President's Report 2006 (archive)

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Part of the Connection Magazine publication from 2006.

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Page 2: President's Report 2006 (archive)

Dear Friends:

Georgia College & State University sends you this issue of thePresident’s Report with deep gratitude for your continued support.

This report provides a snapshot of some of the people and events thatprovide Georgia College with its great momentum and positive energy.Not surprisingly, all significant trend lines are up at Georgia College–from the qualifications of entering students to student retention rates.Georgia College and its students and faculty continue to garner animpressive array of accolades and honors.

The 2006 President’s Report leads with a reprint of an article by EdLightsey from Georgia Trend that conveys the effect of a visit to ourcampus. The writer, obviously a keen observer, captured many of thedetails of what it is like to study on the historic and stately campus ofGeorgia’s public liberal arts university.

Because students are at the center of all we do, the reader will alsofind features on our multi-talented students, whether they be scholar-athletes, actors, or volunteers in efforts to make the world better.

You will also read about our expert on new words, Wayne Glowka, andhis role in selecting the word of the year.

Most importantly, this issue also contains the GCSU Foundation reportof annual giving. The generous financial contributions of friends, alum-ni, faculty, staff, and others continue to be a vital means of supportingour deserving students and stellar programs. Personally, and on behalfof the Georgia College community, I thank you.

I look forward to seeing you the next time you visit campus!


Dorothy LelandPresident

P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O R T


Vice President for University AdvancementAMY NITSCHE

Produced by theOffice of University Communications Campus Box 97Milledgeville, Georgia 31061

Copyright © 2007

Senior Writer and Editor: Zach KincaidPhotography: Tim VaculaDesign: Jon Scott

Randolph Puckett, 1917-2006

The 2006 President’s Report is dedicated to the memoryof Randolph Puckett, a long-time Trustee and ActiveEmeritus Trustee of the Georgia College Foundation. Inhis decades of service to Georgia College, he served asChair of the Foundation, a member of the Long-RangePlanning Committee, Chair of the initial “Day for GeorgiaCollege,” and Chair of the Intercollegiate AthleticAssociation. Mr. Puckett was also retired from service asthe Personnel-Placement Director at Georgia College. Hismany contributions to the college and to the communitywere significant, and he will be deeply missed.

About the coverJennifer Graham Stephens adds some shirts to the Clothesline Project held on front campus inOctober. The annual exhibit is designed to commemorate survivors of violence against women.

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On a cool autumn night in Milledgeville,

two German photographers, a legal

researcher and a journalist are sitting

on the front porch of the Antebellum

Inn discussing post-World-War-II

Europe, the death penalty in America and French

art. A few blocks away, Hancock Street is crowded

with students and professors from Georgia College

and State University (GCSU) and the talk there is of

the poetry of T.S. Eliot and the short stories of

Flannery O'Connor. It seems everyone here in

Milledgeville, even a visitor, is expected to have

ideas about art, music, literature, history, politics

and all the other subjects that a liberal education


On and off the campus of GCSU - and it is

sometimes difficult to know where the campus

ends and the town begins - intellectual capital is a

local currency that stimulates life at the school as

well as the Milledgeville economy.

"Milledgeville and this university are intimately

intertwined," says GCSU president Dorothy Leland.

"Step off this campus and you walk into this quite

historic downtown." But the campus and the town

share more than sidewalks and streets. There's a

common appreciation of the value of architecture

and a shared history in attracting students with

impressive credentials and tourists and shoppers

drawn by a love of beautiful old buildings.

Equally impressive is the distance and speed

this university has traveled to reach its prominence

as the public liberal arts college of the state of

Georgia. What originally put Milledgeville on the

map as the home of the Georgia Governor's

Mansion in 1839 ultimately put the little campus

on the map as the Georgia College and State

University in 1996. In fact, GCSU may be the

nation's only institution of higher learning begun in

a governor's mansion that is today maintained by a

university system.

Town and Gown I N T E R T W I N E D


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The beautiful Greek revival structure that housed Georgia gov-

ernors from 1839 to 1868 was spared the Union torch but over the

years was threatened by indifference. "After 1868 the state was in

a quandary about what to do with the mansion and other public

buildings in Milledgeville," says Jim Turner, director of The Old

Governor's Mansion.

Ownership changed hands a few times, and the home ended

up as a dormitory for Georgia Military College. In 1889, when state

leaders decided to charter Georgia Normal and Industrial College

as the state's first women's college, the mansion became a part of

that campus.

For most of its first 100 years, what is today GCSU was devot-

ed to instilling the virtues of Southern womanhood in the students

of its female-only classes, while exploring the loftier realms of the

arts with a view of producing secretaries, teachers and nurses to

travel the few narrow career paths available to young women of the

late 19th and early 20th centuries. Board of Regents and govern-

ment leaders of the 1940s and '50s were so devoted to the idea

of producing well-read young women that the school did not become

coeducational until 1967, after many other women's colleges

began accepting male students. In the early '50s, the student pop-

ulation had dropped to 600 and buildings were falling into disrepair,

but the school lurched along until the 1990s.

In the early '90s, then University System Chancellor Stephen

Portch began to hear grumblings from campuses around the state

that Georgia had no public liberal arts university. "At the time, I was

interested in the universities becoming more distinctive," recalls

Portch, now retired but still consulting on matters of higher educa-

tion and living in rural Alabama. "Someone needed to step forward

and Georgia College [now GCSU] responded to that challenge."

A New MissionIn 1996, the Board of Regents gave the institution its current

name along with a mission of becoming the public liberal arts uni-

versity for the state. In the decade since, a dramatic transformation

fueled by $150 million in construction and renovation projects has

given Georgians and others the opportunity for a Tiffany education

at Target prices. Some $10 million went into the seven-year restora-

tion of the former governor's mansion, making it a national archi-

tectural treasure, Turner says. Some $96 million has gone toward

new housing, a portion of it born of historic restoration. On-campus

housing is important because freshmen are required to live on cam-

pus. The bricks and mortar rebirth is important, says president

Leland, but so are other, more cerebral improvements.

"We have come a tremendous way," she says. "Ten years ago

the SATs of our entering freshmen were below the average SATs of

the other institutions. Now we are in the top three or four."

And a key indicator, freshman-sophomore retention rate,

stands at 84 percent, also making GCSU a leader in that category.

Alejandro Aguileraworks on one of hisinstallations in themain gallery ofBlackbridge Hallpreparing his exhibit"Forty One Yards ofLines," whichopened January 9.Blackbridge exhibitsthe work of studentand visiting artistsnearly every week.

Mallory Stuckey,Sarah Miller andMobley Moss on abench behind AtkinsonHall. (photo by BonnieDenard)

The entire Russellparking lot is closedfor renovation.

President Leland andDr. Yun Soo Mok, presi-dent of PukyongNational University inSouth Korea, sign anagreement to offer stu-dent exchange opportu-nities at their universi-ties.


Professors RosalieRichards and MikeMcGinnis administeran oath with theGCSU students whowill be participate in aformal partnershipwith the MedicalCollege of Georgia.

Former Ambassador toSaudi Arabia WycheFowler speaks to stu-dents on democracy inthe Middle East.

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"We're in the top three with Georgia Tech and the University of

Georgia," Leland says. "And that's just where we want to be."

Since 1996, faculty-student ratio has improved from about 1 to

24 to about 1 to 15. "That's important," Leland says, "because

part of what we feature is smaller class sizes in which students get

a lot of individualized attention."

Those small classes have grown big numbers. The current stu-

dent population totals more than 5,141, large by this university's

historic standards but still small enough to handle its mission of

close relationships between teachers and taught. Still maintaining

a lively liberal arts and sciences school, GCSU has added or

expanded schools of business, education and health sciences. "As

a public institution, we still have all the commitments to meet the

educational, workforce and economic needs of our communities,"

Leland says.

The university has begun bringing local at-risk seventh graders

onto its campus to complete their high school degrees, with the

chance to build college credits at the same time, a rare opportuni-

ty for most of them. "Part of what will drive the future of Georgia is

the work being done to improve our high school graduation rates,"

Leland says.

Thanks to two separate collections of works by notable

Georgians, this campus also attracts a more transient scholar - the

researcher. A unique campus asset can be found in the papers

from the multifaceted career of the late Paul Coverdell, a Georgia

state senator, Peace Corps director and U.S. Senator often credit-

ed with launching the political "education" of office seekers and

voters that began in 1993 and led to the Republican Party's domi-

nance in Georgia today.

Coverdell's friendship with a college administrator here led to

formation of the three-year-old Coverdell Institute and Archives at

GCSU. His papers and personal memorabilia are housed at the

institute, including some five tons of materials from his U.S. Senate

days. Processing of the Coverdell papers is being funded by a

$795,000 appropriation from the U.S. Congress.

"The Coverdell Archives offer an insight into the mind of a

remarkable 20th century public servant," says Gregg Kaufman,

director of the Coverdell Institute. Coverdell was Peace Corps direc-

tor at the time the Berlin Wall fell and opened up the possibility of

new relationships between the United States and Eastern bloc

countries. To extend U.S. influence in Eastern Europe, Coverdell

established Peace Corps missions in 32 new nations, most of them

emerging from the gravitational pull of the Soviet Union.

"When the Iron Curtain opened up, Paul Coverdell boldly led an

American initiative building positive relationships with the Eastern

European bloc," Kaufman says. "The Coverdell papers are of real

value to scholars of the post-Cold War era."

A Literary CacheIn a nearby building rest manuscripts penned by Flannery

O'Connor, a 1945 graduate of the institution and an important fig-

ure in the evolution of the American short story.

O'Connor, a Catholic in a Protestant world, wrote of the eccen-

tric and often violent people who populated her mind and, perhaps,

the Georgia in which she grew up. Her stories often contain disturb-

ing violence, just right for the modern reader, says Marshall Bruce

Gentry, GCSU professor of English and editor of the Flannery

O'Connor Review. "We like violence," Gentry says. "Her stories give

you a surprise; something's going on here that you don't see com-


The growing number of researchers arriving at GCSU contrasts

sharply with the provincial nature of the college's original mission

of serving just the immediate neighborhood. For most of its life,

this institution reached no farther than a few Middle Georgia coun-

ties for students, and most of those were part-time commuters.

Today's average GCSU student is more likely to live on or near

campus, with the most difficult commute a three-block walk in the

rain. "The student population of this university has probably

changed more rapidly and more dramatically in a shorter period

time than anywhere in the history of higher education," says Bruce


Celine Martin cruisesto a 6-0, 6-0 victoryduring a meet againstFort Valley StateUniversity at theCentennial CenterTennis Courts.

P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O R T | 3

Alex Gregory, presidentand CEO of YKKAmerica and GCSUalumnus, speaks tobusiness students inthe Arts & SciencesAuditorium about howglobal industry affectsbusinesses worldwide.

GCSU presents itsmainstage theatre pro-duction of the musical“The Spitfire Grill” inRussell Auditorium fea-turing Erin Burnett asPercy Talbot and BeckyJarrett as ShelbyThorpe.

Danielle Mason workson a titration experi-ment that she willevolve into a home-based program usingcommon householdingredients.

President Leland readsDr. Seuss to 4 and 5year olds from St.Stephens Day Schoolas part of a community-wide reading in celebra-tion of Dr. Seuss' birth-day.

An unprecedented1,100 prospective stu-dents and their familiesmade the 2006Springfest the largestever.

Professor RichardMercier is featured onpiano as the GCSUConcert Band performsGeorge Gershwin's"Rhapsody In Blue" inRussell Auditorium.

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of New WordsDiscoveryU

sually, Wayne Glowka talks like the rest of us, using the

same words we all know and speak. He doesn't use "big"

words or words you've never heard. Then again, he could.

Words like "climate canary" or "murse" or "plutoed."

Glowka, a professor of English at Georgia College & State

University, helps the American Dialect Society chose its Words of

the Year. The word "plutoed" was chosen as the Word of 2006.

"Plutoed" means to be demoted or devalued by someone or

something. It sprouted when the General Assembly of the

International Astronomical Union decided Pluto no longer met its

definition of a planet.

Glowka lends his ears as chairman of the New Words

Committee of the American Dialect Society and editor of the

“Among the New Words" column in the society’s quarterly journal,

American Speech.

Around the time of each year when the top words of the previ-

ous year are selected, most everybody with a pen and pad or micro-

phone wants to talk to Glowka. Some days, he'll receive three to

four interview requests. Some weeks, he may do as many as ten


He's been interviewed by folks from all over: the Philadelphia

Inquirer, Chicago Tribune, Hartford Courant, Dallas Morning News,

Washington Post, Washington Times, AP Radio, and scores of other

radio outlets including public radio in Australia. He was also once

on public radio in South Africa.

"It's just part of my job to give interviews on words as

part of my community service," Glowka said. "There's not

much I can tell people in this community about new

words. But it works out fine the way it is. With new

words, the world is my community."

The Words of the Year are chosen at meetings

in Anaheim, Calif., during the annual conference

of the American Dialect Society and Linguistic

Society of America. While in Anaheim, the

Discovery Channel interviewed Glowka for a

summer 2007 production called "The Joy of


"I majored in English and sat with a dic-

tionary beside me all of the time," Glowka said.

"I teach linguistics and the history of the English

language. Part of that is knowing where words come

from." x

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U.S. Sen. SaxbyChambliss speaksto an UrbanGovernment andAdministration classduring a visit inMarch.

Don Faulk, presidentand CEO of CentralGeorgia HealthSystems, addressesstudents after beingnamed the J. WhitneyBunting School ofBusiness 2006Executive of the Year.

New York Times SeniorWriter Tamar Lewintalks about herresearch on class andrace in America at theannual CoverdellSymposium.

Jennifer Andrewuncorks a shot thatends up over the left-field fence and stretch-es the Lady Bobcats'lead in the bottom ofthe fourth inningagainst Francis Marion.

Renowned trumpeterByron Stripling rehears-es with the GCSU JazzBand in preparation forits spring concert.

Vasily Zadorozhny,Rector of SyktyvkarState University inSyktyvkar, Russia,signs an agreementwith President Lelandfor faculty and studentexchanges.

The Faculty/Staff Picnicat West Campus coin-cided with the Bobcats'home game againstErskine College. Thenumber-one rankedBobcats won the game7-3.

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President Lelandstarts the 5K RoadRace segment of theannual BobcatRamble. The eventhelps fund a scholar-ship for a qualifyingBaldwin County stu-dent to GeorgiaCollege.

The garden area of theOld Governor'sMansion made a ratherhistoric setting for theGeorgia CollegeConcert Band to per-form as part of AlumniWeekend.

Sang-Wook Lee looksat the first installmentof "MilledgevilleStories," a public artproject coordinated byRoxanne Farrar's PublicArt & Media Cultureclass. The art on thetiles is created by chil-dren from the communi-ty.

President Leland greetsMazie Dillard at the2006 GraduateCommencement inCentennial Center.Dillard officially gradu-ated in 1959 as thefirst Master’s degreerecipient from GeorgiaCollege.

Approximately 655 stu-dents participate in thecommencement cere-mony on the front cam-pus.

Professor RonaldFietkau reviews somechemistry calculationswith Addy Erdmann andSteve Bishop in theirPrinciples of Chemistrylab.

Chancellor Erroll B.Davis, Jr. of theUniversity System ofGeorgia speaks to agroup of students inParks Hall as part of avisit to Georgia College.

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On the Field, Court, and Course, GCSU ran ahead of many competitors as several teams

made it to NCAA Regional Meets. Women’s soccer kicked its way into a strong second

season as a varsity sport, going 9-6-2 overall. The golf team advanced to the NCAA

Tournament for the ninth consecutive year, and the women’s tennis team made its 12th

consecutive NCAA Tournament appearance. Not too bad. The men’s tennis team came out on top

as they earned the number 21 spot in national rankings. The Men’s basketball team advanced to

the NCAA Tournament for the fourth time in the last 10 years, reaching the Sweet Sixteen, and

coach Terry Sellers received the coveted Peach Belt Conference Coach of the Year for the third time

in his career. The women’s basketball team won the Peach Belt Conference Tournament for the

fourth time overall, and the third time in the last five years.

In the ClassroomGeorgia College placed a school record of 83 student-athletes on the Peach Belt Conference

Presidential Honor roll in 2006. The league announced that 741 student-athletes from its 11

schools were named to the honor roll, which was the second most in the history of the conference.

(Student-athletes with a minimum 3.0 grade point average are named to the Roll.)

The GCSU women’s soccer team placed 19 players on the honor roll, while the baseball team

had 11, and softball had 10. The men and women’s cross country teams placed nine student-ath-

letes apiece on the list, while men’s tennis had seven Men’s golf and women’s basketball had five

apiece, men’s basketball and women’s tennis each placed four on the honor roll.

GCSU ranked fourth out of the eleven schools in the conference with the number of student-

athletes making the honor roll. x

It was a marked year for Georgia College Athletics, both on the field, court, and course as well as in the classroom.


Gisselle Hillyer andRoger McVey per-form FelixMendelssohn'sConcerto for Violin,Piano and Orchestrain D minor.

Tim Henry trims thepavers in the Russelllandscaping project.

Bell Hall regains its col-umn capitals in prepa-ration for its reopeninglast fall.

Stacey Brown, GaryBarrett and TangelaTharpe work on an elec-trical circuit in HertyHall as part of the thirdannual physics teach-ers workshop put on bythe Science EducationCenter.

Atlanta Ballet instructorStacey Slichter finetunes Lauren Hibbard'sposition while rehears-ing in Miller Gym.

Kelsey Croyle andMeghan Carfang enjoythe pool during the"Splish, SplashSummer Bash" atBobcat Village on WestCampus.

Professors Doug Pohland Mike McGinnisexplain the physicsinvolved with a hover-craft to Charles Forrestand other teachers inthe Science &Mathematics Alliancefor Regional Teachersprogram.

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“Androcles” Receives Roaring Applause

The lion's roar was heard at the regional Kennedy

Center American College Theatre Festival when the

Georgia College & State University theatre students

performed "Androcles and the Lion."

For the first time in the history of Georgia College's theatre

program, a production was selected to be performed at the

regional festival which was held at Georgia Southwestern State

University in Americus. At the festival, GCSU competed with six

other productions for the honor to perform at the national fes-

tival held at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.

Kathleen McGeever, chair of the theatre department and

director of the production, compared being selected for the

regional festival to a college basketball team making it to the

NCAA "Elite Eight" tournament.

Georgia College's production of "Androcles and the Lion"

is based on American children's playwright Aurand Harris'

adaptation of an Aesop fable.

The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival

was started in 1969 by Roger L. Stevens, the Kennedy

Center's founding chairman. x

P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O R T | 7


Elaine Whitaker,Chair of English,Speech andJournalism, talksabout the summerreading book, "Clay'sQuilt," with some ofthis year's incomingfreshmen.

Will Thompson, studentgovernment treasurer,talks about the HonorCode to the freshmen.

President Leland helpsprovide some relieffrom the heat by serv-ing lemonade to stu-dents in what is annu-ally called the“Lemonade Brigade.”

Freshman Amy Nevinscored the only goal forthe 1-0 win againstSavannah College ofArt & Design.

Elena Andreyeva, afreshman from Russia,gets a plate of food atthe community celebra-tion and cookout onfront campus.

Candidates for U.S.Representative JohnBarrow and Max Burnssquared off in a spirit-ed debate organized byGCSU students.

Enrique Fulquet andMaria Martin fromSpain relax on the frontporch of Parks Hall.

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Fatma AL Maamari,Fulbright teachingassistant andinstructor of Arabic,speaks about hernative Oman in theGlobal DemocracyTeach-In.

CNN's Melissa Longand Steven Sorg tapethe opening for a seg-ment on iPods at GCSUin front of the OldGovernor's Mansion.

Former Georgia gover-nor and U.S. senatorZell Miller looks oversome period docu-ments on the originaldesk of Georgia gover-nor Joseph Brown whilevisiting the OldGovernor's Mansion.

PaleoanthroplogistDonald C. Johanson,discoverer of the 3.2-million-year-old skeleton"Lucy," speaks with agroup of students inone of the seminarrooms of the Arts &Sciences Building.

The Milledgeville com-munity welcome mem-bers of the 48thBrigade home from Iraqwith a parade in down-town Milledgeville inSeptember.

Rebecca Norton stud-ies for Psychology classin an alcove of the Arts& Sciences building

David Muschell inter-views Gary Sunshineabout his career as aplaywright.


“It is evident to me that my life thus far

has been a preparation for this next adventure,” said

Kirsten Blomberg as she reflected on her acceptance to

serve in the Peace Corp following a lengthy application

process which began in 2006. Kirsten started her two-year

trip to Senegal on March 13, 2007.

Kristen, a 2005 Georgia College liberal arts graduate,

formed lasting friendships with international students. She

also traveled to Paris with the study abroad program. As a

result, the university provided a context for her to grow an

appreciation for a global society.

A caring and out-going person by nature, she said

she's "had the passion to help others from a young age,"

and attributes her desire to assist those in need to her

mother. Combining her love of foreign culture and a willing-

ness to serve, Kirsten decided that the Peace Corps was

the perfect place to utilize her skills.

Once in Senegal, a country on the western tip of

Africa, Kirsten will spend two months living with a native

family in the city of Thies. This will immerse her in the cul-

ture and native language of the area. After the two-month

training period, Kirsten will be assigned to a rural village on

the outskirts of Thies to raise the villagers' awareness of

HIV/AIDS prevention. She will live with these villagers for

two years and hopes to earn their trust, respect and love.

Living without running water or electricity, Kirsten

wants to make a dent in the African AIDS epidemic. "By

working with the Peace Corps, I hope to discover who I am

and locate my place in the world," she says. x


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Lauren Evans beginsa painting, the thirdpainting in a seriesof four, for ValerieAranda's Painting IVclass.

Melanie DeMaeyeradds shirts to theClothesline Project onfront campus that com-memorates survivors ofviolence againstwomen.

Chancellor Erroll B.Davis, Jr. addressesrepresentatives ofGeorgia's chapters ofthe AmericanAssociation ofUniversity Professors.

Marquita Driskell leadsthe Lady Bobats in theiropening game as theydefeat AndersonUniversity 65-51.

The ginko tree at theside of RussellAuditorium helps show-case the completion ofthe Russell landscapingproject.

Carolyn Smith, BrendaDouglas and SueWright decorate theChristmas tree in therotunda of the OldGovernor's Mansion.

Harshbarger, vice president of student affairs and dean of stu-

dents. "It's a kind of breathless thing to keep up with."

Harshbarger says the students he saw when he arrived in

1995 were from GCSU's host county, Baldwin, and a few neighbor-

ing communities. "The recruiting territory changed very dramatical-

ly," he says. "Today, probably about half our freshmen come from

the Atlanta metro area, with a quarter of each freshman class com-

ing from Gwinnett County. Interestingly, we are seeing a lot of the

students stay in Milledgeville."

One of those is Heather Holder (BA '99 and MPA '05), execu-

tive director of Milledgeville Main Street/The Downtown

Development Authority and a native of Gwinnett County who found

the charms of small town life irresistible.

"I never shopped in a downtown setting before I came to

Milledgeville," Holder says. "A mall is so sterile. But the downtown

is bustling. And the downtown shopkeepers and professionals all

know you and each other."

Despite the students' heavy reliance on shoe leather to get

around, Milledgeville still draws much-coveted retail patrons. "We

have about 17,000 cars on [major thoroughfare] Hancock Street

every day," Holder says.

The downtown master plan included input from the campus,

says Holder, who also serves on a campus planning group. "We

wanted to involve the college in what we're doing, and the college

involves us in what they're doing," she explains. "We want to work

toward a very seamless design. Our sidewalks mimic each other's;

our street lamps mimic each other's. We want people to feel [down-

town] is an extension of the campus."

One measure of the campus' economic value to Milledgeville,

Holder says, can be found in rising prices for downtown real estate.

"Our downtown privately owned buildings are worth $9.63 million,"

she says. "That is a 39.13 percent increase since 1999."

The reason for the hike in property values is directly linked to

the university's presence and prominence, Holder says. "The uni-

versity changed its mission in 1996 and [was] aggressive in becom-

ing a statewide university and promoting [its] liberal arts mission.

We transitioned from being a commuter college to becoming a

statewide university."

Students who once went home on the weekends now stay and

take advantage of the short walk to shops and restaurants down-

town. And because they hail from more affluent counties, they have

a more potent spending power. Results: 11 new businesses have

opened downtown in the last three years, along with more than $8

million in public and private investments, creating 144 new jobs,

many of them filled by students.

"The downtown comes alive at 6:30 each morning and doesn't

close until 2 a.m.," Holder says. And, she adds, it's not unusual to

see shops close a little early on afternoons when there is, say, a

concert under way on the campus green.

In her spacious third floor office, GCSU president Leland is

asked what the recipient of a liberal arts degree can do with the

sheepskin in the modern, technology-driven world. "Just about any-

thing," she says. "Most top Fortune 500 CEOs are looking for peo-

ple who have a broad base of knowledge, who are globally aware

and prepared to work in a globally interconnected environment. And

they want people who have good communications skills. The top

CEOs are looking for the kinds of traits that we emphasize in the

liberal arts learning environment."

On the campus below, student members of the American

Chemical Society are acknowledging National Chemistry Week by

firing potatoes from a device the chemistry professors call a "con-

densed phase carbohydrate accelerator," and which the students

call a "spud gun." The potatoes are launched from a plastic pipe

using hairspray as fuel and the arc from a long-barreled lighter to

ignite it.

"One of these potatoes once reached the speed of sound,"

says one professor wearing a big grin, proving that teaching, like

learning, can be fun. x

Originally printed in the January 2007 issue of Georgia Trend.

Used by permission. For information about Georgia Trend visit


C O N T I N U E D F R O M P A G E 3

The Georgia CollegeFoundation Board ofTrustees completed itspurchase of three floorsof the ThomasJefferson Building indowntown Macon tohouse the university’snew Center forGraduate andProfessional Learning.

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2006-2007Foundation Trustees


Stanford G. Wilson, ‘77Board ChairAtlanta, GA

E. Alexander Gregory, Jr., ‘78, ‘79Vice ChairMarietta, GA

Lynda S. BanksChair, Real PropertyMilledgeville, GA

Thomas W. Brown, Jr.Chair, Investment CommitteeThomson, GA

Melba Goodrum Cooper, ‘73Chair, Trustee Development CommitteeBishop, GA

E. Max CrookChair, Finance CommitteeMacon, GA

J. David Dyer, Jr., ‘69TreasurerMilledgeville, GA

Dorothy LelandPresident, GCSUMilledgeville, GA

Jean Crittenden Morris, ‘50Chair, Fund Raising CommitteeAtlanta, GA

Amy S. NitscheVice President,

University AdvancementExecutive SecretaryMilledgeville, GA


Beegee Clark Baugh, ‘50Milledgeville, GA

Jacqueline Becton Bell, ‘51Sandersville, GA

Wendy Moore Bibb, ‘89, ‘96Sandersville, GA

Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr.Macon, GA

Genie Snyder Chamberlin, ‘82Athens, GA

Melanie B. CookAtlanta, GA

Mary Etna Bennett Dudley, ‘50Thomson, GA

James B. FleeceGreensboro, GA

Maxine S. GoldsteinMilledgeville, GA

Ellen S. GoodrichMilledgeville, GA

William R. JenkinsAtlanta, GA

Garry L. Jones, ‘86Dublin, GA

Harry E. KeimMilledgeville, GA

Linda K. KerceMilledgeville, GA

J. Russell Lipford, Jr., ‘71Macon, GA

Kenneth MarksMilledgeville, GA

Bobby E. ParhamMilledgeville, GA

Hugh Peterson, Jr.Atlanta, GA

Carol G. Pryor, ‘39 **Augusta, GA

Donald Rhodes, ‘88Warner Robins, GA

Dudley RoweMilledgeville, GA

Ted S. SmithMcIntyre, GA

Robert A. Stevens, Sr.Greensboro, GA

Anthony J. TanLas Vegas, NV

Charles K. TarbuttonSandersville, GA

Russell E. WaldenMilledgeville, GA

Jo Slade Wilbanks, ‘69Macon, GA

Artis Williamson, ‘91Milledgeville, GA


George S. Carpenter, Jr.Milledgeville, GA

G. Lee DickensMilledgeville, GA

Enman J. SheppardMacon, GA

Winston H. SibleyMilledgeville, GA

Nathaniel SmithMilledgeville, GA

John T. WilliamsonMilledgeville, GA

** Active Emeritus

2006-2007Alumni Board of Directors


Donald Rhodes, '88President ElectWarner Robins, GA

Artis Williamson, '91Chair, Alumni Events CommitteeMilledgeville, GA

Wendy Moore Bibb, '89, '96Immediate Past PresidentChair, Nominating CommitteeSandersville, GA

Jeff Wansley, '87TreasurerChair,

Finance & Facilties CommitteeAtlanta, GA

Susan C. Stewart, '70Chair, Outreach CommitteeAlpharetta, GA

Dorothy Ann McKinley, '65Chair,

Alumni & Foundation Scholarship Committee

Greensboro, GA

Brenda Mason, ‘90Chair, Alumni Awards Committee Milledgeville, GA

Stephen Stewart, '77Chair, Alumni Events CommitteeMilledgeville, GA

Joffery Blair, '02Chair, Alumni Events CommitteeMilledgeville, GA

Jean Crittenden Morris, '50Reunion LiasonAtlanta, GA


Leah Blasingame, ‘03Macon, GA

Lynnette Cannon, ‘59Tucker, GA

Sallie Coke, '90Milledgeville, GA

Matthew Davis, ‘02, ‘04 Gray, GA

Mike Franklin, ‘94, ‘01Sandersville, GA

Christopher Gibson, ‘00, ‘03Macon, GA

Wylly Harrison, ‘04 ' 06Smyrna, GA

Dianne Roberts Horsley, ‘65Cartersville, GA

Barbara Worsham McAlister, ‘62 '69

Palmetto, GA

Thomas McCormack, ‘83Athens, GA

Brigitte Davis Moten, ‘89Macon, GA

Peggy Eubanks Salvesen, ‘60Fort Myers, FL

Danielle Barfield Simms, ‘96Atlanta, GA

Gail Webb Spivey, ‘92Milledgeville, GA

Patrice Reaves Terrell, ‘02, ‘05Eatonton, GA

Tony Tukes, ‘99Stockbridge, GA


Herbert Agnew, '04Acting Director, Alumni Relations

Janessa HartmannPresident,

Student Government Association

Amy NitscheVice President,

University Advancement

Sam RauschenbergPresident,

Student Ambassador Team

Betty Pettigrew Smith, '75, ‘76, ‘78

Representative, Peabody School

Brandie TatumRepresentative, StudentAmbassador Team

Stan Wilson, ‘77Chair, GCSU Foundation Board

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G E O R G I A C O L L E G E & S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y F O U N D A T I O N

Annual Reportfiscal year 2006

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Honor Roll of Donors FY2006The Georgia College & State University Foundation Giving Report lists the names of all alumni andfriends who made gifts of $100 or more to the university through the Foundation and/or the AlumniAssociation during fiscal year 2006 (July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006). We are grateful for all gifts madeto the university.

Chappell CircleThe Chappell Circle honors the firstpresident of what is now GeorgiaCollege & State University, J. HarrisChappell. Dr. Chappell served from1891 to 1904. This circle of givingrecognizes those individuals andorganizations that contribute$10,000 or more to the GCSUFoundation within the fiscal year.

BB&T Bank - Milledgeville BranchBelkin CorporationBoard of Regents

of The University SystemDr. and Mrs. Louis P. BucklinMrs. Mary Etna B. DudleyMrs. Celeste S. Dupree *Mr. David H. GambrellThe Goizueta FoundationE. J. Grassmann TrustMr. and Mrs. William L. HartleyIMERYS Clays Inc.Mrs. Frances F. Jones *John S. & James L. Knight FoundationMrs. Linda K. KerceDr. Martin Lammon and Ms. Libby DavisLettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.Nelnet, Inc.Oconee RESAThe Olsen FoundationMr. and Mrs. Hugh Peterson, Jr.Rheem Manufacturing, MilledgevilleMr. and Mrs. David M. RihmMrs. Rubye R. Smith *Sodexho Alliance, Inc.Dr. Joseph F. Steelman, Sr.Mr. Anthony TanHon. R. Steven Tumlin, Jr.The Union-RecorderMr. and Mrs. Jeffery T. WansleyMr. and Mrs. Stanford G. WilsonMrs. Betty A. Witman

Parks CircleThe Parks Circle commemoratesthe second president of the univer-sity, Marvin McTyeire Parks.President Parks served from 1905to 1926. This circle of giving recog-nizes those individuals and organi-zations that contribute $5,000 -$9,999 to the GCSU Foundationwithin the fiscal year.

Association of American Collegesand Universities

Wright and Lynda Banks

Mrs. Attie Gladin Branan *Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr.Dr. Bahram B. Darugar, M.D.Five Star Food ServiceMr. and Mrs. J. Russell Lipford, Jr.Magnolia State BankMr. and Mrs. Joseph E. MayesRichard and Martha H. McEwenMidSouth Federal Credit UnionMr. John W. Rogers, Jr.Mr. T. E. Smith, Jr.Mrs. Chandler M. TagliabueMs. Lucy L. UnderwoodUniversity System of Georgia

FoundationYKK Corporation of America

Beeson CircleThe Beeson Circle memorializesthe third president of GeorgiaCollege, J. Luther Beeson.President Beeson served from1927 to 1934. This circle of givingrecognizes those individuals andorganizations that contribute$2,500 - $4,999 to the GCSUFoundation within the fiscal year.

American Chemical SocietyAmerican Specialties CompanyMrs. Beegee C. BaughCommunity Foundation

of Central GeorgiaMr. and Mrs. J. David Dyer, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. George L. EcholsMr. and Mrs. James B. FleeceMr. Philip J. FranklinGarbutt Construction CompanyGEICODrs. Anne V. and John B. GormlyDr. and Mrs. Paul A. JonesMr. and Mrs. Merritt MasseyMid-South Lumber CompanyMurray Barnes, L.L.P.Mr. and Mrs. Tony M. NicelyMrs. Amy NitschePhysical & Athletic Rehabilitation CenterDr. Ann S. RiceMr. Jimmy RobertsRobins Federal Credit UnionMrs. Karen L. RowellDr. and Mrs. Kenneth SaladinDr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Samprone, Jr.Mrs. Gwendolyn C. ShawMr. and Mrs. J. Bradley StancilThe Staubach Company Southeast, Inc.Thiele Kaolin CompanyMr. Edward W. Wolak

Wells CircleThe Wells Circle observes the serv-ice of Guy Herbert Wells, the fourthpresident of this institution. Dr.Wells served from 1934 to 1953.This circle of giving recognizesthose individuals and organizationsthat contribute $1,000 - $2,499 tothe GCSU Foundation within the fis-cal year.

Drs. J. Stanley and Wanda AldridgeAll Phase Electric CompanyAllstate InsuranceAnonymousMrs. Sandra S. BalchinBank of America FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jim BeattyMr. and Mrs. Clifford A. BellMr. and Mrs. Richard BertoliMs. Wendy M. BibbDr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. BlickBobby Brown Insurance AgencyMr. and Mrs. Gregory BostonMrs. Kathryn R. BrabsonMr. and Mrs. Tad BrownMr. and Mrs. Stephen D. BryantBug House Pest ControlMr. and Mrs. Charles BurrellDr. Lee Ann CaldwellDr. Dwight CallDr. Ginger R. Carter-MillerMr. William T. Casey, Jr.Dr. Genie S. ChamberlinMr. Hugh W. CheekCherokee Brick and Tile CompanyChoate Construction CompanyChris R. Sheridan & CompanyCitizens Bank of Washington CountyClark Building & DevelopmentCoca-Cola Bottling Co. United, Inc.Dr. Mary Sue ColemanMrs. Ruth Howington ComptonMs. Melanie B. CookMrs. Melba G. CooperDr. Leslie W. CrawfordMr. and Mrs. E. Max CrookMr. and Mrs. Jack CrowderDr. Bobbye Jo W. DavidsonMr. Jack H. Davis, Jr.Dr. Therry N. DealDrs. Joe and Linda DeVitisMrs. Sarah S. DillonDon Blackburn & Associates, Inc.Mrs. Joan Roper DorsettMrs. Charlee Perfect DukeDunwody/Beeland Architects, Inc.Epps Cycle and MarineExchange BankMrs. Emily C. Farmer

Dr. and Mrs. John H. FergusonFirst National Bank of the SouthMrs. Patricia W. FlandersFowler-Flemister Concrete, Inc.G & S Gas Service, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. John W. GambleDr. Floride Moore GardnerMrs. Emily S. GarnerMr. and Mrs. Charles GarrisonDr. Michael Gass and Dr. Beth Rushing GCSU International ClubGeorgia Baptist Foundation, Inc.Georgia Power CompanyDr. Faye W. GilbertDr. Michael GleasonMr. and Mrs. Jake GoldsteinDr. and Mrs. Samuel GoodrichMr. and Mrs. Richard Goodson, Jr.Dr. Sarah E. GordonMr. and Mrs. E. Alex Gregory, Jr.Ms. Jane M. HaddockDr. H.G. HallDr. Robert HaneyDr. and Mrs. John F. Harrington, Jr.Drs. Don and Robin HarrisDr. and Mrs. Bruce HarshbargerMrs. Roberta McKinney HatcherMr. and Mrs. Anthony E. HeffernanMr. Charles B. HodgesMr. William JenkinsDrs. Jo Ann and Kenneth JonesDr. Martha L. Keber and

Mr. Robert L. KeberMr. and Mrs. Harry E. KeimDr. Cheryl P. KishMrs. Louise Lester KranzbergDr. Dorothy LelandDr. and Mrs. Jim LidstoneMr. and Mrs. Lee LinebergerLord, Aeck & Sargent, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. John H. LounsburyDr. and Mrs. M. Robert LoweMrs. Naomi C. LucasMacon TelegraphDr. Kenneth Marks and

Mr. Steven C. RogersMr. and Mrs. Harold D. Mason, Sr.Ms. Lisa D. McCullarMilledgeville Mayor’s CommitteeMilledgeville Music Club, Inc.Dr. Doris MoodyMr. Ralph C. MoorMr. Donnie MooreMr. and Mrs. Larry W. MooreMr. Rex and

Mrs. Jean Crittenden MorrisNational Geographic SocietyDr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Neligan, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. NöelMrs. Joy NormanDr. Maidana K. NunnMrs. Phillippa K. Paddison

President’s SocietyMembers of the President’s Society made gifts of $1,000 or more to GCSU during the 2006 fiscal year.

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Dr. and Mrs. T.J. ParrDr. Dorothy PinkstonPitts Electric Company, Inc.PreCheck, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Psalmonds, Jr.Mr. Randolph Puckett *Dr. Alice H. Reynolds and

Mr. Lee McDanielMr. Donald E. RhodesDudley and Jenny RoweMrs. Elizabeth Shreve RyanDr. and Mrs. John E. SallstromMr. and Mrs. Clay ShomakerMr. and Mrs. Quintus SibleySkyline Forming, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoyt SmithMrs. Gloria SmithTed and Joni SmithMr. Thomas P. SnyderSoutheastern Fishes CouncilSouthern Pan Services CompanySouthwest ContractMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stevens, Sr.Steve’s Floor CoveringMr. Stephen M. StewartDr. Susan C. StewartMs. Barbara J. StickelMrs. Rosemary Smith StricklandMr. and Mrs. Charles K. TarbuttonThe BrickUnited Forming, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. James Van EppsMr. and Mrs. Richard C. WadeMr. and Mrs. Russ WaldenMr. and Mrs. H. Jay Walker, IIIWal-Mart StoreMr. and Mrs. Haynes WatersMrs. Sheryl M. WellsMrs. R. W. WickerMs. Jo Slade WilbanksJames and Patricia WilkinsonMr. and Mrs. John T. WilliamsonWindstream CommunicationsWMAZ-TVMrs. Rhonda Purser WoodWorld Hi-Fi Video and ApplianceDrs. Harold and Eugenia Zallen

University Club ($500 to $999 )

Accent Fence, Inc.Mrs. Virginia W. AlexanderAluma SystemsAmerica’s Choice Mortgage, Inc.Atlantic Forming Co., Inc.Mr. Jonathon P. BarbareeDr. Sheree S. BarronMrs. Alice D. BellMrs. Emmie Victoria BerrymanBeta Gamma Sigma, Inc.Brasfield & Gorrie LLC.Mr. and Mrs. William H. BrogdonC & B ProcessingMrs. Barbara C. CadeCameron & Roberts

Insurance Agency, Inc.Mr. John CarrickCentury Bank and TrustMrs. Carla Hartnett ClarkClub Car, Inc.Coca-Cola North AmericaMr. and Mrs. John Collins, Jr.Cullen Equipment Co.Deep South RealtyDelta ZetaDennis Taylor & Company, Inc.Dr. Betty B. DiazMr. G. L. DickensMrs. Mazie H. DillardDoubletree Guest SuitesMrs. Carol C. Farr

Dr. and Mrs. Ken FarrFitness Plus Health Club L.L.C.Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. FlyDr. Katherine McLean Fuller and

Mr. Donald C. Fuller, Jr.Mrs. Danna GayMr. and Mrs. Arnold T. Gentry, Jr.Georgia Ornithological SocietyMs. Jean G. GrahamMr. and Mrs. Alan C. GrantMr. James M. Grant, CPA, PCMrs. Cheryl W. HammockHarcon, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. D. Craig HenryMr. and Mrs. Patrick HolbrookMr. and Mrs. Robert HowardIntercollegiate Tennis AssociationDr. Walter L. IsaacMr. Harold Jenkins *Mr. and Mrs. Michael JohnsonJoseph S. Cowart PropertiesMr. and Mrs. William L. KiddMrs. Diane KirkwoodDr. Thomas KrilowiczMrs. Juanita D. KuipersL&M Farms, Inc.Mr. Richard A. LouMacon PowerMr. and Mrs. Frederick T. MainMrs. Georgia Darden MarshMrs. Kimberly H. MartinMrs. Virginia Thurston McAfeeMrs. Jeannette Jones McClureMrs. Dorothy A. McKinleyMr. and Mrs. Frank G. McMichaelMrs. Joan P. McNallyMs. Barbara McReeMetroPower Electrical ContractorsMilledgeville Bone & Joint SpecialistMilledgeville-Baldwin County

Convention & Visitors BureauDr. Lonnie L. MorrisonDr. Wendy MullenMr. and Mrs. Russel NeldonMrs. Thomas B. ParkPlywood & Door Manufacturers Corp.Pooler Steakhouse, Inc.Dr. Carol G. PryorMrs. Lazelle Chronister ReaganReynolds PlantationDrs. Lila F. and Omer L. RobertsMr. David RobinsonMr. Michael SandersMs. Krista J. SeckingerDr. and Mrs. Craig D. SmithMrs. Judith Ferguson SmithSpecialty Crane & Fabrication, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. SpeirMr. Phillip A. StancilSutherland Asbill & Brennan LLPTap Office Furniture Co.The George D. Warthen BankMrs. Evelyn D. ThomasMr. Robert M. TrulockMs. Mary Edith VaughnDr. Lynne S. WilcoxWilliam L. Kidd, P.C.Mr. and Mrs. Bruce WilsonYoungstown State University

Blue & Green Club($250 to $499 )

A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.A-1 U Rent, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Gerald AdkinsAtlanta Hawks & Atlanta ThrashersAtlanta Kitchen Equipment, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Robbie AttawayDr. Carol BaderMr. Robert V. BaldwinMr. and Mrs. Steve Barsby

Dr. Rose Baugh BaconMr. William C. BeddingfieldMs. Mae C. BellBellSouthBetter Hometown Eatonton, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. BialacMrs. Melody D. BiedermanMrs. Vicki Nepote BoltonMrs. Betty B. BowlingMr. and Mrs. Douglas V. BralleyMr. and Mrs. Hendrik G. BrandtMr. Robert W. BrownMr. Perry W. BurtonMr. Chris CalcianoMrs. Rita R. CannonCapitol Engineering Co.Mr. and Mrs. Don L. CarswellMr. and Mrs. Glenn ChandlerDr. Mary A. ClowerDr. Earl R. Cooper, Jr.Ms. Ann H. CopelanMrs. Traci G. CourvilleMrs. Cathy J. CrawleyMrs. Jenna CrispCuscowilla Golf Resort at Lake OconeeMs. Beate CzogallaMr. Robert M. DanekeMr. Steven DeanMr. Jon DeloachDr. and Mrs. Michael DigbyMrs. Joel Whitfield DilworthDomino’s PizzaMrs. Ann Bruce DosterMrs. Judith S. DouglasMr. Fritz EngelmannMr. and Mrs. William H. Epps, Jr.Fair, Isaac and Company, Inc.Mrs. Jean H. FennellForemost CleanersMr. and Mrs. Michael A. FranklinDr. Barbara FunkeMr. and Mrs. Ben G. GautierDr. Bruce GentryMrs. Linda GilbreathDr. Lee GillisMr. and Mrs. Rick GoetteMr. and Mrs. John W. Grant, Jr.Mrs. Tommy D. GriffithMr. and Mrs. David B. GrosecloseMrs. Marie H. GroverDr. and Mrs. Dean HarrellMr. and Mrs. Steven F. HauserMs. Leigh HernMrs. Elizabeth S. HinesDr. Jane HinsonMrs. Kathleen Blenk HodellMr. and Mrs. Cecil M. Hodges, Jr.Dr. Leta M. HolderMr. and Mrs. Mark HopeHorton ComponentsMr. and Mrs. James A. HortonMrs. Virginia Olsen HortonDr. Sarah H. HumphriesMrs. Deborah A. HutchersonImagewearMr. and Mrs. Leslie E. JonesMs. Sharon L. JonesMr. and Mrs. Tullie JonesMrs. Betty H. JordanMr. and Mrs. John L. KainesMrs. Helen P. KeipperMr. and Mrs. William L. KiddDr. and Mrs. Donald A. KingMr. Beverly Bernard KnowlesMrs. Billie W. LawingMr. and Mrs. Carr LucasMs. Celine MartinMrs. Margaret C. McCartyMrs. Elizabeth J. McCluskeyMrs. Kathleen M. McGeeverDr. and Mrs. Kenneth McGillMr. and Mrs. John C. McKibbenDr. Richard Mercier

Milledgeville Old Capital Kiwanis Club

Mrs. Frances Ivey MillerMr. Ronald H. MillerMills Industrial Construction, Inc.Dr. Nancy MizelleMr. Michael H. MobleyMr. and Mrs. Michael J. MorrisonMiss Rebecca MulliganNichols, Cauley & Associates, L.L.C.Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. O’BrienDr. Doug R. OetterMs. Carol OrmondMr. Walter B. PeelerDr. and Mrs. Greg PepetoneMr. Billy Wayne PerryPettigrew Accounting ServiceMr. Ed PinsonMr. Raymond A. PippinMrs. Mary N. S. PrattProtective Financial ServicesMr. and Mrs. Phillip PsalmondsDr. Rosalie RichardsMr. Dyer RidleyRoc’s Cork ShoppeMrs. Sherri B. RollinsMrs. Marsha M. SalmonMrs. Peggy George SammonsMr. and Mrs. Roy SavoianDr. Rachel A. SchipperMr. and Mrs. Michael S. SchislerMr. and Mrs. Terry F. SellersMrs. Louise M. ShirreffsSibilsky RealtyMr. James C. SmithMr. and Mrs. Michael S. SmithMr. Steven SmithMr. Sadeki SneadSt. Paul Travelers FoundationMrs. Virginia Y. StoneMr. and Mrs. Larry G. SwansonMrs. Nancy SwansonMs. Bonita K. TannerMr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. TateThe Pines Foundation, Inc.The Reserve At Lake KeoweeThe Tint ShopMs. Beth ThompsonMs. Leigh ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Fred D. ThrasherMr. Louie TigheDr. Craig TurnerMr. Robert TurnerMrs. Lucy C. Van StirumMr. and Mrs. Charles M. VandiverMr. Glenn A. Veal and

Dr. Phyllis Parks-VealDr. Robert ViauDr. Arnold WadeDr. William WallMrs. Patti WeimerMr. and Mrs. Robert A. WeisflogMrs. Mildred B. WestMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. WiserWMVG-WKZRMs. Sarah Jane WollisonDr. Edward M. WolpertMs. Teresa WoodwardDr. Tina Yarborough

Century Club ($100 to $249 )

Mrs. Elizabeth H. AbbottAbsolute Security Systems, Inc.Mr. Louis AcunaMr. Donald I. AdamsMr. Louis AdamsMrs. Mildred M. AdamsMs. Ruth AdamsMrs. Shirley A. AderholdMrs. Lisa H. Aikens

* Deceased

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Mr. Juan A. AlcarriaDr. and Mrs. Derek H. AldermanMr. and Mrs. Scott S. AldridgeDr. Glenn C. AlexDr. and Mrs. Donald Alexander, Jr.Mrs. Nancy Annette AlfordMr. Mark AlhantiMrs. Louise Simmons AllenMs. Mary L. AllenMr. and Mrs. Matthew AllenMr. and Mrs. William M. AllenMrs. Geraldine D. AlligoodGC Chapter Alpha Delta PiAmici’s RestaurantMs. Surendra AminMrs. Melissa N. AndersonMr. Roger N. Anderson, Sr.Ms. Ruth S. AndersonMr. Timothy L. AndersonMr. Flynn AndrewMrs. Carol S. AndrewsAntebellum InnMrs. Lynda D. AnthonyMrs. Dorothy H. ApplegateMr. Harlan T. ArcherDr. J. J. AriasDr. and Mrs. Thomas F. ArmstrongMrs. Mary C. ArnoldMrs. Nancy K. AspinwallAthens Area Commencement CenterAthens Internal Medicine

Associates, P.C.Mr. William C. AthertonMrs. Mildred J. AtkinsAtlanta Braves AdministrationAtlanta Network SystemsMr. and Mrs. James M. AugustineMrs. Allison AultmanMrs. Mary S. AustinMs. Roxanna AustinAvant’s Food, Inc.Mr. Joshua D. AxelberdDr. Bennett AxelrodMr. Hunter BaconMs. Leigh BagwellMr. and Mrs. Louis BagwellMrs. Carol D. BakerDr. Max T. BakerMs. Wendy N. BallewMrs. Edwina P. BanksMr. and Mrs. Richard C. Barbee, Jr.Mrs. Deanne BarkerMrs. Billie G. BarksdaleDr. and Mrs. Everette H. BarmanMr. and Mrs. Anthony G. BarnesMr. and Mrs. H. V. BarnesMrs. Elizabeth F. BarnhartMr. and Mrs. Bruce BarrMrs. Faye Tanner BarrMrs. Mary Lois C. BarrMr. James A. BarrowMr. James T. BarrowMr. Mike BarsbyMr. Pete BarsbyMr. and Mrs. Antonio BaruffaMr. Cesidio BaruffaBass Signal CorporationMr. Scott D. BassettMr. William BastMs. Sherri BatchelorMs. Myra M. BatsonMr. Dexter L. BaumgartMr. and Mrs. William E. BazemoreDr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Beadles, IIMrs. Cynthia C. BealMrs. Merle C. BeardenMs. Eva M. BeaulieuMrs. Ethel Kiser BeckMr. Larry E. Beck, Jr.Becker ConviserMr. Brian BeckhamBeckham’s Used CarsMs. Lynne R. Beeson

Ms. Sarah L. BeierMs. Lena C. BelflowerMr. and Mrs. Michael D. BellDr. Pamela T. BellMrs. Paige BennettMs. Patricia BennettMrs. Eva Jo Dunahoo BentonMr. Joseph A. BertucciMrs. Sylvia McCluskey BettsMrs. Karon B. BeyerMr. Philip A. BivinsMr. and Mrs. Larry BixlerMs. Constance M. BlackburnMr. and Mrs. Michael BlackerbyMs. Shirley BlaineMr. and Mrs. Willson BlakeMrs. Linda B. BlizzardDr. Betty BlockMr. William BoatmanMrs. Mary A. BogleMrs. Elizabeth R. BonnerMr. and Mrs. James E. BoothMr. and Mrs. Marlin BoruffMrs. Anna K. BoscacciMr. Craig BotelerDr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Bouley, Jr.Mrs. Cindy BowenMs. Cathy Fleder BowersMrs. Sara B. BoydMrs. Ethel R. BoyleMrs. Frances J. BozemanMr. Billy BrackMr. Nathaniel G. BraddyMrs. Brenda Bragg-PriceMs. Linda BranchMr. T. Daniel BrannanMrs. Crystal F. BrantaMrs. Annie Jo K. BrantleyMrs. Julie O. BranyanMr. and Mrs. Eddie R. BrayMrs. Dorothy J. BridgemanMrs. Janelle Greene BridgesMr. William B. BrockMrs. Judith J. BrodieMr. and Mrs. James E. Brooks, Jr.Mrs. Mary BrooksMr. A. P. BrownMrs. Allene Poole BrownDr. Annella BrownMrs. Barbara L. BrownMr. and Mrs. Clois C. Brown, Jr.Mrs. Jane Thornton BrownMs. Kay BrownMrs. Martha W. BrownMrs. Miriam S. BrownBrown Oil Co.Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. BrunerMs. Wahldean M. BrunsonMrs. Pinkie W. BrutcherMr. Paul W. Bryan, Jr.Mrs. Louise C. BryantMrs. Patty BuchananMr. and Mrs. Edward BudoMr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. BuggMr. and Mrs. Zeb L. Burrell, Jr.Ms. Amy S. BurtMr. and Mrs. Arthur BurtMr. and Mrs. Robert S. BushButler Ford Mercury HondaMr. Matthew ButlerCain Termite & Pest ControlMr. and Mrs. William L. CantrellMr. Frank CapaldoCapitol Transmission Services, Inc.Mrs. Dixie B. CareyMrs. Doris C. CareyMr. and Mrs. Terrence R. CarlsonMrs. Katherine W. CarlyleMrs. Charlene C. CarpenterMs. Myrtice I. CarpenterMs. Deborah A. CarrMr. and Mrs. Norman CarrickMs. Sue C. Carrick

Dr. Peter M. CarriereMr. Robert CarverCastorri & AssociatesMr. Eric CastroMrs. Ketus Conner CawthonMr. Mariano CebrianCentral Georgia BatteryMr. and Mrs. L. Aaron ChaffinchMrs. Miriam Jones ChamberlainChambers CleanersMr. and Mrs. Frank ChambersMrs. Suzanne B. ChamblissMr. Douglas C. ChandlerMs. M. Katherine ChandlerMr. Alvin ChapmanMrs. Jo Ann ChappleMrs. Saranna CharpingMs. Shellie L. ChastainChick-fil-AChristian, Kelly, Thigpen & Company LLCMr. Jeffrey P. ChupichMr. Andy T. ClarkMs. Martha E. ClarkMr. Mitchell A. ClarkeMrs. Lynne ClemenceMr. and Mrs. Scott M. ClemensDr. and Mrs. Steve D. Clements, Jr.Mr. Pierce ClineMr. and Mrs. Ben CochranMrs. Carolyn B. Coggins and FamilyMr. and Mrs. Patrick A. ColemanMrs. Gwendolyn W. CollierMs. M. Anne CollierMs. Allene CollinsMr. and Mrs. William R. CollinsMr. Ronald E. Colvin and

Dr. Martha ColvinMr. and Mrs. Richard T. ColvinMr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Conner, Jr.Ms. Rebecca D. ConoverConsumer Support Advocacy, Inc.Mrs. Kathleen N. CookMrs. Mary J. CookMrs. Rene Youmans CookMr. and Mrs. Richard T. CookMr. and Mrs. Richard L. CopasMrs. Wyleen J. CorbettMrs. Brenda G. CorbinMs. Janelle D. CoreyCornerstone Commercial Mortgages LLCMrs. Gretchen W. CorumMr.and Mrs. Floyd CouchMr. Donald R. CowanMr. and Mrs. Michael L. CowanMrs. Jane H. CoxMr. R. Linton Cox, Jr.Mr. Chad M. CrabtreeCraig-Massee Real EstateMrs. Billy Sweerus CrawfordMrs. Kathryn W. CrawfordMrs. Sarah M. CrawfordMr. C. Ray CrenshawMr. Randy L. CressMrs. Judy T. CrittendenMr. and Mrs. Wiley M. Crittenden, Jr.Mr. Bo CronvallMrs. Florence E. CrookeMrs. Florella G. CrouchMr. and Mrs. C. H. CroweMr. Kenneth N. CruceMr. and Mrs. O. D. Cullen, IIIMs. Flor Culpa-BondalMrs. Wanda CulpepperMr. Herbert CurryDairy QueenMr. and Mrs. Randy DalrympleMrs. Corinne M. DanielMs. Lorraine DanielMs. Margaret A. DanielMrs. Myra M. DanielMr. and Mrs. David DantzlerDarien Baptist ChurchMrs. Betty B. Davis

Mrs. Betty J. DavisMr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr.Mrs. Gayle DavisMrs. Ginger K. DavisMr. and Mrs. James T. DavisMs. Virginia C. DavisMr. Warren DawsonMrs. Frances E. DayMrs. Jatha DayMr. Barry W. DealMr. and Mrs. Paul R. DeanMr. Raymond DeemerMrs. Lauren Benson DeenMr. and Mrs. Gary L. DempseyMr. Diego R. DiazMr. and Mrs. James DillardMr. and Mrs. Nikolay D. DimitrovMrs. Sarah M. DismukeMs. Catherine M. DobsonMr. Richard DobsonMr. E R. DotsonMrs. Neva L. DouglasMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. DouglassMr. Nick DowdyMr. and Mrs. John DoyleDraffin & Tucker, LLPMrs. Donna C. DrakeMr. and Mrs. Greg DuckworthMr. Richard DucoteMr. Joseph S. DukesMr. Gerald DunklemanMs. Bonita J. DunmeyerMr. Timothy DunnMr. and Mrs. Ed DurhamMr. Kevin J. DyeDyer Construction, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Neil G. DyerMs. Rosemary A. DyerDr. Glenn C. EasterlyMr. Mike EasterwoodMrs. Dana B. EdgensMiss Ana M. EdwardsMr. and Mrs. David W. EdwardsMrs. Helen D. EdwardsDr. Lee C. EdwardsDr. Marianne EdwardsMs. Sara M. EdwardsElite School of GymnasticsHon. John J. EllingtonMrs. Dorothy G. EllisMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. EllisMs. Josefina M. EndereMs. Cynthia M. EnglishMr. and Mrs. Larry EntrekinMr. Keith EppsMr. Terry EubanksMrs. Marjorie W. EvansMrs. Diane D’Aubert EwingExecutive Cleaning, IncMr. and Mrs. David E. EzellMr. and Mrs. Jim Fain, Jr.Mrs. Mary Brantley FarleyFarmers FurnitureDr. Roxanne L. FarrarDr. Joseph C. Farrington, Jr.Mrs. Gladys P. FeistMr. Johnaun FeleyMrs. Tracy D. FendleyDr. Ronald FietkauMr. Glenn G. Fifarek and

Mrs. Mary K. La FountainMr. Jonathan D. FilsonMrs. Bernadine K. FindleyMr. and Mrs. James G. Finley, Sr.Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. FisherMr. Hartley W. FlandersMs. Annamarie FlemingMr. and Mrs. Neal B. FlemingMrs. Robertiena F. FletcherFlo-Control, Inc.Mr. Bryan T. FlowerMrs. Marguerite P. FolendoreMrs. Vicki Folendore

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Mr. Raymond J. FosterFrames & ThingsDr. Ralph H. France, IIIMr. and Mrs. James FranklinMs. Heather S. FrazierMrs. Edna Merle S. FreemanMrs. Quay M. FullerMs. Carlene GainousMr. Mark GainousMrs. Elizabeth K. GallagherMrs. Doris P. GallowayDr. Santiago García-CastañónDr. Judy L. Gardner and

Mr. Max GardnerMrs. Beth B. GarlandMr. Theo GarlandDr. Andrea M. GarmonGarrett Industries, Inc.Mr. Kerry G. GarrettMs. Wilma A. GarrisonMrs. Christine W. GayMr. and Mrs. Jack D. Gibbs, Sr.Mr. Stuart GibbsMr. and Mrs. Michael L. GilstrapMrs. Grace Smith GironeMr. and Mrs. David B. GloverDr. Arthur W. GlowkaGMC Tumbling AcademyDr. and Mrs. Lee B. GodfreyMr. William GodwinMr. and Mrs. James L. Goforth, Jr.Ms. Nancy T. GoinsMr. and Mrs. Harold GoodrichMrs. Carol W. GoodroeMs. Maria GordonMr. Thomas GordonMr. William GossGossen CorporationMrs. Frances K. GrahamMrs. Gail GranadeMr. and Mrs. Dean H. GrantSen. and Mrs. John W. Grant, IIIGrapevine Antiques & MoreMr. John J. GrayMr. and Mrs. Louie E. GrayMr. Kurt GreeneMrs. Teri GreeneMs. Florence GrenadeMrs. Grace Roland GriffinMr. and Mrs. John Griffin, Jr.Mrs. Carolyn S. GrimesDrs. Jean and Carolyne GuittonMs. Edwina GunnMr. Gary M. GutowskyMrs. Marjorie H. GuyMrs. Sallie S. GuyH & M Drugs, Inc.H.F. Bloodworth Pallet Co., Inc.Hack ShackMr. Bill HaleyMr. and Mrs. Phillip W. HallMr. and Mrs. J. Edward HallMr. and Mrs. Samuel O. HallHampton InnMs. Teresa D. HamrickMrs. Emily Claire G. HancockMrs. Kelly Farrell HanrettaMrs. Doris HardieMs. Genie HargroveMr. and Mrs. L. O. HarmonMr. Steven HarrellMs. Amanda HarrisMrs. Antilina D. HarrisMr. Brian HarrisMrs. Carlene O. HarrisMr. William G. HarrisonMrs. Ronda Harrison-SpoerlMr. Michael C. HartleyMs. Martha M. HawkinsMrs. Gladys L. HaynesMs. Carol G. HayseDr. and Mrs. Van B. HaywoodMs. Gladys A. Heath

Mrs. Alice Davis HeldenfelsMrs. Louise K. HeltonDr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Hemphill, Jr.Dr. Mary Shultz HendersonMr. and Mrs. Chris HendleyMr. Thomas B. HenstockMr. Bobby HerndonMr. Hubert G. Herndon, Jr.Mrs. Helen S. HickeyMr. James F. HicksMrs. Kathryn K. HicksMr. and Mrs. Paul P. HiggsMs. Kathleen A. HillMr. Ronnie E. HillMr. Perry Wood HiottDr. Jude HirschMrs. Eulalia W. HodgeDr. Janet M. HoffmannHoliday Inn ExpressMs. Mary L. HollandMr. James E. Hollis, JrMr. and Mrs. Martin HollisMr. and Mrs. J. Troy Holloway, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. D. Eric HolmesMs. Tracy HolmesMr. Alvin L. HooperMrs. Mary Ann W. HopeMr. Dennis O. HopfMrs. Ann T. HopperDr. Maureen A. HorganMr. Robert C. HouseholderMrs. Barbara Dame HouzeMr. and Mrs. C. N. HowardMr. and Mrs. Cedric HowardMs. Patricia HowardHoward, Moore & McDuffie, P.C.Mrs. Mary R. HubbardMr. and Mrs. Henry M. HuckabyMrs. Jane E. HughesMrs. Doris C. HulbertMr. and Mrs. Steve HumphrysMs. Mary L. HuntMr. and Mrs. James H. HunterMs. Yonah Z. HurtMrs. Joyce HutchinsMs. Olivia S. HutchisonMr. Jimmie InglettMr. and Mrs. Michael G. InmanMr. and Mrs. Brian IrishMr. Larry IrwinDr. and Mrs. Jimmy IsheeJ. C. Grant CompanyMrs. Alice McMillan JacksonMr. and Dr. Don K. JacksonMrs. Melisande C. JacksonMs. Racheal E. JacksonMr. and Mrs. Terry C. JacksonMrs. Susie Lee B. JacobsDr. and Mrs. Paul K. JahrJames R. & Charlotte J. Thorne FundMr. Richard M. JanofskyMrs. Carolyn B. JaquetteMs. Jewell Radford JarkaDr. Gregory J. JarvieMrs. Pam JenkinsMr. William JenningsMr. and Mrs. Burl R. JimmersonJoe’s Auto MartMrs. Janice Elaine H. JohnsMr. Gary K. JohnsonMs. Grady JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Billy JohnsonMrs. Lynn B. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Guy M. JohnsonMr. Michael JohnsonMrs. Ruth Thomas JohnsonMs. Tammie M. JohnsonMrs. Valerie L. JohnsonMrs. Doris W. JoinerMr. and Mrs. Jacob JonesMrs. Jennifer C. JonesMrs. Kathryne A. JonesDr. Martha J. Jones

Dr. and Mrs. W. A. JonesMrs. Sybil N. JonesMrs. Georgia H. JordanMrs. Mary Katharine Butts JordanMs. Maureen H. KahnMrs. Martha L. KaplanKappa SigmaKappa Upsilon ChiMr. Thomas O. KarlssonKay Burke & Associates L.L.C.Mrs. Frances W. KeatonMrs. Phyllis Kelly KennedyMs. Katherine A. KentMs. Jane KeslerMr. and Mrs. Steven I. KiddMrs. Martha G. KingeryMs. Mary D. KitchensMr. William C. KitchensDr. Karynne L. KleineMs. Amber S. KnepperMrs. Carolyn Hilyer KnightKnowles Painting &

General ConstructionMrs. Theresa R. KodrowskiMr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. KopeskyCol. Edward G. KozlowskiMrs. Constance B. KruegerMrs. Betty J. KuhnDr. Dave KunzKWC Faucets and SinksL.E. Sales Inc.Lakeside Baptist ChurchMr. Ezekiel R. Lambert, IIIMs. Linda LammonMr. and Mrs. Andy J. LandDr. Betty LaneMrs. Sara D. LanfordMrs. Nellie B. LangMrs. Betty L. LangfordMr. and Mrs. W. Jerry LangstonMr. and Mrs. Ralph G. LantzMrs. Louise L. LawrenceMr. Stephen H. LaysonMrs. Barbara B. LeCroyMs. Andrea D. LeeMr. and Mrs. Ken LeeMr. and Mrs. Randall N. LeeMrs. Rebecca Lyn R. LeeMr. Robert E. LeeMrs. Klonnie W. LewisLiberty ChevroletDr. Catrena LisseLittle Fishing Creek Golf CourseMr. Tom LittleMr. and Mrs. David LobaughMr. and Mrs. Charles M. LokeyMrs. Alice LoperMs. Evelina LossifovMr. and Mrs. Robert J. LoushineMrs. Martha Pate LovettDrs. Shannon and

Christopher M. LoweryMrs. Betty T. LumpkinMr. Barry R. LungMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. LynchMrs. Mary Alice G. LynnDr. Jan E. MabieMrs. Joy L. MabryMr. Robert MacGregorMs. Sheri MajorMs. Mary MallisonDr. Sunita ManianMrs. Emily T. ManningMar-Key Specialized Staffing, Inc.Ms. Ellen MarkwalterMr. John R. MarkwalterMr. William MaronMr. Alan MarshMrs. Ruth B. MarshMrs. Margaret C. MarshallMrs. Patsy I. MarshallMr. and Mrs. Alan MartinMrs. Ella J. Martin

Mrs. Grace B. MartinMr. Larry G. MathisMrs. Robin M. MatthewsMauldin & JenkinsMrs. Judith H. MaxwellMr. Alan McCantMr. Scott McCauleyMrs. Ann McClartyMs. Fanny B. McClureMrs. Billie Ann D. McCombMrs. Shirley Y. McCookMs. Bee McCormackMrs. Caroline McDanielDr. and Mrs. William F. McDanielMr. Robert P. McDonelMs. Jamie M. McDuffieMs. Carol McElheneyMr. and Mrs. Joseph McEver, R.PH.Mrs. Bess S. McFarlandMr. Christopher C. McGaheeDr. William McGarityMr. James B. McGinnisDr. and Mrs. Michael McGinnisMr. and Mrs. Robert McGuintyMr. Robert S. McInnisMr. John A. McIntosh, Jr.Mr. James L. McKellarMs. Kate McKemieMrs. Linda J. McKnightMcLain, Calhoun, McCullough,

Clark & Co.Mrs. Sandra C. McMasterDr. Melissa McMillan, M.D.Ms. Rebecca McMullenMcNair, McLemore,

Middlebrooks & Company, L.L.P.Mrs. Martha S. McNaronMr. and Mrs. Paul J. McNultyMr. Timothy P. McQuainMrs. Josephine E. McReeMr. John L. McSweeneyMrs. Carol MeanyMr. James L. MeaseMr. and Mrs. Russell R. MeeksMrs. Pamela S. MelbourneMr. and Mrs. Michael E. MerolaMrs. Phyllis Atwood MeyerMike Bell Chevrolet, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. MilesMr. Otus M. Miliner, Jr.Milledgeville AutomotiveMilledgeville Junior Woman’s Club

* Deceased

In Memoriam

Gifts were made to GCSU inmemory of the following individu-als during the 2006 fiscal year.

Mr. Jarrett BostonMrs. Ardath L. BradshawCOL Lovett BriggsMr. Richard E. Cotton, Jr.Mrs. Margaret Prince CrawfordMrs. Ikella Odom GilmoreDr. Helen I. GreeneMr. J. C. Hitchcock, Jr.Dr. Jean G. JacobsMrs. Sarah B. JamesDr. Dorothy E. Pitman-BaumMs. Elizabeth A. RihmMrs. Mary Noyes RileyMr. Joseph Samprone, Sr.Ms. Virginia SatterfieldMrs. Janelle R. SeckingerMrs. Lala Carr SteelmanMrs. Lynn A. SweetMrs. Catherine E. ThurstonMrs. Catherine C. WhelchelMrs. Olive B. WillsMrs. Margaret H. Wilson

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Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. MillenMs. Ginger MillerMrs. Jean Taylor MillerLTC (Ret.) and Mrs. Joe E. MillerMr. and Mrs. Harold A. MillsMr. and Mrs. James A. MilnerMr. and Mrs. Luther MinorMr. and Mrs. Frank G. Mitchell, IVMr. and Mrs. Robert C. Mitchell, IIMr. and Mrs. Wayne A. MonroeMrs. Dawn MooreDr. Louise E. MooreMrs. Sue MooreMr. W. Wade MooreMr. and Mrs. William D. MooreMrs. Marie H. MorganMrs. Shirley S. MorganMrs. Nellie T. MorrillMrs. Nanci MoseleyMrs. Marjorie F. MoselyMr. and Mrs. George G. MossMrs. Mary M. MoyeMr. Brad MullerMrs. Janice MullerMr. and Mrs. Robert B. MullerMr. and Mrs. H. Kedward MurrayMrs. Lyndall H. MuschellMs. Elizabeth MyersMrs. Mary Ellen N. MyersMr. William J. MyersMr. Randy L. MygrantMr. and Mrs. William G. Neely, IIIMr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. NeilMr. Charles NelsonMs. Shannon New-ChapmanDr. Georgia A. NewmanMr. Mark Steve NewmanDr. and Mrs. Steven NiergarthMr. and Mrs. Timothy A. NipperMrs. Jean Smallwood NobleMrs. Shirley M. NolesLTC and Mrs. William C. NorthRev. and Mrs. Dewey L. NortonMrs. Andrea O’BrienMr. Leonard O’BrienMrs. Rebecca A. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. George C. Oetter, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. OgburnMrs. Josephine F. OglesbyMr. Michael D. OkeeffeMrs. Lojuanna K. O’NealMrs. Mary Nell S. O’NealMrs. Gloria P. OrmandMs. Sandra L. OwenbyMs. Frances L. PadgettMrs. Faye M. PalmerDr. Michael PangiaPapa John’s PizzaMr. and Mrs. Bernard A. ParkerDr. and Mrs. Lee Parker, Jr.Ms. Michelle L. Parr

Mrs. Nelle C. PattilloMr. and Mrs. H. F. PaulsMrs. Cyndi PayneDr. Stephen PayneMr. Robert PearceMrs. Barbara W. PearsonMr. and Mrs. George F. PearsonMrs. and Mr. Martha Ann W. PearsonMrs. Joyce A. PeaveyDr. and Mrs. Mark PeltonMrs. M. Camille PendersMrs. Beverly Anne PenleyMr. and Mrs. David E. Pennington, IIIMr. and Mrs. B. M. PenningtonMr. Oscar N. PersonsMr. and Mrs. John T. PetersMrs. Margaret G. PettyjohnMr. and Mrs. Thomas PhelpsMs. Jane G. PhilipsMr. and Mrs. Glen PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Roy PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Trae PhillipsMrs. Susan D. PierceMrs. Mary L. PilcherPinelake Foundation, Inc.Ms. Suzanne PittmanMrs. Revel PogueDr. and Mrs. Douglas G. PohlMrs. Emily B. PollardMrs. Sarita Deal PopeMrs. Robert W. Powell, Jr.Mrs. Gloria PranceMrs. Carolyn P. PrattMs. Susan F. PresleyMr. Johnny PressasMs. Tracy E. PrestonMs. Kathleen Mitchell PriceMr. and Mrs. Brad ProsserMr. and Mrs. Robert J. PruettMs. Eve PuckettMrs. Mary F. PurcellMr. and Mrs. Gus Pursley, Jr.Mrs. Cay QuattlebaumQuizno’s SubR. A. M. AssociatesMrs. Judy M. RaderMrs. Sybil L. RaineyDr. Merrie Hughie RampMr. Don RansomDr. Anne Reddick-MitchumMr. and Mrs. Bryan ReedDr. and Mrs. Harold W. Reed, Jr.Mrs. Nona Wofford ReevesMs. Laura L. ReubensMr. Gary B. RevisMrs. Harriet May RichDrs. Richardson & Richardson, P.C.Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. RickettMrs. Jean N. RitchieMr. and Mrs. Sigmundo RivasRoberts Construction and Roofing LLCMr. and Mrs. Oscar RobertsMr. and Mrs. Brian A. RogersMrs. Dois S. RogersMrs. Patti S. RogersMr. and Mrs. Alan RomineMr. Peter RomockiMr. Jason D. RossMrs. Sandra McCall RosseterMs. Missy RossonMrs. Mary Alice Hughes RothMrs. Lindy RuarkMr. L. I. RudesealDr. Ivan Ruiz-AyalaMr. and Mrs. Charles M. RussellMr. Ernest L. Russell, Jr.Mrs. Kendra C. RussellMrs. Jeanne S. RutenkrogerMr. Bradley K. RuthMr. Jesse G. SalasMr. Robert K. SalsmanMrs. Peggy E. SalvesenDr. Doreen Sams

Ms. Bobbie J. SandersDr. and Mrs. Hugh SandersMr. and Mrs. Steven SannerMr. Anisio M. SantosMrs. Carol J. SappMrs. Ruth Van C. SappMrs. Gina SasserMrs. Carole K. ScalesMr. and Mrs. Jay SchatzerMs. Stephanie SchatzerMr. Howard SchemerMr. Richard C. SchnableMr. and Mrs. Gerald P. SchummMr. Russell SchusslerMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. SchwartzMr. Christopher E. ScogginsMrs. Palacia S. SeamanDr. Patricia SeayMs. Karla SeckingerMr. and Mrs. Billie T. SegarsSew K DesignsMrs. Angie SeymourDr. and Mrs. Joseph W. SharpShasta Millwork Inc.Ms. Deborah ShaughnessyMr. and Mrs. Kevin M. ShaughnessyMrs. Coreda J. ShawMrs. Diane W. ShawMrs. Lynn B. ShawMrs. Frances L. SheaMr. and Mrs. Rod ShearouseMr. and Mrs. Michael A. SheppardMs. Tammi SheppardDr. Vivian C. ShipleyDr. and Mrs. Todd ShiverMr. and Mrs. Milton L. ShiverMrs. Frances B. SibleyMr. Mark A. SimonsMr. and Mrs. Neal SimpsonMr. Warren SimsMrs. Dorothy B. SinclairMr. and Mrs. Joel P. SingletonMs. Rebecca H. SkinnerMr. and Mrs. George E. Slappey, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. SmithMrs. Christina V. SmithMrs. Claudette T. SmithMrs. Deborah B. SmithMr. Donald L. SmithMrs. Doris C. SmithMrs. Elizabeth T. SmithMrs. Jacolyn R. SmithMs. Joan SmithMr. and Mrs. Joel A. SmithMr. John SmithMr. Jonathan SmithMs. Kerri SmithMrs. Lisa T. SmithMs. Lynn SmithMrs. Marla B. SmithMr. and Mrs. William H. Smith, Jr.Dr. Sharene SmootMr. Tony SmythMs. Becky SnodgrassMs. Terri SopkoMrs. Louise B. SorrellsMrs. Susan P. SoutherlandSouthside Tire and BrakeMrs. Charlotte Y. SowellSparkle Carpet CleaningStanfield Air SystemsDr. Henry K. StanfordMr. and Mrs. Todd A. StaplesMrs. Helen B. StarkMs. Cynthia L. SteeleDr. Larry SteinleMrs. Martha StevensMs. Kendall StilesMr. and Mrs. John StinebaughMs. Jessica L. StinsonMrs. Olynda B. StretcherMrs. Elise H. StricklandMr. Victor C. Sullivan, III

Mrs. Jerrie A. SwansonMr. John TaborMr. and Mrs. Mark TaborMr. Robert TamburelloMr. and Mrs. Mike TarverMr. and Mrs. McKinney TaylorMr. and Mrs. Jack B. Taylor, IIIMrs. Hilda F. TeasleyMr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Telford, Jr.Mrs. Patrice R. TerrellThe Baldwin BulletinThe Right StuffThigpen Jones Seaton & Company, P.C.Mrs. Betty C. ThomasMrs. Mary Francis Carlin ThomasMrs. Nell W. ThomasMrs. Paula A. ThomasMrs. Ruby E. ThompsonMrs. Esther Ingram ThomsonMr. and Mrs. Jim ThorneMr. James J. TidwellMs. Rosemon TidwellMr. and Mrs. Sam TidwellMr. Timothy L. TidwellMrs. Gail TillerMr. Paul TimmonsDr. Patti TolbertMr. and Mrs. Donald TooleMr. Kirk TopitsMr. and Mrs. Mark E. TothMrs. Rachel M. TouchtonTowers PerrinMr. Norma J. TrammellMrs. Margaret G. TrawickMr. Michael R. TrepanierMrs. Amy Allums TribbleMr. and Mrs. William C. TrotterTruss Specialties, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Dennis TuckerTugalo Gas Company, Inc.Ms. Stephanie V. Tukes-ManuelMrs. Judy Q. TurnellMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. TurnerMrs. Eva Daniel UlrichMs. Nancy E. UlrichUSF BaseballMr. and Mrs. Tim L. VaculaMs. Sherrell A. Van DykeHon. and Mrs. Kenneth A. VanceMr. Bruce H. VaughnVerizon WirelessVillage Inn and PubMr. and Mrs. Troy D. WaddingtonMs. Patricia WadeMr. and Mrs. Dennis WaldrepMr. and Mrs. Timothy Eric WalkerDr. Doug WalkerMrs. Jacqueline H. WalkerMr. Perry D. WalkerMr. Thomas G. Walker, Jr.Ms. Angelina WallaceCapt. and Mrs. Terrell R. Wallace, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Marcus WallsMrs. Judy WalshMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. WardMr. and Mrs. James R. Warden, Jr.Ms. Mary V. WarnellMr. Jackie J. Warner, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. WarnockMrs. Jacqueline H. WarnockMr. Joe S. WatsonMrs. Sandra S. WatsonMr. Gary H. WebbMr. and Mrs. William F. Wendt, Jr.Mrs. Sylvia WesleyMrs. Faye H. WestMrs. Cheryl Fincher WheatWheel Fun RentalsMrs. Marion C. WhiddonDr. Harriett L. Whipple and

Mr. Fielding D. WhippleDr. Elaine E. WhitakerMrs. Jane White

In Honorarium

Gifts were made to GCSU inhonor of the following individualsduring the 2006 fiscal year.

Mrs. Weylene E. BucklinMs. Grace S. ChapinMrs. Marjorie E. CollinsMrs. Pauline G. JeffcoatDr. Dorothy LelandDr. Doris MoodyMrs. Dorrie P. NeliganMs. Erin E. ReardonMr. James B. RussellMrs. Lamonica J. SanfordMr. Stephen M. StewartMrs. Virginia H. TumlinMs. Lucy L. Underwood

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Ms. R. Allison WhiteDr. and Mrs. J. M. WhitfieldMrs. Susan H. WhittleMr. Barry S. WhitworthMr. and Mrs. Frank E. WigginsMr. and Mrs. Robert E. WigginsMr. John B. Wight, Jr.Mr. William Sidney Wilfong, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Richard WilkesMr. and Mrs. Joe WilkinsonDr. Hilda Pope WillettMs. Ashley M. WilliamsMs. Cheryl M. WilliamsDr. Clarence Williams, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ed B. WilliamsWilliams Funeral HomeWilliams Funeral Home of BarnesvilleMrs. Jacquelin C. WilliamsMr. Jerry WilliamsMrs. Joan D. WilliamsMrs. Martha Jean I. WilliamsMrs. Mildred H. WilliamsWilliam’s RV Service

Mr. and Mrs. James L. WilloughbyMs. Angela WilsonMs. Chelsia WilsonMrs. Florence A. WilsonMs. Margaret WilsonMrs. Margie S. WimberlyMr. Wagner WindMrs. Sondra A. WingoMr. and Mrs. Butch WintersMr. and Mrs. David H. WolfMrs. Jeanne M. WolfeMr. Richard A. WomackMr. and Mrs. James M. WoodDr. Diane E. WoodardMr. Michael J. WoodenMs. Beverly V. WoodsWoodwind Construction Company Inc.Mrs. Jennifer E. WorshamMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. WrightMr. and Mrs. Jerrold WrightMrs. Jaclyn U. WukelaMrs. Jane C. WyattDr. Zhenhui Xu

Dr. Jiaqin YangMrs. Sarah E. YarbroughMr. Aytac YimeniciogluMr. Casey L. YoungMrs. Marie P. YoungMrs. Mary Lott YoungMrs. Melissa C. YoungMr. Richard L. YoungMrs. Charlotte K. YoungbloodMr. Dan A. YoungclausMrs. Linda N. ZarkowskyZeta Tau Alpha

Young AlumniThe Young Alumni Giving Club honors allalumni who graduated within the lastfive years and who contributed between$50.00 and $99.99 to the GCSUFoundation within the fiscal year.

Mr. Herbert A. Agnew, IIMr. Michael D. Cooper

Ms. Kelly E. CunninghamMrs. Kathie F. DeenMr. Brenton L. EasomMs. Tanya Y. FinneyMs. Misty D. GilbreathMr. Philip W. GuyMrs. Kelly S. Herman-RobertsMs. Brenda B. HopsonMrs. Rose Valentine HydeMs. Phyllis A. KentMr. Kristofer L. KillianMr. Joshua F. KitchensMs. Margaret A. LongMs. Bethany A. LoushineMrs. Lesley K. MaginasMr. Michael MitchellMrs. Betty J. PepetoneMrs. Nancy L. SaylorMs. Jennifer M. SpurlinMrs. Carolyn S. StevensMrs. Kimberly L. TurnerMr. Christopher R. Yarbrough

* Deceased

Alumni Donors By Decade FY 20062000sColette McRae AdamsLeslie Lineberger AdamsHerbert AgnewJuan AlcarriaDecqunala Jackson AlexanderWilliam AllenTravis AndrewsWendy BallewLeah BarbeeAnthony BarnesKrista Paitsel BarnesKurt BarryScott BassettSarah Warr BaxterTammy Crow BeattyEva BeaulieuSarah BeierLena BelflowerStacey BennettCrystal BirstonBrian BiselSusan BlickLinda Brannan BlizzardCynthia BluntKerry BoitoCarol BoutwellStephanie BradlLorie Sargent BradshawElizabeth BrandenburgTeresa Reid BrinsonAmy BrownKatie BurckhalterRosemary BurgamyRichard BurnamMatthew ButlerTysen CampbellSheryl CavazosAnn ChalkerMary ChandlerShellie ChastainDebra ChavanneTori CheneyMatthew ClanceWilliam ClingenpeelAndrew CogginsApril Snell ConnellChristopher CookMichael CooperNadine CottermanLaura CowartHolly CrosbyKelly CunninghamRobert Daneke

Bahram DarugarAmy DavenportSandra DeanKathie DeenJosh DillardJessica Perkinson DillardYouliya DimitrovNikolay DimitrovNatalie Segars DunnWilliam DyerBrenton EasomKathryn EdwardsPenny EllisonJosefina EndereJohn ErwinTracy Davis FendleyTanya FinneyTrellis Dinkins FinneyBryan FlowerTelly Marrs FlynnErin FosterWanda FosterKaran FowlerHeather FrazierElizabeth FreemanElizabeth Tatum GallagherEvelina GalovaStephanie GannonKerry GarrettCharles GassAnderson GastonBrandi GawthropCrystal Klun GenelinRyan GigliottiMisty GilbreathStephanie GlowkaJennifer Wilder GoldsberryJohn GrantConley GreerJennifer Mcree GrooverPhilip GuyLindsey HairWesley HamannAmy Miller HanusAntilina HarrisMichael HaunKelly Herman-RobertsJana Truluck HillLynn HoggBrenda HopsonRose Valentine HydeKeith JacksonMelissa Helm JamesHarold Jenkins *

Burl JimmersonSherry Whigham JohnsonKatie JohnsonJennifer Collier JonesThomas KarlssonPhyllis KentMichelle KerseyYevette Key-McClentonLyndsey KiahKristofer KillianJoshua KitchensAmber KnepperBetty KuhnEllis LanhamStanley LawsonWilliam LeasureAndrea LeeJamie LeeJanet LewisMary LipfordMargaret LongBethany LoushineMorgan LueckLaura West LundayBarry LungKim MackLesley MaginasDebra MannStephanie MathisRobin MatthewsPamela MazarisCharles McClainShannon Wagner McDadeAshley Young McDanielDebra Debbie McDonaldVivian McGheeSusan McGillAmanda McKieErin McKnightStephanie Kirk McMillanSuann Hannah McNuttRaquel Simmons MeridyStephanie Fordham MillerJennifer MitchellMichael MitchellGrace Hodges MooreAnne MoshtaelJarlanda MossKimberly NicholsRebecca NipperTimothy NipperLisa ParkerMichelle ParrBetty Pepetone

Emily Chambers PollardYvonne PopeBrenda PowersKendra Andrews ProsserJeffrey PuckettJennifer PuckettLindsey PuckettMary PurcellBrittany RayJeffrey RaymondLeigh ReevesWanda RegisterKelly Linch RegisterJames RhodesJane Brown RichardsonStephanie Richardson-

EdmondScott RobertshawAugusta Brooks RodgersAndrea RooksVincent RushNancy SaylorRebecca Bagwell SearsPaul SedorSara SimmonsSteven SimpsonJohn SimsLewissa Swords SingletonJoel SingletonRebecca SkinnerCheryl SmithMaribeth SmithLorri Hinton SmithMandy SmithLee SnellingSusan Peacock SoutherlandDaniel SovereignCandace Greer SpicerSonya Jones SpikesJason SpositoJennifer SpurlinSharon StanovichAmie StepkoskiCarolyn Switzer StevensJessica StinsonBrenda SuttonJessica SwainJohn TalvanPatrice Reaves TerrellAmy ThirdTimothy TidwellEllen TriceJeffrey TurnerKimberly Turner

Bayani UdascoKimberly Johnson UmohMargrett UpshawWilliam VillemezShearlene WalkerLaura WalkerJudy WaltersJessica WardJulie Kight WashburnSheryl WellsJulia WellsAdam WigginsHollie WilliamsCarolyn Harris WilliamsTomekia WilsonMonica WoodDamon WoodhamChristopher YarbroughLori Zavetz

1990sJohn AdamsFrank AielloLisa Hardeman AikensLisa Chappelle AlbertJoseph AldridgeNancy AlfordJennifer AllisonLeslie AmosJames AmosJan Babcock AndersonMelissa Nicholson AndersonWalter AnthonyThomas ArmstrongJan Fennell ArmstrongDena Mullins AstinDonna AttawayJoshua AxelberdKathy BaileyCarol Dean BakerPamela BallardElizabeth Davidson BanksJonathon BarbareeCharlotte BarberCharlotte BareDeanne BarkerSherry Smith BarlowWilliam BarlowJudy BartonLarry BeckSue Sharp BeelerTerry BelflowerDeborah BellShannon Bentley

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Ethel Ezell BerksteinerCatherine BerriganJohn BissingerCarla BlenkThomas BlenkBrenda Gloss BootleLaCresia Glass BordenStanley BorekNathaniel BraddyWilliam BrockSuzanne BrooksGail Grove BrooksMiriam Harrison BrownElizabeth BryanEmily Bryan-SwindellVernetha Stroud BryantRonnie BryantVanthony BryantAthol BurnsCindy Lyle BushRobert BushEvelyn Shannonhouse CallawayLori Alcorn CampbellRandall CannonAngela CardosoOra CareyDon CarswellDebra Garren CarterJennifer CarterJudith Orme CaudillMary Callaway ChildreJames ChristopherJeffrey ChupichAndy ClarkScott ClemensMary CochranCarrol ColbertIvey McMillan ColemanRonald CollierCaroline Grimaldi CollierApril CollinsWilliam CollinsJulie Rutland ConnerThomas ConnerRene Youmans CookChevonne Mason CoonsWanda CoticchioCatherine CoueyMichele CranfordFlorella CrouchElizabeth Price CrumptonLorraine Hamilton DanielDebra Daniel-PurnellGail Rogers DavisJulia Travis DavisLauren Benson DeenGordon DickersonTheresa DickeyTrisha Williamson DietrichBlair DietrichRosemary DigbySarah Campbell DismukeHubert DobsonVirginia DoolittleDennis DoucetJared DownsJoseph DukesBonita DunmeyerKevin DyeNichole Tosh EarnshawFritz EngelmannEleanor EthierPhilip EubanksCharlotte Crawford EvansSara EverettBarbara Herrin EzellCheri Spiller FaberLynn FaulknerJonathan FilsonDavid FlandersOrena FloydRoy FonnerGary Ford

Raymond FosterJacquelyn FoxMichael FranklinLea White FrascaAngela Young FrenchDenise Stewart FrostSusan Camp FullerReginald GaineyMary GarlandEllamarie Hudson GarrettBrent GebelSheila Carnish GebelIris Rose GibbsMargretta GilesChristine GoforthJeffrey GoldmanMichael GoodeCarol Womack GoodroeSarah GordonFrances GrahamCarol Thornton GrantKristi Kirkland GreerChristine GriffithSallie GuyFlorence Holland HaddenJames HagerJuli HallmanLindsey Ray HallmannWilliam HammondsJohnnie HaneyKelly Farrell HanrettaGenie HargroveStefanie Bennett HargroveRobin HarrisCharles HarrisFeleica HarrisJacquelyn HarrisonGeorge HartMichael HartleySusan Aday HayesLori HeayberdAnn HerringdineRussell HerronLori Chapman HesterJames HicksElizabeth Shields HinesBrian HiteKathleen Blenk HodellBarenda HoganJakie HoganDavid HohnadelCharles HolcombeHeather Davis HolderJonnie HollowayJennifer Spires HolmesJessica Cochran HolstunNatalie HopkinsJohn HopkinsValinda HornCedric HowardJennifer HubbardJeri Sales HuckeHelen HuntMelanie Mimbs HutchesonVickie Hough IngramLinda JacksonViveca JacksonAnn Winn JeffersonCarmen JenkinsGary JohnsonEmily JohnsonGlenn JohnsonValerie JohnsonLoyes JohnsonTony JohnsonAmy McCollum JoinerJeffery JonesShandora Hayman JonesJanice Bender JordanLeigh Green JunodSteven KiddYvonne King KingMary Johnson Kirkland

Mary Menger KitchingsLeigh Simpson KnowlesCandace Miller KobbeEric KobbeEzekiel LambertJoseph LandermanLinda Sumter LawrenceKay LeaphartMatthew LeatherwoodGeorge LeeLaura LendermanRegina Loudermilk LinchConnie Kight LindseyMildred Dill LindseyLois LiottaJohn MarkwalterBrenda MasonNelanie McAfeeLisa McCullarCarlton McDonaldBeverly McFaddenChristopher McGaheeJames McKellarAlfred MeadHeidi Forrester MeadAlicia Toney MeeksDouglas MettsRebecca Castaldi MilesThomas MilesPeter MillerLawrence MinkRoger MooreSherri Loyd MoormanDebra Swift MossmanPatricia MoynihanBeth Henderson MurphyWilliam MyersElizabeth MyersSusan McDonald NaddraCharles NelsonEcho Arnold NiblettMichael OkeeffeDwayne OutlawAngela Chapman OutlawPamela OwensDaniel PanfilJulie Scott ParmleyRenee Taylor PaytonLena Bellamy PeltJames PhillipsRobert PinckneyPatricia English PinckneyEvelyn PooleTerri PopeSusan PresleyTracy PrestonTami Hillman PreyerMichelle PrinceAngela Queen-JonesDarrell QuinnAngela Scott ReddenHarold ReedAnn Taylor ReeseGary RevisLaura RiceClifford RobertsHolley Morris RobertsStephanie Lee RobertsAmanda RobinsonJanice Todd RobinsonEarl RogersJeffrey RootJason RossKendra Green RussellJohn SallstromMichael SchleiderMariela Hotte SchnableRichard SchnableChristopher ScogginsJeffrey ScottGini Cass SeitzJennifer Hatcher SellersLynn Battle Shaw

Sheri Helmuth ShikanyPaul ShomakerAndrea ShomakerLinda SidenerJamie Cooper SikesCharles SkinnerNancy SlappeyDebra SmithLisa Perry SmithDeborah SmithJohnna Wilson SpiresDebra Rozar SpiveyJanet SpiveyHenry StanfordElaine Loften SteeleyCliff StewartBarbara StickelEsterine Holloway StokesKathie Kusuda StoneJohn StoneJeff StropoliStephanie SuttonMark SwannSimon TabeJohn TarpleyBenjamin TateMeredith Bailey TaylorJack TaylorJan ThompsonDana Parker ThompsonChristy Yawn ThorntonPatrick ToppingSammy TraylorBrenda McCoy TriceStephanie Tukes-ManuelKen TurnerJames TurnerDavid VarnedoeMargaret VarnerDawn Good VinsonTroy WaddingtonLaurie Bass WaddingtonJulie Harrison WadeLynn Davis WaitsStevenson WalkerAmanda Ashurst WalkerThomas WalkerDanny WallJoseph WallaceJoellen Gattis WallerLarry WallerJackie WarnerRosemary Lovins WarnockViola WarrenDerrick WatkinsLynn Barfield WestLurline Browning WestKatherine WhiteSheila Robinson WilliamsRobert WilliamsArtis WilliamsonJennifer Smith WilliamsonGena Carter WilsonAlice Roberts WilsonSusan Croome WilsonEdward WolpertJoycelyn Fenn WoodChristopher WoodCharlotte McMullins WoodyCynthia WorthenCasey YoungMelissa Chapman YoungFeng Zhou

1980sRosemary McCurry AhonenWilliam AikenSusan Collins AllenDebra Graham AllenCraig AmasonDebra Newberry AmasonTimothy Anderson

Jeffery AndersonHarlan ArcherClarence ArdTamara Watson ArnettSelena Weatherly ArringtonRobert ArringtonStella Thigpen AuchmuteyJuanita Brookins AveryCindy Johnson AycockDonald BaileyRobert BaldwinFrances BaldwinRichard BarbeeGladys BardenCarol BarlowTerriessa BarmanEvelyn Mercer BarnetteC. BarrMartha Glover BarrettJames BarrowMarquet BatchelorMyra BatsonMary BaughAnn Tuso BaxleyWilliam BazemoreWilliam BeddingfieldEileen BellPamela Thurston BellSteven BellHowell BellRichard W. BertoliWendy Moore BibbEthel Skeeter BillCharles BirtonGuy BivinsIvy Knowles BlackmonRose Ussery BlizzardDavid BoneRobert BonnerSandra Felix BoschMiguel BoschJohn Bossom

Matching GiftCompanies

Abbott Laboratories FundArmstrong World Industries, Inc.AT&T FoundationBank of America FoundationBecton Dickinson and CompanyBellSouth CorporationCaterpillar FoundationCitigroup Foundation, Inc.The Coca-Cola Foundation Eli Lilly and CompanyExxonMobil FoundationFair, Isaac and Company, Inc.Federated Department

Stores, Inc.GEICO CorporationGeorgia Power Foundation, Inc.IBM CorporationJohnson & Johnson, Inc.LandAmerica Financial

Group, Inc.Martin Marietta MaterialsMedtronic FoundationMerck Company FoundationPfizer, Inc.Procter & Gamble Fund SPShell Oil Company FoundationState Farm Insurance

Companies FoundationSunTrust Bank

Atlanta FoundationTowers PerrinTyco International LimitedThe UPS FoundationWal-Mart Foundation

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Cherie Long BostonGregory BostonCherry BowenTodd BrameKenneth BrantleySara Smith BrantleyJulie Ott BranyanRobin BridgesMary Walton BrooksPaul BrooksStephen BrooksPatsy Haynie BrownMichelle BrownSusan BuchananEdward BudoJohn BurchPerry BurtonHelena Backman BussellAllison ButtsCharles CainBarry CaldwellAnn Holley CarpenterKim Sasser CarrMary Tedder CasonGenie Snyder ChamberlinSaranna Foster CharpingLisa Collins ChesterFlor Chirino-KlevansCarla Hartnett ClarkSheila Cash CloptonRufus CloptonDoug CoffeyLaJuana Grimes ColvinRebecca Dortch ConoverTheresa CookRoss CooperBilly CooperAnn CopelanElizabeth CorrLawrence CorryYvonne Waddell CouncilTraci Green CourvilleRoy CoxHughie CraineCindy Hall CrewsJohn CrittendenLisa Herndon CroweWanda CulpepperJanina Collins DallasMarjorie DanielTammy DaniellPatricia Visage DavenportKathy Coggin DavesRobert DealSandra DeanPaul DeanMeri Erwin DeanKenneth DesenbergThomas DicksonSandra Estes DimonKenneth DixonPieta DixonJan McGowan DodsonEdward DoskoczBarbara Cordray DukeCarol Norris DunaganRebecca Meeks DurhamRobert EasthamAna EdwardsThomas ElliottCynthia EnglishDawn Hatcher EtheridgeJoseph EtheridgeJoe EtheridgeSusan Perry EvansDebra Sheppard EverettFrieda Rentz FairRobert FarmerEllen Farmer-LaneKen FarrJoseph FarringtonKelly Neligan FeltJeffrey Ferguson

Elizabeth Bivins FleenorJeffrey FlemingRebecca FletcherRobertiena FletcherThomas FletcherPatricia Richardson ForehandRoslyn FosterThomas FoxAnita FraleyTerry FriggelQuay Hurt FullerNancy GambleMax GardnerJudy Knauss GardnerLucy Duke GarrettLarry GarrettSusan Sheffey GatliffJack GibbsMichael GilstrapWynette Hinton GinnPamela Roberts GloverDavid GloverTanya Garden GoetteTerri GoldmanDonna Peters GowerSue Tannahill GrabiakAlan GrantDean GrantLaura Poe GrantJennifer Fouts GrayTimothy GreenWilliam GreenWilliam GreenwoodDeanna Scarborough GriceJohn GriffinCharles GrubbsGary GutowskyHelen HainesCarolyn Boyd HannaMark HardwickCarolyn McLeroy HarperSteven HarrellAnthony HarrisonThomas HatfieldMary Ivester HauserFaye Flinchbau HealJoanne HeltonCraig HenryRegina Alford HensonPatricia HickmanJames HigginsPerry HiottElla Lewis HitchcockKelly Hooks HodgesMarilyn HohnadelJoanne HoinowskiCharlene Brooks HolderJudy Kemp HoltonRobert HouseholderThomas HuffWanda Hopkins HulettDeborah Fisher HutchersonPeter IbbotsonRandy InbodenEdna Riley JacksonBart JacksonTerry JacksonAlice McMillan JacksonMelisande Cromer JacksonDavid JacksonBarbara Dickson JacksonCleveland JamesAltry JamesCheryl Woods JanssenKim JenkinsWilliam JenningsDianne Weeks JeselnikGuy JohnsonMarjorie Skinner JohnsonMary McCallum JohnsonTammie JohnsonCheryl JonesMarsha McRee Jones

Carletha Hall JordanMartha Stewart KaplanHelen Price KeipperLawrence KenyonMimi Bickham KicklighterHarold KingMartha KingeryWilliam KitchensJoseph KitchensSamuel KitchingsTheresa Ripko KodrowskiPamela Key LancasterStephen LaysonLaurens LeeRebecca Russell LeeMichael LillardIris Arnold LillardMichael LiottaKevin LittleAnn Savage LivingstonPaul LockaryJohn LounsburyMartha Pate LovettRobert LumsdenScott LynnDonna Cameron MaddoxMichael MarshRuth Hyder MarshallKimberly Hall MartinJanna Gray MartynLeslie Doolittle MathisSherry Slocombe McDowellShaina Brown McGillRita Simpson McGinnisJames McGinnisDonna Swink McGowanRuss McGowanJohn McIntoshSandra McMasterFrank McMichaelDeborah Douthit McMichaelWanda Hester MettsPaula Garrard MilamJoe MillerAnelia Cohen MillerJoyce MillerLarry Miller

Jerry MilliganDonald MillsJames MilnerElla Brown MilnerJanet Milby MinterRita Yarbrough MinterTeresa MintonMichael MobleyJudith Lewis MollSarah Williams MontfordJeanna Baugh MontgomeryMary MoonWilliam MorrisonMarjorie Flick MoselyCynthia MosesDelphia Minton MoughonMary Lanier MyersDavid NashVicki Williams NashKenneth NeilRene NevilleKevin NewOlza NicelyLaura Davis NicholsGary NoblesKaren Devenney NolanRebecca Atteberry O’BrienCindy Wooley OetterGeorge OetterBryan ParishHelen Barrett PaulLori Bryant PayneGregory PayneGeorge PearsonWalter PeelerBilly PerryJennifer Weber PetraccaDonna Osborne PhelpsThomas PhelpsPatricia Hammack PhillipsNancy Mellette PickettLeon PierceMelissa Flock PierceCharles PittmanRebecca Price PittmanSharon Jones PriceDorothy Puckett

Shelbie Rowland PurserNatalie Kelly RaffertyMerrie Hughie RampLisa Miles RegisterRudolph RenfroeDonald RhodesFelicia Basley RichardsonChristine Collins RidleyAnn Polanski RippelRuth Davis RoachDianne RogersPatti Simmons RogersSherri Bridges RollinsKaren RowellJacqueline Bazile RozierRichard RuarkLisa Lester RuarkThomas RyanMarcus SackLouise SallstromPatricia SamproneCarol Cowart SappNicholas SassoVicky Towns SawallRobert SchneiderBonnie SchubertWilliam SchuelerKarla SeckingerKrista SeckingerMichael ShikanyMarion Young SimmonsMary Hooks SimmonsStephen SimmonsReagan SkaggsChristina Vianey SmithSherri Wilkinson SmithHelen SmithLisa SmithJulie Massey SmithThomas SnyderFlorence Petroski SnyderHarvey SpearPaula Jones SpiveyGerald StaffordDana Barrett StanleyPerry StanleyTodd Staples

* Deceased

FY 2006 Total Number of Donors

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Sharon Pritchett StaplesSteven StefanoFoy StevensonElizabeth Barcalow StillwellRedonda ThomasMary Joslin ThompsonLori Purser ThompsonGary ThrowerMerle ThurmondMargaret Howard TolbertEdna Turner TravisAngela Malone TribbleAmy Allums TribbleFelisa Hill TurnipseedElaine Turk UhlerLucy UnderwoodTimothy VaculaCarol Grant VanceKathleen Roberts VelineMargaret Galloway VelvickBetty Farmer VinsonJean Gordy WachtelNancy WaddellJudy Morris WagyVillane WaldhauerJeffery WansleySusan Tarver WashburnSandra Seibert WatsonShari Gambrell WattThomas WattsErin Malloy WeaverJohn WeaverGary WebbApril WendtWilliam WendtVicki Knox WestFaye Hicks WestHarriett Lipscomb WhippleGary WhitmoreSusan Henry WhittleBarry WhitworthBarbara Thomas WilcherWilliam WilfongScott WilkinsonClifton Wilkinson

Nancy WilliamsHenrietta WilliamsJohnny WilliamsAngelina Scoggins WilliamsEd WilliamsJoan WilliamsAngela WilsonMarilyn Neisler WindhamWilliam WittLynn Combs WolfeRhonda Purser WoodLevy WoodliefDetra Johnson WrightMichelle Raley WrightValerie WynnDanney YatesMercedes Norris YoumansDan YoungclausLinda Yarborough Zarkowsky

1970sLaurie AbbottDonald AdamsJack AdamsAdana AdcockHarold AlexanderMary AllenRoger AndersonSally Rachels ArcherPatricia Bennett ArmstrongBarbara Schrimscher AshburnNan Layfield AshmoreJames AyersNathaniel BaconKathlyn Gay BaconJan Garnto BaeumelRalph BaggsDeborah Bickley BaggsMartha Shipp BaileyPhyllis Vaughn BaileyTerry Stubbs BaisdenMax BakerSandra Smith BalchinShelia Rogers Barbee

John BarentineFarellyn Perry BarentineBonnie Lightner BargeronElizabeth BarnhartRoberta Ravold BarrAlicia Morris BartlettCarol Balkcom BartonEdward BaumgardnerGene BaxleyRichard BazemoreMargaret BeardEthel Kiser BeckGeorgia BecklesRebecca Smith BeckworthMichael BeckworthGerald BeisnerHarry BellCharles BellflowerNorman BelluryJo Everett BenefieldEmmie BerrymanMelody Dilworth BiedermanDonald BillElizabeth Lawrence BlakeKathlyn BlanchardDianna Stone BlizzardKathleen Craft BoehmigVicki Nepote BoltonMelinda Morris BowenCathy Fleder BowersPat BoydRandall BraggBrenda Bragg-PriceNaomi Ray BrannonCrystal Fountain BrantaEddie BrayLillie McFarland BrayMarcelle Clark BridgemanJanice Newsome BrinkleyFred BroadwayLinda Rautio BrockJudith Johnson BrodieJames BrooksGuerry BrooksDiane Walthall Brooks

Judith Dennard BrooksBernice Simpson BrownJerry BrownAlvin BrownChristine Hawes BrownKaren Green BrownJoseph BryanCharles BryantArthur BurnsJoAnn White BurnsCharles BurrellDeborah BushKathleen Gay ButlerElizabeth Walters ByrdDeborah Ginn CainAnn Blakeney CaldwellMary Gilmore CampbellCharles CarpenterSue Cannon CarrickJohn CarrickWilliam CaseyWilliam CassidyMary Smith CauthenEloise Gandy CawthonVirginia Hudson ChampionJanie William ChannellLee Loflin ChapmanKathy Brown ChapmanJo ChappleCharles CheevesEvelyn Boyd ClarkDiane Cromartie ClementsBrenda Presley CokerThomas ColeRhonda Kerr ColemanVictoria Steele ColeyQuinces Bontine ColeyAnne CollierBarry CollinsMary CollinsDonna Campbell CollinsRonald CombsBarbara Thompson ConnerMary Shearouse CookRichard CookAngie Proctor CookSusan Smallwood CooperDeborah Lord CooperJohn CooperMelba Goodrum CooperWillie CooperKathleen CooperJane Denney CooperBonnylin CoveyLinda Jordan CowanMichael CowanWilliam CraigLinda Bailey CrawfordJohn CrosbyPatsy Grey CrosbySharyn Warner CurboWalter DanielyBobbie Roberts DaughtryJames DavisGinger King DavisSusan McDaniel DeasonNan Baird DeColainesMarguerite Steverson DelgadoBruce DempsterShirley DennisDiego DiazMark DickeyNelson DickeyLois McNair DicksonRobert DillardWilliam DouglasMary Riley DouglassJeffrey DouglassCharles DoyleDonna Chapman DrakeJo Allen DrinkhahnGreg DuckworthBonnie Martin Duckworth

Richard DumasVelma Jackson DuncanCynthia Rhodes DupreeRosemary Attaway DyerNeil DyerHarryette Cason DylongGlenn EasterlyRuby Eaton EatonJohn EfirdJames EllingtonCarol Winters EppsWilliam EppsOwen EthridgeJudith Sutton EvansKaren Johansen EvansJudy Dismuke EvansShirley Whittington FallinHartley FlandersGinny Boyer FlintTamlin Bellamy FortnerSheila Sullivan FosterCecilia McClure FowlerSandra Pittman FranklinLynn McDermott FriedbergDebra Penrod FrontzRobert FullerDan GabrielAndrea Mees GarmonWilma GarrisonLewis GaskinsFrank GaudryEric GayJohn GaynorCharles GibbsFred GilderAnna Carter GilderDonald GillespieLoette Vaughn GlissonLee GodfreyPaula Livingston GoforthSandra Fountain GordonMary GordonJean Grant GrahamPatricia GrangerCharlotte Hallman GreenEdward GregoryAlan GriffinMarsha Oerding GrimesCharles GrimesLydia Sans GrimesJerry GrimsleyKathleen Wright GrosecloseDavid GrosecloseKim Miller HakalaEthel Stevens HallLinda Moody HallRuth Eckstine HamnerLynwood HardisonLinda HargroveDianne Stringer HarperJohn HarringtonBenny HarrisSherri Hodges HarrisLorraine Lee HarrisonWilliam HarrisonMerel HarrisonLarry HartNancy Carlisle HartleyWilliam HartleyNancy Tarver HartmanClancy Pyles HaslamFrances HastingsStephen HatcherLynn HatcherRichard HatcherSteven HauserLillie Berry HaywoodHubert HerndonLinda Brooks HewetteHelen Smith HickeyFrederick HighsmithKathleen Smith HlavatyGlenda Brooks Hobbs

Providing Assistance To The Following Areas:

Academic/Institutional 55%

Scholarships 19%

Foundation Operations 13%Athletics 9%

Alumni Operations 3%

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Nancy Aitkens HodgeMary Lewis HollandMiriam Patisaul HollerTroy HollowayMary Hunt HollowayEric HolmesPamela HolmesAlvin HooperGerald HopkinsRuth Wallace HortmanFae Simmons HowardNolen HowardBarbara Little HowardJames HughesWilliam HumphreyJames HunterMary Gordy HurtMichael InmanEugenia Wellborn IrwinJames IveyDonald JacksonCarolyn Reid JacksonRosemary Fidler JacksonRobin Chambers JacksonRaleigh JamesPatricia Jamison-PainterCarolyn Bloodworth JaquetteDonald JarzynkaOtto JensonBarbara Stewart JohnsonLynn Poole JonesGary JonesJames JordanAnne Chandler KaneAaron KelseyJane KeslerBobbie KeyKaren Lee KightGlenna Roper KippBeverly KnowlesGertrude KnoxEleanor Ennis KonefalRobert KovarovicEdward KozlowskiCatherine LambSandra Melton Lambert

Vicky Corley LaneLaurien Lester LaneyJerry LangstonDavid LangstonBarbara Guay LangstonSandra Bell LatimerMildred Stapleton LauniusWilliam LaveryKatherine LawrenceMadelyn Thompson LayfieldGertie Holmes LaysonThomas LeavittLynn Dillard LeeBarry LeeLeAnne McLendon LemmondDonna Quick LeoniJoe LewisJ. Russell LipfordJanet Ware LittletonJames LivingstonCarr LucasBetty Troutman LumpkinWilliam LylesMargie Brauda ManningDeborah Lynch MartinDaniel MartuscelloSamuel MasseyEve Warren MayesRoger MayoLylah Perry McAfeeVirginia Thurston McAfeeNancy Bady McBreartyMargaret Carr McCartyThomas McCoyRobert McDonelTerry McGeeRobert McInnisEve Tillman McKibbenJohn McKibbenLinda Bloodgood McLeroyFaye McAfee McMasterDeborah Hargrove McMullenDonna Wiggins McNairBarbara Develin McNultyPaul McNultyIris Bridges McRee

Ruth Uhler MeierPamela Sanders MelbourneNickolas MellingerEduardo MercadoJudy Harrell MercerJoyce Jones MeyerGeorge MiddletonCarol Merritt MilamDonald MillenMary Brabson MillironsHarold MillsJohn MinterGayla Perdue MiskellMadalyn McAdams MonroeSuzanne Laseter MooreWilliam MooreRose Rountree MooreCecile Hodges MorrisonMichael MorrisonCharlotte Barker MorrisonGeorge MossLeroy MoyeCarolyn MullikinLyndall Warren MuschellJohn MyersRalph NelsonJohn NewberryShannon New-ChapmanAlice Bush NewsomeDiane Butkie NicholsonDouglas NobleMary NoblesFran Sikes NorthWilliam NorthSuzanne Griffin NuckollsCarl ObenlandCatherine O’DillonGeorge OetterLewis O’NealLojuanna O’NealLaverne Johnston PaceKenneth ParhamBarbara Waters PearsonDeanne Cheek PeckB. PenningtonLinda Brantley Pennington

David PerkinsEdward PetersonRosemary Ivey PhillipsBetty Jordan PhillipsMamie Devero PhillipsWanda Sanders PhillipsKathleen Kearney PickensPaula Cowart PierceKenneth PipkinRaymond PippinRevel Cook PogueSarita Deal PopeDaniel PorterGerald PoundsMaxine White PowerFaye PowerAnne Wooten PrescottBuff Rountree PriceAndrew ProctorKathleen Ezzell PrussnerKathleen Collins PursleyHarry RayJoseph RehbergDavid RiceMarian Vinson RickersonDeborah Newton RobersonRoger RobertsLeamon RooksSusanne RossCarl RuffinErnest RussellRobert RyalsPriscilla SadlerGary SadlerJesse SalasLouis SalmonRobert SalsmanNancy Bar SammonsRoger SappSheila Murphey SatcherMary SchuelerMary Carter ScottChannie Knight ScottSarah Leverette ScottRobert SeedlockMarie Hitchcock Segars

Michael SheppardLynne Smith SheppardLinda Lawson SherwinNeal SimpsonStephen Skalko, PEGeorge SlappeyBecky Leverett SmithDavid SmithMark SmithMarla Bushong SmithHazel Butts SmithJoseph SmithJames SmithJoel SmithBetty Pettigrew SmithPaula Young Smith-BryanCharles SneadBetty Sanders SnyderBeverly Soles SolesAnne Tuck SpillersMark StallingsKathy Lambert StanleyHarvey StapletonGary StarkClarice Harbin StephensGail Ammons

Stephens-AtchesonGlenda Boyer StewartSusan StewartStephen StewartMartha Laird SullivanEvelyn SumnerJames SuttonStephanie Battaglia

SwierczynskiNancy Moore TaylorDiane Rowell TaylorJames ThigpenPaula Arbogast ThomasRobert ThomasMary ThompsonEmily ThompsonPatricia Baugh ThompsonDonald ThrasherJohn TribbleSheila Hunt Twombly

* Deceased

Gifts-In-Kind119 ChopsA.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.A-1 U Rent, Inc.Drs. J. Stanley and

Wanda AldridgeAmerican Fast PhotoAmici’s RestaurantAntebellum InnApplebeesAtlanta BravesAtlanta Hawks &

Atlanta ThrashersAvant’s Food, Inc.Bass Signal CorporationBB&T Bank -

Milledgeville BranchBelkin CorporationMs. Wendy M. BibbBlockbuster Video #13111Mr. Robert BostockBug House Pest ControlMr. and Mrs. Charles BurrellMs. Amy S. BurtMr. Chris CalcianoMr. and Mrs. Don L. CarswellDr. Ginger R. Carter-MillerMr. William T. Casey, Jr.Central Georgia BatteryCentury Bank and TrustChambers CleanersChatuge Shores Golf Course

Chili’s - MilledgevilleClark Building & DevelopmentClassic ConsignerMr. and Mrs. Charles ClineMs. Allene CollinsDr. Earl R. Cooper, Jr.Cornbread CafeCrab TrapMrs. Jenna CrispMs. Judy CrispMr. Bradley M. CroweMrs. Lisa Herndon CroweCullen Equipment Co.CurvesCuscowilla Golf Resort

at Lake OconeeDairy QueenMr. Jon DeloachDomino’s PizzaDoubletree Guest SuitesDuckworth Farm Supply, IncElite School of GymnasticsEpps Cycle and MarineMr. Sterling EverettFarmers FurnitureFitness Plus Health Club L.L.C.Dr. Jerry W. FlyForemost CleanersFowler-Flemister Concrete, Inc.Frames & ThingsMr. and Mrs.

Michael A. FranklinMr. Philip J. Franklin

Dr. Barbara FunkeG & S Gas Service, Inc.Garrett Industries, Inc.Dr. Faye W. GilbertMr. and Mrs. Rick GoetteDrs. Anne V. and

John B. GormlyMs. Jean G. GrahamMr. and Mrs. Alan C. GrantGrapevine Antiques & MoreHack ShackMr. and Mrs. Phillip W. HallHampton InnDr. Bruce HarshbargerMr. and Mrs.

Cecil M. Hodges, Jr.Holiday Inn ExpressHorton ComponentsImagewearIMERYS Clays Inc.Initial This

Monogramming & GiftsMr. and Mrs. Brian IrishJ. C. Grant CompanyDrs. Kenneth and

Jo Ann JonesDr. and Mrs. Paul A. JonesMrs. Linda K. KerceDr. Cheryl P. KishL&M Farms, Inc.Dr. Dorothy LelandLieu’s Peking Restaurant, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lineberger

Little Fishing Creek Golf Course

Macon TelegraphMagnolia State BankMs. Celine MartinMs. Barbara McReeMilledgeville AviationMilledgeville Flower ShopMilledgeville Main StreetMilledgeville-Baldwin County

Convention & Visitors BureauMr. Donnie MooreMs. Mary NiergarthDr. and Mrs. Steven NiergarthPapa John’s PizzaParadise Country BBQPig In A PitMs. Jessee PossPremiere NailsProtective Financial ServicesMrs. Cay QuattlebaumQuizno’s SubRags to RibbonsReynolds PlantationRheem Manufacturing,

MilledgevilleMr. and Mrs. Jimmy RobertsMrs. Lindy RuarkDr. Michael Gass and

Dr. Beth RushingRyal’s BakeryDr. and Mrs.

Joseph C. Samprone, Jr.

Mr. Michael SandersSew K DesignsDr. and Mrs. Craig D. SmithMr. Sadeki SneadSodexho Alliance, Inc.Southeast Adventure OutfittersSouthside Equipment

CompanySouthside Tire and BrakeSparkle Carpet CleaningMs. Bonita K. TannerMr. and Mrs.

Charles K. TarbuttonThe Baldwin BulletinThe Reserve At Lake KeoweeThe Right StuffThe Tint ShopMrs. Norma Jeanne TrammellTucan TansThe Union-RecorderUSF BaseballMs. Jessica VallentineVerizon WirelessVillage Inn and PubWaldenbooksMr. and Mrs. Haynes WatersMrs. Patti WeimerWellness DepotWheel Fun RentalsMs. Chelsia WilsonWMVG-WKZRWorld Hi-Fi Video

and Appliance

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Nancy UlrichKenneth VanceMary VaughnJo Harvey VealKurtis WachtelEmmalene Darsey WaldrepDiane Spraggins WalkerDeborah Childres WalkerTommie WalkerMarie WalkerJay WalkerLinda Moye WalkerTimothy WalkerRoosevelt WaltonMary WarnellJacqueline Harrell WarnockMyron WarrenJoe WatsonTom WellsStephen WestCheryl Fincher WheatAlcyone Mitchell WhisenantLaura Kitchens WhiteFrank WigginsDonna WigginsRobert WigginsLynne WilcoxMary Copeland WilkersonMartha Irby WilliamsWanda WilliamsTimothy WilliamsJoan Dominy WilliamsClarence WilliamsAnn Hutchinson WilliamsonStanford WilsonDebi Toulson WilsonMargie Simmons WimberlyMary Waller WinklerCarol Mattice WinnGates WintersDiane WoodardBeverly WoodsSandra WorshamAmy Johnson WrightJames WrightJoe WrightMarvin WyattJudy Echols YoumansRichard YoungCharles Zavetz

1960sJudy Brooks AkinMyrtis Halstead AkinsLois Bradley AkinsNancy Thomas Alford

Ruth Smith AndersonRuth Van Amburgh AndersonJane Lee AndersonLynda Dixon AnthonyMary Copelan ArnoldNancy Kitchings AspinwallDolores Alligood BaileyHelen Sparrow BarnesFaye Tanner BarrGrace Hand BartonHarriette Torbert BaynesMae Crittenden BellEva Dunahoo BentonKaron Buford BeyerPatricia Crowe BlairEleanor Price BledsoeNorma Farmer BoggsPaulette Joseph BogsAnna Hand BoscacciBetty Baggett BowlingVirginia BoydEthel Robertson BoyleConnie Poole BozemanKathryn Hooten BradfordVirginia Griffin BrandauVonnelle Beasley BrantleyJanelle Greene BridgesCatherine Stubbs BridgesTally Hodges BrillembourgBetty Walker BrooksLinda Price BrownJane Thornton BrownAnnette Brown BrownBrenda Phillips BrownMargaret Leslie BrownSherry BrownIndia Turner BroylesJean Jackson BullockDianne McGill BurnsideLenette Owens BurrellJulia Griffin BurtonMary Norris CalhounRita Rattray CannonDoris Cason CareyMyrtice CarpenterEvalyn Andrews CarterNora Parks CastileEleanor ChanceShirley Lanthripp ChapmanJo Ann Pittman ChapmanCatherine Milledge ChastainMartha Crawford ChristianHarriett Jones ClaxtonCarol Willbanks CobbGeorge CooperBernice Manseault CooperDorothy Davis CooperBrenda Groves CorbinSandra Hodges CourouxDorothy Hilburn CoyleTracy Smith CoyleSarah Mathis CrawfordAlice DePratter CrewsJudy Thorne CrittendenSandra Ingram DallasMyra McKinney DanielCorinne McLemore DanielDorothy Snow DarbyBetty Addy DavisBarbara Cheatham DavisVirginia Davis DavisBetty Bailey DiazKay Dunn DickinsonJoan Roper DorsettAnn Bruce DosterJudith Stahl DouglasBeverly Lee DoveCharlee Perfect DukeJune Stevens DurdenEmily Peters DurhamRosemary DyerJ. David DyerPeggy East

Dana Byington EdgensJean Hudson FennellPatricia Wright FlandersCarol Andrews FlowersLuel Greene FolsomPatricia Rabon ForceGladys Grimm FrazierKatherine McLean FullerGlenda Hamilton GarnerWanda Granade GarrettDonna Hodgman GautierMary Proctor GibsonBarbara Gladin GiddensLouise GipsonPaula Breuer GleasonConnie Vin GranadeMary GreenHarriet Nutt GreerRebecca Cox GrierGrace Roland GriffinJenell Rogers GriffithCarolyn Sims GrimesCarolyne Hammond GuittonSamuel HallBarbara Oliver HallidayCarol HalliseyCheryl Wade HammockMartha HamptonEmily Gober HancockSusan Caraway HansonSabra Hanson-HolladayLeonie HardieThada Taft HarperKay Barker HarrisPatricia Reece HawkinsBetty Barfield HemperleyAnn Hall HemphillJanice HewattGrace Mosley HiersShirley Harden HobbyBarbara Gordon HollandJames HollisJanice Rogers HopkinsBarbara Dame HouzeVickie Bland HowardSherry Staples HubbardVirginia Copeland HubbardCarolyn Breuer HueyEvelyn Huddleston HughesRebecca Collins HumphreyJanice Housman HuntAmelia Adams HunterSusie Bell JacobsVirginia Nesmith JaehnigCheryl Williams JarrellJanice Higginbotham JohnsMary JohnsonLynn Butler JohnsonClara Nutt JohnstonSybil Norris JonesSherrill Crowell JonesMartha Sorrow JonesSandra Rattray JonesPhyllis Kelly KennedyGloria Russo KingJosephine KingBetty Brantley KingJuanita Dean KuipersBarbara Rice LangstonEllen Avant LashleyJacquelyn Giammetta LawnRuth McKinney LawsonSudy Vance LeavyMary Rogers LeeBeth Cunningham LessardSusan Bennett LewisGloria Ware LewisAlice Chafin LokeyJean Johnson LoweryViolet Maughon MachenDrusilla Smith MalcomJacquelyn Chapman MannElizabeth Moon Mansfield

Georgia Darden MarshLeonard MavityJudith Hadley MaxwellBarbara Worsham McAlisterElizabeth Grinstead McCluskeyShirley Youngblood McCookFrances McCormickConstance McCullochSandra Fountain McDanielCarol McElheneyDorothy Kelly McKinleyLinda Jordan McKnightElizabeth Moss McLarenJudith Jurgensen MelroyCheryl Schrader MeltonSandra Fitzgerald MettsPhyllis Atwood MeyerCarmelita Anderson MillerJean Taylor MillerJohnnie Scarborough MillerBettye Gibbs MilliansEmelyn Brand MitchamFrances Bynum MitchellElizabeth Moran MizerekSarah Brannen MoninAnna Kuipers MontgomeryBeverly Greynolds MooreFrank MooreAnn McLendon MorrowMary McAfee MoyeLouise Lunsford MyersMary Nelson MyersDiane Davis MyersDorris Paetzell NeliganGwen Clark NelsonKaren Kitchens NewmanGeorgia NewmanKathleen McDonald NewtonShirley Drury NicholsRita Perdue NicholsonJean Smallwood NobleShirley Moore NolesAdelle Kimbrough NormanJoan Bloodworth NunnellyShirley OdomJanet Payne OglesbyAnita Griffith OliverMartha Hickman OstendorffSandra Roper OwenbyAndrea McCall PairFaye Mixon PalmerMartha Prieto ParisAmy Hobbs ParkerJulia Stephens PascuAldona Lewis PattilloAnn Waits PearsonEleanor Garner PenlandBeverly Pape PenleyLynda Hollums PetersonJudy Fuqua PharisAudrey Meeks PhillipsKathryn Carden PickeringSusan Dean PierceBrenda Mosteller PinkertonJanice Scroggs PiperMartha PressleyMary ProsserJudy Machen RaderM. Bacon RagsdaleCarol Stone RainesZelma Burleson RayPeggy Chandler ReedyAlice ReynoldsElizabeth Dent RhodesLinda Sommer RichardsonKathryn RobertsMary Simmons RogersAnnette Majeski RogersSandra McCall RosseterMary Hughes RothPeggy RowePeggy Eubanks SalvesenBobbie Sanders

Carole Stuart SeabrookeSylvia Sweat SearsLoretta SellersGwendolyn Collins ShawDiane Wright ShawBetty Brown ShearouseElayne Clark ShiverDiana Allen SimmonsPatricia Siler SimpsonClaudette Turner SmithGloria Evans SmithDoris SmithVera Scarborough SmithJudith Ferguson SmithJoyce Darden SmithMelody Kennedy SnellPaula O’Neill SparboeLaura Abel SparksAnne SparrowBonnie Wright StaffordNancy Goodrich StammHelen Burns StarkGlenda Wilson StevensCarolyn Franklin StewartJanie Johnson StewartShirley Reeves StillwellOlynda Butler StretcherRosemary Smith StricklandMarilyn Boyd SummersDale Brewton SwansonLarry SwansonDollie Warren SwilleyChandler Minter TagliabueRuth TannerLeolene Montgomery TateMarialice TatomJoyce Seigler ThomasMary Carlin ThomasJudith Moon ThompsonFrances Lyle ThrailkillMiriam Sampson TillmanGolden Hawes TooleShelbie Carter TownsendMary Eldridge TuckerJudy Quigley TurnellSherrell Van DykeCarroll Schwiening WagnerAnne Overstreet WaldenLarry WaldrepJacqueline Hearn WalkerEdna Smith WalterOleada Dunn WardenAllyson Boyce WashburnFrances WatsonPeggy Bond WhiteheadJames WhitfieldElaine Curry WigginsJo Slade WilbanksAnn Smallwood WilderJeanelle Pearson WileyMarilyn Buchanan WilliamsonKaren Palmer WillisKay King WilloughbyIris Barron WilsonSondra Ammons WingoMinnie Smith WitherspoonJames WitherspoonCatherine Cummings WooddyLinda Collier WoodsJennifer Bailey WorshamJanice WrightJaclyn Usry WukelaJane Cardin WyattMarie Ponsell Young

1950sClara Addy Shirley Walker Aderhold Charlene Greer Alker Geraldine Davis Alligood Leila Bradford Amason Carol Shiver Andrews

NewEndowmentsBaarda-Hargaden Scholarship Fund

Weylene E. BucklinScholarship Fund

The Goizueta FoundationScholars Fund

Frances Fowler JonesScholarship Fund

Elizabeth A. Rihm EndowedScholarship Fund

Lala Carr Steelman MemorialEndowment Fund

Virginia Horne TumlinEndowed Scholarship Fund

Wilson School of BusinessAccounting Scholarship Fund

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LaVance Clement Atkins Gayle Christensen Avant Susie Fleming Bagley Mary Pope Barentine Billie Griffin Barksdale Lois Chapman Barr Elizabeth Powell Battles Beegee Clark Baugh Cynthia Cunningham Beal Jacqueline Becton Bell Alice Duke Bell Bobby Christmas Benedict Ruth Brown Benigno Norma Bennett Edith Langford Bennett Sylvia McCluskey Betts Dolores Wheeler Birch Betty Waller Bishop Jeanne Pierce Bledsoe Helen Cook Boruff Sarah Young Bowman Doris Gilbert Boyd Alice Durrett Bradford Lauratine Aiken Brannon Annie Kirkley Brantley Emmie Veal Bray Dorothy Jones Bridgeman Carolyn Rainey Bridgman Caroline Thomas Brinson Jane Mitchell Brogdon Barbara Fleming Brown Barbara Lindsey Brown Allene Poole Brown Pinkie Wilson Brutcher Mary Happoldt Bryan Billie Beckham Burdett Dorothy Doster Burt Martha Pittard Cabe Katherine Willis Carlyle Nan Davis Carpenter Anita Bridges Carter Paula Scarborough Carter Suzanne Blount Chambliss Peggy Felde Chaney Virginia Lancaster Chapman Barbara Atchison Cheeves Lillian McCurley CherryFrankie Allen Clark Sara Clements Clark Sallie Howell Clay Carol Eady Clayton Fannie Harrell Clements Mary Clower Patricia Sutton Cochran Dorothy Cohan Dorothy Maddox Collins Ruth Howington Compton Mary Jordan Cook Grace Paul Cook Martha Fountain Cooper Barbara Grant Cowan Eleanor Orr Cox Carol Taylor Cox Kathryn Warren Crawford Roberta Arnold Crittenden Florence Crooke Mary Gibson Cutchens Belinda Anderson Daniels Bobbye Wilson Davidson Bessie Jones Deloach Rebecca Dennard Mazie Hamlin Dillard Jacquelyn Rigsby DillardJoel Whitfield Dilworth Vivian Funderburk Dodson Mary Altman Dowling Charlotte Moon Doyal Sara Broxton Dozier Jean Mitchell Drury Mary Bennett Dudley Angelyn Amis Duke Dolores Davis Dunham Jo Harpe Echols

Pauline Farr Echols Blanche Hollander Edwards Louise Singletary Etheredge Diane D'Aubert Ewing Faye Holt Fall Sybil Smith Fanning Gladys Walton Feist Bernadine King Findley Ellen Jerkins Finley Frances Bruce Flexer Sue McCard Fowler Betty Beckham Futral Carol Schutz Gardner Sylvia Leard Gay Peggy Sutton Gilmore Mary Beland Gordon Martha Hawkins Gore Aloe Eanest Greeson Marie Herfurth Grover Edith Hanson Gunnels Shirley Leroy Gunter Dolores Johnson Hall Sophia Murphy Hall-Hensley Ramona Johnson Hammock Erin Turner Hanni Betty Keaton Harbin Doris Hood Hardie Beverly Hunt Hardin Mary Collins Hargraves Harriett Willett Hargrove Mary Williams Harper Kathryn Anderson Harris Myra Bagwell Harris Norma Marshall Harvill Roberta McKinney Hatcher Inez Layfield Hawkins Patricia Garrett Haymore Virgie Sellers Heffernan Winifred Prince Helmly Martha Rogers Henderson Bobbie Vance Henderson Kathryn Keaton Hicks Ann Hiers Angelyn Holloway Hightower Annette Miles Hinner Mary Collins HolbertJackie Keith Hornsby Mary Richey Hubbard Edith Ellison Hughes Jane Elrod Hughes Lucile Colclough Hulsey Eleanor Hurst Betty Muggridge Hutcheson Helen Henderson Inman Edith Crowther Ivey Minta Brantley Jackson Patricia Griffin Jackson Suellen Holliman James Dallas Patterson Jankowski Clara Bell Jenkins Margaret Brinkley Johnson Shirley Hall Johnson Helen Bell Jones Jean Brown Jones

Vera Haley Jones Mary Meeks Jordan Frances Webb Keaton Virginia Burnum Keeffe June Williams Kellam Lenora Hammock Kennington Katherine Kent Kent Louise Lester Kranzberg Constance Barrow Krueger Betty Leroy Langford Ramon Dauwalter Lantz Billie West Lawing Louise Ledbetter Lawrence Jo Anne Nix Lawson Joanne Kandel Leaf Barbara Beasley LeCroy Janice Newsome Leece Shirley Kemp Little Mary Lockwood Margolese Jones Long Caroline Griffith Lundy Mary Gaskins Lynn Joy Lawson Mabry Eloise Blackburn MacKay Dorothy Ward Majors Emily Trapnell Manning Elizabeth Shefelton Marlette LaFayne Hodges May Jeannette Jones McClureElizabeth Weldon McCollum Billie Davis McComb Wylene Harris McCook Mary Ann Harper McDaniel Gloria Erwin McDonald Myra Brown McGuinty Anne George McKinley Frances Canady McNeely Josephine Edwards McRee Cecille Maddox Menhinick Virginia Veal Merola Shirley Cauthen Miller Barbara Harvey Mitchell Chloe Perry Mitchell Martha Derden Mooney Lyndoll Ulm Moore Marian Moore Lewis Shirley Stovall Morgan Rosemary Cary Morris Jean Crittenden Morris Elizabeth Frederick Murph-Scheibert Katheryn Coleman Musselwhite Serena Wepf Neal Maidana Knott Nunn Ann McFarlin Olive Rosanna Robison Oliver Mary Smith O'Neal Jo Dean Owen Nancy Plowden OxfordPhillippa Kandel Paddison Frances Padgett Padgett Jeanne Brannan Paglee Yvonne Watson Parker Lila Mills Parkman

Elizabeth Royal Patton Joyce Anglin Peavey Mary Grier Peloubet Mary Burns Penders Dorothy Pinkston Betty Greer Powell Barbara Jordan Price Bernice Strickland Pruett Floy Fletcher Quinney Helen Foshee Randall Anne Reddick-Mitchum Nona Wofford Reeves Harriet May Rich Rowena Reed Richardson Elaine Jardine Ricketson Daisy Hammett Rickett Jean Nutt Ritchie Anne Graham Rix Dois Smith Rogers James Gamble Ross Jean Carroll Russell Jennie Hooks Rutland Faye Hubbard Sanders Nancy White Sanders Iris Sawyer Schmitt Coreda Jeffares Shaw Sara Rice Sherberger Louise Moore Shirreffs Mary King Simpson Dorothy Boyd Sinclair Mary Hall Skinner Lavinia Whatley Skinner Una Dillard Smith Martha Dye Smith Neta Hancock Smith Jane Hayes Smith Eleanor Dunahoo Smith Jean Muns Smith Jacolyn Rawlins Smith Emily Sparks Smith Leila Rheney Speering Patty Allred Stephens Jane Holst StoddardVirginia Yarbrough Stone Anne Stone-Holt Sybil Strickland Betty Strickland Virginia Hulsey Styles Evelyn Sharpe Sumner Mary Summerlin Sutherland Sarah Wansley Sutton Mary Combs Tate Jan Blackwell Taylor Patricia Thomas Betty Camp Thomas Esther Ingram Thomson Ruth Thornton Rachel Means Touchton Mary Traylor Traylor Jean Gregory Trotter Joan Gilbreath Trundle Julia Adams Turner Sara Kinney Turner Kay Sullivan Tyler

Bobbie Lane Uliano Mary Hopkins Vredenburg Martha Morgan Wald Betty Flemings Wallace Shirley Lagerblad Walter Annie Jenkins Walton Iris Frazier Ward Josephine Warren June Lee Wasilauskis Marion Holliman Weathers Wenda Pritchett Weeks Anna McMillan Wesley Mildred Barrett West Beverly Huff White Patricia Foster White Mary Herndon Wier Faye Boyer Wiggins Etta Griswell Wilcher Jacquelin Camp Williams Myra Martin Willis Rose Thornton Willis Betty Allen Witman Joyce Pannell Wollschlager Carole Carr Wright Ann Lane Wright Theresa Smith Wright Betty Campbell Young Frances Gunn Young Jackie Moorhead Young Charlotte King Youngblood Janet Register Zavarine Edith Bishop Zucker

1940sElizabeth Huff AbbottMildred Montgomery AdamsVirginia Wood AlexanderLouise Simmons AllenJean Groover AllenHermice Daniell AndersVirginia Norris AndersonBobbie Johnson AndersonAnnie Jones Anderson-BrownDorothy Hunt ApplegateAnnie Cook AshMildred Johnson AtkinsEvelyn AustinMary Starr AustinArlia Tomlinson BaileyEdwina Pierson BanksIrene Dysart BaughMerle Chason BeardenElizabeth Cleveland BellBetty BennettOlivia Starr BergerIrma Wall BishopEstelle Elliott BogleDoris Riviere BonnellElizabeth Robison BonnerRubinell Bowen BowenFrances Foster BowenSara Bell BoydFrances Bennett Bozeman

* Deceased

Delta ZetaThe Goizueta FoundationCowboy Bill’sOrwick Enterprises, Inc.Kuroshika JapanCoventry West, Inc.Better Living Services, Inc.Michala’s HallmarkMr. Charles N. AbernathyMs. Rebecca AltmanMs. Sarah BarnesDr. Louis P. BucklinMs. Leigh Ann CalkinsMs. Jessica L. Carretto

Ms. Claire CorumMs. Erin EnglertMs. Marianne EstesMs. Lindsay M. FirthMs. Katherine J. FlookMs. Elizabeth L. FreemanMs. Sarah K. FrettiMr. and Mrs. Mike GeyerMs. Kathleen M. GibsonMs. Carolyn F. Grace GlidewellMs. Katherine GodwinMs. Heather GregoryMs. Amy HallMs. Carrie J. Ingram

Ms. Allison B. IrwinMs. Kathryn M. JohnsonMrs. Frances F. Jones *Ms. Virginia D. LeslieMs. Amy LittleMs. Rachel L. McCarthyMs. Erin E. MoschakMs. Heather M. MoteMr. and Mrs. Mike NationsMs. Heather NewkirkMs. Laura L. PhillipsMr. and Mrs. David M. RihmMs. Stephanie SchatzerDr. Joseph F. Steelman, Sr.

Ms. Whitney J. StinebaughDr. and Mrs. John W. StockstillMs. Kristen D. SynderMs. Kathryn TelfordHon. R. Steven Tumlin, Jr.Ms. Katherine WallMs. Kimberly D. WalmerMs. Candice P. WarlickMs. Melissa A. WessingerMs. Melissa WileMs. Jessica WilliamsMr. and Mrs.

Stanford G. WilsonMs. Marsae A. Wood

Donors to New Endowments

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2 4 | G E O R G I A C O L L E G E & S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y

Mrs. Judy B. AkinMrs. Lisa M. AlbertMr. Joseph Kyle AldridgeMrs. Decqunala S. AlexanderMrs. Susan C. AllenMrs. Frances M. AmidonMrs. Jane L. AndersonMrs. Sally Rachels ArcherMr. Clarence S. Ard, Jr.Dr. J. J. AriasMrs. Patricia ArmstrongMr. and Mrs. Robbie AttawayMr. and Mrs.

James M. AugustineMr. Dave BachoonDr. Carol BaderMrs. Martha BaileyMrs. Charlotte C. BareMrs. Helen S. BarnesMr. and Mrs.

Jack R. Barrett, Jr.Mrs. Elizabeth P. BattlesMrs. Sarah A. BaxterMr. Richard BazemoreMr. Donnie BeasleyMrs. Alice D. BellMrs. Jo BenefieldMrs. Edith L. BennettDr. and Mrs. Richard N. BialacMrs. Kathlyn M. BlanchardMrs. Paulette J. BogsMrs. Cherie L. BostonMrs. Cindy D. BowenMr. and Mrs. James E. BoydMrs. Annie J. BrantleyMrs. Teresa M. BrinsonMr. William B. BrockMrs. Judith D. BrooksMrs. Amy M. BrownMrs. Margaret V. BrownMrs. Sylvia M. BrownMrs. Sarah Stripling BrowningMr. Charles P. BryantMr. and Mrs.

Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr.Mrs. Dianne McGill BurnsideDr. Lee Ann CaldwellMr. and Mrs.

Randall M. CannonMrs. Katherine W. CarlyleMrs. Ann H. CarpenterMr. Charles C. CarpenterMr. John CarrickDr. Peter M. CarriereMrs. Anita CarterMrs. Evalyn A. CarterMs. Judith O. CaudillMrs. Eloise G. CawthonMrs. Henry C. ChapmanMrs. Debra K. ChavanneMs. Tori M. CheneyMr. Jeffrey P. ChupichMr. Mitchell A. ClarkeMrs. Fannie H. ClementsMr. and Mrs. Ben CochranMr. Andrew M. CogginsMs. Carrol K. ColbertDr. Mary Sue ColemanMrs. April D. CollinsMrs. Mary B. CollinsMrs. Ruth Howington ComptonMrs. April S. ConnellMr. Christopher B. CookMrs. Deborah L. CooperDr. Earl R. Cooper, Jr.Mrs. Wanda K. CoticchioMs. Catherine M. CoueyMrs. Kathryn W. CrawfordMrs. Cathy J. CrawleyMs. Holly R. Crosby

Mrs. Meg CrowderMr. and Mrs. C. H. CroweMs. Flor Culpa-BondalDr. Therry N. DealMrs. Mary Jane DeckardMrs. Lauren Benson DeenMr. Kenneth C. DesenbergDr. and Mrs. Mike DigbyMrs. Sara B. DozierMrs. Jo A. DrinkhahnMr. and Mrs.

Richard C. DumasMrs. Velma DuncanMr. William M. DyerDr. Marianne EdwardsDr. Gertrude EhrlichMr. and Mrs.

William H. Epps, Jr.ExxonMobil FoundationMrs. Shirley W. FallinMrs. Sybil S. FanningDr. and Mrs. Ken FarrDr. Joseph C. Farrington, Jr.Mrs. Gladys P. FeistMr. Glenn G. Fifarek and

Mrs. Mary K. La FountainMrs. Bernadine K. FindleyMr. James B. FleeceDr. Jerry W. FlyMrs. Vicki FolendoreMr. Roy W. FonnerMr. and Mrs. Gary K. FordMr. and Mrs. Robert ForlawMrs. Sue M. FowlerMr. and Mrs. John W. FoxMs. Anita D. FraleyMr. and Mrs.

Michael A. FranklinMrs. Gladys G. FrazierMs. Angela Y. FrenchMrs. Lynn M. FriedbergDr. Katherine McLean Fuller

and Mr. Donald C. Fuller, Jr.Dr. Barbara FunkeMrs. Betty Beckham FutralDr. Santiago García-CastañónMrs. Carol S. GardnerDr. Judy L. Gardner and Mr.Max Gardner Mrs. Ellamarie H. GarrettMs. Wilma A. GarrisonMr. Lewis J. GaskinsMrs. Jean Wansley GazdickMrs. Mary P. GibsonMr. Ryan GigliottiMr. Fred W. GilderDr. Lee GillisMrs. Betty K. GilmoreMrs. Grace Smith GironeDr. Michael GleasonDr. and Mrs. Lee B. GodfreyMr. and Mrs. Rick GoetteMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey GoldmanMr. and Mrs.

Richard Goodson, Jr.Ms. Maria GordonDrs. Anne V. and

John B. GormlyMrs. Frances K. GrahamMr. and Mrs.

E. Alex Gregory, Jr.Mrs. Rebecca C. GrierMrs. Jennifer L. GrooverMrs. Marie H. GroverMr. Charles M. GrubbsDr. Edith I. GunnelsMrs. Ethel S. HallMr. William M. HammondsMrs. Amy N. HanusMs. Genie H. Hargrove

Mrs. Stefanie B. HargroveMrs. Dianne S. HarperMr. Benny HarrisMrs. Myra B. HarrisDrs. Don and Robin HarrisMrs. Lorraine Lee HarrisonMr. and Mrs. William L. HartleyMrs. Norma M. HarvillMrs. Faye A. HealMr. and Mrs. D. Craig HenryMr. Thomas B. HenstockMs. Leigh HernMs. Kathleen A. HillMrs. Elizabeth S. HinesDr. Jane HinsonDr. Jude HirschMrs. Lucile S. HolderMrs. Jessica C. HolstunMs. Brenda B. HopsonMrs. Amelia A. HunterMrs. Mary G. HurtMrs. Deborah A. HutchersonMrs. Rose Valentine HydeMrs. Carolyn IsheeMr. Keith JacksonDr. Rosemary F. Jackson Mr. and Mrs.

Stewart H. JaehnigMs. Altry Y. JamesMr. and Mrs. James R. ThorneMr. and Mrs. David N. JarrellDr. Gregory J. JarvieMr. Harold Jenkins *Ms. Katie A. JohnsonMr. Loyes H. JohnsonMrs. Mary M. JohnsonMs. Sharon JohnsonMs. Amy E. JoinerMs. Cheryl L. JonesMrs. Jennifer C. JonesDr. Paul A. JonesMs. Sharon L. JonesDr. and Mrs. W. A. JonesMrs. Sybil N. JonesMrs. Vera H. JonesMrs. Janice B. JordanMr. and Mrs. John L. KainesKay Burke & Associates L.L.C.Mrs. Virginia B. KeeffeMr. and Mrs. Harry E. KeimMrs. Lenora Hammock

KenningtonMs. Katherine A. KentMrs. Linda K. KerceMrs. Gloria R. KingMs. Josephine K. KingMrs. Glenna R. KippDr. Cheryl P. KishMr. Joseph M. KitchensMs. Mary D. KitchensDr. Karynne L. KleineMr. and Mrs.

Kenneth F. KopeskyMrs. Sara D. LanfordMr. William H. Lavery, Jr.Mr. Stanley C. LawsonMrs. Madelyn T. LayfieldMr. and Mrs. Randy LayneMrs. Emma S. LaytonMrs. Sudy V. LeavyMrs. Janice N. LeeceDr. Dorothy LelandMrs. LeAnne M. LemmondDr. Jim LidstoneDr. and Mrs.

Richard B. Liipfert, D.M.D.Mrs. Margolese Jones LongMrs. Grace B. MartinMs. Stephanie L. MathisMrs. Eve W. Mayes

Mrs. Jeannette Jones McClureMrs. and Mr.

Wylene H. McCookMrs. Frances T. McCormickDr. and Mrs.

William F. McDanielMrs. Shaina S. McGillDr. and Mrs. Michael McGinnisMr. and Mrs. Robert McGuintyMr. James L. McKellarMs. Kate McKemieMrs. Dorothy A. McKinleyMs. Erin K. McKnightMr. John L. McSweeneyMr. Nickolas J. MellingerMrs. Pozene M. MenhinickDr. Chesley S. and

Mr. Eduardo MercadoMr. and Mrs. Kevin MeyerMr. and Mrs. David MilesMrs. Shirley C. MillerMr. and Mrs.

Robert C. Mitchell, IIDr. Nancy MizelleMrs. Diane D. MoldenhauerMrs. Anna K. MontgomeryDr. Doris MoodyDr. Lonnie L. MorrisonMr. and Mrs.

Michael J. MorrisonMr. and Mrs.

William L. MorrisonMs. Jarlanda K. MossMr. and Mrs.

H. Kedward MurrayDr. David E. MuschellMrs. Susan M. NaddraNelnet, Inc.Mr. and Mrs.

Robert C. Newell, Jr.Mrs. Amy NitscheDr. Roger A. NoelMr. and Mrs.

James S. NunnellyMr. and Mrs.

George C. Oetter, Jr.Mrs. Janet P. OglesbyMr. and Mrs.

Timothy H. O’LearyMrs. Rosanna Robison OliverMr. Lewis P. O’Neal, Jr.Mrs. Gloria P. OrmandMrs. Phillippa K. PaddisonMrs. Jeanne Brannan PagleeMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. PanfilDr. Michael PangiaMrs. Thomas B. ParkMrs. Mary G. PeloubetDr. and Mrs. Mark PeltonMr. and Mrs. John T. PetersMrs. Kathryn C. PickeringDr. Dorothy PinkstonMs. Suzanne PittmanMrs. Yvonne D. PopeMrs. Carolyn P. PrattMrs. Barbara J. PriceMrs. Ann B. RaganDr. and Mrs.

Harold W. Reed, Jr.Mrs. Jean W. ReedMrs. Elaine J. RicketsonMr. and Mrs. Richard RigsbeeMr. Roger D. RobertsMrs. Dianne M. RogersDr. Jane A. RoseMr. Thomas RyanDr. Kenneth SaladinDr. John E. SallstromMrs. Faye H. SandersMr. and Mrs. Randolph Scott

Mrs. Palacia S. SeamanMs. Rebecca B. SearsDr. and Mrs. Joseph W. SharpMr. and Mrs. David S. SharpeMrs. Gwendolyn C. ShawMr. and Mrs.

Lester E. SheppardMr. Quintus SibleyMrs. Marion Young SimmonsMs. Carroll SlusherMrs. Claudette T. SmithMrs. Lorri L. SmithMs. Mandy C. SmithDr. Sharene SmootMrs. Martha W. SnellingMs. Anne M. SparrowMrs. Leila R. SpeeringMrs. Sonya D. SpikesMrs. Janet L. SpiveyMrs. Beth H. StedmanMrs. Amie E. StepkoskiMr. and Mrs.

Robert A. Stevens, Sr.Mr. and Mrs.

Charles E. StewartMs. Kendall StilesMs. Betty J. StricklandMrs. Marilyn E. SummersMr. Simon O. TabeDr. Mary C. TateMrs. Evelyn D. ThomasMr. and Mrs. Gary ThrowerMr. F. H. Tigner, IIIDr. Patti TolbertMr. and Mrs. William C. TrotterMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. TurnerMrs. Kimberly L. TurnerMr. Bayani O. UdascoUniversity System of

Georgia FoundationMs. Margrett L. UpshawMrs. Dawn N. VinsonMrs. Deanie WaddellMs. Laura L. WalkerMrs. Linda M. WalkerMr. and Mrs. Tommie E. WalkerMr. Joseph WallaceMr. Roosevelt WaltonMs. Frances S. WatsonMr. Joe S. WatsonMrs. Shari Gambrell WattMrs. Erin M. WeaverMr. Gary H. WebbMrs. Wenda J. WeeksMr. and Mrs.

Robert A. WeisflogMrs. Lurline B. WestDr. and Mrs. J. M. WhitfieldMr. James E. WhitfieldMr. Adam B. WigginsMr. and Mrs. Frank E. WigginsMrs. Faye B. WigginsMrs. Etta WilcherMr. and Mrs. Richard WilkesMs. Carolyn D. WilliamsMrs. Marguerite R. WilliamsMrs. Iris B. WilsonMr. and Mrs.

Stanford G. WilsonMs. Sarah J. WollisonMrs. Joyce P. WollschlagerMaj. Grace Womble, RetiredMs. Monica L. WoodDr. Zhenhui XuDr. Jiaqin YangMrs. Judy E. YoumansMrs. Mercedes N. Youmans

Annual Scholarship Donors

* Deceased

Page 27: President's Report 2006 (archive)

A N N U A L R E P O R T | 2 5

Kathryn Rice BrabsonWynette Stembridge BralleyMary Morehead BrewsterMarise Bassett BrinkMary Ethridge BrittonMary Battle BroadawayMargaret Vaughan BrownHelen Dowis BrownMartha Woodard BrownMabel Allmond BrownWahldean McCorkle BrunsonBetty Wells BullockDorothy Beckum BurnettEdith Henderson BurtBarbara Cox CadeDoris Dunn CarriganJoan CarterKetus Conner CawthonMiriam Jones ChamberlainLillian Simpson ChandlerVerna Overton ChestnuttDorothy Taylor ClarkMartha ClarkElizabeth Callaway ClarkVirginia Collar ClarkMaude Morris ClaxtonFlorida Hatcher CobbGwendolyn Wilson CollierMiriam Collins CollinsMartha Carpenter CollinsMaybess Murphy ConeMargaret Bennett CooperWyleen Jolley CorbettAnna Carmical CornGretchen Waldrep CorumJane Hall CoxCarolyn Jones CraveyBilly Sweerus CrawfordMary Watson CunninghamFrances Parker CurryShirley Steele DaltonNell DanielRuby Donald DanielMartha Bowden DarseyRunette Hitchcock DavisJane Lancaster DavisBetty Bartlett DavisDorothy Keel DavisJosephine Melton DavisFrances Ezell DayMary Salter DeckardRuth Sheppard DeckerNatalie Hymes DeLettreSarah Stapleton DillonMartha Fors DonaldNeva Lindsey DouglasJoanne Pierce DrakeMary Johnson DugganBarbara Camp DurshimerCorinne Tucker DykesHelen DeLamar EdwardsGertrude EhrlichDorothy Gassett EllisMary Brantley FarleyEmily Cook FarmerElaine Baker FarmerCarol Cason FarrEleanor Wheeless FordMary FordPhyllis Farrar ForschlerJulia Meadows FrerichsGladine Culpepper FulghumDoris Pollard Galloway

Christine Willingham GayMargaret Brewer GaylerJean Wansley GazdickMary Stevens GibbsMary Morris GibsonBetty Cox GillBetty Kennedy GilmoreGrace Smith GironeMary Tankersley GlassMildred Danner GoldmanZell Barnes GrantMary Kicklighter GravesMartha Byrd GreenTommy Dowda GriffithBetty Cogburn HallNell Funderburk HambrickRebie Hancock HammondEvelyn Smith HancockCarlene Ogletree HarrisMartha Roberts HatcherMartha Perry HawkinsNelle Craft HayesGladys Lowder HaynesMary Harvey HaysGladys HeathAlice Davis HeldenfelsMary Shultz HendersonHarriet Thorp HendricksMarianne Armstrong HinelyEulalia Webb HodgeMattie Cullifer HojnackiCarol McClure HolcombLucile Stansell HolderMary Watson HopeAnn Tinsley HopperVirginia Olsen HortonHelen Ledbetter HuberJo Bell HudsonMargie HughesDoris Council HulbertMary HuntYonah HurtOlivia Schramm HutchisonSarah Ridley HyattFaye Dunaway JacksonAmelia Vance JacksonJewell Radford JarkaSaralu Carter JenkinsDoris Watson JoinerKathryne Arrington JonesJuanita Burford JonesLucy Jordan JonesGeorgia Harvey JordanBetty Haynie JordanMartha Jones KellyAnn Hodges KinnettDorothy Dunahoo KirtonAnn Fitzpatrick KleinCarolyn Hilyer KnightMargaret Lewis KyleBetty LaneSara Devane LanfordLaNelle Bailey LasseterEmma Smith LaytonKlonnie Wren LewisHelen Matthews LewisCloa Harvey LloydMartha Duke LokeyCatherine Adams LombardoNaomi Carr LucasDorothy Peacock MaddingRuth Banks MarshMargaret Clark Marshall *

Patsy Ingle MarshallGrace Brown MartinCharlotte May MayVirginia Osborn MayesHilda Gray MayoJacquelyn Wasden McAfeeJeannine Young McCameronFanny McClureBee McCormackCharlotte Ballenger McDougaldMary McEverElizabeth Heath McFallBess Saye McFarlandRoena McJunkinKate McKemieJoan Parker McNallyMartha Stewart McNaronBetty MillsRebecca MinorElizabeth Park MondayDoris MoodyLouise MooreAlma Dixon MooreRachel McCrea MoranMarie Hargrove MorganNellie Tew MorrillLonnie Morrison MorrisonLydia Kirkland MoselyRebecca MulliganEmma Burch MyersMarion Sims NewMildred Pharr O’BrienGeraldine Dennard OgburnRosalyn Dick OgletreeGloria Peacock OrmandAlberta Whitely ParkMary Ellen Flatt ParkerNelle Cown PattilloJean PattishallLila Tanner PaulkMartha Callaway PaxsonMary Tufts PeelerVirginia PettyJane Garrett PhilipsMary Lewis PilcherJo Hall PinholsterCarolyn Plunkett PrattMary Stubbs PrattFrances Hicks PriceGrace Burel PuckettVirginia Bailey QueenSybil Little RaineyBerma Smith RamfjordSara Brown RatcliffeLazelle Chronister ReaganMildred Ballard RiceAnn Smith RiceSara Nevels RicheySarah Vaughan RidgewayJeanne Peterson RobinsonEmma Franklin RobsonClyde Reynolds RolandElizabeth Shreve RyanAlpha Harwell SalterPeggy George SammonsFrances McCluney SamsMarian Sheppard SanfordJanette Hogg SantoroHelen Mumford SchererShirley Giles SchubertBlanche Davis ScogginsVirginia Brazel SettleFlorrie Reagin Shaw

Frances Lawson SheaHilda Washburn SheffieldJeanille Hadden ShipmanFrances Binion SibleyCarol Martin SimpsonMildred Ennis SimpsonBennie Hatcher SissonLucy Gilliam SittonPatricia Moorhead SmithCarolyn King SmithKaren Owens SmithMartha Whitehead SnellingCharlotte Youmans SowellBettye Timmons SpenceJane Trapnell StantonBeth Hall StedmanRoslyn Bynum StricklandClaryce Sutton StrotherMarian Johnson StrouseElizabeth Powell TaborKathryn Amerson TannerClara Smith TaylorHilda Fortson TeasleyErnestine Prescott ThompsonCatherine Leach ThorpJoan Hungerford TilghmanMargaret Gheesling TrawickMildred MacLeod TurnerEva Daniel UlrichMary Godbee VinsonMarjorie Leach WagesMildred Blackstock WallaceDorothy Lewis WarthenRuth Gibbs WatkinsJean Chastain WatsonLouise Faver WattersEdwina Ozier WeberAnita Tanner WestElizabeth Mayes WestburyMarion Culpepper WhiddonBetty Willis WhisnantEunice Daniel WhitmireMargaret Keel WickerSara Bowles WickerEdith Lewis WilkinsonHilda Pope WillettMildred Hagood WilliamsElaine Bates WilliamsJane Sparks WillinghamFlorence Atkins WilsonMargaret WilsonSarah WollisonGrace WombleCalene Rahn WrenMary Lott Young

1930sRuth AdamsFrances McCrary AmidonFlorence Bell AndersonRachel McMullen AtkissonRoxanna AustinMary Whigham BaellMary Gibson BakerMary Bowen BanksVirginia Holder Baxley-BrownElizabeth Bostick BelgerAlice Fortson BellMarion Bell BennettLouise Jones BlountAddie Parker BrighamAnnella Brown

Louise Cox BryantDixie Barrett CareySara Allmond CarrollSara ChambersLucille Martin ChitwoodMary Pennington ClarkMary Rice ClevelandGolden Locke CoffeyLouise Lipford ConeVivian Brookins CorbettFrances Danner DanielDorothy Ruark DownsJulia Stewart EdenMarjorie Wood EvansMary Dunn FlemingEdna Smith FreemanFloride Moore GardnerElizabeth Meadows GrahamI. Hall GuyJane HaddockOlive Martin HallRuth Hardeman HarrisJean Purdom HiersMaria Maret HughsElizabeth Cowart HurdSara Doster JacobsRuth Thomas JohnsonLouise Bennett KingLuvoise Chason LandenNellie Butler LangSara Hadley MansfieldRobbie Wilson MashburnJane Hall MasonFrances Ivey MillerJewell Fowler MooreHelen Prince MoynihanDaisy Bone NelsonEleanor Brisendine NewmanJosephine Oglesby OglesbyAgnes Gibson OrrinMargaret Grace PettyjohnBeatrice West PfeifferFay PilkentonNelle Quarterman PinsonCarol PryorMary Mize RankineMarian Power RossRuth Van Cise SappPalacia Stewart SeamanMargaret Cise ShoemakerElizabeth Taylor SmithEmily Speight StearnsElise Hagan StricklandMartha Koebley SummerlinNell Williams ThomasDoris Harden ThomasRuby Oak ThompsonMargaret Gary TimmFrances Vickery ToddBeverly Mills TwerskyLucy Caldwell Van StirumDoris West WalkerKatherine WaltersEmily Shealy WellsElizabeth Manning WestbrookDorothy Botdorf WhiteMarguerite Rollins WilliamsJacqueline Stokley WillifordSarah Mallard Yarbrough

DisclaimerThis publication lists individuals, businesses, organizations and foundations supporting the Georgia College & State UniversityFoundation and the Georgia College & State University Alumni Association through their gifts for the period July 1, 2005 through June30, 2006. Though great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the report, should an entry be listed incorrectly, please advisethe GCSU Office of University Advancement at (478) 445-1891.

Page 28: President's Report 2006 (archive)

• U.S. News and World Report ranked Georgia College as one of the bestpublic Master’s universities in the South and the best in Georgia.

• The October 2nd edition of Newsweek highlighted Dr. DonaldJohanson’s visit to Georgia College in a story related to his discov-ery of the skeleton “Lucy.”

• Kiplinger Personal Finance magazine endorsed GeorgiaCollege as one of the 100 Best Values in PublicColleges.

• Chair of the Department of Government & Sociology,Dr. Mike Digby, is quoted in the September 25thedition of USA Today regarding the close congres-sional races in Georgia.

• Georgia College was named in the prestigious“Colleges of Distinction” list, Georgia’s only publicuniversity to receive the honor.

• CNN visited campus in September to film a seg-ment on the use of iPods at Georgia College.

• Georgia College received praise as its enteringfreshman class represented some of the high-est SAT scores in the state.

In 2006, Georgia College was again nationally recognized for its academic excellence.

Office of the PresidentCampus Box 20Milledgeville, GA 31061

Georgia College & State University, established in 1889,is Georgia’s Public Liberal Arts University.University System of Georgia





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