Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013

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The Korean government recognized the need for international cooperation and collaboration, and as a result initiated the Global HR forum 2006 in collaboration with the private sector. Over 3,000 people attended the 1st Global HR Forum and including the heads of renowned universities and leaders of private, public, and international institutions. Notable speakers include entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, the founder and chairman of Microsoft; Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank with heads of OECD, UNESCO, and other related international organizations; high ranking government officials such as Bertel Haarder, the education minister of Denmark; and scholars such as Robert Barro, professor at Harvard University.The Global HR Forum 2007 started off with video lectures by Bill Clinton, former President of U.S.A., Óscar Arias Sánchez, former President of Costa Rica, and Ki-Moon Ban, Secretary-General of the UN. Over 4000 participants gathered to hear the messages from more than 150 prominent global leaders from 35 countries. Speakers include Richard Holbrooke, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Francis Fukuyama, Professor of Johns Hopkins University, Ben Verwaayen, President of British Telecom, as well as the CEOs and CHOs of companies such as Goldman Sachs, BMW, Boeing, and Walt Disney Studios. Representatives of governments such as the Minister of Culture of Sudan, the Minister of Education of Iraq, Bulgaria's Vice Minister for Education and other high ranking officials from involved with Education and Culture were present, and representatives of the OECD, World Bank, and ALECSO also participated as speakers.The 3rd Global HR Forum held in 2008, kicked off with video speeches by Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, and Craig R. Barrett, CEO of Intel. Other participants include Martin Feldstein, former Chairman of the NBER, Jean Robert Pitte, president of the University of Paris-Sorbonne, Jozef M. Ritzen, president of the University of Maastricht, Nicolas R. Burnett, Assistant Director-General of Education for UNESCO, and the CEOs and CHOs of companies such as Pfizer, HP, IBM, Motorola, Dupont and Corning.The Global HR Forum in 2009 began with a video presentation by the President of the Republic of Korea, Myung-Bak Lee. Other speakers include, Former German Prime Minister Gerhard Schroeder known for leading Germany to an economic boom post reunification; Fred Bergsten, Director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, leading authority on the global economic outlook; the world's leading HR theorist Dave Ulrich, Professor at the University of Michigan; David Skorton, President of Cornell University; Tan Chorh Chuan, President of the National University of Singapore; Atsushi Seike, President of Keio University, senior government officials of education, science and technology, and culture from over 65 countries; major university presidents; globally recognized scholars; as well as the CEOs of multinational firms presented at the forum.The slogan for the 5th Global HR Forum held in October 26-28, 2010 was "Open and Ready for Tomorrow." 200 speakers from 52 countries participated in the forum and notable speakers include Allan Greenspan, former Chairman of the FRB; Jacque Attali, President of PlaNet Finance; Joseph Polisi, President of the Julliard School; Tony Little, Headmaster of Eton College; Nobel Economics Prize Laureate Robert Mundell, Professor of Economics at the University of Columbia; Jeffrey Pfeffer, Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford University; and Franci Phelan, CHRO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. World-class scholars and global CEOs discussed issues such as the new world economic order post-crisis, balanced growth, development of creative talent, and management of a just society. The responses from participants of the forum were very positive and many of the participating companies found the forum helpful in establishing vision and gaining the insight ne

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2013년 11월 5일(화) ~ 7일(목)쉐라톤 그랜드 워커힐 호텔

벽을 넘어서

Page 4: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013

「글로벌 인재포럼 2013 (Global HR Forum 2013)」에 참여해주신 세계 각국의 리더와 석학, 그리고 국내외 참가자

여러분을 진심으로 환영합니다.

대한민국 정부(교육부)와 한국경제신문, 한국직업능력개발원은 각국의 인재 개발 이슈를 함께 논의하고 지구촌의 미래를

책임질 글로벌 인재상을 마련하기 위해 지난 2006년 이 포럼을 창설해 올해로 8회째를 맞았습니다. ‘벽을 넘어서

(Beyond Walls)’를 주제로 열리는 올해 포럼은 20개국 100여명의 석학과 전문가들이 연사로 참여하여 세계 각국이

직면하고 있는 여러 문제들을 인재개발을 통해 어떻게 해결해 나갈 수 있을지에 대해 그들의 경험과 지혜를 나누는 좋은

기회가 될 것입니다.

새로운 위기의 시대를 직면하고 있는 세계 경제는 글로벌 차원의 협력 필요성이 어느 때보다 높아지고 있습니다.

이런 시점에서 ‘글로벌 인재포럼’이 창의적인 인재 양성을 통해 미래 번영을 모색하고자 하는 세계 각국의 정부, 기업,

국제기구 및 대학 등이 글로벌 협력 네트워크를 구축하는데 기여할 수 있으리라 확신합니다.

이 포럼을 선진국의 성공사례를 배우고 후발국의 교육정책을 지원할 수 있는 실질적인 글로벌 인재교육 정보 교류의

장으로 키워 나갈 것을 약속 드립니다.

‘글로벌 인재포럼 2013’에 참가해주신 여러분을 환영하며, 앞으로도 적극적인 성원을 기대합니다.


‘글로벌 인재포럼 2013’ 참가자 여러분을 환영합니다


서 남 수

교육부 장관 한국경제신문 사장

김 기 웅

한국직업능력개발원 원장

박 영 범

Page 5: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013





글로벌 인재포럼 2013 l Global HR Forum 2013

인재가 미래다 l Global Talent, Global Prosperity!

벽을 넘어서 l Beyond Walls

2013년 11월 5일(화)~7일(목)

쉐라톤 그랜드 워커힐 호텔

• 행 사 명

• 슬 로 건

• 주 제

• 기 간

• 장 소

• 참가대상 - 각국 관계 장관 등 정부 고위 인사 및 국제기구 관계자

- 글로벌 기업 CEO 및 HR총괄 부서장, 연수원장

- 세계 유수 대학 총장 및 학계 전문가

- 산업계 • 연구계 • 경제단체 대표

- 기타 인재개발 관련 단체 관계자 등

- 인류가 직면하고 있는 주요 문제의 해결을 글로벌 협업을 통한 인재개발에서 찾음

- 정부, 공공, 민간, 기업 등 각 분야의 교육과 관련된 창의적 인재개발의 경험과 우수 사례 공유

- 세계적 관점에서 미래세대를 위한 인재개발의 공통 핵심 요소들을 규명하고 논의

• 개최목적

• 주 최

• 프로그램 파트너

• 미디어 파트너

• 공식언어 한국어, 영어 (동시통역 제공)

www.ghrforum.org• 행사 홈페이지


Page 6: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013


글로벌 인재포럼 자문위원회

학 계
























김용민 김준영성균관대학교




박 철한국외국어대학교










연 구 기 관





김광조유네스코 아태본부

































국 회





경 제 계













재 계






강호문삼성전자 부회장

금 융 계















분야별 성명 가나다순 기재

Page 7: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013


층별 구분 11월 5일(화) 11월 6일(수) 11월 7일(목)

B2비스타홀 1+2

개회식 및 기조연설 / 기조세션Track B / 종합정리토론

비스타홀 3 Track A

비스타홀 로비 등록데스크, 전시, 인터넷라운지

B1그랜드홀 2, 3, 4 사무국

아이다 VIP 룸

워커힐 씨어터 참가자 중식


그레이트룸 2, 3 연사대기실

스튜디오 1, 2 인터뷰룸 1, 2

프레시디오 기자실

1F무궁화홀 1

환영리셉션 특별세션Track C

무궁화홀 2 Track D

4F 아트홀 차세대영재기업인과 세계적 리더의 만남



B16 그랜드홀 2, 3, 4

11월 5일~7일 사무국

7 아이다11월 6일~7일 VIP룸


4F1 아트홀11월 7일차세대영재기업인과

세계적 리더의 만남

51F5 무궁화홀11월 5일 환영리셉션

11월 6일 특별세션

11월 7일 Track C

Track D



2F2 그레이트룸 2, 311월 5일~7일 연사대기실

3 스튜디오 1, 211월 5일~7일 인터뷰룸1, 2

4 프레시디오11월 5일~7일 기자실






행사장 안내


9 B28 비스타홀

11월 6일 개회식 및 기조연설, 기조세션11월 7일 Track A, Track B

9 비스타홀 로비11월 6일~7일 등록데스크




Page 8: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013


시 간 11월 7일 (목)시 간 11월 5일 (화) 11월 6일 (수)










비스타홀 3 비스타홀 1+2

비스타홀 1+2

무궁화홀 1 무궁화홀 2


10:10~12:00기조세션 1 특별세션 1

비스타홀 무궁화홀

13:00~14:20 기조세션 2 특별세션 2

14:50~16:10 기조세션 3 특별세션 3

16:40~18:00 기조세션 4 특별세션 4



개회식 및 기조연설




12:00~13:00 오 찬

14:20~14:50 Coffee Break

16:10~16:40 Break

등 록










Coffee Break

등 록



















오 찬12:30~14:00

Coffee Break15:30~16:00







Page 9: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013







. 개회사 . 환영사 . 축사


에후드 바라크 前 이스라엘 총리

창조형 인재, 어떻게 키우나

사회 및 대담

사공일 세계경제연구원 이사장

기조세션 2


지역대학, 창조경제를 견인하다

기조세션 1


글로벌 CEO의 성공 경영학


한국대학교육협의회 회장(전북대 총장)


기조세션 3


대학의 새로운 도전 - 지식창조 허브로의 변신

라즐로 보크

구글 수석부사장


스가누마 다쓰오

일본 미야자키대 총장


피트 다운즈

영국 던디대 총장


프라딥 코슬라

미국 UC샌디에이고 총장


기조세션 4


청년취업 3대 천국 - 독일과 스위스, 싱가포르의 비결


한국직업능력개발원 원장


크리스티안 레트메이




레지스 켈리

미국 QB3(캘리포니아대학기술지주회사) 회장

(前 UC샌프란시스코 총장)



래리 이몬드

갤럽 아태지역 사장



세계경영연구원 회장


한스 파울 뷔르크너

보스턴컨설팅그룹(BCG) 회장


게르하르트 슈미트

스위스 취리히연방공대(ETH)부총장



포스텍 총장



싱가포르 난양폴리테크닉 학장


우르술라 레놀드

스위스경제연구소비교교육시스템 연구본부장


1일차 11월 5일(화), 18:00~20:00, 무궁화홀(1F)◆ 환영리셉션

2일차 11월 6일(수), 08:30~18:00, 비스타홀(B2)◆ 개회식 및 기조연설, 기조세션





KAIST 연구부총장




중국 선전( )대 총장

Page 10: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013

2일차 11월 6일(수), 10:10~18:00, 무궁화홀(1F)◆ 특별세션


한국직업능력개발원 연구위원


특별세션 2


OECD 제안: 한국의 차세대 인재전략

특별세션 1


후쿠야마, 미래의 키워드를 말하다

프랜시스 후쿠야마

미국 스탠퍼드대 석좌교수



현대경제연구원 원장

사회 및 대담

데보라 루즈베어

OECD Skill Beyond School 과장


특별세션 3


영국 창조산업 : 예술과 과학의 융합 (1부) / (2부)

존 휴즈

영국 뱅거대 총장


피트 다운즈

영국 던디대 총장


토마스 인스

영국 글래스고예술대 총장


패트릭 라우리

영국 골드스미스런던대 총장


마크 스미스

영국 랭커스터대 총장


나이절 캐링턴

영국 런던예술대 총장


폴 톰슨

영국 왕립예술대 총장

토론자특별세션 4



서울대 글로벌교육협력초빙교수



마틴 프라이어

주한영국문화원 원장


성균관대 교육학과 교수


다구마 미호

OECD 선임 애널리스트






Page 11: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013


3일차 11월 7일(목), 09:00~17:30, 비스타홀 3(B2)◆ Track A 미래를 바꾸는 학교교육

Session 2


Session 1


지능과 감성의 벽을 넘어 행복한 미래인재로

Session 3


미래 직업세계에서 요구하는 인재상

Session 4


꿈과 끼를 살리는 학교

100세 시대 평생학습, 인생 3모작을 위한 행복교육


동국대 석좌교수


미하엘 그룬트

한국머크 사장



부산기계공업고 교장



동국대 교육학과 교수



중앙대 교육학과 교수


제이 로제프스키

미국 조지아대 교수


마이클 오스본

영국 글래스고대성인평생교육센터 소장


이안 밥티스트

그레나다 세인트조지스대인문사회과학부 교수



중앙대 글로벌인적자원개발대학원 원장



국가평생교육진흥원 원장



연세대 교육학과 명예교수



숙명여대 교육학과 교수(한국진로교육학회 회장)



이화여대 교육학과 교수(한국교육과정학회 회장)






한국장학재단 이사장






산업통상자원 R&D 전략기획단주력산업 투자관리자


카타르지나 쿠바카



케리 로제스

미국 미시건주립대교육심리학 교수


브라이언 뉴베리

샌버너디노 캘리포니아주립대과학수학기술교육학과 교수



한국교원대교육정책전문대학원 교수


Page 12: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013

3일차 11월 7일(목) 09:00~17:30, 비스타홀 1+2(B2)◆ Track B 기업이 원하는 인재

Session 2


Session 1


우수인재 감별 & 활용법

Session 3


창조경제의 주역, 차세대영재기업인

Session 4


조직 내 창의성 끌어내기

기업의 별 - 임원 어떻게 키우나

톰 페더슨

일본 콘페리 인터내셔널리더십&탤런트 부문 대표



법무법인 세종 고문



삼성경제연구소 사장



지멘스코리아 인사관리본부 부사장


줄리 게바우어

타워스왓슨 인사관리총괄사장


레지날드 불

두산 글로벌 HR총괄부사장



KT 인재경영실장 (전무)



서울대 경영대 학장



요즈마그룹 한국지사장



GE코리아 사장




인텔코리아 사장



신한은행 부행장


스콧 드라흐

보잉 HR총괄 부사장


에릭 알렉산더

플립보드 국제담당 사장



CJ CSV 경영실장



KAIST IP영재기업인1기



SNU프리시전 대표(산업통상자원 R&D전략기획단 단장)





레지스 켈리

미국 QB3(캘리포니아대학기술지주회사) 회장



삼성경제연구소 인사조직실장 (전무)


Page 13: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013


3일차 11월 7일(목), 09:00~17:30, 무궁화홀 1(1F)◆ Track C 능력중심으로 가는 교육훈련

Session 2


Session 1


능력중심사회를 만든다 - NCS와 NQF

Session 3


고등직업교육의 역할과 책임

Session 4


다문화 인재가 미래를 이끈다

대졸자 취업역량, 무엇이 문제인가?

크리스티안 레트메이

유럽직업훈련연구센터(CEDEFOP) 원장



경복대 총장



국제대 총장



한국전문대학교육협의회 회장


클리포드 아델만

미국 HEP시니어 어소시에이트



현대차 인재개발원 원장 (부사장)



연세대 경영컨설팅학회 회장



한국폴리텍대 이사장



한국산업인력공단 이사장





슬라바 페벡 그림

유럽직업훈련연구센터(CEDEFOP) 선임연구원


심슨 푼



멜리사 맥키완

호주 산업부 부국장



한국외국어대 교수



서울대 다문화교육연구센터소장






한국직업능력개발원 실장


랜달 한센

캐나다 토론토대정치학과 교수


알레산드로 콜롬보

이탈리아 고등통계훈련원 원장



클라세스튜디오 대표



동국대 석좌교수





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3일차 11월 7일(목), 09:00~17:30, 무궁화홀 2(1F)◆ Track D 창조인재육성

Session 2


Session 1


웨스트포인트처럼 하라 - 세상을 리드하는 법을 배운다

Session 3


교실의 벽을 뛰어넘는 학교 만들기

Session 4


글로벌 영재학교의 인재 육성법


베인앤컴퍼니코리아 대표



연세대 수학과 교수


조직 경쟁력 강화를 위한 소셜미디어 활용

티머시 트레이노어

미국 웨스트포인트 육군사관학교 학장


리처드 싱클레어

미국 텍사스수학과학아카데미 학장



싱가포르수학과학고 교장



한국교육학술정보원스마트교육 R&D본부장





브루스 딕슨

미국 AALF 회장






경인교육대컴퓨터교육과 교수


마가렛 키

버슨마스텔러 코리아 대표이사


마단 나갈딘

페이스북 아태HR총괄 부사장






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동아태지역 -GHR 전문가 워크숍일시



주최 및 주관


2013년 11월 4일(월), 08:30~17:00쉐라톤 그랜드 워커힐 호텔, 파인룸(4F)동아시아 ∙태평양 지역 국가의 직업교육훈련 정책결정자 및 고위 공직자 20여명

교육부, 세계은행, 한국직업능력개발원

동아시아 지역에서 선진화된 직업 역량 개발 사례, 고등직업교육 동향과 이슈 분석


동아시아정상회의국가 직업교육훈련기관 네트워크 연차회의







2013년 11월 4일(월)~7일(목)

서머셋팰리스 서울

아세안 10개국 및 한중일 3국, 미국, 호주, 뉴질랜드, 러시아, 인도 등 18개 국가, 정부 직업훈련교육 담당 차관

및 국장, 관련 전문가 70여명, 국내 직업교육훈련 분야 10개 대중소기업

교육부, 호주연방 교육부 및 산업부


18개국가 역내 협력을 위한 직업교육훈련 네트워크 구축. 직업교육 훈련의 핵심 분야인 이러닝,

중소기업 인력양성, 국가간 자격인증, 중등직업기술교육, 직업교육훈련 미스매치 해소 등 영역에서

역내 국가간 협력강화 방안논의 및 협력사업 발굴 (주제 - TVET in the EAS: Sharing Experience)






주최 및 주관


2013년 11월 5일(화), 08:00~18:00- 글로벌인재 양성코스 : 연세대학교 국제캠퍼스, 삼성전자 딜라이트 홍보관

- 창조인재 양성코스 : 한국예술종합학교, 국립중앙박물관, SK텔레콤 티움홍보관

해외연사 및 동반자, 국제기구 초청관료, 국내거주 외국기업인, 외국인 유학생 등 100여명

교육부, 한국경제신문, 한국직업능력개발원

아시아 인재양성의 메카로 평가받고 있는 한국의 대표적인 인재양성 기관 탐방과 견학을 실시


FTA 인재포럼일시



주최 및 주관


2013년 11월 5일(화), 07:00~09:00롯데호텔 가넷스위트(37층)

FTA 인재포럼 위원 및 초청인사

한국경제신문, 한국직업능력개발원

글로벌 인재포럼의 Pre-Conference 행사로 글로벌 강소기업의 인적자원개발 방안을 밀라노 패션산업의

사례를 중심으로 토의 (주제 - Skills and Synergies as Drivers of Success in Milan Fashion Industry)


차세대영재기업인과 세계적 리더의 만남




주최 및 주관


2013년 11월 7일(목), 12:30~14:00쉐라톤 그랜드 워커힐 호텔, 아트홀(4F)포럼 참석 글로벌 기업 CEO 및 국내외 석학 7명, 한국발명진흥회에서 운영하는 차세대영재기업인센터

(KAIST, POSTECH 교육과정 공동 운영) 교육생 중 선발된 중 .고등학생 30여명


세계적 리더와의 만남을 통해 영재학생의 글로벌 마인드, 도전정신, 기업가 정신 함양





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Korean Ministry of Education, Korea Economic Daily and Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training founded Global HR Forum in 2006 in order to encourage global cooperation for co-prosperity of the entire human race. This year’s main theme is ‘Beyond Walls’ and more than a hundred scholars and experts from twenty di�erent countries will join our forum as speakers to share their experience and knowledge on human resources development.

As our global communities are facing new crisis and challenges, developing more competitive and creative human talents is very signi�cant for all countries. We believe that the Global HR Forum contributes to �nd ways for cultivating creative human talents and building strong international cooperation system.

We gladly welcome all of you participating in Global HR Forum 2013, and expect your future supports and interests for our forum.

Thank you very much.

We would like to welcome you to join ourGlobal HR Forum 2013

Minister,Korean Ministry of Education

Namsoo Seo

President, Korea Research Institutefor Vocational Education and Training

Youngbum Park

President and Publisher,Korea Economic Daily

Kiwoong Kim

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Global HR Forum 2013

Global Talent, Global Prosperity!

Beyond Walls

November 5(Tue) ~ 7(Thu), 2013

Sheraton Grande Walkerhill

• Title

• Slogan

• Theme

• Date

• Venue

• Participants - Ministers of related �elds and high ranking o�cials from international organizations and human resources divisions- CEOs of global businesses and HR executives- Presidents of the world's top universities and experts from academia- Heads from industries, research institutions, and economic development agencies- Representatives from HRD-related agencies and sectors

- Find solutions for the major on-going issues that the entire human race is facing- Share creative, valuable experiences and cases of human resources development in government, public and private sectors- Discuss signi�cant factors of human resources development for the future generations in terms of global perspectives

• Objectives

• Hosts

• Program Partners

• Media Partners

• O�cial Language English-Korean (Simultaneous Translation)

www.ghrforum.org• O�cial Website


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Global HR Forum Advisory Committee






Seyeon KimAdministrator,

Education, Culture,Sports, and Tourism


Kihong YooAdministrator,

Education, Culture,Sports, and Tourism


Yongmaan ParkChairman,

The Korea Chamber ofCommerce & Industry

Heebeom LeeChairman,

Korea EmployersFederation

Duksoo Han Chairman,

The Korea InternationalTrade Association

Changsoo HuhChairman,

The Federation ofKorean Industries

Kimun KimChairman,

Korea Federation of Smalland Medium Business

Hakyong ShinChairman,

Education, Culture,Sports, and Tourism


National Assembly Economic Organization

Sungmo KangPresident,


Byoungchul KimPresident,

Korea University

Giwoo LeePresident,

Incheon JEI University

Yonggoo LeePresident,

Chung-Ang University

Duckho LimPresident,

Hanyang University

Kapyoung JeongPresident,

Yonsei University

Jaeyoung ChoiPresident,

Yeungjin College

Inwon ChouePresident,

Kyung Hee University

Namchul ChoPresident,

Korea NationalOpen University

Sunhye HwangPresident,

Sookmyung Women'sUniversity

Sunuk KimPresident,

Ewha WomansUniversity

Younggil KimPresident,

Handong GlobalUniversity


Yongmin Kim Junyoung KimPresident,


Jongkoo Park Chairman,

Korea PolytechnicsUniversity

Chul ParkPresident,

Hankuk University ofForeign Studies

Geosuk SuhPresident,

Chonbuk NationalUniversity

Hanggyun ShinPresident,

Seoul National University ofEducation

Yeoncheon OhPresident,

Seoul NationalUniversity

Kipoong YooPresident,

Sogang University


Taeyoung KangPresident,

POSCO Research Institute

Hyeryun KangPresident,

Korea Foundation forthe Advancement ofScience & Creativity

Gwangjo KimDirector,

UNESCO Asia-Paci�c

Kwanglim KimChairman,

Korea InventionPromotion Association

Dohoon KimPresident,

Korea Institute forIndustrial Economics & Trade

Joohyun KimPresident,

Hyundai ResearchInstitute

Joohyung KimPresident,

LG Economic ResearchInstitute

Sungeun BaekPresident,

Korean EducationalDevelopment Institute

Il SakongPresident,

Institute for GlobalEconomics

Taeje SeongPresident,

Korea Institute forCurriculum and Evaluation

Yongsup ShinCEO,EBS

Yangok AhnPresident,

The Korea Federation ofTeachers' Associations

Sejung OhPresident,

National ResearchFoundation of Korea

Byongsun KwakChairperson,

Korea Student AidFoundation

Sungbin LimPresident,

Korea Education &Research Information


Sungchull JunnChairman,

Institute of GlobalManagement

Kiyoung ChungPresident & CEO,

Samsung EconomicResearch Institute

Kyuho HwangPresident,

SK Research Institute forSUPEX Management

Joonkyung KimPresident,

Korea DevelopmentInstitute

Research Institute

Joonyang ChungChairman & CEO,


Yonghwan KimVice Chairman,

Hyundai Motor Group

Jaeyeol KimVice Chairman,


Sangchul LeeVice Chairman,


Homoon KangVice Chairman & CEO,Samsung Electornics

Soonwoo LeeChairman & CEO,

Woori Financial Group

Dongwoo HanChairman & CEO,

Shinhan Financial Group

Kyttack HongChairman & CEO,

KDB Financial Group

Jungtae KimChairman & CEO,

Hana Financial Group

Industrial Corporation Financial Services Corporation

Youngrok LimChairman & CEO,

KB Financial Group Inc.

Page 21: Program Book of Global HR Forum 2013









Floor Room Nov. 5(Tue) Nov. 6(Wed) Nov. 7(Thu)

B2Vista Hall 1+2 Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech,

Plenary Session

Track B / Wrap-up

Vista Hall 3 Track A

Vista Hall Lobby Registration Desk, Exhibition, Internet Lounge

B1Grand Hall 2, 3, 4 Secretariat

Ida VIP Room

Walkerhill Theatre Lunch


Great Room 2, 3 Speaker’s Room

Studio 1, 2 Interview Room 1, 2

Presidio Press Room

1FMugunghwa Hall 1

Welcome Reception Special SessionTrack C

Mugunghwa Hall 2 Track D

4F Art HallMeeting with the Future Entrepreneurs

and the Global Leaders




4F1 Art HallNov. 7Meeting withthe Future Entrepreneursand the Global Leaders

51F5 Mugunghwa HallNov. 5 Welcome Reception

Nov. 6 Special Session

Nov. 7 Track C

Track D



2F2 Great Room 2, 3Nov. 5~7 Speaker’s Room

3 Studio 1, 2Nov. 5~7 Interview Room 1, 2

4 PresidioNov. 5~7 Press Room

Floor Plan



8 Vista HallNov. 6 Opening Ceremony &

Keynote Speech,Plenary Session

Nov. 7 Track A, Track B

9 Vista Hall LobbyNov. 6~7 Registration Desk

ExhibitionInternet Lounge

B16 Grand Hall 2, 3, 4

Nov. 5~7 Secretariat

7 IdaNov. 6~7 VIP Room


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Time Nov. 7(Thu)Time Nov. 5(Tue) Nov. 6(Wed)










Vista Hall 3 Vista Hall 1+2 MugunghwaHall 1

MugunghwaHall 2


10:10~12:00 Plenary

Session 1


Session 1

Vista Hall MugunghwaHall


Session 2


Session 2


Session 3


Session 3


Session 4


Session 4



Opening Ceremony

& Keynote Speech

Vista Hall


Mugunghwa Hall

12:00~13:00 Lunch

14:20~14:50 Coffee Break

16:10~16:40 Break










Coffee Break





















Coffee Break15:30~16:00




Program at a glance





Vista Hall 1+2

Wrap-up Session

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Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speech

. Opening Speech . Welcoming Speech . Congratulatory Speech

PlenarySession 2


Balanced Regional Development Driven by Creative Economy

PlenarySession 1


Lecture on Successful Leadership by Global CEOs

PlenarySession 3


New Roles of Universities in Creative Economy as a Center for Knowledge Creation & Integration

Pete Downes Principal & Vice Chancellor, Univ. of Dundee

PlenarySession 4


The Secret of Vocational Education and Training in Germany, Switzerland & Singapore:How Did They Achieve World’s Lowest Youth Unemployment Rate?

1st Day18:00~20:00, November 5(Tue), Mugunghwa Hall(1F)

◆ Welcome Reception

2nd Day08:30~18:00, November 6(Wed), Vista Hall(B2)

◆ Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speech, Plenary Session

Byoungyoon Kim Vice President of Research, KAIST










How Israel Developed its Human Talentsthrough the Creative Process

Ehud BarakFormer Prime Minister of Israel


Il SakongChairman & CEO, Institute for Global Economics

Laszlo BockSenior Vice President of People Operations, Google

Larry EmondManaging Partner, Gallup

Sungchull JunnChairman,Institute of Global Management

Hans Paul BuerknerChairman, The Boston Consulting Group

Yongmin KimPresident, POSTECH

Youngbum ParkPresident, Korea Research Institutefor Vocational Education & Training(KRIVET)

Time Program





Moderator Speaker

Moderator Speaker Speaker Speaker

Speaker Speaker

Speaker Speaker

Speaker Speaker

Pradeep KhoslaChancellor, Univ. of California-San Diego

Regis KellyDirector, California Institute for Quantitative Bioscience(QB3)

Gerhard SchmittSenior Vice President, ETH Global

Li QingquanPresident, Shenzhen Univ.

Geosuk SuhPresident,Korean Council for Univ. Education

Tatsuo SuganumaPresident, Miyazaki Univ.


Christian LettmayrActing Director, European Centerfor the Development of VocationalTraining(CEDEFOP)

Ursula RenoldHead of Research Division Comparative Education Systems, ETH Zurich,Swiss Economic Institute

Chan Lee MunPrincipal & CEO, Nanyang Polytechnic

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2nd Day10:10~18:00, November 6(Wed), Mugunghwa Hall(1F)

◆ Special Session

SpecialSession 2


OECD Skills Strategy and Challenges for Korea in an International Perspective

SpecialSession 1


"Speaking of the Future" by Francis Fukuyama

SpecialSession 3


A Dynamic Mapping of the UK's Creative Industries : The Convergence of Art & Science (Part 1 / Part 2)

SpecialSession 4


Joohyun KimPresident & CEO, Hyundai Research Institute

Time Program




Speaker Speaker




Panelist Panelist Panelist Panelist

Panelist Panelist


Thomas InnsPrincipal, The Glasgow School of Art

Martin FryerDirector, British Council Korea

Pete DownesPrincipal & Vice Chancellor,Univ. of Dundee

Patrick LoughreyWarden,Goldsmiths, Univ. of London

Mark SmithVice Chancellor, Lancaster Univ.

Paul ThompsonRector, Royal College of Art

Nigel CarringtonVice Chancellor,Univ. of the Arts London

John HughesVice Chancellor, Bangor Univ.

Deborah RoseveareHead, OECD Skill Beyond School

Youngsup ChoiSenior Research Fellow,Korea Research Institute for VocationalEducation & Training(KRIVET)

Bonggun ChungVisiting Professor, Graduate Schoolof International Studies,Seoul National Univ.

Francis FukuyamaOlivier Nomellini Senior Fellow, Freeman SpogliInstitute for International Studies, Stanford Univ.

Miho TagumaSenior Policy Analyst,Directorate for Educationand Skills, OECD

Sanghoon BaeProfessor of Education,Sungkyunkwan Univ.

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Session 2


Session 1


Skills Dynamics for Happy Education and Social Progress

Session 3


Key Competencies for Future Leaders: Social Communication and Collaboration

Session 4


Schools Nurturing Dreams and Aspirations

Lifelong Learning in the Centennial Era – For the Happy Third Age

Peck ChoDistinguished Professor,Dongguk Univ.

Michael GrundManaging Director,Merck Ltd. Korea

Haedeok Song Professor of Education,Chung-Ang Univ.

Bongwhan Kim Professor of Education,Sookmyung Women's Univ.

Gyuho HwangProfessor of Education,Ewha Womans Univ.

Byongsun KwakChairperson,Korea Student Aid Foundation

Meesook KimDirector, O�ce of Global EducationResearch, Korean EducationalDevelopment Institute

Euijoon YoonManaging Director, Core Industry Sector, O�ce of Strategic R&D Planning,Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Katarzyna KubackaAnalyst, OECD

Cary Roseth Associate Professor,Michigan State Univ.

Brian Newberry Associate Professor at the Departmentof Science, Mathematics,and Technology Education,California State Univ. San Bernardino

Kioh Jeong Professor, Graduate School of Education Policy, Korea NationalUniversity of Education

Time Program


Moderator Speaker Speaker Discussant Discussant

Moderator Speaker Speaker Discussant Discussant

Moderator Speaker Speaker Discussant Discussant

Moderator Speaker Speaker Discussant Discussant


Joongsoon LeePrincipal, Busan National Mechanical Technical High School

Hwanyoung JangAssistant Professor of Education,Dongguk Univ.

Jay RojewskiProfessor, Univ. of Georgia

Michael OsborneProfessor of Adult and Lifelong Learning, Univ. of Glasgow

Ian BaptisteProfessor, Humanities andSocial Sciences, St. George's Univ.

Heesu LeeDean, Graduate School of Global HR Development, Chung-Ang Univ.

Unshil ChoiPresident, National Institutefor Lifelong Education(NILE)

Zunsang HanProfessor, College of Sciencesin Education, Yonsei Univ.

3rd Day09:00~17:30, November 7(Thu), Vista Hall 3(B2)

◆ Track A School Education and HR

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3rd Day09:00~17:30, November 7(Thu), Vista Hall 1+2(B2)

◆ Track B Corporate Education and HR









Session 2


Session 1


How to Recruit & Train the Best Employees in Job Market

Session 3


Talented Young Entrepreneurs & Youth Start-ups in Creative Economy

Session 4


Breaking through the Wall of Conformity at Workplaces

How Global Companies Recruit C-level Executives

Tom PedersenManaging Director, Leadership andTalent Consulting, Korn Ferry International

Youngkey HwangSenior Advisor, Shin & Kim

Insik RohPresident, Samsung Economic ResearchInstitute

Kwanghwi KimVice President & Head of HR / Cluster ASP HR Business Partner,Siemens Ltd. Seoul

Julie GebauerManaging Director of Talent & Rewards, Towers Watson

Reginald BullExecutive Vice President of Global HR, Doosan Holdings

Sanghyo KimExecutive Vice President, KT

Byungdo KimDean, Seoul National Univ.Business School

Wonjae LeeCEO, YOZMA Group

Heesung LeeCountry Manager, Intel Korea

Wonho LeeExecutive Vice President,Shinhan Bank

Scott DrachVice President of Human Resources,Boeing Defense, Space & Security

Eric AlexanderVice President of BusinessDevelopment, Flipboard

Heekyung Jo MinExecutive Vice President & Global CSVExecutive Director , CJ Corp.


Heuijae PahkPresident & CEO, SNU Precision

Regis KellyDirector, California Institutefor Quantitative Bioscience(QB3)

Kweontaek ChungSVP, Director of HR & OrganizationResearch Department, SamsungEconomic Research Institute

Time Program

Moderator Speaker DiscussantSpeaker Discussant

Moderator Speaker DiscussantSpeaker Discussant

Moderator Speaker

Moderator SpeakerSpeaker Speaker

Speaker Speaker Discussant

Christopher Sungwook KhangPresident & CEO, GE Korea

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3rd Day 09:00~17:30, November 7(Thu), Mugunghwa Hall 1(1F)

◆ Track C Vocational Capacity Development and HR








Session 2


Session 1


Building Basics for Skill-oriented Society– National Competence Standards(NCS) & National Quali�cation Framework(NQF)

Session 3


Roles and Responsibility of Higher Vocational Education

Session 4


Education Welfare System for Multicultural Talents

Graduating in a Competitive Job Market: Which is the Most Required Skill or Quality?

Christian LettmayrActing Director, European Center for the Development of VocationalTraining(CEDEFOP)

Jiyong ChunPresident, Kyungbok Univ.

Kiwon JangPresident, Kookje College

Giwoo LeeChairman, Korean Councilfor Univ. College Education

Cli�ord AdelmanSenior Associate, Institute for Higher Education Policy

Seongchul LeeChief Learning O�cer,Hyundai Motor Group

Jingu JangPresident, Yonsei Management Consulting Group (YMCG), A Business Club of Yonsei Univ.

Jongkoo ParkChairman & CEO, Korea Polytechnics

Youngjung SongPresident, Human Resources Development Service of Korea

Jeongyoon ChoSenior Research Fellow,Korea Research Institutefor Vocational Education& Training(KRIVET)

Slava Pevec Grm Senior Expert, European Centerfor the Developmentof Vocational Training(CEDEFOP)

Simpson PoonVice President, Technologicaland Higher Education Instituteof Hong Kong

Melissa McEwenGeneral Manager, Skills Connectand Asian Connections Branch,Department of Industry,Australian Government

Sangmee BakProfessor, Division of International Studies,Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies

Ohhyun KwonDirector, Center forMulticultural Education, Seoul National Univ.

Kyemin YangResearch Fellow,National Youth Policy Institute

Namchul LeeDirector General, Korea ResearchInstitute for Vocational Education& Training(KRIVET)

Randall HansenDirector, Centre for European Russianand Eurasian Studies,Munk School of Global A�airs,Univ. of Toronto

Alessandro ColomboDirector of Institutional Relations& Communication, Éupolis Lombardia Institutefor Research, Statistics and Training

Junseok LeeCEO, Classe Studio

Peck ChoDistinguished Professor, Dongguk Univ.

Time Program

Moderator Speaker DiscussantSpeaker Discussant

Moderator Speaker DiscussantSpeaker Discussant

Moderator Speaker Discussant

Moderator PanelistPanelist

Panelist PanelistPanelist

Speaker Discussant

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Session 2


Session 1


Developing Leaders of Character at West Point

Session 3


Beyond the Classroom Walls to Communicate with the World

Session 4


Gifted Youth Education: Now and the Future

Sunny YiManaging Partner, Bain & Company, Inc.

Kyungchan Min Professor of Mathematics, College of Science,Yonsei Univ.

How Social Media Changes HR

Timothy TrainorBrigadier General & Dean of the Academic Board,United States Military Academy, West Point. US Army

Richard SinclairDean, Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, UNT

Hang Kim HooPrincipal, National Univ. of Singapore(NUS) High School of Mathematics and Science

Jinsook KimDirector, Smart EducationR&D Division, Korea Education andResearch Information Service(KERIS)

Eunsoon BaikExecutive Director,National Institute for Lifelong Education(NILE)

Bruce DixonCo-Founder & President,Anywhere Anytime Learning Foundation(AALF)

Eunhee JungFounder & Chairperson,IVECA International Virtual Schooling

Jaeho LeeProfessor, Departmentof Computer Education, Gyeongin National Univ.of Education

Margaret KeyMarket Leader, Burson-Marsteller Korea

Madan NagaldinneHead of HR, Asia-Paci�c Facebook








Time Program

Interlocutor Speaker




Moderator Speaker




Discussant Discussant

3rd Day09:00~17:30, November 7(Thu), Mugunghwa Hall 2(1F)

◆ Track D Specialized Education and HR

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Related Events





RELATED EVENTSEAP - GHR Workshop: Reforming TVET in Higher Education



November 4(Mon), 2013, 08:30~17:00Pine(4F), Sheraton Grande Walkerhill20 participants of TVET experts and high-ranking officials from East Asia and the Pacific Region CountriesKorean Ministry of Education, World Banks,Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and TrainingCase Studies of Skills Development in East Asia and the Pacific Region, Analysis of Trends and Issuesof TVET in Higher Education


East Asia Summit Technical Vocational Education Providers Network 2013 Inaugural Annual ConferenceDateVenueParticipants


November 4(Mon)~7(Thu), 2013Somerset Palace SeoulAbout 70 general director level government officers responsible TVET and Experts from 18 Different Countriesincluding ASEAN Countries, Korea, China, Japan, U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Russia, India Korean Ministry of Education, Australia Federal Government’s Ministry of Education and Ministry of IndustryKorea Research Institute for Vocational Education and TrainingStrengthening TVET Cooperation among EAS countries by Developing Regional Network of Leading TVETInstitution. Sharing TVET Experience in Six TVET Key Issues and Developing Cooperation Project Development:e-Learning, Trades and Qualification Recognition, Industry Driven Skills Training and Competitive SkillsDevelopment for SMEs, Labor Market & Skills Information Data Collection System


Educational TourDateTour Courses




November 5(Tue), 2013, 08:00~18:00- Course A: International Campus of Yonsei University, Samsung D’LIGHT Hall- Course B: Korea National University of Arts, National Museum of Korea, SK Telecom (T.um Hall)Approximately 100 Participants including Invited Officials from Global Organizations andGlobal HR Forum Speakers, Education Councilors of the Foreign Embassies to Korea,International Business Leaders, International Students and etc.Korean Ministry of Education, Korea Economic Daily, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and TrainingTo Provide an Opportunity Korea’s Best HR Training Programs First Hand which hasPlayed an Integral Role in Korea’s Development


Meeting with the Future Entrepreneurs and the Global LeadersDateVenueParticipants


November 7(Thu), 2013, 12:30~14:00Art Hall(4F), Sheraton Grande WalkerhillCEO and Scholars from the Global HR Forum Participants and Students from ERIGI(Educational Research Institute for the Gifted in Invention) that Operated by KIPA,KAIST and POSTECHKorea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA)Giving Opportunities to Selected Young Students through the Arranged Meeting withthe World’s Greatest Scholars


FTA HR ForumDateVenueParticipantsHostsObjectives

November 5(Tue), 2013, 07:00~09:00Garnet Suite(37F), Lotte Hotel SeoulFTA HR Forum Committee Members and Invited SpeakersKorea Economic Daily, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and TrainingAs a Pre-conference Event of Global HR Forum, Human Resources Development Policies for Globally CompetitiveSmall and Medium Sized Companies will be Discussed Based on the Experiences of Fashion Industries in Milano,Italy(Theme - Skills and Synergies as Drivers of Success of Milan Fashion Industry)


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Session Description andSpeaker’s CV

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Chairman & CEO, Institute for Global EconomicsInterlocutor Il Sakong

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak will speak about how Israel

has become a global high-tech hub and one of the world's strongest

countries through the power of creative human talents.

SpeakerFormer Prime Minister of IsraelEhud Barak

How Israel Developed its Human Talentsthrough the Creative Process

Keynote Speech


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Keynote Speech


Chairman & CEO, Institute for Global EconomicsIl Sakong

Education1969 Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles1966 MBA, University of California at Los Angeles1964 Graduated from Seoul National University

Work Experiences1993 - Present Chairman & CEO, Institute for Global Economics / Adviser to the JoongAng Media Group2009 - 2011 Chairman, Presidential Committee for the G20 Summit2008 - 2009 Special Economic Adviser to the President and Chairman of the Presidential Council on National Competitiveness2009 - 2012 Chairman, Korea International Trade Association2000 - 2002 Ambassador for International Economy and Trade, Republic of Korea 1987 - 1988 Minister of Finance, Republic of Korea1983 - 1987 Senior Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs1973 - 1982 Senior Fellow & Vice President, Korea Development Institute (KDI)1982 Senior Counselor to the Minister of Economic Planning Board1982 President, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET) 1979 - 1980 Senior Economist, Council on Economic and Scientific Affairs for the President1969 - 1973 Professor, New York University1971 - 1972 Visiting Professor, Sheffield University

Awards2012 “Mugunghwa Medal”, The Korean Government's Highest Order of Civil Merit 2009 The Korean Association of Translators & Interpreters’ Speaker of the Year Award2002 Korea University's Grand Prize for Distinguished Policy Makers1990 “Blue Stripes", The Korean Government's Highest Order of Public Service Merit1987 The Republic of China's Order of the Brilliant Star with Grand Cordon1986 The Kingdom of Belgium's Order of the Crown1983 “Moran Medal”, The 2nd Highest Order of Civil Merit


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Keynote Speech


Former Prime Minister of IsraelEhud Barak


• Minister of Defense of Israel (2007-2012)• Prime Minister of Israel (1999-2001)• Most Decorated Soldier in Israel's History

Ehud Barak is one of the most recognizable names in Israeli politics, a man “who over a half-century career became Israel’s most decorated soldier and held the nation’s trifecta of top positions,” according to the New York Times.Mr. Barak has served Israel as Prime Minister, Chief of General Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces and most recently as Minister of Defense, a position he took on in 2007. He was recently bestowed the United States Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Award by U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who praised Barak for his dedication to public service: “Through his distinguished military career, and the political career that followed, few people have such far-reaching and positive impacts on Israeli security and prosperity and, I have to say, on the U.S.-Israeli relationship.”A global statesman, Mr. Barak played a pivotal role in various Middle Eastern peace efforts. Last year, Foreign Policy magazine named him 13th among its 100 Global Thinkers. The Wall Street Journal declared him “one of Israel's towering military figures for much of the past two decades. He is seen as the architect of Israel's air-power-heavy modern deterrence doctrine ... Mr. Barak ended Israel's 18-year occupation of southern Lebanon in 2000, and his peace proposals at the 2000 Camp David negotiations with the Palestinians remain a blueprint for ending the conflict.”As Israel's 10th Prime Minister, Ehud Barak led the country out of prolonged recession and into an economic boom, with 5.9% annual growth, record foreign investments, near zero inflation, a halved deficit and significantly decreased external debt.However, the core of Prime Minister Barak’s government’s effort was devoted to the peace process: in May 2000 Prime Minister Barak ordered the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces from South Lebanon, ending 18 tragic and bloody years of Israel’s presence there. He led far-reaching efforts to negotiate peace agreements, first with Syria and later with the Palestinian authority, with the active participation of President Bill Clinton and his administration. Regrettably, these negotiations did not result in the breakthroughs necessary to conclude final agreements.Before being elected Prime Minister, Mr. Barak completed an illustrious 36-year career in the Israeli Defense Forces as the most decorated soldier in its history. He was a key architect of the June 1976 Entebbe Operation for the rescue of passengers on the Air France aircraft hijacked by terrorists and forced to land at the Entebbe Airport in Uganda.Additionally, he served as Chief of the General Staff of the IDF where he was involved in the negotiation and implementation of the 1994 peace treaty with Jordan – an especially meaningful event for Barak in light of his warm relationship with King Hussein.Prime Minister Barak also previously served his country as Minister of the Interior and Minister of Foreign Affairs.Mr. Barak received his Bachelors of Science in Mathematics and Physics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and his M.SC in Economic Engineering Systems at Stanford University in California.

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Chairman, Institute of Global ManagementModerator Sungchull Junn

Due to accelerated globalization and intensified competition within

the global market, multinational companies need talented leaders

who can successfully manage regionalization and internationalization,

centralization and de-concentration of their business simultaneously

in order to become winners. In addition, further development

of distinguished strategies and prosperity on using their collective

knowledge, skills and human capitals are required for those

transnational companies. In this session, CEOs from the prestigious

global companies will speak about their experiences in successful

business practices, and share ideas on possible challenges in creative

economy and strategies to improve international competitiveness.

SpeakersChairman, The Boston Consulting Group(BCG)Hans Paul Buerkner

Senior Vice President of People Operations, GoogleLaszlo Bock

Managing Partner, GallupLarry Emond

Lecture on Successful Leadership

by Global CEOs

Plenary Session 01


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Plenary Session 1


Chairman, Institute of Global Management (IGM)Sungchull Junn

Education1983 Juris Doctor, University of Minnesota1983 MBA, University of Minnesota1973 BA (Political science), Seoul National University

Work Experiences• Chairman of the Board & CEO of the Institute of Global Management• Partner, Kim & Chang, Seoul Korea• Partner, Reid & Priest, New York, USA • Editorial Writer, The Chosun Ilbo Newspaper• Chairman of the International Trade Commission, Korean Government• Secretary to the President for Policy Development • Dean of the Business School at Sejong University• Vice Chancellor of Sejong University 2001-2002

Published Books• Ten Commandments of Negotiation, 2009• Adopt the New Paradigm: Global Standards, 2003• Dreamers Never Stop, 2002 • The Way the Blue House Works, 2001• Challenging the U.S. Market, 1985


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Plenary Session 1


Chairman, The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)Hans Paul Bürkner

EducationHans-Paul Bürkner studied economics, business administration, and Chinese, receiving a Diploma from the University of Bochum, an MA from Yale University, and a DPhil from the University of Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.

Work Experiences

Published BooksSavings Behaviour and Savings Mobilization in Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis of the Philippines and Thailand


He was previously President and Chief Executive from 2003 to 2012. He joined BCG in 1981 and was a member of the teams that opened BCG's Düsseldorf (1982) and Frankfurt (1991) offices. Before becoming the firm's CEO, he was head of BCG's global Financial Services practice.Before joining BCG, Hans-Paul Bürkner worked in the Corporate Finance & International Syndication Unit at Commerzbank in Germany.

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Plenary Session 1


Senior Vice President of People Operations, Google, Inc.Laszlo Bock

EducationLaszlo earned a bachelor's degree in international relations from Pomona College andan MBA from the Yale School of Management.


Work ExperiencesGoogle has been recognized over 100 times in the last five years as an exceptional employer, including being named the #1 Best Company to Work for in the United States and in many other countries; the most desirable employer for undergraduates, college graduates, and MBAs in numerous countries; the #1 Top Diversity Employer overall, as well as #1 in the categories of Physical Disability, Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Latino/Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Black/African American, Asian/Indian, and GLBT; the best company for women in technology; the best company to work for in technology; and honors such as a perfect score from The Human Rights Campaign and Corporation of the Year from The United Negro College Fund.Laszlo joined Google from the General Electric Company, where he held various executive leadership roles within GE Capital. Before GE, Laszlo was a management consultant at McKinsey & Company, serving clients in the technology, private equity, and media industries on a wide range of strategic and operational issues, including growth and turnaround strategy. Earlier, he had worked at another consulting firm, a start-up, as an actor, and co-founded a non-profit organization working with at-risk youth.Laszlo is a member of the Board of Trustees of Pomona College.Laszlo has testified before Congress on immigration reform and labor issues; provided counsel to the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board and the Office of Personnel Management; and been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and on the Today Show.

AwardsIn 2010 he was named “Human Resources Executive of the Year” by HR Executive Magazine. He (briefly) co-held the world record for Greek Syrtaki dance along with 1,671 others.

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Plenary Session 1


Managing Partner, GallupLarry Emond


EducationEmond received his bachelor’s degree in international commerce, Asian studies, and Japanese language from San Diego State University.

Work ExperiencesLarry Emond is a Managing Partner for Gallup and a member of the company’s Executive Committee. Emond oversees Gallup’s strategy in Asia and the Western United States, working with the company’s offices and clients throughout these regions. He consults with companies in the areas of hiring, development, leadership, succession, and in strategies to drive employee and customer engagement.Prior to focusing entirely on his Managing Partner responsibilities, Emond served as Gallup’s Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Publisher for more than a decade. As Chief Marketing Officer, his responsibilities included directing Gallup’s marketing strategy and communications and developing Gallup’s broad range of measurement, training, and consulting services.Emond began his career at Gallup in 1992, when he started Gallup’s operations in Tokyo. Over the next several years, he helped open key Gallup offices across Asia, including operations in Bejing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore. In 1996, he relocated to the U.S. to take on the role of Chief Marketing Officer and was based at various times in Gallup’s Princeton, New York, and Washington, D.C., offices. Prior to joining Gallup, Emond worked for several years at the Japan Management Association Research Institute in Tokyo, a regional economic and management think tank.

Published BooksIAs Executive Publisher, he directed Gallup’s publishing endeavors, including books and the Gallup Business Journal (http://businessjournal.gallup.com). Under his leadership, Gallup authored groundbreaking management books, including the bestsellers First, Break All the Rules;Now, Discover Your Strengths, 12: The Elements of Great Managing;Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements; How Full Is Your Bucket?;StrengthsFinder 2.0; and StrengthsBased Leadership.

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Balanced Regional Development

Driven by Creative Economy

Plenary Session 02


President, Korean Council for University EducationModerator Geosuk Suh

As the number of school-aged children has dropped rapidly,

universities in non-metropolitan areas are now experiencing

difficulties attracting students. Moreover, imbalanced regional

development generates a vicious cycle of brain drain and low growth

of regional economy, as a large number of high school and college

graduates move to metropolitan areas for better schools and job

opportunities. By cooperating with local businesses and industries,

regional universities can lead the economic regeneration of local

communities. This session will hold discussions on the most

challenging problematic and the roles of the regional universities

in attracting and educating talented young people, and present how it

can contribute to successful creative economy after all.

SpeakersPrincipal & Vice Chancellor, University of DundeePete Downes

President, Miyazaki UniversityTatsuo Suganuma

President, Shenzhen UniversityLi Qingquan

DiscussantPresident, POSTECHYongmin Kim

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Plenary Session 2


President, Korean Council for University Education (Chonbuk National University)Geosuk Suh

Education• Chonbuk National University (LL.B., LL.M.)• Chouo University, Japan (LL.D.)

Work Experiences2013 - Present President, Korean Council for University Education2011 - 2012 Member, Presidential Committee on Social Cohesion2009 - 2013 Member, Saemanguem Council2009 - Present Member, National Unification Advisory Council2009 - 2010 Chairman, Korean National University Presidential Association2007 Member, Presidential Committee on Government Innovation &Decentralization2006 - Present The 15th, 16th president of Chonbuk National University1999 - 2000 President, Deans' Committee of College of Law in National Universities1997 - 2001 Dean of College of Law, Chonbuk National University1982 - 2006 Professor, Chonbuk National University

Published Books2007 Guide for Livelihood Law, Fides2006 Juvenile Law, Sechang 2004 Technology and Law, Fides2002 Women and Law, Hakwoo

Awards2010 (December 28) Order of Civil Merit, Magnolia Medal 2009 (February 24) Korean Creative Executive Award (JungAng Ilbo)2008 (November 14) Global Management Grand Prize (Japan Management Association)2007 (December 13) Annual CEO Grand Prize (Hankuk Ilbo)


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Plenary Session 2


Education1981 PhD, Department of Biochemistry, University of Birmingham1978 M.I. Biol, Biochemistry (Stockport College of Technology)

Work Experiences22009 - Present2009 200620042002 1994 19891985


1973 - 1978

Published Books• Cellular Responses to Stress. Downes, C.P., Wolf, C.R. and Lane, D.P. (eds.1999) Portland Press.• Inositol lipids in cell signalling: eds. R.H. Michell, C.P. Downes & A H Drummond. (1989) Academic Press, London.

More than 150 peer reviewed journal publications.


200420022002 - 20041999 - 200119911991198819871981


Principal and Vice Chancellor, University of DundeePete Downes

Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of DundeeActing Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of DundeeVice-Principal and Head of College of Life SciencesDean of the Faculty of Life SciencesHead of the School of Life Sciences, University of DundeeHead of Department of Biochemistry, University of DundeeProfessor of Biochemistry, University of DundeeSenior Cellular Pharmacologist, Smith Kline & French Research Ltd.,Department of Cellular PharmacologyGroup Leader, I.C.I. Pharmaceuticals DivisionM.R.C. Neurochemical Pharmacology Unit, Cambridge, U.K M.R.C. Training FellowshipI.C.I. Pharmaceuticals Division, Alderley Park, Department of Biochemistry

Academy of Medical SciencesCorresponding Scholar of the Academy of Science of BolognaFellow of the Institute of BiologyQueen’s Anniversary Prize received on behalf of the University of Dundee as Co-Director of the Division of Signal Transduction TherapyOBE for services to Life SciencesNamed in the UK top 15 most cited scientists for previous decade (14th)Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Biochemical SocietyVice Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Biochemical SocietyNamed in the UK top 10 most cited scientists for previous decade (9th)Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of EdinburghThe first Porcellati Prize for neurochemistryThe Colworth Medal (under 35 prize) awarded by The Biochemical SocietyM.R.C. Training Fellowship

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Plenary Session 2


President, Miyazaki UniversityTatsuo Suganuma


Education1978 (March) Ph.D., Shinshu University, Graduate School, Division of Medicine

Work Experiences2009 - Present President, National University Corporation University of Miyazaki2009 Executive Director/Vice President of Research and Planning (reappointment) National University Corporation University of Miyazaki2007 Executive Director/Vice President of Research and Planning, National University Corporation University of Miyazaki2004 Professor, National University Corporation University of Miyazaki, Faculty of Medicine2003 Professor, University of Miyazaki, Faculty of Medicine1989 Professor, Miyazaki Medical College, School of Medicine1984 Associate Professor, Kagoshima University, Faculty of Medicine1980 - 1982  Research Fellow, University of Pennsylvania1979 Lecturer, Kagoshima University, Faculty of Medicine1979 Lecturer, Shinshu University, Faculty of Medicine1978 Research Associate, Shinshu University, Faculty of Medicine

Published Books• Application of 10-micron thin stainless foil to a new assembly of the specimen carrier in high pressure freezing.(2005)• Fluid dynamics of the excretory flow of zymogenic and mucin contents in rat gastric gland processed by high-pressure freezing/freeze substitution.• Reappraisal of potassium permanganate oxidation applied to Lowicryl K4M embedded tissues processed by high pressure freezing/freeze substitution, with special reference to differential staining of the zymogen granules of rat gastric chief cells.(1999)• A protein-specific monoclonal antibody to rat liver beta 1-->4 galactosyltransferase and its application to immunohistochemistry.(1994)• Glycoconjugate histochemistry of the rat fundic gland using Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin-II during the development.(1988)

AwardsThe Setou Prize of the Japanese Society of Microscopy in 2007

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Plenary Session 2


President, Shenzhen UniversityLi Qingquan


Education1998 Doctor of Natural Sciences, GIS and Photogrammetry, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, China.1988 Master of Engineering, Surveying Engineering, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, China.1985 Bachelor of Engineering, Surveying Engineering, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, China.

Work Experiences2012 - Present President, Shenzhen University, P. R. China2000 - 2012 Vice President, Wuhan University, P. R. China.2000 - Present Director, Research Center for Spatial Information and Network Communication(SINC) Wuhan University, P. R. China2000 Vice President, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, P. R. China.1999 - Present Professor, State Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing(LIESMRS), Wuhan University, P. R. China.1996 - 1999 Head of Scientific Research Office, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, P. R. China.1996 - 1998 Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing(LIESMRS), Wuhan University, P. R. China.1988 - 1996 Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Surveying, Wuhan University, P. R. China.

Published Books• Qingquan Li, Shih-Lung Shaw, BishengYang, Technology and Research Frontiers of Geographic Information Systems for Transportation, Beijing, China: Science Press, 2012• Qingquan Li, Dynamic and Mobile GIS: Investigating Changes in Space and Time (Chapter 2:Opportunities in Mobile GIS), Taylor and Francis, 2006, pp19-33• Jianya Gong, Daosheng Du, and Qingquan Li etc., Contemporary Geographic Information Technology, Science Press, 2004, ISBN 7-03-012937-7, 426 pages.• Qingquan Li, BiSheng Yang, and Wenzhong Shi etc., Realtime Acquirement, Modeling and Visualization for 3D Spatial Data, Wuhan University Press, 2004, ISBN 7-307-04031-X/P.66, 288 pages.• Lianying Li, Qingquan Li, and Hanwu Li, Developing GIS Based on MapX (VB Edition), Wuhan University Press, 2003, ISBN 7-307-03931-1/P.61, 159 pages.• Deren Li,Qingquan Li, Xiaoling Chen , and Huazhong He, New Prospect in Information——Introduction to Geospatial Informatics, ISBN 7-5351-2752-5/N.39, 524 pages.

Awards• Cross-century Scientists• Special Subsidized Expert of the State Council• The 9th Youth Scientists Winner

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Plenary Session 2


President, Pohang University of Science and Technology(POSTECH)Yongmin Kim


EducationDr. Yongmin Kim received BS degree in electronics engineering from Seoul National University in 1975,and MS and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from University of Wisconsin in 1979 and 1982, respectively.

Work ExperiencesFor 29 years from 1982 to 2011, he was Professor of Bioengineering, Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Adjunct Professor of Radiology and Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington in Seattle. From 1999 to 2007, he was Professor and Chair of Bioengineering. From 2004 to 2007, he was the Hunter and Dorothy Simpson Endowed Chair in Bioengineering. In September 2011, he came back to Korea after 35 years in the U.S. to become the President of Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH).

He was a member (Chairman during 1993-1994) of Steering Committee of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging from 1990 to 1996 and again from 2007 to 2011. He has been a member of the Editorial Board of Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE TBME, IEEE TITB, IEEE Press series, and Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering.

He was Program Chair of 1989 IEEE EMBS Conference and Chair of SPIE Medical Imaging Image Display Conference from 1990 to 1999. He was Symposium Chair of SPIE Medical Imaging from 1998 to 2001. He was Conference Co-Chair of 2009 IEEE EMBS Conference in Minneapolis. He has been a consultant to Texas Instruments, Intel, MITRE, Siemens, Hitachi, Fujitsu, Canon, Samsung, and many other organizations. He has served on the Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Board of several companies. He has been a member of the External Advisory Board for Cleveland Clinic Foundation, University of Wisconsin, University of Utah, University of Florida, POSTECH and KAIST, and an external reviewer for many academic programs. He was an IEEE/EMBS distinguished lecturer and Chair of Distinguished Lecturer Committee in 1997~1998 and Awards Committee in 2001~2002. From 1992 to 2006, he was an ABET program evaluator for computer engineering and bioengineering. He served on IEEE Fellow Committee from 1998 to 2001. He was Chair of IEEE/EMBS Fellows Committee. He served on IEEE Awards Board and IEEE TAB Periodicals Committee. He served on the IEEE/EMBS Administrative Committee for many years. He was President-Elect of IEEE/EMBS in 2004, President in 2005 and 2006, and Past President in 2007.

Published BooksHe has more than 450 research publications.“Inter and intraobserver variability in real-time thyroid elastography using in vivo compression,”, “Objective ultrasound elastography scoring on thyroid nodules,”, “Thyroid ultrasound and elastography using carotid artery pulsation – utility in diagnosis and management, , etc.

AwardsHe received the 2003 Ho-Am Prize in Engineering. In 2005, he received the Distinguished Achievement Award from University of Wisconsin. He received the IEEE/EMBS Early Career Achievement Award and the IEEE/EMBS Distinguished Service Award in 1988 and 2010, respectively. In 2011, he received the IEEE EMBS William J. Morlock Award and the KOSOMBE (Korean Society for Medical and Biological Engineering) Award. In 2012, he was selected as the UW Medicine Inventor of the Year.

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New Roles of Universitiesin Creative Economy as a Center

for Knowledge Creation & Integration

Plenary Session 03


Vice President of Research, KAIST Moderator Byoungyoon Kim

In a knowledge-based society, creative talents are decisive in achieving the competitiveness of one country. Accordingly, the importance of higher education which cultivates creative and multidisciplinary talents who can enhance national competitiveness is growing more and more. In these days, many universities in Korea have faced challenges, such as a decrease in number of high school graduates, globalization of higher education and transference from industrial society of mass production to knowledge-based society of high-value products. Therefore high ranking universities in Korea should no longer be complacent about their superior status in the local community. They have to make efforts to compete with renowned higher education institutions overseas and transform in education and research. The Korean government has also pursued various policy measures to enhance the competitiveness of universities to the global level. Meanwhile, top universities around the world have achieved global competency through innovation in their education and research system. They have influence on changes in countries and companies as well. In this session, presidents of top universities will introduce their experiences of innovation in higher education, and discuss strategies to enhance the competitiveness of universities.

SpeakersChancellor, University of California- San Diego Pradeep Khosla

Director, California Institute for Quantitative Bioscience(QB3)Regis Kelly

Senior Vice President, ETH GlobalGerhard Schmitt

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Plenary Session 3


Vice President of Research, KAISTByoungyoon Kim


Education1982-1985 Stanford University, Ph. D. in Applied Physics 1977-1979 KAIST, M. S. in Physics 1973-1977 Seoul National University, B. S. in Physics

Work Experiences2013-Present Vice President of Research, KAIST 2012-2015 Director, Optical Society of America 2010-2011 President, Optical Society of Korea 1999-2008 Founder and Chairman, Novera Optics, Inc.1995-2005 Founder and board member, FiberPro, Inc.1990-Present Professor, Department of Physics, KAIST1985-1990 Research Associate/Assistant Professor, Stanford University1979-1982 Member of Technical Staff, KAIST

Published BooksJournal papers: 150Book Chapters: 4

Awards2001 Research Award, KAIST1999 Fellow, IOP1999 Fellow, IEEE1999 Fellow, OSA1998 Academic Achievement Award, KAIST

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Education1986 Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University1984 Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) from Carnegie Mellon University1980 Bachelor’s degree in technology from Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur, India)

Work Experiences2012 - Present Chancellor and Distinguished Professor, UC San Diego 2004 - 2012 Dean of the College of Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University 2008 - 2012 Philip and Marsha Dowd University Professor, Carnegie Mellon University2001 - 2008 Founding Director, Carnegie Mellon CyLab 2000 - 2004 Director, Information Networking Institute 1999 - 2004 Head, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 1998 - 2012 Philip and Marsha Dowd Professor of Engineering and Robotics 1997 - 1999 Founding Director, Institute for Complex Engineered Systems 1994 - 2012 Professor of ECE and Robotics1994 - 1996 Program Manager, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 1990 - 1994 Associate Professor of ECE and Robotics 1986 - 1990 Assistant Professor of ECE and Robotics

Published Books• Unetich, R. Carley, R., and Khosla P. K., Experimental Context for Introduction to Electrical and Computer EngineeringGPS System, McGraw Hill College Custom Series, September, 1998.• Carley, R., and Khosla, P. K., Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering: Taught in Context, McGraw Hill College Custom Series, January, 1997. • Carley, R., and Khosla, P. K., Experimental Context for Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGraw Hill College Custom Series, September, 1996.

Awards• 2012 Light of India Award• IBM Faculty Award• (Inaugural) Academic Excellence Award, Pan IIT• Lifetime Achievement Award, ASME• Cyber Education Award, Business Software Alliance• Distinguished Alumnus Award, IIT• W. Wallace McDowell Award, IEEE Computer Society• SiliconIndia Leadership Award for Excellence in Academics and Technology• ASEE 1999 George Westinghouse Award for Education

Plenary Session 3


Chancellor and Distinguished Professor, University of California-San DiegoPradeep Khosla


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Plenary Session 3


Director, California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3),University of California San Francisco

Regis Kelly

Education1969 - 71 Postdoc, Lab of Zach Hall, HarvardMedicalSchool, Boston, MA1967 - 69 Postdoc, Lab of Arthur Kornberg, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CA1967 Biophysics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA1961 B.Sc, Physics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Work Experiences2004 - Present Director, California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3)2000 - 2004 Executive Vice Chancellor, UCSF1995 (Nov) - 2000 Chair, Dept of Biochemistry & Biophysics, UCSF1992 - 2000 Director, Hormone Research Institute, UCSF1988 – 1995 Director, Program in Cell Biology, UCSF1971 - Present Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF

Published Books• Kelly, R.B. (1993). Storage and release of neurotransmitters. Supplement to Cell 72/Neuron 10, 43-55.• Kelly, R.B. & Grote, E. (1993). Protein targeting in the neuron. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 16, 95-127.• Faundez, F., Horng, J.-T. & Kelly, R.B. (1998). A function for the AP3 coat complex in synaptic vesicle formation from endosomes. Cell 93, 423-432. • Kelly, R.B. (1999). An introduction to the nerve terminal. In: Neurotransmitter Release: Frontiers in Molecular Biology, ed. H. Bellen, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-33.• Marie, B., Sweeney, S.T., Poskanzer, K.E., Roos, J., Kelly, R.B., Davis, G.W. (2004) Dap160/intersectin scaffolds the periactive zone to achieve high-fidelity endocytosis and normal synaptic growth. Neuron 43, 207-219. Selected from total of 146

Awards2013 American Association of Arts and Sciences2011 Bay Area Business Hall of Fame – Bay Area Council1998 - 2000 Johnson & Johnson Focused Giving Program Award1995 - 2000 Albert Bowers Chair1986, 1992 Jacob Javitz Memorial Award, National Institutes of Health


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Education1983 Technical University of Munich, TUM, Dr.-Ing.1981 University of California, Berkeley, M. Arch1979 Technical University of Munich, TUM, Dipl.-Ing

Work ExperiencesGerhard Schmitt is Professor for Information Architecture at ETH Zurich, Director of the Singapore-ETH Centre in Singapore and Senior Vice-President of ETH Global. Since 2010, Gerhard Schmitt leads the Singapore-ETH Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability. It started with the establishment of its first trans-disciplinary project, the Future Cities Laboratory, which rapidly evolves into a global think tank and scenario simulation institute for the sustainable development of new and existing cities.2012 - Present Senior Vice-President ETH Global, ETH Zurich2010 - 2013 Director of Singapore-ETH Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability, Singapore2008 - 2012 Senior Vice-President International Institutional Affairs ETH Zurich2005 - Present Professor for Information Architecture, ETH Zurich1998 - 2008 Vice-President for Planning and Logistics, ETH Zurich1988 - 2005 Professor for Computer Aided Architectural Design, ETH Zurich1984 - 1988 Assistant/Associate Professor for CAAD, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh

Visiting Positions1997 - 1998 Delft University of Technology, Bouwkunde1993 - 1994 Harvard University, Graduate School of Design 1992 Technical University of Denmark, Department of Graphical Communication 1991 Catholic University of Leuven, Department of Architecture

Published Books2012 A Planning Environment for the Design of Future Cities, Springer2010 ECAADE 20102008 Visualising Future Cities in the ETH Value Lab, Springer1999 Information Architecture, Birkhäuser

Awards2010 The European Culture of Science Award for ETH Science City2010 Microsoft Best of Silverlight – Silver

Plenary Session 3


Senior Vice President, ETH GlobalProfessor for Information Architecture, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Gerhard Schmitt


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The Secret of Vocational Education and Trainingin Germany, Switzerland & Singapore:

How Did They AchieveWorld’s Lowest Youth Unemployment Rate?

Plenary Session 04


European Bureau of Statistics announced the unemployment rate, 5.5%, and the youth unemployment rate, 7.7% in Germany (2013). The youth unemployment rate of Switzerland is even lower 6.0%. The figures are significantly lower compared with 7.6% and 16.2% in the U.S. last month, and 12.0% and 24% of the entire eurozone. The vocational education and training systems of Germany and Switzerland are the keys to maintain solid growth and a low unemployment rate of the German economy. The apprenticeship systems of the countries are well organized to develop skills with balanced combination of theoretical education and workplace-oriented practice. According to the estimates of the Cologne Institute of Management, Germany's vocational education system dropped the youth unemployment rate by an average of 5 percentage points. The vocational education and training systems of Germany and Switzerland are managed to provide the best talent to meet the demands of enterprises on the basis of theory and field experience accumulated. The most strong point of the system is that corporate can have fully-fledged skilled technicians. Furthermore, not only skills but also the loyalty to the employers is very high. In addition, the preferential climate for technicians and the socio-economic status for technical masters are as good as the highly educated. In this session, as a way to solve youth unemployment, we want to discuss the characteristics and strengths of vocational education and training in Germany and Switzerland, the current status of Singapore which introduced German’s system, and the implications.

President, Korea Research Institutefor Vocational Education & Training(KRIVET)

Moderator Youngbum Park

SpeakersActing Director, European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(CEDEFOP)

Christian Lettmayr

Head of Research Division Comparative Education Systems,ETH Zurich, Swiss Economic Institute

Ursula Renold

Principal & CEO, Nanyang PolytechnicChan Lee Mun

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Plenary Session 4



President, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET)Youngbum Park

EducationSeptember 1982 - January 1986 Cornell University in U. S. A., Ph. D.March 1976 - August 1981 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Korea, B. A.,(Major/English, Economics)

Work ExperiencesOctober 2011 - Present Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Seoul, KoreaMarch 1997 - Present Professor, Hansung UniversityFebruary 2010 - October 2011 Dean, Academic Affairs Office, Hansung UniversityMarch 1988 - February 1997 Senior Fellow, Korea Labor InstituteMarch 1986 - July 1988 Visiting Fellow at Korea Institute for Economics and Technology, Seoul, Korea

Published Books• Labor-management, Irregular Workers and Jobs, Hansung University Press, 2012• Understanding Non-Union Management, Hansung University Press, 2011• Employment Relations in Overseas Korean Firms, Hansung University Press, 2010 • “Globalization and Employment Relations in the Korean Automotive Industry”, Globalization and Employment Relations in the Auto Assembly Industry: A Study of Seven Countries, Bulletin of Comparative Relations, 2008

Awards2011 Good Book Award’ given by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Korea2010 Good Book Award’ given by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Korea2008 President of Republic of Korea’s Citation1998 Chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea’s Citation

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Plenary Session 4



Acting Director, European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(CEDEFOP)Christian Lettmayr

EducationChristian Lettmayr holds master’s degrees in business administration and economics from the Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien (Economic University of Vienna) and in vocational and technical education from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, where he was a Fulbright scholar.

Work ExperiencesChristian Lettmayr, Acting Director of Cedefop since 16 October 2010, was born 1951 in Austria. He had served as Deputy Director of Cedefop since 2005.From 1985 to 1994 he served as Deputy Director and subsequently Director (1994-2001) of the Austrian Institute for Small Business Research (KMU Forschung Austria) in Vienna.In 2001 he took up an assignment with the Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry at the European Commission, where he contributed to the benchmarking of enterprise policies and to competitiveness analysis. Mr. Lettmayr has a background in socio-economic research and in managing research institutions. Through policy-oriented research and participation in various advisory groups he has contributed to the design and implementation of European and national policies.An entrepreneur who, among other businesses, ran his own consultancy firm and managed an import export company, he has lectured at the Hernstein Institute for Management and Leadership, the Social Academy in Vienna, the continuing education institution Wifi-Wien, and the Universities of Vienna and Innsbruck. He has also been a member of professional commissions, such as Meisterprüfungskomissionen (commissions awarding vocational diplomas) of several trades in Vienna. Through these activities he has gained hands-on experience of vocational training, continuing education, and the design of training courses.

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Plenary Session 4



Head of Research Division Comparative Education Systems,ETH Zurich, Swiss Economic Institute

Ursula Renold

Education• Honorary Professor in Business and Professional Education, University of Applied Labour Studies, Mannheim (Germany), since 2010• Doctorate from University of Bern, Switzerland: socio-economic thesis on the history of education• Master Degree in History, Economics and Sociology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland• Federal Baccalaureate• First education: apprenticeship as a commercial employee, Federal VET diploma, banking sector

Work ExperiencesProfessional Experience2013 - Present2013 - Present2012 - 20132005 - 2012

2001 – 2005 2003 – 2006

2000 – 2005

1995 – 2000

1994 – 1995

1990 – 1992 1987 – 1998

Head of Division, Comparative Education Systems Research, ETHZ/KOFChairman of the Board, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern SwitzerlandVisiting Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge/Boston (USA)General Director of the Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology(Federal Ministry of Economic Affaires)Deputy General Director of the Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology (OPET) and Head of the Department for Professional Education Associate Lecturer in Business and Professional Education at University Fribourg (extraofficial)Director of the Swiss Pedagogical Institute for Vocational Education (SPIVE),which has regional institutes in Lausanne, Lugano und Zollikofen; the Institute is member ofthe Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology (since 2007 autonomous status, see: Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training SFIVET)Director of Human Resources Departement, Frey Academy Zurich, Centre of Competence in Teachers Training and Quality Insurance, a spinoff of the Institute forBehavioural Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ)Senior Fellow (Oberassistentin) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), Institute for Behavioural Sciences and Lecturer in Economics and Sociology at the AKADDirector of AKAD, business college, ZurichLecturer in Economics and Sociology at AKAD (biggest private educational institution with different types of schools and a university of applied sciences)

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Plenary Session 4


Published BooksEditor• Probst, F., Renold, U. (Hrsg.). Swiss-Indian-VET-Initiative“. Schweizer Berufsbildungsexport nach Indien – Hintergründe, Pilotversuch und Ausblick. (h.e.p. Verlag). Forthcoming• Oser, F., Renold, U., John, Ernst G., Winther, E. & Weber, S. (2009): VET Boost: Towards a Theory of Professional Competencies; Essays in Honor of Frank Achtenhagen.Rotterdam (SensePublishers)• Achtenhagen, Frank; Oser, Fritz K.; Renold, Ursula (2009). Teachers‘ Professional Development, Aims, Modules, Evaluation, Rotterdam (SensePublishers)• Achtenhagen, F., Renold, U. (2009): Research on Vocational Education and Training for International Comparison as International Comparison, Rotterdam (SensePublishers)• Dubs, R., Giger, H., Kuhn, Moritz W., Renold, U., Schambeck, H., Skala, Helmut F., Triponez, P., Tschirky, H. (2007). Berufsbildung im Lichte der neuen Gesetzgebung. Liberamicorium zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Edit Seidl, Zürich (NZZ Verlag)• Oser, F.; Achtenhagen, F., Renold, U. (2006). Competence Oriented Teacher Training. Old Research Demands and New Pathways. Rotterdam (sensePublishers)• Frey, A., Jäger, R.S. & Renold, U. (2005): Kompetenzdiagnostik - Theorien und Methoden zur Erfassung und Bewertung von beruflichen Kompetenzen. Landau (Verlag Empirische Pädagogik) • Frey A., Jaeger, R.S. & Renold U. (2003): Kompetenzmessung – Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Befunde. Landau (Verlag EmpirischePädagogik) 17 (2)

Books• Renold, U., Nenniger, P. Frey, A. &Balzer, L. (2005): La réforme de la formation commerciale de base. Conséquences et mise on oeuvre de la réforme. Landau (Verlag EmpirischePädagogik) 225 pp.• Renold, U., Nenniger, P., Frey, A. & Balzer, L. (2004): Reform der kaufmännischen Grundbildung. Band 4: Konsequenzen und Umsetzungen der Reform. Landau (Verlag Empirische Pädagogik) 219 pp.• Balzer, L., Frey, A., Renold, U. &Nenniger, P. (2002): La riforma della formazione commerciale di base. Volume 3b: Riassunto dei risultati chiave della valutazione. Landau (Verlag EmpirischePädagogik) 37 pp.• Balzer, L., Frey, A., Renold, U. &Nenniger, P. (2002): La réform de la formation commerciale de base. Volume 3a: Aperçu des résultats centraux de l'évaluation. Landau (Verlag EmpirischePädagogik) 38 pp.• Balzer, L., Frey, A., Renold, U. &Nenniger, P. (2002): Reform der kaufmännischen Grundausbildung. Band 3: Ergebnisse der Evaluation. Landau (Verlag Empirische Pädagogik) 435 pp.• Frey, A., Balzer, L., Renold, U. &Nenniger, P. (2002): Reform der kaufmännischen Grundausbildung. Band 2: Instrumente der Evaluation. Landau (Verlag Empirische Pädagogik) 424 pp.• Renold, U. (1998): ”Wo das Männliche anfängt, da hört das Weibliche auf”! Frauenberufsbildungsdiskussionen im Spiegel der sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklung (1860-1930). Diss. Universität Bern. Brugg (Selbstverlag) 810 pp.• Renold, U. (1998): Themenheft ”Aargauische Frauengeschichte(n) in vier Teilen” im Rahmen des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt ”Die Entwicklung des Geschichtsbewusstseins Jugendlicher im Aargau durch die 200-Jahr-Jubiläumsfeiern zur Helvetik 1798/1803”. Aarau (Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Aargau) 60pp.• Ott, Ph., Renold, U. (1997): Globalbudget und Schulautonomie in höheren Bildungseinrichtungen: Bereiche Personal, Curriculum/Lehrplan, Qualität des Unterrichts, Führung/Organisation. Zürich (Frey Akademie) 78 pp.• Renold, U. (1996): Globalbudget und Schulautonomie in höheren Bildungs¬einrichtungen: Bereich Finanzen. Zürich (Frey Akademie) 101 pp.

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Plenary Session 4


Education1990 Master of Arts (Education), Stanford University, USA1984 Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering), National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE 1976 Bachelor of Science (Mechanical Engineering), University of Surrey, UK

Work Experiences• Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore 2007 - Present Principal & CEO1998 - 2007 Deputy Principal (Academic), and Registrar1992 - 1998 Director (Academic & Student Affairs), and Registrar

• Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore1991 - 1992 Senior Deputy Head, Department of Maritime Technology & Transportation1976 - 1991 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Principal Lecturer, Department of Marine Engineering

Published BooksContributed chapter on “Polytechnic Education” in “Toward a Better Future – Education and Training for Economic Development in Singapore since 1965”, edited by LEE Sing Kong, GOH Chor Boon, Birger FREDRIKSEN, and TAN Jee Peng; a co-publication of The World Bank and the National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

Awards2013 NTUC (National Trade Union Congress) Medal of Commendation Award2012 Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University of Stirling, UK2002 Singapore National Day Award - Public Administration Medal (Silver)


Principal & CEO, Nanyang Polytechnic, SingaporeChan Lee Mun

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“Speaking of Future”

by Francis Fukuyama

Special Session 01


Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow,Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies,Stanford University

Speaker Francis Fukuyama

Francis Fukuyama is one of the most influential social & political

philosophers of our time. Since publishing his global bestseller

The End of History and the Last Man in 1992, Fukuyama has cemented

himself as a hugely influential thinker, and has continued writing

thoughtful books and sharing fresh insights with his readers

worldwide. Especially in his newest book, The Origins of Political

Order, he covered interesting topics such as history and nature of

politics and the origins of democratic societies, showing his broad and

in-depth knowledge on history, archaeology, socio-biology, economics

and political science. In this session, Dr. Fukuyama will share

his thoughts and perspectives on the future of Northeast Asia and

the World.

Interlocutor President & CEO, Hyundai Research InstituteJoohyun Kim

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Special Session 1


President & CEO , Hyundai Research InstituteJoohyun Kim

EducationAugust 1989 Ph.D. Department of Finance, College of Business Arizona State University, USA December 1983 M.S. Department of Business Administration, College of Business Iowa State University, USA February 1980 BA. Department of English Literature Sogang University, Korea

Work Experiences2012 - Present Policy Advisory Committee of National Human Rights Commission of Korea2010 - Present Vice president of Korea Society of Industry Convergence2007 - Present Member of Advisory Committee of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2006 - Present Member of the Advisory Committee of Economic Policy, the Federation of the Korean Industries2004 - Present President & CEO, Hyundai Research Institute

Published Books• The Map of Korean Economy (co-authored), Seoul, the Won & Won Books, 2009• Winning (Jack & Susy Welch), translation, Seoul, the Chung Rim Publishing, 2005• 21st Century Corporate Board (Ralph Ward), co-translation, Seoul, the 21st Books, 2000• Korean Securities Market (co-authored), Seoul, the Samyoung-sa, 1997• "The Combined Effects of Free Cash Flow and Financial Slack on Bidder and Target Stock Returns“, The Journal of Business (University of Chicago), Vol. 67, No. 2, 1994• "The Role of Bank L.O.C. in Corporate Tax-Exempt Financing." with Roger D. Stover, Financial Management, Vol. 16, No. 1, Spring, 1987


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Special Session 1


Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow,Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI), Stanford University

Francis Fukuyama

Education1981 Ph.D., Soviet Foreign Policy, Middle Eastern Politics, Harvard University1974 B.A., Classics, Cornell University

Work Experiences2010 - Present Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University2005 - 2010 Director, International Development Program, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University2001 - 2010 Bernard L. Schwartz Professor of International Political Economy, SAIS1996 - 2001 Omer L. and Nancy Hirst Professor of Public Policy, George Mason University

Published Books• Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy, ed. with Larry Diamond and Marc Plattner (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012).• The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011).• New Ideas in Development After the Financial Crisis, ed. with Nancy Birdsall (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011).• Falling Behind: Explaining the Development Gap between the United States and Latin America (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008). Editor. • East Asian Multilateralism: Prospects for Regional Stability (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008). Editor with Kent E. Calder. • Blindside: How to Anticipate Forcing Events and Wild Cards in Global Politics (Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2007). Editor.• Beyond Bioethics: A Proposal for Modernizing the Regulation of Human Biotechnologies (Washington, DC: SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, 2006).• America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006).• Nation-Building: Beyond Afghanistan and Iraq, editor (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 2006). Editor. • State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century (NY: Cornell University Press, 2004).• Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution (NY:Farrar, Straus &Giroux, 02)• The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order (NY: Free Press, 1999).• The End of Order (London: The Social Market Foundation, 1997).• Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity (New York: Free Press, 1995).• The End of History and the Last Man (New York: Free Press, 1992).

Awards• Democracy Service Medal, National Endowment for Democracy, 2010• Max M. Fisher Award for Excellence in Teaching, Johns Hopkins SAIS, 2010• Founder’s Award, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies• Excellence 2000 Award of the US Pan Asian-American Chamber of Commerce, May 1995• Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic, October 1993• Premio Capri International Award for the Italian edition of The End of History and the Last Man, 1992• LA Times' Book Critics Award, Current Interest category, for The End of History and the Last Man, 1992

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OECD Skills Strategy and Challenges

for Korea in an International Perspective

Special Session 02


Visiting Professor, Graduate School of International Studies,Seoul National University

Moderator Bonggun Chung

The new Korean government is proposing a national agenda for

“creative economy”, which aims sustainable economic development

based on the convergence of science, culture and industry. In order to

achieve the successful creative economy, it is required to reform

the existing skills development & utilization system, and draw more

active participation from skilled individuals in the current labor market.

During this session, OECD specialists will speak about the Program

for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies(PIAAC) and

the result of comparative analysis on the human resources capability

of the adults in Korea and other countries. The session will cover

the main findings of OECD review on skills system in Korea that will

the achievements, strengths, drawbacks and shortcoming of Korean

skills system, and also hold discussions regarding the effective skills

strategy and policies for building creative economy.

SpeakersHead, OECD Skill Beyond School Deborah Roseveare

Senior Policy Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills, OECDMiho Taguma

DiscussantsSenior Research Fellow, Korea Research Institutefor Vocational Education & Training(KRIVET)

Youngsup Choi

Professor of Education, Sungkyunkwan UniversitySanghoon Bae

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Special Session 2


Visiting Professor, Graduate School of International Studies,Seoul National University

Bonggun Chung


Education• Ed. D. Dept of Social Foundation of Education,University of Hawaii at Manoa• MA, Dept of Political Science, University of Wisconsin at Madison• BA, Dept of International Relations, Seoul National University

Work Experiences• Minister, Permanent Delegation to the OECD• Director General, Ministry of Education• Senior Education Specialist, World Bank Institute

Published BooksEducation Reform for Knowledge Economy (co-author), Samsung Economic Research Institute, 1999 (in Korean)

AwardsFulbright Scholarship 1994-1995

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Special Session 2


Head, OECD Skill Beyond SchoolDeborah Roseveare


EducationBA (honours) in economics, Victoria University of Wellington BA in economics, Victoria University of Wellington

Work Experiences- Head, Skills Beyond School Division, Directorate for Education and Skills- Head, Education and Training Policy Division, Directorate for Education From June 2007 to Present Ms Roseveare became Head of the Skills Beyond School Division in February 2012 following a reorganisation within the Directorate. The division’s work spans the Survey of Adult Skills, policy-relevant analysis on the development and utilisation of skills for youth and adults, including the OECD Skills Outlook and advice to countries on using the OECD Skills Strategy to build more effective skills systems at national and local levels. The division also includes analysis and policy advice on developing skills through more effective vocational education and training and higher education. Ms Roseveare was previously Head of the Education and Training Policy Division, where she wasresponsible for providing policy analysis and advice to help governments develop effective and efficient policies for education and learning, from early childhood education and care through to adult learning. Ms Roseveare manages a team of policy analysts, economists and support staff as well as being a member of the Management Group of the Directorate for Education and Skills. - Head of Country Desk, Country Studies Branch, Economics DepartmentFrom January 2004 to May 2007, Canada and New Zealand deskFrom December 1999 to December 2003, Sweden and Denmark desk As Head of Desk, Ms Roseveare was responsible for preparing draft OECD Economic Surveys for consideration and approval of the Economic and Development Review Committee. Each draft Survey covered both macro-economic and structural analysis and made recommendations to enhance countries’ economic performance. As Head of Desk, she was also responsible for preparing economic projections for these countries for inclusion in the OECD Economic Outlooks. - Structural Issues Co-ordinator, Country Studies Branch, ECOFrom April 1997 to November 1999 As Structural Issues Co-ordinator attached to the Country Studies Director’s office,Ms Roseveare worked on expanding and strengthening the coverage of longer-term structural issues and building desks’ capacity to undertake high quality structural analysis. Ms Roseveare also assisted the Director in managing the working practices of the Economic and Development Review Committee. During this period she also played a major role in the Job Study follow-up project “Fostering Entrepreneurship”, managing country case studies and drafting the policy conclusions.- Working Group on Reform (internal secondment)From July 1996 to March 1997 (on maternity leave from December 1996 to March 1997)Ms Roseveare was part of the working group set up to advise the incoming Executive Director on reforms to the support services of the organisation. This included contributing to streamlining support services and improving their service delivery and analytical work on loss of employment indemnities.

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Special Session 2


- Senior Economist, Public Economics Division, Policy Studies Branch, ECOFrom September 1993 to June 1996 As senior policy analyst in the Public Economics Division, Ms Roseveare carried out a range of analyses of public economics issues. These included updating the OECD methodology for measuring cyclically-adjusted budget balances, developing and applying new framework for simulating the long-term impact of ageing populations on the evolution of public pensions and age-related health spending on future public finances and updating OECD measures of public debt and clarifying their alignment with the Maastricht criteria.- Economic Counsellor, New Zealand Permanent Delegation to the OECD From August 1990 to August 1993Ms Roseveare was seconded from the NZ Treasury to the NZ Permanent Delegation to the OECD as Economic Counsellor, representing NZ across a wide range of topics in OECD Council and committee meetings, including the Economic Policy Committee and the Economic and Development Review Committee. She was elected vice-chair of the OECD’s Economic and Development Review Committee in 1992 and 1993. - Manager, Fiscal Analysis, Budget Management Branch, NZ TreasuryFrom November 1988 to July 1990Ms Roseveare was responsible for managing key parts of the NZ Budget process, including preparing the appropriations. During this time she redesigned and implemented changes to the budget preparation process as part of the financial management reforms embodied in the Public Finance Act, 1989, which introduced output-based appropriation and accrual accounting principles.

Earlier experience• Senior analyst on health policy, Social Policy and Government Services Branch, Treasury (May 1988 to November 1988) • Manager, Macroeconomics and Trade Section, Department of Trade and Industry (November 1986 to May 1988)• Economic analyst, Macroeconomics Section, Department of Trade and Industry (December 1984 to November 1986)• Several positions, Department of Statistics (April 1979 to December 1984) • Assistant management services officer, Department of Education (June 1977 to April 1979)• Community volunteer (June 1974 to June 1977)

OtherMember of the Editorial Board for OECD Economic Studies from 1994 to 2003

Published Books• “Product market competition and economic performance in Sweden” OECD Economics Department Working Papers No.388: with Martin Jørgensen and Lennart Goranson, May 2004• “Migration and integration of immigrants in Denmark” OECD Economics Department Working Papers No.386: with Martin Jørgensen, April 2004• “Enhancing the effectiveness of public expenditure in Sweden” OECD Economics Department Working Papers No.345, December 2002• “Encouraging environmentally sustainable growth in Sweden” OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 289, March 2001• “Ageing populations, pension system and government budgets- Simulations for 20 OECD countries” OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 168: with Willi Leibfritz, Douglas Fore and EckhardWurzel. September 1996. (Paper subsequently published as a chapter in ZviBodie and E Philip Davis (eds.) Foundations of Pension Finance) • “Ageing populations, pension systems and government budgets - how do they affect saving?” OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 156: with Willi Leibfritz, Deborah Roseveare, and EckhardWurzel. July 1995• “Estimating potential output, output gaps and structural budget balances” OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 152: with Claude Giorno, Pete Richardson, and Paul van den Noord. February 1995• “Fiscal policy, government debt and economic performance” OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 144: with Willi Leibfritz and Paul van den Noord. June 1994• “Testing the rationality of manufacturers’ inflationary expectations”New Zealand Economic Papers, 1988: with Campbell Millar (awarded NZ Economists Association Young Economist of the Year prize) • “Survey of Manufacturers’ Responses to Economic Policy Changes following the 1984 General Election”, Department of Trade and Industry Economics Directorate Working Paper No.3: with Ann Armstrong, Jennie Taylor and Helen Foy, 1984.

AwardsAwarded NZ Economists Association Young Economist of the Year prize for “Testing the rationality of manufacturers’ inflationary expectations” New Zealand Economic Papers, 1988: with Campbell Millar.

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Special Session 2


Senior Policy Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Miho Taguma


Education• Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, France - DREA (Diplôme de recherche et d’Etudes Appliquées de niveau Maîtrise) in intercultural education and multimedia• Boston University, School of Education Boston, Massachusetts, USA- Master in Education (M.Ed.)• Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan- Bachelor’s degree (B.A.)

Work Experiences2006 - Present Senior Policy Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD2003 - 2006 Associate Expert, with the scheme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Japanese Government, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, OECD, Directorate for Education2001 - 2003 Consultant UNESCO, Education Sector1996 - 2001 Curriculum development, Kanagawa University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, contracted by Westgate Japan1998 (Aug-Sep) Consultant/ researcher on quality assurance of quality assurance of teachers’ evaluation skills with a special focus on the inter- and intra- reliability in assessment of the students’ proficiency as well as on the use of ICT in higher education, ALC Press Tokyo, Japan1998 (Apr - Jul) Part-time lecturer, Showa Women’s College1998 (Feb - Mar) Volunteer Teacher, Developed teaching materials to meet the needs of the local lobar market for the employment of the upper secondary students, Promom Prum College Promom Prum1997 (Feb) Ethnographic reporter, TV-man Union Tokyo, Japan

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Special Session 2


Senior Research Fellow,Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training(KRIVET)

Youngsup Choi


Education1996 Korea University, Ph. D. in Economics (Labor economics), Seoul, Korea (Empirical Validation on the Efficiency Wage Hypothesis using Manufacturing Sector Panel Data, Ph. D. Dissertation) 1991 Korea University, MA in Economics (Labor economics), Seoul, Korea1989 Korea University, BA in Business Administration, Seoul, Korea

Work Experiences2006 - Present Research Fellow, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET), Seoul, Korea2010 - 2012 Program specialist in TVET, UNESCO Bangkok2001 - 2006 Research Fellow, Korea Research Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET), Seoul, Korea2000 - 2001 Associate Research Fellow, Korea Cultural Policy Research Institute, Seoul, Korea1997 - 1999 Deputy Director, National Statistical Office, Seoul, Korea

Published Books• A study on the regional labor and skills demand, 2012, KRIVET (in Korean)• Regional Study on School to Work Transition Information Base, 2011, UNESCO Bangkok (in English). • Innovation of Lifelong Vocational Ability Development System(Ⅱ): Empirical Studies on the Training • Financing System, 2009, KRIVET (in Korean).• A Study on the Reform of Training Counseling Service of Training Voucher System, 2009, KRIVET (in Korean).• Evaluation on Vocational Training Policy during the Recent Financial Crisis, 2009, KRIVET (in Korean).• Funding and Financing System for Vocational Lifelong Training, 2008, KRIVET (in Korean).

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Special Session 2


Professor, Department of Education, Sungkyunkwan UniversitySanghoon Bae


Education2006 Pennsylvania State University, Workforce Education and Development, Ph.D2004 Pennsylvania State University, Workforce Education and Development, M.S.1995 Seoul National University, Ethics Education, BA

Work Experiences2013 - Present Editor, Korea Journal2012 - Present Editor, International Journal on Research for Extended Education2010 - Present Professor of Education, Sungkyunkwan University2009 - Present Co-editor, Korean Social Science Journal2008 - 2010 Assistant Secretary to President for Education, Office of the President2007 - 2008 Director, International Cooperation Division, Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development2006 - 2007 Director, After-school Policy Planning Division. Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development

Published Books• Bae, S. H. & Jeon, S. B. (2013). School-based after school programs: The key to quality and equality in education, Korea’s experience in J. Ecarious (Eds.) Extended education: An international perspective, Stauffenbergstr, Germany: Barbara Budrich Publisher.• Bae, S.H.(2011). National development through education: Lessons from Korea in C.H. Lee (Ed.) Brief understanding of Korean educational policy, Seoul: Korea Educational Development Institute.• Gray,K., & Bae, S.H.(2009) Skills shortage, over-education, and youth: The international dilemma, In R. Maclean & D. Wilson (eds.) International handbook of education for changing world of work. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

Awards2010 The outstanding journal article award, Career and Technical Education Research (USA)2007 The outstanding dissertation award, The University Council for Workforce Education and Human Resource Education (USA)2006 The Outstanding manuscript award, 2006 Annual meeting of American Education Research Association (CTE SIG.)2005 Graduate Recognition Award, Penn State University, College of Education

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A Dynamic Mapping of the UK's Creative Industries:The Convergence of Art & Science (Part I & II)

Special Session 03 & 04


A decade ago the UK started to pay real attention to the creative industries as a serious part of the economy. Half of the employees in the creative industries have a university degree compared with 16% of the total national workforce. But John Newbigin argues that creative economy is much more than just creative industries and points to a report by the UK’s National Endowment for Science and Technology and Arts(NESTA) 2008, Beyond the creative industries: Mapping the creative economy in the UK. This report concluded that more creative people actually work outside the creative industries in more conventional manufacturing and business in something called ‘creative embedded employment’. This indicates that creativity sits not only at the heart of creative industries where you’d expect to see it but is a driver of the creative economy, more widely defined. Creativity can be a destructive process, which brings innovation and change and the throwing out of the old. This session will look at UK universities as critical feeders for the creative industries and creative economy driving a process whereby disruption becomes the norm.All participating universities have driven themselves hard toward interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches across art, science and other disciplines to disrupt conventional patterns of thinking and bring innovation to society and the economy.

Director, British Council KoreaModerator Martin Fryer

PanelistsVice Chancellor, Bangor University John Hughes

Vice Chancellor, Lancaster UniversityMark Smith

Principal and Vice Chancellor, University of DundeePete Downes

Principal, The Glasgow School of ArtThomas Inns

Warden, Goldsmiths, University of LondonPatrick Loughrey

Rector, Royal College of ArtPaul Thompson

Vice Chancellor, University of the Arts LondonNigel Carrington

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Special Session 3 & 4


Director, British Council KoreaMartin Fryer

Education1978 MA English Literature, Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge

Work Experiences2013 - Present Director, British Council Korea2010 - 2013 Director Programmes, British Council Pakistan2008 - 2010 Strategic Communications Consultant, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London, UK2004 - 2008 Director, British Council Argentina1986 - 2004 Previous posts in the British Council in Brazil, Turkey, Spain and the UK1982 - 1985 Field Coordinator, Voluntary Service Overseas, Thailand1981 - 1982 Arts Sponsorship Consultant, Jacob de Vries Ltd., London, UK1979 - 1980 Secondary School Teacher, Sarawak, Malaysia


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Education• PhD in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (Queen’s University Belfast)• BSc in Mathematics and Statistics (Queen’s University Belfast)

Work Experiences2010 – Present Vice-Chancellor of Bangor University2004 – 2010 President of National University of Ireland, Maynooth1991 – 2004 Professor of Information Systems Engineering, Dean and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) of University of Ulster1984 – 1986 Research Scientist, International Atomic Energy Agency

Published Books/Exhibitions Curated etc• Hughes, J.G., Object–Oriented Databases, Prentice–Hall International, London, May 1991. (Translations: Objectgeorienteerde Databases, Prentice–Hall/Academic Service, Schoon–hoven, Netherlands, 1992; Objecktorientierte Datenbanken, Hanser Verlag, Munich, 1992.)• Hughes, J.G., Database Technology: A Software Engineering Approach, Prentice–Hall International, London, May 1988.

Awards2013 Elected Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales2001 Grand Prize Winner, European IST Prizes for innovation in Software Development (with MineIT Software Ltd)1996 Elected Fellow of the British Computer Society

Special Session 3 & 4


Vice Chancellor, Bangor UniversityJohn Hughes


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Special Session 3 & 4


Education1981 PhD, Department of Biochemistry, University of Birmingham1978 M.I. Biol, Biochemistry (Stockport College of Technology)

Work Experiences22009 - Present2009 200620042002 1994 19891985


1973 - 1978

Published Books• Cellular Responses to Stress. Downes, C.P., Wolf, C.R. and Lane, D.P. (eds.1999) Portland Press.• Inositol lipids in cell signalling: eds. R.H. Michell, C.P. Downes & A H Drummond. (1989) Academic Press, London.

More than 150 peer reviewed journal publications.


200420022002 - 20041999 - 200119911991198819871981


Principal and Vice Chancellor, University of DundeePete Downes

Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of DundeeActing Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of DundeeVice-Principal and Head of College of Life SciencesDean of the Faculty of Life SciencesHead of the School of Life Sciences, University of DundeeHead of Department of Biochemistry, University of DundeeProfessor of Biochemistry, University of DundeeSenior Cellular Pharmacologist, Smith Kline & French Research Ltd.,Department of Cellular PharmacologyGroup Leader, I.C.I. Pharmaceuticals DivisionM.R.C. Neurochemical Pharmacology Unit, Cambridge, U.K M.R.C. Training FellowshipI.C.I. Pharmaceuticals Division, Alderley Park, Department of Biochemistry

Academy of Medical SciencesCorresponding Scholar of the Academy of Science of BolognaFellow of the Institute of BiologyQueen’s Anniversary Prize received on behalf of the University of Dundee as Co-Director of the Division of Signal Transduction TherapyOBE for services to Life SciencesNamed in the UK top 15 most cited scientists for previous decade (14th)Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Biochemical SocietyVice Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Biochemical SocietyNamed in the UK top 10 most cited scientists for previous decade (9th)Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of EdinburghThe first Porcellati Prize for neurochemistryThe Colworth Medal (under 35 prize) awarded by The Biochemical SocietyM.R.C. Training Fellowship

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Education2002 FRSA Fellow: Royal Society of the Arts1992 - 1998 PhD (part-time) The impact of design enhancement on innovation in small Companies School of Engineering & Design, Brunel University1995 CEng MIMechE Chartered Engineer Institution of Mechanical Engineers1988 - 1990 MDes (RCA) Industrial Design Engineering Department of Industrial Design, Royal College of Art1988 - 1990 DIC Industrial Design Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College1985 - 1988 BEng (Hons) 2.i Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol

Work Experiences2013 - Present Director of The Glasgow School of Art 2010 - 2013 Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design (DJCAD)2012 - 2013 Director of Research for the College of Art Science & Engineering at the University of Dundee2004 Director of the UK Research Council funded2001 Head of the School of Design at DJCAD 1998 Professor of Design at DJCAD1996 Director of the Design Research Centre at Brunel University1990 Co-founder of the Design Research Centre at Brunel University

Published Books• 2013 October Design Facilitation• 2010 December Designing for the 21st Century Final Report• 2009 December Designing for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Research Methods and Understanding• 2007 December Designing for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Research Questions and Insights• 2003 The Tangible and Intangible Impact of Design Activity on Business (book chapter of Design Makes a Difference) • 2002 Design Tools (chapter in Design in Business: Strategic Innovation Through Design• 1998 Design in-house: 12 case studies describing how the TCS has improved in-house design capability, Design Council

Special Session 3 & 4


Director, The Glasgow School of ArtThomas Inns


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Special Session 3 & 4


Warden, Goldsmiths, University of LondonPatrick Loughrey


Education1984 Queen's University Belfast - MA History 1978 Trent University, Ontario - Awarded Doctoral Research Fellowship1976 University of Ulster - 2:1 Honours, Contemporary History

Work Experiences2010 - Present Warden, Goldsmiths, University of London2000 - 2010 Director, BBC Nations & Regions1995 - 2000 Controller, BBC Northern Ireland1991 - 1995 Head of Programmes, BBC Northern Ireland

Published Books2004 The Heart’s Townland – a personal memoir1989 The People of Ireland – an illustrated history of human settlement in Ireland1980 - 1984 Editor Ulster Local Studies - a historical periodical1980 - 2000 Many academic articles, reviews and scripts for broadcast

Awards2011 Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts2009 Honorary Doctorate from Leeds Metropolitan University2004 Fellow of the Radio Academy1998 Distinguished Student Award University of Ulster1994 Special Sony Gold Award for leadership of Radio Ulster

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Special Session 3 & 4


Rector, Lancaster UniversityMark Smith


Education1984 - 1987 Postgraduate (PhD), Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, England. Thesis title: A Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Ceramic Phases.1984 BA (Hons) Natural Sciences (Physics), 1988 MA Natural Sciences.1981 - 1984 Undergraduate, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Work Experiences2012 - Present Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Magnetic Resonance, Lancaster University.2010 - 2011 Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Warwick, Coventry, England.2007 - 2010 Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research, University of Warwick, Coventry, England. 2005 - 2007 Chair (equivalent of Dean) of the Faculty of Science, University of Warwick, Coventry, England.2002 - 2007 Deputy Head and Chair of the Research Committee, Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, England.1998 - 2011 Reader in and then Professor of Physics (10/02), Department of Physics, as well as Director of the Centre of Magnetic Resonance (9/04-12/11), University of Warwick, Coventry, England.1992 - 1998 Lecturer in Physics and then Reader in Solid State NMR (4/95), Department of Physics, University of Kent, Canterbury, England.1991 - 1992 Research scientist in the solid state NMR group of the CSIRO, Division of Materials Science, Melbourne, Australia.1989 - 1991 Applications physicist, solid state NMR, Bruker Analytische Messtechnik, Karlsruhe, Germany.1987 - 1989 Research fellow in the Department of Physics, University of Warwick, England.

Work on External Representative Bodies(i) Member of the UK Government Treasury/Financial Skills Council (2006-08).(ii) Member of the Russell Group PVCs for Research Group, 2007-10 and asked to become convenor June 2009.(iii) Member of EPSRC SAT for research infrastructure and now member of the Strategic Advisory Network.(iv) Chair of West Midlands (South) Comprehensive Local Research Network (CLRN) 9/09-12/11.(v) Member of the Boards of JISC (2011-12) and the UK Research Reserve (2010-).(vi) International advisory panel for the Canadian High Field Solid State NMR Facility 2006-2008.(vii) NW regional councillor for the CBI.(viii) Board member of the 1994 Group and the N8 Research Partnership.(ix) Member of UUK Research and Long Term Strategy Networks.(ix) Council member of the The Higher Education Funding Council of Wales (HEFCW, 2013-).

Awards and Fellowships• 2001-2002 Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow• Fellow of the Institute of Physics since 2004

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Special Session 3 & 4


Rector, Royal College of ArtPaul Thompson


Education• BA, University of Bristol• PhD, University of East Anglia

Work Experiences2009 - Present Rector of the Royal College of Art2001 - 2009 Director of the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, New York1993 - 2001 Director of the Design Museum, London

Other Positions• Victoria & Albert Museum Trustee• Ashmolean Museum Board of Visitors Member• Wellcome Collection Programme Advisory Committee Member• Chair, Advisory Board, Fabrica

Published Books/Exhibitions Curated etcAs a broadcaster, in 1989, Dr Thompson presented the acclaimed six-part BBC education, design and technology program Techno.Dr Thompson was co-curator of the major exhibition, “The Perfect Place to Grow: 175 years of the Royal College of Art”, which ran from November 2012 to January 2013. His essay on Design for Public Spaces and Design for Social Value appears in the accompanying publication 175 years of the Royal College of Art.

Awards2012 Fellowship of the City and Guilds of London Institute

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Education• St John’s College, Oxford University (Jurisprudence) • The Courtauld Institute of Art (History of Art)

Work Experiences2008 - Present Vice-Chancellor of University of the Arts London 2000-2007 Managing Director and Deputy Chairman of the McLaren Group (automotive design and technologies)1979-2000 Baker & McKenzie (International law firm): International corporate lawyer Managing Partner of the London Office (1994-1998) Chairman of the Firm’s European Region (1998-2000)

Published Books1994 Acquiring Companies and Businesses in Europe, published by Wiley Chancery Law

Special Session 3 & 4


Vice Chancellor, University of the Arts LondonNigel Carrington


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Skills Dynamics

for Happy Education and Social Progress

Track A - 1


Chairperson, Korea Student Aid FoundationModerator Byongsun Kwak

Director, Office of Global Education Research,Korean Educational Development Institute

Discussants Meesook Kim

Managing Director, Core Industry Sector, Office of Strategic R&D Planning,Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Euijoon Yoon

The idea that skills play a central role for children's success has become the cornerstone of modern education policies and practices in OECD countries. However, ongoing assessments of schools and students tend to focus on cognitive ability, largely ignoring non-cognitive skills, such as perseverance, self-control and emotional stability.While cognitive skills are certainly important, emerging evidence suggests that non-cognitive skills are as important as cognitive skills in predicting many dimensions of children's life success and are malleable across the life cycle through interventions. Hence, it would be useful for education stakeholders to better understand which non-cognitive skills matter, how these skills interact with cognitive skills and develop via school and family inputs, and how skills affect children's life outcomes including healthy lifestyles, happiness, tertiary attainment, employment, and active citizenship.The ESP(Education and Social Progress) longitudinal study of skill dynamics led by OECD/CERI intends to analyze causal relationships among these variables and will provide an interesting discussion on how educators help children develop both cognitive and non-cognitive skills in balance, which is timely and relevant especially for Korean stakeholders who pursue 'Creative Economy' and 'Happy Education' as the core values of the current Park Geun-hye administration.

SpeakersAnalyst, OECDKatarzyna Kubacka

Associate Professor, Michigan State UniversityCary Roseth

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Track A - 1


Chairperson, Korea Student Aid FoundationByongsun Kwak


Education1977 - 1980 Ph.D. in Education at Marquette University 1966 - 1973 B.A./M.A. in Education at Seoul National University

Work Experiences2013 - Present Chairperson, Korea Student Aid Foundation2009 - 2010 President, Korea Education Research Association2005 - 2009 President, Kyung-In Woman's University 2003 - 2005 Chairperson, Pacific Circle Consortium1999 - 2002 President, Korean Education Development Institute

Published Books• Cooperation of East Asia in 21st century (Co-authorship, Nexus, 1999)• Change of Education makes a bright future (Co-authorship, Hyundae Munhak, 1998)• Logic in sight (Dong-A Publisher, 1994)• Democratic Citizenship Education (Daehan Textbook, 1994)• Curriculum (Baeyoung Publisher, 1983)

Awards• Peter Brice Award (Pacific Circle Consortium, June 28, 2012)• Distinguished Alumni Award(Marquette University, April 21, 2005)• Order of Civil Merit Mogryeon Medal (No. 26091, November 11, 2003)• Civil Merit Medal (No. 3206, December 5, 1986)

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Track A - 1


Analyst, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)Katarzyna Kubacka


Education2006 - 2010 VRIJE Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Obtained a PhD in Social Psychology. Designed and conducted experiments as well as longitudinal studies. Analysed data, using various approaches, including multilevel analyses. Proficient in SPSS; experienced in R, AMOS and Mplus. Defended the dissertation entitled „The Rules of Attraction: Trust, Anxiety and Gratitude’ in November, 2010.2004 - 2006 VRIJE Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Masters of Science. Research programme in Social Psychology. Graduated cum laude. Recipient of Huygens scholarship (awarded by NUFFIC – the Netherlands Organization for the International Cooperation in Higher Education – to 5% of students). Recipient of Rutgers Scholarship (awarded by Vrije Universiteit to 10% of students).2001 - 2004 JACOBS University, Bremen, Germany Bachelor of Arts. Double major in: Social Sciences; Social and Cognitive Psychology

Work Experiences2011 - Present OECD, Paris, France Analyst within Education and Skills Directorate, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation - Analyst on the project, Education and Social Progress’ - Contributing to empirical and conceptual work on the determinants of cognitive and non-cognitive skills and the influence of skills on individuals’ social progress2006 - 2010 VRIJE Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Teaching Instructor and Lecturer: Teaching duties within the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology - Taught a methodology course for Research Master’s students - Taught classes within a Master’s level course on Interpersonal Relationships - Supervised Bachelor and Master’s theses2002 - 2004 JACOBS University, Bremen, Germany Research & Teaching Assistant: Assisted in the Cognitive Psychology Lab of Prof. Dr. Jens Förster - Prepared stimulus material, recruited participants, conducted experiments, coded data - Assisted with teaching “Scientific Work & Learning Skills,” a course dedicated to scientific methodology

Published Articles(Selected Scientific Publications)• Kubacka, K.E., Finkenauer, C., Rusbult, C. E., & Kiejsers, L. (2011). Maintaining close relationships: Gratitude as a motivator and a detector of maintenance behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 1362-1375.• Rusbult, C.E. & Kubacka, K.E. (2009). Interdependence theory. In H.T. Reis & S. Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of human relationships (pp. 868-871). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.• Rusbult, C.E., Kumashiro, M., Kubacka, K.E. & Finkel, E.J. (2009). “The part of me that you bring out”: Ideal similarity and theMichelangelo phenomenon. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96, 61-82.

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Track A - 1


Associate Professor, Michigan State UniversityCary Roseth


Education2006 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Educational Psychology, Ph.D.2006 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Educational Psychology, M.A.1994 Dartmouth College, Spanish, B.A.

Work Experiences2007 - Present Michigan State University - Associate Professor with Tenure (2013 - Present) - Assistant Professor (2007 - 2013)2003 - 2007 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 1994 - 2003 Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, NH

Published Work• Roseth, C. J., +Akcaoglu, M., &+Zellner, A. (2013). Blending synchronous face-to-face and computer-supported cooperative learning in a hybrid doctoral seminar. TechTrends, 57, 54-59.• Roseth, C. J., +Saltarelli, A. J., &+Glass, C. R. (2011). Effects of face-to-face and computer-mediated constructive controversy on social interdependence, motivation, and achievement.Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 804-820.• Roseth, C. J., Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (2008). Promoting early adolescents’ achievement and peer relationships: The effects of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic goal structures. Psychological Bulletin, 134, 223-246.

Awards2013 Promise Award, Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association2013 Teacher-Scholar Award, Michigan State University2012 Menges Award for Outstanding Research in Educational Development, Professional and Organizational Development Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.2012 First Place Blended Course,Michigan State University-AT&T Instructional Technology Award

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Education1997 Ph.D in Education, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA1993 M.S. in Human Development, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA1982 B.A. in English Language and Literature, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

Work Experiences2000 - Present Research Fellow, Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI), Seoul, Korea2013 Director, Office of Global Education Research, KEDI, Seoul, Korea2006 - 2010 Director, National Research Center for Gifted and Talented Education, KEDI, Seoul, Korea2002 - 2003 Director, Office of International Corporation, KEDI, Seoul, Korea1997 - 201 Lecturer, Ewha Womans University/ Yonsei University/ Myungji University, Seoul, Korea1997 - 2000 English Teacher, Chungshin Girls High School, Seoul, Korea1996 Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA

Published Books• Kim, M. (2009). The factors influencing leadership skills of gifted and regular students and its implications for gifted education. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 6(2), 1-21. • Kim, M., et. al. (2009). KEDI leadership program for the gifted. Vol. 1-24. Seoul: Korean Educational Development Institute.• Kim, M., & Mutch, C. (2006). Schooling for the future survey: An overview. International Journal of Educational Research, 41(2004), 512-522.• Kim, M., & Ryu, B. (2006). New schools in a new society: Korean perspectives on schooling for the future. International Journal of Educational Research, 41(2004), 543-552.

Awards2007 Outstanding Achievement Ministry Award by Korean Ministry Education and Human Resources2002 Excellent Research Award by National Research Council of Humanities and Social Sciences, Korea1996 Summer Teaching Fellowship by Washington State University, USA1988 Distinguished Research Fellowship by University of Rochester, USA

Track A - 1


Director, Office of Global Education Research,Korean Educational Development Institute

Meesook Kim


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Track A - 1


Managing Director, Core Industry Sector, Office of Strategic R&D Planning,Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Euijoon Yoon


Education1990 PHD, Electronic Materials, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 1985 MS, Metallurgical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea1983 BS, Metallurgical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea

Work Experiences2011 - 2013 President, Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology, Seoul National University, Korea2012 Conference Chair, The 16th International Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Busan, Korea2009 - 2011 Associate Dean, Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology, Seoul National University, Korea1989 - 1999 Visiting Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA1992 - Present Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea1990 - 1992 Postdoctoral Member of Technical Staff, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, USA

Published Books• Co-authors of 230 refereed scientific papers• Co-inventors of 43 domestic and international patents

Awards• Excellent Paper Award, The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies• Sungwon Edward Award, Korean Vacuum Society

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Schools Nurturing Dreams

and Aspirations

Track A - 2


Distinguished Professor, Dongguk UniversityModerator Peck Cho

Professor of Education, Sookmyung Women's UniversityDiscussants Bongwhan Kim

Professor, Graduate School of Education Policy,Korea National University of Education

Kioh Jeong

Educational reform movement to nurture creative talents equipped with competencies that the future society requires can be said to be the trend of the global education. This is because creativity and self directed learning capability of students are becoming more important as uncertainty about the future increases. To that end, we need to transform the conventional education system of rote learning into the education that develops students’ various skills and extends their creativity. Against this backdrop, one of the most important roles of school education is nurturing creative talents by giving students an opportunity to explore their aptitude and future career while acquiring experiences and knowledge in various fields. To that end, we are introducing “Free semester system” to replace a regular semester for middle school to lay a foundation to transform overall primary and secondary education in Korea. We would also like to hold a profound discussion from a global perspective on how to implement “Free semester system”.

SpeakersAssociate Professor at the Department of Science, Mathematics,and Technology Education, California State University San Bernardino

Brian Newberry

Professor of Education, Ewha Womans UniversityGyuho Hwang

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Track A - 2


Distinguished Professor, Dongguk UniversityPeck Cho


Education• PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University • MS in Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University• BS in Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Work Experiences• Distinguished Professor, CTL, Dongguk University• Superintendent, Boys and Girls Town Schools (15 schools in 5 countries), Sisters of Maria• Acting Principal, Aloysius Junior High School, Pusan• Director, Center for Gifted and Young Entrepreneurs, Korea Intellectual Property Office• Director, Wee Counseling Center for Troubled Students, Southern Regional Headquarter, MEST, Korea Ombudsman, Michigan Technological University• Director, Innovation Center, Michigan Technological University• Professor, Department of Mech. Engineering & Engrg. Mech, Michigan Technological University

Published Books• Emotion Coaching for Teens, with S.A. Choi, Haenaim, 2012.• Lectures in Hope, Haenaim, 2011.• Emotion Coaching, with John Gottman and S.A. Choi, Hankyung, 2011.• Talent Revolution, Haenaim, 2010.• Korean Teacher, Haenaim, 2004.• Strategies for Global Information Age, with J.G. Lee, Nanam, 2002.• Know-Why and Know-How of Teaching, Haenaim, 2001.• Raising Kids Here and Now, with S.A. Choi, Handan, 2000.• Seven Reasons for Korean Revival, with S.A. Choi, Myungjin, 1998.

Awards• Haedong Award, National Academy of Engineering of Korea• Service Award, Korean Society of Engineering Education• Distinguished Faculty Award, State of Michigan• Distinguished Service Award, Michigan Technological University• Research Initiation Award, National Science Foundation• Eminent Engineer, Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society• Teetor Educational Award, Society of Automotive Engineering• Outstand Teaching Award, American Society of Engineering Education

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Track A - 2


Associate Professor at the Department of Science,Mathematics and Technology Education, California State Univ. San Bernardino

Brian Newberry


Education2003 Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Kansas1993 M.S., Educational Leadership, Northern Arizona University1985 B.S., Elementary Education, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville

Work Experiences2003 - Present California State University, San Bernardino September Associate Professor, Science Math and Technology Education, Instructional Technology.2000 - August 2003 University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas) Coordinator for Learning Generation a Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to useTechnology funded project that seeks to improve the way technology is integrated in the Teacher Preparation program at the University of Kansas.1998 - 2003 University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas) Coordinator for production and distribution for the Online Academy an Office of Special Education Programs funded project that developed web based instructional modules for online learning.1996 - 2001 University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas) Coordinator for the University of Kansas activities in Four Directions, a Technology Innovation Challenge grant that assisted Native American schools throughout the United States to use technology as a catalyst for educational reform including greater integration of local language and culture into the instructional practices.1986 - 1996 Northland Pioneer College (Holbrook, Arizona) Computer science instructor for a variety of campuses including the Arizona State Prison at Winslow, Dilcon School and Greasewood School. Classes taught include Introduction to Computer Science, BASIC programming, Pascal programming, Integrated Software, Introduction to Disk Operating Systems, and Microcomputers for Educators.1987 - 1996 Dilcon School (Dilcon, Arizona) Middle School Reading and Math teacher, Elementary School Language Teacher, Computer Teacher, Title One Project Coordinator.1985 - 1987 Greasewood Boarding School (Greasewood Arizona) Fifth grade teacher, Computer teacher Grades K-8, Chapter One math teacher Grades 5-8.

Awards• Outstanding Originator of Distance Learning• Teaching Excellence Award, College of Education

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Track A - 2


Professor of Education, Ewha Womans UniversityGyuho Hwang


Education1987 - 1992 Centre for Educational Studies, King's College, University of London (PhD) Major area of study: Philosophy of education 1981 - 1986 Department of Education, Graduate school, Seoul National University (MEd) Major area of study: Curriculum studies 1997 - 1981 Department of Education, Seoul National University (BA)

Work Experiences2012 - Present President, Korean Society for Curriculum Studies 2008 - 2010 Vice President for Faculty & Academic Affairs, Ewha Womans University2006 - 2008 Vice President for Admissions, Ewha Womans University1995 - Present Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant professor, Department of Education, Ewha Womans University 1993 - 1995 Researcher, Curriculum Research and Development Center, Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI)

Published Books2012 How to conceptualize the ‘quality’ of curriculum. The Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol. 30(3), 97-1212012 Patriotism education in a globalized multicultural nation. Korean Journal of Educational Research, ol. 50(3), 229-251 1993 Liberal education in a multicultural society, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, King's College London

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Education• 1997 Seoul National University, Received my degree Doctor of Education

Work Experiences• Senior Researcher of Korea Manpower Agency• Professor of Korea University of Technology and Education

Published Books• Career counseling in School• Career Counseling Practice• Career Education• Counseling Psychology• Personality Education

Track A - 2


Professor of Education, Sookmyung Women's UniversityBongwhan Kim


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Track A - 2


Professor, Graduate School of Education Policy,Korea National University of Education

Kioh Jeong

Education2001 Ed.D Seoul National University1995 MA in politics, Ohio University1994 M.ed in Education administration, Ohio University1980 Ed.M, Seoul National University1977 BA, Seoul National University

Work Experiences2012 Dean, Graduate School, KNUE2010 Dean, Training Institute for Principal Leadership, KNUE2001 Bureau Director of Human Resource Policy, MOE Korea1998 Professor Hongik University, Seoul Korea 1996 Administrator, Presidential Secretariat Korea1992 Consultant, Center for Education Research & Innovation, OECD Paris

Published Books2007 < What is University >, Korea Science & Art Publishing, Seoul2007 < School Exam and Democracy >, Korea Science & Art Publishing, Seoul2001 < Negotiation for Schools >, KNUE, Korea1998 < Educational Reform for Knowledge Economy >, Samsung Institute of Economic Research


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Key Competencies for Future Leaders:

Social Communication and Collaboration

Track A - 3


Professor of Education, Chung-Ang UniversityModerator Haedeok Song

As OECD's DeSeCo(Defining and Selecting Key Competencies) project

shows, the world is shifting the focus of education from knowledge

delivery to core skill building to prepare students for the future.

Skills such as communication and collaboration are increasingly

becoming more important in today's society where individuals change

careers more often or experience earlier retirement. To be able to

successfully re-plan one's career and life, one must be capable

of communicating and working well with others. The session will discuss

ways to effectively develop students' communication and collaboration

skills, and instill job ethics through school education.

DiscussantsAssistant Professor of Education, Dongguk UniversityHwanyoung Jang

Principal, Busan National Mechanical Technical High SchoolJoongsoon Lee

Professor, University of Georgia Jay Rojewski

Managing Director, Merck Ltd. KoreaMichael Grund


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Track A - 3


Professor of Education, Chung-Ang UniversityHaedeok Song


EducationPh.D. The Pennsylvania State University, Instructional Systems

Work Experiences• Associate Dean, Graduate School, Chung-Ang University• Professor, Department of Education, Chung-Ang University

Published Books• Fundamentals of HPT, Hakjisa• Fundamentals of Instructional Technology, Kyoyookbook• Designing problems for Web-enhanced PBL. In O., Tan (Ed.), Problem-based learning in e-Learning breakthroughs. Singapore: Thomson Learning

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Track A - 3


Professor, University of Georgia, Program of Workforce EducationJay Rojewski


Education1990 Doctor of Philosophy in Administration, Curriculum, and Instruction; University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Degree conferred, May 1990. Dissertation: Research in vocational special needs education: A Delphi approach 1987 Master of Science in Education in Vocational Special Needs Education; University of Nebraska at Kearney. Degree conferred, August, 1987. Thesis: Locus of control and select factors of a disabled population within a vocational rehabilitation facility1981 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Doane College, Crete, NE. Degree conferred, May, 1981

Work Experiences2013 - Present Professor, Career and Information Studies, University of Georgia2000 - 2012 Professor, Workforce Education, Leadership, and Social Foundations: Department Head (1/05 to 8/06); Co-Interim Head, Workforce, Leadership, Social Foundations (7/04 to 12/04) 1995 - 2000 Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Studies, University of Georgia1991 - 1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Studies, University of Georgia 1990 - 1991 Visiting Assistant Professor and Program Director, Department of Vocational and Technical Education, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign 1987 - 1990 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Vocational-Adult Education, University of Nebraska–Lincoln 1986 - 1985 Central Nebraska Goodwill Industries, Inc., Grand Island, NE; Vocational Grants Director (10/86–8/87); Case Manager (1/85–10/86); Instructor/Evaluator (2/85–12/85)

Published BooksBooks Authored or Co-authored • Rojewski, J. W., & Rojewski, J .L. (2001). Intercountry adoption from China: Examining cultural-heritage and other post-adoption issues. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey. ISBN: 0-89789-754-4 — 75%Books Edited or Co-edited • Rojewski, J. W. (Ed.) (2004). International perspectives on workforce education and development. Westport, CT: IAP. ISBN: 1-59311-199-1 (paper), 1-59311-200-9 (hardback) • Farmer, E. I., Rojewski, J. W., & Farmer, B. W. (Eds.). (2004). Diversity in America: Real issues of real people (2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt. ISBN: 0-7575-1475-8 • Farmer, E. I., Rojewski, J. W., & Farmer, B. W. (Eds.). (2003). Diversity in America: Real issues of real people. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt. ISBN: 0-7872-9964-2• Farmer, E. I., & Rojewski, J. W. (Eds.). (2001). Research pathways: Writing professional papers, theses, and dissertations in workforce education. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. ISBN: 0-7618-2058-2 (cloth), 0-7618-2059-0 (paper)Chapters in Books• 16 published book chapters authored or co-authoredRefereed Journal Articles• 87 published journal articles authored or co-authored

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Track A - 3


AwardsPost-Graduate Awards2011 - 2012 Distinguished Research Mentor, College of Education, University of Georgia. 2005 Meritorious Service Award from the Association of Career and Technical Education Research 2001 - 2003 University of Georgia International Fellows Program 2001 University of Georgia Teaching Academy 1997 UGA Richard B. Russell Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award 1996 Recognition from UGA chapter of Kappa Delta Epsilon as outstanding faculty member in the College of Education (student nomination) 1995 Recognition from faculty in Department of Occupational Studies for excellence in teaching 1994 Recognition from UGA chapter of Kappa Delta Epsilon (KDE) for excellence in teaching 1994 University Council on Vocational Education (UCVE) Young Scholar Award 1993 - 1994 University of Georgia Lilly Teaching Fellow 1993 American Vocational Education Research Association (AVERA) Outstanding Beginning Scholar Recognitions and Outstanding Achievements for Scholarship2012 Outstanding Poster Award [2nd Runner Up]. for poster presentation with Xue Xing (primary author) and John Mativo to the Career and Technical Education Research and Professional Development Conference—Curriculum approaches in Engineering and Technology Education undergraduate programs.2011 Outstanding Poster Award [1st Runner Up] for poster presentation with In Heok Lee and Sinan Gemici to the Career and Technical Education Research and Professional Development Conference—Critique of Research Applying t-tests or ANOVA Published in Prominent CTE Scholarly Journals.2009 Outstanding Research Paper Award for paper co-presented with S. Gemici and I. Lee to the Career and Technical Education Research and Professional Development Conference—Contributions of Work-Based Learning in Preparing At-Risk Students for Post-High School Transitions. 2008 Outstanding Research Paper Award for paper co-presented with S. Gemici and I. Lee to the Career and Technical Education Research and Professional Development Conference—Propensity Score Matching in Workforce Education Research: Efficacy of Career Academies in Raising Educational Aspirations. 2007 Outstanding Research Presentation Award for paper co-presented with S. Gemici to the Career and Technical Education Research and Professional Development Conference. Scientifically-based Research: How Does Research in Career and Technical Education Stack Up? 2004 Co-recipient of Outstanding Manuscript Award for publication in Journal of Career and Technical Education (Vol. 20). The Art and Politics of Peer Review. 2004 Co-recipient of Outstanding Research Award–2nd prize from Sichuan Education Commission, People’s Republic of China for publication in Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Social Sciences Ed., vol. 29). 四川职业教育发展中的制约因素以及反措施 [Restricting factors in vocational education development in Sichuan and counter measures]. 1998 Outstanding Article Award for publication in Journal of Vocational and Technical Education (Vol. 14). Effects of Economic Disadvantage Status and Secondary Vocational Education on Adolescent Work Experience and Postsecondary Aspirations.1997 Outstanding Research Presentation Award for paper co-presented with R. B. Hill to the American Vocational Education Research Association at annual meeting of the American Vocational Association, Las Vegas, NV. Do Gender and Academic Risk Matter? Influences on Career Decision-Making and Occupational Choice in Early Adolescence.1997 Outstanding Article Award for publication in Journal of Vocational Education Research (Vol. 21). Using Structural Equation Modeling and Path Analysis for Advancing Conceptual and Theoretical Positions: A Technical Reaction to Way and Rossman 1994 University Council on Vocational Education (UCVE) Young Scholar Award 1993 American Vocational Research Association (AVERA) Outstanding Beginning Scholar Award1993 Co-recipient of Author of the Year Award for publication in Journal of Vocational and Technical Education (Vol. 7). Learning Styles of Students in Select Vocational Education Teacher Preparation Programs 1993 Co-recipient of Outstanding Conceptual Article Award for publication in Journal of Industrial Teacher Education (Vol. 30). Toward Vocational Thoughtfulness: An Emerging Program of Research1990 Co-recipient of Outstanding Research Award for publication in Journal of Industrial Teacher Education (Vol. 27). Practices and Attitudes of Secondary Industrial Education Teachers toward Students with Special Needs 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 Developed, implemented, and supervised three separate programs that were nationally recognized by Goodwill Industries of America as Outstanding Vocational Rehabilitation Programs

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Education1994 - 1997 PhD in Chemical Engineering from University Dortmund 1988 - 1994 Master in Chemical Engineering from University of Dortmund

Work ExperiencesJuly 2013 - Present Managing Director & President of Merck Korea (Merck Ltd. Korea & Merck Advanced Technologies Ltd.) 2008 - June 2013 Vice President Advanced Technologies Development (PM-AD) 2005 - 2008 Vice President Engineering & Maintenance Gernsheim site 2000 - 2005 Director Engineering & Technology Development (ZVE-I) 1997 - 2000 Lab Manager Process Development (ZVE-P)

Track A - 3


Managing Director, Merck Ltd. Korea / President, Merck Advanced Technologies Ltd.Michael Grund


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Track A - 3


Assistant Professor of Education, Dongguk UniversityHwanyoung Jang


Education2008 Ph.D. Instructional Systems Technology Indiana University-Bloomington2003 Master of Business Administration, Organization & HRM Ajou University, Seoul, Korea1998 Master of Education, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, United States1993 Bachelor’s Degree, Dept. of English Language & Literature, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

Work Experiences2010 - Present Assistant Professor, Dongguk University, Department of Education2006 - 2010 Senior Deputy Director, MOE, Korea1994 - 2005 Deputy Director, Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, Seoul, Korea

AwardsDecember 2005 : Winning Service Merit Medal

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Education1998 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A University Graduate School 1994 Master’s Degree in Education of Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A University Graduate School of Education 1984 Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A University Engineering School 1979 Graduated from Busan National Mechanical Technical High School, Mechanical Dept.

Work Experiences2012 - Present Principal at Busan National Mechanical Technical High School2007 - 2012 Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea2005 - 2006 CEO of Asia Power Engine Co., Ltd. 2002 - 2003 University Industry Cooperation Expert at Korean Council for University College Education 1996 - 2012 Professor in Automobile Engineering at College of Engineering, Tong Myong University1988 - 1996 Teacher at Haeundae Technical High School 1987 - 1988 Managing Jin Sung Precision (Manufactured precision processed goods) 1984 - 1987 Teacher at Sekwang High School

Published Books• Effects of Ignition Energy and Pre-Mixed Gas Flow Characteristics on the Combustion of SI Engine (54 articles excluding the Ph. D. Dissertation)• A Study on the Management of a Certification System at the University level and the Link Plan with Private Qualification (Report and 31 other articles)• Automobile Manufacturing Machinery (the Ministry of Education Class 1 book and 14 other books)

Awards• Engineering Education Innovation Project Commendation (KCCE Director’s Award, Tong Myong University President’s Award)• Excellent Thesis Award (The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers Director’s Award)• Korea Venture-Startup Festival 2012 Winner (Small & Medium Business Administration Administrator’s Award)• National University Professors Study & Research Seminar Winner (Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training Director’s Award)• Excellent Research Development Award (Federation of Busan Science and Technology Director’s Award)

Track A - 3


Principal, Busan National Mechanical Technical High SchoolJoongsoon Lee


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Lifelong Learning in the Centennial Era

– For the Happy Third Age

Track A - 4


President, National Institute for Lifelong Education(NILE)Moderator Unshil Choi

The lifelong education system for rapidly aging population is one

of the most important issues nowadays as it is turning into the era of

centenarians. Lifelong education programs provide individuals with

opportunities to further develop their potentials and skills in order to

plan for the later lives after retirement. In a long run, well-designed

lifelong education system will guide social integration and enhanced

national competitiveness. The session will introduce some successful

cases of other countries, draw new directions for lifelong education

policies in our aging society, and explore the ways to improve

the education programs to meet the needs of various age groups and

social classes.

DiscussantsDean, Graduate School of Global Human Resource Development,Chung-Ang University

Heesu Lee

Professor, College of Sciences in Education, Yonsei UniversityZunsang Han

Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning, University of GlasgowMichael Osborne

Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, St. George's UniversityIan Baptiste


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Track A - 4


President, National Institute for Lifelong Education(NILE)Unshil Choi


Education1986 Ph. D. Ewha Woman's University, Graduate School of Education, Educational Sociology and Lifelong Education1981 M. A. Ewha Woman's University, Graduate School of Education, Educational Sociology1978 B. A. Ewha Woman's University (Major: Education).

Work Experiences2013 - Present Member, Sejong Special Self-Governing City Supporting Committee, Office of Prime Minister 2012 - Present Member, Commission for National Qualification, Ministry of Education.2012 - Present Member, Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning UNESCO2010 - Present President, National Institute for Lifelong Education2000 - 2005 Member, Presidential Commission for Education Innovation2006 - 2007 Chair, Policy Evaluation Committee, Ministry of Education1997 - 2010 Dean, Graduate School of Education, Ajou University1981 - 1997 Senior Research Fellow , KEDI(Korean Educational Development Institute)

Published Books2009 Management of Lifelong Education2009 Development of Lifelong Education Program2000 Lifelong Learning Administration and Policy

Awards2010 IACE International Hall of Fame 2009 Ewha Woman of the Year2005 Order of Civil Merit, Camellia Medal, Republic of Korea 1993 Research Development Award by Ministry of Education

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Track A - 4


Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning, University of GlasgowMichael Osborne


Education1984 Cert Ed in Vocational Education, Garnett College, London 1979 PhD in Organic Chemistry, University College, London 1975 BSc in Chemistry with Mathematics, University of Reading

Work Experiences1989 - 2008 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Professor in Lifelong Education1986 - 1989 Research Fellow, South Bank University1980 - 1989 Lecturer in Vocational Education, Inner London Education Authority

Published Books• Duke, C., Osborne, M. and Wilson, B. (2013) A New Imperative: Regions and Higher Education in Difficult Times. Manchester: Manchester University Press.• Preece, J., Ntseane, P.G., Modise, O.M., and Osborne, M. (2012) Engagement in African Universities: Perspectives, Prospects and Challenges. Leicester: NIACE.• Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M., Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (2010). Improving what is learned at university: An exploration of the social and organisational diversity of university education. London: Routledge.• Longworth, N., &Osborne, M. (Eds.). (2010). Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policies, Practice and Participation. Leicester: NIACE• McNair, S., Quintero-Re, L., Clarke, A., Eldred, J., Hallam, A., Lavender, P., O'Hagan, J., Pearce, R., Thomson, A., Tuckett, A., Watters, K., Osborne, M., Tibbit, J., and Tett, L. (2008) CONFINTEA VI: United Kingdom National Report: National Report on the Development and State of the Art Adult Learning and Education (ALE). Leicester: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Leicester. • Morgan-Klein, B, and Osborne M. (2007) The Concepts and Practice of Lifelong Learning. London: Routledge• Osborne, M, Sankey, K and Wilson, B. (Eds) (2007) Social Capital, Lifelong Learning and the Management of Place: An international perspective. London: Routledge• Osborne, M, Houston, M and Toman, N. (Eds,) (2007) The Pedagogy of Lifelong Learning: Understanding effective teaching and learning in diverse contexts. London: Routledge• Duke, C., Osborne, M., and Wilson, B. (2005) Rebalancing the Social and Economic: Learning Partnership and Place. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Leicester. • Osborne, M., Gallacher, J., and Crossan, B. (2004) Researching Widening Access to Lifelong Learning: Issues and Approaches in International Research.RoutledgeFalmer, London. • Osborne, M., and Thomas, E. (2003) Lifelong Learning in a Changing Continent: Continuing Education in the Universities of Europe. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Leicester.

AwardsThe book, Improving What is Learned at University: An Exploration of the Social and Organisational Diversity of University Education, received Highly Commended award from the British Society for Educational Studies in 2011

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Track A - 4


Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, St. George’s UniversityIan Baptiste


Education1994 Ed.D., Adult Education, Northern Illinois University1991 M.A., Educational Foundations and Curriculum Theory, Wheaton College, Illinois1982 B.Sc., Agriculture, University of the West Indies, Trinidad

Work Experiences2012 - Present Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, St. George’s University, Grenada2010 - Present Adjunct Professor, Penn State University, University Park2009 - 2011 Head, Pre-University & Professional Programmes, Open Campus, UWI2003 - 2009 Professor-in-Charge, Adult Education Program, Penn State University, University Park 1997 - 2011 Associate Professor of Education, Penn State University, University Park2007 - 2008 Visiting Professor, Public Health Department, St. George’s University1995 - 1997 Assistant Professor and Chair, Department of Adult and Continuing Education, National Louis University, Chicago, Illinois

Published Books2 book chapters and 26 peer-reviewed articles

Awards• Dissertation Completion Grant, LEPS Department, NIU, 1994 • Outstanding Student Service Award, LEPS Department, NIU, 1994• Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, 1993

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Education1996 Ph.D, Sociology of Education, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 1987 MA., Sociology of Education, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 1983 BA., Education , Chung-Ang University, Seoul

Work Experiences2003 - Present Professor: Department of Education, Chung-Ang University., Seoul Korea. 2007 - Present Dean: Department of Global Human Resource Development, Chung-Ang University. Graduate School, Seoul Korea. 2006 - Present Committee Member, Planning Evaluation Committee of National Research Council for Economics . Humanities and Social Sciences, Seoul Korea. 2006 - 2007 Committee Member: University established judging committee for The Department of Education and Human Resources Development, Seoul Korea. 2006 - 2007 Vice-Chairman: The Academic Council of Korean Society for the Study of Lifelong Education, Seoul Korea. 2005 - 2006 Editorial Writer, The Korean Educational Research Association, Seoul Korea. 2005 - 2007 Division Member: The Human Resources Policy Division, Policy Consultant Committee at the Ministry of Education , Seoul Korea. 2003 - Present Member of Council: Seoul Education Development Council, Seoul Korea. 1987 - 2003 Chief of the Administration: Lifelong Education Center, Korean Educational Development Institute, Seoul Korea

Published Books• Lee, H. et al. (2005) Literacy Education in Korea. MoonEum Publishers. .• Lee, H. et al (2004) Community Education. Korean Air and Correspondence University. • Lee, H. et al (2001) Lifelong Education. KyoYook Publishers .• Lee, H. et al (2001) Museum and Education. MoonEum Publishers.

Track A - 4


Dean, Graduate School of Global Human Resource Development,Chung-Ang University

Heesu Lee


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Track A - 4


Professor, College of Sciences in Education, Yonsei UniversityZunsang Han


Education1980 Ph.D., University of Southern California (Doctor of Philosophy)1976 Ed. M., University of Southern California (Master of Science in Education)1970 B. A., College of Sciences in Education,Yonsei University

Work Experiences2013 - Present Chairperson, Editorial Committee of ‘Korean Lifelong Education, National Institute for Lifelong Education2010 - Present Editorial Board Member, HRD International2009 - Present President, APCEIU Board of Directors 2009 - Present President, The Science of Erudition Community of Korea2008 - Present Chairman, Best HRD Authentication Committee of Human Resources Development Service of Korea2005 - Present Board Member, Daegyo Cultural Foundation 2010 - 2012 Dean, College of Science & Education , Yonsei University2001 - 2002 Chairperson, Educational Division, Presidential Policy Planning Committee of Korea2000 - 2005 President, The Adult and Continuing Education of Korea2000 - 2002 Dean 0f Graduate School of Education, Yonsei University1993 - 1995 Dean of Student, Yonsei University

Published Books• 『Education Revised (敎育改論)』(2012, Hakjisa)• 『A Scar of Life: Erudition』(2009, Hakjisa) • 『Educational Capital』(2007,Hakjisa)• 『National Tutoring』(2005,Hakjisa ) • 『The Science of Erudition: Haksuphak』(2001, Hakjisa) • 『Homo Eruditio』(1999, Hakjisa)

Awards2012 An Academic Excellence Award in the field of Social Science by Yonsei University, “A Scar of Life: Erudition”2007 An Academic Excellence Award in the field of Social Science by Yonsei University2005 Book of Year, National Tutoring as a ‘Superior Scholarly Book’ by the Ministry of culture, Sports and Tourism2002 Book of Year, “Homo Eruditio” as a ‘Superior Scholarly Book’ by The National Academy Of Sciences2002 Book of Year,“The Science of Erudition as a ‘Superior Scholarly Book’ by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

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How to Recruit & Train

the Best Employees in the Job Market

Track B - 1


President, Samsung Economic Research InstituteModerator Insik Roh

Identifying and making use of human resources plays a decisive role

in the success of a business. In the case of hiring upper level

management, a hiring mistake can have devastating repercussions.

As such, businesses are making significant efforts to increase their

hiring expertise. In this session, speakers from successful companies

will share their experiences and know-how on effectively recruiting,

training, using and retaining human resources.

DiscussantsVice President & Head of HR / Cluster ASP HR Business Partner,Siemens Ltd. Seoul

Kwanghwi Kim

Executive Vice President, KTSanghyo Kim

Managing Director of Talent & Rewards, Towers Watson Julie Gebauer

Executive Vice President of Global HR, Doosan HoldingsReginald Bull


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Track B - 1


President, Samsung Economic Research InstituteInsik Roh

Education1974 Grauated from Sungkyunkwan University, Graduate Department of Law

Work Experiences2012 - Present Human Resource Development President Samsung Economic Research Institute2009 President & CEO Samsung Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd.2008 President & CEO Samsung Security No.12007 Vice President & CEO Samsung Security No.12006 Vice President, Chief of Human Resources Management Team, Samsung Strategy & Planning Office 1997 Director of Human Resources Management Team, Staff Office of the Chairman of Samsung Group1995 Assistant Director of Strategy and Planning Office, Samsung Electronics1977 Joined Samsung Electronics

Awards2010 Award Gold Tower at the 47th Annual Export Day as the NO.1 Exporter


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Education1983 University of Nebraska, Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

Work Experiences2010 - Present Managing Director, Talent & Rewards, Towers Watson2005 - 2009 Managing Director, Workforce Effectiveness and ISR, Towers Perrin2002 - 2004 Managing Director, US East Division, Towers Perrin2001 - 2003 Managing Principal, New York Consulting Office, Towers Perrin1991 - 1990 Principal, Towers Perrin1986 - 1990 Consultant, Towers Perrin1983 - 1986 Consultant, Hewitt Associates

Published BooksClosing the Engagement Gap: How Great Companies Unlock Employee Potential for Superior Results

Awards2003 Academy of Women Achievers1986 Fellow, Society of Actuaries1983 Phi Beta Kappa1983 Chancellor Scholar

Track B - 1


Managing Director of Talent & Rewards, Towers WatsonJulie Gebauer


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Track B - 1


Executive Vice President of Global HR, Doosan HoldingsReginald Bull


EducationBachelor of Science - Honors: Politics, Literature, Philosophy

Work ExperiencesCurrently:• EVP Global HR, Doosan Group (Seoul)Previously:• CHRO, LGE Electronics (Seoul)• EVP Global HR Transformation, Unilever (Rotterdam)• EVP HR Unilever Europe (Rotterdam)• SVP HR Unilever China (Shanghai)• HRDirector Unilever UK (London)• Founder of Crowne Finch consulting company

Published Books• Key Criteria for managing a successful HR Transformation• MSF and Authenticity• OD tools for busy HR people• What would have happened if Dave Ulrich had been born Chinese?

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Education2009 SoGang Graduate School of Business (Master of Business Administration - MBA)2008 University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management International Program

Work Experiences1985 - Present Siemens Ltd. Seoul Vice President, Head of HR / Cluster ASP HR Business Partner2008 - Present Evaluation Expert in Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluating and Planning (ITEP)2005 - 2008 Evaluation Expert of Human Resources Development Program under Ministry of Knowledge and Economy (MKE)

Awards2011 Received Commendation from Minister of Daegu Regional Employment and Labor for the great contribution and solidarity to Labor and Management

Track B - 1


Vice President & Head of HR / Cluster ASP HR Business Partner, Siemens Ltd. SeoulKwanghwi Kim


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Track B - 1


Executive Vice President, KTSanghyo Kim


Education2007 Soongsil University (Ph.D)1999 Yonsei University (MBA)1979 Sungkyunkwan University (BA)

Work Experiences2011 KT, Executive Vice President2007 Otis Korea, HR Director1995 Delphi-Automotive Systems Korea, HR Director1988 Dow-Chemical Korea, HR Director1985 Hoechst Korea, HR Manager1981 Samsung Life Insurance, HR Administrator

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Breaking through

the Wall of Conformity at Workplaces

Track B - 2


Country Manager, Intel KoreaModerator Heesung Lee

Corporate organizations cannot depend entirely on the creativity and

the energy of its leaders and employees. Especially in this economic

downturn, companies are required to be more creative and flexible,

yet maintaining its organizational stability and operational excellence.

Though creative strategies are key factors to break through

the economic crisis, each companies needs to maximize its existing

operational excellence systems and cost-efficiency at the same time.

In this session, speakers will discuss the ways to harmonize

the variety and creativity within the group and learn from successful

cases of ambidextrous organizations.

DiscussantsExecutive Vice President & Global CSV Executive Director, CJ Corporation

Heekyung Jo Min

Executive Vice President, Shinhan BankWonho Lee

Vice President of Human Resources,Boeing Defense, Space & Security

Scott Drach

Vice President of Business Development, FlipboardEric Alexander


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Track B - 2


Country Manager, Intel KoreaHeesung Lee


Education2008 - 2010 Global MBA, Yonsei University1981 - 1988 Bachelors degree, Sogang University1978 - 1981 Sangmoon High School

Work Experiences2005 - Present Country Manager of Intel Korea , Intel Korea2004 - Present Senior GM of Communication Marketing and Sales, Intel APAC2001 - 2004 GM of communication sales, Intel Korea2000 - 2001 Director of communication sales, Intel Korea1999 - 2000 Director of Channel Sales, Intel Korea1997 - 1999 Marketing Manager of Video Conference System / LANcard, Intel Technology Asia Ltd1994 - 1997 Network Sales Engineer of Sales Dept., Intel Korea1991 - 1994 IT Manager of Network Dept., Intel Korea1988 - 1991 Engineer of Electricity Lab., Gold Star

• Group Chairman of UN IDP (International Development Partnership)• Secretary-General of KCMC (Korean CEO's Association of Multinational Corporations)

Awards• Forbes Korea “Forbes CEO Award 2012”• Economist “Korean Business Leader Award 2012”• The Ministry of Knowledge Economy • JoongAng Ilbo "CSR Award 2012"

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Track B - 2


Vice President of Human Resources, Boeing Defense, Space & SecurityScott Drach


Scott Drach was named Vice President of Human Resources for Boeing Defense, Space & Security in April 2013.

In this role, he is responsible for successful execution of human resources initiatives to drive business performance

and to create and sustain a premier work environment for employees. He also provides direction on employee and

organizational policies, strategies, and processes throughout the BDS enterprise. BDS is one of the world's largest

defense, space and security businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions,

and the world’s largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, BDS is

a $33 billion business with 59,000 employees worldwide.

His previous role was as Human Resources Vice President of Human Resources for Boeing/s Corporate and Shared

Service Group. In this role, he was responsible for leading his team in partnering with the business to guide human

resources strategies and deploy processes to Shared Services Group and seven Boeing corporate functions – Boeing

Capital Corporation, Communications, Finance, Government Operations, HR & Administration, Law, and the Office of

Internal Governance.

He previously led the function that provides HR services for Boeing International employees in more than 70 countries

around the world. He also has worked with organizations across the company to improve the global delivery of HR

support to employees and Boeing entities operating outside the United States.

Before joining Boeing International, Drach was the director of Human Resources for Connexion by Boeing® and

Boeing Canada Technology. Drach also has held HR leadership roles with Boeing-Corinth, Boeing-Irving, and Boeing

Service Company in Texas. Earlier in his career, he was involved in security and Human Resources efforts for various

divisions of the former Rockwell International, after joining the company as a college intern at its Aircraft Modification

Center in Shreveport, LA.

Drach is a graduate of Louisiana State University and has a master’s degree in industrial relations from Louisiana

Tech University. He is certified by the Human Resources Certification Institute as a global professional in human

resources and as a senior professional in human resources.

Scott served six years in the Louisiana Army National Guard. He is a member of Rotary International and the Society

for Human Resources Management. Scott also recently accepted a two-year appointment to the Chicago-Cook

County Workforce Investment Board.

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Track B - 2


Vice President of Business Development, FlipboardEric Alexander


Eric Alexander oversees international business development and plays a key role in

defining strategy for Flipboard. He is responsible for the company’s successful, longstanding

partnerships with Samsung, Yahoo Japan, Verizon, Microsoft, and other global partners that

have been instrumental to Flipboard’s growth and international reach.

Prior to joining Flipboard, Eric was the longstanding VP of Strategic Sales at Tellme Networks

(acquired by Microsoft) and Director of business development roles at Netscape. He helped

lead Netscape's entry into the Advertising and Portal Market and led the partnership with AOL

which eventually led to the acquisition of Netscape by AOL. Post acquisition he served as VP

strategic Sales for AOL.

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Track B - 2


Executive Vice President & Global CSV Executive Director, CJ Corporation

Heekyung Jo Min


Education• MBA in Finance and Accounting from Columbia University• BA in Music from Seoul National University

Work ExperiencesCurrently serves as Executive Vice President of CJ Corporation. Was appointed to the role of Executive Director of CJ’s first Global CSV (Creating Shared Value) Department after acting as Chief HR Officer from January, 2011. Prior to joining CJ, held various executive positions in both government and in private companies with extensive experience in the fields of HR, Finance and Intercultural Management. In 2007, acted as the Director General of the Business Opportunity Bureau at the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) in Incheon, Korea, responsible for leading the team that supervised the development of the city while promoting Korea’s and IFEZ’s investment opportunities to the world. In 2004, filled the position of Executive Vice President of Prudential Investment and Securities, leading Prudential’s post-merger integration with Hyundai Securities. Acted as managing director of ITIM, a Swedish consulting firm specialized in cross-cultural management in 1999. Between 1984 and 1998, exercised different executive managerial roles in the finance sector in New York, Tokyo, and London, including the Bank of New York, The Apogee Finance Group, and UFJ Tokyo-Mitsubishi (formerly Sanwa). Became a certified public accountant, working for Deloitte & Touche in New York in 1984.

Published BooksMen are not “All That” (1996)

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Track B - 2


Executive Vice President, Shinhan BankWonho Lee


Education1998 M.A Business Administration, Kobe University, Kobe Japan1985 B.A in Business Administration, Korea University, Seoul Korea1978 Seonin High school, Incheon Korea

Work Experiences2012 Executive Vice President (& Head of Management Planning Group)2012 Head of Institutional Banking Group 2009 Head of Incheon Regional Division2009 General Manager, Retail Banking Centre, Seoul Korea2006 General Manager, Gwacheon Br. Gwacheon Korea2004 General Manager, Jeju Br. Jeju Korea2001 General Manager, Yongsan Br. Seoul Korea1985 Joined, Shinhan Bank

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Talented Young Entrepreneurs &

Youth Start-ups in Creative Economy

Track B - 3


Dean, Seoul National University Business SchoolModerator Byungdo Kim

DiscussantCEO, YOZMA GroupWonjae Lee


Director, California Institute for Quantitative Bioscience(QB3) Regis Kelly

President & CEO, SNU PrecisionHeuijae Pahk


One of the overwhelming trends of the 21st century, the age of the creative economy is the focusing on the market value of intellectual property characterized by the highlighting of human resources, who are very capable of being creative, innovative, as well as leading the world with the creative ideas. Research results that one patent causes maximum of five jobs (U.S.A. Berkeley Lab), and a 10% increase in the number of patents rises more than 1% higher economic growth (Korea Development Institute) support the heart of the creative economy that commercializes new technologies and services and activates youth venture to increase the economy. And the Korean Intellectual Property Office(KIPO) and the Korea Invention Promotion Association(KIPA) coordinated The Future Creative Entrepreneur project in order to support selected middle and high school students who are talented and passionate in entrepreneurship. Two of the top universities (KAIST and POSTECH) in Korea have provided specialized educational programs for gifted young entrepreneurs in Korea. Also, to help those special youths in developing their potential and archiving their lifelong success as a gifted entrepreneur like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, the Educational Research Institute for the Gifted in Invention(formerly the Center for Gifted and Young Entrepreneurs) has provided individually customized services in various areas, including entrepreneurial giftedness, social and emotional needs, career guidance, and education. This session will be focused on introducing the system of support for the development of human resources who are talented in intellectual property, considering the role of the youth ventures who have creative innovation and bouncing ideas with the programme engaged in the Future Creative Entrepreneur and will lead the youth venture in creative economy, and discussing about the more specialized support system and strategy through global cases to strengthen the capacity of entrepreneurship and start-up.

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Track B - 3


Dean, Seoul National University Business SchoolByungdo Kim


Work Experiences1988 - 1992 Ph. D. in Marketing Graduate School of Business, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois1983 - 1985 M.B.A. in Business Administration Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, New York, New York1978 - 1982 B.B.A. in Business Administration College of Business Administration, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Work Experiences1996 - Present Professor of Marketing, Business School, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea2013 - Present Dean, Business School, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea2007 - 2009 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs , Business School, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea2002 - 2003 Visiting Research Scholar, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA1993 - 1996 Assistant Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA1992 - 1992 Visiting Research Scholar, Graduate School of Business, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Published Books• Kim (2013), Manage Korea by Innovation, Heanaem Publishing (in Korean)• Blattberg, Kim and Neslin (2008), Database Marketing: Analyzing and Managing Customers, Springer• Kim and Joo (2006), History of Department Stores in Korea, Seoul National University Press (in Korean)• Kim (2003), How can Coca-Cola Provide Santa Claus with Red Clothes? 21st Century Books (in Korean)• Kim (2001), 21 Leading Companies in CRM, Seoul National University Press (in Korean)

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Track B - 3


Director, California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3),University of California San Francisco

Regis Kelly


Education1969 - 71 Postdoc, Lab of Zach Hall, HarvardMedicalSchool, Boston, MA1967 - 69 Postdoc, Lab of Arthur Kornberg, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CA1967 Biophysics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA1961 B.Sc, Physics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Work Experiences2004 - Present Director, California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3)2000 - 2004 Executive Vice Chancellor, UCSF1995 (Nov) - 2000 Chair, Dept of Biochemistry & Biophysics, UCSF1992 - 2000 Director, Hormone Research Institute, UCSF1988 – 1995 Director, Program in Cell Biology, UCSF1971 - Present Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF

Published Books• Kelly, R.B. (1993). Storage and release of neurotransmitters. Supplement to Cell 72/Neuron 10, 43-55.• Kelly, R.B. & Grote, E. (1993). Protein targeting in the neuron. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 16, 95-127.• Faundez, F., Horng, J.-T. & Kelly, R.B. (1998). A function for the AP3 coat complex in synaptic vesicle formation from endosomes. Cell 93, 423-432. • Kelly, R.B. (1999). An introduction to the nerve terminal. In: Neurotransmitter Release: Frontiers in Molecular Biology, ed. H. Bellen, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-33.• Marie, B., Sweeney, S.T., Poskanzer, K.E., Roos, J., Kelly, R.B., Davis, G.W. (2004) Dap160/intersectin scaffolds the periactive zone to achieve high-fidelity endocytosis and normal synaptic growth. Neuron 43, 207-219. Selected from total of 146

Awards2013 American Association of Arts and Sciences2011 Bay Area Business Hall of Fame – Bay Area Council1998 - 2000 Johnson & Johnson Focused Giving Program Award1995 - 2000 Albert Bowers Chair1986, 1992 Jacob Javitz Memorial Award, National Institutes of Health

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Track B - 3


President & CEO, SNU PrecisionHeuijae Pahk


Work Experiences• Ph.D, University of Manchester, UK(Dept. of Mechanical Eng)• MSc, Seoul National University(Dept. of Mechanical Eng)• BSc, Seoul National University(Dept. of Mechanical Design and Production Eng)• High School Graduation Diploma, Seoul Wooshin High School

Work Experiences• President and National CTO, Office of Strategic R&D Planning, Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy, Republic of Korea• Founder and CEO, SNU Precision Co.• Director of University-Industry Research Center, Seoul National University• Professor, Seoul National University• Assistant Professor, POSTECH(Pohang University of Science and Technology)• Research Associate, Univ. of Manchester, UK, 1990-1991

Published Books and Articles• Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements(Korean), Sigma Press, 2007• Over 200 Technical Papers for International/Domestic Journals and Proceedings• Over 50 Patents pending/registered

Awards• IR52 Jang Young Sil Award, Korea, 2013• Grand Award for 100 Innovations for Korea, National Academy of Engineering, Korea, 2010• Award of Role Model for Scientist/Engineer, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2006• Award of Young Scientist/Engineer, National Academy of Engineering, Korea, 2006• Tower of 30 Million Dollars Export, 2006• Award of Contribution, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, 2005• Kwanak Grand Prix Award, Alumni Association of Seoul National University, 2005• Award of Excellence (5 times), Ministry of Knowledge and Economy, Korea• Presidential Decoration for New technology Development, Korea, 2004• IR52 Jang Young Sil Award, Korea, 2004• ORS (Overseas Research Scholarship) Award, CVCP, UK, 1987-1990

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Track B - 3




Education2013 Haegang High School Senior 2011 Busan International Middle School

Work Experiences2013 Samsung Electronics Super Rookie2013 HEY founded2011 - 2013 GMCL (Global Monsoon Climate Laboratory) Researcher2010 - 2013 KAIST CCE (Center for Creative Entrepreneur)

Awards2013 Global Enterprise Challenge, Korea Representative2013 SAGE(Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship) Korea, First Place2013 Mission Possible-Rocket Pitch, Third Place2012 Korea Youth Talented Award, President Honoring2012 Future Scientist Award2012 KAIST CCE Invent Award

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Track B - 3


Chief of Executive Officer(CEO), YOZMA Group Wonjae Lee


Work ExperiencesHebrew University Economics & Statistics B.A

Work Experiences• Chief of Executive Officer, YOZMA Group • Technical Commercialization Advisor, Korea Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP)• CI(Commercializing Instructor), Korea Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP)• Global Tech Israel Office Manager • Israel – Korea Chamber Commerce, Consultant

Published BooksTranslated ‘Nordau to Nasdaq’

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How Global Companies Recruit

C-level Executives

Track B - 4


Senior Advisor, Shin & KimModerator Youngkey Hwang

As company executives play an increasingly important role in value

creation, businesses are focusing on ways to increase their

competitiveness by hiring the best possible candidates, be it

by scouting executives from other companies, or by training and

promoting executives from within. In this session we will look at

the career track to becoming an executive at a few companies with

an eye towards the considerations that come into play and the qualities

sought after in candidates when scouting or promoting from within,

in other words we will look at the ins and outs of executive selection

and training.

Managing Director, Leadership and Talent Consulting,Korn Ferry International

Tom Pedersen

President & CEO, GE KoreaChristopher Sungwook Khang

Senior Vice President,Director of HR & Organization Research Department,Samsung Economic Research Institute

Kweontaek Chung


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Track B - 4


Senior Advisor, Shin & KimYoungkey Hwang

Education1981 London School of Economics 1975 Seoul National University (B.A. in International Economics)

Work Experiences2013 - Present Public Director, Korea Financial Investment Association 2012 - Present Senior Advisor, Shin & Kim 2010 - 2012 Chairman & CEO, Cha Hospital Group 2008 - 2009 Chairman & CEO, KB Financial Group 2007 - 2008 Visiting Professor, Seoul National University, Graduate School of Business 2007 - 2008 Senior Advisor, Shin & Kim 2006 - 2009 Director, School Development Fund, The Korean National University of Arts 2004 - 2007 Chairman & CEO, Woori Financial Group & Woori Bank 2001 - 2004 President & CEO, Samsung Securities Co., Ltd. 2000 - 2004 Member, Securities Division, Finance Development Commission 1999 President & CEO, Samsung Investment Trust Management Co., Ltd. 1998 - 2000 Member, International Finance Division, Finance Development Commission 1997 - 2003 Non-standing Director, KorAm Bank 1997 - 1999 Senior Managing Director & Chief of Staff of Strategic Planning Office, Samsung Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 1994 Corporate Treasurer, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 1993 - 1994 Head of Personnel Department, Samsung Group 1989 - 1990 Head of International Finance Team, Samsung Group 1986 - 1989 Vice President, Bankers Trust International, Tokyo Branch 1982 - 1986 Bankers Trust, Seoul Branch 1975 - 1980 Samsung Corporation

Published Book2003 “Common Sense On Mutual Funds,” translated (written by John C.Bogle)

Awards2006 Dasan Finance Grand Award (Ministerial Award of Finance and Economy), The Korea Economic Daily 2005 Industry Silver Medal of 10th Award of Financial Support to Small and Medium Business, Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business


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EducationTom received his master’s degree in Human Resources Management from Chapman University, and his undergraduate degree in Asian Studies from the University of Maryland.

Work ExperiencesTom has over 35 years work experience in Asia and looks after the leadership and talent consulting practice for Korn/Ferry International in Japan. Prior to joining Korn/Ferry this year, Tom was the head of learning and talent development for a Singapore bank, leading employee engagement, learning, talent management, and executive development programs throughout Asia.

As the former Head of the People and Communications Group and Chief Learning Officer for Shinsei Bank in Tokyo, Tom focused on cultural alignment in creating an integrated financial services firm. Tom’s work was featured in a Harvard Business School Case Study: Shinsei Bank – Developing an Integrated Firm.

Before joining Shinsei, Tom worked at Morgan Stanley, where he led the Asia Workforce Effectiveness team to enhance leadership development, staffing, and organizational development. Prior to Morgan Stanley, Tom taught business courses focusing on globalization and the role of multinational firms in Japan at the International Center, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. He concurrently worked as an independent management consultant, designing and executing strategic human resource and executive development solutions for firms in Asia.

Track B - 4


Managing Director and Senior Partner, Leadership and Talent Consulting,Korn Ferry International

Tom Pedersen


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Track B - 4


President & CEO, GE KoreaChristopher Sungwook Khang


Education1990 MBA, Sloan School of Management at M.I.T., USA 1984 B.A., Seoul National University, Korea

Work Experiences2012 - Present President & CEO, GE in Korea2011 Senior Vice President of Enterprise & Commercial Business in Asia Pacific, Japan and Greater China, Cisco Systems2006 - 2011 Vice President of Asia Region, Cisco Systems2005 - 2006 Vice President of North Region, Cisco Systems2002 - 2005 Vice President of Sales Operations in Asia Pacific, Cisco Systems2002 - 2002 General Manager of Enterprise Systems Group, Hewlett-Packard in Korea1998 - 2001 Managing Director of Korean Operations, Compaq Computer in Korea 1990 - 1997 Regional Managing Director of East Asia Region, Tandem Computers in Hong Kong/U.S.A1985 - 1988 IBM in Korea

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Education2003 Ph.D., Human Resources Management, Sogang University 1987 M.A., Business Administration, Sung Kyun Kwan University 1985 B.A., Business Administration, Sung Kyun Kwan University

Work Experiences2011 - Present SVP, Director of HR & Organization Research Department, SERI 2007 - 2010 VP, Director of HR Strategy Team, Samsung Economic Research Institute 1990 - 2006 Research Fellow, HR & Organization Research Department, SERI 1988 - 1990 Researcher, Korea Council for Labor-Management Relations Arbitration

Published Books and Articles• The Moderating Effects of Organization Context on The Relationship • Between Voluntary Turnover and Organizational Performance (HRM, 2012) • The Effects of Performance-based HR Practices on Firm Performance (KAHRD, 2009)• The Globalization and HRM of SEC, Global Management of Korean Company (Wisdom House, 2008)

Track B - 4


SVP, Director of HR & Organization Research Department,Samsung Economic Research Institute

Kweontaek Chung


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Building Basics for Skill-oriented Society– National Competence Standards(NCS) &

National Qualification Framework(NQF)

Track C - 1


Park Geun-hye government as one of the major national issues presented ‘implementation of non academic but skills-oriented society’ and has been actively seeking to build systems of National Competence Standards(NCS) as a specific means. According to Article 2 of the Basic Law Qualifications, NCS is ‘knowledge, skills, and information literacy required to perform the duties in industry which country organized by industry sector and level’. UK, Australia and many other OECD countries have been innovating vocational education and training system to meet industry demand on the axis of NCS. Korean electric terminal industries are already utilizing NCS in in-house training and personnel management. Ministry of Education and the ministry of Employment and Labor will build collaborative systems and complete to develop 68 NCS this year and the remaining 182 NCS next year. Once NCS system is established, vocational education and training which meets on-site demands will be achieved in education and training institutions. Because each standardized competency each job requires is proposed and related qualification system is established, workers’ movement between works will be facilitated and workers will be able to acquire a higher level of competence and qualifications in a variety of ways. In general, NCS system building is achieved with the reorganization of National Qualification Framework (NQF). The standardization of skills needed in industry through NCS and the common recognition of education and training process through qualification system in the labor market could be able to draw workers’ motivation. In this session, we would like to hear acumen and insight of domestic and foreign experts about how NCS and NQF, customized education and training are correlated and complementarily operated for them to be solutions for youth unemployment and the mismatch in the labor market. The vocational education and training systems of Germany and Switzerland are managed to provide the best talent to meet the demands of enterprises on the basis of theory and field experience accumulated. The most strong point of the system is that corporate can have fully-fledged skilled technicians. Furthermore, not only skills but also the loyalty to the employers is very high. In addition, the preferential climate for technicians and the socio-economic status for technical masters are as good as the highly educated.In this session, as a way to solve youth unemployment, we want to discuss the characteristics and strengths of vocational education and training in Germany and Switzerland, the current status of Singapore which introduced German’s system, and the implications.

President, Human Resources Development Service of Korea Moderator Youngjung Song

SpeakersVice President, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong KongSimpson Poon

General Manager, Skills Connect and Asian Connections Branch, Department of Industry, Australian GovernmentMelissa McEwen

DiscussantsSenior Research Fellow, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training(KRIVET)Jeongyoon Cho

Senior Expert, European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(CEDEFOP)Slava Pevec Grm

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Track C - 1


President, Human Resources Development Service of KoreaYoungjung Song

Education1987 Graduate School at German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, Master of Administrative Science, Germany1979 Korea University, Bachelor of Laws, Korea1975 Graduated from Gwangju Jeil High School, Korea

Work Experiences2011 - Present President of HRD Korea2009 - 2011 Official Member of Economic and Social Development Commission (Vice-Minister Level) 2007 - 2009 Chief of Employment Policy Bureau, Chief of Planning and Coordination Bureau of Ministry of Employment and Labor(MOEL)2006 - 2007 Chairperson of Seoul National Labor Relations Commission, MOEL2002 - 2006 Director General of Labor Standard Bureau, Director General of Industrial Safety and Health Bureau, Director General of Annuity Insurance Bureau, MOEL1999 - 2002 Director General of Labor Management Cooperation Bureau, Director General of Labor Policy Bureau of MOEL, Secretary to Labor Management Relations at the Presidential Secretariat, 1992 - 1999 Director of Labor Standard Division, Director of Employment Policy Division, Director of Industrial Safety Division, MOEL1980 - 1992 Administrative Officer of Ministry of Employment and Labor

Published BookComparison of Political Methodology of Labor Market between Korea and Germany (Thesis Title of Graduate School of Speyer Administration University)

Awards1990 Order of Presidential Complimentary Merit


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Education• B.Sc. (Monash University, Australia)• Dip. Business Systems (Graduate level) (Monash University, Australia)• Master of Business (RMIT University, Australia)• Ph.D (Monash University, Australia)

Work Experiences• Vice-President, Technological and Higher Education Institute (THEi)• Consultant, World Bank• Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET)• Director, Applied Research Office, Vocational Training Council (VTC)• Deputy Director, Mainland Services Office, Vocational Training Council (VTC)• Vice-Principal, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education• Sub-dean & Chair Professor (Level E) of Information Systems, Charles Sturt University (2001 – 2003)• Visiting professor, School of Business, University of Hong Kong (2000 – 2001)• Founding Director, Centre for E-Commerce and Internet Studies & Associate Professor of E-Commerce, Murdoch University (1998 – 2001)

Published Books (Selected)• Poon, S. (2012) ‘China's TVET: Vision and Priorities’. Presented at the TAFE Directors Australia National Conference – East meets West, 6-7 September, Perth, Australia.• Chau, P.Y.K. and Poon, S. (2003) ‘Octopus: An E-Cash Payment System Success Story’. Communications of the ACM. 46(9), 129 – 133.• Kou, W., Poon, S. and Knorr, E. (2003) ‘Smart Card and Applications’ in Payment Technologies in E-Commerce (ed. W. Kou), Spinger Publisher, USA.• Poon, S. and Huang, X. (2002) ‘Success at E-Governing – A case study of ESDLife in Hong Kong’. Electronic Markets 12(4), 12/2002.• Poon, S. MacCauley, M., and Cheng, E. (2001) ‘enterpriseAsia.com: Investing in High-technology Business in Asia Pacific’. Harvard Business Cases, Harvard Business Publishing. Product No. HKU153-PDF-ENG. 20p.• Poon, S. and Swatman, P.M.C. (1999) ‘A qualitative study of Small Business Internet Commerce issues,’ Information and Management, 35(1), 9-18.• Poon, S. and Swatman, P.M.C. (1997) ‘Issues Related to Small Firms on the Internet in Australia’. International Marketing Review, 14(5), 385-402.

Awards• Best Young Researcher Award – Swinburne University of Technology, Australia• Justice of the Peace, New South Wales, Australia (2001-2006)

Track C - 1


Vice President, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong KongSimpson Poon


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Track C - 1


General Manager, Skills Connect and Asian Connections Branch,Department of Industry, Australian Government

Melissa McEwen


Education2009 PhD in history from the Australian National University 2000 MA in Australian Studies from the Australian National University 1991 BA (Hons) in politics from University of Adelaide

Work Experiences2012 - Present General Manager Skills Mobility and Asian Connections Branch (incorporating Trades Recognition Australia) 2012 General Manager Technology, Infrastructure and Connections Branch 2010 - 2012 Director National Vocational Education Regulation Policy Section 2008 - 2010 Director Industry Skills Councils Section 2006 - 2008 Director VET Quality (All within the Skills portfolio)2006 Manager National Blackspots Program, Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts1999 - 2005 Assistant Manager National Broadcasting, Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts1998 - 1999 Policy Manager Screen Producers Association of Australia

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Education1994 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University1989 Master in Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University1983 Bachelor of Chemical and Educational Engineering, Chungnam National University

Work Experiences2013 - Present Senior Research fellow, Division of Vocation and Qualification System, KRIVET2006 Deputy director, KRIVET & STEPI(Science and Technology Policy Institute)2003 - 2006 Director General, Department of Planning and Coordination, KRIVET2003 Team Leader in the Field of Qualification System Study, KRIVET2002 - 2003 Team Leader in the Field of Planning and Coordination, KRIVET2002 Visiting Expert, CEDEFOP(European Center for Vocational Training)1997 - 1998 Professor, Seoul National Polytechnic University1995 - 1997 Researcher in the Field of Vocational Education, KEDI(Korea Education Development Institute)

Track C - 1


Senior Research Fellow, Korea Research Institute forVocational Education & Training(KRIVET)

Jeongyoon Cho


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Track C - 1


Senior Expert, Area Enhanced Cooperation in VET and Lifelong Learning ,European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)

Slava Pevec Grm


EducationShe holds (research) Master’s Degree from University of Ljubljana.

Work ExperiencesSlava Pevec Grm works asa senior expert in the Qualifications and Learning Outcomes team at Cedefop. Her main focus of research work is monitoring the development of national qualifications frameworks in European countries and analyzing their impact on education and training reforms, lifelong learning strategies and their contribution to the EQF implementation.

As a member of various European working groups, including the European Qualifications Framework Advisory group and the working group on recognition of learning outcomes, she contributes actively to the development of European policy in vocational education and training.

Before joining Cedefop in May 2009, she had worked for ten years at the National Institute for Vocational Education and Training in Slovenia. As assistant to the director and head of development and research department she was actively involved in the overall development of the VET system as well as of qualifications and curriculum in Slovenia. She coordinated different development projects and prepared working papers for national discussion in the framework of the Copenhagen process (transparency of qualifications, European qualifications framework, credit transfer system, quality assurance, and validation of non-formal and informal learning). Published Books• Cedefop.2009.2010.2012.2013. Analysis and overview of NQF developments in European countries, written together with Jens Bjornavold. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/publications.aspx

• Jean-Raymond Masson and Slava Pevec Grm. 2008. EU policies and VET reforms in ETF partner countries – what more to learn? In ETF Yearbook 2008 Policy Learning in Action. Torin: ETF.

• Pevec Grm, S., Zevnik, M. 2008. Reform and innovations in vocational education and training in Slovenia Ljubljana: National Institute for Vocational Education and Training.

• Pevec Grm, S. 2007. The Importance of Developing Common Quality Standards to Strengthen Trust Between Different Sub-systems: A Need for Coherent National Validation Approach. Paper for intervention.http://www.confap.pt/docs/8_-_Intervencao_Slava_Pevec.pdf

• Pevec Grm, S. 2007. Open questions of quality assurance in VET (Odprta vprašanja ugotavljanja in zagotavljanja kakovosti v poklicnemin strokovnem izobraževanju). Ljubljana: Pedagoški institute.

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Educational Welfare System

for Multicultural Talents

Track C - 2


Recently foreign workers and marriage immigrants have been

increasing in numbers showing ethnic diversity in Korea. A bond of

social consensus has been forming for need to resolve social conflict

and develop social integration with multicultural families.

While the percentage of school children from multicultural families

has stably been increasing, the Korean government has to provide

long term educational and welfare state level policies for them.

In this session, we try to suggest the ways to reflect multicultural families’

actual educational demands and support their best HRD and welfare.

DiscussantsDirector, Center for Multicultural Education, Seoul National UniversityOhhyun Kwon

Director General, Korea Research Institutefor Vocational Education & Training(KRIVET)

Namchul Lee

Professor, Division of International Studies,Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Moderator Sangmee Bak

Director, Centre for European Russian and Eurasian Studies,Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto

Randall Hansen

Research Fellow, National Youth Policy InstituteKyemin Yang


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Track C - 2


Professor, Division of International Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign StudiesSangmee Bak


Education• Ph. D in Cultural Anthropology, Harvard University• MA in Cultural Anthropology, Harvard University• BA in Anthropology, Seoul National University

Work Experiences• (Present) Professor of anthropology, Division of International Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies• (Present) Member, Cultural Heritage Committee (World Heritage/ Folklore section)• (Former) Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Queens College of the City University of New York• (Former) McKennan Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Anthropology, Dartmouth College

Published Books• “Intangible Cultural Heritage and Cultural Tourism in Korea," in Intangible Cultural Heritage and Local Communities in East Asia, edited by Liu Tik-sang, Hong Kong, China: South China Research Center, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 2011. pp. 75-82.• "McDonald's in Seoul: Food Choices, Identity, and Nationalism," in Golden Arches East, edited by James L. Watson, Stanford: Stanford University Press 1997 and 2007.

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Track C - 2


Director, Centre for European Russian and Eurasian Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs, Univ. of Toronto

Randall Hansen


Education1998 DPhil (Politics), University of Oxford1994 MPhil (Politics), University of Oxford1992 BA (Hons), University of British Columbia

Work Experiences2012 - Present Director, Centre for European Russian and Eurasian Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs2008 - Present Research Director, Joint Initiative in German & European Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs 2005 - Present Full Professor & Canada Research Chair , Department of Political Science2004 - 2005 Professor & Established Chair in Politics, School of Geography, Sociology, and Politics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne [tenured]2000 - 2004 University Lecturer, Department of Politics & International Relations, University of Oxford2000(Jan) – 2000(Oct) Lecturer, Department of Politics, Queen Mary, University of London1997 - 1999 Research Fellow, Christ Church, Oxford

Published Books (Selected)• Sterilized by the State: Eugenics, Race and the Population Scare in 20th Century North America (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013).• Citizenship and Immigration in Postwar Britain: The Institutional Foundations of a Multicultural Nation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), 301 pages.• (with David Leal and Gary P. Freeman), Immigration and Public Opinionin Europe and North America (manuscript under review)• (with Jobst Koehler and Jeannette Money) Immigration, Nation States, and International Cooperation (eds.) (New York: Routledge, 2011)• (withMatthew Gibney), Immigration and Asylum from 1900 to the present [Oxford: ABC-CLIO, 2005) [3-volumes] [2nd author, names ordered alphabetically], 1095 pages.• (with Patrick Weil), Dual Citizenship, Social Rights and Federal Citizenship in the US and Europe (Oxford: Berghahn, 2002) [1st author, names ordered alphabetically], 341 pages.• (with Patrick Weil), Towards a European Nationality: Citizenship, Immigration and Nationality Law in the EU• (Houndmills: Palgrave, 2001) [translated into French] [1st author, names ordered alphabetically], 320 pages.

Awards • Nominated, Governor General’s Literary Award (non-fiction), 2008.• Library Association Award for Outstanding Reference sources for: Immigration and asylum from 1900 to the present [encylopedia of immigration] (ABC-Clio, 2005), eds. Matthew Gibney & Randall Hansen (2005)

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Track C - 2


Research Fellow, National Youth Policy InstituteKyemin Yang


Education2003 Ph.D. in Psychology. Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea1993 M.A. in Psychology. Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea.1991 B.A. in Psychology. Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea.

Work Experiences2006 - Present Research Fellow of National Youth Policy Institute, Seoul, Korea.2005 - 2009 Adjunct Professor of Department of Psychology in Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.2003 - 2004 Research Fellow of Hanyang University, Seoul Korea.

Published Books2011 Chapter 3 in part 1, Identity of Chinese Korean Adolescents: A case of China town in Inchon, Korea (pp. 107-132), Multicultural Space in Korea. Hyunam-sa, Seoul, Korea.2010 Chapter 10. Personality and individual differences (pp. 263-286), in Human behavior and Psychology. Hakji-sa, Seoul, Korea.

Awards2012 Award of Gender Equality and Family Minister Prize

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Track C - 2


Director, Center for Multicultural Education, Seoul National UniversityOhhyun Kwon


Education1992 - 1997 College of Education, Seoul National University Bachelor of Arts (B.A) in German Education 1982 - 1984 Graduate School, Seoul National University, Master of Arts (M.A) 1986 - 1992 Graduate School , Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Doctor (Ph. D), Foreign Language Education

Work Experiences2012 - Present Director, Center for Multicultural Education, Seoul National University1996 - Present Professor, German Education Dept. College of Education, Seoul National University2010 - 2012 Director, In-Service Training Center, Seoul National University2009 - 2010 Vice Director, In-Service Training Center, Seoul National University2008 - 2009 Research Professor, Goethe-University of Frankfurt, Germany2006 - 2008 Vice Dean, College of Education, Seoul National University2006 - 2008 Director, Center of Life-long Education, Kwanak-gu, Seoul

Published Books• Understanding of Multicultural Education, Seoul National University Press, 2013• A Study on Deok-An, Late Chosun Diplomatic Documents on Germany, 2008 • An Introduction to German Contemporary Literature • Reflection on Teaching• Schoolbooks (Umgang mit Texten / Deutsche Grammatik / Umgangsprache Deutsch / Literature)

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Track C - 2


Director General, Korea Research Institutefor Vocational Education & Training(KRIVET)

Namchul Lee


EducationPh.D. Economics, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma , U.S.A.

Work Experiences2008 - 2009 Adjunct professor Sejong University2004 - 2007 Adjunct Professor Dankook University1977 - 1990 Administrator, Korea Educational Development Institute (KEDI)

Published Books• Namchul Lee, Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific (Co-work)Þ- Springer Publishing Company, U.S.A(December 2012)• Namchul Lee, Korea’s Experiences on Education and Skills for Green Jobs, ADB, EXIMBank (2012)• Namchul Lee, EU Project (New Society Models for a New Millennium: The Learning Society in Europe and Beyond, Edited by Michael Kuhn: Namchul Lee, The Lifelong Learning Society in Korea, Peter Lang Publishing 275 Seventh Avenue, 28th Floor, New York, NY 10001-6708 (January, 2007)• Young-Hyun Lee &Namchul Lee, Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Korea, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training (April 1999)• Young-Hyun Lee &Namchul Lee, National Profiles on the Technical and Vocational Education in Asia and the Pacific, with special reference to Korea, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training (June 1998)

Awards• Best Award (International Academy of Business Public Administration Disciplines Conferences, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A, January, 2011)• Best Presentation (The Global Management, Finance & Information Technology Research Conference, U.S.A. Mat, 2010) • Best Award (The Journal of American Academy of Business, March, 2006)

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Roles and Responsibility

of Higher Vocational Education

Track C - 3


Chairman, Korean Council for University College EducationModerator Giwoo Lee

DiscussantsPresident, Kookje CollegeKiwon Jang

President, Kyungbok UniversityJiyong Chun

Senior Associate, Institute for Higher Education Policy Clifford Adelman

Acting Director, European Center for the Developmentof Vocational Training(CEDEFOP)

Christian Lettmayr


Recently, "New Vocationalism", which refreshes how we look at vocational education, has been emerging largely in the U.S. and the U.K. Unlike its European neighbors, the U.K has developed vocational education system in a separate domain. In order to match vocational standard with educational standard, following skill changes of the 21 century, Europe linked the concept of learner-centered learning outcomes, proposed by professor S. Adams, to core concepts of NQF(national qualifications framework) and EQF(European qualifications framework) principles and has been applying it in the field. Therefore, looking into European education system, we can see various cases and implications of education aims at discovering learners’ competency and achieving the goal of competency based education.In U.K., even a manual worker can seize an opportunity to become a successful regular employee or start a business when he or she passes a high level NVQ. The country has been able to reduce wage gap between regular and irregular workers since regular office workers can expect the comparable salaries with workers with higher education degrees. It adopted a learning module with an objective of improving flexibility in vocational education. Studying European best practices, we can benchmark European examples to ensure NCS and NQF take root in Korea. Moreover, by doing so, we can also get to see how they minimize government intervention, distribute responsibilities of individuals and the private sector to implement balanced competency-oriented social policies.

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Chairman, Korean Council for University College EducationGiwoo Lee


Education2003 Honorary Doctor of Business Administration Korea Maritime University 2001 Ph.D. in Education, Kyungsung University1992 M.A. in Education, Busan National University1988 B.A. in Public Administration, Anyang University1967 Busan High School

Work Experiences2010 - Present Chairman of Korean Council for University College Education2006 - Present President of Incheon JEI University2006 - 2006 Vice Minister of Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development2004 - 2006 Chief of Staff of Office of the Prime Minister2003 - 2004 Chairman of Board of Directors of Korea Teachers’ Mutual Fund2001 - 2003 Assistant Minister of Planning and Management Office Ministry of Education & HRD1999 - 2001 Assistant Minister of Planning and Management Office Ministry of Education1999 - 1999 Head of Support Team for Educational Self Reliance in Ministry of Education (Chief Commissioner, C2)1998 - 1999 Director General of the Improvement of Educational Environment in Ministry of Education (Chief Commissioner, C2)1997 - 1998 Director General of Regional Educational Administration (Chief Commissioner, C2)1996 - 1997 Vice-Super Intendent of Busan Education Office (Chief Commissioner, C2)1995 - 1996 Spokesman of Public Information Office Ministry of Education1994 - 1995 Director General of Chungbuk National University

Awards2002 Order of Service Merit (Yellow Stripes)1985 Order of Service Merit (Green Stripes)1985 Presidential Citation1977 Service Merit Medal

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Senior Associate, Institute for Higher Education PolicyClifford Adelman


Education1976 Ph.D. The University of Chicago1965 M.A. The University of Chicago1964 A.B. Brown University

Work Experiences2006 - Present Senior Associate, Institute for Higher Education Policy1979 - 2006 Senior Research Analyst, U.S. Department of Education1974 - 1979 Associate Dean, the William Paterson College of New Jersey1972 & 1973 Visiting Fellow, Yale University1968 - 1972 Instructor, The City College of New York

Published Books• The Russian Embassy Party (Fiction), 2013• The Degree Qualification Profile (co-author), 2011• The Spaces Between Numbers: Getting International Data on Higher Education Straight, 2009• The Bologna Process for U.S Eyes: Re-learning Higher Education in the Age of Convergence, 2009• The Bologna Club, 2008• The Toolbox Revisited: Paths to Degree Completion from High School Through College, 2006• Moving Into Town – and Moving On: the Community College in the Lives of Traditional-age Students, 2005• Principal Indicators of Student Academic Histories in Postsecondary Education, 1972-2000, 2004• The Empirical Curriculum, 2004 And a dozen earlier monographs and 3 earlier books.

Awards2005 Suslow Scholar Award, Association for Institutional Research2001 Special Merit Award, Association for the Study of Higher Education

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Acting Director, European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(CEDEFOP)Christian Lettmayr

EducationChristian Lettmayr holds master’s degrees in business administration and economics from the Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien (Economic University of Vienna) and in vocational and technical education from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, where he was a Fulbright scholar.

Work ExperiencesChristian Lettmayr, Acting Director of Cedefop since 16 October 2010, was born 1951 in Austria. He had served as Deputy Director of Cedefop since 2005.From 1985 to 1994 he served as Deputy Director and subsequently Director (1994-2001) of the Austrian Institute for Small Business Research (KMU Forschung Austria) in Vienna.In 2001 he took up an assignment with the Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry at the European Commission, where he contributed to the benchmarking of enterprise policies and to competitiveness analysis. Mr. Lettmayr has a background in socio-economic research and in managing research institutions. Through policy-oriented research and participation in various advisory groups he has contributed to the design and implementation of European and national policies.An entrepreneur who, among other businesses, ran his own consultancy firm and managed an import export company, he has lectured at the Hernstein Institute for Management and Leadership, the Social Academy in Vienna, the continuing education institution Wifi-Wien, and the Universities of Vienna and Innsbruck. He has also been a member of professional commissions, such as Meisterprüfungskomissionen (commissions awarding vocational diplomas) of several trades in Vienna. Through these activities he has gained hands-on experience of vocational training, continuing education, and the design of training courses.

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President, Kookje CollegeKiwon Jang


Education1998 - 2000 Ph.D. in vocational education, College of Agricultural Sciences, Seoul National University1989 - 1990 MA in higher and further education, Institute of Education, University of London1979 - 1981 MA in education policy, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University1975 - 1979 BSc in biology, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University

Work Experiences2013 - Present President, Kookje College2010 - 2012 Ambassador and Permanent Delegate, Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO(France)2008 - 2010 Deputy Minister for Planning and Coordination Ministry of Education, Science and Technology2007 - 2008 Director-General, General Affairs Bureau, Pusan National University2004 - 2007 Education Counselor, Korean Embassy to the U.S.A.2004 - 2004 Professor of Education, Hongik University2002 - 2004 Director-General, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education and HRD2001 - 2002 Deputy Superintendent, Gyonggido Office of Education2000 - 2001 Professor of Education, Hongik University1999 - 2000 Deputy Superintendent, Inchon Metropolitan Office of Education

Awards2009 Red Medal for Excellence by the President of Korea 1992 Award for the Best Civil Servant by the President of Korea

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President, Kyungbok UniversityJiyong Chun


Education1997 - 1999 The George Washington University School : Graduate School of Education and Human Development Major : Higher Education Administration Degree Conferred : Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)

1996 - 1997 The George Washington University School : Graduate School of Education and Human Development Major : Higher Education Administration Degree Conferred: Master of Arts (M.A.)

1992 - 1996 The George Washington University School : Columbian College of Arts and Sciences Major : Human Services Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Art (B.A.)

Work Experiences• Kyungbok University 2009 - Present President 2005 - 2009 Vice President 2004 - 2010 Dean of Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation 2004 - 2005 Dean of Planning

• Korean Council for College Education 2010 - Present Incheon & Nothern Gyeonggi Province Director

• The Committee for College Accreditation 2011 - Present Educational Commissioner

• Korea Association for Policy Sciences 2008 - 2009 Vice President

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Published Books2012 Korean Public Administration Quarterly Trust Types and National Competitiveness: Analysis on 19 OECD Nations and18 Non-OECD Nations

2009 Korean Public Administration Quarterly From Distrust to Trust : Impacts of Social Participation and Political Institution to Trust Structure

2008 Korean Policy Sciences Review The Impact of Social Capital on the Collective Value in Korea and Japan

2008 Modern Society and Public Administration The Effects of Family Social Capital on Collective Values and Life Satisfaction

2008 Korean Association for Policy Sciences Proceedings The Impact of Social Capital on the Personal Value in Korea and Japan

2008 Korean Public Administration Quarterly Comparative Analysis of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese Ideological Changes

2008 Korea Public Administration Journal Family Social Capital and Civil Participation: Cases of Korea and Japan

2007 Kyungbok Theses Collection Ideological Gap between the College Students and Older Generations: Comparative Analysis of Korean, Chinese and Japanese Values

2007 The Journal of Public Administration A Study on the Characteristic and Result of Women's Social Capital: Case of Korea, Japan and China

2007 Korean Policy Sciences Review The Impact of Human Resource Management and Social Capital on the Organizational Performance in Local Government

Awards2009 Republic of Korea Prime Minister Award 2002 Korea Military Academy Cadet Captain Award2001 Korea Military Academy President Award

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Graduating in a Competitive Job Market:

Which is the Most Required Skill or Quality?

Track C - 4


Chairman & CEO, Korea Polytechnics Moderator Jongkoo Park

The high unemployment rate of young adults (15-29 years old) in the world, compared to other age groups, is a reality. This happened in the aftermath of mismatch of jobs that require a lot of college graduates, and companies that need staffing of the labor market. The recent corporate form of employment has aggravated youth unemployment. While continuing global recession, companies prefer experienced employees more than new employees’ recruitment. This is why companies require immediate practical processing personnel. Newly recruited college graduates showed the ability to work at low level of 67 points out of 100 points (The Chamber of Commerce and Industry).While college graduates’ common job skills such as foreign languages and computer work are comparatively higher, their major knowledge and skills do not meet the expectations of the companies. As a result, companies are investing heavily in retraining for new recruited college graduates. Many professionals argue that college education should focus on the development of the ability to perform tasks that can compete with the staff in the school curriculum.In this session, we propose solutions for the promotion of college graduates’ employment competency through discussion of national and international experts about what job competencies are required by companies.

Chief Learning Officer, Hyundai Motor GroupSeongchul Lee

Distinguished Professor, Dongguk UniversityPeck Cho

CEO, Classe StudioJunseok Lee

President, Yonsei Management Consulting Group(YMCG), A Business Club of Yonsei UniversityJingu Jang

Director of Institutional Relations & Communication,Éupolis Lombardia Institute for Research, Statistics and Training

Alessandro Colombo Panelist

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Chairman & CEO, Korea PolytechnicsJongkoo Park

Education1987 Ph.D in Economics, Syracuse University1982 M.A. in Economics, Syracuse University1979 B.A in History, Sungkyunkwan University

Work Experiences2011 - Present Chairman/CEO, Korea Polytechnics2010 - 2011 Acting President, Ajou University2009 - 2010 Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ajou University2008 - 2009 Vice Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology2007 - 2008 Vice Minister of Science and Technology 2006 - 2007 Vice Minister, Prime Minister’s Office2003 - 2006 Assistant Minister for Economic Policy Coordination, Prime Minister’s Office 1998 - 2002 Director General, Government Reform Office, Ministry of Planning and Budget1987 - 2003 Professor, Dept. of Economics, Ajou University

Published Books and Articles1997 Rational Reorganizing Directions of the Industrial Tax System, International Trade and Business Institute1996 Current Status and Challenges of Su-Won City, co-author, Ajou University Social Science Institute1996 The Adjustment of Economic Resources and the Relationship between Central and Local Government, co-author, Korea Development Institute

Awards2006 Yellow Stripes Order of Service Merit, President of the Republic of Korea1996 Public Finance Award, Korean Association of Public Finance


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Education• MSc in Policy Research, University of Bristol UK• MPhil in European Studies, University of Cambridge UK• PhD in Economic History, State University - Verona Italy• BA in Philosophy, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart – Milan Italy• High School Graduation Certificate in Classics Italy

Work Experiences2004 - 2010 Director of Research of the Lombardy Regional Institute for Research1998 - 2003 Head of Staff for the Rector of the University of the Sacred Heart – Milan 2001 - 2005 Director of the Center for Social Ethics - University of the Sacred Heart – Milan 1994 - 1998 Research Fellow at the Department of Economic and Social History at the University of the Sacred Heart – Milan 1992 - 1994 Philosophy teacher at high school

Published Books• Government, Governance and Welfare Reform; Structural Changes and Subsidiarity in Italy and Britain (ed. with A. Brugnoli), E-Elgar, London, 2012• Subsidiarity Governance: Theoretical and Empirical Models, (ed.) Palgrave, New York, 2012• Innovare la democrazia. Teorie ed esperienze di deliberazione pubblica, (ed. with Roberta Cucca), Guerini e Associati, Milano, 2010• Far bene e fare il bene. Contributi e materiali per una storia del welfare in Lombardia, (ed.) Guerini e Associati, Milano 2010• The Principle of Subsidiarity and the European Citizenship, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2004• Congregazioni religiose e sviluppo in Lombardia tra 800 e 900, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2004

Track C - 4


Director Institutional Relations & Communication,Éupolis Lombardia Institute for Research, Statistics, and Training

Alessandro Colombo


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Chief Learning Officer (CLO), Hyundai Motor Group Seongchul Lee


Education1983 Ph.D in Engineering Mechanics, The Ohio State University1978 MS in Mechanical Engineering, West Virginia University 1975 BS in Mechanical Engineering, Yeosei University

Work Experiences2009 – Present Chief Learning Officer, Hyundai Motor Group 2003 – 2008 Head of Car & Life Business Unit, Hyundai-Kia Motors 2000 – 2003 Head of Hyundai-Kia Venture Plaza 1989 – 1999 Executive Director of Technical Center, Kia Motors 1985 – 1988 Senior Researcher, General Motors 1983 – 1985 Senior Researcher, ASI/INTELSAT

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Distinguished Professor, Dongguk UniversityPeck Cho

Education• PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University • MS in Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University• BS in Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Work Experiences• Distinguished Professor, CTL, Dongguk University• Superintendent, Boys and Girls Town Schools (15 schools in 5 countries), Sisters of Maria• Acting Principal, Aloysius Junior High School, Pusan• Director, Center for Gifted and Young Entrepreneurs, Korea Intellectual Property Office• Director, Wee Counseling Center for Troubled Students, Southern Regional Headquarter, MEST, Korea Ombudsman, Michigan Technological University• Director, Innovation Center, Michigan Technological University• Professor, Department of Mech. Engineering & Engrg. Mech, Michigan Technological University

Published Books• Emotion Coaching for Teens, with S.A. Choi, Haenaim, 2012.• Lectures in Hope, Haenaim, 2011.• Emotion Coaching, with John Gottman and S.A. Choi, Hankyung, 2011.• Talent Revolution, Haenaim, 2010.• Korean Teacher, Haenaim, 2004.• Strategies for Global Information Age, with J.G. Lee, Nanam, 2002.• Know-Why and Know-How of Teaching, Haenaim, 2001.• Raising Kids Here and Now, with S.A. Choi, Handan, 2000.• Seven Reasons for Korean Revival, with S.A. Choi, Myungjin, 1998.

Awards• Haedong Award, National Academy of Engineering of Korea• Service Award, Korean Society of Engineering Education• Distinguished Faculty Award, State of Michigan• Distinguished Service Award, Michigan Technological University• Research Initiation Award, National Science Foundation• Eminent Engineer, Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society• Teetor Educational Award, Society of Automotive Engineering• Outstand Teaching Award, American Society of Engineering Education

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CEO, Classe StudioJunseok Lee


Education2003 - 2007 Harvard College (Joint Concentration in Computer Science / Economics)2001 - 2002 Seoul Science High School

Work Experiences2011 - Present Euiwang City Government : Member of educational advisory board to the mayor2011 - Present Classe Studio : Founder & CEO2007 - Present Edusahre: Founder & Head Teacher2007 - 2010 Innotive Inc. Korea : Programmer

Published Books2003 Presidential Science Scholarship

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Education2006 - Present Yonsei University 2011 University of British Columbia

Work Experiences• Morgan Stanley, Intern• Bain & Company, Research Assistant• Arthur D. Little, Research Associate• The Blue House, Intern

Track C - 4


President, Yonsei Management Consulting Group(YMCG),A Business Club of Yonsei University

Jingu Jang


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Developing Leaders of Character

at West Point

Track D - 1


The United States Military Academy at West Point, better known

as West Point Academy, is a four-year coeducational federal service

academy that has a large number of notable alumni such as President

Dwight Eisenhower, General George Marshall and General Douglas

McArthur. West Point has also produced eighteen NASA astronauts,

including five who went to the Moon, and famous CEOs including Jim

Kimsey (founder of AOL), Bob McDonald (P&G) and Alex Gorsky

(Johnson & Johnson). West Point has been ranked as one of the best

U.S. colleges in Forbes best college list. In this session, Brigadier

General Timothy Trainor will share his experience as a dean of West

Point and introduce the academy’s admission, curriculum, tradition,

philosophy and vision, so we can understand how West Point

maintains its history of excellence.

Managing Partner, Bain & Company, Inc.Interlocutor Sunny Yi

Brigadier General / Dean of the Academic Board,United States Military Academy, West Point, US Army

Timothy Trainor Speaker

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Managing Partner, Bain & Company, Inc.Sunny Yi

Education1989 - 1991 Harvard Business School - MBA 1988 - 1989 University of South Carolina - Master in Information Management Systems1981 - 1985 United States Military Academy at West Point - Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering

Work Experiences2010 Managing partner, Bain & Company’s Seoul office2008 The first Asian elected member of Bain’s board of directors (Management & Board committee), Bain & Company2007 Leader of Asia Operations Improvement Capability Practice, Bain & Company2006 Leader of Asia Financial Service Practice, Bain & Company 2004 Global director, Bain & Company2000 Senior Partner, Bain & Company1990 Managing Partner, Asia, AT Kearney & EDS

CSC Index/ JSA International / US Pentagon

Published Books 2010 Business Skill 2007 Sales is Science 2006 Korean Executives 2005 Korea Discount II2004 Korea Discount I 2003 Consulting Korea Inc. 2001 Digital Management 1997 Transformation Management

Awards2008 – 2010 Most influential business management gurus in Korea by the Maekyung Economy


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Education2001 Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, North Carolina State University, Dissertation: “Scheduling Military Deployments.” Advisor: T. Hodgson.1992 MBA, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University1983 B.S., United States Military Academy

MILITARY EDUCATIONDepartment of Defense (DoD) Capstone Course, 2011. Fort McNair, Washington DC.Command and General Staff College, 1996. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.Combined Arms and Services Staff School. 1990. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.Engineering Officer Advanced Course. 1987. Fort Belvoir, Virginia.Engineering Officer Basic Course. 1983. Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

Work ExperiencesMost Recent:• The Dean of the Academic Board, United States Military Academy, West Point (2010-Present).is responsible for leadership of all academic matters at West Point. Supervises the activities, programs, personnel, courses and methods of instruction in the academic departments, and the USMA library; allocates resources to these agencies; coordinates the assignment and relief of academic personnel; and coordinates academic schedules and instructional facilities within approved policy guidelines. Responsible for long-range planning, development and coordination of academic policies, programs and budgets; overall curriculum development; and the Academy’s research program. Participates in Academy and professional governance and outreach activities. Responsible to educate, train, mentor and inspire cadets by acting as a role model in military, academic, athletic, and social environments. Leads, develops and mentors faculty and staff.• Professor and Head, Department of Systems Engineering, United States Military Academy (2006-2010). In this role I am responsible to educate, train, mentor and inspire cadets enrolled in department academic programs by acting as a role model in military, academic, athletic, and social environments. I lead, develop and mentor 29 military faculty, 6 civilian faculty and 10 technicians and staff members, and allocate resources to support missions and activities. I also participate in strategic planning of Academy goals and initiatives as a member of the Academic Board enabling USMA to meet Army needs. I conduct research in the field of Systems Engineering and supervise team projects in support of the Army and Department of Defense, and participate in Academy governance and professional outreach activities.• Director, Engineering Management Program, Department of Systems Engineering, United States Military Academy (2003-2006).I am responsible for maintaining the Engineering Management program’s relevancy and accreditation by supervising the pedagogy and curricular coordination of seven academic courses and supervising the leader development of eight officers and civilian faculty annually.

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Brigadier General & Dean of the Academic Board,United States Military Academy, West Point, US Army

Timothy Trainor


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Significant program highlights during this period included developing and implementing a new Acquisition Systems Management course, creating program curricular changes to address cadet and stakeholder needs, and increasing enrollments from 17 majors in the Class of 2002 to 64 majors in the Class of 2008. Significant recognition includes being selected as the best undergraduate Engineering Management program in the nation for 2005 and 2006 by the American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM). Our student chapter of ASEM was also recognized as the best in the nation by ASEM for both 2003 and 2004. • Executive Officer to the Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations, NATO Stabilization Force (SFOR) in Sarajevo, Bosnia (2002).In this role, I was responsible for assisting the Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations in developing the broad guidance necessary for the 35-member nation SFOR staff, and the operational direction for the multi-national forces.

Published Books • Trainor, Timothy E. and Gregory S. Parnell. (2008). Problem Definition. In: Parnell GS, Driscoll PJ, Henderson DL, editors. Decision Making in Systems Engineering and Management. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons. P. 241-289.• West, Paul D. and Timothy E. Trainor (2007). Risk-Based Decision Support of Water Resource Management Alternatives (Chapter 15). Wastewater Reuse – Risk Assessment, Decision-Making and Environmental Security, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Series C: Environmental Security. Springer Science and Business Media, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Available July 4, 2007. • Hodgson, T.J., Barbra Melendez, Kristin A. Thoney, Timothy E. Trainor (2004). The Deployment Scheduling Analysis Tool (DSAT). Appears in Defense Transportation: Algorithms, Models and Applications for the 21st Century, pp. 905-924, Elsevier, 2004. (Reprinted from the Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Volume 39, No. 6-8, 2004).

Awards• Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi collegiate honor society, 2012.• Engineering Manager of the Year for 2011, American Society of Engineering Management• Fellow for the American Society of Engineering Management, 2010.• Franklin B.W. Woodbury Special Service Award, for service to the American Society of Engineering Management, 2008.• Silver Award of the President’s Volunteer Service Award, from the US President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, 2008.• Inducted into Alpha Pi Mu, Industrial Engineering Honor Society, 2007.• Meritorious Service Award for 2006 for Service to the American Society of Engineering Management.• Military Family Volunteer of the Year Award for Service to the West Point Community in 2006.• Young Researcher for the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 2003.• Inducted as Charter Member of Epsilon Mu Eta, the Engineering Management Honor Society, 2003.

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Gifted Youth Education:

Now and the Future

Track D - 2


Countries around the world are recognizing the importance

of students with high aptitude and are developing gifted education

programs. Israel offers selective programs to the top 3% of its

students, and numerous states in the US provide systematic gifted

education programs that receive the backing of state policy. Countries

such as Singapore and China have long since run schools for gifted

youth. In this era, Korea too needs youth that are familiar

with literature, history and philosophy, while also having exposure

to science, engineering and the arts. In this session, we will listen

to the experiences of the heads of gifted learning programs from

the US and Singapore, and see what lessons might be applicable

to programs in Korea.

Professor of Mathematics, College of Science, Yonsei UniversityInterlocutor Kyungchan Min

Dean , Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, University of North Texas

Richard Sinclair

Principal, National University of Singapore (NUS)High School of Mathematics and Science

Hang Kim Hoo


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Professor of Mathematics, College of Science, Yonsei UniversityKyungchan Min


Education1968 - 1972 B.Sc. Mathematics, Yonsei University, Korea1974 - 1976 M.Sc. Mathematics, Yonsei University, Korea1976 - 1977 M.Sc. Mathematics, Carleton University, Canada1977 - 1981 Ph.D. Mathematics, Carleton University, Canada

Work Experiences2013 - Present Chairman, Council for Promotion of Basic Research, National Science & Technology Council 2012 - Present Chairman, Committee for Yonsei Strategic Initiatives2012 - Present Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Institute for Basic Science(IBS) 2011 - Present Member, Board of director, POSCO TJ Park Foundation2008 - Present President(Emeritus), Citizen's Coalition for Scientific Society2008 - 2012 Member, Presidential Advisory Council on Education, Science & Technology 2008 - 2010 Chairman, Policy Advisory Committee, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 2008 - 2010 Dean, Graduate School Yonsei. University, Korea2005 - 2009 Executive Board Member/Vice President, International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) 2005 - 2006 President, Korean Mathematical Society (KMS)2003 - 2005 President, Korea Association of Liberal Educations 2002 - 2005 Dean, University College Yonsei University, Korea2001 - 2002 President, Korea Association of Teaching and Learning Centers for University Education2000 - 2002 Dean, Academic Affairs, Yonsei University, Korea1996 - 1997 President, Korea Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems

Published Books2013 The Role of National and International Organization, Proceedings of the 2012 Strategic Leaders Global Summit on Graduate Education2012 Pathways from Graduate School to Careers: Korean Contexts and Trends, Proceedings of the 2011 Strategic Leaders Global Summit on Graduate Education 2011 Measuring Quality in International and Korean Contexts, Proceedings of the 2010 Strategic Leaders Global Summit on Graduate Education 2010 Fuzzy convergence and fuzzy topology 2010 Graduate International Collaborations in South Korea, Proceedings of the 2009 Strategic Leaders Global Summit on Graduate Education 2005 L-fuzzy proximities and L-fuzzy topologies, Information Sciences 1999 Fibrewise Exponential laws in a quasitopos, Cahier de Top et Diff Geo 1995 Fuzzy Logic and its Applications to Engineering, Information Sciences, and Intelligent Systems(ed), Kluwer

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Track D - 2


Dean, Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, University of North TexasRichard Sinclair


Education1973 Ph.D. Medical Physiology and Biophysics, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center1967 BA, Biology, Oklahoma City University

Work Experiences1992 - Present Dean, Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, University of North Texas1977 - 1992 Associate Professor of Physiology, University of North Texas Health Sciences Center1973 - 1977 Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology (Research), Department of Anesthesiology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Awards1999 President’s Award, Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented

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Principal, National University of Singapore(NUS) High School of Mathematics and ScienceHang Kim Hoo


Education• PhD (Mathematics), National University of Singapore• Master of Science (Statistics), National University of Singapore• Master of Education (Mathematics), Nanyang Technological University

Work ExperiencesDr. Hang has more than 30 years of teaching experience and has held various appointments in the Ministry of Education (MOE). He has made many contributions in education,particularly in the area of Mathematical Problem Solving, the Teaching of Thinking, and Educational Measurement. In Mathematics, he is currently into Combinatorics and Graph Theory.Since 1994, as Vice-President of the Singapore Mathematical Society, he has been overseeing the identification and nurturing of Mathematical talents in Singapore through workshops and talks for both teachers and the public. He was also among the pioneers of the Singapore Mathematical Olympiads in 1995.

Published BookSingapore Mathematical Olympiads 1995-2004 (Published by Singapore Mathematical Society)

Awards2011 The Public Administration Medal (Silver) by the Government of Singapore1999 The Commendation Medal by the Government of Singapore

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Beyond the Classroom Walls

to Communicate with the World

Track D - 3


21st century learner skills such as creativity, communication, collaboration, character and citizenship among others are emphasized in this rapidly developing and changing information technology driven society. In order for our learners to cope up with this changing social demand, changes in educational paradigm, content, methodology and environment are strongly required.This session will deal with the 21st century learner capacity based on the new educational methodology, which will lead to cultivating our learners into a valuable citizen of global community.First, 21st century learner capacity and the examples of actual learning in class that incorporates the new trend will be discussed. Also, IVECA(Intercultural Virtual Exchange of Classroom Activities) case that goes beyond the physical limits of country and region with the help of ICT, Coursera and Khan Academy which are the online voluntary learning community are introduced.Finally, we will discuss on the validity and direction of Smart Education in Korea whether the Smart Education can be applicable to bridge the educational disparities and to be an alternative to lifelong education as well.

Director, Smart Education R&D Division,Korea Education and Research Information Service(KERIS)

Moderator Jinsook Kim

Co-Founder & President, Anywhere Anytime Learning Foundation(AALF)

Bruce Dixon

Founder & Chairperson, IVECA International Virtual Schooling Eunhee Jung


Professor, Department of Computer Education,Gyeongin National University of Education

Jaeho Lee

Executive Director, National Institute for Lifelong Education(NILE)Eunsoon Baik


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Track D - 3


Director, Smart Education R&D Division, Korea Education and Research Information Service(KERIS)

Jinsook Kim


Education1990 - 1992 Master, Graduate School Educational Technology, Ewha Womans University Seoul Korea1985 - 1989 Bachelor, College of Education Educational Technology, Ewha Womans University Seoul Korea

Work Experiences1999 - Present Research Fellow/Director of Smart Education R&D Division in KERIS (Korea Education & Research Information Service) Overall implementation of Smart education policies including digital textbook development and pilot school operation, online learning and evaluation system planning, teacher training program development, and cloud-based educational information service operation.1997 - 1999 Senior Researcher, KMEC(Korea Multimedia Education Center) in EBS(Educational Broadcasting System) Educational Software Design and Development1989 - 1997 Researcher, CERC(Computer Educational Research Center) in KEDI(Korean Educational Development Institute) Educational Software Research and Development

Published Books• J.S.Kim, S.Y.Chun, et al.(2012), “SMART EDUCATION INNOVATION”, Seoul, 21BOOKS• J.S.Kim, et al.(2012)”SMART LIFE”, Seoul, KDI

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Track D - 3


Co-Founder & President, Anywhere Anytime Learning Foundation(AALF)Bruce Dixon


EducationDip Teach.B. Education (summa cum laude), Griffith University

Work ExperiencesFrom a diverse background over 30 years as an educator, educational software developer, business and social entrepreneur, Bruce’s works as an educational strategist or activist, depending on one’s perspective; either way his work is focused to be part of moving thinking towards a more contemporary view of what schooling could and should be.His pioneering educational software developments in the ‘80’s tested the boundaries of games and simulations in learning through one of his early start-ups which he later sold to a large Australian public company.Bruce’s work with colleagues throughout the late 80’s and 90’s led, in partnership with local schools, to the development of the first 1 to1 initiatives in the world, in schools across Australia. In 1996 he took the concept to North America, Canada and the UK, before co-founding the not-for-profit Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation, which provides thought leadership, advocacy and resources to policy makers and educational leaders for the effective implementation of 1-to-1 initiatives world-wide. His work in pioneering and evangelizing the transformative opportunities that ubiquitous access to modern technology offers young learners, has been directly and indirectly responsible for hundreds of thousands, now millions of young people around the world having their own personal portable computers as their preferred medium for learning. In 2008, he was invited to head ideasLAB, a contemporary research and agile development Lab, focused on what ubiquitous access to technology now makes possible for modern learners. The Lab developed a strong reputation for rigorous applied research that supports the work of teachers and school leaders, and has now been handed over to the local Ministry of Education and several Universities. Currently he divides his time between his consulting work with Ministries of Education and corporations in the US, Australia, Canada, Europe and Asia, his pro-bono work for the Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation, and international speaking commitments.

PublishedBooks Coedited Transforming Learning 1996

Awards• He received an award from the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC in 1997 for his work world-wide pioneering ubiquitous access to technology for students.• In 2006, he was named as one of “20 People to Watch” by the National School Boards Association of America.

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Founder & Chairperson , IVECA International Virtual SchoolingEunhee Jung


Education2008 Ph.D., Instructional Technology, University of Virginia (UVA), Curry School of Education, Charlottesville in Virginia2005 M.Ed., Instructional Technology, University of Virginia (UVA), Curry School of Education, Charlottesville in Virginia1996 B.Ed., Elementary Education -- concentration: Science Education, Seoul National University of Education, Seoul Korea

Work Experiences2009 - Present Founder & Chairperson, IVECA International Virtual Schooling, NY,USA.2008 - 2009 Visiting Scholar, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, VA, USA. 2005 - 2008 Graduate Fellow, Educational Technologies Office, University of Virginia, VA, USA.1997 - 2003 Teacher, Elementary Schools (Youngjung, Maedong, etc.), Seoul, Korea.

PublishedBooks• O’Neill, E. J. (2010). Integrated Cross-cultural Virtual Classroom Exchange Program: How Adaptable Public Schools are in Korea and the USA? In Mukerji, S. &Tripathi, P. (Eds.). Cases on Technological Adaptability and Transnational Learning: Issues and Challenges, (pp. 284-310). PA: IGI Global.• O’Neill, E. J. (2008). Intercultural Competence Development: Implementing International Virtual Elementary Classroom Activities Into Public Schools in the U.S. and Korea. University of Virginia.

Awards2010 The 2010 Global Citizenship Award for Leadership in Helping Humanity, Orphans International Worldwide, New York2009 21st Century Best Practice Award for Excellence in Distance Learning, United States Distance Learning Association, Missouri,2005 Whitehead Scholarship ($9,750), University of Virginia Alumni Association, Virginia2001 Letter of Commendation, Seoul Jungbu District Education Office, Seoul2001 School’s Class Lesson Improvement Research and Teachers’ Presentation Contest: 1st Class Award, Superintendent of Seoul Educational Affairs, Seoul1999 Educational Training Outstanding Achievement Prize, Seoul Educational Training Institute, Seoul

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Professor, Department of Computer Education, Gyeongin National University of EducationJaeho Lee


Education1996 Hongik University, Department of Computer Science, Ph.D.1989 Hongik University, Department of Computer Science, M.S.1987 Hongik University, Department of Computer Science, B.S

Work Experiences2011 - Present Director, Academy for Convergence Education(ACE)2004 - 2007 Director, Distance Education and Training Support Center1996 - Present Professor, Department of Computer Education, Gyeongin National University of Education1989 - 1996 Senior Researcher, Electronic and Telecommunication Research Institute

Published Books2012 Gifted Education, Hakjisa2012 Information Education, Kyoyook Book2011 Smart Information Education for Elementary School Students, Ministry of Education Science and Technology2010 Government-Authorized Textbooks(Elementary School Practical Science, Grade 5-6), Doosan Donga2008 Computer Education, Kyoyook Book2007 Introduction of Database System(3rd Edition), Jungil Books2003 Computer Education, Samyang Media1999 Introduction of Information and Communication, Jungil Books

Awards2011 (Dec. 26) Award Certificate, Daejeon Metropolitan City2009 (Nov. 20) Grand Prize of Education and Management, Seoul Newspaper Company1994 (Dec. 15) Award Certificate, Ministry of Information and Communication

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Executive Director , National Institute for Lifelong Education (NILE)Eunsoon Baik


Education1993 - 1994 Post Doc. Lifelong Education, Leeds University, Leeds. United Kingdom 1992 Ph. D., Education, JungAng University, Seoul, Korea 1982 MA. Education, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea1979 BA. English Literature, Yonsei Unuversity, Seoul, Korea

Work Experiences2008 - Present Executive Director, National Institute of Lifelong Education Worked as the director of the Academic Credit Bank System, and the Lifelong Education Policy Division. I am in charge of the National Center for Multi-cultural Education, and the National Center for All Parents. 2000 - Present Board Member of ‘Korean Society for the study of lifelong Education’1998 - Present Board Member of ACE: the Adult and Continuing Education of Korea 2005 - Present Board Member of Korean Federation for lifelong Education 1982 ‐ 2008 Researcher & Senior researcher in Korean Educational Development Institute(KEDI)1991 Research Fellow in Leeds University

Published Books“How to promote the Donation of Parent’s Educational Talents”, “ A Study how to manage the Lifelong Learning Centered University”, “Need Analysis of private firms to connect the Lifelong learning Account System and the labor market”, “ Model Development of the management of the lifelong learning institute in provincial level”, “The evaluation of Academic credit Bank System”, etc.

AwardsPresidential award

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How Social Media Changes HR

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In recent, most of the large companies in the world actively use

various social media channels such as Facebook, Twiter and blogs

due to the significance of social media adoption and its effectiveness

in corporate marketing and organizational management.

In this session, Mr. Madan Nagaldinne, Asia-Pacific Facebook's Head

of HR, will speak about the impact of social media on HR and how it

can facilitate a more dynamic and effective form of person-to-person

connection at workplaces.

Market Leader, Burson-Marsteller KoreaInterlocutor Margaret Key

Head of HR, Asia-Pacific FacebookMadan Nagaldinne Speaker

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Market Leader, Burson-Marsteller KoreaMargaret Key

Education1996 - 1999 Yonsei Grad School International Studies; Politics/International Cooperation -MA Degree1994 - 1996 Duke University(Exchange Program)1992 - 1996 Wofford College; English Lit/Sociology- BA Degree

Work Experiences2010 - Present Burson Marsteller Korea – Market Leader2001 - 2010 Edelman PR Worldwide – Managing Director2001 - 2001 Hilton Hotel – PR Manager1998 - 2001 Hyundai Motor – International PR Manager

Published Books Contributing writer to ‘Mad Women: A Herstory of Advertising’(published by Olika Publishing House 2013)


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Education• Masters in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations • London School of Economics, London

Work Experiences• 2011 – Present Facebook (Singapore) • 2007 – 2011 Amazon.com (USA and India)• KLA Tencor (USA)

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Head of HR, Asia-Pacific FacebookMadan Nagaldinne


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