080000231 080014353 080005791 080014940 040004438 Barrier Options Computational Finance EC5704 Spring 2009

Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

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Page 1: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods






Barrier Options

Computational Finance EC5704

Spring 2009

Page 2: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3

Background ......................................................................................................................... 3

In + Out = Vanilla............................................................................................................. 3

Volatility .......................................................................................................................... 5

Analytical Solutions......................................................................................................... 6

Monte Carlo Simulation...................................................................................................... 7

Simulation and Path Generation..................................................................................... 7

Calculating Payoffs.......................................................................................................... 9

Challenges ..................................................................................................................... 11

Variance Reduction Techniques ....................................................................................... 11

Antithetic Variates ........................................................................................................ 12

Control Variates ............................................................................................................ 13

Results............................................................................................................................... 14

Error Analysis ................................................................................................................ 15

Conclusion......................................................................................................................... 17

Appendix A: Results .......................................................................................................... 18

Appendix B: Code.............................................................................................................. 19

Page 3: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

Introduction This paper analyses the pricing of barrier options using Monte Carlo methods. Variance

reduction techniques are also analysed and implemented in the pricing of various

barrier options. The corresponding error is also investigated to reveal any possible

relationships between the simulation parameters and the resulting error.

Background A barrier option is a type of path-dependent option where the payoff is determined by

whether or not the price of the stock hits a certain level during the life of the option.

There are several different types of barrier options. We consider two general types of

barrier options, ‘in’ and ‘out’ options. An ‘out’ option only pays off if the stock does not

hit the barrier level throughout the life of the option. If the stock hits a specified

barrier, then it has knocked out and expires worthless. A knock-in option on the other

hand only pays out if the barrier is crossed during the life of the option. For each knock-

out and knock-in option, we can have a down or an up option.

Knock-out Knock-in

Up and Out Up and In Call

Down and Out Down and In

Up and Out Up and In Put

Down and Out Down and In

We therefore have four different basic barrier options each having the typical payoffs.

It is worth pointing out that the relationship between the barrier and spot price

indicates whether the option is an up option or down option. If the barrier price is

above the spot price, then the option is an up option; if the barrier is below the spot

price, then it is a down option.

In + Out = Vanilla

For a given set of parameters, a vanilla option can be replicated by combining an in and

an out option of the same type. For example, one could combine a down and out call

with a down and in call to replicate a plain vanilla call. These are equivalent due to the

fact that if one option gets knocked out, the other is knocked in and vise versa.

This idea is illustrated in the figure below by graphing the values for an up and out put

and an up and in put using various barrier levels. The vanilla put was valued with the

same parameters using MATLAB’s built in Black-Scholes formula for pricing options,


Page 4: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

50 55 60 65 70 75-0.5












Option P


Barrier Option

Up and Out

Up and In

Vanilla Put

Figure 1: Spot: $50, Strike: $50, Interest Rate: 10%, Time to Expiry: 5 Months, Volatility:

40% with barriers ranging from $50-$75

It is quite clear that for any given barrier level, adding the value of an up and out put

and an up and in put totals to the value of a vanilla put. It is also apparent that both

barrier options are cheaper than their vanilla counterpart. This is because barrier

options limit the potential of either getting in the money or staying in the money,

thereby reducing the value relative to a vanilla option.

The figure also illustrates the relationship between the option price and barrier level.

For a knock-out option, increasing the absolute difference between the barrier level and

the initial spot price has the effect of increasing the value of the option. As the absolute

difference increases, the value of the option converges towards the value of a plain

vanilla option. This is simply because the probability of the option knocking out

approaches zero as the absolute difference increases. For a knock-in option, increasing

the absolute difference has the opposite effect. The probability of the option knocking

in approaches zero as the absolute difference increase thus making the option


Page 5: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods


Volatility plays an important role in valuing options. Barrier options are especially

sensitive to volatility. For knock-out options, increased volatility has the effect of

decreasing the option value as knock-out becomes more probable. Knock-in options

however increase in price with increased volatility as knock-in becomes more probable.























VolatilitySpot Price

Option V



Figure 2: Analytical solutions to an up and out call option.

Barrier: $60, Strike: $50, Interest Rate: 10%, Time to Expiry: 1 Year.

For the up and out call option, the graph seems quite odd. It seems that there is only a

very small range for which the option is valuable. The peak of the curve can be

interpreted as the spot price that has the best chance of getting into the money without

hitting the barrier. However, as the volatility increases the chance of the option getting

knocked out increases and consequently the option price declines.

Page 6: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods






















VolatilitySpot Price

Option V



Figure 3: Analytical solutions to an up and in call option.

Barrier: $60, Strike: $50, Interest Rate: 10%, Time to Expiry: 1 Year

It is evident from the figure that increasing the volatility for any given spot price has the

effect of increasing the value of the up and in call option. It is also clear that as the spot

price approaches the barrier level, the value of the option increases due to the

increased probability of the option knocking in.

Analytical Solutions

The barrier options priced in this paper all have readily available analytical solutions.

The formulae for pricing the barrier options have been converted to MATLAB code to

check the Monte Carlo simulation results. See Appendix B for the code.

Page 7: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

Monte Carlo Simulation The basic principle behind Monte Carlo simulation is to simulate as many possible

scenarios and to average those scenarios to get an expectation.

To price options using Monte Carlo methods, many price paths are generated using the

evolution of the stock according to geometric Brownian motion:





eStSZttr σσ +−=

The option payoff is then calculated for each price path. An accurate estimation of

option price is obtained by discounting the average of all the payoffs.

Barrier options are path-dependent options - the payoff is determined by whether or

not the price of the asset hits a certain level, the barrier, during the life of the option.

Due to this path-dependency, simulation of the entire price evolution is necessary.

Therefore, the first step in pricing barrier options using Monte Carlo methods is to

simulate the price evolution.

Simulation and Path Generation

The easiest way to generate multiple price paths is by using a 2-D matrix. In this matrix,

each row represents an asset path. Therefore, by simply increasing the number of rows

one can increase the number of simulated asset paths. The columns of this matrix

represent the time steps of the evolution. Therefore, each column represents a price


A function, AssetPaths, was created using MATLAB to create a matrix of asset paths.

The size of this matrix was determined by the parameters passed, namely the desired

number of simulations and the number of steps – price evolutions - required over the

specified time interval. This function returns the matrix of asset paths to be used for

pricing options.

The graph below was created using the function written for generating asset paths to

illustrate the concept behind Monte Carlo simulation. Only seven paths were generated

in this simulation to maintain clarity. In practice, thousands of simulations would be

required to accurately price an option.

Page 8: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 140










Simulated Paths

Figure 4: Simulated price evolutions of a stock with the following characteristics:

Spot price: $50, Interest Rate: 10%, Volatility: 15%.

Simulation Parameters: Time Interval: 1 Year, Number of Steps: 365

The graph simulating seven asset paths also shows a hypothetical barrier level to help

illustrate the concept behind barrier options. In this simulation, two of the asset paths

hit the barrier. If the matrix in this simulation were used to price a knock-out option,

particularly an up and out option, then the payoffs associated with these two asset

paths would be zero. The remaining five payoffs would be evaluated as one would

evaluate a vanilla option.

The path-dependency of a barrier option also necessitates a sufficient number of steps

to accurately model the price evolution.

Page 9: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

A graphical interpretation of the number of steps used in the simulation is presented


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 145







Simulated Paths

10 Steps

100 Steps

500 Steps

Figure 5: Number of steps illustration

It is clear that if there are an insufficient number of steps used over a given time

interval, a barrier might not be hit that might have otherwise been hit had the number

of steps been increased. Thus, for a given time interval, increasing the number of steps

in the simulation increases the number of price evolutions leading to an increase in the

accuracy of the simulation.

Calculating Payoffs

Once multiple asset paths have been simulated, the next step is to determine the payoff

for each asset path. This is done by evaluating each path to see whether it has hit the

barrier. The payoff is then dependent on the type of barrier option and the knowledge

of whether or not the barrier level has been hit during the life of the option. Some

options will expire worthless if the barrier is reached, others will be worthless unless the

barrier is reached. Regardless, coding this for the Monte Carlo simulation is rather

trivial once the asset path has been generated.

The amount of code required can be significantly reduced by noting that whether the

option is an up or down option is determined by the relationship between the barrier

level and the initial spot price. A barrier above the initial spot price indicates that the

option is an up option, while a barrier below indicates a down option.

Page 10: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

This information limits the coding to just four functions to price eight different barrier


• knock-out call

• knock-out put

• knock-in call

• knock-in put

Whether the option is an up or down option is then evaluated within each function by

checking if the barrier is above or below the initial spot price.

Code for pricing a knock-out call is provided to show how the payoffs were calculated.

Commented MATLAB code for pricing a knock-out call

function [price, std, CI] = ...

knockout_call(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl) % up and out, down and out call % if the barrier is less than the spot price, then down and out call % if the barrier is above the spot price, then up and out call payoff = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs % loop through the paths to determine payoffs for i=1:NRepl path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down % knocked = 1 if barrier has been hit if knocked == 0 % path has always been above/below the barrier payoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K); % use the last asset price end end % return mean and confidence interval of present value payoff vector [price, std, CI] = normfit(exp(-r*T)*payoff);

Page 11: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods


Computational Costs

Monte Carlo simulation, while a relatively easy way to value options, is computationally

slow as accuracy requires an increase in the number of simulations.




















Number of StepsNumber of Simulations


e E


Figure 6: Computational cost of increasing simulations and step size

Using the tic, toc function in MATLAB, a graphic depiction of the computational cost

of accuracy is made possible. The spikes are likely due to interference of running

background processes on the computer used to generate the graph.

Variance Reduction Techniques The concept of variance reduction arises from the following relationship for determining

a confidence interval:


XVar )(

Page 12: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

Where M is the sample size and Var(X) is the variance. There are only two ways to

decrease the size of the confidence interval. Either increase the sample size or decrease

the variance. In Monte Carlo simulations, increasing the sample size is computationally

costly as was illustrated previously. Variance reduction works by replacing X with a

random variable Y that has the same expectation of X, but with a smaller variance. We

can compute the expectation of X via Monte Carlo methods using Y. Using Y in this

instance allows for the same expectation but with a lower variance.

Antithetic Variates

Variance reduction using antithetic variates is based on the following lemma:

If X is an arbitrary random variable and f is a monotonically increasing or monotonically

decreasing function then,

( ) ( )( ) 0,cov ≤− XfXf

Let us now consider the case of a random variable which is of the form f (U), where U is a

standard normally distributed random variable, i.e. f(U) ~ N(0,1).

The standard normal distribution is symmetric, and hence also – U ~ N(0, 1). It then follows

obviously that f (U) ~ f (-U). In particular they have the same expectation. Therefore, in case we

want to compute the expectation of X = f (U), we can take Z = f (-U) and

( ) ( )2



If we now assume that the map f is monotonically increasing, then we conclude from the above

lemma that

( ) ( )( ) 0,cov ≤−UfUf

and we finally obtain

( )

( ) ( ) ( )( )



















where X = f(U) and Z = f(-U).

Page 13: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

Basically, in an option pricing context, the payoff of an option is a function of the asset price at

expiration which is generated by a standard normally distributed random variable. Following the

method outlined above, we calculate another payoff depending upon a final asset price

generated by the opposite of our standard normally distributed random variable. Taking the

average of the two discounted payoffs gives us the more accurate option value.

Control Variates

Using control variates is another good way to reduce the variance and generate more

accurate results. Suppose we again wish to estimate E(X). If we can somehow find

another random variable Y, which is close to X in some sense, with known expected

value E(Y) then we can define a random variable Z via

( )( )YYcXZ Ε−+=

where ℜ∈c and Y is called the control variate. It is obvious that ( ) ( )XZ Ε=Ε , so we

can apply Monte Carlo simulation to Z in order to compute E(X). On the other hand, we


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )YVarcYXcCovXVarcYXVarZVar ²,2 ++=+=

As we want to minimize this function we look for the value of c that does exactly that.

Straightforward calculation gives

( )( )YVar




In practice, however, Cov(X,Y) and Var(Y) are generally unknown so we have to estimate

them via Monte Carlo simulation.

To provide more insight into this method, consider an up and out call option. A suitable

control variate has to be chosen depending on the particular problem we are dealing

with. As we want to price a barrier option, we can assume a plain vanilla call option is a

suitable control variate. Its exact value is known as it can be calculated analytically using

the Black-Scholes formula. Furthermore, its expected value and variance can easily be


To estimate the covariance between the up and out call price and the plain vanilla call

price, we estimate the corresponding payoffs via Monte Carlo simulations. This may be

accomplished by using a set of pilot replications.

Next, we are able to calculate the value of c that minimizes the variance of Z.

In a final step we run a Monte Carlo simulation once more to estimate E(Z) using the

previously obtained value of c.

Page 14: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

To avoid inducing bias in the estimate of E(Z), pilot replications are used to select c and

to generate an estimate of E(Z). We run another set of replications for the final

estimation of E(Z).

Results The results for an up and in call barrier option priced using Monte Carlo simulation

methods is presented for discussion.

Table 1: Monte Carlo simulation results for an up and in call option.

Up and In Call

Number of Simulations

500 Steps 100 1000 10000 100000

True Value $8.1541

Estimated $7.3903 $7.9892 $8.1701 $8.1639

σ $10.2415 $11.9190 $12.3546 $12.1117

95% Confidence Interval

$5.3582 $9.4224 $7.2496 $8.7288 $7.9280 $8.4123 $8.0888 $8.2390

Error $0.7638 $0.1649 $0.0160 $0.0098

S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

Table 2: Monte Carlo using Variance Reduction: Antithetic Variates

Up and In Call

Number of Simulations

250 Steps 100 1000 10000 100000

True $8.1541

Estimated $7.4464 $7.9892 $8.0408 $8.1269

σ $5.5213 $6.2478 $6.3965 $6.3681

95% Confidence Interval

$6.3508 $8.5419 $7.6015 $8.3769 $7.9154 $8.1662 $8.0874 $8.1664

Error $0.7077 $0.1649 $0.1133 $0.0272

S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

It is clear that in comparing the use of antithetic variates to the standard Monte Carlo

simulation, the variance of our estimates have been significantly reduced. We halved

the number of steps used to make the comparison fair as the use of antithetic pairs

doubles the sample used for the simulation.

Page 15: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

Table 3: Monte Carlo using Variance Reduction: Control Variates

Up and In Call

Number of Simulations

500 Steps 100 1000 10000 100000

True $8.1541

Estimated $7.9724 $8.0699 $8.1147 $8.1209

σ $1.2545 $1.1733 $1.0661 $1.0428

95% Confidence Interval

$7.7235 $8.2214 $7.9971 $8.1427 $8.0938 $8.1356 $8.1144 $8.1273

Error $0.1817 $0.0841 $0.0394 $0.0332

S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

As expected the use of control variates greatly reduces the size of the confidence

interval. Generally, the use of control variates leads to more accurate estimations of the

option price. The results here however can be somewhat misleading. The time elapsed

in performing the simulations is not included. While variance reduction techniques

often lead to increased accuracy for a given number of simulations, the computational

cost associated with the increased accuracy is still present.

Results for all the barrier options considered are provided in Appendix A.

Error Analysis

Increasing the accuracy of Monte Carlo simulations requires a reduction of error. There

are likely to be many sources of error in a simulation, such as the estimates of the

parameters themselves or the assumptions made within the model itself, however, if

these errors can be eliminated, then one of the simplest ways to increase accuracy is to

increase the number of simulations. The use of variance reduction techniques helps

shortcut the need for an increased number of simulations.

Page 16: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

























Number of Simulations


te E


Figure 7: Error associated with an up and out call: Varying volatility and number of


Spot: $50, Barrier: $60, Strike: $50, Time to Expiry: 1 Year, Interest Rate: 10%, Number

of Steps: 500.

As expected, the error decreases as the number of simulations increases. It is interesting

to note however, that the absolute error decreases as the volatility increases.

Page 17: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

Error in valuing an up and in call option for various Monte Carlo methods

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 100000











Number of Simulations



Standard Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo: Antithetic Variates

Monte Carlo: Control Variates

Figure 8: Up and in call option with Spot: $50, Barrier: $60, Strike: $50, Interest Rate:

10%, Time to Expiry: 1 Year, Volatility: 30%. Errors plotted against number of

simulations used to price the option for various Monte Carlo methods.

The standard Monte Carlo method benefits greatly when the number of simulations

increase. Using Monte Carlo with antithetic variates, the number of simulations

required to obtain the same accuracy as the standard Monte Carlo method is greatly

reduced. The use of control variates quickly results in accurate estimates of the option

price. It appears as if increasing the number of simulations does virtually nothing to

reduce the error. This however may not necessarily be the case as the current figure

distorts the interpretation for the control variates result. In any case, it is clear that the

Monte Carlo method using control variates is much more effective at estimating the

option price for a given number of simulations. However, the time elapsed to value the

option is not considered and would surely factor into the evaluation of which method is

ultimately more efficient.

Conclusion In this paper an overview of how to estimate barrier option prices via Monte Carlo

simulation was provided. We discussed the presence of computational errors and

described variance reduction techniques to eliminate these as much as possible.

In performing Monte Carlo simulations, many of the advantages and disadvantages of

the method have been made apparent. Monte Carlo simulations, while rather easy to

perform, come at the cost of computational efficiency. In approaching Monte Carlo

simulation, one should be cautious of the assumptions made and be aware of the errors

that may be present in the parameters used. The use of variance reduction techniques

can significantly increase the accuracy of the estimates leading to a reduction in the

number of simulations needed for a given confidence interval; however this increased

accuracy also imposes a computational cost which erodes some of the benefits gained.

Page 18: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

Appendix A: Results The results were exported from MATLAB to Excel and for this reason they are attached

on the subsequent page.

Page 19: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

500 Steps

True Value



-$0.0066 $0.4803 $0.2893 $0.5657 $0.4138 $0.5079 $0.4619 $0.4929


500 Steps

True Value



$6.0333 $10.5068 $7.2617 $8.7479 $7.5403 $8.0119 $7.7948 $7.9436


500 Steps

True Value



$1.8381 $4.0596 $3.1765 $3.9182 $3.0763 $3.2990 $3.2078 $3.2787


500 Steps

True Value



$0.3035 $1.0127 $0.3439 $0.5103 $0.3673 $0.4194 $0.3693 $0.3855


Down and In Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$0.2368 $0.4275 $0.4609 $0.4774

$1.2271 $2.2273 $2.4001 $2.4980

95% Confidence Interval

$0.2942 $0.1035 $0.0702 $0.0536S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

Down and Out Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$8.2700 $8.0048 $7.7761 $7.8692

$11.2728 $11.9747 $12.0294 $12.0074

95% Confidence Interval

$0.4340 $0.1687 $0.0599 $0.0332S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

Down and In Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$2.9489 $3.5473 $3.1877 $3.2432

$5.5979 $5.9763 $5.6809 $5.7170

95% Confidence Interval

$0.3197 $0.2787 $0.0809 $0.0254S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

Down and Out Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$0.6581 $0.4271 $0.3933 $0.3774

$1.7870 $1.3414 $1.3298 $1.3022

95% Confidence Interval

$0.3177 $0.0868 $0.0530 $0.0371S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

Monte Carlo

Page 20: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

500 Steps

True Value



$5.3582 $9.4224 $7.2496 $8.7288 $7.9280 $8.4123 $8.0888 $8.2390


500 Steps

True Value



$0.0839 $0.5497 $0.1947 $0.3284 $0.2132 $0.2528 $0.2383 $0.2513


500 Steps

True Value



$0.0224 $0.6530 $0.3466 $0.5938 $0.4513 $0.5288 $0.4837 $0.5090


500 Steps

True Value



$2.3466 $4.6462 $2.8430 $3.5311 $3.0590 $3.2797 $3.0654 $3.1340


Up and In Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$7.3903 $7.9892 $8.1701 $8.1639

$10.2415 $11.9190 $12.3546 $12.1117

95% Confidence Interval

$0.7638 $0.1649 $0.0160 $0.0098S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

Up and Out Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$0.3168 $0.2615 $0.2330 $0.2448

$1.1738 $1.0774 $1.0110 $1.0479

95% Confidence Interval

$0.1038 $0.0486 $0.0200 $0.0318S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

Up and In Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$0.3377 $0.4702 $0.4900 $0.4964

$1.5891 $1.9919 $1.9785 $2.0367

95% Confidence Interval

$0.2182 $0.0857 $0.0659 $0.0596S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

Up and Out Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000

$5.6284 $5.5334


$3.4964 $3.1870 $3.1694 $3.0997

S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

95% Confidence Interval

$0.4433 $0.1340 $0.1163 $0.0467

$5.7948 $5.5438

Page 21: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

250 Steps

True Value



$0.1298 $0.5378 $0.3769 $0.5866 $0.3947 $0.4592 $0.4406 $0.4617


250 Steps

True Value



$6.9812 $9.7852 $7.6755 $8.4883 $7.9231 $8.1748 $7.8927 $7.9723


250 Steps

True Value



$2.4980 $3.7555 $2.8710 $3.2901 $3.1276 $3.2575 $3.2053 $3.2466


250 Steps

True Value



$0.2586 $0.5961 $0.3733 $0.4871 $0.3829 $0.4188 $0.3917 $0.4029


Down and In Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$0.3338 $0.4818 $0.4270 $0.4511

$1.0282 $1.6899 $1.6455 $1.7081

95% Confidence Interval

$0.1973 $0.0493 $0.1041 $0.0799S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

Down and Out Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$8.3832 $8.0819 $8.0490 $7.9325

$7.0658 $6.5490 $6.4208 $6.4219

95% Confidence Interval

$0.5472 $0.2459 $0.2130 $0.0965S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

Down and In Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$3.1268 $3.0805 $3.1926 $3.2259

$3.1688 $3.3764 $3.3158 $3.3352

95% Confidence Interval

$0.1418 $0.1881 $0.0761 $0.0427S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

Down and Out Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$0.4274 $0.4302 $0.4008 $0.3973

$0.8506 $0.9168 $0.9147 $0.9050

95% Confidence Interval

$0.0870 $0.0898 $0.0605 $0.0569S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

Monte Carlo using Antithetic Variates

Page 22: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

250 Steps

True Value



$6.3508 $8.5419 $7.6015 $8.3769 $7.9154 $8.1662 $8.0874 $8.1664


250 Steps

True Value



$0.0504 $0.2280 $0.1872 $0.2768 $0.2438 $0.2736 $0.2578 $0.2672


250 Steps

True Value



$0.1281 $0.6103 $0.4342 $0.6159 $0.4514 $0.5055 $0.4762 $0.4933


250 Steps

True Value



$2.9556 $4.3362 $2.9736 $3.3828 $3.0867 $3.2149 $3.1152 $3.1553


Up and In Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$7.4464 $7.9892 $8.0408 $8.1269

$5.5213 $6.2478 $6.3965 $6.3681

95% Confidence Interval

$0.7077 $0.1649 $0.1133 $0.0272S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

Up and Out Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$0.1392 $0.2320 $0.2587 $0.2625

$0.4476 $0.7223 $0.7603 $0.7637

95% Confidence Interval

$0.0737 $0.0190 $0.0457 $0.0495S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

Up and In Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


$0.3692 $0.5250 $0.4785 $0.4848

$1.2150 $1.4640 $1.3787 $1.3828

95% Confidence Interval

$0.1867 $0.0309 $0.0774 $0.0712S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

Up and Out Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000

$3.2711 $3.2365


$3.6459 $3.1782 $3.1508 $3.1353

S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

95% Confidence Interval

$0.5929 $0.1252 $0.0978 $0.0823

$3.4791 $3.2969

Page 23: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

500 Steps

True Value



$0.1301 $1.3608 $0.2293 $0.4888 $0.4188 $0.5128 $0.4584 $0.4897


500 Steps

True Value



$6.9532 $8.0877 $7.8579 $8.1208 $7.8660 $7.9616 $7.8874 $7.9180


500 Steps

True Value



$2.7999 $3.4422 $3.1353 $3.3014 $3.2106 $3.2610 $3.2258 $3.2418


500 Steps

True Value



-$0.0333 $0.1489 $0.3097 $0.4808 $0.3738 $0.4264 $0.3694 $0.3855


95% Confidence Interval

$0.3590 $0.4658 $0.4741

$3.1011 $2.0914 $2.3979 $2.5271


$0.2144 $0.1720 $0.0653 $0.0570S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

95% Confidence Interval

$7.5204 $7.9893 $7.9138 $7.9027

$2.8588 $2.1183 $2.4377 $2.4713


$0.3156 $0.1533 $0.0777 $0.0667S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

95% Confidence Interval

$3.1211 $3.2183 $3.2358 $3.2338

$1.6185 $1.3379 $1.2852 $1.2943


$0.1475 $0.0503 $0.0328 $0.0348S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40

95% Confidence Interval

$0.0578 $0.3952 $0.4001 $0.3774

$0.4590 $1.3780 $1.3420 $1.2962

$0.2825 $0.0549 $0.0598 $0.0371S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $40



Down and In Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000

Down and Out Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000

Down and In Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000

Down and Out Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000

Monte Carlo using Control Variates

Page 24: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

500 Steps

True Value



$7.7235 $8.2214 $7.9971 $8.1427 $8.0938 $8.1356 $8.1144 $8.1273


500 Steps

True Value



$0.0403 $0.4796 $0.1613 $0.2801 $0.2337 $0.2756 $0.2377 $0.2505


500 Steps

True Value



$0.2326 $1.1269 $0.3442 $0.5778 $0.4569 $0.5348 $0.4877 $0.5124


500 Steps

True Value



$2.8528 $3.4946 $3.0722 $3.2922 $3.0711 $3.1497 $3.0903 $3.1151



95% Confidence Interval

$7.9724 $8.0699 $8.1147 $8.1209

$1.2545 $1.1733 $1.0661 $1.0428


$0.1817 $0.0841 $0.0394 $0.0332S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

95% Confidence Interval

$0.2600 $0.2207 $0.2546 $0.2441

$1.1069 $0.9568 $1.0687 $1.0362


$0.0470 $0.0077 $0.0416 $0.0311S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

$0.6797 $0.4610 $0.4958 $0.5000

S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60

$2.2537 $1.8825 $1.9877 $1.9908

95% Confidence Interval

95% Confidence Interval

$3.1737 $3.1822 $3.1104 $3.1027

$1.6173 $1.7722 $2.0042 $1.9998


$0.1238 $0.0949 $0.0601

Up and In Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000

Up and Out Call

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000

1000 10000 100000

Up and In Put

Number of Simulations

100 1000 10000 100000


S = $50, K = $50, r = 10%, σ = 30%, T = 1 Barrier = $60$0.1207 $0.1292 $0.0574 $0.0497

Up and Out Put

Number of Simulations


Page 25: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

Appendix B: Code The following m-files have been appended to the file. They follow the same order as

listed and begin on the subsequent page.

MATLAB Code for Analytical Solutions:









MATLAB Code for Monte Carlo:





MATLAB Code for Monte Carlo using Antithetic Variates:





MATLAB Code for Monte Carlo using Control Variates:





MATLAB Code used to generate data:









Page 26: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function price = A_DICall(S,Sb,E,r,q,T,sigma)

a = (Sb/S)^(-1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

b = (Sb/S)^(1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

d1 = (log(S/E)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d2 = (log(S/E)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d3 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d4 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d5 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d6 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d7 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d8 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

% down and in call

if E > Sb

price = S*exp(-q*(T))*(b*(1-normcdf(d8)))...



price = S*exp(-q*(T))*(normcdf(d1)-normcdf(d3)+b*(1-normcdf(d6)))...



Page 27: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function price = A_DOCall(S,Sb,E,r,q,T,sigma)

a = (Sb/S)^(-1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

b = (Sb/S)^(1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

d1 = (log(S/E)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d2 = (log(S/E)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d3 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d4 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d5 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d6 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d7 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d8 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

% down and out call

if E > Sb

price = S*exp(-q*(T))*(normcdf(d1)-b*(1-normcdf(d8)))...



price = S*exp(-q*(T))*(normcdf(d3)-b*(1-normcdf(d6)))...



Page 28: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function price = A_DIPut(S,Sb,E,r,q,T,sigma)

a = (Sb/S)^(-1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

b = (Sb/S)^(1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

% d1 = (log(S/E)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

% d2 = (log(S/E)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d3 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d4 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d5 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d6 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d7 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d8 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

% down and in put

price = -S*exp(-q*(T))*(1 - normcdf(d3)+...


+E*exp(-r*(T))*(1 - normcdf(d4)+a*(normcdf(d7)-normcdf(d5)));

Page 29: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function price = A_DOPut(S,Sb,E,r,q,T,sigma)

a = (Sb/S)^(-1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

b = (Sb/S)^(1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

d1 = (log(S/E)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d2 = (log(S/E)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d3 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d4 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d5 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d6 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d7 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d8 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

% down and out put

price = -S*exp(-q*(T))*(normcdf(d3)-normcdf(d1)-...



Page 30: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function price = A_UICall(S,Sb,E,r,q,T,sigma)

a = (Sb/S)^(-1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

b = (Sb/S)^(1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

% d1 = (log(S/E)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

% d2 = (log(S/E)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d3 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d4 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d5 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d6 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d7 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d8 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

% up and in call

price = S*exp(-q*(T))*(normcdf(d3)+b*(normcdf(d6)-normcdf(d8)))...


Page 31: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function price = A_UOCall(S,Sb,E,r,q,T,sigma)

a = (Sb/S)^(-1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

b = (Sb/S)^(1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

d1 = (log(S/E)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d2 = (log(S/E)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d3 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d4 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d5 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d6 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d7 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d8 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

% up and out call

price = S*exp(-q*(T))*(normcdf(d1)-normcdf(d3)-...



Page 32: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function price = A_UIPut(S,Sb,E,r,q,T,sigma)

a = (Sb/S)^(-1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

b = (Sb/S)^(1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

d1 = (log(S/E)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d2 = (log(S/E)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d3 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d4 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d5 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d6 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d7 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d8 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

% up and in put

if E > Sb

price = -S*exp(-q*(T))*(normcdf(d3)-normcdf(d1)+b*(normcdf(d6)))...



price = -S*exp(-q*(T))*(b*(normcdf(d8)))...



Page 33: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function price = A_UOPut(S,Sb,E,r,q,T,sigma)

a = (Sb/S)^(-1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

b = (Sb/S)^(1+(2*(r-q)/sigma^2));

d1 = (log(S/E)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d2 = (log(S/E)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d3 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d4 = (log(S/Sb)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d5 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d6 = (log(S/Sb)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d7 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

d8 = (log(S*E/Sb^2)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*(T))/(sigma*sqrt(T));

% up and out put

if E > Sb

price = -S*exp(-q*(T))*(1-normcdf(d3)-b*(normcdf(d6)))...



price = -S*exp(-q*(T))*(1-normcdf(d1)-b*(normcdf(d8)))...



Page 34: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price, std, CI] = knockin_call(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl)

% up and in, down and in call

% if the barrier is less than the spot price, then down and in call

% if the barrier is above the spot price, then up and in call

payoff = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

for i=1:NRepl

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down

if knocked == 1 % path hit the barrier

payoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K);



% return mean and confidence interval of present value payoff vector

[price, std, CI] = normfit(exp(-r*T)*payoff);

Page 35: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price, std, CI] = knockout_call(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl)

% up and out, down and out call

% if the barrier is less than the spot price, then down and out call

% if the barrier is above the spot price, then up and out call

payoff = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

% loop through the paths to determine payoffs

for i=1:NRepl

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down

if knocked == 0 % path has always been above/below the barrier

payoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K); % use the last price



% return mean and confidence interval of present value payoff vector

[price, std, CI] = normfit(exp(-r*T)*payoff);

Page 36: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price, std, CI] = knockin_put(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl)

% up and in, down and in put

% if the barrier is less than the spot price, then down and in put

% if the barrier is above the spot price, then up and in put

payoff = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

for i=1:NRepl

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down

if knocked == 1 % path hit the barrier

payoff(i) = max(0,K-path(NSteps+1));



% return mean and confidence interval of present value payoff vector

[price, std, CI] = normfit(exp(-r*T)*payoff);

Page 37: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price, std, CI] = knockout_put(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl)

% up and out, down and out put

% if the barrier is less than the spot price, then down and out put

% if the barrier is above the spot price, then up and out put

payoff = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

% loop through the paths to determine payoffs

for i=1:NRepl

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down

if knocked == 0 % path has always been above/below the barrier

payoff(i) = max(0,K-path(NSteps+1)); % use the last price



% return mean and confidence interval of present value payoff vector

[price, std, CI] = normfit(exp(-r*T)*payoff);

Page 38: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price,std,CI] = AVknockin_call(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl)

% up and in, down and in call

% if the barrier is less than the spot price, then down and in call

% if the barrier is above the spot price, then up and in call

payoffA = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

payoffB = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

% loop through the paths to determine payoffs

for i=1:NRepl

[pathA, pathB] = AssetPathsAV(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1);

knockedA = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,pathA); % determine if up or down

knockedB = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,pathB);

if knockedA == 1

payoffA(i) = max(0,pathA(NSteps+1)-K);


if knockedB == 1

payoffB(i) = max(0,pathB(NSteps+1)-K);



payoff = (payoffA + payoffB)./2;

[price, std, CI] = normfit(exp(-r*T)*payoff);

Page 39: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price,std,CI] = AVknockout_call(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl)

% up and out, down and out call

% if the barrier is less than the spot price, then down and out call

% if the barrier is above the spot price, then up and out call

payoffA = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

payoffB = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

% loop through the paths to determine payoffs

for i=1:NRepl

[pathA, pathB] = AssetPathsAV(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1);

knockedA = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,pathA); % determine if up or down

knockedB = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,pathB);

if knockedA == 0 % path has not crossed barrier

payoffA(i) = max(0,pathA(NSteps+1)-K);


if knockedB == 0

payoffB(i) = max(0,pathB(NSteps+1)-K);



payoff = (payoffA + payoffB)./2;

[price, std, CI] = normfit(exp(-r*T)*payoff);

Page 40: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price,std,CI] = AVknockin_put(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl)

% up and in, down and in put

% if the barrier is less than the spot price, then down and in put

% if the barrier is above the spot price, then up and in put

payoffA = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

payoffB = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

% loop through the paths to determine payoffs

for i=1:NRepl

[pathA, pathB] = AssetPathsAV(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1);

knockedA = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,pathA); % determine if up or down

knockedB = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,pathB);

if knockedA == 1

payoffA(i) = max(0,K-pathA(NSteps+1));


if knockedB == 1

payoffB(i) = max(0,K-pathB(NSteps+1));



payoff = (payoffA + payoffB)./2;

[price, std, CI] = normfit(exp(-r*T)*payoff);

Page 41: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price,std,CI] = AVknockout_put(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl)

% up and out, down and out put

% if the barrier is less than the spot price, then down and out put

% if the barrier is above the spot price, then up and out put

payoffA = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

payoffB = zeros(NRepl,1); % col vector of payoffs

% loop through the paths to determine payoffs

for i=1:NRepl

[pathA, pathB] = AssetPathsAV(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1);

knockedA = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,pathA); % determine if up or down

knockedB = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,pathB);

if knockedA == 0 % path has not crossed barrier

payoffA(i) = max(0,K-pathA(NSteps+1));


if knockedB == 0

payoffB(i) = max(0,K-pathB(NSteps+1));



payoff = (payoffA + payoffB)./2;

[price, std, CI] = normfit(exp(-r*T)*payoff);

Page 42: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price, std, CI] = CVknockin_call(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl,NPilot)

% up and in, down and in call

% if the barrier is less than the spot price, then down and in call

% if the barrier is above the spot price, then up and in call

payoff = zeros(NPilot,1);

vanillaPayoff = zeros(NPilot,1);

muVanilla = blsprice(spot,K,r,T,sigma);

for i=1:NPilot

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path

vanillaPayoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K);

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down

if knocked == 1 % path hit the barrier

payoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K);



vanillaPayoff = exp(-r*T)*vanillaPayoff;

payoff = exp(-r*T)*payoff;

covMat = cov(vanillaPayoff, payoff);

varVanilla = var(vanillaPayoff);

c = -covMat(1,2)/varVanilla;

newPayoff = zeros(NRepl,1);

newVanillaPayoff = zeros(NRepl,1);

for i=1:NRepl

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path

newVanillaPayoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K);

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down

if knocked == 1 % path hit the barrier

newPayoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K);



newVanillaPayoff = exp(-r*T)*newVanillaPayoff;

newPayoff = exp(-r*T)*newPayoff;

CVpayoff = newPayoff + c*(newVanillaPayoff - muVanilla);

[price, std, CI] = normfit(CVpayoff);

Page 43: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price, std, CI] = CVknockout_call(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl,NPilot)

payoff = zeros(NPilot,1);

vanillaPayoff = zeros(NPilot,1);

muVanilla = blsprice(spot,K,r,T,sigma);

for i=1:NPilot

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path

vanillaPayoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K);

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down

if knocked == 0

payoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K);



vanillaPayoff = exp(-r*T)*vanillaPayoff;

payoff = exp(-r*T)*payoff;

covMat = cov(vanillaPayoff, payoff);

varVanilla = var(vanillaPayoff);

c = -covMat(1,2)/varVanilla;

newPayoff = zeros(NRepl,1);

newVanillaPayoff = zeros(NRepl,1);

for i=1:NRepl

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path

newVanillaPayoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K);

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down

if knocked == 0

newPayoff(i) = max(0,path(NSteps+1)-K);



newVanillaPayoff = exp(-r*T)*newVanillaPayoff;

newPayoff = exp(-r*T)*newPayoff;

CVpayoff = newPayoff + c*(newVanillaPayoff - muVanilla);

[price, std, CI] = normfit(CVpayoff);

Page 44: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price, std, CI] = CVknockin_put(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl,NPilot)

payoff = zeros(NPilot,1);

vanillaPayoff = zeros(NPilot,1);

[aux, muVanilla] = blsprice(spot,K,r,T,sigma);

for i=1:NPilot

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path

vanillaPayoff(i) = max(0,K-path(NSteps+1));

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down

if knocked == 1 % path hit the barrier

payoff(i) = max(0,K-path(NSteps+1));



vanillaPayoff = exp(-r*T)*vanillaPayoff;

payoff = exp(-r*T)*payoff;

covMat = cov(vanillaPayoff, payoff);

varVanilla = var(vanillaPayoff);

c = -covMat(1,2)/varVanilla;

newPayoff = zeros(NRepl,1);

newVanillaPayoff = zeros(NRepl,1);

for i=1:NRepl

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1); % generate one path

newVanillaPayoff(i) = max(0,K-path(NSteps+1));

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path); % determine if up or down

if knocked == 1 % path hit the barrier

newPayoff(i) = max(0,K-path(NSteps+1));



newVanillaPayoff = exp(-r*T)*newVanillaPayoff;

newPayoff = exp(-r*T)*newPayoff;

CVpayoff = newPayoff + c*(newVanillaPayoff - muVanilla);

[price, std, CI] = normfit(CVpayoff);

Page 45: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price, std, CI] = CVknockout_put(spot,Sb,K,r,T,sigma,NSteps,NRepl,NPilot)

payoff = zeros(NPilot,1);

vanillaPayoff = zeros(NPilot,1);

[aux, muVanilla] = blsprice(spot,K,r,T,sigma);

for i=1:NPilot

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1);

vanillaPayoff(i) = max(0,K-path(NSteps+1));

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path);

if knocked == 0

payoff(i) = max(0,K-path(NSteps+1));



vanillaPayoff = exp(-r*T)*vanillaPayoff;

payoff = exp(-r*T)*payoff;

covMat = cov(vanillaPayoff, payoff);

varVanilla = var(vanillaPayoff);

c = -covMat(1,2)/varVanilla;

newPayoff = zeros(NRepl,1);

newVanillaPayoff = zeros(NRepl,1);

for i=1:NRepl

path = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,NSteps,1);

newVanillaPayoff(i) = max(0,K-path(NSteps+1));

knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,Sb,path);

if knocked == 0

newPayoff(i) = max(0,K-path(NSteps+1));



newVanillaPayoff = exp(-r*T)*newVanillaPayoff;

newPayoff = exp(-r*T)*newPayoff;

CVpayoff = newPayoff + c*(newVanillaPayoff - muVanilla);

[price, std, CI] = normfit(CVpayoff);

Page 46: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function sim_paths = AssetPaths(spot,r,sigma,T,num_steps,num_sims)

sim_paths = zeros(num_sims,num_steps+1); % Each row is a simulated path

sim_paths(:,1) = spot; % fill first col w/ spot prices

dt = T/num_steps; % time step

for i=1:num_sims

for j=2:num_steps+1

wt = randn; % generate a random number from a normal distribution

sim_paths(i,j) = sim_paths(i,j-1)*exp((r-0.5*sigma^2)...




Page 47: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [sim_pathsA, sim_pathsB] = AssetPathsAV(spot,r,sigma,T,num_steps,num_sims)

sim_pathsA = zeros(num_sims,num_steps+1); % Each row is a simulated path

sim_pathsA(:,1) = spot; % fill first col w/ spot prices

sim_pathsB = zeros(num_sims,num_steps+1); % Each row is a simulated path

sim_pathsB(:,1) = spot; % fill first col w/ spot prices

dt = T/num_steps; % time step

for i=1:num_sims

for j=2:num_steps+1

wt = randn; % generate a random number from a normal distribution

sim_pathsA(i,j) = sim_pathsA(i,j-1)*exp((r-0.5*sigma^2)...


sim_pathsB(i,j) = sim_pathsB(i,j-1)*exp((r-0.5*sigma^2)...




Page 48: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

barrier_type = 1;

filename = 'AVPricing.xls';

spot = 50;

sb = 40;

strike = 50;

r = 0.1;

T = 1;

sigma = 0.3;

num_steps = 250;

num_sims = [100 1000 10000 100000];

% [c,i,j,k,c,m,l,n,o]

% i = barriers

% j = strike

% k = interest rate (r)

% l = volatility

% m = time interval (T)

% n = num_steps

% o = num_sims

% [aux sb_length] = size(sb); % get size of row vector

% [aux strike_length] = size(strike);

% [aux r_length] = size(r);

% [aux sigma_length] = size(sigma);

% [aux time_length] = size(T);

% [aux steps_length] = size(num_steps);

[aux sims_length] = size(num_sims);

price_matrix = zeros(1,sims_length);

ASol = zeros(1,sims_length);

error_matrix = zeros(1,sims_length);

sigmahat = zeros(1,sims_length);

CI = zeros(2,sims_length);

% for i=1:sb_length

% for j=1:strike_length

% for k=1:r_length

% for l=1:sigma_length

% for m = 1:time_length

switch barrier_type

case 1

ASol(:) = A_DICall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C13:F19';

case 2

ASol(:) = A_DOCall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C23:F29';

case 3

ASol(:) = A_DIPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C33:F39';

case 4

ASol(:) = A_DOPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C43:F49';

case 5

ASol(:) = A_UICall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C53:F59';

case 6

Page 49: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

ASol(:) = A_UOCall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C63:F69';

case 7

ASol(:) = A_UIPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C73:F79';

case 8

ASol(:) = A_UOPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C83:F89';


% for n = 1:steps_length % issue here?

for i = 1:sims_length

switch barrier_type

case {1,5}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...


case {2,6}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...


case {3,7}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...


case {4,8}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...



error_matrix(i) = abs(price_matrix(i)-ASol(i));


% end

% end

% end

% end

% end

% end

M = [num_sims;ASol;price_matrix;sigmahat;CI;error_matrix];

xlswrite(filename, M, range)

disp('Completed successfully!');

% xlswrite(filename, M) writes matrix M to the Excel file filename.

% The filename input is a string enclosed in single quotes.

% The input matrix M is an m-by-n numeric, character, or cell array,

% where m < 65536 and n < 256. The matrix data is written to the first

% worksheet in the file, starting at cell A1.

% Note: To specify sheet or range, but not both, call xlswrite with just

% three inputs. If the third input is a string that includes a colon

% character (e.g., 'D2:H4'), it specifies range.

Page 50: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function knocked = barrierCrossing(spot,sb,path)

if sb < spot % barrier is less than spot price, down and in/out

knocked = any(path <= sb);

else % barrier is greater than spot, up and in/out

knocked = any(path >= sb);


Page 51: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

barrier_type = 5;

filename = 'CVPricing.xls';

spot = 50;

sb = 60;

strike = 50;

r = 0.1;

T = 1;

sigma = 0.3;

num_steps = 500;

num_sims = [100 1000 10000 100000];

% [c,i,j,k,c,m,l,n,o]

% i = barriers

% j = strike

% k = interest rate (r)

% l = volatility

% m = time interval (T)

% n = num_steps

% o = num_sims

% [aux sb_length] = size(sb); % get size of row vector

% [aux strike_length] = size(strike);

% [aux r_length] = size(r);

% [aux sigma_length] = size(sigma);

% [aux time_length] = size(T);

% [aux steps_length] = size(num_steps);

[aux sims_length] = size(num_sims);

price_matrix = zeros(1,sims_length);

ASol = zeros(1,sims_length);

error_matrix = zeros(1,sims_length);

sigmahat = zeros(1,sims_length);

CI = zeros(2,sims_length);

% for i=1:sb_length

% for j=1:strike_length

% for k=1:r_length

% for l=1:sigma_length

% for m = 1:time_length

switch barrier_type

case 1

ASol(:) = A_DICall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C13:F19';

case 2

ASol(:) = A_DOCall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C23:F29';

case 3

ASol(:) = A_DIPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C33:F39';

case 4

ASol(:) = A_DOPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C43:F49';

case 5

ASol(:) = A_UICall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C53:F59';

case 6

Page 52: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

ASol(:) = A_UOCall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C63:F69';

case 7

ASol(:) = A_UIPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C73:F79';

case 8

ASol(:) = A_UOPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C83:F89';


% for n = 1:steps_length % issue here?

for i = 1:sims_length

switch barrier_type

case {1,5}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...


case {2,6}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...


case {3,7}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...


case {4,8}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...



error_matrix(i) = abs(price_matrix(i)-ASol(i));


% end

% end

% end

% end

% end

% end

M = [num_sims;ASol;price_matrix;sigmahat;CI;error_matrix];

xlswrite(filename, M, range)

disp('Completed successfully!');

% xlswrite(filename, M) writes matrix M to the Excel file filename.

% The filename input is a string enclosed in single quotes.

% The input matrix M is an m-by-n numeric, character, or cell array,

% where m < 65536 and n < 256. The matrix data is written to the first

% worksheet in the file, starting at cell A1.

% Note: To specify sheet or range, but not both, call xlswrite with just

% three inputs. If the third input is a string that includes a colon

% character (e.g., 'D2:H4'), it specifies range.

Page 53: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

barrier_type = 4;

filename = 'DICall.xls';

spot = 50;

sb = 40;

strike = 50;

r = 0.1;

T = 1;

sigma = 0.3;

num_steps = 500;

num_sims = [100 1000 10000 100000];

% [c,i,j,k,c,m,l,n,o]

% i = barriers

% j = strike

% k = interest rate (r)

% l = volatility

% m = time interval (T)

% n = num_steps

% o = num_sims

% [aux sb_length] = size(sb); % get size of row vector

% [aux strike_length] = size(strike);

% [aux r_length] = size(r);

% [aux sigma_length] = size(sigma);

% [aux time_length] = size(T);

% [aux steps_length] = size(num_steps);

[aux sims_length] = size(num_sims);

price_matrix = zeros(1,sims_length);

ASol = zeros(1,sims_length);

error_matrix = zeros(1,sims_length);

sigmahat = zeros(1,sims_length);

CI = zeros(2,sims_length);

% for i=1:sb_length

% for j=1:strike_length

% for k=1:r_length

% for l=1:sigma_length

% for m = 1:time_length

switch barrier_type

case 1

ASol(:) = A_DICall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C13:F19';

case 2

ASol(:) = A_DOCall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C23:F29';

case 3

ASol(:) = A_DIPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C33:F39';

case 4

ASol(:) = A_DOPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C43:F49';

case 5

ASol(:) = A_UICall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C53:F59';

case 6

Page 54: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

ASol(:) = A_UOCall(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C63:F69';

case 7

ASol(:) = A_UIPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C73:F79';

case 8

ASol(:) = A_UOPut(spot,sb,strike,r,0,T,sigma);

range = 'C83:F89';


% for n = 1:steps_length % issue here?

for i = 1:sims_length

switch barrier_type

case {1,5}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...


case {2,6}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...


case {3,7}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...


case {4,8}

[price_matrix(i), sigmahat(i), CI(:,i)] = ...



error_matrix(i) = abs(price_matrix(i)-ASol(i));


% end

% end

% end

% end

% end

% end

M = [num_sims;ASol;price_matrix;sigmahat;CI;error_matrix];

xlswrite(filename, M, range)

disp('Completed successfully!');

% xlswrite(filename, M) writes matrix M to the Excel file filename.

% The filename input is a string enclosed in single quotes.

% The input matrix M is an m-by-n numeric, character, or cell array,

% where m < 65536 and n < 256. The matrix data is written to the first

% worksheet in the file, starting at cell A1.

% Note: To specify sheet or range, but not both, call xlswrite with just

% three inputs. If the third input is a string that includes a colon

% character (e.g., 'D2:H4'), it specifies range.

Page 55: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

function [price_matrix,tElapsed,error_matrix,ASol] = ...



% passing in vector of possible values for ranges of variables

% sb = 0:10:100; % vector of barriers

% Result: Asset Price || Error

% changing barriers (sb)

% changing strike price (K)

% changing num_steps

% changing num_sims

% changing volatility (sigma)

% changing interest rates (r)

% changing time interval (T)

% [c,i,j,k,c,m,l,n,o]

% i = barriers

% j = strike

% k = interest rate (r)

% l = volatility

% m = time interval (T)

% n = num_steps

% o = num_sims

[aux sb_length] = size(sb); % get size of row vector

[aux strike_length] = size(strike);

[aux r_length] = size(r);

[aux sigma_length] = size(sigma);

[aux time_length] = size(T);

[aux steps_length] = size(num_steps);

[aux sims_length] = size(num_sims);

price_matrix = zeros([sb_length strike_length r_length sigma_length ...

time_length steps_length sims_length]);

tElapsed = zeros([sb_length strike_length r_length sigma_length ...

time_length steps_length sims_length]);

error_matrix = zeros([sb_length strike_length r_length sigma_length ...

time_length steps_length sims_length]);

ASol = zeros([sb_length strike_length r_length sigma_length ...


for i=1:sb_length

for j=1:strike_length

for k=1:r_length

for l=1:sigma_length

for m = 1:time_length

switch barrier_type

case 1

ASol(i,j,k,l,m) = A_DICall(spot,sb(i),strike(j),r(k),0,T(m),sigma(l));

case 2

ASol(i,j,k,l,m) = A_DOCall(spot,sb(i),strike(j),r(k),0,T(m),sigma(l));

case 3

ASol(i,j,k,l,m) = A_DIPut(spot,sb(i),strike(j),r(k),0,T(m),sigma(l));

case 4

ASol(i,j,k,l,m) = A_DOPut(spot,sb(i),strike(j),r(k),0,T(m),sigma(l));

case 5

Page 56: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

ASol(i,j,k,l,m) = A_UICall(spot,sb(i),strike(j),r(k),0,T(m),sigma(l));

case 6

ASol(i,j,k,l,m) = A_UOCall(spot,sb(i),strike(j),r(k),0,T(m),sigma(l));

case 7

ASol(i,j,k,l,m) = A_UIPut(spot,sb(i),strike(j),r(k),0,T(m),sigma(l));

case 8

ASol(i,j,k,l,m) = A_UOPut(spot,sb(i),strike(j),r(k),0,T(m),sigma(l));


for n = 1:steps_length % issue here?

for o = 1:sims_length

switch barrier_type

case {1,5}


[price_matrix(i,j,k,l,m,n,o), aux, aux] = ...



tElapsed(i,j,k,l,m,n,o) = toc;

case {2,6}


[price_matrix(i,j,k,l,m,n,o), aux, aux] = ...



tElapsed(i,j,k,l,m,n,o) = toc;

case {3,7}


[price_matrix(i,j,k,l,m,n,o), aux, aux] = ...



tElapsed(i,j,k,l,m,n,o) = toc;

case {4,8}


[price_matrix(i,j,k,l,m,n,o), aux, aux] = ...



tElapsed(i,j,k,l,m,n,o) = toc;


error_matrix(i,j,k,l,m,n,o) = abs(price_matrix(i,j,k,l,m,n,o)-...









save(filename, 'price_matrix', 'tElapsed','error_matrix','ASol','spot',...


% tic; any_statements; tElapsed = toc; makes the same time measurement,

% but assigns the elapsed time output to a variable, tElapsed. MATLAB does

% not display the elapsed time unless you omit the terminating semicolon.

Page 57: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

% - changing barriers (sb)

% - changing strike price (K)

% changing num_steps

% changing num_sims

% - changing volatility (sigma)

% - changing interest rates (r)

% - changing time interval (T)

% Down and In Call

% barrier_type = 1;

% filename = 'DICall.mat';

% spot = 50;

% % sb = 0:1:45;

% sb = 40;

% % strike = 0:1:50;

% strike = 50;

% % r = 0:.001:.5;

% r = .1;

% % T = 0:.1:10;

% T = 1;

% % sigma = 0:.01:.5;

% sigma = .4;

% % num_steps = [100 1000 10000 100000];

% num_steps = 1000;

% num_sims = 0:5000:100000;

% % num_sims = 10000;



% [price_matrix,tElapsed,error_matrix,ASol] = ...

% graphingFunction(spot,sb,strike,r,T,sigma,...

% num_steps,num_sims,barrier_type,filename);

% prices vs. analytical prices

% as num_sims change

% as num_steps varies

% i = sb_length

% j = strike_length

% k = r_length

% l = sigma_length

% m = time_length

% n = steps_length

% o = sims_length

% [i j k l m n o] = size(price_matrix);

% prices = zeros(1,o);

% for c=1:o

% prices(i) = price_matrix(1,1,1,1,1,1,i);

% end

%======== Changing Strike ===========

%======= MC vs Analytical ==========

% prices = price_matrix(1,:,1,1,1,1,1);

% plot(strike,prices);

% hold on;

% aprices = ASol(1,:,1,1,1);

% plot(strike,aprices);

Page 58: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

% hold off;

%======== Changing Barrier ===========

%======= MC vs Analytical ==========

% prices = price_matrix(:,30,1,1,1,1,1);

% plot(sb,prices);

% hold on;

% aprices = ASol(:,30,1,1,1);

% plot(sb,aprices);

% hold off;

%======== Changing Interest ===========

%======= MC vs Analytical ==========

% prices = zeros(1,k);

% aprices = zeros(1,k);

% for c=1:k

% prices(c) = price_matrix(1,1,c,1,1,1,1);

% end

% plot(r,prices);

% hold on;

% for c=1:k

% aprices(c) = ASol(1,1,c,1,1);

% end

% plot(r,aprices,'-r');

% hold off;

%======== Changing Time ===========

%======= MC vs Analytical ==========

% prices = zeros(1,m);

% aprices = zeros(1,m);

% error = zeros(1,m);

% for c=1:m

% prices(c) = price_matrix(1,1,1,1,c,1,1);

% end

% plot(T,prices);

% hold on;

% for c=1:m

% aprices(c) = ASol(1,1,1,1,c);

% end

% plot(T,aprices,'-r');

% hold off;

% for c=1:m

% error(c) = error_matrix(1,1,1,1,c,1,1)/prices(c);

% end

% plot(T,error,'-r');

% for c=1:l

% error(c) = error_matrix(1,1,1,c,1,1,1)/prices(c);

% end

% plot(T,error,'-r');

%======= Changing Volatitility =======

%======== MC vs Analytical =========

% prices = zeros(1,l);

% aprices = zeros(1,l);

% error = zeros(1,l);

% for c=1:l

Page 59: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

% prices(c) = price_matrix(1,1,1,c,1,1,1);

% end

% prices

% plot(sigma,prices);

% hold on;

% for c=1:l

% aprices(c) = ASol(1,1,1,c,1);

% end

% plot(sigma,aprices,'-r');

% hold off;

% for c=1:l

% error(c) = error_matrix(1,1,1,c,1,1,1)/prices(c);

% end

% plot(sigma,error,'-r');

%======== Changing Sims ===========

%======= MC vs Analytical ==========

% prices = zeros(1,o);

% aprices = zeros(1,o);

% error = zeros(1,o);

% time = zeros(1,o);

% for c=1:o

% prices(c) = price_matrix(1,1,1,1,1,1,c);

% end

% plot(num_sims,prices);

% hold on;

% for c=1:o

% aprices(c) = ASol(1,1,1,1,1);

% end

% plot(num_sims,aprices,'-r');

% hold off;

% for c=1:l

% time(c) = tElapsed(1,1,1,c,1,1,1);

% end

% plot(num_sims,tElapsed(c),'-r');

% Up and Out Call

barrier_type = 5;

filename = 'UOCall.mat';

spot = 50;

% sb = 50:.5:75;

sb = 60;

% strike = 0:1:50;

strike = 50;

% r = 0:.001:.5;

r = .1;

T = 0:.1:10;

% T = 1;

sigma = .1;

% sigma = .05:.01:.3;

% num_steps = [100 1000 10000 100000];

num_steps = 1:5:500;

num_sims = 1000;

% num_sims = 10000;

Page 60: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

[price_matrix,tElapsed,error_matrix,ASol] = ...



[i j k l m n o] = size(price_matrix);

%======== Changing Barrier and Volatility ===========

%======= MC vs Analytical ==========

% [X,Y]=meshgrid(sigma,sb);

% [m n] = size(X);

% prices = zeros(m,n);

% aprices = zeros(m,n);

% error = zeros(m,n);

% for c=1:m

% for d=1:n

% prices(c,d) = price_matrix(c,1,1,d,1,1,1);

% end

% end

% surf(X,Y,prices);

% [X,Y]=meshgrid(sigma,sb);

% [m n] = size(X);

% prices = zeros(m,n);

% aprices = zeros(m,n);

% error = zeros(m,n);

% for c=1:m

% for d=1:n

% error(c,d) = error_matrix(c,1,1,d,1,1,1);

% end

% end

% surf(X,Y,error);


[m n] = size(X);

prices = zeros(m,n);

aprices = zeros(m,n);

error = zeros(m,n);

for c=1:m

for d=1:n

error(c,d) = error_matrix(1,1,1,1,d,c,1);




xlabel('Time Interval');

ylabel('Number of Steps');

zlabel('Absolute Error');

% prices = zeros(1,l);

% aprices = zeros(1,l);

% error = zeros(1,l);

% for c=1:l

% prices(c) = price_matrix(1,1,1,c,1,1,1);

% end

Page 61: Pricing Barrier Options Using Monte Carlo Methods

% prices;

% plot(sigma,prices);

% hold on;

% for c=1:l

% aprices(c) = ASol(1,1,1,c,1);

% end

% plot(sigma,aprices,'-r');

% hold off;

% prices = zeros(1,i);

% aprices = zeros(1,i);

% error = zeros(1,i);

% for c=1:i

% prices(c) = price_matrix(c,1,1,1,1,1,1);

% end

% prices;

% plot(sb,prices);

% hold on;

% for c=1:i

% aprices(c) = ASol(c,1,1,1,1);

% end

% plot(sb,aprices,'-r');

% hold off;

% for c=1:l

% error(c) = error_matrix(1,1,1,c,1,1,1)/prices(c);

% end

% plot(sigma,error,'-r');

% plot(sb,prices);

% hold on;

% for c=1:i

% aprices(c) = ASol(c,1,1,1,1);

% end

% plot(sb,aprices,'-r');

% hold off;

% Down and Out Call

% Down and Out Put

% Down and In Put

% Up and In Call

% Up and Out Call

% Up and Out Put

% Up and In Put

% [price_matrix,tElapsed,error_matrix] = ...

% graphingFunction(spot,sb,strike,r,delta,T,sigma,...

% num_steps,num_sims,barrier_type,filename)