Books and Publications. Owing to the Interest at the present time In the Hudson=Fulton Celebration -\u25a0•. -••; we have published a new edition of our Illustrated pamphlet entitled LIFE OF ROBERT FULTON; copies may be had free upon ap- plication at this office FtI.TON TRUST CO. OF NEW YORK. ;\u25a0 30 Nassau Street. New Jersey Real Estate for Sale. TCH) LOTS ON KKW PE«tNBTLiVANtA TUNNEL •'-"-' system. $20 to $30 each, easy terms. Write for maps" and full particulars immediately. REEVES & CO, 124 JJast 234 St.. Manhattan-. i To Let for Business Purposes. TO ' RENT.- LARGE. LIGHT OFFICE. ON THE first floor, in the Hebrew Free Loan Building, 103 2d Aye.; five windows, bis; skylight; suitable for pho- tographer, architect, dentist, lawyer, dressmaker, real estate., etc. Real Estate. Established ISB7. Incorporated 1302. RULAND & WHITING CO. REAL ESTATE 5 BEEKMAN ST. NEW YORK. Westchester Real Estate for Sale. ~~~"~~"~ CHESTER miX house on lot C»0xl1"; 1" rooms; hot water h»at; electric lights; very anxious to sen. COOLET & WEST. Mount Vernon. >-_W CHESTER HIM IIOrSE. 9 rooms 2 baths, billiard room; hot water heal elec- tricity; oak trim; $3,000 cash required; balance on m °oSo«LET * WEST, Inc. Mount Vernon. N. Y. Country Property for Sale. OSSINIXG. FOR SALE—FOUR ACRES. WITH house: an Ideal suburban home. THOB. LEARI. Ossinlng. N. Y. 9 /* 'rushed Apartments Wanted. \ FIRST C_\SS FTJRXISHED APARTMENT FOR ' _X three adults: m'J« be> attrartlT»; exc»T*'o*i"*'tr"ca:o-^ foj an 1 responsible tenants. in town fcr th« winter. _. i t . Baa 3. Tribune Offlce. -s*jggj| Unfurnished Apartment* to Let. \ "17*~>R HIGH CL-Xcd APARTMEMS CALL. AXD Sob* V F. P.. WOOD & CO. BroaJwar. cnr. -'h St. < rpHK BELN'ORD. BTTTAT. AMSTERDAM .WE.. HTM J. to STth st. W. H. DOI—ON & CO;. Agent*. 821 § Columbua sv» , near fcT-th. Proposals. T7ARTHFILLI.VG.— OFFICE OF COV3TRUCTIXO Q.) I' M.. F->rt Slocum. N. V.. Jtjlv 23. 130»— Sealed VT»x- posals. tn tilplirat*. willbe •»<\u25a0#••.••«< her* until 10 A- M . Aoit 21. 1960 , an.l then r>pene<t, for filling trfuh *»*;er; pond. Blank forms of proposal, plan^, sr»c:3'.atloca and,- all necessary information fumish*<l h»r« or at eaVoap) of Chief Q. M. Dept. of the East. Governor's Ti'aa.L \u25a0• N. H. H. Envelopes r.om.iinicgr proposals will be etjr- <Jorse>l "Ptoi,c?i!j for FUling' an'l i •-•-.! Construct-: Ing Q. ML ~ i: y Summer Resorts. - SEW rOBK. The Glen Springs WATEINS GLEN ON SENECA LAKE, N. Y. W THE HEART OF THE LAKE COUNTRY. THE OfC "THE SCENIC ROUTE." American Nauheim A perfectly appointed Hctel of the htg_Jt da* Curative Median*! Mineral Spring* (or Gout, Rheumatism, Anaemia •nd diseases of the Heart. Kidneys . rod Ncttouj System. The most . \u25a0»ompl<-tely equipped and modern beihing establishment in Amcica. OAF, TENNIS, BOATING, RIDING, DRIVING, AUTOMOBILING. For ISustrtlrd Booklet. a_!reM Wd. E. Lefin^-vril, Pn. : W.tki_, N.Y. HOTEL KAATERSKILL TATSKIIL MOCNTAINS. Elevation 3.000 Feet GARAGE. HOTEL KAATEKSK.II X (0., KaatvrskiU P. 0.. New York. THE E ERE ~ Etamford-is-the-Catskills, N Y. Rooms, slaajly or en suite, with or without bath . Private Golf Course. Music. Ten nil). *c For booklet address MOFFATT St PECK. Ptope., Stamford. N. Y. LEADING HOTELS RICHFIELD SPRINGS. N. Y. TIIE EARLINGTON. Gasherie De. Wit. Proprietor TIIK BFFIKELKV WAIONTHA. ,-* William T. Johnson. starr HOTEL DOUGLASS , DOUGLASS. NEW YORK. UN LAKE CHAMFLAIN. OPENS JUNE IS \u25a0 ; A. O. TIMPBON. Prop "Mountain and Lake Resorts" A beautiful summer book of 110 pajtes. Illustrate!. may be obtained free at any l_cica*anna Railroid ticket office. NEW JERSEY. HOTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Fftuete<l airectly on th* ocean front, sorrwaadad br Its awn spacious lawn, uhlch Joins the bench and boardwalk Most llh«rn!!y appointed and llberslly con- ducted hotel on the New Jersey Coast WALTE't "j. tTZBT -Cariborcagb = CAPACITY 1100 Particularly attractive during Atlnnti-'* rre»t Eurnmer Peason. White Plnin-; Room Service. Eoth American and European Flans. .lOSIAII WHITE * SONS COMPACT. SEASIDE HOUSE ATLANTIC t ITT, >'. .1 DIRECTLY ON THE C"~EAN FRONT Sea-water baths Open all th« •\u25a0» \u25a0\u25a0 r p. COOK'S SONS. rE.V>SVT.V.\MA.- WfITER GflP HOUSE A MOINTAIN PARADISE y- those nho •»"k th* >.<•»« in local at! itotment. service ar.d romfnrt. Dels war* Water Gap. Pa Re- mains open to December Booklet and Auto Maps john rrnnr cope. THE KITTATiNNY The trading Hotel at dki.au \KI WATKR GAP. pa. Open all year Write fr.r Illnatral booklet shi"-ln(r Klttatlnny ! ark '-\u25a0 - auto m«ps. etc OrrhrK- tra lean heat; <•?'»:. *••«; flrn Livery Uara«-i Ppe- nni Autumn (Utn : FKANK COPE. i D\_RTI3EMCKT3 AND SUBSCRIPTION'S FOR -.'V. The Tribune received at U»!r I'ptuwn Boa. No I?.*U •B(!'»a\ betwen rtrtth »t. ar.-1 3Tth \u25a0\u25a0 Ti'U 0 o'clnrk p m A4v«rtlM_enta receive! St th» fill^i«ln« branch o!Tir»s A' r»»u!ar ofTi'-p r«t-« until * orl-v-k p m. vli ! :\u25a0>'•* **?i »ie r e rr. r 23<1 n . 151 «th a««. ror IC'ri »• : !O4 ax !4th sf \u25a0 '. " T Weei 4?1 M between 7t*> »r-l Sth •»«• : 2*U \V««t 12T.th »t . 1033 *(•! sve . I*2" ?<1 me . rirar «".l»t st ; l?l,t a'.e near Mi »• . 157 I •«\u25a0 IC.'.-h •• : :.'.'. :••:•. . 1'..^1 3-! «>e. an: an A::ierirsn T'lu'rl.-t T»S>Krap}i (iffire THE INFINITE. The Infinite always la Mlent: It is only th« Finite speaks Our words are the idle waveeaps On ft" deep that never breaks Wf may question with wand of 3cler?ce, Exp'ain. decide, dlacuee; But ?in!y in meditation The Mystery speaks to us. -John Boyle O'RelDy CONTRIBUTIONS A friend at Stamford. Conn., has tent a box of excellent articles la he pai-f:e<l on, for vhich she Is specially thanked on behalf of the j-entlefolk who will receive th«m. Mrs. Morse, of T-on? Island, sent \u25a0 box of lovely sweetpeas. which KiaddenM the heart of a woman who thinks them the •'lo\*e- liest of fl«w«>rF."" Miss Rocalfe. of Mamnrnneck. N. V.. contributed an express box of «^rd> n rrd wild \u25a0ewers: an old member, tome pretty woolc; C C. WaJden, children's reeding: Fannie M. Clarke, cards nnd fancy work, and John Kr*>ll. hirthfiay cards. LAWN FETE. If the weather proved favorable there was to be a lawn fete at the Rest House on Saturday even- Ing- These social affairs are popular in the neigh- borhood, and are well patronized by the friends in adjoining towns, who drive to the house if for no other purpose than to have \u25a0 friendly chat and eat ice cream and cake. The "boys" of 'lark? Falls are always ready to lend a helping hand to make the affatra attractive by Btrtmrmg the Jan- anese lanterns and aiding in other ways. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lewis are -it Holly Beach, N. J., for \u25a0 short time, next month they go to \u25a0 ramp in Maine, and later to the Massachusetts peashore. Mrs. Thomas Wallace, of Manhattan, i- as usual ?pen<linsr the summer months' at her horn- at Sound Beach. Conn. Mrs. P V. Frost la st Cinaan, N. v . for two weeks; Miss GeneMeve Frost is at Asbury Talk. N. 1. Mac BUnchard and Mrs. T. R. Alexander, of the Hill tram*, ItrooTxl-f-n. will spend August in the Pocono Moun- tains. lira A. I* Mason, the New Tor* State president, will go to Hackcttstown for September, Mrs. Charles Noyes and family have had an en- joyable time in Maine. Mr?. E. D. Ha'.sej la at Pocono Manor. Perm. A postcard album for an invalid who never leaves her bed would be a welcome ray of sunshine, as she receives many cards from her T. S. S. corre- spondents S. S. will forward such a gift If sent for b«r to the office A Virginia member would be pleased to receive a copy of a hock entitled "After What?" A ntai German woman, who by the financial wrongdoing of a relative is now obliged to sup- port herself by fine sewing and embroidery, asks that employment be given her for this kind of work to aid her In the struggle for existence. An invalid asks for a shoulder =ha<l to put around her while sitting out of doors in tier wheel chair. STEAMBO.tm Fall Iweb Lie <Pplendia Steamers— Sp!*n4H Service.) Through Long Isl- and Sound and Nar- ragansett Bay Fall River Line route to Boston. In all the world no more picturesc water trip than this, Fall River Line Steamers ?»ave New York. Pie* 19. North River, foot of Warren Street, at 5:30 P. M. Get you to Boston r.3 early as 7 o'clock next mornin? —later if you like. I^' f^S Fare to Boston @_)ai_ _) Te!e^^one M2l CortTaadi tcr rod niisilk— \u25a0 City Ticket Offlce—l7l Broadway. , j ii;_a;oi mm mi urn. l'alatlal uners "HENDRICK BCXxSOX." "ROBaKT FUr.TON.'- "ALBANY.' and I aj Line, fastest and nnest river t. P.lver thy world. 6S *" neSt rIVCr L\». Read P~rn. Arr Eeai Up. A.MiA.M.P.J I Daily, -X Sun' V M " M P M *& i » 18-klya An-x;' t I «.20i M"' »4O'l ;' DesrVs's 5f ! 11.4.^ 6 .00' 9.«n'jn on o.Oft. West _d Still?'! 5S)i » 40 950 10 2O : i- CO n>rt 1?» £?,n.oOi MOi SI" »._]lo 60J....|. Y^r.kprs .1 j 4.30: 733 ! 14 so Hißh'd pans n to I 11. SO, 1 no,\or>.We..t Point.! 835 2 50; 543 -\u25a0\u25a0 I*l 25 5 ".1 r.)"»-a : l I S.ls' - -I*3 20 IZ_ J 1.45 5 45: Ne^b-Jreh I » O>! 2.13 i 5.05 ! ;eis'Ne»- Hambg 7.3f1i | 1 H&v.. .... ..17.15! 1 19 23H « Po'k-*FSIe I 7.00 12^1 4.10 2-10' iKineston Pt! 112-23i ••\u25a0 -I ..17.4! . Kingston . 6-00> | 325; I. Catsklll ill •»' 3 40 Hudson 110 *>) \u25a0• ><>' I I- Albany ! 3*> ! P *;*\u25a0 P.M| IA.JMA.JIP.M •Connecrinif at Cornwall wlfiO. & W. Ry- Sre'iPi trains to Ca'-k!!! Mt. r».«ir f 3 anl Saratoga. anl easy ponnectl^nn to e!l points Ka3t. N-rth. anl V.>st Through tlclwta sr<t baceag* rhecked at nff'es "f N. V Transl Co. Thrr''i^* r3ll tl^k^'s between N. r snti Mba.-.y ac'-epred. Most <s"l'R"it- fW <-,ne-hj,if an^ ore-day outinei to TVeur Mat Newburch. or PauithlfiT*!". ret-im- tug on any down r»ay ml Mea's s-ried nt al! h^vrs sir STB. KARY POWELL T r jmn * P'rf.-v-t Afternoon Outtng Leave r>»»- bros»»» ~t. 1:43 V. _.. connecting a: West sTnAL.ANT^-^^^r.^steamer. Oil. ftL.A \u25a0- v©6fel?s-::.^-;,j £^m. FOR NQRT.MJEPSti :/''i G^?^s'!( (50 ~*L\ S. T. Pi=r N~H .ft VT. 4M ' { ?f . - 80s p .is. |(|.3|> A M. !? JO, 1 So>. | I U 4 15. P 2S. 745 P M SOBS . P rt> . I Jrtiirt A. M. TOO. 3 S". 7 45. * ->S iW i ' En-i <-n!v>. 4A p. M if: l>-ifr Brirnrh ' onh) Lv N V.. r ler 10>. N R. fr (V.-iar Bt 019 lf»«V 11 O> A M.I fl <>. 2<>\ 3 45. 4 45. 5 4.". S. li^ P. M =i^rs<. 9.90 A. M-. 1 SO. 4 «>. s to. <> 15 j fW, Enl «n!y>. 11.10 P. M. iE. Lonr | | _^^i^P^i^W-^l ii '*,V. Y. Tijr^- :-S3u-vi Trip' ' '"-, -J' 1 ! '^_i ' ! _l*::2.<:---<^ \u25a0A*'«r"e-«iih'»c_ "._^--r'.7 s=3 || Past r Mrr«k« rVJ trtr a:! stm'rs I exrert those l'vg- W 42<i ?t.. 5 25. 745 i P. M. ?urs . 745 hS3 \u2666'> P. M : i redar ft. 845 •10 P. M.. Sobs., S.t'». !! a i.v mo p bi DfIOfIIiDSGDEO DBDWEDB KHOffIOOTT [LD'.'fl© UP THE HUDSON ET SEARCHLIGHT. PEOPLES LINE TO ALBANY Steamers C. W. Mors- or Adlrotklaell !eav» New York. Tre^k days uni Sundays. Fter Z'l. N. R.. f'ot Canai St.. at 6 p. m.. West l^Uth St. at 6:3i> p m. CITIZENS LINE TO TROT Magnlrtcent n«w steamers Trojan or Ren?s*'!aci* leave New Y'.'tk. v\»ek d.iya Sundays. Pier 4rt. N. f{.. foot w>st luth St . at »> p. in, anl Ycnkers. 7 p. m. S;>len.lid cc-omniCHiations Best ser\!ce j Pireit cornectl?n at Alranv or Troy with ' trains for points North. Esst cr Vest j Tickets nrt.i StSiteiOOfn* \u25a0aeurw] nt piers I and rrin^jj.ai ticket orn>e» ini"r»ater N. Y. Horses, carriages ad automobiles carried at reasonable rate«. Express KreishS i'er- vice. Q_ ck Delivery. S 111 IN\ T Ltli vU/ U v,ty 11 i \j?i\*Pier 45. N. R . rear fr. rh r !st«ph»r St . New York Week Days anj Sundays ."* P. M.. dv» Boston S A. M next day. Sam* returninK. Stat»ro. rns and through tlckeJJ Us'l r°'nt* East .it Tier an.l rnrr- ctral^Toiirist and N T. Tmr.sNr Cb. cOcci In _ raatar N T. FoMen at all Hotels -\n\ Ti^-k^t (Bees or address Metropolitan I.I::-. Tier 45. N. K. New York. c (gEKITOM WIDSOH^UBE; For K_ WBUJROH. FOKEK-PSIK i KING- STON- From Pier 24 N. R . ft. Frank'in St WEEK DATS (excert Saturday >. 4 t-. M. SATURDAYS 1 P. M West 120th St.. 1:30 P. M For WEST POIST. XEWBVROH and lnt*rmedlat» lan.Jinirs WEEK DAYS »ex- cept Saturdays. & P. II ? \TURPAYS. 9 P. M. Wcs: 129rh. 3:30 P. M. Dunuays \u0084s0 A :J yr«i n-pih st. Block Island, Orie- Greeajcrt, Shelter Island _ Sag; Harbor Str "Shlnnecock" leaves N. V.. Pier S. E R. Tui A Tlinri . 5.-?rt p. \f ;Sats . ! •>•• P. M. Str. "Monta " Hoi . «>i. % Frl for r^aif Harbor anl intermediate land- ings. 5:30 P. M. - Runs through tv Block Island on Frl. rigiairsttoiLiL! all points. Hudson. Coxsackie. l^ave week days. 'I. Christopher St.. I p m .': " W. 12J»th St.. 7 P. M. Also Sat. j "Special," 1 P. M.. ft. Christopher St.; 120 P. M. ft. TV". 120 th St. Summt-r re- sort directnry free. Address Fter 43. N. R. RAII.KOADS. EALTIKOSE _ OHIO R. R. MOTAIi BLUE LINE TRAINS. \u25a0\u25a0fc.vrry Other Hour on the Even Hour.** Ti' BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON DIRECT CONNECTION IN KKW UNION STATION. "WASHINGTON. "WITH ALL LINES SOUTH. l^cave New York Dally. 23d B*. I.lh > 9*. WashlnKton, Sleeper* 11.39 pal 1.30 am Washington. Diner. Parlet 7.50 am - «i »m Washington. Diner. Par'or » •"•" am 1" H im Washington. Diner. Parlor. 11.M am li.oo n'n Washington. Parlor l.Wpm 2. uO cm Parlor Car. New York to Richmond. Va. "Royal Ltd.." IMner.Parlor 350 pm 4.00 pm Washington, Tjtn^r. Parlor 5 \u25a0" pm il>> pm Washington, Baffe*. Parlor B.s<> im 7.< pm Through Pally Trains to tie Wast. Chicago, Pittsturn. . . . 750 am B.l*Blll Chicago. Cclurabus .... llfnam 12.00 n'n Pittsburgh Cleveland 3So pm 4.00 pm ••Pittyburs; LJmlteU" . «50 p-n 700 pm Ctn Pt X. Louisville .11 pm 1.30am Pin ' St. L.. Louisvlll*. . . ».">O am 10.00 am Cln. St. I_. Louisville... 8.50 rrn 6.00 ptn Offlc*s. 245. 434. 1300 Broadway, ti Astor House. 225 Fifth Aye.. N. V-: 5* Avo. B. 77 Ridgu St.; 343 Fulton 3t.. Brooklyn; W*st 231 St. and Liberty St. After <! P- M Sleeping Car reservations an.l full information >• yarding; trains, etc.. ran be obtained at Bureau of. Information. B. 4 O. R. R. 23<1 St. TermlnaL 'PLeae No.. Ctelaca CXO. _ OCEAX »rrAMEK3L X From Pl»rs 31-52-3*. BTtt Rr»w. * QUEENSTOWN— LU'ERPOO—— LONDON—PARIS. Lasltan!a.J7y2S.inam 1Campania. k.ugii.tnam Car^nis . July 31. 10 am' Carmania. \ugl4. loam M'retanla. Aus4.loazn \u25a0 Lusltanla. , iglß.loan» 'ctania ! ' "\u25a0'\u25a0* «_» '\u25a0* * j. Steamships afloat aaJt LSSawl j wedne3dats. \ These luxurious stea maOHS) Canaia " ow °* SL Llv«rpool \-_iJ_l4 s»rvice. lalliajr i- PATTJRDATS FortaitSay. (- s—_q_j5 _q_j WTIX CKUISE TOEGTPT UAxaima JAN . 8 22. r_s. »\u25a0 I ii -H 6. HUNGARIAN AMERICAN- SERVICE. \ TO FUME. VIA JA GIF.RAI.TAR. NAPLES. TRIESTE, m Fannonia.Auir. l».nocn;Oct.7.Carmaal_NoT.9 •Carpa tbia S»pt. 2. n'n :Oct.2l ,C—«a_.Nonr:S •Alsr» i'_;at G^roa. . »\u25a0 Trav«rliers" checks Issued Good «»«u "liei*. THE CV.V.ARP STEAMSHIP cc. LTDt. '- " F> - v Eta'» st . opposit** the Battery. iiITH MAi Jim Largp. Fast and Lirturlous Twla-icivm ' Express ani Pasaenzar Stea— is— c*- Equipped withW'lr»!<»si« .t suh_ar_a> Signal* PLYMOIJTH—CHERBOURG BRE—JTT. Express Sallln?* Tuesdays at 10 _. 11. K.-WhTn n.July 27|C_tO \u25a0 ...Aug. I* Kr'prmz V.'m A".*. 3' P. F. '.V:!n. . .iw 1* PLYMOI'TH— CHEP.BOL'RG BR___J*-- Twin-?f-r»w Sailings Thursday at in A. If K-jrfurst July Bremen A'i?. 3 Washington. . .Aug. 5jF. D. Grr«»e.Anß. *• GEORGE V.-A«HINGTON— SaiIs _v*.I 27 '»» tons. Newest anrl Largest G«>T3a!» Ffclp aS-iat. Ev»ry innovation __wa to _• »hiFb'!ilf!«r'« arr. OIBRAI-TAB— N'API-E?— OEXOA. Vd:>»rrar<»ar! ?illinj9Saturday a: 11 A. »- Barttß >wwi.A<]« 14. K. Albert Sea* it P. Ir»n* 25 B«?rl:n faewV-Sept. IS Independent .Around ih" XVnrld Tours. 'Tr%v*>!!'»r=>' f "necks a.l over the worTr?., Apply OELW'HS A CO.. General Agents. 9 KROADV-'AY. Nf^V TORK. ALL MODERN' f.U'ilTi' _EViCii3 \u25a0 vvißELti^--:. B:rc> London Pari? t!aniburs- __ Eaiseri- Ac_. Victoria £r»» LEWING N. T. At G TTH. 10 A. M HavinßT unexc»i'.ed Bit*-?— rttaa 4 _ Cart* Keataarant. Gjanaatuaa, Electric Kaisaa . J .jteveia r nd.J'ilT 31. 9am •P. Lincoln. Au«.l* •P. Grant. ..Aus 4. 1 P"'. -:ineicß_i.Aus.-l (KaisfrlrAVAu; 7.l'>ixr- Bl_«>sr >\u25a0\u25a0 f> Pfnni. . Aus;. 11. 3 P^"-l »Am«nit». .ii* ala Car-e BM—BmsBS. »>aw- IT- A f A/ VIA OSBUXVTAK. N'A- JIALV l-LKS AND GENOA. 5.5. h\iibt;rg .-Aig. 14. :; p- m-;sep f - ;*» 5.3. MOLTKE....S-vt- »\u25a0 1 P- ™-i. ©«• \u25a0**• TRAVELLERS' CriE'-*_a Ibdt-LD. Tcrartsi L>«rt. f-r Tr'.pa Everywhere. HA— BCBG-A —ERICAS LINE. A3 Broad- way. N. Y. i k m»-?--~iTf»A «i t TWH From Pier 15. N. E... P_T— OCTH— CHERffG SOL'THaMPTO?* PM _ detphia. Aust I N"nr Tmk Aa» 21 rt. I'aul Atis 14 St. _>vis Au*. _l RED STAB LE^fc * :^ I1I;"iI 1 I ;"i 1 MN-K- NEW YORK DOVER— ANTWERP. Zeelarri July 31 tap:ar..i^a«T«r>. A!!«- Kronni«l?.l A'i<. T|\u..'.-rU-in'i Au*. 21 WHITE STAR LEffi * s ro^ sr NEW YORK— yUNSTOWN— Lh^RPOCI* Celtic J il> 31. 9-.3U-.im, Balric.Aug. 14. »-J(huTk Celr:c .Aug. 7. li»azn: Arafci-i.Aus. 21. a: 7 Jiajeitl^Ji;ILS.6 U'Mmi T"t^nic.Aag.ll.9'3T»a» Oceanic. A'Js4.»3i «im:A-irtatl<-.Au«_.»:3C*a» NEW TORK AND BOSTON TO IXAX-. Via Atcres and Gibraltar. ,^ Cretlc.Aas. 4. boob Roa__e.Spt.l&tt*Bi PASSENGER OFKICE. 9 BROAD »VAT._ f{ED "D" LINE. FOB SAS JUAN. P. H. LA CCATJUt iTO CABELLO. CURACAO AND ARACAIBO VIA CU—ACAtt. «5 PHl— AD— Ur—2—.. Sat., July 31. *vn s 5 CARA'JAS Sat. Aug. 14. no'if* F'"^R Li GLATRA. iVriACAO AM> MARACAIBO. ?\u25a0: MASA<TAIB«.> Aug. •. nonrt g.S ZI"LIA Sil-. Aug. Cl. nooi» Fi*r 11 jijim;-. Wail ?t i'errj'. ErooklTT'- These Steanjers Have S':perK>-- Acco_nn>-» <ia'i"ns f-T Fass-ngera. BOfLTON. BMS3 ak E>.\LLETT fVn-ra! Mar.agers. [ _ U _ L— CLARK'S CRUISES ARCDND THB *?O'RU> - By S S. Cleveland. l*.ooO t^na. bt— K l B«r*. O<-r 16 '09 (rcm N. V . and F«b. a. r **>* from 'Frls--o. $cSO «n3 up. 12th AnnuaJ Orient Cruise. 5. "la. J4O up by Lloyd 5. ?. "Grosser _ Xv fuerst. ' T3 days, including 2t da £•?&> nuiCKCdlBKi Ttatea BuiMte*. _•• York. ; -•- . >- ; \u25a0 = .-->" f ShSBI 1 "^SAIUNG JANUARY 2QJ9>O/, , I toMdd«»'3,Jpain i^editer ranesn .Ort'eAt; Casting or»/f 400andu&fcr 73d3^fsl •id^»e> 3*ar 1<c VewYfl-*, ~l_S_©Dfl®Dß [LOK3CE, GLAsUIOIV VIA LONDONDERRT- Califf rr:a Jaiv3l.»am : KnrnesstaAug 14.iwwn» Colunib-3 \-ig '7. noon Caledonia. Auy "1.11»3 FIRST CABIN 1 . JhT.JD TO $123. SECOND CABIN. J42. 50 TO tSO- THIRP CLASS. J27 5O AND $^ T3. Xpr !v f-' r <? ' v Il!u«trare,j Book of Tour_ HJJP— gS ON BROTHER.'. 17-13 SrcadWy nn^iii flf_tra , / !\ ! iJ'! 7f ?ro ! !' ra ?\ It If 'ill fr? jJU Twln-Scr-w Pajsaaa Senrtca. lia New York— Kotterdum vta BouiosmeL JT Noordam . ak 3. Dim IK> ndjm.... . .Aug. IT RoT—UB Ana I'M'^nr.V.ATnsterda-ii.Aug. -4 Ho!!ar..l Amer;«-a Line. Bway. y. T.__ COOK'S 7f> TCMTRS TO EL'ROP— . ,^ Al! expenses Ir hided B<mklets. <*r TH r>? COOK * SON. 2*5. 12GO B'w»T.- r*9 Madison aye.. 5^3 Sth aye.. New Y._^ mTk?TERS "TRAVEI>" MAGAZINB mt Summer Tours to All Vacation Resort*. t n derv-!er.t nr es.-ort. mailed free. MAR- STF-' -. .'\u25a0; West St.. v T. caktet ri._.\Nrxo. Te'ephones 1331 and IS4l— 3Bt— ;;' : ? CH. BROWN Co. Carpet & Rug CLEANSING Past and T>!rt Bl«wn Out. Not frcn !ni" face Only, but Throughout th« F«br!c 3."^ years" «xper!enc* la Fln» Carpet* * RUS> 209 _ 211 B. 3rTH ST. Renovating. Scourina;. Tak!n< Cp. Altar* Ing. Relayirg. Packing and Storage. _.M J. W- WJUIAMS, V E AifM 0T Tal- MS W Bs& IB vl v Columbus. CARPET CLEANING. Ks'-aMlahed 13T8. nTy. CLEANING forks O'dest. Largest. Meat Muaaiat. - - _7 \ND 43» WEST 43TH ST. "' T ., £\u25a0>—. MstZt-Kryaat. EstabUshad llSß. JORDAN.' --\u25a0 --a- IV LENTZ, . rxREFI-I- i-'RPET Ct_ANIN_ OfX— C C^n^by S^Srf Srfrte.*. hand « OB C _^ 13M , iway. laat eBU s»- COE v BRANDT. Tel 132—38t— TuaT— B^KBOOKaT BANKBOOK N' 1 490.734 cf th« Union _!»• V^nrV Bank is missing Any psras* -r •__• «\u25a0•••• it is her.by >\u25a0*\u25a0'\u25a0 «?on .„ creseVt th? same within ten «**•„« «.bmlt to having mM rawbook oa,__>l kn.l a new on« Issued. ", OST —Bankbook No 81J»,525. Baßlrf6r Vavin*9 *W 4th aye.. New York. Pay- w^nt »toppe.l -return book to tank. TYPEWKIT_<G \>n TirxwßiTxaa. VICTOR VISIBLE. 19 Nassau St.; cata- logue free: all makes taken part P*r- mem? bargains In Underwoods. lUi__ftoa«. O'lvera. Smith*. ' \u25a0 " . APVFP.TIPEMENTS and mi6»ertp««na for A Th* Tribune received at Uieir ''ptowa Office. No l".tn Broadway, b«tw««a 33W and S7.h sts .. until 9 o'clock p. m. Ai; ,%rtl emer« -\u25a0' '"1 at **• '?"°_Si branch offices at r»«jolar »«aee> rates w*"« 8 o'clock p. m. Tta.: *•* \u25a0\u25a0 •**• Citations. The quantity <"•£ material required for the medium g!z«* Is 2% yards t»"i Im hea wide, 214 yards 44 Inches wide, witn >4 yard 35. % yar-3 44 for frills, 4 : 4 yard.s of edging and 1> yardH of insertion to trim as illus- trated. The pattern! No UN, fat cut in sizes for a 34. 35, 38. M. 42 and 44 inch bust measure, and will be mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents. Please give number of pattern and bust wire distinctly. Address Pattern Department. New- York Tribune. If in a hurry for pattern send an extra 2-c-nt stamp and we will mail by letter postage in sealed envelope. THE TRIBUNE PATTERN. Coml g egßMOtial un<i»r p«»ns of Urn ac Btj le. ThJa \u25a0 \u25a0 be made (t veu Katnaook with \u25a0• \u25a0 illustrated barrt-.i and embroider< I g much used. Many women ike waab aUk^foi I INO. SJM TIBPTTK PAPER PATTERN OF COR- JfcjFET COVER ANT' DRAWERS FOR 10 CENTS. pose, and if pomethin? a little more sturdy la required cambric will be found in every way ap- propriate. Cluny, imitation Irish and tTalcncienneg ]a/~<i re all in vogue as trlmminK Embroidery is much used, and \u25a0 little touch of hand work al- ways makes an attractive finish. The garment consist! of oorset co\er, with draw- ers. The drawers are circular and Joined to a yoke, and can be finished plain or with frills. as liked. The cornet <•"»•»- is made with \u25a0 plain hack and fronts that are plain at the waist line, but with flipht fulness at th» necli edge, which is regulated hy means of beading, threaded with ribbon. VERMONT BRANCH. tt Daai E. Csrp<=nter. president of the Middle- *a Eprtaps (Vt.) branch, says in part: "Our aßw will cominue to send a per capita tax of !ae_ •- the cercerai o?fi:«. as our branch «suf-s •*TE. £\u0084 and this yea"- two members cave ?1O "t birthday pift to the pe^^ra! society. Our holi- *T hex tent to N- v. York had no great value; yet ifewefl _c ?ood will of the members. As in- '--\u25a0-\u25a0 are all drinp something to help •**r Kcshine: tome are helping th» needy In *w» *c. « arid visiting the sick, while others 'fftß&jos papers, newspaper clippings, cards * letter?. <-'•\u25a0. p&n'ial 'shut-ins' have . ieUghtfaj friends amorp the T. S. S. mem- |«_4_e. enjoying: the friendships which they \u25a0\u25a0< fons«<! by correspondence. As a whole, our J"* 3 *r« enjoyini;.their Sunshine work. \u25a0*» net two of our active members within the **&d have gained two young members. Juanita «Sat?a «_a Ula. Eelle Curtiss." \u25a0WANTS. *"*dtwr»pper, r.z« 44, is greatly needed hy a \u25a0» *!isw__ FenoeylvanU who is entirely alone *orW. it would be rice if it could be re- S_Jf«=e for her birthday. July 29. The T. EPECIAX. TI>EAS TS. _e=iaem of a Brooklyn branch in making Zmwter several years, besides giving her ::jsn and with a!l the extra demands mate £_*« «o not feel that can provide the ?L «J seed< Bhe wma eighty years old last HWTBnui«^ rrail that it te hardly 1 _^_^wIUlive to have another outing -She is i_t kent double «ti spinal trouble, but she *__ in the country who is wol_£ to take JftTaoontS. and care for her in the best pos- zt^nf.leT C a as she is not able to do k ]__-!£*. The transportation charges would «if>ajsre. Is there seme or.c who would like l " _b_*eepen<l«it woman: who has seen better AH. w_r hap?y contributing to a f-pecial {\u25a0I itenid her to the country?" *i.js=S«e_n <-' eighteen, whose mother is ML beer, in an hospital for several months \u25a0««\u25a0 recently operated on for appendicitis. VSe_.ttSies pot this week .-- i will not be ab> !»«=*__* few weeks cf reft is what she must tut-lasddiars will send her to the Rest House fc>MllMii where good food, pleasant surround- * lad «BM will restore her t<> comparative ba;4 »_l enable her to become Belf-supportli ' PI BIETHDAT GREETINGS. las Ba«;r-. of Maine, makes a req-jeft for a pCara Ehower, or arj- form of che«»r. for an ae»l *nsu who wSI be Berenty-nlne years old on July I. Hiss Bsg-'ey ades: "This poor so\i\ is almost an la the urorld. and but for the kindness of a t_j «he would have no h^pie except that pro- \u25a0mi by tie tOTm for the old and helpless without sit cr money." The Maine members will send «__ greet: scd pifts to her as Sunshine sur- rm v.l WSm Bagley hopes that members !n (ta K£t*s will respond, that the day may be a *__c Euwhiae cr.e tor her. The address is. fa Alice Ttcsu care of Mrs. Lizzie Edwards. fc»«y, Me. JUNIOR WORKER P. _ F BaOey state president rf New Jer- ** _1 , [ouows wgw^lns the **»* wot* of ir jnr brar.c.^ . - _^ nmnber Ss:t es_ en A" d holJ meetinps every two plan -and rr-rare for the annual the lawn of the jpr_4d_ifß ** Tli* proceeds of the fair are dc- JSSJrwii to fre.<h air work, and the energy K£t£« «« to be btehlr commended. L*st d tU selected for t!-.e pale rrov-d a rainy rot dampen their zeal, and the "*' P____mt various home-made articles were aa * n*y :^" »- lf this sam m SfflStbi Sea Breeze HospltaU «« to r*m V S Vaa fresh air camp of the New Jersey S£L Endeavor Society, and the retnainln* i 22 «^*r work for children. This year " J; the CM summer that these your.g reoi^le work. - hi tbta sunshiny way for those who ad_ rwt acd char.ge." S«« **% ol "knUl^se gained for yourselves. s^^%; £*£> * M^ IjUcy Thpmas MONET RECEIVED. .i. H Hodson. of Florida, ha? sent H Brysnl : ' Vacation ReP t House *& - rf Flathush. m for children's outtags. I^ C - 'h a sick bain- to Mte» Curry B sum- , >e^for i \u25a0 * «• ... sunshine &!&t?l££'&" roritr^lejr: rides; Mrs. •^•'..rtitffnltted fcr expr«saße: Mrs. C. T. \u25a0__SSSSt bidse; Mrs: H-. C 3 "in mem- "*_ __vJS be U s,d rftber for outlnis or emff: pd ; wherrvpr most needed: an unknown {jgKio._^r.-aV'«'ti'« * m b ° ih heip him anti 3^-^!-_SS « f ri^ nd al Fisher ' s I?!an(1 »cW lea _" r 7j* birthday offering, to be u«d J^» chM's outtag. I^IRNAI.Ii. FRAKCX4 P THK J/F<«ri.nJ /F<«ri.n l«F Tim fctatc -\u25a0\u25a0... !v »he graf* ef tio^l <•» « •: Itidi'prn'ier.t.' To jiarnh X.» Furnatd. Greenwond <>n.e - fry. Jamo N Fre'ich. Truil»*s of c'o:umt!« Co!!»f«. PrnbTterlan J!f«jit»: in tb» Cltv of N»» York. Th* Bethany luy Nursery, %'m \u25a0'•'<->• Working <;irli So-- cl. ty. E_eline A. El<ly. Kmtr.a L^ul?e Otma ted. Ethel Caroline Olir»!»-'» KJdseil Hutchinson Olmsted, <-|lr?o.'d Stiart Olmated. Jrijr*r»o:| o<rr.nr<i. IJoyl Edly Cln-.sted. _!a Louise O!rr.»t»d. J. Arthur Bddy, rjr>r»nt Jewell, Ruaa«ll Crane Jewell, H»rry <:",l(T'>rd EMdy. s-»»n<j»! Rji>- ri'.n'l FA*^. Ll'.'Un rT!!»»b»'h F>l *o . rn-elln. \ l-«l:ii» Eddjr, Mill* Msbci Eday. Heory Nst«th. i*b*r!e» \V. Keep. Marlon (Jrs.e Benedict, fjwirje <•. X'»;. f-am'j»l H X'- Juliet L «'rrss. Poug'.as I, fro,,. s-,»«r.n* putt. Miiftiif. i lie».:imt. Irving I^-roj liei-.n'tt. Qraca MaiJalene Fienn»t». < ... Powera Bennett. The I'hll- dren's Aid ?'K-|^t y of UM <~ity of S.« YorK Th« Klfth Avenue Trust roir.p»nv cf th* C\:y of Sr* Y"rl . and to sil j*r«oni ..... in the rstate cf K.-.inrls I" FiirnaH. lat» ot th» l^unty of New York. <*.e--«(i»e'l. •» <realtor*. :<-»p»tej. next of kin or otherwUe, ptn 1 You dr.d eath c{ %ou ... hereby < lt»<! and :eijj)red personally to be an-l »ir-*ar befor* ottr f-'urroga'e rf the I'ounty of New York. *t the Hurr<>gat»»' Court of sild County, held at the Hi.ii c,f K»"'tl> In the Count} New fork. ««n th« 2-4!h <!av of Beptember, IPOO. Nt ha!f-pa«t (n oc!ock In lh" ?o:en<v, n of that day. then in'l there to S't»nl > £U_ Furnald anja . Richard B. Kelly. ** eaeeutor* ot the last »' ar.d tfi«t«iji»rt of yaM de/-e,ped. nni s'» hof >ou as are hereby < Itel, us ar* under the \u25a0 •'• of t*>entjr-<me je»,v. sre r»-iu!r'-l to arl'^r by yr.ur guar.Jlar, If yo.j have one. r i? •mj ha v* nor*. io \u25a0 pear an.t apply for on** to be ftr-r-o'nterl. or in the «vent of JTOUT n*g!f»"T or failure to do %r . cuardlan r.iilbe njpolntel by the P'ir- rotate to reprei r " an ' 1 \u25a0'""' f °r you in the prcxeMm* In te»»lm»ny v. here \u25a0\u25a0 - h»v> •atitvl the .\u25a0*•:' of the i^iirropat'S' <"ourt \u25a0<% th"- »al-i Ctoanty of New 1 . rl< to li<-r»'.irto rttlx^i Witness Hon Abner c Thomas, \u25a0 furroßatc «,f o>ir saH County, it the County of New York, the l*t 'lav Of July In the yeur of our I-oH one thousan] nine hiindred nnd nine tPeal I. DANIEL -T. DOWDNET. j; p X Cl»rk of the Surrogates Court PITTNET TWOIIBLT i PUTNET. 2 Hectt.r Street. New York. N. V. \u25a0 TI{t'9BER MALVINA R THE PEOPI.r. OF THFJ 1 State f'f New York to I»arl<! X Moulton and Willis H Mo'ilt'-n, at executors und»r the Will of Mai 'it R. Thurbei Deceased Margaret A «'rle. Mary R Ilavli", nertrand <"oje Fl^renc.- A Stafford. Fran- ce;a n Morrison. Frank r,,\a_ Jesalc V Aekley. Fred M Mien. I^artasa X Richards, Ar"mas Allen. clar»tt« Batman. Frank Allen. John C. Royal. H.ntm \u25a0 WUHs. ElUnr.etb <• i- ..<.'\u25a0, <- r. AdH C <"ole. Margarr-t M Cole. Kstelle M Moulton, Margaret V Moulton. Manning Moulton Herbert \u25a0 ( 'o|e, Albert A cole, A I Ice Cole, <"srtle Cole, Eva Col*. Mamie Cole. Ma Ie1 ' c Genersl Hoa- r.ltal Of Portland Mali Estelle M Davis. H«rt>en R. Cole Raymond T Cole. Bryant E. Moulton. Rotheut P Cole Jessie .Sawyer. Eth'l C i rothlngham Mlldre.l L \u0084 ,,.... i-i n Butler ' ouise St Jehu Butler. Blanche Kirk. Bather F. Roys Oeorgs 9 Roynl. <;rant C Roynl. Harriet E. I illddi n X ithei - \u25a0 F Royal. Florence M. <'ole. Henry J. Allen, Maud Butler. S>e!la T* or FJstelle colton. and all person* Interested In the estate of UaJvioa R Thurbei deceaaed late of l'ort- lano. In th>» 'ate of Maine, si executor* of the e°id Malvlna H. Tl.urber. deceased, and an devtae*i and legatee^ named in the said will, and as parties to the special proceeding in which probnte or ild will was gratited B*nd greeting. Yoi: and e»c!i of you ar» hereby <-lteri nn'i required persrnallv to b< before our Surrogate of the County of '-• \u25a0 V rk. at the ?u--roit»|.. Court of said county. •>«!<\u2666 >' the Hill of Records In the I*r"-jirh of Manhattan. Cltv of New York, on th" 14th day of October. lOOP, at 10 M o'clock In th« forenoon of that day, to show csu»e why the probate of the alleged Last Will and Testa- ment of Malvlna R T.hurVier. deceased late of Port- land. Maine admitted to probate by a d seres recorded In the office of the Purrottnte of the County of New York, on the ir.tli da of February, IHO9 ihould not be revoked Jn testimony whrieof we hive caused the sell of the Burronta Court of the said County of New fork to be hereunto affixed witness H«> Abner [Seal ) <\u25a0 Thomas, a Surrogate of our »•'\u25a0 County of New fork, at said County, the 2«th day of June. 1900. DANIEL 3. DOWDNEY. Clerk of <h» Surroatata ''.-"ir 1 .7 C. ' kyt WEIL * NITWIIOUSB. Attorneys for Coo- testants, •;'\u25a0 Nassau Street, N. V City. ! AGENTS WANTED. I MADE $50,000 in five yean In the mall order business; began with $5 Send for free booklet. Tells hew. Heacock. 914 Lackport. N. T. HELP WANTED; _,-^-_ ! -a - ' 1 MADE $50.0110 in five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heacock. 014. Lockport. N. T. WORK WANTED. Mala. 1 BOOKKEEPER, cashier and correspondent \u25a0expert), receiving Utl week, will worlt forenoons or aiternoona only (five hours a day) for $18. E. Bruce. 121 West 2^th st. BOOKKEEPER CABHIER.~M*rrt*d. M: settled; Al character, stability, •'- •" r j»nce. practical; salary $•«'. highest rej . nres: only lesponslble firms new! answer Hox IS Rah* aj N. .t CHAt'FFET'R \u25a0—Light col-red; «'• years' experience; sober and reliable; ref»r»nre* stand Investigation. M. ore Jchnson, <3 West laOtli •' CHAUFFEUR Stea-Iy. sober. COmpettnt: city or country, formerly a conrhrnan. J. D. .<ilva. 10 u 4 I>exln«t(i!i aye CHAUPFHUR. with private family; city or count t»o y*aj-s wi»h last ewpioyer. can furnish b«>l rcf«renrf. soher and care- ful driver. Eugene Price. 51( I^xlngton aye . Brooklyn CHAUFFEUR.— City or country J BUI I tynskl. l«i Drlggs aye.. Br-x»klyn CHAfFFETTR .— Has t^o years' M|>«*l" mm with cars as second man 6 H. | \u25a0\u25a0 .. Tribune Uptown Office, ir.f.4 B'wav \u25a0 CHAUFFEUR A gentleman going ahroad wishes to place his col«rM cha'i!T<"ir » : me<-har!.- of e perience. snfy those <leslr_ IIng the service! of a romr*'*"' 'inn ne*i , I apply. Frempt^n. Pox V. Trlbun Offlce i DETECTIVE desires nr.jstlon with rr,rp«- . ration w private r«r ; "'= «"» r * •» ,' fhn-io^lng; Investigations B*an. W2 I T'rrt'kinii aye . corner Jefferson a-.'. ; Brooklyn Tel 340«— Bedford. ! BNOINBER.—First class; best refereaoa j KM3d aye . I 7lA!:l>w«.pOD FINISHER", espert. etaln- : make all kinds etdln and match any wood. Woodßniaher, \u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0' Valentine aye. JANITOR Plumt'er and electriclsn by i trad* Wei '\u25a0 2.TT South 2d st . Kklyn i PAlTi^rKß^-nrst clans decorator. r»P»r- *iar,st^r ttarrt wr r**\ fir |«nT, Taj<**sf r>' ?nic I hanger deslrei work by the day: Jobbing lor contract; reference* Decorator, I l ** ; Ea»l 66th it. | TOL'NQ man. 21 at anything: or lo learn ! tr»-1» F. 6 W.. rare <.f U Crnlx. HTZ I Reliront St. YOUKO MAN. _._. experienced benc.j and vl»e worker! city or country. Hagei 7 i. » -- »t.. >:\u25a0>. «'lty. i UOMF.STIC BIC sVlltMtt >*\u25a0 lalfc Male. B!'TI.ER and COOK.—Man an.-l wife; re- !!»dle. tn gantleman'a house; best refer- ,. .r . sj niei i '\u25a0• ssi '\u25a0 '• BfTU*:fr*'aTld"'vALßT.-ny exrerl'rced i j»;«ncs»; A'ig'iot 10, In private family; r!t> or .v.i;ntr>. g'<M reffr-nrrs. no cardi J W«tan«!u. SI Otean »it. Bay there. L> 1. COACHMAKKJARDENER.— Single; thor- oughly understands th's tus'.rt'S*. t"M all around man on gentlemnn's country pUce. (in milk, btst reference* A'l- dr.»s H X.. Triliune L'PtOWB Omt*, l> r n»ay CoACjTmaN— <-n * gentleman* coun- try pure, tifeful; single; thoroughly i und-rstgnds the <-«re of f.nx boraea: all 1 around man; b*»t references A-iilr'«« ! I. H F . Tribune Uptown Offlce. 13»>4 B'way tOACHMAS.' gardener u»efil man. youig. viltilng-anJ ot.|i«!ng (i»e-le; speaks Eng- i Kfh. goo-1 reference*, urull «ai(M ''*'"'\u25a0 '\u25a0 bergs lU.'re»'j 711 I^xlnKt"" »v«. fel. lt«3— Plaza I COACHMAN '«i» lawns, etc . wife jnM laundress. Al refrren. c*. written Udper- '\u25a0 »onai C 0, ITS Webster aye. S«w ; Rochalle, K. T. ' \u25a0 iniAN and C.ARDENER Neat. r..,np»tent. .tr.Ur y<wiT'i Hcot.-hman. b«-st i r'feron"' < rpenter'i Bureau, lft* a\* . | 13S.T-Ch«l»ea. ! iOA'IIMAN ->2lgHiti; married, no rrtll - ' den country rr*f«rr»<l. IS j ears' cl»y refeience. rr w«tchm-in f>r earetaiter Robert. c»re of flits King. IMW M 1 st t'OACHMAN and OARDENER-- -Anrr!- ran. ihor 'Jgil> unrtcrftnr.is his b"istn*»». hone*!. -Allllnit. soi^-r. «f>"! city reference. M H. Tribune Crto«n Office, 13C4 ltro»<l- way. COACHMAN, CHAl'F'l I -Single, flrtt V-lass me anl sot.er. honest, trust- I worthy, obliging; earel .lriver. rlty or country, unquestionable references Afl- : dress T rUarke. Herald Bquare Oarage. 210 ; WearKJtaet.. or -phoiie IMS Wun Hill. ; COACHMAN. OARDEfTER -Single; en- ,,e,,e I; comr*tent. reilable. fOb^r. per ! •onsl references Addrfsr- <n3cbman. Hm Tribune UptoWn Office. 13M Broadway. OAPDBNBR- Expert r "!tr>man. gutter- I maker' care rla'e. #io,k. etc ; horiv witn ! tools best references •• to ability honeaty. (aparltv; modrrate wages Acker >-* West st. t O*RI»KNER -Single, capable of taking 'charge or private or .-.-mmerclsl r \u25a0«*: grower of cut flowers, plant.. frulM. vege- I tahl-s care of gro-in.ls. state full rirtnii- i Isrs. Box 88. Water Mill. long Tslanl. 1 OARPENER. FARMFTR Pwl-« 4O; rrar- | rted: on gentler - private - nn- \u25a0 deratanda all work per Ing to ..rh: : flowers, rruiti vegetable* under gtan and \u25a0 nutdoors also e a rVieu^^ouni bees \:ir--« ' ' : '"""" M "" n ' i KiscO. N. T. __^ ; IAVITOR In first class apartmeni house. i " .team beat, all repi •- reapeettble \u25a0 adult*; speak Oerman md English: hoMe rM penslW« petition " « O. t'stwalJ. 11 ; fan «7th «t MAN middle aira care of parpen. h«'««, ' driving, mllklnc: 'in. I on gentl'msn s place; references F. F. 147 ateaawlcn *t.. city. , MAN **T German, handy with tools; »!> A. j VV n oillnger. £»?!£«<\u25a0; Wolf.*»eO Mm m (t. ZOIUMW 'are Mrs W 860 M aye MARRIED COr T PI/B North of Ireland: two children: take entire charge gentleman s da, § thoroughly experienced (tordsninii and farming board help. Kc-od reference, r'arpenter's Bureau. 1-"U «th aye T^irvi'l. MAN on gentleman's place Au- ! gii'" 1; understand- car« horses lawnT, 1 gardens, mllklne, also p-ittln* #•»«!» In order hou«e rent Included, best reference. , A. Simmons. Pemnreft. N. J. DOMF.STIC SITUATIONS JVAyrEIl^ Female. . TKAMPEFMAIP and WAITRESS-— Bvia " Swedish girl; highly rfinmnipn.l'd. Weed's Bureau, 324 i\>!um,bus aye Tele- phone Schulyer— 7BlU CHAMBERMAID ? Mid WATTRBSS Very nice Norwegian gtrl; good wnitress. noat rhambermiid; good references: friend g'tl- erai houseworker or kltcrenmald. Oster- bers'i Bureau. 716 Lexington aye. Tel. 1088 Plaza. i HAMBKRMAID —By German; good sew- er J^|i^{st waitress, best references: ivares Ms. Call at Lang a TJoecherer Co s Bureau. 43-45-4T West B*l st. CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS —By a . young Scotch girt; Inexperienced G., Hofmayer's Bureau, 153 West 23d^st. COLORED COUFLE. useful, butler, cook and laundress; will do entire work; MS. best references Miss Sheas Burfau. 8 Knst 42d st. £\ COOK t'l er»tands family cooking, bak- ing vari»tv entrees, desserts; references. Jacquln'f Bureau. CO2 «th aye. \u25a0 . COOK— By young German? first class; good baker; heat references, wages v~> $40 Call at Lang * h-rer Co. s Bu- reau. 48-45-47 Went 33d st ; COOK— Protestant cook; neat, obliging, competent young woman; understands plain and fancy cooking; . excellent referencss: cltv or counto". » \u25a0 Mrs. Collier s Agency. 122 West 23d St. . ____ COOK.— Scotch Protestant cook; excellent baker- good all around cook; hotel, boarding hou«e club or institution: best Commendation.. C. Mrs. Collier's Agency. 122 West 23d St. DEBKH ANT» omCE FTRXTTCRB. ROLL TOP OFFICE FURNITURE In great va- riety of i styl4 •ad price. T.O.EELLEW 111 Fulton St DOMESTIC SITfATIO>S U'AXTEQ. Female COOK— •>..\u25a0\u25a0 do some laurflry: willing. obliging, (to anywhere. Miss Margar-t Fr-Mth's Bureau, 2.'> West 41' d at. 'Phone SO<l9—Bryant. COOK .— Fwed-; flr.ot class in all branrhe<>. excellent referenc-s. Miss Margaret Fmlth s Bureau, J.". eat 42d st. 'I'hone i<vi'.t Bryant. COOK —Hy young English girl: city *? country; $23. C . Hofmayer's Bur»au, 133 We«t -J3'l el Telephone IS64—Chelsea. COOK.'— Very neat, pleasant Pweflifh girl: eTcelJent ccoic. goo*l msnit^r; tilke en- tire care kl"h»n: excellent reftv»nc«'3. fri-n-1 wai'res". ov.erberg's Bureau. 71"J Lexington aye t«i. ior.ri piaia. C(.x">K and I-.» i'NI>HES»S Ity G-rrniangirl; b«st of references; very rk-an. Weed's Dureau. 324 Columbus aye Telephone Sch'jyler— 7Ho4 if ><'>K nnd 'himb»rrrnld and waltreaa, \u25a0 Finnish gir!*: capable, with fc-Jt r»?"r- fni »s MillBureau, C^t L^xtnjtcrn a\e. Telephone 41-VT— Pleia COOK ? and . LAUNDRESS.- By competent yo'jng woman. rlty or country; b»"r r»f- «r*n<-e» Cull Mrs. Cooper* Bureau. 657 fith nve . Mtl M . COMPAXION an-l N'fRSE -To Invalid eid-rly rws^n. g°od references «75 B»t- g«n »t 'Phone S7r.g—Prosre"t, Tirooklyn. GENERAL HOrSF.WORK —Bt y>-irg girl In private f.-imlly 175 Es«» 4th «• HO'Tf nKFKPKR —By elderly woman, to old lady or s«ntl*raai»: \u25a0p*aki English. Fr»nrh and dumin; thoroughly under-; san-is co^ktn* I- R . 255 Fa-t 4P tn et. HOUSEWORK. G«B«ral housework by a Flnrinh girl, excellent ref're^-»s. city or country; wae*s $i« Weir* Bureau. s_* Columbus Te!eph^n» Pch'iyl*r— ,<*M. Hi.fSFWOP.K Py a r-at. wii:ipg Xt w-Ktan girl. v»ry t^ r.-v-k and laun- 4r»~* can «ai» on tabl«; .«r»a"'<' 1 ESBBUsn; t,«..,r 'referen-e.« r>..terb»ra:'s Bur-au. .»« l>xlni;ton a\e Te! 1065— Plaxa. HOU3EWORKER —Protestant; reat. re- fired --atHMe voiint woman. «m 4 •••-' en'Vs: city ;t co.jr.tr>" H. Mrs. <"o!!ier!. Agency, 122 Weat 2.> l *t. LAUNDRESS.— By young Finnish girl; can rt« shirt.-; plain and fin* washing; best reference: willing to help with <->tn<>r «-nrx Ju«.«i!i Kmplo>m»nt Hureau. **'> l-exing- tfin ive. T»i. «4.Vt— Plaza. MAIP. French; experienced seamrtrwa, halr^r-scer packer; Europe or State*. \u0084;;.%„,. " jacquln's Bureau. 9TZ M aye. MAID and snAMSTRESS.—RffI«*S "^T- m»n: wlijlng to »wlst chambermal.l: Ji"o4 aewer b-yt referencea; waces $2S. -Call at I.sng * Boeeberer Co» \u25a0 Bureau. On Wml S3d st. NURSE.— ReHaMa Prctestant; rare rot taj \u25a0 valid or elderly lady. wlUln. » •« «"^ be useful- city rrfT«-n<-e. M. «-\u25a0 L-. TJ Eaal rt'Jd st. * VVRSE. flral class, for snv kind of skk- " n^sii rltv or country: thoronghiv nn- rier.tand!. her buatneaa: nrrt CU» ***** rnce Mrs Haver. i2T< East t-o'h sr . car« Murphy. NrP.?E EncU»h Protestant n:ir«. n»a» anl reflr~l; can take infant from birth: excellent reference,; eltr or eoantry. N-. Mrs Colliers Agency. 122 wet ZM at., North of Ireland Protestant nurse; r an \u25a0 tnr mM t,n growing i-K.l!ir»n.i -K .l!ir»n. J-". re?' rei-r r..c. M»«. Shea-s Bureau, j Ea»t «2d - : Rs^"L"Tn«ro<ighiy e«»rt#nc*d; beal ref- N ;,en.-es from City r hyslrir,ns. car, tak* rr^-l r*r« of Invalids. Mrs. Bremer. SM F.«M llMh St. \u25a0 * 2<i •' Thone »^i>— Pr>-ant. NTRSEKY GOVTRICBSS c r Nt " R3F. t!v S voun, r.erman. p»d aawer beet ,«f»i.^re« was-* f29 CJJI «r 1.-ing * ggeh^ CotyßurSS: 43-4^-47 33d. WAITRESS. ETC*neßt ref«ren«!.. <*0 carre; undewtaßda s-ring w^»J **S wlHina ' Mi« Margaret PtnltVe Bureau. 2.1 VTelrt 42d at. 'Phone 808»— Bryant WMTTE^ -First clajf J^S^S^- winen ulads. carving: highest re. -ren •>. ' Cwedish Kir! Jusslla Hur-au. *»0 I.e\in - S- inn >ye T»l. 445^Fli;a. AICTIO.N JiAl-KJ*- FORECLOSURE BALE M t. peiser. auctioneer, »-Hs tun «\u25a0•>\u25a0 Monday. .lulv 2«. lt">f ( . at 10 a m !..» Macdouial st. B**w»" \u25a0-•\u25a0*. «2KI#LS2 drug store, by vlrture of authority from itgmund Ilonlg. attorney. iiOHTOA'-.K PALE -SaTnuel Newwltter auctioneer, will sell to-day at 1 o •\u25a0!.•. k afternoon. «t No •»-'.' W*-st 51st st . B >r- oi.«h of Manhattan, the fixtures and , hatteli of \u25a0 aaloon. By order of mort- gag'-e SUMMONS. T^UEyiE^'VHT^O^THC STATE OF NEW YORK. NEW YORK CO I/NTV Elisabeth Pllberh-'rn. plaintiff, ag.nnst josef Gertnor. Fanny Bircn, Tetta M-vr. Barah Fddy. capital Club. Joseph Pan, F<a H*>rn-\r-l. Ceoige Berkeley. Laura Washington. Jamei Archibald. Elisabeth <an'-n Paul Urant. Julia Parham. d->- feadants —Trial Ut sired In New York To the above nim^i defendants and eaih of them: You sr- hereby . tmoned to ans-.ver the con'Oiatnt In this action, am! to perva a copy of yotir answer on the pinir.- tlff's attorney within twenty dajs nft*r the aervlce of this summon!", exclusive of the day of service, and In cas<> of your failure to opi"«r or tnswei iu<li{nieni JrtJi h- taken •iiralr.nr ••\u25a0 by default for »h^' ri-Ilef d-manded In the complaint. p a ,e d June Tth.^oo^^ h fi^_ Plaintiffs Attorney. Ofnce and I'".-' Office addrcj-". No 51 c'hambcrs Street, Manhattan. New York City. To Fanny H.iron: The ' or.'tfoirii; summons served upon you by iiut'llcation. pur«'i«nt to an order of Hon James A. Blar.chard. Justico of the Court of the State of New York' dated the iith dsy of July. lOOfi. nnd filed with the romplaint in the office of th. clerk of the County of New ork. ,{ .>,(. County I'ourt House. In the County of New York. City anil State of New York on .lulv nth.'llWW New York July " 1«* GEORGE H HYDE, Attorney for Plaintiff. 51 Chambers Street. Manhattan. New Tort City. % _ KtTPREMK ? COURT.'/ COUNTY OF NEW YORK -Hermann C. ' m*2sm *2s- Plain-, tiff against Fred W. Menzlea. t>efendant. summons To the above named Pefend- 1-. ' you are lifcieby summoned to answer the -omplaint In this action, nnd Jo serve a copy- of your an««er on the FlalntlfTs Attorney!. VllWn tvPnt >' <ia »«tej Ibe JU^u, of this summons, exclusive of the day of service: anrl In case of your failure to appear, or anawer. judgment will bj taken agaln?t you by default fcr the re!l:f rf»ni->ndi>il In the complaint. l"ated New York. July 12th. 1908 lat * ' rounds & SCHVRMAN Plalnttfl's Attorneys. One, and Post omce Address. 96 Proad- wav Borough of Manhatmn. N. Y. City. To Fred W. Memles: The foregoing mmmons «crved upon you by publica- tion pursuant to «n order of the Hon. Mitchell L. Erlanger. a Justice of the Su- rieme Court of the State of New V:k. da'ed .... day of July. 1900. and filed with the complaint in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York, at the County Court House, In the Borough of Manhattan. City. County and State of New T< Sued New Tork. July 10th. 1900 ROUNDS * SCHVRMAN. Attorneys for Plaintiff. ' Offlce and Post Office Address. 98 rtrond- way Borough of Manhattan. City, County and ' State of New York . nRESRMAKTXO AND ' Mn.I.INERT FIRST CLASS French dressmaking: even- ; Ing, ball, street, wedding dresses; latest i novelties: remodelling. c.'-> Lexington aye.. ' near Mth at. HATPEN, If ARRIS H— THE PEOPLE OP" THfJ ht.it^ of New York, by the Ora. c of God •"'•" and Independent —To Charlotte Hayden Hull. Loueila Joee- rhinn Bennon l-miiia ». Conrow, Victor H. Jacknon. 1511- phalet W Tvler f»eont« Eastman Martha Stone. I.ucien C Warner. Frederick C. Ar' her. David c Cook Publish. Ing fi>mpany. Intermountatn Metal Mining rompany. R. DaVtwylei Philadelphia Typewriter Exchange Edwsrd McV.'h'.'od, Jay H. HcOtt, Brlwarn fjrlfnn C.eorß" F. Har- vey Wlltlom" K. *""a ? < r , Cora Ca>lend«r, F/u»n« W. Caldweli Cornelia n Alien. Nathalie P.' Ljnde as ad- mlnlstratrix cum testamente annexn of ' " •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-"• t •'*'\u25a0<' \u25a0* tels mi.! credits of Nathaniel Plvmpton. deceased; Urn P. Tlbbetta and Charles C. Tlbbetts. composing th» firm of T hbetts Bros Mar« L.. Bartlett. WillUra R. Reward. Frederick n Richard*. Mortlx B. rhlllpr.. dee* J Saw ver James Q. Rice and James .1 Kennedy, composing the firm of rhllll>l> Sawyer. Rice * Kennedy, and t< all per- sons nterested In the Batate of Harris V Haylen late '\u0084(,,' Cointv of New York, deceased, us creditors, lega- tees n*xt of kin or oi^erwlse. »end gTeetlnf : You and each \u25a0•/ you are hereby cited and required per- Konnllv to be and appear before our Surrogate of the Coun v ot New Yotk at the Burroajatea Court of said rniintv held at th» Hall of Records, In the <->tmfy of \Z York on the 17th day of Bept.enib-r.1U09. at half- nant ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. then and there to attend a Judicial settlement of the account of pro- ,-HinV. of Alfred 6 Brown, as Executor of the last \u25a0 '..,""., esumeni of Mid deceased, and such of you as ore h-rVby cited as are under the age of twenty-one "ear* . ore ><qulred to appear by your guardian If you i", one or If you have none, to appear and apply for «« m hi appointed, or In th« event of your neglect or faHure i, /of? a guatdlan will be appointed by the «urro«ate ,o represent and act for you in tW> proceeding \u25a0, ,'. -In, whereof we have caused the .Seal of the Burr^ates 7 Court of the M id County of New York to be he wMm-*£ ffl H'o'n Abner r. Thomas, a Surrogate of 0,,r Wl ' »alVo.unt>. at the County Of New Tork. the rate-] 1 l'th day of Juno. In the -.ear of our t»rd one 1 thc,u«nd nine h^ed^nd ,%„„„, Clerk of the Surrogates' Court. Excursions. Warming EXCURSIONS the Picturesque Hudson to «t Point, Newbur^h and Poughkeepsie •\u25a0*-*-» *%? V ' F «s«*y. by Palace Iron Day Mm XT- i Htjifon." -Ror-er* Fulton." and t**"»«t_ iTi,*'" 1 ' r v'ton Bt «by Annex). 8: Dcs- J'J***. «*-Jf a ** 4°; W. 42d Rt.. 9:00 and 10:00; •*s>ir<" 2 an 10 -'' A. M Returning on either _ ilTsvtlV 4 -^ D:SO or s 40 p M fctitf-l/v AKD AFTERNOON CONCERTS. RESTFUL AFTERKQOH EXCURSIOM TO WEST POINT i^fc-P^ER M«KV rOWKLJ i_*»p o ***; St.. !45: W. 42d St . 2 00; W. 129th vL * rrlv'-c w..- » h--« 2!»-SrS.- v . N>w T«C* In made »l(h Day Lln» »*?»i'Bt?rt *• E *curslon fare $1 «j.j. Also J* »^,SBJrJn * tl"k»i «f return J.y any West 6hor« 2*«te«v, lr * ln ''•' '"' Hu<l •' *i-»«*. giving - r^"** Oadati in Camp. Tub'!: Buildints. ' v *-~^s lf>t> '*— Made Dalb. rirept Sunday. |mmehT¥i^s •?\u25a0 FOR FREE TRIP BOOKLET j,?* ri'^TV.' c °* t - »:th all r.e^cs?arles covered by fcT* I*-*1 *-* Fj-»l ' «h« hc *' fl*.f I*. «-tc. at Thouwnd Islands, fit. •*SHW.'!if: •'\u25a0•». '; .•. P . Sactienay. v. \u25a0 •••• rnowYV",? 11 ' Nov » H<-otik. Atlantic. City. etc. •^ Hr NOHI» K*<»N (11, r- " ' ' : i.llollhl.VN v J°CKAWAY BEACH *' "\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 I»l«n<-1 X !' 1$ ,4, 4 * - -. '•' \u25a0" I- 10 »'i •13 :.'>. HiS'-Ji* ...: : "v - -•' ' •! M. 3:17, 3:57. 4 I. \u25a0^-. - I. T I',. 7 80. »• 81. « 43. ——!____ ef;aonly iV^fc-j! - \u25a0*» RANK UXE 2_WL (t «Sli.* : 4' in >: Battery. S3O a- m.. *\u25a0•%?»_*\u25a0< »£* *"g '.am,, .-or li[fhlir.(!.. .1-T" l * .•**„ Ha. Trolley to Long Branch. Citations. THE PEOPLE OF THE PTATE OF NEW YORK. BY the *race of God, fr*« and independent, to Grace Wllkes. individually and as *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0 surviving Executrix of th»- last Will and Testament of Ann Wllke« dereased. ftarah O Duer. Amy H. DuT, Jean Hackney <Jr»l „•• as sole surviving Executrix of the las: Will and leota- ment of Margaret Wtlk's Empson. .)..»•<-< \u25a0'. Fraii^s c Empeoii. Individual! ami us Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Annie Emp»on. <•\u25a0\u25a0 i \u25a0">•\u25a0' Mai chesa Rita Stroaal; William H I. Lee. »- Administra- tor of the Roods. chatt.l* and credits which, were or Katharine M !•• ••\u25a0•*•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0• : Allan Mrl-nne: Jameg U. McLane, a. Executor of the last Will an.l Testament of Robert M. McLaiM debased; Fanny Ktnf . McLaie Frfderlcn Core mpklm Isabella Clark* hi-. . Alice Hayard vAwtr; James \u0084. .. KitjK. F.llzatxt n Gracie Hard) Rupert C King. ' ; - \u25a0•\u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0•' ' "'' Anne Mac- Master far-it. Icah.l Kearney n»njamln: James « K. ! ** «* Administrator of the rood* chattels and credits which were of \u25a0>'\u25a0\u25a0• King I - deceased: Kimu Rensselaer. Kara Bronson. Rebecca Harvey. Rebecca Harvey and Edward F Kmm»t. as K»ffitor« of the last Will and Testament of Mary Harvey, i?'""" '£• New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Emily K. Kancrede th« Sisterhood of Bl Man Bl Mary * Free HospUal for Children; rector, wardens and vestrymen of Trinity Protortant Episcopal Church of New xerKj Richard Kin*, as Ml« surviving Exacutor of the last Will and Testament of Richard Kins, de.eased; 1 nlon Trust Company of New York, as substituted Trustee, under the last Will and Testament of Harriet K. Wllkes. for the benefit of Grace Wllkes, and to all persons Interested In the Estate of Harriet X V. like* late of the County of New York, deceased, as crstul \u25a0jj- truntent. legatees, devlaee* trustees, creditors, rxxt of kin or otherwise, send greeting: You »nd each of you are hereby cited and required personally to i* and pear before our Surrogate of the County of New York. 'he Surrogate's Court of said County, held at the County Court House. In the County of New York, on th« I7th day of September. 1900, at half-past ten o'clock In the forenoon \u25a0\u25a0: that day, then and there to attend \u25a0 Judicial settlement of the account of proceed- ing •>? Edward Kin*, as sole survlvinr Executor and Trustee under the will of Harriet K. Wllkfs, deceased. In a proceeding brought by Elizabeth Fisher King. James r»r< Kin* and Herman L«? Roy Edgar, as Executors of the Will of said Edward Kin*. deceased, and such of you as are hereby cited as are under the a»s«- of twenty-one years are required to appear by your guardian, if you have one. or If you have none, to ap- pear and apply for one to be appointed, or In th" event of your neglect or failure to do bo. a guardian mill be appointed ny the Surrogate to represent nnd act for you in the proceeding. In testimony whereof, we have caused the -Seal of the Surrogate's Court of the said County of New York to be hereunto affixed Witness. Hon Abner [Beal I C. Tbom*». a Surrogate of our said County, at the County of New York, the 21d day of June. in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hun- dred and nine. DANIEL. J. DOWDXEY Clark or the Surrogate'? Court. "a nvERTieEMENTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR A The Tribune receive at their Uptown Ofllee. >* sSSrssssk && Ed are . nea? 61it .t.: 1703 lit »v... near Si_ •*• NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, MONDAY, JULY 26, 1909. \u25a0~~- . _ - gr Tirfi T*T •\u25a0' i!*^Jf Wiß OPJNTBRBSJ* WQflgßlfl

Real Estate. Wanted. OPJNTBRBSJ* WQflgßlfl The Glen …ItrooTxl-f-n.will spend August inthe Pocono Moun-tains. lira A. I* Mason, the New Tor* State president, will go to Hackcttstown

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  • Books and Publications.Owing to the Interest at the present time In the

    Hudson=Fulton Celebration-\u25a0•. -••; we have published a new edition of

    our Illustrated pamphlet entitledLIFE OF ROBERT FULTON;

    copies may be had free upon ap-plication at this office

    FtI.TON TRUST CO. OF NEW YORK.;\u25a0 30 Nassau Street.

    New Jersey Real Estate for Sale.TCH) LOTS ON KKW PE«tNBTLiVANtA TUNNEL•'-"-'

    system. $20 to $30 each, easy terms. Write formaps" and full particulars immediately. REEVES & CO,124 JJast 234 St.. Manhattan-.

    i To Let for Business Purposes.TO'RENT.- LARGE. LIGHT OFFICE. ON THE

    first floor, in the Hebrew Free Loan Building, 1032d Aye.; five windows, bis; skylight; suitable for pho-tographer, architect, dentist, lawyer, dressmaker, realestate., etc.

    Real Estate.Established ISB7. Incorporated 1302.



    Westchester Real Estate for Sale.~~~"~~"~

    CHESTER miXhouse on lot C»0xl1"; 1" rooms; hot water h»at; electriclights; very anxious to sen.

    COOLET & WEST. Mount Vernon.

    >-_W CHESTER HIM IIOrSE.9 rooms 2 baths, billiard room; hot water heal elec-tricity; oak trim; $3,000 cash required; balance onm°oSo«LET *WEST, Inc. Mount Vernon. N. Y.

    Country Property for Sale.


    FOR SALE—FOUR ACRES. WITHhouse: an Ideal suburban home. THOB. LEARI.

    Ossinlng. N. Y.


    /* 'rushed Apartments Wanted.\ FIRST C_\SS FTJRXISHED APARTMENT FOR


    _X three adults: m'J« be> attrartlT»; exc»T*'o*i"*'tr"ca:o-^foj an1 responsible tenants. in town fcr th« winter. _.it . Baa 3. Tribune Offlce.-s*jggj|

    Unfurnished Apartment* to Let. \"17*~>R HIGH CL-Xcd APARTMEMS CALL. AXD Sob*V F. P.. WOOD & CO. BroaJwar. cnr. -'h St. <

    rpHK BELN'ORD. BTTTAT. AMSTERDAM .WE.. HTMJ. to STth st. W. H. DOI—ON & CO;. Agent*. 821 §Columbua sv» ,near fcT-th.


    T7ARTHFILLI.VG.—OFFICE OF COV3TRUCTIXO Q.)I'M.. F->rt Slocum. N. V.. Jtjlv 23. 130»— Sealed VT»x-posals. tn tilplirat*. willbe •»penell. hirthfiaycards.


    If the weather proved favorable there was to bea lawn fete at the Rest House on Saturday even-Ing- These social affairs are popular in the neigh-borhood, and are well patronized by the friends inadjoining towns, who drive to the house if for noother purpose than to have \u25a0 friendly chat and

    eat ice cream and cake. The "boys" of 'lark?

    Falls are always ready to lend a helping hand to

    make the affatra attractive by Btrtmrmg the Jan-anese lanterns and aiding in other ways.

    PERSONALSMr. and Mrs. M. H. Lewis are -it Holly


    N. J., for \u25a0 short time, next month they go to \u25a0ramp in Maine, and later to the Massachusettspeashore. Mrs. Thomas Wallace, of Manhattan, i-

    as usual ?pen! 2.13 i5.05! ;eis'Ne»- Hambg 7.3f1i |

    1 H&v.. .... ..17.15!1 19 23H « Po'k-*FSIe I7.00 12^1 4.102-10' iKineston Pt! 112-23i

    ••\u25a0 -I ..17.4! . Kingston . 6-00> |325; I. Catsklll ill•»'3 40 Hudson 110 *>)\u25a0• >' I I- Albany !!« 3*>!

    P *;*\u25a0•

    P.M| IA.JMA.JIP.M•Connecrinif at Cornwall wlfiO. & W. Ry-

    Sre'iPi trains to Ca'-k!!! Mt. r».«ir f3 anlSaratoga. anl easy ponnectl^nn to e!l pointsKa3t. N-rth. anl V.>st Through tlclwtasr»»-bros»»» ~t. 1:43 V. _.. connecting a: West

    sTnAL.ANT^-^^^r.^steamer.Oil. ftL.A

    \u25a0- v©6fel?s-::.^-;,j £^m.FOR NQRT.MJEPSti :/''i G^?^s'!((50~*L\ S. T. Pi=r N~H .ft VT. 4M


    ?f . - 80s p .is. |(|.3|> A M. !? JO, 1 So>. |IU 4 15. P 2S. 745 P M SOBS . P rt>. IJrtiirt A. M. TOO. 3 S". 7 45. * ->S iW i'En-i . ;« 4A p. M if: l>-ifrBrirnrh 'onh) Lv N V.. rler 10>. N R. fr(V.-iarBt 019 lf»«V 11 O> A M.Ifl.2\ 3 45. 4 45. 5 4.". S. li^ P. M =i^rs. s to. 15 jfW, Enl «n!y>. 11.10 P. M. iE. Lonr | |

    _^^i^P^i^W-^lii'*,V.Y. Tijr^-:-S3u-vi Trip' ''"-, -J'1! '^_i'!_l*::2.. 4 t-. M.

    SATURDAYS 1 P. M West 120th St..1:30 P. M

    For WEST POIST. XEWBVROH andlnt*rmedlat» lan.Jinirs WEEK DAYS »ex-cept Saturdays. & P. II

    ? \TURPAYS. 9 P. M. Wcs: 129rh.3:30 P. M.Dunuays \u0084s0 A :J yr«i n-pih st.

    Block Island, Orie- Greeajcrt,Shelter Island

    _Sag; Harbor

    Str "Shlnnecock" leaves N. V.. Pier S.E R. Tui A Tlinri. 5.-?rt p. \f ;Sats .!•>•• P. M. Str. "Monta

    "Hoi .«>i. %

    Frl for r^aifHarbor anl intermediate land-ings. 5:30 P. M.

    -Runs through tv Block

    Island on Frl.

    rigiairsttoiLiL!all points. Hudson. Coxsackie.

    l^ave week days. 'I. Christopher St..•

    Ip m.': " W. 12J»th St.. 7 P. M. Also Sat. j"Special," 1 P. M.. ft. Christopher St.;120 P. M. ft. TV". 120 th St. Summt-r re-sort directnry free. Address Fter 43. N. R.



    \u25a0\u25a0fc.vrry Other Hour on the Even Hour.**Ti' BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON


    ALL LINES SOUTH.l^cave New York Dally. 23d B*. I.lh > 9*.

    WashlnKton, Sleeper* 11.39 pal 1.30 amWashington. Diner. Parlet 7.50 am


    Washington. Diner. Par'or » •"•" am 1" HimWashington. Diner.Parlor. 11.Mam li.oon'nWashington. Parlor l.Wpm 2. uO cm

    Parlor Car. New York to Richmond. Va."Royal Ltd.." IMner.Parlor 350 pm 4.00 pmWashington, Tjtn^r. Parlor 5 \u25a0" pm il>> pmWashington, Baffe*. Parlor B.s im 7.

    —*j. Steamships afloat


    LSSawl j wedne3dats.\ These luxurious stea maOHS)

    Canaia"ow °*—SL Llv«rpool\-_iJ_l4 s»rvice. lalliajri- PATTJRDATS—FortaitSay.


    _q_j WTIX CKUISE TOEGTPTUAxaima JAN. 8 22. r_s. »\u25a0I ii-H 6.HUNGARIAN AMERICAN- SERVICE. \


    Fannonia.Auir. l».nocn;Oct.7.Carmaal_NoT.9•Carpa tbia S»pt. 2. n'n:Oct.2l,C—«a_.Nonr:S•Alsr» i'_;at G^roa. . »\u25a0Trav«rliers" checks Issued

    —Good «»«u "liei*.

    THE CV.V.ARP STEAMSHIP cc. LTDt.'-"F>- v Eta'» st. opposit** the Battery.iiITH MAi Jim

    Largp. Fast and Lirturlous Twla-icivm'

    Express ani Pasaenzar Stea— is—c*-Equipped withW'lr»! Signal*


    BRE—JTT.Express Sallln?* Tuesdays at 10 _. 11.

    K.-WhTn n.July 27|C_tO \u25a0 ...Aug. I*Kr'prmz V.'m A".*. 3'P. F. '.V:!n...iw1*PLYMOI'TH—CHEP.BOL'RG


    Twin-?f-r»w Sailings Thursday at in A. IfK-jrfurst July :» Bremen A'i?. 3Washington. . .Aug. 5jF. D. Grr«»e.Anß. *•

    GEORGE V.-A«HINGTON—SaiIs _v*.I—

    27 '»» tons. Newest anrl Largest G«>T3a!»Ffclp aS-iat. Ev»ry innovation __wa to _•»hiFb'!ilf!«r'« arr.

    OIBRAI-TAB—N'API-E?—OEXOA.Vd:>»rrarwwi.A«rt. f-r Tr'.pa Everywhere.

    HA—BCBG-A—ERICAS LINE. A3 Broad-way. N. Y.i

    k m»-?--~iTf»A «i t TWH From Pier 15. N.E...



    detphia. Aust IN"nr Tmk Aa» 21rt. I'aul Atis 14 St. _>vis Au*. _l

    RED STAB LE^fc*: Î1I;"iI



    DOVER— ANTWERP.Zeelarri July 31 tap:ar..i^a«T«r>. A!!«-t«Kronni«l?.l A'i 31. 9-.3U-.im, Balric.Aug. 14. »-J(huTkCelr:c .Aug. 7. li»azn: Arafci-i.Aus. 21. l£a:7Jiajeitl^Ji;ILS.6 U'Mmi T"t^nic.Aag.ll.9'3T»a»Oceanic. A'Js4.»3i «im:A-irtatl