PRE PRODUCTION TOOLS What they are, and there uses in the filming and media industry.

Pre production tools

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Page 1: Pre production tools


What they are, and there uses in the filming and media industry.

Page 2: Pre production tools

GANT CHART This Pre Production Tool, is a chart that shows all of the pre production work, editing and filming from when they start to when they should be completed.

We use it so that when completing the pre production, editing and filming we know when we meant to finish it by and to organize our time of the whole project. Also with this tool you are able to share with others, so that they know also how the whole project is going to run and be organized. Also Gantt charts can be used to show current schedule status using percent-complete shadings and a vertical "TODAY.’’

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This tool is to clarify shot by shot of your filming of your story. Its key information of your camera movement, screen action, lighting, sound and any editing involved in that particular shot.

We use this tool to help identify every shot, so when its filming day, you will be able to take it to location and it will help guide you to every shot that is taken. This saves time of going to location and deciding what kind of shots that should be taken, so with the storyboard its saving time. The storyboard also you can share to others, so that they are aware of the shots and action that you want to take place.

Time management, this goes back to the gant chart, keeping with the time management of the storyboard and making sure its done to the gant chart schedule.

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LOCATION REECE This type of tool, is to show the type of location of the filming and where its takenplace, this is shown by pictures been taken of the location or/and diagrams. Also written notes underneath the diagrams saying about specific shots, camera locations, health and safety issues and logistics.

We use this type of tool to be able to be aware of the location of where we are filming and if there is any hazards or its not the particular location wanted then we will have to chose somewhere else. So it’s a tool of preparation and awareness. This tool is also used for health and safety issues, this is to also help fill out the risk assessment.

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RISK ASSESSMENT This tool is to asses and acknowledge the risks that may happen while filming andediting. Its grid based with the risks that potentially could happen with the rating of that incident happening and finding methods and solutions for avoiding.

We use this tool to help with the safety of working with equipment and to be at a safe location, also to be aware of the risks that could potentially happen, and by making it clear that these hazards could happen and to make people aware.

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CALL SHEETThis tool is to help organize and plan a days production sheet. Containing informationlike who is required on the day, where to meet, weather, transport and equipment and general arrangements.

We use these tool, for the fact of organization and planning skills, this tool is to help the crew and others involved in the production to be aware of the days events, toknow the plans and so therefore the day of filming and production can flow accurately.

Organization skills, for this type of production this skill is crucial in a sense that if the organization isn’t put in the whole construction of the production could fail and not hit its potentially and therefore in this case the advertisement of the product wouldn’t be seen.

Planning skills, in this situation its similar to having organization skills in a sense that if the planning isn’t up to its potentially then the production could fail, however organization Is more important then planning because the planning comes under the organization because without organization the planning cannot be done, so therefore you need

organization to plan.

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BUDGET This tool is to break down the cost to produce the footage of the production, from renting the camera, to the use of location for filming.

We use this tool to help with the cost of the production, this is to help us guide us with knowing if the production is going to be high budget, or low. The budget is filled out by the person that has the role of all the cost of the whole production. This is then shared and shown to the director of the production so therefore they know what kind of cost equipment and location they are dealing with.

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REQUIRMENTSThis tool is a list of resources that holds all the information will need from crew,Camera crew and equipment, shotgun mics to Props and hardware need for post production either its booking the equipment or hiring the editing suite and actors.

This tool is used to help to organize the requirements needed for the whole production, its to help the whole crew that are involved knowing what is on offer that they can use to produce their footage. If it isn’t done there could be problems with getting the resources needed and therefore the whole production could fail.

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REALESE AND AGREEMENT This tool is a legal binding document that passes the copyright of materials recorded to your production company in accordance with the Copyright Design and patents Act of 1988.We use this legal document so that we don’t get fined or charged in copyrighting others. This is evidence that we are able to participant by the copyright design and patents act of 1988 to be able to record, edit and distribute. However if not done then your company will be charged and fined or and go to court and could cause serious problems. Copyright Design and patents Act of 1988 - also known as the CDPA, is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which received Royal Assent on 15 November 1988. It reformulates almost completely the statutory basis of copyright law (including performing rights) in the United Kingdom, which had, until then, been governed by the Copyright Act 1956. It also creates an unregistered design right, and contains a number of modifications to the law of the United Kingdom on Registered Designs and patents.

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LOCATION RELEASE FORMThis document is evidence of permission of being able to use a pacific location, signed by the manger or owner of that location. Similar to the release and agreement form. However this one is for filming in a location.

Why we use this document, again for using something that isn’t ours could cause charges and fines. Without a signed document or signed evidence, where ever your filming it is illegal, and so therefore can not use that particular location. The whole point of this document is so that you can film about anywhere without getting into trouble. This document provides the location that you want to film at to make your footage great.

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CONTACT SHEETThis tool is a list of people that are involved in the production with all there contact details, email address, mobile number, home address, home number etc.

We have this tool to be organized in our production, to have people who are involved there contact details so that we aware that if anything happens in the production or just individually then we know how to operate and know where to contact them. This document can be crucial for many things, such as emergencies, lateness (crew or actors being absent) and change of plans for that day. So the contact sheet is very important to the crew, by knowing were the other people involved like actors, cameraman, make – up artist etc are.

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SCRIPT This document is completed normal after storyboards are done, this is just a dialogue write up of the script for actors, commentators or presenters that are involved in the production. It is written before the storyboards so that the writers know every scene and are able to write the script knowing what going to happen in that scene.

Why we use this document to be organized in producing the footage, with the script its letting the crew, the actors know how the scenes are going to run, just like the storyboards but with dialogue. Without the script the scenes would maybe get confusing for the crew and for the actors. With a script the scenes can be more formal and the actors flowing with the dialogue nicely and there wouldn’t be any erms, and ers, so therfore whatever the footage is it is clear for all.

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SHOOTING SCRIPT A shooting script combines the dialogue script with camera movement, scene numbers, screen action and extra information on the character. This document shows the ins and outs of the scene in just a few sentences.

Why we use the shooting script, firstly it helps the director by breaking the script down and showing camera movements etc, the director can either change the plans previously or stick with what the writer suggested. It helps the actors to know where they should be at a particular time in the footage, also knowing what to say as well as what to do. Also with the director, knowing a bit about the characters is helpful, for example one character has got asma and in one scene there is smoke so therefore the director has the information and therefore knows that that scene changes or another character takes there place.

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OVER HEAD DIAGRAM An over head diagram is a birds eye view diagrams of each scenes using symbols for cameras, characters and elements. Its similar to a location reece and storyboard in a sense we using the location and you could say drawing action with equipment and actors into the diagram so that we know there place at the location. We draw it so that we know for each scene and where the cameras are being put, so that when we get to location we know were to set up and the actors know were to be standing or and sitting in each part of the location. Also so that the director can have a formal say and be confident in knowing what the location is like and whether its dangerous and or harmful. It’s a over head diagram because in that shot you can see all most anything so drawing birds eye view is easier to understand then drawing as a point of view.

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FOOTAGE LOGThis tool is a log of the time code and quality of each shot and take while filming. This is just a breakdown of each shot taken and how well its been shot and how long the shot is and whether it should be used or not in the final edit.

Why we use footage, we use it do when it comes down to editing, all the shots we have filmed are down on that piece of paper so we then know how each shot went and what it turned out like, so that we have the idea of knowing what shots to use in the final edit. However a director may forget so therefore it would take up more time to look through each shot deciding weather to use the shots. So using a footage log takes up less time when editing.

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ASSEST LOG This log is a log of the location and source of all resources used within the production from sound clip to font to logo/image. This is used after editing it is a list of what you used in a sense of broadcasting your product or whatever the footage Is about and how you achieved that.

Why we use a assest log is so that the editor knows what they have used, it is similar to a footage log but you write down notes of the sound you used in the final edit or images used. This is just to help you realize what kind of quality of work to make the final edit you did, and what kind of sources helped you.

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EDL Edit Decision list, this is a mix between the Footage log and your storyboard joining the shots with the timecode and tape number to form a full paper edit of your video. This also shows along the footage is and what each shot is like.

Why we fill it out, we use this so that we know the work we have done is either professional or just standard. This is so that we can view our progress throughout using the editing system. For example tape 1, time code in 0.00 to time code out 0.06, the audio so for example guitar playing, with no effects put in, comments about the whole shot, its clear, nice close up shot, transition, none. So that example shows how we edited that shot before we decided to edit it.