+ Presentati on by Rebecca Cassell “Seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology” By Doug Johnson

Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell

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“Seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology ” By Doug Johnson. Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell. “They do not see technology as a crutch, but as a propellant .”. 1. Empower kids with technology. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell



Rebecca Cassell

“Seven Brilliant Things Teachers

Do With Technology”

By Doug Johnson

Page 2: Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell


“They do not see technology as a crutch, but as a propellant.”

1. Empower kids with technology.

Page 3: Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell


“I can't believe the technology found in some of our teachers' classrooms. And it was neither provided by our department nor stolen (I don't think).”

2. Creatively find and use resources.

Page 4: Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell


“Most parents want to be involved, but they like knowing how.”

3. Make conferencing real-time.

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4. Put kids in touch with the world.

“The classrooms of brilliant teachers have no walls.”

Page 6: Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell

+5. Accept the role of co-learner.

One of the best signs of intelligent people is that they tend to willingly admit when they don't know something.”

Page 7: Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell


“Brilliant teachers understand the old Arab proverb, ‘It's easier to steer the camel in the direction it is already heading.’”

6. Use the kids’ own devices to teach them.

Page 8: Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell


Technology is not ‘just one more thing;’ it's a vital experience that brings discovery, excitement, and even fun to the classroom.”

7. Delight in the discovery, the newness, and the fun technology holds.

7. Delightin the discovery, the newness, and the fun technology holds.

Page 9: Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell

+My Thoughts

The main point from all of Johnson’s suggestions is that “good” can become “better” – both students and their teachers – and I think that’s the whole idea of technology integration.

Johnson makes the argument that technology use is not for technology’s sake alone; the whole point is to find, learn about, and do something “cool.” As we all know, children today are all about “cool.” As such, if a teacher can keep his or her students’ attention for just a few minutes longer or make a certain class objective hit home in the intended manner by integrating technology into the lesson plan, then that’s what needs to be done.

My thoughts …

Page 10: Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell


How technology can help

Engage students

Excite students

Hold their attention

Page 11: Presentation b y Rebecca Cassell


“Technology won't make a poor teacher a good one. But it can make a good teacher even better.”

Something to consider…