Preguntas 1 de 5 2.0 Puntos Galileo Galilee was born in the year 1564 in Europe wracked by enriching havoc and spiritual disagreement. The father and popes of the Roman extensive Church, influential in their roles as both spiritual and worldly leaders, had established defenseless to the experienced and immoral spirit of the age, and their private dissipation brought the status of the papacy to momentous lows. In 1517, Martin Luther, an earlier priest, shows aggression Catholicism for having become too grown-up and politically crooked and for incomprehensible the basics of Christianity with pagan essentials. His improvement zeal, which requested to a concept of an unusual, “cleaned” Christianity, set in motion the Protestant restoration and divides European Christianity in two sections. In answer, Roman Catholicism strengthens itself for conflict and begins with the Counter improvement, which highlighted convention and loyalty to the right church. The Counter improvement reinvigorated the church and, to some point, eliminates its immoderation. But the Counter restoration also give to the turn down of the Italian rebirth, a recovery of arts and letters that required to get well and revise the traditional talent and beliefs of prehistoric Greece and Rome. The priest and popes had once been big clientele of regeneration skill and sciences but the Counter restoration put an ending to the church’s liberal leniency in this region. In addition, the church’s latest stress on spiritual belief would soon conflict with the up-and-coming systematic rebellion. Galileo, with his learning of astronomy, establishes himself at the middle of this conflict. Conventional astronomers of Galileo’s era, working with no telescopes, attributed without digression to the prehistoric speculation of self-absorption. This assumption of astronomy detained that the earth lay at the middle of the planetary system, scoped by equally the sun and the further planets. Certainly, to the informal spectator, it seemed common intellect that as the sun “rise” in the daybreak and “set” at nighttime, it should have circled in the region of the earth. Prehistoric establishment like the Roman and Aristotle astronomer Ptolemy had won this point of view, and the idea also agreed with the extensive Church’s sight of the world, which located mankind, God’s major formation, at the middle of the universe. Supported by common intellect, the prehistoric logician, and the church, the geocentric replica of the world seemed protected in its influence. The Ptolemaic assumption, on the other hand, was not impermeable to show aggression. In the 16th century, astronomers stressed to create new explanation fit Ptolemy’s geocentric replica of the world. More and more compound arithmetical systems were required to settle these latest clarification with Ptolemy’s structure of joining path. Nicholas Copernicus, a good astronomer, explicitly questioned the Ptolemaic scheme and anticipated a heliocentric scheme in which the planets which consists of Earth tracked the sun which is also known as Helios. This precisely pleasing way of placing the planetary system did not draw many followers at first, since the obtainable data did not yet hold up an extensive desertion of Ptolemy’s scheme. By the end of the 16th century, on the other hand, astronomers like Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) had also started to hold Copernicus’s assumption. In the end, Galileo’s telescope strikes a deadly drive to the Ptolemaic scheme. But, in a common sense, the telescope was also almost deadly to Galileo himself. The extensive Church, to a great extent trying to grasp the Protestant heresy at inlet,

Practica de ingles

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Preguntas 1 de 5

2.0 Puntos

Galileo Galilee was born in the year 1564 in Europe wracked by enriching havoc and spiritual

disagreement. The father and popes of the Roman extensive Church, influential in their roles as

both spiritual and worldly leaders, had established defenseless to the experienced and immoral

spirit of the age, and their private dissipation brought the status of the papacy to momentous

lows. In 1517, Martin Luther, an earlier priest, shows aggression Catholicism for having become

too grown-up and politically crooked and for incomprehensible the basics of Christianity with

pagan essentials. His improvement zeal, which requested to a concept of an unusual, “cleaned”

Christianity, set in motion the Protestant restoration and divides European Christianity in two

sections. In answer, Roman Catholicism strengthens itself for conflict and begins with the Counter

improvement, which highlighted convention and loyalty to the right church. The Counter

improvement reinvigorated the church and, to some point, eliminates its immoderation. But the

Counter restoration also give to the turn down of the Italian rebirth, a recovery of arts and letters

that required to get well and revise the traditional talent and beliefs of prehistoric Greece and


The priest and popes had once been big clientele of regeneration skill and sciences but the

Counter restoration put an ending to the church’s liberal leniency in this region. In addition, the

church’s latest stress on spiritual belief would soon conflict with the up-and-coming systematic

rebellion. Galileo, with his learning of astronomy, establishes himself at the middle of this conflict.

Conventional astronomers of Galileo’s era, working with no telescopes, attributed without

digression to the prehistoric speculation of self-absorption. This assumption of astronomy

detained that the earth lay at the middle of the planetary system, scoped by equally the sun and

the further planets. Certainly, to the informal spectator, it seemed common intellect that as the

sun “rise” in the daybreak and “set” at nighttime, it should have circled in the region of the earth.

Prehistoric establishment like the Roman and Aristotle astronomer Ptolemy had won this point of

view, and the idea also agreed with the extensive Church’s sight of the world, which located

mankind, God’s major formation, at the middle of the universe. Supported by common intellect,

the prehistoric logician, and the church, the geocentric replica of the world seemed protected in

its influence. The Ptolemaic assumption, on the other hand, was not impermeable to show


In the 16th century, astronomers stressed to create new explanation fit Ptolemy’s geocentric

replica of the world. More and more compound arithmetical systems were required to settle these

latest clarification with Ptolemy’s structure of joining path. Nicholas Copernicus, a good

astronomer, explicitly questioned the Ptolemaic scheme and anticipated a heliocentric scheme in

which the planets which consists of Earth tracked the sun which is also known as Helios. This

precisely pleasing way of placing the planetary system did not draw many followers at first, since

the obtainable data did not yet hold up an extensive desertion of Ptolemy’s scheme. By the end of

the 16th century, on the other hand, astronomers like Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) had also

started to hold Copernicus’s assumption. In the end, Galileo’s telescope strikes a deadly drive to

the Ptolemaic scheme. But, in a common sense, the telescope was also almost deadly to Galileo

himself. The extensive Church, to a great extent trying to grasp the Protestant heresy at inlet,

Page 2: Practica de ingles

could not recognize a systematic beating on its own theory of the world. The stress of the age set

in suggestion a momentous argument between belief and science, one which would conclude in

1633 when the church put Galileo on test, forced him to take back his stated and in print scientific

viewpoint, and put him below enduring house capture.

During the Renaissance, the extensive Church

A. was focused on holiness as conflicting to worldly matters

B. supported Martin Luther’s views on religion and the church

C. had limited contact with the spiritual affairs of the commoners

D. promoted the arts as a way to limit the public influence of scientists

E. saw little clash between its own objective and those of the arts and sciences Borra selección

Preguntas 2 de 5

2.0 Puntos

Which of the following best states the major thought in this passage?

A. Science always clashes with faith

B. Scientific assumptions should encourage religious policies

C. Science operates in a vacuum

D. Science is defenseless to outer social forces

E. A higher system is the only way to satisfy scientific theories Borra selección

Preguntas 3 de 5

2.0 Puntos

Which of the following was not a cause for Martin Luther’s assault on the extensive Church?

A. Pagan elements in its performance

B. the amorality of its management

Page 3: Practica de ingles

C. its unnecessary attention to piety

D. its dishonesty and worldliness

E. Popes' political participation Borra selección

Preguntas 4 de 5

2.0 Puntos

The author’s tone in this passage is

A. analytical

B. troubled

C. cynical

D. concerned

E. apathetic Borra selección

Preguntas 5 de 5

2.0 Puntos

Which of the following best elucidates why the extensive Church started the Counter restoration?

A. to clash systematic heresy

B. to counter Protestant dispute

C. to fresh out its own status

D. to revive artists and thinkers

E. to choose a new pope Borra selección

Preguntas 1 de 5

2.0 Puntos

Page 4: Practica de ingles

Galileo Galilei nació en el año 1564 en Europa sacudida por enriquecer el caos y desacuerdo

espiritual. El padre y papas de la extensa Iglesia Romana, influyente en su papel de ambos líderes

espirituales y mundanas, habían establecido indefenso al espíritu con experiencia e inmoral de la

época, y su disipación privada traído el estado del papado a mínimos trascendentales. En 1517,

Martín Lutero, un sacerdote antes, muestra el catolicismo agresión por haber vuelto demasiado

adulta y políticamente torcida y para incomprensibles los fundamentos del cristianismo con lo

esencial paganos. Su celo mejora, que pidió a un concepto de un inusual "limpiar" el cristianismo,

puesto en marcha la restauración protestante y divide el cristianismo europeo en dos secciones.

En respuesta, el catolicismo romano se fortalece para el conflicto y comienza con la mejora

Contador, que destacó la convención y la lealtad a la iglesia correcta. La mejora Contador revitalizó

la iglesia y, hasta cierto punto, elimina su desmesura. Pero la restauración Contador también dan a

la vuelta abajo del renacimiento italiano, una recuperación de las artes y las letras que requiere

ser sano y revisar el talento y las creencias de la prehistoria Grecia y Roma tradicional.

El sacerdote y papas una vez habían sido los grandes clientes de la habilidad de regeneración y las

ciencias, pero la restauración Contador poner un final a la indulgencia liberal de la iglesia en esta

región. Además, el último el estrés de la iglesia en la creencia espiritual pronto entraría en

conflicto con la rebelión sistemática up-and-coming. Galileo, con su aprendizaje de la astronomía,

establece a sí mismo en medio de este conflicto. Astrónomos convencionales de la época de

Galileo, que trabajan sin telescopios, atribuyeron sin digresión a la especulación prehistórico de

ensimismamiento. Esta asunción de la astronomía detenido que la tierra se encontraba en el

centro del sistema planetario, con ámbito por igual el sol y los planetas más. Ciertamente, al

espectador informal, parecía intelecto común que como el "aumento" de sol en el amanecer y el

"ajuste" en la noche, debería haber un círculo en la región de la tierra. Establecimiento

prehistórico como el romano y Aristóteles astrónomo Ptolomeo había ganado este punto de vista,

y la idea también estuvo de acuerdo con la vista el extenso de la Iglesia del mundo, que se

encuentra la humanidad, la formación principal de Dios, en el centro del universo. Con el apoyo de

inteligencia común, el lógico prehistórico, y la iglesia, la réplica geocéntrica del mundo parecía

protegida en su influencia. El supuesto Ptolemaic, por otra parte, no era impermeable para

mostrar agresión.

En el siglo 16, los astrónomos hicieron hincapié en crear nueva explicación encaja réplica

geocéntrica de Ptolomeo del mundo. Se necesitan más y más compuestos sistemas aritméticos

para resolver estas últimas aclaraciones con la estructura de unirse a la trayectoria de Ptolomeo.

Nicolás Copérnico, un buen astrónomo, cuestionó explícitamente el esquema de Ptolomeo y

anticipó un esquema heliocéntrico en el que los planetas que consiste en un seguimiento de la

Tierra del sol, que también es conocido como Helios. De esta manera, precisamente agradable de

colocar el sistema planetario no dibujar muchos seguidores al principio, ya que los datos

obtenibles aún no poseía una extensa deserción de esquema de Ptolomeo. A finales del siglo 16,

por otro lado, los astrónomos como Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) habían comenzado también a

sostener la hipótesis de Copérnico. Al final, el telescopio de Galileo logra un coche mortal para el

esquema de Ptolomeo. Pero, en un sentido común, el telescopio también era casi mortal para el

mismo Galileo. La extensa Iglesia, en gran medida, tratando de captar la herejía protestante en la

entrada, no podía reconocer una paliza sistemática sobre su propia teoría del mundo. El estrés de

la edad establecido en la sugerencia de un argumento trascendental entre la creencia y la ciencia,

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una que concluiría en 1633 cuando la iglesia puso Galileo en la prueba, lo obligó a retirar su huella

punto de vista científico establecido y en, y lo puso debajo perdurable captura de casa .

Durante el Renacimiento, la extensa Iglesia

A. se centró en la santidad como contradictoria a los asuntos mundanos

B. apoyó las ideas de Martín Lutero sobre la religión y la iglesia

C. tuvo un contacto limitado con los asuntos espirituales de los plebeyos

D. promovió las artes como una manera de limitar la influencia pública de científicos

E. vio poco choque entre su propio objetivo y las de las artes y las ciencias Borra Selección

Preguntas 2 de 5

2.0 Puntos

¿Cuál de los siguientes mejores estados el principal pensamiento en este pasaje?

A. La ciencia siempre choca con la fe

B. supuestos científicos deben alentar políticas religiosas

C. Ciencia opera en el vacío

D. La ciencia es indefensa a las fuerzas sociales externas

E. Un sistema superior es la única forma de satisfacer las teorías científicas

Borra Selección

Preguntas 3 de 5

2.0 Puntos

¿Cuál de los siguientes no era un motivo de asalto de Martin Lutero en la amplia Iglesia?

Elementos de A. Pagan en su desempeño

B. la amoralidad de su gestión

Page 6: Practica de ingles

C. su atención innecesaria a la piedad

D. su deshonestidad y la mundanidad

Participación política E. Papas '

Borra Selección

Preguntas 4 de 5

2.0 Puntos

El tono del autor en este pasaje es

A. analítica

B. turbó

C. cínica

D. Preocupado

E. apática

Borra Selección

Preguntas 5 de 5

2.0 Puntos

¿Cuál de los siguientes mejor aclaraciones respecto a la razón por la amplia Iglesia comenzó la

restauración del contador?

A. chocar herejía sistemática

B. para contrarrestar disputa protestante

C para recién salido de su propio estado

D. revivir artistas y pensadores

E. para elegir un nuevo Papa

Borra Selección