Copyright CE Learning Systems, LLC PREVENTION AND REDUCTION OF MEDICAL ERRORS: COURSE OUTLINE INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL ERROR COURSE Who can benefit from this course? What does the Florida Statue 456.013(7) state? What are the learning objectives for this medical errors course? MEDICAL ERRORS DEFINITIONS AND RATIONALE FOR REDUCTION AND PREVENTION EFFORTS What are medical errors? What prompted attention on medical errors? What does the APA (2007) report have to say about medical errors Why Should Behavioral Healthcare Professionals be Concerned about Practice Errors? CAUSE OF MEDICAL ERRORS AND BARRIERS TO ERROR REDUCTION What is considered primary causes for medical errors? What have been barriers to error reduction? PATIENT SAFETY What ingredients are necessary for improving patient safety? What mandatory goals did JCAHO establish to improve patient safety for behavioral healthcare organizations? REPORTING SENTINEL EVENTS/ERRORS What does JCAHO require accredited organizations to have in place? How does JCAHO define a sentinel event What are examples of JCAHO reportable sentinel events? What does JCAHO require for each reported sentinel event? What does JCAHO expect accredited organizations to do with the “Sentinel Event Alert”? What is JCAHO’s minimum requirement for sentinel event of suicide? What is Florida’s law regarding reporting of sentinel events? ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS What is Root Cause Analysis (RCA)? What is the purpose of Root Cause Analysis (RCA)? Who is involved in Root Cause Analysis (RCA)? What steps are involved in Root Cause Analysis (RCA)? What must a thorough Root Cause Analysis (RCA) include? What must a credible Root Cause Analysis (RCA) include How might a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Process look for small behavioral healthcare settings? What are examples of medical errors related to personal factors? POTENTIAL FOR MEDICAL ERRORS WITHIN THE BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE PRACTICE What are examples of medical errors that involve medications? What are examples of medical errors that involve the diagnostic process?


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Who can benefit from this course?

What does the Florida Statue 456.013(7) state?

What are the learning objectives for this medical errors course?


What are medical errors?

What prompted attention on medical errors?

What does the APA (2007) report have to say about medical errors Why Should Behavioral Healthcare Professionals be Concerned about Practice Errors?


What is considered primary causes for medical errors?

What have been barriers to error reduction?


What ingredients are necessary for improving patient safety?

What mandatory goals did JCAHO establish to improve patient safety for behavioral healthcare organizations?


What does JCAHO require accredited organizations to have in place?

How does JCAHO define a sentinel event

What are examples of JCAHO reportable sentinel events?

What does JCAHO require for each reported sentinel event?

What does JCAHO expect accredited organizations to do with the “Sentinel Event Alert”?

What is JCAHO’s minimum requirement for sentinel event of suicide?

What is Florida’s law regarding reporting of sentinel events?


What is Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

What is the purpose of Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

Who is involved in Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

What steps are involved in Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

What must a thorough Root Cause Analysis (RCA) include?

What must a credible Root Cause Analysis (RCA) include

How might a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Process look for small behavioral healthcare settings?

What are examples of medical errors related to personal factors?


What are examples of medical errors that involve medications?

What are examples of medical errors that involve the diagnostic process?

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What are examples of medical errors that occur with treatment?

What are examples of medical errors that involve monitoring?

What are examples of organizational procedural errors?

What are examples of error due to an unsafe working environment?

What are examples of medical errors related to personal factors?


What are Florida’s mandated requirements for error reduction?

What serious errors are specifically mandated to be addressed by Florida Psychology Board?

What steps can be taken to reduce errors related to suicidal patients?

What steps can be taken to reduce errors related to homicidal or violent patients?

What steps are required to reduce errors related to mandatory reporting laws?

What steps can be taken to reduce errors related to failure to detect medical conditions that present as a psychological disorder?

How can organization systems reduce practice errors?

How can creating an organizational safety culture reduce practice errors?

How can establishing practice guidelines reduce practice errors?

How can empowering patients with informed consent reduce practice errors?

How can protecting confidentiality reduce errors?

How can providing patient healthcare education materials reduce practice errors?

In what ways can providing quality documentation reduce practice errors?

How can improving discharge summaries reduce practice errors?

How can supervision reduce practice errors?

How can personal characteristics impact practice errors?

What personal qualities impact practice errors?

How can commitment to meeting professionally accepted standards of care reduce medical errors?

How can reading the Disciplinary Guidelines established by professional boards of regulation help reduce medical errors?


What summary point should professionals always keep in mind?


What references will provide you with more material on medical errors?


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INTRODUCTION NOTE TO PARTICIPANT: This course is presented in a question and answer format. Hopefully each question will focus your attention on critical information, ideas, or concepts to acquire. The questions will help simplify the complexity of the material, as well as, highlight the important issues. The questions and the responses are arranged in a sequential order that allows for a meaningful progression through the course material.


Who can benefit from this course?

This course is intended to provide important concepts and strategies that are crucial to

the prevention and reduction of errors within the behavioral healthcare practice of

psychologists, counselors, social workers and other behavioral health professionals.

What does the Florida Statue 456.013(7) state?

Medical errors (healthcare provider practice errors) are a source of unnecessary and

preventable harm to the public. Government and regulatory agencies at the national

and state level are requiring licensed professionals to take steps to reduce medical

errors. The Florida Department of Health has stressed the importance of reducing

medical errors by requiring a continuing education course on medical errors. It states:

Two (2) of the forty (40 hours must relate to prevention of medical errors, including a

study of root-cause analysis, error reduction and prevention, and patient safety. If the

course is offered by a facility licensed pursuant to chapter 395 for its employees, the

Board will approve up to one (1) hour of the two (2) hour course to be specifically

related to error reduction and prevention methods used in that facility.

In addition to including a study of root-cause analysis, error reduction and prevention,

and patient safety, course material should discuss areas within mental health practice

that carry the potential for "medical" errors. Examples would include improper diagnosis,

failure to comply with mandatory abuse reporting laws, inadequate assessment of

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potential for violence (e.g., suicide, homicide), failure to detect medical conditions

presenting as a psychological/psychiatric disorder.

To review Florida Statue 456.013(7) click here.

What are the learning objectives for this medical errors course?

Explain why giving attention to medical errors is important

Identify major causes of medical errors (practice errors) and barriers to error reduction

Describe ingredients for improving patient safety, including JCAHO’s requirements and mandatory goals for patient safety

Discuss Sentinel Events and JCAHO’s requirements

Describe the process for Root Cause Analysis

Describe the application of Root Cause Analysis to a specific case example

Provide 5 examples of potential medical errors within behavioral healthcare practice

Discuss Florida’s mandated requirements for error reduction

Describe steps for preventing and reducing behavioral healthcare practice errors

Describe how personal qualities impact on practice errors

Describe principles and practices for overall prevention and reduction of practice errors



What are medical errors?

“Medical and behavioral healthcare errors are the failure to complete a planned action as intended or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim. It is mistakes of omission and/or commission made by licensed professionals during the daily activities of their practice.”

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“People make mistakes. People can have great experience, motivation, or show great

care, and still make mistakes. But when the people making mistakes are healthcare

practitioners, the consequences of those mistakes can be devastating.”

Prevention of errors is effort taken that keeps mistakes from happening or arising.

Reduction of errors is effort taken that decrease and minimizes unwanted outcomes.

This course is designed to heighten awareness and prompt the development and

implementation of processes in clinical practice that both reduces and prevent harmful


What prompted attention on medical errors?

The problem of medical errors gained national attention in 1999 when the Institute of

Medicine (IOM) wrote a report entitled To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health

System. The report revealed an epidemic of medical errors in the United States. The

report identified medical error as injuring 1 in every 25 hospital patients and as being

responsible for tens of thousands of death each year. Medical errors have been the

third leading cause of death in the United States, more deadly than breast cancer,

motor vehicle accidents, or AIDS. According to Dr. Leape, the number of deaths from

medical errors in hospitals could account for the equivalent to the death toll from three

jumbo jet crashes every two days. The IOM report indicated that medical errors cost

the economy as much as $29 billion each year.

The report captured the attention of the public, healthcare industry as well as federal

and state agencies. In response to the report Congress approved a $50 million annual

appropriation for research on patient safety, primarily by the Agency for Healthcare

Research and Quality (AHRQ). The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare

Organizations (JCAHO) now requires that healthcare institutions analyze serious

medical errors to determine the root causes and develop an action plan to prevent those

errors in the future. In July 2005 President Bush signed into law S.544, the Patient

Safety and Quality Improvement Act, which established a voluntary confidential

reporting system to create a national database of medical errors for analysis and for

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development of evidence-based patient safety measures. Twenty-five states, including

Florida, have mandatory or voluntary systems for reporting medical errors in hospitals

and other healthcare organizations (National Quality Forum, 2007).

What does the APA (2007) report have to say about medical errors?

In response to the legislative efforts occurring at the national level and in an effort to

ensure that human factors expertise was included in the legislative process, the

American Psychological Association published their report Erring on the Side of Human

Factors for Patient Safety (APA 2007). The APA and the Federation of Behavioral,

Psychological and Cognitive Sciences arranged for patient safety experts to conduct

team briefings for both the House and the Senate. They reported that the success of

any legislation aimed at reducing medical errors and deaths is dependent upon

understanding the complex nature of medical errors. This may be one reason why the

state of Florida included the study of root cause analysis as specific content for medical

errors courses (F.S. 456.013).

Root cause analysis is a step-by-step process for finding the underlying cause of a

specific problem. The cause of an error is typically not simply an individual who is

making a mistake, but rather due to various circumstances including system errors. The

APA 2007 report stressed that the source of errors must be evaluated systemically,

considering administrative policies, conditions within the work environment, as well as

individuals who failed to meet standards of care.

Why Should Behavioral Healthcare Professionals be Concerned about Practice Errors?

Harm to others

If errors in the medical field can occur at such a high rate, where there has been

significant focus at reducing errors, imagine the error rate within the behavioral

healthcare field, where relatively little attention has been given to reducing errors. It’s

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very important to remember that behavioral healthcare errors also cause harm to

individuals, including relationship conflicts, prolonged emotional distress, and

unnecessary suicides.

Economic costs

According to a 2005 Forbes Magazine article, preventable medical errors cost an

estimated 500 billion dollars in added health care costs alone or 30% of all health care

spending. Total national costs (lost income, lost household production, disability and

health care costs) of preventable adverse events (medical errors resulting in injury) are

estimated to be between $17 billion and $29 billion, of which health care costs represent

over one-half.

Behavioral healthcare practitioners’ errors share many of the cost factors found in

medicine. In addition there are opportunity costs. Dollars spent on misdirected

sessions, application of ineffective therapy strategies, repeated diagnostic tests and

diagnostic interviews are dollars unavailable for other purposes. Purchasers and

patients pay for errors when insurance costs and co-payments are inflated by services

that would not have been necessary had proper care been provided.

Intangible costs

Not all the costs can be directly measured. Errors are also costly in terms of loss of trust

in the system by patients and diminished satisfaction by both patients and health

professionals. Patients who experience prolonged intervention as a result of

practitioners’ judgment errors pay with unnecessary psychological discomfort. Health

care professionals pay with loss of morale and frustration at not being able to provide

the best care possible. Employers and society, in general, pay in terms of lost worker

productivity, reduced school attendance by children, and lower levels of population

health status.

Malpractice liability

Errors in professional practice can lead to significant increase in malpractice liability

insurance costs, not only for the professional involved in a malpractice activity, but other

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professionals purchasing malpractice insurance. More seriously, it can lead to a

suspension of professional practice, or loss of license, and/or significant financial

damages for not meeting standards of care.



What are considered primary causes for medical errors?

Experts report that medical errors are seldom due to carelessness or negligence. More

commonly, errors are caused by faulty systems and basic flaws in the way healthcare

technology and systems are designed and organized. In the behavioral healthcare field,

with a lack of carefully designed systems and processes, errors are less due to

technology, and more likely due to lack of error awareness, lack of focus on error

analysis, and lack of interest in correction and prevention of errors.

What have been barriers to error reduction?

Even with high unnecessary death and injury rates along with the enormous estimated

annual cost of health errors to US healthcare system, one major barrier has been the

silence that surrounds medical and practice errors. Media coverage has been limited to

reporting of anecdotal cases. Consumers generally believe they are protected.

Licensure and accreditation suggests, in the eyes of the public, a "Good Housekeeping

Seal of Approval." Yet, many licensing and accreditation organizations have focused

only limited attention on the prevention of errors. Practitioners also perceive the liability

system as a serious threat to applying systematic efforts to uncover and learn from

errors. Also, the fragmented nature of the health care delivery system contributes to

errors in communication. For example, when patients see multiple service providers in

different settings, none of whom have access to complete information, it is easier for

something to go wrong than when care is better coordinated. Another barrier to

reducing errors has been the lack of effort by third party payment systems to create

incentives for health care organizations to improve safety.

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What does JCAHO require accredited organizations to have in place?

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires

accredited organizations to have two systems in place for reporting errors…an internal

system and an external system. Healthcare organizations must have a process in place

to recognize sentinel events. They must conduct thorough Root Cause Analyses that

focus on process and system factors, and not on individual blame. (Root Cause

Analyses is explained later in this paper). They must document a strategy for reducing

risk and establish an internal corrective action plan within 45 days of the organization

becoming aware of the sentinel event.

How does JCAHO define a sentinel event?

JCAHO uses the term “sentinel event” and defines it as follows: An unexpected

occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk

thereof. Serious injury specifically includes loss of limb or function. The phrase "or the

risk thereof" includes any process variation for which a recurrence would carry a

significant chance of a serious adverse outcome.

What are examples of JCAHO reportable sentinel events?

Any patient death, paralysis, coma or other major permanent loss of function associated with a medication error.

Any suicide of a patient in a setting where the patient is housed around-the-clock, including suicides following elopement from such a setting.

Any elopement, i.e., unauthorized departure, of a patient from an around-the-clock care setting resulting in a temporally related death (suicide or homicide) or major permanent loss of function.

Any procedure on the wrong patient, wrong side of the body or wrong organ.

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Any intrapartum (related to the birth process) maternal death.

Any perinatal death unrelated to a congenital condition in an infant having a birth weight greater than 2500 grams.

Assault, homicide or other crime resulting in patient death or major permanent loss of function.

A patient fall that results in death or major permanent loss of function as a direct result of the injuries sustained in the fall.

Hemolytic transfusion reaction involving major blood group incompatibilities.

What does JCAHO require for each reported sentinel event?

Accredited facilities are to report not only actual but also potential sentinel events, the

close calls and near misses. Once sentinel events are reported, JCAHO requires

facilities to submit the findings of their root cause analyses and corrective action plans.

If the submitted root cause analysis or action plan is not acceptable or none is

submitted within 45 days, the facility is at risk for being placed on the Accreditation

Watch by the Accreditation Committee of the Joint Commissioners. Failure to perform

an acceptable root cause analyses and implement appropriate actions can result in a

change in accreditation status, including loss of accreditation.

What does JCAHO expect accredited organizations to do with the “Sentinel Event Alert”?

The Sentinel Event Alert is an online newsletter published by JCAHO. It identifies

sentinel events, describes their causes, and suggest actions to prevent these

occurrences. Accredited organizations are expected to: (1) review and consider

relevant information in the newsletter; (2) consider information in an alert when

designing or redesigning relevant processes; (3) evaluate systems in light of information

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in the alert; (4) consider standard-specific concerns; and (5) implement relevant

suggestions or provide a reasonable explanation for not implementing relevant

changes. To view examples of Sentinel Event Alerts, click here.

What is JCAHO’s minimum requirement for sentinel event of suicide?

For the sentinel event of suicide, JCAHO requires that at minimum the following areas

be evaluated as a possible cause for error. The following areas reflect critical system

functions where a breakdown can cause an adverse event. These are:

Behavioral assessment of patients’ risk to self and others

Physical assessment process, and includes search for contraband.

Patient observation procedures

Continuum of care

Staffing levels

Orientation and training of staff

Competency assessment/credentialing

Supervision of staff

Communication with patient/family

Communication among staff members

Availability of information

Physical environment, including furnishings; and distractions

Security systems and processes

A mental health clinic or even a practitioner in sole private practice should reflect on

each of the above categories and look for incidents of errors or near errors.

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Practitioners should identify previous feedback from patients and staff, past difficulties

or close call errors, or any inconsistencies in the provision of services. Then

practitioners should apply an error analysis procedure to discover root cause issues

followed by efforts to address needed corrections.

What is Florida’s law regarding reporting of adverse event incidents (sentinel events)?

Every licensed healthcare facility in Florida shall, as a part of its administrative

functions, establish an internal risk management program that includes all of the

following components: (a) The investigation and analysis of the frequency and causes

of adverse incidents to patients. (b) The development of appropriate measures to

minimize the risk of adverse incidents to patients. (c) The risk-management program

must also provide risk management and risk prevention education and training of all

nonphysician personnel as part of their initial orientation; and at least 1 hour of such

education and training annually for all personnel of the licensed facility working in

clinical areas and providing patient care, except those persons licensed as health care

practitioners who are required to complete continuing education coursework. (d)

Statute 395.0197 mandates reporting of any adverse incident “over which healthcare

personnel could exercise control. These include:

1. Death;

2. Brain or spinal damage;

3. Permanent disfigurement;

4. Fracture or dislocation of bones or joints;

5. A resulting limitation of neurological, physical, or sensory function which continues after discharge from the facility;

6. Any condition that required specialized medical attention or surgical intervention resulting from nonemergency medical intervention, other than an emergency medical condition, to which the patient has not given his or her informed consent; or

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7. Any condition that required the transfer of the patient, within or outside the facility, to a unit providing a more acute level of care due to the adverse incident, rather than the patient's condition prior to the adverse incident;

(b) Was the performance of a surgical procedure on the wrong patient, a wrong surgical procedure, a wrong-site surgical procedure, or a surgical procedure otherwise unrelated to the patient's diagnosis or medical condition;

(c) Required the surgical repair of damage resulting to a patient from a planned surgical procedure, where the damage was not a recognized specific risk, as disclosed to the patient and documented through the informed-consent process; or

(d) Was a procedure to remove unplanned foreign objects remaining from a surgical procedure?

All incident reports must be filed with the risk manager of the healthcare organization or

his or her designee within three days after the event occurred. Following receipt of the

report, the risk manager in turn must report the event to the Florida Agency for

Healthcare Administration.

Three types of reports are required by ACHA:

The Annual Report, which includes all adverse incidents that occur in the facility in the course of a calendar year. These reports are due after the first of each year for the previous year.

24-hour Urgent Issue Report, a preliminary report of serious patient injuries of a more complicated nature, within 24 hours of the occurrence of the injury.

Code 15 Reports, which reprt in detail on each serious patient injury, the facility’s investigation of the injury, and whether the factors causing or resulting in the adverse incident represent a potential risk to other patients. The findings must be reported to AHCA within 15 days of an adverse incident. Failure to comply with this mandate may result in fines of as much as $25,000.

For a more detailed review of the Florida statues click here.

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What ingredients are necessary for improving patient safety?

In a nutshell the ingredients necessary for improving patient safety are: attitude,

awareness, reporting, analysis of root causes, action plan for correction and future


What mandatory goals did JCAHO establish to improve patient safety for behavioral healthcare organizations?

For a more detailed understanding of the Accreditation program for behavioral healthcare patient safety goals click here:

Goal 1 Improve the accuracy of client identification.

1A Use at least two client identifiers when providing care, treatment or services.

Goal 2 Improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers.

2A For verbal or telephone orders or for telephonic reporting of critical test results, verify the complete order or test result by having the person receiving the information record and "read-back" the complete order or test result.

2B Standardize a list of abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, and dose designations that are not to be used throughout the organization.

2C Measure and assess, and if appropriate, take action to improve the timeliness of reporting, and the timeliness of receipt by the responsible licensed caregiver, of critical test results and values.

2E Implement a standardized approach to “hand off” communications, including an opportunity to ask and respond to questions.

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Goal 3 Improve the safety of using medications.

3C Identify and, at a minimum, annually review a list of look-alike/sound-alike drugs used by the organization, and take action to prevent errors involving the interchange of these drugs.

Goal 7 Reduce the risk of health care-associated infections.

7A Comply with current World Health Organization (WHO) Hand Hygiene Guidelines or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hand hygiene guidelines when providing services to a high-risk population, or administering physical care.

7B Manage as sentinel events all identified cases of unanticipated death or major permanent loss of function associated with a health care-associated infection.

Goal 8 Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of care.

8A There is a process for comparing the client’s current medications with those ordered for the client while under the care of the organization.

8B A complete list of the client’s medications is communicated to the next provider of service when a client is referred or transferred to another setting, service, practitioner or level of care within or outside the organization. The complete list of medications is also provided to the client on discharge from the facility.

Goal 13 Encourage clients’ active involvement in their own care as a client safety strategy.

13A Define and communicate the means for clients and their families to report concerns about safety and encourage them to do so. A sample of two sources available to clients is listed below:

Patient Fact Sheet: Five Steps to Safer Health: This fact sheet tells patients what they can do to get safer health care. It was developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in partnership with the American Hospital

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Association and the American Medical Association. Click here for more information.

Think It Through: A Guide to Managing the Benefits and Risks of Medicines put out by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Click here for information.

Goal 15 The organization identifies safety risks inherent in its client population.

15A The organization identifies clients at risk for suicide.


What is Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a retrospective approach to error analysis. In simpler

terms, RCA seeks to find out (1) What happened? (2) Why did it happen? and (3) What

do you do to prevent it from happening again.

It has been widely applied to investigate major industrial accidents. With its foundations

in industrial psychology and human factors engineering, RCA is now being heavily

promoted for the investigation of sentinel events in medicine. In 1997, the Joint

Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) mandated the

use of RCA in the investigation of sentinel events in accredited hospitals.

What is the purpose of Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

The use of RCA in medical and clinical practice is intended to uncover errors that

underlie sentinel events. RCA provides a structured and process-focused framework

with which to approach sentinel event analysis. It stresses identifying system and

process errors involved in professional care and seeks to avoid the blame of individuals

for errors. By systematically applying RCA with what may appear to be separate

instances of accidents, can often lead to finding a common root cause (e.g., a variety of

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serious adverse events following a particular procedure). Once root causes are

identified then system changes are designed to prevent future incidents.

Who is involved in Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

In large organizations RCA requires the rigorous application of established qualitative

techniques. Once a sentinel event has been identified for analysis (e.g., a major

chemotherapy dosing error, or in behavioral healthcare an unexpected suicide following

a recent termination from services), a team is assembled to investigate the event. The

RCA team should be interdisciplinary involving service experts and those who are most

familiar with the error situation. The members of this team should be trained in the

techniques and goals of RCA.

What steps are involved in Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

The focus of the root cause analysis is primarily on systems and processes rather than

individual performance. If done properly the investigative team must go through

important steps. Teams that don’t follow the RCA steps often, when faced with an error

event, jump prematurely into “thinking they know the problem and what needs to be

corrected. The broad steps involve:

Collect Data: establish what happened through structured interviews, document

review, and/or field observation. These data are used to generate a sequence or

timeline of events preceding and following the event.

Analyze Data: examine the sequence of events generated above repeatedly with the

goals of determining the common underlying factors: Look for how the event

happened by identification of failures brought on by the activities or lack of activities

of people involved in the process.

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Identify Root Cause: look for why the event happened through identification of

system and procedural failures active or missing in the process. Identifying potential

root causes of error is enhanced when teams apply a conceptual framework. For

example, Reason proposed the following categories of factors as influencing clinical

practice: institutional/regulatory, organizational/management, work environment,

team factors, staff factors, task factors, and patient characteristics. For each

category the team would brainstorm possible variables impacting on the error that

occurred. Root causes in all the categories are considered first before rejecting any

factor or category of factors.

Recommend and Implement: At the conclusion of the RCA, the team summarizes the

underlying causes and their relative contributions, narrows the list of explanations down

to most significant or likely to have contributed to the error, and then begins to identify

administrative and systems problems that might be candidates for redesign.

The Joint Commission has developed several comprehensive guidelines on how to

conduct a "thorough and credible" root cause analysis, and continues to be the leading

source of guidance for health care organizations in this area.

What must a thorough Root Cause Analysis (RCA) include?

A thorough RCA requires a determination of human and other factors (processes and systems) most directly associated with the error.

It requires an analysis of underlying cause and effect systems through a series of WHY questions to determine where redesigns might reduce error risk.

It requires identification of risks and their potential contributions to error.

It requires a determination of potential improvement in processes or systems that would decrease the likelihood of adverse events in the future.

What must a credible Root Cause Analysis (RCA) include?

A credible RCA requires participation by the leadership of the organization and those most closely involved in the processes and systems under review.

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It requires consistency in carrying out a thorough process.

It requires consideration of relevant literature.

It requires corrective outcome measures and top management approval.

It requires that JCAHO requirements are met.

How might a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) process look for small behavioral healthcare settings?Clinical practices are encouraged to put an RCA process in place, to avoid being in the

position of crisis functioning. Don’t wait for a sentinel event to investigate. Establish

your processes now. Clinical practices are also encouraged to practice RCA on non-

sentinel events. Clinics could conduct a RCA for training purposes on a situation with

no real adverse outcome, such as a lost clinical chart found after an hour of searching

for it.

In developing a RCA process in the clinic it’s important to educate staff. Be clear in

articulating the philosophy of root cause analysis. "Errors must be accepted as system

flaws, not character flaws." Root Cause Analyses provides a process that leads to

effective problem identification and effective system improvements. Educate staff on

the meaning of important terms, such as sentinel event and adverse event. Stress the

importance of recognizing adverse events. Explain who and how to report the events.

Make the reporting process easy and non-threatening. In addition it’s helpful for a small

clinic organization to identify an individual to be “risk manager,” someone who

understands well the process of conducting a RCA.

Once an adverse event is reported, the risk manager and small member team should

determine expeditiously whether or not a RCA is needed. If an adverse event is

identified and considered appropriate for a RCA then it’s helpful to identify a facilitator,

who understands RCA, and to identify a content expert. The facilitator and content

expert would decide what data to review (e.g. clinical records, statements from

personnel, policy manuals, etc.), and who should do it, as well as the process of how it

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should be accomplished. For smaller organizations or departments, often it is best to

involve everyone in the process of RCA. Often those not involved in the event will have

good ideas, and involvement communicates a message to everyone that the

organization is committed to system improvement and that the organization expects all

staff to help play an important role in making the organization as error free as possible.

At the first group RCA meeting, explain the purpose: "We are here to find out all we can

about such and such an event; how it happened, how it might be prevented in the

future." Emphasize that the purpose is not to find fault, but to prevent future mishaps.

Consider posting the National Patient Safety Foundation's philosophy that "...most

errors result from faulty systems rather than human error ... that people are in essence

'set up' to make errors for which they are not truly responsible."

After introductions and opening comments, start by generating the sequence of events.

If people start suggesting causes, solutions, jot them down for later use and keep the

focus on making the sequence of events detailed and complete. After completing the

sequence, identify the immediate corrective actions that were taken at or near the time

of the event. Next ask the participants to carefully consider the sequence of events and

identify every item, which might in some way have contributed to the adverse event.

Mark an event even if it’s only one person who thinks it played a role in the adverse

event. Next ask the group to brainstorm all the marked items from the event sequence.

The group should try to come up with any and all ideas about situations and conditions

that may have in some way contributed to (not caused) the adverse event being

evaluated. Solutions given, or other interesting thoughts that may be presented should

be recorded and set aside for later reflection. At this time the focus is on contributory

causes. Consider prompts for brainstorming, such as asking participants to consider

barriers or aspects of the system that either failed to function or did not exist. After

considering all possible contributory causes, ask the participants to help simplify the

suggestions by eliminating duplications, combining items, and forming logical clusters

from the brainstorm items.

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Many organizations find it helpful to schedule the next meeting one week later. During

the week prior to the next meeting, a smaller team including the facilitator and content

expert meet together and attempt to develop a "Contributory Flowchart " from the

material generated by the team participants. The flowchart is layered with contributory

issues leading upwards to the adverse event at the top of the flowchart. The team

explores and assesses the second layer of contributory cluster names and lower layers

of elements making up the cluster name, repeatedly asking the question "WHY?" or

"HOW?" Each response to “WHY” or “HOW” helps identify lower-level derivatives to

pin-point root causes.

At the second larger group meeting the Contributory Flowchart is presented.

Participants are asked to check for omissions, better organization and a more logical

flow of events. After exploring the flowchart and generating additional input and

modification, the participants aim to reach a consensus on the flowchart. Those

elements identified as "Non-Contributory” can be set aside in a special list indicating

that they were considered in the analysis. Those identified as “Contributory” become

the focus in need of system solutions.

After agreement on the analysis the participants identify corrective action or

improvement for each "Contributory Factor." There may be very specific

recommendations or more general recommendations, such as, developing a working

group to address a specific issue. At this time a RCA reporting table or grid with

columns can be introduced, listing: Contributory Factor, Corrective Action, Person(s)

Responsible, Action Due Date, Measurement Technique, Person(s) Responsible, and,

Follow-up Date. It’s unlikely that this grid could be completed in the meeting. But, the

small team including the facilitator and content expert can work on the chart prior to the

next meeting.

At the third meeting present to the participants the completed Event Sequence,

Contributory Flowchart, and, Root Cause Analysis Reporting Grid. Look for feedback

from the participants, especially additional opportunities for improvement. The small

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leadership team now takes on the responsibility to monitor progress made in the

corrective actions that where proposed.

Example of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) in Behavioral Healthcare

The case of Gross versus Allen involved a female patient with a history of suicide

attempts. The patient, Karen, had a history of depression and attempted suicide. Her

psychotherapist referred her to a psychiatrist for medication and medication

management. Three years later Karen was still having problems with depression and

suicidal ideation. She drove her car into a tree and while in the emergency room told

the doctors that she wanted to kill herself. After being admitted to an inpatient program,

she attempted to strangle herself. And a few months later, she ingested fifty Halcion

tablets, and again survived the overdose.

Two months later she discussed with her psychiatrist, Dr. Allen, her intent to enroll in an

in-patient eating disorder program. Doctor Allen forbade her, informing her that her

illness was too severe to be handled in a hospital on an open unit. She ignored Dr.

Allen’s comments, and became admitted to the in-patient eating disorder clinic. During

her admission, Karen did not tell her admitting doctor to the eating disorder clinic, Dr.

Gross, about her past history of suicide attempts. The next day Dr. Gross called Dr.

Allen and informed him that Karen had entered the eating disorder program. Although

Dr. Gross inquired about her psychiatric history, Dr. Allen did not tell Dr. Gross about

her suicide attempts. The next morning Dr. Gross was informed that Karen was drowsy

and not responding to directions to get out of bed. Unknown to anyone, Karen had

taken an overdose of Nardil. She went into a comatose for five weeks, and because of

the overdose she suffered severe neurological damage.

Karen’s overdosing and resulting injury would be considered an error event…a sentinel

event. Let’s consider what a medical/clinical investigative team might do if they were to

implement the RCA process. Their activities may look something like the following:

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They would carefully review data and records related to the error event. They would do

this using a structured interview with Dr. Allen, Dr. Gross, and any other persons who

had contact with the chain of information exchange. They would review documents

including: intake reports, clinical progress notes, special evaluation reports, clinical

staffing notes, and discharge summaries. They would systematically step through the

sequence of events making observations of processes involved in the communication of

information. They would create a timeline and contributory flowchart sequence of

actions and decisions leading up to the event.

They would repeatedly analyze and review the sequence of activities leading to the

sentinel event and begin to compare the sequence to best practice activities. Looking

for contributory factors, they would study steps involved in the event and identify failures

brought on by activities or lack of activities of people involved in the process. They

would try to understand why the event happened through system and procedural


In considering institutional contributory reasons, they may list as possible problems:

Lack of a clear statement on how to document situations where an individual possesses

great risk of harm to self or others. They may suggest there is not a clear policy on how

to communicate information to other organizations when a high risk individual seeks

services from other organizations.

In considering management contributory factors, they may list as a possible problem:

lack of organizational structure to monitor high risk individuals and guard against

breakdowns in communication.

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In considering team contributory factors, they may list as a possible problem: lack of a

team discussion about high risk patients, monitoring issues, and providing for multiple

staff coverage of high risk individuals.

In brainstorming task contributory factors, the team may list as a problem: lack of a

specific evaluation tool to assess risk and monitor changes in risk. They may consider

that if there was a special information gathering tool developed on high risk individuals

that there would have been a much greater likelihood that critical information on Karen

would have been shared.

The RCA team may consider the above and brainstorm many other underlying causes.

They would then narrow the list of explanation down to most significant and then begin

to identify administrative and system problems that needed to be addressed. They

would address those contributory problems by implementing corrective actions and

creating reporting grids to monitoring progress.

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What are examples of medical errors involving medications?

Medication errors: Medication errors often involve errors in the use of a drug,

administering the wrong drug, adverse drug reactions. Ten common prescribing errors:

Sound-alike Drugs; Lack of Drug Knowledge; Dose Calculation Errors; Decimal Point

Misplacement; Wrong Dosage Form; Wrong Frequency; Use of Abbreviations; Drug

Interactions; Renal Insufficiency; Incomplete Patient History.

Sound-alike drugs: Confusing drug names is a common system failure. Unfortunately,

many drug names can look or sound like other drug names, which may lead to

potentially harmful medication errors. For example, one name similarity that has

resulted in frequent mix-ups is between Zyrtec, an antihistamine, and Zyprexa, an

antipsychotic. Patients who receive Zyprexa in error have reported dizziness,

sometimes leading to a related injury from a fall. Patients on Zyprexa for a mental

illness have relapsed when given Zyrtec in error.

The Joint Commission published a Sentinel Event Alert on look-alike and sound-alike

drug names. A list of the more problematic look-alike and sound-alike drug names along

with safety strategies specific to each of the problem drug names are provided at the

Joint Commission website. Click here to view website.

Handwritten prescriptions: Illegible prescriptions lead to errors. In July 2003 Florida

established a law (s.456.42, F.S.) making handwritten prescriptions illegal. The law

requires physicians in Florida to either print legibly or type prescriptions and to include

the name and strength of the drug prescribed, the quantity of the drug prescribed in

both textual and numerical formats, and directions for taking the drug.

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Patient name confusion: Sometimes medication is given to the wrong patient. It’s not

uncommon for a number of patients seeking services at clinics to share a common last

name or even first name. Double checking a patient’s charts for at least two identifiers

is one way to reduce name confusion errors.


What are examples of medical errors that involve the diagnostic process?

Incorrect diagnoses may lead to incorrect and ineffective treatment or unnecessary

testing. Examples of diagnostic errors include: misdiagnosis leading to an incorrect

choice of therapy, failure to use an indicated diagnostic test, misinterpretation of test

results, failure to act on abnormal results.

What are examples of medical errors that occur with treatment?

Examples of treatment errors include errors in administering the wrong treatment to a

patient, delay in treatment, not providing best practice treatments, and not providing

treatment when intervention is appropriate.

What are examples of medical errors that involve monitoring?

Monitoring errors include inadequate monitoring of progress or follow-up after treatment.

What are examples of organizational procedural errors?

These errors include: breach of confidentiality, breakdowns in communicating critical

information, poorly implemented policies putting clients at risk.

What are examples of error due to an unsafe working environment?

These errors can include slippery floors, cluttered floors, poor lighting, and unsafe

objects not properly secured. Small Lego or puzzle pieces can be swallowed by young

children playing with them. Wooden building blocks in a waiting room can be used as a

weapon by one child who is angry at another child.

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What are examples of medical errors related to personal factors?

Certain personal factors can increase the error rate in healthcare practice (Reason,


Inattention and distractions: A busy clinic with patients checking in for appointments,

other patients scheduling new appointments, along with interruptions for information

from colleagues and support staff can make it difficult to concentrate on completing

important procedural tasks involved in the care of the patient. Inattention to patient

safety can lead to improper death of patient, bodily injury to client, failure to supervise

client properly leading to injury, suicide of patient, accidents on premise.

Fatigue: Physical tiredness from lost sleep or excessive work load put clinicians at a

high risk for errors.

Emotional states: Anger, anxiety, depression, boredom can all impair work

performance and lead to errors. It’s not unusual in clinical practices for conflicts to

develop with other staff or other persons outside of the clinical practice. This added

stress increased internal distractions and the likelihood of errors.

Unfamiliar equipment use: A lack of knowledge and training in the use of clinic

computer programs can reduce effective reporting of patient information and impair

communication among staff or between providers and patients.

Who’s especially vulnerable to medical errors?

The safety of all patients is a major concern for all care providers. However, some

patients are especially vulnerable to healthcare errors. For example, the very young

and the very old are more vulnerable due to difficulty they have with communication

issues and ability to participate in decision-making and monitoring of their care. For

older patients there may be some degree of impairment in vision and hearing. Some

may have memory or other cognitive impairments. Some with complications of illnesses

may be especially at risk for medication interaction errors. Sensory or cognitive

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problems may lead to misunderstanding of instructions or failure of the very old to raise

questions about intervention strategies. It’s important when caring for the older patients

to communicate with a responsible family member or other patient advocate.

Very young children do not have the communication abilities needed to alert clinicians

about adverse experience. This is especially true of medication prescribed to children.

Weight-based dosing is required for most pediatric drugs. Errors often occur when

physicians or pharmacists convert dosage from pounds (for adults) to kilograms (for

children). The USP advises that parents should know their child’s weight in kilograms

and reconfirm with the doctor that the dosage is correct for that weight.

Patients with limited English and limited health knowledge also have high vulnerability.

Some individuals have limited capacity to obtain and understand basic healthcare

information and services needed to make appropriate healthcare decisions. Often

meeting the needs of culturally and ethnically diverse populations requires bilingual care

providers, translators or interpreters. If translation assistance is not available,

communicating with family member or other support person is essential. Without these

experts available, communication of vital information between patient and provider can

lead to misunderstanding and errors.


What are Florida’s mandated requirements for error reduction?

What serious errors are specifically mandated to be addressed by Florida Psychology Board?

The Florida Psychology Board mandates that licensed members receive

education on preventing errors related to inadequate assessment of suicide risk,

failure to comply with mandatory abuse reporting laws, failure to detect medical

conditions presenting as a psychological disorder.

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What steps can be taken to reduce errors related to suicidal patients?

During a clinical interview healthcare providers should always screen for a past

history and current history of suicidal ideation. Provide a behavioral and

emotional assessment of all incidents. This requires a careful clinical history,

documenting all instances of potential harm to self. Assess the risk level using

clinical criteria and other assessment tools. Consult with another experienced

professional. Follow standard of care regarding duty to warn and implement a

documented risk management procedure.

What steps can be taken to reduce errors related to homicidal or violent patients?

During a clinical interview healthcare providers should always screen for a past

history and current history of aggressive behaviors. Provide a behavioral and

emotional assessment of past incidents of aggressive behaviors. Evaluate

current threat of harm to others. If a risk is present, seek out consultation from

supervisors and other professionals. Apply as appropriate the “duty to warn”

standard of care that has been adopted by mental health professionals. In

Florida, if necessary to fulfill “duty to protect” obligation, consider the Baker Act

(Title XXIX Chapter394). The Baker Act is a legal procedure for the purpose of

enforcing an Involuntary Examination for a person who is deemed to be a

potential danger to him or herself or others.

Baker’s Act Criteria for Involuntary Examination (Florida CH 394.463): A person may be taken to a receiving facility for involuntary examination if there is reason to believe that the person has a mental illness and because of his or her mental illness: The person has refused voluntary examination after conscientious explanation and disclosure of the purpose of the examination; or The person is unable to determine for himself or herself whether examination is necessary; and without care or treatment, the person is likely to suffer from neglect or refuse to care for himself or herself; such neglect or refusal poses a real and present threat of substantial harm to his or her well-being; and it is not apparent that such harm may be avoided through the help of willing family members or friends or the provision of other services; or There is a substantial likelihood that without care or treatment the person will cause serious bodily harm to himself or herself or others in the near future, as evidenced by recent behavior.

To review this Florida law (CH 394.463) click here.

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To review “Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Health Care & Social Service Workers” click here.

What steps are required to reduce errors related to mandatory reporting laws?

Failure to comply with mandatory abuse and neglect reporting laws is a medical

error that can have dire consequences. Forida’s Chapter 39.201 requires

mandatory reporting of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect; and mandatory

reports of death to the central abuse hotline. The Adult Protective Services Act

(415.101) extends many of these protections to the elderly as well. In Florida

mental health professionals are not required to report abuse and neglect in

writing, however, written reports that are faxed to the hotline will meet the legal

and moral obligation, as well as, providing documentation for the client’s clinical


What steps can be taken to reduce errors related to failure to detect medical conditions that present as a psychological disorder?

It’s important in the clinical interview for healthcare providers to always check for

physical symptoms. When patients present with physical symptoms (i.e., heart

palpitation, shortness of breath, sensory changes) proper professional care

requires that medical conditions are ruled out before beginning psychological

treatment. A referral to a medical specialist or documenting previous contacts

with medical specialists can help reduce this type of error.

How can organization systems prevent and reduce practice errors?

How can creating an organizational safety culture prevent and reduce practice errors?

Culture is defined as a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and

materials that interact to produce attitudes and behavioral norms that determine

how health care providers do things.

Creating an organizational safety culture requires developing a systemic

mindfulness, and alertness to safety issues that are happening in the here and

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now. It involves creating a focused attention at each level of the health care

system on how its functions affect patient safety. It involves a wide range of

people a in the organization; from those who are farthest removed from individual

contact with the patient, such as administrators, members of the board of

trustees, and health care leaders to those who are closest to the moment-by-

moment interactions with the patient and the patient’s family.

An organization having a safety culture has written policies, guidelines and

procedures that promote a mindful alertness to safety concerns. It establishes

regular education and training for its personnel promoting its safety culture.

Personnel are made keenly aware of error prone situations, such as equipment

safety, infection control, fall prevention, emergency preparedness, and threats of

harm to self and others. Personnel are provided with acts and strategies to help

prevent practice errors from occurring. Safety culture organizations will then

Implement safety surveys, responding and acting on safety recommendations .

When everyone in an organization is aware and alert to safety issues involving

equipment safety, infection control, prevention of falls, and many other OSHA

and JCAHO standards, practice errors become reduced.

How can establishing practice guidelines reduce practice errors?

Guidelines are defined as "systematically developed statements that assist

practitioner and patient in making decisions about appropriate healthcare." They

have traditionally focused on ensuring a perceived standard of care. There has

been an increasing emphasis placed on establishing practice guidelines to

promote patient outcomes and patient safety. Practice guidelines can be used to

effectively guide practitioners behavior. The implementation of properly

developed guidelines can impacts both the process and outcome of care. There

has been an increasing emphasis placed on establishing practice guidelines to

promote patient outcomes and patient safety.


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Practice guidelines have the potential to improve patient safety through carefully

designed procedures and practices that effectively reduce practitioner errors.

Unfortunately, in the behavioral healthcare field, identified effective healthcare

guidelines are not practiced by all despite overwhelming evidence supporting

their use. It appears that well-constructed guidelines could play a significant role

in ensuring patient safety and reducing errors in the behavioral healthcare field.

How can empowering patients with informed consent reduce practice errors?

Medical and behavioral healthcare ethics and legal principles assert that a

competent individual has the right to determine what will or will not be done to

him or her. One means of ensuring that patients understand the risks and

benefits of a treatment is through the process of obtaining informed consent. The

American Psychological Association (APA) Code of Ethics establishes informed

consent as an ethical obligation of psychologists. In addition to being an ethical

obligation, legislation in all 50 states requires that patients be informed of all

important aspects of a treatment and/or procedures. This formal effort of signing

a consent form, preceded by an adequate exchange of information,

communicates an empowering message to the patient that they are responsible

for making decisions about their own safety and health care. The procedures to

obtain informed consent must adequately assist the patient in comprehending the

information provided. This may require redrafting the consent forms to reduce

complexity, providing written materials to accompany oral conversations, and

asking patients to recap their understanding of services and their rights. It’s

believed that informed patients are less likely to experience medical/clinical

errors, thus acting as another layer of protection.

To review “Using Plain Language to Help Communicate Health Information”, click


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How can protecting confidentiality reduce errors?

Individuals’ willingness to seek help is based on their belief that personal

revelations of mental distress will not be disclosed without their consent.

Violations of their trust not only will reduce use of services by those needing

services, but can also create harm through added emotional distress, damage to

relationships, risks to employment, and risks to future progress.


The APA’s principles for mental health and substance abuse services provides

guidelines to help protect patients’ confidentiality. These include:

Find out if the information to be disclosed to the payer would be anything other

than diagnosis, prognosis, type of treatment, time and length of treatment, and

cost. Will the organizations receiving this information keep it as confidential as

the mental health professional? How will they protect it? Are there penalties for

disclosing information improperly?

If your information is transmitted, stored, or used for any purpose as data, will

information that identifies individuals be removed to protect privacy? Will the

information be transferred to others or sold?

Individuals have the right to be guaranteed the protection of the confidentiality of

their relationship with their mental health and substance abuse professional,

except when laws or ethics dictate otherwise. Any disclosure to another party will

be time limited and made with the full written, informed consent of the individuals.

Individuals shall not be required to disclose confidential, privileged, or other

information other than diagnosis, prognosis, type of treatment, time and length of

treatment, and cost.

Entities receiving information for the purposes of benefits determination, public

agencies receiving information for health care planning, or any other organization

with legitimate right to information will maintain clinical information in confidence

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with the same rigor and be subject to the same penalties for violation as is the

direct provider of care.

Information technology will be used for transmission, storage, or data

management only with methodologies that remove individual identifying

information and assure the protection of the individual's privacy. Information

should not be transferred, sold, or otherwise utilized.

To review more information about APA’s principles for mental health and

substance abuse services providers, click here.

How can providing patient healthcare education materials reduce practice errors?

Healthcare information for patients is easily available from books, web sites and

consumer group publications. Behavioral healthcare providers can take this idea

a step further by developing and distributing pertinent materials to patients that

can alert them of possible problems of error and ways to appropriately intervene

should a concern be raised.

In what ways can providing quality documentation reduce practice errors?

Clinical documentation is fundamental to good healthcare linking both clinical

(e.g., psychosocial assessment, diagnosis, treatment plans, progress notes,

discharge summaries, clinical decisions) and administrative functions (e.g., client

demographics, billing, insurance and organizational requirements). Incomplete

documentation threatens clinical thoroughness, increasing the chance for

practice errors.

Missing or incomplete documentation can lead to frustration for care providers

and unbilled or denied charges. Multiple versions of charts and forms for different

patient units lead to confusion, inconsistencies and ineffective communication

among the professional staff. Poor documentation of complications or severity

leads to significant lost revenue.

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How can improving discharge summaries reduce practice errors? Discharge summaries are important for communicating pertinent patient

information regarding patient care to other providers. Discharge summaries that

lack a structured narrative format invites inaccuracies and can create delays in

clarifying summaries of patients' healthcare to other providers. Quality discharge

communication can have a significant impact on error reduction by alerting other

providers of critical information.

How can supervision reduce practice errors?

There is a growing body of evidence that links lack of supervision and poor

teamwork to preventable medical errors. Supervision can reduce practice errors

because it allows for addition of new information, different perspectives and

judgments. Encouraging processes for supervision within an organization not

only results in the sharing of alternative views, but it also emphasizes to

practitioners the organization’s commitment to creating a culture of safety, further

sensitizing practitioners awareness of the need to continually look for ways to

prevent errors. Planned team meetings that set aside time for clinical discussion

of cases, review of high risk patients, and clinical monitoring of patients

transferred to other providers, are promoting reduction of practice errors.

How can personal characteristics impact practice errors?

Up to this point, this article has primarily focused on a category of errors based on

system inadequacies, which is the processes and procedures that are defined and

implemented within the practice of care. They include leaving clinical charts open for

others to view, putting clinical reports into the wrong client’s chart, forgetting to send out

a discharge summary on a patient who has been hospitalized, and other situations

where the behavioral healthcare provider’s training is not the primary issue. Many

system errors that practitioners make might be easily amenable by simple system

changes, such as creating a policy to always file and lock away charts at the end of the

day, or creating a checklist of dos and don’ts when a client becomes a suicide risk.

This second subsystem category of errors is more complex, often involving errors in

judgment that arise from unexpected conditions that are not easily anticipated. Wise

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judgment depends on habits, attitudes, and personal characteristics, such as self-

observation, self-questioning, vigilance, flexibility, and openness.

What personal qualities impact practice errors?

In considering ways to prevent practice errors, it’s important to look at personal

issues and need for personal changes. Clinicians should be self-observant in all

that they do, self-questioning about all feedback they receive, and open to

examining personal characteristics and organizational processes, as targets for

improving client care.

Thinking errors in making diagnoses

Most errors involved in diagnoses result not from technical foul-ups, but rather

mistakes in the mind of the clinician. Making an accurate diagnosis involves

gathering information about the patient’s symptoms through assessment of

mental status, background information, clinical interviews, and administration of

clinical inventories. This pattern of information is then superimposed onto a

template of typical cases that exists in the clinician’s mind and a diagnosis is

typically made. However, making diagnoses using pattern recognition doesn’t

always work well.

One reason for this is that the information collected may be incomplete or

misleading. Some patients may not feel comfortable reporting all their

symptoms. Sometimes clinicians will cut off a patient who is reciting problems.

How the clinician selects the clinical information, weighs its importance, and

arranges it in his or her mind can result in several different patterns, leading to

several different diagnoses.

Clinician’s need to be watchful of cognitive mistakes that can lead to

misdiagnosis. One type of cognitive error is called “anchoring”, which is the

tendency to grab on to the first symptoms that seem to fit a pattern to make a


A second type of cognitive error is termed “availability”. This refers to clinicians

drawing upon concepts and disorders that they are especially familiar with or

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comfortable using to make diagnoses. One example of this is when a clinician

reads a new book on bipolar disorders and then unconsciously draws upon that

information looking for how the patient symptoms fit the pattern of a bipolar

disorder as the process for making a diagnosis. Clinician need to be watchful of

this tendency to draw upon recent and easily remembered information as a

source of influence on their diagnoses.

Another type of mistake in thinking that can result in error is called “attribution”.

Attribution refers to the tendency to mentally jumping to a stereotype and

“attributing” symptoms to it. As an example, a patient may be perceived as

complainer, a hypochondriac…leading a clinician to ignore the possibility of other


There are a few simple questions clinicians can ask of themselves that can help

prevent against these types of errors in thinking. One question, “What else could

it be?” A second question, “Could two things or more be going on to explain the

symptoms? A third question, “Is there anything in the patient’s history, exam

information, physical findings, inventory findings, or other information gathered

that does not seem to fit with my working diagnosis?”

Disorganization and errors

Clinicians who are disorganized are at greater risk for producing practice errors.

Clinicians are encouraged to explore their personal quality of

organization/disorganization habits and potential impact on errors by asking

themselves the following questions:

To what extent do my habits and personal characteristics impact on how well my

workspace is organized? What needs to be examined…personal characteristics,

organizational processes and procedures, or perhaps both?

Am I observant enough to see the relationship between disorganization within my

environment and likely increase in clinical record errors or errors of not following

through on what should be done?

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Have my personal characteristics and/or lack of organizational system planning

led to phone interruptions during sessions with clients?

What personal characteristics and/or organizational system changes need to be

examined in order to manage workload so that it doesn’t negatively impact on the

management of clinical records and communication of clinical information to

appropriate third parties?

Personal fatigue and errors

Clinicians who feel low in energy or feel overwhelmed should explore this

personal quality Does my personal fatigue lead to a lack of follow through in

providing best practice care activities for clients being seen? What personal or

system changes would help protect against this error.”

Inaccuracy and errors

What personal characteristics get in the way of improving the accuracy and

timeliness of the transmission of clinical information? How might organizational

changes assist in habit changes?

What personal characteristics and organizational process need to be considered

to improve on the accuracy, clarity, and understandability of information


Relationships, communication skills and errors

How might my previous interactions with this other care provider affect my

communication now?

What am I assuming in conversations that might not be true?

What interfered with my ability to observe, be attentive or be respectful with the

other care provider with whom I am communicating?

How could I be more present and available during communication?

When working with patients, are there any points at which I want to end the

communication early?

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What do I ignore, when other care providers attempt to transmit client information

to me?

How can commitment to meeting professionally accepted standards of care reduce medical errors?

Clinicians help demonstrate commitment to professionally accepted standards

through active participation in their professional organization. Attending

conferences and reading professional newsletters offered by the organization is a

simple way of staying alert to changes in laws, rules, updates to code of ethics,

as well as, practice errors made by other professionals. By maintaining

awareness and applying professionally accepted standards, clinicians have a

guide to decision-making that helps reduce practice errors.

How can reading the Disciplinary Guidelines established by professional boards of regulation help reduce medical errors?

The disciplinary guidelines written into state board regulations exist because

professional practitioners have violated them causing serious practice errors and

harm to patients. Awareness of these serious violations and its impact on

patients, their families, as well as, one’s own profession and professional

practice, can help prevent future violations.

One destructive violation of the Florida code (F.S. 491.009 and Rule 64B4-5)

involves sexual misconduct. The law states: “It is sexual misconduct for a

psychotherapist to engage, attempt to engage, or offer to engage a client in

sexual behavior, or any behavior, whether verbal or physical which is intended to

be sexually arousing including kissing, sexual intercourse, (etc).

Click here for more information on Florida Mental Health Laws.

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What summary point should professionals always keep in mind?

Improving patient safety begins with acknowledging errors, followed by analysis of the

root causes and contributing factors and development of a plan of action to prevent

similar errors in the future.

Safety has been defined as freedom from accidental injury. This definition recognizes

that this is the primary safety goal from the patient's perspective. Error is defined as the

failure of a planned action to be completed as intended or the use of a wrong plan to

achieve an aim. According to noted expert James Reason, errors depend on two kinds

of failures: either the correct action does not proceed as intended (an error of execution)

or the original intended action is not correct (an error of planning). Errors can happen in

all stages in the process of care, from diagnosis, to treatment, to preventive care.

Much can be learned from the analysis of organizational system errors and personal

judgment errors. All adverse events resulting in serious harm should be evaluated to

assess whether improvements in the delivery system can be made to reduce the

likelihood of similar events occurring in the future. Errors that do not result in harm also

represent an important opportunity to identify system improvements as well as enhance

wisdom in trying to prevent adverse events. Preventing errors means designing the

health care system at all levels to make it safer. Building safety into processes of care is

a more effective way to reduce errors than blaming individuals.

One major force for improving patient safety is promoting intrinsic motivation of health

care providers, influenced by professional ethics, norms and expectations. An

organizational culture supported by strong leadership can do much to encourage

recognition and learning from errors. Other major factors include availability of

knowledge and tools to improve safety, strong and visible professional leadership,

legislative and regulatory initiatives, and actions of purchasers and consumers to

demand safety improvements. Finally, practitioners applying skills of self-observation,

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self-questioning, vigilance, flexibility, and openness will help in identifying practice errors

and promoting patient safety.

In considering ways to prevent practice errors, it’s necessary to explore system

changes, as well as personal issues and need for personal changes. Both the

development of self-awareness and self-examination by individual clinicians along with

the development of organizational systems are likely to be complementary strategies for

reducing clinician errors and promoting patient safety.

Behavioral health practice errors are a significant concern in our health care delivery

system. Improvement must include a wide range of targets from the more narrow focus

of a clinician’s cognition process and personal characteristics to the broad-based

organizational systems interventions. Applying skills of self-observation, self-

questioning, vigilance, flexibility, and openness are important activities for identifying

practice errors and promoting patient safety. The application of these skills enhances

error recognition sensitivity within oneself and within the organizational systems.

Overall this can lead to adjustments that promotes doing the right things so that other

may not be harmed by errors.

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What references will provide more information on medical errors?

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Brochures:"20 Tips to Help Prevent Medical Errors" and "20 Tips to Help Prevent Medical Errors in Children" Available at: http://www.ahrq.gov/consumer/20tips.htm.

Agency for Healthcare Research and QualityAHRQ Publication No. 00-PO58. Website http://md-jd.info/2000ahrq.html.

Barach P, Small SD. Reporting and preventing medical mishaps: lessons from non-medical near miss reporting systems. BMJ 2000;320:759-63.

Flanagan, John C. (1954). The Critical Incident Technique, Psychological Bulletin, 51, 4, July, 327-358.

Institute of Medicine. To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999.

Leape L. Reporting of medical errors: time for a reality check. Quality Health Care 2000;9:144-145.

Leape LL, Brennan TA, Laird N, et al. The nature of adverse events in hospitalized patients: Results of the Harvard Practice Study II. New England Journal of Medicine. 1991;324:377-384.

Lucian L.L., Leape L., MD, (D.S.) Swankin, D., JD, Yessian, M., PhD., A Conversation on Medical Injury. Public Health Reports, 1999; 114: 302-317 July / August, 1999. Click here to view.

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Sentinel Event Statistics. Available at: http://www.JCAHO.org. Accessed April 16, 2001.

National Aeronautics & Space Agency (NASA). Aviation Safety Reporting System. Available at: http://www-afo.arc.nasa.gov/ASRS/ASRS.html. Accessed March 14, 2000.

Reason J. Human error: models and management. BMJ 2000;320:768-770.

Think It Through: A Guide to Managing the Benefits and Risks of Medicines U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDA Consumer magazine November-December 2002.

Will hospitals come clean for JCAHO? Trustee 1998;51:6-7.