FCS / Cryoserver | [email protected] | www.cryoserver.com | +44 (0) 800 280 0525 FCS / Cryoserver | [email protected] | www.cryoserver.com | +44 (0) 800 280 0525 Everyone I have spoken to uses Cryoserver and loves it! - Jason Forrest, Brook Hill School I’d absolutely recommend Cryoserver - Steve Allen, Silchester Cryoserver comes out on top, hands down - David Chatterton, South Liverpool Homes Employee productivity PST files Mail server efficiency with eDiscovery Eliminate Increase Complies Boost Superior Findability Discover more about Cryoserver... Join an online webinar 1 Discuss requirements 2 Run a free trial 3 Place an order 4 Email archiving to suit you Cryoserver at a Glance A configuration to suit every enterprise, business and organisation Cryoserver saves you time and money z Searches millions of emails in seconds z Slashes time and cost of eDiscovery, SAR and other formal searches z Limits IT Department involvement in finding lost email z Assists migration to new mail servers z Reduces server management costs z Cuts premium storage costs on the mail server z Enables email usage even when the mail server is down 2015-05-00014-EN © FCS (UK) Ltd 2015 Cryoserver keeps you compliant z Acts as a “black box flight recorder” for email z Cryoserver emails are tamper-evident and court-admissable z Searches quickly and accurately - perfect for eDiscovery z Meets sector-specific regulations, data privacy & human rights legislation z Facilitates policy-based access rights and role-based access z Maintains tamper-evident audit trail Cryoserver helps you find your email z Empowers end users with intuitive, super-fast search screens z Seamless integration with Outlook z Combines searches for more accurate and refined searches z Replicates your Outlook email folders within the Cryoserver interface z Accesses emails remotely via Cryoserver Mobile App (iOS, Android, Windows & Blackberry)

recommend Cryoserver Email archiving to suit you€¦ · webinar 1 Discuss requirements 2 Run a free trial 3 Place an order 4 Email archiving to suit you Cryoserver at a Glance A

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FCS / Cryoserver | [email protected] | www.cryoserver.com | +44 (0) 800 280 0525FCS / Cryoserver | [email protected] | www.cryoserver.com | +44 (0) 800 280 0525

Everyone I have spoken to uses Cryoserver and loves it!

- Jason Forrest,Brook Hill School

I’d absolutely recommend Cryoserver

- Steve Allen,Silchester

Cryoserver comes out on top, hands down

- David Chatterton,South Liverpool Homes Employee

productivityPST files Mail server



Eliminate Increase CompliesBoost SuperiorFindability

Discover more about Cryoserver...

Join an online webinar 1 Discuss

requirements 2 Run a free trial 3 Place an

order 4

Email archiving to suit you

Cryoserver at a Glance

A configuration to suit every enterprise, business and organisation

Cryoserver saves you time and money

zz Searches millions of emails in secondszz Slashes time and cost of eDiscovery, SAR and other formal searcheszz Limits IT Department involvement in finding lost email zz Assists migration to new mail serverszz Reduces server management costszz Cuts premium storage costs on the mail serverzz Enables email usage even when the mail server is down











Cryoserver keeps you compliant

zz Acts as a “black box flight recorder” for emailzz Cryoserver emails are tamper-evident and court-admissablezz Searches quickly and accurately - perfect for eDiscoveryzz Meets sector-specific regulations, data privacy & human rights legislationzz Facilitates policy-based access rights and role-based accesszz Maintains tamper-evident audit trail

Cryoserver helps you find your email

zz Empowers end users with intuitive, super-fast search screenszz Seamless integration with Outlookzz Combines searches for more accurate and refined searcheszz Replicates your Outlook email folders within the Cryoserver interfacezz Accesses emails remotely via Cryoserver Mobile App (iOS, Android,

Windows & Blackberry)

Page 2: recommend Cryoserver Email archiving to suit you€¦ · webinar 1 Discuss requirements 2 Run a free trial 3 Place an order 4 Email archiving to suit you Cryoserver at a Glance A

Reduce Premium Storage Footprint on Mail Server

Cryoserver compresses, deduplicates and encrypts email, and archives it on a separate server.

Typical saving on premium storage space can be as much as 75%

Reduce support calls by 25% by limiting formal and other search tasks

Typically saves 80% of time taken for company-wide searches

Cut time and cost associated with migration by as much as 70%

Organisations have saved more than 1000 support calls every year

Evidential-quality data may encourage out-of-court settlement

Routine maintenance programs can be up to 50% faster

Software Appliance Cloud


PST import

Single sign-on

Exchange import

Exchange stubbing


Folder replication

Saved searches

Business continuity mode

Super-fast searches

Combined searches

Mail client integration

Mobile Apps

Single instance storage

Email compression

Role-based access

A configuration to suit every enterprise, business and organisation

Superior Findability

Cryoserver’s super-fast, delegated search and intuitive search screens put every email sent or received in your mailbox at your fingertips, findable in seconds.

Slash Time Searching for Lost Email

Cryoserver empowers end users to retrieve their own lost email from archive, saving time and reducing requests for help from IT Department.

All the benefits of email archiving, anywhere, anytime

Mobile Access - Take Cryoserver Wherever you Go

The same great user experience whether you’re in your home office, a business meeting in Vienna or backpacking in the Amazon...

Assist Dispute Resolution & Reputation Management

Cryoserver keeps a secure, real-time copy of every email received by the mail server, with tamper-evident audit trail.

Streamline Mail Server Migration

Cryoserver provides data capture and import utilities that manage legacy email data, reducing the volume of data to be migrated.

Eliminate PST Files

Cryoserver assimilates legacy PST files into a single, searchable, secure archive.

Cut Cost of Mail Server Maintenance

Cryoserver cuts time spent on routine back up and maintenance with archive and mirror, plus built-in selective restore functionality.

Overview BenefitsCryoserver is a flexible, scalable, high performance email archiving solution.Integrating seamlessly with all leading email applications, Cryoserver is available as on-premise or cloud-based solution.

On-premise, Cryoserver is available as either a plug-and-play appliance, or software deployed on dedicated hardware or virtual server. Alternatively, Cryoserver is available as cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service). Whichever platform configuration you choose, Cryoserver provides the same safe, secure, and reliable end user experience.

Cryoserver combines a secure, real-time copy of every message received by the mail server with super-fast, user-friendly search screens, and puts you in charge of your email.

Cryoserver saves you time and money, and keeps you compliant. Cryoserver is a productivity tool that benefits everyone in the organisation.
