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Web development quiz

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IS 315 WEB DEVELOPMENTQUIZ 2Test I. Multiple ChoiceDirection: Write the letter of your choice only.NO ERASURES ALLOWED.1. Of the following organizations, which one coordinates applications for new TLDs?

A. Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)B. Engineering Task Force (IETF)C. Corporation for Assigned Numbers and Names (ICANN)D. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)2. Which of the following is a network that covers a small area, such as a group of buildings or campus?A. LANB. WANC. InternetD. WWW3. Which of the markup languages listed below is intended to extend the power of HTML by separating data from presentation?A. XMLB. XHTMLC. HTML 5D. SGML4. What is a unique text-based Internet address corresponding to a computers unique numeric IP address called?A. IP addressB. domain nameC. URLD. user name5. Which of the organizations listed below take a proactive role in developing recommendations and prototype technologies related to the Web?A. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)B. Web Professional Standards Organization(WPO)C. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)D. Internet Corporation for Assigned Numbers and Names (ICANN)TEST II. TRUE OR FALSEDirection: Write True if the statement is true. Otherwise, write false.6. ____ Markup languages contain sets of directions that tell the browser software how to display and manage a Web document.

7. ____ The World Wide Web was developed to allow companies to conduct e-commerce over the Internet.

8. ____ A URL is one type of UR I.9. ____ A domain name that ends in .net indicates that the Web site is for a networking company.TEST III. FILL IN THE BLANKSDirection: Write the correct word/s only.10. ____________ combines the formatting strengths of HTML 4.0 and the data structure and extensibility strengths of XML.

11. A standard language used for specifying a markup language or tag set is ____________.

12. ____________ is the set of markup symbols or codes placed in a file intended for display on a Web browser.13. The World Wide Web was developed by an individual working at ____________.14. Frequently communicating by posting brief messages at a social networking site is called____________.15. The purpose of ____________ is to ensure the integrity of the communication.