| | Course 2 Martin Wermelinger, Dominic Jud, Marko Bjelonic, Péter Fankhauser Prof. Dr. Marco Hutter 20.02.2019 1 Programming for Robotics Introduction to ROS Martin Wermelinger

Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers

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Page 1: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


Course 2

Martin Wermelinger, Dominic Jud, Marko Bjelonic, Péter Fankhauser

Prof. Dr. Marco Hutter

20.02.2019 1

Programming for Robotics

Introduction to ROS

Martin Wermelinger

Page 2: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers

||Martin Wermelinger 2

Course Structure

Lecture 2

Deadline for Ex. 1.

Exercise 2

Course 2

Exercise 2 Intro.

Lecture 3

Deadline for Ex. 2.

Exercise 3

Course 3

Exercise 3 Intro.

Lecture 4

Deadline for Ex. 3.

Exercise 4

Course 4

Exercise 4 Intro.

Deadline for Ex. 5.

Course 5

Deadline for Ex. 4.


Lecture 1

Exercise 1 Intro.

Exercise 1

Course 1

Case Study

Exercise 5

Exercise 5 Intro.

Multiple Choice Test

Page 3: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ ROS package structure

▪ Integration and programming with Eclipse

▪ ROS C++ client library (roscpp)

▪ ROS subscribers and publishers

▪ ROS parameter server

▪ RViz visualization

Martin Wermelinger 3

Overview Course 2


Page 4: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers

||Martin Wermelinger 4

ROS Packages

> catkin_create_pkg package_name{dependencies}

To create a new package, use

▪ ROS software is organized into

packages, which can contain

source code, launch files,

configuration files, message

definitions, data, and


▪ A package that builds up

on/requires other packages (e.g.

message definitions), declares

these as dependencies


Parameter files (YAML)


C++ include headers


*.launch files


Source files


Unit/ROS tests


CMakeLists.txtCMake build file

package.xmlPackage information



Action definitions


Message definitions


Service definitions

CMakeLists.txtCmake build file

package.xmlPackage information

More info


Separate message definition

packages from other packages!


Page 5: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ The package.xml file defines the

properties of the package

▪ Package name

▪ Version number

▪ Authors

▪ Dependencies on other packages

▪ …

Martin Wermelinger 5

ROS Packages


<?xml version="1.0"?><package format="2"><name>ros_package_template</name><version>0.1.0</version><description>A template for ROS packages.</description><maintainer email="pfankhauser@any…">Peter Fankhauser</maintainer><license>BSD</license><url type="website">https://github.com/leggedrobotics/ros_…</url><author email="[email protected]">Peter Fankhauser</author>





More info



Page 6: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


The CMakeLists.txt is the input to the CMakebuild system

1. Required CMake Version (cmake_minimum_required)

2. Package Name (project())

3. Find other CMake/Catkin packages needed for build


4. Message/Service/Action Generators (add_message_files(),

add_service_files(), add_action_files())

5. Invoke message/service/action generation (generate_messages())

6. Specify package build info export (catkin_package())

7. Libraries/Executables to build


8. Tests to build (catkin_add_gtest())

9. Install rules (install())

Martin Wermelinger 6

ROS Packages


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)project(ros_package_template)

## Use C++11add_definitions(--std=c++11)

## Find catkin macros and librariesfind_package(catkin REQUIREDCOMPONENTS




More info



Page 7: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers

||Martin Wermelinger 7

ROS Packages

CMakeLists.xml Example


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)project(husky_highlevel_controller)add_definitions(--std=c++11)

find_package(catkin REQUIREDCOMPONENTS roscpp sensor_msgs


catkin_package(INCLUDE_DIRS include# LIBRARIESCATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp sensor_msgs# DEPENDS


include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})

add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} src/${PROJECT_NAME}_node.cppsrc/HuskyHighlevelController.cpp)

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

Use the same name as in the package.xml

We use C++11 by default

List the packages that your package requires to

build (have to be listed in package.xml)

Specify build export information• INCLUDE_DIRS: Directories with header files

• LIBRARIES: Libraries created in this project

• CATKIN_DEPENDS: Packages dependent projects also need

• DEPENDS: System dependencies dependent projects also need

(have to be listed in package.xml)

Specify libraries to link the executable against

Declare a C++ executable

Specify locations of header files

Page 8: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ Build the Eclipse project files with additional build flags

▪ To use flags by default in your catkin environment, use the

catkin config command.

▪ The Eclipse project files will be generated in ~/catkin_ws/build

Martin Wermelinger 8

Setup a Project in Eclipse

> catkin build package_name --cmake-args -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles”-D__cplusplus=201103L D__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__=1

The build

flags are


setup in the




More info



Page 9: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ Start Eclipse and set the workspace folder

Martin Wermelinger 9

Setup a Project in Eclipse

The Eclipse


is already

set in the




Page 10: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ Import your project to Eclipse

File → Import → General

→ Existing Projects into Workspace

Martin Wermelinger 10

Setup a Project in Eclipse


Page 11: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ The project files can be imported from the

~/catkin_ws/build folder

Martin Wermelinger 11

Setup a Project in Eclipse


Page 12: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ Rebuild the C/C++ index of your project by

Right click on Project → Index → Rebuild

▪ Resolving the includes enables

▪ Fast navigation through links (Ctrl + click)

▪ Auto-completion (Ctrl + Space)

▪ Building (Ctrl + B) and debugging your code in


Martin Wermelinger 12

Setup a Project in Eclipse


Page 13: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ Within the project a link [Source directory]is provided such that you can edit your project

▪ Useful Eclipse shortcuts

▪ Ctrl + Space: Auto-complete

▪ Ctrl + /: Comment / uncomment line or section

▪ Ctrl + Shift + F: Auto-format code using code


▪ Alt + Arrow Up / Arrow Down: Move line or

selection up or down

▪ Ctrl + D: Delete line

Martin Wermelinger 13

Setup a Project in Eclipse


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||Martin Wermelinger 14

ROS C++ Client Library (roscpp)

#include <ros/ros.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv){ros::init(argc, argv, "hello_world");ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle;ros::Rate loopRate(10);

unsigned int count = 0;while (ros::ok()) {

ROS_INFO_STREAM("Hello World " << count);ros::spinOnce();loopRate.sleep(); count++;


return 0;}


More info



ROS main header file include

ros::init(…) has to be called before calling other ROS functions

The node handle is the access point for communications with the

ROS system (topics, services, parameters)

ros::Rate is a helper class to run loops at a desired frequency

ros::ok() checks if a node should continue runningReturns false if SIGINT is received (Ctrl + C) or ros::shutdown() has been called

ROS_INFO() logs messages to the filesystem

ros::spinOnce() processes incoming messages via callbacks


Page 15: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ There are four main types of node handles

1. Default (public) node handle:

nh_ = ros::NodeHandle();

2. Private node handle:nh_private_ = ros::NodeHandle("~");

3. Namespaced node handle:nh_eth_ = ros::NodeHandle("eth");

4. Global node handle:

nh_global_ = ros::NodeHandle("/");

Martin Wermelinger 15

ROS C++ Client Library (roscpp)

Node Handle

More info


For a node in namespace looking up topic,

these will resolve to:











Page 16: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ Mechanism for logging human readable text

from nodes in the console and to log files

▪ Instead of std::cout, use e.g. ROS_INFO

▪ Automatic logging to console, log file, and

/rosout topic

▪ Different severity levels (Info, Warn, Error etc.)

▪ Supports both printf- and stream-style formatting

▪ Further features such as conditional, throttled,

delayed logging etc.

Martin Wermelinger 16

ROS C++ Client Library (roscpp)



More info



ROS_INFO("Result: %d", result);ROS_INFO_STREAM("Result: " << result);

Debug Info Warn Error Fatal

stdout x x

stderr x x x

Log file x x x x x

/rosout x x x x x

To see the output in the console, set the output

configuration to screen in the launch file !<launch>

<node name="listener" … output="screen"/></launch>

Page 17: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers

||Martin Wermelinger 17

ROS C++ Client Library (roscpp)


ros::Subscriber subscriber = nodeHandle.subscribe(topic, queue_size,


▪ Start listening to a topic by calling the

method subscribe() of the node handle

#include "ros/ros.h"#include "std_msgs/String.h"

void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::String& msg){ROS_INFO("I heard: [%s]", msg.data.c_str());


int main(int argc, char **argv){ros::init(argc, argv, "listener");ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle;

ros::Subscriber subscriber =nodeHandle.subscribe("chatter",10,chatterCallback);

ros::spin();return 0;



▪ When a message is received, callback

function is called with the contents of the

message as argument

▪ Hold on to the subscriber object until you

want to unsubscribe

ros::spin() processes callbacks and will not

return until the node has been shutdown More info



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||Martin Wermelinger 18

ROS C++ Client Library (roscpp)


▪ Create a publisher with help of the node


#include <ros/ros.h>#include <std_msgs/String.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {ros::init(argc, argv, "talker");ros::NodeHandle nh;ros::Publisher chatterPublisher =

nh.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1);ros::Rate loopRate(10);

unsigned int count = 0;while (ros::ok()) {

std_msgs::String message;message.data = "hello world " + std::to_string(count);ROS_INFO_STREAM(message.data);chatterPublisher.publish(message);ros::spinOnce();loopRate.sleep();count++;

}return 0;



▪ Create the message contents

▪ Publish the contents with

ros::Publisher publisher = nodeHandle.advertise<message_type>(topic, queue_size);

More info




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||Martin Wermelinger 19

ROS C++ Client Library (roscpp)

Object Oriented Programming

#include <ros/ros.h>#include "my_package/MyPackage.hpp"int main(int argc, char** argv){ros::init(argc, argv, "my_package");ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle("~");

my_package::MyPackage myPackage(nodeHandle);

ros::spin();return 0;







class MyPackage

Main node class

providing ROS interface

(subscribers, parameters,

timers etc.)

class Algorithm

Class implementing the

algorithmic part of the


Note: The algorithmic part of the

code could be separated in a

(ROS-independent) librarySpecify a function handler to a method from within the class as

subscriber_ = nodeHandle_.subscribe(topic, queue_size, &ClassName::methodName, this);

More info





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||Martin Wermelinger 20

ROS Parameter Server

▪ Nodes use the parameter server to store and

retrieve parameters at runtime

▪ Best used for static data such as

configuration parameters

▪ Parameters can be defined in launch files or

separate YAML files

More info


> rosparam list

List all parameters with

> rosparam get parameter_name

Get the value of a parameter with

> rosparam set parameter_name value

Set the value of a parameter with


name: left_cameraexposure: 1

right:name: right_cameraexposure: 1.1


<launch><node name="name" pkg="package" type="node_type">

<rosparam command="load"file="$(find package)/config/config.yaml" />




Page 21: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ Get a parameter in C++ with

▪ Method returns true if parameter was found,

false otherwise

▪ Global and relative parameter access:

▪ Global parameter name with preceding /

▪ Relative parameter name (relative to the node handle)

▪ For parameters, typically use the private node handle


Martin Wermelinger 21

ROS Parameter Server


nodeHandle.getParam(parameter_name, variable)

More info


nodeHandle.getParam("/package/camera/left/exposure", variable)

nodeHandle.getParam("camera/left/exposure", variable)


ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle("~");std::string topic;if (!nodeHandle.getParam("topic", topic)) {

ROS_ERROR("Could not find topic parameter!");


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||Martin Wermelinger 22


▪ 3D visualization tool for ROS

▪ Subscribes to topics and visualizes the

message contents

▪ Different camera views (orthographic, top-

down, etc.)

▪ Interactive tools to publish user information

▪ Save and load setup as RViz configuration

▪ Extensible with plugins

More info


> rosrun rviz rviz

Run RViz with

ToolsDisplays Views



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||Martin Wermelinger 23


Display Plugins


Save configuration with Ctrl + S

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||Martin Wermelinger 24


Visualizing Point Clouds Example


Frame in which the data is

displayed (has to exist!)!Choose the topic for the display

Change the display options (e.g. size)

Page 25: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers


▪ ROS Wiki

▪ http://wiki.ros.org/

▪ Installation

▪ http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Installation

▪ Tutorials

▪ http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials

▪ Available packages

▪ http://www.ros.org/browse/

Martin Wermelinger 25

Further References


▪ ROS Cheat Sheet

▪ https://www.clearpathrobotics.com/ros-robot-


▪ https://kapeli.com/cheat_sheets/ROS.docset/


▪ ROS Best Practices

▪ https://github.com/leggedrobotics/


▪ ROS Package Template

▪ https://github.com/leggedrobotics/ros_best_


Page 26: Programming for Robotics ROS for Beginners · 2019-02-20 · ROS package structure Integration and programming with Eclipse ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ROS subscribers and publishers

||Martin Wermelinger 26

Contact Information

ETH Zurich

Robotic Systems Lab

Prof. Dr. Marco Hutter

LEE H 303

Leonhardstrasse 21

8092 Zurich




Martin Wermelinger ([email protected])

Dominic Jud ([email protected])

Marko Bjelonic ([email protected])

Péter Fankhauser ([email protected])

Course website: http://www.rsl.ethz.ch/education-

