PROGRAMME CONDITIONING STRENGTH... Property of Run Technique Coach 2019. 4 WEEK STRENGTH & CONDITIONING PLAN Welcome to the 4 week s&c plan. I’d like to see more runners out running

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Page 1: PROGRAMME CONDITIONING STRENGTH... Property of Run Technique Coach 2019. 4 WEEK STRENGTH & CONDITIONING PLAN Welcome to the 4 week s&c plan. I’d like to see more runners out running



Page 2: PROGRAMME CONDITIONING STRENGTH... Property of Run Technique Coach 2019. 4 WEEK STRENGTH & CONDITIONING PLAN Welcome to the 4 week s&c plan. I’d like to see more runners out running

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Welcome to the 4 week s&c plan. I’d like to see more runners out running and not on the physio

table or out injured. These quick routines will hopefully whet your appetite for more strength work.



It is important to support your running by having a body that is strong enough to cope with the

increased training demands. This fundamental part of your training underpins your running and

provides a platform for an improvement in fitness. That leads to a capability for faster training,

higher intensity, higher mileage and of course faster races.

The routines are just 6 exercises in total. Each routine covers balance and coordination, core

strength, leg strength and glute activation. There is a little bit of work to the upper body too.

It is important to BRACE the core. This is the effect of you coughing or anticipating a punch in the

stomach. That is an athletic anticipatory movement that connects upper and lower body.

(Note: PLEASE DO NOT zip of pull the navel in. This does not help in any way shape or form with

connection. It is a remedial Pilates exercise.)

Each exercise is supported by a video, so do your reviewing first to get the correct technique.

Good luck and have fun.



PS..Subscribe to the YouTube Channel for more secret videos.

Page 3: PROGRAMME CONDITIONING STRENGTH... Property of Run Technique Coach 2019. 4 WEEK STRENGTH & CONDITIONING PLAN Welcome to the 4 week s&c plan. I’d like to see more runners out running

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Strength Routine 1

Click on each exercise for a video demonstration.

Single Leg Balance

3 x 30-60 seconds balance on each leg, rest 10 seconds, alternate legs

Rest for 30 sec

Supported Split Squat

3 x 8-16 reps each leg, alternate sides starting with left forward for 8, then right forward for 8 etc

Rest for 30 sec

Seated Balance

3x30-60 seconds balance, with 30 seconds rest

Rest for 30 sec

Horse Stance Diagonals

3x 8-16 reps each side, alternate sides. 6 sets total. Do reps slowly. Keep still.

Rest for 30 sec

Hip Hinge

3x8-16 reps, 30 seconds rest. Count 3 going down, one up. You need to feel this in the hamstrings.

Shins must stay vertical and not move during the lowering phase.

Rest for 30 sec

Hip Hikes

3x15 reps each side. 6 sets total. Count 3 going down, one up. Don’t bend knee, lower the hip.

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Strength Routine 2

Single Leg Balance Tuck

3x30-60 seconds balance on each side. 6 sets total

Rest for 30 sec

Dead Bug Heel Slides

3 sets x 20, thats 10 slides on each leg alternating, 20 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Side to Side Static Lunges

3x16-32 reps (8-16 to each side) with 20 seconds between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Seated Arm Running Drill

3 x40 (20 of each arm) driving the elbow backwards with 20 seconds between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Side Lying Leg Raises

-40 reps on each side. Make sure leg goes straight up or slightly backwards, not forwards.

Rest for 30 sec

Downward Dog to Upward Dog

3x8-16 reps. One down plus one up = one rep count. Try and get heels down (I can’t!)

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Strength Routine 3

Single Leg Balance – High Knee

3x30-60s balance on each side. 6 sets total. Opposite arm to help with balance in run style.

Rest for 30 sec

Reverse Lunges - Alternate Legs

3x16-24 (8-12 on each leg), 30 seconds between sets. Drive off front leg, don’t push with back leg.

Rest for 30 sec

Hip Hinge

3x8-16 reps (20 rest between sets)

Rest for 30 sec

Seated Balance

3x30-60 second hold with 20 seconds between sets. Keep very still.

Rest for 30 sec

Standing Med Ball Twist

3x16-32 reps (8-16 to each side per set). Keep the knees and torso facing forward by bracing the

core. Don’t twist upper body with it.

Rest for 30 sec

Kick Backs

3 sets of 10-20 reps on each side (6 sets total). Bring knee forward then kick back up and behind you.

The glutes will switch on! Feel the burn.

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Strength Routine 4

Single Leg Balance - Side Leg Raise

6 sets total - 3 sets of 30-60 seconds on each leg, 10 sec rest between sets. Keep your focus.

Rest for 30 sec

Box / Chair Pistol Squats

6 sets - 3 sets of 8-16 reps on each leg, 10 sec rest between sets. Lower gently.

Rest for 30 sec

Horse Stance - Diagonals

6 sets - 3 sets of 10-20 reps on each side, 10 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Arm Swings - Forwards and Backwards

3 sets x 20-40 reps – 10-20 reps forward and 10-20 reps backwards, 20 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Dead Bug Heel Slides

3 sets x 20-30, thats 10-15 slides on each leg alternating, 20 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Hip Hikes

6 sets x 3 sets of 15-25 reps on each leg/side, 10 sec rest between sets

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Strength Routine 5

Single Leg Balance with movement

6 sets x 3 sets of 30-60 seconds on each leg, 10 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Supported Split Squat

6 sets x 3 sets of 10-20 reps on each leg, 10 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Seated Balance

3 sets x 40-80 secs hold, 30 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Side Lying Leg Raises

6 sets x 3 sets of 25-35 reps on each side, 10 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Seated Arm Running Drill

3 sets x 50-70 total, 20 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Kick Back Holds

4 sets x 2 sets of 25-45 secs hold on each side, 10 sec rest between sets

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Strength Workout 6

Single Leg Balance

3 sets x 3 sets of 45-90 seconds on each leg, 10 sec rest between sets. Keep hips square.

Rest for 30 sec

Split Squats

6 sets x 3 sets of 12-20 on each leg, 10 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Russian Twists

3 sets x 24-50, 30 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Horse Stance - Diagonals

6 sets x 3 sets of 16 on each side, 10 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Hip Hinge

3 sets x 20-30 reps, 30 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Hip Hike to High Knee

6 sets x 3 sets of 16-30 reps on each leg

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Strength Workout 7

Single Leg Balance Tuck

6 sets x 3 sets of 60-90 seconds on each leg, 10 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Advanced Heel Slides

3 sets x 24-40 reps, 12-20 on each leg per set, 30 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Static Lunge - Side to Side

6 sets x 3 x 12-20 each side

Rest for 30 sec

Seated Arm Running Drill

3 sets x 50-70

Rest for 30 sec

Side Lying Leg Raises

6 sets x 3 sets of 40 – 50 on each side, 10 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Downward Dog, Upward Dog

3 sets x 16 reps, 30 sec rest between sets

Page 10: PROGRAMME CONDITIONING STRENGTH... Property of Run Technique Coach 2019. 4 WEEK STRENGTH & CONDITIONING PLAN Welcome to the 4 week s&c plan. I’d like to see more runners out running

www.runtechniquecoach.com Property of Run Technique Coach 2019.

Strength Workout 8

Single Leg Balance – High Knee

6 sets x 3 sets of 60-90 seconds on each leg

Rest for 30 sec

Russian Twists

3 sets x 40-50, 30 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Reverse Lunges - Alternate Legs

3 sets x 24 reps, 12 on each leg alternating, 30 sec rest between sets

Rest for 30 sec

Hip Hinge

3 sets x 24

Rest for 30 sec

Kick Backs

6 sets x 3 sets of 25 each leg, 10 sec rest between sets. Alternate legs.

Rest for 30 sec

Standing Med Ball Twist

3 sets x 50, 30 sec rest between sets. Brace Core