Interview: Polak Exchange Student


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Page 1: PinkChippettes1

Interview: Polak Exchange


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First of all, you will

put land in your pot,

until you get to the

half of it.

Then you will get the

recycle metal and mold

it the way you like it;

you will put some land

inside of it until is

full. The part you let

the land till the half

you will fill it with

water. After that you

will get some of the

plant you got and put

them in the part where

the full land is as you

wish, fill it with

plants and grass. Then

the part you fill with

water you will throw

some floating plants,

the most delicate of

them. And taraaaaa! You

finish your nice and

pretty pot.

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It's amazing how the universe has something prepared for you and removes and new characters in your life. How people who never thought of it, are now the only thing you think of. How some people is part of your family without the same blood It's amazing that the world is full of big problems and we complain about little things that have solution. That you get angry with the world, when the world is not to blame for what happens to you. Everybody and each of us can control your life. Destiny is something that is bound to happen, you can´t choose, but if transform. It's amazing that people is afraid to say what they think, what they feel, what dreams. Afraid to ask, because there are no stupid questions, just stupid that doesn’t aks. You let opportunities to escape from your hands, by making the wrong decisions. It's amazing that people just think of themself. Me first, then me and finally I ... like this the world will never be a better place. Not having values, is amazing. Patience, love, friendship, tolerance, respect, empathy, Companionship, Loyalty and more. It's amazing not having to look up or who to trust. Admire yourself, because you are a great person, be your own role model. Humans like to have someone to trust in, we like to have a secret, listen to someone, knowing that that person trusts you, is counting on you. So start to be your amazing, be what you are, be yourself, not what you want ... because being yourself you are the best person. Give the world a smile, a smile heals hearts. A hug, takes away all the worries, you feel safe, protected.


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Q: What do blondes and beer bottles have in common?

A: They're both empty from the neck up.


Q: Why was the Egyptian boy confused?

A: His daddy was really a mummy.


What is green and yellow and lies in a pile of cookie crumbs?

A beat-up girl scout.


A graduate with a science degree asks, "Why does it work?"

A graduate with an engineering degree asks, "How does it work?"

A graduate with an accounting degree asks, "How much it cost?"

A graduate with a liberal arts degree asks, "Do you want fries

with that?"

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Born on April 20th 1983 in Sydney, Australia, Miranda Kerr lived on a small town where she raced horses and rode motorbikes. She originally aspired to become a nutritionist and triumphantly fulfilled her dream after high school graduation and later had the opportunity to study health psychology. Besides all hersmarts, she started modeling at the age of thirteen and became the 9th highest paid model in 2010.

Since 2007 she became known for being one of the cutest Angel’s, and ever since she’s been one of our favorite aussie chicks. But what happens when an Angel can no longer fly? Well, just ask the Australian model Miranda Kerr who recently lost her wings after nearly six years of commitment with the world famous brand Victoria’s secret. Kerr’s one million dollar contract wasn’t renewed after three years of hard work and dedication. Besides the tricky terms of agreement, the model also explained that the brand was asking too much from her, they wanted her to dedicate three months a year only to promoting their brand, too much commitment for only a 29 year old model. Miranda has a very fulfilling career, she has projects of her own and a new contract as the face of the Spanish brand Mango, replacing Kate Moss. She said she would really love to be a fulltime Angel, but it just seemed impossible with so many work to do. Still Victoria’s Secret chief marketing officer Ed Razek stated that the model would still be working occasionally with the brand, confirming her appearance in the upcoming runway for the 2013 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Despite all the rumors, the world knows Miranda Kerr was one of the most popular Angel’s the brand has ever had, and no matter where she goes next, she will be as successful as ever.

Miranda Kerr loses her {wings}

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I n t e r v i e w i n g . . . Name: Jesus Soto González

Age: 46 years old

Profession: Degree of Physical Activity and Sport

Occupation: Physical therapist

University: U. A. B. C.

Workplace: IMSS

Antiquity: 26 years

1 Why did you decided to study a Degree of Physical Activity and Sport?

– “Because it is a career that spans all areas for which I have an affinity, allows physical training during the career and is so noble that in any of the areas that I perform, will contribute something for the benefit of our community”.

2 Which is the profile of a student for the career?

“Optimal health”

“Pleasure for sports or exercise”

“Concern for the problems related to obesity and chronic degenerative diseases due to a sedentary lifestyle and eating habits”

3 What does it consist in?

– “In all matters relating to physical activity, from physical education to physical rehabilitation (recreation, sports training, sports management, etc.)”

4 What did you like most at the university in relation to the career?

– “Physical rehabilitation. That is”

5 What did you like the least and why?

– “Nothing”

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6 Which is the graduated profile of a degree in sport and physical


“Design sport training programs for elite athletes”

“Practice as a physical education teacher”

“Develop both physical therapy programs for the rehabilitation

of patients as prophylaxis for athletes”

“Coordinate and manage sport institutions”

7 Did the career meet expectations in relation to your work?

– Yes

8 What is your job?

– “In the rehabilitation of patients with disorders of the

musculoskeletal system, trauma or neuromotor, and training

patients to be independent even with their disability or

limitations, and their families to assist them when they are not

restorable to improve their quality of life”

9 Do you like your job? Why?

– “Yes, because it is fairly gratifying to see the progress of patients

in their rehabilitation when they have suffered some event that

leaves them with limitations. To know that my work helps them

return to their activities and/or work fills me with satisfaction

and gratitude is the highest reward from them and their


10 What do you recommend to people interested in studying the

same profession?

“Not to stay with what the

school offers them, look for

more sources of information

and learning to strengthen

knowledge about the area

they are most interested in

this great career”

By: Verónica Soto

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“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.”

On 2001, an exceptional movie arrived to screens from the pop-music-obsessed director Baz Luhrman: Moulin Rouge. This story takes place in Paris, on the year of 1899, while the bohemian revolution is on its splendorous years and every artist is trying to be recognized by society. It tells us a story about love, passion and jealousy, where the main character is a young writer, Christian, played by the actor Ewan McGregor.

Somehow our writer falls in love with a dancer at the Moulin Rouge, who is recognized for being the “sparkling diamond” of the show. This must be recognized as one of the best movies ever made, for it has romance, drama, suspense, dancing, and last but not least, singing. It is truly a work of art, elaborated by some genius mind, and played by fine actors. I would totally recommend this film to anyone who’s attracted to the bohemian art, besides, the soundtrack is simply amazing! Many songs became more popular after the movie’s release, for example Roxanne from The Police, became an exquisite tango that makes our hearts cry. Bottom line, Moulin Rouge is one of the best movies EVER made.

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"Alice in Wonderland is the controversial title of one of the best literary works,

but who is Alice? And, Why wonderland? Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, the

author did more than a contrived story, because it projected a hidden message

in each of its lines. This story has been viewed child from the beginning,

however, from the point of view of its creator is only key that releases an

ideology that even adults find it difficult to understand, which encloses a

frustrated love from Carroll .

This story is very interesting, the story begins as common of his time, but when

the story progresses it becomes strange and confusing so that seems like a

dream, because the landscape and characters unrelated, like their dialogues

are spontaneous and out of context, tells inexplicable events as talking animals

and letters are soldiers of a queen of hearts, despite being difficult to

understand is a very interesting and entertaining reading because this book

can be read countless times and give a totally different meaning in each of the

cases, as this story is so varied that his criticism is very complex.

It all started when Lewis at the age of twenty years he met his muse Alice

Liddell in 1856, the author was a friend of the father of the infant, Richard

Liddell, Carroll felt a platonic love to the little four years old when he first met in

a trip down the Thames. The author created the story to the attention of the

girl, she in turn showed great interest in the wonderful stories he reveled in the

scenery and explicit situations it showed him in his work, the author spent his

nights in daydreaming candle love the small, imagining a world where your

feelings were understood. The characters in the story are real, acquaintances used to create small, for

example: Martha Silvia eight and seven, both sisters of Alice, a sister

represents the story and the other to the protagonist Kitty . They are also

characters like the pelican that helps Alice really is the captain of the ship

where he met Alicia Lewis, the likes of the rabbit and the mad hatter, life gave

Alicia's grandmother and her second cousin who wanted to marry her . Lewis

represent these characters in your story to see if Alicia could recognize, but it

was not.

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This 4th of April ,CETYS was filled with joy and the different ways that its students use

to express themselves.

Yesterday CETYS Mexicali was the host of “Intercetys” an event which unities the 3

campus of CETYS(Mexicali, Tijuana and Ensenada)with the presentation of their

cultural clubs(photography, movie, jazz, folkloric dance orchestra, the cheerleaders,

the Rondalla and the chorus).

This event started with a parade heading but the fox, the pet of CETYS Mexicali,

following by the drama club, then the cheerleaders and at least the Tec. 20 band.

After the excellent presentation that the cheerleaders show , the chorus took the stage

to impress the audience with their talent. The next number was of the jazz club of

Mexicali , the Tijuana came up with a tango routine.

At the same time in the theater they were presenting some films of the movie club and

on the outside there were an expose of the work or the painting club and of the graphic

design career

The closing number was the beautiful collaboration of the Rondalla of Mexicali

The whole event was a total success.

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Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sky. She loved to jump

all day; she could jump the rope, or anything she could. She had a

friend named Joan, he was a boy, they treat him wrong at school,

and they bully him because of his name. Sky and Joan were best

friends. They had only 8 years; they were growing up together in

a society where they didn’t respect people nor kids. So every

afternoon they met at Sky´s backyard to imagine a world where

they rule, and no one could ever tell anyone bad stuff, they

dreamed about peace all over the world, happiness, joy, love, and

all the good things we have in the planet.

One day, they were playing in the backyard when suddenly the

land start to shake, ¡it was an earthquake! Everybody start

running in circles, they didn’t know where to go. Sky and Joan go

running to the house they had. They were crying, they didn’t

know what to do. Suddenly the dog came over. It started barking

and running trying to catch his tail. Joan took him. He wasn’t a

dog anymore, he was a panda. Sky panic. She didn’t believe what

was happening. The panda start talking; he said to them that

everything was going to be all right, that they didn’t have to worry

about anything. So they spent in the house 3 days, the food ran

out… “My parents didn’t look for me” said Sky. “Don’t worry, they

know we are safe” Joan told her. They need to get out and eat. The

panda open de window, and saw what was out, it was clear. So they

went out. The sun came out. The birds started to sing. They were

safe, they were together.


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Subject: Exchange student, Barbara Farmas.

1. Can you please tell us your name and where do you come from.

Barbara Farmas, we only have one last name. I am polish.

2. When did you decide you wanted to go on an exchange?

It was around August 2011.

3. What did your parents think?

My parents really wanted me to go on an exchange, but when they hear about

México … well they freaked out.

4. Why did you choose México?

I wanted to learn Spanish, and Spain was too close from home.

5. As an exchange student, what where your other options to travel to?

Argentina and Australia.

6. Have you liked México so far?

Of course!

7. When you go back home, what do you think you’d miss the most?

Tacos! Pretty much all the food and the people here as well.

8. Would you like to visit México again? Why?

Yes, I’d like to come back to visit my friends and the country on its holidays.

9. Has the experience met up to your expectations?

Mmm… actually everything has been different, I did learn Spanish, which as my

main goal, but everything else has been different from what I thought, for

example, I thought I wouldn’t miss my parents at all, but I do!

10. If you could change something about your daily activities here, what would

it be?

Well in school I do get bored, so maybe I’d like to have some sport classes so I

wouldn’t be just sitting here. I’d ask for a car also, and permission to travel

without my parents.

Subject: Exchange student, Barbara Farmas.

Interview Polak Exchange Student

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Well, this time I will like to talk about my personal experience since I have

become an athlete (thrower). Being an athlete is one of the best feelings in the

whole world, really. If you haven’t practice a sport in your life you don’t

really have learn anything. When you are part of a team you learn from each

other, you start to value some values. You understand that a team is a whole

new family, you must be all one or things will not be as easy as they are. You

support each other, you listen, you give your opinion, you are part of

something, and you protect each other of any kind of circumstances. When you

practice an individual sport, you also have a team and support each other,

except for the fact that when you have a battle you do it by yourself. And this is

a feeling I can’teven describe, because when you win or get better you know

you made it all by yourself, with the instructions of you coach, you know all

the work you have made was worth it. You feel on top of the world, you feel

proud of yourself, you feel stronger than ever; you feel like superman,

indestructible. I discovered traveling in team is such a pleasure. Your

parents re not there, you are free, you go with your coach and friends. You get

free food and you host in a nice hotel, you go visit like a tourist. You know new

people. The last time I went to a “Olimpiada Nacional” was at May 2012, at

Puebla. It was different experience, because it was my first time I went with

the old ones (from 18 to 22 years old) We had more freedom for going out, we

didn’t have to go with an adult like when we were little, in the other category

(12 to 17 years old). It was very funny and scary because in the room I was there

were ghosts, well that’s what people in the hotel told us. It was super creepy,

that hotel long ago was a brothel, something about the war and the church.

One day I saw 2 little kids running through all the hotel, they ask a man that

work here if there where ghosts; he told them yes “They won’t hurt you, they

are only walking thru the hotel”. So going with your friends and represent

your state is super cool and nice. Soooo a good experience.

Person al E xper ience

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One of the hardest things you’ll ever try doing is the so called,

“messy bun” which only few girls can achieve in their lifetimes.

Today I’ll show you a step-by-step of the making.


Today I’ll show you a step-by-step of the making. STEPS 1. Untangle your hair for a better result. 2. Grab it and pull it straight up, pointing sky high. 3. Twirl it. 4. Slowly start rolling at as you usually do with a ballerina bun. 5. Tuck the ends into the bun. 6. Secure it with a rubber band. And voila! Our bun is done! The trick is to pull up your hair towards the sky, that way it becomes much messier than your ordinary bun.

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When did you start to work?

When I was almost 14 years old

What motivated you to start working?

Because, gymnastics is my favorite sport and I love kids, so it was the perfect mix

What was your work about?

Gymnastic teacher, so depending of the ages and the level skills, teacher them basics moves.

Where did you work?

In the E.D Eduardo Carmona Valenzuela of the UABC university

Did you enjoyed to work there?

Yes a lot

What was your schedule?

Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4:00 to 6:00

How long did you work there?

About 3 years

The facts as worker influenced negatively your academic life?

Yes, because I start to fail in school

How much did they pay you?

About 500 pesos

Do you think that it was a good payment for your work?

Yes, because actually I enjoy a lot to work there, so they pay me to do what I like.

Did you recommend teen agers to work?

Yes because you learn more responsibility, but they had to take care of the school life too.

What was your personal experience from work?

It was gratefully, and I learned to be more responsible and I grew up as a person.

Teen agers workers

To: Veronica Soto

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Susana Kitzel it’s back!! How do you start practicing weight lifting?

One day I went to the weight lifting gym to put a

poster of a running competition. So I saw they

were lifting weights and it got my attention, so I

asked if I could enter to this sport they made me a

test and they told me I could get in.And that I

should come in a month because they were

leaving to the Olimpiada Nacional.

How many years have you practice it?

In June I will meet 5 years of training

What do you like the most about it?

I like the fact that it is an individual sport, and if

you lose or win is because you wanted to, you

load that weight, you lose it. And I like even if it is

individual it’s a team

How is your relationship between your coach and teammates?

Well, with my coach, even though I have few time with him because he is new, is very good, more understandable and he

has helped me a lot in the recovery of my injury. And with my teammates is good in general. Rightnow I’m the oldest one of

the women and its weird, because before there where bigger women than me.

Isn’t it difficult to mix school and sports?

It isn’t hard, you must organize yourself and at this time I depend a lot of my parents to move from place to place so that’s

a little complicated.

How you make a balance between them?

Priority is the school. If I have lots of homework I do them before training or after. My 2 priorities are training and school, so

I make both the same. How I make it? Getting focus on what I have to do at that moment.

Do you have or had an injury?

Yes, lots of them. I have had 2 injuries.Oneof them was a “Esquiotibial” is a tendon that connect the muscles of the butt

thru the leg, I spent 9 months without training and they had to put some liquid in my injury. But then I get up I train 3

months for the OlimpiadaNacional and I win. And the second injury is a operation in the knee, I had “Desgastado el

cartilago” they had to “raspar” my bone and take of a “plica” is something that inflamates.I spent 8 months without training

and know I came back for the Olimpiada Nacional.

How do you feel after the operation?

I feel desperate, because I want to lift what I used to lift when I train and I also want to get better. But these are “Gajes del

oficio” It is part of. And I feel good because I have get better quickly

Do you have any competition on door?

Yes the Olimpiada Nacional, finishing June, here at Mexicali.

Do you think sport is very important for a teenager?

Sports in general… well in my life it is, is something super important. For the life of a normal student, the fisical education is

necessary to get your stress of and your emotions.

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S e r v i c e

Ensenada is a very beautiful place, but the most important is that is part of our great country, so when you go to Ensenada, Baja California, you really must visit the places below without fail, because they are the most attractive and tourist of the zone:

1. The beach: you can spend an afternoon with your family or friends in

the most popular beaches in Ensenada:

• El Faro located in Chapultepec.

• San Miguel located in Sauzal de Rodríguez. Here is the beach where you can surf.

• La Misión

• La Joya in Maneadero

• Bahía de los Ángeles

• Bahía de San Luis Gonzaga

2. La bufadora: Geyser maritime, there is only one of its kind in the world and is considered as the region's natural wonder. You can also enjoy of the food in a restaurant.

3. Civic Square: represented by three important characters in history:

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.

Benito Juárez.

Venustiano Carranza.

4. Malecon: Located to the right of the Blvd. Costero upon entering the city. Here you’ll have an enjoyable moment with your family if you go during the day, but if you go in the evening is a great place to be with your friends.

5. Las cañadas: here you’ll find two great swimming pools, sport fields, grills, slide, artificial lake with little paddleboats, cabins, camping areas, playgrounds and parking. You’ll also find minimarkets where you can buy what you need.

No matter if in one visit you can’t visit all places, because that will be a reason to return to this beautiful place, but it is important that you visit them at some time, because, they are part of the essence of Ensenada.

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Mexicali, ciudad de gran visión.

March 12, 2013 in the Gallego building some members of CETYS comunity assist to the conference given by teenagers who are part of the proyect “Mexicali, ciudad de gran vision”. The speakers explained that the project aims to obtain a detailed perspective of the social, environmental and economic development of the city.

Exhibitors invited the audience to be part of the movement by making a survey, they participate in working group that have been created to deal with future challenges, such as growing population and development, safety and quality of life, economic development and employment, etc.

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Hiroshima, a commercial center of 370,000 peoples located

about 800 miles from Tokyo, was the target of a U.S. bomb

attack, it happened at 8:15 in the morning, it didn’t

explode with an impact, it was in the air at 2000 feet above

Hiroshima in a blast equal to 12-15,000 tons of TNT,

destroying five squares miles of the city.

The U.S. army plans were frustrated because the clouds in

the sky, they were not able to see the target in those

conditions. They were about to abort the mission, when a gap

in the sky appeared and they dropped the 9000 pounds bomb

that contains huge amounts of uranium.

The devastation of the city povoqued immediate Japanese

surrender. The people in a range of 170 miles were instantly

decided because of the ball of fire that the explosion

caused. The temperature cause higher than 1 million c0 ,so it

burned all that was near the zone. The number of dead people

was 140,000 persons but only a half died the same day of the

catastrophe, the other victims were dead because the

injury’s and sickness that the toxics caused. This event

didn’t cause just n economic problem for the Japanese

society, it was a human too, and more than 15,000 of

children’s were orphans and more that 20,000 were disabled.

Then a thousand of cases of ecology problems emerged, so it

soused a global consequence in industry and economical

damage, it cost a lot of millions to balance the global

situation. At last in August 15 of 1945, japan announced

they surrender at the allies, and they signed the pact in

September 2 of 1945 and with this japan ends the pacific war

and consequently the Second World War.


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How can a so absurd and violent tradition has been preserved for

so long, so that besides everything has become an aspect of

corruption? It's amazing how many people can support this act

both violent and corrupt, while having had the nerve to call it

"sport", where the latter only looking healthy and full satisfaction

of an individual and bullfight is the opposite, that if it is true that

satisfies supporters, it is also true that it does in a bloody and


Bullfighting was originated in Spain. It is the best known and

most controversial in the world and has thousands of followers

around him. But as has fans, there are many others who are

against this practice and want to disappear from the face of the

Earth. This consist in fitting several swords in the back, cut the

ears and the tail of the bull in the ring, finally killing him, that’s why

bullfighters are also called matadors. There would be no problem

or indignation if they wouldn’t mutilate or kill defenseless animal.

More than a sport, as matadors consider, is a business that

involves other aspects of corruption mainly supported by tourism.

Spain has produced billions of dollars in tickets for bullfights, but

to make huge profits and get fame, many bullfighters together

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with their representatives and those caring for the bulls,

they resort to intentionally weaken the bulls, and various

brutal ways, like beating in the kidneys, blinding, shaving

the horns of bulls, lock them for days in a dark room to get

them out when the light are completely blind, among many

others, but the method that I find the most ruthless is

shaving, because it consist in cutting part of the horns of

the bulls, to completely off balance. This could be

considered a fraud, because people expect to see a great

show and offered instead a farce.

Bullfighting is cruel and insane; it goes against

the most important values, because although the Bulls are

not human, they are living beings who feel and suffer

because of the brutality of bullfighters and fans who enjoy

the suffering of these defenseless herbivores that do not

represent a danger to society. Luckily there are places

where they prohibit such insults to life, as in the case of

Mexico City, Bogota, and more.

In conclusion, we must all work together to stop

bullfighting, because although the bullfighters and fans

consider it a sport, it is actually an act of savagery and we

should put ourselves in the place of bulls and ask if we

would like to suffer what they suffer, we must achieve to

make a social consciousness to try to abolish this brutal

tradition that is the bullfight. By: Verónica Soto

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There are many places you could visit here in Mexicali. Here we have very good food, and fun places you can visit with your family. Next I will show you some places you should know about and think to visit before you leave the city.

The Chinese food: There are many restaurants, the nearest to the airport I remember is the “Chiangs” in the San Pedro Plaza which is located in the CETYS Blvd. Another restaurants you hould know about so you can visit are: Restaurante Dragón, Imperial Garden, China House, China Town.

Tacos of carne asada: You can eat wherever you want, there are many places to eat them too, but I recommend “Tecolote” and “Fiesta del Taco”. It doesn’t matter where you eat them because almost in every place are selling good tacos.

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Museo Sol del Niño: If you have children it’s a good place to go, it’s like a museum for kids, in there they can learn playing and doing experiments. Also they have a cinema called “IMAX”, they play documentals and another movies.

Bosque de la ciudad: It is a mini zoo with animals and a lagoon, if you like making picnics it is a nice place to go.

Bol-bol: It’s a place to have fun. It has a bar, games, pol and bowling.

La Cachanilla: It’s a plaza, there you can shop clothes, jewelry, shoes, food, etc.

Another plazas: There are many places like Plaza San Pedro, Nuevo Mexicali, Galerías del Valle, Carranza, Centenario, in most of them they are cinemas, Cinepolis and Cinemex.

You can visit the places that sound more attractive to you, if you have family you can spend more time with them visiting those places here at Mexicali.

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Drugs: H e l p f u l

or h a r m f u l

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This amazing movie directed by Ang Lee, released the past

summer, tells a story of an Indi young man who gets lost in the

middle of the sea after the ship where his family and a bunch on

zoo animals were, sunk into the sea in a storm.

The young man gets stock in a tiny safe boat with a tiger, the

story unfolds around this two characters and how the faith in god

of the young man got tested by this event.

If you are a film-a-holic and love this kind of movies which lets

you a message without you even knew, you definitely have to see

this movie. On the other hand if you prefer action movies, or

those who are overfilled with explosions and famous hot actors

maybe you should pick something else because even doe this

movie has excellent graphics ,the 126 minutes that this films last

wont give you to much surprises like an typical action-filled-of–

explosions-movie will .

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In past years, the world has faced a term that was not

mentioned before, an issue that has caused much controversy,

stress. The first concept that has been taken of this was

formulated by Cannon, who, in 1929, defined it as a fight or

flight reaction to threatening situations, postulating that

its biology stimulation depended on sympathetic-adrenal

system. Years later, Selye proposed that the stress response

was not specific and proposed to discuss general adaptation

syndrome. Medically is defined as a "physiological

homeostasis or normal" and pathologic adaptation, today. So

thanks to the definitions have been provided it can be said that

the "stress" in a nutshell is a way to adapt to adversity, as a

survival reaction therefore follows that there is stress

from our remote ancestors.

As can be seen in newspapers, magazines and reports about

the famous stress, is present throughout the world. A global

research conducted by Grant Thornton International

Business Report (IBR) that performed six thousand companies,

Mexico was situated in seventh place of job stress in 2011.

Therefore it is known as one of the countries with more job

stress and have to ask, how does this affect them?, Does many

repercussions?, Or simply believe that this issue is

irrelevant, just to clarify the above questions, this is a very

important issue, which must be not only normal if not

alarming and of great interest.


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Stress not only affects the working life and businesses, it

also damages the family and personal relationship, the

reasons may vary according to Ana Laura Alanis, Televisa

reporter. Companies have gone into bankruptcy because they

can not control the tension created in the workplace, and has

not yet woken up in society a hint of curiosity to learn more.

Unfortunately the effects this causes go beyond the

economic, also affect health. Thanks to a study by Dr. Maria

Elena Sanchez Azuara, professor and researcher at the

Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), about forty-

three percent of the adult population of Mexico is stressed,

often accompanied by heart, respiratory or gastric disease,

and even diabetes, cirrhosis or cancer.

She also said that stress is a "psychological condition"

activated when a person perceives and interprets a

threatening situation or overflowing resources that would

require exertion and thus that would endanger their

personal welfare.

It's amazing that something so common and that

apparently look so easy, is itself complex and that if there is

no control can be very harmful.

Imagining the level of tension that adults can have

because of their jobs, financial problems, etc. In adolescents

and young adults, how does it affect them?, Can eventually

limit their education and development of identity and

personality? It has had the need to investigate this problem

which has been increasing on a large scale, affecting kids and

adults. People must learn, the worst that can happen is that

they stay in the same place where they started. They must

leave the conformism that causes ignorance.

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The following are the hypotheses of this research,

specifying that the subjects are students, limiting the

geographical area and time, which are: High School CETYS

University campus Mexicali, B. C. 2013-1 cycle.

Hi. Stress affects the academic life of students of sixth

semester of CETYS high school in 2013-1 cycle.

Ha. Stress does not affect the academic life of students

of sixth semester of CETYS high school in 2013-1 cycle.

H1. Stress creates a poor diet in sixth semester students

of the CETYS High School 2013-1 cycle.

H2. Stress damages the normal development of identity in

the sixth semester students of the CETYS High School

2013-1 cycle.

H3. Stress effects are completely eliminated in the lives

of individuals.

H4. Over 50% of students of sixth semester of CETYS high

school in 2013-1 cycle have stress.

H5. 75% of students of sixth semester of CETYS High School

2013-1 cycle who are stressed are women.

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Name: Mohandas K. Gandhi Born: October 2, 1869. Porbandar, Kathiawar Agency. British Indian Empire. Died: January 30, 1948. New Delhi, Dominion of India Cause of death: Assassination by shooting Resting place: Cremated at Rajghat, Delhi Nacionality: Indian Other names: Mahatma Gandhi, Bapu,

Gandhiji Alma mater: Alfred Highschool, Rajkot,

Samaldas College, Bhavaagar, Inner temple, London.

Religion: Hinduism, with Jain influences Known for: He was a prominent figure of

Indian independence movement, propounding the philosophy of Satyagraha and Ahimsa advocating non-violence pacifism.

Wife: Kasturba Gandhi Children: Hailal, Manilal, Ramdas, Devdas Parents: Dutibai Gandhi (Mother) Karamchand

Gandhi (Father)