" T- •• _ __ ••••• ____ r1l._ __ ...•. _._ r r ••• __ •• _ __ •• _ ... All I I I r IV" "JI ... All II I r IV" "JI -, Provincial Gazette Extraordinary Buitengewone Provinsiale Koerant Vol. 15 PRETORIA, 27 NOVEMBER 2009 No. 255

Provincial Gazette Extraordinary Buitengewone Provinsiale ... · 4 No.255 PROVINCIALGAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, 27 NOVEMBER 2009 Gauteng Consolidated Municipal Budget Statements Report

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...~ All I I I r IV" "JI ...~ All II I r IV" "JI


Provincial Gazette ExtraordinaryBuitengewone Provinsiale Koerant

Vol. 15 PRETORIA, 27 NOVEMBER 2009 No. 255

2 NO.255





Page GazetteNo. No.

3884 Municipal Finance ManagementAct (56/2003): Publicationof Gauteng Municipal Consolidated Budget Statement.. 2 255


NOTICE 3884 OF 2009


1. The Municipal Finance Management Act.2003 (Act 56 of 2003)(UMFMA") in terms of section 71 and Government Gazette Notice 26510and 26511 refers.

2. The MFMA in terms of Section 71(1) requires Accounting Officers ofeach Municipality to submit to the Provincial Treasury, on a monthlybasis and by the 10th working day of the month, a consolidatedstatement on the state of municipal budgets.

3. The MFMA in terms of section 71(6) in addition to the aforementionedrequires the Provincial Treasury to submit by no later than the 22nd

working day of the month, to National Treasury , a consolidatedstatement on the state of the municipal budgets in the Province.

4. The Provincial Treasury, within 30 days after the quarter has ended, hasto publlsh a Consolidated Statement on the municipal bUdgets permunicipality in the Province.

5. Herewith we formally publlsh the consolidated statement as at 30September 2009.

Nomfundo TshabalalaActing HOD: FinanceDate: 3 November 2009



No. 255 3





Gauteng Consolidated Municipal Budget Statements Report for the quarter ended 30 September 2009.

WffiMffMiib¥;i.i4JQ..i1- ~ ~ ~

w_ 1.:M8.160.718 98.439.435 7.

ElotCIrety 1.570.815,.818 308,307.129 19......... 905,348.590 123,959.622 13.Ro.dt. P-.n!s, 9,i;lfIM" Slorm W.... 1,720.287,182 101,557,270 5.

"". • ,973,549,557 1,142,903.064 aaTotal C.p1t.111 Exf*ldlwr. lO.5l7.au. 1,m,Hil6,5 10.

"""'..... -4,611,810,025 1,Oro,5tll,26l: aa.,,,,mlll<;O'1lrtbullilons '.385.9''''50 ae.e30.~ aGIW1t1I_Sllblklln 3,312,839,9711 &57.151,71 18

""" 207,301,000 58.217,11 28.1

Tollll "INlnelng 10,517,838.84 1,175,161,551 "

@mmtiCi!mwmRMi·i4ijQ,liiW- ~ ~ ~


~~:~:::;:~2.820.925.4Oi ..

SlI\lloICIIfofDM 8.459.088,251 28...,.....',431,108,54( "ODl.Rwenlil 18,404.413,92 24.1

ToUIIap..tlna R.-Wllle Generated 61,52U18,75 15,711,122,20( ".~R.la:lCom 15241.221,~ 3.0'57,292,29-1 22.PrtM$iClllorWtnlngClpl1ll 1.687.822.90 541.747,521 32.1FlIjMIjraIl1dMIIIntwl~c. .,457,609,100 951,22(1,81 '1.BulllP ....dl_ 17,31',263,553 5,0404,743,721 31.OI1erExi*l_ 20296.961,71 4,399,587,641 21.TotalDlreel "'. .. dllll11l 58.003,818, 14,7$4,597,98 ".

'''*''$1.$- = ~ ~ "Ree.. t. 61,525,546,3 21,031 ,280,85 34.2

·e.~ .......~ 3241.392,43li 3,709.469.66< 114.4·Qr..b_ ... btld .. 12.304.961.49ll 3,187.-466.221 ".9·1 ..........nbr«lNn'«l 78.125,628 1,146.777.86 1.456.7.$talulgryAK:.IpbllnclVAT) :>26.381.004 1269.297.71 580.7

·Oth.~1 45.674.085,811 11.718.269.683 25.7

Payment. 62,2$4,393,81 20,481,556,845 a...s........lI\I.A"Id.lIll'lQ1l~ 22,938,374,:ot>;j 3.~.222,04 15.9-c.n.ndllllldlkJr~b 222tlO,3D2,24 9.975,050,31 ...• c.pbl P-V-nll 2,392,087,13< 23.7-~ntll!IIdII 90."''''' "",061.79< 1.426.5·EJ:l.lMlb1n1'lII:l~ 2,215,877,671 667,214,30< 301- SId.llClry P~""""'li1d VAT) 468,085,27 553.480.291 119.2.OV-P-vn-tl 4,199,207,68ll 1,957,420,94 ...


O·30op -- 6O-8Qd.p av_lM1d , T."o-crtptiDn AmOlHlt AmOlHlt Amount Amol/lftl Amount

BLlIkEIecIricIty 1,572,11i,382 0 0 0 1,572,171,382BLlIkWat8r 387,129,479 0 0 0 387,129,479PAYElillductIona 223,758.657 0 0 0 223,758,857

VAT{OtAput"'~1 (147.481,273) 0 0 0 -'47.481,273P81'Uln11 Retiramert 154.471,268 0 0 0 154,471,268

l..oIIln~me'" 28.900,n5 0 0 0 28,900,775

Trao.Cnldltors 1,037.481,883 32,113,479 11.945.674 44,584.990 1,126,10e.o26

""""'.......... 2,380.802 0 0 0 2,380,802

"""" 1,047,647,999 17,855,647 47,096,118 37,705,089 1,150,304,831

To'" 4,306,461,852 4I,86t,1~ 58,Q41,19O 82,210,051.0 4,417,7'1,827

(.Jit4i3iWCi!R4..n.;0030_,. ..-eo ......... Ov_aod~ To'"

o.crlpllon AmCJunl .tmCJunl Amount Amount Amountw.... 647.589.5.2. 26f1.313,148 242.212,548 5,288,714,514 6,486,809,735e_

1.347,345.171 606,629.lM6 173.726,635 2.051,956.028 4,181,859.781ProperlyAat~ 994.600.392 1>21,865.361 2-48,437.143 4.234,ne,775 5,999,73S,671ASC_ 0 0 0 1,837.533 1,837.533

"""" 527,288.464 197,089,821 215,261,159 8,093,450,252 7,033,075,695

To'" :U16.851,S51 1615 276 871,643,486 17,670n7102 23 883118 415

~7-- -- - ------h.W..t Rand did not rwporton debton d.... lo nnllllC"lsplem progl1lmmlng.i2.No 'Gnmts Reports' werw IWCelvlid from Munlclpllllitt. In th. Ilnllnellli y... as they _ Nporttng on high c.,.:lty formIIt.ta. City of Tshwllne did not submit budget NtlJl'M rot 2008110.

- - . - ..- ..._..



-"""'" 5,350,993.811,.9~:~~::

37.1G'anb&Subllidles~ 24,332.568 53.'Ott.~.... 379.720,938 142.530.7 37.6

Total O~ra1lng Rrnnu. Gen_led 5,754,047,11 a,13l11,51',m ".opeRATING EXPENDITURE

Empl~IWI-.clCom 983,138,958 241.301,34' 24PIO'o1tIonIol'Workngc.ptlll 115,880,32 106,971.'S 94.R.pU...dMalnt.nanoe 418,957~ 140.504a.231 33BulkPu~ 3,230,913,5lJol 1,1)90.714,279 33.OthM-f>qIen_ 730,879.805 382,717.893 ...Totil Direct ap..tIng Expenditure 5,477,549,511 ' ...5,25U 35.


~ ~ --:=\ ~

_co- 14,834.312,7735,3::::~

38.B,onb & Subllidin~ 71,132.189 22.Ott."~ .... 885,304.4n 358.759.121 40 .

Tota Operdng A_ue o.n••l. 15,no,741,43S 5.766.12O,02l '95EmploojMRII-.clCOttll 971,068,950 344,021,141 35.ProYIIlDnlorWorking CapbI 311.365,750 182........ 58.Re9ah.,d MM1llNl'lCltl 650,42U52 351,324.021 41.

Bu1kPuK:~' 9,942,299,5724,:::::

43.--- 1,838.072,658 27.

TOllllDlrect ,,. .. d1luAl 13,114,233,'82 5,188,863,5 40.8

---~------ - ---_.~-----------


COmpoanlon of the TAl Budge!

--f ~~~ .... ,.,-.E1ectf!c,1y

4973 549 557 , 47%CHo.,.I!"lI

rr-~--'aRa8d1 P_m..,ts Bridgtl(l


@.I44 1.i:;;;4-i." ·1414·ii1

Composition of the Total Budget·Sotrce!01 Revenue for capital Expenditure

Compos"1Pn of the Total Actuals YTO


~~_.... .Weler


~ 123,959,.22,7%


l:IFlo.tl, Plwmenta, B~dQe

1,142,903,064 ,64% & Slotm Water


ComoosruO!! or the ToIa' Act ..!! YIPSot!'ces or Revenue for cap'" ExptndIl!Jt


a.ataaas.sro ..--o\

"2,385,988,850, 23%

.,61 ',810,~, oU%

58.217,114 . 3%

." .."' ..-d~~r~1,070~",260,""88,630,465 , 5%

TotalCPR"" Emtndlh!!' Actu!'" VIBuckr!t Toll' SourctI 01Rft1tftOUO for CoO'!' Ast!.wll Y' Budget

',000,000,000 ....__.....--.,...-__----__-....

5.000,000,000 -1---------------4,000,000,000 t---'--------------

! 3,000,000,000 t---~----------'-

2,000,000,000 -f---------------


Electrlclty Housing Roads, OtherPavements•........SIormWater

Capltlll expendl,," Categories






I 2,500,000,000II:





External LaMs Intemal cootrlbut!cns Grants and Subsldie,

Sourc_ of A.venue


CgmOOIlUOQOfthe Total Budget torOperating Revery Composition OfthoTotal Budset tor Operating ExpendIUl'l


._~, .._"()~'--~T 4,457,809,750,."


.EmpiClY" Re!llledec:. •

• PltMaionlorWorklngCapilai


D&llk Pu~hM".000_Elipen_

ComDOstlion 0' theIota' Actual Receipts YIPforOpcratlnp R,Y"M

Composition 01 the Total Actual Operating Expendn,., UO

~2.820,825.409 '8%

4'431.108'S40'28%~ ):<

L--} ,. ,

.~~~8,459,068,251 , 54%

Toto. Operating Rome' A_'Y' Bydget


4,3••,5.7.641 ''''''''''4 •... :!!!~_.--S41,747,52,,4%

~.,_.,.5.4O<t,7<l3,721 .37'%

Total Operptlng Emeod!hn: Actual! no '(I Budg!1


.Pl'lMtion tor Wor1<lngc.pital


t1Sulk PurchuN


Propertyrna sen.t0ll Charges RSC lIMBs Other Rell8l'1JeRevenu. Categort ..








-r-- -r--

~- ti., I

25.000.000,000-.- .....,





E~ Relaled PIlMsiln krWlIIiing Repan alii U IVd\ases Olher EJ:penw5Costs espial MairtenlInce

o,-,Ung ExpendilureC~


Total Credftors Total Debtm

223,758,657 ,5%





4,181,659,781,18%5,999,735,671 .25%

1,837,533, O%~-IIJIII•••









'------- 387,129,479.8%




Cuh Reco!p!J cas!! Payments


·SII....~ .c.hlflll .cal)IlaI .Lol~" -EliIIlflllfb-. .~ ·Olh.P-rmenhifill Ill_,*, cnd.lll' paymenb p~nt!I m" ~Id peyments {lrH:II


• Exlerr'llli • Grantsand -In\l8Stl'l1ems - Statutory • 0theTloaM received subsidies redeemed R~lpts (Inc! Receipts


20.000,000,000 1..-11---------------


45,000,000,000 Uf--------------,eo.ecc.oco.coo 0.-11---------------35,000,000,000

30,000,000,000 L.1f---------------

15.000,000,000 1..-1r---­10,000,000.000 1....11----5,000,000,000

j 25,000,000,000 1' ...1---------------

Consolidated Debtor Age AnlMII lor 1111 QUlrter ended 30 September 2009

.·"t.i!!fflft¥l·IIIl·· liMn",;;,0-30 0- 30-" . fiO-lOo- 0-0000 T_ -300. • 30·100- 150-00 0- 0-0000 T_-- - .. Amount .. .......... .. Amoun' .. Amount .. -- Amoun, .. Amount .. Amoun' .. Amount .. Amount ..

w_ 240.843.881 '" 171,628,395 .% 131,1'0,853 ... 2,801,364.846 03% 3,144,947,954 3"" w,,'" 129,206,958 "'" 12,023,340 "" ''',~7,394 "" 326,017,877 .... 481,347,589 '''''E_188.387,918 ''''' 391,829,959 es% 80,283,385 '" 932,820,12e .... 1,591,301,388 ,... E_

426,187,576 .... 28,906,948 ... 18,452."2 "" 334,043,633 ,,% B07.sel.~ "'"P.-,- 4'O,24G,M3 '''' 342,810,673 ''''' 128,293,4'9 '" 1,706,234,794 .... 2.585.588,549 30% Pftll*'lYRM. 279.570.812 "" 55,483,785 ... "'.2e7.~ ... e38,07M73 03% 1,012,398,818 "'"osc_ ... ... ... ... 0 ... osc_

0 ... 0 ... 0 ... • ... • ...""'" 134,739,581 ".. 81,566,430 s% 51,403,824 ... 987,846.558 .... 1,235.5515.374 ".. 0 ..... 115,322,91" '" 5,578,185 ... 38,434,053 "" 1,247,328,1&8 .... 1,406,883,31G """

T_ , 00' ".. 067 457 " 071481 '" 325 """ 557 394 '00% T_ "'" I.' 250 " 335 "" 7" .... 603 '00%

I#@iijbl§ri I I 'mUM·rift·I·M0-30 30·8001 60-100. OwrIODI • T_ -3000 30-00 eo-ooc. 0-0000 T__..........

Amount .. ........, .. - .. Amount .. .......t .. -- ......., .. - .. ......... .. .. .......t ..w_ 171,3118,621 ,... 80,413,418 "" 52,3lltI.33P "" 1,474.107,997 .... 1,158,306,375 "'" W_ • ... • ... • ... • ... • ..."- sea,388,285 "'" 160,117,99:2 ,"" 53,eee,707 ... 553,720,710 ".. 1.335.493,894 ,... E_

c ... • ... • ... c ... • ...-- 173,759,406 ''''' 93.402.373 "" 55,713,278 1,105,057,010 "'" 1,<427,932,067 ,... -- • ... • ... • ... • ... c ...ose_ ... ... ... ... • ... ose_ • ... • ... • ... • ... • ...""'" 182,1S3lUllI3 '" 88,lI05,099 "" 80,581,109 "" 2.676230.723 .... 3.006,055,624 .... ""'" 81,470 .... 46,500 "'" • ... e1,OOO 31.. 198,970 '00%

T_ , , ,'" 241lM7433 "440 7 787760 '00% T_ """ 500 • et 31 1 V7ll 100%

iU b. -

O 'W1,,*'-'60·3001 30-6001 60-00 0-0000 T_ 0·3001 30-" so-eoDI 0- .. 00 T_-- - .. Amount .. .. - .. ........ .. -- ........ .. .......t .. .. ........ .. .......t ..

w_ • ... • ... • ... • ... • ... w_ c ... • ... • ... • ... • ..."- • ... • ... 0 ... • ... • ... E_

• ... c ... • ... • ... • ...-- • ... • ... • ... • ... • ... _....470,505 ,... 0 ... • ... 124.993 ".. 595,498 100%

ose_ • ... • ... • ... 1,831,533 '00% 1,837,533 30%

_se_• ... • ... • ... • ... • ...

""'" 1,542,028 """ 1,352,388 31.. 1t18,414 ... 1,270,529 ,... 4,333,359 '"" ""'" 242,394 '" 518,213 ... 357,717 '" 4,453.145 .... 5,589,_ ....T_ 1 ... .... 1 3lI8 "'" 1 414 "" 1 062 .... 1 .... 100% T_ 7' ... ''''' 51 213 ... 357717 ... 13. ".. , .. 067

,_'§imi§,; i3!W!!i!i,;

0-30 01 30-" 5O-lKlOl • 0-0000 T_ -3000 30-6001 110-90 DI 0-0000 T...,-- ......., .. ......... .. Amount .. Amount .. ........ .. -_. ........ .. .......t .. Amoun' .. ........ .. _nt ..w_ 42,815,9llO "" 21,718,452 "" 30,859,954 ... 539,971.885 .... 835,164,251 31" w,,'" 5.635,585 ... 4,959,653 ... 3,880,277 "" 111,8n,325 .... 126,152,8«1 "'"E_

89,523,511 """ 18.381,080 ... 15,156.827 ... 79,871,722 .... 160.913.120 ... E_4.294,531 "'" 1,789,827 ... 970,818 ... 12,254.122 03% 18,309,009 '"p.-,- 23,43:2,586 '" 12,790,441 "" 11,7e2,948 "" 421,062,387 .... 475.00&8,374 "'" -- 8.685,956 ... 6.599,332 ... 5,5D7,410 ... 129,195,656 .... 150,058,554 ""ose_ • ... • ... • • • ... ose_ • ... • ... • ... • ... • ...

""'" 39,358,948 ... 21,lS58,125 "" 25,430,432 "" 882,577,411 .... 789.024.918 "'" ""'" 2.554,647 "" 1,978,854 "" 1,838,488 "" 87,124,070 .... 93,593.859 2...

T_ 17 831017 ... • 210161 , ... 1 .., , T_ 21150719 , 327 . 1 ... 1373 " 352 '00%

iii!·; liM.0·3001 30-6001 10-1001 o-toDl • T_ 0-3001 30-6001 eo-eo 01 0-"00 T_-- Amount .. Amount .. ........ .. Amoun' .. .......t .. -- ........ .. ........ .. -... .. ........ .. ........ ..

w_ 11,852,841 31.. 2,184,430 "" 1,347,379 ... 22,822,049 .... 38,208,499 "" w_ 8,157,587 "" 6,062,890 "" 629,757 "" 8.587,537 "'" 23,417,571 "'""- 9,214.880 """ 3,641,235 ".. 1,890,585 "" 11,121,971 "'" 25,868,671 ,... E_8,80e,279 .... 670,911 ... 354,'" "" 3.444.319 31.. 11,278.389 '''''_....

2,276,820 t ... 890,751 ... 743,373 "" 17,~,O28 "'" 21,875,972 ,... _....8.795,228 "'" 1,435,599 ... ""',730 '" 9,061,458 .... 18,139,019 2'"

ose_ • ... • ... 0 ... • ... • ... ose_ • ... • ... • ... • ... • ...""'" 1,052,376 "" 1,178,088 "" 1,.255,626 "" 49,026,444 .... 52,510,514 .... ""'" 7.317.056 ".. 1,8t1l.206 '" 2,24t,557 "" 22.llI82,310 "'" 34.236.1:5 ""

T_ 2' 7'7 , 7 ... 063 ... 1 "" """ 1 461656 , T_ ,.. "'" • ... " • ". ... 51 rt1 ... '00%






'Consofldated Debtor ARe Analys'sror tI1equarter ended 30 Sooternber 2009,

.w;n 'JM••;;b6i:iM0-30e. 30-6001 60:'"90 0. • 0-.,,,,, T_ 0·30n. 3O-60DiI 6O~IlODlin 0--900. 'T_........... Amoun' " Amount " Amoun. " Amoun. " Amoun. " .- Amount " Amoun. " Amount " Amount " Amount "

w_ 24,075,534 "" 3,090,694 ... 2,780,931 ... 101,515,881 "" 131,.463,040 "" W.... 2,003,040 "" 2,518,557 '" 2,405,222 '" 28,554,127 "'" 35.",,78.948 ""E_62.661,973 - 2,666,116 ... 1,303,609 '" 90,246,267 ..,. 156,an,965 "'"

E_1,242,416 ... 738,552 '" -429,621 '" 11,854,808 "" 14,265,397 '0%_.....

78,150,390 es" 3.797,993 ... 1,039,360 ,,, 89,555,802 "" 170,543,545 25% P~Rales 2,671,969 '" 1,889,013 '" 1,701,556 '" 047,923,352 "'" 54,185,890 ""RSCIevies 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% RSCIEMell 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%

""'" 50,851,154 "" 9,712,632 '" 8,m.357 '" 156,856,987 ..,. 226,193,130 "'" """" 850,690 ... 627,081 '" 582,219 '" 42,111,622 95" 44,171,592 "'"T_ " 05' "" 19267435 "" 1 257 "" 1T 037 .. 685on ... t TOIO' • 115 '" 771183 ." 11618 "",

"" 1 101825 ,'·6M@§ig;, MU?i1.!,6ii'

0-30011 30-6001 60·90011 0-.,,,,, T_ 0-30e. 3O-60e. 60·900. OYer90 D. T_........- Amount " Amount " Amount " Amount " Amoun. " ._- Amount " Amoun. " Amount " Amount " Amount "W.... 7,237,889 ''''' 2,-402,338 ." 1,782,469 "" 45,893.201 "'" 57,295,897 2'" W.... ",539,849 ''''' 1,315,182 ." 951,974 '" 28,221,789 "" 35,028.794 38"E_

7,566,885 25" 1,528,932 '" 1,395,123 '" 19,762,519 "" 30,253,_ ""E_

5,070,919 "'" 378,614 ." 242,157 "" 2,817,831 "'" 6,509,521 '"PropertyRsles 1,621,021 ... 2,521,745 ." 3,445,299 ,% 63,076,1n ..,. 70,664,2042 20% PropartyRmes 8,992,024 71" 243,656 '" 45,818 0% 3,423,847 27" 12,705,345 ""osc_ 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% RSCIevles 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%

""'" 5,946,782 '" 3,399,325 '" 2,979,642 '" 105,708,864 "'" 118,032,612 "'" """" 4,779,751 ''''' 1, t65,935 '" 1,115,n1 "" 29,874,420 "" 36,935,627 -T_ 576 "" 340 . • 533 "" 76' "" tt """ TOIO' 543 25% , 387 "" 355 670 "" 64337887 t 48T t

',!lim I I ·,i1M0-300. ""'0 60-90 0. • 0-.,"" T_ 0-30 0. 30-60 0. 60-900. 0-.,,,,, T_

Rlhouund. Amount " ........ " Amount " Amount " Amoun. " RIhou.-KI. Amount " Amount " Amount " Amount " Amount "W.... 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% W.... 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%E_ O 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% E"""''', 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%PropertyRales 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% PropertyRsles 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%osc_ 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 "" 0 0% RSCIevies 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%

""'" 0 0% 0 0" 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% """" 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%

T_ O 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 0% Total

·,i1M'0-300. 30-600. 60-1100. 0-900. • T_

.. thouMnd. Amount " Amount " Amount " Amount " Amoun' "W.... 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%E_

O 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%PropertyRales 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%RSCIlMes 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%Qlh. 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%


',jj@8i!Mtifuii!!¥0-300. • 30-600. 60·90 0. • 0-900. T_........... Amount " ........... " Amoun. " Amount " Amount "

""""".... .....,...w_ $47,5611,524 '0% 288,313,148 ." 242,212,548 ." 5,288,714,514 82% 8,486,809,735 "..E_1,347,345,171 "'" llOB,629,94e '5" 173,726,635 ." 2,051,958,028 "" 4,181,659,781 ''''PropertyRltM 9904,656,392 '''' 521,865,361 '" 246,437,143 ." 4,234,776,n5 71" 5,999,735,671 25"

RSCiEMeI 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1,837,533 '00% 1,837,533 0%

""'" 527,288,484 '" t91,06lI,821 "" 215,261,159 '" 8,093,450,252 .,.. 1,033,075,695 "'"T_ 516859551 "" 1615 276 '" 879 ... • '7 n7'02 1UI415 ,





Consolidated Creditors Aae Analysis for the quarter ended 30 September 2009.

Ph'fflmMifil.iii"O·3QDtlI • 3O·lSODa ..... ()Y.. IO T................ Amounl " ........t " ........, " ......., " ......., "c......... _

"""- 511,007,003 11",", 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 511,007,003 """""w_ 168,930,267 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 168,930,267 ,...PAYEdeductIons 126,225,467 ,.... ... 0 ... 0 ... 126,225,467 ...VAT (oulpul less Inpul) '124,114,578 ,.... ... 0 ... 0 ... (124,114,578) (7%)PensIon9/RetIremen1 35,586,6904 ,.... ... 0 ... 0 ... 35,586,694 ..................... ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...T............. 205,123,687 ,... 30,128,733 "" 11,662,617 ." 39,842,081 "" 286,757,118 ""......,.- ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...01"" 565,806,930 .." 17,855,647 ,.. 47,096,116 '" 37,516,961 ... 668,275,654 ....

T_ ,... M '" 733 T7 1M> , ,i§@jMi§.!

0·300. • 30·800. • 10·10 ()Y.. IO T................ ........ " ......n' " ......., " ......., " Amoun' "CNdlIor Age AnstY*....E_

536,494.560 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 536,494,560 .'"....W_ 105,086,562 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 105,066,562 ...PAYEdecIuctIons 40,468,882 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 40,468,882 ."VAT (output less Input) ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...P«lSIons/Aetiremllnt 57,825,813 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 57,825,813 5".................. ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...TradeCrec\ilcrs 394,126,329 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 394,126,329 ,."Auditor-General 1,140,058 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 1,140,058 ...01"" ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...

T_ 11351 '00. 0 0 0 11351 ,li¥b.'M

0·30 30· .. eo·IUDs • 0-10 T_............ Amoun' " ........, " ........ " ........1 " .......1 "..........-....- 0 ""' 0 ... 0 ""' 0 ... 0 ""'.... W_ 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...PAYEc:IeductiorI$ 1,'J!J7,300 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 : 1,2tJ7,300 '6"<VAT (CItlpul less inpul) 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 0 ""'Pen9ions/Retil'8'l1er'll 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ..................... 0 ""' 0 ... 0 ""' 0 ... 0 ...TradeCrectItas 6,472,267 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 6,472,267 .."Audita·a..aI 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 0% 0 ""'01"" 0 0 ... 0 ... 0

T_ 7 , 0 7079 ,ImM!g,;

0-300. 30·" ..... . 0-.. T_............ ......., ".......,

" -... " ........, " ......., "CNdlklorAgeAnlllysls

BulkEIectricIIy 54,045,245 ,- 0 ... 0 ... 0 0% 54,045,245 SO....BulkWl1Ier 28,366,419 ,- 0 ... 0 ""' 0 ... 28,366,419 26.5%PAYEdeclucllons 4,624,624 ,- 0 ... 0 ""' 0 ... 4,624,624 ..,..VAT(eutputlessinpul) 0 ""' 0 ... 0 ""' 0 0% 0 ...Pensions I Retirement 5221,082 ,- 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 5,221,062 ....................... 5,079;517 5" 0 ... 0 ""' 0 ... 5,079,377 5"Tra:leCtedilors 9,621,962 .... 109,055 '" 6.028 ... 0 9,737,045 9.1%-- 0 0% 0 ... 0 ""' 0 ... 0 ...01"" 0 0% 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ...

T_ , ... , '09055 0.' ... 0 0- '07 :m ,00.

'w;0·30 . 30· .. . ..... . OY_to . T................ ......nl " ......nl " _n' " _nl " Amoun1 "0-"'_

BulkEIeclricity 7,229,249 ,.... 0 ... 0 ""' 0 ... 7,229,249 .."BulkWmer 2,132,609 ,.... 0 ... 0 ""' 0 ... 2,132,609 "'"PAYEdeductials 523,451 ,.... 0 ... 0 ""' 0 ... 523,451 '"VAT(Mpulklsslnpul) 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... ...P€Inslcn8 / Re6remenl 1,125,738 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 1,125,738 7%.................. 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... ...T,.;IeCredltonl 909.609 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 909.'" ...AutIi:la·GeneruI 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... ...01"" 4,591,357 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 4,591,357 "'"

T_ , , OT. , 0 0 0 , , • ,

i+M§la,; meO·30Ps • 30·10 ..... ()y.... T_............ ......., "

........," ......., " ........, " Amount "

CMJ1Ior Age AMI,.Bulk EIectrIcily 424,005,731 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 424,005,731 28....Bulk Water 63,250,492 ,.... 0 ... 0 cs, 0 ... 63,250,492 •.,..PAVEdeductions 46,465,301 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 46,465.301 .....VAT(outputlesslnpu1) ·24,257,587 ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... (24,257.567) (1.7%)PensionsI Retirement 50,767',031 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 50,767,031 3.5%

...... """""""" 'J!J,092,870 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 20,092,870 1.4%T,.;IeCredilClfS 414,378,552 ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 414,376,552 "'"Audltor·GeneraI 844,173 ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 844,173 0.1%01"" 472,020,461 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 472,020,461 'lIll%

T_ , , 0 0 0 , 044 ,'fM?W·M·j'M

0·30 30· .. . ..... OY_too. T.....- _n' " Amoun' " ......., " ......., " _n' "..........-BulkEIec'tridIy 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...BulkWldB" 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...PAVEdeductIOns 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ...VAT (CMputIes$input) 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...PerlsionsI Relirement 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ........."""""""" 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...TradeCredilClfS 3,751 ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 3,751 '"Audi1or·Genera! 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...01"" ....... ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... ....... ....

T_ ...... , 0 • 0 ...... ,'24 1'6',1" '1&

0·300. • 30·80 ..·10 · 0-.. T................ _.."


" Amounl " .......1 "Cndlior Age AnsIysis

Bulk Electricity 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...Bulk Water 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...PAVE deductions 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...VAT(outputlesslnpul) 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...Pensions/ Retirement 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 .......... """""""" 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...TradeCrediiors 135,919 ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 135,919 ...._-G""",,, 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...01"" 61,246 ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 61,246 3'"

T_ 1971&5 , 0 0 0 197115 ,i3!Wm;;,!

0·30 30· .. 10·.. 0-.. T................ Amoun' " Amoun1 " _n' " ........ " _nl "CNClIlorAge....,.".

Bulk Electricity 1,302,568 ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 1,302,568 ,."8ulkWalB" 191,062 ,.... 0 ""' 0 ... 0 ... 191,062 ...PAVEdeductions 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...VAT (outputless input) 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...PensionsI Retirement 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 .......... """""""" 1,395,173 ,- 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 1,395,173 '5%Trade Creditors 5,268,S81 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 5,268,691 ....Auditor-General 0 ""' 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...01"'" 1,290,836 ,.... 0 0 ... 0 ... 1,290,836 ,."

T_ o , 0 ,

0·300. • 30· .. ..... · ()y.... T................ _nl "_..

" _n' " _n' " Amounl "Cr.cI1IorAge Anst,.e.

BulkE_ 8,657,698 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 8,657,698 73%BuA\Waler 3,173,909 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 3,173,909 27%PAYEdeductions 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...VAT(outputleSSlnpul) 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...Pensions/ Rellr1menl 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 .......... """""""" 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...TI'8:IeCnldilors 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...Audi1or-General 0 ... 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ...01"" 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...

0T_ 11831fJ111 , 0 0 0 " '''7 ,








•C_onsolidated Creditors Aoe Analvsis for the_Qusrter ended 30 SeDtember 2009

WWGk.·30 30· .. ..... 0-.. T_

R.......... -.., .. ......nt .. ........ .. ........ .. ........ ..e_...........

....- 23,364,651 HX", 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 23.384,651 ..."

....w_ 8,861,167 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 8,861,167 ,.."PAVEdeckJclkm 2,936,118 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 2,938,118 ...VAT(outpuless~) 0 ,';" 0 ... 0 ...


Pensions I aeeeeen 3,245,118 0 ... 0 ... ... 3,245.118 '"lDnn..".,...... 1,686,896 ,.... 0 .: 0 ... 0 ... 1,686,896 ...T.... """"'" 202,925 '" irnsrr 276.516 '" 1,595,075 ".. 3,841,793 ...--- 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... • ...""'" 3,439,094 ,.... 0 ... 0 ... C 3.439,094 '"

T_ , ,. e, 1 47400 ,'.@!f.fi!i§i.

.·30 30·" ..... 0..... T_R.......... ........ .. ........ .. ........ .. ......... .. ......... ..e_...........

.....- 0 ... 0 ... ... 0 ... ...Bt.6WSlf!tt 0 ... 0 ... ... 0 ... ...PAYEdGductlons 0 ... 0 ... ... 0 ... ...VAT (outpul less input) 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... ...PensionsI Retln!ment 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... ...lDnn""""""", 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... ...T.... "'""""' 9711,"" 23% 102,414 2% 513 ... 3,127,834 7'" 4,209,563 ,...Aud/lor-Gener8I 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...""'" 0 0 0 188,106 '00% 188,108 ...

To... 1 14 ... ar on 1

'.!i,@p0·3001 30· .. ..... . Ow_OODll T_

R.......... ........ .. ......nt .. ........ .. ......nt .. ......., ..CNdltor Age AMy.

aulkElac:trlclty 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... ... ...eukWatttf 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... ... ...PAYEcIeductlon! 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... ... :VAT (wtpuf Ies.!Ilnput) 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... ...PensionsI RetiremEnt 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 0% ... 0%

"""""""""'" 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 0% 0% 0%TradeCrecIitcr'$ 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... ... ...Audttor-Oerl9l"Bll 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... ... 0"

""'" 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 0% 0% 0%

To'" 0 • • • •


0·30 30· .. ..... . 0..... T_R.......... ......., .. ........ .. ........ .. ........ .. ........ ..e_.........

: ....BulI<E_ 1,sn,179,362 100.0% 0% 0 0% 1,572.179,362..... W_ 387,129,479 100.0% 0 : 0 0% 387,129,'-79 .."PAYE~ 223,758,657 100.0% : 0 0% 223,758,657 5..VAT (output 1Iss n;:.ut) (147,481,273) 100.0% 0 ... 0 0% (147,-481,273) (~P~/RMiremlll'lt 154,471,268 100.0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 0% 154,471,268

lDnn""'"'"""'"28,900,ns 100.0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 28,900,nS ,..

TradeC~ 1,O:n,481,883 92% 32,113,479 ... 11,945,674 ,.. 44,564.990 ... 1,126,106,026 ':--- 2,3llO,802 100.0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 0% 2,380,802

""'" 1,047,647,999 .,.. 17,855.647 1.... -47,006,116 ... 37,105.069 ... 1,150,304,831 ,...To'" 52 .... 12e , Sl041790 1 82 270 05t 417741 t27 ,

.tMWiiDFI§"gl. ..·30 30· .. ..... Ovwtoo. T_

R_ ........ .. -.., .. ........ .. ........ .. ........ ..--..........."'*- 1.533.-491 ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 1,533,-491 ........W.... ',022.220 ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 1,022,220 30%PAVEdeduc:ti0n9 545,404 t .... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 545,404 ,...VAT (ou1pUfless input) • 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ...PEmIons/Reliremen1 : ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 0% 0 ..."*'- ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...T_e.- 50,706 '00% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 50,706 2%

.........-- 2SO,3lXl '00% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 2SO;103 '"""'" 38.565 '00% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 38.565 t ..

T.... ... ... t 0 • 0 ... ,'[email protected],W4

.-30 30· .. ..... 0-.. To'"R.......... -... .. ........ .. -... .. -... .. -... ..e_...........

BlAkEIeCIriCity 4,519,166 '00% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% -4,519,166 32%"'*W_ 6,114,m 100% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 6,11-4,772 ....PAYEdeductIcns 762,110 100% 0 ... 0 ... 0 0% 782,110 5..VAT(~lessif11ul) "".= t .... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 890,872 ...PensionsI Retnlment 699,812 '00% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 699,812 5"lDnn_ 646,450 ,.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 6-48,-459 5..TradeCredI10rs 201,683 ,.... 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 201,683 ,..AudlloO''''...... 1-46,268 ,.... 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 146,268 ,..on- 13,626 1.... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 13,826 0%

To'" 1 m 1 0 0 • , m ,"UME

• ·30 30· .. ..... 0- .. T_R_ Amount .. -... .. ........ .. ......nt .. ......." ..e... _ ...........

BuIkElectrldty 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...BukWater 0 ... 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ...PAVE doductIm! 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...VAT (wtput less Input) 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 0% 0 0%PensionsI Retirement 0 ... 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%lDnn""""""", 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 0%TradeCredi1or3 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%AudIV·GeneraI 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 0%en- 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... ... 0 ...

To'" 0 0 0 • •

• ·30 30· .. ..... 0..... T_R_ -... .. -... .. ........ .. -.., .. -... ..e......... _

Bulk ElectrIclty 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ....... W_ 0 ... 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ...PAVEdeductions 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 0%VAT (outpl.t less inpJI) 0 0% 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ...PG$1cnsI Relifament 0 ... 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 ...lDnn_ 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 ...T.... C<edilon 0 ... 0 0% 0 0% 0 ... 0 0%._-- 0 ... 0 0% 0 ... 0 ... 0 0%

""'" 0 ... 0 0% 0 0% 0 .. 0 0%

To'" • 0 0 • 0







Total Capital Expenditure and Operating Expenditure Report

IReport Name

MunlCity of Johannesburg

City of Tshwane





Metsweding District Municipality



Nokeng tsa Taemane


Sedibeng District Municipality

West Rand District Municipality


Grand Total

ICapex & Opex

Item Classl ICode litemTotal Caoex A Caoital ExoenditureTotal Capex TotalTotal Ooex 8 Ooeratina ExoenditureTotal Opex TotalTotal Caoex IA ICaoital ExoenditureTotal Capex TotalTotalOoex 8 Ooeratina ExoenditureTotal Opex TotalTotal Caoex A Caoital ExoenditureTotal Capex TotalTotalOpex 18 IOperating ExpenditureTotal Ooax TotalTotal Capex IA ICapital ExpenditureTotal Caoax TotalTotal Opex 18 IOperating ExpenditureTotal Ooax TotalTotal Capex IA ICapital ExpenditureTotal caoax TotalTotal Ooex 8 Ooeratina ExoenditureTotal Opex TotalTotal Caoex A Caoital ExoenditureTotal capex TotalTotalOoex 8 IOperating ExpenditureTotal Ooax TotalTotal Capex IA ICapital ExpenditureTotal Capex TotalTotal Opex 18 IOperatinQExpenditureTotal Opex TotalTOlalcaoex IA ICapital ExpenditureTotal Caoax TotalTotal Ooex 18 IOperatinQExoenditureTotal ODeXTotalTotal Caoex A Caoital ExoenditureTotal Capex TotalTotal Ooex 8 Ooeratina ExoenditureTotal Ooex TotalTotal Caoex A Caoital ExoenditureTotal Capex TotalTotalOoex 8 Ooeratina ExoenditureTotal Ooex TotalTotal Capex IA ICapital ExpenditureTotal Caoex TotalTotal Opex 18 IOperating ExpenditureTotal Ooex TotalTotal Capex IA ICapital ExpenditureTotal Caoex TotalTotal Opex 18 IOperating ExpenditureTotal Ooex TotalTotal Caoex A Caoilal ExoenditureTotal Caoax TotalTotal 0 x 8 Ooeratina ExoenditureTotal Opex TotalTotal Caoex A Caoilal ExoenditureTotal Caoax TotalTotal Ooex B Ooeratina ExoenditureTotal Ooex Total

DataOrlalnal Budaet

3,520,959,0003 520,959 000

22,324,968,00022 324 968 0003,547,508,1143547508,114

14,063,273,29014 063,273 2902,382,685,6942,382 685,694



2,845,279,7712 845,279 771



53,621,60053 621600




399,951,399399 951399179,508,081179508081

1,230,292,1541,230 292,154

35,153,00035153 000


503,038,922503,038,922104,095,326104095,326311,015,193311 015193




69521 819425

Ad'. Budaetooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Actual YTD YTD%-1,294,323,720 37%1 294 323,720 37"105,996,931,640 27%5 996 931 640 270/0

273,796,630 8%273,796,630 8%

3,372,342,424 24%3,372,342 424 24%

126,558,485 5%126,558,485 5%

4,045,553,428 25%4 045 553 428 25%

30,948,477 9%30 948,477 9%

632,144,434 22%632 144 434 22%

1,091,879 2%1,091,879 2%

65,063,737 17%65 083 737 17%

7,353,465 14%7 353,465 14%

74,157,759 25%74,157,759 25%

37,923 2%37,923 2%

8,791,725 21%8,791,725 21%8,743,801 11%8,743 801 11%

77,748,683 19%77,748683 19%10,314,172 6%10,314,172 6%

202,308,389 16%202,308,389 16%

7,239,146 21%7239,146 21%

29,930,010 24%29,930010 24%6,903,033 9%6903,033 9%

95,166,021 19%95,166,021 19%

3,453,807 3%3,453,807 3%

50,258,385 16%50258385 16%

979,620 3%979620 3%

43,646,112 22%43646112 22%3,422,413 5%3422413 5%

60,535,242 20%60 535 242 20%

16529764 558 24%


Total detailed Capital Expenditure & Revenue Report by Municipalitv.

No.255 13

IReport Name ICapital Expenditure &Revenue

DataMunl Item Class1 Code Item Original Budae! Ad. Budael Actual YTD YTD%/City of Johannesburg Capex A1 Water and sanitation 690,057000 0 44 261056 6%

A2 Electrlcitv 825871000 0 200 872 314 24%A3 Houslno 453 993000 0 62417315 14%A4 Roads Pavements Brldaes and storm water 312691,000 0 0 0%A5 Other 1 238347000 0 986773035 80%

CallexTotal 3520959000 o 1 294 323 720 37"/0Sources-Finance 81 External Loans 1566678000 0 781700692 50%

82 Internal contrlbutions 809020000 0 18130637 2%B3 Grants and subsidies 942,561000 0 436275277 46%B4 Other 202700000 0 58 217114 29%

Sources-Finance Tolal 3520959000 o 1 294 323 720 37%City of Tshwane Capex A1 Water and sanitation 443 405 418 0 44947366 10%

A2 Electrlcltv 239451086 0 70744650 30%A3 Houslnc 74518600 0 38 010 667 51%A4 Roads Pavements Brldoes and storm water 642156,102 0 59238 991 9%A5 Other 2147976908 0 60854 956 3%

CapexTotal 3547508114 0 273 796 830 8%Sources-Finance B1 External Loans 2 161,620900 0 219259096 10%

B2 Internal contrlbutlons 35469778 0 785324 2%B3 Grants and subsidies 1350417 436 0 53752210 4%B4 Other 0 0 0 0%

Sources-Finance Total 3547508114 0 273 796630 8%Ekurhulenl Capex A1 Water and sanitation 74525000 0 358338 0"/0

A2 Electricltv 374942000 0 23802252 6%A3 Housing 388734990 0 18241270 5%A4 Roads Pavements Brldaes and storm water 556340743 0 32281416 6%A5 Other 1008142961 0 51875209 5%

Caaex Total 2382685 694 0 126 558485 5%Sources-Finance B1 External Loans 800000000 0 62949298 8%

B2 Internal contrlbutions 1068262 694 0 34 796231 3%B3 Grants and subsidies 511423000 0 28812936 6%B4 Other 3000000 0 0 0"/0

Sources-Finance Total 2382685694 0 126 558 466 5%Emfulenl Capex A1 Water and sanitation 25,688 238 0 0 OCl/o

A2 Electrlcltv 44000000 0 10059515 23°/0A3 Houslna 0 0 5290370 0%A4 Roads Pavements Bridges and storm water 118896054 0 2439699 2%A5 Other 171920956 0 13158893 BOlo

CaDex Total 360505246 0 30948477 9%Sources-Finance B1 External Loans 0 0 0 0%

B2 Internal contrlbutlons 207550000 0 21 615162 10%B3 Grants and subsidies 152955246 0 9333314 6%B4 Other 0 0 0 0%

Sources-Finance Total 360505246 0 30948477 9%Kungwlnl Capex A1 Water and sanitation 30577000 0 0 0%

A2 Electrlcltv 8500000 0 0 0"/0A3 Houslna 0 0 0 0"/0A4 Roads Pavements Brldaes and storm water 3000000 0 0 0"/0A5 Other 24863 000 0 1091879 4%

CalleX Total 66940000 0 1091879 2%Sources·Flnance B1 External Loans 0 0 0 0"/0

B2 Internal contrlbutlons 36783 000 0 283 624 1%B3 Grants and subsidies 30157000 0 808254 3%B4 Other 0 0 0 0"/0

Sources-Finance Total 66940000 0 1091878 2%Lesedl Capex A1 Water and sanitation 8750000 0 1647182 19%

A2 Electricltv 4000000 0 610145 15%A3 Housing 0 0 0 0%A4 Roads Pavements Bridges and storm water 19302 000 0 790 610 4%A5 Other 21569600 0 4305528 20"/0

Capex Total 53621600 0 7353 46S 14%Sources-Finance B1 External Loans 13000 000 0 0 0"/0

B2 Internal contrlbutlons 20241000 0 1463 144 7%B3 Grants end subsidies 20380800 0 5890 321 29%B4 Other 0 0 0 0"/0

Sources-Finance Total 53621600 0 7353 465 14%Metswadlng District Municipality Capex A1 Water and senitatlon 0 0 0 0"/0

A2 Electrlcltv 0 0 0 0"/0A3 Houslna 0 0 0 0"/0A4 Roads Pavements Brldoes and storm water 0 0 0 0"/0A5 Other 2143 490 0 37923 2%

CapexTotal 2143 490 0 37923 2%Sources-Finance B1 External Loans 0 0 0 0"/0

B2 Internal contrlbutions 2143 490 0 37923 2%B3 Grants and subsidies 0 0 0 0%B4 Other 0 0 0 0"/0

Sources-Finance Total 2143490 0 37923 2%Grand Total 19 868 726 288 o 3468221137 17"/0


Total detailed Capital Expenditure & Revenue Report by Municipality.

IReport Name ICapital Expenditure & Revenue

DataMunl IlemCla••1 Code Ilam Orlalnal Budael Ad, Budael Aclualvld YTD%l1Midvaal Capex Al Water and sanitation 8,625,000 0 1,022,346 12%

A2 ElectricilY 6,200,000 0 99,740 2%A:l Housina 0 0 0 0%A4 Roads, Pavements, Bridaesandstormwater 33,150,000 0 2,291,859 7%AS Other 29,710,850 0 5,329,856 18%

cepexTotal 77,685,850 0 8743 801 11%Sources·Finance 61 ExternalLoans 43,700,000 0 4,862,443 11%

B2 Internal contributions 915,000 0 56,417 6%B3 Grantsandsubsidies 33,070,850 0 3,824,941 12%B4 Other 0 0 0 0%

Sources-Finance Total 77 685 850 a 8743 801 11%Mogale City Capex Al Water and sanitation 30,222,394 0 2,459,433 8%

A2 Electricitv 37,000,000 0 0 0%A:l Housino 0 0 0 0%A4 Roads, Pavements.Brid es and storm water 21,154,443 0 2,808,366 13%A5 Other 91,131,244 0 5,046,373 6%

cepex Total 179508081 0 10314172 6%Sources-Finance Bl External Loans 5,096,693 0 79,224 2%

62 Internal contributions 104,394,172 0 125,542 0%B3 Grants and subsidies 70,017,216 0 10,109,406 14%B4 Other 0 0 0 0%

Sources-Finance Total 179508,081 0 10314172 6%Nokeng tsa Taemane Capex Al Water and sanitation 0 0 880,795 0%

A2 Electricity 9,952,000 0 2,118,513 21%A:l Housino 8,000,000 0 0 0%A4 Roads, Pavements,Bridoes and storm water 0 0 0 0","AS Other 17,201,000 0 4,239,838 25%

cepexTotal 35153 000 0 7239,146 21%Sources-Pinance 61 ExternalLoans 0 0 0 0%

B2 Internalcontributions 0 0 0 0%B3 Grants and subsidies 33,552,000 0 7239,146 22%B4 Other 1,601,000 0 0 0%

Sources-Flnanca Total 35,153,000 0 7,239146 21%Randfontein Capex Al Water and sanitation 15,000,000 0 2,862,968 19%

A2 Electricity 12,700,000 0 0 0"/.A3 Housing 0 0 0 0%A4 Roads, Pavements, Bridoes and storm water 9,900,000 0 306,577 3%A5 Other 41,016,400 0 3,733,488 9"/.

ceDexTotal 78616400 0 6903033 9%Sources-Finance Bl External Loans 0 0 0 0","

62 Internalcontributions 35,796,000 0 6,903,033 19%B3 Grants and subsidies 42,820,400 0 0 0"/.B4 Other 0 0 0 0"/.

Sources-Finance Total 78 616 400 0 6,903033 9%Sedibeng DistrictMunicipality Capex Al Waterandsanitation 0 0 0 0"/.

A2 Electricitv 0 0 0 0"/.A:l Housina 0 0 0 0%A4 Roads, Pavements,Bridaes and storm water 0 0 0 0"/.A5 Otller 104,095,326 0 3,453,807 3%

ceDexTotal 104,095326 0 3453 807 3%Sources-Finance Bl External Loans 0 0 0 0%

62 Internal contributions 47,095,326 0 3,453,807 7%B3 Grants and subsidies 57,000,000 0 0 0"/.B4 Other 0 0 0 0%

Sources..Flnance Total 104095326 0 3453607 3%West Rand District MUniCipality Capex Al Water and sanitation 19,680,670 0 0 0%

A2 Electricitv 3,000,000 0 0 0%A3 HousinQ 0 0 0 0"/.A4 Roads, Pavements.Bridaes and storm water 1,681,820 0 929,474 55%A5 Othar 13,308,500 0 50,146 0%

ceaexTotal 37,870,990 0 979620 3%Sources-Finance 61 ExternalLoans 0 0 0 0"/.

62 Internalcontributions 18,318,390 0 979,620 5%B3 Grants and subsidies 19,552,600 0 0 0%B4 Other 0 0 0 0%

Sources-Finance Total 37,870,990 0 978 620 3%Westonaria Capex Al Water and sanitation 1,430,000 0 0 0%

A2 Electricity 4,999,732 0 0 0%A3 Housina 100,000 0 0 0%A4 Roads Pavements Bridaes and storm water 1995000 0 470278 24%AS Other 62,122,322 0 2,952,135 5%

cepexTotal 70,647,054 0 3,422413 5%Sources-Finance 61 External Loans 21,714,432 0 1,716,507 8%

62 Internal contributions 0 0 0 0","B3 Grants and SUbsidies 46,932,622 0 1,705,906 3%B4 Other 0 0 0 0"/.

Sources-Finance Total 70647054 0 3422413 5%


Total Summary Operating Revenue and Expenditure Report by Municipality

NO.255 15

Re ort NameItemCode

o ratin Revenue & Ex enditureAllAll

DataMunl ltemClassl Oriainal Budaet Ad!. Budaet Actual YTD YTDo/JIICity of Johannesburg Operating Revenue 22,767,735,000 0 6,291,297,619 28%

Ooax 22,324,968,000 0 5,996,931,640 27%City 01Tshwane Operating Revenue 16,139,009,768 0 3,872,170,994 24%

Ooax 14,063,273,290 0 3,372,342,424 24%Ekurhuleni Operating Revenue 15,973,848,595 0 3,785,910,293 24%

Ooax 15,973,835,235 0 4,045,553,428 25%Emluleni Operating Revenue 2,845,279,771 0 767,410,260 27%

Ooex 2,845,279,771 0 632,144,434 22%Kungwini Operating Revenue 477,888,513 0 112,405,960 24%

ooox 394,297,969 0 65,083,737 17%Lesedi Operating Revenue 293,907,737 0 80,577,266 27%

Onex 293,906,676 0 74,157,759 25%Metsweding District Municipality Operating Revenue 35,684,938 0 11,432,490 32%

Ooex 41,974,756 0 8,791,725 21%Midvaal Operating Revenue 401,606,088 0 94,298,556 23%

Ooex 399,951,399 0 77,748,683 19%Mogale City Operating Revenue 1,160,274,939 0 302,464,254 26%

Ooex 1,230,292,154 0 202,308,389 16%Nokeng tsa Taemane Operating Revenue 125,494,449 0 62,364,520 50%

Ooex 124,499,840 0 29930,010 24%Randlontein Operating Revenue 503,038,922 0 133,840,785 27%

Ooex 503,038,922 0 95,166,021 19%Sedibeng District Municipality Operating Revenue 299,783,587 0 37,010,442 12%

Ooex 311,015,193 0 50,258385 16%West Rand District Municipality Operating Revenue 205,029,860 0 74,929,265 37%

Ooax 197,282,460 0 43,646,112 22%Westonaria Operating Revenue 301,236,592 0 85,009,496 28%

Ooex 300,263,915 0 60535,242 20%Grand Total 120 533 698 339 0 30 465 720 188 25%


Operating Revenue and Expenditure Report by Municipality

IReport Name 1000ratingRevenue& Expenditure

DataMunl /lem Classl Code /lem Original Budget Adj. Budget AetualYTD YTD%'"Cityof Johannesburg Operating Revenue Al Prooertvrates 4,106,790,000 0 1,043,615,813 25%

A2 Servicecharges 12,166,000,000 0 2,998,347,454 25%A3 RSClevies 0 0 0 0%A4 Otherownrevenue 6,494,945,000 0 2,249,334,352 35%

Operating Revenue Total 22,767,735,000 0 6291,297,619 28%Opex Bl Emplovee relatedcosts 5,725,924,000 0 1,298,495,801 23%

B2 Provisionfor workinacapital 0 0 170,409,190 0%B3 Repairsandmaintenance 469,513,000 0 96,936,342 21%B4 Bulkpurchases 6,635,837,000 0 2,062,832,426 31%B5 Otherexpenditure 9,493,694,000 0 2,366,255,661 25%

1000xTotal 22,324,968,000 0 5,996,931,640 27%Cityof Tshwane OperatingRevenue Al Prooertvrates 3,597,960,000 0 616,609,941 23%

A2 Servicecharges 7,243,605,000 0 1,889,029,043 26%A3 RSClevies 0 0 0 0%A4 Otherown revenue 5,297,424,768 0 1,164,532,010 22%

Operating RevenueTotal 16,139,009,768 0 3,672,170,994 24%Opex Bl Emolovee relatedcosts 3,534,783,717 0 805,955,801 23%

B2 Provisionfor workingcapital 136,472,235 0 4,610,525 3%B3 Repairsand maintenance 1,609,266,600 0 408,611,162 25%B4 Bulkpurchases 3,496,676,595 0 1,171,606,042 34%B5 Otherexoenditure 5,264,053,943 0 961,556,674 19%

OpexTotal 14 063 273,290 0 3 372,342424 24%Ekurhuleni Operating Revenue Al Prooertvrates 2,652,591,263 0 660,187,301 25%

A2 Servicecharges 6,759,491,053 0 2,644,744,249 30%A3 RSClevies 0 0 0 0%A4 Otherownrevenue 4,561,766,279 0 460,976,743 11%

Operating Revenue Total 15,973,846,595 0 3,765,910,293 24%Opex Bl Emplovee relatedcosts 4,106,357,461 0 950,130,660 23%

B2 Provisionfor workinG capital 1,142,999,629 0 366,434,745 32%B3 Repairsandmaintenance 1,836,025,644 0 376,302,528 20%B4 Bulkpurchases 5,345,503,671 0 1,554,362,569 29%B5 Otherexpenditure 3,540,946,430 0 796,302,706 23%

OpexTotal 15,973,635,235 0 4,045,553,428 25%Emfuleni OperatingRevenue Al Prooertvrates 436,000,000 0 116,468,224 27%

A2 Servicecharoes 1,761,280,045 0 465,621,116 26%A3 RSClevies 0 0 0 0%A4 Otherawn revenue 645,999,726 0 165,120,917 26%

Operating Revenue Total 2,845 279,n1 0 767,410,260 27%Opex Bl Emplovee relatedcosts 569,929,552 0 126,242,566 22%

B2 Provisionfor workinacaoital 392,304,876 0 0 0%83 Repairsand maintenance 202,973,905 0 46,498,675 23%B4 Bulkpurchases 943,252,741 0 364,765,195 39%85 Otherexpenditure 736,616,697 0 94,617,997 13%

Opex Total 2,845,279,771 0 632,144,434 22%Kungwini OperatingRevenue Al Properlyrates 129,682,675 0 26,963,133 21%

A2 Servicecnerces 192,275,596 0 36,056,944 19%A3 RSClevies 0 0 0 0%A4 Otherownrevenue 155,930,042 0 49,365,883 32%

Operating RevenueTotal 4n,886,513 0 112,405,960 24%Opex Bl Emolovee relatedcosts 102,433,nl 0 27,686,257 27%

B2 Provisianfor workinacaeital 5,566,674 0 0 0%B3 Repairsand maintenance 41,988,280 0 4,904,535 12%B4 Bulkpurchases 96,922,277 0 19,059,832 19%85 Otherexoendilure 145,364,767 0 13,433,113 9%

OcexTotal 394,297,969 0 65,083,737 17%Lasedi Operating Revenue Al Prooertvrates 31,461,454 0 7,276,055 23%

A2 Servicecharaes 176,534,026 0 55,157,506 31%A3 RSClevies 0 0 0 0%A4 Otherownrevenue 85,692,255 0 16,143,703 21%

Operating RevenueTotal 293907,737 0 80,577,266 27%Opex Bl Emplovee relatedcosts 64,535,313 0 16,677,944 22%

82 Provisionfor workinG caeital 0 0 0 0%1t:l3 IHepalrsana maintenance 14,242,474 ,583,449 00

B4 8ulk purchases 90,164,659 0 36,577,653 43%85 Otherexoenditure 104,944,230 0 15,316,713 15%

OcexTotal 293,906,676 0 74157,759 25%Metsweding District Municipal~y OperatingRevenue Al Propertyrates 0 0 0 0%

A2 Servicecharces 0 0 0 0%A3 RSClevies 0 0 0 0%A4 Otherown revenue 35,664,936 0 11,432,490 32%

Oceratina Revenue Total 35,664,936 0 11,432,490 32%Opex Bl Employee relatedcosts 20,383,662 0 4,529,023 22%

82 Provision lor workinacaPital 0 0 0 0%B3 Reeairsandmaintenance 225,000 0 17,657 6%B4 Bulkpurchases 0 0 0 0%B5 Otherexoenditure 21,365,894 0 4,244,645 20%

oeex Total 41,974,756 0 8,791,725 21%


Operating Revenue and Expenditure Reportby Municipalitv

NO.255 17

IReport Name IOperatil1!l Revenue & Expenditure

DataMunl Item Claas1 Code Item Oriainal Budaet Adi. Budaet Actual vtd YTD%""Midvaal Operating Revenue Al Prooertv rates 94,197,751 0.0 24,317,763 26%

A2 service charges 194,730,118 0.0 48,419343 25%A3 RSC levies 0 0.0 0 0%A4 Other own revenue 112,678,219 0.0 21,561450 19%

Operating Revenue Total 401,606,088 0.0 94,298,556 23%Opex Bl Emolovee related costs 119,684,289 0.0 27,312,750 23%

B2 Provision for working capital 0 0.0 0 0%B3 Reoairs and maintenance 25,508,850 0.0 2,245,570 9%B4 Bulk ourchases 110,953,125 0.0 32,418,627 29%B5 Other expenditure 143,805,135 0.0 15,771,736 11%

OoexTotal 399,951,399 0.0 77,748,683 19%Mogale City Operating Revenue Al Property rates 180,504,664 0.0 58,366,560 32%

A2 service charges 737,504,000 0.0 178,875,776 24%A3 RSC levies 0 0.0 0 0%A4 Other own revenue 242,266,275 0.0 65,221,918 27%

Ooeratina Revenue Total 1,160,274,939 0.0 302,464,254 26%Opex Bl Emolovee related costs 366,747,238 0.0 75,137,153 20%

B2 Provision for working capital 0 0.0 0 0%B3 Reoairs and maintenance 74,916,420 0.0 8,005,890 11%B4 Bulk ourchases 296,849102 0.0 82,587,927 28%B5 Other expenditure 491,779,394 0.0 36,577,418 7%

OoexTotal 1,230,292,154 0.0 202308,389 16%Nokeng tsa Taemane Operating Revenue A1 Prooertv rates 36,047,738 0.0 27504 219 76%

A2 service charges 34,699,087 0.0 11,082,586 32%A3 RSC levies 0 0.0 0 0%A4 Other own revenue 54,747,624 0.0 23,777 715 43%

Ooeratina Revenue Total 125494,449 0.0 62,364520 50%Opex Bl Employee related costs 43,691,767 0.0 13739,186 31%

B2 Provision for working caoital 5,362,593 0.0 0 0%B3 Reoalrs and maintenance 5,551,500 0.0 980,438 18%B4 Bulk purchases 16,027,341 0.0 6,131,761 38%B5 Other expenditure 53,866,639 0.0 9078625 17%

OoexTotal 124,499,840 0.0 29930010 24%Randfonteln Operating Revenue Al Prooertv rates 77,530,138 0.0 28785729 37%

A2 service charges 321,706,813 0.0 75,102,152 23%A3 RSC levies 0 0.0 0 0%A4 Other own revenue 103,801,971 0.0 29,952,905 29%

Ooeratlna Revenue Total 503,038,922 0.0 133840785 27%Opex Bl Employee related costs 158,380,003 0.0 33,509,530 21%

B2 Provision for working caoital 0 0.0 0 0%B3 Repairs and maintenance 148,487,060 0.0 773,597 1%B4 Bulk ourchases 167,734,000 0.0 40 793,161 24%B5 Other exoenditure 28,437,859 0.0 20089733 71%

OoexTotal 503,038,922 0.0 95,166 021 19%Sedibeng District Municipality Operating Revenue Al Prooertv rates 0 0.0 0 0%

A2 service charces 0 0.0 0 0%A3 RSC levies 0 0.0 0 0%A4 Other own revenue 299,783,587 0.0 37,010,442 12%

Operating Revenue Total 299,783 587 0.0 37010,442 12%Opex Bl Emoloyee related costs 214189,846 0.0 33,056,487 15%

B2 Provision for workino caoital 0 0.0 0 0%B3 Reoairs and maintenance 8,175,600 0.0 1,009,260 12%B4 Bulk ourchases 0 0.0 0 0%B5 Other exoenditure 88,649,747 0.0 16,192,639 18%

OpexTotal 311,015,193 0.0 50,258,385 16%West Rand District Municipality Operating Revenue Al Prooerty rates 8,985,000 0.0 2,969608 33%

A2 service charges 3,495,830 0.0 888,381 25%A3 RSC levies 0 0.0 0 0%A4 Other own revenue 192,549,030 0.0 71,071,276 37%

Operating Revenue Total 205,029860 0.0 74929265 37%Opex Bl Emolovee related costs 99,594,530 0.0 21870,453 22%

B2 Provision for working capital 3,094,500 0.0 293,062 9%B3 Reoairs and maintenance 5,828,600 0.0 458438 8%

B4 Bulk ourchases 0 0.0 0 0%B5 Other expenditure 88,764,830 0.0 21024,160 24%

OoexTotal 197,282460 0.0 43 646112 22%Westonaria Operating Revenue Al Prooertv rates 22,266,286 0.0 5861063 26%

A2 service charcss 158,026,093 0.0 35563 698 23%A3 RSC levies 0 0.0 0 0%A4 Other own revenue 120,944,213 0.0 43,584 735 36%

Ooeratina Revenue Total 301,236,592 0.0 85009,496 28%Opex B1 Employee related costs 98,586,305 0.0 20,948,483 21%

B2 Provision for working caDital 0 0.0 0 0%B3 Reoairs and maintenance 14886,617 0.0 897051 6%B4 Bulk purchases 112,322,842 0.0 31,566,507 28%B5 Other exoenditure 74,468,151 0.0 7123201 10%

OoexTotal 300,263,915 0.0 60,535,242 20%Grand Total 6,062 808,320 0.0 1,349510160 22%


Total Summary Cash Receipt and Payments Report by Municipality

Report Name Cash Receipts and PaymentsCode All)Item All)

DataMuni Item Class1 Original Budget Adj. Budget Actual YTD YTD%-City of Johannesburg 1.Receipts 24,774,230,000 0 8,257,144,159 33%

2.Payments 24,584,343,000 0 6,624,492,046 27%City of Tshwane 1.Receipts 16,122,941,518 0 4,329,008,113 27%

2.Pavments 16,007,602,023 0 4,534,765,659 28%Ekurhuleni 1.Receipts 13,806,901,000 0 6,224,404,735 45%

2.Payments 14,756,979,000 0 7,060,524,512 48%Emfuleni 1.Receipts 2,618,522,578 0 745,876,575 28%

2.Pavments 2,592,791,494 0 727,975,175 28%Kungwini 1.Receipts 477,888,521 0 107,641,384 23%

2.Pavments 434,967,446 0 117,895,933 27%Lesedi 1.Receipts 352,003,570 0 77,181,483 22%

2.Pavments 352,544,699 0 83,319,879 24%Metsweding District Municipality 1.Receipts 66,598,938 0 18,153,644 27%

2.Pavments 80,039,048 0 36,844,484 46%Midvaal 1.Receipts 401,606,088 0 104,292,285 26%

2.Payments 399,951,399 0 115,570,632 29%MogaleCity 1.Receipts 1,345,171,000 0 478,791,580 36%

2.Payments 1,344,859,000 0 490,171,966 36%Nokeng tsa Taemane 1.Receipts 125,257,000 0 47,619,015 38%

2.Payments 124,500,000 0 45,073,333 36%Randfontein 1.Receipts 503,038,922 0 122,899,377 24%

2.Payments 545,338,162 0 137,284,363 25%Sedibeng District Municipality 1.Receipts 356,783,580 0 228,215,857 64%

2.Pavments 415,110,516 0 226,527,759 55%West Rand District Municipality 1.Receipts 202,720,016 0 215,798,073 106%

2.Pavments 244,457,061 0 207,520,502 85%Westonaria 1.Receipts 371,883,646 0 74,254,673 20%

2.Payments 370,910,969 0 73,590,602 20%Grand Total 123,779,940,194 0 41,512,837,798 34%


By Functions Report: Water & Electricity Operating Expenditure and Operating Revenue Report


DataReport Name Munl Item Class1 Oriainal Budaet Ad!. Budaet Actual YTD YTD%OperRev and Opex by Function:Electricity City of Johannesburg Operating Revenue 7,336,356,000 0 1,961,929,588 27%

Opex 6,654,228,000 0 2,134,912,798 32%City of Tshwane Operating Revenue 0 0 1,521,199,884 0%

Opex 0 0 1,379,357,098 0%Ekurhuleni Operating Revenue 6,321,559,616 0 1,695,064,131 27%

Ooex 5,572,112,737 0 1,641,330,908 29%Emfuleni Operating Revenue 1,000,836,367 0 312,626,702 31%

Opex 805,974,991 0 316,040,903 39%Kungwini Operating Revenue 99,429,044 0 16,561,048 17%

Opex 94,860,488 0 17,507,069 18%Lesedi Operating Revenue 118,196,784 0 33,525,297 28%

Ooex 102,652,377 0 38,073,756 37%Midvaal Operating Revenue 127,355,808 0 31,134,697 24%

Ooex 96,263,899 0 27,435,500 29%Mogale City Operating Revenue 480,782,634 0 122,986,821 26%

ooex 339687029 0 74852,508 22%Nokeng tsa Taemane Operating Revenue 21,351,474 0 4,659,630 22%

Opex 14,112,696 0 4,281,023 30%Randfontein Operating Revenue 229,768,789 0 52,724,175 23%

Opex 182,026,270 0 39728102 22%Westonaria Operating Revenue 55,112,923 0 14,508,050 26%

Ooex 52,315,395 0 15343 932 29%OperRev and Opex by Function:Water City of Johannesburg Operating Revenue 2,528,465,000 0 986,669,022 39%

Opex 2,270,237,000 0 988,867,427 44%City of Tshwane Operating Revenue 0 0 373,454,538 0%

Opex 0 0 313,433,655 0%Ekurhuleni Operating Revenue 2,165,880,656 0 517,369,271 24%

Opex 2,283,608,040 0 488,255,037 21%Emfuleni Operating Revenue 485,053,937 0 121,014,060 25%

Opex 438,966,911 0 81,960,232 19%Kungwini Operating Revenue 90,179,385 0 16,198,552 18%

Oosx 45,975,258 0 4,871,630 11%Lesedi Operating Revenue 35,278,836 0 17,063,205 48%

Ooex 30,686,926 0 7,572945 25%Midvaal Operating Revenue 79,613,745 0 19,757,589 25%

Opex 73,064,951 0 11,381128 16%Mogale City Operating Revenue 194,599,952 0 40,725,185 21%

Oosx 199,340,150 0 19,148,753 10%Nokeng tsa Taemane Operating Revenue 20,174,602 0 6,010,909 30%

Opex 10,895,167 0 3,206,023 29%Randfontein Operating Revenue 63,999,802 0 18,757,306 29%

Opex 38,230,945 0 7542095 20%Westonaria Operating Revenue 90,801,202 0 21,499,238 24%

Opex 86,544,163 0 19,013901 22%