Pennington Presbyterian FAITH SERVICE COMMUNITY Second Sunday after Epiphany

Pennington Presbyterian - First Presbyterian Church · 1/19/2020  · Finance Administrator: Pamela Paluzzi Treasurer: John Coats . 7 Week at a Glance Today, January 19 9:00 am 9:00

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  • Pennington Presbyterian FAITH SERVICE COMMUNITY

    Second Sunday after Epiphany

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    Pennington Presbyterian Church Service for the Lord’s Day

    Second Sunday after Epiphany January 19, 2020

    Worship notes: *The congregation is invited to stand | Bold is to be said by the congregation

    Assemble in God’s Name

    Gathering Music

    As the music begins, please quiet yourself in anticipation of the worship of God.

    Welcome and Announcements

    Prelude "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)" Jan Sanborn

    *Call to Worship from Psalm 40 Joel Pszczolkowski

    Sing a new song!

    Sing a song of thanks and praise because God has done wonderful things!

    God is great beyond compare!

    Let us worship God!

    *Hymn “10,000 Reasons” see insert

    Call to Confession

    Prayer of Confession

    Almighty God, we confess how hard it is for us to be your people. You have

    called us to be your disciples, following Christ every day. You have called us to

    be your church, to continue the mission of Jesus Christ to our lonely and

    confused world. Forgive us for the ways we have not been faithful to your call.

    Remove, we pray, the obstacles that make it hard to respond to your call with

    obedient and grateful hearts. Open us to the gift of your indwelling Spirit. We

    pray in the name of your Son, Jesus. (silent confession) Amen.

    Words of Assurance

    *Hymn “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” Hymnal 39

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    Proclaim God’s Word

    Prayer for Illumination Hope Anderson

    Come, Holy Spirit: open our ears to the truth of your word, that the

    testimony of Christ may be strengthened among us. Amen.

    First Reading Isaiah 49:1-7 Pew Bible page 665

    This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

    Time with the Children

    Young worshippers may return to their pews to worship with their families, or they may go to Child Care in

    Room 102 in the Nursery School building. Visitors are welcome.

    *Hymn “Let Us Build a House” Hymnal 301

    Second Reading I Corinthians 1:1-9 Pew Bible page 1038

    Sermon “Called and Calling” Rev. Nancy Mikoski

    Give Thanks to God

    Moment for Mission Bob Hage

    Call for the Offering and Moment of Friendship Christine James

    Offertory Anthem “How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord” arr. Kevin Hildebrand The Adult Choir

    How clear is our vocation, Lord, when once we heed Your


    to live according to Your Word, and daily learn, refreshed,

    restored that You are Lord of all, and will not let us fall.

    But if, forgetful, we should find Your yoke is hard to bear;

    if worldly pressures fray the mind, and love itself cannot


    its tangled skein of care: our inward life repair.

    We marvel how Your saints become in hindrances more sure;

    whose joyful virtues put to shame the casual way we wear Your

    name, and by our faults obscure Your power to cleanse and cure. In

    what You give us, Lord, to do together or alone,

    in old routines or ventures new, may we not cease to look to You

    the cross You hung upon, all You endeavored done.

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    Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below.

    Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

    *Prayer of Dedication We give you thanks, loving God, that you have placed in the hearts of your

    faithful people the gift of generosity and the desire to do your will. Use these gifts

    to proclaim good news to our families, our community, our nation, and our

    world. Amen.

    Sharing Joys and Concerns

    Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,

    thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

    Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts,

    as we forgive our debtors;

    and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

    For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

    Go in God’s Name

    *Hymn “We Are One in the Spirit” Hymnal 300


    Postlude “Ciacona in F minor” Johann Pachelbel

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    Notes on Today’s Music

    Prelude & Postlude Messiah G.F. Handel

    When choosing texts for Messiah, Handel drew from many books of the Bible, likely

    choosing those which resonated with him most personally. The resulting oratorio is

    uncommonly rich and diverse in its message. While the scenes depicting Christ’s

    suffering are among the greatest—and, sadly, the least well-known—portions of the

    immense, 56 movement work, the central message is one of hope and salvation. Today,

    we sing the opening recitative and aria from scene 1: Isaiah’s prophecy of salvation.

    Anthem How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord Kevin Hildebrand

    Orlando Gibbons was born in and christened at Oxford; he achieved the degree of

    Bachelor of Music in 1606. Sometime before 1615, James I appointed him a Gentleman

    of the Chapel Royal, where he served as an organist until his death. In 1623 he became

    senior organist at the Chapel Royal, with the great Thomas Tomkins as junior organist.

    He also held positions as virginalist in the privy chamber of the court of Prince Charles

    (later King Charles I), and organist at Westminster Abbey. He died at age 41 in

    Canterbury of apoplexy; a monument to him was built in Canterbury Cathedral. To this

    day, the anniversary of his death (June 5th, 1625), is marked in King’s College Chapel,

    Cambridge, by the singing of his music at Evensong. Today, we sing the role of The

    Evangelist in Gibbons treasured verse anthem.


    “10,000 Reasons” is a song that first debuted on the radio in 2012. It has been popular

    both on the radio and in churches ever since. The text itself is a paraphrase of Psalm 103,

    the first line of which reads: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless

    his holy name.”

    “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love (We Are One in the Spirit)” is a hymn

    that was written by a priest in Chicago in the 1960s. His parish was involved in the civil

    rights movement, and he wanted to be able to offer music that could serve a wider,

    interracial, and inter-denominal community. It is fitting to sing this hymn on the day

    before our country remembers Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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    Pennington Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)

    13 South Main Street

    Pennington, New Jersey 08534

    1 (609) 737-1221, ext. 10

    www.pennpres.org | [email protected] Our Mission is: to be a joyful, nurturing community proclaiming by faith and action the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ locally

    and globally.

    We are on Facebook and Instagram!

    facebook.com/pennpres | @pennpres

    Welcome! We extend a warm greeting to newcomers & visitors and invite you to join

    fully in the life of our church. For printed information, please stop by the Visitors

    Welcome Table in the narthex.

    Children’s Bibles are available. Please feel free to look for one for your child and take it

    to where you are seated. Children’s worship bags with paper, crayons, etc...are also

    available. A special space for parents and babies is available with a rocking chair and

    foam padding for little ones. Nursery care is provided in Room 102 throughout the


    Reserved parking is available for people who must park close to our entrances. We are

    mindful and respect the special needs of others.

    Important Note: We appreciate your consideration in not taking flash pictures and in

    silencing cell phones during services, as it is disruptive to the worship. Thank you.

    Pennington Presbyterian

    Church Staff

    Pastor: Rev. Nancy Mikoski

    Pastoral Assistant: Rev. Dr. Nancy Schluter

    Director of Music Ministries: Megan Coiley

    Director of Youth Music Ministries: Phil McMillan

    Interim Director of Middle School Ministry: Lee White

    Interim Director of High School Ministry: Ellen White

    Director of Pennington Presbyterian Nursery School: Hope


    Pastor Emeritus: Rev. William McQuoid

    Seminary Intern: Christine James

    Organist: Don Dolan

    Bell Choir Director: Laura McMillan

    Office Administrator: Jenny Valdez

    Finance Administrator: Pamela Paluzzi

    Treasurer: John Coats

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    Week at a Glance

    Today, January 19

    9:00 am

    9:00 am

    10:15 am

    11:30 am

    6:30 pm

    Adult Choir rehearsal

    Christian Education hour for children, youth, and adults

    Worship Service


    Genesis Choir, grades 2-5

    Upper Titus



    Upper Titus

    Room 206

    Monday, January 20 - Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. (Church office closed)

    9:00 am Join neighbors at Hopewell Presbyterian to volunteer at

    Hopewell Gives Back

    Hopewell Church

    Tuesday, January 21

    7:00 pm

    7:30 pm

    Small group

    Stewardship Meeting

    Barbara Rockel’s


    Dove Room

    Wednesday, January 22

    9:30 am

    6:30 pm

    Shalom: Women’s Bible Study

    Gloria Deo Choir, grades 6-12

    Upper Room

    Upper Titus

    Thursday, January 23

    6:45 pm


    Bell Choir rehearsal

    Adult choir rehearsal

    Balcony loft

    Upper Titus

    Friday, January 24

    7:00 pm

    7:00 pm

    Elders & Deacons Retreat

    Fresh Start Al-Anon family group

    Upper Titus

    Room 206

    Saturday, January 25

    9:00 am Elders & Deacons Retreat Upper Titus

    Sunday, January 26

    9:00 am

    9:00 am

    10:15 am

    11:30 am

    6:30 pm

    Adult Choir rehearsal

    Christian Education hour for children, youth, and adults

    Worship Service


    Genesis Choir, grades 2-5

    Upper Titus



    Upper Titus

    Room 206

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    Praying for our Church Family We pray each week for members listed alphabetically in our church directory.

    Nicole Ferrara, Sal and Teri Ferrara, Stephanie Ferrara, Gary and Mary Finlayson, Lauren

    Finlayson, and Ryan, Heather, Adelaide, Mae, and Colette Fischer.


    Community Martin Luther King Day Service

    On Sunday, January 19 at 4:00 pm, join your community in worship for the MLK Service at First

    Baptist Church; 5 Academy Avenue. If you would like to sing in the choir, please arrive at 3:00

    to rehearse the music. Fellowship and refreshments will follow the service.

    On Monday, January 20, we are invited to volunteer with our neighbors in Hopewell for the third

    annual Hopewell Gives Back MLK day of service. The event will take place from 9:00 am

    through 12:00 pm at Hopewell Presbyterian Church, 80 W Broad St, Hopewell, NJ 08525.

    Youth Ministries

    1/19/20 (Sunday)

    9:00am: Christian Education Hour (Middle School with Cindy Reeder and Christine James in

    Room 206; High School with Ellen White and John Bruestle in Balcony Classroom) Lizzy

    Swiderski will visit each class to share more about Soles4Souls.

    10:15am: Worship Service

    11:45am: Everyone is invited to sort/bag shoes for Soles for Souls in Lower Titus after the

    service. SNC and Sr. Highs will deliver the shoes to the Bordentown Storage Facility and then

    have lunch together.

    Tonight: NO SNC meeting

    1/20/20 (Monday)

    9:00am-12:00noon: Join with our neighbors at Hopewell Presbyterian to volunteer at the

    "HOPEWELL GIVES BACK" MLK Day of Service event:


    Soles4Souls We will conclude the shoe collection for this mission group. Thank you for all of your donations. We

    would love to have you come down to Lower Titus after worship with the Youth to sort and prepare what

    we’ve collected.

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    Epiphany Stars On January 5, we celebrated Epiphany. As part of that celebration, we each received a star with a

    word on it. Our star words are a gift for us for reflection and prayer throughout the year. You are

    invited to think and pray about it and pay attention to the world around you in relation to your

    word. The stars are a way for us to open ourselves to an epiphany experience, one where the light

    of God shines in and we find new meaning, insight, calling, or inspiration.

    Here are some questions for reflection: How do you feel about your word? Do you like it or do

    you wish you had another? Why do you react to it as you do?

    Ask God to use your word as a window, helping you to see or experience something this year.

    People of all ages are welcome to have a star. If you did not receive one, you may pick one up

    after worship or come by the church office during the week.

    Epiphany Home Potluck Schedule

    Host Date Time Notes

    The Larthey Family Saturday, February 1 4pm All Ages

    Hosts will serve the main dish; guests bring appetizers, sides, drinks, or desserts to share. We

    will share stories of the impact of the words on our Epiphany stars, new and/or old. If you don't

    have a star or a story, please pass by the office and pick your star out of the basket. You are still

    welcome to attend.

    To sign up, e-mail [email protected], call the church at 609-737-1221, or sign up during

    fellowship time. If you would like to host a dinner please contact Allison Larthey at

    [email protected]

    New Small Groups

    Two new small groups began this month, and the Bible and Theology Class began a new study on

    Sunday, January 5. These are wonderful ways to learn and grow in faith.

    “Fill Your Cup: Spiritual Practices for Mental Wellness”

    Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Depressed or anxious? Looking for some new ways to engage

    with your faith? Come learn about specific practices drawn from the Christian tradition that can

    help you find peace of mind and a deeper connection to God. Try out these practices on your

    own throughout the week and join others for support and discussion. The material will be

    available by email for those who can’t make in-person gatherings. Sunday Mornings at 9am in

    Lower Titus, starting January 19. Email [email protected] to get on the email list.

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    “The Invitations of Jesus” meets on Tuesday, January 14 at 7 pm, using the book by author

    Trevor Hudson, in the home of Barbara Rockel and is led by Christine James. Please purchase

    your book on amazon.com

    Bible and Theology Class

    In January, we will be reading "Confessions" by Augustine, followed (after Easter) by "A Grace

    Disguised" by Gerald Sittster. Rev. Dr. Gordon Mikoski and Joe Tully lead the discussion on

    Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in the Upper Room. All are invited.

    Newcomers are invited and warmly welcomed. You may participate in one or both groups,

    and/or the class, by signing up after worship or by emailing us at [email protected].

    College Care Package

    Please take a heart (or two) from the College Care Package Heart Tree in Upper Titus to purchase

    snack items for the care packages the Deacons send to our college students. Cash donations are

    also being collected to offset the cost of shipping the packages. All items are due back the

    morning of Sunday, Feb. 9, so that they can be boxed that evening and shipped that same week.

    Please see Ron Russell or Katie Michels with your questions.

    The Legacy Circle

    The legacy circle is the church’s initiative to recognize, celebrate and thank our members and

    friends who have or intend to remember the church, in their planned giving. After the service on

    Sunday, February 2, the church will be hosting its Second Annual Legacy Sunday Luncheon.

    Besides thanking the Legacy Circle participants, the free luncheon will feature a presentation by

    the church’s financial advisor, Alison Denis, to address the topic: “Smooth Sailing into & through

    Retirement.” All are welcome to attend, and you are invited to reserve your place by notifying the

    church office (email [email protected] or phone at (609) 737-1221 x10).

    For entry to the Legacy Circle, kindly submit the “Legacy Circle Letter of Intent” which states

    your intention to remember the church in your estate planning. All gifts are important, and it is

    the intention which we are to celebrate during our meal together. Find a copy of the form at the

    church office.

    Inquirers Gathering

    The Membership Committee is hosting an Inquirers Gathering on Sunday, February 2 at

    9:00 am in Heritage Hall. All who have been visiting with us are encouraged to attend to

    learn more about Christian faith and our mission and ministry as a church. Please RSVP

    to Rev. Nancy Mikoski [email protected]

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    Brown Bag Lunch and Program

    Adults of all ages are invited to attend the Brown Bag Lunch and Program at the Pennington

    Presbyterian Church on Friday, February 7 to learn about Court Appointed Special Advocates

    (CASA). Theresa Wrobel, a CASA herself, will explain the volunteer program in Mercer and

    Burlington Counties. Volunteers are appointed by a Family Court Judge to advocate for the best

    interests of one of the 1300 children who are in foster care or other court placements.

    Training and on-going guidance are provided. Come and learn more about this program that gives

    some of the neediest children a voice. Lunch is at 12:30 in Upper Titus, followed by the program

    from 1-2. Bring your own sandwich; fruit, a light dessert & beverages will be provided. Please

    call the church office to register, 609-737-1221, ext. 10.

    Meals and More Volunteer Opportunity

    If you bake or cook, Meals and More ministry could use your help! Meals and More provides

    meals to members of our church family, baked goods for holidays and special events, and more.

    Here’s how it works: your name goes on our contact list and an email or phone message is sent to

    you when we receive a request. You respond only if you can help out at the time. There is no

    commitment - other than checking your emails - and no obligation, but the service is an

    invaluable one for those with family in the hospital or convalescing. or with a new baby or house-

    bound family member, etc. Providing cookies, brownies, etc. for Easter or celebrations or funeral

    services are much appreciated by all. Please put your name on the list and be willing to help out

    when you can. Please contact the church office at [email protected] or Cindy Carothers at

    [email protected]

    Directory & Annual Report

    The church office has begun collecting new and/or updated congregation members’ contacts.

    Many have been very good with calling or emailing in their most recent phone numbers, emails

    and addresses, thank you! If you have had a change of contact information, please submit the

    update to [email protected] or call 1 (609)737-1221. The church office also needs to collect

    extremely important input for the 2019 Annual Report. If you have any photos stored on your

    phone or computer from attending our events, committees or classes last year, please send all you

    can to the church office, we would love to save them and include them in our report.

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    Praying for People of the World One Country at a Time VANUATU This week we are praying for Vanuatu, a grouping of 80 mostly mountainous islands of

    volcanic origin located in the southern Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia and northwest of the

    Fiji Islands in the area known as Australia-Oceania. Most of the islands have narrow coastal

    plains and tropical rainforests. Port-Villa is the capital, located on the island of Éfaté.

    Vanuatu has been inhabited since about 550 BC and was once known as the New

    Hebrides, so named by Captain Cook who first mapped the area. The first Europeans to visit were

    Portuguese and Spanish, although by the last 1800’s France and the United Kingdom became the

    islands’ joint administrators. Several of the islands were used by Allied forces as bases and

    landing fields during World War II, although little actual fighting took place there. Vanuatu

    gained its independence in 1980 from both Britain and France.

    There are currently about 288,000 residents on Vanuatu. The official languages are

    Bislama, English and French, but about two-thirds of the residents speak at least one of over 100

    local languages. Christianity is the dominant religion, with about 70% of residents professing a

    form of Protestant belief, while another 12% are Roman Catholics. Most women have very

    traditional roles and are treated as second class citizens, with lower social standing and fewer

    educational opportunities than men.

    The island of Pentecost is home to ‘land diving’, a precursor to bungee jumping. When

    the yam crop comes in in early April, locals build high wooden towers (20-30 meters high), and

    until the end of May, village men and boys will dive from the structures with vines attached to

    their ankles. Soccer is the most popular sport and the country became a member of FIFA in 1988

    but has never qualified for the World Cup. The country has participated in the Olympics since

    1988. Local animals include native flying foxes, and sea animals including whales, dolphins and

    sea turtles.

    The 2015 World Risk Report compiled by the United Nations University for

    Environment and Human Security ranked Vanuatu as having the world’s highest risk of natural

    disaster. Mount Yasur, located on the island of Tanna, is one of the most active volcanoes in the

    world. Earthquakes and tidal waves are additional risks. Tropical Cyclone Pam created

    widespread damage in 2015, from which the country has not fully recovered, impacting tourism,

    the country’s main industry. Most residents live a rural life based on subsistence

    farming. Vanuatu faces other global risks as well. Over 50% of the country’s debt is owed to

    China and there is concern that the Chinese could use the country’s inability to pay debt as

    leverage to bargain for control of Loganville Wharf to dock naval vessels. Vanuatu has also

    joined the global industry of selling citizenships - a market centered in Hong Kong where for

    $150,000 someone can buy dual citizenship and the ability to travel in Europe visa-free.

    Presbyterian John G. Paton was one of the first missionaries to go to Vanuatu in 1858.

    (Missionaries that preceded him were killed and reportedly eaten by cannibals.) Vanuatu’s

    current president, selected by the legislature, is Obed Moses, a long-serving pastor and former

    leader of the Presbyterian Church in the island nation.

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