Ratio Analysis Ppt[1]

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  • 8/6/2019 Ratio Analysis Ppt[1]


    Ratio analysisRatio analysis

    IsIs aa methodmethod oror process process by by whichwhich thetherelationshiprelationship ofof itemsitems oror groupsgroups ofof itemsitems inin thethefinancialfinancial statementsstatements areare computed,computed, andand


    IsIs anan importantimportant tooltool ofof financialfinancial analysisanalysis..

    IsIs usedused toto interpretinterpret thethe financialfinancial statementsstatements soso

    thatthat thethe strengthsstrengths andand weaknessesweaknesses ofof aa firm,firm, itsitshistoricalhistorical performance performance andand currentcurrent financialfinancialconditioncondition cancan bebe determineddetermined..

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    AA mathematicalmathematical yardstickyardstick thatthat measuresmeasures

    thethe relationshiprelationship between between twotwo figuresfigures oror

    groupsgroups ofof figuresfigures whichwhich areare relatedrelated totoeacheach otherother andand areare mutuallymutually interinter--


    ItIt cancan be be expressedexpressed asas aa pure pure ratio,ratio,percentage,percentage, oror asas aa raterate

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    Words of cautionWords of caution

    AA ratioratio isis notnot anan endend inin itselfitself.. TheyThey areare onlyonly aa

    meansmeans toto getget toto knowknow thethe financialfinancial positionposition ofof

    anan enterpriseenterprise..

    ComputingComputing ratiosratios doesdoes notnot addadd anyany informationinformation

    toto thethe availableavailable figuresfigures..

    ItIt onlyonly revealsreveals thethe relationshiprelationship inin aa moremore

    meaningfulmeaningful wayway soso asas toto enableenable usus toto drawdrawconclusionsconclusions therethere fromfrom..

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    Utility of RatiosUtility of Ratios

    AccountingAccounting ratiosratios areare veryvery usefuluseful inin

    assessingassessing thethe financialfinancial position position andand

    profitabilityprofitability ofof anan enterpriseenterprise..

    HoweverHowever itsits utilityutility lieslies inin comparisoncomparison ofof

    thethe ratiosratios..

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    Utility of RatiosUtility of Ratios

    ComparisonComparison maymay bebe inin anyany oneone ofof thethe followingfollowing


    ForFor thethe samesame enterpriseenterprise overover aa numbernumber ofof yearsyears

    ForFor twotwo enterprisesenterprises inin thethe samesame industryindustry

    ForFor oneone enterpriseenterprise againstagainst thethe industryindustry asas aa wholewhole

    ForFor oneone enterpriseenterprise againstagainst aa prepre--determineddetermined standardstandard

    ForFor interinter--segmentsegment comparisoncomparison withinwithin thethe samesameorganisationorganisation

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    Classification of RatiosClassification of Ratios

    Ratios can be broadly classified into four groupsRatios can be broadly classified into four groups


    Liquidity ratiosLiquidity ratios Capital structure/leverage ratiosCapital structure/leverage ratios

    Profitability ratiosProfitability ratios

    Activity ratiosActivity ratios

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    Liquidity ratiosLiquidity ratios

    TheseThese ratiosratios analyseanalyse thethe shortshort--termterm financialfinancial

    positionposition ofof aa firmfirm andand indicateindicate thethe abilityability ofof thethe firmfirm

    toto meetmeet itsits shortshort--termterm commitmentscommitments (current(current

    liabilities)liabilities) outout ofof itsits shortshort--termterm resourcesresources (current(currentassets)assets)..

    TheseThese areare alsoalso knownknown asas solvencysolvency ratiosratios.. TheThe

    ratiosratios whichwhich indicateindicate thethe liquidityliquidity ofof aa firmfirm areare::

    Current ratioCurrent ratio

    Liquidity ratio or Quick ratio or acid test ratioLiquidity ratio or Quick ratio or acid test ratio

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    Current ratioCurrent ratio

    ItIt isis calculatedcalculated by by dividingdividing currentcurrent assetsassets byby

    currentcurrent liabilitiesliabilities..

    Current ratio =Current ratio = Current assetsCurrent assets wherewhere

    Current liabilitiesCurrent liabilities

    ConventionallyConventionally aa currentcurrent ratioratio ofof 22::11 isisconsideredconsidered satisfactorysatisfactory

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    InventoriesInventories ofof rawraw material,material, WIP,WIP, finishedfinished goods,goods,

    storesstores andand spares,spares,

    sundrysundry debtors/receivables,debtors/receivables,

    shortshort termterm loansloans depositsdeposits andand advances,advances,

    cashcash inin handhand andand bank,bank,

    prepaidprepaid expenses,expenses,

    incomesincomes receivablesreceivables andand

    marketablemarketable investmentsinvestments andand shortshort termterm securitiessecurities..

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    sundry creditors/bills payable,sundry creditors/bills payable,

    outstanding expenses,outstanding expenses,

    unclaimed dividend,unclaimed dividend,advances received,advances received,

    incomes received in advance,incomes received in advance,

    provision for taxation,provision for taxation,

    proposed dividend,proposed dividend,instalments of loans payable within 12 months,instalments of loans payable within 12 months,

    bank overdraft and cash creditbank overdraft and cash credit

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    Quick Ratio or Acid Test RatioQuick Ratio or Acid Test Ratio

    ThisThis isis aa ratioratio betweenbetween quickquick currentcurrent assetsassets andand currentcurrent

    liabilitiesliabilities (alternatively(alternatively quickquick liabilities)liabilities)..

    ItIt isis calculatedcalculated by by dividingdividing quickquick currentcurrent assetsassets byby

    currentcurrent liabilitiesliabilities (quick(quick currentcurrent liabilities)liabilities)

    QuickQuick ratioratio == quick quick assetsassets wherewhere

    CurrentCurrent liabilities/(quickliabilities/(quick liabilities)liabilities)

    ConventionallyConventionally aa quickquick ratioratio ofof 11::11 isis consideredconsidered


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    Capital structure/ leverage ratiosCapital structure/ leverage ratios

    TheseThese ratiosratios indicateindicate thethe longlong termterm solvencysolvency

    ofof aa firmfirm andand indicateindicate thethe abilityability ofof thethe firmfirm

    toto meetmeet itsits longlong--termterm commitmentcommitment withwith

    respectrespect toto

    (i)(i) repaymentrepayment ofof principal principal onon maturitymaturity oror inin

    predeterminedpredetermined instalmentsinstalments atat duedue datesdates andand

    (ii)(ii) periodic periodic payment payment ofof interestinterest duringduring thethe

    periodperiod ofof thethe loanloan..

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    Capital structure/ leverage ratiosCapital structure/ leverage ratios

    TheThe differentdifferent ratiosratios areare::

    DebtDebt equityequity ratioratio

    ProprietaryProprietary ratioratio DebtDebt toto totaltotal capitalcapital ratioratio

    InterestInterest coveragecoverage ratioratio

    DebtDebt serviceservice coveragecoverage ratioratio

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    LONGLONG--TERMTERM FUNDSFUNDS areare longlong--termterm loansloans whetherwhether

    securedsecured oror unsecuredunsecured likelike debentures,debentures, bonds,bonds, loansloans

    fromfrom financialfinancial institutionsinstitutions etcetc..

    SHAREHOLDERSSHAREHOLDERS FUNDSFUNDS areare equityequity shareshare

    capitalcapital plusplus preferencepreference shareshare capitalcapital plusplus reservesreserves andand

    surplussurplus minusminus fictitiousfictitious assetsassets (eg(eg.. PreliminaryPreliminary

    expenses,expenses, pastpast accumulatedaccumulated losses,losses, discountdiscount onon issueissue

    ofof sharesshares etcetc..))

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    Proprietary ratioProprietary ratio

    ThisThis ratioratio indicatesindicates thethe generalgeneral financialfinancial strengthstrength ofof thethe

    firmfirm andand thethe longlong-- termterm solvencysolvency ofof thethe businessbusiness..

    ThisThis ratioratio isis calculatedcalculated byby dividingdividing proprietorsproprietors fundsfunds byby

    totaltotal fundsfunds..

    ProprietaryProprietary ratioratio == proprietorsproprietors fundsfunds wherewhere

    TotalTotal funds/assetsfunds/assets

    AsAs aa roughrough guideguide aa 6565%% toto 7575%% proprietaryproprietary ratioratio isisadvisableadvisable

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    explainedexplained inin shareholdersshareholders fundsfunds

    TOTALTOTAL FUNDSFUNDS areare allall fixedfixed assetsassets andand allall

    currentcurrent assetsassets..


    Alternatively itit cancan be be calculatedcalculated asasproprietors proprietors fundsfunds plusplus longlong--termterm fundsfunds plusplus

    currentcurrent liabilitiesliabilities..

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    Debt to total capital ratioDebt to total capital ratio

    InIn thisthis ratioratio thethe outsideoutside liabilitiesliabilities areare relatedrelated toto

    thethe totaltotal capitalisationcapitalisation ofof thethe firmfirm.. ItIt indicatesindicates

    whatwhat proportionproportion ofof thethe permanentpermanent capitalcapital ofof thethe

    firmfirm isis inin thethe formform ofof longlong--termterm debtdebt..

    Debt to total capital ratio =Debt to total capital ratio =longlong-- term debtterm debt

    Shareholders funds + longShareholders funds + long-- term debtterm debt

    Conventionally a ratio of 2/3 is consideredConventionally a ratio of 2/3 is considered


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    Interest coverage ratioInterest coverage ratio

    ThisThis ratioratio measuresmeasures thethe debtdebt servicingservicing capacitycapacity ofof aa firmfirm

    inin soso farfar asas thethe fixedfixed interestinterest onon longlong--termterm loanloan isis

    concernedconcerned.. ItIt showsshows howhow manymany timestimes thethe interestinterest

    chargescharges areare coveredcovered byby EBITEBIT outout ofof whichwhich theythey willwill bebe


    InterestInterest coveragecoverage ratioratio == EBITEBIT


    AA ratioratio ofof 66 toto 77 timestimes isis consideredconsidered satisfactorysatisfactory..HigherHigher thethe ratioratio greatergreater thethe abilityability ofof thethe firmfirm toto paypay

    interestinterest outout ofof itsits profitsprofits.. ButBut tootoo highhigh aa ratioratio maymay

    implyimply lesserlesser useuse ofof debtdebt and/orand/or veryvery efficientefficient operationsoperations

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    Debt service coverage ratioDebt service coverage ratio

    ThisThis isis aa moremore comprehensivecomprehensive measuremeasure toto computecompute thethedebtdebt servicingservicing capacitycapacity ofof aa firmfirm.. ItIt showsshows howhow manymanytimestimes thethe totaltotal debtdebt serviceservice obligationsobligations consistingconsisting ofofinterestinterest andand repaymentrepayment ofof principalprincipal inin instalmentsinstalments arearecoveredcovered byby thethe totaltotal operatingoperating fundsfunds afterafter paymentpayment ofoftaxtax..

    DebtDebt serviceservice coveragecoverage ratioratio ==

    EAT+EAT+ interestinterest ++ depreciationdepreciation ++ otherother nonnon--cashcash expexp

    InterestInterest ++ principalprincipal instalmentinstalmentEATEAT isis earningsearnings afterafter taxtax..

    GenerallyGenerally financial financial institutionsinstitutions considerconsider 22::11 asas aasatisfactorysatisfactory ratioratio..

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    Profitability ratiosProfitability ratios

    TheseThese ratiosratios measuremeasure thethe operatingoperating efficiencyefficiency ofofthethe firmfirm andand itsits abilityability toto ensureensure adequateadequate returnsreturns

    toto itsits shareholdersshareholders..

    TheThe profitabilityprofitability ofof aa firmfirm cancan bebe measuredmeasured byby itsitsprofitabilityprofitability ratiosratios..

    FurtherFurther thethe profitabilityprofitability ratiosratios cancan bebe determineddetermined

    (i)(i) inin relationrelation toto salessales andand

    (ii)(ii) inin relationrelation toto investmentsinvestments

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    Profitability ratiosProfitability ratios

    ProfitabilityProfitability ratiosratios inin relationrelation toto salessales::

    grossgross profitprofit marginmargin

    NetNet profitprofit marginmargin ExpensesExpenses ratioratio

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    Profitability ratiosProfitability ratios

    Profitability ratios in relation to investmentsProfitability ratios in relation to investments

    ReturnReturn onon assetsassets (ROA)(ROA)



    eturn onon capitalcapital employedemployed (RO


    CE) ReturnReturn onon shareholdersshareholders equityequity (ROE)(ROE)

    EarningsEarnings perper shareshare (EPS)(EPS)

    DividendDividend perper shareshare (DPS)(DPS)

    DividendDividend payoutpayout ratioratio (D/P)(D/P)

    PricePrice earningearning ratioratio (P/E)(P/E)

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    Gross profit marginGross profit margin

    ThisThis ratioratio isis calculatedcalculated by by dividingdividing grossgross

    profitprofit byby salessales.. ItIt isis expressedexpressed asas aa percentagepercentage..

    GrossGross profit profit isis thethe resultresult ofof relationshiprelationship

    betweenbetween prices,prices, salessales volumevolume andand costscosts..

    GrossGross profitprofit marginmargin == grossgross profitprofit xx 100100NetNet salessales

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    Gross profit marginGross profit margin

    AA firmfirm shouldshould havehave aa reasonablereasonable grossgross profitprofit

    marginmargin toto ensureensure coveragecoverage ofof itsits operatingoperating

    expensesexpenses andand ensureensure adequateadequate returnreturn toto thethe

    ownersowners ofof thethe businessbusiness ieie.. thethe shareholdersshareholders..

    ToTo judgejudge whetherwhether thethe ratioratio isis satisfactorysatisfactory oror

    not,not, itit shouldshould bebe comparedcompared withwith thethe firmsfirms pastpast

    ratiosratios oror withwith thethe ratioratio ofof similarsimilar firmsfirms inin thethesamesame industryindustry oror withwith thethe industryindustry averageaverage..

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    Net profit marginNet profit margin

    ThisThis ratioratio isis calculatedcalculated byby dividingdividing netnet profitprofit bybysalessales.. ItIt isis expressedexpressed asas aa percentagepercentage..

    ThisThis ratioratio isis indicativeindicative ofof thethe firmsfirms abilityability totoleaveleave aa marginmargin ofof reasonablereasonable compensationcompensation totothethe ownersowners forfor providingproviding capital,capital, afterafter meetingmeetingthethe costcost ofof production,production, operatingoperating chargescharges andand thethecostcost ofof borrowedborrowed fundsfunds..

    NetNet profitprofit marginmargin ==netnet profitprofit afterafter interestinterest andand taxtax xx 100100

    NetNet salessales

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    Net profit marginNet profit margin

    AnotherAnother variantvariant ofof netnet profitprofit marginmargin isis operatingoperating

    profitprofit marginmargin whichwhich isis calculatedcalculated asas::

    OperatingOperating profitprofit marginmargin ==

    netnet profitprofit beforebefore interestinterest andand taxtax xx 100100

    NetNet salessales

    HigherHigher thethe ratio,ratio, greatergreater isis thethe capacitycapacity ofof thethefirmfirm toto withstandwithstand adverseadverse economiceconomic conditionsconditions

    andand vicevice versaversa

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    Expenses ratioExpenses ratioThese ratios are calculated by dividing the various expenses byThese ratios are calculated by dividing the various expenses bysales. The variants of expenses ratios are:sales. The variants of expenses ratios are:

    Material consumed ratio =Material consumed ratio = Material consumedMaterial consumed x 100x 100

    Net salesNet sales

    Manufacturing expenses ratio =Manufacturing expenses ratio = manufacturing expensesmanufacturing expenses xx100100

    Net salesNet salesAdministration expenses ratio =Administration expenses ratio = administration expensesadministration expenses x 100x 100

    Net salesNet sales

    Selling expenses ratio =Selling expenses ratio = Selling expensesSelling expenses x 100x 100

    Net salesNet sales

    Operating ratio =Operating ratio = cost of goods sold plus operating expensescost of goods sold plus operating expenses xx100100

    Net salesNet sales

    Financial expense ratio =Financial expense ratio = financial expensesfinancial expenses x 100x 100

    Net salesNet sales

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    Expenses ratioExpenses ratio

    TheThe expensesexpenses ratiosratios shouldshould bebe comparedcompared overover aa

    periodperiod ofof timetime withwith thethe industryindustry averageaverage asas

    wellwell asas withwith thethe ratiosratios ofof firmsfirms ofof similarsimilar typetype..

    AA lowlow expensesexpenses ratioratio isis favourablefavourable..

    TheThe implicationimplication ofof aa highhigh ratioratio isis thatthat onlyonly aa

    smallsmall percentagepercentage shareshare ofof salessales isis availableavailable forfor

    meetingmeeting financialfinancial liabilitiesliabilities likelike interest,interest, tax,tax,dividenddividend etcetc..

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    Return on assets (ROA)Return on assets (ROA)

    ThisThis ratioratio measuresmeasures thethe profitabilityprofitability ofof thethe totaltotal fundsfunds ofofaa firmfirm.. ItIt measuresmeasures thethe relationshiprelationship betweenbetween netnet profitsprofitsandand totaltotal assetsassets.. TheThe objectiveobjective isis toto findfind outout howhowefficientlyefficiently thethe totaltotal assetsassets havehave been been usedused by by thethe

    managementmanagement..ReturnReturn onon assetsassets ==

    netnet profitprofit afterafter taxestaxes plusplus interestinterest xx 100100

    TotalTotal assetsassets

    TotalTotal assetsassets excludeexclude fictitiousfictitious assetsassets.. AsAs thethe totaltotal assetsassetsatat thethe beginningbeginning ofof thethe yearyear andand endend ofof thethe yearyear maymay notnotbebe thethe same,same, averageaverage totaltotal assetsassets maymay bebe usedused asas thethedenominatordenominator..

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    Return on capital employed (ROCE)Return on capital employed (ROCE)

    ThisThis ratioratio measuresmeasures thethe relationshiprelationship betweenbetween netnet profitprofit andand capitalcapitalemployedemployed.. ItIt indicatesindicates howhow efficientlyefficiently thethe longlong--termterm fundsfunds ofofownersowners andand creditorscreditors areare beingbeing usedused..

    ReturnReturn onon capitalcapital employedemployed ==

    netnet profitprofit afterafter taxestaxes plusplus interestinterest xx 100100

    CapitalCapital employedemployed

    CAPITALCAPITAL EMPLOYEDEMPLOYED denotesdenotes shareholdersshareholders fundsfunds andand longlong--termterm borrowingsborrowings..

    ToTo havehave aa fairfair representationrepresentation ofof thethe capitalcapital employed,employed, averageaveragecapitalcapital employedemployed maymay bebe usedused asas thethe denominatordenominator..

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    includesincludes preference preference shareshare capitalcapital plusplus equityequity

    shareshare capitalcapital plus plus reservesreserves andand surplussurplus lessless

    accumulatedaccumulated losseslosses andand fictitiousfictitious assetsassets.. ToTo

    havehave aa fair fair representationrepresentation ofof thethe totaltotal

    shareholdersshareholders funds,funds, averageaverage totaltotal shareholdersshareholders

    fundsfunds maymay bebe usedused asas thethe denominatordenominator

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    ReturnReturn onon ordinaryordinary shareholdersshareholders equityequity ==

    netnet profitprofit afterafter taxestaxes prefpref.. dividenddividend xx 100100


    Ordinary shareholdersshareholders equityequity oror netnet worthworth


    OROR NETNET WORTHWORTH includesincludes equityequity shareshare capitalcapital

    plusplus reservesreserves andand surplussurplus minusminus fictitiousfictitious assetsassets..

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    Earnings per share (EPS)Earnings per share (EPS)

    ThisThis ratioratio measuresmeasures thethe profitprofit availableavailable toto thethe

    equityequity shareholdersshareholders onon aa perper shareshare basisbasis.. ThisThis

    ratioratio isis calculatedcalculated byby dividingdividing netnet profitprofit availableavailable

    toto equityequity shareholdersshareholders byby thethe numbernumber ofof equityequity


    EarningsEarnings perper shareshare ==

    netnet profitprofit afterafter taxtax preferencepreference dividenddividend

    NumberNumber ofof equityequity sharesshares

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    Dividend per share (DPS)Dividend per share (DPS)

    ThisThis ratioratio showsshows thethe dividenddividend paid paid toto thetheshareholdershareholder onon aa perper shareshare basisbasis.. ThisThis isis aa betterbetterindicatorindicator thanthan thethe EPSEPS asas itit showsshows thethe amountamount ofof

    dividenddividend receivedreceived byby thethe ordinaryordinary shareholders,shareholders,whilewhile EPSEPS merelymerely showsshows theoreticallytheoretically howhow muchmuchbelongsbelongs toto thethe ordinaryordinary shareholdersshareholders

    DividendDividend perper shareshare ==

    DividendDividend paidpaid toto ordinaryordinary shareholdersshareholders

    NumberNumber ofof equityequity sharesshares

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    Dividend payout ratio (D/P)Dividend payout ratio (D/P)

    ThisThis ratioratio measuresmeasures thethe relationshiprelationship between between thethe

    earningsearnings belongingbelonging toto thethe ordinaryordinary shareholdersshareholders andand thethe

    dividenddividend paidpaid toto themthem..

    DividendDividend paypay outout ratioratio ==

    totaltotal dividenddividend paidpaid toto ordinaryordinary shareholdersshareholders xx 100100

    NetNet profitprofit afterafter taxtax preferencepreference dividenddividend

    ORORDividendDividend paypay outout ratioratio == DividendDividend perper shareshare xx 100100

    EarningsEarnings perper shareshare

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    Price earning ratio (P/E)Price earning ratio (P/E)

    ThisThis ratioratio isis computedcomputed byby dividingdividing thethe marketmarket

    priceprice ofof thethe sharesshares byby thethe earningsearnings perper shareshare.. ItIt

    measuresmeasures thethe expectationsexpectations ofof thethe investorsinvestors andand

    marketmarket appraisalappraisal ofof thethe performanceperformance ofof thethe firmfirm..PricePrice earningearning ratioratio == marketmarket priceprice perper shareshare

    EarningsEarnings perper shareshare

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    Activity ratiosActivity ratios

    TheseThese ratiosratios areare alsoalso calledcalled efficiencyefficiency ratiosratios // assetassetutilizationutilization ratiosratios oror turnoverturnover ratiosratios.. TheseThese ratiosratiosshowshow thethe relationshiprelationship between between salessales andand variousvariousassetsassets ofof aa firmfirm.. TheThe variousvarious ratiosratios underunder thisthis groupgroupareare::

    Inventory/stockInventory/stock turnoverturnover ratioratio

    DebtorsDebtors turnoverturnover ratioratio andand averageaverage collectioncollectionperiodperiod


    Asset turnoverturnover ratioratio

    CreditorsCreditors turnoverturnover ratioratio andand averageaverage creditcreditperiodperiod

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    Inventory /stock turnover ratioInventory /stock turnover ratio

    ThisThis ratioratio indicatesindicates thethe numbernumber ofof timestimes inventoryinventory isisreplacedreplaced duringduring thethe yearyear.. ItIt measuresmeasures thethe relationshiprelationshipbetween between costcost ofof goodsgoods soldsold andand thethe inventoryinventory levellevel..ThereThere areare twotwo approachesapproaches forfor calculatingcalculating thisthis ratio,ratio,namelynamely::

    InventoryInventory turnoverturnover ratioratio == costcost ofof goodsgoods soldsold

    AverageAverage stockstock

    AVERAGEAVERAGE STOCKSTOCKcancan bebe calculatedcalculated asas

    OpeningOpening stockstock ++ closingclosing stockstock



    InventoryInventory turnoverturnover ratioratio == salessales__________________

    ClosingClosing inventoryinventory

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    Inventory /stock turnover ratioInventory /stock turnover ratio

    AA firmfirm shouldshould havehave neitherneither tootoo highhigh nornor tootoo

    lowlow inventoryinventory turnoverturnover ratioratio.. TooToo highhigh aa ratioratio

    maymay indicateindicate veryvery lowlow levellevel ofof inventoryinventory andand aa

    dangerdanger ofof beingbeing outout ofof stockstock andand incurringincurring highhigh

    stockstock outout costcost.. OnOn thethe contrarycontrary tootoo lowlow aa

    ratioratio isis indicativeindicative ofof excessiveexcessive inventoryinventory

    entailingentailing excessiveexcessive carryingcarrying costcost..

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    Debtors turnover ratio and averageDebtors turnover ratio and average

    collection periodcollection period

    ThisThis ratioratio isis aa testtest ofof thethe liquidityliquidity ofof thethe debtorsdebtors

    ofof aa firmfirm.. ItIt showsshows thethe relationshiprelationship betweenbetween

    creditcredit salessales andand debtorsdebtors..

    DebtorsDebtors turnoverturnover ratioratio ==

    Credit salesCredit sales

    Average Debtors and bills receivablesAverage Debtors and bills receivables

    AverageAverage collectioncollection periodperiod ==

    Months/daysMonths/days inin aa yearyear

    DebtorsDebtors turnoverturnover

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    Debtors turnover ratio and averageDebtors turnover ratio and average

    collection periodcollection period

    TheseThese ratiosratios areare indicativeindicative ofof thethe efficiencyefficiency ofofthethe tradetrade creditcredit managementmanagement.. AA highhigh turnoverturnoverratioratio andand shortershorter collectioncollection period period indicateindicate

    prompt prompt payment payment by by thethe debtordebtor.. OnOn thethecontrarycontrary lowlow turnoverturnover ratioratio andand longerlongercollectioncollection period period indicatesindicates delayeddelayed paymentspaymentsbyby thethe debtordebtor..

    InIn generalgeneral aa highhigh debtordebtor turnoverturnover ratioratio andandshortshort collectioncollection periodperiod isis preferablepreferable..

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    Asset turnover ratioAsset turnover ratio

    DependingDepending onon thethe differentdifferent conceptsconcepts ofof assetsassets employed,employed, therethere areare

    manymany variantsvariants ofof thisthis ratioratio.. TheseThese ratiosratios measuremeasure thethe efficiencyefficiencyofof aa firmfirm inin managingmanaging andand utilisingutilising itsits assetsassets..

    TotalTotal assetasset turnoverturnover ratioratio == sales/costsales/cost ofof goodsgoods soldsold

    AverageAverage totaltotal assetsassetsFixedFixed assetasset turnoverturnover ratioratio == sales/costsales/cost ofof goodsgoods soldsold

    AverageAverage fixedfixed assetsassets

    CapitalCapital turnoverturnover ratioratio == sales/costsales/cost ofof goodsgoods soldsold


    Average capitalcapital employedemployed

    WorkingWorking capitalcapital turnoverturnover ratioratio == sales/costsales/cost ofof goodsgoods soldsold

    NetNet workingworking capitalcapital

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    Creditors turnover ratio and averageCreditors turnover ratio and average

    credit periodcredit period

    ThisThis ratioratio showsshows thethe speedspeed withwith whichwhich paymentspaymentsareare mademade toto thethe supplierssuppliers forfor purchasespurchases mademade

    fromfrom themthem.. ItIt showsshows thethe relationshiprelationship betweenbetween

    creditcredit purchasespurchases andand averageaverage creditorscreditors..CreditorsCreditors turnoverturnover ratioratio ==

    credit purchasescredit purchases

    Average creditors & bills payables

    Average creditors & bills payables

    AverageAverage creditcredit periodperiod == months/daysmonths/days inin aa yearyear

    CreditorsCreditors turnoverturnover ratioratio

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    Creditors turnover ratio and averageCreditors turnover ratio and average

    credit periodcredit period

    HigherHigher creditorscreditors turnoverturnover ratioratio andand shortshort creditcredit

    period period signifiessignifies thatthat thethe creditorscreditors areare beingbeingpaid paid promptly promptly andand itit enhancesenhances thethe

    creditworthinesscreditworthiness ofof thethe firmfirm..