Police Report on Mark Paul Serafin Second Arrest

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  • 8/8/2019 Police Report on Mark Paul Serafin Second Arrest


    2010 12:57PM HP LASERJET FAXofNew York

    Onoadllgaof Manlius

    Manlius Police DepartmentViolation InformationPeople "ft/Ill Stale ofNew York DR# 10-496090VB.

    Mark-Paul Serafin Defendant0912S/19S7 DOB

    J. Gallup ~ 1 2 8 I t c complainant herein, aoouse Mark-Paul Seraftn the DEFENDANT In this Elction, and chal"ie or about the 20th day ofOcto er 2010 at lUi03 Brookhill Dr. N. in the ViUlli:e of Mllnllus

    OF ONONDAGA, STA OF NEW YORK, between 0830 &I V O'Clock in the' Forenoon said DEFENDANTClass viol tion(I), of Vlllage afManllul Ordinance 60-81 contrary to the provisions ofSecti

    ofthe 1 eallaw ofthe State of New York by.person wbo Is not acttna unde the authorIty of the villali:e or Its q u t b o r i ~ e d agent shall collect, pick-up, r ~ m o v e 01' Clluse to be collecup or removed any reoc:ycl ble 80 placed for coll.ctlon.wit:the above date, time and loca Oil the above detendant, Mark-P8111 S.r.fln, did take recyclable itemll from within a bin located on tbedosed to the roadway In'" nt of 4603 BJ"DOkbUl Dr. N. Tbe defendant did this without t, " permission or sueb owner and also wh

    t actiDi In 811 omelal ..p.cjt) r the Villale olManlhlS, no r III ali authorized alellt ot the ViII_ee of ManJlus. tbereby beinl in vIolathe loc:al Village o/Manllus La located by police i .. the u e of the vlol.. tion, the defendant did POSSNA ball' ofreturnablel that be bad admittedly collected frDmneiahborhood'il ree clable bins clalndog tbat he collected them from people whom left them for him personally. Whenby respondinr: police me.r . the defendaDt stated, "I took B laree Pepsi bottle outotthe bln."

    of CompIllinant's intb ation and beliefe.ro derived from:endant made admln lcm thllt tclnd to i

  • 8/8/2019 Police Report on Mark Paul Serafin Second Arrest



    Nov 01 2010 12:57PM HP LASERJET FAX p .3

    TOWN OF MANUUSPOLICE DEPARTMENT\ "taft of ~ e f u iorLtCounty of OnondagaVillage . ~ of - ~ - I o A " " ' o I . o ' L . . t " , L , ~ - - - - - - - - I , _ . . I . . . J . ~ : : " " : " : ' ~ ~ _ ~ + - - 4 - - ' - " ' ~ ~ " - - ' ' ' ' ' ; : ; ' ' _... . : . . . I I l ; , . . IL,oI"""-__ " ' - I ~ < . . . : p . ~ ' - ' - - - - : . ~ : . - . . . . : . . ~ ' - - phone---------r---------------, pnooe

    DR #Page '*



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  • 8/8/2019 Police Report on Mark Paul Serafin Second Arrest


    2010 12:57PM HP LASERJET FAX p .4


    Index ,, People.Y8 .....L:.ll..flool:......_ ~ - I l ; , I ; . . . l : : J . l : : l L C L . Indictment" --+ _Police Agency _ ~ : : : l . k l o ~ ~ : u : . . _ ' _ : . u ~ . ! . U ~ _ ~ ~ = _ _ _ . . . . J . = ~ : a . . : . . . . . -Court I Judge - ~ ~ 7 P I j " = - - & t t . ~ - ' . . . J t L : I o C o L . ~ . . . L - . . . . . . L o ~ ~ _ t - ~ H J ~ Z : } . ~ ~ ~ : J a : : ~ - - - - -Prom'. , , - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -AltDmey Far DefendantOffice Addr and P:O. B

    NOTICE OF INTENT TO USE IDENTIFICATION EVIDENCe(Crlml"_' Procedure Law 1710.30)This Is to adVise you that the Peo e IntMnd Ie offer lden1lfloatlon tctlltimony Into the evtdence upon the trilll of the erlmlnlll oharg now pending Iilgeln8thl!l abovs nlilned defendant. S fk;ally, the evidence will canalet oftestlmony regardIng an ob rvatJon of the defendanl either 8. the time or place othe commission of the offense or oneome other Q

  • 8/8/2019 Police Report on Mark Paul Serafin Second Arrest


    ov 01 2010 12:57PM HP LASERJET FAX p .5

    Village ofMOIJliusPCJCodeBook[or Windows


    608 Cf)From the time any person places any properly prepared county-designated recyclablematerials at or near any curb for purposes of collection by the village, those eountydesignated ree clable materials shall become and be the property of the village or itsauthorized ag nt. No person who is not acting under the authority of the village or itsauthorized as nt shall collect, pick up, remove or cause to be collected, picked up orremoved any oyelables so placed for collection.General PenalExcept where ecific maximum penalties are provided elsewhere in the Code, in a statelaw or in ano er resolution or local law of the village for a particular offense, unlawfulact or prohibi d act, any person who shall commit an offense, unlawful act or prohibitedact under any rovision of the Code or any provision of any other village resolution o local law refe ing to these g ~ n e r a 1 penalty provisions, by doing any act prohibited ordeclared to be l.Ullawful thereby or declared to be an offense, unlawful act or prohibitedact thereby, 0 who shall engage in or exercise any business or occupation or do anythingfor which a li ense or permit is required thereby without having a valid license or permittherefor as re uired, or who shall fail to do any act when such provision declares suchfailure to be offense, UIllawful act or prohibited act shall, upon conviction thereof, bedeemed guil of a violation as defined by the Penal Law of the State ofNew York,punishable b a fine not exceeding $250 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days,or by both su b fIne and imprisonment.