Recommended symbols in forming technology for use within scientific technical Committee "F" of C.I.R.P. Houtackers, L.J.A. Published: 01/01/1983 Document Version Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the author's version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers, L. J. A. (1983). Recommended symbols in forming technology for use within scientific technical Committee "F" of C.I.R.P. (TH Eindhoven. Afd. Werktuigbouwkunde, Laboratorium voor mechanische technologie en werkplaatstechniek : WT rapporten; Vol. WT0535). Eindhoven: Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 12. Jun. 2018

Recommended symbols in forming technology for use … · Recommended symbols in forming technology for use within scientific technical Committee "F" of C.I.R ... 3 refer to terms

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Recommended symbols in forming technology for usewithin scientific technical Committee "F" of C.I.R.P.Houtackers, L.J.A.

Published: 01/01/1983

Document VersionPublisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers)

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• A submitted manuscript is the author's version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differencesbetween the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact theauthor for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website.• The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review.• The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers.

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Citation for published version (APA):Houtackers, L. J. A. (1983). Recommended symbols in forming technology for use within scientific technicalCommittee "F" of C.I.R.P. (TH Eindhoven. Afd. Werktuigbouwkunde, Laboratorium voor mechanischetechnologie en werkplaatstechniek : WT rapporten; Vol. WT0535). Eindhoven: Technische HogeschoolEindhoven.

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for use within Scientific Technical Committee "Fit of C.I.R.P.

compiled by: L.J.A. Houtackers

PT-Rapport nr. 0535 jan. '83









(international recommendation for use within S.T.C. IIPII


compiled by L.J.A. Houtackers Division of Production Engineering and Manufacturing Systems

Dep. of Mechanical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology

Approved by S.T.C. lip" in the 3rd edition September 1982

on the 3rd of September 1982 in Brugge


for use within Scientific Technical Committee "F" of C.I.R.P.

compiled by L.J.A. Houtackers

PT 0535

September 1982 -1-


pref. alto




X etc.

Explanation: - Numbers in column 3 refer to terms and texts in C.I.R.P. dictionary (part 5) in which the symbol of colomn 1 is used in a meaning which conforms to that in colomn 4;



vol. 5

5302 EG

- different symbols and meanings (not only from the C.I.R.P. dictionary) are commented in the last colomn;

- + behind number of term: no symbol mentioned in dictionary; - (d) behind number of term: definition; - E = English text only; G = German text only; F = Frensh text only. - references to symbols used in Japanese literature are based on the Japanese

industrial Standard JIS Z - 8202 - 1974.


- acceleration - Beschleunigung - acceleration

- area, cross-section - Flache, Querschnitt - aire, section

- angle I - coefficient of linear - Winkel I thermal expansion - angle I - linearer Ausdehnungs-

I koeffizient

I - coefficient de dilatation lineaire

--- -t- --- --- - --- -I - heat "transfer coefficient

I - Warmeleitzahl

I - coefficient de transfert

I thermique


5445 G : ak

= Kerbschlagzahhigkeit

- 5302 F, 5307 F etc: S = aire - 5331 F: A = allongement conventionnel - 5470 EF: a = AE n

- see S - DIN 50145: A = Bruchdehnung;

Ag = Gleichmaszdehnung

- a and B also for family of orthogonal characteristics known as slip or shear lines (5369 +)

- 5713: 2a = cone angle, Offnungswinkel, angle au sommet du cone de filage.

September 1982 -2-

- width b B - Breite

- largeur

- angle r _

coefficient of volumetric - a and 13 also for family of orthogonal characteris

13 - t~inkel I thermal expansion tics known as slip or shear lines (5369 +) - angle I - kubischer Ausdehnungskoeffizien - Recommendation: 13 for geometrical dimensionless

'---_ +-= dilatati~ cubique _______ number indicating the broad formability in any

I - deep_ drawing ratio forming process (13 large if formability is good)

I = TiefziehverhAltnis for example deep drawing ratio.

- specific heat - also used for elastic stiffnesses, Cij c - spezifische WArme - capital letter C is probably more widely used

- capacite calorifique specifique in U.S.A. for specific heat.

- constant - a = c£ n

(Ludwik's relationship) for example C K - Konstante

- constante - also in Japan C = heat capacity

- diameter - d and () used for differentials or increments d D - Durchmesser - Japan: d = thickness

- diametre

() - used for differentials, increments or differences

- engineering strain - Germany o.a. : £ = engineering strain % (DIN 50145) e 5331 E(d) - Dehnung (bezogen auf AusgangsHi.nge) - 5331 F: = allongement conventionnel

- allongement brut (conventionnel) - e is also error, eccentricity and e = base of natural logs 2.7182818

see also £ - VDI 3137: £ instead of e, this is never used in English literature (see £)

September 1982 -3-

- Young's modulus of elasticity - DIN 50145 E - Elastizitatsmodul - sometimes used for energy (see W)

- module d'Young, module elasticite

- natural strain (true strain) - 5331 G : ql = Umformgrad E 5331 EF(d) - natilrl. (log. ) Dehnung (Lokalwert) - Germany o.a.: E enigneering strain % (DIN 50145)

- deformation vraie (def. rationelle) - the recommended meaning is always used in English literature, G notation inconsistent (see 5338 G,

see also e 5435 G and 5309)

- natural strain rate - see aboven for E £ 5334 EF(d) - natilliche Dehnungsgeschwindigkeit - (£ij) = strain rate tensor (i, j = 1, 2, 3, or

(Lokalwert) XI y, z)

- vitesse de deformation - 5334 G: ~ "" zeitliche Anderung der Formanderung - strain rate tensor Eij

- equivalent (effective t generalized) - - 5338 G : dEv = Vergleichsformanderungszuwachs (etc . ) E 5338 EF' (d) strain - subscript eff. could have a more general meaning

- Vergleichsformanderung (Lokalwert) - bar is sometimes used as mean or average but in - deformation equivalente this is not recommended here (see subscript m)

- equivalent strain rate £,; - Vergleichsformanderungsgeschwindigkeit

(Lokalwert) - vitesse de deformation equivalente

- efficiency (factor), work ratio - 5330 (d) : nF = of deformation,

n 5330 - Wirkungsgrad Umformwirkungsgrad (coefficient de) rendement rapport de formage

- n often used as viscosity

September 1982



F L 5301 GF(d)

- components of deviatoric strain increment tensor (in orthonormal vectorbasis)

- Komponenten des infinitesimalen devia­torischen Formanderungs-tensors (in orthonarmale vektorbasis)

- composantes du tenseur deviatorique des deformations infinitesimales ( )

- frequency - Frequenz - frequence

- force (load)

I 1- linear elastic deflection j - Federweg I


- Kraft (Belastung) - force (effort)

- value of natural strain ~) - Umformgrad (log. Formanderungsver-

ha,ltnis) - valeur de la deformation vraie

- natural strain rate *) - Formanderungsgeschwindigkeit - valeur de la vitesse de deformation

. 1 . ~) - equlva ent straln - vergleichsformanderung - valeur de la deformation totale



- one subscript (1,2,3); principal stress - double subscript (11,22,33) or (xx,yy,zz):

general normal stress - double subscript (12,23,31) or (xy,yz,zx):

general shear stress

- often used as Coulomb's friction coefficient - sometimes connected with another plastic

frictional concept. (See m)

5301 E, 5302 E, 5305 E: L = load

- 5363 (Mohr figure): ~ = angle - ~ is often used fQr (spherical) coordinate - 5331 G: ~l = In il = log. deformationratio - often used for or~entation of slip lines

- 5334 G: ~ = Formanderungsgeschwindigkeit

~) under the assumption of uniform deformation

September 1982 -5-

.!. :x) !p - equivalent strain rate ~) under the assumption of uniform deformation

- Vergleichsformanderungsgeschindigkeit . - valeur de la vitesse de deformation


9 acceleration due to gravity - Erdbeschleunigung - constante de gravitation universelle acceleration due a la gravite

- shear modulus I _ weight G - Schubmodul , - Gewicht

module de cisaillement I - poids


5331 - shear strain I - shear angle - 5331 EGF, 5338, shear strain y - Schiebung '( - Gleitungswinkel

5338 - deformation de (

- angle de glissement cisaillement


- shear strain ,rate y - Schiebungsgeschwindigkeit

- vitesse de deformation de cisaillement

1 - height 1- thickness, current stroke VDl 3137: h = Kraftweg etc

h Hohe - Starke in U. S .A. : h or H = enthalpy - hauteur I epaisseur - in Japan: hear transfer coefficient


5304 (d) + - (total) stroke - 5305: s = Stroke, Stoszelweg, deplacement H 5651 (d) + Gesamthub

5654 + - course

September 1982








5348 (d) 5349 (d)

5331 5736 etc.

- shear flow stress - Schubflieszspannung (von Mises) - limite d'elasticite au cisaillement

- constant (for ex. spring constant) - Konstante - constante

- length - Lange - longeur

I - mass - Masse I -constant friction factor

(Tresca or von Mises) - masse I - Reibungsbeiwert

I -I I I

- moment - Moment - moment

- 5470 G: kf = kf . ~n o


- 5349 G: k I 3 = kf = Flieszgrenze (kf = 2k, Tresca) - 5349 EF: k I 3 = Y = yield stress in tension

limite d'elasticite au tension

- K is used for stiffness matrix anf heat - conductivity - often used for stress intensity factor in

fracture mechanics - compression modulus, bulk modulus

- see F also

- "friction factor" = shear stress/yield shear stress

- m is used as strain rate sensitivity exponent _ .:. m

in 0 = C £

- m is used as the Weibull flow density constant to determine the probability of failure of brittle materials

- bending moment MB, torsion moment ~

September 1982 -7-

- Coulomb's coefficient of friction - also ]J = viscosity ]J 5381 (d) - Reibungsbeiwert (Reibwert)

- coefficient de frottement

- strain hardening exponent - n, m, 1 often used as direction cosines of the n 5470 (d) - Vergestigungsexponent normal to a plane

- coefficient d'ecrouissage - defining relation 0 Cgn attributed to Ludwik

Poisson ratio - \I also used for frequency ratio and kinematic \I - Poissonzahl viscosity

coefficient de Poisson

- angular velocity w - Winklergeschwindigkeit

vitesse angulaire

- pressure - also for hydrostatic pressure p 5302 FVichenpressung (Druck) - impulse

- pression - ISO : pressure

- power (work per unit time) in Japan: P = pressure P W - Leistung_

- puissance - IS031 P = power

- quantity (of heat, fluid) Q - Menge (Warme-, Flilssigkeits-)

- quantite (de chaleur, liquide)

September 1982

r R - radius (polar coordinate) - Radius (Polkoordinate) - rayon (coordinee polaire)

1---- -- --- ----- -- ---- -- -------- area reduction ratio

5309 EF(d) bezogene Querschnittsanderung - variation relative de la section


- anisotropy parameter (R) r - Kennwert fur Anisotropie


s t


coefficient d'anisotropie ------.----- ---- --------

. - extrusion ratio 5308 EF (d) - Querschnittverhaltnis bei Fliesspressen

- rapport de filage

- radius (of curvature, bending radius) - (Krummungs) radius, Biegeradius - rayon (de courbure, rayon de pliage)

thickness - Dicke, Blechstarke - epaisseur

- area, cross-section - Flache, Quersnitt - aire, section


- r also strain ratio in deep drawing (I.D.D.R.G.)

- often p = density

- 5305 : s = Stoszelweg, stroke, deplacement - VDI 3137: s = Stauchverhaltnis

s '" Wanddicke

- 5302 F, 5307, 5308 F: section transversale - DIN 50145 - see A

September 1982

5339 (d)

5341 (d)

5344 (d)

cr Cfeff

5345 E(d)

, 5342 (d)

- components of stress tensor (in ortho­normal vectorbasis) Komponenten des Spannungstensors (in orthonormale vektorbasis)

- composantes du tenseur des contraintes ()

- components of deviatoric (reduced) stress tensor (in orthonormal vectorbasis)

- Komponenten des deviatorischen (reduzier­ten) Spannungstensors (in orthonormale vektorbasis)

- compos antes du tenseur deviatorique (reduit) des contraintes ( .. )

- hydrostatic or mean stress - hydrostatische Spannungskomponente

contrainte hydrostatique

- flow stress value - Flieszspannungswert - tension d'ecoulement


- one subscript (1,2,3) + principal stress - double subscript (11,22,33) or (xx,yy,zz) +

general normal stress - double subscript (12,23,31) or (xy,yz,zx) +

~c'ler~ shear stress

- one subscript (1,2,3) + principal stress - double subscript (11,22,33) or (xx,yy,zz) +

general normal stress - double subscript (12,23,31) or (xy,yz,zx) +

general shear stress

- 5343 (d) cr = hydrost. Spannungszustand hydrostatic stress contrainte hydrostatique

- effective (generalized, equivalent) stress - 5345 G : = Vergleichspannung Vergleichs,spannung

- contrainte equivalente (effective, generalisee

- shear stress - Schubspannung - contrainte de cisaillement

- 5345 F = contrainte equivalente

(i # J") for shear stress components of 'ij

stress tensor

September 1982 -10-

I - time I - thickness

t - Zeit I - Dicke - temps

I - epaisseur

0 oK, 0 OR) - temperature ( C, F, - period T - Temperatur - torque

- temperature

- angle - also used for (Kelvin) temperature and 0 - Winkel volumetric strain (Japan)

- angle , - displacement I. - velocity - u x ' u y ' U z

u - Verschiebung - Geschwindigkeit - often u, v, w instead u x ' uy ' U z - deplacement I - vitesse - often U ---- -1-- - --- -- - often used for velocity in x-direction - clearance

(Zieh)spalt I - see below for v -- !

I - displacement I - velocity - 5306 EF: V == velocity, vitesse

v 5306 G - Verschiebung I - Geschwindigkeit - often used for velocity in y-direction - deplacement

I - vitesse - see above for u

- volume - 5306 EF: V == velocity, vitesse (see also 5348, V - Volumen, Rauminhalt 5349, 5470)

- volume

, - displacement I - velocity - sometimes deformation work per unit volume

w - Verschiebung

I - Geschwindigkeit - often used for velocity in z-direction

- deplacement - vitesse - see u and v

September 1982 -11-

- work, energy W - Arbeit, Energie

- travail, energie

September 1982

Pref. meaning Bedeutung signification

- axial a - Axial

- axial

I width I - bottom

b - Breite I - Boden - largeur I - fond

- bending B - Biegung

- nliAm<> '" "J

- critical c kritisch

- critique

- contact I C somtimes used for C - kontakt I "compressive"

- contact I

- die - drawing D - Matrize - ziehen

- matrice - etirage

- deformation ex: Tdef def Umform

- deformation {-





Pref. meaning

- inner I - innen

- interne

- length


1 - Lange (Langskomponente) - longeur

- lower L unter


I - average I - mean

m Mittelwert I - Haupt moyenne

I machine

M - Maschine - machine

- maximum max Maximalwert, Grenzwert

- maximum

minimum min - Minimalwert, Grenzwert

minimum +

pag .13



I I - longitudinal

I - longitudinal

I - longitudinal I

September 1982 -13-

Pref. meaning Bedeutung signification Pref. meaning Bedeutung signification

- final I - electric - normal e - Endwert I - elektrisch

- final I - electrique n - Normal ex~ normal Force = Fn

- normal


- effective - nominal eft - Effekti vwert N - nominal

- effectif - nominal

- elastic - initial, original el - elastisch 0 - Anfangswert

- elastique - initial

- flow - outer F - Fliesz 0 - auszer

- ecoulement - externe

- friction - optimal Fr - Reibung opt. - Optimal wert

- frottement - optimal

- height - pressure h - H5he p Druck

- hauteur - pression

- denoting components of a tensor punch i,j - Bezeichnung fur Tensorkomponente P Stanze

- indices des composants d'un tenseur poin<;:on

- ideal - plastic id - ideell pl - plastisch

- ideal - plastique 4- 4-

pag .12 pag.14

September 1982 -14-

Pref. meaning Bedeutung signification Pref. meaning Bedeutung signification

- radial - upper r Radial U - oben

radial - superieure

relative - workpiece rel - Relativ W - Werkstuck

relatif - eprouvette

- shearing, blanking x - in direction x etc. S - Stanzen y - in x-Rich tung usw.

- poin<;:onnage z - en direction x etc.


- specific 1 - principal I - 5340: 1,2,3 spec. - 2 - Haupt I - VDl 3137: 1,2,3

3 - principal I j

- tangential r - polar coordinates t - Tangential ,\) - Polarkoordinaten

tangential z - coordonnees polaires

total tot - total

- total .

I torsion I - tensile

T - Torsion I - Zug

- torsion I - traction

- uniform I - ultimate u - gleichmassigl ausserste

- uniforme j - ultime

i I pag .14 t