Rebecca Couch evaluation

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  • 8/4/2019 Rebecca Couch evaluation



    Date(For use by School Board Members)

    RebeccaCouch. _Name of Board Member

    Scoring Instructions: Please evaluate the Superintendent's Performance by scoring each item. The following appraisalscale should be used:

    5 = Excellent Performance4 = Highly Effective3 = Acceptable (Average) Performance2 = Needs lmprovernent"1 = Unsatisfactory"

    "If you select 1 or 2, you must provide an explanation in the area provided.

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    5 4 3 2 1reas of Responsibility Excellent Highly Acceptable Needs UnsatisfactoryPerformance Effective Performance ImpJovement------- -~------..._~-,-~elationships with the Board

    Keeps the Board informed on issues, needs, and 2eration of the school dis trict in a t imely mannerOffers professional advice to the Board on items 3

    equinng Board action. with appropriateecommendalions based on thorough study andnalysis

    Interprets and executes the intent of Board Policy 4_L __ ~_~_~_~ ___ ~ __. ___Seeks and accepts constructive criticism of his/her 4ark-Su-pports Board P-ol icy and act ions to the public 5nd staff

    Has a harmonious work ing relat ionship with the 5oard---.-~--Understands his/her roJein the administration of 5oard P~ ________Remains impartial toward Board Members, 4ccording all the same treatmentFeels free to maintain his/her opposit ion to matters 4nder discussion by the Board until an off ic ial decisionas been reached

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  • 8/4/2019 Rebecca Couch evaluation


    General Comments (Relationships with the Board):The Superin tendent has a very good working relationship with the Board. There have been a few missteps this year in the area of intervene schoolrecommendations without thorough review and timely information.Explanation for Ratings of 1 or 2:There have been several occasions when the Board has received information the day before meetings which does not g ive us enough time tomake informed decisions. The Superintendents dis trict staff does not always reply to requests by board members and communication needs toimprove between the district staff and the schools. It also feels as if during the Intervene process certain board members were kept up to speedmore than others on pertinent information.

    "" 5 4 3 2 1Areas of Responsibility Excellent Highly Acceptable Needs Unsatisfactory

    Performance Effective Performance ImprovementEf_Community ReiatlOnships "1 Solici ts input and gives attention to problems and 4oQinions of all groups and individuals

    I 2. Develops cordial and cooperative relationships with 5\ news mediali"Part iciPates activeiy in communi ty l ife and affai rs 5f4.Provides leadership for improving parental 3! involvement in the schoolsrS:- iViaintains a high visible profi le in the schools and 3[_~ommunl!L __ ..! 6 Achieves status as a community leader in public 4L education; 7. Gains respect and support of the community on the 2i conduct of the school system[-8~Works collaborativety with the Mayor, City Council, 4! Sheriff , independent authori ties, and other keyI rg. . .I or aruzations


    General Comments (Community Relationships):According to the data we have dropped in a few areas for goal #5 in the strategic plan. In 2011 we had a target of 24 for five star schools and wenow have 5. We have missed the mark on mentor matches as well . While the superintendent is working very well with key organizations I fear heis having trouble translat ing trus into assistance at the school level. The public does not have a highly favorable opinion of the district . This may bedue in part to the lack of communication on issues such as intervene, AYP, and FCAT school grades. Parents are welcome in the schools but weare still In need of more communication to parents on i tems such as FAIR I FCAT data, school needs, and asp pros and cons. Superintendentdoes an outstanding job of working with the media and participating in community l ife and affai rs. He also does a good job in maintaining a visibleprofi le in the community. However, a common complaint among school personnel is that they do not see the superintendent enough in the schoolsand he does not have a true perception of what is happening in the classroom. The Superintendent has a good report with most authori ties but st il ihas not improved the relat ionship between the district and city 'counci l.

    Explanation for Ratings of 1 or 2:

  • 8/4/2019 Rebecca Couch evaluation


    The community does not seem to have a favorable opinion of the school district as a whole. The perception of the neighborhood schools is notequiva lent to that of the magnet schools. We are ranked last in the state for urban school districts and we have the most intervene schools in thestate which has caused the communi ty to lose faith in the leadership of the district. We are not communicating the positive things happening in theneighborhood schools. Parents should be made aware of the highl ights of their neighborhood schools at the same time they are offered asp.Also, people bel ieve there is l it tle support for disc ipline even though the surveys we have given say otherwise. Therefore, the support and respectfrom the community on our performance needs improvement.I 5 4 3 2 1I Areas of Responsibility Excellent Highly Acceptable Needs Unsatisfactory

    Performance Effective Performance Improvementt- --;:;;-- ._-- -- --- --- --- ---I C. Staff and Organizational Relationships! 1. Develops and executes sound personnel 2! _f)focedufes and practicesr 2. Treats all personnel fairly, without favori tism or 3i discrimination, .while insisting on performance of dutiesr 3. Delegates authori ty to staff members appropriate to 4i the posit ion each holds1 4 . Recruits and assigns the best available personnel 2in terms of their competencies

    General Comments (Staff and Organizational Relat ionships):The Superintendent appropr iately delegates authori ty to his staff and does not discriminate. He has changed his organizat ion chart to allow formore staff to report directly to him to ensure better communication. It seems as if he does not treat a ll personnel equally where performance ofdut ies are concerned. He holds teachers and prmcipals accountable through data but there is l it tle evidence that the district staff is held to thesame standard. Direct appointments have created a sense of unfairness among employees in the district .

    Explanation for Ratings of 1 or 2:I t seems as if the Superintendent has promoted some staff members beyond their capabil it ies. When personnel are not making progress ratherthan placing them back at the level in which they were successful they are placed in positions that are either newly created or are not tied di rectlyto student data. While all personnel are meeting the minimum quali fications, the Superintendent has not always chosen personnel that have thedata to back up the appointment. Rather than search from within the dis tr ict the Superintendent should perform more searches nationally.especial ly Ina t ime when other districts are laying off personnel.

  • 8/4/2019 Rebecca Couch evaluation



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    5 4 3 2 1Areas of Responsibility Excellent Highly Acceptable Needs UnsatisfactoryPerformance Effective Performance Improvement~-. -_ .. _ _ .. _ -- -.~--.-~-- .. . ~.--_--D. Educational Leadershie1. Understands and keeps informed regarding all 3

    __s~ects of the instructional program2. Implements the school system's philosophy of 5

    ~dLJcation; sets goals of achievement3. Develops and maintains a proact ive agenda for 2

    i school improvement that is oriented toward high, performance for all students1 4 . Examines, communicates, and addresses gaps in 2achievement of dif ferent orouos of students15. Art iculates his /her high educational v is ion and 3I motivates staff , parents, s tudents, and community toI ~artis:ipate in achieving itr 6. Organizes a planned program of staff development 4I and improvement

    General Comments (Educational Leadership):The Superintendent understands and keeps informed regarding instruct ional programs however, he may at t imes be misguided by his staff on theprogress of the programs. Itwould be more beneficia l if he were more hands on in his approach ei ther by visi ting schools more frequently or byspeaking directly with school based staff . The Superintendent does an excellent job of setting goals for the district . Profess ional development isplanned for staff and is becoming more prescr iptive and less across the board. The Superintendent uses media, robo messages, and the districtwebsite to communicate the educational v is ion of the dis tr ict . The staff would benefit f rom more interact ion from the Superintendent through emailand site visits. Mora le of the district is low. Teachers may not be motivated to achieve the superin tendents vision when they feel the ir voices arenot being heard.

    Explanation for Ratings of 1 or 2:The district did not meet any of the targets for the FCAT weighted average performance gap and did not meet the targets for participants inrigorous courses to reflect the demographics of the district. We did not meet the targets for the percent of students who achieve a 3 or above onthe FCAT. Neighborhood schools have l imi ted options for students in major areas of in terest and electives. Part of this is due to budget cuts whichare out of the Superintendents control but some students are l imited due to their spending mult iple years in Intensive Reading classes. TheTurnaround and Intervene schools, particularly in secondary, did not make enough Significant progress on the FeAT therefore the district did notmeet the targets for school improvement that is oriented toward high performance. However, the district exceeded the target for students who arecollege ready and career academies.

  • 8/4/2019 Rebecca Couch evaluation


    I 5 4 3 2 1\ Areas of Responsibility Excellent Highly Acceptable Needs Unsatisfactory

    Performance Effective Performance ImQ_rovementr------~-.. E. Fiscal Leadership~preparation ofthe annual budget reveals careful 3alys is of the operational expenditures of the school~em~ __ . .h 2 . Has tlfocess for guiding budget 4, 3~ljgns pudget with Strategic Plan 31 4 . Establishes both a short-term and long-range 5I capital improvement plan which includes continuousI assessment of the projected resources and uti li ty of all, school bui ldings and propertyis.-ivlaintains accurate f inancial records and 4I implements internal/external audit systems andI contro ls to ensure the proper expendi ture of funds andI elimination of waste1 6 Secures goods and services at a fair and 4I reasonable cost, implementing cost-saving measures,I without compromising the quality of the instructionalIr-roE: :munlcateS'thecurrent and projected fisca l 5: needs of the school system to the School Boardr 8. Consults with the Board on unusual needs and 5I expenditures\9. Reports to the School Board on the financial 4I condition of the school system in a timely manner asdefined by the BoardGeneral Comments {Fiscal Leadership}:Overal l the Superintendent is highly effective in f iscal leadership. The strategic plan is not ful ly aligned with the budget and prior it ies are not ful lycentered on the plan The process for the budget needs to begin earlier to enable departments to plan accordingly. The Superintendent has beenexcellent in consulting with the board on needs and the projected needs of the dist rict. The superintendent needs to consider all recurring costsinc luding administrative costs. This would improve the morale of the school based staff i f they felt as if the cuts were occurr ing equally.

    Explanation for Ratings of 1 or 2:

  • 8/4/2019 Rebecca Couch evaluation


    I Areas of Responsibility 5 4 3 2 1Excellent Highly Acceptable Needs UnsatisfactoryPerformance Effective Performance Improvementr - - - - - - - - - - -. Personal Qualitiesr Exercises sound iudgment in arrtvmo at decisions 4i 2 Maintains poise and emotional stabil ity in the full 5range of his/her professional activitiesi 3. Uses language effective ly in dealing with staff, the 5! Board, and the Q_ublic1 . : 1 : Writes clearly and concise_!y_ 5r 5. Speaks well in f ront of small and large groups, 5I expressing his/her iaeas in a logical and forthright

    I, manner!6.Maintains pro-fess lonal development by reading, 51 taking courses, attending conferences, working oni professional committees, and visiting other schoolI districtsr.:-----------~---. 57. Demonstrates his/her abi li ty to work well withI individuals and groupsI 8 _ Defends principle and conviction in the face of 5~_sure and partisan influenceI 9 _ Maintains high standards of ethics, honesty, and 5r Integnt:t --I 10. Earns respect and standing among his/her 5~ssional colleagues11. Devotes his/her time and energy effective ly to 5Ii his/her J O bGeneral Comments (Personal qualities):The Superintendent is an outstanding individual who truly has the right intentions where the district is concerned. He is a man of high moralcharacter and in the face of adversi ty continues to dedicate himself to the students of this dist rict He is wel l respected in the state by variouseducation leaders. He is honest and possesses integri ty. He has compassion for his employees and brings a sense of stabi li ty to the district .

    Explanation for Ratings of 1 or 2:

  • 8/4/2019 Rebecca Couch evaluation


    i 5 4 3 2 1\ Areas of Responsibility Excellent Highly Acceptable Needs UnsatisfactoryL-..~.- ~---' Performance Effective Performance Improvementl G. Please give an overall rating of the 3.97Superintendent's Performance

    General Comments (Overall Performance):

    The Superin tendent is overall very effective in h is job. He has a good rapport with the Board and is respected in the educat ion arena across thestate. He is act ively involved in the community and understands the importance of bui lding a relat ionship between the community and the schoolsystem, The Superintendent is a man with great character and integrity. He maintains composure in the face of adversity which makes him aneffective leader, The Superintendent needs to have more of a presence in schools in order to see how the goals he and plans he has set are beingexecuted. He needs to improve in the area of personnel. When personnel are not making progress rather than placing them back at the level inwhich they were successful they are placed in positions that are either newly created or are not tied directly to student data. When staff hasproven unsuccessful he should hold them accountable. The Superintendent has taken a new approach to reach the targets set for the FeAT andcollege readiness. I am confident that this decision to provide more support wi ll allow the district to meet the targets next year, The Superintendentis effect ive in f iscal leaaership and has implemented a funct ional f inancial review which will allow us to reduce in the areas least impactful on theclassroom. The community does not seem to have a favorable opinion of the school district as a whole. The perception of the neighborhoodschools is not equivalent to that of the magnet schools. We are ranked last in the state for urban school districts and we have the most interveneschools in the state which has caused the community to lose faith inthe leadership of the district .Explanation for Ratings of 1 or 2:

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