind, A & K - Newton of Struthers, Kinloss, Morayshire 01343850636 Overdue AccreditedAA 08/12/2014Riddell, JS - Nether Coullie, Kemnay, Aberdeenshire 01467642203 Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 20/12/2011Robinson, N&G - Whittle Fold Dairy Farm, Whittle Lane, Lancashire 01617 644175 Risk level 2 ControlAARobson, HH - Venchen, Yetholm, Roxburghshire 01573 420207 Risk level 4AARoddam, G - Blackcarts Farm, Humshaugh, Northumberland 01434 681171 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 13/02/2019 13/01/2016Rodway, IG - Brynmelin, Rhydargaeau Road, Carmarthenshire 01267290082 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 12/01/2011 13/11/2012 12/01/2011 12/01/2011Rosemount Farms - Prettycur Farm, Hillside, Angus 01674830601 Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 16/02/2007 IncompleteRoss, M.R - Wester Middleton (Pedigree), Midlothian 01875 820158 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 26/11/2018 02/12/2016Rowe, ID&D - Millvale Farm, Little Bosullow - Newbridge, Cornwall 01736364070 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 19/02/2018 22/03/2007 22/03/2007 22/03/2007Sanders, M - East Combe Farm, Shillingford, Devon 01398 331414 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 09/03/2020 09/03/2020 19/04/2018 09/03/2020 Risk level 2Sclater, Hamish W - Denhead, Dunlugas, Aberdeenshire 01261821236 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 05/12/2011 05/12/2011Scott, Edward - Linross Farm, Glamis, Angus 01307840300 Risk level 5 AccreditedAA 02/01/2020Scott, J - 48 Ardigon Road, County Down 02844828328 Risk level 4 AccreditedAA 02/06/2010Sellick, B - Escott Farm, Willerton, Somerset 01984 656638 Risk level 3 Qual 1stAAShanks, AA - Queenscairn (Blinkbonny), Roxburghshire 01573470241 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 23/11/2016 01/03/2012Shanks, DT - Brackenhirst Farm, Glenmavis, Lanarkshire Risk level 2AAShaw, I - West Lethans Farm, Fife Risk level 1 Control Overdue ControlAA 22/08/2019Shell, D - Godscroft, Abbey St Bathans, Berwickshire 01361840240 Risk level 1AA 06/03/2020Shepherd, A M - Orbliston, Morayshire 01343880206 Overdue AccreditedAA 03/05/2011Simpson, D - Fernhill Farm, Kingswells, Aberdeenshire 01224740634 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 23/01/2012 28/01/2015Simpson, G - Knock Cross Farm, Long Martain, Cumbria 01768361946 AccreditedAA 01/09/2015Singleton, G - Ollerton Fold Farm, Ollerton Lane, Lancashire 01254 830044 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 10/12/2015 10/12/2015 08/12/2019 09/01/2018Skeen, J - Berryhill, Duddo, Northumberland 01890 820256 AccreditedAA 24/01/2017Sloan, A - North Milton, Glenluce, Dumfries & Galloway 01581500218 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedAA 13/10/2016 30/08/2019Smith, G - West Bolton Farm, Bolton, Northumberland Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 16/01/2020 14/12/2017Soutar, G.& J. - Kingston Farm, Angus 01307 462784 Control Accredited Qual 1stAA 18/07/2002Spilman, JB - Lodge Farm, Helperby, Yorkshire Incomplete Overdue Incomplete OverdueAASRUC Oatridge Farm - Ecclesmachen, West Lothian 01506 864805 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 10/02/2014 14/02/2014Statham, G S M - Laghead, Gatehouse of Fleet, Dumfries & Galloway 01557814332 Risk level 1 BVD VMFAA 16/01/2017Steel, JM - West Drums Farm, Angus 01356 623893 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Qual 1stAA 06/12/2016 28/11/2017 22/12/2015Steel, R W - Lesson Hall, Cumbria 01697344966 Risk level 1 BVD VMFAA 07/01/2020Stephen, LC - Home Farm, 76 Wretton Road, Norfolk Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 07/01/2016 22/03/2015Stockman, AM - LA Hayes Cottage, Cardinham, Cornwall 01208821625 AccreditedAA 17/02/2020Stoddart (Farms) Ltd, AK - Halflawkiln Farm, Tynehead, Midlothian 01875 821066 IncompleteAAStrachan & Son, D - East Shawtonhill Farm, Chapelton, Lanarkshire 01357300411 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 22/01/2019 13/03/2017Stronach, A - North Skelmanae, Strichen, Aberdeenshire 01771653320 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 20/10/2010 20/10/2010 11/10/2012 20/10/2010Stubbs, David - Milton of Collieston, Aberdeenshire 01358751752 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 15/12/2009 15/12/2009Swanton Morley Farms - Hoe Hall, Norfolk 01362 693172 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 27/03/2012 27/03/2012 27/03/2012 27/03/2012Swires, J B - Cragg House Farm, Wilsill, North Yorkshire 01423711745 Risk level 1 Control Accredited Qual 1stAA 17/02/2006 19/03/2012 Risk level 2Tabbenor, C - Common Farm, Nether Heage, Derbyshire AccreditedAA 19/12/2019Tait, G - 1 Thornydykes Farm Cottage, Westruther, Berwickshire Risk level 3 AccreditedAA 23/04/2011Taylor, A & S - Mill Farm, Proncycroy, Sutherland Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 26/11/2013 26/11/2013Taylor, G&N - Mosshall Farm (Parkview), West Lothian 01501 760186 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 27/11/2017 29/10/2012Taylor, W & M - Stelling South Cottage, Newton, Northumberland Risk level 1 Accredited BVD VMF AccreditedAA 11/08/2017 05/08/2016 05/08/2016Thirtle, FC - Playters Old Farm, Church Road, Ellough, Suffolk 07765186770 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlAA 20/02/2018 13/01/2016Thomas, J - Penrhiw Farm, Trelewis, Mid Glamorgan 01443 412949 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Qual 1stAA 22/01/2014 13/02/2013 13/02/2013Thomas, SJ - Clawdd y Mynach, Wick, Glamorgan 01656 890015 Risk level 2AAThompson, AL & C - Gateridge Farm, Croughton, Northamptonshire 01869 810441 Risk level 2 Control Accredited ControlAA 18/09/2014Titley, S L - Cleveland, Minsterley, Shropshire 01743 791422 Risk level 5AATratt, RJF - 18 Cherry Close, Devon 01404549023 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedAA 10/10/2016 10/03/2012 16/10/2012Tunney, O - Manor Farm, Cuddington, Cheshire 07855 822095 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlAA 21/02/2012 05/04/2015 Risk level 2Walker, B J - Carloonan Farm, Argyll 01499302090 AccreditedAA 07/02/2013Walker, David - Galcantray, Cawdor, Nairnshire 01667 493335 Risk level 2 AccreditedAA 17/12/2014Walker, J - Sauchen Bush, Aberdeenshire 01330860554 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 12/12/2018 04/05/2011Walsh, JP - Buckhurst Farm, Lancashire Risk level 1 Incomplete Qual 1st AccreditedAAWareham, JW - Herne Hill Farm, Chediston, Suffolk Risk level 1AA 14/04/2016Waterworth, K - Eddisbury Lodge Farm, Delamere, Cheshire Risk level 3 Control Qual 1stAA Risk level 3Webster, D - 47 Woodmoss Lane, Lancashire 07787 802090 Risk level 2 Qual 1stAAWestcott, MR & SK - Wilmersham (Angus Herd), Porlock, Somerset 01643 862524 Risk level 1 Qual 1st Accredited AccreditedAA 15/02/2017 01/02/2013 25/02/2020Westerton Farmers - Farm Office, Cairnton, Fordoun, Aberdeenshire 01561320623 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlAA 27/11/2019 22/11/2012Whalley, J - Slaters House, Woodend, Widdington, Essex 01799 540066 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAA 11/04/2017 28/10/2015 11/04/2017 28/10/2015White, PJ - D'OYLEYS FARM, SHEEPHOUSE BARN, OXFORDSHIRE 01865 890407 Risk level 3 Control Accredited ControlAA 13/04/2019Whitehouse Farm Centre - North Whitehouse Farm, Stannington, Northumberland 01670 789998 Risk level 4AAWhitfield, EJ - Cheswell Grange, Lillieshall, Shropshire 07977352538 AccreditedAA 30/07/2019Whiting, Martin - Lakewood Stud, Rothley North Fell : Longwitton, Northumberland 01670 774400 Risk level 1 Overdue ControlAA 25/07/2003Wilkinson - Bollihope Shield Farm, Frosterley, County Durham 01388528246 Risk level 2 Qual 1stAAWilliams, D L - Tyddyn-Y-Graig, Llanelian, Clwyd 01492 680311 Risk level 1 Accredited Incomplete AccreditedAA 13/05/2015 28/05/2014 28/05/2014Wilson, A & L - Laigh Highgate, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMF AccreditedAA 18/04/2015 26/03/2018Wilson, H - Newbank, Beattock, Dumfries & Galloway 01683300371 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 06/03/2009 06/03/2009Wilson, JS - Balhelvie Farm, Newburgh, Fife 01337870229 Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 03/12/2019 06/01/2012Wilson, R - Ingram Farm, Ingram, Northumberland Risk level 2AAWilson, Stewart - Cold Cothill Farm, Craigie, Ayrshire Risk level 1 AccreditedAA 10/03/2015 12/02/2018Wood, J - Prendwick Farm, Prendwick, Whittingham, Northumberland 01669630273 Incomplete IncompleteAAAirey, RJ - Brownchesters, Newcastle Upon Tyne Incomplete OverdueAAXArchibald, G & J - Craigens, Argyll Risk level 3 Accredited AccreditedAAX 01/12/2007 13/11/2018Baker, EJ - Windshiel Farm, Berwickshire 01361883863 Risk level 4 Qual 1stAAXBarbour (Samieston), RG - Crailinghall, Roxburghshire 01835850256 Risk level 5 AccreditedAAX 12/02/2013Barr, GS - Thirlestane, Berwickshire 01578 722216 IncompleteAAXBeattie, G C - Tulliwhanland Farm, Aberlemno, Angus 01307830328 Risk level 2 AccreditedAAX 26/11/2013Bell, AR - Kirkton Farm, Roxburghshire 01450375320 Risk level 3AAXBlair, Neil K - Parkhead Cottage, Perthshire 01575 560734 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 24/01/2019 02/03/2012Boyle, P - Mallsgate Hall, Roweltown, Cumbria 01228577174 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAAX 20/02/2015 13/02/2019 22/02/2014 13/02/2017Buchan, CAM - Cally Estate- Cally House, Bridge of Cally, Perthshire 01250886235 Risk level 3 AccreditedAAX 11/01/2012Budge, MB - 5 Lamberton, Northumberland 01289306547 Risk level 1AAX 03/12/2019Campbell, A - Dalhanna Farm, Ayrshire 01556600282 Risk level 1AAX 20/02/2020Chambers, W L - North Moorhouse Farm, Langlee Road, Glasgow 01355500223 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 20/11/2018 01/04/2016Christie, Bruce - Burghill Farms, Angus 01356 622891 Risk level 5 Incomplete AccreditedAAX 20/05/2013Clark, RH - 1 Shawdon Woodhouse, Glanton, Northumberland 01665 578102 Risk level 4 AccreditedAAX 08/11/2017Close, PH & RM - Littleton Farm, Turnberry, Ayrshire 01655331646 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlAAX 24/04/2006 07/04/2010Cooper, I - Kenmar, Boutrie, Aberdeenshire 01651872231 Risk level 2 AccreditedAAX 09/03/2010Cottonshope Partners - Flotterton Hall, Thropton, Northumberland 01830 520 332 AccreditedAAX 08/10/2018Coubrough, S - Huntlyhill Mains, Lanarkshire 07834 956097 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 22/01/2019 28/01/2016Craigie, W L - Whiteley, Daviot, Aberdeenshire 01467671239 Risk level 2 AccreditedAAX 09/12/2013Cummack, J - Mill House, Kirkgunzeon, Dumfries & Galloway 01387760241 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 06/03/2015 03/02/2020Dent, S & J - Newton Ketton Farm, Brafferton, County Durham 07711198641 Risk level 3 AccreditedAAX 12/01/2017Duke of Fife - Elsick Estate Office, Newtonhill, Aberdeenshire 01569730251 Risk level 3 BVD VMFAAXDuncan, A. A. - Balkemback Farm, Tealing, Angus 01382 380225 Risk level 3 AccreditedAAX 13/12/2011Dunecht Home Farms - Dunecht Estates Office, Dunecht, Aberdeenshire 01330860253 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 29/01/2013 28/01/2014Elliot (LINKED HERDS), A - Bedshiel (LINKED HERDS), Greenlaw (LINKED HERDS) Risk level 3 AccreditedAAX 16/12/2007Elliot (LINKED HERDS), A - Blackhaugh (LINKED HERDS), Clovenfords (LINKED HE 01896 850333 Risk level 4 AccreditedAAX 16/12/2007Falkland Rural Enterprises Ltd - The Stables, Falkland Estate, Fife 01337 858544 AccreditedAAX 21/01/2016Ferguson, D - Farden, Pinwherry, Ayrshire 01465 841239 AccreditedAAX 14/03/2013Field, AE - Sutton House Farm, Sutton, Worcestershire 01584810424 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 09/01/2018 02/05/2016

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Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Fleming, J & G - Grange of Aberbothrie, Perthshire 01828632643 IncompleteAAXFotheringham, M - Sauchentree, Methlick, Aberdeenshire 01651806948 AccreditedAAX 22/03/2013Geen, MR - Barton Pitts, Devon Risk level 2 Accredited Qual 1stAAX 28/08/2019Gilbert, J M - Womblehill, Kintore, Aberdeenshire 01467632319 Risk level 3AAXGordon-Cumming, Alastair - Altyre Estate Office, Morayshire 01309672265 Overdue Qual 1stAAXGrant, J - Flemington, Aberlemno, Angus 01307830224 Risk level 2 AccreditedAAX 07/02/2013Gray, MIH & PM - Nut Tree Cottage, Lower Chicksgrove, Wiltshire 01722 714382 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAAX 22/03/2011 12/03/2014 23/03/2016 22/03/2011 Risk level 1 26/03/2018Greaney, Pat - Duffryn Farm, Llansoy, Monmouthshire Risk level 5 AccreditedAAX 03/12/2018Greig, F & J - Tillyfour, Udny, Aberdeenshire 07821649649 AccreditedAAX 27/02/2017Grierson, J A C - Newmiln Farm, Tibbermore, Perthshire 01738730201 Risk level 1 Incomplete AccreditedAAX 19/02/2016 16/05/2013 Risk level 3Hardie, James - 47 Gordon Road, Aberdeenshire 01975 563348 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 07/12/2019 12/02/2018Harley Farms (White Park) - Valley Farm, Chitterne, Wiltshire 01985 851 010 Risk level 5 Qual 1st Qual 1st ControlAAXHarvey, SM - Higher Franaborough, Lifton, Cornwall Risk level 2AAXHay, MC - Edinglassie, Glass, Aberdeenshire 01466700274 Risk level 2 AccreditedAAX 19/08/2011Hewitson, C - Green Chesters Farm, Newcastle Upon Tyne Risk level 4 OverdueAAXHindmarsh & Son, G R - Linden Hill Head, Longhorsley, Northumberland 01670 788 217 Incomplete IncompleteAAXJensen Farming, MB&RA - The Office, Church Farm, Norfolk 01362 667178 Overdue Overdue Accredited OverdueAAX 20/12/2018Jones & Son, MP - Ffridd Bryn Coch, Ganllwyd, Gwynedd 01341 440207 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAAX 23/08/2016 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 23/08/2016 Risk level 4Kay, J - 3 Tower Farm, Gisburn Road, Lancs 01282 447029 Risk level 2 Qual 1stAAXLaing, G - Lyne of Linton, Sauchen, Aberdeenshire 01330833308 Risk level 2 AccreditedAAX 03/03/2014Lawson, W A L - Scotsmill, Tullynessle, Aberdeenshire 019755 62014 Overdue AccreditedAAX 14/11/2018Lindertis Farms (Commercial) - Kinalty Farm House, Angus Risk level 2AAXLister, J C - Ellenthorpe Lodge, North Yorkshire 01423322428 Risk level 2 AccreditedAAX 24/01/2017Lockhead - Glassel Farms Limited, Mains of Glassel, Aberdeenshire 07785301551 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedAAX 03/09/2014 17/12/2007MacAulay, Kenneth - 1 Kirkibost, Bernera, Western Isles 01851 612217 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAAX 11/05/2017 27/03/2015 27/03/2015 27/03/2015MacKinnon, G - Burnbank Croft, Sanday, Small Isles 01687 462829 Risk level 5 AccreditedAAX 11/08/2015MacKinnon, G - Canna Farm, Small Isles 01687 462829 Risk level 5 AccreditedAAX 30/07/2016MacKinnon, N - Dorlin Croft, Sanday, Small Isles 01687 462829 Risk level 5 AccreditedAAX 30/07/2017MacKinnon, W - Acraichean, Sanday, Small Isles 01687 462829 Risk level 5 AccreditedAAX 12/08/2017MacLeod, K M - 9 Brue, Western Isles 01851 840384 Incomplete Accredited Accredited AccreditedAAX 18/07/2014 18/07/2014 18/07/2014MacSween, S M - 5 Dunganichy, Balivanich, Western Isles Risk level 2 Accredited IncompleteAAX 25/02/2009Mactaggart, DC - Hallrule Farms, Hallrule, Bonchester Bridge, Roxburghshire Risk level 2AAXMallon, D - Pallet Crag Farm, Eggleston, County Durham 01833 650515 Incomplete AccreditedAAX 19/12/2017McGregor & Sons, T - Millbank, Perthshire 01250883238 Overdue Overdue AccreditedAAX 03/07/2013McQuat, WW & IL - Brockhouse, Fountainhall, Selkirkshire 01578760243 Risk level 5 AccreditedAAX 15/11/2010Millar, C - Ballachraggan, Perthshire 01877330071 AccreditedAAX 09/10/2017Miller, D - Netherton Farm, Caithness 01955621309 Qual 1stAAXMilne & Son, H - Logie, Gamrie, Aberdeenshire 01261 851233 Risk level 2 AccreditedAAX 16/11/2016Milne, Harry - Upperton, Millbrex, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire 01651 891320 Risk level 3AAXMilroy - Pinwherry Home Farm, Ayrshire 01465 841237 BVD VMFAAXMitchell, J - Tullymurdoch House, Alyth, Perthshire 01828632495 Risk level 4 AccreditedAAX 19/05/2008Mitchell, SJ - Whitriggs, Roxburghshire 01450 870276 Risk level 3 AccreditedAAX 24/12/2019Murray, Gordon - Craigmaddie Muir Farm, Craigmaddie, Glasgow 01419565835 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAAX 05/02/2014 01/01/2013 18/02/2015Mycock, DT - Ellemford Farming Ltd, 1 Ellemford Cottages, Berwickshire 01361890622 Risk level 3 AccreditedAAX 20/02/2012Neish, A W - West Balkelo Steading, Kirkton of Auchterhouse, Angus Risk level 1 Control AccreditedAAX 01/05/2020 28/05/2019 Risk level 3Nelless, HL - Thistleyhaugh Farm, Longhorsley, Northumberland 01665570629 Risk level 3 IncompleteAAXNicolson, A T - Relugas Mains, Dunphail, Morayshire 01309 611223 AccreditedAAX 02/04/2015Nixon, PG - Little Whittington Farm, Hallington, Northumberland 01434 672340 Risk level 3AAXOsborne, R W - Castlehill, Durisdeer, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 4 BVD VMFAAXPage, E - Rookwith Farm, Rookwith, North Yorkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 17/05/2017 02/12/2019Paterson, WR - Craighead, Carnbo, Perthshire Risk level 2 Control AccreditedAAX 01/11/2015Peock, AD - Bowhouse Farm, Gartness, Lanarkshire Overdue AccreditedAAX 28/04/2017Pickenham Farms - Home Farm, South Pickenham, Norfolk 01760756376 Incomplete AccreditedAAX 19/09/2018Pidsley, Linda - Upton Ley Farm, Upton, Devon 01404 841525 Risk level 1 ControlAAXPudge, C & J - The Frogend, Bishops Frome, Worcestershire 01531 640309 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 14/01/2020 18/12/2016Raynham Farm Company Ltd - Estate Office, Hall Farm, Swaffham Road, East Rayn 01328 863746 Risk level 2 Incomplete Accredited ControlAAX 31/01/2017Reid, J - Sevenacres Mains, Ayrshire 01294557656 Overdue BVD VMFAAXRenner, John - North Bellshill, Northumberland 01668213009 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 14/12/2016 01/03/2019Roberton - Yetholm Mains, C/o Morebattle Tofts, Roxburghshire 01573440364 Risk level 3 AccreditedAAX 19/02/2013Robson, HH - Venchen, Yetholm, Roxburghshire 01573 420207 Risk level 4AAXRogerson, JI & C - Overgrass, Felton, Northumberland 01665570357 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 10/01/2014 09/12/2014Ross, Stuart - The Arr, Lethen, Inverness-shire 01667453380 Incomplete AccreditedAAX 14/12/2006Salter, Gary - Sandfield Farm, Smarts Green, Gloucestershire 01453549953 Risk level 4 Control IncompleteAAXShaw, JS - West Lethans Farm, Saline, Fife Risk level 4AAXSkipness Estate - Estate Office, Skipness, Argyll 01880760207 AccreditedAAX 01/02/2011SRUC - Kirkton Farm, Perthshire 01838400210 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlAAX 04/06/2020 26/05/2016 28/05/2015Stephen, D G - Redhouse of Barra, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire 01651872369 Incomplete OverdueAAXStephen, P G - Carden Livestock Co, Conglass, Aberdeenshire 01467 621267 Overdue AccreditedAAX 30/09/2019Stevens, JB - Manor Farm, Twyford, Oxfordshire 01295 810229 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedAAX 05/12/2017 22/11/2016 05/12/2017 Risk level 1 19/11/2019Taylor, I & H - Gowanwell, Crudie, Aberdeenshire 01261851416 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 08/02/2006 07/01/2014The Sir Tom Cowie Family Trust - c/o Laura Davidson, GSC Grays, 1 B Rickleton Bo 01913036373 Risk level 2AAXTitley, S L - Cleveland, Minsterley, Shropshire 01743 791422 Risk level 5AAXTonkes - Spindlewood Game Farm, Old London Road, Bramfield, Suffolk 01986784677 AccreditedAAX 02/04/2012Turbiskill Farms - Mudeareadh, Tayvallich, Argyll 01546870274 AccreditedAAX 25/01/2013Tweedie, R & R - Middlethird, Berwickshire 01573410249 Risk level 2AAXWauchope, JA - Lochtower, Roxburghshire 01573420278 Risk level 4AAXWelsh, D - West Broadmoss, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMF IncompleteAAX 15/07/2019West Tempar Enterprises - West Tempar, Kinloch Rannoch, Perthshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedAAX 25/04/2019 10/06/2020 18/10/2017 30/04/2018Wilson, JS - Balhelvie Farm, Newburgh, Fife 01337870229 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 03/12/2019 06/01/2012Wilson, R - Ingram Farm, Ingram, Northumberland Risk level 2AAXYool, JCA - Rosehill, Pluscarden, Morayshire 01343890240 Risk level 2 AccreditedAAX 16/01/2008Young, AMR - Glen Rowan, Bunchrew Farm, Inverness-shire 01463 234128 Overdue AccreditedAAX 08/02/2005Young, GM - Sharperton Edge, Sharperton, Northumberland 01669 650239 Risk level 1 AccreditedAAX 18/11/2019 21/01/2019Honey (Cattle), MC - Llwyneinon Uchaf, Capel Iwan, Carmarthenshire 01239 698 753 Risk level 2 Accredited Qual 1st AccreditedALL 21/07/2020 21/07/2020 IncompleteHumphreys, AM & SE - Hillside House, Shells Lane, Somerset 01460 249306 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedALL 21/09/2017 21/09/2016 21/09/2016 21/09/2016Lakin, S A - 38 Hazel Tree Close, Radyr, South Glamorgan Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlALL 04/07/2016 04/07/2016 19/04/2019 Risk level 2Lewin, RJP - Alders, East Yorkshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedALL 07/12/2015 07/12/2015 31/01/2019 07/12/2015Tasker, Stephen - Harwill Farm, Wood Lane, Nottinghamshire 07775 601028 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st Qual 1stALL Risk level 4Barbour, D - Aucharua Farm, Southend, Argyll 01586830223 AccreditedAY 13/02/2012Elder, Brian A - North Tarbrax Farm, Inverarity, Angus 01307 820238 Risk level 2 AccreditedAY 05/02/2016Fenton, DJ - Silcocks Farm, Grange Road, Kent 01580 763351 Risk level 3 AccreditedAY 16/10/2019Galbraith, D R - Sunny Bank, Grayrigg, Cumbria 01539824281 BVD VMFAYHarris (Dairy Herd), R - Alkmonton Old Hall Farm, Alkmonton, Derbyshire 01335 331910 Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete IncompleteAYNational Museums of Scotland - Wester Kittochside Farm, Kittochside Road, Lanarks 01416440962 Risk level 1 OverdueAY 10/03/2016Willis, E. Anne - Glasgoforest, Kinellar, Aberdeenshire 01224790212 Risk level 3 Accredited ControlAY 24/01/2020Barrack & Son, J - Mill of Kingoodie, Aberdeenshire BVD VMFBABarrett, BT - Ponds Farm, Everingham, Yorkshire 01430 860181 Risk level 1 AccreditedBA 09/02/2015 11/02/2016Boden, CL - Bostock House Farm, Bostock, Cheshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBA 15/03/2018 20/05/2019 13/02/2017 13/02/2017Corner, LA - Rye Close Farm, Aycliffe, County Durham Risk level 1BA 10/01/2018Dandie, DG - Lookabootye Farm, West Lothian 01506 852720 Risk level 1 ControlBA 18/01/2019Don, E A - Freefield, Old Rayne, Aberdeenshire 01464 841223 Risk level 3BAFawcett, Ed - Wellhouse Farm, Harbottle, Northumberland 01669 650270 Risk level 3 IncompleteBAHall, W - Rumah-Kita, North Lossat Farm, Dumfries & Galloway 0 Risk level 1BA 04/04/2018Hamilton, G&A - Ramrig, Berwickshire 01890870210 Risk level 3 AccreditedBA 30/11/2011

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Page 5: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Hope, T M & J - South Brownhill Farm, Lanarkshire 01357440255 Risk level 1 OverdueBA 02/02/2016Jones, GW - Garth Hall Farm, Cilfynydd, Rhondda Cynon Taff 07768 936202 Risk level 5 Accredited Accredited ControlBA 06/03/2020 06/03/2020Knight, DG - Coombe Cottage, Coombe Lane, Off Failand Lane, Somerset 01275 372256 AccreditedBA 01/11/2012Knight, DG - Coombe Cottage, Coombe Lane, Off Failand Lane, Somerset 01275 372256 AccreditedBA 01/11/2012Laird, L - 4 Lochhead Farm, East Wemyss, Fife Risk level 3 AccreditedBA 27/12/2018Marsden, P - Lower Croft Farm, Watford Lane, New Mills, Derbyshire 01663749450 Risk level 2 LMF ControlBAMcNeil, K - Wrancarr Mill, Wrancarr Lane, South Yorkshire 07958917924 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedBA 12/02/2018 23/04/2018Owen, J - Easterton Farm, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow 0141 7765006 Overdue AccreditedBAParry, P.J - Plascelyn, Llanddew, Powys Risk level 2 Welsh NegativBAPegington, RO - Nantygelli Farm, Llangwm, Monmouthshire Risk level 4 BVD VMFBAShenton, C - Bridge Farm, Wilmslow Road, Cheshire 01625 549056 Risk level 1 AccreditedBA 14/04/2014 09/09/2013Skinner, D - Allacott, Shebbear, Devon 0140928136 Risk level 4BAStott, A J - Longrow Cottage, Dumfries & Galloway 07769651355 Risk level 1 AccreditedBA 30/10/2017Turnock, J - Rosebank, Higher Halsteads, Derbyshire Risk level 1 Accredited Overdue AccreditedBA 25/02/2015 19/12/2016 18/01/2016Watkins, CO - Powkesmore Farm, Dittonpriors, Shropshire 01746 712 293 Risk level 4 OverdueBAWatt, W - Birkenburn, Banffshire Risk level 3 AccreditedBAWeightman, JA - Hallfield Farm, Easington, County Durham 01915270567 Risk level 2BAWestcott, AL - Mill Reef Farm, Somerset 07542942232 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBA 29/04/2019 29/04/2019 29/04/2019Corner, LA - Rye Close Farm, Aycliffe, County Durham Risk level 1BAX 10/01/2018Laird, L - 4 Lochhead Farm, East Wemyss, Fife Risk level 3 AccreditedBAX 27/12/2018Metcalf, WF&DM - Barningham House, Barningham, North Yorkshire 01833 621273 Risk level 2 AccreditedBAX 13/02/2018Parry, P.J - Plascelyn, Llanddew, Powys Risk level 2 Welsh NegativBAXPollock, Claire - Ardross Farm, Elie, Fife 01333330415 Risk level 2 Control Accredited ControlBAX 25/02/2015Pudge, C & J - The Frogend, Bishops Frome, Worcestershire 01531 640309 Risk level 1 AccreditedBAX 14/01/2020 18/12/2016Hatch - Goosegreen Farm, Mottram St Andrew, Cheshire 01625 828814 Risk level 5 AccreditedBAZ 10/01/2013Wilkinson, J M - Invercaimbe, Inverness-shire AccreditedBAZ X 22/11/2016Blades, JR - East Scarr House, Muker, North Yorkshire 01969 667546 Risk level 3BBFoster, P - 61 Severn Drive (Scugdale Farm), Cleveland 07932 185731 Overdue Qual 1stBBHaigh, Ben - Breckon Hill Farm, Lowgate, Northumberland 07872 198275 Risk level 2BBIllingworth, S - Howgillside, Eaglesfield, Dumfries & Galloway 01461800273 Risk level 1 AccreditedBB 14/10/2016 13/10/2014Skeen, J - Berryhill, Duddo, Northumberland 01890 820256 AccreditedBB 24/01/2017Airey, RJ - Brownchesters, Newcastle Upon Tyne Incomplete OverdueBBXBarker, A T - Great Oxenbold Farm, Brockton, Shropshire Risk level 3BBXBell, AR - Kirkton Farm, Roxburghshire 01450375320 Risk level 3BBXDeighton, A W - Orchard Farm, Bleatharn, Cumbria 07816569592 Risk level 3 IncompleteBBXFoster, W I - Coombe Crag, Banks, Cumbria 01697747117 BVD VMFBBXGibson, J - Greenwall, Climpy Farm, Lanarkshire 01555 811278 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBBX 15/01/2018 30/01/2017 30/01/2017 15/01/2018Griffiths, K & PM - Millards Farm, Jeffreyston, Pembrokeshire 01646 651434 Risk level 1 IncompleteBBX 11/12/2018Hindmarsh & Son, G R - Linden Hill Head, Longhorsley, Northumberland 01670 788 217 Incomplete IncompleteBBXJones, G - Ty Gwyn, Llantrisant, Anglesey 01407 730293 Risk level 1 AccreditedBBX 18/12/2018 17/12/2019MacKintosh, W O - Blackcastle, Inverness-shire 01667 462325 Risk level 1BBX 08/09/2017Miller, J - Low Crompton Farm, Low Crompton Road, Greater Manchester Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedBBX 30/05/2014 01/08/2015Morrison, W J - Fairburn, Longmanhill, Aberdeenshire 01261 832509 AccreditedBBX 29/03/2019Raynham Farm Company Ltd - Estate Office, Hall Farm, Swaffham Road, East Rayn 01328 863746 Risk level 2 Incomplete Accredited ControlBBX 31/01/2017Ritchie, Aileen - Tamala, Burnside, Aberdeenshire 01651862624 Risk level 2 AccreditedBBX 14/04/2017 Risk level 2Roberts, RE & GA - Tyddyn Inco, Llandderfel, Gwynedd 01678 530 249 Risk level 4BBXStrachan & Son, D - East Shawtonhill Farm, Chapelton, Lanarkshire 01357300411 Risk level 1 AccreditedBBX 22/01/2019 13/03/2017Taylor, I & H - Gowanwell, Crudie, Aberdeenshire 01261851416 Risk level 1 AccreditedBBX 08/02/2006 07/01/2014Watson, RB & MM & J - Strand Foot, Bowes, County Durham 01833 628228 Risk level 4BBXWauchope, JA - Lochtower, Roxburghshire 01573420278 Risk level 4BBXWearmouth, GT & MA - Gillses Farm, South Stainmore, Cumbria 01768341216 Risk level 2BBXWhite, GC - Rigg Farm, Lunedale, County Durham 01833 640454 Risk level 3 OverdueBBXWigham, J - Hargill House, Coanwood, Northumberland 01434320256 Risk level 4 BVD VMFBBXBowerman, AJ & GC - Church Farm, Semley, Dorset 01747 830257 L hardjo MMF Accredited IBR MMFBF 06/01/2014Burroughs, DE - Oaklands Farm, Common Road, Suffolk 01502677240 AccreditedBF 28/01/2016Dalby & Sons, JWG - Cesterover Farm, Pailton, Warwickshire 01788 832188 Risk level 1BFEvans, DI - Parc-Cynog, Pendine, Carmarthenshire 01994427395 AccreditedBF 22/04/2016Fenton, DJ - Silcocks Farm, Grange Road, Kent 01580 763351 Risk level 3 AccreditedBF 16/10/2019Giles Farming, A&R - Lower Barn, Ciltwrch, Herefordshire 01497847337 Welsh NegativBFHumphreys, KL - Killarney Farm, Wash Lane, Norfolk 01508530295 BVD MMFBFLorrain-Smith, A - Hagbrae, Midlothian 01875820810 Risk level 1 AccreditedBF 26/02/2015 09/05/2013Neill, T - Thornington Farm, Northumberland 01890850218 Incomplete AccreditedBF 10/06/2020Brown, R - Rose Cottage, Radernie, Fife 07798564879 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBG 06/12/2016 02/12/2015 02/12/2015Carr-Ellison, J - Hedgeley Farms, Hedgeley Hall- Powburn, Northumberland 01665 578272 Incomplete AccreditedBG 01/12/2006Compagnoni, M - Hoscote Estate, Roberton, Roxburghshire 01450 880229 Risk level 1 AccreditedBG 18/04/2017 18/04/2017Eden, JR - Askerton Castle Estate, Askerton Castle, Cumbria AccreditedBG 25/11/2008Galloway, DWJ&JA - Marstone, Chawleigh, Devon 01769 580868 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBG 22/01/2018 25/07/2017 29/01/2020Godfrey - Cator Court, Widecombe-In-The-Moor, Devon 01364621443 Overdue AccreditedBG 22/04/2015Graham, A J - Knockvennie Smiddy, Dumfries & Galloway 01556650495 Risk level 1 AccreditedBG 08/12/2017 13/01/2020Halsall, Steve - Thwaite House Farm, Summerstone Estate, Loft House, N Yorkshire 07436532607 Risk level 2 Control Qual 1stBGHamilton, HB - Whitehope, Peeblesshire 01896 830288 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlBG 20/03/2018 23/03/2017Handley, MH & MA - Croasdale Farm, Catlow Road, Slaidburn, Lancashire 01200 446279 Risk level 1 AccreditedBG 02/10/2017 18/09/2008Hodgson, NR & CS - Park House, Ravenstonedale, Cumbria 01539623228 Risk level 4BGHowman, K - Borland Farm, Blacklunans, Perthshire 07789301751 Risk level 3 AccreditedBG 24/09/2004Keiley, D & K - Carton Croft, Dumfries & Galloway 01556660155 Risk level 2 BVD VMFBGKerr, D F - Keppoch, Kilberry, Argyll 01880770124 AccreditedBG 07/11/2016Kirk, J and Z - Low Kirkbride, Auldgirth, Dumfries & Galloway 01387820258 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBG 07/09/2016 06/09/2015 18/06/2016 07/09/2016McMillan, A - Hannaston, Dalry, Dumfries & Galloway 07860399733 Risk level 1 AccreditedBG 26/11/2015 26/11/2015Parker & Son, C - Hill Gill Farm, Baldersdale, County Durham 01833 367588 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBG 25/07/2018 29/08/2017 25/07/2018 Risk level 2Prendergast, CH - Haydon Farm, Sutton Parva, Wiltshire 01985 840303 Accredited AccreditedBG 05/12/2018 05/12/2018Ramsay, A D - Cotton of Turin, Angus Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBG 09/03/2017 09/03/2017 09/03/2017Rebanks, James - Racy Ghyll, Penniddock, Cumbria Incomplete Qual 1st IncompleteBGSloan, H & N - Burnfoot Farm, Oxton, Berwickshire 01578750232 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBG 25/02/2013 24/01/2012 20/01/2020Welo, B - Hillhead Farm, Hillhead Road, Aberdeenshire Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st AccreditedBGWentworth-Waites, MJ - Thornthwaite Hall Farm, Bampton, Cumbria 01931 713429 AccreditedBG 01/02/2016Wilkinson, E J - Craigs Farm, Bailey, Roxburghshire 01697748318 Overdue BVD VMFBGWright, James - Hockenhull Hall Farm, Hockenhull Lane, Cheshire Risk level 2 Control Incomplete ControlBG Risk level 4MacKinnon, G - Burnbank Croft, Sanday, Small Isles 01687 462829 Risk level 5 AccreditedBG X 11/08/2015MacKinnon, I - Change House, Small Isles 01687 462477 Risk level 5 AccreditedBG X 12/08/2017Ardnaw Farms Ltd. - Ellary Estate Office, Achahoish, Argyll 01880770209 AccreditedBLG 27/01/2012Austin, N D - Rusko Farms - Pulcree, c/o Boreland of Girthon, Dumfries & Galloway 01557814785 Risk level 3 AccreditedBLG 13/10/2016Barrie, Donald - Glensaugh Research Station, Kincardineshire 01561378621 Risk level 1BLG 03/12/2019Butler, J J - Kirndean Farm, Roxburghshire 01387376221 Risk level 1 AccreditedBLG 05/05/2011 27/05/2009Hutchinson, H F - Falahill Farm, Midlothian Risk level 3 AccreditedBLG 25/03/2020McNair, A - Stroneskar, Ford, Argyll 01546810286 AccreditedBLG 24/02/2011Murray, A - Sewing Shields, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland 01434684418 AccreditedBLG 20/03/2017Tullie, AA - Whitchesters Farm, Haysike, Roxburghshire 01450 377490 Risk level 1 AccreditedBLG 07/02/2018Eddy, AMC - Treloweth Lane, St Erth, Cornwall Risk level 3 AccreditedBLGX 24/02/2015Stephen, P G - Carden Livestock Co, Conglass, Aberdeenshire 01467 621267 Overdue AccreditedBLGX 30/09/2019Alford, M - Foxhill Farm, Blackbourgh, Devon 01884 849369 Risk level 1BRB 10/09/2013Bellas - Croft Ends Farm, Cumbria 01768351284 Risk level 1 BVD VMFBRB 23/04/2019Bentham, AC - Fletcher Hill Farm, Lands Bank, Cockfield, County Durham 01388 710293 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBRB 13/01/2020 13/01/2020 14/01/2019Brannen, P - Scartop, Newbiggin, Temple Sowerby, Cumbria 0176888207 Risk level 1 AccreditedBRB 29/12/2009 27/12/2012Coates, G - Rainscar Farm, Stainforth, North Yorkshire 01729823591 Risk level 1 AccreditedBRB 17/12/2012 20/11/2006

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Page 6: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Cockburn, T - Kingside Farm (Pedigree), Leadburn, Peeblesshire 01968 673572 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBRB 26/10/2015 26/11/2014 26/10/2015Comrie, A & CS - Stonebyres Mains Farm, Stonebyres, Lanarkshire 01555661713 Risk level 1 AccreditedBRB 30/01/2013 21/01/2010Crowe, S E - Hawkhill, Keiss, Caithness 01955631230 Risk level 1 OverdueBRB 15/12/2015Davies, AG - Gelli Farm, Hirwaun, Mid Glamorgan 01685 811705 Risk level 4 AccreditedBRB 25/11/2014Dinnie, Grant - Bridgeton Farm, Muir of Fowlis, Aberdeenshire Incomplete AccreditedBRB 01/08/2016Driver, L - Lower Woodlands Farm, Oakenshaw, West Yorkshire 01274600029 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlBRB 11/06/2010 10/12/2014Evans, W - Hendreseifion, Llanwrin, Powys 01654702103 Risk level 3 Qual 1st ControlBRBEwbank, MR - Intake Farm, Middlesmoor, Yorkshire Risk level 2 AccreditedBRB 06/12/2019Green, J & J - Wrangham, Colpy, Aberdeenshire 01464841119 Risk level 3 AccreditedBRB 19/09/2012Hartley, A M & E - Pendle Valley Farm, Roughlee, Lancashire Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlBRB 24/04/2010 10/03/2016Hill, KJ - Caravan @ Woodend Farm, Carnwath Road, Lanarkshire 01555 841853 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBRB 05/03/2014 01/03/2015 09/04/2012 01/04/2013Horton, CJ - Bellecross Farm, Devon 01548 852482 Risk level 3BRBInnes, J C - Dunscroft, Aberdeenshire 01466720221 AccreditedBRB 22/11/2017Jackson, TA - Woodyett Farm, Kirkfield Bank, Lanarkshire 01555667734 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlBRB 27/04/2010 23/11/2015 01/08/2013Jones (Pedigree), RJ - Crugan Farm, Llanbedrog, Gwynedd 01758 740873 Risk level 1BRB 01/04/2014Kelly, D - Nether Hall, Cumbria 01524273927 Risk level 1 BVD VMFBRB 21/12/2012Lecocq, S - Park House Farm, Roxby, Staithes, North Yorkshire AccreditedBRB 18/01/2018Maudsley, HR - Littlebank Bungalow, Rathmell, North Yorkshire 01729825655 Risk level 1 AccreditedBRB 30/11/2011 29/11/2019Moir Livestock - Home Farm, Cairness, Aberdeenshire 01346 582875 Risk level 2 Qual 1stBRBParry & Bodily, TK - Parsonage Farm, Llandewi Skirrid, Gwent 01873 854358 Risk level 4 LMF Qual 1stBRBPedley, J H - Oak Tree Farm, Barbon, Lancashire 01524276353 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedBRB 18/11/2013 18/11/2014Pidsley, Linda - Upton Ley Farm, Upton, Devon 01404 841525 Risk level 1 ControlBRBPotter, S & GA - Westside, Topcliffe, North Yorkshire 01845587278 Risk level 2 AccreditedBRB 09/01/2012Ryder, A - Holme House, Dale, Ainstable, Cumbria Risk level 1BRB 05/07/2017Sedgley, W A - Low Bank House, Barbon, Lancashire 01524276013 Risk level 1 BVD VMFBRB 07/12/2018Sloan, A - North Milton, Glenluce, Dumfries & Galloway 01581500218 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedBRB 13/10/2016 30/08/2019Sowerby - Terrys Farm, Ormside, Cumbria 01768351576 Risk level 3 Qual 1stBRBTabbenor, C - Common Farm, Nether Heage, Derbyshire AccreditedBRB 19/12/2019Taylor, J - Brook Farm, Windley, Derbyshire 07971693331 Risk level 1 OverdueBRB 17/02/2015Tiplady, RJ - Red House Farm, Langleydale, County Durham Risk level 4 LMF Incomplete ControlBRBVaughan, R - Moodershall Grange, Hilderstone Road, Staffordshire 01782 395969 Overdue Overdue Qual 1st OverdueBRBWalker, PW - Poolside, Horsepool Farm, Bromsgrove Road, West Midlands 01562712072 Risk level 2 Qual 1st IncompleteBRBWareham, S - Little Tottingworth Farm, Broad Oak, East Sussex 01435 862425 Risk level 3 Qual 1stBRBWigley, RE - Old Stack Yard, Deytheur, Powys 01691 828360 Risk level 1 AccreditedBRB 12/02/2018 12/02/2018Wilkinson, AJ & DA - Springfield Farm, Out Rawcliffe, Lancashire 01253 701125 Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1st AccreditedBRB 19/03/2014 27/03/2017 19/03/2014Williams, GW & K - Tynllyn, Llanwnnen, Ceredigion 01570 434282 AccreditedBRB 19/06/2015Williams, TA - Nant-y-Geifr Farm, Powys Risk level 1 AccreditedBRB 04/11/2019 26/11/2018Yewdall, L - Atkinson's Wood Farm, Easby, Cleveland 01642 307191 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited Qual 1stBRB 09/05/2011 09/04/2010Youngson (Pedigree), J S - Westerton Farm, Cullerlie, Echt, Aberdeenshire 01330860288 Risk level 2 Qual 1stBRBYoungson, J S - Westerton Farm, Cullerlie, Echt, Aberdeenshire 01330860288 AccreditedBRB 06/06/2019Allison & Devereux, P & T - Low Harperley Farm, Fir Tree, County Durham 0191 3720636 Risk level 1 OverdueBRBX 06/12/2018Bainbridge, MA - Ettersgill House, Ettersgill, County Durham 01833 622305 Risk level 4 OverdueBRBXBarclay (Harestone Farm), N R - South Road, Aberdeenshire 01330844526 Risk level 2 AccreditedBRBX 07/09/2016Bentham, AC - Fletcher Hill Farm, Lands Bank, Cockfield, County Durham 01388 710293 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBRBX 13/01/2020 13/01/2020 14/01/2019Chapple, MA - Redwoods Farm, Uplowman, Devon 01398 361201 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlBRBX 15/10/2019Cooper, M - Hall Farm Cottages, Church Road, Essex Incomplete Overdue ControlBRBXDent, S & J - Newton Ketton Farm, Brafferton, County Durham 07711198641 Risk level 3 AccreditedBRBX 12/01/2017Eyre-Brook, M - Gorse Farm, Little Coxwell, Oxfordshire AccreditedBRBX 01/07/2019Hodges, NF - Buttermilk Hall Farm, Oving, Buckinghamshire Risk level 3 Control Overdue ControlBRBXKelly, B - Hillend Farm, Slamannan, Stirlingshire Risk level 5BRBXKennedy, A - Tom of Cluny, Perthshire 01887 820171 Incomplete AccreditedBRBX 12/02/2011Livestock Ltd, RMS - High Bolton, Castle Bolton, North Yorkshire 01969 622 398 Risk level 5 Incomplete ControlBRBXMacKay, S F - Knockaneorn, Clunas, Morayshire 01667 404260 Risk level 3 AccreditedBRBX 23/05/2018Mallon, D - Pallet Crag Farm, Eggleston, County Durham 01833 650515 Incomplete AccreditedBRBX 19/12/2017McMiken, W T - Nether Ernambrie, Crossmichael, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 3BRBXMetcalf, WF&DM - Barningham House, Barningham, North Yorkshire 01833 621273 Risk level 2 AccreditedBRBX 13/02/2018Moir Livestock - Home Farm, Cairness, Aberdeenshire 01346 582875 Risk level 2 Qual 1stBRBXPark, AJ - Moor Farmhouse, Moor Lane, Charlton, Wiltshire 01666 823817 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBRBX 09/08/2019 09/05/2017 09/08/2019Paynter, EJ - Tregerrick Farm, Merrymeet, Cornwall 01579 342490 Risk level 2 AccreditedBRBX 27/08/2019Pidsley, Linda - Upton Ley Farm, Upton, Devon 01404 841525 Risk level 1 ControlBRBXRaeburn (67/107/0140), David S - Bractullomill Farm- Pedigree Only, Angus Risk level 2 Overdue ControlBRBXRitchie, G - Haven Lea, Wainfleet St Marys, Lincolnshire 01754 880754 Risk level 2 AccreditedBRBX 05/01/2020Robinson - The Bungalow, West Knapps, Devon 01752 402007 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBRBX 27/01/2017 08/10/2015 27/01/2017Robinson, N&G - Whittle Fold Dairy Farm, Whittle Lane, Lancashire 01617 644175 Risk level 2 ControlBRBXSalter, Gary - Sandfield Farm, Smarts Green, Gloucestershire 01453549953 Risk level 4 Control IncompleteBRBXSaunders, M&A - Bolham Farm, Hemyock, Devon 01823 680490 Risk level 2 IncompleteBRBXSewell, AW - South Ross Farm, Ellerton, Yorkshire 01759 319182 Risk level 4 AccreditedBRBX 18/12/2017Stubbs, TF - Thorpe Farm, Trusthorpe, Lincolnshire Incomplete Qual 1stBRBXTaylor, GC & GW - High Farm, Crook, Cumbria BVD VMFBRBXTiplady, RJ - Red House Farm, Langleydale, County Durham Risk level 4 LMF Incomplete ControlBRBXWood, E - Waters, Shap, Cumbria 01931716273 Risk level 1 AccreditedBRBX 15/11/2016 30/10/2018Temple, SJ - Copys Green Farm, Copys Green, Wighton, Norfolk 01328820224 AccreditedBS 12/11/2019Allan, WM - Milton Lockhart Estate, Lanark Road, Lanarkshire 01555 750701 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 20/12/2017 17/12/2018Allison, MNA - Quarry Works, Dunhouse Quarry, Staindrop, County Durham Risk level 2 Control Accredited ControlBSH 12/05/2020Anderson & Partners, JR - Rowanburnfoot, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 15/01/2016Armour, AD - Woodvale, 75 Begny Hill Road, County Down 02897533286 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 26/01/2010 26/01/2010Atherton, R M - South Highgate, Ayrshire 0 Risk level 2 LMF ControlBSHBailey, M - Craigeassie Farm, Angus 07949174964 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 21/11/2014 21/11/2012Baillie, D - Calla Farm, Lanarkshire 01555840218 Risk level 2 BVD VMFBSHBarrett, NJ & AM - Glenarriff, Avon Road, Norfolk 01553672440 Risk level 1 OverdueBSH 02/02/2014Baxter, K - 15 Clarkhill Road, County Down Risk level 2 Accredited ControlBSH 20/11/2019Bellas - Croft Ends Farm, Cumbria 01768351284 Risk level 1 BVD VMFBSH 23/04/2019Biggar, J - Grange, Dumfries & Galloway 01556660205 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 04/09/2013 02/12/2019Borland, J - 5 Pirnie Hall Cottages, Roxburghshire 01835822183 Risk level 1 Accredited Overdue ControlBSH 15/12/2009 15/06/2012Bradley Farmer, D&T - Wester Parkgate Farm, Parkgate, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 02/11/2011 02/11/2011Calder, SM - Braes of Grandtully, Grandtully, Perthshire 01887840467 Risk level 3 LMF Accredited Qual 1stBSH 04/05/2007Chalmers, G D - Allathan Bothy, New Deer, Aberdeenshire 01771 644893 Risk level 1 Qual 1st Overdue ControlBSH 03/06/2020 Risk level 2Chambers, W L - North Moorhouse Farm, Langlee Road, Glasgow 01355500223 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 20/11/2018 01/04/2016Chantry, ERA - Peacock Farm, Thorington, Suffolk 01986 784588 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlBSH 02/06/2016 01/06/2015Cherry Valley Estate - 55 Diamond Road, County Antrim Risk level 3BSHClark, Calum - Home Farm, Rattray, St Fergus, Aberdeenshire 01346532874 Risk level 3 AccreditedBSH 09/01/2019Clarke, C - 198 Kilraughts Road, County Antrim Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 10/12/2019 29/08/2018 04/05/2018 29/08/2018Cockcroft, Stephen - Felkington, Northumberland Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBSH 24/06/2019 24/06/2019Connell, H & M - Minsca, Waterbeck, Dumfries & Galloway 01461600250 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 14/12/2016 18/12/2012 12/11/2013 14/12/2016Cook, SW - Mills Aven Farm, Moorsholm, Cleveland 01287 660354 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 19/01/2015 05/02/2018Cornforth, TE - Plough Farm, Egton, North Yorkshire 01947 895216 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 27/02/2017 22/02/2016Croxton Park Partnership - Croxton Park, Home Farm, Cambridgeshire 01480880479 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 01/12/2014 27/01/2010Currie, S - Beautry House, Rathmell, North Yorkshire 01729 840284 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlBSH 15/12/2014 15/12/2014 31/10/2017Daggett, JM - Wharfe House Farm, Hartlington, North Yorkshire 01756 720397 Risk level 1BSH 02/06/2016Denham, TW - Dent Gate, Langleydale, County Durham 01833 660239 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlBSH 03/03/2017Doldy Farms (Pedigree) - East Mill, Glenisla, Perthshire 01575582241 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 25/11/2015 17/01/2012Dorrian, T M - 387 Elphin, Sutherland Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1st AccreditedBSH 26/10/2018 15/10/2019 15/10/2019Dumfries House Ltd. - Home Farm, Dumfries House, Ayrshire 01282729131 Risk level 3 BVD VMFBSHElliot, J - Roxburgh Mains, Roxburghshire 01573450249 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 26/05/2005 25/07/2001

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Page 7: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Evans & Partners, CLVP - Llerneuaddau, Ceredigion 01970 890480 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 27/09/2016 01/10/2019 09/03/2016 28/09/2015Evans & Price, I&J - Llwynhywel, Llanilar, Ceredigion Risk level 1 ControlBSH 08/07/2019Evans & Roberts, JG - Longlands Farm, Whitbourne, Worcestershire 01886821431 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 14/01/2019 13/01/2020Evans, W - Nant Y Fedwen, Carmel, Gwynedd 01492641032 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 20/03/2008 24/04/2019Fairfax, T P - Mindrum Farm, Mindrum, Northumberland 01890850634 Qual 1stBSHFord, D H - High Balantyre Farm, Argyll 01499302434 AccreditedBSH 20/04/2011Gibb, JPO - Glenisla House, Perthshire 01575582227 Risk level 2 AccreditedBSH 30/03/2007Gibson, AJ - Cut Thorn Farm, Gibside, Burnopfield, Northumberland 01207 270230 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlBSH 23/11/2016 23/11/2016 23/11/2012Gray, G - Sunnycroft, Lindean, Selkirkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 18/03/2013 06/03/2020Haigh, A - Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Lincolnshire 01673 838288 Risk level 2 AccreditedBSH 21/03/2016Hawking, JR - Ella House, High Moor Lane, North Yorkshire 07905445901 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 12/11/2018 05/10/2015 05/10/2015 05/10/2015Hay, J.M - Meikle Tullo, Angus 01356 647471 Risk level 4 Overdue OverdueBSHHome Farm Partnership - Home Farm Partnership, The Estate Office, Home Farm, H 01962 775210 Risk level 1 Qual 1st AccreditedBSH 19/04/2013 09/03/2015Hopper, HJA - Hall Garth Farm, Harpham, North Humberside 01262490019 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 09/09/2013 11/09/2017 10/09/2012 02/09/2016Horrell, C - Pode Hole Farm, The Causeway, Cambridgeshire 01733270247 Risk level 1 Qual 1st Accredited AccreditedBSH 13/01/2010 10/01/2011Hugill & Eaton - Throstle Nest Farm, Sproxton, North Yorkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 01/04/2010 10/04/2014Hunt, GG - Sowerby Parks Farm, Islebeck Lane, North Yorkshire 07828 915234 Risk level 1 OverdueBSH 03/01/2019Hunter, N&A - Woodlands Hall Farm, Knitsley, County Durham 01207580040 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 14/01/2014 12/11/2014Irving, G - Mount Benger, Yarrow, Selkirkshire 0175082208 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBSH 05/12/2018 16/11/2017 10/12/2019Jackson, JR - Moneyhill Farm, Stretton-en-le-Field, Derbyshire 01283 762248 Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited ControlBSH 26/11/2018 26/11/2018Jackson, TA - Woodyett Farm, Kirkfield Bank, Lanarkshire 01555667734 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlBSH 27/04/2010 23/11/2015 01/08/2013JSR Farms - Southburn Office, Southburn, East Yorkshire 01377881164 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 19/01/2011 14/01/2016Leach, RF - Carpenters Farm, Warmington, Oxfordshire 01295 690561 Risk level 5 AccreditedBSHLEP Farms - Little West End Farm, Chidden, Hampshire 02392 632 101 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 07/03/2019 19/01/2009 05/09/2006 25/01/2010MacKay, R W - Stronmagachan Farm, Druim Breac, Argyll 01499302829 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBSH 12/11/2019 14/12/2017 16/05/2012Maxwell, G - Faughhill Farm, Bowden, Roxburghshire Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 13/01/2020 13/10/2017McGowan, WJ - Fingask Farm, Fife 01334652246 Risk level 1BSH 04/12/2014McIntosh, F - Brambles, Kinloss, Morayshire 01309691815 Risk level 5 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 16/08/2019 16/08/2019 16/08/2019 Risk level 5Mitchell, SJ - Whitriggs, Roxburghshire 01450 870276 Risk level 3 AccreditedBSH 24/12/2019Moore, MC - Warren Farm, Lulsley, Worcestershire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 04/05/2012 03/01/2017 07/02/2012 03/01/2017 Risk level 2Morton, RE - Stobilee Farm, Cleghorn, Lanarkshire 01555 870437 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlBSH 23/03/2018 25/04/2016Murray (Pedigree BSH), Hugh - 207 Migdale, Sutherland 01863 766086 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 30/11/2016 05/09/2017 06/10/2017 05/09/2017Nairn, Michael - Pitcarmick House, Bridge of Cally, Perthshire 01250881254 Risk level 3 AccreditedBSH 24/07/2013Nye, CJ - 18 Main Street, Pymoor, Cambridgeshire 01353 699413 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 05/11/2013 29/11/2012 29/11/2012 03/12/2015 Risk level 3Oliver, DE - Middleknowes, Roxburghshire 01835 840241 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 22/05/2017 09/05/2016 13/08/2015 09/05/2016Owen, J - Easterton Farm, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow 0141 7765006 Overdue AccreditedBSHPage, E - Rookwith Farm, Rookwith, North Yorkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 17/05/2017 02/12/2019Pallet, M - Elphicks Fisheries, Spelmonden Road, Horsmonden, Kent 01580 213579 Risk level 2 Accredited Overdue AccreditedBSH 23/04/2014 15/04/2015Park, AJ - Moor Farmhouse, Moor Lane, Charlton, Wiltshire 01666 823817 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBSH 09/08/2019 09/05/2017 09/08/2019Peto, G - Cowdenknowes Mains, Berwickshire Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedBSH 23/01/2020 23/01/2020Playfair Farms - Morebattle Tofts, Roxburghshire 01573440364 Risk level 3 AccreditedBSH 04/03/2013Playfair, JK - Abbey Mains, East Lothian 01620823286 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 13/05/2016 07/06/2019 29/05/2014 29/05/2014Poole-Warren, EM - Venn Park Farm, Cornwall Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 11/10/2016 18/12/2018 30/10/2017 11/10/2016Ramsay, J P - Millerston Farm, Ayrshire 01290550997 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 06/01/2015 01/03/2012Ravenshear, JW & CH - Heatheryfield, Cairnie, Aberdeenshire 01466760318 Risk level 2 AccreditedBSH 02/03/2010Rennie, H&H - Westfield of Ardoyne, Oyne, Aberdeenshire 01464820325 Overdue Overdue Accredited OverdueBSH 11/07/2008Reynolds, MHR - Gilbert Farm, Gilbert Lane East, South Glamorgan 01446747374 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlBSH 31/10/2011 15/10/2013Richardson, E & T - Sturzaker House Farm, Catterall, Lancashire 01995603245 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 04/04/2016 20/04/2018 Risk level 4Rickatson, IJ - Breakheart Hill Farm, Fordfield Road, Bedfordshire 01525402156 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 12/01/2016 26/01/2015 12/01/2016 26/01/2015Riley, TEW - Stoney Royd Farm, Midgley, Yorkshire 01422 883184 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 01/08/2011 12/07/2013 26/07/2012 12/07/2013Robson, GM - Barratts Cottage Farm, Marton, Warwickshire 01926 632625 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 17/03/2015 29/03/2016Rutherford, D.R - Bullocks Farm, Odiham, Hampshire 01256 701379 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 23/06/2014 13/06/2013 13/06/2013 13/06/2013Sams, Allan - The Firs, Priest Croft, Cumbria Risk level 1 Control AccreditedBSH 10/01/2018 05/01/2017Severn, TL - Brick Green Farm, Scammonden Road, Barkisland, West Yorkshire 01422822932 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 16/04/2019 01/04/2015 03/06/2011 04/04/2018Sloan, H & N - Burnfoot Farm, Oxton, Berwickshire 01578750232 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBSH 25/02/2013 24/01/2012 20/01/2020Smith (Shorthorn Herd), G & M - Drumsleed, Fordoun, Aberdeenshire 01561320555 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 18/11/2019 16/01/2020Spencer, RLG - Mansell Farm, Newbold-On-Stour, Warwickshire Risk level 5 Accredited Qual 1stBSH 27/01/2020Stebbings, DJ - Hoardwheel, Berwickshire IncompleteBSHStewart, J - Upper Kidston, Peeblesshire 01721 721071 Risk level 4 AccreditedBSH 07/12/2012Swales, SR - Hecknest Farm (Stonehouse Cote), Worsthorne, Lancashire Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlBSH 25/05/2019 25/05/2019Swinbank, TA&J - High House, Brafferton, County Durham 01325 312402 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBSH 14/02/2018 10/01/2013 17/09/2013te Lintelo, G - Leazes Farm, C/o Mayfield, Leazes Lane, Wolsingham, County Durha 01388527918 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited OverdueBSH 11/05/2018 24/06/2018 Qual 1stThomson, J - 7 Yewtree Lane (Kelsocleugh), Yetholm, Roxburghshire 01573 420488 Overdue AccreditedBSH 25/03/2015Thorne, A - Hawthorn Gardens, Stockleigh Pomeroy, Devon 01363 866541 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 26/03/2018 11/04/2016 11/04/2016 26/03/2018Townsend, L - Coxhill Farm, Old Carlisle Road, Dumfries & Galloway 01683221838 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 14/12/2016 09/12/2016Trueman, E L - Roundhill Farm, Adders Green Lane, Derbyshire Risk level 2 Control Accredited ControlBSH 26/11/2019Turton, GC - The Grange, Upsall, North Yorkshire 01845 537202 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 26/11/2013 06/12/2007 Risk level 2Warren, AR - Manor Farm, Wappenham, Northamptonshire 01327860230 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Accredited IncompleteBSH 18/02/2016Wear, B - Windover Farm, Butcombe, Blagdon, Avon 01275474271 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedBSH 02/11/2010 02/11/2010 02/11/2010Wharton, J - Midfield, Gaisgill, Tebay, Cumbria Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlBSH 17/05/2016 10/06/2015 29/09/2017White, PJ - D'OYLEYS FARM, SHEEPHOUSE BARN, OXFORDSHIRE 01865 890407 Risk level 3 Control Accredited ControlBSH 13/04/2019Williams, TA - Rhydeidion Bach, Llansannan, Clwyd 01745870635 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSH 20/02/2010 17/03/2014 07/02/2006 25/02/2013Wood, J - Brewsterwells Farm, Cameron, Fife 01334840375 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSH 01/12/2014 01/12/2014Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Stirley Farm, Cold Hill, Berry Brow, West Yorkshire Risk level 1BSH 12/01/2017Brooke, Gordon - Upper Huntlywood Farm, Huntlywood, Berwickshire 01573410226 Risk level 3BSHOStoneham - The Estate Office, Stanford Park Farm, Park Lane, Oxfordshire 01367 718447 Risk level 2 AccreditedBSHO 02/12/2015Wesson, JRW - Highfield, Ricey Park, Lingdale, Cleveland 01287 651012 Risk level 1 AccreditedBSHO 19/10/2017 26/10/2018Clark, Calum - Home Farm, Rattray, St Fergus, Aberdeenshire 01346532874 Risk level 3 AccreditedBSHX 09/01/2019Dorrian, T M - 387 Elphin, Sutherland Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1st AccreditedBSHX 26/10/2018 15/10/2019 15/10/2019Evans & Partners, CLVP - Llerneuaddau, Ceredigion 01970 890480 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedBSHX 27/09/2016 01/10/2019 09/03/2016 28/09/2015Grant, B - Druid Temple Farm, Old Edinburgh Road South, Inverness-shire Overdue AccreditedBSHX 01/05/2008Roberton - Yetholm Mains, C/o Morebattle Tofts, Roxburghshire 01573440364 Risk level 3 AccreditedBSHX 19/02/2013Rogers, D - Ellary, Argyll 01880770239 AccreditedBSHX 05/02/2020Spencer, RLG - Mansell Farm, Newbold-On-Stour, Warwickshire Risk level 5 Accredited Qual 1stBSHX 27/01/2020Turbiskill Farms - Mudeareadh, Tayvallich, Argyll 01546870274 AccreditedBSHX 25/01/2013Welsh, D - West Broadmoss, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMF IncompleteBSHX 15/07/2019Cook, SW - Mills Aven Farm, Moorsholm, Cleveland 01287 660354 Risk level 1 AccreditedBW 19/01/2015 05/02/2018Darling, Gregory - Swannington Estate, Swannington Manor, Norfolk 01603864876 Risk level 2 Control Qual 1st Qual 1stBW Risk level 4Hickin, T H - Talarwen, Llangoedmore, Dyfed 01239 614 637 Risk level 4 Control ControlBWX Risk level 2Carrick - Castle Farm, Swanton Morley, Norfolk 01362 638302 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlCB 23/10/2019 30/10/2015Lovat, RW - Hutton Grange Farm, Great Rollright, Oxfordshire 01608 737040 Risk level 4 OverdueCBMallett, T - Dean Farm, West Dean, Wiltshire 01794 884943 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedCB 07/10/2013 29/10/2012 17/09/2017Adam, RM - Newhouse of Glamis, Angus 01307840678 Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 24/03/2005Andrews, F & J - Holt Farm, Holt Lane, West Yorkshire 01484682571 Overdue Overdue Accredited OverdueCH 30/11/2007Atkinson, MV & ME - Parkfield, Kirby Malzeard, North Yorkshire 01765658545 Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 24/03/2015Barclay (Newbiggin), Neil - South Road, Aberdeenshire 01464821738 Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 07/01/2016Barker, A B - Caylers Farm, Nuthampstead, Hertfordshire 01763 849163 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 04/12/2013 06/12/2012Baxter, JJ & MC - Moss Side, Heathersgill, Cumbria 01228577247 Risk level 1 Qual 1st AccreditedCH 20/03/2018 14/01/2020Bayliss, RE - Pentremiley, Brilley, Herefordshire 01497 831295 AccreditedCH 05/01/2015Bell, I - Clement Leazes, Hallbankgate, Cumbria 01697746179 Risk level 1 Qual 1stCH 23/11/2016Boden & Davies Ltd - Mellor Hall Farm, Mellor, Cheshire 01614278635 Risk level 4 Accredited ControlCH 17/11/2011Boden, CL - Bostock House Farm, Bostock, Cheshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCH 15/03/2018 20/05/2019 13/02/2017 13/02/2017Boomaars, J - Heathdown, The Ridge- Woldingham, Surrey 01883653064 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlCH 03/11/2009Brown, Wallace - Caprick Hill Farm, Ayrshire IncompleteCH

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Page 8: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Bruce, WP - Balmyle, Meigle, Perthshire 01828640228 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedCH 11/07/2017 06/09/2004 18/06/2013Burkill, DC - Sykes Farm, Harpham, East Yorkshire 01262490276 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedCH 27/04/2010 27/04/2010 05/05/2017Burrells, J - Watergate Farm, Egton, North Yorkshire 01947 895281 AccreditedCH 02/10/2015Campbell & Sons, JHC - Thrunton Farm, Whittingham, Northumberland 01665574305 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 17/04/2014 12/01/2011Campbell, E - Rosebrough farm, Chathill, Northumberland 01668213396 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 17/04/2014 12/01/2011Catten, KWC - Field Farm, Mill Road, Briston, Norfolk 01263 860843 Risk level 5 Qual 1stCHChester, G&H - Jordan Castle Farm, Wellow, Nottinghamshire Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 20/03/2018Christie, JH - West Carse Farm, Stirlingshire 01786 860543 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 07/04/2006 08/03/2012Clapp, JM - Red Linhay, Crown Hill, Halberton, Devon Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 08/12/2016Coombe - Seabarn Farm, Fleet, Dorset 01305 782218 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 21/01/2014 21/01/2020Corbett, VAS - The Gorther, Felindre, Powys 01547510217 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 21/01/2017 21/01/2017Corsan, T - Arvie, Corsock, Dumfries & Galloway AccreditedCH 24/02/2016Currell, CM - Brynwellon Farm, Meidrim, Carmarthenshire Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 25/09/2017 10/03/2020Curry, RC - Low Burradon, Thropton, Northumberland 01669 630266 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 15/03/2011 09/02/2011Darch and French, RN & LM - Greenacres, Crewkerne Road, Somerset 07809348398 Risk level 2CHDarlington, PR - Spring Farm, Moss Lane, Minshull Vernon, Cheshire 01270522645 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 26/09/2012 26/09/2012Donald, E & A - Little Millbrex, Aberdeenshire 01771644417 Risk level 1 Qual 1stCH 11/12/2012Donger, P M - Seawell Grounds, Foxley, Blakesley, Northamptonshire 01327860226 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlCH 29/03/2018Drysdale, WK&P - Middle Drimmie, Perthshire 01250 886265 Risk level 3 AccreditedCH 28/01/2009Duncan, A & W - Wester Invery, Kincardineshire 01330 822239 Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 14/02/2018Evans, CH - Abbey Farm, Wroxall, Warwickshire 01926 484230 Risk level 1 IncompleteCH 23/02/2020Evans, DE - Monfa (Charolais Herd), Gwernaffield Road, Clwyd 01352755392 Risk level 3 AccreditedCH 22/08/2014Evans, H - Harrington Hill Farm, Church Lane, Cheshire 01260223214 Risk level 1 Control Accredited IncompleteCH 19/03/2018 19/03/2018Evans, J&E - Dolgau, Gwynedd 01341 247617 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Incomplete Qual 1stCHFarquharson, G - Meikle Coull Farm, Tannadice, Angus 01307 860231 BVD VMFCHFindlay, JD - Lower St Andrews Wood, Dulford, Devon Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCH 01/06/2006 03/07/2010 31/08/2008 13/11/2015 Risk level 2Forrest, A - Hillend Farm, Roberton, Lanarkshire 01899 850273 Risk level 2CHFotheringham, A & MA - Auchenzeoch, Aberdeenshire 01561 320565 Risk level 1 ControlCH 07/01/2020Foulger, P - Flitchfold Farm, Vicarage Hill, West Sussex 01403752326 Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 02/12/2010Gatherer, T & S - Barnsford, Barnsford Road, Renfrewshire 01418124731 Risk level 1 Incomplete Accredited AccreditedCH 11/07/2014 11/07/2013 05/07/2017Goldie, F - Todcastle, Lanarkshire Risk level 1CH 18/11/2019Goldie, H - South Bowerhouses, Ruthwell, Dumfries & Galloway 01387830217 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 11/02/2014 03/12/2010Goldie, IT - Greenfield, Cummertrees, Dumfries & Galloway 01387870288 Risk level 3 AccreditedCH 16/01/2018Graham, M - Keadue, County Roscommon Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 11/05/2017 29/04/2016Gray, G - Sunnycroft, Lindean, Selkirkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 18/03/2013 06/03/2020Halbert, D & D - Harperland Park, Dundonald, Ayrshire 01563 850961 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 06/03/2012 27/04/2016Hamilton, M - Woolfords Farm, Cobbinshaw, West Lothian 01501785502 Risk level 4 AccreditedCH 28/02/2014Harman Ltd, AS - Grove Farm, Grove Lane, Buckinghamshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCH 06/11/2018 07/11/2017 03/11/2011 01/11/2016Harrison, LG - Vale Farm, 22 Bridge Street, Stiffkey, Norfolk 01328830323 AccreditedCH 27/08/2015Hepburn, J - Northhouse Farm, Roxburghshire 01450 850208 Risk level 4 AccreditedCH 09/02/2015Hollinshead, I - New Platt Farm, New Platt Lane, Cheshire Risk level 5 Control Accredited ControlCH 09/03/2015Hooper, M - Trefrawl, Lanreath, Cornwall 01503220229 Risk level 3 AccreditedCH 03/05/2012Hornall, AB - Falleninch Farm, Dumbarton Road, Stirlingshire 01786471000 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCH 21/01/2005 17/03/2014 01/01/2005 27/02/2020Houston, A - Gretna House, Gretna, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 14/10/2010Howkins, Mark - Anchor Farm, Anchor Lane, Leicestershire 01530 223425 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st ControlCHHunter, J - Bridge Mill, Woodrow, Cumbria Risk level 4 Control ControlCHHutchinson, H F - Falahill Farm, Midlothian Risk level 3 AccreditedCH 25/03/2020Ingham, DJ - The Firs Farm, High Offley, Staffordshire 07837 168903 Risk level 4 AccreditedCH 27/01/2020Irvine, D - Upper Drakemyers, Forgie, Banffshire Incomplete AccreditedCHJanoch, P - South Leckaway, Angus 01307463324 Incomplete AccreditedCH 02/05/2013Jeffrey, J. - Kersknowe, Roxburghshire 01573 440212 Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 07/02/2011Johnson-Hill, Patricia - Little Berrington Farm, Marden, Herefordshire Risk level 2 Control Incomplete ControlCH Risk level 2Jones, D.H. - Llety Cynnes, Bow Street, Ceredigion 01970 828763 Risk level 1 OverdueCH 02/03/2001Jones, E - Graig Goch, Nebo, Llanrwst, Gwynedd Overdue Overdue Accredited OverdueCH 24/12/2018Jones, G.M. - Hafod-Yr-Esgob-Uchaf, Cwmtirmynach, Gwynedd 01678 520286 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 01/03/2004 05/03/2012Jones, T E - Bailea Farm, Heolsenni, Powys 01874 636689 Incomplete IncompleteCHKiefer, FJA - Mount Pleasant C/o 43 Highwood Road, Highwood, Staffordshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCH 20/02/2015 18/02/2014 18/02/2014 12/02/2019Lascelles, JF - Balmachie, Angus 01241855511 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCH 19/04/2006 07/01/2013 20/12/2012 17/02/2014Lawson, W A L - Scotsmill, Tullynessle, Aberdeenshire 019755 62014 Overdue AccreditedCH 14/11/2018Leiper, R - Bygate, Black Heddon, Northumberland 01661881617 Risk level 2CHLovat, RW - Hutton Grange Farm, Great Rollright, Oxfordshire 01608 737040 Risk level 4 OverdueCHMacGregor, AA - Allanfauld Farm, Allanfauld Road, Glasgow 01236822155 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 23/11/2019 12/01/2011MacGregor, JR - Dyke Farm, Milton of Campsie, Glasgow 01417764116 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 15/02/2017 24/01/2008MacIver, J C - Wester Coltfield, Kinloss, Morayshire 01343 850615 Risk level 2 AccreditedCHMacPherson (A Firm), W G - Blackford Farm, Croy, Inverness-shire 01667 493266 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 04/06/2012 19/07/2018Manson, Robert - Brodieshill, Alves, Morayshire 01343850259 Overdue AccreditedCH 22/11/2017Mathers - Tillyfour FP - Wardes, Kintore, Aberdeenshire 01330 860241 Risk level 3CHMiddleton, W - Ardlair, Strachan, Kincardineshire 01330 850254 Overdue AccreditedCH 11/05/2016Morris (Pedigree), G - Lower Drostre, Llanwern, Powys 01874658212 Risk level 1CH 03/03/2011Morris, G W - College Farm, Chearsley Road, Buckinghamshire 01844201562 Risk level 3CHMortimers Farm (Mr Maclean) - Mortimers Lane, Fair Oak, Hampshire 02380601938 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedCH 22/01/2007 05/01/2010 13/01/2009Muirhead, DJ - Firhills Farm, Letham Grange, Angus 01241873440 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedCH 22/03/2012 08/03/2006Muirhead, Robert - Auldtoun, Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire 01555892910 Risk level 5 AccreditedCH 13/05/2016Murray - Wolflaw, Angus 01307860237 Risk level 3 AccreditedCH 10/12/2010Needham, R&A - Hall Farm, South Cockerington, Lincolnshire 01507 327549 Risk level 3 Accredited Accredited ControlCH 13/11/2018 13/11/2018Nicol, J - Todpark Farm, Alyth, Perthshire Risk level 4 Accredited AccreditedCH 30/07/2013 14/12/2018Norman - Ashleigh Farm, Salwayash, Dorset 01308 423052 Incomplete OverdueCHNorman, Darren - Soughton Farm, Rhosesmor Road, Flintshire 01352840756 Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCH 24/02/2020 24/02/2020 24/02/2020Noton, D - The Oaks, Ashby-Cum-Fenby, Lincolnshire 01472821578 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCH 10/12/2007 04/01/2013 21/11/2005 09/01/2006Noton, D - The Oaks, Ashby-Cum-Fenby, Lincolnshire 01472821578 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCH 10/12/2007 04/01/2013 21/11/2005 09/01/2006Oates, WS - Ouston Spring Farm Ltd, Trench Hall Farm, Ravenswood Pk, Tyne & W 01914 885270 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 11/01/2011 02/02/2010Old, PC - Nether Moynton Farm, Moreton Road,Owermoigne, Dorset 01305853857 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 11/04/2017 11/04/2017Orr-Ewing, A - Fox Mill Farm, The Fox, Wiltshire 01793 770496 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedCH 11/03/2008 08/03/2010 08/03/2010Owen, A & MP - Gallt-y-Celyn, Pentrefoelas, Gwynedd 01690770289 Risk level 2 IncompleteCHOwen, R A - Tynewydd Garthbeibio, Foel, Powys 01938820214 Risk level 4 AccreditedCH 21/10/2011Owen, W - Braich y Saint, Pentrefelin, Gwynedd 01766522294 Risk level 1 IncompleteCH 30/01/2017Parker, R - Drumdow Farms, Ervie, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 3CHPatterson, W - Coupland Beck Farm, Cumbria 01768351449 BVD VMFCHPennie, E H - Gwern-Yr-Ychain (Sarkley), Llandyssil, Powys 01686 668513 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 22/10/2018 27/08/2019Provan, AJ - Parkhall, Lanarkshire 01555 851 315 Risk level 3CHRalston, D A - Castlehill Farm, Balmore, Torrance, Renfrewshire 01360620488 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlCH 11/01/2017 23/03/2012Rees, JAW - Nantyrhendy, Llangurig, Powys 01686 440252 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 15/12/2015 01/08/2019Reid, Andrew N - Knockdhu, Hill of Logie, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1 Control AccreditedCH 15/12/2009 15/12/2009Riddell, JS - Nether Coullie, Kemnay, Aberdeenshire 01467642203 Risk level 3 AccreditedCH 20/12/2011Ridley - Lonning Head, Haltcliffe, Hesket Newmarket, Cumbria 01697478619 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 24/04/2018 20/09/2019Roberts - Bryn Ffanigl, Betws Yn Rhos, Clwyd 01492680250 Risk level 4 OverdueCHRoberts, G - Parc, Llangadfan, Powys 01938 820210 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 20/05/2016 19/03/2018Roberts, IH & JE - Pennant, Ysbyty Ifan, Gwynedd 01690770216 Risk level 3 AccreditedCH 02/03/2020Robinson, J - Clifton Park Farms, Rochford, Worcestershire 01584781392 Risk level 4 AccreditedCH 01/05/2012Ross, M.R - Wester Middleton (Pedigree), Midlothian 01875 820158 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 26/11/2018 02/12/2016Salter, Adam - Wellington Farm, East Cranmore, Somerset Risk level 2 Incomplete Qual 1st Qual 1stCH Risk level 2Scott, Edward - Linross Farm, Glamis, Angus 01307840300 Risk level 5 AccreditedCH 02/01/2020Scott, G - Low Houses, Newbiggin in Teesdale, County Durham 01833622223 Risk level 3 AccreditedCH 26/11/2008Sellick, B - Escott Farm, Willerton, Somerset 01984 656638 Risk level 3 Qual 1stCH

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Page 9: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Sevenoaks, GG - Parc Lodge Farm, Llwyndu, Monmouthshire 01873 850824 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 16/11/2015 16/10/2012Smith, D - Bolton Hill Farm, Moor Road, Staindrop, County Durham 01833660366 Risk level 1 Control Overdue IncompleteCH 16/10/2013Smith, S&K - Bankhead Farm - Duffshill, Aberdeenshire 01224782972 Risk level 2 Control AccreditedCH 08/11/2013Stacey, AJ - Lower Lydcott Farm, Widegates, Cornwall 01503 240563 Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 28/09/2016Stacey, DR - Polgoda Farm, Bugle, Cornwall 01208 832906 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 11/05/2015 15/01/2013Strathisla Farms (Mr A Ivory) - Wester Cardean, Meigle, Perthshire 01828640227 Risk level 3 AccreditedCH 17/01/2011Thomas KJ, KJ - Llechwedd, Capel Iwan, Dyfed 01559 371589 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedCH 17/12/2014 18/03/2016Vance, JS - Upper Grimmer, Minsterley, Shropshire 01743791245 Overdue AccreditedCH 12/03/2012Wardle, C - Crows Nest Farm, C/o 38 Randle Bennet Close, Cheshire 07787 343624 Risk level 5 Qual 1st Qual 1stCH Risk level 5Wight (Pedigree), J - Midlock Farm, Crawford, Lanarkshire 01864 502230 Risk level 2CHWilliams, M&A - Castell Mawr, Pistyll, Gwynedd Risk level 1 Qual 1st ControlCH 15/07/2020Williams, RO - Caerddaniel, Llanaber, Gwynedd 01341280611 Risk level 1 LMF Qual 1stCH 25/09/2017Wilson, G - Reddings, Dumfries & Galloway 01683220185 Risk level 1 BVD VMFCH 21/01/2014Wood, E - Waters, Shap, Cumbria 01931716273 Risk level 1 AccreditedCH 15/11/2016 30/10/2018Wooldridge, EH - Henstridge Farm, Combe Martin, Devon 01271 882581 Risk level 2 AccreditedCH 18/11/2019Youngson (Pedigree), J S - Westerton Farm, Cullerlie, Echt, Aberdeenshire 01330860288 Risk level 2 Qual 1stCHAnderson, G & D - Brucewell, Netherley, Kincardineshire AccreditedCHX 22/04/2020Anderson, R - Burnton, Kincardineshire 01561377324 AccreditedCHX 05/04/2010Balmirmer Farms - West Balmirmer, Arbroath, Angus 01241 439510 AccreditedCHX 22/01/2014Barclay, GM - Tullo Farm, Garvock, Aberdeenshire 01561 320410 Risk level 3 AccreditedCHX 11/09/2017Barrie, Donald - Glensaugh Research Station, Kincardineshire 01561378621 Risk level 1CHX 03/12/2019Baxter, JJ & MC - Moss Side, Heathersgill, Cumbria 01228577247 Risk level 1 Qual 1st AccreditedCHX 20/03/2018 14/01/2020Beattie, G C - Tulliwhanland Farm, Aberlemno, Angus 01307830328 Risk level 2 AccreditedCHX 26/11/2013Beverly, G & K - Cottown Farm, Rhynie, Aberdeenshire 01464 861207 BVD VMFCHXBirnie - East Gowkhill, Maud, Aberdeenshire 01771644444 Risk level 2 AccreditedCHX 27/02/2014Cooper, I - Auchnieve, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire 01651851555 Incomplete AccreditedCHX 26/05/2011Cruden, R & M - Woodlands Farm, Aberdeenshire 01224791266 Risk level 4CHXCummack, J - Mill House, Kirkgunzeon, Dumfries & Galloway 01387760241 Risk level 1 AccreditedCHX 06/03/2015 03/02/2020Davies, HW - Tonyspyddaden, Colbren, West Glamorgan 01639 701341 Risk level 2CHXDonald, E & A - Little Millbrex, Aberdeenshire 01771644417 Risk level 1 Qual 1stCHX 11/12/2012Farquharson, J - Darley, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire 01888511203 Qual 1stCHXGauld (66/058/7004), G - Backley, Durno, Aberdeenshire 01467681243 AccreditedCHXGauld, G & K - Backley, Durno, Aberdeenshire 01467681243 Overdue AccreditedCHX 19/12/2013Gordon, J & L - Wester Clune, Finzean, Kincardineshire 01330850268 Risk level 3 Overdue AccreditedCHX 16/03/2016Hardie, James - 47 Gordon Road, Aberdeenshire 01975 563348 Risk level 1 AccreditedCHX 07/12/2019 12/02/2018Harvey, SM - Higher Franaborough, Lifton, Cornwall Risk level 2CHXInnes - Deskie Farm, Glenlivet, Aberdeenshire 01807590207 AccreditedCHX 25/05/2015Jensen Farming, MB&RA - The Office, Church Farm, Norfolk 01362 667178 Overdue Overdue Accredited OverdueCHX 20/12/2018Jolly (66/009/0112), D G - Clyne, Aberdeenshire Risk level 3 AccreditedCHX 27/01/2018Law, G - Wynd Farm, Ayrshire Risk level 1CHX 10/11/2017MacAulay, Kenneth - 1 Kirkibost, Bernera, Western Isles 01851 612217 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCHX 11/05/2017 27/03/2015 27/03/2015 27/03/2015MacKay, S F - Knockaneorn, Clunas, Morayshire 01667 404260 Risk level 3 AccreditedCHX 23/05/2018MacLeod, K M - 9 Brue, Western Isles 01851 840384 Incomplete Accredited Accredited AccreditedCHX 18/07/2014 18/07/2014 18/07/2014Miller, Graeme - Birkenbower, Lumsden, Aberdeenshire 01464 861307 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedCHX 25/11/2019 12/11/2018Milne, DA - Demperston Farm, Auchtermuchty, Fife Risk level 2 Qual 1stCHXMilroy - Pinwherry Home Farm, Ayrshire 01465 841237 BVD VMFCHXNicol, M J - Ballogie Estate Office, Aberdeenshire 01339886497 Risk level 2CHXNorman - Ashleigh Farm, Salwayash, Dorset 01308 423052 Incomplete OverdueCHXO'Harte, T - Harte Farms, Leonards Island, County Monaghan 00353871417608 Risk level 2CHXPhillips (66/007/0062), S - Roadside, Skene, Aberdeenshire 01224 743221 Risk level 2 Incomplete Accredited ControlCHXPhillips (66/012/0075), G & H - Roadside, Skene, Aberdeenshire 01224 743221 Risk level 2 Control Accredited ControlCHX 25/02/2019Rand, C - Hatchpen, Reed, Hertfordshire 01763 243333 Overdue AccreditedCHX 01/12/2019Ritchie, Aileen - Tamala, Burnside, Aberdeenshire 01651862624 Risk level 2 AccreditedCHX 14/04/2017 Risk level 2Saunders, M&A - Bolham Farm, Hemyock, Devon 01823 680490 Risk level 2 IncompleteCHXSkipness Estate - Estate Office, Skipness, Argyll 01880760207 AccreditedCHX 01/02/2011Taylor, GC & GW - High Farm, Crook, Cumbria BVD VMFCHXTurbiskill Farms - Mudeareadh, Tayvallich, Argyll 01546870274 AccreditedCHX 25/01/2013Watson (P & M), P & M - The Leanach, Darnford Farm, Durris, Aberdeenshire Qual 1stCHXWestcott, AL - Mill Reef Farm, Somerset 07542942232 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCHX 29/04/2019 29/04/2019 29/04/2019Williams - Wern, Foel, Powys 01938 820240 Risk level 5CHXAitken, J - Percival Farm, Fife 01592 712416 Risk level 2 Qual 1stCOMMAlderson, PR - Lower Walton Farm, Onibury, Shropshire 01584 856379 Risk level 1 OverdueCOMM 30/01/2018Alford, M - Wayside C/o Foxhill Farm, Blackbourgh, Devon 01884 849369 Risk level 1COMM 15/12/2014Anderson, A & J - Tullochcan, Perthshire 01567820456 Risk level 1COMM 14/01/2015Anderson, AA - Towford Farm, Roxburghshire 01835 840619 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 20/02/2019Anderson, J - The Hardens, Berwickshire 01361883763 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 22/12/2017Anderson, James - Headshaw, Oxton, Berwickshire 01578750691 Incomplete AccreditedCOMM 07/08/2013Asbery, S & LM - Hill of Balmaghie Farm, Bridge of Dee, Dumfries & Galloway 01556680416 BVD VMFCOMMAtholl Estates - Blair Castle Estates, Balanloan Home Farm, Perthshire 01796 481236 Risk level 2 Control Accredited ControlCOMM 27/11/2012Bainbridge, SJ - Donkin Rigg, Cambo, Northumberland 01670774246 Risk level 5 Qual 1stCOMMBaird, AW - Springbank, Braco, Perthshire AccreditedCOMM 31/10/2015Balbirnie Home Farms (Balfour) - Pitillock Farm, Freuchie, Fife 01337857437 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 30/03/2012Balcaskie Farms - Lochty Farm, Arncroach, Fife 01333720200 Risk level 5COMMBallantyne, M & G - East Cauldcoats Farm, Lanarkshire 01357521282 Risk level 2 ControlCOMMBarbour (Crailinghall), RG - Crailinghall, Roxburghshire 01835850256 AccreditedCOMM 12/02/2013Barbour, A - Fincastle House, Fincastle, Perthshire 01796473001 AccreditedCOMM 12/12/2008Barr, A & C - Muirsland Farm, Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire 01555 893649 Risk level 5COMMBarrington Park Estates - Great Barrington, Oxfordshire 01451844306 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 10/01/2020 01/12/2011Barron, BM - Leitfie Farms, Alyth, Perthshire Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlCOMM 13/05/2015Bell, D C - Kincraigie Farm, Perthshire 01337860221 Risk level 5COMMBennie, GM - East Dundurn, St Fillans, Perthshire 01764 685256 AccreditedCOMM 08/04/2013Blair (Litteinch), D - Littleinch Farm, Balmerino, Fife 01382330754 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 07/11/2014Bonner & Son, JW - Whitfield House Farm, Northamptonshire 01280 850684 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 19/02/2020Brown, Matthew - Whitcott, North Molton, Devon Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 30/07/2019 15/05/2018Brunton, IC - Balmonth Farm, Carnbee, Fife 01333 310523 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 15/01/2019 22/11/2011Burgess, I and A - Maryfield Farm, New Abbey, Dumfries & Galloway 01387 850220 Risk level 1 BVD VMFCOMM 25/04/2016Cameron, J A - Balbuthie Farm, Elie, Fife 01333 730210 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 03/11/2009 15/10/2008Campbell, M & A - Aird Farm, Ardfern, Argyll 01852500224 AccreditedCOMM 28/02/2011Capon, MA - Robsons Farm, Hopton, Norfolk 01953681258 Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1st AccreditedCOMM 05/10/2011 20/10/2012 27/10/2016Chesthill Farms - Balintyre, Glenlyon, Perthshire 01567 820 642 Risk level 1 Incomplete Incomplete ControlCOMM 02/06/2015Clachan Farm Partnership - Ardkinglass Estate Office, The Square, Argyll 01499600261 AccreditedCOMM 08/01/2014Clark, TD - Over Roxburgh, Roxburghshire 01573450275 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 16/01/2014Cockburn, Tom - Kingside Farm (Commercials), Leadburn, Peeblesshire 01968 673572 AccreditedCOMM 02/12/2014Cottle - Manor Farm, Steeple Ashton, Wiltshire 01380 870518 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 09/04/2018Coubrough, M - Hartside Farm, Lamington, Lanarkshire 01899 850580 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 28/11/2017 17/12/2013Crawford, D R - Brenchoille Farm, Argyll 01499500662 AccreditedCOMM 10/03/2011Croy Cunningham Farms - Croy Cunningham Farm, Killearn, Renfrewshire 01360 550329 Overdue AccreditedCOMM 24/10/2016Dalchirla Farms Ltd - Meikle Fieldie, Glenfarg, Perthshire Risk level 4 AccreditedCOMM 23/01/2012Dalrymple-Hamilton, NJF - Bargany Mains, Ayrshire 01465871249 Risk level 3 BVD VMFCOMMDandie, W - The Dales, Learilaw Farm, West Lothian 01506853799 Risk level 3COMMDerryman, AR - Home Farm, Sidbury, Devon 01395 597836 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlCOMM 09/01/2017Dixon, AB - Killinochonoch Farm, Kilmichael, Argyll 01546605367 AccreditedCOMM 15/09/2010Dobie, JB - Under Boon Farm, Berwickshire 01578722961 Risk level 5COMMEddy, AMC - Treloweth Lane, St Erth, Cornwall Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 24/02/2015

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Page 10: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Ednie Farms (Robertson), P - Ednie House, St Fergus, Aberdeenshire 01779838726 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 29/05/2019 08/01/2009Evans, S - Owlpen Park Farm, Croomes Grove Park, Owlpen,, Gloucestershire 01453 842255 IncompleteCOMM IncompleteEvans, W - Hendreseifion, Llanwrin, Powys 01654702103 Risk level 3 Qual 1st ControlCOMMEynon, C.W - Blaendyffryn, Beulah, Ceredigion 01239 810648 Risk level 2 AccreditedCOMM 10/02/2020Fans Farming (Stewart) - Fans, Berwickshire 01573410343 Risk level 2COMMFeatherwood Partnership - Otterburn, Rochester, Northumberland 01830520469 Risk level 4 Qual 1stCOMMForbes, J - Clunebeg Farm, Perthshire 01796472758 IncompleteCOMMForrest, A - Hillend Farm, Roberton, Lanarkshire 01899 850273 Risk level 2COMMForster, FMJ - Girrick Farm, Roxburghshire 01573 460228 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 09/02/2016Frater, JA - Goswick Farm, Northumberland 01289 381216 IncompleteCOMMFullerton & Sons, JW - Corsbie, Berwickshire 01573410238 IncompleteCOMMGauld, KR - The Cairn Farm, Perthshire Qual 1stCOMMGilchrist, D - Ingraston, Peeblesshire 01968682219 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 27/03/2014Girvan, JW - Gateshaw Farm, Roxburghshire 01573 440291 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 01/02/2017Graham, AS - West Balgothrie, Fife 01592 742676 Risk level 4COMMGray, J - Unthank Farm, Whittingham, Northumberland 01665574667 IncompleteCOMMGreen, RL - Heckley High House, Northumberland 01665 602505 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 18/12/2017Harehope Farms Ltd (Mr Harknes, P D - East Lilburn Farmhouse, East Lilburn, North 01668217208 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 25/02/2014Harvey, C - Wiggaton, Lamorna, Cornwall 01566781265 AccreditedCOMM 05/10/2018Hodgson, AJ - North Farm, Swinhoe, Northumberland 01665589247 Risk level 1 OverdueCOMM 08/03/2013Howat, R - Kinnaird Farm, Cupar, Fife 01334653306 IncompleteCOMMHutchinson & Sons, R - Valley Farm, Spital Bowes, County Durham 01833628252 Risk level 4 Control AccreditedCOMM 01/01/2011Inglis (Commercial Herd), T - Craegorry, Dalachy Farm, Fife Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 09/03/2012Irvine, Harshaw - Newton of Tulloch, St. Katherines, Aberdeenshire 01467671238 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 19/11/2019 20/11/2012Jackson, JR - Moneyhill Farm, Stretton-en-le-Field, Derbyshire 01283 762248 Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited ControlCOMM 26/11/2018 26/11/2018Jacob, AT & WA - Twll y Gwyddil Farm, Craig Cefn Parc, Swansea 01792844303 Qual 1stCOMMJones-Davies, W - Glangwye, Boughrood, Powys 01874 754222 Risk level 5COMMJordon, M - Tughall Grange, Northumberland 01665589239 Risk level 2 Qual 1stCOMMKedzlie Farm Limited - Kedzlie Farm, Selkirkshire 01461 500642 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 08/11/2016Kemp Farms - Home Farm, East Bilney, Norfolk Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 19/11/2018 02/02/2011Kennedy, M & J - Lurgan Farm, Eradynate, Perthshire Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 21/09/2011Kent, DA & RA - Pen-Twyn, Llangenny, Powys 01873810547 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 01/11/2011 08/01/2018Ker, David J - Broomton Farm, Auldearn, Morayshire 01309 641505 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 16/01/2020Kerr, Mr - Bankhead Farm, Fife 01383860912 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 09/01/2018 10/03/2014Kneebone, A - Turchington Farm, Devon 01566 784284 Risk level 2 Qual 1stCOMMLaird, R - Cambwell, Skirling, Lanarkshire 01899860245 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 21/05/2015Lang, K.& B. - Starr Farm, Fife 01337 870225 Risk level 2 AccreditedCOMM 20/01/2012Laurie, J H - Ardtornish Farms, Ardtornish Estate, Argyll AccreditedCOMM 15/03/2012Lawrie, GW & KP - Hillhead of Careston, Careston, Angus 01356630287 Risk level 2 Qual 1stCOMMLeith, JSW - Deystone Farm, Kintore, Aberdeenshire 01467632858 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 12/01/2016 27/12/2017Levens Farms Ltd - Gaythorne Hall, Orton, Cumbria 01931715222 BVD VMFCOMMLofthouse, L - Bankhouse Farm, Stow, Selkirkshire 01578760246 Risk level 2COMMMabon, J - Lustruther, Southdean, Roxburghshire 01450 860338 AccreditedCOMMMacArthur, A A - Kelsay, Portnahaven, Argyll 01496860274 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited ControlCOMM 31/10/2018 05/11/2018MacDonald, D H - Tyree, Benderloch, Argyll 01631720023 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 06/05/2015 09/11/2011MacGillivray, E - Barcaldine Home Farm, Barcaldine, Argyll 01631720253 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCOMM 08/11/2016 08/12/2014 23/11/2012 08/12/2014MacGregor, D - Burnhead Farm, Kilsyth, Glasgow 01236822038 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 01/02/2019MacLarty, A M - The Homestead, Ardfern, Argyll 01852500276 AccreditedCOMM 19/12/2012MacLeod, M - 5 Swainbost, Ness, Western Isles 01851 810556 AccreditedCOMM 30/01/2013MacPherson, J & J - Balliemeanoch, Argyll 01866833239 AccreditedCOMM 29/11/2013Malcolm, I & R - Poltalloch Home Farm, Kilmartin, Argyll 01546510251 AccreditedCOMM 12/10/2010Mann, Kirsteen - Marino Lodge, Roshven, Inverness-shire 01687 470383 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedCOMM 03/06/2019 03/11/2014 08/11/2013Mann, R - Thelveton Farms, Grange Farm, Thelveton, Norfolk 01379 741328 AccreditedCOMM 18/11/2011Marshall, J - Barshill, Lochmaben, Dumfries & Galloway 01387710185 AccreditedCOMM 29/04/2014McArthur, A - Ormsary Estate, PO Box 7, Argyll 01880770700 AccreditedCOMM 02/12/2011McArthur, A - Tiretigan Farm, Kilberry, Argyll 01880770225 AccreditedCOMM 03/02/2011McCormick, D I - Mains Farm, Carradale, Argyll 01583431216 AccreditedCOMM 23/03/2012McCririck, JB - Whitmuirhaugh, Roxburghshire 01573223097 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 26/02/2010 26/02/2010McDiarmid & Co, P - Shenlarich, Lawers, Perthshire 01567820642 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCOMM 21/01/2015 23/02/2011 21/01/2015McDiarmid Bros - Ben Lawers Farm, Lawers, Perthshire 01567820491 AccreditedCOMM 06/01/2009McGarva, I - Nether Abington Farm, Abington, Lanarkshire 01864 502265 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 03/02/2014McIntyre, A - Kellybank Cottage, Wemyss Bay, Renfrewshire 01475521998 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCOMM 10/09/2014 14/10/2016 11/09/2013 04/03/2020McKerrow, DJ - Stickle Heaton, Northumberland 01337 830457 Overdue AccreditedCOMM 28/02/2019McRury, C - Woodhead Farm, Fife 01337 840230 Risk level 2 BVD VMFCOMMMiller, N.A. - Stagehall Farm, Stow, Selkirkshire 01578 730592 Incomplete BVD VMFCOMMMillichap & Partners, DMG - Hendre-Owen Farm, Dyffryn-Rhondda, West Glamorgan 01639 850234 Risk level 2COMMMitchell, A J - Denmill Farm, Aberdeenshire 01224 732100 AccreditedCOMM 31/01/2013Mitchell, AJ - Mill of Drummond Farm Cottage, Muthill, Perthshire 01764681295 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 10/01/2012Mitchell, GM - Hilton of Carslogie Farm (Ferniemill), Fife Incomplete AccreditedCOMMMitchell, J - Rumbletonrig Farm, Greenlaw, Berwickshire 01361810257 Risk level 3COMMMoore, J - Wingates Wholme, Wingates, Northumberland 01670788304 Overdue AccreditedCOMM 27/01/2016Munro, E & L - Rogiehill, Skene, Aberdeenshire 01224 743716 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 29/06/2015 05/12/2013Murison, JRC - Shire-End Farm, Forgandenny, Perthshire 01577830588 Risk level 2COMMMurray, G M - Morvich Farm, Sutherland 01408641355 AccreditedCOMM 23/05/2011Murray, Hugh - Kirkton Farm, Sutherland 01408633267 AccreditedCOMM 26/10/2011Nelson, DL - Cuttlehill Farm, Fife 01383 511300 Risk level 3 OverdueCOMMNicol, M J - Ballogie Estate Office, Aberdeenshire 01339886497 Risk level 2COMMNoden, B&J - Victoria Farm, Shropshire 01630 652516 Risk level 4COMMOverman & Son Ltd - 1 Hermitage Offices, Desborough Road, Leicestershire 01536 762908 AccreditedCOMM 14/12/2015Owen, R - Trefri, Gwynedd 01407840242 Risk level 3COMMParry, M&G - Orsedd Fawr, Pencaenewydd, Gwynedd 01766 810303 Risk level 1 OverdueCOMM 10/10/2016Paterson, J - Hartbush Farm, Amisfield, Dumfries & Galloway 01387710214 Risk level 3COMMPaterson, Kenneth - Shalom, 4 New Park, Callanish, Western Isles 01851621369 Risk level 2 Accredited IncompleteCOMM 25/03/2015Peebles, D - South Baldutho, Fife 01333720218 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 28/05/2019Pitgaveny Farms - Pitgaveny, Morayshire 01343551436 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 22/02/2016 07/03/2012Presly, G J - The Cowsheds, Mains of Auquhorties, Aberdeenshire 01651851126 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 08/02/2019 29/01/2016Probert, GR - Great Bottom Farm, Penrhos, Monmouthshire 01600780247 Risk level 5COMMProbert, GR - Great Bottom Farm, Penrhos, Monmouthshire 01600780247 Risk level 5COMMRalston, Gavin - Linton Farm, Morebattle, Roxburghshire 01573 440362 AccreditedCOMM 27/01/2014Reid, J S R - West Aquhorthies, Fetternear, Aberdeenshire 01467 642321 AccreditedCOMM 03/01/2012Remony Estate Partnership - Remony Estate Partnership, Remony, Perthshire 01887 830209 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCOMM 05/06/2019 05/06/2020 28/07/2012 05/06/2020Rennie, JM - Prathouse Farm, Fife 01383412440 Risk level 1COMM 05/01/2017Renton, I - High Highlaws Farm, Northumberland 01670512331 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 24/09/2013Richardson, IB - Ardlebank Farm, Bridge of Cally, Perthshire 01250 886260 Control BVD VMF ControlCOMMRichardson, S - High Park Wall Farm, Marwood, County Durham 01833630609 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 24/04/2011Ritchie - Barbreck, Argyll 01852500271 AccreditedCOMM 19/04/2018Roberts (Commercial), G - Myfyrian Isaf, Gaerwen, Gwynedd 01248 421234 IncompleteCOMMRoberts, R - Hafod Farm, Pen-Y-Cae, Clwyd 01978840199 Overdue AccreditedCOMM 21/03/2018Robinson Farms (Fortescue), JT - Glantlees, Newton on the Moor, Northumberland 01665570304 Risk level 5COMMRobson, RJ - Rayheugh, Northumberland 01668 213458 Risk level 2 IncompleteCOMMRodger, A & G - Stobswood, Berwickshire 01361890226 Risk level 4 AccreditedCOMM 21/03/2018Ross, MR - Wester Middleton (Commercials), Midlothian 01875820158 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 15/07/2019Runciman, R - Allanshaws, Selkirkshire 01578730268 AccreditedCOMM 13/01/2011Russell, S - Orchard Farm, Roxburghshire 01450377769 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 09/01/2019 11/01/2012

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Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Salvesen, A.E.H - Whitburgh Farms (Farm Office), Middle Whitburgh, Midlothian 01875 320591 Risk level 2 AccreditedCOMM 26/11/2015Scott, RJ - Over Whitton, Hownam, Roxburghshire 01573 440257 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 16/03/2018Shedden, JO - East Garleton Farm, Drem, East Lothian 01620 880212 Risk level 2 AccreditedCOMM 23/01/2014Simmers, M I - Mains of Bogfechel Farm House, Whiterashes, Aberdeenshire 01651882302 Risk level 2COMMSinclair & Son, G H - Nottingham Mains, Caithness 01593741368 Risk level 3 OverdueCOMMSleigh, A A - Newseat of Tolquhon, Tarves, Aberdeenshire 01651851312 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 29/03/2013Smalley, BJC - West Kyloe, Beal, Northumberland 01289381295 Risk level 5COMMSmith, G - West Bolton Farm, Bolton, Northumberland Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 16/01/2020 14/12/2017Snaith, AJ & T - Great Tosson, Thropton, Northumberland 01669620447 Risk level 1 OverdueCOMM 04/06/2018Spence, G - Cnoc na Moine, Killimster, Caithness 01955609016 AccreditedCOMM 02/02/2015SRUC Easter Howgate - Farm Manager SAC Farms Office, Easter Howgate Farm, Mi 01315353396 Risk level 3 Qual 1stCOMMStark, D. S. - South Ballo, Perthshire AccreditedCOMM 31/01/2014Still, Michael - Denhead of Muiresk Farm, Aberdeenshire 01888 563660 Overdue AccreditedCOMM 21/01/2013Struthers, A - Thornyhills Farm, Sandilands, Lanarkshire 01555662354 Risk level 2COMMSutherland, CJ - Ross Farm, The West House, Northumberland 01668213870 Incomplete IncompleteCOMMTait, C - Raecleughhead Farm House, Berwickshire Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 05/12/2017Tait, G - 1 Thornydykes Farm Cottage, Westruther, Berwickshire Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 23/04/2011Taylor - Duncroisk Farm, Burnbank Cottage, Ardeonaig, Perthshire 01567820658 Overdue AccreditedCOMM 16/11/2016Taylor, GC & GW - High Farm, Crook, Cumbria BVD VMFCOMMTaylor, J - Braes of Ardeonaig, Ardeonaig, Perthshire 01567820442 Risk level 2COMMTaylor, J - Upper Newtown Farm,, Herefordshire 01544327727 Risk level 4 AccreditedCOMM 12/02/2019Taylor, J E - Machrimore Mill Farm, Southend, Argyll 01586830637 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 09/02/2015 25/02/2015Taylor, K - Dall, Ardeonaig, Perthshire 01567820432 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 25/11/2014Tennant, TW - Shaws Farm, Roxburghshire 01387376241 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 23/10/2013The Campbell Partnership - Middletoun Farm, Fountainhall, Roxburghshire Risk level 5COMMThe Campbell Partnership - Oneholmes Farm, Stokesley, North Yorkshire 01642 710295 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 17/02/2010 13/03/2008Thomas, ID - Bryngwyn, Pontyberem, Dyfed 01269871218 Risk level 1COMM 10/11/2005Thomas, MM, HJ&AE - Gilfach Goch, Carmarthenshire 01267202316 Risk level 4COMMThomson, TDC - Caverton Mill, C/o Blakelaw, Roxburghshire Incomplete AccreditedCOMM 07/02/2020Turnbull, J.H. & N.T. - Meadowend Farm, Clackmannanshire 01259 730271 Risk level 2 AccreditedCOMM 04/03/2019Turner, DF - Bassingbourn Farm, Fordham, Cambridgeshire 01638720206 Risk level 1COMM 21/11/2018Twentyman, A - Osborne Farm, Longhead, Cumbria 01697 344810 Risk level 1COMM 21/01/2015Walton - Flotterton, Northumberland 01669640253 Risk level 3COMMWard, M - West Mains Farm, Newbigging, Lanarkshire 01555840497 Risk level 1COMM 11/12/2018Waring, H - Park Farm, Everingham, Yorkshire 01430 860327 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 03/04/2016Wedderburn, P K W - Mountquhanie Farm, Fife 01382330252 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 20/01/2014Weir, JW - Cortleferry, Stow, Selkirkshire 01578760760 Risk level 5COMMWhiteford, I - Hilltarvit Mains, Fife 01334654178 Risk level 5 AccreditedCOMM 01/11/2012Wight (Commercial), J - Midlock Farm, Crawford, Lanarkshire 01864 502230 AccreditedCOMM 10/01/2014Wilkins, GN - Wester Whitecastle Farm, Lanarkshire 01899221118 Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 14/11/2018 28/10/2011Wilson, J - Nether Barr, Barr, Ayrshire 01465861236 AccreditedCOMM 07/02/2013Wood, H - Rothill Farm, Whittingham, Northumberland Risk level 1 AccreditedCOMM 26/02/2016 14/02/2014Woodburn - Laidlawstiel, Clovenfords, Selkirkshire 01896850303 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 13/02/2017Woodhouse, R & J - Hill House Farm, Thursford Road, Norfolk 01328820268 AccreditedCOMM 05/03/2012Woolley, J - West Hepple Farm, Hepple, Northumberland Risk level 4 AccreditedCOMM 14/11/2012Yewdall, L - Atkinson's Wood Farm, Easby, Cleveland 01642 307191 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited Qual 1stCOMM 09/05/2011 09/04/2010Young & Son, W - Templehall Farm, Auchtertool, Fife 01592 873034 Risk level 3 AccreditedCOMM 06/01/2014Young, W - Skerrington Mains, Hurlford, Ayrshire 01563526268 Risk level 1 BVD VMFCOMM 18/01/2012Younger, JH - Farm Office, Baro, East Lothian 01620810667 Risk level 2COMMFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedCON 18/03/2016 06/03/2015 06/03/2015 06/03/2015Fretwell, D - Lees Farm, Woodeaves, Fenny Bentley, Derbyshire 01335 350974 Risk level 1CONX 12/03/2019Galloway, DWJ&JA - Marstone, Chawleigh, Devon 01769 580868 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedDE 22/01/2018 25/07/2017 29/01/2020Gray, MIH & PM - Nut Tree Cottage, Lower Chicksgrove, Wiltshire 01722 714382 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedDE 22/03/2011 12/03/2014 23/03/2016 22/03/2011 Risk level 1 26/03/2018Honey (Cattle), MC - Llwyneinon Uchaf, Capel Iwan, Carmarthenshire 01239 698 753 Risk level 2 Accredited Qual 1st AccreditedDE 21/07/2020 21/07/2020 IncompletePark, AJ - Moor Farmhouse, Moor Lane, Charlton, Wiltshire 01666 823817 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedDE 09/08/2019 09/05/2017 09/08/2019Perkin, TJ - Park Farm, Upper Shuckburgh, Northamptonshire 01327702325 Risk level 2 AccreditedDE 27/10/2016Phillips - Carnboswednack Farm, Constantine, Cornwall 07484 009928 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedDE 16/10/2018 20/09/2016 19/05/2020 20/09/2016Pryce, G - 48 Cardiff Road, Powys 02920 514718 Risk level 1 AccreditedDE 20/05/2019 04/04/2018Watson, TDG - Fourways Farm, Waterlane, Oakridge, Gloucestershire Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited AccreditedDE 17/03/2019 17/03/2019 17/03/2019 Risk level 4Andrews, DW - Warson Barton Farm, Coryton, Devon 01822 820402 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedDEV 20/02/2017 28/09/2016 Risk level 2Armishaw, RL - Lower Mere Park Farm, Mere Park, Wiltshire 01747832280 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited Qual 1stDEV 25/09/2019 20/09/2018Berners - Allsopp Estate - Estate Office, Manor Farm, Little Coxwell, Oxfordshire 01367 240138 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedDEV 17/01/2017 17/12/2015 19/12/2017Best, DG - Treathro, Trefasser, Pembrokeshire 01348 891517 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st Qual 1stDEVBrewer, P - Lower Wincombe Farm, Lower Wincombe Lane, Dorset 01747 829153 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlDEV 10/05/2019 24/02/2016Copp, WA - Twitchen Farm Bungalow, Twitchen Farm, Devon 01271867844 AccreditedDEV 12/05/2020Crowe, I J - Alderwood Farm, Branscombe, Devon 01297 680352 Overdue Accredited Overdue AccreditedDEV 27/03/2013 27/03/2013Harcombe, EJ&MV - Glebe Farm, Hill Croome, Worcestershire 01684 592245 AccreditedDEV 27/01/2015Hartwright, C - Kirtle Lodge, Templeton Road, Berkshire Risk level 3 Qual 1st AccreditedDEV 08/12/2018Head, AJH - Cedar Organic, Rempstone Farm, Corfe Castle, Dorset 01929481393 Risk level 1 AccreditedDEV 16/02/2015 04/02/2020Idelson-Smith, P - Trebarfoot Manor, Poundstock, Cornwall 01288 361275 Risk level 1 AccreditedDEV 26/02/2015 18/02/2014Irving, D L - Greenwrae Croft, Newton, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 Accredited OverdueDEV 20/04/2012 23/06/2015John Fairey Will Trust - Bossington Estates, The Estate Office, Houghton, Wiltshire 01794 388265 Risk level 4 Qual 1st Accredited ControlDEV 17/11/2016 Risk level 5Lerwill and Kellaway - Brinsworthy, Sandyway, Devon 01598740482 Overdue AccreditedDEV 24/11/2014May, JW - Priorton Barton, East Village, Devon 01363 772685 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedDEV 10/05/2020 31/07/2013 31/07/2013National Trust Home Farm - Kingston Lacy, Dorset Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedDEV 15/02/2017 07/11/2014 21/03/2019 Risk level 3Prideaux, J - Croydon House Farm, Somerset 01643 841327 AccreditedDEV 20/01/2018Prydden, M - Ciltalgarth, Frongoch, Gwynedd 01678 521356 Risk level 4 AccreditedDEV 09/04/2014Richards, James - Tregaminion Farm, St Keverne, Cornwall 01326290053 Risk level 2 Control Qual 1st ControlDEV Risk level 4Rowe, PS - Trewint Farm, Menheniot, Cornwall 01579 347155 Risk level 1 AccreditedDEV 26/11/2019 04/09/2012Sandbach, MA and C - Perlees Farm, St Breock, Cornwall 01208815258 Risk level 3 AccreditedDEV 17/09/2012Stacey, AJ - Lower Lydcott Farm, Widegates, Cornwall 01503 240563 Risk level 2 AccreditedDEV 28/09/2016Stoneham - The Estate Office, Stanford Park Farm, Park Lane, Oxfordshire 01367 718447 Risk level 2 AccreditedDEV 02/12/2015Summerhayes, GJ - The Linhays, West Leigh, Devon 01884 820394 Risk level 4 LMF Overdue AccreditedDEVTaylor, D & E - 1 Conifer Cottage, Rouses Lane, Norfolk 01379 853645 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedDEV 01/08/2014 27/08/2015 19/08/2013Thomas, G - Bollowal Farm (The Old Farmhouse), St Just, Cornwall 01736788260 Risk level 1 AccreditedDEV 31/01/2011 20/12/2010Tutt, EC - Colesden Lodge Farm, Colesden, Bedfordshire 01480 212340 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedDEV 25/04/2019 02/04/2014 14/04/2016Watkins Farming (Landue) - Landue, Lazant, Cornwall Risk level 4DEVWatkins Farming (Worden) - Highfield, Holsworthy Beacon, Devon 01409261242 Risk level 3DEVKemp, JF and NC - Breoch Park, New Abbey, Dumfries & Galloway 01387 850554 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedDEX 11/04/2014 06/03/2017 11/04/2014 30/03/2013Parkes, J - Llethrwernen, Penuwch, Ceredigion 01974821522 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedDEX 10/09/2013 10/09/2013 10/09/2012 10/09/2012Robinson, J - Strickley, Old Hutton, Cumbria 01539722294 AccreditedDS 26/03/2018Swales, SR - Hecknest Farm (Stonehouse Cote), Worsthorne, Lancashire Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlDS 25/05/2019 25/05/2019Barron, WR - The Deans Farm, Muggleswick, County Durham 01207 255233 Risk level 4 AccreditedDV 30/04/2019Bedson, C L - Westholme Farm, Audlem Road, Cheshire Risk level 5 Accredited Qual 1st ControlDV 21/01/2020Cooke, MC - Great Avercombe, Bishops Nympton, Devon Risk level 1 AccreditedDV 07/11/2019 06/09/2019Coward, JC - Vale View Farm, Higher Oborne, Dorset 01935 815652 Risk level 2 AccreditedDV 22/02/2016Coward, JC - Vale View Farm, Higher Oborne, Dorset 01935 815652 Risk level 2 AccreditedDV 22/02/2016Dennis, R - Lower Cruft Farm, Northlew, Devon 0183752364 Risk level 1 AccreditedDV 16/04/2018 14/04/2020Eddy, AMC - Treloweth Lane, St Erth, Cornwall Risk level 3 AccreditedDV 24/02/2015Edwards, RJ, AJ & CJ - Colcharton Farm, Devon 01822 616435 Risk level 1 AccreditedDV 11/01/2017 15/02/2016Grisedale, C.O.F - Cefngwyn Hall, Pennant, Dyfed 01974 272634 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlDV 21/04/2020 16/04/2019Hawkins, E - Cutsey Farm, Trull, Somerset 01823421007 Risk level 1 AccreditedDV 22/05/2015 31/12/2014Hunt, PN - Springfields, Lower Rocombe, Devon 01626 872882 Risk level 1DV 20/09/2017Jackson - Orwell Pit Farm, Downham Road, Cambridgeshire 01353662316 Risk level 1 OverdueDV 07/02/2016

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Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Leigh-Firbank & Strawbridge, WJ & RA - Caseberry Farm, Copydown Lane, Exeter 07773 004680 Risk level 2 Control Accredited AccreditedDV 02/01/2020 02/01/2020 Risk level 4Paynter, EJ - Tregerrick Farm, Merrymeet, Cornwall 01579 342490 Risk level 2 AccreditedDV 27/08/2019Saunders, RA - Manor Farm, Garsdon, Wiltshire Risk level 2DVSmallridge, David - New Haye Farm, Ludbrook, Devon 01548830258 Overdue Qual 1stDVSmaridge, RT & AR - Littleborough, Borough Farm, Devon 01548 521 414 Risk level 2DVThrossel, RJ - Broompark, Week St Mary, Devon 01288 341314 Risk level 1 Accredited IncompleteDV 06/02/2019 06/02/2019 Risk level 4Veltom & Partners, J.O - Sindles Farm, Aldsworth, Hampshire Risk level 1 Control Accredited AccreditedDV 19/11/2019 08/11/2018 08/11/2018Wharton J (Agriculture) LTD - Rossville Farm, Swaby, Lincolnshire 01507 480338 AccreditedDV 07/05/2019Woodliffe, AJ - 41 Old Mill View, Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire 07817456217 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlDV 20/03/2017 15/02/2016 15/02/2016Dodd, EA and A - Roantrees, Bailey, Roxburghshire 01697748601 AccreditedFR 09/05/2017Elder, Brian A - North Tarbrax Farm, Inverarity, Angus 01307 820238 Risk level 2 AccreditedFR 05/02/2016Howarth, RS - Hollies Farm, Wilton, North Yorkshire 01751 474263 AccreditedFR 09/12/2015Smith, WJ - New Greentower Farm, Lanarkshire Risk level 4 AccreditedFRArdnaw Farms Ltd. - Ellary Estate Office, Achahoish, Argyll 01880770209 AccreditedGA 27/01/2012Berardelli, P - Great Glen Cattle Ranch, Achindaul House, Inverness-shire 01397712211 AccreditedGA 04/04/2013Busby, A R - Arkleton, Ewes, Dumfries & Galloway 07801069819 Risk level 3GACarr-Ellison, J - Hedgeley Farms, Hedgeley Hall- Powburn, Northumberland 01665 578272 Incomplete AccreditedGA 01/12/2006Christie of Lochdochart, PA - Lochdochart, Perthshire 01838300315 Risk level 1 AccreditedGA 03/11/2003 17/05/2004Cunningham, Richard - Craig Farm, Balmaclellan, Dumfries & Galloway 01644420636 Risk level 1GA 10/11/2015Drax, J R - Kesworth Farm, Dorset 01929 551577 Risk level 1 AccreditedGA 27/10/2015 29/09/2014Eden, JR - Askerton Castle Estate, Askerton Castle, Cumbria AccreditedGA 25/11/2008Foxwell, Lynn P - Tyddyn Rhyddid, Llanfair, Gwynedd 01766 780387 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedGA 18/02/2003 03/02/2005 03/02/2005 03/02/2005Galloway, DWJ&JA - Marstone, Chawleigh, Devon 01769 580868 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedGA 22/01/2018 25/07/2017 29/01/2020Heerema, Hannah - Balavil Estate Office, Balavil, Inverness-shire 01540 661268 Risk level 2 ControlGAHouston, I A - Culbae Farm, Whauphill, Dumfries & Galloway 0 Risk level 2 ControlGAMaclean, WML - West Ferlochan Farm, Benderloch, Argyll Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedGA 12/11/2018 29/04/2019 12/11/2018Maxwell, DMK - Blairvockie Farm, Rowardennan, Drymen, Renfrewshire 07765595958 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedGA 09/02/2012 21/02/2018 01/02/2014 09/02/2012Maxwell, J - Jaw Farm, Fintry, Glasgow 01360860498 Risk level 1 AccreditedGA 09/03/2015 19/02/2019McKinnon - Shancastle, Moniaive, Dumfries & Galloway 01848200376 Risk level 3GAMcNair, A - Stroneskar, Ford, Argyll 01546810286 AccreditedGA 24/02/2011Moffat & Sons, D - Bodesbeck, Dumfries & Galloway 01683220530 BVD VMFGAMurray, A - Sewing Shields, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland 01434684418 AccreditedGA 20/03/2017Newhouse, Andrew - Well House Farm, Tosside, North Yorkshire 01200446384 Risk level 1 Qual 1stGA 22/03/2019Perkins, J - Greenwood Farm, Fen Road, Pakenham, Suffolk 01359 231257 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlGA 13/08/2019 01/08/2016Pirnie Beef (Wright) - Stones of Pirnie, Pirnie, Roxburghshire 01835823756 Risk level 3 AccreditedGA 25/10/2011Ridland, S - Berga, Shetland 01595860368 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedGA 07/12/2012 05/11/2010 02/12/2013 05/11/2010Robinson, T J - Ottercops, Northumberland 0 AccreditedGA 21/10/2019Rural Partners Ltd - Park House Farm, Harbottle, Northumberland 01669650 250 Risk level 2 AccreditedGA 23/12/2019Teare, J - Ballavair Farm, Bride Road, Isle of Man 01624 880830 Risk level 1 AccreditedGA 18/12/2013 26/11/2014Thomson, J and M - Nether Linkins, Gelston, Dumfries & Galloway 01556680459 Risk level 1 AccreditedGA 10/02/2020 30/06/2014Tullie, AA - Whitchesters Farm, Haysike, Roxburghshire 01450 377490 Risk level 1 AccreditedGA 07/02/2018Tullie, J - Bowanhill, Teviothead, Roxburghshire 01450 850217 Overdue AccreditedGA 31/01/2018Wareham, S - Little Tottingworth Farm, Broad Oak, East Sussex 01435 862425 Risk level 3 Qual 1stGAMcKinnon - Shancastle, Moniaive, Dumfries & Galloway 01848200376 Risk level 3GAXAdams, Zia - Winghall Farm, Grammas Lane, Rutland Risk level 2 Incomplete Qual 1stHArrowsmith, FG - Oaklea Farm The Vauld, Marden, Herefordshire 01568 797247 Risk level 1 AccreditedH 13/11/2018 26/11/2019Bedson, C L - Westholme Farm, Audlem Road, Cheshire Risk level 5 Accredited Qual 1st ControlH 21/01/2020Bowerman, AJ & GC - Church Farm, Semley, Dorset 01747 830257 L hardjo MMF Accredited IBR MMFH 06/01/2014Callander, R - Saughland Farm, Midlothian Risk level 2 AccreditedH 01/02/2017Carnaghan, Peter - Standean Farm, Patcham, East Sussex 01273555926 IncompleteHCatten, KWC - Field Farm, Mill Road, Briston, Norfolk 01263 860843 Risk level 5 Qual 1stHColledge, E - Grove Farm, Aldermans Green Road, Warwickshire 02476313806 Risk level 4 Accredited Incomplete AccreditedH 01/03/2016 20/09/2013Dale, Frank - Mill Street, Herefordshire 01568 612212 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedH 17/01/2020 03/10/2016 03/10/2016Davies, AG - Gelli Farm, Hirwaun, Mid Glamorgan 01685 811705 Risk level 4 AccreditedH 25/11/2014De Greeff, JL - Bidlake Farm, Broadoak, Dorset Risk level 2 IncompleteHEggleston, PM - Chollerton Farm, Chollerton, Northumberland 01434689997 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 30/11/2019 10/12/2018 29/11/2019 29/11/2019Fabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 18/03/2016 06/03/2015 06/03/2015 06/03/2015Fabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 18/03/2016 06/03/2015 06/03/2015 06/03/2015Fenton, DJ - Silcocks Farm, Grange Road, Kent 01580 763351 Risk level 3 AccreditedH 16/10/2019Flindall, M - Chypraze Farm, Morvah, Cornwall 01736 788312 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedH 07/04/2017 27/04/2020 18/04/2016Fowell Brothers - Orchard Farm (Hill Farm), Itteringham, Norfolk 01263587285 Risk level 1 Qual 1st Accredited AccreditedH 09/10/2013 16/11/2012 22/10/2014Froud, KE - 13 Hillrow, Haddenham, Cambridgeshire 01353 741829 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedH 18/10/2019 18/10/2019Hall, GJ - Nursery Cottage, Knowsley Park 07710 193013 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 14/03/2016 10/03/2015 14/03/2016 10/03/2015Hammon-Lee, S - Ochiltree Mill Farm, West Lothian 01506 844055 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 01/10/2015 31/10/2014 08/10/2015 01/10/2015Hart & Ball, TG & EM - St Dial Farm, Monmouthshire 01600 713102 Risk level 2 AccreditedH 09/12/2015Hartwright, S - Grove Farms, Milton Hill, Oxfordshire Risk level 2 Qual 1st Accredited AccreditedH 21/08/2018 03/12/2018 Risk level 2Hodge, James - Fellowhills Farm, Horndean, Berwickshire 012893823678 Risk level 2 LMF Accredited AccreditedH 21/03/2019 21/03/2019Holloway - Home Farm, West lavington, Wiltshire 01380 813212 Accredited Incomplete Qual 1stHHouston, I A - Culbae Farm, Whauphill, Dumfries & Galloway 0 Risk level 2 ControlHHutchinson, J - Field House Farm, Greatham, County Durham Risk level 1 Overdue Overdue ControlH 14/12/2018Huxter, F - Chapel Court Farm, Mosterton, Dorset 01308 868213 Overdue Accredited OverdueH 27/06/2019Hyslop, D - Whitehill Kennels, Crossgates, Fife 01383 860126 Risk level 1 OverdueH 03/12/2015Jones, WS - Tyn-y-coed Farm, Bonvilston, South Glamorgan 01446 781256 Risk level 3HKneebone, A - Turchington Farm, Devon 01566 784284 Risk level 2 Qual 1stHLlewellyn, G M - Harvest Livestock, The Gables, Weston Heath, Shropshire 01952 691669 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 06/05/2019 06/05/2019 06/05/2019 Risk level 1 11/05/2020Lower Hope Farms - Lower Hope, Herefordshire 01432820218 Risk level 4 Accredited AccreditedH 12/01/2017 03/11/2015MacKay, S F - Knockaneorn, Clunas, Morayshire 01667 404260 Risk level 3 AccreditedH 23/05/2018Manduell, M D - Church Stile Farm, Nether Wasdale, Cumbria 01946726487 Risk level 2HMarsh, R - Cordwell House, Crosemere Court, Shropshire 01939 270257 Incomplete Qual 1st Accredited AccreditedH 01/03/2016Mathers, M R - Wardes, Kintore, Aberdeenshire 01330 860241 Risk level 2 AccreditedH 25/05/2016Mathews, Geraint & Eilidh - 1 Tyn Y Coed, Gwydyr, Conway 01492 640255 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st Qual 1stH Risk level 3Metson, GN - Peaslake Road, Ewhurst, Surrey 01306 731101 Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited ControlH 11/02/2019 11/02/2019 Risk level 4Milner, D - Callaughton House, Much Wenlock, Shropshire 01952 727575 Risk level 2 Control ControlH Risk level 2Morgan, FE - Cliffe Bank, Higher Carden, Cheshire 01829 250372 Risk level 3 AccreditedH 11/12/2017Morgan, GH - Fardre Farm, St George, Conwy 01745 833012 Risk level 3 AccreditedH 22/01/2018Morgan, R L - Pentre Farm, Pentre Road, Carmarthenshire 01994230418 Incomplete Qual 1stHMorris, MD - Apesdown Farm Cottage, Rowridge Lane, Isle Of Wight 01983 531234 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 16/11/2019 20/11/2018 20/11/2018 20/11/2018Nye, Victoria - Cadenham Park Farm, Foxham, Wiltshire 07860498668 Qual 1stHParsons, A - Rush Farm, Stockwood, Worcestershire Risk level 4 AccreditedH 07/03/2014Perkin, TJ - Park Farm, Upper Shuckburgh, Northamptonshire 01327702325 Risk level 2 AccreditedH 27/10/2016Pike, RJ - Durlett Farm, Bromham, Wiltshire 01380 850412 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 01/01/2020 10/01/2019 01/01/2020 10/01/2019Pryce, G - 48 Cardiff Road, Powys 02920 514718 Risk level 1 AccreditedH 20/05/2019 04/04/2018Redmayne, G - Gowan Bank Farm, Ings Staveley, Cumbria 0 Risk level 1 AccreditedH 24/04/2019 18/05/2020Rimmer, B & BA - Holme Fields Farm, Off Long Lane, Scorton, Lancashire 01524 792748 Qual 1stHRobinson, N&G - Whittle Fold Dairy Farm, Whittle Lane, Lancashire 01617 644175 Risk level 2 ControlHSebire, AF - Lower Hurst Farm, Hartington, Derbyshire 01298 84293 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlH 31/10/2017 01/11/2016Sedman, M - 14 Summerfield Lane, North Yorkshire 01947821457 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 27/06/2017 29/06/2016 29/06/2016 29/06/2016 Risk level 1 04/06/2019Shaw, W - Hall Farm, Welburn, North Yorkshire 07746 120264 Risk level 2 Control Qual 1st ControlHSingleton, G - Ollerton Fold Farm, Ollerton Lane, Lancashire 01254 830044 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 10/12/2015 10/12/2015 08/12/2019 09/01/2018Smerdon, AS - Pant Teg Farm, Lower Machen, Gwent Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete IncompleteH IncompleteSoanes, S - Wallis Grange, Kiplingcotes, Yorkshire 01430 810664 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Accredited ControlH 27/02/2019Taylor, MG - 9 Primitive Street, Mow Cop, Staffordshire 07831336847 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedH 03/12/2018 23/11/2016 23/11/2016Veltom & Partners, J.O - Sindles Farm, Aldsworth, Hampshire Risk level 1 Control Accredited AccreditedH 19/11/2019 08/11/2018 08/11/2018Vincent, RJ,S & PRJ - White House Farm, Coles Common, Norfolk 01379 676906 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedH 06/11/2014 21/10/2013 06/11/2014 21/10/2013

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Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Wells & Partner - Lethbridge House, Rogers Farm, Norwich Road, Norfolk 01603 568224 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedH 09/03/2020 09/03/2020Woods Van Beele Partnership - Ghorst Farm, Leysters, Herefordshire 01568 750130 AccreditedH 24/02/2017Ayre, LR - Great French Stone, Queensnympton, Devon 01769579460 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHE 20/10/2015 07/02/2013 07/02/2013 07/02/2013Barnes, BJC - Neuadd Farm, Forest Coal Pit, Gwent 01873 890230 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHE 01/06/2015 15/06/2020 26/06/2014Blaxell, DJ & JM - White Lodge Farm, Antingham, Norfolk 01263 833265 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHE 30/11/2016 28/11/2015 28/11/2015 Risk level 1 07/11/2018Boaz, M - Rose Cottage, Turnastone, Herefordshire 01981 550022 Risk level 4 AccreditedHE 12/03/2020Bomford, AB & FM - Sale Green Farmhouse, Sale Green, Worcestershire 01905391630 Accredited IncompleteHE 07/04/2014Boomaars, J - Heathdown, The Ridge- Woldingham, Surrey 01883653064 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlHE 03/11/2009Braithwaite, I - Shropshire Farm, Alveley, Shropshire 01299 861275 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited IncompleteHE 14/03/2011 14/03/2011 16/02/2015Bunney, Ian - Wilverley Farm, Bank, Hampshire 02380 283310 AccreditedHE 08/05/2014Cameron, J A - Balbuthie Farm, Elie, Fife 01333 730210 Risk level 1 AccreditedHE 03/11/2009 15/10/2008Cobley - Stanton Farm, Broughton Road, Leicestershire Risk level 3 Accredited ControlHE 28/10/2015Crook, AJ & EC - Burton Farm, Bishopton, Warwickshire 01789 266091 Risk level 2 Accredited Overdue AccreditedHE 10/12/2015 15/04/2020Dunbar, AJ & IM - Greenford, Aberdeenshire 01651872888 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlHE 24/01/2008 24/01/2008 23/03/2011Eccles, P - Rockness Livestock, Carlaverock Farm, East Lothian 07503925917 Risk level 1 AccreditedHE 20/11/2012 25/11/2014Elliott, J - Low Cornriggs Farm, Cowshill, County Durham 01388537600 Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHE 24/04/2013 24/04/2013 24/04/2013Gibson, MGS - Grove Farm, c/o Durnsford Mill House, Wiltshire 01672 516617 Risk level 3 Accredited Accredited ControlHE 17/02/2014 17/02/2014Gough, MH & IL - Chater Valley Farm (formerly Fox Covert), Pinfold Lane, Rutland 01780 720660 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHE 15/01/2013 15/01/2013 15/01/2013 28/02/2012Hall, VJ - Chegwidden Farm, St Levan, Cornwall 01736810516 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHE 03/10/2011 03/10/2011 03/10/2011 03/10/2011Harvey, George - 100 Buchanan Street, Balfron, Glasgow 01360440504 Risk level 2 Overdue AccreditedHE 04/05/2010Hatt, H - Weybrook Farm, Sherbourne St John, Hants 01256 850083 Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited ControlHE 07/03/2014 16/04/2014Head, B - Merriemont, 33 Twatling Road, West Midlands 01214456098 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHE 28/08/2019 28/08/2019 03/08/2013Holme Lacy College - Hereford College of Technology, Folly Lane, Herefordshire 01432 870206 Risk level 2 AccreditedHE 16/03/2011Johnson, N - Cae Bach, Pantglas Farm Incomplete Welsh NegativHEJones & Son, ME - Chirbury Hall, Chirbury, Powys 01938561230 Risk level 2 Control Accredited Qual 1stHE 03/02/2012Jones, DE & ED & AL - Gwastadgoed, Llanwnog, Powys 01686688266 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHE 27/02/2015 25/02/2018Lewis, E - Salbri, Carreglefn, Gwynedd 01407710565 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHE 15/11/2010 15/11/2010 11/01/2019Ludgate, M - Scotsgrove Farm, Scotsgrove, Oxfordshire 01844 214875 Risk level 1 AccreditedHE 23/09/2019 23/09/2019Norbury, GR & RF - The Meadows, Chelford Road, Nether Alderley, Cheshire 01625 861254 Risk level 1 AccreditedHE 15/12/2019 18/01/2013Palmer, SJ - Upper Boxbush Farm, Gloucestershire 01452831039 AccreditedHE 09/03/2020Quan, WM - Howton Farm, Pontrilas, Herefordshire Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHE 17/12/2007 17/12/2007 11/12/2017Rennie, TMC - Mosston Muir Farm, Guthrie, Angus 01307830238 Risk level 1 BVD VMF AccreditedHE 24/04/2006 10/03/2016Skea, Ian - Glenbervie, Dalriach, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1 AccreditedHE 27/02/2015 22/02/2014Smith, DC - Blaenffynnon, Talog, Carmarthenshire 01994484465 Overdue Incomplete IncompleteHESykes, A L - Kileekie, Crosshill, Ayrshire 01655740510 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlHE 05/02/2020 19/01/2013 19/01/2013Timmis, MS & HM - Moor Farm, Ruyton Road, Shropshire 01939260261 Risk level 1HE 24/03/2014 Risk level 3Wiggin, WD - Felhampton Farm, Herefordshire 01568 612565 Risk level 1 Control Qual 1st IncompleteHE 07/04/2014 Risk level 1 27/07/2020Williams & Son, TGR - Highlands (Astwood Grange), 95 Weston Road, Buckinghams 01234714977 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited Qual 1stHE 30/10/2012 27/10/2011Wilson & Sons, JRB - Cowbog, Roxburghshire 01573440278 Risk level 1 AccreditedHE 20/03/2012 10/06/2015Bowerman, AJ & GC - Church Farm, Semley, Dorset 01747 830257 L hardjo MMF Accredited IBR MMFHEX 06/01/2014Burrells, J - Watergate Farm, Egton, North Yorkshire 01947 895281 AccreditedHEX 02/10/2015Chipperfield, AR - Ellough Hall, Hulver Road, Suffolk 01502 713249 Risk level 1 AccreditedHEX 02/04/2019 22/04/2016Clark, RH - 1 Shawdon Woodhouse, Glanton, Northumberland 01665 578102 Risk level 4 AccreditedHEX 08/11/2017De Greeff, JL - Bidlake Farm, Broadoak, Dorset Risk level 2 IncompleteHEXDeighton, A W - Orchard Farm, Bleatharn, Cumbria 07816569592 Risk level 3 IncompleteHEXDonald, J A - Beechcroft, West Backhill, Aberdeenshire 01651 891865 Risk level 2 AccreditedHEX 18/12/2018Dunbar, AJ & IM - Greenford, Aberdeenshire 01651872888 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlHEX 24/01/2008 24/01/2008 23/03/2011Hutchinson, J - Field House Farm, Greatham, County Durham Risk level 1 Overdue Overdue ControlHEX 14/12/2018Knowles, W & J - Overhall, Premnay, Aberdeenshire 01464820083 Risk level 2HEXLeigh-Firbank & Strawbridge, WJ & RA - Caseberry Farm, Copydown Lane, Exeter 07773 004680 Risk level 2 Control Accredited AccreditedHEX 02/01/2020 02/01/2020 Risk level 4MacKay, S F - Knockaneorn, Clunas, Morayshire 01667 404260 Risk level 3 AccreditedHEX 23/05/2018Massey, A&P - 13 Castle Road, Unsworth, Lancashire 01617663320 Risk level 1 OverdueHEX 14/05/2020O'Harte, T - Harte Farms, Leonards Island, County Monaghan 00353871417608 Risk level 2HEXOrd, DJ - Chatton Park Farm, Chatton, Northumberland 01668 215247 Risk level 3 AccreditedHEX 18/02/2020Palmer, SJ - Upper Boxbush Farm, Gloucestershire 01452831039 AccreditedHEX 09/03/2020Pudge, C & J - The Frogend, Bishops Frome, Worcestershire 01531 640309 Risk level 1 AccreditedHEX 14/01/2020 18/12/2016Salter, Gary - Sandfield Farm, Smarts Green, Gloucestershire 01453549953 Risk level 4 Control IncompleteHEXScott, RP - West Rennington Farm, Northumberland 01665577249 Risk level 2HEXSherry, Neil - Holly Cottage, Culmington, Shropshire 01584861473 Overdue LMF Accredited AccreditedHEX 30/11/2019 30/11/2019Adams & Sons, FE - Ward Farm, St Giles, Devon 01805 623267 AccreditedHF 15/10/2019Adams, RC - Laurel Farm, Marsh Lane, Suffolk 01394 448564 AccreditedHF 20/03/2017Baird, J C - Mains of Culsh, New Deer, Aberdeenshire 01771644457 Risk level 2 AccreditedHF 12/01/2009Barbour, D - Aucharua Farm, Southend, Argyll 01586830223 AccreditedHF 13/02/2012Bevin, RW & E - Little Chaddington Farm, Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire 01793 854997 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHF 27/10/2015 20/10/2014 14/05/2014 01/12/2018 Risk level 3Bullock, JA - Church Farm, Stonham Road, Suffolk 01449781336 AccreditedHF 30/05/2012Bunney, Ian - Wilverley Farm, Bank, Hampshire 02380 283310 AccreditedHF 08/05/2014Burridge, R, D & J - Manor Farm, Fundenhall, Norfolk 01508 489257 IncompleteHFClark, A - Auchlea Farm, Aberdeenshire 01224 742602 Risk level 4 OverdueHFColquhoun, G - Dendoldrum Farm, Inverbervie, Angus 07831771706 AccreditedHF 09/11/2011Coupe, B.R&A - Oakleaze Farm, Swanley, Gloucestershire 01453 810206 Risk level 5HFDavenport, ME - Cote Hill Farm, Lincoln Lane, Osgodby, Lincolnshire 01673828481 Risk level 1HF 12/09/2017Dunlop, I - South Biggart, Ayrshire 01505850308 Risk level 1 BVD VMFHF 31/10/2014Elwen, J J - Netherfield, Irthington, Cumbria 01228573245 Risk level 5 IncompleteHFFleming, R&E - Goslington Farm, Stonehouse, Lanarkshire 01357520293 Risk level 5 AccreditedHF 30/04/2019Foster, C - Shortwaite Farm, Lealholm, North Yorkshire 07813 819490 Overdue Overdue Overdue OverdueHF Risk level 2Foster, W I - Coombe Crag, Banks, Cumbria 01697747117 BVD VMFHFGarrett, EJ - Park Mill Farm, Thornbury, Somerset 01454 412102 Risk level 3HFHunter, R - West Tarbrax Farm, Burnbrae Road, Lanarkshire 01501821735 Risk level 4 AccreditedHF 21/02/2014Langhill Farm - University of Edinburgh, Langhill Farm, Midlothian 01316507984 Risk level 4 AccreditedHF 16/05/2014Larwood, Mark - Oak House Farm, Larling, Norfolk 01953717300 Qual 1stHFManasseh & Roberts - Thorpe Park Farm, Thrope-Le-Soken, Essex 01255861559 Qual 1stHFMarsden, D - Tuckers Hill Farm, Haigh, Greater Manchester 07825 538002 Risk level 2HFMcDonald, R.& J. - Kelloe Mains, Berwickshire 01890 818218 BVD VMFHFMcLean, W - Kilblaan Farm, Southend, Argyll 01586830259 AccreditedHF 05/11/2015Mitchell, J - Kennetsideheads, Roxburghshire 01573 470246 AccreditedHF 26/02/2016Owen Bros - Foel Fawr Farm, Tregele, Anglesey Risk level 1HF 21/12/2013Petch & Sons Ltd, H S - White Gate Farm, Newton Under Roseberry, Cleveland 01642 722282 AccreditedHF 22/08/2019Pirie, GH - Backhill Farm, Kingswells, Aberdeenshire 01224740307 Risk level 3 AccreditedHF 17/09/2012Royal Vet College - Boltons Park Farm, 44 Hawkshead Road, Hertfordshire 01707666212 Accredited AccreditedHF 15/04/2009 04/07/2012Shanks, RP - Queenscairn, Roxburghshire 01573 470241 Risk level 1 AccreditedHF 02/02/2016 05/02/2008Shone, W - Top House Farm, Shocklash, Cheshire AccreditedHF 24/02/2020Smith, A & JE - Healey Home Farm, Healey, Northumberland Risk level 2 BVD VMFHFSmith, A & M - Cotehill Farm, Cumbria 01697742347 BVD VMFHFStevenson & Sons, John - Highfields Farm, Loftus, Cleveland 01287 640476 Risk level 3 AccreditedHF 16/11/2019Stewart, PR - Falside Farm, Fife 01333 311389 Overdue AccreditedHF 27/03/2019Stewart, TM - Sandyknowe, Roxburghshire 01573460210 Overdue AccreditedHF 19/11/2019Stones, A - Smeaton Hall, Wrenbury, Cheshire 01270 780990 IncompleteHFSwainson, J&G & JC - How End Farm, Thursby, Cumbria 01697 342487 Risk level 2HFTemple, SJ - Copys Green Farm, Copys Green, Wighton, Norfolk 01328820224 AccreditedHF 12/11/2019Thornley, DP - Church Farm, St Weonards, Herefordshire 01981580305 Risk level 5HFWales, WA - Abbey Farm, Warham Road, Binham, Norfolk 01328830580 Accredited OverdueHF 26/11/2013Willis, E. Anne - Glasgoforest, Kinellar, Aberdeenshire 01224790212 Risk level 3 Accredited ControlHF 24/01/2020Faud, J - Edgeside Farm, Clinkham Road, Lancashire 01254 884806 Risk level 4HFXJones, GB - Fron Bella, Pentrefoelas, Conwy 01690 770268 Risk level 4HFX

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Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Welford, J - Marsh Farm, Scaling, North Yorkshire AccreditedHFX 16/02/2017Allen, B - 19A/18A Kirkibost, Great Bernera, Western Isles 01851612396 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 10/04/2008 10/04/2008 10/04/2008 10/04/2008Buchan, S - Auchmacoy Estate, Aberdeenshire 01358729868 Risk level 1 AccreditedHI 23/04/2010 20/01/2010Cannon Farm - Llanerfyl, Powys 01938820251 Risk level 3 OverdueHIClark, J & M R - House of Nairne, Perthshire 01738 787850 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 28/05/2020 16/05/2019 16/05/2019 16/05/2019Coghill, J - Achreamie, Dounreay, Caithness 01847811433 Qual 1stHICompagnoni, M - Hoscote Estate, Roberton, Roxburghshire 01450 880229 Risk level 1 AccreditedHI 18/04/2017 18/04/2017Dalby & Sons, JWG - Cesterover Farm, Pailton, Warwickshire 01788 832188 Risk level 1HIDelap, A D - Achadunan Farm, Achadunan Estate, Argyll 01499600238 AccreditedHI 27/11/2012Dewar & Wood, V&K - Witches Craig, Blair Logie, Stirlingshire 01786 474947 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 08/01/2018 08/01/2018 08/01/2018 08/01/2018Edgerston Trading 2006 Ltd - C/o N Ralston, 1 Overton Bush, Camptown, Roxburghs Risk level 3 AccreditedHI 01/12/2015Evans & Partners, CLVP - Llerneuaddau, Ceredigion 01970 890480 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 27/09/2016 01/10/2019 09/03/2016 28/09/2015Fletcher, Robert - Leoch of Blairordens, Cushnie, Aberdeenshire Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st Qual 1stHIFlindall, M - Chypraze Farm, Morvah, Cornwall 01736 788312 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHI 07/04/2017 27/04/2020 18/04/2016Ford, J & O - Llan Farm, Llanfrothen, Gwynedd 01766770399 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 12/05/2008 12/05/2009 12/05/2009Forest Enterprise - Lochaber District, Torlundy, Inverness-shire 03000676870 Incomplete AccreditedHI 09/05/2013Fraser, JL - East Tilbouries, Maryculter, Aberdeenshire 01224732351 Risk level 2 AccreditedHI 14/03/2012Graham, I & S - Killochries Fold, Lochwinnoch Road, Ayrshire 01505873627 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHI 01/08/2007 24/03/2015 01/08/2007Graham, K - Heip Hill House (Shankend), Greensidehall Road, Roxburghshire 01450 374772 Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 22/10/2014 22/10/2014 16/10/2012Halsall, Steve - Thwaite House Farm, Summerstone Estate, Loft House, N Yorkshire 07436532607 Risk level 2 Control Qual 1stHIHarrison, S J - Aimshaugh, Cumbria Risk level 2 Incomplete Accredited ControlHI 27/01/2020Hendry, D - Summerhill, Balmaclellan, Dumfries & Galloway 01644 420326 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHI 10/07/2014 12/02/2013 26/06/2013Hodgson, NR & CS - Park House, Ravenstonedale, Cumbria 01539623228 Risk level 4HIHowden, David - Cornbury Park House, Cornbury, Charlbury, Oxfordshire Incomplete Control ControlHIHowman, K - Borland Farm, Blacklunans, Perthshire 07789301751 Risk level 3 AccreditedHI 24/09/2004Hunter, S - Barnhill Farm, Dura Road, Lanarkshire 01501820433 AccreditedHI 24/10/2011Jeffrey, Christopher - Spring View Farm, Thornton on The Hill, North Yorkshire Risk level 4 Control Qual 1st ControlHILaing, David - Lincluden Square, Bowmore, Argyll 01496810613 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited IncompleteHI 03/02/2010 26/04/2010 03/02/2010Lewis, OD - Monachyle Mhor Farm, Balquidder, Perthshire 01877384622 Risk level 2 Qual 1stHIMacKinnon, G - Canna Farm, Small Isles 01687 462829 Risk level 5 AccreditedHI 30/07/2016Maclean, WML - West Ferlochan Farm, Benderloch, Argyll Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 12/11/2018 29/04/2019 12/11/2018Matheson, Kenneth - 19 Brue, Western Isles 01851840377 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlHI 10/09/2007 20/12/2008 10/09/2007Maynard, C - Holmiry, Glenisla, Perthshire 01576 582274 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 04/12/2019 04/12/2019 04/12/2019McArthur, A - Ormsary Estate, PO Box 7, Argyll 01880770700 AccreditedHI 02/12/2011McArthur, A - Tiretigan Farm, Kilberry, Argyll 01880770225 AccreditedHI 03/02/2011McClung, N - Glenburnie, Eden Grove, Berwickshire 01573 470285 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 14/05/2020 04/03/2014 14/05/2020McDonald, M - Beachmenach, Tayinloan, Argyll 01583441225 AccreditedHI 22/02/2012McGowan, WJ - Fingask Farm, Fife 01334652246 Risk level 1HI 04/12/2014Nairn, Michael - Pitcarmick House, Bridge of Cally, Perthshire 01250881254 Risk level 3 AccreditedHI 24/07/2013Noble, Grace - Lochton of Leys, Aberdeenshire 01330 850316 Risk level 1HI 17/10/2016Oxby, RS - Gelli'r Onn Farm, Richards Street, Glamorgan Risk level 2 Accredited Qual 1stHI 01/09/2019Paice, JE - Snailbridge House, Moor Road, Fordham, Cambridgeshire 01638721526 Risk level 1 AccreditedHI 06/07/2016 29/06/2015Playfair, JK - Abbey Mains, East Lothian 01620823286 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 13/05/2016 07/06/2019 29/05/2014 29/05/2014Poland, MD - Drivers Cottage, Lower Preshaw Lane, Hampshire 01489 891468 Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited Qual 1stHI 25/11/2015 09/11/2010Poland, MD - West Ferlochan Farm, Benderloch, Argyll Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 05/11/2014 24/09/2009 24/09/2009 06/11/2018Prydden, M - Ciltalgarth, Frongoch, Gwynedd 01678 521356 Risk level 4 AccreditedHI 09/04/2014Ramsay, J P - Millerston Farm, Ayrshire 01290550997 Risk level 1 AccreditedHI 06/01/2015 01/03/2012Renner, John - North Bellshill, Northumberland 01668213009 Risk level 1 AccreditedHI 14/12/2016 01/03/2019Roderick, RJ - Newton, Scethrog Bwlch, Powys 01874 676253 Risk level 2 AccreditedHI 15/11/2017Rogers, D - Ellary, Argyll 01880770239 AccreditedHI 05/02/2020Skeen, J - Berryhill, Duddo, Northumberland 01890 820256 AccreditedHI 24/01/2017Smith, B & H - Shiol, Ardentallen, Lerags, Argyll 01631563100 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 12/04/2011 12/04/2011 12/04/2011 12/04/2011Smith, D A - Flowery Brae, Memsie, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHI 15/05/2019 07/05/2018 07/05/2018Starmore, A - 42 Gress, Western Isles 01851820707 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedHI 21/01/2011 21/01/2011 21/01/2011 21/01/2011Stebbings, DJ - Hoardwheel, Berwickshire IncompleteHIStewart of Langraw - (Highland Herd), Langraw Farm, Fife 01334473061 Risk level 1 AccreditedHI 23/11/2009 04/04/2014Throssel, RJ - Broompark, Week St Mary, Devon 01288 341314 Risk level 1 Accredited IncompleteHI 06/02/2019 06/02/2019 Risk level 4Walker, B J - Carloonan Farm, Argyll 01499302090 AccreditedHI 07/02/2013Welo, B - Hillhead Farm, Hillhead Road, Aberdeenshire Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st AccreditedHIWelsh, D - West Broadmoss, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMF IncompleteHI 15/07/2019Westcott, MR & SK - Wilmersham (Highland Herd), Porlock, Somerset 01643 862524 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited Qual 1stHI 01/02/2016 15/02/2017Woodneuk Farm Ltd, Thompson - Woodneuk Farm, Hillside Road, Glasgow 01418811438 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlHI 07/03/2014 16/10/2012Coghill, J - Achreamie, Dounreay, Caithness 01847811433 Qual 1stHIXKerr, D F - Keppoch, Kilberry, Argyll 01880770124 AccreditedHIX 07/11/2016MacKay, R W - Stronmagachan Farm, Druim Breac, Argyll 01499302829 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedHIX 12/11/2019 14/12/2017 16/05/2012Anthony, T - Haregrove, Laleston, Mid Glamorgan 01656740386 Risk level 3HOBaul, P - Watergate Farm, Bishop Thornton, North Yorkshire 01765 620245 AccreditedHO 13/01/2016Bradley, G - West Biggin Farm, Quebec, County Durham 01207520550 Risk level 2HOCoward, JC - Vale View Farm, Higher Oborne, Dorset 01935 815652 Risk level 2 AccreditedHO 22/02/2016Davey, ML - East Kimber Farm, Northlew, Devon AccreditedHO 14/06/2016Dennison, J W & M - Scales Park Farm, Aldingham, Cumbria 01229869428 AccreditedHO 29/04/2020Elder, Brian A - North Tarbrax Farm, Inverarity, Angus 01307 820238 Risk level 2 AccreditedHO 05/02/2016Gasson & Sons, E - Redlands Farm, Chapel Street, Oxfordshire 01608 730514 Risk level 1HO 27/02/2018Hodgson, Rob - Oxheys Farm, Rushton, Cheshire 01829 732529 IncompleteHOHolliday, I J - Dobcross Hall, Gaitsgill, Dalston, Cumbria BVD VMFHOJones, PJ& MT - Parc Gwyn Farm, Llanvapley, Gwent 01873 853419 Welsh NegativHOKelly, B - Hillend Farm, Slamannan, Stirlingshire Risk level 5HOPrice, P - Gelliargwellt Farm, Gelligaer, Mid Glamorgan 07815 207693 Qual 1stHORea & Son - Woodfields Farm, Gloucester Road, Herefordshire 01531 650 28 AccreditedHO 18/08/2016Shackleton, R&H - Broughton Fields, Broughton, North Yorkshire 01282 843856 AccreditedHO 02/09/2019Smith, WJ - New Greentower Farm, Lanarkshire Risk level 4 AccreditedHOSpiby, CJ - Chalder Farm 01243 641219 Qual 1stHOSutton & Partners, PB - Cottage Farm, Hipsley Lane, Warwickshire 01827 872269 AccreditedHO 17/04/2020Veltom & Partners, J.O - Sindles Farm, Aldsworth, Hampshire Risk level 1 Control Accredited AccreditedHO 19/11/2019 08/11/2018 08/11/2018Waitrose Ltd - Abbots Manor Dairy, C/o Leckford Estate, Hampshire Qual 1stHOWright, T K - Risk Farm, Bridge of Dee, Dumfries & Galloway 01556680218 Risk level 4HOHalley, W - East Lochlane Farm, Perthshire 01764652686 AccreditedHX 01/07/2016Cherry Valley Estate - 55 Diamond Road, County Antrim Risk level 3IMSteen, D - Whitcastles Farm, c/o Coxhill, Old Carlisle Road, Dumfries & Galloway 01683221838 Risk level 1IM 09/12/2015Burridge, R, D & J - Manor Farm, Fundenhall, Norfolk 01508 489257 IncompleteJECoates, C & A - Oak Farm, Ridley, Cheshire 01829720537 Overdue L hardjo MMF AccreditedJE 11/02/2020Cooper & Son, WJ - Catmose Lodge Farm, Teigh, Leicestershire 01572787446 AccreditedJE 25/04/2012Evans, DI - Parc-Cynog, Pendine, Carmarthenshire 01994427395 AccreditedJE 22/04/2016Howie, AM&SA - Manor Farm, Meeth, Devon 01837 811559 Risk level 2 Control ControlJE Risk level 3Humphreys, KL - Killarney Farm, Wash Lane, Norfolk 01508530295 BVD MMFJEHunter, R - West Tarbrax Farm, Burnbrae Road, Lanarkshire 01501821735 Risk level 4 AccreditedJE 21/02/2014Jones, PJ& MT - Parc Gwyn Farm, Llanvapley, Gwent 01873 853419 Welsh NegativJELovat, RW - Hutton Grange Farm, Great Rollright, Oxfordshire 01608 737040 Risk level 4 OverdueJERichardson, ML & JM - Wheelbirks Farm, Northumberland 01661842613 Risk level 1JE 23/03/2015Shaw, DE - Grey Leys Farm, Elvington, Yorkshire AccreditedJE 23/01/2020Bollin Valley Partnership - Macclesfield Town Hall, Market Place, Cheshire 01625 374790 Risk level 4 AccreditedLH 10/01/2015Bomford, AB & FM - Sale Green Farmhouse, Sale Green, Worcestershire 01905391630 Accredited IncompleteLH 07/04/2014Brigg, JS & JW - Bishops Gorse Farm, Lighthorne, Warwickshire 01926 651273 Risk level 2 AccreditedLH 15/12/2019Close, J - Fishwick Mains Farm House, Berwickshire 01289 386181 Risk level 1 AccreditedLH 26/02/2007 28/01/2011

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Page 15: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


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Corrie, M&A - Leighton Hall, Leighton Estate, Leighton, Shropshire Risk level 2 LMF AccreditedLH 07/05/2019Dale, Rose - Manor Farm, Chearsley, Buckinghamshire 01844208393 Incomplete Qual 1stLHDe La Warr, W H - Buckhurst Farm, Withyham, East Sussex 01892 770220 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited ControlLH 16/03/2020 12/03/2019Facon, B - Lessor Farm, Milcombe, Oxfordshire 07785 221961 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedLH 21/01/2016 21/01/2016Hallifield, R - Standleys Barn Farm, Derbyshire 01332 862762 Risk level 1 AccreditedLH 05/02/2020 08/03/2013Hodgson, HC - Piercebridge Farm, Piercebridge, County Durham 01325 374 251 Risk level 1 Control Incomplete ControlLH 10/12/2019Howden, David - Cornbury Park House, Cornbury, Charlbury, Oxfordshire Incomplete Control ControlLHLaing, A N G - Logie House, Morayshire 01309 611278 Risk level 1 AccreditedLH 27/09/2016 18/12/2015Lees, CJ - Post Green Farm Partnership, Post Green House,, Dorset 01202 622505 AccreditedLH 23/02/2017Lennox, Graham - Doonies Farm, Coast Road, Aberdeenshire 01224875879 Overdue Incomplete Accredited IncompleteLH 07/06/2011McClung, N - Glenburnie, Eden Grove, Berwickshire 01573 470285 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLH 14/05/2020 04/03/2014 14/05/2020Metcalf, DI - Garford Meadows, Marwood, County Durham 01833 695745 Risk level 1 LMF Incomplete ControlLH 03/03/2015Snape, IJ - Oak Villa, Oak Tree Lane, Worcestershire Risk level 4 IncompleteLH Risk level 2St Just Farms Ltd - Homington Farm, Homington, Wiltshire 01722718555 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLH 17/10/2014 01/11/2011 12/12/2011 09/01/2014Stephen, LC - Home Farm, 76 Wretton Road, Norfolk Risk level 1 AccreditedLH 07/01/2016 22/03/2015Wardle, C - Crows Nest Farm, C/o 38 Randle Bennet Close, Cheshire 07787 343624 Risk level 5 Qual 1st Qual 1stLH Risk level 5Welo, B - Hillhead Farm, Hillhead Road, Aberdeenshire Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st AccreditedLHAlford, M - Foxhill Farm, Blackbourgh, Devon 01884 849369 Risk level 1LI 10/09/2013Alford, M - Wayside C/o Foxhill Farm, Blackbourgh, Devon 01884 849369 Risk level 1LI 15/12/2014Allison, Leslie - 45 Scotch Town Road, County Londonderry 07720 077584 Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 23/11/2017 01/08/2019Atkinson, T - Plumpton, Newland, Cumbria 01229861859 Risk level 1 Control Qual 1st Qual 1stLI 22/01/2019Baillie, A - Carstairs Mains, Carstairs, Lanarkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 12/01/2017 21/02/2014Barclay (Newbiggin), Neil - South Road, Aberdeenshire 01464821738 Risk level 2 AccreditedLI 07/01/2016Beattie, G C - Tulliwhanland Farm, Aberlemno, Angus 01307830328 Risk level 2 AccreditedLI 26/11/2013Blades, JR - East Scarr House, Muker, North Yorkshire 01969 667546 Risk level 3LICain, BLC - Greeba View, Main Road, Isle of Man 07624461410 Incomplete OverdueLICairns, JA - South Riccalton Farm, Oxnam, Roxburghshire 01835 840272 Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 04/11/2019 14/12/2018Callander, R - Saughland Farm, Midlothian Risk level 2 AccreditedLI 01/02/2017Capstick, P - Park House Farm, Heversham, Cumbria 01539563340 Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 04/02/2019 04/02/2020Chapman, MJ - Wicksted Old Hall, Wirswall, Shropshire 01948 663119 AccreditedLI 24/06/2020Cottle - Manor Farm, Steeple Ashton, Wiltshire 01380 870518 Risk level 5 AccreditedLI 09/04/2018Crimes, J & D - Gafryw, Mydroilyn, Ceredigion 01570471474 Risk level 4LIDandie, DG - Lookabootye Farm, West Lothian 01506 852720 Risk level 1 ControlLI 18/01/2019Davidson, I - 3 Stewartstown Drive, County Antrim Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 20/12/2019 08/01/2014Dent, S & J - Newton Ketton Farm, Brafferton, County Durham 07711198641 Risk level 3 AccreditedLI 12/01/2017Dulson, P - Cottenham Farm, 1 Gallantry Bank,, Bickerton, Cheshire Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 31/10/2016 15/09/2014Eddy, AMC - Treloweth Lane, St Erth, Cornwall Risk level 3 AccreditedLI 24/02/2015Edwards, AT - Glanaber, Llangadfen, Powys 01938820323 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLI 28/07/2017 12/07/2016 12/07/2016Evans, GE, MG & EW - Lane Farm (Commercials), Winnington, Shropshire 01743884242 Risk level 3 Qual 1stLIEvans, TG - Upper Ffrydd, Powys 01686688963 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLI 13/02/2018 11/02/2019 10/02/2020 13/02/2018Farquharson, G - Meikle Coull Farm, Tannadice, Angus 01307 860231 BVD VMFLIFretwell, D - Lees Farm, Woodeaves, Fenny Bentley, Derbyshire 01335 350974 Risk level 1LI 12/03/2019Friswell, S & S - Northfields Farm, Shuckburgh Road, Priors Marston, Warwickshire Risk level 2 Qual 1stLIGarrowby Estate Farms - Estate Office, Bugthorpe, North Yorkshire 01759 368219 Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 05/01/2018 11/03/2019Garthwaite, J - Stonleigh, Hele Lane, Devon Overdue AccreditedLIGent, RN - Ide Farm, Moorhouse Road, Nottinghamshire 01777 472034 Risk level 3LIGilchrist, DM - Newmill Farm, Dolphinton, Peeblesshire Risk level 2 AccreditedLI 21/03/2017Goldie, Bruce T - Townfoot, Mouswald, Dumfries & Galloway 01387830105 Risk level 1LI 25/01/2016Gollop, MM - Slough Farm- Halberton Road, Willand, Devon 01884820250 Risk level 4LIGraham, M - Keadue, County Roscommon Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 11/05/2017 29/04/2016Greaney, Pat - Duffryn Farm, Llansoy, Monmouthshire Risk level 5 AccreditedLI 03/12/2018Greenop, J D - Bridge Bank, Cumbria 01697343212 Risk level 1 Qual 1stLI 26/11/2019Griffiths, K & PM - Millards Farm, Jeffreyston, Pembrokeshire 01646 651434 Risk level 1 IncompleteLI 11/12/2018Hadfield, G - Lumm Farm, Littlemoss, Manchester 07740 486748 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlLI 26/02/2018Harker, R - Grayrigg Hall, Grayrigg, Cumbria 01539824770 Risk level 2 Qual 1stLIHarris (Beef Herd), R - Alkmonton Old Hall Farm, Alkmonton, Derbyshire 01335 331910 Risk level 1 LMF Qual 1st AccreditedLI 30/04/2018 08/02/2019Hodgson, NR & CS - Park House, Ravenstonedale, Cumbria 01539623228 Risk level 4LIHorton, CJ - Bellecross Farm, Devon 01548 852482 Risk level 3LIIllingworth, S - Howgillside, Eaglesfield, Dumfries & Galloway 01461800273 Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 14/10/2016 13/10/2014Ingham, DJ - The Firs Farm, High Offley, Staffordshire 07837 168903 Risk level 4 AccreditedLI 27/01/2020Irvine, D - Upper Drakemyers, Forgie, Banffshire Incomplete AccreditedLIIrvine, S & D - Braehead Farm, Drummuir, Banffshire 01542810250 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlLI 15/02/2017 28/08/2012James, LE - Higher Soldon, Sutcombe, Devon 01409 241433 Risk level 1 Control Qual 1st ControlLI 15/10/2019Jerman, TP - Church Farm, Trefeglwys, Powys Risk level 1 IncompleteLI 08/10/2018Jones (LIM/SIM Herd), SW - 2 Pen Y Cefn, Pentir, Gwynedd Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedLI 24/11/2006 24/11/2006 24/11/2006Jones (Pedigree), RJ - Crugan Farm, Llanbedrog, Gwynedd 01758 740873 Risk level 1LI 01/04/2014Jones, T&J - Ty Newydd- Nebo, Llanrwst, Gwynedd 01690 710330 Risk level 3 Overdue IncompleteLIKnox, CK - Cragside Farm, Hume, Roxburghshire Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 27/11/2013 10/11/2017Lecocq, S - Park House Farm, Roxby, Staithes, North Yorkshire AccreditedLI 18/01/2018Lumley, AM - Cherrytree Farm, Crarehall, Yorkshire 01677 422263 Risk level 2 Control Qual 1stLILynch, E - Drumbannow, County Cavan Risk level 1LI 27/03/2017McKay, JW - Ampertaine Farm, 88 Kilrea Road, Upperlands, County Londonderry 02879 642484 Risk level 1LI 15/12/2014Morgan & Johnson, A & JC - Beanley Carr Farm, County Durham 07808596381 Risk level 1 Control Accredited AccreditedLI 14/07/2017 20/07/2016 20/07/2016Morrison, D - Meikle Maldron, Torphins, Aberdeenshire Risk level 4LIMuirhead, Robert - Auldtoun, Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire 01555892910 Risk level 5 AccreditedLI 13/05/2016Neill, TJ - Howtel, Northumberland 01668 216285 AccreditedLI 01/05/2018Nye, Victoria - Cadenham Park Farm, Foxham, Wiltshire 07860498668 Qual 1stLIOrr, A - Lomond Muir Farm, Wester Balgedie, Kinross-shire Risk level 4 AccreditedLI 05/04/2014Parry & Bodily, TK - Parsonage Farm, Llandewi Skirrid, Gwent 01873 854358 Risk level 4 LMF Qual 1stLIPascoe, Nigel - Nancenoy Farm, Constantine, Cornwall 01326 340030 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedLI 29/05/2018 16/06/2017 09/05/2017Patterson, W - Coupland Beck Farm, Cumbria 01768351449 BVD VMFLIPhillips (66/007/0062), S - Roadside, Skene, Aberdeenshire 01224 743221 Risk level 2 Incomplete Accredited ControlLIPidsley, Linda - Upton Ley Farm, Upton, Devon 01404 841525 Risk level 1 ControlLIPowley, S T - Low Northsceugh, Armathwaite, Cumbria Risk level 5 OverdueLIPritchard, DM - Tyn Rardd, Rhosybol, Anglesey 07771912329 Risk level 3LIRedmayne, G - Gowan Bank Farm, Ings Staveley, Cumbria 0 Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 24/04/2019 18/05/2020Rees, W & J - Tynewydd, Llandefalle, Powys Risk level 4 Qual 1stLIRenwick, J D - Corsebank, Dumfries & Galloway 0165950400 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIRichards, RW - Park Farm, Herefordshire 01981 510634 Risk level 2 AccreditedLI 20/11/2018Ritchie, Aileen - Tamala, Burnside, Aberdeenshire 01651862624 Risk level 2 AccreditedLI 14/04/2017 Risk level 2Ritchie, G - Haven Lea, Wainfleet St Marys, Lincolnshire 01754 880754 Risk level 2 AccreditedLI 05/01/2020Roberts, RE & GA - Tyddyn Inco, Llandderfel, Gwynedd 01678 530 249 Risk level 4LISams, Allan - The Firs, Priest Croft, Cumbria Risk level 1 Control AccreditedLI 10/01/2018 05/01/2017Samuel, GH & JM - Orlham Farm, Leddington, Herefordshire 01531632786 Incomplete AccreditedLI 21/10/2019Sartin, AD - Battle Hill, Lartinton, County Durham 01836 628387 Risk level 4 Qual 1stLISaunders, M&A - Bolham Farm, Hemyock, Devon 01823 680490 Risk level 2 IncompleteLIScott, S & JM - Bridge Farm, Canal Side East, Newport, East Yorkshire 01430 448 793 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLI 21/02/2018 21/02/2018 21/10/2019Sedgley, W A - Low Bank House, Barbon, Lancashire 01524276013 Risk level 1 BVD VMFLI 07/12/2018Sedgwick, Thomas - Gallaber Farm, Burton in Lonsdale, Lancashire Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 25/11/2014 03/03/2020Smith, R H E - Castell, Old School Lane, Clwyd Risk level 4LISmith, WJ - Old Greentowers Farm, Cartland, Lanarkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 26/04/2018 26/04/2019Snape, IJ - Oak Villa, Oak Tree Lane, Worcestershire Risk level 4 IncompleteLI Risk level 2Stanton, CH - Cowark Farm, Cowark, Lancashire 01200 448644 Risk level 2 IncompleteLI Risk level 2Stevens, TS&ND, TS & ND - Manor Farm, Worth, Somerset 01749 673 428 Risk level 5 AccreditedLI 11/03/2019

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Page 16: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

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Stobart, P & DT & M - The Square, Kirklinton, Cumbria Risk level 1 Qual 1stLI 18/09/2019Stubbs, TF - Thorpe Farm, Trusthorpe, Lincolnshire Incomplete Qual 1stLITaylor, Martin R - Kirkhill Farm, Alves, Morayshire 01343850230 AccreditedLI 18/12/2013Thompson - Townfoot Farm, Melmerby, Cumbria 01768881239 Risk level 5LITurner Farms Ltd - Oldfield Road Farm, Honley, Yorkshire 01484 661628 Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 19/11/2015 31/10/2019Wareham, S - Little Tottingworth Farm, Broad Oak, East Sussex 01435 862425 Risk level 3 Qual 1stLIWatson, J W - New Dorryfield Farm, Rowelton, Cumbria 01697748513 Risk level 2 OverdueLIWearmouth, GT & MA - Gillses Farm, South Stainmore, Cumbria 01768341216 Risk level 2LIWeatherall, B J K - Meikle Barncleugh, Irongray, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 4LIWeighell, JF - Fox Grove Farm, East Layton, North Yorkshire Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlLI 21/02/2019 08/02/2018Wharton J (Agriculture) LTD - Rossville Farm, Swaby, Lincolnshire 01507 480338 AccreditedLI 07/05/2019White, GC - Rigg Farm, Lunedale, County Durham 01833 640454 Risk level 3 OverdueLIWilliams, DS - Cefn Llech, Pantydwr, Powys 01597870247 Risk level 4 Control Accredited AccreditedLI 01/08/2019Wood, E - Waters, Shap, Cumbria 01931716273 Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 15/11/2016 30/10/2018Wood, Harry - Popes Farm, Clitheroe Road, Lancashire Risk level 2 Control ControlLIWright, R - 22 Reads Street, Stretham, Cambridgeshire 01353 648851 Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 07/01/2015 07/01/2015Wylie, J & J - Knockhouse Farm, Crossford, Fife 01383740330 Risk level 2LIYoungson, D W - Turfhill of Auchtylair, Stuartfield, Aberdeenshire 01771 623480 Risk level 1 AccreditedLI 17/10/2018 18/10/2011Adam, RM - Newhouse of Glamis, Angus 01307840678 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 24/03/2005Adams, A & J - Eastfield Farm, Aberdeenshire 01339 755395 AccreditedLIM 10/11/2011Aitken, J&E - Overton Farm, Glasgow 01360860274 Overdue AccreditedLIM 12/01/2016Alford, M - Foxhill Farm, Blackbourgh, Devon 01884 849369 Risk level 1LIM 10/09/2013Allinson, F - West Briscoe, Baldersdale, County Durham 01833650368 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 01/05/2013Allison - Muirburn Farm, Skirling, Lanarkshire 01899 860224 Overdue AccreditedLIM 18/06/2009Allison & Devereux, P & T - Low Harperley Farm, Fir Tree, County Durham 0191 3720636 Risk level 1 OverdueLIM 06/12/2018Anderson, GJC - Mains of Kair, Fordoun, Aberdeenshire 01561320406 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlLIM 15/01/2009 09/01/2008 21/04/2008Annett, H - Widdrington Farm, Northumberland Incomplete OverdueLIMAston, Richard - Stable Tallet, Lower Dudnil Farm, Worcestershire 07854686452 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlLIM 24/05/2016 27/02/2018 18/05/2015Atkinson, G - Wetherhill, Winston, County Durham 01833627263 Qual 1stLIMAtkinson, Jean - Demesne Farm, Sandwith, Cumbria 01946 690070 Risk level 2 IncompleteLIMBaillie, D - Calla Farm, Lanarkshire 01555840218 Risk level 2 BVD VMFLIMBarbour, D - Aucharua Farm, Southend, Argyll 01586830223 AccreditedLIM 13/02/2012Barlow - Littlewood Hall Farm, Ridley Lane, Lancashire 01772601403 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 25/03/2011 17/08/2011Barratt, RA - Windy Hill Farm, Cefn-y-bedd, Clwyd Risk level 1LIM 22/04/2015Bedell, FT - The Linch House, Welsh Street, Shropshire 01588638361 Risk level 5 AccreditedLIM 15/02/2010Bessborough, M - Roche Court, East Winterslow, Wiltshire 01980862244 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLIM 17/12/2007 17/12/2007 17/12/2007Birkett, A,J & L - Birk Howe Farm, Little Langdale, Cumbria 01539437269 Risk level 1 OverdueLIM 18/02/2020Blenkhorn, E - Elder Farm, Willitoft, East Yorkshire 01757 288218 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedLIM 30/07/2013 04/12/2008 30/07/2013Boden & Davies Ltd - Mellor Hall Farm, Mellor, Cheshire 01614278635 Risk level 4 Accredited ControlLIM 17/11/2011Booth, AR - Vine Farm, Sutton Askern, South Yorkshire 07985790665 Risk level 1 Incomplete Overdue ControlLIM 11/12/2019Bowers & Dickerson, D&P - Cockshead Villa Farm, Canal Side, Staffordshire Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLIM 12/11/2018 20/07/2019 12/11/2019Brooke, Gordon - Upper Huntlywood Farm, Huntlywood, Berwickshire 01573410226 Risk level 3LIMBrute, DS & DA - Gwndwnwal, Llanfihangel Talyllyn, Powys 01874658284 Risk level 3 Qual 1stLIMBurnett, J - Upper Spittalton Farm, Blair Drummond, Stirlingshire 01786 850286 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 16/04/2002 18/03/2015Callion, W.I. & A.W. - Bolfornought Farm, Stirlingshire 01786 461481 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 08/01/2019 07/11/2011Campbell, AC - Strawfrank Farm, Carstairs Junction, Lanarkshire 01555871191 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 10/12/2014 07/01/2016Carruthers, JE - Silloans, Northumberland 01830520244 Risk level 3LIMCarse, E - South Ord, Northumberland 01289 306682 Risk level 1LIM 06/12/2016Clark, A J - Hangram Lane Farm, Hangram Lane, South Yorkshire 01142306573 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 01/02/2012Cole, GF - The Lodge, Winfarthing, Norfolk 01953860209 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLIM 26/02/2019 11/01/2013 11/01/2013 11/01/2013Coltman, WJ - Pencefen, Dyfed 01974298870 Risk level 1LIM 21/01/2020Common, J - Crossdykes Farm, Dumfries & Galloway 01576710630 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 24/12/2008Connell, J - Wanton Walls, Berwickshire 01578722258 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 19/01/2016 29/12/2010Cooper, JM & SP - Hill Top Farm, Dacre, North Yorkshire 01423780366 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIM 13/07/2004 13/07/2004 13/05/2016Corbett, VAS - The Gorther, Felindre, Powys 01547510217 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 21/01/2017 21/01/2017Cornthwaite, D&R - Balgray Hill, Dumfries & Galloway 01576610206 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 06/06/2013Cowx, WR & JM - Hudscales, Hesket-Newmarket, Cumbria 01697478637 Overdue IncompleteLIMCritchlow, MD - White Rake Farm, Tideswell, Derbyshire 01298872594 AccreditedLIM 23/02/2010Crockett, RC - Conker Cottage, Deanfoot, Roxburghshire Risk level 4 AccreditedLIM 27/10/2009Cruickshank, R - Little Kype Farm, Lanarkshire 01357520304 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 12/05/2014Dagg, DA - Craighouse, Roxburghshire 01896 822120 Overdue AccreditedLIM 06/10/2016Darlington, PR - Spring Farm, Moss Lane, Minshull Vernon, Cheshire 01270522645 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 26/09/2012 26/09/2012Davidson, G - Crichie Farm, Aberdeenshire 01464820908 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 21/03/2011Davies, AG - Gelli Farm, Hirwaun, Mid Glamorgan 01685 811705 Risk level 4 AccreditedLIM 25/11/2014Davies, DB - Tierson Farm, Steynton, Dyfed 01437890233 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 15/02/2016 23/03/2020Davies, G, CR & BT - Oakfield, Llananno, Powys 01597 840301 Risk level 3 Qual 1stLIMDavies, H - Cefn Coed Isa, Maenan, Conwy 01492 660283 Risk level 4 Welsh Non-NeLIMDavies, JH - Glynyrodyn, Coedybryn, Ceredigion 01239 851729 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 24/02/2020 25/10/2015De Rosa, J - Talfryn Cottage, Erbistock, Clwyd 01978780168 Risk level 1 Qual 1stLIM 20/02/2017Denby, TJ - Longlands Farm, Withern, Lincolnshire 01507 450398 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIM 06/12/2013 01/12/2012 01/12/2012Dent, J - Naby Farm, Lartington, County Durham 01833650315 Incomplete IncompleteLIMDernie, P - Breconside Farm, Dumfries & Galloway 01683300270 Risk level 1LIM 04/03/2011Dick (Pedigree), D - Mains of Throsk, Throsk, Stirlingshire 01786 813498 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 01/07/2015Driver, L - Lower Woodlands Farm, Oakenshaw, West Yorkshire 01274600029 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlLIM 11/06/2010 10/12/2014Duncan, Andrew J - Hillocks, Keig, Aberdeenshire 01975 562549 Risk level 1LIM 06/11/2017Dunphie, CC - Wester Cloquhat, Bridge of Cally, Perthshire 01250886320 Qual 1stLIMEdwards & Sons, PJ&S - Tydraw Farm, Maesycoed, Rhondda Cynon Taf 01443 402174 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 25/03/2014Edwards, AO - Home Farm, Cilycwm, Dyfed 01550720464 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 13/01/2015 23/11/2010Elliot, J - Roxburgh Mains, Roxburghshire 01573450249 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 26/05/2005 25/07/2001Evans, D - Ty Isaf, Cwmfelin Mynach, Carmarthenshire 01994 448447 Risk level 2 Qual 1stLIMEvans, DE - Monfa (Limousin Herd), Gwernaffield Road, Clwyd 01352755392 Incomplete AccreditedLIM 22/08/2014Evans, DG - Bryn Glas Farm, Bryncrug, Gwynedd 01654710393 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 20/02/2004Evans, GE, MG & EW - Lane Farm (Westpoint Herd), Winnington, Shropshire 01743 884242 Risk level 4LIMEvans, JG & JA - Lower Ffrydd, Powys Incomplete Accredited AccreditedLIM 16/12/2011 16/01/2017Eve, J - Stubbsgill Farm, Westnewton, Cumbria 01697320348 Risk level 1LIM 01/09/2011Fearon, G - Hollows Farm, Grange, Cumbria 01768777298 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 10/11/2014Fleming, B & W - Mosstower, Roxburghshire 01835850229 Incomplete AccreditedLIM 17/02/2015Fletcher, P - Siddall Fold Farm, Birch, Lancashire 01616 435588 Risk level 1 ControlLIM 27/11/2013Floyd, KIW - Felin Llwynywen, Pennant, Dyfed 01974272209 Risk level 4LIMFord, D H - High Balantyre Farm, Argyll 01499302434 AccreditedLIM 20/04/2011Forrester, WL & JA - Twemlows Farm, Higher Heath, Shropshire 07773288747 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 02/10/2013 05/02/2009Foster, P - 61 Severn Drive (Scugdale Farm), Cleveland 07932 185731 Overdue Qual 1stLIMFotheringham, A & MA - Auchenzeoch, Aberdeenshire 01561 320565 Risk level 1 ControlLIM 07/01/2020Fotheringham, SL - Ballinloan Farm, Trochry, Perthshire 01350723246 AccreditedLIM 29/01/2009Gammie, A&J - Drumforber, Aberdeenshire 01561377407 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 20/01/2009Garbutt - Sketewan, Grandtully, Perthshire 01796482207 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 05/12/2012Gethin, E T - Cwm Caebitra, Sarn, Powys 01686670858 Risk level 4LIMGibson & Son, JS - Thornton Tower, Newbrough, Northumberland 01434 674661 Risk level 3 BVD VMFLIMGilchrist, JT - West Meikle Pinkerton, East Lothian 01368840669 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 27/01/2012Glenkilrie Partnership - Glenkilrie, Blacklunans, Perthshire 01250882241 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 11/10/2012Graham - Hetherside, Kirklinton, Cumbria Risk level 1LIM 20/11/2015Graham (BEEF), R - Airthrey Kerse Farm (Beef Herd), Henderson Street, Stirlingshire 01786 833206 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 16/12/2014Graham, D & L - Mains of Burnbank, Blairdrummond, Stirlingshire 01786841348 Risk level 3 Control AccreditedLIM 29/12/2011Grant, J - Flemington, Aberlemno, Angus 01307830224 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 07/02/2013

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Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Greaney, Pat - Duffryn Farm, Llansoy, Monmouthshire Risk level 5 AccreditedLIM 03/12/2018Greed, PW - Columjohn, Rewe, Devon 01392841228 Risk level 3LIMGriffiths, CD - Brynderi, Llangain, Carmarthenshire 01267241210 Overdue AccreditedLIM 27/09/2012Haigh, A - Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Lincolnshire 01673 838288 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 21/03/2016Handley, J - Gunnerfleet Farm, Chapel-le-Dale, Lancashire 01524242366 Risk level 1 OverdueLIM 12/11/2013Harvey, George - 100 Buchanan Street, Balfron, Glasgow 01360440504 Risk level 2 Overdue AccreditedLIM 04/05/2010Henderson, JE - Burn Tongues, Allendale, Northumberland 01434618041 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 06/12/2011Hill, D & V - Whitewall, Great Asby, Cumbria 01768352401 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 30/11/2012 25/02/2014Hooper, M - Trefrawl, Lanreath, Cornwall 01503220229 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 03/05/2012Howells, DM - Gelli Farm, Cymmer, Glamorgan Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 05/11/2013 07/01/2020Howson, B & J - Hollymount, Darlington Road, County Durham 01833631492 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLIM 20/05/2011 03/04/2018 20/05/2011 19/05/2015Hughes & Son - Fferm Gyd, Amlwch, Anglesey Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 01/12/2010 07/10/2014Hunter, J - Hallrig Farm, Tarbolton, Ayrshire 01292541547 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited ControlLIM 03/11/2013 23/04/2015Hutchinson, DC & KL - Old Spital Farm, Stainmore Road, Bowes, County Durham 01833 628081 Risk level 2 Control BVD VMFLIMHutchinson, TW - Bail Hill Farm, Forest-in-Teesdale, County Durham 01833622249 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 02/11/2016 25/08/2017Ingram, TD - Rhonllwyn, Powys 01597851753 Risk level 3 Qual 1stLIMJack, MW - Carriston Farm, Star, Fife 01592758491 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 12/11/2018James, WD - Blaencowin, Cynwyl Elfed, Dyfed 01994484381 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 21/05/2018Jenkins, GM - Tynewydd Farm, Groesfaen, Rhondda Cynon Taf 01443223388 Risk level 3LIMJenkins, T - Torycoed Farm, Rhiwsaeson, Mid Glamorgan 02920 891633 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 12/03/2019 18/03/2014Jerman, CL & FE - Glan Gwden, Powys 01686 430224 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 24/08/2017 18/09/2012Jones - Plas Yn Llan, Llangynhafal, Denbighshire 01824790330 Risk level 5LIMJones & Son, MP - Ffridd Bryn Coch, Ganllwyd, Gwynedd 01341 440207 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLIM 23/08/2016 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 23/08/2016 Risk level 4Jones, A - Defaidty, Cemtirmynach, Gwynedd 01490420348 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 14/11/2011Jones, C & FC - Rhydyfallen, Ceredigion 01545580660 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 26/02/2013 13/03/2012Jones, D - Little Bache Farm, Chester Road - Hurleston, Cheshire 01270 620930 Overdue Overdue Qual 1st OverdueLIMJones, EI & W - Upper Rheol, Crickadarn, Powys 01982560280 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 24/02/2017 05/03/2012Jones, G - Ty Gwyn, Llantrisant, Anglesey 01407 730293 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 18/12/2018 17/12/2019Jones, GW - Graig Fach, Llanfair- Caereinion, Powys 01938 810141 Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1stLIM 11/03/2020 26/03/2018Jones, I.W.L&M.R - Lleuar Bach, Pontllyfni, Gwynedd 01286660237 Risk level 4LIMJones, M & SLL - Pant-y-Coed (Tyn Coed), Chwilog, Gwynedd 01766810381 Risk level 1LIM 18/11/2008Jones, Paul - Upper Drostre, Llanywern, Powys 01874658282 Welsh NegativLIMJones, RM - Pen-Y-Bryniau, Dolwen, Conwy 01492680536 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 14/01/2019Jones, T E - Bailea Farm, Heolsenni, Powys 01874 636689 Incomplete IncompleteLIMJones, VM - Great Lunnon Farm, Lunnon, Swansea 01792 371351 AccreditedLIM 18/09/2012Jordon, DW - Longhirst Brocks, Longhirst, Northumberland Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 04/12/2006Kelly, D - Nether Hall, Cumbria 01524273927 Risk level 1 BVD VMFLIM 21/12/2012Kirton, AG - Severn Lodge Farm, Kinlet, Worcestershire 01299841300 Risk level 3LIMLanfear, MD & KE - Woodside Farm, Pilning Street, Pilning, Avon 01454615078 Risk level 2LIMLear, HB - Creslow Manor Farm, Creslow, Buckinghamshire 01296640191 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 19/12/2016 02/12/2008Leith, C D - Springwood Lodge, Tillyeve, Aberdeenshire 01651842131 Risk level 1 BVD VMFLIM 10/01/2012Littlewood, S - Hollingreave House Farm, Ray Gate- New Mill, West Yorkshire 01484681817 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 23/05/2010 01/05/2011Logan, J - Humebyres, Roxburghshire 01573 470245 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 15/03/2019 30/01/2007Long, G & P - Mill Brow Farm, Skelwith Bridge, Cumbria 01539433253 Risk level 4 AccreditedLIM 02/04/2014Lowry, G - Grange Farm, Grange Lane, Lincolnshire 01507 327445 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIM 30/12/2017 30/12/2017 20/01/2017Lumb, C - Far Barsey Farm, Barkisland, West Yorkshire 01422371287 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlLIM 29/01/2016 27/01/2017MacGregor, AA - Allanfauld Farm, Allanfauld Road, Glasgow 01236822155 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 23/11/2019 12/01/2011MacGregor, JR - Dyke Farm, Milton of Campsie, Glasgow 01417764116 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 15/02/2017 24/01/2008Macnab, Alasdair - Kildun Cottage, Ross-shire 01349 862160 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 13/12/2010 04/03/2015Marstons, D & CE - Easegill Cottage, Wharton, Cumbria 01768371229 Risk level 2 Qual 1stLIMMash, T - Torrington Farm, Grove Lane, Buckinghamshire 01494 782508 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 26/11/2018Matthewson, TAD - Soutra Croft, Sunnyside, Midlothian 01875833224 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 01/06/2006McAuley, B G - Larkhill Farm, 35 Seven Mile Straight, County Antrim 02894462410 Incomplete ControlLIMMcKinnon - Shancastle, Moniaive, Dumfries & Galloway 01848200376 Risk level 3LIMMcMillan, Mr - Eorrabus Farm, Bridgend, Argyll 01496810249 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 11/12/2012McNee, R - Over Finlarg Farm, Tealing, Angus 01382380627 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 09/01/2013McVicar, Donald - Lephinchapel, Strathlachlan, Argyll 01700821218 Incomplete Control ControlLIMMilne & Son, J - Oldwhat Mains, New Deer, Aberdeenshire 01771644241 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 14/11/2012Milroy, R & J - Cairnwhin, Pinmore, Ayrshire 01465861668 Risk level 2 BVD VMFLIMMoffett, C - Backandsides Farm, Hummerbeck, West Auckland, County Durham 07770663217 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIM 17/04/2008 24/03/2017Morris (Pedigree), G - Lower Drostre, Llanwern, Powys 01874658212 Risk level 1LIM 03/03/2011Morrison, H - 9 Killeonan, Argyll Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 12/12/2013 20/07/2007Murphy & Thomas, Mac & Teleri - Clongiffin, County Meath Risk level 1LIM 23/10/2003Murray, Donal - 12 Ballinarea Road, Cullyhanna, County Down 02830868318 Risk level 4LIMMurray, F - East Horton, Northumberland 01668215215 Risk level 1LIM 18/03/2019Neale, JWH - Wilkey Down Farm, Werrington, Cornwall 01566772919 Risk level 3LIMNimmo, J & JF - Bogside Farm, Hyndshaw Road, Lanarkshire 07940591792 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 24/02/2012Norman, ES & E - Little Orton Farm, Little Orton, Cumbria 01228576284 Risk level 2LIMO'Kane, MP - 24 Newferry Road, County Londonderry 02879386506 Risk level 5 Control ControlLIMOrr T/a Keirsbeath Farm Ltd - Mains of Beath, Fife 01383 510240 AccreditedLIM 10/11/2008Orr, James - Randerston, Kingsbarns, Fife 01333 450462 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 21/03/2019 17/04/2012O'Sullivan, J - Tobermaing, County Kerry Risk level 1LIM 24/12/2005Parry - Esgair Weddan, Pennal, Powys 01654791218 Risk level 5 AccreditedLIM 05/04/2017Pattinson, J - Bonshawside Farm, Kirtlebridge, Dumfries & Galloway 01461500109 Risk level 1 BVD VMFLIM 05/05/2020Pearce, J&R - Broad Oak Farm, Hollington, Derbyshire Risk level 1 Accredited OverdueLIM 22/05/2014 20/02/2014Pedley, J H - Oak Tree Farm, Barbon, Lancashire 01524276353 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedLIM 18/11/2013 18/11/2014Pennie, E H - Gwern-Yr-Ychain (Sarkley), Llandyssil, Powys 01686 668513 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 22/10/2018 27/08/2019Penny, John - Shannas, Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1 Control AccreditedLIM 16/04/2009 14/05/2008Phillips, E& N - Blackmeadows, Llantilio, Crossenny, Monmouthshire 01600 780349 Risk level 1 Welsh NegativLIM 01/02/2011Potter, MS - Blackacres Farm, Goosey, Oxfordshire 01367718640 Risk level 3 Control Accredited ControlLIM 25/11/2011Potter, S & GA - Westside, Topcliffe, North Yorkshire 01845587278 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 09/01/2012Price, CR - Felindre Farm, Upperchapel, Powys 01874 690243 Risk level 3 Qual 1st Qual 1st ControlLIMPrice, MJ - Penycrug Farm, Llanafan, Powys 01591620635 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 23/01/2017 13/01/2015Prince, C - Toft Gate Farm, Greenhow, Patelet Bridge, North Yorkshire 01423712118 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 04/12/2019 22/10/2012Pritchard, B. - Marian Mawr Farm, Gwynedd 01248 853660 Risk level 4 Accredited ControlLIM 12/01/2017Pritchard, WR,EM&RJ - Glan Llyn, Tynlon, Anglesey 01407 720654 Risk level 1LIM 14/08/2014Procters Farm Ltd - C/o Mr G Swindlehurst, Woodhouse Lane, Slaidburn, Lancashire 01200 446623 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 11/11/2010 26/01/2010Proctor, A & D - Swarland Old Hall, Swarland, Northumberland 01670787642 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 07/03/2016Quan, WM - Howton Farm, Pontrilas, Herefordshire Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIM 17/12/2007 17/12/2007 11/12/2017Quinn, N - 95 Drumagarner Road, Kilrea, County Derry 02829541011 Risk level 1LIM 17/05/2014Ralston, D A - Castlehill Farm, Balmore, Torrance, Renfrewshire 01360620488 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlLIM 11/01/2017 23/03/2012Redpath, K - 12 Bowmont Court, Heiton, Roxburghshire 07836 630211 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 11/11/2010 11/12/2013Rees, A - Tynllwyn, Llanfair Caereinion, Powys 01938810386 Risk level 5 AccreditedLIM 01/02/2020Renton & Redden Partners - c/c Vrio Europe, Office 108, The Workspace, 90 Maryga Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 10/01/2019 11/11/2014Richardson, S - Woodford Lodge, County Leitrim Risk level 1LIM 16/01/2013Ridley - Lonning Head, Haltcliffe, Hesket Newmarket, Cumbria 01697478619 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 24/04/2018 20/09/2019Roberts (Pedigree Herd), G - Myfyrian Isaf, Gaerwen, Gwynedd 01248421234 Risk level 4 Welsh NegativLIMRoberts, AL - Pwll, C/o Malthouse Farm, Cardiff 02920 752738 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 05/04/2017Roberts, J - Tyddyn Coed, Conwy 01492 660510 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 07/02/2020 16/02/2017Roberts, JA - Dolau, Llanerfyl, Powys 01938820253 Risk level 5LIMRoger, V & S - Tillybrig, Dunecht, Aberdeenshire 01330860276 Risk level 2 Control AccreditedLIM 17/01/2014Rowlands, G & RA - Brynllys Farm, Dol-y-Bont, Dyfed 01970871489 Risk level 1 Qual 1stLIM 07/11/2016Ryder, A - Holme House, Dale, Ainstable, Cumbria Risk level 1LIM 05/07/2017Savage, HGV - 70 Skerriff Road, Cullyhanna, County Down 02830868203 Risk level 1 IncompleteLIM 31/12/2014

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Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Sayer (Junior), A M - Willow Farm, Sandon Road, Staffordshire 01889505418 Risk level 4LIMSayer, A - Willow Farm, Sandon Road, Staffordshire Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 29/03/2016 24/03/2014Scott, J - 48 Ardigon Road, County Down 02844828328 Risk level 4 AccreditedLIM 02/06/2010Sevenoaks, GG - Parc Lodge Farm, Llwyndu, Monmouthshire 01873 850824 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 16/11/2015 16/10/2012Shanks, J & R - West Glespin Farm, Glespin, Lanarkshire 01555851349 Overdue AccreditedLIM 01/04/2010Sharp, TM - Nether Logie Farm, Eassie, Angus 01307840333 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 28/11/2016 05/11/2010Shelton, TL - Pantcefnyffordd Farm, Church Road, Rhondda Cynon Taf 01685 811789 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 20/08/2018 13/09/2017Shore, RJ - Sibbersfield Farm, Sibbersfield Lane, Churton, Cheshire Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 26/02/2014 06/01/2012Simpson & Son, AC - McNeil Farm, Witton-le-Wear, County Durham 01388488252 Risk level 5 AccreditedLIM 13/12/2010Sloan & Sons, J - Little Creoch Farm, Ayrshire 01290338250 Risk level 3LIMSmith, Walter - Chase Farm- Weeford Road, Roughley, West Midlands 01213081946 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 24/01/2005 24/01/2005Smith, WJ - Old Greentowers Farm, Cartland, Lanarkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 26/04/2018 26/04/2019Sowerby - Terrys Farm, Ormside, Cumbria 01768351576 Risk level 3 Qual 1stLIMStafford, C - (Dene House Farm), 10 Sancroft Drive, Tyne & Wear 01915 843456 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLIM 28/05/2007 21/03/2016 05/03/2014 20/03/2019 Risk level 1 23/03/2020Stone, J - The Manor, Grainsby, Lincolnshire 01472 840213 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLIM 19/11/2015 12/11/2013 07/11/2012 04/11/2019Struthers, J - 1 Greenbank Cottage, Kilincadzow, Lanarkshire Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIM 21/02/2014 23/03/2013 23/03/2013Suddes, RE - South Farm, Cornsay, County Durham 01913734251 Risk level 1 Qual 1stLIM 25/02/2019Swales, WE - Mount Pleasant, Balk, North Yorkshire 01845597339 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 15/11/2016 30/11/2011Swift, J - Dry Howe, Selside, Cumbria 01539823269 Risk level 2 BVD VMFLIMThomas, D - Dolgwm Uchaf, Pencarreg, Carmarthenshire 01570 421361 Risk level 1LIM 11/10/2017Thompson, DA - Trewhitt Steads, Thropton, Northumberland 01669630205 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 12/01/2011Thompson, EA - Beechwood Farm, School Lane- Onneley, Cheshire 01782750388 Risk level 1LIM 30/07/2007Thomson, J - Hilton of Beath Farm, Fife 01383830251 Risk level 4 AccreditedLIM 17/04/2012Thomson, W & J - Hownam Grange, Roxburghshire 01573440227 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 06/03/2017Thomson, Wendy and Robert - Cairnbog Farm, Kilsyth, Renfrewshire Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 19/04/2018 10/04/2012Thornber, S W - Gamble Hole Farm, Back Lane, Newton, Lancashire 01200446470 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 23/01/2015 17/07/2013Tynan, D - Beechill Farm, Doon, County Laois Risk level 1LIM 12/01/2018Vance, JS - Upper Grimmer, Minsterley, Shropshire 01743791245 Overdue AccreditedLIM 12/03/2012Varley, PM - Myrtle Grove Farm, Baldwin Lane-Queensbury, West Yorkshire 01274 883679 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLIM 06/09/2018 03/10/2007 03/04/2012 23/05/2017Vaughan, GP - Dolcorsllwyn, Aberangell, Powys 01650 511409 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 08/03/2014 11/03/2016Walker, Peter A - Easterside, Dunnottar, Aberdeenshire 01569762625 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 12/03/2007 12/03/2007Walker, PW - Poolside, Horsepool Farm, Bromsgrove Road, West Midlands 01562712072 Risk level 2 Qual 1st IncompleteLIMWatson, Jonathan - Bowsden Moor Farm, Northumberland 01289 387322 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 23/03/2020 15/05/2020Watson, W - Sanders Close, Slaggyford, Cumbria 01434381243 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM 06/03/2009Welsh, D - West Broadmoss, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMF IncompleteLIM 15/07/2019Wharton, DC - Willow Farm, Withersdale Street, Mendham, Norfolk 01379588136 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlLIM 25/11/2011 07/12/2016White, CF - Frogmore Farmhouse, Gloucestershire 01608650230 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlLIM 03/02/2013 03/02/2013 Risk level 1Wigham, J - Hargill House, Coanwood, Northumberland 01434320256 Risk level 4 BVD VMFLIMWilkinson - Bollihope Shield Farm, Frosterley, County Durham 01388528246 Risk level 2 Qual 1stLIMWilkinson, IG - No 1, Balgay Farm Cottages, Inchture, Perthshire 01738710796 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM 06/03/2012Williams, BP - Pen Isa, Llangernyw, Clwyd 01745 860 276 Risk level 1LIM 06/03/2015Williams, K - Penrallt Uchaf, Bryngwran, Anglesey 01407 720186 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 15/02/2016 16/02/2015Williams, TA - Nant-y-Geifr Farm, Powys Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 04/11/2019 26/11/2018Wilson, B - White Cross Farm, Staffordshire 01785 822312 Risk level 5LIMWilson, G - Reddings, Dumfries & Galloway 01683220185 Risk level 1 BVD VMFLIM 21/01/2014Wilson, I - Low Flan Farm, Manriggs, Cumbria 01229480178 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIM 09/02/2014 10/01/2013 21/08/2018Wynne, TL - Hendre Glan Alwen, Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr, Clwyd 01490 420517 Risk level 1 OverdueLIM 06/05/2020Youngson, D W - Turfhill of Auchtylair, Stuartfield, Aberdeenshire 01771 623480 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM 17/10/2018 18/10/2011Allgood, VS & JE - Nunwick, Simonburn, Northumberland 01434 681363 Risk level 2 BVD VMFLIM XArdnaw Farms Ltd. - Ellary Estate Office, Achahoish, Argyll 01880770209 AccreditedLIM X 27/01/2012Barclay, GM - Tullo Farm, Garvock, Aberdeenshire 01561 320410 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM X 11/09/2017Birnie - East Gowkhill, Maud, Aberdeenshire 01771644444 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM X 27/02/2014Capstick, P - Park House Farm, Heversham, Cumbria 01539563340 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM X 04/02/2019 04/02/2020Carruthers, JE - Silloans, Northumberland 01830520244 Risk level 3LIM XCooper, I - Auchnieve, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire 01651851555 Incomplete AccreditedLIM X 26/05/2011Cooper, I - Kenmar, Boutrie, Aberdeenshire 01651872231 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM X 09/03/2010Craig, D - Kennox Cottage, Stewarton, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMF IBR VMFLIM X 08/03/2016Cummack, J - Mill House, Kirkgunzeon, Dumfries & Galloway 01387760241 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM X 06/03/2015 03/02/2020Davidson, G - Crichie Farm, Aberdeenshire 01464820908 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM X 21/03/2011Farquharson, A M L - Finzean Estate Office, Finzean, Aberdeenshire 01330850710 Incomplete AccreditedLIM X 09/02/2017Glenrinnes Farm Ltd - Estate Office, Glenrinnes Lodge, Banffshire 01340 820384 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIM X 15/01/2014Goldie, IT - Greenfield, Cummertrees, Dumfries & Galloway 01387870288 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM X 16/01/2018Hay, J.M - Meikle Tullo, Angus 01356 647471 Risk level 4 Overdue OverdueLIM XJohnston - Crossbrae, Boyndlie, Aberdeenshire 01346561289 Risk level 1LIM X 19/12/2019Leslie, D - Redhill, Mosstowie, Morayshire 01343 850278 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM X 03/10/2013 19/09/2006Macnab, Alasdair - Kildun Cottage, Ross-shire 01349 862160 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM X 13/12/2010 04/03/2015MacSween, Donald N - 6 Dunganichy, Balivanich, Western Isles 01870603107 Risk level 2 Accredited IncompleteLIM X 25/02/2009MacSween, S M - 5 Dunganichy, Balivanich, Western Isles Risk level 2 Accredited IncompleteLIM X 25/02/2009Marr, WJ & A - Cornhill, Skene, Aberdeenshire 01330811545 Risk level 4 AccreditedLIM X 10/12/2010Marshall Farms - Concraig House, Mains of Concraig, Aberdeenshire 01224743938 Risk level 2 OverdueLIM XMcNair, A - Stroneskar, Ford, Argyll 01546810286 AccreditedLIM X 24/02/2011McRury, C - Woodhead Farm, Fife 01337 840230 Risk level 2 BVD VMFLIM XMcVicar, Donald - Lephinchapel, Strathlachlan, Argyll 01700821218 Incomplete Control ControlLIM XMitchell, J F - Woodside, Angus 01307830266 AccreditedLIM X 31/05/2011Murphy, Thomas - Craigiedaff, Durris, Kincardineshire 01330811260 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM X 24/04/2015 05/10/2011Mycock, DT - Ellemford Farming Ltd, 1 Ellemford Cottages, Berwickshire 01361890622 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM X 20/02/2012Partridge, I S - Boghead Farm, Aberdeenshire 07970600903 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIM X 21/04/2017Roger, V & S - Tillybrig, Dunecht, Aberdeenshire 01330860276 Risk level 2 Control AccreditedLIM X 17/01/2014Skipness Estate - Estate Office, Skipness, Argyll 01880760207 AccreditedLIM X 01/02/2011Smith, J W - Gladhill, Morayshire Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM X 09/05/2012Stephen, D G - Redhouse of Barra, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire 01651872369 Incomplete OverdueLIM XSwanson, J - Bylbster, Watten, Caithness 01955621271 AccreditedLIM X 20/01/2016Troup, J & M - Southbank, Skene, Aberdeenshire 01224743253 Risk level 3LIM XTurbiskill Farms - Mudeareadh, Tayvallich, Argyll 01546870274 AccreditedLIM X 25/01/2013Vaughan, W A - High Dovecote, Walton, Cumbria 0169772580 Risk level 1 Qual 1stLIM X 01/03/2019Wigham, J - Hargill House, Coanwood, Northumberland 01434320256 Risk level 4 BVD VMFLIM XWill, A - Standing Stones, Skene, Aberdeenshire 01224743251 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIM X 23/03/2012Aiken, J G - Croft of Newinn, Tillyfourie, Aberdeenshire 01330833359 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 22/01/2020 30/09/2013Airey, RJ - Brownchesters, Newcastle Upon Tyne Incomplete OverdueLIMXAllgood, VS & JE - Reaveley Farm, c/o Nunwick, Northumberland 01434 681363 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIMX 19/10/2018Anderson, G & D - Brucewell, Netherley, Kincardineshire AccreditedLIMX 22/04/2020Anderson, R - Burnton, Kincardineshire 01561377324 AccreditedLIMX 05/04/2010ASM Farming - Easter Fodderlie, Bonchester Bridge, Roxburghshire 01450860618 AccreditedLIMX 19/01/2012Bainbridge, MA - Ettersgill House, Ettersgill, County Durham 01833 622305 Risk level 4 OverdueLIMXBarclay (Tocherford), Neil - South Road, Aberdeenshire 01464821738 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIMX 20/01/2016Barker, A T - Great Oxenbold Farm, Brockton, Shropshire Risk level 3LIMXBarr, GS - Thirlestane, Berwickshire 01578 722216 IncompleteLIMXBarrack, A G - 4 Albert Grove, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire 01651872878 Risk level 2 BVD VMFLIMXBell, AR - Kirkton Farm, Roxburghshire 01450375320 Risk level 3LIMXBentham, AC - Fletcher Hill Farm, Lands Bank, Cockfield, County Durham 01388 710293 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIMX 13/01/2020 13/01/2020 14/01/2019Birkett, A,J & L - Birk Howe Farm, Little Langdale, Cumbria 01539437269 Risk level 1 OverdueLIMX 18/02/2020Brown, D - Mosshead, Tundergarth, Dumfries & Galloway 01576710610 AccreditedLIMX 21/11/2012Brown, W J - Hilton of Culsh, New Deer, Aberdeenshire 01771 644262 Risk level 1LIMX 21/02/2017Cadzow - Duncrahill, Pencaitland, East Lothian 01875 340264 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIMX 14/01/2014

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Page 19: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Chambers, W L - North Moorhouse Farm, Langlee Road, Glasgow 01355500223 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 20/11/2018 01/04/2016Chapman, MJ - Wicksted Old Hall, Wirswall, Shropshire 01948 663119 AccreditedLIMX 24/06/2020Chapman, T A - Lane Head, Helsington, Cumbria 01539727866 Qual 1stLIMXCorner, LA - Rye Close Farm, Aycliffe, County Durham Risk level 1LIMX 10/01/2018Cottle - Manor Farm, Steeple Ashton, Wiltshire 01380 870518 Risk level 5 AccreditedLIMX 09/04/2018Cottonshope Partners - Flotterton Hall, Thropton, Northumberland 01830 520 332 AccreditedLIMX 08/10/2018Crichton, E W - Bogindollo Farm, Finavon, Angus 01307 850202 IncompleteLIMXCrowe, S E - Hawkhill, Keiss, Caithness 01955631230 Risk level 1 OverdueLIMX 15/12/2015Dandie, DG - Lookabootye Farm, West Lothian 01506 852720 Risk level 1 ControlLIMX 18/01/2019Daniel, Ian J - Hillhead, Auchmacleedie, Aberdeenshire 01771 637341 Incomplete AccreditedLIMX 10/02/2014Davies - Bryniog Ucha, Melin Y Coed, Gwynedd 01492640349 Risk level 4LIMXDavies & Son, EA - Upper Court, Herefordshire Risk level 3LIMXDeighton, A W - Orchard Farm, Bleatharn, Cumbria 07816569592 Risk level 3 IncompleteLIMXDenham, TW - Dent Gate, Langleydale, County Durham 01833 660239 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlLIMX 03/03/2017Dent, S & J - Newton Ketton Farm, Brafferton, County Durham 07711198641 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIMX 12/01/2017Doldy Farms (Commercial) - East Mill, Glenisla, Perthshire 01575582241 Incomplete BVD VMFLIMXDoldy Farms (Pedigree) - East Mill, Glenisla, Perthshire 01575582241 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 25/11/2015 17/01/2012Dorrian, T M - 387 Elphin, Sutherland Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1st AccreditedLIMX 26/10/2018 15/10/2019 15/10/2019Douglas, F - Blakewell Farm, Easington, East Yorkshire 01964 650 233 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited IncompleteLIMX 01/01/2012 01/02/2014 01/11/2011Duncan, Andrew J - Hillocks, Keig, Aberdeenshire 01975 562549 Risk level 1LIMX 06/11/2017Duncan, JGS & D - Jacobshall, Gamrie, Aberdeenshire 01346561263 or Risk level 3 AccreditedLIMX 14/02/2018Dunlop, I - South Biggart, Ayrshire 01505850308 Risk level 1 BVD VMFLIMX 31/10/2014Easson, John - Barns of Airlie Farm, Airlie, Angus 01575530208 AccreditedLIMX 24/01/2013Edwards, G - Whitehall Farm, Llanfabon, Nelson, Mid Glamorgan 01443 450286 Risk level 1LIMX 29/07/2019Edwards, RW & JL - Tyn Twll, Llanarmon DC, Denbighshire 01691600245 Risk level 3LIMXEmslie, C - Law Farm, Aberdeenshire 01464831697 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 22/01/2018 16/01/2012Ewbank, MR - Intake Farm, Middlesmoor, Yorkshire Risk level 2 AccreditedLIMX 06/12/2019Eyre-Brook, M - Gorse Farm, Little Coxwell, Oxfordshire AccreditedLIMX 01/07/2019Fawcett, Ed - Wellhouse Farm, Harbottle, Northumberland 01669 650270 Risk level 3 IncompleteLIMXFleming, IHM - Renton Home Farm, Grantshouse, Berwickshire 01361850208 Risk level 5LIMXFoster, W I - Coombe Crag, Banks, Cumbria 01697747117 BVD VMFLIMXGent, RN - Ide Farm, Moorhouse Road, Nottinghamshire 01777 472034 Risk level 3LIMXGibson, J - Greenwall, Climpy Farm, Lanarkshire 01555 811278 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLIMX 15/01/2018 30/01/2017 30/01/2017 15/01/2018Gilchrist, DM - Newmill Farm, Dolphinton, Peeblesshire Risk level 2 AccreditedLIMX 21/03/2017Gordon, J & L - Wester Clune, Finzean, Kincardineshire 01330850268 Risk level 3 Overdue AccreditedLIMX 16/03/2016Gray, T - West Park, Perthshire 01786880384 AccreditedLIMX 17/03/2012Greaney, Pat - Duffryn Farm, Llansoy, Monmouthshire Risk level 5 AccreditedLIMX 03/12/2018Green, J & J - Wrangham, Colpy, Aberdeenshire 01464841119 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIMX 19/09/2012Halley, W - East Lochlane Farm, Perthshire 01764652686 AccreditedLIMX 01/07/2016Hardy, NE - Manor Farm, Tollerton, North Yorkshire 01347838320 Risk level 3LIMXHarvey, SM - Higher Franaborough, Lifton, Cornwall Risk level 2LIMXHewitson, C - Green Chesters Farm, Newcastle Upon Tyne Risk level 4 OverdueLIMXHindmarsh & Son, G R - Linden Hill Head, Longhorsley, Northumberland 01670 788 217 Incomplete IncompleteLIMXHodges, NF - Buttermilk Hall Farm, Oving, Buckinghamshire Risk level 3 Control Overdue ControlLIMXInnes, J C - Dunscroft, Aberdeenshire 01466720221 AccreditedLIMX 22/11/2017Irvine, S & D - Braehead Farm, Drummuir, Banffshire 01542810250 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlLIMX 15/02/2017 28/08/2012James, LE - Higher Soldon, Sutcombe, Devon 01409 241433 Risk level 1 Control Qual 1st ControlLIMX 15/10/2019Jensen Farming, MB&RA - The Office, Church Farm, Norfolk 01362 667178 Overdue Overdue Accredited OverdueLIMX 20/12/2018Johnston, Ian - The Orchard, Home Farm, Aberdeenshire 01224791252 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIMX 27/11/2013Jones, AR - Tonyfildre Farm, Banwen, West Glamorgan 01639 700052 Risk level 2LIMXJones, G - Ty Gwyn, Llantrisant, Anglesey 01407 730293 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 18/12/2018 17/12/2019Jones, RP - Bryn Llech Uchaf, Llanuwchllyn, Gwynedd 01678540204 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIMX 25/03/2010Kennedy, A - Tom of Cluny, Perthshire 01887 820171 Incomplete AccreditedLIMX 12/02/2011Lathangie, J - Pyeston Farm, Star, Fife 01592 758244 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIMX 21/03/2017Lawson, W A L - Scotsmill, Tullynessle, Aberdeenshire 019755 62014 Overdue AccreditedLIMX 14/11/2018Leigh-Firbank & Strawbridge, WJ & RA - Caseberry Farm, Copydown Lane, Exeter 07773 004680 Risk level 2 Control Accredited AccreditedLIMX 02/01/2020 02/01/2020 Risk level 4Livestock Ltd, RMS - High Bolton, Castle Bolton, North Yorkshire 01969 622 398 Risk level 5 Incomplete ControlLIMXMacAulay, Kenneth - 1 Kirkibost, Bernera, Western Isles 01851 612217 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLIMX 11/05/2017 27/03/2015 27/03/2015 27/03/2015MacKay, S F - Knockaneorn, Clunas, Morayshire 01667 404260 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIMX 23/05/2018MacKintosh, W O - Blackcastle, Inverness-shire 01667 462325 Risk level 1LIMX 08/09/2017Mallon, D - Pallet Crag Farm, Eggleston, County Durham 01833 650515 Incomplete AccreditedLIMX 19/12/2017Manson, Robert - Brodieshill, Alves, Morayshire 01343850259 Overdue AccreditedLIMX 22/11/2017Marks, J L - Gilly Flatts Farm, Bishopton, Cleveland 01740 631190 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 12/12/2019 31/12/2017Mathews, Geraint & Eilidh - 1 Tyn Y Coed, Gwydyr, Conway 01492 640255 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st Qual 1stLIMX Risk level 3Maw, GA & JM - Wintershields, Bewcastle, Cumbria 01697748020 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedLIMX 22/01/2019 11/01/2017McKerrel, J D M - Corrary Farm, c/o Island Farm, Isle of Islay 01496810229 Risk level 1 Accredited Overdue AccreditedLIMX 06/02/2018 31/01/2019 31/01/2019McKerrel, J D M - Island Farm, Isle of Islay 01496810229 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIMX 06/02/2018 06/02/2018 31/01/2019McMiken, W T - Nether Ernambrie, Crossmichael, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 3LIMXMetcalf, WF&DM - Barningham House, Barningham, North Yorkshire 01833 621273 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIMX 13/02/2018Milne & Son, H - Logie, Gamrie, Aberdeenshire 01261 851233 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIMX 16/11/2016Milne, DA - Demperston Farm, Auchtermuchty, Fife Risk level 2 Qual 1stLIMXMoir Livestock - Home Farm, Cairness, Aberdeenshire 01346 582875 Risk level 2 Qual 1stLIMXMorrison, W J - Fairburn, Longmanhill, Aberdeenshire 01261 832509 AccreditedLIMX 29/03/2019O'Harte, T - Harte Farms, Leonards Island, County Monaghan 00353871417608 Risk level 2LIMXOliver, J - Walton Wood Head, Banks, Cumbria 0169772484 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIMX 27/01/2014Osborne, R W - Castlehill, Durisdeer, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 4 BVD VMFLIMXPark, AJ - Moor Farmhouse, Moor Lane, Charlton, Wiltshire 01666 823817 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIMX 09/08/2019 09/05/2017 09/08/2019Parry, P.J - Plascelyn, Llanddew, Powys Risk level 2 Welsh NegativLIMXPaterson, WR - Craighead, Carnbo, Perthshire Risk level 2 Control AccreditedLIMX 01/11/2015Paynter, EJ - Tregerrick Farm, Merrymeet, Cornwall 01579 342490 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIMX 27/08/2019Pearce, J&R - Broad Oak Farm, Hollington, Derbyshire Risk level 1 Accredited OverdueLIMX 22/05/2014 20/02/2014Peock, AD - Bowhouse Farm, Gartness, Lanarkshire Overdue AccreditedLIMX 28/04/2017Pidsley, Linda - Upton Ley Farm, Upton, Devon 01404 841525 Risk level 1 ControlLIMXPrice, G - Coed Caedu, Llanfihangel-Nant-Bran, Powys 01874638881 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 12/12/2016 30/12/2019Pritchard, WR,EM&RJ - Glan Llyn, Tynlon, Anglesey 01407 720654 Risk level 1LIMX 14/08/2014Provan, AJ - Robiesland Farm, Douglas, Lanarkshire 01555851315 Risk level 3LIMXPudge, C & J - The Frogend, Bishops Frome, Worcestershire 01531 640309 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 14/01/2020 18/12/2016Raeburn (67/107/0140), David S - Bractullomill Farm- Pedigree Only, Angus Risk level 2 Overdue ControlLIMXRaynham Farm Company Ltd - Estate Office, Hall Farm, Swaffham Road, East Rayn 01328 863746 Risk level 2 Incomplete Accredited ControlLIMX 31/01/2017Renwick, J D - Corsebank, Dumfries & Galloway 0165950400 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIMXRenwick, J D - Kirkhaugh, c/o Corsebank, Dumfries & Galloway 0165950400 IncompleteLIMXRitchie, Aileen - Tamala, Burnside, Aberdeenshire 01651862624 Risk level 2 AccreditedLIMX 14/04/2017 Risk level 2Roberts, AL - Pwll, C/o Malthouse Farm, Cardiff 02920 752738 Risk level 3 AccreditedLIMX 05/04/2017Roberts, J - Tyddyn Coed, Conwy 01492 660510 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 07/02/2020 16/02/2017Roberts, RE & GA - Tyddyn Inco, Llandderfel, Gwynedd 01678 530 249 Risk level 4LIMXRutter, I & C - Burradon Mains, Thropton, Northumberland 01669630219 Risk level 4 BVD VMFLIMXScott, Edward - Linross Farm, Glamis, Angus 01307840300 Risk level 5 AccreditedLIMX 02/01/2020Scott, G - Gateside Farm, West Lothian 01506 834218 Risk level 5 OverdueLIMXScott, RP - West Rennington Farm, Northumberland 01665577249 Risk level 2LIMXScott, S & JM - Bridge Farm, Canal Side East, Newport, East Yorkshire 01430 448 793 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedLIMX 21/02/2018 21/02/2018 21/10/2019Strachan & Son, D - East Shawtonhill Farm, Chapelton, Lanarkshire 01357300411 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 22/01/2019 13/03/2017Stubbs, TF - Thorpe Farm, Trusthorpe, Lincolnshire Incomplete Qual 1stLIMXTaylor, GC & GW - High Farm, Crook, Cumbria BVD VMFLIMXTeasses Estate Ltd - The Estate Office, Teasses Estate, Fife 01334473061 Risk level 1 AccreditedLIMX 20/12/2015 04/04/2014

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Page 20: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Telford, RW & K - Branton Eastside, Northumberland 01665 578244 Overdue AccreditedLIMX 04/09/2017Tonkes - Spindlewood Game Farm, Old London Road, Bramfield, Suffolk 01986784677 AccreditedLIMX 02/04/2012Watson (P & M), P & M - The Leanach, Darnford Farm, Durris, Aberdeenshire Qual 1stLIMXWatson, RB & MM & J - Strand Foot, Bowes, County Durham 01833 628228 Risk level 4LIMXWearmouth, GT & MA - Gillses Farm, South Stainmore, Cumbria 01768341216 Risk level 2LIMXWhite, GC - Rigg Farm, Lunedale, County Durham 01833 640454 Risk level 3 OverdueLIMXWilliams, JL, C & GL - Ysgubor Goch, Penmorfa, Gwynedd 01766 512252 Risk level 3LIMXWood, LF - Marwood Green, Billy Lane, Marwood, County Durham 01833695829 Risk level 3 BVD VMFLIMXAlexander, I J - Cluny Crichton, Kincardineshire 01330825555 Risk level 1 AccreditedLM 10/10/2019 10/01/2018Bolton, JL - 20 Millview Road, Wragby, Lincolnshire 01673858659 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLR 02/04/2011 02/04/2011 02/04/2011 13/02/2017Buchan, S - Auchmacoy Estate, Aberdeenshire 01358729868 Risk level 1 AccreditedLR 23/04/2010 20/01/2010Carrick - Castle Farm, Swanton Morley, Norfolk 01362 638302 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlLR 23/10/2019 30/10/2015Cooper, M - Hall Farm Cottages, Church Road, Essex Incomplete Overdue ControlLRFoster, CW - Fordham Farm, Bishop Wilton, Yorkshire 07850 840940 Incomplete Control ControlLR Risk level 2Harris, JA - Fiskerton Village Shop Ltd, Main Street, Nottinghamshire 01636830230 Risk level 4 LMF Accredited ControlLR 27/01/2015Hodgson, N - Nottingham Consultants Ltd, Brackenhurst, Nottinghamshire Risk level 3 Control Accredited Qual 1stLR 02/04/2012Holland, J - Walk Farm, Newball, Lincolnshire 01522 754306 Risk level 2 Incomplete Incomplete ControlLRMann, NM - Hill farm, Iken, Suffolk 01728688020 Risk level 1 AccreditedLR 08/11/2013 25/10/2012Page, CS - Oaktree Farm, Carr Lane, East Yorkshire 01430449108 Incomplete OverdueLRTrehudreth Farms Ltd - Trehudreth Farm, Blisland, Cornwall 01208 851460 Risk level 2 AccreditedLR 30/10/2018White, PJ - D'OYLEYS FARM, SHEEPHOUSE BARN, OXFORDSHIRE 01865 890407 Risk level 3 Control Accredited ControlLR 13/04/2019Winter & Partners, E & M - Darrow Green Farm, Denton, Norfolk 01986 788252 Risk level 2 Control Accredited AccreditedLR 18/03/2020 18/03/2020Jolly, E W - West Mains of Turin, Angus 01307 830229 Risk level 3LRXAllan, Nathan - Low Moor Howe Farms LTD, High House - Winster, Cumbria Risk level 4 AccreditedLU 15/01/2019Allison - Easton Farm, Dunsyre, Lanarkshire 01968 682250 Risk level 1LU 30/11/2018ASM Farming - Easter Fodderlie, Bonchester Bridge, Roxburghshire 01450860618 AccreditedLU 19/01/2012Atkinson, Jake - Scratchmere Scar, Plumpton, Cumbria 01768894266 Risk level 2 ControlLUBarrie, Donald - Glensaugh Research Station, Kincardineshire 01561378621 Risk level 1LU 03/12/2019Beattie - Auchentaggart Farm, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 16/01/2019 17/09/2017Bell, RK - Roxburgh Mill, Roxburghshire 01573 450221 Risk level 1LU 15/11/2019Bignal, G - Islay Home Farm, Bridgend, Argyll 01496810221 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLU 30/11/2018 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 24/01/2017Brook, WC - Brookstone Farm, Wern, Minera, Clwyd 01978 754100 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 18/12/2014Burke, AC - Nether Stewarton Farm, Eddleston, Peeblesshire 01721730755 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 16/03/2017 24/05/2012Burnfoot Farms Ltd - Burnfoot Farms Ltd, Burnfoot Farm, Dumfries & Galloway 01659 50105 Risk level 3LUBusby, A R - Arkleton, Ewes, Dumfries & Galloway 07801069819 Risk level 3LUCadzow - Ardlarach, Isle of Luing, Argyll 07775907644 Risk level 1 Control Accredited AccreditedLU 16/11/2012 07/11/2000 01/01/2002Clark & Brown, DI & GJM - Meadow View, Borgue, Dumfries & Galloway 07736070921 Risk level 3 OverdueLUCrawford, Ernest - Blarghour Farm, Argyll 01866833246 AccreditedLU 25/11/2019De Sales La Terriere, IC - Lochgarry Hse (Dunalastair Est), Dunalastair Estate, Perth 01882632314 Incomplete Incomplete Accredited ControlLU 10/08/2010Dunlop, WW - Commonside, Roxburghshire 01450 850210 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 12/01/2012 09/03/2012Fearon, G - Hollows Farm, Grange, Cumbria 01768777298 Risk level 2 AccreditedLU 10/11/2014Fleming, P - C/o Bidwells, Carn Dearg House, N. Road, Inverness-shire 01397 702433 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLU 04/06/2015 24/05/2013 24/05/2013 24/05/2013Galbraith, N - Over Newton, Gifford, East Lothian 01620810171 IncompleteLUGirvan, WR & Son - Berryfell Farm, Roxburghshire 01450 373439 Risk level 3 AccreditedLU 31/10/2013Graham, W - Craigdarroch, Eliock, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 01/12/2010 16/12/2009Haley, J - Lochan, Mercat Green, Perthshire Risk level 1LU 12/02/2018Hardie, James - 47 Gordon Road, Aberdeenshire 01975 563348 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 07/12/2019 12/02/2018Henry, DG - Oakwood Mill, Selkirkshire Risk level 1LU 09/10/2019Henry, JP&R M - Westhills Farm, Physic Lane, Northumberland Risk level 2 AccreditedLU 28/02/2017Hodge, U - Kirkland Farm, Kirkconnel, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 14/01/2015 18/12/2018Horsfall, NHC - Balnairn, Foss, Perthshire 01882 634208 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLU 14/11/2016 29/11/2013 01/11/2014 29/11/2018Hunt, S - Danesgarth, Mill Lane, Scamblesby, Lincolnshire 01507343732 Risk level 3 AccreditedLU 29/11/2012Hutton James (Institute) - Hartwood Home Farm, Hartwood, Lanarkshire 01501823151 Risk level 2 OverdueLUKer, CM - Chatto Farm, Roxburghshire 01573440365 Risk level 1 Qual 1st AccreditedLU 13/12/2007 18/02/2004Lawrie - Tillyrie Farm, Kinross-shire 01577861992 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 05/11/2019 18/02/2014Little, C - East Bracklinn Farm, Perthshire 01877330240 Incomplete AccreditedLU 02/12/2011Lockett, R J - Knockbain Farm, Ross-shire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLU 29/09/2017 09/09/2016 09/09/2016 27/09/2019Loder, J - Upper Chatto, Roxburghshire 01573440235 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 09/01/2012 01/02/2011MacArthur, CC - Nunnerie, Elvanfoot, Lanarkshire 01864505234 Risk level 3 AccreditedLU 24/01/2007MacKenzie, G - Fanblair Farm, Inverness-shire Risk level 2 Control Qual 1stLUMacRae, Graeme - 120 Newton of Ferintosh, Ross-shire 01349865409 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLU 25/11/2011 25/11/2011 25/11/2011 21/09/2019Manley, R - 2 Newbridge Farm Cottages, Newbridge, Southampton 02380 813900 Risk level 2 Accredited Qual 1stLU 01/11/2016McCaig, J - Wester Jawcraig, Stirlingshire 01324851385 Risk level 2 Qual 1stLUMcCall, AL & AC - Culmaily Farm, Sutherland 01408633275 Risk level 1 OverdueLU 27/12/2017McGowan, F - Incheoch Farms, Alyth, Perthshire 01575 560236 Risk level 3 Incomplete AccreditedLU 17/01/2006McKie, IR - Lanton House, Northumberland 01668 216561 Incomplete AccreditedLU 29/01/2018McNee, R - Over Finlarg Farm, Tealing, Angus 01382380627 Risk level 3 AccreditedLU 09/01/2013McNee, R - Woodend Farm, West Lothian 01501731980 Risk level 3 AccreditedLU 09/01/2008Moffat, RW - Wooplaw Farm, Selkirkshire 01896860262 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 21/01/2004 22/11/2004Mundell, A B - Lawesknowe Farm, Dumfries & Galloway 01683300611 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 15/10/2019 18/10/2018Namy, X - Arisaig Farms, Glen House, Inverness-shire 01687450609 Risk level 1LU 02/11/2017Nixon, PG - Little Whittington Farm, Hallington, Northumberland 01434 672340 Risk level 3LUNorrie, J M - Bethesda, Achnairn, Sutherland 01549402482 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 17/12/2009 17/12/2009Ogilvie, S - Rhunacarn, Croft No 1, Airds Bay, Argyll 01866822200 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLU 28/05/2018 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017Penny, WA - Harehead Farms, Cranshaws, Berwickshire 01361890342 Risk level 2 AccreditedLU 01/02/2012Porritt - Lamperts, Gilsland, Cumbria 01697747368 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 14/02/2018 01/03/2012Procters Farm Ltd - C/o Mr G Swindlehurst, Woodhouse Lane, Slaidburn, Lancashire 01200 446623 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 11/11/2010 26/01/2010Reid, CM - Boreland, Eddleston, Peeblesshire Risk level 2LURenwick, B - Craig Douglas, Yarrow, Selkirkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 27/03/2014 27/02/2012Robertson, DC - Balneathill, Kinross-shire 01592 840264 Risk level 3 AccreditedLU 02/12/2014Robson, N H - Town Shields, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland 01434 684414 Risk level 1 BVD VMFLU 05/06/2017Roddam, G - Blackcarts Farm, Humshaugh, Northumberland 01434 681171 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 13/02/2019 13/01/2016Scrimgeour, M - Strathgarry Farm, Killiecrankie, Perthshire 01796473895 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 31/05/2011 31/05/2011Stanners, D - Low Chesterhope Farm, West Woodburn, Northumberland 01434 270665 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 09/12/2014Strang-Steel, FM - Philiphaugh Farms, Old Mill Farm, Philiphaugh, Selkirkshire 01750 20708 Risk level 1 IncompleteLU 11/01/2017Telfer, Douglas - Glendouran Farm, Crawfordjohn, South Lanarkshire 01864 504226 Risk level 2LUTorwoodlee & Buckholm Est Ltd - Buckholm, Selkirkshire 01896752185 Overdue AccreditedLU 14/01/2004Waugh, APA - Thompson's Walls Ltd, Northumberland 01890850367 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 24/11/2014 21/01/2016West Tempar Enterprises - West Tempar, Kinloch Rannoch, Perthshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedLU 25/04/2019 10/06/2020 18/10/2017 30/04/2018Whiteford, AR - Burnfoot Farm House (Ulzieside), Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 2LUWilkinson, J M - Invercaimbe, Inverness-shire AccreditedLU 22/11/2016Wilson, W - Geltsdale, Castle Carrock, Cumbria 01228670251 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 21/11/2019 08/02/2016Woodland Trust - Lendrick C/o Venachar, Glen Finglas, Perthshire Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlLU 29/11/2017 30/11/2016Wotherspoon, RJ - Glenlyon Estate, Fortingall, Perthshire 01887830232 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlLU 11/02/2015 12/02/2020 14/02/2007Wright, Marshall - Nouthfield Farm Ltd, 29 Hadfast Road, Midlothian Incomplete Incomplete Qual 1st IncompleteLUWright, P & A - Synton Mill, Lilliesleaf, Roxburghshire 01835 870745 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 17/06/2019 04/07/2017Young, CJ - Balintore, Hawksnest, Selkirkshire 01896860302 Risk level 4 AccreditedLU 01/03/2006Young, GM - Sharperton Edge, Sharperton, Northumberland 01669 650239 Risk level 1 AccreditedLU 18/11/2019 21/01/2019Kerr, D F - Keppoch, Kilberry, Argyll 01880770124 AccreditedLUX 07/11/2016Percy, M - Blueburn, Netherwitton, Northumberland Risk level 1 AccreditedLUX 04/05/2020 05/02/2019The Sir Tom Cowie Family Trust - c/o Laura Davidson, GSC Grays, 1 B Rickleton Bo 01913036373 Risk level 2LUXDe La Cour, N - Wilby House Farm, Wilby, Norfolk 01953887429 AccreditedMG 22/02/2007Kent, DA & RA - Pen-Twyn, Llangenny, Powys 01873810547 Risk level 1 AccreditedMG 01/11/2011 08/01/2018Simpson, G - Knock Cross Farm, Long Martain, Cumbria 01768361946 AccreditedMO 01/09/2015

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Page 21: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Stevenson & Sons, John - Highfields Farm, Loftus, Cleveland 01287 640476 Risk level 3 AccreditedMO 16/11/2019Simpson, G - Knock Cross Farm, Long Martain, Cumbria 01768361946 AccreditedMOX 01/09/2015Barlow - Littlewood Hall Farm, Ridley Lane, Lancashire 01772601403 Risk level 1 AccreditedMRI 25/03/2011 17/08/2011Chipperfield, AR - Ellough Hall, Hulver Road, Suffolk 01502 713249 Risk level 1 AccreditedMRI 02/04/2019 22/04/2016Harcombe, EJ&MV - Glebe Farm, Hill Croome, Worcestershire 01684 592245 AccreditedND 27/01/2015Maw, GA & JM - Wintershields, Bewcastle, Cumbria 01697748020 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedNDX 22/01/2019 11/01/2017Hodges, NF - Buttermilk Hall Farm, Oving, Buckinghamshire Risk level 3 Control Overdue ControlPAIngham, DJ - The Firs Farm, High Offley, Staffordshire 07837 168903 Risk level 4 AccreditedPA 27/01/2020Lecocq, S - Park House Farm, Roxby, Staithes, North Yorkshire AccreditedPA 18/01/2018Powley, S T - Low Northsceugh, Armathwaite, Cumbria Risk level 5 OverduePAFarquharson, G - Meikle Coull Farm, Tannadice, Angus 01307 860231 BVD VMFROCamphill Communities - Thornage Hall, Thornage, Norfolk 01263860305 AccreditedRP 31/03/2011Hardie, James - 47 Gordon Road, Aberdeenshire 01975 563348 Risk level 1 AccreditedRP 07/12/2019 12/02/2018Paice, JE - Snailbridge House, Moor Road, Fordham, Cambridgeshire 01638721526 Risk level 1 AccreditedRP 06/07/2016 29/06/2015Shuttleworth College Farms - Old Warden Park, Bedfordshire 01767 626200 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlRP 07/03/2019 01/04/2016Whitehouse Farm Centre - North Whitehouse Farm, Stannington, Northumberland 01670 789998 Risk level 4RPAitken - Carlopshill, Midlothian 01968660340 Risk level 3SAAitken, W & AM - Scotstounbank Farm, Peeblesshire 01721 752228 Risk level 3SAAllison & Devereux, P & T - Low Harperley Farm, Fir Tree, County Durham 0191 3720636 Risk level 1 OverdueSA 06/12/2018Barron, CG & DL - Bingfield Farm, Bingfield, Hallington, Northumberland 01434672253 Risk level 1 BVD VMFSA 28/01/2019Bonner & Son, JW - Whitfield House Farm, Northamptonshire 01280 850684 Risk level 5 AccreditedSA 19/02/2020Burbage, P & R - Oakfields Farm, Brington Road, Northamptonshire 07774773410 Risk level 2 AccreditedSA 27/09/2016Cairns, JA - South Riccalton Farm, Oxnam, Roxburghshire 01835 840272 Risk level 1 AccreditedSA 04/11/2019 14/12/2018CB Farms - Greens Park, Woodend, Northamptonshire 01327 861169 Risk level 1SA 14/11/2019Colgan, AJ & C - Lowick Hall Farm, 6 Main Street, Northumberland 01289388523 Risk level 1 AccreditedSA 10/01/2014 29/01/2013Crockett, RC - Conker Cottage, Deanfoot, Roxburghshire Risk level 4 AccreditedSA 27/10/2009Davies - Bryniog Ucha, Melin Y Coed, Gwynedd 01492640349 Risk level 4SADavies, JL & DM - Pant Farm, Merthyr, Cynog, Powys 01874 690245 Risk level 2SADonger, P M - Seawell Grounds, Foxley, Blakesley, Northamptonshire 01327860226 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlSA 29/03/2018Evans, IWL - Maescarneddau, Llanwddyn, Shropshire 01691 870253 Risk level 5 AccreditedSA 25/01/2019Facon, B - Painters Farm c/o Lessor Farm, Milcombe, Oxfordshire 07785 221961 Risk level 2 Qual 1stSAFarmstock Genetics - Over Whitlaw Farm, Selkirkshire 01750 21281 Risk level 2 AccreditedSA 03/10/2016Gilroy - Whitehouse Folly, Northumberland 01665 579265 Risk level 1 AccreditedSA 17/12/2019 11/05/2018Howkins, Mark - Anchor Farm, Anchor Lane, Leicestershire 01530 223425 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st ControlSAJanoch, P - South Leckaway, Angus 01307463324 Incomplete AccreditedSA 02/05/2013Jones, A - Glan y Mor, Ynys, Gwynedd 01766780377 Risk level 2 IncompleteSAJones, C & EM - Chwilog Fawr, Chwilog, Gwynedd 01766810506 Risk level 1 AccreditedSA 15/11/2016 21/03/2014Leiper, R - Bygate, Black Heddon, Northumberland 01661881617 Risk level 2SALightfoot, R & EM - Cae-ap-Edward, Llanarmon-yn-Ial, Denbighshire 01824780261 Risk level 5SALivingstone, D I - Far Hills, The Plains, Wetheral, Cumbria 01228560518 Risk level 2 AccreditedSA 23/04/2012Lyburn, B J D - Over Bow Farm, Angus 01307 468310 Risk level 2 AccreditedSA 24/04/2019Martin, J - Swinlees, Ayrshire 01294832479 Risk level 1 AccreditedSA 10/10/2016 01/10/2012McIntyre & Son, JC - Milton of Cullerlie, Echt, Aberdeenshire 01330 811361 Risk level 4 AccreditedSA 21/01/2014McKendrick, Peter D - Idlestone, Strachan, Aberdeenshire 01330 850234 BVD VMFSAPritchard, HG - Llwyn Gwyn, Llangybl, Gwynedd 01766819159 Risk level 3 Overdue Accredited AccreditedSARobinson - The Bungalow, West Knapps, Devon 01752 402007 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSA 27/01/2017 08/10/2015 27/01/2017Sherry, Neil - Holly Cottage, Culmington, Shropshire 01584861473 Overdue LMF Accredited AccreditedSA 30/11/2019 30/11/2019Thomas, JET - 1 Morfa Mawr, Gwynedd 07769954332 Risk level 3 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSA 14/08/2017 14/08/2017 14/08/2017Thornber, S W - Gamble Hole Farm, Back Lane, Newton, Lancashire 01200446470 Risk level 1 AccreditedSA 23/01/2015 17/07/2013Tullie, J - Bowanhill, Teviothead, Roxburghshire 01450 850217 Overdue AccreditedSA 31/01/2018Webster, P - Matson Ground Estate, Cumbria 01539445892 Risk level 3 AccreditedSA 03/10/2013Wright, A - Milkhouse, Barr, Ayrshire 01465861138 AccreditedSA 28/01/2013Wright, J - 9, The Clachan, Barr, Ayrshire 01465861103 AccreditedSA 20/01/2015Austin, N D - Rusko Farms - Pulcree, c/o Boreland of Girthon, Dumfries & Galloway 01557814785 Risk level 3 AccreditedSAX 13/10/2016Campbell, A - Dalhanna Farm, Ayrshire 01556600282 Risk level 1SAX 20/02/2020Clark, Calum - Home Farm, Rattray, St Fergus, Aberdeenshire 01346532874 Risk level 3 AccreditedSAX 09/01/2019Crichton, E W - Bogindollo Farm, Finavon, Angus 01307 850202 IncompleteSAXDaniel, Ian J - Hillhead, Auchmacleedie, Aberdeenshire 01771 637341 Incomplete AccreditedSAX 10/02/2014Evans, J&E - Dolgau, Gwynedd 01341 247617 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Incomplete Qual 1stSAXJones, A - Glan y Mor, Ynys, Gwynedd 01766780377 Risk level 2 IncompleteSAXJones, C & EM - Chwilog Fawr, Chwilog, Gwynedd 01766810506 Risk level 1 AccreditedSAX 15/11/2016 21/03/2014McKendrick, Peter D - Idlestone, Strachan, Aberdeenshire 01330 850234 BVD VMFSAXMurphy, Thomas - Craigiedaff, Durris, Kincardineshire 01330811260 Risk level 1 AccreditedSAX 24/04/2015 05/10/2011Pollok & Corrour Ltd. - Gartnagreach Farm, Whitehouse, Argyll 01880730312 AccreditedSAX 01/02/2011Robinson - The Bungalow, West Knapps, Devon 01752 402007 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSAX 27/01/2017 08/10/2015 27/01/2017Skipness Estate - Estate Office, Skipness, Argyll 01880760207 AccreditedSAX 01/02/2011Tullie, AA - Whitchesters Farm, Haysike, Roxburghshire 01450 377490 Risk level 1 AccreditedSAX 07/02/2018Young, AMR - Glen Rowan, Bunchrew Farm, Inverness-shire 01463 234128 Overdue AccreditedSAX 08/02/2005Bastard & Son, JR - Bedfords, Tregada, Lawhitton, Cornwall Risk level 5 OverdueSDBell, JH - Ingleby Farm, Ingleby Cross, North Yorkshire Risk level 1 AccreditedSD 26/04/2006 25/04/2007Clarendon Park Farms Ltd - (Fussells Lodge Farm), Clarendon Park, Wiltshire 01722710233 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlSD 16/01/2012Garrett, G&M - Waytown Farm, Inwardleigh, Devon 01837 54348 Risk level 1 AccreditedSD 18/12/2018 11/01/2012Hadley - Chesterton Fields Farm, Fosse Way, Warwickshire 01926651158 Risk level 5 AccreditedSD 18/05/2010Harrison, PM - 22 Kyle Close (Hundayfield), Tollerton, Yorkshire 01423322414 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSD 25/01/2011 25/01/2011 25/01/2011Holt-Martyn, NA - East Crowndale Farm, Brook Lane, Devon 01822 610843 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSD 10/09/2014 10/09/2014 30/09/2015 06/11/2017Lee, Robert - Lumbylaw Farm, Edlingham, Northumberland 01665 574277 Risk level 1 IncompleteSD 09/03/2010Mayhew, D.L. - Mill Farm, Isington, Hampshire 01420 22331 AccreditedSD 04/04/2018Robbins, CS - 4 Amanwy Bryn, Carmarthenshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSD 05/03/2015 26/03/2013 26/03/2013 26/03/2013Rowe, MR & RJ - Tregondale Farm, Menheniot, Cornwall 01579342407 Risk level 2 AccreditedSD 14/11/2019Rundle, RK - Kestle Farm, Kestle Mill, Cornwall 01637875798 Risk level 1 AccreditedSD 24/01/2011 15/12/2013Summers, SF - (The Homestead) Mulberry Cottage, Little Court, Farthingstone, North 01327 361382 Risk level 3 IncompleteSDMallett, T - Dean Farm, West Dean, Wiltshire 01794 884943 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSH 07/10/2013 29/10/2012 17/09/2017Whitehill, I - Dean Farm, Kingseat, Fife 01383 725357 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedSH 10/02/2016 10/02/2016Adamson, J - Hillhead of Stevensburn, New Deer, Aberdeenshire Risk level 2SHOButler, J J - Kirndean Farm, Roxburghshire 01387376221 Risk level 1 AccreditedSHO 05/05/2011 27/05/2009Clark & Brown, DI & GJM - Meadow View, Borgue, Dumfries & Galloway 07736070921 Risk level 3 OverdueSHODavidson, Fiona - Kirkton, Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1SHO 26/07/2019Dickie - Knockenjig Farm, Sanquhar, Dumfries & Galloway 01659 67384 Risk level 1 LMF BVD VMF IBR VMFSHO 16/12/2013Dunlop, WR - Hillhead, Auchengray, Carnwarth, Lanarkshire 01501785254 Risk level 1 AccreditedSHO 16/01/2020 04/05/2010Eddy, AMC - Treloweth Lane, St Erth, Cornwall Risk level 3 AccreditedSHO 24/02/2015Fry, J & J - Well Farm, Adversane, West Sussex Risk level 1 Control AccreditedSHO 01/03/2019 16/03/2018Glenrinnes Farm Ltd - Estate Office, Glenrinnes Lodge, Banffshire 01340 820384 Risk level 2 AccreditedSHO 15/01/2014Graham, I & S - Killochries Fold, Lochwinnoch Road, Ayrshire 01505873627 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSHO 01/08/2007 24/03/2015 01/08/2007Hardie, D & J - Gates of Birselawsie, Midmar, Aberdeenshire 01339 882367 Risk level 1 AccreditedSHO 21/10/2016 23/02/2016Hardie, James - 47 Gordon Road, Aberdeenshire 01975 563348 Risk level 1 AccreditedSHO 07/12/2019 12/02/2018Lewis, OD - Monachyle Mhor Farm, Balquidder, Perthshire 01877384622 Risk level 2 Qual 1stSHOMarsden, D - Tuckers Hill Farm, Haigh, Greater Manchester 07825 538002 Risk level 2SHOMills, E - 1 Wotton Crescent, Gloucestershire 01453842421 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedSHO 21/03/2017 24/01/2019Nye, Victoria - Cadenham Park Farm, Foxham, Wiltshire 07860498668 Qual 1stSHOParry & Bodily, TK - Parsonage Farm, Llandewi Skirrid, Gwent 01873 854358 Risk level 4 LMF Qual 1stSHOPrice, G - Talsarn, Llanddeusant, Carmarthenshire 01550 740226 Risk level 2 Control Incomplete IncompleteSHOSmith, G - West Bolton Farm, Bolton, Northumberland Risk level 1 AccreditedSHO 16/01/2020 14/12/2017Stephen, A J - Hatton Farm Cottage, Dallas, Morayshire 01343 890228 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1stSHOTaylor, GC & GW - High Farm, Crook, Cumbria BVD VMFSHO

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Page 22: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Taylor, R - Dairy Cottage, Knockraich Farm, Glasgow Risk level 2 Incomplete ControlSHOWeatherall, B J K - Meikle Barncleugh, Irongray, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 4SHOWilkinson, AJ & DA - Springfield Farm, Out Rawcliffe, Lancashire 01253 701125 Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1st AccreditedSHO 19/03/2014 27/03/2017 19/03/2014Woodman, C A - Spring Bank Farm, High Walton, Cumbria 01946822375 Risk level 1 Overdue ControlSHO 04/04/2019Butler, J J - Kirndean Farm, Roxburghshire 01387376221 Risk level 1 AccreditedSHOX 05/05/2011 27/05/2009Hardie, D & J - Gates of Birselawsie, Midmar, Aberdeenshire 01339 882367 Risk level 1 AccreditedSHOX 21/10/2016 23/02/2016Hardie, James - 47 Gordon Road, Aberdeenshire 01975 563348 Risk level 1 AccreditedSHOX 07/12/2019 12/02/2018Lathangie, J - Pyeston Farm, Star, Fife 01592 758244 Risk level 3 AccreditedSHOX 21/03/2017MacKinnon, G - Burnbank Croft, Sanday, Small Isles 01687 462829 Risk level 5 AccreditedSHOX 11/08/2015MacKinnon, G - Canna Farm, Small Isles 01687 462829 Risk level 5 AccreditedSHOX 30/07/2016Mactaggart, DC - Hallrule Farms, Hallrule, Bonchester Bridge, Roxburghshire Risk level 2SHOXMaitland, C R - Grange of Lindores, Fife 01337840653 Risk level 1 AccreditedSHOX 16/01/2020 17/01/2019McMiken, W T - Nether Ernambrie, Crossmichael, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 3SHOXMiller, D - Netherton Farm, Caithness 01955621309 Qual 1stSHOXMitchell, J - Tullymurdoch House, Alyth, Perthshire 01828632495 Risk level 4 AccreditedSHOX 19/05/2008Neish, A W - West Balkelo Steading, Kirkton of Auchterhouse, Angus Risk level 1 Control AccreditedSHOX 01/05/2020 28/05/2019 Risk level 3Percy, M - Blueburn, Netherwitton, Northumberland Risk level 1 AccreditedSHOX 04/05/2020 05/02/2019Webster, D - 47 Woodmoss Lane, Lancashire 07787 802090 Risk level 2 Qual 1stSHOXAddison, R C S - Greystone House, Kings Meaburn, Cumbria 01931714663 Risk level 2 OverdueSMAitken, J&E - Overton Farm, Glasgow 01360860274 Overdue AccreditedSM 12/01/2016Alexander, I J - Cluny Crichton, Kincardineshire 01330825555 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 10/10/2019 10/01/2018Arnold, JNH - Longstone Cottage, Longstone Lane, Cheshire 01829760481 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 01/12/2011 01/12/2011 01/12/2011Bailey, VC - Mixbury Hall Farm, Mixbury, Northamptonshire 01280 848664 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 25/04/2017 18/02/2014 24/04/2018Barber, J - Greasley Estate, Lambclose House, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire 01773 713137 Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1stSM 04/11/2014 12/11/2018Barclay, G - Ardiecow, Fordyce, Aberdeenshire 01542841277 Incomplete AccreditedSM 14/01/2014Barnes & Sons, FI&EJ - Shepherd's Watch, Wibtoft, Warwickshire 07973 362214 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 16/04/2019 29/01/2020Barr, GS - Thirlestane, Berwickshire 01578 722216 IncompleteSMBateman, A G - Langholm Farm, Southend, Argyll 01586830349 AccreditedSM 06/02/2012Bell, RK - Roxburgh Mill, Roxburghshire 01573 450221 Risk level 1SM 15/11/2019Berners - Allsopp Estate - Estate Office, Manor Farm, Little Coxwell, Oxfordshire 01367 240138 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 17/01/2017 17/12/2015 19/12/2017Beynon, MK - Gwalyrhwch, Ebenezer Road, West Glamorgan 07779917720 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSM 28/03/2012 04/02/2017 04/03/2013 09/02/2019Boucher, MJ - Dinghurst Farm, Weston Road, Loxton, Somerset 01934750249 Risk level 1 OverdueSM 23/03/2015Brunton, Hugh - Crudie Farm, Angus 01241879741 Incomplete Incomplete Accredited IncompleteSM 14/12/2008Burgess, PN - High Keenley Fell, Allendale, Northumberland Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 01/02/2015 13/05/2013Burkill, DC - Sykes Farm, Harpham, East Yorkshire 01262490276 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 27/04/2010 27/04/2010 05/05/2017Cade, PA - Paddock Farm, Taylors Lane Risk level 1 Accredited Incomplete AccreditedSM 06/02/2020 11/02/2019 11/02/2019Clark, GL - Broombrae Farm, Auchtermuchty, Fife 01337828632 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedSM 01/02/2006 08/02/2010Clarke & Partners - Villa Farm, Otley, Suffolk 01473890287 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSM 19/03/2011 19/03/2011 19/03/2011 08/02/2019Close, J - Fishwick Mains Farm House, Berwickshire 01289 386181 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 26/02/2007 28/01/2011Colledge, DJ & A - Gwarmacwydd, Llanfallteg, Carmarthenshire 01437 563839 Risk level 2 Control Accredited AccreditedSM 10/09/2019 10/09/2019Cook, R&J - Hillside Home, Ryall, Dorset 01297 489695 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlSM 20/01/2016 27/01/2015Cowan, Stuart - East Lane gate, Lochmabon, Dumfries & Galloway 01387710269 IncompleteSMCraig, D - Kennox Cottage, Stewarton, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMF IBR VMFSM 08/03/2016Craighill Farms - Craighill Farm, Duntrune, Angus 01382350456 Risk level 2 AccreditedSM 08/04/2009Cumming, DJ - Blaencwarre, Hermon, Dyfed 01267281788 Overdue Accredited OverdueSM 19/02/2013Darch and French, RN & LM - Greenacres, Crewkerne Road, Somerset 07809348398 Risk level 2SMDavidson, I - 3 Stewartstown Drive, County Antrim Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 20/12/2019 08/01/2014Davies, H - Wern-Villa, Ponthirwaun, Ceredigion 01239710497 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSM 01/08/2011 27/09/2017 09/08/2016 01/08/2011Dickinson, SJ & WSJ - High Woodend, Tebay, Cumbria Risk level 1 OverdueSM 30/11/2016Douglas, F - Blakewell Farm, Easington, East Yorkshire 01964 650 233 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited IncompleteSM 01/01/2012 01/02/2014 01/11/2011Dowley, LJ - Theberton House, Theberton, Suffolk 01728830729 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 14/05/2014 14/02/2011Drysdale, WK&P - Middle Drimmie, Perthshire 01250 886265 Risk level 3 AccreditedSM 28/01/2009Duff & Son, J - Pitmudie, Angus 01356 660250 Risk level 3 AccreditedSM 19/05/2016Duncan, A & W - Wester Invery, Kincardineshire 01330 822239 Risk level 2 AccreditedSM 14/02/2018Dyet, J&E - East Merkland Farm, Sandford, Lanarkshire Risk level 2 AccreditedSM 19/03/2013Eales, S - Brookhill Farm, Leicestershire Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 16/11/2018 04/01/2013Ede, JH & RH - Stoneleys Four Trees, Checkley, Staffordshire 01538723283 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlSM 07/04/2014 28/02/2012Ede, JH & RH - Stoneleys Four Trees, Checkley, Staffordshire 01538723283 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlSM 07/04/2014 28/02/2012Evans - Llwyn Celyn, Bowls Road, Ceredigion 01239810914 Risk level 1 Accredited Incomplete AccreditedSM 16/11/2015 19/11/2013 05/11/2018Evans, CH - Abbey Farm, Wroxall, Warwickshire 01926 484230 Risk level 1 IncompleteSM 23/02/2020Evans, JM - Raemore Farm, Fife 01337 828112 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 13/02/2017 07/02/2018Evans, S - 21 Shoemakers Close, Astcote, Northamptonshire 01327831056 Overdue Qual 1st OverdueSMFindlay, A - Neuk Farm, Berwickshire 01368830459 Risk level 3SMFisher, W J - Mark Farm, Dunragit, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 16/07/2019 24/07/2018Francis, SV - Homestead Farm, Shaftsbury Road : Mere, Wiltshire 01747 861879 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSM 03/03/2011 03/04/2014 05/11/2009 01/04/2015Fraser, JL - East Tilbouries, Maryculter, Aberdeenshire 01224732351 Risk level 2 AccreditedSM 14/03/2012Gay, CM - Hall Farm, Thrigby, Norfolk 01493 369482 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSM 04/12/2019 19/12/2018 19/12/2018 19/12/2018Gilbert, HG - Whiteridden Farm, Ayrshire 01505683709 Risk level 1 Incomplete Accredited AccreditedSM 04/06/2008 04/06/2008 14/08/2008Goddard, NS - Ashes Farm, The Ashes, Derbyshire Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 30/01/2017 25/01/2016Goldie, JM & J - Newbie Mains, Dumfries & Galloway 01461205135 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 05/09/2018 14/03/2018Gould, CW - Thorps Farm, Sandleheath, Hampshire 01425653465 Risk level 1 Incomplete Incomplete IncompleteSM 12/04/2010Grant, B - Druid Temple Farm, Old Edinburgh Road South, Inverness-shire Overdue AccreditedSM 01/05/2008Greyhound Est per Mr Shepherd - Newnham Lodge, Weedon Rd, Northamptonshire Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 19/10/2015 07/02/2019 05/03/2020Gunn, J S - Clairdon, Mavsey, Caithness 01593 721380 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedSM 26/04/2012 10/12/2012 19/11/2015Gunther, Paul - Fir Covert Farm, Fir Covert Road, Norfolk 01603 867150 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 19/01/2020Gwynne, NH - Garden Cottage, Castlewigg, Whithorn, Dumfries & Galloway 01988 500243 Risk level 3 AccreditedSM 20/08/2012Hall, VJ - Chegwidden Farm, St Levan, Cornwall 01736810516 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSM 03/10/2011 03/10/2011 03/10/2011 03/10/2011Hamilton, T - Killumpha, Port Logan, Dumfries & Galloway 01776860637 Risk level 1 BVD VMFSM 12/05/2015Hawkey, K C & P - Sowenna, Higher Tregolls, St Wenn, Cornwall 01208 813893 Risk level 2 BVD VMFSMHollingsworth, WJ - Midhope Hall Farm, Midhopestones, South Yorkshire 01226764192 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlSM 18/02/2016 04/04/2018Horton, CJ - Bellecross Farm, Devon 01548 852482 Risk level 3SMHouliston, J & G - 10 Newmains, Drem, East Lothian 01620880214 Risk level 1 Qual 1st Accredited AccreditedSM 01/03/2012 22/03/2013 01/03/2012Hunter, N&A - Woodlands Hall Farm, Knitsley, County Durham 01207580040 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 14/01/2014 12/11/2014Hutchinson, H F - Falahill Farm, Midlothian Risk level 3 AccreditedSM 25/03/2020Inglis (PEDIGREE HERD), C - Craegorry, Dalachy Farm, Fife Risk level 1 Accredited ControlSM 08/04/2010 13/10/2011Jeffrey, J. - Kersknowe, Roxburghshire 01573 440212 Risk level 2 AccreditedSM 07/02/2011Jenkins, R W - Maes-Y-Wern (Penwern), Cwm Cou, Dyfed 01239710395 Risk level 1 Incomplete Accredited AccreditedSM 25/01/2017Jewell, OC & E - Llwynfynwent, Llangwyryfon, Ceredigion 01974 241493 BVD VMFSMJones (LIM/SIM Herd), SW - 2 Pen Y Cefn, Pentir, Gwynedd Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedSM 24/11/2006 24/11/2006 24/11/2006Jones, DE - Meity-Fawr, Trecastle, Powys 01874 636462 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 18/08/2013 08/10/2012 19/08/2019Jones, RE - Maesllymystyn, Foel, Powys 01938820231 Risk level 1SM 18/12/2012Kendall, C N - Southside Farm, Egton Grange, North Yorkshire 01947 895318 Qual 1stSMKey, JD - 1 Hill Cottage, Mundham, Norfolk 01508 528821 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 06/01/2014 20/12/2012King, A - Wolfstar Farm, Ormiston, East Lothian 01875 340209 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 10/01/2020 14/02/2011Knox, S B - North Balloch, Perthshire 01828632553 Risk level 3 AccreditedSM 17/11/2009Lathangie, J - Pyeston Farm, Star, Fife 01592 758244 Risk level 3 AccreditedSM 21/03/2017Lawrie - Tillyrie Farm, Kinross-shire 01577861992 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 05/11/2019 18/02/2014Lewis, OD - Monachyle Mhor Farm, Balquidder, Perthshire 01877384622 Risk level 2 Qual 1stSMLloyd, DE - Glanrafon, Pontyates, Dyfed 01269 861590 Risk level 1 Control Accredited IncompleteSM 06/12/2018 11/10/2011Loftus, J D - Mount Farm, Carr Lane, Off Station Road, Singleton, Lancashire Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 06/02/2017 20/02/2020Lowry, David - Newsteadings Farm, Cartland, Lanarkshire 01555666760 Risk level 2 BVD VMFSMLudgate, M - Scotsgrove Farm, Scotsgrove, Oxfordshire 01844 214875 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 23/09/2019 23/09/2019MacCallum, R M - Putechan, Argyll 01583421233 Overdue AccreditedSM 08/04/2013MacGregor, D - Burnhead Farm, Kilsyth, Glasgow 01236822038 Risk level 3 AccreditedSM 01/02/2019

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Page 23: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


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MacIver, J C - Wester Coltfield, Kinloss, Morayshire 01343 850615 Risk level 2 AccreditedSMMacPherson (A Firm), W G - Blackford Farm, Croy, Inverness-shire 01667 493266 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 04/06/2012 19/07/2018Manson, Robert - Brodieshill, Alves, Morayshire 01343850259 Overdue AccreditedSM 22/11/2017Marshall, DC & JJ - Rachan Mill, C/o Tigh-na Mhuileann, Lanarkshire Incomplete AccreditedSM 04/02/2014Martindale, CW & KM - Coedfa, Mount Bradford Lane, Shropshire 01691772266 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 23/03/2015 19/03/2012Martinez, G - Pear Tree Cottage, Back Lane, Threapwood, Cheshire 01948 770408 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 22/10/2013 29/10/2014May, JW - Priorton Barton, East Village, Devon 01363 772685 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 10/05/2020 31/07/2013 31/07/2013McCulloch, Richard - Overhillhouse Farm, West Lothian Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 14/11/2018 28/01/2014McGowan, F - Incheoch Farms, Alyth, Perthshire 01575 560236 Risk level 3 Incomplete AccreditedSM 17/01/2006McKerrel, J D M - Corrary Farm, c/o Island Farm, Isle of Islay 01496810229 Risk level 1 Accredited Overdue AccreditedSM 06/02/2018 31/01/2019 31/01/2019McKerrel, J D M - Island Farm, Isle of Islay 01496810229 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 06/02/2018 06/02/2018 31/01/2019McLaren, JC - Dargill, C/o 1 Dargill Farm Cottages, Perthshire Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 01/11/2013 12/11/2010Mellor - Higher Farm, Threaphurst Lane, Cheshire 0161 456 6477 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 09/05/2014 21/01/2016Mill, MJ & AM - Shawsmill Farm, Cardenden, Fife 01592 720266 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedSM 18/04/2014 03/05/2013Morrison, D - Meikle Maldron, Torphins, Aberdeenshire Risk level 4SMMunro, A & B - Wellhouse Farm, Inverness-shire 01463782301 Risk level 1SM 17/05/2019Neill, TJ - Howtel, Northumberland 01668 216285 AccreditedSM 01/05/2018Oakley, John - Wirswall Farm, Wirswall, Shropshire 01948662512 Risk level 3 AccreditedSM 22/08/2016Olds, PJ & B - The Farmhouse, Bosahan Farm, Constantine, Cornwall 01326340976 Risk level 1 Qual 1st Accredited Qual 1stSM 17/06/2014 17/06/2014Peock, AD - Bowhouse Farm, Gartness, Lanarkshire Overdue AccreditedSM 28/04/2017Quarm, MR & MT - Holehouse Farm, Annick Estate, Ayrshire 01294850275 Risk level 1 ControlSM 05/05/2011Ralston, D A - Castlehill Farm, Balmore, Torrance, Renfrewshire 01360620488 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlSM 11/01/2017 23/03/2012Ridland, S - Berga, Shetland 01595860368 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSM 07/12/2012 05/11/2010 02/12/2013 05/11/2010Robertson, E.C. - Grieves Cottage, Home Farm, Midlothian 07808647722 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 19/11/2001 19/02/2003Robinson (Carbrooke) - Lugden Hill Farm, Docking, Norfolk 01485518088 Risk level 3 Overdue ControlSMScourfield, DR - Pilbach, Talsarn, Ceredigion Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 12/03/2015 12/03/2015 12/03/2015Searle, MG - Wagon Lodge, East Church Steet, Kenninghall, Norfolk 01953 887322 Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedSM 06/03/2020 06/03/2020 Risk level 2Shand, NA - Cairnorrie Farm, Methlick, Aberdeenshire 01651806104 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 19/09/2012 28/07/2010Shouler, JE - Elm Tree Farm, Wendlebury, Oxfordshire 01869 243420 Risk level 2 AccreditedSM 04/02/2014Simmers, R - Wester Pettymarcus, Clola, Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire 07961391410 Risk level 1 Incomplete Accredited Qual 1stSM 01/03/2013 22/11/2011Smith (Pedigree), G & M - Drumsleed, Fordoun, Aberdeenshire 01561320555 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 03/11/2016 03/11/2016 15/10/2010Smith, A&A - Priestfield Farm Cottage, Fife 01337 831103 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 14/11/2016 08/04/2017Smith, G - West Bolton Farm, Bolton, Northumberland Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 16/01/2020 14/12/2017Smith, R H E - Castell, Old School Lane, Clwyd Risk level 4SMSmith, S&K - Bankhead Farm - Duffshill, Aberdeenshire 01224782972 Risk level 2 Control AccreditedSM 08/11/2013Smith, WAM - Priestfield, Pitlessie, Fife 01337830643 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 15/11/2016 12/10/2011SRUC Oatridge Farm - Ecclesmachen, West Lothian 01506 864805 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 10/02/2014 14/02/2014Steele, AK&RJ - Red House Farm, Weeton, East Yorkshire 01964 650185 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSM 01/02/2014 01/02/2014 01/02/2013 01/02/2013Strathisla Farms (Mr A Ivory) - Wester Cardean, Meigle, Perthshire 01828640227 Risk level 3 AccreditedSM 17/01/2011Sutherland & Sons, AD - Connachie, Kellas, Morayshire 01343 890231 Overdue AccreditedSM 02/03/2011Taylor, R - Upper Woodside, Rothiemay, Aberdeenshire Risk level 2 Control ControlSMVaughan, W A - High Dovecote, Walton, Cumbria 0169772580 Risk level 1 Qual 1stSM 01/03/2019Walker, J - Sauchen Bush, Aberdeenshire 01330860554 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 12/12/2018 04/05/2011Watson, TDG - Fourways Farm, Waterlane, Oakridge, Gloucestershire Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSM 17/03/2019 17/03/2019 17/03/2019 Risk level 4Wealleans, GT - Angelrow Farmhouse, Greenlaw, Berwickshire 01361 810646 Risk level 2 AccreditedSM 04/02/2013Weatherall, B J K - Meikle Barncleugh, Irongray, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 4SMWebber, Ben - 2 Firtree Cottage, Pennington Lane Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 08/05/2017 08/05/2017Webster, P - Matson Ground Estate, Cumbria 01539445892 Risk level 3 AccreditedSM 03/10/2013Whitehouse Farm Centre - North Whitehouse Farm, Stannington, Northumberland 01670 789998 Risk level 4SMWilkins, V - Rangemore House, 32a Ferry Road, Lincolnshire Risk level 1 Accredited Incomplete ControlSM 15/05/2015Wilson, A J - Westcroft, Lyleston Road, Ayrshire 01294554461 Risk level 1 BVD VMFSM 18/03/2014Wilson, R - Loanleven Farm, Almondbank, Perthshire 01738 583236 Risk level 2 AccreditedSM 07/11/2012Wilson, Stewart - Cold Cothill Farm, Craigie, Ayrshire Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 10/03/2015 12/02/2018Wise, R & BK - Hall Farm, Skipton on Swale, North Yorkshire 01845567383 Risk level 1SM 02/02/2014Wood, J - Popes Farm, Longridge Road, Lancashire 01254878971 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 31/01/2011 31/01/2011Wright, J - Humblebee Bank, Calveley Hall Lane, Cheshire 01270 528605 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSM 01/12/2011 01/12/2011 01/12/2011Wright, Marshall - Nouthfield Farm Ltd, 29 Hadfast Road, Midlothian Incomplete Incomplete Qual 1st IncompleteSMWynter, BR - Bolankin Farm, St Buryan, Cornwall 01736 810787 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSM 22/11/2013 22/11/2013 21/11/2012 21/11/2012Yewdall, L - Atkinson's Wood Farm, Easby, Cleveland 01642 307191 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited Qual 1stSM 09/05/2011 09/04/2010Young & Noble - Bareflathills, Morayshire 01343 543810 Risk level 1 Accredited Overdue AccreditedSM 11/09/2014 11/09/2013 13/09/2012Young, GM - Sharperton Edge, Sharperton, Northumberland 01669 650239 Risk level 1 AccreditedSM 18/11/2019 21/01/2019Young, W - Skerrington Mains, Hurlford, Ayrshire 01563526268 Risk level 1 BVD VMFSM 18/01/2012Youngson, J S - Westerton Farm, Cullerlie, Echt, Aberdeenshire 01330860288 AccreditedSM 06/06/2019Aiken, J G - Croft of Newinn, Tillyfourie, Aberdeenshire 01330833359 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 22/01/2020 30/09/2013Alford, M - Wayside C/o Foxhill Farm, Blackbourgh, Devon 01884 849369 Risk level 1SMX 15/12/2014Angus, D - The Binzian, Forgandenny, Perthshire 01738812554 Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 15/01/2018Angus-Meldrum, C - Home Farm, Pitmedden, Aberdeenshire 01224791383 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 08/11/2017 15/01/2010Austin, N D - Rusko Farms - Pulcree, c/o Boreland of Girthon, Dumfries & Galloway 01557814785 Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 13/10/2016Balmirmer Farms - West Balmirmer, Arbroath, Angus 01241 439510 AccreditedSMX 22/01/2014Barclay (Harestone Farm), N R - South Road, Aberdeenshire 01330844526 Risk level 2 AccreditedSMX 07/09/2016Barclay (Tocherford), Neil - South Road, Aberdeenshire 01464821738 Risk level 2 AccreditedSMX 20/01/2016Barclay, G - Ardiecow, Fordyce, Aberdeenshire 01542841277 Incomplete AccreditedSMX 14/01/2014Barrack & Son, J - Mill of Kingoodie, Aberdeenshire BVD VMFSMXBeverly, G & K - Cottown Farm, Rhynie, Aberdeenshire 01464 861207 BVD VMFSMXBirkett, A,J & L - Birk Howe Farm, Little Langdale, Cumbria 01539437269 Risk level 1 OverdueSMX 18/02/2020Blair, Neil K - Parkhead Cottage, Perthshire 01575 560734 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 24/01/2019 02/03/2012Brown, W J - Hilton of Culsh, New Deer, Aberdeenshire 01771 644262 Risk level 1SMX 21/02/2017Bruce, WP - Balmyle, Meigle, Perthshire 01828640228 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSMX 11/07/2017 06/09/2004 18/06/2013Brunton, Hugh - Crudie Farm, Angus 01241879741 Incomplete Incomplete Accredited IncompleteSMX 14/12/2008Chambers, W L - North Moorhouse Farm, Langlee Road, Glasgow 01355500223 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 20/11/2018 01/04/2016Clark, Calum - Home Farm, Rattray, St Fergus, Aberdeenshire 01346532874 Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 09/01/2019Craighill Farms - Craighill Farm, Duntrune, Angus 01382350456 Risk level 2 AccreditedSMX 08/04/2009Cruden, R & M - Woodlands Farm, Aberdeenshire 01224791266 Risk level 4SMXCummack, J - Mill House, Kirkgunzeon, Dumfries & Galloway 01387760241 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 06/03/2015 03/02/2020Dent, S & J - Newton Ketton Farm, Brafferton, County Durham 07711198641 Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 12/01/2017Doldy Farms (Commercial) - East Mill, Glenisla, Perthshire 01575582241 Incomplete BVD VMFSMXDoldy Farms (Pedigree) - East Mill, Glenisla, Perthshire 01575582241 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 25/11/2015 17/01/2012Douglas, F - Blakewell Farm, Easington, East Yorkshire 01964 650 233 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited IncompleteSMX 01/01/2012 01/02/2014 01/11/2011Duke of Fife - Elsick Estate Office, Newtonhill, Aberdeenshire 01569730251 Risk level 3 BVD VMFSMXDuncan, A. A. - Balkemback Farm, Tealing, Angus 01382 380225 Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 13/12/2011Duncan, JGS & D - Jacobshall, Gamrie, Aberdeenshire 01346561263 or Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 14/02/2018Dunecht Home Farms - Dunecht Estates Office, Dunecht, Aberdeenshire 01330860253 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 29/01/2013 28/01/2014Easson, John - Barns of Airlie Farm, Airlie, Angus 01575530208 AccreditedSMX 24/01/2013Emslie, C - Law Farm, Aberdeenshire 01464831697 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 22/01/2018 16/01/2012Evans, J&E - Dolgau, Gwynedd 01341 247617 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Incomplete Qual 1stSMXFarquharson, A M L - Finzean Estate Office, Finzean, Aberdeenshire 01330850710 Incomplete AccreditedSMX 09/02/2017Farquharson, J - Darley, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire 01888511203 Qual 1stSMXFleming, J & G - Grange of Aberbothrie, Perthshire 01828632643 IncompleteSMXGauld (66/058/7004), G - Backley, Durno, Aberdeenshire 01467681243 AccreditedSMXGauld, G & K - Backley, Durno, Aberdeenshire 01467681243 Overdue AccreditedSMX 19/12/2013Gibson, J - Greenwall, Climpy Farm, Lanarkshire 01555 811278 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSMX 15/01/2018 30/01/2017 30/01/2017 15/01/2018Gilbert, J M - Womblehill, Kintore, Aberdeenshire 01467632319 Risk level 3SMXGoldie, JM & J - Newbie Mains, Dumfries & Galloway 01461205135 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 05/09/2018 14/03/2018Gordon, J & L - Wester Clune, Finzean, Kincardineshire 01330850268 Risk level 3 Overdue AccreditedSMX 16/03/2016

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Page 24: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Gordon-Cumming, Alastair - Altyre Estate Office, Morayshire 01309672265 Overdue Qual 1stSMXGrant, B - Druid Temple Farm, Old Edinburgh Road South, Inverness-shire Overdue AccreditedSMX 01/05/2008Greig, F & J - Tillyfour, Udny, Aberdeenshire 07821649649 AccreditedSMX 27/02/2017Gunn, J S - Clairdon, Mavsey, Caithness 01593 721380 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedSMX 26/04/2012 10/12/2012 19/11/2015Halley, W - East Lochlane Farm, Perthshire 01764652686 AccreditedSMX 01/07/2016Innes - Deskie Farm, Glenlivet, Aberdeenshire 01807590207 AccreditedSMX 25/05/2015Johnston - Crossbrae, Boyndlie, Aberdeenshire 01346561289 Risk level 1SMX 19/12/2019Johnston, Ian - The Orchard, Home Farm, Aberdeenshire 01224791252 Risk level 2 AccreditedSMX 27/11/2013Jolly (66/009/0112), D G - Clyne, Aberdeenshire Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 27/01/2018Jolly, E W - West Mains of Turin, Angus 01307 830229 Risk level 3SMXLaing, G - Lyne of Linton, Sauchen, Aberdeenshire 01330833308 Risk level 2 AccreditedSMX 03/03/2014Leslie, D - Redhill, Mosstowie, Morayshire 01343 850278 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 03/10/2013 19/09/2006Lindertis Farms (Commercial) - Kinalty Farm House, Angus Risk level 2SMXLindertis Pedigree Angus Herd - Kinalty Farm House, Angus Risk level 2 AccreditedSMXMacIver, J C - Wester Coltfield, Kinloss, Morayshire 01343 850615 Risk level 2 AccreditedSMXMacKay, S F - Knockaneorn, Clunas, Morayshire 01667 404260 Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 23/05/2018Mackie, E & J - Darnabo Farm, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire 01651891216 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 03/12/2013 02/12/2011Mackie, S - Balquhindachy, Methlick, Aberdeenshire 01651806493 Risk level 1 Control AccreditedSMX 05/02/2016 11/12/2013Maitland, C R - Grange of Lindores, Fife 01337840653 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 16/01/2020 17/01/2019Marshall Farms - Concraig House, Mains of Concraig, Aberdeenshire 01224743938 Risk level 2 OverdueSMXMcCall, AL & AC - Culmaily Farm, Sutherland 01408633275 Risk level 1 OverdueSMX 27/12/2017McKerrel, J D M - Corrary Farm, c/o Island Farm, Isle of Islay 01496810229 Risk level 1 Accredited Overdue AccreditedSMX 06/02/2018 31/01/2019 31/01/2019McKerrel, J D M - Island Farm, Isle of Islay 01496810229 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSMX 06/02/2018 06/02/2018 31/01/2019McKie, IR - Lanton House, Northumberland 01668 216561 Incomplete AccreditedSMX 29/01/2018McLean, W - Kilblaan Farm, Southend, Argyll 01586830259 AccreditedSMX 05/11/2015McNair, A - Stroneskar, Ford, Argyll 01546810286 AccreditedSMX 24/02/2011Middleton, W - Ardlair, Strachan, Kincardineshire 01330 850254 Overdue AccreditedSMX 11/05/2016Miller, J - Low Crompton Farm, Low Crompton Road, Greater Manchester Risk level 2 Accredited AccreditedSMX 30/05/2014 01/08/2015Milne & Son, H - Logie, Gamrie, Aberdeenshire 01261 851233 Risk level 2 AccreditedSMX 16/11/2016Milne & Son, J - Oldwhat Mains, New Deer, Aberdeenshire 01771644241 Risk level 2 AccreditedSMX 14/11/2012Milne, A - Standingstones, Durris, Kincardineshire 01330844558 Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 07/03/2013Milne, DA - Demperston Farm, Auchtermuchty, Fife Risk level 2 Qual 1stSMXMorrison, W J - Fairburn, Longmanhill, Aberdeenshire 01261 832509 AccreditedSMX 29/03/2019Nicol, M J - Ballogie Estate Office, Aberdeenshire 01339886497 Risk level 2SMXNicolson, A T - Relugas Mains, Dunphail, Morayshire 01309 611223 AccreditedSMX 02/04/2015Nixon, PG - Little Whittington Farm, Hallington, Northumberland 01434 672340 Risk level 3SMXOrd, DJ - Chatton Park Farm, Chatton, Northumberland 01668 215247 Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 18/02/2020Osborne, R W - Castlehill, Durisdeer, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 4 BVD VMFSMXPhillips (66/012/0075), G & H - Roadside, Skene, Aberdeenshire 01224 743221 Risk level 2 Control Accredited ControlSMX 25/02/2019Rand, C - Hatchpen, Reed, Hertfordshire 01763 243333 Overdue AccreditedSMX 01/12/2019Scott, Edward - Linross Farm, Glamis, Angus 01307840300 Risk level 5 AccreditedSMX 02/01/2020Scott, RP - West Rennington Farm, Northumberland 01665577249 Risk level 2SMXSkipness Estate - Estate Office, Skipness, Argyll 01880760207 AccreditedSMX 01/02/2011Smith (Pedigree), G & M - Drumsleed, Fordoun, Aberdeenshire 01561320555 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSMX 03/11/2016 03/11/2016 15/10/2010Smith, J W - Gladhill, Morayshire Risk level 3 AccreditedSMX 09/05/2012Stevens, JB - Manor Farm, Twyford, Oxfordshire 01295 810229 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedSMX 05/12/2017 22/11/2016 05/12/2017 Risk level 1 19/11/2019Stewart of Langraw Ltd - Langraw Farm, Fife 01334473061 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 14/12/2015 05/04/2014Strachan & Son, D - East Shawtonhill Farm, Chapelton, Lanarkshire 01357300411 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 22/01/2019 13/03/2017Sutherland & Sons, AD - Connachie, Kellas, Morayshire 01343 890231 Overdue AccreditedSMX 02/03/2011Teasses Estate Ltd - The Estate Office, Teasses Estate, Fife 01334473061 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 20/12/2015 04/04/2014Troup, J & M - Southbank, Skene, Aberdeenshire 01224743253 Risk level 3SMXWilkinson, J M - Invercaimbe, Inverness-shire AccreditedSMX 22/11/2016Woodland Trust - Lendrick C/o Venachar, Glen Finglas, Perthshire Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlSMX 29/11/2017 30/11/2016Yool, JCA - Rosehill, Pluscarden, Morayshire 01343890240 Risk level 2 AccreditedSMX 16/01/2008Young, AMR - Glen Rowan, Bunchrew Farm, Inverness-shire 01463 234128 Overdue AccreditedSMX 08/02/2005Youngson, D W - Turfhill of Auchtylair, Stuartfield, Aberdeenshire 01771 623480 Risk level 1 AccreditedSMX 17/10/2018 18/10/2011Bowerman, AJ & GC - Church Farm, Semley, Dorset 01747 830257 L hardjo MMF Accredited IBR MMFSRW 06/01/2014Ackerley, J - Catton Turkeys Ltd, Low Catton, Yorkshire 01759371196 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 15/02/2012 15/02/2012Allgood, VS & JE - Nunwick, Simonburn, Northumberland 01434 681363 Risk level 2 BVD VMFSTAllgood, VS & JE - Reaveley Farm, c/o Nunwick, Northumberland 01434 681363 Risk level 2 AccreditedST 19/10/2018Armitage, T L - Lower Brown Farm, Huish Champflower, Somerset 01398371448 AccreditedST 20/04/2020Birdsall Estates Co Ltd - Estate Office, Birdsall, North Yorkshire 01944 768206 Overdue AccreditedST 07/02/2013Black, D - Drochil Castle Farm, Peeblesshire 07767787185 Risk level 3 ControlSTBlakey, GH - Netherton Northside, Thropton, Northumberland 01669 630206 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedST 22/12/2010 14/01/2020 16/12/2019Boddington Estates Ltd - Boddington Estates, The Manor, Boddington, Gloucestershir 01242680609 Risk level 2 Control Qual 1st ControlSTBrown, RA - Park Farm, Landulph, Cornwall 01752 842824 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 01/09/2019 19/09/2016Brown, RA - Park Farm, Landulph, Cornwall 01752 842824 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 01/09/2019 19/09/2016Burling, D - Chain Farm, Overcote Road, Cambridgeshire 01954230168 Risk level 3STBurrowes, GJ - Lane Farm, Criggion, Shropshire 01743 884288 Risk level 2 ControlSTCapstick, P - Park House Farm, Heversham, Cumbria 01539563340 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 04/02/2019 04/02/2020Carnaghan, Peter - Standean Farm, Patcham, East Sussex 01273555926 IncompleteSTChapple, MA - Redwoods Farm, Uplowman, Devon 01398 361201 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlST 15/10/2019Cole, JM - Trebartha Barton, North Hill, Cornwall Risk level 1 AccreditedST 03/02/2016 08/02/2012Cooke, MC - Great Avercombe, Bishops Nympton, Devon Risk level 1 AccreditedST 07/11/2019 06/09/2019Cooper, AWP - Sydling Estate, Upper Sydling House, Dorset 01300 342114 Risk level 3 OverdueSTCrimes, J & D - Gafryw, Mydroilyn, Ceredigion 01570471474 Risk level 4STDixon, A - Kit Cragg, Selside, Cumbria 01539823664 Risk level 1ST 13/01/2017Edwards & Son, JC & MEC - Larch Cottage, Kinnerley, Shropshire 01691 682804 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 04/01/2017 09/02/2015Ellis, E AG & DW - Ceirnioge Bach, Pentrefoelas, Gwynedd 01690770220 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 03/02/2014 02/02/2016Evans, R & S - Stonehouse Farm, West Harling, Norfolk 01953717258 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 16/12/2015 Risk level 3Freeman, RJ - Home Farm, Bishopswood, Herefordshire 07990588085 Risk level 2 LMF Accredited ControlST 14/01/2020Geen, MR - Barton Pitts, Devon Risk level 2 Accredited Qual 1stST 28/08/2019Geldard, J A & R - Low Foulshaw Farm, Gilpin Bridge, Levens, Cumbria 01539552247 Risk level 2 AccreditedST 18/12/2012Goldie, R W - Dustyhall Farm, Dalrymple, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMFST 10/01/2018Greenshields, D G - South Mains, Dumfries & Galloway 01659550362 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 05/12/2011Griffith, WO & HM & EO - Tyddyn Gwyn, Llangian, Gwynedd 01758713631 Risk level 1 BVD VMFST 02/12/2010Hallifield, R - Standleys Barn Farm, Derbyshire 01332 862762 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 05/02/2020 08/03/2013Harris, J - Foxharris Farming, Newton Downs, Devon 01752 872082 Risk level 2 AccreditedST 23/04/2018Hutchings, KL - The Barton, Thornbury, Devon 01409261373 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedST 13/11/2019 12/11/2018 12/11/2018Inglis, RC - Burn Farm, Angus 01356648397 Risk level 2 AccreditedST 10/02/2014Jackson, EA & L - Rugley Farm, Northumberland 01665 602528 Risk level 1ST 12/11/2018Jones, R - Gwynfaes, Llanllyfni, Gwynedd 01286881912 Risk level 2STJSR Farms - Southburn Office, Southburn, East Yorkshire 01377881164 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 19/01/2011 14/01/2016Logan, D - Gamekeepers Cottage, Leaston Farm, East Lothian 07971098948 Risk level 2STMcLaren, Michael - Fullarton Farm, Perthshire Risk level 2 AccreditedST 06/01/2020Morgan, DJ - Strefford Hall Farm, Shropshire Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited ControlST 18/11/2019 13/12/2017Nicol, M J - Ballogie Estate Office, Aberdeenshire 01339886497 Risk level 2STOwen RG, RG - Hendre Arddwyfaen, Ty Nant, Clwyd 01490420396 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedST 21/02/2018 21/01/2009 19/01/2011Owen, I - Hendre Arddwyfaen, Ty Nant, Clwyd 01490420396 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedST 10/01/2011 12/12/2019 10/01/2011Pari, JM&M - Fferm Carreg, Aberdaron, Gwynedd 07814 533041 Risk level 1ST 16/10/2019Parry, RO - Crugeran, Sarn, Gwynedd 01758730375 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 20/12/2010 02/12/2011Parry, TR - Bod Gaeaf Isaf, Bryncroes, Gwynedd 01758730537 Risk level 2 OverdueSTPears, G - Bella Vista Farm, Penistone, Yorkshire 01226 762175 Incomplete OverdueSTPhillips & Sons, SJ - Kilkenny Farm, Bibury, Gloucestershire 01451 844820 Risk level 2 Incomplete AccreditedST 10/02/2016

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Page 25: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Phillips, CG - Macaroni Farm, Eastleach, Gloucestershire 01367850237 Overdue Accredited OverdueST 27/10/2009R & J Farms, R & J - Weighton Wold Farm, East Yorkshire 01430 879378 Risk level 2 AccreditedST 07/02/2020Richardson, B - Fernham Farm, Brayford, Devon 01598710202 Risk level 2 AccreditedST 23/01/2017Roberts, E - Solfach, Uwch Mynydd, Gwynedd 01758760620 Risk level 5 OverdueSTRoderick, RJ - Newton, Scethrog Bwlch, Powys 01874 676253 Risk level 2 AccreditedST 15/11/2017Sewell, AW - South Ross Farm, Ellerton, Yorkshire 01759 319182 Risk level 4 AccreditedST 18/12/2017Shipley, G - Wold House Farm, Huggate, Yorkshire 01377 288233 Risk level 1 Overdue ControlST 27/11/2019Skelton Farming Ltd - Low House Farm, Stanghow, North Yorkshire Risk level 3 Accredited ControlST 21/06/2018Smith, PA - Plas Llanychan, Llanychan, Clwyd 01824 704265 Incomplete IncompleteSTVanstone, J - North Eastcott Farm, Morwenstow, Cornwall 01288 331434 Incomplete AccreditedST 06/01/2017Ward, J P & R - Cragg Top - Dentgate Lane, Langleydale, County Durham 01833660376 Risk level 1 Accredited ControlST 11/11/2016 26/01/2009Whitfield, EJ - Cheswell Grange, Lillieshall, Shropshire 07977352538 AccreditedST 30/07/2019Williams, A - Cappele, Cwmpenanner, Clwyd 01490420304 Risk level 1 AccreditedST 14/02/2017 20/02/2015Williams, R - Moelogan Fawr, Carmel, Conwy 01492640282 Risk level 3 Qual 1stSTWilson, C - Parsonage Farm, York Road, Lancashire 01254240758 Risk level 1ST 03/12/2019Wilson, R - Loanleven Farm, Almondbank, Perthshire 01738 583236 Risk level 2 AccreditedST 07/11/2012Winney, NM & JM - Kingstone Grange, Thruxton, Herefordshire 01981 250352 Risk level 3 AccreditedST 07/11/2016Wooldridge, EH - Henstridge Farm, Combe Martin, Devon 01271 882581 Risk level 2 AccreditedST 18/11/2019Capstick, P - Park House Farm, Heversham, Cumbria 01539563340 Risk level 1 AccreditedSTX 04/02/2019 04/02/2020Chapple, MA - Redwoods Farm, Uplowman, Devon 01398 361201 Risk level 2 Accredited ControlSTX 15/10/2019Clark, RH - 1 Shawdon Woodhouse, Glanton, Northumberland 01665 578102 Risk level 4 AccreditedSTX 08/11/2017Ellis, E AG & DW - Ceirnioge Bach, Pentrefoelas, Gwynedd 01690770220 Risk level 1 AccreditedSTX 03/02/2014 02/02/2016Griffith, WO & HM & EO - Tyddyn Gwyn, Llangian, Gwynedd 01758713631 Risk level 1 BVD VMFSTX 02/12/2010Jones - Plas Yn Llan, Llangynhafal, Denbighshire 01824790330 Risk level 5STXNicol, M J - Ballogie Estate Office, Aberdeenshire 01339886497 Risk level 2STXParry, RO - Crugeran, Sarn, Gwynedd 01758730375 Risk level 1 AccreditedSTX 20/12/2010 02/12/2011Partridge, I S - Boghead Farm, Aberdeenshire 07970600903 Risk level 1 AccreditedSTX 21/04/2017Pollock, Claire - Ardross Farm, Elie, Fife 01333330415 Risk level 2 Control Accredited ControlSTX 25/02/2015Williams, R - Moelogan Fawr, Carmel, Conwy 01492640282 Risk level 3 Qual 1stSTXBuchanan, E - Black Ven Farm, Nutley, East Sussex 01825712493 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSU 18/11/2019 18/11/2019 18/11/2019Carnaghan, Peter - Standean Farm, Patcham, East Sussex 01273555926 IncompleteSUDe La Warr, W H - Buckhurst Farm, Withyham, East Sussex 01892 770220 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited ControlSU 16/03/2020 12/03/2019Gibb, MC - Rugmer Hill, Benover Road, Kent 01892730477 Accredited AccreditedSU 28/03/2011 20/01/2020Hampton Estate Farms - The Estate Office, Seale, Surrey 01483 810465 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedSU 21/01/2019 23/01/2017 23/01/2018Honey (Cattle), MC - Llwyneinon Uchaf, Capel Iwan, Carmarthenshire 01239 698 753 Risk level 2 Accredited Qual 1st AccreditedSU 21/07/2020 21/07/2020 IncompleteLeconfield Farms Ltd - Estate Office, West Sussex Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlSU 23/12/2010 16/10/2017 25/10/2012Pritchard Gordon Farming Ltd - Slaugham Park, Slaugham, East Sussex 01444 400000 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedSU 12/11/2015 06/11/2014 06/11/2014 06/11/2014Wren Davis Ltd - Collings Hanger Farm, Prestwood, Buckinghamshire 01494 867 234 Incomplete AccreditedSU 12/03/2018De La Warr, W H - Buckhurst Farm, Withyham, East Sussex 01892 770220 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited ControlSUX 16/03/2020 12/03/2019Stebbings, DJ - Hoardwheel, Berwickshire IncompleteWAAddams-Williams, WL - Troedrhiwfergam, Cwm Cou, West Glamorgan 01239711322 Risk level 1WB 10/01/2005Arch, T - Great Abbey Farm, Pontrhydfendigaid, Ceredigion 01974831621 Risk level 1 Qual 1stWB 14/03/2011Barney, B & EA & PL - Yethen Isaf, Mynachlogddu, Dyfed 01437532256 Risk level 2WBBeynon, JM - The Tyddewi Herd, 121 Nun Street, St Davids, Pembrokeshire 01437720780 Risk level 1 Incomplete Accredited IncompleteWB 07/05/2008 06/04/2011Botwood, EWM - Glanceiro, Abbey road - Pontrhydfendigaid, Dyfed 01974831076 Risk level 2WBCannon Farm - Llanerfyl, Powys 01938820251 Risk level 3 OverdueWBCarberry, E C - Maple Crest, New Inn, Dyfed 01558823796 IncompleteWBCumming, DJ - Blaencwarre, Hermon, Dyfed 01267281788 Overdue Accredited OverdueWB 19/02/2013Davies (Cefn Don Farm), DR - 8 Nantcelyn, Rhigos Road- Hirwayn, Mid Glamorgan 01685811816 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 07/05/2009 13/01/2009Davies Bros - Cae-Iago, Llanwrin, Powys 01650 511223 Risk level 4 Qual 1stWBDavies, A - Maesygelli, Beulah, Dyfed 01239811000 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 01/02/2016 06/10/2006Davies, EDM - Lower Cathedine, Bwlch, Powys 01874 730406 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 01/12/2001 20/01/2003Davies, EM - Cwm Moel, Rhulen, Powys 01982570271 Risk level 1WB 21/05/2014Davies, G & G - Cae Du, Rhoslesain, Gwynedd 01654711234 Risk level 1 Qual 1stWB 11/01/2017Davies, HW - Tonyspyddaden, Colbren, West Glamorgan 01639 701341 Risk level 2WBDavies, IP - Pennant, Stad-Bod Hyfryd, Gwynedd Risk level 2 Qual 1st Overdue Qual 1stWBDavies, J E - Ffynnon Y Cyff, Lixwm, Flintshire 01352 741265 Risk level 2 AccreditedWB 04/11/2015Davies, J.G. & D.C. - Cwmbyr, Lledrod, Ceredigion 01974 261333 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 14/02/2003 05/01/2009Davies, JE - Rhydydefaid, Fron Goch, Gwynedd 01678520456 Risk level 4WBDavies, M - Green Meadow, Trefenter, Ceredigion 01974272612 Risk level 2WBDavies, T - Lasgarn Farm, Trevethin, Gwent 01495769666 Risk level 2 Qual 1stWBDavies, W.T. - Waen Fach, Llanegryn, Gwynedd 01654 711052 Risk level 2 OverdueWBDowling - Kinnell Estate, Perthshire 01567820590 AccreditedWB 31/01/2007Edwards, A - Cae Coch, Rhydymain, Gwynedd 01341450664 Risk level 1 OverdueWB 01/02/2010Ellis, K - Ynysfor, Bryncrug, Gwynedd 01654711828 Risk level 1WB 08/06/2015Evans & Plant, EP & SI - Gerddi Bluog, Gwynedd 01766780132 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 17/02/2004 17/02/2004 17/02/2004 17/02/2004Evans, AR - 2 Sker Cottages, Kenfig, Mid Glamorgan 01656785264 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 03/01/2014 26/03/2012Evans, BF - Glanyrafon, Talybont, Dyfed 01970832344 Overdue AccreditedWB 24/02/2014Evans, CD & ER - Nant Moch, Gwynfe, Dyfed 01550740201 Risk level 1WB 08/05/2014Evans, DC - Cernioge Mawr, Pentrefoelas, Conwy Risk level 1WB 19/11/2019Evans, DH - Ffynonau, Gleision, Llanllwni, Carmarthenshire 01559 395641 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 01/09/2014 01/09/2014Evans, ED - Tynant, Talybont, Dyfed 01970832257 Risk level 3 Qual 1stWBEvans, I - Hengwrt, Rhydymain, Gwynedd 01341 450252 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 17/01/2002 05/11/2002Evans, I & DE - Top y Rhos, Pontybodkin, Clwyd 01352 770392 Risk level 4WBEvans, J.A. - Gerddi Bluog, Gwynedd 01766 780132 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 13/02/2003 16/02/2007 13/02/2003 13/02/2003Evans, OR - Fferm Tal Y Fan Fach, Carmarthenshire 01550 779066 Risk level 2 AccreditedWB 18/06/2018Evans, R.J. - Gwerncaernyddion, Caernyddion, Gwynedd 01341 241425 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 27/02/2002 11/01/2019Evans, W.G. - Eithin Fynyndd (Egryn), Tal-y-bont, Gwynedd 01341 247756 Risk level 3 AccreditedWB 25/02/2019Farrell, TP & GM - Bryndyfrydog, Llandyfrydog, Gwynedd 01248470367 Risk level 3WBFord, J & O - Llan Farm, Llanfrothen, Gwynedd 01766770399 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 12/05/2008 12/05/2009 12/05/2009Foxwell, Lynn P - Tyddyn Rhyddid, Llanfair, Gwynedd 01766 780387 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 18/02/2003 03/02/2005 03/02/2005 03/02/2005Francis, I - Bryndu, Llanfair Caereinion, Powys 01938810540 Risk level 1WB 17/03/2008Francis, JR & DH - Tynywaun, Gwnfe, Carmarthenshire 01550 740270 Risk level 3WBGriffiths, TM, TD & IT - Tyddyn Felin, Gwynedd 01766540283 Risk level 3WBGwyndaf, D - Llachwedd Hafod Isaf, Cwm Penmachno, Conwy 01690760241 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 20/01/2012 20/01/2012Harries, P.W. - Cwmdwfn Uchaf, Bronwydd, Dyfed 01267 253327 Risk level 2 AccreditedWB 01/02/2012Hicks, CW - Pwllglas, Llangybi, Ceredigion 01570 493550 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 14/10/2013 22/01/2013Hopkin, G - Cefn Coed Farm, Llanharry Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited Qual 1stWB Risk level 2Hughes, R - Glan Rafon, Gwynedd 01407840427 Risk level 1 OverdueWB 01/12/2006Isaac, GR - Mynachdy Farm, Ynysybwl, Rhondda Cynon Taf 01443790347 Risk level 4 AccreditedWB 12/02/2018Jenkins, D.G - Tanyrallt, Talybont, Ceredigion 01970 832393 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 07/02/2002 24/03/2014Jenkins, EW - Tynygraig, Talybont, Ceredigion 01970 832707 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Qual 1stWB 13/01/2002 23/04/2018 08/01/2014Jones & Son, MP - Ffridd Bryn Coch, Ganllwyd, Gwynedd 01341 440207 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 23/08/2016 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 23/08/2016 Risk level 4Jones & Thomas, DE & LL S - Hafod-Yr-Wyn, Gorsgoch, Dyfed 01570434267 Risk level 1 Qual 1st AccreditedWB 29/01/2019 27/04/2009Jones (Pedigree), RJ - Crugan Farm, Llanbedrog, Gwynedd 01758 740873 Risk level 1WB 01/04/2014Jones (WB Herd), SW - 2 Pen Y Cefn, Pentir, Gwynedd 07872 198274 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 24/11/2006 24/11/2006 24/11/2006 24/11/2006Jones, A - Defaidty, Cemtirmynach, Gwynedd 01490420348 Risk level 2 AccreditedWB 14/11/2011Jones, A & MP - Pantrhedynog, Foel, Powys 01938820307 Risk level 1WB 31/01/2011Jones, AR - Tonyfildre Farm, Banwen, West Glamorgan 01639 700052 Risk level 2WBJones, B & H.R. - Tyisaf, Gwynedd 01766 762608 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 06/03/2002 30/11/2006 30/11/2006 30/11/2006Jones, D W - Llwyngwern, Llanuwchyllyn, Gwynedd 01678540260 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 22/12/2006 14/01/2013Jones, D.& O - Berthlwyd, Llanilar, Ceredigion 01974241094 Risk level 4 Qual 1stWBJones, D.H. - Llety Cynnes, Bow Street, Ceredigion 01970 828763 Risk level 1 OverdueWB 02/03/2001Jones, E - Graig Goch, Nebo, Llanrwst, Gwynedd Overdue Overdue Accredited OverdueWB 24/12/2018

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Page 26: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Jones, E.W. - Rhiwaedog, Rhosygwaliau, Gwynedd 01678 520645 Risk level 3 AccreditedWB 19/03/2012Jones, EP & S - Clegyrnant, Powys 01650 521524 IncompleteWBJones, G - Nhadog Isaf, Roman Bridge, Gwynedd 01690750539 Risk level 1WB 06/10/2014Jones, GG - Esgair, Llaneglwys, Powys Risk level 4 Incomplete AccreditedWB 06/04/2010Jones, Gwenfair - Hafod-yr-Esgob Isaf, Cwmtirmynach, Gwynedd 01678520351 Risk level 1WB 12/01/2015Jones, H.W - Llwynsarn, Rhydymain, Gwynedd 01341 450301 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 16/12/2002 16/12/2002Jones, HA, RA & SW - Talymignedd Isaf, Nantlle, Gwynedd 01286 880374 Risk level 1WB 02/01/2019Jones, J - Pen Y Bryn Isaf, Talybont, Gwynedd 01248364482 Risk level 2 OverdueWBJones, JH - Gelli Grin, Rhosygwaliau, Gwynedd 01678520476 Risk level 2WBJones, M.W. - Tyddyn Perthi, Penisarwaen, Gwynedd 01286 872444 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 24/11/2006 24/11/2006 24/11/2006 24/11/2006Jones, RP - Bryn Llech Uchaf, Llanuwchllyn, Gwynedd 01678540204 Risk level 3 AccreditedWB 25/03/2010Jones, T&J - Ty Newydd- Nebo, Llanrwst, Gwynedd 01690 710330 Risk level 3 Overdue IncompleteWBJones, THL - Cwmcae, Bow Street, Dyfed 01970828274 Risk level 1 OverdueWB 20/02/2001Jones, WA - Caerau Isa, Rhydyclaedy, Gwynedd 01758 720836 Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1st AccreditedWB 21/05/2018 05/04/2016 05/04/2016Jones, WD - Pant-y-Betws, Betws Road, Dyfed 01269591349 IncompleteWBJones, WRP - Ysguboriau, Gwynedd 01654 710321 Risk level 2 AccreditedWB 04/01/2013Joseph, JB - Waen Farm, Hope Bowdler, Shropshire 01694724939 Risk level 1WB 11/05/2007Kelly, VP - Graig Bach, Anglesey 07887991133 Risk level 1 Accredited Overdue AccreditedWB 23/01/2015 16/01/2018 20/12/2013Lewis, DM - Blaengarw Farm, Blaengarw, Glamorgan 07770823005 Risk level 1WB 14/05/2018Lewis, JJ & MM - Trefaes Uchaf, Llangwyryfon, Ceredigion 01974 241668 Risk level 5WBLewis, TE&R - Gwyddgwion, Cwm Maethlon, Gwynedd 01654 710555 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 29/11/2016 29/11/2016Lloyd, EW - Las Ynys Fach, Gwynedd 01766780301 Risk level 1WB 15/10/2019Lloyd-Williams, J.J.S.V. & M.J. - Moelgolomen, Talybont, Dyfed 01970 832362 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 13/03/2002 12/03/2002Lynch, G - Bryn Ffynnon, Llangwm, Denbighshire 01490420619 Risk level 3 OverdueWBMarkham, KN - Bodilan Fach, Llanfihangel-y-Pennant, Gwynedd 01654782231 Risk level 1WB 16/01/2018Methuen-Campbell, JA - Estate Office, Penrice Castle, West Glamorgan 01792391081 Risk level 1WB 16/10/2017Mogford, SC - Glyw Gwilym Farm, Resolven, West Glamorgan 01639711494 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 01/12/2005 08/08/2014Moran, J - Llewelyn House, Aberedw, Powys 01982 560257 Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1st ControlWB 09/05/2011 01/10/2015Morgan, A - Ty Draw Farm, Rhigos, Mid Glamorgan 01685813827 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 16/03/2006 13/02/2020Morris, D.M. - Merddyn, Ceunant, Gwynedd 01248 671578 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 02/02/2017 23/02/2009National History Museum - Mr RB Davies, St Fagans, Glamorgan 02920 573471 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 15/08/2015 15/08/2015National Trust (A Owen) - Hafod y Llan, Nant Gwynant, Gwynedd 01766890473 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 01/04/2013 07/04/2006National Trust (A Owen) - Llyndy Isaf, C/o Hafod Y Llan, Gwynedd 01766 890473 Risk level 1 AccreditedWBNorman, Darren - Soughton Farm, Rhosesmor Road, Flintshire 01352840756 Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 24/02/2020 24/02/2020 24/02/2020Osborne, J.E. & B.V. - Tyddyn Uchaf, Glan Conwy, Gwynedd 01492 580396 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedWB 01/08/2003 01/08/2003 10/07/2017Owen, I - Cefn Bodig, Gwynedd 01678 520479 Risk level 3 AccreditedWB 30/01/2020Parry, EW - Loch Land, Llangrannog, Dyfed 01239654889 Risk level 4 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 30/12/2008 01/12/2009 09/01/2007Phillips, G - Maesgwynne Arms Farm (Pedigree), Llanboidy, Carmarthenshire 01994 448295 Risk level 1WB 21/09/2016Phillips, GR - Y Bwthyn, Pontfaen, Dyfed 01348881268 Risk level 1WB 29/10/2007Pritchard, B. - Marian Mawr Farm, Gwynedd 01248 853660 Risk level 4 Accredited ControlWB 12/01/2017Prydden, M - Ciltalgarth, Frongoch, Gwynedd 01678 521356 Risk level 4 AccreditedWB 09/04/2014Pugh, E&S - Henblas, Gwynedd 01341250350 Risk level 1 Qual 1stWB 08/03/2005Pugh, EE - Carn-Y-Gadell Uchaf, Gwynedd 01341 250812 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 08/03/2005 28/01/2020Pugh, J - Ty Talgarth, Nantymoel, Mid Glamorgan 07963904888 Risk level 1 Control ControlWB 18/12/2018Rees, EM - Cae Mawr Farm, Llanbedr DC, Clwyd 01824 702663 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 19/07/2013 31/07/2001 31/07/2001 31/07/2001Rees, R.A. - Brysgaga, Bow Street, Ceredigion 01970 828287 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 17/02/2014 14/05/2010Rhiwlas Farm Partnership - Rhiwlas Estate Office, Gwynedd 01678 520387 Risk level 5WBRichards, RT - Bron Llan, Llansannan, Clwyd 01745870247 IncompleteWBRoberts - Rhyd Y Gethin Pedigree Herd, Llandrillo, Corwen, Denbighshire 01490 440529 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited AccreditedWB 17/04/2018 17/04/2018 19/03/2019Roberts, E - Solfach, Uwch Mynydd, Gwynedd 01758760620 Risk level 5 OverdueWBRoberts, E - Ty Mawr Farm, Gwynedd 01341 422529 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 20/03/2010 05/03/2007Roberts, G - Dolhendre Isa, Llanuwchllyn, Gwynedd 01678540348 Risk level 2WBRoberts, HD - Gwyniasa, Llithfaen, Gwynedd 07974796357 Risk level 4 Control Accredited ControlWB 18/06/2019Roberts, HP - Gyrn, Llanuwchllyn, Gwynedd 01678540237 Risk level 1WB 06/08/2018Roberts, IG - Tryfil Isaf, Llannerch-Y-Medd, Anglesey 01248470469 Risk level 3 AccreditedWB 28/01/2014Roberts, IH & JE - Pennant, Ysbyty Ifan, Gwynedd 01690770216 Risk level 3 AccreditedWB 02/03/2020Roberts, L - Waterloo Service Station, Penrefail Crossroads, Moelre, Conwy 01745833265 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited ControlWB 06/03/2009 01/02/2012 18/02/2020Roberts, RD AJ & RE - Esgairgawr, Rhydymain, Gwynedd 01341450271 Risk level 5 AccreditedWB 25/02/2009Robinson (Carbrooke) - Lugden Hill Farm, Docking, Norfolk 01485518088 Risk level 3 Overdue ControlWBRogers, DI - Allt Gymbyd Farm, Abbeylands, Denbighshire 01824780647 Risk level 1 Welsh NegativWBRowlands a'I Fab, TE - Tyddyn Du, Cwm Hafodoer, c 01341422502 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 28/01/2005 24/02/2020Rowlands, G & RA - Brynllys Farm, Dol-y-Bont, Dyfed 01970871489 Risk level 1 Qual 1stWB 07/11/2016Sherry, Neil - Holly Cottage, Culmington, Shropshire 01584861473 Overdue LMF Accredited AccreditedWB 30/11/2019 30/11/2019Stacey, R & S - Daren Uchaf, Cwmyoy, Gwent 01873890712 Risk level 2 Welsh NegativWBThomas GW&RW, GW & RW - Llechwedd, Tyn Lon, Anglesey 01407720192 Risk level 1WB 06/03/2015Thomas, DG & B - Aberdyfnant, Llanddeusant, Dyfed 01550740250 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 28/11/2007 19/02/2014Thomas, JET - 1 Morfa Mawr, Gwynedd 07769954332 Risk level 3 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 14/08/2017 14/08/2017 14/08/2017Thomas, KP & CS - Gyffog, Llanfihangel Nant Bran, Powys 01874638925 Risk level 1WB 01/03/2005Thomas, Martyn - Trehenry Fawr, Llandefalle, Powys 01994 453707 Risk level 5WBThomas, WE - Tyddyn Bach, Gwynedd 01341241301 Risk level 1WB 05/02/2019Thorpe, C - Yew Tree House, Lucton, Herefordshire 01568 780384 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 27/02/2002 29/05/2003 28/02/2008 11/10/2016Walker, CH & AK - Barnside, Abbey St Bathans, Berwickshire 01361840237 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 11/10/2017 18/03/2010Wardle, C - Crows Nest Farm, C/o 38 Randle Bennet Close, Cheshire 07787 343624 Risk level 5 Qual 1st Qual 1stWB Risk level 5Williams - Wern, Foel, Powys 01938 820240 Risk level 5WBWilliams (Mr Jones), WE - Pensarn, Talybont, Dyfed 01970832412 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 17/01/2012 15/01/2013Williams, A & RC - Pentre, Cwmtirmynach, Gwynedd 01678520263 Risk level 1WB 21/10/2004Williams, DS - Cefn Llech, Pantydwr, Powys 01597870247 Risk level 4 Control Accredited AccreditedWB 01/08/2019Williams, ELL & M - Dolaugwyn, Bryncrug, Gwynedd 01654711340 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWB 11/11/2014 23/11/2015 05/12/2013 23/11/2015Williams, G&ALL - Gwar Cwm Isaf, Taliesin, Powys 01970 832318 Risk level 2WBWilliams, GC - Tyddyn Deicws, Gwytherin, Clwyd 01745 860609 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 20/12/2011 22/03/2012Williams, GE & SM - Garth Uchaf Farm, Pentyrch, South Glamorgan 02920890510 Risk level 2WBWilliams, GT - Coed Mawr, Llanfachreth, Gwynedd 01341 422441 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 01/05/2005 18/05/2007Williams, KD - Hendy, Hundred House, Powys 01982570204 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 06/02/2012 06/02/2012Williams, L R - Llanllwyda, Llanfihangel y Pennant, Gwynedd 01654782276 Risk level 5WBWilliams, Osian Llyr - Carreg Y Ffordd, Conwy Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st ControlWB IncompleteWilliams, TR - Tonmawr Farm, Tonmawr, West Glamorgan 01639632788 Risk level 1 AccreditedWB 15/04/2019 24/04/2018Williams, TW - Caerynwch Farm, Brithdir, Gwynedd 01341423215 Risk level 1WB 28/11/2017Wynne, D I - Tyn-y-Wern, Bryneglwys, Clwyd 01490450213 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Qual 1stWB 23/12/2003 04/11/2016 23/11/2015Yeomans, G&L - The Pant, Llanvetherine, Gwent 01873821200 Risk level 4 OverdueWBPidsley, Linda - Upton Ley Farm, Upton, Devon 01404 841525 Risk level 1 ControlWBXBryne-Daniel, J - Helme Park Farm, 7 Heys Helme, West Yorkshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited AccreditedWP 19/11/2018 23/11/2017 01/06/2017 23/11/2017Carrick - Castle Farm, Swanton Morley, Norfolk 01362 638302 Risk level 1 Control Accredited ControlWP 23/10/2019 30/10/2015Evans, OR - Fferm Tal Y Fan Fach, Carmarthenshire 01550 779066 Risk level 2 AccreditedWP 18/06/2018Ferrers, R - Ditchingham Farm, The Estate Office, Ditchingham, Suffolk Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedWP 03/10/2017 14/10/2016 08/09/2014Harley Farms - Valley Farm, Chitterne, Wiltshire 01985850462 Risk level 5 IncompleteWP IncompleteHarley Farms (White Park) - Valley Farm, Chitterne, Wiltshire 01985 851 010 Risk level 5 Qual 1st Qual 1st ControlWPHolloway - Home Farm, West lavington, Wiltshire 01380 813212 Accredited Incomplete Qual 1stWPLennox, Graham - Doonies Farm, Coast Road, Aberdeenshire 01224875879 Overdue Incomplete Accredited IncompleteWP 07/06/2011Scott, RP - West Rennington Farm, Northumberland 01665577249 Risk level 2WPAshbridge, DW - Leskine Farm, Lix Toll, Stirlingshire 01567 820111 Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1st Qual 1stWSChristie of Lochdochart, PA - Lochdochart, Perthshire 01838300315 Risk level 1 AccreditedWS 03/11/2003 17/05/2004Dowling - Kinnell Estate, Perthshire 01567820590 AccreditedWS 31/01/2007Hendry, D - Summerhill, Balmaclellan, Dumfries & Galloway 01644 420326 Risk level 1 Accredited AccreditedWS 10/07/2014 12/02/2013 26/06/2013Jackson, G - Blackburn, Roxburghshire 01387375246 Risk level 1 AccreditedWS 15/05/2012 21/03/2012

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Page 27: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Jeffrey, Christopher - Spring View Farm, Thornton on The Hill, North Yorkshire Risk level 4 Control Qual 1st ControlWSMurray, A - Sewing Shields, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland 01434684418 AccreditedWS 20/03/2017Newhouse, Andrew - Well House Farm, Tosside, North Yorkshire 01200446384 Risk level 1 Qual 1stWS 22/03/2019Renwick, S - Cragend Farm, Rothbury, Northumberland 01669 621533 Risk level 1 Qual 1stWS 26/03/2020Robinson, T J - Ottercops, Northumberland 0 AccreditedWS 21/10/2019Shaw MBE, Rupert H S - Gledpark, Borgue, Dumfries & Galloway 07973370756 Risk level 1 ControlWS 10/10/2018Wall, K - Hall Farm, Brendon, Devon 01598 741604 Risk level 4 Qual 1st Qual 1stWSBarrie, Donald - Glensaugh Research Station, Kincardineshire 01561378621 Risk level 1WSX 03/12/2019Forest Enterprise - Lochaber District, Torlundy, Inverness-shire 03000676870 Incomplete AccreditedWSX 09/05/2013Adams, WI & J - Tircanol Farm, Lower Cwmtwrch, West Glamorgan 01639 842385 Risk level 4Armstrong, JL & RJ - Crossfell House, Milburn, Cumbria 01768361282 Risk level 3 BVD VMFArthur & Sons - Lestow, St Neot, Cornwall 01208 821257 Risk level 1 Accredited30/07/2015 28/06/2017Ashley, E - Craigwan Fawr, Craigllwyn, Shropshire 01691791283 Risk level 5Atkinson, DJ & S - Abbey Park, Blear Tarn, Cumbria 017683 41544 Risk level 2 OverdueAustin, A & M - Stanbury Manor, Woodford, Morwenstow, Cornwall 01288 331279 Risk level 1 Accredited18/11/2019 08/12/2015Austin, R A - Boreland of Girthon, Gatehouse of Fleet, Dumfries & Galloway 01557814785 Risk level 3 Accredited 20/03/2017Bailey, P & AE - Springfields Farm, Minn End Lane, Wincle, Cheshire 01260 227490 Risk level 2 Accredited Incomplete31/07/2018Bakker, P - Eastview, Altnaharra, Sutherland 01549 411220 Risk level 1 Accredited24/05/2018 24/05/2017Bamber, R R & M - Barkin House Barn, Gatebeck, Cumbria 01539567122 Risk level 1 BVD VMF11/01/2019Barron (Blue Herd), JR & JA - Findowrie Farm, Angus 01356 630221 Incomplete OverdueBell, A - Clifton Farm, Southwick, Dumfries & Galloway 01387780206 Risk level 1 BVD VMF16/10/2014Bell, Garry - Hass Side Farm, Hass Grove Loaning, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 3Bell, I - Clement Leazes, Hallbankgate, Cumbria 01697746179 Risk level 5 Accredited 21/02/2019Bell, T W - Hilltop Farm, St Johns in the Vale, Cumbria 01768779249 Risk level 3 Accredited 08/11/2020Blackett - Arbigland Estate, Kirkbean, Dumfries & Galloway IncompleteBlades, A - Paddock View, Market Place, North Yorkshire 07870 734754 Risk level 2Blenheim - Blenheim Farm, Woodstock, Oxfordshire 01993 811238 Incomplete Control Incomplete Incomplete IncompleteBloom, JCG - Decoy Farm, Scorborough, East Yorkshire 01964 550 267 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited16/01/2012 11/02/2016 11/02/2016Bonner - Tyrellcote Farm, Thornton, Buckinghamshire Risk level 1 Accredited23/11/2016 08/05/2017Bowe, B - Midtown Farm, Wiggonby, Cumbria 01697342198 Risk level 2Bowen - Tydu Farm, Nelson, Glamorgan Risk level 1 Control Accredited Accredited05/02/2019 05/02/2019 20/02/2018 Risk level 2Brass, P - Bridge End Farm, Soulby, Cumbria 01768371842 BVD VMFBrice, James - 1 Countess Wells Cottage, Framlingham, Suffolk 01728 720116 Incomplete Incomplete Overdue IncompleteBriggs, W - Georgefield, Westerkirk, Dumfries & Galloway 01387370227 Risk level 2Brims, John - Thuster, Caithness Risk level 2Brogden, S & P - Helbeck Farm, Brough, Cumbria 01768341200 Risk level 2 BVD VMFBrown & Son, AB - Fordel Parks, Midlothian Risk level 2 Accredited 01/02/2014Brown, T - Scrainwood, Alnham, Northumberland 01669 631 196 Risk level 4 Qual 1stBrunskill, Liz - Farncombe Farm, Lambourn, Berkshire 0148871833 Qual 1stByers, J M B - Whitehill Farm, Walton, Brampton, Cumbria Risk level 2Cadzow, S R - Inland Pastures, Scremerston, Northumberland 01289 306072 Risk level 5Cameron (Strontoillier Farm), J - Glenamachrie Farm, Glenlonan, Argyll 01631770364 Accredited 16/01/2012Cameron, A - Shanry Farm, Perthshire 01821 670240 Accredited 06/01/2020Cameron, J - Dunach Farm, Kilmore, Argyll Accredited 23/01/2014Cameron/Orr - Glenerin, 60 Dunnichen Road, Angus 07753504654 Risk level 1 Accredited IBR VMF17/01/2019Camp, R W - Horsehill Farm, Ashburton, Devon 01364 653460 Risk level 4 Accredited 19/11/2019Catlane Friesians Ltd - Oaklands Farm, Shackerstone, Warwickshire 01530260315 Accredited 07/03/2015Chandler & Dunn - The Farm Office, Lower Goldstone, Kent 01304 812262 Accredited 29/04/2012Clark, JB & DE - Unit 20 B, Coopies Haugh, Coopies Lane Industrial Estate, Northum Risk level 3 OverdueClifton, N - Upper Maestorglwyd, Herefordshire 01497847245 Incomplete Qual 1stCoates, P - Barrock End Farm, Armathwaite, Cumbria Risk level 1 Control Qual 1st21/11/2017Coleman, A B - Church Farm, Speeton, North Yorkshire Risk level 2 Accredited 04/03/2020College, Wiltshire - Home Farm,, Lackham, Lacock, Wiltshire Risk level 5Coning, D E - Fleet Bank Lodge, York Road, Yorkshire 01347 838910 Accredited 21/04/2015 Risk level 2Cook - Ullock, Portinscale, Cumbria 01768778021 Accredited 23/08/2018Cornthwaite, D and R - Lamonbie (Balgray Hill), Dumfries & Galloway 01576610206 Risk level 1 Accredited10/02/2016 06/06/2013Corridan, T - Castle Quarter House, County Limerick Risk level 1 20/05/2009Craggs, J - Glower Over Him, Sedgefield, Cleveland 01740622737 Accredited 19/10/2015Crudge, A - Chilthorne Farm, Morebath, Devon 01398 331440 Risk level 3Currie, D L & S - Pinclanty, Pinmore, Ayrshire 01465841240 Risk level 1 BVD VMF10/11/2016Currie, R - C/O Culreoch, Dumfries & Galloway 01465841240 Risk level 2Curry, LJ - Lower Down Farm, West Lane, Bristol 01275 472268 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited19/03/2015 01/02/2016 01/04/2014 01/02/2016Danson, PJ & JM - Tan Y Bwlch, Llanfihangel, Clwyd 01490420426 Risk level 1 03/08/2018Dare, CJ - Hugginshayes, Upottery, Devon 01404861251 Risk level 4Davies & Sons, DR - Court Farm Ltd, Court Farm, Herefordshire 01432 830207 Accredited 26/03/2018Davies, D - Dolydd Dwr, Drefach, Ceredigion 01570 480214 Risk level 2 ControlDavies, R - Nantmir, Cwmtirmynach, Gwynedd 01824 703 066 Risk level 2 Accredited 01/05/2017Dawson, J J - Field Head Farm, Littledale, Lancashire 01524 770917 Risk level 3 Accredited 10/12/2014Dent - Beamwham Farm, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland 01434 684259 Risk level 1 BVD VMF01/12/2017Dickson, Robin - Upsall Grange Farm, Nunthorpe, Cleveland Risk level 2 IncompleteDodd, S - Tundergarth Mains, Tundergarth, Dumfries & Galloway Incomplete AccreditedDoe, S - Daltote Farm, Achnamara, Argyll 01546850246 Accredited 18/05/2012Donald, EM & JD - Street Head Farm, Startforth, County Durham 01833637098 Risk level 3 Accredited 27/01/2020Donald, Patrick G - Newton, Keithhall, Aberdeenshire 01651 882220 Risk level 3Douglas, William - Newhouses, Roxburghshire 07831 218 839 Risk level 3Duncan & Co, W - East Lediken, Aberdeenshire 01464 851618 Accredited 18/01/2016Duncanson, A - Marchbank, Dumfries & Galloway 01683300428 Risk level 3Dunlop - Cannee Farm, Dumfries & Galloway 01557330684 BVD VMFDuthie, J - Aikenshill Farm, Aikenshill, Aberdeenshire 01358 742990 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited10/09/2019 06/09/2018 27/09/2018Elliott, JR & C - Farlam Hill Farm, Cumbria 01697746089 Risk level 2 Control Accredited Accredited15/12/2016 11/01/2018Empson, R - Threshing Barn, Wadhayes, Devon 0140442255 Accredited 12/05/2017Finlay, J R - Blackcraig, Corsock, Dumfries & Galloway 01644440241 Risk level 1 Accredited20/08/2019 13/01/2012Fitton, RM & LM - Mosshall Farm, Chulsey Gate Lane, Lancashire Risk level 2 Qual 1st Qual 1stFleming Farming Greenlees, John and Garry - Greenlees, Roxburghshire 01573 430229 Risk level 3Fletcher, G - Woodview Farm, Ashby Road, Leicestershire 07974 950536 Accredited 03/12/2019Forneth Livestock - Loaning Farm, Forneth, Perthshire Risk level 3 Accredited 12/11/2018Fraser, A - South Haddon, Skilgate, Somerset 01398 331247 Risk level 2 OverdueFreeman, A - Town End Farm, Troutbeck, Cumbria Risk level 1 Accredited07/01/2020 13/11/2019Fyall, John - Sittyton, Aberdeenshire Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited15/11/2019 17/12/2016 21/11/2014Gammage, P & E - 15 Stonebyres (Mid Stonebyres), Lanarkshire Incomplete Qual 1st Qual 1st Qual 1st IncompleteGilbert - Nantyglasdwr Farms, Cusop, Herefordshire 01497 820 501 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited29/04/2020 29/04/2020 Risk level 2Gilson, CJB - Wilpit Farm, Hockworthy, Somerset 01398361262 Accredited 18/08/2014Gornall, R & R - Croft House, Cowgill, Dent, Cumbria 01539625219 Risk level 2 Accredited 03/02/2014Graham, Ian - Balgay Farm, c/o Killochries Fold, Renfrewshire 01505673627 Risk level 3 Accredited 25/11/2012Graham, J M - Whasdyke Farm, Blackmoss Lane, Cumbria 0 Risk level 2 Accredited 18/12/2019Graham, R - Irelandton, Twynholm, Dumfries & Galloway Accredited 27/05/2015Graves, H V - 24 Gladstone Place, Briston, Norfolk Risk level 3 ControlGriffin, DB - Kirkby Fields Farrn, Newbold Road, Leicestershire 01455 828733 Accredited 29/03/2017Guiry, J - Town Farm, Glanton, Northumberland 01665 578206 Risk level 1 Accredited03/01/2018 21/04/2015Gunn, George - Middleton of Glasclune, Kinloch, Perthshire 01383 730 538 Risk level 2 Accredited 08/11/2018Hadwin, JN & GM - High Aulthurstside farm, Woodland, Cumbria 01229716382 Risk level 1 Qual 1st Accredited12/11/2014Haggarty, J - Sulham Estate, Sulham Farm Risk level 5 Accredited Accredited Accredited14/04/2020 14/04/2020 14/04/2020Hague, N - Millburn Grange, Coventry Road, Warwickshire 01926852856 Risk level 2 Accredited 11/01/2016Hall, RHB - Craiglearan, Moniaive, Dumfries & Galloway 01848200497 Risk level 2 Accredited

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Page 28: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Hattan, A J - Low Riggs Farm, Middlesmoor, North Yorkshire 01423 755122 Risk level 1 Accredited04/01/2020 14/12/2016Haynes, B L - Packhorse Farm, Foxholes Lane, Derbyshire Risk level 5Heath Farms Ltd - Woodbastwick, Norfolk 01603 722303 Risk level 1 Accredited09/02/2017 01/02/2016Henderson, L & M - 1 Yonderton Cottage, Hatton, Aberdeenshire 01779 841231 Risk level 3Henderson, T - 1 Dargill Farm Cottages, Perthshire Risk level 1 Accredited01/11/2013 12/11/2010Hendry, William - Ordhill, Longmorn, Morayshire 01343860261 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited17/02/2017 02/02/2017 05/02/2015 25/06/2017Henman, WR - Manor Farm, Islip, Oxfordshire 01865 372110 Risk level 1 Qual 1st Accredited01/09/2017 09/09/2016 Risk level 2Highgate Farm Partnership - Highgate Farm, St Veep, Cornwall 01509880639 Risk level 1 Accredited13/02/2018 25/01/2017Hindmarsh Partners - Warkshaugh, Wark, Northumberland Risk level 1 Overdue19/11/2018Hinds & Son, H - Walden Court, Pool Hill, Gloucestershire 01531 820665 Risk level 2 Accredited 08/11/2019Hobden, J & E - Nunningham Farm, Bagham Lane, East Sussex Risk level 1 Accredited21/10/2016 22/10/2019Hodgson, R - Redsteads Farm, Longhoughton, Northumberland 07971240081 Risk level 5Hogarth, A - Sorbie Farm, Ayrshire 01294605013 IncompleteHoney (Sheep), M - Llwyneinon Uchaf, Capel Iwan, Ceredigion 01239 698753 Risk level 5Houldey, DC - Kirtleton House, Waterbeck, Dumfries & Galloway 01461600203 Risk level 2 BVD VMFHunter Blair, P J - Nether Cleugh, Dalry, Dumfries & Galloway 01644430495 Risk level 2 Accredited 22/11/2011Hunter, AJ - Crow Trees Farm, Gunnerside, North Yorkshire 01748886332 Risk level 1 08/01/2018Huntley - Bryntail Farm, Rhydfelin, Mid Glamorgan Risk level 2 IncompleteHutton, G L - Setmabanning Farm, Threlkeld, Cumbria 01768779229 Risk level 2Hymas, A - The Lilacs, Burton Leonard, North Yorkshire 01765 677087 IncompleteIreland, D - 11 Priors Grange, Torphicen, West Lothian 07798 610609 Risk level 1 Overdue Qual 1st Control25/02/2019James, JM & JH - Nantyrhebog, Llysonnen Road, Carmarthenshire 01267 211676 Accredited 15/08/2019JCB Farms - Cote Farm, Farley, Oakamoor, Staffordshire 01538702335 Risk level 3Jeneson, Carl Anthony - Wayside, Highstreet, Stalbridge, Dorset 01963 202405 Risk level 1 Qual 1st Qual 1stJHS (LF) Ltd - Flowers Field Granary, Chilterne Ansty, Wiltshire 01985850462 Risk level 5 Accredited 11/11/2019Johnston, R - Balaclava Croft, Port Ellen, Argyll Accredited 18/02/2014Jones (Commercial), RJ - Crugan Farm, Llanbedrog, Gwynedd 01758 740873 Risk level 4Jones, Colin - Mill Farm, Maxstoke, Warwickshire 01675462183 Accredited 01/02/2017Jones, J - Dolgwenith, Oakley Park, Powys - Welsh Non-NeJones, JR & HJ - Hilley Farm, Pentre, Shropshire Risk level 3Jones, TG, P & DS - Carregcynffyrdd, Gwynfe Rd, Carmarthenshire Risk level 3 Incomplete ControlJoyce, Robin - Moigne Coombe Farm, Dorset 01305 853570 Risk level 1 Accredited21/01/2018 23/01/2017Kendle, IM - Lancaster House, Hindolveston Road, Foulsham, Norfolk Risk level 2Kilnstown Farms - Kilnstown, Roweltown, Cumbria 01697748655 Risk level 1 BVD VMF21/01/2016Kingaby, Wendy - Mains of Auchmedden, Pennan, Aberdeenshire 01346 561248 Accredited 30/09/2015Kirkpatrick, H - Strathmore, Ayrshire 01505683251 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited03/04/2019 03/04/2019 04/04/2018 04/04/2018Knott, Kenneth - Lochaber District, Torlundy, Inverness-shire 01320 340349 Incomplete Incomplete Overdue IncompleteLaird, IA & ER - Dalziel, Justinhaugh, Angus 01307 860268 Accredited 13/01/2015Lamb 66/031/0119, Mark - Meikle Kirkhill, Maud, Aberdeenshire 01771 613293 Risk level 1 Overdue30/08/2016Lane, P - Raeburnhead Farm, Kirkpatrick Fleming, Dumfries & Galloway 01461800201 Risk level 1 Accredited19/01/2016 13/01/2013Langcake, J - Sandhills Farm, Bassenthwaite, Cumbria 01768776307 Risk level 5Laurie, J C - Carterton, Dumfries & Galloway 01576610233 Risk level 2Lawrence, RR & M - Upper Farm, Far Coton, Market Bosworth, Warwickshire 01455 290320 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Control08/03/2016 30/03/2015 30/03/2015Lewis, S - Rosehill Farm, Johnston, Pembrokeshire 01437 899329 Overdue Overdue Accredited Overdue12/05/2011Little, J C - The Guards, Brant Hill, Cumbria 01697371616 Risk level 4 Control Qual 1st ControlLittle, RI & SA - Bogue Farm, Dalry, Dumfries & Galloway 01644430257 IncompleteLivesey, L - Manor Farm, The Hollow, Leicestershire 01530 264683 Risk level 1 Accredited10/01/2017 09/12/2019Livingstone, R J - Kirtlevale, Dumfries & Galloway 01461338279 Risk level 3Llandinabo Farms - Llandinabo Farms, The Barn, Windmill Hill, Herefordshire 01989 730435 Risk level 1 Accredited19/04/2018 07/04/2016Lough, FG & SM - South Lough House, Stamfordham, Northumberland 01661 886344 Overdue Qual 1st IncompleteLyon, F - Fernoch Farm, Argyll 01546602476 Accredited 23/11/2012Lyth, TE - Heatherhouse, Orkney 07971117195 Risk level 1 Accredited04/11/2019 11/09/2013MacFadyen - New Clachan Farm, Kilinver, Argyll 01852300461 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited19/10/2016 18/10/2018 05/01/2011Mackie, R - Goodockhill, Lanarkshire 01698870231 Risk level 3MacLeod, A K - Steishal, 7 Park Barvas, Western Isles 01851 840225 Overdue Overdue Accredited 24/09/2014MacLeod, J N - 41b Lower Barvas, Western Isles 01851 840450 Overdue Overdue Accredited Overdue24/09/2014MacLeod, Neil John - Doune Cottage, Carloway, Western Isles 01851 643214 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited02/07/2014 14/09/2017 04/07/2018 14/09/2017Macvie, LL - Langtonlees, Berwickshire 01361 883 220 IncompleteMarchant, A & A - Clonhie Farm, Penpont, Dumfries & Galloway 01848332363 Risk level 1 Accredited04/11/2019Mark Black Farming Ltd - 1 Sandy Lane, Fairoak, Hampshire Risk level 2 Qual 1st ControlMarrs, R G - Cathow, Kinniside, Cumbria 01946817083 Risk level 1 Accredited22/03/2016 20/03/2014Matthews, L - New Barn Farm, Knowlton, Dorset Risk level 1 17/07/2019Maxwell, R - Howside, Ennerdale, Cumbria Risk level 2 Accredited 20/01/2015Maxwell, Steven - Enoch Farm, Portpatrick, Dumfries & Galloway 01776810467/407 Accredited 22/02/2013Maxweltown Estates - Breconside, Moniaive, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 10/03/2015McCorquadale, Trustees of E V - Dunach Estate (per Mr J Cameron), Glenamachrie 01631770364 Accredited 14/01/2015McDowall, A - Culroy, Auchenmalg, Glenluce, Dumfries & Galloway 07702488178 Overdue AccreditedMcDowall, J. A - Culquhassen, Glenluce, Dumfries & Galloway 07702488178 Incomplete Accredited 06/08/2020McFadzean, Douglas - Balado Farm South, Balado, Perthshire 07970633370 Risk level 1 Control Control29/11/2017McGregor, A - Auchenhuive, Whiterashes, Aberdeenshire 01651 882381 Accredited 01/11/2011McKechnie, J S - France Farm, Church Road, Gartocharn, Dunbartonshire 01389830757 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited29/05/2019 29/05/2019 20/04/2016 29/05/2019McKinney - 85 Craigadick Road, Maghera, County Londonderry 02879642338 Risk level 4 Accredited 27/10/2016McLaren, W & D - Netherton Farm, Blackford, Perthshire 01764682458 Risk level 2 Accredited 02/08/2006Metcalfe & Son, T - Long Close House, Usha Gap, Muker, North Yorkshire 01748 886214 Risk level 2Millar, J A - Kellyfield Farm, Arbirlot, Angus 01241 875353 BVD VMFMiller - Allerby Hall, Allerby, Aspatria, Cumbria 01900813118 Risk level 2Miller, A - Aimster, Caithness 01847 831617 Accredited 04/12/2014Mills, D.T.M - Gwyntan, Llanyre, Powys 01597 822348 Risk level 3 Accredited ControlMilner, Paul - Hall Farm, Main Street, Leicestershire Incomplete Incomplete OverdueMitchell, Alistair - Grassknop Farm, Skelton, Cumbria 01768484270 Risk level 4Mitchell, Giles - Lyscombe Farm, Piddletrenthide, Dorset Risk level 5 AccreditedMitchell, M - Whatriggs Farm, Ayrshire 01560700279 Risk level 2 Accredited 11/02/2016Morrison, Colin - 6 Rhughasinish, Loch Carnan, Western Isles 01870610304 Accredited 04/11/2014Murray Cartington - The Castle House, Cartington Farm, Thropton, Northumberland 01669 620385 Risk level 2Nattrass, J - Shield Hill Top, Sarrgill, Cumbria 01434381450 Incomplete ControlNelson, B & T - High Kilphin Farm, Ballantrae, Ayrshire Risk level 1 Accredited17/12/2015 02/04/2013Nelson, J A - Cogarth, Parton, Dumfries & Galloway BVD VMFNixon, SJ - Hunters Hall, Southfield, Cumbria 01397 361 589 Risk level 3 Accredited Qual 1st31/12/2019Noble, WAB & ME - Lochurd, Peeblesshire 01899 860244 Accredited 27/02/2015Norman, R - Poplar Farm, Sutton Road, Norfolk 07584 564 976 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited05/12/2016 05/12/2016 05/12/2016 05/12/2016Norrish, W R & H D - Sherrell Farm, Devon 01752892627 Risk level 1 BVD VMF24/08/2017Osborne, J - c/o Bell Ingram, Manor Street, Angus 01307818242 Risk level 3 Accredited 04/04/2014Oswald, James - Mains of Fliskmillan, Fife 01337 870431 Risk level 1 14/01/2019Overy, N.P - Lower Hall, Badcocks Lane, Spurstow, Cheshire 01829 260294 Accredited 13/11/2019Padkin, A & W - Drumcork Farm, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Control24/01/2019 18/02/2018 13/10/2019Park Farm Syndicate Ltd - Leafield Farm, Quenington, Gloucestershire 01285 750382 Risk level 5 Accredited Qual 1st13/01/2020Patrick, W M - Ballikinrain Farm, Balfron, Renfrewshire 01360440207 Risk level 3 Accredited 02/02/2017Pattison, H - Willow Tree Farm, Thrintoft, Yorkshire 07718 002261 Accredited 17/12/2019Phillips, IJ - Castellan, Pencon, Carmarthenshire 07972 373514 Risk level 4 Control Qual 1st ControlPilkington, R J - Shordley Green Farm, Hope, Flintshire 01978 761940 Risk level 1 Accredited19/04/2018 16/01/2019Priest, R - Kingsford, Thornbury, Devon 01409 261312 Risk level 3 Accredited 26/10/2015Priestley, JM and SM - Cracrop Farm, Kirkanbeck, Cumbria Risk level 2 Accredited 09/11/2016Radcliffe, S&E - 19 Anderson Lane, Southgate, Glamorgan 01792 232377 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited16/03/2016 16/03/2017 13/07/2016 16/03/2017Rawson, HMR - Wellshead Farm, Exford, Somerset 01643 831 055 Risk level 4 Accredited 05/02/2020

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Page 29: PCHS Herd StatusFabb, DRA - Wilsons Orchard Farm, Fen Side Road, Cambridgeshire 01487 822224 AA Risk level 1 18/03/2016 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015 Accredited 06/03/2015

Name and Address Telephone Status Status Status StatusBreed Since Since SinceJohnes Lepto BVD


Status SinceNEO

Redpath, W - 5 Holding East Pitcorthie, Fife 01333311190 Incomplete Qual 1stRichardson, I - Upper Samieston, Roxburghshire 01835863207 IncompleteRichardson, J - Etherley House, Winston, County Durham 01833 627214 Incomplete AccreditedRiches, R C - Hall Farm, Lords Lane, Norfolk 01493 780220 Risk level 4Ridley, W - Woodhall Farm, Hesket New Market, Cumbria 01697478230 Risk level 2Robb, W C and S - Chalmerston, Ayrshire 01292 591203 Overdue BVD VMFRoberts, D L - Pentre, Clocaenog, Denbighshire 07909 961531 Risk level 2 Qual 1stRoberts, Idris - Cellar, Botwnnog, Gwynedd 01758 730279 Risk level 4 Control Overdue Control Risk level 4Roberts, M - Bromley Court, Herefordshire 01981 540717 Risk level 2 Accredited 24/03/2016Robertson, C - 1 Lochview, Killichowan, Perthshire 01882 633277 Risk level 1 04/12/2019Robson, TH - Stoneyflatt, Bishopton, Cleveland Risk level 1 Accredited24/10/2018 04/12/2015Rodger, C - Comlongon Mains, Clarencefield, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 1 Accredited29/02/2012 11/03/2018Rodney, Mick - Leighton Grange, Healey, North Yorkshire 01765689239 Risk level 3Rolf Park - Park Farm, Thorns Beach Road, Beaulieu, Hampshire 01590 626252 Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1st Accredited08/10/2018 13/06/2016 13/06/2016 Risk level 2Rosebery Estates - Dalmeny Estate Office, West Lothian 01313311888 Risk level 2 Control ControlRoss, G - Ross Bros,, Wardhead, Strichen, Aberdeenshire 01771 637791 Accredited 08/01/2020Rukin, JR - Park Lodge, Keld, North Yorkshire 01748 886 274 Risk level 1 Qual 1st30/01/2019Runciman, M - East Mains, Berwickshire Risk level 3 Qual 1stSarikhani, S - Huttons Farm, Hambleden, Oxfordshire 01491 579675 Risk level 4 Control Incomplete Incomplete IncompleteScoular, R J - Park Head Farm, Silloth, Cumbria 01697332080 Risk level 1 Accredited24/02/2015 04/02/2016Sellick, B - Battens Farm, Brompton Ralph, Devon Risk level 4 Qual 1stShapland, SG - Brynsworthy Farm, Bickington, Devon 01271343575 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited10/11/2017 08/02/2016 20/11/2018Shaw, D - Innisaig, Argyll 01852500687 Accredited 18/11/2015Shell, Messrs - Brandon, Powburn, Northumberland 01665 578323 Risk level 3 IncompleteShuttleworth, WM and JE - Barbon Fell House, Barbon, Lancashire 01524276240 Risk level 2 BVD VMFSimpson, P - Poole Bank Farm, Troutbeck, Cumbria 01539431014 Risk level 1 Accredited31/01/2018 27/01/2016Simpson, S A - Tamnagorn, Midmar, Aberdeenshire 01330 833300 Risk level 3 Accredited 09/02/2017Sinclair - Clachan, Mid-clyth, Caithness 01593721306 Accredited 24/11/2014Singleton, R - Ranscombe Farm, Bighton, Hampshire 01962 773380 IncompleteSinnott, T - Ivy House Farm, Congerstone, Warwickshire Accredited 21/05/2019Skinner, JM - Booters Hall Farmhouse, Letton, Norfolk 01953 882025 Risk level 2 Control Incomplete Risk level 4Smales - Lyburn Farm, Landford, Wiltshire Accredited 22/07/2020Smeaton, C - Cotton of Ovenstone, Kirkbuddo, Angus 01307 820249 Risk level 1 Control Accredited Control21/06/2016 27/07/2015Smith - The Oaks, Cartmell Fell, Cumbria 01539568698 BVD VMFSmith (Commercial), G & M - Drumsleed, Fordoun, Aberdeenshire 01561320555 Risk level 3 OverdueSmith, A - Slawston Grange Estate, The Grange, Leicestershire 01858 555545 Risk level 2 Control Accredited Control03/02/2020Smith, JE & PA - Trapps Farm, Simpson Cross, Pembrokeshire 01437 710397 Risk level 2Spence, R A - Haregills, Ecclefechan, Dumfries & Galloway Risk level 3Spours - Twizell Farm, Twizell, Northumberland 01668 213446 Risk level 3Steele, I & J - Bogenlea, New Byth, Aberdeenshire 01888544791 Accredited 11/02/2014Stephen, D - Crichie Mains, Stuartfield, Aberdeenshire 01771624202 Accredited 15/03/2018Stevenson, J - Linburn Farm, Renfrewshire 01418122599 Risk level 1 LMF Accredited Accredited01/06/2015 03/07/2020 20/07/2017Stevenson, L - Linburn Farm, Renfrewshire 01418122599 Risk level 1 Control Accredited Accredited24/07/2012 03/07/2020 05/07/2018Stewart, J - 34 Scolty Place, Aberdeenshire Accredited 31/05/2019Stott, J - Hilltop Farm, Netherrow, Cumbria 01697478497 Risk level 1 Qual 1st23/01/2018Sullivan, Robert - Raby Home Farm, C/o 3 Office Square 01913039541 Risk level 3 Control Qual 1st Qual 1stSutherland, R - Outchester Farm, Northumberland 01668213767 Risk level 2 Accredited 17/01/2019Swallow, B A - Dukesfield Hall, Northumberland 01434 673634 Risk level 4 BVD VMFThe Kennel Club - Emblehope Farm, Tarset, Northumberland Risk level 1 29/10/2019Thomlinson, D - Park View, Scaleby, Cumbria 01228675413 Overdue BVD VMFThomlinson, J - Long Park, Scaleby, Cumbria 01228675655 Risk level 3 OverdueThompson, WR - Sloshes Farm, Etherley, County Durham 01388 832265 Accredited 19/12/2016Thornber, Andrew E - Calf Hey Farm, Barkisland, West Yorkshire 01422377066 Risk level 1 Qual 1st Incomplete Qual 1st Risk level 2Tulloch, Iain - Upper Coullie Farm, Fordoun, Aberdeenshire Incomplete Qual 1stTurner Bros - Carter Plantation Farm, Thick Hollins Rd, West Yorkshire Risk level 2 Qual 1stTweedie, W&G - Brownsbank, Lanarkshire 01899860229 Risk level 3Urquhart (66/046/0131), Alan - Soutra, Milton of Auchenhove, Aberdeenshire 01339883779 Risk level 3 OverdueWalker, A R - Gleniffer, Little Heateth, Ayrshire Risk level 1 BVD VMF20/10/2014Walker, G - The Old Smiddy, Graden Farm, Roxburghshire 01573 430338 Risk level 5 AccreditedWalker, R P - Sergeantlaw Farm, Renfrewshire 01505812929 BVD VMFWalker, RW & MI - Heavyside, Roxburghshire 01573440625 Risk level 3 Accredited 13/02/2019Ward, JR & CJ - Whitstonehill, Tundergarth, Dumfries & Galloway 01576710242 Risk level 1 Accredited23/11/2018 07/11/2017Wardrop, H M - North Drummilling, Ayrshire 01294822278 Risk level 3 OverdueWatson & Sons, George - Middlemuir, New Pitsligo, Aberdeenshire 01771 653444 Accredited 29/01/2015Watson (D), D - Darnford Farm, Durris, Aberdeenshire Risk level 4 Control Accredited Control22/05/2015Weir, P - Castlecary Mill, Stirlingshire Risk level 1 LMF Accredited Qual 1st17/05/2016 07/05/2015Whitehead, A and D - Hillhouse Close, Coanwood, Northumberland 01434320027 Risk level 2 Accredited Accredited Accredited01/03/2016 01/03/2016 13/04/2016Whittome, Elizabeth M - Mains of Coul, Contin, Ross-shire 01997421888 Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited Accredited01/04/2015 01/04/2015 01/04/2015 01/04/2015Wigham, JT - Riggshield, Irthington, Cumbria 01228675304 Risk level 1 BVD VMF14/05/2015Wilkie, J B - Whitestone Farmhouse, Skene, Aberdeenshire 01330860537 Risk level 3 Accredited 10/02/2016Wilkins, Sarah - France Hill, Alfriston, East Sussex Risk level 1 Accredited Accredited04/04/2016 22/04/2015 22/04/2015Williams - Llechwedd, Ddyrys, Powys 01686 430281 Risk level 2 Accredited 21/11/2017Williams, A - Lanlwyd, Rhydfelin, Ceredigion 01974 241509 Risk level 4 Accredited 22/11/2016Williams, Jane - Culverhill Farm, George Nympton, Devon 01769574174 Incomplete Accredited Accredited01/08/2019 01/08/2019Williams, MJ - Heath Barn, Hatfield, Herefordshire Accredited 03/02/2020Williams, RG AC & RJ - Rhoshirwaen, Cae Graig, Gwynedd 01758 780 231 IncompleteWilson / Morley, G - Bankdale Farm, Wreay, Cumbria Risk level 1 Control Control18/10/2014Wilson, GS & SE - High House, Marwood, County Durham 01833 638189 Overdue Accredited 24/07/2020Wilson, John - Swillington Common Farm, Selby Road, South Yorkshire Risk level 1 Accredited12/05/2020 12/04/2019Wilson, S W - The Butchers Shop, Corby Hill, Cumbria 01228560896 Risk level 1 Accredited24/04/2018 24/04/2018Wright & Son, G B - Tarnriggmoor Farm, Oulton, Cumbria 016973 42927 Risk level 3Wylde, J - Martland Farm, Higher Road, Woolavington, Somerset 01278684784 Risk level 1 Accredited Qual 1st Accredited12/02/2020 14/02/2019 12/02/2020Young, F and G - Barnowlart, Ayrshire 01465831227 Accredited 05/07/2019The management of Premium Cattle Health Scheme make every effort to ensure that the information provided is correct at the time of publication to the web. For anyone considering buying livestock from any farmer on the list then the herd certification status should be ascertained from the vendor at the time the purchase is being negotiated. Only members who have clear herd tests and have given permission to disclose details are to be found on this list. If you are a member and your details are not on the list and you wish them to be please let us know. If you are currently on the list and your details are incorrect please let us know.

[email protected]: 01835822456 Email:

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