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Center for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogy 8

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�� ��Irifune Tetsuo

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� �����Irifune, T., Shinmei, T., McCammon, C. A., Miyajima, N., Rubie, D. C., Frost, D. J.E%y$yFIronpartitioning and density changes of pyrolite in Earth’s lower mantle, Science , �%:, $#� $#�.

Irifune, T., Higo, Y., Inoue, T., Kono, Y., Ohfuji, H. and Funakoshi, K.E%yyxFSound velocitiesof majorite and the composition of the mantle transition region, Nature , 6�$, x$6 x$:.

Irifune, T. and Tsuchiya, T.E%yy:FPhase transitions and mineralogy of the lower mantle, In Treatiseon GeophysicsEed. D. PriceF, Elsevier Sci. Publ. pp.�� 1%.

Irifune, T., Kurio, A., Sakamoto, S., Inoue, T. and Sumiya, H.E%yy�FUltrahard polycrystallinediamond from graphite, Nature, 6%$E1#%�F, �## 1yy.

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Center for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogy9

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�� �Inoue Toru

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���������ÎÏÐ6ooo�¨��! 4Ñ"ÏÎÏ*��66�66�+Ò Ó Ô ÕÐT. Inoue, M. Katsuda, T. Irifune, H. Yurimoto, Partitioning of water in mantleminerals. EGU General AssemblysYYK, Vienna, Austria*April6�Í6K, sYYK+­

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Center for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogy 10

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�� ��Tsuchiya Taku

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� �����Tsuchiya, T.��ÉÉ��First-principles prediction of the P-V-T equation of state of gold and theÊÊÉËkmdiscontinuity in Earth’s mantle, J. Geophys. Res. , �ÉÌ�B�É�, �8Ê�.Tsuchiya, T., Tsuchiya, J., Umemoto, K., Wentzcovitch, R.M.��ÉÉ8�Phase transition in MgSiO�perovskite in the Earth’s lower mantle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. , ��8��Ë8�, �8�Ë�8Ì.

Tsuchiya, T., R. M. Wentzcovitch, C. R. S. da Silva, S. de Gironcoli��ÉÉÊ�Spin transition inmagnesiowüstite in Earth’s lower mantle, Phys. Rev. Lett., �Ê, ��ÌÍÉ�.

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Center for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogy11

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�� ��Kameyama Masanori

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� �����Kameyama, M., Kageyama, A., Sato, T./���M9Multigrid-based simulation code for mantleconvection in spherical shell using Yin-Yang Grid. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. , ��, �V��.

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�� ��Nishiyama Norimasa

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� �����Nishiyama, N., Wang, Y., Rivers, M. L., Sutton, S., Cookson, D.&WGGÏ'Rheology of ε-iron up to$�GPa andTGGK in the D-DIA. Geophys. Res. Lett. , �%&W�', LW��G%.

Nishiyama, N., Irifune, T., Inoue, T., Ando, J., Funakoshi, K.&WGG%'Precise determination ofphase relations in pyrolite across theTTGkm seismic discontinuity by in-situ X-ray diffraction andquench experiments. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. , $%��$%%, $\F�$��.

Nishiyama, N., Yagi, T.&WGG�'Phase relation and mineral chemistry in pyrolite toWWGG°C under thelower mantle pressures and implications for dynamics of mantle plumes. J. Geophys. Res. , $G\&BF', WWFF.

���������ÐÑÒ§$Ó����ÔÑ&������'ÕÖ×ØÒNishiyama, N., Wang, Y., Rivers, M. L., Sutton, S. R., Cookson, D. Rheology of hcp-iron up to $� GPa and TGG K in the D-DIA. in WGGÏ AGU Fall Meeting&MR�%A�G$', SanFrancisco, USA

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Center for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogy13

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�� ��Ohfuji Hiroaki

��������� ���������������Ph. D. ����� ��!�� "#�$�DAC"#�$�%�&'("#�$

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� �����Ohfuji, H., Okuchi, T., Odake, S., Kagi, H., Sumiya, H., Irifune, T.�Ç'�'�Micro-/nanostructuralinvestigation of laser-cut surfaces of single- and polycrystalline diamonds. Diamond. Relat.Mater. in press.

Ohfuji, H., Okada, T., Yagi, T., Sumiya, H., Irifune, T.�Ç'�'�Application of nano-polycrystallinediamond to laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments. High. Press. Res. , �'���, �NÇ�È'.

Ohfuji, H., Kuroki, K.�Ç''#�Origin of unique microstructures in nano-polycrystalline diamondsynthesized by direct conversion of graphite at static high pressure. J. Mineral. Petrol. Sci. , �'N,�'8��Ç.

Ohfuji, H. , Sata, N., Kobayashi, H., Ohishi, Y., Hirose, K., Irifune, T.�Ç''8�A new high-pressure and high-temperature polymorph of FeS. Phys. Chem. Mineral. , �N, ��È�N�.

���������ÉÊ�$( Universities UK,Overseas Research Student�ORS�Award����N�#��ËÌÍÎ��Ï,;<��B�=]-T²m³![�G�*�*H´.£ÐsÑ*;<��B�-Ò*ªu��Ç��,Ó�Ô��Õ�/Ö���Ç������

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Center for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogy 14

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�� ��Tange Yoshinori

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� �����Tange, Y., Nishihara, Y., Tsuchiya, T.E�¼¼½FUnified analyses for P-V-T equation of state ofMgO : A solution for pressure-scale problems in high P-T experiments. J. Geophys. Res. , ��), B¼��¼0.

Tange, Y., Takahashi, E., Nishihara, Y., Funakoshi, K., Sata, N.E�¼¼½FPhase relations in thesystem MgO-FeO-SiO� to 7¼ GPa and �¼¼¼°C : An application of experimental techniques usingmultianvil apparatus with sintered diamond anvils. J. Geophys. Res. , ��), B¼���).

Tange, Y., Irifune, T., Funakoshi, K.E�¼¼0FPressure generation to 0¼ GPa using multianvilapparatus with sintered diamond anvils. High Press. Res. , �0, �)7Y�7).

���������¾¿ÀÁ¿E�� ������:� �ÃÄ~Å�Q ÆÇ� :ÈÉuÊËFE�������FÌÍÎÏÀTange, Y., High-pressure techniques using sintered diamond anvils in multianvil apparatus and itsapplications. in IUCr workshop on Advanced Crystallography at High Pressure, Session �:Techniques, Harbin, China, July�¼¼½.

Tange, Y., Nishihara, Y., Tsuchiya, T., Unified analyses for P-V-T equation of state of MgO : Asolution for pressure-scale problems in high P-T experiments, in AGU Fall Meeting MR)�BY¼�,San Francisco, USA, December�¼¼0.

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Center for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogy15

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�� ��Kuwayama Yasuhiro

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� �����Kuwayama, Y., Sawai, T., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.#L~~�$Phase relations of iron-siliconalloys at high pressure and high temperature, Phys. Chem. Mineral. , ��, ���¶��·.

Kuwayama, Y., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.#L~~·$Phase relations of iron and iron-nickelalloys up to�~~GPa : Implications for composition and structure of the Earth’s inner core, EarthPlanet. Sci. Lett. , L�, ��¶�·�.

Kuwayama, Y., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.#L~~�$The pyrite-type high-pressure form of silica,Science , �~�, �L�¶�L�.

���������¹º»¼½¾¿º����º#L~~ ���$American Geophysical Union#�¡ÀÁ������Â$, Mineral and Rock Physics#L~~ ��L�$AIRAPT#kl���qÃ,�¯iVÄÅ/Æ$, Jamieson Award#L~~��¸�$ÇÈÉÊ»ËÌ�Í, �ÎÏ, ÐÑÒÓ, ÔÕ�, >]l��¨©V�H�H��#LHDAC$no, Ö��×klØ�/, Ù�, L~~�.Kuwayama, Y., Laser-heated diamond-anvil cell experiments at multimegabar pressure#JamiesonAward Lecture$, Joint AIRAPT¶LLÚ HPCJ¶�~, Tokyo, L~~�.

Kuwayama, Y., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y., Phase relations of iron alloys at high pressure andhigh temperature, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, L~~�.

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�� ��Ishikawa Takahiro

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����������������� ��������������������� �!"�#�$%&������'()"��*+�,��-.�/01234��5�DC�!6�789:;������,�<=>�?�@ABC�DEFG ��H������I�<=>�*��@AJKLM"NO PQ �RSKT�ICTP!-.�/01234��5�PD!6�7'(�����UV%&���*�*�WX�YZ��5RSKT[E\]��56�789:;����*�,�<=WX�^_`HaJbc]E��RSKTdefg�h'ij&

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7�%&qrsxyz{� P����j%��klm �KaJbc]EDc��TD�S�T\"���U���;�9�7�;@ALS"��qr��P-IV�!t|}��D�G"��qr��Ca-VI��Ca-V�!"xyz{����%&�;=���;�� ¡xyz{6¡V7t¢�£"¤h"��¥¦G§¨t|}���6"�BB©�ª«7�j&3��D�G����¬­®¯����RSKT"°±²�T³6"´~"s����µU�7�j&WX�fg¶·�� _��¸¹"��6�7� _º»tuj¼"xyz{�ª«7t¢�@%�z{½¾"¿¡jÀÁÂ�ÃÄ�7�ÅÆ"z{½ÇM�ÈL¦G"���UV7�j&

� �����Ishikawa, T., Nagara, H., Kusakabe, K., Suzuki, N.����?!Determining the Structure of Phosphorusin Phase IV, Phys. Rev. Lett. , +?, �+ÉÉ��Ê�+ÉÉ�É.

Ishikawa, T. , Ichikawa, A. , Nagara, H. , Geshi, M. , Kusakabe, K. , Suzuki, N.����Ë!Theoreticalstudy of the structure of calcium in phases IV and V via ab initio metadynamics simulation, Phys.Rev. B , II, ���*�*RÊ���*�,R.

Ishikawa, T., Nagara, H., Suzuki, N., Tsuchiya, T., Tsuchiya, J.���*�!High-pressure phases ofcalcium : Prediction of phase VI and upper-pressure phases from first principles, Phys. Rev. B , Ë*,�+�*�,Ê�+�*�I.

���������ÌÍÎÏÐT. Ishikawa, H. Nagara, K. Kusakabe, N. Suzuki, J. Tsuchiya and T. Tsuchiya, Reviewof High Pressure Phases of Calcium by the First-principles Calculation, Joint AIRAPTÊ��Ñ HPCJÊÉ�, �+C�*, Odaiba, Tokyo�Japan!, July���+.

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Center for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogy17

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Matthew L. Whitaker

��������� ���������������Ph. D. ���� �� !"�#�$%&!"�#

�������B. S. in Geological Sciences, Minor in Chemistry− State University of New York at New Platz, ����������

Ph.D. in Geosciences− Stony Brook University ; Concentration in Mineral Physics, Geochemistry, ����������

Research Assistant in Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook University,March�����August�����

GCOE Post-Doctoral Fellow in Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime UniversitySeptember�����March����

Assistant Professor� in Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime UniversityApril�����Present

���Determination of physical properties of mineral phases at high pressure and temperature�Investigation of iron/light-element alloys, mantle minerals, and analog materials under extremeconditions

�Combined Ultrasonic Interferometry and Synchrotron X-Radiation Techniques in Multi-AnvilApparatus

�High pressure studies using Diamond Anvil Cells and Synchrotron X-Radiation�Reconciling differences in experimental results obtained using different techniques�Utilizing ab initio theoretical calculations to compare with experimental results

� �����Whitaker, M. L., Liu, W., Liu, Q., Wang, L., Li, B. �����Thermoelasticity of ε-FeSi to � GPaand����K. Am. Mineral. , �� �����������.

Whitaker, M. L., Liu, W., Liu, Q., Wang, L., Li, B. �����Combined in situ synchrotron X-raydiffraction and ultrasonic interferometry study of ε-FeSi at high pressure and temperature. HighPress. Res. , �� ��, �������.

Whitaker, M. L., Lindsley, D. H., Kubicek-Whitaker, J. M. and Nekvasil, H. �����Carbon is notrequired during crystallization to produce ferrobasalts/ferrodiorites FTP rocks�. Am. Mineral. ,�� ���, ���������.

��������������American Geophysical Union Best Student Paper Award, Fall Meeting, December����COMPRES Student Travel Scholarship, June����

�������National Synchrotron Light Source Seminar Series, August�, ����COMPRES����Annual Meeting - Student Highlight Talk

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�� ��Ohno Ichiro

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VWC�CXYMZ[\M]^@C_ &a`bmmcd'M�SeK:fgSeW@<=?h@ijk?lmn9MNQRoplbq���r9HIsQ�tsQ5u@345Jvw;.89xyCbqq��r9z{|}5Jvw;.8JHIsC>?~�@����MZlmnAMNQRHI��Q>?FGzC���z����MZC���z����|���������|}�MZ��v��CL@V89:����J��gh@��@<=?h ¡¢lI£��QR¤QC¥.8@�¦§¨©ª@«vAAB9CGRC@��¬AAB9­}�®¯JvwQ��©�@>?Bmn9sQR¤QC°V�u�9±�²³>?J�´µ9KLMwC¶�J·�A ;¹ºo9K»; ¡¢¼¡}½¾9KwO²¿MÀÁJTQsQR

� �����ÂÃ��Ä°�, Å5ÆÇ���È������È�É��Ê#ËÌ��A�ÈJ½2¸;��@�=Í, Å5ÃÎ, pp.�bÏq�.

ÐÂ�Ñ�Ohno, I., Abe, M., Kimura, Hanayama, Y., Oda, H., Suzuki, I.&#���'Elasticity measurement ofsilica glass under gas pressure. Am. Mineral. , Ò�, #ÒÒÏ#qb.

Ohno, I.&bqq�'Rectangular parallelepiped resonance method for piezoelectric crystals and elasticconstants of alpha-quartz. Phys. Chem. Mineral. , b�, )�bÏ)�Ò.

���������ÓÔÆÕ�I. Ohno, M. Abe, M. Kimura, Y. Hanayama, H. Oda, and I. Suzuki. Measurement ofpressure and temperature derivatives of elastic constants by FT-RST. in bqqÒ AGU Fall Meeting,San Francisco, USA.

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Center for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogy19

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�� ��Kawasaki Toshisuke

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��PQRQS"TUVS"WXYSZ[WYS�\]�^_�� ab-!"c:dQef-g/�hO��ijkl]k�mn!"opqPr�c:dQef�ijst�uv!>?w22x8@A2�;yz{w��x8@A���;|}�~�������-��!".�!>�3i�A���3i3l�@��L��-zK"|}��A����fZ�!���ijk�mn!>?

� �����Kawasaki, T., Osanai, Y.,8����;Empirical thermometer of TiO� in quartz for ultrahightemperaturegranulites of East Antarctica. In : Geodynamic Evolution of East Antarctica : a Key to theEast West Gondwana Connection8eds. M. Satish-Kumar, Y. Motoyoshi, Y. Osanai, Y. Hiroi, K.Shiraishi;, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ., 2��, �����2�.

Kawasaki, T., Motoyoshi, Y.,8���C;Experimental constraints on the decompressional P−T path ofRundvågshetta granulites, Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica. Antarctica : Contributions toglobal earth sciences8eds. Futterer, D. K., Damaske D., Kleinschmidt, G., Miller, H., Tessensohn,F.;Springer-Verlag Berlin Heiderberg New York�2�2C.

Kawasaki, T.,8����;Experimental investigation of mixing properties of8Ca, Fe, Mg;�SiO� olivine :Fe-Mg exchange with Ca-rich clinopyroxene and phase relations in olivine quadrilateral. J.Mineral. Petrol. Sci., �C, �������.

Kawasaki, T., Ito, E.,8����;An experimental determination of exchange of Fe�� and Mg�� betweenolivine and Ca-rich clinopyroxene. Am. Mineral. , ��, �C�����.

Kawasaki, T.,8����;Palaeogeotherms : Olivine-orthopyroxene-garnet geothermometry andgeobarometry. Lithos, ��, �C2����.

������, ���C. �S\]��A� ¡�¢£�"¤¥¦§¨"pp.�CC����, ���C. �©ª«�¬­®����¬­®��w� °t����\]�±"�©²³"pp.�����2�.


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�� ��Yamamoto Akihiko

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opjq+���rF*st+uvq+wxCD�<=bF)yzXY+�c{|}�~ab I���K�r��z��s �F�#[\�CD+!�{|���cde+uv���b�I���K���Z �,-���������[56�j^���a������+��C\�������% �t��b��cde[e���a+� ��bF)*+ �:+�#��� f¡¢W=�£¤b�>?@�¥ab �#[¦�T§+T¨]"�©ªuv+���<=bF)«+¬������ZW­r®rC¯°+uvq��b�±²+uvBq�³´�7µ¶8q�wxbF)«+Bq·���²�/�+©�C¸¹º�T§�»�x¼b�TU��#��¦�����½¾¿�CD+À����­s �W)

� �����Yamamoto, A.�Á��Â�Gravity-based fault mapping : The Ishikari Lowland of Hokkaido, Japan, J.Geodesy, Special Issue No.IÁ�, ÁLÁÃÁLJ.

Yamamoto, A.�I����Subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate and gravity anomaly in southwesternJapan, J. Geod. Soc. Japan , ÄÂ, ÁIÂÃÁÁÂ.

Yamamoto, A., Y. Fukao, M. Furumoto, R. Shichi and H. Shiraki�I����A Bouguer anomalygradient belt on the Pacific side of Central Honshu, Japan, Geophys. Res. Lett. , IÄ, ÂÄJÃÂLI.

����-�Å, Æ��Ç�Á��L�,-�\��¶È�ÉÊ5,-�©ª�Ë,-É, ÌÍ��ÎÏ1,pp.ILL, ISBNÐLÃIÄÃ�ÑÑJ�JÃÑ.


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�� ��Funakoshi Ken-ichi

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� �����Funakoshi, K.-I.(2N1N)In situ viscosity measurements of liquid Fe-S alloys at high pressures, HighPress. Res. , �N(1), 'NE'O.

Funakoshi, K. -I. , Higo, Y., and Nishihara, Y.(2N1N)High-pressure two-dimensional angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction measurement system using a Kawai-type multianvil press at SPringE0,J. Phys. : Conf. Ser. , 21Ó(1), N12N2Ô.

Funakoshi, K.-I., Suzuki, A., and Terasaki, H.(2NN2)In situ viscosity measurements of albite meltunder high pressure, J. Phys. : Condens. Matter, 1O, 11�O�E11�OÔ.

���������ÕÖ×ØMFunakoshi, K.-I., Nozawa, A., and Tange, Y., Recent developments for high pressure researchusing large volume press at the SPringE0, SMEC2NNÔ, Miami, USA , 2NNÔ.

Funakoshi, K.-I., High-P and High-T Experiments of melts using the Large Volume Presses(LVP)atSPringE0, International Workshop onÙSilicate Melts - New perspective from advanced spectroscpictechniques, Misasa, Japan, 2NN'.

Funakoshi, K.-I., and Nozawa, A., High Pressure Experiments using the Large Volume Presses atthe SPringE0, SMEC2NNÓ, Miami, USA, 2NNÓ.

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�� ��Higo Yuji

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����a?bc�dIFefeIgh[:Xijklmnopqrstlm�u#vwx�XyXiz{|c�}~r�ZstdG����j��a�T;���7��If��������`XyXiz{|c��If����}~r�Zst���c��;�����If����`��u����u#vwx�����a�T;@`�b������I���Xijklm:��gh[�� SPring V�gh[ X¡�u#vwx�¢��£¤¥¦��j�§ ©uªc�©�XyXiz{|c�«¬­�st�®}~t¯�°±st¥¦��j��a�T;@`���²���³r�Z´µ:¶·¸¹c� �If����}~r�Zº»����²����u��¼½���� ¾¿cÀ©�aÁ��Â3�j���²���ÃÄcÅÆ�ÇÈcÀ �

� �����Higo, Y., Kono, Y., Inoue, T., Irifune, T., Funakoshi, K.(ÉNNU)A system for measuring elasticwave velocity under high pressure and high temperature using a combination of ultrasonicmeasurement and the multi-anvil apparatus at SPring V, J. Synchrotron Rad. , �$, %$É %$V.

Higo, Y., Inoue, T., Irifune, T., Funakoshi, K., Li, B.(ÉNNV)Elastic wave velocities of(MgNÊUFeNÊ�)ÉSiOË ringwoodite under P-T conditions of the mantle transition region. Phys. Earth PlanetInter. , �$$, �$% �%Ë.

Irifune, T., Higo, Y., Inoue, T., Kono, Y., Ohfuji, H., Funakoshi, K.(ÉNNV)Sound Velocities ofmajorite garnet and the composition of the mantle transition region, Nature , ËÌ�, V�Ë V�%.

���������ÍÎÏÐÑYuji Higo, Ken-ichi Funakoshi, Yoshio Kono, Tetsuo Irifune, Development of theelastic wave velocity measurement technique under the condition of lower mantle, IUCr workshopon Advanced Crystallography at High-Pressure, July�V, ÉNNU, Harbin, China


Center for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogy23

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� ��Kagi Hiroyuki

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qF0��� ©*ª!"«¬���£§�4{4­®v¯v�\°0-{± 4T ²!�89:;<=>?���³4"# 4´µ�YZH¶4�A·¸¹º»�¼4�� �$/*)0"¢/�4��� ©0½z�¾¿ �¸vÀ��)!&�'�(7Á¹À,�Aµ��)!,�A��X)Â!��(4Ã%ÄGÂ*)0"�ÅÆÇYZ:;<=>?IHIME:;<J4RT�,�A����È4²���GRCX4É���4,z«ÄÊ&�K�ËÌX�Â*)0"

� �����Kagi, H., Parise J. B., Cho H., Rossman G. R. and Loveday J. S.Ir���JHydrogen bondinginteractions in Phase AIMgÍSirOMIOHJ�Jat ambient and high pressure. Phys. Chem. Mineral.,rÍ, rrpÎr��.

Kagi, H., Lu, R., Davidson, P., Goncharov, A. F., Mao, H-k., Hemley, R. J.Ir���JEvidence forice VI as an inclusion in cuboid diamonds from high P-T near infrared spectroscopy. Mineral.MagazineÏ��, ��pÍÎ���p.

Kagi, H., Sato, S., Akagi, T., Kanda, H.Ir��ÍJGeneration history of carbonado inferred fromphotoluminescence spectra, cathodoluminescence image and carbon isotopic composition. Am.Mineral. , Ðr, r�ÍÎrr�.

���������ÑÒÓÔ����± ��jÒI�Hr��Ð�J����£ �jÕ'ÒI�H���Ð�JÖ × � ØÓKagi, H., Hattori, T., Arima, H., Utsumi, W. S., Komatsu, K., Nagai, T., Yagi, T.High-pressure beamlineIPLANETJat the spallation neutron source, J-PARC. in r��Ð AGU FallMeetingIMR��AÎ��J, San Francisco, USA.

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Baosheng Li

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����������� Ph. D. in Geophysics/Mineral Physics�SUNY at Stony Brook����� M.Sc in Geophysics/Mineral Physics�SUNY at Stony Brook����� UNESCO Training Course in Seismology�Potsdam, Germany�

��present Research Professor, Mineral Physics Institute, SUNY at Stony Brook��� Research Associate Professor, Mineral Physics Institute, SUNY at Stony Brook��present Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, SUNY at Stony Brook ���� Visiting Scientist, Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University, Japan��� �� Research Assistant Professor, Mineral Physics Institute, SUNY at Stony Brook�������� Postdoctoral Research Associate, Mineral Physics Institute, SUNY at Stony Brook�������� Research Scientist, Institute of Earthquake Sciences, China Earthquake Administration

��The highlights of my achievements include both technical developments and scientific data

dissemination. The innovation of high pressure acoustic velocity measurement using multianvilapparatus has made a great success in advancing the elasticity study of mantle minerals at conditionsrelevant to mantle conditions. Moreover, the transfer function ultrasonic interferometry I developedhas greatly reduced the data collection time which has enabled us to conduct time-resolved studies onphase transitions, plastic deformation as well as other time-dependent processes. These techniqueshave become raw models for many other labs and institutions for conducting velocity measurementsat high pressures. This marks a major advancement in the study of elasticity of mantle minerals forthe understanding of the Earth’s interior.

� �����Li, B., and Liebermann, R. C.� �Indoor seismology by probing the Earth’s interior using soundwave velocity measurements at high pressure and high temperatures, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA, ����, ��������

Li, B., Zhang, J.���Pressure and temperature dependence of elastic wave velocity of MgSiO�perovskite and the composition of the lower mantle, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter ., �������,�������.Li, B., Liebermann, R. C., and Weidner, D. J.,������Elasticity of Wadsleyite to GPa and � �Kelvin, Science , ����� �, � ��� .

��������������Graduate Research Award, Mineral and Rock Physics, AGU, ����Individual Development Award, SUNY Stony Brook, Most Cited Paper�� Award�Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, ELSEVIER��������Li, B., Composition of the Lower Mantle : Results from Forward and Inverse Mineral PhysicsModeling, Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow, Idaho, USA, May� ��, �.

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�� ��Hirai Hisako

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� �����Hirai, H., Takahara, N., Kawamura, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yagi, T.�EFF/�Structural changes andpreferential cage occupancy of ethane hydrate and methane-ethane mixed gas hydrate under veryhigh pressure. J. Chem. PhysÎ-E., EE0lFb.

Hirai, H., Tanaka, T., Yamamoto, Y., Kawamura, T., Yagi, T.,�EFFb�Retention of filled icestructure of methane hydrate up to0EGPa. Phys. Rev. B , �/, -8E-FE.Hirai, H., Kondo, K.�-..-�Modified phases of diamond formed under shock compression and rapidquenching. Science , Elb, 88E.

���������ÊÏÐP-z���ÑÏ�EFF/�.1�iQBÒÐ�k§&ÓÔÑÕ&lÖ*iQBÒ�+,�­�¹×u)R5 �*&£a�-. H. Hirai, K. Kondo, Inter. Conf. Amer. Phys. Soc. Massachusetts, JulyE8cAuggust-, -..8.E. H. Hirai, K. Kondo, CeSMECEFFb, Miami, MarchE0cE/, EFFb.b. H. Hirai et al., Deep Carbon Cycle Workshop, Washington DC, May-lc-8, EFF/.ST()��ÑØÙ¤UÕg�EFFbcEFF0, EFF.cEF-F��9:;<=>tÑÚVØÙ�-..bc-../�

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�� ��Fujino Kiyoshi

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� �����Fujino, K., Nishio-Hamane, D., Suzuki, K., Izumi, H., Seto, Y., and Nagai, T.ÆE�� ÇStability ofthe perovskite structure and possibility of the transformation to the post-perovskite structure inCaSiO�, FeSiO�, MnSiO� and CoSiO�. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. , XBB, X�BÊX3X.

Fujino, K., Nakazaki, H., Momoi, H., Karato, S., and Kohlstedt, D. L.ÆX �ÇTEM observation ofdissociated dislocations with bÒÓ�X�Ôin naturally deformed olivine. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. ,B�, X�XÊX�B.

Fujino, K., Furo, K., and Momoi, H.ÆX ��ÇPreferred orientation of antiphase boundaries inpigeonite as a cooling ratemeter. Phys. Chem. Mineral. , X3, �E Ê��3.

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�� ��Matsukage Kyoko N.

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non�"pl� �q��rJnYst-.u�."#�#��vlm-w.wl�$x� ��'y%�lz{�% �)|b��g�/�}~}����>�� O��'&�)�j m� �'��m���(�b �)|b�#��nYst���6�b �)/��)��*�+�,}*��Ls����[l �SZ

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� �����Matsukage, K. N., and M. Oya�,����Petrological and chemical variability of peridotite xenolithsfrom the Cameroon volcanic line, West Africa : evidence for plume emplacement. J. Min. Petrol.Sci. , ��H, ,, H?ÇKI, doiÔ��Õ,�KHÖjmpsÕ�I����.

Matsukage, K. N., Z. Jing and S. Karato�,��H�Density of hydrous ultramafic silicate melt under theEarth’s deep upper mantle conditions. Nature , ��È, �ÈÈÇ�I�.

Matsukage, K. N. and K. Kubo�,����Chromian spinel during melting experiments of dry peridotite�KLBÇ��at�Õ�Ç,ÕHGPa. Am. Mineral. , ÈÈ, �,?�Ç�,?È.

���������Book of the year ,����Encyclopaedia britannica��Geology and Geochemistry�J)Matsukageand Kubo�,����×ØÙ"#��

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�� ��Komatsu Kazuki

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� �����Komatsu, K, Kagi, H, Marshall, W. G., Kuribayashi, T., Parise, J. B., Kudoh, Y.)5¿¿/,Pressuredependence of the hydrogen-bond geometry in topaz-OD from neutron powder diffraction. Am.Mineral. , ��, 5�À�55À.

Komatsu, K., Kuribayashi, T., Kudoh, Y., Kagi, H.)5¿¿À,Crystal structures of high-pressurephases in the alumina-water system : I. Single crystal X-ray diffraction and molecular dynamicssimulation of η-Al)OH,�. Z. Kristallogr. , 555, ���5.

Komatsu, K., Sano, A., Momma, K., Ohtani, E. Kudoh, Y.)5¿¿À,Crystal structures of high-pressure phases in the alumina-water system : II. Powder X-ray diffraction study of a new densealuminum deuteroxide, δ-Al)OD,�. Z. Kristallogr. , 555, ���55Á


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�� �Tsuchiya Jun

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� �����Tsuchiya, J., Tsuchiya, T.'���T(First-principles investigation of the structural and elastic propertiesof hydrous wadsleyite under pressure. J. Geophys. Res. , �ÌÌ, B����Í.

Tsuchiya, J., Tsuchiya, T.,'���H(Post-perovskite phase equilibria in the MgSiO�¹Al�O� system.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA , ���, �T�Í�¹�T�ÍÌ.

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���������ÎÏÐÑÒTsuchiya, J., Tsuchiya, T. Ab initio assessment of high-P,T postperovskite phase equilibria in theMgSiO�¹Al�O� pseudo binary system. ���TAGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA.Tsuchiya, J., Tsuchiya, T., First principles studies of hydrous minerals under high pressure. ���EAGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA.

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�� �Nishihara Yu

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� �����Nishihara, Y. , Tinker, D., Kawazoe, T., Xu, Y., Jing Z., Matsukage, K. N., Karato, S.�M���Plastic deformation of wadsleyite and olivine at high-pressure and high-temperature using arotational Drickamer apparatus�RDA�. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. , ��, ��@�@R.

Nishihara, Y., Shinmei, T., Karato, S.�M��Ô�Effect of chemical environment on the hydrogen-related defect chemistry in wadsleyite. Am. Mineral. , R�, Ô��ÖÔ2�.

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Nishihara, Y., Takahashi, E.�M����Phase relation and physical properties of an Al-depletedkomatiite toM�GPa. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. , �R�, @�ÖÕÕ.

���������×ØcÙGNishihara, Y., Xu, Y., Karato, S. Development of a rotational Drickamer apparatus for large-straindeformation experiments under deep Earth conditions. inM��2AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco,USA.

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