Production of Double Page Spread

Production of double page spread

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Page 1: Production of double page spread

Production of Double Page Spread

Page 2: Production of double page spread

Firstly I opened dragged down two pages to create my double page spread.

Next I wrote the title of the double page spread, and placed it in the place I want it to be.

Page 3: Production of double page spread

I moved the text so it went across the top of both pages and then placed a large image box underneath.

I then added two more smaller image boxes under the large one.

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I put borders around each of the image boxes.

I decided to remove the borders and the moved the large image box along and put the two smaller ones next to it.

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I inserted three images and made them bigger so that the went across the whole of both pages. I also added a by-line above one of the images.

I then added a text box under the title and wrote in the standfirst of the article.

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I inserted all of the text for the magazine article and wrote in one of the drop quotes.

I linked the pages so that the text would overlap onto the next page also. I then wrote in the next drop quote.

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I centred the text and moved it into the right place. I also removed the drop cap that was on two of the paragraphs that they were not needed on.

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I then did the same to the next drop quote and made it in the centre.

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This is what the drop quotes looked like centre.

I placed a text box in the bottom corner of the page where I was going to place the name of the magazine.

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I changed the text font to ‘Poor Richard’ to match the font of the title on the Front Cover and Contents page.

I changed the size so it would be seen.

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I made sure the text was a similar size to the page number and was noticeable.

I opened the option for the dropcap and chose how many lines down it would be.

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This is the dropcap, page number and magazine title finished.

I then copied the ‘RAW’ title.

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Then I pasted it on to the other side of the article.

I made it the right font and then left it.

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I moved the drop quote into the position I wanted it and then went on the ‘Frame’ options on the box at the bottom.

I chose to put a run-around on the text so that the article text would go around the drop quote and not overlap.

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This is what the text looks like around the drop quote when a run-around has been placed on it.

I moved the text in the article closer to it so it wasn’t wasting space.

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I swapped the images around because the main one stood out more and then I also enlarged the image, so that it went under the title, I then made the article title white so it would stand out.

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I added another page, linked it to the other two so that any missing text would rollover onto the third page. I also made the drop quote boxes bigger and more over the text boxes.

I removed the original text, made a new drop quote on Photoshop and then placed an image box ready to insert the new drop quote.

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I inserted the new drop quote that was a different font and colour to the rest on the text on the double page spread.

I then did the same to the drop quote on the next page and placed an image box on the text.

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I moved the standfirst to under the images and inserted the next new drop quote image into the image box.

Next, I placed image boxes on the third page in a collage arrangement, so the images would overlap.

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I then started to insert images into the image boxes that I had previously placed and I made another image box in the middle of the text.

I created another drop quote on Photoshop and then inserted it into the image box. I also added the rest of the images and made the sizes different.

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I started to put the borders on some of the images and made them maroon to match the colour scheme.

To finish off the page I then added the rest of the borders around each image and made sure they were in the right position.

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I moved around the text and made sure everything was in the place I wanted it to be. This is the final image of the double page spread.