www.ClientAttraction.com © 2011 Fabienne Fredrickson, Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved 1 QUICK-START SECRETS to 3 New Clients This Month ”: “My Fastest, Easiest and Most Practical ‘No-Brainer’ Method That Will Show You Exactly How To Bring In New Clients Within 30 Days !” “In This Unprecedented Report, I’m Spilling The Very Best, Easy-to-Implement Tools I Personally Use Every Day To ATTRACT Just What I Want In My Business And How You Can Too.” Fabienne Fredrickson “The Client Attraction Mentor” www.ClientAttraction.com All rights reserved . No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the copyright holder, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

QUICK-START SECRETS to 3 New Clients This MonthUPDATE2 · “QUICK-START SECRETS to 3 New Clients This Month”: “My Fastest, Easiest and Most Practical ‘No-Brainer’ Method

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© 2011 Fabienne Fredrickson, Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved 1

“QUICK-START SECRETS to 3 New Clients This Month”:

“My Fastest, Easiest and Most Practical ‘No-Brainer’ Method That Will Show You

Exactly How To Bring In New Clients Within 30 Days!”

“In This Unprecedented Report, I’m Spilling

The Very Best, Easy-to-Implement Tools I Personally Use Every Day To ATTRACT Just What I Want In My Business And How You

Can Too.”

Fabienne Fredrickson

“The Client Attraction Mentor” www.ClientAttraction.com

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,

including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the copyright holder, except by a reviewer

who may quote brief passages in a review.

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© 2011 Fabienne Fredrickson, Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved 2

Why THIS Report, and Why NOW? I got off the phone recently with a prospective client who, after hearing about me more than 2 years ago, FINALLY decided she was ready to work with me to attract clients. She’s FINALLY ready to make money in her private practice, and FINALLY open to setting up systems for freedom and ease in her business. Normally, I’d say, “Great! Welcome! Let’s get to it!”, but something told me to ask her why she’d waited so long. She told me that there was a small part of her that was scared to work with me. Scared?? Did I really make that impression on people? She explained that, having followed my writing for the last couple of years in my weekly ezines, she understood that I take a NO EXCUSES approach to doing what it takes to get clients. And if she was going to work with me, that she too would have to adopt a no-nonsense attitude. But she wasn’t sure she’d been ready to take a no-nonsense attitude just yet. A fear had held her back. She told me that somehow, and it didn’t even make sense to HER, she wasn’t ready for the systems, for the coaching, for the accountability. She needed to ease into it. And she did, and now she’ll be working with me to gradually yet quickly build up the private practice she has always wanted and always been frustrated not to have. She successfully got out of her own way and I’m really proud of her for that. But then I thought about it. What would have happened if I’d shown her, 2 years ago, that it wasn’t difficult, that I wasn’t a “slave driver” and that it would actually be FUN to do this, EASY to do this and that it required much less work than she thought? Would she have chosen to work with me earlier? Would she have avoided two LONG years of working two jobs while trying to grow her practice, juggling credit card payments, living paycheck to paycheck and just making ends meet? My answer is “YES! A resounding YES!” The sad part is, she’s not the only one who stays in that position, even knowing there’s a different future there for her. I’ve heard that from other readers of my ezine. Women who wrote me to tell me they’d been THINKING of getting my Client Attraction Home Study System™ (www.TheClientAttractionSystem.com) for a year or two but decided they were NOW ready. I can’t help but think about all the lost income they would have

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made, all the opportunities and freedom they could have enjoyed if they’d taken action earlier. I thought, “Perhaps, allowing them to put a toe in the water, just a SMALL step to getting clients would help ease them into this process.” So I decided to create a product so accessible, so easy to implement, and so successful at creating results, that it would show them how EASY it can truly be to attract clients. I’d leave anything overwhelming OUT of the picture and make it super easy to connect the dots, to fit it into their schedule and to finally implement. Once they saw how fun it could actually BE, they would take action in other parts of their lives. And so, I’ve put together this Special Report, about the 3 things I do myself to get clients, money, opportunities, (anything!) IN ADDITION TO the marketing systems I talk about everyday. You’ll be BLOWN AWAY by how simple these are, and by how well they work. It’s my way of saying, “Come on, take that first step forward! You won’t believe how fun it can be!” Enjoy it. This report comes from my innermost authentic self and I share it all as a gift to you. Please take ALL the steps included in these pages. I somehow figured it out, I know I have this as a gift, and it’s time I share it with you. In this report, I show you EXACTLY what to do and even give you pictures of my very own examples, so it’s a no-brainer for you to get results. And when you see the new clients and money coming in, you’ll feel more comfortable moving forward, doing what it takes to get clients. Enjoy!

Big hugs to you,

Fabienne Fredrickson Your Client Attraction Mentor

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Getting Started You’ve heard of the Law of Attraction, you’ve watched the movie The Secret more times than you can count on one hand, and you probably love the idea, but haven’t figured out a pragmatic, practical way of applying these to your small business success, ON A REGULAR BASIS. Where most people don’t use the Law of Attraction properly is that they think they can just put a thought out there in the Universe, do some positive thinking and wait for the results to come to them. Well, in my own experience, it doesn’t work quite that way. There are several components to using the Law of Attraction (or “Manifesting”) to attract what you want into your business, in addition to marketing:

1) Create the thought 2) Soak in the feeling 3) Take action 4) Be grateful

Today, I am sharing with you exactly how I use these principles to attract more money, more ideal clients and more opportunities in my own private practice. Strap on your seatbelt, because you’ll be surprised by how easy these tools are to implement and yet how wildly successful they will be for you, as they’ve been for me. OK, let’s get started… First things first, we need to get some clarity about what you want. The first thing you want to do is get super clear about what you want to attract in your business. That said, what you want to attract right NOW. I used to say, “Oh, I want to be a multimillionaire helping others” or even, “This year, I want to make $500,000.00 working half the time.” I still want these things and am getting closer to attracting them, but what about the day-to-day? Sometimes, it’s the day-to-day focus that seems to be missing. Without focus, attracting clients, or money, or anything else you want seems to fall by the wayside.

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You see, we’re taught to dream BIG, and so we do. But without a pragmatic way of looking at something you want to attract, it’s much more difficult to bring it into your physical reality.

So, the first thing I’d like you to do, right now, is to figure out what you would like to attract, this week or this month. Is it 3 new ideal paying clients? Is it 150 paid registrants at your upcoming live event? Is it a radio or magazine interview in a prominent business publication? Get super clear on what you want and write it down below. ______________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Great. Now, before we keep going, let me ask you this. Was it written in the positive or the negative? What I mean is, did you write “I have no more debt” or rather “Money comes to me easily and joyfully” or “I am financially independent”. Are you being specific enough? “I attract lots and lots of new clients” isn’t as powerful as “I attract 3 new ideal clients in April.” You see, whether you’re spiritual or not, the Universe will bring you exactly what you ask for. When you’re not being specific, it’s more difficult for you to actually GET what you ask for, or rather, you may get a version of it you didn’t really want. For example, if you offer 3 different programs, with one bringing in more money than the other two, then perhaps you want to focus on saying, “I sign on 3 new ideal clients for my Fast Track program.” That said, let’s see if you can rewrite your request below, with more specificity (think: how much and by when.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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OK, now it’s time to launch that rocket into the Universe and make that an official request. I have many, many tools that I implement regularly to put the Universe to work in helping me attract what I want into my business. I share ALL of them during my 3-day Client Attraction Workshops (see upcoming dates, details and inspiring success stories at http://www.clientattraction.com/events) as well as my sequential coaching programs (The Winners Academy), where I teach my students and clients how to use marketing and systems to go from 5-figures to 6-figures, from 6-figures to multiple 6-figures and then to 7 figures, taking them past the million dollar mark. You can find out more (and get a free DVD with videos of moving and inspirational success stories shipped to you at no charge) by going to http://www.clientattractionwinnersacademy.com. But until then, here are 3 tools I use daily, to give you just the jump-start you’ll need…

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My Own Personal Manifesting Ritual # 1:

The Enthusiastic ‘Thank You’ Card

with Visual

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The Enthusiastic ‘Thank You’ Card with Visual

I was coaching one of my private clients recently, and she shared with me that her affirmations had gotten dull, that she had a difficult time letting her mind FOCUS on a particular thing she wanted to attract in her life. Of course, we’d talked about creating a vision board for what she wanted to attract, but to tell you the truth, sometimes I find vision boards to be a little distracting. If we’re trying to focus on one particular thing, including the thought, and the feeling and the action of this particular thing, then a vision board seems to sometimes pull me in different directions. It sometimes feels like I’m too scattered while I’m looking at mine. So, I have a ritual that I use instead that really hones my focus into ONE place and helps me put energy into the ONE element I want to manifest so that it quickly becomes a reality in my life. It’s the ‘Enthusiastic Thank You Card with Visual’. I have been using Send Out Cards (www.ClientAttractionCards.com) recently to connect with my clients, prospects, and referral sources on a deeper, more meaningful level. It’s been very successful for me, and really ties into my Authentic Marketing approach. But I recently got an idea for another use for these cards, one that would give more oomph to my intentions. If we understand that one of the major reasons why certain folks don’t attract what they want in their lives is a lack of consistent FOCUS, then my own intention is to have a laser-like focus on what I DO want, so that it incorporates the thought, the feeling AND a visual to keep me centered on just that one element. So, I’ve created a series of cards using the online technology, which I use to attract what I want. Here’s the process I use.

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For example, not all that long ago, after a self-imposed hiatus from a completely full practice to focus on the creation of new programs, new information products, and new events, it was time for me to ramp up my client load just slightly. Using the formula I talked about in the beginning of this report, I got very clear that I wanted to attract 3 additional new ideal clients, all in one fell swoop and I wanted additional product sales. I made sure to not say “Full Practice” because I still wanted to have a lot of downtime to finish my new projects, so I chose my words very carefully. Then, I went onto www.ClientAttractionCards.com and created the following card. This is the outside of the actual card I used:

I made sure that I chose a card “front” that really reflected the FEELING of what it would feel like when I reached the goal and intention inside. Something that felt expansive and abundant, something joyful for me (I love kids and I love the ocean, so this one was a no-brainer for me.) Then, I created the inside for the card.

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The Visual This card system allows you to personalize the inside of a card, not only with text, but with a picture from your own computer files. So here’s what I did. I went into Microsoft Word, opened up a blank document, clicked on INSERT, CLIP ART, and went browsing for images. For me, images are just as important as words for summoning what I want in my life. Both words and images need to FEEL right for me. So I went looking for what would represent a series of new clients. I looked for a group of business people that looked friendly and open to me. And I also looked at clip art and stock photos that represented the additional income I wanted to make. When you do this yourself, one tip I want to share is that the only “clip art” that worked for me using this method was the actual photography, not the “clip art” drawings themselves. So, I would specify “photography” or just look for stock photos in Microsoft Word. You can also try www.istockphoto.com which is something else I recommend to clients when creating materials. You can get amazing quality photos for as little as $1 each and you can use them as often as you like (for this or your marketing materials.) That said, once you find the photo that represents the object, intention, or feeling of what you’re ready to attract, you can move on to selecting the text.

The Text To me, HOW you write something is as important as WHAT you write. I feel very strongly about using your authentic ‘voice’ when you write, especially your marketing materials, so that it reflects who you truly are as a person. And it’s the same for this exercise. If you write your intention and goal in your own authentic voice, it’ll resonate so much more with you (and the Universe) when it comes time to attracting it into your business. I happen to have a pretty enthusiastic voice when I’m celebrating a win with my husband, encouraging my children on a job well done, or celebrating a big win with one of my private clients.

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I’m known for a loud “WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” So, I use that same authentic voice in this technique. Here’s how I set up the interior of the card:

Notice all the different elements. 1) The Visual – I used piles of money, but I could just as well have used a stock

photo of a smiling ideal client, happy to work with me.

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2) A short “mantra” to summarize what I intend to attract, in a different color, right underneath the picture (for quick reference.)

3) An enthusiastic expression of what it FEELS like to have received it, to have

the intention come true. This includes all the gusto and zing that I typically use when celebrating something. So, that’s authentic to me.

4) An expression of gratitude. As you know, gratitude goes a LONG way in

helping you attract what you want, so I include it here too. Once this is all set and looks good to me, once I’ve proofread it for mistakes or for something that doesn’t feel quite right, then I click SEND and it gets shipped to me in the mail by the wonders of technology, with a real stamp and everything. So cool. Just the ANTICIPATION of seeing the finished product, the excitement knowing this is on its way to me (not just by mail, but in “real life”) gets me manifesting it. Once I receive it, I open the envelope, and read it as if I had gotten a letter from a friend. Then I tape it onto the window ledge just above my computer screen. Why there? Because it’s strategically positioned in a place that I can review it all day long, whether I’m typing something (like now) or when I’m on a phone call. My eye automatically lands right on that card. And if you know anything about how the Universe works, you know that for every 16 seconds or more that you spend focused in PURE energy on a particular thought, the more it gets sent your way. 16 seconds or more of PURE thought means:

1) You’re not negating it with a limiting belief, such as “Oh, good things never happen to me” or, “This will never happen”, but rather, a place of suspended disbelief, so that you actually emanate a feeling of EXPECTATION, of it already being on its way to you.

2) You’re thinking about that and only THAT for 16 seconds. Now, one additional thing that’s important to know is that for every 16-second increment of this pure thought and feeling energy, you replace the equivalent of 100 working hours. ONE HUNDRED WORKING HOURS!!! Crazy, right?!

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Not that I’m lazy, but that sounds much better than slaving away trying to figure out HOW to bring in new clients or a bunch of money. So, the more often you focus on this card and the intention it holds, for 16 seconds or more, the more working hours you replace! But I haven’t shared the best part with you yet. The thing is, this 16-second thing actually works like Compound Interest works in your Mutual Fund or your IRA. For clarity, here’s a definition of Compound Interest:

“Compound interest refers to the fact that whenever interest is calculated, it is based not only on the ORIGINAL principal, but also on any unpaid interest that has been added to the principal. The more frequently interest is compounded, the faster the balance grows.”

This same principle applies to your manifesting. I’ll call it ‘Compound Manifesting’. The premise is that, with every additional 16-second increments you spend focusing on your intention, without interruption, you multiply the “replacement of working hours” by 10 times! So for 32 consecutive seconds of uninterrupted pure thought about your intention, you replace… …ONE THOUSAND WORKING HOURS!!! And so on, and so forth. So, for a mere half a minute each day, you’re replacing 1,000 hours of the work it would normally take to work for what you want. How cool is that?! Hold on, though. Please don’t get me wrong; you’ll still have to take some ACTION. You know me by now. I’m a NO EXCUSES kinda gal and I would never mislead you into thinking you can just sit on your tush on the sofa and just visualize yourself getting some new clients without actually getting off that sofa. You’re still going to have to market. You’ve still got to take action, but it’s a whole lot easier when the action is supported by the Universe, when the right opportunities land on your lap, and things come to you easily, but we’re going to talk about that later on in this report. So, the assignment around this is simple:

1) Figure out what you want RIGHT NOW (how much and by when) and be specific (although you don’t need to be specific about WHERE you will find these clients or this money).

2) Create a sentence that reflects that.

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3) Get into the FEELING place of what it would feel like to achieve the goal and incorporate it into your card text.

4) Include Gratitude. 5) Create a visual using www.ClientAttractionCards.com. 6) Send it to yourself and notice how you are anxiously awaiting its arrival

(both in the mail and in “real life”). 7) Tape the card on a wall or in a spot where you’ll refer to it all day long

(maybe make two and keep the second one on your bed stand to refer to first thing in the morning or last thing at night, before you fall asleep).

8) Trust that it’s on its way to you, because it is. I want to give you a peek at another card I’ve sent to help me attract something I really wanted. I created it to stop stressing about whether or not I was going to be able to fill a room with 100 or 150 people for a past Client Attraction 3-day workshop on Marketing, Manifesting Clients and the Mindset for success. Since this was my first event of such magnitude (I had spoken for groups of 1,200 people before, but never filled a room for 3 days with so many people), there was a part of me that felt like that was “shooting for the moon.” But then I decided, since I can really have ANYTHING I want in life, that I really SHOULD shoot for the moon. I also really wanted to convey to the Universe that I didn’t want this to be difficult. I wanted it to happen easily, gracefully and get lots of help along the way. I also wanted to attract just the RIGHT type of people to the event. So I made sure to communicate that in no uncertain terms. That said, here’s the exterior of the card:

And here’s the interior:

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Now, the question I have for you is, what are YOU going to ask for? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What kind of photographs would represent your intention visually? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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What specific text would you use? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Great, let’s get to it! Hope that illustrates for you just how easy and effective this method of attracting clients can be. Enjoy! That’s trick number one. Now, onto number two.

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My Own Personal Manifesting Ritual # 2:

Nature Abhors An Empty Client


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Nature Abhors An Empty Client Folder

You may have heard that “Nature abhors a vacuum”. This saying is used to express the idea that empty or unfilled spaces are unnatural as they go against the laws of nature and physics. Here’s the definition of “vacuum” from www.Wikipedia.com:

“A vacuum is a volume of space that is essentially empty of matter, so that gaseous pressure is much less than standard atmospheric pressure. The root of the word vacuum is the Latin adjective vacuus which means "empty," but space can never be perfectly empty. A perfect vacuum with a gaseous pressure of absolute zero is a philosophical concept that is never observed in practice, not least because quantum theory predicts that no volume of space is perfectly empty in this way.”

Now, I’ll be honest with you. I don’t quite understand the scientific part of it (that’s not my strong suit; marketing, manifesting and mindset are), but I can tell you how I use this law of nature and physics for my own business purposes.

I’m a big believer in Feng Shui and how clearing clutter can leave room for new things in your life (in large part because of Karen Kingston’s outstanding book called Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui.) I’ve recommended it to hundreds of people by now, because it has helped me in so many ways.

By the way, in my experience, clearing clutter and emptying out spaces to attract new things applies to many things in life. One example is that if you clear MENTAL clutter, you end up focusing on one thing and attracting that one thing (we mentioned this earlier in this report.) OK, but going back to the original point, if nature seeks to fill any empty space, and if that is a scientific law in the Universe, then why couldn’t we use it for getting clients too? So, I tested this out a few years ago, and then, whenever I really wanted to attract a new client quickly, for whatever reason, I would set the intention with setting up a system of folders. Now, in my hanging file drawer, I’ve got all my existing client folders hanging and sorted in alphabetical folder. But sometimes, I’ve forgotten to get rid of the

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folders for clients who have already completed their coaching with me, the Graduates. If a whole bunch of “graduate” client folders are cluttering up my file drawers, the Universe doesn’t have as much room for sending me new clients. So, it’s time to clear out the old and make room for the new. Take out all old client folders and put them in another space. Next, I grab as many brand new client folders as I am intending to attract (let’s say 3 for this example, based on the card you saw above) and I put them in the hanging file drawer. I then add colorful stickies (Post It notes), one on each folder, that say:

• New April Client 1 • New April Client 2 • New April Client 3

As I open my client folder drawer several times each day, I see the folders with their bright pink neon sticky notes attached to it.

These folders are quietly, confidently waiting for new clients to fill them. I “FEEL” what it feels like to see them being filled. And they do. It’s worked every time for me. And as I sign on one new client, I take the “New April Client 1” sticky off and fill in the person’s name on the folder.

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Then, as I sign on another new client, I take the “New April Client 2” sticky off and fill in that person’s name on the second folder, and so on. I get a sense of accomplishment as I do this. The best thing about this technique is that it takes almost no time to set up and it’s worked for me every time. I guess nature really does abhor a vacuum, after all. That said, this one’s a no-brainer because it only takes about 30 seconds to implement, so there’s no reason not to do it. OK, let’s move on to the next Manifesting Ritual…

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My Own Personal Manifesting Ritual # 3:

The Check From The Universe

The Check From The Universe

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Have you ever heard that story about how Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for $10,000,000.00 when he was a struggling actor? He carried it around in his wallet every single day. Each time he opened his wallet, he couldn’t help but look at it, and when he did, he would envision what it would feel like to make that much money on one movie. Needless to say, Jim Carrey has gone on to make $10,000,000 per movie, and much, much more. He’s one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood. I’ve been using this same principle for a while, as it relates to my business. I used to say to myself, “I am a happy, healthy multimillionaire helping others” but I found that sometimes I couldn’t connect to that feeling place right away. Sometimes, ‘multimillions’ seems a little out of reach for me. So, I decided to make it more tangible for me, more realistic and less of a stretch. As Napoleon Hill said, what you can conceive and believe you can achieve. My goal this year is to make twice as much, working half the time. Trust me, I know I’m successful now, by most people’s standards, and I’m super grateful for that. I know that I add value to people’s lives, that I give them not only the TOOLS to succeed, but help them give themselves PERMISSION to succeed. I know that it’s a good thing to make money, because you then enrich others by hiring them, by using people’s products and services, and you can support the charities you really care about (for me, it’s Self Esteem for Women.) Whenever I make more, I enrich others more, and that feels good. But I also know that I’ve worked my butt off to make that happen. Long hours, lots of back-to-back coaching clients, almost too many for any sane person. This year for me is about helping many, many more people than I’ve been able to when all I did was private coaching. It’s about having lots of leveraged income (groups and events vs. one-on-one coaching) so I can add more value to more people, while being more successful and having more down time to create more content. Now, before you start thinking, “Who does she think SHE is, wanting to make that much money, working HALF the time?” I’ll ask you to take a hard look within.

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NOTICE your own limiting beliefs around the “work ethic”, notice your money gremlins, and understand that the very same thing OR MORE is available to you too, right now. You just have to believe that it can happen, one way or another. Here’s what Rhonda Byrne of the movie The Secret, says:

“You must believe that you can receive it, so take small steps with the amounts, if that feels more believable to you. Every time you look at the check, STOP!!! BELIEVE and FEEL that you have the money NOW! The Universe inspires people, circumstances and events, to deliver the amount to you, but don't ever be mistaken into believing it came from them. It is always the Universe, who moves through people, circumstances and events, to deliver it to you. If YOU don't cancel your check, The Bank of the Universe must deliver the money to you! Any thoughts, words, or actions of "lack", or "not enough"... are the only things that cancel your check. Here's the great thing though... if you are thinking, acting or speaking words that could cancel your check, the Universe immediately sends you an alert! The alert is instantaneously transmitted direct to you, as bad feelings!!! The moment you receive the alert, change your thinking immediately! By the way, it is not your job to work out HOW the Universe will bring it to you, so hands off telling the Universe what to do. Just ask, believe you have received it, and you WILL receive.”

So, I wrote myself a check, à la Jim Carrey, using the “check” I received from ‘The Secret’ movie’s newsletter. I made sure the check included all the elements I cared deeply about when it came to manifesting this (you need to be very specific about WHAT you want, but not necessarily HOW it will come to you.) Here are the elements I made sure to include:

1) I wanted it to be specific with the NUMBER I had in mind 2) I wanted to make it clear that I was willing to receive it NOW or SOON

(not 10 years down the line) 3) I made sure I stated that it wasn’t about working my fingers to the bone,

but rather, working less.

Here it is:

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Now, I end up looking at this check several dozen times a day as it is taped to the wall near my phone. Throughout the day, as I’m daydreaming between projects or on the phone with someone, I glance at it and just let it sink in. The more I look at it, the more it feels real to me. I’ve also used it during my Manifesting Focus Time in the mornings, to just feel what it feels like to deposit this check into my account, knowing it came from adding value to others, but working half the time I used to. Very powerful. Want to create your own? Here’s the link: http://whatisthesecret.tv/the-secret-scrolls/the-secret-check.pdf Or, just fill out one of the checks below, cut it out and use it. Be sure to fill it out with a substantial pen, like a thick black Sharpie Permanent Marker, so that you can see the writing clear across the room. I’ve added two copies below, one for your office, and one for your bed stand or your bathroom mirror. Just make sure to put it in a place where you’ll have a chance to refer to it very regularly throughout the day.

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Another way to use this check to attract a perfect client is to include it in your “Empty Client Folder” exercise we talked about earlier.

1) Figure out how many clients you’d like to attract this month. (We’ll use 3 for this example.)

2) Then, get clear on how much you’d like to make for each new client you’re trying to attract this month. (For this, we’ll use $5,000.00.)

3) Then, write out 3 checks for $5,000.00 each. 4) Once you’re done, put one $5,000.00 check in each Empty Client Folder.

So, it would look like this:

• “April Client #1” Empty Client Folder gets a check for $5,000.00 • “April Client #2” Empty Client Folder gets a check for $5,000.00 • “April Client #3” Empty Client Folder gets a check for $5,000.00

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One thing you can do to adapt it to the Empty Client Folder example is to leave the “SIGNED” section clear (so that the Universe can “fill it in” for you with the new client’s name) or fill it in by writing “April Client #1”, and so forth for each check. The “What For” line could be filled in with whatever program you want them to select. So for example, here’s what it could look like:

You’re essentially being VERY specific with the Universe about what you’d like to attract and you are making your intention very strong. Do that today, OK? It only takes a minute and it is SO powerful…

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How To ‘Seal The Deal’ With The Universe

How I Personally Keep Track, Take

Action and Stay Grateful

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How I Personally Keep Track, Take Action and Stay Grateful

We talked a few minutes ago about the fact that you can’t just sit on the sofa and think positively and then have things come your way. I mean, you’ve got to take SOME action to make things happen. But sometimes, focusing on what to DO next means that you have to keep track of what’s going on. I’ve noticed in the past couple of years that when I use the tool I’m about to share with you, I make a LOT more money and get a LOT more opportunities coming my way because I actually keep track of things and NOTICE what’s coming in. Here’s what I mean. When you remember what we said earlier about how the Universe is the one orchestrating people, circumstances and events, essentially rearranging itself to answer your intentions, sending you these happy coincidences, these opportunities and other ‘signs’, then it’s important for you to keep track of them. Here’s what happens when you don’t: Last year was a year of retooling and re-gearing for me. I knew that I was on the cusp of making it REALLY big in my business, but I knew something had to change or be tweaked in order for it to happen. I had a deep ‘knowing’ that my calling wasn’t about just helping people MARKET their businesses, but also helping them get out of their own way, giving them permission to succeed, and then all the tools to do so. Yet, knowing this, I kept asking the Universe for a sign, for guidance, for a hint as to how my business would need to be tweaked. It seemed that ‘they’ weren’t answering my multiple requests, they weren’t giving me any guidance, no direction whatsoever. I couldn’t figure out why they would withhold this information from me! And I was frustrated as hell. Until the answer nearly slapped me across the face. It’s NOT that they weren’t giving me guidance, they WERE! I was just so busy running around, being distracted, working too hard and too fast to actually NOTICE all the signs, opportunities and signals that were coming my way from many different directions.

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They were answering my every request and yet I was moving too fast to pay attention. When I finally figured out what was going on, I put a pause button on everything I was doing, everything I was reading, every project I had my hands in. I took the entire contents of my two office bookcases and put everything in the garage. I took a sabbatical from it all (except my clients, of course) for one whole month. No books, no magazines, no home study systems, no teleclasses, no CD courses, no nothing. For a whole month. (Well, actually I cheated a little. I did read People magazine each week, but I thought that was OK. Not too thought provoking.) What I got from my 3-4 week hiatus was 3 things:

1) Clarity 2) Focus 3) Signs!

It became so clear, once all the mental clutter was gone, that they WERE indeed trying to talk to me, but I was simply discounting the little opportunities that came my way, thinking I was supposed to get BIGGER signals. Here’s what I learned from that. Instead of the skies parting, and the heavens opening up with the answer to my requests, the Universe actually sends you little opportunities, little whispers, little coincidences. It’s all much more subtle than you’d think, and if you’re too busy or too numbed out, then you can’t hear it. So, I decided to keep track of it all and to actually CELEBRATE and record each sign, each new client, each opportunity, each hint or bit of intuition. Because if I didn’t, it would be fleeting and then I’d wonder why I wasn’t getting the answers. So, each morning, I take the special spiral notebook that I keep on my desk next to my printer, and I write down all the successes I’m having that day, as they happen. I start it in the morning, first thing, as I sip my coffee, and I continue it into the day until it’s time to shut down my office. The page heading is:

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Acknowledge Your Successes Today, for example, I thanked the Universe for so much abundance that has shown up in my business. Here’s what I wrote in the last day:

1) Thank you, Universe! Last night, as I was sleeping, we had ten online sales of my Client Attraction Home Study System. I am so grateful that this product continues to be such a huge resource for entrepreneurs who want to build a strong foundation for their business. Thank you!

2) We got an email this morning from [investment company] saying they were sending the quarterly earning checks this week. Thank you, Universe!

3) I just signed 7 awesome brand new Winners Academy Gold Mastermind students to start this month! Hurray! They’re going to get such GREAT results!!! Thank you, Universe!

4) I just got an email from my assistant telling me someone has just contacted me for a HUGE joint venture! Thank you!

5) I just had a great meeting with my own mastermind group and they gave me the answer to what I should write about in my new book! I’m so grateful for this insight. Thank you!

6) I was contacted for an interview with a major business magazine today! YAY!

7) I am almost finished with the new special report I’m writing! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to share this with people! Thank you for allowing me to do just what I love to do.

You can include anything. Opportunities, new money coming in, the fact that you finished writing this week’s newsletter, anything. It can be about progress, insights, hints, whatever, as long as you keep track of it. I try to write at least 10 items per day (it makes you look for even more little opportunities and pay attention to them) but do at least 5. Notice how I threw in a healthy dose of gratitude with each line. I’m liberal with exclamation points, with the word “woohoo” and “hurray”, because it feels good when I write it and when I read it back at the end of the day, before I leave my office. It’s authentic to who I am and how I speak. But it’s also a way to be grateful for all the things I DO have, all the signs that come my way. Because what you pay attention to, what you focus on, what you’re grateful for, you get more of. So while you’re keeping track, be grateful at the same time. It’s more fun anyway…

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OK, now that you’ve kept track of the signs, it’s time to…


For example, if I ignore the joint venture opportunity that my assistant wrote me about and don’t follow up on it, what happens to it? It would fizzle away. So I follow up on it. If a customer inquires about paying for my home study system via Paypal rather than using a credit card and I ignore it? It would go away. So we make sure she can pay with Paypal. If a reporter from Entrepreneur magazine calls and says they want to do a story on my approach to helping women become more successful in their businesses, and I don’t call her back? It wouldn’t get me closer to my goal. So, I call her back and we set up the interview. See, you have to make sure you take action on the things that come to you. They’re all there, coming to you for a reason. James A. Ray (entrepreneur and one of the teachers featured in 'The Secret') talks about how to make the Law of Attraction work for you:

"There's a big difference between knowing 'about' a thing and 'being' it. One of the things that I've talked about is a concept I call going three-for-three. As I talk to people who've seen 'The Secret', a lot of them are just really in illusion around using the law of attraction. And I know they're in illusion because they say things like, 'Well, you know James I'm just gonna sit in my living room. I'm visualizing in my living room every day and I know my millions are just going to come right in to my Paypal account. Well you know what? They'll come take your furniture away!" You've got to do more than visualize. You've got to go three for three. Positive thinking doesn't work - not in and of itself. That's why the 'Larry King' show was called 'Beyond Positive Thinking.' Because you've got to go beyond just the positive thoughts. You've got to create: the thoughts, feelings and actions.

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If you look at any single person who is not getting what they deserve in life - or what they want - it's because one of those key components is missing. You've got to go three-for-three. When you do that, you can create anything.'”

So, NOTICE the opportunities you’ve listed in your spiral notebook and TAKE ACTION. That’s the Universe at work to give you what you want. Get your marketing plan in place, set it up on autopilot and get moving. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ will help you figure out how to do just that but if you’re ready for more, my coaching programs will get you to that next big level of your business, regardless of the level you’re currently at. Use your own version of this “Acknowledge your successes” notebook and keep it on your desk each day. Fill it out so that you have at least 5 successes that you can write down. It’ll force you to 1) look for opportunities where you weren’t seeing them before, and 2) it’ll get you into an Attitude of Gratitude. This is something that takes just a minute here and there throughout the day, but it’s so powerful for helping you attract what you want, that you’ll find yourself WANTING to do it everyday. If you do this consistently, like I do, you too will see new ways of getting clients, new ways of marketing authentically, new ways of making money that you’ve never experienced before. And it’s SO much easier than working HARD for it. And I hope you do. Enjoy your new clients, you new income and knowing that you don’t have to work yourself to the bone to make it all happen. Happy Client Attraction!

PS. Before we end this report, an important DISTINCTION about this Special Report:

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After the initial release of this Special Report, and after witnessing dozens of Raving Fans busily applying these techniques in their own practices and experiencing astonishing (and quick!) results, my team received a single angry email from an unhappy woman who felt cheated. Her email said something like, “How dare you repackage the Law of Attraction and sell 3 tips for $39! I’ve seen The Secret Movie dozens of times, and there is nothing new here!” The irony of the woman’s situation: Ironically, the woman who angrily shot off that email in frustration didn’t have many clients, if any. And she may never have a full practice, especially if she approaches everything with an “I-already-know-that” approach to life. Here’s MY recommended approach: You’ve got to IMPLEMENT to see results! I’m living proof of that. In fact, I use each and every one of these techniques daily. I’ve used dozens of others, but THESE are the ones you would see if you came to my office during a surprise “inspection”. Because they WORK. Until you APPLY something like this every day using the specific REAL WORLD techniques outlined in these pages like I have to make well into the 5-figures each month (close to 6-figures some months), can anyone really say they “know something”? I believe the only way to KNOW something is to have used it over and over again. Otherwise, you’ve just “heard” of something and results are drastically different. Let me ask you this: What is just ONE new client worth to you? How about one new client EACH MONTH? How about 3 new ones each month? Would 3 new clients effortlessly each month be worth you using the techniques in this report? DO NOT UNDER-ESTIMATE the power of this seemingly simple Special Report. The Universe usually sends us what we need, in the simplest, purest form. Often, we overlook the simple solutions. Remember, it only takes ONE idea and one strategy, done with perseverance, for extraordinary things to appear in your life, over and over again. I can’t wait to hear what results YOU will get using these techniques! Enjoy… P.S. One more thing. You’ve gotten 3 proven ideas in this Report. If you’re ready for more techniques to grow your client base, you’ll get hundreds of proven ones in the Client Attraction Home Study System™. That’s your next step if you’re looking for marketing help: http://www.TheClientAttractionSystem.com.

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P.S.S. If you’re more of a “being coached” kind of person, looking for step-by-step guidance, expert mentoring and daily accountability, you may want to check out The Client Attraction Winners Academy, my high-level teaching and coaching programs designed to get you more clients, have you make more money and multiply your business faster than you ever would on your own. You can get details and get an inspirational free DVD of moving success stories by going to http://www.ClientAttractionWinnersAcademy.com.

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About the Author: Fabienne Fredrickson is founder of ClientAttraction.com, ranked on the Inc. 500/5000 List of America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies in 2011. ClientAttraction.com is devoted to teaching entrepreneurs around the world how to consistently attract ideal, high-paying clients, put their marketing on autopilot and authentically create a highly successful and meaningful business, while working less.

Fabienne created The Client Attraction System®, the proven step-by-step program that shows entrepreneurs exactly how to attract more clients, in record time. Through her workshops, courses, coaching programs, and products, Fabienne shows her students how to create an abundant life they love. As one of the most influential and highly-acclaimed marketing and success mindset speakers and business mentors in the world, Fabienne’s down-to-earth yet powerful presentations have become legendary. She is a sought-after and much-loved coach to thousands of heart-centered entrepreneurs around the globe. Fabienne’s unique ability is getting entrepreneurs who have never experienced real success in their business to take immediate marketing action on a systematic basis to produce dramatic results, in record time. She’s dedicated her life to helping entrepreneurs and business owners create a legacy of service, adding value to the world in a lasting way and creating breakthrough paradigm shifts in their mindset and their personal income; and then giving back. Her books, newsletters, products, appearances and online reach now inspire nearly 150,000 people each month. Fabienne’s key message -- that each of us is here to serve the world in a BIG way and that as a result, we are handsomely rewarded for it -- has changed thousands of lives around the globe. She fervently believes in the capacity for each and every one of us to become the full expression of our purpose here on earth, and to do so, we must take a no-excuses approach to growing within. For that to happen, Fabienne teaches her students and clients that any struggle on the outside is a reflection of the struggle on the inside, and once eliminated, that internal struggle gives way to all the abundance, financial and otherwise, that a person deserves and seeks.

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Highlights from Fabienne’s inspiring career include:

• Ranked on the Inc. 500/5000 List of America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies in 2011 (#20 in Media category, #10 in Connecticut and in the top 100 for Women Owned Businesses)

• Crossing the million dollar mark in her business at the age of 38, in an industry where most entrepreneurs barely make $20,000 a year (and doing so with 3 young children at home)

• Subsequently doubling her business nearly every year to the multi-million dollar level, always making more in the last twelve months, than she’s made in the last 12 years combined (both in prosperous times and in a “recession”)

• Consistently and repeatedly helping 5-figure entrepreneurs cross the 6-figure mark, and guiding 6-figure business owners to easily move to a 7-figure business, while adding more meaning, purpose and fulfillment to their daily lives

• Creating the world’s most verifiable, repeatable Client Attraction System® for entrepreneurs throughout the world

• Creating and leading the Client Attraction Winners Academy, a series of sequential coaching programs that teach entrepreneurs exactly how to use marketing and systems to go from 5-figures to 6-figures, from 6-figures to multiple 6-figures and then to 7 figures. The Winners Academy successfully mentors hundreds of entrepreneurs every year, through its Gold Mastermind, Platinum Mastermind and Private Client tiers.

The consistent feedback from hundreds of thousands of Fabienne’s students around the world over the years is that it is her authenticity, transparency, vulnerability, “humanness”, sincerity and compassion and love for entrepreneurs that separates her from other mentors and is the catalyst to their expansive growth, both personally and otherwise. To order Fabienne’s FREE Audio CD, “How to Attract All the Clients You Need” by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your income, visit www.clientattraction.com. Fabienne lives by the sea in beautiful Stamford, Connecticut, with her wonderful husband, Derek, and their three young children.