Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9

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  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9


  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9


  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9


    effects of surgery through ROM and

    muscle strengthening exercises while

    ensuring that each activity is per-

    formed without overstressing the ACL


    Electromyog raphic biofeedback5j6 and

    neuro mu scular electrical stimulation7.8

    are two modalities used in the early

    phases of rehab ilitation follow ing ACL

    reconstruction to reduc e muscle atro-

    phy and to facilitate strengthening.

    The effectiveness of the se moda lities

    in imprc~ving uadriceps femoris

    mu scle fo rce in su bjects with ACL

    reconstruction has been measured by

    isokinetic dynomometry.6~7 hese

    studies, however, applied feedback o r

    neuro ml~ scular lectrical stimulation

    during isometric q uadriceps femoris

    exercises, and this approach may not

    simulate functional activities.

    We believe knee extension exercises

    should b e designed to simulate func-

    tional activities. Closed-chain kne e

    extension has be en advocated as a

    safe exe rcise for patien ts a fter ACL

    reconstruction.9 The se exercises in-

    volve applying resistance through the

    terminal joint of a limb segment,

    which restrains the joint's free move-

    ment (eg, rising from a chair),

    whereas open chain exercises in-

    volve applying resistance to an


    tremity in a way that the distal joint is

    free to move (eg, kicking into the

    air).IO Although both of these forms of

    exercise can address the physical

    impairments of patients following ACL

    reconstruction, research suggests that

    closed-chain exercises are safer than

    open-chain exercises because there is

    less stre ss o n th e graft.11-13 Desp ite

    this fact, som e subjects exp erience

    increased pain a nd k nee effusion

    following closed-chain exercises.14

    Therefore, performing closed-chain

    exercises in an env ironment in which

    the forces around the knee joint are

    reduced may aid in reducing knee

    pain an d joint effusion.

    Fkercises in water cou ld exp edite

    rehabilitation because of the de-

    creased stress on the joints, improved

    circulation, and facilitated movement

    that occur in water.15.16 Researchers

    have analyzed limb movem ent in

    water17-'9 and have co mp ared differ-

    ent aquatic exerc ise devices,2&22 but

    few studies have quantified gains in

    muscular force that occur following

    an aquatic exercise program. Bartow

    and Diamond23 have concluded that

    exercises performed using water as

    resistance can increase the torque -

    generating capabilities of the thigh

    musculature in healthy subjects.

    Gehlsen et a124 have made similar

    conclusions in patients with multiple

    sclerosis, but n o control gro up was

    used for comparison.

    NapoletanZ5 ound that in subjects

    with ACL re constru ctions, unde rwater

    treadmill ambulation in conjunction

    with traditional rehabilitation was

    BJ Tovin, I T , ATC, is StafT Physical Th erapis t, Physiotherap y Associates, 2770 Lenox Rd NE, Ste 102,

    Atlanta, GA 30324 USA), and Director of Rehabilitation, Georgia Tech Athletic Association, Atlanta,



    Mr Tovin was a stude nt at Em ory University, Atlanta, GA, at the time this study was c om -

    pleted in partial fulfillment of the req uirem ents for his Master of Medical Science deg ree . Address

    all correspondence to Mr Tovin.

    SL Wolf, PhD,


    AlTA, is Professor and Director of Research, Depar tme nt of Rehauilitation Medi-

    cine, Professor, Division of G eriatrics, Departm ent of Internal Medicine, and Associate Professor,

    Departm ent of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Emory University School of M edicine,


    Clifton d

    NE, Atlanta, GA


    BH Greenfield,


    CS, is Clinical Coordinato r of Education a nd Clinic Director, Physiotherapy Associ-

    ates, Jonestm ro, GA 30236, and Clinical Instructor, D ivision of Physical Therapy, Emo ry University.

    J C rouse, IT , is C linical Coordina tor of Physical Therapy, He althSouth, Atlanta, GA


    BA Woodfin, MD, is Orth opae dic Surgeon, R esurgeons Ort hopa edics , and Team Physician, Georgia

    Tech Athletic Association.

    This study was approved by the Human Investigation Committee of Emory University and Pied-

    mont Hospital.

    This article

    w s

    submitted April

    13 1993


    w s

    accepted Januaty

    6 194.

    more effective in retarding thigh atro-

    phy than traditional rehabilitation

    alone . Thigh atrophy, however, is only

    o ne m easure of recovery. Whether

    rehabilitation in water will be differ-

    ent from traditional rehabilitation in

    reducing knee joint laxity, enhancing

    muscle force, and im proving func-

    tional outcomes in subjects with intra-

    articular ACL reconstructions is


    The purpose of this study was to

    determine whether exercises in a

    po ol will lead to less joint effusion,

    less thigh atrophy, increased ROM

    and thigh musculature strength, and

    less difficulty with activities of d aily

    living in patients after intra-articular

    ACL recon struction com par ed with

    exercises on land.

    An effort was mad e

    to m atch specific exercises in both

    groups s o that each program was

    identical and only the rehabilitation

    environment was manipulated.



    Twenty subjects (14 male, 6 female)

    ranging in ag e from 16 to 44 years

    @=29.0, SD=7.8) participated in this

    study. All subjects had undergone

    arthroscopically a ssisted intra-articular

    ACL reconstruction using a bone-

    patellar tendo n-bon e autograft, per-

    formed by the same orthopedic sur-

    ge on . Subjects w ho had prio r ACL

    surgery to either knee o r who had a

    meniscus repair at the time of surgery

    were excluded from the study.


    During the preoperative visit, subjects

    we re familiarized with the study and

    postoperative rehabilitation protocols

    we re ex plained. Each subject signed

    an inform ed consent statemen t, writ-

    ten to conform with the g uidelines of

    Emory University and Piedmont Hos-

    pital (Atlanta, Ga), and a que stionna ire

    was adm inistered. Subjects were as-

    signed to either a traditional rehabili-

    tation (TR) group or a pool rehabilita-

    tion (PR) group using the following

    method of group assignment. The first

    2 subjects were randomly assigned to

  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9





    Rehabilitation mgrams

    Week 1 and Home Program Exercises Both Groups)

    1. Wall slides: 25 repetitions

    2. Active-assistive range of motion: 25 repetitions

    3. Passive knee extension: 10 minutes

    4. Hamstring muscle and calf stretching: 10 minutes each

    5. Quadriceps femoris muscle sets

    6. Straight leg raisesa: sets x 10 repetitions for hip flexion, abduction, adduction, and extension

    7. Active knee flexiona: 3 sets x 10 repetitions

    8. Toe raises: 3 sets x 10 repetitions

    9. Partial wall squats usually added to the home program after first week): 3 sets x 10 repetitions


    2 8

    Exercise Programs

    Traditional Rehabilitation Group Pool Rehabilitation Group

    1. Stationary cycling: 10 minutes

    2. Gait training without brace, alternating forward and backward

    ambulation: 10 min


    Side step-ups, front step-ups, step-downs: beginning with



    of 10 repetitions, progressing to 3 sets of 15 repetitions

    4. Hip flexion, extension, abduction, adduction in standing using a

    wall pulley with 4.54-kg 10-lb) plates: beginning with


    sets of 10

    repetitions, progressing to


    sets of 15 repetitions

    5. Knee flexion in sitting:


    sets of 10 repetitions; boot: beginning

    with 3 sets of 10 repetitions, progressing to 3 sets of 15 repetitions

    1. Stationary cycling: 10 minutesb

    2. Gait training without brace, alternating forward and backward

    ambulation: 10 min


    Side step-ups, front step-ups, step-downs: beginning with


    sets of

    10 repetitions, progressing to 3 sets of 15 repetitionsC

    4. Hip flexion, extension, abduction, adduction in standing using the

    Hydrotone resistance boot: beginning with


    sets of 10 repetitions

    and progressing to


    sets of 15 repetitions

    5. Knee flexicn in standing using the Hydrotone resistance boot:

    beginning with sets of 10 repetitions and progressing to 3 sets of

    15 repetitions

    Cuff weights were added to straight leg raises and knee flexion in increments of 0.91 kg (2 lb).

    *stationary cycling in the p ool rehabilitation group used a ped dling device (see Fig. 1) rather than a stationary bicycle.

    'Step-ups in the water were done with 20.32-cm (8-in) and 40.64-cm (16-in) steps.

    one of the two groups using a coin

    toss. The nex t 2 sub jects recruited

    were placed in opposite groups of the

    first 2 subjects. This proc ed ure was

    continued for every 4 subjects until

    20 subjects were recruited.


    a result,


    me n and 4 wom en were placed in

    the PR grou p and 8 me n an d 2

    women were placed in the TR group.

    This method of grou p assignment was

    used to evenly distribute subjects

    between the two group s over time,

    while also incorporating random

    assignment to groups.


    Exercises for



    During the first postoperative session,

    patients in both group s were in-

    structed in an identical progra m Tab.

    I), which they performed at home

    twice per day. The first wee k of post-

    operative rehabilitation consisted of

    three o r four treatment sessions in

    which on e of the authors reviewed

    the hom e program to en sure that the

    exercises were d on e safely and inde-

    pendently. T o facilitate passive kn ee

    extension, each subject was posi-

    tioned pro ne and the involved leg

    from the su per ior third of the tibia

    to the foo t) was placed off the side of

    a treatmen t table o r be d, letting grav-

    ity pull the knee into extension. Resis-

    tance for the straight leg raises and

    leg curls was ad ded using variable-

    resistance cuff weights. Subjects initi-

    ated each exercise, performing three

    sets of 10 repetitions without weight

    and progressing until they could per-

    form th ree sets of 1 5 repetitions with-

    ou t difficulty. Subjects then ad de d 0.9

    kg 2 lb) to the cuff weight and re-

    peated the p rogression starting with

    thre e sets of 10 repetitions. This pro-

    ced ure was continue d, and resistance

    was added in 0.9-kg increments most

    patients progressed their weight every

    2-3 days). Subjects we re instruc ted

    how to keep a log of their hom e


    p r o g m , w hich w as check ed

    by on e of the authors to help assess


    Weight earing

    Gait training was also initiated on the

    first postoperative session with axil-

    lary crutches and a hinged knee

    brace. The braces were locked in ull

    extension for th e first 4 to 7 days, and

    subjects were instructed to bea r as

    much weight as

    they could tolerate.

    Subjects we re progressed from two

    crutches to o n e crutch between the

    4th and 7th postoperative days and

    were usually off the crutch by the

    10th postoperative day. The hinged

    knee b race was unlocked at the be-

    ginning of the 2nd week , permitting

    90 degrees of knee flexion. The ROM

    of the braces were increased to 120

    degrees by the beginning of the 3rd

    postoperative wee k, and subjects we re

  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9


    achieved a maximum height of 30.48

    cm 12 in).

    igure I

    Pedalling device used


    subjects in the water group

    Rehabliltation rograms

    out of the brace by the 6th postopera-

    tive week.

    During the second through the eighth

    postope~ztiveweeks, the TR group

    performed a land rehabilitation pro-

    gram and the PR group performed a

    similar program in the water Tab.

    1 .

    Both programs were performed three

    times per week in the same sequence.

    Subjects in the TR group warmed up

    with 10 minutes of stationary cycling,

    followed by 10 minutes of gait train-

    ing alternating forward and backward

    walking) and 5 minutes of passive

    stretching. The PR group warmed up

    with the same exercises, but used a

    pedalling device underwater Fig. 1)

    instead of a stationary bicycle.

    Subjects in the TR group initiated

    closed-chain exercises on a 5.08-cm

    2-in) step. Three sets of 10 repeti-

    tions were performed, progressing to

    three sets of 15 repetitions. When

    subjects could perform three sets of

    15 repetitions comfortably at a given

    height, the height was increased by

    5.08 cm and they started with three

    sets of 10 repetitions again. Subjects

    usually advanced every two or three

    sessions and continued the same

    exercise progression while the height

    of the step was increased in incre-

    ments of 5.08 cm. Subjects usually

    Hydrotone International Inc, 3535NW 58th St, Ste 1000 Oklahoma City OK 73112.

    Subjects in the PR group initiated

    closed-chain exercises on a 20.32-cm

    8-in) step. Subjects began with three

    sets of 10 repetitions and progressed

    until they could d o three sets of 15

    repetitions without difficulty. This

    progression usually occurred within 1

    week of rehabilitation in the water.

    Between the second and third weeks,

    subjects were advanced to a 40.64-cm

    16-in) step in chest-deep water and

    the progression format was repeated.

    Between the fourth and eighth weeks,

    subjects used the 40.64-cm step in

    waist-deep water to reduce the force

    of buoyancy on body weight, thereby

    increasing resistance. Exercises in

    waist-deep water progressed in the

    same manner. If subjects were able to

    perform three sets of 15 repetitions

    on the 40.64-cm step in waist-deep

    water without difficulty, they were

    positioned o n a 40.64-cm step in

    thigh-deep water for maximal resis-

    tance and the sequencing format was


    The next group of exercises consisted

    of standing hip flexion, extension,

    abduction, adduction, and knee flex-

    ion strengthening. The TR group

    performed these exercises using pul-

    leys that contained a stack of 4.5-kg

    10-lb) plates. Subjects initiated each

    exercise with a weight they could


    comfortably for three sets of 10 repe-

    titions and progressed until they

    could perform three sets of 15 repeti-

    tions without difficulty. Another 4.5-kg

    plate was then added, and the exer-

    cise was repeated with three sets of

    10 repetitions.

    Hip strengthening and knee flexion

    exercises were done using a Hydro-

    tone exercise boot* Fig. 2). Exercises

    consisted of three sets of 10 repeti-

    tions for hip flexion-extension,

    abduction-adduction, and knee flex-

    ion. Because this study did not intend

    to quantify the amount of resistance

    in the water or to increase the surface

    area of the Hydrotone boot, subjects

    were instructed to move their in-

    volved legs through the water as fast

    as they could.As symptoms decreased

  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9


    ware (version 5.1)* were used to

    calculate and record peak torque (in

    Flgure 2 ydrotone resistance boot used y subjects in the water group

    and muscle performance improved,

    subjects increased the speed and

    created more resistance.

    Data Collection

    Arthrometric measurements


    laxity was measured preoperatively

    and at 8 weeks following surgery.

    Measurements were made by one of

    two physical therapists (BJT and JC)

    using a KT-1000 knee arthrometer.'

    This device has the highest diagnostic

    accuracy of five different arthrometric

    de~ices.~6nterior drawer testing was

    performed with the knee flexed 30

    degrees. Anterior displacement of the

    tibia on the femur was measured (in

    millimeters) during 6.8-kg (15-lb) and

    9.1-kg (20-lb) Lachman tests. Greater

    forces were not used in fear of over-

    stressing the graft during this critical

    period of graft healing. The testers

    maintained 100% agreement, within

    0.5 mm, both with a prior reliability

    study and throughout this study.

    Muscle performance

    measurements Isometric and isoki-

    netic peak knee torques were mea-

    sured at the end of the eighth week

    of rehabilitation and compared be-

    tween groups. An electromechanical

    dynamometer and LIDO@AC+ soft-

    +Medrnetric,San Diego. CA

    $Loredan Biomedical Inc, 2121-B 2nd St, Ste 107, Davis, CA 95616.

    elcro USA Inc, 406 Brown Ave, Manchester,



    foot-pounds), and gravity-corrected

    measurements were obtained. Accord-

    ing to the manufacturer, the dyna-

    mometer's accuracy is self-calibrated

    through the computer software pack-

    age. One tester, who was blind to

    group assignment, performed all the


    During the testing session, subjects

    were positioned with their hips in 80

    to 90 degrees of flexion. The hips and

    tested limb were stabilized with Vel-

    cro@ straps across the pelvis and

    over the thigh. Subjects were in-

    structed to grasp the handrails during

    the test. The axis of rotation of the

    dynamometer was aligned with that of

    the knee, and the lever arm pad was

    placed 7.62 cm (3 in) below the tibial

    tubercle. Subjects were allowed a

    short period of familiarization at each


    Isometric testing consisted of three

    maximal 5-second repetitions with the

    knee flexed 85 degrees



    knee extension torque and three

    maximal 5-second repetitions with the

    knee flexed 60 degrees



    knee flexion torque. Subjects were

    given a 30-second rest period be-

    tween repetitions. The highest torque

    value was recorded.

    Isokinetic testing consisted of three

    separate contractions at 90/s with a

    30-second rest period between repeti-

    tions. Isokinetic extension was tested

    from 80 to 40 degrees of knee flex-

    ion, and isokinetic flexion was tested

    from 0 to 70 degrees of knee flexion.

    Isohnetic extension was done sepa-

    rately from isokinetic flexion to pre-

    vent possible shearing during changes

    in direction. The maximum peak

    torque for the three repetitions was

    recorded for each of the four tests.


    subjects were tested in the same


    Passlve range of motion


    Passive range of

    motion (PROM) measurements for

    knee flexion and extension were

    taken by one of the two physical ther-

    apists using a standard plastic goni-

  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9



    able 2







    Dzferences in Joint Laxity Measurements

    During a

    6.8-kg 15-lb)

    Lachmun Test


    df SS S

    Between subjects

    Groups (A) 1 21 OO 21 OO 3.43 082


    17 104.08 6.12

    Within subjects

    Weeks (B) 1 50.84 50.84 8.39 .01

    A x B 1 0.003 0.003 0.00 984

    Error 17 103.05 6.06

    om eter (17.78 cm [7 in] long with a

    360 scale and 1 increments). The

    testers maintained 100% agreement,

    within 5 degrees, both with a prior

    reliability study an d thro ugh out this


    Passive range of m otion was m ea-

    sured at the beginning of each treat-

    ment session at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks

    postoperatively. Subjects we re al-

    lowed a 3-minute warm-up, which

    consistell of self-stretching within

    their available ROM. Both m easure -

    ments were taken with subjects posi-

    tioned supine . Knee extension mea-

    surements we re taken with a towel

    roll und er the hee l of the involved

    extremity. Knee flexion m easurements

    were taken with the h ip maintained at

    90 degrees of flexion, while the heel

    was moved toward the buttocks. End-

    range was determ ined by applying

    overpressure until firm resistance was

    met. The maximum value of three

    measurements was recorded.



    Girth mea-

    surements were taken by on e of the

    two physical therapists during the

    preoperative visit and at 2, 4, 6, and 8

    weeks following surgery. Measure-

    ments were taken at the mid-patella

    level and 15.24 cm (6 in) above th e

    mid-patella using a standard tape

    measure (increments of 0.3175 cm

    [ hn]) with subjects positioned su-

    pine with their thigh musculature

    relaxed. 'These measurement locations

    were used to document changes in

    knee joint e h s io n and thigh muscu-

    lar atrophy. The testers maintained

    100% agreem ent, within 0.636 cm


    in), both with a prior reliability study

    and throughout this study.

    Functional questlonnalre A func-

    tional questionnaire was administered

    at the en d of the eighth postoperative

    week. The questionnaire consisted of

    a Lysholm scale,27 which quantifies

    the functional use


    the knee joint

    using a scale of 0 to 1 00. This rating

    system is a self-report of the subject's

    perceived ability of activities such as

    walking, stair climbing, and squatting

    and is an accepted method of evaluat-

    ing functional impairment.27,28 igher

    scores indicated bette r functional use

    with fewer symptoms.

    Data Management and Analysis

    Side-to-side differences in joint laxity

    measurements were calculated and

    used to com pare the values between

    groups prior to surgery and 8 weeks

    following surgery. Mean differences

    we re com pared using an analysis of

    variance (ANOVA). A Tukey's pair-wise

    comp arison was used for within-

    group comparisons, and a Bonferroni

    pair-wise compa rison was used for

    between-group comparisons.

    Measurements of isometric and isoki-

    netic peak torq ue for the quadriceps

    femoris and hamstring m uscles we re

    normalized to the values of the unin-

    volved contralateral musculature and

    expressed as a percentage. The mean

    peak torque percentage and the mean

    Lysholm score were com pared b e-

    tween group s using a Student's test.

    The ROM measurements for weeks 2,

    4, 6, and 8 we re analyzed using a

    two-way ANOVA (groups


    weeks) for

    repeated measures. A Tukey's pair-

    wise comparison post hoc test for

    significance was us ed for within-

    gro up com parisons, and a Bonferroni

    pair-wise comparison was u sed for

    between-group comparisons.

    Girth measurements were calculated

    from m easurements of girth at mid-

    patella and 15.24 cm above m id-

    patella. Mean differences we re com-

    pared at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks using

    tests identical to those undertaken for

    ROM. Th e alp ha level of significance

    was set at .05.


    Results of the ANOVAs for joint laxity

    measurem ents, presented in Tables 2

    and 3, sho wed n o significant differ-

    ence between groups (F=3.43, 4.04;

    df=l l;P= .08 , .06), indicating that

    neither program induced more laxity

    than the oth er. A significant effect for

    time did exist at both the 6.8-kg

    (F=8.39, df=l P=.01) and 9.1-kg

    forces (F=24.0,


    1 P=.0001), indi-

    cating that both g roups h ad sign&-

    cantly less joint laxity at 8 weeks after

    surgery compared with before


    Comparison of quadriceps femoris

    and hamstring m uscle isometric and

    isokinetic peak torque percentages

    (Tab. 4) between g roups revealed no

    significant differences for isometric

    knee flexion, isometric knee exten-

    sion, and isokinetic k nee extension

    peak to rqu e percentages. The isoki-

    netic knee flexion peak torq ue per-

    centa ge, how ever, was significantly

    higher for the TR group @=96.4,

    SD=13.5) than for the PR group


    81.7, SD=11 .1) (P =.01).

    Passive range of motion measure-

    ments were recorded at weeks 2, 4 , 6 ,

    and 8 . Table 5 shows that there were

    n o significant differences between

    groups at each measurement period

    (F=0.38, df=l P=.546). As expected,

    there was a significant effect for time

    (F= 116.49, df=3, P=. 000 1), implying

    that kne e joint PROM for b oth g roups

  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9


    between the baseline measurement

    and the second postoperative week,

    Table 3 Results of Analysis of Variance of Differences in Joint Laxity Measurements

    During a 9.1-kg (20-lb)Lachrnan Test

    but no difference existed between

    groups. Mean Lysholrn scores were

    significantly higher in the PR group



    SS MS

    @=92.2, SD=4.31) than in the TR

    group @=82.4, SD=12.36) (P=.03)

    Between subjects

    Groups A)


    17 156 20

    Within subjects

    Weeks B)

    1 123 73

    A x B 1 0 25


    17 87 64

    improved over the weeks.



    weeks following surgery, the first

    PROM measurement showed that

    both groups had an average of 117

    degrees of knee PROM. Both groups

    showed progressive increments over

    time, averaging 20 degrees between

    weeks 2 and 4, 8 degrees between

    weeks 4 and 6, and 4 more degrees

    between weeks 6 and 8. Mean knee

    PROM for both groups at the end of

    the 8-week program was 150 degrees.


    ho analysis revealed that gains

    in PROM were significant for both

    groups only during the first 6 weeks.

    No significant differences were noted

    between groups. There was no signifi-

    cant groupx time interaction, indicat-

    ing that change in PROM over time

    was not dependent on assignment.

    Girth measurements taken at mid-

    patella and 15.24 cm above mid-

    patella were compared between

    knees to determine mean differences

    (Tab. 6). Between-group analysis

    showed that the PR group had less

    girth than the TR group for each mid-

    patella measurement, but the differ-

    ence was significant only at 8 weeks.

    No significant difference between

    groups was noted (F=2.09, df=


    P=.l66). A time effect was shown

    (F=23.45, df=4, P=.0001), as both

    groups had a significant increase in

    girth at mid-patella between the base-

    line measurement and the second

    postoperative week. Additionally, both

    groups showed a significant decrease

    in girth at mid-patella after the second

    week, but only until week 4 At 15.54

    cm above mid-patella, both groups

    had significant decreases in girth

    Lysholm scale measurements showed

    that the PR group scored significantly

    higher than the TR group at 8 weeks,

    indicating that this group had fewer

    problems with activities of daily living.

    Increased pain, based on the subjects

    self-report, and knee swelling during

    activities of daily living were primarily

    responsible for lower scores in the

    TR group. The results of the laxity

    and girth measurements may offer

    possible reasons why the PR group

    had higher Lysholm scores.

    At 8 weeks following surgery, both

    groups had less than 3 mm of differ-

    ence in joint laxity between the in-

    volved and uninvolved knees for both

    the 6.8- and 9.1-kg Lachman tests.

    Neither program induced knee joint

    laxity, as a laxity difference of 5 3 mm

    is considered normal.29 Although

    between-group comparisons revealed

    no significant difference, the within-

    group means at the end of 8 weeks

    indicated that the TR group had

    greater than 1.5 mm more laxity for

    both tests than the PR group. The

    inability to detect a significant differ-

    ence between groups may have been

    due to insufficient sample size. This

    result may be d ue to the increased

    stresses on the knee joint during

    Table 4 Means and Standard Deviations for Group Peak Torque Recovery at the

    rehabilitation on land with

    Eighth Postoperative Week (Percentage of Nonoperative Limb s Peak Torque)

    in water.l5 Increased knee joint laxity

    in the surgical knee at 8 weeks could

    lsometrlc Peak lsoklnetlc Peak

    have resulted in increased knee joint

    Torque Percentage Torque Percentage

    effusion, which may have led to the

    07s) 901s)

    lower Lysholm scores.

    Group SD SD

    Girth measurements taken at 15.24


    above mid-patella showed no signs-

    Traditional rehabilitation n=9 )

    cant difference between groups for


    85 1 9 1 96 4 13 5

    atrophy of the thigh musculature.


    43 1 11 6 56 1

    9.2 Within-group comparison, however,

    Pool rehabilitation n=10)

    revealed that both groups followed


    83 7 10 6

    81 7 1 l l the same significant changes from the


    42 8 12 7 50 6 18 1

    presurgical measurement until the

    eighth postoperative week. Both

  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9


    in greater circumferential




    Results of Analysis of Variance of Dgerences Between Groups in Recovey

    of Range of Motion



    SS S


    Between subjects

    Groups A) 1 132.61 132.61 0.38 546

    Error 18 6287.63 349.31

    Within subjects

    Weeks B) 3 13277.84 4425.95


    16.49 .0001

    A X B 3 48.24 16.08 0.42 737

    Error 54 2051.66 37.99

    groups experienced the greatest

    change between the presurgical mea-

    surement and the second postopera-

    tive week, with the greatest decrease

    in girth occurring at the fourth post-

    operative week. Thigh musculature

    atrophy is commonly observed d uring

    the acutt: postsurgical period due to

    muscle inhibition that takes place

    from the increased joint effusion and

    increased pa in . DeA ndrade e t a13O

    have shc~wn hat with increased kn ee

    joint effu sion, th ere is less muscle



    measured by electromyo-

    graph ic activity.

    Thigh girth began to increase after

    the fourth postoperative week, an d

    the involved extremity was within

    1.90 cm 0.75 in) of the contralateral

    extremity by the eighth postoperative

    week for both g roups. Increases in

    thigh girth at this time may be attrib-



    several factors. As postopera-

    tive joint effusion and pain decrease

    while ROM increases, th e thigh mu s-

    culature can b e exercised through a

    gre ate r ROM. As exercises are p er-

    formed mo re vigorously, muscle

    tissue begins t hypertrophy, resulting


    able 6 . Results of Analysis of Variance of Dzffwences Between Groups for Girth

    Measurenzents at Mid-patella and 40 62 m 6 in) Above Mid-patella

    Source f SS S



    Between subjects

    Groups A)


    Within sl~bjects

    Weeks B)

    A x B

    40.64 cm above m id-patella

    Betweeri subjects

    Groups A) 1 0.006 0.006 0.01 933

    Error 17 15.53 0.80

    Within S L J ~ ~ ~ C ~ S

    Weeks B)

    A X B


    Girth me asurem ents taken at mid-

    patella showed that the girth for the

    PR group was consistently less at each

    time pe riod, but these differences

    w er e significant on ly at 8 weeks.


    discussed e arlier, the increased ginh

    in the TR group m ay have bee n

    cause d by th e joint effusion resulting

    from greater stress o n the joint d ur-

    ing land exercises co mp ared with

    water exercise s. This increased joint

    effusion m ay have l ed to lowe r Ly-

    sholm scores.

    Within-group comparison reveals that

    mid-patella ginh measurements

    changed similarly for both groups;

    that is, measurements at this location

    we re inversely related to the mea-

    surem ents taken at 15.24 kg above

    mid-patella. The greatest increa se in

    girth was noted between the presurgi-

    cal measurement and the second

    postoperative week, suggesting the

    increased joint effusion that typically

    occurs following surgery. These re-

    sults indicate that as joint effusion

    decreases, m uscle girth increases,

    with th e transition occurring around


    to weeks following surgery.

    Between-group comparison for peak

    torque percentages PTPs) showed

    that the


    group had a significantly

    higher PTP for the hamstring muscles

    at 90/s, indicating that the traditional

    rehabilitation approach was m ore

    effective than th e po ol rehab ilitation

    approach for strengthening the ham-

    string muscles. This result may have

    occurred for two reasons. First, resis-

    tance in the water was partially deter-

    mined by the speed of l imb move-

    ment, which was controlled by each

    subject.16 Sub ject effort can b e affected

    by pain and motivation. Therefore,

    subjects may not have generated

    enough resistance to facilitate maxi-

    mal strengthening. Hamstring m uscle

    exercises in the TR gro up were d on e

    using weights, so resistance was not

    self-paced. Second, there is a differ-

    enc e in the type of muscle contrac-

    tion that o ccurs o n land. Empirical

    evidence suggests that an e ccentric

    muscle contraction is important for

  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9


    restoring muscle perf0rman ce.3~This

    type of contraction is more likely to

    occur on land than in water due to

    increased gravitational forces.

    In both g roups, there w as equal effec-

    tiveness in restoring quadriceps femo-

    ris muscle strength. These results also

    show ed that greate r joint effusion in

    the TR gro up did not significantly

    affect peak torque muscle perfor-

    mance. A possible reason for this

    finding is that all subjects were tested

    in the range of 85 to 40 degrees of

    knee flexion, rather than at the end -

    range whe re joint effusion has be en

    shown to s e c t muscle perfonnance.30

    The mean PTPs for both group s are

    similar to those repo rted for oth er

    subjec ts with ACL reconstru ctions.5

    Oth er studies,7,8 how ever, have d em -

    onstrated higher peak to rque values.

    Two possible explanations for lower

    PTPs in this study are the type of

    quadriceps fem oris muscle strength-

    ening a nd m ethodological factors.

    Type of Quadriceps Femoris

    Muscle Strengthenlng

    The method of quadriceps femoris

    muscle strengthening in both groups

    focused on closed-chain exercises,

    which may not have provided enough

    isolated stimulus to the quadriceps

    femoris muscle to facilitate maxim um

    strength gains. Previous studies,7.8

    which demonstrated higher strength

    gains, applied n euromuscular electri-

    cal stimulation d uring open-chain

    knee extension exercises. Both

    groups in this study may have bene -

    fited from isolated kne e extension

    exercises through a limited ROM (90

    to 40 of knee flexion to ens ure graft

    protection), as recent research find-

    ings indicate that closed-chain exer-

    cises alone may not be enough to

    facilitate maximum muscle perfor-

    mance as m easured by isokinetic


    Methodological Factors

    Changing the m ethodology may have

    resulted in higher mean PTPs. Per-

    forming three 5-second isometric

    quadriceps femoris m uscle contrac-

    tions resulted in d on or site pain (the

    anatomical site at which the central

    third of the patellar ten don was surgi-

    cally removed for use as an a u-

    tograft) in so me subjects in both

    group s, which may have altered the

    rema ining tests. Anterior kn ee p ain is

    com m on in th e early ph ases of ACL

    rehabilitation if a patellar tendon

    autograft is used. Testing isom etrically

    and at slow speeds increases the joint

    reaction forces aro und the patella, but

    usually is a better indicator of

    strength. Although strength testing in

    this study provided adequate graft

    protection, testing at faster speeds first

    and slower speeds at the end of the

    testing session might have resulted in

    better PTP scores. The testing pro ce-

    du re in this study did n ot take these

    factors into account because at the

    time the study was proposed, n o

    published research had incorporated

    isokinetic testing at 8 w eeks, using

    only subjects with patellar tendon


    linical lmpllcatlons

    Although a primary goal in the reha-

    bilitation of pa tients with ACL recon -

    structions is the restoration of quadri-

    ceps femoris muscle performance, the

    means of achieving this goal must

    avoid overstressing the graft and in-

    creasing joint e h s io n . Addttionally, to

    expedite recovery, patients must toler-

    ate the rehabilitation program . Som e

    patients find postoperative exercises

    too uncomfortable because of age,

    low presurgical activity level, o r low

    pain tolerance, and progression d ur-

    ing the early phases of rehabilitation

    is limited.

    Exercises in water may make the total

    rehabilitation program m or e tolera-

    ble. Although a co mp lete aquatic

    exercise program m ay be unneces-

    sary, augmen ting a land program with

    pool exercises may permit loading

    the joint to a g reater deg ree. For

    patients who are unable to tolerate

    traditional e xercises o n land, water

    can be

    used to facilitate progression

    to m ore aggressive exercises. In this

    study, a water environm ent was m ost

    beneficial for facilitating closed-chain

    exercises, such as gait training and

    step-ups, and the land pulleys ap-

    peared to b e mo st beneficial for ham-

    string muscle and hip strengthening.

    Isolated qua driceps femo ris muscle

    contractions in a safe range using

    open-chain exercises may have bene-

    fited both groups.

    Patients using a pool for rehabilitation

    are l ikely to tolerate an even m ore

    aggressive rehabilitation program than

    that presented in this study. In this

    study, however, exercises in both

    group s had to b e carefully matched to

    ens ure that the main effect between

    rehabilitation programs was du e to

    the environ men t. The PR gro up cou ld

    have performed more advanced exer-

    cises, but varying the e xercises would

    have ma de interpretation of results

    unclear becau se differences between

    groups could have then been attrib-

    uted to the environment, exercises, or

    interaction between the two.

    Although traditional exercises have

    been the treatment choice of most

    clinicians, the results of this study

    suggest that a rehabilitation program

    for patients with intra-articu lar ACL

    reconstructions performed in a pool

    is mo re effective in re ducin g joint

    effusion and facilitating recovery o f

    lower-extremity function as indicated

    by Lysholm scores. The results also

    suggest that rehabilitation in water is

    equally effective as on land for restor-

    ing knee ROM an d quadriceps fem o-

    ris muscle strength, but not as effec-

    tive in restoring hamstring muscle

    strength. Clinicians wh o wish to allow

    maximal weight bearing may find the

    adjunct of aquatic exercises useful.

    Future studies should analyze the

    effectiveness of a program that com-

    bines traditional and water exercises,

    using larger samp le sizes and a

    longer follow-up period.


    We thank Lynn Snyde r-Mackler, ScD,

    PT, for assisting with p repara tion of

    this manuscript; Roberto Infante, PT

    and the staff at Resurgeons Ortho-

    paedics for their assistance with data

  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9


    collection; and Piedmont Hospital for

    use of their facilities.


    Paulos LE, Payne FC, Rosenberg



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  • 8/10/2019 Phys Ther 1994 Tovin 710 9



    I n C o m p a r i s o n

    of the



    Ex erc i se inW a t e rand on Landon

    t h e Reh ab i l i t a t i o n of Pat ien ts With

    In t r a -a r t icu l a r An te r io r Cru c i a t e

    L ig am en t Reco n s t ru c t i o n s by

    To v inet al in theAu g u s t1994

    i s su e ,an i n c o r r e c t u n i t of m e a s u r e

    m e n t


    g i r t h


    s h o w n


    p ag es

    7 1 6and 717 and an i n c o r r e c t m e t

    r i c c o n v e r s i o n


    p r e s e n t e d


    T a b l e6. Thed i s c u s s i o n and the

    t a b l e s h o u l d


    c o r r e c t e d



    t h a t t h i g h g i r t h m e a s u r e m e n t s in

    t h a t s t u d y were t ak en at m id -p a t e l l a

    a n d at 1524 cm 6 in)a b o v emid-

    patel la .TheJ o u r n a l r e g r e t sthe

    e r r o r s .

    no chest painandnorm al corona ry arter

    ies (group


    The TENSwas set to deliver 300-milli-

    second constant-current pulsesat 150 Hz.

    Elect rodes wer e p laced20 cmapartat

    the site


    the most inte nse pain



    jectsingroups 1 and 2, andoverthe

    per icard ium




    g ro u p

    3. In

    tensity was adapted individuallytojust



    level that produc ed pain

    (10-60 mA). Coronary angiography was



    m easu rem en t


    b lood

    flow velocityandd iameterof the left

    an ter ior descending


    circumflex arter

    ies during diastole. After determining

    TENS intensity,


    stimulator was tu rned

    off and baseline valuesof resting blood

    flow velocity, heart rate (HR), meanand

    systolic blood pressures (BP), arterial

    d iameters ,andaort ic norep ineph rineand

    epinephrine concentrat ions were deter

    mined. Transcutaneous electrical nerve

    stimulation treatmentwasthen givenfor

    5 minutes ,andm easu rem en ts w ereim

    mediately repeated.

    In 10




    g ro u p ,thestudy was repeated after co ro

    nary blood flow returned



    values. Results were compared usingthe

    Wilcoxon matched-pairs test .

    Resting coronary blood flow velocity



    aor tic ep ine phrine


    creased significantly ingroups 1 and 2,

    after TENS treatment. Heart rate, mean


    systolic BP, blood norepinephrine,and

    ar terial d iameters we re




    TENSin any group. Results were highly

    reproducib le. There

    was a

    v ariability


    responses toTENSingroups 1 and 2that

    was independent ofthreshold stimulation

    and siteofelectro de placem ent, suggest

    ing individual differences




    neurostimulation. Thelackofany



    g ro u p


    (patients with heart

    transplant) maybe associated with car

    diac denervation


    heterogenous rein-

    nervation, immunosuppression therapy,

    or higher baseline valuesofHR.

    The authors suggested thatthe increase

    in coronary blood flow velocity after

    TENSin patients with chest painis due to

    dilationat themicrocirculatory level. This

    m ay be theresultof local productionof

    vasodilatory substances, reductionin

    local sympathetic activity,



    Carol J Weaver PhD


    West Virginia University



    Validation offaNon Invasive




    the Erect Spine

    RaineS,Twomey LT (SchoolofPhysio

    therapy, Curtin University


    T echnology,

    Perth, Western Australia, Australia),


    nal of Manual


    Manipulative Ther-



    The authors introduced



    methodformeasurementofspinal curva

    tures, examined





    ment errorforthis method,anddeter





    this m ethod


    comparisons with radiographs.Theauthors






    methods usingamodified Cobb technique

    that reflected changes

    in the



    the superiorandinferior vertebraein a

    particular region without consideration


    the shapeofthe curve. This method used

    photographs, from whichthespinal curves

    were manually digitizedandthen calcu

    latedby acomputer.

    Fifteen volunteer subjects from an outpa

    tient scoliosis clinic were used inthis

    study.Thenoninvasive measurem ent

    method involved identifying with adhe

    sive dots theC-7, T-6, T-12, L-2,and the

    left posterior superior i l iac spine. This

    was followedby theapplicationof a con

    tinuous foam marker (1.27

    cm in


    and2.54 cm in depth) placed alongthe

    subject 's spine.


    adhesive dots w ere

    then transferredto thefoam marker,



    b o rd er s


    four regions:

    upper thoracic, lower thoracic, upper

    lumbar ,


    lower lumbar . Through


    s tandard ized procedure,a profile photo

    graph was takenas the subject stood over

    the cen terof agraphlex platformand

    directly behind a plum line.Thecontours

    of the cont inuous m arkerand theindi

    vidual spinal level markers were manu

    ally digitized,and thespinal c urvature

    was calculated through the use of a

    GTCO digitizer, twocomputers ,and

    custom-designed software. This measure

    ment process involved2hoursof time

    per subject.

    The measurement errordue to theman

    ual digitization was determined



    ining repeated trialsof manual tracings

    over known curves that were designed to

    simulate spinal curvatures. Thiswas

    found to be less than 0.02%inrelationto

    the mean surface curvature (-0.000010

    to -0 .000041 rad /mm). This degreeof

    error was foundto be similar throughout

    the different regionsof the curve.

    The validity


    this technique



    by comparing the measurements taken



    photographs wi th m easure

    ments taken from theradiographs. Trac

    ings were taken from


    curves defined



    posterior vertebral bodies




    spinous processe s. These trac

    ings were manually digitizedandcom

    puter calculated

    by the

    same m eans


    the photographs. These radiographic

    curves were then compared wi ththe

    photographic, surface curvesfor each

    subject. A Pears on Product-M oment Cor

    relation Coefficient was used for analysis

    of the results.Theresults we re varied,

    ranging from r=.37 tor= .8 4 .Thecorre

    lations betwee nthesurface measurem ents

    an d


    radiographs improved


    the sur

    face measurement was compared withthe

    posterior vertebral body measurem ent


    the thoracic spine (r=.70-.84),and ifthe

    surface measurement was compared with

    the spinous process measurementin the

    lumbar spine (r=.65-.67). This discrepancy

    was explainedby theauthorsintermsof


    in the

    radiographic anatomy of

    these two spinal regions.

    The authors concluded that this noninva

    sive measurement techniquewasableto



    reasonable indication

    of the

    curvatureof the underlying vertebral

    co lumn.


    auth ors sug gested that this

    mathematically derived curvature



    surface contour


    the spine

    is a

    m o re

    precise method than themodified Cobb

    method. They speculated about modifica

    tionsin thetesting cond itions thatmay

    improve thecorrelat ions betw eenthe

    surface measurem entsand theradio

    graphic measurements .

    Karen Maloney Backstrom PT OCS

    Univ of Colorado

    Denver Colo

    84 1165

    P h ys ic a l T h e r a p y / V o l u m e 74,N u m b e r 1 2 / D e c e m b er1994