I \ R A VOL 1. YOUNGSTOWN, NIAGARA CO., N. Y TRAVELER'S til II>11 LEWISTON. NEW YOltK <;i:\TUAL TIME TAltflK. TUAINS AltHIVK. 1(1 "A/ A. M. Tit A I N H i.i: AVt. Hum A, M. HOME, WATLIlTllW’K, .V OGflKVSltl UO KAILItOAD. EUNNTNG WEST. RUNNING EAST. T H A I N rt L E A V E | Tlt.VINH l.EAVE. 6:S5 1’. M. I 0.-00 A. M. i 11:00 HANSOM VII,LK. HOME, WATEUTOffN & UODENSUUUG ll.UJ.IlOAI). RUNNING WEST. THAINH LEAVE. i'o flv Mother. 1Liko silver bells through nn rnory’s chamber l>oal.nn, Now suit ana sad, uow louder in tbeir alee, My childhood's happy lioui-s coma softly stalling, Freighted "iih momorios ol boine und thee. Like fairy tales with strange, w ild beauty teeming, Or lik-- tne glimmer of some distant star, Tiiese flout across uiy hours ol jHsacotul dreaming, * With thrills of ruiiture which uo time can mur. well furnish'd table ut tlio Oiiluiio llo iso, ami enjoyed themselves to ihe full extent of the law. good nature ami pie sautries being the order of the hour. The Auctioneer's Story. DECEMBER. 2, 1881. f l to I" id at j NO. 40. * by the production of the marriage ami I baptismal ecrtiflcates!’ “ Aud 1 km-w not where they were! seemed liko those of since thon, so •t;IM «:3» A. M. P. >1. RUNNING EAST. THAINH LEAVE. A. M. fi.R 11:12 J jEXTISTRY l i n n . f>. Mr COI.I.l M, W surgical nml Mechnnica! Dentist. O ill co—T (Hitler’» lilock. Knl ninety on Ni/iK* ara uvcuue, is us pea* iim llrnijtc, N. 't • Ni- tn m rt <Lvitlc; (.SAM given for painless cxtniciiou of tceih. All operations! warranted. imply. THE mm COUHTY INS —IS A— No after joys have childhood, No llo " oi s huve bloomed, bl ight to view, As thos,- 1 gathered in the distant wild wood And brought t.iom home, my mother dear, to j ou. But time, w hich in ves ou restless, tireless pinion, Hus crept upon us almost unaw ares, Guibcred oui jojs in Ins vast dominion, Aud left, iutseud, u life of toil and cures. And she. who shared with me my youthful pleasures, Wept t my grief and smiled at all my joys, Iu Heaven rests, among those prirelea treas ures, '• Where moth nor rust corrupt,” nor time dcstro., s. But wo aro left, dear moth.ir, to euoh other, Nor grief, nor tilne, can our ulfectiou move; No earthly power save death, cau ever smother Thut priceless blessing—a true mother’s love. LIVE LOCAL JOURNAL, Presenting in a neat and compact form ALL THE J, 0 C.1L X E 11'S. sriiSCKlHi: AT ONCE. o p $1.00) YEAR! £ :■ IN ADVANCE. jt In everywhere a welcome visitor, keeping Hh readers posted com-crning all that transpires around them. It hns a large rireiilation In this and all ad joining towns, and throiiglnaa the County, and is gaining in popularity er cry day. IK voi: HAVE GOODS TO SKI.I. ADVERTISE IN TIIK N iagara C ountv tfcwa 1.1 II Kit A I. AUVKUTlMMi PAWS. And the N ewh is read through from top bottom hv thousands every week. This is a strange v urld ! And yet 1 never thought so until my attention was called to th e’fact hy a little iuci- deut that befell me one day, and set me oil thinking so haul that I seemed to grow out of my ow n head and reach a great height, anil then look down on uiy other self w ith compassion. 1 don't kuow that it made me any wiser, but at least it made me mote uttditivu to my fellow beings—more thoiigiitlul of their joys and sorrows and tliat counts for something, 1 reckon. 1 had cried dozens of paw ulirokeis' sales iu uiy time, nnd never thought anything al out them, unless it w as old Two to Oue «.r Give uud T ake were doubling their money, and making a pretty penny, even w itii teu per cent, commission taken oil. But 1 had never thought of the story couuected w ith any one article ol the sale—of tlie heartaches, and dc.-pair, and wotian's tears, lt was but a joke to me who had known Hie t me when to -spout a watch, or pistol, or some light trinket, iu order to carry ou u frolic, or help a poorer chap than 1 was, wns but tlio impulse of tlie moment, and curried uu further weight than tlie relief from empty pockets at the moment. But, as 1 have said before, Something mudc me luiuk, and ever since 1 huveu't tlie same heart to cry aw ay tlie goods of tlie poor creatures that want aud misery liuve driven iuto old Two to One's clutches. Tlie city of I’ is a splendid market for our business. The trade done there by one house alone vv ouid discount any banking, commission or other business in the place, uud hy the same token, tiie pawnbrokers equal us in power uud prolit, and give us some ol our biggest sales. An odd lot eauie into tiie warehouse | oue day, consigned to us by Clutclicm A j Keep, a shrewd lirni of new beginners, j and as it fell to uiy duty tu assort aud j label the goods, it t hus al.-o fell to my | fate to have a part iu the follow ing sto ry. The consignment consisted mainly of glass aud silverware, pictures and j bronzes, as CTuteiie-m and Keep were Editor S’iayara County .W j flrst-class iu their business, and did not , 1 do not wi»h to keep up a correspond- j yet condescend to family Bibles; but in pieces And e’en in doa.h flower. That blossoms bright, lies, But to icvive again with tenfold power, To bloom for endless yours beyond skies. tis liko some beauteous then for a season over. the Ail iron Wtigou. ijnite a curiosity iu this vicinity, is an igou owned by Mr. J. liipson. ntire structure, including wheels, axles, &e., vv itli tile exception of the ! tongue, reach uud box, is iron; the ( spokes ure solid; the tellies are L shaped, hollow, and nrcttuonuteil with a double 1 tire, making the w heel strong und light. An oil e-up is attached to each wheel, which allows of its being oiled without detaching. A small tool-box is aflixed j to the- front end of the* wagou-box, out- | side, and is quite a convenience. Tlio i wagon is manufactured-at Elmira; its utility aud durability are yet to be teat- 1 ed. The Last of Ao. li’. ••The minister was dead, tlie witness • gouc 1 knew not where. •• 1 felt us tl my carelessness hud dis- h< tiored my children, and for days could get uo relief from uiy horrible | Htixiety. until by a .'lasli, as it were, j from Heaven, i remembered that 1 had placed the certilie-ate with either papers in tlie old cabinet tliat 1 bad purled with to CTutchem A Keep. 1 weut to | them; they had sent it here for sale, und now you—” She broke down with a tuoan of de-j spuir. It was more than 1 could stand. | Tliat cry and the pitiful story forced me 1 iuto action ut once. “ Volt shall liuve back the cabinet, j madam,'’ 1 said, solemnly, as ifdevot-| ing my life to its search, ••Go, sir. you will do a uoble deed if , you but find it for me," she cried, grate- l fully, looking at me with beaming eves. Iler face looked to me as it a luilocame over it. aud I dimly fell why 1 liad stood bare In-aded before Iter. Truly i lutd stood iu Death's presence—the lb-nth of hope and love in ibis woman’s life—tlie requiem of gladut.-> and im pulse. JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT. W« are prepared to execute with neat ness and dispatch JOB PRINTING, Of any dcscript'ou, from a Lady’s Visit ing Card to a Large Sized l’oster. I The same careful attention we have heretofore given to the neatness and cor rectness in our Job Department vv ill still be adhered to, nnd it will lie our aim to please our patrons iu every particular All Job Work at reasonable rates. cnee vv itli that man "Tax Payer." for t lie follow ing reasons; First, That Mr. "Tax l’ayer" is uot worth noticing. Ahe und, ■ Tliat everything lias been ! fully explained, and with perfect satis- I faction to all the intelligent people of District No. l'J. ami I do uot propose to rehearse the explanations. Third , Thut 1 might explain until I was gray, and still "Tax Payer” would not comprehend. Fourth. That it lowers myself to an swer the articles gotten up by such a mud-slinger as "Tax payer.” Here he lias tlu* udvantage of ire, for it would be impjss ble to lower him in the esti mation of tlie public, at least tile people of No. IJ. Bm us lie is the agressor, it certainly exposes Ids iguoranoe to con tinue to correspond iu such a silly aud foolish manner. [N bn:—\\ e have given both parties in District N<». 12 a fair and equal hear ing, mid should they desire any further discussion, it must oe done outside the columns of the Niagara County \ kwh.—Ed.] Hig limiting Hatch. .Special attention w ill be given to Color and Illuminated I Tin ting. C.?P Wheu you arc iti want of atiyt bin n our liue. giv e us a call. t N iagara C ounty N ews , JOS. THOMPSON MANUKACTU HER AND DKALtX IN H arness , S addles , BRIDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS. BLANK ETS, ETC., Also DEALER IN BOOTS & SHOES, ih N. TRUNKS VALINEB, r.T< YofXOSTOWX. N.Y. A Grand Shooting Match took place a*t week, Thursday, by some of the young men of our village aud vicinity. Sides were drawn. Captains appointed, rules adopted, and everything was in readiness tbe day before. Tin- tluieal lowed was from sunrise to sunset, go as ! you please aud vv here you please. The following is a list of tlio tennis: 1st Team.—Frank Green, Captain; L. Thompson. 1st Lieutenant; S. Rob inson, 2nd Lieutenant; J. Turner, 1st i Corporal; J. W agner, 2ud Corporal; j W. Meiuilutui, Aid. 2nd Team.—W. King, Captain; F. Powley, 1st Lieutenant: J. Bimson, 2nd Lieutenant: M. Premus, Lt Corporal; T. Malouev, 2ud Corporal; E. Balmer, Aid. The weather on the day appointed turned out to bo very cold, aud a snow storm that prevailed part of tbe time, pn-vi nted either team from bagging a wry large amount of game. The suc cessful party, which wa* team No. 1, came in loaded with 2 wood-peckera, 1 blue-juy and three ducks. (Tbo latter showed the iiiinnatakable signs of some domestic poultry yard.) The showing of team No. 2 was moie of a legitimate nature, but fell slioit oue iu he count. , They secured 3 squirrels, 7 wood-peck- urs and 1 rabbit. After roll call the boys sat down to a the lot 1 came across .i few pieces cf furniture which attracted my attention from the fact of our having au order from a Western liotisc lo pick up all the antiques and oddities afloat, lor a bric-a brae linn. Here were about a dozen specimens of claw-legs, stick-baeks, and otherwise uncomfortable household ai tides in the siiupe of chairs, dressing glasses, and cabinets, und 1 at once labeled them sold, tliat they might uot g.-t into uext day’s sale, but be forwarded at once to our Western house. One article alone 1 noticed w itli nt- tcutiou enough to remember afterward, uud tlieu only because 1 struck my hand roughly against it. aud the pain made me stare hard at tlie cause of it. li was au old cedar cabinet, brass-bound uud clamped, but rusty und torioru-iooking enough in its changed fortunes. 1 la beled it, as 1 thought, for our next ten day's sale, as tlu-ro were two otlidrs tn 0 West, and the home market was then going as crazy for ever) thing old, but parents uud friends, as either tlie West or North. But subsequent events discovered my mistake. Our Saturday sale was a big oue—tlie rival house across on the cor ner hadn't a chance againt us tliat day —aud by noon every article put up vv as bid off lively and quit k. The crow d hud begun to thin, and 1 was busily mopping my w et face with a fresh handkerchief, for it is warm work, 1 cau tell you,to cry sueli sales from one to four o’clock—when a lady eame’back in the store aud approached me eager ly- '•Arc you tlie proprietor, sir ?" she ask ed, with nervous baste, and I saw she was treiub iug. " 1 um tiie auctioneer, madam," 1 said wondering wbat was wrong. " I will call the firm, if you wish." She looked around timidly and eager- tf- drawers. The store w as now empty, and the light was leaving it, as the sun was creeping awuy from the door-siil, and mounting up to tho roof, as if lie bad ouly waited for the sale to be over. The lady b.,d a face that touched me at once. 8lic was pale and timid, blit there was tliat in her face thut made me take oil in\ hat while i talked to her. I dou’t know bovv to express it; but it was as if 1 stood ill tlie presence of death and tlie natural reverence for that great mystery command my re spect. •• W but can I do for you, madam?" I asked. She had beeu looking ull around her, as if seeking something. *• You sell the goods, do you uot?" ] she said, eager'y. "Yis, uiudani.” "You would know- the articles seut , here?" •• Probably." She looked about tier again, and the color came and wmt iu her luce ner vously. ■• 1 have just come from Clutchem «fc Keep," slic began in hurried tones, as ii ashamed of admitting her knowledge of those gentlemen. •* T h e y — hu d —s o m e —things—I was forced—lo—| art with —"Here she paused for a moment; then looked up at me with a faint smile. *• You hear this said so often that 1 will ot.ly w eary you.” Somehow or other, it seemed to me I liad ouly then understood tiie possibil ity of a hcai t sorrow being attached to tlie i xchuugc of goods such as I bad tiial day sold. •• i am anxious tq help you, madam." And 1 was! i bedeve 1 was growing superstitious, too; for it seemed to me as if a gliusti) pageant was crossing and re-ero sing that dim mirror, ami the old screen shook as if sighsor sobs vveie com ing from il. •• Thank you! dar cabinet, vv liien vv : ih among the ai tides 1 parted vv itn to Gill tc hem A Keep, and 1 um told it was sent here for sale. 1 wish to redeem it at any juice—” She stopped suddenly as she saw inv face change. A cedar cabinet! 1 remembered it at once. Tlie hurt on my haud n called it, also that it liad been iabeied for Glut day's Sale. Shcgrew frightened at uiy hesitation. “ito nut say that it is gone!" she cried, rising quickly, and grasping my anil. "Oh, God would not so alliiet me! Look, look everywhere for it, 1 beg, 1 pray you!" . Her hands siiook so on iny arm that 1 j who scud in thoir sub- coulil fuel ttic quiveriug of her thin liu- ; gers. j scrip tions 1 tried to think to whom 1 had sold a , j 11 cabinet that day; tlieu it flushed on me 1 that there hud not heen one iu the eala- I y j Y O \ R \ ( ' O R X T Y log ue. Had 1 made a mistake and sent it West witli tlie brie-u-bruc h t? if so, it could be recovered. 1 fsil glad ior my error, but tlie poor little Woman mis took my sili-uee, aud broke down com pletely, sobbing so pitifully tnat 1 knew then that some great cause \>us hidden. . bencntu tier desire lo reclaim the old tions to one of our cabinet. . I 1 * •• it is more to me than life or death,’’ i ()] SOllO (illCCt j site cried out, passionately, looking j tlllS OfliCO. llliii ""Ct straight before her. •• 11 means my children's iiouor. be influenced by my great need to flud I tbis cabinet for me. 1 believe it con tains tbe c-crtiiiculc of my marriage uml uiy children's baptism, without which 1 cannot lay claim to mv husband's estate iu Fiance. Il is not the money 1 Want,’’ she added, with proud spirit—•• i can not bear to touch tliat; but my children shall not be rubbed ut the right of their . father's name.'' .Site paused to look ut ui«. 1 felt us if a severe tension of her nerves had giveu j way at last, und, crushed try Iter fear of i the cabinet being lost to Iter, Iter silence l’’OU Till: LA1)11 ALICE. I t t.nei' nun-1 -n t right and tan, \\ ita lustrouso - d Idea A form of nudulatinz graiv. A lovely, voim; n d thoughtful liuv, Hut ’tis not bounty Hurt imparts The ehur ni that binds Uieu to our berm*. ll is the pure- a ul in Hum eyes, vv hera trutti eriHlirir.'-d iahenuty lit., Jt is i-in'll gentle d ed n il word By vv tlio ii our heart, iu lo e am stirred; Kor these must leave u rlci per trace Thau 1. . vvit kin U beauteous face Luxe t.:n i Xi-ttse uuv Liilug except missing shirt tuition. — Loose-vvristcj loug gloves will b« more worn thau ever. - 1 louueed skills like those worn twenty years ago are vorv stylish, —The present style of ladies’ evening dress is the low and behold Style, i —Quantities, of bangle bracelets aro j worn over tiie- long- vv listed glove.. —Mrs. Jennie MeGravv l-'iske left I nearly 8300,000 to Cornell I’niveislty. Y Brooklyn girl speaks of one ol bet 1 fellows as her night-blooming, se^pus I beau. | —.'Mlvcrrd beads are tnkiug the placo much more dress) at.d in t. — Hoop skirls are to be revived and there is u great deal ol bustle in tlie fem inine world. She left me with u hopeful smile, tak- : ,,f ste vl and are iug iny Imnd with a pretty grace, aud I ! watched her, in the mirror, go down j the-shadowy room into the sunlight of the street, aud the shadows seemed to fall from ber forever . . . . . . I telegraphed the Western lirm. Thev j ,ad>‘ "ho h t r U" Hh!,,' V had the cabinet, uud returned it at once; , merscl.aum pipe to drive tacks with Is so thut before many days tlie little, tier- , uo gcuGcmun. vous fingers were searching, in the pres- j - Ostrich plumes and tips constitute euce of Hie lawyer aud iii)self, for the i almost tlio only trimming worn ou this precious papers. i 8(;a.soii'» hats. She fouud ilium! 1 slml! never for-! _ Bl.ulltv 5, a l>0>v,.r uithou n phtn, » •yet her fjice wheu she held them up. aiieresR w ithout a njlenci\ uproblem The halo wus there, as she said, so noil- j without a proof, ly: •• Thank God!" Ami it seems to cling lo me vet, and I 1 am looking for act—| to make me think how much misery onr said tlie ludy, gently, j evil passions ean work through setflsli- lioss and thoughtlessness. A .special induce ment ihuodercd to new subscribers this week. Wishing to extend our circulation its far as possible, we make (he following offer:— Al! new subscribers now for receive one the — \\ lieu a wealthy youug .lady 1-j at a : summer resin; then •• birds of a feather flock to get her.” * ° She vv as ( eltie uud hh i el seventeen. She said, "Sooner tliau live on charity I’d beg from door to door." —Before marrlago sliu was deaf and lie wav lit-1 - treasure; but Hfterwurd she I I became dearer and be treasurer. — Miss Grosgrniu rays she will wear Hbort drosses when silt- travels West it1 I this train robbing is not slopped. —lT'omeuade dro-.es are- very short, j The skirt of u fa-iionuble women dad in | walking attire clears tlio ground by i several laches, —Jones’ wife found a book of hand kerchief flirtatious iu liis pocket, nud lio is obliged now to wipe liis nose un his coat sites er. —Broad girdle belts aro made of strips of Japanese and Ghiiioso cloth, and are embroidered and slumped with hideous dragons and impossible birds. -••1 dote upou tbat girl," said Sin.ill. , ••That makes the tw entieth girl you havo ^ E W IS, postage pre- doted on within a month," remarked paid, until January 1st, 188:1. Hand your subscrip a Kondersou. "It is about time you had sown ull your wild doles,Smith." —Mrs. Mixer being nulled into coprt as a witness, got v exed nt the lawyer, and declared;—"It you don't stop ask ing questions I'll ieuve;” um] then added "You'te tbe inosl inquisitive mau 1 ever saw in ull the days of my life." —Larger hoops are ul ready demanded by tbe leaders of fashion hi the larger ‘“ Z . j j 1 . | cities, and u vague, umlcllncil fear pel Listen and )ou win j I (!( dpi tf) •Jilllll- vmies the sensitive masculine heart that Tl’V 1st 188.) J tho old sltin-lr'tricing ••titters” will soon v * ^ again come upon us with ull their T hn N i a o a r a C o i'N - : oigbtm g power. —“ Why aru you lute?” n-kcil un Au<- | liu school teacher of a little girl, wbo | hung her head und Huid: " We have gov a lltlle baby ut our house." "Don't let it buppeu again,"raid the tcuchcr fierce ly, uud the little gill raid she would not, uud tool, her seat. A I'lilladtdpbla mau w as engaged to r i , an heiress, but tho bargain D ofl. Bim form . ll IS indepom l- noticed that While 111 smoked ten cejJt and reserve had broken down 0,,d that fllbl •lii.iv tn nun !‘‘^"r bn never bought a paper when It Hie appealed tome unconsciously in be, * 1S . P 1 0 need. m ote the best interests The shadowy pageant passed to aud /. . fro across the mirror, and an Hhe went oi tne people, irrcspec- ou with her sad story, it seemed to ‘ tv News is the best and cheapest local paper in the (Vainly, present ing the news in an at tractive and concise! me I saw the "hole sad episode puss iu | review on tin- dim surface. " Fifteen yeaiSugo my husband de serted me. Evil influence bud led Min astray, and w hile for my children's sake I would have pardoned him, I uever saw him or heard one word of him un- was pos-ilde to borrow Jt. A life-long union with self-ilidulgelico and mean- uess vv as uot to her ta«te. —He—".She iv a remarkably sweet singer. I don't know w in u 1 have heard Hticii a fine voice. Did you notice tier bravura passages?." Nile—“ N o ; but I tive of party or clan. The ICguhll s u b - ; IJOt|l>wJ the iaee ou her dress. If*leal scrip t io n price is $1.00 Hamburg, and ju»t lovely." n - /. . —Him said she would eboko any D>r OliC \ OAI, »)0 cents I gentleman Who made lovo to her duugh- for six m onths, 25 . . ' | IkksI v , i <> wblcb Num a replied:—Mam- ness. I--I—do—not undeistaml these vvas dead, and hod left an estate to hia C(* 11 t s foi'thl’CC IQOIlths l“'i if “ ,'",itl‘*nKiti make, love to nit. 1 —matter*-very well,’* sbe faltered; and wife and children. , . . , , . • refer io tc k • Iii' 1Perha|>s you can attend to my busl- j til I learned through the paper that he then I Saw she was poorly clad, al though well-bred and timid. I drew an old chair up iuto the corner and asked her to sit down, ami ua she did so gratefully—poor little womuu!— 1 took a good look at her. 8he was still young and pretty. Behind her bung a long mirror. It had grown diin ifhng'ug there, und bad a misty shadow over It. and iu the two angles of tbe corner stood a faded old Japanese screen and a tali chest fo cash invariably in ad vancc. Postage pre paid by the publish ers. Address Ing ancther claimant In franco to my -»r* children’s nainc and honor. j A IU()CL f€L l.UHlltlf XCtVSj *• 1 could not .grieve, except tbat he hud died ill li.s sin, unforgiven by me. Iwas poor, for lie left me only the household furniture, and bave toiled all these years to maintain my children. So, for their sa as. I applied to' a law yer to obtain possession of the estate. Oh. the sltunic, the despair, ®f find- • I mu-1 prove ourf laliu as wife aud children,' «i!d tin e.-,rc»"l Freucli lawyer Youngstown. YV. him myself!" —A man stepped into u milliner's shop the other dav oi. ba -.i, h-, and accident ally sat down on a bonnet some one bad laid on the chair. He remained tlu-re until no oue was looking in tbat direct ion, and tin l quietly got up and stepped ou one side. There was a lady In at tlm time looking f<>r a bonnet shaped to suit tier. Sin Anally found the one the man had put In shape, snd lt jiut took her fancy; It wnsjust vvhal she •.-.anted, so she said.

R Anyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn94057653/1881-12-02/ed-1/seq-1.… · well furnish'd table ut tlio Oiiluiio llo iso, ami enjoyed themselves to ihe full extent of the law. good

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Page 1: R Anyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn94057653/1881-12-02/ed-1/seq-1.… · well furnish'd table ut tlio Oiiluiio llo iso, ami enjoyed themselves to ihe full extent of the law. good


\ R AV O L 1. Y O U N G S T O W N , N IA G A R A CO., N . Y

T R A V E L E R ' S t i l I I >11


1(1 "A/ A. M.T i t A I N H i . i : A V t .

Hum A, M.

HOME, W A TLIlTllW ’K, .V O G flK V Sltl UO K A ILItO A D .


6:S5 1’. M. I 0.-00 A. M.i 11:00



i 'o flv M o th e r .

1 Liko silver bells through nn rnory’s chamber l>oal.nn,

Now suit ana sad, uow louder in tbeiralee,

M y ch ild h o o d 's h a p p y lioui-s c o m a softly s ta l l in g ,

Freighted " i i h momorios ol boine und thee.

Like fairy tales with strange, w ild beauty teeming,

O r lik-- tne g lim m e r o f som e distant star,Tiiese flout across uiy hours ol jHsacotul

dreaming, *With thrills of ruiiture which uo time can


well fu r n i s h 'd tab le ut tlio O iiluiio l lo iso, ami en joyed themselves to ihe full e x te n t of the law. good na tu re ami pie sau tr ies being the o rd e r of the hour.

The Auctioneer's Story.

D E C E M B E R . 2, 1 8 8 1 .f l to I"id at j

N O . 4 0 .

* by th e produc tion of th e m arr iage am i I bap tism al ecrt if lca tes!’

“ Aud 1 km -w n o t w h e r e t h e y w e re !

seemed liko those of

since thon, so

•t; IM «:3»

A. M. P. >1.


A. M.fi.R11:12


l i n n . f>. Mr COI.I.l M,W surg ical nml Mechnnica! D entist.O ill co—T (Hitler’» lilock. Knl ninety on Ni/iK*

a ra uvcuue, is us pea* iim llrnijtc, N. 't • Ni- tnmrt <Lvitlc; (.SAM given for painless cx tn ic iiou of tceih. All operations! w arran ted .i m p l y .



No after joys have childhood,

No llo " oi s huve bloomed, bl ight to view,

As thos,- 1 gathered in the distant wild wood And brought t.iom home, my mother dear,

to j ou.

But time, w hich in ves ou restless, tireless pinion,

Hus crept upon us almost unaw ares, Guibcred oui jo js in Ins vast dominion,

Aud left, iutseud, u life of toil and cures.

And she. who shared with me my youthful pleasures,

Wept t my grief and smiled a t all myjoys,

Iu Heaven rests, among those prirelea treas­ures,

'• Where moth nor rust corrupt,” nor time dcstro., s.

But wo aro left, dear moth.ir, to euoh other,Nor grief, nor tilne, can our ulfectiou

move;No earthly power save death, cau ever

smotherThut priceless blessing—a true mother’s


L I V E L O C A L J O U R N A L ,Presenting in a neat and com pact form

A L L TH E J, 0 C.1L X E 11'S.

s r i i S C K l H i : A T O N C E .

o p $1.00) YEAR! £ : ■I N A D V A N C E .

j t In everyw here a welcome visitor, keeping Hh readers posted com-crning all that

tran sp ire s a round them.

It hns a large rireiila tion In th is and all ad ­jo in ing towns, and th ro iig lnaa the C ounty, and is gaining in popularity er cry day.

IK v o i : H A V E GOODS TO SK I.I.


N i a g a r a C o u n t v t f c w a1.1 II Kit A I. AUVKUTlMMi PAWS.

And the N ew h is read th rough from top bottom hv thousands every week.

T his is a s t range v urld ! And yet 1 never tho ug h t so un ti l my a tten tion was called to t h e ’fact hy a li t t le iuci- deut th a t befell me one day, and set me oil th in k ing so h au l tha t I seemed to g row o u t of my ow n head and reach a g reat he igh t , anil then look dow n on uiy o th e r se lf w i th compassion. 1 don 't kuow th a t it made me any wiser, bu t at leas t it made me m o te u t td i t iv u to my fellow beings—m ore thoiigiitlul of the i r joys and sorrows and t l ia t counts for som ething, 1 reckon.

1 had cried dozens of paw u lirokeis ' sales iu uiy time, nnd never th ou gh t an y th in g al o u t them , unless it w as old T w o to Oue «.r Give uud T a k e w ere doubling th e i r money, and m ak ing a p re t ty penny, even w itii teu per cent, commission taken oil.

B u t 1 had n eve r th o u g h t of the s to ry couuected w ith any one ar t ic le ol the sale—of tlie heartaches, and dc.-pair, and wotian's tears, l t was b u t a joke to me who had known Hie t me when to -spout a w atch , o r pistol, o r some ligh t tr ink e t , iu o rd e r to carry ou u frolic, or he lp a poorer chap th an 1 was, wns b u t tlio impulse of tlie moment, and curried uu fu r th e r w e igh t than tlie relief from em pty pockets a t th e moment.

But, as 1 have said before, Something mudc me lu iuk, and ever since 1 huveu 't tlie same hea r t to cry aw ay tlie goods o f tlie poor c rea tu res th a t want aud misery liuve dr iven iu to old T w o to One's clutches.

Tlie c ity of I’ is a splendid m ark e tfor ou r business. T h e trade done there by one house alone vv ouid discount any banking , commission o r o th e r business in the place, uud hy th e same token, tiie paw n bro kers equal us in p o w er uud prolit , and give us some o l o u r biggest sales.

A n odd lo t eauie in to tiie w arehouse | oue day, consigned to us by Clutclicm A j Keep, a sh rew d lirni of new beginners, j and as it fell to uiy d u ty tu asso rt aud j label th e goods, it t hus al.-o fell to my | fa te to have a p a r t iu the follow ing sto­ry.

T h e consignm ent consisted main ly of glass aud s i lverw are , p ic tu res and

j bronzes, as CTuteiie-m and Keep were Editor S’iayara County . W j flrst-class iu the i r business, and did not ,

1 do not wi»h to keep up a correspond- j y e t condescend to family B ib les ; b u t inpieces

And e’en in doa.h flow er.

That blossoms bright,■ lies,

But to icvive again with tenfold power, To bloom fo r endless yours beyond


tis liko some beauteous

then for a season


Ail i r o n W tigou .

i jn i te a curiosity iu this vicinity, is an igou ow ned by Mr. J . l i ipson .

ntire s t ru c tu re , including wheels, axles, &e., vv itli tile excep tion of the

! tongue, reach uud box, is i ro n ; the ( spokes ure solid; the tellies are L shaped,

hollow, and nrct tuonuteil with a double 1 tire, making th e w heel s tro ng und light.

An oil e-up is a t tached to each wheel, which allows of its being oiled w ith o u t de tach ing . A small too l-box is aflixed

j to the- f ro n t en d of the* wagou-box, ou t- | side, and is qu ite a convenience. Tlio i wagon is m a n u fa c tu re d -a t E lm i r a ; its

u ti li ty aud du rab i l i ty a re y e t to be teat- 1 ed.

The Last of Ao. li’.

• •T h e m in is te r was dead, tlie witness • gouc 1 knew n o t where.

•• 1 fe l t us tl m y carelessness hud dis- h< tiored my children, and for days could get uo relief from uiy horr ib le | Htixiety. unti l by a .'lasli, as it were, j f rom Heaven, i rem em bered th a t 1 had placed the certilie-ate w ith either papers in tlie old cab ine t t l ia t 1 bad purled w ith to CTutchem A Keep. 1 w eu t to | t h e m ; they had sen t it he re fo r sale, und now y ou—”

She b roke dow n w i th a tuoan of d e - j spuir. I t was more than 1 could stand . | T l ia t cry and th e pitiful s to ry forced me 1 iu to action u t once.

“ Volt shall liuve back the cabine t, j m adam , '’ 1 said, solemnly, as i f d e v o t - | ing my life to i t s search,

••Go, sir. y ou will do a uoble deed if , you bu t find i t fo r me," she cried, g ra te - l fu l ly , looking at me w ith beaming eves.

I l e r face looked to me as it a luilocame ov er it . a u d I dimly fe l l why 1 liad stood bare In-aded before Iter. T ru ly i lutd stood iu D ea th 's presence—the lb-nth of hope and love in ibis w om an’s life—tlie requiem of gladut.-> a n d im ­pulse.


W« a r e p repa red to e x e cu te w i th neat ness and d ispatch

JO B PR IN T IN G ,O f an y dcscrip t 'ou , from a L a d y ’s V isit­

in g C ard to a L arge Sized l ’oster .I

T h e same carefu l a t ten t io n w e have

he re to fo re given to the neatness and cor­

rec tness in o u r J o b D epar tm en t vv ill still

b e ad h ered to, nnd it will lie o u r a im to

p lease ou r pa trons iu every p a r t icu la r

All J o b W o rk a t reasonable rates.

cnee vv itli t h a t man " T a x P a y e r . " for t lie follow ing reasons;

F ir s t, T h a t Mr. " T a x l ’a y e r " is uo t w orth noticing.

Ahe und, ■ T l ia t e v e ry th ing lias been ! fu lly expla ined , and w ith perfec t satis- I faction to all the in te ll igen t people of

D istr ic t No. l'J. am i I do u o t propose to rehearse the explanations.

T hird , T h u t 1 m ight expla in unti l I was g ray , and stil l " T a x P a y e r ” w ould not com prehend .

F o u r th . T h a t it low ers m yself to an ­sw er the a r t ic les go tten up by such a m ud-s linger as " T a x p a y e r . ” H ere he lias tlu* udvan tage of ire , for i t w ould be im pjss ble to lower him in th e esti­mation of tlie public, at least tile people of No. IJ. B m us lie is the agressor, it certa in ly exposes Ids iguoranoe to con­tinue to correspond iu such a s i l ly aud fo o l is h m anner .

[ N b n : — \\ e have given bo th part ies in D istr ic t N<». 12 a fair and equal h ea r­ing, mid should th ey desire any f u r th e r discussion, it m us t oe done outside the colum ns of the N i a g a r a Co u nty \ kwh .— E d.]

H ig l i m i t i n g H a t c h .

.Special a t ten t io n w ill be given to

Color and Illum inated I Tin ting.

C.?P W heu you a rc iti w an t of a tiy t bin

n o u r liue. giv e us a call. t

N i a g a r a County N e w s ,

J O S . T H O M P S O N


H arness , S addles,



ih N .


A G rand Sh oo tin g Match took place a*t week, T h u rsd a y , by some o f the

yo un g men of o u r v il lage aud vicinity. Sides were d raw n . C aptains appointed , rules adopted , and every th in g was in readiness tbe d ay before. Tin- t lu ie a l ­lowed was from sunrise to sunset, g o as

! you please aud vv here you please. T h e fo llowing is a list of tlio tennis:

1st T eam .—F ra n k Green, C apta in ; L. Thompson. 1st L ieu ten a n t ; S. R ob­inson, 2nd L ieu ten an t ; J . T u rn e r , 1st

i C orpora l ; J . W agner, 2ud C orpora l ; j W. Meiuilutui, Aid.

2nd Team.— W. King, C a p ta in ; F . Powley, 1st L ie u te n a n t : J . Bimson, 2nd L ieu tenan t: M. P rem us, L t C orpora l ; T. Malouev, 2ud C orpora l ; E . Balmer, A id.

The w e a th e r on th e d ay appoin ted tu rn ed o u t to bo very cold, aud a snow s torm th a t prevailed p a r t of tb e time, pn-vi n ted e i th e r team from bagging a w r y large am o u n t of gam e. T h e suc­cessful par ty , which wa* team No. 1, cam e in loaded w ith 2 wood-peckera, 1 b lue-juy and th r e e ducks. (T b o l a t te r showed the ii iinnatakable signs of some dom estic p o u l t ry y a rd .) T he show ing of team No. 2 was m oie of a legi t im ate na tu re , b u t fell s l io it oue iu he count.

, T h ey secured 3 squirrels , 7 w ood-peck- urs an d 1 rabb i t .

A f te r roll call th e boys sat dow n to a

the lot 1 came across .i few pieces c f fu rn i tu re which a t t r a c te d my a t ten t ion from th e fact of o u r hav ing au o rde r from a W estern liotisc lo pick up all the an tiques and oddit ies afloat, lo r a bric-a brae linn.

H ere were abou t a dozen specimens of claw-legs, st ick-baeks, and o therw ise uncom fo r tab le household ai t i d e s in the siiupe of chairs, d ress ing glasses, and cabinets, und 1 a t once labeled them sold, t l ia t they m igh t uo t g.-t into u ex t d a y ’s sale, b u t be fo rw arded a t once to our W estern house.

One art ic le a lone 1 noticed w itli n t- tcut iou enough to re m em b er a f te rw ard , uud tl ieu only because 1 s t ruck m y hand roughly agains t it. aud the pain made me stare hard at tlie cause of it. l i was au old cedar cabinet, brass-bound uud clamped, b u t rus ty und to r io ru - iook ing enough in its changed fo r tun es . 1 la­beled it, as 1 th o u g h t , for ou r n e x t ten day 's sale, as tlu-ro were tw o otlidrs tn0 West, and the home m arke t w as then g o ing as crazy for ever) th in g old, bu t parents uud friends, as e i th e r tlie W est o r N orth .

B u t subsequent even ts discovered my mistake. O ur S a tu rd ay sale was a big oue—tlie rival house across on the co r­n e r h adn 't a chance a g a in t us t l ia t day —aud by noon every art ic le p u t up vv as bid off lively and quit k.

T h e crow d hud begun to th in , and 1 was busily m opping m y w e t face w ith a fresh handkerchief, for it is w arm work,1 cau tell y o u , to cry sueli sales from one to four o’clock—w hen a lady eam e’back in th e s to re aud approached me eager­ly-' • A r c you tlie p ropr ie to r , sir ?" she ask ­

ed, w ith nervous baste , and I saw she was tre iub iug.

" 1 um tiie auctioneer, m adam ," 1 said w o n d e r in g w bat was w rong . " I will call the firm, if you wish."

She looked a round t im id ly and eager-t f -

d raw ers .T h e store w as now em pty , a n d the

light was leav ing it, as the sun was creep ing awuy from th e door-siil, and m o u n t in g up to tho roof, as if lie bad ouly w aited for the sale to be over.

T he lady b.,d a face th a t touched me a t once. 8lic was pale and tim id , blit there was tliat in he r face th u t made me take oil in\ ha t while i ta lked to her.I dou’t know bovv to express i t ; bu t it was as if 1 s tood ill tlie presence of d ea th and tlie n a tu ra l reverence for th a t g re a t m ys te ry com m and my re­spect.

•• W but can I do for you, m adam ?" I asked.

She had beeu looking ull a ro un d her, as if seeking som eth ing .

*• Y ou sell th e goods, do y ou u o t? "] she said, eag e r 'y .

" Y i s , uiudani.”" Y o u would know- th e ar t ic les seu t

, h e re?"•• P ro b a b ly ."She looked a b o u t tier again, an d the

color came and w m t iu he r luce ne r­vously.

■• 1 have ju s t come from C lu tchem «fc K eep," slic began in hurr ied tones, as ii asham ed of a dm it t in g h e r know ledge of those g en tlem en . •* T h e y —hud —some —th in gs—I was forced—lo —| a r t w ith —"H ere she paused for a m o m en t; then looked up a t me w ith a fa in t smile.*• You hea r this said so o f ten th a t 1 will ot.ly w eary y o u .”

Somehow or o ther , it seemed to me I liad ouly then unders tood tiie possibil­ity of a hcai t so rrow b e ing a ttached to tlie i xchuugc of goods such as I bad ti ial day sold.

•• i am anxious tq help you, m adam ."A nd 1 was! i bedeve 1 was g row in g

supersti tious, to o ; for it seemed to me as if a g liusti) pagean t was crossing and re-ero s ing tha t dim mirror, ami the old screen shook as if s ighsor sobs vveie com­ing from il.

•• T ha n k y o u ! d a r cabinet,vv liien vv :ih am ong the ai t i d e s 1 par ted vv itn to Gill tc hem A Keep, and 1 um told i t was sent here fo r sale. 1 wish to redeem it a t any ju ic e —”

She s topped suddenly as she saw inv face change.

A cedar c a b in e t !1 rem em bered i t a t once. Tlie h u r t

on my haud n called it, also th a t it liad been iabeied for Glut day 's Sale.

S h c g re w fr igh tened a t uiy hesitation.“ ito nut say t h a t it is gone!" she

cried, ris ing quickly, and g rasp ing my anil . " O h , God would no t so alliiet me! Look, look e v e ry w h e re for it, 1 beg, 1 p ray you!" .

H e r hands siiook so on iny arm th a t 1 j w ho s c u d in thoir s u b -coulil fuel ttic q u ive r iug of h e r th in liu- ; •gers . j scrip tions

1 tr ied to th ink to whom 1 had sold a , j 11cabine t tha t d ay ; tlieu it flushed on me 1 th a t th e re hud n o t heen one iu the e a la - I y j Y O \ R \ ( ' O R X T Ylog ue.

H ad 1 made a m istake and se n t itWest witli tlie brie-u-bruc h t? i f so, it could be recovered. 1 f s i l g lad io r my e rro r , b u t tlie poor l i t t l e Woman m is­took my sili-uee, aud b rok e dow n com ­pletely , sobbing so pit ifully tn a t 1 knew then th a t some g re a t cause \>us h id d e n . .b encntu tier desire lo rec la im th e old tions to one of ourc a b i n e t . • . I 1 *

•• i t is m ore to me than life o r d e a th , ’’ i ( ) ] S O l l O ( i l l C C t j

site cried out, passionately, looking j t l l l S O f l i C O . l l l i i i " " C t s t ra ig h t before her. •• 11 means my children 's iiouor.be influenced by my g re a t need to flud I tbis cabinet for me. 1 believe i t con­tains tbe c-crtiiiculc of my m arr iage uml uiy ch ild ren 's baptism , w ith o u t w hich 1 canno t lay claim to mv husband 's e s ta te iu F iance . Il is no t the m oney 1 W ant,’’ she added, with p roud sp ir i t—•• i c a n ­n o t bea r to touch t l ia t ; bu t my children shall not be rubbed ut the r ig h t of th e i r . fa ther 's nam e. ' '

.Site paused to look ut ui«. 1 felt us if a severe tension of h e r nerves had g iveu j w ay at last, und, c rushed try Iter fea r of i the cabine t being los t to Iter, Iter silence

l’’OU Till: LA 1)11


t t.nei' nun-1 -n t right and tan,\ \ ita lustrouso ■- d Idea A form of nudulatinz graiv.A lovely, voim; n d thoughtful liuv,Hut ’tis not bounty Hurt impartsThe ehur ni that b in d s Uieu to our berm*.

l l is the pure- a ul in Hum eyes, vv hera trutti eriHlirir.'-d iahenuty lit.,Jt is i-in'll gentle d ed n il word By vv tlio ii our heart, iu lo e am stirred; Kor these must leave u rlci per trace Thau 1. . vv it kin U beauteous face

Luxe t . :n i Xi-ttse uuv Liilug except .» missing s h i r t tu ition .

— Loose-vvristcj loug g loves will b« more w o rn thau ever.

- 1 louueed s k i l l s like those w orn tw en ty years ago are vorv stylish,

—T h e p resen t s ty le of ladies’ evening dress is th e low a n d behold Style,

i —Quantities, o f bangle brace le ts aroj worn over tiie- long- vv listed glove..

—Mrs. J e n n ie MeGravv l-'iske left I nearly 8300,000 to Cornell I ’niveis l ty .

Y Brooklyn g ir l speaks of one ol bet 1 fellows as h e r n igh t-b loom ing , s e^ p u s I beau.| —.'Mlvcrrd beads are tnk iug th e placo

m u ch more dress) at.din t.

— H oop skirls a re to be revived and there is u g rea t deal o l bustle in tlie f e m ­inine world .

She le f t me w ith u hopeful smile, tak - : ,,f ste vl and are iug iny Imnd w ith a p re t ty grace, aud I ! w atched her, in the m irror , go down j the-shadow y room into th e sun l igh t of th e stree t , aud the shadows seemed tofall from b e r fo rever . . . . . .

I te legraphed the W estern lirm. T h e v j ,a d >‘ " ho h t r U" Hh!,,' Vhad the cabine t, uud re tu rn ed i t a t once; , merscl.aum pipe to drive tacks w ith Isso thut before m an y days tlie li tt le, tier- , uo gcuGcmun.vous fingers w ere search ing , in th e pres- j - Ostrich p lum es and tips const i tu teeuce of Hie law y er aud iii)self , fo r the i alm ost tlio only tr im m in g w orn ou thisprec ious papers . i 8(;a.soii'» hats.

She fouud il ium! 1 slml! never f o r - ! _ Bl.ulltv 5, a l>0>v,.r u i t h o u n phtn, » •yet he r fjice w heu she held th em up. aiieresR w i th o u t a n jlenci\ u problemT h e halo wus th e re , as she said, so noil- j w ithout a proof,ly:

•• T h a n k G o d !"Ami it seems to c l in g lo me vet , and I

1 am looking for a c t— | to make me th ink how much misery onr said tlie ludy, g en t ly , j evil passions ean work th ro u g h setflsli-

lioss and thoughtlessness .

A .special induce­ment ihuodercd to new subscribers this week.

Wishing to extend our circulation its far as possible, we make (he following offer:— Al! new subscribers

now for receive


— \\ lieu a w ea l th y yo uu g . lad y 1-j a t a: sum m er resin; th en •• birds of a fea ther

flock to g e t h e r .”* °— She vv as ( e l t ie uud hh i e l seventeen.

She said, "S oo ner tliau live on chari ty I ’d beg from door to door."

—Before m arrlago sliu was deaf a n d lie wav lit-1- t r easu re ; bu t Hfterwurd sheI

I became d e a re r and be treasu re r .— Miss G rosgrn iu rays she will w ea r

H bort drosses w hen silt- trave ls W es t it1I this tra in ro b b in g is no t s lopped.

—lT 'omeuade d ro - .es are- very short, j T he sk ir t of u fa-iionuble w om en d a d in | walking a t t i r e c lears tlio g ro un d by i several laches,

—J o n e s ’ wife found a book of h a n d ­kerchief f lirtatious iu liis pocket, nud lio is obliged now to wipe liis nose un his coat s i tes er.

—Broad gird le belts aro m ad e of s tr ips of Jap a n e s e and Ghiiioso clo th , and a r e em bro idered and slumped w ith hideous d ragons an d impossible birds.

-••1 d o te upou tb a t g ir l ," said S in .ill., ••That makes the tw en tie th g ir l you havo

^ E W IS, p o s t a g e p r e - d o ted on w ith in a m onth ," rem arked

paid, until January 1st, 188:1.

Hand your subscrip


Kondersou. " I t is ab ou t tim e you had sown ull y o u r wild do le s ,S m i th ."

— Mrs. M ixer being nulled in to co p r t as a witness, g o t v exed nt th e law yer,and dec la red ;—" I t you d on 't s top ask ­ing questions I ' l l ieuve ;” um] then added " Y o u ' t e tbe inosl inquisitive mau 1 ever saw in ull the days of my life ."

—L a rg e r hoops a re ul ready dem anded by tb e leaders of fashion hi th e larger

‘“ Z • . j j 1 . • | cities, and u v a g u e , umlcllncil fear pelL is te n a n d ) o u w in j I ( ! ( d p i tf) • J i l l l l l - vm ies th e sensitive m ascu lin e h e a r t t h a t

T l ’V 1 s t 188.) J tho old sltin-lr'tricing ••titters” will soonv * ^ a g a in come u p o n us w ith u ll th e i rT h n N i a o a r a C o i ' N - : o ig b tm g p o w e r.

— “ W hy aru y ou lu te ? ” n-kcil un A u<- | l iu school te ac h e r of a li t t le gir l, w b o| hu n g her head u n d Huid: " W e have gov

a l l t l le baby u t o u r house." " D o n 't le t i t b u p p e u a g a in ," ra id th e tcuchcr f ierce­ly, uud the li tt le g i l l raid sh e w o u ld not, u u d tool, h e r s e a t.

—A I 'l i l la d td p b la mau w a s e n g a g e d to r • • i , a n heiress, b u t th o b a rg a in D ofl. Bim

f o r m . l l I S i n d e p o m l - n o tic e d t h a t While 111 sm o k e d te n cejJt a n d re se rv e had b ro k e n d o w n 0 ,,d th a t f l l b l • l i i . i v t n n u n ! ‘‘^ " r bn n e v e r b o u g h t a p a p e r w h e n I tHie a p p e a le d t o m e u n c o n sc io u s ly in be , ’ * 1S . P1 0need. m o t e t h e b e s t i n t e r e s t s

T h e sh a d o w y p a g e a n t p assed to a u d / . .fro a c ro ss th e m ir ro r , a n d an Hhe w e n t o i t n e p e o p l e , i r r c s p e c -ou w i t h h e r sad s to ry , i t seem ed to ‘

tv N e w s is the b est and ch eap est local paper in the ( Vainly, presen t­in g the n ew s in an at­tractive and con cise!

me I saw th e " h o l e sad episode puss iu | review on tin- dim surface.

" F if teen y ea iS u g o my husband d e ­ser ted me. E v i l influence bud led Min as t ray , and w h ile fo r my ch ild ren 's sake I would have pa rdoned him, I u ev e r saw h im o r h eard one w ord of h im un-

was pos-ilde to b o rrow Jt . A life-long union w ith self-ilidulgelico and m ean- uess vv as uo t to h e r ta«te.

—H e —".She iv a rem arkab ly sw ee t singer. I don 't know w in u 1 have h ea rd Hticii a fine voice. Did you notice tier b rav u ra passages?." Nile—“ N o ; b u t I

t i v e of p a r t y o r c l a n .

T h e I C g u h l l s u b - ; IJOt| l>wJ the iaee ou he r dress. I f * l e a l

s c r i p t i o n p r i c e i s $ 1 . 0 0 H am burg , and ju»t lovely."n - / . . —Him said she w ould eboko anyD > r O l i C \ O A I , » ) 0 c e n t s I gentleman Who made lovo to her duugh-

f o r s i x ’ m o n t h s , 2 5„ . . ' | IkksI v, i <> wblcb N um a replied:—Mam-ness. I - - I —do—no t u n d e is ta m l these vv as dead, and hod le f t an es ta te to hia C(* 11 t s f o i ' t h l ’C C I Q O I l t h s l“ 'i if “ ,' " ,itl‘*n Kiti m ak e , love to n it . 1 —m a t t e r * - v e r y well,’* sbe fa l te red ; and wife and ch ild ren . , . . , , . • refer io tc k • Iii'

1 Perha|>s you can a t t e n d to m y busl- j til I learned th rou gh the p ape r th a t he

then I Saw she was poorly clad, a l ­th ou gh w ell-bred and timid.

I d rew an old ch a ir up iuto the corner and asked h e r to sit down, ami ua she did so g ra te fu l ly —poor l i tt le w o m u u !— 1 took a good look a t her. 8he was still you ng and p re t ty .

Behind h e r bung a long m irror . I t had g row n diin ifhng 'ug there , und bad a misty shadow over It. and iu th e two angles of tbe co rn e r stood a faded old Jap an ese screen and a ta l i ches t fo

cash invariably in ad vancc. Postage pre­paid b y the publish­ers.

AddressIng a n c th e r c la im an t In f r a n c o to m y -»r*ch ild ren ’s nainc a n d honor. j A IU()CL f€L l . U H l l t l f X C t V S j

*• 1 could not .grieve, ex cep t tb a t he hud died ill li.s sin, un fo rg iven by me. Iw as poor, for lie left me on ly th e household furn itu re , and bave to iled all these years to m ain ta in m y ch ild ren . So, for th e i r sa a s . I app lied to' a law ­ye r to ob ta in possession of the estate.

Oh. the sltunic, th e despair, ®f find-

• I mu-1 prove o u r f laliu as wife audchild ren , ' «i!d tin e.-,rc»"l Freucl i l aw yer Youngstown. Y V .

him myself!"

—A man stepped in to u mill iner 's shop th e o th e r dav oi. ba -.i, h-, and accident­ally sa t d ow n on a bon ne t some one bad laid on th e chair . He rem ained tlu-re unti l no oue was looking in tb a t d i r e c t ­ion, and tin l qu ie t ly go t up and stepped ou one side. T h e re was a lady In a t t lm tim e looking f<>r a b o nn e t shaped to s u i t tier. Sin Anally found the one the man had p u t In shape, s n d l t j i u t took h e r fancy ; It w n s ju s t vvhal she •.-.anted, so she said.