Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final

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  • 8/6/2019 Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final


    With the SonicWALL WAN Acceleration (WXA) Series and Application Intelligence and Control

    10 Ways to Optimize Your Network

  • 8/6/2019 Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final


  • 8/6/2019 Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final


    IT o ten tries to improve Wide Area Network (WAN) per ormance by expendingbudget on more bandwidth or enhanced services. Instead o continuing a perpetualcycle o buying additional bandwidth, why not optimize the existing WAN bandwidthyou already have and re resh your network security solution at the same time?

    Network Optimization


    SonicWALL uniquely consolidates enterprise-class Application

    Intelligence and Control, Deep Packet Inspection Scanning, as wellas WAN Acceleration or the distributed enterprise. The ollowinge-book outlines 10 ways SonicWALL solutions can help optimizebandwidth, enhance per ormance, and increase employeeproductivity, without sacri cing security.

  • 8/6/2019 Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final


    1. Data De-duplication

    Distributed network application users collaborating with co-workers o ten retransmitentire les multiple times, unnecessarily sending the same data over and over.

    Data de-duplication via byte and le caching reduces bandwidth consumption andlowers latency by orders o magnitude, delivering aster response times and a betterexperience or all users.

    Data de-duplication reduces tra c by transmitting only incremental changes.


    WAN Acceleration

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    2. Windows File Share Acceleration


    With Windows File Sharing (WFS), multiple usersaccessing the same le across a WAN can increase thebandwidth required when accessing the same data.

    Transmitting only changed data instead o entire datastructures signi cantly improves response times or userswhile reducing bandwidth consumption.

    WFS Acceleration caches the most-used flesand metadata locally to minimize redundant data trans ers.

    Branch Office

    WindowsFile Share

    WXA Appliance


    WXA Appliance


    Corporate Headquarters


    WAN Acceleration

  • 8/6/2019 Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final


    3. Protocol Optimization

    Applications designed to work in a Local Area Network (LAN) environment may not work aswell over a WAN connection because o chattiness or ine ciencies in how the applicationcommunicates.

    Protocol optimization delivers snappy, LAN-like application per ormance or usersaccessing shared resources over the WAN.


    Protocol optimization makes applications more responsivewhen accessed over the WAN

    With WAN AccellerationWithout WAN Accelleration

    30ms-300ms RT T30ms-300ms RT T

    (x100, x200, x1,000)

    WAN Acceleration

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    4. Data Compression

    Todays sophisticated applications generate anever-growing volume o network tra c.

    Data compression across the WAN increases per ormanceand reduces latency.


    Data compression across the WAN

    increases per ormance and reduces latency.

    With Data CompressionWithout Data Compression

    WAN Acceleration

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    There is a rapidly increasing, high volume o application tra c on todays networks thatcan overburden existing WAN solutions.

    Application-intelligent rewalls visualize and lter non-productive and dangerous applications while orwardingbusiness critical applications.


    5. Application Intelligence

    Application-intelligent frewalls can flter unproductive applications soonly critical applications are optimized.

    Application Intelligence and Control

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    6. Blocking Undesirable Applications

    Employee use o time-wasting and dangerous applications poses additional challenges or IT.

    Application Intelligence and Control provides the tools or the administratorto identi y and block potentially dangerous application tra c such as peer-to-peer (P2P), instant messaging and rogue applications.


    Application Intelligence and Control on a Next-Generation Firewall canidenti y and block unproductive or dangerous applications

    be ore they enter your network.

    Application Intelligence and Control

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    7. Bandwidth-managing Applications

    Critical business applications need bandwidth prioritization, while socialmedia and video streaming applications may need to be bandwidth-throttledor completely blocked.

    Application Intelligence and Control can allow authorized use o applications (e.g.,Facebook or marketing or YouTube or training), while blocking recreational useeven at the eature level (e.g., Farmville use on Facebook). It can also allow business-critical applications like Sales to be prioritized across the network.

    Application Intelligence and Control provides tools or administrators to

    sort the productive rom the counter-productive.

    Salesforce.comOracleTeleconferencing and VoIPFaceBook

    Application Intelligence and Control


  • 8/6/2019 Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final


    With other WAN optimization solutions, the administrator must choose to deploy thesolution inside or outside the security boundary, o ten leaving the network vulnerable.

    SonicWALL Next-Generation Firewalls provide Reassembly-Free Deep Packet Inspectionor both malware protection and intrusion prevention across all tra cregardless o le

    size within your network, without compromising network per ormance.

    8. Increasing Security


    With SonicWALL, you dont have tosacrifce security or optimization.

    Firewall Firewall

    Remote Office Corporate Headquarters


    WXA Appliance WXA Appliance

    Network Security

  • 8/6/2019 Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final


    Organizations need reporting and visualization tools to help them quickly identi y network ine ciencies.

    Real-time visualization delivers tools or administrators to gain strategicinsight into the per ormance gains and see the cost savings obtained byWAN acceleration, while continuing to identi y undesirable or unsa eapplication usage, which enables IT to efectively secure and control

    the network, and urther minimize TCO.

    9. Real-time Visualization


    Dont pull into the ast lane with your eyes closed.

    Application Visualization

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    10. Efortless Deployment and Manageability

    SonicWALL consolidates management o WAN Acceleration, Application Intelligenceand Control, DPI Scanning, VPN and more into a single inter ace.


    Designed or efortless manageability, SonicWALL reducescomplexity through automatic provisioning o the WXA applianceto streamline the placement, deployment, and con gurationmanagement. Providing a consolidated management into asingle inter ace helps ease the cost o deployment and lowerstotal cost o ownership by minimizing in rastructure, trainingand administrative overhead.

    Managing an integrated plat orm is easier and more secure than piecing together multiple, hole-ridden solutions.


    ApplicationIntelligenceand Control

    WANAcceleration VPN




  • 8/6/2019 Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final


    SonicWALL delivers Network Optimization or the enterprise, uniquely consolidatingApplication Intelligence and Control, Deep Packet Inspection Scanning, Visualization,Deployment, Management, as well as WAN Acceleration or the distributed enterprise.

    The plat orm allows IT to transition to an advanced security plat orm that cansecure and control against todays constantly evolving threats and application-related issues.

    Network Optimization by SonicWALL



    ApplicationIntelligenceand Control

    Network Optimization

    Increase threat preventionwith DPI scanning

    Lowers deployment costsand TCO

    Identify network inefficiencies

    Reduce the amount of data sent between offices

    Block undesirableapplications

    Bandwidth prioritize businesscritical applications

  • 8/6/2019 Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final


    SonicWALL WAN Acceleration Appliance Series

    The SonicWALL WAN Acceleration Appliance (WXA) Series signi cantlyenhances WAN application per ormance and improves the end userexperience or distributed enterprises and small- to medium-sizedorganizations with remote and branch o ces. A ter initial le trans er,the WXA Series dramatically reduces all subsequent tra c bytransmitting only new or changed data across the network.

    The SonicWALL WAN Acceleration Appliance (WXA) Series is comprised o the WXA 500 Live CD, WXA 2000 and WXA 4000 hardware appliances, andWXA 5000 Virtual Appliance.


    Unlike standalone products, WXA is an integrated add-onto SonicWALL Next-Generation Firewalls, thus simpli ying

    deployment, confguration, routing and management.

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    SonicWALL Application Intelligence and Control

    SonicWALL Application Intelligence and Control enabled on SonicWALL Next-GenerationFirewalls provide granular control and real-time visualization o applications to guaranteebandwidth prioritization and ensure maximum network security and productivity.

    A tightly integrated eature o SonicWALL rewalls, it uses SonicWALL Reassembly-Free Deep Packet Inspection toidenti y and control applications, regardless o port or protocol. With a continuously expanding signature databaserecognizing thousands o applications and millions o malware threats, it can maintain granular control overapplications, prioritize or throttle bandwidth and deny web site access.


    When deployed in conjunction with WAN Acceleration, it

    enables the unique combined beneft o both prioritizing application tra c and minimizing tra c between sites.

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    SonicWALL Network Optimization enables your enterprise totransition to an advanced, consolidated security plat orm.

    By integrating Next-Generation Firewall, Deep PacketInspection, Application Intelligence and Control and WANAcceleration, SonicWALL ofers a uniquely efective andcomprehensive approach to securing, controlling and

    ultimately optimizing your network.

  • 8/6/2019 Plugin-EB 10 Ways to Optimize Your Network Final


    2011 SonicWALL, Inc. All rights reserved. SonicWALL is a registered trademark of SonicWALL, Inc. and all other SonicWALL product and service names and slogans are trademarks orregistered trademarks of SonicWALL, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners.06/11 SW 1284

    SonicWALL, Inc.2001 Logic Drive, San Jose , CA 95124 T +1 408.745.9600 F +1 408.745.9300






    SonicWALLs line-up of dynamic security solutions

    How Can I Learn More?n Visit the SonicWALL Network Optimization Knowledge Siten Read Next-Generation Firewall Market Analysis

    For feedback on this e-book or other SonicWALL e-books or whitepapers, please send an email [email protected].

    About SonicWALLGuided by its vision of Dynamic Security for the Global Network, SonicWALL develops advanced intel-ligent network security and data protection solutions that adapt as organizations evolve and as threatsevolve. Trusted by small and large enterprises worldwide, SonicWALL solutions are designed to detectand control applications and protect networks from intrusions and malware attacks through award-winning hardware, software and virtual appliance-based solutions. For more information, visit thecompany Web site at .