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Rails @ Neev

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Neev Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd. www.neevtech.com [email protected]

Rails @ Neev

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails ( RoR ) is a breakthrough application development framework in Ruby which can

produce powerful web applications extremely fast. Applications built using Rails automatically

inherit the best practices concerning security, performance and stability since they’re well baked

into the framework.

Who uses Rails ?

Rails has become the preferred web application development framework for entrepreneurs who

want to turn their big ideas into beautiful products and enter the market in the shortest time

possible. Rails works great for Lean Startups because it fits perfectly with Agile development

resulting in short product development cycles. Even biggies like Twitter, GitHub, Basecamp,

YellowPages and Shopify are using Rails. If you want to build a web application or an API

service for your mobile apps which follows the best practices and still saves a lot of development

time, Rails will be a good choice.

Neev’s Rails team

Neev has a great Rails team that likes to work on the bleeding edge of technology to create

beautifully engineered products. These are some of the best practices that the team follows to

ensure we ship only quality products.

Test Driven Development - TDD is way of life for the Rails team. The team uses Rspec to make

the code more maintainable, robust and bug free. Some of the tools the team employs during

course of development include: spork and watchr.

Continuous Integration - We are a big fan of Teamcity CI server which helps us prevent

integration problems. We use Git for version control and this makes sure the codebase is

healthy at all points and any version is fit for production deployment.

Code Metrics and Performance benchmarks - We measure the quality of our code that provide

developers better insights into the code they are developing. By taking advantage of code

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Neev Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd. www.neevtech.com [email protected]

metrics, developers can understand which types and/or methods should be reworked or more

thoroughly tested. Development teams can identify potential risks, understand the current state

of a project, and track progress during software development. ( rubocop, rails_best_practices,

metric_fu,mini_profiler and brakeman ). We use the above mentioned tools to benchmark the

page loads and optimize them to the fullest.

Project Management Tools -We use Agile project management tools like pivotal tracker &

Redmine “ as tools to track and manage our agile projects and ensure delivery in an efficient and

easy to manage way. Our team follows Scrum practices as a religion and works as a unit to reach

our common goal on every product.

Cloud best practices - We design products keeping in mind the environment it will run on. We

have been building applications on the cloud for a long time now, and we can help you make the

right decisions to make the best use of the Cloud at minimum cost.

Rails Services Offered

SaaS - We have expertise on Saas development and are very keen in following these factors on

every product development.(Self service, Personalization , Multi-tenancy, Integration,

Operational Performance, Security & Compliance )

Cross Browser Support - Our products support all modern browsers and this is accomplished

using various javascript techniques (Compass cross browser mixins and much more )

Restful APIs - We deliver Restful APIs for the external world to consume data in a secure way.

Social Media - Most of the products have seamless social media integration built in utilizing

which users can post content on their media wall (facebook, twittter, Google+ and etc..). Users

can also sign into the applications easily through their social networking accounts.

Architecture Re-design or Re-factoring - Rails 3 framework provides huge modularity and this

makes it easier to implement extensibility and modifiability of Rails applications to suit our

customers’ business needs. As a practice, our team executes code quality and performance tools

on every sprint release and does code-refactoring as a routine sprint activity.

Performance Tuning and Scaling - Performance is at the top of the mind for everyone in the

team and we do not compromise on it. All our applications are configured with New Relic

Analyzer tool and will make the changes based on the report generated report from New Relic.

Our products are deployed in more scalable environments like Amazon, Rackspace.

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Neev Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd. www.neevtech.com [email protected]

Porting existing applications to Rails - Neev has worked on multiple projects where we have

helped customers migrate existing applications and services from other technologies to Rails.

Many customers who had earlier implemented dynamic functionalities using web-CMSes like

Drupal, Joomla have migrated to Rails.