Gels III Fluid Ther

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Terapi Cairan Pada Shock

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    Bambang Suryono SBambang Suryono S


    Dimana saja!!Dimana saja!!

    Kapan saja!!Kapan saja!!

    Pada siapa saja!!Pada siapa saja!! Pada siapa saja!!Pada siapa saja!!

  • Life ThreatLife Threat

    OrangOrang sehatsehat









  • ..


    Inadequate tissue perfusion along with Inadequate tissue perfusion along with

    cellular hypoxia and oxygen debt, which cellular hypoxia and oxygen debt, which

    results in cellular dysfunction and is caused results in cellular dysfunction and is caused

    by inadequate systemic oxygen delivery or by inadequate systemic oxygen delivery or by inadequate systemic oxygen delivery or by inadequate systemic oxygen delivery or

    impairment of cellular oxygen uptakeimpairment of cellular oxygen uptake..

  • Stages of ShockStages of Shock

    1. A 1. A nonprogressivenonprogressive stage (compensated)stage (compensated)

    in which the normal circulatory mechanisms in which the normal circulatory mechanisms

    eventually cause full recovery without help from eventually cause full recovery without help from

    outside therapyoutside therapyoutside therapyoutside therapy

    2. A 2. A progressive stage, progressive stage, in which, without in which, without therapy, the shock become steadily worse until therapy, the shock become steadily worse until


    3. An 3. An irreversible stageirreversible stage



    In In hypovolemichypovolemic shock : blood loss, trauma, shock : blood loss, trauma,

    fluid losses, dehydration, third spacing or fluid losses, dehydration, third spacing or

    other fluid losses. other fluid losses. other fluid losses. other fluid losses.

  • HistoryHistory

    In adult In adult drop Systolic BP > 40 mmHg drop Systolic BP > 40 mmHg significant hypotensionsignificant hypotension

  • General Symptoms of ShockGeneral Symptoms of Shock

    CNS changes CNS changes

    *Confusion, coma, combative behavior, *Confusion, coma, combative behavior,

    agitation, stuporagitation, stupor

    Skin changesSkin changes

    *Cool, clammy, warm, diaphoresis*Cool, clammy, warm, diaphoresis

    Cardiovascular Cardiovascular

    *Increase or decrease heart rate, *Increase or decrease heart rate,

    arrhythmia, angina, low high or normalarrhythmia, angina, low high or normal

    cardiac output, changes in pulmonary pressurecardiac output, changes in pulmonary pressure

  • General symptoms of shockGeneral symptoms of shock

    Pulmonary Pulmonary

    *Increased RR, increase or decrease in*Increased RR, increase or decrease in

    endend-- tidal CO2, decrease O2 saturation,tidal CO2, decrease O2 saturation,

    increased pulmonary pressures,increased pulmonary pressures, increased pulmonary pressures,increased pulmonary pressures,

    respiratory failure, decreased tidal volume,respiratory failure, decreased tidal volume,

    decreased FRCdecreased FRC


    *Decreased urine output, elevation in BUN and *Decreased urine output, elevation in BUN and creatininecreatinine levels, change in urine electrolyte levelslevels, change in urine electrolyte levels

  • Common effects of shock on organsCommon effects of shock on organs

    SystemicSystemic : Capillary leak, formation of micro: Capillary leak, formation of micro

    vascular shunts, cytokine releasevascular shunts, cytokine release

    CardiovascularCardiovascular : circulatory failure,: circulatory failure,

    depression of cardiovascular function,depression of cardiovascular function, depression of cardiovascular function,depression of cardiovascular function,


    HaematologicHaematologic : : bone marrow suppression,bone marrow suppression,

    coagulopathycoagulopathy, DIC, platelet, DIC, platelet


  • .. Hepatic Hepatic : liver insufficiency, elevation of: liver insufficiency, elevation of

    liver enzyme levels, liver enzyme levels, coagulopathycoagulopathy

    NeuroendocrineNeuroendocrine : change in mental status, : change in mental status,

    adrenal suppression, insulinadrenal suppression, insulin

    resistance, thyroid dysfunctionresistance, thyroid dysfunction

    Renal :Renal : renal insufficiency, change in urinerenal insufficiency, change in urine Renal :Renal : renal insufficiency, change in urinerenal insufficiency, change in urine

    electrolyte levels, elevation of BUN electrolyte levels, elevation of BUN

    and and creatininecreatinine levelslevels

    Cellular :Cellular : cellcell--toto--cell dehiscence, cellularcell dehiscence, cellular

    swelling, mitochondrial dysfunction,swelling, mitochondrial dysfunction,

    cellular leakcellular leak

  • Hypovolemic shockHypovolemic shock

    Cause :Cause : depletion of fluid in the intravascular depletion of fluid in the intravascular space (hemorrhage, vomiting, diarrhea, space (hemorrhage, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, capillary leak or a combinationdehydration, capillary leak or a combination))

    SIRSSIRS capillary leakcapillary leak SIRSSIRS capillary leakcapillary leak

    Findings : Findings : decreased CO, decreased PCWP, decreased CO, decreased PCWP, increase SVRincrease SVR

    Echo :Echo :decreased rightdecreased right--sided filling, decreased sided filling, decreased stroke volume, increase aortic diameterstroke volume, increase aortic diameter

  • PerdarahanPerdarahan

    Kehilangan akut darah dari sistim sirkulasiKehilangan akut darah dari sistim sirkulasi

    Estimated blood volume /EBV:Estimated blood volume /EBV:

    * Adult : 7% BW * Adult : 7% BW male 70 ml/kgmale 70 ml/kg

    female 65 ml/kg female 65 ml/kg female 65 ml/kg female 65 ml/kg

    *Children : 8*Children : 8--9% BW9% BW

  • The Role of FluidsThe Role of Fluids

    Optimal organ function requires the twoOptimal organ function requires the two--

    way movement of substrates and cell way movement of substrates and cell

    products products between the circulatory system and between the circulatory system and the cells themselves.the cells themselves.the cells themselves.the cells themselves.

  • ClassificationClassification of of infusinfusion fluidsion fluids

    11.D.Dextrose/glukose/fruktoseextrose/glukose/fruktose solutionsolution

    2.2.CCrryystalstallloid : oid : RResusesusccitaitattiion fluidon fluid (Ringer (Ringer

    laktat, Ringer asetat)laktat, Ringer asetat)

    Maintenance fluid:Maintenance fluid:

    Kaen 3A, Kaen 3B, Kaen MG3Kaen 3A, Kaen 3B, Kaen MG3

    Tutofusin OPSTutofusin OPS

    3.3.CColollloid : Dextran 40 ,70, Gelatin, Hydroxy oid : Dextran 40 ,70, Gelatin, Hydroxy

    ethylethyl--starch, starch, artificial bloodartificial blood

  • InfusInfusion fluidsion fluids

    4.4.ParenteralParenteral nutritionnutrition : : ccarboharbohyydratdratee,,

    protein/protein/amino acidsamino acids

    lipid, lipid,


    TriofusinTriofusin, , TriofusinTriofusin EE--1000, 1000, AminofusinAminofusin,,

    AminolebanAminoleban, , LipovenousLipovenous

    5.5.Blood productsBlood products : albumin, FFP, SPPS,: albumin, FFP, SPPS,


  • CrystalloidCrystalloid

    Expand the plasma volume by about 200 ml Expand the plasma volume by about 200 ml

    perper--liter infused liter infused diluting circulating proteins, diluting circulating proteins, plasma COPplasma COP

    Potentially harmful interstitial Potentially harmful interstitial overhydrationoverhydration Potentially harmful interstitial Potentially harmful interstitial overhydrationoverhydration

    Crystalloid need to be administered at volumes 3 Crystalloid need to be administered at volumes 3

    to 5to 5--folds greater than of (folds greater than of (isooncoticisooncotic) colloids ) colloids

    to achieve comparable plasma volumes and to achieve comparable plasma volumes and resuscitation endpointsresuscitation endpoints

  • Infusion management: Infusion management:

    A rational strategyA rational strategy Two different therapies for two different diagnosis Two different therapies for two different diagnosis

    fluid substitution and fluid resuscitation.fluid substitution and fluid resuscitation.

    The basis considerations:The basis considerations:

    1.Save the endothelial 1.Save the endothelial glycocalyxglycocalyx from degradation due to from degradation due to 1.Save the endothelial 1.Save the endothelial glycocalyxglycocalyx from degradation due to from degradation due to


    2.Substitute fluid loss or dehydration using crystalloid 2.Substitute fluid loss or dehydration using crystalloid


    3.Replace volume loss or 3.Replace volume loss or hypovolemiahypovolemia with colloidal with colloidal

    tetrastarchtetrastarch solutions until normalization of solutions until normalization of the circulating the circulating

    blood volumeblood volume

  • ColloidColloid The intravascular COP after colloid infusion is influenced The intravascular COP after colloid infusion is influenced

    by baseline COP, the degree of by baseline COP, the degree of hemodilutionhemodilution and the COP and the COP

    of the infused volume and its plasma retention, determined of the infused volume and its plasma retention, determined

    by the molecular weight the molecular weight distribution.

    Albumin solutions are Albumin solutions are monodispersemonodisperse (MW of 69 (MW of 69 kDakDa)) Albumin solutions are Albumin solutions are monodispersemonodisperse (MW of 69 (MW of 69 kDakDa))

    Gelatins are Gelatins are polydispersepolydisperse and in excess of 75% of the and in excess of 75% of the

    molecules are to be smaller than the renal threshold of 30 molecules are to be smaller than the renal threshold of 30


  • ColloidColloid HydroxyHydroxy--ethylethyl--starch solutions is very starch solutions is very polydispersepolydisperse, ,

    defined by degree of substitution and by MW.defined by degree of substitution and by MW.

    The greater of degree of substitution The greater of degree of substitution the greater the greater

    the resistance of degradation the resistance of degradation prolongs the prolongs the effectiveness of HES as a plasma expandereffectiveness of HES as a plasma expandereffectiveness of HES as a plasma expandereffectiveness of HES as a plasma expander

    Colloid with a low COP50/COP10 ratio will be lost Colloid with a low COP50/COP10 ratio will be lost

    more rapidly from intravascular spacemore rapidly from intravascular space

    The resulting sealing effect may attenuate fluid The resulting sealing effect may attenuate fluid

    extravasationextravasation independently of the COP by albumin.independently of the COP by albumin.

  • Replace Normal Replace Normal

    Hypotonic infusionHypotonic infusion

    5% dextrose 5% dextrose

    increases ICF > ECFincreases ICF > ECF

    ICF ISF PlasmaICF ISF Plasma

    Replace Normal loss (IWL + urine)

    Replace Normal loss (IWL + urine)

    85 ml85 ml255 ml255 ml660 ml660 ml


  • Infus IsotonicInfus Isotonic

    Ringers acetate

    Ringers lactate Normal saline

    Ringers acetate Ringers lactate Normal saline

    increases ECFincreases ECF

    ICF ISF PlasmaICF ISF Plasma

    Replace acute/abnormalloss

    Replace acute/abnormalloss

    800 ml 200 ml

    RL 2liter/15 menit

  • PerdarahanPerdarahan

    MulaiMulai segerasegera resusitasiresusitasi cairancairan agressifagressif::

    Rule 3:1 Rule 3:1 untukuntuk perdarahanperdarahan akutakut

    PengobatanPengobatan disesuaikandisesuaikan dengandengan responrespon

    pasienpasien padapada terapiterapi awalawalpasienpasien padapada terapiterapi awalawal

  • Tanda perdarahanTanda perdarahan

    KlasKlas II (BB 70 Kg)(BB 70 Kg) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    PerdarahanPerdarahan ml ml sampaisampai 750750

    PerdarahanPerdarahan (%BV) (%BV) sampaisampai 15%15%

    NadiNadi < 100< 100

    TensiTensi NormalNormal

    TekTek NadiNadi (mmHg) (mmHg) Normal Normal atauatau naiknaik TekTek NadiNadi (mmHg) (mmHg) Normal Normal atauatau naiknaik

    NafasNafas 14 14 -- 2020

    Urine ml/jam Urine ml/jam > 30> 30

    SSP/status mental SSP/status mental sedikitsedikit CemasCemas

    PenggantianPenggantian cairancairan KristaloidKristaloid

    ((hukumhukum 3:1)3:1)

  • Tanda perdarahanTanda perdarahan

    Klas IIKlas II ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Perdarahan ml 750Perdarahan ml 750--15001500

    Perdarahan (%BV) 15Perdarahan (%BV) 15--30%30%

    Nadi >100Nadi >100

    Tensi NormalTensi Normal Tensi NormalTensi Normal

    Tek Nadi (mmHg) TurunTek Nadi (mmHg) Turun

    Nafas 20Nafas 20--3030

    Urine ml/jam 20Urine ml/jam 20--3030

    SSP/status mental Cemas sedangSSP/status mental Cemas sedang

    Penggantian cairan KristaloidPenggantian cairan Kristaloid

    (hukum 3:1)(hukum 3:1)

  • Tanda perdarahanTanda perdarahan

    KlasKlas IIIIII ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    PerdarahanPerdarahan ml 1500ml 1500--20002000

    PerdarahanPerdarahan (%BV) 30(%BV) 30--40%40%

    NadiNadi > 120> 120

    TensiTensi TurunTurun TensiTensi TurunTurun

    TekTek NadiNadi (mmHg) (mmHg) TurunTurun

    NafasNafas 3030--4040

    Urine ml/jam 5Urine ml/jam 5--1515

    SSP/status mental SSP/status mental CemasCemas gelisahgelisah

    PenggantianPenggantian cairancairan KristaloidKristaloid & & darahdarah

    ((hukumhukum 3:1)3:1)

  • Tanda perdarahanTanda perdarahan

    Klas IVKlas IV ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Perdarahan ml >2000Perdarahan ml >2000

    Perdarahan (%BV) >40%Perdarahan (%BV) >40%

    Nadi >140Nadi >140

    Tensi turunTensi turun Tensi turunTensi turun

    Tek Nadi (mmHg) turunTek Nadi (mmHg) turun

    Nafas >35Nafas >35

    Urine ml/jam tak adaUrine ml/jam tak ada

    SSP/status mental gelisah/letargiSSP/status mental gelisah/letargi

    Penggantian cairan kristaloid & Penggantian cairan kristaloid & darahdarah (hukum 3:1)(hukum 3:1)

  • Perdarahan bermaknaPerdarahan bermakna

    perlu konsultasi BEDAHperlu konsultasi BEDAHperlu konsultasi BEDAHperlu konsultasi BEDAH


  • Keputusan PengobatanKeputusan Pengobatan

    Respon pasien pada resusitasi cairan Respon pasien pada resusitasi cairan

    merupakan penentu terapi berikutnyamerupakan penentu terapi berikutnya


    Bedakan antara Bedakan antara hemodinamik stabilhemodinamik stabil dan dan Bedakan antara Bedakan antara hemodinamik stabilhemodinamik stabil dan dan

    hemodinamik normalhemodinamik normal

  • Keputusan TerapiKeputusan Terapi

    ResponRespon cepatcepat

    *< 20% *< 20% perdarahanperdarahan

    **StabilStabil : : responrespon padapada penggantianpenggantian cairancairan

    **LanjutkanLanjutkan monitormonitor **LanjutkanLanjutkan monitormonitor

    **EvaluasiEvaluasi dandan konsultasikonsultasi bedahbedah

  • Keputusan TerapiKeputusan Terapi

    ResponRespon transienttransient

    2020--40% 40% perdarahanperdarahan

    TidakTidak stabilstabil : : memburukmemburuk setelahsetelah terapiterapi cairancairan

    awalawal awalawal

    LanjutkanLanjutkan cairancairan dandan darahdarah

    EvaluasiEvaluasi dandan konsultasikonsultasi bedahbedah

    PerdarahanPerdarahan berlanjutberlanjut : : operasioperasi

  • Keputusan terapiKeputusan terapi

    TakTak adaada responrespon (minimal)(minimal)

    > 40% > 40% perdarahanperdarahan

    TakTak adaada responrespon padapada terapiterapi cairancairan

    SingkirkanSingkirkan kemungkinankemungkinan shock shock SingkirkanSingkirkan kemungkinankemungkinan shock shock

    nonnon-- hemorrhagikhemorrhagik

    OperasiOperasi segerasegera

  • Diagnosis & pengobatanDiagnosis & pengobatan


    **TensiTensi tidaktidak samasama dengandengan cardiac outputcardiac output


    **AtlitAtlit **AtlitAtlit




  • Differential DiagnosisDifferential Diagnosis

    Distributive shockDistributive shock

    HypovolemicHypovolemic shockshock

    Obstructive shockObstructive shock

    CardiogenicCardiogenic shockshock CardiogenicCardiogenic shockshock

  • DDDD

    HypovolemicHypovolemic shockshock Dehydration (low fluid intake, diarrhea, bowel Dehydration (low fluid intake, diarrhea, bowel

    obstruction, sweating or diabetes obstruction, sweating or diabetes insipidusinsipidus))

    DiuresisDiuresis (diuretics, hyperglycemia)(diuretics, hyperglycemia) DiuresisDiuresis (diuretics, hyperglycemia)(diuretics, hyperglycemia)

    Capillary leak and third spacing (burns, sepsis, Capillary leak and third spacing (burns, sepsis,

    pancreatitis, surgical stress) pancreatitis, surgical stress)

    Hemorrhage (trauma , GIT bleeding, fractures, Hemorrhage (trauma , GIT bleeding, fractures,

    vascular injuries, ectopic pregnancy, etc)vascular injuries, ectopic pregnancy, etc)


  • Management and TherapyManagement and Therapy

    The basic goal of shock therapy is the restoration The basic goal of shock therapy is the restoration of effective perfusion to vital organs and tissue of effective perfusion to vital organs and tissue before the onset of cellular injury.before the onset of cellular injury.

    Basic resuscitation Basic resuscitation ::

    1.Rapid placement of a 1.Rapid placement of a largelarge-- bore bore line line or a or a 1.Rapid placement of a 1.Rapid placement of a largelarge-- bore bore line line or a or a highhigh--flow central line as a route for fluid flow central line as a route for fluid resuscitationresuscitation

    2. 2. Secure the airway Secure the airway and and on on mechanical ventilation mechanical ventilation if necessary highif necessary high--flow oxygenation flow oxygenation oxygen oxygen saturation > 92% & PaO2 > 60saturation > 92% & PaO2 > 60

    Put Put 3.Foley catheter 3.Foley catheter

  • Fluid resuscitationFluid resuscitation

    2/3 crystalloid + 1/3 colloid2/3 crystalloid + 1/3 colloid

    Loss of blood volume:Loss of blood volume:

    > 25% > 25% erythrocyte concentrationerythrocyte concentration

    > 60% > 60% 4 erythrocyte concentration4 erythrocyte concentration > 60% > 60% 4 erythrocyte concentration4 erythrocyte concentration

    + FFP+ FFP

    > 80% > 80% polytransfusionpolytransfusion + AT < 50.000+ AT < 50.000

    + + thrombocytethrombocyte

    Massive red blood cell transfusion Massive red blood cell transfusion microfiltermicrofilter

  • . . Diagnose and treat underlying cause Diagnose and treat underlying cause


  • Laboratory: Laboratory:



    Electrolyte, creatinineElectrolyte, creatinine Electrolyte, creatinineElectrolyte, creatinine

    BGA & pH, lactate, coagulation parameterBGA & pH, lactate, coagulation parameter

    Transaminases, albuminTransaminases, albumin

  • General goals for support of shock patientsGeneral goals for support of shock patients

    Hemodynamic supportHemodynamic support

    MAP > 60MAP > 60--65 mmHg65 mmHg

    PCWP= 15PCWP= 15--18 mmHg18 mmHg

    Cardiac index > 2.1 L/min per m2 of body surface Cardiac index > 2.1 L/min per m2 of body surface

    area for area for cardiogeniccardiogenic and obstructive shockand obstructive shock

    Cardiac index > 4.0 L/min per m2 body surface Cardiac index > 4.0 L/min per m2 body surface

    area for septic, traumatic, or hemorrhagic shockarea for septic, traumatic, or hemorrhagic shock

  • General goalsGeneral goals

    Optimization of oxygen deliveryOptimization of oxygen delivery

    HbHb level > 10 g/dllevel > 10 g/dl

    Arterial oxygen saturation > 92%Arterial oxygen saturation > 92%

    Reversal of organ system dysfunctionReversal of organ system dysfunction

    Maintain urine output > 0.5 ml/kg per hourMaintain urine output > 0.5 ml/kg per hour

  • A Fluid ChallengeA Fluid Challenge

    A diagnostic intervention designed to give A diagnostic intervention designed to give

    an indication of whether a patient with an indication of whether a patient with

    hemodynamic compromise will benefit from hemodynamic compromise will benefit from

    further fluid replacementfurther fluid replacementfurther fluid replacementfurther fluid replacement

    To administer a preTo administer a pre--determined volume of iv determined volume of iv

    fluid over a short period of time while fluid over a short period of time while

    measuring a change in the patientmeasuring a change in the patients s cardiovascular parameterscardiovascular parameters

  • The aim:The aim:

    To differentiate hypovolemia, or relative To differentiate hypovolemia, or relative

    hypovolemia, which might improve with hypovolemia, which might improve with

    further fluid, further fluid, fromfrom cardiac failure or a full cardiac failure or a full further fluid, further fluid, fromfrom cardiac failure or a full cardiac failure or a full

    intravascular volume in which case further fluid intravascular volume in which case further fluid

    will not improve things and may cause will not improve things and may cause


  • Indication fluid challengeIndication fluid challenge

    Cardiac index 120 bpmbpm

    OliguriaOliguria (urine output < 25(urine output < 25--30 ml/hr)30 ml/hr)

    Lactic acidosisLactic acidosis Lactic acidosisLactic acidosis

    Oxygen delivery < 600 ml/min/m2Oxygen delivery < 600 ml/min/m2

    Cool extremitiesCool extremities

    The need for The need for vasoactivevasoactive drugdrug

    Pulmonary Pulmonary arteriarteri occlusive pressure (PAOP) < 18 mmHgocclusive pressure (PAOP) < 18 mmHg

  • The Surviving Sepsis Resuscitation Bundle The Surviving Sepsis Resuscitation Bundle

    recommends: 1000 ml crystalloid or 300recommends: 1000 ml crystalloid or 300--500 ml 500 ml

    of colloid over 30 minutes.of colloid over 30 minutes.

    In ICU : 250 ml colloid run 5In ICU : 250 ml colloid run 5--10 minutes10 minutes In ICU : 250 ml colloid run 5In ICU : 250 ml colloid run 5--10 minutes10 minutes

  • ProtocolProtocol



    mmHg mmHgmmHg mmHg


    During fluid challenge increase > 5 Increase > 7 Stop infusion,During fluid challenge increase > 5 Increase > 7 Stop infusion,

    WAIT & reassessWAIT & reassess

    Following fluid challenge increase 3Following fluid challenge increase 3--5 Increase 35 Increase 3--7 WAIT & reassess7 WAIT & reassessFollowing fluid challenge increase 3Following fluid challenge increase 3--5 Increase 35 Increase 3--7 WAIT & reassess7 WAIT & reassess

    Following fluid challenge increase < 3 Increase < 3 Safe to repeat fluid Following fluid challenge increase < 3 Increase < 3 Safe to repeat fluid

    bolus if indicatedbolus if indicated


  • Balans CairanBalans Cairan

    Tiap pemberian cairan harus dibuat balans Tiap pemberian cairan harus dibuat balans

    cairan: tiap 6 atau 8 jam, dihitung total tiap 24 cairan: tiap 6 atau 8 jam, dihitung total tiap 24


    Semua cairan masuk dihitung: oral dan infusSemua cairan masuk dihitung: oral dan infus Semua cairan masuk dihitung: oral dan infusSemua cairan masuk dihitung: oral dan infus

    Setiap cairan keluar dihitung: urine, Setiap cairan keluar dihitung: urine,

    muntah/NGT, diare, drain, IWL (insensibel muntah/NGT, diare, drain, IWL (insensibel

    water loss)water loss)

  • Fluid resuscitation in traumatic shockFluid resuscitation in traumatic shock::

    1. ABC1. ABC

    2. Restored tissue oxygenation2. Restored tissue oxygenation

    3. Avoid / prevent tissue injury3. Avoid / prevent tissue injury 3. Avoid / prevent tissue injury3. Avoid / prevent tissue injury

    4. Monitor vital sign4. Monitor vital sign

    5. Collaboration to allied surgeon5. Collaboration to allied surgeon