...Ti. .. , 'J- feoODMOR . W eather # Today tod^ tonisi 79,1a ----- ^Msgkt VAee About ARTEC: Ihe sc poalition puts a focus ‘academies* M o n ey Raslgnatlon accejitet chairman steps down stomi over his lavish O u td o o rs Luck anil loaJ; Uplan Diros looK excepoona into the fall opener. ' S po r 'I' s ,; wie: Golf^ teen-age p tees off in Boise tod^ ©PINION Ticked over tags: Idal hunters deserve a fair at leftover big game h tag;^ todsty^ editorial. C oming h Family ties Hie Fiends of CSI Ph opens its season with < duction of “’night Mot FHday In The Tlmea^ew I ndex Classified .E&16 Movies Comics___ 06 Nation Community .E2 Obltuarii Comunldad .El Opinion Crossword . .A7 Outdoor Dear Abby..A7 Sports. Horoscope .A7 Wealhei LM. Boyd . .A7 West. J Magic Valley .01 World . Money . . .E3-5 O WtpMtnnejdM ntm mtckU Log on to ... 3'win Falls, Idi [daho/98thycaTj_No. )RNING j g , iav: Clear tajand light,^ BAGHE •PPointe. Page A2 assembhn ^ , comprisec ^L/EY members - “S r ms on Iraqi polic Iraqi offid Pago C l In on 1 Iraq^ mu ted: NYSE "I wnamid I i!, J ___ ligeJ3 __________ = land game _______ ifi^'goufg PageDl e phenom day. Page B l daho airsh^e e hunting alsays. H jH Page A6 UP P I I Horizon I Meean E ___ making I ,e By Shari S -ss lother. nie ; -w* from tl Alberisc the Ida KidcOfi “I hav les ... .C7 ersldlow sn .A2-4.E6 man sa jaries . .C2 I— AC ° ion ----- A6 Buhl i; oors .Dl-'t school ts. Bl-4 Alberisc to...A 2 X S ; . .02-5,7-S school x* J .. JM.E6 lie or ch the fall Rep< ~ snoo |^40M ThaWwhtng ' ' ' WASHIN( Departznent lyoeen acc ISIIIES n>rism.hasi provision of dut allows it IEGA- dendal me UIQUIK; Gen. John A S B MSiiBSi . Aabcroftv ■■BiK FBlINrectoi sify diat PR TwnHmi that the pti about the n ■^mmH U £ Depart! m 0.261 , .. raq pli thifwton Pott fiDAD, Iraq - Iraq^ newly tcd interior niinister is ling a paramilitary force sed of former employees of - ntiyVsecurity services and— rs o f poUtii^-party mili* pursue resis^ce fi^feis vc eluded U.S. troops and >lice offlcers, according to Hcials. . X acknowledgement that m m idpal police depart- R ewv XI Elomantary School second-gra n Bailey's class Wednesday In Je lg better-than^xpected gains on nproved4 ari Chaney HL - Teachers at Buhl Ic School should be cadng Loday. : school earned $2,450 the J.A. and Kaihryn tson Foundation as part of daho Student Learning Dff Incentive Program, laven’t even let ihc tuacli- low," Principal Byron Stuu- said Wednesday. “I was to surprise them tomorrow icakc.” d is one of 17 Magic Valley 1 districts that eamed ison money for making xs on the Idaho Standards vement Test in tlie past 1year. Any public, nonpub- chartcr school that gave 01 2002 and spring 2003 )ort: Feds h o p ^ into b ngton Port___________ = NGTON - nie Justice mt, which has repeated- tcciised of encroaching jertiesinitswaronter- ^ IS nev(^ actually lued a ui of the USA Patriot Act s it to seek rccords from bookstores or other yi s, according to a confi* . xe nemo from Attomey m IAshcroft. \y i w rote in tfae memo to to r Xlobert S. Mueller iKad'^ddtirdeda^ ----- ^ previouafy secret infor* icause of fais "concern (j, public not be misled I m atter in wbidi die xtm ent of Justice, and ' •> ' . m Thursd lans f ‘Saddam; tape i more resistance ' ments are too weak t< ----- Baathist— insurgonu-an terrori^ leaders of the Governing Council want to include a domestic int gathering unit and be < with .broad powers to raids and interrogate sus offidals said. The foro ARDI .graders Treyson Thomas, left. < n Jerome. Horizon is one of tha I on the Idaho Standards Achlei teSt-SGOK . $ for area schools ISAT test was eligible one-time-only program awarded a to tal of S t .2 n: 361 Idaho schools. The Northwest Evt Association, which pt ISAT, colnUatcd cach s typical or cxpccu'd based on national nonns ing to informaoon piw the Albertson Foundutic pcrccnt or more of the s in cach grade level exceeded their e: growth, the grade level r a monetary award. SchooU that adminis winter ISAT test could < lo SIO more per student. For example, if SS pei have not book recor Boise dilutes Patriot resolution - the FBI in particular, havi utilizing the authorides pr in the USA Patriot Act. “The number of dmes (d vision) has been used to < zero,” Ashcroft wrote I metno, which was obtained Washington n i f r i f rfi«i -Volley-in.an_e9C8latiQg ^ words between AshobR « oridcsi indnde civil ties gnnqis m d n n e Demi presidential .candidates, PtNMsaeNtnUOT.I [)aran lined by the (UIgeS ' mwtpowtt ® . m Iraq and :e - E6 cal organis mer oppoa to combat voledroleir md-fonrign----- security. , , hecoungy^ Some ind int the force the cotmdl i ntcUigence. haq who hi c deputized the plans t to conduct. paramilitar; :uspects,the could be use ree as out- ' government [NGP HiiaHHLiiSVvS^H '' t. and Jessica Plzano glance at ha first recipients of cash Incei ilevement Test.__________ _ ====■ students in Ic AA achieved theii IS - A*f but the schoc ------------- ISAT in the le for the level would m. -which dent. If the sc: :million (o winter test, i per student, evaluation Theincentii publishes a maximum <»l 1 smdents 100 percent < 1 growth madeexpecte ns, accord- school gave th ovided by District offi tion. If 55 happy to re f smdent.s money, but nc I met or yet how they' expected pcrccnt of tli II received school improv 60 percent is s listercd a levels that ear [1 eam up be used for c< fit. als, programs jcrcent of ment. BAU.OT 01 OutmiKl l*rlC Moro than hi ■■ could face la . An appellato ____ Outmodedba i . Srttott’ -C4 [jBp- nn been ' provided (the pro- > date is in the , Kibythe faelatest ^ .:.war;-tif____ and his ‘'Ji rilliber .V mociatlc ' : , ts, who if , iday, September 18, nilitai the offidals would be the irerful security apparatus ' nd would give five politi- lizations headed for* osidon leaders an unri* } in the country’s internal ndependent members of 31 a s as diplomats in have been informed of s to form the domestic ary force fear that it u s^ as a lool by a future >nt to suppress political *ROG u . --^3 I at each other while working o icentlves from the J.A. and Kat 3buiidM j in a grade level I leir cjqjccicd growth, W< lool did not give the he le winter, die grade ne d cam SIS per stu* gn school had given the e.\] it would eam $25 tot I. thi iiivcs increased up to im I of SSO per student if )>e: It of the gi^de level I ned progress and die l\v lhe winter test. lh( )fficials say they arc . receive the exim none seem to know ciii ey’ll .spend it. Fony , ) llie money goes m Sd povement teams and cal is spent by die grade inc earned it. Money can he - equipment, materi- mc IIS and staff dcvelop- OEBATE oded voting mettioi 1 half ot Ihe states that ore still i s legal choltenses tf CalHomla'i ato court voted Mondoy to deli IbaUots.wouJd te have boon ust 09 with 90I1Wcountiaa of townaMp ionnt<DnnWBnT>yBanPwt«c«' EST AVAILAB! P CO' try iffl dissent or target enemies ilar forces have been many other Arab nadons But Ayad AUawi, the ( of the Governing Council ty committee, said the n _was.JiccessatyJwca_uw_li ular t>olicc force is “not s at aU.’n ic said the co asked Interior Ministc Badran to form a speci that would' be “a cross Please see IRAQ ^RESS coirrMTtn/naitoM lg on a listening skills game In Kathryn Albertson Foundation fo iion-grant! Sandra Miller, principal We.st Minico Middle School, s her staff will look at what tl need and form a list. All th grade levels at the school m: e.\pened gains and eamet total of S13.00S. n ic school i- the midst of creating a sch improvement team lo siwnd IHjrceiit of tlie incentive mom Breu Cies, data analyst furi IWin Fulls Sdiool District, s the money Ls quite a substani amount for many of the sdioi “It comes out to a pretty diunk of money,” he said. Wliile teadiers at Bulil Midi Sdiool ultimately will make i call about liow to spend'th incentive money, Stutzman k he will suggest staff dcveli ment. Buhl Middle School ha Please see SCHOOLS. Page lod-stHI-common (till using punch-card.ballots ila's recall delay lauphold. delay the recoil because usod in alloast alxcounttos------ shfps using punch-cvd ballots Ii'niiii o»v ______________ \; V .... lit. E J --------------------Ohkj *-,W i ies-assim- \ n used in ns. ; chairrnan Raleigh « 0 !%securi- S.C. I new force VWlminglon coijimittee . ofmow.riM ;ter Noun » , ecial force • ^, 1 , 3 between Fin. \ ^ »Q,PageA2 SOURCE: AccuW } O lds -7 they^ Isabe Mid-Atla readies f t The Associates SEA LEVK wilh the mer K0u-.1 I has SIO seas off C«u>c out of lii.sbunl — ^rorrore tiuns] So a litde ll 2 hurricane w th e 8G-year-ol< the retiremei and other old reputation for big stomis. don't Wl cane." Kowa said Wednes day at the Snug ilarboi home a; ilurricanc Isabel bar relcd towarci him with ' ^vinds of more than 100 mph, “Never did.” Isabel cloi Carolina's C Wednesday w ■M iMn ^'’•1 *he potent niin, ihreateni " flooding acros: “T a M . ------------------ Catcgory-2-fro 7— : ------------ mph'moliSi^nr fO cd to be dangc L O -------------barrierisjands storm surge of ... ... More than ? North Carolinj urged to mow .“i?' leaving the Banks' mo Evacuation on ed for low-lyiti islands of du which could gc Id 40 rorirem 5ncy. northeast of B< Nelson Bay v ' marshes and ; between it ancl lools. known as the y ‘” R Adantic bccat lhat have gone iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live . said Isabel was sec clop- ■' than an inconv has a “Pve been hi ge ^4 rode out three Please see Ruling WA not affect —state^offie The Tknw New» and The A aaod^ Pte— TWIN FAIXS - nie California^ tecaU electi punch-card ballots raises for max7 otfaer states, wi iieing outnioded equipm treats voters unfai^. .A tlnee-judge p u i^ o court postpooed me Oct. . _.,u&animoady jiiling J t is , sbc Califomia*. counties puDchcard baIIots..3hoa ■re unfler cour t o rtef.tPi with modem ttyatiBnn au Pleaw. 50 cents , Waab.,--PhB;i^H£ii - ....... ... . "“•| \ : __________ Atlantic 0 soomi 0 V 5 Z 5 T ’.a xuWoottKX AP salts say ^^Ilbrave^— jeFsfury Atlantic coast 5 tor storm today lated Press_________ :VKU N.C. - In 35 years merchant marine,'Mike . stood on deck in 40-foot il>c Hom. 1Ie has lashed rtvn 16 kcoirfrom^lfding------------ >unk. I Ie has watdiud an anspon~go uown.— le thing like a Category e was not about 10 chase r-old seaman away from ment home where he old salts have earned a 1for fearlessly riding out w ony about a Imrri- )wal .-m . nes- ^ the me bar- lorc Iph. Mike Kowal closed in on North Outer Banks on / with 105 mph winds tcntial for up to a foot of tening to causc ruinous TOSS a huge swadi of the Igy East. had weakened to -fromu-Gategoiy 5,-160.— •—----- t^nnJul'wis'stillTM^^t:------------- ingerous when it hit the mds-this-moming witha------------- cof up to 11 feet, an 230,000 people in >lina and Virgiiua were love to higher ground,' ic vulnerable Outer" mostly evacuated. I orders were also post- lying inland areas and the Chesapeake Bay, d g e t a 7*foot surge. -ement home. 30 miles if Beaufort, sits right on - y with litde bul salt id some spits of sand and the patch of ocean the Graveyard of the ' tcausc of all the ships one down there. ■ lg m en -who have taken he sea could throw at lived to tell about it, seen as a little more onvenience.- n here eight years and . ree o r four of them,'so see HURRICANE. Page A4 yould _____ !t Idaho, ieialsays—— ectioo because of old Ii wit^^Ieas^^^l. ipment that oijUics say, d of a federal am alf kt.7zecancn&bod«K J Jig macoflptitils tfatt?—_____L ties wotOd te u a ^ . , .toirabioefaDchi^^ j;

raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

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Page 1: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

...Ti. .. ,■ 'J- ■

f e o O D M O R

. W e a t h e r

# Todayt o d ^


----- ^Ms g k t VAe eAbout ARTEC: Ih e scpoalition puts a focus ‘academies*

M o n e y

Raslgnatlon accejitetchairman steps down

— stom i over his lavish

O u t d o o r s

Luck anil lo aJ ; U p lanDiros looK excepoona into the fall opener.

' S p o r ' I ' s , ;

wie: Golf^ teen-age p tees off in Boise to d ^

© PIN IO N Ticked over tags: Idal hunters deserve a fair a t leftover big game h tag;^ todsty^ ed ito ria l.

C o m i n g h

Family tiesH ie F ien d s of CSI Ph opens its season with < duction of “’night Mot

FHday In The Tlm ea^ew

I n d e xClassified .E&16 MoviesComics___ 06 NationCommunity .E2 ObltuariiComunldad .El OpinionCrossword . .A7 OutdoorDear Abby..A7 Sports.Horoscope .A7 WealheiLM. Boyd . .A7 W est. JMagic Valley .01 World . Money . . .E3-5

OWtpMtnnejdM nt m mtckU

Log on t o ...

3 'w i n F a l l s , I d i[daho/98thycaTj_No.

) R N I N G j g ,

iav : C le a r tajandl i g h t , ^ BAGHE

•P P o in te . Page A2 assembhn

^ , comprisec

^L/EY members

- “S rm s on Iraqi polic

Iraqi offid Pago C l In on 1

Iraq^ mu

te d : N Y S E " Iw nam id I

i ! , J___ l i g e J 3 __________ =

land game_______ifi^'goufg

P a g e D l

e phen o m day.

Page B l

dahoa i r s h ^ e e h u n tin galsays. H j H

Page A6


I Horizon I

Meean E ___ making I

,e By Shari

S - s slother.n i e ;

-w* from tlAlberisc the Ida KidcOfi

“I havles . . . .C7 ersldlowsn .A2-4.E6 man sajaries . .C2I— AC °ion -----A6 Buhl i;oors .Dl-'t schoolts. Bl-4 Alberisct o . . . A 2 X S; . .02-5,7-S school x*J . . JM.E6 lie or ch

the fall

Rep< ~ snoo

| ^ 4 0 M ThaWwhtng

' ' ' WASHIN( Departznent lyoeen acc

ISIIIES n>rism.hasiprovision of dut allows it

IEGA- dendal me U IQ U IK ; Gen. John A S B MSiiBSi . Aabcroftv ■ ■ B i K FBlINrectoi

sify diat PRTwnHmithat the pti about the n

■ ^ m m H U £ Depart!

m0 . 2 6 1 , . .

r a q plithifwton Pott

fiDAD, Iraq - Iraq^ newly tc d in te r io r niinister is ling a paramilitary force sed o f form er employees of - ntiyV security services and— rs o f poUtii^-party mili* p u rsue r e s is ^ c e fi^fe is vc e lu d e d U.S. troops and >lice offlcers, according to Hcials. .X acknowledgement that m m id p a l police depart-

R e w v

XI Elomantary School second-gra n Bailey's class Wednesday In Je lg better-than^xpected gains on

nproved4ari Chaney

H L - Teachers at Buhl Ic School should be cadng Loday.: school earned $2,450

th e J.A . and Kaihryn tson Foundation as part of d a h o S tudent Learning Dff Incentive Program, laven’t even let ihc tuacli- low," Principal Byron Stuu- sa id Wednesday. “I was to su rp rise them tomorrow ica k c .”d is o n e of 17 Magic Valley 1 d is tr ic ts that eamed iso n m oney for making x s on th e Idaho Standards vem ent Test in tlie past 1 year. Any public, nonpub- c h a rtc r school that gave

01 2002 and spring 2003

)ort: Feds h o p ^ into bngton Port___________ =

NGTON - n ie Justice m t, w hich has repeated- tcciised of encroaching — je rtie s in itsw a ro n te r- ^ IS n ev (^ actually lued a ui o f th e USA Patriot Act s i t to seek rccords from

booksto res or other yi s, according to a confi* . xe n em o from Attomey m I A shcroft. \yi w ro te in tfae memo to t o r Xlobert S. Muelleri K a d '^ d d t i r d e d a ^ -----^previouafy secret infor* icause o f fais "concern (j, p ub lic no t be misled „I m a t te r in wbidi die x tm e n t of Justice, and '

•> ' .

mT h u r s d

lans f‘Saddam; tape i more resistance

' m ents a re too weak t<-----Baathist—insurgonu-an

terrori^ leaders of the Governing Council want to include a domestic int gathering unit and be < with .broad powers to raids and interrogate sus offidals said. The foro


.graders Treyson Thomas, left. < n Jerome. Horizon is one of tha I on the Idaho Standards Achlei

teSt-SGOK. $ for area schoolsISAT tes t was eligible one-time-only program awarded a to tal of S t .2 n: 361 Idaho schools.

T he Northwest Evt Association, which pt ISAT, colnUatcd cach s typical o r cxpccu'd based on national nonns ing to informaoon piw the Albertson Foundutic pcrccnt o r more of the s in cach grade level exceeded their e: growth, th e grade level r a m onetary award.

SchooU that adminis winter ISAT test could < lo SIO more per student.

For example, if SS pei

have not book recor

Boise dilutes Patriot resolution -

th e FBI in particular, havi utilizing th e authorides pr in the USA Patriot Act.

“The num ber of dmes (d vision) has been used to < zero,” A shcroft wrote I metno, which was obtained Washington

n i f r i f rfi«i-Volley-in.an_e9C8latiQg

words betw een AshobR « oridcsi indnde civil ties gnnqis m d n n e Demi presidentia l .candidates,


[)aranlined by the

(U IgeS ' m w tpow tt ® . m Iraq and

:e - E6 cal organis mer oppoa

to combat voledroleirm d-fonrign----- security. , ,hecoung y ^ Some ind int the force the cotmdl i ntcUigence. haq who hi c deputized the plans t to co n d u c t. paramilitar; :uspects,the could be use ree as out- ' government

[N G P

H i i a H H L i i S V v S ^ H

' '

t. and Jessica Plzano glance at ha first recipients of cash Incei ilevement Test.__________ _

= = = = ■ students inIc AA achieved theiiIS - A*f but the schoc------------- ISAT in thele for the level would •m. -which dent. If the sc:: million (o winter test, i

per student,evaluation Theincentiipublishes a maximum <»l1 sm dents 100 percent <1 growth madeexpectens, accord- school gave thovided by District offition. If 55 happy to ref smdent.s money, but ncI m et or yet how they' expected pcrccnt of tliII received school improv

60 percent is s listercd a levels that ear [1 eam up be used for c< fit. als, programsjcrcent of ment.


O u tm iK ll * r l C Moro than hi■■ could face la

. An appellato____ Outmodedba

i . Srttott’-C 4 [jBp-nn been 'provided

(the pro- > date is

in th e ,K ibythe

faelatest ^. :.war;-tif____and his ‘'Ji

r i l l ib e r . Vmociatlc ' : , ts, who

i f , ■

id a y , S e p t e m b e r 18 ,

nilitaithe offidals would be the irerful security apparatus ' nd would give five politi- lizations headed for* osidon leaders an unri*} in the country’s internal

ndependent mem bers of 31 as as diplomats in have been informed of

s to form the domestic ary force fear th a t it u s ^ as a lool by a future >nt to suppress political

*R O G

u . - - ^ 3

I at each other while working o icentlves from the J.A. and Kat

3 b u i i d M jin a grade level Ileir cjqjccicd growth, W<lool did not give the hele winter, die grade ned cam SIS per stu* gnschool had given the e.\]

it would eam $25 totI. thiiiivcs increased up to imI of SSO per student if )>e:It of the gi^de level Ined progress and die l\vlhe winter test. lh(

)fficials say they arc . receive the eximnone seem to know ciiiey’ll .spend it. Fony , )llie money goes m Sd

povement teams and calis spent by die grade incearned it. Money can he- equipment, materi- mc IIS and staff dcvelop-

OEBATEo d e d v o t i n g m e t t i o i1 half ot Ihe sta tes that o re still i s legal choltenses tf CalHomla'i ato court voted M ondoy to deli I baUots.wouJd t e have boon ust 09 with 90I1W countiaa of townaMp


E S T A V A ILA B ! P C O '

try iffldissent or target enemies ilar forces have been many other Arab nadons

But Ayad AUawi, the ( of the Governing Council ty committee, said the n

_was.JiccessatyJwca_uw_li ular t>olicc force is “not s at aU.’n i c said the co asked Interior Ministc Badran to form a speci that would' be “a cross

Please see IRAQ


coirrMTtn/naitoM lg on a listening skills game In Kathryn Albertson Foundation fo

iion-grant!Sandra Miller, principal

We.st Minico Middle School, s her staff will look a t what tl need and form a list. All th grade levels at the school m: e.\pened gains and eam et total of S13.00S. n ic school i- the midst of creating a sch improvement team lo siwnd IHjrceiit of tlie incentive mom

Breu Cies, data analyst furi IWin Fulls Sdiool District, s the money Ls quite a substani amount for many of the sdioi

“It comes out to a pretty diunk of money,” he said.

Wliile teadiers at Bulil Midi Sdiool ultimately will make i call about liow to spend 'th incentive money, Stutzman k he will suggest staff dcveli ment. Buhl Middle School ha

Please see SCHOOLS. Page

lod-stHI-common(till using punch-card.ballots ila's recall delay lauphold. delay the recoil becauseusod in alloast alxcounttos------

shfps using punch-cvd ballots

I i 'n i iii

o » v

______________ \ ; •

V . . . .

lit. EJ--------------------Ohkj *-,W i

ies-assim- ’ \n used inns.; chairrnan Raleigh «0 !% securi- S.C.I new force VWlminglon

coijimittee . ofmow.riM ;ter Noun » , ■ ecial force • ^ , 1,3 between Fin. \ »Q,PageA2


} O l d s

- 7 t h e y ^

IsabeMid-Atla readies ft

The Associates

SEA LEVK wilh the mer K0u-.1I has SIO seas off C«u>c

out of lii.sbunl — ^ ro r ro re tiuns]

So a litde ll 2 hurricane w the 8G-year-ol< the retiremei and other old reputation for big stomis.

don't Wl cane." Kowa said Wednes day at the Snug ilarboi home a; i l u r r i c a n c Isabel b ar relcd towarci him with

' ^vinds of more than 100 mph, “Never did.”

Isabel cloi Carolina's C Wednesday w

■MiMn ^'’•1 *he potentniin, ihreateni

" flooding acros:

“T a M .------------------ Catcgory-2-fro7— :------------ mph'moliSi^nrf O cd to be dangcL O -------------barrierisjands

storm surge of ... ... More than

? North Carolinjurged to mow

. “i? ' leaving th eB an k s ' mo Evacuation on ed for low-lyiti islands of du which could gc

Id 40 rorirem5ncy. northeast of B<

Nelson Bay v ' marshes and ;

between it ancl lools. known as they ‘”R Adantic bccat

lhat have gone iddie But among ne the the worst thetheir them and live. said Isabel was secclop- ■' than an inconv has a “Pve been hige ^4 rode out three

Please see

R u l i n g WA n o t a f f e c t

— s t a t e ^ o f f i eThe T knw New» and The A a a o d ^ Pte—

TWIN FAIXS - n i e California^ tecaU electi punch-card ballots raises for max7 otfaer states, wi iieing outnioded equipm treats voters u n fa i^ .

.A tlnee-judge p u i ^ o court postpooed m e Oct.

. _.,u&animoady jiilin g J t is , sbc Califomia*. counties

puDchcard baIIots..3hoa ■re unfler cour t o r te f .tP i with modem ttyatiBnn au

■ Pleaw.

50 cents ,

W aab.,--PhB;i^H£ii - ....... ... .

"“ • | \ : __________

Atlantic 0 soomi0 V 5 Z 5 T ’.a

xuWoottKX AP

salts say ^ ^ I l b r a v e ^ —

jeFsfuryAtlantic coast 5 tor storm todaylated Press_________

:VKU N.C. - In 35 years merchant marine,'Mike . stood on deck in 40-foot il>c Hom. 1 Ie has lashedrtvn 16 kcoirfrom^lfding------------>unk. I Ie has watdiud an anspon~go uown.— ■ le thing like a Category e was not about 10 chase r-old seaman away from m ent home where he old salts have earned a 1 for fearlessly riding out

w ony about a Imrri- )wal .-m .nes- ^ the

m ebar-

lorcIph. Mike Kowal

closed in on North O u ter Banks on

/ w ith 105 mph winds tcn tial for up to a foot of ten ing to causc ruinous ‘TOSS a huge swadi of the Igy East.had weakened to

-fromu-Gategoiy 5,-160.— •— -----t^nnJul'wis'stillTM^^t:-------------ingerous when it hit themds-this-moming witha-------------c o f u p to 11 feet, an 230,000 people in >lina and Virgiiua were love to higher ground,' ic vulnerable Outer" • m ostly evacuated.I orders were also post- lying inland areas and the Chesapeake Bay,

d ge t a 7*foot surge.-ement home. 30 miles if Beaufort, sits right on - y w ith litde bul salt id som e spits of sand and th e patch of ocean the Graveyard of the ' tcausc of all the ships one down there. ■ lg m en -who have taken h e sea could throw at lived to tell about it, seen as a little more

onvenience.- n h ere eight years and . re e o r four of them,'so see HURRICANE. Page A4

yould_____! t Idaho,ieialsays——

ectioo because of old Ii

w i t ^ ^ I e a s ^ ^ ^ l . ipm ent that oijUics say,

d of a federal a m a lfkt.7zecancn& bod«KJ Jig macoflptitils tfatt?—_____Lties wotOd t e u a ^ . ,

.to i r a b io e f a D c h i^ ^ j;

Page 2: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

! Today: Sunny akiei . vary n ice day. Hlgf

^ T o n l ^ : C lear skiebo very llght to *TfTWtfmw~ *^iinny

lows in Iho m iddle A

<S1IB113KB5ni: T»d«y: Sunny, wan

. ; Tonight: C lear skle I temperatures. Lowt

’ Tomorrow: Sunny, \ u p p o ^ O s J o w ^ r ^

S U NCooJcl

. ■ ■ i g i i sndHgl


VMMiday% 8Mb ExkafiM k«y: •u-tunr

Ctrmry T h u n c

! C<gm

Cheney deil o 8 > W 8 T l m —

: WASHINGTON-Vicc Dick Cheney m ade t doncd argument Wedr ^ Bush administration' pre-emptive attacks, & United States wHI s c ^

' itts to pravent any atta

- In a speech to the Assodation annual c Here, Cheney look a hi than other VVhitc Hous have in recent statemen the countiy needs *'a stn cuts us on the offense.”• **Some pe<mle - boti

- nation and abroad - hi dons about that s tz a te ^ ^ d . “Ihey s u re s t that


-------------- Clrculation-|)hoiM-lin4. b«twe«n 7 and lO.a.m. on ;n o t rocclvo your paper by th e number for your ares Burlvy-Rupert*P«ul-Oak]«y.....................IWinFUJiand other areas .............

‘Subscripdon rates: Home delivery: diUly and S* per week: Salurday and Sunda Iper week. Mail tubtcripiiona :in advance and are avullable ‘ delivcfy it noi nuiniained. M• Idaho rates; dally and Sundi week, daily only SJ.(X) per we and Sunday only S3 00 per v

Tim es-f^:C im iladon (Daniel WoI : O an ifled Advertising 0N e w s.............................

.RetaU Advertising (Mik 'A g W f« U y a an et Goffii •Publisber Stephen H art Managing Editor Q ark


M Thill Www, “nitiWi

■ ■k le a , w an n er le rnpe ra tu res a n c i lg h s In th e lowoM Q.mlddle.70i ik ie s a n d cool lom peraturoa. V « tm . Lows noor 40. cy..w afffieejnd.rify .. H ip h s J iU I o 4 0 s .

k'armer and dry. Hlohs In the Ic

ik ie s , ve ry llQht winds a n d c o o l o w s in tho uppor 308..

ly. wormor and dry. H ighs In th In the middio 40s.

JN VALLEY, SURROUNDfls tu for today twt vn wUI hav * pta

IH g h tw M i. TomonowwiDbewan m anoihar bold front wU drop ten)) u rday artd may ilM produM a tawira iip iq M H M im fla n H iH HBOISE MUd tor today wttttttM

^ a»«mi.»unny*oddrttmparsturat sUpp*>Q Saturday and Sunday.

^ ‘‘ SoRTHEWondorful w

- iw axpoctod tomorrow. T win b e nica I

a a war

am n.H V c TOaiP^M* Low: 2 0 « I iunny.pc-pa«y cMt. mcmoatfy ctOM ••how*ra.frain, »n-«owr, ft-nurr***. w«i*i

mtUty la Th0 Tlmmm-rnmw.

n u n i d a c

efends first sd____________ it!s w rong fo

c n c n ^ s t r ikI c c President Bush sa id , ']i a n impos- ted to hdfysdncsday for all actions, a:ion's policy of inadons w ot, say ing the “W ew illbi k e a t terror- w eaggressivittack on the i s t s - a n d a f t

m pfhaniam a1C A ir Fbice' than i f w e ]

convendon them to stri]I h a rd e r Une U nited Stat<ju sc officials . ^S tan d ardnen ts, saying m tem a tio n ss tm teg y that cm pdve ■' w:

However; s tain th in diis W e s tR iin ti i■ h av e ques- aigued th a t <

Cheney icnce m u s t bla t somehow wake o f th e S

_______________ lUU ra lu : daily

. on ly . If you do " levjed for r b y 7 a .ro ,.call . . - r e a ; Mail m f o iT

. TT* Timea-Ne. . . . . 677-4042 lliheddailyai 132

.......Pcriodicali pai

^ Timei-Newi. Of

I. Mail raiei All ,o, pmday Jft UO per ijjho K33D.1, r week. Salunliycr week. Oui of UaoM M

■fVews telephone dirVolock, Circulation D irecto r) g ( D e tv Johnson, M anager) .

l i ^ Sm it. Advertising D ire a c iffin. General Manager) • ■ • •a r t g e n ................................r k W o h ' / o r t h ................................

m d overall a '70s_______________________. Winds will alao ■

n-thfl uppy-7Qs_________ j r a i

E W9 lower 70s,

I th e middio to

iS & ttM N O H C TS. S S S m S ^p tanty of tunshine 7 5 2 5 5w m a ra n d d ry .


•o n n y a n d d ry s a p c ts -Tocnomiw.iiU b a ------ LatQ>r.— I


t « l for today and S S " ! ! ? " " "'■ T h i« w « S ^ S& iS tO fWM S S wall but Oootnoouraa wid iMt bo 'warm. M ^ m a n ^

4 ^ b m 3 i m-------'MeCU—------

S S S S S m .outfir. c-doud/.*-wtnd, m-mlaainO

'MW C a illb d tr4 733-0931

O —BTy-lnMa--

trike policy: fM* us to strike before a n « rikes us. But asT resid en t I, ' I f th e th rea t is pen u lt- ^

i, a ll words and an recrim - ^vould come too late.' ”II b e irmcfa m ore secure i f ~ isively go a fte r tfae terror> ° a f te r tfae natioos a n d d ie ^m« ttiar SUppOCt ♦*****" •• 'c lay bade and w ait fortr ik e us again here in th e ^a t e s " ®rd in te rp re ta tio n s o f ®>nal law consider p rc - ,w a rs - to b e illegal. "

s ta rting witfa a speech a t ' ^t i n Ju n e 2002, Bush h as >>-a t o ld concepts of dcter^ Pt b e r e in te n ^ te d in tfae ^ le 11 attacks.

■ I aaily and Sunday 17.00 p ^Jly.iiOOj>CTjteek,3iiurdiy_ i__ thily $3.50 per week. Sales ux vtabove raw. A S15,00 chargc_____ 01for all relumed cheeks, p,

>rmadon «Newi (UPS 631.080) it pub- th 132 Third Sc. W,. Twin Falli. ca rationi Inc.. a subtidiary of

paid al Twin Falli by 'Ttte ^ OfHciil city and county

luani 10 Section 6C-I08 ofe, Thunday i> hereby dcslg- agy or Ihe week on which legal Cnpubllihed. ,

pleaK send change of ^>; P.O. Bo» 54S. Twin Fall*. J Tl<gy»«awcaeM

lirectory |r) . . .733-0931, E n . 1) ..........................E x t.2..........................£ x t . 3 .

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S*pt29 Oct. 2 O ct

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- ITMair 'Itomom

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J Hopma . 80 3a t. .._57_ag_j

Voting —ContlniMdftMnAlballots by tfw March priniai

Punch-card m achines, devices a t tfae h ea rt of th e 1 dispute tha t ultim aiely .se 2000 p residential racc to d Suprem e Court, a re still in 27 states, according to th e E Reform Inform adon Project

Sw itdiing from the punt voting Qrstems would be exp a nd probably is tm necessary Sccrctary of S ta te Ben

“It^ m y considered opinic th e case does not affcc t u

' said.*'Ot}rrccordwith'pund; has been good; w c haven’t h problems dicy have in Floric California."

Ysursa said almost 60 perc Idaho% ballots are cast on j cards in 14 counties.

Most \ ^ c Valley countiiKnllftrifig g

where voters fill in th e a rr _ovaLon.a-hnllnr, Bnllots.are

pu t t h r o ^ a com puterized < cr. Cassia, M inidoka , a n d 1 countics are the only count A ^M ^ c Valley still u sing p

" I diought diey worked said Minidoka C ounty D< Q erk Delores Osborn, who on board wiUi th e county 23 ago. “I was shocked by how trouble.they had in Florida.”

V reW B IR ® W ekw d^JW ,a « « M u PB,

T T r f ^WajCAWOtWngardlMionB*

■U0MMy;a«pt1( 8


)ht Friday

I c o d Wotxlarful waaStoi•a ltw U lbaw arm

a n d aunny

-__________7 9 / m

eclpltatlon Humi

- niiiiiitlir"““n s J j f f l h i r f l l l i a m i i adpm y^afday ,

jrday Today Ti

mmm' M M H anoiaiH SU mSmj^me

s t i ' s s a - ^ s u s t i j

a n f ......." . " i . i a i i ' ;

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omiM e t 4 t sn 01

Effons are uj th e nation^ c

lea.st 12 states th e punch < machines, usin;

p ro jec t Fe 2004, b u t gh«s

B F l o n ^ m ake khe cha 2002H elpA m e. J e U . S . 3 3 3 billij

. ‘.Going to an sy stem would C ounty about J th a n th e cour

“s a afford,u o n d ia t i t isn 't d ie or

ing wdiere d ied com e from.

ilf .,n d a a n d m an d ated mom b u t it won’t

costs," O sborns n p u n cn and A

idM u se . m ach ine in Burli----------Idaho-is-onh

M ai, elections M inidoka Count b e g e tting some

n S S n fo r disab led pcoi M ai said Minii

.p u n ch - punch car

^ i n o for Bla c o u n ty clerk R iem ann, said 1 h a s cxperiencct

m uch th e pyncj,'• “W c don’t seex f K k _ im pac t dur punt S M T th is po in t," Ri(

som e poin t in tin 9«; 3 go ing to look a t s

' Ongoing effort■■ h av e b een cor- d eb a te over whic • b est. Som e say ,« . screen m adiines' , s 4 don , b u t a rece

th a t security fli- . m acW nes open * * * m anipulation.

. O th e r stutlies g g y punch-card ba i

. S a t u r d a y

5 ? ' ' _ .

7 2 / « l

uS m S S..................................I ..............

“" i r H i m il I

Moonrise v and Moonset

SSS5BTomorrow Today

M M ? A - ! ! i i a a . — S i ^

i H M M H M S ia S H a n M M

W«h«Bton.0C73 01 th


5 S

W M07

7b«no«tw* '— i

7i sr sh Valid to 8 ixm. todav ijyi** Y—twday-a Watteoal I

PCBHMBH Hlfih: tOratOcantoW ____________ I.OW:—la-QtWHdofflJt

e under w ay to u pd a te mai ; cquipntent, w ith a t as ' tes aim ing to rcplace dor . cards w ith new B sing federal hm ds for tee Fcderali 'law alm s for wor

« s states u n til 2006 to wou dianges. T he federtd be i m ericaVote Act prom- syst Uion to pay for new and o d ie r Improve* havi

nolton electronic voting elec dd cost Nez P erce equ It 5500,000, fa r m ore of i 9unty co tdd read ily Lew

loca: only county wonder- Ele< c dopais a rc going to grot

eduiual govem m ent has gt oney towards help ing c a li n't begin to covcr th e m, nsaid. •I Minidoka counties thdir baU ots on a

uriey. ......... i^vf-n h o ld ,"sa id B arb ara------ns deputy d e r k In iinty.“W earB golngto me speda l m achinesxjopi®” th minidoka C ounty^ cur- ^ card system 'Svorks .

Blaine C o u m y The k there , M arshn- d her coim ty never iccd problem s with

» e d iat it^ going to p imch card system a t “P«eRiem ann said . “A t " i d itime, we’re ccrtainly }at som edilng else.'* w aorts in several s ta les “OSS* com plicated by a'hich machines w ork Buijy electronic touch- evenies are d ie best solu- “It'ecent study argued Thev

flows leave thosc misec:n to hacking a n d tived

ter ofcs have found th a t poorjallots a n d lev e r lies.

Sunday K

■ ■ ' " Z E E r. 7 2 / 4 1 ,

E i a ^ ^ ^I i i - in i i i i iMiiiifii

iiii°n ' M n rm i


n m ; _____________

?rr ”

“ J t . V i i " . " --------- 1 . | |"

1 th 77 84 m MwlwOy 73

KtaynalExtrtnaa; k> Wens. Calif.

m achines w o tk fairly well as as \-oters a r e given good ins dons on h o w to u se them.

R iem ann s a id an Idaho corr tee is now look ing a t w hat work b e s t fo r a ll counties and would b e b e t t e r for all countii tw using th e sam e kind of b. system.

While th e p u b lic and politic iave lost f a ith In th e older t lolof^, th a t d o esn 't m ean dela; ilections o r dem anding Kjuipmcnt w ill solve the prob )f u n c o u n te d votes, said E jewis, w ho w orks w ith sta te ocal c lc c t io n .officials a t Election C c n tc r , a nonparC proup b a s e d in Houston. V education is essen tia l.

Still, t h e im plication of ^dlfom ia n d in g Is d ear, he s a

“If you follow d ie logical e* ion of h ow th e California fedi ourt h a s ru le d , th en it wc legate a n y j u n ^ c t i o n in Amei c in g a b 'lc .to .i i^ ( l^ c h .c a rd s ) lie sam e reason ," said Lcvtis. rould m e a n every jurisdlctior imerica th a t h a s th is c^uipm as to th in k ab o u t getting rid lem tom orrow.”The postp o n em en t

^alifomla^ rc c a ll election beca f old punch-card ballots rai ointed q u e s tio n s fo r many oti a tes, w ith a t le a s t h alf still us utmoded e q u ip m e n t that crii ly treats v o te rs tinfairly.The a p p e lla te p a n e ls decnsior

pheld th e full appeals co id the U.S. S u p rem e Court, prc cs to b r in g b ack th e complai ' d isen fran ch ised voters d }gged th e la s t presidential el 3 n - ju s t in tim e for th en ex t oi But in 2004, litigation could -en more w idespread .“Itls very b asic a n d very simp le w a ^ p eo p le .vo te are comp ised," s a id B erth a Lewis, exe< re d ire a o r o f th e NewYork d u r of ACORN, a n activist g roup) tor and m odcrate-incom c far

* ' . n E S

Monday 2 _ _

■■ ■■■ ■■■ IParty dow M aU aa MaRa.

s s s ^7 S /m Stanly

Sunrise ,IS ia ff iS iH M iiilMim im ii i i i iM n r ia « i iH U ia f i8 a a

U.V. INDEX _JMV 4 11

Thah>flt»ef tha lnda« iha ^

Today Tomorrow

73 M sn ca 88 «I> Zuricn • 77

7 ^ 0 ^ . 1 0 0

Iraq-—’n i i ' C «rtinu«H n»,A l nd if it d ie in ilita ry and t ities to w ould b e ‘‘deploye ballot confrontadon ."

In a n in te rv ie ririnn^ AUawi said th e Go : tech- ‘ h ad re a c h e d a “ l^ ln g , m ent” w ith th e 1

new au th o rity o n settxi oblem m ilita ry force. AIL Doug civil adm inistia to i

:c and Brem er, w an ts Iraq t The responsib ility for ir r tisan U.S. o f f id a ls here s Voter sion h a d n o t been t

“T h e coalition f the in forrned In5- | j abou t th is proposa

Scnor, a sen io r adv OTen- looking I

d e ta ils b efo re we ai "O fl'l W h ile th e COUI

given resbonsibllits ls)-fl“E -- rw f f iy -g w e n ia n re ^

^ a s th e fina l say, ] secu rity m atters. Bt o ffld a l h e re said Br m inded on proposi secu rity issues, es they a r e proposed have a substandi responsib ility for se

otner m in is te r o f th e intei usmg Tides

ion, if court”?"■ C a m e r o n c ritiam is , •diat health care it

A n a r t ic le in p ap e r o n th e rising 1

d be care co n ta in e d an e I t w as Sen . Dean

nple. R upert, who said, ’pn>* A m ericans a r e unIn:

of m an d a te s alone. \ ™ p- care o f ou r manda p fo r selves.”

The Times-News error.

= s t W « i ^ 2 - . : = o p v

__________ HI L o»rcp ‘

n/a 20 0.00*^ ,

^ o t o i C o j m t ;

S i t t f i a f i v l M h 'y g y g g y y , .

l i j ^ p ^ r a t h e r . -


Today Tomorrow .

■W M M M W iaOTSi

i i » " ! h i i “ i r ’AB n a U a i n M B i M

77 4(1 IU 70 4S au .


Warm • A A



Und th e po lice" an d : loyed to areas of hoe*

rview W ednesday,.I Governing C ouncU ,’ a "general agree-, le U.S. occupation etting up th e pan*- Aldiough th e U ^ .

a to r here, L . P au l.Iraqis to tak e m o te , or internal s c c w ty , .:rc s a ld a to a l d c d - « n made.ion au th o rity h a s 1 in general te rm s, posal," said D an ie l, adv iw r to B rem er,

ng forward to tb e i« agree to it.”:ouncil has b e e n ' lility for m any d a y - . -ice -issuesrB rem er------------ay, particularty on 5. But a sen ior U.S. d Bremer is “ open* posbd solutions to , espedaUy w hen sed by Iraqis w h a andal o p e ra tio n s ' ir securi^ , l ik e th e interior."

ritlclzed i mandatesin W ednesday’s

ing cpsts of h e a lth in error.>ean Cam eron, R- lid, "O ne In fou r ’ ininsurcd bccau se fie. We take b e t te r Jidates than our-

tws re g re ts th e '


■ ■.______ » •

Page 3: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

. N ation

_ t t ; v p 0


fo ^ n record defidt m ent has produced: in red ink in the first th e 2003 budget yes total for the same t earlier.• T he figures, W ednesday by tl D epartm ent, high: vrorsenlng condidon em m ent^ books, w m onth left in the fis ends Sept. 30.

------------- The^adminiscradorch<7 return of deficics ec6nomy and the cos th e war in Iraq and hom e and abroad. D<

Conser to rejec

WASHINGTON (AI conservative Republii e rs threatened We'

------- oppose-a-M edicare-heip seniore ■ purcha: tion drugs if it costs 5400 biUion over the r

T he letter, writte Patrick Toomey, R-Pa

. low House members line on spending anc efforts to water dowr obtain a compromis< Senate.

“O ur deep reserva th e fiscal 'soundness scription drug bill heightened by th< re leased Congressioi Office report on this 1 lawmakere wrote. “Jus

JHouse pi spur cha

WASHINGTON {A H ouse on Wednesdi iDore than S12 billion to encourage charital while some Democrat bxll^ generosity will < generations billions in

’Ulie bill, passed 408 legislative offspring of Bash’s effort to give organizations f e d c ^ r encourage them to tak

__ in pmirwimp cnrjnlM ajority Whip Roy

Mo., said the tax bi encourage S4S billion : lion in additional charit tions over the next deci •>The biggest tax break

cbarity-contribution inc taxpayers who can’t dc( table donations from ti

.....becauserthcy 'don’fite ideducnons. ^ p a y e r s standard deduction cou

D em s seel S ep t. 11 ai

WASHINGTON (A?) Democrats on Wednesda (led hearings into alleg: ]|Svirotunental Protectia i ^ l e d New Yorkers abou gers of debris in the air a World TVade Ccnier site Sept. 11 attacks.

?We do not want the Q t ^ United Stales to be ] scandal,” said the How cnidc leadc-r. Rep. N:mcy C^ifomia. Pulosi was j Democratic' Rep. Jcrrok vyjiose district includes zero, and otliers in her pa

• la s t month. tJie EPA^ watchdog found the agen urging of Wltiie House gave misleading assurani was no healtli risk from tli lhe a ir afte r the towers’ c(

^ j p '

Ik '

________ Oj5 5 Jo in Jackie a t§ ’ in The Tin

J Cookies,g Thursday • *

'______________ 132 3

. . .

ice it didi(A P}-O ntzack major id t , the govern* ' Bu&^t ed $400.S billion . des. irst 11 months of ,The year - twice th e year, : le period a year August,

of $200. 2S, ■ released The

the Trea5tiry believes ighlighted th e 2003 bt ion of the gov* biUion,, with just one Budget fiscal year th a t slightly

lion. Hlldonhos-blomed----- term»isits on a sluggish , R»r ti costs of f i t t in g govemn nd terrorism a t $157.8 b . Democrats.soy urive yei

rvatives tl ct Medica(A P)-Thirteen wc votetiblican lawmak* costingWednesday to CBO reire prpgi'am~to ■ " nowbeb:hase prescrip- bill wil]:}sts more than billion,le next decade. ' “Thisitten by Rep. ' dally co:•Pa., urged Tel* * federal:rs to hold the costing fand resist any projecdcjvm the bill to • wrote,nise with the - Presid<

makers irvadons about drug leg!ss of the pre- ing forthill have . been week, raithe recently vtramed Isional Budget ing to fii s bill.” the 13 compromJust days after dve sped

passes cuts aritable do(AP) - The up to $25<

!sday passed. dons. Theon in tax cuts be in effeitabJe ^ving. Other 1n^ts said the bill but ajU cost future lion, 10-ycin extra debt. for by sh408-13, is the tax shelte: of Prcsidcnt of the bill,;ive religious ed languaal money and shelterstake a bigger iW asury tiaal-services.----------- lJFor-o»loy Blunt, R> today, it g

breaks will your kids \ 3n to SSO bil- '• igotng to |aritable dona- Jerry Kleelecade. _ self “the slcak gives new Blunt saincendves to yet schedudeduct chari- on a comn their taxes House an( itemize~thetr~— sald'h'e~«Mcirs using the completedcould deduct dent later i

;k hearings ( air quality aiP) - House I ~sday deman- LOflVltt Ilegadons the Today's Sercdon AgcnQ' for Utah'.Gbout the dan- the next Gir around the been pcst(;ice after the Hurrtcanei

2 Congre« of A similar1x5 party to a don b y Stlouse Demo- Clinton,ncy Pelosi of Lieberman,s joined by Republicanrold Nadler, . In respon:des ground will put a hcparp'. nominadon

Intemal Leavin tohcgency, at the - force the adise offidals, quesdons abranees there Recent snn the dust in gerous chens’ collapse. to three mor

W ^ ^ ^ c k ie Bl « retirin^ 3 t y e ,

3 p en H o u sea t a reception g iven i n .

Times-News conference rs, cake a n d p u n c h prov. • Septem ber 18 • 3-12 3fd S t. W e s t TWin Falls

-■ ----------------A A_____• ______

Hast yeari r causes havic ind u d ed

tax cuts and economic poii*

le d efid t so for this fiscal. , from .October through ist, compares with a shortfall 100.2 billion a year eariier. ; e Bush administrarion ves th e defid t for the entire budget year will total $455

in, while the Congressional ;et' Office is projecdng a dy sm aller total of $401 bil* Hie current record in dollar 9-i9-the$290.-4-billion4f-1992:- - che 2002 budget .year, the nm ent ran up a defid t of 8 billion, ending four consec- years of surpluses.

threaten are dealited.for-a bill advertised as lg less than $400 billion, revised its estimates 4Jid telieves-thanhe-cosrof'the” ill significandy exceed $400 1.is is very troubling, espe- considering the hinory of ll en titlem ent programs g far more than their carly :dons,” th e lavmiakers

ndent Bush has urged law­'s to approve prescripdon legislation before adjourn- ’ the yean As recently as last ra n l^ g 'S en a te Democrats d Republicans against tzy- I fashion a House*Senate pmiSjiL-dcaMri-tO-CQnscmb— edficadons.

s aimed to onations250, in charitable contribu- rhe new deduction Would ffect for two years, r Democrats praised the . t argued that its $12.7 bil- Kyear cost shoiUd be paid shutting down corporate '

Iters. 'Rie Senate^ version iill, passed in April, indud- ^age targeting illegal tax s and vrauld cost the y nothing.-o v e ty -tax -c u t-w e-g iv e— t goes on the defidt, and ds and your grandkids are0 pay for it," said Rep. ieczka, D-Wis., calling him- s skunk at the picnic.” . said'lawmakers have not

iduled a meeting to work ompromise between the and Senate bills, but He S q ^ .te d :th -e :b lll3 w U :B e= ed and sent to the presi-er this year.__________ :

lo n E P A ’sassu rancest hearing postponedSenate confirmation hearing Ih'.Gov. Mike Leo ltt to be IIt EPA administrator has Iostpones until Tbesday by Ine Isabel. I

Jar push for an invesdga- ISens. Hillary Rodham I

D-N.Y, and Joe Ian, DConn., failed to sway Ian leaders. Ionse, CUnton has said she I1 holcl on Prcsidcnt Bush^ I on of Utah governor Mike " > head the A in order to | administradon to answer I 1 about the EPA^ actions.' I studies have shown doi;i- I

lemicals were present up I nonths after the attack. I

^ r e s s e t t ^ m *>9 after Bars!

e _______ ^ _

in h e r h o n o reeropnuo v ^ d .3-6:00 pmIlls'

r Dem ped UTTLE ROCK, A ,U. Retired Aimy Gen. V

entered a crowded an .fll. race for the Democral o]} dal nominadon on W< S l . “We’re, going to run

that will move . oil th is . country [re forward not ‘j# - , ^ . back,” Clark- ^ / ml said, promis- a ing to “ talk - R S g

ijl. • straight to the Of A m e r i c a n \2:------people.::---------- B Sie d a r k T s e T ^ Kof became the

10th Demo- w« crat in the race.that isup for grat contest that, has b ^ n for months.' Former Vc Howard Dean is th e fr but a solid majority remain uncleci'ded : ■party leaders believe I

. field has unclcrperforn IS “My name is Wes C 1, from Little Rock, Arka d am here to announe----- intend'to~scok‘'the''pVc0 the United States of Ar

began.> He entered with n o « if in elective officc and s on domestic policy, b y one thing Democrats c s hope of undercutting

« Bush leads ut HAMDEN. Conn. s Prcsidcnt Bush It

Democratic challcngi J nadonal poU released W:---------Ih c —Quinnipiac—I__ ^ I t o g toso ^ ^ ^

10 points or ipore in t conducted Sept. IM S.

i f

S a m e g r e a t c o r r W e j u s t c h a n g e

t e a m a p p r o <

-------------------------- B o i s e

''& Sw w w . p n

joinsxn)residentArk. (AP) - Bush’sw j Wesley Q ark Clark i

ind wide-open Bush,' sa: radc presidcn- , des “hav Wednesday. , our econi m a campaign to create.

Nearly been lost

Januai “restore i have beei

The fo and com

^ ^ ^ H a j j ^ l ^ f o r c c s in

troops a r . oncc ag a

/wtey Clark cemed aobs, joining n “ „

"c antS .- “• “ 'SS

r d ic the currentrmod. , Suppori

/Vmerica,” hc

0 experience d no historybut offered ■ 1 1 ■

1 crave: New lg Prcsidcnt

in poll—I n B<• (A P ) - i n ileads

igers in a Wednesday.

-U niversi^u— ^ H ^ ^ L d that Bush

I the survey .

wMmpany. Same grea led our name to re sach that works fore:-20'8-433-1GOO"- iails; 208-734-1711 ^ lls : 208-522-126( oot; 208-782-1464’emierinsur.c

■owded“ tial racew a rtin ie popularity, k im m ediatdy took aim ac say ing his economic poll* lave co s t us more jobs than onom y has had the energy ce.” ■‘ly 3 m illion U.S. jobs have ost s in c e Bush took officc ja ry 2001. Clark vowed to ■e th e millions of jobs that Bcn lost."fo rm e r Vietnam veteran

sm m a n d cr of all NATO in E u ro p e also said that,-tira» n o o ,o o o -A itt5 ria iir 'a re flghting abroad, and gain. Americans are con-

a b o u t thcir civil liber-

: m a d e his announcement yys a n d girls dub in the', a p ita l, under clear blue i d o n a small stage bear- ^ o f h is Web site: “ameri- dark .com .”o rc e rs waved American n d “ D raft Clark" signs v o lu n te e r passed out ' choco la te bars to an audi- several-hundred.------------- ^

3- c


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E RMCE i ,InsurSen/ j

Page 4: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

__ ___* 4 ThmNww.TWteMb.1

B l a l n s C o u n ty-------- - ■ B*0«vu« D*m*nt*fy. pr*

C v y PuMle. orada 3_____ - Htn tngw iy B rn ao m y . '---------:~W(wd>D9w'Mld(9injMS-------------Ttotii.......... . ..............

B llMBUM School. oradM 2.9.

B u h lBuhl MIddW 8 c> ^,'g rad

C a m a s C o u n ty CafflM B«m*ntary, gfadi

■ C a s a l a C o u n tyAlbtofl ElofTMnta/y, gr*d«i Almo ElcmvnUiy, grad* 2 CaatlA EduccUon C«nt«r. Dedo EtflnwnUry, grad*: Dworthak El«m«ntary, gn

OakJay Elemarttary. gradi ' Ran River Elamantary. gn

Raft River Junlor/Sanlor h White Pina IntarmMlate £ Total

' d l a i r l c hOlelrlch Elemantary, grad<

Patriot _Continued from A lhave condem ned th e Fatri a n a tta c k o n individua A shcro ft recen tly com]

........ cross-cotmtxy speaking toia t sh o rin g u p support for

Section 21S of the Pal----- lhe-law-approved-six-vre«

th e S ep t. 11,2001 a ttacks, th e governm en t^ power i records from a w ide tangi nesses a s p a r t o f a count ism investigation, withou ing th e su b jec ts o f th e pr po ten tia l u se of th e p n r libraries h a s g e n e r a te the .strongest objections tc

In reversing his positi cioft to ld M ucU cr th a t th e disclosing th e previously c in fo rm ation now outwel po ten tia l h a rm to nationaty-

J ustice o ff id alsj have lo ted re leasing~tfie^uiformat

a u s e S i d S ^ e m to ^ t w rorists.

Hurricani‘ ContkwedfromAl-

w hat’s a n o th e r one?” said old R oy Brooks, who ran up a n d d ow n th e E ast C oa years. “T h e only conccm 1 th a t a t re e w ill fall over n ou t in th e paricing lo t” .

l h e S m tg H arb o r r e t hom e vm s founded fb r sei

’ 1801 b y R evo lu tionaiy W ' C apt. R o b e rt R ich a t^ I

who s ta n d s d efian tly in br th e front-lawnr-Tho-walls-ai ra ted w ith nautical char g lasses a n d th e flags o f stc com pan ies, a n d a s ta in e window in th e foyer be: ho m e 's L a tin mot^o, Petim us F essi” - “We woa seek p o rt.”

T h e re t i r e m e n t hom o p ened to land lubbers ii

__ StiU rh^ o f t h ^ O g residere t i re d se a m e n like (Cza m o w sk i. • • ______

S ip p in g te a m th e homi

A F Q C iS VFor som e, th

b e lo n g jn o u rl^ ........... For others,

In th is o n e -h o u r telev ision p a rtr

cougars a n d I il

T he com pan io i v id e o seg m en ts

d iscussion a b o

T h u rsd a y S e jr a p a a U S u n d J

________: _________ !

FOCUJWlSTmpwtrn brMdcM<m->MU)ePi

Oragen PuMc Btm FOCUSWtST prtMMKkM

fc,M efce T O iw d m ip tw h w t t

at»a»2— $ i ;7 4 0 -I teestrv. OTKlat 2 . 3 . 4 &3.03SM o r e — ' — -------- sy .2 2 0 -

---------------- ^»1 0 ,S ® 0 -

2 .9 .8 $1,800

iraM e $2,450

rade 4 not avaJlabI*

t d e a a , 4 .B $1.B00d e a . $0 0 0 'Iter, g r a d a i 7 , S $1,060 •d eS . $2,136’.g r a d M 2 .3 $8,100 .mary, a ra d aa 2. 3 $8,700 'ade* 2 , 0 $1,005. g rad e * 2 .3 . 5.-e $3,100 o r High, g rade* 8.0 $1,420 ite School, g rad e 4 $7,080


rade 2 not avaltable

_ Sch(Conttouedfro

a trio c A a 05 great staff, Idual righ ts. he said. Stai)m p lc te d a w here die]( tou r.a im ed . . . w o u ld b e a lfor t h e law. . M any ofP a tr io t A ct, received thew eek s -afte i---------- •*We-just1:ks, ex p an d s said Blaineer to o b ta in Business Minge o f busi- ton.unteneiT or* Blaine Cofiout notify- total o f $10,f! p ro b e . T he BUss Elenprovision in S1300;H ans!d so m e o f SftOOO. Ca;s t o th e law. ea rn e d a ts ition . Ash- • Je rom e schoth e v a lu e o f A t G oly classified improved sow eighs th e definite!onal secun - Superin tend

I lo n g rcsis- TJmes.NaunnS/Mj I

Dtential ter- 638,orbyc-r vaney.com.

n e ____________Ubraiy. C zar

. id 8 2 .y c a p ing a h a r t i nm fre ish t ' “ ■“ I-;o a s l to r 4 2 ? ' •!“m l h o v e is W " J* r m y m i d c ( lo A b y l6 2 i

“T h ere v« re tire m e n t tha t night,” I u s m c n i n K tu a lly o u t

r W ar hero ihan you a rp J R a n d a ll , A dm in istr 1 b ro n ze o n ™>l I 'O o ld t-are-deco .-. som e o f. ihei h a r ts , spy. >he o n M o r s te a m sh ip ' cnn rc ly of I in ed d a s s n » f decking b can i th e 'h e red iem ei

“ P o rtu m 6.000 gallons n ja iy o n e s enongh to r

than a w eek, om e w as , A i « b u t l l s in 2001. tJcn 's dccidtr fd c n ty are------ storm at-Sea-1~ C h a r l c T “ »_______________■ “R a is in g ^Dme’s cozy u guffaw. *^1):

|Z m ,

nNESTPIESENlM h e g re a t p red a to rs o f th e ur h e a r t s to b e p ro te c te d a r e rs .'th e y b e lo n g In t h e cros*

3ur p ro g ra m , th e five Focus' i r tn e r s ze ro in o n grizzlies, v id th e ir s tru g g le to f ind a Wi

in t h e m o d e rn w orld.

lion W e b s ite ,fo c tifW M t.o r n ts, a d d itio n a l In form ation i ib o u t th e i ssu es o f w es te rn |

iep te m b e r 18-atfiS a p t a m b a r 2 1 a t 7

I d a h o p l v . o r a

le PubMe Tctovblon. KNPg (Una KUEO S Wywmtng PubtttT«to

M ont Mm mad* pouibi* by a 9*n«routhw l^FoundM len.

U .200»_______________

pHeipfor Jg— F ila r — :------------

FUer Bementaiv. grad* 3 FUef MkfcSe 8 o ^ . grad** O HolDeter Elementary, grade 3

3 A.W. Johnaon Elemental, gn Rrth Middle School, grad* 7

G la n n a F a n y Glenn* Feny MKidle School. <

QoodlnaOooding BMn*nlary. grade* i

) ' H a n a a n) Harraan Elenwntary, grad** 2

I ■ J a r o m aCentral ElemanU/y, grad** 4. Day Tr*atm*nt. grade 7

' Horizon Elementary, grade* 2. ; Jefleraon Elementary, grade*

Jerome Middle School, grade ' Total

K Im b a r lyKimberty Elementary, grad* 2

l O O l s . _from A l% b u t ihQT a ren 't perfect, itaff developm ent in areas liey n e e d im pro \«m en ta help . ..............- -------of th e schools have ju st Lhe checks.s f b a m l ^ g o f t h e H i e ^ ” — ic C ounty School District M anager M ike C h a tte r

Cotm ty schools earned a 10360.lem en ta iy Sdiool earned in se n E lem en tary earned Cassia C o im ty schools I to ta l o f $32,680 and ho o ls b rough t in $42,410. Soofling E lem entary, scores b rough t in $7,675. te ly a boost to teachers, Tidcnt B ob S team s sa id

e-mail at scfianey^magic-

tam ow sk i, 87, >vas-hav- jg d tim e g e ttin g e x d te d ■ »el. H e w as o ff th e coast If ju s t a f te r th e Korean

I h is sh ip w as n iked a t >2 m p h w inds.w as 125 d ie d in tovm ,” h e sa id . “Y ou're safer u t o n th e sea s o n a sh ip ut> o n shore.”s t r a to r P a t A usband ' Id sa lts c an -b e forgiven ™ h e ir b ravado. yUter aU.- ;ory butlB ing is m ade f b rick , w ith concrete ng a n d s te e l jo ists, a nd n e n t h o m e h as laid in m s o f g en e ra to r fuel - > ru n th e p lacc more; tk.I I o f th e home% resi- i d e d to w e a th e r th e>a-LeveI.-So what-would---------care'C*amowsklaway?--------; th e ren t.” h e said w ith______T hatT w hatT l scarc us."

1 %


i e f ro n tie r 'a n d revered .


u sW est pu b lic Hs, w o lves a n d WMw ay to live

.o rg fe a tu re s I ' lin a n d fu r th e r rn p re d a to rs .

: 8 : 0 0 p .m .: 7 : 0 0 p . m . ■


*>Ucltl«VhlOA:OSallUk«Cny.ralavHlon, . fout Qranl fiom


schools ^__________________________ I

____________ Anoiavallabte ' S

N e. 7 not available £• 3 not avallatM [

gradea 2 .3 not avallaMe ^1 7 f)ot avallaWe £

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•ol. or«dM 6, 7not available' K

Kle* 2 .3 .4 $7.8^5 T

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Minidoka County--------

East Mlnlw Middle School, grat Heybum B*m*ntary. gradee 2. Memorial El*m*nta(y, grad* 2 Paul El*menta/y. aradea'2.3 Weat Mlnloo Middle School, gra Total

MurtiughMurUugh Q*m*nt«ry, grad* 4 Munaugh Middle School, grade Total

Shoahona ' ,■ShQ*hon* EI*m«ntary. gradea 3

TWIn Fall! 'Slckel EFamentary. grade* 2, 3, > Harrison Elemenlary. grade* 2 ,: I.e. Perrin* Elflmentary, gradea: Urteoln El*m«nttry. gradaa 2. 3. Momlngild* Elamarrta/y. grade* Oregon Trail Elomantary, gradea

•Sawtootn-EJmentaryrgradea^ Total

Gaines a r Cruise

>n t f i a S q u a r e In R u p e r t " 4 3 6 - 4 6 2 0 • G ill W r a p

ro E S s& S a t .

T e x | | A l l O s h K o i


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d e 7 not available ' nctavallaMe

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Page 5: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

I . \ f o R L D

r E b n k : ^K JB A I. United A

- - A D e a in th e M id 'A N o K ^ Africa are in re a p rc * witb tfae:i tr iJp fo m i tfae nb d e ^ h d e n t «nd t ta

ecQoomies, tfae Wori We&e«d«y.

Xhit tfaey are belo froin tfae labor marie vative so d al nonns e favpr men; tfae ban repjort on th e role < tfa^ze^on.

I b e report taid:vi ij Up:fcalf tfae mllttiJ tfa ^ K U ^ e East and:1 bu |||account^fe^onli

‘rfo countiy can rs dara of living and i well-being of its peo tfad paitid p ad o n of h

: lation,'* sald-Chrlstiajth^ Worid Bank vie

2 fori th e Middle East Africa.

I DItildant deric: : ~ shbuMiubnlt to i

OOM, I n in - I n his:-----------sp«edi in-flix-yearsrlrt d i^ iiden t cleric crii

c o w tiy ^ hard-line Is era Wednesday, sa shduld submit (o eli allow th e country’s yc to oiooM their A ture

C rand Ayatollah I Mdntazeri addressed cral a f te r five years arqest ^ d several mi

A bout 300 studer into a buildingQdn* a holy d ty 80 n w cit o f Tehran, to listc

-----------ye^ ld .d e rac;.who.w;_______ design a te d succe

r t f f t ^ e h- KmioUat^ the leader of Iran’s 1! Revolution.

lh Iran^ Islamic gt unfelccted bodies cor hafd-lincrs hold the pofrer, including 'the m ilitary ' and polic suprem e leader Aya Khamenei has the fin allunatters.

B ard-liners have I pofver to prevent soda I ici4 changcs pushed bi ' cd^ president and the I d o j^ a t e d parliament

, I s ^ l l settlers com pIMtolilowupfilrli

' Jerusalem - acottrt on Wednesday t h ^ Israeli settlers fo ing to blow up an' / sdiool in Jerusdcm la avenge Palestinian ag&inst Jews.

^ o m o Dvir, Yard* and O fer Gamliel, all W ^ t Bank settlcm et

w ere convicted o--------- edvftiurder-and*Ul6gal

pobession in conncctio faQed~atia<ck~in _thc . Arab neighborhood of April 2002. Scntencci p a j l ^ a t a la ter date,

p i e convictions com

cem over the emergenc' Jewish “underground,” ccnt of se ttle r vigilai a t ^ c c d Palestinians ir

A fter the verdict v Mdrag and Dvir express foe th e ir acdon.

They had no in tc a i^ e a lin g , they said, s o ^ ,” Morag said.

WMher experts: 0, hde reaches ‘recon

: G e n e v a - T h e ozone the A ntarctic this y rc iched the record siz« m ^ o n square miles s yc{us ago, the United w i t h e r organizatioi Wednesday.


“ J"i«l»8 the UtoaC/M) I your car used to h ! Getttbackageir Klmberty Super Wa

Kimbwty Super W «l lUSouthhWn-NeerCanti

VCdeast woiJ-

I Arab Em irates lUddle E ast andB an untapped ____^le potential to

r .g lo n .1 oU . - tta te< on troned hm-twiu o rid Bank said

d o g h d d b a c kirlM t b y con««r; 2 0 0 0 . 1 Iu a n d th a t)ank said In ae of women in » its la

!; women make illion people in nd North Africa minly 32 percent • I

I raise th e stan* Id improve th e ■l>eopIe without Hif half ics popu* tian Poortman, vice president as t and North

: Hardliners O'electionshis first publici,-Iran’s-leading------------- —criticized th e J Islamic lead* ; V

saying they m Iiu V elections and

i young people •ure.I Hossein Ali « d his follow- ars of house months of ill-— — i-B S

dents crowed •ing in .central ,0 miles south- isten to the 81-uwas^nce-tho------------------:cessor • of_______ ■

; 1979 Islamic

: government, controlled by :he levers of,' the judidary, ilice - and \yatollah Ali final v»rord in j

e used tha t ,d a la n d p o lit-1 by the elcct- ’ the reformer- .ent.

Dnvlcted In }t\s' schoolA Jerusalem ________ay co n v ic t^ s for attem pt- V A rab 'g irls’1 last year to an a ttacks

irden Morag all from the ncnt of Batd of attem pt-------------■gal'Weapons------------:tionwich the e Jerusalemof A-TXir in *. R W

ices will bee. IW -ome against ■ Klounting con- PpiJ-snceofanew I A |id,” rcminis- Q f lilan tes w h o , ^ B ls in the mid-

: was i:cad.essed regret |m

iten iion of C I Ilid. “We’re a t r i

P a nOzone C"""'»

ord’ size K nr.n e ho le o ver al-.o i"cl

year hds N.,p„ar.,.%size of 10.8s set three ‘..pr.mb»fed Nations’ tion said

sin Shim 1 have? ain at Wash«l"

p f fmht mtarStrait


>men a re u n tWofM In brief

iaiurementfl over'and near ircd c a ' show , th a t ozone sased more rapidly this yetu* in previous years and that

ize of the ozone hole la now rge as it was in September , 'tfae World M eteorolo^cal nizadon said.6'hole could continue to grow largest size ever in the n e x t.

e of w e ^ tfae WMO said, butirnF a l l s

w i t h n

p e r

“nexsate, just purchase

nter for ar i p f o r 4 t o t h e M i r a d e ® i i i N e w Y o r lt lo Ih* main an tranc* or gift wrapM rip 10 New York on Alaska Airline localod in tho heart ol Ihe elly. Win

nctudos i V.I.P, viewing passes lor I

i(y\ jriJ pjiliopiliiiq %pon\nr»»i. ,<ul •l>gibl»

AJiU* Airtlnet often dj.l, nan «Iue> b»»**n *..d Nf.. ron/N.-..

J c o u l d a l s o r e c e i v t c a r d s v a l u e d a t $fo r« e h an c o W win Saplem ber I6-;r» ,. n«<c*«Mrv Vo.a«h»<« p>«nib'i>d br i»- ..r«nol»l.5ibl. S » tlor* lo> W.nn«»»

lACY'S gift card; the €

ita p p e d reso« it also could suddenly c

. The hole, a th<nm__ m al area in the protiar ot gas high up in i le atmosphere, haa start ar - a t the end of Antar at eveiy year, since the IW • In August, when tbe st er 'r ise again over Antarc al ' gers accelerated ozot

lewing ejrtremely cold vv • winters when the area « . darkness. 'Jt . ' -.complied from w

Nhars b i g g (

n a n y l c

A iiP ilr k :

S t - r e d u c e d and I ses t h r o u g h j M o r

3 chance tM a c y ’s T h a n k s g i ' > rk G i t yrap lo r • n lr y form *. Tho w inner; lines and slay lour nights a l Soutl Winner will receive $1,000 lor c«f lor Ihe 2003 Maey's Annual Thank

.nKjIoinn I<JI conipl»1» oIlcoJi

SoDtitCAit Towrit

‘i v e o n e o f 2 0 0 B (t $ 5 0 0 !16-28.

Employ**! el Uon-M*Cf t tnd IW •mi <n«>t 10 be chBSMn on er tbogl October 7, 2(

B easy choice

— : ; / ource -Jtr decrease. yitnwvthan.nor*>tective la jw ,;I the eartfa'i ‘ irted formingarcdc > ^ te r 'Mle mid-1980s. WI sun starts to , 9 'xcdca, it trig-»ne loss fol- . ^ |Id Soutfa Pole ea remains in

wire reports

inive s t s a

a w e s t

I R E G ui^ l l ^ e p t e m b i

to winl iv in g D a y

•r and ihreo guvols will lly uthgate Tower, .in Alfinia »«pensei. The p^ickago nksgiving Day P.irado.


l O N - M A C r S I


r e v sl i e i n p i

p r i c e siAR PRICE b e r 22

REOULAKANO/OKORtOINALraiCe Stpltm btr 26. 200), Eiira 1S% lavn •ny ether diteounl. May-not b t «pplli Coimaliet tnd FrigriitciS; Ralph U i Bluti Junior Oenim; M(»'» Kenneth I Royel Vetvtt jnd Charltmt; C«Mn I Baccerat: Orrelorti KoiU Boda; Lal Purchatet; Small Electrlet. Wine: I MtrchandiM 0<pl».: Mall. Pt>en> and •iclud* Mtn'a Shots. Men'f Cellactier Additional Mvlngt contlnut through C original pncei may not have beenin all purthaset. Selaction vant* by flora. I doaa nal apply to clearance marehand


L e . C

K vp m g r

I B l a c kaothlewh H |' Monday thru Satu ' 918 Main S "Detlgiu /br tht - . Pelltethru;

) r o g r e s s

S o f t h e

% ’ ; ■. V - w .



iiccs AReoFFCRiNa m i c a ahd hailavina* anit Stpltm btr 22, *PUaa« no ppllad (0 Daer Butltrt. Suftr Buy*. Bu] . Lauran; Tommy Killigir; Naulica; I.N.C. tth Cola; Kate Spadt: Coach; Ooonty & vin Klttn Homa; Oonna Karan/DKNY I I Laliqua; Holiday Trim Collactlblas: P >ti Fine Jtwalry BttI Bim, Walchtf and Spacial Ordtn; and BaN.MACrS 0 ctiona and llnal citararict llimt. Additlor gh Octebar 2. 2003. Cuanlllitt llmllad, I in ailed during tht last 90 days. Wa ara ui rt. Lovraal Plica ol tht Season rtltrato tandlia.Llutura door buittrt or tupar bu;

BON idea

•* K S « p tS M * w ll.2 0 0 l TtaseM

IlLAIBORN]C ^ p r taS h o r b

a n d U

% O f f

k R o c k A543-2500 J

turday: 10am to 6pm V I S treet. BUHL , "h e DtwcHminatIng at Att, ■13 X size* • www,bIackrockcl<

r s as

5 s e a s o f

-' I.V V

IAY NOT HAVE RCSULTtO IN ACTUAL S not* to r OKtra 1S% OtcsuMi Hay noi t3uy 1. Oat 1 Ollart, BONvaluts; Ctaarar .C.:*Amarican Rag: OulksHvtr/Rory: l.t.t6 Bourka: Eaiy.Splril Shots; Wscoal; I

Y Home: Walerlord; All-CUdi J.A. Hti PRANOO* and Oodiva products; Disc

t t and Special Cotlacllonii Lease. & > ou t C»fH«/Man:handi»t Carlilicalts.’Ci lonal Mvlhgt taken oil alrtady rtductd p 1, mtanntdiata markdown* mty havt b> ■ unabla to makapnct adjuitmenlsonpr te tha period batwttn Avgust ] and No<


as: f i n d more at boii

w S a l e ■

i r l a , Tops, rts, Slacks Uz Golf

Through .1' September 20th

d H i ,Affordabte PrictB”:kclothlera.com

) n


JALSALES.'Salaands not b t eombintd with taranct Merchandise;;l.t.l.Mudd. and Pans oal; Fashion Watches;I. Htncktls; WOsthol;,e, Ervice and Non* ts.'CUaranco uvlne* ictd prices as rrurktd;•vt b ttn taken. Somt on previous clearance id Novtmbtr 24. 2W3;

torimai^com Uij, , . R

Page 6: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

Page A-6

E d ito r i

Hiinte shot at

■ Idaho Dep Fish an d G

__________ B stands, it’s tf^ ^ L w a n t to 1 h u n te rs feel like ti on a foolish snipe w ild Roose chasc.

B ut thui’s exact] m en t many hun ter a f tu r coming up - e m p ty * h a n d e d from last m onth’s le f to v e r con*

................tro lled ,, hu n tin gp e rm it sale.

_________ S oit^ .apB nip .d i_a te tha t the d e p a rtm e n t will m a k e som e c h a n g e to its pol­icy fo r se lling u n c la im e d big

. gam e perm its. T h re e w eeks

ago , Fish an d _----------- G am e a ttem p ted —

to sell off leftover h fo r c o n tro lled hui 1,600 tags w ere u a f te r hun ters who

________tag.s last Mav did noup.

- I H ia Id a h o -K b ih , C om m ission adopt r u le th is y e a r a l u ncla im ed deer, eU lo p e controlled hum b e sold as leftovers com e, first-served t Iicen.se vendors.

B ut it ap p eals li dors w ere no t ad e q t ito red . T he vendors’ o f “ first-com e, fii basis was interpretei ly, a n d led to some ab le pracdces.

I F ish and G am e isth a t th e sale was nt

, . un til 10 a.m. on Sati 30. A n d num erous vi

_______ anx ious h u n ters waiito app ly for contn lags.

A s expected , the ^ I d o ff quickly. Mai

_______ ___________________ 5t*ClatfcWtfwxtii........M

— :------- Thrmember»ofthr«Hartgan. Clark Walwot


M cn\bcrs of the Senate will vc w hether or nc . firm U tah Gov. Mike L the new administrator

Knvironmental Prolcci Agcncy.

Sincc being c ic c tcd , ill 1992, Leavitt hasga

• ruputation of being a c Iniilder. Hc^ smart. He liked and rcspcctcd by who know him best - t t of Utah and his fellow

He has been an infli p ioneer in environmen improvement. With for Oregon Gov. John Kitzl Democrat, Leavitt co-a the Enlibra - from the "to move toward balan trine, eight principles i

______ mote balanced environsteward.ship..

_..Thc.Natiohal Govyrr Association, the Weste: Govt-mors Association, ous federal, statu and 1 em m ents, and scores o en tities ull have adopti


MK. scmunftz- L youK \ .



:ers deser it leftover■anything th e .. .sOld.or

'e p a rtm e n t o f ButG am e u n d er- hunter

s th a t you d o n ’t dors dim ake a^aS oeiore

e they’ve b e e n the da:ip e hun t o r a h u n terJ. , dors Wlicdy th e sen d - for thters expressed friendsP ------■s Our view: Leftover g controlled hunl'ng

petmit sales need to I ^[Bvampedso vendor: 11 dont ruin a fair proce

Whatdoyoutiiin G Wewelcomfevlewpoi

from pur readers ont J andotherissues.i ----------—r hun ting tag s into the h un ts . A b o u l Bul^v up for s a le pull ins

1 0 b id on th e tu rn s r not t?ick th e m well in •• been,

ih nnrl T .^m a ffiiih-. op ted a n e w conside: a llow ing a ll next yej

e lk and a n te - ‘ ing the] un t perm its to ing th e ers on a first- ting the d basis a t all inglLst.

Thai>!i license ven- le td n g ^quaiely m on- ning. It irs ’ defin ition le t th e L f irs t-se rv ed ” S enate

ited d ifferen t- know th ime question- asw ell.

TTie lli issued ru le s good mc i no t to b eg in ing op]: Saturday, Aug. sta te . Wi s vendors h a d sight fn vaiting in l in e th e futui i tro llM ~ h u n t ful a n d t

equitabihe tags w e re th e syst. tiany v endors m ust be

:T im e s - ]. M a n ^ wlter MIM StnH

la aiirtonal board atid writers 0 worth. Stave Cnjmp, David Coo{

t the Senathe U.S. ’ I------------I vote soon on: not to con- .e Leavitt a s I— -------tor of the Knlibra plection U'aviit

decision-rcd governor intcresictgained Ihc directive.*:a consen.sus* approadiHe’s well chair of tl: by those Air Partm-th e people o|>ed a miow govemors. limii hazeiflucntial tion - andnental governorsformer control ofjtzhaber, a Iations.o-authored In purst:he L^tin for tions to eilance” - doc- lems. Lea'es that pro- rejected cronmental______ For inst,

expansionem ors'_________ Species A'stem support aion, numer- serve selciid local gov- current la:s of private Do animal)pted dence ovc

KK/seeA ato. a/nn SK SA T ^^m . ^ s /v ^ T ^ m .y tx /s youva /i 'SHCMUsr IS I ff7tJp^i.9unfeN7h


■ I^ R i

r v e a f a i r

i r p e r m i t s.only.a.few.iags,_ ____Jt what en ra g e d m any ters were how so m e ven- : drew up sign-up l is ts long >re anyone s tep p ed in Ime day i>efore th e sa le . O ther Lers alleged th a t a few ven- were buying th e ta g s first- themselves, o r p u tt in g

ids or reladves in to the --------early draw.

F!sh a n d G am e rer officials a r e still

con firm in g th e a lleg a tio n s , and

:o b e they’ll m e e t to -p - discuss th e m in

an o p e i^ tio n s iC8SS. team m e e tin g in in l /0 Boise n ex t w eek. IlnK f T he ta g fiasco viintc >vus no t in ten d o n -

■yr al on th e p a r t of n th lS Fish- an d G am e,

which d e se rv e s______ credit fo r trying-----------t o - g e t - ih e —ta g s -Lhe hands of hun tere . t when vendors a re 'a b le to inside favors, th e process

rotten, no m a t te r how intended it tn igh t have

h,and-G aiaft-a£tjci.-il^nn-- de^ing new ch an g es for ^ a r ’s leftover tags, incdud- le possibility o f over-draw; ■ le initial tag sa le a n d put- h e extra nam es on a wait- st.it>i a for be tte r id e a than g vendors' do t h e skin- It^ probably w orth i t to

e Legislatiire’s H o u se and :e Resources com m ittees that changes are in sto re

11.! leftover tag sa le w as a move that enhances hunt- >pporttinities a c ro ss the With more tim e a n d over- from Fish an d G a m e in iture. it should be success- d niosf im portantly, m ore - ible. But vendor a b u s e of /stem is in to le rab le and be stopped.

- N e w s 'SHhhefriit ......... AdvortltInC director■sofeditoriBlsarBStophan--------ooper and Sheilev Ridenour.

a t e t o t h r a


a policies.'itt favors cooperative in-making that involves all led parties over top-down ves from Washington. 'Fhe d l served him well a s co- f the Westem Regional ‘tnership - which devel- multi-stale agreem ent to azc caused by air pollu- md in his work with o ther ors seeking more s ta te of Clean Water Act regu-

irsuit cooperative solu- I environmental’ prob- eavitt has consistently d extreme dogma.[uiancc..0n.the.pcrptitual------Ion of the Endangered -! Act. Leavitt wrote: “ I ......... .t a national effort to pre- .‘Iccled species, but o u r law ... is unmanageable,

nal rights have prece- »vcr plant rights?

/HGtfT. 7H£ fV//vrTHATAS/iKiR^iaftKx/ysuiuw^. X KNC,tuHffrrrBUJiSToat

O f__ __________ T h m


ly ^n- -


n. f l

Ig mle ^

leU ■---♦a.' i i ig a ttiM Iled:o -

^ P o U t i c a01- V *Vaving a rule of I if I —I people can rely

M. .& confidcncc is n< :s for democracies to succ „ Unfortunately, th ree ju^ ___ the 9th U.S. Circuit Coi

Appeals put the n ile of Monday in favor of thci

° political ideology when ^ ruled on the rccall.V After all, the rules gc e _ -thisjetectign yffijs

before Gov. Gray Davis

r Constitudon requires d I- hold a recall clcction w r. . to 80 days after th e sigi ; pciitioning for a re ca ll:

certified. When it was d mined in July tha t ther more than enough signi qualify, the lieutenant ( had little choice bu t to ;

J the recall vote for O ct.: ‘ As the poUtical pundi s pollsters have been nod - weeks, when you hold a

tion can have a substan1 on the outcome. Given i

opportunity for manipuJ and abuse, it is criticall;

tant chat the rules be fo , TTie 9th Cirw it, howeve

chosen instead to rcwril -rules-inthe^middle-of-tl

; * test in a way, most obsei I agree, that will benefit i ' Democrats.

The Sth Circuit arguei this state’s election rul» m atter because of the ri cenain votes (40,000 to may not be counted - if.

_ voters fail to follow the i

card machinc. T he goal i___ ing sure every vote coun

when the voter docs not the instructions - is lauc and it is something ever

a s h L e a v iVertebrate rights over il brate rights? Mammals

. fish? Can wc take antibi soon as we feel sick, or < bactcria have a righ t to process?"

Partly as a result of hi to eater lo extrem ists of stripe.Tlie Associated P reports. Leavitt “enjoys san support from his full emors and can expcci tl to win confirmation.”

The A? story cites pni Washington Gov. Gary L Oklahoma Gov. Brad He Democrats, as well as Republican Govs. M ike. of Nebraska. John Hoev. North Dakota and Sonns of Georgia.

And Leavitt's balance!__ approach does morc.tliai

- friends. Ir produces resu ...office.reports tha t Utah_

meets all federal a ir (]ua standards, tha t 73 perce: Utah's streams m eet fedi waler quality standards • from 59 pcrcent 10 years

By Garry True

so vw h sL .fie eKfJOV o'yOB . KJrT»<SfiSAT 7>

jrsday, September 1

^ .■ -^ —------- •



a l b i a s d iif law that • Ily o n w ith R iC E -Mnecessaryiccccd. ^---------------justices of trar is work:ourt of - It is. howeviof law aside lainable. Eljcir own not requireicn they No election

country, haigoverning states are nitten long tliat voters'is was even before electii ih rn 'nn rlri; the state to held, within 60 In reachirignatures Qrcuit igno11 have been 'Ilie U.S. Sus deter- long rccogncrc were individual limatures to ty to ad o p t't govemor .are best lail0 schcdidc circumstanc E. 7. some counti idiis and better than otingfor counting. Th1 an dec- considered < intial effect lem ^ Supr n this on either sic pulation spectrum. Tl illy impor- the Supremi followed. Gore by boti ver, has . ihe dissent.' rite the hly held tha-thecon----------change-the-iservers counties to iit the tems. Justic<

in his dissenJed that right of scat*l»«-did nol local authoririsk that sions with rc

:o be exact) tems," evenif, that is , . “enormous ce proper cy.”

il of mak- Circuit coulcunts - even the Supreme,ot follow said on this iudable, upset an eleiery regis- already divns

i t t a s n o n' inverte- and far ahcsIs over average of Giibiotics as Utah’s “concr do the feeding opeito due reduce the ii

and ninchinihis refusal havo bccomtof any But none cPress a rough ride

i’s bipnrii- mation proc(ellnw gov- cal opponenitheir help compromise

alarmists secniise from Leavitt’s conI^cke and lo put Prcsicilenry. both and envirom

trial.e Jolumns In a hint o:;ven of Sen. Joseph !ny Perdtie Conn., a can<

............ hotly proclai::ed should rejecilan.win______ “shares the ssuits. His "cicnn air, clcih now servaiion ancualiiy as Prcsidentrent of Confirminj■•deral the Sierni ClIs -u p viatc concerrtrs ago administratic

udeau I Mallard

3 - ^

r 18..2003

— — ■■ ■

5 F ? / „ . v u s m m r

s r e r a y '< i ■


W v e s d e l ;

lARD RIORDANirking hard to achicvc.'ever, ultimately imat-_____Election pcrfecuon is

Ircd by the Constitution, on in this state, o r this has ever been perfect. If : required to guarantee rs won’t makc mistakes cctions can be held^ .1oerinnurf1L/>v/>r-tv»-------

hing its result, the 9th ^orcd wcU-setUcd law. Supreme Court has gnized the need to give ll localities the flexibili- pt voting systems that ailored to their unique mces, even though nties will inevitably be in other countics a t This has never been id a constitutional prob- ipremc Court justices side of the ideological . This was affirmed by *me Court in Bush vs.>oth the majority and It. The majority expUc- • hat its decision did not

0 use different sys- tice John Paul Stevens,«jnt; reaffirmed the a tes “to delegate to lorities certain deci-1 respect to voting syS-— - :n though there may be 'IS differences in accuni-

uld simply ignore whatmc Court had already_____is issue, in order to ilection proccss that is \nsive.

m i n e e f o i *lead of the nalional f CO pcrccnt - and Ihat jnccniraied animal- perations,” which c impact of farming ling on water quality, me a national model.0 of this will spare him de through the confir- ocess. Partisan politi- ents and nevcr-say-se environmental seem poised to use :onfirmation hearings sident Bush's energy m ment policies on

1 of things to come, 1 >h Lieberman. D- l andidaie for president, : laimed that the Senate 1 ect any nominee who : e same.disrcgard for„. dean ivater, land con- • 1 m d global warming” I nt Bush. 1 ing Leavitt, warnedClub, would “not alle- em s that the Bush <I tio n is prone to mak- i

d Fillmore

H S-U $ hVsW

r7 ^

! I „Sss

lay of recNor docs the 9di Circi

sion makc sense practic Sth Circuit enjoined the clcction bccause of im p

' tions in the voting systci though they were t l^ M tem s that cicctcd Davis first placc - not oncc bu For some reason, the sys thac put him in officc ar how not good enough to him from office.

More important, th e 9Circitii ignorcri the unril,cvidcncc that the new s] tha t would be implemcn M arch 2004 were untesn best and would probably duce additional voting p

What will be unveiled March is not the latest gi tion of touch-screen votii an InkaVotc system that never been used anywhe counoy.

Ultimately, Davis supp and recall supporters mu th a t prolonging the polic sis in this state is not in t in terest of California, csj given the tremendous fis problems this state is fac

If rccall is truly the pn a fringe clement, then th

right to say so promptiy, i govem or can focus on do job , instead of trying to k job.

If. on the other hand, tl- m ajorityof Califomians.'■ Davis out, then they have

to say so now, so a succes: b e e lected.

should have the right to > Oct. 7.

Ridiard Riordan was mi Los Angeles from 1993 to i

f EPA chiing shady deals at th e cx of a safe and healthy cn\ m cnt."Thc Natural Reso Defense Council asscrtec confirming'Lcavitt “woul vide little hope of improi for the nation’s environm

But remember, these gi a rc hardly mainstream. T look at the administraiio: to curb wildfires in th e w clearing brush from the v forests and see nothing b cynical pay-off to the tim industry.

The administration’s cf address extensive insect i ease infestation in caster forests? Another pay-off.' a re people who call natui th e “ cican fuel," but oppi structing terminals to rcc

, . In other words, Gov. Le• welcomc to Washington. I

buckle up. It’s going to be rough ride.

Charli Coon is an cncrgif cnin'ronmcnf analyst at Th Heritage Foundation.

> e w p 11£m A Bacisr^Kxif V ( S i V i r ^ ' t t t g (J.$-

f c w e p j ; . . > e q


n ,- leHazeltonib e t te r c a r

I am writ J ceming the

, r ^ It is in horrd ty of H au

\ onc$600a_ . . iJiis and the

some areas, ‘ ing so they

. when the la

, ^ stones, brea Apparent

* sible for tak does not ha'

Maybe if thi / takebetter

^ / W eallkni and I plead someone tal tciy who wi]

. this job. Obviously

--------- ---- -------4Mookslike-o o l l -^ ■ ^ 1 1 money you (

lotsof thing . • . up for your!

to care abou quality of yc

There are willing to tal

tems, even right. Please______usdo.iL50.ti:

IS in d ie richt.

cemeteiy, buaro some-to remove forout-of-to>

----------^ -ui-visit-W hed grave site I c

. d?e"rbSd.*^”ented ms le d a l A tareccn Jv oro-problems. watered was

.d in water, but wlsenera- week ago, th. dug, butat has And anothhere in the no water, tiic

the pipes spr^porters killing the grnust agree to take our S'.litical cri- water righ ls!I t h e best ofourccm ctisspeda i^ JOANN STfiscal Nampaacing. BONNIE Firoduci of Hazelton the major-ave.a--------------F ln d ln g .an .S h i s v e t i s d l f f lc> keep his Linda Flen'

hits home am ,th e write.5 -want------------- ^ 100,- naivevc a right erinarian woe essor can emergency. 1 ;

■ ■ Uke the old d, ins______ _ffiL.veiermar> vote your pet’s resi___________ the night.----------- ' Without ha'mayor of too much, oar ) 2001. at 3 a.m. on Ji^ _ he was paraly I f w y Ourvcterin

past had take:. pets (during 0

expense nowherc to benviron* sage after m esources response,ed tha t And as Linetuld pro- also turned av■ovcmcni'' frantic calls tciment. ans.groups After watch

. TTiey three long hoiion’s plan suffered, we fiwest by erinarian who

.* westem The veterin;

. but a found was an im ber compassionate

able angel of teffort to He met us imrX and dis- ended our petem He also explf. Thc.se this had happ«ural gas He even senpose con- sympaUiy cartcceive il. Linda, I’m si••eavitt,. dog.I’m SonyI. But sooner-m aybbe a been spared tl

Face it, the c~ ~ ~ ly need a vetogy and emcrgcncy. Wirhe d a w n BVB

' T W n i= ^

.■ , ' By

t i e e ^

t e I , c T ( I .

T h e T im es-N ew s

.E T T E R S ^ ^xiCemetaiyd^rvral care and malntena^ivriting this letter con- thc Hazedton Cemeteiy. ; lorriblc condition. The lazclton is paying some- :0 a m onth to take care ^: the grass is dead In ... eas, th e pipes are leftHay- . icy kill th e grass and - ^ e lawn is being mowrf',,;

>reaking them, cn tiy th e person respon-' taking care of this now

: have a loved one there. ' f they did, diey would te r caro of it. . _ |. know who this pcrso;i is I jad to him: Please l e t . <• \ take caire of our cemei' *> will take some pride irf ;

iisly, you don’t care w h a t;ik e -o ryou 'w ou ld iok< > -^ ‘------irc o f it. If it is just the ' ou aro after, there aro [ lings you can do to makc 1 lur S600 and don't have i bout yourself or the * \ if your work. Iaro people here that are \} take this job and do it ;‘asc step aside and let ; o.thc-job-can be.done_j___

Igo, wc had a beautiftll *' r, but now it is a w eed,' ' d is very embarrassing' •' >towncrs to comc here l?hciuLso-taroy.dad^^. ..! I can 't even drive irt''

cent meeting, someone • nason ic was not rvas bccause we had no . t when I there a . ■,, th e ditch was full of. ••:

other point - if we havtf ' “ then why do we neeff spread out c-veiywhetc ’ e grass? Maybe we need u- SSOO and buy some Its so we can take care ‘ netcry.STANDLEE


an.emergency__S __fficult, indeedlem ing’s leuer sorely; and compels mc to -jJ

lively thought-my vet—:------would be there in an y. 1 found out it isn’t, d days when.without, m anans woiird run t^ " ; ^ " ' roscuc in the middle of

: having to re-live this- ; o ur pec awakened mo -; n July 4. To my hornu;-j ralyzcd. ;' irinarian . who in the uken good care of 01 ^(lg office hours), w a s ^D be found. 1 left m e ^ m essage with no ^ 3

Linda was, we were . ■ d away when wc madeij Is to aroa veterinari-;;.'i''

Itching helplessly foA*j hours os our litUc giivj .-e finally found a vec- ;j vho would help us. trinarian we finally an incredibly kind, nate and knowledgcr^ of mercy that nighi.^^ immediately and S pet’s suffering. ^ zxplained to us hm v'S ippcned. 'sent us flowers and u :ard!m sorry about your rry I didn’t write i h i « aybc you would havtfa — d this experience. he only'time you reaft ctcrinarian is in an . Will yours be th e re uy b e e 53Is g

By Bruce .Tinsley®

) ^ y f = i t z 5 r «


Page 7: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

Acnoss----- ------ TMedrcsfrpten—

4 Th* Scwww*" dramatM


■ i i s s a rnode

19 Oww noisily 20^fi»harrTW )21 ProtocUon from '''-9)0 Alorrwnts 23 N0(v«oap9

'2S.BnMaM^2S Hilarious feDow 27 Ceow. In ■

hoops 32 Spoils

. _ -34RayofBnmo .

-asrreamstor^rig ALaroovaso 37|piissava dish

____ 4o! ! _ ^ _ _________41 Aries or Turns43Manhos S 44 Troos for dalos46 ComposHJon 6

• wrttor 748 Chap e

• « ®54 Cortoin 10• -oxocutlonors 11

58 Magozino ploco 12SSKo's hoik) 13 60 Choflipagno•' cooior 1862 Colondnr pago63 Rood worKor 22

-------64-Way Ini-obbr.-------65 I'm ouna horol 2466 GartX) or Borg 2867 Tho woy, In 29

Chino 3031

DOWN1 Smoll 32

'2'6oso*stoaloru 33 Wills '

3 .Fries 34_____ oJlomotlvo_ ■ _ 3 8

4'Grlctlfon uprighV 39

S o m e N a t i v

A ro th e r U tde know N advc A m ericans IF

V erm on t^ R l i ^ o r d b ro th e l a s tra d d le ti do n a ] boundary. I f U ra id ed , visitors l e f t b d o o r in to C anada. IJ law m en ra ided , visit< th e fron t d oo r in to i

' S ta tes .I n F rcnch co u rt rc<

c ^ sc o f a w om an t d ivorcc on th e groun< b a n d purlo ined a ll h

' novels before she h : r e a d them , and w ro te of th e m u rderers or pages.

M any o f th e e ld e r J



T o

|i |i |i M I I I


Bi» -----------------------H s -

5 Homingway o r ' |o |e |T |B | Borgnino L U L

6 Motnor-of'poar) f r cIq It I7 Solno sum m or |£ l£ l t ! l . i e H ordyloss In |E |0 | n | 9 Rogolnod

c onsdousnoss | a | p | p | e |10 Chom is T A u ■11 Talk wildly t 0 n ■ 12A »|r>glolimo 7 7 7 !

s i i il8K lllod. o s a V P s

drogon • • s f e a 22 Hurrlcono's ‘ • u T | s T— oflormath------------a IWIn e

24 EMS dovicos e28 Nuptial vows . 1 5 1 , 129 GIt c Io 's dato?30 Uko radios31 Guitarist 42 ChikllshI

Lofgron disobodi3 2 Mlslooding 45 Bil ot

dovico . • lomloolo33 *Bottlo Cry" 47 Mo10fcy(

outhor mokor3 4 Torzon*s Irlorxis 48 Orossod3 8 1gni(od 5l'*ToraRo3 9 Oponing wnlor Bir

ive Americans \n m n ta c l .a b p u t___

IS s o m e w c rc -VntMn't f.V hr J M t w ere ra id ed .3rd o n cc h ad a

th e in te rn a * ' r U.S. law m enr by th e b a c k I ^ K ,. If C a n a d ia n •-------------s ito rs r a n o u t firm trad::o th e U n ite d work witl

If itVi arcco rd s is th e i t ’s a "pic1 w ho g o t a w hite pinu n d s h e r hus- black, it'sI h e r m y s te ry word was

h ad d m e to So was su>te th e n a m e s i t a “scre>

o n th e d t l e to m ean th e hum:]

T .J ap a n e sc in much out

C a n y o n

T ^


-------- , - —: 1 S 6 3 -B L

T o th n n k o u r custom ers fi

w c in v ite y o u to jo in us 5

n k id s c o lo r in g co t

S o n y 2 7 ”

C a k e w ill be ser

P lu s, tak e advantnge o f



|io |. . |ia j.) ImB


Ishly 52'"Moflo _ ■ '«dlont 53 Altorcotion

54 Bad actors »lory 55 U llonrcycio IngrodlontIt 56 *But onsworjod com oihoroRoad* 57 Small drinKs Btnchy 61 Crow cry

I were pacifists

K E V I s i T E D " ■ LM.Boyd

a d id o n th in k o f th o se w ho rith le a th e r a s “ u n c le a n ” s a b lack a n d w h ite ho rse , piebald." I f i t ’s h o rse th a t^ plus som e o th e r co lo r not it's a “skew bald .” B u t th a t ras too fancy fo r w rang le rs .: such a ho rse . T h ey c a llc d rev b a ll.” T h e w ord s p re a d m any a n im a l, in c lu d in g m an, th a t 's e e m e d p re tty lut o f th e o rd inary .

N P a r k B r a n c

i i i i ^P L rj\S liD T O A N C iO U N C

o r o u K C a n y o n ' P a r f

3 l u e L a k k s B l v d . -

s fo r m a k in g i t su c h .•» su c o

IS S e p te m b e r 2 2 -2 6 f o r refi

:o n tc s t a n d a c h a n c c to w ii

7 ” PLAT SCREEN T V . served o n S e p te m b e r 2 6 th .

o f lo w ra te s d u r in g o u r Lo:


■iglitmi y w j o f age fo win.

f ^ e mD B A R A B B lf tl tu

■ law w ho I b e liev e Ij

c h i ld r e n - b u tn o t in peop le o f d ifld w eek gdes b y th a t b e in a d o c to r^ office g ency room . S h e s

• happy o r f e d “impc

I in a n em ergency roo

to so m eo n e w ith degree.

O th e r r e l a t i v e th e x cep tio n a lly carin;

. ' th ink sh e ^ s id e , b u t whom to c o n ta c t SI th in k sh e h a s i

J M eanw hile, m y brotl9 . ___by ,r.o r accom panies:

oudngs. • "n - Am I w rong, o r s I type o f au th o rity o r »

B o s s d e mIF SEPTEMBER 1

B n m iD A y ^ y o u ’reali loving and giving nan love, generosity ond v hond in hand w ith worit

' equals Ufe. You could < li»liing. nursing or ho advertising and public i

• hovconineerestW poeti; ARIES (M od 21-A|k

ner or assodate is prov Hc or she wants eveiythi way. You have to tiptoe fay just the right things is fi^ , and yob buiy you

------TAURUS (Apr. 21Something may drop in Your boss dem ands ovc get swept aside by coi

- — your pnorities right. F you should see everythin way,

GEMINI (M i^ 21-Ju I waning half moon bring:

things to the fore. You —1 shoncom in^ of others

get your pnorides in pcrs-------- CANCER—’(June '-i.

■ Networidng and conferri ers prove to be instnimt ting things moving alon; you nnd agreeable. Don' fears and doubts.

-■ LEO Uuty 23-AU& 22 ) admirers os your get-ups

mism and piish'ahcud att unocpected doors. You nu

; with someone, but usin^ . sense, diffcronces con

over.‘ VIRGO (Aug. 23-i ; Visualizing what you warn

ner agreeing w ith you. ' ‘ eflidcncy.butyourpadcfi ; ly be tried todiv- You fee

put in an appearance to s popularity and status.

s r c H

n g e t h e

IRK B r a n c h ,

iccessfu l year,

re freshm en ts,

w in* a


L o an Sale.

INESS.* 1 -

N tenbcrl


bave'a a isterin* is ab u s in g .h a : ^ ^ 9

in tbe w«y m o st ■ H H 3d abuse. N ot a W k M i e r kids a re n o t '- H g j H e or a n em er^

seem s to b e H B I portan t” w h en

h a m e d ic u sh e has 1 ' ■ ’ w eek ew

th ink sh e ^ a n -W O E ing m other., I DEAR It rm n o t s u re tecti»es« She does n o t ty shoulc a p ro b lem . t d d m e . '

o ther sits id ly condidon!S h er on th e se ____proB ^ .-a

p a re n ts i should som e children

‘ sodal se rv ice a n en d o n

lands overtii18 IS YOUR r~----------

oltruisticwitha t jIture. Ka- you, , r l

Jer.j work in pub-

S HiW nlhisocher oe around andgs.Y ourin^nv'iM ^if in u±rJC want to b a

uiIo your tttp.

" I S Srniggouigycw jop b,

l ™ 20); S r e S , "Igs lastm m ute i ^ n l o f w■u observe the b^‘, 2?rs who n ^ PAPBTn,l (o help, bu! ^ c t ^ a n

___ tion.-and-a

m e n ^ m w t- economize 13ng_Iines_that bewindfall.jn-t give m to AQUART„ and roman22): You gam Otheis givep ^ d g o o p o . m udi ra tteritonide opens ears. TVy anmqynot agree sdf.ng your good PISCES1 be glossed could be n

show astom3-Sept 22): wants to rckm th asap a rt- know how i«I. You expect and make soehcc will roal- •_________eel obliged to I 3 sustain your


_ _ ^

— — CC


. - I


■» ro ic


tonrimjB N l D e a r

A b b y

M t ^ V M n n

dfied? I know fb r a fact th a t as u se d h e r in su rance evety excep t tw o this'year. O R R IED m ,N E W JERSEY U l W O R R IED : Child pro- i se rv ices i n y ou r communi- u ld b e to ld w h a t you have le. Y ou m ay b e d e ^ b i n g a ion c a lle d M im chauscn by - a .m e o ^ . i l l n e s s in .w h i^ . 3 sontctinics p re se n t the ir sn a s sick in o td e r to ge t o n fo r them selves. For th e

i m e , T a u r u s

H o r o s c o p e

sraldlne Saunders

A (S e p t 2 K k t 22): Your deftrt/t /ttpli-wWTir #- haytf*rs wondering y o u don^ haw d sixth -sense to h it the right . Virgo is v^iispering in your

IPIO (O ct 23 .N0V. 21): Yoti bend liie rtilcs so that others your po in t of view and view idon m u n another angle. Just comcs naturally. Your dcvil<

e a td tudc wins o u t ITARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec 21): s moon in th e seventh ho'use,I be adjusting your plans to IOS. It'S! very 'obvious diat n a w inning streak todqy. But if warning; W hatever you say : misconsmied.I C O R N _ (D e c _ 2 2 -J a n ^ ) :_ and fanuly want your atten-

d_somcone k teffing vour . As Ju p ite r is in the house of ts doubly important not to us on the facts. H iero could all.R IUS (Jon. 20-Feb. 18): Sex lance aro in th e making, five the ir input, but you’d her p u t your hands over your and rem ain your demoted

S (Feb.^7^>Mar. 20):_.You ! oiken-aback os-paiincrs o rnv atd tudc. An old flame rekindle a rcladonship. You V 10 pniss th e right buttons } someone happy tonight.





z :^


ig^it-be“ d i i ld r e n ^ w elfare, th

D E A R ABBY: M 3 * ^ c k e y ,” and I 1 ^ m onths' a g a M ic k ^ d

" fro m th e b eginning t l__ fe e l read y to b e a t

w as pregnant,' h e s e e x d te d abou t th e b c h i ld However, sincc t e r a rr iv e d , l^ c k e >

^ ' n a m e s , avoids hq ldii y e lls a t h e r to “sh u t u

ve - - I 'd o n ’t know -w hat ( a t n e d ta lk ing to h u r by b eh av io r a n d hove evech ___ go to p aren ting d a s s w>ir h e refuses, e t H e says hc'^ a lreac le a n d do esn 't n e e ^ “ck

’ S tay on t< with

mI H Bt, Your Times-New: “ person. H e /sh e p t Times-News and d o n 't pay their ca i------profits---------- ------

[ P lease help y o u n 1 p ro fit by having } J pay ing prom ptly j ■ convenient office-

inform ation on th ' convenience of pa

office, please c a ll« Service D epartm e

Thank y

I I I ________________________

J ■

omputer ce a povi


i ; ' V .

S F i l | l | ^ ; ^ B r i i

Ttailw s# K iM « i* « l* > 3 0 0 l TIM

— _ M o r >

r ^ i n ^th is sh o u ld b e last reso r

' continues in g 'u p a

^ b o y f r i e n d , , again, d a b o b y tw o M ickey' ’ m a d e It d e a r ^ and

se e m e d to beb i r th o f o u r DEAR *

“ o u r d a u ^ . righ t to hf y <=?“ ' *'■>5 baby’s w<bng_ h e r, a n d not“ P- opm ent a

a t to -d o . P v e ■ leaming.«Cim ab o u t, h is ing child sv e n o f fe re d to , I t is sI w ith h im , b u t boyfriend

.* ' po/ent. Mia d y a p a re n t abuser, plid a s se s .” A s a becotnes p

top of your im I th e Money p<

VS C arrie r is an lndep€ p u rchases your new.s^

d resells it lo you. Whc carrier, the ir carrier do

r ca rrier earn hi.s/her : y o u r paym ent ready < y o r join our e -p ay plan. For :he benefits and ja y in g a t the 1 o u r C ustom er ^ lent a t 733-0931. f you!


- ■

I p f


v:-.' '- ' i i - ■■.


[ T i a r i i issort, I to ld h im th a t if h e ues to y e ll a t her, r m pack- p a n d he.’l l n e v e r see us

keyls f e th c r w as very abu- ind r m aAraid th a t h isto iy p e a t itse lf . P le a se h d p .


LR S IN G L E M OM : You a rc o b e c o n c e rn e d at>out your

w elfa re . Y our • |» y f r ic n d no th in g a b o u t d ii ld devel-

It ahd h a s no in te rest intg.(C onsult a law yer reg ard - ............. -Id s u p p o rt a n d g e t o u t now. . s s ig n if ic a n t ' th a t y ou rm d .is .thc .son o f a n a b u s iv e ,.________. M ickey is a lre a d y a verbal ; p lease d o n 't w ait un til it L‘S physical. ' 6 ^

nvestm en tsp ag es.

B -spenden t busine.ss v .spaper from The k^hen custom ers doesn 't ea rn a ’

g t -

j f O U -----------------------

' I

' 'C - f '■ ' j


Page 8: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

I ■ ■ ■


T M n O

A4 nm $$N m t,T ^I

/ V ' ■ ■• >-• ••

C a n y o n

— t h e

a X X e 5 M > C i


............• v ' ' '^

'-i. • ; .

n1 P a r k i n t r

e l e a d e r i r

Your Fi

c A a e / s ^ 5 ^

Located m



oii r o d u c e s t

i n e l e c t r o

! I B I B i l ^ ^ H » £ ‘''^ 4 H R

Favorite S to res;

K J < 0 0

north of the Mac

nt h e l i l t i m

) n i c s o n I

: and Restaurant

!!B > -

igic Valley Mall c

Inl ■_________________

(1nate in sp Friday, Se]

nts in a Unique L(


I on Blue Lakes Be

mp o r t i n g g c

s p t e m b e r


K ( ^ S


mo o d s a n d

r l 9 .

I B ^


I s : i II

Page 9: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

[ ^ ► ■ C o i n l n i

. p • A 2-0 S ta r t I fa n s excited £

j i r h e T i m e s - ^

rRISEj j^ ig h School

} ISTAl__jpuaixloAngi

nr1eyboyss(_____ K h i r i n g t h e j ™

■ K e y b ^ s o c ^ coach Wes

Nyblade fig- ured Ediiardo

,A n g u i a n 0 ;would be the• first freshman Ito start on the ^varsity since

j ;the program I' • was in Its infan*

.cy in the mid-1990s.* He almost certai ;cxpect Anguiano to br

. <gic-game school ivcor--------[■goalsTft'his-debut:-----

c Buttheoutstandinep ! against American Falls : n't comc as a sunnisc t<

• ‘ “I said before the s« ; wanted to break the ; ■ said. “I knew 1 could.”

And the soft-spi .extrem ely cdnfidem ; expects more records t

____ “I’m hoping to get' for goals in a season ar ; most ever," he said.. A sivitch from forwar hasn't given Anguii

I ■ chance to scorc since h; game, but he did net rw

------- iTQ-win'overBurieyWei‘Td rather play forwai

------- -"uu iu i^nm iuio iorgwso I said rd play midSel

; problem. I just like to pi Anguiano’s lovc of &

; somed while growing up• “We play every day c ; all year,” Angiuano sa : the vnnd blows and ic : •can’t play as much.”

But he’s been impress* : lo\-e of the socccr in the : moving to the area five:

‘‘Everybody who love /crazy about it," he said, t As a freshman, Angi : hc doesn't have much i of concretc plans for i

; school. But hc does havi “Just keep playing socCi

-Scort • • • • • • • • •

Katie Strunk Shoshone voile

• S h o s h o n o i . '.s o p h o m o reKatie Strunk I ^ ^ H |

. is shooting fort h p «;rnrs.______

' middle: blocker w i^

astronomy is hoping IO keep the undefeat- ed Indians vol- leyball team on track for a ' Strunk is in her sec

' leading the Indian v ;team , which qualified• state tournament a ycai ! has not lost a sin^e gami : this year, sweeping evcrj

“Our expectations are hi ■ last year,” Strunk said, now, we're used to one an<

' wc’rc all friends.*niat help But that doesn’t mean I

; the Indians are satisfied ‘ in the season. She said th ! initc room for improvem<

“We need to work on - the game strong instead like we usually do,” she s

I Strunk said she, too ; improving'after she was ; tije sidelines her entiro eigl• w ar with a tom anterior ) ligament and miniscus in t

“I missed my whole . ■ d e year,” she said. "So

. improving from that year ; Despite Shoshone’s su

— IvoUeyballrStrunkVfavor is basketball “becausc yoi : be more competitive sine : right next to your opponc

Down the road, Struial > ing to play in college.; “I think Tm too short t«I a big school,” she said. “BtI I could get an academic . i Icdc scholarship somewhc I /\s for- the future, Stn ; her eyes set on doing soi ; in the scicnce field...

"I liked my physical ti• so maybe Td want to do ti tsaid. “And maybe aso i f tc rc '^ a lo t people don*;]

still a lot to be leai ^ g ro re ^ s still a lot of voUc

_ » p l a y e d , ^ l Stnmk f© B n ^ o n e can rim the tab]

we keep our heads pTOat we’re supposed to g » ‘c let a n y b ( ^ intimid ■ m said. * And if we stay ] BB,could go undefeated.”


- y - ----- ------------ 7— ------ --

Ing Friday■t h a s Gooding football d a b o u t th e s e a so n .

N Jc w s

NGol Sports

13, ehl

guiano ..........soccer

I Kr«ft/K-------------m

»Mm BoIm . wi teamti PQA Johl •galRtt

Ku«hn thaL

Nancy Ita in ly didn't I break th e sin- ‘ cord with five

lg performance iSs Sept. 2 did- ctoA nguiajia I season that I le rccord,” he : ■ ■

■spoken but!nt freshman ■ MIs to come.;c t the record___»and then the

«rard to kdfidd(uiano much *e his breakout ^: rwo goals in a ■Wednesday-------- ■ ■ • ■ iward," he said.g w a rflrvaw i;—neld. It^ not a 3 play.”i soccer bios-; up in Mexico. ' M | | ^ H ly down there B a ^ n B

said. “Here,ic snows. You | H B | | H

csscd with the the area since irc years ago. ovcs socccr is lid.nguiano said :h in the way)r after high B S B B 8 lave a dream:

Oft 77tompson


)rastatctitle. i V I second year p;1 volleyball icd for the car ago and •— ome thus far e iy match.em gherthan . ^ id. “Because A 1 ^ ' 2 »U ;» A „ d

an Strunk or

ement. ---------------

le saidtoo, is stm t e ^ ^ s t as forccd to t i i< ^eighth-grade early going rior cnidate • "in her knee. Same's end ole eighth* from Migue ■So, rm still lead the hoi ear." a 7-0 victorjsuccess in Minico. I

vorite-sport- Anguiano k you have to goals for E ance you're broke open i sncnt." with five g«imk is hop- “We taUu

p i i „lie and ath- M. J l U Jvhere."Strunk hassomething Bronco. ,u .n

1 therapist, P0 that," she throwi • pMiastronomy. pracilct Mootknmvj,so D«n«M>fearned.” . „ oUeyball tof e ^ th a t rVrt »l

able. Sunday ig ibads up, do DI«K0 , pl«wto do, and Mood#aidate us,” n. ^^^healthy.


Vie a inlallt Wla, ehlpa out rouipi on

■t Uw I /N abisco 1 Mwot-qut ’l ^ —

Wia waawHh

playar lohn Daly iMt Hank >hM and a LPQA’a:y Lopu*

( u r k

rward O icar Rios puti a mov* on

vaf ez netThompaon v wt wrttar _________ tJ

EY - Burley boys soccer iies Nyblade diought his fi s trying to bo too fan<7ey w ith the ball in the filg Wednesday. v>

wasn’t complaining by tlnd about the hat trick d ;uel Alvarez, who helpedlomestanding Bobcats to h'ory over cross-river rival e

lYeshman Eduardo cr> knocked-in-cwo-moFB--------’ Burley (2-2>l), which wsn a 2 ^ game at halftime Bigoals in .the second half. BiIked a t halftime about H

immer pLlartarbaek

Plummar BM during Monday In Plummar,

ill*t ahooMar (•Iftat S m na to play

: OaklMd. H H R H j R I


;.............. ... _-'/4

Thurst■ I

n s to I

V ■ ^ . i

e y b ii r »

on Mlnlco’a Robart Kent (alldli

5ts three:4

w hen you’re in the ati third, you have to put the goal,” Nyblade said. “We w ing to too cute with it first half.”

But that was just qu from Nyblade who was, i with his team*^ play thro th e contest, particular defense.

“Wc had a couple lapses he said. “Buc overall, we extremely well. Our defea overall, outstanding.”

-----Minico’s best chance canway through the first ha] B u r l^ Just up 1-0 -o n a goj Bonifacio Sanchez. 1 H urtado broke away an

lans to p


^ O R:sday, September 16

m ak e t■ Thirteen-yei M plays in Nat j i Tour event t

I ByDoucAhton . 1 Aaaoclatdd Preaa writ

r weeks of high scho< • hccdc as her summe

Wie,thel3-yeapol “ 300-ymd drive, will \

female junior amatei . a PGA Tour-sancdor

this week ^ t the A Jl Open on the Nadonv I Wie is schodule

k l Ihursday afternoon U make even more his■ . the cut, something s■ IastmonthonaCana<■ **It’d be kind of CO'

—ing sinrf h»in£I do something,” Wic £

^ 3 If she hadn’t acce[

urie-- ------------

G nI .

Iding) and i«^Frank Wadnaida

goals inattacking behind Burle; le ball on Kelsey, who ca were try- the junior Spa it in the shot clanged o

The miss s luibbling Minico (04*1), I, pleased the gates -ui roughout strong, arly on “We’ve beer

terrible start ts there," Dennis Hayncj e played ly challenged inse was, thought wc ph

15 co 20 mil iuno mid* - -:*cored.” - - i ^ - lalf with Burley had {oal from after the m iu

Ftaddy until Alvarez s and got minute.

)lay despm m Tha Aaaoc tatad Pra

DENVER - I quarterback Jake his sore, right sho

N H short throws Wedi f l he expects to be n

nighft game again Fluzmneivvdiois

, n’t able to cut lo< | H . throws in his fits

. mildty separatini against San Diego

■ n . said he expects to ■TO tho week progreaai

“b b e l t good firo

E C O P Y ■

E S :18, 2003

c u t wiear-old girl ationwide ; today SL

. lineswitar __________-------------------------- skinsO irw f^ “ f S i t - f w ----- Johnhool have been as LfG,ner. Wic>old wonder with a hole11 bccome th e first Ddyiteur to com pete in “ioned tournam ent V m'Albertsons Boise Jcam

inwidcTour. . moreuled to te c off . Wi on and hopes to , «calhistory by m aking Satuig she foiled to do ping nadianToiir event. . andcool. I love break- prefeing.tIuLfiisLone.t6 ___ iLdote said Wednesday. Buicepted a sponsor’s “I’r

s M' ; f ■ ;

Iday In tj^a Bobeata ' 7-0 victor

1 Bobcatrley kee p er Michael camc out to challenge s«

ipartan, b u t Hurtado^ hi d off the crossbar. fo1 seemed to deflate•1), which cam e out of ci

uncharacteristically H cc

sen talking about our arts,” M inico coach hi nes said. “So, we real- * led the k id s , and I played g re a t the first minutes. U n til they [“

__ , j„ , ... bead several chances \ss but didn’t convert2 scored in th e 33rd

pite sorePraaa ______ aw«

Denver- Broncoske P lum m er tested le ^ houlder vrith some . thinednesday. th e n said 8 Mk e ready ^ Mondayainst Oakland. PIl i s from Boise, wa»- ondlooae on an y long whil

Br« practice since hooting the sh o u ld er P*“ »go bn Sunday. He to test i t m ere as

from 10 to 1 2 yards '

. — SpsrtrEa

i t h m txcmpdon to play in this week ament a t HiUcrest . Countiy ^ie said sh e ’d - probably hursday aften ioon in hdr rade biology d ass at the ] imahou School in Honolulu. -Instcad,-she^. making more nes. Wie* w eek got off to i :an when she played in a ( dns game w ith PGA Ibur mc 3hnrDaly and Hank-Kuehn PGA Half of F im er Nancy , ic shot a 1-undcr 34 in the

ole event - two strokes bcttc aiy and Lopez.“It wi}s really great. They wer nicc people,” Wie said.,“I

amcd a lot from them and ar ore confident.”Wie describes herself as pret al for her age. She longs Iturday afternoon a t the moll ng with friends, lovps high ; id s a id . one of the reason vfers golf to ocher spons is bedocsn.’tinvolve.ninnin&____But she’s hardly typicd.“I’m im pressed with Michcll


itory ovar thair croM*rlvar rival.

Its’ victQ]“I was glad co score,” A

said, wich Anguiano inteir his Spanish. “It feels really for the team to win.’’

Both first-half goals cai crosses from senior Hickenlooper deep,in the comer.

“Scott ju s t played a great but everybody did," Nybladi ’Tm not going to single a out."

H ickenlooper also score final goal fo r the Bobcats both A ngiiiono . and -A scored two second half apiece.

“We were winning by justPlease see BURLEY. P

3 shouldeiway, bu t if IV c got to dirow lose one into a hole there and (0 , I’m noc su re how that^ goi eel yet,” P lum m er said. "] hink by M onday it will feel i lood and Pve ju st got to be : eading up co that."

Plummer w as injured in th< nd quarter against the Cha rhile diving fo r a first dovm ■oodeg. H e threw a toudii lass two p l i ^ later, but Bplaced by S t m Beueriein o ext aeries an d didn 't return. P lum m er sa id most of


I______• Local 81

Scores - College


e n i n iek’s tour- I _ .IV Club. ’ A lb e r t s o rfr S h ■ 0 " TV! Today. 3r p S S je

’ ju s t kind of gl

___ ^that?;j_Si,id.j0lPGA Tour winr

L n K S h is f irs t, tour M asters becausc

ter than ..w he„ she got

r r e 'S fy V"”i reaiiy sp en t the sun adults. She woi A m ateur Public

®‘7 „r . several LPGA c'

r " ” ' nPntS“"''“ ‘"''Wie is already

L'llu and. - p

Mom .U will c ■KH oncc ^ futur^ ^ 3 “ “ F o n ] T ^

faces drE r a i r a H The A«sociat»

■ H HS ta te Univer a re expected next few dny.<

■h | B H head'fooibiill w ill.kcv]) hi a r re s te d m charKCS.

jffiiaftS a “We're worl sBe S b S sion." aihlct W B a B I Fields said Wi w H H ' O'Brien.

with pay arrested

------receiving-----1from an infimi

B H B B O’Brien’sS40.00U a

H H H incom e from H R H I Fields said.

O'Brien. Am erica defi

jM H B B Boise State in Mondav with t

-of-dangcrous.. possession wit

------utc-Jlc-w as.n

' In court doci say O’Brien metham pheta police informt th e drugs. O’B ney he was frai

“Joe vehcmc /TwnM»«m knowingly par .1 Bozeman a---------------- Buckley saidD

h e may have b< T dictive individi

J Please sei

Womeii Cup ho

:ame on

heriS!.! successat game, --------------------ide said DETROIT-1anyone stranger tb

.__, .. sh e hardly coured the beina bashfulS v n '^ I m o ^ ^ fo.i r pena lty kick agIf goals 1 9 9 9 Womens

lowred by her s bration? It was

, PageB2 9O,Q00.fansattl 40 million view an d ic elevate

P f * w om ens soccer. L /J . . Now, four :

U nited States p ow one, sccond consecui nd letic a lace replacei {oing to which lost the i "But I deadly SARS ep

il really T he 1999 Woi e smart was an uacxpeci

sporting event < the sec- th e nation. Ih ii t hargen 16-team, touni m oa a played primaiil; ±down ues and muse v i t was p ro foodMD anii 1 on the fo r tfae attendon 1- public.)f the I h e Worid Cu PagaB2 Pleasesl

I n s i d e :;al_8pofts..MLB_...,.B2)res and stats ___ 63lege football? 2 3 P ^ sn rs r2 ^ tT p j/0 ---------

Scccion B:

B oisesons Boise Open9y. 3 p.m. (The Golf

ir 13 an_d how she s.-wrings_ ibrwlicn we were 13. we if grabbed the club' and "undamcntals? Wliat w;i4 .John,.Cook,. aii..l 1-timc

vinner ivho is playing in tournament sincc the: ause of il shoulder injury, gets stronger it .w ill be

I turns 14 next month, summer playinn with won the U..S. Women’s

iblic Links und ])la.ved in A events. At the Nnhisco lip in Miirdi. she jiht.ved to he in the final ^roiip ai)d finished tieil fof

iiidy a huge name in golf. hanras-noted-bj-rBnisc:---------

Please see WIE, Pagfi B2

ntana St. decide

coach’s ire5 ^ B S D ~ s t a r

d r u g c h a r g e s

latdd P r e s s ________

h\. Mont. - Montiina iversity adm inisirators ted to announce in the days whether assistant ball coach Joe O 'Brien I his joI> after being

■III felony d ru g ^

working toward a deci hlctic director 1'c ic r J Wedne-ida.v.;. .10. was suspended shortly afler he was I-riday I'or allegc-tlly

----ineiliiiiiipheiiimiiit.------------irimiiiiiii in rownsi-iul.’s salary al MSU is 1 year.. Me .ilst) h.id rom. football camps.

who xvas an .All defensive lineman .ii c in l9‘J-». was charged ilh criminal nosse.ssion_______

witli intent to distrib- iis-rdcascd-on-Sl5,000-----------

documcnt.s. authorities 1 offered to share some ictaminc with th e >nnaht who delivered • O’Brien told his attor- I framed.cmently denies'that he participated in this,”

attorney ' Daniel id Ibesday. “It appears 'c been set up by a vin- ividual - one who wase see MONTANA, Page 02

en’s World lopes for ss of 1999

r - Brandi Chastain is ' tb the spotlight, and could be accuscd of ul.I forget her winningIc against China in th e ------------cn^ World Cup. fol- !r shin-shedding celc- ivas a feat wratched by at the Rose Bowl and ricwcrs on tdevision, vated the gam e. of' xer.ir years later, th e es prepares to host its ecutive World Cup os accment for China, lie event due to th e 5 epidemic.Womens Worid Cup pected !mai>h hit, tfae nc of the summer in hii .time, however, th e luraament will b e arily a t smaller ven- sc vie > icfa ha— and College football

idcn of die American

I Cup kkks o& w ith seseeW 0ni>.-'P^'B2

Page 10: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

: r

- U Tlwimiwi.TW

T * 1 •

Th« Tlnw»f««%w

® H A Z O JO N -1 PraCgiczer (cigh( Malone (seven id Kowitz (seven IdlL

. 22 kills as p a n oi 25-20. 25-11 ihum AtM.-rdLH.'n in nom leyball Wednesdaj

llic win swept lujtnc series with thL-Vikings(7-l).« straiglic games in(

-----------— row Saturd^-a t-aHagorman.

"Our biggest iJ ing,” said Valley

----------------Escobodor-Wo'mi!(serves) all nighc. quite there, bu t oi awesome."

Escobedo said Vt court for 68 of 71 a

Bremen Black sc off her serve and ! 12 scrvice points ( solo blocks.

Valley heads ic


Conine homered. d . runs and I standing plays inli

ing the Florida Marl victoiy over the Phillies on Wednc«i

The Marlins incrc: wild-card lead to I.: the Phillies. The tcai a t Veterans Stadium and have a threc-gi Florida next week.

-----------------JoairP ierre had fc_________carecV'high—four—F

IVttUUll who iutV?* ' their last 10 against:

Jim Thome h it his for the Phillies - an 0 two-run shot tha t tic( 3 in the third inning.

Cubs 2, Mets 0CHICAGO - Kerry

out 11 in his four game of the year, GlanviUe and Aran homered as Chicago three-game sweep.

The sweep was Chi of the season, but its 1

' The Cubs hadn 't sv«since taking a four-ga Wrigley Field in Augi

. Braves 14 , ExposMONTREAL - Mii

allowed three h its in and hit a hom e r Atlanta Braves closcc rccord 12th straigl tide.

Javy Lopez and An— :------- als(rhomered;and7na!------------CojfgofHisT.SOOth'wi

. reduced its magic nun ning the NL East to or

Pirates 8, Reds 5PrrrSB U R G H -M a

a two-run homer, D’Amico won ac hot first time in more m onths as Pittsbt Cincinnati.

D’Amico (9-lS) camt the NL lead in losse staked to an early lea up four runs and five I innings for his first m Park since July 6.

Brewers 7, CardinsST. LOUIS - Jason C

in a career-high five n ing a go-ahcad single ii inning that helped I rally past St. Louis.

Pinch-hitter Brooks I tied it with , a twtvrun Cardinals closer Isringhausen, who blew in the ninth.

Rockies 7, Astros (^D E N V E R "T ddd He thrcc-run homer and pi Mark Sweeney had a tv gic, leading Darren 0 Colorado over Houston.

The loss trimmed : lead over the Chicago i half-game in the NL Cei

Houston had its fouri ning streak s n a p p ^ bu won 10 of 13. Colonida three-game losing sldd.

B u r l e y _ _

ContkMMd Irani B l Anguiano said. **I was gla

talkedhand ab w t stopping Bu ior star Oscar Rios, who

' without a goaL* ^ e M autiful thin

O tcar is - and he^ tfae m

rsy —• A

________ • ~

- TTie trio of Sara. ------ight kiUs), M indy InvitiI kills) and Jessica the \kills) combined for INvin■t of VaUcy^ 25-21, Theelumping of visiting < Bishclonconference vol- Aben«lay. . a'.m. Ispt Ihe Jiomc-and- elim inth Aberdeen for begin ,),whohavewonl9 ■including 12 in ^ ' M urt

it-o tournament in •— 2 5 i

t Ihing was serv- Icy coach Julianmissed oiily-lhrw------

ht. Passing wasnt t our serves were 25-23

J Valley found the'I serve attempts. M una< scored 17 points Scnind Malone added kills ajts to go with five ]

assistsI to the Jerome South:

ir iin s^HA (AP) - Jeff A m e i 3, drove in threeind made two out- TwIllSing defensive m inin left field, lead - -R o g e rs•fa rhnstoan lM h its inHe Philadelphia R ya„icsday night. b ea t Cicreased their NL night.1 1.5 games over j j ,c teams pljiy again • gamesium on TTjursday ^ xxy^gorae series in n ig h , a,

dfourhitsTmd-a------'O rfol^r«*RBIs—for'“ the^^^^^“ ^^*“ "** iv« WWI idlic o7 ' nst PhUadclphia. M d Ja: his 42nd homer Baltuno

uiopposite-field. his.tied the gome a t defeatir ing. E ric

th re e n0 th e Ori<

riryWoodsmicV fo r onl) ourth complete— la s t 2" ear, and Doug Yankeei jamis Ratmrez Igo completed a A U lletl

O lJca^^ founh ANAIiBfijstathome. “ “ k »swept the Mels inn ingr game series a t dotibleslUgust 1992. Bil------------------------- ^Anahein^ 4 zito (1

TT battersM iteHampton Kennedy1 in nve innmgs . Rooldc i e run as the one out I )scd in on their h it bid. aight division ' ih cA ^

. . / w ith a 4.;Andruw Jones in th e /

managerBobby ' •— m agic nt iwinasAHanta division t lumber for win-oone. Devil Rj

c BOSTC^ aUowcd

Matt Stairs hit innings aer, and Jeff red , leathome for the Boston -jre than two Sox have:sburgh beat Park in m

. . _ Boston^amo m tied for AL wild-jsses, but was games, lead. He gave

vc hits in 7 1-3 MnrinAr«

M oyer pllnnia A innings aiIlnalS 6 3olo hon>n (^nti drove Texas,e nms, includ- b a t t l e iIc in the ninth ing streakd Milwaukee gam es of

card racc.ks Kiesduiick Moyer (•un homer off on four hiter Jason and walkiiilew a 6-4 lead fourth AL

19 games, his carecr

«5Helton hit a Blue Jay!

d pinch-hitter DETROla two-ruit sin- threw a si^1 Oliver and • record wiion. Vernon Wcid Houston's as th e Bluego Cubs to a D etroitCentral. s t r a i ^ t aiturgame win-' i ts final1 but StiU has m atching tado ended a 120 lossesjd. York Mets.

team , Scor igUdthatwe leam - is tl

score,” Nyb ked before- happy if thi : Burley sen- , can pass it < irho was held We have oti

Haynes a hing about unselfish, esoulofour “I didn 't <

« tM teU .3 0 0 9

Local sportsntationol on Saturday. There e \^ldngs enter pool ^lay.wid dn Falls, Buhl and Butte Oauntj ic other pool consists of Jerome shop KeUy, Kimberly anc wrdccn. Pool play runs from ! n. ot noon before the double minatioii portion of the tourney gins at 12:30 p.m.

Irtaugh def. M.V. Christian Kll,-25-23r25-li5— —ktURTAUGH - Sophomore ddle blocker Drue Tolman [nmcd.scvcn.kills-and-stuffcd i solo blocks to lead Munaugh t Magic Volley Chrisdan 25-11, 23. 25-16 in Southside iference volleyball Wednesday

Hulse ■ Gymnasium in naugh.enior Jillian Cuder added six s and Debbie Arteaga had four 5. Hailey Roseborough set 23 sts. The Red Devils (4-3, 4-0 thside) were without starting

jfearrLjlerican League ns 4, White Sox 2INNEAPOUS - Kenny ers aUowcd two runs and six in 6 1-3 innings, and Micliaul n homered as Minnesota : Chicago 4-2 on Wednesday t.1C win pu t Minnesota 2.5 cs ahead of Chicago, which ay to avoid a sweep Thureday t at the Metrodome.

lLTIMORE ■ Latiji DigUie Jay Gibbons homered, and more ruined David Wells’ bid lis. 200th career victoiy by Iting New York. ' ic DuBose (3-5). allowed runs in 6 2-3 innings for )riolcs, who toolc a 5-0 lead le second inning and won n ly-thc'fifth tirae in their 23 gam es against th e


9tlcs 2, Angels 1 .AHEIM, Calif. - Bariy Zito a shutout into the ninth g and Oakland got RBI les from Scott H attcberc Billy McMillon to beat

) (13-12) retired the first 15 rs before walking Adam idy to lead off the sixth, e Alfredo Amczaga singled Jt later to break up the no-

A's, who.came into the day . 4.5-game lead over Seattle t AL West, retiuccd their number for clinching tho

in to six.

Rays 7, Red Sox 0TON - Victor Zambrano d three hits in seven s and Rocco BaldeUi home- eading Tampa Bay over - the first time the Red

vc been shut out at FenwayI more than a year.on% lead over Seatdc in the ild<ard race fell to 1.5

ers 5, Rangers 1INGTON, Texas - Jamie

pitched eight strons i and Carlos Guillen hit a lomcr as Seattle bent

le ended a three-game los- >ak and moved within I.S of Boston in the AL wild-

r (19-7) allowed one nm hits while striking out five iking two in becoming tlie VL pitcher to win at least ss. He improved to 12-3 in cr against Texas.

jys 6, TIgerf 0" ^lO rr - Roy HalUiday , six-hitter tb tic a Torunio with his 21st win, and I Wells hit his 32nd homer lue Jays beat Detroit, it (38-113) fi'as lost five I and needs five wins in

II 11 games to avoid \ g the post-1900 record of c es set by tlic 1962 New 1 *ts. r

u)tt is the hcan of the g ! that he doesn't have toiyblade said. "He^ just v, the team plays well. Heit off, and he^ happy to. qother weapons." wI agreed that Rios was d

i't even think wc did that u

. middle blocker Ka ' who suffered a s]

----- during warm-ups.'e re, First-year head « vith Ward ^ d it was inty. effort Wednesday, m e, "(Tbiman) did a and being patient a t th( m 9 Perkins getj ^o a Io ble- she’s really crui ney defense," Ward said

. Murtaugh plays a today wilh the jayvc

lan ing at 6 p.m.

Girls soccer ia n Buhl 3, Twin Fall

------ ^ U H E - ^ -S c n io n^ scored two goal.s jjjJ Anderson’s penalty, lav difference'in Buhl’s in the TVvin Falls Juni

girls soccer Wednesd six The vrin was the fit >ur toiy-starved Indians 23 talw on Jerome Sai 4-0 a.m.n g “ We’ve got a p

c n i c iMajor

ixclta»y_ New York !

•5 Boslon I * Tofonlo‘y Baliimere (

Tampa Bay f

d Chicaso ' £H Kansas City 1„ Cleveland 6y Dolfoil 3

tH Oakland 9

Seattle 8; Anaheim 7I Tetts ,6

Vx-At)anIa 9

» Rorida at Philadelphia aI Monlfeal T.I Now York 6:t:— ----------------------- — V,> Houston e<1 Chicago Bi

St, Louis 7£i Pittsburgh 70

Cincinnati ' 65Milwaukee 65

W_ _ San Francisco - 92_____Los Anijelos_________ flO

Arirona 78Colorado 69San Diego 59x-ciinchedp(syofltpot z-flntgamewasawin

Anaheim 6. Oakland S

Oakland 2.Analioim1 Toronto 6. Oolroil 0 Cleveland 9. Kansas City 1 Minnesota 4. Chicago While Sc

N.Y. Yankees (Mussina 17-7) ai Seaiile (Ganaa 12-14) at Texas Toronto (Towers 6-1} al Deiroit Tampa Bay (Boll 4-3) at Boslon

' Kansas City (Lima 7-1) at Clevc Chicago While Sox (Colon l4-t

Houslon 14, Colorado 4 San Franojco <l. San Diego 2

Chicago Cuts 2, N.Y. Mets 0 Pittsburgh B, Cindnnali 5 Milwaukee 7. Si. Uuis 6 . . Anrona al Los Angeles, lato

Cmcinnali (Balo 1-2) al Pittsburg Honda (WiH<s 13-6) al Philadeipl

r-T- -Houslon (W.Millef-13-12) at Colfl San Oiogo (Peavy 11-11) al San Montreal (Vatque: 12-11) al N.Y Milwaukee (Kinney 1CH1) at Si, An/ona (Batisla tO-S) al Los Anc

Indians 9, Royals 1CLEVELAND

W estbrook scattered fc over six-plus innings, nn H afner and Alex Escobji red as Cleveland ended

good a job on him,’’ Hayr “I think he could've scon w anted to."

Haynes talked to his t« quite a while after the ga where docs Minico go afte decisive loss to its archri\^

"Good question," Hayni talcing a long pause. “This

Catclen Pericins. . group," spraned ankle McCau]

g o ^ ab1 coach Lindsey .Routt IS a solid team minutei

C iyst^a good job of . second

h e n e ta n d je n i mark of lot of balls and Angelic -ucial to our iheBrui id. Andciut rival Hansen point ab

vee match start- ond h ill “We ll

------------------- ----- play- frooutstani

..........J. Rustin,"ills JV ^TvisHieg-Ratfrt— MlnlcaLs and Jam ie PAULy. kick, was the twice anI’s 3-2 win over goal as tnior varsity in reboundisday. Highlantfirst for the vie- o f Buritns (1-4-1), who Minico JlSaturday at 11 ' Minico

Idaho Fapretty young a.m.

ialr!d<League E


EastDMsJon W L Pd (38 LIO94 58 .618 - z-8-2 88 63 .583 5.5 5-5 70 73 .517 15.5 t-7-3 68 83 .450 25.5 :-4-6 ' 60 91 .397 33,5 2-3-7

______ CentralDlvislofi____

80 71 .530 . 2.5 t-5-570 73 .517 - 4,5 z-6-l66 87 .431 175 4-6 38 113 ',252 44.5 1-9

West OMslon W L Pet G8 Lie 92 61 ,601 - 6-2 87 65 .572 4.5 5-5 72 01 ,471 20 -2-3-7 '67 85 .441 24 5 3-7


W L Pd GB Lto95 58 .621 - 2-5-5 ' 04 67 .556 '10 z-8-2 ' 83 69 ,546 1t,5 z-5-S77 76 ,503 13 5-5 i 63 08 .417 31 1-9 I

Central OMslonVi-----r “ Pd— GB~U10— ;02 69 .543 - 7-3 I 82 70 ,S39 .5 2-7-3 V78 75 ,510 5 2-4.6 I 70 01 .464 12 2'6'4 V 65 87 ,428 17,5 4-6 * I 65 87 ,428 17.5 3-7 V

WestDMsion w L Pd QB uo i92 57 .617 - 2-7-3 V

78 73 ,517 15 M ~W 69 83 .454 24.5 4-6 Vl 59 91 .393 33.5 2-0 L

AMERICAN LEAGUE Tuesday’s Late Game

Wednesday's GamesG

Sox 2Toda/s Games .

) al Ba'iimoro (Henlgon 6-6), 103S a.m. :as (8flnoi18-5). 12:05 p.m.5(1 (Marolh 7.20), 5:05 p.m.:on {Wakelield lC-7). 5:05 p.m.Bvoiand (Satiainia 13-8), 5:05 p.m.4-12) al Mmnosola (Lohso 13-H). 6:05

NATIONAL LEAGUE Tuesday’s Late Games

2Wednesday's Games

San Oi(Toda/s Games

urgh (Wolis 6-8), 10:35 a.m. ilphia (Millwood 14-11), 11:05 a.m. olQtatto (JiiT»ne2 2-0).-l:O5-p.m.— rr- an Francisco (Ponson 3-4). 1:35 p.m. J.YMats(Trachsel 15-9), 5:10p.m.>1. Louis (W.Williams IS'9]. 6:10 p.m. ngclfis (W.AIvaroz 5-1), 6:10 p.m.

game losing slake

four hits ‘“" ' JliennyF md Travis iwoforClevcl i)ar home- Kansas City’s .*d u four- streak.

ynes said. for'pridc. It dc 3red if he confercnce. Bi

games Satuni team for Falls and Skyli

game. So, It was a mter such a Bobcat sidelin.wU? "It’s alwaymes said, Minico," Nyblais game is nicc to beat M

i t to 4 9p," said Buhl coach Ton auley. “We’re feeling prett: about the future." u tt opeiied the scoring nin< tes in off an assist by senioi :al Rustin before adding hei id goal a t the 20-minuK off a dirow-in by Jenny Wolf lica . Cortez netted both ol ruins* goals in the .first half. dcrMn Iddccc] in the penalty |b o u t 6 minutes into th e sec-

e had outstanding defen^vc hnm-Emmelie- Shaner-ancl anding offensive play by n," McCauIcy added.

c<r3rBinley-2---- :-----JL - Jacobie Harper scored and G a ^ Ramirez added a s th e Minico Lady Spartans nded from a 12-0 rout at ind TUesday with a 3-2 upset irley Wednesday a t West > Junior H i^ School, ico (2-4) hosts Skyline and Falls Satiuday starting at 9

c to ry -Baseball1 str Home Amy Intr2 L-1 47-31 47-27 13-5

L-1 49-27 39-36 11-73 W-2 36-38 42-35 10^5 -W-I 39-38 29-45 5-13 ' W-1 3441 26-50 3-15

. ,L-2 48-27 3244 10-8L-1 36-35 40-38 9-9W-V 37-40 2947 6-12L-5 20-56 10-57 4-14

Str* Home Awsy IntrW-1 53-22 39>» 9-9W-1 47-31 40-34 10-0

■ L-1 41-35 3146 11-7L-1 40v37 2740 4-14

Str Horne Awsy IntrW-1 51-24 44-34 10-5W-1 48-27 3640 9-6L-1 -46-28 3741 6-7L-1 52-29 2547 9-9L4 3241 3147 S-10

Sff Home [SF “L-1 45-29 3740 11-7W-3 42-36 40-34 9-9L-1 45-32 3343 10-8W-1 3640 3441 5-7

* L-1 3342 3245 7-5 W-1 3046 3541 5-7

Str Home Away Intr W.3 53.33 39.35 in.fl____

~W-3~~44-34 34-39 114 w-1 46-28 23-55 9-6 L-5 324 2 274 9 0-10

Tampa Bay 7. Boslon 0 Ballimoro 5, N.Y. Yankees 3

Seattle 5. Texas 1


:05 p.m.

Anzona 3, LosAngolos2

Atlanta 14. Monlioal4 Flonda 11. Philadelphia 4

Colorado 7, Houslon b Oiogo al San Francisco, lale



lg streak. ju t h it a two-run single - 1 y Peralta also drove in i vcland, which snapped ( y's four-game winning -

I. 3

• 1. I

: doesn't coimt. It^ not tBut we have two big ^

iirday (against Idaho Icyline).’’ U much more jubilant

line. w■Tiys nice to ' beat nblade said. “It^ always nMinico." it

SM Montai' Contlnuod from Bl

rom outiogcthim .".• Court rccords -i

^ contacted the infc th e Great Falls i O’Brien was on a rci and asked th e ir aeliver a package n

felf. Federal Express i I of FoUowing several Of betw een.the two, i


-W'WTlive, W i e ________md - — -----------------------by Continued from Bl

based Albertsons, wh the tournament and

---------- rhe exemption. Throunds are expected

j a largest Thursday : m j crowds-, in the toum at year histoiy.

set , Wie has a lread j gst crowd all week, get

Tuesday afternoon nd on an exhibition at t 9 . range. An cighth-gra

p e r class from Boise Middle School - wit) dents older than Wi

.'f ie ld trip Wednesday r W ie’s news confei---------p o se -fo r—pictu res-

afterward.Wic doesn’t quite

“ I the attention.. '“Fm not really ths

Wie said. "I don’t kn really call it famous."' Wie is'thc third fen: in a men’s PGA Tour tournament this yei Sorenstam and Suzy V missed the cut when

! against the men. Last , the Bay Mills Ope

Championship on the

- - - P l i i m n r e iContinued from Bl . swelling has gone dov has full range of motii doesn’t know what to i first rime he takes a hi Raiders.

“It should comc right," Plummer said th e only thing that cs more damage to it is to aga in .-I'm expecting Monday and hopefully on it." .

Broncos coach Mike said Plummer’s confide shoulder will have as tr vrith whether he play; wiU.

_ “ If you go_into_a_g! quarterback' and you’n about falling on your chances arc you’re not be very effective," S said. “If we feel like h to go and he’s 100 p< close to it, he’s' going p ete . If wc feel like I

_ tan t and he’s worried :

play?’The Broncos aren’t ta

chances.A fter starting the sea

just two’quanerbacks, D s i ^ c d Danny Kan Wednesday. Kancll r through final cuts Aug. 31

W orld_Continued from Dl four games on Satui Columbus, Ohio, Philadelphia, and the S tates opens defense of when it plays Sweden on at RFK Stadium in Was D.C.

The championship n ' scheduled for Oct. 12 30,000-seat Home Depot the new soccer-specific fa Carson, Calif,

"1 honestly Iwlieve wc cro.ss-section of people lil never had l)cfore,’' Chasi of the potential World Ct ence. "We have soccer fai ously. specifically yoimg gi may have been too young

irp rchend it In 1999. And 11 have a great crossover sports fans,”

It helps that the U.S. tCi tains some familiar faces, ing Mia Hamm, Julie Kristine Lilly and Joy Paw playing in their founh Woi Hamm, the 31-year-old I who has inspired counties: girls, ranks as the all-time. scorer in women’s socci twice has been honored FIFA Women's Worlcl playe year (in 2001 and 2002).

Chastain, T>^fcny M liffa n y Roberts and g6al Briana Scurry are playing i third World Cup, and SI MacMillan, Cindy Parlow, C Pearce and Kate Sobrero th e ir second.

But if the U.S. is to survi women’s field that appear much stronger than in '99, need contributions from sc its younger players. The tct


n aThcin

•say O ’B rien iform ant from

a rea , w h e re t.rc c ru itin g trip . envcTopr in fo rm a n t to matclyoi received from phetami: in B elg rade. court rcc

1 phone ca lls O’Briei , they 'm e t in returned


" 7 tour, Wieivhich sponsors . of 74 and id offered Wie “I thinl:h& fii^t CV6----- ttrhelinn:d to draw th e - nament.

and F ridoy learned, 1 m am cnt's 14- different

game feci dy d raw n a Pm hittiti e tting ch e ers than this j1 as sh e p u t W hile It the d riv in g impressct rade new spa- doesn’t w se’s M erid ian men’s tou ith som e s tu - ' Sorenstan ^ ic - took a cxemptio: lay to a t te n d • Colonial e ren ce a n d could pl< s—w ith—h ei— ^cn d c d u p '

' strokes.2 understand Cook ci

., . women bhat famous,” attract attiIcnow. I don’t mcnts.

"T obeq:malc to play compare aur-Sancribned is about. Tear. A nnika pare. TheWhaley, also what ,you

rn they tried that’s not f:ist month a t seeing mc3cn P layers don’t see ale Canadian happen."

released ih own and h e Broncos dc Ition, bu t h e extra defcn3 expect th e “1 lalkci hit from 'the afternoon,

throvir the ‘ back a ll the field ri id. “R eally ,, „o," Shanacan do any couldn't, tlto land on it ,he decisi.JS ■" p lay in.”Ily not land Even if Ki

e Shanahan p S ,a 'b ly°klence in his lying again,much to do 's h a r ia h a i iy.i as pain

halftim c of,sam .c_a^q------Plummer’s-'■“ .“'“ '■"‘■■‘I sion, no.

r shoulder, Shanahan sot going to Charge S hanahan h e ’s ready

percent o r Shanahanlg to com- but N

he s hesi- ing into whc1 about h is Hp -sn

" i’ve beei taking any I'ye heard it

Jic said. “Btl eason with call^. I dc Denver re- would." anell on Walking oi

made it encc.Shanah 31, but was togo. Myhc£

been forrifiei lurday in the Women

and Associarion,' le U nited financial pr of its d tle after complet on Sunday Physical 'ashington, Wambach, w

ning ovcrtii match is Washington2 at th e WUSA ritle f ot Center, vying for facility in Midfielder S

defender Kyi:ve have a used their Wlike we’ve gain berths oristain saici “’n ie provinCup audi- and errors, tfans, obvi- whidi these pigirls, who over the paslg to com- tremendous,”I think we - coadiAprilHcr of just hardened in a

serve them wc!team con- One key r.*s, indu'd- made by Hchc Foudy, Chastain fromiwcctt, all posidon to a'orld Cup. defense, pi

fonvard Fawcctr-in“ tlSSS young Reddick, Sobe leading • Bivens will be:ccr and defensive posiid as the “Wc have byer of th e and en tire c

around BrandM ilbrett. think we will calkccpcr best defense iig in their Hciivichs said.Shannon Sweden, tht; Christie opponent, is a■o are in on the vromcn’!

fifth in tlie vvive in a States vrill plajirs to be bnd m atch <« , it will PhUadelphia,some of champion Noncam has 28 in Columbui



c informant wore a recording

Bricn got in the informant^ chastised the informant for I latc, and then took. Ihc lope containing appnra* ' ly one-half ounce of metham- amine, authorities said in- : n j c o r ^Wen was arrested after he ned to his vchicle with the ope.' '

Wie was 9 over afte r rouzids and 79.h ink playing there is going p n»; gct ready for th li t&ui'-— nt. I don't knOw-Tvhat I >d, but I feel like Fm on a ent level," she said. “My feels really good. I feel lik e . ittin’g the ball a lot better his summer."iic Cook said he was ssed by Wic's game, he ’t wiant women playing on tours to bccome a trend,

stam, who got . a sponsocis . n ion to plaiy a t tho ial in May,- showed .she play com petitively but

upm issingihe 'curbyfour— s.< doesn’t want to see 1 becomc . gimmicks to attention at men’s touma-

>e quite honest, you start to rc and that’s not what this It. There's rio liecd to cbm- rhe Iwttom line is that’s/ou end up getting and-----ot fair.” he said. “If wc start more crossover stuff. I

3c anydiing good that can 1-”

d the next day when the : decided to go with an ;fcnsivc back.Iked to Jake yesterday on. asked if he could rhe ball 40 yards down d right now, and he said anahan said. “ Once he t, tha t’s when we m ade cision to bring D anny

if Kancll doesn’t get into a laving him around will / keep Shanahan from ain.lhan camc under league ' after telling .CBS a t ^I of Sunday’s gam e thatrr’s-injury-wss-a-concus'T-----not his shoulder.in said he did it to keep irgers from gain ing an ge if B eucrle in got

han came clean afte r the It NFL officials are look- whcther he violated any

)ccn preparing for it - •d it’s been quite a stir,"“But I haven’t had any

don’t know why I

g out of his news confer- nahan quipped: “I’ve got head hurts."

ified by additions from nen’s United Socccr jn, whicJi folded due to

problems this week pleting its third season.II forward Abby , who scored the win- irtimc goal for the on Freedom in the lie game last month, is )r a starting spot.T Shannon Boxx and Kylie Bivens also have r WUSA experience toIS on the U.S. roster. !oving grounds, the trials j s, the environment in ic players hnve endured past three years arc

ts,” said U.S. women’slHeinridis.“S othcyaroin a way thal I think will - I well in tlie World Cup.” y personnel decision Hcinrichs was to move rom hc^ usual left back > a spot in the central

playing alongsideT“ thc-bad t“ four."Xat----------Sobrero, Pearce and be used at the outside

wsitions. *'c built our back line c defensive scheme x andi and 'Joy, and I ill display some of the 5C in the tournament," aid.the Americans’ first

is an emerging potver ten's sccne ancTianked e ^ •orld. The United play Nigeria in its s « - h on Sept. 25 in ia, then play Aslan !4onh Korea on Sept. ibus.

M U S L E 2 0 P V

Page 11: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel



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- T -

• W H A T ’ S

'0 S ^ C oifEuro Tour, German Masters’, first. round, T8C,7tjn.

PGA, 84 Lumtier Classic of Pennsylvania. Jlfsi found, ESPN, 2pjn. • .

Nationwide Tom, Albertsons Boise Open.-first round, TOC, 3 p.m.

Bicycle ra c in g '

/ueitaaEspana, Stage 12. OLC, TiSBlii:----------------- ---------

L O C A L s c

{h sdiool vollayballllamas County JV at ISDB. 6 p.m. !)a)(leyatCastie(ord.6p.m.Dietrich at Carey. 6 p.m.?aft River at Hagerman. 6 p.m. Murtaugh at Mansen, 6 p.m. )ichr«lda( Bliss. 6 p.m. ' 'Vendell at Glenns Fer'ry ^ i P . _____limberfy/Stioshone ai Filer. 6 p.m. tooding at Buhl. 7 p.m.Vood River/Bonneville/Highland 'it Century. 6 p.m.erome at Mountain Home. 6 p.m.


' J J .1 3 " “ ;m k . . _______I

---------1— h

c . S ^ i s - h s j S | s u ; ' / ; . . ■ - t,

'“‘“Sas'-™ i'i[«lD««i.r p<" J3N a Injury Report g

3«l£(Uvf«i?^S*'. rJ0CH»n0 n-BM>mA4-*n C.' --u'M i i•«Mi.RaiA>uS*«.>' MuBtrAQ a.,

E iS 'S '^ ? W m S ii’S f . 'JSS' isS . S l f ' s v . s s s s ! s

S S - S ® " A{cau>wai.ca;iuiiVtc<'-‘.WMi •V ti OJ«i« r»..i,CB B„-*j Mww R0e*8l£ WBi-«B4r»..-«.j.TSa*

V>C'M>iB4|Px-n :.;(STiO>i<SiE

S 3 i : a S ? i J ’ s.

s^sehSt—isS^SSS^^’ Sm m m ::MMUtaXiramiM coCftUU DT -t(M) It T«»,to.„.„M»U)t y|!£w.W«*oJls’ '<;»U8S 0 TCWO K D'9«" 'r.-' OAM*«lOEoinwM iifo/ir ■’ooamc

S iP i^ ir i j s K ' S ' f f S L E

H i i i - iSmU(Nw|in«i'^‘ '.'WfOien

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s s i f i S l ' i a ^:oni'i>a). DT -'••> IKtnd) AfwHi

’nwiw«.)[eanw&--'(if»«. . "JO'S

M-»j«T»aCNirrHK.'»»u''• ' 0**»^rJinSi

i‘$TtCUR3|M|«T VO?IlnOtH. COKXU ’'eibi SMWnQutSK-MiE.C MHttyi: | f e K ' . - 3 S s r £lgWlg«gj^5U*4lO>*'» j^A^I

» S S s ! ‘“ S & ! s s r ^ SB.S S S a S r

era (i rlcNVEn emxas a-s s t sSjllpS s

i O N T . V .

F o o tb a ll• College, Texas A&M at Virginia

Tech, ESPN, 5d0p.m.

S occer

•' MLS. Colorado at New England ' ESPM, 5:30 p.m.

B oxing

• McDeimolt vs. Popov. Foster vs '.Abramenko, 5H0,flp.m..-----


Minico at Twin Falls. 7 p.m.

High school cross countryKimberly Inwiaiionai, ai Magic Mountain SIti Arca. 4;30 p.m.'

High school i)oys soccerSnake Rrvcr at Wooa River. 5 p.i Filer at MTCnrisiian75:3'0'pjT

High school girls soccer -Snake River at Wood River. 5:30p.m,‘

Ain'omciNc;NASCAR Winston Cup Leader

t ^ l 4

K«S"T“')Vj t - S S ? ‘o,«i v .-i- )w • ! -t-ift&v

■ “0K,7Ur^'9 J- 1 MfV, ,-l-J

W s ir n.„. Atirt !.'•>;< ud i« VrviJtsM, 1311utulx n n « !!.«..■ j.-‘ji;-6 NHRA Driver Standings

T>>nfr>s<ai4.I l«. - t- ts»i -K 5 5UcC 'j-4- l v " ''^ '* ' ' fi«prC4> '

VsLvin-''*''^’4 ’ PnSm1 G'»g4r%*-.>- '5'.' .• t~u* 1 3M J

1 1 ^ ^(>reSlKilkU • atncxt> .’

----------- T r s s K -----------VVTA Tour Polo Opon Shanghai

,n c ^

B4tu'iWr.'->.VM IX Bn>.V<'.<’jrM«i '

0-w»5j‘-. b.iu >- ^ '«tvj

Sum I4t«sMo>« ■• i*i-IH Cc«MaUj"«/pj,St>" J 5 • r

CM, V.'t) n


MiCAOC B£»R?22555?W?&<, t,ar.r.I1C><«-.M1 &7MCCiii->/'MI:N4I0I'wO4Ct*E vlr»'-.o anw.s-w.«j cn mt, Oav,

tn >.W

ETnoi-’lKyiiXM^0C,.-H<.V4«l0C<wi Cu"> 4M G In, Kuj-j 13 r« x?(* ia.M UEEN Bi'l’AOtBS-S-rwTf V.Ocwisr* S s t^ t unS.Cww u,A»i i*C' c"

Ui$ASCil< CMFrs-nMnnM T,.. tirow V«t>ir.i*'.DP*1B0tS.S.J--1 V." J--'' (V;"jTtft^O CMW llS.n»,i« CB T« C«, rrt Wt> fv,-I Uen Ittm M t.»r<» v>,M«rfWW:SCO4«lli-S^0t M-a-.D..-. m r» to.*) So»3 Ol »wo

tlT* Tnn4S-[l>S-A»^W*W, 4f!j«V*g ►)».»«« cnctgg a r> 4j«*>iut>m im U DwV OttmUinen C *lSCT»' iaj«T-i Shj-3.w» ,oc»iMff» (W,»»jr nEkM r B<y>U'Oammr kmDom i&u)vnAUi»au9Mr>nwtM-«i . -IWCJnCvn-Q IW r>|in COttff tW ” ’«K»iv*, CT,«.*«»r,fWtO»»Miflcr> D IWmM on fnv ina um ■> rw MW Mw-n LMUOO «V41AMCh[-Am9M 0 IVM CU». D

IW Cox foMi. li»Z5eh2wev»«. M G JM% U(M F4MA IM C»e >«C. C (VM noMcr G Ti« IfMWi M 0f e f i s s 2 s ; : j s p « c ^>w. l WO««lTC >r«rt.C>»BrC>li .C

y^Sin0^tSm^Sl^s!mSaD^ tfld 0 nMn &««. B r*t EkRdW

•w d fe Afc, Amuw nr PiMu •« MUI M laikmi IM d tf VKifcaaHf ^0 OciM} •

5Srr-f4w*i Bmcn mto anaa.

VMumrt 9NMK Men e) MaMCii

OaISS aTuaraon << Mnwi I>e lS-8TDWt-4MM4 Dm tOra M«MIW Sum ■—n ii KiH CMgy w4 LcntiSSixnSSiiMr^imnSmiS^

Article failed tc ____ _ seven-time tac<

TTic Tjmes'^etvs t I • tioning the ihoin e

the Grand Nationa inia division from tits Si

report at MagicVo: The onJy way anyb won the race was ii

, fine print of ihe rai Six times, the N/

and. been run at Magic Speedway and Dali

- . . won the main.cvcn.......... . National Sportsmai

merly Street Stock six times. He retun

f vs. Valley SDCCcl\s-av fo the sea^on^fccr

____ elsewhere for the 2iseason.

7 Bccause il is hani^ ■ sports editor to irac

ual with thcir .sport: felt a letier to the e way to let race fans

y what some “missin>iic drivers have l>cen d

n. Dale has huun rurEmmett a( Chiiparr in the Limited Siod becau.se he felt the I

? p-m. _therc_wasjnore.dial p.m, ' out havinft to bear tl

moving (o a differeii Mogic Valley Speed*

' only eiglit mces on t thought uliout nmni tnicks and did so for

____■ mces. Eacli of ihosewith il "did not finisi

L. ..—Sf(..., _ LC. boosters n

Tuesday at Cafn v m F,\i.LS^

'■■ -_____ Christian High Sc;m- lir>ltlini»ii mi-rr meeting on 'I\iesdii the school's Cafe A

' ' Liglithouse ChriK'. ed at the comer of*.« • Easi and Second A

- 259 Main Averl?.- T\Wn Falls.

Tor more infor , Da»7i Wendland at

Monster truck s Filer fairgrounds

; ' TWIN FAU-S -class Monster 1

• appear in Twin I' "Outlaw Monst Spectiicuhir" .Saiui

'"■•• p.m. ill che 'IWin 1________ Fairgrounds in I'iloi

ITeiiahmnB the < lai two iime World Finn

Jimmy Cretin in Explorer “Bounty well as "Monster P; Fool," and "Scarlet

J.,ocal drivers wisl th tir rigs for eitlu racing, so-called "'I

to register their^’

ad%-ance at all NAIV stores for S12 for adi dren. At the gate, tic

"■ for adult.s.‘nte firs t ' will receive a free m< toy and all diildren • will be admitted fret

Court upholds tri of ‘March Madne

INDIANAI-OI.IS - court in Texas tipht Madness” asa in idei NCAA and the Illi School Association.

The US. District ' Dallas ruled tiiat Neif

Spons Marketing In Inc. were not entiti “March Madness” o involving the NCAA diampionship on theii

The court ordered f Sports Marketing Ini 10 give up its Web dor and pay undisdosed c NCAA and IHSA.

The NCAA and DIS _ ’w-as allowed byjlie NC

"March • Madnes.V-'~fo . .' and girls basketball toi

sued the Dallas compc years ago for irademar ment and cybei^uatti

Owners approve 2i — -S uper Bowl forMli

WASHINGTON - ' Super Bowl was awarded on Wednesday by NFL«

\ The owners ladfied I ‘ made last spring to

game at Pro Flayer Sts The league also a

extend the life, of NFI for two more seasons, I by the slimmest jwssib:

, - it got the minimum needed for approval.

NCami has hosted tl Bowleighttimcs(1968.‘( 79. *89.-SS, and-99X fc onV New Orleans (nine 1

Houston will host thii Super Bowl on Feb. 1 i

=tE T T E Ito m e n t io n aice winner I™"*5 exduded men- the Ch I event w inner of than hi

Sept. 13 ra d n g Dale/alley Speedway. Chapa:/Iwdy knew who points 1i if they read the maintarace'results. thela.stNAPA 150 has a brokeic Valley last rurale Miles has point d2nt in th e Grand tally. Allan division (for- Stock r:k division) all Speedsimed to Magic Dale m;for one last nice home it

;r competing diuncc!2003 racing Valley S

the finaird for th e the seas•uck an individ- event wrts endeavors. I Jeff a! editor was one, ran at CIS be aware of Friday iins" raco car Speedw;doing. lliey ha

unning in Meridia,mil Speedway and at C)dc division Rocky Ne compciitioM. 'Uike Ciiiailenginf;.witik------and-Mic:• the exjxj.nse of know ho ent class at pionship idway. With theseasi 1 the season, he Cough ning at both diainjjiu or a cotiple of Idaho.ie r.ices ended BIM.i:ish."3;othe Goodit

’ORTS IN Bm e e t season's

afe Agape; - I.iphthoii-si?____ Tlie xitSclis>j)j_b.u0sic£s__ UowlAvill:•mhi-Pihip,drii-H ni»wiing»i day at 7'|).m. al .50. 'Hie cu Agape. Tampa. V

iristian is locat- York-New of Main AvenueAyoniic Eusi m S t a t e m l...nn down,own

ormation. call DENVK at 7I17-4fifi7. Bryant's ac

])Osted onsh o w h i t s ’IViesday a

d s S a t u r d a y- Four world- year-old Trucks will address w Falls for the hour bef

ister Truck reposted iurday at 7:30 inforniaiioiI Falls County Stale ciler_____ Karen Salii: card will be liow the enals ninner-up .ssiid courtin th e Ford ble for bla'V Hunter." as mation in rPairol." "B ear 'Hie allei;t Bandit." has been p«ishing to en te r \-arioiis Intiher Mud Bofi radio lalksi"'Hiff Trucks" In anoth* re-welcome-to— Vail-policc^

;hicles. calls to Brjayailabiu__in__ ing_ii_woiiFA Auto I’iirts order issu dults and chil- assau lt' ca ickets are Sl 5 Anpeles I jil t 500 d iild renmonster trudc C a s lw tra i M and under

NUAMI •;ra d e m a rk Mj“mi Heaiifiec’ reduction i- A federal players but i

held "M arch dent and coj leniark of th e l l ie reduc Illinois High organizatior

layoffs. A fcct Court in let go afler 1.'ifire Inc. and Riley’s anInternational m ated at Iitled lo use means his paor contests to 5500,0001

A basketball 'Ilie H eat:eir Web .sites, losing up to SJ Netfire and in recent yetinternational player s;ilariilomain nam e ments and rcIcosLs to the .

Baylor hire "“ "etball

foT=iis=boys - WACO,Tm oumament.s— panics tlirce dmark infringe- operaDons foi ftinj, gram at Baylo

The hiring i200 7 * whowashinxllam i ' troversy inv. "nie' 2007 plfwer Patrid led to Miami Cari'""Lowncrs. bocnaccuscd dnd o d sio n foraicr coach0 hold the allegedly part itadiiun. up dunng theagreed to Brough spei

m . Europe 5" assistant,c

? h ^ 'o S ^

1 and next COB|iM

ThmtoKSaptM^ 14,2003 T

T S p o r t s " "

i i r ^ = = ~ “le a n d e ffo rt to m a k e h is c a r n p a tib le to M agic VaUey »:dw ay ru le s a f te r changing to C haparra l h ile s w as m ore

JI h e could do-each and every

)ale started the sesison at jparnil Speedway as the nts leader and managed to intain'that points lead until la.st race of the season, when roken sway bar hampered his run and netted him a 2.5-

it deficit in the final points >r. After the final Limited Jc race at Cfuiparral •.edway on Friday, Sept. 12, e made the 150-mile tow

Igcs needed to nice at Magic ey Speedway bn Saturday for final Gnind National nice of season, resulting in the main ll win. ■iff and Michelle Meads also ill Chapamd Speedway on ay niglii and at Magic Valley .*dw-ay on Saturday niglit./ have iK-en racing ai idian Si>eedw-ay full-time, at Chaparral Speedway and <y Mountain Raceway in S aif •; Ciiy part-time. I hojx.' .leffMichelte-wili-lei-reader*--------------V how they do in their chain- ship race ai Meridian when eason ends. ‘ •ngratulations to all race i])iuns across southern u.M.IE M Il.K Soding

B R I E F ^ ^ Tn's game wili be in Miville. Deiroii will host une in 2(K]r>.- iu tc -o f - th u -2(X)8-S»;)er--------------.villlbu.decidud.;i<-owiiers’-------

e contendcis are Ari/una. t. Washingliin and New Jew Jersey.. •

mistakenly Identifies It’s accuser on Web . .IV K K -llie name of Kol.e 's accuser was mistakenly on a state court Web site y as part of a le^al filing :ase.ibpoeiia showing ilie 1‘)- d woman's nam e and s was up for about a i l ' before c«)uri staffers !d it wilh her personal iiiion blacked out.; courts spokeswomanSala7_said.it was unclear ______le error was inadL'. but urt staffers are responsi- blacking out stich infor- " ' in public filings. . .1alleged \Hctim‘s ideniity n previously disclosed on ,Iniemei sites and on a

Ik show heard in (>0 cities.Olher filing 1\iesday. thelic c -d ep a r tm cn t-b a lk ed ---------------ing-ovo t^ccords-n rnn -------------Bryant's attorneys, say-

would—violate—a-coiirt---------issued in the sexual case againsi the Los

: I-ikers Kuard,

trapped Heat arles 10 percentII - l l ie salaries of leat empfoyees will be percent this season, a in that excludes the nit includes team iiresi-I coadi Pat Riley, iductions will allow the lion to avoid further \ few employees were er last season.annual salary is esii-

It S5 million, which s pay cut could amount 00 for 2003-04.:at s;iy they’ve to been to $30 million annually years Ixjcause of liigli

lanes, arena debt pay- d rcduced attendance,

ilres director of lall operationsTcxas=^Stephen Broughinccd QiuWcdncsday-as_______ ^director of basketball : fo r-th e troubled pro- aylor University.Lng c om pletes t lie s taff iad coach Scott Drew,lired following th e cont__________'invo lv ing m u rd e re d ■ trick D enhehy, team - Iton D otson, w ho has sed o f th e m urder, and >ach D ave Bliss, who ja r t id p a tc d in a coven th e investigation, sp e n t th e la s t y e a r os at^coach w ith W right p re v io u s^ se rved six

iam i o f O h ia ew ly-created ^ t i o n ,II have to deal with a' hat has been ^ 'c e d DO imd will not t e eli- iftidpste in the post- dudhig this season'll /erence totim am qit.

Z . .

S pmwWwM.'netoFWkWie M

Page 12: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

M T1wiwNww,TW>bM

S p o r t s

SECm ajoFlorida-Tenne: Georgia-LSU i determine coirBy Josh Dubow

------- Florida 's...... rivalpTennessee is tradit SEC’s biggest early se

—------------T his-year,-ii-ha*-(vhen Gwrgis* {ravels Saturday.

■ ■ ■ Even though"” Septem ber, those I could play a big role i ing which team s > A tlan ta for the SE onship Dcc. 6.

“We tell our. recru guys that are here, *' this are why you cc

-----------University of Floridcoach Ron Zook s

-----------fexcitement— the—eipageantry. This plai ro(Seing."

Either the Gators ot represented the SEC first 10 years of the title game. Georgia bn last season and hope again.

The Bulldogs, who Carolina in their confe: c r last week, have a test this week againsi will be only the lOt between the teams in years.

— -------- “I-know -«v«{^ody

disappo in t you ir approach this, but it's a defining gam e for

- LSU -coach Nick Sj “How would it-be if v,

----------g o m e -a n d -lo s t- to JS tate? Every game is tan t game.”

W l^ e some are prei possibility of an LS rem atch in Decembt

. and Tennessee ha thoughts a f te r down 2002.

I ■ "They lost a few (' year and so did we

cornerback Keiwan R “I th ink everyone wa who is going to get b

----------swing-of-things.-W hoth is gam e is really set:

' selves up in th e SEC > in th e long run , t

A tlanta."I ' The road team has w

th ree m eetings in tl I including Tennessee's

in T he Swamp In .--------- knocked-the-G ators-c--------- national-title -racK -IiI Volunteers’ first win ; --------- «ineo-1971------ ----------I

lh e picks:UCLA (plus 18.S)

Oklahoma N ation’s worst-rate*

will have trouble Oklahoma^ D ... OKLAJ 7

No. 2' Miami (minu Bosion CoUege

Eagles always play I- close a t home ... MIAM

No. 3 Michigan (min No. 22 Oregon

Wolverines have losi trips to West Coast... M 27-21 ■

-------Congratulatic'C lip only!

Promotion ends C — “ — ’ -MilltonaiffrAmtio

I ^


!TJDwei )r mat(lessee,- iJ could )nference

nation’sjfMr__________ s t a t e 2'

llty against ditionally the / season game.

r t w r g a m " J ? ^ 4 ° " ' ilc in detcrm m - s w ill be in “ “ PO™' SEC cham pi- ^

e , ‘Games like .-^^JhAwc come to die

rida,’" Gators '****'* --c said. “The Wo 9 P

s or Volunteers p i i ^ ^ n 2C East in the * * ™ B Uhe conference Coloradbroke through pioridaS .

opes to do so Bangpd

iio beat South jS-lO * ™ nference open- a tough road N o '121

inst LSU 17 FloridalO lh m eeting G atoni > m the past SO toVolsinI . . . 3M 7)dy-i8-her©-to--------------- r—

>c_th.e_b_ig8cst_____ No^l3Tdan't tvfliu I t • i^n g h o m how I la s t 36 m

It's not really jq for the SEC,” NorthT< Saban said. Arkansas

if we won this Razorba3 Mississippi-----a f te r-b i{: ts an impor- AJRKAN&

predicting the No. 16> LSU-Georgia No. 18 low nber, Florida . Hawkey have other Andrew W

iwn years inIdaho (

rv games last Washingto wc," Florida Huskies 1 Ratliff said. goes up ag wants to see WASHINC t back in the ,iThoever-wins---------Vandecfcsetting them- ,T < ^ ' EC East and .

a trio to injured QI • ® TCU 24-14s v jn th e l a s t .

in at Florida M iddle!--------- -------------Nor23-Mis:

Tigers lo since ’61...

S) at No. 1New Me

Ited offense 24 Washin* }le against Lobos LAHOMA24- ranked op

28 years STATE 27-

inus 12.5) atArizona

y Hurricanes Purdue UVn24-21 Wildcats

last two weTiinus 7.S) at

XASt wet lost last two (vs. points) . MICHIGAN Season:

(vs. pomts)

tlonsI-You'ye founly ih e bjll from this ad and “ “ ireslaurariland-'groce

j ^ T h e T i m e s ^

y M ake me a


ds DeCjA 2003. No purchase iwcwj uaionsJhfcJlinBrNewa- PO Bon 5-

»w n.aoo8___________________

chupsCollege picks

ling Green (plus 14.5) at 3hio Stateons QB Josh Harris is one of i’s hidden stars ... OHIO : 24.23

shall , (plus .17.5)-at No. 6 . s State1 teams could be missing g QBs - KANSAS STATE

7 Georgia (plus 1) at No. 11

rs lost last two meetings by in t ... LSU 27-20

:S A&M (plus IS) at No. 8 a Tech (Thursday)■h Fran gets first tough test ggies ... VIRGINIA TECH

r? p.m, ^ hers are 21-0 against Mid- » n Conference teams ... BURGH 34-17

rado '(plus 19) at No. 10 t Stateipd-up Buffs get tough test road ... FLORIDA STATE

2 Tennessee (plus 3) a t No. idars out-to avenge 2001 loss in The Sw am pFLO R ID A

3Texas (minus30) at-Ricc— -ihorns have won ii> 6i----m eetings ... TEXAS 42*

1 Texas (plus 21.5) at No. 14 asrbacks oy to avoid letdown b ig ~ w in —at Texas ... 4SAS 31-17

5 Arizona State (plus 9) at Dwaceyes look to pressure QB 'W alte r... IOWA 31-17

> (plus 26.S) a t 19 _ gtonics coach Keith Gilbertson - against his fonncr team ... NGTON 42-10

ecbilL(plus.l2) at_No._20___

cd 'Frogs won't miss.QB TVe Gunn this week ...

cm Illinois (plus 14)'a t Jabama ^ion Tide ranked for first der Mike Shula...ALABA-

:e Tennessee (plus 20;5) atlissouri-:----------------------------i looking for first.4-0 s tan t ... MISSOURI 37.14

Vfexico (plus 16.5) a t No. ington Stiitc8 haven’t b ea ten a opponent on th e road in irs ... WASHINGTON 27-13

ia (plus 25) a t No. 25

Qts outscored by 84 points w eeks... PURDUE 4M 4

veek: 14-4 (straight); 7-8 ts)ri: 47-13 (straight); 24-29 ts)

i z s mi h d t o d a y ' s MEGA-nd save it to bid on g reat pi 3cery;certificatesrand'm uch

f e w S ’ T -


CMsary. For MEGA-Millionairc mofw

■ptanpSan Jose State f has prosthetic riBy Qrag Baacbam

' SAN JOSE, cllif. - . . can view the videotape ‘ ‘ without wincing. He hs ' himself getting injure

times, and he always ha . ■ thought in the momeni

’ - teammate rolled'into h changed his life.

I “Man, I should have!:____Parry said with a grin.

The severe broken Ic; sequent infections le amputation of Parry’s jiist below his knee. Tl

’ later, Pany can run and do anything he pleases \ prosthcdc leg - and h

' back in action for San . tonight against Nevada.

Parry’s remarkable i has brought nadonal ii

. .. a n . otherwise minor Athletic Conference

------game_becwecn_two_tehopes of a league title; State, which stniggles e n o u ^ fans to reach ] mandates, expects a crowd to see, somctl; seemed impossible thi

- ago-. 'P iry , a walk-on safetj

was hun in a game at I play on the Spartans teams. Unless fans wat< No. 32, they probably able to distinguish him teammates: With his sc ed prosthcdc leg coverec and pads, he looks like ^

-------player--------------------- —--------- liThat'te all Neil cver-vw

t>e one oi tne guys ana t> teammates again,” sai< father, „Nlck. “1 can’t shocked by what he beca\ise ever since he wanted to come back, h changcd his mind. Hc hs ble dedication.”

More c(MANHATTAN, Kan.

_ When Kansas State q\u EU R obenon injured

- wrist, the obvious quc5 whether it was rclatci injury that forccd him to game last year.

_____ Coach Bill Snvdcr wperson to provide the ani hun his hand. Both tim e

Next question. Snyder's refusal to

injuries at length is noti A fter all, hc - like V coach Bany Alvarez, alsc discuss injuries - was an under Hayden Fry, the ti{

-----fomier coacha^Iow.—jj-

anything,’' Alvarez said.--------But—this—year,—Sny<

Alvarez have a lot more < V^en a player went

Nebraska’s nationally i game agaipst Penn St Saturday, television co: lors could not provide an becausc neither school injury information.. And eaiiicr this month,; firming that star quanerb Smith had a t ^ d co: Missouri coach Goiy Pin "Tha t^ the lost information out ofmcon'anykindofin.

So what’s behind th: treatment?

Some schools point to tl al Health Insurance Prn Accountability Act ( which took cffcct in Apri

A-Millidnaire Mpit p r iz e s like a car, boa t,,

ichm ore!*:::— —

loney. send hAndwriltcn SASE lo n 3 days uf publication of money, '

m t e e 'player | B H right leg


- NeU Parry te these days has watched ired several ' las th e sam e n ts before a< his-leg and

t-e jum ped,’’

leg and"iul> to th e

r i ^ c leg Three y e a rs . id ju m p and - s w ith a new he will be

1 Jose S ta te

! com eback in terest to

i r . W e ste m K S ^ K - e footbaUtcom s_w ith___le; San Jose . Jes to ' draw |R |^ B I t Division I Ia' healtKy-'

Ithing thac:hrce years . B S H B i

;ty w hen h e sgn Joie SI UTEP, wUl by

ns’ s p e a o latch fo r his It took y vron’t b e hard'wbrk' m from his ing shape i sophtsdcat-. Parry says «d by socks Jeb Bums e any o th e r trainer whi----------------------knowledgtw anted.—.XO——limbs—ant tie wicn rus wiuie supe

aid Parry 's itation.’t say I’m Bums foi he’s done, by consulti le said h e uses the sa , he* never wakcboardi has incredi- “TWo yea

the teclwo

olleges kn. (A P) - the release [uanerback mation withd ' H ^ l e f t -------Kansas,-lestion was ' HIPAA in it ted to th e a separates to one so, for exar

choose to lc wasn’t th e a jammed hsw en “H e '• refuse to I ies.” severity of t

But offic0 address Wisconsin : )thing new. hospitals, r W isconsin

Iso loath tom assistan t ■ Itightlippcd


lyder—a n d —1 company.It down in

televised S ta te last zommenta- ~1- in u pdate - y.<1 discloses -

T, after con-rback Brad ' flj:oncussion,‘inkel said,siyou’Uget JjBMinjuries.”diis sUent

I the feder- Orivacy and rh e o c

(HIPAA).)ril. I t bam_________ an d fu

. . C areer O n e v ! prom otlo

W ith the _______ ;_______ promotJo - on line pi

“] we get th

Our Care_______ sp a M a iu

recruiting our ablUi print and biggest b|) llmes-Ne 6^-3883


'W fltts

I StBta^ Nall Parry ( 3 2 ) i^ o hi nata Donald Richardson In prac

k nearly three years of rk' to get Pany into play- >e with a prosthetic Umb. ys he’s dred of looking a t ■ns, the San Jose S ta te ivho amassed a w ealth of Ige— abour—prosthetic—

p e n a sm sP a n y it^ a H a b d -

found Pany% newest leg dting witK a friend who same prosthetic limb for

irding./ears ago, we didn’t have nology to do everything

keep quicisc of most medical infor-dthout a patientls consent^___s," for example,—d te s (I its new policy. It requires ce waiver for each injuiy - xamplc, an athlete could ) let the school talk aboutid finger|.t)ut could later__) the school discuss )f an ankle sprain, fidals at Arkansas and n say HIPAA applies to

not universities. Those

O n S e p te m b e r 3 0 t h t h e o p p o n u n l t y t o t a p i n t o i I t g iv e s y o u r o r g a n i z a t i c f u tu r e p o s i t io n s .

■ Fairs need a tte n d e e s tional plan drives th e m « :he com bination o f extc lion in the T im es-N ew s ani *prbm oiI^ . on .VAVwinagi th e attentioii o f c a n d id a te

Booth registration deadU September 19.

ireer Fair 2003 A^vertlsin md print promotion to giv ing tools and cost effldei lUty Co reach applicants 1 nd online prodticts giving ; for your buck. Chec News Employment Spec B3 ex t 267 or em ail to cm]

0 haa a proathatle righ t leg, trti iractlea Tueiday In San Jose, Ci

Neil is capable of do now," Bums said . “But like advances are mad time. Barriers a re falling is right a t the front of th

Parry m ade a few wn----- along“ the-w a5^H (T"o

, tried a.fooL .btiiltJoL .i----- SunounTTTw SSnTcin

aU the various movcmi essary for footbaU .' L mer, he developed a n tation nea r th e spot of 1 tation, and i t preven from w earing any pr comfortably.

[et aboutschools use th e Federal E

__Rights and Privacy Abencbm ark:Tharlaw alli docs not require - disc injuiy inform ation if ai s ig n ^ blanket release.

“At Arkansas; .we’ve alv • to be open an d honest z

status of our players," sp( mation director Kevin Thi “We might noc go into t that wc used to, bu t we al that truthful a n d accun

I s y o u r B U £

t h e C i

Tuesday,1 1 : 0 0 c


h e C ollege o f S o u th e r n I to a v a lu a b le t a l e n t pool Ition fa c e - to - fa c e ac ce ss

S H ■ces a n d o u r Theal1 to this event. “Is all x tensivc p rin t lookir an d Innovative studei raglcvalley.com' an d ’g ates. and n

idU nels

___________________mling Packages com bine ea give your o r g a n ^ t iq n cffi ien t promotion. You canl ts in Southern Idaho witl ng your recruiting mesaaj leck out your o p tions witl ledaUst at 20a-735-3267 >fwplnyti»mBylgvallev.g«m.

d d ir a :' His new Ie ing, and it*i i

'tile than s V before. T he I

thedc is held ondabuUcy]

oucsur^caUyre] footbaU £iel< operations, 1 experienced

1 ^ ^ “Each timtalways to im saidMikeNc Mountain Prosthetics, built Pany ’ 'l

u S B l B B r proccssT n^self. It% a WOI

b M H W H ____ ParryB R |n H f ln gency room, i

- dressing of N ing the carly

W laflaW H Older brothi j*Tf f p w ^ helped out - tMWSBiaro ball dreams v H H B H | Josh, a tale

the Spanans' year Neil goi considering

^ ^ ^ H H _ L _ a ftc r_ N c irs_ i the season wi

After two y the PhUadcI undrafted frc< made the tea fullback on tl'

“He told r M w toget , play tor mo. CatJf ^eadi other.” doing right Pany is a ut it seems backstorywil ade aU die -b u t only on ng, and Neil love to s tart a' that.” graduate assirons turns State, and he "o rig in ally ;—abotI^thc-Pal

U echvelor — Ml j ISOTjH m ents ncc- - his life, shooi Last sum- and regularly nerve irri- “I'm basici fh isam pu- mal life, whi ented him wanted,” Par prosthetics ' play football«


; player inI Education mation is the IAct as a ' The NFL r

dlows - but sure of th e naisclosure of a repon onan athlete upcoming gai!. now considerilways med Broncos coachL about die yins about[ports mfoF PIummcFs sL*p hiinorsaid. Despite his i) the detail now, Piijkcl saialways feel an NFL-styleirate infor- ing system in «

S I N E S S a p

C a r e e r F a i r ?

f, S ep tem b e r:a.m. - 7:00 p.m.I Gymnasium

1 Id a h o a n d The Tintes-Ni ol w ith C areer Fair 2 0 0 3 . ‘ ss to qualified a p p lic a n ts

all-day Southern Idaho Car aim ed at community resid eing for new or e n h a n lents who are seeking idc; ■graduaie's'who’areexplorl regional options," says C!

a Doug M augthought to

exhib it iffective ■n t b e a t -1th oura g e th eI th T h c m}7/eoo- A

' I C



V leg weighs nearly noth: it's mbre agile and verslk 1 anything he's tried he heaviiy padded pro^ leld to his leg by suctCxC Jcy knee brace that doto-'Duc of place among the ' repaired players on any Seld - th o u ^ after 25 ts. Parry is a' bit more :ed in tha t area.' im e I see Neil, my goal is improve and upgrade,"

! NorcU, the president of 1 View-based- -^oreU cs, th e company chat y ’S'Ieg. “He's never com- Qnce_about the whole lever felt.sony for him- wonderful story.” irty works, in an emer-. m, and he took over the if NcU’s amputation dur- . irly days a t die hospital, o ther Josh P any also It - by pursuing his foot- ns without pausing, talented Uncbacker, was - ans’ captain during the got hurt. After briefly

ng quitting th e teamL’s_injury,_Josh_finished____1 w ith passion. - /o years of trying out for dclphia Eagles as un free agent. Parry finally team this summer as a n th e practicc squad, d m c hc was going^ to mc,” Neil Pany said, el Uke we're praying for r.”: a senior, so his come-■ wiU end in two months on the field. He would

n a' coaching career as a assistant at San Jose he plans to learn more

‘Pai'aiympics and”Other

i pluyiiiy Uiu bLM ulf uf = looting in the mid-8Qs irly trouncing his dad. sically back to a nor- which is what I really ' P arry said, "If I can all too. well, that’s even'

njurieshe best way to go."L requires fuU disclo-■ natu re of injuries and on player’s status for games. The league is dering fining Denver | ach Mike Shanahan foru t quaftcrback Jake ■'scparafed’slfouldciC ^his no-disclosure stance 1 said he would suppon yle mandatory repon- in college football.

p a r t Ofr? .• 3 0

offer yo u )3. T h is re g io n a l n ts fo r c u r re n t

C arccr Fair at CSI js id e n ts w ho are la n c e d careers, id ea s for carcers . lo r ln g 'th e lr local— :— ;:; CSI spokesm an lu g h a n . "This is . to b e th e first'

ised even t for the ubiic."__________________

.E C O P V

Page 13: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

Shoshone: Sasystem complc b r in ^ more job

^ T h e T im c s - N c

; Arou TH E VAI

F&G releases Into Redfish L- STANLEY - Idaho

.p f .^ s h 'a n d Game bi set to release 30 so< mto Redfish Lake or bringing the release 330 Tish this year.

T he sockcycs can: state hatcheiy in Eag eral h a t c h ^ 'in Was departm ent said in statem ent.

Sockeye were the salmon to be listed ui eral Endangered Sp< 1991.. Since 1991. o sockeye have returnee

To date,- 314 hmcht adults have' re tum c

______Pacific Ocean to thValley. Only" two ati have returned so far tl

Idaho’s sockeye nui distance and travel tc elevation of any in the

The fish released will spawn in Octobc spring will head to t May 200S and arc - < return in 2007.

White House opc again to public f(

TWIN FALLS-Tlie 1 has reopened for publ

' Amencans planmng :: th<» national lane

m akc advance ar through a member of (

The W hite House w public tours following 2001, attacks.. U.S. Sen. Mike Cr Idahoans to contact 1 m ake tour arranger (202)224-6142 or subn through Crapo’s W« crapo.scnate.gov.

“It has taken some ti up with a plan that sati ty conccms, and it is that th ere is no longer

-tribution.of:tickeis,":C a news, release. “But th e 're s id en ce will b

____ tours,and .I am pleasofficc can'assist'Idaho

______ ing this .historic landm^Tours can be request

months in advancc an able from 7:30 a.m. tc lU esday through Si groups of 10 or morc. O will try to group logetl that have fewer than .H

Auto crash Injure two people In Ru

RUPERT - A Burlc---------takenrio-StrA lphonsij

Medical Ccntcr in Bo Wednesday morning j Minidoka County.

A n ton io . -V. Gonzal Burley, sustained head i twO’Car crash at 400 North, according to an ! Police press release. Gonzalez failed to sto] sign ac the intersection a bee t truck driven Navarro, 23, of Rupei was taken to Minidok: Hospital where he was i released.

The beet tnick, a 198' owned by Ridge Ran Rupert, caught fire as

.the dam age it sustair crash.

; . Policc were notified i dent a t 8:44 a.'m.

CSI will host sate conference on ins

TWIN FA LLS-The I Planning Grant on the '

- -- .-Idaho state-colleges an tics an d local Cha

' Commerce arc hosting : satellite conferencc “Financing Health Car and America - A Look I

' The conference wil

the Faulkner Planctari College of Southern Ida

The Idaho State Plan; seeks solutions for Idal without insurance. The

. iminsured is growing. *1 health insurance contin pt double-digit rates ar ers are often faced with p ^ n g increased prei ihifting costs to employ! S To reserve, a seat, Bills A rea Chamber of • a t 733-3974 or the W

■ 'C h am b er of Commere , 4793.

CompUad frpm v

3cwcrsletionjobs.i>age-C7--------------- ^

V c w s

UND f . U . L E Y

B irRot!S Sockeye issst!take ■ ' TW I

SKtse to a total of

:ame from the S ag lca n d afe d - Vashingtbn, the ' ,in a prepared

Jie first Idaho l an d er d ie tod.Species Act m p j , , ,. met attied to Id i^o . i j jh o;clicty-produccd ^m ed from the

th e Sawtooth__________'a 3 u l t sockeyeir this year, a s =nm che longestI to th e highestthe world.cd Wednesdayobcr. Their off-0 the ocean in -c ' cxpccted to

ipeiis doors : fbr toursfie W hite House ublic. tours, and :g a p-ilgnTtragC------ 5 ^

arrangem ents ”” ' of congress. -1 was closed to , n g th e S e p t . i l ,

Crapo invites :t his office to gem ents. Call ibm it a request Web s ite al

IC tim e to comc satisfies sccuri- is unfortunate

|cr a public dis- "C rapo said in - — 1 ut oncc again,

be open for ' -eased that my ihoans in visit-dm ark” __tested up to sixand aro avail- ;_____

. to 11:30 a.m.Saturday to d„ . . .h

!. Crapo’s office lether requests veterani n 10 people. ---------

ues J e i Rupert— -----irley man was C O Vnsus“ Regional------Boise afte r a ^

g accident in 1 V | t

zalez, 66, of ad injuries in a100 West 200 c o r an Idaho Starec. Policc said By Dixiestop a t a stop TIm«»-Ni ion and struck’en . by Jesus JEROIpert. Navarro has appoka Memorial ' water aas trea ted and . Cheese

to contir.981 Chevrolet ume of vlanch Inc. of sets hclas a result of that limicained in the Undei

cd TUcsiid of the acci- send 5,3

oxygen»■ wastewa

'‘elllte X d ! iInsurance exceedsle Idaho State lie Unira««id, .and.tm iver5-_ ;ham bers--o f-

’„ ^ e r“ " x ^ d:are in Idaho* will betiWill be held Cheese t)cptr23nnside There wilanum at the allowed Idaho. , Cheeselanning Grant agrees t<daho citizens dty. Thehe num ber of annexatii ?. The cost of , industriaitinucs to rise If tland employ- Envirom

ith a choice of • Agcncy)rem iums or Jerome I[oyecs. changescall th e ISvin from Jeiof Commerce EPA fine:

Mini-Cassia passed oieroc a t 679- The coi

ing contr

n ita f f r a p o r ts


j FOUIlobsrt Mayer

WIN FALLS - Its days aro r as th e region’s . technical ta CIaus,"doling o u t.to area wis htm dredi of thousands of ars in equipmeni. lit local businesses and schopirirfc h n w Hotorminf»H thnr(Advanced Regional Technical ca tion C o^ition should ain a_forcc in.improving tech*. 1 training for south<entnil IO 'high school students. In Jl capadcy .and vtrith what icy rem ain unknown vari- s.lucators and ARTEC officials a t th e College of Southem

to W ednesday m orning for annual .ARTEC m eeting to

i i r *■

ell and Sammy McElhlnney perfo ans who suffer from post-traum:

irome inks wer-plan— ith cheese mpanylie Thomas Reale ^ew s correspondent

HOME - Tlie City Council ipprovcd a two-year \vasic- • agrccm eni with Jerome ;e th a t allows (lie company itinuc sending the same vol- )f w astcw uer to the city but fiuftier fines for violating unit.Jer th e new contract adopt- esday, Jerome Cheese can 5,396 pounds of biological :n dem and lo th e city’s w ater treatment plant per It a cost of 26 cents per I. If the amouni of BOD ds th e permitted limit, the -er pound increases. It also when BOD levels fall below IC Cheese’s maximum limit. lOCTbelow 20;8-cents-per 1, Jerom e City liscrator TVavis Rothweilcr

ler th e new coniract, data a transm itted from Jerome e to th e d ty electronically, will be no increases in the ;d -limits from Jerom e ic un less the company i to be annexed into the Tic company has resisted adon since il located in the rial park area in 1991.

ih e city joins an )nm ental Proleciion y procreatment program, e Cheese will accept any 2S involved. If any spills Jerome . Cheese .result in . nes to the dty, they will be I on to the diecsc company coundl extended-its exist- itrac t with the company to ■Please see JEROME. Page C3

m iiT h u r*

PP«<L o n g - t e r m 6 b

sh ap e the coalitic aro Created in 1997 to ical need 'fo r groaier lec rea ' ing for high '^ o o l s of has since helped ere:

technical programs lopl the region. And thr tinrical Kathryn Albertson uld ARTEC stocked iho:«h-.-___ with.plenty.of.efluiprxal Through ihriftinc In foundation’s Icnicn

hat has been able to stroi iri- nal three-year grant

and ' final year. Tliai als $600,000 is slated lar 2m porting the region’s for high swool acadcmy to ? which .will be ARTR

- - ^ T r f S T - ;

erform a country music song al umatic stress disorder and mee

L Hispani - faster-tl

The Aflsoclated Press

BOISE - Idalio’s Hi: ulatio.n grew tlirce li than the state <is a wl first two years afier tl .sus, and leaders of

_ largest minority said p u is moro i)res.sure

:il schools, e- lliiny-five of thu* 44 le including all of .sui ly Idaho's - .■v:iw the Hir ll- m enis of their p It increase from mid-20< lg 2002. ’P ie strongest jir

in southwestern ancl I- tral Idaho, where mt n H ispanic popuhuioii ll concentnitcd.'s Ilispanics miidc up ;r pcrccn t of the popi ir Minidoka Coumy and D for 16,2 perccni of e Valley-Wood River Vall o population in 2002,^ witH just 15 perecni in t. While the state popi r ;;- . ___ n -------------------.

Idaho Attomey General L cheek onMondey to Buhl

’ Sharon Johnston. The fun 3 acquired from an antltrui


CA/r s i ia y , S e p t e m b e r I

ts foei b j e c t i v e s y e t t o b e

tion’s future.:o address the echnical train- . .Kllcn!, ARTEC W c•eaie dozens of - ' IS throughout t h e <hrough a S4.8 _ n_the_TA . & T h e i n Foundation, lose programs lO

n‘’e " fa h d ~ iF 5 “ ".” W h2ency, ARTECretch the origi* . ,It in to a fifthlat remainingargely for sup-I’s burgeoningny movement, focus acrEC’s primai7 . .. 599.000 j

’■srrB -A C K rA N E

at'a'plcnic for a veterans gro leets once a week. The picnic

lie popula han statei______ _ r~----------

lispanic po|)- „ limes faster

f the stale’s id that cmly g| c on pul.) 1C cassia

44 count ic>- iouih-ccnti..l hspanic sc.«-^ I^ iila tio i.s Minidoka2000 lo II1..I- Twin Fallsj-rowih came st*t®wld« id south ceii-mich of tlic ' I-------------II has bc-L'ii growing i

betw eenip nearly Hispanic tipulation i>f percent, sid accounted males bcif the Majiic by the Ccalley region’s other staii>, compared _age_growin mid-2 0 0 0 . groups,pulation w;is In just

I Lawrence G. Mtetden pretenti uhl Weet End SeiOor Center •» untli were available through a m t eettlement

c o p y ~

t o: 18, 2003

cus Ol) e d e t e r m i n e d , s c h c

6 6

/ e ’r e h e r e b e c a u s e

e d i s t r ic t s w a n t u s . .

a i l i s t t i c l s - iu e - g f f ln g —

t o h a v e t o te l l u s

h a t w e n e e d t o 'd o r —

? ?

Armand Eckcrt, %RTEC board p re s id e n t

ac. this point. That leaves 10 in district fees and previ-

I D T l E r A X - ^ ^

group at Rock Croek Park on VI lie at the park Is one of severs

ation grev 3-s overall

Hispanlcs in soire the U 3. Centu* Bureau eatlti central Idaho counties artd I ti p and 2 0 0 2 .

. 2 0 0 02,0604.0493.493

S 2.4293.189

547<a 5.134Ils 6.089Ide 102.993 22

' al 3.2 perccni overall n 2000 and 2002, the ic population jumped 10.6 . according to new esti- being released Thursday Census Bureau. Only 13 ales saw higlier pcrceni- )wth in..their. H ispan ic

st l^vo years, Hispanics

| B W eW a s d t

c h e c k ;

By Mary I S S J J ^ ^ ^ O j Tltnee-Ne^

n U B B B BUHL Lawrenc« End Scni a $2,500 <

twwnt/TwiMWM Itw nstl _* tlemenc :n t* a $2,600 vitamin c • tte m an lie r son to pi l a f r a n t Johnston.

• n ‘ach o c ! c p a l i t i o n o f f i c i

ous chamber .of comm 10 support the ARTI iration until July 200J -Thus, w ith th e e

Albertson -money, Ai something of an ide Educators and busir

’ ' sire.sscd th e ir dcsir A liTIit^livc. A fier ai lies that started ART

_____the same; Only 30 pensdiool graduate.s go

' college degrees, leav;

Bui solid goals und I ARTEC rem ain somev

During the sumfnei Director C laire Major

es Prcsident A rm and Ec vi- each of the re ^ o n ’s 21

enuec wuun Wednesday. The group Is for' /erat social events during the si

w tliree tii ll^opulatilouthcentral Idaho■tl(nates for tbe Hispanic popula t l percentage of toUl population

2002 2000 Pet 2<2,559 10.77%4,363 18.91%3.736 12.00%2.661 17.11%3.778 17.29%. 585 13.47%5,032 25.54%6.917 9.46%

223.935 7.92%

1 incrcased from 7.9 perc total population to 8.5 f

> “Bccause of th e larg there's morc contribu

r only lo the cconomy b I work force.” said Gladys

of Burley, who heads.: Commission o n Hispani

• Please see HISPANI

afio AG vis est End cei; d e n p r e s e n t s s e t t l e i

: f c t o B u h l ’s s e n i o r <

ryl\ou Potts

IL - Idaho A ttorney nee G. Wasden dropped inio enior Center in Buhl Monda; X) check.IS the center^ share of a n Bot u from a price-fixing inte n cartel, and ^\^tsden arrive

present it to s ite m anage on.

Please s e e CHEO

. I/ . Obltuarfi

/ . - • _Comics.I ________ Courts

Cify E/Titor. Cfuuifialths:

;adenc i a l s s a yunercc moni^ inpu t, Maj TEC odminis. ' narrow thim . . >ng Octob

end ot the tim e toiol UlTEC taceS . . 0 “ ; J " ? "Identity crisis. “ We rosines-scs have cnc ts wantiirc to keep d istricts aialli the stalls- a-TwhatTmITEC rciiiain It miglltercem of higli n ° n wiU Ji0 on 'to cam o r perhaps iving 70 per- nical progi lized training. Meanwli1 funding for out ewhai murky focus large ier. Exacuiive of scliool vs ior and board em y provi icken visited fo r higli : 21 school dis- PI

— Genm org£

seeki n v cBy U retta 1 TImes-Newa

'I'WIN I'/ ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ ——Coinmissifl


W ilh pr

. .ranging fn to

dowthe ]

Schoolgetabou i.'the <


it»M/Ti.rM..><m friends, the.. . . . can pariici

•r Vietnam s to rv o fih e I summer. A nd with—:------------- a d d e d 'to ti

th e two-wavimes• rcscarcli. yo

i o n S c S t”£*id!”__________ T h e con

classroom f en d ed . Thr

ilationln * a r t. journal: Ion In both th e siory (

enhanced ai “ I t’s a hisi

2002 Pet get through 12.56% history.” sai 20.09% co-chainvon- 12.67% Commillec. 18.60% Incentives20.20% plan .13.91% W hile cJ25.85% d io o se ihc ' 10.56% en t ihe hi; , 8.5% prizes will b

I n ing classro rcentofUie Rories. And i ; pereent. " " “ ""■'‘I:,* rgeeiowth, alsobcpuM i lutions not i h ^ i t y ’scoi but to Uio T h«

lys Esqoibd approved thi s. the Slate com bined St. inicAIfairs. spiral-fotm t

m iss io n s ( iNIC, Page C3 B onn ie Lez

------ includc-a-p im . 2004IW inFs

C l f C D eadline i31,2004.

. A lthough‘n f A l * cu rricu lum

Peterson, se< ■ len n ia l concc

e m e n t u la rly wher_____ . fourth- andr c c n t c r room s is com

tid p a te are point.

■ W hile them ee t the ins

' General Id a h o histbr to tho W «l “it^- StiU too lay holding y ea r” for -

in d u d e the i imtrustset- recognized c temationiil said in a televed m per- _________ ;ser Sharon T im ts -Nrw.

L o n tto BttHt iCX,P8ge'C3 in lbrin lbB S i

I n s id e "u arfes..................02lies________ ■.. .C 6 _ ':_ _r t s . . . . .......... C2.4 :i* c in ,7 3 3 .Q 9 3 I.E x t.Z j^

S e c tio n '.C

n i e s ’seeking input from cduca- rhey received plenty of Major said, now it's time to I the focus. At ac upcom- :tober meeting, it will be ) roll up sleeves and figure .It whot ARTEC is to be.'ro hcrc bccausc the dis- yant us,” Ecken said. “The ts aro going lo have lo tell ifwu iiued lu du." ■ ■ igiit moan that the cdali- iU jusi serve as an adviser ‘laps agrant-writer for tech=---------rograms.nwhile, until the money lUt in July, ARTEC wiu irgely on academies. A .sort ol within a sdiool, an acad- rovides technical training dl sdiool students while

Please see ARTEC. Page CS

ntehnial ----;anizers k youth olvement__

tta Burkhartewe correspondent_______

4 FAI.I-S - 'n ie Centennial ■ssioni________ n»Tttnp.»Itec revealed some ideas <dnj>=for.=ffhall9nnina [leople to help bring 100 jf history to the city’s

ucora-le plan is to give every . im in the 1\vin Falts )istrict an opportunity to lived in telling the story he early, history of TWin .

igh inierviews with family rs, the main idea isiring infurnuition gallieredal-roric\% -r-with-parents,-----------irents or even old family the younger generation licipiite in retelling the the way things werc. vith their candid reviews0 the qentennial pages, way stroll througli memo- s hotmd to lend history a

I, you see it througli ihcir immittee member Donna______id. , -committee’s suggested m participation is open-' Throtigh drama, music, nals or even scraplx>ok.s. y of the past will be d and more appreciaied. history ihey could never ugh a regular classroom said ZoeAnn Shaub, a

voman of the Heritage ;ee.ives arc also pan of the

each classroom will he way it ivsmis to pres- history of TWin Falls,

.11 be awarded to the win- ssroom in various catc- nd where written work is id, winning stories might ublished in a book about ; carly history,Dmmission has already1 the proposal to put the d stories into a loose-leaf m booklet, said the com-i executive" director,............Lezamiz. Olher plansa- public-display_at_the______fl Falls County Fair, nc for entries is March

gh the school district’s tm director,' LaVonne , sees induding the cen- jnccpt as a plus - partic- here Idaho histoiy in md dghth-grade cdoss- ronccmed - plans to par- ire not concreic at this

die proposed plan “will itistructional'goals'’ for

story in thosc grades, too eariy in the school ir other teachers to be project as part of a d curricultuD, Peterson telephone interview.

fews c o m q ^ ndent ■uflduitt con bt ttocfisd 0Isat734399a

' yw

Page 14: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

ca Tt i i i Wiw,TWtei

M a g i c ^

swall(The W itU ngtoo P o i

S E A rrL E -T lie e fcctly brewed for a c lattc aj)d libcnilisn those who managed

! ballotVoters here were

espnsso drinks for t ' drenl.Tcn cents ihoi

expanded preschool supponers had rease roble and barely noi

After all, these an wiihout a trace of

' " IICS5 ond 'tare lya 'co price, will b u ^ e int (^ ^ w o rid^headqua

vanilla cappuccino a • S4. b a t t le , too, has

' tzadidoR of taxing hs lakes and build low ing «nd mass transie.

intentions, cnishcd TUesday b; reality. Voters resoui

............. _ c d ih e ta ix ,3 2 p c rc c ncentagain.^

the headline on th Seattle Times. The briskly this m om inf

Ora W oircn Jot celebration of Ii

___________ to d ay _ a t_ lh e . F i r, Church in TVrin F

be a t S u n set A (White M ortuary,

Leon W cndel_____________ Nompa,jcDdccL.a«

the Nampa Sou-----------

Nampai; viewing I to 12:45 p.m. toda (Zeyer Funeral Cl

D arreo K ris Heyburn, service i at Hansen Mur Chapel: friends hour p rio r to tl today.

Shawn Patrick Nldco Ernst Gab scrvice at 4 p.m, Carey LDS Cha] will follow th e s may call from 1 Wood River C h ap

GeraldJne B._______ . Gooding, m em orii

p.m. to d ^ a t th e C M ethodist C h u r Funeral Chapel, G

LeRto' T schan Falls, graveside sei F ridi^ a t Elmwoo

------^ ^ -------ForoW tuwrnrtariMtkm. Jim add until 4 p jn . avwry d fo te www.magtm

Dallis “R ed'’ Di passed away Mor 2003, a t his home.

Dallis was bom in Sturgis, S.D.. t< Gladys Brovm. schools in Leai Buckley, Wash, years in the Navy War n . On O a . 1, ried Margaret Dc Idaho. They lived South Dakota. Da Homcstake Gold I S.D. Hc also fa (^ tle fo rd area fot years. In 1977, h c 1 ner in Sunset Bov then built Cedar Li 1979 which hc own ed until he retired loved-bowlinyjmd

____^ member of AmciCongress and bowl National Bowling T 23 consecutivc y<

• liked to fish, work V

Daryl O. Bccm, p Sept. 14.2003, surr loving family, a t Medical C enter Seattle. W ash, aftei

‘Daryl was bom Jan..9,19SS,to'IVui Beem. Daiyl grew and graduated fron School in 1975. H< tbe United S ta tes onboard'tiie aircraf Midway an d US Ihnrum, while stati

. andW hidbeylslant Daiyl is survived

17 yean , Bonnie ]


V a l l e y A V e


low proi*ont ■

c tax seemed per- a d ty addictcd to aism - at least to ^led to get it on tho

ere asked to tax )r the sake of chil- ■ ihore per cup Tor ool programs, tax - . ' lasoned, would be noticcable. are dtizens who,'

o f selfoansdoufr_________

into a Starbucksluaners is here),. . coffec ill-non-fat-decaf-:— humm*0 and p ^ ncariy , and coi las a progrcsshni ' please< 'h se lf to d e a n u p the ser ow-income hous- they be

' “A bIS, t h o u ^ were o nd lw

by caffeinated Emmin oundingly reject- . in a TUI rent for to 6 8 per-. Capitol

tantwh,axncd .^^outcd----- tionchithe top of the “If tt

rh e paper sold have o ling in the d ty^ taxesoi

---------------- — sJones of HoUisier, Goodii1 Ufe a t 11 a.m. Chapel First Presbyteriann Falls; burial will Howi . M em orial Park Ore., i ,ry, TWin Falls>. gravesi

‘ a t the 1j e l l Blacker of Buriey;L.aUU>.mJSidflXjn_pjnuS louih LDS Stake Friday

W.Maiilg from 11:30 a.m.>day at the churdi ' LilUe Chapel, Nampa). T\ici(er

icc at Cris Uscola of Valley cc a t 11 a.m. today 821E ./ lu rtu a ry R upert Mortua j s may call one ' th e scrv ice-on G a n

Dedo,s the De

ic k B arker and Church Sablola of Carey, day Soi >.m. today at the will t hapcl; cremation Cemet< : scrvice; friends friends . 1-9 p.m. a t the Rasmui apc l in Hailey. E. 16th

10:45 a.B. IV osper of orial service a t 2 Barbi ^ G o ^ jiiig U n ited ' Jerome, lurch (Demaray a t the 1, Ckwding). Chapel,

tation Ilannen of IVvin Fkimswc service a t 11 a.m. Lincoln rood Cem eteiy in before t

Qbrand lnfonnitk)fi.-ctf I 73»>3271 addr*M for oWtuariM H oliitaOi Ydty. To vtow or Mbmlt oMttu cvalle»coni and dich oo “Ob>ti*

Dallis ‘RedDean Brown, 77,

Monday, Sept. IS,

<m Mardt 3,1926.., to Charies and

H e attended « ad . S.D., and s^ d served 2 U2 avy during Worid . 1, 1946, he mar- DcKIotz in Hler, tKl in Idaho and Dallis worked al Id Mine in Lead,

farm ed in the for more than 20

le bccame a part- Sowl in Buhl. He r Lanes in Filer in rwned and operat- bridge ( c d in 1994. Dallis Dallis n d was a lifetime 57 yearncrican_Bowling__(Ann)_I3wled in the ABC daughte g Tournament for- TWin F

years'. He also Owens k vrith rocks, play g randd

Daryl 0. BeenV passed away on parents,urrounded by his of Jeronat the Veteran’s Nick Bei r Hospital in ier. Kaifter a long illness, stepsonsm in Jerome on Rdls aniH unan and Ruby servingrw up in Jerome Iraq; brcrom Jerome High Beem olH e later joined of Jeror

ea Navy, serving Beem ofra ft carriers USS, StaffordUSS H arry S. Beemof3itioned in Japan Beem oiand. Wash. Washing'ed by his wife of \^rginiac M. Beem; his Mikaila

w ^ i t ,a o o »

E S T _________________

posed Es6 6

A b a d i d e a . I v o te d ,

a g a in s t i t a n d I w o r k

in t h e s c h o o ls .

• 9 ?

- |< x t m m l n 9 « ',i p M U t^ i i ic a t lo i i

__ _____

SO shops ;is espresso grinders imed,-steam-madiines-yowled- coffce drinkers said th<v were sed tha t their hometown had sense to sec the tax for what believed it was.

L bad idea. 1 voted against it I work in tiie sctiools,” said Joe ningcr as he waited for a latte l U I ^ coffee shop on Scattlc!s ilol HilL H e js a tca^cr^ assis- who WoB» with'spcdol-cdudi*

[ this tax had passed, it'would I opened the floodgates for s on all kinds of stuff," hc said.

S e r v i c e s -ding (Demaray Funeral pcU Gooding).

nvard 1« Sdiwab of Medford,, and fonnerly of Burley, eside service at 1 pjn. F r id ^ IC Pleasant View Cemetery in ey; M ends may call ftom 7-9 today and ll:30|12|30_pjn.

ay a t th e Psiyne Mortuary, 2 2 r[aui^L.£uflfiY,________________

Ole *Bobbie* M abd Heasley e r of Jerome, memorial serv­it 6 p.m. FViday at the Magic !y Evangelical R ec C h u r ^ S. Ave. H, Jereme (Fhmsworth ^ary, Jerome). >

m e t B lanch AnSersbn of 0, scrvicc a t 11 a.m. FViday a t Dcdo S lake Ccnter of The d l of Jesus Christ of Latter- ^ t s , 213 W. Main St.; burial

be in Pleasant- View etecy; family will receivc ds from .6 -8 p m tod^y a t Qussen Funeral Home, 1350 Sth St.. Buriey and from 10- > a.m. I^ d a y at the church.

rban i,, Jea n Draper of ne, s e ^ c e ’arl'p .m r& turday- le Jerom e LDS 2nd Ward wl, 50 E. 100 S., Jerome; visi- I from 6 -8 'p.m. FHday at nvorth Mortxiary, 1343 South )In, .Jero m e and one hour e the scrvicc at the church;

B E F U A R I E S -

■Om«lcvall*y.cafn. DMth n o ^ tiHHlM onllM, or to pUc« a mMW MuartM.”

id’ Dean Brown -

;c and garden, liis is survived by his wife of :ars, Margaret; a son, Darol )_Brown_pf_Pcirtlandi, h te r i Valeric(Creg) Clark of

F ^ s and Susan (Jeff)IS of WUdomar, Calif.; his Jchiltlren. Juliet (TVacy)

9m - Oak Harbor,Its, TVuman and Ruby Beem rome; sons, Rick Bccm and Beem of TWin FkUs; daugh- iCatie Beem of Shoshone; ons, Chad Parvin of TWin and David Parvin, currendy Ig with the U.S. Army in tm thcrs. Navy Captain Don I of Virginia and Dan Bccm rome; sisterin-law, Sydney . of Virginia; nicces. Heather >rd of .^%gini8 and Amy of TWin RiUs; nephews, Jeff of Arizona, Beem of

ington and Nate Beem of lia; an d grandchildren, lla of Shoshone, Josh of

Ispresso*T)on*t, get me V n m ore money in tbe th ink it is the duty tu re to get off Its bui w ith the dough.",

The business < • here , w ith-Starbud

abou t $50,000, paid 1 called Joined in Opi L attc T ^ JOLT pol

'tax.,cven as it pinisi ' spending more on Io

s ^ o o l cnildrcxL '' “O iild care is tooI issue to be fundedI---------gmup_o£_peoplc,IL

Liehtvalder, a spok ets. JOLT. “This vote ied— S eattle voters care a ire th ey agree that tliis tad fu n d child care.” ia t That is not what 1

m ean s, - according : it Burbank, who camc foe id e a of the latte tax tte tiv e director of tl c!s Opportunity.Instituti ds- lie policy group.ia -........ . “This was a test e______ ness.oLScattle.voterlid selves for an imp< for good,” he' said. “I ti id. v«is failed."

rai in term en t to follow in Cemetery.

^ L au ra Lyiui Nidib] ey, m em orial scrvice s liV Saturday a t the LDS C in F air St., Buhl.7-9m. A llan Dale Lar 21 MarysvUIeTWash., and

BuhL memorial scrvio Saturday at Purdy a)

ey with Cassidy, 1702 Pi rv- E verett, Wash, pc • ' .i l , L eroy FVed Darr th Declo, service a t 11 a.r

a t th e D edo Stake Cci C hurch-of Jesus Chris

o f d ^ Saints, 213 W. Mail a t will b e in .the.D edo he fam ily will receive hiei sr- 8 p .m . Friday a t I ial ' F unera l Home, 1350 J !w B urley and from 10- ve Saturday a t the diurch

10 L e th a Fkances (Klbt 10- of Hailey, celebration <

noon to '3 p.m. Suni C harles Catholic Chu

of HaU (Wood Rhrer Chap

rd M ary Rebecca llardid- of R upert, celebration (at a.m. Oct. 4 a t the Ruplh M ethod ist Church. 6iir R u p e rt (Reynoldsh; Chapel, TWin Falls).

5 - ----------------^ —

TOM«itw-ls 4 p jn .-lerneiit^ k M mn m fra* Mnrfca m d can H M O III a n IndMduai onlino «

I - Filer■ Ridgeway, Daron Blic I E ich e lb c ^er and Jcrer■ and his'beloved great I d ren , AJ, Nicholas '•

Ridgeway.H c was preceded in

his parents and his oni Darol Brown, who was Worid War O.

A cclebradon of Dali take placc at 2 p.m. FV 19. 2003, at 'C edar' L HighvkT QT 30 in Filer w S andra Kimbrow of M ethodist Church o M ilitary honors by Filer Legion Post No. 47. T suggests that in lieu c donations can be. ma< Flier M cn^ Bowling A:

if c/o Dallis Brown Memc11__ o r to the FUcr United i

__C hurdi. Dpnadons majif to funeral cha ']^ staff a ) icc o r jnailcd to Rcynolc s C hapel. PO Box 1142,1 ) ID 83303-1142.

ir, Wash.1 Wasiiington and Paige1 Fills.1- Daryl and Bonnie res; Harbor, Wash., for the1 years, where he was stuf the Naval Air Stadon,1 Island.1 H e was preceded inI his grandparents, Virgilt Beem of J d m n c and Lr Iva W est of Eden; hisf T ^ L ee Beem; and I[ D ebra Aim Beem.f A m em orial scrviccr held a t 11 a.m. FViday.. 2003. o t the United ^f Church in Jerome.

~ -- ~


have Inxing. Wc need fires tl le schools; but I Idaho ty of the legisla- record, u t t and come up yetove

Nineestablishm ent. fires i

idcs pitching in uuscd dforacam paim Manag tpposidOn to th e HoweU nked fun at the five-yei ised the idea of caused low-incomeipre- . “We

any lij00 important jm comes ; cd a s i ^ when

.said Andrea____causedokesperson fo r dori thf e means that1-about Idds, but---------------lis is no. way to - _______

t TUesday^ vote(lg to Jolm . BUR]ne up with the c,}, jjj IX and IS execu- Countv the Economic

me, a local pub- M lsde,

r of the wilUng-:ets.to.tax.ihcnu------portM t pubhcthink that test jjiw i:

»|lvrll limi (men »Thic

■ ■---------------------1 JudlvMid

|l.imiyi n l h c j ^ m e ■

wiilMKit priillK M4R.U

» b of Buhl, a t 7 p.m. MutMclR.

Church, 1001 ,ilmiMK. Sl llrilJ,m'«y,

\'>'iuSuandreth of[a-formeriyof— ----ice a t 3 p.m. MKinratc

Pacific Ave., Ii,i.n,iaclHxk (rau

■ Mi(h.>clK.rrington ofi.m. Saturday “f*:o m c r( ,fn .cis t of Latter- huns..- on Jin S l; burial ‘■•■y"'''' lo C c m c tt i j ;iends from 6 * . j>hI>:c Mich

I E . Iblh S t, Mjuurate. 0-10:45 a.m.

/ . ___ ,b b i O K h i S r M Isden1 o f life from jc*u»An mday a t St. MamoKk lurch Parish SCTffS*’: ■pel. Hailey)._____

:desty Harrisnof life at 11 cndiicd; :

605 H bt., , Mcimntclio s Funcml

____________ "pSS'fficd 10 KiUruI

' (Ii»-.SU.SO • .W tfi IhHI JudwKoyC

A.t.rina I. JJ. luncnikil Hlayputrilca-------------sjoofijicrw•nbeplacAd Mich»ciK.(ItfUMtbOOk. MidnK'H»gumuwoK.

' unldcinl lieM«Ki«n.ecJ

. » S " J .lick, Shavm ■cmyOwoi^It grandchil- iw> >vt>n |.i .and TVlcr g j - ’t

Arehlr \Vin death by i.m>)nly brother.ras killed in dKtkniK -ui

J iis ’ life will

Ski ii''f the Filer , , '»■"> offidQdng.

erAmcrican Mu/.ti«mThe family

I of flowers, ' u..v.u h. lade lo the A ssodadon,nonal Fund - inji. i>ic.Hk-<i d M e d K ^ tay be given viobi„.„spi. r at the serv- «»*'*• j l ^ Funeral,-TWin Falls, counu«ivV

d/ivrtS liicti SfiJSn<„,irt.

Kn-diick I

gc ot iv™. . . S6J.Mc(»iitc

vsided Oak ' Cnbm..'.he oast 13 ”111. Foa*. i J extirmiiH-v pnanoncd a t omct c<>mv m

^ and on-<1uiy i$6J.5Uc.i,irtc

n death by c«i>tn-c ilan d K « ,y

Uovd and s63.so couns dbiiAhtcr. iioibw .t h.a Daniel Sal1 ms sister, ch«w -drivd


y, Sept. 19, SG3 S0 ci»inc Methodist

vrf ll li«n«c. t ■_______ councMiv

rises in iOCATELLO (AP) - The; i been morp* human-causc I this sum m er in .southeai 10 t h a n . any sum m er c rd, and th e fire season is m jver. ' .inety-four of the 2 0 0 wildlar I in southieast Idaho wei «d by people. Bureau of Lar lagement Spokesman. Da\ vU w d . T he increase ends year trend of fewer humaj ed blazes.Ve can pretty ' much h ^ d ) ligh tn ing^auscd fire thi

cs arounct,” Howell said. “It n the unplanned , hum ai ed-firesoum p.into.the.equi chac we get stressed.”

JRLEY - Recent activity I District Court in Cassi

Ity indiidcd:

lemeanor dismissalsI l^e Friy, S2; domcttic baiterrate R<W C. Ilollowiy.lict Coxni Cttldcm. 35j Iwo counts inw -riirdrTK«k~rreudr$c3.5o-nH; WIO JudKO Boy C. KuUctmio'. w ». MltciiclU 20; cscccdinK nuudmui limit!, amended lo liltciitis toadwt chicic. $125 bgnd torfeiiure; Ma«lHnl Kay C iSoUoway.:)>cIlo I. Mcf-arlvid. 36; iniuKicier dieck (mud. S63J0 fine; Madtlrat MlchuelR. Crabtree.Illy R. Eitcf, 49: no mcdical can rate Judsc Michael R. Crabtree, n Dean Clayton. S9; one count drivin I privilcitc* und one count mUeu dri< iRi»raleJud0 > Michael R. Crabtree. • i A. McBride 44; Iniufndcnt tund Ireud. $6330 nno: Moiduniic Jud«t I R. Crabticv.ucl Hampton Vandyke, 2S; inatlcntiv . S17S fine: Ma«iMnle Judfir Koy Cliy.J Sue OcsK. 3£; imulfldcnt (und» chcd K3.S0 fine: MaRiMnite JudKc Roy Cua K.Simpion.31: diiturbmi! ihe peitfc -Jle JudKO Michael K. Creliiree.J t, tiuiliu. IHJ |«ui UJUti. .wjwiuju tayC.llaUoway.ida NL Jamiwn. 30; InuifClclent fund Iraud. $6350 fine: MW'lmte Jud*. 1 K. Crabtree.1 Ariel Chacon Jr.. 26; one count insuffi ndichcck fn>ud.S<U.SOfine.$179mti one count drivin«,>«itiKmi privileten uicjiidse KoyC liullovniy.K Duflalti. 33; fuilurc lo carry driver on pcnon; Mun'trale JudRe Kevirui Rlchiittison /xmke. IB; Iniuffidcni Jicck fraud. MJ.50 fine; MaRiitrat< lichael R. Cr.ihircc.' S. Chrf itiiiii vn, 21; three counts Intuf •fundi check fraud, $03.50 fine >teJudReKoyC.llollowm..‘; 7 S ? 2 o r i ‘ 3 S n s , " , cilejudw MiciucI R. Crabtree.

emeanor sentenclngsli^ionki >luna. 25: fdc^ Injuiy lcIfly, plca<led ^Ity: M^tiraic Judsc R. Crubtrre.

u> I. Kirifc*land. '37: drivinK wiihout

f lly.-$200-fi.Hh-»llJJ0 drivi.-r'a liecnw «uipen- • veur iitobation. 30 d«y< in juii, 2d doyi I; .M;iRi(lrute JudRe Michael R. c,na J. Odom. 37; two counit felony nu

clittk fraud, amc tided tomlKlcmcitnor cni fund* clicck fmud, jilcudcd Kuilly. 10, $63 50 court cmtv $40 reititution. r i<n>luiion. 30 day« in joll. 30 doyi «o«- M;<Kitiratc JudKc Kuy C Itollowny,

liy Kjy Sciiulu. 20; pclil tlieft. umend- Uful ciweulmcnt. pleaded KUllty, SlOO I.SO COUR coMf. one year pnibaiion. 30oyCHollcmrBy,na Rtt»mi.»cn, IH; Inattentive dn\mK.i r S n S t S F r S S l l S r S l f SK. Crabttvc.iK'lTliumas Saylc*. lH;unecuiint hum- ri>in« or fiOiitiK witjiuui a liccnsc, div one oHitit unlawful hunlinu with .in I liislil. fciund Kuilly. S71 court cmtv Itc JudiBi Boy C. Ilollowuy.I Calmull, 21); domestic luilciy. amend- itiurlilnK the peace. plcud< Kullly. ne. StiJ.SO court cotis ooe year prulw-diiy« in jail. 30 dayf >u>|>endt.-d;

lie JmlKc Boy C. I lollowiiy. liyn Creener. 2.1; inallenlit'c driving. Kuiily, $100 fine. $(U.S0 court ciMv rv Ittnlutlon. 30 day* in Jail. 30 day* I’d: Maiuttnilv Judiir Michael K.!• W. SIicrvrtMxI. 38; wclfjit c«ceedinK lo.nl limit, iileadcd Kullly. $TiN.S0 fine. ,iirt cml«. K. llindrrkv 44; iBlliirv lu ticii) ut . .....Ull. pleuditl Kuilly. SI IH.su fine.

Kfcvev 37; minor earner Iuk >»ok s |ilcadi-d Kuiliy. $43.«) fine, Sf.J.SUini Ilortry. 3'>: failure lo >li>p ul check-

pleaded K»llly. $118.50 tine. $<>J.50IvW I'lvan*. r>(>; fulhire lo tlop al clicck' >11, pliadni Kuit'y. $1 IH GO (inc. Sfi.I.SOuni At-dclahmawl, 3<i; moior carricr . Violulionv pk-adcd Kuiliy. $2U.S0 Sll court cintt.K. Kinc. 27; failure lu Mi>i> ut clivck-

tl. picadcti Kuiliy. $ 1 IK.U tine. SA3.S0l,ir Nirma, n» URV uvuilalilc; ufc loud- ik-<l Rtiiliy, $43.5« line. $<>.l.S0 omnM. hUnrry. .iO. muior earner ton t>ook >.rlciidc<fKuiliy.$44 tine.$<>3.r>()cniin Ki\tnile JiidKc MidiacI R, Cnibtrve. Sullivan. SO; failure lo nop at check- n. pliadeJ iJuUty. $11(1.50 tine, $63.50IV Madflnte Judac Buy C Itollowuy. lo It. Komcro. 71: l ailuie to purchair a K'rtiw. pleaded Kuiiiy, $M,SO fine.ck I- Vonl>erK W; failure to uou at vmiion. plea<I«rKullly.

Aanul.Niculcea.'3l: failure to ttoii al tution. pleaded RuUty; $118.50 fine, lit «»!>; MoxiilrBteJudj Michael K.II lluttilloa. 33; no liithti on outer i-v pleaded iptUty, $43,50 fine. Sfi3.50V Maiciurate Judge Roy C Holkmity liy K, ColUn*. 39; maJmum. driviiiR ny ume, pleaded ipillrK $43.50 fine. Ift cou« Ma«UtrateJud Michael R,Cenw Cornwall. 20; failure to stop at Italian, pieaiied KuUry. $118S0 fine, urt comi; Ma^itrate Jud<e.Roy CSalinai Cmnadot. 27; failure to pur- river't licenw, pleaded Kullly, SOHSO 10 court cmti.R. 'Hiducn. 46; tlte nf vehicle* and mionH pleaded Kuitty. $UI.50 fine, in cutii; Migtttiralc Jiidite Michael K.:urrmu.20; failure lopurehaaea dH- >c. pleaded Ruilty. $68.50 tine.SU.SOV

n f iiiin i$ iii*02I southeast ]h e re ' Besides damagini ,tised . human-caused fire least sive.- on A '.human-cause s noc McCammon in July

acres and destroys Hand home. Dale T^ke< were- pleaded guilty to a Land for starting the H ar [>avc That fire cost abo ids a - about half of that ab tnan- Bureau of Land Mai

Damage from jid le *- caiiscd filackrock th a t mud slides th “Ic% Interstate IS. nan- "We’re sdll deaiqua-___ effects.evety.tinje w

storm,” HoweU said.

s s i a C o u SV in Jow CatlUlo. 31; fai.o-Jo <Wver llcenie, pleaded s ISSia $6150 coun cotJiT

Juan Alejandro Ventura, chaie a drivers licente, plei

> sImon Onii, 22; one coi



‘ daw nupended; one Count |hin.t. beWBBci liy a mine"Ji* $6350 court S«J,%dayid

pen.ion:MMa«niIcJu^B Crecencio Martina. 38; i

^ JT without privilCRei, amended chaie a driv^ Ikenwr, plc fine. $63J0 cxHirt coitK on. Pftjrideproofofiniuninec.pl

^ fine. $6330 court coixn Muf^ J ^ ^ & |u efTcm. Ift driv

Bobtiy Rou McCuire. 2S privilesci. pleaded Kui.H>i J juff - roun eotifc IHO doyt dnver'i

'«>>- probation, 30 doyi in jail. 2C Masi.iraieJ.idKc R.iyCHoU

. Ronnie C..ni.i, 39; petit th«ivert Jioo fine*. «i.l,50 court co«j

tion. 30 d.iyt In jail. 2H Masi«raicJudBcRoyCHoU

ocnt Scuti Kloer. 20; fcltn"c umcndcti tu miuJcmcunor pt

jtuilty.$W..50 fine. $63,50 cou ntuf- {iiolKillon; MaKitlrute Jud|ic 1 fine: Anionio Vai(uen). 19; im

pleaded Kuilly. $100 fine. H= fP?5Siw!ilriver liceoM. pleaded ru

;e $6530 court COM.EduardoJuare*.22;onecor s s ' s s r a ? ™iidKc llollcrway.

ju«in Wayne Coodro. 29; hout privilesem amended lo thin: 3J0— wiitwulprivileRci, pleaded Kl pen- ver'k ticcnie <i(spefmon, 30 dii ilay* credited. 10 dayi creditei

“• ‘T . s a t s . K i . aynu " teuion ot a controlled lutunor Kuilty, $100 fine. $63,50 coun lilly. , probnlion: ono couni (allure Ilion. vcrS licente. dl«tlS'(ed.$<'>H.SO

RubcrfLecOdMn.?3;lMC end- u nu Contact order, one cour (too count pleaded rtuilly. 10 dayi V30 acdiled. cre^t $^'per day I

ii—(irucielj I. Herrera. 32; one

un|. Ilio peace, found Kuitiy; one iliv urreor, diimiued.$100 tine. $

all; MaHitliulc Jud«e Michaelrnd-ulw-

' W m ifi


t l, mbkiit«».hja so a

m tom m am ionuu

rck- C1.50

I^ • Showtimes and li

'• You, rote the movIR,

m a g k v a i

C U c k o n

S ' I n t e r s t a t e

■ ' j


_w _ 1- of Buhl,jigprbperty.the 2003. al re s ™ c » p en - ^ i ^ i ,

sed fire n e a r • TtMnnm5 , b u rn ed 4 3 0 0 g S g « d at least oneeo Neeno, 41, U a ru n a misdemeanorarkness blaze. RUPEbout $1 million, . Rupert,absorbed by th e 2003, a[anagement. home.

the human- The s<k fire • caused ,p.m. Thuchat blocked the Rup

. lOOW.wi:aling with its offidatinw ehavcara in - one hou]

id. che chun

N T Y C O U Kfailure to pufchasc a Koia MaiI piilty, S6&50 nhe. pletKledituil

' • >earpn>b*liira. 21; foUure 10 pur- ed,timecie<ilcodcd Kuilty, $6830 ' pleaded euil

. vidinx fabecount failure to pur> suiIty;$CS3(I■leaded itullly; $6H,S0 out prlvilqieonecounl-failuro-to •councoui.luntie Jud«e MidiieL ooc war proibtfte.' pco<lod;Ua<iuonT.Jone«.19;ite» Cedi Jonm. pleaded Kuilty, acgravated «fine, $63.50 court dhcharxlnjtii. ! S t S " S f f KemlahA.liuellis.20; .count felonynull ceckleti drtvinft. t«ca|»n. divded to inattentive llolloMyy.100 nne. $6730 court Emeito Clhe Kcnc of an ncci- iiurdiaie a0 (Ipe. $6330 court $6a30flr|e.$I. CO doyi in jail. SK to appear, diiIt poucnion of alc» R- Crvbtrte,inor. pleaded guilty. BlckcyJo.1 driier liccnte »u». acddent, um ;BoyC,Iioli<mvy. urikinKfixtu B; one count drivinR $100 flne.$9i led 10 failure lo pur- lion, 30 da< pleaded Kulky. $200 - MoKtstraleJi one couni failurv to tknjamjn .ptcadedfCulliy.SI00 inK tviihoul ; loBiwnnc Judiie Roy jj?‘Wv^nK'wit privi-

Driving I2S: dr<vin» withotit OPntfineI. $200 fine, $78,50 s c n ie n crrS licente, one jvar Pamela Te28 doyi nupendetl; meanor cicei loUowtV, , -* pleaded ituili lheft‘,pleadedRuilry. t one year driv>t>v one >v.<r |>rotN>- proluiinn. 10H day* tutpended; child, ditmitoUoMy. ilolluwuy. felony icmnd theft. Clurlef Apetit llicft. pleaded pleaded Kuill:

:ourt totlfc one year duvi dri«er'» :<e Koy C. tlollowuy. Nation, JO diinJiieniite drivinK. Maiyttraieju S(iJ30 coun COM*. IjjI, Dij«

»in 'U»- KUllty. $200 (ilRoyCiloUcMiiy. vcrS liccntei X ”. a S “, K a s s

Andrew Menuniopmcnntain- mcJiior drivlt ;oneciiunt tailurelo Kuiliy.$200ni :raic Judge Roy C, yerS liccnte -

lion. JO djyt29: dnvmK without crediicd; ime ilftl olfente driving ditmittnkumI Kuilly-J80 days tin-____UumiiiiKl; Maidiminjall,30days je^i^oward.tine.; WHhhelCII. 22; one count po>- Heidi M. K lubiiancc. pleaded ' |iri»idinK ta irt COUI, lix monllu MuKitirate Ju<

■ Deferred-o count t vii lion of Sarah J, Milunl dinnlttcd, one . tmlic bcvcraji< layi in 1. 10 day* Roy C IMIow

— AcqufttaIdjMlnjaiUIOdoy* ]|an>ld It.»rtlfinc«;Mai8it»nite Muflittrale Im

Juveniler.$<iS.50counc<nJ». Rubin Mar1 in jail. 2H doyt miv amended to inuia work in lleu of $IOOfine.$63,act K. Crabtree, Roy C. lloUcrw

ompHmntmy f tx rtug nwihttkmi a^lOOXmomjrboekmoU^tUo« I ! Twin

i/e ^ot moI locations • Link to offic avios • ReaeJ locol *

n M o v i e s

" £ - c 4 m i t a £ m m

V e S T A V A llA S L E

' . . .

D e a t h

N O T I C E S - :in A. iMkenbyJHL - Glenn A. Leckenby. 78.^:uhl, died TUesd^, Sept. IQ,1, at Aspen Grove Assisted' iginGooding.Tangements pending at laiay Funeral C hapel in ' iing. • .

y Q .W a rdJPERT - Maiy G. Ward, 94, o f; ert, died S uhd^ , Sept. 14,':, at her granddaughter’sB,e service will be held a t 2 < - ThursdiQr, Sept. 18, 2003, at. Rupert LDS 4tb Ward, 26 S.- V. with Bishop Roger L. Bagby ’ iating. A viewing will be h e ld '.hour_prioc_to_the_scTO«-.at____hureh.

R T S — ^a Maria SUn. 19: one count tiopBsin^ d Kuilty. $100 flne.$9aS0 court com , sne oUilion, ISdoyi In jaa ISday* fucpefur e oedlled; one count ctnlempt of coun.

fine. $7830tfl;U«iiUiueJud«c.Roy.CJIolto*tw.-----------ll Jomel {Union, 52; one count fekiny itol ouault. amended to mitdcmeaaor Kln« a vwapon olmctl at anoihci; pictukd ; I OO tine, $6330court codi, orte year pro.JO d ^ In jaiC 30 dayl nupendetl: orte clony enhancement for ute of a clcadk I. diimliictl; Maturate Jud«e Roy Cwo C MuriUo. 23, une count failure (o le a driver liccnte. pleaded KtiiilK Inc. $6330 nnirt com*; or« count failure arrdimifted; Majdimie JuJrc MiduelcyJoeKliher.20;lcavinK the tccrtc of on t. amended lo failure lo notify upon •. fizturtn on llie lilslit<m ploMled Kuilty. le. $9H30 coun con*. *U month* pioha- S day* in iail. 30 day* *u(pendc«l; aie JudKc M i^ l R. Cnbtiee. omin Joihua Sularto, 22; one count «iiiv. f»iul priviletM amended to failure to e a dritet licefue. pleu ^ K ^ y . M^.iivniwd; MoKi.^ Judge Boy C.

ng under thFliiinuence: Bnclngs;la Terri Delaney, 43; one count miide- ciceuite dririn* under tho influence,.: ituiliy, $300 fine. $7830 court cotti, r driver'* liccnte tuipcntlon. two yean •>n. lOduytin jail;«ne count injury toa litmiued; Ma|(iitrate Judfte Roy C,ic< Aleiundm Cl. 21: mitdemennar.'Kuiliy, $a» tine, $78.50 cuurt coiijt. 90 vcr't licente tutpentioti. ono year pn»JO day» in jail, 30 doyt tutpended; iieJudKeKuyClloUutyuy.Didt Crut. 21rmltdemeanor. pleaded SOO tine. $78.50 court cu»t», 90 day* dri- rnte tutpention. one year pivbation, ilnjttill43djy»suipendcd.timccred'_..

drivlnit under the influcTKe. nleaded j Knnne.$/8.50councoitf,‘J0days(ln> \ mte tuipeniion. ihree moniht ]>n>b» djyt ill jail. 28 day* tutiieniictl. time : one count drivinft wiihout privile^ tk une count open container t-iolation.d; Mo|Utirata.JudA»JUiy.C.llollotwu)i--------

ield JuilgnientM. KuKcn. 18; petit theft, amended to K talte information lu ufficen;Ite JudKc Michael R. Crabtree.

red prosecutions. J, Mitton. 20>unbwful ule ot an ulco- verajic 10 a minor. MaHiurute Judfie lulloway, '

Ittals------- — -------- —d II. Dxhaak, 46; injury to a child; le ludee MIduiel R-Cnibtn ._________

lile s^entenclngsI Mario Welker, 15: a-tkk>tv drivinft I to inattcnitve drivinK. pleaded KuUiy. r.$6330 court cotti; Ma«tiraio Judfte oUcrway.


W fVMtMUoalrUa g y f f f f r S T rvin Falb • 734-2900 5 5 M ain A venue W est

Burley • 678-7600 MQEast I3lh Sircci

lOVies!ifficol movie vi^b sites :ol Viewer roH ngs

e n t T l ^ e a t r e -

L E C C P V ‘ ■

Page 15: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

—C ounceii Shari Chamy


i u p ^ T - T he ( clpbse K elly A nthon

, a t y a n o m e y a f te r i se ss io n d u rin g 'Hie m eetin g .

“M y f irs t reaction h o n o r i t is,” . Ai W ednesday . ■ ^.'Couricil m em bers

' tWo h o u rs interview ii d id a te s ’fo r th e posit C ity A tto rn e y R ick w ill re s ig n - f ro m t beco m e a n e w m agi in 'C a ss ia C o u i^ .

- . .A lan -G o o dm an i Zoilinger Jr. w ere th

.d id a te s . In itia lly Di^vi- —^ h a d - a p p l i e d , - b u t - w

a p p lic a tio n Ib e sd a y i• th e in te rv ie w s b<

Compj. ^ 'S helley Ridenour

TWie»Nawfl wtftar

■ R U P E R T T he^------- eounty-School-D istrii

su ed by a .construcdc fo rb re a c h oT contract.

T he com pla in t vvas: in U.S. D istric t Court

• a tto rn ey s fo r ANCO C o f Lchi. U tah . It rcga a t M em orial Elcm en a n d th e M ini-C issia ( C enter.

■Tlie com plain t vvas ANCO o ffid a ls attcm p tio te a rcsohidon wit} d is tiic t, th e complaint school officials-have “

•---re jec ted ANCO^ offe; ---------«>n«ru.c.ri.o n a n d d c m a

inform ed ANCO tha t

Panel dec timber in. C O E U R d ’ALENE ( advisory com m ittee w o m m end logging along lin e of L a k e Pend O re so u th e rn e n d of Fam Park.• C u ttin g to thin out

D ouglas, f ir an d resto for p o n d c ro sa pine wai last y e a r by th e Idal fnen ts o f F ish and C P arks a n d R ecrearion .

A n im m e d ia te pub en su ed a n d a citizen:

-------- panul-w a:rroTffl'e 'd"to-m atter.

“T h e re w as a stron th a t, basically , people way il looks now and th o p en to chan g e ,” si W eadick , a retire< D e p a rtm e n t of Lands

_ J : h e c k _- CoiTtlnue d from C l_______

“ I t is g rad fy ing and Id ahoans b e n e fit direi this en fo rcem en t of t C om petition Act," Was " Idahoans deserve com frpm th e se com panies tli

. Ij^' o v e rc h a rg e d Idaho tHisinesses a n d s ta te go for m ore lh a n a decade.’ - 'Jo h n s to n sa id the cc use th e m oney to by a n< ' ..S ta tew ide, m orc than Uon is av a ilab le for he (Kitrition se rv ices from t ^ c n t in voM ng six mult ^ m p a n ie s . O f that, S3

llispanicCtminuod from C l "So w e n e e d to look a t tl tional system .” •

E squ ibel sa id the schc change to add ress th e H ispanic s tu d en ts , d tin g i resu lts from th e s ta te s achievem enc te s t. More t of H isp an ic high schoo m ores failed.

.. ,e^W e n e ed -to -lo o k -a i-i {lards a n d h ow they will hi e d u c a tio n a l system ,” si l lisp an ic s tu d e n ts i an eq u a l p la n e to s ta rt w i<iual chan ce to succeed." ; A nd w h ile th e s ta te is older, a la rg e r portion of children a re H ispanic i coun ties , s e t t in g .the si in tensified dem ands on in cn ta iy system .

S ta tew ide , m ore thah ie n t o f ch ild ren u n d e r 5 )

- f r c H ispanic , b u t in soud

JDunties su ch a s Gooding, nd C assia, m o rc than 30 i f thosc youngste rs a re H

T he f ig u re h its 40 p e r (ilinldoka County.• “1116 ed u c iid o n a l systei

■ Basis fo r th e p o (« th of d" •♦ id u a l w h e c n e r - y g u ' 1

im p ! o y m e n c .* c a i^ ^ w look at,"*Esquibcl said

. ; ' Idaho isn‘c t h e only s ta^ th e H ispan ic population gi

tcilxhoosA dm inlj h e d id I d rew .

« City C ounql Bagle; ion as th e nex t Iy acce j i t an executive th e d v i l [\iesday night’ ' c o n firm

th a t h eo n was whac an o f fe rc o i A n th o n ' sa id a tto m e y

-an d a i n;rs spent nearly 1316 c w in g tljiree can- sa id , wa: asition: Currcnt n o w in ck Bollar soon. Bo l ia r h 1 th e post to ■ jo b -a s tl ag istra te judge sa id .

,___ ^ BoUari_ a h ’d _ C la y n e _ _ lll* e _ d w th e other can- a b o u t $2

)9vid Pena also a n d $17:-w ith d rew - his------ A n thon_ly tiight before s a m e be*

began. City ' e n c e thai

)any suesr The* c

A N C O C---------------------- n o t i f ie d .T ie ' M inidoka L K V A rc!tricr:has-becn:----- aw arded-ction company M em o riaact. Mini-Cas:Tis filed Sept. 3 A ccordin,u r t in Boise by A r c h i te a0 Construction d is tr ic t o 2gards projects g en e ra lly len tary School w a ll” rep ia Opportunity v en tila tio

p ro je c t at vas fUed after O n Ju im pted to ncgo- re c e iv e dvith die school th r e e coplint states, but tr a c t betve “at all dmes a n d ANCiffers to begin T h a t deli'

i T r a r a —h«>rnntm rt" LK V A rch

sddes again n Idaho staiE (AP) - An a n d p a n e l ; will not rec- T h e ori| )ng the shore- d e s ig n e d t Dreille on the t h e p redoi a rragut S tate a c re s alor

p ro je c t - w )u t stands of a b o u t 350store ' h ab ita t. ......t r e e s , . , irwa.s proposed D o u ^ a s daho depart- D ep a rtm e i1 Game and T h e logj in. - re d u c e fin lublic ou tciy t h e “o p en :ens advisory fo re s t o f t to n i id y - t l r e ------ ^whlt5"setd

Incerm b u n rong opinion I t is a foi p ie like the en o u g h apiI they a re hoi d e n a b re a

said M ark g ro w th olIred , Idaho s h r u b s o i n d s fo reste r con ife rs.

—------------ ---------e a rm a rk e dn d just thai th ro u g h o u tirecily from W est E n d ,f the Idaho H a g e rm a n ,Vasden said. W endell alsompensation T h e Id a ts tha t illegal- S525;000 toho citizens, i t ie s w hilegovernment Id a h o Assc

tie.” a n d A gingcenter will M ea ls on W

i new stove. w ill go tovlan 51.2 mil- im m vm tzati

health and - r ia , te tanu :m the settle- S100,CKK) -wlultinational D im es for'S300,000 is e x p e c ta n t o

CIt the educa-

chools m ust Soutile needs of T h e Hisp ng the latest s ta te s hee s t a n d ^ a n d N ort re than halffiool sopho- P«n

at-d ie -s ian ---------------—° ^II h inder die

sbc said.ill not have t with or an

a is getting o f its small c in many

stage for on the ele-

ah IS per- 5 years old

>udi-centzal ing, Jerom e 30 pcrcent

e Hispanic, pcrccnt in

f'SS t“mdf. S S S E E IiX1* look* a c , . maticaUy...Gfr

w hatever o f s ta te s w itl ;aid. L a tin o popuLta te w here 17 p e rc e n t be a grew dza> Ju ly 2002 to

j s e s ^ t l ii i ls tra to r R oger B ag ley said d n o t know w hy P e n a w ith-

^ c y sa id A nthon im m ed ia te - cep ted th e o ffe r tb h an d le v ii woric fo r che d ty . A n th o n rm ed W ednesday e v e n in g h e a lso h a d a c c c p te d th e . to w ork .as th e d ty ^ c rim in a l ley. B ollar h an d les b o th d v il rim inql m aners.! on ly h esicadon , A n th o n ivas how to k eep th e system 'Jl p la c e ru nn ing sm oothly.■ h as do n e a n o u ts tan d in g . t th e d t y a tto rney , A n th o n

a r i s p a id $41,000 w w o rk asire a i r o n i a ' . - I M t e y - l ^ i J -$24,000 a y e a r fo r a v i l w ork 17,000 for crim inal cases. n _ m ig h t-n o c _ b e _ p a id _ th e ^ bccausc h e h as le ss ex p eri* ' h a n Bollar, Bagley sa id .

s districtco m p la in t t^ e g e s th a t

I C onstruction o ff id a ls w ere d J u n e S b y p ersonne l from ^ ich itects th a t they ’d been 2d -a -c o n tz a c t-fo r-w o rk _ a t— ria l E lem en ta ry a n d ' t h e lassia O pportun ity C enter, ling to th e com plain t, LKV ects rep resen ted th e school t o n a construction p ro jec t Uy referred ' to as “ w indow ep lacem cn t and a h e a t in g tio n and a ir cond ido iung : a t th e two schools.June G, ANCO em ployees ;d “by exp ress d e liv e ry ” ropies of th e w r itte n con* e tw een th e school d is tr ic t ' 4C 0 , th e com plain t s ta te s , e livery in d u d ed a re q u e s t J^CO o ffida ls “review , sign tu r n a ir iK r5 e -C 5 p I® “ ro”- ^ rdu tec ts .

nst cutting ate parkle l m em ber.}riginal logging p la n was d to m ake p on d ero sa p in e dom inan t tre e on chc 167 lo n g 'ld le w ild e Bay. T h e • w o u ld have h a rv e s te d iO log*truck loads o f o th e r , in c lu d in g _ o ld -g row th ..

> firs , a cco rd in g to n e n t o f L unds e .stim ates. ogging was* su p p o sed to firc d an g e r a n d r e < rc a te en p a rk ” pondcrosa p in e f th e s o n th a t p re d a te d jtt le in c n t th roughout-fh— ~ u n ta in West.fo re st o f m atu re t re e s .fa r a p a i t fo r horses to b e r id * ' e a s t a n d h as a n u n d e r- o f g ra ss r a th e r th a n o r s tu n te d “ d o g h a ir ”

lu t Idaho . In ad d itio n tn • d . c en te rs in TWin Falls, in , ’ R u p c n , O akley a n d a lso a re receiving f u n d s . . Iaho Foodbank rece iv ed to im prove sto rage facil-

l e $150,000 w ent to th e 1 s so d a tio n o f N u tr it io n i Jg Services program s fo r I I W heels. A bout $ 180,000 1 tow ard, early ch ildhood : a tions aga inst d iph the* 1 n u s a n d p e rtu ss is a n d i •will go to th e M arch o f c )r ' u se of folic a d d by ( t o r n ursing m others.

I t h sees surge in Fispan ic population g re w 6 .6 p< h a d th e largest In c re a se s with

orth C arolina leading th e pack.

gofcontago chanQO Irom gOOO lo 2002

_ s ........B_.___V______

.8. C*n«u* eum u ,S e o i ^ topped th e l is t dcrith m e fosbest-growing csniladons, adding n e a ^ Hibe tw een Ju ly 2000 a n d peto reach 516,000 red * an

lion -as^ iid A nthon is to tak e <n h* . a tto rney p o s t by Nw.

said. A n th o n is a n att< th e R u p e r t firm

le R ob inson .and W alker >n to con tinue his p riva te lg A D e d o H igh School le. A nthon sa id h e 'an d hi: al ' roots in th e a rea a nd m dl sion to . re tu rn to M in

raise a .fa m ily a n d ‘,fc in careers.ni Always p lann ing to i y. school, A n thon com f lg. • u n derg radua te work : >n pology a t ' -B rig h a r

University. H e th en Wi IS University o f Idaho ( - , . La w w h e r e iL c jk P -e M h k n c n c e m adm in istn : 5. budgets, w hich w ill h«e___d ty .p o sL ! ...................i* ■ A nthon saw th e c ip

position a s a way to ir

{for bregIt ANCO o ffida ls d id S( e m itted th e original pa> n ■ perform ance bonds a.s n ' under te rm s of th e connIt------accord .w ith_IdahaJaw ,e plaint s tates, r. - But o n Ju n e 17, ANC' / received a facsimile f ll ' A rchitects th a t th e t County School D istrict h V 'just voted against accc

of the b ids for th e a l g tioned project,’ and st

project would be rebid s the following winter."

p lainrsta tes.Then on Ju n e 23. ANO

t ' received a^letter from t d istrict “pu rponed ly sigr

t d istrict treasurer, thantdi j ^his recen i b id and advi • ' 'ih c rb o a rd 'o f“ rniKrecs-i

dedsion to rcjcct a ll' I

Simplot ore froir

POCATELLO (A Environm entalists say t oppose th e J .R . Simplot posal to expand its Smok; M ine into a roadless a rea eastern Idaho.

T h e . .U.S. B ureau _c M anagem ent and Foresi are holding public mc( di-scuss th e propoM d pi mining plan , w here 1.3 would b e deve loped a miles w est o f Afton, Wyo.

and w ants a perm it to mil also jiroiroses an expansic of the m ining sites. 'H ie CJ would span 4 0 0 additional the south and 120 acre: nonh. M ost o f the land in

I posal is in inventoried

• en il’s officc. a p p liia tio n s being tak en fur sel ilem en ' In O c tu b c r 2000.

E u ropean , com p .in ies IIoffman-I..a Rochi.-, BA! Aventis (fo rm erly Poulenc) - a n d th ree J i com panies - Takeila Cl Industries L td, Eisai Co. L Daiichi P h arm aceu tica l C agreed to th e s e ttlem en t v Idaho A tto rney G enere l’s and th e a tto rn ey general o th e r <itates, th e Dist: Columbia and P u e rto R io

The se tt le m e n ts wci

I Hispanic growth6 percent s ince 2000. Southe wilh Georgia. W ashington, D.( ack.


-----WoMViroioio -had mo smaixm ^

■L ■ IrwrooMW f l1 porconl. j|B |

inoooMR p S ^ . ^ ^ ^ l a a p o n

dents, according to C ensus B estim ates. N o rth C an Hispanic popu ladoa grew percent, w hile Nevada, K er and Soulh C arolina w ere ne;

' ' ' • ■I - \ P I C c p g y

Ltipert-atow r th e d ty • his eight ycoy. 1, Bagley . corporate (ittom ey with dve with hi

o f Ling, provide a s>sr a h d p)ans ' During dtc p ractice . - - members a>oI gradua te , each attorn[us w ife have , personal t rm a d e a d ed - ' enjoy d ie o'ini*Cassia to. - how they n, b u ild th e i r ' tionships b

o th e r . en ti0 a n e n d law Bagley said, n p leced his . Council: in onihro- • Audrey N« am -Young— Bagley werc w en t to th e views, whi

CoUege of closed, exec

:ra tio n and > Timcs-Neu h e lp in the cun be ivad................. ..............MinirCassuL

a tto m ey ' Ext. 638, inco rpo ra te sdtaitcy&ma

ach of COso. a dd sub- m eedng on aym enc and plaint s tates as required ’ ’I'he purp< i t r a c ta n d in " bid, morew._Uie_cora-____ANCO.^_bid

nnd a con ICO officials ANCO. “coi

from LKV breach and ' r M inidoka uf the contr t board “had trici and Ah c e p d n g any is en tided ti above men* of damages,” s ta tin g th e 'I'he comp d som etim e • y\NCO‘s b id ' ” th e com* bid deadline

statutory req CO o ffida ls . ANCO’s a1 th e school the compan: g n e d b y th e ages in thefc d n g him for ■ has been fon Ivising th a t sel. Tliey askrT n a d e th e ------ rhe-am otm t' b id s a t u interest be ai

t pushes U n roadlessA l’i - areas, BLM g

they will .said, i l i e reac>t Co.'s pro- m ented by thi)ky Canyon tion in May 2(2a o f south- One federa

companies to . o f .L a n d . . es ,.bu i undei;st Servicc the expunsior:eetings to However, dphospha te overturned in.3 2 5 acres Judge . C lartab o u t 20 Wyoming, ma

'o. legal. Forestin m e latiu ^Scott G erw ie:n ine ore. Ii Simplnidon to one Phillips .saidexpansion removes the (la l'acres to pany hopes tires to Ih e new area in iin d ie pro* when the curJ roadless niii out of ore.

IS a rc still m itting consulen l funds. e s to recover), th re e duirges. evens - 1'. sum ers and IASF. and buy direcdy f

R hone- ers.J a p a n e se The atto rnC hem ica l alleged that i L td ., and ' conspired for rCo. L td. - to fix prices art w ith th e of a variety ofI’s Office mins made b j •als in 20 . are- used in vis t r ic t o f sud i as milk,ico. and feed for cl'c r c th e fish.

Analysts ciic( •for Hispanics

h influx of new iifor jobs - evci

hern when die US.3 0 a s key reasons (

■ ■■ • “Hispanic imi ^ here for jo life,” said Uruv dem ographer “Tlipy a ra tak in Americans don

scrvicc cconom] ^ California sd1^ num ber of His

million, about oi population, foi NewYork, FloriJ

Hispanics a largest m inor Census Bureau

]la had j n June that foui rgo« uladon stood ai

increaseofalm o ' two yeare cndin

was four times d . d i e U.S. populx

about 14 times ra te for non-His;

------.B overai• “H ispam c"ane t

i B u reau a racc, so peoplt iroU na’s n id ty can be o f i V b y 16 th e Census B ur cn tucky tu n e allowed p< le x t . themselves by mi

ttorney^: y e a n o f experience a s a c guest r a t i o n s .execu*1 Ms law 'experience and a scrv icc to th e d ty .; cho interview s, co und l s asked questions abou t _ . omcyls philoM phy, th e ir tra its , w hat they would

2 m o sra b o u t th e job andr m ig h t foster good rela- .; becwcfiri th e d ty and - n ti t ic s i t d ea ls vnth, lid.il m em b ers . M ayor N eiw erth , B ollar a n d -

e re involved in th e inter* /h ich were* he ld in a . tcCTitive « ^ io r i .

/ews writer Shari Chancy adied at the newspaper!:ia-£unau.at-67.7.-4Q42.____8, or -by e-mail a t . ma^cvalley.com.

ontracton Ju n e 16," d ie com* tes.rp o n e d rejection of th e c th a n 10 days a f te r - [)id_bad_becn accepted loncract forw arded co co n stitu te s a m ateria l id unlaw ful term ination ncract betw een the dis-' , ANCO for which ANCO1 to i ts p roper m easu re­'s,” che com plaint states. Tiplaint points out tha t id was subm itted by th e Inc a nd m et th e bid andrcQuirements. .............<: a tto rneys w rote tha t any has suffered dam-: form of lost profits and b reed to h ire legal coun* < iisk th a t a judgm ent' in i n t-o f -c o s ts ^ fe e s -a n d -----2 aw arded to ANCO. (

to mine s-1 - )

is areaa

I geologist Jam es Blair toadless ru le vvas imple^ cthe C linton administra* v 12 001 .2ral law allows mining wto re ta in existing leas- ad c r - th c roatUcss ru le . . - aion could be rejected . n'. th e C linton ru le was ii I in Ju ly by U S . D istricta ren ce B rim m er in tlm aking th e expansion J2s i Se rv ice geologist r1C said. v\

spokesm an R ick bid Brim m er’s d edsion tl e questions. The com-< to begin m ining th e aln th e nex t five years, U rurren t m ining panels>re. ni

si w


isum crs and business* |c> c r d am ages for over'en th o u ^ i th e con* hi1 businesses d id not w;y from th e price fuc* H

Wirney g e n e ra ls had Cl1 th e six com panies Hr >r m ore chan a d ecade; n nd restric t supplies . toof v itam ins. 'H ie vita- ob by th e se com panies

. v itam in piUs, foods . Cc k, ce rea l and bread, r ch ickens, c a ttle and

__________________ A

iled h igher b in h rates ^ cs a n d a continued V im m igrants looking ven during a period S. economy slowed - IS for th e increase. •unnugrants a re com- ..i , jobs and quality of j

'ruversity of Georgia g - , r D o u ^ a s Bachtel.ldnRjobs.thaLaJot-o£____lon’t vyant, like con- idscaping a n d in d ie ^m

stili has th e largestEUspanics w ith 11.9 j c onc-third of its totalfoUowed by Texas, h j , irida a nd Illinois.

a rc th e potion 's lority group .. Thelu re leased a rep o n g p ,ound th e Latino pop- tcki

a t 38.8 m M on . an qji6most 9 p crcen t in th e s t nding Ju ly 2002. I h a t m e,5 th e grow th ra te for Q,at Illation ovcraU andes g re a te r than th e «][ispanic w hites. rietim m e n t considers te a tle th n id ty instead of Tlp ie o f H ispanic eth- A caof an y race. In 2000, a stureau fb r tfae S is t a n epeop le to identify ties,more.tfaan one race. dem

TF * VtmtdKi

. . ■; ^

^earchnfG may hit V- .SALT LAKE, CITY { n e w s to n n th re a tc n e i

___ e ffo r ts W ednesday 'lw om en who d isap p ea r h ik in g tri;) in th e .M ountains,

S c a rc h team s a n d : tra in e d dogs g o t an ea

. W ednesday , though lh fe w e r in num ber a nd w i s u p p o n .

.A h e licop te r th a t a i sc a rc h M onday nnd TXie: g ro u n d e d W ednesday be

_ .h ig h winds. ____________A_stot™Vvas_exRectctl

r a in and snow over poi t h e .m o u n ta in ran g e ,

— ia lle s t^ a n d - .]o c a te d —al m ile s e a s t of Salt Lake C

“ We’r c w a td iing th e ' o n c e it looks like it^ co a n d settling in we’ll j'

• o u t ," sa id C hief D epul B o o th o f th e S u m m it S h eriff’s D epartm ent.

S ea rch and rescue tea: b e e n searching th e a rea C ry s ta l Lake, w here be liev e Carole W ethcrtoi P an acea7 “ F laT T ^nd—K Beverly, 39, of 'Ibcker, G h ik in g w hen they got .1

, w eek .Booth said re la tives w

to U tah to help investiga try in g to stay positive.

“ They seem to l>e doi ■Ihere’s a lot of em otion B o o th said . “’I'here 's a lot e ty , th e feeling o f th e uni-

Fam ily m em b ers I

Jerome __iContlnuelfrom .Cl_________

O ct. 8 because it was set.t<

g ive the city’s legal couns to d ra ft th e new contract.

T om Richmond - omtici Villag e West M obile Hon^ at 1015 N. Fir St. d irecdy r th e wasievi.-aier trea tm ent a sk e d the council if th e c th e capacity to hand le tl ch e c se p lants tha t send it w ater.

R id im o n d lold th e coui w ould like to see th e cit a h e a d of ihc gam e nu h e

- alw ays playing ca tch up." n o te d he w ns“glad th e odo im proved th is summer."

C ity Engineer Scott Byb th e c ity h a s had th e capai Je ro m e C h eese a n d Wei F oods since the trea tm cn i was renovated .‘n ia t is, as 1 b o th com panies don’t ' th e i r p erm its, Bybec said.

“T h a t is why we are* so ad a b o u t the costs for going oi lim its,” be said.

M ayor C harles Correll s; new contracts with, th e com sh o u ld cu rb the num ber o f w a te r violations.

— rW astcw atcr—rre a tm c n r- m an ag er John Boyd said

"h 'av en ’fb e c n 'T in y S 'e c o n r lem s.

“ In August d ie industrial had n o violations and Septi was looking good, too." h t How ever, in la te Ju ly W estFarm foods and J< C h e c se exceeded th e ir p lim its and were fined l>y t lu

C o rre ll invited Richmo: to u r th e trcu tm en t plani ob se rv e d ie re-cent im prover

O th e r busiiic.ss by th e C ouncil included:

• Feline fric tio n C ouncilwom cn M arjorie Sd

A R T E C _Continued from Cl rc<iuiring th e sam e stu d er a t te n d core classes tog< C o m b in in g technical tra w idi acadcm ic d a sse s adds v an cc to ih c studies.

“T h e academ y m ovem c ta k in g a big jump,” M ajor sa

In ju s t a year, s tu d en t c ac a d e m y enrollm ent has jiu to 293 students, up from 2 143-stn d cn tsrln -th e-san ie-p c non*studcnc cohort aca( en ro llm en t rose to 265 studei th e 2003-04 school year, frorr 97 th e prcviom year.

B ob S team s, su perin tcndc th e G ooding School D istrict, h is d is tr ic t has em b ra c e d acad cm y conccpt a s well a: he lp received from ARTE' dev elo p in g th e p ro g r G ooding 's S tru c tu re s Acad cckchcs skiUs such as carp< and d elves ii)to conccpts sut s tre sse s in concrete a n d < n e n ts on property lines. In i n a th a n d writing o re in teg r n to th e pi'^^Tiun.

“Ic^ b ^ a real learn ing e ie n c e for th e kills a s wei eachcxs,” h e said.

T h e ' d istric t’s In fo rm a Academy, too, is tak en serio LS d e m o n s tra te d b y s tu d in e n d in g class in w hite sh irts i ^ In fo rm ^ o n jte d m o lo g y

M a g ic V a l l i

»r-missing-i weather roj

(AP) - A a la rm e d and c d sca rch ' th e wom en r ■for two hom o S atu rd i

ared on a T he tw o w i e U in ta P a rk C ity and

w e re o n a 1 sp ecia lly m o u n ta in s a:

carly s ta n w hen th e y go th ey were* L atec that y ithou t a ir d ro p p ed betw

of snow in tl a id e d th e ovem ig lit ten lesdiiy was below freezit bccatisc of h ik e rs m ight

p a re d for. V/h« cd. t'o. d r o p , h ead e 'd jn .th e lortions of d id so in co s, U tah ’s w ithout clothia b o u l—50----- te c t tbem . fronCily. d a i s said. '

J w eather, T lie w om en com ing in , F o rest Servic ju s t pull U in tas o n Sep

u ty D ave n o t dre'ssed p ,t C ounty A u tho rities be

le ft th e are-a ;am s have a n d beginning 2U around . l l i e i r rented e po lice th e C rystal ion', 58, of S un d ay .w ith n K im berly— and-energy“bn G a.jW ere c le . Several ii . lo .^ last w e re (;ircled. s

w h e re Ihe iwo w ho flew T h e re wi gators a re " W ednesday to

th o u g h each loing* OK. sm alle r group >n there ," “ T liere com Jt of-anxi- you stop but I nknow n^' th a t puiiu 's goi

b ecam e Booth said.

_____________ im d Diirei Boi•to expire w ork -o n creat

r i ^ l l lm c en ra tlon -from - t. Pet Pals. -:er of th e K n im er said )m e l>ark c 'ly «ried to pu ,• north of cats that failed It plant - nance would hi c ity h ad cats in tovm - r th e tv\'o starving since

it waste* using th e auto: w here th e cats t

luncil he K ram er told t rity “get im p, n eu te r iin< tier than " h e r e gr.uH fm " But h e - Colonies o f fer.i lors.were neutere-d. givuii

re leased biick i ;bee said hoods, lad ty for A ccording t«> I WestFarm Resource liteni: int plant d is trib u ted to i s long a s th e program ha

v io late E urope , the A frica a n d in

adam ant Francisco, over th e • Vacuncie:

Severjil vjiciind' said th e C om m ission m panies R e la tio n s neei ^f waste- Several peop le

indiciited :iti in

id there n e e d e d , Rothvit~i5» b ----- council:-----------

B oth m ale iin ial asers H ispanic o r oiin [)tcml>er needed , Intere'st h e .said. call Roilivveiler y bo th com m ission ch; J e ro m e C isneros a t 324-! p erm it • P&Z openir

h e city; d e s exist o f tb lond to zoning inc an d C om m issioner : em ents. re-cently resignc' l e C ity m ission. A nothe

vacant f o r .a wl m - said. H e en co u n >chmidt applican ts to ciill

e r s o n sd iool grei e n ts to “ N ine ty -n ine •gethcr. tedm iciil p roblcn ra in in g of by ou r kids, ds re*lc- “(ARTEC is) a

really been g o o d : le n t is O th e r d is tric said. re^newed th e ir a cohon ARTEC. A s sue

um pcd s tanched th e exc 2002's chat c la im ed thei

p iniod;------ m ctrM cm bcrsh ipad em y to a low p o in t las lents in 13 d istric ts. Howt im ju s t ' b r in g in g o n bo

C am as County an dent o f Diets, th e m embci irt, said a t 16 d istric ts.:d th e A nd enro llm cr a s d ie pregrum s contint E C in in c re a se in thi g ram s. schools. . adcm y “I a m very ha p c iitry A R T E C h a s i u ch a s E ckcrt said. “I thi

case* .have a b c f tc r grs I tu rn , n c e d .to d o in th e ; g ra ted Long ^prm is o

an d th a t, Eckerts* i expe- to th e sd io o l dis; ■eU as mine.

“T he d is tric ts 1 nation how im p o rta n t it iously, around,** b e said . * id en ts b e p a r t o f a n o re t s a n d 'b e r a th e re a n d y stu* g o t to be fbrw aiifnptif. , twalfo tiapjw

iKf, 0 ,2 0 0 3 Tlm»Nn


;-women^— D a d b l o c k ,ind caUcd poU cc w h en ;n m is se d 'th e ir ' f ligh ts urday.0 w ere vaca tion ing i n ' and police b e liev e th ey a h ik ing t r i p in th e .

s as early a s S ep t. 8 '/g o t lo st.,hat evening , a s to rm letw een 4 a n d 6 in d ie s , n th e m ountains, w ith , tem p era tu re s d ip p in g

lezing, cond itions th e ?ht n o t have b e e n pre- W herever th e tw o w ere • .the.U in tas, .tjiey .llk ^ y _______1 cold cuntlitions a n d othes^sufficient to pn/-from theelem eniK , o ffi------------

nen w ere to ld by a U.S. irvice ra n g e r in th e ;Sept. 7 that th ey wdre- d properly, fo r h ik in g . ' s believe th e p a ir th e n ire-a before- r e tu rn in g ':iing th e ir h ike, nted SUV w as found a r ta l Lake t r a i l h e a d . th m a p s .h o ttJ ed v \a te i- ' y-har?rin:iidc-tiie-A 'ciii' al are'as on th e m ap ;d. suggesting a n a re a iwo mijy biive trek k ed .

w ere n o p la n s / to call off th e search , ich d ay m ay f ind ii m p com bing th e a rea , com es a po in t w hen ut I don 't know w hen i going tu b e ju s t yet.'I_______

B obrow ski aare-ed to ________reating an o rd in an ce ' f«;nil cais.-iftcT a ores- om 'K -aron-K m m cr-o l------------

:<aid a t one lim e th e 3 puss il leash law for iled. S he said an ordi- d help Slop c n ie lty to 1 - m any of w h id i are- ice th e city w ent to lutom ated in is h cans ats can 't get in. lid th e council a bou t a

I funds iire availab le , fer.il calS iire trapi>ed.. . . . ivuu vaccinations and ck in their neighbor-

• toNittioiiiil Feral Ciii len itin e that K nuner to th e Ctiy. C ouncil.1 has been successfu l he U nited K ingdom , ill Oregon a n d San

icies r e i te n i te d - in d e s on llie M iiyor’s 1 on M in o rity need to b e filled , p ie have ca lled <uid I in teresi in sen-ingnission-h iirm nroT jrc-------------n h w e ile r to ld th e

! iind fem ale . Anglo, o th e r m ino rities lire re'sted peop le should •iier a t ,}24-K18<) o r

cha irw om an L u p e '124-5557. I enings - hvo IviJcan- f tbe p lann ing an d

com m ission , e r P a u l, L loyd has gned from th e com- ither seat h a s been I w hile. R o thw eilc r ouraged p rosjiective Ciill him.

grounds.ne p ercen t o f o u r i}lcms nre tak en c are .:ids,” S te a m s said.

a good th in g ; it’s K)d for Gooding." itric ts, too. have ir appre-ciarion for such, A R TEC has exodus of d is tric ts

th e ir needs w eren ’t

. last y ea r vrith o n ^ lowever, by r e c e n t ly ; :

bo a rd th e B liss,; y and R ichfie ld dis- nbcrsh ip sits h ig h e r >

m en t in tech n ica l iItinucs to s te a d i ly '

th e a re a 's h igh

happy wich whac - i acco m p lish ed ,” .I th in k diac t o ^ I ; g rasp of w h a t w e i

the sh o rt funire.!* | is ano th e r m a n e r ,; r t sa id , is la rge ly u p i d is tric ts to deter* ,

t s have Co teU u s ; t i t is fo r u s to b e ; ' id . “I don 't w a n t t o ; ■ orKEnixadoii th a t^ •. d d o n e that.* W eV «; w aitM ook ing - a n d ; ippen .” . -

Page 16: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

C 4 n » w # « w ,T W n F B

' M a g ic V

RUPERT - Rcccn S th D is tr ic t C o u r t i C o u n ty in c lu d e d :

M i s d e m e a n o r , d i s illum bono Alolvya. no

■ .drunic. in public cuusin. M uK iiinie Judne - Ro} lluUowuy. •

M u K. CAStoncda. 31; f 'id iiurehue u drwcr'i lii MiiKiitralc JudKe Mifhai Cniblrcc.

Jamie Ccja. 24; inuttc_______ dfiv ing .-am enJcd -to -d<_______ uffcnic..$<>3JMX.b(m(L(ocfe

M atuxnilo J uJ kc Michai ' Crub<Rx-.

Dunlcl Uwrcnco bucho, ----------- dnyirwrNtiKinmicJudRcR.

M i s d e m e a n o r s e n iCwkn thijo . 20-. (uiluiv lo

vcr^ Uccnw. pleaded Ruili $G3.S0cuun couiiM aslnruu JhJf,

.lam o C Coxpci; 18; drivir lcBc*.ple««Jed Kuilty.S300 fii om s. IBOdayi dhvctMicvfiK mcmlhi pcvbation. lU days in <u«pcndcd; N b ^ n i ic Ju ^

dbmntic violence batteiy,' ; _______ S500nnc.S63.Ma)|im colw*.

couni ufnccTK plon' rinc.$6J,SOa>unan<».IOdii

wjpendcd. Mu«i*ln«c .

CeboCoTKaiaJ Roulc*. IH chiuo a driver'k tlccnse, p Sr>H.50 fine. SC3.S0 coun m JudKv I-<uiy R. Du((.

S^Uiimon A. 1-Vius. 34i onv driviiiK. pleaded Kuilly, SJO court ciMis. four monihf pn)b

. in i<iilionecotuiicontenipi □(_______ Euilty..SG3.S0 coun e<r«»i tw

twu tldyt crctliled; KtaKismt K.ihiff.

Shawn M. Kelly, noiyjcuvi without privilettct, umende«i punhiue u d rim V license. | SCS.50 rine, SC3.S0 coun cot Ju^ ^ R ^ ^ 1 toU o ^ ^

tcniivo driving pleaded guil failure lo putthaac a driver

'im a c J - M a ^ w it ju f l j t rH a i AUn H. C u n itt. 44; one ct

lainer vloUiion, pleaded itiiili SC330 coun m U i one count I

JudxeRoyCHoUiway.A. Lm>, 39i ono count

d io te a drlverN llcenie. pl $68.50 fine. $63.50 court cos contempt of court. diimiMc Jud«eRoy C. Holloway.

Fernando C. Aleluya, 25; 6 ure to puithaM a drivers lie

S q t u r dL o c a tc d : ’IV i

- ___________ Ft.qtn.Pay a n d P acM

I S«toTlroe:l1rf>0iUiT a

, Ferguson 30 sa s tractor. 2i’ - single from Tor IHC 65 6 .

o n c K a l j - p a l ro f N .9 x ; I Fruehauf le ft tK lly d u in p

to r m anu re spreader on ru 3ft buckct, m cchanlcal trl|• M adson 2 row ftont ct w lndiow er. hvdraulic <lrlv

1------— lR n w i i i r t ) ? a a ^ J o h n -D «plow ,.3pt h l l^ - f < » g u i o r

• (ubbcr. p lo drive • IOCi

^lew Idea 3 tu r side rake Ol (Mtato plan ter o n steel • olc gle ^ p o ta to digger on M steel - o ld roll over scrapei itev l-> ^cC orm lck lOft )lel

IHC "37* lOIt tan d ein m o v e r I 1 /2 yard carty; 3p t Itilch > A llied nost hi d itc h er, n to , 3p t h llch • ii V iyt>e d itc h e r . 3p t h llch RR lies • sm a ll scnffoldl

. C A TTLE CHUWest G uard C attle S()uee7.v boxes • liUlcr discs • inowei• Im tane b u rn e r heod and I• il&D skill sa w -lK )lu an d• w rcvrtlrlvers - flIe^ • Mar sr»o|>s • Tories • shoveK • |k piles • exercise m achine - n

ANTI. Duncaii Phyfe beOr<xiin mi diesser a n d n lie Mand • o board and curved foot Ik» i curved back, o n ta te a tul vc cedar chest • derrick tmlley baskets • o ld Ma|estlc ctuI ha n d or pu lle y grain or coi l>alr o f o ld c lam p on k e %k; tru n k • C row n 10 gal moik ' t jg e linen • » ld luggage • o

JJ__ ^ lars (hung In bam in ra lo;F U R N IT U R E •

Siodem w o o d double bed s sewing iiu c h ln e - rocking I• w ooden cupboan ls a tu l 0 healers - kn ick k;iack shelf baskets • french te lep h o n n• new pain tin g canvases - i nbergbss d isp lay rack • glas c lu lr • electric cash ii-glMvr sl2C bedding • 2 new twl

LAW1Alaskan c ra n k up 8ft picku lacks - W izard 4 hp riding Jacobsen r o t a y self piopelle cn la ttice d isp lay fencing • S<

NOTE; C o m e te e w hat els»

OWNER: JOI'__________ TB

fMBCS d « M M og

■ T h e B

A U CT IO N E Lyto M M tm Owy O

BuN.kteho Ooo«n| (206) 543-S2Z7 (200) K

JMiCnrtetlan MobM PTionM :

_______ Rlr^ild*Ptwna20M31-7;

• r - .................................

I ____ ___________________

V a l l e y / I d a p

— COURTSr e n t a c t iv i ty in ' d«y* in j« 1 i n M in id o k a


l l s m l s s a l s . ■ S i . T 'J dno age available; $68.50 flne

isinR a'nuisance; ' vidiiu/fais> Roy C. »11; failure rf •I liccmio; ‘ \ \ . <fhaoJ R. ^ ' cattentive ^ c

- Vrec o rd s \\ - . chacl R. 0

cho, (>3; inattentive muchaao ii » Roy C.-HoUowoy.------

e n t e n c l n g s ,V10 purxhaie u dri- vnhanccme Kuilty, $(ai.50 fine, diUd pitsc[ruieJudKcI.ArTyK. domestic v

$C7.S0coucrivin« without pnvi- dayslnJaRO fine, $88.10 coun cd, 10 dayien»e suapension. »i* cotitempl o« in jail. ei»cht dw • JudBC Mid. Klgi! Lany R. Duff.^ STy! . Driving iSSlSS™—sentem>lcadedKuillv.$300 KoKellol0 ditys in Jail eight dvmeunor Ate Judite Loiry R, plc&ded gui

IHO days <1«. 1«; fuilurt: to pur- months pro c. pleaded (luilly. - lu-ipmded;1 MagiJirulf . |cK<.t.pleJ>di

Atti. IHO d onv count rvcklMs six montlis $MO fine. $6J.50 Ma^tret^itofcoun.pleaded demeanor 'I. i“i!-____ p le a d ^ miirwtc Judxe I.urTy costa, 90 dio

months prol : awlhiblc: drivinjt luspended. ( ided to faUurc lo mun. tw d >e. pleaded Kuilty, Jail; cme cot costs; Maglstrutc ' MaRlstitlleJ

Baldtunatguilty: one coimt metuior, pie

___ S m S Sle count open con- - 300 days sui Kuilg $36.SO Itoo. C. lloUowuy.

!2U i; K i ™ " D e f e r r o tlunt failure lopuf Vanc&w 1V pleaded guilty. chase u drivcosts; one count Roy C HoUo

iMe<l: Magisiretef f i o n o d m u M . J u v 6 n i l eI liecnse, pleaded Theresa L

ows. $132 ^t^^vUegc


rday, September 2r w i n F o ils , I d a h o 3 1 9 7 t l

l_________________ ;____________

r R A C T O R S • M A C H I N Ir, 28* rubber. 3p t h llch - tw o pal. S6> p a lro f 1 6 .9 x 3 8 direct ax lei I X 3& snap o n duals • dlRKt oxi n p Iraller o n rubber w ltli S ih wii 1 rubber, g round drive • Fergusor I tr ip • Jo h n Deeie 2 row co m nl; t e n d bean cutter - H eaih lOfl Jrlve, ccn ier delivery - Spei-co 6 i D ccrc-R46BB -Tl>arcultlvatarba ison 6 fi tandem hangon disc. 3p > ffictj«ill lyjMMondem d iH '-G as 1000 gal fiber glass transfer

O L D E R M A C H IN E R Y !e o n steel - steel w heeled liay ra d• o ld 4 row bo.<( bean planter o n s n slevl. 1)10 • McCormick 2 row i ip e r • M cComilck liunch rake - IfleUI cultivator on sieel • Oliver

C O N S I G N E Dn n d isc o n rubber, c u to u ts fn r ry a ll o n rubber, hyd rau lic llll I h o le d igger, large auger, p io I • m o rm o n 3 row sled co rrugat ich • tw o 4 row solid sh a n k cur >Idlng s ta n d • steel posts - a;

4 U T E • T O O L S - M I S C i:e7.e ch u ie w ith aiilum atlc ca tch iwer sickles - plow packei w heels nd IiDsc-s • ba tterychaige r • d rop m d n u ls • d raw pins • end svrenc- ta r w renches • weed sprayer - le• |>ortable a ir compressor • Fergii r - n ice pile o f new hardw ood toi I T I Q U E 8 - C O L L E C T I B n su ite w lili double l>ed stead w• o ld w ooden double bed s tea t K »rd • nice Victorian style tnatcl' d velvet cushions • D uncan I’ll) lleys • old w ooden caster dresser (u i o r w ood ranee • shoe last • i c o rn grinder • o ld w txxlen S]>o|i

.- skates • 2 tne lal law n chairs • sl one crtxik • 1 piece each. Rosevll ’ • o ld ({ullls • old lamjH • 2 sets 1 long tim e) • old Iron becl steat I • H O U S E H O L D M I S C n l stead w ith n lte stand a n d m ln ng love seat - coffee table ■ Blaze Id doo rs " hom em ade am io ir - : lelf • m eat sheer • coffce m aker nes • folding w ooden tables • p ic s • Christmas decorations • lu r i Rlass display rack • m etal filing ca vier • draperies • table cloths • afg tw in l>ed (Mds - and o ilie r Iv

W N - O A R D E N • C A M F c kup cam per w llh stove, refrlgei ling law n mosver - old Crafism lellesl law n mosver • DyiiaSfark ro ; • Sears e lea ric lawn [ximp • AerN

else th e fam ily finds before sali

lOHN KLINE & CLA TRIBULLA ESTATESw c C o l lw la k iU ia M k D n o f S•ogtd Masters Asction? Business that Service L NEERSYO«bo(T>« Jo*B*nrwtt<xRng. Idaho Haooman, Moho B] 934.&390 (206) B37-0923tIarsMn - Hupwi Uaho • S31-4122 or M 731-1610 • 830-S350 • &394111 11-7356 •JAX;S4>&227orftW«T7-w»

iMto,kWiO Ttnwd^fiptowtii

lH O

5 '

I Jail, two crediied;' on« count ipi of coun. plMded guUty. $63.50 Mts, two days.ln jail. oredlt-

0 Juores, 22; one count drivinc wilb- vilettia. amended to failure (o piir* ' a drivei 'k 'Ucense. pleuled ffi^ty, Ine, S6330 coun costs; OM count pro-

KuUty, $36.50 rine, $63.50 court costs, 12 months probatioa 30 days in JalL 30 days futpended; six counts contempt ,of court, two

’ counts dismissed; four counu pleaded ipillty, one count $63.50 court coas. nve.djQrs in jail, ona

- w m t $63 JO court costs, fne.dqrs

ono counr K3.S0 coun awts; five days in jail; one count failure to

o u drivers licensc, found guilty, rinc.-$63JO-eourrcosti.-12-ix>onth»— m. 10 days in jail. 10 day* suspended;. Ilte Judge Roy C. HoUoway.C SaiKhss. 22; one nrunt fetony m ent for domestic batteiy wldi a resent, amended to misdemeanor c violence battery, pleaded guilty. OUR cosu, 12 monlhs probation, 90 jail. 71 days suspendest, tim« credit- lays discictionw time; one count

U *,5R "crab,rec.

l g u n d e r t h e I n f l u e n c e

i n c l n g s ______________ .Uo Tlnoco Vargas, 30; one count mis- o r driving under the influence, guilty. $300 One, $78.50 court cotm 4 drivers Ucense suspension, six probation, 30 days in jail, IS days Ml; one count drtving without privi- 3J>ded itullry, $300 One, $78.50 court

ilis‘'^ b a i io n , 1 0* ^ In j ^ te Judge Larry R. Duff.Chris Luwun, 42; one count mis-

3r driving under the Influence, ^ t y . $200 fine. $218.50 cqim___

[>robation. 30 days in jail. 28 d ^ ' kL one d v crediicd, treatment pro-0 day* Minl-Caisia work in lieu ot count injury lo a child, dlimlMed; te Judge MTchael R. Crebtiee. mar V. ('^inzale*, 24; fekmy. amend-»cMiive second offense misde*___p le a d c « llm i l^ » » fSSTJ78;50-----ts. one year dnverS license suspen-

suspended; M ai^ra to Judge Roy'uy-

'e d p r o s e c u t i o n su N. Ramirez. 15; failure to pur> JriverS Ucense; Magisiniie Judge cUoway. •, . .

iie d ism is sa lsa L. Richardson. 14; driving with- leges; MagiitlBte Judge Larry R.

r ^ -' 20 , 2003B u st 3 3 0 0 N o r th

id Eastland Drive Soulh)________

U i g c l n f w * by Katlnr

N ERYpair of 28* dual Ures and rim s dc duals* pair o f 13 x 3 8 snap ax le hubs for IHC 7 1 2 0 - o ld w heel - Massey Ferguson trac- son front end m anure loader, planter, shoe type. 3pi h itc h j

1082 8 tow pull tyjw be an I6 row fronl m oun t bean cu t- I

- iH rr J p r tilt c h ^ Q u a r tc r tu m -------1i p t h iicli - Massey H anls 7ft I

2a sv co rn o rg ra ln « le v ato r-o n - — I er tank w ltli b a n jo valve. I RYack - IHC single row pull type >n steel, 3[« h iich - Oliver sin- w pull lyjw [xjtaio planter on ? - IN C U hole grain drill o n ver Oft double low cultivator.

f io n t, hyd rau lic lift - soil l ll l • Foru Oft te rrace b lade , iio d rive, 3p i h llc h - ro ta ry g a to r, 3p t h itc h - E versm an L'orrugatois, 3p t h itc h - few- asso rted cu ltiv a to r too ls .

(CELLA N EO U Sch - pickup side m oun t loul- x'ls - assoned cultivator too ls rop co ids • vise and post drill rnc lie.s • sockets • grease guns- fencers • tlies .m d w heels - rguson tractor jack • vet sup- tongue and groove flooring.ID LES1 w ith box spcliigs, maitn.'ss. ead w ith ginger bread head Itching chair and couch w llh I’hyfe pedestal table • 19S0's iser - 1 0 gal milk cans • spud i - nlicher im m p - D em pster |>oke wlieels and fron l ax le - • sieam ei trunk - cam el back ;,-vllle and I lull po ttery - vin- rts o f hoise harness and col- ead - and ottier collectibles. __tC E LLA N EO U SnUror • Dress Maker portable tze King wood lieaiing stove- 2 new electric base board

er - tea |>cis - vases - wicker pictures • m lrron - pa intings ar stools - platform rocker - i cabinet - n ice Brocade easy afghans - iiueen a n d double

household m iscellaneous. MPERIgcwtor. bi-d .uul lable, plus sm an rtdlng lawn mower - s rotary lawn m ower - wood- erM otor elcctric b w n pum p.

sale day.___________________

JIRA BELLE ESi n s r ----------- -------------m Service.............sBuiir

CLERK i< LMMrLoveUnd no RupwtkUho 3 (2oe)436-ee«3 2or4ai-4123 >111 • 431-7355


— R m s e ^. BOISE (AP) - The

_ City C oundl arc st new m easure tha t 0 belie jab a t the Pat]

^ docs nothing to actua M w ith its* provisions.It- A m ulti-partisan . calls itself the Rqisc ir.-- . taking similar, action y, level.^ Organizers drafted* ^ th a t would prohibit 1 10 from using some too ix u nder th e Patriot Act. 2 tion also would have IQ d ty libraries to dest « . o f book borrowers, '* Patriot Act allows «J------ m enrto-cxBinino-reap o f people under inves r. te rro rre la ted crimes.

y • ' •

: : . M

' w g i W H E E l l

■- a : ___________ M f

'‘ Monday-Sati

' • Sunday

— F i M t u m a f l ’x a i m a r t o n o t i t t e . t c co ttondckou te bUUoptddcoHc

H n lriarand6 -pouni m S i oTDi^ontSOeil.K S aE m V • - ^ Our Big Sal

H f i a s * 0 1 1 ‘ Die

H ^24-lloiir Car

H a H o ^


------------■ . a

imSMi ^ Caivi• 'ft

“Je s u s C h ris t-. Sunday WorshI,

Wednesday: Woi r-; Ca

' f e s


C i /f lie Spor,

THECOa lb* War To lalfl

ymfooliesfie Mayor and “We i supporting a hysterical taicM a sym-' ' not pa

atriot Act but said ually interfere, founder

Sancherii 1 ^ u p that introduce ise Patriots is than 3,00 m at the local tures frc

porters ida resoludon anti-Patri t Boise policc ordinanct ools available • simply ws ct. The resolu- to ensure e encouragcd stitutiona !Stroy records are protec -s, sincc the Dut Dep

the govern- Attorneycading-habits----- D erdem iiesQ'gatfon for Police Ch •s._____________ Pierce tol


' m e v l u ' d INow open ( f m

jturday 7:00am-10:00pm <9 ay 9 :0 0 a m - 8 :0 0 p r n ^ ^ ^ jg

u ; .J e n

J m g.S6e.95

lie Ends Monday, ;• W E « ( D A Y S ^ 9 * m^ ^

IELDS 66 Sm e S e e V T fo T O tiT a s

ieitl • Solvaiit • Propane • ard Syitin * lottery & Con

• v ^ r o f ' G i f

Come In and si selection of i

aV \ -• M any new things

^ • Electronics

B * Cosmetics

® • Full Service Phan

I • W e Deliver!

^ S A V - M O RFull Servka Pharmocy & I

w Open M onday-Fridoy n Saturday S;30anv6:00pn f 1109Moin in Buh

rary ChapelPastor Brent Huether:

t - T he sam e y este rd ay r to d :hlp: 10 a.m, • Sunday Night I Worship, Bible Study. Youth Gr :a ll 543-99S9 fo r Informatloi

ocmtlon: Former RIdlmy'a B

tie Bit ofLunch Cornier * Groceries -G a s • Pap • B e c r^ lc c —

'terns • Souvenirs * Movie R, ortirig Goods • Some Hanlw

CORNER Ii h m f i C « r t

are not / cal, we are

"“S . S We are no;rico,°X w earendiced more c im.0 0 0 signa- .'T f ‘Sil; steps to i»M°,' "We <^onstituti(want steps • are prc re our con- \nal rights *tected.”>eputy U.S. - Cwety Terry . Boise P a tr-and-Boise------------------ ;—Chief Donlold th e council that the

f ^ U H D A Y ^ ^ ^

S ceI'a s H io n e iS e r v i c e ' .U

e * Tirei * Balterles I lonvenlenee Store H

M ilw 5 4 3 4 W 6 M

i f r i d e i ^ l

see our great H f gift items.gs to choose from


R D R U G I& Rodk) Sltock DogIw 'ay S :30an>7:00pm )pm • Closed Sundayjh l * 5 4 3 -4 3 4 7

To d a y & f o re v e r ! ” '

Service: 7 p.m.Groups, 7 :0 0 p.m.

I B u ild in gg y


MERC 1ultefanl» 5>7»<74l | j | r a

tes4*atrio^ ^ resplut• • ■ preven

not hysterical, that w c

not paranoid. ;Sj‘’ps implywant S0 e n s u r e o u r

j t i o n a l r ig li ts

p r o t e c t e d .' to • COI

largelyw e n Sanchcrico, draft bi ■ triou ts founder— G fcy» |

’ . affirmse opposition to terroristr

1 Call Us For A■ ELECTRICI ■ El■ — EXPRESS— v\

— C4//aAe«/arK/pic*u/Treat your tastebi

^ H | u y S m ~ r Roosters ^ B W V i n i n r ^ \ Statesmetal

^ 1

578 £ . Green Creek R■ Pine, Idaho 83647 H ' 208-653-2515

H IfsiV oiir we.

■ f tCwsfom ,m m > W i " d o wl i * s a / e ;

B F n , T o 3 5 * o f fH H Hue«0tK0unU0nH H Cu«iomWmdo»T(Mim«nts

>tA et^es(jtio n would port of ctvi)tne ’ them Ih e issueusing tools council aga

vere already . 23. lace before ' ‘ The PalP atrio t Act increaisingl;

adopted , Idaho. Firsas using “Butch” Oti

surveil- al stand agia t large on federal ]

ses. weaken pate r hearing trating pn v

sides, the vate proper:il decided Last molonsider a General Jol:y symbolic Boise to anbased on a of Idaho liisboro,-N .C,-----cers,.indudItion— th a t----- Mayor-Ganis the dty% About 200 j>m and sup- protest the <

All Vbur ElectricsLocally Owned &

Operated By Scott K<


u)i am m )uyn

tup dinner orders t t our easy drrbuds wHh our delidoitrs • A pples • R<ig Dolls • Ca a l Pew ter • Bird Houses • Fra

& C ountry Store ^W en dcl

l l e ^ T <Rd. Jody Wert, Broker 7 John Wert, Assoc. B

Pine, Idaho, Numbe

>eb site at • valleywestrealt

v e r i n g ^ i ^ - ^i t f o . Vd Creative,

— 11 Bay r f 6 » t t h a * •<

I f f i.Mlnl-Bllnds-Coll Shade . piflfttod •Wood


S 0 l u t i o n 4

dvil liberties. S S 3ssue will com e before tbepQSg again a t its mefeting S ep tg ^ g

P atrio t A ct has m e t ^ ^ S ingly stiff resistance in-- *‘4 First District Rep. C.L. '.3 ' O tter has taken a nadon- 3 : against it and is working - ' a ral legislation th a t would parts of th e law^ conden- )n where privaqr and p n - w £ ! | >perty rights a re a t stake.'3£^B m onth, U.S. Attomey4f‘4 3 John Ashcroft spoke i n ^ f c g an invitation-only crowd

0 law enforcem ent o f f i - ^ 3 d u d iD g -P ic rc e -a n d 3 o ise ^ 2 | Carolyn^ Tertelinjt-Payne.-$&8 : 0 0 people a im e d cue t o g S B h e event. ’

IcalNe ji:4/i ' •

f Keyes S

X P R E SS Ir s 3 e « 4 i i — ^ -

5 A V U ltA b t i ! '" " | m |

' drive throughi -

cious recipesi' Candles ^ B | k■ F ram ed ^ ^

itMitage Road South wndcll» S3&-6&88 W B 3

n ber 653-2515 ^ 3 C

talty.com_______ B M >


F0 < o n r f ^nodes • VonicalB J B M 5


Page 17: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

- ;? ! P F F I

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j ■ '} • ' .J u "

-*’s --:'■o, - .. • .j».«


i f r n i r l

T h e Mirorli y o u t o cc

Outlander• Extended wheell• Innovative SSP’'

rear suspensionaC M t a ^ me<U, (IckIucEoo MM m »• wbj«i U Mn»na^ w (hxg««■ «<y >p«>lwxair>hm A». ol tp « ^ prenvMmil krr(oynwnl •• 30 dejx er men pM du*.

T O IR E V <

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Doo 8o .it Ski-Ooo S

COVE(v«. bidunry

H H ofonly6in< A n ta llv a l* OtftrvtfdOAtl

' Quitr.kadOoe

ip ATV t h a t al o n e - r id e r ma<r. 0 .

• Raised footboards for b •Fully integrated step-uF


1-877--( 1 - 8 7 7

? c T i : a S 5 r . i 5 ; * . S ^ " ? ? 3 ^i t r i S S s i ^ S & SrtlO.UiStiiMrbflrMMr, MMmuni financ* i

Ik R-v-i-c-t-^--------ERAGFtn r't m n d trdmomhiliIm m w MQI<a*MTyui(r.

i l lo w sic h in e


‘ better comfort up'seat

^ T h ls c le v o p t io n a l t o qu ick i' c o n v e r t 1 a tw o -r id t o a one* m a c h in e e x tra cariabS H

4-MY-' - 4 6 9 -

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• Surroun •Visco-Li •The bes

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-RIDE- 7 4 3 3 )

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lable copy

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g o o d i t w a s n V o f t h e Y e a r

lander™ 400 H.(lutionary Trailing Torsional jendent |TTI'“) suspension >unding Spar Technology (S )-Lok' Optimized Traction test power-to-weight ratio i

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-AT-5t9%-APR—W T ir 2 f f0 5 ~ ^Ml Bomlionllgr ATV models.

PER MONTIn a m e dr "

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n(SSP“) frame System} in its category


SWM hem Aogutl I, 3003 «, imiMj o<U OmT. lroMr~. ond

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anW iw i,T ^IM h;iiii» c s >D111TH“


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CtMslc Poanuta' HAVEYOUMi



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Oi>mON K£M.LV KdClJlllS *■ OF TKKyt-L, COCbN'T IT T


HfftwnUf U, 2003___________

By Ch!

| / 6 oop\ / thanAST (LUCKy/f THAT'SrTHlNS Vteachi

a te_ ■ By




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______________ yNgvg p. i?BCeE AI H S S ^ '4 C * i B /1/2- / ( r Tr/e 2KO- .

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EI f w o u u c ? T H IS BE A B S T O A SK MOU TO H e i i T H IS PJECe O F S O R ^ CLAW6 ?

^ _________ By Char

f WB M&rcouu

£ q Z3_11H1BBy Brant P<)rker & Jc

^ \M5VL4?Y(3l<^l^e W

By Chr

_______________By MorJ " » C L _ ? P SORRY i

jSCv ioott^A J u j t v ) ON MV ",

iWBy Bob

CK TO -m '( AHAi-\S AfOUT Ml SO-CALt-fi

a P P/IMA/0//


By An Sansom

' %ip-Ke:TfsKe5PLmc Tl J0i.Tr0 5£C THCIH-FCI'^ ^ o v l t . l> ! ______


:harles M. Schulz For BkNK YOU..^ I , ^'SWHATMVj n[N ;her saip y

I- J

^ 13y Scott Adams BlondlITASIZING L_;:ng off .che ANDSHINE j


a i j ^ lBy Johnny Hart PIcktea' 'x ------—n t/'too

\ PtMP- ) . - > - otpv y WIMP

...... - - jiew

Z 3 “ l•■ • ^ t - \By Jim Davis

BAP TIM6 ^ tl , _AU eUP GET)FA O P P^ .

Mlance Browne jm M

luPM-r^' ■ m 4

^ 1 S f sI wishm i B i 'B 'puny<Jotinny Hart ' Roao Is R

lU R

liris Browne ZKs

« a •z U bS

lort Walker Luann <

'‘HELP" •3WF '

ff Hob Thaves siransoBt.i r ——<Y = ■; -i -~it> i | jI A. 5 51 * 7 . '

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I /Dm S'Chip

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UKeToM\t?6.7 S to li L O O K 6 E - — O P T M E lO ftTER J A U

P ^ j l

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>H w e c o u u > A P P P e n n u r CAUL us'LIST' s Rose

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'Wn:T,C W ? J ^

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Brew By

f o . T ”S TWMY N B b IeouuAMAD ftstHcei m usTf

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!K i f

B L -r \ Wy^wHW* fl


lowABoor)/ OH \ | Hv

MLVtoORX r^6$.l >_

By Hank Ketcham Th


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n OEPBWf ANOI WERE ' rmr^HEi^mKiNiSr

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I iii i'iM M r I


y - s ^ _____IPVOOIA-__ .✓ J

By John Decring Non S

................. I foR cKr-‘ C Pj frDo SOBf40 I.

feliiH jJai I - ^n mr I J J

' '

f K S S S :K iS & ‘£ 5 T 'iS ? |(f60 rAMIUWktt - I CAM FJWP I 'AMVIHIMfi- fM lOOKIN^V ftoR IM MVfeLaWR ^ = ^ ^

■ ByDl| OH,6000... 'I ' illKf r. I TMENIT'SALL I ^ AO

t’WA^SOMlhiS'toO j P

The Family Circus

3illy says if I wear my I hafta walk bac

_______ 8y Jim Borj"'S I / f ^ ri y H A FFE N H ^/

I Sequttur

R & cr rr, GrUyi?. t w e .n ■ v eJOCP WTMCR Lft.1tR OF jR tJ^C B f^C Y , A NO VtfL'RC 3 fob -tuw mnsowt


I ,


m M £T t e WWORV 9?’ 'NKB. V k A W T T C H ® < B U R tP '


_____‘ Bv Lynn Joh 3 °

By Dean .Young & Stan' Draljplj'I’MW LLNSTO ' lljli'' I


., WRONG,TOO.' J.. :,,,, .

______ By Brian Crai? '- '^ o f f t L , \ 1 V IIM K -; '4 H

. A ^ i A C O O W i 't K i , - ^ P A K tT R V /^

By Bil Keane

'Tiy cap backward, jackward.”


T W N O T T C ) ••TBAUMTWe ,

W W CI5IV & V m E - . /

Borgman and Jerry Scoll

By Greg Evans iI

By Wiley- V . - ; '■ - - -

c 'I ■ ‘T i

B. 'EM q?|U 6 ' ^------- -------- .1:»M. nns 'Midi. L.COPV,

Page 19: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

Compli"firingsBy LotraliM Cavener Tlm>»WewB cofwtpooclw

SHOSHONE - A scwi aimed a t creating new .octcnding services to a n facturing fadlity is'neaiij itjleg ion IV Derelopmez

the City Counal this . Tbe company on tlie ead of the hook-up, Hai R o d v .Mountain Hardi p ro m is^ it^ facility will joTbs in return. • •

I Shoshone received a j g i ^ t from the state to e I scwcr service. The ex^et I necessary for Rocky I I Hardware to build its nu ing fodlity in Shoshone.

I an $1S;!00 mnldl, wU ; from work hours put in b; I crow.< - Jennifer Etter, a pla ‘ Region IV Development ; profit corporation that f economic development i tiphtral Idaho,-said th e 't

rh a d provided about $2 ,00 ( labor than what was requi ' . ^ t ls over and wneed to do,” she said.

I - -Shc-told-A aron Aggc ; maintenance supervisor,

__ I track of any further expi• the pro jec t ~

Buhl schooli By Mary Uu Potts ; Thne»New eonwpondent

BUHL - School offid instrunors touted their re programs during the Buh D istria^ regular board m<

“Buhl Sdoo l D istria t business of teaching le said Maiy Wiggins, the > curriculum director. “We dedicated staff and have

— TirbiruaardiivcnT’------------------ VWj5gins-and*a“ staff-o

I jtudiSTasb-uctora outlii• ra rio iu ^ro g am s this yea

“Our programs arc align the Idaho Standard Achic Tests," . said Ann Swei I^pplew ell Elementary ln e lower leveL classes - garten through third d e studying atx)ut neighMrho communities using weekly and open coun data, Sweei

Third' and fifth-gnidc s um starting out with Idaho lessons and moving

■ American histoiy.Thert-sa Silvester told thi

about the programs taughi middle schoo). Students ii

'sm d ies classes there wil geography and cultures Westem and Eastern hemis U.S. histoiy and some e ^ I Idaho histoiy before moian sodal sdence.

Karen Peterson outlim : high Khool'classes with c : ancc of sodal sdence, worl : ly, geography, U.S. histoiy, e ' ics and government dass ; dasses will smdy currentr where thev apnlv,________

PopplewcU ElcmPrindpal Helen Brown and TVirpin presented the boar data received from th e studi

. die Idaho Reading Indicaio induding the valuable infon from kindergarten pre-scr and pre-IRI tesdng. The tc }uc the informadon as a i

!:chart cach student as • progress. The data shows wl

Students are doing and whci need help.

Peggy Thomas, coordinai the sum mer Jump Stan Pn said about 112 students enrolled this year. They (cachcr-recommcnded or placed in the program bas results of advanced scivcnini ntques.

English Sccond Language 66 averaged about 100 stt this sum m er and enrollmcr based upon pre- and post-tesi cach student. Thomas sai dasses also incorporated sn tliat were new to the area.

Wiggins thanked the boa allowing her dme to work

T ak e i t from SPO'

B A B B E L S C L E A N Eu dofocow good at rmoving s Brine us all cl)c “old friends’' ha

out in your closet!


- ^ B A B B E L SC L E A N E R S

228 S h o sh o n e St. E. Twin Falls, Id a h o 8330

7 3 3 - 2 2 5 8

letion of Lmorejo

“Now thaKiwit g«t you rein-------- :------- Contiactcewer projcct go** projlew jobs by Excavationa new manu- latter of w.a ^ finishedT borifig for tl□ent planner • Summit ijthis week. be hookehe recehring the p ^ p s Hailey;basedLrdware, has $67,900 frorviU crcate 10 Iy h a s h e d

Counal Ita $ 1 4 1 ^

0 extend lhe should be w c^ension was completed. y Mountain Rockj> M( manufactur- erected a bu le of town and ■dto provide fall. E tter sa #hich came dect n by die d ty hardware co

planner for ing five mon ient, a non- M i^ r Rit It fadiimtes gested that t It in south- bon-cutting t le d ty crew upon comp, ,0 0 0 more in extension pn squired. ' The coundcl what they concerns rcl.

Snake Rirai ggeler,-dty - meeting,whi or, to keep p.m.ohWcdtsxpenses_on___ ^Coimty-Eairs

The d ty of

ols discuss cu,n t S p e d

, ' AspoctalinMfiaals and School Boardr » « W v e Sept. 24 in tii u h l ^ o o l . sidcrfinolizalm «ting . conifDct fof tt

a IS m the Architcct Joy (l e a ^ g , " newly hired qt

jc dutnctls 5^111 HWe have a Dciolls ol ony


limed with improvement

weeny of ments to the]ry Sdjool. .“Summer v 5 _ Idnder.

r h o o T S WiSginssaidkly readers occ™uli

- K t

’ • Clean Imc1 the board AccounM t R

y j s “> *■»es in the ™ re m <>i^»r misphcres,^ lo ia lo ty

lined theh eontinu- ™

y , « o n S SSdlKwlBn.d.lasses. All — mt events y g [ t j

cmcntary md Kadiy || oard withudents on |*Vator tests,formadon •'gta■screening ^J teachers Daily 4:30*ya tool toas they IT V T P V S V i

: what the 'hero they

forProgram, I SsalziicuiiL&ii

nts were icy were or werebased on ■ Q ^in R. rung tech- ■ Freat<v Fr

I tohnnv t- age dass- I OnccinM oi students

ncnt was testing ofsaid the Tlic Qttsmdents, SjttJOitiJ

ioanl for

o r i T ] . i | j H | E

r - --------Pin Jing NcQnccJiLMc DlrUg Rt.h.

Cabin Fev Ame.4can We«

Prrtilcv Prill .UCB£n.CK«

NCK& Open RaniMaglcJ^allcxJE


s — E mi i i l

.Shows Tonli I ^ j g u l a j ^ u i ^


rdty sew absJto-Slithat you are over w e can 1eimbursed,’'. E tter said. 1 ictOTS for the sewer cjcten-roject were S um m it •,on Inc and PMF In o , th e *1 which did the highway

r the project ‘ 1itisw aid iigforthepow er . s )ked up before turning onps and wrapping' up th e >e r said. A p jv request for * .1rom the company recent- . *en made, she sa i^ I i members agreed th a t aof (he fin ^ paym ent ' (: withhdd until the jo b is 1d. ............................... IM o u n ^ Hardvirare has ' t building on p ro p e ry eastmd plans to move in this • C' said. •. recorativc bronze door a company has liired five

sandiscoininittcdtohir- ptore, she said. FRichard Andrcason sug- Lat the coundl plan a rib* itlg ceremony, to be held Snpletion of the sew er pproject u in dl also discussed w aterrelated, to an upcoming Crar Basin Adjudication B vhich will be held a t 1:30 cdnesday at the Gooding

‘ ^ o sh o n e should start

lurriculiunidal meetingD M tlr«o lttw B uNtfntw lllbc tKtlct a t 5 p .m . - n ttie district offlco to corv Izailon of the constnxnJon Jf ttie new'tiijh sctiool. loy Ctiristoptwrson ond d quality conirol adminls- n HayeocK will attend, any contract ctiangcs will iedjis-weila&iloor.plans.----------

crsei"u|j"ijiugiiiiii!» Lui 1 die ISAT was mtro- fie scheduled sd ioo l cnt days allowed th e to align dieir assign-

)c ISAT standards, r workshops were held teachers attending even

was not required ,” id. A few teachers w ere lulating crcdits for the isaid.: the first full “ in service, c staff, Wiggins added, school board business: books-Certified PubUc t R. Michacl Burr gaveI rundown of the finan- if the dism’ctT he annu- howed diat all papers Icr and the district was ' mdal shape.Its admitted - T he w ed the open enroU- X students from F ile r attend kindergarten remaining four will

ie third, fifth, seventh ades.


\ X 3 L ______ I

D 7 ; 0 0 - 9 : 1 5 - = S ^ j

.A o A m tr ita n L tg cn dII 7:00-.9:40 •


V l J n p o m r c n .9:io ICXiCCMjoOjjb^jlO^

Otlicr <«>TJ0.V:4SitUl£CII»TtlS.Vt4S I

aJub(n:)’<IS.«:4» ■cJUaeuccn.M-9;4s Iick Men <111 1:00 . 9M I

lafribean tuifc<».»-ia__ __NcniuVui7iM;»4iMaacu.«i5:*»-»tM I-Lutzsni (»i ■

7 « .w o - ILCilU-dJl I

UlslaXlK) TlM.4:4S ISCP£1l2(1)7M-«;M .■

mioht 7:00 • 9 :3 < ^ ' H H i

w = s r ; i v

ver syste btoshone

lookiflg at putting to^etha management plan, Aggele

“It really concerns me,” . may be looking ac


ity of Dietrich, Richfield i . shone deating a jo in t wao

“If we’re losing five water a'year we m ay be river without a paddle,”

. “We definitely need to c planning.”

Maiy Kay Bennett, d ty d gested diat the-coundl imr Tbminaga, exccutivc direct! Idaho Grotmdwater Appro; to a funire cbundl m ectm g

In other business, tr • Council was informed its p

rates for risk managemen

“The premium went dow percent, believe it o r no Patrida Baker, president o Insurance Agouy, In c Bak ited the Idaho C oundc Management Program, provid^, for “keeping the ums reasonable.”

Premiums also w ent dc Dietrich, Richfield and Baker tdd the City Cound]

m ms w d H R a / lW '


1 9 9 9 T O y o t ^ B cExt. Cab, 4x4. V6 , Loi



1998 Ford F-150 E4x4, AT. Loattior, Loade

T 9 9 ^ o o g ^ a n n 5 0 i5.9L V8 . AT. SLT. Load»

3 . - 3

LS. AT, Loai

^ ^ z o O ^ a t u m ^ wAT, Loaded. BTinw



I Hle raw ater « /% ' lersaid. - / \ Cj,” hesaid. ac drilling

le possibil- I and Sho- aterplan.c feet of \j e u p l h e ” he said.■ do some ' •

clafcsiig. A

ropnatois, ^

S e City . A d r u t . premiument i n s u r - ,* Y o u r a

™ „ iw iolot,” said _of Baker S O C r

ikercicd- ie s Risk m, the ie premi-

down ford Carey, •dl.

O^Ert. C ab 4x4 ^



S K a b H H aied. Motctiingl>heilf5-yiB I

led, iwnnflHiiMirBM


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idvertise iP r i v a t e p a r t j

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:nd $ 10 more aiCall 7

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and ge t 7 extraI 733-0931 ext. 2 or fmall, m all or bring phc s t1301



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a ?

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■ ■

Page 20: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

W e s t

Foffy ridar«, ft Monday rlda tl Saturday wltl I

- .............................. Slate Ferry sy

S e a t t l e - ]OLYMPIA, Wsjsl

niiiion's Jarpcst fen will halt passonRt between S oattlu .; KfowijiK Navy I Bremerton, inconvu «inds ot commuicr who use'thc boats' Sound.

'Hic servjcc, on jjpind tntnsportado: tinR people to use and leave their cai

---------------pro-i?eH l6o COSUy. F!_________ tlian_30-ct:nts_o£_t

costs, me operatiii tlic nm was n ea rly ; year.

The la^t sailings Saturday morning.

“I don't know of wanted it to come Patterson, spokeswi ferry s-ystem, said ir Monday,

It was simply a si decision to puU the heavy subsidies a shoring up th e main she said.

Ridcrship on the boats dipped aft( boosted fares in 2 ( increa.se the amount 'Die run hud 681,8; year, compared wil 2001 and 876,251 in

The roundtrip I S7.50, including a S2, passenger-only■ ' . P;;s.scngcrs walking (

e r auto ferry, w h i^ to run, pay S5.50.

Patterson said i promise of a spccc crossing stretched t(

_________when the boats vyenslow down througtn to avoid damaging t That meant the ride enough time to jusc money - or the exm said state Senate Tk' Chairman J im Hor Island.

"The passenger-or Ik* an uncomfortabk winter, but chc big always give you a ride - and it takes ju utcs longer," hc saic can get out, stretch, and have a meal or st

The car ferry c« alMut an liour.

To Horn's wsiy of t lieavily subsidized fo n't make sense, esp fight economy.

"I think we have to attention to how w cc public in the most c means possible." he

■ interview.Overall, the sy.sten

Imjx recovery” is alx)u

- -

B U I L D T H E S H"W alker’’ v«is a b a n th e an im al sh e l te r h is ow ners h a v e all Is a b l^ , b ro w n , ne t m ale tabby, 5 y ears need s to be In a 1 c

H elp us b u ild th e p lease d o n a te o r sp k e n n e l.IW N F A U 2 A N 1 M A 1

■ 139 6 th Avenue 7 3 6 - 2 2 9 1

- .rbBo«ll63, TWIn f ll

s '

— M -TlaiiiN»wii.'lVri

I, from left, Thomas Jordan, Jatr la ttie ChlnooK, a highspeed fer IN be tlio laat day of foot-farry i ' syatem it cutting aarvlcea to i

- B r e m e r t o n’{jsh. (AP) - 'Hie of cost feny system soon to get nger-only servicc . as higl e .a n d the fast- coming

homcport of "It’s iveniencing thou- i Iters and tounsts US'to cross Puget

once part of a tion vision of get- use mass transit cars behind, hasrFarartovz?rlc53-----------------i£_cadi.(lollar-of___itujg subsidy on -|y $4 million last

Igs will be early g-of anybody who me to this,” Pat swoman for the i in an interview

1 smart business the plug on the : and focus on ain ferry system,

th e people-only iftc r the state

200 1 to to lint users chip in.[,830 riders last ' with 840.079 in in 200 0 .p tickct costs S2 surcharge for

service, lg onto the slow- ch vtrill condnuc

1 the ori^nal ecdy 30-minutc 1 to 40 minutes/ere required to___________pTRich Passage g the shoreline, id e r didn’t save usdfy the extni ctra tax subsidy, Thmsponarion

lom . R-Mercer

r-only boat can iblc ride in the big 'car vessels a comfonable just a few min-

said. “Also you il, walk around r some coffee." crossing takes

)f thinking, the I foot-feny did- L'spccially in a

: to stan paying 'c can serve the ;t cost-effective he said in an

temwidc "fare- x)ut 69 pcrcent

y t —

SHELTERI -landoncd a t c r bccause allergifs. H e

n eu tered a rs old, a n d 1 ca t h om e.'

h e shelter sp o n so r a

lA L SH anRlu e Wcsl!99I HJJU3


r ^ O T C rO'

lamas Ranktiora and Petty Offlcei ferry th a t provides servleei betw ry service between Bremerton an to save money. - ............... ...........

n f o o t - f e n y sost. *1710 ferry system is tiying ct that to 80 percent, or even ligh as 90 percent over the ing years.t’s going to be a hassle,” said

mm*Prtco does not induOc lam. rcQulao fee ReOucbon/AcOvattofVDSL Mod«n DSL speed vanes Ocp«x*ng on servic Modom return re<juif«l it sifvce is 1« Windows* 98 or later On>cr rntiictiar only. Firat log'in lo ledcinptioo Web 9 FofturM),* JEOPATOtt.* Chani*‘s Ange


ftcer 1st Class John WIttmann i letween Bremerton and Seattle 1 and Seattle a s th e Washingto

s e r v i c e w i ling Tliomas Jordon, 21, < ?cn • he.waitcd for a Brem< the the S eatde waterfror

to have to leave earlii lid home later.” .

IulaiDry and omur surcnarQos. MSN Broadb xtenoNfrscwire Deccmlw 2. 2003. Av: lervice loMtion, phorw ilrw pualiftcatkaa. ( IS icrmtfutw) twtoro 12 •u(J montlis: FoA Ktiorn may anVy Bro.i(ll).in(] Eniortaimt Veb musi tie comptclL'd t>y 3/6/OJ. S Angels'': AnQCI X are tradcmiuKs and sci

............ - SANwtiywai

_________ home_______ staw uu

► K l. a clue iS tate V

• I - Goldsb:earn pin AndGc

- a stowa

‘ ' y i

n on ite. ''[ton

i l l e n dof Scattlc,-.as ^

mcnon boat on ont- “I’m going lier and I’il get

. K ~ - ,■■■

W " - i

idban) (Olvcfcd Dy 0«mt: Shipplno and tl Availatie lor penonoi. nonconxnetdal. ru s. eomfluicr patormaricc/conftguraoori, m aAjte 10 retum modem icsults in S99 cMi vncrt r.icks otter Irom Soiiy* is avallabl( I. Sotrmic downloads tioni (cdcmption \ servto nwuttf oMheir icspoclive owners

h i p m i i n k h i t c iSN RAFAEL, .Calif. ( A P ) - i ward chipmunk was on its wa le to Utah Wednesday afte TM awBV in a caiLaiidJjujgfainlg ride west to California, le ad \^ tu i«u 5 crcature hadn le it was bound for the Goldei e when it hopped into Dtxi< Isby^ Honda while she wa ping in southeastern Utal: Goluby didn't realize she ha< waway.Mmongrajtulations! Yo

'■ Clip only the bill fn -------- -------------- ^restau


Promotion ends Dec. 6,2003. f Millionain! Auctioas Thu Tipn

I -f 4 * k ' ■ I l i ' - 1) 1 1 1

1 ’ J I * ] "1 '

■ p W


nd tiambig loe ol $9.99 Hfl t» charged to . rBsKJenoal sen^ to new MSN Broodtun n, netvwrMmcrrol conocstlon and otncr (£ cfurge plus tax. Alter 12 (nonths. the then lable to OwesT* tesldenilaJ cusiomcrs wtv on Web slta must be complotsd witTiln 9< iers. AJI (igtits expressly reserved. 0200:

x ; h e s r i d e t o C

— A On the dhve hc wny began to suspect th£ ifter m i^ t hove come i hing ride.

On the advice of a] idn't ator, Goldsby made t Iden shoe box with peai »txie bait. Luckity the cfai; was sweet tooth becaw tah. ' diecked the box, thei had She caught.it and

. WildCare, a wildlife

Iftiufve found todafrom this ad and save it tc


: T i m e 8 i S e w s = :

D3^Spoftfofcd b)

S iU is ^ - ^13. No purchase necessary. For MEC Itnwt^cws, PO Dox ^ 8, Twin Falli

E S I i iy i iW B


xl to yew ocounl. Servica not mkuM In II atand siitxsoeers not erifofled in (*a)-up W «!r loctors. UninicrTWUxJ or enor-tree servi then-current MSN Oioadband (jowcd Dy ( : wtw purchase new MSN Broadband pow in 90 days ol imiiol log-in to Web sile or 1 2003 Owcst ConvnunicaDoru IntcmatKXul

California, talhome, Goldsbv center. Ah a t a chipmunk in Gdldsl

along for ± e of onima_______________ the chipapecstoreopcr- • veryscarV a trap out of a • Bay Alanut bu tter as - o f f c i^hipm unk had a Goldsbyuse when she funyfrielere it was. The d iid brought it to Utoh-bote re h a l^ tad o n < noon.

ay's MEGA-Milluto b id bn great prizes like ficatesrand-much-morel—


^ F » x r i e t a

EGA-Mllliunaia- money, send h.im ills, ID 83303 wilhin'3 days uf publ

n on areas. Special equipment may be roqu ) MSN mternet Access prooram vBt terni > rvtco not ouafantefl) Suoailpnoo atjrccm

)y Qwest price wil be cJarflcd- Computer i (nvorod by Owosi scnicc between 6/6/IU 5r by 5/G/O . Sony,* Everquesl.' PlanclSic ullnc.


akes jet ho'i^X A fte r spending three^£iiys Id sb y ^ ^ W i l d ^ D k ^ r im al ca z e M elanie P i a z a ^ d iiipm tm it;. was ydehydnM ^ - Ksired a n d stressed o u E ^L A re a p ilo t Ray RoiaSho id th e UM o f his aircE^fL ;b y a lso accom panied h e r ' fr ie n d o n i ts j p u r ^ home, s d iip m u n k was pirbome an d -bound W ednesday after-

lionaire Money!ike a car, boat,i------------- ^ ^ ------------

s -

I R E / i

t a r e e j p u r f *

handwrittvn SASE lo publication of money.


• ■ •**r

— li—

I required. Monthly lenii commitment, trccmcnl required, liter lequlremonts:/6/03 and 2/6/04 iclSidc,* Wheel cl

.E’-ECO P^

___ ______________ 7

Page 21: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

■ T h e T in

■ '

I • 3 5 ••%

i Ssga graui cdunti hav

3...... Improva.d thi^ yaar. dua to lat

. ■ apring rAni

^ • •


f*«M »> ttv Humu/ n»nw«m

Chris Pool, from Je In the dense thlciii

A row of Callfoi quail adorn* a ri

P r o jBy Chuok OxJay

MALAD - A# farm er, Don Buehli his neighbors to t dying breed.

W hen his grandi

-------. / Istecilheadare

c o m in g : G e car on th e steelheac

"im es-N ew s ;


-ouiahavaI' iata


H g

n Jeroma, and his pointing QrifT Icket that quail prafar.

I . 'v w • \ i v \ ^ 4P'^v-^iran

lilfomia jjjH a rilia.

• g r a m

it on independent family ehler needs only to look at :o understand tnat he is a

indfather settled there Just

™ - : an update



r '

^ b S h P .1^ ' ^ 9 0

.'ia-JW H IP w U iH Iriffon, Casala, ahow off some qu

o p e n sbefonW orldW arl.th« w ith bttstUng, Urge fax agrarians whose n ic o

Jy good harvest and stron, Bt But a cehtuiy latex; i a bora have sold off thaii

the dty. Non d ie re ^ a st ant, a uaed car dea ler a


I I Groi P spec;j S B By stu Murrell

Tlmea^<ewa corrs

j ^ H It will be the hunting season i Randy Smith, F

^ ■ 9 manager. Survey ■ ■ p w . ^ u s e , and it a n S V lent hatch of ch . ^ B H tridge and quail (

spring conditions I H n Sage .grouse s

^ W Kt S aturday ,' andH I 9 ___check__ their__I H A ] Seasons regulai

There are cor | B H | descriptions on : I ^ B | limits. Some area ( ^ ■ D daily bag und c y P ^ B birds p e r day. A

S ment is a S1.50 g ^ ^ 9 permit needed I H B n and sharp-tailed (

Sage m u s e h ■jMW decline the past s

marily due to la sagebrush lost to nine<caused wildi daLlzed birds re<

n g r a for their survival. H h I years for a good : ■ ■ H to develop, so it I qusii proposition even

seeding on public

; e x t r ath* vallay was fUling upfs m ilie s -h a rd w o ri^ t iccesa depended on a - i?ong beef prices. t a; many of diose neigh*le ir land and moved to ts a dantist, an account- \tr« n d an o ra lfu rg eo a t

■5estava:u i

T h u rs d a y , S epce i

>ect 1|H | | |H j |B M

use nun des hav(rr—pondent . | f l | |

e best overall bird*1 in year^ predicts Regional W ild li^

eys ore up for sage ■ ■appears an excel* ^ 9chukars, g t ^ par* H b ilocourea with the ns this year. .season will open H s

1 hunters should b^aj,—Upland— Game-----H r aIations for 2003. R t omplicated areaI seasons and bag w^!st sas have a one*bird

others have two , M nAnother require- p ?5j

I grouse validation Hunti [ for sage grousei grouse hunters. Hohave been in a Look

[ c r a l years, pri- this ilarge acreages of are fto man and light* vrell iIdfires. These spe- good•equire sagebnish Chin<J. It takes 20 to 30 with1 sagebrush stand favoriit is a long-term Ch»n with active re- alsooic land, bird (

S j j ^

I a c r e s“A lo t of this land label

these wealthy guyi,” Bu«h mom aat to aurvey tha nei the cab of hia old Fbnl picl

Obviously, the newcomei to raise aop* o r cattle. Western lanciM»pe, dia elb pradm ity to wDrld<laaa h


:cm ber 18, 2003


t& * « »

O L g ^ _ _ _ ________.

nbers gi e excell

BM'inters looliing for chuKar should

How do you hunt sage grou; ok for them close to water is d ro u ^ t year. Wet meado i favonte gathering spots, dl as alfalfa fields located n< od sagebrush stands. Patches inese lettuce (a native pit th sticky seeds) are anoth ’orite food.Zhukar and partridge seas0 opens Saturday with an eigi d daily bag. These introduc

s t o s p (being b o i ^ t u p by lng ttthler aald, taking a caseneighborhood from Bu>ickup. stateners are no t coming yearle. M th e classic menialbow nwm .and the l«»di1 hunting ■*»< fish*



’ ■ 'I--.'-.

^ow; ott [lent hate

>uld haatl to tha rocky terrain.

■ouse? birds from India te r in slopes and canyons adows and foothill countrj ts, a s This steep couni I n ea r good pair of boots hes of conditioning to ] p l ^ t uphill champions. T o th e r water sources is th«

cessful hunt in the i SMon September hun eight- exhausdng for both luced A sportsman shoul g y j d e n t water for th<

• J their faithful comps S g g Rattlesnakes are

' cem in carly seasc | H | best treatment for s

quicjc trip to the h< S k J erinarian for an anti H Birds in beginning FJM feathered an2 ' ' ^ brought down wit

loads in the requirec the season progresi

■ ■ wild and morrhanK son loads consist of r

f e j of large shot for boti; D H gray partridge,S F Gray partridge (h . ^ 4 found In both agric

and in tha same area ^ They hava an eight-b i S lim it Smith was not I

the status of ±ese Populations fliictui

\ Please see B

» o r t s m (lg thsit ia driving up tbe value, ues , th e uae of die land. B uehler la one of 30 prop-

atew ide parddpadng'In m sar of th e Id a h o ^ ^ a n d &lent^ Access Yes program, ndownera to allow sportsman



O u td o o rs E ditor. D a w .

l i m

■ ......... • thi■ . •* ne

14^: •/■vd Ov■V’-'■•■-.•'Ht'lH be

■' Her’ J r 5 ! r ? a W a B i da


S E B B b Zi ^ Are

_____ tnArei

H i i h i -'if ^ : ' Imm

' spti



a Sep t

her *chut

- f andches -Bom

___________ ________ BfUfSur\Restthesinci

H G i

■jjU U jpM W I^^ *^erFlew I

■■• _____ SBSe

" C iSept.

■ E s ^ i l i w A re a:

' of an;ia favor rocky This'yins in our desert habltitry. ed Inm tiy requires a tion. IIts, an d physical quail

p u rsu e these River.Terrain close to Twin I Jie key to a sue-e early season. ■ Shin ting can be Oct. 1th m an and dog. Oally bluld carry suffi- aftar fthemselves and Shorp-tpanion. RockJsre ano ther con- 2001ison hunts. The suggeir snake bite is a with ahospital o r vet- sharp-lnti-venom shot. high aitig h u n ts arc not hunterU ld a re easily more t vith m oderateed shotguns. As ■ PtMJSses, birds get o c t dJd y rl^ la te - se a : WMaf heavy charges MMt'Ith chukars and O o t l t

ramilB(huzu) con be DaDytaricultural land PoMaa•aa aa chukars. oeeka.t-blrd daily bag Whlla pfIt aa positive on ralativ* se speedsters.cuate fo r no |U ||N iJ BIRD*. Page 04 ‘'-jSSj”


‘c n - ^ie,sm dinaom e ^ K |M

>pertv owners' m e inaugural n g H H | Game dei>art- K S y S Q 1, w h id i pays m t o u a e d t ^ H | |S |Hc c n f . p ^ D 4 B B W

I n s i d eAngler’s g u i d e ............... D2Ask th e O f f ic e r ............... 0 2Ouldoors In b rief . . . .0 4

TvidCooper- 733-0931, Ext. 246 '

- - Scccion D . ■

irdsS e a s o n s a n d . r e g u l a t i o n s

A wM apring fbtiowed by a-w arm -w eether-helped-pfe*^--------------

duee one of th e b e s t crops o f birds the Magic Valley h a s seen In the p ast lO ^ a r a .

AThlngsjust happened perfectly. 8 said Rer>dy Sm ith, R sh and Game Regional WlkHlfe Manager.&Weather conditions from April

.. through June w ere nearty Ideal for nesting and early brood rearing, ;Overall It appea rs th a t 2 0 0 3 will i b e one of the b e s t upland bird I

. hunting years In a jo n g tlm e .8 \Bird hunters will b e able reap the |

of the bird s e aso n s opening. I .Here Is the focecast ond season d a tes for many of tho gam e birds In tha region,

■ Sage grouseArea 2 (»outh of Snake River),^ p t . 20 through Sep t. 2 6 ; Dally bag limit: 1 , P o s se is lo n limit

-a t t e r first day: 2 . --------------------- ----------- —Area 3: (north of Snake River)Sept. 20 through O ct. 1 2 ; Dally bag limit: 2: P o s se is lo n limit a fte r flrst day^ 4 .

Spring lek surveys tndlcait-a an

south ot the Snake River anO roln-

Snake. Field reports fiom aioiino \ the region suggest good prouuc lion thal should result in soniu of tho tjest sogo grouse hunting m tho past" 10 yoars.

■ C K ijk a rSept. 20 through Jan . 1 5 ‘3ally bag limit: 8 ; P ossess ion limit a fte r flrst day: 16 ..ost year was one of Ihc butler chukar seasons in recent tnemory and 2003 is shaping up to be another good one. Field ru p o r^InBicate good production in tno Bonncli Hills and : 'Bruncflu/JarDidgc canyons. iSurveys conductcct a t Brownlee ''Reservoir In late August revealed— - the sccond highest chukar couni ; since 1987. • ^ |

I Gray partridge ;e p t. 20 through Jan . 15 •ally bag limit: 8 : P o ssess ion limit Ifter flrst day: 16 .ield reports indicate an incrcnsi.- n groy p.iitridr.0 Horn l.ist vi-.» i>' he footnills and m a reas wnert-8BBet>rush and cultivated lands i________ire Intormlngled. -

I California quail |•p t. 20 through D ec. 3 1 'rea 2 , dally bag Kmit: 1 0 of any Iind;tssesslon IlmK a fte r flrst day: 20 •if any kind.ils 'year's favorable w eather and abltat conditions have a lso result- d In above average quail produc- on. Hunters should find good . uaii numtMrs along tho Snake iver and Its tributaries w est or Min Falls.

Sharp-tailed grouse1. 1 through Oct. 3 1Jly bag IlmK: 2 ; P o e s e u lo n limitt e r first day: 4 .arp-talled grouse declined in the x k land and Curlew valloys In X)1 ond 200 2 bu t field reports Iggest numbers hava Improved th a good hatch thia year. While larp-tall numbers will not b e a s pi a s during the la te 1 9 9 0 s . inters can expect to find a few >re birda. '

P h M M n t t ': .H ta N & » .g O - A r a a a ._________________iiM o k am iO a M ta o o u m iM -----------------------I t '; i a t » 6 M . « l - A r a a S .M M a r of t e u t tm w t Idaho ly ta g B n i l tS a e a lC i;•M titM i M t a f ta r f ir t t day: e

l*ph«n«itiittmbiraramalnat !M M y l M l i ^ o o m p t r K l t D piM yam t|» ; Aufint lurveya ■Nt the hiriMt phtaaam pep- ^ Jn th » .H |ig lo V W I« y a In c a .M. ThanunibarrefphMaanta iw M d«t)AM gU«t2003 aurveya

n pw mlia) -l J i e N t N |W l b « t . t h e 1 0 -

Page 22: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

» 3 V m » NwniTrtn


M agI B o tttN M .F o r.

■ .

The Mogic Valley flsJ • Slue Lakes Sportini

Check Idaho Depan

'M alw l Bfvflt: 0 0 0 0 .— -------------------- on-Jhe-fivefrfiul-it c

duce. Good fishing I sulj-surface.'Put In I p heasan t tails, ston

. " woolly buggers. SItMf CfM ic QOOD. switched from sumr

_ overnight: and lhe C full of vigor. The smi In numbers, but goo

. guide are requireme fish success. The la early afternoon Calm

------------- vory strong ond Is msuengtiioning Baetis (CallibBelis spinners

----------------------- ples.*16uan.B aaU sduns «20-22). Small

B «n W rW ng thfoogj holes - weed beds i aifc. Mahogany duns come Into play th isn to pack a few Mohog cripples in your vest.

Wood Rtvtf: 0 0 0 the Wood is holding 1 of normal a s we shift gears. Keep your ey< sippers in the slower

-im itations are worWni face feeders («16-i6 Special. V16-18 Para M16-18 BaeUs HacKk Nymphlng with a Red ( t > ^ head #16-16)^ results, especially In i ings a s temperatures

f=or additional updates I Shooter Gardiner of S

Doug Cherry of Blue l

__ ^Classthe fic

T he Varsity | p re se n ts ai

high schoo l at w ho outshine

th e res t ov th e p a s t we

In tomorro' Sports sect

CongratulaticClip only t

ik .^ i C I

B ur |.ePromotion end* D

_________M illiocuireAtictta

M n F W b ,l* to T lm d y iS e p b e i


\ , . gw rtoo tnV

■ .n t i i n M a n

e Saw toc^ Nail. for.

' fish report is for the week of Thu rting Goods are listed for family fli ipartment of Fish and Gome reguli

0 0 . Fewer fishermen ' larger st-it cooUnuos.lo.pro----------watBf.(#Ing Is alm ost entirely #14-16: In h a re s ears. U ttle Wostone fly nym phs,' fishing c

prespaw0 0 . It se em s weVe Platte Ri ummer to fail almost buggers, ie Creek has awoken e lk hair i sm aller fish abound Big Loet good scouting or a Mackay I sments for trophy a t 150 c e late morning and The seer ^alllbaetis acUvity is Ing rema is mixed with - sighted I letis activity ta n t to e le rs . duns, and crip- B aetis Btia tis .^ m e rg « a jin l_ i_ _ su f(a co .{mall da rk bodied (#16-18)w M i46iaO) haw -----------fllasj'f.i;]oogn-tne-fleepei---------- W »nr*p»!ds a re still problem M agtc R*luns will begin to beginninglls month; t>e sure and crustihogany duns and m iges, me st. crawdad i1000 . The water on M H iw Omfng a t 1 0 1 percent you'll findshift seasona l rap s, Canr eyes peeled for C J . Strikaiwer water. Baetis ' th e wind Irking tM st lo sur- is weli wo>■16 GulpefS Drop shot>arBchute Adams, or is t^^lcall'tckle Stacker). S outh FMRed or Copper John cold wate18) will produce - B aetis onI In th e late morn- Enjoyl Us<ires worm. Try a e lk hair a

Ites on the Big Wood. Silver Creek Df Silver'Creek Outfitters a t 1-800- ue-Lake Sporting Goods a t (208) 1

ield.5 4 8 , Tv. m ail III

y p a g e bring it

£ “nora th le te s ined allover I f o f ^

From The

ro w ’s abou t hui

i M i n n in tho fifs5 0 0 word su re to in A ddress i

m mtions! You've founIy t h e b i l l f ro m t h i s a d a n d

---------- r e s l a u r a n H tn d - g r o e e

C T h e T i n i e s ^

y M ake me a


^ ^ H a n t w a n1.EY • R u p e r tIt De& 6 2CCD. No p u rd iu e ncctM. cttaM. H tcTlm tt-N ew t. PO Box Si

Mnbw'U,200S '

' e y T ^ n g l i

nm ndcK Seirt. 18. U pdated conditli y fishing waters and major rivers In i gulations for restrictions.

ir searching pattern In fa ster • —f.(#12il4J?arachutc.Adams oc_____16 Red(}uill).Wood ftlw :E X C E ll£N T . Fall lg can Im great. Browns a re in »w n mode and aggressive. Uso B River specials, ciausers. woolly ers. pheasant tails, stimulators, air caddis, and baetis.Mt Rhrer: BUR. Flows below the lay Resfl.nifOlr ore holding steady 0 c fs (79 percent of normal). ' i icenery is breathtaking, but rish- imains spotty. Big fish ore easily »d in the shallows, bu t arc reluc-0 e a t dry or wet imitotlons.________s activity is improving, howeverM.octlviN Is limited, Small________ I18) bead head nymphs are the>r/-hnlMi*pcfK i/T rrtl CfMk: » I R .-------------RMcrvotr: MIR. R sh are

ling to key In on midge pupae rustaceans. Keep using blood .. monocle midge, scuds and ad patterns.Dam: FHUR. Rnd Ihe depth and find the fish. Uso freniys. shad Carolina rigging, wooly buggers, rike RM«rvo<r: FAIR/GOOD. If nd is not excessive, the fishing - worth it. Find the right depth,

(hotting is hot. Carolina rigging Mily more coiislstent though.Fork of the BoIm : QOOD. This itter fishery is outstanding, ond caddis are everywhere.Uso adams. parachute baetis.Ir caddis, pheasant tails.

eek. Warm Springs, Trail Creek. Pen 100-732-5687 or (208) 726-5282 . F( 8) 733^446 .

b newsJi#_nm «i.-N*wi.welcbmesi______jnnouncem ents and other -lews from outdoor clubs.>ss your news lo ‘O utdoors 3r.’ Then mail it to f?0. Box .Twin Fails, 10 83301 ; or e- it to iw lnews9micron.net: o r ,.

5 it to our Burley or Twin Falls c. Be sure to include a con- nam e and phone number.

re your adventure0 you htve a personal sto ryof an outdoor adventure? If so. The Times-News would i<ke I t It a s part of our new 'C alls The Wild’ series, ilcome readers' true stories hunting, fishing and other out- ictlvitles. Please write your story ti first person, keeping it under s >oids. Pnoios are a plus. Be a D include your phone number, ss your story to ‘O utdoors

ind today's MEGA-.n d s a v e i t to b id o n g r e a t 'p r > eery w r t i f ic a le s , a n d m uch


Spoaw a'd 1^:

WAry. For MEGA-Millionain! money, c 548. TVin FjIU ID 83303 WUhin 3 d;

.fr ------------------------

' e r ' ^ ' G m

0 M alad R iver

. 0 Big W ood River

0 l i t t l e W ood River

0 S ilver C re e k

^ 0 M agic R e s e |v o [ r .

> ■ 0 . Big Lost'.RW er.

0 W arm S p rlngs/T ra i

0 M ilner b a m

0 C .J . S trik e Reserve

^ 0 S o u th Fo rk of th e I

0 D ierkes L ake

0 • Penny/Dollar Lakei

• Imon tia lls Creek

0 C lea r L ake

0 Billingsley C reek

J 0 L ake W alco tt

idltlons from Silver C reek Outfitter In the Magic Valiey/'Wood River ri

- OlerketUketEXCaiENT.TI___ are active and taking topwan

‘Throw out a d am s. elk hair ca • black midge, wooly buggers, i

bolt and nightcrawlers. Salmon Falls C reok Resarvoii Action has slowed considerat to jigging o r trolling M^ter 15 deeper. Keep u sing wedding r

’ double whsmmys, rapaios, ca leeches, purple showgirls.

£ l« a r U k a: EXCELLENT. Cool er has killed a lot of m oss an opened up som e fine water. C Lake's special, ducktails. phci tails, and jumbo midge £upae gers aro recommended.

Bllltngtley Creek; POOR. Terre fishing is a s good a s done. Si

— earsrphoasant.tailsrcopper-jc Jumbo midge pupae.

U k e Walcott: M IR . current va h as lake pretty m ixed up. One thre is the trout a re more activ Ducktails, woolly tiuggcrs. mid pupae, fren;ys. sh a d raps, anc Carolina rigging a re all recomn cd.

StM lhead report: OOOD. The- Clearwater is beginning to fish

well. Rows out of Dworshak at tKglnnIng to com e down, flucti between 4 .0 0 0 a n d 9 .0 0 0 cfs lower Snake is twglnning to fis also. Fly fishing a n d plugs moi m ost of the activity. Use skunli leeches, black b e ars , hot shou fat fish.

«nny/Dollar Lakes a n d the Big Lo 2. Fbr updates a t all o the r locatior

Editor.’ Then mail it to PO. B( Twin Fails, ID 8 3 3 0 1 : o r e-mc

— twinew s®m icron:nctrorbrinE our Burley or Twin Falls office

Your best shot

Did you bag a big buck Iyear? Did you reel in a per?

If you hava a s n a p sh o t. Th(Times-News would like to publ a s part of our new 'T rophies' ture. Wc welcome rea d e rs ' phi hunting, fishing or o the r outdo scenes. -

A ddress your pho to to ‘ Out Editor.' Then mail it to PO. Bo> Twin Fails, ID 83301: or e-mail twlnewsO-mindsprinE.com: or t to our Builey or Twin Falls offic sure to include your nam e, adc and phone numt>er.

\ . ' M i l l i o n a i r e M o r

prizes like a car, boat, ch more! ' ■■— ............... ..

im i / i

Auto G roupncy, send (wndwrilivn SASE lo 3 djyN of publication of money.

. . I

j d e r — ^ i

Fisli a ■ givei

. for di!Qucstli

fo r t h e : ' d e a n in g

s o m e userail C re ek to in d in

p a n try ; 11 tJ i ro w it

rvoir g e t th is n_ , ■ s o m e o n e

0 B o ise , „ n , j -Answer

— .......................... f o r m ao(es through (

a g r e e tha t m e a t .

In m a ^ u n tc c r f f i ta m c mci

Mrs and indiB cmr reelons p a n tn e s .

T h is ha j w i th an^

The trouta ter flies. n u s f a l lO T T ------------------- D e p o n m cs. power- u n w a n te d

g a m e m c a nir- u i R f ro z e n and

inspected ' s i s n a n ack

w lw a th - b i l i ty w arnVVe W iU :

'•C lear M ogichcasan t ^ iu H n g rcilae bug- M o n d a y to

irestripl '"Sub-sur-Hares ____ ■

vvcothor TimeriD posi. Use T f

i ' e M<ind C l a s s


sh very are

ictuatlng :fs. The

------- -

Box 548.mail it toing-irto -----------------------------------icc.

k Ihis a whop-

Fhc . /libiish il ' • ^

photos of ■d » ,

lutdoors lo. 548. laii it toir bfing it \ince. Be Vjddiess

__________ ' _

jney! ^

O n O c t i n n d R V th ro u g h s o u g h t a v n i l a b l

A prc your boats

C ( i ; i W / (

> GordoL a n c e

' u l m c e I

I and Game will : it to food banks distributionstIon: “rm jgetting ready c 2003 hunting season by ng out my freezer There is lueablcm eat th a t could go lirant families o r a food '.'It seems like a waste to it in the trash, how can I is meat I no lodger-want to nc who will m ake good use

«nT his is o'common ritual laoy hunters, p^ey - go- h their freezer discartling ar^ unused m eat antidpat- bount^uLupcoming.falL.I_ hat it Is a waste of valuable

0^ Midwestern states, vol- ^ u p s co^ect unwanted

neat and distribute ic to It ' famiircs o r foodIS.has never rcally caught on any volunteer huntingin the Alagic Valley........_fall, beginning Sept. 1, the ment—will—accept—ail­ed cut and vtrrapped big leat. AU m eat will be kept Uld provided to local food food pantries, and minis- issodadoris for distribu-

meat is no t federally -- cd and re d p ie n ts must acknowledgement and lia- ah«r.ill accept all donations at gic Valley regional officc regular business hours to ftiday. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.__

ie to liquidate?The Times-News . Marketplace sslfleds to turn ssessions Into


■> ' I

I ®

r f

)ctober 17, w e 'r e launc? XV sellin g m d g a z in c an ighout th e U .S .A .! Whcc I t by th o s e in tho m arl ib le in o v e r 2 0 0 lo ca lio r

ro v e n w a y to b i ,r u s e d c a r s , tru e ts , c y c le s a n d in

:/ oiii' of Iht'fii' rcprf^tcnlntixion C u rtis 208-735- :e D. M cB rid e 208-/

tfflnsedi H H A s i



JO Donors should bring : )d aged in boxes.' to Hopefully m ost of'th

;[cSiii_ A p a g e f o r ;:e __________



g I




i E BK B S mS B

= = e

po » i

1 ^ T<

rich in g W heels F or You. a n d w e b s i t e t h a t h a s

heels For You i s a F R E E la rk o l f o r v e h i c l e s o f at ion.<5 in s o u t h e r n I d a h o .

buy or se ll ucks, RV 's, W more. L E

(5-32268-735-3298 c e l l 208-

______ I___________ !

i - g a a i eI - discardcdb


F F I C E R V c a n H m Qary servationo^

ompland—:— ^ ^ . Contact him g meat'pack* m ail him a

Web site. 'this normally fishgame.

‘iTim n• you an d your r

436-4771wy 24 Batween Burley tr Rupert


tt. th e s u c c e s s f u l a u t o , ti s b e e n p r o v e n in d o z e n E p u b l i c a t i o n t h a t w il l I: a n y k in d . W iteeh For Yc D a n d n o r t h e r n N e v a d a .



r l x l C i M ?ed big game mea't con find onto the kitchen tab le pf a amily.

Hompland is a regional con- n officer at the Magic VaUey i/ Office of the Idaho nent of Fish and Game, him at (208)324-4350 ore- m at the^Fish and Came te. at fvuiw2.state.id.i4s/e. ■ '

[T rtty rhr neig h b o rs .

r- Y = =



m '

IG <

i .1 .3, tm c k , b o a t s e n s o f c i t i e s ill b e e a g e r l y ■ Vbtf w i l l b o da.

Page 23: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

- - - ~ -

m - ■- -

The stcelhe{id are The rccent drop in t I^^ tu res 'in the Sni signaled the steelh< ue to migrate to waters in Idaho. FV Sept. 14 the numbei crossingXower Grar last of eight dam s oi Anm the ocean to ] doubled for the seas over the dam was Sept. 14. More tham owan-going rainbow

_________ bn that day.

the Columbia River, forhatchctyA-run fis track with sbout 103 the season. Hatchery head have been slo' the Columbia this ye agets say it is too eai tbe forecast on th a t (he run. Early prcdict about 22 ,000 hatchci

------------ to'crossLower GranitSurveys of an g le rs«

' and Salmon rivers sh< ■Ashing has been sIom*

— weekend, prim aril

~~FisliajBOISE (AP) - POte

ere are^being wame< big-game animals the; gaily may not be anirr ; The Idaho D epartn and Game reminds h so-called “simulated or dummies, may I areas where th e a

.. . . . . ..receivedcom plaintsc ing or other illcg : activities.

--------- ------HeJifelikcjnodels.a n d o ih e r s p e d e s Hq v<

^ fn r m nm th a n a r i r n r -------------- he iT d T in law fu l-sh o o te i

ThirR e a d

e v e ry S a t i

It’s Where ) far What Yo

GAS WATBR HEAAlummnta iM! burner. Ust re

6-ytJi wMtjnly on Unk irta, GIF 03imV JOOil.3JOOObU Clf5040mV ~50 Q}'. 40000 Dti

UtU2A UH WHT. Mom qialiry. ;moitmonty- Ifyoiimllbt IM u

otmtr or Ihe connrutt’on yea'rv coMiaerAgutaUts. Wnilt. $0‘xj

73- njflf 0/ kn arm. (htturts no

S H O W E R S T A LUon No n\on mon^oiinotttHiimttiminttcitMeo

lion you'rt worUna en eenslOtr A i Whitt. ifiArtt not ineMtd

3t3232A-WHT 32'ffiewor 3l383rA-WHr SS'sfiOwtr

iditiol]a re dn their way. n th e water tem- R lS nake River has ' -----------Ih e a d to condn- w ater t to th e ir home have kRrom Sept 9 to . k ep t th b e r of steelhcad waters, ra n itc Dam (the ‘ -on the 5 on their travels Fork' v :o Idaho) nearly steelhe eason. T heto td survey IS a t 19,456 on- area or lan 2 ,0 0 0 of the ends, ow trout crossed T he 1

^ d Gc

'er, th e forecast anglersI fish remains on - - 2 0 0 2 a103,000 through M ore te ry B-run steel- contactislower to enter determiyear, and,man- head, h

ea rly to update caughti a t segment of them , alictions were for fished, ih e iy B-run fish ed 311,(m ite Dam. - .......— 83,0001rs on the Snake the 2001show steclhead enterinjow prior to this ' of theirily bccausc caught t

i n d G a n i

otential poach- 47 othn ed that some C anadiahey. target ilie- • T he u:lim als at all. . upheld ’;r tm e n t of Fish catch vis h u n ters that effect,te d animals,” Spotlijr b e used in animals

ag en cy has light a tcs o f spotlight- include t e g a l hunting ■ a motor

across tds.d£.decr,.clk.___ s a i n c ._Qve been used “Road

> r e i ^ i r W a h ^ “ scesrand

nk spird t h e R e lig io n si I tu r d a y in T l ie Ti

K o i r

'du Needlm

5. M S S S

I S O B A U O t

e a t b rst recovery elemtnts. Tripleirtapjrts. 6 yttr warranty I7btu 1B3.00 C2f50HC»5V ~ ~jiDtu i07.'m eieso/tc»5v

niuttiniie LAV FA4'ctniersel. Chn

rs not incMKl/ constiuction. SO/i t/4lumwish<

f O ETnOFA AeryHET300FM Meat

R E Q A ^ ^


“ ** cunwH/motwH.

r AntuGltU. White. (S4tt Itl'S ^____r f«7.a> r W.fl»

R s h a n d Q am e tw te s

:r temperatures in the low 70s k e p t Ictharj^c, or have ; them hx»n moving into Idaho :rs. The few anglers diecked he Salmon River near North

wore unoble-to catch any ihead. A structured steelhcad ey will begin in the Lewiston on one of the next two weck-

e Idaho Department of Fish Gam e recently completed a

:rs who fished during the fall an d 'sp rin g 2003 "seasons;;

: than 10 ,000 anglers were icted by mail or phone to ■mine if they fished for steel- , how many steclhead’they I t and where they caught , an d how manv days thoy i. Anglers flshed an estimat* 1 ,0 0 0 days to harvest ncariy 0 hatchery steclhead during 502-2003 run year. Steelhcad ing Idaho in the fall are part e sam e population o f‘fish It th e following spring.-----. .

ne uses dIth er states and some lian provinces; use of such tool^has been

d ’ in the coun systems to violators and has had an

tligh ting entails shooting.Is m ade vulnerable by a a t night. Other violations e trespassing, shoodng from torized vehicle, shooting

th e road and, waste of

ad hunters are-the visible fv_Thw .nre_whnf PwrvnnP nd-m anrof^helra ttlv ltlcs—

rituals e c t io n ,r im e s -N e w s .


O N E L E C T R IC f f m m R H E A T E R Z T . 1: lining. 7lvoJS£»i«n inukeserMn.iple tested lot Qathty. moKr Control,nty on unil ana m s on motor'.

Se.S'hlqn 168.44 mOB7£ SeOlj 47-tiiQli li$.44 WHXtOe «0I6

m n n m i - H - c

yiUCETS VipordtpoiChrome plated m y

:rylie Handles t u $ j HetainaixOes MJS' • •


m eodtoti.agtaon csTTm m .Ott Rtvtrst trta. Syttint oot of.wutttndmiethh. (M/ntrtwacUitetUKhKM) fKiytariimiK

g g g 2 i

" i .l-l-i-------------- - - , - - ,

feigistt" The harvest of tl:

ru n is thie second lai — o f steelhead since 19 rOs departm ent startec [ve s tedbead aiiglcrs fo ho mation. This season ed • b est harvest ever of 1 *th . 2001*2002 season, w ny . steclhead crossed Lc ad Dam. The 10-i«ar ave on was about 41,000 1 !k- 62,000 anglers ptircl

h ea d permits in th sh about 46,000 did t o i l a ________

S - t o report woH 9|£Ire ' Idaho Department to Game, along with th !l- and Wildlife Service t jy ' Perce Tribe, is asking-: [it o th e r ' outdoor ent) jy p lease report wolf si| It* particular the agendi Iy ested in documenting lg —ty .butalsoallw olfsi^ id ing, and multiple trad* rt reponed . Reports b h people have helped tl ........ document, new packs

l e c ^ f y s t c

e a re bad for the im;hunters," said Fish and

n servatlon officer0 Cadwalladcr of Lewisti n T he penalties for :

dum m y animal cnng. m andatory license i3 fines of up to 51,000 anis tence of up to six mont1 Fish and Game officc I conduct impromptu cr f check stations where ;

and anglers, successfi t must stop.■ Uiguallv condticied oi ; c lcdToadram fsonip-a

C l a s s i f i i

; 7 3 3 - 0 9

i N€<D H€LP UJ

Q U IC K B O OCall Lisa a t 737T r a i n i n g , S e tu p & '

P T n a n B m : ^



QflSKi M r ”

WRSmiE PUMPSSteel dlselurtu tiead. pump shiii ten. InttmalehtckviKe. trsnkun nroi box ineludto. 2-ytar wiinniy 'tor S-y»ar warranty on pump. . «

^ fS 5 tooom 3/4IID 44tM ‘ «0I69 leopm inp 4$4.U °

I X ®

W S a W k e t•VD. Extrtordlnarity dartbh nr»ItposWon tmitn Uirn lifetime ET iIty. SoUd brus constniction. PiitM tundhs. 1/4 turn rmnttitst Cn.

i g * *

Hitmyi/iotmdinAwm*. rranO( TbOrt •MfMAeUM';

■ V-- : i - :______

’ S t A V A 'L ^ f ^

c c t n c a

the 2002-2003 areas aclargest harvest hove mi1 9 ^ , when th e ■ new paced surveying new anifor this infor- habiut.)n follows th e packs w-103,000 in th e get coUcwhen 259,000 ■ track aciLower G ranite Observeragq, harvest • themseb' fish. N early ber, noterchased steel- wolves, tthe fall, a n d the exacin the spring. cellar wi

can be n5-HB5BI5----------TTsinmaelrtlngs-------it of Fish an d and C the U.S. F ish http://ww B and th e Nez nfo/progig hunters-and-----eport.cfnjthusiasts to Thcagc sightings. In eveiyone des arc in ter- through r lg pack activi- help curr^ t in ^ h o w l- ----- ingand-rcks should b e Id ^ o an by outdoors raised frot the ag e n d es wolf activi

ks.in s e v e ra l ............ -con

o”irab"pomage of a ll ' day or ni id Game con- , stations ai er D ave wildlife cr ston.’ shooting a |, , n include a

revocation, md a ja i l seri-

c c r s w i l l a l s o , . AIReiiforccment ; all htinterssful o r no t, ___ : =

on io?;s-rrav» J H)^ rn n y tin ie “— ■—

i e d s ' I

) 3 1 j -

lUITH I G B 9 K S * ? |(7 -0 0 8 7 1i J U P P O R ^ ________

CEILIMePAHTxmsenes fivesr-bijaes.3'speta

ei/erS'l)ie molor 4" down tod. iS-ytarhr,

■xi07Polisneatii.iss. otkbiaoTs 39."Xtb7 mne. wniitivasMd oiades 39. T(i07Brushed'hckei. maplebMis 49:.■XtofBrownsme. wfiitebUdes t4.i


A complat» rwctsstd and tnt eomminut fiuoieseems and wtaltierpn In Slock are h'Ch Quality Murts manu

Our nugt inventory consists ol fiituits

HOSTALGIA FAUCETiT3iUCS-CH l>4 lumwtstttrkssMts PoitetiJn level randies. 4‘c»ntnu\.

Chtome plated sol'd brass construcoon. Aflbnss pop-up.

T ntMMUt

— ' m

across Idaho. Not all packs radio^MlIared animals' and packs are being initiated in and previously-unoccupied at. Getting reports on these : will allow th e agendes to }Uars on som e of them and activity..servers- should - identify Milves and th e ir phone nurh- ote the date , the number of s, the color of the ^ m a ls , cact location, and if 'a radio was seen.'This informUtioh

e mailed o r called in to any md Game office* or cuti UiT Iy enteret^or\ a \volf obser- ■report'form fduiid on Fish

Giime’s , w ebsite at;' kvww2 .stat6 .id.u.s/fish6 ame/i ogramsinfoAvolvcs/online.r :fm.agendes would like to remind ne tliat dtizcn involvement ll reporting observations, will iirrent and ongoing monitor- d-managementof-wolves-in - and help reduce confL'cts Erom unknown or unroported tivity.;ompUcd from .staff reports

oachers“night, impromptu clicck

i arc another tool to dctect ! crimes.

- D O Y OU H ii

R e O N D IT IO N E ]

'‘"■-‘J', ■ C o n


N E I S C N •


'/ 'a'ai SPRINKLER___- = ^ 5500 IS-32fM\nio

J .9 5 g.,uons per mmute. S-ft.

i 1 2 “

THAN500 OECORATI IRTED AHO aOMESTI,' track department, decorative utility and

lanutjeiured by seme ol the Best in the Du. 'Its iMaie sure to s.uisry your budget an,

I VANITIES■„ Kingsgaie Series. 30' mroaot

in stock. Assembtf it«u're ' (Countertop, lav and fauetl not li

' wjotao KV'36I80'

■ G

^ ^ 3 0 Ea

Monday-FriiSome Items lltnk

■ ■ B E S/Molf/orator J

des '

I in


■d io ; • I—ion ^ •Jiy___________________W B o n n e v i l I F" h ---------------- M l,c .« t - f .a t ; ' Total count foe /i The year 2C»31«! r Noi.omt>e( 30. t

70% of Iho 200: j j j av«t,i,;p (o( Ihi9

^ Lower QranIPally count foi


^ Tho sie«ihoiiil CO June 1. Thr Ull

Uj poclion (osumcs ■ Miiy31.Thotol,

sieoiiicAd. II w;i '_____ lholOyo.it iivef

°ho‘2M203 lull (lnloiN.373 sli

li'toini.lhoii on (lu tioMi dMn posiei

. • site www,n«n usme couiiiinf. sc.i

lA V E A N -O L D ,!


— C o m e - s e e - u s -2Intiiill 3 new Hiiih Enicieni \ . j i

High EiTicieni Air C(

OII Brizec Hcjling & Air C


!o m m e rc ia l • R o sid e n li 227 2nd Avonuo East • 7 COMFORT AND CONF/l

I SPRINKLEt■ CLOCK______________ SlfU^faui jaiiet.

Run limr t to 9!)iiiin

•s 2 €9106slina».

k 1 SIEM EN9*a

f l 1 1 1

mVE BREAm'TIC S CM30Btt0IKP InciLM b'Mker ana 6 smg.hum hitures



B rs 17x2o'SSnen

X„ . , (Sinks net in

3 t‘M22- Piaefi JF T lV sand

179.S3 3 r * 2 r Ptaet!Tft.43 3rx22- Sand

'iastlahcilm SIM

F rid a y 8 : 0 0 - 6 : 0 0 • S a t a i

'Imited lo ntail sths. Cettiln Itims m ler and nlnOtock oMty 0/wn. Prkos

rhtndqi; S«pt«)n»M U, 2003 Tktt


S n a

"N Columb i a __ ____ to*. M - -------- . »“BoiMnllt . °. DM

e oam ”-fOf-9/14----------------;----------for th« run yoor»tun tounI OVOI Donnoville D.im WR.in t I. to Oalo llx 2003 Cumulntivu count ov> 002 ton. B’jt IS eu»ionll( fltjout 37% j-;e; 119 d.ilo (226.693 sieeihonct).

inlte Dam _ .f e r j / l £ ___;____couirt on thia datocouniitiR trason .i( Lo>wr Cfflnilc D.iiti .111 poilion ol Iho count cntls Due. 15 C >cs oti Match 1 ol Iht- (oMowmg ye,it jnc total 200203'<iam count uvot Lovw't'Gt »;it B3V that ol iJiu 2001 tun Im tho s; eiase 11993 20021.

■03-D.T-tuTOri1 tl.’»irigui;l overib,. ! Pun. but IS .iboul 35'X. i:-MI«t lh«n tho I sii!vinu;i(ii.nuni'Kits fll sleolhviia cto-.smK C<ii>nnn .led h» tho United St,itos Am)/ Cotps ol us.icc*..niivn>il/on'»ish(Iain/. ,ind is upic.isnn,



. a t - B r i z 6 e l — — ^siiUiral Cjs Fum.u tMnci ' j CondiiiontT. g

CondHioning Today! 5

I’rilfr /i/.jiv ■ •«.

( ia l - S a le s & S e r v i c e Twin Falls • 733-2624


ER SYSTEM SURGE K TIMERtft-Tft/M twumifu---------m is.smlimits. Fuse pioMtcd III Oneytai warrMtv

J S O i i z :MaMWS4.«7 ssnao &i

g n n s i e m e n

H | l 2 0 0 A M■ ■ I M A I NS n H I B H E A K lt P M A I N P A N E L.R P A N E L W I T H B I

Kluats tOOamp mam 630408121<ngie vole bitjheis i6 l.’0-w>ff J'lctuneiaoai . bie.iiiei .inilcon

l»» 7

YTOK^Cutoulfoi »»“evalstil-rimunks. 1390WH t:iintiuded)_______ i«m conc•----------- (i««>:______ j_jtt9s2___ _ j ^ t s Z;_______. w ia

5 ? i

ttn liyS :e0-S :00 • SundmtyooiberaiOilytvtllatihttMBkx

» ttmugh Septembor 24.2

'HmwNttot.'MnMb.ldtto' M !

Q l i t d o o r s

elhead ~~S n a k « A/v«r

lowerOpmII*Dam. ,

--------2003*;---- 200Z^----------------- --

224,199 366J14>R.in Match 16 .'itid mii end nt ovat Oontwvillc D.ini is i. j-;iMtot ih.inthi! I0>i!.it

2003-04 2002-03. 2,034 1.4941 9 .« ^ 41,272

Dam OoBinr. eacii rvn' on 15 Counlitii; tot tn.- sptmc It diid CoiUinucr. tlitoiieii uVCt.itiit.'-w.is 222-O.t‘J

the IO>oiii .ivi)i.i):>' )i>i t'lis

IS ol Ltii’.itwrts .It iiitrini'lIS upil.ili-d ini'i'kr, iliitmi; •

lC E O R ^ — II_____



r n rm P R O T E C T O R Slets Av.l'l.lDlf mift /Jflori- rti»ti(ji/rc/. or wwwiii- pioireiioii nuwiiniirS l0.jaulei-Li^!Wsecui:ii-t}lLv_____________IS OO f IK.H imlu/ fUmiiuit)

B.IS'C ■ 34.90Phone fOimilr' 34.89 Au<t'Oiian> 34.88S.«flMfS\Slfm 44.88

E N S .

U M P J m

\K E R 1 '* ■ * “I B R E A K E R Smioocp iKkja.taeirj.trs in jna 2 240-mi. !00j>nimam acombinaimcovtr Moi” p.Mifi

i i m l i n R E O u s — ^ C H I N A L A VVH 19'round, sell-rimmingeotKeahd from overnoti14 'center raucets IVfliWacts most sandard smu >

I Ritis, Idaho

m d a y 9:00-4:30\Bkxatlom. \24.2003. : ' '

Page 24: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

O u t d o

- ^ U p c <

The city ofTWin Rccrcation Depar w ith other sponsoi

' , weeks to host a vai ' activities and class

Pontoon boot rl Parks and Rccrci

' Idaho Guide Sei Pontopn Boat Ride River, Friday, Sepi will leave a t 6 p.m leaves at 7 p.m. The leave Centennial P to Pillar Falls’ a

■ Centennial Park.Tl Puddling advc

G uide Servicc will ing a 7 - i^ e cano

H ot Springs and i th is Saturday. Visi H eart Springs anc em pty into the Sn;

' dance of waterfoM heron rookeiy are ' trip . Cost is 525. deadline is Friday. £

H agcm ton raft------------- (3nidtr3crvice is ' al

ing a rafting t H agerm an scction R iver. This four-h< Saturday and includ HI water and an i beautiful scenery. T

------------- p o inr-|5 -the-boar-|Salmon Falls Dam at

.S30 and includes Registration deadlir

,, Friday, Sept. 19.K a ^ coursc: TWi

and Rec, along with ( S outhern Idaho Program, v>iU offer tion to kayaking cc

------------ Sept.-26 through SepFriday is a dry sesj

6 p.m . at the CSI a Saturday and Sundaj 6 to 9 p.m. a t the YM< Cost is S2S and indu

Topics covered w — I—II. ipn»iptnffnf,riifpr,fnm

ty, paddling technic and bradng.

R egister a t 136 Ma caU 736.2265 for m. tion.

Q u n s a f e t y c o u r «

M o n d a y I n T W in F:TWIN FALLS - Ni

' ioRead The 1 see how y

M J i1 4 3 0 O v e i

♦ sAt SiuuU. Wi »u)l vvtry nd« U protaettv* cloUua|. Ntvtrnd* uw imI u d kiwiyt Uupact yeur Suiuli cyelM 4ra te t t1o«»d ccum eeteft th t coun* M m n you uU th* M9 •crvutoelfU •v*fywh«n, Sutukl u futurt rtdlog opportuadti t o . w bmyourtdt.



:oming-{vin Falls Parks and partment will joinisors in the coming —variety of .outdoor Associ

lasses. . StuMit rides: TWin FUls ' proiecOTadon wUl join cveninService to offer Mon.,ides on the Snake contimkspt. 26: One trip and wi).m. and the other p.m. torh e one-hour trips “ e <ll Park, go up river traininI ’ and re tum to pn safec. TKe cost is SIO. enceiventure: Idaho fireamvill also be offer- be plaimoe trip 'o n the guns,fthwffow Muttd sugars Resort, Fish an/isit where-Blue the couand Box Canyon tminedSnake. An abun- safe guifowl and a blue The (re visible on this TWin Fti25. Registration 253 Sthly. Sept. 19. SSO. Fo3ft trip: Idaho register ralso’cc^sponsop

trio on the HevbUl3n 01 the Snake ^ tn t , .r-hour trip this Wl”ludes some Class BURIn abundance of and Haiy. The disparture . a.m. to ifln u n ch ’ below— Heybur1 a t 1 p.m. Cost is Sponsordes beverages. SoutherIline is 1 p.m. on Enrichn'

ia recomiWih Falls Parks ing a coth the College of or for faiho Outdoor Cerrififer an introduc* Dan Soti

course, FViday, cover cai3epL 28:.................. fundamtlession from 6 to handgun[ campus, while legal fonday will from hours oirMCA/City Pool, before mdudes al equip- for weaj13 and older. Partidpawill indude: holster, h

nrninrinnrmifrT -protettininiques, rolling ammunii

classroonMaxwell Ave. or fin t 12 a] moiv informa- For mon

•• 1400.

n a b e g l n t C i t y o f I

I F a l l* t r a i l r ld iNational Rifle Experi

(now the see> Tlmes-News apt your favorite tea

E T ' S U H }XRLAND Ave. • B u i

6 7 8 - 3 8 5 8

SU Z U I• 10 b( t<ft ud «Oeyibl*. So tJwayi wtu• uade tb« tafliMon sf tkehol or o(h*f dr ifuU b«for« >1dla|. A]wiyi (spovlM youa XBpMlUoa UM ud raUad pncUco oiUy. T I MSP DlnBLktSchMl-*! l-m.:at.70- ikl ucitt r>» “> "Tr»*<« U»hU>-on public •. ibowiBt ntpKi for lh* tgvlnemmi. Iw4l

------- ?--------- r :— ...........

TMnMto,Miho ‘nwndi); S«9(m

O u t d o o r s I n b r i e f

ociation-certified instriictoi M urrell will teach a persona lection course for three nings this m onth, starting 1., Sept. 22. The coutm vtil tinue Sept. 23 an d Sept; 25 will run each night from 6:3C

. to 1 0 p.m.^e course includes basic pistol ling, induding an emphasis afety, profidency. and experi- s h and ling o variety of irms. A strong emphasis will >laced on laws pertaining to

urrcIl.-who-is.a-fo nncr-Idaho and Game.oificer, has taught roursc for n ine years and has led almost 1 .0 0 0 students in gun posMSsion. le d asses will be held at the . Fkills Rifle and Pistol Club at ith Ave. West, and the cost is For more infonnation .or to ter, caU Murrell a t 324-5960.

b u r n P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t

h o s t g u n s a f e t y c l a s sfRLEY - H andgun-Safety iandling will be held from 6 to 4 p.m. on Sept. 20 at the >um— Police—D epartm entri sored by the College of. lern Idaho Mini-Cassia hm ent program, the course ommended for anyone seek- concealed weapons perinit fall him ters.

tified firearms instructors, k)to and Wayne Winder, will carc and d ean in g weapons, jnentals of marksmanship,., ^ n safety and handling and force. The d a s s indudes four

of classroom instruction ! moving to the firing range capons and skill pracdce. jparits will need to brine a r, handgun, hearing and eye :tiQn^and^ammuntrinn.-Nft- inirion is allowed in the wm. Class is limited to the 2 applicants. The cost is 550. tore information, call 678-

) f R o c k s h o s t s f a l l

W e o n S e p t . 2 7c r ie n c e t h e s p le n d o r and

loro?ports pages to 9am Is doing.




IKI.wssr ■ helmst. ty* prottciion tnl tdn>|i. Study your awrvcr't nuA-

rtdtn The R.M Mrtc> tnoio- ly. Tkkt « rtdlt t Ulll) courv*. Per 1-704}. Along wllh cntKtred cen- lie ud pnvut luKl. PrvMTv* your W4l Itwi ud Ih* nihli of Mhtn

tmb*r 18,2003

i ^ s ^ b o ib ea u ty . o f City N ational Reserve

----- . back a t th e 2003 Fictor on Sept. 27 from 9 jnal • p.m. T he ranger-| tree ride will take partit ting the Circle Creek Tn vrill the m ost scenic v 25, reserve.' . The j as]

5:30 should be ablaze wi fall a i r shotild be cc

stoi ' com fortable, asis A fter jh e mornin eri- the ride th e ^ u p

Bread I/>aves for oi ca tered Dutch o

' P artidpan ts can brii . horse or m ake pri

^ — rraents 'to 'rem 'onerc ^ for more informatic

limited to 2S people up fast. A S20 regist charged and indude

,a t meal.t is For inquiries or a to packet, contact the re

0. 824-5519. This eve n t :-------- ‘by City of Rocksrrt and the City of Roc


B a s i c p i s t o l c o u r s

1"= S e p t . 2 9 I n TVvin f" 5 '~ ~ ^ R e d ’s Trading Pc

soring a NRA Bf 5^ course, which will b« ,1(. c e rtified NRA lit G eorge’ Ktnslow

Ordnance. T he courst rs, Sept. 29 and will b ill four days from 6 to 9 IS, Sth Ave. West 1< p„. . H istoric Old Towne ' id Cost is $50. ■ jr This course meets : >n ing requirem ent?' to le Concealed Weapon:

For m ore inform ati-----calUdaho-Ordnanco-i___ or R ed’s TVading Po

® - compiled fropi si). •_____________}-



C A L L eO O -N


-MiUI *M Mipsui I fMoM rr«;>an)9fHr\ ntn JC KU ftM Moa*rKMrM»i«lntntUt VHhthtltOMltfKCnct CtrxKt Stm CsrnKt n CM CMW M'««t >1 CMMT U*V M n inmur tn Kini CM


undthese I

ty of R ocks fJ* “ e from horse- Fall TraU.Ride ',9 a.m. until 4 r-guided tra il ticipants along rrail to some of f a m ^ ,

vistas of tho jspen groves • with color and cool, crisp and ' .

ling portion of . ip will stop ata n " o ia 'w s t” --ContJnuioven lunch. ^andfoi

iring their own

S ftflS !cand IS ^ g and giveistraoon fee IS of otheridcs a catered Buehl

a registradon sections reserve a t 208* 3,000 ai It is sponsored mostly tional R eseh« fenced i ocks Heritage

federal I to idle tl

..... - — Abover s e O p e n s 2,000 acr I F a l l s ______________

Post is spon* grouse aBasic P isto l rest in dllbe taught by H i^ e i

in structo r ily of r of Idaho ' stands ol

rse will begin dm es setbe held for have be<9 p.m. at 253 down the located in fro:

e TWin Falls. • «• I grew ui

s state train- children,'10 obtain » " d 'd S S ! ns License.

Post at_ 733- acqiiainU! ---------------- season. HI staff reports die state i


•N C X T E L 9 .0 R V IS IT


aCMltKM irKtl'lMettiSS vuil TNrKi

n cacucM »r tM mn/M o'UM ru«CM ta tS "Mt M m>M« inm* nvutn « i

i S S S S s s S r S i•tt CKO iiMW Nrtiwi nt NUrtr W tvta KM K u cmr mMI er wmo nimM vi.M t

iirdsUmMdfirDnrbi~arent reason. Hopefully, th .be a banner year.

le covey birds and can cove extensive grotmd needed t te them. Tlie dog m ust b led to hold jtS 'po in t,and nc [i them pfeihatiu«ly. . ilifomia quail require diffei tiunting methods, lo o k for th< tly groups and eventually an in dense brush stands alon; nagcs with:octive w a te r neai he upper limit o f quail distri

ccessniMdrrMnOrfor hunting and fishing, lh and Game biologist Brae pton, who helped craft tht jiiTigi-nm, rht« yt»nr^» cpn s provide hunters and a n ^ r s 107,000 acres of private land pves access to 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 acres lerwise blocked public lands, ehler^ property is ideal deer ^ e bird habitat. In lower 3ns, there are m ore than

acres of rolling uplands, y cultivated w heat fields, d pasture and Conservation -ve Program lands where the al govemment pays farmers e their ground.jve the fields are another acres of steeper ground. Mule Mmmonly graze the p ^ yd- Uslde while flocks of sharptaU- > and Hungarian partridges . die cover near the grain, her up on a ridgeline, a fam-

ruffed grouse roosts in I of aspen; and elk - some- scores of them in a herd - been seen coining silendy the slopes in th e evening to from catch basins, is is my place. This is wheie ' up and where I raised my ;n,” Buehler said. ‘‘It% just igged countiy, b u t it* pretty •ggone good for wildlife." year. Buehler tried to start

ite hunting d u b on 1 prop-

mances paid S25 for the ■ HIS th ii year withte is more lucrative, bu t he



IT N E X T E L .C O M .


S i S g i S S S s i

.M eraMrn « n> mMciM emrv uOTOtOU MI

bution in Idaho is ni this based on elevadon.'

a few birds further t

over hunted ^ t h a goodd to ing tbem out of thet be -They also blend p! not their environment {

downed bird is diffiffer- good retriever is invir the Open-bored. shot;cov- . with small shot are ilong most shots ore doslear- SafeQr is a primestri- under these condio

would not reveal how Compton said a

Irad landowner parddpi the separate bitls, which •on- by a CQmmittge of .<p lers either accepted o r r and - contract pnce varies Tes on the quality and ids. htmting or fishing op] eer The average cost a a «er is $1.09 an acre. That^ lan similar programs in ids. states; Montana^ aver :ds, acre, \^^omlng is $1.1 ion contracts in Idaho rt die quaner an acre to S ers said. The money c

sportsman!! license ai ier not tax dollars.Lile . “This is just the «1- Compton said. “Our gcmU----- a-mlllion-Bcres-of-prii;es the program,” addin

department will foa m- small game and waterfi in Pat Cudmore, sout ie- i«gional d ireao r of I - Mountain Elk Found dy pressure for more aco CO ing land has increased

crs have dosed privat n often because di ny hunters failed to ask p< ist “We’ve had a bundle ty Ious folks who leave |

who don’t ask, who lea irt damaged. TheyYe dosi p. the public,” Cudmore s rd“ ""'oyingTtrmahfflmWH' le ' landowner and sportsmm-------- SOTI5— Igrt'fld vnere,le induded, require huntet


I Tfa tM n cwrfM If i't f "tn M IM tl*1 « W * KIW W«tW WN »Vl W

' 'IwSid*" ” ^

IM me tiKM H n r««R>fM n m Ul Mem

nearTVvin Fklls,. sportsmori.There are only dedsion (r u p s t te ^ .___ track of: bombs are best covei^and>d dog for root- ' is importahe heavy cover. Quail tperfectly'w idi spnng, ai

: and finding a fully deveFficult. Again, a season. I t iivaluable. ■ . good hatdotguhs loaded Sharp-ts in order, since must foitose and quick. son to be,i consideration rods evenlidons when a opener in

3W much. them bcfoia ll potential' Thcymoyi

ipants submit such as ph are revieived campfires,sportsmen and___number of.rejected. The Fish and

es, depending' history ofd quantity of landowneripportunity. gram, coulcicross the state of those feiit^ on par with ' One recn surrounding Don Jcnkierage is 51 per landowner.11. Individual eastern Idarange from a now access$2, Compton Buelilcr’:comes- from hca*ting.soand tag fees, state's tm d

• of tho propi5 beginning,” As they cgoal is to have slopes, BueF

ing that the _ hunters ask>cus next on "HcVigladtorfowl himting first. It givesuthem Idaho Buehler if the Rocky lucky to havindation, said wild countr:cess to hunt- mth hunterdaslandown- suburbs whcxitc property. But his laidiscourteous whi'ch mustpermission. to continuelofunscrupu- next white t gates open, . waiting to nsave property lock the gat<3sing land to^ It comcs i5 said. “We’re^ said. Everyl

man.-*'------ ing~to'~c6 bpiauemer tairiy comp

«rstocontaa show some r


I1 : f22

Clt things dont whe get dont with fret incor

_____ unllm[ttd coast:toicoss

F R E E IN C O M I400 outgoing ceF rtt Incoming c t

Unllmlttd Push To Natlonwidt long dist



I t»It nuKMf W .n'lll iv-s.. Mr»»inr Mw IN el INM « U tn'tl KCOI IMK,. '•tiwrt n iMfW klW«*Uf«<*'inn ena «M Hon •! rCOn WI<n«»>KI C»WMI (II i•ShSSl'uSliSmS?Unrt " *’*••tnind W Irtty low »* »io<» m*ru nea<0 I iretamin O t U riQrvi riufttd

« S T A V A ll

man must makc an instant >n on w hto to shoot.-Keep of your partner in heavy and a iluoiescent onuige hat irtan t to locate thoir position, il a rc late nestcrs in the ', an d many birds are not levcloped until later.in the 1. I t appoars diere has been a latch of these tas^ morsels, rp-tailed grouse hunters iait until Oct. 1 for their sea- begin, and pheasant nim-

vcn later with an Oct. 18 •: in southern Idaho.

cfore they go onto tlic land. ’

s prohibiting' camping or res, and they may limit the tofhumersallowcdpcr.day...; - and Game officials have a

o f clashing with somen ers—in—Idaho,—Tliis-pro—-----3uld also help'mend some ! fences, 'recen t warm afternoon. Mikins, Fish and Game’s ie r coordinator in south- Idaho, helped Buehler post :ess signs on the property.Icr’s old Ford was over- . so together, they took the ruck around the perimeter ropcrty.ey c rep t up and down the lu eh le r told jL-nkins tliat he

asking to sdicdule acccss. d to hear from die iniiiters ivcs him some control, sr undentands that he is tiavc been bom into Idoho^ mtry, and he .s^patliizes I te rs from the to\i,Tis and who al.sb want to cnjty it, s land is also his business,. u s t remain viable if he is lue to provide access, Tlie h ite-collar professional ;o m ove in may decide to g ates behind him. cs do\vn to thi.s, Buehler erybody wants to enjoy_____

)b p e n i te ra s lone as he’s ' I im p e n sa te d a n t lo th e r s 1C re sp e c t for his land.



Boise285N, Mlti«<ukt*208-322-6260

eolse10350 W*il Cm«r*ld206-672-6400POCATELLO208-239-6100TWIN FALLS20S-2SO-4663

vhtn th ty need to icoming calls and oajt.wfllhlt;t«lkle._____________

M IN G P L A N) cellular mlnutts I ctllular mlnutts To Talk' mlnutts

jis ta n c t Ineludtd


ittMtt IrMIKenv Clt !>• til vs Cont»<t C»ti .fwh ««• <1 not tfM Co««t: (It UM CVKI Cavwl

W L A E '- E f O P V

...... ... .... . . .

Page 25: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

F o r a n d a l

^ th e L a t i n o

--------- : ^ : - o i H i n iu i i t

T h e T i m c s - I

L o c iByLovlAspeytta

- Tlmet-Nawi corrwp

JEROME - Fan have a reason to ap

The local band h( its first CD-entitle cn la Nada.” The

' original songs wii group,' which startc

____ the project.last.yea.. K w gm a is comf band members, v, three sisters, one I cousin. Karigma w years ago by Prime current band mcmb performing togcth years.

I “We were pushed lessons,” explained

- ■ Jazmine Scdano,- Primo. “Little by lici to like the music.”

— -----K ariM a-has beeiact for bands that h Jerome, Rupert, Boise and Nevada. 1 at family events.

“We ployed for v quinceanenis,” ba Noberto H errera saii whot people wantec of time was ranchcrc

The group work cumbia music s ty le : ed tho album. They tng the songs in Jurn

“Wc wrote one sc ized that wc had smff,” H errera said.

------!ot-of-talent-and-ci------group.” ....... -—

M an* 2003. ITley months recording

.sometimes .having, going over and over t sure that they were j

“We would start a or 11 and go all the v, night,” singer Noemi want'people to know hard work went into CD together.”

Herrera said that CD taught him to loo at other music.

“When you listen i don't realize a lot c that went into it,” he are major stories b thing in the CD.”

A fter they com

Local sl prograi

____ LEWISTON.-^prD{the children of mi^ran booming a t Lewis-C College.

After 12 students in Assistance Migrant (CAMP) in its inidal y LCSC has SO students gram taking classes Among them are sevei from the Magic Valley.

CAMP is a nationwi that helps the children farm workers make thi to college. Many are tlieir families to attend

The program was h Texas in 1972 and has idly in the last five year 43 programs nationwit lege reponed.

Lcwis-CIark State CAMP Associate Din Galindo, 35, is himself a CAMP. He gradual Sacramento State Un California in 1992 on wouldn't have made even a semester of colle, n't been for the progran

Galindo came to Lc

✓ duenos person;

✓ promos

EsU Llamcntnc h

cI p u h U c a d o


J L ____—l i ^ = = =

abbutaoiity ----- ^— —


; a i

Fans of Karigma 'I applaud. _ i has put together itled, “Envueltos O h e CD has ninew ritten by the '

u ted working onyear. _______imposed of eight , which include ic brother and a was founded 10

imo Scdano. The mbers have been S u jH eth e r for th ree ‘

led to take music led lead pianist0 ,- daugh te r- o f.....little, wc staned .

>een-the-opcmng—It have played in ' t. Idaho Falls, a. They also play

ir weddings and - band m em ber '

said. “Wc played Ited. which most lera.”drked with the l e as they crcat- ley started writ- . rune of last year.: song and real- ad some good lid. “We have a i-CTersy-in-the-----

ey s ^ n t threeng th e songs, Karigma ing_ long., days ...er them to make recordmro just right. while th■X as early as 10 lhe Easte way until mid- they staimi Scdano. “Wc week solow that a lot of the CD.nto putting this “We w

we are rlat creating the' . up andlook differently haven't

said.in to a CD, you ThereIt of the effort percussi<he said. “There bassist ]> behind cn'cry Jeanette

Siboncyom pletcd the ist Victor

students g unto makirogtam-toJielp___ j-Fbrmor«rant workers is _is-Clark S.a<o

; in the College ----------ant Program from the tII year in 2002, Mexico. D nts in the pro- dent in hi{ ses this fall. ancc coun n'cral students intoac:are ey. in the Cai iwidc program tem, then ren of m i ^ ^ t Hispanic tthe tiansidon loSaaum«

re the first in Galindo to2nd college. “I wasn' s launched in.-^' at first. Iwlas grovm rap- . my secondears from 12 to my FAFS/iwide, the col- dm aid) la

bursementate College n't gettingDirector Glen Then hcilfap ro d u ao f CAMP stucluated from program aUniversity in get him otand says he CAMP ali

!e it thniugh peers wholUege if it had- save mone:ram. • and switd

Los Angeles • dasses h c «

ncidn!los de n eg o d o s >nas d e ventas . i l o to r ^ d e bailes ItmyudatseanmmUmdUtma,

stoy aqui para servit hoy para sus anuncios

C4munida<•do cadajtuvcs en el Tin^5-3207 o 420-

I HKik BnglUh. too.

id,Ka]BSEW M ' - .

..... ..

na singor Noeml Sedano rehaarsei

[lin& the group took a break the album was produced in ■

ast Coast. Three weeks ago, itarted practidng five days a so that they can promote

D.u want people to know that ■ e not gone or have broken id (this) is the reason we I't been playing," Noemi

r rest of the band includes ssionist Bernardo Cabello, t Hugo Mendoza, pianist tte Sedano. drummer cy Sedano and percussion- tor Sedano.

go to CAM ke transiticorelnfomiatton-aOourCAMP-------www.Icsc.cdu/cQmo or call Galindo at (208) 792-2101.

le town of Sayula in Jalisco,I Despite being a good stu- high school, Galindo^ guid- )unseIor tried to push him arcer as a coriwtions.officer California state prison sys- on a popular job for young ic men. A friend was going unento State and convmccd ) to come with him. isn't 0 very serious student 1 was getting kicked out by )nd'month. I hod filled out ^ A (application for finan- ) late, so there were no dis* ents for me, and I just was- ng any advicc,” he said, hc met a girl who was a

itudent. Soon, hc was in the 1 and got a sdiolanhip to out of his finandal bind. i also introduced him' to ho he could room with to ncy, set him up with tutors | itched him out of some ie didn't need to take.

LeticU Corotudo





i r i g m a

- ■ ........■ - i______1_____fl

irses a song from th e group'i.n

k • • ~ ..........................can w

ion to coUi------- ^ crcditCAMP-lOO jwi

my ability to finish my fii 'college. I had found a hi from homo and joinciJ family,” hc said.

L^st ycur hc font National CAMP Asscxnation to help the 2. al CAMP ^ d u a tc s iii network with their pecn job opportunities.

“Thatls how we're goini corporate America," Tic sj

Local students in the arc listed by name and m

M ountain Home High Cristina Ortiz, psycholog year s tu d en t ac LCS Pedorza, business, secon< LCSC; K om ar Mendc: darcd; an d M ctor Ochoa,

Minico High Sdiool, I Juan Ambriz, computer and Miguel Olivarez, engi

M urtaugh High S^oo Orozco, undeclared; anc Arevalo, undeclared.

Buhl High School-Iren pre-med, sccond yoar at L

G lenns Ferry High S Vanessa Gil, computer sd<

M t

/ , • s s r i p iL

m i llursday, S ep tem ber:


i.naw CD, w hile-S Iboney Sedane

Karigma's ‘Ei avallablcTiov ii> Tv

Q f l j H ^ ^ H Idahoorlsinni sonf

istions the

Karigma pa

iselege[WFceniwiili----- 1—first year ofhome away H 4 | f l n

L*iJ my new n f T C |

iiindcd the

2,400 annu: nationwide :r; and find

Iing to reach ! s;iid.hc program

;h Sdiool - ogy. sccond


la, ntiriing I, Rupert - er-sdcncc;igincering Member* ol tt Sd Adolfo ontheParadli

Calffomla Advi ene Flores, of Hltpanlc He

»3cnce . ___________

1U3LE e e r y

M s;r 18, 2003

d u c e s 1


ano, Bernardo Cabello and Vict

A b o u t t l

■Envueltos cn la N ada* is how in Video Mexico s to r e s I I. Twin Falls. Burtey ond Is. The CO co n ta in s nine ongs pcrforincd by Ihc :ludlftg -Todo y N ad a .' . boing played on radio s ta - the Magic Valley ond Idoho

I paid for the e n tire projec t.

F f f s t a I


f tha Los Angetea-baaed Latin i idlia Bay stage at Dlaney'a Thi kdventure In Anaheim, Calif.. Dl Heritage month featuring auth

ihroufih Oct. 5.


I 'i i ' c i i iT u m

n e w C

I'V1 ^ .

uviA Sw m

l tctor Sedano play In the backgi

t h e CD

which cost about $ 7 ,0 0 0 .It was recorded In Je ro m e anc 1.000 copies were p ro d u ce d Pennsauhcn. N.J.

The group camc up w ilh t h e C 'Everything was our i d e a . ' sai Nobcrlo Herrera. D g u ita r is t v group.

Tho CD Is available for $ 1 2 .9 : the band members.

L LatdmA


Iln rock band Let Lcboa perform Third annual Fleita Latina a t Dl . Disney's Reita Latina la a cel luthentic muife, dance and food


Comunuiad etiitor: PatMc

Grou] lunch


A ssodadon- ^ Chamt)er of^

Chambcroft ing a ltmdi<

Director Hc< Sept. 26 at Center

• —Drivo.in-Noir

Barreto wil W h ' J future of the5 ^ -y I impact busin

qu«tion and

’’/ j . -Dirk-KempU V V BoiscDistnct

. Idaho Sen. Mi. Jfjf-. Thccdst.isJ

RSVP to AUc Villanueva 44

Team from lead a retrc

t w in f mand F lbr Fc from Santiai

1 1 * O th e r p a s to r

from both ^ ------ Unit«d-Stete

— Sponsored-

— -cground. Fellowship, 10< -- n ic rutn.'at:-------------- ] leaders and pe

renewal for tht thcir lives, orgi

If registert— • -e ncoun ter—rc

Registration al md about To register i2d in tion, contact th«

Comer at ROsE ! CD cover. h3332 or call

globalvisionmiit wllh Iho

.99 or rrom Craig hlrcs I language pr

WASHINGTi_________ Larry Craig, chi

Committee on that hc has hire guage press sec

" — ■ ■ ■ “I'm excitci -■ board. She ha

' that qualify heVg* print and bro

1 t s Ctaigsaid;“Sh< M — M . _and.EngIjsh^i; ™ a my efforts tom | V . ing people in Icw the nation a

. . Congress arc dl Amador will

1 ^ , ' Hispanic mediithe nation's 3 Americans, esp

V : thcir families, V i. about the Aginj . ities, Craig's ol

.1 also help maint I'# ' Spanish languo, » duce Craig’s vi

Jm .. ■ titled,“Washinf Prior to con:

States, Amador 2 B B l editor of “Comc

azinc. She J j f l ^ l d e ^ c in jou

Nadonal Autonc tfNM Honduras and

rm degree in jrm SundayDlineya Northwestern elebratlen Chicago, od running Between 199(

Hispanic popuJ bled from 53,0(

________Craig^ officc rc]

i 1Ya lle g o Tele


g e r t ^ J B J B ^ T l S l j n ^

’Mammtomo - 735-3288

S c c t i o n E

ups sponsor ;heonfor L directorA - The Hispanic Business ion-' Inc.. - the ^ Id w e ll '- orCommcTCc and Nampa • of Commerce are sponsor- nchcon in honor of U.S.Jusiness. .Administration________Hector Borrcio at noonat the Hispanic Cultxiral >f Idaho, 315 Stampede ■fampa. ■

I Noticias.> will discuss the past and the SBA and how this will lisinesses. There will be a and answer ixriod. peakers will tw Idaho Gov.npthomc;-Tom-B«rgdoll,------------t^ct director for SBA; andI. Mike Crapot'is 520. Seating is limited.Alice Whitney or Sandni a 442-0823.

)m Chile will atreat next montiiFALI-S - Pastors Jose■ Fcrrada- and a team ..............itiago, Chile, will lead n ter retreat Oct. 29 to n TVvin Falls. Several stors and missionaries th Mexico and th eiBtea-will-be featured:-------;-------•ed—t)y-the~H agcrman------------

Alobanza, the retrcat will a t Amazing Gracc

1061 EasUand Dr. N.eat is open to oil p.'istors,...........d people who are seeking r their congregations and organizers said, tered by Oct. 1, the- re trea t- fee - is $65. in aftcrOct. lw illbeS75 :er or for- more informa- t the Hagerman (Huistian : OsBox 185, Hagerman, ID all 837-6140 or e-maU to [email protected].

es new Spanish I press secretaryIGTON, D.C - US. Sen.

chairman of tlie Spedal on Aging, announced

hired a new Spanish lan-> scci)ctaty. Iris Amador, cited to have Iris on

has tremendous skills 1 her for the job in t>oih broadcast journalism,”“She is fluent in Spanish h, H er hirins is pan of :o inform Spanish-speak- in Idaho and throughout 1 about what wc in re doing."Hill condnue to develop ledia contacts to ensure 's 39 million Hispanic ,espedally seniors and

ics, are well informed .ging Committee^ activ- ^ office said. She will aintain the Committee's guogc Web site and pro­’s video news segment hington Report.” coming to the United idor was the founding • ome to Honduras” mag-

earned a bachelor's journalism from the tonomous University of ind completed a mas- in journalism from the001 of Journalism ar m University in

1990 and 2000, Idaho^ jpulation nearly dou- 3,000 to over 100,000,2 reponc>d.



Page 26: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

P a g e E - 2

Major Ed' ' --------------------- Pa tU rtO ii,.

■lart.wW i

Stlntlon Arniyantf [ H H

_____________ Klwinti mmembtr

Clarit Walworth « 5

toad up canned

Coodt for 1:.^ 1 »« i

Salvation I Array "

pantry thalvM.


think about donatioi money to the needy c 1(1 season. But thi arc depleted by the roUsTiroundrWheii's

----- ,-------- for-the-summer.-IovU1II& JIU MllJUvilljf Iill ^ children who had good deal of their fc Rircnts arc caught wi

, food a t home.As' a ' result, the

Kiwanis dub d e d ^ local- food drive naj Wind. '


State 4-H Leaders Foi uled Not. 7-9 in TVvi forum offcis workshc planning and fun act

The confcrcnce wi the Red Lion Can' Hotel, 13S7 Blue Lak)

Nov. 7 events indui State Leader's Assoc ing and luncht State Board meeting and workshops.

Nov. 8 events indt speaker Jana Kemp, founder and owner oi

________ Management_Essenjfocuses on improvir nm'c and managemei individuals and organ

Kemp is the author ••Moving Meetings” ar the quarterly online “Better Meetings for 1

Her keynote pres encitied ‘'4-H Youth i

Hartwell Is nomlna honor society men

Mldwllc M. Ilortw Falls has been noni membership in tJie U Wyoming's Chapter National Society of Sdiolars, the honor high-achieving first a year college students., She also vras elects for the sodety (or the academic year. Hartwc ior at the University o in Laramie. majorinR and astronomy.

Inductees wili l>c ho candleliRht ceremony

— . bers and their parents veisty campus in Octo

She graduated from High S^ool in 2001 an an associated of sdenc< physics from the C Southem Idaho in 2002

Hartwell is employee in the univcrsicy planet

UniversiGOODING - “nie Ur

.Idaho Extension, announced 4-H winner Gooding CountyFair.

SWINB . MKtoqiaUtjrctaMM John Psncnon. three blue Jtudn Pcm™. biuo and re KalyonFtaRirk.blue JcfM Itemi two red Nkole Reed. blue CkswRcgnk(;bi>>e DfaKka{UagUzit.i>nblue

n : .____________________

Kiwani;- Most people The

dons of f o ^ and monthldy during the hol- th e emthose donatioru hadgi«

he time summer food tt!n~school*lui2> uui South'! -low-income-par— i-'Agenc>' Rimi With null----------ro p rtad been eating a Commi r food a t school. Salvatii t without enough most ui

proteinthe TWin Falls ' item s 'aded to hclp -a------jpwanutn a m ^ S<mnd chili.


hostThe 2003 Idaho tru e stoFonun is sched- an idahTVvin Falls. The businesshops, speakers, work-^hiactivides. on Boar will be held a t Othei

lanyon Springs worksht. a l ^ Blvd. N. Goverrudude the Idaho meetingsodadon meet- N ov.'9Ite Endowment and a siind lunch and p w ts a

workedrjdude keynote Workjnp. who is the “D are t'r of Meeting & th e Wo L cn tials^b«ch^_B e5R ect>ving meeting, •*Bcyon<ment skills for -“Mentor;anizations. “S tept)or of the book “ Keepir” and publishes Sportsmine newsletter “Horse :br Everyone.” with 4-Rresentation is and "Puilh and Me.v a ins,” ant(

— FocusInated for mwrlembershlp Srtwell of TWin Hartwilominated for and Mrs.! University of Falls, tter of theof Colligiale Mountajr soaety for .I and sccond O fIS. Due tccted secretaiy formancethe 2003/2004 last yeaiiwcll LS a sen- Albertsoiy of Wyoming debate ttn s in physics AU-Confe

selectedhonored at a Foreiwics

>ny for mem- Pive s«Its on the uni- honors, iictober. M ountairom TWin Falls Last yi. and received fourth c:nce degree in Conferen

College of Champioi002. The 'Yclyed part-time nam entsnetarium, and Oregon, 1

$ity of Ida]University of CodyRo«

(1 . Scrvice ,ers from the

LoganSci‘ntORiulAd*mVoiA n iu V o r

>lue LuduVord red Kjuh Wib

GfandOiA n e«hbh•Rc m t iv C

due Mek«UKi


le Jis helps 1ie Kiwanis collccted food ithly from May imtil August. By end of the summer, the d u b given more than 2,000 cans of . to be divided between the JrCentral'Community-Action- ncy and the Salvation-Army. ■uprcMHianvfis 'i r tmimunity Acdon and the ation Army said that their : urgent ncieds were for high cin foods, ^ c y requested s ' such '' as~'canned ' meats,' lut butter, cereal, soups and

ic agencies also 'asked for

story about how 4-H defined' laho business owner and her less. She also will condun a . :.shop, “Keeping Volunteers sard.”her Nov. 8 events include shops, a Know Your m ment planning committee' ing and district meetings.9 events indude speakers

1 sharing fair, where partid- : can share ideas that have :d in their d ub or county. ■ rkshop sessions include i to Lead,” “Succeeding in Working World,” “Mutual fctJMutual_Responsibility.'J_ )nd Your County,” toring That Works for You,”I Up to Leadership," ping Competition and smanship in Perspective."« Health," "Cre-ative Ideas 4-H Broad Dough projects” Put the 'Fun’ into Fund-rais- imong others.

r s O N P E O Plem ber of the University of ling symphony orchestra i Beta Phi Sorority, twell is the daughter uf Dr.[rs. Jay A. Hartwell of TWin

Itain Home student is of award-winning team

to their outstanding per- ices in debate tournaments ear. 19 members of tht* ;son College speech and ! team were plaa*d on tho nference Division II Team :d by the Northwest ics Conference, students earned first team, induding John“DavL<nJl----ain Home,

year, the team won its consecutive Northwest

x*nce Division •, II lionship.•Yotes placed iirst in tour- ts a t the University of- 1, Lewis and. Clark State

iho ExtensiRo««».b3uc Roftcrs,bIue

Sauerwcin, Iwo blue « Scott, cwo blue Sctxi. two blue uU lrid i.(w ob lue VorstevcH blue V omcvdd. purple Vome«>eld. blue Vilian. two purple nnd blue

OMnptofiPlxUiMannvCbmplanPljciK oyle

T h

food dlod foods that wrerc eithe By can or box, such as r ub dicesc, or something of Iy mixed into a m he creamed soups thaon-----pasta:------ -------------— ----- Another needed itim <ioDecieu was loiieT hie products are expensi' :ir pm ple in the house gh summer m eant tho :d Would be used u p fas ts,' mernbers reported.'' ' )d For more* informa

projcct or Kiwianis, or Walwordi at 733.5015,

ders forfd' Teens who rcceive<sr bon for their county's a . speaking contest arers compete in the 4-1!

Public Speaking Corle part of the forum's Te<ir more inform ation, ie ' Gillespie at the Minids. Extension office u t 43*s Other forum activii- tours of are*a attnicdoe • Jackpot, Nev. an.d tei

stamping activity ande There also will b e siltn auctions and displays,it Early bird registradi

Oct. 17. After th a t ds " Kocs up by SIO." Registration forms J sent to Pam Sm it

County Extension « s Sccond Ave. W., J e «

83338. Or caU any Ui Idaho Extension offic information.

P L E --------------f College, University of I Westem Washington

and finished ranked morc than 420 scho<

I nation.Albertson College is


Jerome student pa! engineering examli

Idaho' S tate Univei neering students excel Fundam entals o f £ i examination with 2 2 dents who took th e October 2002 and April ing und becom ing Engineers-In-TVaining.

Ovirr~tIurpasfscvera] first-time pass ra te of. neering students ha^

' around 90 perccn t national pa-ss rate is 74

The ISU engineerin( who passed the Octobe: exam include Tbm J. Jerome.

ilion ServitMiuket Record Boolui Tony A lvundo, blue K.Tyrie BaIci. purjilc l ^ c i c Dales, blue Duvid Bauman, red ITumiA Bcliron. purp le Joah Bullen, purple RucUioCaHos. while JillD al(o n ,m l Som Dolton, blue Whiiney Dailon. blue Kyleen ErVe, blue Cole Erkini. blue D m dR iinhJd .w lua- Daniel F lkk blue

, A ll im Flora, bine

m i‘h u r s d a y , S c p c c m b c i

H j A W Cub Srecruli

JER( ' . Pad/s 1

hold a

II Elcmer

-- e^ to o .

Form Cone

Churct after v;

B u mChurch,


~ students

----- games-oThere w pon& fo< In the ] State U Nuzaren.

For n% donate c


— Burleyjtie ra m e a ljn a 5 macaroni and BURL lg that is quidc- meal, such as t y ' hat muc with w

f papeiTKiper . ' f jP sive, and extra se during the ^ lose products aster, too, dub

iation on the I_______ ;is, call Cadiy Wallac®

----------------------- Dellah R«

*11111 Band seA r m e r s

e d a blue rib- TWIN'f's 2003 public band Celtr e eligible to ,omen! at•II Stateuidc Market flontest that is The marl-eenThids.For College 1

call Donna College oJdoka County Building.I3G-7184. ClK-f Ltvities include on handions, a trip to with fre.shteen bowling, ' .Id pizza p any . AmerlcaiJon. and livedon is S65 for TWIN ItenajtseoLte____Red Crowdate, Uiu fee from 1-7 ]___ __ _________p.m.'niescIS should l)c lith, Jeroine

office. GOO !rome, Idaho

Church = of Bruce

CrossroQ__________ Chureh in

to thank al ed in iheT

of Ulah and I-uUotrToi.i " " - /o l iolools in llif on'.UBlito.

h d i i a r d o s i

i .l« .,.d inSenor Caes

a e e a c Ki‘ -' CoalitKiml>crly,\

llnation K im lH .T ly ,l- e r s iiv ' i-nui- W illia m s M

EnRinci-.-ine ! o f 25 stu .LC oxam in . 1-uI o rt. Na< r il 200.! pass- M o lynL-iix B n - r l i l ic d a n d J o a n bl

falmmwiiy. j y e ars , Ihc S t o o lc a n d

>f I.SU ongi- a p p r a c i a t o . a s liovurcd

w h ilo Iho '4 porcCTI. ™n e iiludonis A d m in L st x ; r 2002, KE I. B u m h a n .

ce names i• C .incr n o n Nii(li;uiic] C Shiine Kni«l UcfiiryKoy] MiikiJu Koy OtiulieLoK lAt) I.cija.r( O ouv Lcijo, A.ii.:t7 Lodi Anc^huiNtu Shclbie Mov Miiisic Mcfc M idanM etc Miitt Metcal Fhuidsco M. LuciMireles

' j m

)c r 18, 2 0 0 3

Cc• Scouts, hold ultment t o n l^KOME - The- Cub Scouts ol s 139 and 34 of Jerome wili

a rccruitwent and reostra night from 7-S p.m. today ir

cafeteria o f Honxon lentaiy School, 934 lOdi Ave.

I b<^ in grades fiist through arO 'invited^aders.are n c ^ w.r more informadon, call Dona a t 324-6902.

rch sponsors rallies r varsity foottiall gamesH L - lh e BuM F in t Chlisdan ch, 1005 Poplar, is gearing up lother season of Fifth Quaner is.I program is designed to give nts a safe and fun place to go all the varsity home footb^ s-on-FHtIays-until-ll:30-p.m.- ! wil! be food, pool, ping foozc ball and refreshments,

c past, athletes from Boise Univeraty a n d . Northwest

ene University have visited.moro information or to

e or volunteer, call Stephen lall at 543^250.

iy_manjMlel^es_80th. [lay at open houseU £ Y - Wallace Wid<el will

be honored at - an open house

for his 80th -fairthda r from-2^

6 -p.m. Sunday

* W f Elks, ■ 1340 . Oakley Ave. in

Burley.W The event

------- s '— -will-be-hosted-by his daugh-

------ ters, , DixieoW lckil listes, Connie

Bryan and Reed.-----------------------------

serenades IWin Fails )rs’ I\1arket customersN-FALLS - The-Irish folk :cltic Fire will serenade cus- at die TWin Falls Farmer:’

: from 9-11 a.m. Saturday, arket is located on Nortli i Roa4, across from the ! of Southern Idaho Expo g.LuAnn Sdtes also wUl be

id demonstrating cooking :.sh producc.

can Red Cross holds ^lls blood drive

FALLS - The American t)« will hold a blood.driye _ 7 p.m. Monday, noon to G esday and 9 n.m. to 1 p.m,

—— Lei1 appreciates support De Lulloff Tournament'roads United Mcthodi.st in Kiml>erly would like c all thosc who participat- e Third Annual Bruce roumament this past

>llowing were kind to donate prizes:)'s and Maria's, Yb Yo's, Lii jreat Harvest, Fiesta Ole - erly, I..:imphousc*nieater, nesar's, Garabaldi's, Safe ilition, Maxie's in y. Wells F a ^ o Bank in y,Tim Williams law firm, i Market, Holmstead Mahlke,Troy Mahlke /of'lWin Falls, Jim and oag. George l*etcr, Phyllis >Iaomi Dopson, Lorraine X, Barb Shockley, BillI Sargent, Gayle___________y. Jeny and Hlaine id Ron Ballard. Wu te your parddpation. ial thank you to the TWin nidpal Golf Course.IE PETER istrodvc A.<Kl?tant Kids United Methodist


Gooding (lom. blue^Gon,bluuniAht, blue^le.wiiiiclO lc, blue.AKftise.tvdi.redijo, redodcc,bIueNtunn, bluerfavcncamp, wliiteUrtcair.blucetad!,bluelcaU.rcdI Mirclei, ri*<lelected

l O M M U N T TW ednesd^ at Presbyterian Churc Ave. N., TWin Falls,

s of Blood donors m ust: will yearsK)ld and weigh stra- poimds. y in For morc inform i2on appointment, call 734 \ve.

CSI offers ‘Senlpn I S ___^onjtheJntemetLc

TW m FA LLS-lht ona Education Center atti

Southem Idaho will o on the Internet” fn W e d n esd i^ O ct 1-2 Room 124C

» TTie cost is $60 and ion tor is Sue Ellis, up ' Seniors with prio

1CT o m rie n c c will spent informally “ surfing” i

3ve vrith the help o Igo guide^tructor.T hisc m enhance general Inti.m.----- such-as-how^tobrtnvscing tively, use moro adva its. features, experience ise and chat rooms, dov est ware and moro. d. For morc informaticto istcr,call 732-6288 or 7

lenGooding Duplicate

u Club announces wl- GOODING - TTi<

Duplicate Bridge Club rill its winners fo r ^ p t. 12 at North/south: first ise Burke and BiU Simons th Riley B unoi^and Bev~2‘----- thirdtiwma'Bard'ond'iay Eost/wcst: first, Jconn

Grimes and Les Sau in third, Dolores Robi

. Carolynn White, nt Refreshments wer »1- - induding produce fron h- fanners and gardencra. ie The d u b meets at I ic FHday a t Gooding Cir id Fifd iAve.W. _______

Red Cross will hold blood drive in VVenc

» WENDELL - The 1 Ik will ho ld .a blood driv s- p.m. Sept. 25 at the Wc s‘ Church, 605 N. Idaho Siy. Donors must be atil ycars-oid and weight ae pounds.o For more informat

makc an appointment,e or Shirley Albertson at

Yard sa le benefits children a t Chrlstm;

TWIN FALLS - 'Ilic Ib u chapter of Beta i

n will hold a yard sale frore 5 p.m.___S atu tday_G Knotringham Dr in TWii I, Proceeds will go towa

■ T T E R S O F

I-----------------.The Letters of Thanks colum publish Icttefs of up to 150' (rom;* OfSanizatioRi'thankir cor or supporters.

cics arxl businesses (or citi; scfwce.For mora bttormatkn. call 7: Ext. 288To «xpm« eratitude o( a pciramcr than puW-c nature, call Timc&l cws Classified dcpan 7350931. Ert. 270.

Area Catholic comm appreciates support

The Buhl, Castleford, I Hagerman Catholic comi would like to give a hear thanks to Lamb Weston <

port it has given us in ou— raising efforui.-------------

Wc thank it again this the m any past years that been so generous. We rea app red ate the presence < Weston in our community d ally when some of our i tries ore leaving the state want to wish it and its p r

C o u n t i iKiiydcv Ncwnuui.bluc KimlK-rly Nt-wituin. bliie ' John I’iiClcrson, while Justin Pctvira.n.>d Kolynn I msira, blue Jemi Rood, while Nicole Reed, purple Chate R c^er, blue Dincka RinKlinftred

' Cody Roficn, white Justin RoKcn, rrd *Cody Sauerwcin. blue Jackson Scoli, red Loftsn Scott. Uue Evan lUmcr, red


Community Editor: Pat A


^ EVENTSth e First gifts foi

rch, 209 Fifth Christma: Donati<

n be a t least 17-Oi a t least 1 1 0 C en te r f

m adon or an UvIng hi 34-t566. . TWIN 1

w illbche)rS . Fridoy ;

Independi.course--St. in TVvinh e Community Items /< c th e Collcgc of lows, bla 1 offer “Seniors Christmas from 6-9 p jn . plants, fa •29 in Canyon ' frames am

Fieccofnd the instruc- For mor

2323.,io r com puterind d ass time Buhl A r t

J< H chei,!s class will also' BUHL- ntem ct skills, at the Eigh’se-m orc 'eff»----- E i^th ,nsivanced c-mail items: tabl i u ser groups folding ta ownload soft- - serving tra;

rior tabletion, o r to rcg- bins for ai ■ 732-6290. piano lighi

gardens, ke Bridge s“ ragc co .. pews. OVC"winners S nowspnh e Cooding etdiing pilb announced • screen and12. All d(s t, B arbara deductible,nsen; second. For morew a o r k ; and . 2888. -

- Hailey Pu book disc

ibinson and ILULEY Ubraiy, 7

ere served, a list of boosm the ralley.... the Wood Fra. ute to those1 p.m. every book group

:ity Hall, 308 Groups nt should still ( they can me

Id Tlie list w

ndell . Z t l Sr R ed Cross their “serioi ive from 1-6 The Ubrai Vcndcll LDS ' new handou St. selected rea t least 17- placcstobo a t least 1 1 0 and other d]

For moreation or to at 788-2036. It, call MikeIt 536-6151. Twin Falls

C en ter holTWIN FA

fnaS Senior Ciuztle Xi Alpha dance from :

Sigma Phi new location •om 8 a.m. to . in TWin Falls

a t 331 edbvMelod vin FaUs. The cost iskvard buying madon,call'

T H A N K S -I continued su

jtnn will the future. AiOwwds to our state a

we are very s eeninbuiois presence.

Again, our ,i„. wishes for fu

~ =_____ Catholic Pi7330931, Pajls


Idaho Off fllartmcnt al , ,

clean u p is-----------------1 'I l l e Southem u n ity Association w. the following

^ ing with our:, F iler and the canyon ormmunity Papa Murp'artfelt Pizza, l^mbV1 of TWin Concrete andiiifxiLsaiK:____ RcsionaLSoli)ur fund- With the lu--------------------------nesMis, o u r a ris year and cct was a hugat it has you again forcally pon of our cflc o f Lamb LISATlIOnity, cspc- Sccrctaryr indu.s- Southem IcIte. Wc Associationproducers TWin Falls

air’s 4-H \Hionuu Ulridi AdjunVontevi /VnitnVonicvc LuauVonievi: Natalie Vo«ta KaihW-iboft,b

• logrwn ToanUt •Com»>CjUK)u»tTimothy G.1

1120 Monuna,'


at Martantonio - 735-3288

T h e T i m c s - N c w s

' S . — - — '

for needy children at tmos.iations will also be accepted.

er for Independent i holds harvest sale 'IN FALLS - A harvest sale c held from 1 0 a jn . to 2 p.m./ at th e C cntcr for endent Uving. 158 N. BlakeIVvinF^li......... .................... .ts for sale wzU include pii- blankets, jewelry, vases,

mas craft items, bamboo , fall centerpiece, picture i and baked food.! coffee will be available, more information, call 734-

Arts Council seeits an supplies donationsIL -T h e Buhl Arts Cound] Eighth S treet Ccntcr. 200 N.:ris-in-nced-of-thc following-----table linens, folding chairs,• tables, serving utensils,• trays, exterior bench, cxtc- ble and d ja ir set, storage ir artwork, officc sopplics, light, landscaping for side s, kitchcn supplies, food I containers, cushions for iverhead pro jeaor, butcher /sprint paper, hair diycr,; press, large projection and digital camera.

donations arc tax ible.norc information, 543-

Public Ufrrarv lists - — llscusslon groups£ Y - The HMlcy Public . 7 W. Croy St., is compiling book discussion groups in

Jd River Valley to disuib- lose wishing to start a new oupor join an existing one.TS not taking hew members till consider being listed so 1 mentor new ^ u p s . st will in d u d e information ; types of books the group icir fretjuency, format and irious quotient.” ibrary also can provide a idout for book groups with I research sites, lisu of 3 borrow or rent book sets ;r dps.ore informadon, call Lisa )36.

ills Senior Citizens holds danceFAIXS - The Twin Falls

litizcns'Ccnter will hold a om 2-5 p.m. Sunday at its ition, 536 Shoshone St. W.-alls. Music will be provid-jlodv M a s t e r s . _________ist is S3.50. For morc mfor- ■ uJl 734-5084.____________

d success, now and in e. Agricidture is so vital Ite and community, an d .;ry appreciative of its

our thanks and best r future success.(VNCLARChairmanlc Parishoners Booth alls County Fair

ff Road Association I is successfuluthem Idaho Off Road on would like to thank ling busiries^-s for help- nir annual cleanup of n on the north side. [urphy’sT h k e ’N’ Bake nb Weston Inc., TViple C and Southem IdahoSolid.WasteJ)istricL_________e help of these busi-ir annual dean-up proj-------huge, success. Thank for your continued sup- r efforts.IIOMASty'■n Idaho Off Roadinills

winnersnridi.bluc ■*te¥cld.red Revdd, blue nevuld. blue «tevcld. redon, blue ' >

It • Torn* prkxmm- Olh«« Fool PrqM«»T«»

G .T om linson, DPM »na, Gixnllnjt ♦ 934-«500

Page 27: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

T h e T i m e s - N

Brdbi IN Mo:

C S I o f f e r s w (

o n j o t ^ s e e k l t i• TWINFALLS-Ne your Jol>seeking sldl

People interested new job or moving

• employment, • o r rin confidence to get thi

-always wanted, may “Job Seeking SldU bffered by the CoUeg Idaho's Center for N< . Partidpanuw illle of job seeking from s tator from the centei skills a re applicatit resum e formats, i impact, interview tei

---------follow-up with-B poteer. .

---------- .‘Hje-free workshop' who feels a little sha}

job>search skills.It’s scheduled fron

must calJ the ccnter to sign up. tion, coU 732-6680.

Financing falls 1 on Panhandle pi

COEUR D’ALENE has fallen through for ihg and refining o

• Idaho.

Vancouver, B.C., failc,--------fhp miilinn.^ack

.could not agree on tei anciers. The company pursue other funding:

Formation Capital 'u se part of the 55 mil ■permitting for a coba Salmon and restart a i Kellogg to handle tl refinery was origina 1985 to handle silver a

The company bougl ery in 2 0 0 1 .

The mine and refinii would employ about

_ combined.

'If^dEx reports loi fbr first fiscal qui

MEMPHIS, Tenn.-J reponed Wednesday dropped 19 percent in

' cal quarter, citing the ci viously announced p early rtJtirement and vc orance. Excluding one the results beat Wall casts.

Net income was S121 42 ccnts a share, in

-------- months-endcd-Aug-31,S158 million, or 52 ccnt

_____ the_same_period.lastjyeThe ja tes t results

charge pf S132 million, a share, for the retircmi erance program for Fed the company’s biggest i world’s largest cargo aii

FedEx, which has op Magic Valley, also repo time gain amounting t

.share from a tax court r ing the package deliver

Excluding the onc-t earnings for the first qi 61 cerits a share. Tliai b< sensus forecast of an veyed by Thomson Firsi ccnts per share.

For the fiscal year, th expects earnings of S3 share.

Retallersjnay^te plenty of holiday.

A large trade grou] cash registers ringing rc the end of the year.

The National Retail____ forccasi__ that__Naven

December’s U.S. sales . 5.7 percent over la.st yea

billion, making it the b« . showing since 1999, whi

m erchandise .sales in m onth'period climbed 8 L ^ t year at this Washington, D.C.-bascd j cast that holiday sales w 4 percent, but in actu increased 2 .2 percent.. Still, there’s plenty of 4Jelieve this year will than last, said Rosalind group’s chief econon^t. ing the last several mo been gaining steam momentum should coni predicted, fueled by mor nandngs, child care f x stronger stock market,

^consum er confidence, rfiiflation and low interest

Tem pering the optii worries about job cuts an

. uncertainties around the ; . ,y C o m p iM from sta ff and V

i ■__________________

- N e w s

EFLY • f ONEY Vworkshop . Tim«

<lng skills k e• Need to upgrade abilic skills? week ted in starting a mimii Rg up in curren t Dei ^ p l y building ' Comr : the Jobs they 've Wedn lay anend a free .servic kills” w orkshop avails Uege of Southern to up{ ' New Directions. Anc I leam the basics servic m a career fadli* and I Iter. Some of the • availa adon processes, aroun :, cover le t te rtechniques and

w tentiaf employ—-

lop-isfor-anyone--------------haky about their

NMdlrom 3 to 6 p.m.

call or com e toup. For informa* • '

ExchaIs through 1972 i projectNE - Financing for a cobalt min- .J operation iri •

tradM tai-C orp__ of________ :e'ailed to secure . {i

I terms w ith fin* any said it will ng sources.tal planned to cimillion tb finish,}balt mine n ea r ' ' chalriT ; a refinery n ea r ,! the ore. The . . . jnally bu ilt in er and gold. f«lta)ught the refin- C


lower profit ( quarter - \ - p. - FedEx Corp. J . > ay that profits t in its first fis-.IC costs of a pre- The Aa» i program ford vo lun ta^ sev* NEW3ne-time item s, Exchoniall S treet fore? resigncc

fury bw>128 million, or packagc

in the th ree by cries31,-down-from.:----- mon«^.i;cnts a share, in finandat y e a r,__________________ G ra ssts included a mecHngion, or 27 cents he offerement and sev- asked, sFedEx Express, man ofist unit and th e committ> airline. ing.i operations in "The Icported a* one- that resilg to 8 ccnts a Grasseirt ruling favor.-' believe iivery company. interestic-time item s, myself.”t quarter w ere The tII beat the con- _ analysts sur* 'X T r v i

•irst^Call of 57 X l U J

dig]be in for iy jingleroup foresees record aR resoundly at custome

.. ^ . The Jail Federaaon which hav cm b u i^ im d------ it-is-insies would n s c - surveillayear, to 7.4 its nearl! besi holiday Americawhen general Homem the tw o. video cal

d8.2pet<;cnt. m „„i,ors tim e th e shopliftiied group tore. . company IS would growictuality they ^• , had seve

“ c n had n^ Homeind WeUs, th e „ „ ,

ist. SiUes dur- months have m and th e ronnnue, she

tax credits, a of the firet, increased digital s

S ' S m • ~ H”” ' '& V c S - r s*'8lob<!. M artsayind wlra reports ' its securit

CompV irginia s . H u tc h ln inafrWawa writer

fCETCHUM - High-speed Inte ility is growing in Magic Valle; ek’s armouncements ^ m twi inicadons companies. 3enver*based telecom giai mmunicarions Internationa idnesday said its high-speed vice - dubbed Qwest DSL lilable in Ketchum afte r Qwes jpgrade th e local network. Uld' OneWest.net, a regional vice provider based in Jecki ] Idaho Falls, m ade its DS: lilable to businesses and hom und Jerome.


waa tha - J pchairman of F laKiwYork f

Stock [ ihangafrom I ^72 to 1976. P■ sHn on aarge icraan ^alavlilon on

tha NYSE ratfing floor




ilrmanbick QraMoa

friand,' t to

CNBC hla belief that

Ilio ihould step down

from hi* poiKlon.

lYSE chailaaoelated Preaa________

■ W YORK - New York Stock ange chairman Dick Grasso ned Wednesday amid rising over his S139.5 million pay 3ge, his 36-year carver ruined ies that he m ade too much y-ninning.the-wotldSj3chest_ dal market.3SSO callcid an emergcncv ing of the NVSE board where fered to resign if the board I, said H. Carl McCall, chair- of the NYSE compensation littec, who chaired the mcet-

te board did so and acccpted esignation,” McCail said, isso, in a statem ent, said, "I rc this coursc is in the best ist of both the exchange and

I board to rccotivcnc

ime Depot \ ptal video s<t Ridder Newa Service

-ANTA - Home Depot : the ab ility to watch,1 and store every move its ners make.r A tlanta-based retailer, has a TWin Falls store, said nstalling-reul-time-digital— llancc cameru systems in a rly '1,600-stores in North - ica.ne Depot will use 40,000 camcras in order to better or its stores, reduce fdng and d e te r fraud, the iny said.ler the outgoing sysiem, with high levels of theft

'vcral cam eras while oth- d none.'le Depot did no t disdose st of ^ e new surveillance I.le Home Depot ackriowl* that several o ther retail*

le digital v ideo surveil- the company said it is one first to yse a'coordinated

system throughout all perations.,e Depot rival Lowe's says rideo'cameras in all stores m*t release details. Wal- ays it doesn't ta lk about u ity procedures dr equip-

• * (r

T h u i

p a n i e !D igital«

DSL, cna existing pi

ntem et avail- ; send e-mt diey with this phone. • two telecom- The 2

Internet c( jian t Qwest and receivjrial-Inc. on-----ing the higeed Internet DSL tisc SL - is now files such o west invested video rau

Internet ci inal Internet gamers Wi ickson, Wyo., interact ir DSL service where, lomes in and Compani

typically tc


lirman lej_ ~ I latci

. e\-un

so W "lg . i " G rly JRWid ~

^ W J Bs L _

:y______ “I'-i'”" ”re on behalf of~alI cxa •d stituents, I have worketl r- partners to build ami e: in value and brand of i lie :t- said. “I look fon'.'ard to

. the board and tht- e> d bringing about a smuutl

to a successor."‘I The meeting, which st cluef executives from \\ d largest investment bai

shordy after the marku; e Resentment over ilu

will install security sys

ment,,for security reas Home Depot custon

t mixed feelings about i , lation of thousands of < s “I don’t like it; I'm

advocate,’' Midtown Lauren Schlicht said a

1 the Buckhead Homi1----- ii<-Bui)-Worj-t-think-thI thing you cun do aboutI------- Claude Ib tro of Ati

comed Home Depot’s : > security measures.

'T realize the ultimat ! theft) comcs back to r

form of price increas< said.

Home Depot said the ital technology will ou the analog technology i ly uses bccause imaf dozens of cameras can 1 nearly indefinitely.

Also, Homo Depo where crimes may have

.. can o-mail images ti departm ents investiga reports.

Home Depot cucpects plete installation of < momtoring system by tl January.

Verim Systems of ] N.Y., is supplying the te< for Home Depot's new lance system.

u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r

IS offeI subscriber line, better kn lablcs sub.scribcrs lo use phone lines to biuxv.sv the ’ mail while talking on th<

always-on, im mediate- connection permits users t< ive phone calls without int< ligh-speed scrvice.— isers can send and receive as photos, documents, mus

luch faste r than with c connections. And In ternet rv'ith high-speed connectioi in real time with playen

inies that spread DSl. avails tout the offering as an ecp

l E S I G N A T I

aves ami(;er in the- lion-doUar L-ning tu <liv- ing to a : ss a rcplai L- flooc as wt :ni. . planned t<Grasso s;ucl kot closed was stepping. issue with «vn "witJi lhe also NYSE epest reluc- The NYiice.::_______ ^ _ u tiv e i-p ay'Throughout month as ’ career and contractcchunge coiP----- through-20edwith greiit receive a enhance the ' S139.5 mill

le NYSE." he and tax-del10 supporting . dropping i exchange in funds accui jtli transition . career wid

during his t ich included Grasso h WallStieei's ing to influ )anks, bl-gan 9 news c kut dosed. announced he miilliniil' er 548 mil

1 Was stem accciisons. Knight RIddiomers hiivi.-I the insuil- SEATI'L ifcamenis agreed to11 a privacs' problems c n resident who said tlas she left payments, (

me Depm. andnushar

■" »■tlanta wel. fm nsrcpna S increased ^ a j

uidividual (ate cost (Of

J a s e ^ a s ises, Tatro refunding f<

outperform Customer MtcuiTcm- law firms ages from recdve a 1 n be stored instructions

the bonk. ( )ot stores account p r >c occurred . notified the to police tactW aMuc

gating the sentativea b McGart^ a

:ts to com- LosAnaeles ■ th e new "We thinl the end of settlement :

we didn't w Melville. cems of th i

techholo^ unaddressed nv surveil- want to exn

be responaiv

opy ' ____

;r 1 8 , 2 0 0 3

er n e ^know n iis boost, Qwest ise th e ir exceptions, le W eb or "Ovr investi th e tele- ingcommitmp

tion of the i te-access services can hi s to m ake ' Schmit, Qwest n te m ip t- a statement.

----------- With Qwestive large Internet at spe lusic and kilobits per se

d ia l-u p ond, the comp let-based . speed is abotit io n s can ditional dial-ii] e rs else- slowest, a custi

high-resolutior o ilability more than a m icpnomic up, Qwest said


t-------- ----------

id pay palar pay puckage w'tis coni- a head on the e.>:change. well, as active seatholders

1 to gather after the mar- ed 'lliursday to discuss the th th ree directors who are SE members. rySE revealed its top exec*)ay^ac-tlie_finL-tinie.last__iis it announced Grasso^

had been extended -2007-Sews that-hu w u ld — a lum p ^um paymuni of lillion in accrued benefits deferred savings sent jaws } across Wall Street. The cumulated over his 36-year >ith che exchange, mostly is eiplit years as chairman.) h as insisted hc did notli- flucnce his pay. At a Sept,

conference, when he ed he .would forgo anoth- 'nillion promised to him

ishington ]N ount servi(ddor N ow s Sorvice________

riJ£ - Wasiiington Mutual to help fix the accoimt s o f individujil customers I th e bank lost mongage s, charged erroneous fees lanciled payment of prop-

ittlem ent with tha>e law resenting about 1,000 cus- VaMu agreed to hear the d complaints and review Ites. WaMu will take steps t account problems on a a sc basts, including 5 fees that were mistaken- d, according to one of the "

iers who contactcd the IS before May 23 will ) form to fill out and ns on whom to contact at : O ther customen.with problem s w'ho haven’t n e law firms should con- u customer^ervice ro|mc- I b y telephone, said I lm . a WaMu spokesman in

Ies.in k this element of the it is important because wane to leave the con*

this groim of customers led,” McGaxiy said. “But emphasize that vw tiy to ahre to all our customers .


w D Sjst an d OneWest.net wen

sstm ent is part of Qwest’s or m pnt to Idaho and our reco{ e positive impact broadbt \ haive in today’s economy,’’ J est president for Idaho, saic t.JSt DSL, customers can surf i speeds ranging from about \ second to 7 megabits per s

m pany said. The highest D 3tit 125 times faster than a t 1-up connection. Even with ( Listomer can download a lar. :ion pho to in seconds ver \ m inu te *with a standard di lid.


ackage fiiunder his contnici. h<; year When infoiiiied ol

> pensation he responded •Tin blessed.’lliank you

; Critics, fi-om investor r to politicians :ind trade

lan sh pay undermines bility of the exchange.

;____profit-insdtudon-that-isi its members and also s< 1 regulatory w-aichdog.1----------- Michael-LaBranche, d

LaBranche & Co., on ; NYSE's largest stock-tn ; cialist firms, had come <

in th e day in favor of a c “ We are calling for

im m ediate resignatior interest of the New Y< Exchange. We tliink Dii has to leave now in ord' exdiange to move fon restore investor confidei marketplace," he said.

Mutual set ice lawsuit

ail th e time."The agreement Is the 1

by th e ^-attle bank - \ TVvin Falls brandies - to customer-service probli liave dogged it througli; acquisition-s.

T he company has add nf hmnr>»-< .mrl l.Kty n r - million new accounts. At limc, record-low interest to a flood of mortgage bi it tried to combine scpai p u te r systems.

Chief Executive Keny has rcpcatc^dly said the < scrvicc snafus arc in the

• prevent new problems, W >*ear began combining i m ortgageorigination p into a single system, a pre could last until eariy next ^as streamlined its systcn processing centcrs to a tmm 450. It also announc to convert its mortgage^ portfolio to a new intenu instead of outsourdng i t

WaMu agreed to the re ' tlem ent a f tv a King Coui

rior coun in l^Iarm dec grant the <*««<»< class-actio which could have requi bank to make more sweep ice changes. M cG a^ da discuss' die terms of th

. m ent.

iKss Editor: Htur.

JL seijron't “ I’m pleased thi

o u r area’s econc ongo* bringing high-spe :ogni- to Ketchum," R< band - Ketchum; said in-C ” Jim gives our area anc lid in to help ensure com

an d success and hi •f the — tive with other cor t 256 Potential Ketchi- sec- Qwest to find out DSL DSL is available at

1 tra- 244-1111 for resid tl the 800-603-6000 for sr arge, OneWest.net saii !rsus m uch as 2 0 time dial- Internet.connectioi

— Bo 3 Ca T ad. J d mc

Com it wil

H H perceThe Aaioct

-announcei inci'easiiig will use K Inc.

.o ioMs Ihe Idaucts comp

i r o rV -/A cent with sBoth Q

le said ea d i OfficeMax of his com- operations. :d by saving. rugaied co

^ mg plant ii ar advocates office-siipp Jere. sav the V.'ce I re!s the credi* the :;e. a not-for* dianged fn is owned by— cent stock serees as a “ I'e r Boise

eciuity and,.d io .h e a d .o f_ ------- .d iang«i_w iio n e o f t h e o r ig in a l t r a d in g spe* a n n o u n c e d2 out earlier Since th« I change. Cascade sti or Grasso’s 30 percent on in th e than conwi York Stock ed based o Dick Grasso for the de£ rder for the estimated i jrward and lion.Ience in the If the stc

that higliei more, the ti

tties "m-sthe boards

t but still n approval. C close before


' ■ S S » hto deid with " " 8 ^9 a s\blems that ®I a series of f"

WednesdayJded stores ot the deal I„■ 1 J to SlO .n. pi\ t the same action at abi-St rates led Hannitybusiness as per-share pijarate com- value wil] c

as Boise Cily Killinger fluctuates.L‘ customer- Acquisitiohc past. To 3 officc pnWaMu this more than; its seven Boise Casca

platfoiTO S business, amiroccss diat finalizes th

Boise O

•clfiied m “ 1“ ■«« y« donraitus, . s n i ^ o r i j i lu ir e d th eeping«!nr- . Boise Ciuci<vTinA/4 to >n sales last >the settle- fi'om its Itas


7.1UJ9.U, E a 242

. P a g c E - 3

rviceI tha t Qwest is investing iii :onomic ' development by • • speed broadband services

Rep. Wendy J a q u e t.-D- in•Qwest’s statem eni. "This - • another broadband option continued economic growth d helps us remain competi-commu'nities.’' ............. ..............tchum customers can cali )ut whether, the company's e a t'the ir locations - 1-800- ;sidcntial cusiomcrs, or 1- ir small businesses, said its DSL speeds are as imes faster than dial-up :tions.

Please see OSL. Page E4


mpany says /ill pay 40 cent in cash>oclated l ^ s s

iK - Boise C.ist.itk' Cin'i). icetl Wfilnesdav it is ing the anuiunt ul' c.ish ii e tu pui'cliuse OfficvMiiN

Idaho-based wood prod- impany said ii will pay 40 t of the de.tIV value in id cover the other <>() per- th stock.

Boise Cascade and dax have Magic Vulk-y ons. Tile f«inn'er lias a coi - J-container inanulaciiii'111 in Burley; the latter an itpply store in TWin 1-alls.Presideni Vitice i ’.mnity le stock-ciish taito was d from the original 70 per- .Dck and 30 i>ei-ceiii cash_____uise Cascade an;il>-/ed its and financing needs. Tlie_Wls_autliorized_in_thc---------1 m erger agreement ced July 14,then the v'lilue ol' Hoise

L' stock has jumped over „ :ent, substantially mote HJorate officers antidpat- id ori the terms they set deal that was origiimlly ed at just over Sl.lS hil-

stock continiies to hold d ier value or rise even le total value of the deal vase.eai has been approvetl by rds of both corporationsI requires shareholder 1. Officials expeci it to fore the end of this year, lally, the transaction con­ed investors in id-based OfficeMax get- a share for their stock, h Boise Cascade stock in the S29 range on lay the j>cr-share value |ol for OfficeMax w is u|>L putting tht.- total trans-______about S1.25 billion,

ty cautioned, th a t -the : pricc and transactionII continue to fluctuaie-

Cascade’s stock price:S. ,iition of the nation’s No. products retailer mil

on double the size of iscade's office products ; and analysts believe it th e company’s shift

□ufacttiring to distribu-

Cascad'c Chairman io rad said' the compa- > re .role in the timber will be assessed begin- J ;year.{ax hed $4.8 billion in C year at nearly 1 ,000 es and through dlrett tbe Internet, laacade had $7.4 billion i»t yeai; nearty half that Itasca, IlL-based office

Page 28: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

M oney

Tuidon at priv] universities com fo ste r th an (he with no end in si families be able t in 10 or 15 years?

Yes. At least i behind o new cc ings plan unveil th o t allow s pai'c today 's tuition c schools for when i ally enrolls - reg<

___________ tion or whut hapi>m arker

While that inay b ea t, th ere a re .i th ink about befc whether to invest

The Independer launched Sept. 3 I

' resenting more th . schools, including

o f C h icago , P r Camegie-Mellon. ] list of participacii for enrollment inf< vww.independent: call 1-888.718.7878

The Indepcnden.................. tyi>e of 529 educa

plan, so named for------- --------secrion-of-the-fed

Like o ther 529s, sponsored prograr in the account can tsix-free as long a: eligible education <

Here’s how the plan works:.

Families purcha: tha t guaran tees s

_________ ccntage of tuition,depending on th e re n t slicker pricc future tuition is be a t today’s prices.

F o r ex a m p le , i_________ SlO.OQ(Unjhe.plaa

to send your chil< ■ ihatinow aharflas^ fo r tu itio n , you

IACUMco •! aos .oe CiafSw hi wto -3 ■AOLfWt I 12 » » .M OfAXtM - t u ..I* DCAMR O ■} . ID orAOtTW ^ . » 0>

m om U o!AMO ..u irH •at 0*AMU 04 s»?3 , n DtAgS<Ci SX -01 D*

. U 0*^3^ .oe OuAoracos OV MW .M OMaE C * " “jew - I j o!!IA»«nrt n 20t7 >27 o»Mem to »aw .M 0»AK«M i>t277 . i r OulAKM M 2*01 - I ] Oi«Ueen 3So MM.tSO Oi«JJBJW t>r«AWtfvr tOOuBtS ,0 i ETtAkMTcn 4?n .7 t euAbrafn 2427 <H e aAMM «2 MM .42 I kcAM 140 474$ .4} EcoA M a.rw «4.U*4.II eo,AflMran 2»4 4240 -34 a Q

-----------:— Afp— i«o-t#oa— -OP,AffiCip 40> 4SU • 10 ElvAmMOs 2W MT? .*» e kiiuuu* ' 10AnMopOM 4007 •«! EnBAmTvr* UW«IW Eg?Aiwon U40 - 40AonCon) M 2IU .30 em,AOMM 4«l WU>10a EnM*ear } : f » » - m ew

£S£« 2-3 .JS r j; IS issssr ' I I4 2 1 w 1AUM>0«I 40 37*4 .11 AUOZVN «7M > 10 CM

^ :? £ • "JS" « ^BJ8M 1)21 -UBucsn 14M .o;BPP1.C t«7» 4264 .M prtHr r * ,iS » «

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S l.S Z i :S s:^SMtsa «70« .»a S r f^ x n ^

CIOHAM 2* 2«4 .01 _________CWf X JO » 23 . 04

— S s ' 5-!?S :S s S K , . . J i ; ; g S SSS. UUS »

21 M . 44 CVTMtf 4* MM -22C M fln ^ ija s .7 t .u 7 ry*^

c«M lee 7701 .01 *25'C«ryT»l 22 »S3 . «Ch«*£ng »4» IOI] -21CnMUa t to 2J OJ .48Owxr.Tva.KI 72^7 -73 OieMTAS S2 7S.t10 CnMUra 12p 701 -02 CMM 144 *400 .« • 1 2 2 CMOtyt 07b 10*7 -23 !2 J2 C<VP 1401 *4»4 .24 gny»^ 2J0 4*00 . 02 OmiCM 10* 42.U **4 Oen, 10* 4#» "goCocaCI J* «10l . 0* ^ c c e ta .1* 1*04 .9«Cow _ SJ* >4*OncM 401 34J1 - 0*SSS, " S5 :S S ^ r s j i * IS SCoo.Wo'^dttJj'.T* ^ 5CenCtf L24 tOlO -aaCaraHCnl04 MJ* .3 i >•* C a n a 0 »4.17 .0* -M M CsiTW »M ..II


gramlpirivate colleges and (“^ondnues tp climb jhe in fla tio a ro te , M1 sight.'Will many. Ble to afford the tab ^rs? %5t th a t’s the hope S educational sav-

■eiled this m onth *—ai'en ts to lock in inckc

sn their child actu- egardless of infla*' • ippens in the stock

lay sound hard to ■e som e issues to • c to rc you dccide 'ist in this plan: Asdent 529 plan was. ‘n t? t3 by a group rep- ticipjthan 2 0 0 private count

ng the University off cuP rin c e to n an d theccn. For a complete Theating schools and latorinformadon, go to tuidoi:ntS29plan.org/or lege.378. Cerlen t 529 plan is a least Iucational savings be recifor the associated Voufederal'ta jrcode;----- montlIs, such as state- invesram s, the money years,ran be withdrawn tuidorjj as it’s used for S137,£3n expenses. tu itiolie private-school school

Whchase a certificate cate, >!s a ce rta in per- schoolon,-which-varies___ th a t .:he school's cur- increaice . In essence. gettingbeing purchased Invc

into aJ. if you in v e s t CREF,In n t o d ay , h o p in g <tn n fnhild to a school Thei ,6,t?n.nnflA .yaau^-aK p«ni>u w ould hav e - IsitJ

I OMdT'd Ml 7SI».2*2 JHfnSnI Curirm 12D 4730 -M JomtnClrt I

C|t>S«n 1*U >2« KSHomaKocofp i:

0*>l M 1*77 . 20 K»»504n tDOC too IS 07 .00 Kms 2.OnHomi 2* 3204 . t s lOfiBPnrmore )0« MOO .«2 KmMtgn0 ^ laU MI7 .03 Knomn 12D»Vry 24*0 .2S WMi .oUnTOtt 2«Sr-.03 K>»" J OMra U UOa .13 MpKrm M *M .. #-7* ..n K w

M .02 tJU yM M 2M laM V02DM»* I4« 41» l«egPUI 40«£.'« IPI 2440 . 07 ‘

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l E r , s s i i ; s ss* . sEoM)* 20 2*00 .41 ■'•W'Mfl <»

. t s 4»AQEtf-«.64 M W - « WTPuoCa— I* 774 .00 Mt»«ror>-*OC i J T ^ . 607 .01 “S ^ IS ^ t- l4 ? -3 4 W -^ 5 4 -eSsPnSTO 4»40 l40 „

£ si s s i . I S . i : « l a ' ~ 1 |S : ! | S f , sEqSSPr 200 27 22 - 0# **iS n T ’ 2*c3 J im . » 2 ;,'* '^

^ i 3?i wra S»o la? ’**«*»

?SS2.‘ 3 ” 5 - « ^F««EnW liO 31 14 -3»FW«OM 140 M02 -14

'V- “00 I40. .'as

NoU«Cp 30*i*m«i 40

sir 2 t;S« n, »t e e n MM ; « ^^ “ “ •“ M

2 ^ 3 IS ^3M0C>32AII2 24»4 .04

sr-lliiL"M 32M .31 J H ^ B Z a

i<uoSMni34« 4220 .eo POIECO:«> 23 33 . M m I n*n \)U Io i " ^ C o ,- |M -

SX S? '” '*1S :?7 "lS ? ti ® S S # o ’’ “ J J S ’n 2“UHtyO la 47 34 . 12 M■•nirc 3ft) 42.'a -oa „SS? ,'d i !« •«S c i 3S : S pSJ2^® ,,u

SsS £ ” s s : s S ”moM 2M 3223 .10 pttemO 10 i « e ^ 132 M 40 - 70 PorCrt 140 .S i r ^ :s :

fSJ - «mOQM t« 7 02 .00 Pnfncl 24 : CO J«»2 .Ot p« ,o • 1«a I5L-KUm»« 40>u77M .31 PkmMi . u'.

sH is Sss’" '^ M g S J ,

MvgOtlM 34M .M APU 42 1H .. »20 fUyncm aOOMM w _ fW>«CO IUCW 04 147* -24 nMMO. -

TMnUi,Miiw Thinday:S«pt«

- - ‘-------

icfeiirtiI i ~ ~ ^

B u s i n e s sSteve Ro^en

:ked in half a year’s tuidon fo wn th e road - regard less o w much the tuition increase .the .time your student cinroUs yQ ut-cM iends up.at_anoj:he; nicipadng school with a steep p rice , your $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 in v est mt would buy less.Vs an added incentive to buj 0 the program early, each par ipaiing college o ffers a dis m t of a t least half a perceni current tuidon for each yeai certificate is held.-

Tie Web site provides a calcU' i r to help you determ ine the don benefit at a particular col-

!ertificates must be h e ld at 5t three years before they canre d eem e d ................'ou can put in'as littie as 525 a nthras-long-os-you-agree-to es t a t least 5500 o v er two rs. The maximum am ount of ion that can be purchased is 7,500, equal to five years of :ion a t the most exp en siv e w l in the plan.^hen you purchase a certifi-

you don’t have to choose a 3ol. Plon sponsors also note t . p a r tic ip a tio n .. doesn lL ease your child’s chances of ing admitted.ivestm en ts will be po o led ' a fund managed by TIAA- 2F, an investment an d pen- ftinH f nmpnny. __________

le re arc no fees or additional

it a good deal?

321 M »4 . 23’ tUtAH . 4 TT . 0 M S022 .«3 flMOl . 0 7 7 -3

mi44 *0 42 - 7« R g ^ 4S06 .4

' i i l i l ' i st7< 34S4 * 32 9APM] ia« 3340 .»2I« «70 . » sOCComI.IJ* 2548 .f t

’ '!J5 *S SUtCp. U 3922 .4- iJ ; * „ ST«ei« 0a« 2*27 . t

Tji »K “ MSO to4107 -«J 9U“ JO. 3*20 .2!

' IIM *01 Stf>WCot1ie 3744 I f. . 30 00 -03 IM 1100 .»

4«l HM S<nSffPl 221 1042 - i4« Bfl2J .oa Scmre 74 4«2S . i! ose 7444 .U S<miD Ml 1101 - It

1073 .0] SCUB4>W 04 3373 . 7t134 ao,74 .2a SMfWTn iaiu2SSt . «

40 l«42 .M Sm» »2 4S30 .42M40 .01 Sw»En 100 2*40 - 77

20( 21 00 9a^o ui U . (H«T* : « 5 ^ ' '»»• « • »

«M7j ij2 ' *115 '2? 474 - 14

ao isflo Im-** " St,w 72 3220 -12■ n j l i H H H Setoon 0 00 >04

40tuI43a .M 04 420 -09lo5 MM IS *'• -*•IM » M .ti a SMmCo*«0( 2SS7 -2« 4a«u40 34 .17 SintM .02 It 42 -20 A4I 3141 .02 SsM«\$S24ll 3174 -20

tOOI-260*—32- ■50nrOt4_SO-l4.M-.2S 920 . 0: S0«PC5 «24 .20

•4t 24M .31 Senrlu 17a 7W >23-Ih44-2240--------SitKt^----40«-SJ M—>07

04 1944 .14 SW«*« 32 374* .40 U1203 . i t SU«mv 1.041 2905 - 43

Ul M7S I m: ” ns ;s isa sn :s ,J L'H -s •'>m TJ* ’* •«

!S £ :M 4M l a ** • '«

I0« 43M .27 'O 'S?S'?S'* Ju r«ec- 4 « Ioi

« • 3ta0 .3S T«(ICW 2 40 35 25 . 13“» '* •« -'34102 - 14 TmOO 0»4I4M . » r«iV>d 30 24 04 -as

40 4217.Its Ti.kn< 0» 2424 -41•4 242S .12 TtwmoEl 2291 -0110 3»20 .24 juco 264 14027 -U

?92» J m3270 J»3 I m

« » “ o” I’r r r ,'•? 'J? “ ’JS W " « I'JIM 43iT Ib4 '« *01IM WJ5 -M -M

44J '5 70 lol 17M **104 3403 . 11 U<ionP.C 92 49 9« -47

907 .oa lAMno 1«t ioS .0« MOO .*2 U(>3D 1001 woe .10

^ aia -04 uurxnOi 01.40M .00

“ i l '-'i

» toM I ta v I ^ n l M 3445 .w10 42 -M 2* 43 41 . 72

. 2t.O U K .02U 2100 -13 V»r«, 17 77 . 01ao 3211 .12 V«UOA 24 097KX 24 la .M Vo<l»o~ 29« 19 B3 -00M 30aa .09 vomiu 272 4 7 23 . 40I2t 1»M .2« VuKanM .M 40.27 .2.02

24 00 -34 tVKnom I 401 41 40 -11 10 1390 - 03 WKtCoi lasa .4S

» i i s H : iS s s ;S - n s

ullM Io7 0* a»4 .18” S'l |§” ’Is ;i S ” .i ;L:Sle a»M««4T XTOCgyi 04 20 04 - 71 \3 13^ -j* 74 1440


:uitiairci I T he program m

suited fpr, families ji-N ing toward private ;

■ • conse rvative inv Og - m ight be wary of :

their own, said Jose o n co llege financing

author of “The Best I for College: AlComp

, 529 Plans.” .£ If your child atter

ases ticipating private or M tu tion or decides i

,hnr- lege, your iiivestnBcpI ----- refunded,-though-y<

recoup the entire an In addition, Ilurle

paid tuition progn ouy this put yoii at a d

when applying for f “ *®‘ T h a t’s because th

need of a family is i Iar for dollar by thi the tuition certificate

‘1“; K eep in m ind JJ® Independent 529 pla;

cover a portion of un I tu itio n and som e‘ „ fees. So you'll still m

th e resi of th e .b il >2 g sponsors hope the i[ __expanded to includ

board aTwell as gra q£ ies.

* J. Finally, you certai ijf compare the private

I to other collcfie .savi:such as Coverdell

Jf: Savings Accounts o: sponsored 52a colk

■ plans.Bottom line: The II

Qf----- S^m ayfillanced-foen ts who, in H urle

J want to '•sleep at nig worrying about tuitioi

;n- Then all their child ______ get into the college.,al ----------- -------------------------- i.'taii» f fo ra t i t i i r t f

K a n sa s C ity Star.


1 ■** M o s t A ctive (Ilo* «o«ti■ ■ n»m« Vol 100) Uat ChI .04 NOMOINW 400SC0 4.63 ..I1 .0* Lueoni 462399 2.30 -.0 ' •*» Aiwa 334073 4-105 .4.1

•! ! AMD 215863 12 50 . 2 , SpmlPCS 212817 0.24 ..2

; • “ G a m er s ($2 0* non); •»» N»m» L»*l Ctw %Ch. I 24 Rjn«yn 386S .-167 .13

-0# TtiiaMio 470 .55 .13• '5 Anna 44 OS .4 19 .10■'* WD-Bfl 12.50 .102 .a

TaiNonCol 7.75 .60 .fl

I n Lo s e r s (tsoAMXK)I « warn* u a l ChQ %Ch,-20 JiKMnOo* 19 68 -3 11 -13 (.14 ThtooPSa 660 - 00 -101

NavijCon* 1275 -I 10 -7<• ° | Wonngin 1316-104 -7:.M SnopeB«i| 8 60 -C5 -7(

I m Diarv

A<NanMd 1.57JI m Oeciineo I.&41

-.24- -Uficnanoea____________ t90.20 Tolalissuos 3.403• n NowHflHS 165

J i' 'Ni»t0ws----------------------- 13I« Voluine 1.664.334.0e(


52-Wa*k* '» Hlah lo.» -Ntmo.15 9.009 09 7.197 49 Oowjonm-.'9 2.777 04 1.910 12 DowJonu:•** 250 99 IC252 DooJonffi*0;! 5.81026 441862 NYSECon

990 88 70325 Am«.l(«)a1.902.07 1.10849 NAtJaqC<

.19 1.03241 7C8 63 SAP500

. 3 1 -----517.21 - 324 90 RuJ««U2010.0134 1 7.273 40 WilJhiioSC

15? Nam*________ Olv PE L»»t•?1 Alt>«njn 76 11 20 97

S AUiantEgv 100 16 22 13. M AtiianlTcn 15 47 90

AmeiC.« 17 25 00.70 AoitCotp (iO 11 2165. 2, AiehsrnSm 171 16 20 15. ij OAllaiOPw 12‘J3,03 OkOlAm 3 20! 12 77 9740 00>MC 60 28 8404 CINnro/ .104 13 35 1104 ConAgia 99 10 22 80oe Coilco 20 31.53

DxiMld 68 20 51 0047 Oulienily 1 841 27 28 300 A0E(M.V0S 64 28 30 90oe Fiulonsl 30' 43 43 45'0 HBhCP 3 32 27 43 70“ He-n2 . toa 18- 34 13-

^ Hmv*lt>*S2Sino«taatveato■ -NMtf*4N«Oon*IMtrt>Mand I02 l.n sifpw tS lodalnbo iac ftn t ” Nwn«; Sioek* *r* Vttad. aiphatxt

72 Olv: Cumnt vmual dMdvnd rala

01 LMt:Prto*«ock«rtauMinaniw ^ ChQtLo—Of Q*lntorg>«d«y. No

^ PundN«n«:N«n*o(mutuallun( ,s MtNMasMlvakM.orprtccatw 11 ChoiOatynWehanflalnttMNAV

” eM e*Feo«w ew :«-PC^w ew ” QtyiOlnCan^y

iM Daid««larpaMhpr«ndnel2mot . f

* 5nirinl!5«vf^Sdif»«'?p£tf?^.. •dxaantMMonn-tfMMntaxlM^j ^ aaW>iM.*<-;Wt»inifme>erfw»iw

' uM4em««*ua<»eMi*.r.n«s«i •3 i^1-e^pand(.i-C>-caif>«MMr

XKStS | Hm ight be b e s t s already lean-c schools or for f l 1 1iv e s to rs w ho , f investing oniseph Hurley, a The A «t lg e x p e r t an dst Way to Save NEWip lete Guide to drifted

mixed!ends a nonpar- appointo r public insd-, gavc'in'5 to forgo col- _ in profitm en t will be ‘ sion’sbi ybu-m iglunot- Anal>imount. were ta'ley notes, pre- tudc be;ram s such as .ings ped isadvantage choppy

• financial aid. in adva; th e f in a n c ia l ple-witc s reduccd dol- expirati he am ount of options Ite. stock ful d th a t th elan might only • 'narko tjndergraduate [oday, «

m a n d a to ryneed to cover ' ‘i ll. P ro g ra m before a• plan will b e thlrd^uj Ide room and;raduate stud- ine-wi

age closainly need to Percentte school plan ^

11 E d u ca tio n or th e state-

liege sav ings coiitlnued;

Independent , “ W e'nfo rthose -par----- bnngmgle y ’s w o rds. efficieni ight” without Iniornet ion inflation. j tId has to do is chaTrmaf______ _________ saitllin-a--------------------- sm a ll. Idatfwi- f o r T h i i ^ u lu i iu ^ w t

the need:

nt) M o s t A ctive (st o« w«t)Cho Nim* Vot(OO) Ual Chg.,13 N09<J100Tf7B3253 34 26 -.14-.01 SPOR 30998610338 -.204.10 ISrvJnp.in 110816 e.OB -.09..20 SomiHTf 108630 37.45 -.20..26 OJIAOiam 41407 95.95 -05

G ainer s (S3 o*iKMciCho Namo Laal Ctip %Ctio137 Imnnscivl roO .45 .209133 M.ndr.p,|ii > 30 . BH .199104 Sorvfilr 245 .35 .167.8 9 MrtTHiSoln 2 :9 . 3t .142.0 4 n.vnp.vtC 3 40 . 35. .1.15

'Losers isionuo*!)

136 Ati eon 2 34 -32 -IJO10 6 WolOiO 3 72 -20 -7 0 -7 9 LMK.1P 6 53 -4 i .6 4 .7 3 CapPcHi 4 70 -.30 .6 0 •7 0 GSeS 213 .12 .53

D iary572 Aflvancxl ’ 439HI Doclmad 379190 UnctiantjBiJ-...___________tOl103 ToMi iK Mi 915165 N<n»H»iin • 61 t-13 -NSSTo^l-------------------------2' >MO Volumg_________ ■ 242451.060 \

_________________ lU L—nas Indu3lti,ii3 9 545 65 -n«s Tt,lfii|Kiil.il,on 2.761 20 - -n«U1.l.1.«s 245 09:ofnpo5.1o 5 787(19 -

iCfl'rpos tn 1 883 10

2000 '5I 5 1015000 9 <>'.179

YTOIt ChQ ♦;ChQ Name _____01;97 .27 -5 0 HOrr.-.)|, 21!13 .0!. .33 7 ld,lCC|. 18i90 -70 .23 2 In1eti.i-.c1-.00 .-in .773 Kovfi. 12:85 - 30 .15 7 LwE-t 6)15 -1.1 .111 LotMivr 0493 -L5 »1GB M<tt;r,r97 . , 1:) .12 1 noca..r, 3;84 -O', .14 4 ScoltP,, 172.11 - n .4 1 Sens Tii 6< 80 . m -6 0 SkyW.,'.: Ot 53 .0!- .12 4 TotM,t<00 -l>C .23 7 Tu«J«i.. 8i 30 .10 .112 USU,li.c'i, 8; 90 - 48 .120 V.vni 2i 45 ">22 .10 2 W.UM.vl 3£ 70 - 23 .14 1 W«t,F..,| B8: 19- -12 .4 0 ^t'iF-.]() I 001

itocka on mo N«w Yoik Slock Eichang1 100 moat.BCtlvo 00 Amoncnn Stock hangoO 5 poteeW W motn cn otiee. itxtiicaily by (ho company s lull nomo 1

Iho boginnlog of oacn iniioi*' u»t. al« paU on rock, bevid cn Inisn guar

I wr>«n oietiane* OoaM In ino aay.Mo ehanon ind*catod by mi»k

jnd «nd lonuiy.It which fund eouWboaotd AV______________________

n*n 00 Od - UM n IMI 12 mo> a . Nr> . n U S t n-NvicrlMuelnptKUMt q.Cto

MOend omned. oetcfrod o> no tmnySSn at O w M laJn m-Art»jMiu..i*auo^on n pmdkiQ 12 me* plua KO vnMrA I - Pl t«uaon daM 1 - ex-«MS>nd 01 iKtfn. y - wKmthpet bade r*OQirUM vit Dar*

Ul g m dMMon. t - Prmvt «C4*Mnvoon «M e> a«Mnp»x OHtnM m m k>ad dand.

Souro*: Th* Aoooclalut Pr»—. I

fonsiniutlookt a io c l a t e d P re a s _______

:W Y O R K - Wall S tre e t Jd lower Wednesday after a d’housing report and a diS' inting outlook from DuPont investors incentives to cash ofit.^ af te r the previous ses- > big advance.alysts said many investors tak ing a wait-and-see atti- before riic upcoming cam- p e r io d . T rading also was oy d u e to technical factors vancc of Friday’s quadru- itch ing day, the quarterly ation of index futures and ins a s w ell as ind iv idual futures and options, lere's not much driving the e t in e i th e r d irec tio n .” said Hugh Johnson, chicf ; tm c n t o ff ic e r at F irs t ly Corp. “It’s a quiet period .* an important period - the :}uartcr announcement sca- ater this month. -Dow-Jonesindustrial-aver^ loscd dow n 21.69. o r 0.2 m t, a t 9 .545 .G5, hav ing 1118 points on Tuesday.

JL ______________ __ed from E3;’re v e ry excited to be ng-today-i^-most-modcrn,- ;n t an d cost-e ffective . et connection technology imallcr communities of the Jeff Rice. OneWest.net’s

ian an d chief executive,1 !i «;tnr>»mf»nt **Rf»{ng n Idaho-based company our- ■WB in tMnat»I.M^nd»rttand— uds o f families and small

0 M o s t AtmVEdlonyoM )i a W»ino VoKOO) U ll ctifl .14 SitiusS 941485 1.84 .,16 .20 Inlol ’ 523090 28.B6 -.03 .09 Cisco S04920 21.14 ~.1520 Oroclo 476324 12.28 -.2505 MiOOMit 8 463102 28.50 -.40

G ainers (S2o««om)hj N*mo Uat Clm %ChQ3 9 LInivOcp 2 20 .'.84 .59 2}9 TASERwt 20 45 .5 45 .30 33 7 Ttnsmaia 3 06 . 76 .33 0l2 jP SIn (J 250 .00 .31.615 Vcsu.-iiNel 2 40. .51 .270

Lo s e r s (S2o«yo«c)2J Nome Uat Cha SCho10 Norsi.ln 329 - 79 -194■0 Roplfin 666 -160 -194i4 StoilOllsn 2 23 -52 -10 910 Kioilltic - 2180 -321 -128 ,3 EndWva 568 - 79 -122


19 Actvnncoa ' 1.542'9 Dochnod 1.012It Uitcnangocl____________ 333-5 Tol.1l I55U04 3.53711 fJovv MiQl.5 330•2' W55n.-KvT-------------------4-X Volume_________ 1.877.793.C16 |

-2169 -23 .1443 .1680--1 2 10 -44 .1953 .27 07 ,

-1 22 - 50 .13 90 .10 98 I-13 09 - 23 .1574 .16 03 I.531 .54 .1993 .15 55.4 15 - 22 .41 00 .50 39 ‘-3 35 - 33 .10 61 .18 00 e- 5 6 - I I .3446 .30 72 c

-2720 -2 7 .~ 1 9 2 0 .2070 C

YTO cOlv PE Uat Cho %Chfl c201 20 33 00 - 30 .374 ^

1 86 31 24 48 -42 -1.4 ^9C3 .09 -259 ?

1 22 12 2582 -29 -27 ?68 23 4019 - 30 .199 c04) 52 10 30 - 03 .42 5 c

1418 .5 0 .456 I32 24 15 55 - 13 .15 4 tt

72o . 23 34 -16 .1 8 C60 12 2137 -25 -4 9 C08 17 20 10 . 05 .53 8 C

' 2t 30 . 13 .64 2 C<88 15 10C9 .11 .107 C<82 13 24 15 .02 .138 C.24 73 11 68 - 00 .40 7 &30 31 57 59 - 83 .14 0 £B8( 12 25 38 .123 ?

1801 15 M6I .10 .8 0 g

c<«no«, tho 400 moit acOv* on it>« Ct Mk Exctiange. Mutual lunda afo g10 (not lie aObrovlaUon). Compan) c>luanody or somlAnnua! dada/alkxi ^

-------- -------ItaAb

hm i!-w* low dtfna stOrig dt; 0 - Y" ■ ClDM(f-«n0 mutual hnj. no P£ CAKu- ^ c«i daM ol KW w woc OMdwti u - J*] HrwtM>.di<i«l««]>tM«nvini«a». » «r«|i)o<pucf>aMprK».n-n>^in ^ fnm n¥-wnr)M»mm. 2*•vkMnd. c - UOMUang dMdenl • - <>« viaon I - DMUiad aitM UK* ^ natlAMntMeng k-OwMfMorpMl Cai deniutdadwasonp-M cK.am r C«l -Paidlnt«)ilnlaai2fflOf.MMt. C«i . y - Ea-<*v4dand and aato* in U. i - CFi Darkrupicv Ad. o> aaojnaa a>Mi«d C«<

Cp<ccta n-No-ioMjiMD-FuOaawt* Cut k>ad may ace>y. • - Oiodi «M«nd or OHI

a>.S««—flour««of ufwWctoL | gj;

igrepff [ send f__ ; The b roader m ai

ish ed m o d es tly e e t N asdaq co m p o s jr a declined 4.15, orO.: dis- 1,883.10; The S tand ont 500 index fe ll 3.35 ash ' cent, to 1,023.97.. 5es- T he Com m erce.]

rc jjo r te d W e d n e ors bu ilders s ta r te d w tti- million housing unit: im- ally ad justed annv vas month. Analysts wci ors a level of 1.89 hiillioi ru- A fter send ing sti rly sincc 'm id-M arch, i nd been choppy in -rec la l investors s tu d y eco

closely for evidence ;he rebound . T u esd a y ' on lowed the Fed’s deci ief ra te s stable a n d it: rst suggesting it would k od rates low. hc “People w ere relie ja- — Fed was not going tt

fo r aw hile.” sa id Ter-------managing-dircsctorof-).2 ing a t SG C o w en I ng “Tobacco stocks arc

gainers, but th e rest

businesses here.”IC OncW esl.net is la tn,____ lerome.DSL.serviceji>c two-months-frcc offer ^ dial-up account to us tc r o a d . . O n e W cst.n c 's reached at 1-866-663-S

______Titnes-Ncws Businf. Virginia S. Hutchii«i— r eacftcrf a t 73S-22^II ^nia(^agieviillcyxon

I Nan* Olv UM Ct>o CytwfOn

CfTvc1 AOCTcl .. 2S7 .M

ASMLHU ISM .27!B ATITMn ISM DMIne:6 ASg»«i 14 M DnOvOfl13 AoMCm . 1139 >02 D ^ » n, ActfNi>t »322 -M OgifTnnk,, AcifWW* I2.M . t i Documni.2 AdeoaSr 0Si>40 4 7 .e s o*Tim0 A<M>CS '43M.10* 00IH.B

A<r.rCm . 2324 .18 DOMCm Alf|rm«t 24 39 .30 Oieik A«4fSn 1084 E.iMn

1 AMm.IT . S.14 .M .[toy.2 Aa«>m 134# .41 Em>U'»3 Ati,i»Cp 2173 -20 EcnoSlai . Anvuon 46 1( .40' .Con*o« ® . AmC«iSa27e' 2T76 .22 ainne6 AE*gW3 17 3» .30 EweliArt*0 AmKnrm. 3**7 .40 Efil

AP^Bv OOP 1783 . 07 EmmaC ASoS 00. SM .03 tndsPtirr Am.T.d. «12« .39 EngyCon,

1 Ame.i« (903 .10 EMnWdJ Aitm>oiT 17M >17 Eniiutl, A«»«. U14I1 .04 E,e»nn

5 aISo' iwo» “MM Il7 e. ^ m "

ApcM: 2212-24 i : ^ *ApklUml 2112 .20 FsuMalAMCC SM .01 F ? ^ ^d

I A<IMP .. uS.M .JO finluri r . . . ... ?,fii.ii

B rL .A.r».T«____ .«'4.4»_..o«.AlftrOn* -UI8.20.2JJ Fo-onllff-

• A ^ ” '* 'eS l iI Av.ntImm ... 24S

0£ASy», 1336 - 24II‘ i l i s i r ““1 S S r - S -M ! f S J | = ; : : . . S 3

0 olMiCm AM I n OuOftdPn2 D»n«0 34.U182S I 40'0 0U9H4I » 1384 - 14 *■ CMG?" ‘" M ' m1 CNFT II HT M MumC.n■ CanSoPl s i l I «3 CpalnTib ... 2.10 ..J7;S; Ji! :i ET

§ S r S S :S =

Si':„5 Cni.Po-« 1«6I -t«t 1 “ I «] -u “ a :i?> C-<SiCp 7M .10; Ccnu, 27f rTiJImmT

! C^Tlieh. .-u2.80.2.M1 & • . ■ !1K :it a S ; "I ComCAM 3143 .21' Comtww.. 0 18 .03

Comvwi 18 24 .4]

s s r ' ; s S FCon«i*m «I3 .02 40SUn«n COrth uM3« .71 Jno-W-Co»yt»Cp IM -07 tlATncO.yine 12 Tfl 144 KBBblt'dCMSy* U13M .38 tnX""*C«lni: 18 75 . 09 UJOBPKCun. .. 4.M .J* luimnKti

M«m« DN U.I Chg eoTL..mA6aA.P.e 43 SS" .01 c v l I S ^ i c

... j i j o l ^ ^ 9 "’^J2 *?J FrootWm

" , 2 « :% g s s s? ?>««nT 03. “13a 4S I 09 o w S " .S S S ’n n. O'***®*

MScI _ M . 0* Hn MoM

| S ’ ., J l l ;!] ‘CpITImo M * iSAO>cul .11CryttbO'* 2 48 . 00 ISntIK .14CuOK 14U30 33 . 03 iS h JwOHOInda 4 « 4 . |« iSnMtldM 00OIIA OumI A4. »s 9) -04 >sr\&r 0«OkSc'O u2 70 . 11 anTiw.»nDKOnC » 47 94 .U tSASPSOOl 44

loomM 34 rSn»)TD4e7


stocksa rk c t also fin. ket is kin

low er. The. D oclin 3 s i tc index which dr 0 .2 percent, to after th e idard St Poor's earnings JS, or 0.3 per- end of esi

E n erg j! .D ep artm en t after cni< le sd o y th a t a four-mi w ork on 1.82 Corp. d( its a t a season- $36.84, v lu a l ra te last C orp. dc e re predi^ting_- -J72.27._ oniinitsT ' B e s t Ustocks h igher. $51.48 all , t ra d in g has .re ta ile r r Bcenr-days'as'” 'm etex p e( conomic data But Alt: : e of 0 strong $4.19, o r y ’s ra lly foi- after th e cision to keep ru led th s its s tatem ent re in s ta te : keep interest bond re q

unit Phili ieved that the legal defe; to raise rotes - R;J. Rcj T odd Leone. S4.S7, o r 13f-C!quity-trad------after-thesI S e c u r itie s . maker saii 'c the biggest jobs, o r 4 st of the man force.

------------------ T i m e

aunching its 'J_wi th .a .firsts_______ * n eer imd a-freeuse from the 'ic t can be - C l1-9378.

inc^s E d i t o r___________ D Oii'ns can be ^g i i - o r . , r t r - ------------------k>m:----------------------------------

'Onic ..U3I.03.3.1I LamiiW< 3214I 4701 -39 UiU. ex

U1S13 .17 t.«M u12MLmO 4 9tL*i«iui uisee

: 34sa -02 li''»PlM 25 04«<i ...U10 44 ..H UgvriD . 1439•n 2 7 4 . 08 UCat. U3787ink ' 282 .02 Linwrcn 24 30 77

2; ” . ” U<t«i<tn ... 3.4*

la U12 77 . 5* MflVCn uJ 221804 V3S uacfvtn 1094

I 391 .09 U.g«l>l ... 1J04490 ,00 Mirt.*Tn .. 3B7T

« oaOO -11 «»■■" 321 4201lai 3777 -78 McD« 1100}. Ul9a9 >S4 WcD4UAtt 11 IS: ... 1.S4 -.li UMImun 37 03

« «*!«C 2025 -67 19 l«firm uM*2*131 u4093r ...“‘J S :,5S -10 i^?8

....... . 432 .12 Mcrtmt. u««5I 16 82 - 23 16< 2SS0 nn ..U2IM.1H -. »».3SII 181 3760 . 44 U«Pf>ti 1S24 >S1 M10 .i2 '-'ntUW* 881 26 44 yt 487 -01 ^PSPvi. 32 11u .V X 4 < . t *. Nanenu ...ulS.10.

" ‘ S S : S 12S . ' ... .,.S “ ■ i ’;: :5 K " i ; s '■ '-■“S .t | : rjr------ ia~3^; s ; s ;ji S S ■

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u7is .231/. ii? *2] '•“cs'i 14 IS

j .n n, P7I:ki« «7 88,* '? PACC4I M eOM ,P»cS^» 22 30.

! .iew I^ ••• '5’ :JJJ • ' ! PanUTi 24 57 .

38” .IM 'Peop^wd 1801<!« '-S :491 *14 « » “i447

• l.ooi '’$07 .!m JI 3390 . 42 puinjiiSr 21 30 .

'2? •oa 2«M .03 I00us70e.lr. “JJ? •st 9 63 . 09 Po,ni,j, »«! -> 21M .82 p„;,Tn M 43 44 .

641 - 3 ' Prangtt 7 09 -

321 .M projlmA -. 1.81 .*48 38* ?9 ■

ul9 7» *44 OuOJCOm J#Iu44 24 .OuMlS’M ___12 IS .*BFU<0 ---- 10 03 .-

U42 42.I30 AWndncn ... 3.00 .1 4 04 - 12 n.me<rt .10 72 .

18 7» .M nMiN.k .7 20 .44 13.07 I m IIMMC> fll I

ulOM .22 20 24 .

■■■ Z R . i f i '

I ..; .70 -.M £nCArElB6Mll»SS .I . 47 .01 >SnNaO« 70 »4 .:101 16so .OS .SMuooociio..sees .289 .07 .snn>2a»93*102 04 .1

... 1.40 -.1* InrOdg M 37.M -I> ... J7 .,04 liwA-cn I4«u34 43 .■ lo ... ,76 ».M huC.p 20 2S - ' C ... I.M -.M Kmx. 14 03

3 82 . 17 LHMtrm ... .23 -.1.............H ..13 IMufli DO

329 . 11 UMal.Utn .. uT.M2« -01 HOmM cI _ l.t* -J

... ,44 .,M _ uJJO .4- 1J0 .JT Uiunu I OS .COS SM . NCCP«g:i6 11.11 .4

80 - 02 lUUKI . MOO-IO24 . . NudlOOt< 34 2 0 - 1

:l i : 'oM I « ■■ IM IS8M -09 H«or _ u.*0 .,1

00. OM .03 OlSvtfl 4»« MS7-10 OA. 947 On2T«l 2M -0


[ P o i l t

I l o w e rkind of quiet.”: lin c rs included DuPont,I dropped Sl.SO to $42.47, th e company said its 2003 Igs would be a t the lower ; estimates.irgy stocks also took a hit axide oil prices dropped to . :-month low. Exxon Mobil

d e c re a se d 87 ce n ts to 4, w hile ChevronTcxaco

d e c lin e d 73 cen ts to

r -B u jT C o T f^ irS IT lS to — ^I although th e electronics ir reported earnings that rpectadons.Altria Group Inc. climbed o r 10.4 pcrcent, to $44.65 ' h e Illinois Supreme Court th a t a lower court must a te a reduced 56 billion re q u ired fo r its tobacco h ilip M orris to appeal a cfeat.Reynolds Tobacco jumped o r 13.7 percent, to 538.86.i e 6«cond.largcst.dgareite-------said it will cut about 2,600 ir 40 percent of its work

i e t o l i q u i d a t e ?

U s el e T i m e s - N e w s ______M a r k e t p l a c e c l a s s i f i e d s

t o t u r nj o s s e s s i o n s ---------------

Into cash. __

3214 .73 lUiftOiO 102. 23 40 . 70*30 Roilo ,.ut0,4«.2.0*

,12 30 . n

25 04 .»4 s»-«o 74 3979 .40’?2S S***** 84 43 .1 20« ? ; '! ? *eni"ln. ...«1027 .J4

'■” SeCAm.1 1192 -03 SwOyndn 3W .105.<-"'it U27M.100

Vb m m SemKn • 1982 - 2fl1J0 .M 5;^ us’ m .IM

2!T S "-Wl - '••••” ■ III 00 .10 ^ 2100 .2*11 14 . » S««Srt I0 4S .023703 S*ftae I.S101 .M i,BS7 .21 S5T ulOOO .48 .(

2* 00 - 22 M73 . 93 'j10 16.04 JWutS ... 1.»4 ..1« .14999 .04 S«>W.tl M 20 10 . 09 I13SI .39 $<v«»3o< . 1084 .21 ]27 18 .94 Smur’Sln. 19 78, . 19 .?S40 . 40 SvWtt c.««e .000.3S .41 S«nuiN«1 799 <07IS « -OS SevtfcMt 84 2982 . 02

-OS sup*. 2431 -| ] Su>0uen 2911 -M

,M ! tSJ S'®r'« 14 71 -MiS S ttoKOnih .- J-M -J*

::•?! -JJ k k : - j s : sS epertSn ui04« . i i

^ 4? IoT SvcMtKW 2619 -JO 7 ,7 . ,7 Sroff.._____ sio .22

O o T T Jf J tw .M824 -03 5r«P»» «7M .401 14 .24 T»*if«o . 38S4 .735 70 . 19 TMAmi* 1389 • 20*29 - 28 TaliCp .20tuH.St.4M98S .23 T.4m*TO 48 .01S 47.2 OS TKhSM 1.27 >,12(,S1 ..17 T«S^n - 8JI ..4*3.M -.13 T .» t 30. S992 . 44

5.S51.2 J s r I S I??isa -25 TecoSs S90 - itI-3S TWTtl. *67.I.M

TcVolnen 997 .09TmwBWa U3.0e .,78

;* *” T.n5.rtc 255 -022* • ” TrvMOV 4741 .02v! Im Ttlm«1» ..831,10-2.2*

i G . S 7 ,0 ,^ 6S6 -04.UTSI-OT 3«9S . »

;S7 -M ‘'<>‘4'''^' ' ’**

77 I m U ^0 « u?102 .94 ,Ifu . <g UrenOul US123.173 47 Ureiegii ... uSil -M

04 . IS VASthX 540 . 10 30 . 42 VUMCKk 950 .20 53 -04 V.t0.n ,.. 142 ..SO

44 . 20 vm ’ 801 .02

35 -11 vw iCp . 1.04 o a ■T l2" V.0U9C 158 .02

-----------M WartdAir ... u49i ..** '

« I S p ' l l

24 I?4 Z i^ a 12W .2010 .17 HiC<>*P - U7.M.1J7

15 .'76 2y»> M2* -39

00 .76 Pti»CT9224. 7*2 .09 M .39 40. M07 -3*IS .W ^ e « l l«2 2044 .04

1? Io9 ** ****

^ BPiuti. IIH S h I “a -D3 SPCnSI 43. 20 70 ..10« ■ SPfncl 40. 2478 .04« ..M SPmot 32. 24M .10.i -21 SPTwti 04. 1927 .<n0 »M SPIW 84. 2187 -M5 .M StroCinp _ ,« ..0*1 -40 T.O. 02 4725 -2*0-107 .. .M ^14J USOett-* M .01• ♦“ 0*>rflB 1346 -20I *l2 UMfAm .19r .l 'o i Va«9«.g 590. ,M] .0 ) VM«4n _ J3 ..02t -.09 WhMingn IM .02J .M WIT.1.MT M 2M


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'iwWP'Km Fn nMelaie*cn W«1 AprS dastnations May'ctpoiWaci JunnhC^Eacn Jul1 A„a yP^O^ot., ^ fOaJyauPlel ^

'rSsopanwi n

4 .04 Hartford Fdi I: mnSoO3 .03 CrMnL i4'/> .02 .tannlaanOi 3_sJ». itifOPfflJiLSIA;------GriwwL.0 .03 Uond .00 Snklii4 Cao*m I’O! -01J .OS OrvSGr I li -07 joWMMec1 .OS AOvi««<t .’<49 .02 oandAs3 .05 Slocn 4105 -IS SmCpCAp» To: wScap ?;*) -M jIjSrKtMi».0J HartfardHtSIGlri-.W HorManEutlr-.XI -OJ: iCMSmco-'.- m-oi ■TScIb ,AiSi ICONFda;: :S iMS' F r.d.’iG7coTAT?ii-01 C: JanCioOpMO" .00 S S J " ' j

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o f s e l f - m a d e m illic it in R e a l E s ta te

IS are you didn't kn

CoraDin 1845 -OS:s

:» 'iiiHrVW.n. K4Q .01 i25*bbi,e• I-S g r r " - s ” *" isip :*_ Ovr»M.nH32 .11 S■02 ShTmOdn 297 CapOpp 11BCVmaln2«0» -07 EmaAo V•02 sCVInvn 27W .07 i2 mp 7;.j. g ? . " :S

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S ' , . E , i l sF o s s i l . FU ELSK(AP).Fultf«aVa0»iOOnlhaN««Vbrk ’■ S rr^ fe t ®«,

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' s s s t ' i s s ... te S"i5.... £ £ i i ’ -“ a ; : n k s ; s ; ; :J ! 'S.•.15*30.11 FnaiOUt 14 09 - 01 C4| CiMlA r.lAIOl 136S .05 Co.I 20 0.’ .01 Uamil LyncM: Gw

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Ios NaBor>aFundaPilA:, 7)5 OdFdt*rAn 9 95 . 05 rSKi10«1 .04 miUPAn 10 32 . 031«4« .04 imVIPlAtt 18 76 . 05 'SZ;K :!! S

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1*30.01 Nla7n**®4« ‘ -19 WVIflCNarthiaa«fci>ia»ata: PrtaaPS88 .01 Truat 7 18 >02 EahciFundaa; NuvMn'aR; PrteaP24W-.10 m m ad 913.03 IWanc

■ State gl] „ Hagemn T h » T lm w -N aw s

a HAGERM AN.-If J. Cynthia.Phillips, leU

this story.----- T h e s ta te is saf‘ unc la im ed p ro p e rty t a- fo r d o z e n s o f o th e r ]

__________• ' • ’ b

c , ^ y n c l a i m e d k S • / Property a

1 . H ajgennan . v j a n d Twin F a lls g, , I--------------------- J,

0 i s lo o k in g fo r 'th o s c 7 h o p in g th e y ’ll c a ll to 7 p ro p e rty .7 I f s T i tu f r lo r whiclf':\ ne sse s h av e b e e n una\ th e rig h tfu l o w ners, sj

r o l l c h e c k s , c o n te n[ d e p o s it boxes, tax rcfi; d iv id e n d s , w o rk e r ’s i1 tio n b en e fits a n d th e li ’ The TimtS’Ncws on

p r im s n a m e s o f a sa u n c l a i m e d - p r o p c r t j who.<io last know n add in M ag ic V a lle y com T o d a y ’s lis i is a m ix from IlaK crm an a n d 1 a n d th e fax com m issio

------- p e o p le - l i s i e d - h e r c - iu n c l a im e d p r o p e r i b e tw e e n SSO a n d SlOO.

W atch fu r o th e r tow in g w eeks.

M c D o n a ld ’s wCH ICA G O (A P ) - M

C o rp . h a s e n l i s t e d (I O praii W infrey 's pursor to prom ote a n adtilt ven H appy M eal, lh e fast-fo la te s t e f fo r i to o f f e r I p roducts.

I n s te a d o f H a p p y M d ard .'slike 'a-b tirR erand- new Go A ctive m eal will

p e d o m e te r m e a n t tu e walking.

F itn e s s g u ru Hob G r "■ a g re e d to h e lp p ro tn o i

A ctive M eal, w hich is b m a r k e t e d a t 150 M cl resta iin in is in Ind iana.

M cDonald'^ and u ther chains have tried lo uffe e r fa re , th a t will s till lei buds as th e fat an<! calori o f th e ir co re p ro d u c ts \ im d e r scru tiny . B u rg e r 1 No. 2 liaml)»>rger chain , to la u n c h a new lin e ol hagueite-style ch icken sa

' on toda.v.Tw o iveeks ago. a fede

We oro able to cu stom tket reports. If you 're i

in a slock , mutual lund . oi ty th a t 's noi in our repon .

OakAiaocFtftr IK;r>«n ?b3S- W,Mrt»CnJ2i'.-09 CipApon 16 in . .Oakmark.Fundal;------»,C.<,n-io.twlni:l i«0l .14 Eali»in 27 72 - Oakrtvkl 3451 . 13 CNI.U n 9 7J .

n. fwCa- 1249 .'

» i i i S " s i : i :

s : J | i |WoBcH 074 lot NHonin 22 80(w w U Ja" *®' &.r'.Jn l"Ss 1(CilpApA p 3« 00 .10 SmOdn 4(1] .< CAplncApnjO .0.1 S>T<CsSl>i>?6 2S •( ComfyA 1001 SmCapn 27 23 -t

S ! J J i S P n 'n " ?,ll :l STv"di“p K i?JJ:SlIC.Ap 101S Vaiuan 18 12-0

- S 5 ~ T . : S “’ s s ; ; s K.r,-T«*'.. sss? -li! :s; s w ! S :!OppanlMlmarCaU- CapAprp 1524 .0 UnSlFdC M-n -'n', tNrMA p 9 73 . 0.

a : ;OlkUQ 1S26 -02 OfnMlP 1760 ■ f.OOpplyA 29 68 - 04 OeCoVP 099 .0;QVaiuaAp17 40 . 01 CilnAp 1600 -OlOppanr>alma<noch: lainAp 58 6 5 . 01lijNVAp 3 25 . 02 MYdApi 7 63 •»[joMuAp IBW . 1| jjje"*p« C«» •«'

S*)p*nhaln*arY! IniiNoop 919 .01l«.Ap 10 31-0;

PlliC0A4mMPtU«: ^ A p 6U *0 TcnntAd 1079 .04 TiEiAp 8 78 .M USO.Ap-IH5-.04 H.TU 039 .03 ViUAp 7M,.flt 10-0« 10 30 . 02 VoyAp 15 16-04 UMOur 10 49.03 PwM Funda B:

J i « *** §S«1 I’s S ‘ m

W;'oFuJ mA; JJS” '*52-02iHS?A 10 .* : « WIJan^ 20.13 . 02 Putnam Funda H:naaniAp 11 42 . (M Dm««p 9M .02

•***rUaJftiO t 11 4l' . 04 MEa 19 02 ItBSSSJ«S? •“ ss !g :SIa s ;,;!s :s •” g ’l-Jf” ; " p s / i ; s ; g•iWortd;' FhSwai Funda'?. * “1063 . 04 0..C9S 3013 -OSar aoftmda: imSacS 4S3S .40?r«>ie 900 . 0^^9331.91

honWpIJS *>i!5an*^740 ..12

SSSb i^ * ^ ? ' . ® S S n IOM I.M a^Fw«aCi WCCOPMdai

vheo ■ 32M .00 kknST I4.S4 ..07 ieaPunda; MV tOOtialane»n 17JS SmCeVal 1B«7 -07


uards pro] nan, T.E r

------------- - ■ ■ \f y o u r u n in to;U h e r to r e a d C u n c l

^ ^ l i s t ? i f e g u a r d i n g d o o n e o l , lo r h e r , a n d . r p e o p le a n d . .

b u s i n e s s e s o r Ext. 7( w h o s e l a s t • W rtto u k n o w n C om m iss a d d r e s s e s S e c tio n . I a r e in M a g ic 8 3 7 2 2 0 ^ V aU ey . • s«nU *h

T h e Id a h o lo s tan d io S t a t e T a x | _ _ _ _ _ C o m m is s io n ' MK«aasAum

:e f o lk s , a n dto c l a im th e jMvasiwsM


ifTU alicTbusi^------- j T T r i w ? "n a b le to fin d s u c h a s pay-

m t s o f s a f e iJ.'TI o S ^ . 2fu nd .s . s to c k s c o m p e n s a * ovrwysixr- ; l ik e .n T h u r s d a y s s a m p l i n g o f 4&».m• ty o w n e r s ^rSTfiliS" d d r e s s e s a r e i m m u n i t i e s . >»ni ix o f n am es_ _ .I T w in l a lls , u o n ,s a id th e.‘- e a c h - o w n -------T ty w o r t h ”)0 . v^kM ivavM '

• IMtVUKUviw n s m co in- a^-)«.«£1*u-n;i»«4,.un:»TOV ^V r^.-

ivill launch a d u l t IM c D o n a ld ’s in N e w Y o rl h e a i d o f - la w s t i i t a g a

o n a l t r a i n e r a l l e g e d - i t !LTsion o f th e h e a l th r i s k s•food g ia n t’s B ig M a c s a nr h e a l t h i e r It w a s t h e :

l h a t U .S . nM e a l s ta n - S w e e t th re \^

id -n - to y ,-th e ------ s t i i t - t h a t . b l/■ill in c lu d e a m a k in g p e o iU k m L a ilU -J ( i i u e r TCTHe n c o u r a g e t h e l a s i i

M c > ) o n a ld ’sj r e e n e h a s s u m e r s h a co ( e t h e G u ' r e s p b n s i b i lb e in g te s i- the.v m a k e ^

c D o n a l d ’s ,s u m in g fo o d on n e w m e r

e r fast^food B ro o k . I ll .-b if e r healih i^ a l s o a n n u u n c:e m p ta s te - «if i ts p r c n iiu :)rie c o n te n t M c D o n a ld1 h a s c o m e w a y t o g o ” k r K in g , t h e ■ fo r p r o m o t in n . p la n n e d Bob C 'o U lin , i «>f lo w -fa t. b a s e d ft s a n d w ic h e s T e c h n o tn ic .

in g to g i v e tl J e ra l ju d g e try in g .

Something missing?mlzo our rnar^ us a n a w e 'll lr>e in tc ie slc d Please call Ramior comrtiocli- 0 9 3 1 . Ext. 2 6 2rt. ju st call lions.

. -07 U5C0.W. 964 .03 CNMA A I I .01 SEIPoniaUec CNMAlli i

. .O'* InnCiiAn n 42 .07 GroltafApK'.00 lflCGiDAn16J? -0? ,CtolorUn1('.02 lgCV«lAn1? IJ ‘-02 CiSlrvlll 1(■ 02 SmCCrAnIS 14 .iw C.OppApl--07 -T.IAllCn 945 .O. G'OppUl K:S1• 00 snciaaaK: HctmIWAuj.15 CapApprnt 1 41 .0) IniiEoAp p .04 Salomon Brothara: Ir.rEqOp f.'w w Ii’ibFundr *''■ iHlcmiAolS.11 DnEaS*ln1009 -0) NxCanUl 12 -02 I000ln.rn29 42 • 10 SlrlWA* J• 23 IOOOS<-n 2943 -09 SHOdOl JS4Plt>,n I59S -05 lEirnAp IJ.03 SKPSain 1600 -OS USGvA V-07 YkJPl»SI 9 70 - usc.ni ».01 ScuddarFundiA: USC.Sill 9• 08 Orll.HA 33 94 .27 TCWOalllaol -0« HlncA S.V .01 S.ICQIV 10 -01 MgdMjnp 9 25 . 04 TampMonlnc !o3 ToIIUIA ass ' F Eos’’ 14 .02 USGO.A 8 70 . 04 Third Avanua •04 ScudPwFundiO: Vam« 39OriH.no 33 79 .27 Torray Fuoda:

D«*l 1813 '.OJ ICUOov«r«9 .03 ONHAS 1524 .05 TwawlyOr*: S S;!i"i.®.r:S9?:S cS‘S5.''S^’p'!Io2 Lg&So 2?5I - n Sj&i'a 13:S? 3:: S a ^ '^ i r , J i l i . ; t “ I'*®'*-• 02 PratPilnrnlOOO slpidan 15- .08 Scuddar Pramtar: TiCn t^• 04 Erj500Prr>tlBB7.37 T.ELT 131 .01 BalaetadFunda! T.ESn 101Io;-02 CorrH«AlJ14$ -05 VMKaA«Fu<!-II 5>yanl3ay .94 CnwlAp. 14.•04 AgOrAp fi#0 . 17 EnUp tt.i•04 .fSv/Wb 1I7L-.M. -oXSftAp-BJ■ 04 MuWuAp I5B5 .03 QvSCA p 104•01 Bmnnemr*»MA: OrkxApa 182•04 AtOalAp 10« HYMuAp 104►*C<oA 1191 .01 InTFAp ISO.01 BmrntBmyAlacS: P««Ap 81•OJ taOfOI 1U5 .Ot USOvAP 142•05 SmrUiBrnyABocl: VanlUmpPun.•19. MrOfoti 1168 .01 CmttOU 14S02 ■mrnt Bwnay BAP.' EOOt 298 ■II AflOfOl 7J63.I6 EalrvOii TI

^iS.' '*'® •°* VanWaaomarFIflCpODI 1924 . 04 EmgOrop 0 4.62 •mnnBaral.0,i1: Potivmp 32'A4na 967 Var>0uM4A*M01 AgOni 7400 . 16 SOOAdmlnPSi;IB ■flimiBamvi: ONUAAaniO!01 l«CpCOI 1611 -07 MmCrrt 47i:01 SmnnBanMYT: HYU^rnSlI OS IgCpOrV }6S« •03 HiYUAOnnlOBS«nSSn MBO -OS ITarrAdrrdnil t22 «FaraiAaaaa: irA.tr4n 13C Oirt< 4138 •JS ITCrpAdntOi;02 BUbMrAaarcfiA: LKTTrAdn It.1C a Ata«ftA 34 00-10 Prm^tnS12l

os Mrting Funda; STCrpAd nIO 81<0 Cr^ 2020 . T«OA«Mn10JIoSSn. 18.78 90 IgCapQi 20 02 - 07 ‘WaMAAnnW.4 OpMtCw 3B4S W«»iAAnt>4«(

12 uSiitw 9JS ... MKtoa>n4«208 IMMulat W .. WSWd r>43.4403 IMAaAp tlTa ... AaaaUn 31 3

BalAaep 12M ..01 CAn-fi 1.40DB BaMtdIp 1t«7 .,, CAtTn 1,80;? s ^ 's n : s i sss::^rOMCXA 1I«7 .04 Cnwgyn 9B4« )7l FMC •IS ... E4k«n 3046

umte)r,Se9tKnterl8.2003 ^

[ ) p e r t y f 6 r

residentsWhat to do

M your nama on Idaho's unclalmed-property owners list? To claim your property. ie of these:,> 1-SOO-972-766G. E«l. 7623 t. 7627.te to the Idaho Slalo Tnx nission. Unclaimed Property on. P.O. Box36. Boisc.lD 20410. ■ lU ••malt to ' - idlound«?>tflx.sioie.id.us', .

antf , E<vuC>n:4 ' CtrruPvin " .rt-*)5 1 ^ - ' OijP-rftfT.•r<»


V«r ^WMr».Sv»>t Su*.0.ws..«jr

, , Uww«j” •.outM.nti

, 1-<J *»-V/-Apr., '

AAV. ^

It Happy Meals^ork dismis.sed an ol>esiiy against McPonahi's that it had been hiding the

isks of eating its popular 1 and Chicken McNiiggels. lie -Second time this yeiir i. n istrici Judge Roheri rew out a class action law-. blamed-McDonaldVfor-----------)eople fa l..

I tim e hc visiied a Id’s resiatirani. said con- h ad to lak e “ personal ib llily " for Ihe cliiiices cc whett it conies lu cim. ood. He will also consult nenu items for tlic,' OakI.-based company, vvhicli unced a new taco version niuin salads on Tiii.‘S({a.v. lald 's has a ••Ioiik. long >” IO solidify a reputation Dting healthy I'ciiuis, said • in. an analyst at Cliicagu.

food consultancy lie. But (!oIilin wjs will- c the company crvdil for

j?II Iry lo include it, tamona Jones at 733 262. wil»i your sufl’.es .

Up 1005 '»■' "'ij

jp -“I

iS r i '- i ; ? !1 J?« .01 • 'J p 1J30 .OS “-"J" ’J»' -"1945 .05 M-'ivn lOI'.tUI 1146 >06 M;la>lgr<i;M .04lilaoFda;' uJirjn ii’[i .c:IOM -00 HUi>.«jn DJ.i . <15

’ U90 "w pf[j" “

4 " ” " '

*0 99 I 03 ‘'SG.Ort 14 M - J.l

n Is” Ios ; 0-13 80 I 05 Vanguard lil rfl.: lOBS .OJ WOl' H5'0 -Jl (UUncaclnr t 12 00 . 03 '03I.C3 pFimdaA: Europan l»tt . 15 . 14 49 -07 Enaryin 24 <i -02 '_______11.10 02 ITIlnJn 10 79.06> TM -04 UOCjpn 1197 -04

‘’icuI T m ------------ 10 42 Io2

'eiB Io4:iE" •;!“

29 82 I Vanguard Innr a:«*a»Fi»da” '"«>«■" w.-B-ao1 0 40 .« “JJ” " ” •*

2‘«-07IPS 12 -JO 47.17 Il4 WadMARaafAdv:n 019 .01 Aom 542 -03 nlOBS.04 Cor*M.A 4 77 . B3" " ^ l o J S£T«rm elc lo t {1017 .M VangA 7B7 .01 |n5129 -04 C o ^ ' 3454 . II '■"'O7S.0I OtoScrTcp114J .00'IS7« nOr 1203 .00; '‘I2J! *S1 l*c-Cap 733 . 02!j4m Io7 -0*

r i L j ? - ” *”4t32 .M ” * ' ’■” 1-s r • *“n iS . a OM«i 3BJI-oe;II.B0 «M 0<SMI 27,19 .07axM ,m iflCoOrt 4ua .js10,17 -a wwanAMae 9B4« .39 CoraPU 1044 .M’3046 .Ot Oon 1V4I . 0«;

n«»Www.T»1tiFifcldiho H '

Page 30: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

^ ^ —

M T lm w H w t. TW

N a t io i

BAGHD/U). Iru lu p e b ro ad cast s p e a k e r purportir H tisscin urged Ir a tta c k s on Am eri .on U.S. .and o ther to Icuvu tlic cour {Hissible and witl lions."

Ir a q In b rie f

iilsii iM'ni-d A m eric piiririers not to ", trap s of A m cricar a nd re jc c t any pi

----------Icpirim izcs m ilita r_________ I Ie_callcd_ on c

‘Uo \>*itlidraw youi as p ossib le a n d wii tions, because the for fu r th e r lesses i astro u s for Am eri cials ... con tinue th

T hu sp eak er act Bush of lyinR to "> e v e ry o n e " to ju

, ag ain st Iraq, addin e s i i iy n u ra rm y .. . I la ra tio ii nf d e fe a ts inev itab le , if n o t to

B u sh ; No evldei --------------- to o k -p a r t . ln _ W

. W ASHINGTON' Bush said VVtfdricsd ev id e n c e t h a t . Sa' .was involved in a tta c k s of Sept. 11, iiiK a n id ea he A m ericans.

" H ie re 's n o t S a d d a in H ussein t i c s ” th e presiden also sa id . "We ha \ tha t Saddam IIussc w ith rh e Sept. U " a

’n»e p residen t’s o line w ith a sta tem t

___________D efen se S ecre tR um sferaj_w ho sai

__________ iinv i.-vKlc-iico tha tinvolved in th e attai

Yet. a new poU foi 70 p e rcen t of respor th e Iraq i le ad e r pro sonaliy involved. F “ I’ve n o t seen any ; would lead m e lo cimUI say that.”

■Hlf administrati« th a t S addam 's go\ close links to Jil-Qaic netw ork led Osa

--------- m aste rm indedatracks.

F o rm e r In s p e c to Iraq lik e ly d e s ire

SYDNI-Y. Austrn U.N. c h ie f w eapo H ans n iix believ«

' destroyed most o f i rtiass d e s tru cd o n 10 kep t u p th e appeanii them to d e te r a mili

In a n in te rv ie A u stra lian rad io stai W ednesday, Blix said ly th a t th e U.S and noiv search ing lorw«



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j n A V o r l d

e of ‘Sa<Iraq - In an audio- ist Wednesday, ,u rting to be Saddain • i Iraqis to escalate lericans and called W B her coalidon forces ouhiry "as soon as H | withoui any condi- | H

I'he speaker, t who sounded

like the ousted ~ Iraqi leader, ..•rica's international I) "fall prey in the . can foreign policy"

plan for Iraq thatitary«ccupation.----n coalition leaders___our arinies as soon without any condi- ,. there is no reason es that will be dis- lerica if your offi* . H B ; their oggression.” r ' ^ ’ - accused President ^ (

) "your people and ^ ' justify the war J

ding thot “the loss- ... makes your dec- j | | | ^

at and your retreat t today, tomorrow."

dence Saddam M l.attack8_____cptH)N' ■- President esday there was no Saddam Husseinin the terrorist -------11 . 2 0 0 1 - disput. '' woulc held by many • menu

“I’nquestion that die c

‘in had al-Qaida they jen t said. Buc he almos have no evidence summ ssein was involved Auscr ['•otiacks. radio,"s comment was in The jment TUesday by Britaii retary ' Donald M‘saiti'H trhbt“^ n -----:Husschat Saddam was nucleiittacJts. ...................andW1 found that nearly Hovpondents believed __led Inprobably was per- made I. Rumsfeld said, militai ny indication that has fai to belie\’e that I of mas

flict eialien has argued government had Rosd: )aida, the terrorist t - ^ i,. bsama bin Laden led the-S ept.-11- Non

least I U.S. f<

:to r Blix s a y s itro y ed W M D s ,voun<iitralia - Former were uipons inspector Humvcieves that Iraq Baghdijf its weapons of cenfirr10 years ago, but said or

arance thatJt had Whiinilitary attack. . patrolview with an Ameriistation broadcast men, ciuiid it was unlike- with tnd British teams heavy-1* weapon's in Iraq Iraqi*st

^TheTlim a g i c v a l l e y . c o i


All advertising is subject tc iptance. The Times-News rese decline or properly classify a entry (fax, e-mail, etc.) doe! ]| acceptance by this newspa r, hot the newspaper, assume: for the truthhil content of theii e.

, TMn Mb, l<Wio TlwwIqb'Stpta


<t.-AI»x-Morst«ior-th*Branx-bori lall Btdouln {Iri naar Tikrlt, Iraq. Ian taak of aupplylRg aid auch ai

uld find more than some "doci nts of interest."I ’m certainly more and more t

conclusion that Iraq has, z y maintained, destroyed al lost, of what they had in th timer of 1991,’’ Blix toi stralian Broadcasting Corj io.h e United States and its allic tain and Australia invaded Ira May afte r saying Saddar

sscinVregime-was-developin iea r arms as well as chemicshWqftg lia l'tvmumia.------------lowever, a search by the U.S Iraq Survey Group - which i ie up of some 1,400 scientist! itary and intelligence exp>erts' failed to unco\-erpny weapon nass destruction since th e con ; ended.

3 d s l d e b o m b s h i t t r o o p s

h r e e s e p a r a t e a t t a c k s .orth of Boghdad, there w ere a X three separate attacks or . forccs with roadside bomb; :>ss than 1.5 hours Wednesday ning. Witnesses reportec inded soldiers, . but deta il; I! unclear. Thu attacks h it U.S nvees about.12 miles north ol tidad near ul-Taji.The military irm ed the first attack anti one soldier Has hurt,

h ile U.S, forces increasing} ol Iraqi hotspots with irican-trained local m ilitia' , citizens voice growing anger 1 tactics that are seen as ry-handed and in.sensitive te i'social'and'rcligiourcustoms;

n050 li101 Ll102 C103 D104 P

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t to Ihe newspapers'eserves Ihe nght to h<' ony ad. Receipt of ^ £,oes 113 ct

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«t«nbw 16,2003


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. .

E f

borough-of.NBW-Yotk.Clty..from. a q . W adnettlay. Cpt. M oralta ai h a» robulldtng w ater tr«a tm en t

iocu- “ We havo seen have a n incident in

re to ou r o perations, whi s, a s . innocent civilian, 1

all, e th ic, d ie ir values, , th e they w ould se« to ld Sanchez wos quotei

:orp. T im es n ew spaper L Coalidon forces v

lilies tha t w hen a m ist Iraq m ade an d w hen wc dam ten tly wound up kip in g ------ tho t w e go-and do-ilica l cultu rally to take

U.S.- n o t e lab o ra te on thi ± is3sts,— M ilitary s a y s l t s

In c lu d e no U .S. <con- BAGHDAD, Iraq -

ta iy said W edneJ^i firm evidence’-’ any |

p s taken in the continu o f Iraq w ere A m eric

* • “T here w ere sm:e a t p risoners th a t initia

on be U S . and U.K. d o m bs there is no evidenct ;duy • we a re holding Amei 'te d de ta inees a t this r a ils spoke.sman Lt. Col. LJ.S. said. “The suspicioi ll o f m ad e these claims :ary avoid de ten tion in t and As they w ere que;

was no ev'idence to >gly . claims."/i th Brig. Gen. Jan is K tia - is in chargc of coalii g e r cen te rs in Iraq, said

a s eigh t p risoners - six < I to A m ericans a nd two < in s . ' Brit0 ns"«^vcrenn'cuj

Legals 3 0 0Lost & Found Card of Thanks.Dieiary Aids___________ 4 0 1

P e rso n als 4 0 2■ H appy Ads ......4 0 3

Special Noiices , Abortion Alternatives I C 2 Professional Se'K/icos 501 Health & W ellness 5 0 2 Homo/Heallh C are 510 Enieriainmeni Service 511 Child C are Services . 5.1 j

Employm ent W anted EmpBytrarn f “ !bppoflunitios

3 ^ 2 0 9 1 9 1 7 (

B usiness 'Opportunities 5 1 9 (M o n ey toL oan 5 2 0 iInvestm ents_________ ‘ 8 2 1 f


m .th e ^ 2 2 .1 n fa n iry .6 itta !lo n ..i and .m iny m ora U.S. toltllara an n t and pumping p lanti'and m ud

n that when we sidercdin the conduct of ing th^'hen we killed an ment in, based on their wouldss, their culture, Westenleek revenge,’’ insurrcc:ed as tellingThe occupat- in London.; want "to ensure BBC Histake has been m lo * a lwe have inadver- in iS T a fkilling someone LONIo-tho right-thing-----Broadcte care of those ist whi

those steps. used ducxagger

Isprlsoners-----V-, m a d e s<. citizens in a l

1 - The U.S. mili- misiden^ay it had "no membeiy prisoners it has servicesluing occupation Andn•ican or British, beforeTiall number of acknowltially claimed to 10 conje«itizens, however, made bjice that suggests reports,lericanorfiritish for send

time," military pvo rnerll. George Krivo identifieion is that they of anothns in ortler to on Iniq'I the first place. mass de;lesdonud, there Alihoi0 back up these by the gi

sions corKarpinski, who ra.ssrneni

J i t io n d e te n t io n public siid Tuesday that ihat pritX c la im in g to b e accurate□ d a im in g to b e tic in d e pu s to d j ra n d 'C o n ' ■ c o r

1 Conuacis &Mortgages I K

) Rnatvrial Services 601

I Schools/lnslojclion__________

t Musk: Lessons 6 0 4 I TulOfing...............—

Open Houso 6 0 7

- Homos for Sale 6 0 8 ■

I Out-Of-Aroa Homos 6 0 9 '

Oul-OI-Staio Homes

Farms/Ranches/Dainos '

■ Acfoagos and Lois jIncome Property I

Commercial Property I

Vacation Property/ .

Time Shares

Condominiums , 701 • IMobile H om es ■ 7(32 j

C ^ m e le^ Lots <

Roal Estate W anted 7 0 3 (

Manufactured Homes 7 0 4 F


a v e lra c

.■, ■ ■■

n. m a d lc a l P latoon, examine* a a ra a n tru a te d with th e humani

iuch n e e d e d m edical a iilita n c c

cd security detainees, meat f i^ were suspected of involw : in guerrilla attacks. The e i^ d have been the fin em ers reported held in th Tcction against ihc ■ U.S.-lCi pation.

! r e p o r t e r a d m its to a k e s In Iraq re p o rtiNDON - T he . BritisI icasdng_Corp..radiojoumal vho re p o rte d that Primi ifffr-Tnny niair:s-iiirips,hn( dubious intelligence data t< aerate th e case for war witl W cdncsday-concedcd - h<

! several mistakes in his orig broadcasts, includin{

(entifying his source as t ber of B ritain’s intelligenct :es.drew Gilligan, testifying e a p u b lic inquiry, als< iwledged that he had faileti re c t several false statements by the BBC in defense of hi:

ts. And Gilligan apologized nding a n c-mail message ic lem bers of l*arliament thal ified th e confidential sourcc )ther B B C journalist’s repon i iq 's access to weapons ol destruction.lough Gilligan said he stood ; gist of h is repon, his admis- constituted a serious embar- eni for th e BBC, a venerable : servicc media corporation >rides itse lf on responsible, u e reporting and joumalis- lependence.L'ompUed-from-wire-reports

i n

m isaSBD ;;!1 F u m ish e d H ouses 7 0 72 U nfurn ished H ouses 7 0 83 F u m ish e d 7 0 9

A pts./D uploxes________ 7 ^4 U nfurn ished 711

"A plsT /D uplexos5 R o o m s For Rent 7 1 2 3 .M ob ile 'H om es 7 1 3 7 'Offico & Retail Rentals 7 1 4 3 C om m ercial Rentals 7 1 5 ) Condom inium/Time 7 1 6

S h a re s ') SiorageA V arehouse . k y u

R onial K j

I W an ted To Ronl 8 0 1 ‘ > Mobile H om e SpaceI R o o m m ates W antod ' 8 0 2

• L ivestock & Poullry 8 0 5I Dairy C aR te & 8 0 6

S u p p lie s 8 0 7I H o rses & Tack 8 0 8

P e ts & P e t Suppties 8 0 9

Groupi! ~ ~ plan CD“ “ ■ JID D A ft^ud i i

I Saudi oQckdown dons to charities aij the flow of money 1 hod. one immediat ing Muslim group: poor, induding on contributions to dn

The disappearan* uitous boxes at mo:

' where Saudis could to Islamic chorities: lie result of U.S. p Idngdom to find w Qaida and other ter

________ from siphoning off 1Saudi Arabia aisp

private relief and from sending mone:

; .:,b regulations are in sure the money is h( terrorist groups. Ai ment established a 1

( S 3 'Saudi charities sus; 9 H soring terrorist grov

Interior Minister has said tenor gro been raising funds ties, but the moves have upset Soudi d t

--------.That*!} .because tlwere'an easy, anon;

*** Soudis to meet om <t a _ requirements of the lanl* ing to the poor. Zak ince. ing.isportrayedosa

- and what is seen meddling.in a tenc

‘®,“ ’ angered some Saudi ®.‘^ "Where I give it a f' . my business,” said th i Abdullah, a 24-yeai

. his way to perform athe holy dty of Mecc

“Zakar is one of

UJS.rec; ie in bid fea to WASHINGTON nith Bush administr - h e - -Wednesday-set-aboi )rig- proposed ‘U.N. n iing accommodate der IS a allies wanting a bi :ncc Iraq's reconstruction

The administratioj 'ing agreed to assign a vi also United Nations in ] iled But FVance, German :nts .. extent,.Russia were 1 : his quick end to the U.S ized Administration off L* io ground would be giv< :hat elements of the U.S. irce, the United Nations )on have the leading n

of Iraqis should contr table for taking ove

ood try.niS' These officials saii }ar> tion was being rew ible more specific alrout ion and 10 try to accomr ble, governments, dis- “Certainly we are

ten carefully to what >rts----- from-other-countries

Q'0 5 Farm Equipmeni 8 1 ('0 6 FamVRanch Supplies 811 '0 7 Irrigation'0 8 S eed & Fertilizer 8 1 S’0 9 Hay. Grain & Feed ' 8 1 2’1 0 Crops/Produce_________ 8 ^i l Custom Farming 8 1 5

-------Serv ices -------------- BIB'1 2 Farm s For Rent1 3 P astu res For Rent 8 1 71 4 P a s tu re s Wanted 8 1 815 Farm A uclions . 8 1 916 AG B usiness & 8 2 0

Service Directory 8 2 1

o r Antiques & . .8 2 4C ollec tib les. 8 2 5

0 2 Appliances93 B azaars & Crafts 8 2 6M Building Materials 8 2 705 Electronics 8 2 8M Hot Tubs 4 Pools ^97 Clothing & Furs • K o38 Com pufers 9 0 1» Rrewood_____________ 90 2

►s say anti-1 UtS into casi Arabia (A P )-A Muslinn on cash dona-. ing zakaimed at blocking ' I losey to terrorists has' Muslinate effect: anger- Sheiips that help the "supc-rvDne that expects charityirop by one-third. -the potmce of once-ubiq* Arabic losques and malls ' conspii ild drop cash gifts . our - a•s is the most pub- reducepressure on the Muslinw ^ s to keep ol- world."errorist networks Al-Oitf donations. groups5PJias Danned all cent bi d charity groups • boxes; (ley overseas until dons in1 place to make propenhot going toward s to ^ nAnd the govern- had bet a unit to monitor • The rispected of spon- line woups. strategyer Prince Nayef The Iroups may have campoij[s through chari- lence, n» to oack down U.S.dtizens. proper the cash boxes . find thi

inymous way for • charirieme of the basic militantleir religion: giv- reponeiakat, o r almsgiv- year ft: a form of prayer Laden’s en as American . zation i:net of the faith attacksdis. well asand to whom is ings in t

id Abdullah ba U.S. 'ar-old Saudi on Snow v1 a pilgrimage in with Sai•cca. problem)f the pillars of from tap

:asts Iraq r or Europea

T a P ) - T h e fu lly to s t r a t io n o ri t io n s tho u t r e c a s t i n g . a ------ D e p a r tnr e s o l u t io n to B o u c h e r

e m a n d s f r o m c o n s tru cb ig g e r r o le in in to ou ran . m o v e foiio n a l r e a d y h a d 'I h e aiv i ta l r o le to t h e th e S e c uI p o s tw a r , I n i r |. t h e U. a n y a n d . t o !in P r e s id e r e p r e s s in g f o r a . . s p e e c h .S. o c c u p a t io n . G e n e ra l j f f ic ia ls s a id n o h o o d n o \ iv e n o n t h e k e y O n e rc S. p o s it io n : t h a t to a t t r a n s s h o u ld n o t tro o p s fi ro le a n d t h a t h a v in g

I tro l t h e t im e au th o rize / e r t h e i r c o n n - T h e ac

to p e rs ua id t h e r e so lu - m a k e si] !w o rk e d to b e l iu n s to I u t" a U .N . r o le T \voU . n m o d ii te o th e r - c a u tio u s !

th e d ra f it! t i y in g to lis- b e e n c irc a t w e 'v e h e a r d im p ro v e e s , - l i s ie n - c a r e --------a p p ro v a h


M o n d /i

1 0 Putniiure/Carpet 9 0 :I I H eating & Air 90<

• Conditioning 9 0 *1 2 Auctions/Auctioneers 9 Q(1 3 Jewelry1 4 Lawn & G arden___________1 5 Exorcisc Equipment ^ 0 lB “ M isccitaneous------------

For Sale17 Musical Instnjm enls18 Office Equip./Supplies19 Bicycles 10020 Tools & rvtactiinory 10021 Variety F o o d S v cs . 100 12 W aniod To Buy23 Medical Supplies ’ i o o M G uns & Rifles ^qq-15 Cam ping 4 Hunting '

E quipm ent » Sporting Equipment 57 G arage S a le s !8 F tea M arkets

“ J:H ATVs S M otorcydes 109) >2 Boats & A ta esso rie s 3 0 0


i-terrorist ; isiifor pOGEis lim fa ith a n d lc a n n o ts to p ^ 'i . ;z a k a ta tan y c o ^ lf ld o so th e n ‘ ose my.right to be ca lled 'a ; tslim,” ba Abdullah said. . ’ , . ' • iheik Salman al-Omari. wHo - ic-rvises the Riyadh branch of a - irity that c a i« for orphans and poor and provjdes Quranic and '

ibic instructi<)n, sifid he saw | 'a ; ispiracy that aims to constrict.?• • activities and ultimately ■ ' uce donations we give to nec<^.- slims and the. poor in ffie*•W." . • . •J-Omari said he expected hla ' up% incomc to drop by 35 per-rbM jrase ofThe~lackT)f-cash-------cs; (Charities also coUecrdona- is in checks or raise it through . peny rentals and even on ^ 0 .' k market, but cash donatio^is; been key for many.

he rcm ot^ of cash boxes “is in ' with America’s anti-Islam'

tegy," al-Omari charged, he United States maintains its . ipaign is against extremist vio- :e, not agoinst Islam..S. offidals say that without >er oversight donations could

their, way. to al-Qaida or. to . -iries linked to the Palestinian tan t group Hamas, whichinedly receive S14 million.ia;____- from SaUais. Osama cn’s al-Qaida terrorist organtT.)n is blamed for the Sept. 11' cks on the United States as as a series of su idde bomb- in the Saudi capital in May.S. TVeasuiy Secretary John .V was meeting Wednesday; Saudi officials to discuss thg\

(lem of how to stop terroristi..I tapping into Saudi charitiei-t-------

resolution ian support—to tlie many tielptui sugges--

; that we've gotten,” State‘sirtment-spokesman-Richaid.!___h er said. “And any that are tructive will be incorporated our thinking as we try to

; for\%-ard."e administration had hoped lecurity Council would adopt

U.S, resolution before ident Hush’s scheduled ch T'liesdiiy to .th e U.K.', tral Assembly. But the likgli,- now appears dim. c reason for the resolution is ttract more peacekeeping ts from other countries by lg the U nited Nations irize the mission.L- administration also hopes .•rsuade other countries-to!' sizable financial contrij^u'-. to Iraq’s reconstruction.0 U.S.officials Said they were □usiy optimistic that revising Iraft the United S tates has circulating for weeks vrould.. ' )ve chances of the council’s ‘ ival,------------------------------------------

33-0931 IE x te n s io n 2

IW in F a lls i0-658-3883 , Ext. 2

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Page 31: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

“ N o n c e o FCm «

O n 0«cem b«r22 ,2003 'o f s a id s t tlw front <

i C ou fthouso , 300 Norm I

T rustM W illssaatpubU cf . ca*h , In lawful money of I

Iho tim « of Ml*. th« fol oltualA d In Uw County 0 dobcritM d aa foBms t o ^

I ‘ Lot E. BRUTKe AOOITI. J a ro m * C ounty , ktolw.

' ' . ' official p la t theroof. now ' R ocordor of u id County.

Som oirm oa known &9: ( Ictaho 83335.

S a id ftolo will tw mod( rogard lng tm«. posM Hior

' o b lig a tio n secu red by a ' s a lo con fo rro d In (tia 0

. I. . M o rrla to Land Title an ' ' , F o rm e rs Notional Bonk.

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T ho obovo Qmntors oro 45 -l506(4)(o). Idafto Coo thot thoy oro, or ore not. obligaiion.

-----------------D ofaort fof which this soli(o) A ccum ulated dafident month, tor tho months ol f oil subsoquon t months is ] of th is da to on the obliga T rust Is $11,502.52. plus co sts .(b) T ho 2000,2001 ond 201 DATED this 19tti day of Ai TITLEFACT. INC.

; /a/R . T odd Blass. Vico Pro;

PU B USH : August 26. Sopi

NOnCfW odnosday . Oclober 01 ,2 hold for tho following doser v o h ic io s d o sc rlb o d boi fSAVMERE IS 'b as is only, chock or monoy order only, w rockor companios llslod t & 5 pm ..

------------- V ah le» fr» l---------------------ReG ISTERED OWNER A^ Ju lian C lay. Trocy Chapmo G oldon A cros Motol »20. N VEHICLE DESCRIPTION:

! VIN: 1G3AM1937F039925I LIEN AMOUNT: AT TIMI $1275.00.VEHICLE STORED AT; J; W ost. Rupert. Idaho V ohlc la «2REGISTERED OWNER Af R tahard or PoiricIo Horroro

------------ 880 SW 10IK SI.; HofmlstorOld S oddlo Trading Post

' PO Box 397. Pondiolon. OF - I VEHICLE DeSCRIPTION: E


------------W osI.'R upon.-ldoho---------V ohlc le *3

^ ..R P filR T F R F n n W N F R AN Aloxis Ivor Crooks - PO Box 101. Monroo. OR

—D an 's Aulomoilvo . • 3477 f^ldin'Sl.. Sprinoftoid. < VEHICLE DESCRIPTION; E VIN; 1ISABP52U5JQ211312 LIEN AMOUNT: AT TIME 01 VEHICLE STORED AT; 4 j Burioy. Idaho V ohic lo «4REG ISTERED OWNER ANI Ryon K oza15637 C ru iser N A. Corpus ( VEHICLE DESCRIPTION; G

. v i n ; 1G3BY69Y9F9054379 U EN AMOUNT: AT TIME Of VEHICLE STORED AT; 4 ( Burley. Idaho 'V ah lc ia e sREG ISTERED OWNER ANC Willio G roen304 N 3 rd Avo.. Pocniollo, Id VEHICLE DESCRIPTION; Bl VIN; 1G6CD533XL43736I6 U EN AMOUNT: AT TIME OF VEHICLE STORED AT; Moti Burloy. Idaho V ohlc le «SREG ISTERED OWNER ANC M aria M unoz4844 A E as t 3100 Nonn. Mui VEHICLE DESCRIPTION; R. VIN: 2P4FH51G2FR209844 LIEN AMOUNT: AT TIME OF

----------V6 HICt;e-aTOHED-ATrGor1450 E as t. Joromo, Idoho V eh ic le *7R EG ISTERED OWNER AND P ablo V osquez Sonchoz 4251 E a s t S ta te Roulo *3. St VEHICLE DESCRIPTION; Wl VIN; 284HB25Y1LK737666 U EN AMOUNT: AT TIME OF VEHICLE STORED AT: Gon 1450 E a s t. Joromo, Idaho V eh ic le •&REG ISTERED OWNER AND Jo s h u a H Forest 2310 S ou th Locust Grovo R u

• VEHICLE DESCRIPTION; 8 ri VIN; 3257N A e325105 U EN A M O UN T AT TIME OF VEHICLE STORED AT: Cnn C o u rse R ood , Joromo. Idnho V eh ic le *9REG ISTERED OWNER ANO/ Jo se p h A lcala 1340 S ou lh 1870 EQSi.Hnzolt VEHICLE DESCRIPTION: Ro VIN: 1FTEP14G5EPA05960G LIEN AMOUNT; AT TIME OF i VEHICLE STORED AT: Rob'! Jo rom o . Idaho V eh ic le «10REG ISTERED OWNER AND/i Bill o r B renda Sluort P O Box 4 5 4 . Glonns Fotry, ID VEHICLE DESCRIPTION: Tor VIN; 1JCWL783XFT072435 U EN AMOUNT; AT TIME OF 5 VEHICLE STORED AT: Rob's Jo rom e . Idaho

REG ISTERED OWNER AND«— S u san -R e y o s D olao.................

19487 S W Hop! Ct.. Tuolalin, ( VEHICLE DESCRIPTION; Roc VIN: 1GCCS14A7M622CG'K) LIEN A M O UN T; AT TIME 0 S1410.00.VEHICLE STO RED AT: Jnck W ost. R uporl. Idaho V a h lc la «12R EG ISTERED OWNER AND/C R a lna Burko23792 Prolrto Road. So<IioWo< VEHICLE DESCRIPTION: Mor VIN;2P4FH41GXFR211495 LIEN A M O U N T; AT TIME O $1300 .00VEHICLE STO RED AT: Jnck’ W ost. R uport. Idaho S o a lo d b id s m ust bo rocolvo P O U C E D is tr ic t o m c * locatw J a r p m e . Id a h o 83339. Tolop 6 0 0 0 . n o f a ta r lh a n Tuosdoy Amount of Bid doos not havo to .am ount. TtM highest t>kk>or wi woridng d a y foUmring tho salo. I a t ttM Id ah o S ta le Police at t^ phorw num ber.Lorrio A. a iv o rVotTfcIo AccounlabUHy Oflk»rIdaho S ta to Police

PLfBUSH: S aptam bor 18 and 2i

II ,

O F T R t lS m 'S S A L e :aa* No. 48713003, a t th e hour o f 2KX> o 'clock p.i >nt ontrar>c« ol th e -Jarom a Cour rth' Uncofn^ Je fo m e. Id ah o 8333

>Uc auction, to tha h ighest bWdar, f ' of the United Sta te s , aH payabie following described raa i propen

ty o t Jo rom e . S ta le of Idaho, ar o-wtt . ■sm O N , to th e C tty o f H a ia lto ilw.' a s th e sam«..la p la tte d In tt now of rocord In tti* offlca of tt Ity.is; aso M arlon D riv e . HiazeKoi

lado wtthout covonani o r warran ston Of oncum brancos to satisfy tf >y a n d p u rsu a n t to th a pow er < s O ood of T rust from S id n e y I < a n d E acrow , Inc ., T ru sto o , on nk. Beneficiary, d a ted O ctober ( •ber 13, 2000 , a s Instrum ent N< oromo County. Idaho, oro nam ed to comply wtth Soctio Codo. No roprosontatton is mod nol. proM nlly rosponslblo for thi

solo is lo b o m ado to failure lopo] lency In paym onts of $174153 p< ol May, Ju rw and JUIy. 2003. on is $523,59. Tho bolonce owing o

iligatlon socurod by sa id Dood c ilus 11% Intorost and foroctosuri

12002 laxos. which oro dollnquoni If August, 2003.


September 4 ,11 a n d 1 8 ,2 0 0 3

nCE O F SALE1,2003. a t 9:00 A.M. a sa le will b< iscrlbod abandoned vohicios, Th< bo low w ill b e s o ld o n o n *AS niy.- Pnym onl te rm s a ro cortrtloc >nly. V iewing will tako placo ol Ihc Dd below during tho hours of 8 arr

) AND/OR LIEN HOLDER )(non0. Newkirk. OK }N:198S O lds 4 dr 9256'IME O F SALE LIEN V/ILL BE

r; Ja ck 's Towtng. 150 S oulh 50

I AND/OR UEN HOLDER: orostonrO R ----------------------------------It.O RIN; Biuo 1990 Chevy 4 dr.>771E O F SALE LIEN WILL BE $805. Express Towing. 361 S outh 200

ANn/QR.LIFN H d L n g R '


idrORN; Blue 1988 Ford 4 dr,312E OF SALE LIEN WILL BE $737.; 4 G 's Towing, 1221 W . Moin.


U9 Chnsti. TX'J: Gray 1985 O lds 4 dr.J7g - ...................... .......... .......: OF SALE LIEN WILL BE $800. 4 O'S Towing. 1221 W . Main.


}, Idaho4; Blue 1990 C odilloc4dr.• 16i OF SALE LIEN WILL BE S645. Cotton Motors, 1148 E as t Main,


Murtaugh. IdahoI: Red 1985 Plymouth Van144OF SALE LIEN WILL BE S675.

Gom*Sfoto-Towingr233*Sooth*>VND/OR LIEN HOLDER:

1. Shollon. W A '.I; Whilo 1990 Oodge SW

OF SALE LIEN WILL BE 5675 Som S ta te Towing. 233 South


Rood. Moridian. ID : Brown 1980 Olds 2 dr.

OF SALE UEN WILL BE S992. Conyonsido Towing. 361 Goll Iho


izolton, ID Rod 1984 Ford PK

SOOOF SALE LIEN WILL BE $995. tob's Towing. 300 E ast Avo F. <


,ID ITon 1985 Je e p Cherokoo

15 «DF SALE LIEN WILL BE $975. t Ob'S Towing, 300 Eost Avo F. {



m'opT IRod 1991 Chevy PK rK) ItE O F SA LE LIEN WILL BE 1

VncK’o Towing, ISO S ou th 50 F


flWooltoy. WA • nMoroon 1985 Plymouth V an $ S ttE O F SA LE LIEN WILL BE d

anek’s Towing. ISO S outh 50 a

0ilvod a t th e IDAHO ST A T E If Mti*d a t 18 W aat 200 S o u th , lajlophone num b«r(208) 3 2 4 - A day. S o p te m b e r 30 . 2 0 0 3 . in '0 to equal or su rp ass Iho lien oi ir will bo notlfiod on tho first oi ilo. Bid slips may bo pk:kod a t th it tho above ad d ress-an d /o r ci

o( D,

>r , • Fl/a

,d 2 5 .2 0 0 3 PI

NOTICE O P TFThe teOowIno deecribed t

auctton to the h ighest bklde Ihe U nited S t a te s , in the

® o i/0 6 r t0 w '* l^

Tnrtt raco rdod*® 1»?09o" 0 0 3 1 5 1 , a n d a x o c u te d b TAYLOR, a s GA»nlor(a). In fl SALE LENDER, a s B e ^ k : l BOISE. INC.. th o Current Tr



The T rusleo h a s no kno description of th e abovo refc

, purposo of compHanca with I and T rustee ha s b een Infomv

. . 288 PIERCE STR EET, TWW limes a ssociated with soM r(

' BkMors m ust b e prepared Mlnn amount o t tho b id ol ttw sa

cash ior's chocic draw n on i [7^ sav in g s in s t itu tio n . S a id 1

covenant or warninly, oxproi p o ssesslon-o'r oncum brane socurodbyondpu rsua 'n tto tl Ihol certain D ebdofT rust.—

Tho deloull lor whteh this s Folluro lo pay th o monthly f P'J'Klpal. Inlorost and impou

, monis duo the reafte r; plus currontly accruing a t 7.750%

Iho lorms and condilfons ol t su p p le m o n la l m od lllca tlo i bo lonce ow ing a s of th is c

, . $12,735.85. p lus inleresl. cc!__ Incurrod in enforcing tho obi

this sale, toge ther wtth ony i „hA property ta x e s , an d /o r asB< Thn Trustees' loos a n d costs and < , . e to protect sokl socurity, OS Ol HIM "O'® socurod by th o aloromor

Therefore, Iho Bonoficiary < trust p roperty lo b o sold. tos«




SQ Dalod Soplom bor 4 .2 0 0 3 . Nomo ond A ddress of tho Cur STEWART TITLE O F BOISE. 9196 W est Em erald, Sulto 10< Bolso. ID 83704

------- PH0NE:.<800) 281-8219 forirS tew art T itle of B o ise . Inc. S By; Dlona L. A yros, Trust Olf*

PUBLISH; Soplom bor 11.1805. _______________ ___________!00------------------------ NOTICE OF-TRU


- - A M a f e S i aFlrat A m erican 'H tle C om pan

___ Twin Falla, In jh o County ol 1Firsi Ambhcan Title Compoh] Corporalion. o s su c c e s s o r ti ouction, 10 Ihe highosl bidder. 1

)7. (cash equivalent). In lawful mc in. oil poyoblo a t Iho tim e of sa le i

45-1506(9) Idoho C odo . tho property, situoied in m e Coun Idaho, ond doscnbod a s follow; PARCEL 1Township 9 Soulh. Rongo 17. E Twin Falls County. Idoho Section 35; A parcol ol land I6<

)0 . rrwre porticulorty doscnbod os In. COMMENCING a t tho Soulh c

Section 35;TH EN C E N o n h 8 9 '5 S '0 2 * boundary o l the SE1/4SW 1/4 loot:

•THENCE North O'OO'OO* East lool lo the TRUE POINT O F BE THENCE South 65*23’ W est for

5. THENCE North 17-38 '30-W os n, picket fence for o distanco of 3i

THENCE S o u lh 6 0 '1 7 ’45* E Rocord) for a d islanco of 386.3i OF BEGINfjJING.PARCEL 2An eosom ent and ngh l ot woy fo and across a sirip o f land in tho 35. Township 9 Soulh . Range

5. said strip boing 30 .0 foot wido w

BEG?NNING"m a ^ ^ t IhoU^N 1304.99 foot from th e quanor s Socilon 35. T ow nship 9 South Moridion and Section 2. Towns Eost Boise Meridian, sold pbini existing rood-woy In the Pork Ri THENCE Soulh 89 '451/2 ' East. <

5 Is North 3 5 .4 9 lo o t a n d Wool h quanor com er:

THENCE N orthoosterly 119.23 curve lo the loll Ihat hos a radl conlroi onglo ol 24 '511 /2 ’: THENCE N onh 65-23 ' E ast. 517 THENCE N orthoastorty 109.80 curvo 10 the IeU Ihat hos a rod! conirol ongle of 54‘S4';

(. THENCE N onn 1 0 '2 9 'E a s t 510. II THENCE N onhoostorly 268.14

curvo to Ihe nght ih a t h as a rad conval anole ol 80 '261 /2 ': THENCE South 8g '041/2 ' Eosi 2 Is North 1013.75 foo l a n d E os quonor section cornor. And olso 1 rodius ol 30.0 loot. Iho radius b above last described polni.

Tho Trusleo has no knowlod , doscriplion o l tho a b o v e roforo

for purposes of compliance-witl Codo.-tho Trustoo h a s boon lnl( Iho Couniy A s s e s s o rs o fllco . Polallne R oad E a s t, Tw in Fall ossoclolod Wllh soid rool property

S a id s o lo w ill bo m o d e

. to satisfy Ihe obligation secured , powor ol solo conterrod In tho d«

E R N E S T E H E N D R IC K S J l

COMPANY 0 ? ’ c S S o J N c t or e u o o e sso r t r u s to o . lo r Iho bo U.S. Bank N ational A sooclatle rocordoc) Ju ly 2 0 ,2 0 0 1 , a s Instm Mongago Rocords of Twin Falls ( THE ABOVE GRANTORS 'ARE WITH SECTION 45 -1506 (4 )(A REPRESENTATION IS MADE 1 ARE NOT. PRESEN TLY RESF OBLIGATION.

Tho dofaull.lor vrhich Ihls sal. loiluro lo poy whon d u e . undor C

'm onlhly paymonts lor PrirKipal, tn $623 ,28 . duo pe r m o n th for Ih through July. 2003 a n d oil subsoqi dole of sale or roinslatem onl. ur oro duo In Iho omounl of $105.00 ot 8,84% por an n u m , a n d cbnil December 15. 2002. Tho prlncip Ihis date on tho obligation socuro< la $78,883.04, plus oeeruing Interoi AU delinquent am ounts ore r>ow cti ing Iota chargea ond Interest, unp< osse ism e n ls . tru s te e 'a fee s , atti omounts odvonced to protect Iho s thia loroclosure and t t u t th e bon c a u s e Iho tr u s t p ro p e r ty to be obUgatton.Date: Septombor 2 .2 0 0 3 FIRST E R IC A N TITLE COMP/i /s/MonIno Colo. Tniat Officor

PUBLISH; Sep tem ber 1 6 ,2 5 . Octl

________ • ,1

P T R U S T S SA LE « d property w il b e ao ld e t publk: klder, p a y ^ In lawful m oney of Ihe ollice ol Twin Fall* T itle & 10 S treet N orth. T w in F a lla . ID

>90 a* Instnjment N um ber 1999- id by PATTI D PA T T E R S O N - , In lavor Df AMERICA’S vm O LE- «4k:la<y, to STEWART TITLE OF It Trustee of record, covering the- icated Iri Twin Falla County, sta te

OCK 6 OF BLUE LAKES ADDI- UNTY. IDAHO ACCORDING TO . RECORDED IN BO O K 3 OF ORDS OF SAID COUNTY, knowlodge of a -m oro partlculor relorencad real p ropony, bu t for.

vith Idaho Codo. Scction 60-113. om M dlhalthoatreot add reaao l. rWIN FALLS, ID 83301 Is e o m e - M real property.ired to tender the trustoo tho full t aale in tho form of c aah , or a on 0 sla te or fodorally Insured Ild so le will bo m a d o w ith o u t, [press or Implied, rogordlng tKlo, ■oncos to sallsty .lh o obllootlon to the powor of sold' corifbrred InIt.-------------------------------------- —lie salo Is to bo m odo Is:Ily payment due 06 /15/2002 of- p o u n u ond subsequen t Instoll- ilus lale charges, w ilh Inlorost 0 % per annum; togolhor wHh all iced by benollclary pu rsuan t to ol sold Dood of Trust, a n d any

Itions Ihorolo. T h o p r in c ip a l Ils da te on sa id o b lig a tio n Is I, costs and e x p o n so s actually I obligations Ihoroundor a n d in ny unpaid and/or a cc ru ing real issossm enls, a tto rn e y s ' leo s . indonyothoram ount odvonced IS authorized In iho promissoryim onlionodDoodol-Trust.—----- --ary okKis lo sell, o r c o u so soid :o solisfy sakl obligation.3IVEN THAT T H IS FIRM IS iCTADEBTAND ANY INFOR- . A/ILTBE’U S E D 'F O R 'T H A T ' HE DEBT MAY BE DISPUTED. 1 S ARE NAMEO T O COMPLY , 06(4)(o) IDAHO C O D E . NO | WAOE THAT THEY ARE. OR 1 I* RESPONSIBLE FO R THIS

ICurrent Trusloo isISE. INC. i1IOO . ’ I

or informoiion----------------------------!ic. Successor Trustoo >Olficor c

. 16,25 andO ctobor 2 .2 0 0 3 [ ____________________________ V

IfRUSTEE'SSALE____ . 1 - E-16544 ll

M t f f i X -gnC T ^pany, 260 3rd A v en u e N orth , hol twin Foils, S ta to ol Idaho, r<

iiohy ol Idaho. Inc.. an Idoho C or trusloo, will soil a t pub lic 4 lor. lor cosh or c ash ie rs chock . ■! I monoy ol Iho Unltod S ta te s . L die in compiionco w ith Section tho lollowing d e sc r ib e d rool (n louniy ot Twin Foils. S ta te ol ui Hows, lo-wit; tf

lh17. Eoslol Ihe Boiso Meridian, m

dld locaiod in iho SE1/4SW 1/4. cl I os foltows: fo(lh ono-quorter co rno r ol said l>

01)2* W est a lo n g t h o S o u th 0 '1/4 Ior a distoncQ.01 181.31 «

lasi lor 0 distonco of 241 .28 I& : BEGINNING: 0ilfo rad i9 iancoot263 .75foel: Si Wosi along on existing melal >1316.191001; PIi* Eosi (South 6 0 * 1 9 ' E as t 16.37 loot to the TRUE POINT

Wly for ingress nnd o g re s s over 1 tho South ono-half o f Soction a. ige 17 Eost. Bolso M ondian. fIi jo wilh 15.01001 on ooch sido Tv

is Norih 38.07 lool o n d W ost Ccor sociion com er com m on to ou3uth. Rango 17 E as t. Boise (ctwnship 10 South. Rongo 17. oilDim boing in Iho c en te r ol tho 45k Ridge Addition; nf<ast. 612.93 foot 10 a point thoi idi/o s t 692.07 le o t Irom so ld To

Mc).23 foot along tho arc o l a Soradius ol 274.82 loo t a n d 0 mc

517.09 foot:).60 foot along th e a rc of 0 mti rodius ot 114.59 too l a n d a Kir

Thi510.94 lool: Th,I.14 loot olong m o a rc of o Thi rodius ol 190.99 fool a n d a Thi

TMlISI 250.53 lool 10 a poini tha l too Eost 492.94 fool from so id am ilso 0 circular oreo Ihot h o s o Kin JS boing coincident with tho Lot

viodgo ol 0 moro particular dosforoncod roal p roperty , bu t purwith Socjtton 60 -113 Idoho ihoI Informed Ihat occord ing to CoiIco. Iho o d d ro s s o f 2 5 8 3 SoiFalla, Idaho. Is som otim os sakjOrty,- - ■ Jid e w lihout c o v e n a n t o r regiisoasion or o n cum brancos oblijred by ond pursuont to iho con0 dood ol trust e x ec u ted by Q tt 3 J R . AND V A L E R IE C anc »^RR3T-AMERtCAN-rm:E- '001 , on Idaho Corporation, a a suo > bonofit a n d s e c u r i t y o f PAI a llon ND, os bonotk;lorv, Moi istnimont No. 2001013077. insli Ills Counly. Idaho. Fall .RE NAMEO TO COMPLY THE l)(A). IDAHO C O D E . N O WIT 3E THAT THEY A R E . O R R E ESPONSIBLE FO R T H IS ARE

sakl is to be m odo Is Iheor Deed ol Tnjst N oto. tho lalluII, Intorost and Im pounds o l mon r Iho m onlhs o f J a n u a r y $72' sequont paymenta until Iho 200J I. uncollected tate ch a rg o s pavr 5.00. with intoreat acc ru ing mon bnilnulng to a c c ru e from occr Dcipal halanco ow ing aa o l from urod by saW D eed of Trust o t lh torosl, costs and a dvancoa. Trus w duo, together wtth acc ru - adva jnpoib' ond occruIng ta x es , withattomoy'a looa, a n d a n y accn

he socurtty a ssocia ted with foes,bonetlciary ekicts to sell o r a sso1 b e sold to s a t i s f y s a id elect

. satlsi


October 2 and 9 ,2 0 0 3 puBI



N o n c e o F T n i k: On W ednesday , th e 7lh c of hou r of 1 0 :3 0 o 'c lo c k a . r & entrance of th e Twin Fans C< D Twin Falls, S ta te of Idaho. 1 ■L cwg o r a l t o g ^ ttustae.^wUI 1

)■ S ta te s , all p a y a b le a t Ihe 1 1* described rea l property, sHu :- Falls, S tale o l Idaho, a n d det F Lot 1 ond th e W eet 7 le e t 1 « SUBDIVISION. Twin Falla C e the otfidal p lat theroof recorc

32, rocords of Twin Falls C oi I- Commonly know n a d d re s s i 3 Twin Falls . Idaho 83301 . . p Sakj sa le win bo m ade wl

rogording tltlo. p o ssoss lon or ir obligaiion socurod by a n d pu ir> conlorrod in th o doo d o l tri I. ALLOOOD a n d JA N C IE A I. Wile, grantors to TITLEFAC

benefii a n d a o cu r lty o t FIR BANK OF TWIN FALLS, reo

II a s Instnim onl N o. 2001-023 1 TWin Foils County. Idaho. i The dofoult for whk:h this sa

I, iflrfonthly poym onis. collectic L lh r^ h _ A u g u s t 2 8 .2 0 0 3 , oil ii 1 (2 ) R eal propbrlyf ta x o s lo - •$ i;302 ;50 .-p iu rin tero srandp

and tho unpakl phrtclpol bolar I' tho obligation socu red by sold• plus Interest, lo te cho rges and I DATED: A ugust 29 .2 0 0 3 .I TITLEFACT. INC.. Trusloo . By R. Todd B lasa. Vtee Presid ' COLEMAN. RITCHIE & ROBE I Allomoys lor T rusleo

Residing ot Twin Foils. Idaho

PUBUSH: S ep tem ber 4 .1 1 .1 NOTICE O F TT»U

On Thursday, th e I5 lh do' hour of 10:00 o clock o.m. of t Escrow. 311 2 n d St. N.. Twin f Falls. Stole of Idaho.-Chortos Tmsloe. virill soli a t public ouct tor cosh. In lowful m onoy of tho ot tho timo ol sa le , tho followir

jituaicdJnjna.Courity.oLX w in. doscribod a s follows, to-wii; LO T 5 IN B L O C K 4 .O F El ACCORDING T O THE OFFi FILED IN BOOK 3 O F PLATS RECORDS O F TWIN FALLS C

Tho Succosso r Trusloo hos pa rticu la r d e sc r ip tio n o l tho property, but lo r p u rp o ses ol co 113. ItfniTo C o d e , (ho Succc inlormod that Iho strool oddros! Falls , I 'loho. is som o tim os o property.

— Sold solo will bo modo-with rogording iitle. po ssessio n or or obligailon socurod by and purs conlorrod in Iho O ood ol Trusi ( BERNDT a n d C A R R IE K. B W ife, G ra n to r , to C h a r le s V Trustee, for Iho benefit ond soci BANK O FJD A H O, N.A.. rccor lns(rumon( No. 9 2 004386 . Mi Foils County. Idaho; ond assiqiAjjancy B V 'A ss io n m o n i'a n nMarch 31 ,1992 . a s Instrumeni ro co rd s ol T w in F a l ls C ount GRA N TOR ISN AM ED 'TO 'CC 45-1606 (4)(a), IDAHO CQDE IS MADE THAT THEY ARE. 01 LY RESPONSIBLE FO R THIS (

Tho dolault lor which ihts s loiluro to poy w hon duo. monil undor Iho D eed of Trus( Noio c the am ouni of $ 3 7 8 .0 0 ooch. through August. 2003. Inclusive month iheroaftor until d a te ol st dolinquont paym onts a re now di charges, plus a n y c o s ts oroxpoi loroclosure. Tho accruod intere: por onnum Itom M arch 1. 200^ owing a s of this da te on th e ot Oood ot Trusi IS $34,438.63. pli ralo of 7.4l<!b por annum Irom f/

DATED this 1 Sth day ol Sep te /S/CHARLESW FAWCETT0 Member ol tho Idaho Stolo Boi SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE

PUBLISH: Soptom ber 18. 25. 0<


On Iho 7lh day o l J a n u a r y . 2( A.M.. ol sold day. (rocognlzod lo First Am erican Tille C om p an y . Twin Falls, in tho C ounly o l Tw Firsl'A m orlcon 'Tm o'C om pany^ Corporation, o s s u c c o s s o r tru: auction, to tho h ighest bhldor. loi (cash oqulvaiont). In lov^ul mon< oil poyoblo 01 iho lime o l so le In 1 45-1506(9) Idaho C o d o , ih o lo proparty, situoiod In Iho County Idoho, ond doscnbod a s lollows. T ow nsh ip 10 S o u l h . R a n g o Moridion. Twin Falls County. Idol Socilon 26; T hat po rtion o l the moro doscnbod a s Ihb N orth 7 doscrlbod property: COMMENCir lool Wesl and 105 fool S oulh ol mtorsociion ol Birch a n d A dam s Kimberly. Twin Falls County. Idol Thence running South 150 fool; Thence W esl I27.S lool;Thonco N o n h i5 0 lo o t;Ihonco Easi 127.5 fool lo tho PO riio above bomg formerly doscri001 of Lois 1 10 5 irKluslve. Blocl )nd North 77.5 fool of Lots 17 to : <imborly Townsiio ond a ll Iho « .ots.

Tho Trustoo h a s no knowled{ Joscnplion ol iDo abovo roferenc( lurposos ol complianco with Socti ho Trustoo h.is b o o n Inlorm od :ounty A ssessors offk» . th e addn Iouth. Kimborly. Idaho , Is somi lald real propony.

Sold salo will bo m odo withoui ogording tillo. possossksn o r oncu ibliQOllon socurod by a n d pursuo onterrod In iho doo d o t trust e> lUMMOW AND KIMBERLY K

lO H P M V ^ I^ I D A H o N fc ^ ^ ^uccessor trustoo. lor tho bonelii ( A R G O HOME M O R T G A G E , lortgage. Inc., os bonoflclory, rec islrumoni No. 1997010799, Mon alls County, Idaho.HE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE I /ITH SECTION 4 5 - l5 0 6 (4 )(A ) EPRESENTATION IS MADE T RE NOT. PRESEN TLY RE S Pi BLIGATION.The dolault lor virhlch this ooki

illuro to poy when duo . u nde r D< lOnthly poymonis lor Principal, lnt ^ 1 .3 0 . duo por m onlh for tho 1 X)2 ond January ihrough July, 20 lymonla'until tho d a ta o l aale or onthly lole charge acc ru in g at xruing at 6,375% po r annum , ar> >m Novombor 1.2 0 0 2 . T he prtnc Ihls dale op m e obIigatk>n soci

u t t Is $79,860.63. p lu s accruin Ivances. /Ml dolinquont am ounta 1 th accru ing lato c h a rg e a a n d I cm lng taxos. a ssoaam en ta . (rua M. and any amounta adv an c ed I aodated wtlh ihls forecksaure a » Id a to sell or c o uae th e trua t p tisfy sakl obltgotK>n.Ita: September 2 .2 0 0 3nST AMERICAN TTTLE COMPAI• Monino Colo. Trust Olffc»r

/BUSH: Septom bor 1 8 ,2 5 . Octol

cpy - . ■

TRUSTEE’S SALE lh day o l January, 20p4, at the I .m . of ao ld d a y a t Ih e Iron t I 1 County CountMuse, County of0. TITIEFACT. INC.. a n Idaho ifill M il'a t pubUc auction, to the In'law hirm oney of tlie UntlecT

le tim e of aalo . Ihe following sHualed In the County ol Twin deacrttMd aa loltows. to-wIte t of Lot 2 . Block 12. KIMES < a County; Idaho, according lo I » rd ed In Book 5 ol Ptata. page '■ ^ u n ty . Idaho. ■sa Is 1810 9 th A venue E aat. <

I without covenarit or warronty 'or encum brances to satisfy Iho r

I pursuont to (he power ol solo *' irust executed by WILLIAM f■ ALLGOOO, H u sb a n d a n d ACT. INC,, a s im stoe lor IhoFIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS » roeordod D ecem ber 28 ,2001 .D23928, Mortgage rocords o l a

I sak) Is lo tw mode Is faiiuro 10 c

ction chargos and lole chorges 6 All in tho amount o l$ l ,700.16; 0 1 lo r 2 0 02 In Iho a m oun t o t -

ilanco owing o s of this daio on old dood ol truat is $64,215.43: and foroclosuro costs.



1. 18 and 25 .2003 . 11 RUSTEE'S SALE Ti day of January. 2004. ol tho S of aakl doy a t Alllonco Tltlo & Fi In Foils, in Iho Couniy o l Twin Ti os W. Fuwc0tt.-08 Succossor fo uction, to. tho highest bidder, a l the Unilod Slates, all payable P ' wing doscribod rool property W mn.Eflll9_StQlo.ol.ldaho.ji0d . ,L |

ELM PA R K A D D IT IO N . FFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, r s AT PAGE(S) 2. OFFICIAL do S COUNTY. IDAHO. Pt-nos no knowledge ol a more th o a b o v o -ro le re n co d rea l Oi I compliance with Sociion 60- <'n c c e s s o r T ru s tee hos been •OSS ol 438 W alnut S t.. Twin fO| s a sso cia te d with so id real c>b

COvithoui covenant or worronty- r encum brances lo satlsly Ihe lursuont to Iho powor o l solo 'b ' isi oxocutod by RICHARD M. So . BERNDT, H u eb a n d a n d cw s W. Fow colt. S u c c o s s o r roc iocurltyol FIRST SECURITY Me rcordod.M arch 31,.1992..os_ .TH Mortgogo rocords ol Twin WI

sj|n^od m

□ni No, 92004387. Mortgago OB unty . Idoho. THE ABOVE COMPLY WITrt SECTION £. NO REPRESENTATION Mn OR ARE N OT PRESENT, 'nlc

IS OBLIGATION. S o |s salo IS 10 bo mode is iho anc onihly installment payments 'Oir 10 daiod Mnich 31. 1992. in oxp :h . for the m onths of April ih o live: and lor each and ovory $07 I sale or roimbursomont. All mo' * duo. plus occumulaiod lalo (ponsos associated won ihis tru: orest is ai ihe rote ot 7.41% adv 003. Tho principal bolonce cloi I obligailon socurod by sokl Irus plus accnjotl Intorost a t the OA'

nM orch 1.2003. •ptembor, 2003. Sue

Bar. Boi!ToK

, Oclober 2 and 9.2003 PLIE

ISTEE'S SALE ;654.2 0 0 4 . at Ihe hour 0110:00 C i local lime), in tho Olfico of 10:C ny. 260 3rd A venue North. Offi Twin Foils. S tale of Idaho. Ave iy o fiaohoT Inc—o n -|ao h T ’S la l trusloo . will se ll ol public Inc., , lor cosh or coshlors check soli lonoy of Iho United Slalos. c o s t In compiionco with Soction Unit<

> following doscrlbod rool anc< nty of Twin Falls. Siato ol dose vs, lo-wil; FollJ20 18 E a s t o t th o B o lso Tow daho Fallsth e SW 1/4NW 1/4NW1/4. Soct h 75 loot ol tho lollowing o s fc CING 010 point which is 30 BogI I ol Iho comor stone 01 the Ther m s Strool in Iho Village ol of 2 C daho. Thorll; S oci

Boisi T hor

POINT OF BEGINNING. of (h scribod os tho South 52.5 R an i lock 51 Kimborly Townsiio 208.i to 21 inelusiuo ot Block 51 Thon0 olloy boiwoon Ihe sold disioi

Tfedge ol o moio partlculor desci incod ronl property, but lor purpc oc tion60-ll3ldQ hoC odo. Iho 7 lOd thal according lo tho Coun M ross 0(319 Birch S tree t N ortl amelimos nssociolod wilh rool p

SolOul covononi or warranty rogar icum brancos to salialy Iho oblige luont 10 tho powor ot salo con lo : oxocuied by KALVIN H SH E f K GUMMDW, h u sb a n d a n d 1

R S T A MFRICAN TITLE JIQ M l an Idaho Corporation, os succo lil end socurilv of WELLS Mort{ IE . INC.,MKa N o rw e e t- instru recorded Ju ly 7,1997. os FA R ! lortgoge Rocords ol Twin


A RE Iak l Is lo be mode is ihe OBLIC

Dood ol Tnjst Noto. Iho Thi Interest and Impounds ol toiluro

10 m onths ol Decombor. m onth 2003 and all subsequent $429.(

1 or rolnstalomont. wilh o Juno): a t $28.65, with intoresl sa le 01 and continuing to accrue a t $18 Indpal bokinco owing Os contini locurod by sold Deed ol bolanc uIng Interest, cosis and sokl D Ita aro now due. togolhor coets t Id Intoraal, unpoid a n d logetN n js te e 's lees, otlomoy's a n d a •d to protect Ihe security ottorrM and Ihat tha bonefk:lary securti It property to b e soW to benefk

sold to Date: f


» o b e r 2 a n d 9 .2003 PUBUi

] ADVEnnSEMBNT r} FO R BIDS FOR )f T r a a s s iv C T n o T E c n v E * (] TRAFFK: SIGNAL )\ CHANGES /,

SoakM propoaala will bo r: rocoivod In tho offico ot the r> D ep u ty Clly Clerk a t 321 g) S o cond Avenue East, Twin f■ F a l la . Id a h o un til 10 :0 0 ,1

I A.M.. prevailing local time 0o n O c t o b e r 3 , 2 0 0 3 a t -

, w h ic h llm o Ihey sholl bo p, public ly opened and rood gI In th o City Holl Conlorenco rI R oom ol the Twin Falls City _I Halt. II

Bkfs'vrtll bo received for (: intorsoctlon signal chonges. 0

C oniract Documents wtlh t s p o c l l l c o t l o n s a n d /o r . p lo n s a ro available ot.lhooffk^i of the City Engineer. 13 2 1 S o c o n d A v o n u o cE a 's t. Tw in Falla. Idaho , na T W E N T Y D O L L A R j.i

■ , ■■ Ir -Vou»-Off-p»riM«tir-au<pn»*a-

at t^ow.amy 11 it to puce a classitiod aa The cost is

• low . iMo io8uli» are ntQh -Thai’s cMMilHKl. 733 0031. T,

B ooth, Ja am NOTICE OF TWOS'

O n Monday, tho 5th day o t Ja r 10:00 o'clock o.m. of sokl day (1 Tw in Foils Counly Courthouse I S t. N.. Twfin Foils. ID 83303.01! Foils, S ta te ol Idaho. Michael L. T rustee , will sell at public ouctic lo r cash.- in lawful monoy o l th o I a t Iho lim e o l the so lo , th o fc property , situoiod in the Counh Idaho , ond doscribod a s lollows, LO T S 1 AND 2 IN BLOCK 88 I


T h o Trusloo hos no knowlec description ol tho abovo roforom pu rposo o l complionco^ith Idah tho T rustee has boon informed I OAKLEY AVENUE, HOLLISTEl lim os bo associated wilh said roi

S a id solo will bo made witho regard ing title. possossk>n or one obligation socurod by and pursu con lorrod in tho Dood ol Trust e

.B o o th , a s Groniot(s). to Allianc o s T rusloo. Michael L. Schindelo for th o bonolil nnd socurity ol Sorv icos. a division ot Bank of A c ia ry . sa id Dood ol Trust doioi recorded M arch 19.1997. a s Insii M ortgago Rocords ol Twin Foils 1 THE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE

■ W IT H 'S E C rnO N '45 t1506 (4 )0

OBLIGATION.T h o doloull lor which ihis sal

failuro 'to pay whoh'duo; undor'Di M arch 14, 1997, Iho monlhly p in lo ro st ond im pounds of $469.! S ep tom bor 14.2002, ihrough thoi a n d a ll subsoquont paym onts ui ro insiatom ont with all accrued inl o x ponsos . Tho principal balance 1 I h o o b l ig a t io n so c u ro d by s i $67 ,7 9 1 .5 6 . plus accruing intoro m o n is ore now duo. togolhor will a n d inlorost, unpaid and accruin t r u s t o o ' s le e s , o ilo rn o y 's lo o a d v an c ed to protect Iho security a c lo su ro and (hol tho Benollclary ol trust property 10 be sold to solisfy DATED this 3rd day of Soplembo /s/M ichool L. Schindelo S u c c o sso r Trustee P O Box 1990 Boiso. Idaho 83701 T olophono; (208) 342<2241

PUBLISH: Soplombor 11. 18. 25 c

NOTICE OF TRUSTE O n (ho 17lh day ol D ecem bei

10:00 A.M.. of soid doy. (tocognl 3 f lic o o l F i r s t A m e ric an T itle \ y e n u e N orth. Twin Falla, In iho >lolo ona.Tho. First American Tii nc .. a n Idaho Corporalion. a s s loll a t public auction, lo tho highi :o sh iors check (cosh oquivaloni). Jnitod S lates, oil payable at Iho 1 inco witn Soction 45-1506(9) Idol le scribed real propony, sltuotod 1 ■oils. S to le o l Idoho, and describe 'ow nsh ip 9 South, Range 14 E ast ‘a lls C ounty, Idaho ioc tion 34; A parcel ol lond m oro IS follows:loginning ot tho Southwest com or h e n c o North olong said quanor s f 208.71 tool to a poini on sa id qu h o n c o E osi along a lino porollo Ioction 34 . Township 9 sou th . F « iso Mondinn. o dislanco of 208.7 ho n c o Soulh along 0 line parallol I Iho S E 1/4N W I/4 . Soction 34. la n g o 14 E osi o l tho Boise Moi 08.71 loot to o point on Iho South I h onco W esl along the South lino isionco ol 208.71 lool 10 iho POIN

T ho T rustee has no knowlodgo DSChpdon o l (ho above rotoroncoc j rp o so s ol compliance with Sociioi lO T ru s lo o h a s boon Inlormod II ounty Asso99ors olllco. Iho oddro: o r th . B uhl. Idaho, is som etim es ol property.Sold solo will be mode without 1

gard lng liilo. possession or oncum iligaiion socurod by and pursuant in lo rro d in the dood ol truat ox< H EPH ERD AND CONNIE J SHI id w ife , o s gran tora . to F IR ST 3MPANY QF IOAHO IMf! nn 1/ c c e s s o r trustoo. lor (ho twnofil ar o r tg a g e . o s bonollciary. recordo jiru m o n t N or1099010l97 .“a n d i X R Q O H O M E M O R T Q A Q E , ll x tg a o e . Inc., a s benollcla7 by 1 ly 2 8 ,1 9 9 9 . a s Instrumeni l4o. 19 •cords of Twin Falls Counly, Idahc IE /\B O V E GRANTORS ARE N/ ITH SE C T IO N 45.1506(4)(A >, ^PRESENTATION IS MADE TH IE N O T . PRESENTLY RESPO i ILIGATION.Tho doloull for whk:h this solo h uro to pay whon due. undor Doe inthly paym ents for Principal, Inter 29.97. d u e per monlh lor Iho moni io )2 0 C 3 a n d all sut»oquenl paym0 o r reinstotomonl. with a monthly $18 .54 , with Intorost accnjlng at itinu lng lo accrue Irom February 1 a n c e ow lna aa of (his dale on U>o c d D ee d ol Tniat is $34,704.87. pli Its a n d advancos. AD delinquent a t e ttw r with accrulf>g lalo charges d a c c r u in g ta x o s , a s a o s s m e n >mey'8 feea, and any amounta adii :urtty a a a o d a te d wtth this loreci w fld a iy e lec ts to son or c au sa ttw1 to aatisfy aakl obllgaUon.:e: A uguat 8 .20031ST /kM ER K ^N TITl£ COMPAN' M onino Cola. Tnist Officer

B U SH: August 28. Septem ber 4 . '


k. ^ I I I M i( $ 2 0 . 0 0 ) c o n t r a c t t e e ^ olua a F inEEN -D OU JV R ( $ 1 5 .0 0 ) m a ilin g f e e If '2 ?

i w a i s j k:. 321 Second Avenue Eaat PO Box 1907

.Tw in Foils. ID 83303-1907 S .j 208-735-7245 C

PUBLISH: S ep iem ber 18 ?^o a n d 25,2003OPEN : Oclober 3 .2003 . c ”,



MAGISTRATE DIVISION Tr, CasoN o.C V -03.3818 NOTICE TO CREDITORS pn i I .e . §15.3-801 ,1 ,In tho Motlor o l tho Estole _


G IV E N Ihal W a r re n W . OF 'B il l* S k in n er h a s boon

-------------------------------------- MACas

M hlneH .' NOIIST E E 'S SALE » C.lonuary 2004, ot Iho hour.of I” O' r (rocognlzod kjcol lime), ot o [ j 10 locaiod ot 425 Shoshone e h l >126. In (ho Counly of Twin L L. Schindelo, a s Successor N rtlon, to the highosl bklder. GIV ©U nited Stales, oil payable Ehlifo llow ing described rea l pors

nty of Twin Falls. Slato ol ‘ n o vs. lo-wil; d e c6 O F HOLLISTER TOWN- ^ovi rriDAMOrRECOHDED IN- 'dOCO 5 .- . • fOQUlodgo of a moro particular c lo l 3ncod rool property, but lor " ’Ohi aho C ode. Soction 60-113. <<'st d tha t tho address of 2448 >10110 PER, ID 83301 may som e- ^otov roal property. Cljnout covenant or. warranty <3d tc ncum brancos lo saiisly Iho « su a n i to (ho powor of sole •'led1 oxocutod by Jaam lne H. Cournco.Titlo.& Escrow.Corp___ S T Ejlo, a s Succossor Trustoo, STOI of BankAmorica Housing / s ^ u Am onca, FSB.'osBonoti- A iloi

lo d M arch 14, 1997 a n d Flopii sirumont No. 1997004173. P O . is Counly. Idaho. TwinIE NAMED TO COMPLY Tolop jrA riD A H O -C O D E T N O - ~ 7 —

solo IS to bo mado Is iho o / t Dood olT nist N olo'dolod' q is t i’ paym on ts lor principaii ■ m b ., 9 .90 . lor tho monlh(s) ol 10 current month and year,until tho dale ol sole or |h| . q

inlorost. lalo charges and r n r n:o owing 09 ol this dale on MnrK s a i d D o o d o l T ru s t Isirosi. All dolinquont pay- a/Ith accruing late charges b ab -tjing toxos, assossm onls. poOOS. a n d any a m o u n ts .JCr oesociatod with this lore- / - l u r o lects 10 sell or cause Iho

Dor. 2003. ,^0 n,All po agains

thoir c monlh

5 o n d 0 e io lio ,2 .2 0 0 3b o Ion

---------------- m u s tC o l o

FEE'S SALE F^oborw r, 2003. ol tho hour of L aw , I jnlzod local lime), in iho Falls. :le C o m p a h y . 260 3 rd a n d lil< ho C ounty ol Twin Fnlls, DAT Tilio Company ol Idaho, Augusi . su c ce sso r trustoo. will /aTKoili jhost bidder, lor cosh or Porsor I), in lov^ul monoy ol Ihe0 tim e ol sale in compii- PUBLI laho Codo. mo lollowing 11 and d In tho Coumy ol Twinood a s lollows. lo-wit; ist. Bolso Moridion. Twin

ro partlculorly doscnbod

lOr of (ho SE1/4NWI/4; r socdon lino, a dislanco quonor sociion line;Uol lo tho South lino of " O f 'C

R a n g e 14 E as t e l tho ' . 3.71 fool 100 pdint; ‘'I01 to tho Wesl boundary 14. T ow nship 9 Soulh. lo rld lo n . a dislanco ofh lino of sold SoctWn 34; ' - N O !no 01 said Soction 34 aINT O F BEGINNING. P®go of a moro pariicularod roal property, but forlion 60-113 Idaho Code. "I'P®™I th a t occording to thoro ss o l 1226 E aal 4150 ®8‘ ®*®)s a ssociated wrth said

It covonanl or worronty jm bran ces lo satisfy the 9int to Iho powor ol solo J>®'' jx o c u to d by KEVIN C IHEPHERD. h u sb a n d >T AMERICAN TITLE -Idaho-C orporationr-as. Jil2<yWl a n d aocuriiy of C.MJk. dod M ay 28 .1999 , a s d a ss ig n e d to WELLS , I N C ., fk a N o rw e e t y assignm ent recorded 1 ^ ^ 0 1 9 8 , Mortgago


1 la lo b e made is the in THE Iood of Trust Nolo, tho O F THEte rest and Impounds ol DISTRIC)nths of March through o f IDA)r tnen ts unill tho dale of t h e C<Ily la te charge accruing FALLEIt 7% po r annum, and Ir 1 ,2 0 0 3 . The principal C a s* NoB obligation secured by NOTICEp lu s occruing interest. In th e Mam ourrtaarenow due. of: C O M« a n d Interest, unpakl i m x ER> n ts . t r u s te e 's f e e s . Doomidvanced to protect the N O TI(C losure and tha t the G IV E Nh e tn is t property to b e s lg n e d h t

NY O F IDAHO. INC.^ deoei

1 .11 a n d lB .2 0 0 3

mb*r 18.2009, Thn— W»w>.

a p p o in t e d p e r s o n a l r e - *- p resen ta tlve of the above- - —

- n a m o d - d o o o d a n l r A I I --------------p e r s o n s h a v in g c la im s again st th e decedent or the e s t a t e a r e r e q u i r e d lo p rese n t their da im s within lo u r (4) m o n th s a fie r Ihe date of th e first publication ol th is n o tk » or sak l claims will b e lorovor barred. • - '

Claim s m ust b e present, od to tho u n d e rs ig n ed at

.Iho a d d re s s Indicated and filed .wilh th e Clerk ol the Court. 'S T E P H A N . K V ANVIG.STONE & TRAINOR /a/Russell Q . Kvanvig A llo rn o y s fo r P e r so n a l Roprosontativo P.O. Box 83Twin Foils. ID 83303-0083 Tolophono: 208-733-2721

PU BLISH; Sop lom bor 4.11 a n d 18. 2003IN TH E-tnSTRKT r COURT--------------O FT H E FIFTH JU0K3IAL DISTRICT O F THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN ANO FOR '


MAGISTRATE DIVI8K)N C aso No. CV-2003-3838 NOTICE TO CREDITORS I.e. § 15-3-801 In Iho Motlor ol tho Estole o l ; R E B E C C A S U S A N EHLERS,

D ocoosod.N O T IC E IS H EREBY

G IV E N t h a l K a r e n L .E h le ra h a s tw on appointed 1. p e rsona l ropresentativo ol t h o a b o v o - n a m o d d e c e d e n t . A ll p e r s o n s hoving clo im s ogoinsl Ihodocodoni-orthO 'O Stato'arD--------------req u ire d to p re se n t their c l a im s w i lh in l o u r (4 ) iTionths oltor tho dote of Ihe i r s t p u b l ic a t io n o l (h is 10I1C0 o r sa id claims will bo orovor borro'd.

Claim s m ust bo prosoni*)d to tho u n d e rs ig n ed a t ho odd ross indicated ond ilod wjth Iho Clork of Ihe Jourt.S T E P H A N . K V AN V IG. 5T0N E& TRA IN 0R sm usso ll G . Kvanvig M to rnoys fo r P e r s o n a l ^oprosonloiivo >.0 . Bo*. 63win Falls, ID 83303.0083 'olophono; 208-733-2721

>UBLISH: S e o to m b o r 4.v a n in B T a o o a ---------- --- ________ ;•i THE DISTRICT C O U ^>F-THE FIFTH JUDICIAL__________IISTRICT O F THE STATE DF IDAHO. IN AND FOR



D ocoosod.N O T IC E IS HEREBY

IVEN th a t th o u n d e r- gned h a s boon appointed ersonal Roprosontolive ol 10 nbovo -nnm od ostoio.II p e rso n s having claims ja inst Iho said, docoosod0 r o q u ir o d to p re s e n t

oir cloim s within four (4) onlhs nItor th e do te ol (ho s t p u b l ic a t io n o l ih is

Ilico o r so ld clo im s will1 lorovor ba rrod . Claims u s t b o p r o s o n t o d to o l o m a n . R i t c h i e &> b e rtso n . A llo rnoys 01 iw . P O B ox 5 2 5 . Twin Ills. Id o h o ^ 3 3 0 3 .0 5 2 5 . d lllod with tho Coun..DAIED,IWo.29ttLdoy.ol__________igust. 2003.Koila Je o n Holor Hoskins irsonal Roprosontniivo



AGISTRATE DIVISION SO No.SP-03-00112 )TICE TO CREDITORS .§15 -3 -8 0 1 tho M atter o l tho Esiato EARL RICHARD > I R . JR .D ocoosod.N O TIC E IS H EREBY /EN Ihot S h e r i K. Blair I b o o n a p p o in ted por- lal roprosoniotive of Ihe > ve-nam od d e ce d en t, p e rso n s having claims ilnsitho docodoniortho o to o r o r o q u i r o d lo

sen t thoir cloim s within r (4) m o n th s a lte r iho » of tho lirst pubiicoiion Ils nolico o r sold cloims bo lorovor barred.:iolms m ust bo prosoni- to th o u n d e rs ig n e d al O ddross indlcoied and 1 with tho C lork o l the__________Irt.E P H A N , K V A N V IG .>N E4-TRAIN 0R------------------------aird 8 . Slono jr n o y s to r P o rso n o i •rosontollvo .B ox 63t Folia. ID 83303-0083 ^ n o ; 200-733-2721


DfVISfON » No. CV-03-3834 ICE T O CREDITORS • e M atter'of th e E n a te ; DNAMARTM ALER. I

O T IC E i s H EREBY EN t h a t t h a u n d e r*Kl h aa b e en appointed wentatlve of th e above •d d * c * d * n t An per- h av ln g c ta lm e ag ak st:

leoadMtt o r h v * ^ : :oM r» « te fin * M |M o e:

Mr*. Y\v(n Fan*. kWw E7

Page 32: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

c a w i iCondnuad from pmtou

' > o ro ro q u iro d lo pr moir claims wnnin fc

(Irat p u b llc o tlo n o noilco or sold claims ' (o ro v o r b o rro d . Cl

' must oithor bo prosor th o u n d o ra lg n o d i add ross Indicated, o wtih ino Clock of mo (

DATECTttits 27lh c AUQUSI/ 2003. /s/Edno Hutchins c/o Jot> Slokor PO B ox tS97 Twin Fnlla, 10 83303-

i PU 6LISH : Sopiom b' , n nnd 18,2003



MAGISTRATE DIViS C aso No, CV-2003-37

----------------- NOTICe-rO CREDITC(MahoCodo fS-3-60fl In ttio Manor ol Iho Esi of HASKEL SHEDR C O N R A O a n d A L BERNfTA CONRAD,

Oocoasod. N O TICE IS HERE

G IV E N lh .il th o unc r.ignod h.-)s boon appon poisonol ropiosonlaliv


. • On Iho 14th day ol Ja: - - - A,MrOls<lidday.-(roco

Firat Am orlcan Tnia C Twin Falla, in tho Cou Fiir.i Amorlcan Tlllo C( C o tpo ra tjon, a s auccc .luclion. lo Iho highosl t (c.ish oqiiivaloni). in la< .'III pnynt}lo nl tho timo 0 •I6-1506(9| Idaho Cod p^opprly. siluOIOd in th< Idnho. .ind doscribod as Lcil 12 in Block 7 ol SOL Couniy, Idnho. rocoidoa

Tho Trustoo hns no doscriptlon ol Iho .ibovo purposos ol compiianco Tho T rustoo hns boon Couniy A ssossora ollico S treot, Twin Falla, Idah s,i>d ronl propony.

Said sAio wtu. bo mac roQorciing inlo. possossic obiifintion socurod by ar conlorrod in tho dood i SEALY AND BARBARA

-----------------g rn n to fs rio -F IR S T 'A t---------—

V oterana' Atfalra, an C A m erica, a s bonoliclary.

----- ----------- tnsirumon|-No,-84M 28.-C F VETERANS AFFAIR: r o c o r d o d A u g u a t 2 9


Tho dolaull lor which lailuro to pay whon duo. monihly pnymonts for Prii S3-I7.36. duo por monlh Oocomtior. 2001 nnu Ja r •incl January, 2003 and all da lo oi salo or roinslnlom accruing ol S13 89 . with annum, and continuing to Also duo oro dolinquont a pnncipal balanco owing a

. socuiod by sold Oood ot 7 ing iniorost. costs and adv a ro now duo. logoihor w in to ro st. unpa id a n d ac t r u s to o 's lo o s , a ito rn o

' advancod to proioct Iho so closure nnd Ihal Iho bonoli trust property lo bo sold to Dale; Soplombor 4 . 2003 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE

-------------- 6y-Monin»CoU>,.Tru8lOlf»

PUBLISH: Soplombor 10.;


On Wodnosdoy. Iho I4il hour ol 10:00 o'clock o,m. lim o). n t Twin F a lls Cou 425 Shoshono St. N„ Tw Iho County ol Twin Falls, Sch indolo . o s S u ccosso i auction, to Iho highest bidd«

‘ Iho Umiod Slates, all payat lollowing doscritiod real prc ol Twin Falls. Staio ol Idor lo-wil:LOT 13 IN BLOCK 95 01 FA L L S CO U N TY. IDAH OFFICIAL PLAT THEREO O F PLATS. PAGE 33. Rl COUNTY. IDAHO.

Tho Trusloo hos no knc doscnpiion ol tho abovo loti purposo ot compliance with Iho Trusloo h as boon inlon 11TH AVENUE NORTH. B Iimos bo nssociniod with sni

Sftid a<«ie will bo mndo v lognrdmg liilo. possession oi obiigaiion socuiod by and p conforrod in tho D ood of 1 Hilliard a n d Tam m y Hlllla Gr.intoi(st, 10 Twin Foils Tn rrusioo, Mich.iolL. Schmdol Iho bonolii a n d security o Sofviooorl«ie^f>9-6qnohe'a r Juno .1, 2000. and recoidod , No 2 0 0 0008553 , K*orlga<

----------- County.-ldaho.--------------------THE ABOVE GRANTORS - WITH SEC TIO N .I5-I506( REPRESENTATION IS MA ARE NOT, PRESENTLY F OBLIGAflON

Tho dolault lor which Ihii laituro 10 pny when due , undi Juno 1.2000, Iho monihly pa< and im pounds ol $561,92, ll 2 0 0 3 , Ih fough Iho curron i subsoqunni paym ents until tr mont with all accruod ir«0r03l. T he principal bn ln nco bwii obligation secured by snu) D< plus-occruing intorosl. All dol duo, logothor Wllh accruing unpaid nnd accruing tnxos, oj attorney's foos, and ony omou socuriiy a ssociaiod wilh ihit Benolicinry elec ts lo soli or ca

• sold to satisfy M id obligaiton, DATED Ihia lOm day of Sopto /a/Michaol L. Schlndeld Succossor Trustoo

' PO B ox 1900 Boise. Idaho 83701 Telephone; (208) 342-2241

PUBLISH: Soptember 18.25.

E8 TIm«i-N«wi,'

"*uip«o» th e a b o v o -n a m o d denis. All p e ra o n a J

> p ro ao n t claim s a g a in s t th a la four (4) donta o r th o o s ta tc

in o t th ia .claima w ithin four cr ms will bo afloc th o d a te o f thi . C la im s ' publication of this noi isonted lo said c laim s will bo f< Id a i th e borrod,1 or lllod Claims muat t>o pri ho Couci, Dd to th o u n d e rs ig n ’lh doy el ’ tho oddross indicatoc

filod with th o C lork i Coun,/a/Stanloy R, Williams c /o FELTON & FELTC

I03-1S97 PO B ox 589Buhl. 10 83316-0589

im bor 4. (2 0 0 )5 4 3 -4 3 ^


J .L . S C O T T a n d R l :R E B Y S C O T T ,H u s b a n d < u n d o r- W U a. a n d A LL OTI- >poiniod P E R S O N S U N K N O I3IIV0 ol CLAIMING ANY RIG


II January , 2004. a t tho hour o l 1( ecogciijsd local timo). in tho Offic « Com pany. 260 3 rd A v en u e No bounty ol Twin Falls. S to le of. Idi 1 Company of Idaho. Inc,, a n Id iccossor tru s te e , will se ll n t pu j^bidSor. lor cosh qr cash io rs ch 1 lawful monoy ol iho Unilod S ta no Of sale in complt,inco with Soc: Codo, tho lollowing d o sc rib o d r I tho County ol Twin Fails, S tate d a s lollows, lo-wil:SOUTH PARK ADDITION, Twin F, ded in Volumo 2 ol P lots. P ag o li no knowlodgo ol a m oro pan ic i ove coleroncoci coal propociy. but r>co Wllh Sociion GO-113 Idaho C o on inlormod that accocdm g to i llico. Iho addcoss ol 290 Alaxan< Idaho, IS somolimes nsfiociatod m

made without covonant oc wacroi ssion or oncumbcancos to sa tisfy I y and pursuant lo tho pow or o l sj od o l icust oxocutod by JIMMY \RA SEALY, h u a b an d o n d wlf«, rA M ER rC A N T IT L 'E "C O M PA r T fdaho C o rp o ra iig n ra trso e e o ss

n Officer of Ihe U nllad S ta to a lory, cococdod O ctober 1 2 ,1S83, 2S.-ono as5ignod to 'SECR ETA F AfRS, as benoliclary. by asaignm o 2 9 . 2 0 0 3 . a s I n s t r u m e n t N

igo Rocords of Twin Falls Couni



lich this solo IS 10 bo m ado is n uo. under Dood ol T rust Noto, tf Principol, Iniorest ond Im pounds )nih for tho m onilis o l Novombo January through D ocom bor, 20C d all subsoquont paym en ts untu lh lemonl.'wilh a monihly lalo charg vith intorost occruing a t I3*!a pc g to occruo Irom O ctobor i . 20b i nt and unpaid tnxos for 2002, Th ig a s ol Ihis dato on tho obligatio of Trust IS $21,931.90. plus a c c r t advances. Ali doim quont am ount ir with accruing lalo c h a rg o s oni I a cc ru ing ta x o s. a s s o s s m o n ts r n o y 's lo o s , a n d a n y a m o u n t: »socunty associaiod with ihia foco inoficiary olocts to soil o r c au so th< d to satisfy said obligation,03•LE COMPANY OF IDAHO. INC, Olfwec--------------------------------------

16. 25, October 2 an d 9, 2003

Brant and TammyFTRUSTEE’S SALE14ih day ol January 2004. a t tho1,m. ol soid day (cocogmzod local bounty C o u rih o u so lo c a te d a t , Twin Fails, ID 8 3 3 0 3 -0 1 2 6 . in alls. Sialo ol Idaho, M ichaol L. iso r Trustoo. will so il a t pub lic Wdor, lor cosh, in lawful monoy of lyablo ot iho time ol tho salo, tho I propony, silualod in tho County Idoho. and doscribod a s lollows.


knowlodgo of n moro particular loforoncod roal property, but for

Mih Idaho Codo. Section 60-113. ilormod thot tho ad dross of S12 ■I. BUHL. ID 63316 m ay som o- I said roal property. io without covenant or warronty in or oncumbrances to satisfy tho ' Id pursuant to Iho powor of so le of Trust oxocuiod by B re n t E . Illlard, h u a b an d a n d w ife, a s 9 Title & Escrow Com pany, na ndolo, ns SuccosSor Truaioo. lor :y of A ssociatos H om o Equity

lod Ju n e 6, 2000. a s Instnim ont ig ag o R ocords o l Twin F a lls


Ihia salo la to bo 'm ndo ia Iho undor Oood of Truai N oto da ted> paymonia for pnncipol. intorost2, lor lhe monlh(s) of Moy 6. oni monlh a n d y e a r , a n d nilIII tho dale of sale or roinsiaio- 031. lalo chargos nnd oxponsos. owing oa ol this d a lo o n 'lh o U Dood ol Trust is $44,970.48,doimquont pnymnnis a re now

mg lalo chargos a n d intorost,5, oaaossmonts. iru steo 's foos. rrwunts advancod to protoct-tho Ihia loroclos\jro a n d th a t tho r cause tho trust property to bo wn,Bptembor, 2003,

i , 25. October 2 and 9. 2003 | I

IM, Twin Falls, Idaho TTtursd

H i o h t oId d o c a - TITLE.ESTATE. U EN,is jfa v ln o INTEREST IN .THE REIO doco* PROPERTY DESCRIBa t e s o ra IN P L A IN T IF F 'S C O en t-th < rir -P C A IN T -A aV S R S E ^r m on ths PL A IN T IF F 'S OW NEIh e first SH IP . OR ANY CLO ln o th :e o r U P O N P L A I N T I F F9 forever TITLE T H E R E T O ; Al

JOHN DOES I ' k T prosoni- Dofondanls.Ig nod a ( TO: ALL PE R SO N S U Aoa. and KNOWN CLAIMING Af •k of tho R ig h t , t i t l e , e s t a t

LIEN OR IN T E R E S T ,m s o n TO LOTS 25. 26 Af .T O N 27 IN BLOCK 16 OF BLI



i B o r l l . 30,You have boon sued I

Horoid Blaslus. thoPloini XS.t IV 'fio abovo^jntiilod actio

Tho naluro ol Iho clal ^ A r e ogainst you is to Ouiel Til “ fO f* t o t h o r e a l p r o p o r i

doscribod above In favor Jho^alntlfLhoroin,

Any llmo allor twenty (21 'U(.i(..A- d a y s lo llo w in g th e la i

pub lication ol Ih is Suer *> mons Iho Court may onK

a Jud g m e n t a g a in s t yo w ithout r o sp o n so in th

H U I « proper form, including th T u c D C o se N um bor. a n d p a i

“ ''V fOfluirod liling loo t r .S o T '^ 0 Clerk of tho C ourt c IIG H T. Palla county Judicii

' Building. Twin Falls, ldah< 83301. and son/e a copy c your rosponso on Plolnlilf': aliornoy. Rick Bollar. 7T

110:00 7 lh S t r e e t . P O B o x D ffico of Ruport. Idaho 83350. Tolo N orth , phono: (208) 436-4774, Idaho, A copy ol tho Summon- Idaho a n d C o m p la in t c o n be

p u b lic . .o b la in a d .b y .c o n ia c tln { chock oilhor lhe Clork ol tho Cour

States, or iho ailornoy lor Plaintiff loctlon II you wish legal assistance d ro a l you shou ld im m odialel> into ol roinm on oltorney lo adviso

you in Ihis manor,I Foils DATED this 26lh day oi 3 18. AuQust. 2003.ticular /s^risim n Glascock 3ut for Clork ol tho Court C odo, /s/Gorry Dow. Deputy Clork10 thoa n d e r PUBLISH: Soplom bor 11, d Wllh 18 .25 and October 2 .2 0 0 3 rr/.r,t« ^HE DISTRICT COURT •0 thA O P t h e FIFTH JUDICIAL


51 THE COUNTY OF’a Kjv ------------ t w in FALLS---------n«oA>- -MAGISTRATE DIVISION-

- I NOTICE TO CREDITORS w J . l.C , §15-3-601 ^ 'o v In.mo Manor ol-iho Esioto-


G IV E N 11,0. D o n n n o <Di V E g g te a lo n a n d C h e r y l

H a t f i e l d h a v o b o o n • n p p o tn to d c o -p o r s b n n i

r o p r e s o n ta t iv o s o f t h e obovo-nam od d e codon i.

Ihn persons having claims Ihn against tho docodont or tho

o s t a to a r e r o q u i r o d to prosoni thoir clolms within

irtXy lour (J) m onths a lte r tho - da to ol the lirst publication nrn« of this nolwo Or soid cloims

will be lorevor borrod - g " Claims must bo prosont- y ' - o d to the undersigned at in«ri oddross mdicoiod and ern ClOrk Ol IhO. . ' . J Court.“1*2 S T E P H A N . K V ANVIG.

STONE & TRAINOR 's/Russoll G. Kvnnvig A tto rn ey s lo r P e r s o n a l

T o

r PUBLIC HEARN OTICE IS he reby p ivor

T w in Foils wili'liold'a'public7 - on am endm ent to tho 2002

appropnaimg additional mom___ Twin Falls, sold hoonng to b

Cham bers at 5:00 P.M. on So

PROPOSEDEXItho Capital Improvemont Fund ical Council Chambors-Ciiy Cour

a t D ata Pro]oclor/Compulor/Srri in Purchaso Augor Falls L. Total Capital Improvomonl Fui

Ilic Proposed E'O fIho Slroot Fundnty Sr. Conlor Packing Lolvs. Total Strool Fund Proposed

ExpenditureINI E Library Bond Fund ; 1 Dobt Socvice Expenses . S Total LlUrncy Bond Fund

Pcoposod ExponIarlor aCO BG Fund 3. Doll Packing Lot 12 Total ICDBG Fund Proposed o- Exponditur

ity_ -Pool Fund - • -lo Log Rnltio HoatorE. ER Cc.ish barsIS Total Pool Fund Proposed E»p<

or Drug Soi:uro & Rostilution Fun. ly VSA Labtopsrtf- - Totu i-Drmr sgizuro a Rosiiiuiioint Fund Proposed Expoi Is

-------------------- PROPOSED RCY Capital Improvomonl Fund O GrantR RosorvosS Toini Cflpital Improvomonl Func

0 Sirool Fund d Rosorvos ,It Total Stieot Fund i.II Library Bond Fund

Resen/05 Tolni Liljrnry Bond Fund

. ICDBG FunUV Grant Rovonuo

Total ICOBG Fund

) Pool Fund > Transfer Icom Cl Fund1 Totoi Pool Fund

D nig Seizure & Restitution Fund Reserves

Total Drug Seizure & Rostiiution

Dotod this 15ih day ol Sopiem bo /3/Clty Clork

I PUBLISH; Soplombor 18 nnd 25,

•day, Svptambar 16.2003

m ^EN. O R P.O. BO* 83 REA L Twin Falla. ID 83303-00

RIBED . -Teiophono: 206-733-27: C O M - .»B-T-0- -POBblSH; S eplem tjoc- L cfuD " ohdOclobor 2 .2 0 0 3


VANY ' TWINFALLS Ta t P m a g i s t r a t e DIVISIO «!T IN C aso No, CV-2003-3839 r i N n NOTICE TO CREDITOR Bl I IP I C, § tS-3-80t

In Iho Manor of lilo E s ti INTY o ': Bfl'AN L M cGhEG O

Deceased,PA ftP NOTICE IS H E R E E r n o c Q IV EN th a t W e n d o l )

M c O r a g o r h a s b o c laintiff appointed pecsonol rep r .r s o n ta tiv e of Iho a b o v c aim decedent. Ail pe

sons having claims again . . , ” tho docedoni or tho o s la

a r e roquirod lo p r o s o i thoir claims within four (•

u i9 f» •m onthsallerlho cfato'bf If In a t p u b lic a t io n o f IM

?iim fo tico or said claims will b nninr *orovoc banod.I v o u Claims must bo proson .■{ho od to Iho und ersig n ed i „ tho oddcoss indicated an “ filod with the Clork of th

iex COUrl. ., S T E P H A N . K V AN V IG

dieln STONE & TRAINOR daho /s/Bussoll G. Kvanvig ni/iic A ilo rnoya for P o r s o n o iim-a Rop'osontal^vo 7 I P.O . Box 83 / I ' Twin Falls. ID 03303-0083

Toiophono; 200-733-2721-

‘'„ n , PUBLISH: Soptombor 18 25 ond October 2. 2003


MAGISTRATE DIVISION y ol C oso No. CV-2003-3987

NOTICE TO CREDITORS l.C. § 15-3-80I In Iho Matter ol Iho E sto to


11 , Oocoasod,003 NOTICE IS H E R E B Y jHt g i v e n that Terry R e ln k o r / h a s b o o n o p p o i n t c d ..fP personal coprosontntivo of

th o ab o v e-n am e d d o c o - d o n t, Ali pe rsons h a v in g

_____ c la im s.ag a in st.th o .d 0 c e ~i i j _ don t or.iho .csialo .o rp .ro -- r o u i r o d to o ro so n t th o ir . ag C la im s w ith in t o u r ( 4 )

m onths allor tho dato of tho f i r s t p u b lic a t io n of th is

S ■ notico or sold claims will b o ' lorovor barred.

BY Claims must bo prosont- ° o d lo tho undorsignod a t

tho addross indicated a n d filed with tho Clock of Iho

m l Court,L“ ' S T E P H A N . K V A N V IG .

STONE A TRAINOR ' /©RussoH 6 , Kvanvig

A lto rn o y s lor P o r s o n a l Roprosontativo

,'i® P .O , Box 83Twin Falls. ID 83303-0083

g" Tolophone; 200-733-2721

PUBLISH; Soptombor 18. 2 5 a n d Octobor 2 .2003




ai C a se No, CV-3.3806 NOTICE TO CREOITORS

•ARING NOTICEivon th a t tho^Citv Council o f _

002-03 lisca i yoar budgot by nonios rocoived by Iho City ol :o b o hold at City Hail Council I Soptom bor 29.2003.

EXPENDITURESI:ouncil . $46,022 I/S m art Board S21.173 i

S1.300.575 I : F und • (Id Expondilucos S l,367,770 I

IS67.500 >

d Filuros $67,500 1


$904 c

pondituros $904 iifl

S500.031 >d alituros S500.031 c

S2.953 p S2,128 r.l

S860 ir ixpondUuros $5 ,941

FPund pi

53,000 cnniior---------------------------- ^xpondituros $3,000 G(

thC REVENUES - -------- Ct

b;$21,173 S(

$1,346,597 im •und 51,367.770 th

pr Tr

$67,500 to 567,500 no

tru$904 N{

S 904 AT ■ M-

PL5500.031 Th $500,031 W l


$5,941 OE S5.941 Do

Nound . ST

53,000 91J :ion F und 53,000 Bol

PHnbor 2003 S ta

I 25, 200 3 . I PU,

■ a *In the Matter of the EaU

0083 of: lONE REEDER,>721 D eceased.

-------- N O TICE IS HEREEII—t o r ■ o tv e N -t tn r t- t tn n n n m 1 3 . . signed havo been appoii i i = od Co-Personal Represo ~ i l i la llvosoftheobovo-nam i r&TO oataie. All persons havli

c laim s against the aaU d . c e a s e d a ro ro q u iro d

p rosoni ihoir claims with m u four (4) m onths a l t e r t t r : ” ' d a te of tho first publlcatk

of this noikro or said cloln w ill b o lo ro v o r b a rr o i

■inin Cloima must bo pcosonte >nD to th e llcm o l C o lom ai

R itchie & Robonaon. 15 2nd Avonuo Weat, PO Be S 2 5 , T w in F a lla , Id a h

I iy n 83303-0525. and lilod ivii ‘f’o Court.

DATED this 26lh day c A ugust, 2003./8/Chartoa Richard Roodo /s /John Wiilinm Roodor

lo n t Roprosontalivos

; PUBUSH: Septombof lE '!>(» .Z S andO ciO bor^ 2003 I b e LEGAL NOTICE

H o o p k o r R on to ls u n d e Qnt. p rov isions ol Idaho Code i QI 2 8 -7 -2 1 0 will d isp o se o QPcj sio rod lloms ol;(ho K im C ooke. Unit »3, las

k n o w n o d d ro s s : 4 2 2 4 E IG C onor Park Road, Buhl. IC

83316.1tom s wiii bo sold 01 auction allor 09/20/03 if noi

n a l poidinluilby.09/19/03..

PUBLISH: Soplom bor 11 93 a n d 18.2003 >1 • LIENSALE .

T ho vehiclo doscribod 1 S . below will bo auctioned for__ Iho omount owed fer tow-R7- .ir)e .an d -slo rag e ,.b y -O o n

K in g . P o s s e s s o r y Lion T 6 Holder.R 1992 M ltsublahl E ellpae .

Vin«AA3CF44E6PE023527 Liconso ic2TF50e2'

N T h e au ctio n will la k e p loco a t tho $outh Locust

S M inl-S locago. lo c a to d a t 197 Locusl St,. Twin Foils.

110 Id o h o on Soplom bor 29. 2 003 a t 9:00 om.

PUBLISH; Soptom bor 16 lY a n d 25 .2003 <« ' fJOTICE OF ° FILING DEADLINE

O' N O TIC E IS H EREBY O' GIVEN: That declarations •9 of candidacy lor iho offico 9— o l - P i r o 'C o m m i s s lo n o r

111>) D istrict m ust bo lllod wilh 'O th o district clerk/secrolary ®. .w .h o s o a d d r o s 5 J s .9 6 6 o Ju s tice Grade. Hogorman.

Idaho 83332 no lalor Ihan •• 5 :00 p.m. on Iho 26lh day ‘t of Soptombor, 2003. d ' S u c h doclora llons a re0 a v a i la b le a l Iho d is tr ic t

o lf ic o n t H agerm an Fire. S t a t i o n or 9 6 6 J u s l i c o

G rodo or at the ollico ol Iho County Clock,

'I Individuals who run o s w riio -in can d id a tes m ust fllo o docNirailon ol inloni n o lator ihun 5:00 p.m, on. Iho 2 5 lh day prior to Iho eloction,

. /s /Judy OsborneClork/Socrelary ol Taxing

= District

: PUBLISH; Soptombor 18. 2003-----------NOTICE OF---------- :

PU BUC HEARING INotico is horoby givoci by i

th e City Council foe iho City i ol Twin Fails, Idaho, that a ,

NOTICE OF TRUI . , ,, T ho (Q((QYnngj08C0b0fl.prD

auction to Iho highest biddor. i Iho U nited S ta le s . In th o oil E sc ro w . 905 S hoshono Strc 83301 . on 01/08/2004 ot 11; timo) for tho purposo ol forocl Trust recorded 05/13/1997 as 0 0 7 5 3 4 . and oxocutod by Tl SH A R O N BOHRN, a s G ran MORTGAGE BANKERS. INC., RATION, a s Benoliclary. to STI tho Curront Trusloo ol rocord. i property located in Twin Falla ( LOT 8; EXCEPT THE NORTI- AND THE. EAST 25 FEET O NORTH 69.11 FEETTHEREC A ’HARROW-BAILEY-GIBSO FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO. AC< T H E R E O F RECORDED IN ' PAGE 37. RECORDS OF SAIC

Tho Trusloo hns no knowio dosoription ol the above roloror pu rposo of compiianco wilh Ida Iho T rusleo has boon inlormod I

1 903 SUNRISE BOULEVARD, 1 som etim es associated with saic

Biddors m ust bo prepared to i am oun t ol Iho bid at tho sa le I c n sh io r 's check drawn on a a: s a v in g s institu tion . S a id s a l covonnnt or warranty, oxpross < pOKsor.aion or encum brancos r.ocurod by and pursuant lo tho i Ihni cortain Oood ot Trust,

Tho oefault for whic^i Ihls soio Failure to pay Iho monihty pay principal, inlocosi and impounds cnonts d u e thoronlior: plus lali currently accruing at 8,500% per su b se q u en t sum s advanced by tho to rm s and condilions ol saic c u p p lo m o n ta i m od ifications b a ln n c o ow ing os of th is dali S 84 ,734 ,68 , plus iniocoai. costs incurred in onlorcing the obiiga this sa lo . logoihor with ony unp propo rly taxes, and/or a sso ss i T rustoos' foos and cosis and any to proioct sold socunty, os aulhi no to socurod by tho aloromontloi

Thoroloro. Iho Benoticiory oio< irust property to be sold, to satisi N O T IC E IS HEREBY GIVEN ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A C M A T IO N O BTAINED WILL E PU R PO SE . ANO THAT THE DEE THE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE /VITH SE C T IO N 45 -1506(4)(i =1EPneSENTATI0N IS MADE ^R E N O T. PRESENTLY RESI DBLIGATION.3olod Septem ber 9.2003.'Jam e a n d Addross ot tho Curron 3TEWART TITLE OF BOISE. INC 1196 W ost Emorald, Suite 100 io iso , ID 83704’H ONE; (800)281-e2 l9 lorln lori I to w art T itle of Bolae, Inc. Succ ly: D iana L. Ayres, Trust Ollicor

’UBLISH; Soplombor 18, 25. Ocl


public hearing will be ho lEBY o n Mo n d a y s . O c to b e r id o c - uno,^u,~oH a November point- 2 003 , a t tho hou r ol 6:C oson- o ’c lo ck . P.M .. in the Cl' am ed Council Cham bera, locate avino o t 305 Third Avor)uo Eoj d de - Tvrtn Folia, Idoho. to hoar }d to request b y : ' within DAVIO R. PRICE for W3I r th o LC ondation THE HOWARD E. & MAR ioims J.C O fm A D TRUST, r o d . ii/b/a WASHINGTON )ntod WAREHOUSE 'n a n . R eques ts a Zoning Dlstrk

156 C h a n g o a n d Z oning Moi 1 Box A m o n d m e n t f r o m M - la h o (m an u fa c tu r in g . Ilgbl) ti ivilh R-4 (rosidontia l. modiun

density) tor approximatol' ly of 21 acro s of land locolod oi

tho so u th s ide of tho 10< )dor a n d 2 0 0 b lo c k s o f P a ri r A v o n u o a n d o a s t of the /os developing Packwood Sub

division, o/k/a Park Avonuc '.18, Goil C ourso Drtving Range >3 In tho City of Twin Fiills.

■ T ho C ity C ouncil may d o r volo 10 s u sp e n d tho rulos o(jo a n d a c t upo n th e rolatod Q of o rd in a n c e on th o first or

s e c o n d m ooting da to . If iQSt th a t o c c u r s , no fu rth o r 4 B public hearings will bt) hold . 10 on Iho Issuo.(Jot A n y a n d a ll p o r s o n s noi desiring to com m oni may

appea r and bo hoard at tho appointed llmo. Tho docl-

11 sion of tho Council will bo final.

— . ...A com plole doscriptlon Is . on fllo with Iho Twin Fails

)od City P lonning and Zoning '0 ' Administrator a t City Hall.

JW- 321 Socond Avonuo Eosl.ion- -7357267 :-------------------------on P e rsons noeding spoclal

a c c o m m o d a t i o n s a t a public m ooting a ro a sked to contact Iho City ol Twin

. Fails a t 735-7287 a t lonst •‘o five (5) working days pcior ^8 to tho mooting.” ifl' /s/1 anco W. Clow, fvlayor

'9- P U B L I S H ; T h u r s d a y . Soptom bor 16. 2003


SCHOOL BOARDTho Gooding Jt. School

Oistcict (1231 h as proposed ''9 to inc rease Iho am ount ol ce od_volor.om jax-dollar3 .iL Of c o l l e c t s bv coflH Y .ina.a-

.s c h o o l o m o rg o n c v lund

lh 3 3 .0 0 5 . Idoho C odo , for IV tho porlod Docombor 2003 >6. - lo -N o v o m b o r 2004 ,-T ho-

to ta l am oun t ol dollars lo in bo co llo c to d p u rsu an t lo

th is lovy is ostimatod lo bo S161 .227 , Tho am ount ol

o d o l l a r s to b o c o llo c to d '■ pu rsuan t lo this lovy on a 0 ty p ic a l ho m o o l S50 .000 0 taxable valuo of last year is0 o s t im a to d to bo S30 ,00 ,

Tho am ount ol dollars to bo^ co ltoc ied pu rsuant to Ihis '! lovy on a typ ical form ol ” S100.000 toxablo lost year ^ IS ostim atod lo bo S60.00.

Tho am ount of dollars to bo co lloctod p u rsuan t lo this lovy on a typical business

3 ol S200.000 taxable value of last yoar is ostimatod to b o S l2 0 .0 0 ,

■ CAUTION TO THE TAX-. P A Y E R : T h o a m tf u n ts •

show n in this schodulo do N OT co llec t ta x c h a rg es

1 th o t a r e m a d e b o c a u so ' o f v o to r a p p ro v e d b ond

RUSTEE'S SALEpiopo(ly^ilLbOLaold.aLpublJC. _ Dr. payabio In lawrlul monoy ot F ollico of Twin F a lls Title &

Slroot N orth, Twin Fails , ID 11:30 am . (recognized local , 'oclosmg that conain Dood ol a s Instrument Numbor 1997- TIMOTHY A BOHRN ANO

•antor(s), in favo r of SOME R JC.. A CALIFORNIA CORPO- STEWART TITLE OF BOISE, rd. covering Iho following real lis County. S ta le ol Idaho:^TH 69.11 FEET THEREOF■ O F LOT 9. EXCEPT THE 1E0F. ALL IN BLOCK 2 OF SON SUBDIVISION. TWIN 'ACCORDING TO THE PLAT N VOLUME 7 O F PLATS,AID COUNTY,wiodgo ol a m ore pnci.cular . ironcod roal property, but lor Idaho Codo, Section 60-113, od tha t tho slroet addross ot.0. TWIN FALLS, ID 63301 is Mid roai property, to lender Iho trustoo Iho lull ilo in tho form of cosh, or n,3 a to t^ o r lodoraiiy Insured sa le will bo m a d o w ithout ss o r implied, rogardlng title, os to satisfy tho obligation 10 pow or ol sa lo conlorrod m

RFaie Is to bo m ado is; saymoni duo 09/01/2002 ol nds a n d subsoquoni install-late eh n ro n s,_with.inlQro5l.___per onnum; togethor wUh oii by beneficiary pursuant to RP

mid Dood ol Trust, and ony __n s 'th 'o re lo . T h e p rincrpal la lo on s a id o b liga tion is )sts a n d oxponsos actually ligations thereunder and in jnpaid and/or accruing-ronl R P issm o n ts . a lto rn o y s ' foos. ony olhor am ount advancod ulhori20d in tho promissory RP itlonod Dood of Trust, olocts to sell, o r c auso said itisly sold obligation.EN THAT T H IS FIRM IS A DEBT ANO ANY INFOR- S L BE U S E D FO R TH AT add DEBT MAY BE DISPUTED. Moi RE NAMED TO COMPLY’ 2;0( 4 )(a) IDAHO C O D E, N O tho )E THAT THEY ARE. OR any =SPO N SIBLE FO R THIS Ai

sion Floe

rent Trusleo is D;INC. /a/G) ATT

ilormnlion PUEuccossor T rustee

O ctober 2 nnd 9. 2003

levloa. ovecTfdo levies. su | p lem en ta l levloa. or lovio

ih o ld a p p l i c a b l e t o n o w l b e r 6 anneitod orooortv Alun th >er a . a m o u n t s sh o w n in th i 6:00 e ch e d u lo ace an eatlmat

I C ity on ly a n d can vary with th cated a m o u n t of dollars nnd lh Eoat. -lovy am ount'cortiliod oni loa ra th o toxablo value ollndivic]

W3PPU B LISH : Soplom bor 11

lARY a n d 25 . 2003P U B U C MEETING

NOTICE,.tri/-< P u rsu a n t to Idaho Codo f

6 7 -2 3 4 3 . notice is horobj g lv o n of a n opon public m e etin g ol tho Idaho Fisl a n d G om o Commission,.

"'iY ' DATE O F NOTICE: S optom bor 9.2003 DATE O F MEETING;

>1,2 O ctobor 1 • 3 .2003 •Tk!: PLA CE O F MEETING

O c to b e r 1 Commlssionor T o u r In Uppor Snoke Re- flion; O ctober 2-3 Mooting

"9®- beginn ing a t 8:00 am oach ^ d o y a n d October 2 public

h e a r in g beginning at 7:00 ,t«H P '" 0* Lion Hotol on

tho Foils. Idaho Fails ,' P E R S O N S ATTENDING:• Oom m issionors

OIroctorwid s ta ff


"“ y .R u le s : G om o Fish. 2004- 2005 : Big. Gamo. Nonrosi-

, dor>t D o o r a n d Elk Tog Q u o ta s; Nonroaidoni Door

. a n d Elk Tog Outlitlor Sole- sIdo: U pdatos on Siraiogic P l a n . Y o llo w a io n e Cut-

' ,P t h r o a t o n d S o u th Fo rk “J • S n n k o Rlvor Fiahory. Big , i5L- -G a m o ra n d tho Access-Yes-

, P togrom .' Individuals with disabiii-

t ie s m oy request mooting

nstNotico IS hereby given that

bo so ld a t public ouciion to a m ondod, Tho lollowing prop

y.__ P a rc e l N um bor Logal


lotodof RPK9161004002DA That p

-fl------------------------------------ ADDIT

>n scnbecOf Begmr*3 imo ol10---------------— ------------- foo, Sc10 eocnor10 North i'0 loot to

Soulh (o toolto“ • thp Uni0 wny. Tt'5 18' Ens>■ ■ OOcIogi0 Thonco* . ............... East 18

fool lo IIf Thonco>• Wost 91“ ' ol sa ids BEGIN» AND* Boginni 3 100 too:


1 • mam lit > Easlboi ‘ Thonco I . 152.1 fe• • and pari

snid Tra Thonco East 15: BEGINN

' RPK 91610050090A TheWo: EXCEPl Ihorool II ADDITIC Idaho, ro Plats, pa

'R PM 9371006G801A Townshi| East. Boi Fails Coi That pan doscriboi Bogmnini East nnd South we: SEl/4SVt Townshi): Enst. Boi Noith 10( 137 1001: to lhe Soi 139:Thoi Soulh imc n dislnnci pomt on 11 IhoO.S.L Thonco S

/ E.istalonidistance c Wor.1 a di; 10 Ilio POI

R PT 44090010030A . Lol 3 m 131 DIVISION Twin Falls coconlod 1

RPT440900100-10A Lol .t m 01____ DIVISION

' - Twm Fnlls cococdod 11

s p a n o i.

R PT 02610070010A Twin Fnlls t Block 7 (

RPT272100100BBA Twin Fnlls Nodh 5 0 'I

. (9-10-17 S

Said public auction is to bo heli a d d ro ss isMountain Timo (10.00 A.M. EnsK 2:00 P.M , Mount.-»in Timo (4;00 P. tho B id4A ssois wousiio. Tho Boon any a n d nil b ids mndo lor smd pro

Any ob)octions to snld sale will t sionors in thoir ollico in Iho Twin Floor. Twin Falls, Idaho a t the hou

DATED this 10lh day of SoptomI 's/G ary G rlndstall, Chairmnn ATTEST; K nstina Glascock. Clork

PUBLISH: Soptom bor 10. 2003


>up- a c c o m m o d a tio n s by.con- vies tacting th o Director's Office iviy a t tho Idoho D epanm ent ol

h ia 2 0 8 -3 3 4 -5 1 5 9 or t ^ u m ! lato th o Id ah o Relay Socvice a t tho 1 -800-377-2529 {TDD),

and PU BLISH: S o p to m b e r l t , vid- 18 and 2 5 .2 0 0 3

PUBLIC NOTICE ^8 A ctions p la n n ed and taken

by y o u r g o v o rn m o n t a re — con ta in e d In public noiteos.

Thoy a ro pact of your right ^ , 10 know a n d to b e informed0 9 of w hat yourflovom m oni Is by doing. A s soif-govommont

c h a rg o s a ll citizono to bo In lorm od. this new spaper u rges e v e ry citizen lo rend a n d s tu d y Ih o so no tices . W o a d v is e Ih o so citizens w ho so o k furlhor Jnlorma- tion to ox o rc iso thoir eight to a c c o s s p u b lic rocords

Of a n d public mootinga IMPORTANT

P lo a s e a d d r o s s a ll legal odvortislng lo:

30 LEGAL ADVERTISING TTie T im e s News ' P O B ox 548

- , T w in F a lls . 10 83303-0548 ‘ D oodlino for logal ada: 3

d o y s p r io r lo publication, n o o n o n W o d n o sd a y for Sunday, n o o n on Thursday lo r M onday , n oon on Frf-

4. d a y t o r T u o s d a 'y a n d ,i. W odnosday . noon on Mon- _ day lor T h u rsd ay and noon

on T u esd ay for Fridoy ond ]. S a tu rd a y , H oliday doad*

linos moy vory. If you have , any quostions coil Ruby at \ 735-3324. • g PU B LIC NOTICE a- ■ O n 'O i~ a f to r-O c to b ar~ l8 r

2 0 0 3 . C a b l o O N E w iil 1- .c h an g e i f s c hanne l lineup g to Iho lollowing: I

NOTICE O F TAX SALElal tho lollowing parcels ol reai pr< to Iho h ighest biddor. pursuant 1 •openy is lo c atc d within Twin Fall!

[al D o scrip tlo n AlaiAdc

1 pan ol Lots 2 a n d 4 in Oak:k-rt-ot-TURN6R’S--------------- Kimi)(TION-TO KIMBERLY:--------------

)0d a s lollows:mning nt a poin t on tho Easlol said Lot 2 in Block 4 .160South oi tho N o n n o ast — ........or ol sa id Lol 2 : T honce ' h 89 degroos 5 5 ' W ost 459,8 to a point in Lot 4; Thonco hO O dogroos 1 6 'E as t 130,310 Iho North b oundary lino ol Jnion P.ncilic R a iiioad right ol Thonco North 87 d o g ro es

inst 250.C foot. T honco North sgroos 1 6 'W ost 50 foot:ICO South 01 d o g ro o s 10'186,35 foot; T honco East 25 -0 Iho E nst lino o l Lot 2: iCo North 00 d o g ro o s 16'96.3 foot a lo n g tho Enst lino

iidLot 2 to Iho PLACE OF ilNNING,

inmg a t a point w horo a line001 ai right a n p lo s lo Ihe on Shon Lino R ailroad ,s (Irom tho co n to r ol Iho lino) in te rsec ts the

aoundnry Lino of Lol 2;:o 50 loot N orth; Thonco foot in a W ostorly direction

araiioMo tho con to r of tho racl nnd 150 (oo t Ihorolcom::e South 50 foot: Thonco 152,1 foot to Iho POINT OF ■-JNING,

/ost 100.6 foot o( Lot 9, Oak S PT Iho South 5 0 loot • Klmbo11 in Block 5 of TURNER'S riON. Twin F a lls Couniy.rocordod in V olum o 2 ol

pago 7.

:hip 11 South. R ango 20 1st Sir Boise Mocidian. Twin ; Murtni bounty, Idaho S ec tio n 6: a n o l lh o S E l /4 SW l/4 .30d a s lollows: ling a t a point 2 0 loot nd 397 loot N orth Of the vest corner ol Iho sa id 3W1/4 0 I Sec tion 6, hip n South. R an g o 20. loiso Moridinn; T honco 100 loel: T honco Ease It: T honco N orth 50 loot south Itno ol T ox NO- lonco E as t n iong ino mo Ol sa id Tax No. 139 nco ot 200 loot to n n Iho S ou thw est imo ol >.L.R.R. right o f way: iS o u in 4 i do g ro o s i r ong sm d right of way a o o l 198.3 loot; Thonco dif.tanco of 4 S 0 .5 fo o t ■OINT O F BEGINNING.

(3lDCk 1 of RAINS SUB- 329 Ph< ]N NUMBER O N E, Road'w Ills County, Idaho , Twin Fnd in Book 15 of Plats .

Block 1 ol RAINS SUB- 321 Phe )N NUMBER O N E. Road W lls County, Idaho , Twin Fad m Book 15 of Pints,

lis Bickoi A ddition Lot 350 Elm 7(1 5 -1 0 -t7 S W ) Twin Foi

lls Idoal Subdivision 360 Filoi )' Lol 8 Block 1 Twin Fnl■SW)

ield on lino witfi B)d4Assols hand 2ID Auction s ta r t s Soplom bor 2' slocn Time) a n d Auction Ends Si P.M, E as tern Timo). Tho torms oi ard ol Couniy Com m lssionors ros iroporty.ii bo.honrd by th o Twin Fails Coui >in Fails C oun h o u so . 425 Shosh< our of 10:00 AM on Soptombor 2i tmbor. 2003.


p p e r

........ ■

n*o( . 4 .K 1PT (PSS». . _-S rK fD A ItfP fO --------------------------

•ugh 8. KXTF(FOX)M a t 7 .» a F T (N B C )


11. 10. TELEMUNDO 11. OVC



" 2 , CHANNELfx l 28. FX

29. ESPN30. ESPN2

, 31. FOX SPO R T S R(XKY001 M TN ................. ............




39. DISNEY •’ ° 40, CARTOON NETWORK 'f* 41. TV LAND iOh 42. ABC FAMILY nc' 43.HGTV O' 44. LIFETIME I'O 45, TV FOOD


48, INSP NETWORK .s r -49.-TNT-------------------------------------------II 50, TNN

jP CentlnuAd on noxt pago

li properly heroin doscribod will am to §31-008 Idaho Codo a s Falls County. Idoho,

A lso NacTteofA ddreaaad Aa: ta x p ay e r a s

It a p p ea rs u p o n w hich th e tax de ed w a s is su e d .

Ook Slroot , J o o 4 Helen____________Kimberly-------- — S avdgci'"


ak Stceot Jo o & Helen ,imborly S av ag e -, j

;t Slroot Jo o & Holon ‘ urtaugh Savage

I Pheasant G.R, Enter- •Id W est prises. Inc. ; n Falls c/o Sluart

Gcoono T

Pheasant G.R. Enter- ;Id W ost , , . p risos. Inc. - ..n Falls c/o Stuart '


Elm St. Scott W. a -'1 Foils Ccystol Mlllor'

Filor Avo. Roy F. & •1 Fnlls • LilllamFol- •

sum c/o Ron .<Folsum ;

laiidling Iho salo. W obsite - or 29, 2 0 0 3 ol 8 :00 A ,M .J I Is Suplom ber 30 2003 at * ns ol sale ore spoclliod on « I s roson/o Iho eight to cejoct * ICounty Board ol Commis- • I loshone Street N onh, 4th « I or 29, 2003. *

-------------------- ' .----------- :

Page 33: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

• Ex

• A Ip a

Ag W eekl Am erican Avon, Car Beauti-Coi Cactus Pel City o f Tw College of ConAgra F Con Paulo CSI, C ente Dell, Inc. Employme Experience Farm & Ra Farm ers In Gem S ta te Hospice Vi Idaho Honr Lithia M o t Magic Valli


- — — I sm

— ---------- ^

S o

1 1 ; 0 <

Experts on hand to Resumes Plus; [ College of Souti

A chance to win om participating enppio

From Agricu

E m plcklyin Staffing aren Browne & Ire lontro l Cosmetics, 'e te s rwin Falls o f Southern Idahc 3 Foods - Specialtj los Dealership te r fo r New Direct

n e n t Solutions ice Works ^anch H ealthcare, Insurance. D oug r te Staffing Visionsjm e Health & Ho's| otorsilley Academ y o f I

^ A 4 A G I C■ R E G IO N A L M E

ers, if your busine


..... ~

lutheT u e s (

10 a . m .

:o give you th e best ; Darcie Bobrowski Jthern Idaho me of the exciting pi loyers!

ru/ture to Sales

o yers ah

rene Fosat s, Richelle Eckert

l oIty P o ta to P roducts


!, Greg H a g e n s to h Nelson___________


F M assage


T W IN I A I L S . I «) A 11 O

less is not on thus I

(obth registi

~ € i n

F r e e i

>rn IdI d a y , :

- 7 : 0 0

>t advice on your re i

prizes donated by

es to Healthcai

l l i n o mMagic Val Magic Val Mary Kay M ary Kay Magic Val Park V iew Prepaid Lc

Its S.L. S ta rt, SOS S taffi Resum es F Sun Valley Teleperfor The T im es

lh Twin Falls_______ ,U nited_Sta

United S ta Vector M a W addle & W alt Disnc X ango, D e

s list, there is stiU

tra tion deac

f f i

M f T fri 11

A diriis

i a h oS e p t i

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Besum e •

• [ • I

ire to Professi

e p lace.alley Kirby illey Regional Me( y Cosmetics, Helei y Cosmetics, Kim t illey & Mini-Cassic fj Care & Rehab .eg a l:, Caimi Burton fingPlus, Darcie Bobn

sy Com pany ‘ irm ance USA s-N ew ss C ounty Sheriff C "atffs Army Rprriiil :a te s Marine Corp ark e tin g Corp.!i Reedley World InternsI e a Dille

1 space available,

.dline is Fric

iVA:LAz:r ccpr

^ f i

= f

s s i o n !

S me m b i

• C S I G

• Professional a n d l• Explore Education• Full, Part-time, Em• Discover Job Opportun » Career Trave Poss

u'onals, there I

l l► ■ - J

ed ica l Center e n O denw ald ib e r ly Kelly iia Jo b Service


D epartm ent J i t i n g _____________

p s


IB.CaU 208-735-32

iday, Septen

L l X I i i l T n

e e r Fe r 3 0

3 y m n a :

d Technical Career C on Advancement Pd :ntry-level and Temf unities with Local EmpIo issibillties

i is a career he


SpiC o lleg e o



B n i e 'i267 or email em{

mber 19th!

n mm*v.S^ptMtarlB.a003 TIm



s i u m

Opportunities 'ossibilities iporary Positions Av loyers

ere for you!

M . . '

lo n s o r e d by o f S o u th e r n Id

a n de Times-News




■■ ■

■ _______

■ E ^ * |




2 W SiI


. ■ - I

1mm Nwrt, TWte Mite M;

Page 34: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

E l O t i m — N <w >.TVt

A}vai__________ _ n ^ H e o u L T O N c r

sa id day. In Uw k>bby o( S h o « » n « N ortti,' JU ST . ESQ .. Attornoy a t aott a t pubUc auction to : lawfut mon«y of trw Unite of u l« . th e followIrM d«9 ttia Courrty ol Twin F ^ l s . ! iQlkrwa to w«:Lot 4 In Block 1 o l O & County. Idaho, according B od( 15 of Plata. P a g e : Rocordor o l said County.

Thi* Tfustoo’a S a le Is t payoff, o rolnstatom enl o ifio TruaiM Is rtol aw aro tk>n ol m is salo. Punhor. I th is salo m ay tM null an< funds stiall bo ratum od, a

. . Clary shall r>ot bo lloblo tc dam aoos,

Tho Trustoo h a s no kr doscrlpilon o l tha o&ovo fo r p u r p o s e s o l c o m p li IdatYo Codo. tho T rustoa r o l 2431 O akioy A v«niM .

________ asaoclalodJHth.lh<LaoltJ.fBSakf sak i will tSo m ado

rogardlng mio. possosslon Iho obligation socurod by s a to c o n le r r o d In ih o D C a n n o n A h ra ru . a a lngh

undor tho D o o d ^ T n « i* * r Instrumoni No.County, tdaho. Tho Bonof Trust w as subsoquontly ai T rust C om pany N ational da tod a s of March t . 2000. Inalrumoni No. 200(K)103: s a id D e a d o l T ru s t w a a

_______ O akwood Accoptonco Corp22, 2003. aa Instrum ent No ol sa U County.

' THE ABOVE O R A f^O R !-------— WITH S6CTION 45-1506(4;


T he dolault for w hich th failure to pny tho am ount di sory Noto a n d Dood ol Tru thoroundor.os follows: Mom of S576 .08 for Iha m on ths

, . including tho dato of aalo . tc m onth ly p a y m o n ts acc ru li obllgalion socurod by sa id D pnrKipol. plus sorvico charg

---------- Ihls foractosuro. «ny ond allClary to p ro to c t th o lr s o c i occruing a t Iho 'ra to o l 7.7£ goihor with dolinquont taxos tno da to of salo.

T he Bonoficiaiy olocts lo s< to bo sokl to satisfy sa id oblli

------------ O atod thls-Srd day ol-Sopt</t/P a u la Potorson

■ I-. : .Trirai-off«g r fQ rc h -n ? i« rc ri For inlorm alior cortcom lng t: Ju s t Low Olfico a t www.lustli

. i- so o -sza -e io f l o rc o m o c th www.mldlandmorigagoco.co

---------PU B LISH ;'Soplam bor 18. 2£

ConOnuwl irom pi«>4oua paig*

51. USA52. TBS



PUBLISH: S oplam bor 18. 2003

FOUND Black dog. approx.6 m o, old. w earing bluo c o l la r . lo u n d by B urloy High School,Call 2 0 » 478 -»2M -

F O U N D B lu o H o o lo r ,--------- Found-Blu«rtnHn)5-8lvO r ■

S o u lh . 9 /7 /0 3 . C a ll to Identtfy 208-735-1000.

FO U N D E nglish Sp ringe r S p a n ie l , P o m alo w h ilo w /w lth r e d d is h s p o t s . F o u n d 9 /9 /0 3 . C a ll to ldenllfy20B-324-4602.' R

FO U N D Fom alo G erm an S h a pho rd , in S h oshono . i O klordog, 208«788-4278 c i f n o a n s w e r l e a v e i

^FOUND Gorm on Shorthair. m

C all lo Id en illy , F o u n d ■ 9/14 o n O rchard & South ■ W ashington. 737.0991.* “

FOUND rf you woro in Kurts Hallmark in tho Lynwood bolofo 1 pm on Fn, Sopt,12 a n d lo s t s o m o th m g ploaso call 208*734-5362 to Identify.*

FOUND kmon black, about B wks, okf. Found around Ja ro m o lairgrounds. Call to klonttly, 208-324.6637.*

L O ST M iniaturo Pood io fomalo oil black with whito spot on chost. Last soon on Sopt, 3, W od ovening on Locusi St, & Kimborly Rd, a roo , R ow ard SlOO, 736-6506. Ask tor P o lo .' __

on 9/12 /03-a i 1843 Bob:___ B a r I o n .n d - a o u l ti.o I_____

W o n d o ll , P l o a s o c a l l 208-539-7055*

* * * * • • • • * * * * * • *LOST cat. Loo IS lost, long

hairod whito malo. rogdoll c a t . v o ry I rio n d ly b lu o e y o s . lo s t in T om arnck

- Loop a re a ol Twin Falls.Call 73a-S03g Row T d.*

L O S T o y e g la s s s o s a n d c a s o , M a g tc V a l lo y S p e e d w a y . S a t u r d a y _ night. Call 208-733-6338 ^ leave nv>ftSoge‘

LOST R usalan Tortoise in the 300 biock o l 3 r t Avo / N .733 -9 2 ieo r4 2 0 -7 2 tS *

BUYIT!SEA T im es-N ew s Cla

Will Fill Every


t v a m . C arm anN O TK g O F TWUSTEE'8 SALEBFrsrnwTHKirBr2;ooo^to3r*pnr I of T««rln FaUa Tttte & E k tow . 9( m. T)vln Foils. Idaho. CHARLES I Y a t Law. a s SuccM sor Trustee, w to th a highest blddsr. for cosh, n ited Statos. on payable a l tho lltr deacrlbod real proparty, sltualod i lls. S ta te of Idaho , and dascnbod c

> & W s u b d iv i s io n ; Twin Fall ling IO tho ptat thereof, recorded I ge 37. In tha Offlco ol tho Couni ify.Is sub ject lo a bankruptcy filing.

I t o r any othor condition ol whic iro lha t woukj causo tho cancollc or. If any of Ihoso conditk>ns exisi ond vokJ. Iho auccessful bWdor* i. ar>d tho Trustoo and tho BenofI 0 to tho succossful bkldor lor an'

0 knowlodgo of o' moro particuta >vo roforoncod roal property, bu n p lla n c o w ith S e c t io n 6 0 -1 1: M haa boon Inlormod tha addrest LM, H olllatar. Idaho is somollmotd.raoJpfoporty.________________sdo without covenant o r warrant) sions or encum brances lo so lls^ by and pu rsuan t lo tho powor ol0 D o o d of T r u s t o x o c u lo d by ng lo p o rso n , a s Qrantor<9). with D idlnga, Inc. o a tho Bonoliciory. s t rocordod M arch 25 , 1999, aa is e s s . In Ihe rocords of Twin Falls inoflclal inlornsl ol sa id Oood of y a saignod to C ha io Manhattan ia l A ssoc ia tion , as Trustoo u /a XX). recorded Ju ly 10 ,2000 , a s 10378. Tho Bonollcial iniorost ol a s a u b so q u o n lly a sa ig n o d lo :orpofallon. L.L.C. rocordod Ju lyt No. 2003010820, In tho rocords


■y Ihls sa lo Is to bo m ado Is tho It duo undor Iho cortaln Promis* Trust, in Iho am ounts called for Monthly paym onts in Iho amount I ths o l April 2 0 0 3 through and >. togolhor with lato charges ond :rulng. Tho su m ow ing on tho d O o o d o fT ru s t lsS 77 .8 l6 ,7 l a s cargos, attornoy's foos. cosls ol1 all funds oxpo'ndod by Bonofl- e cu r ity in to ro s t. a n d Intorosi T.7SV, Irom M arch I. 2003. to ­cos plus ponoltlos nnd iniorost to

0 soil or cau so Iho irust proporty obligation,optemt>err2003:----------------------

ig this salo ploaso coniaci Tho JsflawKfaho,com or Toll Froo at e t Midland ori tholr wobsito; ).conVIoroclosuro

I. 2S: Octobor 2 a h d 9. 2003“ -

( L O ST S am o y o d X, Puro w h ile , m o lo n o u to ro d . Right bluo oyo. lolt brown

* w/bluo sp o t in It. 1 yr,’ old, R a w a r d $ 2 0 0 C a J I 208-733-1323IV. m sg .‘

LOST Schnauzor/Shih Tzu mix. m alo . sllvor/groy in c o lo r . L o a t In A coqula Minidoka Dam a roa . An­sw ers to Poppor.

SSO Rew ard 20&-136-9612 or 431 -1567*



Please check your ad on the first day.If you fir d an error we will correct il.

Wo w« not bo responsMt lor errors aflor tho firsi

day of publicallon.’

- • Gall-Twin Palls ■ - • ■ 733-0931 0X1,2. or Burloy 677-4042..-

DR. s t r e s s ' S ad? Anxi- o ty ? o r D o p r o s s i o n ? L ic e n s e d p ro lo s s io n a l

. c o u n s e l i n g , in fo rm a l aonings. 205-734-4754*

“ F A X .



DEPARTMENT i2 0 8 -7 3 ^ 5 5 3 8 p

2 0 8 -6 7 7 -4 5 4 3 ' (B urley)*

★ T

_____F o r_ S T U F E _____ C$ 9 9 o r L e s s ^

A(3 l i n e s '3 d a y s i3 d o l l a r s * i

mcludod A conMcutrvo Cay*. Piivnlo PnrTyOnly. g

C a llu sioday l Tho Timos-Nows *'

Classified O opailmont '733-0931 oxt, 2

677-4042,' ‘


lELL IT!I^lassified Ad a

iry N eed i


TWin Falls. Idaho Thurtday,


208-733-6300 & 7 2 0 ^ 6 5 0 ' £ O ISCO U RA O eO RSS-KI------------- O E P R E S ae o-----

TRY FM 8.89 o r 9.07*

REMEMBER,1 Thai birthday ad you placad

som e tim e ago In 77k> 77m o9-A ^w s?N ow l8the

>d nn com o pick up yourpMufos. S top by th a C las-

Ea,l9 silled Dept, todayl ■



xial. *ConfWonllal. 734-7472 • ler's''0”* k . . . i i l l lM H Iil lany ^ 00^ | g | l ^ y | | | a

bS ; ------- BANKRUPTCY--------113 Compotltlvo ralo s onOSS Chapter 7 bankruplclos,T>08 Joff Stokor Ot 734-8452*

inN Quamniood lowest prtea U nconlostod divorco

f o ' *295 ♦ filing fees . Call b y tolllroo.1-0oe-e88-239o*

------■ BANKRUPTCY--------oa Affordable paym ent plan .

jll9 Accidents, divorco &I of criminal m anors.,nn Brmd RIem a t 7 3 4 0 3 * r

i l BANKRUPTCYof Economy Rates'

First Visit is F ree S RAYBORN ,y LAW W E S T p .- — 2 0 8 - 7 3 2 ^ 5 6 7 6 — *

1 - 8 8 8 - 5 6 7 - 5 6 7 6 S e H abla E sp a n o l .

S IN C E 1 9 8 4 * 1'I; EMPLOYMENT &------ 1ni PAYROLL SERVICES

PERSONNEL PLUS 733-7300 Twin Falls

,B 678^4040 Burloy

B U T T E R F L Y K I S S E S‘® Child Coro hoa openings

lor In fan ts th ro u g h 6 . 2 'y fu ll-tlm o. & 1 p a rt- llm o_____m o r n ln g 8 .J C C e .J a l^ ld . _

Conifiod, moal and sn ack s — —provid0d .-C a llJo lm o -a i- —

It CHILD CARE 24 hours.& Pro-School. ICCP

occoptod. Moals & snacks Incl. All agost 324-5784.* |

DAYCARE-O ponlngs - - i Full-Pan-Altor School i

All hours. 208-324-0424 ' ! > EXPERIENCED Child caro

in your own homo. G ood ' roloroncos. Avail, a fto r- • noons & ovos. 734-7893.*' KATHY-S CENTER O F

ATTEKnON Lk:onsod ' Doycare In Rtehflald. °' Con except ICCP lunda. " I Call 208-487-2220*

LOADMINISTRATION ' dIn se arch ol local L ong f<

Torm Caro Admlnistro- ^ lor In Iho Magic Valloy o aroa . A pplicants m u st oi bo llconsod. m otlvalod ai a n d c a p o b lo o l s ue* T cosslu liy d l r o c l l n g '^ pi lu n c tlo n s of o h o a lth b< caro facility. For m oro si i n l o r m a l l o n c a l l 1-208-221-0481* <

1 % IpADVERTISINQ C laaslfled Sa lea

Tho Timos-Nows aTwin Falls olfico has a n a

oponing 'in Iho c lass !- aIled sa lo s dopo n m o n t ^ fo r a (u l l - l lm e s o lo sro p ro so n ta llv o . M on- viday Ihrough Friday 6:30 a<

Looking for a SQit-sinrlor j,thot 13 able lo locus on ,Iho ta sk s a t hnnd ond 1—handio doadlino p ress- DENuros, Accurocy m spoil- O onm g . g o o d c o m p u io r PTskills.a ploasnni m nn- bulnor a n d sa lo s oxpori- rosonco nro ossontial. Bui Tho Timos-Nows otiors a n oxcolloni b o n o lits packogo.

Ploaso mail/o-moil your p..rosumo to: . j

DobyJohnson ' ' 'Tho Timos-Nows _____

P ,0 , Box 548 • DRIVT w n Falls. Idaho 83303 Long

Call 208-735-3326 oxpo-Ckwlng dato 09/1.4/03*. . .offoi

A Q R K U L nlR E I RELOMAN This IS an oxcollonlopportunity to loin our South Contral . . Idaho A g ^ l tu ra l stuff

>n the Rupert aroa. K os^nsibilitios will irwlude working vrtth

growers In all phosos ol growing sugortMOts.

Wo roquiro candidntos with a collogo dogroo nnd prolor o tnrming _

bockground. Wo offor '2 '3 a n oxcollont benefits ^

package and compotitA« salary, Intorostod oppli- c an ts may sond or tax a c i„ |h

resum o. Including q -Sosalary hislory lo; .

T h e A r^ lg a ir^ tM l S u o « Com pany LLCA ttn: P au l L am ieux ----------

P.O. Box 1520 D Rn/EO gdan . UT 84402 Nooc

Fax: 001-393-8042 S e a s We aro on Equal for «

Opportunity EmployerI euw

•y, SaptMTtlMr 1 8 , 2003

I tr ASKING QUE8TK>f<8 «C onductpublicoplnlon

ISO* pbBs ovar-ihe lelephorw.----- ABSOLUTELY____________N O flA LFStit

1— $7.00 to S 9 .0 0 p « -h o u r ,f C asual work environm ent^ F lex ib le e v e s . d a y s . &^ wknd. hours. 15-30 hra.th - per week. Groat part-Ume

Job or second job."X

- - Call 730-2053

S BANQUET --^! ■ P a n time Baruuot a arv er

p,p , to work lloxiblo/lours,

ma C anyon Sprfnga H otel I 1357 B lua U k a a B lvd. N.*- CHILD CAHE '

LIttIo Ooms C M IdesnIs now hiring full-tlmo.

' Pick up appiwailon at- 077 Filar Ava. S la.S D’------ CLERICAL-----------------------® Several oponing,

Expohconce proforrod,' - Apply wilh resum o al ^ ' SO S Staffing Sa rv lce a- 003 Blu* U k a a B lvd. N.*■ CONCRETE

Concroto workers noodod io.Sun Vnlioy oroa. Must

. have oxporionco in lorm f sotting and finishing. Call ' ManTck C onslruc ilon .

Sk ip 72(M 137 o r 570-1702*

CONSTRUCTION -A g g re s s iv e . C o n c r o to . i - oqulpm ont underground

------ paoplo-noododF-Coil-bo-tw oon 8 :30 & 11 :30 om lo r a p p i . J B a r S C on*

I a th ic t lo n 2O0-730-4474* CONSTRUCTION

. Framors. dopondablo, oxp. own irans.. pay OOE. Call

734-8272 or 308-6277. - CUSTOMER SERVICE !


Tho Vmoa-Nowa h a s a lull timo oponing for a Circu- - lalion C uslom or Sorv ico Roprosonlntivo. This po- ' s it io n m u s t bo a b lo to handle muitlpio rosponsl- biiillos, Idoal can d id o to

. should p ossess on oxcol--___ lo n i .p h o n o .p r o s o n c o .-----

strong cuslom or sorvico- —BkillB.-compuinr-nntiUKlOr- -5

- a n d Iho abifiWto'work woll'with othors. Solos oxpori- o n c e a n d bolng a so il- slartor is a plus. Schodulo in c lu d es W od,-S un . All

. I n ta r a a ta d In d iv id u a ls a h o u l d f i l l o u t a n a p p l l c a t l o n b y S e p te m b er 24th a t: g;

Tho Tlmoa-Nowa A ttn: D an W aloek

P.O. Box 540 cTwin Falla, ID 83303. *


DAIRY 4A a a la u n t H erdsm an Milking oxporionco roquirod i

Call 280-1034 Of(no calls oftor 9 pm ,)'

DAIRYFooding Foreman W anted Largo Sunnysrdo .'WA oroa

- d a i r y s e e k s w o rk in g foromon lo join out toam.Must bo bilingual wilh lop g a o r g a n lz a l io n a l s k i l l s : gi ability IQ drivo whool load- r oes. food trucks, tractors. $ Top w a g e s lor quoliliod ^ porson ; 401k omployoo bonolils avoiiobio. P loaso Ni submit rosumo lo:

PO Box 338 I . O utlook, WA 98938 o r

__ fax to 509-039-2078. _



T h a T I m e a N e w a i s l *accopling appiico tionsi ♦for a shortogo dolivory I ♦d r i v o r s . M o n . .F r i , I ♦A p p l ic a n ts m u s l b o i *

. d o p o n d a b lo . h o v o .a l___ *-good drrving rocord, & Iwork woll with o thors, I i M usl hnv o a ro lla b lo l voh ic io . A p p lic a tio n s! availnblo at: I- Tha TImea-Newa I wy

. 13 2 3 rd SI. W est I 111T w inFalla . ID. 03301 I 73:

Attn; D an Walock* | 1 =

>iN fA L ------------------------- mSoninl a s s is ta n i noodod, VPT, Expononco pro'lorrod ■ b u l not roqu lrod , S o n drosum o lo; PO Box 635 FBurley. 10.03310.* MIRIVER B

Class A. COL/HnzMnt roquirod. Full timo

Ag rolatod. I S Drug froo workptaca,JAC C uatom . LLC i

734-8021.*RIVER — I,png haul drivers noodod. ^

xpononco. Hoalth bonolils offorod. C adar DrawTrana

730-3307 0arr>-6pm* ni

3RIVERS IComo |om our Oi

Irnnsponniion tamily.Jo o«por>onco nocossftry. "

. Pnid iraining, Irn40 tk rotiromom. „ |

m odern oquipmonl.Pnn-iimo woik.

lorfoci lor oxtro incomo,■Apply in porson W eatam S lates

Bua Service 2134 HighlnndAvo. E.

or cull 208-733-8003 tjuarOpponun/tyCrrpkiyvr- (| y

ilVERS M'lhotbeds, w/O lonst I yr.ITR exp, Oporalo in 11 'o s l s ta to s , Exc pny & onotits. Homo rogulnrly w,.

600-453-2227*tn/ERSloodod lor manuio haul. oasonal nnd yoorty. Call 'Of an appt. 536-G023.* a cnil - wnll ao il iili>

753.0031 e.i g _____

19 DRIVERdI For haiVMt. SepL A Oct. a . 'C O L n o lre q . b u t a x p .

noco isary . 4 2 3 - 5 0 3 8 .

dSw E ® -------^ ^■ Immecfittio poaltlon to r ro-

h> llaWa OTR drh 'ara . Req:& ooodMVR/ClasaA COL. ' *• Call t-077-020-5113 o r i

324<02e‘ •DRIVERS-----------------------

. Tonkor drivors n o edod for IhoBurloy a r e a . C lo a n driving re c o rd p u ll i n g

- doubiM,Circle A C ona tructlon

' . ■ 731-1045*, bmvERS

Wanted oxporioncod ' ihon haul drivors.

SIgnontmnus Call 20M24-711*6* ?

♦ DRIVERS- BAT Tnjck Driving Sef}ool

dla u A C D L 3 -4 & 6 w k s,classes. Job plncomoni.

»0.000-S40.000^r. 209-737-9272*

~ IDHIVERS---- I nClass A COL drivors ^ neodod for lood grodo lankors. Baso rato p lus

tMn(nos,eam up lo *,31 por milo depor>dlng ^

Run 11 wastom.homo ovory 3-5 da y s . iN

2yoaisO TR HoxponocKO roqulrod. I

For delalla ca ll t1-0Ofr#67-2911 0a m t o j

Spm Mon th ru Frl* jfj Dl

Locol company noods to IIII IFull-limo posillon , p o r t ^

.i .sh o p w o rk ,-p a r t- t ru e k — 0driving. Moslly [n M ogic ^nndW oodrivor V a llo y . ’CDL roquirod, Com potlvo f' w agoi S bonoflts, S o n drosumo lo: K4T Stool P O SBox 291.Twin F a ils . ID '83303.* _

DRIVERS {JJ; N oo d o d loam o r s o l o .

Wookly Colilornla r u n s . I” Homo O lton .C all 2 0 8 -5 4 3«54 lor application* _£!

DRIVERS 5 2Opportunity lor m olivatod ' i'l

long haul iruck drivors. HonliDiftstininco. vacation

pay and bonuses.Toam, solo or rollof,

______ Call.734;9062_________between eam»5pm,*

Reed Brothera n oods pt, oxporioncod truck drivors Tw lor OTR. CDL roqulrod.

Excollonl bonolit pack sg o & 40lk, Salary OOE. Cl - Ploase apply at:903 Elm. Buhl. ID.

or call 2O0-543-43O6*DRIVERS Hn


Somi a Ton Whoolors for Iho polalo harvest in iho

Munaugh aroa, 432-6675 orcomobylornpplicotwns 441BE,3300N,Murtnugh. ?

Id, Mon. Ihru Frl,8:00 om mm 5:00 pm.*

DRIVERS----------------------- “ cUpgrade irom B to A, . ' moi Pan timo/Salurdn^s.

So habla Espanol “ ^ 5 Prolosilonal Truck

Sam up lo $30,000. com o -con goi youi CiassACOl. with R & A T r u c k D r lv I n g School. 206-736-S026.’

^ARPS--------------------------- MEONoodod llconsod Honicul- Full-lural spiayor for 2 w ks. G roE n r n u p l o S I 5 0 0 . a n cFioxiblo hours. Call 208- App 326-3499 loavo mossago*TSRH---------------------------- --------- 'Vanlod oxp. lorm machin- MEDIory oporalors. 324-7148* RN •

r♦ Gonoral Ubor ' ■ 7, 1♦ Conifiod Flaooora • '6 7 4♦ COL Drivors p t♦ Conslructlon♦ Auto Mochane♦ Phono Suwoyor “ f



Noappllcaniloo. vww.pertorvwf/nc.corn •111 Fllor Avo, 733-7300735 Ovartlina 870^040 ” ****

— I N i g h t S h i f t 6 p r r

Li(c Cjip (cnicis 01 Wcotli AfUiVira li ihf f\,iiion'i|>nfniif|xmiilif(it skillnl « KN ^nufsifiR cjif wilh over (FT/1’.’60 f,icililin in 2U • Com,(Jur ijs«(ijlrt jKftvss ll • luilHK<'iillc lixiifi, .1 ItiM- lor Rciiii

lb.'oI()«ly', • i*.inllwhelming iHut' lu do V.k .iI'W.I1,!!(•;« il l.ili'>' III _ • ficxiiI'mufi'J Ixflor i]u.ilily <)i Fiii<i-fwouifnni(fil5. f(



ivi- wiciimi- )txj lo loin ,wr (.imily (J bo.illhc.m- j,,, rflllrtSKXUll Druslirr

Contact ju lic Bcnlzli

A/oivg/arfs kvc/co/nc /<

FARM LI. W ontaddependaM s& exp. V

truck drtvera a tractor op-aratora for potato 0. beat z

_ hw fW I Aiitft fmnm nn ^CO L r o q .. n o w e q u ip .

. Jerom e area. Referonces. Call 070-8203*

; 3EFIERAE----------------- 1r N eed Extra Caah?

Tho Tlmoa-Nevrt la looking lo r a n I n d iv id u a l th a t A com m utes from O lonn'a 1 Forry to Mountain Homo 1 M o n d a y -F r ld a y lo Illi ' 1 vending m nchlnos. This I conlractod position could I holp defray gasoline costa

• lor a dopm dabie IndMd- - ual wlih solid transporta­tion . In to ro stod p a rtie s c o n t a c t J im D a lo s d l §= 208-420-1259.'

g u (5 S '5 h 5 p m a n a S I r .Faa t O laaa Is looking lor ' o x p o r i o n c o d a u t o , rbsldonllal & commorelal g la z ie r . E x p o r lo n c o d roquirod, S2000 s ign on bonus. Excollont bonolits.

. -C:all Clay 1-77S448-1O09*.R A iR S r m S f ----------------

Sooking licensed stylist.PT or Hourly w age.

All c llanlela prov ided , i- commiesion. * bonolits. ,m

fun non-compotltlvo salon.Call 735-1200*

INSTALLER !HV/AC Job loroman and/or insta ller n e e d e d . W age b a s e d on oxp. C o n tac t Jon a t 208-788-0079* _

INSTALLER f =Oish. Network R S P organi- JJ*

z n t lo n Is lo o k in g lo r p ro lo s s io n a l o n o rg o llc

-PQ PpJojoJnstolL sotolllto . system s in Twin Falls and ' surrounding areas. Nood rollablo truck & own tools,M u sl h a v e g o o d w ork .^ i othic. Good Incomol L'Fax resu m e lo M anny °

2O8-»07-6399* ^i n s t a T l e r -------------------- 0W indow Inatallor, m ust bo rr

insured, own oquipm onl wla rg o c o rp o ra t io n . Coll oiJ a s o n 1-0OO-569-9973* a

KITCHEN------------------------ TlTw/rt FaUa Caro Corttar Is m

looking lo r a PM T ray - Ina id e , part-timo. M usl bo Hedopondablo^ ablo to work arin 0 Ia s i p a c e k ltc h o n . piP r e f e r s o m o o n o w ith pr

-oxpononco-in-thoropoinic- • - c u diets, ond sanitntion, Wilj ' _ari

l» ^ o s o ^ l l? in ^ r so * n * o t; by Twin Falla Care C anter,

074 E aalland Dr. /Twin Falls. Idaho

Cindy 734-4264 E O E ' Tv-EA T CUTTER--------------------- ’ixporloncod mont c u tto r L — W ago OOE. L oca tod in Hnliey, Idaho, Call Miko NEV Tnckon ot 200-788-2294 OIRi Mon • Fn 8am-5 pm . *i ic H iN ic ---------------------hosol mochnnic w ontod, minimum 2 yoors oxpori- o n c o . m u s t h a v o ow n tools, pay OOE. modicol insurnnco. vocation, m ust |: i , bo ablo to work Frl., Sot.. r»V nnd Mon. Coll 734-9062 Mon-Fri. 0 nm to 5 pm ,’EDICAL d a t

FulM lnw U b T ach , pon lust bo ASCP corlilied or a n i oliglblo. Day shift. Groat hnv

bonofil package, and atio compotilivo poy. Apply a t sho

GCMH tion1120 M ontana byS

C ooking Idaho* I—E oicA L----------------------- r r rull-tlme RN Night ahlft. T6I 3roat bonolit p a ck a g e . in d c o m p o tltlv o p a y .^ppiy a t GCMH

1120 M ontana >— Goodlng;tdaho*----------ioiCA L----------------------- ^IN • Full-timo days,NA - Full-timo A Partimo

174 E as tland Ave. Twlr*Falle o r call 734-4254 -ffl

a ak for Brian* 4 7■DICALX A /CN A n o o d o d for_ __osotta''A ssrslod'L lving. ' Wo adicaiod caring individu- comn Is 10 jo in o u r t o a m . 139 Qpondobility im portant, n i III a n d pnri-iim o p o s i- I , n i )ns nvaliablo, Cali Linda U J J Matgomai East RIdgo . ^

oaotta. 208-734-9422*

l l a J

l l j j H Q Q

)m -6 a m |------ 1

()/i'tfi:iXXJi.nnlJnlioous “ jIN Nc-w Wjne Sf jlc____ - ■ - JFT/TT/IV-r Dicmi................................ *:omj)f(iliwS,ii.in«uilionciinhuiv'mi'nl iKlHiihdnV ,i(.ili(ins i-*ii>!f Scbcdub

Fix ImitHili.Hi' fonsi(icr.ilii)n,

[ilc.iw wmi ^ orfjx l(^umt•lo:H IIikIkcviow

Es!.ile5 2(1 lindgi-VH'w Bkii. vmfiillv, ID 83301 >n<': (.'Oai/jO-JWI i v i ’OH) 73(>-.3‘|.||



? f o a p p ly ! '

LABORERS MW anted laborers lor palnt-

• lnglm m adC al410-2S45.* •■ MEDICAL ___ _

2 4 -h o u r sk illed n u ra ing o facility, Is currantly takJr^ appllcatkMia fo r ,

1 Soc ia l w orlcw . ' . 1 FT rM to ra th rs a ld a -

Application aro a lso being accepted for RNAJ>N a n d c

, n u r a i n g a s s l s t a n t a . Competitive sa laries and benefit packago OOE. Hlgtifand M anor o« Elko, _

2850 R uby Viata Dr. Of Elko, N evada 89801 *

o r fax to 775-753-4355 EOE MFH <


Koop yoi^r cMllan job. o r 0stay a full-tlmo student, s r' and bo a part-llmo uZ

soldier in Ihe *Arniy National G uard. ,}J

★ ★★Earn oxtro monoy ★★★ W opoyforcollogo ™★ ★ ★ Stayfnyour 4 .

community★★★ Sem eyourcountry ___

Coil today if you are . willing to work part-timo

while attending high ,school or collogo, or

pursuing a civilian ,caroor.

Call: SF C Barlow (208)730*3054 o r



TTM Tlmea.Nowa la ■ -acevpUng-applleatlorta ' 1=

forafull-Umo “ r cDIatrletManagorlrtour lo (

Twirt Falla Offteo Mu'T h o succossfu l condi- shi

d a to m u st bo a b lo to hr.w o rk w o o k o 'n d s . b o siaid o p o n d o b l o . h a v o oruoxcollont timo m anage- Apem ont skills, a n d onjoy s cworklng.wilh youth. An e63 outgoing porsonallty Is

T - K m i i v , . . . , 7m onogom ont position V® inc iudos rosponslb iii-llos in m anaging youth -

• and adult earners, sa les SPOI p r o m o t i o n s , a n d 11 yc p ro v id in g o x c o llo n t spo

-cu s to m er sorvlco. If.you for \ aro Iniorosiod. como in is a

by10rtJ3«003 g a nTho Ttmoa-Novta and

Attn: D an W alock pooiP.O . Box 548 area

Twin Falla, ID 83303 por------- A D R U O F R E E .............ingf

W OR KPLA CE- doai


skillsrhe Timos-Nows Is oc- edgecopling applications for skillso part-limo Oisinct Man- studioflor Assisiont, This po- too-s i t i o n w il l a n s w o r ond iphonos, dolivor m issed Ihg tcp a p o r s . a n d d o liv o r Raperoutes on Saturday and T> S u n d a y m o rn in g s a sn o o d o d . Idoal c an d i- Twid a to s s h o u ld b o d o - O rpkpondabk). have a pioos- ot 1 a n t d e m e a n o r , a n dhovo reliable transport- A dnation. Iniorostod parties Ptaaa<should till out applica- ^lion a t Tho Timos-Nows 'z„ ’ by Soplomber 26th ,'

r e l e p h o n r S a l e s R e p n

^ 1 1

Wo'oro'sboklno lhdae~wilh~oacolloi ommunlcation skills, and basic com 1399 Fillmore, Su ita 502 * .^ i>

Hoalth C aro B enefits Avallablol > $ 1 0 0 Referral Bon

•A dvancom ont O pportu * R a ise s a lto r 90 dai

•F /T $ 7 .00 por hr. •P /T S 7 .0 0 por hr, (m^wnho


A v a i l a b l e S

, Cal D istric


MEDICAL PRC OIract cara atair.

All ahms.^ aiPlaasa ca0734<(344.* ‘ 1

■M5DICAL ■ • ' S SR a^ttarad Nursa, fuO-tlma W al

days ft new Evi

So w ^ew cb U O T T S a ty Eok& boneflts. Ploase Contact

KataW »aoft,RNOir«:tor of Nuraing. f , , -

G oo cfln aR ah ato a U ^n g 0“ ^Cantar, Clu

1220 Montana SL934<0O1* SA U

OPTKJAL-----------------------Ann's Eyowoar Doullquo fng 1

has a posillon for an , portexperienced O ptician. HoaApplicanis shoukl bo (on

servk;a oriontod. ftknowl- ------=odgable about fashion ^

eyewear. 200-733-1067*SAiNTER--------^ ^= x p a r e ln c o d p a i n t e r froonooded lor busy m anu- avoii

‘ lacturing plant. Pay OOE. vicePro^)mploymonl drog tost Fodiroq. . Apply in poraon a l-------- oion

Cham iae Tralfara 20Se452 South Park Avo. W. al Fn_ ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ l l ^ ,o r . i

PLUMBING I rHydronic Heating; ^ 2 r

Journeyman A /^p^en-

( S X a K m m m d R

F . » .avoilablo. Wo have i ” fo

permanent and Romi tomporory posillons. PfOf"'

.. E vanaPIum blr»g_ fo T ’/ Located In Haltay, .'odor

Idaho Amor __0O O :0 2 W 2 6 1 :-------- ----------- j

RODUCnON k . . . .oco l a re a , p a y $6 -S 6 .^ u s t bo avoiiobio lor all ■ k . J ihifts. & rotating, 6 -10-12 ir. shifts. Must bo enthu- liastic A eager to wortc,>rug Iroo workplaco, kpply in personSOS Staffing S e rv ices H 13 Blue U k a a Blvd. N.* ^ ISTAURANTNow hinng lunchlimo . ' •

Vait or Cook sta ll . P T , ■ MO Mon-Fri Apply In porson >Hue U k e s Pizza Hut*■ORTSWRfTER------------ BELIyou enjoy high school n - .K r , ports, wo haye tho job >r you, Tho TImoS'Nows

om e rosu iis by phono 'Id in porson. Wo nood jopio In tho Twin Fails „ Ij* oa, Work 2-3 ovonings '^ •“ *1 it weak, usuolly includ* gFrtdaysrinanoxcltlno.' ladlino-drlvon environ- o n t. (S c h e d u le s n ro tmowhol lloxiblo.) You Jo d g o o d la n g u a g e ills, somo sports knowl- Igo and basic compuior ills, high school and CSI Jdonis wek»mo: adulis <0 . Sond your rosum o d a sample ol your wnt- AIto.JooPaisioy. Sports iportor. TWIN FThe*nm e»44ewe. R T .702

P.O. Box 548, 1800-21w in Falla. ID 83303. 2000-22 pick up an opplicalion RT. 728 BtourTwin Falls or 800-900

Burloyolf«o. 1800-20drug-lroo workplaco, RT. 729 ia«app tyby the9 /25 .* 11OO-ISn you navo i1«m# aiouna , 0O.700 Jt homo you no longor ^.novoiti^moa..-------- R T -73^

I 1100-131iresenlatlv^

600-900 ^ - 7 7 5

- 600-900I U I ” 2300-24C■ n i l ^ R T .770 I I I I I 500-700I I I U ^ ^ H Whis

500-700 ' 786

600-9001■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 7 3 : 1 1500-220

R T .795.................... ■ ••.' 1500*160T la n m * ' 1500-170[lorSlTiodino-sklliS;-------- RT.-828"}mpuIor krvowkKlgo. 100-500 /• 100-200 r

RT. 832■ T J . T J A j ' J n i B 100-500 J

RT 8533 ! ' Paid Training! 700-850/> Onusi 200-350 Krtumtlosilay si II you livit<oufi>»«««ii thoso orihog.i.»< .«<l| EOE

l e l i m e s - N e w s

S e p t e i n b e r 2 1 s t

all Kathyic t M anager •35-3348

_________ ]___________ I


affactfva, Irwxpaftatve ;

KEVTAURANr - -— -------W a ltr a a a A b a r t a n d o r . ; .

E v en in g ah lft. A pply liv p o r a o n a t 1 0 0 7 B lu e : L ^ a a B tv d .N .-

3ALES: i a s o r w a n t a d . . L a a d ’a furnished. 435-755-0055 or 435*232-6842 a sk tor Cfiortle.*

SALES>top Opportunity knocks,I Martf Financial Is expand­ing looking for succossful person oxporelncad In tho Hoalth Insuranco profoea-. ton. Coil lor 732-0088*. •

PU B U C s e r v k ; e — MESSAGE

lon't p a y to find work bo- toro 'you got tho Job. For fro o In fo rm a tio n a b o u t avoiding omployment aor* vico sc a m s , write to tho Fodoral T rodo Commla- alonrW aahington.-O .C .-.20560. orcall iho IVatfon-II Fraud Informatkin Cbrt-. or. 1-800-876-7060." ‘ •

k 2 i7 '


j d o r a l o m p lo y m o n i n f o r m a t i o n i s f r o o . lom om bor. no oho con iromiso you o federal j o b . ,'or froo Inlormation about jdo ral joba . coll Caroor- imorica Connoctton, :

478-757-3000* ■ ' • _____




th Comor & SubstHutos noodod

■oil livn in Ihnqn nrn/M ^ --------ind would llko to bo a

corrlor P lea aa c o n tac t

la thy , D latrlctM gr.735-3340*




0-2100 Candloridgo '0-2200 Candlowood728-900Sunriso Blvd,N,0-2000 San Larue7290-1500 4th. 5lh. 6lh

Avonuo E.•700 Ash St,7324 0 0 Elm Sl. N,J-1300 Hoybum E.765)-2100 Shorry Onvo •

and Lano 900 Sunriso Blvd.n s900 Buckingham— ----------------1-2400 Fllor Avo E,770700bVhisponng Pino Or,700 Woodinnd r86)00 Cnpn Or.•2200 Foils Avo, E.’OS*1600 Princoton •1700 Richmond128--------------------------------------- ------->00 Adam s !00 Fllor ^ 200 Jockson.Monroo,

ondO uincyS3ISO Acodomlc Dr.ISO Mondows Ln,

iU livo noar ono of10 a reas and would(0 to b o n carrior cle aae co n tac tnl, D latrlctM gr.


8 ,

s t ■ ;

's i

1 ('



^ S5etv

', .......... . ' i

Page 35: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

■ j ■-




•WIN FALLS '■RT. Ml1S00 Asp«n St.1200-1400 Spuilock Ct.

RT.813100-200 W Mhinglon N, 200 ntctwfdaon Dr.

RT.652700-600 Maacfows 000-000 W uhlngton N. R T .M 2'300-100

Biackon S t. N., 200-SOO Fllor Avo. W.

R T .aes100-200 Comoy 100-200

Casa Grondo Ct.HT. 872

. . • 200-300 Elfllno.................200-400 BobWw Avo. HT.674500-800 Falls 'RT. 890400-500 Park Terraco .tlOO-1200 Parkway Dr.

RLERRT.549100-800 5lh St.

BUHL RT. 547200-800 9lh Avo.

- RT.548400-700 7lh Avo. .400-800 8 th Avo.

p -fo u livo n e a r o n o ol ttiosQ aroas and w ould llko'to t>o a carrier

Plaasa co n tac t Ryan. D istrict Mgr.

735-3347 •


The Tlmes*News is currently looking for

Independent Route C arr ie rs

_____ JEROME_______________ .RT.522100-800 E, Avo. A

'100-800 E. Avo. B.RT. 523100-700W. Avo. B •

......... ^00-700 S. Elm St.RT.527200-600 E. Avo. I 300-500 E. Avo, J RT. 526100-800 E.'Avo. C 300-400 S. Lincoln

GOODINGRT.S04500-600 8 tn Avo. E.500-800 9m Avo. E.RT.S08800-1300 Mam Sl.1000-1200 Montana

JEROME DIST. S- Molor Rt. 616


If you livo in thoso a ro a s ond arc iniorosiod in baing a nawspapor

carnor...Plaaaa con tac t

Kathy. Olatrlct Mer. 735-3348 •

RPUTESAVAiLABLE In tha B urloy aroa

. Wo oro currently = nccepting appllcoitons *=

_____ _lor.mflopandont c o r r lo r s ___

Burlay to Oakley Motor Roule

RT. 400 iW OSIsmst,-w l i s t ,Poiko Avo.-Ovofland

RT.436E, sm si.-9m Sl,. Ovorlond-Hlland

Stop by our Burloy ollico 7. ond Mt cu t ^

an application or Call 677-4042 —

1263 Ovorland Avo.(Old Ropor Building)*



: ROUTES AVAILABLE . Ir) tha Ruport aroa '

Wo oro curronity ' occopling oppllcalions

(or IndopontJoni cam era RT. 426

KOr,-HSl,; 16lhOr,-T2mSt,

RT. 428 ; IB lhSl.-C ity limits• H S t . - o s t .

's to p byourBortoy oHico and lilt out

on application or Coll 677-4042

1263 Ovorlond Avo,; (Old Roper Building)’

: REMEMBERJhalbirtfxJayadyou placed 00(116 (ime ago in The Times- J /ew ? Now is the lime to ' eo(ne pick up your pictures. JtopbyttioCustanef Setvice Depllodayl L .

. I _________________

— : -Vr C a M PCO.COMH irgm iA aqatM aa*




Big p ro (lla 4J8u a lly m ean I big risk . B e fo re y o u do

business wllh a company. • check It ou t with th e Bet­

ter Bualneaa B ureau , For f re e In fo rm a tio n a b o u t a v o id in g I n v e s t m e n t Bcoma. write to th e Fodor- ol T ra d e C o m m is s io n . W ashington, D .C., 20580. or coll tho Nallonal Fraud I n f o r m a t io n C o r n e r , l-s00 -e76 -7060 .* :;,"

----------- D R A C O ------------IN V E S T M E N T C O R P .CASH for G oods of Trust.

M ortgages and R eal Estale Contracts, Call today for a

freo, no-obllgation quolo. ( 2 0 6 ) 7 3 3 ^ 1 •WHY W A rr $ s

RoceM no paym en ts on rool ealato so ld? Wo poy mora for all typos o l loans.

_ _ fw m .p o rfo c t jo .d e ra u lto ^ , CoJI (800)901-9301^ h(o Foos, No Surprises.


‘ r w iCLOGGINO C L A SSES for oil ages, Boglnnors

welcome) Starting October 4 ,2 0 0 3

r For moro Info call'Lacoy 0I212-949S-


Trad’itionoil/Clossical Educoilon

Taught Irom a Christian Wortdviow

2nd Ploco W inner at ~ Stale Scholastic

Sclonco Quiz Bowl Posiilvo social

onvlronmont Small C lass S izes

Call 324-1100

PIANO LESSONS Beginner thni advancod ,

Olane B. Davis 20fl.324.7326*



P l e a s e c h e c k y o u r a d o n th e f i r s t d a y .If y o u f in d a n e r r o r w e will c o r r e c t it.

Wo will not borosponsi- blo lor orrors aftor Iho

. _lirst.day.of.publlcation^ .

Coll Twin Foils 733-0931 oxt. 2 . or Burley 677-4042,-

B U H L T 9 9 6 F lo o tw o o d mig, homo. 1496 eq, ft. 4

~ b a r m 7 r 2 'b o i h r w h i t o ' ■ w /novy irim . D W . s to v o and (otrig incl. Able to bo movod $40,000 2B0-2656’

BUHL 1997 14x70 N ashua ' 2 bdrm., 2 bolh. M anufoc-

turodhom o. Rolrig., W/O.AC. Storoge shod. Oock& hondicoppod ram p , E x­collont conditiori. O w nor llnanclng. Musi romoln In - pork, Colt 208-543 .8342 .- ^

Goi somolhcng 10 solP Soil it Iha lo w est way . . . w>m clataitmg 733,Q031_______

i !O r a J c c S l ^ k M a r k

(X’nltir)' 2 1 RoIh :Klvcniidc . R

...click o n Re;

I BUHL AREA 1 .26 a c r e s , 2400 sq, ti., lg. k itch en , gaa f i r e p la c e , A C . Ig, (•need, shady back yard , ; 5 ^ f j } ^ a £ e ^ g x 7 2 ft.

Coll 2 0 ^ 6 4 ^ 1 -^ 9 *H BUnLBY 3 b d rm . 1 b a lh j S home on 2 acres-postu re ,■S’ corral, wal»r a n d m o u n -

lain view. $ 8 1 ,0 0 . C a ll.— 677-9ei5or431-1452.*— ' BURLEY Must ^ s« to a p - :

V preciatal'Clean, up d a ted 3 bdrm., 2 b a th , 1 le v el brtck home on Ig. c o m e r lol. Fenced yord. RV pa rk ­ing, dock, patio. W onder­ful neighborhood . M oti-

lan vated sellor. 2201 C onan t do Or. Call 2 0 a rS 7 8 -2 4 6 8 ny. days or 877-2302 e v e s . '

5 7 f 5 T L lP ( 5 R U 7 T O T L 3 b d r rn „ 2 b o t h , m fg . :

homo on perm anent foun- >ni dallon. 2.4 acres , corrals,

central air, oulo, sprinkle-' rs. Pelfoi aiovo. $ 9 9 ,500

lud Call20e-637-0913V

;= r FAX r I OR

EMAILYour Ad To s



Twin F a lls ,• 208-734-5533

twinadO magicvattoy.com glBurley >

2 0 8 -6 7 7 -4 5 4 3 ;mcciawOrtmo'evfliieycom ^

FILER 13 4 4 bedroom h om os — roody now, Sollor c an holp w ith f in a n c in g . f Tom 208-737-9169* J

i I

I i J

F tL ER N ico h o m o &l I"la rg o sh o p '9 9 m i g . I Ihomo 3 bdrm,. 2 b a th ,I I ,

.1 7 0 0 s q . f t . . 2 . c o r l I ig a ro g o . s p r i n k l o r s . I I ivinyl lonco. 2 p a t io s . I I i3 2 x 5 6 w o o d s h o p . I I iS149.000.326-4043* | I ;

HAGERMAr^ S bodroom . U 3200 sg, li„ built i n -96.

2 x 6 construction O w nor omotivoiod, Sl45,000/firm , i.

Call206-324.4595’ ^ ' HAGERMAN lontastic viOw

4 bdim. 4 bom 3400 s q ft > ' S7 a c re s . SieO O d o w n . ,S14t,000,206-228-2016’ L

F iA B B m aX in iM rU ppT ? g, with sh o p on 3 /4 a e r o . y< s s o M a j O M i o j M ^ 7:

HAQERMAN isocludod , ___wildlilo just oul tho back TW door, 20 ocros. sp rin - 31 ktor itrigalod, boouliful C

. _ 2 8 0 0 - * q - l l - h o m e . - 3 --------bodroom, 2 bolh. don, 3cor gorago/shop. P a rk ^likosetlino.Livostroam.Pond, S350 .000 , Coll 208-837-9137 o r viow

• ai ttp/itiom ononronmrv -nifldcnporodiso* 3*

t JEROME I n®(3 bedroom, loncod SI

_yord. fu i!_^ym ont o n ^ — much rnoia. S53;000,

Wim 1/2 down, P lo aso ■call 206-878-5490 ■

otter 4 pm* HEROME 3 bdrm.. 2 Path . Hcouniry homo. 2 1/2 ac ro s TWw /w olor s h o r o s . 2 c a r begorago. Iandscapo w llh tuau to sprinklors, s to ro g o sliShod, Call 208-644-90S7* s t

JEROME 3 bflim.. 2 ba th , ^ quiol neighborhood, closoto schools, gorago. shop . ^ RV parking, cul-do-soc.

Call 208-644-9561*

1 9r k E . J o n e s R a y S a b a l a ii)l>ert Jones Irwin

Realty Rt-aJty

eal Estate - Horr

t m d h y ,i

I. HOME INSPECTIONS 1, 2000 4- since 1993.I. Bill Baker. 208-32S-5115.’

J E R O M E 44- a c r e s , 5

pump & p ipes. 1993 mfg. hom e on perm anerit fogn-

n d a tio n w /fu lt g a ra g e , 3 - >, bd rm .. 2 b a lh . C overed I- patio w /hot tub. Alt fencedII. w / 2 'O ut bu lld inga. Call

324-3123 for view ing.'= J E R O M E B y O w n e r

Retired- seniors downtlz- ll Ing,- R a n c h s ty le , opiin f, b eam coillngs, 3 bdrm,. 2 ■ bath brick home, Lg, RV

& 2 c a r ga rage , gotf can storogo. lg, shop, on 9th

t falrwoy Jo rnm o Couniry 1 Ctub, G orgdous landsco-

p in g . G r o a t b a r g a in . : 81 7 5 ,0 0 0 .208-324-3404' ] • JE R O M E R a n c h hom o ,

Excollont condition. 1128 •. sq . ft,.'3 bodroom. l bot^, • ‘ foncod back yord For sate ’ b y o w n o r , $ 6 9 , 9 0 0 .

Pro-opprovod, 731-1881 ,' K IM B E R L Y jt b d r m ,, 2

b a lh , family riri, w/pollel Steve, cuslom cupboords. C h in a h u tc h , sp r in k le r system , AC. londscoping, c a r p o to d & h o rd w o o d floors, ga rden spol. 2 car g a ra g o . 4 lols . C lo so lo school. For moro info, coll 734-9560 or 423-5166'

MAGIC VALLEY H oving V p rob lem s m aking houso $ paym ent? I will moko ii lor you. Call 208-423 -5217 ’

RU PERT 4 bdrm. 2 both, b rick h o m o on 5 a c re s , $138,000. 208-438-1978, o fto r 3 p m . O r Jo r ry O

—208=43B=8281-bO fora-3- ~ p m .1 5 a d d itio n a l acro$ a lso ovailabio.*

SH O SH O N E C harm ing 2 bdrm. hom o on 5 acros. ' C all886-7S48. $79,900.'

TWIN FA LLS 2 Slory, 4 . bd rm ., 4 b a th , 5 oc ro s, l a r g o s h o p . O l f o r s w considorod. 208-734-4786'

TW IN>A^LLS3~bodroom, : 2 b a t h h o m o o i 1 7 6 6 ' M aplow ood, Aulo sprin- I klors, 2 c o r gnrogo. rolm- ' is h o d h a rd w o o d lio o rs - - o n d po rtia * b o s o m o n i , ' S115.0Q0. 732-6263.' 5

I TWIN FALLS 360 5 lh I A ve W. Cuio 2 bdrm 1 I . ba lh on co rnb r lot. new . u I siding, window s, codor I lo n c o . g a s fu rn a c o &I stovo, Etoci, up grodos, , I 7 3 6 -2 5 3 0 / 2 8 0 -0 7 8 5 I REDUCED to $62 ,000 '

TWIN FALLS 4 bOdroom,2 bath, lomily room, lo.iso (Of $ 9 0 0 /m o n i n . C a n . Shorn is 208-280-1616' ,

TWIN FA L L V iy^O w noT ! j Ownor boing tronslorrod 1 5 4 3 s q , f t . 3 b d r w , 2 1 bath. lg. kitchon w/pontry, gos fireptoco. tg. yard, 4 “ yoars old. $135,000. Coll 731-0420 '

TWIN FALLS I °Fixor U ppers,-Forcctosuros ' i,

Froo List. !1 (888)453-4177 Id* 1042 rc No Monoy Down Homos i tr

■ Froo Ropoft. C1(888) 453-4177 Ida 1051

Bryon NowBorry Canyonsido Roalty*

TWJN FALLS Foroclosuro'3 bdrm., 2 b a lh .- S4 i ,000 ^ Coll 800-319-3323 oxt k

------- H792-forJistings.!---------^TWIN FALLS NE location 5

842 Elm SI. N. ovor 2200 sq. It., compiototy upcJ.it- ! 311 od. chorming, 3 bdrm , i ra 3/4 both, n fw hilchon nnd cc opplioncos, lull bsmi. wim B( 3 b o n u s lo o m s , fam ily * 1 room, w ash room/kitcho- ca n o t t o , R V p a r k i n g . wii S116.900, 736-8163,- ni c

' zTWIN FALLS WoH kopt 3 I J s';

bdrm .. 2 1/2 bath, mo- ! nj, turo landscap ing , slool siding, au to sprinklors. oq s to r a g o s h o d . M uch moro, Ovor 2000 sq , ft., $ 1 2 2 ,9 0 0 w llh SSOO •jo, tow ards c lo sin g . f1 5 3 « 5 S t e r f l r o . C e l l E d a t .A A aalat 2 Sell 734-ie98.*l


i n i ^ ^ K i y f l l i i f i l f I—

H iC o n n i c H e r b e r t Si«*<

Silver Sage Rtadiy •

.•ndw a

• m e s e l t e r


. w m I


----------------- • ■ ^

TWIN FA L L S 3 bedroom, I 2 ba lh , S8 S.OOO,

C all208-735-810a’ , TVWN FALL S U w e opUorT

2 0 a -6 3 2 -0 7 3 4 /a i2 -4 3 3 r I T W I N F A L L S O u l a t |

country hom e for sale S. s ofT F. 1 .2 5 ’acres .3bd rm , [ 2 b o lh . Poric like yard,' * S 1 19 .500 . C all 208-306- 2500/ 733 -7407 for appt.'

T W IN F A L L S . 3 bd rm .2 both, 2 c a r garage, cen­tral v a c ., aocurity. hard­w ood f lo o rs , sprinklers, ya rd , g a s fttoplaco, AC.

' S toney Brook subdivision. $139 ,900 , P ick flooring & cab ino ls . Call 731-926B'

WENDELL$139 ,900 OpolS & llowing 3

a c r e ra n c h o tto lonluros p o n d . 4 8 x 4 8 m ach ino

' shod, hoa tod shop, tois ol room for trucks or to raiso c o lv o a .’H o m o h as iwo k b o d ro o m s. tw o bnms m g ro a t s h o p o l Cati Kairti

■■ 2 l2 ;9 2 1 2 -o r :B o n d r2 1 2 - 2 2 2 8 . M L S W 1 0 7 I 7 9 1 PCH3731 (


gO S-734-0400 _ ;WENDELL I $58,000 Roolly shorn homo (

on lorgo lol in nico noigh-bornood . Show s pndo ol ^ow nership. Propony con- ®sis ts of 4 lols Ihal mny t)o ^pu rch a sed without homo. J.Call L o u isa a t 208-280- :

_O B 22 .or_B ronddjiL £O S:___ :4 1 0 -5 0 7 4 . MLSB104799 f PCW7671 m


20B-324-B85^W EST MAGIC Ovur 1700 T

:;q. II.. 2 Story 3 boriroom. ^ 2 bn lh h o m o , 2 i:;ir B r.igo * oxtra sior.igr- tiro ™ p inco . fam ily roo", nun ’ SH room, nico Inwn. :iO mm 2 S .o lH a itoy inW r.M M ag . ir IC. y o a r-a ro u n d ,icc<-s5 II $ 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 . C n it Haciiol S' Coopor n t fi^cCnnn Oj-;cm di Fen ton R oa llo rs Ll.C.iui Ji m oro inlo, 208-720-4146' -fvi " -ruc-r...cc .M C .,o I ’ 6 « C ldealflod D eponm cnr '

O ffice hours .iro a . 8:00 a m 10 5 :30 IKI. “ 'u' Monday thru Fncljy g

WonreoporTlooHwnlk-m -—SlIrnllic to a ss is t you in '

building your ad lomaxiini^o your results. ^

O r coll ono ol our . ■Ctnr.siliod Salos .Roprosoniativos, ' ME

1-208-733-0931 0*1.2 ' SH 132 3 rd S t .W j yr

Tw in F n lls Offico |

1-208-677-4042 1263 O v er la n d Avo. k

o r B u rloy O ffice' ^

"■■puBLfc'seRvrcE” " ^ M ESSA G E ' on

Soiling p ro p fW '’ Don i pay j I •iny foos UI -" It'S sold r=o» jm tro o in f o r ’-,.itio n ;il)0 ul avoidm ci i riKishnro .m d of roal of.t.-ii.; i.cnmo, wiiW to t n o I '. - ( J o r a t Tr.itfo Com m >;.'jion. W ashing . fo ton. O C . 20080.

or calt ino National Fraud Inlormnlion Conlor, 1-800-87G-7060.*

^ Iru sp

•~goi^ r' m s

1 8 0 A e r o s - M o u n la I n ran g o ln n J . sum m or oc- COSS, Spr< ni|S . OOSI ol Boltovuo. .► 1260 AcrOB-now crops/- Julil caltlo r a n d ; , nice homo. C wildlilo & g.'imo birds, sco- me Bliss .-trf.-!.11000 A cro s • Flonch lor 2*5'0“ 3 0’0"iro -a"dT o o“ 'C iw around. 3 r^urno. Caroy,1800 A cros - Top quallly. C p roductive, p ivo ts , good r — w a to r rig til:;. 2 h om es, k . labor hom o A mco shop,' 660 A croo • C rops, pas- lu ro , b ig to e J lo l . m isc. ou tbu ild ing ;;. 2 hom os, Rosoworth

55 8 A cro fl - C ow /call i ranch for 100 nood. mco f n Home, cconic t3liss, ’5 5 2 A e r o s - S u m m er

rancti for 100-150 hood, f srick riomo. '\conic Elbo ^ 5 ! ^oltoy - ^lO B E R T JO N E S

REA LTY bdrr 7 3 3 -0 4 0 4

I o r 2 JERI



•il MUO Mv^tMing « ahIO TO* H M oapa' II (ublMi lo Con :r>* Fni> Houung Act wttteri Ron

Jltcriminalion Cai«a on I'niOf w N

icllonal oriQin, or an ly nnmarulon, lo mniin any tuoi mot} Kalarancs. Ilmllallon or IHerlmlnalion • r^amlllalla lu l Includat crilldran w a rrndar Iha aoa of IB living C00 l<uiuxJ.'In.'prigrwt wwiSm/<d (Mopla aMurV» cuMMr Call>etJK}nnOn<t»>lS ■' S41-Ma nawipapar will nel newlnoly aecapt any Svanialng for raal aalala -Men la In violallan ot tha D tw. Our r»a<l*ra ar» hiafaby niformM tnal all Owalllnoi iNwilaM m irua n«w>«apar ra avallabla on an aqual ^ • pponunlly Baala, To O l' >mplaln ot diacrlmlnailan Ml HUO To»'f>*a « 1-aOO- 90-0777. Tha to ll-lraa — 'lapriona nun'Oaf for tha E \ y

B U R L E Y S n a k e R iv e r h 2 3 7 * /-a c re a . S692.600.

, R educed to $495,000.Call (208) 346-3183

K nipe L a n d Company.*

E * i lFiLER----------------------------- 1*79,900 Conyon rim acra-

a g e . ' l n d i s t i n c t i v e neighbo rhood . This 6,11 a c re .p o rc e l hos canyon rfm a c c o s s wllh canyon

•views. N ot many of Ihose c ovailabio. Give us a call ■ lor m oro inform alion on I t h i s l i s t in g , co ll K athy I P a r t r id g e 7 3 7 -3 9 2 0 or g Ron Froom on 737-3915. , M L S»106455PC«2951 |


20 8 -7 3 4 -0 4 0 0 <K IM B E R L Y 4 0 o c ro s 6

milos sou th , irngoiod wilh p tp o . 3 6 . s h a r e s TFC C . ..., w o lo r . b o a u l i lu l vipw. BLM 0CCO33. $155,000.Coll 208-423-4315,'

K IM BERLY C ottonw ood H o i g n t s , P r i c o s R e - d u c e d l l S p o e to c u la r

. viows.. c ro o k occoss and w alk in g tr a i l , Kimborly S chools. C lo so to South _ H ills a P l e a s a n t Valloy ▼ G 0 11 C o u r s o , C o l l G( 423-5278 p r 539-7804' g

S H O S H O N E ( N o r lh )5 a c ro s $ 1 7 ,0 0 0 , groal

VIOW. o w n er linanco .with GC $ 1 ,0 0 0 d o w n S200/m o. w Coll 208 -731-0103 ' S


TWIN F A L tS -Tired o l f j i 3 toeka?" C hock rolurn on now 4 ploxos.

Call Chuck 733-8207' ,r

▼ pi Ki>


________________________ heS H O S H O N E By ow nor, W

27.000 sq It building on 3 y< irngntod o c ro s. hardwooU THI lloor Ih ro u g h o u i. 0 ,000 j e i sq . fl g y m , b id sc tioo i m downtown, S125,000. Call John 20 a -a69-0969 j e ,

TWIN FALLS " ' ' m6 a c r e s z o n e d H o a v y ioi' tllUUMIIJ!.'rtll L'liy'MitVILlf.,"' ' "J,

avail. S t p o r sq . It jc r a . 20. o r 40 n c ro s .conod

Hoavy induninnt. S8 .000- 5J.5 1 2 .0 0 0 p o r a e ro 4*i -,V paid to ronl osta to agonis.

■'733-8700 d a y or-nrght.’ --------pn32

MUME‘x ICO /U SA Odd years,

W -S 433 l e e s . 7 n ig h t fO ftlutJio w/lull omonilios. 29 RIC y rs . le t i w U h 2 w o o k s fO' nvail. in 2 0 0 3 . For moro Sho inlo call 208-733-9339.

^ RU bd

________________________ boFILER Tripio w ide Martotio on 1 loneo docro . 3bdrm.,2 bain. AC. Approx. 1800 Cn sq.tl. L oss th a n 2 yrs. Old. »<) Lots o t o x tras . $120,000 I O®. ollo_r. C.ntl208-32G -5aS8.' SHC

JERO M E m n n u lac iu rlK J ' homo 3 bdrm , 2 bntti gns O'" to r c o d a ir . A C , wt»od 5IOVO. gas a p p ls . dul ga- r a g e w /o p o n o r s , s to ro 0 *< room, 2 co v e red patios. Ig TWII lot. m aturo landscap ing . 'He Ituil troos, loncod yd. aulo anc sp rin k lo rs , RV parking,

•g O B ^ a3 ri3 o a -o p p |? --------1--8JCETCHUM m obile homo 3 milos Soulh. (Tho Mead- TWIi ows) 2 bdrm. 1 bath, 896 bai sq. II ♦ 720 sq . II shop, roq hoi lu b & g ro o n h o u s o . Iasi Call 208-726-4060,.' Mu


:EMEYARV p l o t s ----------■ ™ r'(2) for solo. Apt

Call 208-733-7809 ' hoo

k S 2 0 .^ i U E i U L a t i U J 2 b

decAAGIC VALLEY AREA CNow com pany looking to fw rSbuy or loaso h o u se s. Any q.

pnco. Any condition, rCall 1-208-532-0734 or S?fi


LEETWOOD M X 66 . 2 3drm, 1 balh.. now carpot, low central air. all oloctric ' YYlf' 520,0 00 . 2 0 8 -3 1 2-2322 3t 208-645-2252*EROME 200 1 C layton,1396 sq . It., 3 bdrm ., 2 • ’' ' ' ' f )ath , rock firo p lac o . all “PP‘ ippl3..' Bf>d-(umr^^uiil-b<>-l— n o v o d , $ 4 8 ,0 0 0 , firm. •08-280-1420 / 2 8 0 0 3 1 7'- “ P P.......... ................. ............ bdrnIROME now or roposso- c o f o'd single & doubio wido - 324 .: lomos. F inanc ing avail- y^jr.rp itjio 10 qua lified buyors.Jonam condllions opply, tomombor hom o ownor- hip will bonollt you ai mx mo. 208-643-8342. “TWINVIN FALLS exceptional- ' < n«o 2 bodroom . 1 balh ..'5!.' * lotjilo. Family park. Imgo T WI h ard, partially (oncod. now bd.-m 'a to r h o a t o r i sw a m p logo oolor, much m oro, soo lo kllrg pproclato. O w nor carry ing/p :all 2 0 8 - 4 2 3 -9 6 .1 7 or millal 41-941-5625,* fvfflN"

R e a d T h e I fTWTU

C l a s s i f i e d sgreat

: v e r y D a y !_______________I k»M«.

’ N A SH U A ‘8 3 7 0 x 1 4 , 2 1 bdrm s,. 1 b a th all electrle, exc . cond ., n e e d a to b e m <.ved. $ 1 2 ,5 0 0 . 2 0 8 - 888-2180 or 280-1270* _

JE R O M ^ J u s t b ring y o u r f to o th b ru s h .T o ta lfy fu r- n i a h e d to w n h p u s e . 2 b d rm ., 2 b o th , J e ro m o . 5 Golf C ourse. Avail. 09/15 208-280-01 ge/42»-43e3*

IBU H L 3 b d r m , . 2 b a t r i . s

m o b ile h o m o , n o p o l s long torm, $500 *doposit, 208-543-8342,' g

T V T V T V T V V §

C l a s s i f i e d s ;

It pays to read the ^ ......."'flneprlnt.-------------

Call Twin Falls 733-0931

or ■ rBurley 677-4042 r

▼ T T T T T T T T ▼GOODING 3 b d rm ~ l bath ,

g a r a g o . S 5 5 0 » $ 3 0 0 d o p o sit, Lg. ba ck y a rd No pots. 208-934 .4350 .'

GOODING vory tg! 3‘btlrnv Wllh ga ra g o . $5 7 5 /m o .» S400 dop . N o sm o k in g /

—p01SrCnlf208:539:0G33-— ' “HANSEN 2 bdrm m onilb pil

hom o, a p p ls ., AC, s to r- 3ago. No pots 423-5l0-> .' ] s

HANSEN Co.ny S bUriii: 2 I C.ib a th hom o , a p p ls . W /D ■ pjT

•tiookup, 'w a tor/san itation ,in c lu d o d . O u ts id e p o t ; cpossible. SGOO. mo. -d o p . I „

KiMBERLY O uiol n o ig n - Iborhood 3 bdrm . 1 b .ith j GChom o sh o r t lo m lo a s o . ; siW/O hook-up , m co s iz o aiyard, oulsido pot, SGOO. Si

THE MGMT 733-0739' ' CJERO M E I bdrrh ,, $3657 r

mo. .d o p . Call 208-32-t- ’3430 or 208-120-1609 .' gt

JERO M E 3 bdrtri,,2 b a iti t}(rnobilo h o m o s , no po ts ', ailong torm. S475 ♦ dop Hi

^ ji- .-a-juo 01JEROME Cio.in 3 bdrmV 2 jk

balh, lamiiy rm. » g a ra g e . w $645. No pots 543-6805^* sr

jE"ROME'h^c6 -d6 ubrd'w id0 m ob ilo h o m c m - fa m i iy - - q j ; park, 3 bdrm, 2 ba th , no pots long torm, $550 dop . 59 324-6903 or 043-8342

MURTAUGH 3 bodr'oom . i S 4 5 0 > d o p o s i l C a l l 206-132-5359_'

RTCHFIELO (2) JHousos tor .U ronl ,, ,

S h o sh o n o 12) apl-.v. lot ren t j c c Call tHaddon Realty ,

686-2289' “ jR Ci P E R 't” S p a c I o u 's ” 4 32

bdrm, homo. 2 t /2 b a tn . o« boautlfui lawn & troos.W /D -.ir. hook up.DW. N o smoking. or po ls. $675 m o 4 dop .Crodil chock S rofs Avail. on S o o l . 10 C a ll 5 0 3 - 3 6 S - 0531 o r 503-580-1901' KIM

SH O SH O N E S p l'it 'io v 'o r i J I j o d r . o o m , 2 b a i h giir;igo. largo yaid , largo KIM b aso rtion i. Avaii. S o p i bO' 15m 726-2705/ 720-2645' 20\

3 * 0 * 0 « 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * '0 KIM rWIN FALLS du|'H ow to slop paying ronl b a and own your ow n ho m o .'

••Froe Holp no r -8 8 8^ 53 -4177 ld# -1001 -------S6 (? * 0 « 0 * 0 » 0 * 0 » 0 * 0 SHCrwiN FJ^LLS 2 bd rm . 1 S3: ba lh , S600 crod il c h o ck Uui roq. Mo. to mo loaso. 1st,Ia si.-► dop. 252 7ih Avo N ' Must S ee l 736-6560* •

■WIN FALLS S b d rm .o u T buildings, sm. shop , pas- Hjro. S700/dop 324-5785*

bdrm.. family’rm.. k itc h o r^ A pp ls , fu rn is h o d . W /D hookup, $500. 733-0B81* o':)} WIN FAULS Now 3 bdrm, = = 2 bath, no pots/sm oking. TWI

1 yr, loaso S995/m o ♦ • • dop, 2308 Enslw ood Rd. E»l

Call 208-324-8056- $WIN FALLS 1 bdrm. 656 ^ M Blue Lakes Blvd, S425 -► P“ ' dopusit roducod w /loaso.W/O h o o k - u p . N a th a n 208-734.6230 altor Spm,* l* » * W IN F A L L S 3 b d r m .I b a th , c a r p o r t , n o w

Mrpots. paint. Basom oni,Mo sm o k in g /p o ts . S 695 >$695 dop. 208-734-8084*WIN FA L L S 3 b d rm .. 1 1/2 b a lh , lu ll f i n i s h e d jsm t, S 7 5 0 /m o . ♦ d o p . C :a tt Lyle ai 731-6589*,WIN F A L L S 3 b d r m ,, ippis.. 2 docks, no pols,

» b d rm ., d o u b le w id o ,~ ’ ' i p p l s . $ 5 5 0 . E d e n - 3 - )drm.. rango . $ 475 . Tri- :o. Prop. Mgmi. Coll 208- " 124-2734 w vm.tep m .u s 'VIN FALLS"~dlo>.n 2 bod- oom, 1 bath, app liances vVei ictuded S500/mo. *$400 w ocurity dop. 731-0919*V m F A L L S c lo a n f l C< ' d r m , . 2 b a t h . g a s , 613ncod. $595 . 733-0737* _____VtN F A L L S c l o n n 3 d.-m., 2 ba lh , 2 c a r go- ig o with oponor, sp rin- • • • llrg sy s io m , no sm ok- ig/pots, $710 m o. * 1st Sii11aldop.733-15135pm.- f IN FALLS cloan .4 bod- ^ >om. v^lh 2 Idmlty room s, . car g a ra g e , only $ 750 , J ! ?

nonlh. Coll D ebro 280 - l= s = s 555 or Tom 733-2008* TWIN ^IN F A L 'L S 'n 'o 'w e 'r 'S dnn;, 2 bath hom e, la rge *500 inced yard, 3 car g a rage . °»P0 reat neighborhood. Con- TWIN al A C/heot, kitchen a p - bath, » Incl,, W/D ho o k u p s,, nortr eta n»g. S995/m o,'e m o. , $400 •s« . C a l 208-731-3783.* 9269

Thursday, Saptamtx

TWIN FA L L S N ice tit tle TWhouse foe reol. 2 bdm i., 1 hibatn, bim t., laundry room, Ndetached ga rage. Z oned C reakMnlial or com m erdal.

-»700ftno7^« tria« trT T tep r. S eeB ll330A ddlsdnA ve, i .

Eost. Call 208-720-2645 ^1'or 206-728-2705* _

TWIN FALLS Nk;e smoll 2•bed room , with c a rp o r t . £Call 208-543-8800* ~

TW IN FA L L S s p a c io u s duplex near park/schools.$485. Call 206-733-1359* pJ

A ta B a n g l ia W IB S .

BUHL 2 bdrm. apis, ovoil.Ronl based on Income. ___Ploase coll 543-8833. TW

Equal Housing Opponunity,’ 1BUHL Duplox.cloan 1 bod- 5S

room, kiichon appliancos — .walor. ga rbage & sing le TW

- go rago . $350 -»doposii. --1-Catl 206-308-3668’ nii

CASTLEFORD 1 & 3 bdrm___oportraonis.avfliL.no.w.___ T.wj

Rent tinsod on income. 2 1Call 543-8833. cm

Equal Housing Opponumty.' n 0

T h o m p s o n P r o p e r t y Monogomont 731-1779* TWi----------- --—FAWNBROOK A PTS. of IN THE CENTER O F $5:

•rrALLII Localod noxi 10 d.nmg, ^W

Shopping, and more. C a ll to lo a s o y o u r l .2 , or 3 Bdim. Apt. today ' TWU

734-1600 2 b647 K.iwnbfook Avo. . PO'

Equ.H Housing AC______ Q ppoilunity.____ j_ f.w 'l

Hnmlii;.ipaceossibln' I 3 FiLER 3 bodroom, 2 bnth. g.i»

3250N. 23001:. »8 . 6min. ' hoc S. Fllor H.S S500/monm. 2 3

Call tor appi. 208^733-8891" O m FILER ■|!itra"nico"ciba'n S quioi,-3.bdrm w /garagu, TWit S475 mo. . dop No pols. 1 b rolofonco. 208.326-5887.' do j

S W d IN G Low rr.co"mo . subsidized. 1 bdrm. ap is TWIP a l W esi Sidtf C ou rt. fo> ' 0 < s e n io r &-/or J i s a b l o d Av.i C lo an . n ic e n e ig h b o r- 7^ 1 hood, walking dislanco 10 Ridloy & K ings, 3 a p is vv/r a v a ila b le . C all S h irlo y 208-93-1-.198G. w oekclays _ boloro noon. Small pul^ and smoking OK, Equal

^Housintj^gjjotlune^^ iOODING 1 budroom npl / _ • ; houso S325/monlh »dop W ator p.iid. No p e ls or f smoking. Available 9/29 ^o-:

Call208-93J-44GO' 5-19iAZ E lT 0N ' <2> 1' b'c1r~nT ~i TWIN bath ap ts. S 255-$275 - S250 dop. 208-733-6663 ' anEROME----------------- -------I A 2 bodroom opts. i>o

pots/smoking, groal location. S300- S350 I

• dop. G32-4_5£5 Shannon-. ■> n ;< • o • o • 0 * r

EROME 2 bedroom. 1 1/2 tv v in

washor!'drv“o ? .S 485 ‘ CoM Si'/n 324-2744/206-420-1011.' ^ ,

E'R OM E N ic e 2 b~d7m~ SCO lownhouso, all appls. r^o - Av;n 5mokinB.'pots. S495 Call t w i k 208-3^-32_n oxt. 10 6 'IMBERLY 2 bcjriTi .S42S; l)t<-,sludiosS299 appls.. som o $IUCutils incl. 208-312-2111' TiXriu------------------------ ---------- TWINIMBERLY Largo 2 bdrnUodroomapanmont. Call w .D208-423-4377 .liter 7()rn- (j,.,.IMBERLY - H omodoiod ronl Juptox. 2 bdrm., olfico. 2a a ih , r a n g o , OW . A C , WENCaundry room, pan lonced, n^riii10 s m o k in g , no p o l s . mclui 5600idop7rofsr734^373- ~ a o iTHOSHONE - Lg. 2 bdrm, r ------5375. - Sm sludio S250, k JUIiliOS pd, 20e-886-7794.-

'-Hear th e quie t! 5 ^lu ro l Pa rk A p a r tm o n la

«70Mauneo Slroot Twin Falls734-4195' ______

VIN FALLS-3 bedroom .- - 'W IN ^ I b a th , now ly p a in te d . ip p lian c o s. AC. $ 6 2 5 .)'ioary diSI, 733-2852.'----------------------------- TWIN IWIN FALLS OLD• • • • a a * * * * * * * cioi

Expocr to Oo improssod MicroiS625m o,. 1,000 sq It Lo

bdrm galod undorgnjund 248 2ni sarking. quiol building. Tvtriu t 57 Blue Lakos Blvd. N, '

S j--------- T W IN



You have lo soo il to ^ enc boliovo III

Como SM w h a t 's J g R ^ ■peclaL

.u x u ry 1 .2 4 3bdrm . m undapartmonts locai

Washor/dryor Includod, * S 4 0

swimming poot.Jitn^ossonlbrrbusinosscbntd^ TWIN f community room, Iree/idoo library, enclosed P0 '° >

garages. 24 hour TW IN IiTTMirgoncymointonarKO. ba lh , it a re • rM lghborhood lio n , \w atch com m unity . $ 307 -

208-7:Call or Vialt loday l

/IN FALLS I ----------- i> • • • • • • • • • • • • SHOI■PARKLING CLEAN_________ c

Studio & 1 bdrni,________Ham mi $350 and-up___________734-4'

U undry & Storago______^w im ci 833 Shoshone N._______TWIN Fl

10-0350 734*4339 *_____ E aatlar __

IN'FALLS (2) B ull. 2rm ., 1 b a th h o m e s . thisexc00-$550/m onth, $30 0 . m uposit. 208-734-7936.* Eaitta rir r F XCL'S ' l b d rm . \ 734-51lh. all app ls., g a ra g e , artdr th w e « l,$ 5 9 5 m o . -► TW TO TOO security. Call 731 - L ak e s39or730-9289.* $675 m

ibar IB, 2fX)3, TImaa-NawB, T

TWIN FALLS 1 bdrm ,, W/D hookup , s to v e ft refrlgC No pe ts . $400 deposit. «Call 208-423-4632’

^ I M_F.ALL6:i_.pe5755??f:______.1 b a th , w /a p p l la n c e s , $ 2 9 6 /m o . « 1 s t . I a s i tk. cleaning uep, 423-6291* •

TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. d u - plex wllh carpo rt. $475 ,' C atl208-734-4120,’

TWIN FA LLS 2 bdrm .. 1 both all applB.. w /garago, northwest & northeast, no pets. $500 -» $350 oocurl- ty, 731-9269 or 736-9269.-

TWIN FALLS 2 bedroom Extra nico4-piox,

S 4 7 5 * d o p .Coll 208-734-9182 ' .

TWIN FALLS 2” b«droo'm '1 b o th lo w n h o u s o N o . pots S470 -» doposit. C.-»n ' 208-736-8884 oftor 5pm .'-'

TWIN FALLS-2 b'odioom ...1. b o th ,_ n o potr.._S-» 1)0

m o n th ♦ $ 3 0 0 dap6-.iri 212-1678 Of 732-0l.1‘j '

fwrN~FALL~S~-2 booiooin2 briih bnck dupTo*. now carpot & drapos, g.'irago, no p o ts o r sm o k in g , 1 yoaf lo o se . S550/moniH »doposit. 208-734.01B9,' .

TWIN FA'l l S a cl'oaiV bdrm.. I batn, cnrpon, lotr. of slorago, W/D hookup $525/mo (801)920-1200’-

T W iN "F A L L S /T now or :> bdim .. 2 balh, all appi!^ .

_AC_W/D 20U-737-9635.- TWIN FALLS /Viirnctivo

2 bdrm, c lean , app ls. cat-; port, no' dru9ar'r.rnokij''ix'l-..' '

AC. $150 * 00|1. 73i».:’t>-i0'- I f .W I N -^ L L S lB c a u lK u l________

3 b « d r o o f l i , 2 b a t t i ., g.’ifago, palio. app ls. W t>

' hook-ups. AC, SQ85. nic.23;> ir;; S i u u i - jc C ..n Chuck *t 20B-73;)-l)2( .Of.Tonni « 200-7:m-.101;-

nv iN FALLS Uutt, 2 t«irVn1 balh, $.175,mo. . S30U do p . 2 5 9 N. P h o a r .a n r • Viow«13. 73->-793r. '

rWIN FALLS Cloan I tiOd-' f o o in w /a p |) l i . in c t> i i .Available now /35-9-i3!i'.

rWIN FALLS clean 2 bdrni lownhouso, luncnil yiifd,W/D hookup. AC. No pi)t& S-ir<[).$4&0 d.?() 380-2985*

'W IN F A L L S C lfN in :»Udini. 1 I-? b.-\th, with appls .I $420 mo ■_ 5200

W IN F A L L S C l o o n ,2 bdrm , i tj.-iih, loadod,

N o-sm okingpots. S-19;> .$-195 dop ,C oll 735-0473’WIN F A L L S ---------- ----------------^ F A L L S A P T S . *

ond P h e a san t Vlow T ow nhom os.

1 .2 .3 B d r m s ,S 3 6 9 - S 5 1 5

Jom-jOW AW .D tuj,<kiips Spacious and€t.-,in N opn is 7;|,l.6t,U()‘

VVIN FALLS lg 2 bdim , duplox K itchon a p p ls .W/O hookup . AC. patio.Ig yd., convoiiiont loca- tinii .iCfOSfi tiom TFHS.SGOO/mo. . S.-lOO il.‘p - Avail 10/1 20H{mr>-77'/«'WIN FA LLS M ii'lir.', l'Ijdim c.-ilxns. .Ill ulrl-. i ,.Ijto, S:iOn «..|.-.p , .s ic o o - 'i . ;’ijii ,M:i-hii.ii •WIN FALLS Vfi, <U' .n ;> bdim . : ii,iiti .ll' .ijiuh. .W.Dt'1,.1 AC rii„ .-fj,,,. ,.V 1 ,I ....... tl.'roiil on 1 y; l.,.i ... C.ilt 73-1-4121 01 73 4 B 0 /4 .''ENDELL 1 bdnn tiouio :>aMialty fuinislitid. utilities ncludod. S'tfiO ino. $150 joiTCoir26a-53r>:6264:'

•ROME Hotiday'MoloT 'Jndor now mnnagornont Nico, clean, comtoitabio ’

rooms. 401 W Mam.324-2361* '

V IN .F A L L S .H 0O :iZ _J_________ircrowave S rolngoralor

Call for pncos :aprlMotal. 733.8452*VIN PALLS ^OLD TOWNE LODGE Cleon & quiOl loom;.

Iicrowovo & rolng. HUO Loundry. No Pols

a 2nd Avo. W. 733-5M 0,'/iffFA iX s'TT os/w obirr75 mo. Quiot. microwavo. ng & ulils, lncl.7JS -r9M .VIN F A L L S M O 'f lLDaily and wookly ralos

2152 Kimborly Rd..208-733-8620

ROME bonutiliirdoublo Ido, 2 b d rm ., 2 b a th , undry room , sp ac io u s ocaiion, 55*. SGOO;mo $ 4 0 0 dOD N o sm o k - g/potf, Z 0 fa g 3 T B76'~-------------

a c le a n , m osi ulil. no »ts$415/mo. 733-8234*IN FA L L S 2 bdrm .,1

Ilh, quiot couniry Ioca- )n , W /O , 3 a v a ila b le .107- $345 /m on th . Call 18-734-3399 5pm-9pm.'


Oltlco & Retoil m m ack M aruigwnent M-4339 -342-7308' ,NFA LLSailand H eights n«.wesi offico complex rrear I mpletion. Arrange novv* i 3p o ra te y o u ro ffk :« fr^ I I excknlve developmeni In tho 800 block of : '

iittand Or. 731-4081 o r I 14-5183. Gary TTiielten: i and D oog Strand.* i

iN PA L L S m s s B lu J I, k e s B lvd.. 820 sq.ft.,*75 mo. C all 734-3S2$.«

a, Twin Falla, Idaho E l t


Page 36: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

Thursday. Sepi

THET!“A ll i s n o t gc shotveU i bright.

Today’s dea o f th e .D y s p e South in one c tional rolos. ni

• p rem ature gloji ; h ts tisuul sp edi O f c a rd s . Sout

i)Mci* his purtn v.-iliie.s Jit his s th e two-no*lru clubs by North a second negati'

.. . ___ O n .th c operspade two. Soul

.________m ark e d th a t tt(>in > to frightei

Jhe 10 fmm.diimi w as no t born yi low sm oothly. 1 hold.'then pause< bu t it was alrcfl' repeated the spt wouid run ' tho t trum ps first, the to dum m y's spa South with a dian lo ser a t the end

........... - ....... —h e .d id .-S o Jo n g .ib e r e d to re ta i l f iuard . w hich h e d

down in the slam tricks. All you ha' b lin d ed by th e s trick one. If Eas sp.nde king, overt w ith th e ace. d r block th e club a< sp a d e ja c k to di W liether East taJi

__________ or_later, you will Iy o u r d iam ond I dum m y's club kin,

TW IN F A L L 8 Ngw ol

---------------- 5 6 0 Rior Avo. 739-07TWIN FALLS Spsco a

a b lo In (h o now M i ' V a llo y B a n k Bulld l

1450 nnd 2000 *qfl of Coll 7 34^295 .-

TWIN FALLS Vory n l« onicos l l5 2 s g . n. 01 Falls Avo. S690/mo. Call 208-735-14M.*

^ a n a

FO R SALE OR LEAS W M tom Farm Bulkllr

A largo ofllco In Joromo W alm an. l2 o n teo 9 p l

conforonco room on ocro . 10 rrtoro ocro« ov

If hooOod. Brockmaii 1-M0-S7»<4390.*

TW INFALLS www.Tw(nFall5St>opa.cc

. Now. Lowor Raioo* TWIN PALLS Shop/wai

rtouso with ro#lroom9 a ofttco. 4000 sq. fl.. IndL

, ino offlco. 258 6tn A ve ' 733-0081 o r4 2 0 -0 0 a i'

T W IN FA L L S tS.OOO w a re h o u s e wllh outali s to rag e . All o r part .25 a ft. C a ll20e-539-7426 /

K IM BE RL Y S ln g la wio a n d new doublo spac<

---------------- o v « H ;-F f le n d ly V lllagM o b i l * E a t a t * * . A s a b o u t t m onlh ront FREE

Call 423-5253.* T W IN F A L L S S in g lo .

d oub le sp a c e s avoll. Fro mo. ront. C am eo Mobll E » U t* * . Call 734-a064*

JE R O M E roommalo 3 bod r o o m h o u a o $ 1 9 5 - U lllillos. A vail. O ct i s l Full prtvileoos 212-1179'

TWIN FA LLS mol# room m a to a noo d ed for 2003 2 00 4 schoo l yoor, Com ploioly fum. closo lo CSl 731-9214 or 734.8903.*

TWIN FA L L S Roommolo w nntod. S250 monlh. ulil- mos paid. 208-733-0973.



SERVICE A dvertise In

the Service

Directory 733-0931 ext. 2A T T L E ( 8 ) H o l s l e in

coftf**. 250-300 Clt. $250 each, o n 206-324-4936.*

C A TTLE T e x a s longhorn cow s, pa irs , ca lves, and bull*. R eg . & non. Stan- lng o t S400. 32ft-3878.-

, F e ^ O b u n k 1211. lo n g $ 1 2 0 . (2 ) w * l* r ta rtk *V W — . 206 -53e-«279 -.

E12 TlmM-NMv

lept. 18.2003


gold that outward /ht."

— John Lydgate

ieal from th e annals WE! p e p tic s 'C lu b se e s a 2 e of his m ore tradi- V 7 , nam ely th a t of the ♦ Q [loater. Blessed with ♦ Q lectacular collection ju th d rove to slam, r tn e r show ed somo s serohd tu rn with trum p cull. <Three •th would have been ;otive.) Vulnipening lead of th e Duuli outh snorted and re- t th is lead was not The! lien him. He put up immy^ hut Ra.st, who ) yesterday , played v y. South let. the 11) 3 ^ jsed for reflection — g ^ ready too late. If he spade Tinessc, West Opcni10 trick. If he drew the lack uf aiVvntry spades would leave iiamond and a spade s o u th nd no m atter what ig.as.W est rem em -.. . . la in h is diam ond ledid.ly-far-horder^to-go— =— — am than to makc 12 South have' to do is not be c ap p a ren t gift a t , ?ast.w ithh9 lds his ertake dummy's 10 • . draw trum ps, un-I acc. and lead thei dum m y's queen, tjinic takes his king now '“ '’8 ill be able to throw y.°“ d lo s e ra w a y on 'king.

• •.

w olfico P I Q S b u tc h o r . $ K « 0<mo.. - JW a an n r t nlO it.l‘>nMC 1-8747. 324-2216 or 324-4265

bUA RtfeR H6 R f i^ e y M ao lc o'<l gelding. S350/off K d lM . Call 086.2098.* n offlco.

A P i - x t a a s A ‘m . M .■a • Borrols ond polos. SlIX1 1 ' offor. Baahkir Curley '

a G old ing . G roon brok S800/offor. Rog. S tS i for poir. 208-539-2337.'

j j 5 = - C a A T i horse, good cor . $150. Chartolalum lnli

<tdlng. 4 Ilborgloss w/ collars )mo Dy lo a th o r h o rn o s s SSJ '» plu* good cond. 208-731-157 ,®n„ail FREE con. 2 mo. old wi

' Injurod leg. sweol dispo Ition. Coll 934-S215 I

±------ 934-4269.*a^L O IN dS yonr old po

*•. $ l O O O . C o l l J o l l tI I 208-670-1041,*•

H6 f t S ^ 5 o r f o l9 y r o l ^ 7. ^ h un lod on la s t

V««™.Mond. $675. App 2094S4-2161 a tto repm

^ H SffSF fR A iN ifia--------■ [ ■ Colts starlod. Alto two | B | saddles lor solo.i S i ----------$2 0 0 .^ 0 0 ---------

8 « ;l(y Whit* 431-1113* HS -R-a g a 3 2 yoor. Old (1

?<?«. APHA w/Scrlbblos 4 Eaa I®.*’ ’ . la t.K ^t»9 . (2 ) NFOH> ____ w/Eostor King & Zan Por

a Bor, All 90 Days w ih pro fosslonol trainer. Gooi prospects for cutting am

____ romirig call 208-544-2028.w m o H d R S £ 5 2 moros, 5 & 11 ipcos yra. Woll broko. 2 paint fil flag* ly colts. 2 -horso lilr. woll ^ ^sj( In lack rm. 206-438-8717'

* • • * • * * • • •____ H O R S E S H O E IN G a n cilo A training. Now occoplinc Froo now clionta. Cail Jado 10 obli* 90 lupan0ppt.32G 6516-

MULE 7 yr. old Molly mulo. H | V e ry s o u n d a n d v o ry B i l Qomio. Will rido and pock. ■ ■ Coil 206-431-7443*“ M USYaNI^ so rro l m oro. bed- IS h a n d s , broko. g roo l >5 * disposillon. 6 yoars old. 1 SI. $1200. Cou 208-432-S442 79* or208-731-3925,'Hsm- PAINT rogistoroO 9 yonr 303- old gelding, Plooso coli om - after 5pm. g08-7aa-4757‘

3 * b rood moro w/Jowofs & in to ' K ings filly on hor s ido . uti). -$1500. Yoorilng buckskin 73 , Tobiono (lily by Cnsonova

Cat and dut of a Smooth

f l . _206-B86-2t37.:___1___■ P IN Y 6 a y r . o l O o a t o d ’ = i moro. Groat kid's horso

208-487-2117/ 308-0419.‘p a 'N lg5 l3yr. old-----------

Pmto Golding runs borrols/polos, supor nico.

S l5 0 0 .6 y r . old Bay G*ldlf)g Oood broko A quiot. roally cuto. S800.

Bolh ponlos ahoo.Irlm & load oaay.

Coll 208-S29-4091 or •. 206-731.2707-

SADDLE 13* trimmod in s i lv e r . $ 3 7 5 . 15* Biuo Rtdge saddle. $275. Both

7 Inexc . cond. 543-4416 or f J 731-4410. •____________ ,

^ lk 7 0 4 ,^ S 8 S E B 9

AKC BLACK CXB----------no P u p p le s . (7) m a les (2 >

lem ales. These have it all _ pointlng-huntlng-& pet. i g Bom Aug. 9lh. $350, Call K* 208-550-1450 anytime or

208-549-4013 eves only,*

MVS, Twin Falls, Idaho Thurs

g P G E * B o b b y Woll

N O R T H m :A Q 10 0 7V 8 2♦ 10 7 G- A K 10 6 2

iTEST E A S TI 2 * K 8 0 4' 7 5 4 ■ V 9 6

Q 8 S 4 ♦. J 9 2■ Q 0 7 5 : } * J O - r

. S O U T II A A J 5V A K Q .1 10 3♦ A K a♦ A .

i l n e r a b le : E a s t-W e s t lu le r : S u u U i

IC b id d in g :_________________

u t h W e s l .V ortfi E a s t K P a .ss 2 ♦ . P u s s f ■ P a s s 2 N T Pa.ss f P a s s 4 V Past!• A ll pa .is

•minfi le a d : .Sprule tw o


i th h o ld s :A Q 10 9 7

- t f - B . 2 -----------♦ 10 7 6 A K 10 r> 2

ith W rs t E a s r ~2 *

P a s s 2 A P a s s

S W E R : K a i s e to th r o e s p a d c f l e q u e n c e s lik e th is , a j u m p t' IU w u u ld d e n y u s m u c h a s j » n u L s id e t h e t n i r n p .su it. H ere h a v e e n o u g h to s h o w som <

is - o f -e n lh u s ta s m - in e a s e - p a r t h a s e x t r a s .

•khU-I 14# I.. W-Jfl. - m*.l mm -

,.rn«hlJO«). l’n.MK#slui*Sy>v)>r»Ir, Inc

• 1 3 0 . ^U^S.TRALIAN Shopho r

16^"" " " C o N B r o f a w w i ^ ^ 8 year B L A C K LAB p u ro b ro i 'o flo r. p u p p io s . Will b o g ro a

hunting dogs. Paronts ar<

a b o lh g ood h u m o rs . I s sho ts . Will bo roady 9/20 $100. Call 206-637-6444

_ _ BOXER Puppios 4 forrwios M oro m ils dockod . 1s t sh o ts lo w / $250. C a ll208-670-2906' roko CANARIES good color.

Call 206-734-6364.*E N G U SH S E T T E ^ -------

a rs 4 7 wooks old. Tomoka, SSSO Jo iram & Takoa Mounioin ie 7S- - Sunrise bloodllnos. All ;— trK olor. FOSB regislorod.I w th S350 Call 208-423-9768 »P0S- Coll 208-420-6040,*

F R E E k illons. c u to a n d — c udd ly : abo u t 7 w ooks.

C ali 543-9207 to adopt.* FR E E 2 groat dogs. (Qthor

— T3 a n d dau g h to r. O ingo X., n o o d now h o m o s . Coll

731-5622 or 731-0238,* pm.* FR E E cat indoor, to a good— hom e, doelawod, linor box

troinod. 208-736-7109*F R E E Coilio/Shophord mix.

________lo_good.homo..Eom olo..9.13* m o. old. oil shois. Noods

to njn. Coll 208-324-3750,* Eas- F R E E G o ld o n R o irio v - iHA or/L abX , 8 m o .o id .g o o d Parr w ith kids and olhor onim- pro- a ls . Call 3^6-3113,’

F R E E H ound d o g s (2) 3 m onlh old fomoios. Wont

^ to s ta y togolhor lorovor• 11 with a groot lamily. Ploaso it fil- ca ll 423-5435 if you have volk room for 2 dogs to run & '17* p la y . NOT TO BE TIED— U P OR NEGLECTED* in d F R E E H usky X fomolo. 7 ling y rs old. spoyod, noods ot- > 10 ton tio n . & room to play, 16' B o a u t l f u l d o g . M ovod

c a n 'i koop hor. 733-5686* J ry FR E E kmons <5) 8 wooks ick. old littor irolnod.

Call 208-420-4214' ro . F R E E k itlo n s . c u to a n d ool cuddly, black and cairco lid. Coll 736-8697.*‘ 2 F R E E klttons. 5 moio . 3

■ w h i t o , b l u o o y o s . i•nr___ ta b b y , a n d 1 gray.. Cailall 208-423-4257*’I I FR E E MIXED BREED lov Od l n g d o g n o o d s g o o d » n o m o . M o lo . m o d iu m

io. sizod . Approx. 4 yrs old."In Coli 206 539-0633.'

FR E E pon rod noso piVpitJ.,,----- ioraoi_3jnalOr-»-fom nlo-----

N o o d s goo d homo 078-~ - G 0 8 2 -----------------------------*0 FR E E Rottwoilor. 5 yrs old.) • s m a ll , s p o y o d lom nlo .

N o o d s g ood homo. Call 20a-735-56S1 ovonings.'

0 , F R E E siock dog puppios. A ussio Shephord, Hoolor & C a ia h u lQ X .'B o b b o d tnil, bluooyofl. 934-S743'

FR E E to good homo puro­b r o d b lo c k L nb . m a lo approx . 1 yoar old. Good with kids, good lomporo-

■n m om . 324-1453.'° O E R M A N S H E P H E R D

p u p s , purobrod. Mom & O a d on alio, $125. Call1 208 - 654-2668'

G O L D E N R E T R IE V E R puppl««. AKC rogijtorod. U ra l a h o t s , do w c law s . M oles $250. Call Kelly O

, 312-2195.* TII ADOroviaiioni bnng nDbtovinr ^

Od (osulta Whnn you wnin II your ad, t>« aufor roaOort unaottlnno your S'• m eatapo - ■pell It oul S>

LirMtoy. S«pt*mber 18, 2003

G E R M A N SHORT)-polnior puppios. (3

----------- 1 $200/eoch, 208-543-‘

VolfT p le sro ad y to g o .S lO

nu:i8.A u so d on Boar, Lion Bobcat. Born August o l ‘0 3 . S I 5 0 /0 0 . < 208-678-1403 altor 5

JA C K RUSSELL TEI ER p upa . Boauiilul rr Ings. vory sm art. $•

n a ^ Cail208-»23-4653,*- L A B p u ro b ro d b la c

2 m a l o s . 1 lo m o lo , , sho ts. 8 wockr. old. S

Coll 543-69?^ ' _____


AFC. ondJH . AKC Championship bioodilr

Moihor^hlps OFA • ' oxcollont. dowciawo

llrst sho ts & wormo< Roody to go 9/28.

$475-$600, .. Coll 208-388-3105 0--------------- S08-e61-7431rPieasi

{( loavo mossogo*s L A B S . AKC ro g is io n,s ' paronts on sito, Yollov c b lo c k . O ow claw s. C

735-6543 or 404-1986 M IN I. DACHSHUND 3 malo purobrod. pups, modialo solo. $250 (2i

-------- 679-9333 o r 431-4150MINI DACHSHUND P i

v in U p lo s . AK C. 3 lo m a li $ 2 7 5 . C o i l K a r o n 208-645-2263*

--------- MINI-DOBERMAN_____3 m alos. AKC mony colo

Dowclaws & shots, Roa ____ nowl 208-436-3660 OvO:

I ' molos, 1 opiicoi 1 bloc I $ 550 ooch, Honiih guar

ntoo . Call 208-543-671' QUEENSLAND H E E n

iHpo puppios. Working paroni '“ v • $100. 208-326-6524.* f , ' ” RABBITS P . a a .o .» H,

la n d L o p s . Mini Lop c r c . ' Fuzzy Lops. Aii sizos ar 5 m c co lors .S IS . 324.1142.' l a r t— -RAT-TERRIEHS Rog PU|

p io s . In-colorod minis, m a lo , 4 lo m a lo . ro ad

iim-i 10/08/03. dollvory avai a b lo . dop o slt roquiroc $400. Cail 77S-635-922

R O T T W E IL E R L ab m l■hord pupp io s. Adornbio. c u tJUUL. —rtly-A unrv Ini/inn63‘ Call 208-423-4e53.* ,> f0d SHIH TZU Pupplesi-------'o a t 2 m alo, AKC Roglslorod s a ro .B ln c K d h d .Whito, $300. L '9 * 0*11208-676-4575*

ST U D SERVICE Chinos. - — P u g AKC R o g is to ro d aios. F a w n co lo rod . $300 o ]0J|; p ic k of litto r. 2 0 8 -4 3 6 908. 6892or208-312-4269*

W O L F /H U S K Y c r o s i p u p p io s . Cnil 208-732 0644. Ploaso loavo msg,'

:___ W OLF/HYBRID puppios.boautlful gonilo giants

D. ro ad y for loving hom os UOin- SISO/oflor. 208-423-4942.-

'pand A L L IS CHALMERS 0 1 5•ks. , g a s 3 5 hp tractor, good 'f- c o n a i t i o n , H a r lo y - - inor D avidson goll cart. 208- , X. 733-4782 loavomossago.* ^Oli AXLE with 900-20 military ■* tiros ond hoavy duty loaf 30d springs. $200,OCX C a ll 208-800-6562*

B A L E R H o ss to n 4 8 0 0 . nil. Roady to balo. Call 208-I..9___ 837-6396 or 539-6396.'__)ds BEET DEFOLIATOR Alio- >0,* w ay 6 row T op,M ostor.

. stool Iront drum, CV PTO, ^ hyd, scaipor. C ase IH 810

b e an h e ad e r, wiin Sund pickup. 208-431-8208' BEET HARVESTER WIC

' , 826 C . 6 row. Field roady.Exc. condlllon, Cloon. 12

. . . now W asco boon blados, y” Coii 208-543-6597,'


a F £ IV C IN G /C A T E S I £ I c c t r o n f c s

1 Wlri-lr*.*. Iciiin (liM.iiKc.ilj - .11. to . l m il.-' ........ , .

o p r titT s .'n ii 'V '(.ilk— I).ii'k " III Muniil i Ik'v '■ i irc i)|»-nliin<ir“ < lc)Mni:, O lh r rr r lii ln l " . |iii>ihit-i> ■-|i»siiil A

<lriv.'»v.iv iiiiTi-. 2 0 8 - 7 3 4 -8 2 0 0 o r

It e O O -707-4283* I

- i f O R S E ------1[ SHOEIIVGIt C e c i l W e tu i r ln

ImiriliK; ,V <l<U,W,k

■ I’O !/rs , o p .- fl f iic - 20S-734-0394

! o r2 0 a - 3 0 f l -7 3 8 0 « |



WllH ;i;i y ra r s cX |K T lriirr.

I 2 0 a -7 3 1 - 7 0 I2 » I

REM EM BERThni txrthday no you pl.icvd somo timo ngotn Tho Tuixts- /Votvs? Now IS ttm lim<. lo como ock up your piciuicir.Slop by Iho Cusiomof Sorvico Dopt todnyl ..


TH AIR COMBINE 1460/\xlal-(3) Jolt 16 ft. groin header. 43-4853* c o rn hoador. Boon.6 oup . up . $10,000. 280-297100/00. COMBINE 6600 JO . E

^ o n w w /^ ia io ^ o d !T < 'o ^ ^3n a n d ’ Cali 208-829-5605.*js t 2nd f a r 4-row^ JD hoavy• C a l l s h a n k c o rru g a to r $:

w ator to te s 275 gollERRI- $ 7 5 . M oyors lolosci1 mark- . d itc h e r $320. 4-row t $ 4 5 0 . cu lliv a to r $25i Call i

, ■ 734-9375 or 733-959t

a ; 191 trucks only. You pick ( $100. Call 208-93.4:9139

j o 12-row 22* CornhoaH)----- robuilt A roody S18.5C: k . Nyssa Tractor.■i FC CnH 641-372-4020*KC ' -JO H N DEERE’ S r a o '* Jilhos. p o r . wilh hoy hoo d i •A c o r n h o o d , 2 m o ro'^od, p a rts . Call de6-2S0G.‘

JO H N D E E R E « M p o . S h ift , m o ch an ica l fn

; 1 , on d . frosh robuilt ong'a o _____ S 2 .4 .500 -R 23a .L oa<

S 2 5 0 0 .208^38-5420* PR O PA N E TANK 200 c

1- ^ . Idn o n irailor wilh wo ^ .,1 bu rn ing wand ond hoi

' Cali 423-4427.'------- R O C K P IC K E R S h u l. J u m b o 320. Iiold roacJ208) S7SOO. 208-532-4224* 50 ' T R A C T O R '56~ tocksh '

4 0 . in sh o d oil o rtg ir . i / .e io n d it ib n . noods mot

ropair, 208-747-3436.* T RA CT O R IH C aso 72>

------- fo r e a le o r lease . Ouo- lo a d o r . croopor,-4x4. C

2 0 8 - 2 2 1 - 6 9 6 3 < VOS- 208-679-4712.'

' J X * ln ,o r -9 3 3 4 0 6 CA o n g . lo n g w hool b a s i

:T, w o u ld fit 2 0 ‘ b o d . rur . woll, 511,700.438-8215

LER]nts. ^

o p s CONVERTER 3 phaso. ua n d to lO h p . Robuili, S45C? • P lo o so cnil 731-3322*

•od, ALFALFA (4) v.lriolios 225 Will dcliuor,

E rlcK sen-s Alfalfa S eed 208-543-5087/539-7715.'

ud- ALFALFA SEE'D'trooiOd: ■■ifl,, q n r /lh Rnonor < Vnrnnl

Oolivory auailaplo.----- 208-e87*3450/409-i4S7*Od, HAV Oualily 2 string balos 0 . ., d o l i v o r o d a n d h n n c

s ta ck o d . any amount OK Cail 324-7319*

) d . r ------------o r ^ Tno

|6 --

J l ALFALFA 1st, 2nd. & 3rd J2 - o n d so m o g rass mix. Will q • so il sm , am ounts. 2 0 8 - ^ 324 -5082 Of ,108-0073,'

9s! c u ttin g . No woods^A no 2.* ra in , sm all ba los. Sm all

I— lo ts O K . C all 208-423 - 4214 o r 308-1281.'

B A R L E Y STRAW 1 Ion b a lo s in iho ho ld . C all

i s 208-S43-G 597.' '______3d HAY 1 St. 2nd and 3'id ctop, y - G r o o n . loQ iy. no ra m . 8- sm all bnios. SBO por ton. }.* S4 p o r b n lo , 2 0 8 -4 3 6 - Ty 5896 o r 208-431-5896' a f H A Y '0 3 p'omium hay. 124

1 to n bn lo s. ol 2nd c u l­lin g . RFV 17-t, 120 ton b a lo s 3 rd cu tting . RFV

a : 1 6 5 . - O S s i r n w in . lo n ba lo s. Oolivory available.

=------4 36^ 5G iro r300 :0182 ’-----f HAY 2 8 Ton o l 1st cT od j ] $70. 8 T of 2nd crop $75. 0 15 ton o l 3rd crop, cl C all 208-734-3170- .

HAY 2 n d & 3rd culling lor C salQ 1 ion balos Cnil 208-

5 43 -8643 or 420-5138-2 HAY 3 io n s ol 1st. 2nd. nnd

3rd cutting, $80/lon. .C all 2 08-737.9307-



K.s i t i IMhu4 3 5 - 2 3 1 - t 7 t 6 .

■ I C a lv in W right*


C ly d e ’s S p rin k le r P ip e R e p a ir

\lVic»;i.T lt,s iriiii/------ - '

o r I'li'iiillil'l iifj llif/XKI.'/Ji/.- ■

I h i iu l f.lllCN .V, fJ/ics

2 0 a - 4 3 J - 7 1 4 9 " t


E R J C K S B N 'S iA L F A L F A SEED IA l f i ' ld ih t i r f i t iu u ’s. I

208-543-5007 or =208-539-7715- ^

Grow your b u slnossi p

A d vo rtlso In Tho A C B u a ln o a a i e So rv ico Dlroelory ^

To find o u l moro c;il) i. Christy n ■

208-735-32C 9or . ” 1-BOO-6Da-3883o*t2D9,

. {

!lol-fiow. HAY 90 tons 1st cuttli r. 4 row string , small bales, c an pick to town. S8Won 7330

H A V w a n te d lo buy 3. B ean to n s , 2nd cutting 2 st 8 -2-lQn C all 20B-539-1134* rclutch, h o r s e HAY. g ro s s1:______ m ix . E xco llon t quoivy coll ' S m a l l b a lo s . C a ll i r $300. 326 -4270 or 731-074 ja 'lons- ST R A W clean barloy. iscopic 51 /ijQig you hquIL” Coll 208-733-4393-S i J ? - ST R A W lor ia io B .tl.----- :— ' s tr in g bolos. small arr> n ts OK. Call20a-539-n139 T .S .C . H ay Retrieving^ 2 ----- Coil Con at[’“2 3 . _____ 208-200-0839’

. TIRE SIdowaiisfor sllago pit covors.

w ----- C a ll 206-886-2289*I/"®**: W AW TEb Allalla ihat t(

ovor 190 HFV. 324-0: o r 308-3728.*

W HEA T STRAW 3.000 2 S trin g b a lo s , $15 0 i

™ b a lo . C a ll 487 -2035 539 -2 0 3 7 .'

20’ W H E A T STRAVr 3x4 1 ba lo s . Norihoost Orog

wnnH a r o a . C o n la c t C h ris hoso N o r t h S lo p o H ay C

541-786-2257.* W H E A T ST R A W smi

b a l o s . F i l ly o r m o r SI.10/bolO. 208-829-589

l E i a iF u s fO M B A U N O ,.1 6 «

/ 2 4 0 s m a l l s q u o r o b a lo s Cat! round halos. 543-S816'

^oi^2SBISeight-C A T B E D R O O M SE T 1 9 3 t r.m « B o d . h ig h b o y d ro s so

d r e s s in g tablo & bond !22_- SSOO/oflor. 208-677-300;

a R A IL R O A D C A B O O S S T O V E c a s t iron, uso fo r c o o k in g & hoa tln (

— — C oal o r wood. Vory goo 450 condition. S600,731-157«

^ O O D STO V E Monorc M allooblo on logs wAva m ing~ovons; iron w/chrc

M m o a w h i t o o n a m o l ! ■ S400/oHor, 208-536-627S

lod15.* —^ D ISH W A SH ER Kenm ori

U l t r a w a s h , b lock . Iiki

c o lo r . 5 2 0 0 o llo r. Col ^ . 736-8604 or 420-1518,'

FR E E ZE R uprighi 19 cu. It g ood condition $150,

Call 200-731-1575*= REFRtOGERATOR---------■ ■ GE Sido by sido, whilo. 26 Q . _ c u .ft...ica & .w aio r in door, ■ Excollont cond. S625/olfor. ^ 208-436 -3768 or312.3352' (At,II ^ V E H ot Point, soil 08- d o a n in g . 30 in, rango.

liko now. $150.■77; Coll 208-934-8623' no STO V E Whirlpool, oloctric

latl $ 2 0 0 . W a s h e r o loctric $2 0 0 . O ryoro lociiicS200. ' Call 208-735-9484*

on W X S H E R a n d D RY ER a il P r ig id a ir o hoavy du ty .

$300. Coil 536-6730.*3p, W A S H E R /D R Y E R s o t in . K onmoro oxc. cond. $250. jn. S i n g l e w a * h e r S 1 2 5 . 6 . W arranty. Call 736-J805* _ W H I L P O O L W A S H E R 24 u so d a fow monlhs, stick- Jt- o rs Slill on II. S200/offor. on 208 -677 -3002 '_________

s . A coustical & Drywall CALL 2O0-731-O788*.

_ FOR SA L E : Two barnyard j or w o o d o n b u ild in g s p lu s 6 - old. lo o so scrop lumbor.

S 5 0 0 /o lfo r, To soo, cail fd Don a t 208-423-9048.'

_H O TTU B 4 . 6 p o r s o n .

w orks g o o d . S 1100. Coll 326-7234 nftOf 6 pm,'

H O f f U B S undnnco 500 g a l lo n 6 p o r s o n . o x c . cond . SllOO/OflOr. 208- 4 38-8148 o r 455-5169'



nnd find th o so who cnn hotp you with Ihoso

dutios you aro to busy 10 dc^ou rso il.

A dvertise in----- th e ^ e rv ice------------- Directory—

7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 ex t.2 * 'H P P A V A L L IO N . 4 0 0

m ghz, W indow s 90, 15* m o n ito r . 1 2 8 m g, ram . $175, Call 733-6465,*

FIREW OOD TCut spill firew ood. $90 a pick-up lond. You pick up,

Dollvory nvniinbio.Call 208-324-7697.*

FIREW OOD Apricot wood. ^ $100 por pickup lond. Can r dohvor. Cnil 410-25CI.'

F IR E W O O D L odgo Polo F in o . S 1 3 5 /c o rd . split & dol. Io Burloy oron. Olhor a re a s S 13 5 /co rd plus c as . T 206-677-4182 Iv. m tg .‘

W D OTJ’ S T O V E S ' Ac m o (w/hoat oxchnngor) $250. Earth Stovo. $300..Blnzo King. $300 , Firoplaco in- son.'SlOO. 208-873-6282'

luttlng, 2 F IR E W O O D p in e , h•S. closo . w oods & o ihe rii. $1.33-0360* cord, sm a lt am ountsruv 50i> dollvory avail. 324-80 2strlng.

ass hay

; , r S ; a d g f t a a r tD741/ $399 . B ra n d now sti----------box. B od. ra ils , drea

mirror., n igh t stand , r aul. $899 8acrlllco.$399. *93 dolivor. 420-6350*'

B ED RO bM .SiytT E At lutoly go rg o o u sll 7 pi

»^743* choFry s lo lg h b od .H Ing loom quolity . Brand 1

. slill boxod. R etail $8< r ■ socrlfico$2250.42& «a

B U N K 'B lD S lw n T u in ors. ' m a t l r o s s . w h ilo mc 89* . • frame. •$200. 733-225S at tosts CANOPY b la c k Iron Wi 4-0322 O U E E N M A T T R E S!

BOX. how still in plas00 0 ■ Socnilco $299 .420 -6350 p o r DINING T A BLE hardwo 035 o r s e a l s 6 . $ 5 0 . CaII2(

543-6319 U ndo.*1X4 b io ENTERTAINMENT cen Jrogon holds up to 36*-TV, o u l s a t g lo ss d o o r s . S i2 S . C y C o . 200-324-1252.*_____ f Ul L m a Vt r e 6 5 a 6<s m a lt SET. N ow still In plaa n o r o . lis t S 3 2 9 s a c r l l ic o SS 5097.* Coil 208-420-6350.:

a FU TO N s o lid o a k , FA m attress covor,'$99 . C 420-1890.*

k i r ^ d P I L L O W T O 16x18 ' m attress a n d split box s< o s o r n o w . s t i l l I n p l a s t i 818* socnlco S249. 420-635(

LIFT CHAIR, sm o ll boig Io a lh o r . w ith h o o l a r

O S m a s s a g o , S 3 0 0 . Cc-208-S 43-8281V '----- ------LIVING ROOM S E T Boa

nn fi,' '**ul Whito so fa , lovosoi ^ 5 ; Chair & o t to m a n . Mu: f S l l soo! Exc. cond. S799/olf€ O SE 208-438-5764 731-668<

L O G B E D q u o o n SI2 ( lin g . custom m ad o . S400/ollo ooo? Call 404-3356.*

MISC. Movlna S . I . , ao( lo rch ro o m s o t s o l i d w ooc Avar- Hido-o-bod so la . now. Tt chro- bio ond 4 c h a irs rp ia n c n o l . cobinol sow ing machin< >279' bullot. dosk. SiOOO lako

ail o r will soil soparoiol)■ C all206 -67e-1710 ' 3 O U E E N 'P I L L O W T O I

maitross & box so t. now nore still in p la s tic , sacrlflci like $129. 420-6350.*

Coll '■8 .'



BUHLSaturday 8om -4pm 5 family y a rd s a le l

. L o tso fs tu lf .909 M oon G lo Road*

BU RLEY M o v in g S a te . ^ Bodroom so l so lid wood, jty Hido-orbod sofo . now. Ta-

' • bio and -4 c h o irs , piano. — • cabinet sew ing m achino.

b u llo l . d o s k a n d m any othor Itoms.

Coll 208-678 -1710 ’ r 5 FILER

Fllor Unltod MolfiodlBt Chureh

'A nnual R u m m ag * Sale __ Thursdoy 18th 6 -8 pm

I Fridoy I9lh A Sa tu rdoy 20 8om -3pm

. _ C o rn* r.o l.S lh .A .U n lon i—

— GOODING S a t . S o p t . 20ond27ih. 8 am .5 p m .Hugo 3 lamily y a rd solo

_ Choop p rices,ird 1750 E as t 2100 South*.

JEROME Fri. 8-5. Sot. 8 -3 ’ ; ; A Sun. 10-2. Moving

Everything m u s t go,_ T oois.guns. Ilshing. bods.

I iinons. side-by-sido rolrig, (ICO w aior In door),

drossors, oak d in ing w/3 _ ioovos. 6 Choirs, roclinors, n . 4x4 pick up truck, compo- nil tition ski boat. T O O much

lo IISII06E. SOO S.>0 JEROME Sat. O nly. Sopl,J- 2 0 .8nm-5pm.

79 S u n n y s ld e Dr.- JEROME T hura.-Sot. 9am-■ 5pm. Fabric. C h ris tm as.1 buttons, furn.. p a tto rn s A I lois of misc, Rom o r shino.! 51 N.IOOW . (F ro m s to p .~| ligh t M ain A L in c o ln 1

I m ile W 1/2 m ile N .)‘TWIN FALLS

Friday A S a lurday 6am -? Lois ol an tiq u es ,

coiiociiblos, m isc. ond conning Iloilo .

I 4059 N. 3300 E.* "TWIN FALLS

Fn. 8-5 A S a t, 8-7 , Microwovo. colloctiblos.

+1-------^TVrbooKtrano-mnnr--------I 3207 Falls A ve. E.*______

TWJN FALLS Sol. 0 to 7 Insldo garago sa lo

i Ju st movod. too m uch stulf.) Kitchon. wail hang ings. -i

what-knois. bodding and much much m oro.

All cloan a n d usob io 10 9 5 C e d arw o o d Dr.(1 1/2 blocks w ost ol

Farm ers Bonk olf Biuo Lakos)* -

TWIN FA LLS S a t . Only 9am-1pm. Bnby lurniluro kids clolhos a n d to y s , pi­ano. .com puter slu fl. lois of good m iscollanoous. =

33 l7W oodridgoO r.* 'fw iN F A L L S

Saiuftlny 7om -2:30pm . Cnmping itoms. cnm por

sholl A iois o l m isc.‘ 520 4lh A venue N.*

TWIN PALLS-------------------- TSaturday 6am-2p>n

Kids A oduit clothing in oxcoilopt condition, fumituro. housoho ld

Itoms. ond Ions of m isc. 1 783 El M onte* f

h a rd - Q U E ^ Size m a ttre ss (120 a goodcondm on.S^O O. Its OK, C all208-280-1714* 0068.* 'R E C LlN gR . l i r ld e , ea ■ i m i lilt. H o st a n d m a s s a i

like new. $700. C a ll 9: ~4itu ibavo a m o s s a ^

■ “ SLEIGH BED i 2 4 9 . &C P 'ocp. w o o d , b r a n d n e w si stin in boxed. List $ 8 0 0 . Sa< esSor. J i c o ^ 4 9 j 4 2 C ^ ^ O /

piece F I R E P L A f c E IW 6 E F Heir- W hitfie ld w o o d po lU

Excellent cond, $700/ofl il l™ ; 208-733-0580/731-266 S - : FIREPLACE IN ^E F ff - T^^.ni Whitliold. poUol.

kwks great. C ould uso som e TLC. $350 ,

W TH Coll.734-1258 oltor 4pm

and hollow g ro to . Groi for bu rn in g w o o d . $7i

ivood. Call 208-733-5271 .*MOHn-ORHEATlNQ

e n le r Saloo-sori/lco-oll ftrocook. D irect o u ts ld o v e n to cCOII Most econom ical h o o t i

____ tho west. Call P o p p o r atB 5 X 2O8-42O.0036.*« l l c PELLET ilro p la ce InsoriS 9 9 ’ Like now . $ 1 5 0 0 . Col

208-731-3096 for oppt.*^ W O bP BURNING COUNColl TRY STOVE Froo stond

____ ing. novor boon u s e d , sillO P in box, P a id $ 1 6 0 0 wil

! sot. 80llfo r$ 1200 . 543-4690.

^ 0 - ' ^

S a il

looi.'u s* (208) 7 3 3 - 8 7 0 0


(208) 467-1712 io3: hitp:/Mww,down5auct»n,com o d . CommlttodtoExeollonecr T a^

ino.kosoiy- HYBRID P o p la rs 1 g a l. $5,

3 gal. $10 or 10 gal. S20. O P 326-5010 o r 731-5122.* ow. TREES Ig. Biuo A N orw ay ico Spruce, Scotch pino S60

oa. bailed. 208-423^532*



Solurdoy 8am -4pm Cloihing, kilchon itom s. vacuums, misc. fumituro

~ and lots of misc. item s. 600 Taylor*

TWIN FALLSSaturday 8am-7

Moving Solo!J " Fumituro tn good sh a p o .

oppilancos. clothing, n . kids toys.0 210 4th S tre e t N orth*0 . TWIN FALLS Fri-Sun 6-4 iy G ood to o ls . B r in k m a n .

bod9..youih bodroom so t. drafting table wV pivot a rm

~ A iigni. army iibms. c lo th , ing A toys, window blinds, pig forgot, old (8 N) trac tor

, All in oxcollont cond .326-6826 or 731-5323

ri 2309 Fllor Av*. E.*TWIN FALLS Fri. A S a l .

------- 9 a m -4 p m -M l6 C .-n a m e - -7 brand girl's clothing 1-4 ,

boys clothing 1-8 . o d u ll s iz e 7 a n d s h o o s 7 1 /2 toys and housohold itom s, 1522 E vergreen D r.'

TWIN FALLS Fri. A S a t .•* 8 -2 . N o rd ic .T ra c . d o l l ‘

houso . c lo lh o s. g o m o s , L ogos. B a rb io s , to o ls , w o o d ta b lo . c o m p u io r

'' itom. housohold A m isc . 1091 Lincoln S tre e t N.*

TWIN FALLS Fri, A Sat. 8- 4pm. (2) 3 Spood b lk o s . 1

1 law n vacuum , o x o rc ls o biko. lax m achino, s a to l­llto controls lo r Ig d is h , d ra p o s . c lo th o s . B a c k 2 ya rd 1116 H ank in s N* 1

TWIN FALLS Fn. A S a t . . 9om -2pm . L o is of n ic o mings. 1314 T o rghee D r.

TWIN FA L L S Fri.- 9 a m - 4pm A S a t . 9 o m - 4 p m . .. Aluminum b o a t, g o rd o n T loo ls . sporting A a d u lts clothing, powor lo o ls -a n d much moro,

1840 Candlorldgo O rlvb. TWIN FALLS Frt. a n d S a t.

9 -6 p m , B a b y c lo t h o s . ' lo y s . h o u so h o ld I to m s . — nnd lurniluro. T'

691 S parks S treet.* 1TWIN FALLS FrK a n d S o t . [

__Z a iiu n o Q n 2 J lu g a .s a l» t------,Lots of high pricod Itoms. ‘

—BIkos.-trampolino. m on 'a spons coats. Boanlo B o- J bios, lots of miscollanoous. T '

3121 H ealherw ood.* E TWIN FA LLS F n . O n ly '•

8:30-4:00 ,School clothing, loys. !.

woiaor. oloctric boat „motor, TV, canning Jars. __

lots ol goodies. TV231 B uchanan* T

TWIN FA LLS Fri. S o t . &Sun. 9am -Spm . A Litlio Bit of E v o ry lh in g - My Junk your iroasuro,

424 Filer Ave.*TWIN FALLS F n .. S a l . . '

Sun. 9am -? 1950 '* s e c ­tional eo le A e n d ta b le* . ll lots of misc.. d ish o s. a ir t>ods. clothos, .

1 l2H arT leonS L ®J u s t off A ddison.*

Friday noon-6pm Saturday 8am-6pm Wishing wells and

• tons of miscollanoous.160 G rand VI«w<Acroe* • from Tth Day Adventist)*


e s s se t r ------------00. ^ n i K14*

e a s y«o g o <

'• so lid TREADMILL year old ; , w a ll 1 Seors Proform 760 E K Q .S acrl: paid $eoQ ask ing $300.

0- ’C * ll2 0 S -4 t0 -0 3 M ■ y

■ W E I Q H T B E N C H w l th attachm enta a n d weighW. Physk:alrohab wall mount .

it P B T d o u b i * p u H * y * y « * m - attochm ontsIncl. * 4 0 0 for • ail. 208-673-5413.*0 /offor

r -

)“®° ,BEV DOOLITTLE p r in ts . ' , 4r„T,> L e a th e r m a t te d . (2 ) a t

$ 1 2 5 'o a ch . (2) T h o rn o s . KInkald p/ints. $90 ooch.

Call 208-733-4227.*BOXES G ood for shipping. '

jjTS— m oving a n d s to ro g o , ail

m o d . CAR DOLLY g o o d cond< oat in ilion. Now tiros. SSOO firm, iro t 208-324-5494/420-7491.:,

------- F A S T T R E E S'« o f ; G row 6-10 ftTyoor 9 ? " $ 7 .50 -$11 .50 Ponod.

£!:__ B ro c h u re . 800-615-34053UN- vtrww.fosttroos.com.*{“aim FIREPLACE Inaort Fab-co.

wl $ 3 0 0 - E l e c t r i c e t o v e . qon* almond. $100.326-5643.*

FREEPallets. You haul away.

^ 208-328-5870.* I™ M ISC . - a s 27 It. H o lid ay :

R a m b le r A lum i-lito S th •1 — • —w h o o l- $ S 5 0 0 ^ r a a d m i l l ,^ ^

a liko now. $350 . 6 ond ta- bios. $20 oa . Colfoo tablo

, $20. Microwavo $20. Lrg.humidifier 208-678-9645*

_ J MISCELLANEOUS couch ON and lovosoat. $200. Cof-

foo ta b lo a n d 2 o n d t a ­b l e s . $ 1 0 0 . 2 s n o w

com boards. 1-S60 A 1-S100. ice/* Drum so t. $ 400 . Or bost = ollors. Call L oo735-18O 0- -■ . - d a y s or 735-1806 ovos.*H PROPANE TANK 200 gal- ■ ■ Ion on irailo r w ith w ood $5, burning w and a n d hoso .

S20. RBW Sth whool hitch wllh 2.* .double pivot. Oolta com- May pahion alum inum lull sizo 560 p ic k u p to o l b o x . C a ll 132- 423-4427.*______________

Slorago unit solo. Antiquo '1. lamps A dishw aro. Jowoi- ■ ' tro ory. c ra ft ite m s, holiday ' I 5. docor. Furn. A vinyl lonco I'.-

sam ples A m uch hioro.~ 21391 Hwy 30 W eel

(behind Precision Vinyl)*TWIN FALLS ^ o t. A Sun.

0. All day. Big g a rag o sale.Furn,. TV's, sporting, oppli-

ancos. a n d lois o l slulf.Blue L akee 2 1/2 m ile*

[73 so u th o f K im berly Rd. * n . TWIN FA L L S S a t . 7am - ot. 5pm. ESTATE MOVING •m 30* yoars ol itoms h . Baby cnbs. boddlng. booVs,Is. d ish o s. lurn ilu ro . g lo s s ­e r woroi kitchon item s. Tup-

ponvoro. misc.1371 H arriso n S t . S (off

O rch ard Dr). pr r TWIN FA LLS'Sat. 8-310— Blue LaVos Rotary C lub---------- —4. 34 family salo! Poising lit monoy to support Polio I '2 Pius to ollminato Polio in s, tho world. To m any itoms

to list. 1100 B lue L akes 7 Blvd N orth (KMVT)* li TWIN FA L L S S a t . 8om - }, 12pm, A ppls.. tu rn ., iron s, bod, antiquos, housohold \zif Items, moving boxos. p

Olf of E as tlo n d . s o u lh Ju lie L aoe.

;; 2274 E as tw o o d Robd.*TWIN FA L L S S a t . 8om -

0 2pm, Crib, nico c lo th o s.I- lots ol sh o o s ond a lot o l I

m iscollanoous. IK 281 C asw ell A ve W .. if A 7 ' |

TWIN FALLS S o t . 9-1pm , j■ W indow b lin d s , h o u so -) w nros, so fin o r. co llocti- I —

b io s , b o x o s . p r o p o n o rtank, biko, tools, a n d ote,

174 Linco ln S treet.*1 TWIN FALLS Sot. 9-5pm, i Big ynrd snio. Bunk bod.I lurn.. portable coolor. oir

clonnor. ‘Sony* cam cord- ■ or. 35 mm cornora. bikosV tools, lots ol clothes, toys, gam os, A m uch moro.

536 3 rd A ve. N.* tw iN FAlIirS Sol. 9/20, 0 —

a m -? A n tiq u o s . p ic n ic _ _b a sk o l. po ito ry . g a rd e n ivi lo m s . d i s h o s . L o u is ____

" L A m our D ooks. g lo s s - woro. old chairs, c lolhos.

' 61c. 227 T aylor S t . * - -------------- S .TWIN FA L L S S o t . O nly!

8o m -3 p m . M uilifom iiyyard snloi Bnby itoms, lots ^o l nom o b ran d infom tolo d d lo r c l o t h i n g . TV .b o o k s , d is h o s , l o t s o t ___misc. 520 4 lh A ve. E.* ; F T

TWIN FALLS S a lurday 8-7 ^Tons ol baby girt clolhos

and iloms, fumituro, housohold Itoms, ox-lorgo maiornity clothing lo ts ol • I

miscollonoous.415 P ierce S treet.*

COMM UNITY L JIn a n effort to k e e p r—^ o u r tow n n e a t, w e

a s k th a t y o u r e m o v e ; p a n y g a r a g e s a le ' s ig n s th a t w e re

p la c e d in o u r C co m m unity

adv ertis in g y o i / r s a le . r -T h an k you fo r y o u r ^

c o o p e ra tio n "

c o r '

Page 37: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

I M E T A L R A M P. 61x3^ $108. S how er c rw lr ! L om b a w ooM w In a $20. 734-6461 to aoo

NE ■ T E L ES C O P E largo Ol^ 1 ---------------tnna .„ lr^pQ { t-H kQ -i0 4 ' $250. M irror* (2) 80(- . ■ ly. 32 in. round . $75 < ' B occI ball so t. S40. ) / Can 208-733-9591

\ T RA M PO LIN E klOs h TTT ' o u tg ro w n , ask ing) $

. C o H 2 0 ^ 7 W -9 6 1 6 /



TIMES-NEWS- . CLASSIFIED [Sj DEPARTMENT . x _ _ _ 2 0 8 = Z 3 4 i5 5 3 8

OB5: 208-677-4543

( B U R L E Y )*

I * * * * * * ,

F o r S T U F F ^ $ 9 9 o r L e s s

^ 3 l i n e s3 d a y s

- 3 d o l la r s ". ; *I tiam pflraa.ortcam ust t>i

ineiuooa 4 conawutivo- dny# Ptivnlo Po»ty Only

['_____ _ Coll US today!

;• CInssillod O opartm ont® 733-0931 oxt.-2


i * ★ ★ ★ ★ » ★ ★; (3UITAR Ib a n o 4 s inn (

Clack b a s s guilor, porto< c o n d . w /a m p & c o r o

i S325/oHor. 208-436-0352)■ . GUITAR, a cousiic . Was!"

burn 6 siring, wnn c a s t u s o d l i i i lo . S 2 0 0 . C oi

; 733-4914,*PIANO W u rlitzo r. sp in o

u p r ig h t w tih b o o c h , li good condition. SSOO. Ca 208-733-3802 a ltor Spm.

R EM EM BERThat b in h d a / a d you placoc

-------- -------4UIIIB iiiiig.'Bgi:! iirTfir-Timos-fi/ows? Now IS Iho

lima to 'com o pick up yom....................picturos. S lop by The

Classiliod Dopt loday! •

I A C O U ST IC A L 8 i D R Y W A L L

R o p s i r& T o x tu r in gSmall repairs to romodois Noat. doan & profossion- aljob, com polltvo prico. Call Lonco L oB aron 732*5904/308-1699*

I A C O U ST IC A L — i - -& T D R Y W A L L -

! Why call Iho rost? i You doson/o tho bosi!

B O B 'S B E S T D R Y W A L L

I' 7 3 1 -0 7 8 8

Insurod Froo oslim alos


C h u c k 's C u sto m Pain ting & D ryw all

Noai, claan. prolossional, small |ob s wolcomo. 30

I yoars oxp. LiConso & i bonded. M ombor ol

I BBB. 735-8688* |


A ir Q u a l i t y S e r v i c e s

Air Duels Furh.'icfs Ofyor Vonis Cmmnoys

Insulation BumovnI 732-6789 '

lA m -co N D m o ffm q____________ S E R V I C F . -------------

-------- S A W T O O T H S H E E TM E T A L


Commercial & Rosiduntial (208) 733-8548*


Chock wilh us FifSl Low pricos on parts!- M a g ic V a l l e y

A u to P o r t s 226 Mom Avo- North .

I 7a3»33eB* I

R ead T h e C la ss if ied s

E very D ay!

1x34.5*. PIANO upright Just tu s ir $35. p o r to c t f o r naw pla In a izo- $350. Call 208-734-91

PIA N O , Sam lck. Exco I O rion. c o n d it io n . $ 1 5 0 0 . 'in rrnw a vn n ln ^ PrWwt.'M-flflaocurl*

a havo ELECTRIC QENERAT $ 7 5 . S.OOO w atta 10 hp

ToCumaoh onglno. $3'

a Call 208-536-6279' T O O L B O X ( P a c k r .

slldo-oul draw or lor p up bod. $275.823-44:

I -A PPLES .FuJlQ. Rod □ c lo u s , td a R o d , P lu r

. R o d D oirclo i^s. Itall G a u g e . C lo s o to T«

'S - P a l l s , S o n l o r CItIz Q Frlondly. Coll 423-4891

N T • B a a Produc* 3 8 ___ FALL CLEAN-UP

. EvbrylKTng roducod

W C om Tom atoros Poppers

- n G roon Boans* * • W atormolon

Eggplant.Call 208-326-3302.*

B A R T L E T T a O 'A nJi P « a r * . a t e o w m i O rc h a rd 42 6 0 E. 1500 M o n * S a t. 9* 8 p m . Ci

^ 543-5380 o r 358-1025.'

SI 00 - p o a rs a Qoldorinly Oollclous opplos.

K o llo y 's O r c h a r d O pt 12-6 ovorydoy. 543-533

'----- --'G R A P E S 'N o w ro o d y r tpick. C oncords 4 vnriotla 536-2284 o r 536-5421*

P E A R S U*P(Ck B arilo ' p o o r s n o w a l A k ia n

O rchard. 1828 E. 4 500 1 n n g B u h l , S I O .0 0 B u sh o irfoct Bnng ow n contalnors.Hi o r d . ■ 8am -6pm . 208-543-608:352* ------------------------------------------ash - p e a c h e s - ELBERTA

Hagorm an molons Bortlott poors,

____ A pplesiino t Formor*# C o m ers ), In 2 0 0 S H w y 27.678^130* Call


Iho re lr ig o ro to r w ilh 2 wat»our gas/electricity. 52 1/2 x 2-10 inchofi or-larger Call 208y! • I 829-5690 or 539-7485*

IB |» J •

n I B U S IN E S S r , SE R V IC E

T W I N F A L L S Is F L A N R O O Mf,. Jo b s to bid for allQ construction.

Bluoprint copies. j 7 3 4 -P L A N f7 S 2 6 )‘

^ I C A R P E N T R Y1 ______ Rop_ajL«dQstn!!j____' D ocks, toncos. windows,

doors, intorior painting.Froo ostim oies.

Call C h u c k R ogers 326-5271 or731»1391*


For All Your Home ' Im provem enis NO JO B TO SMALL

736-7404 o r 280-1661 A s k f o r L o u : _ _ |

I, r r C LEAN IN G I)

A m a z i n g G r a c e C l o a n i n g

J Tho *bosf In spoiloss— rosidonilal cloaning.

Lel u s handle all of yourc leaning strossi

7331935/539-3395 .*

I c ^ e a j v j j v g I

Rosldonital, construction, & ollico. ono timo

J o rlong 'lo rm .■ 2 0 8 -7 3 6 -1 8 90 .* |

| ~ C L J E A J V J g g l. SE R V IC E

W tilto G lo v o C lo an in gCommorciol & rosidonliol

Spocializing in deop cleaning.

Wookly & bl-wookly ' Froo Estim nlos

I 7 37 -9407 ' I


& C O N S T R U C T IO NSpocializing in Dairy.

loundalions. polios, diivoways. sidowalks.

Froo oslim alos I Call P a nn is S36-6705'


S m a l l a c r e a g e s . C o rru g a tin g ,

Disking. Rotolilllng. Mowing, Sooding,

Spraying, Forlilizlng. Quality Wort<. Low rates W* t f v i . 324 -7240 ' I

1 tuned, W ANTED 2 b o lto m , 1 p layo r. slnglo plow w/thro« po 1-9186.* hitCh..Call 208-877-4H i^ l io n t loavo m essa g e ,' O i,Cali W A N T E O g o o d u s c -flpi 1- p ro n anfl s to v o /fu rn a c

H B a llro o m rnlr?or. 8 ,0 ( bulk gallon milk tank. C 208-73^-3634^ WANTED looking lo bu)

WTOR u so d propono dfeponae lor uso In N ovada,

CBI1775-289-6611___ o r lax 775 -289 -2011 '

» '« ';> WANTED O ld gam pu m c> o** 0** s ta tio n Ilem *.

Top nw ney paid.

a Tony 208-866-0274,' W A N TED R a ln o d o n e

m oldy hay . Lbw qu a lll r nnii- low prteod hay. For ropin h .m « . stoora, any am ount larg “i™ !' o r small bales. 731-0102

, Twiri W A N T E D S h e l l fo r '9 I tlz o n . F o rd R a n g o r. s t a n d a r 1898.* c a b . P a r t s o r w h o l

S u z u k i 1 lO O g s e r i o> cyclo. C o m p u to r. work IP ing or not, wholo or paKs e d “ ~C all Mfork 20e-733-87eP.

S n o w plow for a 4 whoolo 4-5.000 watt g e n e ra to r .

L arg* pacic to fit on a horso saddlo.

2 . Call 2C8-934-S738*

n jo u

LIFT CHAin SlOO. H oapl- tal bo d $100, Call lor info.

ES 208-734-2575.*S' OXYGENdon C 'O N C E IiJT n A T O B SL HomoS500,Travel.-S750.•SStr. Pulseoxim eler. $350 . All >330 llko now, Coll 736-W 28* y r u ^ - p — etios. ^ . . .>1*

la n d BLACK POW DER RIFLEW N . Knighi SO caliber, like now h e l . wilh m any ox tros. S600 . »H rs Call 208-423-4347.' iOB3* ■ ■------ BROWNING 308 lover ac-

Hon e xce llen i condition . rA g ro a l s a d d le g u n . M usl ; sell. SSOO. 208-934-6931*

^ N S M u z 2laloaUers,inlino . SO's stoinloss now S i 9S/-

S 2 2 6 . R e m llO O M 3* 90 R o m ch o k o S 3 9 5 . R o m 5 ^ 8 7 0 W m g m as te r S 2 3 S .

Bamoii crossbow w/rool. q u io t S 9 S ,C o m p o u n d

^ bow s. $45 lor Iwo. (208 )' ™ 678-S751 or43t»1804* w ay’ AOO to yOur lamily Oy nUOplmg ' X 24 n» naofiibitf e«i o> Oog Ubo 308- daisilica.io.linc] a.poi you

” C O J V T J l A C r O R

M ag ic Valloy D osign aG o P o ru l Controctofs -Now > Romodoling.

Commorcial/Rosidoniial kiichons & bams

|866»4S2-3152/739-3S44' I

_ \E M PLO YM EN T\ q S E R V IC E S

Tem porary-Perm onent _ . . —Looking.lor-employeos- - -

Or looking for work J Call


J 7 ^ ^ o r 6 7 ^ M o "


R e t ld e n t la l f t R a n c hChoin link. Codar. Rail

lonco. Barbod Wiro.Vinyl. Privacy Ience

_ | Ropatf work. 20 yrs oxp.- j Call 934-0915*


W o o d F lo o r O o s lg n sWo do ovorytf'ing Irom -r

tjasic oak to hand sc raped cuslom. Excollonl woik.

Roloroncos.J 736-3726' | “

1 H A N D Y M A N .I Will do you a Royal jobI al o 'budgoi pncoI G onoral rdpairs, drywall.I painlmg & much moro

J Senior discounts.-i R egal 208-423-4004* \_

I I H AND YM AN I T -8 1 C L E A N U P -S a l a z a r s S o l u t i o n s

Wo fix probloms Froo Esi/mntos

'Odd jobs, romodoling. j removal o ldobns. Ii Wo do il all plus moro.I


D A V E 'S HANDYMANAll rypos homo ropair .' & romodoling. 8

Coloring lo tho . hom o owner.

I Call 543-5010*

I r H AND YM AN I L W O RK j j

Gonoral homo repairs,inlorlor/oxterior. P '

plumbing, painting, and *8 drywall. 16 yoars °

carpontry oxporionco.Fr*« • • tlm a ts s Jo h n 735-5179*

I, 14* R E M IN G T O N 7 0 0 B : point 300W inM ag. Lam lnai

-4182 a ta ln lsss stool. $550. C 208-S39-7038."

J 8 0 d R U G E R M77 3 0 -06 S na c » - —w /m a le t^3 K 9 x 4 0 r9 lii 9 ,0 0 0 'c o s e , 2 b o x e s prom ii c. Call am m o. Now. $625. R i_____ * r S .S . P89 9m m w/(5)gyy r o u n d m a g a z ln o s . R

inaer sc o p e , h o ls to r. a0 m o. now. $525.843-8611 R U G E R M 7 7 M a rk I 1 ‘ 22 .250 . siainloas lamlm im p s sportor. TImney tri

g o r . T asco W orld Clo 3 x 9 sc o p o . S 4 5 0 . C)

J,. 733-6465 .' .; T o r S a W 4 ' 629 sta in less < loilty rn ag , exc., S 475 . A Ri jp ing «P P «r. 20* DPMS rhatc la rao s t a in l e s s h e av y b a r r t 1103* $325/offor. 4 tire*. 18 r : ^ 7 5 -R 14 .2 studded S7S/C

flreat.shapo. 736-8040. l o l o W IN CH ESTER 12 g a u j r i e s a u to , modol 50 . FoQth< (ork- w eight. $300. W lnchsi aK s. tor m o d o l 1 9 1 7 30-C 'e o .* ' “ a d ju s ta b ld 's lg h l. ' $ 2 0 i------ B u sh n e ll 3x9 scope. $4(.olerlo r . WINCHESTER model 70i I a . .308 .30 .06 .338 m agnun

Modol 88 .308 ond o Co 45M 1911A 1. 308 -1173

B W INCHESTER new 189 lovor action, 3006 (limito edition) only 4000 m ade

___ $ 1 4 0 0 ,208-731-1575*WINCHESTER old modol

1890 octagon borroll 2 2----- ; W RF. pump, good sh ape

sh o ts rool good, $400., B S Call 208-731-1S75*

a ^ " k fP 7

H C O L E M A N p o w o rm a t< ^ 9 1 5 0 0 w a l l g e n e r a t o r — U sed very Inilo. S2S0/oir L E or. 208-733-1149.*0 ^ P O W D E R D IS P E N S E R

R C B S e n d p ro d ig ita l scalo . $235, 324-7681.*

'? ? CANOE C olem an Expodl- tion. 1.4 1/2 II. brond now. c o m e s w /canoe carrio r. $525. Call 208-539-3979*

Oli G O L F C A R T H a r i o y - n d D avidson , gas. 3-wnoel. 18)' SSSO/offor. 208-734-3728

or 731-0836 *____________JERO M E (2) CC m om ber-

Bo Ship*. S1150 ea. Will split ou . iraneler leo ol $300. Mov- _ ing ou t ol area. 212 2769.'

n I m M E IC O N S T R U C T I O N

.H E N D R Y & S O N SCarponlers

Commercial & Rosidonliol All Jo b s Large a Small

Interior SExlorior 732-5618'

I ^ I W D S C A R E V G I

~ rdny*» 'lS n 'd 8 co p ln g HOME REPAIRS I

C lean-ups. pruning.Irim. rock, power roko. !

spnnklors, 'oncing. | Wo d o whai VOU can't. I

I T ony-734-3322*


T w i n F a i l s S t o r o g o & M ov ingWo will pack « load.

I Movo you from homo to I , slo rago . storago 10 II hom e or hom e to homo.I Roasonablo Ratos.' 208-734-8030'

^OOkino <01 uiiM vac.ition iT'onoy'> wny noi soil inor.c'

. alill-QOoa xems you’vo tt'on sloimg? CiA3Kir>oU will ao d Call 73.1-0031


G a r r ' s P a i n t i n gIntenor/Extorior

R easonab le rates. H usband & Wile loam.

Ja c k and Lena.Call 735-0227

I P A I N T I N G & I — D R Y W A L L

L U P H E R P A I N T IN G , IN C .

Painting, Romodoling.Texturing a Drywall

Free osiim atos! Call Bill (208) 324-347S o r

(208) 727-1267 ce l l ' L


6 8 K oys P la n o S o rv lco ' Buy/80 ll gsod pianos.Tune, rogulato, ropair and m ove. Also havo L . used bonchos & pa rts F"

Call D avid 738-0201.*

P Z A A r O X .E S S O J V 5 |

D ia n a B . D av la M. E d . \is occopttng now students B oglnner thru advanced

B achelor o l Music . Cenifled. 30 yrs e x p . '

20S -3 2 4 -7 3 2 6 V

• • . • ■ '

B O L r — n ^ ^ _ la to d


-S -x - CHAI-ri-K WANTED

l i -Ooc. Cralt show s, a t

2 . Wood nivor Inn Holloy ID. Limited spaco avail

A R C T IC CA T 4 5 4 ATV, snow plow . W ar

____ wench, gun racks, cams 4 4 color, high low rango. we R l 5 malntainod. In oxc. conc Itch . R o a d y to g o h u n t in g rro l, '$4200.Call.208-423-6776 I n n ' A T Y -2 p lo c o o v o r COI VOII, c a r r i e r . F a c to r y b u il

• aluminum, 208^23-1247. u g e HARLEY '8 9 FXLR 40i th o r m ile s on now r o b u ild ) * • - scrooming ooglo ignition * 0 6 . .. Dakota Dlglial.in3t,..nov '0 0 . tiros, now custom palrit MO. Lots of occossories. bags

iackstand, windows. Cal ^ 208-312 -2738 o r om ai J m ' b rs1 0 pmt.org for pholo.* :o l l HARLEY ’0 2 t ' ^ 6 C u s. '3 ,* tom . 2200 milos. lots 01 IqH chromo. w indshield, do-

l o c h o b l e b a c k r e s i w /luggago rack . NADA S l l .O O O w i l l s o l H o i

___ $9SOO/olfor. 735-2153,*1°' HARLEY-QAVIDSON '9 7

S portster 1200 c u s lo m . P°- Extras. Exc. cond. $6200. A 208-735-8608 evenings.' — HARLEY-DAVIOSON 00■ R oad King. 1,000 In ox- M Ira s , call for complete list. H y . _Sia,000/Ollor,423-4S47.:_

HONDA -65 CR 250. Now ... to p ond. now Iron t nro . J .' r e o d y to g o . S 8 9 S .' 20B-934-8112*

HONDA '85 G old W ing . ■” iniorslalo. new tires. 66K 1“ ' g ood cphdition. $ 3 4 5 0 / _ .oiler. Call 208-320-3311 .*■ HONDA -BS MAGNA■ runs groat, $1500/o!lor.■ Call 866-2098.'5; : HONDA '94 Four trax 300

excollonl condilion. k ! Call 206-733-5676*9 ' HONDA '9« Shadow VLX!

VT600, 13K. $1800. C.ill Jl' 208-6'l‘*-9270.' .

■® . pipe, now tires, many o»- ir- S u z u k i G S 550 W in d >III j a m m p r c u s t o m s e a t [V - u n d e r 17K: m oka offer. ;^ Call 2O8-708-O237/6pm*


Rosidonliol, commercial.Reason.iu)o rates!

Free ostimnios.Financing 731-6658

7 3 7 -0 0 0 0 *

• I S E W I N G I

Jo y c e 's Sewing

’ W edding. Prom d to sses I Pick up & dolivory 'I avflcMDIO jI 30 years oipmionco.

2 0 8 -4 2 3 -4 4 9 7 * |


J o h n ’s S h a r p e n in g fi S e r v ic e

Complete stinrponiog. Carbido A sleel saws. i

141 Brackon Sl. S. 734-4050'


J & P S T O R A G EC an reni by iho day. =

montn or year. PBehind Frog’s in H.icjorinnn

C a ll 206-837-4170*

I TREE SERVICE I ®A + J i m ’s T ro o '

S c r v ic eTopping, slMping. ,removal, shrubs 4 ;stumps. Spraying I

& thaiching. ' ! 6 7 8 -3 4 7 6 431-3253* | g j

t h e e s e r w c e I j

S lR a y ’s T roo S o r v ic e c

Removal, Trimming. 2Topping, Sh>ubs, s

Slumps aCall 736-2571' S


MAGIC VALLEY ISA Corlilied. Wood lor 1

sa le, froo oslimalos, ,71m Abbott 734-7919 e Dan McCr*ory42(W71*


W oddlng. Drossos: 2-46 ■Homecoming Drossas r* x

to Rent or Bi«l ' • * Invltattons-Sl^js-Shoas-,Voii9-Siraplos8Bnts V.

2 1 0 S , Main733-6838* g

■ HONDA '02 R ancher ES, w h o o ld r . . $ 3 4 0 0 . ax condition. Coll 324-304C

____ H O N D A * 0 2 X R 2 0 0$2200. H onda '0 2 XR8C

^$ 1 2 Q Q-Cnll 734 ^ 7 8 9 ' ’I ',* HONDA -03 XR 250 . Us< Ifti> o^'V 4 tim es. L lko noti '” ?,* $3500.208-352-4274.*

H O N D A '0 3 X R 6 5 0 F lo. - excellont condilion. let = = than 3 0 0 m llo s . d iglti B spoedom otor..paid S63G W M asking $5500. 678-5669 M H O N D A X L 1 8 S t r a i l

/ a m condition. S850/0ffor. Cc om o •208-324-3407.'well K A W A SA K I '9 1 KX 12ond. new tiro s , s e o t , p lastic" 0 - . g r a p h ic s , s p r a c k o t s776* . w is o c o ro d . p i s t o n , J

r i n g s . A l s o h o vu i 11 m otorcross helm et, boot!47 ,> and pan ts. M ako.an otreijt;; . Call 208-736-8604.*I ld KAWASAKI '92 250 KDXion. S 1 2 0 0 /O fle r . KDX 201lo w $1000/olfor. 734-2302;*•lr>t. KTM 03 250 SX.■03. oxcollloni condition. $4200-.all Call 208-300-0486*

P O L A R IS '01 E x p lo re i 4 0 0 . lo w h o u r s w itl-

u s - occossories mcl. $38001 of 208-734.3031/731-6652.'

PO L A R IS "01 S c ram b lo i '® ' 5 0 0 4 x 2 . o x c . c o n d . |V : , w/oxtra sand lire a alum. T w h e e ls . JD 2 p lo c e till

l l _ trailer. SSOOO/offor. Call '9 7 208-324-6834/ 308-2670.* im - P O L A R I S '0 2 4 x 4 ATV. °0 ' S p o r t s m a n s 5 0 0 H O . _ 1400 m lles."oxc. cond ., 0 0 S4750, Call 734-7952.* f* ' SU Z U K I (7 )-la tO 7 0 's 2

stroke m oiorcyclos. 5 are

^ Of o x tr a p a r t s & t i r e s ,•o. SSOO/offer. ca ll 735-8140.*2 • SUZUKI *87 250 Q uad _ Runner, SI250.0 . Call 208-53G-6279-

SUZUKI '88 200~ 4 stroke, 0 / R u n s g rea t! S 8 5 0 . A lso ' * oldor B om bard ier 400 2 y s t r o k e lo r $ 3 0 0 . C .ill,r. 208-886-7558.* ___

TILTTRAILER 50 8 *8 , asking S.lOO/ollor.

; Call 208-539-9726* YAMAHA '8'7 350 4x2. Ex-

X colloni condition. $1500/ 111 oflor. 208-543-490S .'

YAMAHA '93 B anshoo 04fp----- m o lo r o v o r y lh ln g .n o w -*• S3S00. Call 208-423-4547*

d ’ V a n c e & H in c s ro c in g >t I p ipe . K aN F illers, g roal r I • b e g in n e rs bike b u s Iasi

enough lo raco w /l 7,000 . m ilo s. in c lu d e s fio lm ol

” a n d riding lackei. G ro.it S h a p e w ith now tr ro s . S H A R P ! ' S 3 2 0 0 /O lle r . C a lI2 0 8 -3 0 ^ 5 H 3 *

YAMAHA'96 Big B e a r 300 2 x 4 . lo w r n ilo s . g rc ;,ii Sh.ipo, 52000. C all 208- 736-7192 or 539-9684 •

YAMAHA '01 G'fVzTly COO 4 x 4 . 1 2 0 0 m ile s , g o o d c o n d it io n . S 4 8 0 0 lirm . C all 208.539-2140-'

YAMAHA '02 TTR 22S. wilh lo ss than tSO m ilos. $ 2 2 5 0 . C a ll 208-829-5974 d a y s , 208- 829 5422 a lter 6pm*

YAMAHA '0 2 T T R 2 2 5 ' S2750. Siroot pkg. (ligfiis. ho rn , mirror.) L o ss ihan

■ 100 mi5 . No timo to ndo' 20B-ea6 -9930/806-2288*

^ 902

- -JE T -S K I- '97 -T igo r8ho rk -^ - 1000 w/trailor, oxc. cond. $3800 Jo lt «t 436-4189*

M A RLIN sk i bonT 2 6 7 T ■ 2 0 0 h p. V 6 /0 /B m otor, oxcollem condition, looks a n d runs boau tllu l. HD |

- singloaxlo trailer, lo ts and I lots ol Q*tr,is. loo m any to I l i s t . A s k in g $ 5 , 2 0 0 . * Call (208) 733-5189.' i

M IRO CH A 'F T a lu m in u m 12lt. bo.it. m o to ra trailor.

___ C.ill 208-733-5676 '___MIRROCRA'FT 14 1x7 D eep

lishoim.in II. Incl. now '99 2 5 h p N i s s a n m o l o r w/oloci start & loss Ihan 10 hrr, lino. Now battory a n d li-Z lo.id irailor with guides, S2500. Call 208- - 734-7005 aliarOpm.* H

P O N T C d N 'K lc k e r . 8 It CD C w o.irr,. Now! $ 2 '/5 = Rom oio oloc. kickers SSO & SI-15 Bolly boni $20.

208-670-r.751 O r-l3I-ie04* _s ¥ a r a V o ' n ^ ^

boa raoulboard . hi cond . 'w /du;il iixol 2 im m orm an Jt r a i t o r A c o v o r s . L ow ( tiourr.. S‘J500. A rclle Col '9 5 T igor S h a rk 7 5 0 . 3po rson '94 D aytona 640. _2 p e rs o n . '9 7 V o y a g e r pjtr a i le r w .'storago & luo l (

insido. 208-678-7984-SEA O O O 01 (S) wnvo run------ j

n o rs w/lrailor. 3 soatorr., t. . All for S7900. 731-0193. •• S S E A S W I R L '9 0 S i o r r a RT

C uddy Classic. Loss than a 2 5 h r s . 4 .3 htor C o b r a |.s te r n drive, l<ko now in ca n d out. T ons ol ox tras . nS7900/oHor. 676-2004.* n

W ELDCRAFT 26 )I..M a-| ~ mllton pump. Ford bigblock, slick stoor. a ir- "r id o s . e tc. A bso lu te ly ®' lo a d e d w itn o p tio n s .N ew - immaculnte con - ^ditlon, $29.995.. _C

B a rt H orbaugh M otora KnD w ontow n W ondell 01

538-6323 TM any more Jol boats lo hi

chooso fromi* ct

5 5 0 i r e R T rT O T o o rC o 5 ovo r. eloops 4, 4 burnor stovo /ovon , rofrigeraior, d o u b lo sink and ho a to r. c< $500. C all206-324-5701.' C

ES, 2 CAMPER '96 Fleetwooda x e . Angler 9 ft. solf containe

1040.' Excollonl condltton S500(0^ Call 208-837-6626R80R CAMPER Btl. with 1/4. OVO9 .* .„ ___ s h o L .h a a la r j lo y a ^ e iU sed b o x . la b lo . e x c . co n dnow . $ 7 0 0 ,208-324-3890.'4-* C A M P E R SH E L L F o riiO R . -standard long box fiber

lo s s g la s s . sidO'tifl windowigltd l v o r y n i c e $ 3 2 5 , C o l6300 543-5676* ____

.~a ll. fits Ford shonbod pinkup l e n t SSSO/Oflor, 543-5408.’ .C a ll D O L P H I N * 7 3 s e l f

c o n ta in e d w /f r id g o 2 ■T2 5 s t o v e . N o o d s w o rk ,8 llc . S3S0/oHer, 208-312-2695' 0 1 8 . L A N C E '9 7 H u m o r 's n , a Special. 9 1 /2 ti..Likenew i v o S8900 .208-731-3583.*

PILGRIM '84 ovor sho t. 6 ft..'se lf coniainod. good

____ c o n d - S 1 5 0 0 lirm .C a llCOX. 208-324-5494/420-7491.*

S H E L L tor C hovy S -10t .__ long tjod pickup, like new

cond. £650.208-543-I926* 200- s iS ^ R T - k lN O .c a m p ii . .___ hydraltc i.icks, gas. olocl.>ror rofrig., pori-a-polty. lur- ' i t h nace, siovo w/oven. dual 300, s ink . StOOO. Musi soo .. 52-* Nice unti. 208-326-6695.*

n d j

S ail APOLLO '79 33 ll elec t.70.* Ja ck s, lull aw nings, icof v ^ maker. TV. gonor.iior. (2 ) t o se ec f ti r e s . NICEnd.i S9000. 208-733-5917 *

2 7 '. like new . slido ou i. a ,o Coll 208-543-5633.*

I DIESEL PUSHERS ' “J*; ' C lass A's. C lass C s _ Big and small all al lo-

duced fall pncos. Financing available.

B ert H arbaugh M otors ko. Dw ontow n W endell iso 536-6323*

nM f' o r o *79 Eldorado. 16K a c t u a l m ilo s , c l a s s C

— w /bunk bods Good rub ­ber. now biittorios. S6500 736-399Gor30fl-3761*

r— HURRICANE '97 (by FoiTr sJ; Winds) Class A 33 It, m o­

tor homo. Lg. slide, 2 AC._ satollito disti. TV, micro- 04 w a v e , quoon b e d . o tc . »w- — Ford 460 V8 . 2 IK- Asking- 2^ $39 ,000 ,20B-837-6291.-

’ 9 27 1/2'w/slidooul. AC. Ig.•' rofrig ., m icrowavo. fur-SI n a c o . TV a n ien n a , Iiko50 n o w . B e s t o i le r . C a ll0 _ M 8 -6 5 4 -2 3 6 r______s MOTOR* HOME forR ent" f AC. 26'. sloops e. low a s

SlOO'day. (208 )539 G955' iO R 'BW 'sm whool'hiicn wilh

d o u b l o p ' v o i C a l l jj. -»_2_3-4427.- I

flO G /V '9 8 m oior'nom o'. I island quoon bod. oxira's. I 29 ll.. c lass C. oac. cond. I $26,900.208-280-2200*


) ' A R C T I C C A T '0 3 9 0 0IM 151 S7000. Ski D oo

- S u m m i t -0 3 8 0 0 151 '• S6000. 208-539-5209.*J: POLARTs '93 Ultra 136- [ ,, t r a c k , g ood c o n d itio n .

$ 1 5 0 0 /olfor. 208-326-- 4092 or 208-644.1282.*1 PO L A R IS '9 9 700 HMK.I o a rly b ird p ackago . lowI m iloago . POLARIS '01 C

aoo RMK.,g-3p!,lcoon/o|l. _ trailer and all goar.’sgobo. Call 208-731-4652.*

S K I-D O O '7 7 TNT 440^ F e x c . c o n d . $ 6 00 /o ffo r.

; C all 208-673-6282* .

! 'AVION '9 6 W estport 5th

: w hool. Must sell duo to health probloms. 34 1/2 '. j; 2 s lid es w /toppors. lully loadod . low vohicio. '99 F o rd F-350 Power Siroko dually. 4 dr. fully loadod, _ cu sto m ized lor towmg. N

soiling both tor $45 ,000 ' will considor soparaiing. • Call 208-837-6023.- C

BEELINE '71 1811.. cnmp ■ tra i le r . G ood condition .' ■ S1250. 208-7G4-263G.' "

C O L E M A N '0 2 M e s a . E x c o l lo n l c o n d i t io n . S8600. 208-73G-4689 *

CO M FO R t“ 0 2 ^ '7 5 7 i r a goo d cond., soil coni.im- ed . S3500 208-676-1710*

CO Y O TE '76 16' camp trailer, soil contained, w /lurnaco. $ 1000.

corid . $3500. 423-4345 _

HOLIDAY RAMBLER '75. ^ —2 7 - f t - t r a i lo r .-s o l f con - *

to inod , vory good eond. $2500. 208-677-2382-

dual axlos. oloctric bakos. {53l o ta l ly r e m o d o io d . a ll ” com ponents gone Ihroughp r o lo s s lo n a l ly . G ro a t -4hunting or fishing rig. Coll a, a tto r 3:30 pm 733-3464*

w orking furnace, relrig.! pBi s to v o /o v o n . p lus lots ol s to rag o spaco . Great lor • h un ting se aso n ! $1500.Call 208-886-7558.' • _

K rr '8 9 26 ' Sth Whool lully *43 e q u ip ., AC. microwavo,TV dish, awning. Includes i/J hitch. $6.000/or Irado for \ cam per. 536-2946.* ^

KIT *»6 Sponm asto r. 5th w heel. 28 ft., roor kltchon. • 14 fL slldo. Walk around bod . Roomy, cloan. nice, $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 . 208-934-5749o r 306-1822 .' ^

Hwctng an aa In tho ciastiixx) XSO) columns ii a piece ol aike. Tn Call 733-0931. 00


Thursday, SepN

od K rr •»« S p o r tsm a s te r . 31 ned It.. 2 b d rm .. A C , micro- XX). w o v e , d o u b lo b a tte ry .

fumaca, lu b a show er, alt — ■ ' I t i r a x i r * * . V ory clean . 7>.i- -$9000^0ffprS43M 90S*— n d . KfT^'»9 E sp reo . 25 H. w/7ft

Slide out. fully equipped 2 r r : dr. U sod o n ly 3 m onth.

“ $11,900, 206-733-9527* JW. KIT'SS R ood ftan g o r 28 ft., a 11 AC. steroo; doublo doors,

awning, ro a r txldrm . AC. s e l f - c o n l o l n e d . e x c . s h a p e . $ 4 8 0 0 c a s h .

“P' Call 208-829-4218 * jy : N O M A O 'e S Z e . n i c o , ■ trailer. LittIo u so . lully sell

cont.. co n tro l a ir a hoat- jg : loadod. $4600. 735-1028 * r r ; SA L E M '9 4 1 9 t t . S o i l

co n la in c id . V ory c lea n . NO smoko. 208-644-1432. *

-Z SALEM BY C O B R A '9 4 •,S 5lh whool. glide out. AC, ®fj $6900. Call 2 0a-423-«547*

^ 22 It. C ho v y '7 7 pickup 3_/4-ton; o n ly 97K milos looks like now .' Wili sell

_ soparo to ly . M ust soo to •r, appreciato. 206-423-5634*

S IE R R A ' 8 6 2 6 fTTl'likd new . E le c t, ja c k , wtieol covors $ 10,000 324-2847 *

T E A R D R O P '6 9 15 It..

1-^ soll-containod. now w.itor. lank. pump, toilot a walor. linos. Very c lea n . $1.100

- —follerrCall 208-735-1844.*

:j- VIKINQ '88 ton t troilor. In goo d c o n d tio n . $ 1 4 0 0 .

j , Call 20S-G7 3 -S 413 .'

Irailor. 7x16. tan d em ax?o.■ —S3800 lirmr208:S39;2140‘- *

KA'R C A D D Y n'2's w iv o l b a so . tio d o w n -s tra p s . SOOO. Call 2 0 8 -934 -86g3* I

TRAILER 2 p la ce A rv 'M C snow m a c h in e lilt. oxc. SC50/c)llor. Call 324-3407.*

U tlL ltV T R A IL E R IGll long. 511. wide a 6 It. high I

- S.JOO. Call 208-326-4G31/' 308-8099.*

HANGER F o r s a lo o r io h l . S9000 or S90 a monlh.Buhl Airport. 543-6687*

' k i o o 2 . ^ E R S B I ^ ^ | -

alon .m d T r a n s lo r c ase .au iom atic3S O .S l2S .O ld­or 18 h p E v in ru d o boa i m o lo r. R uns w oll. Eloc- p inc start, $300/olfor. Call 206-423-5777 *

EN GTNESbrro-burtl' iihon b lo ck , like n o w . $ 6 0 0 / c oMor. Call 2QB-324.47G4 * |

^32T4^baKoV^84K, s 't5 0 a Call 208-539 -5209 .'____ P

convoniblo raro "woodio*. jnow p a in t, t o p . u p h o l- ,slory. F re sh ly re s to re d , ,Rondy lo sh o w or drive. 'S5.200 208-543-6858.* '

DODGE 1973 C hallongor'98°o r o s to ro d a n d new ovorything. T o o m u c h to list. Will soil a s IS or will 11 n I s h . P I 0 a s o c a 11208-735-1964 . ' '

DODGE '76 PovTor W ag- r__on, 4«4, shon b ox, rebuilt___5

316. 4 spd.. now 3 3 ' tiros. 2 S2400, 2C8-734-4378.*

FORD '58 •i"*doo"r.'stroig^lU c6 . SI200. Call a llo r S pm a

: 206-654:2519* ^FO RD '7 0 M u s ta n g 30~2 g

O ne ownor. $6000 . Call ^a lto r5 p m 2 0 8 -6 S4-2S19- ,(

JE E P '76 JIO Pick up . 360 XV8 . AT. S2000. Coll 423- 04663 or 420-2323.* ^

JEE PST E R '7 0 C om m on- sldo V6 . 3 sp d . h a rd a n d 51soli tops. S3000. Call 208- ei423-4683 or 4 2 0 -2323 * ^

NOVA '77 Concours oxcoI- h'lent condition. Coll 208- c<320-1145 or 539-6696* Q




• NEED tinYOUR > ^

SERVICE. GMiA dvertise in t''o

th eS e rv ic e I

D irectory S2 733-0931-ext.-2

3A CK H O E C o s o S e o C ‘’a V4000 hours, ex tra buckol. LoSn.OOO, 206-7BB-3157.* troi

: a S E '01 450 C ra w lo r 6 oyw a y d o z o r . 3 S h o n k J e lrippor. oxc. undorcantogo. mil.'7 9 F o rd d u m p t r u c k /oil9000 OXC. cond. '9 3 tra il- -TpS m a x I ra i le r 10 T o n tilldo c k . 208^24 -9558* “ “HEIOHTUNER '7 3 while. ?oncob over 8V91. 13 sp d ., CloLWB. $2S00 /o ffo r. 7 3 3 - to $1678 or 208-420 -2137 .' f —N T E R N A T IO N A L '8 3 ^ I C 4300. 400 BC, 15 ap. '88 spudnik bod. 4 2 in. bolt,Will separoto. $1 o .ooo/o l- 5 ^lor. Call 208-312-2204* Clasi RAILER RON for ront. 30ton. 48 loot. b o i

RJOrPDOCETKtPDOFTOS TFOT frucks SSOO. For lis tings pi«c 800-719-9001 * x t 31o5* CaJi

>t«mber 18,2003, Tlm«s-N«v

. 31 CHEVY ‘7 6 1 /2 lon , 350 cro- e n g ln s . - q u l t r u n n in g .Dry. $300. Cali 206-324-5701.'••■I' dHEV.V.*84 1/2 ton . 4X4,JfUL _ o r M i,e o n d ii lo n . $2500/:___ —CigfltJ»JXW.2Q6-.731-8K6!_________

C h e v V ' s s 70 s e r i e s . .KJ 2 boom truck . Allison AT. : f>th. oxc. sh ape . $ l2 .600/offer 17 733-1901 d a y s 'H u CHEVY '8 6 4x4. heavy du-

. ty . 3 5 0 , 1 o w n o r . oxc. cond.. S3200. 734-3230.* .

___ rubber. R uns good, needsICO a Ifttio work. 206-431-7443*

r u n s g o o d , $ 8 0 0 . Cali iZ., 934-4183 leave msg,* e l l CHEVY '9 8 4x4 extrcab"JJ’; loalher. PW . PU. AC. CD.^ Z71 pkg.. new tiros. 66K..!94 208-438-4447/431-6447*'

CHEVY '9 8 1’ur'b” OiosoT._ 4 W D . o x t o n d o d c a b . ool 102K. loothor, interior. AT ‘UP $14 .500 /o flo r 208-532- ["S 4109 o r 208-431-5109: .. .

CH EV Y '00 ntfpow or. 4x4' 1. o x t . c a b . 3 d o o r . e x c . (

cond. $12,000. 320-1203.* ' D A TSU N •82” K m g Cab]

7 . runs, clutch bad , Call 735-1 0 6 19 evenings.*________

DO'DGE '66 good transpor-“ • la tio n truck S 750 Call

no 20 8-320-3311 ‘4 . DODGE '84 'R .irn Chargoi

4W D . 2 2 ' ta n d o m axlo0 ‘fOilOf. 20 8>438-8717*

• DODGE '9 7 Dakota SLI . 22 w hool d r iv e , e x tra cab.■ V6. $9500 .208-578-5226* .5 FORD -72 F-100 pickup7.2■ w heel drivo . ru n s good.

SISOO/oHor. 733-0934-0. FORD” '73 F-100. RangerO'— X L-TrvorA C rA TrPSrP8;--------------01 S 2 0 0 0 /o llo r . 5 4 3 -0 9 7 9 5 days or 543-5245 ovos.*J* F b R D ~ y 5 3/4~ton. 4WD.C 90K ; re b u il t 3 9 0 . 4 sp .

slool llaibod. m any extras.Huns & looks grea t. Dodo

1, S320aolfor 206^)8-0505*T FO R D ' 77 'LTD 4 dr. 87K;U origin.il mis.. P /S . AT. AC,

oxc. condilion$1400/oltor,' i Call 208-543-5912 ovos.' .I wknds 733.1901 days*I FORD -783 4 T. ono own- I o r,4 0 0 cn (i .4W D, 4 spd ..I 70 gal g .is . w inch , low

p k g . .n o w p a i n t , now b rakes, c u s to m whools.

! 5 lh w tifo l. SSOOO.-Ciill■ -208-420--123Jr/733-0164:— ^ -------

FO R p~79 r^ancioVrci'asiic_________

: 4WD. now 32* tiros, good c o n d il io n . r u n s g r e a t .

. -S 5000 /o tte r , m u st sell.I C.1II208-431-99G3*; F O R D '8 5 l--25b” -rW 0,I c ru is o co n iro l, P S . I’ B,

stool Hat bed $3000 I Cnll^O e-736-8040.'' F 0R D '-B 7 F-VGb’ XU 5 0

lito r. rog , c a b . 2W D . 4 spd.. AC. 75K. vory clean. .- shnll, good n res . S 3 0 0 0 .'* ’

_ 93 -^-^15o r 35B-0108.'FO R D '8 9 H a n g e r. Now

- , o n g .. no t in n s m is s io n S600. 208 -324-6771 *

F O R D '9 0 F - 2 5 d . -ix4.Single cab . 460 AT. AC.PL. PW. CD. 33* liros. Iill. ru n s o x c o llo n t . L o o k s n ic e . $ 5 5 0 0 . C a ll 208- 308-W81 or_32*W4^5_*

FORD '95 F-150 oxi cab', oxc. cond . now tiros. CD. snoll. S6.000. y 6-2205 *

FORD '97 F150 4x4. short bod, 3 door oxi. cab . 4.6

m atch ing sho ll. chrom o ru n n in g b o a r d . S u p o r

—Sharp.toal blua-lruck-C all-------------208-308-6012.- ' ' ' .

FO R D ■97 R a r ig o i go'6'd condition, good g as mile­age. S3.800. OODGE '99 N oon vo ry c lo a n . ru n s

_^ ion t^S4 .00^820-5037 .- FORD ^9g^25'0 '4K 'j','ox-

loaded cab. powerslroko XLT. 39K. like now. Call ovonings 208-934-5147.*

^ R " D - W F 2 5 0 »-0-wen slroko. suporcab.longbod.55K. $23,500, will consid­er Irado. 208-431-0697*

FORD '4 9 F -t p ickup , flat- h o a d C . 'a l l b o d y w o rk co m p leted . All ongifj.il 'Great finish projoct' C.ill 324-8717or 539-3914 '

GMC '72 pickup 3/4~iori big block 400 p lu s sh o ll lor pickup & 11 1/2' camper.Both good cond, S2G00.Call 208-733-5271.*

GMC '8 6 ^ 0 0 '4 7 4 T 3 a b ong., 4 spd.. lock ouis. no donis. no rust. l04K .now tiros, oxc. c ond . $S50rj. Cnll208-73l-7025 *

GMC '93 K2500. oVt. c.ib,4x4, 1 tBK. 1 ow ner, ox- to n s iv o r o c o r d s . o x c . ' cond. S9300. 736-0317 *

GMC '01 hoavy du ty 3/4

$ 2 3 ,0 0 0 . H e a lth m u s l_ salo .208:53P:G556.‘ _________JE E P '75 J-10 O uadra-trac

AW D, R e b u i l t W /1SK .L o o k s r o u g h . N e e d s tranny. SSOO c ash or m on­ey ordor. 208-734-9446.*

JE E P '78 C J7 . V-8 AT. low milos. good body. S4S00- /oHor. 208-737-9503.'

JEEPSTER '7 2 C om m an­do lo o k s a r u n s g r o a t . ! gocxl heate r, lots of c u s­tom w o rk , s o o a t F i rs t Class Rostyllng. Roducod to $4000. 208-734-1 111.*

^ 1 oo7 ^ k u & 3 I 3 9 ^ ^ 9

bAN-TDRIVfeANYM6RK ':ia s s A 371 /2 ft., lim ited - m olor h o m e . 4 6 0 F ord , b a n k s p o w o r p a c k , J D - chassis. 47Kmlles. Cam p- • or 9 R C oachm an, all sail- c o n ta in e d . C a r tow ing dolly, com pact s lz a , now .Ures. Call 734-7263.* ninx a«(«lfiM whan you . ploM yoor ad n dasWftad. •CaJI 733-0931.

Nows, Twin Falls, Idaho e is -:

Page 38: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

------------------- E 14 T lm M -N «w

' PROJECT fflU C t '84 S-10 kingcf r u n s , bu t n * * d

__________ wort., S7[X).208-»

CHEvV '00 B iuar. cam o pattom. Mi Exc. nuntlno rig.

• 1 20a-934.549a/53{I CHEVY -85 S i o II 4x4. V6 2.8 lilort voiV ei9on

• I 2Oe-3O0-6O12.'CHEVY 'S7 0laZ(

AT, PS. PO, n tw \ ■S1900.20B-410-S

CH E V Y '91 S IO { ’ 4 3 ongino, looks

- • (lOod S27SO, 731- C H E V Y -93 S IO I

Tndoo, loodod, B iotioo,-o»c. cond. 5

• 2O0-670-575lor431 CHEVY'95 1ariOO. I

lo .i in o t , g r o a l (--------------------------<;7«iOO-S08-S7M2

CHEVY'97 SuburOfl ' lo . id e i l . to w in s

S «750 20a-3Z 4 O.iyn or 324-7421 e

CHEVV''98'Suburb.i Kolly S I6 .0 0 0 . fl 514,000. Call 536-(

CH EV y -01 Tnhoo 4W 0. londod, tow S27,500/ol(ef, Cal y 6 2 0 _ o ^ 2 M -0 5 ^

CHEVY '01 Trackor 4 floor. 26K,PW. Pi l.ii.i(ti>(l' Wnrrnnty rtfniumoil S0i)00/

. . . 203-824-5744-.. .bO D G E '99 burangi

I'd wiiKlown. low I ________________ ^qc. inusi soil SIC

FORO •91 l:«ploror AI I’G. good liroi •‘I'limi) S2000/otlOr. 670-1444 or 670-22

FORD '93 Exploror, CO . i.in lhor, o x c t con.i.iion, 53500/1 Miil.-.,ilr-d'"208-423-'

FORO '94'ExplOror H4.600 milos. O nco cxcotlool cond.. S( C.HI /35-5964 Iv. ms

F O R D •9 9 V x p o tn r:diliu Daoof. fltoon. coridilion. 79K, S18 200'.124.3G26 / 308-4

GMC ‘B2 lull SIZO Jir----------------------- 4x4—306-VarAT-rP

,_________ 9 ‘‘*!i2oe-3oaj5^i2j_

loaihor, good tifos. good cond S12.500, S 3 l3 o r 208-312-4S1

GMC '00 Yokon XL 2 wtiiio, oxcollont conc insido /ou l, 4 k4, V8

.I'lof. lully loadod. cor cJrop dow n TV w/V w /w u o io s s h o o d s Fmnncing nvnil if nofl Froowoy Irnvol mlla SOK Sorvrcod faithi Asking S24.900.

Coil 20B-576-0779' ISUZU '8 9 Troopor. i

loin sloroo. snowBo r.icksS»700. J20-18S

f s u z u '95 Troopor. oi lent concimon, V-6. a 4W p, now tiios. cru p o w o r w in d o w s , i S6SOO. Call 423-5454

JE E P 'M 'W llly CJS. I londoil for oll-road, lockors, racing buck soli S hard lop, 4 spoc CD slof«o. every ays w orks woll. S3400, ( 208-732-5935.-

JE E P 1975 CJ5, low m______________S3-IW - le y ]. Runs gc

Groal shape. 543^680i JE E P -92-Wranglor 8 C

nnrd lop. CD. mco ti 121K. S4950. 324-350

JE E P ‘95 Wrnngior, 4 i AT. 75K. rons groot, r so f t lop. now lifos. C g oo d cond S6000/oli Call 208-678-7255.'

KIA '9B S po riag673c 4x4 , good cond. S5.C 208-734-7554/420-23I

TOYOTA '93 4«unnor 4 V6, 5 spd . londod, call dolnilsS7500. 537-650

t S Y 6 f A ‘ 96 LondcruiSi 125K. black w'gold

Dochngo loadod. S12.2C C.m 208-734-3223

C h T v y -78 H n n d lc i uQ uippod . llll, low m now p.iml A iipholsloi >'XC conil Pnco roduC' lor quick Killi) SJ500-otl 2 0 8 -4 3 6 -3 5 4 5 o r 43 3584 U.ivoiir todd*

CHEVY •84'Sli‘i- v .i'n ,'^ con«iiif>ri Wllh go<

ur.,-5 S:<‘io o o tio r C;

CHEVV '98 V.HiiiKo d i

'•" iK od ly fHiii» 420-017


EMAILY our Ad To



Tw in Falls 208-734-553B



C'living up ooK7 AU<Ani«A you' CluD* tr.i tale «iin n Kiwcoil crjaaili»0 «a .__________

----------------------------- i-----------------------------

UCK Ch«vy DODQE ‘08 Caravi gc ab , 4 x 4 , good condlllon, /• • d s s o m a S3500. C«a 208-73

WARNINW han pufchaaing

• -cisrnw K TiO TrTi tllla la In th* na

Lzar. unique 'h a aallar. Undar . Must a aa . m otor vahlcta ci flfl. S2000, vehlcia cannot b /539-4i8a,* unleaa tha lltia la

c " S ’o n ° l £ . " E■srin-roCi• choaor a slonod o z e r S.10, a a le ahow ing th aw ongino. lowing; Full.dosc 0-5143.* ot Ihe vohlcio. v. 10 B lazo r,' Ideniiricallons nu oks & runa amount paid orid ’31-3322* • e(a) and address , n r ii; ; : . , now purchasor. T

o ta a le m ijs lb o a i rt dated ond show .

. " j r o T y r h ”. ; ;30. loadofl. quostions. ploaso a l c o n d , . tae l your local n: t -628B» - - , -_9Qr;s_oilte«£:^— jrban. iuity


ADVERTISERirb.-in, 4x4.

a d o n t h e l i r s l . " Z l i t 11 you M a n e Call 423- w e w ill c o r r e c

* Vl/o will not bo rosporkar- fe i^k/ PL C d! dnyofpublicatio

I Coll Twin Fulls >00/ollof., 733-0931 0*1. 2. I

- - Blifloy 677-4042 in g o S L I — ISOK, lini- I” ' ------

THETJMES-NEW .CIoaairied.Dapartjr

? Ollico hours of(ror t40K H.OO am to 5:30 pi iifos a n d - Monday thru Frida ■llor. 208->•2287* Wo aio opon to all wa

: l-ntlic to ossisi yoi x co llon t building your a d i 00 /o llo r. m oxim ao your rosu I23-9177* O f call ono Of OUI----- —— Cinssiliod Solosror XLT, Ropfosontaiiwos10 ownor.. S6500. . 1-208-733-0931 « kI '"SO 132 3 rd St.W

odTTron Twin Falla OMIco

518,250. 1-208-677-4042^-4776.- 1263 O verland Avi

B u rl.yO llte« -r -p w ii^

” o, 678^ $ ^ l POLICE IMPOUl 4513* C ara SSOO. For hstmg :L 2500 8QO-719-3001 ext Cj :ondi1lon ACURA 'Oe 2,5TL S8

V8 6 .0 Grool shape runs sw contolo Call now 732-0714.*

.v/VCR. - ■ ■ ■ - .........id a e l s . AUTOMATICnoadad, TRANSMISSION!Titles a l . Sp*CiOlV59.95, iithlully Amoncon vohicli

ports, labor ond 779- Instollallon (ncludoc

Econom y^M ^am lM ^

. oxcol- BMW '98 3161 75K. Ic 6. oulo. o d . l o a t h o r . p o v cruiso . ovoryihing, Vory d o s , o ir . m ust sool Only513.9S 454.* 20S-878-9897 or 431-62 15. fully BMW '01 325Ci.C0nv0r od, lilt. 0, Sllvor w/black lop. t uckots. 9.900 mis. Factory wa ipookor nly, S3 5 ,0 0 0 , 'Coll 2 aysiom 736-4697 oak lor Knsr

BUICK ’» SkylDiK.------______ runs good S600/olferiW miles Call 208-736-2616*

-B U iC K -'64-Skylail(.-n 5221_ tiros, looks mco, S650/ 8 cyl , er, ■ Coll 206-324.4552

o tiros 20ei324-2724 - 2 5 E 1 - BUICK '03 Contury, » ■ ®y'' eq u ip p ed 'o n d w nrrar

S 11,500, Call 208-3: s . CD. -4552 or 206-324-2724 - CADILLAC -74 Eldoro(

funs, noods woik, S7! offer. Coll 208-735-165

-2352* CHEVY 71 ataiion wage ■t ;. . ono ownor, good engir e iiifoJ t r a n s ., now liros, go

body, woll tokon caro S1SO0.Call2O6-678-3l1

CHEVY '7 8 E L C am m 7 ?oo QOM cond, strong 250 ' 23 St300.20B-280-1714'

H | I20K, Soe a t 190 Loci St. N. Testdrtvo l-2pm

l i i W CHEVY'84 Colobniv wa l l c a p on. sonis 8, VS. AT. rui . mis. I woll, SSOO 208-733-307 Slory. I C H R Y S L E R '9 5 C .r n ducod PW/PL. AC S3200'Olf« 3'Ot(oi G ood co>. 200-731-332; ‘*38* bO D G E '92 G rand Car,

------- van. 4WD, 32 mpg, no. voiy I r t n‘s m 19 n 10 n , n o good I c o n d itio n . S3450 . Cs Call I 539-992Bor 326-G652-

____ I FORD''83 Mustang culoli' oxc ; Ilo rod convortiblo, rur

0173- : 208-735-4090 allot 5pm n i F O R b 'i V E s c o n . AC

noat. cruiso, 5 spd S 100( ! ollor Call 2080-948 07U

FdR D ''B 9 fnurusTToe'OO rriilos, funs oro.il S I,50 Call 20 B-53a-2t4Q - _

L F O R D -9 0 e :ico* fl LX i tia tc h b ac k . 4 dr , (Iror

lifon. bnitofy & liminf] bo -J undof 1 yonr old! n u nw ell SOSO ($700 undo N A D A ) C a ll 2 0 8 -7 3 0 5000 0^ 206-670-0707 -

3 FO R D '9 2 fo m p o . a u lo I T Qfoai milongo S1900. 'SS

G ra n d AM-low milos, 3f mpg. S1950 320-6652-

HONDA '90 Accord EX D d o o r . AT, 93K S3095 ^ Call 208-404.0251.•

H O N D A '9 5 C iv ic EX 2 door, whlio, S4500

3 Coll 208-543.8514- am* HONOA '01 Ci^ITS^K; s71-

^ v e r . s ta n d a r d , spo iler , yoor good condlllon. SIO,500, coil Call 206-438-4120 ovos ___ or 208-677-&542 daytime.'

lawi, Twin Falti, Idaho Thun

-avan.eSK . K I A ‘98 S a p h ia , ren, AC. AT. e n g i n e , r u n s g rt-734~4127- S45Q0/0ff0f, 404-37C

,LIN O O LN '02 TowrIN G . - m i n t c o n d ,. 90K.n g a vahl- brakes A tlraa. 22*25 • T K i n w • —55O T irC iT r20««KJa?Wah®o MA2IDA '00 ProtacefV o d » m cuatom lzad. white v.i t ^ a^iiS * d o o f . 5 « P d , LoaL iS^n th i R e ta i l $ 7 ,6 0 0 , AsLiiJr tlH S6.495/oHer, Ju lieu 'c an a o d 1749*xtanalon 230iOiler shall Uuy. Mii./»niortwao.»lo w pur* ..aciBaiiiiedflg- 733-00:od bill of ■“I th e lo l- I------------ ;------------------iscrtpiion . vohicio num bor.

•fid nom- ISS of. tho

^ s ib 'l o ' IIho firsi m I .

I l / .

2. Of i l

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EW S p : r t j n a n L ____________________ £ _

D^om -■Iday. •

walk-ln /you In Dd to

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O K t.2 - ------- ■N ■■ lice

m MoUn o s

S8900:sw oet.


)NS35.iid e s .

im s i1.999, '-6283* vonibi- p. H as worra- 1 206 - fisty.*

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id o t 1

J lo . '•89 M

, 30 ' I■2- ; I


lurulay, Saptambar 16,2003 ■

. re b u il t LINC OLN ’95 Mark I g r e a t . „ n d „ $4995,•3701 543-4164 leave meaa.

M E R C E D E S BENZ 1 9 0 E , 1 4 8 .0 0 0 ml

-Aaklno-«480<%'ollorr filck 6 206-420-3161

le'w /rad! M E R C U R Y '91 C o iL oadedi S-0 h igh ou lA sk in o loodod. 52000/dlfor. I

Ilia 735* Ing m usi sell- 829-4C* MITSUBISHI -92 Mln

>A0 wiin 122K. fair cond, S75C3-0031. or. 934-5563 ollor 3pi

p u r c h a s e t h a ^

1 # ^^ 1070'fVii

P ^ lj

< u r i : h a s e t h a t

4CYL, 2 .4 L 5-SPEED |


1070 BIUIfU

33- .

,rk Vlll M IT SU BISH I '0 6 Qi5. 208- 7 4 K , g o o d o o n d l l*MOe.- $ 8 .600 .208-732-S0g42 >aa N ISSA N '8 7 S a n tr a ,m llea P S . A C , 4 f lo o r . F

— ^ PONTIAC '91 G ra n d Runa well. seoo. will 1

; ; C : '° 'A T V .2 0 a .4 3 9 .0 6 :■4010:- PO N TIAC '9 3 B o n n a--------- apoller. 78 ,600 mf. {llrage. condi AC. p o w er pk(’50/of|. f e a t h e r , g o l d a p3pm.: wheela S5 .000 .720-0

f ik v e iie m u3 a t n e w c a r o

. 2 0 0 3 N I S S A N X I E R f

il WAS-------------I rebate....................■ GREEN DISCOUtlT— -

2 0 0 3 N I S S A N J U 1 U

I W « - ^ — - —


' N O W

i® ® N i0 BLUE UKES BLVIk»io>.>i^&ci«lrd«W«l}1i7 OAC Ow

NGS Ia S i f e b e e n w a

t n e w c a r o r

1 0 0 3 H Y U N D A I T 1 B U R

WAS---------------REBATE .........................................


2 0 0 3 H Y U N D A I s o t

f c WAS----------- ^■ a t e ....................................

K R E E N D IS C O U M T — -

^ ^ H y u iII UKIS BLVD. N.'Ukii.t<)l.<UvdeeU</St57 OAC D»

Q a la n i S A A B '8 6 9 0 0 T ud l l l o n , $1700 6 apead , lea tS091’ CD-AM/FM. power av

A-r. thing, aki rack , moui

I S enua 2 0 Q -T 33-°3Jr

T eT t^ . S i l B A ^ ‘a s 4dr.. 4V/ ll t ^ a ou0 B72? th a r a a r rloTil b u t i

drivaa good f t runa g<inavllle now Urea, $600,543-8ll. g rea l o r2 l2-2443.*P^a. nil ,s p o k e iiiflosy 10 odvomso ir 3-0353* ci»«i»i»0. Jusi eaii 733-Ot


"ALL 20iv a i i i n g f o r t h o r t r u c k . . . w

RRA XE 4X4------------

........... '1,500- — --'5,124

a t e ® —y 1998WAS S7,g

[]MA3^V-6 1999 I ________ 5 2 7 .4 3 7

..................^' WAS S l i '

> | ) ? i s ;^ 2 0 0 0 (

WAS S23.i

ISSAN >1V D . N . 7 3 3 - 1 8 2 S

OwV'ittirq ol ritoin Artfer iftnlVO" 0"!)' t

fAlSt/"ALL 20$

a i t i n g f o r t h e

T t r u c k . . . W l

j r o n '“Zm-----^ 0 ;0 ^........M,000........M,280

WAS se 995

— q«;«B ............... s i f in n “. . , i 'm -2002 ME


2003 POWAS $16,995

INDAIi 733-1825 1-80

' .. h

T u r b o PO N TIAC’M Firebird, leatfiar. lo a d e d , C D p la y e r , r avary- „ock . T -topa. tin ted i

X K- C o l l S U B A R U '0 2 L a o l----------------f ld f lan , 4 W U . A U * .

4 w d PW. PL. 176K. now t I ou t Ofl “ "O f*®'' b f« H o a . G< n t • lll l c o n d i t i o n , r u n a J^i SO M d. M « 0 0 .206 -731 .8483 . 13-8488 SU B A R U *00 O u tb a

63,000 moally hw y. ml JTin— *oraat g reen . $13 ,975 . 3.Q831. 734 .5179orcell308-24

isimS a y s ,

MUit h e h e s t t i m e


'8 DODGE NEON S799S N O W $ 3 , 9 8 8 /

9 buicilreg.al_ ,____$9,995 N O W $ Y . 9 8 8 #n

11^995 . N O W $ 1 0 , 4 8 8 *21

9 CHEVY 150023.995 , N O W $ 1 5 , 9 8 8 <h;

D CHEVY 150023.995 N O W $ 1 6 , 9 8 8 m


5 I . 8 0 0 . 3 9 0 - 8 6 3

fi, ImMdeieelonhsnd Suti|Kllopr«rtoW i

TEMS a y s ,

| 3 ' S MUSl e b e s t t i m e c'AIT NO JI

4DR, GLS, V-6

FORD F250 REG CAB95 .........N O W $ 2 , 9 9 5 /2 H tu

=>ONTIAC BONNEVILLl995 . . .N O W $ 6 , 8 8 8 «N3oi4

VIERCURY SABLE 995 N O W $ 1 0 , 9 8 8 /2H7G

■1YUNDA1 SANTA FE395 N O W $ 1 1 , 9 8 8 #M3049

^ONTIAC GRAND AM )95 N O W $ 1 2 , 9 8 8 <2H211

m t m mI O O - 3 9 0 - 8 6 3 2 TMorif UmMb«odcn)and. S fcjaOb pnor icI*

i ■

rt a t TOYOTA 7 9 Corolla, run sr' a li 0WKi. $700 or beat offer H win. Call 208-678-3715* » . • TOYOTA '87 Supra lOftx

—agort roo^-aporty. goo

Call 208-73^fliT67‘ G ood TOYOTA '9 2 CellCB G l

a u n r o o f , c r u l a e , CD u ” 118,500 milos, runa.an

looka greal, S3200/offei j a c k , Coll 7 ^ 2 6 2 9 ,*

TO YO TA '9 4 4 .R u a n e r -while, loodod. good conc $6950.208-677-1119*

f s r iM !’ 6 m

^ 0 0 3 N I S S A N


2003 CHEVY«2H77-i WAS $23,995 N(

_______ 2001 CHEVY#N3020-1 WASS24.99S . N (

--------- 2002 CHEVY»2Hi6a-0 , WASS27.995 , , .NC

2003 FORD E•H3012-1 WASS33.995 NC

2002 FORD F2‘'2H174-0 WAS *33.995 . . .ND

3 2 TWIN FALLS, IDlit N«’npcinvbyiorinxn Cosd^MOO]


^6W e i^ 2 0 0 3 H Y U N D A I

WAS-------Ifeiffl rebate...........| | ^ GREEN DISCOUMT

i 2000 MAZDA Mti9 -i WASS1S.995 N O W

LE 2002 MERCURV]I4-1 WA5S2a.935 N O W

2003 HYUIMDAII7G.0 WAS S30.995 .N O W

2002 FORD MUSI,^9.1 WASS21.995 .N O W

I . 2002 HYUNDAI 11.0 WA?J22.99S , , N O W

WIN FALLS, IDr u .nfouiJ. lo, rnn. Cod 9.1003

k s t a v a u

. runa TOYOTA ‘97 Camry. Red. offar. AC. CD. 76K. S8BOO. 208- I* 404-3061 or 404-1336 .’?a5 3 : V 6LK & W A deN ‘t o Pox. 6 'ooo d - a p d ., c le a n & runa w all.------^ $1 2 0 0 .20B-308-4246.- 7* -. ~VW *72 Bug new engine & r s T - ■ tlrea, nice Interior & paint. -■ .

S 3 2 0 0 /o fro r . C all 2 0 8 - l a n d 736-2545 o r 404-9676*'offer. V W '61 Rabbit convertible,

fkluch rebuilt $1250. STB- 1269or720 .3S9aH ^Iay .-


(»irSENIRAGXE~^------------------------- Hfl;e45

................>7,000OUMT— - - ' 3 , 6 5 1

l/Y BLAZER N O W $ 1 7 , 9 8 8

j y 1 i o o ________________________

N O W $ 1 8 , 9 8 8 01 .1C1-)

Tfrm ----------'------------.N O W $ 2 0 , 9 9 5 • w ic o

3 EXPEDITION 'N O W $ 2 6 , 9 8 8 <2mi32-3

F250 PWR STROKE .N O W $ 2 7 , 7 8 8


)AISANTAFE----------------------m m...............................^ 1 ,0 0 0

INT-........... ^,643

\ MILLENIA O W $ 1 3 ,9 8 8

JRY GR. MARQ.O W $ 1 4 ,9 8 8 o

lAI TIBURON GT ■-*O W $ 1 5 ,4 8 8 i

USTANG CONV DW $ 1 5 ,9 8 8 /2H?o9 0

AI SANTA FE DW $ 1 7 ,9 8 8

><u ■ , : ^

a i u b l e c o p y

Page 39: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

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R oll's H ”; I ’lic c

t?' ::'jsm.

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■O Z i2001 CHEVROIV.'.'.S S!-' • ROI

2000 CHEVROIX K i i r no t

2002 FORD ESWAS SIO '- R0{

2001 CHEVROI, WAS S!1 . R0£

\jt. . ' • . *

^ 1 3 ,9 8 ^

| k < ^ 3 ! 2 D 'H H 1 B E 2

1 6 , ^

i m1 0 , 9 8 8

2 2 2 i 2 i M k

3 3 , 4 8 8

OLET METROr o b s p r i c e ® 5 , 9 8 8 '■ '

OLET PRIZM R O B 'S P R I C E '7 , 4 8 8 '■■

ESCORT R 0 8 S P R I C E ® 7 , 9 8 8

OLET LUMINA ROB'S PR IC E R S , 9 8 8 « > '

( 6 ^

3 ------------


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' -Tt-,:-!!::.-". i ^ a i C

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:> R o b 's i5 I ' l i c c

k '<')i ') s J> I M c c

2001 CHEV

2001 BUICK

1999 BUICH? u 4 r o , ' w A S S 'i iS - ': , R

2002 BUICK211326-1 WA*: <14 OQl, F


• All onth jub |od to p o o r w k

i p 9 ^

iS ^‘^ALk

rn w a i t i n g V c a r o r ti

l i t f? ^ , 9 g

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L ! i ^(iTjviiWfiifiiriViti

^ 1 9 , 9 8

" 3 9 . 9 8


CK CENTURY ROB S P R I C E * 9 , 9 8 8


Ck CENTURYROB'S PR IC E ^I 1 , 4 8 8

Pc; BLVD. N. 7 3 3 -wie. Photo fer ilkntraJJon porpoi


p i f i | |*

j i | m

^ 8 ■ ■ i-: m " sf c _____


{8 Ka ■ *

i i

) Q Roll ) 0 ---- IVica ■

2003 Bl8 ' WAS $16 99

2003 Dl3 , p . , .V A SS16 99

1999 Cl8 /?;Mi:; ; W A SS19.99

2003 Dl3 /JU ??! ■ • ^VAS $20.99.

ONTIAC - 1 8 2 3 1 - 8 0OJM only. All prices ofler rebo te .

S i i j f e

ium IwI

® I3 |lo b Sicts^3^S M Ubest timefAKT NO

I p w i j i

B M lj p ^ 3 1 . 9 :


DODGE STRATUM995 . ROB'S P n iC iM 3 , 4 i


DODGE GRAND CAR995 . ROB S P R IC e '1 6 , 9 f

B u ic k iO O - 3 3 3 - mt e . Afl prices plus lax, Kile and dea

p l p l p l l p

■MBi' -m jif s r m t

; of uectr0 MORI

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■ £' .l

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200:9 8 8 - « ^ f s

20014 8 8 w < .ss

JRBAN 20019 8 8 / n o a : T WAS S

i\RAVAN 200:9 8 8 ^.'’lu .T r-o WAS S

GM Cll9nnNHUis,idealer doc fee of $ I i9 . Contunei





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Koh's S 1I’l-i.v X C :/,

y S S e i




jg P S Q , !


S .. » b ROB'S PRICE-1 £

03 DODGE DAKOTAs.‘ ; 'i*;. ROB'S PRICE-1 £

]0 CADILUC STSsr'h oaii , ROB'S P R IC E ^22


ID • w w w ,greeeeew may receiy« rebate or 0% or b

.fiilftwU .2003 TlwiiWiwi Mi

W t

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2 E Z E ^ :ia

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| . ! ) 8 < S

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m m -ILAZER1 8 . 9 8 8

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52 2 . 9 8 8 - «

TION2 6 . 9 8 8 ■ ' ^ 1

llrtD gW ip.i OWor iow finandng OOC

Page 40: raq plilans f[)arannilitaitry iffllit. EJnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN646/PDF/2… · iddie But among n e the the worst the their them and live. said Isabel

' ■ E - I6 _ 7 1 m w « w s ,'

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0&aaoo3•_ftwer WMowsDoofs

____ SMtrnxs _______ ____*Remo«&rtry . ,

---- -4VAwdiPD6-----------* Autorriaic Transmission

' • Air Conditioning•IxixxTieto’

't)/30Ub '• 6,0 LV8 Engine •PoMsrWindowsDoors'

- Sea&Mnors .• Remote £ffiiy*aectric 4x4- •Camper•AWTMCO•PrivacyGbss * •T ia ^ r o w ^ ^ ^ ^

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4 OthersIn Stock! f f f r

NOW'IIVT; 'WlbrdPjOQi.V(m''l297: 'OfordEiploft

\(m-1.^977 'OjfordFljOQi N'()W'|.^977

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