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Mac OS

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

Display settings

This CD requires a display of resolution at least 1024 x 768. It will work best with the display set to True Colour (24 or 32-bit). 256-colour modes should not be used.

Video issues

This system requires replay of MPEG1 and INDEO5 video formats. Any recent Windows system should be able to do this. If you get error messages such as MCI error unknown video format then try the following:

If your computer came pre-installed with Windows XP SP1, then you may need a patch from Microsoft in order to view INDEO5. Youll need to obtain and install 327979: Recommended Update from http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/. Make sure you are using the latest version of the video drivers for your graphics card see the manufacturers web site.Try installing DirectX 8.1 off this CD, or the latest from http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx. Try installing the latest Windows Media Player from http://www.microsoft.com/windows/mediaplayer.Try uninstalling any third-party DVD players, as these have been known to mess up MPEG1 replay. If uninstalling the DVD player fixes the problem, then contact the supplier of the player software for an update.

Sound issues

It is possible to control the Windows master volume control using sliders on the main menu, and on the change language screen. For finer adjustment, it is possible to bring up the system play mixer by right-clicking any of the blue or green play buttons and selecting Play Mixer, or to bring up the system record mixer by right-clicking any of the red record buttons and selecting Record Mixer.

Common problems with recording on Windows are the microphone being disabled, the record volume being set too low, or extra microphone gain being switched off. If you are having problems recording, then try the following:

Right-click the red record button, select Record Mixer, and check that the microphone is selected and the volume set reasonably high.Try switching on Options/Advanced Controls on the record mixer menu if possible, and see if an Advanced button appears under the microphone settings. If so, press it and look for a check box marked 'Microphone Gain Control', 'Microphone Extra Gain', 'Input AGC', or something similar. If found, get it ticked (selected).

If you experience problems such as error messages on sound play or record, it is always worth checking that you have the latest sound-drivers installed check your sound-cards manufacturers web-site.

Use on multi-user systems

This program allows many users to save their scores on the same Windows user-account, using a high-score table. This program will also function on systems with multiple user-accounts, such as Windows 2000 and XP, including users with limited accounts (restricted users). However, each Windows user will get their own private high-score table. Users who wish to compete with each other should agree to use the program on the same user account (or use our network manager).

Technical credits

The PC version of Talk Now Plus was written in Delphi, using the EuroTalk multimedia package by Dave Parkinson, TPNGImage by Gustavo Daud, Billenium Effects by Francisco Sanchez, and a modified version of the Delphi DIB Components by Peter Morris. The Delphi DIB Components are distributed under the Mozilla licence, and the latest version of the source can be found at http://www.droopyeyes.com - highly recommended.