Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

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Page 1: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms

Gerhard Zürn

Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Page 2: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

States of matter

• What are the key ingredients for high-Tc supercondutivity?

• Can we „simulate“ some of them?


Page 3: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

The Heisenberg model:

- 2D structure: study phase transition and

phase correlation

picture: T. Fukuhara et al., Nat.Phys. 9, 235–241 (2013)

- effective magnetic interaction

exchange interaction

first order correlation function g1(r)

Related phenomena

M. Ries et al., PRL 114, 230401 (2015)

P. Murthy et al., PRL 115, 010401 (2015)

Page 4: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Spin order on a lattice

For positive J:

1D: (Bethe-Ansatz, DMRG, ...) 2D and large N, anisotropic Jex,…difficult…

Many body system at high temperature Many body system at low temperature

Page 5: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

The cold gases approach

- Reduce the complexity of a system as much as possible until only the essential

parts remain!

(e.g. consider only nearest neighbor interaction)

- Tunability of interaction: vary s-wave scattering length a by Feshbach resonances

- Shape of the external confinement

(optical dipole traps, lattices)

Page 6: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

A lattice for ultracold atoms

• Shape a lattice potential with light

… …


Page 7: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

A lattice for ultracold atoms

• Shape a lattice potential with light

… …

Tunneling Jt

On-site interaction U

Page 8: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

A lattice for ultracold atoms

• For large enough U/Jt : Mott-insulating state is reached,

fixed particle number per site

… …

Tunneling Jt

On-site interaction U

Page 9: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Fermionic Mott insulators

D. Greif et al., arXiv:1511.06366

M. Greiner group, Harvard

Page 10: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Control ordering?

• Energy scale relevant for ordering:


… …

Jt 2/U

Our Idea - Bottom up approach:

Create this fundamental building block

Jex = 4 Jt 2/U

Challenge: low enough entropy to observe long range correlation

…and scale system up

Page 11: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015


• Preparation and control of few-fermion systems

• Two fermions in a double well potential

• Finite antiferromagnetic spin chains without a lattice

Page 12: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015


• Preparation and control of few-fermion systems

• Two fermions in a double well potential

• Finite antiferromagnetic spin chains without a lattice

Prepare finite, deterministic samples, where all degrees of freedom are controlled

Page 13: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Pauli principle: each single particle state not occupied by more than one Fermion

Control over the quantum states of the trap

Control over particle number


• highly degenerate Fermi gas

• control over the trap depth more precise then level spacing

Requirements for Control

Page 14: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

High Fidelity Preparation

• 2-component mixture in reservoir T=250nK

• superimpose microtrap

scattering thermalisation

• switch off reservoir

p0= 0.9999

+ magnetic field gradient in

axial direction

expected degeneracy: T/TF= 0.1



P(E) 1

Page 15: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Single atom detection


1-10 atoms can be distiguished with

high fidelity. (> 99% )

1/e-lifetime: 250s

Exposure time 0.5s

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100







Flourescence normalized to atom number


F. Serwane et al., Science 332, 336 (2011)

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fluorescence normalized to atom number

2 atoms 8 atoms

F. Serwane et al., Science 332, 336 (2011)

Lifetime in ground state ~ 60s >> 1/w

count the


High Fidelity Preparation

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750 800 850 900







D [


3 a


magnetic field [G]






D [



erp ħ



750 800 850 900







D [


3 a


magnetic field [G]


M. Olshanii, PRL 81, 938 (1998)


31D 2


2 1g =

1 /




ma Ca a

radially strongly confined

aspect ratio: wII / wperp 1:10 1D

Z. Idziaszek and T. Calarco, PRA 74, 022712 (2006)

Interaction in 1D

G. Zürn et al., PRL 110, 135301 (2013)

Page 18: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Few atoms in a harmonic trap

control of the particle number

tunability of the interpart. interaction



T. Busch et al., Found. Phys. 28, 549 (1998)

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3




E [hwll]




Page 19: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Measure the interaction energy

vary the number of majority particles

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,00,0




interaction shift [kHz]




d f



0 1 2 3 4 5









Determine: how many is many?

A. Wenz et al., Science 342, 457 (2013)

Resolution: ~ 1% of EF

repulsive interaction

Page 20: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Realize systems with magnetic ordering…

Can we prepare an ordered state with similar fidelity and control?

We have very low entropy per particle!

Further requirement: Shape the trapping potential:

Start with the smallest possible system

We have full control of a harmonically trapped system.

Page 21: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015


• Preparation and control of few-fermion systems

• Two fermions in a double well potential

• Finite antiferromagnetic spin chains without a lattice

Page 22: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Creating a tunable potential




Page 23: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Tunneling in a double-well

Jt Preparation Detection scheme

U = 0

• Single-part. tunneling

• Calibration of J, J << w

Page 24: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

• Correlated tunneling

U ≠ 0


J Preparation Detection scheme

Tunneling in a double-well

Page 25: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Measuring Energies in a double well


single-particle tunneling Resonant pair tunneling

Measure amplitudes of

single-particle and pair

tunneling as a function of tilt


Page 26: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Preparation of the ground state

Page 27: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Two site Hubbart model - eigenstates

Spectrum of eigenenergies


Page 28: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Number statistics for the balanced case depending on the interaction strength:

Single occupancy

Double occupancy


Occupation statistics

S. Murmann et al., PRL 114, 080402 (2015)

Page 29: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Single occupancy

Double occupancy


Number statistics for the balanced case depending on the interaction strength:

Occupation statistics

S. Murmann et al., PRL 114, 080402 (2015)

Page 30: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Measuring energy differences


Trap modulation


-5 0 5






E [J]

U [J]


U ~

S. Murmann et al., PRL 114, 080402 (2015)

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Assemble antiferromagnetic ground state by merging several double wells

Basic building block is realized:

- S=0 state.

- one particle per site

- control of super-exchange energy

M. Lubasch et al., 107, 165301 (2011)

Page 32: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015


• Preparation and control of few-fermion systems

• Two fermions in a double well potential

• Finite antiferromagnetic spin chains without a lattice

Page 33: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

A Heisenberg spin chain without a lattice…

…. in a single 1-D tube through strong repulsion!

Page 34: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015


Non-interacting Repulsive

G. Zuern et al., PRL 108, 075303 (2012)

Page 35: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

A spin chain without a lattice


Distinguishable fermions with

strong repulsive interactions


Identical fermions:

Pauli principle

→ Mapping on a Heisenberg Hamiltonian - Theory by Frank Deuretzbacher

Deuretzbacher et al., PRA 90, 013611 (2014)

Volosniev et al., Nature Comm 5, 5300 (2014)

A Wigner-crystal-like state:

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−1 𝑔1𝐷 𝑎||ℏ𝜔||−1



Gharashi, Blume, PRL 111, 045302 (2013)

Lindgren et al., New J. Phys. 16 063003 (2014)

Bugnion, Conduit, PRA 87, 060502 (2013)

Non-interacting Repulsive Attractive Non-interacting

Realization of spin chain

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−1 𝑔1𝐷 𝑎||ℏ𝜔||−1


Non-interacting Repulsive Attractive Non-interacting

Realization of spin chain

Gharashi, Blume, PRL 111, 045302 (2013)

Lindgren et al., New J. Phys. 16 063003 (2014)

Bugnion, Conduit, PRA 87, 060502 (2013)

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−1 𝑔1𝐷 𝑎||ℏ𝜔||−1

Non-interacting Fermionization

Non-interacting Repulsive Attractive Non-interacting

Realization of spin chain

Gharashi, Blume, PRL 111, 045302 (2013)

Lindgren et al., New J. Phys. 16 063003 (2014)

Bugnion, Conduit, PRA 87, 060502 (2013)

Page 39: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Distinguish states by:

• Spin densities

• Level occupation


Non-interacting Antiferromagnet



Non-interacting Repulsive Attractive Non-interacting

Realization of spin chain

Gharashi, Blume, PRL 111, 045302 (2013)

Lindgren et al., New J. Phys. 16 063003 (2014)

Bugnion, Conduit, PRA 87, 060502 (2013)

At resonance: Spin orientation of rightmost particle allows for identification of state

Page 40: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Non-interacting system

−1 𝑔1𝐷 𝑎||ℏ𝜔||−1

Ramp on interaction strength

Measurement of spin orientation

Page 41: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Measurement of spin orientation

Non-interacting system

Spill of one atom

Ramp on interaction strength

„Minority tunneling“

−1 𝑔1𝐷 𝑎||ℏ𝜔||−1

„Majority tunneling“

Page 42: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Measurement of spin orientation

spin orientation determines state

Theory by Frank Deuretzbacher, Luis Santos, Johannes Bjerlin, Stephie Reimann

S. Murmann et al., PRL 115, 215301 (2015)

Note: data points in gray can be explained by CoM-Rel motion coupling


Page 43: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Measurement of occupation probabilities

Spill technique to measure

occupation numbers

Remove majority


with resonant light

AFM has “most

symmetric” spatial


many levels required to

describe the “kink”




exp. data

S. Murmann et al., PRL 115, 215301 (2015)

Page 44: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

We can prepare an AFM spin chain!

−1 𝑔1𝐷 𝑎||ℏ𝜔||−1

Important: We don‘t really need to resolve this energy scale in our experiment!

spin symmetry is fixed by initial preparation

S. Murmann et al., PRL 115, 215301 (2015)

Page 45: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Can we scale it up ?

It will be extremely challenging to produce longer spin chains

• But: Can we couple many individual spin chains ?

𝐽𝐸𝑥 1

𝐽𝐸𝑥 2

… …

Current work in progress…

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Vincent Klinkhamer

Andrea Bergschneider

Selim Jochim

Thank you for your attention!


Andre Wenz

Dhruv Kedar

Martin Ries

Mathias Neidig

Puneet Murthy

Simon Murmann

Michael Bakircioglu Justin


Luca Bayha

In collaboration with:

Frank Deuretzbacher, Luis Santos

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Johannes Bjerlin, Stephanie Reimann

Lund University

Page 47: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

Combine 2D- and lattice geometry

We have another experiment:

• 2D gas with a lattice!

𝐽𝐸𝑥 1

𝐽𝐸𝑥 2 ?

M. Ries et al., PRL 114, 230401 (2015)

P. Murthy et al., PRL 115, 010401 (2015)

I. Boettcher et al. arXiv:1509.03610, PRL, in press

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Precise energy measurements

„bare“ RF – transition

RF – transition with interaction


RF photon+ ΔE

RF photon

Radio Frequency spectroscopy

Page 49: Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms - RTG1729€¦ · Quantum magnetism with few cold atoms Gerhard Zürn Graduiertenkolleg Hannover, 17.12.2015

CoM – Rel. motion coupling

2-1 sample, detect majority

cubic and quartic terms in the potential

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Creating imbalanced samples

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- 3J - J

0 0 0 0 0

0 0

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Tunneling Model

Tunneling rate:

Overlap of spin chains


Probabilty to tunnel from |i> |f>

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AOD setup

Light intensity distribution