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Gabriel Gabriel GuajardoGuajardo

~ Index ~

Contents Page

• Well Teaching Frame…………………….....


• Describing Learning and Teaching……….


• Competences………………………………….


• School Management…………………………


Frame for Good-teaching

• Frame for Good-teaching is a tool for guiding teachers to achieve an effective procedure of the their practice at schools, it is applied in four different fields like; Preparing of teaching, creating a proper environment for teaching, teaching for students learning and professional responsibilities. So as futures professional of the education we have to learn all this point to use them in our own practice.

Describing Learning and Teaching

• When we are referring to English there are two ways to learn it, one is as a second language (ESL) or in the other hand English as a foreign language (EFL) depending of that we can teach it in many different ways in order to take the most of the approaches we can get in our classrooms, like selecting the best exercises, methods and materials for them.

Competences• Competences are all the

necessary abilities or skills we have to develop as teacher to be an effective professional of the education, we have to be aware of all of our duties, not only inside the classroom , but also the paperwork like administrative duties and some highlighted performance to be better.

School Management

• There are certain requirements to follow if we want to be in educational jobs like principal, UTP chief, general inspector, teacher or counselor so to be effective ones we have to know very well what is expected for each job place and we can check the different frames in www.gestionescolar.cl