*:'*V:N''S';# '••Mt *i# \> #»! -'v# PINCKNEY DISPATCH. VOL. IT PINCKNEY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 1884: NO. 46 m**m PlNCHE> T I)lSPATCH : Jt«aM«WINCHELL, PUBLISHtR. 1»«UKI» THUIWUAT8. Sn»MM*rM>tion P r i c e , $ 1 . 0 0 p e r Year. ADVEHTWINO KATES . i-r'anilent wlvertlwmentB, '& cnnta y«r inch tor !Sntln'SrtS>n. Local uutfces, 5 cent* per line for ^ " S S S|HK4»1 rates for regular adv.rtiae- l^ytheye*'' or quarter. . BUSINESS CARDS. - I (Ian Honestly Say. I Dr. Warner:—I can honestly say ' Al that 1 was decidedly benefited by the counts with use ot'your White Wine of Tar Syrup, quested to call and settle the same si'mi Respectfully yours. ; oblige. Fort Itocovery, 0., Rev. Al. W. Driggs NOTICE. persons having' unsettled ac- us are respectively re- i>: Allen, of Dexter, is tht. 1 new I James Jackson and family, of Una- lit the Grand ; dilla, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, Saturday last. The Public Schools closed yesterday, Jiimiii- telegraph operator Trunk depot. 'The funeral of Mrs. Chirk, mother m i m ' D. M. OREKNE.a!. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, PLAINFIELD, MICHIGAN. OBlce at r^ldenw. Social -tHK-ulion uiven to JSSrrSl dii«a*»ot the throat aud luu^. JAMES MAUKfiY, NOTARY PUBLIC And Insurance Agent. Legal paper* »•{[« "J- «hort notice and reaaonable terina. 0|hce on Main St., near Fostofflce Plnckuey, Mic>, O RIMES & JOHNSON, Proprietors of PINCKNEY FLOURING AND CUS- TOM MILLS, '^•lera in Flour and Feed. Cash paid for all ilndaof grain. Fiuckney, Michigan. J AMES T. EAMAN, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW and Justice of the Peace, in the brick Block. PINCKNEY P- »AN WINKLE, IBNEY & COUNSELOR atLXVT and BOLIU1TOK in CHA'NCEUY- Ufttce over sigler'B Drug Stu/e. 1'INC'KNKY H ALSTEAD OKECJOKY, GRAIN, LUMliLR, LIME, SALT,-&c ^tllhuiiaiu,n l u, r i u^n^^- ; - r , /V/E'1'EKINAHV SLUiil-XO, il..«eU, ) ^ - V Mr \>ii»-tfarwul au.-nu to cunti pnunptu .'uht'or'tUv. S.ilktfwr and ollu-r HW.W O, j*"l\lfucu mi livron LoaU. '1 .-1.-^1,01111- oo.,i»-* -UuU'Milh CellVrul olllO- at lluweil.. Grimes <fe Johnson. WANTED. Wheat, Beans and Clover Seed, highest -pnces paid. Tompkins & Ismon. BUGGIES AND CUTTERS. Having the agency for the Kalama- zoo Buggies and Cutters those wishing lientro, i to'buv a good buggy cheap would do Salem, Dent Co., Mo. Pastor M. E. well to call on me. Eminett Murphy, at Pinckney Livery Barn. An Important Discovery. TEAM^OH SALE! The most important discovery is I otter for sale at a bargain my span that which brings the Tuost good tu o t 1 { o a n Mares, 8 years old, sound, the gwiite.^t number. Dr. King's well matched, and excellent workers. Consumption^'^ n ' V un> " desiring SU( -'h a team will do preserve the Wt '^ T o l o o k ttt tliem A Valuable Medicine. Dear Sir:--At the time I received a bottle of your -White W44i« of Tar Syruj), I was troubled with sore throat and hoarseness, and it relieved me at once. -And, sir, 1 believe it to be a valuable inedicine,and just what you recommend it. Yours Truly, Rev. D. F. Ren fro, >v \ Church. 1 For sale at 0 E. HolliPter'e, Si^W Hro'e, and Wim-iiellV Druu Store. ' New Discovery for coughs and colds, wi healfir>iid'>ave lib-, and is a priceless boon to the ainicted. Not only does it positively cure consumption, - but coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, hoarseness, and all ..affections of the throat, chest'and 1 rings, yield at onct- James T. Eaman. FOR SALE. A Jewell Range, will be sold cbeap; Inquire of W. B. Hoff. I will fake offers for 45 tons of tame to its wonderluj curative powers. . If hay, weighed and delivered you doubt this, get a trial bottle tree, at Winchell's Drugstore. An End to Hone Scraping R. C. Auld. The Scotch Stock Farm, Nov.. 18th. All persons owing us on account are Edward Shepherd, oi Hamburg, ' requited to call and settle at once 111., says: ••Having received ,-e much benefit from Electric. Bitters.. I feel' it mv duty to let suffering humanity know it. Have bad a running sore on my leg lot eight years; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone ^4i i ^.«I_aiiTitg_im4)iiMted.. I used, in J H. 11UACS M. D., OIOMtKOPA'llIlV V. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oftleo at reeWi'iuce tirst door south of .Monitor ilouae. PLACE FOR SALE. Ten acres pleartuialy located, h of a mil*-- w.'st PINCKNEY EXCHANGE BANK G. W. TEEPLE, j^BANKER,^ Jj£$ § Several Banking Business. Money Loaned on Approved Notes. Deposits received. Certificates issued on time deposits, _ And payable on demand. stead, three' hottlea of Electric Bitter- and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and mv leg is now sound and well." Electr'.c Bitters are sold' at 50 cent> a Dottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve .it 'lb cents a box, at WincheH'-s Drug Store. » Muskegon, Mich., Get. 1. I8fcl. • J. D. Kellogg, Dear Sir: —Your Columbian Oil hus made some wonder- ful cu' - e> htTe ot te\er >y\v>, one ca>e in thirty years standing. Not finding it re •eommerded for ;i'ii\th,ug of the kind, we thouglit it might lie ot ad- ' 'vantage to you to mention this ca-e in your circular. Hoping this will he of M-rvice to you, we are very truly \our>, 0. L. Brundage A: Sou; \Ylmle>ale" and Retail Dniggj>ts. RiH'klen's Arnica Salve. THE PEST SALVE in the world for' Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers Suit Re.-pecttully, Hoff & Hoff. WOOD FOP. SALE. I have "about 400 cords of seasoned wood for sale in quantities to suit purchaser—will deliver it or sell it on the ground. T. Birkett. 4 & t o t , Oct: 30th, 18S4 Handsome line of fancy goods, book* and games. Japanese.. novelties, art goods, etc., arriving at Winchell's Drug Store, (.'all and see them. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. I will be at the olHce of VK P. Van , Winkle on Friday. Dec. 5th, and each I r'nd;iy therea-ftei- during the month, ior the receipt, oi tuxes I C. V. Van Winkle J TownshipTr ea surer. ; CARD OF THANKS.. i Dr. I'has. .Much an Dwit.ist.--desir.es.. :'to thank ti'ie residents of Pinckney and vicinity (or tht-ir ' liberal patronage i during hi.> visits there. He would in- j timate his intention of discontinuing, [ those vi>-iis till spring. Oflice over I pos'iotlit-e, Howell': Mich, ? •• of Mrs. C. F. LaRpe, of this village, for the remainder ot the week, to.give occurred at the family homestead, in' the children and teachers an opportu- Manon, yesterday- Clyde and Clella Stocken take part in a play''Out in the Streets," to be produced for the benefit of the K. 0. T. M. Lodge, West Branch, this even- ing. -., Mr. Guinon x of Grand Rapids, was the guest of his brother, Thos. Guinon, ot Dexter township, the past week. The social at Mr. J. J. Teeple's, Fri- day evening, was quite largely attend- ed, and a very pleasant one. Mr. Harrington has two car loads of sheep all ready for shipment again, but-is delayed by ncn-arrival of cars which were promised him this morning. :: --4$ieFffie=€#-m*r^t«^ii*H^ej^ve_T:ha-ii ks- gTving to-day, while others are obliged to do as the printer does—work all day. Hon. Win. Ball, accompanied by Mr. L. E. Moore, of Shorehara, Vt., paid a visit to Mr. Auld, Tuesday Mr. Moore has some friends in this vi- cinity and was paying Mr. Ball an an- nual visit. He is a noted Merino sheep breeder, quite a number of his tine rams being sent this way. He i> establishing a herd of and bought a tine lot from Mr. Ball's celebrated herd. Mr. Ball paid quite a flattering tribute to the Aberdeens while at the Scotch stock farm nity to observe Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lyons, of Mar- ion, and Mrs. Alvie Drew, ot Ne- braska, are the guests of H. 0. Barn- ard's family for a few days this week. Preparations are being made to ac- commodatea large audience at the wrestling match, to be held at the Pinckney Roller Rink, to-morrow (Friday) evening. John Smith and Thompson Beebe returned from New-York State to-day t accompanied by Mr. Smith's brother. Dwifjht Lyman Moody, the greatest evangelist of his time, assisted by Maj. Whittle, who is also an evangelist, and Mr. andJVIrs. Granahan, who now are wording with Moody in Sankey's stead, have just been irrBetroit^Jead- ing a Christian convention, opening Friday morning and closing Sabbath evening. All regular meetings but tfre oner Saturday evening were held in White's grand Opera House, but tbis building with its seating capacity of 3000 was inadequate tar accommodate the throngs tnat nocked to hear the great preacher.- Apparently no mat- short horn^jil r _^leaidjLDne- ^t,--an-TnnaeTi8er .crowd was there before you. The choir of one hundred and fifty voices or more, with a number of clergymen, hlled the stage, all save room in the TL ... , ,. c ~" i^try front for Moody and" his Duloit 1 here wnl be a service ot feong and . r , •. . J yuipit. Motdy, to the writer who was unable £:-••"'i'liu^t* r"0'i\ iiiL.' titfir p-vr-' \vith a rnl 1 X " O T this [1.1.11--1 iTHpii_ ^ i a J-I.-4-..- n.itii-M tint Oinir I -- ( Hul>MTi;>tion ox |ui Hri wit I) iit-\l iiii'uilier A blllf X i Hrtieum. Fever Soro?', Tett^r t —Chapped • aitwiiea Unit tiiu time liat* expirnu, ana that, iii nc i ! Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all skin coniamv with our nii^.t,,,. p ^ r v n ^ uwcon- Praise at the Congregational church, Sunday evening. In addition to the musical exercises the pastor will give a report of his observations at the NtoodyniieetTiTgs in Detroit the past week. - Am^mg the. recent weddings we chronicle that of Mr. IMtrick Lavy and Miss Coiui^s. Mi^-'M.-Layy and Miss Jennie Roche, and Mr. Wm. Led- widge and Miss Mary A. Roche. To all of whom we extend our best wishes far their future happiness. Manager LaRue inmounce.' a 1'otafi: Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to gtre nertect satisfaction, or—tnonev tinLUHI until subscription is renewed. <* COLLECTIO; 2^ SPECIALTY. PINCKNEY PPOBCCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY BV iSOV^??ri884- *T6wPKrNs*"TSMorr refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale, at WINCHELL'S Dun; STOHK. To the Afflicted. Since the introduction' of Kellogg's Columbian-Oil ijt has made more per- manent cures and given better satis- faction on Kidney Complaints and Rheumatism than any known remedy Its continued series ot wonderful cures in all climates has made it known as a safe and reliable agent to employ against all aches and pains, which are the forerunners of more aejious dis- orders. It acts speedily and surely, always relieving suffering and often saving life. The protection it affords by its"timely use on rheumatism, kid- ney affection, and all aches and pains, wounds, cramping pains, cholera mor- bus, diarrhoea, coughs, colds,. catarrh, LOCAL JOTTINGS, W. P. Wilcox has gone to Burr Oak for a few weeks. — Mrs. Horace Ismon. of Jackson, is the guest ot Geo. R. Ismon and family. A number of our sporting youths are out hunting rabbits to-day. W. H. Bennett is disposing of hard- ware at F. L. Brown's hardware store. Correspondence from Stockbridge and from Superior received just too late for publication this week. 0. D. Weller and wifer~of Fowler- ville, visited Pinckney friends and rel- atives a few days last week. C. E. Hollister has moved his house- holdfurniture into F. G. Rose's house, "Wheat, No. 1 white, 3 . 1 ^ «« No. ii white, ^- " No. 2 red, •£• •' No. 3 red, "j- j k A la * , . **0 <}«•» " $,. com ..... ••• ••* * •,' ^^,¾. 'c., tUflpv - 1 oo@i -70 «wey, - r « ^ . /„, B*M» -«i " r ,1? Dried Apples ^ 3 ^ ^ •«»• ....... •• *«• ",;•"..;'.;. is ' ."" -rr^r^TTT^rr. rrth ;en»......... ..41») at 9 4.8(1. Race at the Pinckney Roller Rink, Fri- day evening, Dec. 5LII. A pri^e is to be awarded to the winner of the race. The contestants will be boys of nearly uniform age. Race to take place at half past eight p. m. A social dance will lollow, after 10 o'clock p. m. Dr. J. R. Hoag, who has been for SHveral years past practicing in Grand Traverse county, is now comfortably settled in the Allen building, on How- ell street. The Dr. is a graduate . ot Hahnemann Medical (Homoeopathic) College, Chicago, having previously taken a course at the Michigan State University, and < omes to us well recommended. On" Wednesday evening next, Dec. ' to get other than a •,ood~gaIIery _ vie~w, looks, like a man of fifty years, he is of medium height, portly, has a round, full face, inclined to be ruddy, wears a full bearuVpf dark bro*n whiskers, and dressed in an unconventional but ' tasty suit of black. For half an hour the choir leads the people in singing, everybody taking pari in this portion of the service save when Moody requests the peopk in but a purtion of the house to try a chorus alone. The half hour being up. the.services proper open with a piaycivtiien one oi tue most familiar ui iue Gospel Hymns is sung and tbia in luru ia looowed by prayer. Mr. Aluouy now sUie^ hi-, text aud goes at 111» suujeet at vuc^i. The seimon is in- variably practical, everybody under- stands just what tue preacher would say ; ins intention is clearly to bring men over to Cnristianty and in his ef- ioits to do this he portrays the beauties ot a pure life and ut once follows with line upon line against a life of j>inful- ness. In illustration ot the points he. wouid make he uses anecdotes very liberally. He makes no attempt at" '•nratnrioal nights," seeming rather to make the individual believe that he lias singled him out and is talking with Heading Notices. Vfo any anybody who has disease of oat or lungs, we will send proof ,t Pi80&Cure tor Consumption has the same complaints in other Address, E. T. HAZELTINE, Warren, Pa. FOR SALE. The M. E. Parsonage, a very desir- WfcvtGperty. For terms inquh.u of C. E.Hollister, W. D. Lakin, F. L. Brown, Dan Jacksotn-W- P« V\ ilcox, Trnstees. •Physicians Prescriptions carefully prepared from the very best materials, it Winchell's Drug Store. "" Best grades ot smoking and chew- tobaccos, cigars and cigarettes, at j bv >rug Store. ~- und di-^Q'-^" 1 ^ ^'tioiVcr children, 'makes __^___^_^ it an invaluable remedy to be kept al- !"on Main street. ways on hand in every home. No, A r rs F L< H rown V i#ited friends person can alford to be without it, and , ... ,, , 1 ; 1 , , OT ,J lT ; those who have once used it never will, and relatives in btockbndge and vi- It is absolutely certain in its remedial oinity first of the week. effects, and will always cure when; A. L. Coste and famirv. of Mason, cures are possible. ! were v l s l t o r s a t t h e o l d [ l0lue m l> mck - Call at WIXCHELLS DRUG !>TOUE and, , get a riiemoranduin book giving more , ne . v tiu> P ast w ^ (1 k. j full details of the curative properties! ft ev> }{. H.Crane' aiid Mr. and Mrs.! of this wonderful medicine. 1 ^ ^ J , Jrown Wt , n t t 0 I ) e t r o i t t 0 be . u .. Mr. Moody, Saturdiiy;. •/' j J. J. Teeple and Jas. Marble return- j |ed from the north woods,-Tuesday,! bringing some tine veni>on as the pro-1 3d, there wiil be a Tea Meeting under u j m , 1S ulkingot his sins and of bis the auspices of the XI. E. church. Tea j nee ds. The language is plainaitbough will be served in^ : ^LVwiiHajI_^^ ITLMSTCTF nrrr 5 to 7 o'clock p. hTT At 7:oU affente.r tainment will be given in the church, consisting of addresses by Rev's J. A. Lowery, of Unadilla: K. H. Crane, of Pinckney; H. Marshall, of Marion, and others, interspersed with select' readings,--music, etc. A very enjoy- a ble4<ime--may - be -expected. TickeU admitting to tea and entertainment, '25 cts; children under 12 yrs., 10 cts. All are invited. ^- * '''Hi "* the of is tne guest C\VA^. Stickle, for his- brofhej>Tii- a ft^v davs. aw, He FKNCE L'I^T.S roi: > \i:. 500 White Oak Feme IV^.-. nu ^b'- Applv to A. H. Randall. . " j . ,, , •'•''. 3 duct of their hunt^XThev captured -A very desirable house/ barn aid— ,f> . . .. y—;—^—\\ t T| two village lots for sale,/>ituated on l nv * deer in a11 ^ i n « lhtnr * bort sta >' Main btreet, For terms 'inquire of T. | Ml . ChainuaUi 0 f Broekport, N. Grimes or on the premises, oi Mrs. .. f ^ ^ ^, ^., , ;V , v ^ Bridget Eagan. / —Busli's Beehives >t'ml Scctimi Boxes, at Bush's Planing Mill, Plainfiefd. SVKC/AL, NOTICE. Parties hay>tiig Organs that need re- pairing can/fiave" llfeiii puT'iTi firsTi- class ordey by calling on 1. Colliei, L^iu>kney<^ti : ch. Lad>cs, notice ady.«rtWinent of Em- •oid^ry silks ami^ir-iggs We are pleased to learn jthtff there is a prospect for a niu^ic-al convention in Pinckney j^mJei* management of! teen, fourteen, twenty-four, twenty five, twenty-si Prof. Hi usage calls for. But of ali things Moody is business-like: nothing is permitted to d r a g , m-> one pets behind, -the music, itself, goes off with energy. 7)nf faculty o( keeping everything.moving with business like promptness and "life add* as much to tltesuccess ot these wonderful meetings as the preaching itself . does. The sermon finished, •jwlfl those who are willing to accept the Gift of Life rise?" or some similar question, brings dozens of people to. their feet. "There are twelve, thir- -w«U—known—and- faTks of b u y i n g a ^ f r l o a d ot sheep to take backywfti him. ilia Lodge No. 40 I. 0. O. F„ wTll give their Fifth Annual Oyster Su )perat their hall in^Plaintield, on Thursday evening, Dec. 4th. Of Txanster.'-^ur'se they will have a good time, as Lthe.y_ always do. ^ __H •tykrtflcd Musical Director. Rev. K. H. Crane saw the Professor at ' Leslie vesterdav, and he.promised so come in about 10 davs if all is favorable. From our acquaintance with Prof. Hubbard and IVis work we do not hesitate to say TliaTsinrtnnconvention as he will give is just what our village needs to revive affinterest in'music- Wt hope by all means that sufficient encourage- ment will be extended to guarantee the certainty of the conventions——^-. ixwhedarcto say they will" says the great preacher as he counts them and then be.calls for more from this part of the house or-the oth- , er, speaking an encouraging ythaft right," all the time. A prayer then closes the regular meetintfand those who wish, remain ito the enquiry, meeting. The ConV . vention has called together a great ! number of Christian workers and un- I doubtedly will lend a renewed energy ^^herrefforfe in thw yicinity. 1 :z ^-- ..i.,^;y v ',-• J'l 11*1 'afti::-^ & x* \ ^ ._.. f-. ,-S

PINCKNEY DISPATCH. - pinckneylocalhistory.orgpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1884-11-27.pdf · and hoarseness, and it relieved me at once. -And, sir, 1 believe it to be a valuable

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VNS bullbullMt

i gt


- v




1raquolaquoUKIraquo T H U I W U A T 8

SnraquoMMrMgttion Price $1 00 per Year


i-ranilent wlvertlwmentB amp cnnta ylaquor inch tor

S n t l n S r t S gt n Local uutfces 5 cent per line for ^ S S S|HK4raquo1 rates for regular advrtiae-

l^ytheye or quarter


I (Ian Honestly Say I Dr Warner mdashI can honestly say Al

that 1 was decidedly benefited by the counts with use ot your White Wine of Tar Syrup quested to call and settle the same simi

Respectfully yours oblige Fort Itocovery 0 Rev Al W Driggs

NOTICE persons having unsettled ac-

us are respectively re-

igt Allen of Dexter is tht1 new I James Jackson and family of Una-lit the Grand dilla were the guests of Mr and Mrs

John Jackson Saturday last

The Public Schools closed yesterday

J i i m i i i -

telegraph operator Trunk depot

The funeral of Mrs Chirk mother

m i m



OBlce at r ^ l d e n w Social-tHK-ulion uiven to J S S r r S l d i ilaquoaraquoo t the throat aud l u u ^



And Insurance Agent Legal paper raquobull[laquo J-laquohor t notice and reaaonable terina 0|hce on Main St near Fostofflce Plnckuey Micgt

ORIMES amp JOHNSON Proprietors of


^ bull l e r a in Flour and Feed Cash paid for all i l n d a o f grain Fiuckney Michigan


ATTORNEY amp COUNSELOR AT LAW and Justice of the Peace

in the brick Block PINCKNEY



Ufttce over siglerB Drug Stue 1INCKNKY



^ t l l h u i i a i u n l u r i u ^ n ^ ^ - - r

VE1EKINAHV SLUiil-XO illaquoeU ) ^ -V Mr gtiiraquo-tfarwul au-nu to cunti pnunptu uht or tUv S i lk t fwr and ollu-r HWW O

jllfucu mi livron LoaU 1 -1- 101111- ooiraquo- - U u U M i l h Ce l lVru l o l l l O - a t l l u w e i l

Grimes ltfe Johnson


Wheat Beans and Clover Seed highest -pnces paid

Tompkins amp Ismon


Having the agency for the Kalamashyzoo Buggies and Cutters those wishing

lientro i to buv a good buggy cheap would do Salem Dent Co Mo Pastor M E well to call on me

Eminet t Murphy at Pinckney Livery Barn

An Important Discovery T E A M ^ O H SALE

The most important discovery is I otter for sale at a bargain my span that which brings the Tuost good tu o t 1 o a n Mares 8 years old sound the gwiite^t number Dr Kings well matched and excellent workers

Consumption^ ^ n V ungt desiring SU(-h a team will do preserve the W t ^ T o l o o k ttt t l i e m

A Valuable Medicine Dear S i r - - A t the time I received a

bottle of your -White W44ilaquo of Tar Syruj) I was troubled with sore throat and hoarseness and it relieved me at once -And sir 1 believe it to be a valuable inedicineand jus t what you recommend it Yours Truly

Rev D F Ren fro gtv Church 1

For sale at 0 E HolliPtere Si^W Hroe and Wim-iiellV Druu Store

New Discovery for coughs and colds wi healfirgtiidgtave lib- and is a priceless boon to the ainicted Not only does it positively cure consumption - but coughs colds bronchitis asthma hoarseness and all affections of the throat chest and 1 rings yield at onct-

James T Eaman


A Jewel l Range will be sold cbeap I n q u i r e of W B Hoff

I will fake offers for 45 tons of tame to its wonderluj curat ive powers If hay weighed and delivered you doubt this get a trial bottle tree at Winchell s D r u g s t o r e

An End to Hone Scraping

R C Auld The Scotch Stock Fa rm Nov 18th

All persons owing us on account are Edward Shepherd oi H a m b u r g r e q u i t e d to call and settle at once

111 says bullbullHaving received -e much benefit from Electric Bitters I feel it mv duty to let suffering humanity know it Have bad a running sore on my leg lot eight years my doctors told me I would have to have the bone ^4ii^laquoI_aiiTitg_im4)iiMted I used in



PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oftleo at reeWiiuce tirst door south of Monitor

i louae

PLACE FOR SALE Ten acres pleartuialy located h of a mil-- wst



Jjpound$ sect Several Banking Business Money Loaned on Approved Notes

Deposits received Certificates issued on time deposits

_ mdash And payable on demand

stead three hottlea of Electric Bitter-and seven boxes Bucklens Arnica Salve and mv leg is now sound and well

Electrc Bitters are sold at 50 centgt a Dottle and Bucklens Arnica Salve it lb cents a box at

WincheH-s Drug Store raquo Muskegon Mich Get 1 I8fcl

bull J D Kellogg Dear Sir mdashYour Columbian Oil hus made some wondershyful cu-egt htTe ot te er gtyvgt one cagte in thirty years s tand ing Not finding it re bulleommerded for iiithug of the kind we thouglit it might lie ot ad-

vantage to you to mention this ca-e in your circular Hoping this will he of M-rvice to you we are very truly ourgt 0 L Brundage A Sou

Ylmlegtale and Retail Dniggjgtts

RiHklens Arnica Salve THE PEST SALVE in the world for

Cuts Bruises Sores Ulcers Suit

Re-pecttully Hoff amp Hoff


I have about 400 cords of seasoned wood for sale in quant i t ies to suit purchasermdashwill deliver it or sell it on the ground T Birkett

4 amp t o t Oct 30th 18S4 Handsome line of fancy goods book

and games Japanese novelties art goods etc a r r iv ing at Winchells Drug Store (all and see them


I will be at the olHce of VK P Van Winkle on Friday Dec 5th and each I rndiy therea-ftei- du r ing the month

ior the receipt oi tuxes I C V Van Winkle J T o w n s h i p T r ea surer


i Dr Ihas Much an Dwitist--desires to thank tiie residents of Pinckney and

vicinity (or tht-ir liberal patronage i dur ing higt visits the re He would in-j t imate his intention of discontinuing [ those vigt-iis till spr ing Oflice over I posiotlit-e Howell Mich bullbull

of Mrs C F LaRpe of this village for the remainder ot the week togive occurred at the family homestead i n the children and teachers an opportu-Manon yesterday-

Clyde and Clella Stocken take par t in a p lay Out in the Streets to be produced for the benefit of the K 0 T M Lodge West Branch this evenshying -

Mr Guinonx of Grand Rapids was the guest of his brother Thos Guinon ot Dexter township the past week

The social at Mr J J Teeples Frishyday evening was quite largely attendshyed and a very pleasant one

Mr Harr ington has two car loads of sheep all ready for shipment again but-is delayed by ncn-arrival of cars which were promised him this morning - -4$ieFffie=euro-mr^tlaquo^iiH^ej^ve_Tha-ii ks-gTving to-day while others are obliged to do as the printer doesmdashwork all day

Hon Win Ball accompanied by Mr L E Moore of Shorehara Vt paid a visit to Mr Auld Tuesday Mr Moore has some friends in this vishycinity and was paying Mr Ball an anshynual visit He is a noted Merino sheep breeder quite a number of his tine rams being sent this way He igt establishing a herd of and bought a tine lot from Mr Balls celebrated herd Mr Ball paid qui te a flattering t r ibute to the Aberdeens while at the Scotch stock farm

nity to observe Thanksg iv ing day

Mr and Mrs Samuel Lyons of Marshyion and Mrs Alvie Drew ot Neshybraska are the guests of H 0 Barnshyards family for a few days this week

Preparat ions are being made to ac-commodatea large audience at the wrestling match to be held at t he Pinckney Roller Rink to-morrow (Friday) evening

John Smith and Thompson Beebe returned from New-York State to-day t

accompanied by Mr Smiths brother

Dwifjht Lyman Moody the greatest evangelist of his time assisted by Maj Whittle who is also an evangelist and Mr andJVIrs Granahan who now are wording with Moody in Sankeys stead have jus t been i r rBe t ro i t ^ Jead -ing a Christian convention opening Friday morning and closing Sabbath evening All regular meetings b u t tfre oner Saturday even ing were held in Whites grand Opera House but tbis building with its seating capacity of 3000 was inadequate t a r accommodate the throngs tnat nocked to hear the great preacher- Apparent ly no mat-

short h o r n ^ j i l r _ ^ l e a i d j L D n e - ^ t - - an -TnnaeTi8e r crowd was there before you The choir of one hundred and fifty voices or more with a number of clergymen hlled the stage all save room in the

T L c ~ i^try front for Moody and his Duloit 1 here wnl be a service ot feong and r bull J yuipit

Motdy to the writer who was unable

pound-bullbulliliu^t r0i iiiL titfir p -v r - vith a rnl 1 X O T this [1111--1 iTHpii_ ^ i a J-I-4-- nitii-M tint Oinir I

bull - - ( HulgtMTigttion ox |ui Hri wit I) iit-l iiiiuilier A blllf X i H r t i e u m F e v e r Soro T e t t ^ r t mdash C h a p p e d bull aitwiiea Unit tiiu time liat expirnu ana that iii nc i Hands Chilblains Corns and all skin coniamv with our nii^t p ^ r v n ^ uwcon-

Praise at the Congregational church Sunday evening In addition to the musical exercises the pastor will give a report of his observations at the NtoodyniieetTiTgs in Detroit the past week

- Am^mg the recent weddings we chronicle that of Mr IMtrick Lavy and Miss Coiu i^s Mi^- M-Layy and Miss Jennie Roche and Mr Wm Led-widge and Miss Mary A Roche To all of whom we extend our best wishes far their future happiness

Manager LaRue inmounce a 1otafi

Eruptions and positively cures Piles or no pay requi red It is guaranteed to gtre nertect satisfaction ormdashtnonev

tinLUHI until subscription is renewed





iSOV^ri884- T6wPKrNsTSMorr

refunded Price 25 cents per box For Sale at WINCHELLS Dun STOHK

To the Afflicted

Since the introduction of Kelloggs Columbian-Oil ijt has made more pershymanent cures and given better satisshyfaction on Kidney Complaints and Rheumatism than any known remedy Its continued series ot wonderful cures in all climates has made it known as a safe and reliable agen t to employ against all aches and pains which are the forerunners of more aejious disshyorders It acts speedily and surely always relieving suffering and often saving life The protection it affords by itstimely use on rheumatism kidshyney affection and all aches and pains wounds cramping pains cholera morshybus diarrhoea coughs colds catarrh


W P Wilcox has gone to Bur r Oak for a few weeks

mdash Mrs Horace Ismon of Jackson is

the guest ot Geo R Ismon and family

A number of our sport ing youths

are out hunt ing rabbits to-day

W H Bennett is disposing of hardshyware at F L Browns hardware store

Correspondence from Stockbridge and from Superior received jus t too late for publication this week

0 D Weller and wifer~of Fowler-ville visited Pinckney friends and relshyatives a few days last week

C E Hollister has moved his houseshyho ld fu rn i tu r e into F G Roses house

Wheat No 1 white 3 1^ laquolaquo No ii white ^ - No 2 red bdquo bullpoundbull bull No 3 red j -

j k A la 0 bull ltlaquobullraquo $ c o m bullbullbull bullbull bull ^^frac34 c tUflpv - 1 ooi -70 laquowey - r laquo^ bdquo BMraquo -laquoi r 1 Dried Apples ^ 3 ^ ^ bulllaquoraquobull

bull bull laquo bull

bull is bull -rr^r^TTT^rr rrth enraquo 41raquo) at

9 48(1

Race at the Pinckney Roller Rink Frishyday evening Dec 5LII A pri^e is to be awarded to the winner of the race The contestants will be boys of nearly uniform age Race to take place at half past eight p m A social dance will lollow after 10 oclock p m

Dr J R Hoag who has been for SHveral years past practicing in Grand Traverse county is now comfortably settled in the Allen building on Howshyell street The Dr is a graduate ot Hahnemann Medical (Homoeopathic) College Chicago having previously taken a course at the Michigan State University and lt omes to us well recommended

On Wednesday evening next Dec


to get other than a bullood~gaIIery_vie~w looks like a man of fifty years he is of medium height portly has a round full face inclined to be ruddy wears a full bearuVpf dark b r o n whiskers and dressed in an unconventional but tasty suit of black

For half an hour the choir leads the people in singing everybody t ak ing pari in this portion of the service

save when Moody requests the peopk in but a purtion of the house to try a chorus alone The half hour being up theservices proper open with a piaycivtiien one oi tue most familiar ui iue Gospel Hymns is sung and tbia in luru ia looowed by prayer Mr Aluouy now sUie^ hi- text aud goes a t 111raquo suujeet at vuc^i T h e seimon is inshyvariably practical everybody undershystands just what tue bull preacher would say ins intention is clearly to bring men over to Cnristianty and in his ef-ioits to do this he portrays the beauties ot a pure life and ut once follows with line upon line against a life of jgtinful-ness In i l lustration ot the points he wouid make he uses anecdotes very liberally He makes no at tempt a t bullnratnrioal nights seeming rather to

make the individual believe that he lias singled him out and is talking with

Heading Notices

Vfo any anybody who has disease of oat or lungs we will send proof t Pi80ampCure tor Consumption has

the same complaints in other Address


The M E Parsonage a very desir-WfcvtGperty For terms inquhu of C EHollister W D Lakin F L Brown Dan Jacksotn-W- Plaquo V ilcox Trns tees

bullPhysicians Prescr ipt ions carefully prepared from the very best materials i t Winchell s Drug Store

Best grades ot smoking and chew-tobaccos cigars and cigarettes a t j bv

gtrug Store ~-

und di-^Q-^1^ tioiVcr children makes _ _ ^ _ _ _ ^ _ ^ it an invaluable remedy to be kept al- on Main street ways on hand in every home N o A r r s F Llt H r o w n Viited friends person can alford to be without it and 1 bdquo 1 O T J lT those who have once used it never will and relatives in b tockbndge and vi-It is absolutely certain in its remedial oinity first of the week effects and will always cure when A L Coste and famirv of Mason cures are possible w e r e v l s l t o r s a t t h e o l d [l0lue m lgt m c k -

Call at WIXCHELLS DRUG gtTOUE a n d get a riiemoranduin book giving more n e v t i u gt P a s t w^(1k j full details of the curative properties ftevgt H C r a n e aiid Mr and Mrs of this wonderful medicine 1 ^ ^ J J r o w n W t n t t 0 I ) e t r o i t t 0 b e u

Mr Moody Saturdiiy bull j

J J Teeple and Jas Marble return- j |ed from the north woods-Tuesday

br inging some tine venigton as the pro-1

3d there wiil be a Tea Meeting unde r u j m 1S u l k i n g o t his sins and of bis the auspices of the XI E church Tea j n e e d s The language is p la inai tbough will be served i n ^ ^ L V w i i H a j I _ ^ ^


5 to 7 oclock p hTT At 7oU affenter ta inment will be given in the church consisting of addresses by Revs J A Lowery of Unadi l la K H Crane of Pinckney H Marshal l of Marion and others interspersed with select readings--music etc A very enjoy-a ble4ltime--may - be -expected TickeU admit t ing to tea and en ter ta inment 25 cts children under 12 yrs 10 cts All are invited ^-

H i

the of is tne guest CVA^ S t i c k l e for

his- brofhejgtTii-a ft^v davs

aw He

F K N C E LI^TS r o i gt i

500 Whi te Oak Feme IV^- nu ^ b -Applv to A H Randall

bull j bullbull 3 duct of their hunt^XThev captured -A very desirable house barn aidmdash fgt bull ymdashmdash^mdashmdash t


two village lots for salegtituated on l n v d e e r i n a11 ^ i n laquo l h t n r b o r t s t agt Main b t r ee t For terms inquire of T | M l C h a i n u a U i 0 f Broekport N Grimes or on the premises oi Mrs f ^ bdquo ^ ^ ^ V v ^ Bridget Eagan mdashBusli s Beehives gttml Scctimi Boxes at Bushs P lan ing Mill Plainfiefd


Parties haygttiig Organs that need reshypai r ing canfiave llfeiii puTiTi firsTi-class ordey by calling on

1 Colliei L^iugtkneylt^tich Ladgtcs notice adylaquortWinent of Em-bulloid^ry silks a m i ^ i r - i g g s

We are pleased to learn jthtff there is a prospect for a niu^ic-al convention in Pinckney j^mJei managemen t of teen fourteen twenty-four twenty

five twenty-si Prof Hi

usage calls for But of ali things Moody is business-like nothing is permitted to drag m-gt one pets behind -the music itself goes off with energy 7)nf faculty o( keeping everythingmoving with business like promptness and life add as much to t l tesuccess ot these wonderful meetings as the preaching itself does The sermon finished bulljwlfl those who are willing to accept the Gift of Life r ise or some similar question brings dozens of people to their feet There are twelve th i r -


faTks of buying a ^ f r l o a d ot sheep to

take backywfti him

ilia Lodge No 40 I 0 O Fbdquo wTll give their Fifth Annual Oyster Su )pe ra t their hall in^Plaintield on Thursday evening Dec 4th Of

Txanster -^urse they will have a good time as Lthey_ always do ^ __H

bulltykrtflcd Musical Director Rev K H Crane saw the Professor at Leslie vesterdav and hepromised so come in about 10 davs if all is favorable From

our acquaintance with Prof Hubbard and IVis work we do not hesitate to say TliaTsinrtnnconvention as he will give is just what our village needs to revive affinterest in music- W t hope by all means that sufficient encourageshyment will be extended to guarantee

t h e cer tainty of t he conventionsmdashmdash^-

i x w h e d a r c t o say t h e y will says the grea t preacher as h e counts them and then becalls for more from this par t of the house or-the oth-

er speaking an encouraging y thaf t right all the t ime

A prayer then closes the regular meetintfand those who wish remain

i to the enquiry meet ing The ConV vention has called together a great number of Christian workers and un-I doubtedly will lend a renewed energy ^ ^ h e r r e f f o r f e i n thw yicinity1 z ^ - -

i ^ y

v -bull Jl 111

a f t i - ^

bull amp x gtraquo


_ f -




A l l e g a n C o u n t y I n d i a n

Correspondence Detroit Poe t fitep are now being taken which will result

tB placing sou-p of U e Ibdlana who live iu Allegan county In a more independent and reshysponsible position The few favored aborigshyines are a band of Ottawas and l lvetu Way-land township upon a tract of 880 acres of land They were originally placed upon these lauds th lny year ago by Bishop Samuel McCoskry of Detroit who held the property by deed of trust he receiving it from the Episropal church The band now numaers tweity-to men and they were at the time of their settleshyment In Allegan countyunder Chiefs 8 ltgloaw Penaaae and Sbojqueuaa- At preseut their leader and oiisslouury is D K Foster ampu ID telll^ent Indian

Bmce 1855 the lands above mentioned have beeu hraquoTd in trust rty Bishop McOotkry uatil the early part of the preseut year ana sine-that tune by Judge w H Williams of AUegau to whom Mr McCgtkry rolgued L o e i Judge Arnold of the cuc-iit court appoiuted Judge Williams special trutstee of the Uu6 and authorized aoivuiou ot ttn in The Indians tht-mselvt s Lave auree I as to tue proportion and will n c ive fr m ten to seventy acres each They are all a t z -us aud NJIOO of thin are quite luduatrlgtus other are sh i f e s s imshyprovident aud get very u iu ik The latins which they occupy have ben sold for tax raquolaquo flevi rul time aud It Is chlifly with au ldgt-a of giving encti Indian tht nsuoiiStbidy lt-f ills own hunting grounds i hatihe division la urnde

j trmatrut i t f A c q u i t t e d The trial oi Aoia AimsTuug for the mur

derof ht-gt wife H n i h r paramour eudcdlu toraquo circuit court at N aygo ou the 2 llaquo t the jurgt bringing in a vendct of acquittal We ap peud a brief resume of the case raquond tue causes which led to the crime

Armstrong who is aged 35 bad a young Wife whom Le laquousperted of criminal iuttuiacy with Geo ge ampraquou-s a boarder at bis house On the u l g h f o t Oct 5 he took their on y child up to bed aud found Armstrong slttiu beside bis wife who was Jytug on the bed Tue weman jeit her- husband on au errand to a neighbors half a mile away and on Idking through a window Armstrong saw Bates feet into me bed He aid the errand howtvt r and on returning found Bates still In the room Armstrong says he then took an ax and tbreaened to break ia tbe door It was

bdquoopened wht-n his wife ijrasptd him around the arms and told Bites to go down stairs for

-themdashreVOT-rmdashArmstrong swung the t i a i i d

K-K8 have b^eu tikn f r o r u r-hH AUvna Pilaquoraquoh K Kihenaicie~iTcsluiretroirandi

tearly severed bis wlfesTiead from her Oody Going down be met Bates who campisd him raquoraquob ih bull pi^iil When ^rmstrot^turui d auo killed lilm He then gavehiun-elf uu yenTThbull pnlaquolaquocu lug at orney nayiutf he old not mean to kill htlaquo wife The cn ld 12 or 14 inonihs old was fouud lylug by the biooJy corpse ol Us mother

m Off ic ia l f i g u r e s

Official rtur^gt from all the couotie with ~th t xc-p^iou-of G-Udwn t a i e now on die Ugtlt the t nice of tbe secretary of state Thi 001 Voteraquo u e lec tor t-taudb K-punicau 191 3M 1)gt m cr-nic 1894 W Republican plurraquogti 296 Fr i juvir or K A Aiger r eei^tu ly544 J W uegji l i t iTai K pjOilean plushyrality 3 li or JieuteiiauiagiV^ruor Ariin baiu iiut r N lraquoli9 H H^gtla)uard 18^ 4raquo Beraquoubiicdu pluiamgt 2251 for cecrittij_oi State tiaTV A Couaut IVci 6 J 9 Win Kuikf pe^re 1U8 37J KipULihcau piurauiy 4 3 ) lt-r auultoi-^ei r a W vJ rtteVeue (9^517 G P 8 i n l o n l 68U0 KepuOiCin jlur- ltgt 4U7 for t^eM^urlr E H BailiT 19)548 JdiiiCa Blair 169251 Hlt publlciu piurk 1 gt 4^9rUu Couim s I uir o laud lt irJce M d Ngt MCII J9i-26J Jo in H Dcnuls 385182 Repunlicau plushyrality 4 ISO for attoruey gtuerai M 8 raquo |an-gbr 19J3L5 FranLla W cgtok lb8OW Repub Jlean pmia uy i^ibi for supeniu iidtut of

fubhc lu(ru-rlou H K GU-a 192S5i liavio arBOUfrl88 7i7 B-pubiieaiipJuraily 3 6J8 tor

member oi Uiur i ol lOucdtl gtti J M dailou 1921M C Vauder7eeu 188 458 R^puoucm plurality 3(98 Tae total Yute iu tue state will txeea 4u4(XW

T h e L a i r s t raquo e u raquo a i l o n a l S t o r y

h eittry t gt s o Niribvillp

Mrs Carrol Robfrts of Adrian suffers from a broken jaw the result of belug ttirowu from a carriage

Rock salt at the depth of 8010 feet has bu reacbed a Manistee aud fouud to be thirty-two feet thek

- U d veteraus In Muskegon will hold a reunshyion som-t ime this winter The date is not yet determined

The 18001)0 endo-vment fund for a chair of t h e o r y at Hope college Holland City has all been subgtcribelaquot

Arthur R Tripp has blaquoraquoen appointed Pros-read g Attorney for Oakland county vice A W Amuh resgaed

The 8laquo1naw Rivtr sent only 7263000 feet of u uber to Chicago hy lake this scaeun against

fclti 2 i i U00 feet iu 183$ Four thousand barrels of apjlas audG0ltK)

bustles of potato js haye beeu chipped iruiu Ureivil ie IL a season

Tbe Aarlcultural Col ege will not be openoltl to f-tu leuis uutil Feb ury 23 I h e regular fall urui 11 laquotd Nov 14

A sol id bed of cowl has been-found near Shtttbburg SbliWHM-ec couuiy at a dptb of 35 fei t ht-low the surfoco

Tlv Kalaiui-z w Wraquogon Company are makiDg 3(MKJLU lera tll^^ea^ou They i Xptct to ship on nu uVtM^e ]5U a week

Rported t lu t sienator C gtncer Is about to ^e l rn In whicu laquoveut 8euior Uorr will be raquopp luted tu nil the vacincy

Lap-er couufy p^ida o a l o f f7S a arbouny for billing woivea wl IJIU her oordird last year The rate Is 12 per beartv

Diclcl MTurrlll a w e l d U g e r was ruo over hy a iroiu ou the Mlc gtigtu lt9e Oaio road near Bedford and lu6tauugt Killed gt Mentor po^toifice Cheboygan county Xa betu charged lo Wild wood Saum l L K j e looks afrer Uncle Sams aflilrs there

Tbelth1ersat the Ktiannzjo asylum anshynounce i u it they are o^er fun au iAanuot adshymit any more patients for some time

Kilaiuazoo claims to have the worst slde-waiKs in the state and Algonsc proudly boasts of the handsomeet wooau iu M chl | au

Wm Clark and John Cliff ird of Detroit were 8vept overbtraquoarlt1 from the fchooner Frank Morris iu Lake Uiron on the lbth

Bellows and Harvey the assailants of E urns Kimball of Lyoi s have been captured and are now in Ionia j til They confess the crime

A Flint lady ltltpoundfgtred to sell her body to a

Certain hot41 proprietors In Central M CM-I ertwstiiir aUiut on mlltj torth of G r a f i i her Uudlord o gtgtea e -f | nam driven bgt Will lan are warning o lher unltlloralt o oe

a man who r-^uteis amp Cha Harris of x a i t l Ste Miraquorie bi)tdoe not always remember io pav hi b gttei oil H- wears a red face a d 1rownclothes and weighs algtout 00 ouna

The liou^e of John Rooder of Van^ar was burned wulle he and his wife were out In a back lot at work Their three children the oldest btjlnir 5 years old were iu the house at the lime They were burned to dci tb Every effort was made to save them but It was of no use

It Is hard to kill a Manistee girl If the fol lowing be true Miss Mitttfle Lanagan a Mar-istee dressmaker fell twenty-four feet from the drawbridge to the piles below and then inshyto the water Sunday She was rescued with a broken wrist a fractured j tw and Internal inshyjuries

One of our pfttors was preaching an unusualshyly long ft-1 m m last dunilay morultig when a Uttle girl iu the couKreua1 Ion leamM over to blt r elder companion aid whispered innocently but earotstly i must no bouie at two oclock we have uluuer at two oclockmdashSt c l i l r KJ pur-hcan

A qxeer Uw suU U iu pro^rlts iuUi irra couity Tuolt Henaou took a coutract of L t TtUHi for t u ldlutf ancbool house iu Gratt Wbeu he work gt completed TruX lulled to produce the inv au I Heusou retained the key whereupon Tiux suts for posae-blvgtumdashrorL Huron Tiibuuc

A y o u u g m t u giving bis name an William B ktenun pa-aid a lurked cht ck on Seli uiauV tiiuk of ComiU-rc- E ^ t Saginaw ou u 8 ^ i -U4 City laquoroci r^the other aiouiuy He WAgt arrestee autla uuuiberif cheeks ouSeTIglBAlTV Bank of Claquomnuerce wer^ found la hi i poiies-siou (lined O C H ward

As Wm Hiffmelster and his wife who l i w near GrauJ Htver was driving toward thugt cltv rgt claquo ni li t he team ran aw-av fhrowlnii boh per-ous from the wagon Hoffmetster ha his shoulder bade collur bone aiut tLrlt-e ribs broken Mrs Hoffmeiampter had three ribs broken besides other injuries

Hon Lather Westover one of the most proiulneut clt iz nsof the Saginaw Valley died

f l u Bay City Nov Id from a pr4ytlc stroke received a lew days oefolaquoraquo Mr Westover has been promiuently identified with the business interests of the Sagluaw Valley for many years and was raquo member of the state legislature in


phgt-uUn for money to relieve her temporary ituireas Tue M D nfused to accept ihe oftgtr

-Jrthfl-Mann a-wealthv rf si lent of Montcalm

mdash A special to t faeP troit Wcco Press says A man iroiu Whitehall Mich was iu Jackson Nov 2 h t a n d t e l s th- U howln story tie uai i m i u wondutj for him Mear Wuiteuall otuxitrd Joseph Aileu (uoL tQe J ^ e p u adeu ouce arshyrested on_ a | charge of complicity lu the Crouch murdeiy whi ^ai8 that ou t e nlnht of the mur^r bu the Croacu farm a year ag-i lcmdash(Aleu) gutmdashluiu-Julra Re^us Oddro gt wiuu v at the Oroucu pUce and went to bed with Jmtt leaviu^ the Window up AbjUt 12 w l ociock it Stormed Bo that Juna goO up and uodo^u tUc window 8hurtlgt a ter aotuer raquoraquoluaow of ine hou-e was ritd and h e- in u wnom ATTeiMIima to have reeogmxe i c iuu m an i MJOI the laUit-ly Aden Y^iu^e i ir gtin hlaquo wmdQAr an 1 caim-to J icksuD arming raquot the house of a VIru ^obn Lee on F atrtb bireet jiuce m Ve I awlty aojut 4 oclock iu the nioruKg 1 he fiUccteodulaquor 11 - y he we at north here he has bjen^ever siacu

O c t o b e r s o u t p u t

Tbltraquo followlnu is the October product of re-p o n l n f inlnet

Tons Poan^n Calumet and Heels I4i4 79 i Qtiucy Ji51 114) Ailautic 2 4 Frauklin Ml So Huron ^ 125 iM A l l o u n 14) Peninsula bdquo raquo0 Hancock 4lt) Copper Falls b7 133) Ridge 8 662


crmtv ltl (1 in Qri envllle of fctraniirulatei hershynia N V 22 He was a resident of this county 28 jei-ri

The Adrian furniture factory nearlng com-petion will be one of the most extensive in ^b- we When 6iarkd up the facory will eropn) 7 gt men

Ihj_neJLfiton_crgtunty court bouse at Ch^r-lo te i s c mpited tti trie exc p 1 bullitoTlilie ba^eiuin aud txe various CJiinty olftjlt-rs are djin^JuwueSi there

Thirty Ha1 go Rchard Fagan of HuN-bi^^towc went to Campl foruia to fretk hie fortune L-tSt w ^ k l e return u for tUe first tui ietovlst fits rrJailves

bulltny faTh TirtP B rrleu cinntv rlt feerlirtg-wheat to their ^u ck ihe price b^lng so low bat lr eavlt 8 tblt tu no uiardu afur deducting thec ilaquotof prtgtduetiou

The Baptt6ta of the state at their recen auiUd meetiuir resolved toapoolo i a raquotaud-inlaquo couiuiiMe^ to be cAdfd tbe commlucj for Gt-nudii evaugellzaMou

Fred J Smith ot Biy City forged the name of a ell-kuowti G - n n a i faruiT to a check for-43-i cu tne S coud Nitroaai Biuk of that cuy Fred is uuiier arrtst () Belfour and Fournler Bay City arretted for loK-itealhur htv been ixvuiin^d aud b Id lu the sum of $50gtgt for trial at the DiCeu-ber term of he Circuit Court

Atx M i K y wh) last September stole $1IOO from nIB employer Auorew Wler-nj^o of Mu-kraquoraquoron has oeen c-iptured iu New YorR ami retuined t gt bis old borne for trUl

Mat Burr of B utle Creek who was at one time a heay oil operator In Peinsv V4UU hinks rhntoil cltm be leund wlthia 5tlO feet of

the suriace near the cltv o( B idle Cre^k Tftalraquo Ttmmlnp haa escaped from th-T mla

1869-7U The Sturgis Journal is r ^sponBible for the

Anael Tyler has a very flue -Strr following flock of Brahma hens In wh ch he takes ptr-douabe pride They have attained such an enormoagtfiZ under his fostering care that he

i ogt raquounaiu UeVi he- u|)prlaquoC The engine hukelt1 up a few lect to allowVhiin ui plaquo6i As he was driving acro-s tt-e trvck be claims the i-nglui-er bull t trie a ei iu escape bo as totcurehisborata Tmy btciine frlgtiuued and uumaua^tkb e threw out Geveke and an-othi r olaquo cupaut lnjunug tbeiu b id y Glt veke tued in the KHUC circuit court for tloOjO damages aud obtained Judgment f jr t2rV0d

The supreme court has affirmed the judgshyment of the Wtyne circuit court in the 6ult of Charles W Sines ix-keeper of the county poor bouse against the lOird of poor superintendshyents on a claim for unpaM salary Sloes was engaged as keeper iu 1677 his wife assuming the duties of matron The salary was $800 aud llvmv expenses It had beeu u-raquotomary for the huperlutend-nta to ruakeyearly contracts with Slues up to 1882 They failed to do so in thatyiar but Slues was ifiven a qua-1 assur-s ve that he would be allowe I to r tmdu anshyother year He wai dlccbargid iu February t6i an i lie tht n fUed fir salary up tq Octiv ov r tol owing Reft ree Hoyt f osts iep gtrt ti a he had no ground for actum was continued bgt the circuit court and the decision of the hLjh-tr c u r t now settle 8 the matter

A ureat deal of interest has been felt In BU KxpHs tver gthe caegtc laquo f S Gtldinuu ltltKalnst Dr Bailey of that place It wus alleged thbt D bull b+ley pris^riucl Uve ihre--grain d wes of-d ver^ tKjwtii-rs for a child 2u mii thlaquo o d laquo u i I hat the Childs death wa caused lhlt r by 1IJC defence clatuu d the doctor preicrlb d thl- dltise for au old r ibild and that MOM for the )Ouugerciitld wi re ot bat oue ^ta n aud th i t hence (here was contributory n t g i ^ e u c e o u lthe part of th_^_comiiUinaut In the matter of hectdlTr (3 utti7 Toe JuryiriraquoiraquoKreeilfJutit is said the case will beTpoundied HKMIM The aaui a^eo were laid at raquoUCUU Fit h K Williams Mr Parkinson ol J ck-on and Col John Atshykinson of Ueirolr appearod for the coniplalu-ani nud l S Pratt of Traverse City and AicesLk laquo Levett of Bellaire for deieudaut

By manipulating the law and reducing the baiiqf various criminals and by straw ball stveral criminals la the GrsLd Rxpuls Jul nave been Jet down easy of late Oue mau chirked with picking an Ionia manrs pocket at the time of the Blaine show In that city has jumped bail which was reduced to $ 2 J 0 by Circuit Court Commlsslontr Kutts Anshydrew McGirrv arrested on the charge of rob-oing a farmeruamtid Wm Carlton of 1690 has

j-btfea-bilied out-in the-eum of $1000 Charles 1 Cummlug of the spiral spriug bUkify com-

pny going his hall CumtLlu^s awor

lie whispered to lgtiiu laquojii ngt lio uidered wbut he wauteil nud Mi^guati-d lu the ^yn Lie man behind the b u- the propiietj oi hurryiug up tht) stuij Iaat geu-tlemin laquohook hid hetfrd vrith tho hrin-Dess and iuiuiovHblu cunMervatisiu ol Ihe Bartholdi fund

Drinky aro cash11 he said And Herbert Thorpe turned sadly

away with the Great American Desert raging in his parched throat

He let it alone Young man if you stick to it and

keep at it long enough thats what youre comiDgto You sty now I can drink it or I can le-are it alone But all the same you keep on drinking it Well keep at it And juat about tbotirre gtcm learn to like it and want it all the time you will have to let ii aloDe You caut raise yuur pocket-book by hand my soo Lhat is you cant brinlts it up ou the b gtule it wont thrive on it i ney empty eacb other but they wont till eacii otlier up They contrive to fill nu up but paradoxical as it my s em thegt ceuu juu out at the aauia lime be wi^e my sou and if you muraquol spend your uiniey foliah ly mske ukcii^u lieis with it You will Imoloaned uu j s JBjJLlttuaily lxut you wont have sumuch headache

was worth the amount of the bail and he is outof j dl himself on ball and cannot leave the county a bo y txecuilou of 13 000 having

w obliged lo feed u i e m ^ f V o m ^ ^ gt the United States keep them lrom picking h l | ^ u r t - McGarry has since been arrested on

v s two separate charges for keeping a saloon without state license

pi^ou ti- kor tive years f r ulcMn^ a ladva -poek^t in Di-tioiL-aLdi ebcxped a few taya ailto

of his bain t f fing-rs off

T h e b o i y of(hri^3 F i u k I who was killed in the wooJs uear V^s-sr a lew days auo wis foui d tbroukin th bullbull lnstranRUtaUty of his faithshyful houud Tne doa staid by his masers d ^ d boiy for two dalts araquoid thJ rlt turned home for B uiVthlng to et He wa^ followed aa he wro b a c k t o h i s v l i l ovtr tue d ta an J thus the oody was discovered

Astronomers and a few early risers have at opportunity to gze uooi ttie star of BlaquoJtble-i em thraquo-6edays Ihe Bible student at least ouicht to beadle to take m the va ue of the op-port unity 6iuce its XHT appearai ce is four hundr d yearrt away Five cgt lock is earlv enough to net up io imnrove the chancj of beelng ItmdashSt Clair Kepubllcan

B H Brbcoe amp Cgtraquo hox factory In Bay City was totally destroyed b hie nt 6 u-l -ck the o hf-r evening The loss is $8KKi iusur-auce $70 0 nsfoilowc Underwriters $bull 0 bull Geriuiuia tSU St Paul $l lt(0 TrHl]^-A -lauiic $ 0lt raquoVe8jirn luyuranc- $833 Hi it-

bj Jumping ftu u a secoud storywin low Walter A Woo I hardware raerchi ts here

tourc rlt- raquobull do araquo oue of rue miwt out^tanl flrins in rt irf e Creek have falleil Lut)illiegt abiui $i)()laquoi0 pribauly covered by anaeis

Ihe hate encanipn eit (A t i e Grad Army of the K putim wi 1 be held in Ea-f gtattnraquoraquow lt ithtr in J iuuary or iat- eany pnri oi Februitrj Tne exucv time hai not been Ottiultely Betlrd

Mr- Fred Inwalls of Mdhkfcjon con ratted fu eld a lew days Bgo fr causi the hUAoand fr-jin she ha I b ea div gtrced Cjm between h r ami her nrcseut hUabauJ and threatened

Saginaw wants a town clock Mrs Joseph Plpera Saginaw count^ pioneer

is dead Two Mormon missionaries are working i s

Eaton county Four of thraquo- saw mills at Alpena have gone

into winter quarters An international inventors exhibition is to

be held in London l m There are oyer 11000 books in Kalamazoos

public l ibrary One Kalamazoo firm Shipped 11000 barrels

Of fljur during October Michigan Baptists have raised $10 000 fer

foreign missions this year Adrian is to be on- of the balk stations of

the standard ell company - The young mens D mlaquocratic club of Flint

will keraquop up tmlr utuanizatton The prlt ject for a magnificent hotel on Mackishy

nac iclana hat been ibaUdoued A society for mutual protection rgraquoinst dead

beats has been organized iu M gtsoc A ferocious b gtar kliie I a v^iuifre horse be

lont(lQg to James Selkirk of MidolevHe Fifteen hand red people of bullKlamalaquoxgt get

their bread aud butter by ih celery trade The Klam z Kgt Guzjite of r o m date was

printed lu reu iu honor of Clevelands 61(10(100

tiouble A Detroit (Jlergjman thinks it would be v 11

for all f i e churcht-b to unite aud hold Thursshyday evening pr-iyer ineetlntc at theBkatlu^ rink m gti of tne congregations belug usualy fouiid theie

C R Henry Seoator-elect from Oscoda and Dmtet P MiiKtjy K ipresentraquotlv -eject are lutliglble to their seat- having faiieti to reshysign oi ler offices-held withiu the time preshyfect ibe i bylaw

In 1834 a soldiers1 monument fund of $600 WBB rateet) iu Grand Rapids The project i ad dropped out of sunt and when it i-i revived i t l s l ouud that tne original amcu at baa inshycreased to $2 500

Jrank D Andrua-of Detroit Prof W H Cut evlt r ot Morbhvilis and ubanes o ngtoroe have b en appointed by the Mate superin end-entot public lnetructlon a board ot visitors lor the Detroit college

The Honduras Lumber Company a Grand Rjplds concern am shipping lumber from

t Hououras to New York HIO LlaquoO car loads have l been bought by the P csaix Furniture Oom- pauy of Granu Rplds

A joung German was lost in the WOVKIS near Muufcloii (Q P) raquond wandered around three days witnout food or Are His leet were irz r and he uagt othtrwise badly used up when slaiqu tte was reach-d

Persons draquo siring to atttndTlreTnnQal mpet-Ingof the state horticultural society at Ann Arbor LM-ember 1 2 and 3 snould notify Secretary C W Garfield at Grand R pi is aud secure the reduced rates ou tne railroa is

One thousand tons of iron ore were t alt en fr ui ibe Oatoua^ou trou mine- to Pittsburg a few days laquoKO for a trial test If satirfac ory ibe ujtti uaciurers wii) contract for a l the ore that can be lakei from t i e mlnet-next season

A wildcat measuring eight feet f rora nrgtFgte to tan w IJraquo h tiled ou tue faru ot C Bulaquosei m in TiearBifghton rCeutly The varudni had klued iff a number of sheep and otblaquor stock rtelotutng to t se farmers in tun neivhrgtirnto i

Brnk H w ett pros^jutlng attornnv of bullJagkMon eouny and mltgtlttiQU d io Mds nfflee nil

isb-American $ampamp Germai-American 11500 The origin of the nre Is unkuown

Wm Carlton algtraquormer wno had just sold his firm in Cameron Kent Co went to Grraquouit R iphis and wa-t takgtn in tow by Andrew Mc Uarrgt aud Hugh Morgan The former Is the proprietor ot an unlicensed saloon After see-mg the sights Carlton woke up In said Btlooo OJIUUS his pockelbook aud tb^0 He claims to have been been druiriitd McGarry and Mor-gau have bteu arretted

Theremalns of Patrick OBrien of Jackson were fouudueraquor the Vlichiltau Central depolu Jac-ison the other morniug iu a horribly tuuti-11Led condition O le leg wai cut off and the h e a l s v red frltm the oodv The head was sulit completely la two the front part belug cuuie dtauute from the rest I U thought that he wai Intoxicated aud iu crossing therj yard was run over by a switch engiue mdashThe ctapietion of the eaiv tss of Wayne county decides the question of a Kepublicau n t j n t y i n ihHSfaugt Hiine_nfLRprHraquo-iiltt llVcs fu bull R publicans have tift-Lwo mein-it ro and the Findobtsts forty-t-i^br Iu the 8-^nKte tlie Re| ubllcans have seveuieeu hiid the FuolOdstb 11 lecu The RpuiUcauK have lllU^ u in-J Tity of two in ihe cjeiirttti aud four lb ihe House aud a mijjrtty of six ou 1 gtlnt ballot

Toe mn giving hs name as William Bae li^au who was arreste 1 nf 8ailtlniiW City a tew daraquoo agt o has been idf-uttded as th^ mail hgt witked Grand Uaold- riay City Anu Ar or and MlbullOiCapulU wirn torlaquoe4 check rraquom i ^ in ntuonnttA from 13 to 16 i each At Bay Uits fife checks htve tieeane od from anil a Auii Arbor checks atigregitlnlt laquo48^ At A m Ar-b the check Is tdampued pound K Boyle H h righ nainHlsT F KamUton aud he is a graduate of a pharmaceutical co lene

An luctdeut not of frlaquoquent orcurrence took place at Marbball Sunday theltt ih Au aged couple who had enjoyed married life u getber oVt-r slxry-eight years named James nnd Sarah Wetherly respectively aged 97 and 87 dietl within a short time of each other O J Sunday afternoon a large concuarsti of p op)e gathered at the Methodist church to take a parting glance at the bodies of the alaquoed couple as they lay side by side in deaths embrace The scene was a solemn one

The test de y salt well la Bay City reacbed

Ruimrhaih it that OirOsmun a Detroit Jouru]Lgtt is to be Gov Afcera prilaquo e w tary

The little ylllage of Otlsville Genf xraquoe county w i s visited by a destructive Cjnflgtratiuu on tbe2L-t

Noah P Loverldse of Coldwater has been appoloted second Deputy Conunisalooer o l Peampklons n__ -

v d e p t h nf 2ISO feet on the 21st lost an laquoame a JLuting well produciulaquo brine 100 per cent In strenkpoundih and lu q lantity as large as that pumped from the ordinary w e l s o f the Satftnaw Valley Tbe drill has veuerrated e x y - e l g h t feet of sand and salt rock the last twnty feet Dtiofc tbroujih coarse sand Tbe drilling will be continued io determine the thlckne-s of the rock The borers and salt producers of Bay City are highly elated at the dlaquo velopmeuts

Before the elect on a corainlfcte laquof pr^Vbi-tlon Jadie^ of F e u n v l e called on E der Tow

Cha Frluk reslllns in -Vassir township was fouud dead in the woods about a mile from his residence on ihe 20n Wneu fouud te lay with his face down with his gun resting on ogs in the rear of him Tne right lone of hlo brain was ampowu our D ath was iusrau-taneourt I he right haud which held the fcuu vasclinched in the position of hoding the tuu Tbe fact tLat theguu was iu tue rear of ntm leaning a^alns the log and in a peculiar position uf rhe body crateB a suspteioi ol foul f-lay The coroi ers iiQu-tltt respite l 11 a vi tdict that he came to hi death by ac 1 ICUTHI bullbullluwitliig Mr Frluk left hh home on ihc foreshynoon oi the 18 L to go t gt Stauleis mill about one mile distant Wneu lie did not return Bearcb was nude for him but no irac j was fouud unshytil the morning of the 2dLh i l ls bull dog came buck and men eurtlaquod our le I bv the dog and fouiid the body Mr Frluk was a jGung man aud leaves a wid w to monlt n (ds Iocs


he Tote for St J o i n ms salarj laquo ouM be ca d gtwn I h- Elder desled the right of anyb gtdy totirerfere with hi pilltical v le^s and v o e d for Blaine anununci of at the time that he wuu d raquoaw wood at 5 cents a day r ither truii Mgt coerced in ov ting against h l s ide io f ngraquot Toe att^m^t at build zinlt comlou t j tbe earn of t h j Ftnnvl le ueople ibey raised a purse cf $50 for the reverend gentleman

The Evil of i f Courier-Journal

I claquoi diink it or 1 can leave it tklone said Herbert Thorpe proudly

Herbert was the son of an only mothshyer ami slaquohe a widow whose husband was dead He was a young man of rare promise and a still rarer fulli I Intent He graduated at college with brilliant honors behind tho bat the envied idol of bis nine Life opc-ued itself before him voluntarily like aigtiek oyster But alaa in au evil hour say about half-pas earj y in the niuiuing--tho tempter with a hmall t-mdash we might say a c t in factmdashcline upon him

He been me a slave to the foe of young men the D D mdashNot the D D who pruachealu a large-aud fitsliiouar) ecaujtregAiiou Ob no LuejiberU D the Domoa Driuk

Hejveakly yielded to the laltcidaiions ut bis Dauiwl Boone compauioudmdash Llrom is nud JereiuiAhl^BTll Yardd aiTtTj the led of the lgtoys

bullDii shun i h ^ln^a pleadedthe f^ir yt)UDg giil who 1 k nl him

A f w weeks ago we wuulu have said loves htm but Muce Bulwers love-letshyters were publisned anything of that kiud ii too awiullymdashthe ammonia please

He said he never used the glass He wis bhaved at_ tde barbers and he wore a fUc scarf that hid his flannel shire and diduc have to be tied

Fly the tempter said the pastor Buthe said it was all he could do to

fly a little kite for thirty days and he wasnt very fly anyhow And with this brutal and hartlelaquos jestmdashwhich in his better moment Herbert Tnorpe never would have uttered- -tho white-

ed under a lonely tree and died some thirty eight years later of extreme old age and starvation brought on by two donation parties in the same week

Do not trifle with it begged his friends

And Herbert Thorpe stood up and uttered the proud sentence with which this sad chapter opens

tf the chapter is any sadder than tho

U l i T K O l T AAitUtCrraquo WheatmdashNo 1white $ 66 WheatmdashNo 2 red 75 Flour 4 01raquo Buckwheat bull 4 2 5 lttfi-5fl__ Rye 8 6frac34 in 75 Corn-meal $ 100 22 00 ifl 00 Corn T7- 88 v 8S Oata x 24 26 Barley 1 F0 laquo 1 7 5 Olover Seed V bu 4 60 lt 4 65 Timothy seed 1 55 1 laquo0 Apples r bbl 1 7 5 lt$ 2 00 Appes per bu 5 raquo (A 60 Hutter ampgt J8 E laquo K S raquoraquo

iekens 0 Turkeys 13 Ducks 12 Geese bull gt4 Potatoes 80 Turnips 85 Onions V ou frac12 Houey 13 Beans p icked 1 2 5 Beau unpicked 9J day 13 00 dtraw 6 00 Pork dressed 180 R 00 PorR^neHs new 13 00 Porh family 12 50 H a m s 13 Shoulders 7 Lard 7 Beef extra m^ss 12 0(1 Wood Beecn and Maols 4 50 Wood Maple 6 25 Wood Hickorv 5 00

u v a STOCK CATTLKmdash Extra tgterigt 55 50 good to

choice 4 TO 5 00 mlaquodiuiu 4 0 (tf 50 Kood huiciier 4flaquolt (frac34 5 medium $4 J 4 5d commou $3 25(38 75

HOGSmdashThe hot market is active aad offershyings are all diep ^ed (if but at a bull( chj^e of 1 0 3 15cfrom the q lotitions of one week ago the raugt beinlt raquo4 ((sect 4 2gt

SHBEPmdashFr eheep the demand is active and there la no material change lu prices from last Wjtk The range was 42 bUjx6 75

515 00 7 00

512 50 J l i7lt

laquo5 8 ltV1 50 5 00 O 6 50


From the Marine Barracks iensaco-la Florida ltJoTporat Ben Bargor writes of the benefits of Browns Iron Bitters in that maltirious region He say laquo1 have used several bottles and muit say I am greatly benefited by using it Sevshyeral of my eomndes use Brolaquovns Iron Bitters aod you may rest assured they all think it is tle greatest thing on earth 1 This kind of tesiiuiouv comes from all quarters concerning Browns iron Biforsmdashtho best tutiie mdash

Cut on the bias Nev York J gtnrnti

Tue guillotine-

lt_ bEND YOU ti AUDREYS 0 ^

A postal card to VV eJ Ddniorest 17 K 14th St N Y aud you wll receive tree bv rottnn iu7iil the bast family maglaquoziae published

The casli system is no-bill artmdashMershychant Tiaveler


Naure f u n d o e s the a n l n i h aod fowls of the air with warmer clohing la toe wlnraquor P-ason and Carbjllne tb^ great Nitural H U Resuirer is on|y another evidence of her care for man

A tea-totalermdashTbe tea merchants accountantmdashGeonria Cracker

COUGHS HOARSKNKSJ raquoKH T H K M T etcM quc^ly relieved Oy BROWNS MR gt901ZtaL rnocnBS A slmpe am efftctaU rm^dy BUpt|or to Kil O-hnr ^rMceg for M mm^ ptlgt-pose Sold ony in boxea

The darkest hour is when you cant find the matches mdashPuck

of ihe M E Church notifying htm raquonar uuiem I people win) road it it will shecj enough

Mis Fltiraquol n lcfcjt at tne recent election died Nov 2 J at bis realdnclaquoi in Jsck-on f con-sumpton He was 83 years Old aud leavtaa wife and Child JEhe-Hanna A Lay Mercantile O m u t n y o f

Traverse Cltv buy elaquogs by weigh lnstewt of count They i h u k this the only just manner of buying and selling this c immoui y and that tne legislature thonld uaas a law n q u l i i n g the practice on the part of all merchant

George Stanton a clerk in Superintendent Mi theanvs office of the G-atd R tplds A lndl-Da Radroad was chot a few nights ago raquogtgt some unknown person on Jeffen-oa avenu Grand Ripids while gob g to his home ab^u Ooclock The ball struck his open-faced gi Id ^ K

watch in the vest pocket j iraquot oyer his h e a r t gt J r ^ v w s n a i l o e e aud badly injured the wa cu but saved his life aiJMaMLthB_iXMgtf ilUiLIh^UJ^eturpj whlc^ did not take i fleet He was at Uckwi near tut same place a few niabts before by an utkoowj uercou and gave htm a good pounding Stau rou thinks it was some railroad employe who bos beeu dicba--sred

Uuring tbe fii)0din 1888 the Grand R raquo p i ^ d IQ liana railroal company used the UraquoKraquo J inore^ Michigan Soatheru raUroad-iTraeitii Oue day while one of the Grand Rapids A iucUana trains stood upon the Granruie roau

rears to wet down all the paper for this ivgtueof the able^nd influential journal you are now perusing with inteuse deshylightmdash now is the time to make up clubs sui sorioeat once and avoid the tush at the doors -Why oh wby longer delay mdashtime flies and money ia eight per cent mdashsend for circular and see prospectu in an ither column

Farmerand Stockmen The laquooty remedy that really euraa OalU Onta ano

Wounis on hltltrse toltd oatieand always brings thehartnlnitoe rtgjnal color ia bull^bullerlnary Oar-Dotlsatve InfiOoandlcans atDnjnruiUOTby mall

jr W COLA to Prop fil-lt lOrvlraUiWia

Lltht infantrymdashTorch-bearersmdashBosshyton Biillettn

raquoraquor bdquo Ai i bull ^ iltraquof it o i laquoo VIA L a l 1 deg b e bandeomest stove structure ever bull lean drink it or let it alone hefp r o d u c t ( L l t 1 s a b a e h1|lteP H j i0 d o t t h ^ said proudlv

Could he

A space of period has elapsed or perhaps not as long as that

Herbert Thorpe enters the palatial bar-ruorxu where the stifling odors of decaying cigar stumps stale tobacco

|lthioke arid sawdust and cheese sand-witches and tbe human breath divine lure men to ruin

I can drink it or I can let alone


The new wood burping Parlor store-_- Elberou better known as tbe Cleveland Wonder Is exciting tbe admiration and wonshyder of all who have seen it Thlaquo L tdies proshynounce it as -perfectly lovely Tn form it re-Rraquombles an eiltgant modern re-ddencu with bav window Mansard roof laquoorn ceo doors windows veranda etc and Is cour i ered by

t a



heater and is ssli to be lupy p-rfraquoct in its operations Special 1nrtgticemeutare bgt lug uffergt ed to one or two h fiaential ptrtle in each town for Introductory tmrposes Write X ooeratlve Stove Oo CleveUud Oampio forfull rifiscrifitlnn and nAriliulara

T Medical science tlaquoCbrs thai rieu nvlsna or neuralgia to be slice rsfdlly met miM be tn t rm its own ground which ts l u the blood Athloph iros p u r g laquo thgt U f v c i T d H gtf 1 gtu lnpurities that are the source of so raacl torshyture to the human frnraquo and thus fulfill th t requir menuof an lt ffl iient laquopseltfjlaquo Pr c i $1 per bottle If your n r n w t t haant it ae id to AthlophorosCo 112 Wall St N T




T H E OLD H o U I t S l K l D -

Welcms f ilraquoi raquont dtTe nd bUla W) ere drvaugtl ke tgtlaquosltil my early days

Y ehfflaquo laquoJ K- a HTd 1UMRK rill That flnjr unci n-ctU Mmnsnl vrgtee

Wraquoc me gt WlaquoXMU wi h irv quit bower BmfuiiheV in nuMimitB mellow $hf n

When crellt raquo6 elitidtmod gathered rt jwerB And tl jgtt oa imsy cirpttfc jirewa

Tbe same bright tunllitbt gently payraquo At ut tbe pircn and orchard ireea

Tb garden bullleepa ID mjoiitWe baz Lull d bv the murmuring of tbe beea

Tbe alofug meadows stretch away To upland tl lil and wooded hill

Tbe Kft blue bky of peaceful day Looks down upon tbe honieetead 6tlJl

I bear tbe bumrato of the wheelmdash j 81 rarlaquoe muhc of the daya gone bymdash

A I bear tbe cllvklng tl the reel Ouceuicrelteetbeapiodlefly

Ho thlaquo ii I wondered at the tbread That narrowed from tbe snowy woo

Much more to see the places wed m And wind upon the whirling spoo I

I fee the garrpt once again With rafter beam and oaken flDor

I hear the pattering of the rain As summer clouds ao drifting oer

Tbe little window toward the wet 8 il-kep la webs and buang flea

And frwn this way childhood nest Jlaquocaraquo beau-stalk reaches to tbe skies

I aee tbe ciHe gathered round Tbeoielaquoflgte-pl ce flowing bright

While t-iichtn sticks wiiacrackhug sourd 8end forth a rich ami ruddy light

Tbe raquoiudow-sill is yiUA with aleet Ttraquoe weli wepa crlaquoaklt bjfnw tue biaat

Bot wraquorraquon hearts make the contrast sweet Sheltered frni storm secure and fast

Q loved ones of tbe long ago tytipraquo6 ineoiory banna in Kulden frames

ReatUKbeueath ih bull maples il w Whraquo re few tVr rlaquoad yuur cb leSJ names

Come braquock as in tht Cbristwaa ulgbt A-prf n raquoigte Tacmit chiira ot lutftnmdash

Ah Jte ibe dream 1 all too bright And asuea lie upon ice btarih

Below the wool beatle the spring Two little ch iWren are at play

And hraquo pt tMt bird of raquouewhgt6 wine Blukb jirtbelr hearta tbe livelong day

Tbe aeonjB gtatu-r at thair feet The squirrel chatters iieafb the tree

3u)d lile raquoun Jove are raquo11 competemdash s^ They hold AlaUdlna lamp and keys

And BlBtraquor cow my children come To dud the water Juat a8 co J1

To pi iy about our jiraudcirea home To fc e our p crurea in the pool

Their Wutbter fills tbe eha y gl- n Their fouutuia gurkies oer witu Joy

That fLtr years Jull three times ten It nnda itailUlfixlrLajii boy

No other spring in all tho world la balf so clear and cool and bright

So other leaves by autumn curled R fleet for me such golden light

Of ohiidiuxxis fall h thU Is the shrine I kneel beside it now as then

And though the springs no longer mine I kiss it cooling lips again

Unchanged It greets the changeful years Ii a life is one unending drenn

No record here of grltf or tears Bur like the llirpid meadow stream

It Sreaas to bullbullgt m^thize with youth JutteBtb rlv r doea with age

And ever wLisp rsmdashaweeteat truth la wrlttei u lifes title-pige

mdashBarptts Magatlne



DUMBLES W t O O W ^ mdashMr Jonas Duaiblo^ was a young man of a dfciuedly funereal turn of mind He was accustomed both bpound constitushytion and habit to look on the dark side of things generally Marriages and all sorts of glud^omo festivities possessed no interest foe his glcwimy BOUI but funerals were his delight an J princishypal pastime Not one oocurred within a radius of twenty miles around the small manufacturing town of Fieeporc where he resided tht was not graced by the presence^ this universal mourn er As he stood beside the bier or at the grave among the mourning relashytives and friends in his long black coat and white tie with a large handkershychief Actively displayed for the ab-

^ojFp_tion of such tears as he might at that monrent bo able to command he looked like an overflowing fountain of sympathy for att the griefA and troubles of mankind In fact he had more than once been mistaken for the undertaker or at least for one of the mutes There were some evil disposed people who had been known to slaquoiy that Mr Dumble was influenced in his course of conduct by a widely difterent motive than that which was usually attributed to him for they meaningly said that he was on the look-ou for some rich widow whom he

^ could marry and thus provide for himshyself a snug corner in this-world of sorshyrow and caretor the rest of his life

Such envious and evil mindel (

sweets of all kinds and was to be seen ntHllhnuM laquof the ilay and evening until the shop closed llaquoHuiug alaquoro^8 the counter of tgtie late Mr Buffuoi a ato-H nn Mam street talking Ugt the inshyteresting iiud discon-jolate widow who DO douut owing to the comfort me asshysurance she received from Mr Dumble as to the present well-being of the late Buftiru in another world twre up very well

TdirtgH went on in this way for about a year during which period Mrs Buf-fum grew quit consoled and began to hiossom out once more into colored cap and bonnet ribbons and Mr Dumble had been obliged to eat so many sweet thing (ow ing of course to his being so constantly in the shop) as to seriously impair his digestion and his usefulness as his appearance at funerals nnd evenshying prayer meeting was but semi-ocshycasional and his outpourings of spirit piety and consolation on such occasions as he still was seen at diminished noticeably in intensity and volume

One morning Mr Dumble apparently dressed wih a little noro care than usual walked down the main street of Freeoort and pausing for a moment beshyfore the store which bore the sign bullSilas Buttitra Pastry Cook and lookshying in through the wiudow to see~if the fair widow was ensconced in her favor-it seat behind the counter -he opened the door and went in

bull(iood-moming Mrs Buffum a tine day -aid Mr Dumble as he deposited a couple of chocolate cream within hi capacious moutb bull hope you were retched by my discourse hwt evenshying mdashiOu4 ypounda_indeed Mr Pumble you

| were iudeed in-piring so p nygt rful I Such eloquence Suou a flow ot spirit 1 am Buro everybody was as uplifted as j l w s

Dear Mrs bull too good to m v way of grace You are a noble wuman maam said Mr Dumble helping himself to some marshmellow drops

bullNo indeed Mr Dumble you are too good to me murmured Mrs Butium in sweetest tones I only wish I kuew of some way of rewarding you for all your goodness to me ana to the many familes to whom you have been like an angel of consolation fh their sorrow

Oh maam my Christian sister my dear Sophia if 1 may be permitted td [thus address you pulling out hishane-kerchief and slipping in behind tho counter you overwhelm me you do indeed But you talk of rewarding my humble efforts You can reward them Be mine Sophia be mine Be Mrs Dumble Let me be the partner of your joy as I have comforted gtou in your sorrow Be mine be mine^ and Mr Dumble suiting his action to his words passed hisurm around the somewhat robust waist of the relict of the late Buftum and pogtsessed himself of her hand without meeting with the slightest resistance^

Jonas 1 am thine said Mrs B rising sudd-ehly and throwing herself With such violence into the arms of the jubUaht Dumbln as to precipitate that gerflemun who was not prepared for 6uch a weighty demonstration of affecshytion (foeMr B was by no means sylphshylike IU form)gtheadiong into the showshycase where he btrucka batch of newly made pies and emerged covered with pie crust and various sorts of jam tho contents of the pies Tnis little incident marred but for a moment the fecility of tow fmr widojgand tho pious Dumble who spent the rest of the day in the manner usual to lovers on such ooca-

n-plied nis lady love and am that lir^d I cant stir a tinger

bullPackiug said Mc Dumble what for

What for returned Mrs D wny to go away to be sure

bullbullGJ awuy eampU the astonished Joshynas wtiat for Where Why Surely you are not tired of me my own my


iove bullbullTired of you bull retorted Mrs Dumshy

ble raquo siuff notning of the sort But as my couiu Buffum has written to me to say be was coming to take possesshysion next week its about time for us to be^in to-think of getting out

Your cousin coming to take possesshysion gasped Jonas why what on earth do you mean Surely this store and everything else belongs to you I know it does I saw the will of the late lamented Mr Buflum

I cant help wha t you s a W wearishyly returned his wife go we must BuffttQU-the brute added a codicil to the will whereby everytbng he kfc to me went to his cousin in case I should marry within two years Still that doesnt matter of course dear Jonas as you said you had ample for us both I suppose we can go to your house at any time -well why dont you answer

ihe unhappy Jonas sat in bis chur f tirly gaspiug for breath His rage disappointment aud the thought of the way lie had been dually taken in aftei all his scheming fairly took away hi power of speech and thought Fioall he rose froui his chair fainy q il^ering with excitement and rage auu said iu sepulchral tones Why wa I not told of this

Oa I supposed you knew it all thlaquo time11 said Mrs D^ cirre1e s1yx~ievery one else in town did Besides as you

humble in

paid you were well oil I did not care to trouble you just then Now dear Juua lt dont be augrgt well sail be happy to gether wont we tfear mdash mdash

bullbullHappymdashtogether yelled Jonas fairly gaashing his teeth in his rage

Happy with you- Djyou suppo=

The Mystery of a Deadly Attaok Solved by aNcWepaper Parashy

graph Boann Herald

Hov are American) liked ia Engshyland

And Mr B F Larrabep nf 42ChHtpr Squre ex-diroctir of the New York amp Boston Despatch Express Coupaoy who lias recently returned from a conshysiderable residence in Loudon anshyswered If they have good recomshymendations and benave themselves they are well treated but they wili like the Eaglili people any way when acshyquaintance npeus ino confidence

How do the English compare with American-

Tae finest looking men in the world can be sten on pleasant days_ of the London season promenading Plccadtl-ly The English ladies howevar are neither so negtat ia appeararce or so graceful in form and movements as the Americans but they seem to enjoy more robust health

Are the English people longer lived ihfgtn our people

I dont know I have not fully inshyvestigated But I remember one hearshying read a newapaper paragraph cn-citled Why do Englishmen Live Long-laquoytthan American That paragraph by the way once soUed a great masshytery for me

Ah indted another tribute to the oowt-r of the press suggested the re-purtr

Yelaquo if you so please to call it In 1879 when 1 WMS residing at the Com-

-mim-weaUh hotel in this city I had oc_-casion to do some business in Washing-ion sreet When I got to tho oruer of Franklin I seemed to feel a blow n the breast and fell to the pavement like a dead man When I recivered consciousness I was tskeu-to mv hotel I tit thought pechaps some

stevedoring and drawing as afrbrdia women cmparitively large egtrapoy-raent The hours of labor HIK all other conditions care wages which are only about one-balf are the men

st mo as for

A So ld iers Sad Scory-Southern Trade Gazette

After the battle of Stone Rvar and the ConfederatP forces had fallen back toTullahoma Tenn Gen Rosecrans then in command of the union army operating in Tennessee proceeded to-f gtrtify around Murf reesboro while the confederates were engaged in strengthshyening the defenses at Tullahoma

Our army which had done but littlegt fighting after tbe battle of Stone River moved upon Tullahoma ra July 1863raquo expecting to find the Johnnies preshypared to receive them with open arms and bloody hands

It was there that I witnessed the-saddest event of the war said a veteran soldier tons while talking of the trip from Marfreesboro to TuliaVioma ana he proceeded to relate substantially the following

Tne rhirty-ninth Indiana was in adshyvance and moved cautiously upon the town anrraquoJ fouud that tbe enemy had evacuated leaving nothing but a rear gaurd to_cover their retreau The regishyment then pushed on into the hearV of the place driving ibe remaining rebshyels out and across a snial1iiver beyond at which our troops came to a halt and seeing the enemy on the opposite side of the river they wailed for oui sharpshooters to come up before venturing acioiss The Confederate could be seen ridshy

ing around the woods and neids six or seven hundred yards away and ju-gtt as tuey pas sed through a gap in

would have ever married an ugty old fat thing iike you if 1 had known that you fcadut a peuny No Ive been sold taken indeceived and most abomshyinably put upon and 1 wont stand y No maam do you hoar I wont stand it 111 leave you Im goinghow Gbod-bye youmdashyoumdash and Dumble

enemvhad struck mebut my physicians assurel me that such could not be tbe case anltJ idvised strictest quiet For six lrraquomgt weeks I was unable to lie down I was violently ill and my physicians

walk the

a fence near a farm house a man was seen to cross the road and enter-the house but soon came out again in plaiu view of our men He was too far away to be reached with any common gun and was not tired upon

lc was not long before the sharp- shoote^ cime up to-the river with their long rasge globe si^ht rifles The man could yet plainly oe seen near the house seeming to defy onr guns Ooe salaquod I woud probably never

streets of Boston again Ibull ltJW not want 1 ^ sharpshooters brought to die but who can ^ frac34 ^ 1 ^ frac34 his gun u]Ttcgtis shoulder and fired

fairly at a loss for any words to express in any adequate way his feelings seized a hat and made for the door

Stop you niDnster cried Mrs Dumble stung to madness at the unshycomplimentarye^itJiejs^^uxlejlather haad by the rabid Dumble Stop youcan ting hypocrite you mean old fraud Oh to think of any one ever being deceived by your piety you hoary old reprobate Yes you can go Im sure 1 never want to see your mean sniveling hypocritical face agi n Go and take your lyiug prayers ard mock sympathv wherever you like but don^t you dare take anything with you tha dont belong to you Youve gotMr Butfams hat on your Lead n^w I wont be deprived of any relicoraquodong-inj to that dear good man Give it back to me I say and go asfast as you like -

Mr Dumble thus addressed tore the hat from his head fluag it with all his might at Mrs D who was rapidly getshyting hysterical and rushed froai room and out of the house

As the hat fell at Mrs Dumbles feet a paper fell out which had apparently been concealed in the lining She picked __iX_^up=zampiid-Jooking utmdashit

sions and before finally leaving her in the evening Mr Dumble had prevailed upon the widow to lay entirely aside her mourningmdashfor- Rnffnmt whom he

niators of Mr Dumules well known piety were soon silenced by a few quoshytations from his last prayerful address at the Wednppday prayer meeiing or from the words of comfort he had ^ireu to thekbereaved family vt the funeral of Mr fliram Snggeraby the soap-fat boiler lately deoetraquoed Thus the evil-minded persons aforesaid if not conshyvinced were silenced aod Mr Dumble went on his funeieil way rejoicing

Though with nit doubt full of sgtmpa-thv na bullpiiiiuai congtolhticn for all Mf Du motes grief was noticed to OH always alitHe inoremdashmHrkud his gym-pathy a trifle more tearfully expressed and his cots Oaf ion slightly more tender and confidential at the funerals of those gentlemen who departed for a better world leaving a widow to mourn their

represented as no longer needing her tears and to become Mrs Dumble the following week This the widow Nat first would not hear of but finally after muh persuasion on thepartof Dumble and many inquiries on the parfTbf the widow as to Dumbles worldly position aud possessions which he averred were great she finally consented and named the happy day

In pursuance with this decision the marriage was celebrated the following week with much splendor and the re sources of the store were drawn upon to supply a titling breakfast for the happy pair and their numerous friends Some did say in spite of the general festivity that Mr Dumble in the midst of his

stttl~contrived to throw a

scream and read it The paper contained tho

tt words T hereby revoke the codicil of my will and my wife

gave a over again following last

all doctors f-ay he cannot Larmbee smiled sarcastically and exshypressed himself very freely concerning the number of common disorders which are controlled by remedies which physhysicians will not employ

But how about that paragraph - -laquoYes-vek-When I was obliged to Pit up in bed day and night for fear of suffocation and hourly expected death my nursV begged tLe privilege i f readshying th^t paragraph to me I refused himat first but he persisted It deshyscribed my condition so exactly that ftgtr the first iiroe I began to realize what had prostrated me I was tiHed with a strange hope I at onco dismissed my physicians and immediately began Warners safe cure In a few months I was restored to perfect health notwithshystanding mine was one of the worst posshysible cases of Brights disease of the kidneys which all my phyMCs-ns- and I had the best specialists in Boston-9aid was incurable I tell you whej R man gets into the desperate condition 1 was in he doesnt forget whit rescuer him

Rut were the effects permanent That was five years ago said Mr

Larrabee and for thirty years 1 have not been BO well as during the past fivo vpaf sT^fftrhad -know-n-what-I-do-now-I would have cheeked the matter long ago for it was in my system for years

aTpfiness funereal gloom over the proceedings which made the marriage assume the air of a wake and the wadding feast (which was cold) taste like fuuend uakert raeatV but this no doubt was caused by jealousy at Mr Dumbles luck on the part of tbe persons who made these ill-natured remarks

Another week passed by and Mr and Mis Dumble returned from tiitir wedding tour and settled down iu rooms over the shop Mr Dumble having |- c ^ raquo deg bdquo h ^ f now gotien the wife of the late Bnffum endeavored in a way to put himself iuto his skin by learning the pastry cook business but his efforts were not crownshyed with success to any marked degree in fact he wasted in his experiments iu pies and cakes during iiilaquo first week

Sophia can marry whom she chooses for if anyone be silly enough to take her he needs some reward for his trouble Signed Silas Bufluna

Mrs Dumble at once went out and told the story to the whole village Mr Dumble called the next day and many days after but was not admitted He exhausted his powers of persuasion and excuses in vain He said he was drunk that evening for which admission he lost his position as deacon in his church and the respect of the community as well all to no purpose Mrs Dumble instituted a suit for divorce on the grounds of desertion and won it and Dumble was a ruined man and left the town When last heard from he was driving a hearse Mrs Dumle resumshyed the name of Buffum married her comit yenraquobullraquo Vpwps thq shop in main street and is growing fatter every day For a long time after Mr Dumbles discomfiture sympathy and consolation were of a heavy discount in Freeport and men who prated much at meetings a id went tofunerals were regard-d with suspicion It was said that Mr Dumbln drove the hearse at his former wifes funeral which occurred a few years later

reveallogitsalf in my blood by frequent attacks of chills jaundice vertigo_ typhoid fever nervousness wakeful nights etc etc I took over forty botshytles before I was got up and over one huqdred and fifty before I was well I have commflnded that treatment in thousands of cases of general debility kidney and liver disorder etc aiid have never heard ill concerning it I bank b a i t

Speaking of paragraphs how do English paperscompare with American in tbU particular

Well they have fewer witty parashygraphs but the smaller papers like the Pall Mall Gazette St Jatpes Gazette and Truth abound in sharp incbive para-^raptwmdashAvithout wit In general American papers make the newslt the London papers m most of opinion -

The man fell to the ground and in a-few minutes time a woman and sevshyeral little children were seen about the fallen man

bull The enemy had now disappeared our troops crossed the river and moved on down the road feeling their way When they came up to the spot where the soldier had been killed there lay deaths embracemdashnot a Confederate solshydier but an innocent little 12-year old boy Hnd his poor heartbroken mother and little brothers and sisters weeping over him and prayiug that God might bring him baclt to tbem again

The boy was engaged in putting up the fence near his home that the army had thrown down to pass through in their retreat and was mistaken by our men for a confederate sokiier

U was truly a sorrowful ivjnt but ^the-tioldier who killed the little fellow would bfc^ laid down his own life as a saciaficeif it would havd brought the boy back to life tiguin to comfort his -mother who had already been robbed of husoand and an older son by the cruel war

The regiment passed on in pursuit of the flying enemy and left the poor womampa weeping and wailing o^erJthe death of her dear boy ^

Several day s after ward when the soldieisof the Thirty-ninth regiment returned to Tullahoma and passed bv the house wherj the sad affkirjoaurrea and saw the little mound in the front yard near the road a feeling of sadness crept over the hardened veterans and they could not keep back the tears that chased each other down their bronzed cheeks -

Though twenty summers have come and gone since the dsath of the boy that lit tie mound near the door of his home is still green -in the memory of those who saw him shot

most of ake the

loss and who were known to have had [ of his apprenticeship as much njnte-agood balance at -the- bankers Mr Dumble was thought to have quite surshypassed himself in tender and prayerful s61ioitude at the funeral of the late lamented Silas Buffum Wte well-known pastry cook ho left behind him a young and rather pretty widow to mourn his loss a thriving busiuew and report said a large sum in interest-bear ng securities Better than all there were no children and everything wasVleft ont and out to the widow

Soon after this Mr Damble developshyed a remarkable taste and fondness for

rial as Mrtgt D said would have f ffiuc ed to keep the shop going for a month Consequently his better half advised Jonas to leave cooking alone and to confine his attention to the shop where his eminently sympathetic manner much clewed the lady patrons of the establishment bdquo_

One evening Mrs- Dumble oaaue in and sinking into an armchair remarkshyed to her lord that she was very tired

Why my dear said the laquo7er-at-tentire Jonas s bdquo

1 have been packing up all day

runde consideration the proposition of a local pbytduian to instishytute gratuitously an examination into eauses of deftctive sight among the pupils of the public schools of that city with a view to remedy log existing difficulties if pos3iblev

Two Chmftrrren in Sacramento had a foot race of 100 yards a few days ag-gt Tho beaten man subsequently remarkshyed that if he had carried a chicken jn his hand-he- thought be could bavraquo done better

John Sherman is nominated by a Cleveland paper as Republican candishydate for 1888 The paper that^would spring another campaign on tb coun-try so soon ought to be suspended by law

A Chinese doctor at Victoria B C is reported to have made some remarkshyable cures in oases where white phyi-oians had given them up as incurable-

W o m e n and Doga Together Consul Mason of Dresden write An

important factor in the labor of Gershymany is not inquired of 3n the circushylar It is the labor of dogs 1 have heard it estimated that women and dogs harnessed together dlaquogt more hauling than all the railroads and all other mode of conveyances of goods united Hundreds of small wagons can be sraquo en every day on the roads leading toand from Dresden each having a dog forshyth near horse harnesied while the ff horse is a woman with her left hand passed through a loop in a rope which is attached to Ibe axle binding umdash


Happiness-Young gentlemen said the proshy

fessor of Mental Philosophy inmdashUniver sitytohis class one day at the next recitation I wish ea^h one to hand in a

attached shoulders Thus

her rnessed women and

dogs tindge alongiograquother pulling mishyraculous loads in all sorts of weather These heavy loads pulled from tbe right shoulder of the woman together with tne heavy loads -which they carry on their backs in large paniers result in particular deformitiesr giving them often at the age of twenty-five the apshypearance of fiftv In a statement chowing the employment of women in Hessee-Darmsdadt the conml at May-ence enumerates mines furnaces salt pits quarries charcoal tar and pitoh-makiug bricklaying carpentering roofing gtatng printing on stone metals etc type founding powering

definition of true happiness suggested by his personal experience

Among the definitions handed in by these thoughtful oun^~meh7were the following

True napping Is the enpympnt of life with the consciousness that no one is ii jured by it

True happiness is the possession of a soujd body in which is a sound mind using it powers for the good of maijkii id

Hippiaess is a state of mind in which there is perfect harmony between ones self and otfiers^

bullTrue bapDiness does note i i t in this world Relatvj happiuess is the result of having done right0

Happiness to one man is misery to another The happiest moment I ever experienced was when I gave my last dollar to a man poorer than myshyself I would define it then as a feelshying of Belf-appruvil at having done right

Happiness is the jey we feel without any effort made to obtain it

The truest happiness springs from conscious rectitude It is the consciousshyness of perfect peace with God

[ It would be hard to find a better definition than the last one

The dowager queen of Bannsitkeeps 150 pounds of pure gold aatt a basket-fall of rubies


mdash- ^-mdash

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y ^ ylt ~ - s- -^ -1mdashr

^-^-5 bull rjz L


bull bull ^SP(^- i(laquowraquo t j At


f s -- 1


ft fi


lt V




rora the SUB

Kellogg expect^ fp occupy his new fltore before the holidays

The Bank Dru Store has anion its ^attractions a couple of alligators

Lawrence Fox has lately returned

from British America

C A Skjdraore has a cnppletf hand

hot water caused it

Ed Cqinrie bag started the foundashytion for a house souti) of the Presbyshyterian sheds

Albert Yocum and wile now opcupy fheir new house i and Wra Taylor our pew harness maker occupies Joe Powshyells hpuse

cent) S Clark and Fred Miller a ie go-injf to open a general store in the old Sentinel building now theproperty of S P Reynolds

The new brick block has the cornice upon it and Kellojsrg has got the hard finish on the walls The bull(Hazier k

DePuy store will have the same style pt cornice as the other and be au imshyprovement to the appearance of the town

He came to Ann Arbor in 1853 Tho funeral was held Monday

Mr Harriet uu th r i e of the Ihiri ward died Tuesday a t the adviw gt age ot 65 years 11 months and 5 days

The burglar is abroad in this p One entered Frank Howard s hoii e or Cathanne-sf and abstracted a giio wateh and $25

Died Sunday afternoon Migts Helera Haupt aged 21 years ot typhoid fever at her lathers residence on Miller-uve

D E X T E R from the Leader

The wooden wedding of Mr and-M r s J U E Pevine of Webster on Tuesday brought 30 couples of old people in the afternoon and 50 coup-

les young people in the evening It was a pleasant and enjoyable affair

A new time table went irtto effect on Sunday last making- a difference of 28 minutes later in the morning mail west and the Jackson aceommb-(Tatirop east 801 ^

A grand masquerade hop will corneltrade1111 bullraquo -V01U off at the Rink Fr iday evening Deshycember 5th The ^manager will enshydeavor tc make it the most enjoyable hop ever held irf rrexter

J J Allen who accidently shot himself several weeks ago has so far recovered as to be able to accompany Jus sister to Elkhart Ind

S O U T H L Y O N From he Excelsior

Ed (Joodspead went to Por t Huron this morning where lie ha-|becr promshyised a position onthe M A L hy

The c o n d u c t i o n department of the Li T Ky has closed its work here and yesterday gtold the i r odice furniture at-pub lie auction

Mr Higham has h i se iga r factory in full blagtt in the Hurch building on Lake street ami is making some good bulllines too as dimples indicate

For the pasMive months Fred Clemshyents of (ireen Oak has heou the vicshytim of rheumatism of the luart_ and dur ing the time has been a great sufshyferer Three weeks ago he was str ec-mr w i t h paralyses and since t ha r t i i ue has been unable to move ooe side of his body or to speak a word His death occurred Sunday morning at a m He was well to do living on the homestead of his father Ferris Clement and about 30 years of age He leaves np family extent a y^ung wife fornnily Miraquos Fergusonot Brighshyton township Hs death seems all

1 the more sad tnun the fart that less ago his mother died

Not long after his only brother William living on the base line felt a victim to diphtheria About one year ago his father Ferris Clements followed The death of Fred leaves only iwo of the f a m i l y living Mis J Richardson of this nhue and Mrs Prof Yrooman of Ypsiianti

el tied Fact NO DOUBT ABOUT IT

That you can save nearly one-half by trad-ing a t - mdash



Best Prints made - - 5cts yard Best Ginghams made - 7 Fruit of the Loom Blehd Cotton 8frac34 Good Cotton Batts - - 7

Jus t received a fine line of



Wo rarrv the bent partes of BPOKTING POW-])KH autt all kinds ol Ammunition ind bullpoflR^K goods kjeutrally




Ail kinds of repair ing neatly and promptly done


B A KT( )N amp C A M P B E L L

West Main S i r e d HfiHknejr Michigan

Good yard-wide Factory -The Best Factory Turkey Red Table Linen Good all-linen Crash -

- 5

- 3 5 6

lb yard

DW Miller Carnage Go 46



^[Large Size Crochet Bed Spreads 75 each All-Wool Black Cashmeres 40in wide 45cyd

Good Worsted Dress Goods 12 l-2c yd Cheney Bros Colored American Silks sold elsewhere at sect125 and $150 our price $1-

54in Gilberts Plaid Flannels $1 yd ^ilks Velvets I-lannels IIostiry md I nderwear at luwer prices than any othshyer liinise m Mirhiyan tmiluMi^t- gttue|lt Ladies and Misses Xcwiimrktitf |n -sum i li clo rii)ikgt and Ihwlo-ks Ilie tin tlt larkMin is very little CIMI-pared to sdiat ou will gtie if ydu liave any trailing to do tgt iavgt i i larye-t gttoik oi lgtry Hooiis in Central Miihiian X liny andsel erlusjvt y fi)rtigth - Our liiigv-ilMi HH^mdashttiaolemdashvgt lo ^ Ulii -f^w^t pr jets i NM luive lgtui bullout price Iii ail muikel in pliiin fiji(ies

Manufaetur a largt vmrirtjuf


AJtlaquor thlaquo most approrM lteuroigvraquo raquotttrtvlaquoTllaquoi price consiitlaquont with good workmtaul^

A N N A R B O R From the Register

A girl named Flynn from the northshyern part of Michigan died at the hogt-

pTfal Wednesday while bein^ pre|gtarcd for an operation for ovarian tumor

John Donnelly aped Gl years of Ann iJlgtortown died Monday of kid- nay romplaint He came to Ann Arshybor Hfteen years ago from the County Armagh Ireland where he was bom The funeral was held at St- Thomas church Wednesday morninp

Miss Neilii


Patr ick Hoy of Webster township gtvent to be operated upon at the Uni-yersity hospital Tuesday for cancer of the throat b u t t h e disease had proceed-1 dOth a t j h e age of J4 years

HIUfiHTON From the Citizen

Mr A n r y Front and (orburn were niarrie vvening Nov 10th-

Fred Clement- of (ireen Oak wh has been sick for several month- die Sunday

A M Sweet is building an additioi to bis egtt Side house

Work is progressing rapidly Will Stnhrbevgs store and it will hi epmplefced at unce instead of next pring as at first announeed

Charles N[eCarthiv for forty year a resdent of Deertield died on tin


173 Main Street TUOMEY BROS

Jackson Mich

worJ LiT--i i^ ^o--occd flic co vrLdcly

w a t u i d c j pcigtulir ari tl_o l-i-ctruraenaancltlo isalzcro

1ivo lottcra in cccli cf tho ivw

o( ont miinuflaquocturlaquo raquobullbullanw in BH In l^laquo-raquoraquo4 foreign countries raquoud raquottlaquodt (h laquosclaquol)laquonGlaquo raquof oar gondi bgt thlaquo aolrersal bullbulltUtectlnovblek thlaquo7 ffive-Erery TehlfU bull WAiBANTO l | l l M raquottlaquoBtlolaquo wil be f llaquoraquo to mi l trier


P W Miller Carriage Co X Fifth St CilTlaquort St raquoBd EfflMto IT


- - A



tod Cc^ilccraQ piailoU iroa io i_ll

poundd too far to be arrested and Mr Hoy 4ied the same night

A very happy occasion was the marshyriage Wednesday evening at the resishydence of the brides parents John Lin-flenschmidt and Miss Carrie Binder both of this city The ceremony was felicitously performed by the Rev H Belser only int imate friends and rela-

Shortly after noon Sunday t|iu fire bells called our citizens upqn the streets mid it was soon learned that Win paver s house was on tire in a



V bullbull bull i in le_-i-lt Mi i i - i bull 1 - i l i f - [ M i r M - t i - l l () l_ t i 1 raquo (1 Jigty s ( l k Vti - HHgt-

bull gtlt-bullbull bull lt nigtl Ibull ri invliii-raquo( H t i e O J H i l n i i n i i raquo i t i i [ j i H C I I S


is il-ii neulf n i i ieiivit-iTVrlti ryJ fuv a r o m a t i c


firaquo tr^-t ranli HB n s o l U ^irlaquoiiltgt flmokiaj tigthac-

h(ilUUtlgtraquoS FAJiOlS S M F F S hivo 1UHII uraquo 1 fuiuugtf bullbullgt year raquoraquod are eolctj2( ii lar^i i r than any OUKWH


l i O IK lt 1-

fives of the contracting parties being distance was so great that the tire wa


A fatal runaway occurred in Jorth-field near Mclntyres Corners tyloncjay A team of horses became frightened iind ran t ipping ttre~wagon over oirH0^5 worth Thgt^ tire caught froiu-

Frank Preston and a younger brother Prestons neck was broken and he died almost instantlv The boy was unhur t but was slt confined beneath the wagon that it took him an hoar to extricate hinigteli

Dr Maclean of the University asshysisted by Dr Sullivan of this city and Dr Taylor of Manchester recently ve movtd an ovarian tumor weighing 100 pounds from the person of Mrs Sarah Wells of Manchester town [fhe lady is in s fair way to recover entirely

Milo Pulcipher the popular Westshyern Union opera te^ has bee(n reinstate cA in his position in this city the manshyagers hav ing become assured that they Were misinformed a^ to his manage i n e n t o f t h e office^ igt pengler ko whom the position had been given reshyceives an equally good one in Detroit Mr Mulcipher commenced work Wednesday

Aldrich M Bod^ttTo the third ward diedajWrtSnome in this city

of^typhoid pneumorita He ^as born in Franklin county Xew

We will sell L U I ^ T at tlie l-wii X X X ISinch Sliinle- per tlioiisainj

4 Clear Butt- i s inch Hi ndlt s |gt r t mi verv tew minutes enough o l i e neiir-f r - ^- bull

bull r U l l l | gt h l l i r e - rS i j i e h pe i - i l l i - i

N o ] )A1 ] V T i e 1- l id ie 1

No La til pr to bull iij - in I M gt Bill S(ul[ inf-JIMrn-j- l^t -No per iilt

I Hoof iiiiis ]r te-HmdashK+4- f^ei | Hani I jii gtn i gt) (ii- IIMII- i ml f i et

bdquo _ i Shippiiiy Culls |raquo r j|i+lM-)iMt leet ~ put out before the hivuun arnved A 4 vnV inu p - r j ^ - i s njd f-t portion of+he roof was burned^nd the Finishing Luiiiijt-v p-T ti^n-arl fe-t inside of the house damaged some I Sidiny per tbnisiml tet probably i n all twenty-live or thirty bull P O S l T l V K I V N O C K K D I T

bullV L II(4yenT Mana^^ymdash Pinikii^y+iMlcli

bors were on hiuul with p|i|s to put out the flames vvhieb had been disshycovered before get t ing miieh headway

The fire engine was starred but the

priee- for til iisXl igt0 da vs bdquo 8390

V T ^ plusmn20

1-2() oKO

400 1400

S50 to U00 bull lvoutniTuu

lJ 0U OCX) to HOO 20 00 to 50 00

1400 to 2000


Scour Xta l tky |MtioatotkaZiTlaquolaquo

iona trouUaa

C OTV^VLW - euro D S B S L S S Indlsrairi of the

Impolran Orfsske WgtthilaquoM UvirmtW terHmdash grlentifa

a defective chimney

Through the kindness of-Ir Jamegt (^ollett the builder we have seen the plagtns for the addition to l]te (ahol c h u r t h TtieT(rigt to be an addition the rear of forty feet with b^S-m-i for furnaces and a tower whiuh is M be 108 feet in height in front Ti tpwex_vill rest one-lialf upon ill- pi eit s t ructure and one-half upon foundation to be added in 1YltM Tjiere are-to be two side eutrue -rhv plans are very elaborate m d -sjgn and when completed linjjhoi will have a church second to none outshyside of the cities The main body W the building will be 96 feet in Ung by 85 feet in width and lt-ougtttng in the abutments tor tb^^rCver the exshytreme leng thw^KT)e 102 feet The fbundatieifwill lie laid and the floor

a but down this fall and the bal-anee of the work done in the spring I n w o o d a J | ( u i | ] S ( m l l 1 n j | c t o do-tuniiH^ Xi ini and general maoh The contract callfor its completion- repnifino We are also ag ntsHor V s J bus ^sbcstgts Miiti-rihls huu by J u n e 1st ^ - Pack ing MilJXiiajjiUJLeluT 1 1 4 4 ^ U i w u b ingtide iind outside Li

H2B5SHS Paints jbirn lioof and Fire-proot Paints

fwneiHi Draquofomraquoltllaquo TrttttA ltkl or Writ IbTlktS 4Uiiraquont raquorgt he innrerMl by thaw dcrirtng tiwmeni bj M pound |^rrltw M | M H N B I n h w i l w N m IMr I M W V4Mr laquoMlaquohlalaquorltfebgt4TMtaaft HUltwm3

accBMuoDrButUDteMnaw btaMkki4 N i w h

bullAM Uli AlMM ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S S

mmi EDAD PLOW mn amp s n m s i M ^ Will do more and better grading and ditching witliAq Jt giVM pme tkampn an other implement

HAS I M P O f t T C O F R O M r H A M O S

which tnclmAii lt ^g^

PINCKNEY PLANING MILL W v are iowprepurod to do

Planing Resawingal kinds of plain an J fane Bracket-Sawing Carving and Turning

r CENT CF A l l H0RIEI frac34 KAtff iiToSLTampi fiampWr KVpound I M P O R T E D TO A M M H O A

1 5 0 Iipened Brood l i r a



Mengiuitfma iy ^5^traquoi_ai(t i Lfionie-^mdash femaljeclerksl bu t here la a j H i n g to

^ k and wis over $ j yea r s^o f ^ e p r e y e o t wonieu becominWmi i civyk JJeftj Qraud I f u ^ k P e p ^

1 OO C O I T

fere ^r Artar rXrcssas mrmv^temmtmmdashW^^amp$^^ bull _ _ w f c raquoraquo bull bull ^ bull bullraquobull bull bull trfiM KiStfeniM bull A

4MseiwN V MICH 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 4 frac34 ttf klaquo






- lt bull

s- N - 8 ^ y



immmmxw i mdashmii~l lt W M M M t M M M ^ -MitMt imdashW


bull[ft- i

bull ^ gt


Gsttia Erea MUa UppertenmdashI did not meet

you at any of the Hummer rotwrta this

Miss LowertehmdashNo T remained in the city

Mias UpperteamdashHaw horriblef but then I suppose times are rather hard now for some people 1 went everywhere and had a lovely time only there were but very few you-g meu to be seen By the way you re member Mr Nicefeilow we both so

^yiuuch admired He said thi spring J he was unable to leave the city exshy

cept for a day or so but I heard while I was away that he hud fallen heir to $5000000 and was surprised that I did not meet him at auy of the watering places It cannot be that he remained in the dull city after getting all that wealth

Miss LowertenmdashYes he said he did not care to go away this summer

- as we expect to be in Europe all next season

Miss UppertenmdashYou Miss Lowerten-- Yes OJJ our wedshy

ding tour you know mdashPhil Call



that way

A Rejected Opera Although welio-ld the faith

-genius will eventually make its there can be little doubt that many-Instances Hiave occurred in which either a lucky chance or a sympashythetic helping hand has very material Jy hastened this result Of the first of these aids to popular recognition the following paragraph furnishes an instance

About thirty years ago a poor litshytle musical composer very modest and almost unknown tried to seil-the

fgtartition of 11 opera which had just ately been produced in Paris to some

publisher tu t nobody sauted it Ftrhaps one of the music dealers would have accepted the partition bad it not been for the illustrious Berloiz who advised him not to touch it at the price demandedmdashthat is to _ _ _ _ _ j _ bdquo__ ^ _ ^ _ ^ When the

publisher had declined the music the young composer carried his matiu-pcript to another house but was reshyfused simply because the first had done so Strolling along the bouleshyvard the disappointed artist met a voung gentleniuu named Cnuudens a clerk in the department of state To him he related his troubles whereupshyon Choudens saidMa foi but it is Jucky we met I am goraquoig to marry in a few days the daughter of a man who engravVs music and when we are married we shall start a wareshyhouse I cannotattord to givc-rou 3000 francs for yojir -woll^ but J wii 1 give yoy 1gtW tor it it you win tlaquoust lire for tlie gtear J He comshyposer accepted these terms and the work was printed The name uj tiic opera ia lau^t iriid Uut id Tlie composer Charles lilaquogtttuKl iiii if true may indeetl lraquo lenino tot bullbulllucky chance wlUii raquotoiic tgti ahu ened the prgt sjnets oi on- uno viuuv-Jy unknown sought omy toe wurlds attention to achieve a lame which has gained in strength to thi present day But it must not be 1 rrotum that there wa UIMJ a iulping hand und that thw came not fi-um Fiance but from England in tne columns of the Athenaeum Mr II F Uiohey then musical critic oi the journal nlaquogti pjilv drew |wdgtl c ulu ntiii ilt-laquo iltv t eepttonai piWei raquoi raquoi tiuuuii braquo from ids own KhoWuu^e spohc t|i | such glowing tonus oi his Faust bulltiiat a widoiy sprt-aii desire to uar -tlie work was arraquou-ed anlaquoi it wa- mainly through his wi tui^ iuux re opera was prtAiuced in tins claquoraquoUbti bull-(j^ouclon Musicui Times

BUT HARDWIRE I am selling everything in my line CHEAPER than any one else can afford to







IMPORTANT When yon vi|t (irli HviNiv York City HVraquo

Huelt_rmie bullKxprpKHiiirt iud irrii_rlaquo- lliivbullbullbull riiiil Mop at thltltiriiid 1nlnn lotraquoi opposi te (iiyrui O n -tral Depot

Hlegnnt rooms fitted tip ut a crt^t o onltgt n i l Jtraquon dullard reduced to $1 itml upwiids gtrr duy KiiropeHii ()iin Klevutor Kistiuini( nnppiiod M Ith theJiti^l l o rne c i r s cti -r- mi l Heviitrd railt otid to iill ltlaquoptgtts i ainiii-lt cim live lnttt-i for W P mraquo|c gtf tin- tOntul 1 l bull l lt) 1 v Hotel tliiilmdash nr o the r tirst iljies hotol in tliltiitv


Nexvous poundxJiausYioBt P r e m a t u r e Decay

LOBS of Manhood An olaquopa laquo lt Inth-iio ntt Iwok of Advice to

Younjor Aliddle-n^d Monwtii prescriptious f r If-trM-tmcnr i v a Hpiillaquor rljyxloiiiti 9 | U ^ r t D P P on receipt of t T) thitraquoe-olaquont

r n ^ amp unmpii Addrraquotlaquo

Michigan Buggy Co KALAMAZOO Mich

BEFORE BUYING fg s1fo r s e


And so you have beu to Euro^ Pid you go to-HwiiKH^^


=THI3 MAN mdash TVatif btdontaoU Lis Ctevy LVafi ilorse-killinj i DtiM ard buj an LiAtY RUNNING

DSERIMG TWINS B I N C E | fttonclaquo frpry honie on the farm will Boon be de

WILUA4 DEEAING amp CO Chicago 111 B i H i J E R a R E A P E R S AND MOWEB8


pound ANDREWS Howgt]l Mich

you see the jrlaciersf Mrs Shoddy Gh yes we ww thcr glaxierts aini mechanic of all kind but then you know 1 dont take any eitock in uch vulgar persons

The papers announce that a Chishycago hotel waiter was bull accidentally shlt^in the pantry Why will the papers insist on isitig these medical ternu We didnt now jiiKt how much to sympathize with the poor fellow It w to be lojraquoed the pantry ii n vlt- ppotmdashBiisimirk TrMnau-

An ealaquotTn family receive a tele- gram from the wat nunouueing the uudden dcmjue of a relative and they replied Send on the remains at once No telegram waa received in answer hut it in n few day a letter came wying dimply Thereaint no remains He war kicked bv^a-muleraquomdashN V Dial ^ ^ ^ ^

A l-VmraquotMijJamptifivr writes H vou i conrftnTiid a face wash t b a f i s

rrmkraquo Water if yon deirt uraquoe enough to drown yourself

Ao Irishman writes home to Ite-land bullCome over at wunst shur tis a great countrymdashThe working- tnen ride in palace cars Ben Bmraquoj

Ifteinfietafwrt of all kisd of Open and laquobull4 EOAD CARTS Alaquof-nt wnntcr

Miiljwfctf WriU for craquotMo$ua raquoud ptco LU HKI WO A SPKULTY


is wan iv us

Wa ala aaaatecttira raquo tnl lino of CUTTERS Imelodlag Hwarl Blaquody Portland f Sqaara Ei lwlaquo aaat FaHtaad and Vovcj ampciUs

|amlt kgtt evtaNiad pricei befora purchaaiac





LE SELF-CUBE notadand airi sstul spfclullstJiu-thcU4raquo i

retired gtrigtrr sgtrigtltnyerrraquovIi-MHtyen IMnnhod i nhn bulllaquobull flaquoi igt^rlaquolaquo8en

JBpUlnscaiuf ^nviTrncrt + DnijurlMmjiuiJUt KUttmtHtL WARD A CO UVJIMM mgt

GENTLEMEN We invite your attention to our line of


TimberedXand for Salor Exehaue I have eight- acres of timber land in the town-

ship uf ^ tita uak Inffhayticn which 1 will sell -fur each ur trade fur clliur lamia oi property In southern Livingston roanty Address

NORMAN BURGESS iincknev Mich


$175 S200 $225 $250 a

We shall continue to offer the same great pound Inducements to purchasers as before

_ and guarantee satisfaction to ourPATEONS injdl

mdashcasesmdash T


Dr BarterViron Tcsi t h M V k laquo S f Aaateampfi1 B W deg deg - dilate S S ^ f l and VXOOB gf TOV1K 1 11 i ltraquot

tanaclallv l)yraquonpraquouWlaquoiuo|-A|jviiiriiiiraquolaquoraquol bull i 8 l p pth en lis IM is u uk d Ith Imiuellme ahd noudfi-n r njilaquo i bdquo t S iuscllaquoraquolaquoiilaquol i n r v e n m l raquo laquo ilaquo-v i bdquo m t nhv tus

l A B l B T A gtHVlaquorlliK 11--11 II -rti pl-tlllft J ^ W J M W TXctHar lotiicli M m in ttira It jrlrea illaquoltnr nnrl I IMHI -V laquo ibullbullbull v bullbull bull Tiraquoe atrraquoiiglaquor trsiimAiu ugt thV i i r I K I AHTICK^lRWTOVir traquomt frlaquolaquonu-iit iiin-i) tts laquot CoqntlaquorfHiiflilaquovlt eigti|v uddi d i tl lt i bull i ar-I t y o t t h laquo o l R l n l J r 5-n n en n l v i l o t n IM I Iraquo do not ox^er l i i ier temdashfer t i le O K K X N A I VMHtvi

i i


poundbull rlaquogtUr raquoddrmdash ta-Tfa n r BlaquoTtlaquof U4 ( c V bull | L T A gt - I K laquolaquogt gtor our DBXAM i O C K B ^Jptt t lof laquofrrnnffiraquo raquon1 iw-fn in laquoqiraquolon frw W

Oav HAimna IKON TONO IS POM 8ALC B Y A U QHtMntara ANO QAiaolaquo CvtarwHUts

x - bull - N



^ ttktfatt 4k ^iamp 3F55 raquo3W raquobull i jJi i i

^ wKraquo

bullbullbull -C amp amp 312 raquo lt-ampreg$m



Entered at tb Potofflti u 2d elaslaquo mutter



M ^


AMONG the Geauga county records at ChardonO is a musty old book conshytaining the license permitting Brigbam Young and Mary Ann Angel-^bia first wifemdashto enter into lawful wedlock The document is dated February 10 1834

STUDENTS at Harvard would like a little more liberty in the matter of atshytending chapel exercises to secure which they have drawn up a petition asking that attendance at chapel be mode voluntary for students over 21 years old and opportonal with parents or guardians of students under 21 years old mdash m

THE shop hours bit soon to be introshyduced into the British house of comshymons by Sir John Lubbock will proshyhibit the employment of any young pershyson iii a shop for any longer period than 12 hours in one dav and the penalty for the violation of this act by employshyers is a fine not exceeding pound5 for every person so employed The act will apshyply to England Scotland and Ireland

BISMAKOK has devised a new projpct by which he hopes to improve the conshydition of the workingnien and lessen the influence of socialists amonz them He propose^the_ establishment of trade committees in manufacturing centers whose duty it shall be to report upon the state of various industries with a view to regulating the supply accordshying to the demand and ascertaining where laber can be best employed


A WASHINGTON dispatch says There are indications of i ho probable presence of two lobbies here this winter the whisky lobby t ad tho railroad lobby The whisky men will make another efshyfort to secure an extension of thlaquo bondshyed period or some similar relief They will be aided by some of the banks which have advanced large amounts of money on warehouse certificates The railroad men will endeavor to pashyrent the government from making harsh terms with their roads

MRS CLAY of Kentucky a delegate r Americaa^Woman Suffrage As-

sooiaton convention in Chicago jimde the sweeping assertion in her address before the convention that the women of her states were as much slaves now as the Negroes were before the war She aaid it was not simply because they were refused ihe Iballotbut that in many other ways the women of the middle and lower classes were treated no better than slaves And this in America in the nineteenth century

A NUMBER ofNew Yorkers are plan-oing the erection in Central park of ar huge building of ice on the plan of the Montreal ice palace If the park comshymissioners assent to ihe use of the grounds arrangements will be made with several ice companies to furnish blocks for the building t is proposed to light the structure with electricity to provide it with restate rants and bars and in fact make a road house of it for winter gaities The patshyronage of sleighers and skaters is reckshyoned as an important nightly source of profit

THT adoption of thaj-ogjter-as-the-~emblem oTpolitical success is due to a

Hooster editor In 184 2 after the Harshyrison campaign there was great doubt as to how Indiana had cast her vote The situation was similar to that in New York in every respect An editor named Chnprnan bondactedthe Demoshycratic newspaper at fndianapolisy and as often the case in boasting over a victory his editorial rej icing over the result was termed orowing In a day or two when some of the back couuties were hoard from it seemed his erowiog had been prennt re and the whigorglaquon-cme out givingiste returns showing Ddoiocratio defeat and in the headline was the expression Crow Chapman crow This wasvintended as a taunt and must ha we been felt for few more counties yet to hear from again turned the tables and show-Ad that the Democrats had won It was then that the rival editor hoisted at the head of his columns a marnifi-eent rooster and printed underneath it the words We Crow The idea caught on at onca and the fame of the wood-ooi rooster was assured

TILE CROUCH TK1AL Another Attempt made To Solve the

Great Mystery m

T h e Frot-f edinse

Thpjiry soent M gtu i^y the 17 h vlritlnj the Criucu ami Holeoiub tiom^Ua looktu careiully uvtr Uiu scenes of Uio Krraquot trigeiy The trial wa reeutin-dln tbe afteruooD SLI four itue$ea wlt re examined

0a the 12a day of the trial of Diulel 3 Holcoinh E mtr tLitchtfavtiaiJeUile I account ol Lis discovery of footprints at ihefarm-Duusi tbr mornlnu after the murder

Mrs Danforth Waits told the court of the blood spot seen on dotal UK ID Pollejsroom rUy Clements testified to a conversation wltt Holcomb in which the litter had made inquiries ooncernlDg stock btloLxlnx to Henry Wnlte Dr McL-tughUn who was present at the txanilnatlou of the bodies the morning after the murder testified to thu ap pearaoce of the bodies at that time and gavr his theory of the murder as Riven by htm at the examination Other witnesses were tximined bat nothing new was brought out

The Irst witness sworn on the 18th day of the trial of DauM A Holcomb was Davit Hutchlns Mr Hutctii|s said he saw tracks li a iicg from Wilsons rowing on the railroad toward The eatt dour of the Crouch house alampo the tracks made by new rubbers ntraquor tbe siuthwist wlndWvand oae_oa the east side ot the hiuee Aftlaquorwarus he wmt Jiome and from there in ihn Widow Holcombs Held he raquow traika wLiei lie stiould say wen Judd Urouchr QittiaiiUcuSfiouensuedaRlothead uiisi-lfctliti of tesiliu JUgt iu regard to tracks avd witn 66 was excuse degJ t sc Hard was iitxr HWurn ami Tmtrieil ttat he walt oreseut at traquo-CuroueiiJii qnjstarid heard Daniel S liolcuiub dtiiy uudtr exihmutou jhat he bad ever rraquooutht ur owueda drtytI jntcaliber revolvlaquo r Witness said that Holcouio nad U)ld that he waaat lUQieon the ^xut of the murder that he WHS ttruu-ed by his wife whocalled atteutlon to a plaumiintt door and that he went to the dtxT and fantraquo m d i

Tela was o 4 eted t on the ground that testimory uf Lhlaquo coroner as in wrilntr and couid be producwi as evideuce Afttr some tnJk Mr Gibson offend to produce tt and H d he would tupplement thu wrtttt-n telaquoMiaouy bgt q ietiiluuiugti the cvr-m-r and other witiiesset

Coroner P t^ey aa railed and give parshyticulars of iheii qgtie-t held by him upon tije bolt1y of Jacob Croucti Mr Casey said Hiiots weie brought bt-ftgtef him on the ii qjlaquo stand admltv-d by Mr H ricomb to be bis sajlog Judd had bought Luem for him a day or two b fore the mardirlf witness remembers ari^Dt the day betore Mr H^tcomb was ask^d If he ever owned a 3J-catib^r rampTolyer and anshyswer d Lhat he iiev^-ow-aed- oue never priced one and u^vfr held each aooe in hh hand Holcumb said he had gone to visit his brother in Oveaiaw county icd that Jacob D Crouch owtdhim for Judus bord rnat Foy was a drinking man that J add and Foy had been to Jacksoni November a gt the day of the murd r and rcturLed argtout dark and the only revol vers about the house were two old ones which he did not know were any good He thought that Holcomb said the pistol found beside F bullyVdeadrtody belonged to him

Nettle 8nyder a domestic in the employ of the Holcomb family at the tune of the murder was sworn She d scribed the features ot HolcombH house and where each one 6]ept Judd Fov and the boys Andrews and Loucds-bury It was a Ntorojy night and every one retired to bed earlymdashabout8 oclock Witness said Holcomb rose not on the morning of the murder Judd James Foy and the tno bogts w recomint from the barn to breakfast when Bolles arrived with the news of the murder They had been called to breakfast and were oc their way to the house Sue was the tirst to tell Mr Hi I omb the news that all wire murshydered at the Crouch housraquo Hia reply laquoraquo Is tuat so or KMiieihliiK luallar ine wines-was also the tirst toteil Mrs Hocomb Judd and Foy remained in the house oily a momcuc she did nogt notice any lulk bet weet them She does not remember that auythit) ws 6a1d by Holcomb ab~ut the murder or by him and Ida wlte After she told jlm he did jioispenkto Mrs H yicouib ubout it but went directly out doors He caiin- lu aln-iwards to gtt hii over-cgtat as preparing to uo to Jackson Mis Holshycomb said he wa tolujc wich Mr Huuiums

ATti r a rtKid cro -8-lt xaiulnation wituess wes rxcus-id and Julin Keeee a domestic in the Crouch fm1ly at the tim^ of the murder was called to the sund bne was closlaquolv qaet-tioned as to the event son the ai^htol the murshyder and an attempt was made to make tier testify to facts concerning her own lite Sue Ar^^t pimnnaly laquobull thf mpprjotl of the death Of

| 8 gtlvelt1 That thi Democratic party of Kn-pa bv MlntUitf aii hUt-jrigthihiiliiii tdntloriu an 1 uiHkii K an raquovow digt anil-orohltdtlon claquom-pi1gt0 Uraquo e oialaquole It impofs bttt for eonsistr-i t HiobtiiHoiilfta to^lve it ilielr support tgt0 lon^ astt re alus its un8i atltude

Keo vedmdashThat ihlaquo K -publican party of Kan-KH U ado(tligtt2 a pKiit rm that wax laquoti1ftf (-tury to the uiHSBof ProhlhUlouiH8 and elect-inystate lt fflcrs and a ]tkiltilaiure j llaquod^fd to rlt quite eiduictiu) I t lt f ihe bulllaquo ndlulou to the ftulaquo that the lud t ifeet of jrobbirinn may be reali h-m dtgtraquo e all that reasgt nable lngthl-ilitiicts tibould di maud aLd is at this time ei -t tii d to the curdiai support of temperance men

Ke^olve 1mdashThat as long atgt the atHtude of the two JeadiDK parti s in this state remains un-cbanKd we are unalterably opposed to the formalon or matmaloance of an independent Prohibition party and we cordraquoally ltrvlte those who have teparated from us to return and act with us in future

The resolutions were passed wtbout opposhysition except the last named which was bitshyterly oppost-d by St John After a long deshybate its tiual clause was amended to read as follows And we cordially invite all to jjin us in the work

k MYSTBKIOU DISBASK A tale of deep distress comes from Buchanshy

an Wise and Dickinson counties occupying an isolated posits n on the cxireme westerii limit of Virginia For some weeks a fatal disshyease has been prlt valraquo nt thraquo re and i he number ot deaths is terrible The nature of the d sense is yet undented bur it Is suprxsed to arise lrrTgtm ptiUouous wafer The orouth there for ij outhlaquo nearly dried all the streams spring raquoud wells and it U supp le I the water left it impregnated with mineral prison A reliable correspondent tells a pluful swry and 6as as many as four corpses were found in a 6lu^le house

A NATIONAL ASSOCIATION A sYffcult of ihe meetralaquo of the cattlemens

couvenitori hel0 in Sf L tuif Mo a lew das -ltice the orgftraquoxlaquorloa of ta- National Cattle ami UvtrseUtgWerfc1 A^soetatf gtn of the Uuiteni Statt-s was tdtnittl The constitution embltxl-iet thf folio1u Tlin nam bull to tgte h bull Nationshyal INtie and Horse Growt-rs Association of

all individuals direciy Jnt-resieuN iu said inshydustry on pa m nr of 15 lulti ttgton and a 1 as laquo ciatious onthe pavm^ot of $15 the annual due- to be $2 50 for individuals and $7 50 for associations Annual nie-tln^s tobe held the f jurth Monday of each November Two Clausen wtre added admittlua votf by proxy and tlx-lujt tgte basis of representation in tue conveu-iion at one vote for each member three for each association and oue at lar^e for eacti state and territory duly raquoccredited by the gov-en or Provision waa also made 10 admt tie]-etrares sfcredltid by regular asccciations in Old Mt x co aind Catiad


The following passage occurs in the address of the Independents whkh has heen forwarded to GOT Cleveland Ihey will uphold your administration to far avd ampo long as it is ba^ed upon the principles which should underlie ail political parties in a government of and by and for the people and believing that an honest and fearless oppodtlou is us nesessary to free government as an able and vigorous adminisshytration itself they will not hesitate to oppose your administration when it commits itself to principles which they cannot uphold


A EHIGUTFUL UBATH A Hungarian clergyman named Krasnlsara

while traveling on a sledwe U) Louca with bis wife and child was pursued by wolves His wife terror-strickeu ai the sight of the anishymals let the child fall from the sltdge The husband jumped out to save the etiiid and both were devoured but not before the fath r killed two of the -wolves Meanwhile the horses attached to the fgtlltnlge rau awraquoy and the uufortunate mlhtr OWIQK to th4laquolaquoible irUl to which she was mTicr^d was prematurely delivered of a dead child Th- hbullamp ran to Louc-i and upon arrival ihere the people found

lue woman herself d- traquod iu tut raquo1 dlaquoe The terrible tragedy topk placj withiu the spaace o an hcur

ADAMS VS C LEK100S The ftiit of Adams hg lust Coleridge was beshy

gun in L nlou No^ 21 iu tl)eeraquogtiirol Q leens Herch The plaiwtltf is a_weltiliuv mraquon well kuown lu Lgtudou bociety an i raquoas until reshycent) eogtraraquo(ed to be iuarrio1 id-MudreU Mlaquory euro-gteidse tbeon4y-dauiib+^r of- the L raquord Chief Justice of EuKlaud During the eu^ac m -cl B^ruard Colt rhi^e t llt^tsou and hgtdr ol the Cult Justice heard j-ome UCCUSH(1OIS ailrrct-iui A iamb character 11- eaii-tle^ himself ihey raquoeieirueand theu wrote io his sister ltlt-nuuuctni Adams us a Ux r ine and anobji-tlouatjle ptrsou in Miany reBpect aud cli^l tome facts to corroborate tue charges He paid he would furnish such proofs as would oe ouclusWe to vhe miid of her father if she was not already convinced that her lovlaquo r was unworthy Ml-s Cgtjleridie at tirat rtlused to behtve the accustttiou agalust Al-ams and at his r quest showed

The national cattle convention at its session in St L ju-s memoraliz d congress on leain public lauls tocatilo men afamped a repeal of the pleuro-pneumonia bill and the appointment of HtAte c gtmmissioner on cattle olseraquoees in stead and keeping Indians on their reservashytions aqd ^reveutiug them from earning tire-arms A committee was appointed to ur^e a national trail before confess The lol owln^ were elected CO R D Hunter 8t Loaie president Gen J imes B Brl^blu Idahovice-

-presldeiit A T AtwtT titLouis ftcretarv E C More cdthlcr Merchants national bank treasurer

her husband and was excused until the follow lngmornlnir Her tebtimony as given was but a repetition of thai given at the txdmlna tlun relating in detail the arrival of Pollev for the purpose of buying the cattle and of the manner in which the family spent the ni^ht previous to the murder

The Jackson Circuit Court Judge Gridley presidium met at 9 oclock on the 20ch as usual for the trll of Dan S Holcomb charged wlhth murder of Jacjb D Croucu Only eleven jurors appeared Ihe effljer lu charge sniJthiU JurymiQ Perry had been quite sick all nl^ht and was not able to leiVe nls bed The juror has complained of ill-health for several days-- Hls^appearaoee every since has indicated suffering and it has been with manishyfest effoit thai h fixed his mind on the proshyceedings Dr Williams who ltttei did the juror taldlhit he was quite HI with sympshytoms of a malarial type indicative of typhoid fever Uppn the doctors statement that his patient could not attend thsre was nothing to do but to ac j gturn the court for a day To-motruw morning on reassembling a report of the coadUlon of the juryman will ho maac and upon that depends the present rtsumpUou of the trial

Court convened at the u8U]_hojir_-jon-tbraquo ^lf^_^h^alcUnraquomdash^eotcfBoTTBat Juror Peirp was not able to oe present and I lie court ad-Jraquournraquo d to Monday November ti Ju^or LJWIH G Brown wa aleo uuwell aud had to see a


G b M H U M E raquo s bull bull T H E BEACONS G L V D R A T

In the annual report of the L gbt House ho J Ml 25000 s a^ked for luhtti^ and buoy-ID river If Is rgt c gtmmeudeti thut the light h( use districts which embrace all the uopt-r lake bed hidedmdashtin popinu tmt)ruciag Lake Michiiau raquond Greet e Bav to be seraquo off and craquolied the 8 veuteeutu Dstrict the renibtuder to be inclu udin the present poundlevgt-iith Dlrtilct and is kbowii by that lau^e Esiimates for general appropriations for the raquobull Xt necal year iucludiDgrupples repairs saUries^txpeuse- ttifbt veKlaquoeln buovage and fraquog siatials etc are | y 10ilXM) Bnlmtte f r special approshypriations amount to $120150 m^de up in part nf the f o l l o w i n g Hems Port Sauil lC Littht Stat lor Michigan H^OdO Pipe I^Utid LltfbtKrattov MlehQanIIMIU) Milwaukee Llkht Htfcttou Wisconsin $i6lt(Hn 3t Mar6 RiverRmgefi MIcDlgm $12(KM building for Lighthouse Boird $iJO00U


Tbe Kansas state temperance union met in Topeka on the 19th Gov St John and wile were in attendance During the aftgtmooptbe committee on resoluttoas nude a report reshyciting that the principles ot the union had beenlaquonpbatlcallj enjoyed by thepeople of Kansas la the overwhelming defeavbf cue presshyent occupant of tke executive chair thus con demning his unlawful warping of law and exshyercise of laquoxentive clemency in behalf of con-vltted raquoaloon keepers ThrcQngtrainJatlaquodPro-hihiUonisU in the growth of temperance sentishyment and recommended a seTlsof^eso^Jon the more important-of which were ^s toUows

U A raquo H t M G T O N

LOHINOS KB PORT In his annual rep irt C mmlssiouer of Agrishy

culture Lortiii sagt(gt The wheat area ia~ so mach btyond the rltqulnmeutB of cousumptiou in this aud other ^uutrles as todeprets the prtclt to a point unprecedented iu recent years favoring at certulu poiuts the use of wheat iu fee-iln1 for pork production The cause of this supirabitdance i two-fold first eX tension of settlement in the Northwestern prairies and dry plains of the PdCitic coast and sic nd the txirKOidiuary period ot comshyparative failure of Earup^au wheat for several consecutive years U P ne sugt j c-of forestry the report siys While the destruction of our forest is going on at a coustantiy increasshying aL d alarming rate It is gratifying to know that the workof plautioit trees for wind-breaks and for forest purp ses is rapidly increasing etp-clally in nomc of our Wtstern states aud Territories From gteuraska we have trustshyworthy informutiou that not less than 45U0(XK) trees haTe been planted during the present year-and more than 2000 busnels of walnut and other tree seeds Continued investigashytions have been made in regard to the conshysumption of forests for legitimate purshyposes as well as by tire6 This consumption for the manulacture of lumber is increasing In faster ratio than is warranted by Ithe Inshycrease in population and egtnsltqutnt natural demand Tae lumber market is largely overshystocked and the process of manufacture conshytinues to be conoucted in a fast manner when the fast Increasing source ot supply calls for the utmost ecoLouiv with material The great pine forests of the Northwest are now depleted to tuh an extent that Southern pine 1s brought Into competition with it in the Chicashygo market and perceptible iuroAds have been mide upou those vast forests which cover so large a portion of the gulf 8 ates The same

r c k l m and waottful melhoxi8~orXujmberlng are pursued there wmch have so rapidly conshysumed tne Northern aud Western forests This condition of thlugs makes more imperashytive every year the eudeavor to preampefve the forests which form a part of the public uo-maln and so toauird and coutrolthein by law as to make them of the greatest and most isstiug benefit to the country Tula bureau will make an txhlhiiiou of artishycles manufactured from the wood ltgtf American lorests ut the New Orleans Exposition There will also be an txhiblLiou ot jiving trees transported from the arid reshygion of the West -here it hiis been said that trtescmli n gtt bi mi l e t j ^ror ou account of the limled ammor of ralufaH This transshyplanted grove gtvllt bj an ocular demjustratlon that ihe establlshtu^Qt of trees both for laquorua-menutt and fores purpjsei caa be pushed oiucb further aioutf ma drlaquor weather plains than has be n supposed

WILL REDUCE THE SURPLCS Thdeg tre tsuj department has already furnishshy

ed (7000(00 for tne oaymeut of pets tons dur-iatpound the current qa-trter and estimates have b en rolt ived thlaquot 10000000 more will be re-qulredhy the tension ottice miking an aggreshygate of about $17100000 to b paid out on ihis account before Jan 1st Tbi uuusually Urge pajment will very materially reduce the surshyplus now on hand and it is thought will defer for sometime the oil for 3 per cent bonds which otherwise would probably have been lsfcued


The Armanent Board recomaaends the purshychase of the following guns for the defense of our harbors One hundred and twenty-3ve elKht-inch^un^ to carry pro] stiles weigbinj 2i5 pound- 2Wxem Inch vuo to carry pri


New York State s Vte Announced by the Board of Canvassers


Cleve laud Plurnllijr 1140

The State canvassers met in Albany at noon Nuv 31 all olt lug prem-m Secretary Woyd ait-IOUucid ihe foot ings of the t i b e s as fo IOWK Highest Demt c atlc electormdashfrle^t 568154 HlifheH Rnpuraquo ICJIU electormdashCtraoa ^bii t ft Plurality for Priest 1149 LuwtfctDem electormdashOttenlorur f61- 43 Lowest Republican electormdash Harris bbl 971 Plurality for Ottei dor 1(77 Highest Prohibition ehctormdashMiller 2gtlaquolaquo 0 Lo westmdash Ellsworth lt49tS Highest Butler electormdashODjnueil 17 im4 Lowest -Campbell 167 gt1

After the announcement tae members of the board slgnei thlaquo tables and certlfic ites


her brothers letter Adtm ssked to keep the letter and declared lo be able to convince her that its allegations were false Miss Coleridge surrendered the letter to him and he faihdto refute thechage Trie lady broke iff the engagement and Adams still posing as an it jured lunocence broUkbt suit for heavv damagts against Bernard Coleshyridge The latter in his defence says that the letter was in the nature of a privileged commushynication and not in any sense a puPlicntiou of the charges whether true or false such as to make him liable to prosecution If however he is required or allowed to prove the charges ^e^says ne is thoroughly prepared to do sdgta d show he was justified in seeking to save his stttr from a uulon which would be a hfe-touV misery and disgrace The scaudiJ-loving pubshylic eagirly hope Coleridge will be compelled t_q produce evidence agalnBt Adams as it is whisshypered several men and women of hitfb rank will be Implicated Toe caBe was strougl y con tested on botn sides and terminated in a vershydict of bullbull$ 000 for pidiutitfwnich washowever overruled by the Jud^s Mr Adams will cirry the else to a higher c nrt-

C O N D f e N S K D N E W S JJhicago has begtuo another war on the

bucket shops Cad Pchurz wants to be United States ml Lisshy

ter to Germany The Japanese army and navy are being put

on substantial war footing Corrected returns jrlve the DfmocravS conshy

trol of the Illinois legislature The national cammlrtees of both parties have

closed their rooms iu New York Mr Blaine will occupy Ex-Senator Wlndoms

house in_Wasbington this winter A lake has been discovered in Hudson Bay

country as ]raquoTgeas~Ldke Superior 0 Work ot the pedestal for Bartholin statue -Tft TIIC l~rmrTTr T p o haa-been Btopped for lack of funds IU I l i b LRUlLOi pound pound

John Fahrenback of Ohio has been appointshyed commissioner of labor statistics i Two hundred cadets from the city of Mexico will attend the New Orleans exposition

George William Curtis is mentioned amp Lowells successor to the court of St James

Senator Mahone will occupy the seat in the Senate occupied by the late Senator Anthony

Cleveland and HendrickB met In Altanvon the 22d lest for the first time since the elecshytion ^

-Orleans exposition of ~a eollecttoir of tropical plants

A sensational libel suit is on trial In London in which Lord Chief Justice Colcridgb famshyily Is involved

The German relchstag was formally opened on the 20ch Inst Emperor William made the opening speech

One Johnson a Negro living near Clinton Miss cut his throatsaying that he preferred death to slaverv

8heron Baker living on a farrbTnear Shelby-ville IQd shothis brother dead because he cheered for Cleveland

Issue of standard silver dollars for the week ended November 1ft M8i99i corresponding period tebt year 183899laquo 1 Theeurohinese govtrment offers France 73000-000 lrancs for the settlement of the ciaims Put the latter demands 1^5000000

Director General Burke of the New Orleans Exposition gives notice to exbtmors to guard against delays in transportation

Whisky men have already commenced operashytions to secure an extenaiou of the bjndtd whisky period at this session of congress

It Is stated that Gen Gordon ctprured a Krupp gun from the rebels andihat 660 of ihe Mabdis followers Jolued Gen G Tdonaforces

Toe insane asylum near Ohkoah Wis was dam-wed by fire the other nlgut to the amount of cent15000 All the inmates were rtmjved iu safety

The ptesident has appointel Rev W W Hick of Washington the spirtta 1 adviser (f thesss^sin (iuiteau to be surviyor gtneral of Florida

The txDenses of the steamboat and land sershyvice for the past year was J0tf99 117 ] bull the star service 4 ft routes were added at an tx- pense of $850468 Orders have een received st Calroofrein-forcements up the Nile with gtBlaquotalsnraquoch It Is thought by some that tbe^Mition of Dlaquom-gola is becoming serloj

Daring the nsar^eVr 23831 patenln have been granted-by^-the patent office Receipts fraquoom gtraquoKspafces 11145488 eipendltoreE

^lS^SVrplus $344019 1 (Jef many has proclaimed a protectoraU over

tues of 575 ponndf 806 12 liich gunsAtDcarr^ ^welbarfiOTt the mouth of the riverah to eOt pound proj-c ilea 5016 M - w n ^ ^ ^ ^ mdash ^ - -pfoJectt lerof^npo^dV

Ca DelfadQ QBLthampcoaBt and from Tabjrak yanxlve in the Interior

When the heirs of Gen Gordons supposed

SOf n iKRlaquo HATLOHA who were disabled hv woiindB dlat-aw aooitleat

or ntlmnviBcinelnsH of a toe |gtiilt-r laquoicosa^in rlironic uiarrhofa rupture llaquoa of elffht or (pa-thtllv KI) loss of healrtK falling hnck laquogtf meaalesw rheiimittism any disability nn mattrr h o w s l f g h ^ f lv fs yon n penaltin Nnr ntttl HgtnnrubleZgtl+-titory Obtamed Widow children jnotl iens aud hdiiers ut soldiers djinif in the service or afterwurris from diaeaae contracted or woandsrraquo-t t h e d raquoki la i n the service ara entitled to uesy bulltun Kejected and abandoned elahna a speciatto BOUNTY BACK PAY ANO HORSE CLAIMS C o n LECTED

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can he increased at any t ime wfcea

ttlaquo disability warrants it A a yon row alder the woitna has gradually undermined Iht constttntioey the disease has mails you more helpless l a SOBM maimer the dissMlity has increased so a p p l fov ao iasreaso at once

LAND AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED Mv experlene and being here at headqiartass

snable me to attend promptly to all claims against the Government Circulars free Address with i tamp




I Radial Cr-o FOS


B 3 T T 6 f U J fdr o v e r O yoars j u s o l a tBoS5 sands of cases


KHRVOUS DBBtaflc prcauu WWJIUOM uU Sraquo eraquoj isd Bumewai raquo icaro dlWMC tefllu bullkiliral pUgtiielBl W n from youibtul ludlwr^ tloat too free lndnlCKtM bullnd orcr brain work W aot tcmporlxe whllo HiA eactulc lark ia your laquo]rraquo Avoid bcluj InpoM

en br rrclcnt lou clalni o t her TODcJIiM Ibr thete IrcutiM Get car free droraquo-lir fcud trial pacVino mud lgtrti important fact jlaquofcn titinr tp-a^uen laquolraquoewKerfc

lliouiaaii raquoc1 does net in tcrfera vltb allcntloo wbuO net w caosa pain 01 IrtnoB vcnlenoc ToutidcJ oo laquoigt

-eatifllaquo- mwllnalmdashfrlnolplea froCTlnt In favor BU nputgt ion ufrcotaprIJctUQautB (ettt raquor i-m9 oiaket lu laquoplaquo-

eWo laHueaao ftlt vldhMtt (day Tho natorii fun tlom of tho homon org-lam raquoM rcttored Tba bulloimiinit claceaU laquof lift which hraquovlaquo bees wasted am given back Tho ratten blaquoeoalaquo chocrful and (aia itrength mpidljf

C O ^ MT(j Chemists SEND ADDRESS

HARRIS REMGD 800frac12 North 10th St St Lou I a Bo



^ [ H I S M A G N E T I C BELT I S

WARtfAMJEO TO C U R E ^ r w ig (X without MXHliefHemdashInln In thebneU nip head or Utaba IHTVUU laquollt-lgtlIltylumbaco gcnertii debility rheuBksUnui purttlalu nourolcls avlatlea alaeM-0laquo el ih e 11J n ejr bull laquoIHII nl i

tlon a ihe I i n i aeaalnoi cmtaul

dlaeaaeaiterpld liver i dlst inanotrncy alaquothma he-raquor

ceil drapcpaln laquonnfgt(igtatlnn cry air 111laquo Indlsca-tlon hemln or ruptuhh CMiarra pliea ctKlepar

vfniwSyciebllity of theigtgtXRATTVElaquoKGANa ltVraquoUT-K lolaquot vrtollly luck ofavcrvo limO ond vlirorraquo rrattlnaT ntaLneuct snd el l taoao dlaruaca of a per-aonul nuturo from rhaU)ver ca^fO Va continuoua ctreain of Masrnetlsm permoatisfrtli rough 1 ho part a nvatreatore thorn to a hrnltby svtlon TUlaquore 1laquo nc mUtakoiuout lhUap|)Iiauce


on srs sflllaquote4 Kkuaiiuulsam

Jala Ijervefts _ sMlaquocgtffJieUv~

nehe or Cold Feet KxlaquoTraquotJaDyraquoraquolaquoplraquoorTTHb Dli

lneya llcraquodlaquo ASklea o r w __

sad a pelr of MAjpietic Yvot Battvrlea hTO no taperlor

Kldneya IIcaMlaehe or Cold r w t ^ 1 1 raquo ar eak Anilea or laquownllcn Feet an Abdominal Batt

taibalaquoief and~cure of all theae romplaJnta carry a powerful luaffaetio Coroe to Uie aot or ttte fllMatfi

For Lame Raek Weakaeaeof tbe Cplne FaflJ laia e f tbo woaab MaeorrkatB Cbroa

S I M sad-inaersUos o f tbe W o s i b Incidental Ifeas bull r r h s c or Flood I n laquobull Psh i fkllaquo SupBreeacd a a a Irgt rsanlsr MenatrnaUost KsrresaeM s a d en astro bull Q k t k U U U i e U e a t i i s l l s s e s s j i d O u r a U v ^ A a r s s k

tor ail forma of VeesslsDIslealtloa It ia analaquoraquo passed by any thing before invented buthasscaraUvs sjeatsadaaaaouroeofpowerandTitsliastloa _ Trtoa of either Belt wltfi MagnoDe Foot Batteries t l Q i a s t by oi prcaa C 0 P sad aaajnlnaUor aUowedrOrby mall on receipt of price- Inrordertar-smd meaanro of waist and aUe of thoe Remlttanoacaa ba made l a oar raaey sent tn latter at or riak

Tbe atacseton Qartnents Are adapted to all agsa s r s vera over the snder clothing- (not Most to tJhs bod like tks assay 6alvanlo s s d EIlaquolaquolaquogttoHlaquoas s s c e sdvertlaed laquolaquogtextlaquoaavcly) and ahonld B taken off at night Thev bold their- are worn at al 1 eeanons of the year taken off at night They bold th^powar^orewerssd are worn at al I aeanons of the year

Send stamp for the New Derartnreln Medio) Tisat mant Without Medlstoe with trrouaonda ot t s s t tmo

T H E M A O N B T O X A P P L I A N C E COw 8 1 8 S t a t s St CbJcacoTlTL

Tbe Magnetic appliances tna^ seen at Wipcheira Drug StoremdashPlekney Mich





QURESick-Headache Dyspepsia Livir Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PURIFY THE BLOOD N O T I C E - Without a particle of doubt Var

motia Pills are the moat popular of any 00 thlaquomagt Ket Hating bsenbeloreilie public for sqaartsrerf acantitry and hating alwtys parfomati mnrslhssS waa-proaiued for theny h_raquoy merit the roesjseajfcai

~ mdash mdash 1 MP^BWCBBSW they bars attained F^irlce

For tale by all drofff lata



raquo^Mg0MlaquoqFfctf^hmdash^p11^-^^ - ^ raquo t

Ti ~ laquor bull - -




E t h i c s of L e t t e r W r i t i n g Thero H uo aociat accomplish merit

which is m gtro oftwn called Into jvquW tion lhau Mie art of lutter wntiojf To

L laquo a y a n d do the properNthing at the proper time id o a n o f the uawritteii Fawn of etiquette I t is a valuable ac coraplishment to perform this dutgt

(Pkraoefully aa well a conventionally Social correspondence devolves quite naturally upon the women of the tuu-ily It is untieciisaary to point out the va lue of promptness in acknowledgshying and answer ing correspondence for it is the h i^ht of rudenetw to leave letters of question uaanswereil lu letshyters ltgtfi a r iur ion and acknowledgemeut (He 6eV))e(y|ojLV ntigt nal form U used Lflpfefrsot iutr duutwu should be brief ami as they are general ly presented ia persoD t xnggertted expressions of praigte a^e uot ^ o o i taste These of oour-e ta I auy otlu-r letter delivered iu persou are utrsealed Letters of conshydolence nro writuvj iufjiuialty

This brunch of epistolary ctrrespon denize is a difli mifc one aud actual rewl-ing is the oliy gniin to giml tnstu llt is in personal 1laquo-LClaquoTS between relatives anw friends that the most charming

--bullpeciiuens are f m o d the gossiping cnatty epistles that arc largely espwet-ed andwhich bring color into the dul lest day Auy one who has been stranded in the country house in s tormy wnntht-r wi l l remember the pleasant exci tement caused by the arshyrival of the mail Dr Johnson once m a d e the sweeping assertion that gosshys ip never hurt anybody no doubt this is go ing too far but it cannot be denied that information a s to what is go iug Jih and familiar personal 4 t e r a g - m t t -st itute the best of these letters T h e close of a letter m u s t accord with t gtH addreS in formality and fornt A lady mus t not use abbreviations in her letters any more than in hftr speech nor use figures except in case of a date T h e date of a letter is of importance even in the most trifling manner When a printed address i s tamped upon a sheet of letter paper tne date is often rela-gated to tho eud of the e p i s t K 4oamptal-cards should be used only_Xor_ business purposes puch as sending orders brief messages or notices by mai l

The cards that c o m e with envelope to tit are used for any business message that you wish tgt seud enclosed in aiUw^riu^ a question sendshyi n g a memorandum or making a fauirlisr inquiry Tho enveloped

| card statute midway between the postalmdashcard ami the ijote sheet Al-

1 w a y s use the f j lded Bote for any formal writing It s h o w s - more care and therefore more coajpimlaquont just as the card for some s trange reason i easier

to |gtick up for a hasty line-in a n envel shyo p e

When a note that requires an answer is sent t o any one u n k n o w n to tho writer a lways enclose a postage s tamp Formshyal notes and letters are general ly written iu the third person It is con-

4 sidered inelegant to ^ n a letter -Mrs mdash If it i n e c e s s a r i a n g iv ing the adshydress place it iu brackets under the full name A tirm clear Handwriting is a mark of good breeding -Yours t r u l y or Very truiy y o u r s i s go iug out of date jut as the^p in their turn supplanted Your obedient servant a n d Youte to c o m m a n d Cordially AWith hiraquoh r e g a r d Sincere ly or Respect fu l ly as t i e caee m t y ad-mis uru nio ie in use The selection of

mdashw-r it-Hy-j^tp^ -attd^ e n TH1o pea d e pen d raquo upon individual taste Plain heavy paper is lash ioraule at present The

p r a c l i c o laquoraquot perluui ing letter papyr al-WAVS in qicamptiouaOle taste is ehiirely outof dale

m ikes tho best and higuest proud flour in the world was a great and glorious udvance toward the right kinu of Hour for the people but may we have a still g-eater advance in the art of milling which g ives the peop le the wheat as it grows or a fine^flour of tho entire wheat except the skin which is not food and which alone catt le will not eat The long continued use of flour usual ly sold as Graham flour is posishytively dangerous to health Dyspepsia is a lways made worse by its use A large proportion of the bran found in bulluen flour is mixed with the silicate coat ing of wheat and i t cuts the l ining ltgtf the stomach like pieces of glass Entire wheat flour is quite another thing We prove our faith in it by using it in preference to any oher

bull bullbullbull bull raquom

Tne greatest readeta of ueWdpapers in the world are tha Hungarians i t is said that the peasants in that country wiUi vjry rare exceptions know how to r^ad take an active part in public afshyfairs discuss and judge political measshyures and ara ofien elected members of the municipal bodies Moae Adam who recently wio lo a charming book^ol travels in Hungary w i s told hat ihere is uot a town without its Jierary eliT) In the cafe- v gtu tiud as many papers as in France The most insiifoitievnr jourshynal has ita readers A city o 25000 inhabitants is m m t i c i e d waere am gtng its numerous c ubs and resauraats there was one who took in 105 news-p ipers da iaesaud weekliosmdash an incredshyible number The list is posted up in the establishment and includes journals in Hungarian German and English treat ing of pol i t icrr i t teratuie flgriciu-


ture education and even the fashions

The invention of the drum is ascribshyed by the Greeks to the g o d Bacchus Whence undoubtedly arose the exshypress ion T ight as-a drummdashBurl ingshyton Free Prem

I IP bull raquo bull bull bull 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 w ^ mdash mdash ^

ItfcLact a D r ^ a u t u i 0 - u 4 h

and raised a considerable amount of blood and matter besides I was very thin and so weak I could scarcely g o about the house This was the case of





SCRAP B l t t


This medic Inn combining Iron with prre Vegetable tonics quickly anl com- letely Cures lgtygteplaquoia~ Indlgesiriutu IVeaiine Impure Blwraquod-Mai ariaCtiUU aud Fevers and Neuralgia ^

It t3 an unfaiilro remedy for Diseolaquoesof tLe Klilneya HO4 Llrer t

It W- invaluablo for Diseases pecnifer to Women and alt who lead sedentary lives

It doesjiot Injure the teeth cause headacheor pri)daeAonstipatjOnmdashother Iron medicines do

It enriches and purifies the blond stimulates the appetite aids the assimilation of (bod raquoc-Ueves Heartburn and BelchUig and stxvugth-us the muscles and tierves ^

For latennUteut Fevers Lassitude Lak of Enerjry ltfcc it Uas no equal

JtSr The genuine has above trade mark and crobucd red lines on wrapper Take no othor

i JUIJ bj tfci)raquo3 CUSMCkh m^ BiLTtXOBK MO

T h e m is a paper chimney in Breslan 50 feet high

The Russiau government has borrowshyed $60000 to buiid railways

T h e Norristown Pa insane asylum has organized a brass oand

The emperor of Austria has the finest collection of pipes in Europe

An oyster produces 128000000 young oysters in tho course of a season

One-half of all the telegraph wires in France are already underground

Hinry Croorge will be^ia another lecturing tour in America in January

A SDOW amph98 regiment is to braquo formed in Montreal the present wiuter

Matthew Arnold is opposed to the proposed scheme for an international language

Reported that Southern Negroes arv coiuiug North in large numbers sjnee ihe election

It is stated Miat English land owners ae anxious to jel l out and invest iu bullJihfci countries

The legislative council of Jamaica reshyfused by a vote of 8 to to be annexed to tLe dominion

Seventy-five thousand pounds of paper were used to print the ballots at the late election

Paris is to hava 15 miles of elevated road completed in t ime fcr the univershysal exhibition of 1889

T h e proper song for pugilists who have blacked each others eyes is The Bloom i s $ n Their E y e

Secretary M^Phnrann gives it a3 his


a man with consumption arising from liver complaint He rdcovered his health complete ly by using Dr Pierces Gold en Medic il D iscover Taousands of others buir similar testirqon

The government supports 400 John Smiths

Patarrh Is Recommenced by Physicians SIOOiWAilaWlj

E n t i r e W h e a t F l o u r bull

HaHc Juuriil of Hlt altb There ha never until recently beeD

k n o w n auy possible means or way to make all of the wh^at tine hence the __ ^ __ Jhe key of fate is in our ovvn hands mflrurs have given mt^nothing^^ but ^t^e^we^often unoek it and then throw the beautiful white figtur from which the best or nutiitii us part of the wheat is e l iminated or the so-cal led G-abam flourmdasha name t i t le or brand which causes a mult i tude of sins Most of the Graham fljur sold ia this country is nothing but a mixture of the lowest grades of white flour with bran N o phv8icjAn who is posted on cereal foodf and t iremdashmerits of-wheat flour will ad vise anyone t o eat bullGraham tiourwhile every physician in tbic country and E jg land who has seen and knows what it is uses ana recomshymends the ent ire wheat flour w h i c h is explained by a short statement of the way it ia made v i z

The wheat is first c leaned in the o l h a l way then i t goes to a machine wnich takes off thesKin or husk t h e n i t is reduced not ground by the regshyular roller procflflji_Xexcept purifier) thenj^feer the separat ion by bolting of

)ran from the white flour the bran i s reduced by special machinery then by a system of spout ing the bran aud

F o r t h e L a d l e s

Liughter le the pwr miud pUster Mltklug every burdt-u H^hbull

Tn-iiraquo aidimi-s iuo ttla iue9 D rkest Uuur to May di^fn bright

T1 the d ifpdeg9t and the cheapest Cjre tor Ma of this d scrlprlon

Bu for rhas that wo u-tud heir to Use Dr Pterced lF kVjritd Prescription

Cures all weaknesses and irregularishyties bearing d o w n sensations i n shyternal fever bloating displacements iuilaiurjvition morning sickuess and teudency tD cancerous disease Price reduced to one dollar By druggists

Hannibal Hamlin is the oldest s tump speaker n o w in active-service He be-gan in Jacksons day

Delicate diseases affecting male or female however induced speedily and permanent ly cured Ilshylustrated book three letter stlaquoraps Consultation free World s Dispensary Medieal Association Buffalo N Y

The cornet has come to staymdashBrook-line Chronicle

When you visit or leave Saw Vjrk City via Central depot save BKkjagtje Eipresaace and 3 Carriage Hire and stop at theQraud Union Hotel opposite aald dtpot 8iT hundred ele-tfanr ro gtras fitted up at a cost of one million ilollara i l and upwards p r day Europeun plan ElraquoVator R-t-iurant euppllampi with the b(8t Horse cars brakes and elevated railshyroad to all depot Fivrnilles can live better for lesa monvv at the Qratd Union Hotel than at auv othfr SrutKlaAP horlaquol in the city

We manufaeture and sell it witha pos i t i ve g u a r a n t e e t h r t It w i l l e u r o a n y c a s e and gt70Will forfeit the aboToamouut ifitTaifsin a e i n g l c I n s t a n c e

It is u n l i k e any otlu-r Catanli remeof aa t u t t a k e n I n t e r n a l l y a c t i n g u p o n t h e UlOOd if you^arS troubK-d^iib tbls-Uiatressjng diaeaseask yourliriigglBtfor ltand ACCIPT HO IMITATIOK Ofi SLbtTITUTE If he has not got it send to us and wo wilt forward immediately Price 75 cents per bottl ^

F J CHENEY amp CO Toledo Ohio

opinion that the revenue reformers will control the next house

J u d g e Brewer of Omaha decides that railroads have no right to fence in lands belonging to the government

I m goiDg to meter said the gas man aud he went down ia the cellar and buzzed the cook for an hour

Ty pe-settersin Pads are paid by the day receiving $1 30 for 10 hours work Tnere arlaquoj 4 50J comp -tficors in the city

The semi annual report of the Grand Trunk railway of Canada7 shows a net lo-s-laquot $40^000 for the last six months

The Ogdensburg Journal tells the sad

story of ayoung lady who fell in a skatshying liuic and -broke her leg twice in two

Wisconsin Prohibitionists have de^ teriuiued to keep up their organization and accept no compromise from any party

Some statistical fiend has tigurai oak an average of 1500 tbimblts are anshynual v owallowed by the babies of America

Natural gas has been discovered at Find lay Oaio at a depth of 400 feet in great volume The town wil be supshyplied with it

1 be t x p e r i m e L t of raising ostriches in California bas been successful Forshyty yi ung birds have been hatched and are growing nicely

Tbe Salvation army in England has given rise to so much scandal that tbe authorities are making efforts to break up the organization

Twenty-nine women in Fall River have qualified and are emil led to vo le f gtr members of the school committee at the next city election

The Kansas supreme court has fust decided that a husband is not liaole for bianlerous worgtis spoken by his wife when he is not present -mdash

Tbe area of pu bite land disposed of in Dakota last year was larger than the total acreage of either hoigiutn Denshymark Greece or Switzerland

T w o N e w York grocers were fined $100 each a day or two ago for se l l ing as pure butter an article that was imshypure to the extent of 95 p e c e n t

Love begets l ove singiLthe_ old song but ho wu are you go ing to reconshycile that with the homeopathics c la im that like cures likemdashR^cklandCourier

The model of Abraham Lincolns apshyparatus for lifting vessels over shoals which is now iu the patent e f n e e i n Washington is o be in the patent ofshyfice exhibit in the N e w Orleans Exposhysition

There have been 191 new national banks chartered during the year File von national banks have failed durshying tbe year i nd 100 failures are re-ported since thH passage of the national banK act of 1863

The I lea NewspiptT for Color il PeOgtlt Nraquo vlaquoits Hii^hte-t Hcst Sample Coiiis Scnl Ffee Tun ILiisDrAikH l i m a N nitr arci uilion as In iin-a vnii prLiripound colored jnnrnil m ihu couniry j-SO

--tpe v i r J l IX months S o c i h a c m nUiraquo Clubbvil villi unvnthvr f lict on nt |nwelaquol r i f f A uood [aKvUmtf medium A L L C O ^ lt K D MlaquoN should read it Addrcw T H E PIAINDEALEK BOX 92 Dlaquoroit

M l ^ a a


VEGETABLE COMPOUND bull is A ropnivis CUKE FOR bull 1gt tosfgtjijiApoundjii toinplaltits Mitil W c u k M ^ t BO coniiauti ^ bull raquo tofou bt8t raquo raquo raquo laquo

it rKMAI-E POPULATION Frk cent1 In liquid pill r li-iengc torn

bull jt YvsiTTpa iraquo tolthjfoy the legitimate xeaXtnQ ot diieiiM atlaquoJ~thlaquo relic of pain ltuiH tluxt it daec it claimt to do thoutandtof ladies tonglaul testify It will euro eutlicly all Ovtrlun tro^blci Lofla-um tlon ami Cljeratlca Follbigjuul Displftimciita tai consequent bpiiial Wcaknees aid lamp particularlr adapted to the change of life bull bull raquo laquo laquo laquo laquo V It removes Kaiat ux FlatulencydostrOT^allcmvli)(^ forstiUiUnt-t and rlievlaquoraquo Vckulaquojraquolaquoraquo of ilia Htomatb It caiot niomlii^ iittdttches Kurvoui lroxtiation 3nural IhHjillty Belti)l(ltHei Doiretlaquo5doD and h-dl gotioti l i n t tlaquotflunlt ot Itoarlng down wwisinjy pala aa l bftckach^jftalwuyn permanently cured by Its use Send stamp to Lmn Mass forpMtnhliH l i t t e w o i IoquirycttulJeiUU^ly answewsd yor talc at druggist

klaquoy a raquo ay mdashAnson

The new combination of Smart Weed ana BeUadonaa as used in Carters Backache Plaiters has proved to be one of the best that could be made Try Ooe of these popular plasters in any case of lame back baokache rheumatism neuralgia soreness of c h e s t p r l u u g s amp c

ihe entire I ftpri y Q U ^1 1 1 ^ surprised and pleased by the prompt relief In had cases o f chronic dyspepsia a plaster over the pit of the stomach stops t i e pain at once Ask for C a r t e r s Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters Pric 25 cents

1 _ j mdash mdash bull

ROUGH O RKTS Oiraquoraquor ltiat rM mat SIM rokohea bsd-bon nti bullbullrmln Chtpmaak loe

Yonnic nttmdashRendTliUi I THE VOLTAIC BELT Co of Marshall Mich

off- r to semi thetr cel^rtrarei ELICTRO-VOL-t TAJC BBLT and other KLBCTRIC APPUAMCIS

raquoraquogt trtl for thirty days to meu (youulaquo or ol i) raquofft ctwl with nervous debility los of vitality aud manhood and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neural nia paralysis and many other dUeas Complete restoration to health vlitor and mauhood ecaranteed

White flour are b o u g h t together and I N o r i 4 k u i s c u m d M thirty-day trialUai-m i t e d in exact ly t h e same proportion j IOWKI Write them at once for illustrated tha t existed iu the berry

This dour is not only much more nu-tricious than any other but will assimshyi late with the weakeststomach t Jgtecause i t is tiue and contains all the g luten and phosphates that are in wneatj wh ich can ou ss id of no other flour in the world It is cheaper than any other because it makes s o much more bread mdashwLioh is expla ined by the theory of porosity which theory is demonstrated by the fact k n o w n to every oaker or breadmaker that a good Minnesota patent flour wil l m a k e twenty-l ive per oent more bread than the best grade of Graham flonr or wheat meal and the ent ire wheat flour m a t e s 26 tn 30 o e n t more Dread than the Minnesota patent flour T h e roller process which

pamphlet ftve^ ROUGH ON -OHVb 15c Ask for tV CompteU our atrd or tot oornlaquo wart bunUaraquo

MINAMATA PtPTUNISKI) H I B f IHiNIC l i t 0HI7 prlaquopamprraquoUnn of beef oonutnlng lu laquo11111laquo nutrition properties It oontatna blcKxi-tnaklai foree-sener-atlnsand ltfe-laquouatalBraquonji properHes Invaluable for InrmoumoN rvylaquopiplaquotgt aerrouK pmttratlon and allformiof iteneral debility alao In ill enfeebled oampndlttona whether the reeult of exUlaquoUBtton nershyvous proatration overwork or ecitedltaaae particshyularly If reealUnf from oulmonarroonifalnta CAM-nrsxu IUIARDAOO Proprietor New York ~ by Ortuqruu







Now supplied at a small additional cost with DENIS 0gtVS

P A T E N T R E F E R E N C E I N D E X The latest edition has 3000 more Words in Itfl

vocabulary than are found in any other A m Dio ty and nearly 3 times tho number of Enorravinfr G4 C MERR1AM ACOPubrsSpringrgtM Mass



MAKE HENS LAY li is awcll-kiiowiiTatl4iiraquo tuost of the

liorsc aud(attlePowdti-s)IlHujhis 0 in-try is worthless thatSheriuatiV-Cjicdi lion 1owder ia absolutely pure1 and v w valuable Noth in i r o n Kartt wi l l m a k e t iens lay liKo Sher idan C o n d i t i o n P o w d e r liosiv one Klaquos[wv)iifiil to ach pint of food Hvl l l laquolw p r e v e n t a n d c u r e f gt U I O i f 1 A l P U H I P D A n^ChQlera Ac Sold everywhere or tent by mail for v r l l w I V B I l v T l l L b n H ^ cents fn^taraps AUo furnished in larjre catts for breedersuse price $100 by mall $120 Circulars sent FREE 1 8- JOH^fSOX amp COa Boston iiasa


- A N O -


Autnmaticfilly drain the water of Cundr nation Iro-n UKATlNG lt COIUS irvl rvlirrs il lThr bud- CJ er whuihtt coils are a b u V e ur t bfloV ilic vvalrr 1 vel in ihe boiler 00 nir away with pum^s and other iilaquochinicil Jcvicesfor such pitrpo v s

ALBANY STEAM TRAP COMPANY ALBANY NEW YORK Office and 11 ork 78 ami SO Church Stnet


For Horse or Steam Power Hundreds ef the beat men in SO States and Territories uraquoe it and will have no other J RELIABLE DURABLE SIMPLE Batabliehed over 8ft yearswe have ample (adhtlea to nil orders promptly and tj aatfefKOtampa ojour-cugtooen Cau kgue KKKK Addrtuui

L Q U M i S amp N M A N Tiffin Ohio



AND LIVER COMPLAINTS 0 Beeaaae It acts on the LITER BOWELS and

KIDXEIS ftt the laquoame time Seeatue it eleaaeee the system ef the poljon-

cms tumors ttxit doveloffe in Kidney and Urishynary Diseases BQioQsaess Jaundice Constipashytion Piles or in Baetraatism XTevxsJcla Nershyvous Siscxders and all Female Complaints



By oausina FSZI ACTZCOT cf aU the organs and fsnotions t crphy

CLEANING tho DLOOD restoring tlie normal power to Cirow off disease

THOUSANDS C CA3E0 ef the wont forme of fwao terrTble diseases have beea ttiahly reUevedt and in s shew tisse


RODOH OM ITfU cares hnmore eruptions rtnt-worm toUerbull Jt rheem Cr laquo41 f-iet ohllbains

froi A O A R D - T o all wan are totTerta bullrrors aad indleerettons of Tooth laquogtlaquobullbullbullbull weatneee early deoavJoes iraquof manhood e I wtn seat) a recto that will ene yon FHIR Or CHAHO This are rejmedy w a s J trade bull

ilsMlonaryin tooth America laquoeod aeif-addi^eeed


-irjfCHDFlBcrt goteh eomejMet elaquores ell Mytat aidney and mrsAajy diisesesjr 1 FITTER

Holaquotetterraquo 8trraquom-acgt Bitter Is a fine biiv d dep r-rit a rational ca h raquo n laquo Hpd Miper^ bullbull tl-otl-JOU-raquotgtedrtc itral-w the fatttnii en-ertdr ot the debtl itlaquord and checks preojuture delt ay P o w r laquoed airnjk btllUtun remltent OTupepsU and bowshyel en bull i-loltit- are among r e f i l l which tt removes In tropical ooun-tr ee w here the 1 verand bowels -re onrtns mo-tunfav-orablv affected by tbeeom bleed infln eoee raquo1 o4ilaquonstedtet and water rl -STI iejrjL p e j e s s j r iienar^fWse4e


r r y oaa be soat by mampil WELLS ZIJ-iAargt30N Se Co BurUnctenVt 8 JxuJ tump for Diirr Alauntc f r Is


SpinaTSuuee WsOst T f l 75 Spinal C^reet 00 Spina l Nursing Corset 85 Spinal Abdominal Corset S 75 Beeommeaded hi leading phvakasse delivered free anywhere in the V 8 on reoeipt ofprioeraquo Satisfaotion guaranteed Lady Agents wanted DfLiagaMgtraquoBgtiialOersttC^gteAaB^raylTewTorX



t l


CONSUMPTION I bare a pMltlve rvmedy traquor ths above dIsssae bv Its

laquoM4hoaraquoaDltioreaitilaquoi( tha wlaquoiraquot kindsudof b a g bulltaadlnehlaquors blaquon cutd I inleM bull oatrtmeImyfaPh lnltraquoraquomcttlt-ytl^tlwi 1 MnJTUO B0TTLU8 f S I A torfthrwiin a VAicxBtKTBEATISloii this disease lOnyraquooffrer OlTlaquoexprMlaquoBnd F OxddrtS






MONEY e Wide awako Agent aremnkiiiR from 81 a to ttOS per montl sslltnff the erlglua

MISSOURI S T U M WASHER ~~ bull A sew irHnclple Bavin - bull

^ j V h Jade

bearing a red tin tag t hut Lorlllards HoeeLeiif nnelaquoui that LoriHarUs

Navy Cllpplegmand that Lorlllards Kalaquoffeare the iwat and oneupest quality cousiuerwl

HOW TO WIN AT CARDS I ^ ampC- ^ A S t J R k i r a i n V S M k e B t W e e t o ^ k

AaywmsmdashI nanutacture and -raquoMlaquo eontiantl nifhand vv^ry bullrtlele laquobulllt bgttharaquopnnla|r(raieniif tuWlMwlii In rngt ft chancr Head fgtltr araquoraquoir Both tlrrklttr Addme tlCeTTDAy bull i u r f l l Hi l l s atrwtBtvjTai 4k | 4-


flraquo Mb Waail

y slvenT-^^ritsgt teraquo-terwis aalt StiAjrWASIIBB CO t i t B4SW M iuigtismBBOraquogteeiEraquobgtst

Who wUh to I arn

TOBBHiOragSftsaa B K1PPV Ki gmeeraquo Brvdg p rt Con

I I bull i l l bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull I mdash bull I I - I I bullgt bull bull II bullbull bull t

P a t m and Garden sVaadela Cvlormele) ID ftn4 10 acre trtftg Low Pikr Lootf

Tlaquo-rtna to sgttUera O Blaquor-rlaquoklaquolaquols Adlaquo1rem y perotlsra W R PAHOR Frota Clt0raquoO

laquobullbull(bull bullraquo raquomdash48



bull ( bull bull

f -

r V raquo gt bull




bull f f i n p


r - bull

HOWELL bull r our Ctwrraquoiraquoadeat

There are several cases of diph-0lttiahere A little boy 12 years old has just been buried and it is reports tin oldest son and the mother ol t ie jsjini family are now suffering with tlu-laquo U it disease

Charlie Curtis won the prize at the potato race

A number of our young people went to Fowlerville last Wednesday evening to skate and a party from Brighton came here Wonder who went to Brighton

UNABILLA From oar Correspondent

My sakes What cold weather Dick Barton has gone to Ohio to

spend the winter Rev 0 N Hunt will preach at

Stockbridge Thanksgiving day School commenced last Monday

with Tommie Young of Lyndon for teacher

Phebe Townsend of Plainfield is working at T A HartsufFs

Mr^and Mrs 0 D Chapman of Fowlerville are visiting in town this week-

Mrs Ellen Marshall and Rose Hunt went to Jackson last Tuesday to do some shopping -

Eampt Hartsuff of Pinckney has takshyen up her abode at Geo Hoylands for a rihort time

G S May fell and sprained his ankshyle a tew dajs ago now he has to go on crutches

Mr and Mrs Gage Inslee of Port Huron made a short visit among relashytives here last week

There was another excitement in town last Friday evening it was causshyed by a man becoming drunk They are seldom seen here

^Xherfe-will be union services in the



EMHROIDEKY SILKS - raquo - - bull mdash -

Over raquo00 shades ot tine

Of the people is that the place to buy goods cheap is at the

9 9

Dry Goods


LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES 20 lbs Good Brown Sugar for $1 00 16 lbs Bestr^rown Sugatfor $1 00_ 6 lbs Best Roasted Rio Coffee for $1 00 8 lbs Good Green Rio Coffee for $1 00 5 lbs 50 Cent Japan Tea for $2 ()0

5frac34 lbs Best Japan Tea Dust for SI 00



Good Horse Blankets $1 75 per pair Good Large Size Comforters $1 00 each

11 E church Thanksgivsng day and a dinner free to all in the basement ol same at 1 p m ^

I expect you will findfthe boss boy at S i Palmers ns papa says he actually thinks without any joking that he is the smartest baby in town and we dont doubt it

We are showing a very Complete Lii^e of Dress Goods consisting of Alapacas Cashmeres Brc^ades Ottoman Cloths

Plain and Plaid JElannels Etc

PLAINFIELD From oarCorraapoadent

E T Bush has shut down his cider mill and apple drier for this season

Albert Westfall is on the sick list Andrew Lester is visiting relatives

and friends in this vicinity

Mrs Irvin Hamilton of Washtenaw who has been visiting relatives in this place returned home last Monday

Chas Lambert is out again Rev Mr JJailey has returned from

Detroit where he has been to hear the celebrated evangelist Dwight L Moody he expresses himself highly pleased and well paid for going to hear him

Mrs D M Greene who has neen suffering from severe lung trouble for oast ten months and whohas been vf -bull lowfrom pulmonary hemorrhage z much improved and has gained in bullveight about twentypounds

Miss Jennie Topping has a new pianxrgflitpright Hainesmdashit-iM


^PRICES CLOAKS we arc^elosing out at greatly reduced prices Try a package pfHulmans Delicious Sips Coffee a piece of

Glassware with ^e ry package Butter Egg

embroidery -ilks so nioVii uk to make artistic work possible to nil We have just put in a full line of Uiefe sil^s to accompany the Dri^s Patterns and can supply any wants less than you can buy them elsewhere Ladies pbase call ami see the silks and reshyceive free samples of Brik^^Piitterns




F U R N I T U R E Pieluri Kritminu Kepairiiij K l c




BLACKSMITH ill kinds of custom work mid poundrmgtrul

repairing including

HORSESHOEING lthnp )(bulllt n Minns Iconic PIVCKNKI

VDETKCHT 6 CLEVELAND steam Navigation Companys Steamer City of DetroitmdashKorthwest-between

Cleveland and Detroit-Leave from foot of Third St Detroit at 10 p m-Leava from 23 River St Cleveland at 830 p m

T H E S 2 2 5 R O U T E Week days-Standard Time

T H E $ 3 0C R O U T L City of Mackinac-City of Cleveland

Leave from foot of Wayne St Detroit Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 A M Mondays and Saturdays at 10 P M

For Marine City St Clair Port Huron Sand Beach Oscoda Alpena Harrisvillo

Cheboygan St Ignace and

MkgtWIHrWraquol Folders freemdashOr send 25 cents for our

illustrated book of 120 pages fc LAVE TOUR TO PICTURESQUE fACKiioc

ribtorical and descriptive of thiraquo Great Historic Summer Resort

and Sanitarium

WCv tOWaynoSt DetroitMich

R A P t D T R A N S I T

est-Market Price We guarantee low prices and good goods



a i r Muuutit tin I M t i S i ^ l n i

55 mill gtT Jefferson A i- HKVIMIT Mil If

raid to be oCexcellent tone Morris^opping has just returned

from Uefroit wnere he interviewed MrJampdyard Suot of M C Ry who -zyi the survey cut off from Mason to Jextcr is sure to be built as soon as he times are settled and aamp-Kood as in

883 Still we hope ^

The general expression is tbat the ~gtSPTCH is the best paper printed in

w- county and many who nave been bullbullkw^ other papeis have ordered them optxd but say they will continue taklaquo fg ttfe DispATcar Tally one for




The following Patents were granted M citizens oi MXCHIOAIT beaming date ov 18 1884 reported expressly for

bull t bull is paper by Louis Bagger k Co Me-nical Experts and Solicitors of Pat LS Waabington P C

Barton Joseph Jackson warmincr -1308126

m o n 8 D Wr North Adams z ie strap 308068

lodges C J3 and E McCoy De-tr it lubricator 80825cL_

lowell Jacob Jackson two- wheel-wi ebicle 808162

TAiggSi JW-aitdltJ fl Porter poundckson cyna^etcoclrr80c^388

Williams K- 1 Lnsingr churn

Obtain for Meohhnicul Dovicrs Comshy

pounds Designs and Labels

All preliminary examination bull raquo

to patentability of inventions iw

Our Guide to Obtaining Patent

is sent free everywhere



We are still making large additions to mdash ewstocluif 1



- V soucllt



Grand Trunk Railway Time Table MICH AIR LINK DIVISION




WASHINGTON P C Pictures and Picture FramesArtists Sup-puesTBooks jGrames Toys Japanese

Novelties Etc^iEtc Bakery amp Restaurant TOBACCOS

NOW OPEN AND KEROSENE OIL READY FOR BUSINESS Everything inour line atlowest prices

Bread and Buns Fresh Every Day |

Cajl and see us when in town


No 6 Mixed

RlDGEWAY B Hraquo m AnlaquoHltlH Hl10 Uunieo 10^0 Hocbestcr 11 V2

No 4 No g 2 Pass P M

555 a m 4 m

Wis South Lyon

2-4) i ar 3110 i rip KW

IlamhnrR 4()5 raquo PINCKNEY -440 Mount Kerrier S15 Stockhridyt ftitt Henrit-tta laquoii5 JACKSON ti43 ^m STATIONS I

(115 HH5 7lo 7J5 745 8-frac34

800 810 8Alt fl i


9 raquo 1010 1040 1150 1118 1130 1150 1203 p oi la agt ia50p_m


Warm TTIPampIP and lunches at all hours Oyster and all delicacies in their oeaAon We have a line of fresh groceries a gteod assortment of teA from 2(t to 75 cents a pound Iii^lgteraquot price gtnul for Butter and E^ys Coiiie and see us Vlaquo wilJ jjlve you good goods and fair prices

laquo1 y

W H M W l i K ^ Q f PHOPH A t l h e o l d g t a n d gt u B e e b e g t o r e gt West Main Street^Pmoknov

No raquo No 8 Mixed laas

JACKSON laquo 7ooa in- 4-aii p ni Henrietta 745 445 MtickhridKe 815 50h MoiMrt Kerrler 832 515 PINCKNEY 8laquoo B5 IIaniT)uflaquo^-40 ^ B O s South I von ( Rl 1 0 1 5 s a )

3 0 1 1 1 1 i jgtnMl|raquo 105) 650 Wlxom 11-30 720

Jontiac bull h ( p 1 W gt-bull 8 i t t

Kocheater 1401 raquo05 Komeoy AVgt 955 Armada 305 ~ 1020 RlDGEWAY 8laquo0 1050

No 1 Pais

800 i n Btt

610 laquo85

70fl 73 785

All t n d a r n n by laquolaquoentral standard time All tralps run daily^Sundays excepted -

W J SPICEK T 0 8 J C P U HICKHON Supwiottadfj^t 0laquoawai lltMgtr

N mdash

v mdashI



A l l e g a n C o u n t y I n d i a n

Correspondence Detroit Poe t fitep are now being taken which will result

tB placing sou-p of U e Ibdlana who live iu Allegan county In a more independent and reshysponsible position The few favored aborigshyines are a band of Ottawas and l lvetu Way-land township upon a tract of 880 acres of land They were originally placed upon these lauds th lny year ago by Bishop Samuel McCoskry of Detroit who held the property by deed of trust he receiving it from the Episropal church The band now numaers tweity-to men and they were at the time of their settleshyment In Allegan countyunder Chiefs 8 ltgloaw Penaaae and Sbojqueuaa- At preseut their leader and oiisslouury is D K Foster ampu ID telll^ent Indian

Bmce 1855 the lands above mentioned have beeu hraquoTd in trust rty Bishop McOotkry uatil the early part of the preseut year ana sine-that tune by Judge w H Williams of AUegau to whom Mr McCgtkry rolgued L o e i Judge Arnold of the cuc-iit court appoiuted Judge Williams special trutstee of the Uu6 and authorized aoivuiou ot ttn in The Indians tht-mselvt s Lave auree I as to tue proportion and will n c ive fr m ten to seventy acres each They are all a t z -us aud NJIOO of thin are quite luduatrlgtus other are sh i f e s s imshyprovident aud get very u iu ik The latins which they occupy have ben sold for tax raquolaquo flevi rul time aud It Is chlifly with au ldgt-a of giving encti Indian tht nsuoiiStbidy lt-f ills own hunting grounds i hatihe division la urnde

j trmatrut i t f A c q u i t t e d The trial oi Aoia AimsTuug for the mur

derof ht-gt wife H n i h r paramour eudcdlu toraquo circuit court at N aygo ou the 2 llaquo t the jurgt bringing in a vendct of acquittal We ap peud a brief resume of the case raquond tue causes which led to the crime

Armstrong who is aged 35 bad a young Wife whom Le laquousperted of criminal iuttuiacy with Geo ge ampraquou-s a boarder at bis house On the u l g h f o t Oct 5 he took their on y child up to bed aud found Armstrong slttiu beside bis wife who was Jytug on the bed Tue weman jeit her- husband on au errand to a neighbors half a mile away and on Idking through a window Armstrong saw Bates feet into me bed He aid the errand howtvt r and on returning found Bates still In the room Armstrong says he then took an ax and tbreaened to break ia tbe door It was

bdquoopened wht-n his wife ijrasptd him around the arms and told Bites to go down stairs for

-themdashreVOT-rmdashArmstrong swung the t i a i i d

K-K8 have b^eu tikn f r o r u r-hH AUvna Pilaquoraquoh K Kihenaicie~iTcsluiretroirandi

tearly severed bis wlfesTiead from her Oody Going down be met Bates who campisd him raquoraquob ih bull pi^iil When ^rmstrot^turui d auo killed lilm He then gavehiun-elf uu yenTThbull pnlaquolaquocu lug at orney nayiutf he old not mean to kill htlaquo wife The cn ld 12 or 14 inonihs old was fouud lylug by the biooJy corpse ol Us mother

m Off ic ia l f i g u r e s

Official rtur^gt from all the couotie with ~th t xc-p^iou-of G-Udwn t a i e now on die Ugtlt the t nice of tbe secretary of state Thi 001 Voteraquo u e lec tor t-taudb K-punicau 191 3M 1)gt m cr-nic 1894 W Republican plurraquogti 296 Fr i juvir or K A Aiger r eei^tu ly544 J W uegji l i t iTai K pjOilean plushyrality 3 li or JieuteiiauiagiV^ruor Ariin baiu iiut r N lraquoli9 H H^gtla)uard 18^ 4raquo Beraquoubiicdu pluiamgt 2251 for cecrittij_oi State tiaTV A Couaut IVci 6 J 9 Win Kuikf pe^re 1U8 37J KipULihcau piurauiy 4 3 ) lt-r auultoi-^ei r a W vJ rtteVeue (9^517 G P 8 i n l o n l 68U0 KepuOiCin jlur- ltgt 4U7 for t^eM^urlr E H BailiT 19)548 JdiiiCa Blair 169251 Hlt publlciu piurk 1 gt 4^9rUu Couim s I uir o laud lt irJce M d Ngt MCII J9i-26J Jo in H Dcnuls 385182 Repunlicau plushyrality 4 ISO for attoruey gtuerai M 8 raquo |an-gbr 19J3L5 FranLla W cgtok lb8OW Repub Jlean pmia uy i^ibi for supeniu iidtut of

fubhc lu(ru-rlou H K GU-a 192S5i liavio arBOUfrl88 7i7 B-pubiieaiipJuraily 3 6J8 tor

member oi Uiur i ol lOucdtl gtti J M dailou 1921M C Vauder7eeu 188 458 R^puoucm plurality 3(98 Tae total Yute iu tue state will txeea 4u4(XW

T h e L a i r s t raquo e u raquo a i l o n a l S t o r y

h eittry t gt s o Niribvillp

Mrs Carrol Robfrts of Adrian suffers from a broken jaw the result of belug ttirowu from a carriage

Rock salt at the depth of 8010 feet has bu reacbed a Manistee aud fouud to be thirty-two feet thek

- U d veteraus In Muskegon will hold a reunshyion som-t ime this winter The date is not yet determined

The 18001)0 endo-vment fund for a chair of t h e o r y at Hope college Holland City has all been subgtcribelaquot

Arthur R Tripp has blaquoraquoen appointed Pros-read g Attorney for Oakland county vice A W Amuh resgaed

The 8laquo1naw Rivtr sent only 7263000 feet of u uber to Chicago hy lake this scaeun against

fclti 2 i i U00 feet iu 183$ Four thousand barrels of apjlas audG0ltK)

bustles of potato js haye beeu chipped iruiu Ureivil ie IL a season

Tbe Aarlcultural Col ege will not be openoltl to f-tu leuis uutil Feb ury 23 I h e regular fall urui 11 laquotd Nov 14

A sol id bed of cowl has been-found near Shtttbburg SbliWHM-ec couuiy at a dptb of 35 fei t ht-low the surfoco

Tlv Kalaiui-z w Wraquogon Company are makiDg 3(MKJLU lera tll^^ea^ou They i Xptct to ship on nu uVtM^e ]5U a week

Rported t lu t sienator C gtncer Is about to ^e l rn In whicu laquoveut 8euior Uorr will be raquopp luted tu nil the vacincy

Lap-er couufy p^ida o a l o f f7S a arbouny for billing woivea wl IJIU her oordird last year The rate Is 12 per beartv

Diclcl MTurrlll a w e l d U g e r was ruo over hy a iroiu ou the Mlc gtigtu lt9e Oaio road near Bedford and lu6tauugt Killed gt Mentor po^toifice Cheboygan county Xa betu charged lo Wild wood Saum l L K j e looks afrer Uncle Sams aflilrs there

Tbelth1ersat the Ktiannzjo asylum anshynounce i u it they are o^er fun au iAanuot adshymit any more patients for some time

Kilaiuazoo claims to have the worst slde-waiKs in the state and Algonsc proudly boasts of the handsomeet wooau iu M chl | au

Wm Clark and John Cliff ird of Detroit were 8vept overbtraquoarlt1 from the fchooner Frank Morris iu Lake Uiron on the lbth

Bellows and Harvey the assailants of E urns Kimball of Lyoi s have been captured and are now in Ionia j til They confess the crime

A Flint lady ltltpoundfgtred to sell her body to a

Certain hot41 proprietors In Central M CM-I ertwstiiir aUiut on mlltj torth of G r a f i i her Uudlord o gtgtea e -f | nam driven bgt Will lan are warning o lher unltlloralt o oe

a man who r-^uteis amp Cha Harris of x a i t l Ste Miraquorie bi)tdoe not always remember io pav hi b gttei oil H- wears a red face a d 1rownclothes and weighs algtout 00 ouna

The liou^e of John Rooder of Van^ar was burned wulle he and his wife were out In a back lot at work Their three children the oldest btjlnir 5 years old were iu the house at the lime They were burned to dci tb Every effort was made to save them but It was of no use

It Is hard to kill a Manistee girl If the fol lowing be true Miss Mitttfle Lanagan a Mar-istee dressmaker fell twenty-four feet from the drawbridge to the piles below and then inshyto the water Sunday She was rescued with a broken wrist a fractured j tw and Internal inshyjuries

One of our pfttors was preaching an unusualshyly long ft-1 m m last dunilay morultig when a Uttle girl iu the couKreua1 Ion leamM over to blt r elder companion aid whispered innocently but earotstly i must no bouie at two oclock we have uluuer at two oclockmdashSt c l i l r KJ pur-hcan

A qxeer Uw suU U iu pro^rlts iuUi irra couity Tuolt Henaou took a coutract of L t TtUHi for t u ldlutf ancbool house iu Gratt Wbeu he work gt completed TruX lulled to produce the inv au I Heusou retained the key whereupon Tiux suts for posae-blvgtumdashrorL Huron Tiibuuc

A y o u u g m t u giving bis name an William B ktenun pa-aid a lurked cht ck on Seli uiauV tiiuk of ComiU-rc- E ^ t Saginaw ou u 8 ^ i -U4 City laquoroci r^the other aiouiuy He WAgt arrestee autla uuuiberif cheeks ouSeTIglBAlTV Bank of Claquomnuerce wer^ found la hi i poiies-siou (lined O C H ward

As Wm Hiffmelster and his wife who l i w near GrauJ Htver was driving toward thugt cltv rgt claquo ni li t he team ran aw-av fhrowlnii boh per-ous from the wagon Hoffmetster ha his shoulder bade collur bone aiut tLrlt-e ribs broken Mrs Hoffmeiampter had three ribs broken besides other injuries

Hon Lather Westover one of the most proiulneut clt iz nsof the Saginaw Valley died

f l u Bay City Nov Id from a pr4ytlc stroke received a lew days oefolaquoraquo Mr Westover has been promiuently identified with the business interests of the Sagluaw Valley for many years and was raquo member of the state legislature in


phgt-uUn for money to relieve her temporary ituireas Tue M D nfused to accept ihe oftgtr

-Jrthfl-Mann a-wealthv rf si lent of Montcalm

mdash A special to t faeP troit Wcco Press says A man iroiu Whitehall Mich was iu Jackson Nov 2 h t a n d t e l s th- U howln story tie uai i m i u wondutj for him Mear Wuiteuall otuxitrd Joseph Aileu (uoL tQe J ^ e p u adeu ouce arshyrested on_ a | charge of complicity lu the Crouch murdeiy whi ^ai8 that ou t e nlnht of the mur^r bu the Croacu farm a year ag-i lcmdash(Aleu) gutmdashluiu-Julra Re^us Oddro gt wiuu v at the Oroucu pUce and went to bed with Jmtt leaviu^ the Window up AbjUt 12 w l ociock it Stormed Bo that Juna goO up and uodo^u tUc window 8hurtlgt a ter aotuer raquoraquoluaow of ine hou-e was ritd and h e- in u wnom ATTeiMIima to have reeogmxe i c iuu m an i MJOI the laUit-ly Aden Y^iu^e i ir gtin hlaquo wmdQAr an 1 caim-to J icksuD arming raquot the house of a VIru ^obn Lee on F atrtb bireet jiuce m Ve I awlty aojut 4 oclock iu the nioruKg 1 he fiUccteodulaquor 11 - y he we at north here he has bjen^ever siacu

O c t o b e r s o u t p u t

Tbltraquo followlnu is the October product of re-p o n l n f inlnet

Tons Poan^n Calumet and Heels I4i4 79 i Qtiucy Ji51 114) Ailautic 2 4 Frauklin Ml So Huron ^ 125 iM A l l o u n 14) Peninsula bdquo raquo0 Hancock 4lt) Copper Falls b7 133) Ridge 8 662


crmtv ltl (1 in Qri envllle of fctraniirulatei hershynia N V 22 He was a resident of this county 28 jei-ri

The Adrian furniture factory nearlng com-petion will be one of the most extensive in ^b- we When 6iarkd up the facory will eropn) 7 gt men

Ihj_neJLfiton_crgtunty court bouse at Ch^r-lo te i s c mpited tti trie exc p 1 bullitoTlilie ba^eiuin aud txe various CJiinty olftjlt-rs are djin^JuwueSi there

Thirty Ha1 go Rchard Fagan of HuN-bi^^towc went to Campl foruia to fretk hie fortune L-tSt w ^ k l e return u for tUe first tui ietovlst fits rrJailves

bulltny faTh TirtP B rrleu cinntv rlt feerlirtg-wheat to their ^u ck ihe price b^lng so low bat lr eavlt 8 tblt tu no uiardu afur deducting thec ilaquotof prtgtduetiou

The Baptt6ta of the state at their recen auiUd meetiuir resolved toapoolo i a raquotaud-inlaquo couiuiiMe^ to be cAdfd tbe commlucj for Gt-nudii evaugellzaMou

Fred J Smith ot Biy City forged the name of a ell-kuowti G - n n a i faruiT to a check for-43-i cu tne S coud Nitroaai Biuk of that cuy Fred is uuiier arrtst () Belfour and Fournler Bay City arretted for loK-itealhur htv been ixvuiin^d aud b Id lu the sum of $50gtgt for trial at the DiCeu-ber term of he Circuit Court

Atx M i K y wh) last September stole $1IOO from nIB employer Auorew Wler-nj^o of Mu-kraquoraquoron has oeen c-iptured iu New YorR ami retuined t gt bis old borne for trUl

Mat Burr of B utle Creek who was at one time a heay oil operator In Peinsv V4UU hinks rhntoil cltm be leund wlthia 5tlO feet of

the suriace near the cltv o( B idle Cre^k Tftalraquo Ttmmlnp haa escaped from th-T mla

1869-7U The Sturgis Journal is r ^sponBible for the

Anael Tyler has a very flue -Strr following flock of Brahma hens In wh ch he takes ptr-douabe pride They have attained such an enormoagtfiZ under his fostering care that he

i ogt raquounaiu UeVi he- u|)prlaquoC The engine hukelt1 up a few lect to allowVhiin ui plaquo6i As he was driving acro-s tt-e trvck be claims the i-nglui-er bull t trie a ei iu escape bo as totcurehisborata Tmy btciine frlgtiuued and uumaua^tkb e threw out Geveke and an-othi r olaquo cupaut lnjunug tbeiu b id y Glt veke tued in the KHUC circuit court for tloOjO damages aud obtained Judgment f jr t2rV0d

The supreme court has affirmed the judgshyment of the Wtyne circuit court in the 6ult of Charles W Sines ix-keeper of the county poor bouse against the lOird of poor superintendshyents on a claim for unpaM salary Sloes was engaged as keeper iu 1677 his wife assuming the duties of matron The salary was $800 aud llvmv expenses It had beeu u-raquotomary for the huperlutend-nta to ruakeyearly contracts with Slues up to 1882 They failed to do so in thatyiar but Slues was ifiven a qua-1 assur-s ve that he would be allowe I to r tmdu anshyother year He wai dlccbargid iu February t6i an i lie tht n fUed fir salary up tq Octiv ov r tol owing Reft ree Hoyt f osts iep gtrt ti a he had no ground for actum was continued bgt the circuit court and the decision of the hLjh-tr c u r t now settle 8 the matter

A ureat deal of interest has been felt In BU KxpHs tver gthe caegtc laquo f S Gtldinuu ltltKalnst Dr Bailey of that place It wus alleged thbt D bull b+ley pris^riucl Uve ihre--grain d wes of-d ver^ tKjwtii-rs for a child 2u mii thlaquo o d laquo u i I hat the Childs death wa caused lhlt r by 1IJC defence clatuu d the doctor preicrlb d thl- dltise for au old r ibild and that MOM for the )Ouugerciitld wi re ot bat oue ^ta n aud th i t hence (here was contributory n t g i ^ e u c e o u lthe part of th_^_comiiUinaut In the matter of hectdlTr (3 utti7 Toe JuryiriraquoiraquoKreeilfJutit is said the case will beTpoundied HKMIM The aaui a^eo were laid at raquoUCUU Fit h K Williams Mr Parkinson ol J ck-on and Col John Atshykinson of Ueirolr appearod for the coniplalu-ani nud l S Pratt of Traverse City and AicesLk laquo Levett of Bellaire for deieudaut

By manipulating the law and reducing the baiiqf various criminals and by straw ball stveral criminals la the GrsLd Rxpuls Jul nave been Jet down easy of late Oue mau chirked with picking an Ionia manrs pocket at the time of the Blaine show In that city has jumped bail which was reduced to $ 2 J 0 by Circuit Court Commlsslontr Kutts Anshydrew McGirrv arrested on the charge of rob-oing a farmeruamtid Wm Carlton of 1690 has

j-btfea-bilied out-in the-eum of $1000 Charles 1 Cummlug of the spiral spriug bUkify com-

pny going his hall CumtLlu^s awor

lie whispered to lgtiiu laquojii ngt lio uidered wbut he wauteil nud Mi^guati-d lu the ^yn Lie man behind the b u- the propiietj oi hurryiug up tht) stuij Iaat geu-tlemin laquohook hid hetfrd vrith tho hrin-Dess and iuiuiovHblu cunMervatisiu ol Ihe Bartholdi fund

Drinky aro cash11 he said And Herbert Thorpe turned sadly

away with the Great American Desert raging in his parched throat

He let it alone Young man if you stick to it and

keep at it long enough thats what youre comiDgto You sty now I can drink it or I can le-are it alone But all the same you keep on drinking it Well keep at it And juat about tbotirre gtcm learn to like it and want it all the time you will have to let ii aloDe You caut raise yuur pocket-book by hand my soo Lhat is you cant brinlts it up ou the b gtule it wont thrive on it i ney empty eacb other but they wont till eacii otlier up They contrive to fill nu up but paradoxical as it my s em thegt ceuu juu out at the aauia lime be wi^e my sou and if you muraquol spend your uiniey foliah ly mske ukcii^u lieis with it You will Imoloaned uu j s JBjJLlttuaily lxut you wont have sumuch headache

was worth the amount of the bail and he is outof j dl himself on ball and cannot leave the county a bo y txecuilou of 13 000 having

w obliged lo feed u i e m ^ f V o m ^ ^ gt the United States keep them lrom picking h l | ^ u r t - McGarry has since been arrested on

v s two separate charges for keeping a saloon without state license

pi^ou ti- kor tive years f r ulcMn^ a ladva -poek^t in Di-tioiL-aLdi ebcxped a few taya ailto

of his bain t f fing-rs off

T h e b o i y of(hri^3 F i u k I who was killed in the wooJs uear V^s-sr a lew days auo wis foui d tbroukin th bullbull lnstranRUtaUty of his faithshyful houud Tne doa staid by his masers d ^ d boiy for two dalts araquoid thJ rlt turned home for B uiVthlng to et He wa^ followed aa he wro b a c k t o h i s v l i l ovtr tue d ta an J thus the oody was discovered

Astronomers and a few early risers have at opportunity to gze uooi ttie star of BlaquoJtble-i em thraquo-6edays Ihe Bible student at least ouicht to beadle to take m the va ue of the op-port unity 6iuce its XHT appearai ce is four hundr d yearrt away Five cgt lock is earlv enough to net up io imnrove the chancj of beelng ItmdashSt Clair Kepubllcan

B H Brbcoe amp Cgtraquo hox factory In Bay City was totally destroyed b hie nt 6 u-l -ck the o hf-r evening The loss is $8KKi iusur-auce $70 0 nsfoilowc Underwriters $bull 0 bull Geriuiuia tSU St Paul $l lt(0 TrHl]^-A -lauiic $ 0lt raquoVe8jirn luyuranc- $833 Hi it-

bj Jumping ftu u a secoud storywin low Walter A Woo I hardware raerchi ts here

tourc rlt- raquobull do araquo oue of rue miwt out^tanl flrins in rt irf e Creek have falleil Lut)illiegt abiui $i)()laquoi0 pribauly covered by anaeis

Ihe hate encanipn eit (A t i e Grad Army of the K putim wi 1 be held in Ea-f gtattnraquoraquow lt ithtr in J iuuary or iat- eany pnri oi Februitrj Tne exucv time hai not been Ottiultely Betlrd

Mr- Fred Inwalls of Mdhkfcjon con ratted fu eld a lew days Bgo fr causi the hUAoand fr-jin she ha I b ea div gtrced Cjm between h r ami her nrcseut hUabauJ and threatened

Saginaw wants a town clock Mrs Joseph Plpera Saginaw count^ pioneer

is dead Two Mormon missionaries are working i s

Eaton county Four of thraquo- saw mills at Alpena have gone

into winter quarters An international inventors exhibition is to

be held in London l m There are oyer 11000 books in Kalamazoos

public l ibrary One Kalamazoo firm Shipped 11000 barrels

Of fljur during October Michigan Baptists have raised $10 000 fer

foreign missions this year Adrian is to be on- of the balk stations of

the standard ell company - The young mens D mlaquocratic club of Flint

will keraquop up tmlr utuanizatton The prlt ject for a magnificent hotel on Mackishy

nac iclana hat been ibaUdoued A society for mutual protection rgraquoinst dead

beats has been organized iu M gtsoc A ferocious b gtar kliie I a v^iuifre horse be

lont(lQg to James Selkirk of MidolevHe Fifteen hand red people of bullKlamalaquoxgt get

their bread aud butter by ih celery trade The Klam z Kgt Guzjite of r o m date was

printed lu reu iu honor of Clevelands 61(10(100

tiouble A Detroit (Jlergjman thinks it would be v 11

for all f i e churcht-b to unite aud hold Thursshyday evening pr-iyer ineetlntc at theBkatlu^ rink m gti of tne congregations belug usualy fouiid theie

C R Henry Seoator-elect from Oscoda and Dmtet P MiiKtjy K ipresentraquotlv -eject are lutliglble to their seat- having faiieti to reshysign oi ler offices-held withiu the time preshyfect ibe i bylaw

In 1834 a soldiers1 monument fund of $600 WBB rateet) iu Grand Rapids The project i ad dropped out of sunt and when it i-i revived i t l s l ouud that tne original amcu at baa inshycreased to $2 500

Jrank D Andrua-of Detroit Prof W H Cut evlt r ot Morbhvilis and ubanes o ngtoroe have b en appointed by the Mate superin end-entot public lnetructlon a board ot visitors lor the Detroit college

The Honduras Lumber Company a Grand Rjplds concern am shipping lumber from

t Hououras to New York HIO LlaquoO car loads have l been bought by the P csaix Furniture Oom- pauy of Granu Rplds

A joung German was lost in the WOVKIS near Muufcloii (Q P) raquond wandered around three days witnout food or Are His leet were irz r and he uagt othtrwise badly used up when slaiqu tte was reach-d

Persons draquo siring to atttndTlreTnnQal mpet-Ingof the state horticultural society at Ann Arbor LM-ember 1 2 and 3 snould notify Secretary C W Garfield at Grand R pi is aud secure the reduced rates ou tne railroa is

One thousand tons of iron ore were t alt en fr ui ibe Oatoua^ou trou mine- to Pittsburg a few days laquoKO for a trial test If satirfac ory ibe ujtti uaciurers wii) contract for a l the ore that can be lakei from t i e mlnet-next season

A wildcat measuring eight feet f rora nrgtFgte to tan w IJraquo h tiled ou tue faru ot C Bulaquosei m in TiearBifghton rCeutly The varudni had klued iff a number of sheep and otblaquor stock rtelotutng to t se farmers in tun neivhrgtirnto i

Brnk H w ett pros^jutlng attornnv of bullJagkMon eouny and mltgtlttiQU d io Mds nfflee nil

isb-American $ampamp Germai-American 11500 The origin of the nre Is unkuown

Wm Carlton algtraquormer wno had just sold his firm in Cameron Kent Co went to Grraquouit R iphis and wa-t takgtn in tow by Andrew Mc Uarrgt aud Hugh Morgan The former Is the proprietor ot an unlicensed saloon After see-mg the sights Carlton woke up In said Btlooo OJIUUS his pockelbook aud tb^0 He claims to have been been druiriitd McGarry and Mor-gau have bteu arretted

Theremalns of Patrick OBrien of Jackson were fouudueraquor the Vlichiltau Central depolu Jac-ison the other morniug iu a horribly tuuti-11Led condition O le leg wai cut off and the h e a l s v red frltm the oodv The head was sulit completely la two the front part belug cuuie dtauute from the rest I U thought that he wai Intoxicated aud iu crossing therj yard was run over by a switch engiue mdashThe ctapietion of the eaiv tss of Wayne county decides the question of a Kepublicau n t j n t y i n ihHSfaugt Hiine_nfLRprHraquo-iiltt llVcs fu bull R publicans have tift-Lwo mein-it ro and the Findobtsts forty-t-i^br Iu the 8-^nKte tlie Re| ubllcans have seveuieeu hiid the FuolOdstb 11 lecu The RpuiUcauK have lllU^ u in-J Tity of two in ihe cjeiirttti aud four lb ihe House aud a mijjrtty of six ou 1 gtlnt ballot

Toe mn giving hs name as William Bae li^au who was arreste 1 nf 8ailtlniiW City a tew daraquoo agt o has been idf-uttded as th^ mail hgt witked Grand Uaold- riay City Anu Ar or and MlbullOiCapulU wirn torlaquoe4 check rraquom i ^ in ntuonnttA from 13 to 16 i each At Bay Uits fife checks htve tieeane od from anil a Auii Arbor checks atigregitlnlt laquo48^ At A m Ar-b the check Is tdampued pound K Boyle H h righ nainHlsT F KamUton aud he is a graduate of a pharmaceutical co lene

An luctdeut not of frlaquoquent orcurrence took place at Marbball Sunday theltt ih Au aged couple who had enjoyed married life u getber oVt-r slxry-eight years named James nnd Sarah Wetherly respectively aged 97 and 87 dietl within a short time of each other O J Sunday afternoon a large concuarsti of p op)e gathered at the Methodist church to take a parting glance at the bodies of the alaquoed couple as they lay side by side in deaths embrace The scene was a solemn one

The test de y salt well la Bay City reacbed

Ruimrhaih it that OirOsmun a Detroit Jouru]Lgtt is to be Gov Afcera prilaquo e w tary

The little ylllage of Otlsville Genf xraquoe county w i s visited by a destructive Cjnflgtratiuu on tbe2L-t

Noah P Loverldse of Coldwater has been appoloted second Deputy Conunisalooer o l Peampklons n__ -

v d e p t h nf 2ISO feet on the 21st lost an laquoame a JLuting well produciulaquo brine 100 per cent In strenkpoundih and lu q lantity as large as that pumped from the ordinary w e l s o f the Satftnaw Valley Tbe drill has veuerrated e x y - e l g h t feet of sand and salt rock the last twnty feet Dtiofc tbroujih coarse sand Tbe drilling will be continued io determine the thlckne-s of the rock The borers and salt producers of Bay City are highly elated at the dlaquo velopmeuts

Before the elect on a corainlfcte laquof pr^Vbi-tlon Jadie^ of F e u n v l e called on E der Tow

Cha Frluk reslllns in -Vassir township was fouud dead in the woods about a mile from his residence on ihe 20n Wneu fouud te lay with his face down with his gun resting on ogs in the rear of him Tne right lone of hlo brain was ampowu our D ath was iusrau-taneourt I he right haud which held the fcuu vasclinched in the position of hoding the tuu Tbe fact tLat theguu was iu tue rear of ntm leaning a^alns the log and in a peculiar position uf rhe body crateB a suspteioi ol foul f-lay The coroi ers iiQu-tltt respite l 11 a vi tdict that he came to hi death by ac 1 ICUTHI bullbullluwitliig Mr Frluk left hh home on ihc foreshynoon oi the 18 L to go t gt Stauleis mill about one mile distant Wneu lie did not return Bearcb was nude for him but no irac j was fouud unshytil the morning of the 2dLh i l ls bull dog came buck and men eurtlaquod our le I bv the dog and fouiid the body Mr Frluk was a jGung man aud leaves a wid w to monlt n (ds Iocs


he Tote for St J o i n ms salarj laquo ouM be ca d gtwn I h- Elder desled the right of anyb gtdy totirerfere with hi pilltical v le^s and v o e d for Blaine anununci of at the time that he wuu d raquoaw wood at 5 cents a day r ither truii Mgt coerced in ov ting against h l s ide io f ngraquot Toe att^m^t at build zinlt comlou t j tbe earn of t h j Ftnnvl le ueople ibey raised a purse cf $50 for the reverend gentleman

The Evil of i f Courier-Journal

I claquoi diink it or 1 can leave it tklone said Herbert Thorpe proudly

Herbert was the son of an only mothshyer ami slaquohe a widow whose husband was dead He was a young man of rare promise and a still rarer fulli I Intent He graduated at college with brilliant honors behind tho bat the envied idol of bis nine Life opc-ued itself before him voluntarily like aigtiek oyster But alaa in au evil hour say about half-pas earj y in the niuiuing--tho tempter with a hmall t-mdash we might say a c t in factmdashcline upon him

He been me a slave to the foe of young men the D D mdashNot the D D who pruachealu a large-aud fitsliiouar) ecaujtregAiiou Ob no LuejiberU D the Domoa Driuk

Hejveakly yielded to the laltcidaiions ut bis Dauiwl Boone compauioudmdash Llrom is nud JereiuiAhl^BTll Yardd aiTtTj the led of the lgtoys

bullDii shun i h ^ln^a pleadedthe f^ir yt)UDg giil who 1 k nl him

A f w weeks ago we wuulu have said loves htm but Muce Bulwers love-letshyters were publisned anything of that kiud ii too awiullymdashthe ammonia please

He said he never used the glass He wis bhaved at_ tde barbers and he wore a fUc scarf that hid his flannel shire and diduc have to be tied

Fly the tempter said the pastor Buthe said it was all he could do to

fly a little kite for thirty days and he wasnt very fly anyhow And with this brutal and hartlelaquos jestmdashwhich in his better moment Herbert Tnorpe never would have uttered- -tho white-

ed under a lonely tree and died some thirty eight years later of extreme old age and starvation brought on by two donation parties in the same week

Do not trifle with it begged his friends

And Herbert Thorpe stood up and uttered the proud sentence with which this sad chapter opens

tf the chapter is any sadder than tho

U l i T K O l T AAitUtCrraquo WheatmdashNo 1white $ 66 WheatmdashNo 2 red 75 Flour 4 01raquo Buckwheat bull 4 2 5 lttfi-5fl__ Rye 8 6frac34 in 75 Corn-meal $ 100 22 00 ifl 00 Corn T7- 88 v 8S Oata x 24 26 Barley 1 F0 laquo 1 7 5 Olover Seed V bu 4 60 lt 4 65 Timothy seed 1 55 1 laquo0 Apples r bbl 1 7 5 lt$ 2 00 Appes per bu 5 raquo (A 60 Hutter ampgt J8 E laquo K S raquoraquo

iekens 0 Turkeys 13 Ducks 12 Geese bull gt4 Potatoes 80 Turnips 85 Onions V ou frac12 Houey 13 Beans p icked 1 2 5 Beau unpicked 9J day 13 00 dtraw 6 00 Pork dressed 180 R 00 PorR^neHs new 13 00 Porh family 12 50 H a m s 13 Shoulders 7 Lard 7 Beef extra m^ss 12 0(1 Wood Beecn and Maols 4 50 Wood Maple 6 25 Wood Hickorv 5 00

u v a STOCK CATTLKmdash Extra tgterigt 55 50 good to

choice 4 TO 5 00 mlaquodiuiu 4 0 (tf 50 Kood huiciier 4flaquolt (frac34 5 medium $4 J 4 5d commou $3 25(38 75

HOGSmdashThe hot market is active aad offershyings are all diep ^ed (if but at a bull( chj^e of 1 0 3 15cfrom the q lotitions of one week ago the raugt beinlt raquo4 ((sect 4 2gt

SHBEPmdashFr eheep the demand is active and there la no material change lu prices from last Wjtk The range was 42 bUjx6 75

515 00 7 00

512 50 J l i7lt

laquo5 8 ltV1 50 5 00 O 6 50


From the Marine Barracks iensaco-la Florida ltJoTporat Ben Bargor writes of the benefits of Browns Iron Bitters in that maltirious region He say laquo1 have used several bottles and muit say I am greatly benefited by using it Sevshyeral of my eomndes use Brolaquovns Iron Bitters aod you may rest assured they all think it is tle greatest thing on earth 1 This kind of tesiiuiouv comes from all quarters concerning Browns iron Biforsmdashtho best tutiie mdash

Cut on the bias Nev York J gtnrnti

Tue guillotine-

lt_ bEND YOU ti AUDREYS 0 ^

A postal card to VV eJ Ddniorest 17 K 14th St N Y aud you wll receive tree bv rottnn iu7iil the bast family maglaquoziae published

The casli system is no-bill artmdashMershychant Tiaveler


Naure f u n d o e s the a n l n i h aod fowls of the air with warmer clohing la toe wlnraquor P-ason and Carbjllne tb^ great Nitural H U Resuirer is on|y another evidence of her care for man

A tea-totalermdashTbe tea merchants accountantmdashGeonria Cracker

COUGHS HOARSKNKSJ raquoKH T H K M T etcM quc^ly relieved Oy BROWNS MR gt901ZtaL rnocnBS A slmpe am efftctaU rm^dy BUpt|or to Kil O-hnr ^rMceg for M mm^ ptlgt-pose Sold ony in boxea

The darkest hour is when you cant find the matches mdashPuck

of ihe M E Church notifying htm raquonar uuiem I people win) road it it will shecj enough

Mis Fltiraquol n lcfcjt at tne recent election died Nov 2 J at bis realdnclaquoi in Jsck-on f con-sumpton He was 83 years Old aud leavtaa wife and Child JEhe-Hanna A Lay Mercantile O m u t n y o f

Traverse Cltv buy elaquogs by weigh lnstewt of count They i h u k this the only just manner of buying and selling this c immoui y and that tne legislature thonld uaas a law n q u l i i n g the practice on the part of all merchant

George Stanton a clerk in Superintendent Mi theanvs office of the G-atd R tplds A lndl-Da Radroad was chot a few nights ago raquogtgt some unknown person on Jeffen-oa avenu Grand Ripids while gob g to his home ab^u Ooclock The ball struck his open-faced gi Id ^ K

watch in the vest pocket j iraquot oyer his h e a r t gt J r ^ v w s n a i l o e e aud badly injured the wa cu but saved his life aiJMaMLthB_iXMgtf ilUiLIh^UJ^eturpj whlc^ did not take i fleet He was at Uckwi near tut same place a few niabts before by an utkoowj uercou and gave htm a good pounding Stau rou thinks it was some railroad employe who bos beeu dicba--sred

Uuring tbe fii)0din 1888 the Grand R raquo p i ^ d IQ liana railroal company used the UraquoKraquo J inore^ Michigan Soatheru raUroad-iTraeitii Oue day while one of the Grand Rapids A iucUana trains stood upon the Granruie roau

rears to wet down all the paper for this ivgtueof the able^nd influential journal you are now perusing with inteuse deshylightmdash now is the time to make up clubs sui sorioeat once and avoid the tush at the doors -Why oh wby longer delay mdashtime flies and money ia eight per cent mdashsend for circular and see prospectu in an ither column

Farmerand Stockmen The laquooty remedy that really euraa OalU Onta ano

Wounis on hltltrse toltd oatieand always brings thehartnlnitoe rtgjnal color ia bull^bullerlnary Oar-Dotlsatve InfiOoandlcans atDnjnruiUOTby mall

jr W COLA to Prop fil-lt lOrvlraUiWia

Lltht infantrymdashTorch-bearersmdashBosshyton Biillettn

raquoraquor bdquo Ai i bull ^ iltraquof it o i laquoo VIA L a l 1 deg b e bandeomest stove structure ever bull lean drink it or let it alone hefp r o d u c t ( L l t 1 s a b a e h1|lteP H j i0 d o t t h ^ said proudlv

Could he

A space of period has elapsed or perhaps not as long as that

Herbert Thorpe enters the palatial bar-ruorxu where the stifling odors of decaying cigar stumps stale tobacco

|lthioke arid sawdust and cheese sand-witches and tbe human breath divine lure men to ruin

I can drink it or I can let alone


The new wood burping Parlor store-_- Elberou better known as tbe Cleveland Wonder Is exciting tbe admiration and wonshyder of all who have seen it Thlaquo L tdies proshynounce it as -perfectly lovely Tn form it re-Rraquombles an eiltgant modern re-ddencu with bav window Mansard roof laquoorn ceo doors windows veranda etc and Is cour i ered by

t a



heater and is ssli to be lupy p-rfraquoct in its operations Special 1nrtgticemeutare bgt lug uffergt ed to one or two h fiaential ptrtle in each town for Introductory tmrposes Write X ooeratlve Stove Oo CleveUud Oampio forfull rifiscrifitlnn and nAriliulara

T Medical science tlaquoCbrs thai rieu nvlsna or neuralgia to be slice rsfdlly met miM be tn t rm its own ground which ts l u the blood Athloph iros p u r g laquo thgt U f v c i T d H gtf 1 gtu lnpurities that are the source of so raacl torshyture to the human frnraquo and thus fulfill th t requir menuof an lt ffl iient laquopseltfjlaquo Pr c i $1 per bottle If your n r n w t t haant it ae id to AthlophorosCo 112 Wall St N T




T H E OLD H o U I t S l K l D -

Welcms f ilraquoi raquont dtTe nd bUla W) ere drvaugtl ke tgtlaquosltil my early days

Y ehfflaquo laquoJ K- a HTd 1UMRK rill That flnjr unci n-ctU Mmnsnl vrgtee

Wraquoc me gt WlaquoXMU wi h irv quit bower BmfuiiheV in nuMimitB mellow $hf n

When crellt raquo6 elitidtmod gathered rt jwerB And tl jgtt oa imsy cirpttfc jirewa

Tbe same bright tunllitbt gently payraquo At ut tbe pircn and orchard ireea

Tb garden bullleepa ID mjoiitWe baz Lull d bv the murmuring of tbe beea

Tbe alofug meadows stretch away To upland tl lil and wooded hill

Tbe Kft blue bky of peaceful day Looks down upon tbe honieetead 6tlJl

I bear tbe bumrato of the wheelmdash j 81 rarlaquoe muhc of the daya gone bymdash

A I bear tbe cllvklng tl the reel Ouceuicrelteetbeapiodlefly

Ho thlaquo ii I wondered at the tbread That narrowed from tbe snowy woo

Much more to see the places wed m And wind upon the whirling spoo I

I fee the garrpt once again With rafter beam and oaken flDor

I hear the pattering of the rain As summer clouds ao drifting oer

Tbe little window toward the wet 8 il-kep la webs and buang flea

And frwn this way childhood nest Jlaquocaraquo beau-stalk reaches to tbe skies

I aee tbe ciHe gathered round Tbeoielaquoflgte-pl ce flowing bright

While t-iichtn sticks wiiacrackhug sourd 8end forth a rich ami ruddy light

Tbe raquoiudow-sill is yiUA with aleet Ttraquoe weli wepa crlaquoaklt bjfnw tue biaat

Bot wraquorraquon hearts make the contrast sweet Sheltered frni storm secure and fast

Q loved ones of tbe long ago tytipraquo6 ineoiory banna in Kulden frames

ReatUKbeueath ih bull maples il w Whraquo re few tVr rlaquoad yuur cb leSJ names

Come braquock as in tht Cbristwaa ulgbt A-prf n raquoigte Tacmit chiira ot lutftnmdash

Ah Jte ibe dream 1 all too bright And asuea lie upon ice btarih

Below the wool beatle the spring Two little ch iWren are at play

And hraquo pt tMt bird of raquouewhgt6 wine Blukb jirtbelr hearta tbe livelong day

Tbe aeonjB gtatu-r at thair feet The squirrel chatters iieafb the tree

3u)d lile raquoun Jove are raquo11 competemdash s^ They hold AlaUdlna lamp and keys

And BlBtraquor cow my children come To dud the water Juat a8 co J1

To pi iy about our jiraudcirea home To fc e our p crurea in the pool

Their Wutbter fills tbe eha y gl- n Their fouutuia gurkies oer witu Joy

That fLtr years Jull three times ten It nnda itailUlfixlrLajii boy

No other spring in all tho world la balf so clear and cool and bright

So other leaves by autumn curled R fleet for me such golden light

Of ohiidiuxxis fall h thU Is the shrine I kneel beside it now as then

And though the springs no longer mine I kiss it cooling lips again

Unchanged It greets the changeful years Ii a life is one unending drenn

No record here of grltf or tears Bur like the llirpid meadow stream

It Sreaas to bullbullgt m^thize with youth JutteBtb rlv r doea with age

And ever wLisp rsmdashaweeteat truth la wrlttei u lifes title-pige

mdashBarptts Magatlne



DUMBLES W t O O W ^ mdashMr Jonas Duaiblo^ was a young man of a dfciuedly funereal turn of mind He was accustomed both bpound constitushytion and habit to look on the dark side of things generally Marriages and all sorts of glud^omo festivities possessed no interest foe his glcwimy BOUI but funerals were his delight an J princishypal pastime Not one oocurred within a radius of twenty miles around the small manufacturing town of Fieeporc where he resided tht was not graced by the presence^ this universal mourn er As he stood beside the bier or at the grave among the mourning relashytives and friends in his long black coat and white tie with a large handkershychief Actively displayed for the ab-

^ojFp_tion of such tears as he might at that monrent bo able to command he looked like an overflowing fountain of sympathy for att the griefA and troubles of mankind In fact he had more than once been mistaken for the undertaker or at least for one of the mutes There were some evil disposed people who had been known to slaquoiy that Mr Dumble was influenced in his course of conduct by a widely difterent motive than that which was usually attributed to him for they meaningly said that he was on the look-ou for some rich widow whom he

^ could marry and thus provide for himshyself a snug corner in this-world of sorshyrow and caretor the rest of his life

Such envious and evil mindel (

sweets of all kinds and was to be seen ntHllhnuM laquof the ilay and evening until the shop closed llaquoHuiug alaquoro^8 the counter of tgtie late Mr Buffuoi a ato-H nn Mam street talking Ugt the inshyteresting iiud discon-jolate widow who DO douut owing to the comfort me asshysurance she received from Mr Dumble as to the present well-being of the late Buftiru in another world twre up very well

TdirtgH went on in this way for about a year during which period Mrs Buf-fum grew quit consoled and began to hiossom out once more into colored cap and bonnet ribbons and Mr Dumble had been obliged to eat so many sweet thing (ow ing of course to his being so constantly in the shop) as to seriously impair his digestion and his usefulness as his appearance at funerals nnd evenshying prayer meeting was but semi-ocshycasional and his outpourings of spirit piety and consolation on such occasions as he still was seen at diminished noticeably in intensity and volume

One morning Mr Dumble apparently dressed wih a little noro care than usual walked down the main street of Freeoort and pausing for a moment beshyfore the store which bore the sign bullSilas Buttitra Pastry Cook and lookshying in through the wiudow to see~if the fair widow was ensconced in her favor-it seat behind the counter -he opened the door and went in

bull(iood-moming Mrs Buffum a tine day -aid Mr Dumble as he deposited a couple of chocolate cream within hi capacious moutb bull hope you were retched by my discourse hwt evenshying mdashiOu4 ypounda_indeed Mr Pumble you

| were iudeed in-piring so p nygt rful I Such eloquence Suou a flow ot spirit 1 am Buro everybody was as uplifted as j l w s

Dear Mrs bull too good to m v way of grace You are a noble wuman maam said Mr Dumble helping himself to some marshmellow drops

bullNo indeed Mr Dumble you are too good to me murmured Mrs Butium in sweetest tones I only wish I kuew of some way of rewarding you for all your goodness to me ana to the many familes to whom you have been like an angel of consolation fh their sorrow

Oh maam my Christian sister my dear Sophia if 1 may be permitted td [thus address you pulling out hishane-kerchief and slipping in behind tho counter you overwhelm me you do indeed But you talk of rewarding my humble efforts You can reward them Be mine Sophia be mine Be Mrs Dumble Let me be the partner of your joy as I have comforted gtou in your sorrow Be mine be mine^ and Mr Dumble suiting his action to his words passed hisurm around the somewhat robust waist of the relict of the late Buftum and pogtsessed himself of her hand without meeting with the slightest resistance^

Jonas 1 am thine said Mrs B rising sudd-ehly and throwing herself With such violence into the arms of the jubUaht Dumbln as to precipitate that gerflemun who was not prepared for 6uch a weighty demonstration of affecshytion (foeMr B was by no means sylphshylike IU form)gtheadiong into the showshycase where he btrucka batch of newly made pies and emerged covered with pie crust and various sorts of jam tho contents of the pies Tnis little incident marred but for a moment the fecility of tow fmr widojgand tho pious Dumble who spent the rest of the day in the manner usual to lovers on such ooca-

n-plied nis lady love and am that lir^d I cant stir a tinger

bullPackiug said Mc Dumble what for

What for returned Mrs D wny to go away to be sure

bullbullGJ awuy eampU the astonished Joshynas wtiat for Where Why Surely you are not tired of me my own my


iove bullbullTired of you bull retorted Mrs Dumshy

ble raquo siuff notning of the sort But as my couiu Buffum has written to me to say be was coming to take possesshysion next week its about time for us to be^in to-think of getting out

Your cousin coming to take possesshysion gasped Jonas why what on earth do you mean Surely this store and everything else belongs to you I know it does I saw the will of the late lamented Mr Buflum

I cant help wha t you s a W wearishyly returned his wife go we must BuffttQU-the brute added a codicil to the will whereby everytbng he kfc to me went to his cousin in case I should marry within two years Still that doesnt matter of course dear Jonas as you said you had ample for us both I suppose we can go to your house at any time -well why dont you answer

ihe unhappy Jonas sat in bis chur f tirly gaspiug for breath His rage disappointment aud the thought of the way lie had been dually taken in aftei all his scheming fairly took away hi power of speech and thought Fioall he rose froui his chair fainy q il^ering with excitement and rage auu said iu sepulchral tones Why wa I not told of this

Oa I supposed you knew it all thlaquo time11 said Mrs D^ cirre1e s1yx~ievery one else in town did Besides as you

humble in

paid you were well oil I did not care to trouble you just then Now dear Juua lt dont be augrgt well sail be happy to gether wont we tfear mdash mdash

bullbullHappymdashtogether yelled Jonas fairly gaashing his teeth in his rage

Happy with you- Djyou suppo=

The Mystery of a Deadly Attaok Solved by aNcWepaper Parashy

graph Boann Herald

Hov are American) liked ia Engshyland

And Mr B F Larrabep nf 42ChHtpr Squre ex-diroctir of the New York amp Boston Despatch Express Coupaoy who lias recently returned from a conshysiderable residence in Loudon anshyswered If they have good recomshymendations and benave themselves they are well treated but they wili like the Eaglili people any way when acshyquaintance npeus ino confidence

How do the English compare with American-

Tae finest looking men in the world can be sten on pleasant days_ of the London season promenading Plccadtl-ly The English ladies howevar are neither so negtat ia appeararce or so graceful in form and movements as the Americans but they seem to enjoy more robust health

Are the English people longer lived ihfgtn our people

I dont know I have not fully inshyvestigated But I remember one hearshying read a newapaper paragraph cn-citled Why do Englishmen Live Long-laquoytthan American That paragraph by the way once soUed a great masshytery for me

Ah indted another tribute to the oowt-r of the press suggested the re-purtr

Yelaquo if you so please to call it In 1879 when 1 WMS residing at the Com-

-mim-weaUh hotel in this city I had oc_-casion to do some business in Washing-ion sreet When I got to tho oruer of Franklin I seemed to feel a blow n the breast and fell to the pavement like a dead man When I recivered consciousness I was tskeu-to mv hotel I tit thought pechaps some

stevedoring and drawing as afrbrdia women cmparitively large egtrapoy-raent The hours of labor HIK all other conditions care wages which are only about one-balf are the men

st mo as for

A So ld iers Sad Scory-Southern Trade Gazette

After the battle of Stone Rvar and the ConfederatP forces had fallen back toTullahoma Tenn Gen Rosecrans then in command of the union army operating in Tennessee proceeded to-f gtrtify around Murf reesboro while the confederates were engaged in strengthshyening the defenses at Tullahoma

Our army which had done but littlegt fighting after tbe battle of Stone River moved upon Tullahoma ra July 1863raquo expecting to find the Johnnies preshypared to receive them with open arms and bloody hands

It was there that I witnessed the-saddest event of the war said a veteran soldier tons while talking of the trip from Marfreesboro to TuliaVioma ana he proceeded to relate substantially the following

Tne rhirty-ninth Indiana was in adshyvance and moved cautiously upon the town anrraquoJ fouud that tbe enemy had evacuated leaving nothing but a rear gaurd to_cover their retreau The regishyment then pushed on into the hearV of the place driving ibe remaining rebshyels out and across a snial1iiver beyond at which our troops came to a halt and seeing the enemy on the opposite side of the river they wailed for oui sharpshooters to come up before venturing acioiss The Confederate could be seen ridshy

ing around the woods and neids six or seven hundred yards away and ju-gtt as tuey pas sed through a gap in

would have ever married an ugty old fat thing iike you if 1 had known that you fcadut a peuny No Ive been sold taken indeceived and most abomshyinably put upon and 1 wont stand y No maam do you hoar I wont stand it 111 leave you Im goinghow Gbod-bye youmdashyoumdash and Dumble

enemvhad struck mebut my physicians assurel me that such could not be tbe case anltJ idvised strictest quiet For six lrraquomgt weeks I was unable to lie down I was violently ill and my physicians

walk the

a fence near a farm house a man was seen to cross the road and enter-the house but soon came out again in plaiu view of our men He was too far away to be reached with any common gun and was not tired upon

lc was not long before the sharp- shoote^ cime up to-the river with their long rasge globe si^ht rifles The man could yet plainly oe seen near the house seeming to defy onr guns Ooe salaquod I woud probably never

streets of Boston again Ibull ltJW not want 1 ^ sharpshooters brought to die but who can ^ frac34 ^ 1 ^ frac34 his gun u]Ttcgtis shoulder and fired

fairly at a loss for any words to express in any adequate way his feelings seized a hat and made for the door

Stop you niDnster cried Mrs Dumble stung to madness at the unshycomplimentarye^itJiejs^^uxlejlather haad by the rabid Dumble Stop youcan ting hypocrite you mean old fraud Oh to think of any one ever being deceived by your piety you hoary old reprobate Yes you can go Im sure 1 never want to see your mean sniveling hypocritical face agi n Go and take your lyiug prayers ard mock sympathv wherever you like but don^t you dare take anything with you tha dont belong to you Youve gotMr Butfams hat on your Lead n^w I wont be deprived of any relicoraquodong-inj to that dear good man Give it back to me I say and go asfast as you like -

Mr Dumble thus addressed tore the hat from his head fluag it with all his might at Mrs D who was rapidly getshyting hysterical and rushed froai room and out of the house

As the hat fell at Mrs Dumbles feet a paper fell out which had apparently been concealed in the lining She picked __iX_^up=zampiid-Jooking utmdashit

sions and before finally leaving her in the evening Mr Dumble had prevailed upon the widow to lay entirely aside her mourningmdashfor- Rnffnmt whom he

niators of Mr Dumules well known piety were soon silenced by a few quoshytations from his last prayerful address at the Wednppday prayer meeiing or from the words of comfort he had ^ireu to thekbereaved family vt the funeral of Mr fliram Snggeraby the soap-fat boiler lately deoetraquoed Thus the evil-minded persons aforesaid if not conshyvinced were silenced aod Mr Dumble went on his funeieil way rejoicing

Though with nit doubt full of sgtmpa-thv na bullpiiiiuai congtolhticn for all Mf Du motes grief was noticed to OH always alitHe inoremdashmHrkud his gym-pathy a trifle more tearfully expressed and his cots Oaf ion slightly more tender and confidential at the funerals of those gentlemen who departed for a better world leaving a widow to mourn their

represented as no longer needing her tears and to become Mrs Dumble the following week This the widow Nat first would not hear of but finally after muh persuasion on thepartof Dumble and many inquiries on the parfTbf the widow as to Dumbles worldly position aud possessions which he averred were great she finally consented and named the happy day

In pursuance with this decision the marriage was celebrated the following week with much splendor and the re sources of the store were drawn upon to supply a titling breakfast for the happy pair and their numerous friends Some did say in spite of the general festivity that Mr Dumble in the midst of his

stttl~contrived to throw a

scream and read it The paper contained tho

tt words T hereby revoke the codicil of my will and my wife

gave a over again following last

all doctors f-ay he cannot Larmbee smiled sarcastically and exshypressed himself very freely concerning the number of common disorders which are controlled by remedies which physhysicians will not employ

But how about that paragraph - -laquoYes-vek-When I was obliged to Pit up in bed day and night for fear of suffocation and hourly expected death my nursV begged tLe privilege i f readshying th^t paragraph to me I refused himat first but he persisted It deshyscribed my condition so exactly that ftgtr the first iiroe I began to realize what had prostrated me I was tiHed with a strange hope I at onco dismissed my physicians and immediately began Warners safe cure In a few months I was restored to perfect health notwithshystanding mine was one of the worst posshysible cases of Brights disease of the kidneys which all my phyMCs-ns- and I had the best specialists in Boston-9aid was incurable I tell you whej R man gets into the desperate condition 1 was in he doesnt forget whit rescuer him

Rut were the effects permanent That was five years ago said Mr

Larrabee and for thirty years 1 have not been BO well as during the past fivo vpaf sT^fftrhad -know-n-what-I-do-now-I would have cheeked the matter long ago for it was in my system for years

aTpfiness funereal gloom over the proceedings which made the marriage assume the air of a wake and the wadding feast (which was cold) taste like fuuend uakert raeatV but this no doubt was caused by jealousy at Mr Dumbles luck on the part of tbe persons who made these ill-natured remarks

Another week passed by and Mr and Mis Dumble returned from tiitir wedding tour and settled down iu rooms over the shop Mr Dumble having |- c ^ raquo deg bdquo h ^ f now gotien the wife of the late Bnffum endeavored in a way to put himself iuto his skin by learning the pastry cook business but his efforts were not crownshyed with success to any marked degree in fact he wasted in his experiments iu pies and cakes during iiilaquo first week

Sophia can marry whom she chooses for if anyone be silly enough to take her he needs some reward for his trouble Signed Silas Bufluna

Mrs Dumble at once went out and told the story to the whole village Mr Dumble called the next day and many days after but was not admitted He exhausted his powers of persuasion and excuses in vain He said he was drunk that evening for which admission he lost his position as deacon in his church and the respect of the community as well all to no purpose Mrs Dumble instituted a suit for divorce on the grounds of desertion and won it and Dumble was a ruined man and left the town When last heard from he was driving a hearse Mrs Dumle resumshyed the name of Buffum married her comit yenraquobullraquo Vpwps thq shop in main street and is growing fatter every day For a long time after Mr Dumbles discomfiture sympathy and consolation were of a heavy discount in Freeport and men who prated much at meetings a id went tofunerals were regard-d with suspicion It was said that Mr Dumbln drove the hearse at his former wifes funeral which occurred a few years later

reveallogitsalf in my blood by frequent attacks of chills jaundice vertigo_ typhoid fever nervousness wakeful nights etc etc I took over forty botshytles before I was got up and over one huqdred and fifty before I was well I have commflnded that treatment in thousands of cases of general debility kidney and liver disorder etc aiid have never heard ill concerning it I bank b a i t

Speaking of paragraphs how do English paperscompare with American in tbU particular

Well they have fewer witty parashygraphs but the smaller papers like the Pall Mall Gazette St Jatpes Gazette and Truth abound in sharp incbive para-^raptwmdashAvithout wit In general American papers make the newslt the London papers m most of opinion -

The man fell to the ground and in a-few minutes time a woman and sevshyeral little children were seen about the fallen man

bull The enemy had now disappeared our troops crossed the river and moved on down the road feeling their way When they came up to the spot where the soldier had been killed there lay deaths embracemdashnot a Confederate solshydier but an innocent little 12-year old boy Hnd his poor heartbroken mother and little brothers and sisters weeping over him and prayiug that God might bring him baclt to tbem again

The boy was engaged in putting up the fence near his home that the army had thrown down to pass through in their retreat and was mistaken by our men for a confederate sokiier

U was truly a sorrowful ivjnt but ^the-tioldier who killed the little fellow would bfc^ laid down his own life as a saciaficeif it would havd brought the boy back to life tiguin to comfort his -mother who had already been robbed of husoand and an older son by the cruel war

The regiment passed on in pursuit of the flying enemy and left the poor womampa weeping and wailing o^erJthe death of her dear boy ^

Several day s after ward when the soldieisof the Thirty-ninth regiment returned to Tullahoma and passed bv the house wherj the sad affkirjoaurrea and saw the little mound in the front yard near the road a feeling of sadness crept over the hardened veterans and they could not keep back the tears that chased each other down their bronzed cheeks -

Though twenty summers have come and gone since the dsath of the boy that lit tie mound near the door of his home is still green -in the memory of those who saw him shot

most of ake the

loss and who were known to have had [ of his apprenticeship as much njnte-agood balance at -the- bankers Mr Dumble was thought to have quite surshypassed himself in tender and prayerful s61ioitude at the funeral of the late lamented Silas Buffum Wte well-known pastry cook ho left behind him a young and rather pretty widow to mourn his loss a thriving busiuew and report said a large sum in interest-bear ng securities Better than all there were no children and everything wasVleft ont and out to the widow

Soon after this Mr Damble developshyed a remarkable taste and fondness for

rial as Mrtgt D said would have f ffiuc ed to keep the shop going for a month Consequently his better half advised Jonas to leave cooking alone and to confine his attention to the shop where his eminently sympathetic manner much clewed the lady patrons of the establishment bdquo_

One evening Mrs- Dumble oaaue in and sinking into an armchair remarkshyed to her lord that she was very tired

Why my dear said the laquo7er-at-tentire Jonas s bdquo

1 have been packing up all day

runde consideration the proposition of a local pbytduian to instishytute gratuitously an examination into eauses of deftctive sight among the pupils of the public schools of that city with a view to remedy log existing difficulties if pos3iblev

Two Chmftrrren in Sacramento had a foot race of 100 yards a few days ag-gt Tho beaten man subsequently remarkshyed that if he had carried a chicken jn his hand-he- thought be could bavraquo done better

John Sherman is nominated by a Cleveland paper as Republican candishydate for 1888 The paper that^would spring another campaign on tb coun-try so soon ought to be suspended by law

A Chinese doctor at Victoria B C is reported to have made some remarkshyable cures in oases where white phyi-oians had given them up as incurable-

W o m e n and Doga Together Consul Mason of Dresden write An

important factor in the labor of Gershymany is not inquired of 3n the circushylar It is the labor of dogs 1 have heard it estimated that women and dogs harnessed together dlaquogt more hauling than all the railroads and all other mode of conveyances of goods united Hundreds of small wagons can be sraquo en every day on the roads leading toand from Dresden each having a dog forshyth near horse harnesied while the ff horse is a woman with her left hand passed through a loop in a rope which is attached to Ibe axle binding umdash


Happiness-Young gentlemen said the proshy

fessor of Mental Philosophy inmdashUniver sitytohis class one day at the next recitation I wish ea^h one to hand in a

attached shoulders Thus

her rnessed women and

dogs tindge alongiograquother pulling mishyraculous loads in all sorts of weather These heavy loads pulled from tbe right shoulder of the woman together with tne heavy loads -which they carry on their backs in large paniers result in particular deformitiesr giving them often at the age of twenty-five the apshypearance of fiftv In a statement chowing the employment of women in Hessee-Darmsdadt the conml at May-ence enumerates mines furnaces salt pits quarries charcoal tar and pitoh-makiug bricklaying carpentering roofing gtatng printing on stone metals etc type founding powering

definition of true happiness suggested by his personal experience

Among the definitions handed in by these thoughtful oun^~meh7were the following

True napping Is the enpympnt of life with the consciousness that no one is ii jured by it

True happiness is the possession of a soujd body in which is a sound mind using it powers for the good of maijkii id

Hippiaess is a state of mind in which there is perfect harmony between ones self and otfiers^

bullTrue bapDiness does note i i t in this world Relatvj happiuess is the result of having done right0

Happiness to one man is misery to another The happiest moment I ever experienced was when I gave my last dollar to a man poorer than myshyself I would define it then as a feelshying of Belf-appruvil at having done right

Happiness is the jey we feel without any effort made to obtain it

The truest happiness springs from conscious rectitude It is the consciousshyness of perfect peace with God

[ It would be hard to find a better definition than the last one

The dowager queen of Bannsitkeeps 150 pounds of pure gold aatt a basket-fall of rubies


mdash- ^-mdash

y S

N S V V-

y ^ ylt ~ - s- -^ -1mdashr

^-^-5 bull rjz L


bull bull ^SP(^- i(laquowraquo t j At


f s -- 1


ft fi


lt V




rora the SUB

Kellogg expect^ fp occupy his new fltore before the holidays

The Bank Dru Store has anion its ^attractions a couple of alligators

Lawrence Fox has lately returned

from British America

C A Skjdraore has a cnppletf hand

hot water caused it

Ed Cqinrie bag started the foundashytion for a house souti) of the Presbyshyterian sheds

Albert Yocum and wile now opcupy fheir new house i and Wra Taylor our pew harness maker occupies Joe Powshyells hpuse

cent) S Clark and Fred Miller a ie go-injf to open a general store in the old Sentinel building now theproperty of S P Reynolds

The new brick block has the cornice upon it and Kellojsrg has got the hard finish on the walls The bull(Hazier k

DePuy store will have the same style pt cornice as the other and be au imshyprovement to the appearance of the town

He came to Ann Arbor in 1853 Tho funeral was held Monday

Mr Harriet uu th r i e of the Ihiri ward died Tuesday a t the adviw gt age ot 65 years 11 months and 5 days

The burglar is abroad in this p One entered Frank Howard s hoii e or Cathanne-sf and abstracted a giio wateh and $25

Died Sunday afternoon Migts Helera Haupt aged 21 years ot typhoid fever at her lathers residence on Miller-uve

D E X T E R from the Leader

The wooden wedding of Mr and-M r s J U E Pevine of Webster on Tuesday brought 30 couples of old people in the afternoon and 50 coup-

les young people in the evening It was a pleasant and enjoyable affair

A new time table went irtto effect on Sunday last making- a difference of 28 minutes later in the morning mail west and the Jackson aceommb-(Tatirop east 801 ^

A grand masquerade hop will corneltrade1111 bullraquo -V01U off at the Rink Fr iday evening Deshycember 5th The ^manager will enshydeavor tc make it the most enjoyable hop ever held irf rrexter

J J Allen who accidently shot himself several weeks ago has so far recovered as to be able to accompany Jus sister to Elkhart Ind

S O U T H L Y O N From he Excelsior

Ed (Joodspead went to Por t Huron this morning where lie ha-|becr promshyised a position onthe M A L hy

The c o n d u c t i o n department of the Li T Ky has closed its work here and yesterday gtold the i r odice furniture at-pub lie auction

Mr Higham has h i se iga r factory in full blagtt in the Hurch building on Lake street ami is making some good bulllines too as dimples indicate

For the pasMive months Fred Clemshyents of (ireen Oak has heou the vicshytim of rheumatism of the luart_ and dur ing the time has been a great sufshyferer Three weeks ago he was str ec-mr w i t h paralyses and since t ha r t i i ue has been unable to move ooe side of his body or to speak a word His death occurred Sunday morning at a m He was well to do living on the homestead of his father Ferris Clement and about 30 years of age He leaves np family extent a y^ung wife fornnily Miraquos Fergusonot Brighshyton township Hs death seems all

1 the more sad tnun the fart that less ago his mother died

Not long after his only brother William living on the base line felt a victim to diphtheria About one year ago his father Ferris Clements followed The death of Fred leaves only iwo of the f a m i l y living Mis J Richardson of this nhue and Mrs Prof Yrooman of Ypsiianti

el tied Fact NO DOUBT ABOUT IT

That you can save nearly one-half by trad-ing a t - mdash



Best Prints made - - 5cts yard Best Ginghams made - 7 Fruit of the Loom Blehd Cotton 8frac34 Good Cotton Batts - - 7

Jus t received a fine line of



Wo rarrv the bent partes of BPOKTING POW-])KH autt all kinds ol Ammunition ind bullpoflR^K goods kjeutrally




Ail kinds of repair ing neatly and promptly done


B A KT( )N amp C A M P B E L L

West Main S i r e d HfiHknejr Michigan

Good yard-wide Factory -The Best Factory Turkey Red Table Linen Good all-linen Crash -

- 5

- 3 5 6

lb yard

DW Miller Carnage Go 46



^[Large Size Crochet Bed Spreads 75 each All-Wool Black Cashmeres 40in wide 45cyd

Good Worsted Dress Goods 12 l-2c yd Cheney Bros Colored American Silks sold elsewhere at sect125 and $150 our price $1-

54in Gilberts Plaid Flannels $1 yd ^ilks Velvets I-lannels IIostiry md I nderwear at luwer prices than any othshyer liinise m Mirhiyan tmiluMi^t- gttue|lt Ladies and Misses Xcwiimrktitf |n -sum i li clo rii)ikgt and Ihwlo-ks Ilie tin tlt larkMin is very little CIMI-pared to sdiat ou will gtie if ydu liave any trailing to do tgt iavgt i i larye-t gttoik oi lgtry Hooiis in Central Miihiian X liny andsel erlusjvt y fi)rtigth - Our liiigv-ilMi HH^mdashttiaolemdashvgt lo ^ Ulii -f^w^t pr jets i NM luive lgtui bullout price Iii ail muikel in pliiin fiji(ies

Manufaetur a largt vmrirtjuf


AJtlaquor thlaquo most approrM lteuroigvraquo raquotttrtvlaquoTllaquoi price consiitlaquont with good workmtaul^

A N N A R B O R From the Register

A girl named Flynn from the northshyern part of Michigan died at the hogt-

pTfal Wednesday while bein^ pre|gtarcd for an operation for ovarian tumor

John Donnelly aped Gl years of Ann iJlgtortown died Monday of kid- nay romplaint He came to Ann Arshybor Hfteen years ago from the County Armagh Ireland where he was bom The funeral was held at St- Thomas church Wednesday morninp

Miss Neilii


Patr ick Hoy of Webster township gtvent to be operated upon at the Uni-yersity hospital Tuesday for cancer of the throat b u t t h e disease had proceed-1 dOth a t j h e age of J4 years

HIUfiHTON From the Citizen

Mr A n r y Front and (orburn were niarrie vvening Nov 10th-

Fred Clement- of (ireen Oak wh has been sick for several month- die Sunday

A M Sweet is building an additioi to bis egtt Side house

Work is progressing rapidly Will Stnhrbevgs store and it will hi epmplefced at unce instead of next pring as at first announeed

Charles N[eCarthiv for forty year a resdent of Deertield died on tin


173 Main Street TUOMEY BROS

Jackson Mich

worJ LiT--i i^ ^o--occd flic co vrLdcly

w a t u i d c j pcigtulir ari tl_o l-i-ctruraenaancltlo isalzcro

1ivo lottcra in cccli cf tho ivw

o( ont miinuflaquocturlaquo raquobullbullanw in BH In l^laquo-raquoraquo4 foreign countries raquoud raquottlaquodt (h laquosclaquol)laquonGlaquo raquof oar gondi bgt thlaquo aolrersal bullbulltUtectlnovblek thlaquo7 ffive-Erery TehlfU bull WAiBANTO l | l l M raquottlaquoBtlolaquo wil be f llaquoraquo to mi l trier


P W Miller Carriage Co X Fifth St CilTlaquort St raquoBd EfflMto IT


- - A



tod Cc^ilccraQ piailoU iroa io i_ll

poundd too far to be arrested and Mr Hoy 4ied the same night

A very happy occasion was the marshyriage Wednesday evening at the resishydence of the brides parents John Lin-flenschmidt and Miss Carrie Binder both of this city The ceremony was felicitously performed by the Rev H Belser only int imate friends and rela-

Shortly after noon Sunday t|iu fire bells called our citizens upqn the streets mid it was soon learned that Win paver s house was on tire in a



V bullbull bull i in le_-i-lt Mi i i - i bull 1 - i l i f - [ M i r M - t i - l l () l_ t i 1 raquo (1 Jigty s ( l k Vti - HHgt-

bull gtlt-bullbull bull lt nigtl Ibull ri invliii-raquo( H t i e O J H i l n i i n i i raquo i t i i [ j i H C I I S


is il-ii neulf n i i ieiivit-iTVrlti ryJ fuv a r o m a t i c


firaquo tr^-t ranli HB n s o l U ^irlaquoiiltgt flmokiaj tigthac-

h(ilUUtlgtraquoS FAJiOlS S M F F S hivo 1UHII uraquo 1 fuiuugtf bullbullgt year raquoraquod are eolctj2( ii lar^i i r than any OUKWH


l i O IK lt 1-

fives of the contracting parties being distance was so great that the tire wa


A fatal runaway occurred in Jorth-field near Mclntyres Corners tyloncjay A team of horses became frightened iind ran t ipping ttre~wagon over oirH0^5 worth Thgt^ tire caught froiu-

Frank Preston and a younger brother Prestons neck was broken and he died almost instantlv The boy was unhur t but was slt confined beneath the wagon that it took him an hoar to extricate hinigteli

Dr Maclean of the University asshysisted by Dr Sullivan of this city and Dr Taylor of Manchester recently ve movtd an ovarian tumor weighing 100 pounds from the person of Mrs Sarah Wells of Manchester town [fhe lady is in s fair way to recover entirely

Milo Pulcipher the popular Westshyern Union opera te^ has bee(n reinstate cA in his position in this city the manshyagers hav ing become assured that they Were misinformed a^ to his manage i n e n t o f t h e office^ igt pengler ko whom the position had been given reshyceives an equally good one in Detroit Mr Mulcipher commenced work Wednesday

Aldrich M Bod^ttTo the third ward diedajWrtSnome in this city

of^typhoid pneumorita He ^as born in Franklin county Xew

We will sell L U I ^ T at tlie l-wii X X X ISinch Sliinle- per tlioiisainj

4 Clear Butt- i s inch Hi ndlt s |gt r t mi verv tew minutes enough o l i e neiir-f r - ^- bull

bull r U l l l | gt h l l i r e - rS i j i e h pe i - i l l i - i

N o ] )A1 ] V T i e 1- l id ie 1

No La til pr to bull iij - in I M gt Bill S(ul[ inf-JIMrn-j- l^t -No per iilt

I Hoof iiiiis ]r te-HmdashK+4- f^ei | Hani I jii gtn i gt) (ii- IIMII- i ml f i et

bdquo _ i Shippiiiy Culls |raquo r j|i+lM-)iMt leet ~ put out before the hivuun arnved A 4 vnV inu p - r j ^ - i s njd f-t portion of+he roof was burned^nd the Finishing Luiiiijt-v p-T ti^n-arl fe-t inside of the house damaged some I Sidiny per tbnisiml tet probably i n all twenty-live or thirty bull P O S l T l V K I V N O C K K D I T

bullV L II(4yenT Mana^^ymdash Pinikii^y+iMlcli

bors were on hiuul with p|i|s to put out the flames vvhieb had been disshycovered before get t ing miieh headway

The fire engine was starred but the

priee- for til iisXl igt0 da vs bdquo 8390

V T ^ plusmn20

1-2() oKO

400 1400

S50 to U00 bull lvoutniTuu

lJ 0U OCX) to HOO 20 00 to 50 00

1400 to 2000


Scour Xta l tky |MtioatotkaZiTlaquolaquo

iona trouUaa

C OTV^VLW - euro D S B S L S S Indlsrairi of the

Impolran Orfsske WgtthilaquoM UvirmtW terHmdash grlentifa

a defective chimney

Through the kindness of-Ir Jamegt (^ollett the builder we have seen the plagtns for the addition to l]te (ahol c h u r t h TtieT(rigt to be an addition the rear of forty feet with b^S-m-i for furnaces and a tower whiuh is M be 108 feet in height in front Ti tpwex_vill rest one-lialf upon ill- pi eit s t ructure and one-half upon foundation to be added in 1YltM Tjiere are-to be two side eutrue -rhv plans are very elaborate m d -sjgn and when completed linjjhoi will have a church second to none outshyside of the cities The main body W the building will be 96 feet in Ung by 85 feet in width and lt-ougtttng in the abutments tor tb^^rCver the exshytreme leng thw^KT)e 102 feet The fbundatieifwill lie laid and the floor

a but down this fall and the bal-anee of the work done in the spring I n w o o d a J | ( u i | ] S ( m l l 1 n j | c t o do-tuniiH^ Xi ini and general maoh The contract callfor its completion- repnifino We are also ag ntsHor V s J bus ^sbcstgts Miiti-rihls huu by J u n e 1st ^ - Pack ing MilJXiiajjiUJLeluT 1 1 4 4 ^ U i w u b ingtide iind outside Li

H2B5SHS Paints jbirn lioof and Fire-proot Paints

fwneiHi Draquofomraquoltllaquo TrttttA ltkl or Writ IbTlktS 4Uiiraquont raquorgt he innrerMl by thaw dcrirtng tiwmeni bj M pound |^rrltw M | M H N B I n h w i l w N m IMr I M W V4Mr laquoMlaquohlalaquorltfebgt4TMtaaft HUltwm3

accBMuoDrButUDteMnaw btaMkki4 N i w h

bullAM Uli AlMM ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S S

mmi EDAD PLOW mn amp s n m s i M ^ Will do more and better grading and ditching witliAq Jt giVM pme tkampn an other implement

HAS I M P O f t T C O F R O M r H A M O S

which tnclmAii lt ^g^

PINCKNEY PLANING MILL W v are iowprepurod to do

Planing Resawingal kinds of plain an J fane Bracket-Sawing Carving and Turning

r CENT CF A l l H0RIEI frac34 KAtff iiToSLTampi fiampWr KVpound I M P O R T E D TO A M M H O A

1 5 0 Iipened Brood l i r a



Mengiuitfma iy ^5^traquoi_ai(t i Lfionie-^mdash femaljeclerksl bu t here la a j H i n g to

^ k and wis over $ j yea r s^o f ^ e p r e y e o t wonieu becominWmi i civyk JJeftj Qraud I f u ^ k P e p ^

1 OO C O I T

fere ^r Artar rXrcssas mrmv^temmtmmdashW^^amp$^^ bull _ _ w f c raquoraquo bull bull ^ bull bullraquobull bull bull trfiM KiStfeniM bull A

4MseiwN V MICH 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 4 frac34 ttf klaquo






- lt bull

s- N - 8 ^ y



immmmxw i mdashmii~l lt W M M M t M M M ^ -MitMt imdashW


bull[ft- i

bull ^ gt


Gsttia Erea MUa UppertenmdashI did not meet

you at any of the Hummer rotwrta this

Miss LowertehmdashNo T remained in the city

Mias UpperteamdashHaw horriblef but then I suppose times are rather hard now for some people 1 went everywhere and had a lovely time only there were but very few you-g meu to be seen By the way you re member Mr Nicefeilow we both so

^yiuuch admired He said thi spring J he was unable to leave the city exshy

cept for a day or so but I heard while I was away that he hud fallen heir to $5000000 and was surprised that I did not meet him at auy of the watering places It cannot be that he remained in the dull city after getting all that wealth

Miss LowertenmdashYes he said he did not care to go away this summer

- as we expect to be in Europe all next season

Miss UppertenmdashYou Miss Lowerten-- Yes OJJ our wedshy

ding tour you know mdashPhil Call



that way

A Rejected Opera Although welio-ld the faith

-genius will eventually make its there can be little doubt that many-Instances Hiave occurred in which either a lucky chance or a sympashythetic helping hand has very material Jy hastened this result Of the first of these aids to popular recognition the following paragraph furnishes an instance

About thirty years ago a poor litshytle musical composer very modest and almost unknown tried to seil-the

fgtartition of 11 opera which had just ately been produced in Paris to some

publisher tu t nobody sauted it Ftrhaps one of the music dealers would have accepted the partition bad it not been for the illustrious Berloiz who advised him not to touch it at the price demandedmdashthat is to _ _ _ _ _ j _ bdquo__ ^ _ ^ _ ^ When the

publisher had declined the music the young composer carried his matiu-pcript to another house but was reshyfused simply because the first had done so Strolling along the bouleshyvard the disappointed artist met a voung gentleniuu named Cnuudens a clerk in the department of state To him he related his troubles whereupshyon Choudens saidMa foi but it is Jucky we met I am goraquoig to marry in a few days the daughter of a man who engravVs music and when we are married we shall start a wareshyhouse I cannotattord to givc-rou 3000 francs for yojir -woll^ but J wii 1 give yoy 1gtW tor it it you win tlaquoust lire for tlie gtear J He comshyposer accepted these terms and the work was printed The name uj tiic opera ia lau^t iriid Uut id Tlie composer Charles lilaquogtttuKl iiii if true may indeetl lraquo lenino tot bullbulllucky chance wlUii raquotoiic tgti ahu ened the prgt sjnets oi on- uno viuuv-Jy unknown sought omy toe wurlds attention to achieve a lame which has gained in strength to thi present day But it must not be 1 rrotum that there wa UIMJ a iulping hand und that thw came not fi-um Fiance but from England in tne columns of the Athenaeum Mr II F Uiohey then musical critic oi the journal nlaquogti pjilv drew |wdgtl c ulu ntiii ilt-laquo iltv t eepttonai piWei raquoi raquoi tiuuuii braquo from ids own KhoWuu^e spohc t|i | such glowing tonus oi his Faust bulltiiat a widoiy sprt-aii desire to uar -tlie work was arraquou-ed anlaquoi it wa- mainly through his wi tui^ iuux re opera was prtAiuced in tins claquoraquoUbti bull-(j^ouclon Musicui Times

BUT HARDWIRE I am selling everything in my line CHEAPER than any one else can afford to







IMPORTANT When yon vi|t (irli HviNiv York City HVraquo

Huelt_rmie bullKxprpKHiiirt iud irrii_rlaquo- lliivbullbullbull riiiil Mop at thltltiriiid 1nlnn lotraquoi opposi te (iiyrui O n -tral Depot

Hlegnnt rooms fitted tip ut a crt^t o onltgt n i l Jtraquon dullard reduced to $1 itml upwiids gtrr duy KiiropeHii ()iin Klevutor Kistiuini( nnppiiod M Ith theJiti^l l o rne c i r s cti -r- mi l Heviitrd railt otid to iill ltlaquoptgtts i ainiii-lt cim live lnttt-i for W P mraquo|c gtf tin- tOntul 1 l bull l lt) 1 v Hotel tliiilmdash nr o the r tirst iljies hotol in tliltiitv


Nexvous poundxJiausYioBt P r e m a t u r e Decay

LOBS of Manhood An olaquopa laquo lt Inth-iio ntt Iwok of Advice to

Younjor Aliddle-n^d Monwtii prescriptious f r If-trM-tmcnr i v a Hpiillaquor rljyxloiiiti 9 | U ^ r t D P P on receipt of t T) thitraquoe-olaquont

r n ^ amp unmpii Addrraquotlaquo

Michigan Buggy Co KALAMAZOO Mich

BEFORE BUYING fg s1fo r s e


And so you have beu to Euro^ Pid you go to-HwiiKH^^


=THI3 MAN mdash TVatif btdontaoU Lis Ctevy LVafi ilorse-killinj i DtiM ard buj an LiAtY RUNNING

DSERIMG TWINS B I N C E | fttonclaquo frpry honie on the farm will Boon be de

WILUA4 DEEAING amp CO Chicago 111 B i H i J E R a R E A P E R S AND MOWEB8


pound ANDREWS Howgt]l Mich

you see the jrlaciersf Mrs Shoddy Gh yes we ww thcr glaxierts aini mechanic of all kind but then you know 1 dont take any eitock in uch vulgar persons

The papers announce that a Chishycago hotel waiter was bull accidentally shlt^in the pantry Why will the papers insist on isitig these medical ternu We didnt now jiiKt how much to sympathize with the poor fellow It w to be lojraquoed the pantry ii n vlt- ppotmdashBiisimirk TrMnau-

An ealaquotTn family receive a tele- gram from the wat nunouueing the uudden dcmjue of a relative and they replied Send on the remains at once No telegram waa received in answer hut it in n few day a letter came wying dimply Thereaint no remains He war kicked bv^a-muleraquomdashN V Dial ^ ^ ^ ^

A l-VmraquotMijJamptifivr writes H vou i conrftnTiid a face wash t b a f i s

rrmkraquo Water if yon deirt uraquoe enough to drown yourself

Ao Irishman writes home to Ite-land bullCome over at wunst shur tis a great countrymdashThe working- tnen ride in palace cars Ben Bmraquoj

Ifteinfietafwrt of all kisd of Open and laquobull4 EOAD CARTS Alaquof-nt wnntcr

Miiljwfctf WriU for craquotMo$ua raquoud ptco LU HKI WO A SPKULTY


is wan iv us

Wa ala aaaatecttira raquo tnl lino of CUTTERS Imelodlag Hwarl Blaquody Portland f Sqaara Ei lwlaquo aaat FaHtaad and Vovcj ampciUs

|amlt kgtt evtaNiad pricei befora purchaaiac





LE SELF-CUBE notadand airi sstul spfclullstJiu-thcU4raquo i

retired gtrigtrr sgtrigtltnyerrraquovIi-MHtyen IMnnhod i nhn bulllaquobull flaquoi igt^rlaquolaquo8en

JBpUlnscaiuf ^nviTrncrt + DnijurlMmjiuiJUt KUttmtHtL WARD A CO UVJIMM mgt

GENTLEMEN We invite your attention to our line of


TimberedXand for Salor Exehaue I have eight- acres of timber land in the town-

ship uf ^ tita uak Inffhayticn which 1 will sell -fur each ur trade fur clliur lamia oi property In southern Livingston roanty Address

NORMAN BURGESS iincknev Mich


$175 S200 $225 $250 a

We shall continue to offer the same great pound Inducements to purchasers as before

_ and guarantee satisfaction to ourPATEONS injdl

mdashcasesmdash T


Dr BarterViron Tcsi t h M V k laquo S f Aaateampfi1 B W deg deg - dilate S S ^ f l and VXOOB gf TOV1K 1 11 i ltraquot

tanaclallv l)yraquonpraquouWlaquoiuo|-A|jviiiriiiiraquolaquoraquol bull i 8 l p pth en lis IM is u uk d Ith Imiuellme ahd noudfi-n r njilaquo i bdquo t S iuscllaquoraquolaquoiilaquol i n r v e n m l raquo laquo ilaquo-v i bdquo m t nhv tus

l A B l B T A gtHVlaquorlliK 11--11 II -rti pl-tlllft J ^ W J M W TXctHar lotiicli M m in ttira It jrlrea illaquoltnr nnrl I IMHI -V laquo ibullbullbull v bullbull bull Tiraquoe atrraquoiiglaquor trsiimAiu ugt thV i i r I K I AHTICK^lRWTOVir traquomt frlaquolaquonu-iit iiin-i) tts laquot CoqntlaquorfHiiflilaquovlt eigti|v uddi d i tl lt i bull i ar-I t y o t t h laquo o l R l n l J r 5-n n en n l v i l o t n IM I Iraquo do not ox^er l i i ier temdashfer t i le O K K X N A I VMHtvi

i i


poundbull rlaquogtUr raquoddrmdash ta-Tfa n r BlaquoTtlaquof U4 ( c V bull | L T A gt - I K laquolaquogt gtor our DBXAM i O C K B ^Jptt t lof laquofrrnnffiraquo raquon1 iw-fn in laquoqiraquolon frw W

Oav HAimna IKON TONO IS POM 8ALC B Y A U QHtMntara ANO QAiaolaquo CvtarwHUts

x - bull - N



^ ttktfatt 4k ^iamp 3F55 raquo3W raquobull i jJi i i

^ wKraquo

bullbullbull -C amp amp 312 raquo lt-ampreg$m



Entered at tb Potofflti u 2d elaslaquo mutter



M ^


AMONG the Geauga county records at ChardonO is a musty old book conshytaining the license permitting Brigbam Young and Mary Ann Angel-^bia first wifemdashto enter into lawful wedlock The document is dated February 10 1834

STUDENTS at Harvard would like a little more liberty in the matter of atshytending chapel exercises to secure which they have drawn up a petition asking that attendance at chapel be mode voluntary for students over 21 years old and opportonal with parents or guardians of students under 21 years old mdash m

THE shop hours bit soon to be introshyduced into the British house of comshymons by Sir John Lubbock will proshyhibit the employment of any young pershyson iii a shop for any longer period than 12 hours in one dav and the penalty for the violation of this act by employshyers is a fine not exceeding pound5 for every person so employed The act will apshyply to England Scotland and Ireland

BISMAKOK has devised a new projpct by which he hopes to improve the conshydition of the workingnien and lessen the influence of socialists amonz them He propose^the_ establishment of trade committees in manufacturing centers whose duty it shall be to report upon the state of various industries with a view to regulating the supply accordshying to the demand and ascertaining where laber can be best employed


A WASHINGTON dispatch says There are indications of i ho probable presence of two lobbies here this winter the whisky lobby t ad tho railroad lobby The whisky men will make another efshyfort to secure an extension of thlaquo bondshyed period or some similar relief They will be aided by some of the banks which have advanced large amounts of money on warehouse certificates The railroad men will endeavor to pashyrent the government from making harsh terms with their roads

MRS CLAY of Kentucky a delegate r Americaa^Woman Suffrage As-

sooiaton convention in Chicago jimde the sweeping assertion in her address before the convention that the women of her states were as much slaves now as the Negroes were before the war She aaid it was not simply because they were refused ihe Iballotbut that in many other ways the women of the middle and lower classes were treated no better than slaves And this in America in the nineteenth century

A NUMBER ofNew Yorkers are plan-oing the erection in Central park of ar huge building of ice on the plan of the Montreal ice palace If the park comshymissioners assent to ihe use of the grounds arrangements will be made with several ice companies to furnish blocks for the building t is proposed to light the structure with electricity to provide it with restate rants and bars and in fact make a road house of it for winter gaities The patshyronage of sleighers and skaters is reckshyoned as an important nightly source of profit

THT adoption of thaj-ogjter-as-the-~emblem oTpolitical success is due to a

Hooster editor In 184 2 after the Harshyrison campaign there was great doubt as to how Indiana had cast her vote The situation was similar to that in New York in every respect An editor named Chnprnan bondactedthe Demoshycratic newspaper at fndianapolisy and as often the case in boasting over a victory his editorial rej icing over the result was termed orowing In a day or two when some of the back couuties were hoard from it seemed his erowiog had been prennt re and the whigorglaquon-cme out givingiste returns showing Ddoiocratio defeat and in the headline was the expression Crow Chapman crow This wasvintended as a taunt and must ha we been felt for few more counties yet to hear from again turned the tables and show-Ad that the Democrats had won It was then that the rival editor hoisted at the head of his columns a marnifi-eent rooster and printed underneath it the words We Crow The idea caught on at onca and the fame of the wood-ooi rooster was assured

TILE CROUCH TK1AL Another Attempt made To Solve the

Great Mystery m

T h e Frot-f edinse

Thpjiry soent M gtu i^y the 17 h vlritlnj the Criucu ami Holeoiub tiom^Ua looktu careiully uvtr Uiu scenes of Uio Krraquot trigeiy The trial wa reeutin-dln tbe afteruooD SLI four itue$ea wlt re examined

0a the 12a day of the trial of Diulel 3 Holcoinh E mtr tLitchtfavtiaiJeUile I account ol Lis discovery of footprints at ihefarm-Duusi tbr mornlnu after the murder

Mrs Danforth Waits told the court of the blood spot seen on dotal UK ID Pollejsroom rUy Clements testified to a conversation wltt Holcomb in which the litter had made inquiries ooncernlDg stock btloLxlnx to Henry Wnlte Dr McL-tughUn who was present at the txanilnatlou of the bodies the morning after the murder testified to thu ap pearaoce of the bodies at that time and gavr his theory of the murder as Riven by htm at the examination Other witnesses were tximined bat nothing new was brought out

The Irst witness sworn on the 18th day of the trial of DauM A Holcomb was Davit Hutchlns Mr Hutctii|s said he saw tracks li a iicg from Wilsons rowing on the railroad toward The eatt dour of the Crouch house alampo the tracks made by new rubbers ntraquor tbe siuthwist wlndWvand oae_oa the east side ot the hiuee Aftlaquorwarus he wmt Jiome and from there in ihn Widow Holcombs Held he raquow traika wLiei lie stiould say wen Judd Urouchr QittiaiiUcuSfiouensuedaRlothead uiisi-lfctliti of tesiliu JUgt iu regard to tracks avd witn 66 was excuse degJ t sc Hard was iitxr HWurn ami Tmtrieil ttat he walt oreseut at traquo-CuroueiiJii qnjstarid heard Daniel S liolcuiub dtiiy uudtr exihmutou jhat he bad ever rraquooutht ur owueda drtytI jntcaliber revolvlaquo r Witness said that Holcouio nad U)ld that he waaat lUQieon the ^xut of the murder that he WHS ttruu-ed by his wife whocalled atteutlon to a plaumiintt door and that he went to the dtxT and fantraquo m d i

Tela was o 4 eted t on the ground that testimory uf Lhlaquo coroner as in wrilntr and couid be producwi as evideuce Afttr some tnJk Mr Gibson offend to produce tt and H d he would tupplement thu wrtttt-n telaquoMiaouy bgt q ietiiluuiugti the cvr-m-r and other witiiesset

Coroner P t^ey aa railed and give parshyticulars of iheii qgtie-t held by him upon tije bolt1y of Jacob Croucti Mr Casey said Hiiots weie brought bt-ftgtef him on the ii qjlaquo stand admltv-d by Mr H ricomb to be bis sajlog Judd had bought Luem for him a day or two b fore the mardirlf witness remembers ari^Dt the day betore Mr H^tcomb was ask^d If he ever owned a 3J-catib^r rampTolyer and anshyswer d Lhat he iiev^-ow-aed- oue never priced one and u^vfr held each aooe in hh hand Holcumb said he had gone to visit his brother in Oveaiaw county icd that Jacob D Crouch owtdhim for Judus bord rnat Foy was a drinking man that J add and Foy had been to Jacksoni November a gt the day of the murd r and rcturLed argtout dark and the only revol vers about the house were two old ones which he did not know were any good He thought that Holcomb said the pistol found beside F bullyVdeadrtody belonged to him

Nettle 8nyder a domestic in the employ of the Holcomb family at the tune of the murder was sworn She d scribed the features ot HolcombH house and where each one 6]ept Judd Fov and the boys Andrews and Loucds-bury It was a Ntorojy night and every one retired to bed earlymdashabout8 oclock Witness said Holcomb rose not on the morning of the murder Judd James Foy and the tno bogts w recomint from the barn to breakfast when Bolles arrived with the news of the murder They had been called to breakfast and were oc their way to the house Sue was the tirst to tell Mr Hi I omb the news that all wire murshydered at the Crouch housraquo Hia reply laquoraquo Is tuat so or KMiieihliiK luallar ine wines-was also the tirst toteil Mrs Hocomb Judd and Foy remained in the house oily a momcuc she did nogt notice any lulk bet weet them She does not remember that auythit) ws 6a1d by Holcomb ab~ut the murder or by him and Ida wlte After she told jlm he did jioispenkto Mrs H yicouib ubout it but went directly out doors He caiin- lu aln-iwards to gtt hii over-cgtat as preparing to uo to Jackson Mis Holshycomb said he wa tolujc wich Mr Huuiums

ATti r a rtKid cro -8-lt xaiulnation wituess wes rxcus-id and Julin Keeee a domestic in the Crouch fm1ly at the tim^ of the murder was called to the sund bne was closlaquolv qaet-tioned as to the event son the ai^htol the murshyder and an attempt was made to make tier testify to facts concerning her own lite Sue Ar^^t pimnnaly laquobull thf mpprjotl of the death Of

| 8 gtlvelt1 That thi Democratic party of Kn-pa bv MlntUitf aii hUt-jrigthihiiliiii tdntloriu an 1 uiHkii K an raquovow digt anil-orohltdtlon claquom-pi1gt0 Uraquo e oialaquole It impofs bttt for eonsistr-i t HiobtiiHoiilfta to^lve it ilielr support tgt0 lon^ astt re alus its un8i atltude

Keo vedmdashThat ihlaquo K -publican party of Kan-KH U ado(tligtt2 a pKiit rm that wax laquoti1ftf (-tury to the uiHSBof ProhlhUlouiH8 and elect-inystate lt fflcrs and a ]tkiltilaiure j llaquod^fd to rlt quite eiduictiu) I t lt f ihe bulllaquo ndlulou to the ftulaquo that the lud t ifeet of jrobbirinn may be reali h-m dtgtraquo e all that reasgt nable lngthl-ilitiicts tibould di maud aLd is at this time ei -t tii d to the curdiai support of temperance men

Ke^olve 1mdashThat as long atgt the atHtude of the two JeadiDK parti s in this state remains un-cbanKd we are unalterably opposed to the formalon or matmaloance of an independent Prohibition party and we cordraquoally ltrvlte those who have teparated from us to return and act with us in future

The resolutions were passed wtbout opposhysition except the last named which was bitshyterly oppost-d by St John After a long deshybate its tiual clause was amended to read as follows And we cordially invite all to jjin us in the work

k MYSTBKIOU DISBASK A tale of deep distress comes from Buchanshy

an Wise and Dickinson counties occupying an isolated posits n on the cxireme westerii limit of Virginia For some weeks a fatal disshyease has been prlt valraquo nt thraquo re and i he number ot deaths is terrible The nature of the d sense is yet undented bur it Is suprxsed to arise lrrTgtm ptiUouous wafer The orouth there for ij outhlaquo nearly dried all the streams spring raquoud wells and it U supp le I the water left it impregnated with mineral prison A reliable correspondent tells a pluful swry and 6as as many as four corpses were found in a 6lu^le house

A NATIONAL ASSOCIATION A sYffcult of ihe meetralaquo of the cattlemens

couvenitori hel0 in Sf L tuif Mo a lew das -ltice the orgftraquoxlaquorloa of ta- National Cattle ami UvtrseUtgWerfc1 A^soetatf gtn of the Uuiteni Statt-s was tdtnittl The constitution embltxl-iet thf folio1u Tlin nam bull to tgte h bull Nationshyal INtie and Horse Growt-rs Association of

all individuals direciy Jnt-resieuN iu said inshydustry on pa m nr of 15 lulti ttgton and a 1 as laquo ciatious onthe pavm^ot of $15 the annual due- to be $2 50 for individuals and $7 50 for associations Annual nie-tln^s tobe held the f jurth Monday of each November Two Clausen wtre added admittlua votf by proxy and tlx-lujt tgte basis of representation in tue conveu-iion at one vote for each member three for each association and oue at lar^e for eacti state and territory duly raquoccredited by the gov-en or Provision waa also made 10 admt tie]-etrares sfcredltid by regular asccciations in Old Mt x co aind Catiad


The following passage occurs in the address of the Independents whkh has heen forwarded to GOT Cleveland Ihey will uphold your administration to far avd ampo long as it is ba^ed upon the principles which should underlie ail political parties in a government of and by and for the people and believing that an honest and fearless oppodtlou is us nesessary to free government as an able and vigorous adminisshytration itself they will not hesitate to oppose your administration when it commits itself to principles which they cannot uphold


A EHIGUTFUL UBATH A Hungarian clergyman named Krasnlsara

while traveling on a sledwe U) Louca with bis wife and child was pursued by wolves His wife terror-strickeu ai the sight of the anishymals let the child fall from the sltdge The husband jumped out to save the etiiid and both were devoured but not before the fath r killed two of the -wolves Meanwhile the horses attached to the fgtlltnlge rau awraquoy and the uufortunate mlhtr OWIQK to th4laquolaquoible irUl to which she was mTicr^d was prematurely delivered of a dead child Th- hbullamp ran to Louc-i and upon arrival ihere the people found

lue woman herself d- traquod iu tut raquo1 dlaquoe The terrible tragedy topk placj withiu the spaace o an hcur

ADAMS VS C LEK100S The ftiit of Adams hg lust Coleridge was beshy

gun in L nlou No^ 21 iu tl)eeraquogtiirol Q leens Herch The plaiwtltf is a_weltiliuv mraquon well kuown lu Lgtudou bociety an i raquoas until reshycent) eogtraraquo(ed to be iuarrio1 id-MudreU Mlaquory euro-gteidse tbeon4y-dauiib+^r of- the L raquord Chief Justice of EuKlaud During the eu^ac m -cl B^ruard Colt rhi^e t llt^tsou and hgtdr ol the Cult Justice heard j-ome UCCUSH(1OIS ailrrct-iui A iamb character 11- eaii-tle^ himself ihey raquoeieirueand theu wrote io his sister ltlt-nuuuctni Adams us a Ux r ine and anobji-tlouatjle ptrsou in Miany reBpect aud cli^l tome facts to corroborate tue charges He paid he would furnish such proofs as would oe ouclusWe to vhe miid of her father if she was not already convinced that her lovlaquo r was unworthy Ml-s Cgtjleridie at tirat rtlused to behtve the accustttiou agalust Al-ams and at his r quest showed

The national cattle convention at its session in St L ju-s memoraliz d congress on leain public lauls tocatilo men afamped a repeal of the pleuro-pneumonia bill and the appointment of HtAte c gtmmissioner on cattle olseraquoees in stead and keeping Indians on their reservashytions aqd ^reveutiug them from earning tire-arms A committee was appointed to ur^e a national trail before confess The lol owln^ were elected CO R D Hunter 8t Loaie president Gen J imes B Brl^blu Idahovice-

-presldeiit A T AtwtT titLouis ftcretarv E C More cdthlcr Merchants national bank treasurer

her husband and was excused until the follow lngmornlnir Her tebtimony as given was but a repetition of thai given at the txdmlna tlun relating in detail the arrival of Pollev for the purpose of buying the cattle and of the manner in which the family spent the ni^ht previous to the murder

The Jackson Circuit Court Judge Gridley presidium met at 9 oclock on the 20ch as usual for the trll of Dan S Holcomb charged wlhth murder of Jacjb D Croucu Only eleven jurors appeared Ihe effljer lu charge sniJthiU JurymiQ Perry had been quite sick all nl^ht and was not able to leiVe nls bed The juror has complained of ill-health for several days-- Hls^appearaoee every since has indicated suffering and it has been with manishyfest effoit thai h fixed his mind on the proshyceedings Dr Williams who ltttei did the juror taldlhit he was quite HI with sympshytoms of a malarial type indicative of typhoid fever Uppn the doctors statement that his patient could not attend thsre was nothing to do but to ac j gturn the court for a day To-motruw morning on reassembling a report of the coadUlon of the juryman will ho maac and upon that depends the present rtsumpUou of the trial

Court convened at the u8U]_hojir_-jon-tbraquo ^lf^_^h^alcUnraquomdash^eotcfBoTTBat Juror Peirp was not able to oe present and I lie court ad-Jraquournraquo d to Monday November ti Ju^or LJWIH G Brown wa aleo uuwell aud had to see a


G b M H U M E raquo s bull bull T H E BEACONS G L V D R A T

In the annual report of the L gbt House ho J Ml 25000 s a^ked for luhtti^ and buoy-ID river If Is rgt c gtmmeudeti thut the light h( use districts which embrace all the uopt-r lake bed hidedmdashtin popinu tmt)ruciag Lake Michiiau raquond Greet e Bav to be seraquo off and craquolied the 8 veuteeutu Dstrict the renibtuder to be inclu udin the present poundlevgt-iith Dlrtilct and is kbowii by that lau^e Esiimates for general appropriations for the raquobull Xt necal year iucludiDgrupples repairs saUries^txpeuse- ttifbt veKlaquoeln buovage and fraquog siatials etc are | y 10ilXM) Bnlmtte f r special approshypriations amount to $120150 m^de up in part nf the f o l l o w i n g Hems Port Sauil lC Littht Stat lor Michigan H^OdO Pipe I^Utid LltfbtKrattov MlehQanIIMIU) Milwaukee Llkht Htfcttou Wisconsin $i6lt(Hn 3t Mar6 RiverRmgefi MIcDlgm $12(KM building for Lighthouse Boird $iJO00U


Tbe Kansas state temperance union met in Topeka on the 19th Gov St John and wile were in attendance During the aftgtmooptbe committee on resoluttoas nude a report reshyciting that the principles ot the union had beenlaquonpbatlcallj enjoyed by thepeople of Kansas la the overwhelming defeavbf cue presshyent occupant of tke executive chair thus con demning his unlawful warping of law and exshyercise of laquoxentive clemency in behalf of con-vltted raquoaloon keepers ThrcQngtrainJatlaquodPro-hihiUonisU in the growth of temperance sentishyment and recommended a seTlsof^eso^Jon the more important-of which were ^s toUows

U A raquo H t M G T O N

LOHINOS KB PORT In his annual rep irt C mmlssiouer of Agrishy

culture Lortiii sagt(gt The wheat area ia~ so mach btyond the rltqulnmeutB of cousumptiou in this aud other ^uutrles as todeprets the prtclt to a point unprecedented iu recent years favoring at certulu poiuts the use of wheat iu fee-iln1 for pork production The cause of this supirabitdance i two-fold first eX tension of settlement in the Northwestern prairies and dry plains of the PdCitic coast and sic nd the txirKOidiuary period ot comshyparative failure of Earup^au wheat for several consecutive years U P ne sugt j c-of forestry the report siys While the destruction of our forest is going on at a coustantiy increasshying aL d alarming rate It is gratifying to know that the workof plautioit trees for wind-breaks and for forest purp ses is rapidly increasing etp-clally in nomc of our Wtstern states aud Territories From gteuraska we have trustshyworthy informutiou that not less than 45U0(XK) trees haTe been planted during the present year-and more than 2000 busnels of walnut and other tree seeds Continued investigashytions have been made in regard to the conshysumption of forests for legitimate purshyposes as well as by tire6 This consumption for the manulacture of lumber is increasing In faster ratio than is warranted by Ithe Inshycrease in population and egtnsltqutnt natural demand Tae lumber market is largely overshystocked and the process of manufacture conshytinues to be conoucted in a fast manner when the fast Increasing source ot supply calls for the utmost ecoLouiv with material The great pine forests of the Northwest are now depleted to tuh an extent that Southern pine 1s brought Into competition with it in the Chicashygo market and perceptible iuroAds have been mide upou those vast forests which cover so large a portion of the gulf 8 ates The same

r c k l m and waottful melhoxi8~orXujmberlng are pursued there wmch have so rapidly conshysumed tne Northern aud Western forests This condition of thlugs makes more imperashytive every year the eudeavor to preampefve the forests which form a part of the public uo-maln and so toauird and coutrolthein by law as to make them of the greatest and most isstiug benefit to the country Tula bureau will make an txhlhiiiou of artishycles manufactured from the wood ltgtf American lorests ut the New Orleans Exposition There will also be an txhiblLiou ot jiving trees transported from the arid reshygion of the West -here it hiis been said that trtescmli n gtt bi mi l e t j ^ror ou account of the limled ammor of ralufaH This transshyplanted grove gtvllt bj an ocular demjustratlon that ihe establlshtu^Qt of trees both for laquorua-menutt and fores purpjsei caa be pushed oiucb further aioutf ma drlaquor weather plains than has be n supposed

WILL REDUCE THE SURPLCS Thdeg tre tsuj department has already furnishshy

ed (7000(00 for tne oaymeut of pets tons dur-iatpound the current qa-trter and estimates have b en rolt ived thlaquot 10000000 more will be re-qulredhy the tension ottice miking an aggreshygate of about $17100000 to b paid out on ihis account before Jan 1st Tbi uuusually Urge pajment will very materially reduce the surshyplus now on hand and it is thought will defer for sometime the oil for 3 per cent bonds which otherwise would probably have been lsfcued


The Armanent Board recomaaends the purshychase of the following guns for the defense of our harbors One hundred and twenty-3ve elKht-inch^un^ to carry pro] stiles weigbinj 2i5 pound- 2Wxem Inch vuo to carry pri


New York State s Vte Announced by the Board of Canvassers


Cleve laud Plurnllijr 1140

The State canvassers met in Albany at noon Nuv 31 all olt lug prem-m Secretary Woyd ait-IOUucid ihe foot ings of the t i b e s as fo IOWK Highest Demt c atlc electormdashfrle^t 568154 HlifheH Rnpuraquo ICJIU electormdashCtraoa ^bii t ft Plurality for Priest 1149 LuwtfctDem electormdashOttenlorur f61- 43 Lowest Republican electormdash Harris bbl 971 Plurality for Ottei dor 1(77 Highest Prohibition ehctormdashMiller 2gtlaquolaquo 0 Lo westmdash Ellsworth lt49tS Highest Butler electormdashODjnueil 17 im4 Lowest -Campbell 167 gt1

After the announcement tae members of the board slgnei thlaquo tables and certlfic ites


her brothers letter Adtm ssked to keep the letter and declared lo be able to convince her that its allegations were false Miss Coleridge surrendered the letter to him and he faihdto refute thechage Trie lady broke iff the engagement and Adams still posing as an it jured lunocence broUkbt suit for heavv damagts against Bernard Coleshyridge The latter in his defence says that the letter was in the nature of a privileged commushynication and not in any sense a puPlicntiou of the charges whether true or false such as to make him liable to prosecution If however he is required or allowed to prove the charges ^e^says ne is thoroughly prepared to do sdgta d show he was justified in seeking to save his stttr from a uulon which would be a hfe-touV misery and disgrace The scaudiJ-loving pubshylic eagirly hope Coleridge will be compelled t_q produce evidence agalnBt Adams as it is whisshypered several men and women of hitfb rank will be Implicated Toe caBe was strougl y con tested on botn sides and terminated in a vershydict of bullbull$ 000 for pidiutitfwnich washowever overruled by the Jud^s Mr Adams will cirry the else to a higher c nrt-

C O N D f e N S K D N E W S JJhicago has begtuo another war on the

bucket shops Cad Pchurz wants to be United States ml Lisshy

ter to Germany The Japanese army and navy are being put

on substantial war footing Corrected returns jrlve the DfmocravS conshy

trol of the Illinois legislature The national cammlrtees of both parties have

closed their rooms iu New York Mr Blaine will occupy Ex-Senator Wlndoms

house in_Wasbington this winter A lake has been discovered in Hudson Bay

country as ]raquoTgeas~Ldke Superior 0 Work ot the pedestal for Bartholin statue -Tft TIIC l~rmrTTr T p o haa-been Btopped for lack of funds IU I l i b LRUlLOi pound pound

John Fahrenback of Ohio has been appointshyed commissioner of labor statistics i Two hundred cadets from the city of Mexico will attend the New Orleans exposition

George William Curtis is mentioned amp Lowells successor to the court of St James

Senator Mahone will occupy the seat in the Senate occupied by the late Senator Anthony

Cleveland and HendrickB met In Altanvon the 22d lest for the first time since the elecshytion ^

-Orleans exposition of ~a eollecttoir of tropical plants

A sensational libel suit is on trial In London in which Lord Chief Justice Colcridgb famshyily Is involved

The German relchstag was formally opened on the 20ch Inst Emperor William made the opening speech

One Johnson a Negro living near Clinton Miss cut his throatsaying that he preferred death to slaverv

8heron Baker living on a farrbTnear Shelby-ville IQd shothis brother dead because he cheered for Cleveland

Issue of standard silver dollars for the week ended November 1ft M8i99i corresponding period tebt year 183899laquo 1 Theeurohinese govtrment offers France 73000-000 lrancs for the settlement of the ciaims Put the latter demands 1^5000000

Director General Burke of the New Orleans Exposition gives notice to exbtmors to guard against delays in transportation

Whisky men have already commenced operashytions to secure an extenaiou of the bjndtd whisky period at this session of congress

It Is stated that Gen Gordon ctprured a Krupp gun from the rebels andihat 660 of ihe Mabdis followers Jolued Gen G Tdonaforces

Toe insane asylum near Ohkoah Wis was dam-wed by fire the other nlgut to the amount of cent15000 All the inmates were rtmjved iu safety

The ptesident has appointel Rev W W Hick of Washington the spirtta 1 adviser (f thesss^sin (iuiteau to be surviyor gtneral of Florida

The txDenses of the steamboat and land sershyvice for the past year was J0tf99 117 ] bull the star service 4 ft routes were added at an tx- pense of $850468 Orders have een received st Calroofrein-forcements up the Nile with gtBlaquotalsnraquoch It Is thought by some that tbe^Mition of Dlaquom-gola is becoming serloj

Daring the nsar^eVr 23831 patenln have been granted-by^-the patent office Receipts fraquoom gtraquoKspafces 11145488 eipendltoreE

^lS^SVrplus $344019 1 (Jef many has proclaimed a protectoraU over

tues of 575 ponndf 806 12 liich gunsAtDcarr^ ^welbarfiOTt the mouth of the riverah to eOt pound proj-c ilea 5016 M - w n ^ ^ ^ ^ mdash ^ - -pfoJectt lerof^npo^dV

Ca DelfadQ QBLthampcoaBt and from Tabjrak yanxlve in the Interior

When the heirs of Gen Gordons supposed

SOf n iKRlaquo HATLOHA who were disabled hv woiindB dlat-aw aooitleat

or ntlmnviBcinelnsH of a toe |gtiilt-r laquoicosa^in rlironic uiarrhofa rupture llaquoa of elffht or (pa-thtllv KI) loss of healrtK falling hnck laquogtf meaalesw rheiimittism any disability nn mattrr h o w s l f g h ^ f lv fs yon n penaltin Nnr ntttl HgtnnrubleZgtl+-titory Obtamed Widow children jnotl iens aud hdiiers ut soldiers djinif in the service or afterwurris from diaeaae contracted or woandsrraquo-t t h e d raquoki la i n the service ara entitled to uesy bulltun Kejected and abandoned elahna a speciatto BOUNTY BACK PAY ANO HORSE CLAIMS C o n LECTED

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can he increased at any t ime wfcea

ttlaquo disability warrants it A a yon row alder the woitna has gradually undermined Iht constttntioey the disease has mails you more helpless l a SOBM maimer the dissMlity has increased so a p p l fov ao iasreaso at once

LAND AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED Mv experlene and being here at headqiartass

snable me to attend promptly to all claims against the Government Circulars free Address with i tamp




I Radial Cr-o FOS


B 3 T T 6 f U J fdr o v e r O yoars j u s o l a tBoS5 sands of cases


KHRVOUS DBBtaflc prcauu WWJIUOM uU Sraquo eraquoj isd Bumewai raquo icaro dlWMC tefllu bullkiliral pUgtiielBl W n from youibtul ludlwr^ tloat too free lndnlCKtM bullnd orcr brain work W aot tcmporlxe whllo HiA eactulc lark ia your laquo]rraquo Avoid bcluj InpoM

en br rrclcnt lou clalni o t her TODcJIiM Ibr thete IrcutiM Get car free droraquo-lir fcud trial pacVino mud lgtrti important fact jlaquofcn titinr tp-a^uen laquolraquoewKerfc

lliouiaaii raquoc1 does net in tcrfera vltb allcntloo wbuO net w caosa pain 01 IrtnoB vcnlenoc ToutidcJ oo laquoigt

-eatifllaquo- mwllnalmdashfrlnolplea froCTlnt In favor BU nputgt ion ufrcotaprIJctUQautB (ettt raquor i-m9 oiaket lu laquoplaquo-

eWo laHueaao ftlt vldhMtt (day Tho natorii fun tlom of tho homon org-lam raquoM rcttored Tba bulloimiinit claceaU laquof lift which hraquovlaquo bees wasted am given back Tho ratten blaquoeoalaquo chocrful and (aia itrength mpidljf

C O ^ MT(j Chemists SEND ADDRESS

HARRIS REMGD 800frac12 North 10th St St Lou I a Bo



^ [ H I S M A G N E T I C BELT I S

WARtfAMJEO TO C U R E ^ r w ig (X without MXHliefHemdashInln In thebneU nip head or Utaba IHTVUU laquollt-lgtlIltylumbaco gcnertii debility rheuBksUnui purttlalu nourolcls avlatlea alaeM-0laquo el ih e 11J n ejr bull laquoIHII nl i

tlon a ihe I i n i aeaalnoi cmtaul

dlaeaaeaiterpld liver i dlst inanotrncy alaquothma he-raquor

ceil drapcpaln laquonnfgt(igtatlnn cry air 111laquo Indlsca-tlon hemln or ruptuhh CMiarra pliea ctKlepar

vfniwSyciebllity of theigtgtXRATTVElaquoKGANa ltVraquoUT-K lolaquot vrtollly luck ofavcrvo limO ond vlirorraquo rrattlnaT ntaLneuct snd el l taoao dlaruaca of a per-aonul nuturo from rhaU)ver ca^fO Va continuoua ctreain of Masrnetlsm permoatisfrtli rough 1 ho part a nvatreatore thorn to a hrnltby svtlon TUlaquore 1laquo nc mUtakoiuout lhUap|)Iiauce


on srs sflllaquote4 Kkuaiiuulsam

Jala Ijervefts _ sMlaquocgtffJieUv~

nehe or Cold Feet KxlaquoTraquotJaDyraquoraquolaquoplraquoorTTHb Dli

lneya llcraquodlaquo ASklea o r w __

sad a pelr of MAjpietic Yvot Battvrlea hTO no taperlor

Kldneya IIcaMlaehe or Cold r w t ^ 1 1 raquo ar eak Anilea or laquownllcn Feet an Abdominal Batt

taibalaquoief and~cure of all theae romplaJnta carry a powerful luaffaetio Coroe to Uie aot or ttte fllMatfi

For Lame Raek Weakaeaeof tbe Cplne FaflJ laia e f tbo woaab MaeorrkatB Cbroa

S I M sad-inaersUos o f tbe W o s i b Incidental Ifeas bull r r h s c or Flood I n laquobull Psh i fkllaquo SupBreeacd a a a Irgt rsanlsr MenatrnaUost KsrresaeM s a d en astro bull Q k t k U U U i e U e a t i i s l l s s e s s j i d O u r a U v ^ A a r s s k

tor ail forma of VeesslsDIslealtloa It ia analaquoraquo passed by any thing before invented buthasscaraUvs sjeatsadaaaaouroeofpowerandTitsliastloa _ Trtoa of either Belt wltfi MagnoDe Foot Batteries t l Q i a s t by oi prcaa C 0 P sad aaajnlnaUor aUowedrOrby mall on receipt of price- Inrordertar-smd meaanro of waist and aUe of thoe Remlttanoacaa ba made l a oar raaey sent tn latter at or riak

Tbe atacseton Qartnents Are adapted to all agsa s r s vera over the snder clothing- (not Most to tJhs bod like tks assay 6alvanlo s s d EIlaquolaquolaquogttoHlaquoas s s c e sdvertlaed laquolaquogtextlaquoaavcly) and ahonld B taken off at night Thev bold their- are worn at al 1 eeanons of the year taken off at night They bold th^powar^orewerssd are worn at al I aeanons of the year

Send stamp for the New Derartnreln Medio) Tisat mant Without Medlstoe with trrouaonda ot t s s t tmo

T H E M A O N B T O X A P P L I A N C E COw 8 1 8 S t a t s St CbJcacoTlTL

Tbe Magnetic appliances tna^ seen at Wipcheira Drug StoremdashPlekney Mich





QURESick-Headache Dyspepsia Livir Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PURIFY THE BLOOD N O T I C E - Without a particle of doubt Var

motia Pills are the moat popular of any 00 thlaquomagt Ket Hating bsenbeloreilie public for sqaartsrerf acantitry and hating alwtys parfomati mnrslhssS waa-proaiued for theny h_raquoy merit the roesjseajfcai

~ mdash mdash 1 MP^BWCBBSW they bars attained F^irlce

For tale by all drofff lata



raquo^Mg0MlaquoqFfctf^hmdash^p11^-^^ - ^ raquo t

Ti ~ laquor bull - -




E t h i c s of L e t t e r W r i t i n g Thero H uo aociat accomplish merit

which is m gtro oftwn called Into jvquW tion lhau Mie art of lutter wntiojf To

L laquo a y a n d do the properNthing at the proper time id o a n o f the uawritteii Fawn of etiquette I t is a valuable ac coraplishment to perform this dutgt

(Pkraoefully aa well a conventionally Social correspondence devolves quite naturally upon the women of the tuu-ily It is untieciisaary to point out the va lue of promptness in acknowledgshying and answer ing correspondence for it is the h i^ht of rudenetw to leave letters of question uaanswereil lu letshyters ltgtfi a r iur ion and acknowledgemeut (He 6eV))e(y|ojLV ntigt nal form U used Lflpfefrsot iutr duutwu should be brief ami as they are general ly presented ia persoD t xnggertted expressions of praigte a^e uot ^ o o i taste These of oour-e ta I auy otlu-r letter delivered iu persou are utrsealed Letters of conshydolence nro writuvj iufjiuialty

This brunch of epistolary ctrrespon denize is a difli mifc one aud actual rewl-ing is the oliy gniin to giml tnstu llt is in personal 1laquo-LClaquoTS between relatives anw friends that the most charming

--bullpeciiuens are f m o d the gossiping cnatty epistles that arc largely espwet-ed andwhich bring color into the dul lest day Auy one who has been stranded in the country house in s tormy wnntht-r wi l l remember the pleasant exci tement caused by the arshyrival of the mail Dr Johnson once m a d e the sweeping assertion that gosshys ip never hurt anybody no doubt this is go ing too far but it cannot be denied that information a s to what is go iug Jih and familiar personal 4 t e r a g - m t t -st itute the best of these letters T h e close of a letter m u s t accord with t gtH addreS in formality and fornt A lady mus t not use abbreviations in her letters any more than in hftr speech nor use figures except in case of a date T h e date of a letter is of importance even in the most trifling manner When a printed address i s tamped upon a sheet of letter paper tne date is often rela-gated to tho eud of the e p i s t K 4oamptal-cards should be used only_Xor_ business purposes puch as sending orders brief messages or notices by mai l

The cards that c o m e with envelope to tit are used for any business message that you wish tgt seud enclosed in aiUw^riu^ a question sendshyi n g a memorandum or making a fauirlisr inquiry Tho enveloped

| card statute midway between the postalmdashcard ami the ijote sheet Al-

1 w a y s use the f j lded Bote for any formal writing It s h o w s - more care and therefore more coajpimlaquont just as the card for some s trange reason i easier

to |gtick up for a hasty line-in a n envel shyo p e

When a note that requires an answer is sent t o any one u n k n o w n to tho writer a lways enclose a postage s tamp Formshyal notes and letters are general ly written iu the third person It is con-

4 sidered inelegant to ^ n a letter -Mrs mdash If it i n e c e s s a r i a n g iv ing the adshydress place it iu brackets under the full name A tirm clear Handwriting is a mark of good breeding -Yours t r u l y or Very truiy y o u r s i s go iug out of date jut as the^p in their turn supplanted Your obedient servant a n d Youte to c o m m a n d Cordially AWith hiraquoh r e g a r d Sincere ly or Respect fu l ly as t i e caee m t y ad-mis uru nio ie in use The selection of

mdashw-r it-Hy-j^tp^ -attd^ e n TH1o pea d e pen d raquo upon individual taste Plain heavy paper is lash ioraule at present The

p r a c l i c o laquoraquot perluui ing letter papyr al-WAVS in qicamptiouaOle taste is ehiirely outof dale

m ikes tho best and higuest proud flour in the world was a great and glorious udvance toward the right kinu of Hour for the people but may we have a still g-eater advance in the art of milling which g ives the peop le the wheat as it grows or a fine^flour of tho entire wheat except the skin which is not food and which alone catt le will not eat The long continued use of flour usual ly sold as Graham flour is posishytively dangerous to health Dyspepsia is a lways made worse by its use A large proportion of the bran found in bulluen flour is mixed with the silicate coat ing of wheat and i t cuts the l ining ltgtf the stomach like pieces of glass Entire wheat flour is quite another thing We prove our faith in it by using it in preference to any oher

bull bullbullbull bull raquom

Tne greatest readeta of ueWdpapers in the world are tha Hungarians i t is said that the peasants in that country wiUi vjry rare exceptions know how to r^ad take an active part in public afshyfairs discuss and judge political measshyures and ara ofien elected members of the municipal bodies Moae Adam who recently wio lo a charming book^ol travels in Hungary w i s told hat ihere is uot a town without its Jierary eliT) In the cafe- v gtu tiud as many papers as in France The most insiifoitievnr jourshynal has ita readers A city o 25000 inhabitants is m m t i c i e d waere am gtng its numerous c ubs and resauraats there was one who took in 105 news-p ipers da iaesaud weekliosmdash an incredshyible number The list is posted up in the establishment and includes journals in Hungarian German and English treat ing of pol i t icrr i t teratuie flgriciu-


ture education and even the fashions

The invention of the drum is ascribshyed by the Greeks to the g o d Bacchus Whence undoubtedly arose the exshypress ion T ight as-a drummdashBurl ingshyton Free Prem

I IP bull raquo bull bull bull 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 w ^ mdash mdash ^

ItfcLact a D r ^ a u t u i 0 - u 4 h

and raised a considerable amount of blood and matter besides I was very thin and so weak I could scarcely g o about the house This was the case of





SCRAP B l t t


This medic Inn combining Iron with prre Vegetable tonics quickly anl com- letely Cures lgtygteplaquoia~ Indlgesiriutu IVeaiine Impure Blwraquod-Mai ariaCtiUU aud Fevers and Neuralgia ^

It t3 an unfaiilro remedy for Diseolaquoesof tLe Klilneya HO4 Llrer t

It W- invaluablo for Diseases pecnifer to Women and alt who lead sedentary lives

It doesjiot Injure the teeth cause headacheor pri)daeAonstipatjOnmdashother Iron medicines do

It enriches and purifies the blond stimulates the appetite aids the assimilation of (bod raquoc-Ueves Heartburn and BelchUig and stxvugth-us the muscles and tierves ^

For latennUteut Fevers Lassitude Lak of Enerjry ltfcc it Uas no equal

JtSr The genuine has above trade mark and crobucd red lines on wrapper Take no othor

i JUIJ bj tfci)raquo3 CUSMCkh m^ BiLTtXOBK MO

T h e m is a paper chimney in Breslan 50 feet high

The Russiau government has borrowshyed $60000 to buiid railways

T h e Norristown Pa insane asylum has organized a brass oand

The emperor of Austria has the finest collection of pipes in Europe

An oyster produces 128000000 young oysters in tho course of a season

One-half of all the telegraph wires in France are already underground

Hinry Croorge will be^ia another lecturing tour in America in January

A SDOW amph98 regiment is to braquo formed in Montreal the present wiuter

Matthew Arnold is opposed to the proposed scheme for an international language

Reported that Southern Negroes arv coiuiug North in large numbers sjnee ihe election

It is stated Miat English land owners ae anxious to jel l out and invest iu bullJihfci countries

The legislative council of Jamaica reshyfused by a vote of 8 to to be annexed to tLe dominion

Seventy-five thousand pounds of paper were used to print the ballots at the late election

Paris is to hava 15 miles of elevated road completed in t ime fcr the univershysal exhibition of 1889

T h e proper song for pugilists who have blacked each others eyes is The Bloom i s $ n Their E y e

Secretary M^Phnrann gives it a3 his


a man with consumption arising from liver complaint He rdcovered his health complete ly by using Dr Pierces Gold en Medic il D iscover Taousands of others buir similar testirqon

The government supports 400 John Smiths

Patarrh Is Recommenced by Physicians SIOOiWAilaWlj

E n t i r e W h e a t F l o u r bull

HaHc Juuriil of Hlt altb There ha never until recently beeD

k n o w n auy possible means or way to make all of the wh^at tine hence the __ ^ __ Jhe key of fate is in our ovvn hands mflrurs have given mt^nothing^^ but ^t^e^we^often unoek it and then throw the beautiful white figtur from which the best or nutiitii us part of the wheat is e l iminated or the so-cal led G-abam flourmdasha name t i t le or brand which causes a mult i tude of sins Most of the Graham fljur sold ia this country is nothing but a mixture of the lowest grades of white flour with bran N o phv8icjAn who is posted on cereal foodf and t iremdashmerits of-wheat flour will ad vise anyone t o eat bullGraham tiourwhile every physician in tbic country and E jg land who has seen and knows what it is uses ana recomshymends the ent ire wheat flour w h i c h is explained by a short statement of the way it ia made v i z

The wheat is first c leaned in the o l h a l way then i t goes to a machine wnich takes off thesKin or husk t h e n i t is reduced not ground by the regshyular roller procflflji_Xexcept purifier) thenj^feer the separat ion by bolting of

)ran from the white flour the bran i s reduced by special machinery then by a system of spout ing the bran aud

F o r t h e L a d l e s

Liughter le the pwr miud pUster Mltklug every burdt-u H^hbull

Tn-iiraquo aidimi-s iuo ttla iue9 D rkest Uuur to May di^fn bright

T1 the d ifpdeg9t and the cheapest Cjre tor Ma of this d scrlprlon

Bu for rhas that wo u-tud heir to Use Dr Pterced lF kVjritd Prescription

Cures all weaknesses and irregularishyties bearing d o w n sensations i n shyternal fever bloating displacements iuilaiurjvition morning sickuess and teudency tD cancerous disease Price reduced to one dollar By druggists

Hannibal Hamlin is the oldest s tump speaker n o w in active-service He be-gan in Jacksons day

Delicate diseases affecting male or female however induced speedily and permanent ly cured Ilshylustrated book three letter stlaquoraps Consultation free World s Dispensary Medieal Association Buffalo N Y

The cornet has come to staymdashBrook-line Chronicle

When you visit or leave Saw Vjrk City via Central depot save BKkjagtje Eipresaace and 3 Carriage Hire and stop at theQraud Union Hotel opposite aald dtpot 8iT hundred ele-tfanr ro gtras fitted up at a cost of one million ilollara i l and upwards p r day Europeun plan ElraquoVator R-t-iurant euppllampi with the b(8t Horse cars brakes and elevated railshyroad to all depot Fivrnilles can live better for lesa monvv at the Qratd Union Hotel than at auv othfr SrutKlaAP horlaquol in the city

We manufaeture and sell it witha pos i t i ve g u a r a n t e e t h r t It w i l l e u r o a n y c a s e and gt70Will forfeit the aboToamouut ifitTaifsin a e i n g l c I n s t a n c e

It is u n l i k e any otlu-r Catanli remeof aa t u t t a k e n I n t e r n a l l y a c t i n g u p o n t h e UlOOd if you^arS troubK-d^iib tbls-Uiatressjng diaeaseask yourliriigglBtfor ltand ACCIPT HO IMITATIOK Ofi SLbtTITUTE If he has not got it send to us and wo wilt forward immediately Price 75 cents per bottl ^

F J CHENEY amp CO Toledo Ohio

opinion that the revenue reformers will control the next house

J u d g e Brewer of Omaha decides that railroads have no right to fence in lands belonging to the government

I m goiDg to meter said the gas man aud he went down ia the cellar and buzzed the cook for an hour

Ty pe-settersin Pads are paid by the day receiving $1 30 for 10 hours work Tnere arlaquoj 4 50J comp -tficors in the city

The semi annual report of the Grand Trunk railway of Canada7 shows a net lo-s-laquot $40^000 for the last six months

The Ogdensburg Journal tells the sad

story of ayoung lady who fell in a skatshying liuic and -broke her leg twice in two

Wisconsin Prohibitionists have de^ teriuiued to keep up their organization and accept no compromise from any party

Some statistical fiend has tigurai oak an average of 1500 tbimblts are anshynual v owallowed by the babies of America

Natural gas has been discovered at Find lay Oaio at a depth of 400 feet in great volume The town wil be supshyplied with it

1 be t x p e r i m e L t of raising ostriches in California bas been successful Forshyty yi ung birds have been hatched and are growing nicely

Tbe Salvation army in England has given rise to so much scandal that tbe authorities are making efforts to break up the organization

Twenty-nine women in Fall River have qualified and are emil led to vo le f gtr members of the school committee at the next city election

The Kansas supreme court has fust decided that a husband is not liaole for bianlerous worgtis spoken by his wife when he is not present -mdash

Tbe area of pu bite land disposed of in Dakota last year was larger than the total acreage of either hoigiutn Denshymark Greece or Switzerland

T w o N e w York grocers were fined $100 each a day or two ago for se l l ing as pure butter an article that was imshypure to the extent of 95 p e c e n t

Love begets l ove singiLthe_ old song but ho wu are you go ing to reconshycile that with the homeopathics c la im that like cures likemdashR^cklandCourier

The model of Abraham Lincolns apshyparatus for lifting vessels over shoals which is now iu the patent e f n e e i n Washington is o be in the patent ofshyfice exhibit in the N e w Orleans Exposhysition

There have been 191 new national banks chartered during the year File von national banks have failed durshying tbe year i nd 100 failures are re-ported since thH passage of the national banK act of 1863

The I lea NewspiptT for Color il PeOgtlt Nraquo vlaquoits Hii^hte-t Hcst Sample Coiiis Scnl Ffee Tun ILiisDrAikH l i m a N nitr arci uilion as In iin-a vnii prLiripound colored jnnrnil m ihu couniry j-SO

--tpe v i r J l IX months S o c i h a c m nUiraquo Clubbvil villi unvnthvr f lict on nt |nwelaquol r i f f A uood [aKvUmtf medium A L L C O ^ lt K D MlaquoN should read it Addrcw T H E PIAINDEALEK BOX 92 Dlaquoroit

M l ^ a a


VEGETABLE COMPOUND bull is A ropnivis CUKE FOR bull 1gt tosfgtjijiApoundjii toinplaltits Mitil W c u k M ^ t BO coniiauti ^ bull raquo tofou bt8t raquo raquo raquo laquo

it rKMAI-E POPULATION Frk cent1 In liquid pill r li-iengc torn

bull jt YvsiTTpa iraquo tolthjfoy the legitimate xeaXtnQ ot diieiiM atlaquoJ~thlaquo relic of pain ltuiH tluxt it daec it claimt to do thoutandtof ladies tonglaul testify It will euro eutlicly all Ovtrlun tro^blci Lofla-um tlon ami Cljeratlca Follbigjuul Displftimciita tai consequent bpiiial Wcaknees aid lamp particularlr adapted to the change of life bull bull raquo laquo laquo laquo laquo V It removes Kaiat ux FlatulencydostrOT^allcmvli)(^ forstiUiUnt-t and rlievlaquoraquo Vckulaquojraquolaquoraquo of ilia Htomatb It caiot niomlii^ iittdttches Kurvoui lroxtiation 3nural IhHjillty Belti)l(ltHei Doiretlaquo5doD and h-dl gotioti l i n t tlaquotflunlt ot Itoarlng down wwisinjy pala aa l bftckach^jftalwuyn permanently cured by Its use Send stamp to Lmn Mass forpMtnhliH l i t t e w o i IoquirycttulJeiUU^ly answewsd yor talc at druggist

klaquoy a raquo ay mdashAnson

The new combination of Smart Weed ana BeUadonaa as used in Carters Backache Plaiters has proved to be one of the best that could be made Try Ooe of these popular plasters in any case of lame back baokache rheumatism neuralgia soreness of c h e s t p r l u u g s amp c

ihe entire I ftpri y Q U ^1 1 1 ^ surprised and pleased by the prompt relief In had cases o f chronic dyspepsia a plaster over the pit of the stomach stops t i e pain at once Ask for C a r t e r s Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters Pric 25 cents

1 _ j mdash mdash bull

ROUGH O RKTS Oiraquoraquor ltiat rM mat SIM rokohea bsd-bon nti bullbullrmln Chtpmaak loe

Yonnic nttmdashRendTliUi I THE VOLTAIC BELT Co of Marshall Mich

off- r to semi thetr cel^rtrarei ELICTRO-VOL-t TAJC BBLT and other KLBCTRIC APPUAMCIS

raquoraquogt trtl for thirty days to meu (youulaquo or ol i) raquofft ctwl with nervous debility los of vitality aud manhood and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neural nia paralysis and many other dUeas Complete restoration to health vlitor and mauhood ecaranteed

White flour are b o u g h t together and I N o r i 4 k u i s c u m d M thirty-day trialUai-m i t e d in exact ly t h e same proportion j IOWKI Write them at once for illustrated tha t existed iu the berry

This dour is not only much more nu-tricious than any other but will assimshyi late with the weakeststomach t Jgtecause i t is tiue and contains all the g luten and phosphates that are in wneatj wh ich can ou ss id of no other flour in the world It is cheaper than any other because it makes s o much more bread mdashwLioh is expla ined by the theory of porosity which theory is demonstrated by the fact k n o w n to every oaker or breadmaker that a good Minnesota patent flour wil l m a k e twenty-l ive per oent more bread than the best grade of Graham flonr or wheat meal and the ent ire wheat flour m a t e s 26 tn 30 o e n t more Dread than the Minnesota patent flour T h e roller process which

pamphlet ftve^ ROUGH ON -OHVb 15c Ask for tV CompteU our atrd or tot oornlaquo wart bunUaraquo

MINAMATA PtPTUNISKI) H I B f IHiNIC l i t 0HI7 prlaquopamprraquoUnn of beef oonutnlng lu laquo11111laquo nutrition properties It oontatna blcKxi-tnaklai foree-sener-atlnsand ltfe-laquouatalBraquonji properHes Invaluable for InrmoumoN rvylaquopiplaquotgt aerrouK pmttratlon and allformiof iteneral debility alao In ill enfeebled oampndlttona whether the reeult of exUlaquoUBtton nershyvous proatration overwork or ecitedltaaae particshyularly If reealUnf from oulmonarroonifalnta CAM-nrsxu IUIARDAOO Proprietor New York ~ by Ortuqruu







Now supplied at a small additional cost with DENIS 0gtVS

P A T E N T R E F E R E N C E I N D E X The latest edition has 3000 more Words in Itfl

vocabulary than are found in any other A m Dio ty and nearly 3 times tho number of Enorravinfr G4 C MERR1AM ACOPubrsSpringrgtM Mass



MAKE HENS LAY li is awcll-kiiowiiTatl4iiraquo tuost of the

liorsc aud(attlePowdti-s)IlHujhis 0 in-try is worthless thatSheriuatiV-Cjicdi lion 1owder ia absolutely pure1 and v w valuable Noth in i r o n Kartt wi l l m a k e t iens lay liKo Sher idan C o n d i t i o n P o w d e r liosiv one Klaquos[wv)iifiil to ach pint of food Hvl l l laquolw p r e v e n t a n d c u r e f gt U I O i f 1 A l P U H I P D A n^ChQlera Ac Sold everywhere or tent by mail for v r l l w I V B I l v T l l L b n H ^ cents fn^taraps AUo furnished in larjre catts for breedersuse price $100 by mall $120 Circulars sent FREE 1 8- JOH^fSOX amp COa Boston iiasa


- A N O -


Autnmaticfilly drain the water of Cundr nation Iro-n UKATlNG lt COIUS irvl rvlirrs il lThr bud- CJ er whuihtt coils are a b u V e ur t bfloV ilic vvalrr 1 vel in ihe boiler 00 nir away with pum^s and other iilaquochinicil Jcvicesfor such pitrpo v s

ALBANY STEAM TRAP COMPANY ALBANY NEW YORK Office and 11 ork 78 ami SO Church Stnet


For Horse or Steam Power Hundreds ef the beat men in SO States and Territories uraquoe it and will have no other J RELIABLE DURABLE SIMPLE Batabliehed over 8ft yearswe have ample (adhtlea to nil orders promptly and tj aatfefKOtampa ojour-cugtooen Cau kgue KKKK Addrtuui

L Q U M i S amp N M A N Tiffin Ohio



AND LIVER COMPLAINTS 0 Beeaaae It acts on the LITER BOWELS and

KIDXEIS ftt the laquoame time Seeatue it eleaaeee the system ef the poljon-

cms tumors ttxit doveloffe in Kidney and Urishynary Diseases BQioQsaess Jaundice Constipashytion Piles or in Baetraatism XTevxsJcla Nershyvous Siscxders and all Female Complaints



By oausina FSZI ACTZCOT cf aU the organs and fsnotions t crphy

CLEANING tho DLOOD restoring tlie normal power to Cirow off disease

THOUSANDS C CA3E0 ef the wont forme of fwao terrTble diseases have beea ttiahly reUevedt and in s shew tisse


RODOH OM ITfU cares hnmore eruptions rtnt-worm toUerbull Jt rheem Cr laquo41 f-iet ohllbains

froi A O A R D - T o all wan are totTerta bullrrors aad indleerettons of Tooth laquogtlaquobullbullbullbull weatneee early deoavJoes iraquof manhood e I wtn seat) a recto that will ene yon FHIR Or CHAHO This are rejmedy w a s J trade bull

ilsMlonaryin tooth America laquoeod aeif-addi^eeed


-irjfCHDFlBcrt goteh eomejMet elaquores ell Mytat aidney and mrsAajy diisesesjr 1 FITTER

Holaquotetterraquo 8trraquom-acgt Bitter Is a fine biiv d dep r-rit a rational ca h raquo n laquo Hpd Miper^ bullbull tl-otl-JOU-raquotgtedrtc itral-w the fatttnii en-ertdr ot the debtl itlaquord and checks preojuture delt ay P o w r laquoed airnjk btllUtun remltent OTupepsU and bowshyel en bull i-loltit- are among r e f i l l which tt removes In tropical ooun-tr ee w here the 1 verand bowels -re onrtns mo-tunfav-orablv affected by tbeeom bleed infln eoee raquo1 o4ilaquonstedtet and water rl -STI iejrjL p e j e s s j r iienar^fWse4e


r r y oaa be soat by mampil WELLS ZIJ-iAargt30N Se Co BurUnctenVt 8 JxuJ tump for Diirr Alauntc f r Is


SpinaTSuuee WsOst T f l 75 Spinal C^reet 00 Spina l Nursing Corset 85 Spinal Abdominal Corset S 75 Beeommeaded hi leading phvakasse delivered free anywhere in the V 8 on reoeipt ofprioeraquo Satisfaotion guaranteed Lady Agents wanted DfLiagaMgtraquoBgtiialOersttC^gteAaB^raylTewTorX



t l


CONSUMPTION I bare a pMltlve rvmedy traquor ths above dIsssae bv Its

laquoM4hoaraquoaDltioreaitilaquoi( tha wlaquoiraquot kindsudof b a g bulltaadlnehlaquors blaquon cutd I inleM bull oatrtmeImyfaPh lnltraquoraquomcttlt-ytl^tlwi 1 MnJTUO B0TTLU8 f S I A torfthrwiin a VAicxBtKTBEATISloii this disease lOnyraquooffrer OlTlaquoexprMlaquoBnd F OxddrtS






MONEY e Wide awako Agent aremnkiiiR from 81 a to ttOS per montl sslltnff the erlglua

MISSOURI S T U M WASHER ~~ bull A sew irHnclple Bavin - bull

^ j V h Jade

bearing a red tin tag t hut Lorlllards HoeeLeiif nnelaquoui that LoriHarUs

Navy Cllpplegmand that Lorlllards Kalaquoffeare the iwat and oneupest quality cousiuerwl

HOW TO WIN AT CARDS I ^ ampC- ^ A S t J R k i r a i n V S M k e B t W e e t o ^ k

AaywmsmdashI nanutacture and -raquoMlaquo eontiantl nifhand vv^ry bullrtlele laquobulllt bgttharaquopnnla|r(raieniif tuWlMwlii In rngt ft chancr Head fgtltr araquoraquoir Both tlrrklttr Addme tlCeTTDAy bull i u r f l l Hi l l s atrwtBtvjTai 4k | 4-


flraquo Mb Waail

y slvenT-^^ritsgt teraquo-terwis aalt StiAjrWASIIBB CO t i t B4SW M iuigtismBBOraquogteeiEraquobgtst

Who wUh to I arn

TOBBHiOragSftsaa B K1PPV Ki gmeeraquo Brvdg p rt Con

I I bull i l l bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull I mdash bull I I - I I bullgt bull bull II bullbull bull t

P a t m and Garden sVaadela Cvlormele) ID ftn4 10 acre trtftg Low Pikr Lootf

Tlaquo-rtna to sgttUera O Blaquor-rlaquoklaquolaquols Adlaquo1rem y perotlsra W R PAHOR Frota Clt0raquoO

laquobullbull(bull bullraquo raquomdash48



bull ( bull bull

f -

r V raquo gt bull




bull f f i n p


r - bull

HOWELL bull r our Ctwrraquoiraquoadeat

There are several cases of diph-0lttiahere A little boy 12 years old has just been buried and it is reports tin oldest son and the mother ol t ie jsjini family are now suffering with tlu-laquo U it disease

Charlie Curtis won the prize at the potato race

A number of our young people went to Fowlerville last Wednesday evening to skate and a party from Brighton came here Wonder who went to Brighton

UNABILLA From oar Correspondent

My sakes What cold weather Dick Barton has gone to Ohio to

spend the winter Rev 0 N Hunt will preach at

Stockbridge Thanksgiving day School commenced last Monday

with Tommie Young of Lyndon for teacher

Phebe Townsend of Plainfield is working at T A HartsufFs

Mr^and Mrs 0 D Chapman of Fowlerville are visiting in town this week-

Mrs Ellen Marshall and Rose Hunt went to Jackson last Tuesday to do some shopping -

Eampt Hartsuff of Pinckney has takshyen up her abode at Geo Hoylands for a rihort time

G S May fell and sprained his ankshyle a tew dajs ago now he has to go on crutches

Mr and Mrs Gage Inslee of Port Huron made a short visit among relashytives here last week

There was another excitement in town last Friday evening it was causshyed by a man becoming drunk They are seldom seen here

^Xherfe-will be union services in the



EMHROIDEKY SILKS - raquo - - bull mdash -

Over raquo00 shades ot tine

Of the people is that the place to buy goods cheap is at the

9 9

Dry Goods


LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES 20 lbs Good Brown Sugar for $1 00 16 lbs Bestr^rown Sugatfor $1 00_ 6 lbs Best Roasted Rio Coffee for $1 00 8 lbs Good Green Rio Coffee for $1 00 5 lbs 50 Cent Japan Tea for $2 ()0

5frac34 lbs Best Japan Tea Dust for SI 00



Good Horse Blankets $1 75 per pair Good Large Size Comforters $1 00 each

11 E church Thanksgivsng day and a dinner free to all in the basement ol same at 1 p m ^

I expect you will findfthe boss boy at S i Palmers ns papa says he actually thinks without any joking that he is the smartest baby in town and we dont doubt it

We are showing a very Complete Lii^e of Dress Goods consisting of Alapacas Cashmeres Brc^ades Ottoman Cloths

Plain and Plaid JElannels Etc

PLAINFIELD From oarCorraapoadent

E T Bush has shut down his cider mill and apple drier for this season

Albert Westfall is on the sick list Andrew Lester is visiting relatives

and friends in this vicinity

Mrs Irvin Hamilton of Washtenaw who has been visiting relatives in this place returned home last Monday

Chas Lambert is out again Rev Mr JJailey has returned from

Detroit where he has been to hear the celebrated evangelist Dwight L Moody he expresses himself highly pleased and well paid for going to hear him

Mrs D M Greene who has neen suffering from severe lung trouble for oast ten months and whohas been vf -bull lowfrom pulmonary hemorrhage z much improved and has gained in bullveight about twentypounds

Miss Jennie Topping has a new pianxrgflitpright Hainesmdashit-iM


^PRICES CLOAKS we arc^elosing out at greatly reduced prices Try a package pfHulmans Delicious Sips Coffee a piece of

Glassware with ^e ry package Butter Egg

embroidery -ilks so nioVii uk to make artistic work possible to nil We have just put in a full line of Uiefe sil^s to accompany the Dri^s Patterns and can supply any wants less than you can buy them elsewhere Ladies pbase call ami see the silks and reshyceive free samples of Brik^^Piitterns




F U R N I T U R E Pieluri Kritminu Kepairiiij K l c




BLACKSMITH ill kinds of custom work mid poundrmgtrul

repairing including

HORSESHOEING lthnp )(bulllt n Minns Iconic PIVCKNKI

VDETKCHT 6 CLEVELAND steam Navigation Companys Steamer City of DetroitmdashKorthwest-between

Cleveland and Detroit-Leave from foot of Third St Detroit at 10 p m-Leava from 23 River St Cleveland at 830 p m

T H E S 2 2 5 R O U T E Week days-Standard Time

T H E $ 3 0C R O U T L City of Mackinac-City of Cleveland

Leave from foot of Wayne St Detroit Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 A M Mondays and Saturdays at 10 P M

For Marine City St Clair Port Huron Sand Beach Oscoda Alpena Harrisvillo

Cheboygan St Ignace and

MkgtWIHrWraquol Folders freemdashOr send 25 cents for our

illustrated book of 120 pages fc LAVE TOUR TO PICTURESQUE fACKiioc

ribtorical and descriptive of thiraquo Great Historic Summer Resort

and Sanitarium

WCv tOWaynoSt DetroitMich

R A P t D T R A N S I T

est-Market Price We guarantee low prices and good goods



a i r Muuutit tin I M t i S i ^ l n i

55 mill gtT Jefferson A i- HKVIMIT Mil If

raid to be oCexcellent tone Morris^opping has just returned

from Uefroit wnere he interviewed MrJampdyard Suot of M C Ry who -zyi the survey cut off from Mason to Jextcr is sure to be built as soon as he times are settled and aamp-Kood as in

883 Still we hope ^

The general expression is tbat the ~gtSPTCH is the best paper printed in

w- county and many who nave been bullbullkw^ other papeis have ordered them optxd but say they will continue taklaquo fg ttfe DispATcar Tally one for




The following Patents were granted M citizens oi MXCHIOAIT beaming date ov 18 1884 reported expressly for

bull t bull is paper by Louis Bagger k Co Me-nical Experts and Solicitors of Pat LS Waabington P C

Barton Joseph Jackson warmincr -1308126

m o n 8 D Wr North Adams z ie strap 308068

lodges C J3 and E McCoy De-tr it lubricator 80825cL_

lowell Jacob Jackson two- wheel-wi ebicle 808162

TAiggSi JW-aitdltJ fl Porter poundckson cyna^etcoclrr80c^388

Williams K- 1 Lnsingr churn

Obtain for Meohhnicul Dovicrs Comshy

pounds Designs and Labels

All preliminary examination bull raquo

to patentability of inventions iw

Our Guide to Obtaining Patent

is sent free everywhere



We are still making large additions to mdash ewstocluif 1



- V soucllt



Grand Trunk Railway Time Table MICH AIR LINK DIVISION




WASHINGTON P C Pictures and Picture FramesArtists Sup-puesTBooks jGrames Toys Japanese

Novelties Etc^iEtc Bakery amp Restaurant TOBACCOS

NOW OPEN AND KEROSENE OIL READY FOR BUSINESS Everything inour line atlowest prices

Bread and Buns Fresh Every Day |

Cajl and see us when in town


No 6 Mixed

RlDGEWAY B Hraquo m AnlaquoHltlH Hl10 Uunieo 10^0 Hocbestcr 11 V2

No 4 No g 2 Pass P M

555 a m 4 m

Wis South Lyon

2-4) i ar 3110 i rip KW

IlamhnrR 4()5 raquo PINCKNEY -440 Mount Kerrier S15 Stockhridyt ftitt Henrit-tta laquoii5 JACKSON ti43 ^m STATIONS I

(115 HH5 7lo 7J5 745 8-frac34

800 810 8Alt fl i


9 raquo 1010 1040 1150 1118 1130 1150 1203 p oi la agt ia50p_m


Warm TTIPampIP and lunches at all hours Oyster and all delicacies in their oeaAon We have a line of fresh groceries a gteod assortment of teA from 2(t to 75 cents a pound Iii^lgteraquot price gtnul for Butter and E^ys Coiiie and see us Vlaquo wilJ jjlve you good goods and fair prices

laquo1 y

W H M W l i K ^ Q f PHOPH A t l h e o l d g t a n d gt u B e e b e g t o r e gt West Main Street^Pmoknov

No raquo No 8 Mixed laas

JACKSON laquo 7ooa in- 4-aii p ni Henrietta 745 445 MtickhridKe 815 50h MoiMrt Kerrler 832 515 PINCKNEY 8laquoo B5 IIaniT)uflaquo^-40 ^ B O s South I von ( Rl 1 0 1 5 s a )

3 0 1 1 1 1 i jgtnMl|raquo 105) 650 Wlxom 11-30 720

Jontiac bull h ( p 1 W gt-bull 8 i t t

Kocheater 1401 raquo05 Komeoy AVgt 955 Armada 305 ~ 1020 RlDGEWAY 8laquo0 1050

No 1 Pais

800 i n Btt

610 laquo85

70fl 73 785

All t n d a r n n by laquolaquoentral standard time All tralps run daily^Sundays excepted -

W J SPICEK T 0 8 J C P U HICKHON Supwiottadfj^t 0laquoawai lltMgtr

N mdash

v mdashI




T H E OLD H o U I t S l K l D -

Welcms f ilraquoi raquont dtTe nd bUla W) ere drvaugtl ke tgtlaquosltil my early days

Y ehfflaquo laquoJ K- a HTd 1UMRK rill That flnjr unci n-ctU Mmnsnl vrgtee

Wraquoc me gt WlaquoXMU wi h irv quit bower BmfuiiheV in nuMimitB mellow $hf n

When crellt raquo6 elitidtmod gathered rt jwerB And tl jgtt oa imsy cirpttfc jirewa

Tbe same bright tunllitbt gently payraquo At ut tbe pircn and orchard ireea

Tb garden bullleepa ID mjoiitWe baz Lull d bv the murmuring of tbe beea

Tbe alofug meadows stretch away To upland tl lil and wooded hill

Tbe Kft blue bky of peaceful day Looks down upon tbe honieetead 6tlJl

I bear tbe bumrato of the wheelmdash j 81 rarlaquoe muhc of the daya gone bymdash

A I bear tbe cllvklng tl the reel Ouceuicrelteetbeapiodlefly

Ho thlaquo ii I wondered at the tbread That narrowed from tbe snowy woo

Much more to see the places wed m And wind upon the whirling spoo I

I fee the garrpt once again With rafter beam and oaken flDor

I hear the pattering of the rain As summer clouds ao drifting oer

Tbe little window toward the wet 8 il-kep la webs and buang flea

And frwn this way childhood nest Jlaquocaraquo beau-stalk reaches to tbe skies

I aee tbe ciHe gathered round Tbeoielaquoflgte-pl ce flowing bright

While t-iichtn sticks wiiacrackhug sourd 8end forth a rich ami ruddy light

Tbe raquoiudow-sill is yiUA with aleet Ttraquoe weli wepa crlaquoaklt bjfnw tue biaat

Bot wraquorraquon hearts make the contrast sweet Sheltered frni storm secure and fast

Q loved ones of tbe long ago tytipraquo6 ineoiory banna in Kulden frames

ReatUKbeueath ih bull maples il w Whraquo re few tVr rlaquoad yuur cb leSJ names

Come braquock as in tht Cbristwaa ulgbt A-prf n raquoigte Tacmit chiira ot lutftnmdash

Ah Jte ibe dream 1 all too bright And asuea lie upon ice btarih

Below the wool beatle the spring Two little ch iWren are at play

And hraquo pt tMt bird of raquouewhgt6 wine Blukb jirtbelr hearta tbe livelong day

Tbe aeonjB gtatu-r at thair feet The squirrel chatters iieafb the tree

3u)d lile raquoun Jove are raquo11 competemdash s^ They hold AlaUdlna lamp and keys

And BlBtraquor cow my children come To dud the water Juat a8 co J1

To pi iy about our jiraudcirea home To fc e our p crurea in the pool

Their Wutbter fills tbe eha y gl- n Their fouutuia gurkies oer witu Joy

That fLtr years Jull three times ten It nnda itailUlfixlrLajii boy

No other spring in all tho world la balf so clear and cool and bright

So other leaves by autumn curled R fleet for me such golden light

Of ohiidiuxxis fall h thU Is the shrine I kneel beside it now as then

And though the springs no longer mine I kiss it cooling lips again

Unchanged It greets the changeful years Ii a life is one unending drenn

No record here of grltf or tears Bur like the llirpid meadow stream

It Sreaas to bullbullgt m^thize with youth JutteBtb rlv r doea with age

And ever wLisp rsmdashaweeteat truth la wrlttei u lifes title-pige

mdashBarptts Magatlne



DUMBLES W t O O W ^ mdashMr Jonas Duaiblo^ was a young man of a dfciuedly funereal turn of mind He was accustomed both bpound constitushytion and habit to look on the dark side of things generally Marriages and all sorts of glud^omo festivities possessed no interest foe his glcwimy BOUI but funerals were his delight an J princishypal pastime Not one oocurred within a radius of twenty miles around the small manufacturing town of Fieeporc where he resided tht was not graced by the presence^ this universal mourn er As he stood beside the bier or at the grave among the mourning relashytives and friends in his long black coat and white tie with a large handkershychief Actively displayed for the ab-

^ojFp_tion of such tears as he might at that monrent bo able to command he looked like an overflowing fountain of sympathy for att the griefA and troubles of mankind In fact he had more than once been mistaken for the undertaker or at least for one of the mutes There were some evil disposed people who had been known to slaquoiy that Mr Dumble was influenced in his course of conduct by a widely difterent motive than that which was usually attributed to him for they meaningly said that he was on the look-ou for some rich widow whom he

^ could marry and thus provide for himshyself a snug corner in this-world of sorshyrow and caretor the rest of his life

Such envious and evil mindel (

sweets of all kinds and was to be seen ntHllhnuM laquof the ilay and evening until the shop closed llaquoHuiug alaquoro^8 the counter of tgtie late Mr Buffuoi a ato-H nn Mam street talking Ugt the inshyteresting iiud discon-jolate widow who DO douut owing to the comfort me asshysurance she received from Mr Dumble as to the present well-being of the late Buftiru in another world twre up very well

TdirtgH went on in this way for about a year during which period Mrs Buf-fum grew quit consoled and began to hiossom out once more into colored cap and bonnet ribbons and Mr Dumble had been obliged to eat so many sweet thing (ow ing of course to his being so constantly in the shop) as to seriously impair his digestion and his usefulness as his appearance at funerals nnd evenshying prayer meeting was but semi-ocshycasional and his outpourings of spirit piety and consolation on such occasions as he still was seen at diminished noticeably in intensity and volume

One morning Mr Dumble apparently dressed wih a little noro care than usual walked down the main street of Freeoort and pausing for a moment beshyfore the store which bore the sign bullSilas Buttitra Pastry Cook and lookshying in through the wiudow to see~if the fair widow was ensconced in her favor-it seat behind the counter -he opened the door and went in

bull(iood-moming Mrs Buffum a tine day -aid Mr Dumble as he deposited a couple of chocolate cream within hi capacious moutb bull hope you were retched by my discourse hwt evenshying mdashiOu4 ypounda_indeed Mr Pumble you

| were iudeed in-piring so p nygt rful I Such eloquence Suou a flow ot spirit 1 am Buro everybody was as uplifted as j l w s

Dear Mrs bull too good to m v way of grace You are a noble wuman maam said Mr Dumble helping himself to some marshmellow drops

bullNo indeed Mr Dumble you are too good to me murmured Mrs Butium in sweetest tones I only wish I kuew of some way of rewarding you for all your goodness to me ana to the many familes to whom you have been like an angel of consolation fh their sorrow

Oh maam my Christian sister my dear Sophia if 1 may be permitted td [thus address you pulling out hishane-kerchief and slipping in behind tho counter you overwhelm me you do indeed But you talk of rewarding my humble efforts You can reward them Be mine Sophia be mine Be Mrs Dumble Let me be the partner of your joy as I have comforted gtou in your sorrow Be mine be mine^ and Mr Dumble suiting his action to his words passed hisurm around the somewhat robust waist of the relict of the late Buftum and pogtsessed himself of her hand without meeting with the slightest resistance^

Jonas 1 am thine said Mrs B rising sudd-ehly and throwing herself With such violence into the arms of the jubUaht Dumbln as to precipitate that gerflemun who was not prepared for 6uch a weighty demonstration of affecshytion (foeMr B was by no means sylphshylike IU form)gtheadiong into the showshycase where he btrucka batch of newly made pies and emerged covered with pie crust and various sorts of jam tho contents of the pies Tnis little incident marred but for a moment the fecility of tow fmr widojgand tho pious Dumble who spent the rest of the day in the manner usual to lovers on such ooca-

n-plied nis lady love and am that lir^d I cant stir a tinger

bullPackiug said Mc Dumble what for

What for returned Mrs D wny to go away to be sure

bullbullGJ awuy eampU the astonished Joshynas wtiat for Where Why Surely you are not tired of me my own my


iove bullbullTired of you bull retorted Mrs Dumshy

ble raquo siuff notning of the sort But as my couiu Buffum has written to me to say be was coming to take possesshysion next week its about time for us to be^in to-think of getting out

Your cousin coming to take possesshysion gasped Jonas why what on earth do you mean Surely this store and everything else belongs to you I know it does I saw the will of the late lamented Mr Buflum

I cant help wha t you s a W wearishyly returned his wife go we must BuffttQU-the brute added a codicil to the will whereby everytbng he kfc to me went to his cousin in case I should marry within two years Still that doesnt matter of course dear Jonas as you said you had ample for us both I suppose we can go to your house at any time -well why dont you answer

ihe unhappy Jonas sat in bis chur f tirly gaspiug for breath His rage disappointment aud the thought of the way lie had been dually taken in aftei all his scheming fairly took away hi power of speech and thought Fioall he rose froui his chair fainy q il^ering with excitement and rage auu said iu sepulchral tones Why wa I not told of this

Oa I supposed you knew it all thlaquo time11 said Mrs D^ cirre1e s1yx~ievery one else in town did Besides as you

humble in

paid you were well oil I did not care to trouble you just then Now dear Juua lt dont be augrgt well sail be happy to gether wont we tfear mdash mdash

bullbullHappymdashtogether yelled Jonas fairly gaashing his teeth in his rage

Happy with you- Djyou suppo=

The Mystery of a Deadly Attaok Solved by aNcWepaper Parashy

graph Boann Herald

Hov are American) liked ia Engshyland

And Mr B F Larrabep nf 42ChHtpr Squre ex-diroctir of the New York amp Boston Despatch Express Coupaoy who lias recently returned from a conshysiderable residence in Loudon anshyswered If they have good recomshymendations and benave themselves they are well treated but they wili like the Eaglili people any way when acshyquaintance npeus ino confidence

How do the English compare with American-

Tae finest looking men in the world can be sten on pleasant days_ of the London season promenading Plccadtl-ly The English ladies howevar are neither so negtat ia appeararce or so graceful in form and movements as the Americans but they seem to enjoy more robust health

Are the English people longer lived ihfgtn our people

I dont know I have not fully inshyvestigated But I remember one hearshying read a newapaper paragraph cn-citled Why do Englishmen Live Long-laquoytthan American That paragraph by the way once soUed a great masshytery for me

Ah indted another tribute to the oowt-r of the press suggested the re-purtr

Yelaquo if you so please to call it In 1879 when 1 WMS residing at the Com-

-mim-weaUh hotel in this city I had oc_-casion to do some business in Washing-ion sreet When I got to tho oruer of Franklin I seemed to feel a blow n the breast and fell to the pavement like a dead man When I recivered consciousness I was tskeu-to mv hotel I tit thought pechaps some

stevedoring and drawing as afrbrdia women cmparitively large egtrapoy-raent The hours of labor HIK all other conditions care wages which are only about one-balf are the men

st mo as for

A So ld iers Sad Scory-Southern Trade Gazette

After the battle of Stone Rvar and the ConfederatP forces had fallen back toTullahoma Tenn Gen Rosecrans then in command of the union army operating in Tennessee proceeded to-f gtrtify around Murf reesboro while the confederates were engaged in strengthshyening the defenses at Tullahoma

Our army which had done but littlegt fighting after tbe battle of Stone River moved upon Tullahoma ra July 1863raquo expecting to find the Johnnies preshypared to receive them with open arms and bloody hands

It was there that I witnessed the-saddest event of the war said a veteran soldier tons while talking of the trip from Marfreesboro to TuliaVioma ana he proceeded to relate substantially the following

Tne rhirty-ninth Indiana was in adshyvance and moved cautiously upon the town anrraquoJ fouud that tbe enemy had evacuated leaving nothing but a rear gaurd to_cover their retreau The regishyment then pushed on into the hearV of the place driving ibe remaining rebshyels out and across a snial1iiver beyond at which our troops came to a halt and seeing the enemy on the opposite side of the river they wailed for oui sharpshooters to come up before venturing acioiss The Confederate could be seen ridshy

ing around the woods and neids six or seven hundred yards away and ju-gtt as tuey pas sed through a gap in

would have ever married an ugty old fat thing iike you if 1 had known that you fcadut a peuny No Ive been sold taken indeceived and most abomshyinably put upon and 1 wont stand y No maam do you hoar I wont stand it 111 leave you Im goinghow Gbod-bye youmdashyoumdash and Dumble

enemvhad struck mebut my physicians assurel me that such could not be tbe case anltJ idvised strictest quiet For six lrraquomgt weeks I was unable to lie down I was violently ill and my physicians

walk the

a fence near a farm house a man was seen to cross the road and enter-the house but soon came out again in plaiu view of our men He was too far away to be reached with any common gun and was not tired upon

lc was not long before the sharp- shoote^ cime up to-the river with their long rasge globe si^ht rifles The man could yet plainly oe seen near the house seeming to defy onr guns Ooe salaquod I woud probably never

streets of Boston again Ibull ltJW not want 1 ^ sharpshooters brought to die but who can ^ frac34 ^ 1 ^ frac34 his gun u]Ttcgtis shoulder and fired

fairly at a loss for any words to express in any adequate way his feelings seized a hat and made for the door

Stop you niDnster cried Mrs Dumble stung to madness at the unshycomplimentarye^itJiejs^^uxlejlather haad by the rabid Dumble Stop youcan ting hypocrite you mean old fraud Oh to think of any one ever being deceived by your piety you hoary old reprobate Yes you can go Im sure 1 never want to see your mean sniveling hypocritical face agi n Go and take your lyiug prayers ard mock sympathv wherever you like but don^t you dare take anything with you tha dont belong to you Youve gotMr Butfams hat on your Lead n^w I wont be deprived of any relicoraquodong-inj to that dear good man Give it back to me I say and go asfast as you like -

Mr Dumble thus addressed tore the hat from his head fluag it with all his might at Mrs D who was rapidly getshyting hysterical and rushed froai room and out of the house

As the hat fell at Mrs Dumbles feet a paper fell out which had apparently been concealed in the lining She picked __iX_^up=zampiid-Jooking utmdashit

sions and before finally leaving her in the evening Mr Dumble had prevailed upon the widow to lay entirely aside her mourningmdashfor- Rnffnmt whom he

niators of Mr Dumules well known piety were soon silenced by a few quoshytations from his last prayerful address at the Wednppday prayer meeiing or from the words of comfort he had ^ireu to thekbereaved family vt the funeral of Mr fliram Snggeraby the soap-fat boiler lately deoetraquoed Thus the evil-minded persons aforesaid if not conshyvinced were silenced aod Mr Dumble went on his funeieil way rejoicing

Though with nit doubt full of sgtmpa-thv na bullpiiiiuai congtolhticn for all Mf Du motes grief was noticed to OH always alitHe inoremdashmHrkud his gym-pathy a trifle more tearfully expressed and his cots Oaf ion slightly more tender and confidential at the funerals of those gentlemen who departed for a better world leaving a widow to mourn their

represented as no longer needing her tears and to become Mrs Dumble the following week This the widow Nat first would not hear of but finally after muh persuasion on thepartof Dumble and many inquiries on the parfTbf the widow as to Dumbles worldly position aud possessions which he averred were great she finally consented and named the happy day

In pursuance with this decision the marriage was celebrated the following week with much splendor and the re sources of the store were drawn upon to supply a titling breakfast for the happy pair and their numerous friends Some did say in spite of the general festivity that Mr Dumble in the midst of his

stttl~contrived to throw a

scream and read it The paper contained tho

tt words T hereby revoke the codicil of my will and my wife

gave a over again following last

all doctors f-ay he cannot Larmbee smiled sarcastically and exshypressed himself very freely concerning the number of common disorders which are controlled by remedies which physhysicians will not employ

But how about that paragraph - -laquoYes-vek-When I was obliged to Pit up in bed day and night for fear of suffocation and hourly expected death my nursV begged tLe privilege i f readshying th^t paragraph to me I refused himat first but he persisted It deshyscribed my condition so exactly that ftgtr the first iiroe I began to realize what had prostrated me I was tiHed with a strange hope I at onco dismissed my physicians and immediately began Warners safe cure In a few months I was restored to perfect health notwithshystanding mine was one of the worst posshysible cases of Brights disease of the kidneys which all my phyMCs-ns- and I had the best specialists in Boston-9aid was incurable I tell you whej R man gets into the desperate condition 1 was in he doesnt forget whit rescuer him

Rut were the effects permanent That was five years ago said Mr

Larrabee and for thirty years 1 have not been BO well as during the past fivo vpaf sT^fftrhad -know-n-what-I-do-now-I would have cheeked the matter long ago for it was in my system for years

aTpfiness funereal gloom over the proceedings which made the marriage assume the air of a wake and the wadding feast (which was cold) taste like fuuend uakert raeatV but this no doubt was caused by jealousy at Mr Dumbles luck on the part of tbe persons who made these ill-natured remarks

Another week passed by and Mr and Mis Dumble returned from tiitir wedding tour and settled down iu rooms over the shop Mr Dumble having |- c ^ raquo deg bdquo h ^ f now gotien the wife of the late Bnffum endeavored in a way to put himself iuto his skin by learning the pastry cook business but his efforts were not crownshyed with success to any marked degree in fact he wasted in his experiments iu pies and cakes during iiilaquo first week

Sophia can marry whom she chooses for if anyone be silly enough to take her he needs some reward for his trouble Signed Silas Bufluna

Mrs Dumble at once went out and told the story to the whole village Mr Dumble called the next day and many days after but was not admitted He exhausted his powers of persuasion and excuses in vain He said he was drunk that evening for which admission he lost his position as deacon in his church and the respect of the community as well all to no purpose Mrs Dumble instituted a suit for divorce on the grounds of desertion and won it and Dumble was a ruined man and left the town When last heard from he was driving a hearse Mrs Dumle resumshyed the name of Buffum married her comit yenraquobullraquo Vpwps thq shop in main street and is growing fatter every day For a long time after Mr Dumbles discomfiture sympathy and consolation were of a heavy discount in Freeport and men who prated much at meetings a id went tofunerals were regard-d with suspicion It was said that Mr Dumbln drove the hearse at his former wifes funeral which occurred a few years later

reveallogitsalf in my blood by frequent attacks of chills jaundice vertigo_ typhoid fever nervousness wakeful nights etc etc I took over forty botshytles before I was got up and over one huqdred and fifty before I was well I have commflnded that treatment in thousands of cases of general debility kidney and liver disorder etc aiid have never heard ill concerning it I bank b a i t

Speaking of paragraphs how do English paperscompare with American in tbU particular

Well they have fewer witty parashygraphs but the smaller papers like the Pall Mall Gazette St Jatpes Gazette and Truth abound in sharp incbive para-^raptwmdashAvithout wit In general American papers make the newslt the London papers m most of opinion -

The man fell to the ground and in a-few minutes time a woman and sevshyeral little children were seen about the fallen man

bull The enemy had now disappeared our troops crossed the river and moved on down the road feeling their way When they came up to the spot where the soldier had been killed there lay deaths embracemdashnot a Confederate solshydier but an innocent little 12-year old boy Hnd his poor heartbroken mother and little brothers and sisters weeping over him and prayiug that God might bring him baclt to tbem again

The boy was engaged in putting up the fence near his home that the army had thrown down to pass through in their retreat and was mistaken by our men for a confederate sokiier

U was truly a sorrowful ivjnt but ^the-tioldier who killed the little fellow would bfc^ laid down his own life as a saciaficeif it would havd brought the boy back to life tiguin to comfort his -mother who had already been robbed of husoand and an older son by the cruel war

The regiment passed on in pursuit of the flying enemy and left the poor womampa weeping and wailing o^erJthe death of her dear boy ^

Several day s after ward when the soldieisof the Thirty-ninth regiment returned to Tullahoma and passed bv the house wherj the sad affkirjoaurrea and saw the little mound in the front yard near the road a feeling of sadness crept over the hardened veterans and they could not keep back the tears that chased each other down their bronzed cheeks -

Though twenty summers have come and gone since the dsath of the boy that lit tie mound near the door of his home is still green -in the memory of those who saw him shot

most of ake the

loss and who were known to have had [ of his apprenticeship as much njnte-agood balance at -the- bankers Mr Dumble was thought to have quite surshypassed himself in tender and prayerful s61ioitude at the funeral of the late lamented Silas Buffum Wte well-known pastry cook ho left behind him a young and rather pretty widow to mourn his loss a thriving busiuew and report said a large sum in interest-bear ng securities Better than all there were no children and everything wasVleft ont and out to the widow

Soon after this Mr Damble developshyed a remarkable taste and fondness for

rial as Mrtgt D said would have f ffiuc ed to keep the shop going for a month Consequently his better half advised Jonas to leave cooking alone and to confine his attention to the shop where his eminently sympathetic manner much clewed the lady patrons of the establishment bdquo_

One evening Mrs- Dumble oaaue in and sinking into an armchair remarkshyed to her lord that she was very tired

Why my dear said the laquo7er-at-tentire Jonas s bdquo

1 have been packing up all day

runde consideration the proposition of a local pbytduian to instishytute gratuitously an examination into eauses of deftctive sight among the pupils of the public schools of that city with a view to remedy log existing difficulties if pos3iblev

Two Chmftrrren in Sacramento had a foot race of 100 yards a few days ag-gt Tho beaten man subsequently remarkshyed that if he had carried a chicken jn his hand-he- thought be could bavraquo done better

John Sherman is nominated by a Cleveland paper as Republican candishydate for 1888 The paper that^would spring another campaign on tb coun-try so soon ought to be suspended by law

A Chinese doctor at Victoria B C is reported to have made some remarkshyable cures in oases where white phyi-oians had given them up as incurable-

W o m e n and Doga Together Consul Mason of Dresden write An

important factor in the labor of Gershymany is not inquired of 3n the circushylar It is the labor of dogs 1 have heard it estimated that women and dogs harnessed together dlaquogt more hauling than all the railroads and all other mode of conveyances of goods united Hundreds of small wagons can be sraquo en every day on the roads leading toand from Dresden each having a dog forshyth near horse harnesied while the ff horse is a woman with her left hand passed through a loop in a rope which is attached to Ibe axle binding umdash


Happiness-Young gentlemen said the proshy

fessor of Mental Philosophy inmdashUniver sitytohis class one day at the next recitation I wish ea^h one to hand in a

attached shoulders Thus

her rnessed women and

dogs tindge alongiograquother pulling mishyraculous loads in all sorts of weather These heavy loads pulled from tbe right shoulder of the woman together with tne heavy loads -which they carry on their backs in large paniers result in particular deformitiesr giving them often at the age of twenty-five the apshypearance of fiftv In a statement chowing the employment of women in Hessee-Darmsdadt the conml at May-ence enumerates mines furnaces salt pits quarries charcoal tar and pitoh-makiug bricklaying carpentering roofing gtatng printing on stone metals etc type founding powering

definition of true happiness suggested by his personal experience

Among the definitions handed in by these thoughtful oun^~meh7were the following

True napping Is the enpympnt of life with the consciousness that no one is ii jured by it

True happiness is the possession of a soujd body in which is a sound mind using it powers for the good of maijkii id

Hippiaess is a state of mind in which there is perfect harmony between ones self and otfiers^

bullTrue bapDiness does note i i t in this world Relatvj happiuess is the result of having done right0

Happiness to one man is misery to another The happiest moment I ever experienced was when I gave my last dollar to a man poorer than myshyself I would define it then as a feelshying of Belf-appruvil at having done right

Happiness is the jey we feel without any effort made to obtain it

The truest happiness springs from conscious rectitude It is the consciousshyness of perfect peace with God

[ It would be hard to find a better definition than the last one

The dowager queen of Bannsitkeeps 150 pounds of pure gold aatt a basket-fall of rubies


mdash- ^-mdash

y S

N S V V-

y ^ ylt ~ - s- -^ -1mdashr

^-^-5 bull rjz L


bull bull ^SP(^- i(laquowraquo t j At


f s -- 1


ft fi


lt V




rora the SUB

Kellogg expect^ fp occupy his new fltore before the holidays

The Bank Dru Store has anion its ^attractions a couple of alligators

Lawrence Fox has lately returned

from British America

C A Skjdraore has a cnppletf hand

hot water caused it

Ed Cqinrie bag started the foundashytion for a house souti) of the Presbyshyterian sheds

Albert Yocum and wile now opcupy fheir new house i and Wra Taylor our pew harness maker occupies Joe Powshyells hpuse

cent) S Clark and Fred Miller a ie go-injf to open a general store in the old Sentinel building now theproperty of S P Reynolds

The new brick block has the cornice upon it and Kellojsrg has got the hard finish on the walls The bull(Hazier k

DePuy store will have the same style pt cornice as the other and be au imshyprovement to the appearance of the town

He came to Ann Arbor in 1853 Tho funeral was held Monday

Mr Harriet uu th r i e of the Ihiri ward died Tuesday a t the adviw gt age ot 65 years 11 months and 5 days

The burglar is abroad in this p One entered Frank Howard s hoii e or Cathanne-sf and abstracted a giio wateh and $25

Died Sunday afternoon Migts Helera Haupt aged 21 years ot typhoid fever at her lathers residence on Miller-uve

D E X T E R from the Leader

The wooden wedding of Mr and-M r s J U E Pevine of Webster on Tuesday brought 30 couples of old people in the afternoon and 50 coup-

les young people in the evening It was a pleasant and enjoyable affair

A new time table went irtto effect on Sunday last making- a difference of 28 minutes later in the morning mail west and the Jackson aceommb-(Tatirop east 801 ^

A grand masquerade hop will corneltrade1111 bullraquo -V01U off at the Rink Fr iday evening Deshycember 5th The ^manager will enshydeavor tc make it the most enjoyable hop ever held irf rrexter

J J Allen who accidently shot himself several weeks ago has so far recovered as to be able to accompany Jus sister to Elkhart Ind

S O U T H L Y O N From he Excelsior

Ed (Joodspead went to Por t Huron this morning where lie ha-|becr promshyised a position onthe M A L hy

The c o n d u c t i o n department of the Li T Ky has closed its work here and yesterday gtold the i r odice furniture at-pub lie auction

Mr Higham has h i se iga r factory in full blagtt in the Hurch building on Lake street ami is making some good bulllines too as dimples indicate

For the pasMive months Fred Clemshyents of (ireen Oak has heou the vicshytim of rheumatism of the luart_ and dur ing the time has been a great sufshyferer Three weeks ago he was str ec-mr w i t h paralyses and since t ha r t i i ue has been unable to move ooe side of his body or to speak a word His death occurred Sunday morning at a m He was well to do living on the homestead of his father Ferris Clement and about 30 years of age He leaves np family extent a y^ung wife fornnily Miraquos Fergusonot Brighshyton township Hs death seems all

1 the more sad tnun the fart that less ago his mother died

Not long after his only brother William living on the base line felt a victim to diphtheria About one year ago his father Ferris Clements followed The death of Fred leaves only iwo of the f a m i l y living Mis J Richardson of this nhue and Mrs Prof Yrooman of Ypsiianti

el tied Fact NO DOUBT ABOUT IT

That you can save nearly one-half by trad-ing a t - mdash



Best Prints made - - 5cts yard Best Ginghams made - 7 Fruit of the Loom Blehd Cotton 8frac34 Good Cotton Batts - - 7

Jus t received a fine line of



Wo rarrv the bent partes of BPOKTING POW-])KH autt all kinds ol Ammunition ind bullpoflR^K goods kjeutrally




Ail kinds of repair ing neatly and promptly done


B A KT( )N amp C A M P B E L L

West Main S i r e d HfiHknejr Michigan

Good yard-wide Factory -The Best Factory Turkey Red Table Linen Good all-linen Crash -

- 5

- 3 5 6

lb yard

DW Miller Carnage Go 46



^[Large Size Crochet Bed Spreads 75 each All-Wool Black Cashmeres 40in wide 45cyd

Good Worsted Dress Goods 12 l-2c yd Cheney Bros Colored American Silks sold elsewhere at sect125 and $150 our price $1-

54in Gilberts Plaid Flannels $1 yd ^ilks Velvets I-lannels IIostiry md I nderwear at luwer prices than any othshyer liinise m Mirhiyan tmiluMi^t- gttue|lt Ladies and Misses Xcwiimrktitf |n -sum i li clo rii)ikgt and Ihwlo-ks Ilie tin tlt larkMin is very little CIMI-pared to sdiat ou will gtie if ydu liave any trailing to do tgt iavgt i i larye-t gttoik oi lgtry Hooiis in Central Miihiian X liny andsel erlusjvt y fi)rtigth - Our liiigv-ilMi HH^mdashttiaolemdashvgt lo ^ Ulii -f^w^t pr jets i NM luive lgtui bullout price Iii ail muikel in pliiin fiji(ies

Manufaetur a largt vmrirtjuf


AJtlaquor thlaquo most approrM lteuroigvraquo raquotttrtvlaquoTllaquoi price consiitlaquont with good workmtaul^

A N N A R B O R From the Register

A girl named Flynn from the northshyern part of Michigan died at the hogt-

pTfal Wednesday while bein^ pre|gtarcd for an operation for ovarian tumor

John Donnelly aped Gl years of Ann iJlgtortown died Monday of kid- nay romplaint He came to Ann Arshybor Hfteen years ago from the County Armagh Ireland where he was bom The funeral was held at St- Thomas church Wednesday morninp

Miss Neilii


Patr ick Hoy of Webster township gtvent to be operated upon at the Uni-yersity hospital Tuesday for cancer of the throat b u t t h e disease had proceed-1 dOth a t j h e age of J4 years

HIUfiHTON From the Citizen

Mr A n r y Front and (orburn were niarrie vvening Nov 10th-

Fred Clement- of (ireen Oak wh has been sick for several month- die Sunday

A M Sweet is building an additioi to bis egtt Side house

Work is progressing rapidly Will Stnhrbevgs store and it will hi epmplefced at unce instead of next pring as at first announeed

Charles N[eCarthiv for forty year a resdent of Deertield died on tin


173 Main Street TUOMEY BROS

Jackson Mich

worJ LiT--i i^ ^o--occd flic co vrLdcly

w a t u i d c j pcigtulir ari tl_o l-i-ctruraenaancltlo isalzcro

1ivo lottcra in cccli cf tho ivw

o( ont miinuflaquocturlaquo raquobullbullanw in BH In l^laquo-raquoraquo4 foreign countries raquoud raquottlaquodt (h laquosclaquol)laquonGlaquo raquof oar gondi bgt thlaquo aolrersal bullbulltUtectlnovblek thlaquo7 ffive-Erery TehlfU bull WAiBANTO l | l l M raquottlaquoBtlolaquo wil be f llaquoraquo to mi l trier


P W Miller Carriage Co X Fifth St CilTlaquort St raquoBd EfflMto IT


- - A



tod Cc^ilccraQ piailoU iroa io i_ll

poundd too far to be arrested and Mr Hoy 4ied the same night

A very happy occasion was the marshyriage Wednesday evening at the resishydence of the brides parents John Lin-flenschmidt and Miss Carrie Binder both of this city The ceremony was felicitously performed by the Rev H Belser only int imate friends and rela-

Shortly after noon Sunday t|iu fire bells called our citizens upqn the streets mid it was soon learned that Win paver s house was on tire in a



V bullbull bull i in le_-i-lt Mi i i - i bull 1 - i l i f - [ M i r M - t i - l l () l_ t i 1 raquo (1 Jigty s ( l k Vti - HHgt-

bull gtlt-bullbull bull lt nigtl Ibull ri invliii-raquo( H t i e O J H i l n i i n i i raquo i t i i [ j i H C I I S


is il-ii neulf n i i ieiivit-iTVrlti ryJ fuv a r o m a t i c


firaquo tr^-t ranli HB n s o l U ^irlaquoiiltgt flmokiaj tigthac-

h(ilUUtlgtraquoS FAJiOlS S M F F S hivo 1UHII uraquo 1 fuiuugtf bullbullgt year raquoraquod are eolctj2( ii lar^i i r than any OUKWH


l i O IK lt 1-

fives of the contracting parties being distance was so great that the tire wa


A fatal runaway occurred in Jorth-field near Mclntyres Corners tyloncjay A team of horses became frightened iind ran t ipping ttre~wagon over oirH0^5 worth Thgt^ tire caught froiu-

Frank Preston and a younger brother Prestons neck was broken and he died almost instantlv The boy was unhur t but was slt confined beneath the wagon that it took him an hoar to extricate hinigteli

Dr Maclean of the University asshysisted by Dr Sullivan of this city and Dr Taylor of Manchester recently ve movtd an ovarian tumor weighing 100 pounds from the person of Mrs Sarah Wells of Manchester town [fhe lady is in s fair way to recover entirely

Milo Pulcipher the popular Westshyern Union opera te^ has bee(n reinstate cA in his position in this city the manshyagers hav ing become assured that they Were misinformed a^ to his manage i n e n t o f t h e office^ igt pengler ko whom the position had been given reshyceives an equally good one in Detroit Mr Mulcipher commenced work Wednesday

Aldrich M Bod^ttTo the third ward diedajWrtSnome in this city

of^typhoid pneumorita He ^as born in Franklin county Xew

We will sell L U I ^ T at tlie l-wii X X X ISinch Sliinle- per tlioiisainj

4 Clear Butt- i s inch Hi ndlt s |gt r t mi verv tew minutes enough o l i e neiir-f r - ^- bull

bull r U l l l | gt h l l i r e - rS i j i e h pe i - i l l i - i

N o ] )A1 ] V T i e 1- l id ie 1

No La til pr to bull iij - in I M gt Bill S(ul[ inf-JIMrn-j- l^t -No per iilt

I Hoof iiiiis ]r te-HmdashK+4- f^ei | Hani I jii gtn i gt) (ii- IIMII- i ml f i et

bdquo _ i Shippiiiy Culls |raquo r j|i+lM-)iMt leet ~ put out before the hivuun arnved A 4 vnV inu p - r j ^ - i s njd f-t portion of+he roof was burned^nd the Finishing Luiiiijt-v p-T ti^n-arl fe-t inside of the house damaged some I Sidiny per tbnisiml tet probably i n all twenty-live or thirty bull P O S l T l V K I V N O C K K D I T

bullV L II(4yenT Mana^^ymdash Pinikii^y+iMlcli

bors were on hiuul with p|i|s to put out the flames vvhieb had been disshycovered before get t ing miieh headway

The fire engine was starred but the

priee- for til iisXl igt0 da vs bdquo 8390

V T ^ plusmn20

1-2() oKO

400 1400

S50 to U00 bull lvoutniTuu

lJ 0U OCX) to HOO 20 00 to 50 00

1400 to 2000


Scour Xta l tky |MtioatotkaZiTlaquolaquo

iona trouUaa

C OTV^VLW - euro D S B S L S S Indlsrairi of the

Impolran Orfsske WgtthilaquoM UvirmtW terHmdash grlentifa

a defective chimney

Through the kindness of-Ir Jamegt (^ollett the builder we have seen the plagtns for the addition to l]te (ahol c h u r t h TtieT(rigt to be an addition the rear of forty feet with b^S-m-i for furnaces and a tower whiuh is M be 108 feet in height in front Ti tpwex_vill rest one-lialf upon ill- pi eit s t ructure and one-half upon foundation to be added in 1YltM Tjiere are-to be two side eutrue -rhv plans are very elaborate m d -sjgn and when completed linjjhoi will have a church second to none outshyside of the cities The main body W the building will be 96 feet in Ung by 85 feet in width and lt-ougtttng in the abutments tor tb^^rCver the exshytreme leng thw^KT)e 102 feet The fbundatieifwill lie laid and the floor

a but down this fall and the bal-anee of the work done in the spring I n w o o d a J | ( u i | ] S ( m l l 1 n j | c t o do-tuniiH^ Xi ini and general maoh The contract callfor its completion- repnifino We are also ag ntsHor V s J bus ^sbcstgts Miiti-rihls huu by J u n e 1st ^ - Pack ing MilJXiiajjiUJLeluT 1 1 4 4 ^ U i w u b ingtide iind outside Li

H2B5SHS Paints jbirn lioof and Fire-proot Paints

fwneiHi Draquofomraquoltllaquo TrttttA ltkl or Writ IbTlktS 4Uiiraquont raquorgt he innrerMl by thaw dcrirtng tiwmeni bj M pound |^rrltw M | M H N B I n h w i l w N m IMr I M W V4Mr laquoMlaquohlalaquorltfebgt4TMtaaft HUltwm3

accBMuoDrButUDteMnaw btaMkki4 N i w h

bullAM Uli AlMM ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S S

mmi EDAD PLOW mn amp s n m s i M ^ Will do more and better grading and ditching witliAq Jt giVM pme tkampn an other implement

HAS I M P O f t T C O F R O M r H A M O S

which tnclmAii lt ^g^

PINCKNEY PLANING MILL W v are iowprepurod to do

Planing Resawingal kinds of plain an J fane Bracket-Sawing Carving and Turning

r CENT CF A l l H0RIEI frac34 KAtff iiToSLTampi fiampWr KVpound I M P O R T E D TO A M M H O A

1 5 0 Iipened Brood l i r a



Mengiuitfma iy ^5^traquoi_ai(t i Lfionie-^mdash femaljeclerksl bu t here la a j H i n g to

^ k and wis over $ j yea r s^o f ^ e p r e y e o t wonieu becominWmi i civyk JJeftj Qraud I f u ^ k P e p ^

1 OO C O I T

fere ^r Artar rXrcssas mrmv^temmtmmdashW^^amp$^^ bull _ _ w f c raquoraquo bull bull ^ bull bullraquobull bull bull trfiM KiStfeniM bull A

4MseiwN V MICH 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 4 frac34 ttf klaquo






- lt bull

s- N - 8 ^ y



immmmxw i mdashmii~l lt W M M M t M M M ^ -MitMt imdashW


bull[ft- i

bull ^ gt


Gsttia Erea MUa UppertenmdashI did not meet

you at any of the Hummer rotwrta this

Miss LowertehmdashNo T remained in the city

Mias UpperteamdashHaw horriblef but then I suppose times are rather hard now for some people 1 went everywhere and had a lovely time only there were but very few you-g meu to be seen By the way you re member Mr Nicefeilow we both so

^yiuuch admired He said thi spring J he was unable to leave the city exshy

cept for a day or so but I heard while I was away that he hud fallen heir to $5000000 and was surprised that I did not meet him at auy of the watering places It cannot be that he remained in the dull city after getting all that wealth

Miss LowertenmdashYes he said he did not care to go away this summer

- as we expect to be in Europe all next season

Miss UppertenmdashYou Miss Lowerten-- Yes OJJ our wedshy

ding tour you know mdashPhil Call



that way

A Rejected Opera Although welio-ld the faith

-genius will eventually make its there can be little doubt that many-Instances Hiave occurred in which either a lucky chance or a sympashythetic helping hand has very material Jy hastened this result Of the first of these aids to popular recognition the following paragraph furnishes an instance

About thirty years ago a poor litshytle musical composer very modest and almost unknown tried to seil-the

fgtartition of 11 opera which had just ately been produced in Paris to some

publisher tu t nobody sauted it Ftrhaps one of the music dealers would have accepted the partition bad it not been for the illustrious Berloiz who advised him not to touch it at the price demandedmdashthat is to _ _ _ _ _ j _ bdquo__ ^ _ ^ _ ^ When the

publisher had declined the music the young composer carried his matiu-pcript to another house but was reshyfused simply because the first had done so Strolling along the bouleshyvard the disappointed artist met a voung gentleniuu named Cnuudens a clerk in the department of state To him he related his troubles whereupshyon Choudens saidMa foi but it is Jucky we met I am goraquoig to marry in a few days the daughter of a man who engravVs music and when we are married we shall start a wareshyhouse I cannotattord to givc-rou 3000 francs for yojir -woll^ but J wii 1 give yoy 1gtW tor it it you win tlaquoust lire for tlie gtear J He comshyposer accepted these terms and the work was printed The name uj tiic opera ia lau^t iriid Uut id Tlie composer Charles lilaquogtttuKl iiii if true may indeetl lraquo lenino tot bullbulllucky chance wlUii raquotoiic tgti ahu ened the prgt sjnets oi on- uno viuuv-Jy unknown sought omy toe wurlds attention to achieve a lame which has gained in strength to thi present day But it must not be 1 rrotum that there wa UIMJ a iulping hand und that thw came not fi-um Fiance but from England in tne columns of the Athenaeum Mr II F Uiohey then musical critic oi the journal nlaquogti pjilv drew |wdgtl c ulu ntiii ilt-laquo iltv t eepttonai piWei raquoi raquoi tiuuuii braquo from ids own KhoWuu^e spohc t|i | such glowing tonus oi his Faust bulltiiat a widoiy sprt-aii desire to uar -tlie work was arraquou-ed anlaquoi it wa- mainly through his wi tui^ iuux re opera was prtAiuced in tins claquoraquoUbti bull-(j^ouclon Musicui Times

BUT HARDWIRE I am selling everything in my line CHEAPER than any one else can afford to







IMPORTANT When yon vi|t (irli HviNiv York City HVraquo

Huelt_rmie bullKxprpKHiiirt iud irrii_rlaquo- lliivbullbullbull riiiil Mop at thltltiriiid 1nlnn lotraquoi opposi te (iiyrui O n -tral Depot

Hlegnnt rooms fitted tip ut a crt^t o onltgt n i l Jtraquon dullard reduced to $1 itml upwiids gtrr duy KiiropeHii ()iin Klevutor Kistiuini( nnppiiod M Ith theJiti^l l o rne c i r s cti -r- mi l Heviitrd railt otid to iill ltlaquoptgtts i ainiii-lt cim live lnttt-i for W P mraquo|c gtf tin- tOntul 1 l bull l lt) 1 v Hotel tliiilmdash nr o the r tirst iljies hotol in tliltiitv


Nexvous poundxJiausYioBt P r e m a t u r e Decay

LOBS of Manhood An olaquopa laquo lt Inth-iio ntt Iwok of Advice to

Younjor Aliddle-n^d Monwtii prescriptious f r If-trM-tmcnr i v a Hpiillaquor rljyxloiiiti 9 | U ^ r t D P P on receipt of t T) thitraquoe-olaquont

r n ^ amp unmpii Addrraquotlaquo

Michigan Buggy Co KALAMAZOO Mich

BEFORE BUYING fg s1fo r s e


And so you have beu to Euro^ Pid you go to-HwiiKH^^


=THI3 MAN mdash TVatif btdontaoU Lis Ctevy LVafi ilorse-killinj i DtiM ard buj an LiAtY RUNNING

DSERIMG TWINS B I N C E | fttonclaquo frpry honie on the farm will Boon be de

WILUA4 DEEAING amp CO Chicago 111 B i H i J E R a R E A P E R S AND MOWEB8


pound ANDREWS Howgt]l Mich

you see the jrlaciersf Mrs Shoddy Gh yes we ww thcr glaxierts aini mechanic of all kind but then you know 1 dont take any eitock in uch vulgar persons

The papers announce that a Chishycago hotel waiter was bull accidentally shlt^in the pantry Why will the papers insist on isitig these medical ternu We didnt now jiiKt how much to sympathize with the poor fellow It w to be lojraquoed the pantry ii n vlt- ppotmdashBiisimirk TrMnau-

An ealaquotTn family receive a tele- gram from the wat nunouueing the uudden dcmjue of a relative and they replied Send on the remains at once No telegram waa received in answer hut it in n few day a letter came wying dimply Thereaint no remains He war kicked bv^a-muleraquomdashN V Dial ^ ^ ^ ^

A l-VmraquotMijJamptifivr writes H vou i conrftnTiid a face wash t b a f i s

rrmkraquo Water if yon deirt uraquoe enough to drown yourself

Ao Irishman writes home to Ite-land bullCome over at wunst shur tis a great countrymdashThe working- tnen ride in palace cars Ben Bmraquoj

Ifteinfietafwrt of all kisd of Open and laquobull4 EOAD CARTS Alaquof-nt wnntcr

Miiljwfctf WriU for craquotMo$ua raquoud ptco LU HKI WO A SPKULTY


is wan iv us

Wa ala aaaatecttira raquo tnl lino of CUTTERS Imelodlag Hwarl Blaquody Portland f Sqaara Ei lwlaquo aaat FaHtaad and Vovcj ampciUs

|amlt kgtt evtaNiad pricei befora purchaaiac





LE SELF-CUBE notadand airi sstul spfclullstJiu-thcU4raquo i

retired gtrigtrr sgtrigtltnyerrraquovIi-MHtyen IMnnhod i nhn bulllaquobull flaquoi igt^rlaquolaquo8en

JBpUlnscaiuf ^nviTrncrt + DnijurlMmjiuiJUt KUttmtHtL WARD A CO UVJIMM mgt

GENTLEMEN We invite your attention to our line of


TimberedXand for Salor Exehaue I have eight- acres of timber land in the town-

ship uf ^ tita uak Inffhayticn which 1 will sell -fur each ur trade fur clliur lamia oi property In southern Livingston roanty Address

NORMAN BURGESS iincknev Mich


$175 S200 $225 $250 a

We shall continue to offer the same great pound Inducements to purchasers as before

_ and guarantee satisfaction to ourPATEONS injdl

mdashcasesmdash T


Dr BarterViron Tcsi t h M V k laquo S f Aaateampfi1 B W deg deg - dilate S S ^ f l and VXOOB gf TOV1K 1 11 i ltraquot

tanaclallv l)yraquonpraquouWlaquoiuo|-A|jviiiriiiiraquolaquoraquol bull i 8 l p pth en lis IM is u uk d Ith Imiuellme ahd noudfi-n r njilaquo i bdquo t S iuscllaquoraquolaquoiilaquol i n r v e n m l raquo laquo ilaquo-v i bdquo m t nhv tus

l A B l B T A gtHVlaquorlliK 11--11 II -rti pl-tlllft J ^ W J M W TXctHar lotiicli M m in ttira It jrlrea illaquoltnr nnrl I IMHI -V laquo ibullbullbull v bullbull bull Tiraquoe atrraquoiiglaquor trsiimAiu ugt thV i i r I K I AHTICK^lRWTOVir traquomt frlaquolaquonu-iit iiin-i) tts laquot CoqntlaquorfHiiflilaquovlt eigti|v uddi d i tl lt i bull i ar-I t y o t t h laquo o l R l n l J r 5-n n en n l v i l o t n IM I Iraquo do not ox^er l i i ier temdashfer t i le O K K X N A I VMHtvi

i i


poundbull rlaquogtUr raquoddrmdash ta-Tfa n r BlaquoTtlaquof U4 ( c V bull | L T A gt - I K laquolaquogt gtor our DBXAM i O C K B ^Jptt t lof laquofrrnnffiraquo raquon1 iw-fn in laquoqiraquolon frw W

Oav HAimna IKON TONO IS POM 8ALC B Y A U QHtMntara ANO QAiaolaquo CvtarwHUts

x - bull - N



^ ttktfatt 4k ^iamp 3F55 raquo3W raquobull i jJi i i

^ wKraquo

bullbullbull -C amp amp 312 raquo lt-ampreg$m



Entered at tb Potofflti u 2d elaslaquo mutter



M ^


AMONG the Geauga county records at ChardonO is a musty old book conshytaining the license permitting Brigbam Young and Mary Ann Angel-^bia first wifemdashto enter into lawful wedlock The document is dated February 10 1834

STUDENTS at Harvard would like a little more liberty in the matter of atshytending chapel exercises to secure which they have drawn up a petition asking that attendance at chapel be mode voluntary for students over 21 years old and opportonal with parents or guardians of students under 21 years old mdash m

THE shop hours bit soon to be introshyduced into the British house of comshymons by Sir John Lubbock will proshyhibit the employment of any young pershyson iii a shop for any longer period than 12 hours in one dav and the penalty for the violation of this act by employshyers is a fine not exceeding pound5 for every person so employed The act will apshyply to England Scotland and Ireland

BISMAKOK has devised a new projpct by which he hopes to improve the conshydition of the workingnien and lessen the influence of socialists amonz them He propose^the_ establishment of trade committees in manufacturing centers whose duty it shall be to report upon the state of various industries with a view to regulating the supply accordshying to the demand and ascertaining where laber can be best employed


A WASHINGTON dispatch says There are indications of i ho probable presence of two lobbies here this winter the whisky lobby t ad tho railroad lobby The whisky men will make another efshyfort to secure an extension of thlaquo bondshyed period or some similar relief They will be aided by some of the banks which have advanced large amounts of money on warehouse certificates The railroad men will endeavor to pashyrent the government from making harsh terms with their roads

MRS CLAY of Kentucky a delegate r Americaa^Woman Suffrage As-

sooiaton convention in Chicago jimde the sweeping assertion in her address before the convention that the women of her states were as much slaves now as the Negroes were before the war She aaid it was not simply because they were refused ihe Iballotbut that in many other ways the women of the middle and lower classes were treated no better than slaves And this in America in the nineteenth century

A NUMBER ofNew Yorkers are plan-oing the erection in Central park of ar huge building of ice on the plan of the Montreal ice palace If the park comshymissioners assent to ihe use of the grounds arrangements will be made with several ice companies to furnish blocks for the building t is proposed to light the structure with electricity to provide it with restate rants and bars and in fact make a road house of it for winter gaities The patshyronage of sleighers and skaters is reckshyoned as an important nightly source of profit

THT adoption of thaj-ogjter-as-the-~emblem oTpolitical success is due to a

Hooster editor In 184 2 after the Harshyrison campaign there was great doubt as to how Indiana had cast her vote The situation was similar to that in New York in every respect An editor named Chnprnan bondactedthe Demoshycratic newspaper at fndianapolisy and as often the case in boasting over a victory his editorial rej icing over the result was termed orowing In a day or two when some of the back couuties were hoard from it seemed his erowiog had been prennt re and the whigorglaquon-cme out givingiste returns showing Ddoiocratio defeat and in the headline was the expression Crow Chapman crow This wasvintended as a taunt and must ha we been felt for few more counties yet to hear from again turned the tables and show-Ad that the Democrats had won It was then that the rival editor hoisted at the head of his columns a marnifi-eent rooster and printed underneath it the words We Crow The idea caught on at onca and the fame of the wood-ooi rooster was assured

TILE CROUCH TK1AL Another Attempt made To Solve the

Great Mystery m

T h e Frot-f edinse

Thpjiry soent M gtu i^y the 17 h vlritlnj the Criucu ami Holeoiub tiom^Ua looktu careiully uvtr Uiu scenes of Uio Krraquot trigeiy The trial wa reeutin-dln tbe afteruooD SLI four itue$ea wlt re examined

0a the 12a day of the trial of Diulel 3 Holcoinh E mtr tLitchtfavtiaiJeUile I account ol Lis discovery of footprints at ihefarm-Duusi tbr mornlnu after the murder

Mrs Danforth Waits told the court of the blood spot seen on dotal UK ID Pollejsroom rUy Clements testified to a conversation wltt Holcomb in which the litter had made inquiries ooncernlDg stock btloLxlnx to Henry Wnlte Dr McL-tughUn who was present at the txanilnatlou of the bodies the morning after the murder testified to thu ap pearaoce of the bodies at that time and gavr his theory of the murder as Riven by htm at the examination Other witnesses were tximined bat nothing new was brought out

The Irst witness sworn on the 18th day of the trial of DauM A Holcomb was Davit Hutchlns Mr Hutctii|s said he saw tracks li a iicg from Wilsons rowing on the railroad toward The eatt dour of the Crouch house alampo the tracks made by new rubbers ntraquor tbe siuthwist wlndWvand oae_oa the east side ot the hiuee Aftlaquorwarus he wmt Jiome and from there in ihn Widow Holcombs Held he raquow traika wLiei lie stiould say wen Judd Urouchr QittiaiiUcuSfiouensuedaRlothead uiisi-lfctliti of tesiliu JUgt iu regard to tracks avd witn 66 was excuse degJ t sc Hard was iitxr HWurn ami Tmtrieil ttat he walt oreseut at traquo-CuroueiiJii qnjstarid heard Daniel S liolcuiub dtiiy uudtr exihmutou jhat he bad ever rraquooutht ur owueda drtytI jntcaliber revolvlaquo r Witness said that Holcouio nad U)ld that he waaat lUQieon the ^xut of the murder that he WHS ttruu-ed by his wife whocalled atteutlon to a plaumiintt door and that he went to the dtxT and fantraquo m d i

Tela was o 4 eted t on the ground that testimory uf Lhlaquo coroner as in wrilntr and couid be producwi as evideuce Afttr some tnJk Mr Gibson offend to produce tt and H d he would tupplement thu wrtttt-n telaquoMiaouy bgt q ietiiluuiugti the cvr-m-r and other witiiesset

Coroner P t^ey aa railed and give parshyticulars of iheii qgtie-t held by him upon tije bolt1y of Jacob Croucti Mr Casey said Hiiots weie brought bt-ftgtef him on the ii qjlaquo stand admltv-d by Mr H ricomb to be bis sajlog Judd had bought Luem for him a day or two b fore the mardirlf witness remembers ari^Dt the day betore Mr H^tcomb was ask^d If he ever owned a 3J-catib^r rampTolyer and anshyswer d Lhat he iiev^-ow-aed- oue never priced one and u^vfr held each aooe in hh hand Holcumb said he had gone to visit his brother in Oveaiaw county icd that Jacob D Crouch owtdhim for Judus bord rnat Foy was a drinking man that J add and Foy had been to Jacksoni November a gt the day of the murd r and rcturLed argtout dark and the only revol vers about the house were two old ones which he did not know were any good He thought that Holcomb said the pistol found beside F bullyVdeadrtody belonged to him

Nettle 8nyder a domestic in the employ of the Holcomb family at the tune of the murder was sworn She d scribed the features ot HolcombH house and where each one 6]ept Judd Fov and the boys Andrews and Loucds-bury It was a Ntorojy night and every one retired to bed earlymdashabout8 oclock Witness said Holcomb rose not on the morning of the murder Judd James Foy and the tno bogts w recomint from the barn to breakfast when Bolles arrived with the news of the murder They had been called to breakfast and were oc their way to the house Sue was the tirst to tell Mr Hi I omb the news that all wire murshydered at the Crouch housraquo Hia reply laquoraquo Is tuat so or KMiieihliiK luallar ine wines-was also the tirst toteil Mrs Hocomb Judd and Foy remained in the house oily a momcuc she did nogt notice any lulk bet weet them She does not remember that auythit) ws 6a1d by Holcomb ab~ut the murder or by him and Ida wlte After she told jlm he did jioispenkto Mrs H yicouib ubout it but went directly out doors He caiin- lu aln-iwards to gtt hii over-cgtat as preparing to uo to Jackson Mis Holshycomb said he wa tolujc wich Mr Huuiums

ATti r a rtKid cro -8-lt xaiulnation wituess wes rxcus-id and Julin Keeee a domestic in the Crouch fm1ly at the tim^ of the murder was called to the sund bne was closlaquolv qaet-tioned as to the event son the ai^htol the murshyder and an attempt was made to make tier testify to facts concerning her own lite Sue Ar^^t pimnnaly laquobull thf mpprjotl of the death Of

| 8 gtlvelt1 That thi Democratic party of Kn-pa bv MlntUitf aii hUt-jrigthihiiliiii tdntloriu an 1 uiHkii K an raquovow digt anil-orohltdtlon claquom-pi1gt0 Uraquo e oialaquole It impofs bttt for eonsistr-i t HiobtiiHoiilfta to^lve it ilielr support tgt0 lon^ astt re alus its un8i atltude

Keo vedmdashThat ihlaquo K -publican party of Kan-KH U ado(tligtt2 a pKiit rm that wax laquoti1ftf (-tury to the uiHSBof ProhlhUlouiH8 and elect-inystate lt fflcrs and a ]tkiltilaiure j llaquod^fd to rlt quite eiduictiu) I t lt f ihe bulllaquo ndlulou to the ftulaquo that the lud t ifeet of jrobbirinn may be reali h-m dtgtraquo e all that reasgt nable lngthl-ilitiicts tibould di maud aLd is at this time ei -t tii d to the curdiai support of temperance men

Ke^olve 1mdashThat as long atgt the atHtude of the two JeadiDK parti s in this state remains un-cbanKd we are unalterably opposed to the formalon or matmaloance of an independent Prohibition party and we cordraquoally ltrvlte those who have teparated from us to return and act with us in future

The resolutions were passed wtbout opposhysition except the last named which was bitshyterly oppost-d by St John After a long deshybate its tiual clause was amended to read as follows And we cordially invite all to jjin us in the work

k MYSTBKIOU DISBASK A tale of deep distress comes from Buchanshy

an Wise and Dickinson counties occupying an isolated posits n on the cxireme westerii limit of Virginia For some weeks a fatal disshyease has been prlt valraquo nt thraquo re and i he number ot deaths is terrible The nature of the d sense is yet undented bur it Is suprxsed to arise lrrTgtm ptiUouous wafer The orouth there for ij outhlaquo nearly dried all the streams spring raquoud wells and it U supp le I the water left it impregnated with mineral prison A reliable correspondent tells a pluful swry and 6as as many as four corpses were found in a 6lu^le house

A NATIONAL ASSOCIATION A sYffcult of ihe meetralaquo of the cattlemens

couvenitori hel0 in Sf L tuif Mo a lew das -ltice the orgftraquoxlaquorloa of ta- National Cattle ami UvtrseUtgWerfc1 A^soetatf gtn of the Uuiteni Statt-s was tdtnittl The constitution embltxl-iet thf folio1u Tlin nam bull to tgte h bull Nationshyal INtie and Horse Growt-rs Association of

all individuals direciy Jnt-resieuN iu said inshydustry on pa m nr of 15 lulti ttgton and a 1 as laquo ciatious onthe pavm^ot of $15 the annual due- to be $2 50 for individuals and $7 50 for associations Annual nie-tln^s tobe held the f jurth Monday of each November Two Clausen wtre added admittlua votf by proxy and tlx-lujt tgte basis of representation in tue conveu-iion at one vote for each member three for each association and oue at lar^e for eacti state and territory duly raquoccredited by the gov-en or Provision waa also made 10 admt tie]-etrares sfcredltid by regular asccciations in Old Mt x co aind Catiad


The following passage occurs in the address of the Independents whkh has heen forwarded to GOT Cleveland Ihey will uphold your administration to far avd ampo long as it is ba^ed upon the principles which should underlie ail political parties in a government of and by and for the people and believing that an honest and fearless oppodtlou is us nesessary to free government as an able and vigorous adminisshytration itself they will not hesitate to oppose your administration when it commits itself to principles which they cannot uphold


A EHIGUTFUL UBATH A Hungarian clergyman named Krasnlsara

while traveling on a sledwe U) Louca with bis wife and child was pursued by wolves His wife terror-strickeu ai the sight of the anishymals let the child fall from the sltdge The husband jumped out to save the etiiid and both were devoured but not before the fath r killed two of the -wolves Meanwhile the horses attached to the fgtlltnlge rau awraquoy and the uufortunate mlhtr OWIQK to th4laquolaquoible irUl to which she was mTicr^d was prematurely delivered of a dead child Th- hbullamp ran to Louc-i and upon arrival ihere the people found

lue woman herself d- traquod iu tut raquo1 dlaquoe The terrible tragedy topk placj withiu the spaace o an hcur

ADAMS VS C LEK100S The ftiit of Adams hg lust Coleridge was beshy

gun in L nlou No^ 21 iu tl)eeraquogtiirol Q leens Herch The plaiwtltf is a_weltiliuv mraquon well kuown lu Lgtudou bociety an i raquoas until reshycent) eogtraraquo(ed to be iuarrio1 id-MudreU Mlaquory euro-gteidse tbeon4y-dauiib+^r of- the L raquord Chief Justice of EuKlaud During the eu^ac m -cl B^ruard Colt rhi^e t llt^tsou and hgtdr ol the Cult Justice heard j-ome UCCUSH(1OIS ailrrct-iui A iamb character 11- eaii-tle^ himself ihey raquoeieirueand theu wrote io his sister ltlt-nuuuctni Adams us a Ux r ine and anobji-tlouatjle ptrsou in Miany reBpect aud cli^l tome facts to corroborate tue charges He paid he would furnish such proofs as would oe ouclusWe to vhe miid of her father if she was not already convinced that her lovlaquo r was unworthy Ml-s Cgtjleridie at tirat rtlused to behtve the accustttiou agalust Al-ams and at his r quest showed

The national cattle convention at its session in St L ju-s memoraliz d congress on leain public lauls tocatilo men afamped a repeal of the pleuro-pneumonia bill and the appointment of HtAte c gtmmissioner on cattle olseraquoees in stead and keeping Indians on their reservashytions aqd ^reveutiug them from earning tire-arms A committee was appointed to ur^e a national trail before confess The lol owln^ were elected CO R D Hunter 8t Loaie president Gen J imes B Brl^blu Idahovice-

-presldeiit A T AtwtT titLouis ftcretarv E C More cdthlcr Merchants national bank treasurer

her husband and was excused until the follow lngmornlnir Her tebtimony as given was but a repetition of thai given at the txdmlna tlun relating in detail the arrival of Pollev for the purpose of buying the cattle and of the manner in which the family spent the ni^ht previous to the murder

The Jackson Circuit Court Judge Gridley presidium met at 9 oclock on the 20ch as usual for the trll of Dan S Holcomb charged wlhth murder of Jacjb D Croucu Only eleven jurors appeared Ihe effljer lu charge sniJthiU JurymiQ Perry had been quite sick all nl^ht and was not able to leiVe nls bed The juror has complained of ill-health for several days-- Hls^appearaoee every since has indicated suffering and it has been with manishyfest effoit thai h fixed his mind on the proshyceedings Dr Williams who ltttei did the juror taldlhit he was quite HI with sympshytoms of a malarial type indicative of typhoid fever Uppn the doctors statement that his patient could not attend thsre was nothing to do but to ac j gturn the court for a day To-motruw morning on reassembling a report of the coadUlon of the juryman will ho maac and upon that depends the present rtsumpUou of the trial

Court convened at the u8U]_hojir_-jon-tbraquo ^lf^_^h^alcUnraquomdash^eotcfBoTTBat Juror Peirp was not able to oe present and I lie court ad-Jraquournraquo d to Monday November ti Ju^or LJWIH G Brown wa aleo uuwell aud had to see a


G b M H U M E raquo s bull bull T H E BEACONS G L V D R A T

In the annual report of the L gbt House ho J Ml 25000 s a^ked for luhtti^ and buoy-ID river If Is rgt c gtmmeudeti thut the light h( use districts which embrace all the uopt-r lake bed hidedmdashtin popinu tmt)ruciag Lake Michiiau raquond Greet e Bav to be seraquo off and craquolied the 8 veuteeutu Dstrict the renibtuder to be inclu udin the present poundlevgt-iith Dlrtilct and is kbowii by that lau^e Esiimates for general appropriations for the raquobull Xt necal year iucludiDgrupples repairs saUries^txpeuse- ttifbt veKlaquoeln buovage and fraquog siatials etc are | y 10ilXM) Bnlmtte f r special approshypriations amount to $120150 m^de up in part nf the f o l l o w i n g Hems Port Sauil lC Littht Stat lor Michigan H^OdO Pipe I^Utid LltfbtKrattov MlehQanIIMIU) Milwaukee Llkht Htfcttou Wisconsin $i6lt(Hn 3t Mar6 RiverRmgefi MIcDlgm $12(KM building for Lighthouse Boird $iJO00U


Tbe Kansas state temperance union met in Topeka on the 19th Gov St John and wile were in attendance During the aftgtmooptbe committee on resoluttoas nude a report reshyciting that the principles ot the union had beenlaquonpbatlcallj enjoyed by thepeople of Kansas la the overwhelming defeavbf cue presshyent occupant of tke executive chair thus con demning his unlawful warping of law and exshyercise of laquoxentive clemency in behalf of con-vltted raquoaloon keepers ThrcQngtrainJatlaquodPro-hihiUonisU in the growth of temperance sentishyment and recommended a seTlsof^eso^Jon the more important-of which were ^s toUows

U A raquo H t M G T O N

LOHINOS KB PORT In his annual rep irt C mmlssiouer of Agrishy

culture Lortiii sagt(gt The wheat area ia~ so mach btyond the rltqulnmeutB of cousumptiou in this aud other ^uutrles as todeprets the prtclt to a point unprecedented iu recent years favoring at certulu poiuts the use of wheat iu fee-iln1 for pork production The cause of this supirabitdance i two-fold first eX tension of settlement in the Northwestern prairies and dry plains of the PdCitic coast and sic nd the txirKOidiuary period ot comshyparative failure of Earup^au wheat for several consecutive years U P ne sugt j c-of forestry the report siys While the destruction of our forest is going on at a coustantiy increasshying aL d alarming rate It is gratifying to know that the workof plautioit trees for wind-breaks and for forest purp ses is rapidly increasing etp-clally in nomc of our Wtstern states aud Territories From gteuraska we have trustshyworthy informutiou that not less than 45U0(XK) trees haTe been planted during the present year-and more than 2000 busnels of walnut and other tree seeds Continued investigashytions have been made in regard to the conshysumption of forests for legitimate purshyposes as well as by tire6 This consumption for the manulacture of lumber is increasing In faster ratio than is warranted by Ithe Inshycrease in population and egtnsltqutnt natural demand Tae lumber market is largely overshystocked and the process of manufacture conshytinues to be conoucted in a fast manner when the fast Increasing source ot supply calls for the utmost ecoLouiv with material The great pine forests of the Northwest are now depleted to tuh an extent that Southern pine 1s brought Into competition with it in the Chicashygo market and perceptible iuroAds have been mide upou those vast forests which cover so large a portion of the gulf 8 ates The same

r c k l m and waottful melhoxi8~orXujmberlng are pursued there wmch have so rapidly conshysumed tne Northern aud Western forests This condition of thlugs makes more imperashytive every year the eudeavor to preampefve the forests which form a part of the public uo-maln and so toauird and coutrolthein by law as to make them of the greatest and most isstiug benefit to the country Tula bureau will make an txhlhiiiou of artishycles manufactured from the wood ltgtf American lorests ut the New Orleans Exposition There will also be an txhiblLiou ot jiving trees transported from the arid reshygion of the West -here it hiis been said that trtescmli n gtt bi mi l e t j ^ror ou account of the limled ammor of ralufaH This transshyplanted grove gtvllt bj an ocular demjustratlon that ihe establlshtu^Qt of trees both for laquorua-menutt and fores purpjsei caa be pushed oiucb further aioutf ma drlaquor weather plains than has be n supposed

WILL REDUCE THE SURPLCS Thdeg tre tsuj department has already furnishshy

ed (7000(00 for tne oaymeut of pets tons dur-iatpound the current qa-trter and estimates have b en rolt ived thlaquot 10000000 more will be re-qulredhy the tension ottice miking an aggreshygate of about $17100000 to b paid out on ihis account before Jan 1st Tbi uuusually Urge pajment will very materially reduce the surshyplus now on hand and it is thought will defer for sometime the oil for 3 per cent bonds which otherwise would probably have been lsfcued


The Armanent Board recomaaends the purshychase of the following guns for the defense of our harbors One hundred and twenty-3ve elKht-inch^un^ to carry pro] stiles weigbinj 2i5 pound- 2Wxem Inch vuo to carry pri


New York State s Vte Announced by the Board of Canvassers


Cleve laud Plurnllijr 1140

The State canvassers met in Albany at noon Nuv 31 all olt lug prem-m Secretary Woyd ait-IOUucid ihe foot ings of the t i b e s as fo IOWK Highest Demt c atlc electormdashfrle^t 568154 HlifheH Rnpuraquo ICJIU electormdashCtraoa ^bii t ft Plurality for Priest 1149 LuwtfctDem electormdashOttenlorur f61- 43 Lowest Republican electormdash Harris bbl 971 Plurality for Ottei dor 1(77 Highest Prohibition ehctormdashMiller 2gtlaquolaquo 0 Lo westmdash Ellsworth lt49tS Highest Butler electormdashODjnueil 17 im4 Lowest -Campbell 167 gt1

After the announcement tae members of the board slgnei thlaquo tables and certlfic ites


her brothers letter Adtm ssked to keep the letter and declared lo be able to convince her that its allegations were false Miss Coleridge surrendered the letter to him and he faihdto refute thechage Trie lady broke iff the engagement and Adams still posing as an it jured lunocence broUkbt suit for heavv damagts against Bernard Coleshyridge The latter in his defence says that the letter was in the nature of a privileged commushynication and not in any sense a puPlicntiou of the charges whether true or false such as to make him liable to prosecution If however he is required or allowed to prove the charges ^e^says ne is thoroughly prepared to do sdgta d show he was justified in seeking to save his stttr from a uulon which would be a hfe-touV misery and disgrace The scaudiJ-loving pubshylic eagirly hope Coleridge will be compelled t_q produce evidence agalnBt Adams as it is whisshypered several men and women of hitfb rank will be Implicated Toe caBe was strougl y con tested on botn sides and terminated in a vershydict of bullbull$ 000 for pidiutitfwnich washowever overruled by the Jud^s Mr Adams will cirry the else to a higher c nrt-

C O N D f e N S K D N E W S JJhicago has begtuo another war on the

bucket shops Cad Pchurz wants to be United States ml Lisshy

ter to Germany The Japanese army and navy are being put

on substantial war footing Corrected returns jrlve the DfmocravS conshy

trol of the Illinois legislature The national cammlrtees of both parties have

closed their rooms iu New York Mr Blaine will occupy Ex-Senator Wlndoms

house in_Wasbington this winter A lake has been discovered in Hudson Bay

country as ]raquoTgeas~Ldke Superior 0 Work ot the pedestal for Bartholin statue -Tft TIIC l~rmrTTr T p o haa-been Btopped for lack of funds IU I l i b LRUlLOi pound pound

John Fahrenback of Ohio has been appointshyed commissioner of labor statistics i Two hundred cadets from the city of Mexico will attend the New Orleans exposition

George William Curtis is mentioned amp Lowells successor to the court of St James

Senator Mahone will occupy the seat in the Senate occupied by the late Senator Anthony

Cleveland and HendrickB met In Altanvon the 22d lest for the first time since the elecshytion ^

-Orleans exposition of ~a eollecttoir of tropical plants

A sensational libel suit is on trial In London in which Lord Chief Justice Colcridgb famshyily Is involved

The German relchstag was formally opened on the 20ch Inst Emperor William made the opening speech

One Johnson a Negro living near Clinton Miss cut his throatsaying that he preferred death to slaverv

8heron Baker living on a farrbTnear Shelby-ville IQd shothis brother dead because he cheered for Cleveland

Issue of standard silver dollars for the week ended November 1ft M8i99i corresponding period tebt year 183899laquo 1 Theeurohinese govtrment offers France 73000-000 lrancs for the settlement of the ciaims Put the latter demands 1^5000000

Director General Burke of the New Orleans Exposition gives notice to exbtmors to guard against delays in transportation

Whisky men have already commenced operashytions to secure an extenaiou of the bjndtd whisky period at this session of congress

It Is stated that Gen Gordon ctprured a Krupp gun from the rebels andihat 660 of ihe Mabdis followers Jolued Gen G Tdonaforces

Toe insane asylum near Ohkoah Wis was dam-wed by fire the other nlgut to the amount of cent15000 All the inmates were rtmjved iu safety

The ptesident has appointel Rev W W Hick of Washington the spirtta 1 adviser (f thesss^sin (iuiteau to be surviyor gtneral of Florida

The txDenses of the steamboat and land sershyvice for the past year was J0tf99 117 ] bull the star service 4 ft routes were added at an tx- pense of $850468 Orders have een received st Calroofrein-forcements up the Nile with gtBlaquotalsnraquoch It Is thought by some that tbe^Mition of Dlaquom-gola is becoming serloj

Daring the nsar^eVr 23831 patenln have been granted-by^-the patent office Receipts fraquoom gtraquoKspafces 11145488 eipendltoreE

^lS^SVrplus $344019 1 (Jef many has proclaimed a protectoraU over

tues of 575 ponndf 806 12 liich gunsAtDcarr^ ^welbarfiOTt the mouth of the riverah to eOt pound proj-c ilea 5016 M - w n ^ ^ ^ ^ mdash ^ - -pfoJectt lerof^npo^dV

Ca DelfadQ QBLthampcoaBt and from Tabjrak yanxlve in the Interior

When the heirs of Gen Gordons supposed

SOf n iKRlaquo HATLOHA who were disabled hv woiindB dlat-aw aooitleat

or ntlmnviBcinelnsH of a toe |gtiilt-r laquoicosa^in rlironic uiarrhofa rupture llaquoa of elffht or (pa-thtllv KI) loss of healrtK falling hnck laquogtf meaalesw rheiimittism any disability nn mattrr h o w s l f g h ^ f lv fs yon n penaltin Nnr ntttl HgtnnrubleZgtl+-titory Obtamed Widow children jnotl iens aud hdiiers ut soldiers djinif in the service or afterwurris from diaeaae contracted or woandsrraquo-t t h e d raquoki la i n the service ara entitled to uesy bulltun Kejected and abandoned elahna a speciatto BOUNTY BACK PAY ANO HORSE CLAIMS C o n LECTED

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can he increased at any t ime wfcea

ttlaquo disability warrants it A a yon row alder the woitna has gradually undermined Iht constttntioey the disease has mails you more helpless l a SOBM maimer the dissMlity has increased so a p p l fov ao iasreaso at once

LAND AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED Mv experlene and being here at headqiartass

snable me to attend promptly to all claims against the Government Circulars free Address with i tamp




I Radial Cr-o FOS


B 3 T T 6 f U J fdr o v e r O yoars j u s o l a tBoS5 sands of cases


KHRVOUS DBBtaflc prcauu WWJIUOM uU Sraquo eraquoj isd Bumewai raquo icaro dlWMC tefllu bullkiliral pUgtiielBl W n from youibtul ludlwr^ tloat too free lndnlCKtM bullnd orcr brain work W aot tcmporlxe whllo HiA eactulc lark ia your laquo]rraquo Avoid bcluj InpoM

en br rrclcnt lou clalni o t her TODcJIiM Ibr thete IrcutiM Get car free droraquo-lir fcud trial pacVino mud lgtrti important fact jlaquofcn titinr tp-a^uen laquolraquoewKerfc

lliouiaaii raquoc1 does net in tcrfera vltb allcntloo wbuO net w caosa pain 01 IrtnoB vcnlenoc ToutidcJ oo laquoigt

-eatifllaquo- mwllnalmdashfrlnolplea froCTlnt In favor BU nputgt ion ufrcotaprIJctUQautB (ettt raquor i-m9 oiaket lu laquoplaquo-

eWo laHueaao ftlt vldhMtt (day Tho natorii fun tlom of tho homon org-lam raquoM rcttored Tba bulloimiinit claceaU laquof lift which hraquovlaquo bees wasted am given back Tho ratten blaquoeoalaquo chocrful and (aia itrength mpidljf

C O ^ MT(j Chemists SEND ADDRESS

HARRIS REMGD 800frac12 North 10th St St Lou I a Bo



^ [ H I S M A G N E T I C BELT I S

WARtfAMJEO TO C U R E ^ r w ig (X without MXHliefHemdashInln In thebneU nip head or Utaba IHTVUU laquollt-lgtlIltylumbaco gcnertii debility rheuBksUnui purttlalu nourolcls avlatlea alaeM-0laquo el ih e 11J n ejr bull laquoIHII nl i

tlon a ihe I i n i aeaalnoi cmtaul

dlaeaaeaiterpld liver i dlst inanotrncy alaquothma he-raquor

ceil drapcpaln laquonnfgt(igtatlnn cry air 111laquo Indlsca-tlon hemln or ruptuhh CMiarra pliea ctKlepar

vfniwSyciebllity of theigtgtXRATTVElaquoKGANa ltVraquoUT-K lolaquot vrtollly luck ofavcrvo limO ond vlirorraquo rrattlnaT ntaLneuct snd el l taoao dlaruaca of a per-aonul nuturo from rhaU)ver ca^fO Va continuoua ctreain of Masrnetlsm permoatisfrtli rough 1 ho part a nvatreatore thorn to a hrnltby svtlon TUlaquore 1laquo nc mUtakoiuout lhUap|)Iiauce


on srs sflllaquote4 Kkuaiiuulsam

Jala Ijervefts _ sMlaquocgtffJieUv~

nehe or Cold Feet KxlaquoTraquotJaDyraquoraquolaquoplraquoorTTHb Dli

lneya llcraquodlaquo ASklea o r w __

sad a pelr of MAjpietic Yvot Battvrlea hTO no taperlor

Kldneya IIcaMlaehe or Cold r w t ^ 1 1 raquo ar eak Anilea or laquownllcn Feet an Abdominal Batt

taibalaquoief and~cure of all theae romplaJnta carry a powerful luaffaetio Coroe to Uie aot or ttte fllMatfi

For Lame Raek Weakaeaeof tbe Cplne FaflJ laia e f tbo woaab MaeorrkatB Cbroa

S I M sad-inaersUos o f tbe W o s i b Incidental Ifeas bull r r h s c or Flood I n laquobull Psh i fkllaquo SupBreeacd a a a Irgt rsanlsr MenatrnaUost KsrresaeM s a d en astro bull Q k t k U U U i e U e a t i i s l l s s e s s j i d O u r a U v ^ A a r s s k

tor ail forma of VeesslsDIslealtloa It ia analaquoraquo passed by any thing before invented buthasscaraUvs sjeatsadaaaaouroeofpowerandTitsliastloa _ Trtoa of either Belt wltfi MagnoDe Foot Batteries t l Q i a s t by oi prcaa C 0 P sad aaajnlnaUor aUowedrOrby mall on receipt of price- Inrordertar-smd meaanro of waist and aUe of thoe Remlttanoacaa ba made l a oar raaey sent tn latter at or riak

Tbe atacseton Qartnents Are adapted to all agsa s r s vera over the snder clothing- (not Most to tJhs bod like tks assay 6alvanlo s s d EIlaquolaquolaquogttoHlaquoas s s c e sdvertlaed laquolaquogtextlaquoaavcly) and ahonld B taken off at night Thev bold their- are worn at al 1 eeanons of the year taken off at night They bold th^powar^orewerssd are worn at al I aeanons of the year

Send stamp for the New Derartnreln Medio) Tisat mant Without Medlstoe with trrouaonda ot t s s t tmo

T H E M A O N B T O X A P P L I A N C E COw 8 1 8 S t a t s St CbJcacoTlTL

Tbe Magnetic appliances tna^ seen at Wipcheira Drug StoremdashPlekney Mich





QURESick-Headache Dyspepsia Livir Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PURIFY THE BLOOD N O T I C E - Without a particle of doubt Var

motia Pills are the moat popular of any 00 thlaquomagt Ket Hating bsenbeloreilie public for sqaartsrerf acantitry and hating alwtys parfomati mnrslhssS waa-proaiued for theny h_raquoy merit the roesjseajfcai

~ mdash mdash 1 MP^BWCBBSW they bars attained F^irlce

For tale by all drofff lata



raquo^Mg0MlaquoqFfctf^hmdash^p11^-^^ - ^ raquo t

Ti ~ laquor bull - -




E t h i c s of L e t t e r W r i t i n g Thero H uo aociat accomplish merit

which is m gtro oftwn called Into jvquW tion lhau Mie art of lutter wntiojf To

L laquo a y a n d do the properNthing at the proper time id o a n o f the uawritteii Fawn of etiquette I t is a valuable ac coraplishment to perform this dutgt

(Pkraoefully aa well a conventionally Social correspondence devolves quite naturally upon the women of the tuu-ily It is untieciisaary to point out the va lue of promptness in acknowledgshying and answer ing correspondence for it is the h i^ht of rudenetw to leave letters of question uaanswereil lu letshyters ltgtfi a r iur ion and acknowledgemeut (He 6eV))e(y|ojLV ntigt nal form U used Lflpfefrsot iutr duutwu should be brief ami as they are general ly presented ia persoD t xnggertted expressions of praigte a^e uot ^ o o i taste These of oour-e ta I auy otlu-r letter delivered iu persou are utrsealed Letters of conshydolence nro writuvj iufjiuialty

This brunch of epistolary ctrrespon denize is a difli mifc one aud actual rewl-ing is the oliy gniin to giml tnstu llt is in personal 1laquo-LClaquoTS between relatives anw friends that the most charming

--bullpeciiuens are f m o d the gossiping cnatty epistles that arc largely espwet-ed andwhich bring color into the dul lest day Auy one who has been stranded in the country house in s tormy wnntht-r wi l l remember the pleasant exci tement caused by the arshyrival of the mail Dr Johnson once m a d e the sweeping assertion that gosshys ip never hurt anybody no doubt this is go ing too far but it cannot be denied that information a s to what is go iug Jih and familiar personal 4 t e r a g - m t t -st itute the best of these letters T h e close of a letter m u s t accord with t gtH addreS in formality and fornt A lady mus t not use abbreviations in her letters any more than in hftr speech nor use figures except in case of a date T h e date of a letter is of importance even in the most trifling manner When a printed address i s tamped upon a sheet of letter paper tne date is often rela-gated to tho eud of the e p i s t K 4oamptal-cards should be used only_Xor_ business purposes puch as sending orders brief messages or notices by mai l

The cards that c o m e with envelope to tit are used for any business message that you wish tgt seud enclosed in aiUw^riu^ a question sendshyi n g a memorandum or making a fauirlisr inquiry Tho enveloped

| card statute midway between the postalmdashcard ami the ijote sheet Al-

1 w a y s use the f j lded Bote for any formal writing It s h o w s - more care and therefore more coajpimlaquont just as the card for some s trange reason i easier

to |gtick up for a hasty line-in a n envel shyo p e

When a note that requires an answer is sent t o any one u n k n o w n to tho writer a lways enclose a postage s tamp Formshyal notes and letters are general ly written iu the third person It is con-

4 sidered inelegant to ^ n a letter -Mrs mdash If it i n e c e s s a r i a n g iv ing the adshydress place it iu brackets under the full name A tirm clear Handwriting is a mark of good breeding -Yours t r u l y or Very truiy y o u r s i s go iug out of date jut as the^p in their turn supplanted Your obedient servant a n d Youte to c o m m a n d Cordially AWith hiraquoh r e g a r d Sincere ly or Respect fu l ly as t i e caee m t y ad-mis uru nio ie in use The selection of

mdashw-r it-Hy-j^tp^ -attd^ e n TH1o pea d e pen d raquo upon individual taste Plain heavy paper is lash ioraule at present The

p r a c l i c o laquoraquot perluui ing letter papyr al-WAVS in qicamptiouaOle taste is ehiirely outof dale

m ikes tho best and higuest proud flour in the world was a great and glorious udvance toward the right kinu of Hour for the people but may we have a still g-eater advance in the art of milling which g ives the peop le the wheat as it grows or a fine^flour of tho entire wheat except the skin which is not food and which alone catt le will not eat The long continued use of flour usual ly sold as Graham flour is posishytively dangerous to health Dyspepsia is a lways made worse by its use A large proportion of the bran found in bulluen flour is mixed with the silicate coat ing of wheat and i t cuts the l ining ltgtf the stomach like pieces of glass Entire wheat flour is quite another thing We prove our faith in it by using it in preference to any oher

bull bullbullbull bull raquom

Tne greatest readeta of ueWdpapers in the world are tha Hungarians i t is said that the peasants in that country wiUi vjry rare exceptions know how to r^ad take an active part in public afshyfairs discuss and judge political measshyures and ara ofien elected members of the municipal bodies Moae Adam who recently wio lo a charming book^ol travels in Hungary w i s told hat ihere is uot a town without its Jierary eliT) In the cafe- v gtu tiud as many papers as in France The most insiifoitievnr jourshynal has ita readers A city o 25000 inhabitants is m m t i c i e d waere am gtng its numerous c ubs and resauraats there was one who took in 105 news-p ipers da iaesaud weekliosmdash an incredshyible number The list is posted up in the establishment and includes journals in Hungarian German and English treat ing of pol i t icrr i t teratuie flgriciu-


ture education and even the fashions

The invention of the drum is ascribshyed by the Greeks to the g o d Bacchus Whence undoubtedly arose the exshypress ion T ight as-a drummdashBurl ingshyton Free Prem

I IP bull raquo bull bull bull 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 w ^ mdash mdash ^

ItfcLact a D r ^ a u t u i 0 - u 4 h

and raised a considerable amount of blood and matter besides I was very thin and so weak I could scarcely g o about the house This was the case of





SCRAP B l t t


This medic Inn combining Iron with prre Vegetable tonics quickly anl com- letely Cures lgtygteplaquoia~ Indlgesiriutu IVeaiine Impure Blwraquod-Mai ariaCtiUU aud Fevers and Neuralgia ^

It t3 an unfaiilro remedy for Diseolaquoesof tLe Klilneya HO4 Llrer t

It W- invaluablo for Diseases pecnifer to Women and alt who lead sedentary lives

It doesjiot Injure the teeth cause headacheor pri)daeAonstipatjOnmdashother Iron medicines do

It enriches and purifies the blond stimulates the appetite aids the assimilation of (bod raquoc-Ueves Heartburn and BelchUig and stxvugth-us the muscles and tierves ^

For latennUteut Fevers Lassitude Lak of Enerjry ltfcc it Uas no equal

JtSr The genuine has above trade mark and crobucd red lines on wrapper Take no othor

i JUIJ bj tfci)raquo3 CUSMCkh m^ BiLTtXOBK MO

T h e m is a paper chimney in Breslan 50 feet high

The Russiau government has borrowshyed $60000 to buiid railways

T h e Norristown Pa insane asylum has organized a brass oand

The emperor of Austria has the finest collection of pipes in Europe

An oyster produces 128000000 young oysters in tho course of a season

One-half of all the telegraph wires in France are already underground

Hinry Croorge will be^ia another lecturing tour in America in January

A SDOW amph98 regiment is to braquo formed in Montreal the present wiuter

Matthew Arnold is opposed to the proposed scheme for an international language

Reported that Southern Negroes arv coiuiug North in large numbers sjnee ihe election

It is stated Miat English land owners ae anxious to jel l out and invest iu bullJihfci countries

The legislative council of Jamaica reshyfused by a vote of 8 to to be annexed to tLe dominion

Seventy-five thousand pounds of paper were used to print the ballots at the late election

Paris is to hava 15 miles of elevated road completed in t ime fcr the univershysal exhibition of 1889

T h e proper song for pugilists who have blacked each others eyes is The Bloom i s $ n Their E y e

Secretary M^Phnrann gives it a3 his


a man with consumption arising from liver complaint He rdcovered his health complete ly by using Dr Pierces Gold en Medic il D iscover Taousands of others buir similar testirqon

The government supports 400 John Smiths

Patarrh Is Recommenced by Physicians SIOOiWAilaWlj

E n t i r e W h e a t F l o u r bull

HaHc Juuriil of Hlt altb There ha never until recently beeD

k n o w n auy possible means or way to make all of the wh^at tine hence the __ ^ __ Jhe key of fate is in our ovvn hands mflrurs have given mt^nothing^^ but ^t^e^we^often unoek it and then throw the beautiful white figtur from which the best or nutiitii us part of the wheat is e l iminated or the so-cal led G-abam flourmdasha name t i t le or brand which causes a mult i tude of sins Most of the Graham fljur sold ia this country is nothing but a mixture of the lowest grades of white flour with bran N o phv8icjAn who is posted on cereal foodf and t iremdashmerits of-wheat flour will ad vise anyone t o eat bullGraham tiourwhile every physician in tbic country and E jg land who has seen and knows what it is uses ana recomshymends the ent ire wheat flour w h i c h is explained by a short statement of the way it ia made v i z

The wheat is first c leaned in the o l h a l way then i t goes to a machine wnich takes off thesKin or husk t h e n i t is reduced not ground by the regshyular roller procflflji_Xexcept purifier) thenj^feer the separat ion by bolting of

)ran from the white flour the bran i s reduced by special machinery then by a system of spout ing the bran aud

F o r t h e L a d l e s

Liughter le the pwr miud pUster Mltklug every burdt-u H^hbull

Tn-iiraquo aidimi-s iuo ttla iue9 D rkest Uuur to May di^fn bright

T1 the d ifpdeg9t and the cheapest Cjre tor Ma of this d scrlprlon

Bu for rhas that wo u-tud heir to Use Dr Pterced lF kVjritd Prescription

Cures all weaknesses and irregularishyties bearing d o w n sensations i n shyternal fever bloating displacements iuilaiurjvition morning sickuess and teudency tD cancerous disease Price reduced to one dollar By druggists

Hannibal Hamlin is the oldest s tump speaker n o w in active-service He be-gan in Jacksons day

Delicate diseases affecting male or female however induced speedily and permanent ly cured Ilshylustrated book three letter stlaquoraps Consultation free World s Dispensary Medieal Association Buffalo N Y

The cornet has come to staymdashBrook-line Chronicle

When you visit or leave Saw Vjrk City via Central depot save BKkjagtje Eipresaace and 3 Carriage Hire and stop at theQraud Union Hotel opposite aald dtpot 8iT hundred ele-tfanr ro gtras fitted up at a cost of one million ilollara i l and upwards p r day Europeun plan ElraquoVator R-t-iurant euppllampi with the b(8t Horse cars brakes and elevated railshyroad to all depot Fivrnilles can live better for lesa monvv at the Qratd Union Hotel than at auv othfr SrutKlaAP horlaquol in the city

We manufaeture and sell it witha pos i t i ve g u a r a n t e e t h r t It w i l l e u r o a n y c a s e and gt70Will forfeit the aboToamouut ifitTaifsin a e i n g l c I n s t a n c e

It is u n l i k e any otlu-r Catanli remeof aa t u t t a k e n I n t e r n a l l y a c t i n g u p o n t h e UlOOd if you^arS troubK-d^iib tbls-Uiatressjng diaeaseask yourliriigglBtfor ltand ACCIPT HO IMITATIOK Ofi SLbtTITUTE If he has not got it send to us and wo wilt forward immediately Price 75 cents per bottl ^

F J CHENEY amp CO Toledo Ohio

opinion that the revenue reformers will control the next house

J u d g e Brewer of Omaha decides that railroads have no right to fence in lands belonging to the government

I m goiDg to meter said the gas man aud he went down ia the cellar and buzzed the cook for an hour

Ty pe-settersin Pads are paid by the day receiving $1 30 for 10 hours work Tnere arlaquoj 4 50J comp -tficors in the city

The semi annual report of the Grand Trunk railway of Canada7 shows a net lo-s-laquot $40^000 for the last six months

The Ogdensburg Journal tells the sad

story of ayoung lady who fell in a skatshying liuic and -broke her leg twice in two

Wisconsin Prohibitionists have de^ teriuiued to keep up their organization and accept no compromise from any party

Some statistical fiend has tigurai oak an average of 1500 tbimblts are anshynual v owallowed by the babies of America

Natural gas has been discovered at Find lay Oaio at a depth of 400 feet in great volume The town wil be supshyplied with it

1 be t x p e r i m e L t of raising ostriches in California bas been successful Forshyty yi ung birds have been hatched and are growing nicely

Tbe Salvation army in England has given rise to so much scandal that tbe authorities are making efforts to break up the organization

Twenty-nine women in Fall River have qualified and are emil led to vo le f gtr members of the school committee at the next city election

The Kansas supreme court has fust decided that a husband is not liaole for bianlerous worgtis spoken by his wife when he is not present -mdash

Tbe area of pu bite land disposed of in Dakota last year was larger than the total acreage of either hoigiutn Denshymark Greece or Switzerland

T w o N e w York grocers were fined $100 each a day or two ago for se l l ing as pure butter an article that was imshypure to the extent of 95 p e c e n t

Love begets l ove singiLthe_ old song but ho wu are you go ing to reconshycile that with the homeopathics c la im that like cures likemdashR^cklandCourier

The model of Abraham Lincolns apshyparatus for lifting vessels over shoals which is now iu the patent e f n e e i n Washington is o be in the patent ofshyfice exhibit in the N e w Orleans Exposhysition

There have been 191 new national banks chartered during the year File von national banks have failed durshying tbe year i nd 100 failures are re-ported since thH passage of the national banK act of 1863

The I lea NewspiptT for Color il PeOgtlt Nraquo vlaquoits Hii^hte-t Hcst Sample Coiiis Scnl Ffee Tun ILiisDrAikH l i m a N nitr arci uilion as In iin-a vnii prLiripound colored jnnrnil m ihu couniry j-SO

--tpe v i r J l IX months S o c i h a c m nUiraquo Clubbvil villi unvnthvr f lict on nt |nwelaquol r i f f A uood [aKvUmtf medium A L L C O ^ lt K D MlaquoN should read it Addrcw T H E PIAINDEALEK BOX 92 Dlaquoroit

M l ^ a a


VEGETABLE COMPOUND bull is A ropnivis CUKE FOR bull 1gt tosfgtjijiApoundjii toinplaltits Mitil W c u k M ^ t BO coniiauti ^ bull raquo tofou bt8t raquo raquo raquo laquo

it rKMAI-E POPULATION Frk cent1 In liquid pill r li-iengc torn

bull jt YvsiTTpa iraquo tolthjfoy the legitimate xeaXtnQ ot diieiiM atlaquoJ~thlaquo relic of pain ltuiH tluxt it daec it claimt to do thoutandtof ladies tonglaul testify It will euro eutlicly all Ovtrlun tro^blci Lofla-um tlon ami Cljeratlca Follbigjuul Displftimciita tai consequent bpiiial Wcaknees aid lamp particularlr adapted to the change of life bull bull raquo laquo laquo laquo laquo V It removes Kaiat ux FlatulencydostrOT^allcmvli)(^ forstiUiUnt-t and rlievlaquoraquo Vckulaquojraquolaquoraquo of ilia Htomatb It caiot niomlii^ iittdttches Kurvoui lroxtiation 3nural IhHjillty Belti)l(ltHei Doiretlaquo5doD and h-dl gotioti l i n t tlaquotflunlt ot Itoarlng down wwisinjy pala aa l bftckach^jftalwuyn permanently cured by Its use Send stamp to Lmn Mass forpMtnhliH l i t t e w o i IoquirycttulJeiUU^ly answewsd yor talc at druggist

klaquoy a raquo ay mdashAnson

The new combination of Smart Weed ana BeUadonaa as used in Carters Backache Plaiters has proved to be one of the best that could be made Try Ooe of these popular plasters in any case of lame back baokache rheumatism neuralgia soreness of c h e s t p r l u u g s amp c

ihe entire I ftpri y Q U ^1 1 1 ^ surprised and pleased by the prompt relief In had cases o f chronic dyspepsia a plaster over the pit of the stomach stops t i e pain at once Ask for C a r t e r s Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters Pric 25 cents

1 _ j mdash mdash bull

ROUGH O RKTS Oiraquoraquor ltiat rM mat SIM rokohea bsd-bon nti bullbullrmln Chtpmaak loe

Yonnic nttmdashRendTliUi I THE VOLTAIC BELT Co of Marshall Mich

off- r to semi thetr cel^rtrarei ELICTRO-VOL-t TAJC BBLT and other KLBCTRIC APPUAMCIS

raquoraquogt trtl for thirty days to meu (youulaquo or ol i) raquofft ctwl with nervous debility los of vitality aud manhood and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neural nia paralysis and many other dUeas Complete restoration to health vlitor and mauhood ecaranteed

White flour are b o u g h t together and I N o r i 4 k u i s c u m d M thirty-day trialUai-m i t e d in exact ly t h e same proportion j IOWKI Write them at once for illustrated tha t existed iu the berry

This dour is not only much more nu-tricious than any other but will assimshyi late with the weakeststomach t Jgtecause i t is tiue and contains all the g luten and phosphates that are in wneatj wh ich can ou ss id of no other flour in the world It is cheaper than any other because it makes s o much more bread mdashwLioh is expla ined by the theory of porosity which theory is demonstrated by the fact k n o w n to every oaker or breadmaker that a good Minnesota patent flour wil l m a k e twenty-l ive per oent more bread than the best grade of Graham flonr or wheat meal and the ent ire wheat flour m a t e s 26 tn 30 o e n t more Dread than the Minnesota patent flour T h e roller process which

pamphlet ftve^ ROUGH ON -OHVb 15c Ask for tV CompteU our atrd or tot oornlaquo wart bunUaraquo

MINAMATA PtPTUNISKI) H I B f IHiNIC l i t 0HI7 prlaquopamprraquoUnn of beef oonutnlng lu laquo11111laquo nutrition properties It oontatna blcKxi-tnaklai foree-sener-atlnsand ltfe-laquouatalBraquonji properHes Invaluable for InrmoumoN rvylaquopiplaquotgt aerrouK pmttratlon and allformiof iteneral debility alao In ill enfeebled oampndlttona whether the reeult of exUlaquoUBtton nershyvous proatration overwork or ecitedltaaae particshyularly If reealUnf from oulmonarroonifalnta CAM-nrsxu IUIARDAOO Proprietor New York ~ by Ortuqruu







Now supplied at a small additional cost with DENIS 0gtVS

P A T E N T R E F E R E N C E I N D E X The latest edition has 3000 more Words in Itfl

vocabulary than are found in any other A m Dio ty and nearly 3 times tho number of Enorravinfr G4 C MERR1AM ACOPubrsSpringrgtM Mass



MAKE HENS LAY li is awcll-kiiowiiTatl4iiraquo tuost of the

liorsc aud(attlePowdti-s)IlHujhis 0 in-try is worthless thatSheriuatiV-Cjicdi lion 1owder ia absolutely pure1 and v w valuable Noth in i r o n Kartt wi l l m a k e t iens lay liKo Sher idan C o n d i t i o n P o w d e r liosiv one Klaquos[wv)iifiil to ach pint of food Hvl l l laquolw p r e v e n t a n d c u r e f gt U I O i f 1 A l P U H I P D A n^ChQlera Ac Sold everywhere or tent by mail for v r l l w I V B I l v T l l L b n H ^ cents fn^taraps AUo furnished in larjre catts for breedersuse price $100 by mall $120 Circulars sent FREE 1 8- JOH^fSOX amp COa Boston iiasa


- A N O -


Autnmaticfilly drain the water of Cundr nation Iro-n UKATlNG lt COIUS irvl rvlirrs il lThr bud- CJ er whuihtt coils are a b u V e ur t bfloV ilic vvalrr 1 vel in ihe boiler 00 nir away with pum^s and other iilaquochinicil Jcvicesfor such pitrpo v s

ALBANY STEAM TRAP COMPANY ALBANY NEW YORK Office and 11 ork 78 ami SO Church Stnet


For Horse or Steam Power Hundreds ef the beat men in SO States and Territories uraquoe it and will have no other J RELIABLE DURABLE SIMPLE Batabliehed over 8ft yearswe have ample (adhtlea to nil orders promptly and tj aatfefKOtampa ojour-cugtooen Cau kgue KKKK Addrtuui

L Q U M i S amp N M A N Tiffin Ohio



AND LIVER COMPLAINTS 0 Beeaaae It acts on the LITER BOWELS and

KIDXEIS ftt the laquoame time Seeatue it eleaaeee the system ef the poljon-

cms tumors ttxit doveloffe in Kidney and Urishynary Diseases BQioQsaess Jaundice Constipashytion Piles or in Baetraatism XTevxsJcla Nershyvous Siscxders and all Female Complaints



By oausina FSZI ACTZCOT cf aU the organs and fsnotions t crphy

CLEANING tho DLOOD restoring tlie normal power to Cirow off disease

THOUSANDS C CA3E0 ef the wont forme of fwao terrTble diseases have beea ttiahly reUevedt and in s shew tisse


RODOH OM ITfU cares hnmore eruptions rtnt-worm toUerbull Jt rheem Cr laquo41 f-iet ohllbains

froi A O A R D - T o all wan are totTerta bullrrors aad indleerettons of Tooth laquogtlaquobullbullbullbull weatneee early deoavJoes iraquof manhood e I wtn seat) a recto that will ene yon FHIR Or CHAHO This are rejmedy w a s J trade bull

ilsMlonaryin tooth America laquoeod aeif-addi^eeed


-irjfCHDFlBcrt goteh eomejMet elaquores ell Mytat aidney and mrsAajy diisesesjr 1 FITTER

Holaquotetterraquo 8trraquom-acgt Bitter Is a fine biiv d dep r-rit a rational ca h raquo n laquo Hpd Miper^ bullbull tl-otl-JOU-raquotgtedrtc itral-w the fatttnii en-ertdr ot the debtl itlaquord and checks preojuture delt ay P o w r laquoed airnjk btllUtun remltent OTupepsU and bowshyel en bull i-loltit- are among r e f i l l which tt removes In tropical ooun-tr ee w here the 1 verand bowels -re onrtns mo-tunfav-orablv affected by tbeeom bleed infln eoee raquo1 o4ilaquonstedtet and water rl -STI iejrjL p e j e s s j r iienar^fWse4e


r r y oaa be soat by mampil WELLS ZIJ-iAargt30N Se Co BurUnctenVt 8 JxuJ tump for Diirr Alauntc f r Is


SpinaTSuuee WsOst T f l 75 Spinal C^reet 00 Spina l Nursing Corset 85 Spinal Abdominal Corset S 75 Beeommeaded hi leading phvakasse delivered free anywhere in the V 8 on reoeipt ofprioeraquo Satisfaotion guaranteed Lady Agents wanted DfLiagaMgtraquoBgtiialOersttC^gteAaB^raylTewTorX



t l


CONSUMPTION I bare a pMltlve rvmedy traquor ths above dIsssae bv Its

laquoM4hoaraquoaDltioreaitilaquoi( tha wlaquoiraquot kindsudof b a g bulltaadlnehlaquors blaquon cutd I inleM bull oatrtmeImyfaPh lnltraquoraquomcttlt-ytl^tlwi 1 MnJTUO B0TTLU8 f S I A torfthrwiin a VAicxBtKTBEATISloii this disease lOnyraquooffrer OlTlaquoexprMlaquoBnd F OxddrtS






MONEY e Wide awako Agent aremnkiiiR from 81 a to ttOS per montl sslltnff the erlglua

MISSOURI S T U M WASHER ~~ bull A sew irHnclple Bavin - bull

^ j V h Jade

bearing a red tin tag t hut Lorlllards HoeeLeiif nnelaquoui that LoriHarUs

Navy Cllpplegmand that Lorlllards Kalaquoffeare the iwat and oneupest quality cousiuerwl

HOW TO WIN AT CARDS I ^ ampC- ^ A S t J R k i r a i n V S M k e B t W e e t o ^ k

AaywmsmdashI nanutacture and -raquoMlaquo eontiantl nifhand vv^ry bullrtlele laquobulllt bgttharaquopnnla|r(raieniif tuWlMwlii In rngt ft chancr Head fgtltr araquoraquoir Both tlrrklttr Addme tlCeTTDAy bull i u r f l l Hi l l s atrwtBtvjTai 4k | 4-


flraquo Mb Waail

y slvenT-^^ritsgt teraquo-terwis aalt StiAjrWASIIBB CO t i t B4SW M iuigtismBBOraquogteeiEraquobgtst

Who wUh to I arn

TOBBHiOragSftsaa B K1PPV Ki gmeeraquo Brvdg p rt Con

I I bull i l l bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull I mdash bull I I - I I bullgt bull bull II bullbull bull t

P a t m and Garden sVaadela Cvlormele) ID ftn4 10 acre trtftg Low Pikr Lootf

Tlaquo-rtna to sgttUera O Blaquor-rlaquoklaquolaquols Adlaquo1rem y perotlsra W R PAHOR Frota Clt0raquoO

laquobullbull(bull bullraquo raquomdash48



bull ( bull bull

f -

r V raquo gt bull




bull f f i n p


r - bull

HOWELL bull r our Ctwrraquoiraquoadeat

There are several cases of diph-0lttiahere A little boy 12 years old has just been buried and it is reports tin oldest son and the mother ol t ie jsjini family are now suffering with tlu-laquo U it disease

Charlie Curtis won the prize at the potato race

A number of our young people went to Fowlerville last Wednesday evening to skate and a party from Brighton came here Wonder who went to Brighton

UNABILLA From oar Correspondent

My sakes What cold weather Dick Barton has gone to Ohio to

spend the winter Rev 0 N Hunt will preach at

Stockbridge Thanksgiving day School commenced last Monday

with Tommie Young of Lyndon for teacher

Phebe Townsend of Plainfield is working at T A HartsufFs

Mr^and Mrs 0 D Chapman of Fowlerville are visiting in town this week-

Mrs Ellen Marshall and Rose Hunt went to Jackson last Tuesday to do some shopping -

Eampt Hartsuff of Pinckney has takshyen up her abode at Geo Hoylands for a rihort time

G S May fell and sprained his ankshyle a tew dajs ago now he has to go on crutches

Mr and Mrs Gage Inslee of Port Huron made a short visit among relashytives here last week

There was another excitement in town last Friday evening it was causshyed by a man becoming drunk They are seldom seen here

^Xherfe-will be union services in the



EMHROIDEKY SILKS - raquo - - bull mdash -

Over raquo00 shades ot tine

Of the people is that the place to buy goods cheap is at the

9 9

Dry Goods


LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES 20 lbs Good Brown Sugar for $1 00 16 lbs Bestr^rown Sugatfor $1 00_ 6 lbs Best Roasted Rio Coffee for $1 00 8 lbs Good Green Rio Coffee for $1 00 5 lbs 50 Cent Japan Tea for $2 ()0

5frac34 lbs Best Japan Tea Dust for SI 00



Good Horse Blankets $1 75 per pair Good Large Size Comforters $1 00 each

11 E church Thanksgivsng day and a dinner free to all in the basement ol same at 1 p m ^

I expect you will findfthe boss boy at S i Palmers ns papa says he actually thinks without any joking that he is the smartest baby in town and we dont doubt it

We are showing a very Complete Lii^e of Dress Goods consisting of Alapacas Cashmeres Brc^ades Ottoman Cloths

Plain and Plaid JElannels Etc

PLAINFIELD From oarCorraapoadent

E T Bush has shut down his cider mill and apple drier for this season

Albert Westfall is on the sick list Andrew Lester is visiting relatives

and friends in this vicinity

Mrs Irvin Hamilton of Washtenaw who has been visiting relatives in this place returned home last Monday

Chas Lambert is out again Rev Mr JJailey has returned from

Detroit where he has been to hear the celebrated evangelist Dwight L Moody he expresses himself highly pleased and well paid for going to hear him

Mrs D M Greene who has neen suffering from severe lung trouble for oast ten months and whohas been vf -bull lowfrom pulmonary hemorrhage z much improved and has gained in bullveight about twentypounds

Miss Jennie Topping has a new pianxrgflitpright Hainesmdashit-iM


^PRICES CLOAKS we arc^elosing out at greatly reduced prices Try a package pfHulmans Delicious Sips Coffee a piece of

Glassware with ^e ry package Butter Egg

embroidery -ilks so nioVii uk to make artistic work possible to nil We have just put in a full line of Uiefe sil^s to accompany the Dri^s Patterns and can supply any wants less than you can buy them elsewhere Ladies pbase call ami see the silks and reshyceive free samples of Brik^^Piitterns




F U R N I T U R E Pieluri Kritminu Kepairiiij K l c




BLACKSMITH ill kinds of custom work mid poundrmgtrul

repairing including

HORSESHOEING lthnp )(bulllt n Minns Iconic PIVCKNKI

VDETKCHT 6 CLEVELAND steam Navigation Companys Steamer City of DetroitmdashKorthwest-between

Cleveland and Detroit-Leave from foot of Third St Detroit at 10 p m-Leava from 23 River St Cleveland at 830 p m

T H E S 2 2 5 R O U T E Week days-Standard Time

T H E $ 3 0C R O U T L City of Mackinac-City of Cleveland

Leave from foot of Wayne St Detroit Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 A M Mondays and Saturdays at 10 P M

For Marine City St Clair Port Huron Sand Beach Oscoda Alpena Harrisvillo

Cheboygan St Ignace and

MkgtWIHrWraquol Folders freemdashOr send 25 cents for our

illustrated book of 120 pages fc LAVE TOUR TO PICTURESQUE fACKiioc

ribtorical and descriptive of thiraquo Great Historic Summer Resort

and Sanitarium

WCv tOWaynoSt DetroitMich

R A P t D T R A N S I T

est-Market Price We guarantee low prices and good goods



a i r Muuutit tin I M t i S i ^ l n i

55 mill gtT Jefferson A i- HKVIMIT Mil If

raid to be oCexcellent tone Morris^opping has just returned

from Uefroit wnere he interviewed MrJampdyard Suot of M C Ry who -zyi the survey cut off from Mason to Jextcr is sure to be built as soon as he times are settled and aamp-Kood as in

883 Still we hope ^

The general expression is tbat the ~gtSPTCH is the best paper printed in

w- county and many who nave been bullbullkw^ other papeis have ordered them optxd but say they will continue taklaquo fg ttfe DispATcar Tally one for




The following Patents were granted M citizens oi MXCHIOAIT beaming date ov 18 1884 reported expressly for

bull t bull is paper by Louis Bagger k Co Me-nical Experts and Solicitors of Pat LS Waabington P C

Barton Joseph Jackson warmincr -1308126

m o n 8 D Wr North Adams z ie strap 308068

lodges C J3 and E McCoy De-tr it lubricator 80825cL_

lowell Jacob Jackson two- wheel-wi ebicle 808162

TAiggSi JW-aitdltJ fl Porter poundckson cyna^etcoclrr80c^388

Williams K- 1 Lnsingr churn

Obtain for Meohhnicul Dovicrs Comshy

pounds Designs and Labels

All preliminary examination bull raquo

to patentability of inventions iw

Our Guide to Obtaining Patent

is sent free everywhere



We are still making large additions to mdash ewstocluif 1



- V soucllt



Grand Trunk Railway Time Table MICH AIR LINK DIVISION




WASHINGTON P C Pictures and Picture FramesArtists Sup-puesTBooks jGrames Toys Japanese

Novelties Etc^iEtc Bakery amp Restaurant TOBACCOS

NOW OPEN AND KEROSENE OIL READY FOR BUSINESS Everything inour line atlowest prices

Bread and Buns Fresh Every Day |

Cajl and see us when in town


No 6 Mixed

RlDGEWAY B Hraquo m AnlaquoHltlH Hl10 Uunieo 10^0 Hocbestcr 11 V2

No 4 No g 2 Pass P M

555 a m 4 m

Wis South Lyon

2-4) i ar 3110 i rip KW

IlamhnrR 4()5 raquo PINCKNEY -440 Mount Kerrier S15 Stockhridyt ftitt Henrit-tta laquoii5 JACKSON ti43 ^m STATIONS I

(115 HH5 7lo 7J5 745 8-frac34

800 810 8Alt fl i


9 raquo 1010 1040 1150 1118 1130 1150 1203 p oi la agt ia50p_m


Warm TTIPampIP and lunches at all hours Oyster and all delicacies in their oeaAon We have a line of fresh groceries a gteod assortment of teA from 2(t to 75 cents a pound Iii^lgteraquot price gtnul for Butter and E^ys Coiiie and see us Vlaquo wilJ jjlve you good goods and fair prices

laquo1 y

W H M W l i K ^ Q f PHOPH A t l h e o l d g t a n d gt u B e e b e g t o r e gt West Main Street^Pmoknov

No raquo No 8 Mixed laas

JACKSON laquo 7ooa in- 4-aii p ni Henrietta 745 445 MtickhridKe 815 50h MoiMrt Kerrler 832 515 PINCKNEY 8laquoo B5 IIaniT)uflaquo^-40 ^ B O s South I von ( Rl 1 0 1 5 s a )

3 0 1 1 1 1 i jgtnMl|raquo 105) 650 Wlxom 11-30 720

Jontiac bull h ( p 1 W gt-bull 8 i t t

Kocheater 1401 raquo05 Komeoy AVgt 955 Armada 305 ~ 1020 RlDGEWAY 8laquo0 1050

No 1 Pais

800 i n Btt

610 laquo85

70fl 73 785

All t n d a r n n by laquolaquoentral standard time All tralps run daily^Sundays excepted -

W J SPICEK T 0 8 J C P U HICKHON Supwiottadfj^t 0laquoawai lltMgtr

N mdash

v mdashI


bull bull ^SP(^- i(laquowraquo t j At


f s -- 1


ft fi


lt V




rora the SUB

Kellogg expect^ fp occupy his new fltore before the holidays

The Bank Dru Store has anion its ^attractions a couple of alligators

Lawrence Fox has lately returned

from British America

C A Skjdraore has a cnppletf hand

hot water caused it

Ed Cqinrie bag started the foundashytion for a house souti) of the Presbyshyterian sheds

Albert Yocum and wile now opcupy fheir new house i and Wra Taylor our pew harness maker occupies Joe Powshyells hpuse

cent) S Clark and Fred Miller a ie go-injf to open a general store in the old Sentinel building now theproperty of S P Reynolds

The new brick block has the cornice upon it and Kellojsrg has got the hard finish on the walls The bull(Hazier k

DePuy store will have the same style pt cornice as the other and be au imshyprovement to the appearance of the town

He came to Ann Arbor in 1853 Tho funeral was held Monday

Mr Harriet uu th r i e of the Ihiri ward died Tuesday a t the adviw gt age ot 65 years 11 months and 5 days

The burglar is abroad in this p One entered Frank Howard s hoii e or Cathanne-sf and abstracted a giio wateh and $25

Died Sunday afternoon Migts Helera Haupt aged 21 years ot typhoid fever at her lathers residence on Miller-uve

D E X T E R from the Leader

The wooden wedding of Mr and-M r s J U E Pevine of Webster on Tuesday brought 30 couples of old people in the afternoon and 50 coup-

les young people in the evening It was a pleasant and enjoyable affair

A new time table went irtto effect on Sunday last making- a difference of 28 minutes later in the morning mail west and the Jackson aceommb-(Tatirop east 801 ^

A grand masquerade hop will corneltrade1111 bullraquo -V01U off at the Rink Fr iday evening Deshycember 5th The ^manager will enshydeavor tc make it the most enjoyable hop ever held irf rrexter

J J Allen who accidently shot himself several weeks ago has so far recovered as to be able to accompany Jus sister to Elkhart Ind

S O U T H L Y O N From he Excelsior

Ed (Joodspead went to Por t Huron this morning where lie ha-|becr promshyised a position onthe M A L hy

The c o n d u c t i o n department of the Li T Ky has closed its work here and yesterday gtold the i r odice furniture at-pub lie auction

Mr Higham has h i se iga r factory in full blagtt in the Hurch building on Lake street ami is making some good bulllines too as dimples indicate

For the pasMive months Fred Clemshyents of (ireen Oak has heou the vicshytim of rheumatism of the luart_ and dur ing the time has been a great sufshyferer Three weeks ago he was str ec-mr w i t h paralyses and since t ha r t i i ue has been unable to move ooe side of his body or to speak a word His death occurred Sunday morning at a m He was well to do living on the homestead of his father Ferris Clement and about 30 years of age He leaves np family extent a y^ung wife fornnily Miraquos Fergusonot Brighshyton township Hs death seems all

1 the more sad tnun the fart that less ago his mother died

Not long after his only brother William living on the base line felt a victim to diphtheria About one year ago his father Ferris Clements followed The death of Fred leaves only iwo of the f a m i l y living Mis J Richardson of this nhue and Mrs Prof Yrooman of Ypsiianti

el tied Fact NO DOUBT ABOUT IT

That you can save nearly one-half by trad-ing a t - mdash



Best Prints made - - 5cts yard Best Ginghams made - 7 Fruit of the Loom Blehd Cotton 8frac34 Good Cotton Batts - - 7

Jus t received a fine line of



Wo rarrv the bent partes of BPOKTING POW-])KH autt all kinds ol Ammunition ind bullpoflR^K goods kjeutrally




Ail kinds of repair ing neatly and promptly done


B A KT( )N amp C A M P B E L L

West Main S i r e d HfiHknejr Michigan

Good yard-wide Factory -The Best Factory Turkey Red Table Linen Good all-linen Crash -

- 5

- 3 5 6

lb yard

DW Miller Carnage Go 46



^[Large Size Crochet Bed Spreads 75 each All-Wool Black Cashmeres 40in wide 45cyd

Good Worsted Dress Goods 12 l-2c yd Cheney Bros Colored American Silks sold elsewhere at sect125 and $150 our price $1-

54in Gilberts Plaid Flannels $1 yd ^ilks Velvets I-lannels IIostiry md I nderwear at luwer prices than any othshyer liinise m Mirhiyan tmiluMi^t- gttue|lt Ladies and Misses Xcwiimrktitf |n -sum i li clo rii)ikgt and Ihwlo-ks Ilie tin tlt larkMin is very little CIMI-pared to sdiat ou will gtie if ydu liave any trailing to do tgt iavgt i i larye-t gttoik oi lgtry Hooiis in Central Miihiian X liny andsel erlusjvt y fi)rtigth - Our liiigv-ilMi HH^mdashttiaolemdashvgt lo ^ Ulii -f^w^t pr jets i NM luive lgtui bullout price Iii ail muikel in pliiin fiji(ies

Manufaetur a largt vmrirtjuf


AJtlaquor thlaquo most approrM lteuroigvraquo raquotttrtvlaquoTllaquoi price consiitlaquont with good workmtaul^

A N N A R B O R From the Register

A girl named Flynn from the northshyern part of Michigan died at the hogt-

pTfal Wednesday while bein^ pre|gtarcd for an operation for ovarian tumor

John Donnelly aped Gl years of Ann iJlgtortown died Monday of kid- nay romplaint He came to Ann Arshybor Hfteen years ago from the County Armagh Ireland where he was bom The funeral was held at St- Thomas church Wednesday morninp

Miss Neilii


Patr ick Hoy of Webster township gtvent to be operated upon at the Uni-yersity hospital Tuesday for cancer of the throat b u t t h e disease had proceed-1 dOth a t j h e age of J4 years

HIUfiHTON From the Citizen

Mr A n r y Front and (orburn were niarrie vvening Nov 10th-

Fred Clement- of (ireen Oak wh has been sick for several month- die Sunday

A M Sweet is building an additioi to bis egtt Side house

Work is progressing rapidly Will Stnhrbevgs store and it will hi epmplefced at unce instead of next pring as at first announeed

Charles N[eCarthiv for forty year a resdent of Deertield died on tin


173 Main Street TUOMEY BROS

Jackson Mich

worJ LiT--i i^ ^o--occd flic co vrLdcly

w a t u i d c j pcigtulir ari tl_o l-i-ctruraenaancltlo isalzcro

1ivo lottcra in cccli cf tho ivw

o( ont miinuflaquocturlaquo raquobullbullanw in BH In l^laquo-raquoraquo4 foreign countries raquoud raquottlaquodt (h laquosclaquol)laquonGlaquo raquof oar gondi bgt thlaquo aolrersal bullbulltUtectlnovblek thlaquo7 ffive-Erery TehlfU bull WAiBANTO l | l l M raquottlaquoBtlolaquo wil be f llaquoraquo to mi l trier


P W Miller Carriage Co X Fifth St CilTlaquort St raquoBd EfflMto IT


- - A



tod Cc^ilccraQ piailoU iroa io i_ll

poundd too far to be arrested and Mr Hoy 4ied the same night

A very happy occasion was the marshyriage Wednesday evening at the resishydence of the brides parents John Lin-flenschmidt and Miss Carrie Binder both of this city The ceremony was felicitously performed by the Rev H Belser only int imate friends and rela-

Shortly after noon Sunday t|iu fire bells called our citizens upqn the streets mid it was soon learned that Win paver s house was on tire in a



V bullbull bull i in le_-i-lt Mi i i - i bull 1 - i l i f - [ M i r M - t i - l l () l_ t i 1 raquo (1 Jigty s ( l k Vti - HHgt-

bull gtlt-bullbull bull lt nigtl Ibull ri invliii-raquo( H t i e O J H i l n i i n i i raquo i t i i [ j i H C I I S


is il-ii neulf n i i ieiivit-iTVrlti ryJ fuv a r o m a t i c


firaquo tr^-t ranli HB n s o l U ^irlaquoiiltgt flmokiaj tigthac-

h(ilUUtlgtraquoS FAJiOlS S M F F S hivo 1UHII uraquo 1 fuiuugtf bullbullgt year raquoraquod are eolctj2( ii lar^i i r than any OUKWH


l i O IK lt 1-

fives of the contracting parties being distance was so great that the tire wa


A fatal runaway occurred in Jorth-field near Mclntyres Corners tyloncjay A team of horses became frightened iind ran t ipping ttre~wagon over oirH0^5 worth Thgt^ tire caught froiu-

Frank Preston and a younger brother Prestons neck was broken and he died almost instantlv The boy was unhur t but was slt confined beneath the wagon that it took him an hoar to extricate hinigteli

Dr Maclean of the University asshysisted by Dr Sullivan of this city and Dr Taylor of Manchester recently ve movtd an ovarian tumor weighing 100 pounds from the person of Mrs Sarah Wells of Manchester town [fhe lady is in s fair way to recover entirely

Milo Pulcipher the popular Westshyern Union opera te^ has bee(n reinstate cA in his position in this city the manshyagers hav ing become assured that they Were misinformed a^ to his manage i n e n t o f t h e office^ igt pengler ko whom the position had been given reshyceives an equally good one in Detroit Mr Mulcipher commenced work Wednesday

Aldrich M Bod^ttTo the third ward diedajWrtSnome in this city

of^typhoid pneumorita He ^as born in Franklin county Xew

We will sell L U I ^ T at tlie l-wii X X X ISinch Sliinle- per tlioiisainj

4 Clear Butt- i s inch Hi ndlt s |gt r t mi verv tew minutes enough o l i e neiir-f r - ^- bull

bull r U l l l | gt h l l i r e - rS i j i e h pe i - i l l i - i

N o ] )A1 ] V T i e 1- l id ie 1

No La til pr to bull iij - in I M gt Bill S(ul[ inf-JIMrn-j- l^t -No per iilt

I Hoof iiiiis ]r te-HmdashK+4- f^ei | Hani I jii gtn i gt) (ii- IIMII- i ml f i et

bdquo _ i Shippiiiy Culls |raquo r j|i+lM-)iMt leet ~ put out before the hivuun arnved A 4 vnV inu p - r j ^ - i s njd f-t portion of+he roof was burned^nd the Finishing Luiiiijt-v p-T ti^n-arl fe-t inside of the house damaged some I Sidiny per tbnisiml tet probably i n all twenty-live or thirty bull P O S l T l V K I V N O C K K D I T

bullV L II(4yenT Mana^^ymdash Pinikii^y+iMlcli

bors were on hiuul with p|i|s to put out the flames vvhieb had been disshycovered before get t ing miieh headway

The fire engine was starred but the

priee- for til iisXl igt0 da vs bdquo 8390

V T ^ plusmn20

1-2() oKO

400 1400

S50 to U00 bull lvoutniTuu

lJ 0U OCX) to HOO 20 00 to 50 00

1400 to 2000


Scour Xta l tky |MtioatotkaZiTlaquolaquo

iona trouUaa

C OTV^VLW - euro D S B S L S S Indlsrairi of the

Impolran Orfsske WgtthilaquoM UvirmtW terHmdash grlentifa

a defective chimney

Through the kindness of-Ir Jamegt (^ollett the builder we have seen the plagtns for the addition to l]te (ahol c h u r t h TtieT(rigt to be an addition the rear of forty feet with b^S-m-i for furnaces and a tower whiuh is M be 108 feet in height in front Ti tpwex_vill rest one-lialf upon ill- pi eit s t ructure and one-half upon foundation to be added in 1YltM Tjiere are-to be two side eutrue -rhv plans are very elaborate m d -sjgn and when completed linjjhoi will have a church second to none outshyside of the cities The main body W the building will be 96 feet in Ung by 85 feet in width and lt-ougtttng in the abutments tor tb^^rCver the exshytreme leng thw^KT)e 102 feet The fbundatieifwill lie laid and the floor

a but down this fall and the bal-anee of the work done in the spring I n w o o d a J | ( u i | ] S ( m l l 1 n j | c t o do-tuniiH^ Xi ini and general maoh The contract callfor its completion- repnifino We are also ag ntsHor V s J bus ^sbcstgts Miiti-rihls huu by J u n e 1st ^ - Pack ing MilJXiiajjiUJLeluT 1 1 4 4 ^ U i w u b ingtide iind outside Li

H2B5SHS Paints jbirn lioof and Fire-proot Paints

fwneiHi Draquofomraquoltllaquo TrttttA ltkl or Writ IbTlktS 4Uiiraquont raquorgt he innrerMl by thaw dcrirtng tiwmeni bj M pound |^rrltw M | M H N B I n h w i l w N m IMr I M W V4Mr laquoMlaquohlalaquorltfebgt4TMtaaft HUltwm3

accBMuoDrButUDteMnaw btaMkki4 N i w h

bullAM Uli AlMM ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S S

mmi EDAD PLOW mn amp s n m s i M ^ Will do more and better grading and ditching witliAq Jt giVM pme tkampn an other implement

HAS I M P O f t T C O F R O M r H A M O S

which tnclmAii lt ^g^

PINCKNEY PLANING MILL W v are iowprepurod to do

Planing Resawingal kinds of plain an J fane Bracket-Sawing Carving and Turning

r CENT CF A l l H0RIEI frac34 KAtff iiToSLTampi fiampWr KVpound I M P O R T E D TO A M M H O A

1 5 0 Iipened Brood l i r a



Mengiuitfma iy ^5^traquoi_ai(t i Lfionie-^mdash femaljeclerksl bu t here la a j H i n g to

^ k and wis over $ j yea r s^o f ^ e p r e y e o t wonieu becominWmi i civyk JJeftj Qraud I f u ^ k P e p ^

1 OO C O I T

fere ^r Artar rXrcssas mrmv^temmtmmdashW^^amp$^^ bull _ _ w f c raquoraquo bull bull ^ bull bullraquobull bull bull trfiM KiStfeniM bull A

4MseiwN V MICH 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 4 frac34 ttf klaquo






- lt bull

s- N - 8 ^ y



immmmxw i mdashmii~l lt W M M M t M M M ^ -MitMt imdashW


bull[ft- i

bull ^ gt


Gsttia Erea MUa UppertenmdashI did not meet

you at any of the Hummer rotwrta this

Miss LowertehmdashNo T remained in the city

Mias UpperteamdashHaw horriblef but then I suppose times are rather hard now for some people 1 went everywhere and had a lovely time only there were but very few you-g meu to be seen By the way you re member Mr Nicefeilow we both so

^yiuuch admired He said thi spring J he was unable to leave the city exshy

cept for a day or so but I heard while I was away that he hud fallen heir to $5000000 and was surprised that I did not meet him at auy of the watering places It cannot be that he remained in the dull city after getting all that wealth

Miss LowertenmdashYes he said he did not care to go away this summer

- as we expect to be in Europe all next season

Miss UppertenmdashYou Miss Lowerten-- Yes OJJ our wedshy

ding tour you know mdashPhil Call



that way

A Rejected Opera Although welio-ld the faith

-genius will eventually make its there can be little doubt that many-Instances Hiave occurred in which either a lucky chance or a sympashythetic helping hand has very material Jy hastened this result Of the first of these aids to popular recognition the following paragraph furnishes an instance

About thirty years ago a poor litshytle musical composer very modest and almost unknown tried to seil-the

fgtartition of 11 opera which had just ately been produced in Paris to some

publisher tu t nobody sauted it Ftrhaps one of the music dealers would have accepted the partition bad it not been for the illustrious Berloiz who advised him not to touch it at the price demandedmdashthat is to _ _ _ _ _ j _ bdquo__ ^ _ ^ _ ^ When the

publisher had declined the music the young composer carried his matiu-pcript to another house but was reshyfused simply because the first had done so Strolling along the bouleshyvard the disappointed artist met a voung gentleniuu named Cnuudens a clerk in the department of state To him he related his troubles whereupshyon Choudens saidMa foi but it is Jucky we met I am goraquoig to marry in a few days the daughter of a man who engravVs music and when we are married we shall start a wareshyhouse I cannotattord to givc-rou 3000 francs for yojir -woll^ but J wii 1 give yoy 1gtW tor it it you win tlaquoust lire for tlie gtear J He comshyposer accepted these terms and the work was printed The name uj tiic opera ia lau^t iriid Uut id Tlie composer Charles lilaquogtttuKl iiii if true may indeetl lraquo lenino tot bullbulllucky chance wlUii raquotoiic tgti ahu ened the prgt sjnets oi on- uno viuuv-Jy unknown sought omy toe wurlds attention to achieve a lame which has gained in strength to thi present day But it must not be 1 rrotum that there wa UIMJ a iulping hand und that thw came not fi-um Fiance but from England in tne columns of the Athenaeum Mr II F Uiohey then musical critic oi the journal nlaquogti pjilv drew |wdgtl c ulu ntiii ilt-laquo iltv t eepttonai piWei raquoi raquoi tiuuuii braquo from ids own KhoWuu^e spohc t|i | such glowing tonus oi his Faust bulltiiat a widoiy sprt-aii desire to uar -tlie work was arraquou-ed anlaquoi it wa- mainly through his wi tui^ iuux re opera was prtAiuced in tins claquoraquoUbti bull-(j^ouclon Musicui Times

BUT HARDWIRE I am selling everything in my line CHEAPER than any one else can afford to







IMPORTANT When yon vi|t (irli HviNiv York City HVraquo

Huelt_rmie bullKxprpKHiiirt iud irrii_rlaquo- lliivbullbullbull riiiil Mop at thltltiriiid 1nlnn lotraquoi opposi te (iiyrui O n -tral Depot

Hlegnnt rooms fitted tip ut a crt^t o onltgt n i l Jtraquon dullard reduced to $1 itml upwiids gtrr duy KiiropeHii ()iin Klevutor Kistiuini( nnppiiod M Ith theJiti^l l o rne c i r s cti -r- mi l Heviitrd railt otid to iill ltlaquoptgtts i ainiii-lt cim live lnttt-i for W P mraquo|c gtf tin- tOntul 1 l bull l lt) 1 v Hotel tliiilmdash nr o the r tirst iljies hotol in tliltiitv


Nexvous poundxJiausYioBt P r e m a t u r e Decay

LOBS of Manhood An olaquopa laquo lt Inth-iio ntt Iwok of Advice to

Younjor Aliddle-n^d Monwtii prescriptious f r If-trM-tmcnr i v a Hpiillaquor rljyxloiiiti 9 | U ^ r t D P P on receipt of t T) thitraquoe-olaquont

r n ^ amp unmpii Addrraquotlaquo

Michigan Buggy Co KALAMAZOO Mich

BEFORE BUYING fg s1fo r s e


And so you have beu to Euro^ Pid you go to-HwiiKH^^


=THI3 MAN mdash TVatif btdontaoU Lis Ctevy LVafi ilorse-killinj i DtiM ard buj an LiAtY RUNNING

DSERIMG TWINS B I N C E | fttonclaquo frpry honie on the farm will Boon be de

WILUA4 DEEAING amp CO Chicago 111 B i H i J E R a R E A P E R S AND MOWEB8


pound ANDREWS Howgt]l Mich

you see the jrlaciersf Mrs Shoddy Gh yes we ww thcr glaxierts aini mechanic of all kind but then you know 1 dont take any eitock in uch vulgar persons

The papers announce that a Chishycago hotel waiter was bull accidentally shlt^in the pantry Why will the papers insist on isitig these medical ternu We didnt now jiiKt how much to sympathize with the poor fellow It w to be lojraquoed the pantry ii n vlt- ppotmdashBiisimirk TrMnau-

An ealaquotTn family receive a tele- gram from the wat nunouueing the uudden dcmjue of a relative and they replied Send on the remains at once No telegram waa received in answer hut it in n few day a letter came wying dimply Thereaint no remains He war kicked bv^a-muleraquomdashN V Dial ^ ^ ^ ^

A l-VmraquotMijJamptifivr writes H vou i conrftnTiid a face wash t b a f i s

rrmkraquo Water if yon deirt uraquoe enough to drown yourself

Ao Irishman writes home to Ite-land bullCome over at wunst shur tis a great countrymdashThe working- tnen ride in palace cars Ben Bmraquoj

Ifteinfietafwrt of all kisd of Open and laquobull4 EOAD CARTS Alaquof-nt wnntcr

Miiljwfctf WriU for craquotMo$ua raquoud ptco LU HKI WO A SPKULTY


is wan iv us

Wa ala aaaatecttira raquo tnl lino of CUTTERS Imelodlag Hwarl Blaquody Portland f Sqaara Ei lwlaquo aaat FaHtaad and Vovcj ampciUs

|amlt kgtt evtaNiad pricei befora purchaaiac





LE SELF-CUBE notadand airi sstul spfclullstJiu-thcU4raquo i

retired gtrigtrr sgtrigtltnyerrraquovIi-MHtyen IMnnhod i nhn bulllaquobull flaquoi igt^rlaquolaquo8en

JBpUlnscaiuf ^nviTrncrt + DnijurlMmjiuiJUt KUttmtHtL WARD A CO UVJIMM mgt

GENTLEMEN We invite your attention to our line of


TimberedXand for Salor Exehaue I have eight- acres of timber land in the town-

ship uf ^ tita uak Inffhayticn which 1 will sell -fur each ur trade fur clliur lamia oi property In southern Livingston roanty Address

NORMAN BURGESS iincknev Mich


$175 S200 $225 $250 a

We shall continue to offer the same great pound Inducements to purchasers as before

_ and guarantee satisfaction to ourPATEONS injdl

mdashcasesmdash T


Dr BarterViron Tcsi t h M V k laquo S f Aaateampfi1 B W deg deg - dilate S S ^ f l and VXOOB gf TOV1K 1 11 i ltraquot

tanaclallv l)yraquonpraquouWlaquoiuo|-A|jviiiriiiiraquolaquoraquol bull i 8 l p pth en lis IM is u uk d Ith Imiuellme ahd noudfi-n r njilaquo i bdquo t S iuscllaquoraquolaquoiilaquol i n r v e n m l raquo laquo ilaquo-v i bdquo m t nhv tus

l A B l B T A gtHVlaquorlliK 11--11 II -rti pl-tlllft J ^ W J M W TXctHar lotiicli M m in ttira It jrlrea illaquoltnr nnrl I IMHI -V laquo ibullbullbull v bullbull bull Tiraquoe atrraquoiiglaquor trsiimAiu ugt thV i i r I K I AHTICK^lRWTOVir traquomt frlaquolaquonu-iit iiin-i) tts laquot CoqntlaquorfHiiflilaquovlt eigti|v uddi d i tl lt i bull i ar-I t y o t t h laquo o l R l n l J r 5-n n en n l v i l o t n IM I Iraquo do not ox^er l i i ier temdashfer t i le O K K X N A I VMHtvi

i i


poundbull rlaquogtUr raquoddrmdash ta-Tfa n r BlaquoTtlaquof U4 ( c V bull | L T A gt - I K laquolaquogt gtor our DBXAM i O C K B ^Jptt t lof laquofrrnnffiraquo raquon1 iw-fn in laquoqiraquolon frw W

Oav HAimna IKON TONO IS POM 8ALC B Y A U QHtMntara ANO QAiaolaquo CvtarwHUts

x - bull - N



^ ttktfatt 4k ^iamp 3F55 raquo3W raquobull i jJi i i

^ wKraquo

bullbullbull -C amp amp 312 raquo lt-ampreg$m



Entered at tb Potofflti u 2d elaslaquo mutter



M ^


AMONG the Geauga county records at ChardonO is a musty old book conshytaining the license permitting Brigbam Young and Mary Ann Angel-^bia first wifemdashto enter into lawful wedlock The document is dated February 10 1834

STUDENTS at Harvard would like a little more liberty in the matter of atshytending chapel exercises to secure which they have drawn up a petition asking that attendance at chapel be mode voluntary for students over 21 years old and opportonal with parents or guardians of students under 21 years old mdash m

THE shop hours bit soon to be introshyduced into the British house of comshymons by Sir John Lubbock will proshyhibit the employment of any young pershyson iii a shop for any longer period than 12 hours in one dav and the penalty for the violation of this act by employshyers is a fine not exceeding pound5 for every person so employed The act will apshyply to England Scotland and Ireland

BISMAKOK has devised a new projpct by which he hopes to improve the conshydition of the workingnien and lessen the influence of socialists amonz them He propose^the_ establishment of trade committees in manufacturing centers whose duty it shall be to report upon the state of various industries with a view to regulating the supply accordshying to the demand and ascertaining where laber can be best employed


A WASHINGTON dispatch says There are indications of i ho probable presence of two lobbies here this winter the whisky lobby t ad tho railroad lobby The whisky men will make another efshyfort to secure an extension of thlaquo bondshyed period or some similar relief They will be aided by some of the banks which have advanced large amounts of money on warehouse certificates The railroad men will endeavor to pashyrent the government from making harsh terms with their roads

MRS CLAY of Kentucky a delegate r Americaa^Woman Suffrage As-

sooiaton convention in Chicago jimde the sweeping assertion in her address before the convention that the women of her states were as much slaves now as the Negroes were before the war She aaid it was not simply because they were refused ihe Iballotbut that in many other ways the women of the middle and lower classes were treated no better than slaves And this in America in the nineteenth century

A NUMBER ofNew Yorkers are plan-oing the erection in Central park of ar huge building of ice on the plan of the Montreal ice palace If the park comshymissioners assent to ihe use of the grounds arrangements will be made with several ice companies to furnish blocks for the building t is proposed to light the structure with electricity to provide it with restate rants and bars and in fact make a road house of it for winter gaities The patshyronage of sleighers and skaters is reckshyoned as an important nightly source of profit

THT adoption of thaj-ogjter-as-the-~emblem oTpolitical success is due to a

Hooster editor In 184 2 after the Harshyrison campaign there was great doubt as to how Indiana had cast her vote The situation was similar to that in New York in every respect An editor named Chnprnan bondactedthe Demoshycratic newspaper at fndianapolisy and as often the case in boasting over a victory his editorial rej icing over the result was termed orowing In a day or two when some of the back couuties were hoard from it seemed his erowiog had been prennt re and the whigorglaquon-cme out givingiste returns showing Ddoiocratio defeat and in the headline was the expression Crow Chapman crow This wasvintended as a taunt and must ha we been felt for few more counties yet to hear from again turned the tables and show-Ad that the Democrats had won It was then that the rival editor hoisted at the head of his columns a marnifi-eent rooster and printed underneath it the words We Crow The idea caught on at onca and the fame of the wood-ooi rooster was assured

TILE CROUCH TK1AL Another Attempt made To Solve the

Great Mystery m

T h e Frot-f edinse

Thpjiry soent M gtu i^y the 17 h vlritlnj the Criucu ami Holeoiub tiom^Ua looktu careiully uvtr Uiu scenes of Uio Krraquot trigeiy The trial wa reeutin-dln tbe afteruooD SLI four itue$ea wlt re examined

0a the 12a day of the trial of Diulel 3 Holcoinh E mtr tLitchtfavtiaiJeUile I account ol Lis discovery of footprints at ihefarm-Duusi tbr mornlnu after the murder

Mrs Danforth Waits told the court of the blood spot seen on dotal UK ID Pollejsroom rUy Clements testified to a conversation wltt Holcomb in which the litter had made inquiries ooncernlDg stock btloLxlnx to Henry Wnlte Dr McL-tughUn who was present at the txanilnatlou of the bodies the morning after the murder testified to thu ap pearaoce of the bodies at that time and gavr his theory of the murder as Riven by htm at the examination Other witnesses were tximined bat nothing new was brought out

The Irst witness sworn on the 18th day of the trial of DauM A Holcomb was Davit Hutchlns Mr Hutctii|s said he saw tracks li a iicg from Wilsons rowing on the railroad toward The eatt dour of the Crouch house alampo the tracks made by new rubbers ntraquor tbe siuthwist wlndWvand oae_oa the east side ot the hiuee Aftlaquorwarus he wmt Jiome and from there in ihn Widow Holcombs Held he raquow traika wLiei lie stiould say wen Judd Urouchr QittiaiiUcuSfiouensuedaRlothead uiisi-lfctliti of tesiliu JUgt iu regard to tracks avd witn 66 was excuse degJ t sc Hard was iitxr HWurn ami Tmtrieil ttat he walt oreseut at traquo-CuroueiiJii qnjstarid heard Daniel S liolcuiub dtiiy uudtr exihmutou jhat he bad ever rraquooutht ur owueda drtytI jntcaliber revolvlaquo r Witness said that Holcouio nad U)ld that he waaat lUQieon the ^xut of the murder that he WHS ttruu-ed by his wife whocalled atteutlon to a plaumiintt door and that he went to the dtxT and fantraquo m d i

Tela was o 4 eted t on the ground that testimory uf Lhlaquo coroner as in wrilntr and couid be producwi as evideuce Afttr some tnJk Mr Gibson offend to produce tt and H d he would tupplement thu wrtttt-n telaquoMiaouy bgt q ietiiluuiugti the cvr-m-r and other witiiesset

Coroner P t^ey aa railed and give parshyticulars of iheii qgtie-t held by him upon tije bolt1y of Jacob Croucti Mr Casey said Hiiots weie brought bt-ftgtef him on the ii qjlaquo stand admltv-d by Mr H ricomb to be bis sajlog Judd had bought Luem for him a day or two b fore the mardirlf witness remembers ari^Dt the day betore Mr H^tcomb was ask^d If he ever owned a 3J-catib^r rampTolyer and anshyswer d Lhat he iiev^-ow-aed- oue never priced one and u^vfr held each aooe in hh hand Holcumb said he had gone to visit his brother in Oveaiaw county icd that Jacob D Crouch owtdhim for Judus bord rnat Foy was a drinking man that J add and Foy had been to Jacksoni November a gt the day of the murd r and rcturLed argtout dark and the only revol vers about the house were two old ones which he did not know were any good He thought that Holcomb said the pistol found beside F bullyVdeadrtody belonged to him

Nettle 8nyder a domestic in the employ of the Holcomb family at the tune of the murder was sworn She d scribed the features ot HolcombH house and where each one 6]ept Judd Fov and the boys Andrews and Loucds-bury It was a Ntorojy night and every one retired to bed earlymdashabout8 oclock Witness said Holcomb rose not on the morning of the murder Judd James Foy and the tno bogts w recomint from the barn to breakfast when Bolles arrived with the news of the murder They had been called to breakfast and were oc their way to the house Sue was the tirst to tell Mr Hi I omb the news that all wire murshydered at the Crouch housraquo Hia reply laquoraquo Is tuat so or KMiieihliiK luallar ine wines-was also the tirst toteil Mrs Hocomb Judd and Foy remained in the house oily a momcuc she did nogt notice any lulk bet weet them She does not remember that auythit) ws 6a1d by Holcomb ab~ut the murder or by him and Ida wlte After she told jlm he did jioispenkto Mrs H yicouib ubout it but went directly out doors He caiin- lu aln-iwards to gtt hii over-cgtat as preparing to uo to Jackson Mis Holshycomb said he wa tolujc wich Mr Huuiums

ATti r a rtKid cro -8-lt xaiulnation wituess wes rxcus-id and Julin Keeee a domestic in the Crouch fm1ly at the tim^ of the murder was called to the sund bne was closlaquolv qaet-tioned as to the event son the ai^htol the murshyder and an attempt was made to make tier testify to facts concerning her own lite Sue Ar^^t pimnnaly laquobull thf mpprjotl of the death Of

| 8 gtlvelt1 That thi Democratic party of Kn-pa bv MlntUitf aii hUt-jrigthihiiliiii tdntloriu an 1 uiHkii K an raquovow digt anil-orohltdtlon claquom-pi1gt0 Uraquo e oialaquole It impofs bttt for eonsistr-i t HiobtiiHoiilfta to^lve it ilielr support tgt0 lon^ astt re alus its un8i atltude

Keo vedmdashThat ihlaquo K -publican party of Kan-KH U ado(tligtt2 a pKiit rm that wax laquoti1ftf (-tury to the uiHSBof ProhlhUlouiH8 and elect-inystate lt fflcrs and a ]tkiltilaiure j llaquod^fd to rlt quite eiduictiu) I t lt f ihe bulllaquo ndlulou to the ftulaquo that the lud t ifeet of jrobbirinn may be reali h-m dtgtraquo e all that reasgt nable lngthl-ilitiicts tibould di maud aLd is at this time ei -t tii d to the curdiai support of temperance men

Ke^olve 1mdashThat as long atgt the atHtude of the two JeadiDK parti s in this state remains un-cbanKd we are unalterably opposed to the formalon or matmaloance of an independent Prohibition party and we cordraquoally ltrvlte those who have teparated from us to return and act with us in future

The resolutions were passed wtbout opposhysition except the last named which was bitshyterly oppost-d by St John After a long deshybate its tiual clause was amended to read as follows And we cordially invite all to jjin us in the work

k MYSTBKIOU DISBASK A tale of deep distress comes from Buchanshy

an Wise and Dickinson counties occupying an isolated posits n on the cxireme westerii limit of Virginia For some weeks a fatal disshyease has been prlt valraquo nt thraquo re and i he number ot deaths is terrible The nature of the d sense is yet undented bur it Is suprxsed to arise lrrTgtm ptiUouous wafer The orouth there for ij outhlaquo nearly dried all the streams spring raquoud wells and it U supp le I the water left it impregnated with mineral prison A reliable correspondent tells a pluful swry and 6as as many as four corpses were found in a 6lu^le house

A NATIONAL ASSOCIATION A sYffcult of ihe meetralaquo of the cattlemens

couvenitori hel0 in Sf L tuif Mo a lew das -ltice the orgftraquoxlaquorloa of ta- National Cattle ami UvtrseUtgWerfc1 A^soetatf gtn of the Uuiteni Statt-s was tdtnittl The constitution embltxl-iet thf folio1u Tlin nam bull to tgte h bull Nationshyal INtie and Horse Growt-rs Association of

all individuals direciy Jnt-resieuN iu said inshydustry on pa m nr of 15 lulti ttgton and a 1 as laquo ciatious onthe pavm^ot of $15 the annual due- to be $2 50 for individuals and $7 50 for associations Annual nie-tln^s tobe held the f jurth Monday of each November Two Clausen wtre added admittlua votf by proxy and tlx-lujt tgte basis of representation in tue conveu-iion at one vote for each member three for each association and oue at lar^e for eacti state and territory duly raquoccredited by the gov-en or Provision waa also made 10 admt tie]-etrares sfcredltid by regular asccciations in Old Mt x co aind Catiad


The following passage occurs in the address of the Independents whkh has heen forwarded to GOT Cleveland Ihey will uphold your administration to far avd ampo long as it is ba^ed upon the principles which should underlie ail political parties in a government of and by and for the people and believing that an honest and fearless oppodtlou is us nesessary to free government as an able and vigorous adminisshytration itself they will not hesitate to oppose your administration when it commits itself to principles which they cannot uphold


A EHIGUTFUL UBATH A Hungarian clergyman named Krasnlsara

while traveling on a sledwe U) Louca with bis wife and child was pursued by wolves His wife terror-strickeu ai the sight of the anishymals let the child fall from the sltdge The husband jumped out to save the etiiid and both were devoured but not before the fath r killed two of the -wolves Meanwhile the horses attached to the fgtlltnlge rau awraquoy and the uufortunate mlhtr OWIQK to th4laquolaquoible irUl to which she was mTicr^d was prematurely delivered of a dead child Th- hbullamp ran to Louc-i and upon arrival ihere the people found

lue woman herself d- traquod iu tut raquo1 dlaquoe The terrible tragedy topk placj withiu the spaace o an hcur

ADAMS VS C LEK100S The ftiit of Adams hg lust Coleridge was beshy

gun in L nlou No^ 21 iu tl)eeraquogtiirol Q leens Herch The plaiwtltf is a_weltiliuv mraquon well kuown lu Lgtudou bociety an i raquoas until reshycent) eogtraraquo(ed to be iuarrio1 id-MudreU Mlaquory euro-gteidse tbeon4y-dauiib+^r of- the L raquord Chief Justice of EuKlaud During the eu^ac m -cl B^ruard Colt rhi^e t llt^tsou and hgtdr ol the Cult Justice heard j-ome UCCUSH(1OIS ailrrct-iui A iamb character 11- eaii-tle^ himself ihey raquoeieirueand theu wrote io his sister ltlt-nuuuctni Adams us a Ux r ine and anobji-tlouatjle ptrsou in Miany reBpect aud cli^l tome facts to corroborate tue charges He paid he would furnish such proofs as would oe ouclusWe to vhe miid of her father if she was not already convinced that her lovlaquo r was unworthy Ml-s Cgtjleridie at tirat rtlused to behtve the accustttiou agalust Al-ams and at his r quest showed

The national cattle convention at its session in St L ju-s memoraliz d congress on leain public lauls tocatilo men afamped a repeal of the pleuro-pneumonia bill and the appointment of HtAte c gtmmissioner on cattle olseraquoees in stead and keeping Indians on their reservashytions aqd ^reveutiug them from earning tire-arms A committee was appointed to ur^e a national trail before confess The lol owln^ were elected CO R D Hunter 8t Loaie president Gen J imes B Brl^blu Idahovice-

-presldeiit A T AtwtT titLouis ftcretarv E C More cdthlcr Merchants national bank treasurer

her husband and was excused until the follow lngmornlnir Her tebtimony as given was but a repetition of thai given at the txdmlna tlun relating in detail the arrival of Pollev for the purpose of buying the cattle and of the manner in which the family spent the ni^ht previous to the murder

The Jackson Circuit Court Judge Gridley presidium met at 9 oclock on the 20ch as usual for the trll of Dan S Holcomb charged wlhth murder of Jacjb D Croucu Only eleven jurors appeared Ihe effljer lu charge sniJthiU JurymiQ Perry had been quite sick all nl^ht and was not able to leiVe nls bed The juror has complained of ill-health for several days-- Hls^appearaoee every since has indicated suffering and it has been with manishyfest effoit thai h fixed his mind on the proshyceedings Dr Williams who ltttei did the juror taldlhit he was quite HI with sympshytoms of a malarial type indicative of typhoid fever Uppn the doctors statement that his patient could not attend thsre was nothing to do but to ac j gturn the court for a day To-motruw morning on reassembling a report of the coadUlon of the juryman will ho maac and upon that depends the present rtsumpUou of the trial

Court convened at the u8U]_hojir_-jon-tbraquo ^lf^_^h^alcUnraquomdash^eotcfBoTTBat Juror Peirp was not able to oe present and I lie court ad-Jraquournraquo d to Monday November ti Ju^or LJWIH G Brown wa aleo uuwell aud had to see a


G b M H U M E raquo s bull bull T H E BEACONS G L V D R A T

In the annual report of the L gbt House ho J Ml 25000 s a^ked for luhtti^ and buoy-ID river If Is rgt c gtmmeudeti thut the light h( use districts which embrace all the uopt-r lake bed hidedmdashtin popinu tmt)ruciag Lake Michiiau raquond Greet e Bav to be seraquo off and craquolied the 8 veuteeutu Dstrict the renibtuder to be inclu udin the present poundlevgt-iith Dlrtilct and is kbowii by that lau^e Esiimates for general appropriations for the raquobull Xt necal year iucludiDgrupples repairs saUries^txpeuse- ttifbt veKlaquoeln buovage and fraquog siatials etc are | y 10ilXM) Bnlmtte f r special approshypriations amount to $120150 m^de up in part nf the f o l l o w i n g Hems Port Sauil lC Littht Stat lor Michigan H^OdO Pipe I^Utid LltfbtKrattov MlehQanIIMIU) Milwaukee Llkht Htfcttou Wisconsin $i6lt(Hn 3t Mar6 RiverRmgefi MIcDlgm $12(KM building for Lighthouse Boird $iJO00U


Tbe Kansas state temperance union met in Topeka on the 19th Gov St John and wile were in attendance During the aftgtmooptbe committee on resoluttoas nude a report reshyciting that the principles ot the union had beenlaquonpbatlcallj enjoyed by thepeople of Kansas la the overwhelming defeavbf cue presshyent occupant of tke executive chair thus con demning his unlawful warping of law and exshyercise of laquoxentive clemency in behalf of con-vltted raquoaloon keepers ThrcQngtrainJatlaquodPro-hihiUonisU in the growth of temperance sentishyment and recommended a seTlsof^eso^Jon the more important-of which were ^s toUows

U A raquo H t M G T O N

LOHINOS KB PORT In his annual rep irt C mmlssiouer of Agrishy

culture Lortiii sagt(gt The wheat area ia~ so mach btyond the rltqulnmeutB of cousumptiou in this aud other ^uutrles as todeprets the prtclt to a point unprecedented iu recent years favoring at certulu poiuts the use of wheat iu fee-iln1 for pork production The cause of this supirabitdance i two-fold first eX tension of settlement in the Northwestern prairies and dry plains of the PdCitic coast and sic nd the txirKOidiuary period ot comshyparative failure of Earup^au wheat for several consecutive years U P ne sugt j c-of forestry the report siys While the destruction of our forest is going on at a coustantiy increasshying aL d alarming rate It is gratifying to know that the workof plautioit trees for wind-breaks and for forest purp ses is rapidly increasing etp-clally in nomc of our Wtstern states aud Territories From gteuraska we have trustshyworthy informutiou that not less than 45U0(XK) trees haTe been planted during the present year-and more than 2000 busnels of walnut and other tree seeds Continued investigashytions have been made in regard to the conshysumption of forests for legitimate purshyposes as well as by tire6 This consumption for the manulacture of lumber is increasing In faster ratio than is warranted by Ithe Inshycrease in population and egtnsltqutnt natural demand Tae lumber market is largely overshystocked and the process of manufacture conshytinues to be conoucted in a fast manner when the fast Increasing source ot supply calls for the utmost ecoLouiv with material The great pine forests of the Northwest are now depleted to tuh an extent that Southern pine 1s brought Into competition with it in the Chicashygo market and perceptible iuroAds have been mide upou those vast forests which cover so large a portion of the gulf 8 ates The same

r c k l m and waottful melhoxi8~orXujmberlng are pursued there wmch have so rapidly conshysumed tne Northern aud Western forests This condition of thlugs makes more imperashytive every year the eudeavor to preampefve the forests which form a part of the public uo-maln and so toauird and coutrolthein by law as to make them of the greatest and most isstiug benefit to the country Tula bureau will make an txhlhiiiou of artishycles manufactured from the wood ltgtf American lorests ut the New Orleans Exposition There will also be an txhiblLiou ot jiving trees transported from the arid reshygion of the West -here it hiis been said that trtescmli n gtt bi mi l e t j ^ror ou account of the limled ammor of ralufaH This transshyplanted grove gtvllt bj an ocular demjustratlon that ihe establlshtu^Qt of trees both for laquorua-menutt and fores purpjsei caa be pushed oiucb further aioutf ma drlaquor weather plains than has be n supposed

WILL REDUCE THE SURPLCS Thdeg tre tsuj department has already furnishshy

ed (7000(00 for tne oaymeut of pets tons dur-iatpound the current qa-trter and estimates have b en rolt ived thlaquot 10000000 more will be re-qulredhy the tension ottice miking an aggreshygate of about $17100000 to b paid out on ihis account before Jan 1st Tbi uuusually Urge pajment will very materially reduce the surshyplus now on hand and it is thought will defer for sometime the oil for 3 per cent bonds which otherwise would probably have been lsfcued


The Armanent Board recomaaends the purshychase of the following guns for the defense of our harbors One hundred and twenty-3ve elKht-inch^un^ to carry pro] stiles weigbinj 2i5 pound- 2Wxem Inch vuo to carry pri


New York State s Vte Announced by the Board of Canvassers


Cleve laud Plurnllijr 1140

The State canvassers met in Albany at noon Nuv 31 all olt lug prem-m Secretary Woyd ait-IOUucid ihe foot ings of the t i b e s as fo IOWK Highest Demt c atlc electormdashfrle^t 568154 HlifheH Rnpuraquo ICJIU electormdashCtraoa ^bii t ft Plurality for Priest 1149 LuwtfctDem electormdashOttenlorur f61- 43 Lowest Republican electormdash Harris bbl 971 Plurality for Ottei dor 1(77 Highest Prohibition ehctormdashMiller 2gtlaquolaquo 0 Lo westmdash Ellsworth lt49tS Highest Butler electormdashODjnueil 17 im4 Lowest -Campbell 167 gt1

After the announcement tae members of the board slgnei thlaquo tables and certlfic ites


her brothers letter Adtm ssked to keep the letter and declared lo be able to convince her that its allegations were false Miss Coleridge surrendered the letter to him and he faihdto refute thechage Trie lady broke iff the engagement and Adams still posing as an it jured lunocence broUkbt suit for heavv damagts against Bernard Coleshyridge The latter in his defence says that the letter was in the nature of a privileged commushynication and not in any sense a puPlicntiou of the charges whether true or false such as to make him liable to prosecution If however he is required or allowed to prove the charges ^e^says ne is thoroughly prepared to do sdgta d show he was justified in seeking to save his stttr from a uulon which would be a hfe-touV misery and disgrace The scaudiJ-loving pubshylic eagirly hope Coleridge will be compelled t_q produce evidence agalnBt Adams as it is whisshypered several men and women of hitfb rank will be Implicated Toe caBe was strougl y con tested on botn sides and terminated in a vershydict of bullbull$ 000 for pidiutitfwnich washowever overruled by the Jud^s Mr Adams will cirry the else to a higher c nrt-

C O N D f e N S K D N E W S JJhicago has begtuo another war on the

bucket shops Cad Pchurz wants to be United States ml Lisshy

ter to Germany The Japanese army and navy are being put

on substantial war footing Corrected returns jrlve the DfmocravS conshy

trol of the Illinois legislature The national cammlrtees of both parties have

closed their rooms iu New York Mr Blaine will occupy Ex-Senator Wlndoms

house in_Wasbington this winter A lake has been discovered in Hudson Bay

country as ]raquoTgeas~Ldke Superior 0 Work ot the pedestal for Bartholin statue -Tft TIIC l~rmrTTr T p o haa-been Btopped for lack of funds IU I l i b LRUlLOi pound pound

John Fahrenback of Ohio has been appointshyed commissioner of labor statistics i Two hundred cadets from the city of Mexico will attend the New Orleans exposition

George William Curtis is mentioned amp Lowells successor to the court of St James

Senator Mahone will occupy the seat in the Senate occupied by the late Senator Anthony

Cleveland and HendrickB met In Altanvon the 22d lest for the first time since the elecshytion ^

-Orleans exposition of ~a eollecttoir of tropical plants

A sensational libel suit is on trial In London in which Lord Chief Justice Colcridgb famshyily Is involved

The German relchstag was formally opened on the 20ch Inst Emperor William made the opening speech

One Johnson a Negro living near Clinton Miss cut his throatsaying that he preferred death to slaverv

8heron Baker living on a farrbTnear Shelby-ville IQd shothis brother dead because he cheered for Cleveland

Issue of standard silver dollars for the week ended November 1ft M8i99i corresponding period tebt year 183899laquo 1 Theeurohinese govtrment offers France 73000-000 lrancs for the settlement of the ciaims Put the latter demands 1^5000000

Director General Burke of the New Orleans Exposition gives notice to exbtmors to guard against delays in transportation

Whisky men have already commenced operashytions to secure an extenaiou of the bjndtd whisky period at this session of congress

It Is stated that Gen Gordon ctprured a Krupp gun from the rebels andihat 660 of ihe Mabdis followers Jolued Gen G Tdonaforces

Toe insane asylum near Ohkoah Wis was dam-wed by fire the other nlgut to the amount of cent15000 All the inmates were rtmjved iu safety

The ptesident has appointel Rev W W Hick of Washington the spirtta 1 adviser (f thesss^sin (iuiteau to be surviyor gtneral of Florida

The txDenses of the steamboat and land sershyvice for the past year was J0tf99 117 ] bull the star service 4 ft routes were added at an tx- pense of $850468 Orders have een received st Calroofrein-forcements up the Nile with gtBlaquotalsnraquoch It Is thought by some that tbe^Mition of Dlaquom-gola is becoming serloj

Daring the nsar^eVr 23831 patenln have been granted-by^-the patent office Receipts fraquoom gtraquoKspafces 11145488 eipendltoreE

^lS^SVrplus $344019 1 (Jef many has proclaimed a protectoraU over

tues of 575 ponndf 806 12 liich gunsAtDcarr^ ^welbarfiOTt the mouth of the riverah to eOt pound proj-c ilea 5016 M - w n ^ ^ ^ ^ mdash ^ - -pfoJectt lerof^npo^dV

Ca DelfadQ QBLthampcoaBt and from Tabjrak yanxlve in the Interior

When the heirs of Gen Gordons supposed

SOf n iKRlaquo HATLOHA who were disabled hv woiindB dlat-aw aooitleat

or ntlmnviBcinelnsH of a toe |gtiilt-r laquoicosa^in rlironic uiarrhofa rupture llaquoa of elffht or (pa-thtllv KI) loss of healrtK falling hnck laquogtf meaalesw rheiimittism any disability nn mattrr h o w s l f g h ^ f lv fs yon n penaltin Nnr ntttl HgtnnrubleZgtl+-titory Obtamed Widow children jnotl iens aud hdiiers ut soldiers djinif in the service or afterwurris from diaeaae contracted or woandsrraquo-t t h e d raquoki la i n the service ara entitled to uesy bulltun Kejected and abandoned elahna a speciatto BOUNTY BACK PAY ANO HORSE CLAIMS C o n LECTED

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can he increased at any t ime wfcea

ttlaquo disability warrants it A a yon row alder the woitna has gradually undermined Iht constttntioey the disease has mails you more helpless l a SOBM maimer the dissMlity has increased so a p p l fov ao iasreaso at once

LAND AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED Mv experlene and being here at headqiartass

snable me to attend promptly to all claims against the Government Circulars free Address with i tamp




I Radial Cr-o FOS


B 3 T T 6 f U J fdr o v e r O yoars j u s o l a tBoS5 sands of cases


KHRVOUS DBBtaflc prcauu WWJIUOM uU Sraquo eraquoj isd Bumewai raquo icaro dlWMC tefllu bullkiliral pUgtiielBl W n from youibtul ludlwr^ tloat too free lndnlCKtM bullnd orcr brain work W aot tcmporlxe whllo HiA eactulc lark ia your laquo]rraquo Avoid bcluj InpoM

en br rrclcnt lou clalni o t her TODcJIiM Ibr thete IrcutiM Get car free droraquo-lir fcud trial pacVino mud lgtrti important fact jlaquofcn titinr tp-a^uen laquolraquoewKerfc

lliouiaaii raquoc1 does net in tcrfera vltb allcntloo wbuO net w caosa pain 01 IrtnoB vcnlenoc ToutidcJ oo laquoigt

-eatifllaquo- mwllnalmdashfrlnolplea froCTlnt In favor BU nputgt ion ufrcotaprIJctUQautB (ettt raquor i-m9 oiaket lu laquoplaquo-

eWo laHueaao ftlt vldhMtt (day Tho natorii fun tlom of tho homon org-lam raquoM rcttored Tba bulloimiinit claceaU laquof lift which hraquovlaquo bees wasted am given back Tho ratten blaquoeoalaquo chocrful and (aia itrength mpidljf

C O ^ MT(j Chemists SEND ADDRESS

HARRIS REMGD 800frac12 North 10th St St Lou I a Bo



^ [ H I S M A G N E T I C BELT I S

WARtfAMJEO TO C U R E ^ r w ig (X without MXHliefHemdashInln In thebneU nip head or Utaba IHTVUU laquollt-lgtlIltylumbaco gcnertii debility rheuBksUnui purttlalu nourolcls avlatlea alaeM-0laquo el ih e 11J n ejr bull laquoIHII nl i

tlon a ihe I i n i aeaalnoi cmtaul

dlaeaaeaiterpld liver i dlst inanotrncy alaquothma he-raquor

ceil drapcpaln laquonnfgt(igtatlnn cry air 111laquo Indlsca-tlon hemln or ruptuhh CMiarra pliea ctKlepar

vfniwSyciebllity of theigtgtXRATTVElaquoKGANa ltVraquoUT-K lolaquot vrtollly luck ofavcrvo limO ond vlirorraquo rrattlnaT ntaLneuct snd el l taoao dlaruaca of a per-aonul nuturo from rhaU)ver ca^fO Va continuoua ctreain of Masrnetlsm permoatisfrtli rough 1 ho part a nvatreatore thorn to a hrnltby svtlon TUlaquore 1laquo nc mUtakoiuout lhUap|)Iiauce


on srs sflllaquote4 Kkuaiiuulsam

Jala Ijervefts _ sMlaquocgtffJieUv~

nehe or Cold Feet KxlaquoTraquotJaDyraquoraquolaquoplraquoorTTHb Dli

lneya llcraquodlaquo ASklea o r w __

sad a pelr of MAjpietic Yvot Battvrlea hTO no taperlor

Kldneya IIcaMlaehe or Cold r w t ^ 1 1 raquo ar eak Anilea or laquownllcn Feet an Abdominal Batt

taibalaquoief and~cure of all theae romplaJnta carry a powerful luaffaetio Coroe to Uie aot or ttte fllMatfi

For Lame Raek Weakaeaeof tbe Cplne FaflJ laia e f tbo woaab MaeorrkatB Cbroa

S I M sad-inaersUos o f tbe W o s i b Incidental Ifeas bull r r h s c or Flood I n laquobull Psh i fkllaquo SupBreeacd a a a Irgt rsanlsr MenatrnaUost KsrresaeM s a d en astro bull Q k t k U U U i e U e a t i i s l l s s e s s j i d O u r a U v ^ A a r s s k

tor ail forma of VeesslsDIslealtloa It ia analaquoraquo passed by any thing before invented buthasscaraUvs sjeatsadaaaaouroeofpowerandTitsliastloa _ Trtoa of either Belt wltfi MagnoDe Foot Batteries t l Q i a s t by oi prcaa C 0 P sad aaajnlnaUor aUowedrOrby mall on receipt of price- Inrordertar-smd meaanro of waist and aUe of thoe Remlttanoacaa ba made l a oar raaey sent tn latter at or riak

Tbe atacseton Qartnents Are adapted to all agsa s r s vera over the snder clothing- (not Most to tJhs bod like tks assay 6alvanlo s s d EIlaquolaquolaquogttoHlaquoas s s c e sdvertlaed laquolaquogtextlaquoaavcly) and ahonld B taken off at night Thev bold their- are worn at al 1 eeanons of the year taken off at night They bold th^powar^orewerssd are worn at al I aeanons of the year

Send stamp for the New Derartnreln Medio) Tisat mant Without Medlstoe with trrouaonda ot t s s t tmo

T H E M A O N B T O X A P P L I A N C E COw 8 1 8 S t a t s St CbJcacoTlTL

Tbe Magnetic appliances tna^ seen at Wipcheira Drug StoremdashPlekney Mich





QURESick-Headache Dyspepsia Livir Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PURIFY THE BLOOD N O T I C E - Without a particle of doubt Var

motia Pills are the moat popular of any 00 thlaquomagt Ket Hating bsenbeloreilie public for sqaartsrerf acantitry and hating alwtys parfomati mnrslhssS waa-proaiued for theny h_raquoy merit the roesjseajfcai

~ mdash mdash 1 MP^BWCBBSW they bars attained F^irlce

For tale by all drofff lata



raquo^Mg0MlaquoqFfctf^hmdash^p11^-^^ - ^ raquo t

Ti ~ laquor bull - -




E t h i c s of L e t t e r W r i t i n g Thero H uo aociat accomplish merit

which is m gtro oftwn called Into jvquW tion lhau Mie art of lutter wntiojf To

L laquo a y a n d do the properNthing at the proper time id o a n o f the uawritteii Fawn of etiquette I t is a valuable ac coraplishment to perform this dutgt

(Pkraoefully aa well a conventionally Social correspondence devolves quite naturally upon the women of the tuu-ily It is untieciisaary to point out the va lue of promptness in acknowledgshying and answer ing correspondence for it is the h i^ht of rudenetw to leave letters of question uaanswereil lu letshyters ltgtfi a r iur ion and acknowledgemeut (He 6eV))e(y|ojLV ntigt nal form U used Lflpfefrsot iutr duutwu should be brief ami as they are general ly presented ia persoD t xnggertted expressions of praigte a^e uot ^ o o i taste These of oour-e ta I auy otlu-r letter delivered iu persou are utrsealed Letters of conshydolence nro writuvj iufjiuialty

This brunch of epistolary ctrrespon denize is a difli mifc one aud actual rewl-ing is the oliy gniin to giml tnstu llt is in personal 1laquo-LClaquoTS between relatives anw friends that the most charming

--bullpeciiuens are f m o d the gossiping cnatty epistles that arc largely espwet-ed andwhich bring color into the dul lest day Auy one who has been stranded in the country house in s tormy wnntht-r wi l l remember the pleasant exci tement caused by the arshyrival of the mail Dr Johnson once m a d e the sweeping assertion that gosshys ip never hurt anybody no doubt this is go ing too far but it cannot be denied that information a s to what is go iug Jih and familiar personal 4 t e r a g - m t t -st itute the best of these letters T h e close of a letter m u s t accord with t gtH addreS in formality and fornt A lady mus t not use abbreviations in her letters any more than in hftr speech nor use figures except in case of a date T h e date of a letter is of importance even in the most trifling manner When a printed address i s tamped upon a sheet of letter paper tne date is often rela-gated to tho eud of the e p i s t K 4oamptal-cards should be used only_Xor_ business purposes puch as sending orders brief messages or notices by mai l

The cards that c o m e with envelope to tit are used for any business message that you wish tgt seud enclosed in aiUw^riu^ a question sendshyi n g a memorandum or making a fauirlisr inquiry Tho enveloped

| card statute midway between the postalmdashcard ami the ijote sheet Al-

1 w a y s use the f j lded Bote for any formal writing It s h o w s - more care and therefore more coajpimlaquont just as the card for some s trange reason i easier

to |gtick up for a hasty line-in a n envel shyo p e

When a note that requires an answer is sent t o any one u n k n o w n to tho writer a lways enclose a postage s tamp Formshyal notes and letters are general ly written iu the third person It is con-

4 sidered inelegant to ^ n a letter -Mrs mdash If it i n e c e s s a r i a n g iv ing the adshydress place it iu brackets under the full name A tirm clear Handwriting is a mark of good breeding -Yours t r u l y or Very truiy y o u r s i s go iug out of date jut as the^p in their turn supplanted Your obedient servant a n d Youte to c o m m a n d Cordially AWith hiraquoh r e g a r d Sincere ly or Respect fu l ly as t i e caee m t y ad-mis uru nio ie in use The selection of

mdashw-r it-Hy-j^tp^ -attd^ e n TH1o pea d e pen d raquo upon individual taste Plain heavy paper is lash ioraule at present The

p r a c l i c o laquoraquot perluui ing letter papyr al-WAVS in qicamptiouaOle taste is ehiirely outof dale

m ikes tho best and higuest proud flour in the world was a great and glorious udvance toward the right kinu of Hour for the people but may we have a still g-eater advance in the art of milling which g ives the peop le the wheat as it grows or a fine^flour of tho entire wheat except the skin which is not food and which alone catt le will not eat The long continued use of flour usual ly sold as Graham flour is posishytively dangerous to health Dyspepsia is a lways made worse by its use A large proportion of the bran found in bulluen flour is mixed with the silicate coat ing of wheat and i t cuts the l ining ltgtf the stomach like pieces of glass Entire wheat flour is quite another thing We prove our faith in it by using it in preference to any oher

bull bullbullbull bull raquom

Tne greatest readeta of ueWdpapers in the world are tha Hungarians i t is said that the peasants in that country wiUi vjry rare exceptions know how to r^ad take an active part in public afshyfairs discuss and judge political measshyures and ara ofien elected members of the municipal bodies Moae Adam who recently wio lo a charming book^ol travels in Hungary w i s told hat ihere is uot a town without its Jierary eliT) In the cafe- v gtu tiud as many papers as in France The most insiifoitievnr jourshynal has ita readers A city o 25000 inhabitants is m m t i c i e d waere am gtng its numerous c ubs and resauraats there was one who took in 105 news-p ipers da iaesaud weekliosmdash an incredshyible number The list is posted up in the establishment and includes journals in Hungarian German and English treat ing of pol i t icrr i t teratuie flgriciu-


ture education and even the fashions

The invention of the drum is ascribshyed by the Greeks to the g o d Bacchus Whence undoubtedly arose the exshypress ion T ight as-a drummdashBurl ingshyton Free Prem

I IP bull raquo bull bull bull 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 w ^ mdash mdash ^

ItfcLact a D r ^ a u t u i 0 - u 4 h

and raised a considerable amount of blood and matter besides I was very thin and so weak I could scarcely g o about the house This was the case of





SCRAP B l t t


This medic Inn combining Iron with prre Vegetable tonics quickly anl com- letely Cures lgtygteplaquoia~ Indlgesiriutu IVeaiine Impure Blwraquod-Mai ariaCtiUU aud Fevers and Neuralgia ^

It t3 an unfaiilro remedy for Diseolaquoesof tLe Klilneya HO4 Llrer t

It W- invaluablo for Diseases pecnifer to Women and alt who lead sedentary lives

It doesjiot Injure the teeth cause headacheor pri)daeAonstipatjOnmdashother Iron medicines do

It enriches and purifies the blond stimulates the appetite aids the assimilation of (bod raquoc-Ueves Heartburn and BelchUig and stxvugth-us the muscles and tierves ^

For latennUteut Fevers Lassitude Lak of Enerjry ltfcc it Uas no equal

JtSr The genuine has above trade mark and crobucd red lines on wrapper Take no othor

i JUIJ bj tfci)raquo3 CUSMCkh m^ BiLTtXOBK MO

T h e m is a paper chimney in Breslan 50 feet high

The Russiau government has borrowshyed $60000 to buiid railways

T h e Norristown Pa insane asylum has organized a brass oand

The emperor of Austria has the finest collection of pipes in Europe

An oyster produces 128000000 young oysters in tho course of a season

One-half of all the telegraph wires in France are already underground

Hinry Croorge will be^ia another lecturing tour in America in January

A SDOW amph98 regiment is to braquo formed in Montreal the present wiuter

Matthew Arnold is opposed to the proposed scheme for an international language

Reported that Southern Negroes arv coiuiug North in large numbers sjnee ihe election

It is stated Miat English land owners ae anxious to jel l out and invest iu bullJihfci countries

The legislative council of Jamaica reshyfused by a vote of 8 to to be annexed to tLe dominion

Seventy-five thousand pounds of paper were used to print the ballots at the late election

Paris is to hava 15 miles of elevated road completed in t ime fcr the univershysal exhibition of 1889

T h e proper song for pugilists who have blacked each others eyes is The Bloom i s $ n Their E y e

Secretary M^Phnrann gives it a3 his


a man with consumption arising from liver complaint He rdcovered his health complete ly by using Dr Pierces Gold en Medic il D iscover Taousands of others buir similar testirqon

The government supports 400 John Smiths

Patarrh Is Recommenced by Physicians SIOOiWAilaWlj

E n t i r e W h e a t F l o u r bull

HaHc Juuriil of Hlt altb There ha never until recently beeD

k n o w n auy possible means or way to make all of the wh^at tine hence the __ ^ __ Jhe key of fate is in our ovvn hands mflrurs have given mt^nothing^^ but ^t^e^we^often unoek it and then throw the beautiful white figtur from which the best or nutiitii us part of the wheat is e l iminated or the so-cal led G-abam flourmdasha name t i t le or brand which causes a mult i tude of sins Most of the Graham fljur sold ia this country is nothing but a mixture of the lowest grades of white flour with bran N o phv8icjAn who is posted on cereal foodf and t iremdashmerits of-wheat flour will ad vise anyone t o eat bullGraham tiourwhile every physician in tbic country and E jg land who has seen and knows what it is uses ana recomshymends the ent ire wheat flour w h i c h is explained by a short statement of the way it ia made v i z

The wheat is first c leaned in the o l h a l way then i t goes to a machine wnich takes off thesKin or husk t h e n i t is reduced not ground by the regshyular roller procflflji_Xexcept purifier) thenj^feer the separat ion by bolting of

)ran from the white flour the bran i s reduced by special machinery then by a system of spout ing the bran aud

F o r t h e L a d l e s

Liughter le the pwr miud pUster Mltklug every burdt-u H^hbull

Tn-iiraquo aidimi-s iuo ttla iue9 D rkest Uuur to May di^fn bright

T1 the d ifpdeg9t and the cheapest Cjre tor Ma of this d scrlprlon

Bu for rhas that wo u-tud heir to Use Dr Pterced lF kVjritd Prescription

Cures all weaknesses and irregularishyties bearing d o w n sensations i n shyternal fever bloating displacements iuilaiurjvition morning sickuess and teudency tD cancerous disease Price reduced to one dollar By druggists

Hannibal Hamlin is the oldest s tump speaker n o w in active-service He be-gan in Jacksons day

Delicate diseases affecting male or female however induced speedily and permanent ly cured Ilshylustrated book three letter stlaquoraps Consultation free World s Dispensary Medieal Association Buffalo N Y

The cornet has come to staymdashBrook-line Chronicle

When you visit or leave Saw Vjrk City via Central depot save BKkjagtje Eipresaace and 3 Carriage Hire and stop at theQraud Union Hotel opposite aald dtpot 8iT hundred ele-tfanr ro gtras fitted up at a cost of one million ilollara i l and upwards p r day Europeun plan ElraquoVator R-t-iurant euppllampi with the b(8t Horse cars brakes and elevated railshyroad to all depot Fivrnilles can live better for lesa monvv at the Qratd Union Hotel than at auv othfr SrutKlaAP horlaquol in the city

We manufaeture and sell it witha pos i t i ve g u a r a n t e e t h r t It w i l l e u r o a n y c a s e and gt70Will forfeit the aboToamouut ifitTaifsin a e i n g l c I n s t a n c e

It is u n l i k e any otlu-r Catanli remeof aa t u t t a k e n I n t e r n a l l y a c t i n g u p o n t h e UlOOd if you^arS troubK-d^iib tbls-Uiatressjng diaeaseask yourliriigglBtfor ltand ACCIPT HO IMITATIOK Ofi SLbtTITUTE If he has not got it send to us and wo wilt forward immediately Price 75 cents per bottl ^

F J CHENEY amp CO Toledo Ohio

opinion that the revenue reformers will control the next house

J u d g e Brewer of Omaha decides that railroads have no right to fence in lands belonging to the government

I m goiDg to meter said the gas man aud he went down ia the cellar and buzzed the cook for an hour

Ty pe-settersin Pads are paid by the day receiving $1 30 for 10 hours work Tnere arlaquoj 4 50J comp -tficors in the city

The semi annual report of the Grand Trunk railway of Canada7 shows a net lo-s-laquot $40^000 for the last six months

The Ogdensburg Journal tells the sad

story of ayoung lady who fell in a skatshying liuic and -broke her leg twice in two

Wisconsin Prohibitionists have de^ teriuiued to keep up their organization and accept no compromise from any party

Some statistical fiend has tigurai oak an average of 1500 tbimblts are anshynual v owallowed by the babies of America

Natural gas has been discovered at Find lay Oaio at a depth of 400 feet in great volume The town wil be supshyplied with it

1 be t x p e r i m e L t of raising ostriches in California bas been successful Forshyty yi ung birds have been hatched and are growing nicely

Tbe Salvation army in England has given rise to so much scandal that tbe authorities are making efforts to break up the organization

Twenty-nine women in Fall River have qualified and are emil led to vo le f gtr members of the school committee at the next city election

The Kansas supreme court has fust decided that a husband is not liaole for bianlerous worgtis spoken by his wife when he is not present -mdash

Tbe area of pu bite land disposed of in Dakota last year was larger than the total acreage of either hoigiutn Denshymark Greece or Switzerland

T w o N e w York grocers were fined $100 each a day or two ago for se l l ing as pure butter an article that was imshypure to the extent of 95 p e c e n t

Love begets l ove singiLthe_ old song but ho wu are you go ing to reconshycile that with the homeopathics c la im that like cures likemdashR^cklandCourier

The model of Abraham Lincolns apshyparatus for lifting vessels over shoals which is now iu the patent e f n e e i n Washington is o be in the patent ofshyfice exhibit in the N e w Orleans Exposhysition

There have been 191 new national banks chartered during the year File von national banks have failed durshying tbe year i nd 100 failures are re-ported since thH passage of the national banK act of 1863

The I lea NewspiptT for Color il PeOgtlt Nraquo vlaquoits Hii^hte-t Hcst Sample Coiiis Scnl Ffee Tun ILiisDrAikH l i m a N nitr arci uilion as In iin-a vnii prLiripound colored jnnrnil m ihu couniry j-SO

--tpe v i r J l IX months S o c i h a c m nUiraquo Clubbvil villi unvnthvr f lict on nt |nwelaquol r i f f A uood [aKvUmtf medium A L L C O ^ lt K D MlaquoN should read it Addrcw T H E PIAINDEALEK BOX 92 Dlaquoroit

M l ^ a a


VEGETABLE COMPOUND bull is A ropnivis CUKE FOR bull 1gt tosfgtjijiApoundjii toinplaltits Mitil W c u k M ^ t BO coniiauti ^ bull raquo tofou bt8t raquo raquo raquo laquo

it rKMAI-E POPULATION Frk cent1 In liquid pill r li-iengc torn

bull jt YvsiTTpa iraquo tolthjfoy the legitimate xeaXtnQ ot diieiiM atlaquoJ~thlaquo relic of pain ltuiH tluxt it daec it claimt to do thoutandtof ladies tonglaul testify It will euro eutlicly all Ovtrlun tro^blci Lofla-um tlon ami Cljeratlca Follbigjuul Displftimciita tai consequent bpiiial Wcaknees aid lamp particularlr adapted to the change of life bull bull raquo laquo laquo laquo laquo V It removes Kaiat ux FlatulencydostrOT^allcmvli)(^ forstiUiUnt-t and rlievlaquoraquo Vckulaquojraquolaquoraquo of ilia Htomatb It caiot niomlii^ iittdttches Kurvoui lroxtiation 3nural IhHjillty Belti)l(ltHei Doiretlaquo5doD and h-dl gotioti l i n t tlaquotflunlt ot Itoarlng down wwisinjy pala aa l bftckach^jftalwuyn permanently cured by Its use Send stamp to Lmn Mass forpMtnhliH l i t t e w o i IoquirycttulJeiUU^ly answewsd yor talc at druggist

klaquoy a raquo ay mdashAnson

The new combination of Smart Weed ana BeUadonaa as used in Carters Backache Plaiters has proved to be one of the best that could be made Try Ooe of these popular plasters in any case of lame back baokache rheumatism neuralgia soreness of c h e s t p r l u u g s amp c

ihe entire I ftpri y Q U ^1 1 1 ^ surprised and pleased by the prompt relief In had cases o f chronic dyspepsia a plaster over the pit of the stomach stops t i e pain at once Ask for C a r t e r s Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters Pric 25 cents

1 _ j mdash mdash bull

ROUGH O RKTS Oiraquoraquor ltiat rM mat SIM rokohea bsd-bon nti bullbullrmln Chtpmaak loe

Yonnic nttmdashRendTliUi I THE VOLTAIC BELT Co of Marshall Mich

off- r to semi thetr cel^rtrarei ELICTRO-VOL-t TAJC BBLT and other KLBCTRIC APPUAMCIS

raquoraquogt trtl for thirty days to meu (youulaquo or ol i) raquofft ctwl with nervous debility los of vitality aud manhood and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neural nia paralysis and many other dUeas Complete restoration to health vlitor and mauhood ecaranteed

White flour are b o u g h t together and I N o r i 4 k u i s c u m d M thirty-day trialUai-m i t e d in exact ly t h e same proportion j IOWKI Write them at once for illustrated tha t existed iu the berry

This dour is not only much more nu-tricious than any other but will assimshyi late with the weakeststomach t Jgtecause i t is tiue and contains all the g luten and phosphates that are in wneatj wh ich can ou ss id of no other flour in the world It is cheaper than any other because it makes s o much more bread mdashwLioh is expla ined by the theory of porosity which theory is demonstrated by the fact k n o w n to every oaker or breadmaker that a good Minnesota patent flour wil l m a k e twenty-l ive per oent more bread than the best grade of Graham flonr or wheat meal and the ent ire wheat flour m a t e s 26 tn 30 o e n t more Dread than the Minnesota patent flour T h e roller process which

pamphlet ftve^ ROUGH ON -OHVb 15c Ask for tV CompteU our atrd or tot oornlaquo wart bunUaraquo

MINAMATA PtPTUNISKI) H I B f IHiNIC l i t 0HI7 prlaquopamprraquoUnn of beef oonutnlng lu laquo11111laquo nutrition properties It oontatna blcKxi-tnaklai foree-sener-atlnsand ltfe-laquouatalBraquonji properHes Invaluable for InrmoumoN rvylaquopiplaquotgt aerrouK pmttratlon and allformiof iteneral debility alao In ill enfeebled oampndlttona whether the reeult of exUlaquoUBtton nershyvous proatration overwork or ecitedltaaae particshyularly If reealUnf from oulmonarroonifalnta CAM-nrsxu IUIARDAOO Proprietor New York ~ by Ortuqruu







Now supplied at a small additional cost with DENIS 0gtVS

P A T E N T R E F E R E N C E I N D E X The latest edition has 3000 more Words in Itfl

vocabulary than are found in any other A m Dio ty and nearly 3 times tho number of Enorravinfr G4 C MERR1AM ACOPubrsSpringrgtM Mass



MAKE HENS LAY li is awcll-kiiowiiTatl4iiraquo tuost of the

liorsc aud(attlePowdti-s)IlHujhis 0 in-try is worthless thatSheriuatiV-Cjicdi lion 1owder ia absolutely pure1 and v w valuable Noth in i r o n Kartt wi l l m a k e t iens lay liKo Sher idan C o n d i t i o n P o w d e r liosiv one Klaquos[wv)iifiil to ach pint of food Hvl l l laquolw p r e v e n t a n d c u r e f gt U I O i f 1 A l P U H I P D A n^ChQlera Ac Sold everywhere or tent by mail for v r l l w I V B I l v T l l L b n H ^ cents fn^taraps AUo furnished in larjre catts for breedersuse price $100 by mall $120 Circulars sent FREE 1 8- JOH^fSOX amp COa Boston iiasa


- A N O -


Autnmaticfilly drain the water of Cundr nation Iro-n UKATlNG lt COIUS irvl rvlirrs il lThr bud- CJ er whuihtt coils are a b u V e ur t bfloV ilic vvalrr 1 vel in ihe boiler 00 nir away with pum^s and other iilaquochinicil Jcvicesfor such pitrpo v s

ALBANY STEAM TRAP COMPANY ALBANY NEW YORK Office and 11 ork 78 ami SO Church Stnet


For Horse or Steam Power Hundreds ef the beat men in SO States and Territories uraquoe it and will have no other J RELIABLE DURABLE SIMPLE Batabliehed over 8ft yearswe have ample (adhtlea to nil orders promptly and tj aatfefKOtampa ojour-cugtooen Cau kgue KKKK Addrtuui

L Q U M i S amp N M A N Tiffin Ohio



AND LIVER COMPLAINTS 0 Beeaaae It acts on the LITER BOWELS and

KIDXEIS ftt the laquoame time Seeatue it eleaaeee the system ef the poljon-

cms tumors ttxit doveloffe in Kidney and Urishynary Diseases BQioQsaess Jaundice Constipashytion Piles or in Baetraatism XTevxsJcla Nershyvous Siscxders and all Female Complaints



By oausina FSZI ACTZCOT cf aU the organs and fsnotions t crphy

CLEANING tho DLOOD restoring tlie normal power to Cirow off disease

THOUSANDS C CA3E0 ef the wont forme of fwao terrTble diseases have beea ttiahly reUevedt and in s shew tisse


RODOH OM ITfU cares hnmore eruptions rtnt-worm toUerbull Jt rheem Cr laquo41 f-iet ohllbains

froi A O A R D - T o all wan are totTerta bullrrors aad indleerettons of Tooth laquogtlaquobullbullbullbull weatneee early deoavJoes iraquof manhood e I wtn seat) a recto that will ene yon FHIR Or CHAHO This are rejmedy w a s J trade bull

ilsMlonaryin tooth America laquoeod aeif-addi^eeed


-irjfCHDFlBcrt goteh eomejMet elaquores ell Mytat aidney and mrsAajy diisesesjr 1 FITTER

Holaquotetterraquo 8trraquom-acgt Bitter Is a fine biiv d dep r-rit a rational ca h raquo n laquo Hpd Miper^ bullbull tl-otl-JOU-raquotgtedrtc itral-w the fatttnii en-ertdr ot the debtl itlaquord and checks preojuture delt ay P o w r laquoed airnjk btllUtun remltent OTupepsU and bowshyel en bull i-loltit- are among r e f i l l which tt removes In tropical ooun-tr ee w here the 1 verand bowels -re onrtns mo-tunfav-orablv affected by tbeeom bleed infln eoee raquo1 o4ilaquonstedtet and water rl -STI iejrjL p e j e s s j r iienar^fWse4e


r r y oaa be soat by mampil WELLS ZIJ-iAargt30N Se Co BurUnctenVt 8 JxuJ tump for Diirr Alauntc f r Is


SpinaTSuuee WsOst T f l 75 Spinal C^reet 00 Spina l Nursing Corset 85 Spinal Abdominal Corset S 75 Beeommeaded hi leading phvakasse delivered free anywhere in the V 8 on reoeipt ofprioeraquo Satisfaotion guaranteed Lady Agents wanted DfLiagaMgtraquoBgtiialOersttC^gteAaB^raylTewTorX



t l


CONSUMPTION I bare a pMltlve rvmedy traquor ths above dIsssae bv Its

laquoM4hoaraquoaDltioreaitilaquoi( tha wlaquoiraquot kindsudof b a g bulltaadlnehlaquors blaquon cutd I inleM bull oatrtmeImyfaPh lnltraquoraquomcttlt-ytl^tlwi 1 MnJTUO B0TTLU8 f S I A torfthrwiin a VAicxBtKTBEATISloii this disease lOnyraquooffrer OlTlaquoexprMlaquoBnd F OxddrtS






MONEY e Wide awako Agent aremnkiiiR from 81 a to ttOS per montl sslltnff the erlglua

MISSOURI S T U M WASHER ~~ bull A sew irHnclple Bavin - bull

^ j V h Jade

bearing a red tin tag t hut Lorlllards HoeeLeiif nnelaquoui that LoriHarUs

Navy Cllpplegmand that Lorlllards Kalaquoffeare the iwat and oneupest quality cousiuerwl

HOW TO WIN AT CARDS I ^ ampC- ^ A S t J R k i r a i n V S M k e B t W e e t o ^ k

AaywmsmdashI nanutacture and -raquoMlaquo eontiantl nifhand vv^ry bullrtlele laquobulllt bgttharaquopnnla|r(raieniif tuWlMwlii In rngt ft chancr Head fgtltr araquoraquoir Both tlrrklttr Addme tlCeTTDAy bull i u r f l l Hi l l s atrwtBtvjTai 4k | 4-


flraquo Mb Waail

y slvenT-^^ritsgt teraquo-terwis aalt StiAjrWASIIBB CO t i t B4SW M iuigtismBBOraquogteeiEraquobgtst

Who wUh to I arn

TOBBHiOragSftsaa B K1PPV Ki gmeeraquo Brvdg p rt Con

I I bull i l l bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull I mdash bull I I - I I bullgt bull bull II bullbull bull t

P a t m and Garden sVaadela Cvlormele) ID ftn4 10 acre trtftg Low Pikr Lootf

Tlaquo-rtna to sgttUera O Blaquor-rlaquoklaquolaquols Adlaquo1rem y perotlsra W R PAHOR Frota Clt0raquoO

laquobullbull(bull bullraquo raquomdash48



bull ( bull bull

f -

r V raquo gt bull




bull f f i n p


r - bull

HOWELL bull r our Ctwrraquoiraquoadeat

There are several cases of diph-0lttiahere A little boy 12 years old has just been buried and it is reports tin oldest son and the mother ol t ie jsjini family are now suffering with tlu-laquo U it disease

Charlie Curtis won the prize at the potato race

A number of our young people went to Fowlerville last Wednesday evening to skate and a party from Brighton came here Wonder who went to Brighton

UNABILLA From oar Correspondent

My sakes What cold weather Dick Barton has gone to Ohio to

spend the winter Rev 0 N Hunt will preach at

Stockbridge Thanksgiving day School commenced last Monday

with Tommie Young of Lyndon for teacher

Phebe Townsend of Plainfield is working at T A HartsufFs

Mr^and Mrs 0 D Chapman of Fowlerville are visiting in town this week-

Mrs Ellen Marshall and Rose Hunt went to Jackson last Tuesday to do some shopping -

Eampt Hartsuff of Pinckney has takshyen up her abode at Geo Hoylands for a rihort time

G S May fell and sprained his ankshyle a tew dajs ago now he has to go on crutches

Mr and Mrs Gage Inslee of Port Huron made a short visit among relashytives here last week

There was another excitement in town last Friday evening it was causshyed by a man becoming drunk They are seldom seen here

^Xherfe-will be union services in the



EMHROIDEKY SILKS - raquo - - bull mdash -

Over raquo00 shades ot tine

Of the people is that the place to buy goods cheap is at the

9 9

Dry Goods


LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES 20 lbs Good Brown Sugar for $1 00 16 lbs Bestr^rown Sugatfor $1 00_ 6 lbs Best Roasted Rio Coffee for $1 00 8 lbs Good Green Rio Coffee for $1 00 5 lbs 50 Cent Japan Tea for $2 ()0

5frac34 lbs Best Japan Tea Dust for SI 00



Good Horse Blankets $1 75 per pair Good Large Size Comforters $1 00 each

11 E church Thanksgivsng day and a dinner free to all in the basement ol same at 1 p m ^

I expect you will findfthe boss boy at S i Palmers ns papa says he actually thinks without any joking that he is the smartest baby in town and we dont doubt it

We are showing a very Complete Lii^e of Dress Goods consisting of Alapacas Cashmeres Brc^ades Ottoman Cloths

Plain and Plaid JElannels Etc

PLAINFIELD From oarCorraapoadent

E T Bush has shut down his cider mill and apple drier for this season

Albert Westfall is on the sick list Andrew Lester is visiting relatives

and friends in this vicinity

Mrs Irvin Hamilton of Washtenaw who has been visiting relatives in this place returned home last Monday

Chas Lambert is out again Rev Mr JJailey has returned from

Detroit where he has been to hear the celebrated evangelist Dwight L Moody he expresses himself highly pleased and well paid for going to hear him

Mrs D M Greene who has neen suffering from severe lung trouble for oast ten months and whohas been vf -bull lowfrom pulmonary hemorrhage z much improved and has gained in bullveight about twentypounds

Miss Jennie Topping has a new pianxrgflitpright Hainesmdashit-iM


^PRICES CLOAKS we arc^elosing out at greatly reduced prices Try a package pfHulmans Delicious Sips Coffee a piece of

Glassware with ^e ry package Butter Egg

embroidery -ilks so nioVii uk to make artistic work possible to nil We have just put in a full line of Uiefe sil^s to accompany the Dri^s Patterns and can supply any wants less than you can buy them elsewhere Ladies pbase call ami see the silks and reshyceive free samples of Brik^^Piitterns




F U R N I T U R E Pieluri Kritminu Kepairiiij K l c




BLACKSMITH ill kinds of custom work mid poundrmgtrul

repairing including

HORSESHOEING lthnp )(bulllt n Minns Iconic PIVCKNKI

VDETKCHT 6 CLEVELAND steam Navigation Companys Steamer City of DetroitmdashKorthwest-between

Cleveland and Detroit-Leave from foot of Third St Detroit at 10 p m-Leava from 23 River St Cleveland at 830 p m

T H E S 2 2 5 R O U T E Week days-Standard Time

T H E $ 3 0C R O U T L City of Mackinac-City of Cleveland

Leave from foot of Wayne St Detroit Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 A M Mondays and Saturdays at 10 P M

For Marine City St Clair Port Huron Sand Beach Oscoda Alpena Harrisvillo

Cheboygan St Ignace and

MkgtWIHrWraquol Folders freemdashOr send 25 cents for our

illustrated book of 120 pages fc LAVE TOUR TO PICTURESQUE fACKiioc

ribtorical and descriptive of thiraquo Great Historic Summer Resort

and Sanitarium

WCv tOWaynoSt DetroitMich

R A P t D T R A N S I T

est-Market Price We guarantee low prices and good goods



a i r Muuutit tin I M t i S i ^ l n i

55 mill gtT Jefferson A i- HKVIMIT Mil If

raid to be oCexcellent tone Morris^opping has just returned

from Uefroit wnere he interviewed MrJampdyard Suot of M C Ry who -zyi the survey cut off from Mason to Jextcr is sure to be built as soon as he times are settled and aamp-Kood as in

883 Still we hope ^

The general expression is tbat the ~gtSPTCH is the best paper printed in

w- county and many who nave been bullbullkw^ other papeis have ordered them optxd but say they will continue taklaquo fg ttfe DispATcar Tally one for




The following Patents were granted M citizens oi MXCHIOAIT beaming date ov 18 1884 reported expressly for

bull t bull is paper by Louis Bagger k Co Me-nical Experts and Solicitors of Pat LS Waabington P C

Barton Joseph Jackson warmincr -1308126

m o n 8 D Wr North Adams z ie strap 308068

lodges C J3 and E McCoy De-tr it lubricator 80825cL_

lowell Jacob Jackson two- wheel-wi ebicle 808162

TAiggSi JW-aitdltJ fl Porter poundckson cyna^etcoclrr80c^388

Williams K- 1 Lnsingr churn

Obtain for Meohhnicul Dovicrs Comshy

pounds Designs and Labels

All preliminary examination bull raquo

to patentability of inventions iw

Our Guide to Obtaining Patent

is sent free everywhere



We are still making large additions to mdash ewstocluif 1



- V soucllt



Grand Trunk Railway Time Table MICH AIR LINK DIVISION




WASHINGTON P C Pictures and Picture FramesArtists Sup-puesTBooks jGrames Toys Japanese

Novelties Etc^iEtc Bakery amp Restaurant TOBACCOS

NOW OPEN AND KEROSENE OIL READY FOR BUSINESS Everything inour line atlowest prices

Bread and Buns Fresh Every Day |

Cajl and see us when in town


No 6 Mixed

RlDGEWAY B Hraquo m AnlaquoHltlH Hl10 Uunieo 10^0 Hocbestcr 11 V2

No 4 No g 2 Pass P M

555 a m 4 m

Wis South Lyon

2-4) i ar 3110 i rip KW

IlamhnrR 4()5 raquo PINCKNEY -440 Mount Kerrier S15 Stockhridyt ftitt Henrit-tta laquoii5 JACKSON ti43 ^m STATIONS I

(115 HH5 7lo 7J5 745 8-frac34

800 810 8Alt fl i


9 raquo 1010 1040 1150 1118 1130 1150 1203 p oi la agt ia50p_m


Warm TTIPampIP and lunches at all hours Oyster and all delicacies in their oeaAon We have a line of fresh groceries a gteod assortment of teA from 2(t to 75 cents a pound Iii^lgteraquot price gtnul for Butter and E^ys Coiiie and see us Vlaquo wilJ jjlve you good goods and fair prices

laquo1 y

W H M W l i K ^ Q f PHOPH A t l h e o l d g t a n d gt u B e e b e g t o r e gt West Main Street^Pmoknov

No raquo No 8 Mixed laas

JACKSON laquo 7ooa in- 4-aii p ni Henrietta 745 445 MtickhridKe 815 50h MoiMrt Kerrler 832 515 PINCKNEY 8laquoo B5 IIaniT)uflaquo^-40 ^ B O s South I von ( Rl 1 0 1 5 s a )

3 0 1 1 1 1 i jgtnMl|raquo 105) 650 Wlxom 11-30 720

Jontiac bull h ( p 1 W gt-bull 8 i t t

Kocheater 1401 raquo05 Komeoy AVgt 955 Armada 305 ~ 1020 RlDGEWAY 8laquo0 1050

No 1 Pais

800 i n Btt

610 laquo85

70fl 73 785

All t n d a r n n by laquolaquoentral standard time All tralps run daily^Sundays excepted -

W J SPICEK T 0 8 J C P U HICKHON Supwiottadfj^t 0laquoawai lltMgtr

N mdash

v mdashI

immmmxw i mdashmii~l lt W M M M t M M M ^ -MitMt imdashW


bull[ft- i

bull ^ gt


Gsttia Erea MUa UppertenmdashI did not meet

you at any of the Hummer rotwrta this

Miss LowertehmdashNo T remained in the city

Mias UpperteamdashHaw horriblef but then I suppose times are rather hard now for some people 1 went everywhere and had a lovely time only there were but very few you-g meu to be seen By the way you re member Mr Nicefeilow we both so

^yiuuch admired He said thi spring J he was unable to leave the city exshy

cept for a day or so but I heard while I was away that he hud fallen heir to $5000000 and was surprised that I did not meet him at auy of the watering places It cannot be that he remained in the dull city after getting all that wealth

Miss LowertenmdashYes he said he did not care to go away this summer

- as we expect to be in Europe all next season

Miss UppertenmdashYou Miss Lowerten-- Yes OJJ our wedshy

ding tour you know mdashPhil Call



that way

A Rejected Opera Although welio-ld the faith

-genius will eventually make its there can be little doubt that many-Instances Hiave occurred in which either a lucky chance or a sympashythetic helping hand has very material Jy hastened this result Of the first of these aids to popular recognition the following paragraph furnishes an instance

About thirty years ago a poor litshytle musical composer very modest and almost unknown tried to seil-the

fgtartition of 11 opera which had just ately been produced in Paris to some

publisher tu t nobody sauted it Ftrhaps one of the music dealers would have accepted the partition bad it not been for the illustrious Berloiz who advised him not to touch it at the price demandedmdashthat is to _ _ _ _ _ j _ bdquo__ ^ _ ^ _ ^ When the

publisher had declined the music the young composer carried his matiu-pcript to another house but was reshyfused simply because the first had done so Strolling along the bouleshyvard the disappointed artist met a voung gentleniuu named Cnuudens a clerk in the department of state To him he related his troubles whereupshyon Choudens saidMa foi but it is Jucky we met I am goraquoig to marry in a few days the daughter of a man who engravVs music and when we are married we shall start a wareshyhouse I cannotattord to givc-rou 3000 francs for yojir -woll^ but J wii 1 give yoy 1gtW tor it it you win tlaquoust lire for tlie gtear J He comshyposer accepted these terms and the work was printed The name uj tiic opera ia lau^t iriid Uut id Tlie composer Charles lilaquogtttuKl iiii if true may indeetl lraquo lenino tot bullbulllucky chance wlUii raquotoiic tgti ahu ened the prgt sjnets oi on- uno viuuv-Jy unknown sought omy toe wurlds attention to achieve a lame which has gained in strength to thi present day But it must not be 1 rrotum that there wa UIMJ a iulping hand und that thw came not fi-um Fiance but from England in tne columns of the Athenaeum Mr II F Uiohey then musical critic oi the journal nlaquogti pjilv drew |wdgtl c ulu ntiii ilt-laquo iltv t eepttonai piWei raquoi raquoi tiuuuii braquo from ids own KhoWuu^e spohc t|i | such glowing tonus oi his Faust bulltiiat a widoiy sprt-aii desire to uar -tlie work was arraquou-ed anlaquoi it wa- mainly through his wi tui^ iuux re opera was prtAiuced in tins claquoraquoUbti bull-(j^ouclon Musicui Times

BUT HARDWIRE I am selling everything in my line CHEAPER than any one else can afford to







IMPORTANT When yon vi|t (irli HviNiv York City HVraquo

Huelt_rmie bullKxprpKHiiirt iud irrii_rlaquo- lliivbullbullbull riiiil Mop at thltltiriiid 1nlnn lotraquoi opposi te (iiyrui O n -tral Depot

Hlegnnt rooms fitted tip ut a crt^t o onltgt n i l Jtraquon dullard reduced to $1 itml upwiids gtrr duy KiiropeHii ()iin Klevutor Kistiuini( nnppiiod M Ith theJiti^l l o rne c i r s cti -r- mi l Heviitrd railt otid to iill ltlaquoptgtts i ainiii-lt cim live lnttt-i for W P mraquo|c gtf tin- tOntul 1 l bull l lt) 1 v Hotel tliiilmdash nr o the r tirst iljies hotol in tliltiitv


Nexvous poundxJiausYioBt P r e m a t u r e Decay

LOBS of Manhood An olaquopa laquo lt Inth-iio ntt Iwok of Advice to

Younjor Aliddle-n^d Monwtii prescriptious f r If-trM-tmcnr i v a Hpiillaquor rljyxloiiiti 9 | U ^ r t D P P on receipt of t T) thitraquoe-olaquont

r n ^ amp unmpii Addrraquotlaquo

Michigan Buggy Co KALAMAZOO Mich

BEFORE BUYING fg s1fo r s e


And so you have beu to Euro^ Pid you go to-HwiiKH^^


=THI3 MAN mdash TVatif btdontaoU Lis Ctevy LVafi ilorse-killinj i DtiM ard buj an LiAtY RUNNING

DSERIMG TWINS B I N C E | fttonclaquo frpry honie on the farm will Boon be de

WILUA4 DEEAING amp CO Chicago 111 B i H i J E R a R E A P E R S AND MOWEB8


pound ANDREWS Howgt]l Mich

you see the jrlaciersf Mrs Shoddy Gh yes we ww thcr glaxierts aini mechanic of all kind but then you know 1 dont take any eitock in uch vulgar persons

The papers announce that a Chishycago hotel waiter was bull accidentally shlt^in the pantry Why will the papers insist on isitig these medical ternu We didnt now jiiKt how much to sympathize with the poor fellow It w to be lojraquoed the pantry ii n vlt- ppotmdashBiisimirk TrMnau-

An ealaquotTn family receive a tele- gram from the wat nunouueing the uudden dcmjue of a relative and they replied Send on the remains at once No telegram waa received in answer hut it in n few day a letter came wying dimply Thereaint no remains He war kicked bv^a-muleraquomdashN V Dial ^ ^ ^ ^

A l-VmraquotMijJamptifivr writes H vou i conrftnTiid a face wash t b a f i s

rrmkraquo Water if yon deirt uraquoe enough to drown yourself

Ao Irishman writes home to Ite-land bullCome over at wunst shur tis a great countrymdashThe working- tnen ride in palace cars Ben Bmraquoj

Ifteinfietafwrt of all kisd of Open and laquobull4 EOAD CARTS Alaquof-nt wnntcr

Miiljwfctf WriU for craquotMo$ua raquoud ptco LU HKI WO A SPKULTY


is wan iv us

Wa ala aaaatecttira raquo tnl lino of CUTTERS Imelodlag Hwarl Blaquody Portland f Sqaara Ei lwlaquo aaat FaHtaad and Vovcj ampciUs

|amlt kgtt evtaNiad pricei befora purchaaiac





LE SELF-CUBE notadand airi sstul spfclullstJiu-thcU4raquo i

retired gtrigtrr sgtrigtltnyerrraquovIi-MHtyen IMnnhod i nhn bulllaquobull flaquoi igt^rlaquolaquo8en

JBpUlnscaiuf ^nviTrncrt + DnijurlMmjiuiJUt KUttmtHtL WARD A CO UVJIMM mgt

GENTLEMEN We invite your attention to our line of


TimberedXand for Salor Exehaue I have eight- acres of timber land in the town-

ship uf ^ tita uak Inffhayticn which 1 will sell -fur each ur trade fur clliur lamia oi property In southern Livingston roanty Address

NORMAN BURGESS iincknev Mich


$175 S200 $225 $250 a

We shall continue to offer the same great pound Inducements to purchasers as before

_ and guarantee satisfaction to ourPATEONS injdl

mdashcasesmdash T


Dr BarterViron Tcsi t h M V k laquo S f Aaateampfi1 B W deg deg - dilate S S ^ f l and VXOOB gf TOV1K 1 11 i ltraquot

tanaclallv l)yraquonpraquouWlaquoiuo|-A|jviiiriiiiraquolaquoraquol bull i 8 l p pth en lis IM is u uk d Ith Imiuellme ahd noudfi-n r njilaquo i bdquo t S iuscllaquoraquolaquoiilaquol i n r v e n m l raquo laquo ilaquo-v i bdquo m t nhv tus

l A B l B T A gtHVlaquorlliK 11--11 II -rti pl-tlllft J ^ W J M W TXctHar lotiicli M m in ttira It jrlrea illaquoltnr nnrl I IMHI -V laquo ibullbullbull v bullbull bull Tiraquoe atrraquoiiglaquor trsiimAiu ugt thV i i r I K I AHTICK^lRWTOVir traquomt frlaquolaquonu-iit iiin-i) tts laquot CoqntlaquorfHiiflilaquovlt eigti|v uddi d i tl lt i bull i ar-I t y o t t h laquo o l R l n l J r 5-n n en n l v i l o t n IM I Iraquo do not ox^er l i i ier temdashfer t i le O K K X N A I VMHtvi

i i


poundbull rlaquogtUr raquoddrmdash ta-Tfa n r BlaquoTtlaquof U4 ( c V bull | L T A gt - I K laquolaquogt gtor our DBXAM i O C K B ^Jptt t lof laquofrrnnffiraquo raquon1 iw-fn in laquoqiraquolon frw W

Oav HAimna IKON TONO IS POM 8ALC B Y A U QHtMntara ANO QAiaolaquo CvtarwHUts

x - bull - N



^ ttktfatt 4k ^iamp 3F55 raquo3W raquobull i jJi i i

^ wKraquo

bullbullbull -C amp amp 312 raquo lt-ampreg$m



Entered at tb Potofflti u 2d elaslaquo mutter



M ^


AMONG the Geauga county records at ChardonO is a musty old book conshytaining the license permitting Brigbam Young and Mary Ann Angel-^bia first wifemdashto enter into lawful wedlock The document is dated February 10 1834

STUDENTS at Harvard would like a little more liberty in the matter of atshytending chapel exercises to secure which they have drawn up a petition asking that attendance at chapel be mode voluntary for students over 21 years old and opportonal with parents or guardians of students under 21 years old mdash m

THE shop hours bit soon to be introshyduced into the British house of comshymons by Sir John Lubbock will proshyhibit the employment of any young pershyson iii a shop for any longer period than 12 hours in one dav and the penalty for the violation of this act by employshyers is a fine not exceeding pound5 for every person so employed The act will apshyply to England Scotland and Ireland

BISMAKOK has devised a new projpct by which he hopes to improve the conshydition of the workingnien and lessen the influence of socialists amonz them He propose^the_ establishment of trade committees in manufacturing centers whose duty it shall be to report upon the state of various industries with a view to regulating the supply accordshying to the demand and ascertaining where laber can be best employed


A WASHINGTON dispatch says There are indications of i ho probable presence of two lobbies here this winter the whisky lobby t ad tho railroad lobby The whisky men will make another efshyfort to secure an extension of thlaquo bondshyed period or some similar relief They will be aided by some of the banks which have advanced large amounts of money on warehouse certificates The railroad men will endeavor to pashyrent the government from making harsh terms with their roads

MRS CLAY of Kentucky a delegate r Americaa^Woman Suffrage As-

sooiaton convention in Chicago jimde the sweeping assertion in her address before the convention that the women of her states were as much slaves now as the Negroes were before the war She aaid it was not simply because they were refused ihe Iballotbut that in many other ways the women of the middle and lower classes were treated no better than slaves And this in America in the nineteenth century

A NUMBER ofNew Yorkers are plan-oing the erection in Central park of ar huge building of ice on the plan of the Montreal ice palace If the park comshymissioners assent to ihe use of the grounds arrangements will be made with several ice companies to furnish blocks for the building t is proposed to light the structure with electricity to provide it with restate rants and bars and in fact make a road house of it for winter gaities The patshyronage of sleighers and skaters is reckshyoned as an important nightly source of profit

THT adoption of thaj-ogjter-as-the-~emblem oTpolitical success is due to a

Hooster editor In 184 2 after the Harshyrison campaign there was great doubt as to how Indiana had cast her vote The situation was similar to that in New York in every respect An editor named Chnprnan bondactedthe Demoshycratic newspaper at fndianapolisy and as often the case in boasting over a victory his editorial rej icing over the result was termed orowing In a day or two when some of the back couuties were hoard from it seemed his erowiog had been prennt re and the whigorglaquon-cme out givingiste returns showing Ddoiocratio defeat and in the headline was the expression Crow Chapman crow This wasvintended as a taunt and must ha we been felt for few more counties yet to hear from again turned the tables and show-Ad that the Democrats had won It was then that the rival editor hoisted at the head of his columns a marnifi-eent rooster and printed underneath it the words We Crow The idea caught on at onca and the fame of the wood-ooi rooster was assured

TILE CROUCH TK1AL Another Attempt made To Solve the

Great Mystery m

T h e Frot-f edinse

Thpjiry soent M gtu i^y the 17 h vlritlnj the Criucu ami Holeoiub tiom^Ua looktu careiully uvtr Uiu scenes of Uio Krraquot trigeiy The trial wa reeutin-dln tbe afteruooD SLI four itue$ea wlt re examined

0a the 12a day of the trial of Diulel 3 Holcoinh E mtr tLitchtfavtiaiJeUile I account ol Lis discovery of footprints at ihefarm-Duusi tbr mornlnu after the murder

Mrs Danforth Waits told the court of the blood spot seen on dotal UK ID Pollejsroom rUy Clements testified to a conversation wltt Holcomb in which the litter had made inquiries ooncernlDg stock btloLxlnx to Henry Wnlte Dr McL-tughUn who was present at the txanilnatlou of the bodies the morning after the murder testified to thu ap pearaoce of the bodies at that time and gavr his theory of the murder as Riven by htm at the examination Other witnesses were tximined bat nothing new was brought out

The Irst witness sworn on the 18th day of the trial of DauM A Holcomb was Davit Hutchlns Mr Hutctii|s said he saw tracks li a iicg from Wilsons rowing on the railroad toward The eatt dour of the Crouch house alampo the tracks made by new rubbers ntraquor tbe siuthwist wlndWvand oae_oa the east side ot the hiuee Aftlaquorwarus he wmt Jiome and from there in ihn Widow Holcombs Held he raquow traika wLiei lie stiould say wen Judd Urouchr QittiaiiUcuSfiouensuedaRlothead uiisi-lfctliti of tesiliu JUgt iu regard to tracks avd witn 66 was excuse degJ t sc Hard was iitxr HWurn ami Tmtrieil ttat he walt oreseut at traquo-CuroueiiJii qnjstarid heard Daniel S liolcuiub dtiiy uudtr exihmutou jhat he bad ever rraquooutht ur owueda drtytI jntcaliber revolvlaquo r Witness said that Holcouio nad U)ld that he waaat lUQieon the ^xut of the murder that he WHS ttruu-ed by his wife whocalled atteutlon to a plaumiintt door and that he went to the dtxT and fantraquo m d i

Tela was o 4 eted t on the ground that testimory uf Lhlaquo coroner as in wrilntr and couid be producwi as evideuce Afttr some tnJk Mr Gibson offend to produce tt and H d he would tupplement thu wrtttt-n telaquoMiaouy bgt q ietiiluuiugti the cvr-m-r and other witiiesset

Coroner P t^ey aa railed and give parshyticulars of iheii qgtie-t held by him upon tije bolt1y of Jacob Croucti Mr Casey said Hiiots weie brought bt-ftgtef him on the ii qjlaquo stand admltv-d by Mr H ricomb to be bis sajlog Judd had bought Luem for him a day or two b fore the mardirlf witness remembers ari^Dt the day betore Mr H^tcomb was ask^d If he ever owned a 3J-catib^r rampTolyer and anshyswer d Lhat he iiev^-ow-aed- oue never priced one and u^vfr held each aooe in hh hand Holcumb said he had gone to visit his brother in Oveaiaw county icd that Jacob D Crouch owtdhim for Judus bord rnat Foy was a drinking man that J add and Foy had been to Jacksoni November a gt the day of the murd r and rcturLed argtout dark and the only revol vers about the house were two old ones which he did not know were any good He thought that Holcomb said the pistol found beside F bullyVdeadrtody belonged to him

Nettle 8nyder a domestic in the employ of the Holcomb family at the tune of the murder was sworn She d scribed the features ot HolcombH house and where each one 6]ept Judd Fov and the boys Andrews and Loucds-bury It was a Ntorojy night and every one retired to bed earlymdashabout8 oclock Witness said Holcomb rose not on the morning of the murder Judd James Foy and the tno bogts w recomint from the barn to breakfast when Bolles arrived with the news of the murder They had been called to breakfast and were oc their way to the house Sue was the tirst to tell Mr Hi I omb the news that all wire murshydered at the Crouch housraquo Hia reply laquoraquo Is tuat so or KMiieihliiK luallar ine wines-was also the tirst toteil Mrs Hocomb Judd and Foy remained in the house oily a momcuc she did nogt notice any lulk bet weet them She does not remember that auythit) ws 6a1d by Holcomb ab~ut the murder or by him and Ida wlte After she told jlm he did jioispenkto Mrs H yicouib ubout it but went directly out doors He caiin- lu aln-iwards to gtt hii over-cgtat as preparing to uo to Jackson Mis Holshycomb said he wa tolujc wich Mr Huuiums

ATti r a rtKid cro -8-lt xaiulnation wituess wes rxcus-id and Julin Keeee a domestic in the Crouch fm1ly at the tim^ of the murder was called to the sund bne was closlaquolv qaet-tioned as to the event son the ai^htol the murshyder and an attempt was made to make tier testify to facts concerning her own lite Sue Ar^^t pimnnaly laquobull thf mpprjotl of the death Of

| 8 gtlvelt1 That thi Democratic party of Kn-pa bv MlntUitf aii hUt-jrigthihiiliiii tdntloriu an 1 uiHkii K an raquovow digt anil-orohltdtlon claquom-pi1gt0 Uraquo e oialaquole It impofs bttt for eonsistr-i t HiobtiiHoiilfta to^lve it ilielr support tgt0 lon^ astt re alus its un8i atltude

Keo vedmdashThat ihlaquo K -publican party of Kan-KH U ado(tligtt2 a pKiit rm that wax laquoti1ftf (-tury to the uiHSBof ProhlhUlouiH8 and elect-inystate lt fflcrs and a ]tkiltilaiure j llaquod^fd to rlt quite eiduictiu) I t lt f ihe bulllaquo ndlulou to the ftulaquo that the lud t ifeet of jrobbirinn may be reali h-m dtgtraquo e all that reasgt nable lngthl-ilitiicts tibould di maud aLd is at this time ei -t tii d to the curdiai support of temperance men

Ke^olve 1mdashThat as long atgt the atHtude of the two JeadiDK parti s in this state remains un-cbanKd we are unalterably opposed to the formalon or matmaloance of an independent Prohibition party and we cordraquoally ltrvlte those who have teparated from us to return and act with us in future

The resolutions were passed wtbout opposhysition except the last named which was bitshyterly oppost-d by St John After a long deshybate its tiual clause was amended to read as follows And we cordially invite all to jjin us in the work

k MYSTBKIOU DISBASK A tale of deep distress comes from Buchanshy

an Wise and Dickinson counties occupying an isolated posits n on the cxireme westerii limit of Virginia For some weeks a fatal disshyease has been prlt valraquo nt thraquo re and i he number ot deaths is terrible The nature of the d sense is yet undented bur it Is suprxsed to arise lrrTgtm ptiUouous wafer The orouth there for ij outhlaquo nearly dried all the streams spring raquoud wells and it U supp le I the water left it impregnated with mineral prison A reliable correspondent tells a pluful swry and 6as as many as four corpses were found in a 6lu^le house

A NATIONAL ASSOCIATION A sYffcult of ihe meetralaquo of the cattlemens

couvenitori hel0 in Sf L tuif Mo a lew das -ltice the orgftraquoxlaquorloa of ta- National Cattle ami UvtrseUtgWerfc1 A^soetatf gtn of the Uuiteni Statt-s was tdtnittl The constitution embltxl-iet thf folio1u Tlin nam bull to tgte h bull Nationshyal INtie and Horse Growt-rs Association of

all individuals direciy Jnt-resieuN iu said inshydustry on pa m nr of 15 lulti ttgton and a 1 as laquo ciatious onthe pavm^ot of $15 the annual due- to be $2 50 for individuals and $7 50 for associations Annual nie-tln^s tobe held the f jurth Monday of each November Two Clausen wtre added admittlua votf by proxy and tlx-lujt tgte basis of representation in tue conveu-iion at one vote for each member three for each association and oue at lar^e for eacti state and territory duly raquoccredited by the gov-en or Provision waa also made 10 admt tie]-etrares sfcredltid by regular asccciations in Old Mt x co aind Catiad


The following passage occurs in the address of the Independents whkh has heen forwarded to GOT Cleveland Ihey will uphold your administration to far avd ampo long as it is ba^ed upon the principles which should underlie ail political parties in a government of and by and for the people and believing that an honest and fearless oppodtlou is us nesessary to free government as an able and vigorous adminisshytration itself they will not hesitate to oppose your administration when it commits itself to principles which they cannot uphold


A EHIGUTFUL UBATH A Hungarian clergyman named Krasnlsara

while traveling on a sledwe U) Louca with bis wife and child was pursued by wolves His wife terror-strickeu ai the sight of the anishymals let the child fall from the sltdge The husband jumped out to save the etiiid and both were devoured but not before the fath r killed two of the -wolves Meanwhile the horses attached to the fgtlltnlge rau awraquoy and the uufortunate mlhtr OWIQK to th4laquolaquoible irUl to which she was mTicr^d was prematurely delivered of a dead child Th- hbullamp ran to Louc-i and upon arrival ihere the people found

lue woman herself d- traquod iu tut raquo1 dlaquoe The terrible tragedy topk placj withiu the spaace o an hcur

ADAMS VS C LEK100S The ftiit of Adams hg lust Coleridge was beshy

gun in L nlou No^ 21 iu tl)eeraquogtiirol Q leens Herch The plaiwtltf is a_weltiliuv mraquon well kuown lu Lgtudou bociety an i raquoas until reshycent) eogtraraquo(ed to be iuarrio1 id-MudreU Mlaquory euro-gteidse tbeon4y-dauiib+^r of- the L raquord Chief Justice of EuKlaud During the eu^ac m -cl B^ruard Colt rhi^e t llt^tsou and hgtdr ol the Cult Justice heard j-ome UCCUSH(1OIS ailrrct-iui A iamb character 11- eaii-tle^ himself ihey raquoeieirueand theu wrote io his sister ltlt-nuuuctni Adams us a Ux r ine and anobji-tlouatjle ptrsou in Miany reBpect aud cli^l tome facts to corroborate tue charges He paid he would furnish such proofs as would oe ouclusWe to vhe miid of her father if she was not already convinced that her lovlaquo r was unworthy Ml-s Cgtjleridie at tirat rtlused to behtve the accustttiou agalust Al-ams and at his r quest showed

The national cattle convention at its session in St L ju-s memoraliz d congress on leain public lauls tocatilo men afamped a repeal of the pleuro-pneumonia bill and the appointment of HtAte c gtmmissioner on cattle olseraquoees in stead and keeping Indians on their reservashytions aqd ^reveutiug them from earning tire-arms A committee was appointed to ur^e a national trail before confess The lol owln^ were elected CO R D Hunter 8t Loaie president Gen J imes B Brl^blu Idahovice-

-presldeiit A T AtwtT titLouis ftcretarv E C More cdthlcr Merchants national bank treasurer

her husband and was excused until the follow lngmornlnir Her tebtimony as given was but a repetition of thai given at the txdmlna tlun relating in detail the arrival of Pollev for the purpose of buying the cattle and of the manner in which the family spent the ni^ht previous to the murder

The Jackson Circuit Court Judge Gridley presidium met at 9 oclock on the 20ch as usual for the trll of Dan S Holcomb charged wlhth murder of Jacjb D Croucu Only eleven jurors appeared Ihe effljer lu charge sniJthiU JurymiQ Perry had been quite sick all nl^ht and was not able to leiVe nls bed The juror has complained of ill-health for several days-- Hls^appearaoee every since has indicated suffering and it has been with manishyfest effoit thai h fixed his mind on the proshyceedings Dr Williams who ltttei did the juror taldlhit he was quite HI with sympshytoms of a malarial type indicative of typhoid fever Uppn the doctors statement that his patient could not attend thsre was nothing to do but to ac j gturn the court for a day To-motruw morning on reassembling a report of the coadUlon of the juryman will ho maac and upon that depends the present rtsumpUou of the trial

Court convened at the u8U]_hojir_-jon-tbraquo ^lf^_^h^alcUnraquomdash^eotcfBoTTBat Juror Peirp was not able to oe present and I lie court ad-Jraquournraquo d to Monday November ti Ju^or LJWIH G Brown wa aleo uuwell aud had to see a


G b M H U M E raquo s bull bull T H E BEACONS G L V D R A T

In the annual report of the L gbt House ho J Ml 25000 s a^ked for luhtti^ and buoy-ID river If Is rgt c gtmmeudeti thut the light h( use districts which embrace all the uopt-r lake bed hidedmdashtin popinu tmt)ruciag Lake Michiiau raquond Greet e Bav to be seraquo off and craquolied the 8 veuteeutu Dstrict the renibtuder to be inclu udin the present poundlevgt-iith Dlrtilct and is kbowii by that lau^e Esiimates for general appropriations for the raquobull Xt necal year iucludiDgrupples repairs saUries^txpeuse- ttifbt veKlaquoeln buovage and fraquog siatials etc are | y 10ilXM) Bnlmtte f r special approshypriations amount to $120150 m^de up in part nf the f o l l o w i n g Hems Port Sauil lC Littht Stat lor Michigan H^OdO Pipe I^Utid LltfbtKrattov MlehQanIIMIU) Milwaukee Llkht Htfcttou Wisconsin $i6lt(Hn 3t Mar6 RiverRmgefi MIcDlgm $12(KM building for Lighthouse Boird $iJO00U


Tbe Kansas state temperance union met in Topeka on the 19th Gov St John and wile were in attendance During the aftgtmooptbe committee on resoluttoas nude a report reshyciting that the principles ot the union had beenlaquonpbatlcallj enjoyed by thepeople of Kansas la the overwhelming defeavbf cue presshyent occupant of tke executive chair thus con demning his unlawful warping of law and exshyercise of laquoxentive clemency in behalf of con-vltted raquoaloon keepers ThrcQngtrainJatlaquodPro-hihiUonisU in the growth of temperance sentishyment and recommended a seTlsof^eso^Jon the more important-of which were ^s toUows

U A raquo H t M G T O N

LOHINOS KB PORT In his annual rep irt C mmlssiouer of Agrishy

culture Lortiii sagt(gt The wheat area ia~ so mach btyond the rltqulnmeutB of cousumptiou in this aud other ^uutrles as todeprets the prtclt to a point unprecedented iu recent years favoring at certulu poiuts the use of wheat iu fee-iln1 for pork production The cause of this supirabitdance i two-fold first eX tension of settlement in the Northwestern prairies and dry plains of the PdCitic coast and sic nd the txirKOidiuary period ot comshyparative failure of Earup^au wheat for several consecutive years U P ne sugt j c-of forestry the report siys While the destruction of our forest is going on at a coustantiy increasshying aL d alarming rate It is gratifying to know that the workof plautioit trees for wind-breaks and for forest purp ses is rapidly increasing etp-clally in nomc of our Wtstern states aud Territories From gteuraska we have trustshyworthy informutiou that not less than 45U0(XK) trees haTe been planted during the present year-and more than 2000 busnels of walnut and other tree seeds Continued investigashytions have been made in regard to the conshysumption of forests for legitimate purshyposes as well as by tire6 This consumption for the manulacture of lumber is increasing In faster ratio than is warranted by Ithe Inshycrease in population and egtnsltqutnt natural demand Tae lumber market is largely overshystocked and the process of manufacture conshytinues to be conoucted in a fast manner when the fast Increasing source ot supply calls for the utmost ecoLouiv with material The great pine forests of the Northwest are now depleted to tuh an extent that Southern pine 1s brought Into competition with it in the Chicashygo market and perceptible iuroAds have been mide upou those vast forests which cover so large a portion of the gulf 8 ates The same

r c k l m and waottful melhoxi8~orXujmberlng are pursued there wmch have so rapidly conshysumed tne Northern aud Western forests This condition of thlugs makes more imperashytive every year the eudeavor to preampefve the forests which form a part of the public uo-maln and so toauird and coutrolthein by law as to make them of the greatest and most isstiug benefit to the country Tula bureau will make an txhlhiiiou of artishycles manufactured from the wood ltgtf American lorests ut the New Orleans Exposition There will also be an txhiblLiou ot jiving trees transported from the arid reshygion of the West -here it hiis been said that trtescmli n gtt bi mi l e t j ^ror ou account of the limled ammor of ralufaH This transshyplanted grove gtvllt bj an ocular demjustratlon that ihe establlshtu^Qt of trees both for laquorua-menutt and fores purpjsei caa be pushed oiucb further aioutf ma drlaquor weather plains than has be n supposed

WILL REDUCE THE SURPLCS Thdeg tre tsuj department has already furnishshy

ed (7000(00 for tne oaymeut of pets tons dur-iatpound the current qa-trter and estimates have b en rolt ived thlaquot 10000000 more will be re-qulredhy the tension ottice miking an aggreshygate of about $17100000 to b paid out on ihis account before Jan 1st Tbi uuusually Urge pajment will very materially reduce the surshyplus now on hand and it is thought will defer for sometime the oil for 3 per cent bonds which otherwise would probably have been lsfcued


The Armanent Board recomaaends the purshychase of the following guns for the defense of our harbors One hundred and twenty-3ve elKht-inch^un^ to carry pro] stiles weigbinj 2i5 pound- 2Wxem Inch vuo to carry pri


New York State s Vte Announced by the Board of Canvassers


Cleve laud Plurnllijr 1140

The State canvassers met in Albany at noon Nuv 31 all olt lug prem-m Secretary Woyd ait-IOUucid ihe foot ings of the t i b e s as fo IOWK Highest Demt c atlc electormdashfrle^t 568154 HlifheH Rnpuraquo ICJIU electormdashCtraoa ^bii t ft Plurality for Priest 1149 LuwtfctDem electormdashOttenlorur f61- 43 Lowest Republican electormdash Harris bbl 971 Plurality for Ottei dor 1(77 Highest Prohibition ehctormdashMiller 2gtlaquolaquo 0 Lo westmdash Ellsworth lt49tS Highest Butler electormdashODjnueil 17 im4 Lowest -Campbell 167 gt1

After the announcement tae members of the board slgnei thlaquo tables and certlfic ites


her brothers letter Adtm ssked to keep the letter and declared lo be able to convince her that its allegations were false Miss Coleridge surrendered the letter to him and he faihdto refute thechage Trie lady broke iff the engagement and Adams still posing as an it jured lunocence broUkbt suit for heavv damagts against Bernard Coleshyridge The latter in his defence says that the letter was in the nature of a privileged commushynication and not in any sense a puPlicntiou of the charges whether true or false such as to make him liable to prosecution If however he is required or allowed to prove the charges ^e^says ne is thoroughly prepared to do sdgta d show he was justified in seeking to save his stttr from a uulon which would be a hfe-touV misery and disgrace The scaudiJ-loving pubshylic eagirly hope Coleridge will be compelled t_q produce evidence agalnBt Adams as it is whisshypered several men and women of hitfb rank will be Implicated Toe caBe was strougl y con tested on botn sides and terminated in a vershydict of bullbull$ 000 for pidiutitfwnich washowever overruled by the Jud^s Mr Adams will cirry the else to a higher c nrt-

C O N D f e N S K D N E W S JJhicago has begtuo another war on the

bucket shops Cad Pchurz wants to be United States ml Lisshy

ter to Germany The Japanese army and navy are being put

on substantial war footing Corrected returns jrlve the DfmocravS conshy

trol of the Illinois legislature The national cammlrtees of both parties have

closed their rooms iu New York Mr Blaine will occupy Ex-Senator Wlndoms

house in_Wasbington this winter A lake has been discovered in Hudson Bay

country as ]raquoTgeas~Ldke Superior 0 Work ot the pedestal for Bartholin statue -Tft TIIC l~rmrTTr T p o haa-been Btopped for lack of funds IU I l i b LRUlLOi pound pound

John Fahrenback of Ohio has been appointshyed commissioner of labor statistics i Two hundred cadets from the city of Mexico will attend the New Orleans exposition

George William Curtis is mentioned amp Lowells successor to the court of St James

Senator Mahone will occupy the seat in the Senate occupied by the late Senator Anthony

Cleveland and HendrickB met In Altanvon the 22d lest for the first time since the elecshytion ^

-Orleans exposition of ~a eollecttoir of tropical plants

A sensational libel suit is on trial In London in which Lord Chief Justice Colcridgb famshyily Is involved

The German relchstag was formally opened on the 20ch Inst Emperor William made the opening speech

One Johnson a Negro living near Clinton Miss cut his throatsaying that he preferred death to slaverv

8heron Baker living on a farrbTnear Shelby-ville IQd shothis brother dead because he cheered for Cleveland

Issue of standard silver dollars for the week ended November 1ft M8i99i corresponding period tebt year 183899laquo 1 Theeurohinese govtrment offers France 73000-000 lrancs for the settlement of the ciaims Put the latter demands 1^5000000

Director General Burke of the New Orleans Exposition gives notice to exbtmors to guard against delays in transportation

Whisky men have already commenced operashytions to secure an extenaiou of the bjndtd whisky period at this session of congress

It Is stated that Gen Gordon ctprured a Krupp gun from the rebels andihat 660 of ihe Mabdis followers Jolued Gen G Tdonaforces

Toe insane asylum near Ohkoah Wis was dam-wed by fire the other nlgut to the amount of cent15000 All the inmates were rtmjved iu safety

The ptesident has appointel Rev W W Hick of Washington the spirtta 1 adviser (f thesss^sin (iuiteau to be surviyor gtneral of Florida

The txDenses of the steamboat and land sershyvice for the past year was J0tf99 117 ] bull the star service 4 ft routes were added at an tx- pense of $850468 Orders have een received st Calroofrein-forcements up the Nile with gtBlaquotalsnraquoch It Is thought by some that tbe^Mition of Dlaquom-gola is becoming serloj

Daring the nsar^eVr 23831 patenln have been granted-by^-the patent office Receipts fraquoom gtraquoKspafces 11145488 eipendltoreE

^lS^SVrplus $344019 1 (Jef many has proclaimed a protectoraU over

tues of 575 ponndf 806 12 liich gunsAtDcarr^ ^welbarfiOTt the mouth of the riverah to eOt pound proj-c ilea 5016 M - w n ^ ^ ^ ^ mdash ^ - -pfoJectt lerof^npo^dV

Ca DelfadQ QBLthampcoaBt and from Tabjrak yanxlve in the Interior

When the heirs of Gen Gordons supposed

SOf n iKRlaquo HATLOHA who were disabled hv woiindB dlat-aw aooitleat

or ntlmnviBcinelnsH of a toe |gtiilt-r laquoicosa^in rlironic uiarrhofa rupture llaquoa of elffht or (pa-thtllv KI) loss of healrtK falling hnck laquogtf meaalesw rheiimittism any disability nn mattrr h o w s l f g h ^ f lv fs yon n penaltin Nnr ntttl HgtnnrubleZgtl+-titory Obtamed Widow children jnotl iens aud hdiiers ut soldiers djinif in the service or afterwurris from diaeaae contracted or woandsrraquo-t t h e d raquoki la i n the service ara entitled to uesy bulltun Kejected and abandoned elahna a speciatto BOUNTY BACK PAY ANO HORSE CLAIMS C o n LECTED

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can he increased at any t ime wfcea

ttlaquo disability warrants it A a yon row alder the woitna has gradually undermined Iht constttntioey the disease has mails you more helpless l a SOBM maimer the dissMlity has increased so a p p l fov ao iasreaso at once

LAND AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED Mv experlene and being here at headqiartass

snable me to attend promptly to all claims against the Government Circulars free Address with i tamp




I Radial Cr-o FOS


B 3 T T 6 f U J fdr o v e r O yoars j u s o l a tBoS5 sands of cases


KHRVOUS DBBtaflc prcauu WWJIUOM uU Sraquo eraquoj isd Bumewai raquo icaro dlWMC tefllu bullkiliral pUgtiielBl W n from youibtul ludlwr^ tloat too free lndnlCKtM bullnd orcr brain work W aot tcmporlxe whllo HiA eactulc lark ia your laquo]rraquo Avoid bcluj InpoM

en br rrclcnt lou clalni o t her TODcJIiM Ibr thete IrcutiM Get car free droraquo-lir fcud trial pacVino mud lgtrti important fact jlaquofcn titinr tp-a^uen laquolraquoewKerfc

lliouiaaii raquoc1 does net in tcrfera vltb allcntloo wbuO net w caosa pain 01 IrtnoB vcnlenoc ToutidcJ oo laquoigt

-eatifllaquo- mwllnalmdashfrlnolplea froCTlnt In favor BU nputgt ion ufrcotaprIJctUQautB (ettt raquor i-m9 oiaket lu laquoplaquo-

eWo laHueaao ftlt vldhMtt (day Tho natorii fun tlom of tho homon org-lam raquoM rcttored Tba bulloimiinit claceaU laquof lift which hraquovlaquo bees wasted am given back Tho ratten blaquoeoalaquo chocrful and (aia itrength mpidljf

C O ^ MT(j Chemists SEND ADDRESS

HARRIS REMGD 800frac12 North 10th St St Lou I a Bo



^ [ H I S M A G N E T I C BELT I S

WARtfAMJEO TO C U R E ^ r w ig (X without MXHliefHemdashInln In thebneU nip head or Utaba IHTVUU laquollt-lgtlIltylumbaco gcnertii debility rheuBksUnui purttlalu nourolcls avlatlea alaeM-0laquo el ih e 11J n ejr bull laquoIHII nl i

tlon a ihe I i n i aeaalnoi cmtaul

dlaeaaeaiterpld liver i dlst inanotrncy alaquothma he-raquor

ceil drapcpaln laquonnfgt(igtatlnn cry air 111laquo Indlsca-tlon hemln or ruptuhh CMiarra pliea ctKlepar

vfniwSyciebllity of theigtgtXRATTVElaquoKGANa ltVraquoUT-K lolaquot vrtollly luck ofavcrvo limO ond vlirorraquo rrattlnaT ntaLneuct snd el l taoao dlaruaca of a per-aonul nuturo from rhaU)ver ca^fO Va continuoua ctreain of Masrnetlsm permoatisfrtli rough 1 ho part a nvatreatore thorn to a hrnltby svtlon TUlaquore 1laquo nc mUtakoiuout lhUap|)Iiauce


on srs sflllaquote4 Kkuaiiuulsam

Jala Ijervefts _ sMlaquocgtffJieUv~

nehe or Cold Feet KxlaquoTraquotJaDyraquoraquolaquoplraquoorTTHb Dli

lneya llcraquodlaquo ASklea o r w __

sad a pelr of MAjpietic Yvot Battvrlea hTO no taperlor

Kldneya IIcaMlaehe or Cold r w t ^ 1 1 raquo ar eak Anilea or laquownllcn Feet an Abdominal Batt

taibalaquoief and~cure of all theae romplaJnta carry a powerful luaffaetio Coroe to Uie aot or ttte fllMatfi

For Lame Raek Weakaeaeof tbe Cplne FaflJ laia e f tbo woaab MaeorrkatB Cbroa

S I M sad-inaersUos o f tbe W o s i b Incidental Ifeas bull r r h s c or Flood I n laquobull Psh i fkllaquo SupBreeacd a a a Irgt rsanlsr MenatrnaUost KsrresaeM s a d en astro bull Q k t k U U U i e U e a t i i s l l s s e s s j i d O u r a U v ^ A a r s s k

tor ail forma of VeesslsDIslealtloa It ia analaquoraquo passed by any thing before invented buthasscaraUvs sjeatsadaaaaouroeofpowerandTitsliastloa _ Trtoa of either Belt wltfi MagnoDe Foot Batteries t l Q i a s t by oi prcaa C 0 P sad aaajnlnaUor aUowedrOrby mall on receipt of price- Inrordertar-smd meaanro of waist and aUe of thoe Remlttanoacaa ba made l a oar raaey sent tn latter at or riak

Tbe atacseton Qartnents Are adapted to all agsa s r s vera over the snder clothing- (not Most to tJhs bod like tks assay 6alvanlo s s d EIlaquolaquolaquogttoHlaquoas s s c e sdvertlaed laquolaquogtextlaquoaavcly) and ahonld B taken off at night Thev bold their- are worn at al 1 eeanons of the year taken off at night They bold th^powar^orewerssd are worn at al I aeanons of the year

Send stamp for the New Derartnreln Medio) Tisat mant Without Medlstoe with trrouaonda ot t s s t tmo

T H E M A O N B T O X A P P L I A N C E COw 8 1 8 S t a t s St CbJcacoTlTL

Tbe Magnetic appliances tna^ seen at Wipcheira Drug StoremdashPlekney Mich





QURESick-Headache Dyspepsia Livir Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PURIFY THE BLOOD N O T I C E - Without a particle of doubt Var

motia Pills are the moat popular of any 00 thlaquomagt Ket Hating bsenbeloreilie public for sqaartsrerf acantitry and hating alwtys parfomati mnrslhssS waa-proaiued for theny h_raquoy merit the roesjseajfcai

~ mdash mdash 1 MP^BWCBBSW they bars attained F^irlce

For tale by all drofff lata



raquo^Mg0MlaquoqFfctf^hmdash^p11^-^^ - ^ raquo t

Ti ~ laquor bull - -




E t h i c s of L e t t e r W r i t i n g Thero H uo aociat accomplish merit

which is m gtro oftwn called Into jvquW tion lhau Mie art of lutter wntiojf To

L laquo a y a n d do the properNthing at the proper time id o a n o f the uawritteii Fawn of etiquette I t is a valuable ac coraplishment to perform this dutgt

(Pkraoefully aa well a conventionally Social correspondence devolves quite naturally upon the women of the tuu-ily It is untieciisaary to point out the va lue of promptness in acknowledgshying and answer ing correspondence for it is the h i^ht of rudenetw to leave letters of question uaanswereil lu letshyters ltgtfi a r iur ion and acknowledgemeut (He 6eV))e(y|ojLV ntigt nal form U used Lflpfefrsot iutr duutwu should be brief ami as they are general ly presented ia persoD t xnggertted expressions of praigte a^e uot ^ o o i taste These of oour-e ta I auy otlu-r letter delivered iu persou are utrsealed Letters of conshydolence nro writuvj iufjiuialty

This brunch of epistolary ctrrespon denize is a difli mifc one aud actual rewl-ing is the oliy gniin to giml tnstu llt is in personal 1laquo-LClaquoTS between relatives anw friends that the most charming

--bullpeciiuens are f m o d the gossiping cnatty epistles that arc largely espwet-ed andwhich bring color into the dul lest day Auy one who has been stranded in the country house in s tormy wnntht-r wi l l remember the pleasant exci tement caused by the arshyrival of the mail Dr Johnson once m a d e the sweeping assertion that gosshys ip never hurt anybody no doubt this is go ing too far but it cannot be denied that information a s to what is go iug Jih and familiar personal 4 t e r a g - m t t -st itute the best of these letters T h e close of a letter m u s t accord with t gtH addreS in formality and fornt A lady mus t not use abbreviations in her letters any more than in hftr speech nor use figures except in case of a date T h e date of a letter is of importance even in the most trifling manner When a printed address i s tamped upon a sheet of letter paper tne date is often rela-gated to tho eud of the e p i s t K 4oamptal-cards should be used only_Xor_ business purposes puch as sending orders brief messages or notices by mai l

The cards that c o m e with envelope to tit are used for any business message that you wish tgt seud enclosed in aiUw^riu^ a question sendshyi n g a memorandum or making a fauirlisr inquiry Tho enveloped

| card statute midway between the postalmdashcard ami the ijote sheet Al-

1 w a y s use the f j lded Bote for any formal writing It s h o w s - more care and therefore more coajpimlaquont just as the card for some s trange reason i easier

to |gtick up for a hasty line-in a n envel shyo p e

When a note that requires an answer is sent t o any one u n k n o w n to tho writer a lways enclose a postage s tamp Formshyal notes and letters are general ly written iu the third person It is con-

4 sidered inelegant to ^ n a letter -Mrs mdash If it i n e c e s s a r i a n g iv ing the adshydress place it iu brackets under the full name A tirm clear Handwriting is a mark of good breeding -Yours t r u l y or Very truiy y o u r s i s go iug out of date jut as the^p in their turn supplanted Your obedient servant a n d Youte to c o m m a n d Cordially AWith hiraquoh r e g a r d Sincere ly or Respect fu l ly as t i e caee m t y ad-mis uru nio ie in use The selection of

mdashw-r it-Hy-j^tp^ -attd^ e n TH1o pea d e pen d raquo upon individual taste Plain heavy paper is lash ioraule at present The

p r a c l i c o laquoraquot perluui ing letter papyr al-WAVS in qicamptiouaOle taste is ehiirely outof dale

m ikes tho best and higuest proud flour in the world was a great and glorious udvance toward the right kinu of Hour for the people but may we have a still g-eater advance in the art of milling which g ives the peop le the wheat as it grows or a fine^flour of tho entire wheat except the skin which is not food and which alone catt le will not eat The long continued use of flour usual ly sold as Graham flour is posishytively dangerous to health Dyspepsia is a lways made worse by its use A large proportion of the bran found in bulluen flour is mixed with the silicate coat ing of wheat and i t cuts the l ining ltgtf the stomach like pieces of glass Entire wheat flour is quite another thing We prove our faith in it by using it in preference to any oher

bull bullbullbull bull raquom

Tne greatest readeta of ueWdpapers in the world are tha Hungarians i t is said that the peasants in that country wiUi vjry rare exceptions know how to r^ad take an active part in public afshyfairs discuss and judge political measshyures and ara ofien elected members of the municipal bodies Moae Adam who recently wio lo a charming book^ol travels in Hungary w i s told hat ihere is uot a town without its Jierary eliT) In the cafe- v gtu tiud as many papers as in France The most insiifoitievnr jourshynal has ita readers A city o 25000 inhabitants is m m t i c i e d waere am gtng its numerous c ubs and resauraats there was one who took in 105 news-p ipers da iaesaud weekliosmdash an incredshyible number The list is posted up in the establishment and includes journals in Hungarian German and English treat ing of pol i t icrr i t teratuie flgriciu-


ture education and even the fashions

The invention of the drum is ascribshyed by the Greeks to the g o d Bacchus Whence undoubtedly arose the exshypress ion T ight as-a drummdashBurl ingshyton Free Prem

I IP bull raquo bull bull bull 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 w ^ mdash mdash ^

ItfcLact a D r ^ a u t u i 0 - u 4 h

and raised a considerable amount of blood and matter besides I was very thin and so weak I could scarcely g o about the house This was the case of





SCRAP B l t t


This medic Inn combining Iron with prre Vegetable tonics quickly anl com- letely Cures lgtygteplaquoia~ Indlgesiriutu IVeaiine Impure Blwraquod-Mai ariaCtiUU aud Fevers and Neuralgia ^

It t3 an unfaiilro remedy for Diseolaquoesof tLe Klilneya HO4 Llrer t

It W- invaluablo for Diseases pecnifer to Women and alt who lead sedentary lives

It doesjiot Injure the teeth cause headacheor pri)daeAonstipatjOnmdashother Iron medicines do

It enriches and purifies the blond stimulates the appetite aids the assimilation of (bod raquoc-Ueves Heartburn and BelchUig and stxvugth-us the muscles and tierves ^

For latennUteut Fevers Lassitude Lak of Enerjry ltfcc it Uas no equal

JtSr The genuine has above trade mark and crobucd red lines on wrapper Take no othor

i JUIJ bj tfci)raquo3 CUSMCkh m^ BiLTtXOBK MO

T h e m is a paper chimney in Breslan 50 feet high

The Russiau government has borrowshyed $60000 to buiid railways

T h e Norristown Pa insane asylum has organized a brass oand

The emperor of Austria has the finest collection of pipes in Europe

An oyster produces 128000000 young oysters in tho course of a season

One-half of all the telegraph wires in France are already underground

Hinry Croorge will be^ia another lecturing tour in America in January

A SDOW amph98 regiment is to braquo formed in Montreal the present wiuter

Matthew Arnold is opposed to the proposed scheme for an international language

Reported that Southern Negroes arv coiuiug North in large numbers sjnee ihe election

It is stated Miat English land owners ae anxious to jel l out and invest iu bullJihfci countries

The legislative council of Jamaica reshyfused by a vote of 8 to to be annexed to tLe dominion

Seventy-five thousand pounds of paper were used to print the ballots at the late election

Paris is to hava 15 miles of elevated road completed in t ime fcr the univershysal exhibition of 1889

T h e proper song for pugilists who have blacked each others eyes is The Bloom i s $ n Their E y e

Secretary M^Phnrann gives it a3 his


a man with consumption arising from liver complaint He rdcovered his health complete ly by using Dr Pierces Gold en Medic il D iscover Taousands of others buir similar testirqon

The government supports 400 John Smiths

Patarrh Is Recommenced by Physicians SIOOiWAilaWlj

E n t i r e W h e a t F l o u r bull

HaHc Juuriil of Hlt altb There ha never until recently beeD

k n o w n auy possible means or way to make all of the wh^at tine hence the __ ^ __ Jhe key of fate is in our ovvn hands mflrurs have given mt^nothing^^ but ^t^e^we^often unoek it and then throw the beautiful white figtur from which the best or nutiitii us part of the wheat is e l iminated or the so-cal led G-abam flourmdasha name t i t le or brand which causes a mult i tude of sins Most of the Graham fljur sold ia this country is nothing but a mixture of the lowest grades of white flour with bran N o phv8icjAn who is posted on cereal foodf and t iremdashmerits of-wheat flour will ad vise anyone t o eat bullGraham tiourwhile every physician in tbic country and E jg land who has seen and knows what it is uses ana recomshymends the ent ire wheat flour w h i c h is explained by a short statement of the way it ia made v i z

The wheat is first c leaned in the o l h a l way then i t goes to a machine wnich takes off thesKin or husk t h e n i t is reduced not ground by the regshyular roller procflflji_Xexcept purifier) thenj^feer the separat ion by bolting of

)ran from the white flour the bran i s reduced by special machinery then by a system of spout ing the bran aud

F o r t h e L a d l e s

Liughter le the pwr miud pUster Mltklug every burdt-u H^hbull

Tn-iiraquo aidimi-s iuo ttla iue9 D rkest Uuur to May di^fn bright

T1 the d ifpdeg9t and the cheapest Cjre tor Ma of this d scrlprlon

Bu for rhas that wo u-tud heir to Use Dr Pterced lF kVjritd Prescription

Cures all weaknesses and irregularishyties bearing d o w n sensations i n shyternal fever bloating displacements iuilaiurjvition morning sickuess and teudency tD cancerous disease Price reduced to one dollar By druggists

Hannibal Hamlin is the oldest s tump speaker n o w in active-service He be-gan in Jacksons day

Delicate diseases affecting male or female however induced speedily and permanent ly cured Ilshylustrated book three letter stlaquoraps Consultation free World s Dispensary Medieal Association Buffalo N Y

The cornet has come to staymdashBrook-line Chronicle

When you visit or leave Saw Vjrk City via Central depot save BKkjagtje Eipresaace and 3 Carriage Hire and stop at theQraud Union Hotel opposite aald dtpot 8iT hundred ele-tfanr ro gtras fitted up at a cost of one million ilollara i l and upwards p r day Europeun plan ElraquoVator R-t-iurant euppllampi with the b(8t Horse cars brakes and elevated railshyroad to all depot Fivrnilles can live better for lesa monvv at the Qratd Union Hotel than at auv othfr SrutKlaAP horlaquol in the city

We manufaeture and sell it witha pos i t i ve g u a r a n t e e t h r t It w i l l e u r o a n y c a s e and gt70Will forfeit the aboToamouut ifitTaifsin a e i n g l c I n s t a n c e

It is u n l i k e any otlu-r Catanli remeof aa t u t t a k e n I n t e r n a l l y a c t i n g u p o n t h e UlOOd if you^arS troubK-d^iib tbls-Uiatressjng diaeaseask yourliriigglBtfor ltand ACCIPT HO IMITATIOK Ofi SLbtTITUTE If he has not got it send to us and wo wilt forward immediately Price 75 cents per bottl ^

F J CHENEY amp CO Toledo Ohio

opinion that the revenue reformers will control the next house

J u d g e Brewer of Omaha decides that railroads have no right to fence in lands belonging to the government

I m goiDg to meter said the gas man aud he went down ia the cellar and buzzed the cook for an hour

Ty pe-settersin Pads are paid by the day receiving $1 30 for 10 hours work Tnere arlaquoj 4 50J comp -tficors in the city

The semi annual report of the Grand Trunk railway of Canada7 shows a net lo-s-laquot $40^000 for the last six months

The Ogdensburg Journal tells the sad

story of ayoung lady who fell in a skatshying liuic and -broke her leg twice in two

Wisconsin Prohibitionists have de^ teriuiued to keep up their organization and accept no compromise from any party

Some statistical fiend has tigurai oak an average of 1500 tbimblts are anshynual v owallowed by the babies of America

Natural gas has been discovered at Find lay Oaio at a depth of 400 feet in great volume The town wil be supshyplied with it

1 be t x p e r i m e L t of raising ostriches in California bas been successful Forshyty yi ung birds have been hatched and are growing nicely

Tbe Salvation army in England has given rise to so much scandal that tbe authorities are making efforts to break up the organization

Twenty-nine women in Fall River have qualified and are emil led to vo le f gtr members of the school committee at the next city election

The Kansas supreme court has fust decided that a husband is not liaole for bianlerous worgtis spoken by his wife when he is not present -mdash

Tbe area of pu bite land disposed of in Dakota last year was larger than the total acreage of either hoigiutn Denshymark Greece or Switzerland

T w o N e w York grocers were fined $100 each a day or two ago for se l l ing as pure butter an article that was imshypure to the extent of 95 p e c e n t

Love begets l ove singiLthe_ old song but ho wu are you go ing to reconshycile that with the homeopathics c la im that like cures likemdashR^cklandCourier

The model of Abraham Lincolns apshyparatus for lifting vessels over shoals which is now iu the patent e f n e e i n Washington is o be in the patent ofshyfice exhibit in the N e w Orleans Exposhysition

There have been 191 new national banks chartered during the year File von national banks have failed durshying tbe year i nd 100 failures are re-ported since thH passage of the national banK act of 1863

The I lea NewspiptT for Color il PeOgtlt Nraquo vlaquoits Hii^hte-t Hcst Sample Coiiis Scnl Ffee Tun ILiisDrAikH l i m a N nitr arci uilion as In iin-a vnii prLiripound colored jnnrnil m ihu couniry j-SO

--tpe v i r J l IX months S o c i h a c m nUiraquo Clubbvil villi unvnthvr f lict on nt |nwelaquol r i f f A uood [aKvUmtf medium A L L C O ^ lt K D MlaquoN should read it Addrcw T H E PIAINDEALEK BOX 92 Dlaquoroit

M l ^ a a


VEGETABLE COMPOUND bull is A ropnivis CUKE FOR bull 1gt tosfgtjijiApoundjii toinplaltits Mitil W c u k M ^ t BO coniiauti ^ bull raquo tofou bt8t raquo raquo raquo laquo

it rKMAI-E POPULATION Frk cent1 In liquid pill r li-iengc torn

bull jt YvsiTTpa iraquo tolthjfoy the legitimate xeaXtnQ ot diieiiM atlaquoJ~thlaquo relic of pain ltuiH tluxt it daec it claimt to do thoutandtof ladies tonglaul testify It will euro eutlicly all Ovtrlun tro^blci Lofla-um tlon ami Cljeratlca Follbigjuul Displftimciita tai consequent bpiiial Wcaknees aid lamp particularlr adapted to the change of life bull bull raquo laquo laquo laquo laquo V It removes Kaiat ux FlatulencydostrOT^allcmvli)(^ forstiUiUnt-t and rlievlaquoraquo Vckulaquojraquolaquoraquo of ilia Htomatb It caiot niomlii^ iittdttches Kurvoui lroxtiation 3nural IhHjillty Belti)l(ltHei Doiretlaquo5doD and h-dl gotioti l i n t tlaquotflunlt ot Itoarlng down wwisinjy pala aa l bftckach^jftalwuyn permanently cured by Its use Send stamp to Lmn Mass forpMtnhliH l i t t e w o i IoquirycttulJeiUU^ly answewsd yor talc at druggist

klaquoy a raquo ay mdashAnson

The new combination of Smart Weed ana BeUadonaa as used in Carters Backache Plaiters has proved to be one of the best that could be made Try Ooe of these popular plasters in any case of lame back baokache rheumatism neuralgia soreness of c h e s t p r l u u g s amp c

ihe entire I ftpri y Q U ^1 1 1 ^ surprised and pleased by the prompt relief In had cases o f chronic dyspepsia a plaster over the pit of the stomach stops t i e pain at once Ask for C a r t e r s Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters Pric 25 cents

1 _ j mdash mdash bull

ROUGH O RKTS Oiraquoraquor ltiat rM mat SIM rokohea bsd-bon nti bullbullrmln Chtpmaak loe

Yonnic nttmdashRendTliUi I THE VOLTAIC BELT Co of Marshall Mich

off- r to semi thetr cel^rtrarei ELICTRO-VOL-t TAJC BBLT and other KLBCTRIC APPUAMCIS

raquoraquogt trtl for thirty days to meu (youulaquo or ol i) raquofft ctwl with nervous debility los of vitality aud manhood and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neural nia paralysis and many other dUeas Complete restoration to health vlitor and mauhood ecaranteed

White flour are b o u g h t together and I N o r i 4 k u i s c u m d M thirty-day trialUai-m i t e d in exact ly t h e same proportion j IOWKI Write them at once for illustrated tha t existed iu the berry

This dour is not only much more nu-tricious than any other but will assimshyi late with the weakeststomach t Jgtecause i t is tiue and contains all the g luten and phosphates that are in wneatj wh ich can ou ss id of no other flour in the world It is cheaper than any other because it makes s o much more bread mdashwLioh is expla ined by the theory of porosity which theory is demonstrated by the fact k n o w n to every oaker or breadmaker that a good Minnesota patent flour wil l m a k e twenty-l ive per oent more bread than the best grade of Graham flonr or wheat meal and the ent ire wheat flour m a t e s 26 tn 30 o e n t more Dread than the Minnesota patent flour T h e roller process which

pamphlet ftve^ ROUGH ON -OHVb 15c Ask for tV CompteU our atrd or tot oornlaquo wart bunUaraquo

MINAMATA PtPTUNISKI) H I B f IHiNIC l i t 0HI7 prlaquopamprraquoUnn of beef oonutnlng lu laquo11111laquo nutrition properties It oontatna blcKxi-tnaklai foree-sener-atlnsand ltfe-laquouatalBraquonji properHes Invaluable for InrmoumoN rvylaquopiplaquotgt aerrouK pmttratlon and allformiof iteneral debility alao In ill enfeebled oampndlttona whether the reeult of exUlaquoUBtton nershyvous proatration overwork or ecitedltaaae particshyularly If reealUnf from oulmonarroonifalnta CAM-nrsxu IUIARDAOO Proprietor New York ~ by Ortuqruu







Now supplied at a small additional cost with DENIS 0gtVS

P A T E N T R E F E R E N C E I N D E X The latest edition has 3000 more Words in Itfl

vocabulary than are found in any other A m Dio ty and nearly 3 times tho number of Enorravinfr G4 C MERR1AM ACOPubrsSpringrgtM Mass



MAKE HENS LAY li is awcll-kiiowiiTatl4iiraquo tuost of the

liorsc aud(attlePowdti-s)IlHujhis 0 in-try is worthless thatSheriuatiV-Cjicdi lion 1owder ia absolutely pure1 and v w valuable Noth in i r o n Kartt wi l l m a k e t iens lay liKo Sher idan C o n d i t i o n P o w d e r liosiv one Klaquos[wv)iifiil to ach pint of food Hvl l l laquolw p r e v e n t a n d c u r e f gt U I O i f 1 A l P U H I P D A n^ChQlera Ac Sold everywhere or tent by mail for v r l l w I V B I l v T l l L b n H ^ cents fn^taraps AUo furnished in larjre catts for breedersuse price $100 by mall $120 Circulars sent FREE 1 8- JOH^fSOX amp COa Boston iiasa


- A N O -


Autnmaticfilly drain the water of Cundr nation Iro-n UKATlNG lt COIUS irvl rvlirrs il lThr bud- CJ er whuihtt coils are a b u V e ur t bfloV ilic vvalrr 1 vel in ihe boiler 00 nir away with pum^s and other iilaquochinicil Jcvicesfor such pitrpo v s

ALBANY STEAM TRAP COMPANY ALBANY NEW YORK Office and 11 ork 78 ami SO Church Stnet


For Horse or Steam Power Hundreds ef the beat men in SO States and Territories uraquoe it and will have no other J RELIABLE DURABLE SIMPLE Batabliehed over 8ft yearswe have ample (adhtlea to nil orders promptly and tj aatfefKOtampa ojour-cugtooen Cau kgue KKKK Addrtuui

L Q U M i S amp N M A N Tiffin Ohio



AND LIVER COMPLAINTS 0 Beeaaae It acts on the LITER BOWELS and

KIDXEIS ftt the laquoame time Seeatue it eleaaeee the system ef the poljon-

cms tumors ttxit doveloffe in Kidney and Urishynary Diseases BQioQsaess Jaundice Constipashytion Piles or in Baetraatism XTevxsJcla Nershyvous Siscxders and all Female Complaints



By oausina FSZI ACTZCOT cf aU the organs and fsnotions t crphy

CLEANING tho DLOOD restoring tlie normal power to Cirow off disease

THOUSANDS C CA3E0 ef the wont forme of fwao terrTble diseases have beea ttiahly reUevedt and in s shew tisse


RODOH OM ITfU cares hnmore eruptions rtnt-worm toUerbull Jt rheem Cr laquo41 f-iet ohllbains

froi A O A R D - T o all wan are totTerta bullrrors aad indleerettons of Tooth laquogtlaquobullbullbullbull weatneee early deoavJoes iraquof manhood e I wtn seat) a recto that will ene yon FHIR Or CHAHO This are rejmedy w a s J trade bull

ilsMlonaryin tooth America laquoeod aeif-addi^eeed


-irjfCHDFlBcrt goteh eomejMet elaquores ell Mytat aidney and mrsAajy diisesesjr 1 FITTER

Holaquotetterraquo 8trraquom-acgt Bitter Is a fine biiv d dep r-rit a rational ca h raquo n laquo Hpd Miper^ bullbull tl-otl-JOU-raquotgtedrtc itral-w the fatttnii en-ertdr ot the debtl itlaquord and checks preojuture delt ay P o w r laquoed airnjk btllUtun remltent OTupepsU and bowshyel en bull i-loltit- are among r e f i l l which tt removes In tropical ooun-tr ee w here the 1 verand bowels -re onrtns mo-tunfav-orablv affected by tbeeom bleed infln eoee raquo1 o4ilaquonstedtet and water rl -STI iejrjL p e j e s s j r iienar^fWse4e


r r y oaa be soat by mampil WELLS ZIJ-iAargt30N Se Co BurUnctenVt 8 JxuJ tump for Diirr Alauntc f r Is


SpinaTSuuee WsOst T f l 75 Spinal C^reet 00 Spina l Nursing Corset 85 Spinal Abdominal Corset S 75 Beeommeaded hi leading phvakasse delivered free anywhere in the V 8 on reoeipt ofprioeraquo Satisfaotion guaranteed Lady Agents wanted DfLiagaMgtraquoBgtiialOersttC^gteAaB^raylTewTorX



t l


CONSUMPTION I bare a pMltlve rvmedy traquor ths above dIsssae bv Its

laquoM4hoaraquoaDltioreaitilaquoi( tha wlaquoiraquot kindsudof b a g bulltaadlnehlaquors blaquon cutd I inleM bull oatrtmeImyfaPh lnltraquoraquomcttlt-ytl^tlwi 1 MnJTUO B0TTLU8 f S I A torfthrwiin a VAicxBtKTBEATISloii this disease lOnyraquooffrer OlTlaquoexprMlaquoBnd F OxddrtS






MONEY e Wide awako Agent aremnkiiiR from 81 a to ttOS per montl sslltnff the erlglua

MISSOURI S T U M WASHER ~~ bull A sew irHnclple Bavin - bull

^ j V h Jade

bearing a red tin tag t hut Lorlllards HoeeLeiif nnelaquoui that LoriHarUs

Navy Cllpplegmand that Lorlllards Kalaquoffeare the iwat and oneupest quality cousiuerwl

HOW TO WIN AT CARDS I ^ ampC- ^ A S t J R k i r a i n V S M k e B t W e e t o ^ k

AaywmsmdashI nanutacture and -raquoMlaquo eontiantl nifhand vv^ry bullrtlele laquobulllt bgttharaquopnnla|r(raieniif tuWlMwlii In rngt ft chancr Head fgtltr araquoraquoir Both tlrrklttr Addme tlCeTTDAy bull i u r f l l Hi l l s atrwtBtvjTai 4k | 4-


flraquo Mb Waail

y slvenT-^^ritsgt teraquo-terwis aalt StiAjrWASIIBB CO t i t B4SW M iuigtismBBOraquogteeiEraquobgtst

Who wUh to I arn

TOBBHiOragSftsaa B K1PPV Ki gmeeraquo Brvdg p rt Con

I I bull i l l bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull I mdash bull I I - I I bullgt bull bull II bullbull bull t

P a t m and Garden sVaadela Cvlormele) ID ftn4 10 acre trtftg Low Pikr Lootf

Tlaquo-rtna to sgttUera O Blaquor-rlaquoklaquolaquols Adlaquo1rem y perotlsra W R PAHOR Frota Clt0raquoO

laquobullbull(bull bullraquo raquomdash48



bull ( bull bull

f -

r V raquo gt bull




bull f f i n p


r - bull

HOWELL bull r our Ctwrraquoiraquoadeat

There are several cases of diph-0lttiahere A little boy 12 years old has just been buried and it is reports tin oldest son and the mother ol t ie jsjini family are now suffering with tlu-laquo U it disease

Charlie Curtis won the prize at the potato race

A number of our young people went to Fowlerville last Wednesday evening to skate and a party from Brighton came here Wonder who went to Brighton

UNABILLA From oar Correspondent

My sakes What cold weather Dick Barton has gone to Ohio to

spend the winter Rev 0 N Hunt will preach at

Stockbridge Thanksgiving day School commenced last Monday

with Tommie Young of Lyndon for teacher

Phebe Townsend of Plainfield is working at T A HartsufFs

Mr^and Mrs 0 D Chapman of Fowlerville are visiting in town this week-

Mrs Ellen Marshall and Rose Hunt went to Jackson last Tuesday to do some shopping -

Eampt Hartsuff of Pinckney has takshyen up her abode at Geo Hoylands for a rihort time

G S May fell and sprained his ankshyle a tew dajs ago now he has to go on crutches

Mr and Mrs Gage Inslee of Port Huron made a short visit among relashytives here last week

There was another excitement in town last Friday evening it was causshyed by a man becoming drunk They are seldom seen here

^Xherfe-will be union services in the



EMHROIDEKY SILKS - raquo - - bull mdash -

Over raquo00 shades ot tine

Of the people is that the place to buy goods cheap is at the

9 9

Dry Goods


LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES 20 lbs Good Brown Sugar for $1 00 16 lbs Bestr^rown Sugatfor $1 00_ 6 lbs Best Roasted Rio Coffee for $1 00 8 lbs Good Green Rio Coffee for $1 00 5 lbs 50 Cent Japan Tea for $2 ()0

5frac34 lbs Best Japan Tea Dust for SI 00



Good Horse Blankets $1 75 per pair Good Large Size Comforters $1 00 each

11 E church Thanksgivsng day and a dinner free to all in the basement ol same at 1 p m ^

I expect you will findfthe boss boy at S i Palmers ns papa says he actually thinks without any joking that he is the smartest baby in town and we dont doubt it

We are showing a very Complete Lii^e of Dress Goods consisting of Alapacas Cashmeres Brc^ades Ottoman Cloths

Plain and Plaid JElannels Etc

PLAINFIELD From oarCorraapoadent

E T Bush has shut down his cider mill and apple drier for this season

Albert Westfall is on the sick list Andrew Lester is visiting relatives

and friends in this vicinity

Mrs Irvin Hamilton of Washtenaw who has been visiting relatives in this place returned home last Monday

Chas Lambert is out again Rev Mr JJailey has returned from

Detroit where he has been to hear the celebrated evangelist Dwight L Moody he expresses himself highly pleased and well paid for going to hear him

Mrs D M Greene who has neen suffering from severe lung trouble for oast ten months and whohas been vf -bull lowfrom pulmonary hemorrhage z much improved and has gained in bullveight about twentypounds

Miss Jennie Topping has a new pianxrgflitpright Hainesmdashit-iM


^PRICES CLOAKS we arc^elosing out at greatly reduced prices Try a package pfHulmans Delicious Sips Coffee a piece of

Glassware with ^e ry package Butter Egg

embroidery -ilks so nioVii uk to make artistic work possible to nil We have just put in a full line of Uiefe sil^s to accompany the Dri^s Patterns and can supply any wants less than you can buy them elsewhere Ladies pbase call ami see the silks and reshyceive free samples of Brik^^Piitterns




F U R N I T U R E Pieluri Kritminu Kepairiiij K l c




BLACKSMITH ill kinds of custom work mid poundrmgtrul

repairing including

HORSESHOEING lthnp )(bulllt n Minns Iconic PIVCKNKI

VDETKCHT 6 CLEVELAND steam Navigation Companys Steamer City of DetroitmdashKorthwest-between

Cleveland and Detroit-Leave from foot of Third St Detroit at 10 p m-Leava from 23 River St Cleveland at 830 p m

T H E S 2 2 5 R O U T E Week days-Standard Time

T H E $ 3 0C R O U T L City of Mackinac-City of Cleveland

Leave from foot of Wayne St Detroit Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 A M Mondays and Saturdays at 10 P M

For Marine City St Clair Port Huron Sand Beach Oscoda Alpena Harrisvillo

Cheboygan St Ignace and

MkgtWIHrWraquol Folders freemdashOr send 25 cents for our

illustrated book of 120 pages fc LAVE TOUR TO PICTURESQUE fACKiioc

ribtorical and descriptive of thiraquo Great Historic Summer Resort

and Sanitarium

WCv tOWaynoSt DetroitMich

R A P t D T R A N S I T

est-Market Price We guarantee low prices and good goods



a i r Muuutit tin I M t i S i ^ l n i

55 mill gtT Jefferson A i- HKVIMIT Mil If

raid to be oCexcellent tone Morris^opping has just returned

from Uefroit wnere he interviewed MrJampdyard Suot of M C Ry who -zyi the survey cut off from Mason to Jextcr is sure to be built as soon as he times are settled and aamp-Kood as in

883 Still we hope ^

The general expression is tbat the ~gtSPTCH is the best paper printed in

w- county and many who nave been bullbullkw^ other papeis have ordered them optxd but say they will continue taklaquo fg ttfe DispATcar Tally one for




The following Patents were granted M citizens oi MXCHIOAIT beaming date ov 18 1884 reported expressly for

bull t bull is paper by Louis Bagger k Co Me-nical Experts and Solicitors of Pat LS Waabington P C

Barton Joseph Jackson warmincr -1308126

m o n 8 D Wr North Adams z ie strap 308068

lodges C J3 and E McCoy De-tr it lubricator 80825cL_

lowell Jacob Jackson two- wheel-wi ebicle 808162

TAiggSi JW-aitdltJ fl Porter poundckson cyna^etcoclrr80c^388

Williams K- 1 Lnsingr churn

Obtain for Meohhnicul Dovicrs Comshy

pounds Designs and Labels

All preliminary examination bull raquo

to patentability of inventions iw

Our Guide to Obtaining Patent

is sent free everywhere



We are still making large additions to mdash ewstocluif 1



- V soucllt



Grand Trunk Railway Time Table MICH AIR LINK DIVISION




WASHINGTON P C Pictures and Picture FramesArtists Sup-puesTBooks jGrames Toys Japanese

Novelties Etc^iEtc Bakery amp Restaurant TOBACCOS

NOW OPEN AND KEROSENE OIL READY FOR BUSINESS Everything inour line atlowest prices

Bread and Buns Fresh Every Day |

Cajl and see us when in town


No 6 Mixed

RlDGEWAY B Hraquo m AnlaquoHltlH Hl10 Uunieo 10^0 Hocbestcr 11 V2

No 4 No g 2 Pass P M

555 a m 4 m

Wis South Lyon

2-4) i ar 3110 i rip KW

IlamhnrR 4()5 raquo PINCKNEY -440 Mount Kerrier S15 Stockhridyt ftitt Henrit-tta laquoii5 JACKSON ti43 ^m STATIONS I

(115 HH5 7lo 7J5 745 8-frac34

800 810 8Alt fl i


9 raquo 1010 1040 1150 1118 1130 1150 1203 p oi la agt ia50p_m


Warm TTIPampIP and lunches at all hours Oyster and all delicacies in their oeaAon We have a line of fresh groceries a gteod assortment of teA from 2(t to 75 cents a pound Iii^lgteraquot price gtnul for Butter and E^ys Coiiie and see us Vlaquo wilJ jjlve you good goods and fair prices

laquo1 y

W H M W l i K ^ Q f PHOPH A t l h e o l d g t a n d gt u B e e b e g t o r e gt West Main Street^Pmoknov

No raquo No 8 Mixed laas

JACKSON laquo 7ooa in- 4-aii p ni Henrietta 745 445 MtickhridKe 815 50h MoiMrt Kerrler 832 515 PINCKNEY 8laquoo B5 IIaniT)uflaquo^-40 ^ B O s South I von ( Rl 1 0 1 5 s a )

3 0 1 1 1 1 i jgtnMl|raquo 105) 650 Wlxom 11-30 720

Jontiac bull h ( p 1 W gt-bull 8 i t t

Kocheater 1401 raquo05 Komeoy AVgt 955 Armada 305 ~ 1020 RlDGEWAY 8laquo0 1050

No 1 Pais

800 i n Btt

610 laquo85

70fl 73 785

All t n d a r n n by laquolaquoentral standard time All tralps run daily^Sundays excepted -

W J SPICEK T 0 8 J C P U HICKHON Supwiottadfj^t 0laquoawai lltMgtr

N mdash

v mdashI

bullbullbull -C amp amp 312 raquo lt-ampreg$m



Entered at tb Potofflti u 2d elaslaquo mutter



M ^


AMONG the Geauga county records at ChardonO is a musty old book conshytaining the license permitting Brigbam Young and Mary Ann Angel-^bia first wifemdashto enter into lawful wedlock The document is dated February 10 1834

STUDENTS at Harvard would like a little more liberty in the matter of atshytending chapel exercises to secure which they have drawn up a petition asking that attendance at chapel be mode voluntary for students over 21 years old and opportonal with parents or guardians of students under 21 years old mdash m

THE shop hours bit soon to be introshyduced into the British house of comshymons by Sir John Lubbock will proshyhibit the employment of any young pershyson iii a shop for any longer period than 12 hours in one dav and the penalty for the violation of this act by employshyers is a fine not exceeding pound5 for every person so employed The act will apshyply to England Scotland and Ireland

BISMAKOK has devised a new projpct by which he hopes to improve the conshydition of the workingnien and lessen the influence of socialists amonz them He propose^the_ establishment of trade committees in manufacturing centers whose duty it shall be to report upon the state of various industries with a view to regulating the supply accordshying to the demand and ascertaining where laber can be best employed


A WASHINGTON dispatch says There are indications of i ho probable presence of two lobbies here this winter the whisky lobby t ad tho railroad lobby The whisky men will make another efshyfort to secure an extension of thlaquo bondshyed period or some similar relief They will be aided by some of the banks which have advanced large amounts of money on warehouse certificates The railroad men will endeavor to pashyrent the government from making harsh terms with their roads

MRS CLAY of Kentucky a delegate r Americaa^Woman Suffrage As-

sooiaton convention in Chicago jimde the sweeping assertion in her address before the convention that the women of her states were as much slaves now as the Negroes were before the war She aaid it was not simply because they were refused ihe Iballotbut that in many other ways the women of the middle and lower classes were treated no better than slaves And this in America in the nineteenth century

A NUMBER ofNew Yorkers are plan-oing the erection in Central park of ar huge building of ice on the plan of the Montreal ice palace If the park comshymissioners assent to ihe use of the grounds arrangements will be made with several ice companies to furnish blocks for the building t is proposed to light the structure with electricity to provide it with restate rants and bars and in fact make a road house of it for winter gaities The patshyronage of sleighers and skaters is reckshyoned as an important nightly source of profit

THT adoption of thaj-ogjter-as-the-~emblem oTpolitical success is due to a

Hooster editor In 184 2 after the Harshyrison campaign there was great doubt as to how Indiana had cast her vote The situation was similar to that in New York in every respect An editor named Chnprnan bondactedthe Demoshycratic newspaper at fndianapolisy and as often the case in boasting over a victory his editorial rej icing over the result was termed orowing In a day or two when some of the back couuties were hoard from it seemed his erowiog had been prennt re and the whigorglaquon-cme out givingiste returns showing Ddoiocratio defeat and in the headline was the expression Crow Chapman crow This wasvintended as a taunt and must ha we been felt for few more counties yet to hear from again turned the tables and show-Ad that the Democrats had won It was then that the rival editor hoisted at the head of his columns a marnifi-eent rooster and printed underneath it the words We Crow The idea caught on at onca and the fame of the wood-ooi rooster was assured

TILE CROUCH TK1AL Another Attempt made To Solve the

Great Mystery m

T h e Frot-f edinse

Thpjiry soent M gtu i^y the 17 h vlritlnj the Criucu ami Holeoiub tiom^Ua looktu careiully uvtr Uiu scenes of Uio Krraquot trigeiy The trial wa reeutin-dln tbe afteruooD SLI four itue$ea wlt re examined

0a the 12a day of the trial of Diulel 3 Holcoinh E mtr tLitchtfavtiaiJeUile I account ol Lis discovery of footprints at ihefarm-Duusi tbr mornlnu after the murder

Mrs Danforth Waits told the court of the blood spot seen on dotal UK ID Pollejsroom rUy Clements testified to a conversation wltt Holcomb in which the litter had made inquiries ooncernlDg stock btloLxlnx to Henry Wnlte Dr McL-tughUn who was present at the txanilnatlou of the bodies the morning after the murder testified to thu ap pearaoce of the bodies at that time and gavr his theory of the murder as Riven by htm at the examination Other witnesses were tximined bat nothing new was brought out

The Irst witness sworn on the 18th day of the trial of DauM A Holcomb was Davit Hutchlns Mr Hutctii|s said he saw tracks li a iicg from Wilsons rowing on the railroad toward The eatt dour of the Crouch house alampo the tracks made by new rubbers ntraquor tbe siuthwist wlndWvand oae_oa the east side ot the hiuee Aftlaquorwarus he wmt Jiome and from there in ihn Widow Holcombs Held he raquow traika wLiei lie stiould say wen Judd Urouchr QittiaiiUcuSfiouensuedaRlothead uiisi-lfctliti of tesiliu JUgt iu regard to tracks avd witn 66 was excuse degJ t sc Hard was iitxr HWurn ami Tmtrieil ttat he walt oreseut at traquo-CuroueiiJii qnjstarid heard Daniel S liolcuiub dtiiy uudtr exihmutou jhat he bad ever rraquooutht ur owueda drtytI jntcaliber revolvlaquo r Witness said that Holcouio nad U)ld that he waaat lUQieon the ^xut of the murder that he WHS ttruu-ed by his wife whocalled atteutlon to a plaumiintt door and that he went to the dtxT and fantraquo m d i

Tela was o 4 eted t on the ground that testimory uf Lhlaquo coroner as in wrilntr and couid be producwi as evideuce Afttr some tnJk Mr Gibson offend to produce tt and H d he would tupplement thu wrtttt-n telaquoMiaouy bgt q ietiiluuiugti the cvr-m-r and other witiiesset

Coroner P t^ey aa railed and give parshyticulars of iheii qgtie-t held by him upon tije bolt1y of Jacob Croucti Mr Casey said Hiiots weie brought bt-ftgtef him on the ii qjlaquo stand admltv-d by Mr H ricomb to be bis sajlog Judd had bought Luem for him a day or two b fore the mardirlf witness remembers ari^Dt the day betore Mr H^tcomb was ask^d If he ever owned a 3J-catib^r rampTolyer and anshyswer d Lhat he iiev^-ow-aed- oue never priced one and u^vfr held each aooe in hh hand Holcumb said he had gone to visit his brother in Oveaiaw county icd that Jacob D Crouch owtdhim for Judus bord rnat Foy was a drinking man that J add and Foy had been to Jacksoni November a gt the day of the murd r and rcturLed argtout dark and the only revol vers about the house were two old ones which he did not know were any good He thought that Holcomb said the pistol found beside F bullyVdeadrtody belonged to him

Nettle 8nyder a domestic in the employ of the Holcomb family at the tune of the murder was sworn She d scribed the features ot HolcombH house and where each one 6]ept Judd Fov and the boys Andrews and Loucds-bury It was a Ntorojy night and every one retired to bed earlymdashabout8 oclock Witness said Holcomb rose not on the morning of the murder Judd James Foy and the tno bogts w recomint from the barn to breakfast when Bolles arrived with the news of the murder They had been called to breakfast and were oc their way to the house Sue was the tirst to tell Mr Hi I omb the news that all wire murshydered at the Crouch housraquo Hia reply laquoraquo Is tuat so or KMiieihliiK luallar ine wines-was also the tirst toteil Mrs Hocomb Judd and Foy remained in the house oily a momcuc she did nogt notice any lulk bet weet them She does not remember that auythit) ws 6a1d by Holcomb ab~ut the murder or by him and Ida wlte After she told jlm he did jioispenkto Mrs H yicouib ubout it but went directly out doors He caiin- lu aln-iwards to gtt hii over-cgtat as preparing to uo to Jackson Mis Holshycomb said he wa tolujc wich Mr Huuiums

ATti r a rtKid cro -8-lt xaiulnation wituess wes rxcus-id and Julin Keeee a domestic in the Crouch fm1ly at the tim^ of the murder was called to the sund bne was closlaquolv qaet-tioned as to the event son the ai^htol the murshyder and an attempt was made to make tier testify to facts concerning her own lite Sue Ar^^t pimnnaly laquobull thf mpprjotl of the death Of

| 8 gtlvelt1 That thi Democratic party of Kn-pa bv MlntUitf aii hUt-jrigthihiiliiii tdntloriu an 1 uiHkii K an raquovow digt anil-orohltdtlon claquom-pi1gt0 Uraquo e oialaquole It impofs bttt for eonsistr-i t HiobtiiHoiilfta to^lve it ilielr support tgt0 lon^ astt re alus its un8i atltude

Keo vedmdashThat ihlaquo K -publican party of Kan-KH U ado(tligtt2 a pKiit rm that wax laquoti1ftf (-tury to the uiHSBof ProhlhUlouiH8 and elect-inystate lt fflcrs and a ]tkiltilaiure j llaquod^fd to rlt quite eiduictiu) I t lt f ihe bulllaquo ndlulou to the ftulaquo that the lud t ifeet of jrobbirinn may be reali h-m dtgtraquo e all that reasgt nable lngthl-ilitiicts tibould di maud aLd is at this time ei -t tii d to the curdiai support of temperance men

Ke^olve 1mdashThat as long atgt the atHtude of the two JeadiDK parti s in this state remains un-cbanKd we are unalterably opposed to the formalon or matmaloance of an independent Prohibition party and we cordraquoally ltrvlte those who have teparated from us to return and act with us in future

The resolutions were passed wtbout opposhysition except the last named which was bitshyterly oppost-d by St John After a long deshybate its tiual clause was amended to read as follows And we cordially invite all to jjin us in the work

k MYSTBKIOU DISBASK A tale of deep distress comes from Buchanshy

an Wise and Dickinson counties occupying an isolated posits n on the cxireme westerii limit of Virginia For some weeks a fatal disshyease has been prlt valraquo nt thraquo re and i he number ot deaths is terrible The nature of the d sense is yet undented bur it Is suprxsed to arise lrrTgtm ptiUouous wafer The orouth there for ij outhlaquo nearly dried all the streams spring raquoud wells and it U supp le I the water left it impregnated with mineral prison A reliable correspondent tells a pluful swry and 6as as many as four corpses were found in a 6lu^le house

A NATIONAL ASSOCIATION A sYffcult of ihe meetralaquo of the cattlemens

couvenitori hel0 in Sf L tuif Mo a lew das -ltice the orgftraquoxlaquorloa of ta- National Cattle ami UvtrseUtgWerfc1 A^soetatf gtn of the Uuiteni Statt-s was tdtnittl The constitution embltxl-iet thf folio1u Tlin nam bull to tgte h bull Nationshyal INtie and Horse Growt-rs Association of

all individuals direciy Jnt-resieuN iu said inshydustry on pa m nr of 15 lulti ttgton and a 1 as laquo ciatious onthe pavm^ot of $15 the annual due- to be $2 50 for individuals and $7 50 for associations Annual nie-tln^s tobe held the f jurth Monday of each November Two Clausen wtre added admittlua votf by proxy and tlx-lujt tgte basis of representation in tue conveu-iion at one vote for each member three for each association and oue at lar^e for eacti state and territory duly raquoccredited by the gov-en or Provision waa also made 10 admt tie]-etrares sfcredltid by regular asccciations in Old Mt x co aind Catiad


The following passage occurs in the address of the Independents whkh has heen forwarded to GOT Cleveland Ihey will uphold your administration to far avd ampo long as it is ba^ed upon the principles which should underlie ail political parties in a government of and by and for the people and believing that an honest and fearless oppodtlou is us nesessary to free government as an able and vigorous adminisshytration itself they will not hesitate to oppose your administration when it commits itself to principles which they cannot uphold


A EHIGUTFUL UBATH A Hungarian clergyman named Krasnlsara

while traveling on a sledwe U) Louca with bis wife and child was pursued by wolves His wife terror-strickeu ai the sight of the anishymals let the child fall from the sltdge The husband jumped out to save the etiiid and both were devoured but not before the fath r killed two of the -wolves Meanwhile the horses attached to the fgtlltnlge rau awraquoy and the uufortunate mlhtr OWIQK to th4laquolaquoible irUl to which she was mTicr^d was prematurely delivered of a dead child Th- hbullamp ran to Louc-i and upon arrival ihere the people found

lue woman herself d- traquod iu tut raquo1 dlaquoe The terrible tragedy topk placj withiu the spaace o an hcur

ADAMS VS C LEK100S The ftiit of Adams hg lust Coleridge was beshy

gun in L nlou No^ 21 iu tl)eeraquogtiirol Q leens Herch The plaiwtltf is a_weltiliuv mraquon well kuown lu Lgtudou bociety an i raquoas until reshycent) eogtraraquo(ed to be iuarrio1 id-MudreU Mlaquory euro-gteidse tbeon4y-dauiib+^r of- the L raquord Chief Justice of EuKlaud During the eu^ac m -cl B^ruard Colt rhi^e t llt^tsou and hgtdr ol the Cult Justice heard j-ome UCCUSH(1OIS ailrrct-iui A iamb character 11- eaii-tle^ himself ihey raquoeieirueand theu wrote io his sister ltlt-nuuuctni Adams us a Ux r ine and anobji-tlouatjle ptrsou in Miany reBpect aud cli^l tome facts to corroborate tue charges He paid he would furnish such proofs as would oe ouclusWe to vhe miid of her father if she was not already convinced that her lovlaquo r was unworthy Ml-s Cgtjleridie at tirat rtlused to behtve the accustttiou agalust Al-ams and at his r quest showed

The national cattle convention at its session in St L ju-s memoraliz d congress on leain public lauls tocatilo men afamped a repeal of the pleuro-pneumonia bill and the appointment of HtAte c gtmmissioner on cattle olseraquoees in stead and keeping Indians on their reservashytions aqd ^reveutiug them from earning tire-arms A committee was appointed to ur^e a national trail before confess The lol owln^ were elected CO R D Hunter 8t Loaie president Gen J imes B Brl^blu Idahovice-

-presldeiit A T AtwtT titLouis ftcretarv E C More cdthlcr Merchants national bank treasurer

her husband and was excused until the follow lngmornlnir Her tebtimony as given was but a repetition of thai given at the txdmlna tlun relating in detail the arrival of Pollev for the purpose of buying the cattle and of the manner in which the family spent the ni^ht previous to the murder

The Jackson Circuit Court Judge Gridley presidium met at 9 oclock on the 20ch as usual for the trll of Dan S Holcomb charged wlhth murder of Jacjb D Croucu Only eleven jurors appeared Ihe effljer lu charge sniJthiU JurymiQ Perry had been quite sick all nl^ht and was not able to leiVe nls bed The juror has complained of ill-health for several days-- Hls^appearaoee every since has indicated suffering and it has been with manishyfest effoit thai h fixed his mind on the proshyceedings Dr Williams who ltttei did the juror taldlhit he was quite HI with sympshytoms of a malarial type indicative of typhoid fever Uppn the doctors statement that his patient could not attend thsre was nothing to do but to ac j gturn the court for a day To-motruw morning on reassembling a report of the coadUlon of the juryman will ho maac and upon that depends the present rtsumpUou of the trial

Court convened at the u8U]_hojir_-jon-tbraquo ^lf^_^h^alcUnraquomdash^eotcfBoTTBat Juror Peirp was not able to oe present and I lie court ad-Jraquournraquo d to Monday November ti Ju^or LJWIH G Brown wa aleo uuwell aud had to see a


G b M H U M E raquo s bull bull T H E BEACONS G L V D R A T

In the annual report of the L gbt House ho J Ml 25000 s a^ked for luhtti^ and buoy-ID river If Is rgt c gtmmeudeti thut the light h( use districts which embrace all the uopt-r lake bed hidedmdashtin popinu tmt)ruciag Lake Michiiau raquond Greet e Bav to be seraquo off and craquolied the 8 veuteeutu Dstrict the renibtuder to be inclu udin the present poundlevgt-iith Dlrtilct and is kbowii by that lau^e Esiimates for general appropriations for the raquobull Xt necal year iucludiDgrupples repairs saUries^txpeuse- ttifbt veKlaquoeln buovage and fraquog siatials etc are | y 10ilXM) Bnlmtte f r special approshypriations amount to $120150 m^de up in part nf the f o l l o w i n g Hems Port Sauil lC Littht Stat lor Michigan H^OdO Pipe I^Utid LltfbtKrattov MlehQanIIMIU) Milwaukee Llkht Htfcttou Wisconsin $i6lt(Hn 3t Mar6 RiverRmgefi MIcDlgm $12(KM building for Lighthouse Boird $iJO00U


Tbe Kansas state temperance union met in Topeka on the 19th Gov St John and wile were in attendance During the aftgtmooptbe committee on resoluttoas nude a report reshyciting that the principles ot the union had beenlaquonpbatlcallj enjoyed by thepeople of Kansas la the overwhelming defeavbf cue presshyent occupant of tke executive chair thus con demning his unlawful warping of law and exshyercise of laquoxentive clemency in behalf of con-vltted raquoaloon keepers ThrcQngtrainJatlaquodPro-hihiUonisU in the growth of temperance sentishyment and recommended a seTlsof^eso^Jon the more important-of which were ^s toUows

U A raquo H t M G T O N

LOHINOS KB PORT In his annual rep irt C mmlssiouer of Agrishy

culture Lortiii sagt(gt The wheat area ia~ so mach btyond the rltqulnmeutB of cousumptiou in this aud other ^uutrles as todeprets the prtclt to a point unprecedented iu recent years favoring at certulu poiuts the use of wheat iu fee-iln1 for pork production The cause of this supirabitdance i two-fold first eX tension of settlement in the Northwestern prairies and dry plains of the PdCitic coast and sic nd the txirKOidiuary period ot comshyparative failure of Earup^au wheat for several consecutive years U P ne sugt j c-of forestry the report siys While the destruction of our forest is going on at a coustantiy increasshying aL d alarming rate It is gratifying to know that the workof plautioit trees for wind-breaks and for forest purp ses is rapidly increasing etp-clally in nomc of our Wtstern states aud Territories From gteuraska we have trustshyworthy informutiou that not less than 45U0(XK) trees haTe been planted during the present year-and more than 2000 busnels of walnut and other tree seeds Continued investigashytions have been made in regard to the conshysumption of forests for legitimate purshyposes as well as by tire6 This consumption for the manulacture of lumber is increasing In faster ratio than is warranted by Ithe Inshycrease in population and egtnsltqutnt natural demand Tae lumber market is largely overshystocked and the process of manufacture conshytinues to be conoucted in a fast manner when the fast Increasing source ot supply calls for the utmost ecoLouiv with material The great pine forests of the Northwest are now depleted to tuh an extent that Southern pine 1s brought Into competition with it in the Chicashygo market and perceptible iuroAds have been mide upou those vast forests which cover so large a portion of the gulf 8 ates The same

r c k l m and waottful melhoxi8~orXujmberlng are pursued there wmch have so rapidly conshysumed tne Northern aud Western forests This condition of thlugs makes more imperashytive every year the eudeavor to preampefve the forests which form a part of the public uo-maln and so toauird and coutrolthein by law as to make them of the greatest and most isstiug benefit to the country Tula bureau will make an txhlhiiiou of artishycles manufactured from the wood ltgtf American lorests ut the New Orleans Exposition There will also be an txhiblLiou ot jiving trees transported from the arid reshygion of the West -here it hiis been said that trtescmli n gtt bi mi l e t j ^ror ou account of the limled ammor of ralufaH This transshyplanted grove gtvllt bj an ocular demjustratlon that ihe establlshtu^Qt of trees both for laquorua-menutt and fores purpjsei caa be pushed oiucb further aioutf ma drlaquor weather plains than has be n supposed

WILL REDUCE THE SURPLCS Thdeg tre tsuj department has already furnishshy

ed (7000(00 for tne oaymeut of pets tons dur-iatpound the current qa-trter and estimates have b en rolt ived thlaquot 10000000 more will be re-qulredhy the tension ottice miking an aggreshygate of about $17100000 to b paid out on ihis account before Jan 1st Tbi uuusually Urge pajment will very materially reduce the surshyplus now on hand and it is thought will defer for sometime the oil for 3 per cent bonds which otherwise would probably have been lsfcued


The Armanent Board recomaaends the purshychase of the following guns for the defense of our harbors One hundred and twenty-3ve elKht-inch^un^ to carry pro] stiles weigbinj 2i5 pound- 2Wxem Inch vuo to carry pri


New York State s Vte Announced by the Board of Canvassers


Cleve laud Plurnllijr 1140

The State canvassers met in Albany at noon Nuv 31 all olt lug prem-m Secretary Woyd ait-IOUucid ihe foot ings of the t i b e s as fo IOWK Highest Demt c atlc electormdashfrle^t 568154 HlifheH Rnpuraquo ICJIU electormdashCtraoa ^bii t ft Plurality for Priest 1149 LuwtfctDem electormdashOttenlorur f61- 43 Lowest Republican electormdash Harris bbl 971 Plurality for Ottei dor 1(77 Highest Prohibition ehctormdashMiller 2gtlaquolaquo 0 Lo westmdash Ellsworth lt49tS Highest Butler electormdashODjnueil 17 im4 Lowest -Campbell 167 gt1

After the announcement tae members of the board slgnei thlaquo tables and certlfic ites


her brothers letter Adtm ssked to keep the letter and declared lo be able to convince her that its allegations were false Miss Coleridge surrendered the letter to him and he faihdto refute thechage Trie lady broke iff the engagement and Adams still posing as an it jured lunocence broUkbt suit for heavv damagts against Bernard Coleshyridge The latter in his defence says that the letter was in the nature of a privileged commushynication and not in any sense a puPlicntiou of the charges whether true or false such as to make him liable to prosecution If however he is required or allowed to prove the charges ^e^says ne is thoroughly prepared to do sdgta d show he was justified in seeking to save his stttr from a uulon which would be a hfe-touV misery and disgrace The scaudiJ-loving pubshylic eagirly hope Coleridge will be compelled t_q produce evidence agalnBt Adams as it is whisshypered several men and women of hitfb rank will be Implicated Toe caBe was strougl y con tested on botn sides and terminated in a vershydict of bullbull$ 000 for pidiutitfwnich washowever overruled by the Jud^s Mr Adams will cirry the else to a higher c nrt-

C O N D f e N S K D N E W S JJhicago has begtuo another war on the

bucket shops Cad Pchurz wants to be United States ml Lisshy

ter to Germany The Japanese army and navy are being put

on substantial war footing Corrected returns jrlve the DfmocravS conshy

trol of the Illinois legislature The national cammlrtees of both parties have

closed their rooms iu New York Mr Blaine will occupy Ex-Senator Wlndoms

house in_Wasbington this winter A lake has been discovered in Hudson Bay

country as ]raquoTgeas~Ldke Superior 0 Work ot the pedestal for Bartholin statue -Tft TIIC l~rmrTTr T p o haa-been Btopped for lack of funds IU I l i b LRUlLOi pound pound

John Fahrenback of Ohio has been appointshyed commissioner of labor statistics i Two hundred cadets from the city of Mexico will attend the New Orleans exposition

George William Curtis is mentioned amp Lowells successor to the court of St James

Senator Mahone will occupy the seat in the Senate occupied by the late Senator Anthony

Cleveland and HendrickB met In Altanvon the 22d lest for the first time since the elecshytion ^

-Orleans exposition of ~a eollecttoir of tropical plants

A sensational libel suit is on trial In London in which Lord Chief Justice Colcridgb famshyily Is involved

The German relchstag was formally opened on the 20ch Inst Emperor William made the opening speech

One Johnson a Negro living near Clinton Miss cut his throatsaying that he preferred death to slaverv

8heron Baker living on a farrbTnear Shelby-ville IQd shothis brother dead because he cheered for Cleveland

Issue of standard silver dollars for the week ended November 1ft M8i99i corresponding period tebt year 183899laquo 1 Theeurohinese govtrment offers France 73000-000 lrancs for the settlement of the ciaims Put the latter demands 1^5000000

Director General Burke of the New Orleans Exposition gives notice to exbtmors to guard against delays in transportation

Whisky men have already commenced operashytions to secure an extenaiou of the bjndtd whisky period at this session of congress

It Is stated that Gen Gordon ctprured a Krupp gun from the rebels andihat 660 of ihe Mabdis followers Jolued Gen G Tdonaforces

Toe insane asylum near Ohkoah Wis was dam-wed by fire the other nlgut to the amount of cent15000 All the inmates were rtmjved iu safety

The ptesident has appointel Rev W W Hick of Washington the spirtta 1 adviser (f thesss^sin (iuiteau to be surviyor gtneral of Florida

The txDenses of the steamboat and land sershyvice for the past year was J0tf99 117 ] bull the star service 4 ft routes were added at an tx- pense of $850468 Orders have een received st Calroofrein-forcements up the Nile with gtBlaquotalsnraquoch It Is thought by some that tbe^Mition of Dlaquom-gola is becoming serloj

Daring the nsar^eVr 23831 patenln have been granted-by^-the patent office Receipts fraquoom gtraquoKspafces 11145488 eipendltoreE

^lS^SVrplus $344019 1 (Jef many has proclaimed a protectoraU over

tues of 575 ponndf 806 12 liich gunsAtDcarr^ ^welbarfiOTt the mouth of the riverah to eOt pound proj-c ilea 5016 M - w n ^ ^ ^ ^ mdash ^ - -pfoJectt lerof^npo^dV

Ca DelfadQ QBLthampcoaBt and from Tabjrak yanxlve in the Interior

When the heirs of Gen Gordons supposed

SOf n iKRlaquo HATLOHA who were disabled hv woiindB dlat-aw aooitleat

or ntlmnviBcinelnsH of a toe |gtiilt-r laquoicosa^in rlironic uiarrhofa rupture llaquoa of elffht or (pa-thtllv KI) loss of healrtK falling hnck laquogtf meaalesw rheiimittism any disability nn mattrr h o w s l f g h ^ f lv fs yon n penaltin Nnr ntttl HgtnnrubleZgtl+-titory Obtamed Widow children jnotl iens aud hdiiers ut soldiers djinif in the service or afterwurris from diaeaae contracted or woandsrraquo-t t h e d raquoki la i n the service ara entitled to uesy bulltun Kejected and abandoned elahna a speciatto BOUNTY BACK PAY ANO HORSE CLAIMS C o n LECTED

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can he increased at any t ime wfcea

ttlaquo disability warrants it A a yon row alder the woitna has gradually undermined Iht constttntioey the disease has mails you more helpless l a SOBM maimer the dissMlity has increased so a p p l fov ao iasreaso at once

LAND AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED Mv experlene and being here at headqiartass

snable me to attend promptly to all claims against the Government Circulars free Address with i tamp




I Radial Cr-o FOS


B 3 T T 6 f U J fdr o v e r O yoars j u s o l a tBoS5 sands of cases


KHRVOUS DBBtaflc prcauu WWJIUOM uU Sraquo eraquoj isd Bumewai raquo icaro dlWMC tefllu bullkiliral pUgtiielBl W n from youibtul ludlwr^ tloat too free lndnlCKtM bullnd orcr brain work W aot tcmporlxe whllo HiA eactulc lark ia your laquo]rraquo Avoid bcluj InpoM

en br rrclcnt lou clalni o t her TODcJIiM Ibr thete IrcutiM Get car free droraquo-lir fcud trial pacVino mud lgtrti important fact jlaquofcn titinr tp-a^uen laquolraquoewKerfc

lliouiaaii raquoc1 does net in tcrfera vltb allcntloo wbuO net w caosa pain 01 IrtnoB vcnlenoc ToutidcJ oo laquoigt

-eatifllaquo- mwllnalmdashfrlnolplea froCTlnt In favor BU nputgt ion ufrcotaprIJctUQautB (ettt raquor i-m9 oiaket lu laquoplaquo-

eWo laHueaao ftlt vldhMtt (day Tho natorii fun tlom of tho homon org-lam raquoM rcttored Tba bulloimiinit claceaU laquof lift which hraquovlaquo bees wasted am given back Tho ratten blaquoeoalaquo chocrful and (aia itrength mpidljf

C O ^ MT(j Chemists SEND ADDRESS

HARRIS REMGD 800frac12 North 10th St St Lou I a Bo



^ [ H I S M A G N E T I C BELT I S

WARtfAMJEO TO C U R E ^ r w ig (X without MXHliefHemdashInln In thebneU nip head or Utaba IHTVUU laquollt-lgtlIltylumbaco gcnertii debility rheuBksUnui purttlalu nourolcls avlatlea alaeM-0laquo el ih e 11J n ejr bull laquoIHII nl i

tlon a ihe I i n i aeaalnoi cmtaul

dlaeaaeaiterpld liver i dlst inanotrncy alaquothma he-raquor

ceil drapcpaln laquonnfgt(igtatlnn cry air 111laquo Indlsca-tlon hemln or ruptuhh CMiarra pliea ctKlepar

vfniwSyciebllity of theigtgtXRATTVElaquoKGANa ltVraquoUT-K lolaquot vrtollly luck ofavcrvo limO ond vlirorraquo rrattlnaT ntaLneuct snd el l taoao dlaruaca of a per-aonul nuturo from rhaU)ver ca^fO Va continuoua ctreain of Masrnetlsm permoatisfrtli rough 1 ho part a nvatreatore thorn to a hrnltby svtlon TUlaquore 1laquo nc mUtakoiuout lhUap|)Iiauce


on srs sflllaquote4 Kkuaiiuulsam

Jala Ijervefts _ sMlaquocgtffJieUv~

nehe or Cold Feet KxlaquoTraquotJaDyraquoraquolaquoplraquoorTTHb Dli

lneya llcraquodlaquo ASklea o r w __

sad a pelr of MAjpietic Yvot Battvrlea hTO no taperlor

Kldneya IIcaMlaehe or Cold r w t ^ 1 1 raquo ar eak Anilea or laquownllcn Feet an Abdominal Batt

taibalaquoief and~cure of all theae romplaJnta carry a powerful luaffaetio Coroe to Uie aot or ttte fllMatfi

For Lame Raek Weakaeaeof tbe Cplne FaflJ laia e f tbo woaab MaeorrkatB Cbroa

S I M sad-inaersUos o f tbe W o s i b Incidental Ifeas bull r r h s c or Flood I n laquobull Psh i fkllaquo SupBreeacd a a a Irgt rsanlsr MenatrnaUost KsrresaeM s a d en astro bull Q k t k U U U i e U e a t i i s l l s s e s s j i d O u r a U v ^ A a r s s k

tor ail forma of VeesslsDIslealtloa It ia analaquoraquo passed by any thing before invented buthasscaraUvs sjeatsadaaaaouroeofpowerandTitsliastloa _ Trtoa of either Belt wltfi MagnoDe Foot Batteries t l Q i a s t by oi prcaa C 0 P sad aaajnlnaUor aUowedrOrby mall on receipt of price- Inrordertar-smd meaanro of waist and aUe of thoe Remlttanoacaa ba made l a oar raaey sent tn latter at or riak

Tbe atacseton Qartnents Are adapted to all agsa s r s vera over the snder clothing- (not Most to tJhs bod like tks assay 6alvanlo s s d EIlaquolaquolaquogttoHlaquoas s s c e sdvertlaed laquolaquogtextlaquoaavcly) and ahonld B taken off at night Thev bold their- are worn at al 1 eeanons of the year taken off at night They bold th^powar^orewerssd are worn at al I aeanons of the year

Send stamp for the New Derartnreln Medio) Tisat mant Without Medlstoe with trrouaonda ot t s s t tmo

T H E M A O N B T O X A P P L I A N C E COw 8 1 8 S t a t s St CbJcacoTlTL

Tbe Magnetic appliances tna^ seen at Wipcheira Drug StoremdashPlekney Mich





QURESick-Headache Dyspepsia Livir Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PURIFY THE BLOOD N O T I C E - Without a particle of doubt Var

motia Pills are the moat popular of any 00 thlaquomagt Ket Hating bsenbeloreilie public for sqaartsrerf acantitry and hating alwtys parfomati mnrslhssS waa-proaiued for theny h_raquoy merit the roesjseajfcai

~ mdash mdash 1 MP^BWCBBSW they bars attained F^irlce

For tale by all drofff lata



raquo^Mg0MlaquoqFfctf^hmdash^p11^-^^ - ^ raquo t

Ti ~ laquor bull - -




E t h i c s of L e t t e r W r i t i n g Thero H uo aociat accomplish merit

which is m gtro oftwn called Into jvquW tion lhau Mie art of lutter wntiojf To

L laquo a y a n d do the properNthing at the proper time id o a n o f the uawritteii Fawn of etiquette I t is a valuable ac coraplishment to perform this dutgt

(Pkraoefully aa well a conventionally Social correspondence devolves quite naturally upon the women of the tuu-ily It is untieciisaary to point out the va lue of promptness in acknowledgshying and answer ing correspondence for it is the h i^ht of rudenetw to leave letters of question uaanswereil lu letshyters ltgtfi a r iur ion and acknowledgemeut (He 6eV))e(y|ojLV ntigt nal form U used Lflpfefrsot iutr duutwu should be brief ami as they are general ly presented ia persoD t xnggertted expressions of praigte a^e uot ^ o o i taste These of oour-e ta I auy otlu-r letter delivered iu persou are utrsealed Letters of conshydolence nro writuvj iufjiuialty

This brunch of epistolary ctrrespon denize is a difli mifc one aud actual rewl-ing is the oliy gniin to giml tnstu llt is in personal 1laquo-LClaquoTS between relatives anw friends that the most charming

--bullpeciiuens are f m o d the gossiping cnatty epistles that arc largely espwet-ed andwhich bring color into the dul lest day Auy one who has been stranded in the country house in s tormy wnntht-r wi l l remember the pleasant exci tement caused by the arshyrival of the mail Dr Johnson once m a d e the sweeping assertion that gosshys ip never hurt anybody no doubt this is go ing too far but it cannot be denied that information a s to what is go iug Jih and familiar personal 4 t e r a g - m t t -st itute the best of these letters T h e close of a letter m u s t accord with t gtH addreS in formality and fornt A lady mus t not use abbreviations in her letters any more than in hftr speech nor use figures except in case of a date T h e date of a letter is of importance even in the most trifling manner When a printed address i s tamped upon a sheet of letter paper tne date is often rela-gated to tho eud of the e p i s t K 4oamptal-cards should be used only_Xor_ business purposes puch as sending orders brief messages or notices by mai l

The cards that c o m e with envelope to tit are used for any business message that you wish tgt seud enclosed in aiUw^riu^ a question sendshyi n g a memorandum or making a fauirlisr inquiry Tho enveloped

| card statute midway between the postalmdashcard ami the ijote sheet Al-

1 w a y s use the f j lded Bote for any formal writing It s h o w s - more care and therefore more coajpimlaquont just as the card for some s trange reason i easier

to |gtick up for a hasty line-in a n envel shyo p e

When a note that requires an answer is sent t o any one u n k n o w n to tho writer a lways enclose a postage s tamp Formshyal notes and letters are general ly written iu the third person It is con-

4 sidered inelegant to ^ n a letter -Mrs mdash If it i n e c e s s a r i a n g iv ing the adshydress place it iu brackets under the full name A tirm clear Handwriting is a mark of good breeding -Yours t r u l y or Very truiy y o u r s i s go iug out of date jut as the^p in their turn supplanted Your obedient servant a n d Youte to c o m m a n d Cordially AWith hiraquoh r e g a r d Sincere ly or Respect fu l ly as t i e caee m t y ad-mis uru nio ie in use The selection of

mdashw-r it-Hy-j^tp^ -attd^ e n TH1o pea d e pen d raquo upon individual taste Plain heavy paper is lash ioraule at present The

p r a c l i c o laquoraquot perluui ing letter papyr al-WAVS in qicamptiouaOle taste is ehiirely outof dale

m ikes tho best and higuest proud flour in the world was a great and glorious udvance toward the right kinu of Hour for the people but may we have a still g-eater advance in the art of milling which g ives the peop le the wheat as it grows or a fine^flour of tho entire wheat except the skin which is not food and which alone catt le will not eat The long continued use of flour usual ly sold as Graham flour is posishytively dangerous to health Dyspepsia is a lways made worse by its use A large proportion of the bran found in bulluen flour is mixed with the silicate coat ing of wheat and i t cuts the l ining ltgtf the stomach like pieces of glass Entire wheat flour is quite another thing We prove our faith in it by using it in preference to any oher

bull bullbullbull bull raquom

Tne greatest readeta of ueWdpapers in the world are tha Hungarians i t is said that the peasants in that country wiUi vjry rare exceptions know how to r^ad take an active part in public afshyfairs discuss and judge political measshyures and ara ofien elected members of the municipal bodies Moae Adam who recently wio lo a charming book^ol travels in Hungary w i s told hat ihere is uot a town without its Jierary eliT) In the cafe- v gtu tiud as many papers as in France The most insiifoitievnr jourshynal has ita readers A city o 25000 inhabitants is m m t i c i e d waere am gtng its numerous c ubs and resauraats there was one who took in 105 news-p ipers da iaesaud weekliosmdash an incredshyible number The list is posted up in the establishment and includes journals in Hungarian German and English treat ing of pol i t icrr i t teratuie flgriciu-


ture education and even the fashions

The invention of the drum is ascribshyed by the Greeks to the g o d Bacchus Whence undoubtedly arose the exshypress ion T ight as-a drummdashBurl ingshyton Free Prem

I IP bull raquo bull bull bull 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 w ^ mdash mdash ^

ItfcLact a D r ^ a u t u i 0 - u 4 h

and raised a considerable amount of blood and matter besides I was very thin and so weak I could scarcely g o about the house This was the case of





SCRAP B l t t


This medic Inn combining Iron with prre Vegetable tonics quickly anl com- letely Cures lgtygteplaquoia~ Indlgesiriutu IVeaiine Impure Blwraquod-Mai ariaCtiUU aud Fevers and Neuralgia ^

It t3 an unfaiilro remedy for Diseolaquoesof tLe Klilneya HO4 Llrer t

It W- invaluablo for Diseases pecnifer to Women and alt who lead sedentary lives

It doesjiot Injure the teeth cause headacheor pri)daeAonstipatjOnmdashother Iron medicines do

It enriches and purifies the blond stimulates the appetite aids the assimilation of (bod raquoc-Ueves Heartburn and BelchUig and stxvugth-us the muscles and tierves ^

For latennUteut Fevers Lassitude Lak of Enerjry ltfcc it Uas no equal

JtSr The genuine has above trade mark and crobucd red lines on wrapper Take no othor

i JUIJ bj tfci)raquo3 CUSMCkh m^ BiLTtXOBK MO

T h e m is a paper chimney in Breslan 50 feet high

The Russiau government has borrowshyed $60000 to buiid railways

T h e Norristown Pa insane asylum has organized a brass oand

The emperor of Austria has the finest collection of pipes in Europe

An oyster produces 128000000 young oysters in tho course of a season

One-half of all the telegraph wires in France are already underground

Hinry Croorge will be^ia another lecturing tour in America in January

A SDOW amph98 regiment is to braquo formed in Montreal the present wiuter

Matthew Arnold is opposed to the proposed scheme for an international language

Reported that Southern Negroes arv coiuiug North in large numbers sjnee ihe election

It is stated Miat English land owners ae anxious to jel l out and invest iu bullJihfci countries

The legislative council of Jamaica reshyfused by a vote of 8 to to be annexed to tLe dominion

Seventy-five thousand pounds of paper were used to print the ballots at the late election

Paris is to hava 15 miles of elevated road completed in t ime fcr the univershysal exhibition of 1889

T h e proper song for pugilists who have blacked each others eyes is The Bloom i s $ n Their E y e

Secretary M^Phnrann gives it a3 his


a man with consumption arising from liver complaint He rdcovered his health complete ly by using Dr Pierces Gold en Medic il D iscover Taousands of others buir similar testirqon

The government supports 400 John Smiths

Patarrh Is Recommenced by Physicians SIOOiWAilaWlj

E n t i r e W h e a t F l o u r bull

HaHc Juuriil of Hlt altb There ha never until recently beeD

k n o w n auy possible means or way to make all of the wh^at tine hence the __ ^ __ Jhe key of fate is in our ovvn hands mflrurs have given mt^nothing^^ but ^t^e^we^often unoek it and then throw the beautiful white figtur from which the best or nutiitii us part of the wheat is e l iminated or the so-cal led G-abam flourmdasha name t i t le or brand which causes a mult i tude of sins Most of the Graham fljur sold ia this country is nothing but a mixture of the lowest grades of white flour with bran N o phv8icjAn who is posted on cereal foodf and t iremdashmerits of-wheat flour will ad vise anyone t o eat bullGraham tiourwhile every physician in tbic country and E jg land who has seen and knows what it is uses ana recomshymends the ent ire wheat flour w h i c h is explained by a short statement of the way it ia made v i z

The wheat is first c leaned in the o l h a l way then i t goes to a machine wnich takes off thesKin or husk t h e n i t is reduced not ground by the regshyular roller procflflji_Xexcept purifier) thenj^feer the separat ion by bolting of

)ran from the white flour the bran i s reduced by special machinery then by a system of spout ing the bran aud

F o r t h e L a d l e s

Liughter le the pwr miud pUster Mltklug every burdt-u H^hbull

Tn-iiraquo aidimi-s iuo ttla iue9 D rkest Uuur to May di^fn bright

T1 the d ifpdeg9t and the cheapest Cjre tor Ma of this d scrlprlon

Bu for rhas that wo u-tud heir to Use Dr Pterced lF kVjritd Prescription

Cures all weaknesses and irregularishyties bearing d o w n sensations i n shyternal fever bloating displacements iuilaiurjvition morning sickuess and teudency tD cancerous disease Price reduced to one dollar By druggists

Hannibal Hamlin is the oldest s tump speaker n o w in active-service He be-gan in Jacksons day

Delicate diseases affecting male or female however induced speedily and permanent ly cured Ilshylustrated book three letter stlaquoraps Consultation free World s Dispensary Medieal Association Buffalo N Y

The cornet has come to staymdashBrook-line Chronicle

When you visit or leave Saw Vjrk City via Central depot save BKkjagtje Eipresaace and 3 Carriage Hire and stop at theQraud Union Hotel opposite aald dtpot 8iT hundred ele-tfanr ro gtras fitted up at a cost of one million ilollara i l and upwards p r day Europeun plan ElraquoVator R-t-iurant euppllampi with the b(8t Horse cars brakes and elevated railshyroad to all depot Fivrnilles can live better for lesa monvv at the Qratd Union Hotel than at auv othfr SrutKlaAP horlaquol in the city

We manufaeture and sell it witha pos i t i ve g u a r a n t e e t h r t It w i l l e u r o a n y c a s e and gt70Will forfeit the aboToamouut ifitTaifsin a e i n g l c I n s t a n c e

It is u n l i k e any otlu-r Catanli remeof aa t u t t a k e n I n t e r n a l l y a c t i n g u p o n t h e UlOOd if you^arS troubK-d^iib tbls-Uiatressjng diaeaseask yourliriigglBtfor ltand ACCIPT HO IMITATIOK Ofi SLbtTITUTE If he has not got it send to us and wo wilt forward immediately Price 75 cents per bottl ^

F J CHENEY amp CO Toledo Ohio

opinion that the revenue reformers will control the next house

J u d g e Brewer of Omaha decides that railroads have no right to fence in lands belonging to the government

I m goiDg to meter said the gas man aud he went down ia the cellar and buzzed the cook for an hour

Ty pe-settersin Pads are paid by the day receiving $1 30 for 10 hours work Tnere arlaquoj 4 50J comp -tficors in the city

The semi annual report of the Grand Trunk railway of Canada7 shows a net lo-s-laquot $40^000 for the last six months

The Ogdensburg Journal tells the sad

story of ayoung lady who fell in a skatshying liuic and -broke her leg twice in two

Wisconsin Prohibitionists have de^ teriuiued to keep up their organization and accept no compromise from any party

Some statistical fiend has tigurai oak an average of 1500 tbimblts are anshynual v owallowed by the babies of America

Natural gas has been discovered at Find lay Oaio at a depth of 400 feet in great volume The town wil be supshyplied with it

1 be t x p e r i m e L t of raising ostriches in California bas been successful Forshyty yi ung birds have been hatched and are growing nicely

Tbe Salvation army in England has given rise to so much scandal that tbe authorities are making efforts to break up the organization

Twenty-nine women in Fall River have qualified and are emil led to vo le f gtr members of the school committee at the next city election

The Kansas supreme court has fust decided that a husband is not liaole for bianlerous worgtis spoken by his wife when he is not present -mdash

Tbe area of pu bite land disposed of in Dakota last year was larger than the total acreage of either hoigiutn Denshymark Greece or Switzerland

T w o N e w York grocers were fined $100 each a day or two ago for se l l ing as pure butter an article that was imshypure to the extent of 95 p e c e n t

Love begets l ove singiLthe_ old song but ho wu are you go ing to reconshycile that with the homeopathics c la im that like cures likemdashR^cklandCourier

The model of Abraham Lincolns apshyparatus for lifting vessels over shoals which is now iu the patent e f n e e i n Washington is o be in the patent ofshyfice exhibit in the N e w Orleans Exposhysition

There have been 191 new national banks chartered during the year File von national banks have failed durshying tbe year i nd 100 failures are re-ported since thH passage of the national banK act of 1863

The I lea NewspiptT for Color il PeOgtlt Nraquo vlaquoits Hii^hte-t Hcst Sample Coiiis Scnl Ffee Tun ILiisDrAikH l i m a N nitr arci uilion as In iin-a vnii prLiripound colored jnnrnil m ihu couniry j-SO

--tpe v i r J l IX months S o c i h a c m nUiraquo Clubbvil villi unvnthvr f lict on nt |nwelaquol r i f f A uood [aKvUmtf medium A L L C O ^ lt K D MlaquoN should read it Addrcw T H E PIAINDEALEK BOX 92 Dlaquoroit

M l ^ a a


VEGETABLE COMPOUND bull is A ropnivis CUKE FOR bull 1gt tosfgtjijiApoundjii toinplaltits Mitil W c u k M ^ t BO coniiauti ^ bull raquo tofou bt8t raquo raquo raquo laquo

it rKMAI-E POPULATION Frk cent1 In liquid pill r li-iengc torn

bull jt YvsiTTpa iraquo tolthjfoy the legitimate xeaXtnQ ot diieiiM atlaquoJ~thlaquo relic of pain ltuiH tluxt it daec it claimt to do thoutandtof ladies tonglaul testify It will euro eutlicly all Ovtrlun tro^blci Lofla-um tlon ami Cljeratlca Follbigjuul Displftimciita tai consequent bpiiial Wcaknees aid lamp particularlr adapted to the change of life bull bull raquo laquo laquo laquo laquo V It removes Kaiat ux FlatulencydostrOT^allcmvli)(^ forstiUiUnt-t and rlievlaquoraquo Vckulaquojraquolaquoraquo of ilia Htomatb It caiot niomlii^ iittdttches Kurvoui lroxtiation 3nural IhHjillty Belti)l(ltHei Doiretlaquo5doD and h-dl gotioti l i n t tlaquotflunlt ot Itoarlng down wwisinjy pala aa l bftckach^jftalwuyn permanently cured by Its use Send stamp to Lmn Mass forpMtnhliH l i t t e w o i IoquirycttulJeiUU^ly answewsd yor talc at druggist

klaquoy a raquo ay mdashAnson

The new combination of Smart Weed ana BeUadonaa as used in Carters Backache Plaiters has proved to be one of the best that could be made Try Ooe of these popular plasters in any case of lame back baokache rheumatism neuralgia soreness of c h e s t p r l u u g s amp c

ihe entire I ftpri y Q U ^1 1 1 ^ surprised and pleased by the prompt relief In had cases o f chronic dyspepsia a plaster over the pit of the stomach stops t i e pain at once Ask for C a r t e r s Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters Pric 25 cents

1 _ j mdash mdash bull

ROUGH O RKTS Oiraquoraquor ltiat rM mat SIM rokohea bsd-bon nti bullbullrmln Chtpmaak loe

Yonnic nttmdashRendTliUi I THE VOLTAIC BELT Co of Marshall Mich

off- r to semi thetr cel^rtrarei ELICTRO-VOL-t TAJC BBLT and other KLBCTRIC APPUAMCIS

raquoraquogt trtl for thirty days to meu (youulaquo or ol i) raquofft ctwl with nervous debility los of vitality aud manhood and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neural nia paralysis and many other dUeas Complete restoration to health vlitor and mauhood ecaranteed

White flour are b o u g h t together and I N o r i 4 k u i s c u m d M thirty-day trialUai-m i t e d in exact ly t h e same proportion j IOWKI Write them at once for illustrated tha t existed iu the berry

This dour is not only much more nu-tricious than any other but will assimshyi late with the weakeststomach t Jgtecause i t is tiue and contains all the g luten and phosphates that are in wneatj wh ich can ou ss id of no other flour in the world It is cheaper than any other because it makes s o much more bread mdashwLioh is expla ined by the theory of porosity which theory is demonstrated by the fact k n o w n to every oaker or breadmaker that a good Minnesota patent flour wil l m a k e twenty-l ive per oent more bread than the best grade of Graham flonr or wheat meal and the ent ire wheat flour m a t e s 26 tn 30 o e n t more Dread than the Minnesota patent flour T h e roller process which

pamphlet ftve^ ROUGH ON -OHVb 15c Ask for tV CompteU our atrd or tot oornlaquo wart bunUaraquo

MINAMATA PtPTUNISKI) H I B f IHiNIC l i t 0HI7 prlaquopamprraquoUnn of beef oonutnlng lu laquo11111laquo nutrition properties It oontatna blcKxi-tnaklai foree-sener-atlnsand ltfe-laquouatalBraquonji properHes Invaluable for InrmoumoN rvylaquopiplaquotgt aerrouK pmttratlon and allformiof iteneral debility alao In ill enfeebled oampndlttona whether the reeult of exUlaquoUBtton nershyvous proatration overwork or ecitedltaaae particshyularly If reealUnf from oulmonarroonifalnta CAM-nrsxu IUIARDAOO Proprietor New York ~ by Ortuqruu







Now supplied at a small additional cost with DENIS 0gtVS

P A T E N T R E F E R E N C E I N D E X The latest edition has 3000 more Words in Itfl

vocabulary than are found in any other A m Dio ty and nearly 3 times tho number of Enorravinfr G4 C MERR1AM ACOPubrsSpringrgtM Mass



MAKE HENS LAY li is awcll-kiiowiiTatl4iiraquo tuost of the

liorsc aud(attlePowdti-s)IlHujhis 0 in-try is worthless thatSheriuatiV-Cjicdi lion 1owder ia absolutely pure1 and v w valuable Noth in i r o n Kartt wi l l m a k e t iens lay liKo Sher idan C o n d i t i o n P o w d e r liosiv one Klaquos[wv)iifiil to ach pint of food Hvl l l laquolw p r e v e n t a n d c u r e f gt U I O i f 1 A l P U H I P D A n^ChQlera Ac Sold everywhere or tent by mail for v r l l w I V B I l v T l l L b n H ^ cents fn^taraps AUo furnished in larjre catts for breedersuse price $100 by mall $120 Circulars sent FREE 1 8- JOH^fSOX amp COa Boston iiasa


- A N O -


Autnmaticfilly drain the water of Cundr nation Iro-n UKATlNG lt COIUS irvl rvlirrs il lThr bud- CJ er whuihtt coils are a b u V e ur t bfloV ilic vvalrr 1 vel in ihe boiler 00 nir away with pum^s and other iilaquochinicil Jcvicesfor such pitrpo v s

ALBANY STEAM TRAP COMPANY ALBANY NEW YORK Office and 11 ork 78 ami SO Church Stnet


For Horse or Steam Power Hundreds ef the beat men in SO States and Territories uraquoe it and will have no other J RELIABLE DURABLE SIMPLE Batabliehed over 8ft yearswe have ample (adhtlea to nil orders promptly and tj aatfefKOtampa ojour-cugtooen Cau kgue KKKK Addrtuui

L Q U M i S amp N M A N Tiffin Ohio



AND LIVER COMPLAINTS 0 Beeaaae It acts on the LITER BOWELS and

KIDXEIS ftt the laquoame time Seeatue it eleaaeee the system ef the poljon-

cms tumors ttxit doveloffe in Kidney and Urishynary Diseases BQioQsaess Jaundice Constipashytion Piles or in Baetraatism XTevxsJcla Nershyvous Siscxders and all Female Complaints



By oausina FSZI ACTZCOT cf aU the organs and fsnotions t crphy

CLEANING tho DLOOD restoring tlie normal power to Cirow off disease

THOUSANDS C CA3E0 ef the wont forme of fwao terrTble diseases have beea ttiahly reUevedt and in s shew tisse


RODOH OM ITfU cares hnmore eruptions rtnt-worm toUerbull Jt rheem Cr laquo41 f-iet ohllbains

froi A O A R D - T o all wan are totTerta bullrrors aad indleerettons of Tooth laquogtlaquobullbullbullbull weatneee early deoavJoes iraquof manhood e I wtn seat) a recto that will ene yon FHIR Or CHAHO This are rejmedy w a s J trade bull

ilsMlonaryin tooth America laquoeod aeif-addi^eeed


-irjfCHDFlBcrt goteh eomejMet elaquores ell Mytat aidney and mrsAajy diisesesjr 1 FITTER

Holaquotetterraquo 8trraquom-acgt Bitter Is a fine biiv d dep r-rit a rational ca h raquo n laquo Hpd Miper^ bullbull tl-otl-JOU-raquotgtedrtc itral-w the fatttnii en-ertdr ot the debtl itlaquord and checks preojuture delt ay P o w r laquoed airnjk btllUtun remltent OTupepsU and bowshyel en bull i-loltit- are among r e f i l l which tt removes In tropical ooun-tr ee w here the 1 verand bowels -re onrtns mo-tunfav-orablv affected by tbeeom bleed infln eoee raquo1 o4ilaquonstedtet and water rl -STI iejrjL p e j e s s j r iienar^fWse4e


r r y oaa be soat by mampil WELLS ZIJ-iAargt30N Se Co BurUnctenVt 8 JxuJ tump for Diirr Alauntc f r Is


SpinaTSuuee WsOst T f l 75 Spinal C^reet 00 Spina l Nursing Corset 85 Spinal Abdominal Corset S 75 Beeommeaded hi leading phvakasse delivered free anywhere in the V 8 on reoeipt ofprioeraquo Satisfaotion guaranteed Lady Agents wanted DfLiagaMgtraquoBgtiialOersttC^gteAaB^raylTewTorX



t l


CONSUMPTION I bare a pMltlve rvmedy traquor ths above dIsssae bv Its

laquoM4hoaraquoaDltioreaitilaquoi( tha wlaquoiraquot kindsudof b a g bulltaadlnehlaquors blaquon cutd I inleM bull oatrtmeImyfaPh lnltraquoraquomcttlt-ytl^tlwi 1 MnJTUO B0TTLU8 f S I A torfthrwiin a VAicxBtKTBEATISloii this disease lOnyraquooffrer OlTlaquoexprMlaquoBnd F OxddrtS






MONEY e Wide awako Agent aremnkiiiR from 81 a to ttOS per montl sslltnff the erlglua

MISSOURI S T U M WASHER ~~ bull A sew irHnclple Bavin - bull

^ j V h Jade

bearing a red tin tag t hut Lorlllards HoeeLeiif nnelaquoui that LoriHarUs

Navy Cllpplegmand that Lorlllards Kalaquoffeare the iwat and oneupest quality cousiuerwl

HOW TO WIN AT CARDS I ^ ampC- ^ A S t J R k i r a i n V S M k e B t W e e t o ^ k

AaywmsmdashI nanutacture and -raquoMlaquo eontiantl nifhand vv^ry bullrtlele laquobulllt bgttharaquopnnla|r(raieniif tuWlMwlii In rngt ft chancr Head fgtltr araquoraquoir Both tlrrklttr Addme tlCeTTDAy bull i u r f l l Hi l l s atrwtBtvjTai 4k | 4-


flraquo Mb Waail

y slvenT-^^ritsgt teraquo-terwis aalt StiAjrWASIIBB CO t i t B4SW M iuigtismBBOraquogteeiEraquobgtst

Who wUh to I arn

TOBBHiOragSftsaa B K1PPV Ki gmeeraquo Brvdg p rt Con

I I bull i l l bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull I mdash bull I I - I I bullgt bull bull II bullbull bull t

P a t m and Garden sVaadela Cvlormele) ID ftn4 10 acre trtftg Low Pikr Lootf

Tlaquo-rtna to sgttUera O Blaquor-rlaquoklaquolaquols Adlaquo1rem y perotlsra W R PAHOR Frota Clt0raquoO

laquobullbull(bull bullraquo raquomdash48



bull ( bull bull

f -

r V raquo gt bull




bull f f i n p


r - bull

HOWELL bull r our Ctwrraquoiraquoadeat

There are several cases of diph-0lttiahere A little boy 12 years old has just been buried and it is reports tin oldest son and the mother ol t ie jsjini family are now suffering with tlu-laquo U it disease

Charlie Curtis won the prize at the potato race

A number of our young people went to Fowlerville last Wednesday evening to skate and a party from Brighton came here Wonder who went to Brighton

UNABILLA From oar Correspondent

My sakes What cold weather Dick Barton has gone to Ohio to

spend the winter Rev 0 N Hunt will preach at

Stockbridge Thanksgiving day School commenced last Monday

with Tommie Young of Lyndon for teacher

Phebe Townsend of Plainfield is working at T A HartsufFs

Mr^and Mrs 0 D Chapman of Fowlerville are visiting in town this week-

Mrs Ellen Marshall and Rose Hunt went to Jackson last Tuesday to do some shopping -

Eampt Hartsuff of Pinckney has takshyen up her abode at Geo Hoylands for a rihort time

G S May fell and sprained his ankshyle a tew dajs ago now he has to go on crutches

Mr and Mrs Gage Inslee of Port Huron made a short visit among relashytives here last week

There was another excitement in town last Friday evening it was causshyed by a man becoming drunk They are seldom seen here

^Xherfe-will be union services in the



EMHROIDEKY SILKS - raquo - - bull mdash -

Over raquo00 shades ot tine

Of the people is that the place to buy goods cheap is at the

9 9

Dry Goods


LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES 20 lbs Good Brown Sugar for $1 00 16 lbs Bestr^rown Sugatfor $1 00_ 6 lbs Best Roasted Rio Coffee for $1 00 8 lbs Good Green Rio Coffee for $1 00 5 lbs 50 Cent Japan Tea for $2 ()0

5frac34 lbs Best Japan Tea Dust for SI 00



Good Horse Blankets $1 75 per pair Good Large Size Comforters $1 00 each

11 E church Thanksgivsng day and a dinner free to all in the basement ol same at 1 p m ^

I expect you will findfthe boss boy at S i Palmers ns papa says he actually thinks without any joking that he is the smartest baby in town and we dont doubt it

We are showing a very Complete Lii^e of Dress Goods consisting of Alapacas Cashmeres Brc^ades Ottoman Cloths

Plain and Plaid JElannels Etc

PLAINFIELD From oarCorraapoadent

E T Bush has shut down his cider mill and apple drier for this season

Albert Westfall is on the sick list Andrew Lester is visiting relatives

and friends in this vicinity

Mrs Irvin Hamilton of Washtenaw who has been visiting relatives in this place returned home last Monday

Chas Lambert is out again Rev Mr JJailey has returned from

Detroit where he has been to hear the celebrated evangelist Dwight L Moody he expresses himself highly pleased and well paid for going to hear him

Mrs D M Greene who has neen suffering from severe lung trouble for oast ten months and whohas been vf -bull lowfrom pulmonary hemorrhage z much improved and has gained in bullveight about twentypounds

Miss Jennie Topping has a new pianxrgflitpright Hainesmdashit-iM


^PRICES CLOAKS we arc^elosing out at greatly reduced prices Try a package pfHulmans Delicious Sips Coffee a piece of

Glassware with ^e ry package Butter Egg

embroidery -ilks so nioVii uk to make artistic work possible to nil We have just put in a full line of Uiefe sil^s to accompany the Dri^s Patterns and can supply any wants less than you can buy them elsewhere Ladies pbase call ami see the silks and reshyceive free samples of Brik^^Piitterns




F U R N I T U R E Pieluri Kritminu Kepairiiij K l c




BLACKSMITH ill kinds of custom work mid poundrmgtrul

repairing including

HORSESHOEING lthnp )(bulllt n Minns Iconic PIVCKNKI

VDETKCHT 6 CLEVELAND steam Navigation Companys Steamer City of DetroitmdashKorthwest-between

Cleveland and Detroit-Leave from foot of Third St Detroit at 10 p m-Leava from 23 River St Cleveland at 830 p m

T H E S 2 2 5 R O U T E Week days-Standard Time

T H E $ 3 0C R O U T L City of Mackinac-City of Cleveland

Leave from foot of Wayne St Detroit Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 A M Mondays and Saturdays at 10 P M

For Marine City St Clair Port Huron Sand Beach Oscoda Alpena Harrisvillo

Cheboygan St Ignace and

MkgtWIHrWraquol Folders freemdashOr send 25 cents for our

illustrated book of 120 pages fc LAVE TOUR TO PICTURESQUE fACKiioc

ribtorical and descriptive of thiraquo Great Historic Summer Resort

and Sanitarium

WCv tOWaynoSt DetroitMich

R A P t D T R A N S I T

est-Market Price We guarantee low prices and good goods



a i r Muuutit tin I M t i S i ^ l n i

55 mill gtT Jefferson A i- HKVIMIT Mil If

raid to be oCexcellent tone Morris^opping has just returned

from Uefroit wnere he interviewed MrJampdyard Suot of M C Ry who -zyi the survey cut off from Mason to Jextcr is sure to be built as soon as he times are settled and aamp-Kood as in

883 Still we hope ^

The general expression is tbat the ~gtSPTCH is the best paper printed in

w- county and many who nave been bullbullkw^ other papeis have ordered them optxd but say they will continue taklaquo fg ttfe DispATcar Tally one for




The following Patents were granted M citizens oi MXCHIOAIT beaming date ov 18 1884 reported expressly for

bull t bull is paper by Louis Bagger k Co Me-nical Experts and Solicitors of Pat LS Waabington P C

Barton Joseph Jackson warmincr -1308126

m o n 8 D Wr North Adams z ie strap 308068

lodges C J3 and E McCoy De-tr it lubricator 80825cL_

lowell Jacob Jackson two- wheel-wi ebicle 808162

TAiggSi JW-aitdltJ fl Porter poundckson cyna^etcoclrr80c^388

Williams K- 1 Lnsingr churn

Obtain for Meohhnicul Dovicrs Comshy

pounds Designs and Labels

All preliminary examination bull raquo

to patentability of inventions iw

Our Guide to Obtaining Patent

is sent free everywhere



We are still making large additions to mdash ewstocluif 1



- V soucllt



Grand Trunk Railway Time Table MICH AIR LINK DIVISION




WASHINGTON P C Pictures and Picture FramesArtists Sup-puesTBooks jGrames Toys Japanese

Novelties Etc^iEtc Bakery amp Restaurant TOBACCOS

NOW OPEN AND KEROSENE OIL READY FOR BUSINESS Everything inour line atlowest prices

Bread and Buns Fresh Every Day |

Cajl and see us when in town


No 6 Mixed

RlDGEWAY B Hraquo m AnlaquoHltlH Hl10 Uunieo 10^0 Hocbestcr 11 V2

No 4 No g 2 Pass P M

555 a m 4 m

Wis South Lyon

2-4) i ar 3110 i rip KW

IlamhnrR 4()5 raquo PINCKNEY -440 Mount Kerrier S15 Stockhridyt ftitt Henrit-tta laquoii5 JACKSON ti43 ^m STATIONS I

(115 HH5 7lo 7J5 745 8-frac34

800 810 8Alt fl i


9 raquo 1010 1040 1150 1118 1130 1150 1203 p oi la agt ia50p_m


Warm TTIPampIP and lunches at all hours Oyster and all delicacies in their oeaAon We have a line of fresh groceries a gteod assortment of teA from 2(t to 75 cents a pound Iii^lgteraquot price gtnul for Butter and E^ys Coiiie and see us Vlaquo wilJ jjlve you good goods and fair prices

laquo1 y

W H M W l i K ^ Q f PHOPH A t l h e o l d g t a n d gt u B e e b e g t o r e gt West Main Street^Pmoknov

No raquo No 8 Mixed laas

JACKSON laquo 7ooa in- 4-aii p ni Henrietta 745 445 MtickhridKe 815 50h MoiMrt Kerrler 832 515 PINCKNEY 8laquoo B5 IIaniT)uflaquo^-40 ^ B O s South I von ( Rl 1 0 1 5 s a )

3 0 1 1 1 1 i jgtnMl|raquo 105) 650 Wlxom 11-30 720

Jontiac bull h ( p 1 W gt-bull 8 i t t

Kocheater 1401 raquo05 Komeoy AVgt 955 Armada 305 ~ 1020 RlDGEWAY 8laquo0 1050

No 1 Pais

800 i n Btt

610 laquo85

70fl 73 785

All t n d a r n n by laquolaquoentral standard time All tralps run daily^Sundays excepted -

W J SPICEK T 0 8 J C P U HICKHON Supwiottadfj^t 0laquoawai lltMgtr

N mdash

v mdashI

raquo^Mg0MlaquoqFfctf^hmdash^p11^-^^ - ^ raquo t

Ti ~ laquor bull - -




E t h i c s of L e t t e r W r i t i n g Thero H uo aociat accomplish merit

which is m gtro oftwn called Into jvquW tion lhau Mie art of lutter wntiojf To

L laquo a y a n d do the properNthing at the proper time id o a n o f the uawritteii Fawn of etiquette I t is a valuable ac coraplishment to perform this dutgt

(Pkraoefully aa well a conventionally Social correspondence devolves quite naturally upon the women of the tuu-ily It is untieciisaary to point out the va lue of promptness in acknowledgshying and answer ing correspondence for it is the h i^ht of rudenetw to leave letters of question uaanswereil lu letshyters ltgtfi a r iur ion and acknowledgemeut (He 6eV))e(y|ojLV ntigt nal form U used Lflpfefrsot iutr duutwu should be brief ami as they are general ly presented ia persoD t xnggertted expressions of praigte a^e uot ^ o o i taste These of oour-e ta I auy otlu-r letter delivered iu persou are utrsealed Letters of conshydolence nro writuvj iufjiuialty

This brunch of epistolary ctrrespon denize is a difli mifc one aud actual rewl-ing is the oliy gniin to giml tnstu llt is in personal 1laquo-LClaquoTS between relatives anw friends that the most charming

--bullpeciiuens are f m o d the gossiping cnatty epistles that arc largely espwet-ed andwhich bring color into the dul lest day Auy one who has been stranded in the country house in s tormy wnntht-r wi l l remember the pleasant exci tement caused by the arshyrival of the mail Dr Johnson once m a d e the sweeping assertion that gosshys ip never hurt anybody no doubt this is go ing too far but it cannot be denied that information a s to what is go iug Jih and familiar personal 4 t e r a g - m t t -st itute the best of these letters T h e close of a letter m u s t accord with t gtH addreS in formality and fornt A lady mus t not use abbreviations in her letters any more than in hftr speech nor use figures except in case of a date T h e date of a letter is of importance even in the most trifling manner When a printed address i s tamped upon a sheet of letter paper tne date is often rela-gated to tho eud of the e p i s t K 4oamptal-cards should be used only_Xor_ business purposes puch as sending orders brief messages or notices by mai l

The cards that c o m e with envelope to tit are used for any business message that you wish tgt seud enclosed in aiUw^riu^ a question sendshyi n g a memorandum or making a fauirlisr inquiry Tho enveloped

| card statute midway between the postalmdashcard ami the ijote sheet Al-

1 w a y s use the f j lded Bote for any formal writing It s h o w s - more care and therefore more coajpimlaquont just as the card for some s trange reason i easier

to |gtick up for a hasty line-in a n envel shyo p e

When a note that requires an answer is sent t o any one u n k n o w n to tho writer a lways enclose a postage s tamp Formshyal notes and letters are general ly written iu the third person It is con-

4 sidered inelegant to ^ n a letter -Mrs mdash If it i n e c e s s a r i a n g iv ing the adshydress place it iu brackets under the full name A tirm clear Handwriting is a mark of good breeding -Yours t r u l y or Very truiy y o u r s i s go iug out of date jut as the^p in their turn supplanted Your obedient servant a n d Youte to c o m m a n d Cordially AWith hiraquoh r e g a r d Sincere ly or Respect fu l ly as t i e caee m t y ad-mis uru nio ie in use The selection of

mdashw-r it-Hy-j^tp^ -attd^ e n TH1o pea d e pen d raquo upon individual taste Plain heavy paper is lash ioraule at present The

p r a c l i c o laquoraquot perluui ing letter papyr al-WAVS in qicamptiouaOle taste is ehiirely outof dale

m ikes tho best and higuest proud flour in the world was a great and glorious udvance toward the right kinu of Hour for the people but may we have a still g-eater advance in the art of milling which g ives the peop le the wheat as it grows or a fine^flour of tho entire wheat except the skin which is not food and which alone catt le will not eat The long continued use of flour usual ly sold as Graham flour is posishytively dangerous to health Dyspepsia is a lways made worse by its use A large proportion of the bran found in bulluen flour is mixed with the silicate coat ing of wheat and i t cuts the l ining ltgtf the stomach like pieces of glass Entire wheat flour is quite another thing We prove our faith in it by using it in preference to any oher

bull bullbullbull bull raquom

Tne greatest readeta of ueWdpapers in the world are tha Hungarians i t is said that the peasants in that country wiUi vjry rare exceptions know how to r^ad take an active part in public afshyfairs discuss and judge political measshyures and ara ofien elected members of the municipal bodies Moae Adam who recently wio lo a charming book^ol travels in Hungary w i s told hat ihere is uot a town without its Jierary eliT) In the cafe- v gtu tiud as many papers as in France The most insiifoitievnr jourshynal has ita readers A city o 25000 inhabitants is m m t i c i e d waere am gtng its numerous c ubs and resauraats there was one who took in 105 news-p ipers da iaesaud weekliosmdash an incredshyible number The list is posted up in the establishment and includes journals in Hungarian German and English treat ing of pol i t icrr i t teratuie flgriciu-


ture education and even the fashions

The invention of the drum is ascribshyed by the Greeks to the g o d Bacchus Whence undoubtedly arose the exshypress ion T ight as-a drummdashBurl ingshyton Free Prem

I IP bull raquo bull bull bull 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 w ^ mdash mdash ^

ItfcLact a D r ^ a u t u i 0 - u 4 h

and raised a considerable amount of blood and matter besides I was very thin and so weak I could scarcely g o about the house This was the case of





SCRAP B l t t


This medic Inn combining Iron with prre Vegetable tonics quickly anl com- letely Cures lgtygteplaquoia~ Indlgesiriutu IVeaiine Impure Blwraquod-Mai ariaCtiUU aud Fevers and Neuralgia ^

It t3 an unfaiilro remedy for Diseolaquoesof tLe Klilneya HO4 Llrer t

It W- invaluablo for Diseases pecnifer to Women and alt who lead sedentary lives

It doesjiot Injure the teeth cause headacheor pri)daeAonstipatjOnmdashother Iron medicines do

It enriches and purifies the blond stimulates the appetite aids the assimilation of (bod raquoc-Ueves Heartburn and BelchUig and stxvugth-us the muscles and tierves ^

For latennUteut Fevers Lassitude Lak of Enerjry ltfcc it Uas no equal

JtSr The genuine has above trade mark and crobucd red lines on wrapper Take no othor

i JUIJ bj tfci)raquo3 CUSMCkh m^ BiLTtXOBK MO

T h e m is a paper chimney in Breslan 50 feet high

The Russiau government has borrowshyed $60000 to buiid railways

T h e Norristown Pa insane asylum has organized a brass oand

The emperor of Austria has the finest collection of pipes in Europe

An oyster produces 128000000 young oysters in tho course of a season

One-half of all the telegraph wires in France are already underground

Hinry Croorge will be^ia another lecturing tour in America in January

A SDOW amph98 regiment is to braquo formed in Montreal the present wiuter

Matthew Arnold is opposed to the proposed scheme for an international language

Reported that Southern Negroes arv coiuiug North in large numbers sjnee ihe election

It is stated Miat English land owners ae anxious to jel l out and invest iu bullJihfci countries

The legislative council of Jamaica reshyfused by a vote of 8 to to be annexed to tLe dominion

Seventy-five thousand pounds of paper were used to print the ballots at the late election

Paris is to hava 15 miles of elevated road completed in t ime fcr the univershysal exhibition of 1889

T h e proper song for pugilists who have blacked each others eyes is The Bloom i s $ n Their E y e

Secretary M^Phnrann gives it a3 his


a man with consumption arising from liver complaint He rdcovered his health complete ly by using Dr Pierces Gold en Medic il D iscover Taousands of others buir similar testirqon

The government supports 400 John Smiths

Patarrh Is Recommenced by Physicians SIOOiWAilaWlj

E n t i r e W h e a t F l o u r bull

HaHc Juuriil of Hlt altb There ha never until recently beeD

k n o w n auy possible means or way to make all of the wh^at tine hence the __ ^ __ Jhe key of fate is in our ovvn hands mflrurs have given mt^nothing^^ but ^t^e^we^often unoek it and then throw the beautiful white figtur from which the best or nutiitii us part of the wheat is e l iminated or the so-cal led G-abam flourmdasha name t i t le or brand which causes a mult i tude of sins Most of the Graham fljur sold ia this country is nothing but a mixture of the lowest grades of white flour with bran N o phv8icjAn who is posted on cereal foodf and t iremdashmerits of-wheat flour will ad vise anyone t o eat bullGraham tiourwhile every physician in tbic country and E jg land who has seen and knows what it is uses ana recomshymends the ent ire wheat flour w h i c h is explained by a short statement of the way it ia made v i z

The wheat is first c leaned in the o l h a l way then i t goes to a machine wnich takes off thesKin or husk t h e n i t is reduced not ground by the regshyular roller procflflji_Xexcept purifier) thenj^feer the separat ion by bolting of

)ran from the white flour the bran i s reduced by special machinery then by a system of spout ing the bran aud

F o r t h e L a d l e s

Liughter le the pwr miud pUster Mltklug every burdt-u H^hbull

Tn-iiraquo aidimi-s iuo ttla iue9 D rkest Uuur to May di^fn bright

T1 the d ifpdeg9t and the cheapest Cjre tor Ma of this d scrlprlon

Bu for rhas that wo u-tud heir to Use Dr Pterced lF kVjritd Prescription

Cures all weaknesses and irregularishyties bearing d o w n sensations i n shyternal fever bloating displacements iuilaiurjvition morning sickuess and teudency tD cancerous disease Price reduced to one dollar By druggists

Hannibal Hamlin is the oldest s tump speaker n o w in active-service He be-gan in Jacksons day

Delicate diseases affecting male or female however induced speedily and permanent ly cured Ilshylustrated book three letter stlaquoraps Consultation free World s Dispensary Medieal Association Buffalo N Y

The cornet has come to staymdashBrook-line Chronicle

When you visit or leave Saw Vjrk City via Central depot save BKkjagtje Eipresaace and 3 Carriage Hire and stop at theQraud Union Hotel opposite aald dtpot 8iT hundred ele-tfanr ro gtras fitted up at a cost of one million ilollara i l and upwards p r day Europeun plan ElraquoVator R-t-iurant euppllampi with the b(8t Horse cars brakes and elevated railshyroad to all depot Fivrnilles can live better for lesa monvv at the Qratd Union Hotel than at auv othfr SrutKlaAP horlaquol in the city

We manufaeture and sell it witha pos i t i ve g u a r a n t e e t h r t It w i l l e u r o a n y c a s e and gt70Will forfeit the aboToamouut ifitTaifsin a e i n g l c I n s t a n c e

It is u n l i k e any otlu-r Catanli remeof aa t u t t a k e n I n t e r n a l l y a c t i n g u p o n t h e UlOOd if you^arS troubK-d^iib tbls-Uiatressjng diaeaseask yourliriigglBtfor ltand ACCIPT HO IMITATIOK Ofi SLbtTITUTE If he has not got it send to us and wo wilt forward immediately Price 75 cents per bottl ^

F J CHENEY amp CO Toledo Ohio

opinion that the revenue reformers will control the next house

J u d g e Brewer of Omaha decides that railroads have no right to fence in lands belonging to the government

I m goiDg to meter said the gas man aud he went down ia the cellar and buzzed the cook for an hour

Ty pe-settersin Pads are paid by the day receiving $1 30 for 10 hours work Tnere arlaquoj 4 50J comp -tficors in the city

The semi annual report of the Grand Trunk railway of Canada7 shows a net lo-s-laquot $40^000 for the last six months

The Ogdensburg Journal tells the sad

story of ayoung lady who fell in a skatshying liuic and -broke her leg twice in two

Wisconsin Prohibitionists have de^ teriuiued to keep up their organization and accept no compromise from any party

Some statistical fiend has tigurai oak an average of 1500 tbimblts are anshynual v owallowed by the babies of America

Natural gas has been discovered at Find lay Oaio at a depth of 400 feet in great volume The town wil be supshyplied with it

1 be t x p e r i m e L t of raising ostriches in California bas been successful Forshyty yi ung birds have been hatched and are growing nicely

Tbe Salvation army in England has given rise to so much scandal that tbe authorities are making efforts to break up the organization

Twenty-nine women in Fall River have qualified and are emil led to vo le f gtr members of the school committee at the next city election

The Kansas supreme court has fust decided that a husband is not liaole for bianlerous worgtis spoken by his wife when he is not present -mdash

Tbe area of pu bite land disposed of in Dakota last year was larger than the total acreage of either hoigiutn Denshymark Greece or Switzerland

T w o N e w York grocers were fined $100 each a day or two ago for se l l ing as pure butter an article that was imshypure to the extent of 95 p e c e n t

Love begets l ove singiLthe_ old song but ho wu are you go ing to reconshycile that with the homeopathics c la im that like cures likemdashR^cklandCourier

The model of Abraham Lincolns apshyparatus for lifting vessels over shoals which is now iu the patent e f n e e i n Washington is o be in the patent ofshyfice exhibit in the N e w Orleans Exposhysition

There have been 191 new national banks chartered during the year File von national banks have failed durshying tbe year i nd 100 failures are re-ported since thH passage of the national banK act of 1863

The I lea NewspiptT for Color il PeOgtlt Nraquo vlaquoits Hii^hte-t Hcst Sample Coiiis Scnl Ffee Tun ILiisDrAikH l i m a N nitr arci uilion as In iin-a vnii prLiripound colored jnnrnil m ihu couniry j-SO

--tpe v i r J l IX months S o c i h a c m nUiraquo Clubbvil villi unvnthvr f lict on nt |nwelaquol r i f f A uood [aKvUmtf medium A L L C O ^ lt K D MlaquoN should read it Addrcw T H E PIAINDEALEK BOX 92 Dlaquoroit

M l ^ a a


VEGETABLE COMPOUND bull is A ropnivis CUKE FOR bull 1gt tosfgtjijiApoundjii toinplaltits Mitil W c u k M ^ t BO coniiauti ^ bull raquo tofou bt8t raquo raquo raquo laquo

it rKMAI-E POPULATION Frk cent1 In liquid pill r li-iengc torn

bull jt YvsiTTpa iraquo tolthjfoy the legitimate xeaXtnQ ot diieiiM atlaquoJ~thlaquo relic of pain ltuiH tluxt it daec it claimt to do thoutandtof ladies tonglaul testify It will euro eutlicly all Ovtrlun tro^blci Lofla-um tlon ami Cljeratlca Follbigjuul Displftimciita tai consequent bpiiial Wcaknees aid lamp particularlr adapted to the change of life bull bull raquo laquo laquo laquo laquo V It removes Kaiat ux FlatulencydostrOT^allcmvli)(^ forstiUiUnt-t and rlievlaquoraquo Vckulaquojraquolaquoraquo of ilia Htomatb It caiot niomlii^ iittdttches Kurvoui lroxtiation 3nural IhHjillty Belti)l(ltHei Doiretlaquo5doD and h-dl gotioti l i n t tlaquotflunlt ot Itoarlng down wwisinjy pala aa l bftckach^jftalwuyn permanently cured by Its use Send stamp to Lmn Mass forpMtnhliH l i t t e w o i IoquirycttulJeiUU^ly answewsd yor talc at druggist

klaquoy a raquo ay mdashAnson

The new combination of Smart Weed ana BeUadonaa as used in Carters Backache Plaiters has proved to be one of the best that could be made Try Ooe of these popular plasters in any case of lame back baokache rheumatism neuralgia soreness of c h e s t p r l u u g s amp c

ihe entire I ftpri y Q U ^1 1 1 ^ surprised and pleased by the prompt relief In had cases o f chronic dyspepsia a plaster over the pit of the stomach stops t i e pain at once Ask for C a r t e r s Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters Pric 25 cents

1 _ j mdash mdash bull

ROUGH O RKTS Oiraquoraquor ltiat rM mat SIM rokohea bsd-bon nti bullbullrmln Chtpmaak loe

Yonnic nttmdashRendTliUi I THE VOLTAIC BELT Co of Marshall Mich

off- r to semi thetr cel^rtrarei ELICTRO-VOL-t TAJC BBLT and other KLBCTRIC APPUAMCIS

raquoraquogt trtl for thirty days to meu (youulaquo or ol i) raquofft ctwl with nervous debility los of vitality aud manhood and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neural nia paralysis and many other dUeas Complete restoration to health vlitor and mauhood ecaranteed

White flour are b o u g h t together and I N o r i 4 k u i s c u m d M thirty-day trialUai-m i t e d in exact ly t h e same proportion j IOWKI Write them at once for illustrated tha t existed iu the berry

This dour is not only much more nu-tricious than any other but will assimshyi late with the weakeststomach t Jgtecause i t is tiue and contains all the g luten and phosphates that are in wneatj wh ich can ou ss id of no other flour in the world It is cheaper than any other because it makes s o much more bread mdashwLioh is expla ined by the theory of porosity which theory is demonstrated by the fact k n o w n to every oaker or breadmaker that a good Minnesota patent flour wil l m a k e twenty-l ive per oent more bread than the best grade of Graham flonr or wheat meal and the ent ire wheat flour m a t e s 26 tn 30 o e n t more Dread than the Minnesota patent flour T h e roller process which

pamphlet ftve^ ROUGH ON -OHVb 15c Ask for tV CompteU our atrd or tot oornlaquo wart bunUaraquo

MINAMATA PtPTUNISKI) H I B f IHiNIC l i t 0HI7 prlaquopamprraquoUnn of beef oonutnlng lu laquo11111laquo nutrition properties It oontatna blcKxi-tnaklai foree-sener-atlnsand ltfe-laquouatalBraquonji properHes Invaluable for InrmoumoN rvylaquopiplaquotgt aerrouK pmttratlon and allformiof iteneral debility alao In ill enfeebled oampndlttona whether the reeult of exUlaquoUBtton nershyvous proatration overwork or ecitedltaaae particshyularly If reealUnf from oulmonarroonifalnta CAM-nrsxu IUIARDAOO Proprietor New York ~ by Ortuqruu







Now supplied at a small additional cost with DENIS 0gtVS

P A T E N T R E F E R E N C E I N D E X The latest edition has 3000 more Words in Itfl

vocabulary than are found in any other A m Dio ty and nearly 3 times tho number of Enorravinfr G4 C MERR1AM ACOPubrsSpringrgtM Mass



MAKE HENS LAY li is awcll-kiiowiiTatl4iiraquo tuost of the

liorsc aud(attlePowdti-s)IlHujhis 0 in-try is worthless thatSheriuatiV-Cjicdi lion 1owder ia absolutely pure1 and v w valuable Noth in i r o n Kartt wi l l m a k e t iens lay liKo Sher idan C o n d i t i o n P o w d e r liosiv one Klaquos[wv)iifiil to ach pint of food Hvl l l laquolw p r e v e n t a n d c u r e f gt U I O i f 1 A l P U H I P D A n^ChQlera Ac Sold everywhere or tent by mail for v r l l w I V B I l v T l l L b n H ^ cents fn^taraps AUo furnished in larjre catts for breedersuse price $100 by mall $120 Circulars sent FREE 1 8- JOH^fSOX amp COa Boston iiasa


- A N O -


Autnmaticfilly drain the water of Cundr nation Iro-n UKATlNG lt COIUS irvl rvlirrs il lThr bud- CJ er whuihtt coils are a b u V e ur t bfloV ilic vvalrr 1 vel in ihe boiler 00 nir away with pum^s and other iilaquochinicil Jcvicesfor such pitrpo v s

ALBANY STEAM TRAP COMPANY ALBANY NEW YORK Office and 11 ork 78 ami SO Church Stnet


For Horse or Steam Power Hundreds ef the beat men in SO States and Territories uraquoe it and will have no other J RELIABLE DURABLE SIMPLE Batabliehed over 8ft yearswe have ample (adhtlea to nil orders promptly and tj aatfefKOtampa ojour-cugtooen Cau kgue KKKK Addrtuui

L Q U M i S amp N M A N Tiffin Ohio



AND LIVER COMPLAINTS 0 Beeaaae It acts on the LITER BOWELS and

KIDXEIS ftt the laquoame time Seeatue it eleaaeee the system ef the poljon-

cms tumors ttxit doveloffe in Kidney and Urishynary Diseases BQioQsaess Jaundice Constipashytion Piles or in Baetraatism XTevxsJcla Nershyvous Siscxders and all Female Complaints



By oausina FSZI ACTZCOT cf aU the organs and fsnotions t crphy

CLEANING tho DLOOD restoring tlie normal power to Cirow off disease

THOUSANDS C CA3E0 ef the wont forme of fwao terrTble diseases have beea ttiahly reUevedt and in s shew tisse


RODOH OM ITfU cares hnmore eruptions rtnt-worm toUerbull Jt rheem Cr laquo41 f-iet ohllbains

froi A O A R D - T o all wan are totTerta bullrrors aad indleerettons of Tooth laquogtlaquobullbullbullbull weatneee early deoavJoes iraquof manhood e I wtn seat) a recto that will ene yon FHIR Or CHAHO This are rejmedy w a s J trade bull

ilsMlonaryin tooth America laquoeod aeif-addi^eeed


-irjfCHDFlBcrt goteh eomejMet elaquores ell Mytat aidney and mrsAajy diisesesjr 1 FITTER

Holaquotetterraquo 8trraquom-acgt Bitter Is a fine biiv d dep r-rit a rational ca h raquo n laquo Hpd Miper^ bullbull tl-otl-JOU-raquotgtedrtc itral-w the fatttnii en-ertdr ot the debtl itlaquord and checks preojuture delt ay P o w r laquoed airnjk btllUtun remltent OTupepsU and bowshyel en bull i-loltit- are among r e f i l l which tt removes In tropical ooun-tr ee w here the 1 verand bowels -re onrtns mo-tunfav-orablv affected by tbeeom bleed infln eoee raquo1 o4ilaquonstedtet and water rl -STI iejrjL p e j e s s j r iienar^fWse4e


r r y oaa be soat by mampil WELLS ZIJ-iAargt30N Se Co BurUnctenVt 8 JxuJ tump for Diirr Alauntc f r Is


SpinaTSuuee WsOst T f l 75 Spinal C^reet 00 Spina l Nursing Corset 85 Spinal Abdominal Corset S 75 Beeommeaded hi leading phvakasse delivered free anywhere in the V 8 on reoeipt ofprioeraquo Satisfaotion guaranteed Lady Agents wanted DfLiagaMgtraquoBgtiialOersttC^gteAaB^raylTewTorX



t l


CONSUMPTION I bare a pMltlve rvmedy traquor ths above dIsssae bv Its

laquoM4hoaraquoaDltioreaitilaquoi( tha wlaquoiraquot kindsudof b a g bulltaadlnehlaquors blaquon cutd I inleM bull oatrtmeImyfaPh lnltraquoraquomcttlt-ytl^tlwi 1 MnJTUO B0TTLU8 f S I A torfthrwiin a VAicxBtKTBEATISloii this disease lOnyraquooffrer OlTlaquoexprMlaquoBnd F OxddrtS






MONEY e Wide awako Agent aremnkiiiR from 81 a to ttOS per montl sslltnff the erlglua

MISSOURI S T U M WASHER ~~ bull A sew irHnclple Bavin - bull

^ j V h Jade

bearing a red tin tag t hut Lorlllards HoeeLeiif nnelaquoui that LoriHarUs

Navy Cllpplegmand that Lorlllards Kalaquoffeare the iwat and oneupest quality cousiuerwl

HOW TO WIN AT CARDS I ^ ampC- ^ A S t J R k i r a i n V S M k e B t W e e t o ^ k

AaywmsmdashI nanutacture and -raquoMlaquo eontiantl nifhand vv^ry bullrtlele laquobulllt bgttharaquopnnla|r(raieniif tuWlMwlii In rngt ft chancr Head fgtltr araquoraquoir Both tlrrklttr Addme tlCeTTDAy bull i u r f l l Hi l l s atrwtBtvjTai 4k | 4-


flraquo Mb Waail

y slvenT-^^ritsgt teraquo-terwis aalt StiAjrWASIIBB CO t i t B4SW M iuigtismBBOraquogteeiEraquobgtst

Who wUh to I arn

TOBBHiOragSftsaa B K1PPV Ki gmeeraquo Brvdg p rt Con

I I bull i l l bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull I mdash bull I I - I I bullgt bull bull II bullbull bull t

P a t m and Garden sVaadela Cvlormele) ID ftn4 10 acre trtftg Low Pikr Lootf

Tlaquo-rtna to sgttUera O Blaquor-rlaquoklaquolaquols Adlaquo1rem y perotlsra W R PAHOR Frota Clt0raquoO

laquobullbull(bull bullraquo raquomdash48



bull ( bull bull

f -

r V raquo gt bull




bull f f i n p


r - bull

HOWELL bull r our Ctwrraquoiraquoadeat

There are several cases of diph-0lttiahere A little boy 12 years old has just been buried and it is reports tin oldest son and the mother ol t ie jsjini family are now suffering with tlu-laquo U it disease

Charlie Curtis won the prize at the potato race

A number of our young people went to Fowlerville last Wednesday evening to skate and a party from Brighton came here Wonder who went to Brighton

UNABILLA From oar Correspondent

My sakes What cold weather Dick Barton has gone to Ohio to

spend the winter Rev 0 N Hunt will preach at

Stockbridge Thanksgiving day School commenced last Monday

with Tommie Young of Lyndon for teacher

Phebe Townsend of Plainfield is working at T A HartsufFs

Mr^and Mrs 0 D Chapman of Fowlerville are visiting in town this week-

Mrs Ellen Marshall and Rose Hunt went to Jackson last Tuesday to do some shopping -

Eampt Hartsuff of Pinckney has takshyen up her abode at Geo Hoylands for a rihort time

G S May fell and sprained his ankshyle a tew dajs ago now he has to go on crutches

Mr and Mrs Gage Inslee of Port Huron made a short visit among relashytives here last week

There was another excitement in town last Friday evening it was causshyed by a man becoming drunk They are seldom seen here

^Xherfe-will be union services in the



EMHROIDEKY SILKS - raquo - - bull mdash -

Over raquo00 shades ot tine

Of the people is that the place to buy goods cheap is at the

9 9

Dry Goods


LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES 20 lbs Good Brown Sugar for $1 00 16 lbs Bestr^rown Sugatfor $1 00_ 6 lbs Best Roasted Rio Coffee for $1 00 8 lbs Good Green Rio Coffee for $1 00 5 lbs 50 Cent Japan Tea for $2 ()0

5frac34 lbs Best Japan Tea Dust for SI 00



Good Horse Blankets $1 75 per pair Good Large Size Comforters $1 00 each

11 E church Thanksgivsng day and a dinner free to all in the basement ol same at 1 p m ^

I expect you will findfthe boss boy at S i Palmers ns papa says he actually thinks without any joking that he is the smartest baby in town and we dont doubt it

We are showing a very Complete Lii^e of Dress Goods consisting of Alapacas Cashmeres Brc^ades Ottoman Cloths

Plain and Plaid JElannels Etc

PLAINFIELD From oarCorraapoadent

E T Bush has shut down his cider mill and apple drier for this season

Albert Westfall is on the sick list Andrew Lester is visiting relatives

and friends in this vicinity

Mrs Irvin Hamilton of Washtenaw who has been visiting relatives in this place returned home last Monday

Chas Lambert is out again Rev Mr JJailey has returned from

Detroit where he has been to hear the celebrated evangelist Dwight L Moody he expresses himself highly pleased and well paid for going to hear him

Mrs D M Greene who has neen suffering from severe lung trouble for oast ten months and whohas been vf -bull lowfrom pulmonary hemorrhage z much improved and has gained in bullveight about twentypounds

Miss Jennie Topping has a new pianxrgflitpright Hainesmdashit-iM


^PRICES CLOAKS we arc^elosing out at greatly reduced prices Try a package pfHulmans Delicious Sips Coffee a piece of

Glassware with ^e ry package Butter Egg

embroidery -ilks so nioVii uk to make artistic work possible to nil We have just put in a full line of Uiefe sil^s to accompany the Dri^s Patterns and can supply any wants less than you can buy them elsewhere Ladies pbase call ami see the silks and reshyceive free samples of Brik^^Piitterns




F U R N I T U R E Pieluri Kritminu Kepairiiij K l c




BLACKSMITH ill kinds of custom work mid poundrmgtrul

repairing including

HORSESHOEING lthnp )(bulllt n Minns Iconic PIVCKNKI

VDETKCHT 6 CLEVELAND steam Navigation Companys Steamer City of DetroitmdashKorthwest-between

Cleveland and Detroit-Leave from foot of Third St Detroit at 10 p m-Leava from 23 River St Cleveland at 830 p m

T H E S 2 2 5 R O U T E Week days-Standard Time

T H E $ 3 0C R O U T L City of Mackinac-City of Cleveland

Leave from foot of Wayne St Detroit Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 A M Mondays and Saturdays at 10 P M

For Marine City St Clair Port Huron Sand Beach Oscoda Alpena Harrisvillo

Cheboygan St Ignace and

MkgtWIHrWraquol Folders freemdashOr send 25 cents for our

illustrated book of 120 pages fc LAVE TOUR TO PICTURESQUE fACKiioc

ribtorical and descriptive of thiraquo Great Historic Summer Resort

and Sanitarium

WCv tOWaynoSt DetroitMich

R A P t D T R A N S I T

est-Market Price We guarantee low prices and good goods



a i r Muuutit tin I M t i S i ^ l n i

55 mill gtT Jefferson A i- HKVIMIT Mil If

raid to be oCexcellent tone Morris^opping has just returned

from Uefroit wnere he interviewed MrJampdyard Suot of M C Ry who -zyi the survey cut off from Mason to Jextcr is sure to be built as soon as he times are settled and aamp-Kood as in

883 Still we hope ^

The general expression is tbat the ~gtSPTCH is the best paper printed in

w- county and many who nave been bullbullkw^ other papeis have ordered them optxd but say they will continue taklaquo fg ttfe DispATcar Tally one for




The following Patents were granted M citizens oi MXCHIOAIT beaming date ov 18 1884 reported expressly for

bull t bull is paper by Louis Bagger k Co Me-nical Experts and Solicitors of Pat LS Waabington P C

Barton Joseph Jackson warmincr -1308126

m o n 8 D Wr North Adams z ie strap 308068

lodges C J3 and E McCoy De-tr it lubricator 80825cL_

lowell Jacob Jackson two- wheel-wi ebicle 808162

TAiggSi JW-aitdltJ fl Porter poundckson cyna^etcoclrr80c^388

Williams K- 1 Lnsingr churn

Obtain for Meohhnicul Dovicrs Comshy

pounds Designs and Labels

All preliminary examination bull raquo

to patentability of inventions iw

Our Guide to Obtaining Patent

is sent free everywhere



We are still making large additions to mdash ewstocluif 1



- V soucllt



Grand Trunk Railway Time Table MICH AIR LINK DIVISION




WASHINGTON P C Pictures and Picture FramesArtists Sup-puesTBooks jGrames Toys Japanese

Novelties Etc^iEtc Bakery amp Restaurant TOBACCOS

NOW OPEN AND KEROSENE OIL READY FOR BUSINESS Everything inour line atlowest prices

Bread and Buns Fresh Every Day |

Cajl and see us when in town


No 6 Mixed

RlDGEWAY B Hraquo m AnlaquoHltlH Hl10 Uunieo 10^0 Hocbestcr 11 V2

No 4 No g 2 Pass P M

555 a m 4 m

Wis South Lyon

2-4) i ar 3110 i rip KW

IlamhnrR 4()5 raquo PINCKNEY -440 Mount Kerrier S15 Stockhridyt ftitt Henrit-tta laquoii5 JACKSON ti43 ^m STATIONS I

(115 HH5 7lo 7J5 745 8-frac34

800 810 8Alt fl i


9 raquo 1010 1040 1150 1118 1130 1150 1203 p oi la agt ia50p_m


Warm TTIPampIP and lunches at all hours Oyster and all delicacies in their oeaAon We have a line of fresh groceries a gteod assortment of teA from 2(t to 75 cents a pound Iii^lgteraquot price gtnul for Butter and E^ys Coiiie and see us Vlaquo wilJ jjlve you good goods and fair prices

laquo1 y

W H M W l i K ^ Q f PHOPH A t l h e o l d g t a n d gt u B e e b e g t o r e gt West Main Street^Pmoknov

No raquo No 8 Mixed laas

JACKSON laquo 7ooa in- 4-aii p ni Henrietta 745 445 MtickhridKe 815 50h MoiMrt Kerrler 832 515 PINCKNEY 8laquoo B5 IIaniT)uflaquo^-40 ^ B O s South I von ( Rl 1 0 1 5 s a )

3 0 1 1 1 1 i jgtnMl|raquo 105) 650 Wlxom 11-30 720

Jontiac bull h ( p 1 W gt-bull 8 i t t

Kocheater 1401 raquo05 Komeoy AVgt 955 Armada 305 ~ 1020 RlDGEWAY 8laquo0 1050

No 1 Pais

800 i n Btt

610 laquo85

70fl 73 785

All t n d a r n n by laquolaquoentral standard time All tralps run daily^Sundays excepted -

W J SPICEK T 0 8 J C P U HICKHON Supwiottadfj^t 0laquoawai lltMgtr

N mdash

v mdashI

r V raquo gt bull




bull f f i n p


r - bull

HOWELL bull r our Ctwrraquoiraquoadeat

There are several cases of diph-0lttiahere A little boy 12 years old has just been buried and it is reports tin oldest son and the mother ol t ie jsjini family are now suffering with tlu-laquo U it disease

Charlie Curtis won the prize at the potato race

A number of our young people went to Fowlerville last Wednesday evening to skate and a party from Brighton came here Wonder who went to Brighton

UNABILLA From oar Correspondent

My sakes What cold weather Dick Barton has gone to Ohio to

spend the winter Rev 0 N Hunt will preach at

Stockbridge Thanksgiving day School commenced last Monday

with Tommie Young of Lyndon for teacher

Phebe Townsend of Plainfield is working at T A HartsufFs

Mr^and Mrs 0 D Chapman of Fowlerville are visiting in town this week-

Mrs Ellen Marshall and Rose Hunt went to Jackson last Tuesday to do some shopping -

Eampt Hartsuff of Pinckney has takshyen up her abode at Geo Hoylands for a rihort time

G S May fell and sprained his ankshyle a tew dajs ago now he has to go on crutches

Mr and Mrs Gage Inslee of Port Huron made a short visit among relashytives here last week

There was another excitement in town last Friday evening it was causshyed by a man becoming drunk They are seldom seen here

^Xherfe-will be union services in the



EMHROIDEKY SILKS - raquo - - bull mdash -

Over raquo00 shades ot tine

Of the people is that the place to buy goods cheap is at the

9 9

Dry Goods


LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES 20 lbs Good Brown Sugar for $1 00 16 lbs Bestr^rown Sugatfor $1 00_ 6 lbs Best Roasted Rio Coffee for $1 00 8 lbs Good Green Rio Coffee for $1 00 5 lbs 50 Cent Japan Tea for $2 ()0

5frac34 lbs Best Japan Tea Dust for SI 00



Good Horse Blankets $1 75 per pair Good Large Size Comforters $1 00 each

11 E church Thanksgivsng day and a dinner free to all in the basement ol same at 1 p m ^

I expect you will findfthe boss boy at S i Palmers ns papa says he actually thinks without any joking that he is the smartest baby in town and we dont doubt it

We are showing a very Complete Lii^e of Dress Goods consisting of Alapacas Cashmeres Brc^ades Ottoman Cloths

Plain and Plaid JElannels Etc

PLAINFIELD From oarCorraapoadent

E T Bush has shut down his cider mill and apple drier for this season

Albert Westfall is on the sick list Andrew Lester is visiting relatives

and friends in this vicinity

Mrs Irvin Hamilton of Washtenaw who has been visiting relatives in this place returned home last Monday

Chas Lambert is out again Rev Mr JJailey has returned from

Detroit where he has been to hear the celebrated evangelist Dwight L Moody he expresses himself highly pleased and well paid for going to hear him

Mrs D M Greene who has neen suffering from severe lung trouble for oast ten months and whohas been vf -bull lowfrom pulmonary hemorrhage z much improved and has gained in bullveight about twentypounds

Miss Jennie Topping has a new pianxrgflitpright Hainesmdashit-iM


^PRICES CLOAKS we arc^elosing out at greatly reduced prices Try a package pfHulmans Delicious Sips Coffee a piece of

Glassware with ^e ry package Butter Egg

embroidery -ilks so nioVii uk to make artistic work possible to nil We have just put in a full line of Uiefe sil^s to accompany the Dri^s Patterns and can supply any wants less than you can buy them elsewhere Ladies pbase call ami see the silks and reshyceive free samples of Brik^^Piitterns




F U R N I T U R E Pieluri Kritminu Kepairiiij K l c




BLACKSMITH ill kinds of custom work mid poundrmgtrul

repairing including

HORSESHOEING lthnp )(bulllt n Minns Iconic PIVCKNKI

VDETKCHT 6 CLEVELAND steam Navigation Companys Steamer City of DetroitmdashKorthwest-between

Cleveland and Detroit-Leave from foot of Third St Detroit at 10 p m-Leava from 23 River St Cleveland at 830 p m

T H E S 2 2 5 R O U T E Week days-Standard Time

T H E $ 3 0C R O U T L City of Mackinac-City of Cleveland

Leave from foot of Wayne St Detroit Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 A M Mondays and Saturdays at 10 P M

For Marine City St Clair Port Huron Sand Beach Oscoda Alpena Harrisvillo

Cheboygan St Ignace and

MkgtWIHrWraquol Folders freemdashOr send 25 cents for our

illustrated book of 120 pages fc LAVE TOUR TO PICTURESQUE fACKiioc

ribtorical and descriptive of thiraquo Great Historic Summer Resort

and Sanitarium

WCv tOWaynoSt DetroitMich

R A P t D T R A N S I T

est-Market Price We guarantee low prices and good goods



a i r Muuutit tin I M t i S i ^ l n i

55 mill gtT Jefferson A i- HKVIMIT Mil If

raid to be oCexcellent tone Morris^opping has just returned

from Uefroit wnere he interviewed MrJampdyard Suot of M C Ry who -zyi the survey cut off from Mason to Jextcr is sure to be built as soon as he times are settled and aamp-Kood as in

883 Still we hope ^

The general expression is tbat the ~gtSPTCH is the best paper printed in

w- county and many who nave been bullbullkw^ other papeis have ordered them optxd but say they will continue taklaquo fg ttfe DispATcar Tally one for




The following Patents were granted M citizens oi MXCHIOAIT beaming date ov 18 1884 reported expressly for

bull t bull is paper by Louis Bagger k Co Me-nical Experts and Solicitors of Pat LS Waabington P C

Barton Joseph Jackson warmincr -1308126

m o n 8 D Wr North Adams z ie strap 308068

lodges C J3 and E McCoy De-tr it lubricator 80825cL_

lowell Jacob Jackson two- wheel-wi ebicle 808162

TAiggSi JW-aitdltJ fl Porter poundckson cyna^etcoclrr80c^388

Williams K- 1 Lnsingr churn

Obtain for Meohhnicul Dovicrs Comshy

pounds Designs and Labels

All preliminary examination bull raquo

to patentability of inventions iw

Our Guide to Obtaining Patent

is sent free everywhere



We are still making large additions to mdash ewstocluif 1



- V soucllt



Grand Trunk Railway Time Table MICH AIR LINK DIVISION




WASHINGTON P C Pictures and Picture FramesArtists Sup-puesTBooks jGrames Toys Japanese

Novelties Etc^iEtc Bakery amp Restaurant TOBACCOS

NOW OPEN AND KEROSENE OIL READY FOR BUSINESS Everything inour line atlowest prices

Bread and Buns Fresh Every Day |

Cajl and see us when in town


No 6 Mixed

RlDGEWAY B Hraquo m AnlaquoHltlH Hl10 Uunieo 10^0 Hocbestcr 11 V2

No 4 No g 2 Pass P M

555 a m 4 m

Wis South Lyon

2-4) i ar 3110 i rip KW

IlamhnrR 4()5 raquo PINCKNEY -440 Mount Kerrier S15 Stockhridyt ftitt Henrit-tta laquoii5 JACKSON ti43 ^m STATIONS I

(115 HH5 7lo 7J5 745 8-frac34

800 810 8Alt fl i


9 raquo 1010 1040 1150 1118 1130 1150 1203 p oi la agt ia50p_m


Warm TTIPampIP and lunches at all hours Oyster and all delicacies in their oeaAon We have a line of fresh groceries a gteod assortment of teA from 2(t to 75 cents a pound Iii^lgteraquot price gtnul for Butter and E^ys Coiiie and see us Vlaquo wilJ jjlve you good goods and fair prices

laquo1 y

W H M W l i K ^ Q f PHOPH A t l h e o l d g t a n d gt u B e e b e g t o r e gt West Main Street^Pmoknov

No raquo No 8 Mixed laas

JACKSON laquo 7ooa in- 4-aii p ni Henrietta 745 445 MtickhridKe 815 50h MoiMrt Kerrler 832 515 PINCKNEY 8laquoo B5 IIaniT)uflaquo^-40 ^ B O s South I von ( Rl 1 0 1 5 s a )

3 0 1 1 1 1 i jgtnMl|raquo 105) 650 Wlxom 11-30 720

Jontiac bull h ( p 1 W gt-bull 8 i t t

Kocheater 1401 raquo05 Komeoy AVgt 955 Armada 305 ~ 1020 RlDGEWAY 8laquo0 1050

No 1 Pais

800 i n Btt

610 laquo85

70fl 73 785

All t n d a r n n by laquolaquoentral standard time All tralps run daily^Sundays excepted -

W J SPICEK T 0 8 J C P U HICKHON Supwiottadfj^t 0laquoawai lltMgtr

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