Phenomenal regression to the frontal and natural picture Mitsuhiko Hanada * Department of Media Architecture, Future University-Hakodate, 116-2 Kamedanakano-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido 041-8655, Japan Received 28 May 2004; received in revised form 27 May 2005 Abstract The retinal image of a figure on a slanted picture is narrower than that of a figure on a frontal picture. In this study, the perceived width of various figures (horizontal line segments, ellipses, faces, symbolic faces, and artistic pictures) on a slanted picture plane was measured. The width of the figures was magnified or reduced in order to vary the naturalness of the original figures. The perceived width was found to be much closer to the width of the original figures than to the retinal images of the slanted figures. The width of the original figures was also found to affect the perceived width of the slanted figures; the perceived width was observed to be more biased toward a more natural width. On the other hand, the naturalness of the figures did not affect the perceived slant. These results suggest that the visual system corrected the width of the figures on a slanted plane, taking into the account naturalness or pra ¨gnanz as well as the slant. Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Shape perception; Slant perception; Shape constancy; Visual art 1. Introduction When an object is seen from different views, the reti- nal images are different. However, when the 3-D shape of the object is perceived in everyday life, the difference usually goes unnoticed. This phenomenon is termed shape constancy. When a flat, circular cardboard is slanted, the retinal image is elliptic. If observers judge the shape only from the retinal image, the perceived shape should be the ellipse of the retinal image. Howev- er, Thouless (1931a, 1931b, 1932) found that the per- ceived shape is closer to the circle of the real object than to the retinal projection, even though it is not a cir- cle and is biased toward the retinal projection. There also exists a tendency to keep the perceived shape con- stant despite the change of retinal images due to the slant of objects. Although none of the observers mani- fested the opposite bias toward the retinal image in stud- ies conducted by Thouless (1931a, 1931b, 1932), it has been reported that the bias does occur under some con- ditions (e.g., Lichte & Borresen, 1967; Landauer, 1969). In other words, the distortion of the retinal image due to slant is overcompensated. This phenomenon is termed overconstancy. When an object is lying on a slanted plane and per- spective information regarding the figure itself is unavailable but information regarding its background is available, the shape of the physical object is perceived fairly accurately (Lappin & Preble, 1975; Olson, Pearl, Mayfield, & Millar, 1976; Wallach & Moore, 1962). This suggests that even when a figure drawn on a plane is viewed without binocular cues, the figure is accurately judged according to the slant of the plane. Furthermore, when the figure is binocularly viewed, shape constancy may also be achieved through binocular disparities of the figure itself by means of the mechanism of ordinary shape constancy. Thus, it follows that shape constancy plays a role in the perception of a figure drawn on a slanted picture. Shape perception of a picture is more complicated than that of a figure on a plane. Figures on a picture 0042-6989/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2005.07.001 * Tel.: +81 138 34 6333; fax: +81 138 34 6301. E-mail address: [email protected]. www.elsevier.com/locate/visres Vision Research 45 (2005) 2895–2909

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Vision Research 45 (2005) 2895–2909

Phenomenal regression to the frontal and natural picture

Mitsuhiko Hanada *

Department of Media Architecture, Future University-Hakodate, 116-2 Kamedanakano-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido 041-8655, Japan

Received 28 May 2004; received in revised form 27 May 2005


The retinal image of a figure on a slanted picture is narrower than that of a figure on a frontal picture. In this study, the perceivedwidth of various figures (horizontal line segments, ellipses, faces, symbolic faces, and artistic pictures) on a slanted picture plane wasmeasured. The width of the figures was magnified or reduced in order to vary the naturalness of the original figures. The perceivedwidth was found to be much closer to the width of the original figures than to the retinal images of the slanted figures. The width ofthe original figures was also found to affect the perceived width of the slanted figures; the perceived width was observed to be morebiased toward a more natural width. On the other hand, the naturalness of the figures did not affect the perceived slant. These resultssuggest that the visual system corrected the width of the figures on a slanted plane, taking into the account naturalness or pragnanzas well as the slant.� 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Shape perception; Slant perception; Shape constancy; Visual art

1. Introduction

When an object is seen from different views, the reti-nal images are different. However, when the 3-D shapeof the object is perceived in everyday life, the differenceusually goes unnoticed. This phenomenon is termedshape constancy. When a flat, circular cardboard isslanted, the retinal image is elliptic. If observers judgethe shape only from the retinal image, the perceivedshape should be the ellipse of the retinal image. Howev-er, Thouless (1931a, 1931b, 1932) found that the per-ceived shape is closer to the circle of the real objectthan to the retinal projection, even though it is not a cir-cle and is biased toward the retinal projection. Therealso exists a tendency to keep the perceived shape con-stant despite the change of retinal images due to theslant of objects. Although none of the observers mani-fested the opposite bias toward the retinal image in stud-ies conducted by Thouless (1931a, 1931b, 1932), it has

0042-6989/$ - see front matter � 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.visres.2005.07.001

* Tel.: +81 138 34 6333; fax: +81 138 34 6301.E-mail address: [email protected].

been reported that the bias does occur under some con-ditions (e.g., Lichte & Borresen, 1967; Landauer, 1969).In other words, the distortion of the retinal image due toslant is overcompensated. This phenomenon is termedoverconstancy.

When an object is lying on a slanted plane and per-spective information regarding the figure itself isunavailable but information regarding its backgroundis available, the shape of the physical object is perceivedfairly accurately (Lappin & Preble, 1975; Olson, Pearl,Mayfield, & Millar, 1976; Wallach &Moore, 1962). Thissuggests that even when a figure drawn on a plane isviewed without binocular cues, the figure is accuratelyjudged according to the slant of the plane. Furthermore,when the figure is binocularly viewed, shape constancymay also be achieved through binocular disparities ofthe figure itself by means of the mechanism of ordinaryshape constancy. Thus, it follows that shape constancyplays a role in the perception of a figure drawn on aslanted picture.

Shape perception of a picture is more complicatedthan that of a figure on a plane. Figures on a picture

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are often the projection of a real-world object. The ret-inal image is also a projection of the picture. Thus, theretinal image becomes the projective image of a projec-tive image, (i.e., a double projection). When the pictureis seen from the same view as that of the drawer�s view-point, the retinal image of the picture is the same as theprojection of the real object. On the other hand (forexample, if the picture is viewed obliquely), the retinalimage is not the same as the projective image of the realobject (see Cutting, 1988; Sedgwick, 1991 for a geomet-rical analysis of the distortion). In order to accuratelyperceive original objects in a slated picture, it is neces-sary to trace back the double projection; first the picto-rial projection is recovered from the retinal projectionusing the slant of the picture, following which the realscene is recovered from the recovered pictorial projec-tion. This is a double inverse problem.

In a crowded gallery, it is not always possible forindividuals to obtain the frontal view of a picture; theyare often compelled to view the picture from the side.Further, individuals often watch movies from the sideseats of a theatre. The slant of the picture results in adistortion of the retinal image. For example, the retinalimage of a slanted picture is narrower than that of thefrontal picture. In most cases, however, individuals areinsensitive to the distortion of a slanted picture. Twohypotheses have been presented to explain it. The firstis the compensation hypothesis, and the second is thesubthreshold distortion hypothesis (Busey, Brady, &Cutting, 1990). According to the compensation hypoth-esis, the visual system compensates for distortion in aslanted picture using the perceived slant of the picture,and individuals remain largely unconscious of this dis-tortion. According to the subthreshold distortionhypothesis, the distortion of a moderately slanted pic-ture is fairly small and occurs at a subthreshold level.Thus, this results in the distortion going unnoticed byindividuals. The horizontal shrink caused by side view-ing varies approximately as the cosine of the angle be-tween the perpendicular of a picture and the line ofsight. The horizontal dimension of the retinal imageshrinks only approximately 14% from a 30� side view.

The controversy surrounding the two hypotheses stillcontinues. There exists some evidence supporting theview that the slant of the slanted picture is not complete-ly ignored during its perception (Perkins, 1973; Rosin-ski, Mulholland, Degelman, & Farber, 1980; Wallach& Marshall, 1986). Since the perception of a slanted pic-ture is not solely dependent on the retinal image, thisevidence does not conform to the subthreshold distor-tion hypothesis. However, some researchers have arguedthat these results can also be explained by ordinaryshape constancy (e.g., Rogers, 1995) and that it is notnecessary for the compensation mechanism to be usedspecifically for picture perception, i.e., the mechanismused to solve the double inverse problem. Therefore, it

appears that shape constancy is involved in the percep-tion of a slanted picture. The answer to this controversycould be found in a stance that lies in between the twohypotheses. A certain amount of compensation for dis-tortion owing to slant does occur; however, the compen-sation mechanism does not completely solve the doubleinverse problem.

When a frontal object (for example, a frontal card) isdrawn on a picture, the shape judgment of the object isessentially the same as that of the drawn image. Forexample, when a frontal round cardboard is drawn,the projective shape is almost the same shape as the ori-ginal. Hence, in this case, the double inverse problemamounts to the single projection problem. (How to dis-cern whether the depicted object is frontal with respectto the drawer is another difficulty.) Further, when theviewer judges the geometrical attributes of figures drawnon the picture, (for example, when the image shapedrawn on a picture is judged), the task is essentiallythe same as shape judgment in studies pertaining to(implicit) shape constancy. In these cases, the shape con-stancy mechanism should work for the judgment of fig-ures on a picture. Although some relation between shapeconstancy and perception of slanted pictures has beensuggested (Wallach & Marshall, 1986), the exact roleplayed by shape constancy in picture perception hasnot been sufficiently discussed. Individuals often viewa picture or a screen in an oblique manner. For instance,students commonly view the blackboard obliquely fromtheir side seats. Along similar lines, this study examinesthe shape constancy of an image drawn on a slantedpicture.

Two types of hypotheses regarding shape constancyhave been proposed; the first is the slant–shape invari-ance hypothesis (Koffka, 1935), and the other is theknowledge and pragnanz hypothesis. According to theformer hypothesis, the retinal projection of a given formdetermines a unique relation between perceived slantand perceived shape.

A number of studies have shown that the conditionsthat reduce the effectiveness of slant cues diminish shapeconstancy. For example, a lower degree of constancy oc-curs under monocular viewing than under binocularviewing (Thouless, 1931b). When slant cues are eliminat-ed (for example, by darkening the experimental room),little shape constancy is observed (Langdon, 1951,1955a, 1955b; Beck & Gibson, 1955). These facts appearto support the slant–shape invariance hypothesis be-cause the perceived slant should be reduced by monocu-lar viewing or eliminating slant cues. A number ofresearchers have examined the validity of the slant–shape invariant hypothesis by comparing the perceivedslant with the perceived shape; however, a rather looselink was found to exist between the two. Kaiser (1967)reported a correlation between error in shape judgmentand error in slant judgment under monocular condi-

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tions, but not under binocular conditions. Oyama (1977)calculated the correlations between judged slant andslant corresponding to judged shape using Kaiser�s data(not errors in slant and shape judgment) and found thatthey were moderate (between 0.6 and 0.75) under bothmonocular and binocular conditions. These relation-ships are not as strong as the slant–shape invariancehypothesis would have predicted. A number of studieshave shown that perceived shape is not linked with per-ceived slant (e.g., Nelson & Bartley, 1956; Clark, Smith,& Rabe, 1956a, 1956b) or under limited conditions suchas monocular viewing (e.g., Kaiser, 1967). Sedgwick(1986) examined studies on the slant–shape invariancehypothesis and concluded that a perceptual coupling be-tween shape and slant is most likely to be observed un-der the conditions where most of the normal visualinformation for shape and slant has been eliminated.There seems to be no strong evidence that supportsthe slant–shape invariance hypothesis under normalvisual conditions.

According to the original slant–shape invariancehypothesis, the perception of slant is generated frombinocular disparity or perspective information and per-ceived slant determines the perceived shape. However,the slant may be determined by the known shape of anobject and the retinal projection, and the path betweenthe perceived shape and perceived slant may be recipro-cal. The visual system may use some algorithms thatcombine projective shape with slant, or take slant intoaccount in perceiving shape (Epstein, 1973; Massaro,1973). Although the take-slant-into-account hypothesisalso predicts a strong link between perceived slant andshape, the actual link was rather weak. The loose linkis contradictory to the hypothesis.

A mere correlation between two variables does notimply causality from one to the other. There exist otherpossibilities due to which the correlation between per-ceived slant and shape can occur. For example, shapeand slant are independently calculated from slant cues.In fact, shape can be calculated directly from the retinalprojection and binocular disparity (e.g., Gillam, 1967).Oyama (1977) calculated and analyzed the partial corre-lations among physical slant, perceived slant, and per-ceived shape. The analysis suggests that shape andslant are independently computed under binocular con-ditions. This independent computation of shape andslant would be consistent with the moderate link be-tween perceived slant and perceived shape.

The other hypothesis for shape constancy is theknowledge and pragnanz hypothesis according to whichperceived shape is constructed from prior knowledge orpragnanz of the form. In other words, slanted shape isperceived to be a better form or a more familiar shape.Although perceived shape in the physical shape judg-ment of figures viewed without slant cues is usually closeto the retinal shape, Beck and Gibson (1955) reported

that some observers judged the shape of an elliptic reti-nal image as a circle under the conditions of few slantcues. Furthermore, King, Meyer, Tangney, and Bieder-man (1976) reported a perceptual bias toward symmetryin the judgment of slanted shape. There appears to be atendency toward seeing a more stable, natural, and/orfamiliar organization. On the other hand, Thouless(1931a) and Moore (1938) reported that shape constan-cy was not affected by the physical shape being a circleor an ellipse. In their studies, only two aspect ratios wereused, and the effect of an original width was not exam-ined systematically. Although it is rather obvious thatthe shape is not solely judged from the familiarity, nat-uralness, and pragnanz, these factors may affect shapejudgment. This paper examines whether the originalwidth of a figure on a picture affects shape judgment.We will show below that the original width of a figureactually affects shape perception, while it does not affectslant perception. This clearly indicates that perceivedshape is not a function only of the perceived slant andretinal projection. These results would therefore provideevidence against the slant–shape invariance hypothesis.

Most studies pertaining to shape constancy have usedfairly simple shapes such as a circle, a rectangle, and atrapezoid. However, individuals usually view more com-plex pictures in galleries, movie theaters, and class-rooms. Bearing this in mind, it would be moreimportant to understand how complex figures on a pic-ture are perceived. This study also examines the way inwhich the complexity of pictures affects the compensa-tion process in the viewing of slanted pictures. In theexperiment, the picture of a human face, real artistic pic-tures, as well as those with simple forms were used.

2. Experiment 1

This experiment examined how the perceived widthof figures on a slanted picture plane varies with the slantof the plane. Particular focus was placed on the width ofthe perceived image because a large part of the distor-tion caused by the slant involves the decrease in width.Following the matching task, observers performed theslant judgment task.

2.1. Methods

Apparatus. Stimuli were generated using an AT com-patible computer, and were displayed on a CRT displayusing a graphic card (Elsa ERAZOR III Lt). Therefreshrate of the display was 120 Hz. The display wasviewed through a pair of stereo shutter glasses (Elsa3D-Revelator). The shutter glasses alternated the leftand right eyes� views on the screen in synchrony withthe shuttering of the glasses (transparent to opaque at60 Hz). The interocular distance of each observer was

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measured, and stereo stimuli were generated using thismeasure. The viewing distance was 50 cm and the dis-play size was 800 pixels · 600 pixels, subtending39� · 29�. Observers viewed the display in a dark roomwith their heads supported on a chin rest. The back-ground was a uniform blue field (11 cd/m2, CIExy = (0.15, 0.066)).

Observers. Five observers participated in this experi-ment, one being the author himself. The remainingobservers were unaware of the purpose of the experiment.All the observers had normal or corrected normal acuity.

Stimuli. Four types of pictures were used; the face ofa woman, a symbolic face drawn using lines, a circle (el-lipse), and a horizontal bar. The original images wereeither horizontally magnified or reduced. Five types ofwidth magnification factors were used, i.e., 0.64, 0.8,






Fig. 1. Pictures used in Experiment 1. Four types of pictures were used: the fahorizontal bar. The image was horizontally magnified by a factor shown abexperiment the face picture was trichromatic.

1.0, 1.25, and 1.56. Magnification factors less than 1.0indicate a width reduction, a magnification factor of1.0 indicates the original width, and values more than1.0 imply a widening of the original picture. The picturesused in this experiment are shown in Fig. 1. (Note thatthe original images of the female face were trichromatic,and not monochromic.) The bars, ellipses, and symbolicfaces were drawn on a white square canvas. The size ofthe canvas was 320 pixels · 320 pixels, irrespective of thewidth magnification factors, subtending 16� · 16� forthe frontal presentation. The canvas for the photo wasactually a white wall, in front of which the womanwas standing, and was slightly darker than that in theother pictures.

Situations in which the picture was rotated aroundthe vertical axis passing through the center of the

ce of a woman, a symbolic face drawn with lines, a circle (ellipse), and aove. The pictures shown in this figure are monochromatic, but in the

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picture were simulated and these were stereoscopicallypresented, as illustrated in Fig. 2. The slant of a pic-ture was �60�, �30�, 0�, 30�, or 60� (a slant of 0�indicates a frontal picture, and a positive (resp. nega-tive) slant indicates that the right side of the picturewas farther (resp. nearer)).

Procedure: width matching. During a trial, a standardstimulus (a slanted stereo (or frontal) picture) was firstpresented for 2.0 s, following which the frontal compari-son stimulus was presented. The comparison stimuluswas the same as the original image, which was presentedearlier as the standard stimulus. The width of the refer-ence could be adjusted by pressing on the left or rightmouse button. (The width was reduced or magnified2.5% by one click.) The observers� task was to match thewidth of the comparison stimulus to that of the standardslanted (or frontal) picture. When the observers pressedthe middle mouse button, the standard stimulus was pre-sented again for 2.0 s, following which the comparisonstimulus with the adjusted width was presented. Oncethe observers had adjusted the width of the comparisonstimulus by pressing the left or right button, the trial

slant: 30 deg

slant: 60 deg

Fig. 2. Examples of stimuli of frontal and slanted faces. Note that theright and left eyes� images for slanted pictures were different, and theimages were presented stereoscopically.

continued. When an observer pressed the middle mousebutton without making any further adjustments, indicat-ing satisfaction with the matching, the next trial began.The following was the instruction provided to the observ-ers: ‘‘Please adjust the width of the frontal figure so thatthe width of the frontal figure would be felt equal to thatof the slanted figures presented just before, i.e., please ad-just the width to the width that you would observe if theslanted picture was brought back to the frontal position.Please pay attention to the illustrated figures, and not tothe width of the white canvas. There are no desirableresponses. Please adjust the width based onwhat you per-ceive, and do not respond using inferences’’. The last partof the instruction was included to ensure that the observ-ers did not perform the task by making conscious infer-ences. There were 100 stimulus conditions: four types ofpictures · five widthmagnification factors · five slant an-gles. Thus, a session consisted of 100 trials of differentstimulus conditions. The order of the trials was random-ized. Each observer participated in four sessions for thistask.

Procedure: slant judgment. After the matching task,observers performed the slant judgment task. For a trial,a slanted (or frontal) picture was first presented for 2.0 s,and then two line segments, as shown in Fig. 3, were pre-sented. (The slanted picture was presented once in everytrial and was not repeatedly exposed like in the widthmatching task.) The comparison stimulus representeda top view of the display plane and the picture. A hori-zontal line segment, representing the top view of the dis-play, was fixed. Another line segment represented the

Fig. 3. The comparison stimulus for slant judgment. A horizontal linesegment represents the top view of the display. Another line segmentrepresents the top view of the picture, and a red dot was attached toone end of it. The dot could be moved with the mouse.

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0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

60 deg30 deg0 deg









th r



width magnification factor










0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6









th r



width magnification factor










0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6









th r



width magnification factor

Symbolic face









0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6









th r



width magnification factor


Fig. 4. Results of one of the observers for width matching inExperiment 1. PSR (perceived-to-simulated width ratio) is plotted asa function of the width magnification factor independently for differenttypes of pictures. The error bars show ±1 SEs calculated from theresults of four trials in a condition.

1 A three-way ANOVA (slants · width magnification factor pictures)was also conducted. The results of this three-way ANOVA wereessentially the same as those of the two-way ANOVA. However,following the results of the three-way ANOVA are difficult because theresults of several simple-effect analyses and post hoc analyses arerequired for a significant three-way interaction. Thus, the results of thetwo-way ANOVAs has been presented.

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top view of the picture, and a red dot was attached toone end of it. The red dot could be moved by usingthe mouse. The observers were instructed to match theangle between the two lines to the angle between the dis-play and the slanted (or frontal) picture that was pre-sented just before. In the matching task, there were100 stimulus conditions for this task just like in thematching task. For each condition, four trials were con-ducted. The observers participated in a session compris-ing 400 trials. The order of the trials was randomized.

2.2. Results

Width matching. In order to evaluate the degree ofshape constancy, a ratio of perceived width to actuallysimulated width (in the 3-D space) was used. This ra-tio was termed ‘‘PSR’’ (perceived-to-simulated widthratio). If the perceived width is based on the retinalimages of the left (resp. right) eyes, the ratio shouldbe 0.56 (resp. 0.45) for a 60� slant, 0.9 (resp. 0.84)for a �30� slant, 0.84 (resp. 0.9) for a 30� slant,and 0.45 (resp. 0.56) for a 60� slant. (Interocular dis-tance was assumed to be 6.2 cm for the calculation.) Itshould be noted that the retinal image for the left eyediffered from that of the right eye. If shape constancyis perfect, PSR is 1.0. A PSR larger than 1.0 indicatesoverconstancy.

Since no systematic difference was observed betweenthe positive and negative slants, the data were collapsedacross the signs of the slant. The PSRs of one observerand those averaged across all the observers are plottedin Figs. 4 and 5 as a function of the width magnificationfactor of the original image. The average PSRs for 60�were larger than 0.8 in all the conditions. The PSRs fora 60� slant of the other observers were close to or greaterthan 1.0; none of the PSRs were close to the predictionsbased on the retinal image. These results indicate thatthe observers did not perform the matching task bydepending solely on the retinal images.

Regarding the face, symbolic face, and the ellipse,the mean PSRs decreased with the width magnifica-tion factor for slants of 30� and 60� while they variedlittle for a slant of 0�. With respect to the horizontalbar, the PSRs changed little with the width magnifica-tion factor. The PSRs for the face, symbolic face, andellipse were larger than those in the conditions ofwidth magnification factors of 0.64 and 0.8 for 30�and 60� slants, i.e., overconstancy occurred in theseconditions. However, underconstancy tended to occurfor a magnification factor of 1.56. These tendencieswere also observed in the results of the individualshown in Fig. 4. (All the other observers exhibitedsimilar tendencies.)

The PSRs for each picture type shown in Fig. 5 weresubjected to a repeated-measure two-way (slants of 0�,30�, 60� · 5 width magnification factors) analysis of

variance1. There were significant main effects of the widthmagnification factor for the face picture (F(4,16) = 17.7,p < .01), for the symbolic face (F(4,16) = 10.1, p < .01),and for the ellipse (F(4,16) = 7.2, p < .01). Themain effectof the slant was found to be insignificant. There were sig-

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0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

60 deg30 deg0 deg


R (






ed w




width magnification factor










0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6


R (






ed w




width magnification factor










0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6









th r



width magnification factor

Symbolic face









0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6









th r



width magnification factor


Fig. 5. Average PSR of the five observers in Experiment 1 is plotted asa function of the width magnification factor independently for differenttypes of the pictures. The error bars show ±1 SEs calculated from theresults of the five observers. Note that although the error bars indicatethe degree of individual differences, they do not reveal the reliability ofthe effect of the width magnification factor because a repeated-measureexperimental design was used.

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nificant interactions of slant · widthmagnification factorfor the face picture (F(8,32) = 7.5, p < .01), for the sym-bolic face (F(8,32) = 8.0, p < .01), and for the ellipse(F(8,32) = 7.2, p < .01). Regarding the face, symbolicface, and ellipse, the simple main effects of the widthmag-nification factor were significant for 60� and 30� slants(F(4,48) > 4.0, p < .01 for the three pictures) but wereinsignificant for 0� slants (F(4,48) < 2.0). With respect tothe bar, no effects were found to be significant at a signif-

icance level of 5%. However, there was a marginally sig-nificant main effect of the slant (F(2,8) = 3.6, p = .075),and there was a marginally significant interaction ofslant · width magnification factor (F(8,32) = 2.16,p = .058). The simple main effect of the width magnifica-tion factor was significant for a 30� slant (F(4,48) = 3.5,p < .05) but insignificant for 0� and 60� slants(F(4,48) < 2.0). A Ryan�s post hoc test indicated that fora 30� slant, there were significant differences between awidth magnification factor of 1.56 and the other condi-tions; however, apart from these, no significant differenc-es were observed between any other pair.

Slant judgment. The results of one of the observers areshown in Fig. 6. The horizontal axis indicates the slantthat was actually simulated, and the vertical axis indicatesthe perceived slant. If the perceived slant is consistentwiththe simulated slant, the data points will fall on the linewith a slope of 1. The functions of the perceived vs. simu-lated slant have slopes that are lower than 1.0, which indi-cates that the slant perceived by the observer was slightlysmaller than that of the simulated slant. Two out of thefive observers underestimated the slant, and slant judg-ment for the three other observers was fairly accurate.The results averaged across all the observers are shownin Fig. 7. The average perceived slants were slightly small-er than the simulated ones. There were no significant dif-ferences in slant judgment between the different types ofpictures and different width magnification factors.

2.3. Discussion

The findings of the experiment are as follows: (1) thematched width is much closer to the width of theactually simulated image than that of the retinal image.(2) The width of the image affects the perceived width ofslanted pictures, with the exception of that of a very sim-ple form such as a horizontal line. The mean matchedfaces for a slant of 60� and for width magnification fac-tors of 0.64 and 1.56 are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. The fig-ures show that the reduction of the width due to theslant is compensated for fairly well. However, they alsodemonstrate that the perceived width is biased toward amore natural width. The difference in perceived widthwas not caused by a difference in the perceived slant be-cause there was little difference in the perceived slantamong different width magnification factors.

The results of this experiment were not consistent withthe slant–shape invariance hypothesis. The slant percep-tion was not varied for different width magnification fac-tors, while thematchedwidthwas dependent on thewidthmagnification factor for the pictures of the ellipses,symbolic faces, and photographic faces. It should be not-ed that for the horizontal bar, a reliable decrease of PSRwas not seen with an increase in the width magnificationfactor. A bar does not have a natural or familiar length,while the ellipse or the face does possess a natural,

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-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60






t [de


simulated slant [deg]

width magnification factor








-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60




d sl

ant [


simulated slant [deg]








-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

Symbolic face



d sl

ant [


simulated slant [deg]








-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60




d sl

ant [


simulated slant [deg]

Fig. 6. Results of slant judgment in Experiment 1. The perceived slant for an observer is plotted as a function of the simulated slant. If the perceivedslant is consistent with the simulated slant, the data points lie on the line with a slope of 1. This observer underestimated the slants slightly. The errorbars show ±1 SEs.








-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60






t [de


simulated slant [deg]

width magnification factor








-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60




d sl

ant [


simulated slant [deg]








-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

Symbolic face



d sl

ant [


simulated slant [deg]








-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60




d sl

ant [


simulated slant [deg]

Fig. 7. Results of slant judgment in Experiment 1. The perceived slant averaged across all the observers is plotted as a function of the simulated slant.The error bars show ±1 SEs.

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matched image (slant: 60 deg)

retinal images (slant: 60 deg)

Fig. 8. The frontal image of the face stimulus for a magnificationfactor of 0.64 is shown in the upper portion. The left and right imagesof the picture slanted by 60� are shown in the middle section. The meanmatched image is shown in the lower part.

retinal images (slant: 60 deg)

matched image (slant: 60 deg)

Fig. 9. The frontal image of the face stimulus for a magnificationfactor of 1.56 is shown in the upper portion. The left and right imagesof the picture slanted by 60� are shown in the middle. The meanmatched image is shown in the lower part.

M. Hanada / Vision Research 45 (2005) 2895–2909 2903

familiar, or good width. The results of this experimentsuggest that naturalness, familiarity, and/or pragnanz af-fects the degree of shape constancy. It must be noted,however, that familiarity and/or pragnanz cannot explainall the results in this experiment. The perceived width wasnot always the most natural one; on the other hand, ittended to vary with the width magnification factor.

In order to examine the relationship between the per-ceived slants and perceived widths, the slants corre-sponding to the perceived widths were computed2. (Itmust be noted that under the assumption of the slant–shape invariance, the slant can be calculated from theretinal width and perceived width.) The perceived slants

2 It is also possible to convert the perceived slants to the corre-sponding widths, and the perceived widths are plotted as a function ofthose corresponding to the perceived slant. However, it is difficult toobserve the effect of the width on the degree of shape constancydirectly from this plot since the width itself was varied in thisexperiment. Hence, the perceived widths were converted to thecorresponding slants.

were plotted as a function of the slants corresponding tothe perceived widths in Fig. 10. If the slant–shape invari-ance hypothesis holds, the data points should be on thediagonal line with a slope of 1. However, most data fallbelow the diagonal line. Further, for the ellipse, symbol-ic face, and photo face, the points shift from left to rightwith an increase in the width magnification factor.Although the data points for a 60� slant are shiftedslightly upward with the increase in the width magnifica-tion factor for the ellipse and photo face, the effect onthe perceived slant was observed to be not statisticallysignificant. In addition, the upper shifts are much small-er than the horizontal shifts. On the other hand, for thebar, all the data points except one data point are clut-tered around the two points (56�, 50�) and (34�, 27�)3.

3 The point of a 30� slant for a 1.56 magnification factor is shiftedhorizontally from the other points of a 30� slant. This shiftcorresponds to the significant difference between a width magnifi-cation factor of 1.56 and the others for a slant of 30�, as reported inSection 2.2.

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20 30 40 50 60 70




ed s




Slant corresponding to perceived width [deg]

Width magnification factor








20 30 40 50 60 70



ed s




Slant corresponding to perceived width [deg]








20 30 40 50 60 70



ed s




Slant corresponding to perceived width [deg]

Symbolic face







20 30 40 50 60 70



ed s




Slant corresponding to perceived width [deg]


Fig. 10. The perceived slant was plotted as a function of the slant corresponding to the perceived width.

2904 M. Hanada / Vision Research 45 (2005) 2895–2909

Hence, the effects of the width magnification on the per-ceived width for the circle, symbolic face, and photo facecannot be attributed to the effect of the width magnifica-tion factor on the perceived slant. Thus, these results areinconsistent with the slant–shape invariance hypothesis.

It is reasonable to state that the most natural ellipse isa circle, and that the most natural face is one with anaverage width. However, the natural width of the sym-bolic face is unclear. When it is regarded as a face, thenatural shape should have an elliptic contour. If the sur-rounding line is focused on, the natural shape is a circle.If the natural shape for the symbolic face is elliptic andthe perceived shape regresses to the natural picture, theresults for the symbolic shape should differ from thosefor the ellipse and the face because the width magnifica-tion factor of the regression point for the symbolic faceis different from that for the ellipse and face. On theother hand, if the observers focus on the surroundingline of the symbolic face, the results should not differfor the three figures. As shown in Fig. 5, the resultsfor the three figures were very similar. This suggests thatthe observers judged the width of the symbolic face byfocusing on the surrounding contour. The observerswere instructed to adjust the natural width for the fourpictures just after the experiment. For all the observers,the adjusted widths for all the four figures were thosewith a magnification factor of approximately 1.(After the task, some observers reported that there was

no natural width for the bars.) These results are consis-tent with those obtained in the width matching task.

Simulated width/height ratios have been shown tohave a significant effect on the perception of elliptic pic-tures on a slanted canvas. Further, King et al. (1976)and Beck and Gibson (1955) reported that familiarityor pragnanz affects shape perception of slanted objects.Thouless (1931a) and Moore (1938), however, reportedthat the physical width/height ratios have little effecton the shape perception of slanted ellipses. There areno clear reasons till date, explaining why the aboveresearchers did not evidence the familiarity effect. Fur-ther research is required to clarify the discrepancy be-tween the studies.

There were no systematic differences observed in per-ceived width between the ellipse, symbolic face, and thephoto face. This suggests that complexity has little effecton the perceived width of slanted pictures. On the otherhand, Campione (1977) reported that complexity affectsshape constancy, and shape constancy is inversely pro-portional to the degree of simplicity. However, Campi-one�s definition of complexity with respect to figuresappears to be somewhat inconsistent with the impres-sion of the researchers of this study; Campione (1977)considered a square to be more complex than a circle,both of which appear relatively simple. AlthoughCampione (1977) explains the results in terms of com-plexity, they can also be explained through the high con-

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stancy of regular shape (Sedgwick, 1986). There was lit-tle shape constancy for an amoeba-like shape, but amuch higher degree of shape constancy for the othershapes such as a square, circle, and triangle (Campione,1977). This result seems to be consistent with the resultsof this experiment. Since the amoeba-like shape does nothave natural width, the difference between this type ofshape and the regular shape in Campione�s study maybe comparable to the difference between the bar andthe other pictures in this study.

There are several types of shape judgments. One is thejudgment of physical shape (objective shape) and anoth-er is the judgment of retinal shape (projective shape).The judgment of phenomenal or apparent shape hasalso been carried out. While judging phenomenal shape,observers are asked to judge the shape based on theappearance, a spontaneous impression, or ‘‘the way itlooks’’. A number of researchers have suggested thatthis task is extremely ambiguous, and they doubtwhether phenomenal shape judgment is truly possible(e.g., Sedgwick, 1986; Todorovic, 2002). There is someevidence suggesting that observers in the phenomenaltask adopt either retinal or physical shape judgmentand even an individual tends to switch between thetwo criteria in each trial (e.g., Lichte & Borresen,1967; see Sedgwick, 1986 for review). Observers wereinstructed to judge the width if the slanted picture wasbrought back to the frontal plane. They were also askedto follow their phenomenal impression. Thus, theinstructions can be considered as being in between thephenomenally focused and the physically focusedinstructions.

It has been suggested that since ambiguous instruc-tions lead to combined results of retinal and physical cri-teria, a clear projectively or physically focusedinstruction should be provided to the observers (e.g.,Todorovic, 2002). However, the strong physically fo-cused instruction may encourage observers to use con-scious inference. For example, the observers� responsesmay be cognitively biased to some extent to increasethe accuracy of their responses. In addition, a degreeof cognitive bias may differ to quite a great extent acrossindividuals. The strong physically focused instructionstill remains ambiguous at this point. Although the phe-nomenally focused instruction does not necessarily en-sure that the observers did not use conscious inference,it should serve to reduce the possibility of the use of con-scious inference.

Since the observers in this experiment were instructedto attend to the contents and not to the width of thewhite canvas, they might have attended largely to thecontents depicted in the display, especially if they wereconfused by the physically and phenomenally mixedinstruction, which might have been somewhat ambigu-ous. This might have caused the observers to conscious-ly match the width so that the picture would look

natural. However, it is unlikely that they used such astrategy. The observers accurately matched the widthof the pictures for a 0� slant, and a degree of constancywas fairly high for the 30� and 60� slants, so much sothat overconstancy was observed in many conditions.These results indicate that the observers knew that thephysical width should be matched. Further, naturalnesswas never mentioned prior to the task. In addition, thevery reason behind the phenomenally focused instruc-tion was to discourage the observers from using con-scious strategies. Nevertheless, the possibility that theobservers adopted this kind of strategy could not becompletely denied. Since instructions highly affect theperformance of shape constancy, different results mightbe obtained with different instructions. Further studiesare required to explore the effects of instruction onhow naturalness is used in shape constancy.

3. Experiment 2

In Experiment 1, the stimuli consisted of a photo of aface and simple forms. Shape constancy for a fairly sim-ple shape such as a triangle or ellipse has been examinedin most studies. However, in a movie theatre, individualsfrequently view a wide variety of scenes in an obliquemanner. Even in galleries, the variety of complex paint-ings often tend to be displayed such that individuals arerequired to view them in an oblique fashion. In Experi-ment 2, various real artistic pictures were used and theirwidth perception was investigated when the pictureswere viewed obliquely.

3.1. Methods

Two sets of digitized artistic pictures were used. Oneset (Set I) consisted of artistic portraits: (A) ‘‘La Jocon-de’’ (‘‘Mona Lisa’’) by Leonardo da Vinci, (B) ‘‘Self-Portrait’’ of Vincent van Gogh (1889, Musee d�Orsay,Paris), (C) ‘‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’’ by Jan Vermeer,and (D) Saint Mary�s face, one part of ‘‘Holy Familywith St. Anne’’ painted by El Greco, shown in Fig. 11.The face of Saint Mary is very thin, which is a character-istic of mannerism. This picture was used to examine theeffects of the elongation of faces as has been shown inExperiment 1. The other set of pictures (Set II) wasselected from various categories: (E) ‘‘The Grand Canal,Venice’’ by J.M.W. Turner, (F) ‘‘Sunflowers’’ by Vin-cent van Gogh (January 1889), (G) ‘‘Still Life with Ap-ples’’ by Paul Cezanne, and (H) ‘‘Fragment 2 forComposition VII’’ by Wassily Kandinsky. The pictureswere on a square white canvas. The size of the canvaswas the same as in Experiment 1. Pictures were slanted,together with the canvas.

First, the observers performed the width-matchingtask for the pictures belonging to Set I. For Set I, the

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Fig. 11. A picture used in Experiment 2. Saint Mary�s face, whichcomprises one part of ‘‘Holy Family with St. Anne’’ painted by ElGreco. This figure is monochromatic, but the picture used inExperiment 2 was trichromatic.

Fig. 12. Results of width matching in Experiment 2. PSR (perceived-to-simulated width ratio) is shown. The error bars show ±1 SEs. (A)‘‘La Joconde’’ (‘‘Mona Lisa’’) by Leonardo da Vinci, (B) ‘‘Self-Portrait’’ by Vincent van Gogh (1889, Musee d�Orsay, Paris), (C) ‘‘Girlwith a Pearl Earring’’ by Jan Vermeer, and (D) Saint Mary�s face, onepart of ‘‘Holy Family with St Anne’’ painted by El Greco. (E) ‘‘TheGrand Canal, Venice’’ by J.M.W. Turner, (F) ‘‘Sunflowers’’ byVincent van Gogh (January 1889), (G) ‘‘Still Life with Apples’’ byPaul Cezanne, and (H) ‘‘Fragment 2 for Composition VII’’ by WassilyKandinsky.

2906 M. Hanada / Vision Research 45 (2005) 2895–2909

observers were told to pay attention to the width of thefaces drawn in the pictures. Then they performed thewidth-matching task for the pictures in Set II. For thelatter, they were asked to judge the width on the basisof the impression of the entire picture. Finally, they per-formed the task of slant judgment for all the eight pic-tures used for the width matching. The other pointswere the same as in Experiment 1.

Seven observers participated in this experiment. Oneof the observers in this experiment was the author. Theother observers were unaware of the purpose of theexperiment, and had not participated in Experiment 1.

3.2. Results

The results are shown in Fig. 12. The PSRs (ratios ofperceived width to simulated width) for Set I were closeto 1.0 for a slant of 30�. For a slant of 60�, they wereapproximately 0.9, i.e., the observers underestimatedthe width of the pictures. For Set II, PSRs were slightlylarger than 1.0� for a 30� slant and slightly smaller than1.0� for a 60� slant except for picture H. Consideringthat the width of the pictures reduces by about 50%for a slant of 60�, compensation for width reductiondue to the slant was fairly good, although there weresubstantial individual differences as shown by the errorbars.

A repeated-measure two-way (picture (A, B, C, andD) · slant (0�, 30�, and 60�)) analysis of variance forSet I showed a marginally significant main effect of pic-ture (F(3,18) = 2.65, p = .08). The main effect of slantand the interaction of the picture and the slant was

not significant (F(2,12) = 0.94, and F(6,36) = 1.67,respectively). However, a one-way analysis of variancefor each slant showed significant main effects of the pic-ture for 30� and 60� slants. The main effect of the picturefor a 0� slant was not significant. A Ryan�s post hoc testshowed significant differences between picture D and theother pictures (A, B, and C) for a 30� slant, and signif-icant differences between D and A, and between picturesD and B for a 60� slant at a 5% significance level. Thisindicates that the PSR of Picture D (the face pictureof El Greco) was smaller than that of the other picturesfor slants of 30� and 60�. For Set II, the two-way (pic-ture · slant) ANOVA and one-way ANOVAs for eachslant showed no significant effects. For a 60� slant, thePSR appeared to be larger for picture H than for pictureE. This was because an observer adjusted the widthof picture E for a slant of 60� to a large value. If this

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Fig. 13. Results of slant judgment in Experiment 2. The averageperceived slant across all the observers is plotted against the simulatedslant. The error bar shows ±1 SEs. (Most of the error bars are smallerthan the symbols.) To find out what A, B, . . ., H stand for, see thecaption of Fig. 12.

M. Hanada / Vision Research 45 (2005) 2895–2909 2907

particular data are removed, the apparent difference willdisappear.

The results of slant judgment are shown in Fig. 13.There was little difference in slant judgment betweenthe pictures.

3.3. Discussion

It has been shown that the distortion occurring due tothe slant, owing to the characteristics of mannerism in thepicture by El Greco, was more compensated for than theother face pictures. However, this was not caused by a dif-ference in the perceived slant for different pictures. Therewas little difference in slant judgment between the pic-tures. This implies that when the width of an original pic-ture is unnatural, the phenomenal percept of the width isbiased toward the natural width of the pictures. Thus, aslanted portrait is phenomenally regressed to a more nat-ural picture.

Although the naturalness of the width has a signifi-cant effect on the width perception of the pictures, thiseffect is fairly small. The difference between picture Dand the other face picture was less than 5%. Moreover,for a slant of 60�, the perceived width was about 90% ofthe original pictures. With the exception of extremelydistorted pictures, the effect of pragnanz or naturalnesscould be stated as being negligible. This suggests thatpeople perceive the width of most pictures fairly accu-rately, irrespective of the view, as in the case of viewinga picture from the side in a crowded gallery.

4. General discussion

This study has examined the shape constancy of fig-ures drawn on a picture. It was found that the per-

ceived width for slanted pictures was much closer tothat of the real images than to the width of the retinalprojections. In addition, the naturalness or pragnanzof pictures affects width perception; the perceivedwidth of slanted pictures tends to be phenomenally re-gressed to their natural width. However, the phenom-enal regression to natural pictures does not explainall the results in this study. If it were the case, per-ceived width would be constant regardless of the widthof the original images; however, perceived width variedwith that of the original images, as illustrated in Figs.8 and 9. Regardless of the width of the original imagesused in this study, the width reduction due to the slantof the images was compensated for reasonably well.Furthermore, under some conditions, overconstancyoccurred. These results suggest that the visual systemcompensates for width reduction of a slanted pictureto a considerable degree using only the slant informa-tion of a picture.

The width of the original figures affected shape per-ception, though it did not affect slant perception. Thisresult contradicts the slant–shape invariance hypothe-sis, which claims that perceived shape is a functionof only the retinal shape and perceived slant. Further-more, there exists substantial evidence that perceivedshape does not have a unique relation with the per-ceived slant and retinal projection. In defense of theslant–shape invariance hypothesis, some researchershave argued that perceived slant may not reflect theregistered slant actually used for shape computationin the visual system (e.g., Hochberg, 1971). Natural-ness may affect registered slant but not perceivedslant. If registered slant cannot be measured by per-ceived slant, however, it will be impossible to testthe registered slant–shape hypothesis (e.g., Sedgwick,1986). (Moreover, any possible results may be ex-plained by the registered slant–shape hypothesis be-cause any variable may affect the immeasurableregistered slant.)

The visual system may compute shape using natu-ralness, familiarity, and/or pragnanz, as well as theslant and retinal projection. One candidate of shapemay be computed from the slant and retinal projec-tion, and the other may be computed from natural-ness. The two candidates are combined in someways, as suggested by the weak-fusion model for depthcues (Young, Landy, & Maloney, 1993; Landy, Malo-ney, Johnston, & Young, 1995). An alternative possi-bility is that the visual system computes slant andshape independently using several sources of informa-tion in different ways. In any case, the process maybe interpreted as the optimal estimation of shape usingseveral cues for slant and shape. Further computation-al and empirical studies are required to reveal how thevisual system uses naturalness for the computation ofslant and shape.

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4.1. Perception of slanted pictures

Goldstein (1987) proposed that three attributes ofpictorial space should be distinguished in order to dis-cuss the perception of slanted pictures, i.e., layout, ori-entation, and projection. He demonstrated that thelayout in a picture is independent of its view. On theother hand, perceived orientation relative to the pictureplane is dependent on the position of the observer. Theorientation of a pointing rod or a portrait�s gaze appearsto rotate so that a constant direction is maintained rela-tive to the observer (see also Koenderink, van Doorn,Kappers, & Todd, 2004). These findings suggest thatthe visual system compensates for distortion in differentways with regard to different attributes of slanted pic-tures (Cutting, 1988).

Perception of a projection in pictorial space would beregarded as the perception of a shape drawn on a pic-ture. Hence, studies on this attribute would be relevantto the present study. Busey et al. (1990) examined thethird attribute of pictorial space, projection. Face pic-tures with a slant around the vertical axis of 22� wereviewed as no more distorted than frontal faces. Howev-er, 44� slanted pictured faces appeared more distortedthan the original faces. They argued that part of the rea-son why an individual can look at moderately slantedpictures without perceptual interference is that the dis-tortion is within the bounds of acceptability. They alsoreported that an image of a slanted frame attached tothe slanted picture did not reduce the perceived distor-tion and that distortion is not compensated for by theperceived slant. However, they did not confirm whethertheir observers perceived the slant accurately. Even if theslant is judged accurately from the frame cue, slant per-ception is much less vivid when the slant is induced onlyby the frame cue than when the slant is induced by bin-ocular disparities as well as by the frame. It has beenreported that the degree of shape compensation is small-er for monocular viewing than for binocular viewing(e.g., Kaiser, 1967; Thouless, 1931b). The observers intheir study seemed to view their stimuli binocularly withno binocular disparity although the description regard-ing the points was unclear. Assuming that this is thecase, the stimuli are not so effective in the inducementof slant perception since the binocular disparities indi-cate the frontal picture. This may be the reason why theydid not find evidence for compensation of distortion inslanted pictures while it was found in this study. Thissuggests that binocular disparities could play a role incompensation.

There are a number of studies that support the com-pensation hypothesis. It has been reported that observershave tendencies to see the frontal shape and not the retinalshape even when a shape is viewed in a slanted picture.However, it has been suggested that there does not exista need for compensation mechanisms specific to slanted

pictures to explain these results; they can be explainedby normal shape constancy (e.g., Rogers, 1995). The ret-inal image of a picture is the projection of the picture thatmay also be a projection.When individuals view a pictureobliquely, the retinal image is distorted from the picture,and they have to track the double projection in order tosee the picture accurately. The visual system must usethe slant of the picture to recover the picture image, andmust then recover the 3-D shape from the picture ignoringthe slant. This implies that the picturemust first be regard-ed as a planar object, and then as a projective image. Theduality of a picture makes double tracking very difficult.The evidence for the compensation hypothesis in previousstudies shows that the perception of a slanted picture doesnot depend solely on the retinal images. Although it isunlikely that the visual system completely tracks the dou-ble projection for a slanted picture, the results in this studysuggest that shape constancy should work for perceptionof slanted pictures. Further research is needed to revealwhat roles shape constancy plays in the perception of slat-ed pictures.

Individuals tend to be insensitive to distortion inslanted pictures. This study has revealed that perceivedshape on a slanted picture phenomenally regress to thenatural picture. A possible reason for the insensitivityto distortion in slanted pictures is that observers adopta more natural interpretation (perhaps unconsciously)and diminish the impression from the distorted retinalimages of slanted pictures.


I thank Yuko Ishisaka for assistance in the prelimin-ary experiments of this research. The major part of thiswork was carried out while the author was working atChiba University.


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