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Engineering COntrol System

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WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER WITH INDICATOR USING MICROCONTROLLERWater scarcity is one of the major problems facing major cities of the world this is one of the motivations for this research, to deploy computing techniques in creating a barrier to wastage to not only provide more fnancial gains and energy saving, but also help the environment and water cycle which in turn ensures that we save water for our future. AbstractAn automatic water pump controller through the use of diferent technologies in its design, development, and implementation. The system used microcontroller to automate the process of water pumping as the ability to detect the level of water in a tan!,"witch on#of the pump $isplay the status on an %&$ screen. The ProjectThis research has successfully provided an improvement on e'isting water level controllers(ts use of calibrated circuit to indicate the water level )se of $& instead of A& power thereby eliminating ris! of electrocution.The Project*umps are essential in the water supply feld. wooden pumps e'isted in the +,--s and these were used to empty the bilges of ships..etal piston type pumps, driven by steam, were developed in the early to mid/+0--s but it was not until the advent of electrically driven pumps that water system e'pansion became feasible on a large scale. Introdct!on%ayne 1owler developed the frst vertical turbine water pumps in +023 and 4acu55i developed the frst submersible pumps in the +26-sAutomatic water pump controller is a series of functions to control the Automatic Water *ump &ontroller &ircuit in a reservoir or water storage. A control system therefore can be defned as a device, or set of devices, that manages, commands, directs or regulates the behaviour of other device7s8 or system7s8. Cont!nedDes!"n!n" C!rc!t D!a"ra#This circuit wor!s on the principle that water conducts electricity. Two wires connected to 9&& and two other wires are dipped in tan! at diferent levels namely top : bottom and their output are ta!en on pins *6.;, *6., via transistor 1&", >W, and ?@ pins of %&$.Des!"n!n" Descr!$t!on(nitially when the tan! is empty motor will be on automatically : %&$ will show the message .otor on. As the tan! starts flling up wire at diferent levels get some positive voltage, due to conducting nature of water. This voltage is then fed to their corresponding pins on controller. When tan! gets full motor will be on automatically : %&$ shows the message .otor Af.Des!"n!n" Descr!$t!onAt02cesistor E egisters8 T6&A@ : T6.A$. Also there are registers >&A*6 : >&A*6% to confgure +; bit &apture : Auto/reload modes of Timer6.D!/erences bet0een AT%&C'+ and AT%&C'(M!crocontro**er P!n D!a"ra#LCD +12( 3LM4+1L5The most commonly used &haracter based %&$s are based on itachiIs $33,0- controller or other which are compatible with $33elays with calibrated operating characteristics and sometimes multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits from overload or faultsK Re*a6MotorAn electric motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy(n normal motoring mode, most electric motors operate through the interaction between an electric motorGs magnetic feld and winding currents to generate force within the motor.Motor(n certain applications, electric motors can operate in both motoring and generating or bra!ing modes to also produce electrical energy from mechanical energy.?lectric motors are used to produce linear or rotary force 7torque8should be distinguished from devices such as magnetic solenoids and loudspea!ers that convert electricity into motion but do not generate usable mechanical powersMotorTrans!stor 7C '89 P!n D!a"ra#1&