Learning 1. Re 2. Ev 3. Pr 1:30 1:40 2:00 2:10 2:25 2:35 3:00 v objectives eview 5 steps valuate 2 exam ractice design Welco Putti n Visual Conce How d Pract i or an e -follow -put to Feedb Share Adjou Po isual des Asilo in putting tog mple presentat ing 3 high-imp ome and intro ng together formats: Pow epts in visual do we fix the ce on your o example HIV w process ogether a set back on slide your slides! urn owerful sign from omar Faculty October 2 Facilitator gether a power tion slides and pact visuals fo oductions a presentati werPoint, Key design ese slides?! P own: work on V 101 case stu t of 3 slides es in pairs Group feed Present m Power Developmen 1, 2013 * 1:30 : Sophy Won rful presentati d recommend r a presentatio on: an overv ynote, Prezi, Parade of bef n a presentat udy presentat back and dis tations: rPoint to nt Workshop 0-3 pm ng, MD ion 2 ways to inc on view of the pr boards and f fore and afte tion you’re p tion scussion o Prezi p rease their vis rocess (Prezi) flipcharts r slides utting togeth ual impact ) her

Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo

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Page 1: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo


1. Re2. Ev3. Pr

1:30 1:40 2:00 2:10

2:25 2:35 3:00


objectives eview 5 steps valuate 2 examractice design



How d

Practior an e-follow-put to




Poisual des


in putting togmple presentating 3 high-imp

ome and intro

ng together formats: Pow

epts in visual

do we fix the

ce on your oexample HIVw process ogether a set

back on slide

your slides!


owerful sign fromomar Faculty

October 2Facilitator

gether a powertion slides andpact visuals fo


a presentatiwerPoint, Keydesign

ese slides?! P

own: work onV 101 case stu

t of 3 slides

es in pairs

Group feed

Presentm Power Developmen1, 2013 * 1:30: Sophy Won

rful presentatid recommend r a presentatio

on: an overvynote, Prezi,

Parade of bef

n a presentatudy presentat

back and dis

tations:rPoint tont Workshop0-3 pm ng, MD

ion 2 ways to incon

view of the prboards and f

fore and afte

tion you’re ption


o Prezi p

rease their vis

rocess (Prezi)flipcharts

r slides

utting togeth

ual impact



Page 2: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo


1. Ww

Knowled(to recallfacts) Cite Count Define Identify Label List Name Outline Read Recall Recite RecogniRelate Repeat Select State Tell

2. Pp

3. A4. R

5. A


6. P

GThe following

Write clear leawork. Adult le


Comp(to un


AssocClassiContrDescrDiscusDistinExplaiGive eInterpLocatePredicReporRestatReview

romote interarticipation is

Allow time forespond to pa

Accommodatef lower to hig

rovide oppor

Guidance fois a brief sum

arning objectearners like to

prehension nderstand)

ciate fy ast ibe ss guish in examples pret e ct rt te w

raction: facilis a more effer discussion: articipants’ ne

e different leagher levels of

Lec Pan De

pow Lar Sm Cas Rol Sel Sim

rtunity for fee

or putting mmary of the

tives: Have aco know how t

Application(to apply concepts, skilApply Complete DemonstratIllustrate Manipulate Operate Perform Practice Predict Relate Report Restate Review Translate Use Utilize

tate knowledctive methodprovide time eeds: build in

arning styles participant in

cture with audnels with timemonstrationswerpoint modrge group disc

mall group discse study withle play f-assessment

mulation or st

edback and r

together epractical app

ction-orientedthe learning p


Analysi(use infconnect


AnalyzeAppraisComparContrasCriticizeDebateDetect DiagramDifferenDistinguExaminInfer Inspect QuestioSeparatSumma

dge exchanged of retaining

for learners tn flexibility to

through a vanteraction: dience respoe for questions and use of adalities cussion cussion active input

t and individuructured exp

eflection from

effective tplication of ad

d objectives tprocess will h

is fo/make tions)

ese re st e

m ntiate uish e

on te arize

e between all knowledge tto ask questio respond to p

ariety of train

nse system (Ans, answers aa variety of m

and discussio

ual coachingperience (e.g.

m yourself, pe

trainings dult learning p

that are applihelp them rea

Synthesis (formulation)

Arrange Collect Compose Construct Create Design Detect Formulate Generalize Integrate Manage Organize Plan Prepare Propose Provide

participants. han listening ons and shareparticipants’ n

ning methods

ARS) and discand discussionedia- use of P

on between p

clinical prece

eers, particip


cable to theirach their goal


AppraiAssessChooseCritiquDetermDiffereEstimaEvaluaJudge MeasuRate RecomReviseSelect

Active to a lecture.

e their opinioneeds and wa

s, roughly in o

cussion n Prezi or other



ants and men

r s.

ation ment)

ise e

ue mine entiate ate te



ons. ants


r non-


Page 3: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo

Step 1: DKnow the

What is t What do What is tparticipaHow muWhat’s thWhat timWho is thWhat is tWhat doWhy was What do What leafor this gWhat visparticulaWhat’s th Most impcentral pthing, wh


Develop yopresentation

the fundamen

I want the pa

the shift in thiants to take awch time do I hhe venue and

me of the day whe audience? their backgrou they expect o

s I asked to tea

I want them t

arning modalitgroup?

ual medium isar situation andhe story in the

portant questpoint? If the pahat do you wa

Adapted from G

our centraparameters an

tal purpose of

articipants to l

nking or practway? have?

setting like? will the presen

und? of me/us? ach?

to do?

t(ies) would be

s most appropd audience? e learning obje

ion: What is marticipants remnt it to be?

Garr Reynolds

l point. nd expectation

f this session?


tice I want the

ntation happe

e most approp

priate for this


my absolutely member only o

s’ Presentation


ns. Consider t





n Zen

ctober 2013 Asilo

these question

omar workshop *


Sophy Wong, MD .

Page 4: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo

Step 2: MDecide onCreate a si

1. Si

2. U

3. C

4. C

5. Em

6. St

What’s yo Is it simple UnexpecteCredentiaConcrete?EmotionalConcepts Step 3: SPurpose: Tputting tomodality w Methods aTurn off yo


Make it a s your objectivimple, unexpe

implicity Make yProvidunto o

UnexpectednesUse suOpen g

oncreteness Use im

redibility Demon

motions Make t

tories Use focideas aand illu

ur story?

e? If not, how w

ed? led? l? above are from

StoryboardTurning off youogether your pwithin given p

and materials:our computerPost-it notes: eSlide templateSlide templateLined, graph o

sticky. ves and learninected, credenti

your objectivee access to hig

others as you w

ss rprise, curiositgaps in knowle

mages and conc

nstrate your e

the audience f

cused and releand concepts yustrative patie

would you ma

m Chip and D

d off-line. ur computer a

presentation. Yparameters bef

r and work witeasy to changee with notes see with 6 or 9 slor blank paper

ng modalities.ialed, concrete

es simple and cgh level concewould have the

ty, sudden chaedge, drop clu

crete element

xpertise and a

feel something

evant stories tyou are comment stories.

ake it simple?

an Heath’s Ma

and storyboardYou can play wfore committi

th paper and pe order and adection: 3 slideslides per pageto freely sketc


e emotional st

concrete. pts with simpem do unto yo

anges and twisues, and then f


allow the audie

g. Engage them

o help the audmunicating. In

Made To Stick

ding off-line awith lots of difng them to sli

pen or pencil tdd or remove, s per page plus

ch out your id

ctober 2013 Asilo


ple words: like ou).

sts in your stofill them in. M

ence to test id

m into the sto

dience engageclinical teach

allows you to bfferent ideas aides or digital

to sketch out then take a ps an area to jo


omar workshop *

proverbs, the

ory line. Mystery! Intrigu

deas for thems


e and create ming, these are

be more flexiband choosing tvisuals on you

your ideas. Exphoto for referot down key po

Sophy Wong, M

“Golden Rule”



mental images often compel

le and creativethe best learniur computer.

xample optionence oints

D .

” (Do

of the ling

e in ing


Page 5: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo

Step 4: ADesign ma


M Fo M U U G A

Step 5: PPractice atyou feedbaspeaking s *Online Prezi: http Microsoft’ Garr ReynGarr Reyn Cliff Atkinslides; becocreating-th Dave Parahttp://ww

Add visualatters! Good d

Make a master onsistent look

Make sure all yoocus on focuse

Make your desiUse empty spacUse tables, textGroup related iAvoid

o Any noo Lists (eo Cluttero 3D effeo Anima

Practice! t least once beack on whethe

skills, learning

e resources


’s how-to guid

olds’ Top Tenolds’ Presenta

sons’ First Fiveomes more hehe-first-five-sl

di’s lessons froww.thinkoutsid

ls and fill odesign enhanc

slide with a fok, unity and orgour visuals anded, high-impagn clean and tce to provide ot boxes or a gritems togethe

on-essential ele.g. bullet poinr ects ations that don

efore you preser you’ve beenmodality and


de and 12 tips:

Slide Tips: httation Tips: http

e Slides webinelpful around ides/

om Al Gore’s Adetheslide.com

out your stces your comm

ont and visual ganization to d slides enforcct visuals to-the-pointorganizations,id to align elemr

ements nts): they are m

n’t directly add

ent to your tan able to stick visuals.



nar (backgroun10 mins into t

An Inconveniem/articles/inco


oryboard omunication and

arrangement your visuals.

ce and enhanc

, clarity and foments to prov

much harder to

d to your form

arget audienceto your centr



nd to creating the video): htt

ent Truth presonvenienttruth

ctober 2013 Asilo

on the comd drives home

you’ll use thro

ce your centra

ocus vide a clean loo

o remember t

mat and messa

e. If possible, pral point, make



your story, sttp://beyondbu

sentations: h.htm

omar workshop *

mputer. e teaching poi

oughout. This

al point.


than visuals


present to some it sticky, and


n/slides.html /index.html

ory board skeulletpoints.com

Sophy Wong, M


s will provide a

meone who cad comment on


tch and first sem/the-bbp-ba

D .


n give n your

et of asics-

Page 6: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo

Addult learning activities: spectruum of engagement

Page 7: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo





Page 8: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo



66% of Americansare obese or overweight.

All adults (66%)

Women 65 million (62%)

Men 69 million (71%)

134 million

OECD Factbook 2007

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1. Slides the audience will see

Hand helds Lap tops Cell phones


2. Notes only you will see

Page 10: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo


3. Handout to be taken away

聞き手が見るスライド 話し手が使うメモ 復習のための配布資料

Slides Notes Handout

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Page 12: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo


Page 13: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo


Page 14: Powerful Presentations: v ign from PowerPoint to …paetc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/S-Wong-powerful...ferent ideas a ides or digital o sketch out then take a p s an area to jo