DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) Tata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP

PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

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Page 1: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is


Tata Laksana nyeri kronikfokus pada LBP

Page 2: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Tata Laksana nyeri

Merupakan spesialisasi baruDi USA merupakan spesialisasi ke 34

Page 3: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Nyeri telah ada sejak manusia ada

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Firman Tuhan pada Eva“Susah payahmu wkt mengandung akan banyak dengan kesakitan engkau

akan melahirkan anakmu…… ".“(kejadian 3, 16)

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Nyeri selalu ingin dihilangkanpain relief → against god’s


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Obat2an herbal

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China 2000 thn


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Tata Laksana nyeri What is new?

• Pengetahuan baru tentang pathophysiology nyeri

• Konsep2 baru tentang terapi dengan analgetik

• Obat2 baru untuk tata laksana nyeri• Interventional Pain Management untuk

diagnose & pengobatan nyeri

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Apakah itu ?

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Definitions:Nyeri adalah pengalaman sensorik dan emosi yang tidak menyenangkan  dimana berhubungan dengan kerusakan jaringan atau potensial terjadi kerusakan jaringan. nyeri tidaklah selalu berhubungan dengan derajat kerusakan jaringan yang dijumpai. nyeri bersifat individual yang dipengaruhi oleh genetik, latar belakang kultural, umur dan jenis kelaminNyeri sering tidak mendapat pengobatan tepat

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Tipe nyeri

1. Acute2. keganasan3. Kronik non-malignant

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Major Categories of Pain

Klasifikasi berdasar pathophysiology:

1. Nyeri Nociceptive (stimuli dari somatic dan organ dalam)

2. Nyeri neuropathic (stimuli abnormal di proses di sistema saraf)

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Anatomi dan fisiologi dari nyeri Nociceptiv

4 proses terjadinya nyeri

1 Transduction—ujung saraf nociceptors yang dpt membedakan stimuli bahaya dan tidak jika terkena stimuli baik mekanik, suhu, atau kimia dr jaringan yang rusak akan mengeluarkan substansi. Substansi ini memfasilitasi impuls nyeri ke medula spinalis.

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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, seperti ibuprofen, effectif mengurangi nyeri karena mengurangi efek substansi yang keluar terutama prostaglandin.

Corticosteroids, seperti dexamethasone dipakai untuk nyeri karena kanker juga mempunyai sifat yang sama thd produksi prostaglansin.

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Substansi kimia yg keluar

substansi yang keluar karena kerusakan jaringan adalah:

prostaglandinsbradykininserotoninsubstance Phistamine

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Stimulasi ini menyebabkan membran sel dari neuron menjadi permeabel thd ion

sodium/Na, hingga ion2 ini masuk ke sel neuron dan menyebabkan ion2 positif

meningkat dan kalium kembali ke luar sel hingga kembali ke charge negatip . Dengnn

peristiwa depolarisasi dan repolarisasi ini stimulasi nyeri diubah menjadi impuls

Impuls ini muncul hanya dlm wakt bbrp milisekond.

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Bbrp analgetik mengurangi nyeri dg jalan menurunkan pergerakan ion Na dan K didalam neuron hingga memperlambat atau meniadakan transmisi nyeri.

Contoh—local anesthetics, anticonvulsants digunakan untuk nyeri neuropathic

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Process #2—Transmission

Impulse spinal cord brain stem thalamus central structures of brainrasa nyeri di proses.

Neurotransmitters dibutuhkan meneruskan impuls nyeri dari medulla spinalis ke otak—opioids (narcotics) effective karena mencegah/menblok keluarnya neurotransmitters

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Process #3—Perception nyeri

Terakir dari aktivitas nyeri adalah transmission

Diketahui bahwa rasa nyeri disadari di korteks otak—disini behavior terapi bisa dipakai nuntuk mengurangi rasa nyeri.

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Process #4—Modulasi nyeri

Nyeri dihambat atau diubah di traktus desendens (otakmedula spinalis)

Serabut ini mengeluarkan substansi juga spt norepinephrine dan serotonin (dikenal sbg endogenous opioids atau endorphins) yg mempunyai kemampuanmenghambat trnasmisi stimuli nyeri.Krn proses inilah rasa nyeri dialami secara berbeda pd bbrp orang.

Nyeri krn keganasan dpt mengurang dgn antidepressants karena mempengaruhi reuptake serotonin and norepinephrine

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Nyeri Neuropathi

Proses Abnormal impuls nyeri terjadi di susunan saraf tepi atau pusat

Bisa disebabkan karena trauma (amputation and subsequent phantom limb pain), jaringan parut karena operasi (back surgery high risk), nerve entrapment (carpal tunnel), atau kerusakan saraf (diabetic neuropathy)

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Where Can We Intervene?

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We have the science, but are we making any progress ???

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“Pain is a more terrible lord of mankind than death itself.”

Albert Schweitzer

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Opioid Dose Escalation

Always increase by a percentage of the present dose based upon patient’s pain rating and current assessment

Mild pain 1-3/10

25% increaseModerate pain4-6/10

25-50% increase Severe pain7-10/10

50-100% increase

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Weak opioids +/- non-opioids

Strong opioids



Tata laksana nyeri

World of Misery Non-pharmacological methods

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•Interventional Pain Management merupakan prosedur invasif yg minimal yang dpt memberikan kesembuhan yang permanent atau jangka panjang.

•Mengisi kekosongan antara terapi obat2an dan tindakan operatif/invasif berat.

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Problem 2 di punggung bg bawah/ problems in low

back pain

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Back Pain

Penyebab ke 2 untuk mengunjungi dokter

60-80% penduduk mengalami LBP dlam hidupnya

Penyebab disbilitas utk usia < 45 thBeaya sp: $20-50 billion/thn

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Pusat2 Back Pain

Ligaments Tendons Bones Facet joints Muscles Discs (the outer rim of the disc, the annulus, can

be a source of significant back pain due to its rich nerve supply and tendency towards injury)

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- AnatomyLesson #1

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The Intervertebral Disc Berupa jelly berbenyuk donat

berguna sebagai bantalan thd trauma

Terdiri 2 bg:bg luar (annulus fibrosus)dan bg lunak (nucleus pulposus)

Sewkt lahir, 80% drf the disc berupa cairan

Dg bertambah umur disc dehydration micromotion instability inflammatory proteins of nucleus pulposus leak out of the disc space inflammation of structures next to the disc (e.g. nerve roots) pain

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Facet join arthropatiTerjadi degenerasi menjadi tak

stabil daerah banyak gerakan nyeri waktu flexi 50% muncul dipanggul, dan 50% muncul di daerah lumbal

Gerakan flexi terbagi diantara ryas2 lumbal namun proporsi terbanyak di daerah L3-4 dan L4-5

Akibatnya facet joint arthropati terbanyak di daerah tersebut

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The Nerve Roots In the cervical spine, the nerve root

is named for the lower segment that it runs between (e.g. C6 at C5-C6 segment)

In the lumbar spine, the nerve is named for the upper segment that it runs between (e.g. L4 at L4-L5 segment)

The nerve passing to the next level

runs over a weak spot in the disc space discs tend to herniate (extrude) right under the nerve root leg pain or arm pain (radiculopathy)

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The Nerve Roots (cont’d)Suatu HNP menimbulkan nyeri

daerah kaki dan tidak punggung maka sering dikira penyebab nyeri berasal dari kaki atau lengan

Nyeri kaki dari hnp lumbal umumnya dirasakan dibawah lutut sp bawah ankle, sering disertai dengan rasa tebal/numness

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N isciadicus Distribution: daerah lumbal pantat kaki bg belakang +

foot / toes

Description: nyeri bersifar burning/ tingling/ shooting menjalar kebawah dengan memburuk dengan posisi duduk berdiri

Associated symptoms: kelemahan, numbness kesulitan mengerakkan tungkai atau kaki

Pathogenesis: - herniated disc - lumbar spinal stenosis - degenerative disc disease - spondylolisthesis

Prognosis: baik

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Anterior Longitudinal Ligament

Ada di anterior corps vertebra dan div , menahan ekstensi

Bisa terjadi rupture karena hyperekstensi berat mis trauma terutama cervical

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Ligamentum Flavum Berada diantara lamina

Sebelah lateral bergabung dg capsul dari facet joint

Menahan flexi

Dpt menekuk ke dlm menekan medulla spinalis terutama pada kontusi

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Muscle Strain Penyebab terutama pd LBP akut penyebab: mengangkat benda berat ,

gerakan mendadak atau jatuh Pathogenesis: muscle strain

inflammation spasm nyeri hebat sulit gerak

Prognosis: baik (dpt sembuh spontan)) Time course: bbrp jam bbrp minggu Jika nyeri > 2 weeks kelemahan

otot mengecil (disuse atrophy) otot tak mampu menahan tulang belakangnyeri bertambah

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Causes of Low Back Pain

Lumbar “strain” or “sprain” – 70%Degenerative changes – 10%Herniated disk – 4%Osteoporosis compression fractures – 4%Spinal stenosis – 3%Spondylolisthesis – 2%

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Penyebab Low Back Pain…

Spondylolysis, diskogenic low back pain or other instability – 2%

Traumatic fracture - <1%Congenital disease - <1%Cancer – 0.7%Inflammatory arthritis – 0.3%Infections – 0.01%

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Role of X-rays (Radiology)

Kadang2 tak diperlukanPlain X-ray:

umur>50 tahun Tak sembuh ssdh 6 mg Ada gejala2 lain

MRI: Jika sdh 6 minggu dengan gejala sciatika

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New England Journal of Medicine (February 2001)

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Why discourage ‘routine’ imaging for non-specific

low back pain?“MRI studies have revealed lumbar disc

abnormalities in up to three-quarters of asymptomatic subjects, including those with no previous history of LBP, sciatica or neurogenic claudication.” (Sheehan NJ. Postgrad Med J. 2010; 86: 374-8)

“Lumbar imaging for low-back pain without indications of serious underlying conditions does not improve clinical outcomes.” (Chou R et al. Lancet 2009; 373: 463-72)

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Assessment of Back Pain

Nyeri pd perkusi muncul pada metastase atau infeksi tdk muncul pd HNP

Radiological test: foto polos dpt menunjukkan degenerasi diskus, spondilitis, kompressi, ggan metabolik tulang metastase dsbnya

Oblique view drf lumbosacral level dipakai untuk visualize facet & sacroiliac joint

Flexion-extension view dpt untuk melihat adanya instabilitas spinal

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Straight leg raising test

Pemeriksaan Straight leg raising test dpt utk memprediksi adanya iritasi radiks/HNP

Juga menilai adanya perbaikan

A +ve crossed SLR test has the highest correlation w myelographic finding of a herniated disc

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Muscular PainNyeri lumbal sering

krn strain otot atau ligamentts

Nyeri bersifat lokal dan pd sentuhan

Pain not involved shooting pain

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nyrtivvOsteoporosisVvvVNyerOsteoporosis is painful due

to mikro frakturBerbaring lama , tak ada

beban latihan membuat demineralization & fraktur

Postmenopause & pt Rx dg corticosteroid beresiko fraktur

r/o w serum protein electrophoresis, sed rate, alkaline phosphatase, ca, x-rays.

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Pd immunocompetent pasien, tak jarang muncul infeksiStaphylococcus aureus

Inf mengenai vertebral bodies, endplates, & disc spaces, spares post elements

Kadang2 muncul actinomycosis or coccidiodomycosis

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Vertebral metastases

Metastases Vertebral muncul dengan nyeri punggung, biasanya terlokalisir

Jika saraf terkena nyeri muncul sesuai distribusi saraf

Umumnya mengenai daerah thoracalEpidural spinal cord compression merupakan

medical emergency & karena dpt menyebabkan paraparesis, sensory loss, gangguan bab maupun bak

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Vertebral metastasesPd foto polos gejala awal

adalah erosi pedikellama2 vertebral body

kehilangan kepadatannyaMRI menunjukkan perubahan

signal intensitasnyaJika tumor bertumbuh mk

akan sp ke ruang epidural dan menekan medulla spinalis

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Facet joint painCorpus vertebral

mempunyai 4 facet joint, 1 pasang diatas & 1pasang dibawah

Dalam Synovial joints ada cairan didlmnya

arthritis pd facet joints umumnya midline & dan dpt menyebar ke punggung dan panggul

Bertambah nyeri pd bending keblkg dan samping

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Herniated Disc

Intervertebral disc consists of an outer fibrous body called the annulus fibrosus & an inner gel like substance called the nucleus pulposus

It acts as a shock absorber & spacer for the spine giving room for the intervertebral neural foramina which are portals for the exit of the spinal nerves

The nucleus pulposus contains noxious chemicals which can be irritating to nerves

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Herniated disc-cont-The intervertebral discs lie between the

vertebral bodies. In front is the ant. longitudinal ligament & behind the post. longitudinal ligament & behind that is spinal cord.

Wear & tear can cause annulus fibrosus to weaken allowing bulges of nucleous pulposis

These bulges may protrude out enough to touch the spinal cord causing irritation to nerves

These large disc bulges are called herniation

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Herniated DiscDg adanya trauma mk

diskus yg prolaps dpt menyebabkab ann fibrosus ruptur &dan nukl pulposus keluar

Muncul nyeri yang menjalar sepanjang distribusi saraf

cairan nucleus pulposus menyebabkan udema dr saraf dan menyebabkan nyeri terus menerus spt trebakar dsbt lumbar radiculopathy atau sciatica

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Types of Herniate DiscDisc degenerationDisc prolapseDisc extrusionDisc seqestration

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Radiographic herniated disc

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SpondilolithesisBergesernya corpus

vertebrae satu dg yang lain

Corpus vertebra umumnya segaris hingga canalis spinalis berbentuk tabung

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Jika bergeser mk canalis spin menyempit/menekuk

Jika terjadi stenosis medulla spinalis dpt tertekan atau radiks

Ini menyebabkan ischemia medulla spinalis dan nyeri kaki

Page 63: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Grades of Spondylolisthesis

Page 64: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Piriformis SyndromePiriformis sindromSindrom LBP krn

kontraktur kronis dr m piriformis yg menyebabkan iritasi n ischiadicus

Nyeri dimulai dr pantat menjalar ke n ischiadicus

Terjadi penjepitan saraf diantara otot atau otot dan pelvis


Page 65: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Piriformis SyndromeDikenal sbg “hip pocket

neuropathy” atau“wallet neuritis”

Piriformis ms pipih, berbtk pyramidal berorigo di bg ant sacrum S2-S4 & sacrotuberous lig melintas notch dr n ischiadicus dan berinsersi pd bgn superior trochanter mayor

Page 66: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Buttock pain

Nyeri pantatPenyebab


syndromeIschial tuberosity .Rupture of gluteal


Page 67: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Predominat leg pain

Global without clear outline CRPSor sympatically

mediated painpatchy

DermatomalPivd ,post herpetic pain Non dermatomal

Nerve distribution Lat fem cut


Non dermatomalNot along nerve

Mps, si

Page 68: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Back pain

Predominat back pain

axial paramedian

Aggravated on sitting :IDD, bil SIJ#vertebra

Relieved on sitting:

Bilateral facetCanalis stenosis

Aggravating on sitting :Unilat sij


Relieved on sitting:

Unilat facet

Page 69: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

TTherapyreThatment Terof Back Pain

TerapiWalking is best exercisePhysical therapy for core stabilizationSpinal manipulation & manual therapyPharmacotherapyApplication of heat or iceAcupunctureIntervensional injectionoperation

Page 70: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Physical Treatment OptionsExercise (stabilization training)Neutral positionSoft tissue mobilizationTranscutaneous electrical nerve

stimulation (Electrothermal therapyComplementary measures (acupuncture;

relaxation/hypnotic/biofeedback therapy)Spinal manipulative therapyMultidisciplinary treatment programs

(back schools/education/counseling/pain clinic)

Page 71: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Pharmacotherapy Options*

AntidepressantsAnticonvulsantsMuscle relaxants Opioid analgesics Corticosteroids NSAIDsTopical analgesics

* Except for certain opioids, none of these agents are indicated for chronic LBP.

Page 72: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Interventional Treatment OptionsNeural blockade

selective nerve root blocks facet joint blocks, medial branch blocks Si joint caudoepidural

Neurolytic techniques radiofrequency neurotomies pulse radio frequency

Stimulatory techniques spinal cord stimulation peripheral nerve stimulation

Intrathecal medication pumps delivery into spinal cord and brain via CSF

Page 73: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy

Page 74: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

IPM pd piriformis syndr

Page 75: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

caudoepidural Transforaminal epidural

Page 76: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is
Page 77: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is

When to Refer for Surgical Consultation

Motor weakness of one or both legsNew bowel and urinary incontinenceMRI HNP compressing nerve rootMRI of grade 3 spondylolisthesisMRI/CT evidence of severe spinal stenosis

with correlative leg weakness and painStanding flexion/extension films showing

significant movement

Page 78: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is


Pengobatan LBP difokuskan pd target oenyebab nyeri dp menghilangkan nyeri saja

Biopsychosocial approach merupakan kuci sukses pengobatan chronic LBP

Treatment/pengobatan untuk chronic LBP meliputi new agents new uses of agents new combinations of agents Interventional pain management

Page 79: PowerPoint Presentation€¦ · PPT file · Web viewTata Laksana nyeri kronik fokus pada LBP DR L.LAKSMIASANTI SP S(K) (Continued from previous notes section) Pharmacotherapy is