PowerPoint Psychology

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PowerPoint Psychology . Tips for AMAZING PowerPoint Presentations With David Lieberman. PRESENTING . IDEAS. STEP 1. Why should t hey care? (what’s in it for them?). STEP 2. Announce the topic! . STEP 3. STEP 4?. INFORMATION GO HERE. TELL. THEM. WHAT. TO. remember. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PowerPoint Psychology

Tips for AMAZING PowerPoint Presentations

With David Lieberman

Have audience write down:

The name of a presentation they have to give (or gave)

What is the real goal of their presentation? What do you want the audience to DO or KNOW based on your presentation?Be honest & reasonable. What do you really want them to do or know?


Handouts will be given out at end of class, including:Extensive NotesStep-by-step guides.

They dont have to memorize!

1After Class!Evaluation:learnit.com/evaluationCheat Sheet / Worksheets:learnit.com/files/david/ppt-psyRelated Classes: Present Like a Pro, Advanced PowerPoint

Points are starting points, for elaboration 2

PRESENTING IDEASStandard delivery problems:

Audience isnt interested

Audience has to figure out where youre going with this

Lengthy delivery loses the audience

Audience doesnt know what to take from the presentation. 4

STEP 1Why shouldthey care?(whats in it for them?)

Fact: People are more likely to make a motivation decision to avoid a problem. Motivate BEFORE your title slide/introduction.

STEP 1: Tell the audience what BAD things happen if they dont get your message.

Make it personal. Include bad things that happen to THEM. (not just the company)

Mention how those bad things feel.

**STEP 1 is a quick conversation, and normally doesnt get a slide. (show the class how to blank out the presentation)

Exercise: Have the audience write the bad things that happen if their audience isnt fully present. Share with a neighbor. 5

Announce the topic! STEP 2

And point out the good things they will get! Motivate BEFORE announcing the topic or agenda. People reset their prior judgments when you first start talkingWhen presented with a problem, and then a topic, people see the topic as the solution

Announce the topic with a title slide. What are all the GOOD things youll get from the topic? (turn the audience toward positive motivation.) How does that feel?Give a Basic overview of the topic or an addenda


STEP 3Average attention span is 7-14 minutesHowever, undivided attention span is measured in seconds

Around 5-7 minutes, re-set the audience by quickly repeating what were doing and why)

Dont forget to signpost.

Where weve been.

Where were going.

How much time is left (to next milestone) 7

STEP 4?Why are you giving a presentation? You have a goal, right?

You want them to leave with a task or information in their head, right?

(Step 4 is in next series of slides)

8TELL9THEM10WHAT11TO12rememberDont review!

Tell your audience what to remember!

So, the important part isSo, what you need to remember isSo, the take-aways are

Side Note: People can not read and listen at the same time. If you show your audience words, expect that the wont be listening to you while they read. 13IDEAS

PRESENTING Why should they care?Announce the topic.Give the details.Tell them what to remember!Ask: Which step are you most likely to forget?

Ask: Which step is most important?

Say: You dont need to memorize the 4 steps. Just remember that there ARE steps. You can look them up in your notes!

(the above is the REAL step 4)

Exercise: Have students discuss in groups how employing these steps would impact their presentations. 14S.T.A.R.R.Situation: The situation wasTask: So, I was tasked withAction: So, I took these actionsResults: Here are the resultsRecommendation: So, I recommend The STARR technique quickly communicates an update.

Exercise: Leave this on the screen, and have students report on a current project to each other.

Note: The recommendation does not have to be a big deal. So, feel free to use that data. is a fine recommendation. The recommendation is about closure. 16

PowerPoint Psychology

Tips for AMAZING PowerPoint Presentations

With David Lieberman

Have audience write down:

The name of a presentation they have to give (or gave)

What is the real goal of their presentation? What do you want the audience to DO or KNOW based on your presentation?Be honest & reasonable. What do you really want them to do or know?


Handouts will be given out at end of class, including:Extensive NotesStep-by-step guides.

They dont have to memorize!


BAD POWERPOINTTo make something good, we need to first recognize what is bad.

Discuss: What annoying things do people do with PowerPoint?

Why do you think they do those things?

Note: These bad slides help to set an expected agenda for the day. 18

Too much text

We will learn: how much is too much and what goes on a slide. 19

High end designers dont always know what theyre doing when it comes to PowerPoint.

We will learn: design guidelines for clean and clear design 20Lets Talk About All ThisPeople can only think about one thing at a time.You love seeing lots of bullets, right?What was that first point again?You read faster than I talk,Thats why youve already read this.People quickly read all of your bullets and wait for you to finish talking.

We will learn: Bullet Point guidelines: when and how best to use them.

21Learn iT! As a Microsoft Gold Partner, we understand the dynamic nature of the IT world. We offer training and certification programs.Since 1995 we have been offering hands on training by some of the best trainers in the industry. Our clients tell us that Soft Skills training is a powerful way to increase their team's production and focus. Reading the slide to people UGH!

Do you watch movies in English with subtitles?

We will learn: ways to avoid reading the slide to them

22Recycle Program!

Why do people do Funny Animations?

Why does it hurt the presentation?

Humor helps, but only if it is used to prove a point. Otherwise, it takes away from the message.

Rhymes are one of the best uses of humor to prove a point. If the glove dont fit23

Dual PurposePowerPoint can only do 1 thing well at a time. Trying to make it serve dual purposes results in:


youre reading the slide to me?BOREDDual Purpose Fail #1:

PowerPoint Slides cant be good at BOTH Speaker Notes and Presentation Slides



Plug into another monitor or projectorExtend your monitor display (windows key + P) In ppt >> click slide show tab >> Use presenter view

Cant use Presenter View for some reason? PRINT NOTES.25

HANDOUTS!ARE GOODPowerPointis not a good handoutDual Purpose Fail #2:

PowerPoint Slides cant be good at being BOTH handouts and presentation slides

A good Presentation Slide is a bad handout, and a good handout is a horrible Presentation Slide .

Good handouts are notes you take for your audience.

Every meeting should have handouts.

Tell your audience that you will pass out handouts at the end, AND tell them when you mention something on the handout.

If someone requests that you send them the PowerPoint ahead of time:Add slides at the end of the presentation, and paste in your handout.

How to make a handout:

Outline your presentation (youre doing this anyway, right?)Add your speaker notes to the outline Add extended information, data, and tables, to your outline. Now you have your handout! Whoop!26PowerPoint, WrittenHow big can paragraphs be?People will not read text heavy slide. People start skipping when they see more than two lines.

Other Tips:No more than two paragraphs. Always use titles. Write no higher than 7th grade level.

3 lines lose 30% more users. Four lines loses 70%.

PowerPoint should not be used for written communication, but it often is.

Use reveal animation to prove point about how much text is too much.

Minimum font size for absorption reading: 28pt

MS Word can be set to test for Grade Point Level (FILE >> OPTIONS >> PROOFING >> SHOW READABILITY STATISTICS)

TIP: if you really want people to read your document, send it to them in a PDF and suggest they print it.


WHAT ABOUT DATA?Data-heavy presentations are often THE WORST.



If were discussing sales person total sales for July 2010,

Why is this a bad slide?

What problems are caused by a data-heavy slide?Hard to understandEasy to get pulled off topic.


SALES FIGURES, JULY 2010Smith:39,795James: 36,245OBrian: 35,359 Carrie:33,427Dunn: 31,475Only show the data youre specifically talking about right now.

Why is this a better choice?

NOTE: Data-driven audiences will not relax until you must show them the data exists.

Show them a slide with the full table. Tell them its in their handout if they want to analyze. Proceed to important data slide. This contains ONLY the data youre focusing on. Optional: return to full table slide to discuss in detail. 30

SALES PROJECTION FIGURES, 2013PROJECTED INCREASE: 8.5%CURRENT MONTHLY SALES: $176,031PROJECTED MONTHLY SALES: $190,993PROJECTED YEARLY SALES: $2,291,923When walking through data, bring up data as you talk about it.

DONT have it all on the slide at the beginning. 31

SALES FIGURES, JULY 2010A chart should tell a story.

What story does this chart tell?

Note: A chart should NOT be used to communicate data. Note that this chart doesnt even have sales numbers.

Tip: Remove everything a chart doesnt really need. 32

This slide was on the screen for 10 minutes. Each topic was talked about individually.

A multi-tasking study showed that people dont really think about more than one thing at a time. The best people who try to multi-task are still 60% less efficient than when they focus on 1 topic at a time.33

Which is better, this slide or the previous? Why?

Which will the audience remember? Why?

Note: This slide is using a design trick (using an image instead of a title)

34ONETOPICPER SLIDEExercise: Students can use the file exercise- one topic per slide.pptx

Multi-tasking is 60% less efficient than one thing at a time.

Physically, we CANT multi-task.

Studies prove that the more you show, the less people remember.

Focus on one topic per slide. 2 topics? 2 slides!

Bullets can still be used, but only for certain circumstances (coming up)35What content should go on the slide?

Remember, there are 3 delivery methods:

PowerPoint HandoutOut loud (speaker notes)36PowerPoint is not the presenter, you are.The audience didnt come to read your slides. When used correctly, PowerPoint Provides something to remember, or help the audience understand your topic. TOO MUCH TEXT?WHERE CAN ALL THIS CONTENT GO?Most information should go on:

Speaker NotesHandouts37We are all trained to communicate verbally. We are not trained to communicate visually.Thats why people write too much in PowerPoint.

TOO MUCH?SUBTITLING DOESNT HELP!Is this too much? Speaker NotesHandouts38Does the content help them understand?Is it the main point to remember?


Content should ONLY go on the slide if it satisfies one of these two criteria!

Otherwise, in speaker notes or on handout!

Exercise: Have students edit a slide they have or create a basic presentation.

Teacher: You will have to walk around and help! This is the hardest part for students. 39IDEAS

POWERPOINTDont read to them!What goes on a slide?One topic per slide

PowerPoint Psychology

Tips for AMAZING PowerPoint Presentations

With David Lieberman

Have audience write down:

The name of a presentation they have to give (or gave)

What is the real goal of their presentation? What do you want the audience to DO or KNOW based on your presentation?Be honest & reasonable. What do you really want them to do or know?


Handouts will be given out at end of class, including:Extensive NotesStep-by-step guides.

They dont have to memorize!

41Does the content help them understand?Do they need to remember the content?One topic per slide SLIDE CONTENT TAKE-AWAYS:

Have the audience make a presentation or tweak one they have. (20 minutes)42Building PresentationsCreate slides with ONLY titlesFill in ALL of the speaker notes On the slides, add:Content to help them understandContent: the main point (for them to remember)Adjust Design and add ImagesS43WHO DO YOU HIRE?

Clean and neat matters!

People judge you on the way you and your presentation look.

You dont need pretty, you need clean.




Clean just means easy for the brain.

Clean design follows RULES.

Why did I choose this picture?

Does he represent the topic?

How does he make you feel?

What is he doing? Does he make you do that?45Communication & Presentation SkillsLeadership & ManagementProject ManagementAccounting & FinanceBusiness Marketing

Professional Development46Communication and Presentation SkillsLeadership & ManagementProject ManagementAccounting & FinanceBusiness Marketing


When walking through data, bring up data as you talk about it.

DONT have it all on the slide at the beginning. 48 2015 Learn iT!SALES PROJECTION


FIGURESWhen walking through data, bring up data as you talk about it.

DONT have it all on the slide at the beginning. 49Training StatisticsTraining: 23% increase in efficiency. Training: 50% increase in confidence.Job Satisfaction: 72% report increase in job satisfaction.

50Training StatisticsTraining: 23% increase in efficiency. Training: 50% increase in confidence.Job Satisfaction: 72% report increase in job satisfaction.

51Introduction To Our Online ResourcesPictures of homesDetailed descriptions of each home Virtual tours of homes

Introduction To OurOnline ResourcesPictures of homesDetailed descriptions of each home Virtual tours of homes

Design GuidelinesDont cram: create space.Bigger is more importantAlign EVERYTHING!Other design tips:

Dont have more than 4 elements on a slide (and four is pushing it!)

Dont use more than 4 bullet points. We can only keep 4-7 things in mind at the same time. So, People get nervous when they see more than 4 bullets. 54


PowerPoint Psychology


With David Lieberman

Have audience write down:

The name of a presentation they have to give (or gave)

What is the real goal of their presentation? What do you want the audience to DO or KNOW based on your presentation?Be honest & reasonable. What do you really want them to do or know?


Handouts will be given out at end of class, including:Extensive NotesStep-by-step guides.

They dont have to memorize!

56Images & Understanding

Anytime Book SalesDo not show a picture just to show a picture.

Images can be used to assist in getting your goal accomplished!

There are 3 strategies to use for images:

Image Strategy # 1: show a picture to assist in understanding. (like in this slide)

Only use this strategy when necessary. Example: Do NOT automatically show pictures of doctors when discussing health care. Your user doesnt need it to understand. Use a different strategy. 57


Image Strategy # 2: Emotionally manipulate your audience (heh, heh)).

Images can make people feel (emotive transfer)

Heightened emotions increase retention & motivationYou can emotionally manipulate your audience to help your presentation! Technique: Search for feelings, not thingsINSERT >> CLIPART >> INCLUDE OFFICE.COM CONTENT


UP!NUMBERS ARE Images of people are more effective than images of things

The best images have their backgrounds removed, and are slid halfway off the slide.


Afraid of being unprofessional? use smaller images.

Or, as a last resort, images of things.60Things to KnowHandouts: learnit.com/handoutsManuals: learnit.com/manualsuser name: manuals - password: passwordE-Learning: learnitanytime.comRelated Classes: Present Like a Pro, Advanced PowerPoint

Points are starting points, for elaboration 61

Revenue: On the RiseSee how data driven slides can use images, too?


(your audience)MONKEY CANT HELP BUT DO.Humans are built to do what they see people around them doing.

Want the audience to think? Show them someone thinking.

Want the audience to decide? Show them someone deciding. 63

Think ofyou want to Influencesomeone Notice that she is thinking.

It kind of makes you think, doesnt it?64Most Effective ImagesPeople: we relate to people.No BackgroundHalfway off the Screen

Points are starting points, for elaboration 65Title Goes HereSubtitle (created for, ect.)www.learnitanytime.com

Logo/graphic goes here(software / client logo)Why Learn iT! Anytime?Easy to follow: Beginner through AdvancedTeachers ranked among the highest in Microsoft and Adobe ratings20 years teaching to industry leaders Innovative try it yourself method

Memberships to LearnItAnytime.comFull tracking and Metrics AvailableHost on Your LMS or NetworkSCORM, and other formats available.

We host, or you host! Choose from:

Most Effective ImagesPeopleNo BackgroundHalfway off the Screen

Points are starting points, for elaboration 69

Sales are way downCorporate review is comingRemember thisPowerPoint Tips

Create 4 slides, with these titles.

Find a white-background image for each slide. Slide the image part way off the screen. 70STEERING COMMITTEEImportant PointsHighlighted here About a thing

Important PointsHighlighted here About a thingThese people are thinking about the future.71STEERING COMMITTEEImportant PointsHighlighted here About a thing

People looking left to right are looking to the future.

Right to left, the past.

These people are thinking about the past.72

Think of a green initiative Imagine a better systemRemember last yearBe concerned about thisChoose 2 of these topics and make slides.

Find a white-background image for each slide. Slide the image part way off the screen. 73USEHARD EDGE IMAGE?A REALISTIC EFFECT!

Click the image and apply an effect on the Format tab. 74IMPORTANT:Use presentation structures.Dont read to your audience.One topic per slide. Speaker notes first. Follow design guidelines.Use images to influence.