Grammar 3 2012 1 Faculty of Foreign Languages & International Studies. Compiled by Tran Thanh Hung PRACTICE TEST ONE Quick review on clauses ( subordinate and main clauses ) Underline and classify the subordinate clauses in the following sentences : 1-Even if he went down or bent knees I wouldn’t forgive him. 2- Unless the strike has been called off there will be no trains tomorrow. 3- Whereas John seems rather stupid his brother is clever. 4- As Jane was the eldest she looked after the others. 5- We planted many shrubs so that the garden soon looked beautiful. 6- They went wherever they could find work. 7-He gave whoever came to the door a winning smile. 8-I told him he was wrong. 9-No one will dare override what the towns decide. 10-She’s always felt that films should be entertaining. II Underline all the non-finite clauses in the following sentences : 1-To be an administrator is to have the worst job in the world. 2-When we meet I shall explain everything. 3-To be honest I’ve never liked him. 4-The ship battered by the storm crept into the harbor. 5- When this was done they packed up their tools and went home. 6-My favourite thing to do is collecting actors’ photographs . 7-Never flown in an aero plane before the little girl was surprised and a little frightened when her ears popped. 8-Ann advised her sister to catch the plane instead of driving to Oregon. III Underline the non-finite clause and indicate whether it is with or without subject : 1-The best thing would be to tell everybody. 2-The best thing would be for you to tell everybody. 3-All I did was hit him on the head. 4-Rather than John do it I’d prefer to give the job to Mary. 5-Leaving the room he tripped over the mat. 6-Her aunt having left the room I declared my passionate love for Celia.


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Grammar 3 2012

1 Faculty of Foreign Languages & International Studies. Compiled by Tran Thanh Hung


Quick review on clauses ( subordinate and main clauses )

Underline and classify the subordinate clauses in the following sentences :

1-Even if he went down or bent knees I wouldn’t forgive him.

2- Unless the strike has been called off there will be no trains tomorrow.

3- Whereas John seems rather stupid his brother is clever.

4- As Jane was the eldest she looked after the others.

5- We planted many shrubs so that the garden soon looked beautiful.

6- They went wherever they could find work.

7-He gave whoever came to the door a winning smile.

8-I told him he was wrong.

9-No one will dare override what the towns decide.

10-She’s always felt that films should be entertaining.

II Underline all the non-finite clauses in the following sentences :

1-To be an administrator is to have the worst job in the world.

2-When we meet I shall explain everything.

3-To be honest I’ve never liked him.

4-The ship battered by the storm crept into the harbor.

5- When this was done they packed up their tools and went home.

6-My favourite thing to do is collecting actors’ photographs.

7-Never flown in an aero plane before the little girl was surprised and a little frightened when her

ears popped.

8-Ann advised her sister to catch the plane instead of driving to Oregon.

III Underline the non-finite clause and indicate whether it is with or without subject :

1-The best thing would be to tell everybody.

2-The best thing would be for you to tell everybody.

3-All I did was hit him on the head.

4-Rather than John do it I’d prefer to give the job to Mary.

5-Leaving the room he tripped over the mat.

6-Her aunt having left the room I declared my passionate love for Celia.


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2 Faculty of Foreign Languages & International Studies. Compiled by Tran Thanh Hung

7-We left the room and went home the job finished.

8-I saw him running for the train.

9-I did not want to inconvenience my friend by asking her to drive me to the airport. So decided to

take a taxi.

10-Do you know the number of books ordered ?

IV Underline and classify the function of the non-finite clause in the following sentences :

1-The apple tree, swaying gently in the breeze had a good crop of fruit.

2-That seems hard to do but is less difficult than it looks.

3-The rain having stopped we went home.

4-The photographs published in the newspaper were extraordinary.

5-Lying on her bed in peace and quiet she soon forgot her troubles.

6-I found my seat occupied.

7-When entering the town you will see the monument in front of you.

8-In spite of being busy he did all he could to help her.

9-The fence surrounding the garden is newly painted.

10-Since everyone appears to be present the meeting can now begin.

V Underline and classify the non-finite and verbless clauses in the following sentences

1-It is useless to discuss the question.

2-When in Rome do as the Roman does.

3-Too nervous to reply he stared at the door.

4-While in the army he learnt a great deal about electricity.

5-Whether right or wrong he always comes off worst in an argument.

6-When ripe these apples will be delicious.


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3 Faculty of Foreign Languages & International Studies. Compiled by Tran Thanh Hung

7-She looked with disgust at the dog quiet now in Dinah’s grasp.

8-A married man I have many responsibilities.

9-The President aware of the gravity of the problem decided to consult his team of advisors.

10-I have tried to consciously stop worrying about it.


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I Underline and classify the function of the non-finite and verbless clauses in the following sentences:

1-You must learn to work hard and to deal with difficulties.

2-She sang when allowed to do so.

3-The long journey over we relaxed in the warm sunshine.

4-He was a delightful companion always cheerful and considerate

5-Having been invited to speak and then being told to keep silent I shall never come here again as

long as I live.

6-I was terrified to tell you the truth.

7-To speak in public for the first time can be a terrifying experience.

8-His greatest pleasure climbing mountains had to be abandoned.

9-While in the army he learnt a great deal about electricity.

10-I expect everyone to be punctual this evening.

11-Until you are asked to speak you would be well advised to remain silent.

12- The important thing to do now is not to panic.

13-Crowds were waiting at the airport hoping to see Madonna arrive.

14-To turn down the invitation seems rude.

15-Whether busy or not you have to come to the ceremony next Monday.

16-Walking quickly is difficult for her now.

17-Not feeling very well I decided to stay at home.

18-They pump waste into the water killing all the fish.

19-The child crying over there always helps me with my housework.

20-His ambition to be a straight actor was never fulfilled.

21-The fence surrounding the garden is newly painted.

22-Having reached to classroom she became the object of many questions.

23-Being of a more slender figure and having a richer complexion Mrs. Snow looked younger than

her sister.

24-I saw that young man and his wife talking to the Dean on the stairs.

25-Exhausted after the long journey I fell asleep at once.

26-Applicants sent in after 23rd

March will not be considered.

27-The show having finished the man left the studio.

28-When entering the town you will see the monument in front of you.

29-In spite of being busy he did all he could to help her.

30-He has no right to come to bother you without being invited.

31-The gallery intends to buy more pictures painted by local artists.

32-As a farmer he has to get up early.

33-To be with you here this evening is a great pleasure.

34-After having her umbrella in the hall she entered the living room.

35-Anyone not hearing that noise must have been stone deaf.


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5 Faculty of Foreign Languages & International Studies. Compiled by Tran Thanh Hung

II Give a “ general analyze” to the following passages :

1-Tired of the large molehills that flourished on his lawn Mr. Oscar decided to remove them.

2- Their father Lao once a lecture in psychology now their business manager wanted to test the hot-

housing theory : that if you subject a normally intelligent child to intensive specialized training in a

particular discipline at a very early age you will produce excellence.

3-Being informed that the flight would be delayed we made other arrangements.

4-They received a steady flow of offers and propositions including one from a man who wanted their

help in killing and robbing a Brooklyn couple.

5-Perhaps the most entertaining tablet under-earthed is one presumably written by a child probably

one of the sons of the 9th

cohort of Batavians-troops from what is now Holland.

6-For decades it had been known that people often do not see or hear things presented to their

senses but do ‘see’ and’ hear’ things that have not occurred.

7-Nicolas and his wife though they were bitterly cold remained to cheer with the thousands that had

gathered in front of the palace gates.

8- James controlled himself for he did not want to betray his surprise and his whole future depended

on success at this interview.

9-Richard though he had not previously answered any questions when the teacher asked him now said

that he knew the answer to this one because it was in the lesson that he had just read.

Watching children particularly when they don’t know you are doing so is a particular pleasure.

10- Dr. William Porter who once worked as a professor at Boston University suggested in his article.

‚The effects of Marijuana on Motor Response,‛ that pot-smokers’ reactions are slower.


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I Isolate the non-finite clauses verbless clauses and denote their functions :

1-Standing here all day is extremely tiring.

2-Glancing up at my tired face she asked in a rather grating voice how I feeling.

3-I ran over a dog crossing the square.

4-Taken daily vitamin pills can improve your health.

5-Not very satisfactory with the results of the competition he said nothing to us.

6-Although a very pretty girl she agreed to marry an ugly man.

7-I will never let you use my bicycle again.

8-Though shouting as loudly as possible the rescuers could not hear us.

9-She dislikes her present job typing letters all day so she is looking for a better one.

10-Whether here or not his application will have to be considered.

11-Always afraid of snakes she shut every door and window at night.

12-I’m glad to have you as my best friend.

13-The man responsible said the underground water had a high salt content.

14-Though absent frequently he managed to pas all the tests.

15-Leaflets giving full details of the program are available at the information desk.

II Classify the function of the dependent clauses in the sentences below under the following headings:

subject direct object subject complement object complement appositive ( apposition ) adjunct disjunct

conjunct post modifier in noun phrase prepositional complement ( object of preposition ), adjectival


* Examples of adjunct disjunct and conjunct :

To be sure we have heard many such promises before. ( disjunct )

Strictly speaking nobody is allowed here ( disjunct )

What is more he has lost the friends he had. ( conjunct )

When we meet I shall explain everything. ( adjunct )

1-As the sun went down behind the church the trees suddenly became still.

2-I was terrified to tell you the truth.

3-One afternoon I was sitting on the wall dividing our house from the churchyard.

4-In daylight I thought of the Roman remains that had been dug up under our house.

5-Walking along from St Mary’s you come to a high wall.

6-You find the wall heightens suddenly

7-We found the wall overgrown with ivy.

8-What I remember most of that evening is the reasonableness of my father’s argument.

9-The truth that I really wanted to learn suddenly dawned on my poor father.

10-The truth is that I really liked him.

11-What is more important I suddenly felt ashamed of my childishness.

12-My father was sure that I would overcome my fears.


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13-He strongly disapproved of what I had been doing.

14-Now I often meet men who were once at school with me.

15-Whenever I encounter one of them I feel an outsider.

16-However seeing George again has left me much more confident.

17-If I may say so that dress doesn’t suit you.

18-There are twelve people present to be precise.

III Give a full analysis to the following text :


Whenever Henry Wilt took the dog for a walk or to be more accurate when the dog took him or

to be more exact when Mrs. Wilt told them both to go and take themselves out of the house so that

she could do her yoga exercises he always took the same route. In fact the dog followed the route

and Wilt followed the dog. They went down past the Post Office across the playground under the

railway bridge and out onto the footpath by the river. A mile along the river and then under the

railway line again and back through streets where the houses were bigger than Wilt’s semi and where

there were large trees and gardens and the cars were all Rovers and Mercedes. It was here that

Clem a pedigree Labrador evidently feeling more at home did his business while Wilt stood

looking around rather uneasily conscious that this was not his sort of neighborhood and wishing it

was. It was about the only time during their walk that he was at all aware of his surroundings. For the

rest of the way Wilt’s walk was an interior one and followed an itinerary completely at variance with

his own appearance and that of his route. It was in fact a journey of wishful thinking a pilgrimage a

long tails of remote possibility involving the irrevocable disappearance of Mrs. Wilt the sudden

acquisition of wealth power what he would do if he was appointed Minister of Education or

better still Prime Minister. It was partly concocted of a series of desperate expedients and partly in

an unspoken dialogue so that anyone noticing Wilt ( and most people didn’t ) might have seen his lips


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move occasionally and his mouth curl into what he fondly imagined was a sardonic smile as he dealt

with questions or parried arguments with devastating repartee. It was on one of these walks taken in

the rain after a particularly trying day at Tech that Wilt first conceived the notion that he would only

be able to fulfill his latent promise and call his life his own if some not entirely fortuitous disaster

overtook his wife.


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I Isolate the non-finite clauses verbless clauses and denote their functions :

1-Reluctant to accept the job she was thought to be inattentive to her future.

2-Working in an orphanage and enjoying the work Derek Croft was now finding life more exciting.

3-I hardly ever failed when I went through the village to see a row of man sitting in the sun.

4-He encouraged us to win our support.

5-He encouraged us to visit him again.

6-When fully grown these trees are magnificent sights.

7-It is not easy keeping in touch with him.

8-She hates her job sitting at the desk and typing letters all day long.

9-When in trouble ask me if necessary.

10-The patients sad at the news refused to eat anything.

11-The newcomers all experts in programming eagerly asked the rector about their own network

when arrived.

12-After the bombing many families never returned to their homes in east London now a shamble of

ruined buildings.

II Analyze the following passages generally :

1-The man at the window turned round and showed me that he was going on fifty and had soft ash

grey hair and plenty of it and a heavy handsome face with nothing unusual about it except a short

puckered scar in his left cheek that had almost the effect of a deep dimple.

2-Although he had a new blade he did not cut himself once ; he shaved cautiously rather than closely

while the pot of coffee which his landlady had brought him grew cold on the washstand.

3-She remembered once saying to Cecil Mary’s husband who after all was supposed to be a

painter when they were standing in the garden once summer evening before dinner that the sunset

and sunrise were God’s loveliest gifts to mortals if only they were not too blind to be able to


4- As dawn approached the sky grew red the crowds became quieter the cold was making itself felt

somewhat less acutely and an atmosphere of steady calm replaced the extremes of indifference on

the one hand and uncontrolled abandon on the other.

5-Among the many tributes paid to him was one which said his services to the free world had been


6-Three men cramped together on their belies in a dead end were doing their best to revive another

man who lay in a huddle attitude his body slewed sideways one shoulder pointing backwards lost

seemingly in the mass of rock behind him.


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III Explain the difference interpretations of TURN ON in the following sentences and note any

grammatical differences associated with the different meanings :

a- James turned on the radio but the battery was dead.

b- The pit bull turned on Janet and mauled her viciously.

c- The silver limousine turned on Park Lane and parked in front of the museum.

IV Describe the ambiguity in the following sentence :

The taxi turned into a parking garage.

V Use any appropriate tests to demonstrate whether the forms in bold print are prepositional verbs

phrasal verbs or just ordinary verbs followed by prepositional phrases :

a- They should not put off a decision.

b- An independent was running for president that year.

c- The commissioner turned in his resignation.


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I The structure of the verb phrase can be analyzed in a number of ways including the following :

1-verb + particle 2- verb + prepositional phrase

3- verb + particle + pre. phrase 4- verb + adverb ( prepositional adverb )

5- verb + adverb + pre. phrase 6- transitive phrasal verb + object

7- prepositional verb + object 8-phrasal prepositional verb + object

Indicate in which of those eight ways the verb phrase in each of the sentences below can be analyzed:

1-He always got angry when he looked at me.

2-We were just talking about that article.

3-The police will call in a car.

4-You must come up to my office.

5-Let’s go on to the next train.

6-I don’t know how she puts up with his cruelty to her.

7-The actor took the President beautifully.

8-You must cut down on cigarettes.

9-Swim across the river !

10-They try to put across this message.

11-They finally decided to set off on a journey.

II Replace the object in each of these sentences by the corresponding pronoun :

E. g : Back up the hill Back up it.

Back up your friends Back them up.

1-Call off the game 2-Come off my bed

3- Get over the wall 4-Get this meeting over

5-Run in the race 6-Run in the engine

7-Set up this ladder 8-Set up production

9-You take after your father 10-I took to John at once

11-You can take over my job 12- Don’t turn on the light

13- Turn down this street 14- Turn down his proposal

III Put the adverb in the sentence :

E. g : They looked at the picture ( carefully )

They looked carefully at the picture

They looked at the picture carefully

1-They turned on the gas ( slowly )

2-He’s catching up with the ladder ( quickly )

3-The negotiation have broken down ( completely )

4-The crowd made for shelter ( hurriedly )

5-I’ll look into your complaint ( immediately )

6- He puts up with any inconvenience ( patiently )


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III Fill in the blank with appropriate phrasal verbs given below :

1-Perhaps some day it will be pleasant to ….on these things.

2-That boy is getting fatter. You’ll have to …..his clothes.

3-He is a retired admiral and still has the habit of ……people.

4-Isn’t it time you and Ann …..your quarrel.

5- I ……to book seats for tonight.

6-When the important of foreign tomatoes was forbidden home growers ….their prices.

7-That strike …….a series of strikes throughout the country.

8-The station was crowed with boys going back to school and parents who were …..them …off.

9-He turned on both taps full and left the bathroom. When he came back he found that the water was …….

10-He behaved so badly in college that he …..and never got his degree.

11-Mr. Pitter …..Parliament five years ago but he wasn’t elected.

12-Tom tried to make a speech defending himself but the crowd wouldn’t listen to his explanation and ……him


13-At first he ……us …….by his stories and we tried to help him ; but later we learnt that his stories were all lies.

14-He has never quiet been able to …..a reputation for drinking too much which he got when he was a young


15-She has to be polite to me in the office but when we meet outside she always ….me.




IV Find the multiword verbs in the following passage and indicate whether they are intransitive phrasal verbs

separable transitive phrasal verbs non-separable transitive phrasal verbs or prepositional verbs :

Jessica and Marvin came down to see the Watsons off. They had put up the Watsons for the past week at their

summer cottage and had looked after them well. The plane was to take off at three o’clock. They parked in an

ugly concrete structure and crossed over to the terminal where Jessica and Marvin helped the Watsons carry in

their baggage. Marvin saw to it that they had plenty of reading material for the flight. The young man who

checked in the Watsons asked them of they wanted to take out additional baggage insurance but they turned

down this offer. They had already looked into the advantages of extra insurance and had found out that they

didn’t need it. They didn’t believe in excessive insurance.

V Explain the different uses of

a-the word ON in the following sentences :

1-He stopped and turned on the engine but nothing changed.

2-The police stared at the car turning on the deserted lane leading to the victim’s house.

b- the word CROSS in the following sentences :

1-I came across her letter when I was clearing up my room last Saturday.

2-The child seeing nothing but his small pet coming across the busy street.


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VI Identify nonfinite clauses and verbless clauses :

1-Not being able to control his curiosity the professor asks the figure-blind dunderhead how he managed to

amass his fortune.

2-It is quite ridiculous for Harrison to go to Birmingham.

3-1-Since graduating she has become an engineer.

4-He invited me to keep me happy.

3-The man responsible said the underground water had a high salt content.

5-My greatest pleasure listening to music had to be abandoned.

6-I like yogurt made in France.

7-We worked on the project until finishing it.

8-The Minister continued to address his audience.

9-Though fond of Jeff Mary doesn’t want to marry him.

10-Having always been interested in sports Linda became an avid supporters of the team.

11-I waited to ask him a question.

12-Bob had his car fixed by a machine.

13-The manager made the salesmen attend the conference.

14-Though absent frequently he has managed to pass the test.

15- I’m glad to have you as me best friend.

16-What I want now is to leave here at once.

17-The best way to solve this problem is working in big groups.

18-Leaflets giving full details of the program are available at the information desk.

19-I look forward to seeing you and your children next week.

20-Walking in the country is a lovely way to spend a day.

21-The restaurant having closed there was nowhere to eat.


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I. Change the position of the word underlined if it is mobile :

1-The Spertans brought up their children strictly.

2-Lester gradually caught up with the leaders.

3-I don’t want to break up the party.

4-The meeting broke up in disorder.

5-We must hurry to make up for lost time .

6-Please send this telegram off urgently.

7-Why don’t you take off your coat.

8-Please get that parcel off at once.

9-We must find out the answer somehow.

10-Be careful ! Don’t run over that child.

II. Fill in the blank with the given phrasal verbs :

1-The headmaster …..the meeting by thanking the parents.

2-When we have dinner very late we don’t ….till the next morning.

3-The car struck the wall and ……

4-The creamery turns out ……two hundred tons of butter a week.

5-I’m definitely interested in the house. I’d like to ……it.

6-That strike …..a series of strikes throughout the country.

7-The drunken man stepped into the road right in front of the oncoming car. The driver couldn’t stop

in time and ….him.

8-I’ll ….my visit Scotland till the weather is warmer.

9-As we drove through the city the guide ……the most important buildings.

10-I can’t …..the address he has written it so badly.

look up mix up live down look on make out make up pull off put off point out take on round up wind up

run over see over turn over wash up set off turn out.

III Analyze the following passages :

1-Judit 12, who won men’s international master status at the unprecedented age of 11, and Zosfi, who

has just become a women’s grandmaster at 13, started playing chess before they were five were

educated by their parents for they never went to school and now put in five or six hours a day at the


2-Another cup he likes to make is a cup of low-caffeine Earl grey at night that is a cup of rose

Pouchong which is sprinkled with red rose petals if he happens to be at home in the evening.

3-Though we shouted as loudly as possible the rescuers couldn’t hear us for the cliffs that rose out

from the mountains effectively prevented the sound.


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4-This authority of the Knight though exerted in that odd manner which accompanies him in all the

circumstances of life has a very good effect upon the parish who are not polite enough to see anything

ridiculous in his behavior.

5-She remember once saying to Cecil Marjorie’s husband who after all was supposed to be painter

when they were standing in the garden one summer evening before dinner that the sunset and sunrise

were God’s loveliest gifts to mortals if only they were not to be able to appreciate them.

6-As he was observing the rules of the road he was keeping to the right when he saw the driver of the

truck behind pull out to over take him and prepared himself to stop at the station far beyond for he

believed that his instructor was waiting for him there.

7-I remembered that I had seen him in pictures a long time ago at least ten years ago because I

though didn’t remembered the pictures they were and what he did in them still remembered the dark

handsome face and the puckered scar that had almost the effect of a deep dimple.

V. Indicate the non-finite and verbless clauses :

1-I once watched a child of two and a half trying to stamp on little waves breaking across a wide

Cornish beach.

2-Come tomorrow if possible.

3-Mys sister always helpful to me gives me the money then.

4-He stared at the door too nervous to reply.

5-She hurriedly left the room as though angry.

6-When a boy I looked at such a thing differently.

7-When challenged he seems to be quite surprised.

8-To see her alone would be very indiscreet.

9-Whether here or not his application will have to be considered.

10-We found the room overcrowded with strangers.

11-For Obsbert to appear in public at such a time was rather courageous.

12-The plane for us to meet outside was absurd.


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Identify non-finite clauses and verbless clauses :

1-To be an administrator is to have the worst job in the world.

2-When we meet I shall explain everything.

3-To be honest I’ve never liked him.

4-The ship battered by the storm crept into the harbor.

5- When this was done they packed up their tools and went home.

6-My favourite thing to do is collecting actors’ photographs.

7-Never flown in an aero plane before the little girl was surprised and a little frightened when her

ears popped.

8-Ann advised her sister to catch the plane instead of driving to Oregon.

9-The apple tree, swaying gently in the breeze had a good crop of fruit.

10-That seems hard to do but is less difficult than it looks.

11-The rain having stopped we went home.

12-The photographs published in the newspaper were extraordinary.

13-Lying on her bed in peace and quiet she soon forgot her troubles.

14-I found my seat occupied.

15-When entering the town you will see the monument in front of you.

16-In spite of being busy he did all he could to help her.

17-The fence surrounding the garden is newly painted.

18-Since everyone appears to be present the meeting can now begin.

19-It is useless to discuss the question.


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20-When in Rome do as the Roman does.

21-Too nervous to reply he stared at the door.

22-While in the army he learnt a great deal about electricity.

23-Whether right or wrong he always comes off worst in an argument.

24-When ripe these apples will be delicious.

25-She looked with disgust at the dog quiet now in Dinah’s grasp.

26-A married man I have many responsibilities.

27-The President aware of the gravity of the problem decided to consult his team of advisors.

28-I have tried to consciously stop worrying about it.

29-You must learn to work hard and to deal with difficulties.

30-She sang when allowed to do so.

31-The long journey over we relaxed in the warm sunshine.

32-He was a delightful companion always cheerful and considerate

33-Having been invited to speak and then being told to keep silent I shall never come here again as

long as I live.

34-I was terrified to tell you the truth.

35-To speak in public for the first time can be a terrifying experience.

36-His greatest pleasure climbing mountains had to be abandoned.

37-While in the army he learnt a great deal about electricity.

38-I expect everyone to be punctual this evening.

39-Until you are asked to speak you would be well advised to remain silent.

40- The important thing to do now is not to panic.


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41-Crowds were waiting at the airport hoping to see Madonna arrive.

42-To turn down the invitation seems rude.

43-Whether busy or not you have to come to the ceremony next Monday.

44-Walking quickly is difficult for her now.

45-Not feeling very well I decided to stay at home.

46-They pump waste into the water killing all the fish.

47-The child crying over there always helps me with my housework.

48-His ambition to be a straight actor was never fulfilled.

49-The fence surrounding the garden is newly painted.

50-Having reached to classroom she became the object of many questions.

51-Being of a more slender figure and having a richer complexion Mrs. Snow looked younger than

her sister.

52-I saw that young man and his wife talking to the Dean on the stairs.

53-Exhausted after the long journey I fell asleep at once.

54-Applicants sent in after 23rd

March will not be considered.

55-The show having finished the man left the studio.

56-When entering the town you will see the monument in front of you.

57-In spite of being busy he did all he could to help her.

58-He has no right to come to bother you without being invited.

59-The gallery intends to buy more pictures painted by local artists.

60-As a farmer he has to get up early.

61-To be with you here this evening is a great pleasure.

62-After having her umbrella in the hall she entered the living room.


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63-Anyone not hearing that noise must have been stone deaf1-Standing here all day is extremely


64-Glancing up at my tired face she asked in a rather grating voice how I feeling.

65-I ran over a dog crossing the square.

66-Taken daily vitamin pills can improve your health.

67-Not very satisfactory with the results of the competition he said nothing to us.

68-Although a very pretty girl she agreed to marry an ugly man.

69-I will never let you use my bicycle again.

70-Though shouting as loudly as possible the rescuers could not hear us.

71-She dislikes her present job typing letters all day so she is looking for a better one.

72-Whether here or not his application will have to be considered.

73-Always afraid of snakes she shut every door and window at night.

74-I’m glad to have you as my best friend.

75-The man responsible said the underground water had a high salt content.

76-Though absent frequently he managed to pas all the tests.

77-Leaflets giving full details of the program are available at the information desk.

78-Reluctant to accept the job she was thought to be inattentive to her future.

79-Working in an orphanage and enjoying the work Derek Croft was now finding life more exciting.

80-I hardly ever failed when I went through the village to see a row of man sitting in the sun.

81-He encouraged us to win our support.

82-He encouraged us to visit him again.

83-When fully grown these trees are magnificent sights.


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84-It is not easy keeping in touch with him.

85-She hates her job sitting at the desk and typing letters all day long.

86-When in trouble ask me if necessary.

87-The patients sad at the news refused to eat anything.

88-The newcomers all experts in programming eagerly asked the rector about their own network

when arrived.

89-After the bombing many families never returned to their homes in east London now a shamble of

ruined buildings.


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I. Indicate whether the copulas used in the following sentences are current or result :

1-The splendor seems decidedly less splendid by day.

2-When I refused to give him my watch the man turned nasty.

3-He kept quiet about his win at the lottery.

4-I felt rather nervous all through the interview.

5-The weather stayed fine throughout the games.

6-The city by night looked medieval and cosmopolitant.

10-She will make a good wife.

11-The smell seemed a danger to health.

12-The increase in food prices this year was because of the drought.

13-transport to the mainland is by ferry.

14-The truck drivers are on strike.

15-We have to remain optimistic about the results.

16-The jokes my father makes usually fall flat.

17-People are getting tired of the constant rise in prices.

18-The label has come unstuck.

19-He was capable of extraordinary kindness.

20- He went on to become head of one of the company’s largest divisions.

III. Study the types of adjective complementation by to-infinitive in the following sentences :

1-I am very anxious to meet you.

2-We were delighted to receive your telegram.

3-You were sensible to stay indoors.

4-The clerk was prompt to answer the call.

5-This rule is easy to remember.

6-We are reluctant to leave this neighborhood.

7-Our house is not difficult to heat.

8-Unfortunately it isn’t easy to find.

9-Are you ready to leave ?

10-You would be foolish to go out in this weather.

11-john is quick to see the point.

12-He is very keen to get on.

13-We are proud to have him as a friend.

14-I was rude not to answer your letter.

15- We are happy to have you with us this evening.


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IV. Mono transitive complementation or Complex transitive complementation ?

1- We admitted not a mistake had been made.

2-Everyone considered the mistake to be very serious

3-We consider him to be one of out most loyal supporters.

4-We fully recognized that you have had great difficulties.

5-We find you innocent of all the charges.

6-We know your companion to be a trouble maker.

7-We have proved your story completely accurate.

8-We expected you to show a little more tact.

9-We regret that we mist make this criticism.

10-The Air Force has reported two planes missing.

11-The authorities meant you to complete this form and return.

12-We were booking for that book.

13-We found the work done properly.

14-George’s conduct made her very angry.

15-Tom approved of the meeting.

V. Complex transitive complementation or Ditransitive complementation?

1-John showed me that he was honest.

2-I advise you to be more careful.

3-Mary helped John to carry the bag.

4-He pushed the door wide open.

5-He bought a white hat for the girl.

6-I regret to tell you that John stole it.

7-She blamed John for the damage.

8-They appointed him ambassador to Peru.

9-The professor amused that the student knew some French.

10-Your shoes need cleaning.

11-This suit only cost me forty dollars.

12-We have already informed them of the decision.

13-She remains devoted to her work.

14-I think he misses someone taking care of him.

15-The townsfolk accorded us a warm welcome.

16-The other waitress wiped the table.

17-The drinks are for the journey.

18-The coat does not fit you.

19-John thought Mary exceptionally clever.

20-He got the watch repaired.


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21-They supplied guns to the terrorists.

22-Tim convinced me that he was right.

23-He told them where to go.

24-He thought desirable most of the women in the room.

25-I always have my coffee hot.

26-John resembles his father.

27-She didn’t wash the shirts as clean as Susan did.


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I. Indicate the non-finite and verbless clauses :

1-Working in an orphanage and enjoying the work Derek Croft was now finding life more exciting.

2-I hardly ever failed when I went through the village to see a row of man sitting in the sun.

3-He encouraged us to join in the party.

4-When fully grown these trees are magnificent sights.

5-It is not easy keeping in touch with him.

6-She hates her job sitting at the desk and typing letters all day long.

7-When in trouble ask me if necessary.

8-The patients sad at the news refused to eat anything.

9-The newcomers all experts in programming eagerly asked the rector about their own network

when arrived.

10-After the bombing many families never returned to their homes in east London now a shamble of

ruined buildings.

II. Sentence analysis :

1-At a certain season of our life we are accustomed to consider every spot as the possible place for a


2-One young man I know who had become the owner of some acres when his father died told me that

he thought he would live as I did if he had the means.

3-Time is only the stream I go fishing in. I dink at it but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and find

that it is not very deep.

4-To read well, that is to read true books in a true spirit is a noble exercise and one that is approved

by the custom of today.

5-Most of them have learned to read simply for their convenience in small matters as they have

learned to work with figures in order to keep a record of what they spend and earn.

6-The man at the window turned round and showed me that he was going on fifty and had soft-ash

grey hair and plenty of it and a heavy handsome face with nothing unusual about it expect a short

puckered scar in his left cheek that had almost the effect of a deep dimple.

7-If a student began to stumble over an answer the others fought to grab the question for

themselves bellowing for teacher’s attention.

8-Although he had a new blade he did not cut himself once; he shaved cautiously rather than closely

while the pot of coffee which his landlady had brought him grew cold on the washstand.


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9-After the bombing many families never returned to their homes in east London now a shamble of

ruined buildings.

10-Among the many tributes paid to him was one which said his services to the free world had been


III. Phrasal verbs :

Fill in the blank with the given words :

[ run away, clear up work out put off, turn over put up with look through live down look after make up carry out

mix up walk out turn away try out keep off leave off.]

1-You are here not to think for yourself ; you are here to ….my orders.

2-The sky looks a bit cloudy now but I think it will ……

3-Isn’t it time for you and he ……your quarrel ?

4-He ……the addresses so that no one got the right letters.

5-He ………the books and decided that he wouldn’t like them.

6-Will you …..my parrot when I am away?

7-He has never quite been able to …..a reputation for drinking.

8-Some people …..making their wills till it is too late.

9-We had to …..a lot of noise when the children were at home.

10-He ……from home and got a job in a garage.

11-He used his calculator to ……the cost.

12- The car struck the wall and ……

Rewrite these sentences changing the position of the object where possible :

1-I knocked the heater over.

2-I paid the money back.

3-We rang Carlos back.

4-The teacher hurried the children along.

5-Bring your own food along.

6-I invited my friends down for the weekend.

7-Let the people off the bus.

8-Ask your friends round.

9-The boy pulled off his jumper.

10-Pass these chocolates round.

IV. Complementation :

1-Mary found everything around her fascinating.

2-I prefer Mike to drive you to the station.

3-We are most grateful for your help.

4-They have caused me so much trouble.

5-They provided the homeless with blankets.

6-They will elect chairman anyone willing to serve.


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7-I declare the meeting open.

8-John intended that Mary should sing an aria.

9-I remember filling out the form.

10-They agree that she is pretty.

11-He doubted whether they had arrived.

12-Henry is hard to convince.

13-The truth is that I really liked him.

14-I remember John telling me that story.

15-I believe that I had won.

16-I watched Bob doing his homework.

17-She put straight the tablecloth.

18-I paid the money to John.

19-They recognized him as their spokesman.

20-He decided to leave for Dallas.

21-I have heard the story repeated many times.

22-Can anyone cash me a cheque ?


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I .Complementation :

1- He had broken open her wardrobe.

2- Will this agreement make the end of all the fighting possible ?

3- I’m afraid we must have those trees cut down.

4- We object to them being given preferential treatment.

5- Someone has brought us some grapes.

6- An uncle left her a small fortune.

7- We booked you a double room with bath.

8- We shall not appoint officers of the society those members who do not attend regularly.

9- No one has ever equaled your record.

10- I was rude not to answer your letter.

11- However, we think you at times indiscreet.

12- The young man’s discomfiture amused the Countess.

13- I’ll leave you your dinner in the oven.

14- Do we owe the milkman anything ?

15- He had the garage rebuilt recently.

16- Bring me your essay this afternoon.

17- Let us set free all the prisoners.

18- This label has come unstuck.

19- She made me a new blouse.

20- They begged us not to leave them.

21- She was completely satisfied with his progress.

22- I wonder if I have made a mistake.

II. Multi-word verbs :

A. Find out name the type and give the meaning for each of the multiword verbs in the following

sentences :

1-The headmaster is trying to find out the reason why the naughty boy is always absent from his class.

2-When I was looking for a job advertisement in a newspaper I cam across this article.

3-Eastman worked for years to see his ideas through.

4-I always feel nervous when the plane takes off.

5-We have already informed them of the decision.

B. Match the underlined verbs with their meanings given below :

1-He’s so talkative. I want you to shut him up.

2-Eggs don’t agree with me. I always feel unsafe when I eat them.

3-We look forward eagerly to your next party.

4-They call early on the man.

5-They all set off down the road.


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Meanings : a begin a journey b make somebody talking

c have a bad effect on d anticipate something with pleasure

e have the same opinion f visit

g close somebody in

III. Clauses

A. Find out the nonfinite and verbless clauses in the following sentences and denote their names and

functions :

1-As a soldier he has to obey the officer’s orders.

2-I don’t like strangers interfering in my fairs.

3-Have you finished writing your letters ?

4-The concert given by them was a great success.

5-Seeing that it was raining Bob put on his raincoat.

6-I was glad to see you.

7-There are five questions to be answered this morning.

8-What he likes is to swim in the sea and then to lie on the warm sand.

9-Let me tell you the truth.

10-My free time activity reading funny stories helps me to relax.

11-He saw a notice pinned to the door by a knife.

12-To turn down the invitation seems rude.

B. Analyze the following sentences indicating only the finite clauses their kind and their function

1, She couldn’t remember how many times she had sat at her window and said to herself

that although busy Bob would come to meet her.

2, Anxious to finish all the typing that had accumulated the secretary told the manager when

he was going to leave the office that she decided to work overtime until she completed the

work and he a very kind man agreed and asked if she had anything to eat.


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I .Complementation :

1. This rule is easy to remember.

2. We are reluctant to leave this neighborhood.

3. Our house is not difficult to heat.

4. She remains devoted to her work.

5. Tim convinced me that he was right.

6. I said how sorry I was.

7. We’ll avoid going to the coast in August.

8. We are fully confident that you will understand.

9. The weather stayed fine through the games.

10. He wants me to do all the exercises.

11. He suggested that we should go off at dawn.

12. Most of us need to get away for a while.

13. George’s father greeted the headmaster.

14. That made Stanley angry.

15. He proved himself a great soldier.

16. May I offer you a cup of coffee ?

17. After the war Morley gave him back his saddle-bags.

18. He threw himself from his horse.

19. I remember the reasonableness of their argument.

20. We are in a bit of mess.

21. Could you call me a poster please ?

22. Why did they call him a poster of the club ?

23. Finding peace and quietness has become very difficult.

24. The police laid the body by the side of the road.

25. Keep out of sight !

II. Multi-word verbs :Choose the appropriate verb and put it in the correct verb form and fill in the

gap then whether it is an intransitive phrasal verb transitive phrasal verb prepositional verb or phrasal

prepositional verb :

boil over – play up – come across – soak up – look through – run over – attend to – look back on

– cook up – get away with.

1.1 Look where you are going unless you want to get …….

1.2 This sandy soil …moisture quickly.

1.3 Is anybody ……..you ?

1.4 My car ….again.

1.5 ………..the old days I am sure we were much happier then.

1.6 What excuse did he ……..this time ?

1.7 She was sitting opposite me on the bus. But she …..me.

1.8 The trade union chief ………when the workers voted against him.

1.9 I ….this old photograph in the back of the drawer.

1.10 You can’t …..being late every morning.


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III. Non finite clauses and verbless clauses :

1. Being of a more slender figure and having a richer complexion Mr. Smith looked younger than

her younger sister.

2. A knock had come to the door and there being nobody else to answer it Clare went out.

3. After leaving her umbrella in the hall painted in dark blue she entered the living room without

being confused as usual.

4. Anyone not hearing that noise must have been stone deaf.

5. The boat ride made me feel seasick.

6. When entering the town you will see the monument in front of you.

7. Though fond of Jerry Mary doesn’t want to marry him.

8. Bob had his car fixed by a mechanic.

9. The restaurant having closed there was nowhere to eat.

10. The best way to solve his problem is to work in big group.

III. Analysis of sentences :

1- Doctors at ST. Thomas’s Hospital have found that Patients recover more quickly from surgery

when tapes with hypnotic suggestions are played to them on the operating table

2- When at the age of three David Bolton began using a calculator his proud parents foresaw that he

would do well at school as they could not have anticipated the problem he would face 14 years later.

3-The time when Laura Williams faced that situation is when she brought the wallet to the police who

traced it to Mr. and Mrs. Alan who were pleasantly surprised to see their wallet and their money


4-‛Where I am living now is none of your business‛he said to her and added that although he was one

of her closet friends he didn’t want to tell her everything about his privacy.

5-If you are looking at a modern laptop computer it’s hard to believe that computers were once huge

devices available only to governments or big businesses.


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I .Complementation :

A. Name the complementation in the following sentences

1-The headmaster put George into the second class.

2-Do you call yourself a poster ?

3-Keep your hands off me !

4-Keep me a seat will you ?

5-That was because he didn’t learn the beginning of the lesson.

6-He forgot why they complained.

7-Tom approved of what had been decided.

8-I am amazed that he should have got the post.

9-John intended Mary to sing a song.

10-They supplied guns to the gangsters.

11-She resembles her mother.

12-They had Bob teach Mary.

13-I hate Bob working in the garden.

14-I heard his shouting in the garden.

15-He thought desirable of all the women in the office.

B. Identify the kinds of the intensive complementation.

1- The show turned out a success after all.

2- Most of the streams in this areas run dry in the summer.

3- Such behavior appeared rather childish in someone of his age.

4- The kitchen smells pleasantly of roasting fowl.

5- The meeting will be at 11 tomorrow.

6- He was surprised at her behavior.

7- I’m not clear when they started the play.

8- I am amazed that he should have got the post.

9- The book is in two parts.

10- Everything between them was at the end.

11- His face grew pale.

12- He turned plumber.

C. Indicate the types of the intensive complementation with to-infinitive clauses :

1-David was nervous to wait for his turn.

2-The director was alert to give the congratulation to the stars.

3-They are reluctant to stop their discussion.

4-We are proud to have you as a friend.

5- She is quick to see the point.

6-These exercises are not really easy to do.

7-He was very kind to invite me.


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II. Phrasal verbs :Fill in the blank with the appropriate verbs

1-I …………….this old book when I cleared my room up yesterday.

2-I won’t …………your rudeness.

3-I can’t ……….. alone any longer ; I’ll have to get help.

4-She ………. her children to be truthful.

5-He ………..when telling me about his son’s tragic death.

6-A treasure must ………….the money he spends.

7-Go to the office and ………….my secretary.

8-The band moved on and the music ………...

9-He ………….. for a few minutes to ask if he could borrow your power drill.

10-He ………….. the plans again and discovered two very serious mistakes.

11-There is a mystery about his death and the police are …………it.

12-If you can provide the wine I’ll ………. the food.

fade away stand for account for break down see to look into drop in come across ask for go over bring

up carry on.

IV. Sentence analysis : Give full analysis to the following passages

1-First I asked him what his working hours were and he answered that his shift started at 10:00 pm

and finished at 6:00 am. I then asked him when he had seen the painting for the last time but he

couldn’t remember so I wondered where he had been when the alarm had sounded. He told me that at

the time he had been in the staff room making some coffee. Finally I asked him if he knew how

valuable the painting was but he said that he only a guard and he couldn’t be expected to know such


2-They received a steady flow of offers and propositions including one from a man who wanted their

help in killing and robbing a Brooklyn couple.

3-Reluctant to accept the job she was thought to be inattentive to her future.

4-I hardly ever failed when I went through the village to see a row of man sitting in the sun.

5-The newcomers all experts in programming eagerly asked the rector about their own network when



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I .Complementation :

1- They had made good use of the house.

2- He looks confidence.

3- They thought John the leader.

4- The auditorium holds over a thousand people.

5- John longed to do homework.

6- The two eggs are for you.

7- John wanted Mary to play the piano.

8- He arranged with John for Mary to come at once.

9- He made the girl much happier.

10- I watched Mary being taught.

11- I started Bob cleaning the car.

12- I proposed that he should admit all applicants.

13- I consider John a good driver.

14- The pit looked a danger to health.

15- He is certain to like the show.

II. Indicate the types of the intensive complementation with to-infinitive clauses :

1-I was excited to be there.

2-They are eager to return.

3-Bricks are hard to make.

III. Phrasal verbs : Fill in the blank with the appropriate verb and identify the type of each.

1- He ………unexpectedly.

2- I can’t ……….what he means.

3- They……….the man.

4- He can’t ………….his past.

5- He ………. a lot of teasing.

live down call on turn up put up with make out.

III. Non finite clauses and verbless clauses :

1-Where known, such facts have been repeated.

2-When in difficulty consult the manual.

3-No one enjoys deceiving his own family.

4-She hesitated, being very suspicious to open the door.

5-John soon to become a father, went to Mexico.

6-She marched briskly up the slope the blanket across her shoulder.

7-The wisest policy is not to interfere.

8-We all looked at Klaus still with his head down.

IV. Sentence analysis : Give full analysis to the following passages

1-Next morning it was still snowing. The British couple left their hotel early to find the right bus

stop which was at the other end of the city in a poor suburb. The snow fell listlessly from a low gray sky and

fine shreds of dingy snow lay sparse on the dark earth. The bombs of the recent war had laid the streets here

flat for miles around. The streets were etched in broken outlines and the newly-laid railway lines ran clean and


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shinning through them. The station had been bombed and there was a wooden shed doing temporary duty until

another could be built. Nearby a mass of workmen were busy on a new building that rose fine and clean and

white out of the miles of damaged houses. They looked like black energetic insects at work against the stark

white of the walls.

2-I remember sharing the last of my moist buns with a boy and a lion. Tawny and savage with cruel nails and

capacious mouth the little boy tore and devoured. Wild as seed-cake ferocious as a hearth-rug the depressed

and verminous lion nibbled like a mouse at his half a bun and hiccupped in the sad dusk of his cage.


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I .Complementation :

1- John was the doctor that I mentioned.

2- The table felt rough.

3- Transport to the mainland is by ferry.

4- He was pleased about the wedding.

5- Mary placed a vase on the table.

6- I regret that he should worry about it.

7- John denied having stolen the money.

8- He began to open the cupboards.

9- John believed the stranger to be a policeman.

10- I hate the door slamming all night long.

11- I believe myself to have won.

12- He got the watch repaired

13- They made John a useful mechanic.

14- They provided the homeless with blankets

15- Mary helped John to carry the bag.

16- She made him a good husband.

17- She made him a good wife.

18- I told them where to go.

19- John mentioned to me that they were sick.

20- She didn’t wash the shirts as clean as Mary did.

21- He inquired how to get there.

22- They persuaded John to see me.

II. Non finite and verbless clauses:

1- She had not asked life to be thus.

2- He was always happy scaling almost perpendicular cliffs.

3- Was he then so given to climbing mountain?

4- John then in New York, was elected chairman of the legion.

5- Although always helpful when his father was away he was still considered irrelevant in that


6- We left the room and went home the job finished.

7- Defeated he slunk from the room.

8- With the tree now tall we get more shade.


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9- The children were busy building sandcastles.

10- Where possible all moving parts should be tested.

11- He took up anthropology, stimulated by our enthusiasm.

12- John told of his good fortune went to Mexico.

III. Multi-word verbs :

A. Identify the type of the following underlined verbs as phrasal ( transitive or intransitive ) or

prepositional verb or prepositional –phrasal verb:

1- He dragged the case along the road.

2- They gave in their resignation.

3- They called on the man.

4- They looked at the picture.

5- The prisoner finally broke down.

6- Visitors can’t walk over the lawn.

7- We looked forward eagerly to your next party.

8- I strongly objected to his proposal.

9- That ill-educated man rudely broke in on our conversation.

10- I never believe in what he say.

B- Fill in the blank with given verbs :

put out - bring along – call up – figure out – bring up – look up – leave off.

1- ……………..your brother when you come.

2- I …..my family last night.

3- Did you …..the question we discussed ?

4- The men finally ….the fire.

5- He couldn’t ….the problem.


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Give a full analysis for the following sentences:

1- She couldn’t remember how many times she had sat at her window and said to herself

that although busy Bob would come to meet her.

2-Anxious to finish all the typing that had accumulated the secretary told the manager when

he was going to leave the office that she decided to work overtime until she completed the

work and he a very kind man agreed and asked if she had anything to eat.

3-Doctors at ST. Thomas’s Hospital have found that Patients recover more quickly from surgery when tapes

with hypnotic suggestions are played to them on the operating table

4-When at the age of three David Bolton began using a calculator his proud parents foresaw that he would do

well at school as they could not have anticipated the problem he would face 14 years later.

5-The time when Laura Williams faced that situation is when she brought the wallet to the police who traced it

to Mr. and Mrs. Alan who were pleasantly surprised to see their wallet and their money again.

6-‛Where I am living now is none of your business‛he said to her and added that although he was one of her

closet friends he didn’t want to tell her everything about his privacy.

7-If you are looking at a modern laptop computer it’s hard to believe that computers were once huge devices

available only to governments or big businesses.


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39 Faculty of Foreign Languages & International Studies. Compiled by Tran Thanh Hung

8-Richard though he had not previously answered any questions when the teacher asked him now said that he

knew the answer to this one because it was in the lesson that he had just read.

9-The second school where I tried to pick up a little learning was an irregular hit or miss affair at San Mateo.

Each class sat in a separate desk but there were days when we did not sit at all for the master used to get drunk

very often and then one of the elder boys would thrash him. To even things up the master would then thrash the

younger lads so you can think what sort of school it was.

10-They received a steady flow of offers and propositions including one from a man who wanted their help in

killing and robbing a Brooklyn couple.

11-Reluctant to accept the job she was thought to be inattentive to her future.

12-I hardly ever failed when I went through the village to see a row of man sitting in the sun.

13-The newcomers all experts in programming eagerly asked the rector about their own network when arrived.

14-Judit 12, who won men’s international master status at the unprecedented age of 11, and Zosfi, who has just

become a women’s grandmaster at 13, started playing chess before they were five were educated by their

parents for they never went to school and now put in five or six hours a day at the board.

15-Another cup he likes to make is a cup of low-caffeine Earl grey at night that is a cup of rose Pouchong

which is sprinkled with red rose petals if he happens to be at home in the evening.

16-Though we shouted as loudly as possible the rescuers couldn’t hear us for the cliffs that rose out from the

mountains effectively prevented the sound.

17-This authority of the Knight though exerted in that odd manner which accompanies him in all the

circumstances of life has a very good effect upon the parish who are not polite enough to see anything

ridiculous in his behavior.


Grammar 3 2012

40 Faculty of Foreign Languages & International Studies. Compiled by Tran Thanh Hung

18-She remember once saying to Cecil Marjorie’s husband who after all was supposed to be painter when they

were standing in the garden one summer evening before dinner that the sunset and sunrise were God’s

loveliest gifts to mortals if only they were not to be able to appreciate them.

19-As he was observing the rules of the road he was keeping to the right when he saw the driver of the truck

behind pull out to over take him and prepared himself to stop at the station far beyond for he believed that his

instructor was waiting for him there.

20-I remembered that I had seen him in pictures a long time ago at least ten years ago because I though didn’t

remembered the pictures they were and what he did in them still remembered the dark handsome face and the

puckered scar that had almost the effect of a deep dimple.