Pembongkaran Bangunan Lepas Pantai Di Indonesia

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An offshore platform removal issue in Indonesian water

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Page 1: Pembongkaran Bangunan Lepas Pantai Di Indonesia


Di Indonesia

Page 2: Pembongkaran Bangunan Lepas Pantai Di Indonesia


•Di Indonesia terdapat > 400 bangunan lepas pantai

• Banyak sekali diantara bangunan lepas pantai tersebut sudah habis usia teknisnya dan atau tidak ekonomis lagi untuk dilanjutkan operasinya

• Secara umum menurut peraturan yang berlaku, instalasi pertambangan yang tidak dipakai lagi harus dibongkar

•Penyimpangan dari peraturan yang berlaku dapat menimbulkan berbagai resiko yang tidak diinginkan.

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1. Legal2. Teknis3. Keselamatan dan Lingkungan4. Finansial

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ASPEK LEGAL (International)

1. 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf Article 5 (5) 2. 1982 United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

Article 60 (3) 3. International Maritime Organization (IMO) Guidelines 19894. 1972 London Dumping Convention

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ASPEK LEGAL (National)

Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 17 tahun 1974 pasal 21Suatu instalasi pertambangan yang tidak dipakai lagi harus dibongkar seluruhnya dalam jangka waktu yang ditetapkan Direktur Jendral….dst

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• Komponen struktur utama

• Opsi-opsi pembongkaran

• Peralatan yang digunakan

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•Jacket dan Conductor


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1. Dirobohkan ditempat2. Pembongkaran seluruhnya dan dibuang kelaut 3. Pembongkaran seluruhnya dan dibuang didarat4. Pembongkaran sebagian, deck dibawa ke darat dan jacket

ditinggalkan ditempat atau dibongkar sebagian.

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•Sheer leg Crane Vessel•Mono hull Rotary Crane Vessel•Semisubmersible Crane Vessel•Cutting Devices•Transport barge & Tug

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•Explosive Cutting Devices

•Non explosive Cutting Devices

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•Bulk Explosive Charge•Configured Bulk Charge•Cutting Charges•Fracturing Charges•Shock wave Fracturing Charges•Radial Hollow Charge

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•Mechanical cutter•Abrasive cutter•Hydraulic cutter•Diamond wire cutter•Diver cut•Pyrotechnic cutter•Cryogenics•Chemical cutter

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FAKTOR PERTIMBANGAN OPSI PEMBONGKARAN•Usia bangunan•Jenis / kegunaan bangunan•Lokasi geografis•Kedalaman laut•Laju erosi atau laju endapan•Berat bangunan•Karakteristik tanah di dasar laut•Perlatan yang tersedia

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•Komposisi material yang terdapat pada bangunan•Metode decommissioning •Media lingkungan dan lokasi geografis tempat pembuangan•Sikap publik

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FAKTOR LINGKUNGAN YANG PENTING •Kwalitas air•Karakteristik geologis dan hidrografis•Keberadaan spesies yang terancam punah atau yang perlu dilindungi•Jenis habitat yang ada•Sumber daya perikanan lokal•Potensi polusi karena sisa atau kerusakan instalalasi

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PROSES UTAMA PEMBONGKARAN STRUKTUR•Mengurus ijin yang diperlukan•Perencanaan dan engineering•Site survey•Plug & abandonment sumur•Platform decommissioning•Membongkar deck•Membongkar Pile dan Jacket•Membersihkan Lokasi

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•Menyiapkan dokumen permintaan penawaran pekerjaan engineering, dan pelaksanaan fisik•Penunjukan konsultan dan kontraktor•Pengawasan pelaksanaan pekerjaan•Menyususun laporan pelaksanaan pekerjaan

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Masalah krusial dalam pembongkaran 1. Kedalaman minimum pemotongan bangunan2. Prosedur penggunaan explosive3. Pembersihan lokasi

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•Biaya pembongkaran struktur•Struktur pendanaan

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•Ratusan bangunan lepas pantai di Gulf of Mexico telah dibongkar, data mengenai biaya pembongkarannya dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dengan penyesuaian yang diperlukan•Beberapa bangunan lepas pantai di Laut Jawa juga sudah ada yang dibongkar. Data datanya juga dapat dipakai sebagai bahan pertimbangan•Arco Indonesia dan Petronas Malaysia pernah melakukan study estimasi biaya pembongkaran.

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KOMPONEN BIAYA PEMBONGKARAN STRUKTUR ( TSB Inc.)• 7 % untuk project management/ inspection• 8% untuk persiapan platform (platform preparation)• 12% untuk plug & abandonment (well)• 5% untuk pipeline abandonment• 51% untuk platform removal• 4% untuk site clearance• 13% untuk lain-lain

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CATATAN 1Platform preparations costs are those related to cleaning a facility, e.g., flushing piping and vessels and removing any material which might be hazardous during the decommissioning process. They also include making repairs necessary for safe operations such as well P&A and preparing equipment and production modules for lifting. These costs will depend on the size and type of facility but generally are not difficult to estimate accurately.

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CATATAN 2Overall, offshore facility decommissioning costs are far more difficult to predict accurately compared to new construction costs. The reasons for this are very straight-forward: age of the facilities and lack of accurate information. The latter issue particularly impacts the areas that can not be readily inspected: downhole well conditions and pipelines. These are the areas that have the greatest potential for cost variation when comparing estimated and actual project cost.

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Kedalaman Laut (ft)

Caisson WellProtector

4-PileProduction platform

8-Pile drilling & production

50 100,000 180,000 470,000 760,000

150 - - 780,000 1,030,000

250 - - 1,275,000


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Kedalaman Laut (ft)

Bulk Explosive

Mechanical Cutting


Diver Cutting

50 470,000 662,000 605,000 785,000

100 620,000 871,000 780,000 1,070,000

150 780,000 1,079,000

950,000 1,415,000

200 960,000 1,295,000



250 1,275,000




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CATATAN 3The major cost element is platform removal services, which involves all of the cost related to removal for the deck and jacket, including pile severing and in most cases conductor severing and removal. The largest single contributor to platform removal is the cost related to derrick barge services. These may also be referred to as heavy-lift vessel services. The next most important activity is well plugging and abandonment (P&A). It is important to note that the balance of cost contribution is very much dependent on the specific project. Well P&A cost can quickly become the major issue in facilities in relatively shallow water. Platform removal costs increase dramatically as water depth and, therefore, jacket weight increases.

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MANFAAT PEMBONGKARAN BANGUNAN LEPAS PANTAI•Tak perlu lagi mengeluarkan biaya pemeliharaan dan pengawasan ( Perairan Indonesia rawan pencurian termasuk alat bantu navigasi dan pencegahan korosi yang tetap harus ada selama bangunan ada ditempat)

•Menghilangkan resiko kecelakaan termasuk tabrakan dengan kapal laut maupun kapal selam ( kapal selam Denmark pernah menabrak platform di Laut Utara)

•Meningkatkan citra badan usaha terkait sebagai institusi yang peduli keselamatan dan lingkumgan

•Membantu kelancaran arus pelayaran yang tadinya harus menempuh jalur yang lebih panjang untuk menghindari bangunan lepas pantai

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International Law1958 Geneva Convention on the

Continental ShelfArticle 5(5) of the 1958 Geneva Convention

on the Continental Shelf provides that: "Any installations which are abandoned or disused must be entirely removed". This Convention remains in full force and binding on the states that are party to it, but in relation to Article 5(5) states have taken the view that it no longer reflects customary international law, a view held since 1987 by the U.K. government.

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International Law (cont.)1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaThis Convention came into force in November 1994 and was ratified by the United Kingdom in 1997, although the United States has yet to ratify it. Notwithstanding the foregoing, its provisions in relation to the abandonment of installations have been accepted as representing customary international law, and that is the position of the U.K. government.Article 60.3 provides that "installations or structures which are abandoned or disused shall be removed to ensure safety of navigation, taking into account any generally accepted international standards established in this regard by the competent international organisation. Such removal shall also have due regard to fishing, the protection of the marine environment and the rights and duties of other States". The "competent international organisation" is the International Maritime Organisation ("IMO"), which in 1989, pursuant to a Resolution of the IMO, issued Guidelines and Standards (collectively, "Guidelines and Standards" and, individually, "Guidelines" and "Standards") for the Removal of Offshore Installations and Structures on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone.

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International Law (cont.)The IMO Resolution recommends that member governments take the Guidelines and Standards into account when making decisions regarding the removal of abandoned installations. The latter provide that an abandoned installation must be removed "except where non-removal or partial removal is consistent with the following guidelines and standards". The Guidelines provide for the coastal state to consider each platform on a case-by-case basis and specify matters to be taken into consideration, including the "effect on the marine environment"; "the costs, technical feasibility, and risks of injury to personnel"; and "the determination of a new use or other reasonable justification for allowing the installation ... to remain on the seabed."

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International Law (cont.)The Standards provide for entire removal of installations in water depths of less than 75 metres, or 100 metres for installations installed after 1 January 1998, and weighing less than 4,000 tonnes (excluding the deck and superstructure), unless removal is not technically feasible, would involve extreme cost, or is an unacceptable risk to personnel or the marine environment. Installations in water depths exceeding 75 metres or a weight of 4,000 tonnes need not be removed if they do not unjustifiably interfere with other uses of the sea. The Standards also allow for partial removal, provided an unobstructed water column of 55 metres is left. The placement on the seabed of parts of an installation to create an artificial reef, as has occurred off the Florida coast to encourage fish breeding, is permitted, and all installations placed on any Continental Shelf or in an Exclusive Economic Zone after 1 January 1998 are to be designed and built so that their entire removal is feasible.

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International Law (cont.)Article 210 of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention is also worth noting. This Article requires states to adopt rules "to prevent, reduce and control pollution of the marine environment by dumping"; to establish global and regional rules and procedures to prevent, reduce and control such pollution; and to adopt national laws no less effective than the global rules and standards. Dumping is defined to include any deliberate disposal of platforms and man-made structures.

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International Law (cont.)London ConventionThe Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter was signed on 29 December 1972 following an Inter-Governmental Conference held in London in the same year, and entered into force on 30 August 1975. The IMO acts as the Secretariat to the Convention. There are 33 Contracting Parties to the Convention, including Brazil, China, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States.

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International Law (cont.)The London Convention applies to all seas worldwide and defines "dumping" as the deliberate disposal at sea of wastes or other matter (not incidental to normal operations) and of platforms and man-made structures. Article IV of the Convention prohibits the dumping of "any wastes or other matter" except as specified in that Article, which prohibits the dumping of hazardous substances specified in Annexe I; permits the dumping of substances listed in Annexe II on issuance of a special permit; and otherwise grants the appropriate national authority a right to issue a general permit for the dumping of other wastes or matter, subject to careful consideration of all the factors set out in Annexe III